Exploring my old Minecraft World Saves!

Video Information

So back in 2013 I had a hard drive crash I lost every single minecraft we’ll see if I ever has that include the first world I ever played in and also hardcore series one that’s what the present dear I decided to spend the money to get the

Hard drive repairs and take everyone on a bit of a nostalgia trip I was not expecting what followed I’ll start again hey once and stream alright so Interesting one today really interesting I got my old hard drive back the one that has hardcore series 1 on it the one where I’m still alive in it I do not consider that in any shape or form a record by the way occurs obviously I stopped playing it as one cuz of the

Hard drive just in the bed so it’s technically a my eyes it’s Dez dicks right stead of dicks ok so however the list of all the different released its setup so bear with me to the first one that we’re gonna load up is an old server world I used to run

Back in the day on the heel or forum of all things oh oh it really doesn’t like this menu oh it’s very laggy ok yes it is old as 2011 dude oh oh this right version that I don’t think that’s meant to be as tough as it

Is that was the logo for the server I wonder Duff is that I think I think I built this I think I did that just classic things guys just classic things off I I think I might have loaded up the wrong version that doesn’t look right

Does it that looks wrong poor no no no what the did I do I hope initial spawn glowstone tower dude remember when this building a glow stone tower was the height of creativity on servers kind of worried that assigns gonna see it something that a little

Sound of chests opening up I think I did that there’s a sky and wood don’t worry I’m not ignoring the sky path I was starting to remember what was around here now I’m starting remember where that takes you I did some cool world that it’s stuff we’re gonna go visit in

A second what Chuck’s house of awesome dude I’m taking some of this oh I can’t shift-click I have to oh my god why does he have so many chair mails I don’t I don’t know why has it all that stuff No way I’m gonna cry dude I’m gonna [ __ ] bald it off oh god like expect to get him to feel so quick that’s Matthew Adams it’s that’s his that’s his name ha ha maan as Matthew’s house you that was his name on minecraft I get prizes I don’t remember this I don’t

Remember this at all look at the prices dude [Laughter] pretty fair honestly ah this can hit me right in the fields god dammit I was not expecting this it’s got bunch of stuff in here well I’m definitely gonna need the fish this is before you could cook the fish oh it got

Real dark outside fast holy Sh have we got bed no okay it’s spooky oh that’s right I’ve put beds in here okay we’ll take this it was Matthew he was a friend of mine and he passed away and I dedicated one of my builds to him

On in season two of hardcore the ocean monument one at the end of the montage that you guys see that’s the same I put on there that showing that dedicated to him that’s it Matthew was I remember he played on the server but I didn’t think

He had that building here I built this I remember this to this if I’m if I’m if I’m not mistaken is we’re we’re bigger on another part of the map I made something pretty cool that was really proud of we might get to that if I take

This this is just a castle dude it’s so all tule it just feels the entrance like especially with the water as well I don’t know what the hell this is is even going anywhere oh it does are we going to see season one world yes shut for middle card where does this go

All this [ __ ] goes who built this before mine carts had sound guys another way this takes me guys it’s so eerily quiet yeah those are paintings the like the lighting kind of bug though I think I get out oh you’re right click so I guess this is someone’s house the world

Was survival I was only person that messed around in Korea oh wait where the hell did we end up you oh oh I remember this is the second village I copy pasted these houses I think this is Anthony’s house we’re gonna find the sign with his name while I guarantee it what the

Okay all right chat do we go down this mine or do we just keep adventuring around we go down what is this what did he build Oh old bedrock fog Oh speak spook I did this yep somebody broke the glass look how spook dude I miss I miss the bedrock dog dude

I really do look how cool it looks okay I probably did this [ __ ] I definitely did these houses I remember that this is a 100% Anthony’s house I’m positive it’s his house Yep and Ann’s place I knew it when cobblestone was the block of choice please read that on the most recent YouTube minute you just upload had a nice full show dedicated Matthew I did now a sports team called TECA eSports te QR and it was started in memory of

Matthew do we take this oh no no way it was just a railway system that you set up or and I remember this house this house was the first house that started getting grief by Enderman I think we’re what’s it now I can’t even think what

