Escape Granny in Roblox with MLP

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Hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing in tonight’s episode hello everyone today we will have the task of escaping this Dreadful grandmother who will follow us through all the trials to escape hurry up and do it so we showed up in the first room where nothing is clear yet but we have a task and we need to find grandma’s cookies hurry up and look for them I think they in the kitchen somewhere there is also a door to which we will need to find the key run more to the ground floor and look there we need to find a kitchen with cookies in it you need to run around here all the places that only there is but the most important thing is to find the kitchen it is nowhere and there is no door that stands here does not open then run and look run to another place on the ground floor and I think there’s definitely a kitchen oh my god there she is so we were able to find these cookies just what do we have to do now oh my God we were chased by an evil grandmother she runs after us and needs to urgently find this key already to escape from her only where can it be oh no we are trapped we are in a room with no other exits now we will be caught by Grandma now let’s run to the room from which she comes out I think this door has already opened elsewhere let’s go and have a look and get this key and get out of here yay there’s this key I knew it would be in my grandmother’s room now we need to carefully take it and go past the grandmother to open the door on the second floor run over there grandma is still behind us and that’s very good I am very surprised that it rises not as usual as we do but in a special transport that lifts it to the top this is very cool so we opened this door and now we have got to the attic here the most important thing is not to fall into these holes and this is possible because these planks are very fragile but it’s okay we’re moving on so we have gone even higher and then we need to get to the top now we will jump all the drawers and beams up and pass it all we’ll probably get out the window from here so there’s a little window what’s there oh no there’s a continuation of the attic and there are traps I hope we don’t get caught up in them and get through then we meet an interesting test with Thorns they need to jump over not to prick and die it’s quite easy we’re already climbing out the window into the street and we’re getting out of here oh my God on the street we meet again this terrible grandmother it is necessary to quickly run away from her so that she does not catch us oh no now we fall into the grave I hope we don’t stay long we’re in some kind of weird dungeon that doesn’t look anything like your grandmother’s basement there’s a small test with the parkour and you need to pass them all now next we get on the elevator and go up I am very interested in what is at the top because we cannot see what is there it is good that my grandmother is still behind us and does not run after us but it’s also fun when we run away from it because it’s breathtaking and it’s fun now we are already going up a circular staircase somewhere very high up I hope there will be no grandmother and there will be a very fun test so we’re up and we need to go a little further I really do not like this area because there are so many terrible sets and I am in a very old bunker oh my God it’s getting very dark oh no some little zombie boys are running at us we need to get away from them there are not only boys but also girls you can say that these are all children who came to this grandmother but could not get out I hope they don’t catch us oh no we hit a dead end we Have No Way Out now we will try to pass again and this time I really hope that we can find a way out the main thing is to avoid all these children and run only forward so far I don’t see anything that looks like an exit so run here and hooray we were able to find a way out of here and let’s get out of here quickly I don’t like being here anymore we’re getting out through the well so now we’re back on the street I hear this evil grandmother again nearby and it seems that we need to somehow get into the house only here all the doors are closed what do we do maybe try climbing through the window oh no she caught us now let’s try this test again and I think it’s not about this door it’s about something in the backyard here you Grandma will come and we will check what is there the main thing is that we are not caught that’s it let’s run to the backyard I think there must be an entrance to the house or something else H here’s the entrance to the basement I think there’s got to be something we need but it’s not Grandma this is a very interesting test because we need to jump on very thin beams that are built here and there are a lot of spikes from below so it will be very painful to fall from here so we pass very carefully I am very interested in what will be the final test when we run away but it is still early to think about so go on there’s already a staircase and we’re going to climb it to see what happens next oh my God it looks like this is is going to be a very interesting test which is going to be that we’re going to have to drive a grandmother’s typewriter through the whole obstacle course this is going to be fun the main thing is to ensure that we do not fall from here because we will lose time and Grandma can easily catch up with us hope that we do not fall oh my God we haven’t been able to jump and we’re about to start this test now so far everything is going very well we’re going through it all again only now we have to go all the way without falling and go all the way to the end because at the end there must be something interesting that’s where we fell we’ve already moved on to some other test and it’s getting a little lighter because there’s more space then all we have to do is walk a little down this creepy hallway which is very light we have gone now to run further I wonder what will be behind the door climb the stairs and we are again in some house oh my God I was very quick because there are big balls rolling around we’re going to go through this again and we’re going to be focused on these balls they are quite easy to pass because there are spaces where you can hide from this orb there they are I think that after the ball passes we can immediately run to the last place where there will be a passage further I think that we will have time to do it and we will succeed hurrah now we are on the court where most likely there will be a battle with the boss now we’re going to fight these grandmothers and we’re going to have to shoot this flare gun at them they’re going to come up all over the place and our job is just to shoot them until we kill the whole wave killing each of the grandmothers causes a lot of damage all over the wave so now we’ll do it quickly and not even die the main thing is to watch out so as not to miss any we’re halfway through the whole wave and we’re almost through it after we defeat them all we can go up to the Treehouse and become the winner finally we will do it soon there are very few of them left let the friends try to kill the rest we almost all passed hurrah we could do it now we can safely go up to the Treehouse and be winners it turned out very cool we very quickly passed and successfully passed this mode in Roblox there were very interesting trials and very scary grandmother I’m glad we got away from her subscribers if you like this series like it and subscribe to our Channel see you soon bye hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think it will be very interesting for everyone to play this mode together Hello friends I’m so glad we’re going to Roblox today is our first day as a security guard at this toy store and we need to work really hard to get in so let’s start exploring the area where we’re guarding the toys we should get to the warehouse but we need to activate the power hurry up and find him we need to go to the back room and probably run a generator that will open our way to the warehouse wow it’s dark in here you need a flashlight to find the switch there it is let’s turn it on quickly and return to the main hall to go to the warehouse oh my God as soon as we turned on the generator began to make some terrible sounds as if someone was running let’s go and see what it is oh my God looks like someone stole a Mr funny doll and the thief went right to the warehouse run over there and catch it we’re still guards and we have to beat him and arrest him it looks like he’s gone a long way you have to go through the pipes think of it as a mini parkour and then go on he can’t have gone far in a short time we have to hurry this looks like a very secure Warehouse because you have to go through the parkour to get into it here we pulled the lever to appear hatches and we jumped on them let’s climb up faster I am very scared in this area because it is very dark and somewhere there is a thief I hope he will not attack us oh my God we’re in the first fun game there’s some big maze it’s very dark