Explore KeyDevy’s EPIC Minecraft Island!

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All right all right let’s see how this is going to work guys yeah yeah I’m trying it out just seeing if if the live stream is working yes it is yes it is that’s cool that’s very cool very cool indeed all right okay I gotta learn how to get used to this

Stuff all right might not be able to see the chat unless I do something like this oh my goodness I’m ring OBS no that’s that’s not good bear with me Su key hello spider I’m just trying out this verical stream again on ad right now yeah all

Right is it working do you guys see the game yeah it’s kind of strange the way how I’m doing it because I’m trying to you know do this chat and stuff OBS is confusing very confusing how do I add how do I add um

Um how do I add chat so I can see chat uh um sources I guess it’s Source chat chat chat where where do I put my chats at how do I get my chats man this is confusing oh well I’m just going to use the uh YouTube live stream thing can I

Join sure you can do you have a uh Minecraft islands um accounts and stuffs because I’m just going to be playing some din ball like you know slingshot knock people down but this is so new to me me I’m actually using the YouTube Studio chat instead of that all right man take your

Time it’s quite crazy though I can actually see the concurrent viewers chat rate views and average view duration usually I don’t pay attention to that stuff but I think by me using it I will be looking at it too much and it might take over me I might become succumbed to

Analytics but let me know if the um stream itself is good like if it’s smooth like can you see like the game like do you want me to make it bigger or something because this is literally like the limitation for vertical streams is mcci on free open so anyone can join

Without leaking their email um I know it’s not I know it’s open now it’s open it’s not Clos beta it’s open meaning anyone can join cuz I remember I had to spend money just to be on here so I think anyone can just drop by in and just

Play so I don’t think you had to go through that wait list you just join in I’m going to look at that format on my phone too cuz it looks very weird YouTube trying to be like Tik Tok let’s see this okay trying to see I’m trying to look on

My phone too that’s what I’m looking at too I think I should lower it down it looks like I should lower it down because you guys can barely see like the the whole game all right let me try something let me just lower it down so you guys can

See a little bit of the game it might make it look ugly but who cares I just want you guys to see the game play that’s important game playay is important all right okay I think that should work okay now that looks a little better but yeah if you guys want to play

Some Dy ball you can just join since I’ve barely done any open pubs in like a while all right I think what I should do is while he goes and logs in I’m just going to go ahead and start playing like a game or two and try not to go

Crazy all right let’s play Let’s play some dino ball my first idea was going to play some fortnite but I got to download 29 gigabytes and watch I was like that’s going to take all night finally I’m onon okay um I’m just going to play this

Match here and then I’m just going to add you in hope we get a w on this same user by the way okay I have to make sure I don’t go too crazy or I just don’t get angry because people are starting to know how to play the game

Now okay how did I wi over his head figur Le speaking this is crazy I think this might be might be a quick drop game okay I’m in nice I told you it’s free to play now you don’t have to pay in just to be in it man I don’t even like the

Zombies okay I’m just going to let them take their goodies hey come on chill out man chill out man they’re crazy yeah you can also shoot at the TNTs too to ignite the other TNT yep yep I don’t think we’re going to win this one I don’t think so there we go

Yeah I’m going to let them those uh skeletons become Savages oh come on I was going to shoot that to the last minute oh no please don’t come up here please don’t if you do you’re just going to make it worse don’t do it no no they’re going to start targeting here

That’s not the plan wow okay yo just to gray hello man I’m just trying out this vertical stream cuz Cameron says try out the vertical stream key it will make everything better in which he was not wrong cuz this is something new that YouTube implemented get down no

No no oh come on that that was just messed up up yeah yeah you guys are falling down if you like it or not I I don’t like when they do that they just block they just block everything come on man don’t do this to

Me we need a dub okay we came here for the dub we didn’t came here to be Embarrassed yeah they’re going to oh come on yeah you can not wait to shoot me down you guys are really pitiful yeah eat gunpowder eat some Gunpowder right now yeah eat that gunpowder yeah eat some welcome back oh no no this is not looking too good our our our instructional

Integrity is on the line what are we doing oh my goodness oh we got some um death that stuffs yeah no you’re not doing this oh no no no this is not a good ending leave me alone save me oh man they really coming for me no stop

It stop it oh oh no no no please no a okay I don’t know how to add you in the party hold on let me try something hey nothing about the game you play right now but you play Geometry Dash I played it once before it was very hard just to let you

Know personal uh thing how do I add people to a party do I do SL party or something yeah there you go all right so I sent you an invitation yeah it’s very hard I mean the first first and second level was very hard I mean I came even pass it I

Was like man I had to follow the beat and what happens I completely flopped after Revengers 2 can you play the map of sin of Suspicion it’s on sticky piston yeah I remember Chris told me about that I will give it a try cord are you in man or spider are you

In who’s Chris uh Chris 6D he’s the map Creator he told me about it him he said sin of suspicion that map he told me to play revengeance 2 and try out sin of Suspicion so the Creator actually told talked to me about that so Yeah I just call him Chris cuz it’s easy to remember on the top of my head without you know going to a brain fart you accept the you accept the request cord you you you accept it man you accept it didn’t you you accepted I sent you an

Invite darn that’s crazy yes he makes good maps enjoy him I bet he does right now I’m still on a grind on revengeance 2 I had to get like a like 20K gold just to uh you know progress cuz there a lot of grinding like tons of grinding how to go by

Horse and then I have to save coins to catch trains it’s just going to be a lot of grinding but so far it was pretty enjoyable I had to avoid the ey at all costs teaching me how to use F5 so that’s kind of the benefit of the map

Teach me how to use F5 a lot after this game you can try to invite me if you can but I mean I’m playing mostly din ball though if it’s like battle box I’m just not good at it because it’s a lot of sweats battle box is like it’s like that

Skirmish game I don’t know what it was but it’s like you have to sit there and go place blocks and win you got sweats you got pvpers in that game I like games that are not really PVP based because it gives me more of a like Fair advantage of there

Is a possibility that you will win it’s not based on who plays hours upon hours oh yeah their game plan is to shoot the bottom you fool look at all this material No okay all right that was my own goofy mistake all right I m I don’t know if I had to send you another one hello Teddy how are you man just trying to learn how to use these things party right yes party you’re online I sent you an invited party

Request I’m going to head to sleep now good night good night Teddy have a nice rest well that’s crazy 18 views interesting concurrent viewers five H yeah this probably is the new thing cord are you here man are you here I’m waiting for you I think Chase should try out vertical whatever yeah

Oh we’re in the same g game yeah you’re right here you’re right there man yeah you’re right here yeah yo yo what’s up what’s up spider I mean you don’t look like a spider but um yeah you’re your color like one let’s try to see if we can try to win some Games but Dino ball is fun it’s way better in PvP yeah we got this yep yep yep what map is this I never played this map before Oh tic-tac-toe okay why is always Circle winning I never seen X win let me see here Yep they’re saying good luck yeah

Good luck to them try not to be toxic try not to because this is not a game to wor to be toxic for keep that in PvP this is not PVP this is um slingshot fights oh Bow spam fight oh come on someone already got eliminated got

