Etoiles – Replay et VOD – Petite soirée au Lucky Ducks – QSMP Minecraft #137- QSMP Minecraft #139

Video Information

Foreign oh is only zombie Sandberg oh no oh hello exactly it’s so nice to see you foolish too foolish you have a new sword yeah it’s like uh look oh wow look interesting it’s interesting interesting and like so how much better is that sword like a regular song uh

Like it’s the difference between the Specter and the vandal oh [ __ ] like like true like it’s it’s exactly the difference it’s exactly perfect how was your week um mine are Tina’s the the two the two the two the two oh good good nothing too crazy nothing too different

Oh I I think like you you had a great time like for me you have real life person that you go outside you smile to others [Laughter] Yeah sometimes more than him you touch grassa yeah more than me yeah exactly you agree I love to go outside and and you yeah actually it keeps happening on accident I don’t even mean to don’t lie to me don’t just say yes to everything because you have friends look at you oh Why exactly exactly every time I went out it was because it was a meeting Force friendship and it was a good meeting good meeting I was being a business girl you know you know business business suit and Ty and bookcase and business okay it’s my Jay-Z impersonation I

Remember that part it’s good it’s cheesy is that part in this I don’t remember it’s the it’s the verse of Jay-Z like uh you don’t know I think you don’t know music it’s your problem I don’t it’s a problem yeah but we only know a few songs what’s your favorite artist um

I don’t think I have one uh do you know I have a favorite artist and you do yeah and my favorite artist two days ago I was at like 200 meters of a private concert to go and I couldn’t go to the concerts because the security said you can’t

Enter even if I had all access I wanted to kill myself Tina I was in front of the security I was like but I have all access badge and they say but no you can’t access and oh my God he doesn’t know what all access means exactly Alexis is maybe too difficult to

Understand so yeah maybe he thought it was small access pass ES hahaha smokes holding the bed wrong and you covered the front and he thought it was small at 12 they need your dungeon expertise and you you don’t want to dungeon oh um no I’m down to head over you know I’m

Just working on a road right now why not good let’s have a little fun okay you you don’t want to be with me what do you mean I just agreed to it but foolish part of that was not foolish let’s go in the party tomorrow I take your plane

Oh wait take a plane it’s like it’s like one hour wait what do you mean wait where are you wait huh but if I put two fingers in my head I can teleport like Naruto oh you can teleport yeah yeah I can okay we can go outside like here in like in

American type food like in and out yeah burger California exactly like your uh why why are they do you have like some strange line on the I think it’s strange I’ve got strange lines but not online oh I don’t see any strange lines it’s I don’t understand why oh it’s it’s maybe my

It’s been my obs maybe my streaming okay okay guys I’m going to help feel okay my screen disappeared oh you don’t need it nice my my screen my screen is down I can’t see this screen is down oh it’s all can’t see it’s okay in the middle finger uh my screen is dying

Oh God Okay oh okay I’m going to I’m going to write blindly oh that’s okay okay everything is breaking no that’s okay this is cool we’re here we’re here for you man I’m dying can’t tell but they’re giving you a hug it’s gonna be okay but the problem is I could

Repair my screen I I have no trousers I mean sleep I mean like you know underwear I got are you in your underwear yeah but like so I I got like stand up I got I could stand there but how can I do I think turn off your webcams

I think it’s just even what if you needed a bathroom break but I will I will get laid I will cut my camera but I got cut because my obvious it is in my screen who is playing it okay cool oh my god oh yeah yeah if I

Could okay I’ve got the play I’ve got I think I’ve got the place underwear okay I’ve got to play income monitor went black he is trying I’m repairing set and mouse So he has to be careful how he stands hopefully they can’t believe him I’m in shock okay guys can you listen to me I can’t hear you it’s repaired I’m engineer I’m an engineer good work guys in his underwear uh I uh okay I have I think I’m the good

Okay because everything is working how about your mouse sir how good how are you I’m I’m really good uh why are you why are you scared everything is fine I’m scared um I was thinking you you hated my presence what what do you mean uh I I was thinking like you you

Preferred having me a logged off oh where is this coming from uh I don’t know maybe uh maybe no trust are you okay did you get damaged in your head [Laughter] no it’s okay can you hit me hit me please so I remember I exist like hit hits okay everything is fine okay

What are you saying thank you thank you Mouse Club I like you at all me too me too it’s a it’s a CSC uh me too me too himself as well I’m not streaming because I’m sick I’ve been sick all day no but but you are you are with us and

You’re the best I hope you you will be well we went to an Airship and I didn’t die let’s go but it’s it’s it’s easy for you I think the only thing like the only thing you can lose in This Server if they if they do slash band iron Mouse

I think it’s the only thing but they want that they won’t they won’t though oh what is Phil Phil okay I’m not naked now okay guys I’m going to help uh see you in a few moments by helping thank you goodbye goodbye okay guys because you you don’t want

