Escape to the Digital Circus Hideout!

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welcome class it’s so nice to see you are you ready to learn yo what in the it’s literally the weekend why are we at school right now what’s going on well you guys have to go to class or else I might send you to detention okay I don’t know what to do we’re locked I think we should run Jack what do you think we should do you’re really smart at this stuff like dude what are we going to do dude I don’t want to be here I hate school let’s get out of here come on Lads let’s go this way I don’t think that’s a smart choice guys yo what the way she’s following us everyone go what is going on yo guys we have to run run guys she’s literally chasing us what is happening right now okay let’s go this way let’s hide in one of these rooms come over here oh no no no you serious right now oh no okay guys we have to hi in here oh oh the door someone left the door open I opened the door oh my good goodness okay there we go oh no not that door perfect there’s like a little TV here we could just chill here for a bit I don’t think this is a good idea blocky okay we can’t just stay here we have to leave well how are we going to get out of the school it’s like really difficult to get out if M light’s literally following us around well we could go through the exit we could go through a vent like Among Us like Among Us yeah Jinx what’s Among Us where are you you kids can’t leave you haven’t even gone to your first period yet yo I don’t want to go to school right now we’re literally like just kids and we want to have fun on the weekend what’s happening I don’t want to do this uh okay we got to think of something does anyone hear her footsteps do you think she’s close here uh why don’t you check onig sure it seems like to be a red oh uh Lads uh I she she’s red there oh yeah have fun man yo ja why did you close it on him bro no come come get back get back but she’s right here we got a good view she has no idea okay um you just yo wait she has actually right there yo everyone be quiet what is happening you’re the one who’s yelling dude you’re the one yelling right now literally wait who just sneezed sorry it’s really dusty in here come on you gave away I heard someone open up oh no wait I think she sees this everyone run everyone aard Miss go oh no no are you serious right now let me out let me out oh no okay uh where to next then um okay okay we need to Juke Mr light oh she’s right there oh no are you serious right now wait she should be somewhere around here I just have to make sure she’s not near here go everyone run oh no where do you think you guys are going wait why you guys going the other way oh no no don’t leave me alone this way you’re the one going the wrong way uh oh no where am I why am I all alone don’t we split up oh no Mr light chill chill chill come on it’s fun to learn why don’t you just come to class with me um no I don’t want to come to class what is going on right now dude get over here this way okay okay okay oh my goody goodness are you serious right now is this the exit is this the exit we can finally leave and you got to be kidding me we’re locked in we are literally locked in this school are you serious right now we can’t even leave oh no what are we going to do when this fence get here this is more like a prison than an actual School what’s the difference how does this how does this even happen do you guys have to deal this deal with this every day welcome to the average block buddy video oh no uh maybe we should go around the building maybe we can find a a secret room or something not so fast uh follow me uhoh run Lads run you guys need to get schooled school is for nerds bro are you serious turn now it’s going to upset her even more Jack why would you say that bro’s literally chasing us yeah but she’s chasing us bro she was going to chase us anyway stupid school is well the school system is really messed up so I rather not go I got bullied really hard in middle school I can see why are you serious right now let’s just go come on guys run wait how do we get back into school I think we might have to go back into school or something I think we might have to go the way we came there has to be some kind of secret I think we can come gum go that’s a strap that’s actually the strap bro hold on I’m going to do that use the Trap do oh yeah using the trap doors you can get on top of the school M delight’s almost here though come on G we got to go okay I’m not good at this oh wait oh oh come on oh stuck aren’t you guys supposed to be broaded come on what what broad eyed supposed to be smart I can’t get up hate this what are you talking about uh guys I may be in a little bit of a pickle wait what happened what happened pomy are you okay come here oh wait what’s going on guys come on let’s go can’t we just like leave her uh what wait what’s going on pomy no no no don’t don’t walk behind you okay don’t just don’t what do you mean don’t walk behind me pomy watch out pomy watch out oh what an idiot oh it’s fine guys just go on without me it it’s fine I’m smart enough to survive I don’t think that’s true but yeah let’s just leave her smart enough to survive calculus yo calculus ew that’s for gross people what’s wrong with you dude are you like allergic to math oh guys it doesn’t matter Mr light Lally chasing us we got to go just run go on without me it’s fine yeah we were you don’t need to tell us no we have to say po we I mean we really don’t though I mean to be honest but people love me she’s our friend we need to save her oh shut up bot come on what all right I’m going to save pomy right now okay here we go come on come on come on pomy come through here come on dig on dig on what P wait you could have just dug out on your own the entire time hello oh I oh maybe you’re not so bright I I am