That oh no no no creepers no surprises yeah they’re coming right after me I know how to use those last minute shots destroy the zombie spawner they do knockback they do that insane knock Back yeah let me know about the quality of the stream it will help a lot so I can understand wait it didn’t click what you mean I hit a block wow technicalities got to go in 12 minute all right man if you got to go and do something it’s all

Cool cuz I’m just going to be be playing this waa there’s a lot of skeletons here someone is not breaking Spawners got a lot of jump boost potions that’s something oh come on got one this map feels a little further though oh how did I miss that okay whoa whoa calm down oh yeah trying to see if I can try to break that uh look at them they build that

Thing yeah get down from there well thank you for removing the zombie spawner though want to play bedwars after this nah apparently I don’t want to swap versions plus that thing makes me toxic I don’t want to be toxic I don’t have the Mind grained to tolerate their Tom Foolery

H got a little goofy but time will tell though EV I might play it when I get like more people though [Applause] a okay yep just got to wish him luck well rip yep they got a full Squad I just I just think we’re we just have more

People that just probably didn’t know the game but it’s all good eighth place yeah it was a good game I just kind of goofed up on some things we’re going to get the next one though I died at the start that’s very understandable I mean you have some people that are new to

This too like some some people are still asking questions like how to play it I kind of just knew because I was like okay so that’s how it is if you shoot at the crates with your TNT you can ignite all the TNT too I just learned I was like

Okay but it’s a learning experience once you start to get the gist of it then you’ll enjoy It when you shoot at them you get a head shot it drops three TNT you can’t break with your um slingshot cuz you have to use the stuff that is um exploded as the material to build okay you got some people that are afking this might be an easy game destroy that skeleton

Spawner once you get a ton of them they will take out a whole entire base and also don’t shoot at him too when it’s on the enemy side cuz they kind of help once you shoot it down then they’re going to have a a easier time getting

Ready oh the chicken air strike is pretty good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s going on on here bread what are you doing Mad what are you doing also be careful when you’re on these slimes where’s their spawner okay so I got to break it oh man there we

Go whoa whoa whoa I do not want to fall down mhm we might have a chance here maybe yeah they’re going to try to hit over here I’m going destroy all whatever stuff they got there but try shooting down the bottom now so they won’t rebound from the bottom rip there we

Go like That I’ve done a Lot let’s go now I hope I don’t fall again yeah just try to avoid getting hit by TNT or just being being goofy cuz once you because you’re playing a game mode so look at it as like it’s spliff just make sure you don’t like be too goofy it’s like

Spliff like once they remove a block just be careful make wise decisions because this game does require some decision making I remember I took out a six verse one and that was successful I mean they were spamming TNTs and everything but it requires some Strat like for that one that shot like that they’re they’re new to the game you can’t break blocks cord a you can’t break them you have you have to let the TNT do the breaking then you can pick it up oh my goodness did it just destroy the

Block yes it did so one the arrow hits that it destroyed my chance wow yeah take them down they destroy my TNT block could have used that Yep they’re going to shoot down here now come on crates no no and also be careful too sometimes these players can be um body shielding some items from you so be a little careful with That let’s go okay okay calm down okay I’m collect no wait a minute that’s too late I’m collecting that sorry Gord I needed It I could have got a head shot I want something good not speed give me another TNT please oh oh no they’re going to shoot here they’re definitely going to shoot here here now bro you stood still you’re not supposed to stand Still yeah they’re going to shoot at this I’m going to shoot that dude oh oh come on I could have got a head shot he would have been out he would have been out wow sometimes my own clumsiness look at them they all build all high try to shoot them from the top

Now shoot them from the top shoot them from the top cuz that’s what they’re doing they’re avoiding the bottom cuz we know we’re taking out their bottom they ain’t climbing up y’all going down okay and this too okay keep firing at him whoa whoa whoa whoa you yeah you’re

Really that focusing huh you won’t focus me okay see how it is yeah you guys are going down you ain’t going to have that platform for long yeah that’s right well good game you died man you fell oh he has to go RP I mean it was a good run cord a very

Good run you did man Yeah zombies knock them down oh no see they’re they learning no you’re not catching me you fools oh double kill oh my goodness we won that game that’s crazy hello Dora TV welcome to the stream well well vertical stream how you been and we got first place let’s go let’s go that’s crazy

That was like the the 10 comebacks man the top 10 comebacks hello greetings from Indonesia highly respected hello Indonesia I’m just trying out this vertical stream because they say it’s a lot effectiveness might try more of this vertical stream I’ll still do my my flat screen

My landscape but I just want to try this out turns out it’s pretty well 53 views and I’m not sure how many minutes though kind of new to this OBS setup streamlabs I know how to use but you guys can join if you guys want

To since this is kind of like an Open Pub kind of cuz I’m testing this out too while I’m streaming in vertical hey see that’s what I’m talking about bro stop blocking my view I get it I get it man go to be careful of those type of

Players they would they would cover your whole screen just to get a block what are you playing um I’m playing din ball it’s on Minecraft Island if you heard about what Minecraft Island is it’s like a mini it’s like a party games uh server something like that it’s free to join too But this is for um Java Edition so if you’re a Bedrock player it’s not going to work out mostly Java hey hello man of Steelo I actually figure out how your name it your name is spelled man Man of Steel Man of Steel okay what’s good how you been

Man I know this this format looks weird it’s it looks like a uh short doesn’t it well because YouTube is implementing this thing called a vertical Streams cheer up bro yeah it would have been fun if it was like Bedrock Edition or something you know for you guys to come join but to be honest bedro be getting like the good stuffs yeah it’s very weird cuz I had to try to learn to use

OBS yeah weird aspect ratio but it doesn’t matter to me at least it doesn’t bother you when I watch it it looks weird also if you guys want to join you can come and join since this is free to play because back then they used to um charge you or

You probably have to wait till the server opens so it’s free it’s open open Beta it’s not closed I’m not sure we’re going to get a dub on this sometimes the TNT has to be accurate oh come on that could have clipped the bottom of the

Block it’s 2 a.m. and I don’t want to wake anyone up oh that’s understandable yeah but it’s only what like almost Saturday I definitely feel you though I mean I was supposed to be doing a um collaborated video today but it’s like Bedrock Bedrock Edition

Though but it turns out he was kind of busy because he has to go to sleep because he has a rough day or something and I know tomorrow or almost a few minutes I have to uh go to the movies and go to the casino because I never went to a casino

Before I was thinking about trying to win $50 or something since $50 is highly worth it win $50 just to I don’t know have $50 but you know what’s going to happen right my mother’s just going to eat up my $50 you got to pay the taxes got to pay those taxes

Yeah bro just flow in the air like a cartoon character wait was there a platform look down my brother’s wedding is in two days so I got a lot to do tomorrow oh congrats to him he’s starting a family apparently just make sure he doesn’t raise spoiled kids you know cuz if he

Does it’s going to be a headache for him and we got first place again too man I be doing a lot better in these games if you guys like this vertical stream setup then just leave a like badges all right we’re just going to wait for a whole another queue to ready

Up but you guys can come and join just playing some dino ball just shooting TNTs at people and knocking them down wow that looks pretty cool all right we’re back to this map I think this map might have rotation cuz I don’t see the ship one I don’t

