Every Modern Minecraft Update Explained

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Minecraft has changed a lot in the last few years with a ton of major updates so in this video I’ll explain what each recent update added and how they made Minecraft into the game it is today now in my opinion the first update that really ushered in the modern era of

Minecraft was 1.13 the update aquatic so let’s take a look at the features that this update added to start 1.13 added new ocean biomes as well as new blocks so for example we have this biome right here which is the frozen ocean and although packed ice and standard ice are

Not new at the bottom of the icebergs here there are lumps of blue ice which were added in this update but as well as that things as basic as seagrass and kelp were not in the game until 1.13 in fact the bottom of the ocean looked very much like this literally nothing that’s

Right completely empty just covered in gravel it’s actually pretty crazy to think how completely Bland and boring the ocean was before 1.13 but there was also the incredibly brand new coral reef now coral reefs of course generate emotions but before this there was no different types of oceans and there

Wasn’t even types of oceans that generated with only sand on the bottom so all these brand new Coral blocks were added to the game but as well as just having new ocean biomes with new blocks in them there was also new structures and these structures were and these

Structures were and still are to an extent incredibly common so for example the Shipwreck we have one right beneath us and literally right over there as a second one of course shipwrecks were added to generate fairly frequently to of course simulate and show the fact of pirates and these actually added a good

Reason to explore around the ocean and you can even see in this shipwreck over here 1.13 also added the ability to even be able to waterlog blocks and yet there’s literally a third shipwreck over there too a little bit later the shipwrecks were made less common but there is another underwater structure

That was also added to the game around this time and that is the ocean ruins ocean ruins did not exist before Minecraft 1.13 and of course inside these as well we have some various items that can be found and even things like buried treasure chests and buried

Treasure there was a lot of really brand new things that were being added to Minecraft around this time but as well as new structures there was also brand new Mobs so for instance the drowned but also things like cod salmon and dolphins in fact the only really ocean features

That were in the game before 1.13 was the squids which were literally the only aquatic mob that is of course outside of the guardian and Elder Guardian found in the ocean monument and also of course things like turtles and then the turtle shell helmets and scoots were added in

This update there’s additionally some other items you can get from the new Mobs like let’s say tridents which were a very new thing for their time and definitely one of the most hyped up features of the update aquatic commands and a bunch of technical stuff were also

Changed around a ton as well as adding puffer fishes into the game which is probably the most revolutionary thing ever added to Minecraft not to forget of course the insane amount of variants and interesting types of tropical fish anyway I think we’re gonna go on from the update aquatic to the next major

Update of the game and that is 1.14 Village and pillage so the first big thing that’s important to remember is that this is what Villages used to look like in fact from when the village structures were first added to the game all the way up to 31.13 versions this is

How Villages looked inside of Minecraft incredibly strange blocky as well as the actual villager trade system being very rudimentary and so that’s one of the reasons why 1.14 was so revolutionary because I took the Villages from looking like this which is what they had looked like forever into this now Minecraft

Changed a lot in many ways in this update because the first thing it changed of course is the generation of villages a couple new Village types ratted but every single villager structure was completely overhauled in fact even some structures like let’s say the old Cobblestone churches even those although there’s some resemblances they

Still look entirely different in the new update and of course all the houses are different looking back on it a lot of these new villager houses weren’t that much different but at the time it seemed entirely revolutionary and really did change the feel of the game but of

Course the biggest thing of all is that the texture is changed not only did The Villages change after all this time but for the first time ever Minecraft had a texture update overhaul and probably for the last time too and obviously Some people prefer certain old textures over

New textures and some people prefer all the old textures over the new textures and if you want you can always enable those old textures by going to options then to the resource packs and having the default programmer art be put into your selected resource packs but either

Way this was of course a massive change to the game and completely made literally every single block in the game look different now as well as having New Village generation inside of this villager generation is a system of villagers having workstations this meant that villagers were not born into a

Certain profession but they could actually pick that profession by connecting themselves to a certain one of these new workstations now a couple of these items were things that were already in the game before like my let’s see the leather workers cauldrons but a lot of them were brand new like the

Composter or like the smoker and almost all these workstation blocks were also given functionality also certain things that mojing wanted to add into the game for a long time were finally added so for instance lecterns another thing that was added to the game is a brand new

Biome this new biome the bamboo jungle first added to the game the new bamboo item the bamboo is not insanely useful at this point but it could be used for fuel be planted down and also be crafted into sticks those wheels that of course we do have the panda mob that was added

Both the bamboo jungle and the panda were added because of a mob vote for Minecraft China Edition actually but interestingly enough there was a Minecraft mob boat going on at the same time for all the other Minecraft versions and that was the Taiga update the tiger was voted on by the community

To be updated but a lot of people were fairly unhappy with it as it didn’t actually add very much basically just having foxes become part of the game as well as adding occasional Sweet Berry bushes around the Taiga and mega tiger biomes and also the campfire item now

Campfires are very cool along with foxes and berries but of course this didn’t actually change the main generation or really even the look of the Tiger Biome and so to a lot of people it wasn’t that good of an update but either way that was the tiger update and of course the

Entire villager trading system itself was overhauled with a lot of really great treats being added as well as the ability to Discount trades and even just swap through trades by just breaking and replacing a villager’s workstation although illagers existed in the game a new type was added the pillagers that

