Explore the Unreal Universe Land – Epic Minecraft Event!

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For for for for for s hello man where is everybody what is this WOW Sam’s not even here Sam how could you how could you not be here I’m so mad at you right now it’s so bad so mean to me Sam um I’m going to just wait a little bit longer see

Anyone decides to pull up and then she’ll be fine hi hi Ivy hello hello iy we’re going to be gaming we’re going to win we’re going to win we’re going to get the most loot we’re gonna be gaming we’re gonna be gaming we’re gonna be gaming um all

Right oh what do you think of the the starting soon screen you like it you like it looks good I think I think this like for what it is it’s really cool I think I quite like it hello hello hello Sam Sam Sam we’re gonna win we’re gonna win this thing like no

Other uh let me do a let me do a quick test to see if this works I want to see there you go we’re gaming we’re gaming we’re gaming Sam you should try to get other people to watch My Stream because this is going to be really interesting not going to

Lie I promise you that I promise you that Sam it’s going to be really interesting anyways how was your day Sam how was your day good bad horrendous Cobble mod isn’t that a mod GL to hear that Sam GL to hear it hope things are going

Well um I’m going to I’m going to undef in the in the VC and then we’ll go from there do you check your IP okay is wait a minute wait a minute why are we leaking IPS what the hell whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Whoa why are we leaking IPS huh that’s not Oak that’s not Oak that’s not Oak who is that MV Steven what is going on you you guys are psychos you guys are psychos what happened to your voice God damn Oak what happened oh he’s gone oh wait it’s more replay oh [ __ ] my

Game froze it’s more gaming more gaming I have no clue what Oak is doing more gaming we’ll never know oh no oh no Minecraft crashed why did it crash yo guys we gotes I need I need to make sure that like 99% of my Jeep I need to make sure

Um I am praying my skin is the correct one I bet Oak’s GNA make this grand entrance at exactly 1M our time that would be really funny for me it’s about to hit 9900 p.m. about to hit 7 a.m. if the takes three hours I’ll be up till

Midnight hey who wants to hear who wants to hear my keyboard I don’t no literally nobody wants to hear your keyboard okay you can’t hear it but I have them mechanical keyboard that I just don’t use just off to the side and that’s what I was Hing oh my god do you mean

Wait getting myar wait hang on let me go get my recorder from like Elementary School y are psych noise depression let me turn off noise depression I have a harmonica are you Streaming all but I I used to have a fial figure in a why am I jamming this I should be why wait we form a b keep playing the harmonica I almost left my guitar get my Ocarina I’ll be right back isar let me PL in mybo how do I prioritize

Hello void you know what I’m probably going to wait to to to uh be in that VC because holy hell that they are chaotic as [ __ ] anyways I’m trying to get my laptop open so right now I only have chat on my phone so we’ll just

Talk what do you mean help what do you mean help oh hello hello uh he’s also going to be uh streaming I think he’s yeah he’s getting pretty close all right uh we’re gonna hold on I’m going to switch to Minecraft and then we’re going to game actually you know what I’m probably

Not going to leak the IP so all right guys you ready you ready we’re going to game we’re going to game we’re going to game and we’re going to die and we’re get a game it’s going to be it’s going to be really really funny I promise I

Promise I it’s B more or less the event is how much stuff you can get right so it’ll be interesting be really interesting hold I’m going to leave the actually yeah I’m just going to stay muted this is for later where is he where is he there you

Are [ __ ] go okay pleas don’t think I think I need to set up my voice chat I need to set up my voice chat what the hell this going to be so fun no no not your Echo again hold on I know I know I know I know I know it’s I

Know I know don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry I’m fixing I’m fixing no thank you summer all right guys I’m ready ready for the beach here the whoa what are they napping about it everyone here yeah yeah definitely for the interview yeah you’re good you’re good all right thank you thank you hello

Guys me wait guys what happened we’re not in the beneath where what is this place what is this place the ability you get a random Crystal and with that random Crystal you okay um hey that’s is anyone else going to join I I thought oh there’s there’s there’s probably going to be a

Few people there’s probably going to be a few people we’re going to wait we’re going to wait seven we’re going to wait like sevenish hey my fellow my fellow red ters what is my ping right now oh my God my fellow people standing on The Red Tent watch this oh what

The hey you can’t do that wait I want to get on the pillar I love standing on sh I’m not supposed to pents are going to be explained in a bit don’t worry they did not yeah they did not they did not care we get over here we got a

Scheme on how we’re gonna we’re gonna how we’re gonna break economy come on we’re gonna dictate everything my God no I’m I’m worried I’m just GNA start lagging hey guys guys don’t kill you don’t don’t kill people that’s going to mean yeah you guys are being Bullies oh my God my laptop is running so slow imag if that’s how like the whole there are quite a Sam Sam wait hold on how do I mute Sam there are like a there’s like a few like a quite a few people here that’s bully there is like so many people that

Are in the Discord call right now turn this down okay ouch going into c i there are like there are like so many people I need food there are so many and this is where I introduce to you the hold on I’m want to put on some I’m

G to put on some morees stuff five more minutes this is chaos there’s gonna be so many more people no there’s not I think this is everyone who will join effectively man where are the good where’s the good [ __ ] where’s the good [ __ ] where’s the good music got of dam

Problem what yeah how crazy would that be with who is that do I need to get Joe in here oh the lag is the lag is wild we have like half the people who’s screaming bro who shut up they not get into the quit yapping so many people with

Issue so many people that more I’m going to give you like um SL Mage for ging wait where’s I can’t see anything it’s very dark well where are you dark and scary I’m scared boom it’s so bright no no the server is so laggy it is so

Laggy it was you huh you killed him hello black I’m sure this is going to work hello black for the stream or the server is just so laggy why do you have haste oh it’s night vision it’s night vision why is it yellow what the I’m pretty

Sure night Vis like blue getting a couple more people here also if you’re annoying you’re just getting banned actually you know what slash game mode Adventure um it’s so This Server so is lagging so hard how why are you lagging so hard it is look I don’t know I literally don’t know

Parachute parachute oak oak don’t I mean toad you’re not supposed to take things from chest right now no CLR based off thrust which is yeah a very bold move um yeah you know what I think I might know why I’m lagging uh why I have I have my laptop open so I can see my stream chat oh my god dude turn the quality down at

Least if you’re lagging though watch My Stream hello hey you should give me those you should give me those blocks n why I like stuff am I allow to look can we not allow yeah I got them from right here so a lot of people are having issues

So um we might have to wait around five more minutes sorry and Then well we got to wait for f Gabriel Gabriel here come here come here okay where are you over here from behind you you you get I am AR armed great idea armed don’t kill come here look look look look look it’s the the wait do we get to choose our color

Though [ __ ] I can’t play yeah yeah you’ll see you’ll see oh oh my God I’m laging so hard I’m just gonna I’m just gonna think it was the beach and it’s not um chat I’m just gonna I’m just gonna I’m just going to watch this I’m just going to

Watch chat on my phone because it is lagging way too hard there’s free guys come on in the um yeah it’s like okay first death first death I wouldn’t even count that because the event hasn’t even started um also I think I think I’m lagging really hard because I had my

Laptop open watching the stream and my laptop was not it today and then but I think if I st yeah if I think guys I’m stopping I’m going to I’m going to relog real fast and then I’ll just get on wait start recording [ __ ] did not me to do that cancel fake fake

Chop um if you’re remember you just randomly switch teams no no no no no it was an accident it was an accident it was an accident I swear it was an accident it was an accident it was an accident I was going to type out as well I never die and jump

Off myself but like I didn’t even get to have this oh lag is rough right now my oh my god dude that lag is crazy he’s lagging so hard holy cra I think deserve I’m getting bullied okay let’s check this with more seems to be preoccupied help I’m getting

Racist how’s going help me flame flame help me flame it’s youed come help me ow I’m getting assaulted please someone help don’t kill flame he’s nice to me don’t kill him he’s nice to me I’ll stop being RAC I’ll what bro is racist that’s crazy I’ll stop I’m stopping

It anyway I’m just kidding come on I can’t I can’t actually Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel yeah Gabriel here are we come here I don’t know if we’re supposed to I’m I mean there there there no I saw I saw I saw I saw um can I I’m taking

Taking my brand I don’t think we’re allowed to take anything take a take a parachute yeah I think they said not to take anything yet yeah we can’t take anything but it’s funny but it’s but it’s funny that but but but funny man it’ be a real shame if I was

Actually will will will join the GC join the GC the youc that’s really funny how do I okay all right holy [ __ ] that is chaotic out there what the [ __ ] bro they committing killing each other they’re killing each other dude this is so chaotic facts F please anyways we need to talk strategy

Where the hell is Charlie at what hi guys hello hello fake wait who are you fake he’s faking it right now he’s fake right now he’s fake in it right now yeah wasn’t it wasn’t it Charlie just in VC with yeah he was in VC but he’s streaming right now and I think

He’s dying cuz he’s lagging how I don’t get how you guys I don’t understand Sam Sam tell Charlie to get in this game right now he’s not even in game tell him to get in right now also if you don’t if you don’t know

Who I’m talking to I’m talk to my chat U one of the person is there his name Sam understand wait are one of you guys live I am hi stream hello on it he says he said on it he said on it I’m going to get I’m going to get um what is

Happening good job blacker good job oh my God this lag is crazy I’m going to hang out with pillbug n one second actually I’ll probably won’t be back you’re fine you’re fine oh my God hello Clay hello Clay what do you mean he can’t okay I’m

Back what does he mean he can’t is he having troubles is he one of the people who who’s having troubles oh Bozo Charlie’s having troubles bro dude I need food do you have anything it’s the Cave the Cave yeah I can’t exactly get back up from

The cave and I have a parachute on me that I totally I stole it yeah dude there are so many so like you see the chest inside the little tents and stuff yeah now what I think is going to happen is that each team is going to have a

Tent right yeah and then this they get the stuff in it right but I took a parachute from one freaking eagle showed me it you Bo shut up Charlie I know I know blackf told me my God this guy’s a boo when’s the event going to start Jesus probably soon uh we should

Probably leave or I can change the G what the [ __ ] okay I think it you can’t even break Blocks bro that [ __ ] was coming directly after me Jesus Christ all right I’m going to hide my parachute and then I’m going to die all right oh wait no why didn’t you just give it to me oh no it’s fine it’s fine I’ll just do it when he’s not

Looking little GM they’re throwing each other into the cave why I don’t know got it back I restar my shaders I’m not going to play shaders during the event mostly just because I don’t think my game I’ll turn off my shaders if we’re in a situation with PVP that’s

Most likely what’s going to happen based on what I’ve been seeing in the chest is that there’s going to be PVP wait is the event in the beneath or are we just going to be up here cuz why is everyone Dying okay okay okay I just see Oak with a [ __ ] netherite sword I don’t think I don’t think Eagle’s going to be with us we might have to we might have random ass teammates ah this is going to be interesting all right all right that’s

