Exclusive Christmas SMP – Join Now for Free!

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Starting the stream I think oh is my mic muted no we’re chilling we have started the stream I am on a mission I cannot find my base or get to my base because the slash home SL home was removed because there was a glitch with it that would give people creative

So that’s problematic the plan for this stream our bucket list is to get lots of sand our bucket list is to is to to build a Christmas at some point our bucket list is to what else should be on the bucket list guys Christmas tree maybe a snowman

We should build a snowman as well yeah I got you man we need an at uh community base cuz I don’t think you can warp here anymore yeah is there an at Community probably not nope that’s what we need we need an act Community you died in the end they

They had your stuff by the way when you when you thought they burned your stuff they had it I don’t know if when you I don’t know if they ever told you that cuz they gave it they tried to give it to Elijah oh my gosh this literally shreds the the

Sand de Lord that’s so quick dear man this was a find this was a catch who knew I would need this this much for this stream when I got it from the end last stream two streams ago two streams ago y what’s up Vel croker what’s up X

Weird what’s up Penguin man and what’s up Kathy thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going it gave people creative yeah there was a glitch I don’t even know how people find the glitches but yeah there is a glitch dang this destroys uh I can get creative myself

Though though I try not to use the creative that I get follow me X weird how do I go home uh that’s what I asked bin Benin cuz on the at the moment I’m stranded from my home as well because I don’t know how to

Do slash I don’t know how to get home either really so that’s problematic at the moment also need bone B for something so and creepers wouldn’t be bad either do is this looting does this have looting on it no looting sword would be nice is this efficiency five Unbreaking three that’s

Nasty my armor is kind of pathetic though yo here’s some of the sand I needed awesome your armor is better yeah yeah yeah probably it’s very strange and I’m doing okay how are you I’m doing good woohoo W don’t even ask what I need something for um this honestly probably is enough sand

But we’re going to keep going just cuz why not yo what’s up want to Du all uh I only have unenchanted diamond stuff I’d be down at some point would we give back each other’s loot though cuz I’m not trying to steal your loot or lose my loot at the

Moment follow me guys Woohoo going on an adventure AKA back to my house or yo who’s dog no one’s dog I don’t think I think it was a a rogue dog oh never mind it’s experts Christmas time is you ask what I need the sand for I need the sand for glass even though no

One asked that it is now he said yeah just dual for funds sounds like a plan my gear is about to break does corus fruit not teleport you in the Overworld ah stupid rain I it’s such a good organization system I don’t want to set up another

One really but I may have to anyway since I have a community B set up here yo it’s a chicken jockey Whatchamacallit uh I don’t know it’s one of them stupid Phantoms dude oh it does teleport you I’m going Slaughter you you little Phantom dude we Um I don’t really want to sort my stuff again that seems like so much work creepers don’t actually really do much damage I didn’t and we’re outside our house okay um we need need furnaces we do not have stone do we that could be really

Tragic oh that’s not what we meant to do raer you see my shop I did see your shop I saw it before the stream though wait why did it teleport oh they wish for you you to teleport to them okay I thought I was T I thought they were teleporting to me I

Can’t lie Y what is this creeper doing here I need furnaces do they have furnaces in the house that I can rob wait what am I saying there’s crap ton of furnaces outside aren’t there yo we can decorate the Christmas trees with the ruby gems and the aqua all the gems

I’m taking these by the way I don’t really care if there’s somebody else’s that’s really unfortunate for them um I’m also taking the coal I don’t know whose stuff this is but it’s it’s it’s mine now so um um cool yeah hopefully that’s okay is that Elite Bread’s base what

Version is the server again 1.2.2 is this Elite breads base this is the community base community base Christmas Time Is Here There we go y yo what’s up El uh Pizza lover thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going the plan is to care grow and execute plan is to kill this

Phantom bro I wish I could clear the weather oh I hello space bar stupid Phantom like weather SL slash weather clear dude rain sucks dude there’s no point to to rain let me have m so what happened to sub count oh thank you for saying something I have it

Hidden because I was recording stuff off stream and if you record stuff off stream you don’t need all that um whose face is that one second gu nope one second I need to get tissues uh server address is in the top right corner for apologies should be good now y what’s up

It’s my pineapple yo what’s up pipsqueak thanks for joining the stream as your day G pipsqueak did you say where you were going I don’t remember hearing but I’m pretty sure we asked plans for stream the plans the plans for stream include uh we’re going to make a Christmas

Stream and we’re going to make an underwater base and then I’m not sure what else I’m I’m actually going to go over here and Destroy This dirt Outpost thing cuz it’s looks stupid uh maybe we make the North Pole or something I don’t know maybe a present maybe yeah we can make some

Presents I don’t know maybe a snowman festivities a globe yeah sure we can make a globe stupid dirt oh yeah thanks for the boat let’s go back man that came in handy y I’m trying to watch highlights to a soccer game but I can’t watch them because of the country now that seems

Like an L for you my guy is our sand Done a lot of it’s done actually let’s get to work people and by people I mean I need to get to work you guys don’t really have to do anything oh I guess the glass could serve as a use for the globe as well that’s not what I had in mind when I

Originally started you know I am going to take these as well cuz they’re in the way uhoh breathing is a problem did you say a Christmas tree yeah we’re going to make a Christmas tree only two more days till Christmas yes sir use a VPN pep yo what’s up ice

Clone I went snorkeling in water games and had a volleyball tournament that sounds like fun Don’t Die My Guy um Let’s do let’s see that’s going to fall if I yeah like that it’s going to do that well now I got an air bubble if I can

Get into the air bubble you got a oh you pet of jellyfish uh assuming not the sting sting stingy part of it well that whatever it’s called kind of throws a wrench in my plans a little bit however not completely let me get some Stone could someone go get some

Stone for me anybody want to do that perhaps just I just need Cobblestone turned into regular Stone and now we’re up up here that works some guy grabbed a jellyfish and they can’t sting you if they’re not in the water I’m pretty sure that’s C are jellyfish immortal

No I I think that is not true I’m pretty sure they can still sting you when they’re out of water I’m going to make a themed base what should it be probably Christmas themed right I need Stone does anyone have stone or do I have to work for it

Myself it sounds really lazy of me but you know sometimes you just don’t feel like grabbing Stone want something for the full year seems like a lot of work don’t you think oh Cobblestone works yeah yeah just just throw it out if you have some if you’re

Willing to give it to me at least thank you that is perfect let’s go put it and the furnaces over here uh we’ll just rotate that’s going to become one of those let’s actually split that into two take that out put that in then you just shove more sand in the other

Ones um awesome while that’s cooking we shall where where should we put the Christmas tree guys um I’m thinking we do it oh what is this oak door oh to breathe thank you thank you where where should we put that Christmas tree um and they can still sting out

They and they still sting out of still can sting out of water that’s what I thought there is an immortal jell fish but not all jet Le fish are Immortal they can still be consumed by Predators or killed by other means however their ability to switch back and forth between

Life stages is in response to stress means that in here they could live forever oh interesting how did I get on a roof my left nose breather is not not working great I feel like it’s just like really non- Christmassy in this area because there’s no snow anyone

Know have a snow biome nearby that we could import some snow in for the season um I I think we put our Christmas tree up here but again I feel like we need snow like Christmas Tree location right here dude Christmas Tree location uh we need dark

Oak dark oak is what I want for the Christmas tree uh what is that City at the end of the game go on in what could happen wait where are you it’s my pineapple wait what is that yo could I TPA to you I’m a TPA to

Him someone stay at the community base so I can TPA to you velcra stay at the community base oh it’s just one of these okay I was confused I I don’t remember seeing that my before and I thought it was something special oh this is a small little little fell

It’s a small little fell yo velcro want to TP me in I live in a snowy biome I did I lived in a snowy biome also I just can’t do slash home because that command was taken out what’s up dragby thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy um

Let’s go over here Christmas tree is going over there but we need snow I feel like for it to be valid oh oh I guess that works yeah food food is appreciated I’ll use it up these still just because I have them but yeah I will definitely

Appreciate those cuz I’m almost out do you have any wood anyone uh dark oak no we need dark oak that is what we need uh at the moment okay let’s do this let’s expand this a little bit oh that’s not ideal um let’s just keep expanding this a little bit more

Whoops I’m about to die yo what’s up R Dron thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going I do remember your name which means I remember you I guess is it I don’t know why said that so that was a really awkward way of saying

It um I was trying to be like more specific but saying I remember your name is basically the same as saying I remember you I remember your name thus I remember you I was trying to be technical about it I think um let’s put the glass let’s lay down the ground works

Okay let me get over here let’s not spam like that oh do you need a door my guy like good bro lay down the groundworks let’s just get a small pocket to breathe in to start um which means we need to let’s use endstone yes nope it filled right back in um need

To clear out more I guess to before I do um um there we good that’s good to hear R you can TPA to me for snow I didn’t collect any it’s just a snowy biome awesome I will when I get a second so that we can make the Christmas tree

Surely I can make a PO okay I’m going to need you to move good sir don’t die surely I’d be able to clear out some space yeah yeah there we go there we go now there’s a breathing pocket let’s keep going actually I need some more sand not

Sand whatever it’s called I need some more of that good wait where is the way back up wait where’s the way back up I swear it was like right here did I block it off maybe I blocked it off is Mob griefing off what is Mob griefing

Define creeper if creeper explodes oh I guess so because it hasn’t been doing that let’s add ler like so let’s get over here um I didn’t collect any yet I already read that I’m stupid there we Go start getting rid of the water if you want to M feel like it just makes it a lot easier to function oh did I just I just backtracked really far that’s okay um we’re just going to keep placing these then oh you took my door could you place the door over here

Thank you my good sir Uh crap um let’s see I don’t know where the boys are again tonight they have uh disappeared once more want to duel um at some point sure right now I’m not quite in the position to do I don’t okay now we just block start blocking things off really

Quick good night good night Dragon thanks for joining the stream are you the same drag SL drag oh the two dragon people I’ve been working on the railroad all the live long day huh we have the wall going on here anybody got any exciting plans for Christmas what is everyone planning on

Doing spending time with family anything traveling out of town what’s the plans guys no oh okay I’ve cleared out about half of it probably a little over a half at this point going to eat food yo what’s up Connor how’s your day going I’m doing good thanks for

Asking there’s the door take that out oh this is convenient so that this to just do this really quick and we’re chilling yo what’s up oh wait vel’s already been in stream chat dude that what I stream for four hours oh you stream for four hours nice man dedication right there I don’t

Typically stream that long anymore used to though understand okay I think we just cleared it all out there we go should be in the clear now should I yeah it’s just disgusting to have a house that is only uh only two blocks down where you hit

Your head how you feel that the server is already 100 day thousand days old what server oh like the server in Minecraft days oh that’s interesting not a fan of that let’s just fill that in oh I got you um can you send me a link on SMP

Server I can join uh a link there’s not really a link but if you type in this server address in the top right corner and then click all the red wool to Green wool and then do SL server join Raider Invader Invaders SMP then you should be able to

Join you want to help me mine this out here buddy here take this start mineing make yourself useful now you don’t feel like making yourself useful okay yo anyone got more endstone mayhaps or is anyone in the nether or in the end right now that I could go mine some endstone really

Quick be right back sounds good what’s up uh what’s up uh P what’s oh my gosh what’s up xir is what I meant to say I remember longer streams yes sir ice clone you were the there in the good old days 4 days now luckily I don’t have

To stream for that long because that’s a long time for me to stream it’s difficult can you TP to me to you can TP awesome yo XR are you going to stay right here man cuz if you are going to stay right here then I’m going to go mine some

Endstone and by St me asking are you going to stay right here I mean you should stay right here so that I can go mine some inone stay right here x so I can go mine some endstone how get out uh you can use a water bucket if you want

Stay stay here xir or stay at the community base because I don’t want to lose it uh let’s TP there and then we shall mine some oh shoot my inventory is kind of full um that’s okay I’m mining mining every server that I go on it’s inspiring Minecraft Minecraft

Minecraft Minecraft I’m just mining I just bought a nun and now I’m playing diamond swords yo what what’s up Ben bin yo binin how do we get to our homes without the slome command because like my home is pretty far away also you should add add an at Community for the community

Base every server that I go on it’s inspiring Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft I’m just m did you use slash do atome well I wasn’t the problem is I wasn’t at my base when you took away slome maybe Elijah’s at the base and I can TPA to him I just I didn’t get a

Chance to get back to my base before you took out slash on which was the problem that I ran into but it’ll be fine what about Community I think there should be an at Community thing kind of like the at end thing there we go we do that really quick

Awesome is this dark oak is that dark Oak oh SP Spruce we need dark oak you need the dark or the spruce for sticks give me my wood I didn’t take it my inventory is mixed old of you to assume that I have space in my inventory here we go um do I

No let’s just do stone out there a gosh darn it I don’t have enough Stone H how am I going to do the transportation up and down I’ll figure that out I don’t have enough Stone okay I got to put more Stone in the in the furnaces you can use SL home now

Hopefully oh awesome now I can do the awesome appreciate it slash set home set home Raider 2018 I don’t know slash doome doome awesome it does in fact work now that Community does not work yet but he’s probably still set setting that up appreciate

It I’mma TP to you and then I’m going to steal that ship from you I’m joking those are potatoes that Community is now a thing dope I just bought an account now whoops that’s not the block that I should have destroyed okay now it looks all

Professional um which way am I going to do the expansion pack probably this way into the open ocean into the Y the into the unknown where where is where is I going it’s disgusting could I please go this way thank you no stop where’s my shovel bro could I stop suffocating for

Like two seconds dude whoops that’s the wrong material not supposed to use that material for such things crap dude didn’t want to break that um there we go no that’s not what I wanted to place maybe I should go work on the Christmas tree this a less tedious job dear goodness

Golly I just want to I just want to did this not okay we’ve made great progress guys just have a little further to go um we’re just going to start laying out the ground works for this you’re back awesome clear the way dude drowning is no problem not anymore okay

Um let’s block that off for a second so that I can you’re out the ground replace it with excuse you progress is steady I guess two stacks of emeralds not bad weird flex but okay okay where are we going with this expansion pack could probably make a little yeah let’s do that

Um do I have gravel on me no I don’t is there gravel over here there is let’s get rid of andesite for a second go back I can use gravel gravel gosh darn it you’re out fit out of 10 it’s it’s just regular dime two I’m

Joking it’s a solid four five but I was like iron two minutes ago yeah true I guess um out the way fool yo what’s up pineapple not even worried oh I lagged I’m dead that’s embarrassing I said not even worried that’s crazy that’s crazy please tell me someone’s still in that

Area no no no no no no no no you you have no use for that stuff you are in full netherite don’t don’t play with me okay back to the depths let’s try not to die again the same way we just died that would be ideal got to decorate the Christmas tree

Soon where’s my friends that I definitely have um how do I spawn in yo what’s up M4 A1 thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going um first you type in the server IP top top right of screen then you click all of the red wool making it

Green wool to accept the terms and then after that you do SLS server join Raider Invaders out SMP no spaces exactly as I have it typed there then you’re chilling if you want more details on this server and all that you can watch two videos that should be

Linked in the description if not then you can just play with what I’ve given you appreciate you joining my interet so laggy why I have no clue why your internet is laggy good sir a crap I mean gosh di darn it dude it’s fiber optics what do you mean it’s fiber

Optics what is such things you speak of oh no I don’t need this glass here do I I’m going to have it on this side but don’t need it on the other side I don’t think Fiber Optic internet oh gotcha this is not good for my health at the

Moment taking a lot of damage probably not smart um running out of food too yes sir Stone Age we need labels on Whose bases who’s at the community area gosh darn it oh oh okay um that was not ideal hello what just happened wait what what happened wait I’m confusion I’m Confusion wait what why am I a mod wow it happened yes sir it’s Christmas time Christmas time means you get mod as my Christmas present for you no problem want to dual sense that not workor maybe bman was just here so he should be solving whatever just happened