here and I hope there won’t be any scrimer or anything like them we have our first day of work and at once such passion very frightening place oh my God this Mr Funny is running after us it looks like there is no Thief run away from him I didn’t want to see him here it’s so scary I hope that in such conditions we can find a way out because he is running right behind us F there is a way out finally we ran away from him looks like our mission now is to get away from him cuz he wants us dead to rights at first we wanted to catch the thief but now wants to catch us Mr funny what a horror now we are passing a small parkour which we made because right below us the floor in one of the annexes fell it’s okay we really like to pass through the parks in roadblocks next to the last room we enter the in Vector room we need to leap over them carefully to get to the other side of this room and continue to escape from Mr Funny wow we hit immediately on the next game from Mr funny it’s very similar to playing red light green let’s get through this at the first try because I really like this game here we have a lot of chances to pass because it gives us green light for a very long time and very little gives red light we’ll get through this easily because it’s our favorite game here we have a lot of chances to pass because it gives us green light for a very long time and very little gives red light we’ll get through this easily because it’s our favorite game that’s it we easily passed this level and now run to the next I wonder what will happen next and I want to get out of here it seems that this Mr Funny has been preparing these tests for a long time next we enter a room with lasers that will have to jump we have all passed and now we can only wait for the elevator and go to the floor above I hope he will come soon press the button and go upstairs I hope that we will not be pursued by this Mr funny now and we will quietly pass all the tests it looks like we’re going very high I wonder where so we came to the top floor and we get to the next fun game it is already the third number and I am very interested in what will happen here it looks like some big robot is going to show up and it’s our job to hide from it and survive it so it doesn’t catch us I think it’s going to be easy so let’s take the possum and wait there’s only a few left and this robot will appear oh my God how scary it is I hope he can’t get to us and we’ll win him in this trial how scary he breaks everything we only have 13 seconds left to survive and we’ve already run away from where we were because he took everything that was there I think if we block it in the blocks we’ll survive there’s a little bit left and we’re going to win hurrah we were able to beat this robot I’m so excited let’s get to the next test now I’m very interested in what will happen we are going down some slide down hope it is not a trap and we are doing everything right here we need to open the door oh my god when we opened that door we hit some very dark room where we’re going to need a flashlight I hope there aren’t any scrimm like in Mr Funny’s first fun game where he just showed up and scared us it’s supposed to be very quiet and nobody supposed to be here so we finally found a way out of here and thank God that there is no Mr Funny hurry up hope there will be something interesting we’ll have to take a little trip in the container to get through we hit some sort of utility room and here our will set up the stairs and see what will happen next oh my God now we will be riding in the car and not in a regular car but in the loading Bay how fast and turning it is I hope that we will succeed in it all H so we were able to go through it completely and now move on it was very interesting and exciting but I want to get out of here then there is a door in front of us and let’s hurry up and walk in it oh my God this interior is very much like Mario and there is a pipe from this game Let’s jump inside now wow how could we transfer the game of Mario to Roblox that’s just impossible let’s try to pass this test behind us moves a big head Mr funny so you need to go very quickly you need to detonate the bombs that are on top to repel Mr Funny hope that we can pass it the first time and it will not catch us I wonder if there will be those mushrooms from the original game I really like this game and I would like to find a game that is completely composed of Mario analog what do you think subscribers would you like us to play a Mario game I think that we have almost passed all these tests and the last part remains now we jump through the final test and again jump into the pipe oh my God it turned out that way hurrah we could do it I wonder how many more will be such interesting games they are getting more and more interesting all right well hurry up and get out of here cuz we got to get out of here before we go crazy then began the usual parkour here we need to walk on Rusty pipes to pass all this ventilation next we get into some sewer where there are a lot of bodies Mr funny the main thing is not to step on them it is very scary and very scary here because there are the bodies of this Mr funny and I’m afraid that one of them will come alive and run after us thank God it all worked out and now we’re climbing upstairs oh my God now we are on the next fun game here we will need to jump on platforms that with the passage of time disappear it’s very similar to fall guys I love this challenge because no matter where you are you don’t understand where the platform might be you need to try hard to choose the one that will not go missing or use maneuverability yay we managed to get through all this now we run to some station where the train stands most likely we will now go to the final where we will have to run away from here I hope that there will be no unexpected hurry up I really want to know where this train will take us it is so big and fast I like it very much we’re driving down the street and there’s probably something in this mountain it speeded up very quickly and I am afraid that it will now go off the track or fly this mountain I hope that there will be a finish oh my God we’re falling down I hope we survive hurry up we landed well on this train and we are healthy it looks like this is going to be a very tough fight with the boss that we have to get through oh my God what a terrible one he is now we will be given a flare gun and we will have have to shoot it I think that we will have to cope with this task because it is not so difficult he has four legs and our job is to shoot them all he runs very fast and shoots lasers we have to be very careful and stay away from him otherwise he will kill us the main thing is to shoot at his legs we’ve already shot a few of his legs he has less than half of his health left and we’ve almost got him he hasn’t hit us yet and that’s very good let’s try to finish him off already Rockets inflict a lot of resources on him and you can shoot endlessly At His Feet until they explode good thing we don’t have to replenish the ammunition to kill him come on girlfriends we almost beat him and it’s really cool he’s scary but he’s not for us we almost beat him we only have two legs left and that’s less than half there’s a lot of Health left on his leg let’s kill him soon oh my God hurah we were able to beat this Mr buunny and now we can safely escape from here it was very fun and good that we could beat him hurry up to the exit because we were able to beat this Mr funny I think our superiors will be proud of us that we were able to defeat such a monster we are great subscribers if you like this series like And subscribe to our Channel also write your opinion in the comments we will be very interested to read see you soon bye hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox we have a very interesting test ahead of us us and I think you will all enjoy it hello everyone today we will pass the test of running away from Evil grandmother I think it will be very difficult but we have to cope with it it should go well let’s get on with these trials we’re choosing the normal difficulty level of course because we’re here for the first time wow we showed up in some room all right we need to figure out where we’re going now I think we should go to the vent now we will quickly climb the furniture and proceed to the next test here some obstacles stand in our way we need to drop them and go further I wonder what will happen next in the vent we go up somewhere I think there will be something interesting wow this is the first parkour that meets us only the most important thing is not to fall down because these boards are very poorly attached and very badly held everything looks good and we’re going through so the next test is very interesting because there you need to push a button to appear some hatches but now we quietly go on I wonder when grandma’s going to show up I can already hear a grandmother nearby from which we will have to escape I think she will come now and we need to do something oh my God here she is she’s the only one who’s asleep and better not wake