Fine there is just a guy on top of a tree I mean I mean this will be my first time I 2v 50 but you know how it is oh my God hold on I’m gonna I’m Gonna Leave the gc’s just so um I can tell manic or Eagle yeah

Right oh e oh there’s a shiny Eagle eag Eagle join R GC join R GC I have Discord no no no no no not in Discord it’s in game it’s in game it’s in game I don’t know how to do that so you know your voice chat settings oh yeah go to

Group and then join uh which one is yours Jamon Jam no hello who the who was that someone joined what the hello all right guys look okay we need a we need a game we need a game plan we need a game plan so there’s based on what we’ve seen

Inside the chest and stuff and what you’ve showed me there’s totems and and like parachutes and PVP it right crossbows yeah oh my god sword I think I think we should leave the group for now because we can’t hear anything they’re saying trying to explain something okay yeah let’s leave let’s

Leave this is so cha what is going on what why were we all teleported what happened what happened people were in the C I don’t know I was holding blue W um the Reason so blackfur the reason why my game is zoomed in is because I have a larger screen and OBS can’t capture the entire screen so that’s why it’s zoomed in what are you is that the real woolly holy crap the real oh my God he’s no I’ve lost my Powers cringe he’s so

Majestic I want to die Abely and I’m dead we’re gaming holy it’s no it’s the real will I’ve lost my power crap it’s the real woly holy crap have you made music God is that the real Joe Gabriel no way you made music is that [Applause] him you’re not the real one then I’m not

Going to join on this battle the real you this server so like oh well that happened man I think it cracked as you guys I think the SM SMP crashed ah well that’s interesting let me open up the Discord to see what happened hello guys hello guys

Started I’m mugging you wait did it restart sure sure sure jackar you can join us oh I muted jackar join what happened what happened did the game like crash or something server restarted oh jackar if you want to join us it’s me Jack toad he’s at it so the issue may

Have been that the server was completely full oh he’s got to add more people space Oh well apparently I can’t well you heard it from him folks the game is full oh my God it’s Freddy it’s not Freddy can I team with you you’re a m on the

Server my favorite will Wood song is the main character apparently members together the main character is such a yeah Steven I’m not a member we can Team oh yeah two members Max you guys need to interact with the server is so laggy not going to

Lie to you guys but then again look at the member list and you can kind of understand why I’m gap between a tragedy and comedy don’t come at me I’m going to ban okay so we can have two members so we can add jackar he’s treats traas trinks and treats it’s all

XP I have a off come down here look at this guy you like a stick no it’s I am so lost I’m just going to yeah I’m just going to deaf in uh because still can’t join Charlie it could be your mods I can send you my mods if you

Want it could be your mods I could just send you mine cuz my mods seem to work because I’m in as you know bro I need to [ __ ] die did he say anything he did I’ll just start sending him my mods uh do you want it in media fire link or

Just uh normal Charlie because I have media fire open right now and I can do that here I’ll just do I’ll just do media fire link because that’s quicker I hat this asking I do not know what the heck hold on I want to make a skin real

Quick I want to match someone someone made a very specific skin now I want to make hello hello no uh bamboo oh my God oh my God I need to turn people down this is like really loud not going to lie I miss bamboo all right let’s make

A oh there no I I disabled the icon oh Gabriel hi hello it’s Gabriel I’m the one and only oh thank you I need to do this quickly it starts in like three minutes come onbody I’m exing you’re going to just go cryse that’s insan I forgot Bo normally

I’m the one with the bad P like what the hell I’m the one with the bad ping what’s going on um you guys want me to make a uh in-game GC real fast and then we can talk there no I don’t think so they might they might be explaining soon somewhere over

There hey guys hey what is this at is that a compass yeah it does oh yeah that’s totally a compass well he’s here I hate bamboo hold on I’m changing my skin I’m almost done changing my skin hold on no it wasn’t him it was vessel it was vessel no will it

Was why would you do that that’s not nice that’s not nice that was nice no don’t press it no press no press why can’t everyone else place things I pr Noy why am I Bedrock how are you Bedrock can can I have like survival oh my God what is going on this

Server is so um Here Charlie I’ll VC with you and we can figure out what the problem is oh my God what’s happening what’s happening every single option giving us the number version of the IP didn’t work adding a few things to the end of the IP

Is it just I is it is it just the IP that’s not working it says permission denied no further information and it doesn’t even it acts like the server isn’t even a thing huh uh hold on let me change my stream thing and then okay let me I’m gonna get rid of

The performance mods and then just add the two you sent me the one time uh if you need I don’t know I don’t I don’t know if like if that’s what you did but that’s literally the IP I did no I copy and pasted the one that was yeah all

Right let me extract the main one Oak and then I’m going to drag all those mods in I feel like it’s because of the performance mod it might be it might be because I only have I only have what was implemented and then what I added let me download those two download

Download yeah you didn’t add the performance mod if I remember correctly no I did add the performance just not the one they sent I added my own okay anyways I think they’re explaining [ __ ] so I’m gonna I’m G to go see and then I can fill you in on what’s Happening they

Said they’re going to give us five more minutes yeah all right [ __ ] this is the color purple final restart oh I guess I guess they’re restarting again such a good server guys such a good event no problems whatsoever we’re gaming we’re gaming uh whilst the server’s down I’m

Going to ask you how everyone’s day was how was your guys’ day good bad horrible crappy sad I don’t know how was your day how was your day simply how was it so many people joining in second Jesus Christ to the pillar you go to the

Pillar you go oh no I’m going to talk to Gabriel all right hello Gabriel hello I’m gonna die what is our team half a heart guys someone hit me I’m free kill guys I think they’re going to make us choose random teams if I’m being lost we going to wait for every

And then it’s time all right speak I think they’re going to change I think they’re making it so it’s randomized okay which I’m a little nervous for why do you have G there we go now I now you’re good because I had to change your know I thought I thought F

Gri he’s so pretty what what EXC your is so quiet what you wait change his volume oh how do I do that I’m actually about to turn don’t turn up your volume of me uh hello is that better you’re fine you’re fine just just just answer your question just answer

Your question I me just say your question were you wearing a m outfit right before the reset I swear you were yes yes he was it’s time you wearing the M outfit what was what wrong with you he he was he was wait wait guys M it’s time it’s time

It’s time shush shush shush it’s it’s time Overlord sorry for the super long wait he’s so pretty it’s okay um sadly some people weren’t able to join because server issues but I’ll just do an interview okay so what this event is you’ll split into themes I think there’s

Too many T and um so you just pick and go there and be a team do like Max teams of like four people um if you remember well we have the blue wool so let’s do the blue T this is my team I’m on if you don’t know

What to pick press the button on the dispenser and you can col do you want come on I got orange anyway I’m Let’s do let’s green green max four people on the team max four people hello welcome to I’m guys I’m going to start at GC I’m start accept me with my

Orange W I’ll accept you with your orange W you know what it’s about I’m I’m get the other person there join join green team wa for Oak listen for Oak listen for Oak another member fine shut up okay so what happens now you go you everyone goes into caves you get your

Theme stuff from the chest you get Stu from from the barrels over there and then you go into the cave and bring ores Batts who in the end has the most or in the battles wins and it’s like point so diamonds are like better netherite is better and um

Down there yeah and the second thing is um it’s team M and if you’re a member you can switch teams around also feel free to make a group where do we to um not really but you’re going to have to just take like a solo team like

There’s no one in this T so that’s your T I’ve already picked one okay Cool’s not here three two one start oh my God okay bro what is this Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft you can’t even break the blocks okay that’s crazy somebody my is not are they just not taking oh also

There’s a there’s a there there A steal it all that’s ity come here all right come here everyone come to me all right come on come on come onast what I needed from there oh my God Jesus Christ oh dear mey okay where are we where are we where are you come to

The hang on it says wrong password is it isens guys I got I got got come this way come this way come this way come this way all right we’re going this way come on let’s go bro our teammate he’s muted he’s deafened he’s not going to be able

To hear us yeah we’ve lost vessel vessel is gone vel’s gone vessel’s gone all right let’s I think the wait let me clear my inventory let me clear my inventory hold on hold on I’m clearing my inventory give me a second G who’s this guy get

Out of here just give me a second I’m clear calm down calm down calm down G don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill he he just tried jacking our stuff what do you mean why did we why is someone already dead dude who is in our party right now I

Think it was Ender he’s finally here okay oh he got an anvil wait what what do we need an anvil for wait guys we’re really behind already what okay let’s go let’s go let’s what are we supposed to do we we need get Lo we need to get loot yeah

Yeah yeah come on come on come on go go go go go we need wait do we have pickaxes do we have pickaxes I gu oh you can right I don’t know I don’t think so either uh I’m going to stay stay up and let’s get some wood for pickaxes get pickaxes get

Pickaxes I steal this wood what are you doing I’m stealing the wood from Spawn steal the wood from Spawn steal the wood from Spawn sorry didn’t I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to I I thought I thought you were a rando I thought you were a

Rando all right got crafting table guys Comm no don’t do that don’t do that don’t don’t burn the tents down don’t burn the tents down all right how we need how many pickaxes uh just make a wood one real fast and then we’ll get stone here here uh Joe Joe Joe come here

No it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine just go just go just go to the just go down just go down take that take that take we need it guys we really need to hurry just go down just go down TNT I have TNT same all right that’s good all

Right go let’s go come on ouch care oh God I see some I see some guys down in the caves okay all right come on um also I might oh um I might change our VCS so that it’s so that it’s uh we can hear them

But they can’t hear us so I’m going to restart this VC if that’s okay where are you guys uh we’re in the cave that was covered by Bedrock I’m at the bottom oh I I think I saw you iron pickaxe we’re ging that’s I can’t see anything this sucks take off your shaders

Shaders kind of help me see but they’re not helping right now get the diamond pickaxe it’s like a it’s a pedestal thing hold on somebody died I’m taking all their loot right right um wait so guys I’m going join the new VC join the new VC that I’m

Making okay I landed in water I know hey I know where some uh diamonds are so I’m going to follow how do we get excuse me to oh my God where are these guys there you go bro dude I’m going to lose all my stuff already where where are you I can help

I’m in the cave where so me and B are together in the cave I have an I have a diamond pickaxe no stay away from that stay away from that please please what is this what is this I wish I had Journey map I don’t know where I freaking died there was a

Barrel and I opened it and it blew up here get the chest get the chest check the chest oh wait wait wait oh bro there are people right next to me I could totally just steal their stuff yo we need we need iron we need iron I can’t

See anything wait I found a structure what is this oh it’s already been looted we need coal we need coal badly guys we need coal what are these what the hell I found coal I found coal should I actively sabotage people dude this sucks already what the