That is I think I built this I think I built this house what the should I put in the basement donor at all I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want it did every single chest have the same stuff in it I think it did I think that

Was accident I’m Fraser and that was by accident yeah I just copy-paste of each house and they’ve all got the same things in the chest oh yeah this Enderman yeah that was the first house I started getting griefs and I was oh these guys walk way quicker by the way

Why does nobody have a [ __ ] weapon in any of the chests I checked oh my god fishing stream just okay I set up a fishing outpost dude in 2011 I was all about fishing I still am holy [ __ ] this is the fishing spot this is so crazy okay what is this

Oh oh oh yeah that’s right you couldn’t do that yet I’m stealing stuff I’m stealing stuff pickaxe let’s do our way up here yeah I think I think aunt made this what did I did I help with copy Pierce let’s just wait let’s check out this house before

We go down there I feel like we’ve gotten everything why is that behind okay there’s some [ __ ] we’ve missed uncle’s house oh that’s just Oh greets possibly diving board peek minecraft oh you know what wait I can’t get out no ok this couldn’t leave beds back then I

Want to go off the diving board before we go I think I made this one I remember placing the gloss on it you know when you have like a vivid memory of something I have a vivid memory of placing the glue stone on this place I

Might not have done the woods I remember doing the glue soon I have no idea what that is [ __ ] I wasn’t expecting to be on this world for so long This is actual like nostalgia feels bomb central we miss this tables Oh admin and dunya Center I’m gonna be a throne Oh what is this dude I am so confused I’m taking this I’m taking this thank you thank you for the meal please let me let there be some busted gear in here

Couldn’t even couldn’t even put some busted stuff and there never mind there it is these are the gifts I really like world at it as you can tell look at all that scuffed water shocking absolutely shocking I was just gonna be the portal room right so I was

Experiment I see it creeper just getting rolling around inside there I remember I was experimenting with different worlds on the server so I could have like multiple it’s like it’s got multiverse and you could have multiple worlds running on one server and I think this is gonna be the portal room maybe at

This mountaintop house yeah I think I’d build that built that bill at 200 [ __ ] so I didn’t make this I didn’t make this I didn’t build this by the way I threw this in here as a schematic for people to find and when one person found it

Everybody came here just to check it out it’s pretty sick I kind of make up for it and like blend in we slice the world apart I didn’t really do a good job [Laughter] but that is pretty huge it’s got like lava and water in the

Middle it goes all the way down to bedrock it’s pretty creepy down there as you can imagine but with the bedrock fog oh god that’s the laziest worldedit I’ve ever done what the [ __ ] does that miss oh it ascends okay we’re gonna have to hit this water holy [ __ ] that’s what why

I used to do that’s like the biggest market s ever how did we survive it’s not actually that bad oh it’s triggered by if you can see the sky so the bedrock fog comes in when I just do this when I go like underneath whoa dude trippy’s

That’s real cool all right should we try another world manuel’s hold up that’s it it’s my first world my actual with is it it’s my face well oh my god it didn’t show up in the list because we weren’t in the right version no wonder holy [ __ ] oh right dump tray

Oh my god I thought it was gone oh this okay so this was technically the first world I follow you’ve played in by the way other stuff I played in later but this is actually a hundred percent they world I was talking about this whole time I

Have a screenshot of well I tried to build a help all I was asking the forum that used to frequent on where I should pull it and I this is this is what I did I was so scared of dying I built this plateau to keep me safe and

The screen shot I took was like of this location up here I was like oh I’ll put the hell portal over here maybe right it would make it better because it looked really cool oh there it is whoa dude this is crazy dude I was so scared back

Then I was so scared of dying even though it wasn’t even hardcore I didn’t want to die in this baby that’s where my hardcore maybe that’s where I got my love hardcore like I cleared like it was hardcore be what the [ __ ] is that Paul what is this that’s a thick pole and

This ends here yeah yeah this this is where I was gonna keep building out this is how scared I was of dying I built these platforms so I didn’t have to go on the floor where the creepers and zombies and skeletons were so I just

Did this and this is how I go around I would go mining I would get ton of cobble and then I would just build a bridge that is so crazy I don’t even know what’s on the other end of that I’m gonna go back to my house and we’re