Because you you don’t have trust in yourself I will do a valorant Lobby and if if you and if you don’t go in this valorant Lobby I will like stop my my streaming channel so you will go inside okay you will play um It’s gonna be awesome day today I can feel it yeah yeah to be nice take it Bell straight from strafing straight things straight it’s from the most powerful place I’m doing fine I’m doing fine I’m coming I’m having the Best Day Of The Iceman Thursday what is yeah yeah what’s happened

Looking for clues about the eggs and we found this place and I was like oh [ __ ] it’s the place we found YouTube that we went inside we found a bunch of weird [ __ ] heard some footsteps came back out the only thing I had was a book that

Said some things it looks like it was in the possession of her man but we don’t know where her man is it was something that he had at a prison but the prison is 100 000 blocks away and you have a hundred thousand blocks

So I want to know if you have of the one that’s at negative okay did you take forever drugs okay fish the fields I missed you I hope everything is fine okay second thing you don’t know okay okay okay okay my bro I killed him I killed the

Business I killed the hardest God in the island and I have this sword of the code and it’s full like like do you know when you if I do comparison my ancient sword was like pew pew my sword this one is look at the damage look at the damage hit me

Look at the cooldown oh wow that’s sick fast it’s really quick oh oh it might be drover boys oh oh okay half a heart I’ll take that no wait I’m here why are we playing the bully my ass game [Laughter] thank you so now you have the shield and

The sword is this like is the sword like broken or is that just how it’s meant to be it’s it’s he it is broken actually I’ve got two parts I’ve got this part broken blades and I think I missed the last part but I don’t know where is it

And I have too much pieces yeah exactly I’ve got too much things to find in my life so heading this is annoying but it’s okay uh okay so we talked about you we talked about me we don’t give a [ __ ] can we please go to the mission uh what is this

The coordinates uh minus one seven point five seven points uh K minus 50k that’s where we need to get to oh oh okay I think I have it um not far away I think I have negative um okay I’m going to put the the way of

It uh it’s it’s 100K at the beginning oh I’ve got the why me I think no I think it will be far can you give me like the x is one point is one zero seven one zero seven point five okay okay oh negative okay I think

They did exactly the same thing of my shield they take the way Stone I actually have and they grow in the opposite direction they they actually did this for the shield and I think they did exactly the same thing for this because it’s it’s clever it’s exactly in the opposite

Direction when I when I went but that’s funny damn enough time to walk boys see you in 10 days when you reach your destination but let’s try it I I think we can try you did a great job during the race I watched oh thank you oh yes that was so

Funny thank you thank you thank you everyone yeah oh thank you that’s really kind of you it’s it’s it was a little bit stressful because I’m not used to do this but uh it was really fun today you didn’t show it that you were stressed everything was perfect thank you thank

You you’re really kind and yeah yeah they are they are like they hate us it’s really far I I think I think we need to find another like it’s like the shield The Shield it was the same thing and the the clues were were in in another place

So I think we should like tell the Federation to come to fight us and we have the solution Federation you are yeah let’s kill let’s kill let’s kill some Federation members I am also strong yes oh yeah I must show you the oh you think I discovered just

Can I can I just recommend that we all go to spawn real quick oh not to fill in Misa to to see something let’s try it yeah let’s try another let’s go to spawn okay we should try nether no look at this beautiful spawn as well I went to really

Work I can yeah and and that’s why I started doing the Democracy poll that people just uh destroy it hello mister I don’t like democracy I feel like I’m like looking in a mirror right now why are you happy right now this is the best day of the iPhone

The eggs are missing and you are celebrating the eggs yeah oh everything on that is just fine like the eggs are just sleepy everything will be fine today oh wait my brother in Christ you have been brainwashed no oh look at that smile I love to be the Joker Joker [Applause]

Remember who you are whatever you know what fine wait did I say I ordered the president I ordered a pizza oh okay good good I was gonna say I didn’t order the president to do Jack shitty I mean I don’t think he’s capable of doing jack

[ __ ] but like yeah no he’s he’s still dumbass is he up on top of the wall don’t let Me know encouraging him you know fit I have the solution for Mr President no don’t even think wait what is it oh you want to test it what is it what is it take it away from my ship come come here come here oh what happened wait no not by tallulah’s tree

If it’s gonna do something bad well not like necessarily it’s happening oh well actually wait have you seen this before Mouse I like um yeah you like destruction right I love this one be careful I’m doing your trick okay it’s like I don’t move you’ll be safe and I think about my life

Yeah it’s it’s a really cool trick because it’s giving me like attack poor because I remember all the people I love in my family and it gives me like attack poor like I take it’s an advanced it’s an advanced anime backstory episode exactly there’s a really big power up the next

Episode exactly like you’re every time I remember my mother saying to me today is going to be a great day and I’m thinking of it thanks to this I’ve got 30 Arts oh because of your mom exactly my mom gave me 10 arts and I’m like whoa

Oh wow yeah yeah your mom must be so good at Minecraft exactly she she she’s really good at pakura she dungeons with you and makes you the leftover heart she picks her son please give this to the goddess statue 30. and you say okay Mom exactly exactly like and you say what’s for

Dinner mom and she says avocado yeah and she’s saying oh it’s a really good situation I don’t understand why people are scary because we are going to win like every time like people are people are scared but it’s going to be like every time we are