Generated at these pillow drought posts now Pillager outposts are fairly frequent across the Minecraft world inside of them you can find some treasure also rarely the pillagers would have on them the Pillager ominous Banner if you kill one of the pillagers that have the Pillager ominous Banner from

This point onwards you’d then have the bad Omen effect and if you went inside of a village a raid would start with this brand new sort of boss fight that was added to the game let’s go on to a much smaller update though but still one

That affected the game in a couple ways the Buzzy Bees update this was a very strange sort of intermediary update that was added to the game to basically add some new content between Minecraft 1.14 and Minecraft 1.16 so in Minecraft 1.15 it basically did two new things it added

The new B system of mobs into the game mostly for the purpose of just having there be some sort of a feature but the whole rest of the update was basically bug fixes as Minecraft 1.13 and 1.14 had changed the game so fundamentally there need to be an insane amount of bugs be

Fixed the game could run a lot better and although by no means it fixed all of them it definitely changed enough that a lot more players could actually access these new features but either way let’s talk about what was added so there’s the B system basically there are beehives

That generate around Minecraft and forests most commonly in the flower forests and if you right click on with the bottle they will give you honey bottles which is a food source also something that cures poison and if you share them with right click then then you will get honeycomb the honeycomb can

Be crafted into bee hives beehives are sort of like the unnatural bee homes that you can make more of and then the bee nests are the natural ones that are found around the world also in a later iteration of 1.15 if you had a flower next to an oak tree or birch tree

Sapling and you bone milled it there’s a five percent chance of there being a bee nest on that which makes them renewable you can also craft honeycomb into honeycomb blocks which are quite a beautiful decorational item and you can also make honey blocks which kind of work as an alternate variety of slime

Blocks and they’re insanely useful for Redstone and a lot of other cool technical things there’s also interesting things like because they’re sticky you can’t jump on top of them as you can see and of course to be mob works by pollinating flowers going back to the high filling it up and then you

Can Harvest it the only other real major thing that was added to the game outside of bees though was the ability for Iron Golems to crack when they get hurt instead of just having their health go down invisibly and then right clicking on them to heal them with iron ingots

This might seem like a small change and it kind of is but it does mean when Iron Golems are being used to fight in raids you can fully heal them but on to the next major update which happens to have focused on an entirely different dimension so this is 1.16 the nether

Update 1.16 as you’d assume only really affected the nether although there are a couple changes to the Overworld as well fundamentally the nether was turned into an entirely boring one biome place also only featuring one structure in it into incredibly exciting Place full of life and things to do buckle up because this

Update has a ton in it to start we have the ruined portals these generate in the nether as well as the Overworld they can have loot in them and they’re basically a non-completed portal that you can sometimes complete if you’re lucky and they contain the brand new crying

Obsidian Block in it and of course some nethery blocks around them sophies are found in the Overworld you sort of have some of the nether leaking into the Overworld a nether structure that was added to the nether outside of the nether fortress that was already there is the Bastion Bastion General in the

Game in a couple different variants and they’re made primarily out of the new Blackstone blocks a couple sub updates for 1.16 later the pigland boots were also added to these which made them much more difficult they’re basically a massive structure made out of Blackstone and basalt that contain treasure in them

As well as usually a ton of gold and some brand new nether items also sometimes some really unique stuff like let’s say the Magma Cube spawners so this one’s structure alone definitely added a lot more things to do in the Nether and of course the bastions themselves are primarily inhabited by

The piglens now the piglens are a new type of mob they’re added to the game and along with the brand new piglet mob also came the pigland murdering system where piglens will go up to Golden Gates pick them up and throw a random item from the list of items that they can

Give some of the ones they can give for example are obsidian spectral arrows and ender pearls nether quartz string now a couple other new Mobs were added to the game outside of the pigland and pigland brute and that is the hoglin found in the Crimson Forest now are definitely a

Very interesting mob in the game bred with Crimson fungus but they also spawn into the game pretty frequently so there’s not too much of a point of breeding or affirming them hawklands and piglens are natural enemies and will sometimes fight and the last mob that

Was added to the nether in 1.16 is the Strider but of course one of the biggest things added to 1.16 is the new biomes the number of biomes in the nether went from one to five so originally all there was was nether waste which wasn’t even called that it was just called The

Nether and this biome right here is that it has glowstone in it and tons of Netherrack but basically other than that is completely Barren but another biome was added and that is the basalt Deltas this biome was supposed to look like a somewhat active volcano even having things like a geiger counter sound

Effect which sort of makes it seem like it’s radioactive this biome was incredibly beautiful and interesting addition to the game also being the brand new home of the Magma Cube however also added was the Soul Sand Valley the Soul Sand Valley is an incredibly overpowered biome as it is filled up

With nether fossils and contains a ton of gas as well as skeletons this biome also has some Basalt pillars in it the other two biomes that were added are the two forests the Crimson Forest and the Warped Forest this is obviously the Crimson Forest and this is the Warped

Forest what’s the difference well the Warped Forest of curse is made out of these new sort of nether trees made out of warped stem the wood there can’t burn and it can’t be crafted into boats but other than that it’s about the same as any other wood type except for how you

Farm it there’s also the twisting Vines here and there are the occasional Enderman in this biome that inside the Crimson Forest it is the major home of the piglands and hoglands containing the Crimson variant of the Netherwood the nether trees can be small like this or