Hopefully yo what’s up glum jungle thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going we were just playing on a server and now it’s not working why is that bin bin is bin bin still here um so yeah we’re trying to figure out what’s going on can you SL dual people no Letting us back in no well you know what that means guys means guess the build if anyone wants to play you don’t even have to join my party you could probably just join a guess the build Lobby and you would join me no guess the build time you better

Get in though before you better join the guest to build Lobby xir before it’s too late I could have dueled velcro but I didn’t know what to duel on quite frankly so I just resorted to my more known approach of just guess the build what’s up

Man we’ll be back to SMP gameplay in just a second guys should be at least let’s see what is guys I need I need all the viewers to be paying attention to help me guess this build correctly I don’t have a lot of stream delay so you guys should be able to help

Me and I’m fairly slow House Shelter um home Merry Christmas merry Chris Merry Christmas my guy um room okay Merry Christmas Kao where you been at lately my guy been you pop by every now and then but you’re not as not as active as you used to be did you get a

Life don’t tell me you got a life and didn’t tell me we’ve been worried about you we thought you might you might have possibly gotten a life and as fellow Gamers I just don’t think we can support you in getting a life Kao shelter Roof oh Target uh wait am I

Stupid what is this oh balloon hot air balloon it was indeed a hot air Balloon um let’s see I’m not doing too too to fantabulous Kao did you join just to leave my guy no shot jungle treehouse yep gosh darn it someone got it before me what the crap dude this guy’s a sweat almost got the DB where are my friends there’s no way

They’re doing something today right yo what’s up Chase cat thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going what do you mean you’re too late you’re not too late no no no we’re we’re going back to the S SMP it just crashed or something so you’re not too late Chase

Cat we’re going back to the S&P don’t even worry about it we’re just playing a game of guess the build first so you are not too late yeah we’re going to build a Christmas tree what is this race car it’s guys it’s a race car oh no uh Tom Thomas the Tank Engine

Um uh uh what what is this guys um it’s it’s a hot air balloon to toilet paper um what is this dude how are people guessing this it’s red wool what what is this you’re not giving us much to to oh tomatoes tomato it’s tomato something tomato soup

Tomato tomato tomato what dude tomato what tomato ketchup okay who calls it tomato ketchup everyone just calls it Ketchup what like what the crap bumblebee yellow don’t guess it before before people even get a chance okay never mind now now it just looks like we’re cheating this one’s a really easy one to

Guess I can’t lie I don’t get this that’s really sad this looks like a bunny rabbit a little bit but it’s not guys I swear it’s a raer doesn’t want to duel me what do you mean I don’t want to duel you I’ll duel you

Man what do you do you want to duel on though I didn’t know what you wanted to duel on know how to do the stinger yeah I didn’t didn’t remember the Stinger but that’s okay have time to leave mid game and go back to the SMP not that this is

Boring it’s just not the most thrilling Forest uh Field Pond puddle is it not puddle what what is this dude anyone in chat know dude thought it was like water water um Fountain waterfall Rapids no I’m still lost oh nature why why The Blaze the blaze is not a part of nature

Whatsoever where does the blaze come in in that that Blaze was a throw off curveball what does my last message say your last message message says he he or he as Michael Jackson would say it maybe blocking it it as a link yeah probably istic guitar know who else is

Actic yo what’s up Pikman long long times no see how’s your day going my guy all good no worries uh Halloween no uh grass land uh what is this uh golfing um walking stick playing 248 I want to beat my sore nice man instead of spaces something spider web’s not a bad

Guess it’s uh what iing um sunflower I got it guys I’m I’m not too slow I’m in I’m tied for a second but I’m 10 points behind first that’s crazy I’m at like 13k now going for my record of 27k dear Lord boy is a sweat at 248 20 20

2048 border why you keep saying Border X that’s kind of weird uh race race racing racing Lane was good racing uh racing line Finish Line gosh darn it I got third not second is it blocking yeah it’s blocking was that the last round we still got two more rounds dear goodness

Golly I thought that was the last round you oh this is the sweat at the game dude this better of you flipping good build dude milk play PVP legacy. net oh did that work yeah it did site graphite um firework rocket launcher oh it’s rocket ship or

Spaceship or it looks like a rocket ship rocket ship um space shuttle that’s what it is no it’s not thought for sure it was space shuttle um what is this uh I’m so lost I thought it was a space shuttle oh thermostat St stat Thermo what’s it I don’t ther

Thermometer I got thrown off elevator not a bad guess you guys better be ready for the Christmas special dude it is insane if you haven’t voted which day you want it uploaded go do that on my community post right now it’s going to be crazy going to be absolutely absolutely

Beautiful it’s going to be a masterpiece um Great Wall of China water tower no water bottle oh okay it’s a water bottle guys why isn’t water is it not water bottle why isn’t it letting me type water bottle is it not water bottle water bucket I’m stupid okay back to the SMP actually

First we’ll One V one this kid because he wants to one play. PVP legacy. net got to smoke him real quick water bucket it was indeed water bucket I’m just slow how do I One V one you how do I cook you dude how do I cook

You I’m actually in a non suitable version for me but that’s okay okay let’s do this one one game dude one game and then we’re going to the SMP SMP works by the way yeah I’m going back there I was just one V oneing this kid first every about to get smacked

I don’t I don’t like that being in the off hand quite frankly oh I fumbled dear Lord I’m so bad at this PVP method I don’t yeah I do not do this PVP oh my gosh this guy is a this boy is sweat at this PVP method I do

1.8.9 axe crits for the Win a crit’s not for the win how am I not doing how do you have 12.8 Health left what the flip dude I swear the axe should do more is it not like that in this mode this boy spam spaming I’m pretty sure spamming is bad in this mode is it

Not spamming not like really bad cuz this game mod is all about crits get back here boy what is going on here is he giving me the one you’re doing well nice there’s no way I lose this oh sh that lagged for a second there why are you so incredibly sweaty at this

Game mod no shot I lost that dude that’s crazy no I’m not playing against you again you’re sweaty sweaty cringe Little Nerd I’m joking that’s toxic I’m sorry um okay no my progress dude gosh darn it so tragic dude so much project just lost ah crap dude so

Much yo thanks for everyone joining the stream how do you join uh server IP top right then you click all the red wool to become green wool then after you do that right red wool to become green wool to accept the terms and then you do SL server join Raider Raider Invaders

Smpp sorry my m is really bad today yeahhuh really bad terrible quite awful okay let’s do this fliping dip in this is so annoying I’m about to go work on the Christmas tree instead dude cuz I am getting fed up with it um 15 likes equals 99 Cents

Gotcha you would like me to teleport you wouldn’t you uh-oh uhoh I’m not going to to make it uh is anyone at the oh wait never mind I can do at Community now what Bedrock am I breaking and why yo Steve the Pigman yes sir you like that wouldn’t you who is

This what fellow traveler do we have over here SP crra that that was a ghost actually um ghost just whacked you across the forehead and the ghost be out tonight yeah it’s crazy man um there we go man running low on food again it’s quite tragic gosh darn it dude wasting glass

Crap I’m at 14k close to my record nice dude oh look a Spider-Man Ghost must be drop pretty cool loot no no no I do not no I’m a broke little farmer boy I keep misplacing blocks and it makes oh my gosh so painful to misplace blocks

Dude I guess that works better probably than what I have been just just hurts to misplace blocks dude not physically but mentally use boats what do you mean use boats I’m under the water you good over there my friend oh he has come to kill

Me I don’t even know where he came from but that’s okay yo velcra any a chance you want to get get more food for me my guy Oh shoot what do I do when I see signs uh that have commands uh I’m pretty sure that’s when you do SLS server server join Raider

Invader smpp that you should have already clicked the uh red W to become green wall right so then you do SL server join Raider Invaders SMP right there anybody watch the wha if series guys anybody watch wh if second season first season any of the seasons let’s stop swimming back and

Forth where I’m trying to place blocks Oh you mean doors okay I was like okay let’s start might want to eat little oh yeah thank you for the food oh look at the fish guys he’s diving into the ground wow not the smartest oh who what the H hello hello

Oh finally a friend hello I mean I mean an acquaintance hello am I muted no okay this a stupid microphone of mine just okay the freak hold up hold up wait a minute hey what she doing out there stop your sh Shenanigans little fishy there we

Go Scooby Dooby dooo where are you got a so mystery scy I got 2048 also I’m at 20K woohoo nice man W hope you get that high score um maybe I need to do a 248 stream that’s what I need to do I’m joking hello can I bully oranges why are you

Trying to bully oranges velcro everyone bullies or oranges is this thing working please it is working why does that sound good oh because I got a new mic oh nice yeah my microphone being stupid last night you remember that that was fun oh yeah yeah so you know what I did

We got the exact same one but brand new okay that’s nice and all I all I thought I had to do is literally just plug in the thing and it would start working CU it would just change the the new headset to the default device and then for some reason

It just messed everything up and I had to go into Discord and I said literally just like I was just listening to you read because I know you’re on or not read just talk because I know you’re just on streamer mode on uh Discord so you don’t hear the sound effects

Whenever somebody joins so I was just listening to you and then I was just hold hold hold H oh you were just in the call for like the past 30 minutes yeah and then I said screw it and then I just said I I just went to the bottom and I just

Did reset voice volume or voice chat thing and then that worked oh that’s nice so uh where have you and Elijah been at today I feel like you guys go off the grid for no reason like what are what could what like what just what you know we’re on a date today

No yeah not together well maybe together no I had a bunch of like da Christmas thing going on today instead of tomorrow because it’s Christmas Adam yeah on Christmas Adam usually everything happens on Christmas Eve but since like it’s on Sunday just do everything on Saturday so that’s where I’ve been all

Day and then people like finally left my house at like 8:00 so I I was relaxing for a little bit and I just took a shower nice so now here I am now I’m going to play Allen week 2 um let’s see 26k bro this is going to

Be the one day late birthday president if I get my house score here happy late birthday my guy yo happy late birthday my guy yeah um hopefully oh can we get a happy happy birthday in the in the chat happy birthday in the chat happy birthday in the chat happy bir happy

Birthday in the chat Raider I lost every can I get help regaining you said you you lost everything bro you could probably regain what you had before I even get to what you had in the first place dude I I move I’m moving slow I’m just building kind of sick though right

That’s a problem we’re going to have to fix that but whatever builds be looking mighty fine do we keep the the gravel floor do we switch it where’s that boy gotta go for more you lost everything tough my video is less than a week away nice everyone’s got their birthdays by Christmas Christmas

Just a week uh yeah yes we got any prop books no bro I don’t have like I’m I’m not like that I said I ain’t like that pork of truth bro what guys I swear swear it was the butler you like Butlers okay okay Eli so how wait how do the mic

Sound just better it sounds good yeah 30k this is literally 2488 History Nice Nice not the exact same one but it’s pretty close yeah yeah still that that boy hyperx you know what I’m saying huh you still got your hyperx head set or no yeah nice yo what’s up

Crafty pie thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going um what should we what should the floor be over here like yo what’s up Justin thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going I have a question what is your question what if I found your base

Oh this is the community base that I’m at right now my base is really far away and there’s no possible way you could have found it by now this is the community did you guys beat it the Ender Dragon yeah oh sorry I was at work that day all good didn’t

Know uh solid playing genin and just messing around sounds good my guy I ended it at 32268 that’s my high score let’s go W’s well I just probably sleeping bro not again dude well he was messaged me and then I was like yeah I’m going to be like probably not online at

All like until later on T finish the Christmas special you couldn’t tell I’m trying to I need a I need a good thumbnail though cuz I feel like the video is kind of good but like if it’s if there’s not a good thumbnail then it won’t flip and

Matter so that’s the thumbnail you made up yeah well the thing is I can’t just do a basic thumbnail I have to grab the your’s attention somehow and that was my idea I feel like it grabs attention don’t you think in a way yeah I mean I mean in a

Way my question is can you share my newest Community post please like repost the post because I need help want to help with the thumbnail um maybe I’ll take device on it that’d be helpful actually um probably not crafty pie I don’t really just give away shout outs

Just because I think lowkey it’s better to work for the subs and stuff anyways because if you just get a shout out then don’t learn the grit and determination it takes to become a YouTuber oh my gosh because it takes a lot of work holy crap what

Happened I’m a black woman beating up this guy come here what bro what a lot has happened since last time we talked okay just show me what you made before you post it just look at it to understand you posted gotcha um I’ll send you the thumbnail in just a

Second oh it’s a sub race gotcha um let’s see like we are like are we all is PVP on yeah you can kill people I mean uh not at the community base preferably preferably the community base will be a place of Peace but it’s whatever just watch the bot get to 80k and

Clobber my high score I feel bad very bad you know I don’t know man I don’t play a lot of 24 2048 I am losing a sub Race by like 75 tough yo what you doing velro vqu you just moonwalk bro that’s a lot for me no 75k is 75 Subs is a

Lot I need to send this thing to justtin Noob real quick actually I’ll do it later how how late do you stay up justtin actually I can send it tomorrow too I’ll send it at some point um well we set up our two bases feeling pretty good about that I

Want to start working on the Christmas tree so anyone want to work on the Christmas tree with me I got to figure out a stable way of getting up that cuz I don’t feel like water is the best and maybe yeah that works actually you do let’s go

Dude let’s work on this Christmas tree anyone got actually I can get some supplies let’s put some of this crap away first CU this is a lot of just useless garbage I need a lot of use garbage I need people to bring their ruby gems aqua like any gems that they have I

Need I’m it’s going to be at the community base I just need to go grab some stuff first so can I have help please I won’t ever ask ever again I promise uh I’ll think about it thing is if you live stream or something I could post that maybe when I’m not live

Streaming but my Discord but I don’t know about on my YouTube channel what version is it um it’s it’s 1.2.2 you type in the server IP in the top right corner um and then you click all the red W to become green W to accept the terms

Of service and the terms of playing I mean or whatever it’s called um and then you do SLS server join Raider Vaders SMP that is what you do can’t wait till Christmas Christmas just a week away I am excited for Christmas Christmas Christmas time I slow I need I also need snow cuz

Guys I’m going to collect a crap ton of snow oh wait I can’t collect it from the terrain that we’re just I just ruined the terrain whoops my bad gu we do need snow but I’m not going to collect it from right next to where Elijah’s bases to make the snow snowy

Surface look ugly that would be really toxic I realize so we’re just not going to I mean we collected some I guess CU we didn’t replace it all but let’s not do that really quick let’s actually go uh up here I will be at the community base uno momento poor

Favore yep that’s what I thought guys get your gems if you have any gems are going to be our ornaments wait what oh my God what the crap was that water I also we also need dark dark oak logs me some dark oak blcks yo what’s up Penguin man thanks

For join the back what version is it in it’s 1.2.2 um let’s see I need snow from somewhere let’s just go to the other side of the mountain where we don’t care about stuff over there as much at the moment oh it’s either 739 or 7:45 what is which remember that 7:35 or

739 okay why is this not destroy wait why am I not getting anything what I just say 7:35 739 735 right you don’t get any snow from the oh that’s so stupid that’s stupid man I’m just trying to get a shotgun 739 7:45 739 745 739 745 got you bro this stupid

Snow let’s go that worked let’s go got a shoty here we go got a shy I got a double barrel boys oh it’s over I’m a black with a double barrel now world what on Earth are you talking about you know except I don’t know okay uh

Message him about it uh Benin bin because there’s a new way of doing slome um and there’s also uh he also let me get back to my base and use that new way oh so I messaged him about it no no no no no no there we go that’s probably enough nownow at

Uh anyone who has dark oak does someone have dark oak I can’t join even doing the SL server join thing why not um so you’ve done slver join Raider Invaders SMP two s’s no space um have you did you accept the terms when you came in the green the green wool have you

Tried rejoining the server type deal could I get out of here snow is obnoxious dear goodness goly dude Place water I got to work while you can get a bucket you can get a bucket of powdered snow you want he why I got work tomorrow what

I got worked on um then I am currently unsure M4 A1 that is really sad actually hey Raider today I aage 11 to 15 people on your live nice man rator what’s your favorite biome uh I don’t know snow snow biome is pretty sick AA probably probably AAA is pretty

