Exploring the Secret World of unD34Dfetus

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For do what’s up everybody how y’all doing I see that coup got the first that’s a that’s a first holy crap balls no Minecraft fortnite Lego survival is better sure that’s what you say I hope you guys don’t mind that I will be snacking here eventually here here in a little bit

All right here we go besides Lego fortnite will probably be that’ll happen uh Saturday it’s gonna be on Saturday and I get my first experience of what Lego fortnite is that’ be interesting by the way what’s up Bella with your balls huh what is a rag

In hockey I don’t know I don’t watch hockey I don’t play it hate fetus you hate fetus wow wow hate fetus wow spri that’s that’s that’s absurd you said hate fetus what spring what’s up how’s everybody doing today I hope you all having a wonderful day also

Want to say thank you to everybody to last night we hit 1 Point .7k views last night which is pretty big here which means it looks like uh looks like the algorithm’s back on our side again what’s up Zen it’s feet y uh sorry to break this to you Z but you didn’t

Get first coup got the first which is a first that’s a lot of first in ascends um so what’s up uh cameraman welcome back welcome back Zen welcome back who welcome back ell welcome back Bella welcome back slothy welcome back spring welome back everybody how y’all doing welcome back

Everybody Welcome everybody that’s at home watching hope you’re having a wonderful day what’s up Zea zie lifer and Phantom V6 what’s up yes mini Skelly yes it is mini Skelly Skelly be nice to your brother okay be nice to your brother uhoh B I need to talk to you real quick oh o

Spis so spicy all right so I never for like to pass pass what I think yesterday I’ve been trying to create books and stuff oh yeah that’s because my one sword yeah wooo that’s fine we are going to make a plan B 2.0 sharpness knockback fire aspect one

Which I still got still got to get another fire aspect mending all right apparently you can only enchant like five times uh that can we put these on the same book no it’s going to cost ah yes awesome all right that leaves us with fire aspect one mending one knockback

Two and sharpness five I am missing Unbreaking in which I think I have somewhere that’s Thorns that’s protection I need a protection that’s protection as well this is protection sharpness thought I had Unbreaking book somewhere could have swore I did I guess guess not oh well I think we were making

A bunch of books I don’t know what we’re going to do today for our wonders of Adventure and stuff like that so I figured you know we just make some books I don’t I don’t know odish yes odish is back yes My One True Companion of Pokemon well one of

Them first gen I’m glad you I’m glad you chose what a first gen name and not you know third fourth fifth whatever because I would have never known he what’s up odish how you doing man welcome back hey y’all leave aish alone okay leave aish alone odish is amazing okay which turns into

Gloom which then turns into V plume and then it’s damn near an OP Pokemon unless you’re using fire type leave aish alone speaking of that I’ve been hearing rumors that my CH con is not here where the fudge is my Chon that’s the same Dylan is going to sleep yeah I believe

That you can go a Reginal har I got mending in my villager hog go get some all right Dylan is asleep one M each with book okay and incred vie has rehearsal tomorrow it’s in front of mar oh in F man Bella your team is losing yeah sad day I

Guess but yeah that’s awesome odish D is asleep and gra views got rehearsal so what what’s go with Reginal also you took my man com back topg only yeah all right you said my chicken was over here I hear you where is he at how dare you come on get out of there

Get out of this this place come on come back home let’s go come on come on Marley can’t take you from me that so messed up why would he do that wonder what you would turn into if lightning struck you actual dinner come on I remember in like the very first

Realm that I started streaming on also reaction to my advice advice was very wholesome your advice thank you like for real like seriously like thank you cuz you know your your advice was actually it was very inspiring to me and you know anybody that like gives those kind of comments and stuff of

Course you’re going to get a wholesome reaction because I mean quite literally I I mean I practically gave up almost just about everything just to do what I’m doing right now so it’s it’s like just to get you know feedback that I’m doing good that you know just from just

Random strangers all right just just from random people you know knowing that I’m doing good that you know that if I keep it up everything would be right everything would be all right and just knowing that it it makes me feel better it makes me feel good like

All right so I’m doing everything right I’m on the right page and it’s just it basically encourages me more to be better and better and better and which leads me to also saying that I will not be releasing that video tomorrow it it I didn’t like it I didn’t like how I how

It was being recorded um I believe one of the cards were freaking fake completely honest and I’ll tell you I’ll show you hold on um let’s let’s see if I can find it I mean I just opened up like 10 of these random mystery packs and there was I

