Episode 9: Insane Adventures in the Twilight Forest

Video Information

Hey guys what’s going on and welcome back to the channel it izy in here and welcome back to Minecraft mod survival episode 9 now uh yeah that’s right episode 9 today is going to be uh probably the biggest step in the Minecraft mod survival series we are going to be

Plunging into the Twilight Forest yes youve heard me right I have promised that we would go to the Twilight for us here eventually um and I kind of got a whole lot of stuff ready um I have three gold backpacks underway I can turn them into

Diamond backpacks but I don’t know if I have any Diamonds though I can’t really remember um but yeah so just a quick little update for like my channel um uh like me recording videos is going to slow down down a little bit cuz I’m back in school unfortunately but we’re going to sleep

And we’re going to go ahead and get started now all we need and I went ahead I already got the Twilight Forest portal set up and stuff all right um I do not have a diamond well that is fantastic um okay I don’t know why I have

I don’t want to have lapis Luli in there well that that’s great that’s great um I think we might okay I think uh I think we might have to do something a little um we might have to do something we might have to Rob one of the diamonds from like our

Village which as much as I hate doing that I think that’s what we’re going to have to do so yeah so how’s everybody’s um Tuesday well I’m going to be uploading this on tomorrow probably Wednesday so how’s everybody’s Tuesday or Wednesday well you guys are going to be watching this

On Tuesday what am I saying yeah so we’re probably going to have to steal one of the diamonds from the village cuz I do remember I do remember in the first episode we did find a d well we did find a diamond in one of the chests but I

Left it cuz I didn’t want to really snatch The Village but I feel like it’s going to be necessary cuz I’ve kind of used all my diamonds to like repair my diamond tools and I will be right back all right we’re back um that took a minute sorry

Um so we’re going to we’re going to go to the village and see if we can find that diamond still it’s definitely still there um interesting Cavern I feel like I feel like we should go cave exploring like a little bit after we get done with the Twilight

Forest I don’t know if we’re going to plan on Conquering the whole dimension I’m not really sure but I feel like we might cuz I feel like we might as well conquer the whole uh oh yeah this is the infamous house that has a water

Leak um okay this is not the house but it’s close I feel I feel like it’s one of these houses I feel like I don’t know I’m really trying to remember and I don’t think that no tornadoes will happen during Us in the Twilight Forest Dimension I don’t think it should um

Okay that goes outside another one of those there you are what’s up I feel like I should start trading with y’all eventually cuz God knows how many emeralds I actually have it’s a little ridiculous oh it’s like a furnace it’s kind of how like the old old houses used to have those furnaces

Like like downstairs I feel like it could be in the castle I don’t know but I know that there’s a diamond or I think at least it was two diamonds I think coming in behind you Mr villager uh it’s the first time I’ve seen copper ingots in a chest that’s really interesting

Um uh well I’ll take some emeralds I’ll take the bread then again I really didn’t I really didn’t like Rob this Village at first okay it it’s either in this house or in the Kingdom so oh yeah that’s right all those chests are like empty so that’s quite a mislead right

There um all right is it this house so like y’all can only it’s like villagers can only use that hello you’re up here as well I thought there was oh you also have bookshelves okay well my only other place to check is the the castle but other than that we’re pretty

Much prepared to go into the Twilight Forest it’s just we need a diamond I should have thought of that earlier but I kind of used used up the diamond oh it has like archery and stuff in there but Yep this is the this is the kingdom or

The castle here we go this is where this is where the diamonds were also snatching the emeralds but yeah so we need one Diamond to to activate the portal which should be should be good enough one Diamond should be good enough um as a matter of fact I think I

Might put the other two in there but yeah guys this is going to be a really big step in um our Minecraft moded Survival series and um a little side note I just kind of want to mention I don’t know if my audience can realize this this or did I ever explore this

House I don’t think I did no I didn’t at least I don’t remember there’s more emeralds um I may sound a little under the weather not physically under the weather but kind of uh let’s just say that like I’m going through a bit of family issues right now so sorry

If I sound a little I wouldn’t say depressed but just kind of out of it like exhausted spiritually and motivationally so if you guys can notice that I apologize but Ian’s kind of going through some family stuff and it’s um I don’t really want to go into detail but

Um but yeah that’s all I got to say um just expect this video to be as best as it can I’m pretty sure everybody’s going to approve that in the comments um but let’s go ahead and go into the Twilight Forest are we guys ready I feel like I might Premier this

Like sometime this week but here we go we’re going to ignite the portal in three 2 1 here we go there we go there we go achievement get twilight forest all right before we go so it just completely it just completely opened up a new tab to Forest um we’re definitely

