Exploring Enchanting Fairycore Mushroom Village!

Video Information

Hey everyone my name is lar welcome to episode 7 of my fairy cor let’s play today I’m building a place for my mushroom girls to live in as well as renovating my kitchen please be sure to like And subscribe to see more fairy C content and thank you for all the [Applause] support

All right so I’m going to start this episode by doing a little bit of farming because as you may have noticed by the appearance of our world oh my God where did you come from my goodness gracious that scared me anyway as you may have noticed it’s springtime the winter is

Finally over and now we have greener grass isn’t that right Peach I almost call her spook um but I’m going to do a little bit of crop harvesting because finally stuff is growing now that it’s spring so it’s actually the first day of spring I I believe and I’m really

Excited because I’m like desperately in need of food so hopefully my crops are going to start growing especially my sugar cane and I have like no onions this is so sad we need to we need to get more crops but let’s go check what this guy has to offer um Mangrove flax seeds

Is it is this from okay wait I need that I’m going to give him some emeralds I need flax seeds I really hope that’s from the new mod I added I actually added the supplementaries mod to the game and I also added a few other things

But I’ll get into that I’ll get into that in a second um but yeah I did add a few new mods and guys I will update the pack really soon I’m um about to upload it so I hope that before I release this video you will already have the updated

Pack and it’s going to include I don’t know maybe like 10 new mods or something like that but okay let’s go get these flax seeds because um if this is from suppies which let’s check yes okay perfect I need this for something really important so I’m going

To get as many as he can sell honestly I I don’t mind okay let’s get six uh that’s all I had enough for anyway but yeah so these flax seeds I wanted to plant them because if you make flax um if you grow flax you can make fodder fod

Is used to um automatically breed animals and it’ll help them grow up faster so like the babies will grow a little bit quicker and I really need that because it’s going to be like really helpful for like animal hurting and everything like that obviously so um

I’m going to have to make a little farm for these flax seeds and I think um for now I’ll just put them maybe uh we can put them next to the onions um I don’t really need like a specific farm for them at the moment we can do that later

Um so here why don’t I just expand this a little bit and I’ll grow flax seeds on this like Edge um we’ll fix that later I need to make another Farm in this case but yeah so the springtime is here and everything looks just so much more

Vibrant and colorful and I I just love it I think Springtime is like the prettiest season in the game um yeah so everything is really beautiful in the fairy cor Forest I guess that’s kind of what I’m calling this place oh but um yeah there’s a lot we got to do today

I’m already just all over the place but we need to give the names for our gorgora girls the mother and the daughter so I actually did pick out some really cute names and you guys had some really adorable like um seasonal names obviously with the whole like theme of

Them being Halloween and spooky and auty so I’m going to make some copper tags so we can name them and then I will let you guys know what the name is so actually the names I chose were recommended multiple times which is pretty interesting so some of you guys

Had like the same ideas which I found really cool so I’m actually not even sure um at this point where the name came from so that’s unfortunate I’m not really I don’t really know who came up with it first but I’ll just let you guys

Uh see the name and if you did leave this suggestion for these specific names and thank you so much um also if you noticed I have a little fox on my head I had that in my backpack a while ago and then I just kind of like lost where it

Was but I found it again and it’s such a cute little hat and adorable okay but anyway let’s oh wait don’t look I made a little surprise for you guys but I’m not going to show you just yet okay so I didn’t even name these things what am I doing sorry I

Forgot that I had to Anvil them okay let’s go put the freaking name on the tag so the first name is going to be nutmeg and the second name is going to be cinnamon and I think these names are so cute because they also match and actually let me go over here little

Shortcut okay I totally forgot we had a second stairway but anyway so nutmeg is the mom so this is Mama nutmeg and the baby so so small this is cinnamon little baby cinnamon and they’re so cute I need to give these guys a home because I I

Don’t really want them to just be standing here of course uh not Meg needs to take care of her her little kid so where where is cinnamon oh there you are hi cinnamon okay so I’m going to let these guys chill in the kitchen so they’re at least near the fire and they

Can be a little bit warm but I will have to make a home for them unfortunately that’s not going to be this episode because I have to actually home my other mushroom girls first so yes finally I’m not going to be holding these girls captive for much longer I’m going to be

Working on their um their little village as I’ve mentioned in I think previous episodes that I wanted to make a little mushroom Village for them so that is what we’re going to be doing this episode as well as a little bit of kitchen renovating I did want to do I

Wanted to decorate the kitchen a little bit because um well you you know I love decorating kitchens in Minecraft and I’m taking Peach with me today um but yeah let me go show you guys what I was working on off camera because I there’s just so many things to build so I

Decided to do this off camera and it also required me to gather a lot of resources from the nether but I’m going to show you the Sheep place and check this out I gave it like a dreamy kind of like I I don’t know like a counting sheep kind of theme someone mentioned

Counting sheep and like dreams I thought that was such a cute idea so this is where they live and these mushroom blocks is made with mushrooms and blue dye so um yeah these are adorable I definitely want to use these in the future and obviously I went to the

Nether and gathered some warped wood and these adorable blue mushrooms which is also from the Nether and I I I was building this for so long that I’m literally so tired of listening to sheep noises like I’m I’m actually so sick of it but let me just share these really

Quick and we can get out of here but I hope you guys like it let me know what you think in the comments about this place and if you want me to add anything to it and um if you’re wondering I did have to spawn in a few barrier blocks

Here so the Sheep wouldn’t Escape I wasn’t really sure how to make these little clouds without it being like you know it was a little bit difficult but I I just spawned in a few barrier blocks um so they would stay inside and so we can keep the little Cloud aesthetic but

Yeah so it’s pretty um simple like it’s nothing too too Grand but that’s just kind of how I build in survival I don’t really go all out because it takes so much time and I was here for the past like 3 hours just Gathering materials

And building and oh I need to cover this up okay oh and look at this beautiful fencing so um here let me step away from these stupid sheep my God they’re driving me insane um so where is it is it in this chest over here okay so check

This out I made these glow uh planks and this is from the cluttered mod and it’s made with Glowstone and wood so I went to get a bunch of Glowstone and these literally glow I think they’re so cool I was expecting them to be a little bit

More blue as they appear obviously on like the when you’re holding them but they’re a little bit more warm colored but I guess it’s from the shaders I would assume but they’re super cute and I love them so I definitely want to use these in the future and as you can see

Who is that oh it’s a Triad hello Triad ah give out oh my God that scared me um our tree grew but it didn’t grow into the big the big uh robust tree or what’s it called the robust oak tree so yeah unfortunately the saplings for that

Specific type of tree like the really giant ones they don’t drop from the leaves and it just grew a regular canopy oak tree or whatever they’re called anyway um but someone um left a comment I believe that told me that there is a way to get the robust Oak saplings but