Pulled a intellion v intellion v but hold on let’s see if it’s in here is it in one of these here it is yep here they are so I ended up pulling like an Italian varar reloom V and a Del Fox V and then what what really kills me is

That I have a radiant heat TR right here is so badly off centered it’s not even funny and it’s like it it’s I have him right here on my desk now but it it’s it’s making me question if the cards are fake or not because that heat train is so bad off

Centered you could tell oh I turned your house into a tree Forest you did who’s steal huh the dude that has a cave is a house I don’t think he’s stealing dude he he don’t have no reason to steal uh you shouldn’t need strangers to tell you if you’re doing good you think

You’re doing good then you are that that’s that’s true I mean yeah I you’re right about that but it also helps it also helps in a way that you know you guys giving that kind of feedback to me whatnot your guys’ feedback does matter greatly to me like it really

Does okay I’m not kicking my cat I thought I was for a second anyhoo no dinner bone no you stay ew hockey wor sport only good thing about it is Mighty Ducks a that a freaking ain’t that a movie Felix what’s up buddy welcome back Regional or yeah reg Reginal Reginal

Welcome back buddy how are you from last night audition Reginal back from last night what’s up guys oh my goodness can can we can we quit with a whole stealing things unless you have 100% proof that someone stole from you be quiet about it nobody stole

From anybody as far as I’m concerned cuz I’ve actually watched I was actually on here when Marley did that whole uh the Villager thing down there oh no actually you know what I have an Idea I has out dare ah has an Exquisi moving ad I like what I did right there with those trees till you know somebody came by and you know chopped it off I want a fence line made out of trees I want to do a fence line made out of nothing but trees that would be uh sorry I’ve been

Gone for so long my durable was barking a lot oh it’s absolutely fine I i’ yeah I’d kick that mfer across the room for barking so much yeah I understand man yeah my fish my pet fish just drowned the other day so but I I could I had to be here

Man is there some sort of drama going on Regal that’s that’s great question I have no idea thing about me is I ignore the drama I ignore it I move on dang wait you got yeah my fish drowned the day and it died my pet fish drowned today sad guy so

Sad yeah tra it was it was a terrible tragedy man it was terrible I couldn’t live with myself I think I put too much water in his tank way too much water D time to like Cho Chop Chop all this down again but first I gotta hopefully a hopefully Skelly you

Got a an Unbreaking villager I’m tired of like doing all the villagers and stuff I’ve been letting you guys do it now I can’t wait to get the other real I want the other real back has so many nice houses I’m also thinking about moving out and going and

Building another you know place since you know I have the tools to do it now wait a minute I need an axe I have enough to make an axe okay okay okay sorry guys I got a little quiet um uh uh stick those in here fish more fish all let’s

See I have a mending book fire okay we’re going to make another sword called Plan B 2.0 that’s what we’re going to do we’re just going to make another sword call Plan B 2.0 I feel like I feel like that’s I think that’s like a must right now something I have to do

All right all right all I need to borrow this guys goodby this guy’s uh wait did he oh wait never mind say did he just get it to stop no he didn’t okay try it still in there let’s go all right all right goal number one oh oh bro what voice call

No what’s the voice call I’m going to join all right excuse me I’m like here buring yesterday in my school my bus bus forgot you I think you missed your bus I don’t think your the bus forgot you I think you missed your bus you going to join all right Junior

Skelly Skelly Junior I see you later Bella thank you for stopping by was nice having you Felix at all right hold on let me see what’s going on here Excuse me sorry ya wait you I time about my fish drowning yeah tragic bro I Don’t that was it answer I think I forgot to tell them I was in socer class cuz they would no they wouldn’t because it was only seven minutes quick match for practice okay scale Junior’s from a different dude it is funny when they both like say

No or AO or dude they sound identical as hell I’m sorry they do they sound so oh it’s something you have to experience on your yeah give me all that XP let’s go overpowered freaking XP maker all right he ain’t as good as me I’m better

Wow Mr cocky pants over here look at this also what I miss during this uh this series you didn’t really miss much I think what we’re doing I think we’re finishing up Minecraft for the month um cuz Saturday we are going to be doing I think we’re

Just going to do straight up just fortnite on Saturday I don’t think we’re going to do Among Us I think we’re going to do fortnite um I think everybody’s getting a little tired of uh of Among Us at this point completely honest with you no no no No who is that that is Skelly Jr okay but the sound just like you though yeah dude no skellet junr sounds just like Skelly boy no you love amonga mean I mean I get it y’all love Among Us and stuff but it’s also the same thing