Dope um I need to get up Mountain I need dark anyone got dark oak or do I need to supply the dark oak I got some in my actually I think I do have some we’re talking about the same SMP I don’t even did you even ever log on This

Server oh no you were at the old base you yeah I made a house and then like the next the next day somebody else like showed up and then I was like dude I just built a house and you’re like all we’re moving yeah we’re moving like what crafty

H so what problem are you running into M4 A1 because I want to get you on here I’m trying to figure out how is the got an inacia Forest over here man how do I run out of food so quickly dude is everyone dying good question yo

What’s up Mr Shadow GT thanks for for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy why is food s such a struggle I’m gonna go back to doing whatever have a good stream thank you have a good stream uh have a good night thanks for joining the

Stream nice man nothing pops up it’s happening for three people they’re all at spawn here let me can I do SL Lobby whoops that’s not the lobby I want to go to uh that’s not the lobby I want to go to at all um let’s see I don’t even know how to

Get out of this Lobby slash I don’t even know how to get to the lobby you guys are at um someone killed me and now I can’t see the signs and TP okay all of you guys um how about all of you guys uh disconnect type in the server IP

Again and then make sure the did the red wool pop up because if the red wool doesn’t pop up that’s a problem the Red Bull pops up then you should be chilling but if it doesn’t then let me know slash server is that how it works awesome wait where are you guys you

Should be at this spawn location if you’re not here then something’s wrong immediately and you need to Rego into the server someone killed me in the beginning now I can’t read oh see yeah yeah yeah what’s up so did you click the red wool to make it green wool already my

Guy did you did you see red wool green wool let me get in this yo what’s up House of buckets thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going what’s up up man um so you want to join that server IP you want to click the red wo make it all

Green make sure it’s all green and then you can do SLS server join Raider Invaders SMP make sure you type that exactly how I have it in there you and then you try that electricity or Pikman and M4 try typing in that Ser SL server join and if you can’t do that then

Connect and then reconnect really quick see if it spawns you back down here um Precision Dynamics my bad I changed my name all good I remember you thanks for joining the stream I guy I can’t join bro Tred doing it why can’t you join that’s so weird yo what’s up

Z why isn’t it letting you join let me get Ben bin on here reconnecting didn’t fix let me check yo let me get the server on here get on pleas me get get on uh people having problem problem getting in um okay let’s let’s see it that’s so weird cuz usually it

Just what does it say on the in the bottom left of the screen whenever you do the SL server join Raider are you doing slver join Raider Invaders SMP make sure there’s two s’s connected didn’t fix you make sure I’m in the right place I’m down here oh wait did electricity get in

Server join Raider Vaders nothing pops up there’s no error it’s SMP I think I got in but what the crap let me see TPA electricity accept this accept that it didn’t send anything let me look up I looked up I need food if I go to the community base will someone

Food who names their daughter I’ll help you guys figure that out still I’m just trying to get food so that I’m not dying that’s a lot of wood you got there is Logan a chick’s name no okay well according to this this this lady it

Is I will figure this out for you guys I hope um let me see is electricity no server leave Raider Invaders SMP server join Raider Invaders smpp right yes that is correct join a server I don’t here should work help us look up at spawn yeah I see you guys I can’t do

Actually no yeah I can’t do GMT in here cuz not my server um let me figure something let me see if yo I’m trying to get the server on or on right now I will stay in here with you guys until we can figure this out how

Did you guys get up there okay yeah yeah did you click the red wool to Green wool Noe stop hitting me I’m dying um red wo to Green wool that’s literally all I had to do when I joined that’s all everyone else has had to do yeah you

Made the red wool green wool like you of red wool and made it green cuz if you didn’t do that then SLS server join Raider Invaders SMP that correct that is a correct Shadow yes you have to click all the red wool every single last piece of

Red wool and it has all the red wool has to be green wol before you continue if you don’t do that then it won’t work uh and if you need to do that still then I’d say delete the server and then type the server address back in and then join

Again and hope that the W pops up hold Betsy what crossbow okay yo what’s up blue Nova MC thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going if you want to join just type the server address in the top right corner make sure all the green make sure all

The red wool is green wool and then do SLS server join SL server join join Raider Invaders SMP and you should be able to get in but we’re trying to work out some te technical difficulties right now how’s your day going though um did it work Shadow you’re typing question marks

That’s not re indorsement right there nope why is this not working really hope wish I had some admin power on this yeah I hope so I’m about to die I don’t feel like that’s very healthy Mr Shadow GT by the way okay oh and now I’m up here okay that’s interesting

Oh did electricity get in try Okay so try deleting the server typing the server like disconnect delete the server and then type the server address back in make sure all the red Wills screen will and try again maybe like turn it’s like like when the people say have you tried

Turning the computer off and then back on again shot are you trying to literally just called that I don’t thought that on Bedrock imagine oh guys are you on Java or Bedrock that’s a good question that be a good starting point that’s a good question Eli that is very good question

Just I mean this kind of sounds dumb but like just in case okay electricity is back in so the fact that electricity is in makes me think that it may be something something like that are you guys on Bedrock or Java yeah what’s up man okay electric do at Comm

Yeah this is the community uh place I’m determin to get these guys in but if they if they are on Bedrock then there’s not much I can do the Builder YT yo what’s up let’s team uh I don’t really do much teaming but I’m down to like we chill

With you I just you’re not coming to my main base but we can all chill in the community base M4 you’re on Java okay you are on Java okay did you try turning the computer off and then back no I’m joking um did you try disconnecting and then deleting and then rejoining

Electricity what did you do differently cuz you were in the same boat as them did you change anything or did it just work suddenly oh he’s on y what’s up man do at Community to get to Community Place and Dot sl. set home to set

Home oh no no stop no no no dog sit sit sit sit sit no no no sit I got you don’t worry dog is sitting now he was a bad boy um he’s not very happy with you though we’ll give you I will say that um okay um let’s build the Christmas

Tree guys oh wait we still need Oak dude or dark oak anyone have a supply of dark oak anyone anyone at all M4 are you still having the technical difficulties you good bro no no no no no no no no stop stop no stop no no no it’s

Fine stop growling run run Noob merer don’t fight my dog I will try and teleport him away I don’t know he should teleport to me so you’re good now now that’s good I think it worked need a Christmas tree but I feel like dark oak is the best wood for the Christmas

Tree why is my dog not teleporting to me hey new merer don’t be bullying the noobs newbie newbies the newb people that’s toxic no also no killing at the community base preferably I’m G find a dark oak biome and then we can start building the Christmas

Tree how do I get somewhere else what do you mean get somewhere else you can travel you can do at Community to get to to the community base you can do at end to get to the end portal or you can just do it the oldfashioned way running with the oldfashioned way running

Yeah these Spruce these are Spruce aren’t they no this is dark oak awesome you got Discord I do have Discord thanks for asking uh you can’t join the one I’m streaming on right now but I’ve got a Discord that I post my schedule and a bunch of yeah there’s

Stuff that happens on it so I’ll put that in the Stream chat it’s also in the description of my stream chat but I will add you please add you to what my Discord uh let’s see oh it hasn’t worked yet it keeps crashing whenever I join

This the server if I join my can I get to it through there good question Um why does it why does it keep crashing my friend probably actually don’t know the answer to that it’s just crashing for nothing still don’t let me join I don’t know what changed um let me think um yo zodic did wasn’t there a way to what

Sorry I just want to be special it’s himself confus he’s so hot zodic do you know how to get there if you’re in the mine Hut Lobby just come to that Lobby thing I’m stuck above the you know how to get there from the mine Hut Lobby you’re stuck above again

Uh yo Pikman electricity how did you how did you fix your problem how did you fix your problem because they’re having a problem type in type in very insightful information I found the fix raater awesome it’s great to here awesome she just got the right sapling type hey Raider go to vc1 please

I don’t typically join the VC I may have certain streams that I do in the future yeah I don’t typically do that because it gets chaotic um may do a membership thing with the V uh going in thec in the future or something we’ll see guys come with me

We’re building a Christmas tree time if anyone wants to join me anyone got bone meal ready for PVP now I don’t think you are quite ready for PVP there’s a lot of people with netherite my guy I personally am not one of those people but Christmas tree shall go right here uh let’s

See guys I ran out of Bones yo stop bullying people stop killing people unless unless they asked for it maybe they asked for it never mind um let me get some he One V one me oh gotcha guys I’m I’m making the tree over here if anyone wants to join some real cool

Activities thinking this this shall be the known as the snow bind of the region um anyone got bone meal they could bring to me by chance and anyone want to help me in my quest for snow re region so that I’m not lonely while doing and that it goes the work goes a

Little had a problem but I just click SL server join Raider Invaders S&P and I got in awesome Chase cat hey the community command doesn’t work yeah but I’m stuck at spawn oh you’re still stuck at spawn oh do are you sure it doesn’t work just at

Community all you have to do is at community and it should work if it still doesn’t work just let me know but you have to do SL server join Raider Invader SMP first can’t just do act Community from the original spawn thing um let’s do some more Snow me that’s nice Eli sorry okay and I’m the weird one okay um anyone anyone going to help me perhaps mayhaps possibly mayhaps that’s a that’s fine I’ll be fine no what’s your thoughts on strong independent black women what are you talking that’s me I am a strong independent black woman that’s nice

Eli it’s really cool for you M I didn’t need no mans dude whenever I was beating up that boy all I need is my double barrel shotgun Piel I got you bro y you want to help me with this no no no where are you going where are you going

Pixelmon y yo here’s some snow you want to you want to put down some snow with me yeah yeah t SL TPA to me shadow if you want to help we’re just kind of filling the filling the mountain side with snow is just kind of the idea so

That hey yo Shadow here here here no no no don’t take my snow don’t don’t take no stop stop destroying the snow stop stop no stop destroying the snow the snow is supposed to be there no where are you going where are you going no no no take some snow and start

Placing oh more people want to get here no no no don’t nod your head at me like that wood please I’ve got some yo yo anyone want snow just start start start taking some snow and start placeing some snow on the mountain side making this our snowy region you have food I

Actually don’t have food I’m kind of poor in that regard also uh if anyone has a snow biome that they want to let people TP to so that we can get more snow that would be appreciated as well anyone wants snow uh Christmas tree anyone got bone

Meal we need we need need bone meal to to no bro bro don’t destroy the tree this is our Christmas tree calm down anyone got a snow biome we could go to you Raider what you have one I well I have a snow biome but I’m not teleporting people to my snow biome

To collect snow you’re no fun I would and it will look ugly you need four saplings to make a do AR no oh wait do you do you actually need four sings I thought you could do it with one uh can I not break stuff at community base

Uh I’d prefer it if you don’t break stuff at community base but you can break certain things just not people’s builds preferably yeah but I’m stuck at spawn I’m here stop just no stop destroying oh my bad my bad my bad that’s my dog my bad get back

Here um no we’re not doing a four four a four wide thing is it spruce trees that I’m thinking of I feel like I’d rather have a dark oak tree are we just going to manually build this going to manually bu maybe it’s Spruce dark oak is ugly the tree he kind of

Ugly um is it Spruce that I’m thinking of what am I thinking of here no no not regular Oak not regular Oak okay he just slaughtered that man slaughter them like animals yo anyone got someone bone meal at you mean bone no yeah it is Spruce that I’m thinking

Of that looks way more like a Christmas tree dude stop destroying the leaves dear lord it’s like they’re a bunch of 5-year-olds I need food anyone got food can’t break anything it’s like I’m in spectator you can’t that’s a problem I feel like that shouldn’t be a

Thing oh is it because you were in the above region maybe just I don’t know honestly quite frankly um these are all these are all problems that are above my my simple tin little brain what was I looking for iron that’s probably what I was looking I’m going to do sl. home really

2018 so you’re in spectator how do I go to that parkour spawn like the one where I was stuck in you do SL server leave and then the server that you’re in which is my server yo stop slaughtering the noobs Noob merer just toxic anyone got food dear Lord why am I

So I need a farm dude that’s what I need yo what’s up elap bre thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy need need need food so poor Shadow you’ve got food for me let me get shears um we need some Spruce leaves at

Imunity good that’s good to hear my I feel like we with all the high tech stuff we have at this base we have very low amounts of food for some reason wait so show me that you can’t destroy anything try to destroy something try destroying that oh you fixed it awesome

Okay I need food not meal oh thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh new merer you need to stop I will ban you from this server there is not no none of that killing stuff at the community base my guy what am I missing uh I’m definitely missing stuff guys

Check your inventory I’m missing stuff and if I find out that it’s you that has oh n one of my things just has curs of Vanishing on it that’s why I didn’t get it back never mind um let’s not use that why are you guys all staring at me like this kind of

Creepy let’s make a chest plate for this time okay over actually I need to Shear some Le s raer have three more I have more diamonds than you that’s nice I don’t really play This Server as much as I need to to get Advanced y where’s the where’s the

Spruce trees that were just here dude I need spruce trees I need the leaves from the spruce trees dude I’ll probably ate like seven Rolls today oh my goodness I love bread I need spruce trees to grow anyone got bones for me thanks man bone you yeah there we go wait don’t

Don’t break this don’t break this tree guys I need to get to the top of it really quick don’t break the tree I swear if you break this tree I will what are you going to do to me you stink dude you’re so incredibly I need I need more leaves

Dude I need more leaves than that we need another tree make it don’t make it a four thing make it a one thing someone Spruce not Spruce that bone meal that you want get bone meal yeah give me them leaves actually I I’ll disperse the

Leaves in a second just so that we can all contribute in the tree okay now you can destroy that okay grab the leaves let’s go guys time to make the Christmas tree yo what’s up Sean thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going oh your

Pixel one and I found a snow biome nice oh shoot I’m weak I’m not even at the tree M got to get to the tree oh you’ve got a snow biome some guys some people TPA to Pixelmon so that you can get snow from him and expand our snow biome guys some

People TPA uh Pixelmon and start mining snow with a shovel while I do the help with while I acquire some help with this tree guys I need a couple of you to TPA to Pixelmon where is my dog oh here’s my dog it away um why is it attacking

Me why are they attacking each other make your dog sit a crap we’re okay oh no no no sit fliping don’t hit my dog dang you know I actually did not care that much about that dog um guys some people TPA to that boy Pixelmon

Okay and if you had one day left to live what would you do uh live normally the stream for me is at 144p or else it’s very laggy play Minecraft po puppy yo y yo yo y yo go go mine some snow TP do SL do SL TPA to

Pixelmon and then go mine some snow okay with some with a shovel you guys go go go to Pixelmon okay oh thanks for the breadman no no no let’s not let’s not do that let’s not um go t TPA to Pixelmon guys some of you better be getting snow

Um this this Christmas tree needs to be bigger if you like can we make it four blocks this doesn’t feel big enough if you got more snow start make it the carpet snow type and then just like expand the SN now region force myself to watch the stream

At 144p that’s tough man do we make it 4×4 thing don’t have enough inventory I’m not have enough Spruce logs for this yo give me more Spruce logs uh zodic zodic I need more need more Spruce logs my guy what are you doing electricity what

Are you doing bro tell bimin to hop on I’ve already tried to get him thank you oh my gosh dear Lord that’s a lot of spruce what if we made uh someone go collect some more leaves I don’t think we’re going to have enough leaves with the plan I

Have what are you doing bro now don’t Timber the tree please this is the Christmas tree you are not allowed to touch it or you’re banned okay no I don’t need those leaves right now I touch it R have you thought about reposting this community post I made uh I don’t

Really think about that as much while I’m streaming um I probably will not be doing I need more Spruce guys anyone got more Spruce logs probably say goodbye and sew anything I was putting off um thank you you guys are allowed to help me with this by the

Way like this isn’t a oneman project if you want to start working on the base guys you can man cuz it’s going to be a tedious project if only I’m working ony what goofy goofy goober yeah bro that’s that’s me I’m I’m the Goofy Goober you rather have $1