Um you need to find like some sort of wood box or something I don’t know it’s like a whole thing I’m going to have to figure it out and why why are there whoa who is duplicating flowers do you guys duplicate stuff huh wait I didn’t know they did

That oh well I’m just going to let them sit there then cuz like free flowers um but yeah anyway all right so you know what um I oh yeah I wanted to plant these Oak saplings because um oh yeah I installed sorry I’m so distracted already but I installed the um the

What’s it called like the tree cutter mod you know the like Auto tree cutter mod um so basically if I break a tree if I break One log it’ll break the entire tree I’m sure you guys know how that works um but I’m going to just plant a

Few trees and actually you can just plant them side by side I completely forgot about that so we’re just going to plant a few oak trees here and start a little bit of a farm going so we can get some more resources I think it’s a

Really nice mod to have I was originally not going to install any sort of tree cutting mods because I thought it would be a little bit too like op but honestly just to speed up the building process I I think it’s okay to cut Corners just a

Little bit cuz you know at the end of the day we want to make progress and not have to stall but yeah another thing that I did off camera was um I I added these little glow uh what’s it called glow God damn it what are they called

Whatever this stuff from the Nether and then I put some Carpets on top of it so now um you’ll see at night time that this place is a little bit more bright and I did this because I really am tired of seeing a bunch of mobs spawning in

Our area and I hope that this hope like it will prevent them from at least spawning too close to us um but yeah at some point we’re going to have to just like put a fence of some sort I was thinking of making some sort of like

Leaf leaf barrier or something like that just something that blends in with the environment but also protects us ideally I would love to just have the forest be completely um I guess like built in like where I can build all my stuff like with inside the entire forest and it’s all

Safe and lit up and protected and I don’t know maybe we can also put some Iron Golems around the place because um well that would be a really big help but yeah so today I’m going to work on the mushroom Village so the problem is because I don’t have silk touch or

Anything like that I can’t like Harvest these mushroom blocks and reuse them because I wanted to make them I wanted to give each mushroom girl their own little tiny mushroom house so I was thinking of using just like red wool um which I guess we could

Do but I don’t know it’s just not going to look as mushroomy I could always use those blue mushrooms but that’s not really like the theme I was going for so I’m not really sure I think for now we can just try to clear out some space and we can decide

What we’re going to do in the future well obviously this episode but I need to think a little bit cuz like if we if we decide to do wool we’re going to have to dye our sheep and then just like dye wool wow look at them they’re really

Starting to um to populate here um yeah but unfortunately oh hi Peach she scared me um I am already like running out of wheat so I think I’m going to go ahead and collect a little bit oh hello gnome oh my God I’m getting startled by everything um I’m going to collect some

Of these hay bales that are near the village because I did leave some here hello little ink cap girl so adorable and cute okay so I’m going to collect these and this is just going to be our food source I’m so tired of eating bread

Man this is why I’m so excited for the W um not the winter for the um the spring and the summer so we can finally get some proper food and so I guess I should mention mention what else did I install I installed a few decoration mods I installed

Supplementaries um what’s it Cozy home Dusty decor and handcrafted so yeah quite a few decoration mods and um I installed creatures and beasts which was uh recommended to me by someone so thank you so much for that I actually really love that mod by the looks of it it’s

Really cute it’s just a bunch of like new creatures depending on what biome you’re in so I I hope to find some in the future and um I installed oceans Delight which is an add-on for Farmers Delight for like the ocean and like you know Seafood food but yeah so we’re

Going to we’re going to play around with those mods in the future um but now I need to figure out where do I want to put this Village so I’m kind of gravitating towards this area for some reason and I mean we’ve not really done

Anything on this side of the of the map so um oh yeah lastly I did install finally I know you’ve guys been asking me I installed a mini map mod so I installed Journey map and the only thing is I really wanted to install antique Atlas but they don’t have it updated for

1.9.2 so I I settled for Journey map and I know Journey map is really good the only issue with it is like the the graphic design you know how how it looks visually is really not the sort of um theme I was going for with this mod pack

So luckily there’s a toggleable mini o that’s not right there’s a toggleable mini map so I’m just going to have this off unless I’m like out exploring or something and I did set a few um What’s this called way points so I have the home and the nether portal and I also

Died in the nether so just ignore that we’re going to remove that um but it’s all good I totally expected that to happen anyway so um yeah I guess we’re going to we’re going to build the village here and I’m thinking that we’re probably going to go with the red wool

Design for the mushroom houses and I think we can make it work well we’re going to have to probably um we’re going to have to probably play around with the design until we figure out something that looks good all right so um I’m going to put away these flowers for now

And um I’m going to dye some of my sheep red so we can start working on that and luckily there’s a lot of red flowers here so I’m just going to take a few of them um and turn them to red dye and we did have some here okay so I’m going to

Dye some of my sheep red and then I’m also going to I guess make a bit of red wool myself cuz I have a lot of wool now look at this like I have quite a few um so all right let’s go dye some of them I

Only have eight dye okay I’m going to have to make some more I’m probably going to have to like breed a flower or something well we can also do is breed the red sheep with each other so then they can make red sheep babies so I

Think I’m going to do that too um let’s just dye everyone there we go all and now you guys can breed with each other and if I accidentally breed the the white with the red it’s going to make a pink sheep so that’s going to be kind of

Fun I’m sure Peach will enjoy that um okay so now I’m going to Shear them we’re going to have to make more shears we’re dude I feel like I make so many shears like all the time oh and you know what I should probably do since we’re

Going to need a lot of sheep for this project is I’m going to I’m going to what’s it word I’m going to bone meal the flax and we’re going to um turn it into fod so I actually when I went to the nether I got a bunch of bone blocks

Which is where is it oh yeah I turned them all into bone meal and now I have a bunch of freaking bone meal so we can use this for our um farm and crops so they can grow a little bit faster and also guys I just have to ask if you know

How to what is going on with you girl if you know anything about the Fay wild mod please help me out because I was trying to summon um a fay on like a test world just to teach myself how to do it but I cannot for the life of me figure it out

I went through the entire lexicon and I didn’t understand how to do it so if you if you guys know how to summ in the Fay please help me out because I I’m clueless and I’m so lost so I didn’t manage to figure it out um I probably

Should just look up a tutorial but I didn’t really have the time for it but anyway we’re not even going to worry about that right now we have so many other things to do first before we even Venture into the Fay wild and I’m honestly kind of doing like one huge mod

At a time like right now I’m focusing more on the Twilight Forest so um wait what was I oh yeah we need to grow the flax so once we kind of complete most of the content from the Twilight Forest or once we I mean like once I I guess I’m

Tired of it or something get away no stupid freaking bird girl oh my gosh hey come on Peach help me out here Peach get her get her Peach come on she’s running away come on Peach a you ah I won’t say it but you guys know what