It’s like I’m not going to sit there and wait 10 15 minutes you know for everybody to get in just to start with only like seven eight people like that you guys barely hear me it is for now I know I told y’all I didn’t know about this till probably

Like I want to say last week where um who was it Skelly wasn’t in a call it was me me and Skelly junr were in a call and uh I sat there I’m like hold up a second I was like do me a favor say heyo

And when he did it I was like oh hell no it’s a Skelly genius that’s some good ass water it’s legit actually water this time it really is this time it’s actually water it’s ice cold and it’s so good you will quit if this goes too far it’s not going to go

Far far far at least But I think you got all his pist and stuff down there you got 67 levels that’s probably because you AF K been f for like a hot Minute secretly separated and adopted dude I would say the same but in this case that is not the that’s not the case in this instance that’s not the case really it ain’t Skelly Jr is actually from the Philippines where Skelly originated from India and lives in can Or resides in Canon come on give me 40 let’s go goodbye I’m I’m going go make some more books I know that was loud but I apologize dead chat I know I mean leave the chat alone the chat wants to be dead then the chat wants to be dead okay

Okay not a lot of people want to talk they just want to come in here just watch the stream and go to sleep chill ax and stuff like that you know what I mean what’s up dinner bone how you doing buddy all right I am just here to to

Make some books I don’t know why y’all followed me just here to make books that’s it I need another fire aspect to that’s loyal or fire aspect one loyalty three that’s a no no sure I don’t care make some uh respiration one power three we don’t need

That all right trying to find a a good one fire feather falling that’s not good 26 I thought this was a 28 what happened sharpness one we’ll get rid of that piercing three again man at least at least it’s only using just one okay sharpness three I’m breaking three yes yes awesome

I need that oh yeah yeah let’s go I needed Unbreaking three I need Unbreaking three put on this pickaxe is done that’s got Unbreaking three fortune three mending one efficiency four that’s done that pickaxe is done for along with this fishing rod that fishing Rod’s done as

Well all right it’s these all right so silk touch efficiency 4 mending one I think I actually might want to put but uh okay so I got okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool all right let’s go we got an Unbreaking three in there another sharpness with knock back

Too gay gay just put this away oh man swinging Miss Fortune 2 do we go for it Fortune 2 is that is that who I think it is Eric what’s up welcome back buddy how are you I was actually just sitting here today wondering where the hell you was

At I’m G to guess you was busy with work which is kind of understandable all right just for you we’re going to take we’re going to take a stab at this for let’s see Fortune two can we get something good gay it wasn’t good that’s all right

We’re at 26 so we got enough for one more protection three let’s go for the protection three aqua infinity one I can live with that I live with that all right let’s see here here let’s use we got sharpness three I got that Unbreaking three so that’s something I want to

Keep uh we’re going to use the sharpness off this book fire aspect one mending one knockback two mending and then we’re going to use the Unbreaking on this all right I need to find another fire aspect fire aspect one ain’t going to cut it for my plan B

I mean we can just go fishing for um we could just go fishing for the damn the books and stuff but I don’t know you got fire aspect two sword well good for you SK somebody stole iron I know I had a half a stack sitting right here don’t be stealing freaking iron

Don’t be stealing [ __ ] from people once again here we go someone’s stealing and I’m immediately going to blame the new guy just so you know all right let’s throw this in here that in there let’s throw get rid of this bow get rid of this bow I actually want to combine

These bur three power four Infinity break three power four mending one we don’t want mending we want we went Infinity yay all right here we go I don’t want the sword I want the enchantment see um just combine bro you combined it bro here how about this see what we can get

On the sword wow already sharpness four nope Unbreaking three okay so I can already get Unbreaking three on my shovel all right that’s good like to try and enchant them first before I even combined them all right time to go back Jose what’s up Republic what’s

Up oh you’ve been on vacation nice where you been on vacation to my guy if I may ask you ah missed been sick since Monday sorry to hear that man go down the hall there you go come all the way over here where it’s kind of quiet where you don’t hear hoglins

