Exclusive Private Hypixel Bedwars Live Stream

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Wait wait wait wait I think I got it hello hello we good this crap like live I can’t I don’t know if I can see you all this is so scuffed since I’m not at my normal setup I’m back in home okay I think we can start this hello people

Of the internet this is byon welcome back to what bedw wars Wednesday that’s right I only missed two weeks but now we’re back on the street so yeah hope everyone’s doing well see who’s in chat right now hi small planet hi Crystal how’s everything going today um I think

We’re just going to hop right into a game see how this goes should have a decent amount of time to just kind of stay live is the music balancing okay let me check this on my phone we doing okay on volume I think we are I think it sounds

Good okay I mean if there’s any issues chat but we’re going to start rolling start playing the game me oh crap let me promo where I can self promo cuz I forgot to promo there we go um we got to do all of the all of the things all of the self promos

Right all of the uh yeah yeah that’s right we got to be Shameless it’s the new year it’s 2024 there we go you all have signed up for advanced notification techniques Y there we go okay Hy we’re good okay I think the plan here is first bedwars game of the new year I was going to say try to win it but blue team is not letting that happen what the heck was that dang it this is why you can’t sell promo mid-match I

Guess let that be a cautionary tail or something I I don’t freaking know what’s going on screw it we’re getting an iron sword they running back over here going to try to get a fireball okay well I guess we don’t have to worry about defending a

Bed and we just whiff the fireball jump no way hello hello are they just hanging out on the roof what is this what am I supposed to do about this chat okay you know what we’re just going to we’re just going to take a gapple and

And dream I guess just dream that this can go well okay uh uh okay that’s fine hey friend half H come on no shot they win this fight right what okay so we did not win the first bedw war game of the new year that is uh

A little bit evident are you kidding me is nobody why is everybody leaving this Lobby Lego Levi 601 where did you go no no what am I going to do what am I going to do without Lego Levi to fight against my year my year chat it’s

Ruined been a year how’s it going hey yo welcome back to the chat it has been a while in addition to the New Year’s joke that is the New Year’s joke how’s it going for you I’m doing pretty good I’m enjoying bedwar enjoying being back to streaming um yeah I’m just really

Looking forward to 2024 for a ton of different freaking things it’s crazy no literally yeah I knew it’ been a while since you’d been in chat so it probably has been close to a year yeah let me know if you need a party invite by the way I should type

That let me pin that to the chat real quick last time you popped in was around February dang it has been that long last year was a really weird one for Content creation it was like I had a lot of stretches where I did stuff and I

Did like either a bunch of streams or I would start posting archive videos or I do a main Channel video or something like that but it’s really on and off I’m hoping to kind of fix that going into this year and have things be a little bit more streamlined a little bit more

Consistent so we’ll see all starts with this stream here so let’s drop the gold let’s just immediately side rush let’s go for it got to update Minecraft all good this is a really good this is zenia’s theme this is a good theme Pokemon’s got a good OST and I’m

Dead oh my gosh of course I am so at least I can do a bed defense now so let’s get this done real quick see have my enemies bridging over here they are not yet so we actually are doing okay let’s uh let’s drop some more endstone on

Here let let me just get an axe screw this we’ll just buy an axe probably didn’t need to waste gold on that but whatever whatever we’re doing fine out here we’re doing fine am I still missing am I missing covering the top of the bed have I just lost

All all abilities here okay wait those need to go in all the stuff should be going in ender chest cuz I’m playing solos let’s cover this side of the bed at least come on more iron okay we got enough why do I keep trying to put stuff in the normal chest

Okay this is fine this is fine also chat how’s everyone’s new year starting off how’s everyone doing with that anything in particular you’re looking forward to this year okay there we go okay blue is slow bridging to this Middle Island that’s actually kind of good for

Us cuz then I can just kind of scam hey friend somebody just tried a fireball from the other angle that is not very cool that is not cool I also still died to them where do they Fireball from was that pink are you kidding me can you not

Do this crap right now I’m I’m fighting someone else hello Hello crap I got to crank 90s now I haven’t done this all year I’m going to be running that joke the entire day save your applause see you later idiot don’t tell me they lived from that don’t tell me they lived okay they didn’t we’re good

Pink also fell we need to take care of blue Fast how much gold do I have not enough for armor cuz I wasted it on the axe that one time crap well I think we continue over the bridge this isn’t going to be enough is it crap New Year’s going well not anything special to be honest that’s

Fair enough also uh I’m not even able to see chat on my computer and I just realized that so I’m going to be reading it off my phone so there we go let me send you a party invite sorry if I mix uh missed stuff for a

Minute 3our class at 6 PM starting Monday oh my gosh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry of course we’ll accept the friend request can I kill this person first did you just steal my stuff that’s not very kind have some manners bozo okay there we go we took care of that

Issue let’s get some freaking armor get some upgrades let’s actually do this properly this time oh pink got killed by another team that’s uh that’s good for us I guess oh my gosh I had a 5:00 pm class on Tuesday Thursday but it wasn’t a three-hour class that’s

Crazy I hope it goes well for you nice try idiot get sent into the void oneway trip all expenses paid I’m very generous for giving them that vacation I just I want that to be known I’m like I’m like the Mr Beast of this YouTube channel of this bedw Wars

Game are you kidding me yeah my bed’s gone oh that is not holding up we are dead we are gone can you can you not do that please please I’m very not happy with blue right now get a gapple get a fireball screw it let’s just run to Mid hey idiot see you

Later see you later Bozo you think I can actually Rush their base in this time I think I might be able to is this some Kirby music yeah this is some Kirby music let’s go nice Kirby music got the bed Let’s uh gapple up yeah there they are just run around

This way hey friend see you later didn’t even take a hit from that holy crap got him get another Fireball and I guess oh nobody has beds crap that’s not good cuz people have already gone to Mid Green’s been eliminated it’s a one V one

It’s a freaking One V one and the other person’s probably been to Mid well you know how this is going to go how do you permanently go in party chat just type slash chat party in that order and it’ll put you in party chat and I just freaking failed Bridge

GG or just slash chat P so you can do SL chat p and SL chat a to switch between them don’t even know what it’s for what do you mean what do you you mean how do you not know what the class is for it’s just an art

Class oh my gosh your college is scamming you it’s you got a mystery box for a class oh that’s incredible I mean not incredible that sucks but like that’s kind of funny holy crap you really did you just got a mystery box just straight up said okay don’t know

What this semester is going to be we’ll figure it out as we go along there we go we got this we got this team effort team wins I’m going to wait until I get four gold and do a basic lirer this time you’re not going to carry me like you

Did before I mean that’s fair enough that’s fair enough new year new skill I’m going to I’m going to carry I’ll carry the theme this time how’s that sound look at that I actually did the bed defense okay that time if you start bridging over we’ll be

Good oh crap there they are hello friend Hello friends okay good teamwork you did a good job there I think that was mainly you so maybe you did indeed carry CU some shears let’s get all those upgrades is this a bridge I can rush back on oh yes it is let’s

Go nice you already got the bed let’s go got one of them that’s fine that’s fine I don’t even know if they had enough time to go back and buy tools but they’re dead see you later okay that issues out of the way now so unlike last game we’re not going

To be spending the entire time just fighting the people across from us and now we can go to Diamond gen which is actually super nice not even split sorry my bad uh I also I guess ignored the friend request I just sent another one sorry about that you get the bridging done over

Here there we go um that was uh that was good it was a good play there I see you wanted to get to back to base very quickly I uh respect that decision okay um we’re going to go Forge minor fatigue heal pool this might sound

Stupid but we need the forge upgrade can really help help late game so I think we I think we start prepping that now cuz if we get emeralds late game from fors that’s kind of sick so I think we’re in an okay spot it looks like a lot of the actions on the

Other side of the board white and pink are still right next to one another so we’re going to let them fight it out let’s try to bridge this properly This Time Rush blue okay um I’m going to do one Circle at Mid crap and I missed the fireball too we’re out here

Rolling we got that Wrecking through OST you got him awesome thank you can’t believe I lost diamonds for that that’s embarrassing okay we’re going to try this again pick up some more stuff hopefully this time make this bridge a little bit easier to uh get across there we go that way I don’t

Die let’s pick up some emeralds I’m probably going to hoard them in case we can get Obby late game or something I don’t know I keep saying late game but we are kind of getting towards that blue and red are fighting is there any chance I can just yoink the diamonds

Here can I just I just take those I just do a little bit of thievery out here ink crap crap I’m running back I’m running back I’m running back okay crap we got like panic panic music going come on please tell me I get back in

Time and of course crap that’s that’s my bad okay parkouring on my way back in here I’m going to kill them hopefully while they don’t don’t expect it oh my gosh what are there what was their freaking combo and reach there oh my gosh sorry about that yeah that’s not

This is not great um crap what do I spend my emeralds on sharpen swords oh they’re sharpened too dang okay we need to go for that screw it we’re going to go for the ultimate weap we’re just going to freaking we’re just going to freaking diamond sword this

Crap and just hope just hope it works what is this oh this is which Victory Road is this Ruby Sapphire either way I love this remix okay I think I saw Reddit mid so I got to be careful here let’s try to get some emeralds though what we really need though is diamonds

We need to let the other teams wipe themselves out but pink base yeah Pink’s at base I’m not messing with this I’m just going to wait for Sharp two and just hope they all kill one another like straight up pink is over there they better be able

To get what they need okay we’re at four do we go the punch bow or do we go diamond armor we could like we could just go as a tank crap no no okay we’re just GNA run a new game that did not work wait I didn’t small planet I just

Reread your message the location is in your res Hall that’s even more scuffed Teamwork Makes makes people click that subscribe button chat oh Makes the Dream Work I uh I guess that too yeah so true I’m going to go back and get uh bed defense yo where

Where oh my gosh that was loud uh anyways tablecloth welcome to the chat you got your honorary battlecry read whenever you joined how’s it going how’s the new year starting off for you are we already getting attacked or we good let me go get some more um endstone team’s already getting final

Killed crap got new sunglasses yo sick this is is this Lal or is that just part of the rift I this I don’t think this counts as lyrical but I don’t know it it kind of does kind of whatever whatever anyways it’s freaking arms music so I’m going to give it a

Pass see you later idiot get played get played Boo get played stinky please tell me I can get a final kill on a team I need the confidence boost for real nope they were at one heart and I still failed black aviators look sick with them on nice glad to hear

That dude what is going on PING is so bad you’re getting ghost blocked oh no that means I got a hard carry now also by the way by the way Xavier if you do want in the game just let me know did did Green just die out of shame that sucks