Not going to be able to do that um wow okay so yeah there’s a lot of uh achievements that I’m seeing right now so here we go into the Twilight Forest oh man this is going to be fun like the Twilight Forest besides any other mod is

Probably oh my gosh oh okay uh it kind of like it kind of made me spawn in the portal that was a little interesting oh my goodness here we are here we are in the Twilight Forest oh my goodness oh my goodness we’re here in the Twilight

Forest oh man it’s been so long like the Twilight Forest um in my opinion oh wait cont tornadoes also spawn here in the Twilight Forest I don’t know um anyways oh hey I remember y’all y’all are like the wild bors yeah y’all are like the wild bors that’s cool um should

I I don’t know cuz I remember this I remember the Twilight Forest being like really big and there was a lot of bosses there was a lot of dungeons and um if I can recall correctly I think the way the proper way on how to navigate through the Twilight Forest is I think

Using yeah the magic map and to use a magic map you need a magic map Focus which uh you need glow stone okay and I think you need to kill a force Raven in order to get that so ooh there’s like oh there’s one there’s one okay and oh come here come

Here okay there we go all right Raven’s feather I should have I should have thought about this but oh we got like we got like a firefly jar okay we got a well yeah I’m wondering if I’m actually kind of curious if like tornadoes can spawn in the Twilight Forest that that

Would actually be really interesting oh wow that goes really far down it doesn’t go that far down but it’s still it’s probably nothing oh there is oh there’s like a there’s like a whole new music disc apparently I’m guessing it’s a music disc of the Twilight Forest that’s

Really cool anyway we got a new music disc that’s pretty cool and oh yeah oh man it’s the big horde sheep oh that just reminded that just reminded me me I need y’all for the quest Ram oh I remember the quest Ram I remember that big old Ram man he was

Cool D like so much stuff is coming back to me because this is definitely one of my favorite childhood mods and there’s like a pillar oh yeah I remember these these like random pillars of obsidian all right I’m sorry Forest Raven I killed your brother and there’s more oh

There’s the deer what is this though oh God it’s the weird oh Jesus um y’all you’re like some weird skeleton um I don’t know how to ooh okay we got some got some cooked Cod okay some extra food um I kind of just realize I didn’t

Even bring a bucket of water well well thank you for such generous donation um I guess that’s I I guess that’s it I I I don’t remember those houses I will admit I don’t remember those um oh yeah by the way don’t okay so you need hold on I’m going to look again

Okay magic map Focus you need glowstone and torch berries oh and apparently you can like make torches don’t don’t you find torch berries in like caves of the Twilight Forest I feel like you can let’s just kind of light up the area so that we know where the portal

Is we got the giant trees and oh yeah we got the singing like cicas I remember that that there’s just so much stuff coming back to me it’s really it’s quite insane and these are some gnarly trees oh boy all right um there’s more deer over there what is this this is

Like some I think this is like a mountain yeah um but yeah I hope okay so we can’t go too far because ooh what is what is that there’s like some weird Forest right there this this looks like some kind of like Mound I don’t know if that’s something

Or I don’t know what is this oh that’s another well oh yeah that goes deep there’s two of them anyways yeah there’s some kind of like Dark Forest over there I don’t know if I remember that but what is that oh it’s I think I think I might take the

Fireflies what the freak was that is there something in here I could have sworn I just heard something this is this is so weird it’s so nostalgic to me coming back to a dimension that you remember back in the day it’s really insane um hang on what kind of wood is

This Twilight Oak log okay I don’t think I don’t think that is the same kind of wood I got last time I don’t think so uh there’s already a torch right there well let me guess can you get like a Twilight oak sapling from this can

You or can you not I don’t know I’m just really trying to find like oh my gosh my headphone cord got stuck in between my toes I know it’s a little weird to say um yeah I guess hold on let me try this one I’m actually going to oh I think I

Just got one sickly Twilight oak sapling did I get it from this tree no I don’t think it looks like that tree it it looks like one of those trees right there which man that is a giant tree um okay um I feel like oh what’s over

Here I’m just kind of like exploring the whole place but first like I I need to find like oh it’s nothing it’s like a tree that timbered down I’m assuming um okay well that’s interesting um anyways um first lag Spike yeah it doesn’t give you like any

Is is there like a Twilight oak sapling by the way what rainbow oak sapling how in the world do I get that robust Twilight oak sapling oh my gosh tree of th sapling oh my gosh okay yeah that’s definitely that’s definitely a different one isn’t it that has to

Be oh and there’s all the bosses I don’t want to spoil myself for the bosses oh so they are okay so they are those saplings cool cool cool okay well um I want to find a cave because I feel like that’s where you can get the torch berries but I’m not real