See the I don’t see the ship one I don’t see the other one so I think these are like like new maps or something I don’t look at their News nice nice whoa whoa whoa hey hey stop stop stop body blocking stop body blocking I see you right there that was close wait they got two chicken air strike that is crazy that is luck that is just luck that is luck imagine everyone have chicken air

Strikes that’ be like one of the craziest things that just happened I’m going to let them get that one sharing is caring give me a TNT so I can fling it at him okay okay okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah they’re going crazy now they’re crazy

Oh sorry sorry I’m I’m sorry I’m so sorry man sorry if I I body blocked you I think this is what this is what this game is notorious for body blocking these things give you like levitation all right I’m just going to go to the lower levels okay oh skellies is Good yep so they got to figure out where the skellies are at wait they destroyed it why would they destroy it why would why would they destroy it you’re not supposed to destroy it because that’s going to help I don’t know what the I don’t even know what my teammates are even

Thinking why would they destroy it yeah I think this is going to be the hardest games come on shoot a little higher can’t believe they shot at my at the skeleton spawn that thing was going to help us a lot the spawner of zombies only do knockback that’s all they

Give can’t believe they actually shot it they really want the enemy team to win yeah yeah yeah they’s going to keep sitting here focusing me man keep focusing me oh nice levitation okay I think some of these Maps also depend on Range spawn some skeletons you’re not going to hit

Me oh I could have got him but nah that was a little off well way off if I wasn’t broke I would do know I have zero dollars like I said it doesn’t cost money now it really doesn’t cost money it’s free to play they made it

Free if if it was like back then then I’m pretty sure you’d be like man I don’t got the money you got to go through that weight list and I know the weight list takes for like a long time how can I reach up

There he’s at a spot where uh you got to be at the same elevation as him donate to you oh okay you can donate me like oh never mind yeah you say you had zero dollars that’s highly understandable if you don’t have nothing to donate you can just leave a like I

Can cherish that a lot more too since likes are good donate responsibly hey where are you going okay oh no put zombies up there are you serious yeah the slingshot is so broken yeah you need to get down from there man he’s at like a spot spot he’s at a good

Spot um do you guys have anything that’s good cuz he’s just look at him he’s just standing right there look at him he’s just standing there oh never mind he’s just like this just standing there he’s like this game is so easy I could just AFK here all day because they

Can’t hit me but finally he got hit third place oh this is cool ads will run shortly for some viewers oh this is cool I never used the YouTube Studio thing it actually lets me know when the ad will pop up so the ad is going to pop up in like 19

Seconds so that means you just got to probably watch the ad for like I don’t know 10 seconds if you can skip it because I put it on balance not aggressive meaning you guys can watch some ads and some people don’t you don’t have to watch ads if you get YouTube

Premium then you don’t have to worry about ads at all have a good night I’ll watch the ad all right man all right man good night Man of Steel yep add I’ll only use OBS for this though for like vertical streaming while streamlabs I use the real streaming that was personal I held that for a while that was definitely personal two TNTs Yeah to use this this got to be better when you like at the bottom where if they don’t see it just shred a layer oh we got more of them okay Oh no did you really just shot at the TNT you just let it happen wow Carol you just let it happen put that selfie stick down and help us win some games Okay this is not this is not a good out outlook for us the ship is sinking Carol what are you doing this is not time for selfie look at that see that’s what happens when you need to get off your phone you can pay attention More oh no no it’s just me I’m the last man life is so Unfair oh man this is not good this is not looking too good oh no I wish I could play my um the soundtrack yeah I wish I can yeah yeah man let’s go what are you doing fight me like a man get down I’m just shooting random yes no well your plot armor really sucks man your plot Armor man is really good he’s too good what shoot right There no sorry yeah no man stop it stop it already stop it stop it let’s go good the game oh my goodness that was crazy man that was insane insane man that was insane man I wish someone has that clipped man that deserves a clip I can’t believe That was like an intense game man but he was pretty good though got to give him that he was like an opponent that was worth challenging don’t stand still go okay we got two of those let’s shoot at the top okay put one right there yeah this is getting a little hectic

Those guys are doing a very slow job while my team is just I don’t know I don’t know most of them are afking though the other team is just demolishing us I guess this is what happens that’s like a well organized game there once it destroyed the bottom we’re Screwed well I mean the entire bottom then were screwed I thought I was going to make it collect the TNTs that’s falling Yep this is just not a good outcome I’m just going to no no Oh TNT come on guys no yeah be Reckless oh man you got the air strike use it use it oh I got one too yeah you guys ain’t going to have that no more more oh yeah fall down yes look at that look at that that’s called a comeback

We got the chickens you fool oh we got another one oh boy he’s going to be feeling it he’s going to be feeling it look at him he’s going to feel it what you going to do bro Bridge yeah you better move back over there I could have they could have had

One or Something man how there fall down there we go good game right there that was the comeback we’ve been streaming well vertical streaming for an hour and 1 minute not sure if I should go on for like another I don’t know 30 minutes or probably push it to two

Hours I don’t know might think about it since mostly this is just D ball if you guys want to join you can just come and join Okay there we go it it would be cool if these guys said hey you’re streaming right and then these guys might be stream sniping right now I don’t know they might try to stream snipe don’t do that man that’s just rude destroy their ladders you shall not climb you’re forbidden from climbing

Oh he was so close powder bomb this dude is just afking right that’s probably like the easiest dub you can get sorry I had to shoot it I don’t want to get flung out of the game I don’t want to get flung out I do not want to get flinged out I

Already experienced it it was just the worst experience I have nothing to rebound did I even destroy the zombie spawners well zombie spawners you can destroy anything else don’t destroy since zombie spawners are useless all right now I got levitation hey look at him he’s just vibing Okay oh just in time got you bro calm down with the TNTs it’s too many whoa that could have flung me out this is the odd this is an odd layout yeah Chase it is also hello Chase um Cameron told me about vertical streaming because YouTube is trying to implement vertical

Streaming and it’s very beneficial at this point cuz let me tell you oh thank you man um I have 64 views so far from doing this you should give it a try I’d use um OBS for this because I’m still new to OBS cuz it only works on OBS I’ve trying

To use for streamlabs but they charge money so this is why I am using uh OBS kind of have to cope with it so no interesting I’ll look into it all right it’s going to make your format look weird but it does raise the analytics somehow because shorts are

Overpowered but how are you chase me being devil n I’m quite curious Oh thought I caught him but this is what people talking about Chase Minecraft Island this is what it is it’s a it’s like a parties game server you guys should try it out sometime and it’s free I just play this game mode cuz it’s not PVP cuz I don’t like PVP game modes

Really they they’re really toxic Oh that was a good shot Okay they’re being a little bit accurate Here we got this man we got this we got this whatever you do do not fall down you’re down Man oh we got him like That and we got second place I might think about eating spaghetti probably after this cuz I’m starving I did skip dinner I just ate I actually didn’t eat anything somehow I didn’t eat breakfast lunch and dinner even yesterday it’s crazy I need to start Eating all right so it’s been a minute and hour and nine minutes not a fan of this map I mean you’re not supposed to have a favorite map really it’s just it changes it changes when you fall you don’t get back up well that’s not true really man

That’s not true you do get back up it just depends on how you use your resources man it’s called building exactly it requires building so you can’t say you can’t get back up unless they’re completely new to the game where they think oh you just can’t build at