They can be super wide like this having tons and tons of wood blocks on them and they’re also being this interesting new shroom light light source and ways of growing this and the final thing that was put into The Nether update is not really that visible but it’s a new

Material netherrite ancient debris is found pretty rarely in chunks of two to four Underground round y 14 and 15 in the Nether and if you take this basically lava proof material smelt it and combine it with gold you get netherrade ingots and other right ingots can be combined with things to make

Netherrite tools as well as netherrite armor this was also a very major change to the game as of course before this point there is no new tool type that had been added to the game since literally diamond tools there had not been a new tier of tools or armor added to the game

For almost 10 years but on from the nether update to an update that was eventually split into two though this is 1.17 and in some senses 1.17 is probably one of the weirdest updates that Minecraft ever had why well because 1.17 actually purposely added into the game

Things temporarily what do I mean by that well basically here is how it works Mojang decided to add to Minecraft the caves and cliffs update but it ends up taking too long there were some issues around 2020 because of obvious reasons and so because of that they decide

Decided to split the update into two the first half would add all the new blocks and items like let’s say the drip stone or the Moss blocks the azalea bushes powdered snow and other things like that and so every single block that was can be added to the Minecraft caves and

Cliffs update was added to the game early in 1.17 but in the actual generation of the caves and cliffs update was added in 1.18 but what makes it so strange is that some of those blocks and items were given temporary ways of being obtained in survival so certain things like the amethyst geodes

Were added in 1.17 which are of course made out of smooth Basalt then calcite then the layer of amethyst and budding amethyst so basically deep slate was added in a strange way where you could sort of have some deep slate generate near the bottom of the world and also

Drip Stone was similar there would be small strange clusters of drip Stone around the Minecraft world that would kind of generate around the side of caves fairly frequently so you could get some of this item if you wanted but also something you could do is get moss

Blocks from treasure chests so if you found a moss block inside of a ship wreck you could bone meal that Moss blocking around there that would also give you access to the Moss carpet more Moss blocks as well as flowering Azalea and the standard azalea bush now in the

Standard or flowering azalea bush or bone meal they turn into the large azalea trees and underneath that there is the root of dirt and a through to dirt you can go meal the bottom of fruit and dirt and that will give you the hanging Roots items and so that’s how

You’re given access to all those Lush cave blocks or alternatively a lot of these things could be bought from the wandering Traders like let’s say two small drip leaf for an emerald and what makes 1.17 really cool in a sense too is that it actually added a lot of

Different ways that you could get certain items that you couldn’t get them before and also made all those 1.17 items be obtainable in ways that were not just finding them in the Overworld so for example you could get powdered snow by putting a cauldron out in the

Snow and waiting for a long time then picking that powdered snow out of The Cauldron with a bucket and you can then go inside of it and you could all Vault its uses like let’s say how it freezes you giving that interesting snowy texture around the side of the screen

But as well as that a new ore type was actually added and that is the copper ore now copper ore still does not have a whole lot of things you can do with it but it was added to the game at this time and so although I definitely think

That moojing should absolutely add a lot more uses to this this is the update that originally added this item to the game which is a pretty big deal since the last ore that was added to the game was the nether gold ore in 1.16 also when breaking or blocks you would not

Just be given a sort of silk touch variety of that block but from that point on that’s when things like raw iron raw gold and raw copper were added to the game these worked basically exactly the same with the one difference being the fortune worked on it this is

Part of mojing’s big plan to fundamentally make things like Iron Golem Farms be a little bit less completely necessary for Minecraft as for instance from this point onwards then when mining we are doing things like iron or gold or copper you could actually get that benefit from Fortune

As well and get yourself a ton more of these items from your mining explorations and one of the big thing that was added is goats now goats generate on top of mountain biomes but they did not yet have the goat horn at this point but anyway on to 1.18 which

Absolutely revolutionized the generation of the Overworld forever which really changed the entire way that the game works so of course this is in 1.18 also known as caves and cliffs update part two the first thing we’re going to talk about is the new biome layout or also the fact that seeds were completely

Changed and I’ll show you what I mean not counting all the brand new biomes added to the game or even just the shape of land just the actual placement of biomes themselves was completely overhauled to show this off we’re gonna go to chunkbass.com and take a look at how worlds change between versions

There’s a world in Minecraft 1.17 and as you can see here the biomes tend to have sort of diagonal borders to them and they’ll form biome groups with some Forest being like planes and forests and Taiga and also the Extreme Hills and swamp whereas with the other smaller

Groups it would be the snow biome or the desert 30 biomes or the oceans or maybe even something rare like the mega tiger or jungle but this was changed fundamentally in Minecraft 1.18 so without zooming in at all we’re going to change this to Minecraft 1.18 you’ll

Notice right off the bat the biomes are way larger in fact these biomes are absolutely huge we have to zoom out really far to see how big they are but they’re much much bigger than they were in Minecraft 1.17 in fact everything is bigger even the rivers are and you can

Also see of course that whole biome layout pattern is fundamentally changed in a lot of different ways I’m not going to go over all the different Overworld generation changes just because of time but I could definitely do a whole video dedicated just to the generation in

Minecraft 1.18 and onwards as it is so much different than it ever was before and a lot more complicated but has a couple major things to look out for if you notice the biome borders do tend to be more circular and also those biome groups aren’t quite as defined so as