Heck guys I found coal if you if we need will if you need if you need loot I have loot I’m stuck in a hole where give cords give cords I don’t know oh wait where you can torch holding disabled dude I’m coming I’m coming don’t

Wor we you find my stuff dude there is where the hell are you guys bro oh we’re down we’re down towards I need to find my stuff if someone pick up my stuff they’re going to have a bunch of bombs it’ be really funny if we just killed them right now

Those guys that’d be really funny we need to go get stuff I already have I have a ton of iron I have oh copper copper is going to be good for points yeah we need we need everything that we can get I have so much I have so many I

Have so many swords and armor P have a ton of coal I have three IR want to what are you looking at what are you looking at iron iron I can’t find though I found where diamonds are where where at yeah die though you died I’m about to I don’t have my stuff

Gabriel where are you it’s I’m trying to get diamonds Gabriel where are you I just went down into a cave um you know where the water is leading to oh [ __ ] diamonds I’m going to get diamonds we’re gaming we’re going over here we’re going we’re going over here I

Saw that will yeah uh I needed to don’t worry will is all this stuff gone no I can give him more stuff I can give him more stuff vessel we’re going over Diamond shards a diamond shark boom raw diamond uh well where are you boms I’m

Back at the top right now I’m going back in I have a ton of armor that I could give you vessel what the hell are you doing dude I am like hearing so many people I don’t know where you guys went I have no idea where oh I see I see um

See yeah this is me vessel yeah let go so I have iron he has up I think boom will where are you at that me I’m Miss Eagle right now uh where are you guys at he has iron I have iron you have you still have that diamond pickaxe right whoever Diamond

Pickax uh oh my God okay so stuff keeps exploding down there where are yeah I’m throwing bombs in there oh what are we trying to do we’re supposed to go down there where did you guys I’m looking for loot oh wait stop shooting at what the oh ayst amethyst oh I found TNT

Let’s go there’s stuff here where are you guys amethyst guys where there’s a geode right here there’s a Geo right here wait I know where we we oh hey you know the stuff you guys just picked up yeah that was my stuff oh you’re down

There bro I just came up from there hold on I’m coming oh wait I have a pedestal I have a pedestal too do you have a bow like a spare bow I down coming back down the only thing I got was the I got the golden bombs I got the golden bombs and

I got the totem all right uh we need to go deeper into the caves come here wait guys hold on I’m right behind you I’m right uh will I can give you some armor if you need it there amethyst yeah is that my your something I don’t I don’t know

Oh we can grab some I guess yeah let’s let’s grab the amethyst might as well well or here yo I’m grabing amethyst I’m I’m I’m not useful right now I need a bow I think I also can’t see yeah branching out would probably be good but um I’m

We’re just trying to we should try to regroup though cuz we’re kind of all cuz wait where are you I’m trying to find right now you know you know the giant hole where there’s a giant waterfall down through the middle of it yeah yeah

I was I was there for a little bit but yeah we’re there but we’re in the geod that’s on the other side of that waterfall okay I found a giant ass getting a ton of amethyst yeah we got like got Stout stacks of amethyst nothing back up back up back up

Back up just it’s just deep sleep it’s not worth it oh I found a structure what is this what the [ __ ] why there so many barrels can I have a don’t open the barrels dude there’s like a whole ass cave just of just barrels what is this

There’s nothing down here oh my God I’m that is scary what what what the hell what I just got teleported to the surface you did what I just torted to the surface huh why what what is that oh it’s a bottle of dimensional chears oh we’re going back what no where’s where’s Gabriel

Killing is there someone there’s someone in here with me I got teleported up to the surface what did you do he’s they thought was hacking that’s what he did that’s what happened watch that might actually be it because I I uh was using my parachute and stuff oh my

God that’s dumb where are you guys oh yeah I see I see you’re down here oh my God okay I’m coming back up go to spawn I’m coming back up if I can are we all are we all coming back up or what where are you guys yeah we should try and

Branch out a bit because I think all the loot here was just jacked yeah glow squid fu where do I go I’m lost wait let me blow up that Barrel back up come over here come over here oh yeah oh yeahp I’m lost let me see if I can like blow up that

Barrel oh yeah no oh my God what is this cave oh found more diamonds where find nothing where is he where is he I don’t know wait I might have to turn on a a game play setting hold on I I should have installed full bright or something I can’t see anythings some

Gold got some gold got to dump some of my [ __ ] Shields dude the server lag is crazy it is that’s another Barrel insane why do I not have a m of ores on uh it’s I don’t know um where the [ __ ] do I go I’m so

Lost I hate my cuz it get so lost sometimes hold on I’m reloading it I’m reloading now I have a missive or onit where are you guys oh my God my my friend Sam is just typing in chat saying kill you guys go wait are we allowed to Ste wait

That’s what I did bro I killed somebody where did you guys go um I’m coming I’m trying to get back to the surface but I’m going kill lost so I’m at the surface right now oh all right oh hello Mr creeper this off oh God damn it I’m stuck down here now oh

No oh very nice but yeah I have I have four rough diamonds and five my inventory is full stop handing me stuff he needs to go he needs to go okay uh don’t worry I’m used to playing a team down oh brixie just died a spider this is most certainly some spider so

I’m he’s going to sabotage everyone oh they had they had crystals on them no don’t blow don’t blow anything up just just just I don’t I don’t know don’t do anything don’t don’t don’t actually sabotage wait guys I got a ton of stuff

I got a ton of what kind of stuff I got cinear all right I’m at the world border you know they’re they’re the red crystals I oh oh thank God there is a way out okay I’m coming back to the to spawn I’m going to go leave spawn and go look

For other caves on the surface and see if I can find anything I’m free I could see [ __ ] what the why is there that’s fake that has to be fake there’s no way what there’s diamonds over here on the surface grab them grab them grab them we

Where we what are we supposed to do with our stuff uh we’re supposed to put it in the barrels but I say wait because that because we could have a chance where they people just steal our [ __ ] you’re not supposed to steal it though I don’t

Think yeah but then uh I wasn’t playing fair when we first started so put a ton of amethyst shards in our thing [ __ ] I am so lost in our team all look at cords and then tell me where you guys are who do you think the fourth one in our V in our

VC is Will vessel is in our will what uh can you tell me cords yeah H wasn’t being shot at right now hold on what the hell was that guys I traveled so far I’m at the world border this is insane we need to find new

Caves everyone try to come back to the spawn I got so um we should do inventory check uh what kind of stuff who is this guy get out of here this ain’t your VC get out here we’ll kill you get out here or we’ll kill you how I’m at the world border

Again bro who is who is in our get get out of here or we’ll kill you scattle scoodle four four here will kill you someone someone has diamond armor what who has diamond armor we should kill them we should we should well we could totally kill them we find them hold on

I’m going to spawn every everyone from our here will come here bro I’m so lost where is spawn all right why you got there’s a warden there is a warden there’s a warden I heard it oh I found spawn I’m saved here look look this is what I got this that’s what I

Got Yo nice oh my God finally rhin out of five ping I would not like to play PVP all right there you go why are we be given crossbow then oh laite cinear see I got oh we we got so much yeah you’re welcome keep that

Hidden actually I a better idea do you have an axe on you a lava po guide do you have an axe on you uh no hello who is this guy who is this guy in our VC I swear to God dead no more get out of here or I will kill you seems

Like a risky idea this is the third time bro dude yeah but also with why get out of VC then no more or else you’re getting banned all right I got an A oh that’s a good idea that’s a good idea Gabriel it spreads what do you mean it’s

Spreads I’m actively just protecting the a couple areas x x they no more XX oh how does scoring work um somebody’s dead okay okay team um what’s up we’re going to we’re going to somebody stay here and guard stuff somebody stay is following me right now

Where where are you up the mountain up the mountain I’m about to bomb this man do it I’m about do it steal his if he keeps following me I will if he keeps following me I will here I’ll come with you just so he knows you want I already up you

Want that’s what I thought okay I see him I see him are you fighting him will ouch lag yeah there’s a ward crap he told his team someone’s been over here though someone actually was was killed by a warden will where’d you go where’d you go I was right

Here I’m at the W border right now okay I know where you’re at I know where you’re at St there um far the w b is pretty close isn’t it yeah it’s like really close all there’s like a cave below us us um we can go explore that

Maybe get some more diamonds oh I found a ravine thing guys no you’re good you’re good yeah ouch what where are you guys where are you guys I’m getting more more loot I’m oh I found Salt let’s go I found I found Salt whoever found the ancient

City probably has better armor than all of us combined yeah but we’re not supposed to kill each other so you’re not well you can but you like you like it’s an option to kill people it’s just don’t I found a ton of salt though guys uh like a ton of salt that’s Cable’s

Ass there’s so much salt here it’s insane I’m making my own caves right now just go mining the whole time guys I I have a stack and a half of salt I have a stack and half found a cave I’m I might do that that’s actually kind of to strip

Mine I’m heading back to the surface cuz Eagle keep an eye on our loot just in case if somebody tries to steal yeah I know like I know it’s not PR but it’s oh the parachute is so useful though I don’t which which Barrel which

Barrel is are stuck as we have like I hit in the chest I hit it I I surrounded it I surrounded our chest all right and that’s where we’ll put all of our stuff what do we need specifically diamonds any rare any rare loot we need like rare loot so like anything

Cave would a lush cave really be any useful any use no yeah I maybe for diamonds you could probably you could find diamonds in Lush caves pretty well gabri I went up the mountain and started mining down get out of our V what do you what you you what I’m just kind of

Going be a good member of the dude I see something glowing and I want to go get it what what happened all right if you guys don’t mind do mind I I don’t know where you guys are and I’m trying to do you need it’s okay just just guard

The stuff I’m just here to know get to know you guys and stuff um I want to see what the other teams have I’m not going to take okay so they have not if you guys don’t want me here I mean you’re not doing any harm we’re so

We’re so far behind we’re so far behind how come um Canan team has an entire chest of like diamonds and stuff yeah it’s cuz they went to the ancient city I had what are the rest have though oh the right word bezel what is bezel C Diamond Stone okay uh we might

Be screwed bro we’re so far behind we need to get diamonds dude okay I’m just going to go mine myself someone used their grind Stone to grind the stuff hey Green Team how are you doing uh we’re kind of [ __ ] we they want they want the hint

They want the hint that would be nice hint on what find the map a map in loot crates I where what loot crates what loot crates the one that blow found any loot crates no there’s loot crates that off the caves yeah blew up so we don’t trust them anymore

No way yeah someone died instantly in one of those it was there’s found a person I found a person there’s not even loot crates where I am it’s just like normal caves oh you guys are not going to believe what I just found hey FL are you okay I have