Sure by the way this house looks so weird has a fireplace and why does this look like there’s something oh oh there’s like legitimately something right here there’s like an underground area um with a okay that’s cool with a bunch of paintings uh I’m yeah I’m I’m going to

Collect these yeah I’m going to collect these with a bunch of paintings that I’m definitely going to take cuz um oh there’s a okay that’s a trap that’s a trap um that’s a trap I don’t know whether if I should feel safe you know what

I okay um I don’t know what that was but uh is there like Redstone contrations oh God I just set off TNT okay um that didn’t even blow up the chest okay that didn’t even blow up the chest oh I got some Polish and aite that’s

Cool um water bottle I don’t really need it that’s an empty map that’s not a magic map but whatever whatever I guess I’ll take the Redstone um okay well that was antil climatic that was definitely a trap I just I just didn’t know where the where the Trap was

It definitely felt like it was TNT but you know okay oh oh doesn’t like the Twilight Forest have its own music like its own like soundtracks cuz that’s really cool okay I want to like because I I I genuinely want to find a cave but I’m just not sure oh wait is

There one right here cuz that’ll be good if it actually is one all right oh there’s like the Tiny Bird I remember oh here we go here’s some torch berries yeah that’s really cool like Twilight 4 seems to have like its own like ambient music and stuff and God my

My my shovel is like insane um okay yeah here you go here’s some torch berries and apparently you need glow stone which I might what was that that was a zombie whoa what the world was that it’s like some oh my gosh okay Enderman oh my God what are

You you’re like some new mob okay Enderman I don’t feel like killing you so I’m going to leave you alone what is that oh it’s like other blocks oh my God I hear some like weird I feel like I remember seeing those weird blue mobs but I’m not exactly sure

Okay so we got torch berries now all we need is whoa what is that it’s like a glacier over there oh hello Mr Enderman it’s like some sort of Glacier over there I don’t know what that’s about but okay um whoa there’s something over there too there’s

Another house off in the distance oh and my mouse is stuck okay um I’m sorry guys I don’t mean to run youall off let me just set more torches around the area also it kind of SED a little bit in our area I really wish that it did snow but some people

Don’t like it when it snows um yeah I feel like I might have to go back and obtain some glow stone so I’m going to go ahead and do that real quick I don’t I I hope that like Al alternating through Dimensions is not

Bad I hope that’s not a bad thing uh I think it might be a bad thing um I I I hope not anyways um but first we’re going to go to sleep um but anyways um put the shovel back there yeah I’m going to go ahead and uh get a piece of

Glow stone cuz I definitely know we have glow stone um glowstone oh wait that would be an enchanting yeah yeah would be all right there we go all right so torch berries and raen feather there we go all right now does it have to be in a specific crafting recipe nope I don’t

Guess so with fire it rights we have got the magic map Focus oh we already have had a crafting table but I mean it we kind of had to come back here anyways to get the glow stone okay so how how do you make the magic map oh wait I I think

You surround it by paper if I recall you just surround it by paper and then that that should be it we should be able to there we go all right got the magic map and uh we’re going to go back to the Twilight Forest and put the water bucket back there all right

All right I hope the weather deflector keeps us safe from any tornadoes I I honestly don’t believe there’s going to be no tornadoes during our time of the Twilight Forest all right we’re back we are back and I could see forever oh okay we got a lot of stuff nearby oh so I’m

Guessing like those green things are like the thing that I saw earlier but there’s something right here oh is it is it like this mound right here CU if it is then cuz I thought I heard something in it but um oh oh my gosh okay um oh yep that’s that’s Stone well

Obviously okay I’m hearing some interesting things down here um I don’t know about this I don’t know about this oh God I hear I hear something with the batpack oh okay app I was like supposed to mine like right here apparently if I can like if if if my shovel can

Behave but I hear something with a backpack down here so that’s a little interesting oh my gosh what are you what what are you oh my gosh you have like you have like iron pickaxes it’s really weird oh my gosh there’s like there’s like miniature spiders the boots are mine all right I’m

I’m getting like a ton of achievements already oh God it’s the weird freaking blue dudes It’s the weird oh my gosh and freaking corpse maggots okay um okay I I definitely hear something with the backpack um oh apparently this like goes out to another cave well I L just could have entered

Like this through here oh my God there’s so many zombies holy crap what is going on holy bro there’s like so many zombies okay there has to be like some kind of spawner oh gosh this whole thing is like internal what the hell this whole thing’s like internal that’s pretty

Interesting uh I I don’t need any Ro okay okay dude you don’t need to freaking oh my gosh he’s like a upset cuz I heard his friend okay well I mean you really can’t well what kind of your fault because you were the one that