Anyways let’s get some more stuff um I did not mean to buy that sword but I guess we’ll save that for the respawn blue trying to Bridge Over not cool not hype try to go get corner here is this where diamond genen is or is Diamond gen at middle this is a map

Where Diamond’s at middle isn’t it crap this serves no purpose except for attacking except you’re there okay wait this is is just the is this just a title theme this is a freaking remix of an Animal Crossing title theme no shot this sounds fire whenever you ever join game except

For the two times you did the two times you did maybe it’s 20 24 maybe it’s a new year it’s all good how did I live how did I live there I by every account I should be dead wait is that diamond armor or am I tripping that’s diamond armor what are

You doing this early in game to have diamond armor what what is the point of that see you later I died there crap okay I didn’t even want to fight blue I just wanted to go over to Diamond I just forgot that the corners weren’t Diamond New Year no Minecraft no new

Minecraft play time fair enough I’m like doing the opposite I’m waiting to well I’ve been waiting to start it up I want to start it up soon but I got to like make the intro for it and everything but I’m starting up a new uh Minecraft Survival playthrough soon I’m probably going to

Be grinding that I’ve been wanting to wanting to kind of no life Minecraft Survival for a while now please tell me I hit that angle and knocked one of them off if not that’s embarrassing nope they’re both coming in uh is that enough for armor no it is not we need one

More hello friend see you later good kill okay we’re not doing too bad now let’s go get that armor there we go that’s what we needed we need Diamond please split sorry my bad I’ll start trying to put some more stuff in team chest crap hiccups what is that a quote for from

What is that a quote from Xavier okay where are we going oh crap this is it this battle for the glory Dragon Quest I just know this as the music from Fortune Street and I I doubt barely anyone also does that but that’s just where I know this like this is

Where I know my freaking um um Dragon Quest music it’s all Fortune Street related memories oh my gosh such a niche game on the Wii but I would really recommend it um oh South Park okay yeah I have not seen South Park yeah I do like the urgency to this

Music right now why are they running away excuse me what is going on is somebody attacking them did I just get free generator loot hello see you later get played get played idiot holy crap did I just kill both of I don’t even think I used a sword on

That I think I just killed them oh sounds all over insta oh okay yeah I also do not use insta oh my gosh you think I can just like okay never mind yo Shelly welcome to the stream how’s it going Mom’s YouTube account seems about right anyways not Shelly welcome to the stream

If you need need a party invite let me Know need a new song to play W fipa is going down in history I’m not upset by that I’m fine if you don’t copy pasta the song in chat but yeah there you go welcome to the party this really is just a back and forth fight with blue and it’s annoying

Me get CAU comboed idiot we just need to go to Mid but everyone like white is just getting stacked right now sorry here’s half I don’t know how how do you split normally anyways welcome to the party okay lag right now is fine everyone oh my gosh can you not can you

Stop doing this blue and they outran me crap they got TNT okay other ones running over we need to need to fix defense okay that was the perfect amount I’m surprised that went well that was a great fire Fireball jump I really respect that well played we need to revise that bridge so

This isn’t happening every time can I just steal generator here again can you please stop stop get out of here please just give me a minute to play the the video game I just want upgrades yo creep blow welcome to the stream how’s it going how’s it going

Today also thank you to whoever subscribed I can’t see I believe yeah I can’t see who that is crap I think stream I think stream elements only shows me whenever subscriptions are public or something like that but either way thank you um yeah again if anyone needs invites just let me

Know screw this I’m I’m so sick of this I’m bridging I’m bridging out to freaking Diamond now we need Diamond upgrades where’s blue Okay we Okay let’s just uh let’s just Bridge up and see where it goes okay blue fell in the void hopefully they have to deal with somebody else for the time being like that’s all I’m asking for I’m just asking to like not have to deal with them right now okay we buy sharp at

Least that’ll help a little bit is that how you split I think that is okay let’s get some more blocks I might run to Mid and they’re here hey friend get the heck out of here and they die to the void yet again brilliant stuff let me just run to Mid real quick

Incoming crap can you get the oh crap you fell in the void [Applause] crap I was going to say we can try to intercept them I’ll try to run through mid next time nice Fireball Bozo didn’t hit didn’t hit stinky we’ll drop the diamonds there in

Case I die here like an idiot cuz I probably will let’s be real you realize I can see you right see you later get killed oh my gosh wearing socks that don’t match you know what that’s fair I think that’s a completely fair thing to do I don’t know

If this is a hot take or anything but I think wearing unmatching socks just like makes sense like people wear socks with different designs all the time so why not wear ones that don’t match sometimes they’re going to freaking carpet bomb the build crap Warp you to spectate I cannot unfortunately that is not a thing I can do in bedwars okay they’re I thought that knocked them off come on come on die they’re down to like one heart up there they’re down to one freaking heart but yeah it’s like same sort of thing as

Just wearing like different design socks it’s like it’s fine you’re going to die of fall damage oh wait oh okay different server that’s why yeah no problem oh my gosh this is just really getting annoying I’d like to upgrade for late game get played get played take that

Ball damage we’re like a crown idiot yeah you’re right one heart you’re at one freaking heart I don’t want to hear crap got him awesome thank you I might die from that never mind okay we’re good okay never mind I died in a completely different way wait you’re rocking one Pride sock

One trans sock yo okay actually Xavier I respect I respect the mismatch designs even more now you’re you’re mixing the designs to create like a supercharged combo this just like Skylanders I can’t believe I just said that can I invite you absolutely uh yeah okay that is your

User cool blue blue please please just stop stop blue I’m so done with this stupid team how did one of them fall the other way that’s I didn’t even hit them that way what are they doing oh my Gosh I can buy a bow and arrow later in this game can I just I just want to run through M oh my gosh do you think that was going to work idiot see you later I’m not even going to look it’s cooler if you don’t look at any explosion okay there we

Go yo we got that smash ultimate OST where oh my gosh I just want emeralds can I please get those Gray’s running with both diamond armor to Mid crap am I getting fireballed oh it was titled it was titled with cats wait did they just have the minec Con 2015 Iron

Golem Cape I swear I just caught that out of the corner of my ey yeah cuz it didn’t have it in the title and it’s like subtle gotcha that’s cool it’s a good way to get them oh my gosh I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m

Low get out of here holy crap I would have died in one hit to that too they just I just completely shredded them there that’s how you know it’s a new year I’m making some decent bedw Wars plays you think we you think we upgrade to Obby Here I think we Should I already grabbed it Come on there we go cover that back up with endstone surgery complete upgrade done idiot I’m so done with I’m so done with blue I just I need I’m going to go rush now I’m I’m done I’m getting rid of them okay you just you just flew under

The radar both times well played Xavier come on what are you even doing blue what are you even doing let’s get some upgrades going this is cool this is Street Fighter music holy crap Nice oh my gosh hello white team hello Friend okay I like how I just keep running past them every time they’re like okay you’re not you’re not on this side of the map you’re not who we’re currently fighting it’s Fine is this the right area yeah this is the right area okay let’s run back ah yes clearly clearly the only reason you would buy rainbow socks so true so Canon so like when your parents think that this is so stupid so when your parents still think of you

That way does that just mean they have an incorrect head Cannon am I wrong in saying that like is that not what’s going On okay we got a couple Fireballs we’re going to maybe save for Sharp to n let’s get let’s get reinforced armor oh crap are they in here where are They are they on the roof invis nice try nice try idiot you think invis is strong enough not even close not even close okay maybe it was kind of close I still died there yeah pretty much you going to get you got to get the St under control you

Got got to let them know what head cannons aren’t aren’t okay no we need everyone back at base okay they know it’s Obby screw it I’m upgrading we’re upgrading form Let me get gold yeah I’m going to try to kill them hold up I’m making some purchases come on there we go where are they the heck did they go the heck do they think they are doing this where’ they go wait ink from where from there oh they run back away

What good kill I’m just going to run in an invis kill I’m so sick of their crap they just believe it every time that’s amazing no I fell dang it I tried but I failed pretty embarrassing you got big bre Closeting you’ve mastered it like an art form and I’m sorry that’s something you’ve had to like Speck into with your skill tree but nonetheless it is still impressive oh my gosh get out of here you too die they lived what oh I killed a different team oh I’m just out here killing people

I don’t even know who they are anymore yo wait a second I do remember I remember your profile picture I think your name has changed since you since you were in chat last time but I I do remember dude get out of here die thank you thank

You let me know if you need a party invite yeah it was like a year ago yeah exactly no you’re just you’re just leveling up your stealth skills that’s been that’s been the plan the whole time can you play absolutely uh just let me know the username to send you an invite

On I phrase that kind of weird whatever screw this I’m so done blue just keeps running back and forth they keep getting M’s we need diamonds for upgrades got invis awesome hold that and I just immediately fell I can’t believe I just did that welcome to the party by the way

This is this is fine this is absolutely fine can I set the game over to a private yeah yeah yeah I was waiting till we got enough people in party but we do now so sorry this game is running so long I I I didn’t think Duos would

Run into this like Emerald 3 death match but here we are my apologies everybody waiting thank you all for staying here main Hypixel Bridge Legend oh my gosh oh my gosh we got another crazy Bridger in here oh no blue bed got destroyed thank oh wait you got it yo yo holy crap

Hype you think I can just run in here do I play minman no I do not I pretty much exclusively play Hypixel good Fireball I’m running away anyways sorry I wasn’t trying to invade I just wanted some diamonds song like animal cross animal cross the bluey

Theme um I believe it’s because it’s an animal crossing song and I guess it just sounds similar I don’t know I don’t know the bluey theme we’re at 12 Diamonds though I need to get back to the base soon but like hear me out is this wait is great do

They still have a bed here their bed was exposed no no no I need to no no no I had 12 Diamonds oh I didn’t want to give those do I live under a rock no like I know what Bluey is I just have not watched

It I don’t know the bluey theme because I’ve not watched it like I I’m aware of the existence of bluee I just don’t know the theme I don’t know the theme savior yo gray bed got destroyed now we got to go after white think we can just like just like

Scam think we can scam this just speed run over to their base and take it we just go over this way Rush from Aqua oh hello yellow team oh wait that’s you I’m Stupid okay well uh let’s get a gapple they know we’re not at the base so this is dangerous so what we do Golem Fireball Fireball and you’ve got invis we’re good run it take it now yeah I’ll run behind you so they don’t expect you yep well played you made it in get