Going to win and take the heck back and they’re just screaming in the background yeah yeah but we don’t give a [ __ ] about them everything is not gonna be okay oh my God please focus focus focus guys focus focus oh my God you’re focused oh my God I’m stay focused okay okay oh

You’re too [ __ ] you’re too focused okay I’m feeling better okay let’s go let’s go let’s go imagine if you drink like the drugs forever has been on I think you’re gonna be maniac your focus don’t Focus yes I’m very focused you’re focused okay let’s go [ __ ] yourself Um is everything focused okay okay yeah if I do it you have to do it I’m pretty focused okay you need to focus on your life Focus focused hold the shield hold the shield I’m holding the shield well played well played yeah if I go like this if I go like this okay

Turn the shield under Shield let’s go well played we’ll play next okay if I put this if I put this can you react can you react if I put this about twice if I do this yeah okay thank you thank you okay I almost died I took one heart but everything I fall

Here you’re really good at gaming don’t you know why there’s a hole there oh you know you don’t say that you don’t say that you’re really good at my gift video games video games video games video games video games video games I love video games are you focused what is that noise

I’m hitting I’m hitting this sandwich like you’re at the server for like six years why do you still have this [ __ ] oh I I actually have a oh this is my best weapon okay please oh please take this at least oh what is this oh nice nice the [ __ ] is that

Nice beer don’t hate my armor too much because we don’t have many experience since the admins decide what’s the fault of the Federation guys This is Lee nice new sword idiot oh my God where are these coming from the mobs Can you can you please please remember to have a train it’s funny to Nerf everything but can we have fun Let’s go you don’t make damages condoms condoms coming coming no worries and let’s kill foolish now just wants to kill people I won’t yeah he just he just stabbed me in the toenails with a stick do you have a normal um oh no I guess they don’t

When you go outside in Minecraft you put closets too like it’s oh like it’s the objective a job well Oh it’s a chainsaw oh it’s you wait there’s music why is there music inside [ __ ] oh oh Jayden do you have armor yes do you need help yeah Mama okay all I’m missing is a helmet so what I’m missing what do you want you got a slime helmet going I’ll take

It oh you want a slime helmet oh I I have yeah I have only one um I can I can give you this oh thank you thank you oh my god thank you it’s a good [ __ ] okay okay if it feels like being amazing another day in the office that’s

Annoying that’s annoying just giving everything everyone everyone gets the thing so just everyone’s boxes you’re on my side here Phil what do you saying that means nothing everything so I can log off the server because they can’t kill me they understand that the best way to kill me is remove backpacks let’s go

Yeah that’s so true that’s too broken admin admin he’s flash postings that means that you could that means that you could have a house now a tour you could have a house dude if we don’t have it in my basement you could live in my basement if we don’t have backpack

You will never see me again the only way you can see me is going at twitchcon man no wait are you going to Vegas I will yeah I’ll see you in Vegas then right silly you’re going to Vegas right you’re going to Vegas he’s throwing he’s throwing he’s

Throwing get him I already planned the vacation miles bye Jaden I’ll rip thank you my time please oh wait how did you die I don’t know be careful because oh my shoes hello I’m good did you get to see my shoes oh no ah the tree yeah you better fix

This okay everyone comes back in season he’ll be furious yeah okay to the treadmills okay slow mid Max okay okay genuinely like we wouldn’t do this if the eggs were hanging up Okay oh connected foreign that doesn’t sound like forever yeah yeah that’s what I was saying he’s normally much more miserable pros and cons everybody wants to be my own company oh I think they put good statue um Okay so like what is that everybody wants to be right this is really chaotic right now um I was working on my cucarucho task oh nice like I barely got started everything a great job on the spot foolish is looking good wait what is the tasks we’ll help you feel better but like

Basically by doing cool things decorate the spawn padding dungeon exactly like like cool things to make a warm decoration it’s perfect Foreign ah I’m so quiet um it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me [ __ ] Jesus God Max me it’s me actually can we go in you try it yeah yeah yeah I was it was the best day of my life and Jesus Christ man give me a heart attack

As well I was like oh wow holy [ __ ] to go through it will be my dream and do you know what happened when I’m bored I want to do stupid things but I think why are you bored I’m bored because I’m bored okay well played man Make your own damn fun why are you boys I put creative Motors and I say oh I don’t understand it’s not working for like 10 hours okay okay that’s it we’re beefing now we’re beefing okay we’re [ __ ] basic no not like that he’s just gonna kill you

Okay okay we are going to play a game no no we don’t need to play any game in fact you hit me and I will tell you when I’ve got minus five Hearts Let’s Go it’s a game this sucks I’m thinking about this game [ __ ] sucks I hate this [ __ ] game

I hate this [ __ ] man this game [ __ ] sucks this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] game what about [ __ ] game [ __ ] game [ __ ] going on this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] game I [ __ ] hate this game don’t even ask me what happened this is a terrible game did you go into The Nether no it just

Spawned it just appeared oh this game [ __ ] sucks I hate this game wait guys I just realized my girlfriend good job I have the exact cords for the prison I have the exact chords for the president okay okay let’s go oh [ __ ] okay okay pop off yeah guys yeah I will

