Exelicks Gaming – 🔴 STREAMER TIER GWS WANT TO PARKUR | Middle School Bakwan Minecraft

Video Information

Halo guys Apakah kalian udah dimulai bentar ya Halo guys [Musik] yo guys selamat siang guys [Musik] [Musik] ada yang mau lihat enggak ada yang mau lihat enggak foto-foto pembantai tapi ya versi Senso ya guys kalau lihat enggak halo halo pak sebenarnya banyak ke kalian yang bilang bahwa kamu pendek Sebenarnya bukan aku

Yang pendek kayak aku kasih lihat nah ya ampun nge-lag brother [Musik] Oh my God [Musik] sama aku dong guys apaan tuh enggak ada handphone kita enggak punya restoran do [Musik] foto Apa itu nggak tahu nih Anjir ada bom Oh my God ini bisa sih Aduh mau ngapain ya Coba kita lihat

Apakah dia mau nyolong mana tadi Kamu ngapain tuh Oke santai gua nemuin gua di Villager fix Yes aku lagi foto di foto-foto cewek baru lagi kok kamu kok jadi tukang ojek Kamu mau nganterin kita apaan Enggak [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] Kenapa sih [Musik] tapi enggak tahu dia jalan-jalan ke mana Mau kita jalan

Lah mana ya waduh Eh tapi gimana kok hilang ya enggak mungkin sih kemarin di situ udah pulang udah pulang guys mana ada game ya sembarangan kalau ngomong lagi anjir let’s go oh oh tapi tinggi sih guys tapi tinggi sih tapi tinggi sih enggak apa-apa sih yang membenci kenapa eee nanti coba-coba

Nanti ya elah eh eh bersihin dulu dapatnya Anjir kok gajah dia woi lagi ngapain kamu masih nyari Firman [Musik] kita bawa apa ya tinggi tidak normal Iya Anjir tahu bener banget coy Emang emang mana motor [Musik] eh kocak eh bukain coy Eh aku nggak bisa ngancurin guys ya [Musik]

Oke yang mana ya udah Apakah Odo di sana Apakah Odo mengambil Villager kita ada yang mana [Tertawa] kita ngambilnya pakai Minecraft [Musik] [Musik] nya kenapa harus dia itu beli tadi halo halo [Musik] bentar bentar bentar bentar Kalau bentar Enggak Bentar aku aku aku tolongin bentar bentar apa apa halo sayang

Banget ih guys aku digituin sama Waduh hmm Iya sih penjaga lain enggak sih Mana Odo Manado lagi ini lagi jemput gojek dia nah mana-mana [Tertawa] [Tertawa] itu foto apa ya Gak tau juga sih foto apa ini guys [Musik] aku bukain cewek tinggi banget asli enggak bohong bukan bukan bukan dia ini

Mau lihat lagi enggak nih nih guys ini lagi pacaran ngasih mereka [Musik] tangannya tangannya ini loh kayak rambut [Musik] nya aku mau promosi loh aku bukan cewek guys Aku bukan cewek sih guys Aku bukan cewek guys [Tertawa] itu itu Nelson sama main katanya kehabisan [Musik] [Musik]

Waduh waduh kan cuman topi kan cuma topi aduh guys mahal banget guys guys Emang aku kayak cewek guys guys Coba jelaskan apa yang bikin aku kayak cewek Coba jelaskan guys apa yang bikin aku kayak cewek nggak apa yang bikin aku kayak cewek Coba jelaskan jelaskan ini green screen Anjay [Musik] cewek-ceweknya anjir

Tuh ini nggak nyender guys ini enggak nyender guys kalau kamu suka sama cewek sih Oh gitu Aku mau nyimpan barang-barang dulu guys [Musik] Aku mau ngambil kayak kota juga sih aku jadi rencananya bikin bentar saya sebentar [Musik] kalau di bagian tangan kirinya jauh kayak rambut [Musik] Anjay itu berat banget asli guys sampai

Dianya kalau mau jalannya sakit gak sih [Musik] t biru enggak What the hell Attack jadi aku bakal niruin konsep dari Minecraft Champion sih guys Aku pengennya gitu 180-an aja kayaknya hp 190 deh tinggi hidayahnya ah tinggi banget coy enggak bohong tinggi banget tinggi banget [Musik] gimana gimana aku buka mediasi tapi