Dying uh where is that Clear Water Florida headed to Gatlinberg for the next week nice super nice nice I know I’m about to just hide in Eric’s suitcase throw his clothes out just just hide in a suitcase that just I can say I’ve been give me all that XP Come on do this just use my farm don’t have to what oh my God Skelly he just wants me to go over there that that’s all that is he’s forced me you’ll get hit me a room yes yes fetus goes on vacation is mysteriously disappears I’m kidding Eric you wouldn’t do that hopefully you would do that magically disappears that’s the best way yeah I

Meant dying you know man I want to live I’m Too Old to Die remember when I told you guys that I was sorry that I was about to I was going to snack on the stream when do I never snack on the stream but I’m using this wonderful

Thing called Dorito dip oh my gosh this stuff is good nah nothing to gain from killing you see see now why don’t other people think like that before they I don’t know rob a store or you know kill somebody and so like why don’t people ever ask themselves that kind of question like

Ever you’re going to go get a snack yeah you better go get you a snack man come on give me that XP I’m so sorry that the pig ones are so freaking loud man can I get uh can I life insurance hold on what can you life insurance and Undead

Fetus probably could actually you probably could I mean who was it not saying anything bad or anything who was it was it Nicki Minaj that did this I think it was if Nicki Minaj I think it was I think it was could get you know Insurance on her butt then I’m

Pretty sure you probably good text me your info Noah that’s like that’s like me asking you if your bank account was your social security number how much money would you have you know I’m kid I know you are man I know I know I know I know best way to kidnap me is leave trails of cheesecake or carrot cake br good

Way right I want to try and gather up a bit more XP real quick and I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to set off cuz I think I found a nice little IR for us to to live on there you go see Eric knows the way to my [Laughter]

Heart there you go you won up what I said no you that that’s how you do it that’s can’t just be single Pokemon it has to be in the packs has to be in the packs if it’s if it’s just a card laying on the ground I’m immediately going to

Assume it’s damaged I won’t even touch it you’re going to catch me it’s going to be expensive it’s got to be the old old packs it’s got to be first edition base set jungle or fossil oh sorry Taco Bell and not so much look at me I do like Taco Bell I

Love Taco Bell but it’s not like one of those Foods where I will eat it every single day as a meal I mean I wouldn’t I think the last time I had Taco Bell I melt my chair or left skid marks I can’t tell couldn’t tell the difference between [ __ ] and a melted

Leather good going in oh man was it bad coming out also a little heads up I won’t be streaming tomorrow I will not be streaming Friday me uh me and SL are finally about to have a night with no kids at all so

We’re going to go on out on a a date and going to have a date night we’re going to get some real Mexican fop not CH Bell some real Mexican come on I want at least like 50 give me 50 I need 50 XP Come on come On come on give me the p50 give me p50 come on hurry up I do not legit OFA plus I just heard legit OFA plus excuse me all right almost thousand y we need 44 more 44 that is it I think last night is where we picked up a handful

Picked up a handful of them last night man Shovel that’s that’s not bad except for I don’t need fortune on a shovel it’d be nice if I can get silk touch on a shovel though that would be nice I’ll there while I have you here so let me ask you a Santa question meta Quest hold on or PS PS 5

VR You Don’t Know Jack about okay first and foremost what the hell is meta Quest hold on hold on let me help you out Eric I’mma help you out let Uncle let brother fetus help you out with this one hold on little little brother fetus hold on

Let me help you out let’s see let’s see what is meta what is it metav meta Quest is it like a VR system is that what that is well let’s see here the boy already had does he have a um does he have a PS5 do the PS5 VR for

Him hopefully hopefully you know my little man’s Ain anywhere near when I I just said that but do do the the PS5 because I think that’s all the meta Quest is meta Quest but prob on it’s the same thing now unless hold on yeah the met the meta Quest is

Basically the same thing except for I think it’s essentially made for PCs or something I I don’t know I mean if he’s if he’s already already if he’s already got a PS5 i’ I’d go with the uh yeah that wish Xbox would come out with one or Microsoft oh hell yeah let’s

Go oh what couldn’t give me like efficiency or anything like that the [ __ ] all right I’m breaking again what the hell is this again I swear on everything if you just give me sharpness again that’s why he will get always as I’m not a professional that this

Just don’t think this wrong when I say this like I don’t say this in any way shape or I don’t say say this in dis disrespect or whatnot but I I go based off of you know common sense I mean a meta I don’t I don’t know anything about

The meta whatever that is okay I don’t I don’t know what any of that is but if the boy already has a PS5 you might as well just go ahead get him the VR set for it regardless it don’t matter it beats you know it beats having to get something