The bed you’ve got this I believe but both of blue is at Mid so we got to be careful for them okay this is kind of a high stress game but this has been fun sending me the bluey theme I don’t know if I can check that out on stream because of

Copyright but I’ll check it out afterwards hear the song without watching the show I know but like I don’t I I don’t the bluey related content oh they got Obby as well dang it we just got to buy we got to buy like the pickaxe upgrade for

Haste I’m just going to try to kill blue because I know they’ve been farming stuff we can just like yoink their resources hello friend hello friend and they’re running back to the base perfect diamond pick okay yeah we just need to get haste please tell me they’re going to go in the shop

They got a diamond sword you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me this is rough how many freaking random Stone swords do I have we’ll just take one of these screw this crap I’m so sick of blue I’m so done with blue team highly Caffeinated who who were you T thing last night high on caffeine and why is high on caffeine making a big difference here okay Maniac minor 2 awesome hello white Team thank you for your resources Golem excuse me excuse me excuse me can you not do this right now and can you not third party blue can you not third party no no gross gross disgusting get out of my video game I hate it here not because of you

All chat because of this game jump and speed inis I believe I believe you can get it I don’t have any m’s creep blow has left the party waiting that’s fair I’m sorry this is taking so long like white team’s going to be going after us soon it’s all good thanks for dropping

By stream um I’m probably going to be running these more regularly in the future though so there’ll be opportunities to join soon oh hello that’s you tell you when it’s finished I got you um yeah okay go over this way see if they try to Fireball yep just

Wasted some of their resources let’s go POG pogs pogs type of type of banjo mischievous mole way it’s such a good name for a track it’s freaking we fit again is that gray team hey great team and I get to ditch the materials awesome I love getting rid of

Materials my favorite thing wasting them so nobody gets Them this feels Vaguely Familiar say who but it mention also also texted Jello and Icarus you’re just sending messages to everybody high on caffeine one and A2 cups of boba and a large Coke yeah that’ll do it that’s a lot of caffeine I was going to

Be like okay yeah you know a boba and a half a boba that’s a little bit but you take the large Coke afterwards it’s like you’re doubling up out here okay come on can I just please get rid of blue I’m just so sick of them existing just like as a concept in

General nice bow nice bow spam Bozo still didn’t get it not highly caffeinated a little caffeinated right now perfect way to go into a byon stream you have all the pots you got all the pot we got our pot dealer out going to go in great okay you

Got this white team yeah yeah yeah I got you and all beds have been destroyed well that’s not great I was trying to save some of these things we don’t need to do that right now so just hold out just kill yeah focus on killing play defensive if you need To this is like the longest game of Edwards I’ve played in a while again sorry Everyone yeah we’re not just going to Camp it out but we’re also not going to rush in stupidly after this long either we’ve been live for almost an hour and this is like what the third game oh my gosh let’s just try to control mid try

To get try to control mid so we can Farm resources unless you’re running in if you’re running in then that’s fair oh that’s white team crap oh wait you’re running in who am I getting attacked by is that invis that’s so stupid that’s so stupid that blue just stalled out yo red

Welcome to the stream it is the guy from your bedw Wars vid and my bedw Wars vid when I post that in like a week I still have not started editing it I’m not even going to lie to you okay my teammate can clutch my teammate can clutch we believe we’re Believers

Here in the bygone chat we are believers yo this is fatal Fury music hits different this is great okay Coke and gummies whenever you have a stomach or headache I don’t necessarily know if that’s a great remedy but you know if it works for you I guess you know do some

Coke what I’ve been saying for years Wi-Fi is bad right now now so you might crash oh my gosh it’s all good oh rip okay wait new game new game new game rest in peace we were the first team eliminated after bed break how many people do we have we have four people

Okay regular or lucky lock uh you it said you died you died when you lagged out it it said you died you’re going to stream snipe but you feel bad it’s all good we’re running private games now so you can’t unfortunately but if you do want to join party go ahead um

Just comment your username I’ll get you in before the next game I’ll wait a second before I start regular regular okay we’ll run regular then what did you do today Xavier you’re setting up a double TNT jump dang that would have been really neat Red’s just telling everyone to sub

I’m not going to complain about that um okay um it’s been a minute so I think I’m going to run a solo game but if you want to join the next one all you have to do is just comment to join actually red do you want

In Red’s not onl okay red can just join next time let’s run a solos game so we can start it but yeah just drawing in a library I mean that’s fair though again like libraries are great public spots just to go and do some stuff can’t right now maybe next

Time all good red all good figured I’d extend the invite thank you maxil okay we’re spaced out kind of evenly which is nice I like that at the beginning of the Game I’m a little bit scared of this game and how it’s going to go how did I just ditch all of my wool go get some diamonds I don’t really know what’s going on anymore Xavier I don’t know what’s going on it is good to see a lot of you back in chat here today though it’s been nice been nice been a nice stream back do Forge yo lean welcome to the stream I think that’s how you pronounce

Your name um but yeah welcome let me know if you need a party invite how’s it going and hello I uh did not buy the the upgrade I needed that’s fine we’re fine it’ll be I won’t screw this up I’m probably going to screw this up okay take all of this

Take one of these and then we’ll get it yeah this is fine okay we’re good we might have to go to Mid at some point in this game but I don’t Know uh there we go not at Mid I believe that means you’re cently a mid so that’s good to know well what did he say did he get the nail polish or not at the result screen he is I mean yeah I figured that was

Sarcasm nah well no he says no so like I don’t believe I don’t believe you he’s probably not at Mid I he would never um no dang what a tragedy I mean like given all of the other lore in backstory I didn’t expect the answer was going to be yes but

Like still you got to try okay let’s go this way come on emo I mean is that an argument for or against I’m assuming they mean it’s an argument against but like hello Friend how did I miss both those shots oh my gosh I was doing so great in that fight and then I just completely whiffed it emeralds okay this is some freaking good Donkey Kong Country Music out here no oh my gosh I tried I tried to run In okay I’m going to keep going thank you to whoever else subscribed by the way um I didn’t catch again I can’t see who it is because it’s YouTube but thank you so much I really appreciate it I you know side talk everybody I think 2024 really is going to be the

Year for this channel like I I’m being serious I think this is I don’t know I just got a different feeling about how content is going to go this year and I’m really looking forward to just making more stuff it’s just fun and you got freaking no no no you’re

Not going to potion scam you’re not going to potion scam get out of here get out of here or not I tried I put up a good fight uh don’t like playing with textures that do low FPS does my PC have any pressure with it a little bit like I

Could probably be getting maybe one and a half times the FPS it’s not the greatest thing in the world to be running with shaders the texture pack doesn’t really have much of an impact since it’s just uh I think it’s just a 16x 16 one I could be wrong but it

Should be vadex it it’s pretty nice the shaders though yeah they definitely have an impact I just think they look really nice and when part of what I’m doing here is stream I think having the game look a little bit nicer is worth it at

Least in my mind cuz like my game play I don’t think is good enough to warrant the difference that that would make also just fell into the void I think I just proved my point there on my gam play but yeah I’d understand why you wouldn’t want to do That okay did I just freaking buy TNT by mistake what am I doing out Here yeah I am just cracked at the game yo I didn’t even realize this was a freaking remix until the Mario Galaxy theme kicked in Good Egg Galaxy yeah Playing Cards Against Humanity that’s a good reason to stay up until 3:00 a.m. it’s a fun Game it’s like quip lash without the quip lash oh is this sharp did I just get a free Sharpstone sword I’m not going to complain about that yo Sarah welcome to the stream how’s it going let me know if you need a party invite there we go okay I am really

Struggling with these slabs here Um yeah I don’t know what this remix is I know it’s like smash ultimate but like I don’t know what this remix like goes to I know it’s just some Mario themes but should you get Obby dang it dang you’re going to have Obby you subscribe yo thanks I appreciate

It there we we go I really struggling out here with this can I get some more diamonds though thank you thank you video game you didn’t see that I I didn’t see anything like Sarah’s energy so far great energy just hi I subscribe the perfect chatter you’re new welcome to the Stream

Hope you enjoy it here um yeah that’s such a great combination of first messages it’s perfect we might actually hit the channel goal today which is nice um I’ve kind of been setting the goals lower but I think we’ve had we’ve had a good amount of new

People drop by today so I think that’s been really awesome so if you’re new around here thank you so much for dropping by stream oh yeah I’m dead unless I scam here you think I can scam chat no I’m dead yeah I’m dead from that you didn’t even use a sword you just

Punch comboed me that’s embarrassing dang it oh my gosh okay yellow bed got destroyed it’s uh it’s a one V one now no bed I mean at least that means the game won’t take too long right that’s fine from that regard I have Bedrock I uh I am currently dead right

Now bad equals equals equals bygone and now we have the other perfect new chatter that that is that is the other component of chat that is very important should do a collab stream sometime yeah for sure I mean you’re you’re welcome to at some point I want

To this year that’s been a thing I’ve been really bad about doing is bringing other people on stream and setting up collabs and actually streaming with other people I would love to have more guests on stream this year that’s part of the goal yeah um time to sleep see

You later thanks for dropping my stream hope you get the rest you need GG’s game over okay uh if anyone else needs a party invite let me know before we start but I think we’re good think going to run another one of these try it again this is cool see you later

Leon oh are oh you’re talking about B Bedrock Edition okay sorry that’s my bad Sarah um I do have Bedrock Edition I used to play it but normally I play Java instead anytime okay sounds good yeah I think the main thing is once I get back

To school which I go in like a week and a half I’m going to be flying back so not this Saturday but next Saturday I’m going to be flying back to school and then I start that Tuesday so I just need to figure out what my schedule is so I

Start doing two I’m going to be doing two streams a week at solid timings possibly more if I have extra time so I need to figure out how I’m going to schedule the streams and everything I might do them on a rotation but like yeah once I have a solid time I’ll just

Start I’ll probably start reaching out to people so yeah me see if that’s working uh saying I can’t find a player with that name we might be on different versions of the game as well so that could be an issue I’m playing on Hypixel on um on Java come

On let’s uh let’s try it this way oh my gosh oh my gosh I should have died I should be dead right now holy crap the scam of a lifetime F this is fine wait until you’re in the item shop dang it I was waiting until you were in the shop yeah I’m dead from that I was convinced your dad to buy you party poppers from New Year’s I’m guessing that’s a that’s a hype thing

For New Year’s it’s great yo super Norby welcome to the stream how’s it going let me know if you need a party invite uh read your message your your message is high and then W okay cool cool I want to make sure I wasn’t missing anything but yeah red plus yo