I was thinking of a way you know you got to think before you act guys guys ow ow ow oh no no no no why why did you guys leave me alone oh good job man you distract her we’ll Escape go ahead you guys let me alone with M she’s literally chasing me right now you kind of ran off on your own actually we’re all together oh we can use the cage to get up that’s smart what the heck I just got a sword bro what okay anyway I’m just going to keep going this way oh no I got to go are you serious right now oh hey man what’s up guys watch out watch out Long Way come back here right don’t you guys want to read a book we can read Pride and Prejudice no what E I can’t read I’m illiterate wait guys wait up for me I think we should um okay okay we got to figure out a way where are we going to go guys where are we going to go we can’t leave this school so we need to find a place to hide or something or like a secret hide hour look ahead it looks like a a courtyard uh okay maybe this wasn’t the smartest idea since you guys don’t want to listen maybe I’ll put you in detention uh what in the yo I’m not going to detention I’m not like that detention no my mom never put me in detention please oh wait who oh wait no oh no there’s literally Miss Delight clones are you serious or not guys we can’t just keep running we have to figure out a way to like secure ourselves and like maybe make a base or something we need to do something maybe you wouldn’t know how to clone yourself if you actually went to school I’m pretty sure they don’t teach that actually I literally passed math class what are you talking about I literally two plus two that was Kindergarten but anyway it doesn’t matter does this wax up want us dead or the I don’t know probably both Let’s uh let’s let’s hide in one of the classrooms yeah let’s go in one of the classrooms she not no bro she keeps finding us are you serious right now where are we going to go hiding in the classroom from a teacher is that a great idea uh I don’t know uh maybe she’s this blonde okay let’s just let’s pretend like we’re doing our school work we we’re do school she won’t even notice we’re here okay it’s fine um got my math test done and um just don’t turn around might these Mas uh a s + b s = c right here wait do she not even notice that it’s us she’s so stupid Oh wonderful you’re all learning well I’ll just let you do your thing and I will be on my computer but first let me just lock these doors wait what no no no no no guys guys I wouldn’t want any of you leaving guys let’s let’s go let’s go let’s just leave uh we got to go we got to oh gosh good going dude this was your fault Jack okay this is this was your idea um um teacher I have to go to the bathroom yeah I have to go too I have to go number two I’m sorry you should have gone to the bathroom before class this is an emergency please this is an emergency I have to go number two please any askers ew luy that’s nasty shut up Jack no I have to take a number two this isn’t funny I’m serious that’s just you had plenty of time to go during break I don’t want to do math I don’t want you to number two in here that’s disgusting okay everyone you guys are going to stay here until you finish your math test hey yo I I even know how to do math what the heck this isn’t fair don’t worry blocky if you need help just ask me but I can’t give it away wait 2 plus two oh this one’s easy okay five perfect I’m just going to sign that and there you go 2 plus 2 is five got to be kidding me what it’s five oh that was a warm I know one person failed question blocky and you’re not passing anytime soon what yo no what are you talking about are you serious right now Mr like you’re the worst teacher ever I think you might just be stupid man what was that well uh no it’s okay he probably RIS the short bus it’s okay I’m willing to give him extra help well I think these are pretty easy uh blocky your name is Right block blocky yeah yeah it’s blocky bro more like Blockhead really I’m I’m sorry that was mean okay that was pretty funny kind of funny here uh blocky let me just finish up my stuff and then I’ll I’ll give it over to you it may be cheating but I do not want to be here for eternity I’m not doing this stupid MTH problem I’m getting out of here right now right now we getting out of here luy luy wait I need to get out I need to get out and what do you think you’re doing what am I doing um nothing I’m out of here oh we have a way out L uh wait Mr light I finished I finished what are you doing get out but I got to turn in my test oh my God it’s the goodie two shoes so you really want to do this huh you really want to disobey Authority well I might have no choice but to put you in detention for the rest of your life lives um what in the M light you’re actually weird we’re not going to detention forever what are you talking about I have a whole life to live like what do you mean oh not with your degree honey ow ow ow ow oh no no no no I’m going to die I’m going to die too hard oh they’re actually going to kill me they’re actually guys where do we go hey guys I found a lever back there and I grabbed it oh you grabbed the lever okay perfect um what does that do though it probably to something well it’s a lever so let’s look for a door or something it opens there’s tons of doors which one do we know will it open oh no you serious right Miss like L right behind us she’s chasing us well here’s a door wait there’s a door right here uh for storage open it use it oh my good goodness we got to go we got to go oh no um I’ll just py come on we got to go where do you think you’re going guys down here what is this place what what is this hold on I’m getting stuck in the Cobb wait a give a where are we right now where are they wait isn’t that the thing TV man says oh yeah what where are we right now wait what are you talk who’s TV man yeah TV man