Netherite did you find theft what there you go did he find the you’re good now you’re safe oh it’s night time conk fungus oh I found a cave found a massive cave oh my God but I’m going leave now and um go see other but yeah it’s like a dude

There’s no way you would have found this I was just straight up just mining straight down and then I [ __ ] fell into this cave and that’s a TNT trap oh my God you know what’s funny I oh what’s that they put so much TNT into this TNT trap there is so

Much I see like a bunch of glowing [ __ ] so I’m trying to head over to those kind of things but on my way there I fell I went into like a cave where there’s like netherite and [ __ ] why is everyone spectral right now o blowing me up

Oh Tri blowing me up I’m in danger is he actively trying to kill you I’m in Danger trying to blow me up for some reason but yeah we have netherite and I’m wearing the netherite pants for safety we have neite on our side what is

This oh my God this cave is so massive this cave is so massive holy someone use their tot I don’t want to I’m scared to open a barrel now what I hate that whoa should I take my chances and open this Barrel if you want I’m scared though cuz the last one blew

Up bro I wish I had guys I found gold I found gold I think uh I’m not ready to lose stuff right now found a ton of stuff holy like what it’s a good cave copper gold also um another thing that was in the netherite chest I found was another star

I don’t know if that will count as loot or not but that yeah do we still have totems do we still have our totem I I have the totem okay keep it because we could probably use that for uh loot yeah probably um one of my chat oh

Yes okay so one of my chat people tells me to mine around the barrel or just break it instead of opening it just mine around it and then break it all right I got a ton of gold and stuff found someone else here with me though what dude there’s

Like nothing here there’s like I’m just mining I’m terrified there’s there’s a cave this cave is completely missed it actually I have an idea um hey um Gabriel I found a cave that looks like it’s been slash slash near Barrel yeah okay I know what cave

You’re at um I’m like really far away though give me that dangerous is it dangerous I just start I just start breaking the barrels you don’t none of us get it I hear the W damn that is you have golden bombs though there is a warden around me right

Now also hello person who joined I just got into a bomb fight dude what are what are you supposed to do the barrels barrels like this what are you supposed to do with the barrels wait what if we just what if I just dug down into the barrels [ __ ] oh my

God I just lost all my [ __ ] do the barrels what happened my there there was there was a TNT trap I thought I got all of them oh my God that’s my fault [ __ ] me bro good good we’ll be fine we’ll be fine I had netherite on me

H I should have just came back that’s my fault don’t all right I have gold I have golden ones HTH I have golden bombs um I have golden ones they do like twice the damage I’m blowing up this Barrel cave yeah just just blow it up and then go

What you can there might be something in here I’m going to see if I can get my I’m going to see if I can get my stuff back um I know where the cave is that I my entire team will kill you if you bomb me just saying who is it who is

It Eagle who is it who’s trying to bomb you I I found diamonds in the barrel what okay like no like ore like I found diamond ore keep that keep that because if we get our hands on like a thing this is so weird all right let me oh my

God I swear to God if I die right now I’m going to be so pissed off I’m wor somebody’s by my Loot and I [ __ ] died I’m worried that this guy’s going to try and kill me a stack yeah so much Stu so bad dude I see you we are so losing [ __ ] man spect now oh my God my stuff is so far away someone’s buy my loot that’s not fair that’s not

Fair oh my God oh God I’m finding something in these barrels I swear to God I better a skeleton jump on me dude I’m so dumb oh I hope I get there before my it’s fake hold on hold on I’ll be right back over be yes redstone oh wait no s s first

Stuff let’s go who’s there bro someone’s getting my loot they have an elytra they’re cheating what is this wait someone has an elytra somebody has an Elytra dude no reason to kill them gone man I can’t spell tell Oak that they’re that that there’s someone using an elytra cuz the only way to get that’s in the end and no one can get to the end no there’s loot there’s loot with like that

Kind of stuff I ne found the netherite yeah I’m coming back to the surface to go and try and yeah try and try and get some I’m finding a bit of I’m going to try depit yeah I found a ton of gold and like cinear and stuff I found

Laer I’m so mad right now all my stuff is gone I think that guy took it oh wait this is where fake went [ __ ] how am I going to play I’m going to have to start is that the ancient city that they time yeah I would not go in there just

Saying I hope I’m getting close to this right now cuz I am like bro I’m so pissed off it’s okay well oh God you might want to just not do that whoa I’m in I’m in a new cave okay hold on wait I found your I found your thing

I found your tent I found a tent run I found a tent bro hey what is this I found a tent bro uh loot it see if there’s anything in there it’s barrels I don’t know if I should do it what I found something else

Yeah guys I’m going to the nether guys I just found go NE now get netherite get netherite it’ll be really fun hone any I’m going to die real fast uhoh see if there’s loot yep I got him got him M it I mean it doesn’t really matter the game’s over already

They killed the creeper yeah they got that was so time Jesus got from that let’s go all right so I’m aiming for netherite right yeah get netherite before he ends up teleporting all of us oh wait I might be able to get golden here too no netherite can everyone to most likely that’s

What’s going to happen that’s why I’m going quick I’m bombing everything I’m ofu I’m just going to keep going I don’t know if I should all right cool I don’t know if I should keep if I should L though dude my hands are sweating right now this is so like

Nerve-wracking uh yeah I need food I’m like I’m I’m low and I I need I have a little bit more gold I think there was a TNT tra that I just avoided not that nice running into some many like look down here oh y That’s a TNT tra SE sh

From thisam why am I glowing oh you were yo nice grind Stone guys very impressive who gave you stuff wait what I’m not using it I’m just saying that is impr yeah there’s nothing there that’s a TNT trap I don’t like that slightly this was

A trap it was a trap the Trap let’s go oh I should grab quartz too oh copper and everything let’s go someone stole my stuff anyway so I’ve Lally got like I’ve only got it was it what did you have a bunch who got

Got if he says yes I’m going to go I’m going to go on a killing spree got stolen and yeah I got killed earlier if he says yes yo yeah literally kill everyone there no we aren’t all right I think I’m nearing the right y level for netherite mining bro

I’m so mad I got to get iron [ __ ] random ass [ __ ] again bro so dumb I got I got so much diamonds me too I’m so [ __ ] mad dude why am I glowing who’s making me glow I swear to God spectral it’s a spectral yeah we keep get they keep giving us random

Effects honestly somebody’s blowing up [ __ ] I found debris yes get it get it get it get it get it get it I don’t I don’t have a diamond pickaxe [ __ ] don’t you have the diamond pickaxe hell is that I have the diamond Pi uh Eagle don’t you have the diamond pickaxe

Yeah I do okay come to spawn I’m so far away from him though I’m so far away from Spawn is yeah I’m doing some don’t die then don’t die some I haven’t died yet you need a parachute all right I’m going to just have to dude I’m so

[ __ ] mad they took my they took my nether star cuz nether Stars don’t blow up you can’t BL a gap to the surface I found a gap to the surface all right good job good job I’m back in the original cave let’s back in the original cave I don’t have

Any [ __ ] food is that I’m guys I’m going to start begging I’ll be right back hello y hello can I can I get some food oh and I’ve also got this this this oh w okay more is any one of the admins let’s stuck holy holy this Jack that crazy he

Popped off this oh my god do you guys have food what you guys got oh my God you popped off off Jack Jack I don’t know what these botles are for oh that there just if you drink those you turn back to spawn oh should know uh to

I need food Oak I need it’s Southwest of here oh yeah know I should probably do that actually I’m going to take the um the gold that you got I’m going to make some more netherite inot yep just because it’s worth more I I’ve just been helping out you guys because it’s Southwest

Specifically it’s already a GG it’s just funny to have like okay well we’ve crafted up all the the scraps now so thank you Sten thank you ja do you think should I should I make another pole they’re trying to make dude they have so much loot there this is not fair at all

I have an idea I have an idea what we have to we have to if we want to actually like get stuff we can try to use whatever we have to grind it down to like actual like diamonds and stuff all right yeah we do have a bit of

Stuff it’s just we kind of not a lot we could just use their grind Stone um also in those barrels that spawn there are there is oh my God these skeletons have Aimbot bro I’m going to see if I can get some should I use some

IR cuz I really need [ __ ] food dude I on the brink of death well not brink of death but like I just need food I’m so pissed off I have a ton of our Iron by the way okay um sacrifice it to make a bucket and then we’re going to uh I need

To pick another what can I drop to pick this up andesite okay yeah dropping the andesite I made a guys I I made a boat you know what I’m going to do what I’m going to go get [ __ ] from shipwrecks and whatnot is the world border not super

Close though there should be there should be loot though we should wait can’t we blow up Idea World B is like oh my God my totem popped oh crap I am so lucky I had the totem okay I’m out of here I’m out of here another one what the

Hell is that someone’s rowing a boat in the ocean who is that oh that’s you me I’m trying to look for [ __ ] cuz like you know underwater caves are like op as [ __ ] I just I don’t have iron to get anything yeah I don’t have I’m going I need food

Too this salt there’s so much salt though okay finally we got a pickaxe let’s go all right so like the best Str the best Str is go for I don’t know where I am oh my God this lag it’s like water to the surface all right I found I

Found my way out I found my way out I’m going toit all I almost lost it okay uh you got out I’m getting out that was that was way too close ho can we go beyond the Border oh not without dying that was so close holy [ __ ] off

Drown you’re not good at this game oh my God there’s so many people here there is a lot of people yeah that’s why they’re trying to make another Port you can blow up stuff with at the outside of the Border what if we just looted beyond the Border

We can’t we can’t go very far without dying yeah we’re not going to go that far what the [ __ ] bro some somebody’s trying to kill me oh it’s Oak he threw it he threw a we look we look in a lot better shape now after I’ve added all my stuff in all

Right [ __ ] if we had that nether star I feel like we would have been okay I’m so mad what happened to it I died either I I think either a trap went off or um there was somebody else welcome I asked Oak for food I asked Oak for

Food did you get food yeah I got food for G I’m trying to find water caves cuz he’s following me We’re not gonna win this sucks have faith have faith trying oh my gosh the glowing effect made me see like two second both we’re both using it it’s

Fine I’m in an underwater cave right now with like a bunch of doors if I find any diamonds it’ll be here yeah I had a lot of stuff H Cobblestone got to count for something I’ll take anything at this point I mean we have a few diamonds it’s probably just everybody’s got better

[ __ ] guys I’ve polished a whole bunch of stuff we’re good now we need to we need to try to take from other people we have we have Redstone Dust we have cinar we have polished cinar shards salt salt salt I I got what if we plan to Murder see I like that what you do what did you do with your I like killing I like kill oh it doesn’t work on this it’s not a diamond grind Stone damn it see Killing is fun okay never mind apparently the guy came after I just died to a trap down