Million or 1 million Subs 1 million Subs dude one million friends could grow a YouTube channel off that I just found a base in cave with netherite stuff uh don’t loot it let’s not grief let’s not grief or anything um I don’t know how to design a

Christmas tree so I’m going to just do my Best Christmas tree guys building is not my speciality so someone should definitely be helping me with this no who’s burning my house what the crap crap who the flip burnt my house so far away though can I please take it um feel like I should say no but you

Know what the crap this was so intentional too bro that that thing is all burning what the flip someone wants me guys if I find out who this was you getting kicked from the the the community bro getting getting done do boot the not from the server from the community I’m about to

Die from the community I say because the Constitution and the signs say this is that this is property that shall not be burned dang we all built this together man is my stuff burning crap we all Built This Together guys and someone just burned it in an instant oh

That’s my teammates let me get on really quick sorry about that sorry about that wait why do you want to teleport to me I’m dead I died yo shadow shadow let me let me TP you my well that went South quickly I was just trying to build a Christmas tree man

Man way to ruin the Christmas spirit guys love men don’t you what what a little string that’s Alan Wake himself he’s so hot okay did you take anything Shadow did you accidentally take anything by chance know why I was just curious cuz there I guess some things just got

Burned just miss Miss in a couple things which is fine my red ornaments got burned dude anyone got red gems dang that’s so sad we’ll have to fix that at some point but now is no time to mour now it’s time to build this Christmas tree that is looking really

Crappy I need a someone that’s a builder dude to help me with this dude because this is really bad for yo what’s up oh Elite bread are you a builder you know how to Build yeah yeah give me leaves oh I’m low on leaves you need to take one of the other nerds and go on a collection run for leaves I don’t want no sugar cane why why oh shoot yes sir it’s my pineapple with the w oh yeah it’s my pineapple

You’re a good Builder help us with this I remember you helping build the house yes good stuff X Weir expand the snow biome someone one of the new bees help X Weir expand the snow biome I feel like I’m not doing it terribly or am I

Guys I feel like this isn’t I feel like this is workable let’s just keep expanding it outward as we go down right feel like that’s logical let’s do the lowest layer like right here so that we can stand guys get get on this with me it’s kind of like the layer a crap

Kind of like the layer above but like just a little out further that’s a little too no this is good yeah yeah yeah good stuff guys good stuff work Teamwork Makes the Dream Work I a water bucket on oh crap get up this tree just make sure it’s symmetrical or whatever it’s

Called the furthest out point should be the middle of the lake should be right here every time good stuff let’s go guys Christmas tree is being acquired yo what’s up Samuel Murray thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going why you say me like that is

This bad my mom made some chick mix earlier today and it is so good nice man R do you got op I do not I kind of do why why do you ask I kind of do but I kind of don’t like I don’t have all the PRS and

Stuff but I could go in creative and stuff okay now now do the no no no don’t waste don’t waste the Snowballs on me make it help it help expand the Whatchamacallit with it snow biome okay I feel like this is very disproportional um I think it need this

It needs to be closer in um wait let’s look at above yeah above it’s really how could we make this better I think let’s do this let’s just add another let’s try that to to see what that does it’s better uh no you cannot get creative for

10 seconds I don’t trust that sick you’re creative do that no no no I’m not going into creative I’m not abusing my commands but like I have commands Bottom’s still a little too far out I think I think we trim the bottom I think it’ll just look goofy if we don’t trim the

Bott thoughts guys could we do we want to make it taller we could probably make it taller if we wanted to and exp and expand it yes put the ornaments thank you I don’t have any red ornaments but I got some oh can’t have too close together I’ll go up a

Floor we’re not using that to go up a floor someone destroyed that layer ahead think the second layer up is too big I will figure that out one second okay I like this I like this second is that the problem the second layer Up’s too big let’s I kind of

Agree but how do we make it smaller without making it look it does need okay wait let me let me see this um we do this without making it oh see you Samuel Murray my bad Constitution is very nice uh appreciate it sorry about not talking with you a whole I Vibe with

This I can I can get behind this we need a star at the top is there yes wait anyone got gold blocks anyone just got some gold blocks on them by chance oh you got the star anyone got food too kind of lacking on kind of

Jack I don’t know where I was going with that one I thought I was going to say one. and that it didn’t say it funny you died with 20 what we need a star anyone got gold I feel like a gold star like just like

Solid gold would be kind of a w solid gold fortnite LT or what’s something gold that we can make a staircase with or half slabs hey you got to destroy the blocks if you’re going to go up with them who’s got gold blocks if you have gold blocks bring them to

Me it’s a thing of beauty you show everyone the Constitution I will the Constitution’s not quite done with wait wait wait let me get up here is that all the how did you get up here oh you have elyra um it needs to no no no wait let me see this

Bam you got more gold blocks by chance no no no no no now it’s not finished anyone got more gold blocks do you only have five we need more gold blocks guys anyone super rich and got more gold blocks if so TPA to me yo what’s IP the

IP is in the top right and then you click all the red W making it all green and then you do SL server join Raider Invaders smpp there’s a little bit of an echo Eli by the way can you get a pumpkin from your base please pumpkin TPA except

Bread got more gold blocks for us what do you what’s your idea I will let you let you use your idea just because you are a good Builder oh no the gold blocks whoops what is what is going on here what is this why do you have so many diamonds

What gear do you have I just have Diamond gear at the moment why do you ask but we’re kind of just Building Together what is what is this what is what is going on here no the snow who did I place the water who placed the

Water no we’re going to have to fix that guys snow will be the our next mission what is built being built here okay just wondering gotcha no no no stop no no no don’t mine it with the stone don’t mine it with a stone pickaxe that’ll get rid of

It what what are you building here Echo now and stop placing water guys no Echo no Echo all right I just put try messing around with setting can you get a pumpkin from your base please yeah I’ll get a pumpkin guys we’re going to have to fix this now we’re going to have

To all work together for that was that yo what’s up chicksen chicksen Wing 99 yo don’t shoot me do not shoot me I will ban you if you shoot me why are we making a a diamond star that is looking mighty mighty Beautiful by Mighty yo what’s up you you got

Thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy had to go for a sec but I’m back awesome I think that star is just a little too big I just need some more gold blocks give me some gold blocks and then I’ll I’ll build the star

Cuz you kind of suck at building the star no offense D he’s just trying to make it too big I think hey what’s wrong with that by the way I’m stealing all your diamonds I’m joking you’re just going to if if someone else gets a hold of these

Diamonds they are probably stealing them though I will let you know oh anyone got more gold blocks by chance I want a pumpkin I’ll get you a pumpin pumpkin not too bad just staying up all night haha what type of S&P is this uh it’s just a regular SMP with the it’s

Free SMP with the with viewers and Friends uh I don’t know what you mean by what type if you want to specify um yeah what’s my pineapple diamonds I need okay I’ll go get the pumpkin I need more gold home greater 2018 got gold got gold no okay someone

Go get gold also someone get a bunch bunch of snow to rebuild uh to re uh cover the mountain with I’m about to die this is not good vanilla yeah it’s just it’s just vanill Minecraft 1.2.2 want to show you something who wants to show me something oh wait I’ve actually

Got food I forgot that I went and got food one time I thought I was poor on food but I actually do have some food okay I think I have enough blocks to complish the purpose I want to accomplish eight blocks hopefully that’ll be enough pumpkin I don’t have a pumpkin I don’t

Know why you’re asking for a pumpkin for me but I do not have a pumpkin anyone if anyone has a pumpkin give it to that boy but FIS enjoy your Game Boy enjoy your game bro appreciate it just combine it with the another CH anyone got more gold

I don’t know if Eight’s going to be enough also we need more snow we’re all going to we’re all about to go on an expedition to get more snow at this rate also get rid of these get rid of the the random blocks in the area they’re just disgraceful to

The to the tree why is there a no actually yeah I actually kind of like that idea putting people’s heads on it’s kind of funny wait which way do I want the star to be facing guys probably towards the village right probably yeah feel like that’s how

Star should look like maybe a little bit better than that I mean that’s kind of a star it looks really just kind of looks sad though Ferris enjoy game I already read that I’m stupid how long have I been streaming like it’s not been that long but I it

Definitely has two hours because I’ve just been enjoying the stream I feel like that’s going to be how The star looks guys how does no one have a pumpkin cuz we just don’t it’s not really an thing anyone got the snow biome or am I going to have to supply all this

Snow yo X Weir help me get some snow get me a pumpkin someone can get you a pumpkin but someone needs to help me get snow and I am going to trust you in this instance follow me don’t get snow from anywhere because we don’t want to ruin the landscape um follow

Me if we get a pumpkin what is it called again uh it’s SMP Arc host if you want to know what the server is called server join Raider Vaders SMP right there um top right corner is anything else okay let’s uh let’s not grab it from here let’s go this way this

Works grab some snow um and then just make it into blocks of snow so that you can store more more got really quiet all of a who are you guys why are you guys killing someone what did they do don’t mind me collecting snow it ain’t working for me wait what

Are you you’re on Java right a lot of other people’s have had problems today ask the people that have had problems um um yo M4 how did you finally get it to work cuz I think someone’s having a problem yo M4 could you go to stream chat M4

Oh M4 just left okay um that’s a little odd SL yeah SL server uh I a before the I you put the I before the a so it’s a before the I Listen to m41 It’s SLS server join that server um okay go back to the community base

Um X weird and let’s start guys yo if anyone else wants to help me uh put this snow over the Whatchamacallit yo Steve the Pigman you want to help me yo zodic want to help me anyone want to help me guys please please what’s going on here guys let’s not

Let’s not ruin the terrain I get up here me the crap sorry anyone want to help me place this I’ve got a crap ton of blocks let’s a go y chicken wing got you yo what’s up man who built nether portal flipping right here my bad someone help me destroy this

Dude I swear everyone be trolling br could someone help me destroy this game is a bit laggy don’t destroy the same block as me shadow that’s kind of counterproductive I don’t think he wants to do that my game is a bit laggy that’s unfortunate but hopefully it Smooths out smoothens out it’s

Called why is there why on Earth why is there a tree here I don’t was there always a tree here in this fence we’re destroying it I don’t care yo someone want to help me work on this snowy region we can besides xir we trying to get things done here

Not have all day guys I need you guys to stop fooling around oh snow Farm got you yo yo yo Steve the penguin start placing some snow where there’s uh GR grass that’s what you can do just in this region yeah good stuff that’s what we like to

See I can’t lie guys the star kind of looks like sucky uh anyone got more gold so that I can make the star look less bad no no don’t don’t don’t layer you don’t have to layer it I wouldn’t or I wouldn’t layer it up personally

Just why is there so much just leaves leaves is not except Pixelmon if we need to go mining for gold I guess next if I get up this mountain I can’t believe none of you guys have more gold you you had like 50 blocks of diamonds and you don’t have more gold

Also I have some of your diamonds it’s my pineapple oh you want more blocks y yo yo uh here here’s another someone uh what should we build next guys a present or what we could do a present or something else am I late y what’s up Kai I’m in

Hyperion thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy yo thank no no no no no no don’t take those don’t take those can I have food oh yeah who needs food if if you need food come to me I got you if you need yo if you need if you

Need some some snow use the snow golem a shovel and the Snow Golem nope if you need a shovel ask for it I I have some iron I can spare what should we build next there’s more that we can bu build I want more gold though cuz that star looks so

Bad what’s more holiday stuff a present we could build a present if you have any holiday things you want to build just build it someone build a big snowman no do not build this what are they building can you start tomorrow’s stream at like 5:00 p.m your time I won’t

Probably have a stream tomorrow it’ll be Christmas Eve but maybe we’ll see um I’ve got way too much stuff in my inventory y it’s my pineapple take that back someone could someone get me gold we we need more gold blocks or I want more gold blocks rather

Also we should make some mini Christmas trees if anyone has any Spruce saplings someone someone someone get some Spruce saplings like just some make some mini Christmas trees someone if you’re not doing anything go look for Golden mines dude be a Miner Gold is of of importance

Right now so that we can remove that crappy looking star and get a better looking star yo thank you pix someone Raider did you do e drag yeah we did that the other day okay Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam okay why are we placing guys whoever is placing the

Cobblestone I’m going to need you to stop also anyone got Red Blocks I don’t know what would be red but maybe some red wool we make like a North Pole type looking thing guys if you’re not doing anything like grab some resources like some red wool would be nice or like some more

Gold would be nice or some Spruce saplings I’ve said I need you guys see Comm hyp here on thanks for joining the stream I need you guys to be productive okay I’m trying to get things done at this community base yo pineapple you’re useful go get go get

Some we need to fill this in over here guys snow people we got an area to fill in over here by the Christmas tree someone I’m going to get Spruce saplings someone get gold please and someone get red wool if or some sort of red block red stone would work too someone get

Redstone actually red Stone’s probably easier than red wool Redstone would be appreciated uh if you need food just come to me I’ll give you food what is going on here what is this even lowkey I’m trying to yoink that Redstone up there oh there’s 64 blocks of redstone in here awesome I’m snatching

That um anyone got what are you doing M4 anyone got oh Spruce saplings Spruce saplings going once going twice Spruce saplings anyone anyone got them okay if someone happens to find Spruce saplings let me know oh the tree looks good except for the flipping gold

On the top of it who needs food I’ve got food new ma are here take some food um it’s my pineapple could you get us gold by chance you seem like a competent young fell well could you get us gold there’s some saplings in the chest near the tree awesome also guys don’t

Build up with flipping crappy looking blocks like this please please find a way up naturally or use like water where there’s not snow do not use water in an area that there’s snow um and then I just I need gold I need gold guys I need gold put a good

Meow do you need a good meow meow um what are you talking about talking about meowing you know what cats do and sometimes first okay I’ve got the Redstone um anyone got more snow I need more snow oh wow there’s a lot of saplings okay um someone bone meal these trees dude

What just going to have like three or four scattered Christmas trees maybe five five six or seven actually let’s leave the noise uncovered um I need more blocks need more snow blocks carpets uh let me get this carpet snow zombie I’m going to need you to not awesome thank you for whoever bone

Meal the trees it’s tiger toobi also someone should make some presents under the Christmas tree guys if someone wants to take that task I think that’s a good task for someone to take where should I put the North Pole like looking thing no yeah you got some snow for

Me X weird or should I put the North Pole looking thing y yo let him do let him do his work um you got some snow for me my guy yeah what you looking at I need food oh here you go I’ll get some more from my base if I

Need to yo what’s up King Freddy thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy yo I need snow I need snow who’s got snow for me I need a little bit more snow some I need blocks uh I realize you just transform them all into carpets but I

Need blocks uh you can put these somewhere or someone else can actually I may have enough blocks where should I put the North Pole guys North Pole where is it going right here someone put some ornaments on these other trees I don’t know if anyone has more of

The SA fire looking stuff but we need more ornaments on the trees got killed by a hacker who’s the hacker is that your is that your server uh it’s a server ho it’s it is my server but it’s like on a server host by someone called bin bin user but it is my

Smpp how you join is you type in the server address up there it’ll be like prompted with a bunch of red wool on the screen that are just basically the terms of the server so you make all the red wool green wool and then after you do

That you can do uh you can do slash slash server join Raider Invaders smpp and then you can join oh M HUD I know it yeah yeah to type in that uh host at the top uh I’m going to make the North Pole looking thing right here you look like the North

Pole I want to say it looks like something like this candy cane because no it’s North Pole flipping pretty sure this is how the North Pole thing look I need more snow guys though I need more snow blocks to be fair wait no I’m stupid wait let me look this up really

Quick see you chase cat thanks for joining the stream how’s your day have a good rest of your night I mean North Pole images real North Pole stick thing so it is it is like what I have but what we may do because yo no no no swearing no swearing no swearing guys

What I may do just because I’m a little slow is we’re going to do here um this is a familyfriendly stream it is a family friendly stream um could we could I get some snow over on Isle two sow blocks to be fair not to be fair but what’s going on in chat