was in the last video isn’t he he’s kind of gone now he’s kind of turn into whatever you are what bro I don’t know what yall are talking about I don’t even know what you guys are talking about rid to be honest never like that guy now that you mention it you guys kind of do sound the same bro what I don’t know what’s happening anyway wait there’s a creative switcher in here what in the what what we what can we use that for uh creative mode it’s in the name stupid uh well it turns on your creative let me explain J Let Me Explain I just I did what’s creative oh you wouldn’t know NPC dude let me just explain so I already did it turns you into creative mode okay whatever I’ll just I’ll just cry in my corner just hit the switch all right here we go and boom now I’m in creative mode wait guys I have such a good idea why don’t you inform us why don’t we turn this whole entire Place into like a secret layer so that Mite can’t find us and we don’t die because M light’s trying to kill us now because she wants to put us in detention and we’re not like going to go to detention oh we could make this like kind of like a a house or a secret base a secret layer can I have my own room yeah sure man can we just start yeah I want to make mine blue and red okay we can do blue and red but we’re not doing we’re not doing purple bro are you serious right now I do what I want really ja I’m going to do orange and green my favorite colors no no guys can we all work are you serious right now we all need to work together like what are we doing come on and also use reinforced stuff reinforced stuff’s better okay uh can I have um some blocks please wait you can’t get blocks what are you talking about well only one of us has the creative switcher oh okay I’ll drop a ton of blocks for you guys then here you go thank you thank you very much lad oh wait you can have that one all right here we go I’m going to drop some of this we’re going to get some of that some reinforced stain glass I’m just dropping everything guys so we can make this place really really really nice I call this corner bro why are we calling corners and we need to work together as a team so we don’t get caught by Mr life well as um a female I would like to have my own room just just saying okay but build one yourself it’s not not that hard what the lady wants the lady gets bro are you serious right now fine whatever whatever you want bro get out of my corner it’s not just your corner this is all of our biases oh it’s like four corners don’t make me c Kane again well if you could call Kane maybe you should have called him a long time ago maybe he could have gotten us out of this mess no he wouldn’t do that he’d think it’s funny BR where did these brats go I’ll find you eventually and I’ll make you learn until your brain stops working yo what in the sus bro are you serious right now why why is she talking like that does she really want us to like go school that bad bro like oh my good it’s literally the weekend we just want to have fun and we want to just like hang out with our friends like what yeah and I want to watch Block Buddies Block Buddies you know oh that guy I love his channel wait really yeah everyone should subscribe to block Bo Jack quit messing with the blocks you’re the one messing with my corner I called it stop no one owns a corner okay ja how are you going to feel when M the light comes and you’re L messing around with pomy you guys aren’t even like building you’re just like literally like trolling bro like you’re actually trolling buing well she’s the one trolling me I already had all this built and she’s trying to replace it nerd Emoji all right bro just we can’t get caught by Mr ligh or else we’re actually going to be in trouble so so uh blocky uh I have a question are you single yo what kind of question is that that bro it’s just it’s just um small talk you know here you can ask me a question that’s kind of like that’s a lot of information like I I mean I don’t know if I could tell you that like that’s that’s pretty like that’s pretty uh heavy H she is single no girl would ever like him bro what what are you talking about that’s a that’s a little harsh true though but uh oh Jack you don’t even know me like that bro I mean I have eyes I can see how you look are you serious right now dude why are you so mean are you really judging a book by its cover Jacks that’s what covers are for idiot okay this none of this matters P me stop fling with and Jack stop being mean bro we just need to focus on like making our base really reinforced I’m not going to stop being mean that’s literally my thing bro what I’ll just hang out with Gummy goo then if you guys don’t want to talk bro what are these colors dude it looks it literally looks like McDonald’s like what is this he he that was a bit rude you know try my best yeah what’s wrong with Mickey D’s bro bro why can’t we just like oh my good goodness why can’t we just all work together on the same exact colors and stuff why does the color matter dude you’re the one complaining because M light will be able to see that probably like what if she like sees it she’ll get mad she got to point you now we’re uh we’re kind of underground this is a hidden base after all yeah she if she saw it she’d already be here stupid okay guys we got to stop fighting blocky is right if we want to win this we got to work together facts nah yeah facts okay my head is hurting I’m going to go rest in my room you guys are keep arguing or whatever room you already di sounds good to me you got a room bro are you serious R how’d you get a room wait oh my good I actually have such a good idea watch this sure oh pill all right G get ready watch this so if we don’t want any people coming coming in here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to add this home security and I’m going to make a laser