her up oh my God she’s awake we have to get out of here so she doesn’t catch us how scary she is we have to get out of here I don’t even know where to run oh my God some button hurry up and press it to get away from Grandma she’ll open the door and we’ll Escape I hope she doesn’t run after us so next we run in this place to go further it looks like she has a stockpile of cookies that are very enticing children now I know why we have to get out of here so we went up and there was a door we had to get there oh my God there’s some big ventilation looks like we’re about to have a pretty tough test where we have to go through lasers wow how scary to fly here you will need to follow very well and be careful not to hit these lasers I want something interesting already because these trials are very boring next we hit some dungeon that we have to pass it is very scary here because there is a lot of lava and if you fall into it it will be very bad oh my God there’s a very scary post here that can be ruined you have to be very careful to get through it all I am very afraid of falling because it will be very painful to fall into lava the next test that awaits us is some threads that are laid out here it seems that they are very contagious and it is better not to fall under the thread next we have balls to dodge quite difficult to dodge these balloons but very cool and fascinating you don’t know when a new ball is going to roll and you need to rush to the next intervals we almost reached the exit and I think it will be very fun further we are in some dungeons it’s creepy in here and we haven’t seen that ugly grandma in a while so run on I hope that very soon there will be something interesting and I want to quickly get into interesting trials oh my God next thing I know we’re in some kind of race with Grandma you have to win this grandmother quickly to get away from her I hope she doesn’t catch up with us wow how fun it is to ride this machine I love it wow here are such cool accelerators I really like to ride very fast I wish I had my own car that ugly grandmother doesn’t catch us at all yay we almost got to the very end very interesting what will happen next we get into some house most likely this is the house of this terrible grandmother wow there’s another interesting parkour wow we hit some big slide how interesting it is to roll down here I would like to roll down this slide again it is necessary to go further to escape this grandmother it is very scary to meet her I wonder what is waiting for us further here we go up the stairs and then we get into some kind of ventil rather run there to go on there are so many ways wow there’s a pass on free cookies I think it’s better not to go there and it will be a trap wow that’s right I thought it would be a trap good thing we didn’t go wow there’s going to be an interesting test going on it’s got very powerful fans on and we’re going to have to run to get through it all very interesting what will happen next next we jump on some pipes this is a very difficult test because you will need to jump on small pipes you’ll have to work really hard to get it all through I wonder how long it will continue I want to completely pass all this and these pipes are not interesting it’s been a long time since we’ve met this ugly grandmother and I want more trials with her next we will need to jump to the height only very carefully so as not to start all over again very fun and I like to jump this is a very interesting event we have almost completed all platforms and now we be very interesting because we are almost to the end I’m really curious how we’re going to get out of here yay so we finally met this grandmother and she immediately woke up from us now we will have to run through this maze that leads nowhere unexplained the main thing is that grandma could not catch us oh here we have found a way out we need to pull the lever and lower this fence wow how beautiful it is here I hope Grandma will not run after us wow this is very unusual now we need to quickly jump over the obstacles again unusual parkour here is a very beautiful setting overlooking some lake with reads this is a very cool setting wow cool setting here you need to jump on different things in the lake but there is an unusual Nuance there are logs swimming and you have to fall on them to go further we’re going to go ahead and I think it’s going to be really fun because there’s a big cookie waiting for us I think it will be very interesting and it’s almost over wow You’ll have to defend yourself against the grandmothers who show up this is a very interesting test the main thing is not to lose to them oh my God they came from behind you have to focus completely on the task look completely in all directions so that these terrible grandmothers do not catch us we shoot them with those teeth and it looks really scary we did deal with them very well they are small and big only it is difficult to kill the big ones because you will need to shoot them three times as long as they don’t kill us they come from all different sides and it is very cool after all you need to be always on the alert so that they do not catch us it’s fun to hit them we’re so good with you we have already killed half of the scary grandmothers and we have left quite a few of them you need to try hard hard not to get caught on them as long as they don’t kill us because you don’t want to start all over again we almost killed them all and pretty soon I think we almost got through it all I think we can definitely get away from that terrible grandmother just a little bit left there are a lot more of them because it’s over this bazooka is very funny and I like to shoot we almost all passed Harrah we were able to completely pass all come on here we need to ride on the machine here we are already going to the end with this Co cool car I think that it will not be difficult and there will not be a scary grandmother we managed to get through all this and I really enjoyed it all going on harah we managed to pass it was a very cool test I really liked running from the scary grandmother and I’m glad we could Escape I hope there will be more such trials subscribe to our Channel and like see you soon bye hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox what we’re going to do today you’re all going to love it hello everyone today we will have the task to escape from school as well as from this evil teacher I think it will be very interesting to go through various tests for escape so let’s get started all right let’s go our first task is likely to get out of this office and we will do it with desks and chairs that are in this class now we’re going to put a desk like this and and then we’re going to put a chair on it and that way we can get out of this class through the vents this is really fun I love it now let’s run up the stairs to the next trials oh my God we hitd someplace in the ventilation room and we have to go through a small parkour to go further I Like It We Are Climbing Higher and Higher and it becomes very interesting to see where we will soon get to we climb the stairs and jump the hatches oh my God you have to push the button to activate the Air Supply wow how fun it is is to jump in this air I imagine I’ve learned to fly all right let’s move on I think we’re almost out of this vent area and we’re about to hit another one oh my God now we need to push the button and get up on the elevator how interesting these tests are arranged I did not even think that can do in schools rather we go up I think that we are very little left in this area and soon we will come to the school where the evil teacher will be in the meantime we’re going through the pipes to get to the door we hit some sort of utility room and now our job is just to get out of here with some stuff we’ll take the ladder and climb into this vent to get to the next test yay we have come to the school itself where can now meet us evil teacher the doors don’t open so we need to find a door that can be opened and passed I think we need to run after this man because most likely he knows where to go oh my God so suddenly the teacher left the class looks like he caught us walking around after the call run away from him we need to find the red key to the lock to proceed to the next test he’s here somewhere and beyond that we need to keep an eye on the teacher so he doesn’t catch up hooray there’s the key we’re looking for let’s get it and open that door the most important thing is not to get caught by the teacher we still need to escape from here we’re almost there good thing we didn’t fall into the teacher’s hands now we will calmly pass on the next tests and very interesting what will happen next oh my God we got in the gym there are such cool staircases very well equipped this gym very cool next thing we know we’re going to have to climb up some sports stuff and soon we’re going to be flying a zipline wo next we jump on some cool trampoline I really like it I’m so glad we’re doing this it’s very well done and our Escape Plan is the best I’ve ever seen we’re going higher and higher and now