Yeah if you need an invite just comment your username I’ll send it to you I got you um n I’m not messing with that right now we’re going to get the uh let’s get the upgrades glad it’s not a pre-recording yeah yeah yeah it’s not um some fakes

Out there yeah I I have seen some stuff like that occasionally not as much with the twitch streams or YouTube streams but definitely pre-recorded stuff before I have run a couple times the only time I’ve run pre-recorded stuff is when I like I did a couple live streams my

Videos back or like if I go on break I’ll run pre-recorded for minute but yeah I’m dead I’m dead cuz Blue’s right here Crap gapple yeah I’m dead I couldn’t gapple in time yeah Sarah part of the energy of Sarah’s chat messages is definitely the fact that they were just typing in all caps oh mostly with games on Roblox uh I could okay look I could be wrong in

Saying this and maybe maybe I’m just a little bit more against Roblox since I don’t play it but like that seems like the exact perfect game to be running that scam on where you just fake live stream fake talk about people joining and then don’t acknowledge chat that

Sucks I’m sorry you’ve stumbled on some streams like that cuz that’s rough oh my gosh I mean I am planning so I am planning on streaming for probably another maybe hour or two I’m probably going to be taking a break in a little bit for like 5 10 minutes so I might

Switch to a pre-recorded video then I don’t know basically whenever I’m on break I’ll just play my own content so you all don’t just sit here at a blank screen giving away free stuff you’re they’re running multiple scams at once they’re running they’re running a fake live stream scam they’re doing giveaway

Scamming and they’re oh my gosh that’s crazy that’s the balance perfect balance of chaotically calm yo thanks I appreciate you saying that Xavier I try I try to strike that balance cuz like you got to have you got to have some chaos in your streams to keep them entertaining but you also got

To have that level of just calmness so it doesn’t get too out of hand and you’re not just screaming all the time so yeah going to go now yo maxile thank you so much for playing the games it was awesome to see you back on stream and yeah hope to see you next

Time I do stream bedwars every Wednesday for well most Wednesdays the schedule might be changing in the future I don’t know why I said that my schedule’s a bit weird cuz I don’t know what my school schedule’s going to look like but I’m going to try to stream on Wednesdays

Anyways chat I do I you know what we’re doing a little bit of self-promo right now game over GG’s we’re going to be doing a little bit of promo there is a Discord in the description if you ever want updates on streams videos when any of that stuff’s happening you can go

There there we go I had to do the Shameless plug I think we’re good we’re down to three people maxile just left so we are down to two if anyone needs an invite let me know um but I think we are I’m not running a 1 V one I know I will Instant

Lose actually fine fine I’ll run I’ll run one One V one and then go back into doubles like And subscribe yo super Norby thank you so much for the subscription I appreciate it I’m really hoping I think I’ve said this before on stream but I I’m really

Hoping 2024 is the year if I commit to doing content creation like consistently if I try to really put my all into this I’m really hoping this is a year things might be able to go somewhere so we’ll see actually let’s see you know what I

Just realized on the overlay I’ve got at byg going under no I’ll leave both the apps there one’s my main Channel but I’m thinking I don’t think I’ve talked about this I’m thinking about phasing out my main Channel I’m focusing more um more on this channel like just

Posting everything here going full force YouTube short streams videos do not bot to 100K that is not that is not good I mean that’s the thing like uh botting doesn’t really do anything for a channel like it it makes the number go bigger but like genuinely I want to try to grow

An audience this year more well I mean I I’ve said it a little bit I just oh have I not said that before uh with this channel so specifically I I don’t think I mentioned switching to byon Archive 100% like videos that normally would go on my main

Channel like I think I might be switching just back over to here which is weird I might do a bygone archive video fully talking about all that because I’ve had I’ve had this channel where I post most of my stuff and then my other one where I post like big

Videos and big projects but I’ve just realized at this point I think it’s more productive to have literally everything in one place I was planning on keeping my main Channel but I don’t know I’m thinking we just I’m thinking we full send it this year 2024 most Subs you’ve

Ever gotten on Channel was 25 it just like I think especially those first couple of subscribers are really hard to get especially like when you’re starting when you’re just starting out and that’s where I’ve been very fortunate is every time I feel like I’ve had to restart content creation or restart anything

With it I’ve um I’ve had I’ve had some people go between Channels cuz like I switched to Twitch for a while I switched back to YouTube and even through all of that when I did lose parts of my audience it’s been I think it’s a lot easier to grow even from like

A channel where you got 510 act like decent amount of subs and like 510 active people participating in the community it’s really a lot easier to grow out from that point and I’ve been very fortunate with that I think but I also think now more than ever is a great

Time to start trying to grow YouTube because the specifically with YouTube the availability between YouTube shorts um between YouTube shorts live streams and videos I think it’s a lot I guess more possible to get yourself out there a little bit cuz like YouTube shorts I

Think are the main engine of stuff now I I’ve kind of been critical of them in the past and different things but I think I’m seeing the potential of them now which is why I want to full focus in on this channel start posting more shorts start doing all that and I’m dead

But that was a great one be one anyways yeah thanks for dropping by stream super Norby I appreciate the support and I hope you have a great rest of your day so yeah GG’s um I think we’re going to run doubles maybe try to team up and win a game yeah

So let’s uh disable private games for a minute what special game mode oh it’s Castle do we do you want to run 40 V 40 we can run that or Doubles we’re getting cooked I’m taking that as a yes there we go let’s win this game though let’s get that Victory Royale the Epic fortnite dub I need to stop talking do I play bridge no I do not I do not I think it’s a cool game mode

But I’m just not great at any any of the block placement or building or movement there to make it a super fun game you’ll carry yeah we got this like I can do a little bit of speed bridging but that’s about it see you later thanks again for

Dropping by stream hope you have a good one yeah rash a bedw Wars same God only good at Bridge that’s like I’m surprised by that cuz I feel like bridge if you’re a good Bridge duel player that really helps be back soon yo thanks God why is there a chicken can I kill the chicken nah I’m not going to kill the chicken

Pacifist mode and then we go immediately wait wait why did I talk about killing the chicken and then immediately the duck hunt theme comes on oh my gosh that’s freaking perfect okay this is taking a while to start people just keep joining and quitting I love sitting here in the

Lobby for minutes at a time it’s a great part of the game play welcome back to the stream I’m never going to complain about anyone ditching stream for a minute to go watch technoblade content like that’s fair oh my gosh I need to go back I’ve been watching like I’ve been watching

More I I guess older Minecraft YouTube stuff recently when I have the time but like I need to go and specifically watch some techno videos again for real we’re at 41 people can we at least start the game this time no no no no don’t quit don’t quit oh my gosh I

Accidentally hit the bed I accidentally hit the freaking bed I’ve thought about trying lunar that might not be a bad idea I’ve just been running with what I’ve got since it works okay yo ninja ninja welcome to the stream let me know if you get online you want to join but how’s it

Going how’s it going glad you were able to make it for bedwars Wednesday it’s great to see you here it was it was a video that used techno’s clickbait for no no that’s terrible okay we’re still waiting for people to join ninja there’s probably time for like for for you to join game

Like you could boot up Minecraft before this game starts everone is starting to be really mad okay you shut down your laptop no fair enough you want to play 2v tws or something I I feel like I’ve invested too much in this like I’ve waited too

Long for this game that now I can’t quit I’m waiting for it to start we’re running it oh you haven’t seen you haven’t seen that as a YouTube Trend it’s just songs but you’re getting microwaved I love just like small audio edits like that it’s kind of

Funny and it’s not the greatest things in terms of just kind of yoinking a song but like at the same time it’s a funny meme kind of worth existing let’s go where’s generator oh generator’s in here this is awesome okay let’s get a ton of

Resources and go run 30 FPS going to get kicked you you’ll probably be fine I hope you can make it let’s go grab some diamonds and I actually Bridge properly this time without dying you can moonwalk yo that’s sick I think that’s that’s a bridging technique right I know what I’m saying

Did both of us just fall it’s kind of funny kind of a mess of a bridge but you know fair enough it’s going this a crazy crazy fast way to Bridge wait what what what the heck is the okay now I got to know I Xavier you got to share

The you got to share the answer with the class after after you watch it after stream no you’re crashing no okay we’re going this way you crashed no no just a box crazy crazy product oh crap they got and wait we destroyed one of the beds I think they got one of

Ours they set an alarm get Pro okay that is crazy play has some type of medicine though it’s an empty box it’s an empty box guaranteed crazy I was crazy once oh no oh no it’s starting it’s starting I swear I had somebody I had somebody do

That copy pasta in person and I was I was going to die like my my brain almost just shut down and went into like a it was it’s like the basically it would have been a medically induced coma except it wasn’t medically induced it was audit it was just because I heard

This copy pasta that was a terrible joke I I took way too long to get to the punch line there you know what I’ll recognize that and I I’ll I’ll apologize for that I’m sorry what we found in the woods that nope nope not wrong apology sorry sorry

I opened up the wrong word doc script that is my bad I bought Iron Forge for the team let’s see how they react nice I’m okay that’s good that’s not the reaction I was expecting but like Iron Forge is really good I’ll say it I know people are scared of that being the

Truth but it is not the Logan Paul I was you know that was I can’t say that I was going to say Logan Paul was my pen name back in the day I ghost road I was the Ghost Rider for that guy put that one on my resume see how the next employers

React oh crap they hit that yo also ninja by the way and this goes for Xavier as well um if any of you all see funny moments in stream feel free to clip them this one of my New Year’s resolutions this year is to actually post shorts so like ninja you

Saw I posted one of you getting mod the other other day I want to post a couple of those a week so no no Xavier Xavier you couldn’t oh my gosh you’re braver than I am cuz if that if the same was true for me you

Could not you could not get me to admit that through like like freaking um War crime torturing like water boarding you could not you could not get that’s crazy also welcome to the party ninja welcome to the party that that is crazy that is a crazy sentence Oh someone got a Wither

Nice crap red oh my gosh good save for my teammate there welcome to the party by the way ninja oh my gosh I almost just fell I like how Ninja’s immediate reaction is just oh what oh my gosh okay here we go we go for Emerald Forge now I’ve got more

Diamonds I might try no get Pro no Emerald Forge I’m just going to hold some diamonds until we have enough we’ve got three right now how much do we need for Emerald Forge oh a lot we need a 100 more diamonds is there any gold in here can I like can

I get a can I get armor please I’m just running around here with a freaking wooden sword no armor bed Destroyed oh my gosh that is absurd why are you still talking about this Xavier that is outrageous yeah no this is this is too elaborate to be a bit this isn’t a bit this is genuine this is Canon this is Canon to the backstory read up let’s try to get some more