Decided to attack me and and and now you want to kill me and like we have we have like freaking little like miniature spiders interestingly enough um oh my God okay yeah this thing is like a a complete internal like like like Gallow of mobs it is insane oh my gosh okay

Okay all right these things have a iron pickaxes it’s really oh okay that kind of scared me cuz it’s always used to seeing the little spiders but now I got just regular spiders okay like is there actually like spawners around here or or did they just like naturally spawn apparently there

Seems to be like half some maranian SP spiders up against the wall which is pretty funny pretty funny pretty funny um oh my gosh those are uh oh my God stupid stupid corpse maggots okay throw some stuff out of stuff out of my inventory that oh there’s a chest there’s a

Chest um ow ow ow and you stupid stupid blue guys they’re like have the stupidest bit of sense liver root I don’t know what that does but I’ll take it for resources wa what does liveroot do uh doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t have any description oh God all right all right

We got more mobs so literally looks like this thing is like a whole thing of just like a whole area of mobs pretty much we got more torch berries I guess I guess I guess that helps all right you’re just you’re just kind of stuck there you’re just kind of stuck in the

Wall well uh there’s not really a whole lot I I don’t know where this guy’s going um all right and then the others are going to run away because I killed another one of those friends but it was kind of his fault he he was the one that kind

Of he was the one that kind of came in and just decided to ruin everything well there’s not really a whole lot about this it’s cool though I like it is there like anything through here or oh God you’re just like hiding back here how

Did you wait how did you get in this tiny area I I I guess I guess he was small enough to climb through here in literal sense got more of these weird blue mobs which I have no idea what they do and you with your freaking pickaxes

And drop your stupid IR boots that’re completely useless okay yeah there’s really not okay well I I hear something with the backpack but I don’t know what it is I don’t know what it is also I could have just completely I could have just completely done this oh this this terrain generation is

Kind of weird um okay then um that was that um that was interesting so we just conquered whatever that was I really have no idea oh we have like some sort of we have like some sort of Boss up in the top right I don’t know what that

Is um I guess we can start off with that I really have no idea um hello hello all right so at least by the magic map we know where our portal is but oh there’s Overworld mobs here I mean we’ve already kind of saw that but

Um do oh oh man we don’t really have any iron to make shears no I never collected any of that iron that I saw I never did well that was my fault um yeah that was my fault yeah there’s like there’s like some sort of weird Glacier biome over here it’s so weird

Also what is this is this like the weird green thing that’s on the map oh it is I’m guessing it’s like a maze it’s like some sort of maze also those leaves are like white that’s pretty interesting um yeah it’s literally like a freaking maze this is interesting

Um is there going to be mobs in here like what what are we talking about what are we talking about uh nothing oh okay uh I hear I hear spiders whoa oh my gosh there’s like there’s like there’s like host hostile wolves in the okay oh you’re not a normal

Spider uh bug bug stop stomper Bug Stomper I guess that’s me I really question if I had a bow for a second but I do I just didn’t say it well uh what was that achievement even about defeat a spider in a hedge maze this is what that’s called a hedge

Maze that’s cool that’s definitely not that’s definitely not a normal spider that’s like a different spider oh ow did not see you there I’m sorry but you’re kind of you’re kind of your Consciousness is kind of turned against me your Consciousness has been overthrown by the Overworld and since

You’re in the Twilight Forest you’ve become a hostile mob unfortunately but who knows okay all right well this goes back to here let’s jump oh wow there’s a lot more okay this is cool this is cool I like this I like this there seems to be more of oh it’s

The little spiders the little spiders it’s not the big spiders it’s the little spiders all right not really a whole lot of interesting stuff in the chest um oh wow the music is oh we found the exit I guess we found the exit that definitely no we definitely

Didn’t explore the whole thing is that a whoa what the hell is that is that a Yeti since when were there yetis in the Twilight Forest also there’s some like massive oh my gosh yeah that I I think that’s literally a Yeti in the Twilight Forest

I never knew about this that that that’s a new mob that’s a new mob I haven’t seen then again the Twilight Forest uh oh there’s another exit all I I guess they’re like all entries into the maze so what if we go this way we will We like encounter another oh yeah here

We go more of these freaking like weird mini spiders I guess that’s it I mean huh interesting well we kind of oh oh man that’s the um down the bottom right is that the Naga I think so also this music is pretty cool also there’s another house

But I’m seeing some weird ass mobs over here but let’s go check it out oh gosh hello you kind of just spawned out of the wall right there oh you poison me ooh I don’t like that you just poison me but it doesn’t ooh ooh some interesting mobs and you just kind of

Like whoa whoa whoa whoa okay yeah though okay all right those things are definitely hostile okay oh God you have like you have like some weird like gust effect oh God I got to get rid of the spawner oh apparently apparently there’s like nothing underneath the spawner or