we’re going to the p test it is necessary to hit the moment when you can run so that they simply do not push us to the bottom it is very high hurrah we’re flying on a zip line it’s so fun to move on I’d like to fly a lot more than here next we have tests with trampolines you need to jump from one part to another with their help here we jumped to the last part and now we will climb the stairs I think that now we will soon get to the next part of this school oh my God you’re going to have to throw a basketball into the ring I think that now we should definitely succeed the main thing is to aim well you need to aim at the square to be sure to get inside this ring so we got through it and now we’re going to the door that opened oh my God we have come to a place where again we noticed this evil teacher you have to run away from it and I think the best solution is to run to the toilet because there may be ventilation it is right behind us we must quickly find a place where we can cope oh here is the toilet about which Pinkie Pie said and there really is ventilation let’s hop in there and get away from that evil teacher at last we have escaped from him and come to the next test oh my God there is so much here looks like we need to hit the basketball right at that Target to get this level so cool here all made I really like it run quickly up the stairs to find out what will happen next hurrah now we’ll be flying through the vents I think it’ll be really cool wo you have to fly over the lasers to get through this the main thing is to be very maneuverable so that we can fly through all these lasers and not screw up the last one we were able to get through all these lasers and now we’re going through the vents to the next level this can be counted for a little rest because there is almost nothing in the ventilation and you just need to go on it to get to the next test now we’re on some kind of sharp test where we’re required to drink some kind of energy drink that will give us a charge and we run fast I really like this assignment let’s do it wow this is such a cool band I like to run fast and past every element of this Lane because each of them is very amusing and works well maneuverability the cool thing is that all the elements of this path are very diverse and they are very interesting to pass there are trampolines and different pipes as well as manholes I hope that soon we will over come this Challenge and move on to the next hurry up I see that there is the evil teacher and we are likely to race with him now after the usual fast races we will organize races in fast cars this is very exciting I hope we can win it there are also various obstacles very cool only the evil teacher very well got ahead we have to get ahead of him because if we don’t win we can’t get any further there are a lot of accelerators here and most importantly we have have a lot of chances that we can beat this evil teacher the main thing is to look for Corners to shorten paths and overtake the teacher wow there are a lot of accelerators on this spot that we’re driving now the most important thing is that we almost overtook this evil teacher and almost passed this whole race with this opponent I hope he will not overtake us now we will go to take off it will be very fun because it is a huge slide on which we will come to the next test here we are already driving into some building and already there is a long awaited finish on which we will win this evil teacher so we finish further hope to be left with a little more testing now there will be a small Parkour in the courtyards but I think it is not very difficult you will have to go through everything there are a lot of scary spikes downstairs and the most important thing is not to fall down it will be necessary to quickly pass all this and I think that very soon there will be a battle with the boss there is very little left and we will escape from here yay so finally the battle with the boss and this evil teacher looks so scary in this suit we have to do our best to win it because all we have is a straw from which we shoot something now we’re going to try to shoot him completely so we can kill him quickly because there’s no other way he’s shooting at school stuff and you have to be careful not to get hit we almost beat this evil teacher because we are just a little bit until he dies Harrah we managed to defeat him and he exploded now we can get out of here get out of here I think we need to find some bus to get out of here here’s a bus we have to run on it to get out of here so we were able to pass all the tests to escape from here we are great subscribers subscribe to our Channel and like see you soon bye Hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think you’ll enjoy the game we’re playing today hello everyone I really like playing at ROBLOX and think I especially like this mode this is a test escape from Bobby’s Baby I think we should start walking choose the easy mode because this is the first time we are on this test and begin to pass I am waiting for a lot of interesting moments that we will really like here we are in some Nursery we turned off the lasers and go on we have to climb up the toys and go somewhere we probably need to get into the vent to pass the next test moving on in the ventilation you can hear the baby crying let’s see what’s out there oh my God we’re right above him in the ventilation we have to keep running so he can’t see us oh my God where have we come from this child is looking right at us it is necessary to pass all this part parkour so that it does not scare us so much anymore this parkour is very light and now I will easily pass it now we have to jump on the plane in time to fly it to the next test it was very easy and we were able to jump on it at the first try so we go ahead and then we have to push the button to open the hatches that we can jump through I’m starting to like this whole escape a little bit cuz it’s so special and beautiful hurry up here we need to jump over the usual turrets that are located close to each other and it is quite a simple task then we have more and more tests and I like this wallpaper of space wow there’s some cool wood in here I used to love playing them and I wouldn’t mind playing them now but we’re running out on Bobby there’s some kind of luminous bear but I think we don’t need to collect it let’s go there we need to jump on the sticks with marshmallows it is so delicious and unusual I would eat them agree it is very funny and unusual we are not jumping on simple plates but on real decorative sticks with marshmallows very cool oh the next challenge is a terrible Old Bridge wow now we will fly a real gun that will shoot us very far ah it was a little scary but we keep going through the trials now we’re going up it is very interesting what lies ahead because it is not clear when you go up what is on top it’s very mysterious and I like it because you don’t know what’s going to happen next then we rather run through the ventilation system I look forward to seeing this child again because I want to see him again oh my God we’re in the room where Bobby sleeps I hope we don’t wake him up we have run very far away from him and I think he will not wake up oh my God how so he has woken up and now runs after us run away from him so he won’t catch us I’m very scared we’ve already run a lot but he’s still running after us he’s so big he’s so much bigger than us it means he’s running a lot faster than we are we have to keep going yay I can already see some stairs and think that there will be a way out of here I want to get away from it already we wanted to see this baby so we saw him this child even climbs up the stairs the best solution is not to turn around because he runs very fast and no stops when will the passage to the next test be hurrah there’s some button that opens us away into the ventilation run there quickly and get away from this child h here we are and now we can have a little break from the Run we hurry on oh my God we jump right into it I hope there will be all safe and he will not eat us all wow even here there are trials it looks like he’s eating everything he’s got because there’s even a Lego it’s just as beautiful even though we’re right inside this baby the main thing is that we are safe and not as scary as in some dungeon there’s a lot of fun trials here and I love doing them we can even say that we are not inside the child but in some fairy tale where there is a beautiful Lake green we are already moving quietly to the next trials this parkour of course is very light and I want something interesting oh my God there’s a big ball rolling around and we need to dodge it there’s just some small spaces where we can hide so this balloon doesn’t hit us the main thing is to get to the moment when the ball just passed and hide in this very interval here we run rather in the next interval because the ball just rode I hope that it will not start to roll ahead of time and we will have time to hide GH it was very close and we ran in time here we are at the very end of this trial and begin the next there is