Let let me just borrow it let me borrow it let me borrow it let me borrow it oh wait no that’s wait I have an iron pickaxe what the [ __ ] am I doing [ __ ] I didn’t steal it I just used it I just used

It I just used it I didn’t steal it I just used it wait do you use the grindstone I used I used their grind us another team grind Stone what is a rift protector no idea flame how good are you guys doing um right now I’m okay I’m just trying to find diamonds

Uh flame how good are you guys do oh wait I’m about the only one that’s doing things no no I I’ve got I’ve gotten a few ores it’s just I’m trying to find diamonds it’s not really working I’ve gotten I’ve gotten like half I’ve gotten three stacks of salt half a stack of

Lapis a half a stack of Cinnabar two stacks of copper a stack of iron like no but the one who found the diamonds I I’m I’m helping I’m helping I’m not I’m not a leite bro I I got I got I got three times the amount of

Diamonds that you did that’s not fair I died I had netherite on me you had a totem I don’t care if you had netherite yeah I had a totem but I don’t have a totem anymore I think I might have found where some diamonds could be it’s just taking a

Minute how many how much does your team have oh diamonds diamonds yeah you’ve been talking to yourself this entire time huh they have two netherite what the netherite ingots or I don’t know someone just said they had two netherite [ __ ] no he stole it from

Me that’s the guy who stole it from me steal it back I’m so far away BR you want me to steal it back maybe maybe when he’s in the chest open it he won’t know until I actually take it I mean they didn’t say stealing was against the

Rules killing against rules didn’t say anything didn’t even say anything against killing because I died that’s not fair you want to like what the I think it’s bro I think we got our Jack [ __ ] most the time oh someone’s trying to loot the the ancient city they’re not that for doing that I’m

Not going to lie it’s just I have no [ __ ] loot I’m trying to game but it’s not gaming wait what if I what if I provoke someone to attack me I feel like that still get you killed I wouldn’t do anything cuz they might have better loot than

Us no they’re they’re still rocking the chain iron sword chain arm and stuff if I get a trident that’d be crazy 64 ancient what huh we need to steal something we need to steal something how bro they have to be like x-ray or something that’s not that is what we could try taking

Stuff I’m being swarmed by where’s all our loot anyway yeah I hid it in the in in the barrels it’s like on it’s like in the chest right but they’re all in surr the chest is surrounded by barrels there’s somebody here there’s somebody here where where by me they have like diamond

Armor what are your cords this jo mama Gabriel hello are you in the main cave uh no he’s he got in my boat I don’t know what to do hold on I’ll be right back I’ll be stay in stay here I’m I’ll be right back hello what are you doing

Man I don’t know have you been at the rift no I haven’t been able to find anything all what the hell was that it’s Oak it’s Oak is he haunting us he’s haunting me he hating you he’s haunting me bro I [ __ ] blew up I had so much

Good [ __ ] on me I’m so mad oh yeah no I fell to my death cuz the parachute didn’t work and then someone grave robbed me so speaking of grave robbing I see a chicken I just left him there I just left him there toad yeah I don’t know he doesn’t

He he died too so I wasn’t going to kill him wait where’s what about the guy with the supposed diamond stuff no that was him it was just his helmet it was just his helmet oh he’s right there a turtle helmet yeah I I thought I thought it was

Diamond because he was under the water I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do we’re they’re so far behind and everything’s been looted already yeah we I don’t want to try to go into The Nether anymore because I think Oak put a little funny creature in there

Maybe to prevent us from going into The Nether there has to be somewhere that no one’s checked yet there’s no way oh my God I have no coal I used all my coal to make torches uh oh cannot believe I survived that It’s my map’s kind of what are you doing you guys that’s it that’s all you guys got fake isn’t here where’s fake oh because I got a lot of that is that all you guys got let me see that’s all we could get literally everything’s been

Looted oh my God this guy has so much look at what I did look at what I’ve done I know I saw I saw wait wait something with that giv Rite we can we need polish our shards how do we polish it do we need a grind

Stone okay uh I’m never we use other people’s grind stones fair enough good plan i’ that’s what I’ve been doing the entire time that’s why everything that we have is Polish now what what possibly could have happened I don’t know what to do go back is there a warden down there see

I saying I just I just mined in from above okay do you have do you have do you have iron on you we a I’m make a bucket cuz we’re about cuz I’m going to go see if we can go I know where a lava pool is if

On if we do this make a bucket I’ll be right back we need our we need we need our our iron to be SM don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry I just needed three I just needed three I have an idea what the [ __ ] was that uh will

Do you know how to make do you know how to make a nether portal using lava pools netherite blocks at the ri what okay cuz I don’t guys guys guys netherite blocks the rift what is the rift what Rift what is the rift wait where where’s the lava pool I I

Know I the guys I don’t know oh here’s the lava pool all right I’m head I got the water the only wait I’m the only one that can mine them I’m the only one that can M I know that’s why I said I said come with us I’m

Making beds all right where are you where are you guys where are you guys hold on I got to place our Barrel back all right we can go netherite mining now we’re about to game so hard we’re about to catch up where guys where are

You guys so like you know where the the water is right yeah um go so you’re facing the world border where the water is at you go go right and then it’s around there what is the rift where is the rift I don’t know someone just died what the what is that

Noise Where is the lava pool oh it’s right here I wait you here I have the water bucket I have the water bucket yeah there’s people here there’s people here I can hear people what is what is the rift okay here’s the water bucket guys what is the rift I don’t

Know I I’m like the only one that I’m like the only one that can mine the rift so I don’t know how to make a another portal properly but I’ll try oh there’s another person coming you messed up so hard yep okay hand it over hand it over no I got

It okay do you guys know you guys know where actually fake do you know where the chest is that area no no no no no no okay we have a chance we have a chance I’m just following PD around uh give me the yeah just build it just Build

It come on we need to hurry I don’t know how long this event is lasting the warden is here the warden’s here somewhere we should go up who the hell spawned a w in it spawn wait there was a w in it spawn protector that’s what that

Is all right you have FL on you no I don’t that’s the rift protector 100% that’s exactly what that is okay gaming gaming gaming go go go go go go I know where we are I know where we are come on man I wish I I’m taking these I’m going to take these

Hey do magma blocks get us any points do you think no definitely not I know where we are come on sorry I’ve not been paying attention to chat um I’ve literally been trying to get loot o quartz though quartz might give us some [ __ ] since literally nobody could get to

The yeah the debris is right here oh God can you mine it with uh iron do you think or no oh I clutched that I got I clutched that okay um uh Eagle I’m going to come back to spawn and you’re going to hand me the

Diamond pickaxe cuz we got we can get netherite I found I found so someone has a mask yeah if if they’re flying around it’s probably dead no more has a mask dead no more oh it’s was probably given to them by [ __ ] mask and netherite netherite Boots mask and netherite Boots

All right all right it’s fine it’s fine we’re going to get netherite um I need you I need that diamond pickaxe though all right go just go back to spawn just go back to spawn but like not too close where the warden’s going to kill you what where is the

Rip I don’t even know what they’re talking about oh that’s a skeleton all right I’m coming back to spawn oh my God I’m like panicking right now I’m trying to tr hard so bad iar a rift protector around here another mining right now yeah I can I

Can hear a rift protector under but I don’t know where it is there’s totally one around here okay okay I’m here I’m here give me the pickaxe give me the pickaxe give me the pickaxe you you yeah Warden lands come the I don’t have I don’t have

Another pickax by the way I don’t have another no it’s okay I’ll be safe I’ll be safe I’m going to come with you I can hear someone killing a rift protector okay hurry hurry then hurry come on come on come on we just got to go we just got

To go don’t matter it really doesn’t matter the rift protect no the rift has netherite blocks though we can literally mine as much netherite as we need get in here all right we’re going in we’re going in I have I have a few bombs I

Have a few bombs uh be care be careful be careful there’s lot I I have like three stacks of bombs okay good I have beds wa we’re coming we’re coming we can literally get all the netherite blocks we want um but somebody needs to mine gold

So I don’t have a pickaxe oh I’ll just give you mine here ah lava R hate this generation so much yeah New World generation’s kind of bad I I’ll get the gold for us dude this sucks this mine sucks Oak is following me he definitely teleported to

Me oh my God this is brilliant oh wa wait is that why we keep getting pushed around maybe oh what was that noise that’s Oak he he God this is so smart listen listen as soon as some bro I [ __ ] died and I’m so mad because I’m running out of food do

You think I could just get more bread a little bit of more bread no oh okay thanks well I I think you you guys are have a ravager you know what I’m using this Anvil for I’m going to kill you Oak I’m going to kill you you are way too good

What do you mean bro has like 10 iron 10 netherite blocks I don’t know what you’re talking w w dude we’re the brok one here in the entire server the team at spawn no the team at spawn literally have so much netherite they have like

Yeah we have no NE we’re just we’re just trying to try hard trying to get yeah yeah we have like nine diamonds total it’s not even fair can you kill that Oak you spawn that in no I got it I killed it don’t wor the Green Team now you are not the Green

Team I mean we are down a member so yeah we’re down a member so cuz vessel left not that he was really spawn with for the memes when I was storting you bro yeah so vessel just hasn’t been helping us at all yeah no we have a we had a huge

Disadvantage facts yeah he got amethyst and then just sort of left all right look out I have bombs have bombs look out I’m going to leave now look out over there oh I’m at like two and a half hearts God Dam it the lava wall oh wait debris debris

Debris above you above you above I know I saw I just want I just want to get some I have three debris right now and then uh we’ll find out bro I really hope nobody stealing our [ __ ] cuz I’m going to be actually mad the only one that knows where it is

Is flame and he was very nice yeah flame flame and I are chill so he he he’ll know not to yeah and Flame flame he’ll let me use his grind Stone so like the diamond grind Stone that’s why our diamonds are polished nice cuz flame let

Me use it uh you know what let’s not mine that way because that’s the lava yeah there’s literally just lava everywhere we we’ll be the only ones with quartz so I think we’ll have that going for us we also probably have the most salt by the way cuz I got four

Stacks look out I’m almost out of beds I need more wood I mean we know where the portal is okay do that again do that do that same thing again will you mine into the wall go up and go up and mine into the wall go up and mine into the wall

There’s like lava everywhere hold on yeah you just build to it bro there Bridge but I have bombs on me I have bigger bombs uh there’s like a lava pool below us so be careful look out go stand back stand back I want to throw a

Bomb all right I’m back at the portal I’m going to go to the over real quick I’m going to get some wood I’m going to make more beds and then I’m going to blow everything up no they want to they want us they want to kill a mob now we’re going to

Get we’re going to get netherite this way boys we’re they’re done for they’re done for oh yeah they’re losing all their stuff oh my god dude that would be a perfect time to just go steal everything look at that look at that dude there’s so many people dying oh my