Well as that of course the actual shape of the Overworld is completely different in fact scratch that just literally everything about the Overworld is different from these beautiful mountain biomes and these massive Gorges that lead to small as well as incredibly incredibly large rivers Beach biomes being completely changed and if we go

Underground of course we have The Cave Part of caves and cliffs the Overworld is twice as deep but if you consider how much higher up terrain can go it’s almost three times as many blocks per chunk which is absolutely insane with new cheese Noodle and spaghetti caves in

Combination with the old curver caves the Minecraft overworld’s been changed forever also the layers where different items are mined at were also completely overhauled so for instance now the best place to mine diamonds is why negative 58 instead of the old thing which was Y-12 there’s also of course new biomes

Underground like let’s see right here we have the drip Stone caves which can generate and not which can generate an absolutely spectacular and beautiful ways alongside the new Lush cave biomes which has the glowberries in it and also is filled up to the brim with things like axolotls and tropical fish although

Of course if players are really wanting the old cave experience there’s still definitely some of the old Carver caves here also a lot of things still having the Old Stone but most of the Overworld is completely different now in terms of new Mountain biomes there are things

Like the new Stony Peaks which are the massive mountains that generate inside of warm biomes then there are the huge Frozen Peaks along with Jagged Peaks Grove and Meadows and these can generate in a lot of different areas as well including the powdered snow generation sometimes caves will even intersect

These to make these absolutely beautiful entrances into different areas inside of the mountains and here’s some of that brand new Meadow biome which is kind of a new mountain biome kind of a new plains biome definitely a mix of both and a thing that’s very prevalent in

Real life which should have been in the game a long time ago and here is the jagged Peaks biome sort of the most well-known and most beautiful of the new Minecraft 1.18 Mountain biomes this update just changed the Minecraft world so much for the better it really made it

Absolutely beautiful and even changed the total number of combination you could have in terms of different generation but fundamentally Minecraft did keep a lot of its same feel and now it’s time to go on to the newest released version of Minecraft that is the Wild update this is Minecraft 1.19

It looks pretty similar to 1.18 in a lot of ways and some people actually refer to 1.19 as caves and cliffs part 3 but its official name is Minecraft 1.19 the Wild update let’s take a look at what this update added to Minecraft the first thing to know about this update is that

Alt’s major features are very localized meaning that in the vast majority of the Overworld you’re not going to see a difference at all between this and 1.18 so the mangrove swamp is sort of the wild feature of the Wild update that was added now this one new biome actually

Adds a ton of new things to the game it generates an about 50 percent of the places where swamps used to generate snow all the swamp biomes in Minecraft or 50 50 split between either being a mangrove swamp or basically being exactly how swamps used to generate the

Main growth swamp is a very interesting bio with things like mud blocks which also of course unlock to us the entire mud family of blocks things like mud brick walls mud brick stairs mud bricks packed mud as well as muddy Mangrove roots and just the base mud block there

Is then of course the actual Mangrove The Mangrove tree is a rather strange tree made out of Mangrove leaves grown with propagules that grow on the leaves instead of saplings that are obtained by breaking the leaves and inside of it is this really beautiful Crimson colored Mangrove log also generating a side of

The standard and Mangrove swamp is the Frog now frogs if you have baby versions of the magma cubes will actually eat those magma cubes and convert them into frog lights we can see that happen right there these frogs are walking over to the magma cubes and they’re eating them

Turning them into pearlescent frog lights there are three types of frog lights in the game they are verdant ocher and pearlescent which are kind of interesting names for those if you have all three types of Lights you actually get the achievement called with our powers combined now these really

Interesting lights are beautiful new way of decorating inside the game when frogs are bred they’ll plant down frog spawn frog spawn will give you tadpoles and tadpoles are a really interesting mob which is a way of going between frogs spawn and frogs as of course in real

Life frogs do not just instantly grow up now they function like fishes in most ways and you can pick up the tadpoles but not the frogs and buckets then you can move those frogs into whatever biome you want and by doing that decide what type of color a frog they’ll grow up as

And there’s a couple other things with the mangrove swamp like for instance sleep has still do generate here you get sort of riverish type generation through here and there is tropical fish that generate inside the water onto the other part of the Wild update a bit more

Dangerous variant of it found in the completely opposite part of the world mojing decided to add a new type of cave biome this was actually going to be part of the cave update it was eventually backlogged to be part of 1.19 that’s one of the reasons why people say that 1.19

Is sort of like the caves and cliffs update part 3. anyway if you’re underneath any area of low erosion more or less meaning a mountain biome or a very tall piece of generation the cave biomes underneath that are going to be the deep dark biome the deep dark biome

Is a dangerous interesting new biome in the game but it is completely peaceful mode and inside of it we have the skulk sensors the skullcodilests more than just a little bit dangerous skulk shriekers as well as the basically useless skulk veins however also we have the brand new generated structure of the

Ancient city so if you go around an area of particularly low erosion you’ll eventually run into one of these megalithic structures they contain a ton of loot but not too much of it is truly overpowered although sometimes you will find some enchanted golden apples here which is pretty good these shriekers and

Sensors work in concert with each other to basically give you wardens inside the world what are the wardens well they’re the Protectors of the deep dark as well as ancient cities but they’re more frequently found in ancient cities as they only come from shriekers when a Shrieker shrieks four times you get a