a very beautiful path of Legos and now it looks like we need to climb on this tall tower I hope we will not fall from it it’s so long and Tall I’m tired of climbing it when it’s already the end of this Tower I want to see some interesting trials that’s why we’re here the test is on there are moving containers with some things and our task will be to jump on them and not slide to the bottom I hope that we will succeed so moving on and on Wow here’s where we need to get up the air from the vent I wonder why it’s green okay we’re up and then we have to push the button to lower the bridges we need to set this bridge so that we can grasp the obstacles I like such interactive tasks and I am happy to do them we will use one bridge to spend less time we have only one last Gap left where we need a bridge and it is very good at last we have been able to pass this test and can go on I think there’s a lot of interesting stuff ahead of us we run further and it seems that now we have to jump into some pit I wonder where it will lead us oh my God we’re already outside and it looks like we’re going to have to run fast it’s kind of hard to drive at this speed and you have to get used to it because for now we’re going to be falling into lava now everything seems to be going well and we run on it is so fun and scary after all it is impossible to coordinate normally at such a speed and you need to think less and do more so we just run where we’re told and try not to fall it’s a very fun interactivity here and I like to jump on these things at speed oh my God you can see in the distance the head of this kid named Bobby I think it’ll be over soon soon I see some kind of weapon in the middle and it looks like we’re about to start shooting kids who are going to show up the main thing will cope with this task or these children will take us to themselves well it’s a good thing there aren’t many yet but I wouldn’t want too many it’s very scary when they get close to you and you need to defend yourself so they don’t catch us I’ve never shot with such a weapon but we seem to be doing very well we beat the kids one by one and it’s very cool there’s onethird of all these kids left and we’re almost there already less than half of these kids are left and we’ve almost won them all it’s a good thing there’s not one big boss cuz I think he’d totally beat us and these little ones we’re doing just fine just a little bit left let’s beat them already girlfriends I really like to shoot this gun but I’m tired of holding it we have to beat them all and get away from Bobby hurra we were able to defeat them all ran more to the Finish Line where there will already be a point that shows that we were able to escape it was very fun and I like to pass all the tests I hope there will be more of these everyone we’re already at the Finish Line in a cool car and we still made it there were chases and passing the parkour and I fully enjoyed everything especially the last test we passed subscribers like and And subscribe to our Channel see you soon bye hello friend hello dear subscribers today we are going to play a game called Roblox and I think you all will like what we’re going to do today hello everyone today we will be at ROBLOX escaping from the terrible grandfather who will follow us during the trials it will be very fun and let’s get started let’s get started now we will choose the normal level of difficulty and proceed to the initial tests this is where grandpa sleeps and we need to get away from him I think this is the aisle we need to get into so let’s get into it and pass this test oh my God Grandpa’s up and running after us let’s get away from him oh my God I need to run away from him bypassing water with false teeth and he just runs through this whole liquid accordingly he is much faster than me we need to accelerate and narrow it down now we climb up the stairs to the next test I hope that there will not be that Dreadful grandfather oh my God where we are most likely this is the kitchen it will be necessary to pass all these tests now we are jumping on a very hot stove and the most important thing is not to get under the Jets of fire that heat this furnace next we need to dodge The Swinging broccoli which I don’t like it all now we’ve almost done all of this and I can see this grandfather’s face sticking out of the wall the important thing is that he doesn’t catch us there we need to go through the pipes now it is very scary to fall from this pipe because the bottom is lava and not really want to just cook in it so you have to be very careful to get through this and here comes the part that’s even more complicated than the last here the pipe is already moving and you need to catch the moment when it is best to run over it and proceed to the next test so moving on now there will be a rather heavy test because it depends on the speed of Passage we didn’t make it the first time we jumped but now we’re used to it and we’re going to get through it now we should definitely succeed because now it is clear that it will be necessary to jump at the very last moment to be sure to jump these obstacles that’s what we’re going to do here Falls a different food which is very much interfering with the passage and have to run it around we are almost done passing this test and now we will move on to the next now we’re probably in this Grandpa’s room because his Dentures are there and he’s lying there it’s very scary and the most important thing is not to fall down or he will catch us these chandeliers are very scary to jump because they are not fixed securely and think that they can fall down you here are the dirty socks of this grandfather we should run them all and forget about them now all we have to do is run over the thread that Grandpa is hanging his wet things on it was really fun going through the living room but I want to get away from that Grandpa we’re almost there and I’m very curious about what’s going to happen in the next challenge I hope there’s no scary Grandpa cuz he can really catch up with us so here we are at the next challenge and it looks like it’s a closet this is where we have to pull the lever to open the hatches and we can just jump over them next when we go up now we will go on a zipline it is a very cool thing on which very scary and fun at the same time the main thing is not to lose it next we need to jump through the lasers that are killing us instantly and go to the next test where we need to use the boards to build the Bridge Run quickly get these boards and put them where we need to make a passage I think it will be very exciting and interesting to build a bridge hurry up and run ah we will use the same board for all obstacles to save time and quickly pass this test I think it’s a pretty brilliant idea that not everyone will come up with there’s not much left let’s push it because we haven’t seen the old grandfather chasing us in a while I’d like to see the test with him now hurah now we are going up the high tower to the top finally I’m sure the end will be soon she’s so tall I hope we don’t fall off her going further I think we’re almost there oh there’s the exit go faster to be sure to pass all we get into some kind of ventilation by which we run for the next test I wonder what is waiting for us there Harrah how cool it is to ride here I love it I’m also very interested in what will happen next because it is not clear behind this wall what will be there here we are moving on so now it looks like we’re going to run really fast with these cookies I hope everything works out and we’ll run it through there is such a scary head of this grandfather it is very scary we have almost reached and now we are jumping on small platforms the main thing is not to fly from them because we have to start all over again next we’ll just have to leap over the big buildings and we’ll move on to the next trials the next thing we need to do is jump over the bridges that break under your weight it will be quite difficult so there should be a very good reaction and then we have the final part of the Escape yay finally we go to the final test in this escape and it seems that now we will fight against the grandfather himself I hope we’re strong enough to handle him so he doesn’t lock us up in his house now we will take the weapon that we will use to kill Grandpa and begin this task oh my God it looks like a big robot spider most likely you need to shoot this red dot it’s going to be hard to deal with him because he’s so big and he’s got spider robot armor but our weapons do a lot of damage to it so I think now we can definitely win as long as we run away from it we have already demolished at exactly onethird of health and we are quite quick to cope we need to continue at the same pace and we will definitely beat it don’t run to his feet or he’ll kill you he has very little Health left and there are still a few shots left let’s try and finally kill him and move on hurrah we were able to defeat him what’s next for us I think there’s a test ahead of us because we went through all the trials too fast hurry up and see what awaits us I am very