that’s a bit much don’t you think no because Mr light’s trying to make us do homework and I’m not doing stupid homework what if what if I actually walk into it and I get melted just don’t walk into it bro just don’t walk into it bro you’re an NPC though you might walk into it uh how will we get still don’t know what that means out though you just walk just walk around it’s not that hard well then couldn’t the person trying to ensure who just walked around no M delight’s pretty stupid so she’s a teacher I don’t think she’s stupid nah she’s pretty stupid yeah BL I think you might be the stupid one here it’s blocky not BL what you what what what kind of name is that he’s he’s Australian yeah whatever Roblox chill out bro what all right here we go we’re going to keep building these lasers right here and yo this looks so cool oh our secret base is so amazing guys I’m actually so excited with this um so uh blocky I actually have something to show you really important it’s super important like the most important thing ever okay wait what here I bet what is it yo what is this place uh here sit down what where did you get steak at um the supermarket how how’d you get to the supermarket right now like did you just bring steak in your pocket like what e no no I I I ordered it on Uber Eats um not a sponsor yeah not a sponsor I smell something is someone cooking in here oh P me pish sh uh Mr light’s right here what’s going on down there lad be quiet gumy goo doesn’t sound good shut your mouth you idiot all right sorry sorry is that did I hear someone speak no no one spoke stop talking dude sorry sorry sorry Roy get back here get back here okay okay okay I’m just going to hide behind this couch let’s see where are you she’s in this is not good this is not Skiby at all not skippity not ski what skib anyway oh my goody goodness I don’t know what’s going on um she’s still here where is she she’s in the base Jack’s hide I’m already hiding M uh M I’m you’re not you’re building M I’m kind of caught on uh can you do a action I’m uh help just be quiet just be quiet uh yeah maybe if maybe maybe they smell fear maybe she smells move it hide in the fridge can’t get in the fridge that’s not you would die if you hit in the fridge here let’s just go back to I’m go top of the fridge she won’t see me I’m blending in with the fridge look you don’t okay yeah maybe you know what maybe you do need to go back to school I’ll tell her where you are no no no no no pomy PNE it was a joke it was a joke chill oh pomy wait you’re hiding on this fridge too now what the heck uh yeah is there a problem Jax what are you doing hi I’m playing fortnite dude it’s more important I’m about to get a victory Royale Jack would you rather get your stupid crown or would you rather be alive it’s called a victory Royale but anyway it doesn’t matter when you put it like that I know I play Duos yeah I’d rather get my CR to be honest you got to be kidding me lad she’s the light’s kind of looking straight at you I see someone in there I got to get back in the fridge oh no no no no no ja she sees you oh no if M catches us we’re going to have to go back to school and we’re going to have to do all the homework in the world and we’re going to be oh my good no no I can’t do this don’t worry guys I’m almost done you can just distract her is someone in there I hear sounds no no one’s in here let’s go I won yo shut up were we doing again shut up oh hello little rabbit uhoh P me they’re right behind you they’re right behind you you rat Everybody Run Run oh no our secret base where do I go where do I go wait wa wait from where she came from this way oh okay go go go get back here wait where’s my creative switch where’s my creative oh no it went away oh no oh no I got to go are you serious right now wait what is this uh no I wouldn’t touch those don’t step on that okay okay I won’t step on these just don’t step on them get back here my beloved students come here my pupils yo what in the sauce all right we got to go come on wait wait wait hold on hold on where’s that one lizard guy oh there he is guys don’t leave me behind oh this is embarrassing uh Mr light behind you get him J you’re such a rat uh guys the bit of a isue here going to go back to school you just have to come over here oh that’s wonderful what are you doing okay what would you like to learn would you like to learn math would you like to learn science history p your into the lava bro are you serious right now you I don’t think we have time for this let’s just book it oh why is it purple ew yeah purple’s an ugly color excuse me an odd color like y Jack what is this place why is this all under our scool oh great this is a maze uh guys um uh maze like the amazing digital circus so funny so funny Mr light stay away stay away she right behind you stay away you know I’m just going to get a couple of my clones and then I can capture you more a couple yes a couple is usually referred to like two or so like a couple of friends or an actual couple uh uh oh ow the mellits are really powerful are you serious right now where are we going to go where are we going to go uh uh how do we get out I don’t know I don’t know well it’s a maze so we got to find the exit you idiots just run past them all I follow I know ow ow oh my goash are so powerful too are you serious right now okay um um I hate this oh my goash they literally could at Maes oh no no I can’t handle this many oh no no there’s way too many they’re going to kill me too they’re going to kill me they’re so powerful they’re so powerful ow ow oh no no no are you serious right now somebody somebody save that blocky fella oh he’s good I’m good I’m good I almost died though okay wait uh under yo guys I found the exit over here okay we’re trying oh come on wait what U I’m just up let’s get out of this trashy I’m crying oh I just ran into