All what do you think this is boring spliff this is spliff with explosion nice with the air straight and then one the peaceful phase you get six blocks I just I just don’t see myself dying soon in a game I kind of learned that the hard way but that’s quite

Embarrassing just to lose or just die in the first few seconds of the game whoa whoa whoa whoa I wasn’t even paying attention my friend is texting me something yep multitasking at its finus whoa okay that that FL that that that that was so strong that it knocked me out yeah

Okay oh at least I got that okay 3 minutes and already got annihilated well at least it wasn’t 30 seconds then that would be called a quick Drop come on drop that TNT right now oh come on man you guys are trying to BU guard they literally try to put blocks down right in front of it so you can’t claim it wow just wow you guys saw that in 4k they L they’re just blocking blocks man

These fools are blocking blocks so we can’t use blocks destroy their spawner you got to destroy their spawner like what are you doing where’s their spawner oh never mind you got it give me making me Anxious not grabbing that one either got that one I deserve that one you said there place blocks in front of me yep yep yep cope you got to cope with it man you got to cope with it I think it just shoots arrows first I don’t

Know I don’t even know what the priority is for the blocks yeah yeah you calling for it Man you’re really up there yeah they’re just firing right at me Man no mans chill out chill out mans chill out man I’m getting I’m getting I’m getting teamed I’m getting ganged I’m going to go High Ground you guys can’t even kill the creepers Right this is beyond me not Again man I’m getting a night we getting we’re getting pulverized stop it destroy their Spa destroy the spawner wait the fire kills them interesting man we’re we’re we’re definitely screwed like so screwed I’m all their stuff man no oh okay that was crazy that was a crazy

Bounce yep I knew it I don’t even know what teammates we had they were just not really doing too well or wait a minute okay it it was a it was a lopsided victory yeah you got this man all right we only got like 10 minutes left he got

This just got to wish him that luck man come on man you got this just potato come on man you got this all those guys are doing is just standing around they would rather get me annihilated look at him look look how calm they are they’re just standing right

There they’re just standing right there watching him yeah it really goes to show okay just take me to another game please I don’t want to see it no more he’s already down I’m hungry I’m very hungry Hungry dude don’t do that you’re meat shielding don’t do that he has to get right inside the block like what are you doing man 16 slime blocks that’s a lot of slime blocks All right Okay it’s just one person left No hi no that sucked well at least you’re going to finish him for us cuz someone’s just hiding they’re very sneaky all right we only got like four minutes left cuz I’m not sure who’s going to watch a 2hour vertical stream of me playing din ball

But it’s insane that a lot of people came at 11 then at this time period interesting metrics very interesting I never used this type of metrics before but it makes me smarter all right I’m just going to go at the bottom right here there’s a lot of build over

Here oh no I want the gun give me my no oh yeah this map has a lot of limitation I’m destroying It that’s right that’s right you’re not getting none of those wow okay not sure I’m going to break that these skeletons are not giving me a break man this is so annoying they place it at a spot where I can’t even hit it this levitation is kind of annoying oh well oh

Well all right I think we can make a room for one more game And I just got a kill all right who’s here Bro what stop blocking me stop blocking me don’t do that what are you doing don’t block me bro now you’re just going to AFK there yeah I think he’s Sometimes some of these people just do it deliberately I don’t know they probably want to take L’s probably for their um their achiev

Or something oh you got to lose some games probably okay I’m getting that I’m try I need to see if we can get a double in this last Game Sorry man I was I was floating sorry hey ad devie hey Ruben how are you man I know I’m trying out vertical streaming it looks weird but they said they’re trying to implement Tik Tok into like YouTube like YouTube’s trying to implement something that’s why it looks

Weird camer uh Cameron or camera told me about it so yeah probably don’t even know who camera is Cameron Joe he told me about this vertical streaming so I’m just taking advantage of it and it’s actually pretty useful integrate short streamings but not going to lie um you

Guys should try this game out though Minecraft Island just play some mini games and see who will you know do something silly I’m not sure if it works with Australia servers since already know how your region is laggy but something just to have fun and it’s free to play oh we won

Okay all right we W most a lot of games though that’s good personal thing let’s see what we have unlocked here badges okay we did pretty well look at all these crates but not going to lie it feels like I should play one more game should I play one more

Game okay let’s play one more game I’m going to play the very very last game then I’m going to di it’s kind of a short stream but it just helps me to understand a little more about vertical streaming I never try YouTube OB uh YouTube Studios as the As the metric

System I see like a lot of views like I have 67 views within like an hour and a half which is pretty good it’s not bad but it’s something it’s not like 20 but that’s good that Cameron told me about that I told Chase to try it out too

Despite the aspect ratio looks weird so this is like my second time doing vertical streaming I can’t just say streaming since I’m doing it vertically oh ho ho I caught myself okay I was going a little careless I need crates H I wonder what it would look like with shaders

I think just a flex I’m not sure if it’s going to handle the stream well I don’t know this is with shaders ooh that actually looks pretty cool but I’m not sure if it’s going to look well on the streaming end let me know if it’s lagging just to know what the limitations

Are but it looks pretty cool when you play with shaders on even though shaders are not really designed for gaming purposes mhm okay we only got two people you’re not getting them TNTs wait we won okay I didn’t really do much all right no no no we’re playing the

Very very last game but this time with mostly shaders now well what a game I know right the irony like it just ends so fast I just placed blocks and that’s it no chance all right so this is a a lopsided Victory cuz we have one extra player Who has the thingy thing just shoot it oh no not the chicken air strike chicken airstrike doesn’t do too well with this map hey hey no no don’t don’t block me don’t great see this is what happens when you get in front of my perspective you just made it harder for me to

Shoot the pros with the shaders you can see nice Graphics the cons it’s so dark when it turns to night scene or battle mode battle Mode all right I put the skeletons down there just in case they start mining their way down there yep I think we got teammates that probably are new to the game hey your body shielding stop that It’s kind of strange I can slightly see what the shade is I mean that’s like second nature whoa whoa whoa Eli says hi hello welcome to the Stream I was about to end it until more people come on I’m going to keep streaming until more people probably come on until it starts reaching like a deadlock like one person probably yep that’s the whole downside of shaders oh we won that but how are you

Ran all right I’m taking them shaders off they look pretty cool but they obstruct your view I highly don’t recommend unless you want to create cinematics but we’re winning more games though are we winning son yes we are oh that is so rude someone tell someone

To shut up wow someone said make me wow these guys are going crazy good luck and have fun Rose said make me what do they think this is High School drama keep that in high school not in a video game please oh no yeah I had to build up there I want Them thought you going to grab that TNT what are you guys doing how did how these guys stop doing that how these guys are breaking through the bottoms what do you guys are doing you guys must be sleeping very hard on this aren’t you I never covered you whenever I Blake

Break your blocks but they do it to me so rude Disrespectful okay I need to get out oh I could have been toast right there man my hair is itchy can’t even wash my hair because I’m not supposed to oh come on someone is someone is sweating this hard who is holding all that TNT up stop holding TNT shoot it we’re