interested I hope he will not be there here we are running on the Finish Line only we see grandfather sleeping there it seems that this is not the end and we need to run past him not to wake him I hope there will be no Chas oh my God he’s awake let’s run away from him or else he’ll catch us and we’ll have to start again I didn’t think he’d show up here again because we beat him at the robot fight let’s run along the slide to get away from him hope he gets off our back soon oh my God so we ran to some place and now it looks like we’re going to have to swim in the water to get there we sailed out of here to escape this Dreadful grandfather it was very scary to be here and think that I will not return here again but the trials were very fun and I liked everything wo there’s some weird purple water here and I don’t like it much but the most important thing is that it does not harm us and now we will safely swim to the very end of our passage we are almost there and I like it finally we managed to get through it all I am so glad let’s run up this mountain and we’ll finish this passage there is a very small part of our passage and it is of course Parkour in the hill it is quite complicated but we are coping with it because we have passed so many tests it remains only for us to complete this series we’re almost there and yay we got away from that Grandpa it was very scary and fun but I’m so glad we were able to get away from it and have passed many interesting trials so we passed it all finally and we took even a bronze place along the way this is very cool so we will end this series subscribers if you like this series like And subscribe to our Channel write your opinion in comments see you soon bye hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox you’re going to love what we’re playing today this is a very scary game hello everyone today we will be running away from siren cop it is so scary and I would not like to meet him in real life let’s try and get out of here wow we showed up in some very creepy camera with some man most likely he too passes this test we need to think where we’re going to get through this we had to get into that hatch and now we’re moving on to new adventures it is very creepy and everything is made as if a few decades ago here I do not want to be forever we climb up the stairs and there we are met by a pipe that has already been breached from which comes some deadly steam we will need to jump it oh and then we have spines that are used for cars so then we got into some big and scary room where we met the first screamer we were almost not afraid and now we run faster there’s some prisoner cells here I hope they’re not oh my God this siren cop is coming for us we must quickly climb from him to the stairs and go further otherwise he will catch us haha he can’t climb the stairs and we’re going to the next trials so next we need to pull the lever and activate the hatches that we need to run through to the next stage it looks so scary you don’t even know where we’re going when it’s dark hurry up and run along this pipe we have come to the test with suspended platforms that are lowered by lever we pulled on it and they went down it’s pretty easy and now we’ll get through it I wonder what awaits us further because there is only some door there there we will have to climb the stairs somewhere oh my god there are a lot of lasers that we have to go through very carefully now we rise higher and and then we have to go through some empty Corridor oh my God it is not empty and it is full of many people I think we should bypass them because they can kill us they have bags on their heads and it’s not clear who they are all right let’s not get into their personalities but the most important thing is to get pass them on the next test then we get on some very interesting test and at the same time very scary here these pitchforks fall so sharply and we would not get under them we’ll be very painful but I’m sure it’s easy to pass pass oh my God now we have come to some place where this siren cop lives we need to hide from it somewhere else or find a way out because it’s here right now oh there’s the Rope let’s get to the top of it I wonder where we’re going I hope there won’t be a policeman there oh my God we’re in a very scary and dangerous place because there are a lot of hanging people and you have to go through them how terrible they are they have already turned into skeletons it is necessary to pass all these tests quickly so as not to see all these Horrors I want to get out of here because this is really scary now we are climbing the stairs at last further we hit some sort of stairwell let’s hurry down and see what lies ahead oh my God we’ve got some sort of utility room most likely here you need to find something to get out let’s dig through various things and try to find something oh my God we were able to find the pickaxe looks like we’re about to dig something wow there’s so much space we’re almost playing Minecraft only in Roblox because we’re digging blocks I hope there’s not going to be this cop here oh my God I dug up the blocks that can’t be dug and he showed up now we will try again to dig and definitely find a way out of here the main thing is not to dig blocks with a cross because there is a policeman hiding there I wonder if there are many blocks or not it’s certainly very fun but I want to move on I wonder when I’ll get to the exit oh my God there’s the exit you have to climb the stairs to get to the next challenge harah we have come to the street and wonder what we need to find oh my God again this policeman we rather run from him to escape with this we have a little help tables I think there is a ladder somewhere to go up here’s the ladder and this policeman again lost the chase let’s go up quickly so that he cannot catch us there’s some kind of ventilation and we need to jump inside oh my God we’re in some room where we need to find a lever we were able to find this switch and now run faster I wonder what is waiting for us there oh my God we have entered the security room and we need to guess the lever to open the door I hope there will be no traps oh my god there really our traps you need to be very careful when choosing a lever I hope it will not take too long you have to think carefully about the lever before you choose it so I’ve given it a lot of thought and I think I need to choose a third lever on the right side oh my God it really has proved necessary and now we are moving forward with these tests then we get into some very big room and I think we need to find something here let’s start the search and not slow down oh my God we could find some key card we need to find the door quickly oh my God there’s that scary policeman again we have to run away from him and look for the door I think she’s in the other side there she is let’s hurry up and get out of this siren cop yay we’re rolling down some slide but we lost that cop it is necessary to go further and very bad that we have got into some muddy water now we are bad patchet next we need to go through laser testing and the most important thing is not to get caught on them because after that there will be spikes immediately we managed to get through it and now we’re in some very dark room with a strange liquid oh my God some Demon is chasing us we must run away from it but this liquid is slowing us down very much we need to get to the exit and run away from here Harrah we managed to get here and now we will run away from it here we will now have to go through and we are asked to pull the lever but when we pull on it there are lasers that cannot be passed through they’re probably fake laser that don’t need to be used now we will have to lose by dying from them and next time not to use them at all and go faster I wonder what will be there oh my God I don’t like these sounds again this siren cop it looks like we need to kill him with these lasers the most important thing is to activate them before he gets past them oh my God we did not have time well nothing now we will try it again the main thing is that we have time to kill him with these lasers and go further now we will run after him so that he will follow us the main thing is to do it very quickly so that he does not catch us hurah we managed to do it run faster I think that now will be the end of this escape and we will finally run away hurrah that’s it there’s a subway station and we need to call a train to get on it now we get on the train and pull the lever to leave how could we have done that and defeated that scary policeman I thought it would be impossible to do let’s take this train home I very glad that we were able to escape all these tests were very interesting and I really liked it I hope that soon we will get to the very end where there will already be a Zone where we can be in peace we finally got through this I’m so excited about this moment subscribers if you like this series like And subscribe to our Channel also write your opinion about this series in the comments see you soon bye hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play