Guys I just found the exact chords for the prison right in front of you I found what did they do did he do anything they’re Road Runner shoes so they make me run really fast on Sand Nice Kicks wait um yeah we can play music foreign bother you

Do you think I should meet North silent in public okay I um what they could backpacks okay guys I’ve got a joke foreign toxic ity from Instagram I told you that means monster it’s exceptional this is foreign Oh zombie clown oh no not Mouse my screen is dead we must protect you my screen is dead and I’m in underwear so I need to deactive my my logic my camera yes I don’t put pants with ice cream I’m not like okay what what what what

One you’re wearing trousers why are you wearing trousers because you because if you if you wear trousers you you lose speed what that’s right that’s very true it’s very true what in real life yeah you lose speed in real life yeah have you ever tried running back why are you men

Maxing real life like uh like my speed is like 25 I’ve got 25 base speed and in real life yeah in real life and you’re not wearing trousers and if I wear trousers I’m not feds and I uh I’ve got like I think 10 speeds um use your personal trousers on

Yeah anything as a friend you should put some trousers on cake yeah okay I think it’s a good idea you don’t have to listen to him if you don’t want to wear trousers you don’t want to accidentally like [ __ ] leak lick your knob and [ __ ] like put some [ __ ] trousers on but

Why why is my is my screen building okay I’ve got it poop s holy [ __ ] let’s go let’s go put some [ __ ] trousers on put some [ __ ] trousers now taboo I’ve got a question why are you laughing at me when the first day of the server you said I will keep my ten

Hearts and two I have ten Hearts I have ten Hearts okay you got ten Hearts okay yeah to which dot TV okay I don’t give a [ __ ] about me again If you want to ban me [ __ ] get him out the stream get him out the [ __ ] Street oh the sympathy everybody wants to be my enemy foreign Nintendo I play I play uh I play uh um the orange one played no no you didn’t get it we’ll play it for the Existence

You are existing well played yeah yeah let’s go fit let’s go you’re existing too okay it means it’s not here yet faster faster faster oh you jerk faster oh yes I also have a looting on this thing now let’s go let’s go faster I got the gamer guy in my column s It’s good foreign okay next one I keep falling um I will be but a second keep me alive Shadows give me a live Chatters can you please can you please put cake W in the chat to have fun channels my name is Turbo and I love to entertain

Well I don’t know what to do I entertain my name is Turbo I’m going to go back to my chair say you’re gonna order a pizza so you’re gonna order a pizza nice outfit fit nice outfit thank you thank you oh oh outfits I mean

I’m not as fancy as you oh you you know you know I would fit together [Laughter] now your favorite thing is Instagram I love Instagram and avocados and also nice clothes I love nice cookies too I’ve got to I’ve Got a Brand oh he’s oh you do yes I’ve got t-shirts

But uh yeah oh I want an edible t-shirt okay but I think it will be longer to have them I wonder why uh I can send you the T-shirt but I would I would like to swim a lot to do like to live if I must bring you the T-shirt

Yeah it’ll take a while but that’s okay it’s okay I’m fast it’s cool yeah oh that sword did do some damage yeah I have the Mages oh I wonder what kind of damage you would do if you had like strength on oh you want to see yeah actually I’ll be

Down to see uh what that kind of feels like and then to like death though you know just a few hits well you’re foolish oh uh somewhere above you above okay foolish it’s a test okay Helping Mouse is you guys beat each other up sorry I’m sorry Mouse yeah what uh what kind of um what do you have to do to get the sword um you need to kill the Code 11 times what if I what if I just like build a statue of The Code 11 times

Yeah I’m it’s the best I could do these are like no the only thing stuff available you’ve got the avocado toast oh Wings on wings yes here you go that’ll be 25 okay Los Angeles yeah it’s it’s L.A living Jaden I have avocado toast and I charge you oh yeah dollars yes

She’s gonna be the richest person on the island in no time Los Angeles is actually so expensive it’s so exciting it’s also stinky it is yeah it is too kind of just pee all over the place but your Starbucks your Starbucks so actually really good

I’m not a coffee person so I there’s no no Pros for me you don’t like the smoothies in Starbucks because you know like you you your real life person you know you know the places I’m more of like a smoothie Bowl person you know the spoon yeah it’s existing actually well listen

If you’re more of a blessing yeah they exist what that’s like popping yeah and you put like banana in it and granola good oh you’ve changed his life just now athletic smoothie with some crunch the food in there to say okay it’s like a hearty meal yeah it’s like soup no

It’s more like stew okay yeah whoa they have 30 seconds before I steal them okay nice um at Tina or Mouse should just get the boxes I did yeah so good getting stuff to be I didn’t die I didn’t die really long time yeah awesome and it’s all gave

Me a sword oh ouch foreign foreign Africa Recorded foreign never come back I’m so sick your face you’re always targeting women you [ __ ] ass demon he’s over here he’s over here he’s almost dead hitting you again insane shots okay your mom [ __ ] your mom easy easy well played and when you fight I’m saying [ __ ] well played we’re playing Mouse