Bro yo what’s up Mr J jna thanks for joining this stream Jonah I don’t know um how’s your day going my guy appreciate you dropping by crap didn’t mean to fall you what’s up gaming killer thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy um

How do I get back up here I guess I just got got to build and destroy that when I come back down guys why is there beefing then it’s got like a gold block on the top of it or something uh I need more gold guys I say

We all just go mining for gold in a second by we all I mean whoever is still trying to participate in this snow area how do YouTubers still know me what do you mean still know you what do you mean still know you I do not

Know who you are I just read your name in the kindest way possible not trying to be rude or anything it’s just rude man how are you I’m doing good thanks for asking what about you what’s up thank you uh anyone want to go mining for gold with me in a

Second I would love to gosh darn it I misplaced one I’m not sure I may still need more blocks which is kind of crazy to say but may still not have enough which is really tragic it’s going to be close actually never mind I’ve got enough we’re good we’re good on snow

Blocks uh I need gold I don’t know if anyone’s been working on that but I need that um familyfriendly I don’t think you were saying anything well you m why are you being so nice uh what do you mean why am I being so nice I just it’s just

How I be I try and be just a really nice guy I try and be welcoming uh to the channel uh for any new viewers and any old viewers I try to be nice to just uh try and get to know you better just how I how I be

Um if you want to join the server top right if you want to know the steps of what to do after that just let me know need more gold clown Pierce who’s clown Pierce um that voice what voice um guys everyone follow me we’re going mining we’re finding we’re finding gold

Guys did bro really just say who’s clown Pierce I have no clue who clown Pierce is going mining for gold but first get some food actually let me go home for no one’s following me so that’s actually fine but um I’m going go home and get some food first

Eli y what’s up I was making sure I didn’t accident go def oh wish um uh though who are you Mr John Jonna Jonah if uh you’re asking how YouTubers still know you I assume that means that you are someone that is not knowable I don’t even know um

Let’s go to the community base guys guys guys guys guys we need presents under the Christmas tree and we need more gems probably too yo what’s up X um someone go someone help me mine for gold we need gold all right I will thank you we need

Just let me know we’re going to just you know mod rules of mind inecraft say don’t dig straight down but like we’re digging straight down let me just find a good spot to dig boy I know actually let me find a cave over here there’s got to be a cave over

Here right yo what’s up pandite thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going not pandite yo what’s up zugger not thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going I don’t know why you’re spamming that but uh nice uh yeah this cave works it’s looking like nothing okay a griefer who’s the

Griefer yo where’d you go where where where where where GPA I can’t who’s the griefer if you grief you will be banned from the server by the way um so don’t do that so don’t do that guys yeah guys don’t don’t do that someone everyone TPA to me so we can go

Mining for gold do I have fortune on it yep we’re going to be gold diggers nice one second guys let me get to a cave actually let me just get far enough down to where we can all go our separate ways okay TPA accept everyone else TPA

To me go go one way I’ll go to the other you go that way I don’t know what a good y level is for gold quite frankly cuz who just mines for gold guys I need some more people to TPA to me so that we can find more gold um yo zugger

If you want to join the server you can type in that server uh address and then you can click all the red W and make it green W to accept the terms and then you can do SL server join Raider Invaders SMP um let’s not mine the same way as me

Let’s go opposite ways so we each other okay you’re no fun um what y level is good for gold anyone know oh I found a k oh diamonds okay you know diamonds I’ll take a diamond take some diamonds uh don’t really need diamonds at the moment but never say no to

Diamonds Never Back Down never what never give up oh gold gold gold more diamonds more diamonds wow diamonds are way easier to find than so many at this point in time um let’s get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that I don’t need some of this

Stuff another fire dude I’m I’m not going to lie you’re going to have to solve that someone already burnt down my house so can grief it if they want but once they’re caught they’re out they’re booted 16 is the best y level for gold thank you for sending that 255 we’re a

Little lower than it but we are finding some gold so that’s good guess I post already oh my bad6 for gold apologize for not looking at chat wait how again oh okay so it once you make everything green boxes you can escape from that tab because you’ve that should

Accept the terms of service um so then after that you’re going to do SLS server join Raider Vaders smpp just right there in chat Never Back Down never what never give up woohoo I sent TP oh you did I got you oh whoops I just sent it to you don’t accept that

Don’t accept that please please don’t accept that um send it again cuz uh I think I goofed up okay okay -6 let’s get to6 and then start mining I’m stuck in Obby oh my gosh dude yo xord leing me up someone’s stuck in Obby are we oh my

Gosh what’s going on here guys you shouldn’t be stuck in Obby oh yo yo if you’re stuck in Obby do do do at community if you’re stuck in a fire everyone come home base brother now someone’s being a troll how do you not see who started this

Guys how did my water just get gone get it gone just got gone dude lowy I think we just let these trees burn at this point trees they can regrow we can regrow trees hey don’t hit me it’s uncalled for so I do at Community yeah do at

Community what the word I just typed in chat do at that and then you can come to this area that we are at that is currently burning to the ground just let the trees burn bro we can grow new trees Loki all I want right now is

Gold here’s another Ruby we can put on the tree now question mark yo cring Freddy uh yeah give me a second and we’re going to go back down for mining okay cuz we do need more gold but uh I’ll let you TPA to me once I get back

Under just putting another ornament on one of the trees and getting more water you should install low fire what is low fire I’ll TP chicken wing to me you on fire currently right now no there’s things on fire though oh I don’t know what it

Is oh I was on fire for a second so that’s probably no that that probably was what it was well L fire from my understanding it just like so it doesn’t take up the whole screen it’s just like bar like whenever you’re on fire pack that lowers the fire awesome I join

Tomorrow bye see you Juggernaut thanks for joining the stream subscribe like join the Discord um I’ll see you tomorrow uh if you join or next time I stream rather um I’m about to go under and start mining again guys if anyone wants to join me at Community doesn’t work it has two

M’s if you typed it in wrong at Community 100% will work once you’re on the server or it should work as long as you don’t type anything in front of it uh now I’m going mining so if you want to TPA to me you can and then we need to

Smelt all the gold make it into gold blocks and then we’re going to use it for the Christmas decorations it’s M4 got a mystery on her hands I guess to figure out mystery got to got in got to get got to get in the the scoo the the Scooby van

The mystery man van that’s what it’s called Scooby van shut up I couldn’t think of what so slow I couldn’t think of what it was called sent TP it doesn’t I sent TP doesn’t show you sending the TP that’s weird um um King Freddy yeah it doesn’t show are you sure you did

TPA and then Raider 2018 oh there’s a mine shaft here okay didn’t expect that quite frankly low berries oo ah oh no not those cursed spiders dude destroy that spawner quick back up back up fool yeah that’s what I thought yeah did it’s not showing up that’s weird King Freddy it’s the TPA

Thing is not showing up for me don’t know why I’m going to kill people see if they have flint and steel I go for it man I’ll let you be the government for a little bit that Community doesn’t work for me as well maybe disconnect and reconnect I don’t know are you typing

Anything before it it should just be slash TPA and whoever you want to TPA to hopefully it works okay um let’s go back this way where here is the gold give me the gold hopefully that starts working for you because those commands are very nice to

Have chest that way chest this way give me gold dude yes more Sapphire gems for decoration yay woohoo a name tag I’ll take a name tag blueberries maybe something um gold that’s what we want anyone got a fortune pickaxe I feel like if someone has a Fortune pickaxe and they should be

Doing some mining for does it work on gold maybe it doesn’t work on gold I’m h Amber gem dude that flipp looks sick dude guys do we have an Amber gem yet I feel like this is the first Amber gem I think we found or that we have on the tree at

Least Fortune works on gold it does okay thank you for that information someone should be down here with me I know King Freddy’s been trying so I don’t give him any bad rep but someone else should be trying to TPA to me stuck stuck at it stuck what at what

Orange ban orange why am I Banning orange I will not be banning orange he is a very trusted subscriber no stuck at it at the Obby oh you’re stuck at the let me TPA to you do TPA accept actually that didn’t say anything that’s really weird it’s not saying anything when it does

That he legit griefing me and killing me I didn’t do the fire and he keeps killing me I’m about to lose all my levels uh X Weir don’t don’t don’t kill them if they don’t kill them repeatedly at least don’t kill them don’t kill them repeatedly at least I said TP

How do I fix this for I didn’t get any TP yeah you’re the commands aren’t going through to you for some reason I don’t know where spawn is quite frankly okay yeah you go mining the other uh different away from me if I kill you will you ban me no I won’t ban

You if you kill me I may be upset since we’re trying to work together for a common theme but no that’s not how I work is it true that no okay we’re leading that comment what’s up common com Cy n how’s your day going my guy I

Want to try and figure out how to get my boy King out nice that was an awesome comment wanted to figure out how to get my boy King out of that is it z z ninja 09 need y take my food take my food and keep take my food

And keep mining I’m going to try and help my boy kenat so epy seepy you know I’m going use creative just for a second so that I can get to spawn and help this boy out that’s all I’m using it for guys this is cheating just because this boy

Suck it’s not it’s not actually cheating I didn’t do the fire Yeah by bye Raider see you M4 uh thanks for joining the stream my guy apologize if he did anything that you didn’t like M4 water why does he have a bounty on him what did he do

Wrong how do you know he did the fire how how do you know that I left the server can you TPA me to your base no I’m not I’m not going to TPA you to my base legit mining with you they’re accusing me of doing fire when it started what’s your username your

Username is M4 I don’t know man I don’t I wasn’t there so I can’t say that you didn’t but I’m not going to say that you did because you’re innocent until proven guilty um but I’ll try and tell them not to kill you guys don’t kill M4 until we have

Until I have solid proof at least or you bring me solid proof you is spawn z00 guys is this are you at spawn where where are where are you at King what’s going on killing me when I have 33 levels I’m at the Obby at spawn

Well I’m at spawn I think don’t see Obby particularly could you could you hit F3 and tell me your cords King Freddy I’m checking replay mod sounds good TP me to you s you have o op I actually don’t have compl complete op I can’t just TP people I

Don’t know why I don’t have op but hello what is hello just who’s been mining with you the whole time bro I don’t remember check back on stream dog I don’t remember all these things Noob merer was there with me chicks chickens was there with me oh those two

Guys 10 40 48 gotcha 10 48 no this way this way 1040 and then straight down do like fortnite Battle Royale wait these are the cords you’re supposed to be at wait wait let me try something server leave raer 2018 King Freddy you are not even on the server yet my guy you

Weren’t you’re not in the server my guy you have to do SL server join have to do SL server join Raider 20 no Raider Invaders smpp SLS server join Raider Invaders smpp yeah you’re not in the server yet my guy he is not um yeah yeah you’re not you’re not you’re

Not quite in the server yet my God that’s funny though um let me know if that works for you like when did the fire start to happen when did it happen uh it’s loading I’m looking right now um yo X guys stop killing mm4 till I have Pro of

His I got you M4 sorry about that I saw Shadow do it Shadow was doing it I just joined chat Shadow did it yo what’s up vital man thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going it was shadow man there’s so many accusations guys as long as unless there’s another griefing we’re

Fine can you type how to join again the sub count blocks the chat uh oh does it oh yeah yeah yeah it does it does block the chat doesn’t it it’s in let me let me let me I thank you for telling me that because I wouldn’t have even

Thought about that I’ll unblock it for a second server join Raider Vader smpp you did little Griefer there’s so many accusations guys who who done it yo what’s up Bandy thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy that’s how you do it now I will put the sub count back

Up man there’s so many accusations that’s this is crazy man whing crazy wow so so much going on wow man did it work did you click the red blocks to Green blocks my friend probably they’re still spawn camping you by the way hey stop stop stop this is uncalled

For this is uncalled for stop stop that’s uncalled for hey stop stop this is uncalled for you need to leave did it work King Freddy yeah I’m not loading in bro why are they who vital main what’s your username tiger maybe tiger I don’t know um don’t don’t kill M4 or

Ban until he’s proven guilty don’t kill him or ban not ban more like a kick temporary kick maybe temporary I got my evidence he did can you is there any way for you to send me the evidence he did not do it he did not do it okay there’s the proof guys don’t

Kill M4 dang Burly tried to who did it then ear tried to me King Freddy you you still need help getting on my guy there’s a lot of framing it’s 12:04 already D holy crap I think I’m the slowest person in the world dude y yo stop trying to kill me

I’m trying to flip and help you if you want in the server or not no proof I do bro get why aren’t you in the server do you not want to join King Freddy is it not working I’m not dying with 33 levels uh where are you at cuz I can kill me

Because I can make sure they don’t kill you I guess server join Raider Invaders SMP let me know if you want it doesn’t work uh M4 M4 could you help King Freddy with how to do it with how to join the server uh since you also had struggles with joining the server by

Chance K do you may also need to disconnect from the server and then try joining again but we’ll see uh we’re not sure who did it yet so don’t kill anyone if if there’s if there’s all I’ll do the reprimanding if there’s reprimanding that needs to be

Done it was an M4 so probably shadow but I just want gold has anyone found gold got a video coming out on Christmas morning guys you better watch it cuz it’s a Christmas special and it’s beautiful it’s absolutely glorious forga -6 being good for finding gold I’m finding absolutely like nothing pretty

Much I guess I’m at 17 so maybe I go up one he said I didn’t do it yo can yeah I got you try to find a big cave that’s what I’m thinking uh I’ll go to community I don’t know where you you found gold awesome don’t kill anyone don’t kill

This boy I don’t know where M where are you M4 why does this not work SL server joint Raiders Invaders SM SMP uh did did you spell invader wrong there’s no I in Invader if that’s uh make sure you’re spelling it right yay Friendship and Magic guys woohoo yeah friendship let’s be

Honest like the trees burning down is not that big of a deal my whoever burned down my house I’m kind of like a little pressed about that but really not that big a deal either be real I just want gold why are there so many villager heads dude what the crap

Getting tired sounds good see you thanks for joining the stream um X weird wait I did it you did could you TPA to me now or do at community at community or TPA try it who’s Hunter gamer I don’t know who that is but I got you

Bro y what’s up man what’s good good bro yeah yeah what’s good what’s good what’s good yeah yeah yeah what’s good who destroyed the gold at the top of the tree who is destroying someone’s currently destroying that wait who did it who done did it just join nice hunting

Game wait who done destroyed the gold at the top of the tree what are you watching any in the head should be put the jail on the way buddy the cops freaking way hey everybody he’s here to who stole the gold off the top of the

Tree the Gold’s gone what the crap who did it who did it me who did it me also I need Le a leaf to put at the top Shadow ate it what do you mean Shadow ate it it’s not a valid excuse I need that gold so

Lost guys who ruined the snow area again man you guys are a lot to keep up with dude a bunch of little children it’s still in my inventory give me the gold if you have it what’s that except my TPA not the gold I got you

Bro guys let’s try not to place water in this area water was placed we need to fix it with some more snow I’m tired of fixing this though quite frankly tired of tired of people right now ruining my plans for Glory Honestly though who took the gold

Guys like what’s up with that I guess it’s not the smartest plan to have gold just sitting out like that like come on respect respect the society God loves you Jesus died and rose again so we can be forgiven of sins leading to hell wait forgiving of sins sins leading since the

Sins Le to Hell have true joy and eternal life we can have that through true faith and repentance of all sins Jesus is coming back soon well spoken we actually don’t know when Jesus is coming back but other than that you nailed it how’s your day going sailor thanks for joining the

Stream dear lord I can’t deal with people any longer I mean we kind of built something nice little Christmas tree uh if anyone wants to add to that and make it more beautiful add presents add gold add uh I don’t know add a snowman or something let me know dude cuz right

Now I’m just not feeling up to the challenge but we still need gold so mine for gold if you could and give it to me getting killed for no reason King Freddy where are you uh accept my TPA King Freddy yo yeah why are you killing him M4 let me TPA to you

All help M4 why are you killing king Freddy why why why why’d you kill King Freddy why’d you do it what’s up man I don’t have armor on since when no you can take that just cuz why not it’s not got much on it but you