Jangan aneh-aneh gimana [Musik] sekitar 170-an sih kayaknya 170-an Aku bukan yang biasa tapi jangan gimana kapan Live Streaming mobile Legends tungguin jadwalnya ya guys ya dibikin ke atas biar enggak ada yang kurang di bawahnya kasih air Iya iya aku nanti bikin ke atas lho guys soalnya pokoknya satu juta itu aku Cupid ya

Cupid doang Cupid joget kagak vs Real tapi Cupid apa apa gini guys apa apa pakai masker aja Jadi mungkin mukaku kelihatan dikit sih apa gimana ya enaknya gimana ya enaknya gimana kok masih minus Bang iya Bang aku aja belum punya duit apa-apa gitu aku pakai masker jadi nanti biar enggak kelihatan enggak Kelihatan

Banget gimana eh jangan dipukulin sekarang juga sih Eh aku cukup itu tipe jangan divonis kayak gitu sih pakai maskernya Bang Ya udah ya udah penuhin dulu tapi jangan sekarang ya jangan sekarang tapi penuhin Ya enggak tahu sih guys enggak nanti guys aku lihatnya pakai masker atau enggak usah

Kayak atau enggak usah atau emang sensor aja gitu muka kelihatan full lah Aku kan belum satu sekali guys [Musik] udah tau mukanya Bang SMA Iya tidak aku ambil berapa ya Ambil berapa ya guys ini kenceng banget sumpah ngentuin itu enak banget coy makanya donat dulu sampai sejuta [Musik] semuanya

Aku lagi sakit kocak kayaknya enggak ada imut-imut aku lagi sakit jadi kayak apa ya kayak gitu suara aku ya Enggak sih guys soalnya aku beda banget guys beda banget enggak sih soalnya aku beda-beda beda banget kecuali aku Gimana Bang Eh pakai bet pakai bet pakai bet pakai bed

Oke Guys ya kita baliklah pakai bed Manager pada nyanyi euy ini suara sakit Anjir Jadi mohon maaf ya kalau beda banget Coba deh aku mau lihat best Sony Ada apa Sama aja Bang Soalnya emang Iya aku emang lagi sayang batuk cuy jangan cubit bening dan Beta di depan rumah Pak RT

Tuh guys spesial tuh guys belum dihancurin anjir malah ditambahin satu layer malah ditambahin satu layer ya what the hellman mau ditambahin baru sebentar Satu lagi aja Emang iya pindah kemana guys pindah ke mana ada yang tahu guys pindah ke mana pindah ke mana pindah ke mana guys Aku mau review-review dulu nih guys

[Musik] [Musik] [Musik] Coba kita samperin Guys kita sampai Apakah benar Apakah benar mereka sudah pindah Nanti kalau aku joget-cubit aku bakal bikin tiktok ya guys ini kenapa beginiin Anjir ini siapa yang giniin aja nanti kalau aku udah punya tiktok aku bang Nanti kalau aku udah joget-joget aku bakal bikin Tik Tok ya soalnya

Coba ya guys ya kita samperin biasanya Holy sand son Bang Thank you ini kenapa ada ayam loh ayam guys Apa betul harusnya gimana guys di mana di mana [Musik] do do do l katanya katanya di besi ini Colt Diesel best seller ini basenya naik di katanya di sini katanya di samping [Musik]

Gimana ya tahu dia Odo nggak tahu guys [Musik] [Musik] Sumpah itu aduh ngapain Anjir dia dia lagi bikin [Musik] gimana ya laut dekat wow itu jangan spam sebenarnya dari awal juga nyulik Villager sekarang coba-coba ya [Musik] guys Ternyata kalau kita gacor Enggak ya malah pada mati [Musik] dia Kemana guys

Laut mana laut sini lulus apa gimana ini lurus terus apa gimana guys lulus gitu masih ini bukan ala laut guys kita bikin kita cari kayu dulu guys Aku mau nyari kayu dulu guys Oh ini ada kayu nih enggak ada yang ngambil kan udah sembuh Bang belum belum sembuh aku ntar nebang dulu berarti

Coba ya coba ya ini jangan sesat aku lanjutan ini kah ini bukan jas ini bukan inikah ini bukan ini bukan itu apa anjir Oh ini ini guys ini ini bukan ini ini ya bagus ya biasanya ya [Musik] maksudnya coba-coba nih kalian lihat meganet tadi malam bikin Oalah megang

Oh my God itu ada clip Anjir oh no no no belum jadi spoilet katanya megannya udah live kok jadi spoiler kalian jangan jangan asal komen kocak itu megangin tadi udah live katanya katanya udah bikin di live tadi malam [Musik] ya pas live ya aku nonton jangan asal komen kocak