I’m thinking okay I think this is fully grown right yay awesome okay so I’m going to farm this for a little bit but as I was saying um once we kind of are just either done with the Twilight Forest content or get a little bit tired

Of it and want to take a break um we can start on a different major mod we can do ours newvo we can do faay wild we can do Aether I kind of wanted to do the Aether just because I actually already am a little bit familiar with the ather and

Um that’s thanks to my friends who were playing it with me so yeah but the other mods I I’m like basically completely new with them so it’s it’s going to be a very big learning curve I can only imagine how frustrating it it must be for you guys

Who like already are familiar with certain mods and me just being completely clueless about it because like even I feel the same way when I’m like watching someone play Minecraft and they just don’t like they don’t understand such a simple thing it’s like ah just do this it’s so easy like how do

You not know this but like yeah it’s just it’s it’s just like that sometimes um but you know I just don’t really have so much time to um like sit down and like research mods especially because a lot of these mods are really really big like they are intense so I don’t even

Know where to start with some of them like even figuring out that twilight forest mod was a challenge for me oh my gosh oh my God they’re duplicating these so much I’m going to have an infinite freaking pink dye this is insane and doesn’t this give me green oh yes that’s

So good okay that is awesome I’m really thankful that they are duplicating things for me I wonder if I sit them on top of a crop actually I’m going to take cinnamon because nutmeg is going to be a challenge she’s a little bit um a little

Big just a little bit so I’m going to take I’m going to take cinnamon here and see if she’s going to grow any crops for me um well here let me test it out on a vanilla crop at least well you know what if if she can grow the ferdinant flowers

Maybe she can grow the Farmer’s Delight crop hey guys quick note if you like to support me in my art be sure to check out my Etsy store I sell clothes accessories and stationary all featuring my original artworks thanks so much and let’s get on with the video so let’s see

If I put her like look is she growing these I think she was if I put her on top of like a flax seed is she going to start growing them okay honestly I have no idea well I’m going to leave her here for a little

Bit and see if she does anything but that’s pretty cool so she they the the gorag goras Apparently do the same thing that the mangag goras do which I guess the name is a little bit similar so it kind of makes sense I I guess um anyway

Now we have some flax so I think to make it into the hay bale you have to do like a nine grid Okay cool so we can make a little bit of fodder we can make two actually or four I guess so um I guess you just

Place it down and the animals will eat it over time like food so it won’t last forever I’m assuming but let’s give them these little uh fod blocks and hopefully the uh the the babies will grow faster and they’ll start breeding automatically that’s what’s supposed to happen which

Means we’re probably going to get a bunch of um pink sheep but that’s okay um we can use pink wool for later all right let’s see are you guys going to eat it I don’t know okay um I should probably get some more red dye so let’s

See um I could take some of these flowers I just don’t really want to get rid of them because they’re like they’re part of the beauty of the forest but I guess I’ll take a little bit um we’ll make this into red dye um I probably

Should find a rose bush but I I don’t think I have any okay so they we can’t grow red tulips either oh wait I have rose bushes oh y y um wow my inventory is so packed let me put some stuff away freaking snowballs are always oh always

Getting in the way okay I’m going to put away some dirt and I have extra Cobblestone here so let’s grab these rose bushes and luckily we have like basically an infinite amount of these bone meals we can always go to the Nether and get some more bone blocks so

Pretty awesome I love the bone block functionality all right I’m going to make a little bit more there we go and now I can just turn this all into red dye and now here let me dye some of my sheep and then I guess it’s going to be

The better investment if we just spend it all on the sheep okay now we can Shear some of them too oh look there’s XP which and they’re eating it oh wow they they’re going through it fast holy crap okay you get red Oh look baby baby pink sheeps

Everyone is going to become red and I also need a little bit of white dye I mean not white dye white wool for the spots of the mushrooms but I have enough white uh White wool already so I guess I don’t really need that many white cheap

All right um let’s go Shear you guys I’m so sick of their stupid freaking noises I should probably just lower my sounds but I don’t really want to all right anyway I hope you guys are having a good day um I’ve been having internet issues for the past like 3 days

And it’s been really annoying but um hopefully it’s resolved now and wow are they actually like growing their wool back from this fod um but anyway yeah so I’ve been having a little bit of Internet ISS isues which has been delaying my my video making because um I I needed to do

A lot of like online stuff before I started this episode um I had to install some new mods and I’m also working on a new there you go I’m working on a new series that’s going to be um I’m not going to reveal too much about it just

Yet but it is going to have kind of a similar theme to The fairp let’s play obviously but it’s going to be a little bit more chill so this series is I know you guys think it is really relaxing but it also has I would hope a little bit of

More um entertainment as in a little bit of chaos here and there and okay I don’t think this is working um what about the onions cinnamon will you grow the onions for me so yeah the ne the other series that I’m planning is just going to be a bit

More chill and it’s going to have a bit of a different theme as well different mods um but it’s not going to be too different from the ficore theme so don’t worry if you guys are here because you love my fairy girl content you’re not going to be missing out on anything and

Yeah so I did have like a vanilla survival series and um I I really wanted to continue it for a while but unfortunately I just don’t really well first of all it doesn’t really do as well on my channel which is like understandable um but another issue is

Like I just don’t really think it fits the like theme that I’m going with anymore so what I decided to do was I’m going to just save that world for my own play time um because it is my favorite world so I’m not like quitting my world or anything I’m just not going

To be recording episodes for anymore instead I’m going to be doing a more chill um let’s play as the one I mentioned um I’m really trying not to spoil it too much because it’s still a work in progress but yeah it’s going to be more chill and it’s going to be a

Really great opportunity for us to just talk and relax and not have to worry about the craziness of this freaking mod pack um but yeah so it’s it’s going to kind of be the replacement for that um vanilla series that I was used um that I

Was playing on because um I think the the thing that I really enjoyed about that vanilla series was that I was able to just kind of relax and talk and I guess it was kind of like more of a podcast because this series definitely is um I don’t really get as much

Opportunities to just kind of talk about what’s going on um except for I guess now when I’m building and nothing crazy is happening but usually crazy stuff is happening and I’m doing a lot of exciting things so I don’t really get the chance to really talk with you guys

So I wanted to make another Series where I have the opportunity to just kind of relax and not worry about like Min maxing the game as much and not that I’m Min maxing this series at all I really don’t like Min maxing in Minecraft but

You know what I mean just just having a little bit more of a chill experience for you and for me why do I why do I keep dropping this damn poppy there we go okay um so yeah and if you if you did see the poll that I I did um I did

Decide that I’m not going to do a no commentary let’s play or it’s going to be more of like a long play I think well we’ll see yeah so I’m going to be doing a commentary uh series it’s not going to be no commentary I think some parts will