Diamonds we’re just going for that Forge upgrade for real is the other diamond on the other side I’ll try to run by it it looks like people are already there but we’ll run by it on the way back in took some damage there probably not a smart idea this Persona music it’s freaking

Persona music red bed got destroyed okay you know what the trumpet roof here is kind of cool I’ll give it a pass is this red side or our side okay this is our side okay that’s fine did Red just take diamonds see you take some more diamonds let’s

Go okay this is also lyrical I should probably ban this from the playlist but it sounds kind of cool I might you know what I might give Persona I might let Persona stay believe it or not let it run I just left 12 diamonds to the void

Though that hurts pretty bad we got 20 diamonds total what do we need for the next upgrade 40 I’ve got 10 it’s not you very believable no I’ve got eight but that’s fine we’re actually closed to getting an upgrade let me try to get armor though I’d like some iron armor

Please nobody is sharing the resources I can’t really complain cuz I’m not either but like still we got some stingy teammates out here yo gpp I’ll take it thank you let’s go this way people running and then we’ll probably run normal trios after this with ninja in the

Party let’s uh let’s bridge this way are you breaking the blocks behind me are you kidding me what are what are our teammates doing out here get some more diamonds six diamonds we can definitely get an upgrade here okay crap alarm I don’t even know

Where any of the beds are I don’t really know what’s going on I’m just kind of kind of just playing the game getting resources this is how you defend the last bed with wool I love the infighting in this game it’s always really great I just got golden

Forge can we upgrade the next Forge no they B reinforced armor I was going to get emerald Forge with that no crap wait we got more we got more we can maybe Emerald Forge this come on do we have enough no we do not okay we’ll hold on you’re internet just died

Dang 07 to your internet had too much Taco Bell taking Taco Bell Wi-Fi to the next level term means something entirely different now going to invite your friend to the party that’s fine uh if you want to drop their username in I can send them an

Invite I don’t know if you have perms I don’t remember how Hypixel parties work someone got another wither I don’t know how those points work I got nine streak points I don’t think that’s very many I don’t think I’ve done much this game crap they took all the diamonds you

Think I can just run to Red’s Diamond generator and yoink them I just steal that person’s definitely going to die to red on the way that’s kind of scary got to take their Diamond generator why why do you are you still recounting these memories You said your dad was the government this is just average Roblox activity xavior oh no people got more Upgrades we need Emerald Forge if it’s the last thing I achieve for this team then so be it oh wait red is getting final killed oh yeah let’s try to get some of that let’s try to get some of the win there can I have credit for a final Kill yeah there you go send your friend a party invite worst thing you did was make a laser and ruin some other people’s fun in Roblox you know Xavier I think Xavier wins the competition here ninja just just FYI oh you just did that as like a oneup that’s crazy that’s crazy that

That freaking Roblox I just I can’t are we in a game yes come on let’s go this Way is the freaking I was going to say GameCube intro but no this is brain age brain age is kind of hype I’ll say it I don’t know why I’ll say it is just my go-to catchphrase after I say something in incredibly like just average and boring I’m like yeah I’ll

Say it I’m brave I’m not I’m not scared of getting canceled I like brain age the video game yo ninja speaking of Clips you want to clip that one that one will pop off on the shorts can you uh can you do that you’re not in a game right now I need to

Stop Emerald Forge let’s go feel like you had that on the DS I had it on the DS I used to play sadoku on that thing all the time I’m playing brain AG sidoku out here that’s how that’s that’s how you know I’m fit to be a Minecraft Youtuber

I got all those knowledges from brain age I’m just farming some Emer wait are there 23 emeralds left in here can I just Like okay grab some more Stuff um yeah you need to what before Oh I got to wait before I use more team resources that makes sense I’ve already used enough I have all these arrows but I don’t even have a bow to shoot them With 20 jump boost potions why why do you need the 20 jump boost potions okay this is fine we got gapples we got everything the game shouldn’t take this long there’s one of them left let them break the bat actually good for them oh never mind they they

Died GG no you didn’t swear as a kid dang fabricating your stories can’t believe you would do that Xavier that’s uh that’s tragic that’s a banable offense in this community we do not allow for fake Back stories I would never tell lies like that by the way did I ever tell you all

That like uh I freaking when I was making like meeting my friend group at College I went in like full bit mode the first night I was hanging out with everyone cuz like I had a mutual friend who invited me to play Minecraft with all of them I’m just like yeah you know

Back and back back in Vietnam you know when I was fighting fighting alongside everyone else they did like you know you know I went full force making up fake backstories doing solar or stolen valor you know all all the things yeah we’re running fours we’re running fours don’t worry I mean

Wait is I feel like that might be a theory does that what is the like look I’m not going to say it’s causal but there’s there’s got to be a correlation there also Cube welcome to the stream how’s it going like what do you think the what do

You think the like correlation there is Xavier between Kirby player like I I want to know what the stats are there oh did I run a private game I didn’t mean to run a private game Sorry I’m not paying attention I was too focused on Kirby I’m running an actual Team game

Also let me know if you need an invite Cube just comment comment your username per cube is the exception to the rule if I had a bigger audience I’d do a survey right now cuz I want to know the freaking stats I want to know the stats like a DND D alignment

Chart on the xaxis the x-axis is whether someone straight or not the y axis is whether they’ve played Kirby or not and I just want to know how many people are in that top left corner that’s such a stupid conversation topic but Xavier that’s like that’s gold you

Just you you stumbled on Comedy gold there dinner time gotta go see you later Xavier thanks for dropping by stream it’s great seeing you here again that was what a note to end on as well thank you for the clip um also Ninja can you make sure to link

It in the Discord since um I uh can’t see YouTube chat after stream ends anyway sorry thank you for grabbing the clip I really appreciate you doing that hey red see you later oh my gosh am I lagging or they lagging am I lagging or are they lagging what was that what the Heck you all get red yeah you all got red let’s go to green their bed’s already gone too let’s frecking go that’s yoink the diamonds somebody need needs to go to Mid and steal emeralds right now before blue gets there oh Blue’s already grown through middle crap watch out for blue be

Careful good defense by the way ninja is the MVP of the team Blue’s good that sucks hello green see you later thank you for dying d did I just kill them midair did you just see that that was that was kind of cool I don’t want to brag or anything but

Like that was kind of hype I stabbed him midair got another diamond oh wait we’re not blue crap okay that just removed any any level of anything that I just got from being cool that minute ago I kind of I kind of just threw that out the window see you

Later crap there one heart you got to be kidding me crap I need more blocks I need more blocks no they’re over here like they’re weak please please tell me that killed them okay it killed them that’s not terrible but like that’s still kind of embarrassing we got this though this will be

Fine go we need to we need to stock about some more stuff yo Windy Hill Zone did you all just Fireball me really really is that your idea of Comedy whatever yeah sonic s Windy Hill Zone or Windy Hill at Zone one my bad I don’t know

Which game this is from this is this is nice Sonic OST is pretty nice usually got one of them that’s fine oh Lost World uh but like L world is the one on Wii U I heard there is a freaking Yoshi and Legend of Zelda level so I feel like I might have

To play it just for that says the guy who doesn’t play Sonic games so you can tell my priorities are in order anyways I don’t know music’s still Good anything that’s got Wii U exclusive content feels like something I need to uh need to analyze and Play just just does it’s Wii U related There we go now I finally got some tools and stuff nice Fireball crap they got the bed good kill oh my gosh I’m at two hearts Crap good job getting two of them ninja oh my gosh ninja died to get those two ninja really did sacrifice see you later blue good kill running out how did that not kill excuse me excuse me excuse me no no okay that’s tough chat I did say I

Was going to go on break for a couple minutes earlier um probably shouldn’t have the break but I I got to run and do something real quick I’ll be back um actually I’ll let ninja pick the video ninja ninja from Minecraft yeah um what what video do you want me to play I’ll

Play one of my one of my videos I was freaking one of them for the time being what do you choose not the W I got you covered then good choice um where is it where did I put that where did I drop that I I literally have the episode excuse

Me where’s the file oh it’s in my it’s in the wrong folder that’s why sorry we’re grabbing it yo chat can’t wait for this content um probably won’t finish it but while I’m on break um where is it I I actually don’t know what I did with this there we go we got

It pause the music there we go hey all byon here I just got a part-time job as an investigative journalist and my new boss told me they’re sending me into the belly of the Beast the place where all evil originates yeah I’ll be right back chat I hope it’s not Wario’s battle

Canyon I’ll be right back no sense installing let’s go ahead and figure out fig out where this place [Applause] Is eny the pre-recorded Video [Applause] Hey byon glad you finally showed up and took up the job offer how’s everything going man you ready for your first investigation when you told me about this assignment you told me to go to hell I get that one a lot it’s nothing new I’m qualified but really you meant

That literally what the heck is your problem man I’m not ready to go to Ohio by God you’re the only way you can do this you see I got banned from the place back in the day for breaking into Home Depot apparently it counts as home invasion anyway it seems like some weird

Stuff is going down in Ohio and you’re the only one who’s going to be able to investigate this for me what the heck are you talking about well I guess it’s finally time to face my fears but first I’m going to need to make sure I’m Ohio resistant

There’s one thing I’ve learned over the years is that I never want to be in ohioan so now more than ever it’s time to do something in ohioan would never do it’s time to review Minecraft Minecraft I mean who doesn’t know about this game in at least some way look at this

Minecraft outsold Sweden and France the Minecraft franchise have even expanded into other games like Minecraft dungeons Minecraft story mode and even the live service Minecraft Earth Earth which unfortunately shut down in 2021 just like my liver I mean the game’s everywhere though just look in any store

I mean Minecraft even got into Smash Bros ultimate which is basically just a celebration of the most popular gaming franchises but for all those who don’t know what the heck is a Minecraft well rule one doesn’t have mining rule two doesn’t have crafting that’s BlockCraft 3D MineCraft is best described as a

Multiplayer player Sandbox game where players can explore randomly generated world of blocks which they can move around break and place for the base game players can play in both survival and creative mode with creative mode basically just being made for building as players can’t take damage they can

Fly and they have access to infinite amounts of any Block in the game survival though Minecraft Survival is based a lot more on well surviving the game mode has a day and night cycle with Hostile Mobs spawning on the night which you have to watch out for there’s a few optional

Bosses you you can fight there and it’s also where the game’s actual name comes from as players need to craft the tools and materials they need for building along with going mining for supplies mining in the game can be super relaxing and working towards collecting large amounts of building supplies than