Yay we did it why are you sad Mouse no you didn’t die your life you will you are already a great warrior yes you are I don’t know I think personally I think you’re pushing it well that’s why I asked it’s okay it’s okay I tried my best at all you played really

Well it was only a [ __ ] damage check oh my God what what is this yeah what what what I don’t care about Minecraft blocks so I don’t care about Minecraft blocks the only thing I want to have is a cool party with music yeah cool party with music

How do we get up oh God oh God oh God you can put blocks in this game okay you right click again again again speed towering and again again well played oh they’re gone yo holy [ __ ] at 12 at 12 at 12. okay catch on fire sorry sorry

Sorry sorry I’m just casually playing my favorite it sounds like he’s having a blast casual it’s just a hobby I’m casual because it’s my favorite Obi another nugget s your poor keyboard I’m having fun look foolish we’re having fun okay nice okay that’s good that’s good

Okay I think that’ll do I’ll do for now I think it’s got a few hundred extra now nice well it takes for the few hundred extras yes yes more more um there is the green one oh maybe not but I don’t know if there’s actually like anything helpful in the green I

Can’t remember uh uh I just know there’s like there’s stuff in these boxes it’s a gag and spiders gig um what’s supposed to be helpful all I get are like believe it oh [ __ ] Oh no I don’t want to play this [ __ ] game wait wait help me find a flower [Applause] oh it’s so fun that I killed something camera foreign but I want the big one and you can’t tame the big one if he doesn’t love me you feel oh no gig oh hit a guy

Number one I’m not looking forward to hatching we were just sand send despicable it’s well do you haven’t happened to have an extra looting book uh [Applause] I will do an ancient like I need luring too so I will give you the extra book I don’t know oh thank you thank you where do you get them um you just need to have the 30 XP and and pray yeah well you can oh maggot if if you just

Have an extra then yeah but I don’t need I don’t need it too bad I will I will give you no worries no worries what foolish come down no bad words foolish you [ __ ] no more what the fudge what the fudge what the seal what the seal I put the

Fudge fudge relax relax yeah relax don’t do it yeah do you like Lucky Ducks Lucky Ducks is really fun I think I really think that I prefer having my disease rather than going every day in lucky ducks like what disease is that it’s like I I think like

Loki dicks Lucky Ducks is killing my friend every day oh thank you do that please do that please please get his ass I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m tracking I’m proudly eyes it was incredible it’s it’s actually a diamond tracking oh listen to me saying yeah yeah yeah

It was incredible Diamond checking what are you doing here um uh I I actually don’t remember when I know one of the mouse what what one of them was um when on the first day of the qsm because I remember I remember hearing you that morning and I was like wow that’s awesome

I like the Anarchy one you’re like I don’t know why I’m nervous but that means I care yeah I know I’m just giving you a bit of a massage do you want the shoulders the shoulders nice is that where your attention is how about the lower back

The upper neck is also I’m sure you’re you’re your arms are like all the shield and everything like this Shield is like this Shield isn’t it I I think I’m going to help Phil but she he’s speaking to the President should we oh man I sucked that day he’s speaking with

Him like to show me one of a good day that’s that could be it was like forever okay though like are we should be good I think he’s totally like thanks for listening oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Mouse for more did you sing in Opera yeah I studied Opera in school oh okay

Okay nice I dropped out of school I did too yeah let’s go droppings cool who knew it’s school well played yeah and Tina you didn’t drop swag let’s go oh what what about dropping swag I didn’t drop any swag I still have it wait is dropping swag man what’s that

Possible you call drop swag if you exist Ed College exactly I never drop swag in my entire life I’d be shocked shock You Dropped a single gram of Swag the foolish yes like do you have your swag on there actually um I got it all in my pants It’s like it’s like all in my pants nice Coke actually [Laughter] yeah well played for me cooler like in my head like foolish you’re the coolest you’re actually the coolest oh my God that yeah anyways I’m just kidding what no I don’t think there’s any reason like Anyway is

It I think uh I think we were fine well played that question oh um I don’t know what would you be doing at a time like this and then uh I have a banana dungeons banana I also got a banana I think the Eternal variety wait you do wait dude

Wait what really that’s nice did you not get your no yes it wasn’t an option they said nope that’s fair game oh [ __ ] but if I knew my task I’ll get the Eternal banana back really here do you want to hold on to mine for a little bit oh I don’t think

That’s fair I mean you have it fair well I mean it’s much more important for you than it is for me I mean well I won’t say no okay okay yeah there’s no seagulls on the eye but I I if we do go exploring though remind

Me to like put it away in a backpack yeah it has to be like fully away without eating yeah even if it’s just like that was crazy I was bewildered uh I just didn’t know that was a thing I like I knew but I forgot you just don’t

Think about it you just don’t think like oh you just never see seagulls um Never Say Never Justin Bieber um no I have never mind I’m not you you are Superstar but um you are Instagram Superstars like yeah like yeah we’re both pretty busy so it’s just