the w bom oh my B I’m so be fine we can just leave her no no we we can’t leave her oh no M light’s right here are you serious right now okay we got to go we got to go guys I found the exit what happened to not leaving her dude that scared me so bad okay py look there’s lava everywhere don’t fall I know I that’s what scared me oh no lock the door lock the door get back here lock the door lock the door oh look oh oh my gosh I just blocked it oh my goody goodness that was close wait did you say you blocked it yeah like as in Block Buddies no his name name’s blocky get never mind you’re not funny py uhoh okay wait what are we supposed to do here guys what is it uh-oh it looks like there’s armors wonderful armor that means we’re going to have to fight something I can’t anymore dope I love killing and violence is this a normal thing for y’all yeah we know not for me I’ve never done this before I’m just like I don’t even know I’m just stick here vibing average block buddy episode oh no so uh usually in like a life or death situation um people start getting closer together so do you may want to go on a date I don’t know what yo I don’t think this is the time for that oh yeah guys it seems to be starting sooner than later um so uh blocky what do you like to do in your spare time do you like to read do you like to write do you like to sing you like to dance do you like watch TV do you play fortnite I don’t know we’ve got more important things to deal with pomy shut up okay you’re just jealous I don’t want to date you you ugly little Ro why are we talking about dating right now who would ever want to date you oh my good goodness we need to fight these stupid people hey away kill them teachers are so people by the way they’re like Bots like gummig go you know no they’re teachers they’re literally teachers bro and teachers are my least favorite people ever they’re so annoying what about dentists or YouTubers uh uhoh no oh YouTubers are cool uh come on just keep fighting these M lights bro oh my good goodness they just keep spawning they seem to be on the trees what what do you mean they’re on the trees they’re on the trees oh they are on the trees wait it’s just one so it’s like that one war my M my M taught me about bro what are you yapping about the War of 1812 come on we got to fight the rest of these M lights we need to get out of here too guys how are we going to get out of here like how do we get away from them like our secret room obviously didn’t work should we make like another secret room I think she’ll just find us we might have to since the first one didn’t work hello okay guys just listen to me I actually have a goated idea what if we kill her that sounds really bad that’s what we’re doing right now right no we we kill the main one these are all NPCs yeah but the main one’s really scary and if we kill her like she’s going to tell the principal what what if she tells the principal what do we do oh shiver me timbers we can kill him too yeah we just kill everyone wait what does the principal look like is he scary I’ve never met him the guys I think I see something over there it looks like a lever on the wall looks like a what a lever what’s a a li it’s right here that’s a lever I’m going to hit it there’s a lever where where where where oh there is a lever that do come on flick it up and down that didn’t do anything there’s another one maybe we got to take it off the wall wait maybe there’s a bunch of levers we need to flick maybe it’ll do something wait where are the other levers on where where are they you got to look for them dude oh there’s one on the tree there’s another one right here on the tree I’m going to use my superpowers to do this ready boom Oh bro you have superpowers yeah look my superpowers I can climb walls it’s so cool pretty terrible power I have more Super anybody can do that I have many superpowers what are you talking about guys are are you like a wish um a a wish or Teemu Spider-Man or no no no you’re sleeping on me I have so many super abilities like you don’t even understand like I’m himothy I’m actually himothy like what I you’ll find out later on I can’t tell you right now because you know you know you just you can’t know I smell a Capper the guys there seems to be something in the middle now where what do you mean button look at the armor oh a button let’s cck it wait let me push it Let Me Wait no we shouldn’t push it what was that what was that did something explode that way out in the what that’s so cool we B we blew up the roof we can leave wait that just leaves one problem though we’re in the school but we’re still caged in the area are we though it looks like we’re outside no no you know like outside yeah we’re outside pom wait we are outside what in the heck we actually are he’s right like outside outside like really outside guys I I think we are in trouble now uh there’s a problem oh yeah there is there’s a lot of problems actually wait there’s actually so many wait why are there so many guys guys did your guys’s inventory get cleared too think you can just Escape School in the what wait my inventory got cleared are you serious right now okay I think we can out run them we better just we can just outr run them here guys follow me everyone follow me let’s go wait why don’t you just take care of them with your superpowers dude cat don’t you have like super strength or like agility or something well I have a different superpower every day so it’s different but I I have to figure out what my superow is oh I know what your power is is it super stupid that’s probably what it is today but anyway all right guys let’s go come on there’s my jump boost oh my go yo that’s so cool wow that’s actually really cool do you need like a every like superhero needs a girlfriend or something like that do you do you want to go yo what in well I mean I