Finishing your Creation in the game have been some of the most relaxing times in video games I’ve ever experienced well as I always say you never know who or what you’re going to run into on a road trip so you might as well pack some traps just in case you see today I’m

Only bringing the bare minimum Essentials to make for The Limited space that I’ve got first thing that I’m going to pack with me is this coloring sheat you never know when you need to keep your enemies distracted and entertained next thing I’m bringing is country dance

For the Nintendo Wii I got to make the Ohioans think I’m one of them and blend in finally I got one last thing I need to prepare for you see I’ve got to bring my PC with me to continue reviewing Minecraft but if I bring it as is the

Ohioans are going to know I’m not one of them and I’m not a Mac User we’re good to go one of the really weird things that Minecraft has ended up going through is how many different versions of the game were published originally Minecraft released exclusively on the PC in 2011 although

Beta testing was available earlier than that the small indie game Rose to meteor success and the developers of Minecraft decided to share the game across the world by bringing it to entirely new platforms and user races sound familiar Minecraft started to spread its grasp in 2011 under the name of Minecraft Pocket

Edition to both the Android and iOS markets in May of 2012 a landmark released would see an important PC game ported over to the Xbox what the heck is that also at the same time Minecraft for the Xbox 360 debuted on May 9th and the PlayStation 3 version of Minecraft was

Soon to follow in December of 2013 both ported by 4J Studios now what were the main differences with these console ports of the games to start off they were worse yeah some minor differences were made to gameplay mechanics such as Redstone and the game had a limited

World size in order to make sure it would run saf on Console at the same time though these old console versions of Minecraft definitely have a unique charm to them there were how thousands of people were introduced to the game first and they also made multiplayer way easier with features like split screen

And directly inviting friends to your World online I mean I always love to go back and just take a look at the unique tutorial worlds that all the console editions got for major updates they were just so cool to wander around in all was going well for Minecraft’s porting

Adventures the game even got a PlayStation 4 and VA version then the Fire Nation attacked an incredibly huge change occurred in between these releases and the following ones and that was the $2.5 billion acquisition of Minecraft developers moyang by Microsoft which occurred in November of 2014 the move was incredibly controversial at the

Time as people were worried the future trajectory of the game would be changed along with how it released people also feared that Microsoft would seek other sources of monetization within Minecraft which could potentially be damaging to the gamep play I mean look what they did to rare

At the time people were both eager and dreading to see how Microsoft would handle the next upcoming release and you’ll never guess what they did next it was a Wii U version in 2015 my first question is how the heck was this not out already Minecraft seems

Like the perfect kind of game to go on a Nintendo system given the whole familyfriendly vibe anyways the port was mostly in line with the other console version so there’s not too much going on there other than an exclusive mashup pack releasing as a crossover with the Mario series

A few years later Minecraft Nintendo switch Edition launched in May 2017 only on the eShop and it would end up being the last individual Minecraft release for a Home console this phasing out of console editions would turn out to be because a major update was about to revolutionize the way console owners

Played Minecraft The Better Together update was another controversial change in Minecraft’s life as it would unify all current generation console versions and the mobile edition of the game under one name Minecraft or for nerds Minecraft Bedrock Edition the subtitle helped distinguish it from the PC version of the game which was rebranded

To Minecraft Java Edition the Bedrock edition of the game allowed for complete crossplatform play between any copy of it and even later a PC Port of the Bedrock Edition as long as a user signed into a Microsoft account this was an incredibly important change in the landscape of crossplatform gaming as it

Was the first time Nintendo had allowed anyone to sign into an Xbox account on their own platform however Sony outright rejected the opportunity locking their players into a PlayStation hell until Sony changed their minds in 2019 I have to Now cover the final and most puzzling out of all the Minecraft

Ports the 3DS version which released on September 13th 2017 or one week before the Better Together update and that’s just cruel the game’s main gimmick was that it was on portable Hardware but come on the game already had a mobile port and it just got released on the

Switch what was the point of this once bedrock Edition was released players noticed that the game had changed mechanics like Redstone once again from the console editions and removed the unique miname battle modes in tutorial worlds which were features players loved even worse the game added mine coins luckily the microtransactions were

Handled in Bedrock Edition well enough it allowed players to purchase community-built and game approved skin packs with custom worlds but nothing was impacted in the base game in spite of all the controversial changes to Minecraft the strong multiplayer unification along with the addition of public servers that had their own mini

Games were able to help the user base adjust and come to terms with being diagnosed with bedrock Edition well I suppose it’s finally time to take to the road people will normally wear their seat belts for just safety but I violently conditioned mine to resist all forms of driving under the influence

Influence of Ohio that is do you think I’m going to go this painful of a road trip without taking a bit of a drink first I’m about to get wasted and so is half my day but hopefully if I start now I’ll be able to reach Ohio by Nightfall

There’s absolutely no way to talk about Minecraft without also talking about all of the multiplayer antics you can get into with friends ever since Minecraft Bedrock has been widely available it’s been super easy to just load up into a new world with all of your friends and

Do whatever the heck you want and that’s not even counting the multiplayer that’s been around since the early days on Java and console some of my favorite moments in all of gaming have just been goofing around playing on a survival world with my friends or playing mini games with

Them whether you’re teaming up to beat the game on a quest to kill the Ender Dragon getting animals for a surprise birthday party with your friends or arguing about how roofs should be built in your houses it’s always a great time to just log on and hang out or you could

Just be killing one another and blowing up one another’s bases that’s also part of the experience the craziest thing about all of this is most of us have the old world files just sitting there waiting for us to return to and relive the memories any day I mean for a lot of

People their Minecraft saves truly are a time capsule there are a few worlds that I’ve got that I haven’t looked at in years once I played on with friends who’ve gradually Grown Apart over the years but all of our builds are just there exactly the same as the day we

Left them I don’t know something about that just resonates with me and ultimately I I think it’ll be even crazier to look back on the memories I have now in another decade the additional multiplayer into Minecraft really ties The Experience together combining the near infinite possibilities the game throws at you

With the ability to share them with your friends means that the gameplay of Minecraft goes far beyond just crafting a world from your own imagination it extends to anything you can think of building doing or playing alongside any of your friends crap I need to go get some

Gas friendly Lowe’s employee here how can I help Challenger what the heck are you doing working at Lowe’s I thought you were a journalist uh journalism funds have been running a bit dry lately so I had to take up a few sponsorship deals at Lowe’s can I offer you anything a

Ceiling fan wait no how about a doorknob it’s on the rage nowadays everyone needs one that’s a rock a potato potato either chat I’m back hey hey let’s uh let’s put the audio back on let’s kill this kill that nope get out of here get out of here

Lowe’s see you later see you later nerd not anymore not anymore no I gotta put freaking be right back screen I think I lost all of my viewership this is amazing thank you for staying by Ninja I really appreciate oh my gosh okay where yeah Bed Wars Woo oh my gosh anyways let’s run some doubles let’s get the music back and going let’s do this sorry ninja sorry for dipping for like 10 minutes There anyways I want want to get your legitimate did you leave the party no way no way ninja left too okay oh he just left game I was about to say holy crap anyways um yeah ninja I want to get your legitimate opinion on this because I’m I

Thought about this well I’ve been thinking about this a little bit but I’m really actively considering it now since I want to make the byon archive my main Channel again because I’m posting here I’m streaming here I’m posting shorts here here should I upload all of my

Videos from the other byon channel to the bygone archive yo Xavier how’s it going yeah I literally just got back I had to take a break for a couple minutes you came back at the perfect time Xavier also as well I want to get your opinion

Should I um should I post all of my other videos from my quote unquote main channel to the byon archive I’d add a disclaimer to them at the beginning saying this was originally posted on the by on Main channel on whatever date it was uploaded great job blue great

Job huge headache as soon as you eat I thought you said I thought it said eat the table as soon as you sat at the table sorry about that also yes I got to vote for yes from Xavier cuz like I feel like it makes sense to especially since

Most my viewers are here now to kind of bring over my bring over my content this way there we go okay probably transfer yeah you can’t transfer directly but I’ll reup I can re-upload with a disclaimer and I think if I do that it could be okay just basically adding the

Disclaimer hey this was on the other channel I’m trying to unify my main Channel thanks and I could just do that during the intro segments cuz the only things over there right now are all of the stormy Lagoon vids I did which um we can re-upload here and then then the not

The was video and then the um final project for school that I did the what is it to triping rad guide by the way I’d like that to be a Series this year I don’t know when I’m going to upload the next video or edit because I’ve got other projects I’m working on

Now but I would like to do another trip and rad guide to something so yeah I don’t know I feel like this is the year we just kind of unify everything again and just just fix everything that I’ve been doing wrong recently with content creation everything I started to spread

Stuff out didn’t know what I was doing basically like I kept I actually I think I’m going to do a video about this on the arc crap I need to do that video hey wait a second I’m just going to start it now hold up hold up hold up I’m

Just going to run this video with chat hold up we’re going to run it here we’re going to run the intro live we’re going to cut the music we’re going to put some Minecraft music on like we normally do and I’m like I’ll just do a bygone archive video with you all in

Chat so yeah how does that sound are we good with that we good with that chat we cool to run that I think I might do that just um just get this recorded now so I can post it later tonight I mean my main audience is here ninja and Z Xavier but like

Still um yeah wrong playlist all right let me let me reopen VLC sorry we’re we’re just completely changing the stream Gaming’s not here that is true that is true my audience is bigger than just Xavier or ninja but like Xavier and ninja are the the current core of this community I don’t

Know why I’m saying this in third person like or not in third person I don’t know why I’m saying it like you both are not currently here and the main members in chat this live because you know how that goes so we good with that yeah I think we’re

Good hello people of the internet this is byon and welcome back to the byon archive today we are actually doing another video and this is the first time I’ve actually run one of these things live I am streaming same channel bedw Wars but there’s something I really

Wanted to talk about posted as an individual video so we’re running it this way so yeah this is uh kind of the plan going forward for the channel I think one of the big things I want to talk about going into 2024 is the way that not my liver not my liver

Ninja it is the way that I want to handle my past content going forward my future future content and everything like that because as I’ve been talking about kind of making this big push towards content creation really trying to make it this year I’ve realized I’m going to be live streaming on this

Channel I’m going to be posting archive videos on this channel and I’m going to be posting YouTube shorts here and at that point it doesn’t really make sense to be posting big high effort videos to a separate Channel when none of the growth this channel sees will be able to