Gonna look at my stuff I remember my cave actually gave me a nightmare I woke up swaying because this cave that night had been such a [ __ ] remember I said about being scared of dying you’ll see what I mean about this cave it was just a mess

Like my scuffed house with monsters in it so this is like a temporary place I wanted to make a house I spent so long making this dude I’ve eighteenth I’m assuming somehow I spent forever doing this as part of the scuffed give this is so cool I’m sorry yuge greener my face this whole time oh my god it’s my bed wow that’s a long wood what was I gonna build with that [ __ ] Why don’t make a dispenser probably accent mm I was gonna make a path going through this mountain always leaving a mountain in my head back then it was a mountain the hill I was gonna make a path going all the way through this like it was just gonna

Keep going I was gonna see what I could find dude I am so blown away the glass around the door dude how paranoid I was I have to have glass I have to see what’s out there I just had the biggest flashback holy [ __ ] standing in this exact spot looking

At skeletons and creepers and not knowing what the [ __ ] to do dude I can’t wait to see how not scuff this cavus in my head all I can think of is named as actual nightmares of this cave down here we’re gonna go check it out I didn’t understand why there’s so

Many monsters off look at that it’s pretty scoffs this was like this when I came here by the way I placed the cobble it’s that’s so pretty scoffs oh oh dude I was so sad when this hard drive died cuz look at this man this is history

This is my minecraft history dude oh my god this is so scuffed yep I was right this is this is the worst holy [ __ ] look at this what is that what is this generation dude I’m glad you guys I’m glad you guys appreciate this this it’s

Like all on the Salcha bomb I only thought a lot of you would be like Isis dumb this is this is big dumb but this is this is crazy to me anyway it’s absolutely nuts Wow okay that’s pretty much it there’s nothing else to look at in this world we can go

To the nether maybe we could quickly see what’s weird I could I didn’t go there tonight no have any armor epic have some height let’s make some armor let’s start let’s check out let’s check out the nether realm I have zero memories in the nether realm I can’t think of anything nothing’s

Coming to mind at all forehead look at this scuffed stairway I did so when I discovered half slabs I honestly thought like I said at the beginning of the stream I honestly thought that this world was straight-up corrupt and I couldn’t play it anymore because it was just the region files

There was nothing else but you’re right was it via queue you’re right the version changed aware that world saves were saved so that’s why I couldn’t see it because it was so old it was so old that it didn’t even recognize it as an actual world civ I’ll even get up here

What I do I build this and just straight [ __ ] leave it I think this might be it yeah well well blocking our way up guys I think I might have went through this pole and then just like built I don’t think I don’t think I did anything

Oh Oh I did something I did I I’ve got torches and that’s it Wait there’s a snack is here I want my money this oh my god I think I turn around I think I came down to this point and then turned around that was the end of my nether adventure there’s no way for me to get round I definitely

Didn’t like block my way up either I didn’t even go down there where do I see torches nope absolutely nothing my dudes so I made sure it was safe and then just ran nope the freakout I can deconstruct my thoughts back then quite easily now I went round there so

It was not safe and then just started digging around here I was gonna make a path like the cobblestone path that you saw in your world that’s what I was up to oh we’re gonna take some fall damage here boys whoop so even stats oh there is does it

Remember Oh does I must have died at least once how many times that died for I’ve died four times in this world I killed 21 mods dude isn’t in it looks like nothing times played guillotine it looks like absolutely nothing 1.85 hours I spent way more time in this I feel unless it

Just feels like that it must have felt like an eternity back then through my little head must be broken they must be there’s no way I only spent that much time there’s no way look at this this is so cool so cool all right oh that’s awesome that’s amazing that’s really cool okay

Next world hardcore attempt to is my season one world season one of hardcore back from the dead yeah my dogs are here sick I forgot how many dogs I had eye shadows I’ve been subtle whoring since 2013 see where I get my idea for my farm so look

It’s pretty similar isn’t it to hard core series for wheat farm I like this design I always have liked the tiers liz is my skeleton farm that’s how I got all my XP I was just sitting here in the FQ just do this don’t leave it like

Overnight and then wake up the next year and it would be super lucky because it was before entity cramming was a thing so that would be like 200 skeletons or more just sat here and I just syrup ocean on them and they all died