Tough to find it yeah I still do the Instagram today I remember that I had an Instagram today and I was saying to my channel how can we use it how do you use it yeah I understand that I was like like an old man saying okay I’m going to put the picture

But I just like post my bird it’s it’s uh yeah because you’re an artist so it’s it’s a really cool place no I just post my bird how’s your birds he looks as ugly as possible you’ve got the ugly bird s yeah you could say that I’m going to watch the ugly bird

He’s [Laughter] Oh you said this it’s surprising I I hahaha I’m a master taking him taking a picture of him at his lowest it’s like oh my God I thought you were kidding it’s literally all your bird yeah I only use it to post weird pictures that I draw

Oh you’re drunk oh you oh wait you draw two yeah but I draw like Instagram don’t don’t look too close okay Are you standing on Discord yeah let me open it oh God I sent it to you Jayden wait it’s all is there really um it’s really like wait this is awesome

I’m actually exploring though there’s new dungeon in the server again these are all traditional like there’s not only this one but I think if you want to explore we can explore together I know Mouse is always looking the dungeon and if we go dungeon the Tina and Jaden will probably come dancing

Then we all go dungeoning Just Dance I don’t know what they I don’t know what they want to do but I won’t just chill okay okay I’m going to I’m going to do what I hate to do I’m going to take the decision yeah hello hello with my friend foolish

Okay friend foolish dungeons with a twirl you look you just made it happen I’m so excited to not lift the finger oh my God I feel like I’m strong right yeah yeah you still know how to find protection 10 pants uh yeah yeah protection tip what

Dodging yeah I can I can actually give you the protection 10 pins if I if you offer me something in exchange you have to give me the Spider-Man pants and he’ll give it no I need those for building um um I’m trying to think what

Or need think about it and we will I will give it to you later what can you give a loving hug from the best world yeah wow what a gift okay what do you mean you’re so sarcastic though no no no okay I’m going to put on

The register a place and we are going to explore okay No worries it won’t be far God people are liking my Punk uh come friends we are going to have fun bill hello is this just like a spot Oh Way Stone yeah it’s not too far oh my no I’m like squinting no way no it’s a visual Burger

I’m just gonna say in my head that’s twenty thousand it’s it’s official bug okay sure thing uh visual gamer okay let’s wait for the others yeah when it’s far it’s cool because we we will discover things check your chords check my chords holy [ __ ] I really have never been out this

Far I’ve never seen that many numbers in the z-axis before yeah I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever hit Triple digits going on yeah is that wait what dungeon is that uh this is [ __ ] I think we are just going to advance and try to find cool ones

But but I I think we’re going to visit all the dungeons we see because you I think you don’t visit all of the dungeons so let’s just have fun and try to go in all the structures for blood yeah let’s bring my banana away I I

Won’t I won’t fight in the dungeon I will just let you fight and if you have problem I will like help you you know it’s all you may not know but I uh I’m quite the dungeoneer myself I know I know I know I know but I want I

Want you to have fun because the you you are like your your most uh done activity on the server is placing blocks to make a title like work um Tina okay uh here I can give her protection XP in the chest people do always they might be gone you don’t know that hey

I don’t know that Tina ate all the exponents between the two of you let’s go okay uh check your coordinate you are really far but you can think I didn’t take that much at the beginning there was like literally there was just one stack there wasn’t that much I kid you not I

Only took like one there was two two potions in there oh real Rich serious I I why would I lie about that yeah there was like one one thing that had 13 and then another that had like nine like whoever was in charge of stalking that I

Think wasn’t even doing a good job why are we blaming that’s crazy because you can take whatever you want Tina The World is Yours guys thank you let’s let’s just explore and I I will I will let you do the dungeon okay and help you if you have problems okay let’s

Go oh yeah yeah to be clear Tina’s gonna have a lot of problems I did it too well played man oh yeah oh they are cheating yeah hmm oh there’s you don’t like the paragliding wait it’s well look I feel it’s you look it’s all oh yeah show me look look

Oh look what I just found oh it’s a sign oh let’s go and seeds for your babies well played thank you really much I will I will put this on my base yeah I’m just going to take the shotstone I’m coming foreign dungeons uh recently I don’t find any

Dungeons so I you will be my lucky Chancellor oh Peter German Sheen but Peter Johnson is [ __ ] most is it it’s [ __ ] yeah it’s [ __ ] I want to know a good dungeon is a dungeon with you guys no but still a Pillager Tower with you is still [ __ ]

No no no the the best one actually the Black Tower Black Tower is really cool um there was like a day I got so lucky with those the Black Tower is really cool like it’s the the best one I think and there’s actually look at my boat

There’s dungeon in the desert in the desert is ready I also have fish boots that make me like skip across the water like a dolphin really awesome shoes ever oh my God you’re gonna open a sneaker store what would you like would you like it’s like like this yeah

I could make a fortune buying buying or selling shoes oh yeah what is the Direction 10 from um it was uh it was the one with um I don’t know mushroom one uh no it’s not the mushroom one is is the it’s the one when you can have the protection eight

Oh wait is that like the big mushroom one like this no no skeletons that dropped is this one is this one is this one here wait did you see it no no no no no no not there but it’s it’s uh the dungeon the mushroom one like you said