Fully help that in the algorithm and none of the growth over there will really be able to help this channel in the algorithm so for the first time in how long has it been it’s got it at least one year yeah definitely at least

One year so maybe a year and a couple of months somewhere around that um do I have no audio do I have no game audio let me fix that real quick sorry about that everyon um I’m going to be posting everything on the bygone archive

This is my main Channel again um I think I’m going to keep it named the bygone archive that might change at some point this year if I decide to but I feel like that’s uh it’s just a good name for a channel I don’t Know but yeah oh crap yellow yellow yellow no Mr Monopoly Mr Monopoly no why would you do this to me okay what I was saying is and sorry if I’m respond to the chat as much right now I’m trying I’m trying to figure out the archive thing so basically what I’m

Trying to say here is I want to fully Focus all of my content into the same place again and I’ve been moving towards this ever since like I drifted away I started posting on Twitch I started posting on a different YouTube channel like I’ve been drifting away gradually

For quite a while but over the past couple of months I’ve been pulling everything back together pulling everything back in one place I I think I probably rambled a little bit too much about this we also died let’s go into a new game but something that’s going to

Come along with this change is I’d like all of my old content to also be available on the bygone archive so what I’m going to do is I’m going to upload all of the videos that were available on my main Channel and I’m going to also

This is a little bit loud the music’s a little bit loud this video is just scuff okay as I was saying I’m going to move all of my content that was on the other channel over to over to this channel as well so we’re going to have we’re going

To have like all of my videos so all the stormy Lagoon videos that I did and then the not the was video and then bygones tripping rad guide I’m going to re-upload here with disclaimer saying that they are not new content they are old uploaded content from my main

Channel but I think it’s important to have everything in one place again and just kind of I don’t know I think I’m titling this video I’m done running or some clickbait title like that but I feel like that’s also somewhat true for what I want to be

Doing going forward with content oh my gosh I just look down at my chat and I’m just I’m seeing I don’t I don’t know what happened here why wait how did techno come up did you see techno in the lobby or something I just see my chat spamming blood for the blood God

Technoblade blood for the blood God technoblade what are you Xavier what the heck are you doing I’m I’m trying to record okay anyway I I don’t know what happened there we’re what I’m trying to say is I think I’m done with saying oh I’m going to try and start new I’m going to

Try and start over again cuz that feels like something I’ve continually done through my time creating stuff I’ve gone on the archive and I’ve said okay we’re going to be live streaming on on Twitch starting over brand new thing we’re going to be starting over on a new main

Channel with new series and restarting everything like I’ve restarted bygone S&P I don’t know how many times just series like that I’m like oh we’re restarting we’re changing it and we’re doing all this stuff and I think I’m just I’ve really shot myself in the foot by continuing to say I’m going to

Restart over every time because that doesn’t make sense every time I have an imperfect project or an imperfect thing that isn’t going to like that’s going to happen no matter what going forward the stuff that I making now that I’m really proud of I’m going to probably look forward and be like

Oh there’s a lot of issues with that but I’m happy I still made it it’s how I feel currently about a lot of my stuff but I’m done with like splitting everything up into a million different places and saying oh I’m starting over again I’m starting I’m going to retry

This from the ground up I want to move everything back to this channel where it all started like three plus years ago and just run with it just keep making stuff whether it’s crazy oh my gosh you’re still going you’re still spamming my chat is just cooked thank you

Xavier but yeah think I just want oh crap what am I even saying I am really this is the most brain broken I’ve been happy 2024 everyone okay let’s go around this way I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m done rebooting and restarting everything that doesn’t mean I’m not

Moving on to new projects I’m moving on to new things what that means is I want to I all kind of want to I don’t even know what I’m saying basically I want it to all be a continuation in the same place we we on the same page here did I

Did I ramble well enough what are 6 minutes into explaining like a two sentence announcement that I needed to make that’s really the benefit of these bygone archive videos am I right yo mini weat smithia welcome welcome to the stream how’s it going we we are

Recording a video right now so if I’m not as active with chat that’s why this a little bit scuffed I think I got my point across let’s just frecking play play some bedwar you know how these vids go you know how it is okay main reason I’m recording this

Now is because I didn’t want to play bedw Wars for three hours on stream and then go off stream and record Another bedw Wars Video Xavier the viewers know that you were here spamming okay I give up I give up this oh my my gosh the momentum and discussion we were having in this video immediately like it disintegrated a little bit it dissolved just a bit it it you know it did some things it did some

Things chat what what more could I say I’m and I freaking die there you know I I think I was trying I was trying to move into like making a point about looking at my content and being okay with the flaws in it going forward as long as I’m still making things and

Still I guess trying to do something new trying to learn stuff something something you need to fail to improve you need to make mistakes improve I I don’t freaking know I completely lost the freaking plot this is why I I can’t do these on live streams anymore anyways

Thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the bygone archive video I uh see y all later expect some videos getting uploaded to this channel soon I guess oh my gosh chat okay one welcome to the stream Sam how’s it going um we are back I got the byon archive video recorded no

You didn’t show up as it ended I was recording a video cuz I was too lazy to uh I was too lazy to record it after this I I just want I’m posting another byon archive like announcing that I’m re-uploading old videos to this Channel

And this is going to be my main Channel going forward anyways the stream is still running if you want to join I’m just really bad at communicating things I also just realized I I’ve not pulled out my keyboard I’ve been using my laptop keyboard just finished swapping your

Headlights which took two hours you had to take them why why is the access to your headlights in the right wheel well what the heck oh my gosh oh my gosh anyways sorry about that thanks for dropping by stream how’s it going thank you for the lore drop Nova

Or not NOA Xavier sorry crap I screwed up the gamer tags crap anyway Xavier my bad thank you thank you for the lore I’m just whenever I say thank you for the lore drop I’m so ingrained to say that afterwards my bad so the brake lines partially block the low beam who who

Designed that who design sign that who made that decision Oho sorry about that savior um yeah that my brain is freaking dead then dropped like seven emojis in a row Fair response come on no I need to like how am I this bad at the video

Game thank you for doing a good defense Ninja you think that’s really going to work blue no it’s not die disrespectfully see you later okay your Lego perseverance Rover fell no oh my gosh it’s the worst when Legos fall that like I got a bunch of like so for

Christmas this year I got a bunch of like those Donkey Kong Lego Mario sets right but those things are not sturdy in the slightest those things are meant to be in a bunch of separate parts and like I had them sitting out of my floor but

They like fell and broke into just a ton of different pieces it’s annoying to have to rebuild stuff we get this got 2v one them ninja thank you again for all you do for this community I said blue watch for green as they got killed by Green that’s kind of

Funny I feel a little bit bad for laughing at that but that is kind of funny is a little bit funny you got to give you got to give me credit There okay why are you so sad with the book in the library also Sam how’s the new year going for you so far I know you said you got your PC setup how’s the new pc setup working how’s it going okay oh no oh no where’s the twist in

The this story it’s good so far what what’s going to happen to it no oh dyslexia no I’m sorry Xavier is okay is there um okay I could be completely wrong about this being a thing but isn’t is there a device that allows like that’s like a

Screen reader but like for physical text like it you point it towards you point it towards like a book or something like that and you can read like it’ll read it out loud like an audio book I could be wrong but I don’t know if something like

That would help I need to straight up I need to research that type of thing and get what it’s called but I know I’m pretty sure somebody at my school has one of those and I saw it and it’s like a really cool device for people with dyslexia working on reassembling the

Rover then you got to schedule an appointment for your car fair enough that is still I still am getting over the fact that it took 3 hours to change out headlights because of the freaking headlight placement like that that’s not your fault but that’s so incredibly

Stupid I already handed the book back in and that’s fair but I mean maybe you can go maybe you can go to the library it’ll still hopefully it’ll still be there but um yeah I’m I might actually after stream try to look into that and um send

You info about it cuz you might find that helpful I don’t know how expensive they are though so that might be issue I just heard about them knew about it when you bought the car I mean fair enough but that’s still as still absolutely wacky absurd oh

Great they knew I was coming in dang it I tried had worse yeah that’s fair it’s just like again that’s not something that’s like the worst thing in the world that just sounds like a really big inconvenience that is a very funny inconvenience if you were not the one

Dealing with it oh yeah I forgot to give you a party invite sorry about that mini weight smio welcome to the party sorry I forgot to give you an invite earlier that’s my bad friend you might be able to meet up hoping their parents are able to set it up that’d be

Cool I’m guessing that’s somebody you know online or maybe in person I haven’t seen in a while I don’t know fully green ink crap I’m going to try to get their bed oh and of course well I’m in green base no they killed you crap okay I third partied the other

Green so they’re dead a little bit mean of me but you know you do what you got to do do what you got to do to live in this world chat okay we’re doing good I wonder if we can avenge ninja and survive somehow I feel like I’m going to

Screw this up in a stupid way but we’ll try we’ll try oh also Sam um I don’t know when specifically I’m going to be able to do it I know I was talking about doing an ATS stream I just completely lost the plot of doing that this year but now

That I’m trying to aim for two streams a week I’m hoping to I’m hoping to move more towards doing collab streams and stuff like that so um once I have I’m going back to school next um next Saturday I’m flying back in town and then I I’ll start that

Tuesday but once I get like a consistent schedule setup and I’m I know what two days each week I’m going live then possibly we could try to schedule a collab there cuz I’ve been wanting to do an ATS stream with you I just literally have not scheduled or set up my streams

Well or anything like that but if you’d be down to do that I think that could be super cool also this is going to take a minute isn’t it they fell in the void they voided crap they voided of course they did of course they freaking voided got to kill them come

On what’s insanely copy pasted right now probably can yeah that’d be sick no I got the bed but I died at what cost was Victory I should have just gotten the pickaxe before YouTube short comments have I tried looking at YouTube shorts comment sections there kind of a wasteland it’s

Strange I have been watching more YouTube short stuff though I’ve been so like I I saw shorts Wars was a thing that was going on um a while ago like season 1 I saw it was happening during season 1 didn’t really follow it during season two because I only really follow

Johnny Razer but um yeah I um I’ve been watching a lot more of that stuff cuz I think telling a story through short form content and having different events and stuff pop up is a really cool thing so I’ve been pretty inspired by that recently I don’t know

What necessarily I’m going to be able to do with that but I’d like to start making more YouTube shorts that have some sort of story to them with like the Granite Crusher thing was kind of like a kind of a it started as a joke but I

Kind of wanted to do like a low effort lowbudget series and see what I could do with it creatively and I think if I actually like take some time back and try with that I might be able to do something it’d be cool either even if it