Else that might require you know another device if that makes sense I I I don’t know if that does but I mean [Laughter] I’ll just give both [ __ ] it right screw it I’ll just get both of them I love you Eric that’s great he said I’ll just get both of them no but

Honestly I would mainly go with I would go with the PS5 ER come on Smite e definitely don’t want Smite come on Again Bruh Bruh efficiency 3 nah uh-uh I’m breaking three okay I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it I’m breaking three sharpness three efficiency three I’ll take that I will absolutely take that just get both and he can choose yeah that works that does work he’ll

Probably go with the PS5 one I’m telling you right now I think the PS5 one is going to be a little bit easier to set up because he already has one I think the meta I think the meta requires the either uh I don’t even know I just know the PS5 V would

Work all right yeah okay I think I need to get um I need to get more bookshelves in here it’s all too late Skelly said he was going to get both of them um okay I need to make another bookshelf we’re going to try and max out our

Uh with one bookshelf we’re going to max out our we want the right tools for this and someone said they want me to build them an airport we’re going to build an airport but not here may have to travel about 2,000 blocks oh wait I need to go downstairs I only need

One hopefully this will actually max out the table 28 close enough okay so the meta V VC headset is its own device so it’s its own it’s pretty expensive do you realize who you’re talking to you’re you’re talking to Eric my my guy that’s who you’re talking to

Mhm so in a sense Skelly is being my echo thanks Skelly thank you thank you thank you so much Skelly thank you but you did look it up I didn’t have to look it up rookie am I going to your base no all right sharpness three come on BR bruh

All right screw it we’re maxing it out we’re going to Max it out screw it there we go wolfy what’s up buddy welcome back how are you what what do you want from McDonald’s because we’re we’ve been eating Doritos and chips I figured we could chill out chocolate Bell and get McDonald’s

Tonight I we ain’t got to get nothing at all so loves me I’m asking you it smells like a [ __ ] foot in here it’s cuz the Doritos the cheese you got all the animals in here you got a little something on your nose anyways do you want Be Ma sure they

Have that chicken mac thing uh Fe sharpness five and efficiency five is not possible I’m not trying to get sharpness five or efficiency five I’m trying to get four that’s what I’m trying to get go oh okay wolf you hold on Slay Slay come here it’s important you’ll not believe

This that’s not what I was talking about but okay I got something very important to tell you right it it’s it’s what Wolfie said what he said hi yes she is okay have a good one she’s watching my chicken hold on stand right there I want

To show this is what I was talking about here what are you talking about my chicken for leave my chicken alone it’s my chicken hey I got I got a color changing sheep too now what look at that lookie yeah he changes color I what the hell is this who the

Hell what is this and dead big brother please do destroy it I SK secret but it ain’t much of a freaking secret when I saw the big ass trap door here and it’s in your house and it’s in my house I don’t care oh it’s okay pocket Skelly just

Just yeah it’s okay it’s okay it is okay now I know where my iron went oh man man my nose has been run well looks like I’m not getting Taco Bell tonight we’re getting freaking Mickey D’s micro di got to put the snacks away because it’ll it’ll be here soon there we

Go there we go go go away pretty boy go hold on do I need to refrigerate this hold on oh heating instructions I was supposed to heat this up what um I I see nothing that says ref refrigerate after being opened C add time if desired use caution

Avoid Burns do not use if foil seal is broken or missing oops um um okay it doesn’t say anything about refrigerate when open okay cool M seeing Oh that it really ain’t oh yo for real fortnite Lego nice as hell how dare you McDonald’s is good y’all

Hush McDonald’s yuck thank you Eric yes it is McDonald’s is freaking yuck but I’ll eat it still I don’t care it’s food uh oh Zen joined the room yeah also guys don’t forget I do not stream tomorrow tomorrow I and I will not be uploading a

Video I I the video when I record when I got done recording it and stuff and I started editing it whatnot it just it wasn’t sitting right with me I personally didn’t like it I felt like it was basically uneditable if that makes sense so I I didn’t even bother I’m I’m not

Going to bother trying to post tomorrow so I mean I still stream Saturday and Sunday though so that’s a plus but uh Saturday we are going to be doing uh we will be doing fortnite though so that’ll be my first experience with that the hell was I

Doing oh yeah I need to get better tools than that that that that that’s weak I want efficiency biker what’s up man man I’m bored I wonder who is live stream oh my God it’s undef well where where where are you at if you’re bored go watch the videos go watch some