Nothing underneath I’m assuming oh I got more more of these guys um this chest right here but it’s not it’s not connected to anything it’s not a trap um whatever whatever um God that was a weird looking wolf it was kind of creepy I’m not going to lie that was a

Creepy looking wolf that was a creepy looking wolf it’s a bunny it’s a rabbit oh my gosh okay what do we want to do oh God it’s a Yeti is that what that is that that that has to be a Yeti oh wow they move pretty fast what do you guys want

To do first I feel like we should do the naga in order to like have a warm up also there’s like some sort of pink biome like down the very bottom right I don’t know what that’s about but does he see me no he doesn’t I guess we can go to the naga

Since we kind of know our general direction or general location on where the where the freaking portal is at yeah there’s some like weird weird like pink biome down here uh I don’t know what that’s about um yeah I’m not sure what that’s about but we have oh no the wolf is attacking

The freaking okay are you actually okay no you you shall you shall not hurt the freaking sheep I’m so sorry sheep I’m so sorry I would cheer you for the questing ram but I don’t know where he is I don’t know where Mr questing Ram is

It’s like the that’s like one of the first things oh there’s like melum interesting um and Minecraft is getting a little laggy so I might have to restart it this is this is cool this is very cool um yeah I hear you I hear you that was another house I definitely like these

Houses they’re cool um yeah I think I’m going to go ahead and restart Minecraft o okay all right oh you still you still like poison me through the shield okay oh this time there’s something below the spawner I mean hey that that’s cool that’s cool we got some new

Fences um yeah I’ll go ahead and restart Minecraft I’ll be right back okay we’re back all right let’s uh actually no let’s go up here and take care of take care of this guy I definitely do like the music though the music is definitely music’s definitely really interesting I like it a

Lot um but yeah it seems like there’s another yeah you’re done sir but yeah that must be the Naga like area o it’s a it’s a big H she by the slaughter I’m just kidding wow the music I’m telling you it’s really cool I feel like once okay now we kind

Of know what to do um I feel like once we’re done with the Twilight Forest I feel like I feel like we’ll um oh [ __ ] okay uh how’s this work exactly okay that time nothing happened um okay another Golden Apple oh yeah and I brought golden apples along the

Way uh all right that should work um all stuff in here all right music’s really cool I don’t think I’ve never I don’t think I remember remember uh knowing that the that the um chai Forest had its own music that’s so cool but all right we’re

About to be upon the Naga I think is there a way to oh it’s kind of like a little hole right here but first I feel like I want to check what this weird biome is about over here oh is it is it literally like a mushroom biome

We’re about to be in it oh what mushroom Forest okay and then what oh it’s squirrels so cool mushroom Forest dense mushroom Forest okay okay so this is kind of more I hear you all right uh do we just oh okay uh there’s the Boss Bar um uh hello Mr

Naga where are you buddy um can I just have like an introductory greeing with you where are you Mr Naga I feel like he’s over here it’s been a long time since I would like see him hello oh there he is okay hello hello Mr Naga oh your Tail’s kind of

Glitching Out Mr Naga how are you how are you Mr Naga what oh Jesus okay uh let let’s let’s go then yeah let’s go ahead and wake your ass up all right well this is the Naga oh his his Tail’s kind of glitching out oh gosh he’s like going over his like going

Over his his his uh territory okay so like appar apparently if I like hit him hit him with my Shield it causes him to like to like to get pretty uh to get pretty okay to get pretty knocked out um Mr nger are you having trouble there oh almost almost head

Shot that is really cool oh his his Tail’s blowing off yeah come on wake up ain’t ain’t time for your rest yet well not right now but um oh oh oh okay okay he can do he can hello are you good are you good Mr Naga

Let me oh oh all right all right dang yeah come on come on oh man he can knock you quite a distance he’s just you good does he like okay so like he he he automatically like gets back up okay okay well uh the naga’s so far oh oh oh oh oh

He’s mad oh he’s mad oh he’s a little upset he got super pissed okay buddy oh shoot that scared me okay okay he’s definitely a lot more uh he’s a lot more angry now but this this boss is not that hard like I feel like

The Naga oh God here he comes that is that is terrifying um all right well you’re you’re your like tail keeps like disappearing oh my gosh you can’t even freaking all right all right it’s time it’s time it’s time buddy it’s time buddy and you’re

Done well um oh there’s like a what the that’s cool oh and then a chest all right all right all right cool well that was a Naga he wasn’t all that difficult um he definitely wasn’t got the Naga Trophy and Naga scale can you use that oh you can use it to make

Armor how good how good is the armor though um not that much not well not as oh it’s about the same as Diamond kind of but I’ll go and Che take this chest it’s a canopy chest um or wait is that is that what I think it is