God how much gold do you guys have um we have I have 26 uh okay yeah we’ll be able to make a few ingots probably a block but nothing to CRA 26 nuggets I have 26 nuggets quartz quarts I have a bunch of beds again all right

Um once you run out of will once you run out of the beds we’re going to go to spawn because or actually we’ll go to spawn kind of early cuz they’re going to I’m GNA ask them for food hold on oh I got no don’t the thing is going crazy oh

It’s vessel yeah the thing yeah dude that oh more kill kill at e type Minecraft worded bro that was that noise anyways um anything else anything else move move move move move huh what oh no we’re good we’re good where’s the netherite there is no netherite are we

At the right y level for it yeah I think I might to decrease netherite spawn rates actually no so so you had to do with Rift protector bomb found some netherite we’re good oh there’s gold behind you by the way yeah just try and grab as much gold

As you can so we have enough to make like well even then we we can even make just gold from it right well we’ll we’ll make the leftovers gold but like for now we need that that [ __ ] netherite is probably more valuable mostly cuz like

Only a few people have it and yeah I have five I have five we’re going to we’re going to be able to make a a single Ingot this is crazy we have one Ingot yeah the the other teams if they get through the protector are going to

Have like we could just we could just leave now go get their loot since it’s dropped no but they’re all at the rift protector isn’t the isn’t it at spawn or no it’s not at spawn oh my God it’s so dumb where even is it

Our are are two TR eggs were they troll eggs two troll eggs they might be what is this rough quartz there’s rough quartz found some more normal quartz yeah let’s get Quartz cuz oh yeah get all quartz we’re we’re going to be the only ones with quartz

Mhm what can I get rid of cobblestone I wonder what you do with rough quartz it’s just Building Material probably polish it on a grindstone it’s probably just Building Material no on a grindstone though still Terri like putting it into the grindstone or it’s a stone cutter

Thing in that case we can’t actually do anything with it I have I have no more stuff let’s go help will I really hold on there’s there’s so there’s so much St there’s so much there’s so much quartz though look look up look up here hold on hold on there’s

Like there are there’s a ton of quartz all right put back there’s so much quartz here let’s M let’s quickly mine this and then we got to get out of here because like look at how much quartz is in the walls just here we got to go though I know the

Quartz is like the only thing got going for us but will probably needs our help we have and we have cinear and that’s it okay okay we need to go we need to go we need to go we need to we need to go get uh well find the Portal

[ __ ] who you good uh I don’t have food are are you going to die probably it’s fine I I blocked myself off I’m right here um I’m coming back I want to let you in on my very fny thing if you kill mobs I’ll give you some food once you’re back just

Kill mobs over here who the [ __ ] is this guy yeah you put a catalyst down yeah I put a catalyst down there please keep killing things I want there to be AER up here there is a guy outside of the portal aott water speed bro

No I need food Jesus Christ I got one one me all right I’m coming back I’m here um we should probably close off the nether portal once we leave all right that way we won’t have to deal with like people all right are you almost back yeah yeah you died here you

Died in here yeah I know in here thank you man thank you so much I needed this so bad just drop your nether a or something I don’t know and I got all of I got everything we’re good all right we’re good let’s go

Up uh once we get up you have you have the bucket right no you have the bucket I give it to will I give it to will I just got given something what what is it wait I I still have our pedestal do we have anything to

Put on our pedestal we can Flex we can Flex we just put will on the pedestal and say he’s a valuable item no bro but the reason the way I found the diamond pickaxes because of being on a pedestal so I wonder if I can put put the diamond you got stuff right

You got stuff right I have beds I have this right you guys you guys do realize I have this right mhm our most valuable item our most valuable item is a where’s the P there it is oh bones yeah bones we can do that for growing

[ __ ] for like food how much debris did you guys get five five let’s get more then yeah let’s get more and then we’ll leave down there is not the best though right yeah we need to we need to find a new area this way wait glow stone we we

Got glow stone backs glow stone would go hard we’d have so much loot we find glow right here and keep getting bones keep getting bone blocks though cuz bones could be worth something too we need to anything’s better than nothing bro I hate this I hate being

Over lava so much it’s gives it gives me so much paranoia yeah I hate the nether this is this is why the end is so much better than the nether because go over there I’m exploring right now gold gold block gold block gold block behind you that’s a raw gold

That’s a raw gold wait I can mine it I can mine it it’s still worth stuff cuz we can um we can uncraft it and turn it into ingots yeah come on grab it it’s over here over there you see it I do there might be stuff over here try trying to

Go through the yeah yeah no wait that’s a crimson biome yeah there might be stuff over here bro come on that’s a crimson biome I’m not risking fall damage okay I hate the nether like this that’s a crimson biome come I wonder if Crimson wood would be worth anything maybe since we’re the

Only ones who wet in the night more gold yeah we’re the only ones who have it might be an idea to get it he or like crimson bindes and stuff I’m trying to find [ __ ] that would make us all right no okay never I thought that was like a fortress I found a

Fortress where where where come back and get us we can get we can get we could get so much good loot if we don’t die come on we need to stick as a team for that wait wait wait wait wait I have to

Dig I have to dig in a little space so I don’t die all right meet us back at the portal meet us back at the portal meet us back at the portal oh oh shroom lights shroom lights grab them grab them they could be good and then be careful of the careful

Of the lava shroom lights they’re the they’re like the they’re the they’re the super rare ones from the nether uh they’re the rare ones nether ones I feel like any NE block is just super rare yeah I think NE block is rarer than this where I’m going to just try to get stuff

From The Fortress no come back come back come back come come get us come get us there’s a guest outside I don’t think I could come back what are the cords you could a gas is not that hard to beat not just following his path or

What no I’m I’m just trying to find him I sent you the tell your in in Discord man tell us the cor oh wait no no no no no you’re good you’re good seven negative S I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found

It over here over here over here it’s over here oh over there yeah I was going the wrong way the guest no I run [ __ ] how are we going to get over there just go through here right ouch God damn it you good do you need backup or a

Little okay hold on there’s a blaze I want to not die what if we get a Wither Skull that’d be so funny dude that’d be so freaking cool why am I not regening Hearts why am I not regening help help me help me guys where are you I’m coming

Back stuck out here with the gas I’m coming back I see you I see you stay right there dude these zombie pigman are like in the way and I’m trying to kill freaking with skeletons um make like a little thing so they can’t hit you but

You can hit them I know I did that but these fre I’m trying to find a way I’m trying to find a way into the into the Fortress but I but I’m this this way this way okay just come this way just just come this way the gas won’t bother you

If we just de load them and I a fireball yep oh be careful careful we’re fine right here right here just Tower up just Tower up there’s so many wither skeletons here there is a lot yeah it’s cuz it’s in a it’s because it’s in a the one biome

Where like uh skeletons spawn oh the the the Soul Sand Valley what’s it called there’s so many wether skull holy yeah we could we could definitely get a Wither Skull if we just sit here and grind the entire time oh wa we from them also oh God that was just you guys okay

We’re gaming don’t worry we’re gaming we’re good we’re good we’re good we do it we do it there’s one there yeah he’s too tall to get in though yeah that’s the point watch all of our stuff just get jacked that suck it shouldn’t when should we end uh uh probably

Soon there’s one here there’s one here there’s somebody here no that’s just nothing he dropped coal yeah he’s got coal is this a small Fortress or uh there’s more that way but there’s a there’s a guy there’s a guy there was a guy oh there is a guy dude we literally make

Potions oh with skons with skeletons we should make potions and I’m dying I’m dying uhoh I’m here I’m here don’t worry where what are you dying to blaze there’s wether skeletons in here where skeletons in here oh oh my god dude there’s a ton of them right here I don’t

Want to hit the P though I don’t want to hit the pig if you jump and crit it doesn’t do anything it doesn’t hit the piglin I get Space yeah he can’t get up he can’t get up here he can’t get up here go kill

Him go all right um oh my God there’s so many just run let’s freaking go let’s go you got one there’s one of them oh I would never Diamond I’m pretty sure someone just murdered someone flame streak now he’s locked on me now he’s locked on guys I’m coming back don’t

Worry I know where it’s at I’m coming back okay finding some stuff that might be useful uh grab the diamond pickaxe grab the diamond pickaxe and then um once once you’re done with that skon other skeleton down there there’s so many wither skeletons down there once you’re done with guys once

You’re done with that we got to get out of here cuz I had nether enemy there’s so there’s too many wither skeletons down there there’s one around the corner don’t worry don’t worry gam oh my God there’s another one around the corner down here hold on I’m just going

To die I fell in a hole around here man my phone is about to die I’m going to grab um a charger for it I killed him ah blaz it’s dead don’t worry okay um so we have blaze rods right cck diamond pickaxe Diamond pickax diamond pickaxe

We have blaz right and I’m getting I’m getting another by the way got the diamond pickaxe okay cuz I had I had another diamond pick or Not Another getting I had a Blaze Rod on my corpse so if you grab that one wait watch out watch out watch out watch out watch

Out we’re good we’re good we’re fine why are there so many dude they were just camping that’s not even fair we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine you got all the stuff right got to kill this and then we’re good all right no now

Go kill the blaze we got to get his like all his gold and stuff that we that he had mhm BR okay I got the glow stone I’m coming I’m coming man I went the wrong way I’m kind of dumb think I could jump all right I got the gold as well all

Right I’m coming guys I’m coming the raw gold block to I don’t really have anything that I can drop aside from a sword I’m here guys I’m here I’m here it’s not my sword though I got the gold block as well all right let’s get out of here cuz there’s

Blazes every corner I turn yeah let’s we should grab a few blaze rods where’s my stuff what you what did you hit by a Wither Stu down there down there down there through Straight my stuff thank God we took a bunch of it though that’s fine we’re Team after all I’m not I’m

I’m not mad we just oh you guys got the nether right did wait do do we have like a nether store or something did you guys say we had before I died and they probably stole it I got better armor HEV elevator let’s go back let’s go back to

Spawn what is a elevator let’s go back to spawn I don’t know let’s go back to spawn everyone else has probably gotten F the like custom Loot and everything Meanwhile we’re just slapping blazes oh where skeletons two of them two of them two of them thank you sorry I don’t mean to die

As much I’m really I’m usually good at the game there’s three of them I haven’t played survival in so long there’s three of them there’s another one out there there’s another one out there no we’re good we’re good Straight Ahead there’s one there’s one there one there we’re good we’re good yeah

Good bro where is that noise coming from outside there’s like a ton of them outside all right let’s get out of here then Blaze you guys have a shield I have a shield for game oh ow that hurt oh my God I’m going to die again all right let’s go down through

Here down through here this is where we came in this is leads to spawn this leads to spawn yeah we’re going to go to spawn and lock off the nether yeah then we got to it would been really cool if we found a Bastion though those have