mean I I like that that’s a cool idea but not right now okay I have a chance Y at least I’m not the villain of the store let’s just get going yeah we got to keep going but guys I think we’re fine now I don’t think the Mr lights are near they’re going to jinx us every time someone says that they jinx us it’s like oh nothing’s going get worse then it gets worse uh let’s just break some trees and get some resources I guess in the meantime so we could like prepare ourselves as the M lights come back you jinxed us you really jinxed us blocky oh no who’s Jinx look look look look over there where we came from what wait hold on I’m breaking this tree right now what are you talk no we guys we got to go come on oh no are you serious right now back off don’t leave us yeah not everybody can jump like you dude wait for us I’m not leaving you guys I’m just leaving you guys not all of us have superpowers but okay I’m joking oh my gosh I’m just mad at Jack she didn’t believe I was a superhero that look like don’t you just look like a guy cosplaying all right guys I got four wood so with that I’m going to make a crafting table then I’m going to make a pickaxe guys guys oh my yo I can’t getat a break are you serious right now just get on top of a tray all right here we go I got a wooden pickaxe right here come on come on I need to get some Stone guys uh using my superpowers I’m going to be able to make a base you guys hold them off for a second oh oh right uh we don’t have any superpowers so take this uh the power of maybe if I yeah sure friendship getting a friends where’s ja not really doing anything they’re kind of just waiting going after me are you serious right now sounds good to me well blocky is going to die first cuz someone didn’t pass the math test in fact you got all of them wrong which is either pretty impressive or pretty stupid yo what in the bro what do you mean I think it’s pretty stupid ja come on dude why are you being mean to me dude a superhero who can’t even pass basic high school math what a joke he doesn’t even know two plus two it doesn’t matter when you’re a superhero I mean yeah sure buddy yeah you don’t believe in me jackon I’m going to prove to you that I’m the best and I can save the day go guys uh she just teleported oh my good goodness yo yo I’m climbing this tree I’m on the highest tree on the mountain wait wait actually I got to go over here actually never mind I’ll be over here perfect uh luy I’m kind of lost can you maybe help me how is she doing that okay pomy where are you I I’ll jump down I’m in the middle of a forest how is she doing that wait Jack how’d you get up here too I just climbed bro you don’t need superpowers to do that bro look at that that cool wow you can jump wow guys I’m I’m lost du up god pomy let’s hide in this cave all Jack I have an idea I have an idea okay okay since gummig and pomy they’re doing their own thing I say we go all the way over here jump into the water and make an underground water base then we just leave them right H we could do that too but I I think we should make an underground water base so I think she’s going to keep following us oh guys there you are gumu gumu follow I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea just follow me problem okay I uh lost pom uh it’s fine it’s fine we’ll fine don’t know where she is she’ll be fine all right ready watch this guys 3 two 1 jump get the water okay perfect all right we’re going to make an underground base now underw base or underground why not both true hey uh guys I don’t really appreciate you leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere oh no no no no no I’m losing health I’m losing health I’m going to drown yo yo Jack I need help oh you spawned perfect okay I need water I need water I need water okay perfect okay dude down here make an underground water base so we can get away from those stupid M Delights that are making us do our homework and it’s so stupid and dumb well it’s kind of good to just do your homework work anyway and I don’t know you were the only one who kind of failed py where even are you like what’s happening I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming we’re in the water in the ocean so I I know I know I know I’m coming oh wait where did you actually go oh great I’m lost again fine I’ll go go go g guys we’re making so much progress here look at this and oh P you’re here now perfect yeah it took me a while but I finally made it a craped Lads can we kind of extend this area that’s what dude we’re working on it bro just relax bro oh my oh there’s coal too wait oh we could to make some torch um white in the what are we going to do guys let’s just keep breaking and I I did find some coal letting you guys know again uh we have a slight issue no we don’t we’re fine there’s no one down here it’s not that big of a deal you might want to look through this hole big to differ yeah we we’re not just great plug it up plug it up yo what in the bro are you serious right now how are they here um I don’t know what are we supposed to do now yeah let’s just get out of here guys come on then uhoh uh that’s a problem whose idea was to make an underwater base again nice going idiot going to drown are you serious right now okay I there was a cave over here maybe we can go around here we’re not going to drown come go we’re not going to drown if anything we’re going to suffocate from lack of oxygen everyone follow me can everyone stop freaking out oh my good you guys are so dramatic for no reason that’s suffocating not drowning well I’m like a gummy lizard so I don’t really think I need to all right everyone follow me are ready three 2 1 run ohou my ankles all right guys I’m going to distract them with my jump boost they’re all following me everyone run run the opposite way okay they’re so heroic St oh I suppose later nerd what a