Doesn’t do well I want to try it out you know so looking forward to that this year um be right back real quick um okay you’re in you’re still in markers on the back okay yeah we’re good we can start the game I was going to say I was about

To run it in the lobby so you’d get back early anyways so Yeah Matching skins yo nice we good ready to go let’s do this good luck everyone I think I just realized we’re still in the Minecraft music instead of Smash ultimate OST but I kind of like how chill it is right now this is nice terrified your brother

Stole your pizza no I I hope he didn’t I hope he didn’t um I’m probably going to run another couple games and then hop off to like work on some other stuff where I have to go Today you get the party tell who was getting together in the book strategy planning prediction something I don’t think you get channel points for calling that prediction right though with a book I mean what am I even talking like Channel Point predictions are a thing here on YouTube that’s not that’s the

Thing I I wish I wish YouTube was more like was more like freaking twitch with streams cuz like imagine imagine you could sub on you like one I need to get monetized but like imagine you could sub and do all of that stuff with YouTube I know you can do Channel

Memberships and all but like yeah I wish um I wish you could set all that up on YouTube and their monetization systems were better that is one of my big goals this year to get monetized and start start that up again but predict relationships something that is definitely easier to predict in

Books watch time requirement is way too high that’s what I’m saying it’s it’s a struggle so I don’t know I like how twitch has a system where you can get monetized as a smaller Creator and start earning a little bit cuz like I oh wait crap I uh

I just spent the rest of my twitch money on a project that only ninja currently knows about but I’ve paid I paid paid a decent amount to set something up right um in the future that I’m working on and that was nice just like for small creators being able to do stuff like

That is helpful but I think if I just push and focus hard enough on YouTube I’ll eventually get to that point and it’ll be worth it because I I think YouTube is still going to be better for the Channel’s growth in the future which is why I’m staying here instead of twitch so

Yeah Green’s dead Red’s incoming watch out why am I not on my sword they’re breaking they’re breaking the bed they’re breaking the bed they’re breaking the bed I’m low crap um oh crap I just completely missed chat wait I’ll read chat when I’m not in immediate danger I just missed a bunch

Of bunch of okay we’re going to read through this can predict ninja great you know I’m not even going to say great question question ninja um oh crap yellow team this is what happens when I try to rehat I’m dead you’re going to run a new

Game okay um yeah so you just predicted you predicted lore in Brooklyn 99 cool POG POG thank you for your prediction ninja what a what a roast to the century oh my gosh keep going three two two one go Mankey Kong nft I mean that’s I I agree with you that’s

Not actually chat think what you’re going to I like how that’s immediate ear first thought is like yep that is uh that’s what I go around I’m just like yeah Mankey Kong all fails okay oh my gosh what a what a strategy what a strategy Xavier oh my gosh this is why like

Here’s the thing you all just you are amazing at just keeping chat alive and interesting throughout the streams because like instead of like there being this chat hive mind it’s just well one it’s harder for chat to be more of a hive mind with smaller channels where it’s it’s just a couple

Of people in chat you two are going in very distinct opposite directions with this conversation and it’s funny okay crap okay good kill well dang it Ninja I I don’t steal all of my ideas from chat okay oh my gosh want to be a banger holy crap ninja ninja needs to stop making

Future Channel predictions that’s what that’s what I have to say oh my gosh red red red red red all fail for you and what happened chat I’m not I’m not looking for advice right now or at any point I I don’t I don’t think I need your all’s

Advice do you not want me to leak it no that is not a thing that that is not a thing that’s going to happen ninja it’s not a that is not dang it oh my gosh I can’t I can’t with you all anymore I just I can’t freaking do this I

Can’t okay hello red screw this this is your all’s problem I’m going to speed bridge now no no but there I’m Xavier I’m not saying you can’t I’m saying I don’t need it from the YouTube chat right now I that’s what I’m saying I’m parkouring my way out of here oh yeah I’m

Dead I’m dead from this no shot I live yeah I’m dead GG’s GG’s I think I’m probably going to run one more game I’m thinking one more it’s been a really sick stream thank you all for being here this has been fun all right Xavier I I don’t even know

What to say at this point like you know I don’t know what I don’t know what like I don’t know what Au I don’t know what Canon we’re discussing here so I’m just not going to question things let’s try this again married with six kids and 10

Dogs almost as old as oblah then holy crap got him how why why is that you know what I I give up I give up trying to understand the Xavier lore good Lobby yeah let’s win this game let’s end this on a win we need a win after this

Go no no wait I thought I was falling and I didn’t and then I did okay thank you thank you for letting me know Xavier this CH this changes the entire Game Ninja does raise a good point but I don’t think I don’t think that is the greatest point it’s there I actually resend my statement that is no longer a good point Xavier Xavier that joke I mean fair enough fair enough but that joke’s a little bit overused don’t you think I

Mean fair enough you know what run it comedy me get my last track out here yeah you thought the soundboard was gone but it wasn’t you just single-handedly revived it with that one yeah I I’ll end stream with a good old Wario you all are getting that at the end of the

Stream no I got killed was bacon did I just get killed by no dragon king I thought I said bacon King did our bed get broken first are you kidding me I can’t I what why no time to hide in the bed fair play are you kidding me yellow are you

Kidding me are you kidding me yellow are you kidding me oh my gosh I died from Fall damage by like three blocks okay that’s that’s a good F the fish got [Applause] battered I wonder if my voice mod let me try to turn this on we’ll do it

Wario there you go yall happy with that I am probably going to wrap up here good luck with the rest of the game I think I’m going to log off at 6:30 I’ve been live for two and a half hours pretty much you are so funny

Um yeah I think that’s it I think that’s all we have have left to say I am legally allowed to so I’m going to post the bygone archive clip from stream today as a new video um and then probably I’m going to start da I don’t know if it’ll be daily

But I’m going to start probably close to daily uploading all of um all the other bygone videos that I need to get posted on this channel here and we’ll start the year off with some bangers right more to talk about look I want to I like part of me

Wants to stream for a couple more hours but like I got to hop off I got to like go get food I’m kind of tired I need to edit some stuff you’re back you’re back as I’m ending stream why is everyone ending why is everybody showing back up when I end

Stream oh my gosh okay are we just chilling out in the lobby are we just doing the podcast the lobby podcast called the tinting people in is going in tomorrow also stereo’s going in tomorrow yo sick that’s nice good stereo is always an important part of a car I mean technically not

Always but like yeah Lobby podcast it’s been a great stream like I I just have enjoyed going live again just talking with everyone in chat it’s been good one more joke yeah yeah you got one more joke and then I am gonna end so no ninja ninja you can’t you can’t

Just keep saying this you can’t keep saying don’t tell him I said that you’re saying this in my chat oh my gosh yeah of course every day of my life chat tells me about the smart chicken the dumb chicken and the gay chicken what the heck is the punch line going to be

Yeah yeah taking a while to type this one out aren’t you only the smart chicken talks great conversation great joke thank you so much is what a banger joke that’s so funny wait there’s no way if he just leaves it there that is the end of the joke it makes no sense there

Is no punchline this is a freaking schlat half joke drum roll drum roll Emoji oh my gosh that was the Joke I think I’ve had enough internet for the day um oh my gosh not even a half joke yeah I get that there’s a punchline there I get it it’s just so stupid it might as well be a half joke it’s funny it’s funny laugh I didn’t say it wasn’t

Funny told you the tragedy of Darth plague is the wise that is not a joke that is a tragic moment from my history that I wish not to relive never forget the tragedy of Darth plagas the wise put that on a t-shirt right there I can’t with any of this but thank

You all so much for watching stream I uh he just continues on with the copy pasta even though I said yes he’s like I thought not like dang it Ninja oh my gosh okay well I’ll probably I’ll be live another time this week I’m not sure what day yet since I’m still

Back with family schedules are a bit weird but I’ll probably run another stream later this week week maybe this weekend maybe tomorrow or Friday who knows I’ll announce it in the Discord early but yeah you have one more yeah one more joke where it’s like one more

Game One More Level you’re like wearing one of the freaking Walmart t-shirts out here I I got you is he still p is he copy pasting it is he copy pasting in the Hypixel chat get out of here get out of the party you got promoted you are now the party leader

You heard the joke about the Beavers at the lake no your cruise is in 5 days yo I hope it goes well I hope you enjoy it I feel like this is a pretty good time like for a cruise I feel like that’s kind of sick Sam CU you’re you’ve

Gone from like all the excitement of Christmas New Year’s all of that stretch right up against one another and then you got a cruise right here that’ll last for a little bit that’s awesome I hope you have a great time that’s the end why why are you typing this in the

Public Hypixel chat ninja no I can’t I don’t know what to do with this is that your joke is that how you’re ending the stream oh my Gosh well anyways glad you fixed thr over Sam thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it do not call me bogey um and I’ll see you all later I’m going to upload the archive video I’m going to work on more YouTube short

Stuff going to do the rest of that today so yeah have a great one everyone see you

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – FIRST STREAM OF THE YEAR! – Playing Hypixel Bedwars With Viewers! – PRIVATE GAMES!’, was uploaded by The ByGone Archive on 2024-01-05 06:08:24. It has garnered 71 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:39 or 9279 seconds.

#ohioisoverparty #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #bedwarslive

Back at it again with the classic ByGone Bedwars streams lol.

Donate to Stream Here! – https://streamelements.com/bygonearchive/tip Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@ByGone_ Discord – https://discord.gg/K8xGYAeKUu Merch – https://bygone.printify.me/products

Hypixel is a public Minecraft server that has a ton of different gamemodes like bedwars, skywars, hunger games/survival games, skyblock, and many more!

Texture Pack: Vattic’s Faithful 32×32 (Also using a Low Fire Texture Pack) Hypixel IP: hypixel.net

Music Used – Smash Ultimate OST

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

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  • Minecraft Build Battle Cheating Prank!

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  • Trick to Install Minecraft Skin Error! Works for MCPE 1.20!

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  • Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind – Episode 6!

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  • Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!

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  • Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shorts

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  • EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!

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  • Morven 2 SMP Vanilla Community Focused 1 Week Old Nations

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  • MavenMC

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  • Minecraft Memes – “oh sh*t!”

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  • Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

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  • Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 – Minecraft Roleplay)

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  • Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

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  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: https://discord.gg/FESxdGFA9r For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/@senpirates ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNvn2JfdylGusS9owkDM0Q/join ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-mine-no-mi 🌍 • Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/one-piece-world-project/ 🐦• Follow me: https://twitter.com/senpirates 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More