Have no commentary like when I um do kind of like the silent segments of my fairy cord let’s play for like the building and just like random stuff like that um because I think it evens it out a little bit I’m going to go sleep you

Know like after um a lot of crazy stuff happens and everything is very exciting and I talk for a really long time and then there’s just a little segment where we both get to relax and I get a little bit of a break from talking for like

Half an hour straight and just you know a little bit more chill so I want to do that in my next series as well and yeah we’ll see it’s going to be kind of like it’s going to be really fun and I hope you guys will enjoy it if you guys like

Relaxing Minecraft videos and this is definitely going to be the perfect series and do not worry I’m not ending my fairy Corp series I’m going to have both going on simultaneously and fairy Corp is obviously going to be my first priority because it’s you know more

Important for me um but the second one is going to be kind of like maybe like a once a week kind of thing some of you have also ask me if I’m going to be making a or if I have a schedule for my videos and I don’t really have a

Schedule I do try to post at least once every 4 days or so and usually a little bit less than that so once maybe every 3 days um um but the fairy core videos they take a lot of time to make because like just editing takes like basically a

Whole day so it’s pretty timec consuming but I was thinking of trying to make a schedule because I think it will help me stay a little bit more organized um so we’ll see I if I do make a schedule I’ll let you guys know but for now I don’t

Really have one so yeah I’m really I’m really sorry if that disappoints you but it’s just you know I I like to have fun with this series and I feel like making a schedule kind of sometimes ruins the fun for me so yeah I’m thinking about it

Because if it helps me stay more organized and kind of more like on task with my uh my uploads then yeah I will definitely consider having one but for now I don’t really have one so yeah I just wanted to bring that up because some of you have been asking but anyway

So we’re working on our first little mushroom house and I’m going to try to make these as simple as possible because we’re going to have to make quite a few um so they’re I guess they’re all going to look relatively the same oh hi dryad so pretty oh my God I I

Love the dryads um but I do want to make I I want to give each mushroom like each house specific decorations depending on who lives there and maybe um we could always like recolor the red into something else for like the different colored mushroom girls but we’ll see um

For now we’re just going to do red because that’s like the easiest option for me okay so let’s see how this looks oh that’s kind of cute um it feels a little too wide on this side I’m going to probably get rid of this okay let’s see how this

Looks okay that’s definitely better this looks really adorable and it’s super it’s super easy to make so I think this is probably going to be what we’re going to do for all of the houses um and it did take quite a lot of wool though

That’s like half a stack I think um or even more than half a stack I wasn’t really counting but yeah um okay I’m going to put some more logs here and um luckily we have our little Oak Farm going so I hope it grw some trees cuz I

Really I really need a lot of wood um okay so let’s put a window here which means we’re going to have to get some glass panes and I’m going to make a door so let’s see what kind of doors we can make maybe we can make them

Like a ooh Mangrove doors red that’s that would be kind of fun um we have these pink doors from cluttered which we can make mushroom doors oh no damn it I can’t make that that would be so perfect no I really need silk touch so I can get

These freaking mushroom blocks okay ooh these are cute don’t think we can make those though um oh TR um I really want to try these mushroom doors would you guys kill me if I spawn them in I I kind of want to but I I won’t I won’t

I really want to spawn those in because they’re so cute um but let’s go Shear some sheep because we need more red wool we’re going to need a lot of it oh and we also need to replace a little bit with the um here let me clear my

Inventory a little bit we need to replace some of the white or not the white the the red ah the Red Blocks with uh White so we can have the little spots okay we’re going to do that so at least that’ll that’ll save us a little

Bit of red wool and um oh yeah I wanted to mention I know that last episode was a little bit short oh my god did they already finish all the wait what is that huh anyway um wow we’re going to need to make more fod um but I know last episode

Was a little bit short and I know you guys really have been um letting me know that you really enjoyed the longer episodes so hopefully this episode will be a little bit longer um the longer episodes definitely do help because they um they help me just kind of get more

Stuff done obviously but the downside is of course they take really long to edit and make and upload and everything so I will try to post them as regularly as I can um but it just takes so much time I really don’t have enough time in the day

To I wish I could upload more fair episodes for you guys but yeah it’s okay this is a very long-term series anyway like I’m I’m not planning on like ending it anytime soon so don’t worry there will be lots of content for you guys to

Enjoy um you just got to be patient okay I’m only one person there’s only so much I can do but yeah um I’m trying my best and all right let’s go replace some of the mushrooms and you know what I guess I could just do like uh oak

Doors so I’m going to place a crafting table and let’s make a few doors and I’m actually going to I’m going to start moving the mushroom girls in already oh that’s so cute you know you know it it kind of works um let’s see are there any

Lanterns that we can make we have obviously the regular vanilla lanterns o copper lanterns blaze powder are you kidding me I have one Blaze Rod well I could make two no that’s not I can’t I can’t let’s just make regular lanterns cuz we have a lot of um the

Uh the Nuggets all right so I’m going to make a few lanterns okay so I managed to make six so that’s enough for um maybe we can do one per house I don’t know we’ll have to see um I’m going to put some red or not red white wool I already

Said this like 15 times but I keep forgetting okay so we’re just going to do it randomly so one there one there I need to use my shears where are my shears there they are one here one here and one there oh cute maybe we can put

One here too we don’t have any more oh where the they go I must have put them away luckily we have a lot of white wool all right so this looks adorable oh my gosh I’m going to put one Lantern per house and we’re going to put it in the

Corner and okay so that’s basically the first house done um should we leave the grass or maybe replace it with something else um what would they like what would my mushroom girls like as a floor probably um I don’t know something comfy or maybe it would make more sense to do

It based on who’s living there so okay let’s see who are we going to move in first who was my first mushroom girl or like monster girl in general I think it was probably mangora cuz she’s the one that’s been around the longest we have Diario Jr she was I think

Technically my first mushroom girl well her mother was or like her predecessor but I’m going to take mangora with me because mangora she’s not a mushroom girl but she is a monster girl and she’s so cute she’s definitely one of my favorite monster girls in the entire mob

In the entire mod so um she probably wants a green floor um I’m not going to give her grass because she’s going to just start overgrowing everything but we can oh Moss of course I don’t know if she grows Moss but we’ll do Moss anyway we’re get

We’re going to give her a moss floor and I’m going to try to give her a little bit of decoration inside her house but I need to figure out what we’re going to put in first but for now let’s work on actually making all the houses all right so I’m going to put

Some moss and I have a feeling she will start growing it but we’ll see um where are you magora come on before it’s turning night time oh there you are okay come on peach peach stop blocking the door oh my gosh man cor come here there

You go okay let’s see if she grows anything uh let’s put a torch right here all right so now she has a little house welcome to your new house are you happy you’re finally moving out of my freaking attic okay so we need to give her a