baddy lucky you didn’t do your homework I’ll have to deduce points from your score oh no which will be quite weird considering you got zero I guess you’ll be in the negative number just fail me out of your school I don’t want to be there anymore you’re trying to kill me I’m going to I’m literally going to like oh no no no like uh get you in trouble for that school you’ll have to keep going and going till you actually pass that’s not happening py what is wrong with her bro that just sounds like tort we kind of oh oh okay J gosh wait over here over here oh my good wait I don’t even know where I’m going I think I’m leaving I think I’m cooked I’m actually cook wait what happened pomy uh I don’t know where to go oh my good good let’s just keep digging up and pomy you’re right here okay perfect okay perfect okay we’re back at the surface where are the others I don’t know we we’ll find them they might be still in the cave but we’re away from the midst of lights so looks like there’s none here so it’s just you and me yeah I guess so alone oh gumy go oh got to be kidding me oh finally I found you guys uh we kind of got lost so we kind of just head to the surface glad we found you I don’t know what Jack is though he kind of just laughed oh hey guys there you are there is Ja hey Jack speak of the devil uh guys we need to figure out a way to get out of here but those M lights they might still be around so uh maybe there’s like an End Portal or nether portal somewhere maybe and that could stop kill them be nice well yeah maybe we could actually like trap Mr to light in the nether or something wait that’s so smart or we can trap her in the end I think that’s smarter okay where are we going to find an End Portal though I don’t know maybe there’s one around here let’s just check maybe there’s a dungeon or something lava there a stronghold yeah guys let’s just keep looking wait it could be over here yo there’s literally an End Portal right here oh bro that dog went in guys should we jump down I want to save the dog I want to dog save the dog in the end right now maybe missed the lights in here that would be pretty crazy right oh no where’ the dog go don’t jinx it dude all right let’s go check is this like another it’s like another Universe what’s actually here I I thought it was just going to be a joke no um not all of us have super jump blocky no now just build oh yeah I forgot you guys aren’t superheroes like me more like a super zero Jack be nice to him at least he has like way more muscles than you do you’re basically a stick there you guys are I knew you would go to the end well now you have to turn in your homework oh no are you serious right now they’re everywhere bro oh no oh my goody goodness guys we need to fight these M Delights but I don’t know how we are without any resources or materials or anything uh I just have a bone why don’t you use your superpowers dude wait guys yeah you can become one punch man right should I use my superpowers we’ve been saying that uh yeah more superpowers are you like the main character or not know who I am bro I’m literally blocky bro are you serious right now never heard of you I have no idea who you are all right I have my super strength on and die wa look at you Gite what did you just do get rid of all these molit they need to be gone oh my good goodness I tried everything but now I have to use my superpowers and Destroy them why didn’t you just do that from the start then no because I didn’t want to use my superpowers it’s like not cool wow you’re so awesome you can’t keep spawning them Mr light I’m going to kill you get oh no you won’t I won’t be schooled by some idiot uh bro well that’s really messed up I’m going to tell the principal that you call me an idiot well you are an idiot dude I’m going to tell the principal ja you want miss the light side like what is wrong with you bro bro it’s just the truth man it’s just the truth man guys we need to work together we need to get that blocky fell to get to be able to punch Mr life okay okay I’m trying to punch her but I can’t she keeps running away bro she’s being a baby how do we stop us let’s just round them up distract us somehow Jax be annoying how am I supposed to do that ja talk about v-bucks dude talk about the history of fortnite v-bucks let uh no weit blocky talk about like uh say equations wrong try to do math oh I’ll talk about I’ll talk about the low taper fade I’ll talk about the low taper fade what what imagine if ninja had a low tape of face okay just keep talking keep talking we need to annoy Miss Del we need to miss annoy her oh who’s saying that that hurt my ears you are off key and off Pitch kind of were you really were just saying oh my good good she keeps sping them and I can’t get her oh my ah ah no tapa fade I can’t kill her my ears hey Mr lot your teaching skills are terrible God I bet you couldn’t uh just you have a I got it got it took you long enough oh my good good crazy yo G me give me a high five bro let’s go Bud you straight up killed them man nice I was just trying to give him a high five what don’t worry about it he was an AI anyway K can just respawn him I mean he won’t have any memories or whatever but that’s fine well we killed the M lights that was more important I don’t even know who that is EXA um yeah yeah but uh anyway uh you want to go on a date or something maybe I don’t know uh yeah sure guess e can we just go to the outro oh yeah sure I guess so thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe subscribe everyone please we need them please subscribe

This video, titled ‘I Built a AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS Room to Hide in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies on 2024-05-09 10:00:19. It has garnered 28744 views and 572 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:00 or 2100 seconds.