Can take it cuz and here’s an iron sword if you want it I don’t really have much on me at the moment quite frankly oh here’s some gold thanks guys is there more gold in no okay um also you can build your own houses in the community base you

Can do whatever you want to do to help improve the community base but please do not do a destroy a grief or anything you have SN you can develop the chis Miss area yourself if I’m not there if I’m there you can ask me for guidance or any

Of that good stuff guys you’re not five years old I don’t think so you guys should be able tole this if you like you’re a zombie tempted to kill you let’s not kill me I oh not me okay um don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that there we go go

Should be enough okay FX up this region a little bit more does anyone know who stole the gold off the top of the Christmas tree who’s dog is this oh see you Mr Shadow thanks for joining the stream have a good night howdy uh let’s see anything else to do right

Now is it true that on November 2nd 20 no no no no uh one more message like that and I’m Banning you or not Banning you but timing you out should probably already time you out but I’m gracious generous okay we’re going we’re we’re turning we’re turning it in we are going

Back to our base because people are scary someone should someone should build a snowman I’ll be back actually I’ll probably Build a Snowman but if you if someone wants something to do build a giant snowman in the snow area with a bunch of snow um that’ be kind of

Sick I will be using this gold at some point to make more for the Christmas area if I have time I’ll stream tomorrow or Christmas day but I doubt I will but we’ll see um might might might might blocks let’s put those in those wood I don’t know way that goes is combat

Laging wait why are you killing him there’s no killing at the community base guys wait why are you trying to kill him uh noev why are we trying to kill him guys peace peace this is a peace flare someone dude what’s going on down there where are you

Guys oh that’s the I’m stupid the Villager area he Noob said he wanted to kill him just because you want to kill someone doesn’t mean you kill someone let’s not kill him okay no Kev it doesn’t matter I just won’t play anymore yo what’s up Santa Claus thanks for

Joining the stream how’s your day going Merry Christmas to you too no no no M4 I want you to play why are they no no no no M4 I don’t want you to find a new server why are the why are no don’t kill him just log on I won’t kill

You log on dude if they kill you bro they shall face consequences don’t don’t be killing nobody no n n baser okay let’s be kind okay let’s be kind no killing people at the community base I should say no community base is a place of Peace Justice

Order oh yeah you can kill me I don’t really care preferably not at the community base though yo wait where where are you noev who’s noev is that Hunter wait is that chicken wings or tiger I don’t even know who noev is let raer TP to you then TP wait what’s his

Username I don’t even know which one he is noev who are you are you Chanel Legends I am I akm at the moment who the what stop griefing yeah guys stop griefing what chicken you’re chicken man are you chicken man TPA chicken chicken or are you Pixelmon Pixelmon

Where are you oh there you are what’s up Pixelmon what are you no Kev who is noev where where we where we going buddy why do I have King Freddy’s oh whoops what’s going on here is this is this noev he’s chicken I don’t even know where the spawn in point is where

Where y what’s up man let’s not kill let’s not kill people okay no killing at the community base if you’re if you’re off in the wilderness you’re allowed to kill each other because that’s just how smps work but if you’re at the community base or near the

Community base let’s not let’s not kill each other but he’s just going to leave it there just lying I forgot but there leave what there I’m confused on what he’s doing thanks man next we need snow blocks I’ll ask Ben to make community base a protected area gotcha where’s this chicken guy hello

Hello what’s what’s going on no don’t burn it what what are you doing that was so much valuable loot that you just burned I don’t understand yeah but we need snow for Christmas Place how how do I join yo what’s up wolf dog thanks for joining the stream

How’s your day going you join by typing in the server IP in the top right corner and then after typing in that server Whatchamacallit you uh click all the red wool to make the red wool green wool and once all the red wool is green wool then

That would it will mean that you’ve accepted all the terms and then you do SLS server join Raider invade in Invaders SMP just like I typed it there and that’s how you do it if you need to know how to do that again just re skip back to that point on

Stream because I don’t feel like explaining it again but if if you need me to I will but I just don’t feel like explaining it again I logged in for a second I’m trapped in lava wait where where are where do you know where you

Spawn cuz I have no clue where you spawn cuz I can help you get out of that chickens where where’s chickens man chicken wing where is the lava that you trapped this man in right here I got rid of it where’s the where where where is he going to

Spawn in I was on fire so I just left brother do you know where you logged off like could you guide me to it at the Christmas tree shouldn’t be no Lava at the Christmas tree yeah yeah yeah show me I about the Christmas tree would be

Big bad because it would ruin snow here so I just left past Christmas my strey this way who’s hacking let’s not just slaughter people without warning no why not so you like the left or the right oh is it P or or Xbox or how do I get on

From console apologies but unless you’re on Java I don’t think there’s any way to get on um because you’re on Bedrock because you’re on a console apologies for that my friend there is a Bedrock version of the server in in the in the description there’s a Bedrock

Version of the server so I actually think bin bin has said that you that Bedrock people are able to join cuz it’s he says it’s crossplatform but I don’t think it is I think it’s like a separate server for you to create your own servers on but if you want to try for

Bedrock you can type the server address in the description that orange guy is killing me at the community base X weird why’ you kill someone dude yeah who needs food yeah someone take food X why you kill someone he be stealing who what he what is he stealing

46 what what could we possibly be stealing can you make these into blocks like that’ be ideal nope snow told him not to take anything and he still took stuff let’s uh Hunter if he gives you a warning just don’t do it it’s that best advice I’ve got for

You my guy guys I’m about to run out of my shovel you have snow blocks Pixelmon awesome thanks man I appreciate that it’s not everyone’s being helpful on the server but you are Pixelmon and I appreciate that because you are helping create the snowy Christmas fun area that

I’ve been trying to create whereas everyone else is just trying to slaughter each other for some reason yes sir pix oh my gosh you have a lot of snow blocks dear Lord where do where do you where do you think the Snowman should go anybody got two blocks of

Coal maybe three blocks of coal right here right here um let’s make it 5 by five let’s go five then three no five then three then no that would not um five then let’s make it bigger Then I may need more blocks even though this is a crap ton of blocks with how big this guy’s gonna be I end up EA how big is he gonna be okay okay what the crap are you doing how do I make how do you make smithing template a smithing

Template that’s easy you see actually I have no clue but maybe look at up oh you’ve got coal for me awesome I’m going to need more snow first at this rate yeah we’re we are in fact a little bit low on snow appreciate the coal thank you Mr

Killed me for the third time M4 could you not kill King Freddy why are you killing him M4 why do you ask people not to kill you and then you kill him instead hello I’m back yo what’s up Elite bread thanks for joining the stream man

You kill him one more time I will kill you wa where do I put this Bell a bell I don’t know man need more Snow y what’s up Le bread guys thoughts on the Snowman how should it look should it be the bottom one’s the biggest and then should the top two be identical because I can’t make them can’t keep making it smaller I don’t think it would look goofy I’m a little goofy it’s nice

Eli oh sorry I I thought you wanted to know also if someone gets killing everyone at the spawn I’ll clip it why is there so much Slaughter at the community base guys maybe I should be check monitoring it a little bit more I need more

Snow gave me so much and it still wasn’t enough I don’t have a shovel anyone got a shovel for me we’re going to make an Olaf Olaf type snowman I think Middle’s going to be the smallest segment not killing one I don’t have anything for kill me and sto my 50

Emeralds how do you have 50 emeralds already do guys can’t we all just be friends nice I could literally check back in chat if anyone killed anyone zombie butcher died from Attack by M4 doesn’t say anything about King killing anyone I sold sticks didn’t take them you did a lot of

Accusational things going on anyone here here here here here’s what I’ll do do you want some compensation my friend stole my chest plate man guys just don’t leave your stuff in a steal stealable position then it won’t get stolen it had prop four how did you get

It stolen from you n maer you’re like one of the biggest bullies on the server um I don’t feel I feel like we shouldn’t have to have as this many monitors for people on the server maybe well this is where your mod roll comes in X got to moderate

Wisly um let me see let’s start smelting that I have lot St a lot of stone okay so we’ve got the coal we got the three buttons that’ll be black uh uh I need take I’m going take that take that one two look at your gen chat I sent the

Proof that don’t get out emeralds oh the general chat I got you to be fair you could probably just throw them out or take it who’s in Mr schulls in the general chat yep there is proof that he doesn’t have the emeralds join the Discord if you want to see that

Proof I don’t know where I got someone get had all these Heroes it’s kind of w um let’s get that oh wait never mind I’ve already got these two I need shovel shovel want a one one it’s a dangerous game that take zodic almost against almost anyone

Probably okay let me go back to the community base yo what’s up blue Nova MC thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my guy someone else stole them then that’s unfortunate and there’s not much I can do about that just be thankful that you have the community base because

Without the community base you wouldn’t have those emeralds in the first place probably so so yeah me I have 49 snow blocks bro this boy Pixelmon I don’t know where he’s getting all his snow bro but he be a w oh there he is what’s up man you are

Walking W I don’t know where you’re getting all this snow but that’s that’s a big w you oh I am 1332 oh your subscriber 1,3 332 appreciate it man greatly appreciated King Freddy exactly also Merry Christmas guys yeah Merry Merry christas is it Christmas Eve now yeah

It’s Christmas Eve now for me it was Christmas Adam but now it’s Christmas Eve I guess I could change the title but that seems like a lot of work uh I need something to bridge up with which that is what I have gotten where do the blocks of coal go

Guys someone needs to be helping me build this snowman guys I’m not experienced enough for this where do the blocks of Co need someone needs to help me build a snowman anybody want to help me build this snowman well it’s getting late for me I still didn’t eat yet so I’m going sounds

Good X Weir have a good night um let’s put one oh no I did the oh crap dimensions are wrong dimensions are a very very wrong have to make them go over one yep we’re going to have to make let go over could you not skeleton bro I’m

About to slaughter the crap out of you like have fun good night good night my friend wish me luck it with how much work streaming for a while but I’m actually having a good time on okay doing what I’m doing because the only person that seems to be willing to help me

Is pixel mod it’s okay yo what’s up no Mike’s not muted I’m still live yo what’s up Elijah thanks for joining the stream I’m surprised you’re awake still my guy what have you been up to I am still live mik’s not muted I was just focusing what are you

Doing I’m making a snowman blue Nova MC sorry I was quiet for I was quiet for a louder my guy my bad guys I was kind of just I was zoning I was I was I was just mad zoned bro um guys where should I put the coal

Could someone help me it’s the 23 for me 23rd for you still it’s still Christmas Adam For You gotcha he’s H start I think he’s just tired of talking right now because of the chaos today I’m not too tired of talking I’m just I I was just zoned I was really just zoned

Out guys oh um apologies uh let like right here I feel like you put one right there do let’s do there crap there question do you have is the coal eyes there well there the coal is eyes but it’s also the the buttons it’s got like buttons doesn’t

It yeah that’s the body guys where does the buttons go like do we have one I think it’s going to think it goes like is there two in the body put one at the top one at the bottom and one like are we feeling this no that just looks

Goofy um where where do I need to move them guys this is bad this is bad fck under is it likea from Frozen yeah I think it’s going to be somewhat like that in the end go but right now it’s just looking a little tough because not many people are helping me I’m

Talented he have three buttons yeah there’s three buttons I can’t figure out where to put them like where where where just where uh two two on the middle part or two on the bottom part it’s it’s going to be two on one and one on the other

But which one has two guys need some help with this like does this one down here have two or does this one up here have two like I have it right now what we thinking guys like this doesn’t need to be they should add carot BL I

Agree let me see actually I’ve got an idea let’s do this maybe one right there and wait wait let cook how about that I feel like that’s not bad cuz they’re all to to two blocks apart let’s let’s get a better view yeah I think I like that I think this is

Good oh what is an orange block that I could use for the nose I don’t even oh oh wool oh orange wool yeah yes sir um I need gold dude there something I need that that is looking like a sad North two bottom oh yeah orange concrete how do

You make concrete like which one’s easier to get if if everyone worked if everyone just worked with me on this we would have would have been making so much more cooler stuff guys nobody wants to help me get resources or anything stupid zombie I don’t want your help

Oh sorry snowman least actually we set this up so that I don’t have to go back to my M Stu it’s a and that Raider I will help yes thanks guys thanks guys they they hear my please uh right now we need right now we need either you can to

Help you can either get me gold or you can get me orange wool or concrete we need orange that’s that’s what we need need orange guys I can’t lie that’s a tough task but we do need orange right now we need orange or we need gold you

Can pick one of the two or or if you want to do something oh you’ve got gold or if you want to do something else you can also make presents under some of the trees if you want to do something like that what version is it yo what’s up

Kaden thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going I could wor with you if I wasn’t killed for no reason lose all my stuff um what version is it it’s 1.2.2 my guy I would help but my dad said I can’t play games for 5 months just

YouTube that is very unfortunate my friend uh appreciate you watching me though yo you want to toss that to me or no why or you just vibing out you know how many do you have cuz ideally I think I’d like to have nine on top of that

Wait no one two three no we need a lot actually we need a lot like we need a lot a lot like I’m going to donate a lot I have six no no no it’s fine it’s fine just give me what you have I’m going to

Donate what I have to it and we’re going to get this done I appreciate the Dono we also yeah go mine some I appreciate the the willingness to mine cuz I went to mine earlier I got some I didn’t get a whole lot um got more snow blocks awesome cuz

We’re going to try and make everything just look better um how do I get up here wish there was a parkour system to get up well I guess I can make this jump um how do I get higher um Place sand could we do that y what’s up

Leebrad oh after you join you’re going to want to click the red wool and make it green wool to accept the terms and then you’re going to want to do you’re going to want to do slash yeah there is ads on the stream SLS server join Raider Invader Invaders Invaders at SMP like

That um after you yo what’s up finder thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going after you uh accept the terms by making all the wool green how do I get up here bro parkour yes sir okay let’s see we’ve got let’s just make let’s just start to make it um I’m

Going to go to my home and get some more of my gold oh investing in trading ad is this your server it’s not my server it’s so well it’s my server but uh it’s it’s made because of a server host uh from another guy from my

Channel bin bin user he he’s like he’s paying for a server host through mine Hut I think and then I’m creating a free server off of that so he’s paying for it I’m the YouTuber on it kind of deal okay our gold was smelting awesome

Let’s see how many more we can make we still got a lot more to go we need like we need nine on one side nine on the other three uh 36 18 24 we need 20 25 Gold Blocks total how can I prove that I will be a

Good mod to be one oh how do you okay how do you get mod mod is achieved one through being like through just coming to a lot of streams and being active in the chat that gets you mod um well that’s one of the factors that helps contribute to get you getting

Mod um and then another factor is just being with the channel for a while also just I don’t know if this makes sense but like doing mod things helps and if you need me to describe yo stop stop stop yo yo yo calm down I thought you were actually killing me you

Kind of scared me for a second um like doing mod things if that makes sense it’s basically like welcoming people to the chat like saying hi to new people that join the chat or the channel um as well as um I got you um

At do at Community if you want to get to the community base by the way um just doing simple things like welcoming new people to chat being active in chat being with the channel for a little bit while like commenting on videos also helps just being active and

Stuff like at oranges yeah at oranges got mod because he’s been with the channel for a crap ton of time he’s been here for a while um and yeah so he got mod his was more of a longevity thing some people just display really good mod characteristics appreciate the gold oh

My gosh bro how did you get so much gold so fast okay we need a furnace then actually I’ll take this back to my base really quick and smelt it oh yeah my dad took my gaming laptop so not good hello how are you doing this fun day

Um yeah X Weir has been with the channel for a while which is where he got his mod from and he’s been active with like playing and talking in chat he fell off a little bit as of late but then he picked it up back again and he he deserves the mod

He just fell off a little bit because of school can I have it I don’t have a good laptop said Elite bread dang this is going to take a while to smelt maybe I should go to my my base with the multiple smelters maybe he has Stone does he have

Stone no he is broke because someone stole from I will prove you one day I hope you do man at rad I have a super smelter do we have more furnaces at the yeah let’s go back to the let’s go back to the community base cuz this is going to take too