Window we should probably put a pathway here um so we can have everything nice and established all right so window let’s see what kind of pains do we have this light gray glass pain looks adorable um we can try to make that o oxide Daisy I think we have some of those

All right we have one okay lame let’s let’s make um I think actually it’ll give us like 16 right so if we just make a few glass panes which I don’t think I have any we’re going to need to get some sand I’ve never made glass before are

You kidding me okay let’s go do that we’re going to go on a little adventure and we can also check on our uh Oak Farm I’m going to clear my inventory a little bit first because oh my God it’s so so much stuff I’m going to make a little

Bit of bread and put away this sweet oh yeah we need to sleep oh yeah and I forgot to mention that I got rid of oh oh my God this is getting out of hand girl girl you need to you need to step away step away come here why don’t you sit in

The flowers or maybe over the uh the snow oh my cat’s on my lap hello sorry my real my real life cat where is yaa by the way speaking of cats I think she’s in my room actually but anyway um what was I saying where is youa oh no where is

She oh she she’s right there oh my God I’m so blind but anyway let’s go get some glass so we can go in a little Adventure it looks like some of our trees grew which is awesome okay let’s go chop these down this is going to be

So satisfying oh no God damn it I I guess I totally jinxed it um well that’s awkward and my axe broke broke which is even more Awkward okay wow this is an epic fail I guess I’m going to have to leave a space between each tree next

Time also it says the sticks are placeable ooh what that’s crazy how did I never know about that oh look oh my God it broke oh there we go okay I guess oh wow um that was weird I guess it worked kind of it half

Worked all right we got a lot of app too let me go pick this up actually I need to clear out my inventory it’s getting so full all the time I’m so glad I figured out how to configure that backpack mod because that extra storage now is literally

Lifesaver okay so we’re going to plant these down with a little bit of space in between and let them grow okay there we go I’m just going to plant these all right let’s go O Come Ash whoa that must be uh what what is ash from that’s from supplementaries ooh

Soap what the heck that’s weird you can make soap from Ash that is bizarre why would you want to you know what I’m not going to question it um all right let’s I know that there’s a little bit of sand like um over there but let’s go talk with

Alexander I totally forgot to do that earlier I was going to how’s he doing he he was griefing or g g grieving G griefing oh God okay so he’s still he’s still mourning the loss of his wife I’m so sorry Alexander let’s go talk with

Him let’s let’s I was going to hug him maybe we should hug but he’s he’s not in a good mood so let’s do it oh come on you you suck Alexander I’m just trying to help you out man um okay he’s talking about the weather what did you like an apple are

You allergic to apples like you are to freaking dandelion what what wow this guy is so freaking disrespectful man you know what whatever you can go more alone for all I care I was trying to be a nice person and be helpful but you’re not even taking care of freaking Grover where is

Grover by the way I hope he’s still alive we got to work on this damn village already hi Grover well he’s in a good mood let’s let’s tell him a story about the ender dragon all right well he doesn’t believe in the Ender Dragon but we know the truth all right

So there should be a bit of sand right over there so I’m going to go over there I’m going to talk with Stefan just the the regulars the ones who managed to not die all the girls are dead apparently um okay he finds me funny that’s good Stefan was a jerk before so

Like I don’t know I’m a little on on fence about him but anyway I’m glad that like finally the winter is over so hopefully it’s not going to be snowing as much anymore and I’m just so tired of the snow man I love the snow in real life but in Minecraft

It’s just such a pain my my inventory gets full of snowballs it’s the worst also I really want to find a a hidden treasure because um if we find a a heart of the sea we can make a mermaid tail or like a sea necklace that would

Will give us a mermaid tail and I really I really really want one because it’ll make going through like um water so much easier and you guys are going to love it it looks super cute um so hopefully we do find some treasure at some point so

We can make a mermaid tail or sea necklace okay so you know a stack of sand I’m just going to put this down there we go a stack of sand is going to be enough for now we’re just going to need a little bit of glass panes

So let’s go home and make them all right let’s go share some of our sheep before we smelt and while we’re in the kitchen I guess this is a good opportunity to maybe work on it a little bit so I want to make some cabinets from the farmers

Delight mod so so we can store some of our food and organize things a little bit easier um it’s going to be like an outdoor kitchen theme obviously um so we’re going to need to work around that and uh what else can we add we can add

Probably some other stuff um like a coffee machine I mean probably not now but yeah definitely more storage is going to be a necessity and like a smoker for food cooking and a few more furnaces would be nice all right that should be good for

Now we have two and 1 half stacks of wool so let’s go smelt some of this oh we got some iron in here I didn’t even know that okay I’m going to put some extra coal in here we’re going to need to get more coal all right you go in

There so let’s see what what can we do really quick um first of all let me put away some of my stuff here I need to clear my backpack soon um okay so I’m going to make a few more cabinets I made one here to put like these things um but

Let’s make a few more so I think we have enough right we just need like slabs or something oh trap doors okay luckily we have a lot of wood or like a very easy way to get wood now honestly getting the mod the uh wood cutting mod was a good

Idea I I think it was a good idea and I did not regret it all right let’s make some cabinets there we go um is there a way to me for me to make more oh there we go okay let’s make three so we have four total

Andh I think it’ll be kind of fun to make kind of like a some sort of like overhang you know what I mean like real kitchens have for the cabinets so we can do maybe like this oh hello mushroom whoa I have a lot of wood I didn’t even

Know that I had this extra okay I need to make a shovel there we go all right I’m going to place where are my cabinets there they are let’s place them here ooh okay that’s cute but we can probably put some leaves to cover them up the little

Wood thing so it looks more natural like a little tree that’s maybe like folded over or something all right so let’s grab some of these and what else can we put I’m thinking if I should do a different floor perhaps maybe the green floor oh yeah that’ll be fun okay wait we actually

Have a lot of these clovers thanks to our goror gorag goras so I’m going to turn this into a dye and then we can make a little bit of green planks and I’m going to put away this wool gosh our inventory is so full all

Right there we go okay so we’re going to use these green planks as our flooring and let’s put a little bit of leaves all around cover this up a little bit okay that’s cute that’s a start so now you guys kind of see the vision I

Hope um I could also put some Vines I think that’ll be really cute okay and maybe I can put like a little backing here something like that um oh you know what let me take a final slicing my cake that’s been sitting there forever okay

I’m actually going to O I have an idea I’m going to finish this and connect it to this then maybe we can move this like here and just like cut this down oh oh oh no I totally forgot oh my God I got rid of everything oh my gosh damn

It dude that’s going to probably happen more times than I would like because I I’ll be forgetting damn it it just got rid of our whole tree no arery oh and now it’s snowing Peach get out of my freaking way Peach my gosh you’re such a nuisance