I Built a AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS Room to Hide in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Dash, Omz, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

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    EPIC MINECRAFT STRESS FESTVideo Information I can’t lie bro y’all got to like this up this got to be the most stressful video I’ve ever recorded in my entire life yo what’s up guys as you can clearly see yeah we put on some Shader packs I’m not going to lie I ain’t even test it yet I mean I seen it but I ain’t even test it in game okay oh okay all right bro that’s that’s a little too bright I’m not going to lie to you but okay bro hold on my render distance is mad chopped but hold on… Read More

  • 🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!

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  • Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerz

    Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerzVideo Information केलिए मिटने वाला है और हम अपना बदला लेने वाले हैं तो गाइ भागने के लिए तैयार रहना इन थ्री टू वन लेट्स गो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो लेट्स गो विजय भाई शायद This video, titled ‘Minecraft server distroed 😂😂🤔😙😙#technogamerz #proboiz95’, was uploaded by Teddy bisht on 2024-02-19 12:24:45. It has garnered 515 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775

    Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775Video Information go live I didn’t press that go live button oh I’m stupid you’re so don’t say anything stupid all right you ready all right Manny you got this right oh just please be family friendly I’m family friendly streamer here as well yeah Dylan I’m not well I am but you know there’s a little bit there’s a little there’s a little room I’m unmuted hello everyone man here why why stream no start stream you not right it’s it says it’s started does it is it started for y’all oh there we go poggers yeah it is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!

    EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get super busy as we dive into the productive bees mod hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today I want to get into batana that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it now we have started a ton of mods in this pack and we now have tons of ways of generating resources but there has been one mod that I have been kind of neglecting to get into but today we completely… Read More

  • Can You Guess Who’s Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #Sharingan

    Can You Guess Who's Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #SharinganVideo Information [Music] ding ding [Music] ding This video, titled ‘Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime @narrowdude333′, was uploaded by NarrowDude on 2024-03-04 13:39:54. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime ‎@narrowdude333  Title: The Enigmatic Eye: A Minecraft Build Guessing Game Introduction: In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can build anything from simple houses to intricate landscapes, there exists a game that challenges players’ observational skills and creativity – “Guess… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shortsVideo Information [Music] everything’s perfect here and the sun is shining hey everything’s perfect here there’s nobody crying I got a bad feeling about This video, titled ‘Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aakib Playz on 2024-04-16 12:29:01. It has garnered 12937 views and 488 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft Inspired: @PROTER Song: @JagwarTwin Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, parody, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and… Read More

  • CLE2 Gamers

    CLE2 GamersWelcome to GraceCraft, a warm and welcoming Christian Minecraft server where players of all ages come together to build, explore, and share their faith in a positive and inclusive community. Our server is founded on the principles of love, respect, and fellowship, creating a safe space for players to enjoy the game while embracing their Christian values. At GraceCraft, you’ll find a family-friendly environment where kindness and cooperation are celebrated. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a wholesome atmosphere, making it a perfect place for players of all skill levels to engage in creative endeavors, survival adventures, and collaborative projects…. Read More

  • ZynnCraft – Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join the ZynnCraft Minecraft server at Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win experience Join our discord: Server Trailer: Server Overview Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, offering a classic Minecraft experience with unique twists. Now on version 1.20.6, supporting Bedrock players! Join us at and be part of our community today! Read More