Oh okay uh it’s Village in This Server already [ __ ] come with me the others are going the opposite direction what are they doing wait what are they doing are they chilling in the club like I actually have no idea Maybe I guess there’s only way to find out what are they doing [Laughter]

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Minecraft wooden sound I heard Minecraft wind it was like in-game win well where’d you come from is it like part of this thing oh oh geez jeez the tongue it takes pretty flowers nice what is it a huge effort for you to lift click

You listen it’s tough okay it’s tough this is um Tina please follow the others I beg you oh it’s this way please I beg you you you’re actually my egg you’re actually an egg no it’s it’s a little tough sometimes listen uh qsmp maybe um quackity would have hired me to be an

Egg maybe there’s a world if I ask nicely oh God what happened are we gonna start laughing what are you the finger absolutely nothing even know how to describe it but like like it like it would be funny like trying to explain it no please okay okay

I’m not cool enough for you guys okay I’m not cool enough I’m not cooking let’s go to the left guys let’s go to the left say anything I beg you let’s go to the left I’ll take you dungeon where are the others zelkova Forest what kind of what is this please

Follow me follow me follow me oh hey this guy has a really good bargain 32 run flesh for an emerald going on okay sorry um oh God oh oh what is happening oh I think you sound a fan of sheep [Applause] like Tina D oh no but like um in private bed like slash W like the win w ow foolish d oh I figured oh he found a pink sheep we have to go until it’s very important we don’t give a [ __ ] about pink sheep

Where wait where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he him um I think I have a cage wait I have to go real quick is there a way to come back I have to go have a meeting back to spawn okay it’s meeting time thank you

Thank you wait I don’t know where wait let me give you this sheet first let’s go to spawn and then stay here stay here tonight yay thank you Jaden all right I have to go stay here like oh stay in there we’re just gonna

Leave her yeah we put uh no no I have to go on a meeting in quesadilla Island oh okay oh yeah it’s not that serious it’s not that serious She’s working say hi to cucarucho interesting well look at all you guys keep it in the world okay let’s go okay follow me foreign there’s a dungeon Bros in the cave no not in the cave not in the cave oh it’s Gigi’s oh that everyone else has oh [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] oh

What everything’s better oh I don’t even know what happened I hit the ground like full legs on the floor legs were I supposed to go under wait what is happening it’s the ADHD Squad actually we are all so distracted Two where’s the third one let’s go Jayden go ah oh my my tongue oh ah my tongue is like that’s your tongue it’s a grappling okay okay there we go let’s go Mouse is everything you’re fine first right well played oh well played for well played okay Mouse uh hit check well played

Oh okay well played okay perfect I want to be sure like you can hit foreign you are you are you are oh snow wait I hear the wind now what is that what do you know in French most wait I hear it okay Sounds in French but I don’t remember you don’t know the name of the song I don’t remember it was so long ago but you have a good French accent like you you’re saying it will yeah yeah I’m it’s a [ __ ] oh life is hard oh it’s a [ __ ] Place [ __ ] Place

Why did you think it was a dungeon just a big it’s a [ __ ] Place yeah oh it’s a granite toothpaste so let’s just advance okay um it’s just [ __ ] though baby I’m starting to understand why it takes him so long yeah it’s road trip exactly oh [ __ ] with a [ __ ] guide

I’m getting carried by the wind am I am I going crazy carried by the wind wait I thought I was like this little sheep Ram guy take one yeah no I think I will okay if you think I want to hit you the horn

Can come off but like you can use it as like fluffy right oh they are doing make noise All the horns make different sounds goat is awesome at PVP wow actually the goats do you understand yeah they’re actually better than Turbo wait okay so we heading heading on onward yeah yeah screw this little dumb sheep idiot yeah yeah that’ll learn him I’m gonna throw it away okay next

Uh oh my gosh okay next advancing okay advancing I’m so tired I’m tired too wait what time what time it’s midnight [ __ ] what it’s 3 P.M for me oh she didn’t sleep oh okay no I got like four hours of sleep broken up into two sessions I’m a mess right now I’m

Streaming so I don’t fall asleep and ruin my internal clock oh smart hold on oh yeah like me I’ve got a really good internal clock oh do you yeah yeah I mean if you’re falling asleep at midnight that’s awesome that’s like the dream like I

Wake up every day at six pm what no way that’s ridiculous I was impressed into you since P.M I just think for some reason he was gonna say six a.m like all the pumpkins can we look at the pumpkins big old pumpkins pumpkin let’s go Canadians let’s go let’s go mouse let’s go

For the party give me the pumpkins foreign those shenanigans guys I was saying to my chat that uh you are really happy when you play and now I’m me I’m just like I’m like okay it’s the 1000 dungeon I do what what is this it’s actually an attack

Yeah it’s an attack from the Federation the hell did we do wow they spawned these guys at this point okay okay you are the only danger okay any one of these could be the code okay be careful there’s a higher chance Mouse oh you got the chainsaw yeah nice