Screwed chill chill ax please this is not fair oh no yep I’m I’m the last male around here now this is where the sad violin Plays Yep yep that’s what happens when you have people that just trash talks GG that might not even be a genuine GG that could just be saying haha be quiet whoever I just killed because you’re bad yeah sometimes I take it wrong but you know how people just do

These dates you know what I do I type like this cuz this is genuine cuz I actually type good game I don’t type GG cuz GG could be mean anything even GF I just type the whole thing cuz it’s like a lot of respect if you just type

GG it just it just feels like you’re using that um the macro GG like you just type it like if you guys know what Hypixel is you know how those people just be you know doing stuff and they just type GG like automatically that’s the ones I don’t

Like cuz it just makes you feel like they they don’t really mean it they could just be saying GG just to be I don’t know be smart or being rude disrespectful I don’t like disrespect I like to be respected okay they are shooting down Here if you guys want to join you can come and join since this is kind of like Open Pub too just testing out the virtual stream streaming with shaders is all right but it just obstructs my View no toxicity S no toxicity he keeps laughing at your hair oh I know what it’s a hairsty style what do you expect at least it has some at least it has style and not going to lie it actually grows my hair my hair grows a lot

Taller like when I got it done it grew a lot Faster so there is a benefit he just stares at the TNT hey okay zombies do not stare at right at me man do not do that give me the death stare but don’t worry at least my hair is longer than his yeah I just had um extensions or

Perso dreads it’s perso they’re not real but it costs a lot though somehow never knew that being at a salon takes a long time and it costs so much money man these guys are so good you guys are so good at this game okay we got a good Lobby

Here these guys know their thing they know their thing chill axe it’s because I’m no stop it stop it I’m giving a lot of TNTs means there’s a lot of teammates dying on my team chill out chill Out try to see if I can draw a blow from the bottom this is like the hugest comebacks no you’re not doing this sir you’re not doing it stop it stop it wait my teammate died so when they die they gave me all the TNTs bro your

Nephew just spilled hot oil on himself right now ah that’s got to hurt why would he do that he’s clumsy what would he do do that spills hot oil at least I’m careful this is not looking too good oh man man man never been sped by my own

Teammate before well you just kind of learned the hard way haven’t you getting spliff okay for Place how did he spill oil can you explain that was he cooking something and he just said oh I got this and he just looked one way 10 seconds later he

Spilled oil and he got burnt didn’t he man man man he just never learns I wear oven mitts when I handle stuff like that call me a wuss but hey I at least take things carefully he’s cooking fish and trying to RIS me he’s cooking fish oh okay oh I

See he has to be a little more careful next time I mean I know how to cook something things I kind of learned how to um how to make spaghetti kind of learned how to make some steak kind of learned how to make lamb chops and probably Fried

Chicken but I had to use the internet just to learn how to cook since you got to learn how to cook off the internet but sometimes you had to add some time to it just to make sure it’s right because the way how my mother complains about the food she says it’s

Not done well she’s right sometimes but sometimes she overcooks it like for salmon she overcooks salmon she said an hour it takes that long to cook salad I mean salmon wow it literally takes like like 20 minutes or 25 minutes to cook salmon I just kind of learned from my

Experiences okay you got the bottom here I’m just going to shoot the bottom look at that if you shoot the bottom they will be they will just not focus on it all right he says he’s an excellent Chef I don’t think he’s that good at culinary arts but it takes practice it’s just

He’s just not a little careful I mean there was one time I tried to impress my mother with the um with some food for Mother’s Day she liked it but to me it just tastes different it looks so nasty let me guess you probably had to

Put you probably had to add uh salt to it I bet why you talking about food I haven’t even ate yet I skipped dinner I skipped dinner I haven’t had breakfast nor lunch cuz I’d just be skipping it I need to stop that sometimes I just eat eat snacks or

Just eat random canyata to refrigerator or something just to saate my Hunger go eat yeah I would say after like this game then yeah since this is kind of me just testing out vertical streaming I know it’s like almost 2 hours but hey I’m trying something out for once someone told me about

It wow yo what’s up Eli Jones that how you do family ah how you doing Eli you try to cook something huh at least I can cook um I I know how to cook muscles it tastes good I know how to cook muscles I was thinking we try to cook um lobster

Tail I know how to cook I had to use a saucepan so so I’m good at that he’s trying to RIS me up earlier I got screenshots man man man I got the screens shots no show me those screenshots after the stream I want to see

It cuz I want to see how you cooked it Eli so I can eat either uh criticize or criticize because you need some you need some constructive criticism without it how you going to learn how to cook at least at least you have to know how to cook cereal that’s probably the

Easiest thing cooking cereal is like the easiest thing to do no I have proof prove it bro burn his entire arm Man got to show me those receipts so I can believe you I have proof it hurt okay that part you say it hurt meaning it’s true you cook bad and trash talking you at the same time while bull he bully me man that’s crazy that’s what Eli’s good at too he’s

Good at trash talking sometimes I remember I killed him at fortnite he starts trash talking I was like okay that’s a little bit too much fortnite Eli a 12year old or 14-year-old that has too much time on his hands at least I touch Grass I’m just a little girl Eli come on you you still got you still you still you still not school I’m trying to shoot and I’m just keep missing got him help me I can spill these guys are going crazy whoa okay okay okay I want to see your rage well I

Haven’t been raging really I kind of went familyfriendly Eli for the sake of my mental health but don’t worry I mean I have been raging for a while though they are crazy calm down they still got that platform left rip rip yep yep okay the new the new Nick k30

What’s that what you mean it feels like I want to play one more game cuz you guys are still on here plus you know it’s almost 1:00 a.m. right you can’t spell my name right he said yeah how you spell how you spell your name H I want

Receipts that sounds accurate of a name unless it’s spelling a lot differently no that’s not how you spell it Eli she’s saying that you you spelled it Wrong she called you a roach what do you mean Eli you better recheck yourselves man you probably spelled something completely wrong because can is not the same thing as can bro the call went So Silent Eli is determined yeah he’s that type of guy he’s that guy that tries so hard just to

Say I am right he be like that sometimes you got to know him personally I can read big words like what I remember I remember when I was like back in eth grade I was trying to tell you how to spell certain words and and uh you didn’t want to learn or

Something or you said math sucks or something or reading sucks I remember you said something like that yeah I remember I have recollection Eli I have recollection you said something about education sucks yeah you took that crafty mouse why Eli Jones I cannot believe this I

Do what what big words do you know do not use do not use dictionary.com or Mariam Webster I want you to know what words you based on knowing we’ve been we’ve been besties for years and I’m just just not learning this I can’t believe you wow Eli low blow man low

Blow did you play to do update on fortnite um I tried downloading it but it was way too long cuz it was like a whole 30 gigabytes like I can’t believe that they actually want me to reinstall an update but I remember Cameron told me about

They were trying to go back to the old fortnite like it’s not them it’s not an update it’s more like a throwback so OG ge’s the OG’s gets to see and play the game again you on the call with that right now oh boy Eli you’re the one saying

You’re going to be a ninja and spilling oil on yourself well ninjas are really careful with what they do so Eli you kind of messed up on that one it’s all it’s joke it’s basically your fault that’s what she’s saying it’s your fault okay we’ve been going on for 2

Hours and 5 minutes yesh he’s wheezing like a train engine right now make sure he has a life support bed cuz you know how wheezing hard can happen it makes some pass out you got to revive him you keep saying you keep you keep saying on a tropical island even though you’re