Pokemon cards being open man and just just just just to show you guys that I’m not joking like look I got a whole freaking booster box obsidian flames right here I I am like ready to freaking just start opening I really am but I want to wait I’m waiting

For to get I’m waiting to get the rest of 151 done and then I’m trying to get binders in I’m waiting on a binder to get in who are you what’s up Zen how you doing buddy you just got me a what a triple quar pound oh [ __ ] that’s a lot of

Meat and it’s going to go right in here my belly what what’s this what is this she’s doing this to me what does this mean guys what does that mean what is that what Friday yeah what the we’ve already agreed with that what what get off the game early and come

Watch TV with you you want me a Bandon these wonderful people that are showing their love and support well our love and support is much more needed to be a little bit more loving it has been it has been I need a stronger it has been flexible more snuggly really yeah

Because you’re about to live stream here for a whole month and I actually till we hit 1K yeah if I want my time because I know after our day you got you got your time Monday and Tuesday Though Eric back me up Eric Eric Eric Eric need your help Zen get away from there little Jew yes did you just order it that’s so messed up we haven’t even been streaming in not even two hours Though say you get the whole day with her yeah let us have night yeah see actually I don’t get all day with him I she really don’t she really don’t get all day with me just because we sit in the same room together doesn’t mean I don’t get to

Give attention I have to work and take it’s boy’s day uh but no she’s not lying cuz when after Friday after tomorrow starting Saturday I am going to be streaming every single day so that means Monday and Tuesday till we hit you know 1,000 so last night last night was a huge help

Last night was real big considering the fact we picked up like 20 Subs last night what or yes no the space between yes and no I will can our you’ll cancel our order so if you cancel our order that means I can stay here longer oh look me talking to you I lost

Somebody I lost a sub that’s messed up bro how you going to do that to me Z put H in the wall y we got sub down that scared her off real quick I still didn’t answer her question so sh be quiet Zen I need the XP bra BR ow no oh you just broke my [ __ ] helmet I got lapis Direction here he go here he Go beef I got fish inappropriate stuff I think he’s doing St into the wall I don’t know what he’s doing nah do it yeah yeah so like I said uh I am sorry you know Friday we won’t be streaming and the video it nah I didn’t

Like it I didn’t like it at all not to mention it’s like I said one of these one of these cars was like a huge red flag to me it I don’t know if it’s real if it’s fake I’ve been looking at it and it doesn’t look fake at all but it’s

Just the centering on the card is so freaking bad it’s unreal all right Wolfie you have a good one man thank you for stopping by now I got the fish all right he he he’s hogging all the XP from me yeah it’s just I don’t like I don’t want

To stand there because that’s all you hear in your freaking ears if you have earbuds and stuff it’s nothing but freaking you know hoglins or piglins or whatever the hell they are just dying in your ears and stuff is it’s not fun but this is my graveyard of how many

Fetuses died today well not today but died during the making of this realm it is time to set sail or flight to a new area I actually need to get get a Shuler box that’s something I need to get I would like actually like to get shulker

Boxes you know what Fellers let’s do it let’s go get some shy buies and you can go home hold on I wonder do you have a gold helmet down here pocket size Skelly No you do not sad day and are those Minecraft players or fans at the graveyard no that’s just me that’s how many times I’ve died I I just ate a ghost pepper beef jerky and oh my my God hey you did it to yourself

Man see there was so much I wanted to do when we hit 1K and it’s kind of like a bummer to me a little bit I mean I’m going to still be excited what not and pretty damn speechless when we hit 1,000 but I’m kind of bummed out that are some

Things that I did want to do during the stream and one of them was to eat the to do the one chip challenge where it was like the hottest chip in the world and now you can’t get a hold of it no more kind of sucks I was going to do that but

It got taken off shelves you said no problem for my second best streamer I am second best mother who the heck is the first who’s first who’s your who’s the first who’s the first because we’ll pull up we’ll pull up in there and say have a good day and then we’ll

Leave what are you gonna do at Thousand Subs Rob no hell I live stream somebody robbing into the brink my other friend mookie okay s is a friend then that’s okay I’ll let that slide but if it was like your mom your dad your sister or something that it

Would have been there would have been problems you get it I can’t Eric I can’t get it it’s been taken off the shelves the reason why I got taken down the shelves because there was a recall due a teenager over I think in Michigan up in Michigan or Maryland that