Like and then we got the the disc we have a disc no no the disc from Bastion oh the pig step oh yeah that would actually give us that wait where are we going that would have been going on the pedest I don’t know um this is not

Towards spawn no no no so hold on there might be something here though maybe maybe Bastion got to go towards z00 right no we’re go we’re we’re go we went the wrong way but like I thought oh wait there’s no there’s uh no where where cords we got to go to 00

Right no it’s it’s over here we got to go through like a little cave to get in it’s this way it’s down we got to go down yeah we got to run through where the gas is again look there you can see your nether you can see your Netherrack path

Ouch I’m just following your parkour I just followed your parkour it’s over here here it is here it is yeah it’s right here all right let’s go imagine if we bring a Strider we would need a saddle though yeah or lead you guys got a bucket on you yeah I

Do here break the portal yeah break it bro has a d bro you have you have the who has the diamond pickaxe oh did you just crying obsidian oh yeah get crying get the yeah there get the crying Obsidian oh my God think if we ignite it again it’ll do give us more probably but in different areas it wouldn’t it who’s cutting onions oh my God what are they doing they’re fighting each other I think uh more a I lost it it’s fine wait wait they have they have

That means they have the slide enchantment yeah they have enant C I mean technically we could get enchants right now wait they they killed they got the they got the stuff from the uh from the you guys have the netherite what is that what are you doing get out

Of here dude I’m about to die what the what are you doing bro come here come on let’s put our stuff away let’s put our stuff away though come on let’s get the stuff away come on move move he’s throwing he’s throwing snowballs at us it’s more

Whoa all of our [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I can see him I can literally see more it’s well that’s like just an actual password my other team’s password was password is everything still on there is everything still on here let me get all the stuff we run out of room we’ve run

Out of room okay guys let’s give up on mining and let’s go build hello how’s it going let’s just create an just put everything in this put everything else in this here it’s going I have a lot of stone and stuff we can build with we have to take in

Rainer here look come on guys I’m smelting guys I’m smelting some more copper can we literally just have everyone on our team we have the ancient debris the join the group we’re going to make netherite oh my god dude we’re going to make netherite this is so funny don’t point

At people stop pointing it at people how do I uh you take your off and then shift right click and and hold that invol with that wait you guys wait you guys didn’t know how to use that stop stop lasering why isn’t jaar doing flame and let’s build let’s go far no we’re

Not becoming the above SMP are we coming to above SMP we are not minutes last 15 minutes 15 minutes hey guys do we do last 15 minutes is sabotage loud in this last 15 minutes not team last 15 minutes guys look guys look what I what I made guys

Look look what I made more oh yo that will be good that will be good that will be good lied I have tons of barrels guys we’re making netherite oh what the death I love the people SW what’s happening stop using the laser sword please the laser sword I

Think it’s more it’s either more or run why do we have so many guys we lost why do we have so many barrels now we lost we’ll come in second place don’t worry no no we’re coming in last wait why do we just wait why how because the other teams have like

Sniffer eggs yeah but we have so much rare [ __ ] we only have NE I need to make a nobody else has [ __ ] can do that okay okay I’ll take it off sorry jo mama Gabriel I picked up the wrong person what oh we’re winning we’re no we’re we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine

We’re actually fine I I was literally looking in chest we’re fine is anyone still on the ground oh my God all right I have an idea we have so much nether [ __ ] we’re fine we’re fine we are okay yeah that’s what I was thinking where uh here why don’t we build a house

Here hey what the nothing happened I didn’t take anything I promise okay I’m down okay around we are we are okay we’re okay we got so guys I have had this the entire time guys yeah we’re fine like if you have that we can use that for us as well like

We’re the only ones with quartz we’re the only ones with quartz we’re fine guys The Mask yeah I saw don’t worry don’t worry we’re we’re fine we’re going to we’re be fine we’re not losers I don’t think you need it at this stage hold on I can I can barely hear

You let me make the new VC let me make the new VC actually the gold we have that move to the there holy crap what did what the [ __ ] so many I’m Ying all that [ __ ] yo someone’s dead someone’s dead someone’s dead yeah I just yed a ton of [ __ ]

Dude why is there so bun of loot why is it bro there’s like a battlefield out here what the hell oh that’s a baby me why did oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my god dude I just got a op sword

Yo we are so winning this we are so winning this dude oh it is so laggy though on mask what the heck is an on mask keep keep all the stuff keep all the stuff keep all the stuff bro I just yon so much so much [ __ ] it’s actually

Insane oh my God kill grab him no he died he died he died I got it I I got it we have two of them now we have two of them now don’t put it away don’t just keep it in your inventory just case no yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah I got it I got it bro I’m trying to get for that crap oh my God all right we just need to live and not be killed by anyone hello okay dude we just picked up so much [ __ ] from that yeah no yeah no guys I literally just like robbed like

Four people for real dud there’s there’s more mobs there’s more mobs oh my God there’s so many I am not like oh my god dude just Tower up let me try let me try and help him I want to try and help people die if we if we get the other

People okay okay I got an Emirate long sword I got an emate long sword for oh my God this this cul oh my God this cul’s invading also sorry for dragging you guys into the new FEC I just legit could not hear you guys cuz of how how many

People we’re talking yeah ra why is there ravager careful oh God I’m going to just sit back and chill ax why did I get an o wait can’t the ravager break blocks yeah no wait took the ravager away I killed the rager SK Catalyst that could bead

Guys I got a saddle we can get you need silk touch oh my God there’s freaking tolins why are there nether mobs bro I did not die three times in the nether just so that people could get free nether loot yeah oh God the zins are stronger zins are stronger be

Careful oh I’m waiting for one of these people to die no we have like so much nether loot it’s fine I think we’re going to be okay we’re not we’re not we’re probably not going to win based off of what Eagle said but I feel like we’ll be

Okay look at what has just just look at what Canan has then you’ll see well yeah cuz they got like 20 people helping them like look look at can look at Canan what oh they just give that all to you what the diamonds they just straighted out handed out diamonds that’s [ __ ]

Oh my god oh guys get the loot to the barrels loot to the barrels loot to the barrels all right yeah wait wait we need to leave our group thing probably yeah let’s leave let’s leave Wait no that’s not how that works you didn’t we win

Anything we got we had six people let’s go that’s not they’re cheating ban them they had more than adoption we adopted them we were not given them that’s cheating supposed to have four people on your nobody else would we stood up in their time of need Gabriel did cheating

That’s called it’s called cheating that’s why it’s supposed to be it’s supposed to be teams of four that’s cheating they’re disqualified oak oak disqualify them they’re cheated no we didn’t you cheated when did we cheat when you got six people to help you you cheated he started with four joined

Late our do you me te if your team had given me the sword I would have joined what’s what do you w we’ve already w we already had somebody on our team we already had I’m looking through it stay alive stay alive boys stay alive finally it’s over we won hell yeah no No okay boys yes I did it second we take these we take these how the hell did we win how the hell did we win I love this game how the hell did we view from up here yeah he we won yes just cuz they cheated C cheated they

Had six people on their team wait so we were the only ones that actually did anything properly we had no we only had three people and got what we got we literally won if we didn’t win that was [ __ ] no no that’s cring no that’s cringe that’s not cringe

It’s called playing fair you guys decided to cheat I don’t want to hear it didn’t ha you pun [ __ ] this is really slow oh my God I’m going to walk water I love this game oh my God I can do it fight it let’s go oh I have infinite floating and

Yet I can still let’s go what the [ __ ] is going on my stuff oh [ __ ] no get under there I’m still alive let’s go oh my God G still here there is so much going on I cannot the world is definitely exploding no [ __ ] you need to charge

It so is the event like over now I’m pretty sure yeah all right am I allowed to blow up the other teams maybe I just got like a [ __ ] ton of God apples I I do have a ton of God apples I also have Diamond trigger

Bombs how did you guys get that many God apples how do you guys get that many G apples no I need weapon no all the stuff is broken bro I’m still I’m still just floating underneath the canvas I can’t eat the lag is too real oh I I I’m sorry I’m destroying

Your what the [ __ ] we had so much loot I have like my levitation isn’t levitating I’m just guys ja yeah I’m ready chck look at me oh oh well I immediately died go so much going on where’s my bombs I didn’t die he hi Oak The lagit in one hit if I had to guess don’t know I I had a couple it’s so laggy so lagg what do you about it’s why I think no in after that what are you on about this is entirely right it’s so lagy can we do SL kill all items now yo

End oh my God the lag holy [ __ ] so lag holy [ __ ] but yeah hey Eagle let’s go gu let’s go let’s go five high five five still alive kill that Chest kill that yes I’m not even mad that he just killed me I’m not even mad I took their boots I got their boots I’m leaving stuff we worked so hard for this this is the winning prize no I’m the winning prize actually yeah kill me oh diamonds six

Netherite don’t mind if I do so I guess event over then time to it’s over I think that was pretty decently fun that was that was really fun he hey what did I do what did I do hey I saw I saw you break it I didn’t do nothing break it up break

It up anyway hello I got it I’m arm in dang I’m armed in dangerous your game was too easy though I found I Lally found the cad in about 2 minutes it was fun all right guys time to play regular Minecraft let’s go let’s go make a house yeah

Let’s go speedrun guys let’s go play guys Speed Run Speed Run let’s go build a house we’re going to go speed this is yeah this is um I hope the members got to know everyone bro we did not get to know Oak we’re going to go uh speedrun he does not care VC

After I think we should go to VC yeah do that I’ll do that I need to open Discord again oh no dude literally what was that how did we win how did we win I don’t know how we won probably cuz we didn’t cheat I think

We go to Discord VC I think we need to go to Discord VC all right maybe I don’t know I’m I’m in it I’m in it make diamond armor I should make diamond armor you know I’m going to play Minecraft the event VC we lost how

Did we lose no we didn’t they Oak said we won won there’s no way Oak said we won Oak said Green Team won yeah Green Team there’s a green in a lime we green team had nothing in their chest what are you talking about should get in why you

Should get in and AR good enough I’ll put you on the list sorry what we didn’t hear you we didn’t hear you AR I got I got a vote for five to 10 people and I didn’t meet that many people so hi I I am discount

Dream I’m like dream but worse at PVP and better at building Sam I did it I did it Sam are you proud of me I got full diamond what the hell is this I’m making a house I ran out of block use what you have hey

Do you guys have food what you have start building an obsidian do you guys have food I think you should vote for me Gabriel and will I mean we did win the event yeah yeah we definitely won yeah but like I wasn’t on your team so like I’m a

Little okay that’s not fair because we we had space for you if you would let you night get in the house actually yeah no we need protection let him okay okay what happened was this is the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen in my life this is the most expensive

House I’ve ever been in this is very expensive it’s very expensive house great this5 basically what happened was we had we we what is the rift we never actually went we went to the ne inad we went to the nether instead that’s how I got I have someone’s stack of netherite I