Not on a tropical island it’s a I know later on today we’re going to go to the movies and we’re going to go to the casino the casano we’re going to the casano Eli to gamble I mean I never went to a casino before but hey I just want to see

What is like I want to see if I can win like $50 or something instead of you having that $2 50 I been you that can’t even spell new oh boy man’s getting insulted mans I still remember it yeah you’re $2.50 man hey speaking of that can you donate $2.50 right now for the stream it will be a it’ll be much appreciated I still remember

That that video of you dancing on my Tik Tok with the Tero camera quality is going well by the way woo she’s calling you meme material man not going to lie Eli is a meme himself he kept hitting his head with a PCV pipe oh my goodness that’s what happens when he

Gets on Tik Tok too much he starts doing the silliest things he’s way too Silly Eli I think I should put parental controls on your um Tik Tok man I think I should these skeletons are too much a piece a p PVC pipe you’re insane use your 2,000 $2,000 to spend your money on that air by the way for the re for the first

Thing I have spent 80 bucks on this haircut well no $80 for this uh $40 for a um haircut don’t blame me it’s not my fault I don’t Market this I just got my hair done cuz it’s something at least it’s better than your hairstyle Eli at least it’s better it’s much more

Organized yes yes it’s a lot better than your hairstyle don’t cap don’t cap right now don’t start capping you like the hairstyle I know you’re going to get it you’re going to get you’re going to eventually get it a lot of people like the hairstyle you bored as Jeff

Basos that’s right tell him he’s bald he barely has any hair the horse ate his hair because of how nappy it was he’s threatening me I wish I could come over there I wish I could make my trip over there just to see what he’s doing because he’s being very suspicious right

Now he’s starting those war crimes Eli how could you how could you you’re disrespecting women how could you you would never oh don’t don’t say you would never me I would if I want to I can tell I can just tell my mother to come we can just come over there and I could just see you in Person man I’m literally the only person left on this team man this is crazy yeah this is where I’m going to take the L look at this look at this life is always unfair look at this look at this I’m still alive no you cannot be serious

Man byy a few months that’s not how you say bye bro that is not how you say bye that is not how you say bye she is right do you know how to read a man you you just said bye like goodbye not that type of buy bro Ah that’s

Crazy took a l on that one one yeah good game yeah they all saying not going to lie that scared me I know right because I’m sitting here handling all of you guys you see how my BFB treating me yeah I see he’s disrespectful he doesn’t respect women he only respects himself

How can he how can he respect women if he can’t respect himself well I already say he does respect himself wait actually no I’m taking that back he does doesn’t he lets his own brother toss him around so I’m not sure how how can he get a girlfriend

That doesn’t that doesn’t even make any sense Eli explain to me man how just how how how can you get a girlfriend if you can’t even one verse one troy you can’t even beat Troy in a fight Troy always flips you over I can flip

Flip you over if I wanted to despite you can but I was barely trying if I gained like a few pounds you won’t be able to pick me up at all I just don’t eat that’s all I do that’s why you can pick me up if I was eating you’d be

Struggling and that’s facts yeah you can I know that’s just saying if I start eating them lot then you won’t be able to pick me Up I just can’t believe how can Eli have a girlfriend if this man’s can’t even duel his brother in a real fight man he can’t even he can’t even beat him in wrestling like how man so many sweats man what’s going on hey Legacy bot um

You what you see in the chat right now that’s uh my nephew Eli Jones is my nephew the one that says um Dragon Ball sucks that one and also ran is uh is Eli’s girlfriend well I see yeah you can start that Dragon Ball debate with him right now Legacy

Bot he still says Dragon Ball sucks Yeah I can’t dance either however I know how to open doors for women that’s that counts as something but I’m just kind of laughing how he even gets one hello royalty you should be sleep because you’re wait you’re up so late royalty go to sleep

As your uncle you got to go to sleep because it’s way too late it’s 1:00 a.m. in the morning you should not be up he can’t dance without hurting himself somehow well that makes me a lot better because I am a little coordinated at Least can you open doors in your basement I don’t have a door leave me alone I don’t have a door I still don’t have a door that’s if Eli can pay me that um $2.50 to help with the costes of the door then of course it can it can happen

He won’t of course he won’t cuz that’s how much that’s all he has is four it’s literally $2.50 that’s all he has he’s not going to give [Laughter] it that’s all he has like can see bot he says once I give it up I’m [Laughter] poor that’s a lie I have more than that now how much do you have now tell me let’s see how much do you have right now it kind of is though but hey at least it’s something $10 oh um yeah can you donate at least

$5 to the stream it will help a lot and then you only have $5 left and then you got to pay a fee of $2.50 just for being here so you will have that $2.50 back I mean that’s going to help donate that $55 right now yeah it’s a crime because he sat

There and abuse women so he deserves the punishment he deserves it yeah yeah he says Dragon Ball sucks bad that’s what he said bro said one piece for the win it would be funny if he is wearing a uh dragon ball hoodie right now it would be funny i’ be

Like okay that’s Paradox Eli you said you like one piece but you’re wearing dragon ball that is paradox my man Paradox you can’t sit there and dislike something when you’re wearing it that’s Paradox that is paradox you are wearing it that is paradox bro so you cannot say you don’t like it because you’re wearing it means you’re supporting the brand supporting means you like it you respect it you support it you like it yes have fun sailing yep that’s true you got to use

The Dragon Ball radar it was a gift uhuh yeah now you’re finding billions of excuses now what a shame it was a gift from the boy he cheated on me with wow just wow Eli you you stooped that low my man you’re that low you’re low you’re low low

At least I’m not like that no I’m not like that yeah I do see him he’s blushing right now he’s embarrassed cuz he got exposed I would never yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what they all say Eli that’s what they all say I’ve been on thiser way longer than

You they’ve been doing it a long time even before M itself have a brain he’s lying uh he sus air strike oh I can’t use the air strike air strike I’m on angle it right here oh yeah about that I’m just trying something because you probably don’t

Know Cameron or Cameron Joe um YouTube is trying to um add this feature where you can do vertical stream streaming so it’s like a new feature that I’m trying out and it’s actually doing pretty well I have like 73 views usually I get like 30 like lots of people come

By YouTube is trying to be like Tik Tok but yeah the aspect ratio is weird definitely weird oh I could oh I could she be beting that’s not even a sentence my man that’s that’s incoherent that’s an incoherent sentence you said you know man Tik Tok is cringe tell me about it

It is cringe what’s going to happen he’s just going to say something about no your YouTube channel is cringe oh really that’s lame just because oh I’m not using the Tik Tok the Tik Tok that you use every time he plays fortnite I just hear him be on Tik

Tok I just be hearing him play that Tik Tock real and I’m like what are these guys thinking and talking about that’s why I don’t understand the trends don’t call me a well I am a boomer but I’m not brain dead on knowing every Trend there is there’s probably like a

100 Trends on Tik Tok and I just don’t follow them all the guy from Tik Tok no Legacy Bob do not I did don’t do not do that again I am not the guy from Tik Tok I’m too good for Tik Tok anyways oh come on I could have got the got the