Long oh is that what this thing is like what is this dude okay let’s start smelting that auto smelter I’ve been streaming for a long time this is longer than I typically stream for 4 hours dang did not expect to be streaming for this long oh awesome it automatically goes into the

Chest let’s get some more blocks of gold someone should start making presents in the Christmas area I want the Christmas area to look good want to it to be very spirited already have more snow awesome it’s great to here we’re not going to have enough gold

Quite yet so we’re still going to need more gold but we also need orange wool and or orange concrete I don’t know how to get that but we need that which is kind of problematic we need orange something orange is a very odd color for Minecraft

Y what’s up King Freddy what’s up what’s good bro what’s good you really like opening that chest buddy is all of it done yo don’t hit me that’s disrespectful oh he’s back hello maybe I don’t know concrete gravel sand orange dye concrete gravel sand orange dye

Anyone want to find me some orange dye how do you get orange dye are you guys One V oneing each other what’s going on here cuz I’m just trying to don’t One V one each other in the snow region the snow region is region of peace prosperity and

Justice we may have close to enough let’s do some Parkour to get back up here he’s killing me I don’t have them oh wait is that that not a legit 1 V one I thought that was a One V one guys don’t Slaughter each other if it’s not consensual that sounded so strange

Um we still need a star on the tree I feel like that’s kind of sad that we don’t have a star on the tree we need six more uh blocks of gold six more blocks of gold for that and then we need some more for the tree as

Well tree is looking kind of sad without it star a lot of peas yo Pixelmon back with the snow I don’t know where he gets it from but he’s got it he is that guy pal yo someone someone send a picture of Olaf in the Discord I need I need a reference point

If you want the concrete to look good it can be above string oh he’s got more okay yo what’s up Kaden how’s your day going my guy um I guess with how much we have we can build up with it so how I don’t I need a picture of Olaf or something dude

Oh someone posted okay okay I VI with this um we forgot his feet that’s okay he doesn’t need feet um let’s see if we can replicate this head this head looking goofy uh so it’s like it’s like yay so it’s like thin like this so let’s

Do thin for two blocks up and then it gets wider yeah it’s progressively gets wider so let’s do this and then how many times does it go out let’s do up one up another okay I feel like we’re on the right direction so basically a neck

Attached to a head you can you mean concrete pattern so okay this is looking goofy it’s looking like an upside down um let’s make it go one more out whoops did not mean to destroy all that let’s go one more out let’s see does it go how does it go back in

His face is so goofy bro this is so this is going to be so disgusting dude this is just I’m going to need more snow Pixelmon I appreciate all the snow you’ve been giving me but I’m still going to not have enough e e this is disgusting oh my gosh what is

This guys what am I doing wrong what am I doing wrong this is this is disgusting what is that I thought I was doing it right what did I do wrong wait where did I go wrong guys I didn’t think I went that far wrong guys guys it’s no it’s it’s Olaf I

Need more snow if I’m ever going to reconcile this no I’m still going with it I’m in I’m in the right direction guys so this that’s his Che bone and then he goes in like this then you have his eyes guys I swear I was doing it right

Yo believe him if he doesn’t says he doesn’t have them let’s just be trustworthy guys um no no no it’s it’s it’s going to be fine I’m looking at this this is going to be fine guys um let me get down okay we just need more

Snow let me just oh how am I getting an elbow cramp from playing video games Hello yo you good no no no that’s that’s no no no no no no get out get out that’s not how that works you you got to have a shovel you don’t have a cheekbone snow

Bone yeah collect the snow and make it into blocks my guy no no no no don’t throw it at me King Freddy no no no no no no welcome to getting old it happens sooner than you think why yeah why is my elbow like that dear

Lord do you like my snow Farm yeah it’s good yo make those into snow blocks don’t throw them don’t waste my snow no stop I will kill you make them in the snow blocks go make them in the snow blocks no no no don’t be sad don’t be

Sad just do what I say please please you’re taking all the snow you better be making that into snow blocks you’re blocking my path I can only destroy one of them wait move move a little move a little move a little yeah there you go now I can mine almost all

Them at the same time dude look at that now you get more snow okay let’s make some more snowballs got some snow blocks for me buddy he’s still he’s still processing oh yeah yeah give me them give me them yes sir yes sir yes sir good stuff let’s go

Dude okay let’s see what Masterpiece we’re cooking dude we are cooking something special special okay awesome um I can’t say that I can’t say that I can’t believe I just said that um my bad guys my bad you got to make the head wider by the front not by the

Side what do you mean this is this is working this is this is going to work no this is look at it does it need to be wait what do you mean wider by the side not the front explain elaborate please no this is Olaf dude this is this is

Oloff where’s my coal where did where did my coal go oh it’s right there this is Olaf dude I’ve never seen a more Olaf looking character in my life dude this is this is 100% Olaf why is there a snow missing there nope this is Olaf

Dude no no no no no no this is this is Olaf you’re going to you’re going to be like so stunned when you see how beautiful this is hey don’t don’t shoot me don’t play with me I’m making Olaf oh crap what the crap dude wasting blocks stop shooting me I will ban

You uh why is it not letting me place this block stop shooting me I swear I will I don’t play with me boy going to have nightmares tonight no no no bro how do I flipping it’s not letting me place the block there we go stop shooting at me

Dude for real need to leave bro I’m about to die I will literally kick you from this I will literally ban you or get you banned rather cuz I don’t really have that power this is Olaf dude Minecraft but I have to get I make Olaf to give my friends nightmares

Videos this is Olaf I need sticks um I need wood guys anyone got wood where’s the coal I’m literally on half of heart because of this Wonder this is literally Olaf I can’t believe how good this is no whoever let me cook I don’t want to die quite frankly I’m so

Dead anyone got food I’m kind of about to die oh no pumpkin pie could I have that my friend thank you thank you awesome feel a lot better about that that’s Olaf Dude tell me that’s not that’s not terrible guys that’s not that’s not that bad

Guys his head’s a little big compared to his body I feel like his boot bottom part needs to be bigger oh bro that’s actually good I mean it’s not Terri terrible put some Spruce arms yeah yeah I think I think it’s not bad I think the bottom could be bigger like one block

Big if the bottom was one block bigger I think we chilling I have you you have some more snow blocks for me bet need need Spruce logs guys thoughts on that though if we if the bottom was like bigger like the bottom block no bro that is actually

Really good appreciate it I feel like I copied it straight from the picture so I was like man it doesn’t look good right now from the angle that I was looking at but I was like maybe I just stick with it and maybe it’s just cuz he has a

Flipping goofy looking head dude and it was I think it’s just cuz Olaf just looks goofy now who be placing all these blocks bro oh his legs I feel like he needs a yeah I feel like he needs legs and uh I feel like it’ be better if he had a

Bottom his bottom like his bottom snow block was bigger and then if he had legs that would also be better I didn’t plan on making snow snow snow LOF Olaf originally uh that’s what we’re going to call him guys snow LOF uh where’s oak or Spruce yo what’s

Up man appreciate it check invite check wait invite what what do you mean invite man but I can’t really redo him cuz that would take so flipping long awesome well let’s go do we not who stole all the spruce dear Lord okay well the spruce Forest I

Guess well there we go uh wait are you thinking Spruce log arms or Spruce Wood I’m thinking Spruce Wood but maybe log inventory invent oh check inventory oh I’m stupid Spruce planks that’s what I was thinking cuz he also needs the hair I think the hair should be Spruce planks as well

Probably let’s let’s finish cooking guys let’s finish cooking I feel like maybe he should have been facing a different way though maybe you should have been facing out towards the ocean and no looking over the city is not terrible um okay let’s get up there guys they said don’t let me cook

And then I cooked and I I cooked I cooked crazy um let’s just get up there let’s do the hair first cuz I don’t know why this is where I was going first um let’s see his he’s got three little strands of hair the middle one’s the longest other two are

Like the thing is do I make the strands like the four length the length of the blocks here like all four blocks or do I just do like one strand in the front um that is the question guys yo what’s up Dante James thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going Merry

Christmas to you as well my best friend’s mom just got engaged nice whatever cat thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going that’s awesome what if you used orange stairs and orange wool for the nose I do I do need to use orange wool or orange wait there’s orange stairs in the

Game wait what orange stairs are there in the game I do need to use orange for the nose it’s just going to take me a second one in the middle I good night don’t hit me stop stop actually stop either help or don’t why why did

You build this up here could you destroy that please could you destroy that please and thank you I do not need you to be hitting me off thank you very much I have had enough of your guys’ shenanigans for the night the orange wood the orange wood

What Orange Wood is there are you talking about AAA wood um maybe aaca wood word work you’re right that’s a good idea so do I do I feel like let’s see what does it look like I’m looking at an Olaf thing by the way guys so like it’s

Like don’t want them to look like a reindeer though that is that is that is the goal so that are they identical no they’re not n the antlers make it look goo bro that’s too high this a this ain’t no Rudolph the snow this ain’t no Rudolph

Snowman you want to try that one more time yo tell me if you can hear this you could check these off to show devices that yeah I can hear that good I know I’ve been trying to fix that for the past hour or so anyways bro I can’t perfect the antler

Things yes sir thank you for subscribing sh Sean Vault officially a real one both you and blue Nova are real ones 133 1333 it’s on the middle his hair wait what yeah I know his hair all three hair things are on the middle but like can I should I move them over one

Or whoever just joined you have to click all the red wool to make it green wool and then you do slash slash server join Raider Invaders smpp which I’m typing in my stream chat if you want to see um but like I don’t feel like I move those over cuz like

Do I move them over it’s so hard to get it down it’s like a that looks so incredibly goofy the thing is his hair is not longer than his head so my dimensions are very much off right now is there Isn’t it past your bed time probably too long yeah I can’t figure

Out how to how to do it properly um you almost just killed me accidentally but still I’m trying to be a mod yes oh my bad bro how do you like my Olaf to be a mod you have to be consistently in his streams yes

Sir hey don’t oh my bad my bad my bad that was an accident see like this just don’t look right I was doing so good until I got to his antlers dude could someone no these need we need to stop the pillars guys no no not too many pillars guys destroy the

Pillars I don’t want all these pillars I don’t know how to do his hair guys what do I do I can’t figure it out nothing looks right nothing looks right what do I do guys what do I do can’t figure out the hair got to destroy it all and start over

That’s what well good luck on the rest of the stream I’m going to bed thank you my friend uh anyone want to add presents under the trees I know I said that already but like presents under the trees would add a nice touch maybe some more

Gold can’t figure this out dude I I don’t know dude I just I just can’t I can’t figure it out out maybe it’s like maybe we could do something like hit him with the and then bam bam keep going straight with that one maybe try that see see that just

Looks flipping like Medusa or some crap like that dude how do I do this it’s 12:45 p.m. so like it’s midday for you it’s 1 it’s 1:12 a.m. for me at the moment I don’t I don’t know what to do guys I’mma move I’mma move to the arms

Cuz that’s just I can’t figure that out for the life of me I can’t figure that out that’s just it’s just got me confused confusion so his hands okay okay I I I VI with his hands his his arms are going to be a lot easier I think yo what’s up sussy cat

Thanks for joining the stream as your day go on okay arm goes right here okay what is the arms looking like let’s see it’s like oh his arms are fairly straight actually Des spite leap bre are you you’re on the server can you help him yeah if if you

If if anyone on the server has any helpful advice will not be against it yo what’s up Daz thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going maybe like a yeah we’re going with the diagonal I I think I like the diagonal how many blocks we VI been with

1 2 3 that’s that’s looking like a six block one what are you trying to build I’m building Olaf thanks for joining the stream Ember how’s your day going it’s looking it’s it was looking good until I got to the hair I can’t figure out the

Hair for the life of me dude so I moved to the arms I’m thinking I’m going to struggle with this part right here the hand part of the arms is going to be a little rough yeah the hand part of the arms is going to be a little rough guys who did

That I will murder you AK no I won’t this is going to be a little bit tricky no no no this isn’t this isn’t as hard as I’m making it out to be something like something no it I’ve just got it off one here here we go how did you hit

That oh so that was a trick shot type play um here we go here we go here we go um you go Bam Bam Bam here we go here we go let me cook guys let me cook oh how do I place that let me cook hear me out that’s not terrible

Right stop Flippin don’t shoot me bro I have had enough of your shenanigans dude I’m I’m not trying to get like toxic but I’m actually just done with people getting in my way I’m not usually I don’t try I love a off OMG great choice for real for real

Appreciate it we armor I probably should have armor on but like still I do not not need their Shenanigans uh yeah maybe since you love Olaf Ember maybe you can help me with the the hair how’s the hand looking guys maybe I I think I have one extra oh

He has four fingers what the flip guys he has four fingers update he has four fingers who shot Raider yeah loky I’m kind of done with that oh I can’t make that jump I don’t really know who to trust at this point Y what’s up Eli out the way fool

Don’t push me don’t play with me I think I think I draw him with he’s got four fingers but I think we go with three fingers for now I don’t see how we do four fingers without it looking goofy what what do you mean he’s got literally

The three fingers but he’s got that little thumb looking thing you you know what I’m talking about right if you if you join the Discord if you want to know what picture we’re looking at of him it’s pinned at the top of stream chat how many how many one two

Three one two 3 4 five six okay Elite bread if you want to look at the hair and figure out how to do that properly let me know or if you want to have any comments concerns questions we still need the orange blocks whatever the crap however the crap we get those

Um what okay okay so then up there up there and then I feel like that’s the only way to really do it maybe maybe a staircase maybe maybe I need to utilize the staircase a little better You’re My Bodyguard okay yeah that works actually maybe I need to use wear armor are raid

And gold Farms allowed what are raid and gold Farms I don’t even know what those are quite frankly so I don’t really know I feel like that makes it look better thoughts guys I don’t know why I think that just looks better m not there I like the

Stairs I I do like the stair touch to that I let me know where you think I should add stairs though because I’m not sure where I want to add stairs right now but I do want to add stairs in some spots like there is definitely a good decision I

Think so let’s get one of those on this side yeah I definitely like that it makes it look more sticky okay who shot me I’m so done with them shooting me dude makes it look less stiff I think yeah something about it just looks better I I just got to figure out where

I want stairs now let’s get some more stairs in my inventory I don’t know why I’m staying up so late just to create a l but it’s kind of fun um um Le bread aren’t you bodyguard yeah I think he’s trying to figure out who shot me it’s hard to tell

Sometimes like maybe possibly hear me out um wonder what that would look like does that let’s see if that looks better does that look better guys I wish there was a way to remove the bottom like left corner of the stair yo what’s up Daz thanks for joining the

Stream how’s your day going what’s up techar thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going does that look better guys I feel like I don’t know if you sniff what I’m smoking but like if the bottom left part of the stair like I’m I tried to point on my screen like

Right there wasn’t there like it was just the thin layers I feel like that looked better as a stick how’s your day going yo are we vibing with the stairs or the blocks for the arms guys yo what’s up tar thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going my

Guy stairs are the blocks guys for the arm let’s actually just let’s change all of one arm and then we’ll see which one we like better you guys are scaring me down there all you guys just watching no one helping actually Elite Bread’s been kind of helpful

I give wood that’s valid wait did you probably I’m I’ve been so zoned like what are we thinking guys good B to buy Minecraft nice T Bar I vote stairs Ember said we thinking stairs I feel like stairs look a little bit better just look yeah cooler I don’t

Know I don’t know if cooler is the right word m yeah let’s go stairs thanks for whoever subscribed get us to 1,334 real one certified um um let’s see what we could change to the hand then I wonder if the hand as a whole could just look a little

Bit just testing some things out no we can’t do anything like that that does not look that does not fit the vibe no you cannot say that word because it’s a familyfriendly stream how’s your day going my day is going good thanks for asking but didn’t the

Hands look a bit odd because they’re thicker if you know what I mean that is true oh yeah I haven’t noticed 1,000 yes sir how could you make it cracked bro what do you mean make it cracked bro and like know everything about Minecraft uh let’s see let’s see if we