I got so many pumpkins I got so many pumpkins look look at me look yay whoa I just hear a chainsaw noise what’s going on ow the death of pumpkins yeah yeah yeah cold send four where did you get that man what’s like the most amount of codes you

Fought at once uh uh two but I think we should they should double it but they did minus five at each it that was annoying yeah yeah it was annoying fight how do you survive uh Shields The Shield is cool and you can put like blocks and water to delay

But I I use like four I use 400 pots of heels that’s crazy yeah oh give me your helmet ICS how many cupcakes do you have I got so many I got so many I’m taking them off foreign Austin Texas

This video, titled ‘Petite soirée au Lucky Ducks – QSMP Minecraft #137- QSMP Minecraft #139’, was uploaded by Etoiles – Replay et VOD on 2023-09-15 08:00:12. It has garnered 1679 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:53 or 6113 seconds.

QSMP minecraft – Live (11/09/2023)

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  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

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  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

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    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

  • “Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic’s Love Drama in Minecraft” #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation

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  • Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!

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  • EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL – Episode 6 OMG!!!

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  • Determinacy is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Welcome to Cozy Corner Community! Looking to expand our community with a 21+ age group for our Minecraft Java server. We aim to provide a relaxed environment without server resets. Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect for peace of mind. Join our discord for lasting friendships, quick application process, and daily conversations. We welcome all gamers with various interests. We are seeking active members for chatting and gaming. No strict activity requirements but we review the member list periodically. Celebrating our discord server’s 1 year anniversary with events and giveaways ongoing! Join us today… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore In the world of Minecraft, we build our dreams, Crafting structures, mining seams. From underground houses to mountain retreats, Every block placed, every resource we meet. Agni Gamingz, our guide in this land, With updates and builds, always at hand. In Hindi he speaks, with passion and flair, Sharing his journey, with a playful air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Let the story unfold, in the gaming light. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, Thanks to Agni Gamingz, every single time. Read More

  • Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥

    Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you hear a creeper hiss behind you, but you’re too busy trying to take the perfect selfie for your Instagram story. Priorities, am I right? 🤳💥 #minecraftstruggles #selfiegamestrong Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Player in Minecraft (day 1) funny minecraft animation in real life.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it perfectly captures the fun and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy the creativity and humor that the game brings, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features, friendly community, and exciting events, Minewind offers an experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Command Build Hacks

    Minecraft Command Build Hacks The World of Minecraft: Unleashing Epic Command Build Hacks! Armor Stand 1 Command One of the most exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to customize armor stands using commands. With the Armor Stand 1 Command, players can create unique and invisible armor stands with various poses and items. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”stick”,Count:1b},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[303f,28f,0f]}}} 1, players can unleash their creativity and design stunning displays in their world. Spyglass Command Another fascinating command in Minecraft is the Spyglass Command, which allows players to equip armor stands with spyglasses. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”spyglass”,Count:1b},{}]}} 1, players can… Read More

  • Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!

    Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – Private Games With Viewers – WBEDWARS WEDNESDAY IS BACK!!!’, was uploaded by The ByGone Archive on 2024-01-18 12:25:37. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:19 or 5419 seconds. #ohioisoverparty #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #bedwarslive Classic WBedwars Wednesday action that anyone can join in on! Donate to Stream Here! – Main Channel – Discord – Merch – Hypixel is a public Minecraft server that has a ton of different gamemodes like bedwars, skywars, hunger games/survival games, skyblock, and many more! Texture Pack: Vattic’s… Read More

  • Cursed Vault Mishap

    Cursed Vault MishapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-01-25 15:00:01. It has garnered 18146 views and 1586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:32 or 1772 seconds. Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT! Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft. My Gear and skills: ♥ My Social Media: ♥ My Stream upload channel: Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create) #vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101 Read More

  • Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀

    Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft one block Skyblock servers #1 ☺️’, was uploaded by Crafto fx on 2024-03-09 05:21:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #gameplay #trinding #gaming #gamer #gameplay #gta5 #viral #viralvideo #videogame #trending #trending #viralvideo … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills – Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing the MOST BEST Minecraft Stuff!’, was uploaded by EXBreak on 2024-04-16 13:14:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:31 or 571 seconds. Minecraft Wiki FrontPageSprite compass.png: Sprite image for compass in Minecraft linking to MCW:Community portalCommunity portal FrontPageSprite book-and-quill.png: Sprite image for book-and-quill in Minecraft linking to MCW:ForumWiki forum FrontPageSprite painting.png: Sprite image for painting in Minecraft linking to MCW:Admin noticeboardAdmin noticeboard FrontPageSprite clock.png: Sprite image for clock in Minecraft linking to Special:RecentChangesRecent changes FrontPageSprite sign.png: Sprite image for sign in Minecraft linking to MCW:Wiki rulesWiki… Read More

  • “BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!” #clickbait

    "BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by BaryFlying on 2024-03-08 10:16:38. It has garnered 798 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:15 or 13035 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral Discord :- Instagram :- Like and Subscribe Read More

Etoiles – Replay et VOD – Petite soirée au Lucky Ducks – QSMP Minecraft #137- QSMP Minecraft #139