Jam berapa ini live banget ini kita lagi gimana aja gimana anjir tidak online itu gak bisa masuk anjir kita pulang aku mau langsung bikin lama-lama guys menggendong dua beban yeye [Musik] pemalas enggak tahu ya guys ya itu kenapa ada with selanjutnya Kenapa ada with di situ anjir itu kenapa ada with saja [Musik]

Emang bisa enggak sih Wah enggak tahu ya tapi tapi kayak pisan Memang sih Oke kita pulang kita langsung pulang aja Aku percaya sama Holy kenapa kamu pacaran [Musik] [Musik] beberapa hari nggak bakal online dia study soalnya beberapa hari Bilangnya sih gitu ya Guys kita mau bikin banyak dari mana

Guys ada yang punya ide enggak bikin kepala gua di mana ada yang punya ini aku di mana Oke Guys kalian punya ide enggak guys bikin gua dari mana Bang sama kamu collect Iya aku belum optimasi teman-teman Nanti malam ya nanti malam ditunggu kalau di laut nanti nggak bisa ini nggak bisa respon

Oh gini gini Guys kita buatnya di dunia aja sih guys bakal bikin tangga yang coba kita bakal bikin tangga dulu guys ya bikin tangga aku nggak punya letter juga kita bikinnya di sini aja guys Aku cari kayu dulu guys kayu sama lain deh buat bikin tangga yang amat labbas sih [Musik] [Musik]

Coba ya Coba ya tapi kita cari kayu dulu cari kayu eh kayu kok banyak sih [Musik] yang penting bisa buat [Musik] ulang tahun [Musik] ini ini kalau saya saya sangat rajin [Musik] aku akan menjual semua buku-buku Eh aku mau ini dong brewing stand Ini aku kasih lihat [Musik] Path blog aku bakal bikin

[Tertawa] [Musik] [Musik] eh Odo mati enggak odokan lagi video-video kocak Woi Kocak lagi absen maaf Ya ampun bahkan mayatku nyangkut di sini aja Ya ampun lagi nanti malam ya 1 banjir [Musik] Oke kita bakal bikin platformer dulu guys ya kita bakal bikin platform buat mereka nanti ini guys ya [Musik]

Bang bos Sinar mati jangan kocak dia lagi absen tadi aku nggak sengaja guys guys aku tidak bermaksud ingin membunuh dia anjir sebenarnya sih sebenernya segini pasti mati sih guys tuh kan darahnya kan cuma 1 2 3 ya kayaknya bakal bakal ini juga sih guys bakal mati-mati juga sih oke

Yang pertama aku pengen bikin parabolanya itu gimana ya enaknya bagusnya gimana ya kita coba ya oke bentar kita kita pertama itu biasanya yang biasa dulu ini kayak Aku penginnya ada tingkatan levelnya gitu guys kayak tingkatan level 1 sampai pokoknya semakin jauh semakin susah guys Oke jadi aku pengennya bikin favorit

Gampang dulu nanti paling susah Guys oke [Musik] siapa Anjir Emang ada guys coba bang Aga lagi bandeng bandeng apa anjir bandeng bandeng apa anjir Oke gini dulu ya guys ya besok kita bakal bikin kita bakal bikin yang oke oke kita bakal bikin ke atas ya guys ya kita bakal bikin ke atas

Kita bakal bikin banyak kue leather [Musik] Oke pulang ke belakang level buat balkon mematikan sulitnya [Musik] Bang lu lagi bikin apa pak buat ini Liga Wan oke [Musik] [Musik] masih gampang ya masih gampang ya bang apa Bikin apa tuh Man bikin [Musik] Bang oh 2 aja udah Face cam Emang iya

Emang udah facecam belum kocak langsung nanti aku bakal kasih komen box ya guys [Musik] kok kayak gampang bentar bentar dulu ini aku bikinnya masih level awal guys nanti tunggu-tunggu honey block Bang memang bisa pakai Handy block kamu pakai Handy block bisa loh oke gini ya guys ya [Musik] coba sebentar eh mana ini

Ya ampun coba ya coba ya oke Aku pengennya tuh ini guys kayak gini gini gini jadi sekarang pakai kaca [Musik] Eh kalau tinggi 30 itu bisa lompat jauh enggak bisa ya enggak sih [Musik] nanti ya tambahin bisa nih kalau bisa aku pengen aku rencananya pengen bikin kayak gini jadi biar dia