Oh I need to sleep oh yeah or like this did I I was I was ballin out straight ballin now fancy my house is look at my enchantment room dude what am I doing with so many eggs the chicken farm I had a chicken farm up here that’s not sanitary

That’s real bad I didn’t even have like a collection system I’ll just stand here and put them in here pigs there’s like three layers to this as pigs cows and then sheep I think oh dude my memory is on point yes dude there is and this

Takes you to the end portal room which isn’t a jungle as if I tried to mess with like natural-looking underground themes the dog Kiev some reason then what this was I think that was the entrance to my Skelton farm oh dude this is so nostalgic my old villager trading center dudes Oh think happy thoughts think happy thoughts you will be healed hey guys been a while I give them rooms I give him all their own room and they then can use them they just huddle in this corner I wonder which ones I traded with the most out this dude

Written book definitely the librarians I think aha yeah pepper pepper was the one they could buy this is how I jumped in and out I forgot we can I know yeah I got the luckiest luckiest world honestly this used to be a village and it had the skeleton spawner underneath it not only

That but the stronghold is in that jungle not 50 blocks away this was a mushroom biome they brought here I built this was tiny absolutely tiny okay so now there’s two things we can do I can either walk to all the different locations I can remember I’ve taught my

Head like my first house or we can try loading it in 1.14 and fly around because he up you nevermind I can do it through here think again so the difference here right if I stay in this version I’m not gonna know where I didn’t go because everything’s

Gonna blend in normally we’re in the version of the game that I was playing in at the time so new chunks will look normal however if we load it in 1.14 we can clearly see where where I went and where I didn’t so I feel like 1.40 might be

The best bet to really see where the [ __ ] I walked in this place but before we do that we’re gonna go to the end or um wait no no we’re gonna go to nether realm because my nether hub is pretty cool it’s very small it’s very cool ah yes

It’s still lit yeah it’s gonna work Oh fun facts this is the last thing I built before my hard drive crash episode 118 this is it we’re back Do you guys want to see the horrendous attempts I made at Project Bioshock the very beginning part of me training war oh boy I think it was this way Oh Ellis is his project fire Jacques is my son this is the beginning of project

Brush off by the way I had all the Sun crepes I was just starting it out I was so proud but there’s this part the oceans really shallow so I kind of made a mistake in putting it here by placed all this by hands I did on stream as

Well I think when I could barely stream oh my god the walls scuffed that’s triggering that’s so triggering also guess what I built down here hey spongebob fans gonna try and make Sandy’s sand is it sandy from Sponge Bob yeah I was actually gonna make that

Sandy’s dome yep I was gonna do I’m kind of glad I lost this world honestly I’m kind of glad I lost this world cuz it it pushed me to create bigger and better stuff like in season two I just want to keep I want to keep going I want to go

Bigger and better this this was pretty hype to me back in the day the season Terry was like the next step up for me in terms of just like wanting to improve my bills one one the bill like cooler stuff polish can think or nuts oh my god

Like that it was like the matrix we got we downloaded the schematics of every single block in the game I know my craps why was a bet you didn’t like this world no I do like it but it represents the time in my Minecrafts life / Korea where

I was just naive and didn’t really know here what I was doing and be what was like epic you know it represents a more innocent time and you look back on those days and you think me okay we are clearly gonna get some issues with ruling here cuz this is an old

World in a new version of the game so my stronghold was inside this jungle and I was gonna have a build idea after project Bioshock was done where I was going to have like an Aztec building that was gonna be a mob spawner like a general mob spawner

And they were gonna fall onto like this sacrifice block like I know it’s a bit out there these revised phone chunks in season one yikes and multiple times my bed would do this because of the way I placed it because I wanted to look pretty so multiple times during season one in the

Episodes I would go through that poll and then I’m here right here we go guys here’s where the scuffed stuff happens okay this is how we know or how we differentiate what I loaded in and why I didn’t okay I thought be fools this world was already [ __ ]

Stuff like this happened on the rig so this is actually normal that’s normal as well we would see sea grass around here if this was new if this was a mistake this was already here I remember this quite well because I traveled out here on a boat looking for cool [ __ ] you can