Died the text you get it the text no you see did did you give me a Tex my phone didn’t go off uh no I I didn’t receive any text man says message has expired I don’t know I didn’t see it I didn’t get it I’m your first [ __ ] yes let’s

Go number one bro Bros let’s get it all right um wait do I have Rockets I do got Rockets okay I got plenty of rockets we’re g to take flight Ah I need I need to add protection to stuff hold up what’s my chest plate got already protection three Unbreaking three okay perfect let’s check out these protection three let’s do it and Unbreaking three he I’ll take it let’s see protection four and Thorns two not Unbreaking which

Is fine you know what I’ll throw Unbreaking book onto my pants let’s do Unbreaking three on the pants it’s all right here we go so we got protection three Unbreaking three protection 4 four Thorns two Unbreaking three protection three Unbreaking three these are going on a sword give me that that’s protection

Three protection three uh give me my chest plate and my boots make that protection four that’s going to be protection four let’s go I think we’re golden so far right now protection four protection four protection four yeah we’re good all right all right and now I need a helmet feet I

Have you have what feet I have a stack of diamonds and seven where the hell did you get all those diamonds from my my my guy you Chang uh your number no my number’s not changed my number’s still the same yeah my number is still the same

Buddy I don’t know what the heck is going on that’s weird though hold on then at the same time my phone’s been acting [ __ ] too it’s been doing stupid stuff NOP uh no I didn’t get yeah I didn’t get anything buddy Christian what’s up how you doing buddy I’m going to eat your

Heart you’re going to eat my heart I shoot you text I just did man it should shows that it’s sent it shows that it’s sent my phone’s been acting [ __ ] lately oh my God everybody everybody ew everybody spam ew I see someone saying that they’re fine ew ew who the hell did

This what is up with all the sugar can yeah ew ew how dare you say you’re fine you guys just say something better than fine it’s gross such a rose move you’re actually right we love Rose but that is absolutely right that is such a rose move you didn’t get it

Get that out of my face first off it wasn’t in your face I don’t even want to look at it what’s wrong with it I can’t even tell you there’s nothing wrong with her it’s not about what’s on the it’s about what’s inside H yeah Christian when when you say you’re fine

The first thing that comes to mind is that you’re freaking out you’re insecure emotional this guy’s got diamond stuff M no oh wait I can’t Eric Close Your Eyes close your eyes Eric okay you’re good what do you doing I have coming too sweet that what they can eat

You’re such a sweet little freaking room Rober can I can I can you please help me with something sure what you need help with why am I eating raw fish I have cooked fish both numbers don’t work the one shouldn’t work no more because apparently when me and slay paid like

The messed up part is like me and P me and slay paid the phone bill last time and my number was given away to somebody else like it was redirected I have a problem joining a server requires a password okay if you’re trying to ask me to um oh know hack into something

Whatnot I don’t know how to hack yeah it’s still the 931 number yeah it’s still 931 the server’s name is bedw Wars okay they might have something going on I don’t know they might have something going on it’s a private event Jeb move gosh what the hell are you looking

At do I have you won’t eat rotten flesh will you no that’s silly next two or three I think it’s a two I think it’s a two explains why I haven’t been receiving messages from anybody ow that tickled shut up dog listen dog bad puppy no no no I hope you heard yourself

Puppy stop yeah it’s a two next one’s a two it ends with a two as well if that helps uh Can you please give me your number so we can chat then I will send you my problem uh your problem is your problem I’m sorry I’m sorry I am not giving out my number that is not happening just not accepting what the hell is go CU we just paid the damn

Thing that’s [ __ ] crazy dude like that now that’s worrying me that’s crazy cuz we just paid the damn thing uh oh Slayer in the room hold on efficiency three what’s my axe have my axxe has efficiency three on it right sweet let’s combine these get efficiency four let’s go let’s go all

Right and then I have a mending book fire aspect one mending one knockback two and sharpness five a that’s gay someone at the door I like messing with the door Dash drivers that come here I always do that what am I doing uh I’m actually prepping getting ready to move yeah Zen you

Got gunpowder hold on does this have looting I need Looting that has looting can I can was there an issue with me putting mending on there did it say it was too expensive for me to put mending on this sword because that’d be freaking dope if I could put mending on here yeah too expensive yeah I couldn’t put mending on there that’s