Down there is that what I think it is down the very bottom right okay I think the boss that I’m seeing at the very bottom right is the Twilight Lich I think that’s who I’m seeing now the Twilight Lich was like always is one of my favorite bosses in the Twilight

Forest um it seems like there’s another Naga like structure over here there’s another well it’s kind of few of these Wells actually there’s another another big well but where there it is oh wait no that that that’s not the one that I’m seeing though is it over

Here cuz I definitely don’t see it maybe I have to go a little bit farther but we can go to that one uh okay there’s a chest down here I’m still going to check it out uh still oh wait raw raw Ironwood oh that’s like that’s like another Ingot

You can make in the Twilight Forest cool cool well we have the Twilight Lich oh man this is going to be this is going to be be awesome but there’s one that’s kind of like I don’t know like I kind of I kind of want to

Stay more focused like in the map region instead of going off the grid I think that’s what I want to do I I know some you guys are probably saying well like you’re so close to like do doing the or like beating the Twilight Lich but I

Rather want to stay more on the grid of the map and whatever that whatever that thing is like right here I don’t know what that is but it’s some kind of like Glacier snow biome it’s pretty interesting um oh wow this music so good this music is so

Good so between the Maze and like the little Mound is our area with the portal but wow this music is just so it’s almost relaxing in a way it’s almost very relaxing some way I don’t know let’s just kind of keep exploring here we’re getting we’re getting there we’re getting to the

Portal we’re just going to go pass it cuz why not I feel like if we do find any iron okay yeah so yeah so these wolves are like genuinely hostile in the Twilight Forest that’s interesting okay all right come here chicken yeah let’s just go this way see

If we can find anything it also seems like there’s a pretty heavily uh Forest right here see what’s over in this direction it seems like okay so there’s a Twilight lch it seems like there’s another big Mound over here but no that that that looks bigger that looks like a bigger

Mound I don’t know I’m not sure I’m not sure if that’s a bigger Mound or that’s something else I don’t know but I don’t know let’s go ahead and go to the Twilight Lich the Twilight l oh yeah and I’m also passing another Mound those things are interesting they’re not that

Cool but I mean they are cool they just don’t have a lot of good loot to them it’s another purple purple big horn sheep um here we go here we go the Twilight l oh man I remember fighting this boss myself my favorite boss in the Twilight Forest will probably be the

Argast I’m just going to be honest it’s not only him but it’s not only the boss itself but the freaking massive tower that he’s in is like it’s it’s a lot bigger than this oh there seems to be like two twilight L Towers right next to each

Other this is this is a good thumbnail all right so let’s advance into the Twilight ledge now I don’t remember all right I already hear zombies in here all right all I already hear zombies I already oh oh my gosh what is that it’s like some weird book like some

Weird book oh my God there’s a creeper there’s some sort of Creeper and there’s some sort of weird book mob there’s some sort of weird book weird book books pages are trying to kill me really strange well this is the Twilight Lich uh the Twilight L is like

Castle oh hi hi there Mr zombie and you’re you’re done and freaking freaking corpse maggots just came out of you okay okay gosh oh my God it’s so many freaking zombies it’s like two like too many zombies I swear to God uh oh wait these are these are where they’re coming from

Mhm yeah I found your I found your origination plan I don’t know if that means anything um what’s up here there seems to be another zombie waiting for me all right what’s in here what’s in here okay we got Magma Cream charm of keepi oh wait don’t I

Don’t I remember the charm don’t I remember the charms of keeping aren’t they supposed to like keep you inventory I think I think so I think they’re supposed to keep you inventory but we we don’t really need that cuz we’re kind of already on keep inventory but I guess we’ll still obtain

Them obtain them this like another chest area uh potion of swiftness I don’t think we’ve never got potions of swiftness swiftness we we had a gas TI wow it’s like we don’t even need to go to the nether I’m just kidding we’re we’re definitely still going to go to

The nether at some point probably after oh God freaking freaking freaking weird book book mobs that want to want to kill me in Every Witch Way and there’s so many there’s like zombies that are climbing up the ladder and more zombies and more just Madness all around

Potions of swiftness got a gold sword eh Gold’s not the best but I appreciate your donation to help me Thrive and we got another chest with potions of weakness they look so disgusting I don’t know if that’s just like the new look but they look so disgusting man potions of weakness I’m

Telling you weakness is not the potion you want to be afflicted with it’s not it’s it really isn’t all right I don’t know where that book mob went but all right he’s like up there are you like floating oh oh God you can like shoot paper at me you like literally shoot

Paper at me it can make me slow too that’s interesting where are you there you are all right you’re done oh you gave me a book and quill man I kind of forgot that book and quills even exist I love that painting Minecraft paintings in general God y’all