Tuh lompat itu benar-benar harus pas di tengah-tengah gitu loh guys Aku mau kencangin dulu deh guys Aku mau tinggi dulu ya Sebentar sebentar sebentar Oh aku pengen jalan tinggi doang Coba kita ngajak tinggi guys [Musik] oke dapat ini please yah enggak sih oh my god oh my god oh my god loh ngelag

Kocak kita membuat kerusuhan aja bentar bentar nge-like guys kita membuat kerusuhan kamu oke oke katanya katanya lah [Musik] tapi ada lagi Iya sih bentar ya langsung langsung satu cewek saja langsung langsung indihome itu derajat tinggi itu susah Anjay [Musik] lagi di oil kocak aku aja yang masih nge-lag sabar sabar sabar

Ya kayaknya aku bawa mati nih [Musik] kayaknya [Musik] mati [Musik] Bang buat jebakan jebakan apa kocak aduh duh [Musik] Oh my God banyak banget guys [Musik] [Musik] membuat kerusuhan Oh my God seketika [Musik] bisa ya ampun coba ya Oh bisa deh bisa deh bisa deh bisa deh berarti ini

Oke Bisa ya bisa ya berarti ya bisa di ujung bisa bisa bisa jadi biar dia itu nggak bisa nah susah juga ya eh susah juga ya [Musik] ilusi [Musik] Biarin susah susah sih susah sih itu susah sih [Musik] coba ini kejauhan nggak nggak kan ya [Musik] lagi sakit

Kok yang jauh gak sih ini bisa-bisa lebih jauh lagi guys bisa lebih jauh lagi 3 Blok ih 3 Blok oke jauhin lagi kali ya jauhin lagi kali ya [Musik] jadi biar semuanya tinggi sama gitu [Musik] Coba kasih slep slep ya coba ya coba coba [Musik] jadi biar kalian yang yang pendek itu

Bisa ini coba coba slap ya eh susah ya Kok jadi susah gitu nanti pasti gak bawaan kamu ikut nonton doang Kayaknya sih bakal main juga sih kayaknya ya [Musik] gimana lagi ya aku bingung aku bingung Oh oke oke oke aku punya ide satu jam oke tidak apa-apa aku mau jadi aku

Blog ada yang hilang-hilang gitu ya [Musik] yang gini Bang iya ya [Musik] teman-teman [Musik] Oh my God mana sih Taman vest ini [Musik] [Musik] kocak [Musik] aku punya ide aku ini buat ke atas lagi satu sih katanya ya Katanya sih oke [Musik] aku bisa aku bisa betulin [Musik]

Oke jadi kita bakal bikin file semua members [Musik] pokoknya butuh banget masih bikin rumah dia guys Nah aku pengen segini nih guys nah gitu tapi aku pengen lebih Aku pengen bikin lebih susah bentar aku ambil kaca dulu guys Ambil kaca Ambil kaca aku ambil kaca dulu [Musik]

Ada suara Enderman lagi sih belum mati aja lah [Musik] Ih kamu pendek Mami apa apa aku habis lagi gara-gara kamu sekarang karena kita cuman butuh dikit sih sebenarnya mommy gara-gara siapa tragedinya awalnya bukan karena aku sih [Musik] konspirasi foto terakota Sabtu sih pokoknya Sabtu tanggal berapa Eh Tanggal berapa hari apa

Nah kayak gini loh guys jadi aku pengin gini lalu aku bikin [Musik] itu tanggal berapa anjir Bang Roblox nanti aku belum belum kepikiran [Musik] kasih Holy sand nggak ada jadi gimana ya coba coba [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] gimana ya [Musik] coba coba kalau ininya kita kita hapus ya [Musik]

Kok susah ya Setahuku bisa deh bisa deh guys bisa tuh kan susah sih susah sih bisa bisa bisa bisa bisa tuh eh bisa cuman susah bisa bisa bisa bisa bisa bisa bisa bisa [Musik] cuman timingnya itu harus pas Oke tuh bisa tuh bisa bisa bisa lama bikin susah BAB [Musik] [Musik]

Aku akan membuat Jets senang Anjay seneng [Musik] coba lagi coba lagi ini gampang ini gampang oke Bisa bisa bisa bisa kayaknya bisa yang susah itu kalau kayak gini sih buat paku yang 4 blok Bang Ntar tinggi bakal aku sama aku samain Oh ini ada 8 deh [Musik] coba-coba ya di atas