That they stole my kill you serious I am not the guy from Tik Tok can I even throw it back of course he can’t Tik Tok sucks it’s say reuse stuff just to be funny but it’s mostly cringe I would rather watch like a show that has already been cringed back in the

90s however at least that funny some dry humor is Funny but you know how Tik Tok is now everything is AI generated Instagram videos be like yeah I think Instagram is starting to be like that too however Instagram is unique while Tik Tok is always just finding millions of trends like how many Trends do you need man to be

Relevant whoa how did I fail that parkour jump oh no they’re going to shoot me down here watch this they’re going to shoot me they don’t to definitely shoot me down here they will you said I’m right you can’t even spell it I don’t know what to tell you guys

Eli is a loose cannon he is loose his screws are loose man very loose he’s he’s cuckoo crazy yes yeah look at him you going to try to take me down bro lost a fight with his 5-year-old sister yikes that’s a burn that’s a definite burn Eli that’s a definite burn you you

Took a l right there that’s an l yeah Legacy bot they are however she’s more competent than him and which that is quite surprising I saw this live yep and I was to and was biting me Me Eli I think I remember when you were young I remember um you you used to uh cry and I was trying to feed you some milk and you threw up on me I was like you know what you are disrespectful you just you had the barf in my own hand I

Was like okay okay let’s just wait for some years to come and then we’re gonna have a Revenge Arc I’m turning 13 and 14 wow Eli wow good what do you mean good okay make sure I don’t do no pranks on April or else it will happen I will prank you

Easily I I can prank if I want to he got the older girls somehow I don’t know how he gets them but he is very underdeveloped for what for what he’s doing bro Eli you’re having a young relationship yes uhhuh Legacy bot somehow I don’t get them but I’m too good for

Them mostly it’s just me just worrying about my financial needs then I can probably support a family he had like 87 fail relationships last year oh my that’s a lot Eli I don’t know what to say man it take it took took you 87 attempts just to get one relationship right wow just

Wow I have no words on that one I’m not sure if I should be proud of it or just be unimpressed or not phased Hey Legacy bot are you are you tired or are you still doing some animation I mean you can play this if you want if you want to join it’s free to join but I remember yeah your computer your laptop fries up yeah I remember that oh wait a minute your mouse yeah I

Forgot all about the mouse man it’s been a while hey stop blocking my way this meat shoting has to stop I’ve been the longest are you a psychopath it’s 1:00 a.m. I know it’s 1:00 a.m. but you’re up for a reason you can’t sleep you guys are just looking at me at

This aspect ratio it’s so unusual to see me in usually it’s full Screen oh you got a mouse nice that means you can go back to making animations again nice well you’re not wrong I was was just eating dinner and watching this chaos well this game is always chaotic since it’s like spliff it’s not very try Hardy it’s just shooting TNT and knock people down

That’s it it’s not click click click click click click click click click click click click and me swearing like a sailor and besides I’m trying not to swear because I’m trying to be family friendly he’s bowling you again that have OG map on fortnite yeah they try to make it more welcoming

To the ogs which is good I think I know some fortnite stuff I remember I used to play it long ago when when they had crafting you can craft weapons I don’t know if you if you guys knew that I remember the crafting one yeah I just completed elevation for my

Character have to make more time to complete that’s right time time is Key oh I was not going to go down with that air strike you must have lost your mind you fools you fools you going to try to knock me down with my air strike No going to make my bed and then sleep have to most likely work if there’s no rain uh rain sucks man he’d be good when manhood hits him Legacy but I don’t even know if he if he’s even going to have a manhood cuz the way he’s acting he’s

Kind of just being a little a little scumbag disrespecting women she expects better oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh sorry sorry I’m I apologize I’m sorry I sorry if I put the block down I’m sorry okay I’m sorry I’m sorry for placing the block down I’m sorry I’m

Sorry I wasn’t even showing him but somehow he got them he sus I think what you should do is cut connections with him and move far far far far far away and call the FBI to go and SWAT him because he has possessions of your feet I

Mean I don’t even see my like who gets who gets turned on off feet piics who gets turned on no no imagine it imagine it being smelly no no no no I’m I’m his only friend other than his girlfriend though oh so you’re both but the feet picks man nah no no no

I I wouldn’t do that no that’s a little that’s like if you get married my man that’s when you you that’s when you do it not when you just met each other no no that’s way too young no that’s what the saying goes kids having Kids juvenile prison is the great place for [Laughter] you I I would rather not be there mm Eli you better change your ways quick or else it will happen because juvenile is just like prison my my man it’s just like that and they are really Reckless more

Reckless you won’t be able to fight them all he’s flirting with me right now no okay sounds so so subtle I think Eli is like the person that’s saying um you’re hyper hyper hyperventilating not me that’s what’s kind of giv me kind of start on my words but yeah it’s badly good

All right I’m just going to go get these guys because it’s only a three verse Three I’ve been playing this game for almost three hours anything can keep my interest get down get down sir I got you right you survive with that plot armor your lame plot armor look at all these zombies one thing I can say is he has a good relationship with his uncle anything

Anyone else it’s kind of just a bad relationship it’s crazy but I film though oh no Legacy bot no no Legacy bot no no no no no no that’s a trap no no he’s going to fall for it I think I remember when I was young when I was playing Minecraft I remember

There was like a 17-year-old girl that was trying to send me like um you know some stuff that was not appropriate for for 14-year-old to see and I luckily I told her my age I luckily told her my age and then she just stops talking I was like Sho I

Was about to get you know That I remember those times exactly I had to deal with him luckily I said my age but Legacy bot I have saved myself from that where are you man you’re right there we won this game I know right I used to be for like I was like

13 or 14 and a 17-year-old was ask was like asking if I can do that but that was like when Skype and um TeamSpeak was a thing Discord never existed really it was just that I think this is what Baldi Basics would say get out while you still

Can if he abandoned you get out while you still can he’s not ready to be a man he’s still a boy he’s a little boy he’s little he’s so small he’s so small that he can barely pick up two Lounds it was the fact that it it’s the fact that I was the one to ask him out oh oh I see you have the guts you have the guts what how how did you fell man how did you fall you only had one job oh what a snipe I asked her out

First that was a crazy snipe right there so far I haven’t seen Eli fight back that was the first time and I got rejected that’s when leg that’s when Legacy bot says his signature um taunt El Boza that’s when Legacy B says Elbo I’m waiting for that El boo right now

Guess who is not getting 250 no I don’t want $2.50 I want $5 boy I want $5 plus the $2.50 no I asked for f you say you have $10 it’s gone what you spend it on yeah this might be my last match cuz I feel kind of

Tired I’ve been doing a lot today a lot give him the $5 you follow me look at him he’s going to refuse he going to refuse he’s going to refuse I am tired because my eyes are acting funny plus I got to get myself

Ready to uh go to the uh movies and go to the casino cuz I never went to a casino Legacy but I might try to win $50 from the casino he doesn’t deserve it you don’t deserve the $2 Then give me $2 at least he tried to kiss me help Eli Man you’re you’re push you’re pushing your lucks man you’re pushing your luck stop pushing your luck no I’m at my house if you want 1,000 first thing you should do is buy a door oh be quiet be quiet

You know what’s going to happen too if I even win a th000 my mother’s just going to be like oh you got to you got to pay me this fee you got to pay me this fee you got to pay me this cons you know the residence