Like I I think I think they can like I think they can like genuinely Float by themselves well CU they’re kind of like mystical they’re like mystical mobs guessing that’s where they’re coming from I couldn’t really tell what kind of spawner that was though what did I just

Grab oh my God all right more books coming down from the sky it’s not usual when you see that it’s not usual but it f that okay I don’t I don’t know what ow God okay all right we have like more area yep you just pretty much met your doom there Mr

Zombie um okay whoa whoa okay all right all right you didn’t even shoot a piece of paper all right that’s interesting um huh doesn’t say much stuff oh there is somewhere over here I think I think I oh there’s two of them all right you’re making me slow you’re making me

Slow wow this this music my bow must be extremely overpowered oh I definitely don’t want to put my magic map in there my bow must be like overpowered cuz I took that skeleton out in one shot I mean it does have power four so probably the good reason why that’s

Probably where oh my gosh there was just like a bunch of spiders that just fell um probably not the best area for them to spawn if I’m going to be brutely honest and we have another book in here and another freaking skeleton with an enchanted enchanted

Bow and oh oh wow your paper does kind of hurt man there’s like it’s like spawners and crap there spawning y’all like what’s going on of course oh I just got a power one book okay I guess I’ll take it man I kind of already have a bow that has power oh my

God there’s like there’s so much oh there’s a chest okay potion of instant Health we got blaze powder okay okay okay we can technically go ahead and make some Eyes of Ender this is definitely one way to obtain a lot of these materials but I mean we

Could still go to the Nether and we definitely are we definitely are still going to go to the nether what what’s up here uh nothing okay I just hear a lot of crap like it is in it’s a little insane uh all right this is where all the monstrosities are coming

From seriously what is going on I’m like hearing so much crap uh potion of fire resistance we haven’t gotten fire resistance yet we’re like getting new potions I mean I do I I do appreciate the gold swords and all but in the long run it’s not really that favorable in my

Opinion it really isn’t you you guys are just like genuinely you guys are just like there’s like there’s like there’s like zombies who can’t really decide on whether who can get in first and all right all right all right get done with oh oh God oh God freaking freaking freaking Creepers are

Slowness definitely not the normal attack all right you are done oh this is where the spiders are coming from mhm there’s a oh my gosh there’s like there’s like some baby spider jockey what the hell there’s like some baby spider jockey what was that I’ve never seen that

Before holy crap it’s like some baby spider jockey oh my God that’s something you don’t see in Minecraft every day and that definitely wasn’t a regular skeleton that was the skeletons like we saw earlier in like the weird houses and stuff all right these these like random these random areas just don’t really

Seem to have a purpose I mean I get it but still it’s not really that great this one has a chest perhaps that door that’s like a weird doorway right there I don’t know what’s up with that all right um all right I think I just heard a spider self afflict himself

Is this like another spawner of where they’re coming from cuz I feel like it is and here we go with these freaking books that are firing paper at me that’s making me slow and thank thank you for such generous donations but in the end it’ be better if you just stop

Afflicting me with paper it would be really appreciated I got book and quills I can write a book about how I’m getting attacked by book books how there are tornadoes that come and destroy everything and wow oh that that must be the boss area of the Twilight Lich yeah

That must be that must be a Twilight Lich as a matter of fact it seem it seems like there’s like a specific area over here that I want to explore okay this area this area definitely seems more interesting so um yeah’s let’s explore this area I’m hearing like a lot of stuff

Going on right now I’m hearing so much all right it sounds like there’s zombies up here there’s there’s there’s zombies that are that are up on top of the ladder that just want to like Freaking is there don’t tell me there’s like another baby skeleton roaming around cuz that’ll be really weird all right oh there another ladder let me guess this one this one has more ladder hovering zombies there’s another one that has more books that all right okay I’m just hearing so much crap right

Now it’s oh these are where the zombies are coming from mhm is like a spawner up here or something or are they just like naturally oh oh this is this is a one-way entry oneway exit I should say that’s definitely a oneway exit oh boy all right got that part done

Now I have like like two other parts to explore all right um I’m surprised I didn’t accidentally step in that lava um good God there’s just so much stuff in here it’s ridiculous all right we got another chest another Diamond hey cool cool cool it seems like we’re getting more oh nope

I definitely don’t want to do that it looks like we’re just getting more like potion ingredients from this from this Castle it’s really cool and uh transformation powder what what what in the world is transformation powder hang on uh I have no idea what transformation powder does um or

Wait doesn’t transformation powder like change mobs into its Overworld like variant I feel that’s what I remember about transformation powder okay there’s definitely like some baby skeleton somewhere I can’t I I literally can’t get up here there are some kind of baby skeleton that just died I don’t know why