Sometimes oh oh dude I thought I was going to do it again oh my God okay so I think to avoid doing that we need to shift or like sneak oh my God I can’t believe I just knocked that entire tree down what a freaking shame and I got rid

Of like part of my house okay well that’s sucks let’s just put it back or try to uh it’ll do it’ll not be the same but it’s okay okay let’s fix this oh no I didn’t dude oh my God oh my God I’m so annoyed right

Now this mod is going to drive me crazy I just feel it oh my God okay I think that is um it’s a good start we’re just going to ignore that that happened twice and that I’m a little bit silly um okay isn’t is it daytime I mean

Nighttime so cuz I’m going to go to sleep I am tired of the snow sick of oh it’s thundering oh my gosh okay we’re definitely sleeping through that I I do not want to deal with any of that let’s see if any more of our trees grew cuz actually I want to

Get some more leaves so I’m going to cut down the leaves first now we can cut down the trees there we go well the mod is good when it works in our favor at least okay I am going to show you guys the cutest thing ever that I just found

From the handcrafted mod so we’re going to collect a little Berry and hopefully this works okay check this out so let’s get a berry oh ouch and look it’s a little Berry Jam Char that’s so cute oh my gosh okay so we’re going to put this in the kitchen I was just

Checking the mods for any sort of kitchen decorations we can have and also probably some sort of cupboard so anyway this is the progress that I made so far I just kind of rounded out the leaves and put the floors down so okay let’s put this um maybe here oh it’s so cute

Oh my God I love that okay so now I want to make some sort of like counters or drawers or something so there are these um little Oak drawers we can make but we need Oak boards which requires a stone cutter so let’s go make a stone

Cutter and I know we’re supposed to be working on the mushroom house but I’m super distracted so how do you make a stone cutter I completely forgot I think it’s like with stone and iron okay let’s smel a little bit of Stone and while we’re waiting for that let’s go ahead and just quickly make these glass panes into these ones there we go okay so we have enough for Eight houses with just one Daisy so that’s pretty good all right let’s go and there’s some more like wait no these are

Not daisies okay never mind or was it even whatever you know what I mean anyway so there we go oh that’s so cute it’s very fitting honestly for this style M I hope you’re enjoying your new space do you want a little uh I put away my my jam never

Mind okay anyway I was going to say do you want a berry Jam Jar but I don’t have my berries anymore um but she’s not even growing the the Moss which is interesting cuz I really thought she would but I guess not okay let’s make a

Little stone cutter and we can put this I don’t know I don’t I don’t really have like a workpace area so I might as well just put it here for now and we’re supposed to throw Oak planks oh there we go look it’s giving us the little Oak

Boards so now we can make um a drawer with a chest okay we’re going to need to make a little bit of more Oak planks make a few chests so let’s maybe do like three drawers if we even have enough for that I don’t think we

Do okay we have enough for we have enough for two so I’m going to replace the the grass here with this oh that kind of cute okay and we’re going to oh God this is going to be a mess um I want to replace the chest maybe we could just

Keep it I guess that’s not a big deal um but we’re going to replace this so let’s put this cutting board on top of the drawer here and look extra storage we can have so much storage all right now we’re going to have to break this oh God

Okay here we go let’s grab the cabinet there it is put it up maybe here there you go and I’m going to put all this stuff in here for now we got the milk o I wonder if we can make a fridge ooh I want to make a

Fridge I hope that’s a thing I know there are some decorational fridges but I hope we can make them okay so we’re going to put this here and I I guess we can just put this here there we go oh it looks so nice now okay all right let’s

See if we can make a fridge O Okay so oh this is actually really doable so do we want maybe a green one why is this called white green and white is Switched what that is so weird I I guess I’ll make the uh the the white

One so we need lime green dye okay I think we can do that there we go and what else do we we need iron and a chest which we have enough for that let’s go ahead and make it oo yay awesome we have a white fridge and this definitely does store

Things so we’re going to put our like Meats in here all right where can we put it m maybe here yay oh that’s so cute okay so now we can open it o awesome all right so we’re going to put our meat in here and I guess I’ll have to

Organize this a little bit later but yeah that’s our kitchen done for this episode I’ll obviously add on to it a little bit later but let’s go work on this mushroom place first I’m going to place a chest down here so we can just

Throw a few of our things in here cuz oh my God the inventory management is really not great this episode all right I’m going to make a little bit of progress on this and I’ll let you guys sit back and relax while I do it so let’s see each other soon Oh my God you can do that oh dude wait then I’m just going to hang them up like that oh that’s so cute all right well anyway so I did a little bit of progress on the houses I’m going to show you guys in a second so we

Have magor’s home and I made these hanging signs and they like interact when you bump into them so and um yeah so now we have let’s see one 2 3 four five houses so I don’t think that’s enough but we’re getting there also I’m pretty sure I think I’ll put the twins

In the same house just because they’re siblings um but the rest are going to have their oh hi the rest are going to have their own home and I did bring um muffin here because I recently found out that you can actually get food from the mushroom girls so hold on let me

Demonstrate they can be um um you can you they will give you mushroom stew yes um it is definitely not throw up or anything like that it is safe to eat um but no I just think it’s so funny but it it makes sense honestly cuz of course they’re they’re mushrooms

They will obviously give you mushrooms too um if only you could bone meal them to grow mushrooms but anyway anyway so we have five houses right now and I will have to make a few more so I’m thinking of going a little bit this way um because this this area is super super

Cute um very cozy it looks very like Suburban I don’t know if that even makes any sense but I also want to make a few other things inside the village I wanted to make a little garden for them and also like a little pond so I’m going to

Try to do that first and then we can continue with the houses um maybe I’ll add them next episode just so we can actually do something a little more interesting thing for the time being also oh my God you are so pretty this is like a different colored variant she’s

So cute oh my God I wish I could like befriend her um anyway let me go bring cinnamon home to to her mom cuz I did separate them I’m so sorry okay so Mom is chilling over here and now cinnamon is back a so cute and tiny it’s like whenever I see cinnamon

Compared to Nutmeg I just get so like amazed by how different they are in size um but anyway so let’s make them a little garden I’m going to give them probably some uh wheat to grow because we probably have extra seeds somewhere uh okay not here but probably in the

Kitchen we have some seeds which the kitchen looks so cute now oh my God it is adorable all right so we’re going to plant some of these and maybe we can give them a little bit of cabbage why not okay that’s a good start they can have some cabbage and wheat and let’s

Also sleep I’m going to just use my sleeping bag because I’m been getting tired of running back and forth to the bedroom oh oh stray Halloween decoration no I already got rid of them all rid of them all um I forgot if I mentioned that already but I did take down the

Halloween decorations um all right so let’s make them a little garden maybe like back here would be kind of cute all right so I’m going to uh where’s my hoe I think it’s in the uh chest over here all right we have a water bucket of course