Warden and so because of that if you’re not careful you will get tons of the wardens in your Minecraft world these things are super deadly and have a lot of unique properties to them but the most important thing to know is to avoid them as much as you can definitely

Running away as soon as you’ve angered them as they’re basically as quick as the player and much more deadly than them and the new loot of the deep dark biome added a couple things like for instance the ability to craft the recovery compass and craft the five

Music discs from Echo shards and five music disc shards respectively it also added the new Swift sneak enchantment which means you could sneak on the ground and move at almost the same speed as you could by just normally walking which is definitely a very useful thing

To do and there’s two other major things that were added to this update first thing is goats are now able to drop goat horns if they Ram into a naturally generating block by accident when trying to ram a mob they can drop one of these horns that have a massive sound radius

And are kind of like Minecraft’s first instrument they have all kinds of different sounds to them in fact one of them is actually the Pillager sound when they’re starting a raid which definitely makes all these sounds pretty crazy and like this one right here is a very evil

And very funny sounding sound and because of the mob vote there was a new mob added to the game which is found in pillow drought posts as well as the Woodland mansion and that is the LA the lay will basically grab items for you that you put into its hand and that’s

About it you can also duplicate the LA and get more of them by right clicking on it with an amethyst Shard when a jukebox is turned on and if you’re wondering why there isn’t more to the 1.19 Wild update it was originally going to include a birch forest update as well

As a heavily hinted on desert update and Savannah Biome update but it wasn’t added because mojing decided to make it a smaller update to get it out in time for the summer I’m definitely not going to go over everything in Minecraft 1.20 as I already have some videos on that

But here’s a couple highlights of what we’re likely going to see in this next update first of all of course is the brand new camel mob this mob will definitely add a couple new features to the game like let’s say the camel’s Dash ability or the fact that certain Hostile

Mobs cannot actually attack you when you’re on top top of a camel but as well as this mob there is going to be the brand new bamboo wood type with blocks of bamboo blocks of strip bamboo Bamboo planks bamboo Mosaic bamboo stairs and slabs as well as of course things like

Doors and trap doors no Jinx definitely been in the habit of adding new wood types as for instance in 1.19 of course the new Mangrove wood type was added so that’s definitely a big thing that’ll add a lot more use to Bamboo in 1.20 there’s also going to be the new bamboo

Raft with a bamboo raft with chest variant and of course there is the chest boots already in the game that were also added in 1.19 there’s going to be the sniffer that was voted on in Minecraft live and the new hanging signs which are basically just going to be a new variant

Of sign in Minecraft and there’s also going to be the new bookshelf variant the chiseled bookshelf chiseled bookshelves work nothing like really any other Block in the game and what’s so cool is you can place blocks in every single area of them so you can customizably decide where you want books

Inside of those chisel bookshelves you could technically use this to actually make pixel art if you want as if you think about it you have like six pixels per block and just wherever your little Crosshair is that’ll decide where the books are placed in the bookshelves which definitely makes it a very cool

And decorative item that can add a lot of detail and Beauty to builds and there’s also going to be the brand new piglet head and I’m sure a lot more to be added in upcoming snapshots anyway that is every single major recent update in Minecraft explained from 1.13 to 1.20

If you enjoyed this video be sure to press the like button subscribe to see more like it and I will see you in the next one goodbye foreign

This video, titled ‘Every Modern Minecraft Update Explained’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2023-02-06 15:00:26. It has garnered 499326 views and 10957 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:48 or 1728 seconds.

Every Modern Minecraft Update Explained

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Learn About Every Minecraft Update Ever and Things Only New Players Know in Minecraft like Every Major Minecraft update and Everything New in Minecraft 1.19 Wild Update also Everything New in Minecraft 1.20 Update and Everything New in Minecraft 1.18 Caves and Cliffs Update including info on Minecraft 1.13 Update Aquatic Minecraft 1.14 Village and Pillage Minecraft 1.15 Buzzy Bees and Minecraft 1.16 Nether Update and Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Update to Catch you up and Show you Important Things to know if you just returned to minecraft like What Each Minecraft Update Added!

📑Chapters📑 0:00 – Recent Update Guide 0:12 – 1.13 The Update Aquatic 3:04 – 1.14 Village & Pillage Update 7:01 – 1.15 Buzzy Bees Update 9:11 – 1.16 The Nether Update 13:31 – 1.17 Caves & Cliffs Part 1 17:14 -1.18 Caves & Cliffs Part 2 21:10 – 1.19 The Wild Update 26:39 – 1.20 The Upcoming Update

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay, Minewind offers a unique experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your next Minecraft adventure. Explore new worlds, build epic structures, and make lasting friendships along the way. Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind today! Remember, the world of Minecraft is vast and full of possibilities. So why not make Minewind your new… Read More

  • Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt!

    Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt! Automating Potato Farming in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their farming techniques. One popular method is creating an automatic potato farm, which not only saves time but also increases efficiency. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast demonstrated how to build a fully automated potato farm with an added twist – an Auto-Smelt upgrade! How Does It Work? The key to this automated potato farm is utilizing villager mechanics. By setting up a system with hoppers and a smoker, players can ensure that any potatoes dropped by the villagers are… Read More

  • Trade Duo: SMP Shenanigans

    Trade Duo: SMP Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, trading villagers reign, But this duo SMP just brings the pain. Kroberto’s adventures, full of fun and delight, Streaming on Twitch, each episode a pure delight. Subscribe and like, show some love and support, As Kroberto navigates, crafting his own fort. With VODs on YouTube, and tweets on Twitter, His gaming journey, a true winner. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Join Kroberto’s world, where diamonds shine. In the land of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, This trading villager duo, a pure delight. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft History!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft History! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the incredible milestone of 15 years of Minecraft, as highlighted in IvanPROFUN’s recent video. In the video, IvanPROFUN takes us on a journey through the rich history of Minecraft, showcasing the impact this game has had on millions of players worldwide. As we reflect on the evolution of Minecraft over the years, it’s clear that this game continues to captivate and inspire players of all ages. While watching IvanPROFUN’s video, you may feel a sense of nostalgia… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Welcome gamers! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join and explore? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Join a vibrant community of players from around the world as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. The possibilities are endless on Minewind! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today and start your journey on the Minewind server! Server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET Read More

  • Outsmarted by Anshu Bisht

    Outsmarted by Anshu Bisht Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Jack Bhaiya The GamerFleet Universe In the vast world of Minecraft, GamerFleet has carved out a unique space for themselves. From hilarious dance moves to epic PvP battles, GamerFleet’s content is a rollercoaster of entertainment. Their funny moments in Minecraft and the Fleet SMP keep viewers hooked and coming back for more. Joining Lilyville and Beyond Recently, GamerFleet ventured into Lilyville, adding a new dimension to their adventures. Lilyville’s war, streams, and PvP battles have brought a fresh dynamic to their content. The interactions between GamerFleet and Jack Bhaiya in Lilyville have… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Settings Reset Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Settings Reset Trick Resetting Minecraft Settings to Default Made Easy! Are you looking to reset your Minecraft settings to default but unsure of the process? Look no further! Here’s a quick and easy guide to help you out. Step-by-Step Guide: 1. Mess up some settings in Minecraft to see the changes you want to revert. 2. Quit Minecraft and open the ‘Run’ dialog by pressing Win + R. 3. Type ‘%appdata%’ and hit Enter to open the Roaming folder. 4. Navigate to the Minecraft folder and locate the ‘options.txt’ document. 5. Delete the ‘options.txt’ file. 6. Launch Minecraft again to see all… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of “Bob” – Minecraft Live Stream!

    Uncover the Secrets of "Bob" - Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Bob’s World – Season 2 (Live Stream #3)’, was uploaded by The Man Simply Known as Bob on 2024-03-25 05:00:20. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:41 or 11201 seconds. The Man Simply Known as Bob plays Minecraft 1.20 Bob’s World – Season 2 (Live Stream #3) PLAYLISTS ============================ Bob’s World Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGMFKGUz4r48neLnOm3Xh8_4JXxVK2cjH SOCIAL MEDIA ============================ Website: https://themansimplyknownasbob.com/ Link tree: https://linktr.ee/themansimplyknownasbob/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themansimplyknownasbob/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themansimplyknownasbob/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themansimplyknownas/ Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/@themansimplyknownasbob?sub_confirmation=1 #livestream #twitch #letsplay #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraft120 Read More

  • “Insane $1k Minecraft Tournament Challenge!” #clickbait #gameandshame

    "Insane $1k Minecraft Tournament Challenge!" #clickbait #gameandshameVideo Information This video, titled ‘$1,000 MINECRAFT TOURNAMENT #minecraft #gaming #comedy #gameandshame #mrbeast #epic #joerogan’, was uploaded by Game and Shame on 2024-01-16 03:22:18. It has garnered 91 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    EPIC Minecraft Animation - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftanimation #lokicraft bahut achcha song Gaya #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by IMTAJ on 2024-05-17 06:20:47. It has garnered 450 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • KarlssonSMP Vanilla SMP Java Season 2 whitelist 18+

    Welcome to karlssonSMP! What started in late August 2023 by a couple of friends who decided to invite new players turned into a fun and small community of like-minded players, our goal is to make it feel like you’re just playing with friends. At karlssonSMP our priority is to maintain the essence of the original game by preserving its vanilla aspects. However, we’ve implemented a few quality of life datapacks to ensure a smoother experience for all players. Apply to join us on Discord Enhanced Gameplay Experience the best of both worlds with vanilla gameplay complemented by carefully selected quality-of-life… Read More

  • Valexium Factions

    Valexium FactionsValexium is a new and unique Factions server focused on high fidelity gameplay and intelligent design. All players are welcome and we have active staff members to ensure players get the best experience possible. We have multiple mini-games all tied seamlessly into the Factions experience, for example if you complete one of our Parkour challenges, you can win crate keys that will benefit you in the Factions realm. Alongside Factions is our other core gamemode: Survival Games! There are 3 beautiful battle royale arenas which can support upto 24 players each, you can earn loot, unlock achievements and more! All… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Legendary Bug: Ruined by Fix

    Minecraft Memes - Legendary Bug: Ruined by Fix“Well, at least we’ll always have the memories of flying pigs and exploding beds… until they were cruelly taken away from us by those heartless developers.” Read More

  • Hoodie Hilarity: Minecraft’s Cube Xuan MC Animation

    Hoodie Hilarity: Minecraft's Cube Xuan MC Animation In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I have a hoodie, a cool look that jives. With animations that are funny and bright, I bring joy and laughter, day and night. No pirated content, all original and true, I bring you happiness, through and through. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, For funny MC animations, that can’t be beat. Let’s explore together, in this pixelated land, With rhymes and laughter, hand in hand. Read More

  • Who’s the Skulkiest Wither in Minecraft?