But you know what I’m going to go up here okay uh yeah there’s there’s spiders up here there’s spiders that are like they’re like stuck stuck in the walls there’s like three spiders right there what the oh God it’s a it’s a it’s a baby zombie that’s that’s like that has like gold

Boots he’s a pretty interesting zombie okay I don’t know ow stupid all right you’re just kind of stuck in the cobwebs aren’t you there sir all right well uh man this area is just it’s just insane okay where where do y’all keep come oh my gosh all right

Whatever all right I’m pretty sure that skeleton yep got to fall to his death fall to his death and you’re what what the what the can arrows like not there we go Jesus Christ I was having like the baddest aim there for a second okay it looks like we’re reaching the boss’s

Area oh my God there’s more this way um oh my God all right oh God there’s too much going on they’re they’re shooting they’re shooting the weird paper they’re shooting the the they’re they’re shooting the magical magical mag magical they’re shooting them oh there you are I feel like you’re like the other

Baby zombie that I heard and they’re like fighting the they’re fighting the weird paper it’s too weird of what’s going on but I can hit you with the bow it makes things so much easier literally it does oh my God where’d you come from where’ you come

From it’s like hovered down upon my face okay all right um let’s go this way let’s go this way first um another okay I’m just going to leave y’all to it God y’all keep coming out of nowhere okay really I I I appreciate you giving me book and quill but in the long

Run enough is enough oh oh my God oh my God okay you go ahead all right you can go ahead and attack that yeah I took it I took care of it for you by ending your life that’s the proper way to do it I don’t know I feel

Like God damn there is so much crap it’s unbelievable it is unbelievable is freak unbelievable how much crap there is to explore oh these are probably where they’re coming from all the zombies ah cool cool cool I I I I really I really don’t want your corpse maggots

That that come out of you which is really weird to say you know what throw it back in there cuz I haven’t explored this area okay okay that’s a little interesting there’s like a sand floor okay cool cool cool um okay we’ve officially explored this area Thank God now there’s going to be

Utter Insanity out here with the other mobs oh the these are where all the mobs are oh oh dude it’s it’s the Lich it is the freaking Lich oh my God okay okay okay I’m gonna I’m going to have to kill y’all first because y’all are kind of in the way

Y’all are kind of in the way of ow shoot all right oh my gosh okay okay okay all right we’re in it we’re in it we’re in it um oh yeah I remember what to do okay okay okay skeleton not right now not right now okay okay oh oh my God you’re done

You’re done I don’t need no distractions I don’t need no distractions okay no no no what I should eat is my golden apples all right so if I remember you have to like oh oh my God okay you have to like you have to ow freck you have to like

Hit his Shields wa I don’t I don’t know I don’t know which one’s the real one okay you’re you’re you’re the real one oh wow I think I think I just did like a triple shot on you all right oh man dang it all right which okay you’re the real

One all right oh okay okay all right all right you’re spawning like little you’re spawn like little zombie things but oh yeah get a hit on my sword oh oh oh God all right all right all right all right all right all right all right okay

Okay oh my God he’s like all right oh crap okay all right we’re having we’re having technical difficulties this is a magical gorilla poster oh my god oh oh explosion oh you you just you just killed your own enemy okay ow oh oh oh he he has like some sort of weird

Sword oh okay he has a sword and you’re done bring out your dead the crown has been laid upon me to claim me as king I am the Twilight glitch I am the king okay all right we got the L trophy o we got Spectre of Life draining I

Think I remember these from old Twilight Forest yeah I think I remember that I think I do um yeah I think I do remember those um that’s cool that’s cool well that was a Twilight lch um that was a lot that that was a lot harder than the Naga because cuz the

Twilight L’s area is is like is is like a massive Tower massive Tower of conquering and Tower of baby spiders getting stuck in corners um all right all right I didn’t wear down armor that bad but um but still um anyways so yeah um I think I might go

Ahead and wrap the video up this is only like part one of like going to the through the whole Twilight Forest um cuz it is an interesting it is an interesting Dimension it is interesting but yeah guys um I think I’m going to go ahead and end this video

Here if you guys do like commentary or if you guys do like mod survival in general then click that like And subscribe and comment down below if you also want to see more Modded Survival or just just you know just just tell me that you guys want me to continue the

Series and I’ll gladly do so just know that making videos is going to slow down cuz I’m back in school unfortunately it it is my final semester though so you know hooray for me but anyway guys I will see you guys in the next video goodbye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded Survival – Episode 9 (Twilight Forest)’, was uploaded by Mr. Wedge on 2024-01-10 23:00:10. It has garnered 57 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:35 or 4115 seconds.

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  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More