See here this is where the new generation starts so we can ignore all that and just kind of hang around on this side but go on like jagged sections I was in my boat traveling across here this is far I was it loaded ah and there’s my mushroom biome that’s why

I got the mushroom dirt from on the mycelium it’s pretty cool oh it is my first house no I spawned I ran away I ran this way and then when I wanted to go to the strongholds I had to go that way so I basically went like back on myself

What was I thinking I remember this thing scoffed I wish I wish smile I remember I remember waiting for this thing to spit out mobs and it never did Can I found out like we Lea Oh cuz I was doing it wrong that’s awful I love it true is why I used to fish I think that’s Derek the chicken Phil so while these chickens is Derek Derek the chicken used to chill on here in fact did I kill Derek Oh

Can’t remember I had a chicken I had a chicken for a very long time that sat there I think and he was like my little mascot I would check on them every now and again oh my god that’s my doors open I left my doors open dude oh good on

Here so I used to have poop shelves down here all if you want to if you want to laugh if you want to see me be an absolute poppy ager oh boy check out the episode where I try to make an enchantment table with bookshelves I literally just covered that wall in

Bookshelves just flat and then stuck the enchantment table in the middle of it bruh probably the dumbest I’ve ever felt playing Minecraft I wasn’t really sure what I was doing with enchantments at all I thought I thought never what need of water is my Nona Falls they’re probably scuffed I’m kinda well

Now we already know we already know what the nether then that area looks like so we don’t have to go back all right we’ll stay in this version I remember correctly I went on a bit of an adventure across here yeah I went looking for cool stuff it might have

Been in a stream can’t remember exactly but this is definitely old terrain we’re probably gonna come up on an edge soon oh all right okay let’s back trace where we were I let the doors open again some things never change some things never can change what’s this

I don’t remember this at all apparently I made a house in the jungle did I made a tree house I don’t know when I did that I have no recollection whatsoever Oh oh my god dude was this when I was just looking for different area oh my I used to set up homes

Isis help little Hut’s to hide in I would go adventuring and how to set up a heart and that would just be my home for a bit Oh new brand new okay here we go I think it may have been over here Oh call it abscent oh I left in a hurry

Dude dude I was gone I I emptied my inventory and build what of I knew it dude I remember I remember it just being in the middle of but nowhere is it just in the middle of the way and I just I made a house but that’s all I remember

That’s literally the memory I’m in a house it was in an ocean this is so weird right that was really cool I had fun oh my god that just left open I got such an idiot an Enderman could have just easily dropped down here so I mean guys everybody’s a noob at some

Point this is like categorically the newest I’ve ever been this why why idiot woof

This video, titled ‘Exploring my old Minecraft World Saves!’, was uploaded by Ph1LzA on 2019-10-23 17:07:45. It has garnered 11401088 views and 351307 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:18 or 2658 seconds.

♥ Join the OFFICIAL Discord! https://www.discord.gg/philza • Streaming Schedule! https://www.twitch.tv/philza/schedule ✯ Follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/Ph1LzA 😀

Streamed on https://www.twitch.tv/philza

Edited by PlatinumRyan! https://www.twitch.tv/platinumryan6 https://twitter.com/PlatinumRyan

My new Profile Pic was drawn by Glamist! https://twitter.com/Glamist_art https://www.deviantart.com/glamist https://www.patreon.com/glamist

Open the zip folder and delete everything except the “sky” folder inside of the “optifine” folder Done!

Outro Music – “We are wired” by Kubbi from his album “Circuithead” – Check his stuff out here! http://kubbi.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/kubbi https://www.youtube.com/user/KUBBIkthxbai

Intro Music – “Quasi Motion” by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/

#philza #minecraft #saves

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    Saitani Gamer - GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘😇or😈 #roblox #minecraft #memes #robloxedit #minecraftbuilding #tutorial #bedwars #funny #gaming’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-07 15:39:04. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender Dragon Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial – Become a Pro in Minutes!