Mana mana mana mana mana iya mana dia [Musik] pakai es bakal pakai es tuh gimana ya guys [Musik] dokter banget gua abis [Musik] guys [Musik] bentar-bentar ini ini [Musik] kasian Mommy Ya gimana ya guys ya kita lagi menguji banyak Aku butuh blokir bank juga bakso bangku habis masalahnya coy

Kita coba ya guys ya Coba kita nyalain [Musik] [Musik] coy [Musik] ada yang punya blog terbang lah ya minta dong [Musik] Oh ini Diamond 100 banyak banget cuman aku lupa naruh [Musik] apa villagernya habis semua tidak tersisain kamu mati lagi semuanya mati aku Eh mulai lagi afk loh payah bahas ya asli sih

Kamu kocak tuh main tuh afk banyak banget makasih banget dia mati nggak datang eh bentar ada blok terbang ya beli ambil di mana [Musik] [Musik] berapa 16 ya guys [Musik] apa kita minjem Kasin [Musik] [Musik] itu salah kamu emang iya [Musik] banyak banget sih cuman jangan dijamin [Musik] polisi coy bikin

Apa ayo kita ngasih makan Bang Anjir aku entar lanjutin tuh off ML sebentar sebentar Bang Yasin maunya bawa nasi ada season-nya nggak Bang Wah gak tau isinya Nelson coba guys ya coba tanyakan kepada Nelson bye Iya sih kayaknya aku bakal buatnya off camp atau enggak gitu kalau belum sembuh kalau [Musik]

Ngapain dipancing anjir [Musik] Jangan mati lagi berantem nih [Musik] kelihatannya mudah tapi tidak mudah kalau di laut entah Gimana cara orang responnya kocak kalau misalkan mati kalau bisa jatuh [Musik] gimana sih hehehe gila aku paling enggak bisa parkour kocak lubang masih ada ya bentar pertanyaan mana ya gampanglah bisa kuatasi nanti

Tenang aja nanti aku bisa atasi kok kata Coba ya guys ya [Musik] aduh aduh susah [Tertawa] ML dia salah anjir gagal mld [Tertawa] gagal ML di G eh gagal Makanya jangan dites dulu dah susah Iya kayaknya sekarang dia aku tidak bisa aja untung bukan buat aku PR itu kasihan moen sih yang dibunuh

[Musik] tapi ini susah sih kita Biarkan saya nanti aku lanjutin Nanti aja lah tidak punya blok tembang aja sedih iya level 1 Iya loh level 1 udah susah anjir [Musik] sudah jadi iya ya kan Mundi jago ya [Musik] mau nyobain Bang Nanti maunya lagi ngedit anjir tomoin lagi ngedit online

Mommy menyelamatkan mas Aga dari kematian Emang iya nggak juga sih kayaknya sih kayaknya nggak juga deh kalau masalah itu kayak tidak juga kita review-review dulu kita Sumpah aku sakit jadi sekarang kita bisa masak sih Tapi nggak ada guys aku lupa mintain Odo sih nanti ya guys ya [Musik]

Emang habis semua Ya masa enggak ada deh Emang oilnya habis semua lah Iya habis semua kocak ya nantilah ya guys soalnya masih sakit [Musik] [Musik] Lah kok bisa nembus ini ini mayatnya siapa anjir ini ada mayatku anjir Kenapa harus itu namanya Wah enggak tahu ya tanya Mommy tanya mommy

Aku sih aku aku sih ada rencana mau aku gedein lagi sih jadi tiga lantai kayaknya deh [Musik] pengen aku bikin 3 lantai sih guys Aduh NATO itu jangan nanya kayak gitu mungkin ini emang iya eh kalsin [Musik] gimana ya ya Halo Sayang Coba kalian tanya sendiri Apakah benar legenda sedang memantau Apakah benar

Apakah benar guys legenda sedang memantau siapa dong Halo panggil saja Alika tapi bagus ya aku suka sih aku suka dia bikin bikin tempe apa sih temanya apa ini guys ada yang tahu tidak main di atas aja Ya udah guys kalian nungguin naik dia aja klarifikasi Aku juga nggak tahu ya

Sin kah Kagak Wah gak tau guys tanya aja sama tanya langsung ngomongnya Guys jangan nanyain orang lain ke aku guys Aku nggak tahu apa-apa gitu [Musik] [Musik] nya tapi gimana caranya ke atas coy aku nggak ada blok terbang Oh genteng Apa betul ini kamu suka Legenda Oh ini Halo Kak Lucu banget Lucu

Banget lucu iya iya betul nggak salah sih Iya nggak salah bikin balapan perahu ya guys aku mau aku mau minum obat lagi bisa tidur ada Zidane ada Fahmi ada kucing ada asli ada sapi ada ada Mifta ada blush Oh ada not bad ada ada AON ada Naufal ada kayak ada

Siti ada Qila ada Felis ada asli ada Sofyan Ada Sophie ada Adam ada lisgianto dan Naufal adalah ada Syifa ada Nafa ada Raisa Oke Guys ya guys ya

This video, titled ‘🔴 STREAMER TIER GWS MAU PARKUR | Minecraft bakwan SMP’, was uploaded by Exelicks Gaming on 2023-05-09 08:07:59. It has garnered 6149 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:41 or 5381 seconds.