This video, titled ‘My Little Pony ESCAPE Grumpy Granny in Roblox’, was uploaded by MLP Play on 2024-04-05 10:27:18. It has garnered 2558 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:05 or 3485 seconds.

My Little Pony ESCAPE Grumpy Granny in Roblox,Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle,Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, heir own minecraft server and play minecraft

MLP Play this is an entertainment channel where my little pony characters plays minecraft, SUBSCRIBE!

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    Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘PrimalCore mod tutorial. Guide. Primal Beginning’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-07-14 15:00:06. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:14 or 4694 seconds. The PrimalCore mod adds more hardcore development to Minecraft, complicating the processes that have become familiar, such as, for example, making tools, mining fire or leather processing. I tried to make for you the most complete review of the mod PrimalCore. It’s more like a guide than a review. I hope you like this format of my videos. You can also suggest… Read More

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    Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘they just gave up! #shorts’, was uploaded by ModernLegendsLP on 2024-01-15 13:00:19. It has garnered 2423 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. they just gave up! #Shorts #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #MinecraftMemes Game: Server: Gamemode: BedWars 📝Twitter📝 🎧Discord🎧 📷Instagram📷 🎬Twitch🎬 🎬Highlight Channel🎬 👕Shop👕 🎬TikTok🎬 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 3 of Building the History of Brazil #minecraft #brazil #portugal’, was uploaded by SlippingThree71 on 2024-04-08 16:49:13. It has garnered 432 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!

    New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fly with Me spider man #roblox #gaming#minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #fortnite #shorts’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-06 18:08:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • HollowRift SMP

    HollowRift SMPHOLLOWRIFT SERVER LAUNCH! ABOUT US: Welcome to HollowRift SMP, We’re delighted to have you join our Minecraft community. We do our best to give you the most overpowered Gaming Experience with various game modes like survival in our Minecraft Server. Reception to HollowRift SMP, the ultimate Minecraft server for Survival enthusiasts! Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Minecraft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a semi-vanilla survival server for mature players. Join our tight-knit community and enjoy features like Waystone, Double Shulker Shells, and more! Features: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invis. Item Frames Katters and Qraftys structure packs Master Stonecutter recipes More Food data pack Chest/Shulker previews /trigger gotospawn Treefeller Graves Apply to join: Application Form Server IP: Join our Discord: Discord Chat Read More

  • Survival 141

    Survival 141This is a basic survival server with gameplay as close to a vanilla experience as possible.Basic server rulesNo GriefingNo SpammingNo AdvertisingNo Cursing/No Constant CursingNo Asking for OP, Ranks, or ItemsRespect all PlayersObey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/HacksNo Full Caps MessagesNo Builds Near Spawn Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond or Netherite? Just flexing!