    Who's the Skulkiest Wither in Minecraft? I guess you could say the wither mob’s death will really “rock” the sculk generation! Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Modded Minecraft TownHall Spellcraft

    UNBELIEVABLE Modded Minecraft TownHall SpellcraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Part 1: TownHall and spellcraft’, was uploaded by Starlight Bear on 2024-05-24 00:37:32. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:45 or 7005 seconds. Welcome to Part 1 of My modded Minecraft series! In this episode, we will be building a TownHall, Builders hut and diving into the world of spellcraft. Join me on this exciting adventure as we explore new mods and features in the game. Don’t forget to subscribe for more content like this! #ModdedMinecraft #TownHall #Spellcraft #Gaming #subscribe Pls If this video reaches… Read More


    SCARY MONSTER KILLED ME IN MINECRAFTVideo Information गाइस मैंने इस पहाड़ के ऊपर एक कैमरा लगा दिया है ताकि मेरे को सब कुछ पता लग जाए कि यहां प होता क्या है वहां पर एक एलेक्स खड़ी है एंड वो ओ माय गॉड वो तो एक चुड़ैल बन चुकी है यार ये एस तो एक चुड़ैल बन गई एकदम साइट निंग से लेकिन ये कैसे और क्यों हुआ भाई ये क्यों हो रहा है माफ्ट में भाई वो चुड़ैल कैसे बन सकती है और अब वो चुड़ैल जा रही है विलेजर्स को खाने के लिए व्हाट यार ये हो क्या रहा है आखिर सो गाइस… Read More

  • INSANE 100 Day Minecraft Hardcore World Tour!

    INSANE 100 Day Minecraft Hardcore World Tour!Video Information yeah the pter patter gave a rather in some La feeling as opposed to shitty attitudes that made me bitter after laughed it I take the hey everyone welcome to my Minecraft 100 days I’m not really doing this in the typical way most people would normally do 100 days like they’d play through and record every single uh day but I don’t think I have the time and uh PTI for that so I’m just going to go over every 100 days in like a recap video not really a recap video but just like a world… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Mohit’s Secret Underground Base Revealed! EP 2 – Hindi 🇮🇳

    UNBELIEVABLE! Mohit's Secret Underground Base Revealed! EP 2 - Hindi 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES EP 2 BUILDING A UNDERGROUN HOUSE HINDI🇮🇳🇮🇳’, was uploaded by NOT MOHIT XD on 2024-01-05 03:55:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. i build my best survival base in Minecraft || Minecraft pe survival series [#2] GUYS if you enjoy this video so PLZZ do like, comment … Read More

  • SHOCKING: Paper Robin Reacts to YOU in Minecraft #shorts

    SHOCKING: Paper Robin Reacts to YOU in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information three go just do whoa whoa what was that you have something on look at you wait what do I look like oh I love me so much more This video, titled ‘LOOK AT YOU! -Minecraft- #shorts’, was uploaded by Paper Robin on 2024-03-27 17:00:03. It has garnered 623 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. In the full-length version of this video watch as I take on a Minecraft dictator in an epic multiplayer battle! Join the fun as we compete in various challenges and see who comes out victorious…. Read More

  • Uncover the Demon’s Secret Backdoor in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Demon's Secret Backdoor in Minecraft!Video Information all right guys so you know how in the recent Roblox doors updates we got access to a brand new floor you know all you got to do is just make your way outside of the hotel here and then make your way all the way to this back Alleyway right down here where you can find this door right there which gives you access to the back door well today we’re going to be playing the back door inside of Roblox doors but we’re going to be playing it in Minecraft and guys I’ve done a few… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Descending into Hell with Ruriimoon and Danil! 🔥

    Minecraft Madness: Descending into Hell with Ruriimoon and Danil! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 otw ke neraka – plus danil 【VtuberID】’, was uploaded by Ruriimoon Ch. on 2024-02-20 14:07:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Your friendly neighborhood Kitsune — Thank you for taking the time to stop by & watch Rurii’s stream! Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Diag Letro Combo! #epic #clickbait

    Unbelievable Minecraft Diag Letro Combo! #epic #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] a yeah test the 121 little my me watch my let me go ha This video, titled ‘Diag Letro and Combo | Minecraft #clutch #dragclick #kbreduce’, was uploaded by Peredoxz on 2024-03-15 03:19:05. It has garnered 488 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Mlgrush, Stickfight, Bedwars, Skywars, Reduce, Reducing, abuse, dragclick, dragclicking, Introuble.de, roccat kone xrd, roccat kone emp, roccat kone aimo, packrelease, Packrelease, packfolder, Rushclips, Bedwarsclips, Packrelease, packrelease, 0.3k pack, best sky minecraft, resourcepacks, texturepack bedwars, skywars, wichtiger, brianplayz, fortnite, og skins, vbucks, free, ffa, build ffa, stickfight,… Read More

  • Insane Toilet Prank – JJ FAMILY Ep 3 #shorts

    Insane Toilet Prank - JJ FAMILY Ep 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mean JJ FAMILY 🐢 Ep 3 – Minecraft Maizen Animation Mikey and JJ #shorts’, was uploaded by Skibidi Toilet on 2024-01-04 08:07:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mean JJ FAMILY Ep 3 – Minecraft Maizen Animation Mikey and JJ #shorts THANKS FOR WATCHING AND DON’T FORGET TO … Read More