Fee I like oh boy what’s the res residence fee probably like half of my thousand or if not probably $800 if it was a jackpot she would take it almost fell luckily I kept moving he cheated on you with his phone wow he likes Tik Tok he’s in love with Tik Tok

He wish he can marry it so they can make a lot of reals together I’m talking about ke’s Sister I’m going to the live Casino Eli wants to be in a relationship with Tik Tock making tons of reals he he wanted 1,000 reals with Tik Tok am I the only team yes I’m the only person here I do AI on Tik Tok why why would you do AI on Tik Tok ew that’s disgusting don’t ever talk

About AI Tik Tok that is disgusting I mean cbble cob did the same thing but that is just awfully disgusting yes I know I’m aloon I’m that type of guy I would rather be alone had to be around competent people Legacy B you count as comp competent but

Sometimes you can be incompetent when it comes down to certain things until you start telling me how to do it then you become competent they really thinking they’re just doing with a a easy player how to do what oh by the way Legacy B does have a monkey a pet

Monkey playing Legend of Zelda that’s probably the only thing that you have me over I’m getting annihilated by these teams stop it monkey yeah I remember that yeah it was it was cool it was fun I wish we could do that again I’ll be there in 20 oh boy

I can’t believe I’m I’m literally soloing this crazy yeah yeah you thought I was the easy target huh I’m not that easy I me you got to work hard to get me out skeletons chill out stop it I still got More man these guys are really good they’re so good at this game they’re a lot better than me I can’t believe they’re still struggling with one person let Eli try to pay for the ride with his $10 let’s see how far you going to get with that oh I got one of them

Out got another one time for you to get sprayed with the TNT why you would to ask why you would to ask your brother for money Eli use that $10 you’re so confident with that $10 that you got refusing to spend it what you going to do bro you can’t do nothing crazy

This is crazy game play ah let’s go yeah you going stuck right there Huh give me some TNTs yeah yeah do it oh yeah you’re just going to fly up there huh yes you are stack on [Applause] That let’s go I took out a whole team good game Legacy bot that was my plot armor while I’m out laters everyone good night Legacy bot we got the w check for approval we’re going to play the very last game cuz that was crazy it was a 4 verse

One yeah it was plot Armor Man entertain from a a one a one verse4 two ay 101 El Bozo times 4 p no they were pretty good Eli you’re terrible at flirting it was funny at least Robin knows how to flirt unlike Eli and that’s facts even though I don’t watch Team

Titans Go but that’s how it shows at least Robin can do it better somehow I’m going to play with shaders all right he ditched me yesterday when he said we were going to sleep call he does that all the time man that’s how he is that’s his nature he’s inconsiderate just to put

It I’m going shoot that one that’s what happens when you try to Boom like that to get the TNT even towards his wife and kid on Discord that’s crazy skeletons chill out chill out chill Out I know you don’t like me but you cannot sit there and spam like that okay we got to get rid of this TNT I had to no no no no got you wait did they log out yes they did they must have did oh I got two Taps nice that’s

Crazy not going to lie Eli should play this game he should play this with me let’s see how far he would get in this game I want to See that looks very risky that’s his brain cells he would rather watch that than watch a competent stream explains a lot about him so if he if you um if he if you ever actually said anything to him like you know sharing what you have experienced he’s

Not going to listen he would rather listen to Tik Tok I don’t know commentaries or the AI lady that just speaks um fruit terms like hot dog banana and all that stuff he would rather listen to that then listen to a real person being competent for a good 20

Minutes he must be watching that that girl that girl that does those those those little call things those stupid things you know you know how they be like banana gang gang gang gang you know that stuff he’s probably watching that right now I don’t even see myself watching

That for 10 minutes not even 5 minutes not even 2 minutes how are you back the only reason he’s back that fast is because I have talked bad about uh this I mean about Tik Tok I talked so bad about it that he came back like

Really fast when it’s about Tik Tok he’s like what did you say about my Tik Tok then he just gets really offended that is that is like that is like regular regular behavior of a typical t talker I have to make sure it is sleep yeah putting putting Tik Tok Tik

Tok to sleep treating it like it’s a person that’s crazy when is that’s your second language that is crazy that’s how he is stop it zombies you’re annoying they went they went to the skies all right you going to the skies there’s the pits I’m German ooh I never knew you’re German

Eli Eli my man do not disrespect her man she can see she can speak a second language man man man that’s like something that you should cherish at least you can speak a second language that’s something useful I know I just found out wow you say you just found

Out wow he just said I just found out I’m that’s that’s the head of sh I’m shaking my head right now like man you should have already knew by now man they are up there how many people are left okay it’s a four verse one I know turns of Events where are you fools you’re all way up there you can do this yeah trying to end this game off with a W at least if I don’t then I just don’t but he’s up there man you just building up he’s just building very high I’m goingon to hit him there we

Go no no no fall back down H he got plot armor okay he’s holding on for this time okay I see how it is you’re not doing that to me boy you’re not doing that to Me he’s coming for me what a sweat hey yo whoa okay stop it sit down what man whoa whoa whoa how’s this how does this dude still alive this is beyond me bro is only coming after me sit down stay down no you sweat this dude is a sweat oh my goodness

Man we’re doing with a sweaty Lobby today this is why I don’t like the PMS or the am there’s two sweaty they’re so sweaty stop targeting me man look at him you’re on a block man no this dude is a sweat touch grass touch the grass my man touch grass

It’s it’s it’s 2:00 touch grass yeah yeah yeah yeah no it’s not genuine nah nah I despise your GG I despise it oh well that’s going to conclude it yep yep yep mhm yep let me check here yeah yeah yeah he’s sitting there sweating yeah sweats that’s why I don’t like about

Sweats like people like Eli for example he ws and video games they need a touch grass that’s the definition of they have too much time on their on their hands too much time all right so this is going to conclude for this vertical stream I hope everyone enjoys and I’m just going to

Get myself some rest and probably eat some leftover spaghetti because I did not eat but anyways I’m going to go and I’ll see you guys on the next one goodbye and I got to work with this OBS and see you later and Eli stop stop being like that okay go touch

Your assass and be respectful

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championship Island | Dynaball’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2023-11-04 06:07:12. It has garnered 86 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:49 or 11209 seconds.

*If you want to survive, keep your platform standing! In between each fiery round, you’ll have a peace phase where you can gather up blocks from the exploded sections of your base to rebuild, create defenses, and prevent a perilous plunge into the void.*

*Earn score by knocking other players into the void with TNT and out-surviving other players, so watch your step!*


*Information:* Server IP – play.mccisland.net YouTube – @Noxcrew

*Social media:* Instagram_- https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ GameJolt – https://gamejolt.com/invite/KeyDevy Store – www.keydevy.com Want to touch grass? Click here to join! – https://sweatco.in/i/keydevy

*Discord:* _My discord_ – https://discord.gg/6rDTNUE4eE

#minecraft #mccisland #dynaball #gaming

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  • Xylo Network

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  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

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  • Astral SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

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  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

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  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

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  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

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  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

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  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

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  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

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  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

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  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : https://trakteer.id/RenIvory Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/renivoryid ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) mc.ramwar.net Read More