    Minecraft Solo Role Tutorial - Become a Pro in Minutes!Video Information buenas preciosas y preciosas aquí el después de mucho tiempo sin sacar un vídeo con mi cara Aquí estoy yo Bueno A veces hago directos pero no estáis Pero bueno hoy os voy a hacer un vídeo no va a estar todo con cámara porque voy a hacerlo de vez en cuando voy a tener que quitarme la cámara Pero bueno este vídeo voy a hablar a contaros un poquito Cómo hacer rle Plays en Minecraft y estando solo si es posible ahora es posible hace poquito descubrí una aplicación muy buena y Bueno pues estuve hablando con… Read More

  • Prismarine Nations – Factions SMP Worldbuilding Towny

    Welcome to Prismarine Nations! We are a mostly vanilla worldbuilding server looking to allow our players almost total freedom in creating a story in our world. We promise limited admin intervention, a lag free server, fair and unbiased staff team decisions, and a server that will listen to our players in the hope to create the greatest worldbuilding experience in Minecraft. Our server features include: Towny Mcmmo (Combat skills disabled) No E chests Dynmap Join us on our worldbuilding journey by checking out our server, launching soon! Discord: https://discord.gg/BAJnxSa3By Read More

  • WaddleWorld

    WaddleWorldAhoy, mateys! Welcome to our swashbucklin’ Minecraft server, where the spirit of adventure and the thrill of survival meet the high seas! This be a survival multiplayer server with a hearty pirate theme, perfect for all ye landlubbers and seasoned sailors alike!Embark on epic quests and build yer fortune with our robust economy system. Trade with fellow pirates, plunder resources, and rise to riches as ye carve out yer legacy on the server. There be no end to the adventures ye can have!Join in on our grand events, where the fun never stops! Test yer skills in build-offs, where only… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Just one more block, I swear!”

    “Just one more block turns into just one more hour of playing Minecraft” Read More

  • Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho’s Minecraft Misadventures #2

    Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho's Minecraft Misadventures #2 Oh, what a twist in this tale, a story of theft and jail, But truth prevailed, justice didn’t fail. Aras, innocent and true, proved his case through and through, Saved by a chef, a hero in blue. In the end, justice served, Aras’ name preserved, A lesson learned, a story observed. So let’s bid farewell, with a rhyme to tell, Minecraft adventures, we’ll continue to excel. Read More

  • “Is this the Eiffel Tower in Minecraft?” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Is this the Eiffel Tower in Minecraft?" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes Yes, it’s the iconic “I spent 10 hours building this in Minecraft instead of studying for my exam” building. We’ve all been there. #priorities #minecraftprocrastination Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team

    Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team Welcome to HeroMC.net: Defeating Toxicity in Minecraft Welcome to Tarn The Depths, a channel dedicated to entertaining Minecraft content! In a recent video, the channel’s creator delves into the world of HeroMC.net, a Minecraft server facing a significant issue with toxicity. Join the adventure as the creator and their team work alongside the server admins to tackle this challenge head-on. Unveiling the Problem HeroMC.net is a bustling Minecraft server filled with players from all walks of life. However, like any online community, it is not immune to toxicity. The creator and their teammates find themselves at the forefront of… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Return to the End Island” by 方块轩. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and adventures? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players and unique… Read More

  • Mastering Shovel Enchantments

    Mastering Shovel Enchantments The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Shovel Shovels may seem like a humble tool in Minecraft, but with the right enchantments, they can become incredibly powerful. In this guide, we will explore the best shovel enchantments available in both Java and Bedrock editions of the game. Essential Enchantments: Unbreaking and Mending Two crucial enchantments for your shovel are Unbreaking and Mending. Unbreaking, available in three levels, significantly increases your shovel’s durability, making it last almost twice as long. Mending, on the other hand, regenerates lost durability by collecting XP orbs. With these enchantments, your shovel becomes nearly indestructible. Efficiency:… Read More

  • Dark forces unleashed in Horror Minecraft🔮

    Dark forces unleashed in Horror Minecraft🔮Video Information probably oh there’s a furnace right here oh what the LI get in the water get in the water get in here oh my God look at this Liz oo wow okay let’s go loot other building all right taking in the view that’s true oops Moises oh my God are they M they’re multiplying they possessed Liz get them all wait don’t kill them they’re just multip playing oh my Lord oh wait Liz free food if we kill them all oh my God oh my God you oh little Liz is afraid of hero oh my… Read More