  • play.cheatmine.net

    play.cheatmine.netCheatMine 1.8 – 1.19.3 (Режимы на самой новой – 1.19.2) — Выживания — Анархия — RolePlay — Мини-игры — Добрые админы — Много игроков — Честный донат — Нет лагов — Крутой сервер — Незеритовая броня IP – play.cheatmine.net Сайт: https://cheatmine.net Группа ВК: https://vk.com/cheatmine_server play.cheatmine.net Read More

  • Survivors SMP – Semi-Vanilla PvE + Bedrock Support +Dynmap

    🔥Survivors SMP Join Survivors SMP today for an active and friendly community! 💸 • No Money system. 👋 • Active, friendly community for support. 🧁 • Add-ons and fun plugins! 📖 • Bedrock AND java compatibility. 👮‍♂️ • Active, friendly staff team. 💎 • Active discord. 🤝 • Fast Decay trees, auto crafters and vaults! 📁 • custom end city Drops. 👀 • Claim protections. 🎉 • Helpful commands like /sethome , /rtp , /tpa. Interested in joining? Join us on Discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Worlds collide, peace ensues.

    Minecraft Memes - Worlds collide, peace ensues.“Looks like even Minecraft characters have better diplomatic skills than world leaders!” Read More

  • Mine for Debris, Ancient and Rare: Minecraft’s Secret Lair

    Mine for Debris, Ancient and Rare: Minecraft's Secret Lair In Minecraft, ancient debris is the key, Replacing diamonds, it’s rare to see. On Asele Channel, the guide is clear, To get netherite, have no fear. Gold is needed, along with ancient scraps, But finding them can be quite a mishap. From height 8 to 22, they can be found, Digging tunnels or blowing up the ground. With dynamite or beds, the choice is yours, But be careful, danger lurks in stores. The safest bet, as Asele has found, Is dynamite, with results profound. So follow the tips, and mine with glee, For ancient debris is the prize to… Read More

  • That friend with a ping hotter than the Nether!

    That friend with a ping hotter than the Nether! When your friend’s ping is higher than your credit score in Minecraft 😂 #minecraftproblems #pingpong #gamerlife Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating beautiful and fun things in Minecraft? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Imagine a world where you can unleash infinite lightning with a trident, just like in the popular Minecraft Shorts video titled “Infinite lightning | Minecraft Shorts” by VABLOCK. This kind of creativity and excitement is exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player looking for a new challenge or… Read More

  • God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi

    God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi Minecraft God Of War Mod Review In Hindi Introduction In the world of Minecraft, a new and exciting mod has emerged – the God of War mod. This mod brings a whole new level of danger and adventure to the game, with powerful monsters and epic battles awaiting players. Exploring the Mod As players delve into the God of War mod, they encounter terrifying creatures and challenging scenarios. From massive monsters to powerful bosses, the mod offers a thrilling experience for those brave enough to face its dangers. Monsters and Bosses One of the highlights of the God of… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft RTX Stream: Storage & Adventures LIVE!

    🔥EPIC Minecraft RTX Stream: Storage & Adventures LIVE!Video Information e e e hello and welcome another Minecraft stream again today getting lots of bonus streams this week but that’s okay yeah we’re just going to jump right in there we go wait for Mystic to load in here there we go whoa whoa whoa whoa all right what is uh what’s the plan for today um I was going to try and finish our storage Tower and then maybe go on a Mining Adventure sounds like a solid PL to me uh I will probably just continue on the staircase uh unless you need other resources I… Read More

  • Stunning Minecraft Graphics You Need to See!

    Stunning Minecraft Graphics You Need to See!Video Information yang kalian lihat sekarang adalah gameplay dari Minecraft Mungkin kalian bertanya apa yang spesial dari gameplay ini well jawabannya terletak pada render distance-nya normalnya kalian tidak akan pernah sampai render distance setinggi ini pada vanilla Minecraft Nah untuk mencapai render distance tinggi ini kita harus menginstal beberapa mod dan mod yang paling krusial berperan dalam hal ini adalah distant Horizon distant Horizon adalah sebuah mod yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengatur render distance di Minecraft dan itu tidak memiliki batasan kalau kita pengin antur 500 silakan pengin antur lebih rendah lagi silakan yang menjadi batasan adalah seberapa kuat komputer… Read More

  • NOOB Becomes GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft?! Surviving 100 DAYS!

    NOOB Becomes GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft?! Surviving 100 DAYS!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Star is Noob on 2024-01-16 22:33:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. thanks for watchng FULL CREDIT GOES TO @BronzoOfficial. Read More

  • JJ wants to DESTROY Mikey’s family TINY HOUSE?!

    JJ wants to DESTROY Mikey's family TINY HOUSE?!Video Information all right friends let’s get started whoa what is that why is there a diamond above my chest let me try to get it hey he’s running off somewhere that’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything like that the diamond is literally running away from me I have to go chase him I don’t want to lose him we have to do everything as fast as possible maybe someone is playing a good prank on Me Maybe it’s even Mikey doing it I need to find out why the diamonds are running away from me and can… Read More

Every Modern Minecraft Update Explained