Just that’s ours that’s how we did like over a stack and we win do you have you have a singular diamond yeah you guys had like people on your team a hold on that wasn’t fair at all yeah there was only three of us three V6 I I wonder we

Does anyone have a diamonds hey hey we put up a good fight GG’s though GG’s though GG’s yeah we we spent we spent like we spent like half of the event in the nether so yeah I I actually didn’t die I didn’t die during the event somehow I think might the only

In we’re in a mansion this is this is a $4 million house yeah of a cuz look at what the walls are made of I mean didn’t didn’t you guys didn’t you guys have six members on your team we have two members I know what we had

Two people we still W what do you we won no you didn’t we were green what you a lime green is green no right both won both w we both won we both green is green hey stop fighting stop fighting stop fighting stop fighting won yeah you you you kind of confused us

Yeah well I won in my heart that’s all I can say we had fun that’s that’s the main thing what are what are these blocks I don’t know we don’t have tools I do I don’t what is it it’s called carve neite neite you read it that was fun it

Was a bit chaotic for my like and at least close the door when but it was it was fun how’ you how do you guys get all that stuff any I didn’t get to experience um so at the very start we found the card Head worth

200 points and then we there was like a cave full of barrels and I bombed it out and I found a stack of netherite scraps oh my God in the first 10 minutes by the way this is all in 10 minutes and I was in the how is that even

Fair and we went we went to the rift we grabbed about five blocks what even is the rift what was the rift the rift like a massive stuff that you could drink and you could um you could get teleported back and there’s like a fluid block of

It and there was like a massive and there was like a bunch of netherite blocks around it that you can mine up you have to find him and M him up the rift from fortnite I’m find the the giant the cracking this guy yeah know and then um jackar went to the ancient

City o t to guard it and then he kind of just took all the ancient debr from it got it well he first walked up to me and said yo protect the rift and I didn’t know where the rift was so I kind of just and then the rest of it was just

Sly mined up throughout the the challenge it was very close though like San team had a lot of stuff but they had like three times of members so yeah s cheated dude they cheated they should be disqualified they had Sixers Maxim was four they had six members we had two we

Had three I’m shocked we W I didn’t think we would have won cuz they had like four full of stuff we only had like we had one barrels no no the reason that the reason that you won is because they got disqualified oh right because they had six and the

Maximum was four I no o relooked at ours because he only looked at the first round we had a second barel with all of our NE yeah we didn’t have we didn’t we had like one and the rest of the stuff was just like how least I can say we got a bunch

Of nether stuff like we had only shroom we were the only team with a shroom light mhm oh I found many you guys win we were the only team with a pedestal there we go I I picked up tons of pedest though I’m going to kill you I’m NE

Inot and found Jack rang head as well I don’t know know what that was about I feel like this event was very rigged they were worth a netherite in so it I’m there was a lot of outside intervention yeah the only reason I we won was because literally the first five

Minutes I found the ancient city and I I heard about like you could find a Cod head and you went two into yeah I didn’t even know there was a Cod head what that’s this game is so red I died I had no idea that there was

I a Cod head you could find a card head you can win points there was a sign that said it yeah I just had I just had an instinct feeling that I just go I just ran to the Gateway the portal in the middle I knew it would be there I ran

There and it was just there put in the middle and I just grabbed it and took it back on the way back I got about a stack of netherite scraps which at the time would have literally been automatic win but then the rift open they start giving

Out blocks of netherite for free so I had to go over there is it still there what the rift yeah yeah but there’s no NE anymore they got R there’s only like a couple pieces of ancient de bre it’s Jack star there’s the map to the rift man I

Feel a man I’m salty now it was very sced like cuz I was literally teleporting around the whole two hours but it was quite fun I it was it was fun but man it was very scuffed but and it was also very loud but I I had fun maybe

Because I won but well yeah obviously you won or obviously you’re going to be happy you won yeah I’m happy I met you guys yeah dude literally half the time we were just trying to get stuff or find things but every time we ran into something it was

Already looted so we basically just decided to go into The Nether and try and get stuff there but I was the guy who looted everything was myad yeah I I was the first the ancient city the first got the card head the first well not St

Steven knew we were going to win anyways like oh no he he was he was giving us gold to craft it up to what he was sced it was only like 10 gold to it was that’s still scuffed oh my god dude you saw stack does anyone have a single Diamond

I have a diamond maybe in the rubble of our our base Rubble most of it got blown up though so yeah no most of it got stolen oh and in the last minutes I got given a sharpness 200 sword I don’t know why I just got the one hit obliterator I think

They knew they were they knew we were going to win it was quite close yo yo I think we won sign anyway who got qualified as whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my God he I love free stuff I love free stuff I had a neite I had

A stone Axe and he give my stuff back give my stuff back dude what the hell you can have your you can have you can have that you can have that that that dude I was going to make I was gonna make a juke box what the heck I’m actually annoyed I’m keeping

This one though fuing stupid dude the hell man guys well watch this watch this [ __ ] I need a smithing template never mind I forgot this is the new Minecraft version do you have a smithing template on you guys no but I got this we used to we used to how’ you get

That I know found it in ancient city oh my God this was so rigged yeah no we did get really lucky to the I’m gonna hop off it was fun but all right bye Man by well it’d be really funny if we just went around killing people it would be really funny

M I have here have I have some I have some more diamonds and then I have this trident you can use the chu up people oh yes thank you hold on oh my God that was actually chaotic though not him not him because he literally just died I don’t know what Will’s do

Hi give me give me stuff I don’t know what Joe’s doing either hello here’s some pink concrete I love bu I want to build a house Gabriel Gabriel huh yo have fun I don’t like that I hate those so much it’s funny because I have a gaming

PC killed an axel I will it’s a it’s right there it’s not even dead no no no no then I’m going to build a house get in survival get in survival watch what happened get in survival watch what happened no I’m I’m exactly I’m out of

Here man I’m so salty I had like I had so many God apples before they just did that bro who’s stop that shooting at me well I’m probably going to end the stream because I literally don’t know what to do uh this was very this was like hella scuffed I built my house

Incredible but yeah I’m probably G to end the stream stupid GG’s though GG’s GG’s GG’s uh yeah that that was that really scuffed but I’m I don’t even know how to how to make this a video because we had such bad luck it was horrible yeah um dark green one which is

Dumb because they literally was basically handed [ __ ] to them and it was so dumb oh hello I’m just talking to my chat can I have your stuff maybe maybe maybe I might go kill people I’m probably going to hop off here yeah at me too that was scuffed as [ __ ] yeah all

Right actually I’m gonna see if I can get ask Oak where am I uh oh where is everyone where’ everyone go what do you expect no push tab like where is everybody oh they’re all gone on their own SMP Journey oh my God you’re not going to see them

Gabriel huh they’ve gone far away world border isn’t that big yeah but you’re not going to see them like easily oh yeah Charlie you want to know what happened when what you missed I I I’m like live stream right now but I’m live [ __ ] I’m like man my brain is

Hurting U but yeah Charlie uh guess what guess what guess what literally bosses were spawned people were throwing [ __ ] they kept trying to kill us it was chaotic as [ __ ] I won which was annoying cuz oh my God it’s so scuffed it was so scuffed I don’t even even know where I

Am is he saying if there’s people on the list or I don’t think he’ll col the list till I’d say a couple more days that’s a lot little annoying cuz um you know show prod right yeah yeah he’s he’s bragging that he got in to the S

SMP who’s show uh one of my friends but he’s he’s one of the people apparently got in okay showpro got an interview didn’t he uh most likely because he wasn’t able to join it was there was server complic I I don’t know I don’t know when we’ll

Get the list about um who’s in the server I suppose we’ll find out know who’s now I won’t ask that because if I say that you’ll be confused what is my inventory right now wow Charlie wow that’s so unfair Well I don’t know what to do there’s a guy back there and and I’m probably going to end the stream now for actual this time because I literally I don’t know where anybody is at um this was scuffed not going to lie Charlie you locked out not also you

Have to deal with all that [ __ ] uh it was you can watch the stream because but basically at the end somebody literally said they got all the stuff that was from like those structures and the pre-made structures or whatever somebody literally found all of them in the first five minutes of the game

Also apparently there was like stuff that um that gave you points like a Cod head which didn’t even make any sense because I didn’t see a sign anywhere saying or like I feel like that should have been announced that the Cod head gave you that amount of

Points so that was also kind of scuffed no I wasn’t free cam to didn’t use free cam I’m not saying it wasn’t free cam I didn’t say it was free cam I I just said he literally got the stuff in like the first few minutes of the game so was like pretty

Scuffed oh yeah Sam I showed um I showed uh the people in the Discord origin story well I’m actually actually going to end the stream I I’m distracting myself I will probably be in the VC so uh yeah God that was so scuffed no they did not Charlie they did

Not say it was stinky they did not say it was stinky you’re lying to yourself yeah you tell them Sam you tell them tell them how it is tell them how it is Jump okay

This video, titled ‘Playing In A MINECRAFT event!’, was uploaded by Universe Land ™ on 2024-02-18 11:28:25. It has garnered 84 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:22 or 10342 seconds.

Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is Hardcore. Lifesteal smp season 3 smp applications open now

Smp applications open now Minecraft smp Minecraft smp for small content creators apply now Minecraft lifesteal smp season 3 apps open applications open join smp

I played in a Minecraft SMP, or survival multiplayer server similar to SMP Earth, Dream SMP, or Lifesteal SMP (lifesteal smp season 2). Survival and PVP Minecraft content inspired by TommyInnit, Dream, Technoblade, Clownpierce, Rekrap2, Grian, and other Minecraft content creators. This a whitelisted lifesteal server. Similar to the Lifesteal SMP, Lifesteal SMP Season 2 and Lifesteal SMP Season 3, because when you kill a player you permanently steal one of their hearts. This is like a Lifesteal SMP Application title I Applied to the LIFESTEAL SMP except its not lol

Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on. In this minecraft video, this trap started a WAR on this LIFESTEAL SMP. I did this on a copy of the Lifesteal SMP, also known as the deadliest minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series where he started a war or ended a war or when Spoke Created 1000+ Iron Golems To Kill 1 Player in Survival Minecraft. This is also similar to how Spoke created an Illegal Minecraft Farm or an Illegal Minecraft Vault.

This is also similar to the Demise SMP, with creators such as InfamousJJ, Hot Chocolate, Only_A_Squid, PixelMaksis, and more Like how Infamous JJ became the Richest Player on the Most Brutal Minecraft SMP, or when he attacked his enemy or got revenge on the most brutal Minecraft SMP. Also, this is like how Carvs, or therealcarvs, did his ravagers trap; titled “I Killed a Stacked Player Using 117 Ravagers…”

i did not steal this from oak i promise

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    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More