Can make that’s not how that work oh no no no no no trying to figure this out wish there are half slabs that like tilted upwards almost um ew that is a little bit disgusting I mean cracked server R I have a question what is your question my

Friend that is just a little bit disgusting right there the hair I still have to figure out what I’m doing with the hair the hair the stick hair does not look good at all in no way does it look good just download mobile model from internet to make it better

Nice bro I don’t know how to make this look better what more could I do with this let me see wood what more can I do woodwise make a button pressure let’s see if this will help me at all I don’t know if slabs will but let’s see if they will um let’s

See maybe problem is you can’t place slabs vertically no that looks goofy never mind question gotcha Oh Lordy dude this is tough guys where are you yo what’s up a beer plays thanks for joining the stream has your day going IP is in the top right corner um and then

You click all the red wool to make a green wool and then you do slash server join Raider Invader SMP join the Discord as well for to ask others to play that’s just doesn’t look right um let’s get that back down there you know I think I’m a uh oh my gosh I can’t think of what to do here do I do I just go back to where

Am I you can t to me or you can do at Community if you want hello oh shoot you can do at Community if you want to hello come to where I’m at basically um what’s up man okay um let me find a random YouTube

Video to watch and see if you can hear it okay okay gosh darn it um we’re gonna be watching every OG Halo theme overlap perfectly synchronized okay bro I can’t place my finger on what to do I like the stairs but I can’t make the stairs everything that was up full

Blast did you hear anything I was not yeah I did not hear anything I that I know the chat hear any Halo music going popping off crap dude what do I do wait what does snow snow loff’s mouth look like oh how do I make his mouth

Guys I feel like his mouth’s going to be difficult to do y this actually goes hard though who is that oh that’s that’s my friend Eli say hi Eli hi Eli nice okay um um yeah he’s a little bit slow um but no he and my other friend Elijah are typically

Talking they’re the people I talk with to generate uh flow of conversation so that streams are more entertaining when chat is a little slower but chat’s been good lately so we’re chilling I think I’m just going to change it back to the basics at the moment wait

Wait even though I like the staircase I feel like this just looks more uniform at the moment I have to figure out a switch tomorrow maybe but or maybe the next time I stream hi Eli I don’t know how to spell Eli is e l i if you want to

Know how to spell I just the the hair is still a little goofy but how do we do the mouth guys I need to I need to do the mouth now was pink it’s mouth time I want to hear that line in how do I do the mouth even maybe like a flip

It no I’m good I don’t want to hear myself anyways property why do I have so much snow dear dear goodness you’re goodness golly like that like what his mouth doesn’t really have I don’t I don’t know how to do his mouth dude his mouth is Goofy like is the server cracked to

Though I mean I am cracked and I am poor so can I join the server yeah you can join the server you can join the server server IP top right and then you have to do click all the red wo to become green W and then after you click all the red

Wo to become green wo you can do slash server join Raider Invaders smpp and if you need to know how to spell that just let me know than um let’s see guys mouth thoughts do we like fill it in with some gray maybe I feel like

The picture in the disc Bo it’s just like I don’t know dude let’s see let’s do that maybe no not there bro this is tough there the server is not cracked straight from the horror game dude I don’t know dude I don’t it looks goofy but like what do I I think

Is it too skinny at the bottom it looks so goofy I can’t like so [ __ ] that was kind of uh word I don’t want to hear it Eli I really don’t I really don’t want to hear this is even worse dude n send it back to the way way it was before

Dude we’re we’re rolling with it it’s just going to be Walmart it’s going to be Walmart Olaf it’s going to be snow Loft dude snow loft’s just going to be a little different anyone got gray wool snow loft’s just going to be a little special we need orange we got to

Finish him tonight dude can’t leave him unfinished I’m going to go to sleep see you King Freddy thanks for joining the stream who did this what is this what is this but I can’t can’t what but it’s not night wait I want to play I

Just want to play the server oh but it’s not don’t have nightmares of this thing coming for me this is Nightmare Fu it’s it’s snowl that guy was shooting at you oh well can we fix this so that we don’t just have a hole in the ground I said make

Presentence under the tree not a death pit oh you’re spawn trapping him oh dear lord okay have fun with with that guys I you’ll fix it later iume um we got snow off guys I need orange guys how do I what’s the quickest way to get orange

Diey someone someone fill me in on that from chat I’m sure someone in chat has vast knowledge of that need orange dye or to get orange wool right or ACAA ACAA trees did someone suggest acacia trees I wasn’t sponge guys he says he wasn’t I’m I’m

Say give him a break let’s not spawn trap this time okay guys I’m going to say give him give him a break this time send it back to normal and if he does it again give him a warning guys guys guys stop building the spawn trap stop building the spawn trap

I say let him off with this warning this time and if he does it again he he will get spawn trapped okay no no no it’s fine guys it’s fine let let him off with a warning this time and then if he does it again he knows

The consequence now of it it will be death and it will be spawn trapping but let’s not do it to it to him this time let’s give him a warning okay bro I shot up and left to make food it’s it’s all it’s all it’s all

Good it’s all good noev all good fix the ground yeah yeah he’s he’s he’s he’s got he’s going to fix the ground we’re we’re chilling we’re we’re chilling um preciate that let’s get what were we getting guys acacia trees that’s what it was let’s grab some of that I have aaca

Tree acia Forest planted right next to my base because I planted it bro was killing me I don’t know what’s going on over there I’ll let you resolve that problems Elite Bread’s in charge I trust him the most he’s the most OG I trust him he’s in charge don’t listen to him no

Swearing please weat bread is probably probably pretty close he’s I I’m not I’m not sure about pretty close but elap Red’s uh been a good viewer he he’s climbing up that mod status to trying to climb up to the mod status also I trust Elite bread pretty

Well he’s just so innocent he’s just bread be right back sounds good see here’s our Acacia Forest that we have built let me get some AAA let’s see is this the orange we’re looking no yeah I can see that this this is going to work until until we get orange wool this is

This is what we’re using guys let’s reant it so that we don’t kill off our forest how much do we think we need let’s do two trees that’s that should be all we need okay at uh Community oh what did you say can we One V one on

Practice server please uh yo what’s up MC thanks for joining the stream how’s your day going Raider is kind of busy right now I am kind of busy right now but next stream because I’ve been streaming for so long I’m going to pass on the 1 V one but if

Uh but next stream if you want to ask again you can uh or also join the Discord server you can message me sometime asking if you I want a One V one I may say no I may say yes but that gives you a better chance I hatea biome

Trees in its wood I hate it you know I don’t I don’t mind it I actually love acao biomes they’re they’re one of my favorite biomes oh this nose this nose is going to make it even more Walmart cuz it’s just like an off-brand Orange it’s like a brownish orange and it’s

Just going to be so goofy I already know ah my bad guys my bad guys see I’m good at modding yeah yeah you you good you good you’ve been doing good uh let’s see got to get up to the nose region okay what we looking at here guys where

Where is his nose it’s right in between his eyes okay basically so like right there how it’s like a carrot okay this is about to be bad guys I already know this is about to be bad okay it’s like a okay okay it’s like a big is it it’s

Like this is bad guys yo whoever subscribed to appreciate it your real one and like like the outside of the trees just not the orangey plank stripped logs oh what are the stri logs look like I should have check checked that that’s quite large um guys I don’t think this is what

We’re looking for I don’t think this is what we’re looking for Holy apples sace guys I don’t think that’s what we’re looking for uh maybe something a little smaller like that no that’s too long like that guys is that what we’re looking for what kind of nose are you building my I

Don’t know dude I’m trying to make a carrot how do I make a flipping carrot well that’s amazing no bro thanks for whoever subscribed to get us still at 1,336 dear Lord you just keep making it bigger again is that good guys are we rolling with this I feel like it looks goofy

No the thing is it’s not that short dude it’s longer but it looks goofy either way it’s always going to look goofy I don’t think you have a choice little like guys just tell me when how many blocks should it be how many blocks man I need help you

Got hey hey hey take some take some blocks let me let me see what you guys are going to cook up oh broell okay yeah yeah cook cook my guy cook let’s let’s see it no no no let’s see it yeah yeah yeah let’s see it cook

The hair is already a little goofy I mean it’s not I’m the hair’s actually been growing on me believe it or not guys we need to start a petition m m they uh Minecraft needs to add like half slabs but vertical half slabs if you know what I’m I’m talking about see I’m

Good at mudding yes sir like vertical half slabs I think that’s not bad I I think that’s not bad maybe fences what about fences like what if I did not for the nose I’m talking about something else guys like for the hair guys what about fences for the hair who just got yeed

Off the cliff dude like fences for the hair I think not I think I think fences are a bad idea half slabs would be something else entirely I think vertical slabs would be great I’m I’m going to make a petition to Minecraft I think we leave it like

That I think we we need snow we’re not going to get snow you’re going to have to use guys make the make these into some snow make that into some snow you’re not going to get natural snow in this area cuz it’s not a snow biome we created this snow biome it’s it’s

Self-made that’s why stupid Phantoms die okay I think this is the finished product guys let’s let’s see it oh oh Lordy what did I make Kathy I’m on a mission to get mod I see that oh Lordy thank you my friend let’s see what’s how how do we

Think what do we think of the Christmas tree it still needs a star but like it’s not bad I think I need to hop on it’s not terrible guys tell me that’s terrible hop on I guys tell me that’s terrible tell me it’s terrible you can’t you can’t you can’t tell me it’s

Terrible stupid Phantoms I’m trying to have a moment with ow gosh darn it trivia what is used to make an End Crystal isn’t it like obsidian and like uh I don’t know obsidian fliping guys why are there so many slaughter them yeah slaughter them guys also I have a banger Christmas

Upload coming out Christmas morning I want you all to watch it I want you all to watch it it’s coming out 7 a.m. CST you don’t have to watch immediately when it comes tell me this is awful this is not awful this is beautiful I think he’s

Beautiful his arms are a little bit long I’m I’m noticing now that his arms are a little bit long probably a little bit longer than they should be let me am I about to get bodied by a phantom I am about to get bodied by a

Phantom are his arms too long no I feel like that’s maybe like one block shorter I have Ender one gas tier seven uh glass I might be awake at 7: a.m. on Christmas gotcha yo yo yo yo yo yo tell me this looks bad Eli it doesn’t look

Bad it looks a little goofy but it doesn’t look bad I don’t think yo I think think it looks fine that’s what I’m saying I think it looks I think it looks I think it looks decent actually though like for for the first for like for how bad I am at

Building it looks decent now let’s get all this crap off the tree guys we can’t be leaving all this crap on the tree uh also if you’re on while I’m offline you can feel free to add anything you want to this snow area you can add more more snow you can add

Presents you can add another snowman if you want just make sure it’s in an open make sure there’s space for it like you can expand it the the snow area this way if you want sorry to leave you with these people no it’s all good man we’re

Chilling I think this has been a very fun Christmas Christmas atom to Christmas Eve stream because now it’s Christmas Eve for me how long have I been streaming for five five no I got to I got to make it to the 5 hour mark dude I haven’t streamed for 5 hours in a

Second dude I it’s been it’s been a second since I’ve streamed for that long guys I can’t lie up early in the morning no that’s valid at um I got work at 11: so I probably got to wake up at like 10: you know what I’m saying um I can’t lie guys that’s

Probably where I’m going to have to call it because it’s been 5 hours and it’s like 1:42 a.m. and I do need to get a decent night’s rest because it’s uh Christmas Eve tomorrow or today technically but Christmas I just sent my bangers playlist which is

My good videos if you would watch that that’d be amazing uh which is my extra good videos rather I mean all my videos are good of course some of them are not good but uh um but all of them in that playlist are pretty good so I think you

Guys should click on that playlist watch it while you play on the SMP a little more no no no stop stop stop stop stop I think you should click on it while you play on the smpp a little bit bit more by I will get someday um yeah definitely click on that

Playlist while uh while you play on the S SMP some more get mod someday yes sir so click on that playlist I’ll see has it been five hours yet please tell me it’s been 5 hours yes it has okay yeah click on that playlist guys to watch some more of my

Content and support me and I’ll see you all in the next one bye maybe a stream tomorrow or Christmas Eve it’s technically today or tomorrow but um see you all on the next one there will be a video Christmas morning probably no Stream Christmas day maybe one Christmas

Eve if you’re lucky um join the Discord to get updates good night guys have a good night uh click on the playlist or else bye

This video, titled ‘Christmas Adam Stream – Free To Join SMP’, was uploaded by Raider2018 on 2023-12-24 08:04:38. It has garnered 302 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:55 or 18055 seconds.

Do you want to join a free Minecraft SMP or even create one of your own? I’m livestreaming my very own RaiderInvadersSMP. I have created the server through SMP ark which is a server host that allows you to create an smp for free. I respond to chats and am here to have a good time. Look below for the server address.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. https://www.biblegateway.com/

My server is on Java but I believe you can make your own servers on bedrock if you want to start an SMP of your own Server Address: smparkhost.minehut.gg Server Address for bedrock:smparkhost.bedrock.minehut.gg

After joining the server address above click the red wool making them green wool to accept the terms of playing and then do /Server Join RaiderInvadersSMP to join me on my SMP.

Videos explaining the server and how to join… The Future Of SMP: https://youtu.be/X4vEA95we4g?si=iwTWc9azy32VGth5 This Lagless SMP Is Completely FREE: https://youtu.be/smG82qSR7Jc?si=LtSchZ4lqnkrQjOn

Join THE Discord: https://discord.gg/7RWtEPXm3M

Friends channels

Nin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfU-oSkSuk14Tsj2qloapQQ

with: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYmxz4aj7j3w5IWbbkt9Eaw

Have a great day

​ @vidIQ

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the top 3 easy ways to add a mini-map in Minecraft PE. But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the endless possibilities and adventures that Minecraft has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, adding a mini-map to your Minecraft PE experience can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine never getting lost again, always knowing where your friends are, and exploring new territories with… Read More

  • Crafted Paradise: Minecraft Island Design

    Crafted Paradise: Minecraft Island Design In the world of Minecraft, our hero stands tall, Crafting paths and beaches, having a ball. With smooth stone in hand, the island takes shape, Each block placed with care, no detail to escape. The frog still lingers, a mischievous friend, But our builder’s focus, will not bend. A path is laid, in a 4×4 design, Extending the island, a work so fine. But why stop there, a beach must be made, With an umbrella for shade, a perfect upgrade. The island is protected, only our hero can roam, In this Minecraft world, they’ve found a home. So subscribe… Read More

  • Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server

    Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re looking for a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience, then Minewind is the place to be. Have you ever wanted to join a server where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are never-ending? Well, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community of players from all over the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and exciting challenges to conquer. But what sets Minewind apart from other… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about a fascinating new mod that is taking the Minecraft world by storm – “The Silence (Beta)”. This mod, created by EBALIA, introduces a whole new level of suspense and thrill to your Minecraft gameplay. Imagine exploring dark caves, encountering mysterious creatures like the Goatman and Wendigos, all while being enveloped in an eerie silence. The Silence mod truly brings a new level of horror and excitement to your Minecraft experience. But why stop there? If you’re looking… Read More

  • World’s End in Sight: 256-Grid Viewing Delight!

    World's End in Sight: 256-Grid Viewing Delight! In Minecraft world, a new mod has unfurled, Distant Horizons, with views that swirl. Up to 256 grid distance, a sight to behold, Like seeing the end of the world, so bold. Simple shapes for immersion, a clever touch, Adjust the field of view, enjoy it much. Recommendations welcome, share your finds, Cooperation proposals, send to the right minds. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft challenge video and felt inspired to take on your own adventures in the game? The thrill of overcoming obstacles, exploring new landscapes, and building your own virtual world is what makes Minecraft so captivating. Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players looking to take their Minecraft gameplay to the next level. With a vibrant community… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders Complementary Shaders: curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Texture Packs from https://vanillatweaks.net/ [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at rd.Chilltown.eu and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

    Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!Video Information you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three… Read More