    Why stop at Netherite when you can mine your way to the moon and back for some space diamonds? Read More

  • Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale

    Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale In the world of Minecraft, where diamonds gleam, Our hero searches for them in every stream. But alas, no luck, no diamonds found, In the dark caves, where monsters abound. Siren Head lurks, a terrifying sight, In the shadows, ready to strike with all its might. But our hero, brave and bold, Faces the challenge, with stories untold. With each episode, the adventure grows, In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes. So like and subscribe, to join the fun, In the land of blocks, where the journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown!

    Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! Super Zombie: “I may be undead, but I still have better dance moves than all these stone-faced golems!” #ThrillerVsRobot #ZombieShuffle Read More

  • Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java

    Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java Minecraft Java | Medieval Mod Introduction Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an exciting adventure, especially when new mods are introduced to enhance gameplay. Today, let’s delve into the medieval mod that brings a touch of history and fantasy to your Minecraft experience. Medieval Mod Overview The medieval mod, available at CurseForge, transports players back in time to an era of knights, castles, and dragons. This mod introduces a variety of new elements, from weapons and armor to structures and creatures, all inspired by the medieval period. Key Features: New Weapons and Armor: Equip yourself with swords,… Read More

  • Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!

    Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!Video Information [Music] good morning afternoon evening and good night ladies and gentlemen I’m de videos welcome back to Hardcore Minecraft Ember and artifice I hope you’re all doing all right tonight it has been a little while about two weeks since we uh last played Minecraft we were working on our house if I remember correctly and uh we were just about to start preparing for the nether so I think we’re going to do most of that today Mickey welcome back to the stream how are you doing today nice to see everyone popping in rem you to… Read More

  • Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!

    Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back to a brand new episode of from the fog we’re back here on the world and we’re just going to jump straight into it um real quick before we get started I have added the backpack mod so if we take a look here and we type in backpacks We Got The Travelers backpack mod I’m not quite sure how these uh work like I’m not quite sure how you craft these um so to make a standard Travelers backpack um okay so is this what you need I don’t okay I… Read More


    MINECRAFT SILLY: CRAZIEST MOMENTS EVER!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SILLY (check desc)’, was uploaded by Japh on 2024-05-29 06:27:59. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:21 or 13941 seconds. IP: Port: 47970 Version: 1.20.4 Java and Bedrock Crossplay Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!Video Information I want to see your Minecraft maps I’ve been building semi-professionally for almost 2 years and it’s time to see what other people have been up to upload your Java save file onto Planet Minecraft and fill in the form below I’ll review them all in an upcoming video let’s hope I’m not too harsh on [Music] you This video, titled ‘I’m reviewing YOUR Minecraft maps’, was uploaded by MJ on 2024-03-06 19:50:09. It has garnered 488 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Submission form: This is an invitation… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! – EPIC SMP Battle!

    Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! - EPIC SMP Battle!Video Information जानना चाहते हो वो कौन है वो एक असली मन है दम है तो उससे लड़ सीन के रख देगा तुझे तू 50 गुंडों का सहारा लेता है वो तो 50 गुंडों को अकेला ही मार देता है This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @SkillsGamingYT’, was uploaded by Iron Gaming 29 on 2024-04-17 11:46:00. It has garnered 104 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR‎@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl  ‎@SkillsGamingYT @SkillsGamingYT @ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @PSD1 #minecraft , #minecraftsmp , #minecraftbuilds , #smp , #minecraftserver , #minecraftbuild , #minecraftbuilding ,… Read More

  • Escape Granny in Roblox with MLP

    Escape Granny in Roblox with MLPVideo Information Hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing in tonight’s episode hello everyone today we will have the task of escaping this Dreadful grandmother who will follow us through all the trials to escape hurry up and do it so we showed up in the first room where nothing is clear yet but we have a task and we need to find grandma’s cookies hurry up and look for them I think they in the kitchen somewhere there is also a door to… Read More

  • SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!

    SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!Video Information geiles Geschäft ne oh fick mich doch in Arschloch oh mein Gott what the was ein Safe This video, titled ‘Save #minecraft #twitch #gaming #memes #streamer #funny #mc #deutsch’, was uploaded by SchmedGar on 2024-05-02 14:35:02. It has garnered 2257 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Feel free to subscribe to my channel, follow me on Twitch, write a comment and leave a like! Discord: Twitch: Instagram: Donation: TikTok: Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpe

    Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-06 06:11:36. It has garnered 10320 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rap Animation – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft Rap Animation - Must Watch!Video Information [Music] f f f f f f f with the Cs f up with the fake love but the g b b I’m f up with the drama going to grieve my mama cuz I don’t think I’m do my f f f f f f f f f up with the drugs f up with the fake love with the gun of a go I’m f up with the drama going to create This video, titled ‘Minecraft Animation short #music#rap#art#song#hiphop#minecraft#shortfeed#short#trending#gaming#viral’, was uploaded by Ayan Ak gamings on 2024-03-28 11:03:10. It has garnered 2055 views and 85 likes…. Read More

  • Xaldin Edge Gaming

    Xaldin Edge GamingNow Updated to 1.20.4!! XeGaming is a community based friendly survival server with a newly generated world and our Egyptian themed pyramid spawn Xelantis! We use precious stones to claim a 40×40 sponge area so everything you build is protected. Check us out at That works for Minecraft, Discord , Website, Forums, and Twitter! Read More