Server hosting: https://discord.gg/sS2j6eZPRW Saweria : https://saweria.co/Exelicks Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/agakcw/ Resourcepack: https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/ Discord Exelicks: https://discord.gg/Y3pHRMcz Music by kijugo

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    Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Welcome to MineQuesters: Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Texture Pack Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with MineQuesters, a channel dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest Minecraft videos. Dive into the world of Minecraft PVP and witness the power of the SenpaiSpider Texture Pack as players battle it out for supremacy. Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Minecraft PVP as players go head-to-head in intense battles. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can rise to the top and become a PVP pro. Learn how to dominate the competition… Read More

  • Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft

    Underground Iron Mining in Minecraft Minecraft Adventure: Iron Mining Underground Exploring the Depths In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, Solus embarks on a quest for iron deep underground. Iron, a crucial element in the game, is essential for crafting various tools and armor. Solus, accompanied by his loyal dog, ventures into the depths to mine for this valuable resource. Building a Stronghold Prior to his underground expedition, Solus showcases his impressive above-ground base. With intricate details like a water elevator and strategic storage solutions, his base reflects his dedication to the game. The importance of a well-designed base becomes evident as it serves as a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series videos like the one you just watched? Do you enjoy building your own starter house and exploring new worlds? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level. With a dedicated community of players from around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your own survival… Read More

  • Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed

    Minecraft Mace Madness: Overpowering Secrets Revealed The Power of the Mace in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how powerful the Mace is compared to other weapons in Minecraft? In this video, a fascinating experiment is conducted to determine the speed and efficiency of the Mace in combat. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the potential of this unique weapon. The Experiment The experiment involves testing the Mace’s ability to defeat a Guardian by hitting blocks at different distances. Starting from one block, then ten blocks, and finally reaching a height of 100 blocks, the Mace’s effectiveness is put to the test. Will… Read More

  • Spider Monkey’s Minecraft Mansion Mayhem!

    Spider Monkey's Minecraft Mansion Mayhem! In Minecraft, a spider monkey took on a secure house, With tricks and traps, like a sneaky mouse. But Angela’s cosplay stole the show, With Angel and Devil, a fierce duo. In My Talking Angela 2, the battle unfolds, Between light and dark, stories untold. Join the journey, the clash of good and bad, In a world of cosplay, where emotions are had. Subscribe and like, to follow the tale, Of Angela’s transformation, without fail. In Minecraft and beyond, the story will sing, With rhymes and emojis, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting memes after finding third Minecraft book

    Looks like someone leveled up in meme-making skills! Read More

  • “Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!” 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!" 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes When you’re trying to impress someone with your knowledge of Minecraft materials but all you can think of is the Italian version of the periodic table. #minecraftfail #nerdproblems 😂🤓🇮🇹 Read More

  • Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠

    Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠 Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of building the ultimate survival house in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. With a thriving community of players who are passionate about crafting, building, and surviving, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine joining a server where you can collaborate with other players to create epic structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and custom plugins, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer looking to dive… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Survival Wooden House #2 Interior Tutorial – How to Build -💡Material List in Description!’, was uploaded by WiederDude on 2024-04-25 10:00:17. It has garnered 21167 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. ➜Minecraft: Survival House 2 interior Tutorial ➜Thumbs up^^ & Subscribe for more =) ➜Download houses: http://billionblocks.com ➜Main House Tutorial Video: https://youtu.be/exfMp-q_FUE ▼More House Tutorials▼ https://www.youtube.com/WiederDude This is the interior tutorial video for survival house #2 you can also use this video to get awesome interior ideas for your survival wooden minecraft house! If you like… Read More

  • Cursed Adventure in Minecraft

    Cursed Adventure in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iniziamo la Nostra Avventura – Minecraft ma è CURSED🌈’, was uploaded by Carnino on 2024-01-05 15:00:27. It has garnered 325 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftita #minecraftshorts #minecraftitalia #shorts #minecraftma Read More

  • Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍

    Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍Video Information ओके गाइस मैं एंड ड्रैगन मारने आ गया बट मैं बैट लाने भ मर गया तो क्या हुआ ओके गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो आप सभी का स्वागत है आज हम खेलने वाले हैं गवल डॉप्स ओपी आइटम्स चलिए शुरू करते हैं ओके तो मुझ स्पॉन भी ची जगह पे मिला है यहां पे ग्रेवल मुझे आराम से देखने को मिल जाएगी तो यहां पे ग्रेवल मिल चुकी है इसको माइन करता हू सबसे पहले मुझे मिली है एंडर चेस्ट लेट्स गो और देखते हैं क्या-क्या मिलने वाला है नेम टेग मिला है ब्रेड टी एनटी… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱Video Information first thing I did was get some wood because you always got to start with that then I found a cave and mine for some Stone went into a deeper cave and got iron and then I stumbled across a creeper and then he proceeded to blow up all on his own accord and then I did some mining this is totally legit mining yep I’m definitely not insta mining it’s just sped up real fast I got some XP from this will then I’m in the nether boom found The Fortress that’s a totally legit way of… Read More

  • Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!

    Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!Video Information there we go yay okay now we can oh wait we should probably get some totems o right yeah totems are important totems are very important but yeah welcome to the stream everybody wait I got to do that thing wait no that’s there we go I was thinking of a I don’t have a key set up a mute key set up for Discord bad l oh yeah a little py Pond yeah oh okay of course it has to start raining the moment I know why this exact moment it has to start raining I love… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information [Music] let’s eat wow so [Music] yummy hey eat it more wow Ain mine h h give your back to me [Music] no huh hey don’t oh you huh give it back to me no [Music] huh oh my God m [Music] huh oh no are you okay they bullied [Music] me and they to my cake hey what did you do to her let’s not bully each other give her a cake huh hey take [Music] it let’s go [Music] home wao hello I want to play skateboard huh you can only play 10 minutes okay be… Read More

  • INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft’s SPUD Update! 🥔

    INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft's SPUD Update! 🥔Video Information hello oh my gosh okay let me put on this is why we don’t update things hi hi everybody oh my goodness oh what a pain twitch is not going to happen tonight so it’s just going to be me and YouTube like it always uh like it used to be so hello hello everybody hi um how you doing Strike Zone hippo no Avid quick singer hello viid I saw Ruby in the chat sadden hello cup half full lemon hi everybody odev GG on 1 million well okay so look sorry I’m a minute late I’m… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CRAFTING on INGITOR SMP!! 🤯🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey besties how are we doing I can’t lie I have been looking forward to stream like I just have so much fun streaming and I was looking forward to this uh oh I still need a there we go we got the map open that there I’m going to get that there okay now we’re organized and ready to go Charlotte oh my goodness you’re so early today hello how are you doing how is your day going welcome Charlotte welcome okay apparently dippy and Blacky are in a group yes hello Hi how are you I’m… Read More

  • Royal Asylum

    Royal AsylumThe time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today! LINKS Discord: https://discord.gg/bFRgSKa Forums: https://royalasylummc.enjin.com/ mc.royalasylum.net Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla – No Whitelist – No Grief – Survival

    Welcome to Cozy Craving Survival Server! If you’re looking for an unwhitelisted survival server with a fantastic community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a plugin that can rollback griefing and looting, giving you peace of mind while you play. The server will never be reset and will grow over time. Connect to our server at: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • Enceladus NO

    Enceladus NOEnceladus N.U / Saturn Survival (2015-2018)Here you will find a thrilling survival gameplay experience with a friendly economy tuned for fairness in our server. We are grindy/farming based and simply land claim survival. Our brand theme is a hysterical space-medieval with mystery. Use /warp shop to work your way up the economy leaderboard or thrash the PvP monuments with your friends. It is what you make of it here and you can find other various unique beauties in our palace. The snail lords are coming – bring your talents alive and find what’s notable about your creativity! We are simplistic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Chest Looting”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Chest Looting"Well, at least this meme scored higher than my chances of surviving a creeper explosion in Minecraft! Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes

    Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a stack of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your hopes of defeating the Ender Dragon with a pile of dirt.” Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “INFINITE FUEL IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE INFINITE FUEL SOURCE IN MINECRAFT” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a community of like-minded players. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vast open world, unique gameplay… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tricks!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tricks! Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks! Are you ready to revolutionize your Minecraft builds? 🌟 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is a goldmine of game-changing build hacks that will take your creations to the next level! 💡🔨 Discover Innovative Building Techniques Get ready to explore a world of secret tricks and creative strategies that will make your Minecraft world truly unique. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Unleash Your Imagination With these innovative building techniques at your… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Mods!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Mods!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to the channel in this video I’m going to be surviving all the mods 9 in hardcore please sit back and enjoy watching me try to Rack my brain around as much of this pack as I possibly can in 100 days what’s going on everybody Welcome to uh 100 days in all the mods 9 what I’m picking up right now is Fluffy seeds they actually when you plant them and grow them they grow uh fluff which gives you uh string three of them make a fluffy string and then you can… Read More

  • Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in Minecraft

    Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in MinecraftVideo Information e e is that there there we go now my microphone is actually plugged in oh it’s black screen though hold on where is it where is the the stupid pack okay open it no stay stay in the basement stay in the basement you don’t get any food tonight maybe if you worked harder in the sweat shop You’ get P you get you get to eat I’m GNA sneeze I’m gonna sneeze oh my I’m going to sneeze so much okay I’m rolling over plug it in really fast I was stuck in traffic my bad… Read More

  • Bizzie Survives Alone – Insane Minecraft Challenge

    Bizzie Survives Alone - Insane Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information I have already survived 30 days on this island but all of that progress is nothing compared to what you’re about to see in this video Welcome to Minecraft hardcore 100 days on a deserted island when I had started I had absolutely nothing and I can only use what’s provided by this island and nothing more so I’m hoping and praying that there’s diamonds down here because I still only have stone tools after some digging I found them and while I’m this deep I’m going to go ahead and find a lava pool because I told… Read More

  • Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art – PPL Request 3,125

    Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art - PPL Request 3,125Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125December 14, 2023’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-14 09:15:46. It has garnered 2758 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time… Read More

  • 🌟 Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! 🔥🚀

    🌟 Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! 🔥🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘”🚀 Minecraft Public SMP: Join the 24/7 Adventure NOW! 🔥🌐 #MINECRAFTLIVE #SMP’, was uploaded by ChillMode Gaming on 2024-03-06 07:07:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft adventure on our Public SMP – Join 24/7 and experience the excitement NOW! Highlights: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don’t Blink… #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don't Blink... #shortsVideo Information to hit the road and laugh but something told me that it wouldn’t last had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture those were the days hard work forever P now I see you in a better place how we about everything I would do you was standing there by my side and now you going to be with me for the last ride been a long day without you and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again I see you again we’ve come a long way from where we… Read More

  • “Exploring Florist’s Island – EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!” #minecraft #seeds

    "Exploring Florist's Island - EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!" #minecraft #seedsVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the charer B I was given this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen let’s go okay we stay in wow in water okay more water and we have in the spon a cherry be wow it’s a is land and we have a small beom of snow ah for me this is the have more Iceland and we have a more bioms oh a village it’s more along of the spoon I like this seed because we have more more Iceland and we… Read More

  • Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames – EVIELUTION!! 🤯 #shocking #drama

    Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames - EVIELUTION!! 🤯 #shocking #dramaVideo Information everybody’s [Music] crazy eeve you were just standing there nobody was touching you I had to do something wa why did you do this to me I I could have stayed on and you hit me up this is a competition there’s no friends This video, titled ‘Minecraft BETRAYAL!!! #minecraft #minecraftminigames’, was uploaded by evielution on 2024-04-04 02:57:08. It has garnered 423 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. He’ll never forgive me… #minecraftbuildbattle #minecraftminigames #hypixel #gaming #minecraft Read More

  • “💩 PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE 🔥” #clickbait

    "💩 PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE 🔥" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THE NEW BEGINNING IN SURVIVAL SERIES DAY 3 2024#gaming #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by PooKRi is Live on 2024-01-14 19:10:32. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:25:23 or 19523 seconds. #valorant #valorantindia Hello everyone 🌹 welcome to the ಕನ್ನಡ ಗೇಮಿಂಗ್ಚಾ ಚಾನಲ್KANNADA GAMING CHANNEL Do like share subscribe and support Kannada channel 🌹 🌹 Let’s do fun 🙌and enjoy the stream 🌹 ❤️ 🌹 🥈 Second Channel Link -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNuY5-nYHVa5eylh32RI4g Join Discord:- https://discord.gg/sdX7HzT6 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— DONATION 💰💸 (Gpay and Phone pay) ✅Rules of chat 🧑‍⚖️ NO spam,self promotion or… Read More