  • Surviving The Wendigo | Minecraft Horror

    Surviving The Wendigo | Minecraft HorrorVideo Information [Music] NOP no forget the house I don’t care I don’t care forget the house nope he can you can break it all you want I do welcome back to the channel today we are looking at another mod this one is called Whispers of the wendigo made by MSD I will link their channel in the description and also the mod itself will be in the description now I saw the trailer for this I don’t know much about it I just know it looks scary and there’s a wind to go that is about all I… Read More

  • NEW! Insane Minecraft Elytra Launcher Build Hack

    NEW! Insane Minecraft Elytra Launcher Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACKS : ELYTRA LAUNCHER’, was uploaded by 𝗜 𝗝𝗢𝗗 on 2024-03-08 06:30:06. It has garnered 10299 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Version – 1.20.1 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed my video, please leave a like and subscribe💖 ̶S̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶k̶s ̶̶̶t̶̶̶o ̶a̶l̶l ̶o̶f ̶o̶u̶r ̶̶m̶̶e̶̶m̶̶b̶̶e̶̶r̶̶s ̶i̶n ̶o̶u̶r ̶m̶c ̶f̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y🔥 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 ✨ 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 – https://www.instagram.com/farxx.in?igsh=aWd1a2gzenBrZncw #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #minecrafttutorial tags minecraft minecraft hunger games minecraft survival island minecraft mods minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft & Pokémon Haul by Steph Myers 😱

    Insane Minecraft & Pokémon Haul by Steph Myers 😱Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another video so today I’m going to be doing kind of a little short video for you guys so I have these cute little shorts that I got and they are like Minecraft and Pokémon themed and they are just absolutely adorable I’m not an avid watcher of either of those I know Minecraft is not La show but I know Pokemon is so I’m not like crazy into either of those things but I absolutely love the shorts and I do play Minecraft sometimes so it’s like it’s okay guys I… Read More

  • 🔥EXPLOSIVE💥Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock by SrTheKing🔥

    🔥EXPLOSIVE💥Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock by SrTheKing🔥Video Information estás cansado de las mismas texturas aburridas de siempre y quieres tener un Minecraft épico que no de lag Y que además pueda correr en el Minecraft original sin nada de de Minecraft patet hoy conocerás un recopilado con las texturas más épicas de Minecraft B estas texturas funcionarán en cualquier versión de Minecraft 1.20 estarán actualizadas y además dejaré muchas sorpresas del marketplace para que no tenga necesidad de gastar tus minecoins en texturas te recuerdo que aquí hay texturas que no encontrarás en ningún otro canal mejor comen emos de una vez Mr kirp 8x esa… Read More

  • Unleash the Monster Pig: Build a Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft PE

    Unleash the Monster Pig: Build a Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER PIG Dimension in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by Sploodie on 2024-04-02 15:00:11. It has garnered 11527 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:20 or 200 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER PIG Dimension in Minecraft PE minecraft,mcpe,minecraft pe,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft be,mcbe,minecraft portal,minecraft dimension,portal,dimension,zoonomaly,zoonomaly minecraft,zoonomaly mcpe,zoonomaly minecraft pe,zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mod,zoonomaly mcpe addon,zoonomaly minecraft mod,zoonomaly portal minecraft,minecraft zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mcpe mod,monster koala,monster koala mcpe,monster koala addon Read More

  • INSANE GOAL: getting full diamond in Minecraft Hardcore #1

    INSANE GOAL: getting full diamond in Minecraft Hardcore #1Video Information [Music] hello oh wait I just realized why there is no life chat H why there is no live chat hello welcome back everyone long time no see we are back to the solo Hardcore [Music] Minecraft yay Boomie thank you Satria thank you thank you hello hello welcome welcome back long time no see yay let’s go make full armor set yeah I going to be having a full diamond Set uh and all of the diamond tools because I don’t want to be staying in the iron right right right right right right right right right… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Litematica! Ultimate Guide in Hindi