All right little garden for the mushroom girls this is going to be so cute I love this idea of making a little mushroom Village it’s just so adorable all right um let’s get rid of some of this there we go okay so let’s put some cabbage down and the rest will be

Wheat I’m probably going to have to keep a mushroom girl in my kitchen just for food um muffin has been very generous so thank you Muffin I appreciate you you’re so adorable I love her little face okay so we have our garden in the back here um it’s in magor’s backyard funny

Funnily enough and we can make a little Pond um maybe cuz I want to make more houses this way right so the pond could be maybe here it could be like a little swimming pool for them I think that’d be really cute cute and there’s also like a

Little Rock okay this will be adorable so it’s going to be something really tiny but let’s go get some more water I’m going to take muffin with me I I I’m going to be a little bit less um helicopter and hopefully nothing will

Happen to her I I just love her I wish I could just take my mushroom girls around with me because I I just I want to take them on little adventures but they’re just so fragile and delicate and I do not want them to die so oh I think I

Broke a a rice too quickly okay we can make this into rice and I’m just going to keep that as a profit all right so wait I need to okay hold on let me get another bucket so we have a lot of milk buckets here guess I’ll use one of these

And just drink the milk grab some water there we go all right let’s go make this Pond and we should probably put some lily pads um so let me go grab some actually okay I actually don’t have any I probably use it all up on the rice Farm

Um but that’s okay we can plant some other stuff around the Little Pond and I’m also going to have to make a pathway here so I think I should do that this place definitely needs some more decorating okay there we go I think everything is now still water oh and I

Just realized this is like a perfect shape I don’t want that oh muffin’s taking a little swim it’s so adorable oh that’s the cutest thing oh my gosh okay so I brought some clovers and may apples from the Twilight Forest which is pretty awesome going to put these

Clovers on the Rock and the May apples will go right there they’re so cute they’re like little fourleaf clovers I love muffin taking a little swim oh my gosh he’s the cutest also funnily enough the village is going to connect to this Mushroom House so this is maybe like their town hall or

Something I’m probably going to just patch up this water cuz it’s getting so annoying muffin get out of there muffin get out of there come on you’re not you’re not dirt she wants to be dirt so bad muffin please she’s so silly come on come here there you go my goodness she’s so

Playful all right I’m going to take these mushrooms um and I’m going to put out this fire just so no one steps on and gets hurt oh hello what what the heck what kind of glitch is this that’s so weird Okay anyway all right so this is going to be like their

Big Town Hall area I suppose um where they can do trading with the shroom dealers all right I’m going to get a little bit of mushroom stew there we go thank you Muffin all right so muffin needs a house I’m going to give her I’m going to give her this house because um

She was standing in it while I was building so where did I run out of signs already okay I’m going to need to make a new damn it got to make a new sign all right let’s go uh get this it’s pretty easy to make you just need a little bit

Of iron nuggets sticks and wood all right I’m going to make two maybe four there we go just in case all right I’ll put in here for muffin oh what the heck not like that that’s s Inception muffins home there we go all right muffin wait I need to give her a

Little step there you go come on come in here come on muffin don’t be so difficult what should we put inside here for her um I really don’t have any decor for my mushroom houses yet but we’ll figure it out come on muffin stop being so difficult come on over here

Inside there you go okay you can stay here for now oh I also will give them all little tiny beds to sleep on but we’ll do that in the future also there is like an actual pet bed or something for oh yeah see from domestication Innovation and if they sleep in inside

These beds um if they die they’ll respawn on those beds so we’re definitely going to need to invest in some of these all right so we need bones wood and wool okay not a big deal we’ll make those in the future um but let’s let’s decorate a little bit so I’m going

To make a pathway I won’t connect it to the house just yet because um time um I just want to make this place look a little bit more spiffy stick this out make it look all nice this mushroom is a little bit in the way but I’m going to kind of just go

Around it and hopefully it will work okay so we’ll end the pathway there for now we’re going to make more homes that way uh probably next episode for now I just want to do a little bit decorating and what kind of path block should I use um hopefully I have more of

This mossy cobblestone we can use okay we have a lot so I’m going to use that um I could use it with andesite I think I’ll do That all right there we go it looks so flat um I think I’ll put some flowers around it actually just since we have some of these extras lying around I’m going to take some of the clovers over here and move them okay that’s a bit better and oh we need to put

Lanterns put one here I got to replace these so I think that’s all of them um what else can we add so we we made the farm we can make another Garden maybe like here just to fill up the space and we want one that’s a little

Bit more public you know cuz the other one it looks like it’s owned by mangora so this is going to be like the community garden but mangor is very generous ow ow and she lets people use her her little garden anyway all right I’m going to grab some more water and I

Think I have extra wheat seeds so we can use that just going to fill up both of them why not and let’s put oh wait why did I dig out the dirt oh damn it I totally messed that up okay we’re going to put the water here I wasn’t supposed to dig it

Out I was supposed to hoe it sorry I’m a little bit tired okay let’s do this there we go put a torch down too cuz this place is probably a little bit dark isn’t it well honestly not not too much but anyway all right let’s put the wheat

Seeds and this is um the fertile seasons are Summer and Autumn so it’s not even going to grow fast yet but it’s okay it’ll be ready once the seasons change all right cool I made some of these little mushrooms too but I actually ran out so man should I just

Get rid of this tree not tree this mushroom I think I will because it’s kind of just in the way it blocks the view of the big mushroom house anyway so I’m going to just get rid of it and we can use some mushrooms and repurpose them into little mushrooms for

Decoration okay I made four they’re a little bit expensive honestly like three mushrooms just for one little tiny one they are really cute though just a little bit little bit pricey that’s all right all right I’ll put some here there we go so this place is pretty dark and

I’m going to have to make some more torches okay s this place up cuz I am really scared of monsters this is a really great start I think this is probably good enough progress for this episode and next episode we can continue working on this

Place and also finish up the rest of the houses but let’s let’s move everyone in who has a house already so let’s see um we can put you know what let me just go to the bedroom and we can check I’ll sleep too while I’m while I’m

There I think for the gorag goras I’m I’m going to build them like little pumpkins to live in that’ll be really cute all right so I’m obviously going to bring diaria and the twins they can move in and oh we are missing wait hold on actually do we have enough houses for

Everyone hold on let me check I think we might be short one house or or maybe I’m just stupid I don’t I don’t actually remember I’m really bad at basic math but that’s okay oh hey Ender he has a flower in his hand and he’s walking through the land

Okay I’m so sorry all right anyway so diaria is going to be over here cuz diaria she’s very special and this house is not even special but she’s going to live there all right come on diaria come on come in here oh my God why are you so