    Unleash the Power of Litematica! Ultimate Guide in HindiVideo Information गाइस तो स्वागत है आपका एक और नई वीडियो में जिसमें मैं आज आपको बताने वाला हूं लाइट मेटका का यूज कैसे करना है आपको लाइट मेटका गाइस एक मोड है जो आपको होलोग्राम या ब्लूप्रिंट देता है किसी भी स्ट्रक्चर या कोई भी आप जैसे बिल्ड बना रहे होते हो जैसे काफी बड़ा-बड़ा बिल्ड बनाना है उसको सही से कैसे बनाना है तो बिल्ड बनाने के लिए आपको इस लाइट मेटका मोड का यूज करना पड़ेगा ये बहुत ही मतलब फायदेमंद मोड है आपके लिए चाहे आप कोई सा भी बिल्ड बनाते हो उसके लिए परफेक्ट बिल्ड… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Micah Odor Liam Recital 2024 Surprise!

    Mind-Blowing Micah Odor Liam Recital 2024 Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Liam Recital 2024’, was uploaded by Micah Odor on 2024-04-15 15:53:00. It has garnered 84 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:33 or 153 seconds. PigStep A piano cover Of a dubstep song Found on a digital version Of a vinyl album In MineCraft. Read More


    MHA WORLDServidor de Minecraft My Hero Academia (Boku No Hero) El mejor servidor de BNHA para Minecraft, con addons, quirks, eventos semanales y todo lo que quieras encontrar. Toda información en discord. Te esperamos mhaworld.vultam.host Read More

  • LuxorMC: Semi-vanilla SMP, Active Hermitcraft-like server, Dynmap, whitelisted, Java 1.20.2+, Community events & Projects, Mature Community.

    Welcome to LuxorMC! Hello All!, Welcome to LuxorMC we are a relatively new network with many different game modes and more to come. We are an active community looking for new members to join us on our adventures. Game modes: Whitelisted SMP Hermitcraft style (More Info Below) Mass Survival (Public) Skyblock (Public) Prisons (Coming Soon) HCF (Coming Soon) PVP (Coming Soon) LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP: Discord: https://discord.gg/luxormc LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP is a Hermitcraft like Minecraft server experience with our own twist. Our community is focused on skilled and dedicated players who push the limits of survival Minecraft. Server Features: Proximity Chat… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don’t rage)

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don't rage)Well, at least this meme is safe from being killed in the update tier list! It’s a solid 0, living its meme life in peace. Read More


    EU E MEU AMIGO NO MINECRAFT FAZENDO CHURRASCO DE OVELHAS “EU e meu amigo no Minecraft lá de ovelhar… espero que ele não me confunda com uma ovelha e tente me tosquiar!” 😂🐑 #minecraft #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!Video Information no way no way it’s me Moy Minecraft I’m Minecrafting actually not I I immediately logged on to the server and then it was it was dark and and scary outside and there was a creeper so I ran in to this uh circus Festival I don’t know freak you I don’t know what these are called met 64 meta 64 with the scallop meta 64 where is meta 64 meta 64 hi meta 64 you are not talking it was it was it just so silly so absolutely it was very funny Mo in Minecraft yeah there’s… Read More

  • Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!

    Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!Video Information secret chest bed in Minecraft love baby we buil this house on memories take my picture now search This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-26 02:30:01. It has garnered 8301 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral Minecraft Viral TikTok Hack #hindi #hackminecraft #minecraft #hacks #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece – EPIC Build!

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece - EPIC Build!Video Information aku viral karena menangis bukan kepengin jadi artis aku memang tak manis tapi ku tak egois Aku tidak romantis tapi banyak yang terhipnosis di jalanan ada lampu kerajaan ada ratu di kuburan ada hantu di hatiku ada kamu pusing pusing tujuh keliling jika ada lampu jangan cari lilin jika ada aku kau jangan This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art 9* #minecraftbuilding#minecraft#minecraftpixelart’, was uploaded by HAAs on 2024-04-29 01:01:55. It has garnered 9088 views and 305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. jangan lupa like share dan subscribe👍👍 #fypyoutube #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #fyp… Read More

  • Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!

    Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!Video Information [Music] she This video, titled ‘That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #real #karma’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2023-12-04 04:00:22. It has garnered 12293 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua… Read More

Exploring my old Minecraft World Saves!