Difficult I should probably have brought a lead here let me go get one cuz this is going to be such a pain we have so many of them because of all the wandering traitors we killed oops all right come inside now girl where are you let’s

Go come on seriously get in in get in the house get in the house get in the house oh my God why are you so difficult come in here girl am I going not to push you in diaria I swear to God come come in here there you go okay lock the door

There you go okay now I can push you in all right welcome to your new house I will I will decorate it soon just wait uh let me put her name staria JR’s house or home I think I put home on everyone else’s yes okay so next we can

Put the twins Zara and Zelda and they can live here come on yay Zelda come on Zara in you go and you go oh come on so close oh my God why why are they so difficult okay I’m going to put her stay just going to have to push her in come

On there you go all right so this just now uh Zara and Zelda wait oops Zelda’s home I put this one line too too too high but it’s okay all right and oh I think we are one house short damn it okay I’m going to put Sparkle

Inside and for now I’m going to keep um peachy Pancake Man uh marma girl I’m going to keep her in my kitchen so I can actually use her for food I know that sounds horrible but it’s okay um it it’s totally um ethical yes all right so sparkle Sparkles home there we

Go Sparkle is so cute isn’t she all right so we’re going to have to give everyone some nice decorations and actually I know exactly what to do in Sparkle’s house I’m going to give her these uh oh where is it did I put them away already this stuff this warped

Warped fungus or whatever it’s called as her floor it’s going to be her little carpet and she’s going to feel right at home so we need I think mine blocks and I’m going to give her yes the twisting Vines and of course the Warped fungus which is what she’s based off of

And um yeah that’s it for now all right Sparkle if you may I’ll have to do a little bit of renovating it’ll be really fast I swear okay get on the safe side there we go and now we have a little oh oh I can’t place it on this

What all right I’m going to put them outside then just so we know it’s Sparkle’s home okay well she can have a little bit of oh wait no um okay put this like that there we go little house plant don’t you like it I hope she likes it okay um now uh peachy

Pancake doesn’t have a a home yet but I’m going to build it next episode all right so let’s make um these beds for everyone and I guess I’m just going to make them white we can always dye them so we need bones and wool oh actually I can just use my red

Wool for the beds so everything matches yeah we’ll just do that okay so we’re going to need some bones and I think what was it planks okay I have quite a few bones so I think it was like this yay okay so we need um we need for muffin for Sparkle Zelda Zara

Diaria mangora I think that’s every one I mean peachy pancake needs one too but we’ll give that to her next episode when she actually has a house cuz right now she’s homeless not actually but all right let’s clear my inventory a little bit super full come

On oh she’s so cute I love her little Peach little peachy all right let’s go put these beds in everyone’s house and I I’m not really sure sure how this works so um I’m going to put them here and hold on uh you stay and I’m going to

Test this out with diaria so I think she’s supposed to go on top of it and then have like a little ZZ Z some sort of little like icon there you go okay you see that she Zed she’s Zing right now so that means um she’s going to respawn here um if she

Dies so I’m going to let her stay on the bed so she’s nice and comfortable and okay let’s give everyone a bed so mangora I need you to zzz let’s see if it does it when she’s just staying there we go okay so now she should be

Respawning all right good let’s do Zara and Zelda their house is going to be a little bit cramped because they’re sharing a very small space but it’s okay they like each other’s company okay Zelda’s good Zara come on yay awesome all right now we have sparkle come on

Sparkle this is so much fun okay Sparkle is sleeping everyone is taking a nap and lastly muffin luckily I had enough for everyone yay okay good so now everyone is safe I hope so if they die they should be respawning which is awesome so I don’t

Have to worry about them as much anymore all right I’m going to let uh pachy kind of just stay in my kitchen for a little bit so I can use her as a food source and then next episode we can make her her house and maybe the mushroom girls

Will take turns um working in the kitchen and making making me mushrooms too uh it’s totally fine I I swear it’s not weird um but anyway thank you guys so much for watching this episode I really hope you enjoyed oh I totally forgot to show you

Look at my backpack this is the like piglin brute backpack which I got because I walked through all of the destination or I found all the biomes in the nether but anyway thank you so much for watching this episode I really hope you enjoyed please leave any suggestions

Of what you want me to do next in the comments down below be sure to check at my Etsy store if you want to support me in my art and also buy some cute merchandise I sell stationary clothes and other cute things like that so the link will be in the description if

You’re interested all right anyway I hope you guys have a great day and I will see you all later Bye

This video, titled ‘Tiny Mushroom Village! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩°⋆ Ep 7 ✮₊⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2023-11-07 20:00:02. It has garnered 2714 views and 270 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:39 or 4659 seconds.

hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the mods myself, trying to stick to a fantasy, rpg, fairycore, magical and cottagecore theme. please enjoy this magical series!

today i built a tiny mushroom village for my mushroom gals and monster girls! i also renovated my kitchen!!

in this relaxing modded let’s play, i am going to be living in a magical world with fairies, dragons, woodlands, dungeons, and other whimsical things! this is a fantasy, fairycore, RPG style let’s play ♡

===================================== ・:。join my discord server!「 ✉️ 」https://discord.gg/4nnuNPhPwb my art instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luvstaar/ my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LuvstarKei support me on ko-fi (or request an art commission!): https://ko-fi.com/luvstar =====================================

music credits: all music featured in this video is composed by Adrian von Ziegler. find his music here: https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com

RESOURCES USED: shaders: sildur’s vibrant shaders texture packs: mizuno’s 16 craft, froggy hotbar, gothic medieval RPG font, monsters & girls cottagecore edition

DOWNLOAD MY FAIRYCORE MODPACK HERE: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/luvstars-fairycore (requires Curseforge and Java 19)

Live in a fantasy, RPG-like world where you can play Minecraft through a magical lens. Choose your own Origin to customize your play experience! Explore a fantasy world with new creatures, fairies, dungeons, dimensions, woodlands, magic, and other mystical secrets! This modpack focuses on exploration, creativity, and magic. Go on and play your own fairytale!

ignore tags! modded minecraft,cute minecraft,kawaii minecraft,calm minecraft longplaymagical minecraft,minecraft longplay,modded longplay,cottagecore minecraft,fairy minecraft,minecraft fairy,fairycore,cute minecraft mods,cute minecraft house,cottagecore minecraft house,aesthetic minecraft playthrough,minecraft fairy aesthetic builds,minecraft fairycore,minecraft fairycore lets play,minecraft aesthetic lets play,relaxing minecraft longplay,aesthetic minecraft,celtic

Tiny Mushroom Village! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩°⋆ Ep 7 ✮₊⊹♡

#minecraft #minecraftchill #minecraftletsplay #minecraftlongplay #minecraftrelaxing #cottagecoreminecraft #fairycoreminecraft

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

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  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

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  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

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  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More