Dumb that’s dumb that ain’t expensive that’s dumb food is here food is here cool story bro that was her way of telling me get off the live stream and come and eat with me la la la la balls no Umbreon okay he’s he’s busy no Umbreon all right I don’t know what to

Do next oh yeah let’s go into the end and get shocker boxes huh no no no okay would you let me bring your drink at least yes drink please yes yes drink down all this water of goodness first eat something all right bam I hate something shake you is that tea no Coke

We all need water they didn’t have it but as soon as you take a drink of it you’re going to be like don’t shoot that at me if you don’t drink the the dumb ass [ __ ] [ __ ] that cost about $3 I’ve been on a wre water diet for

Like a while I had to do that because my chest was hurting so freaking bad every time I was drinking pop so I went on a water diet there we go here we go identifies as a weapon um I need a gold Helmet or do I N give me a diamond

Helmet let’s do Diamond Helmet do I have enough for one I do excuse me all right uh Zen I need you to move out the way for like a couple seconds or a few minutes and I’m coming your way right now buddy right hair excuse Me I need to get the 30 said he’s got some levels going let it build up you going give me some advice before I go if once I leave I’m not going to be back on Friday cuz Friday I’m F finally getting out of the house we have no kids

Me and slay we’re going to go out on a date we’re we’re going to go get some we’re going to get some food we’re going to go to the pool hall I love going to pool halls and stuff I love it and then uh we’re going to come back Home probably might stop at the card shop that might that might be a thing tomorrow my Thought okay thank you [Laughter] no L ah [ __ ] yeah let’s go all right we’re going to the ne the ne the ne we’re going to the ne I don’t think 25 Rockets is actually going to do it either hold on grab slay elytra I will looting three Ah this going to suck hold on I don’t think I should have Enchanted that already quite honestly I don’t think I should have okay but here come back hold on to those for me thank you yeah furry killer what the hell yeah just hold on to him for

Me gosh damn it I need Rockets I only got like 25 the randomizer what’s up yep going to the nether I’m going to go and get little punk ass girl thing we’re gonna uh try to get slay and elytra and then I want to get quite a few Sher boxes fix it fix

What H you fix it uh this has Infinity on it so I’m good pop that in here that can go in there okay and I got silk touch so I could go get some I could go I could just go get ender chests without even making them nobody better killed my damn Chicken the [ __ ] chicken you [ __ ] hold on let me get his Wing you killed dinner B you [ __ ] dick I’m put to sleep on my bed you sleep well put him back no why you [ __ ] can’t eat him you [ __ ] no you they ate dinner B oh God damn it they ate dinner and you ate him raw that’s the worst

Part what the H uh happen when you go well see what happened was you know my upside down chicken well it died and all I have left was its feather and I tried to throw the chicken in the feather on the bed well slay picked up the feather

Or not the feather picked up the dead chicken carcass and ate it those rat bastards I know right freaking you can keep your horse I don’t want your horse you ate dinner bones I’m mad about that you ate dinner bone he was a friend dinner B was a good good chicken

It didn’t deserve that monsters Oh shoot what what the hell happened here um I didn’t like that all right damn dead end oh it’s to the out now sweet let’s go all right guys if I don’t make it I’m sorry uh you should let you should let the lose all the

Killing privileges dude I should tell the whole I did tell you the whole thing someone killed my chicken and no one’s manad enough to own up to it and now my chicken became a delicious meal to slay that’s what happened okay let’s this way trying to think of where the hell I

Go next is it this way the messed up part about that whole story is that you can only have you can only dinner bone uh dinner bone once that’s it I think slay killed my chicken because she mad or she was hungry one of the two I don’t know There’s the other way back we’re going to go down and under you chicken eater okay apology accepted those are my favorite and I got you a horse huh I got you a you can calm down you fat butt I got one too okay bye can

I have it no so you got your own D got your own see you an ass you killed my chicken actually no you ate it pretty boy climb up my leg again see if I don’t feed you I’m giving you a horse yeah dinner bone that horse how do you dinner

Bone the horse you put dinner bone on a name tag and then your dinner bone horse well you’re a bone dinner on the name tag Noah bye ow oh wait I forgot to put feather falling on my boots damn ah and that’s you I I need go eat your nuggets

First that was close that was like the that’s like the tough part right there that’s out of the way these look like little Cocoa Pebbles look at you can only dinner bone once see he say quoted the [Laughter] day all right man that’s great my job

Has been done I have fed everybody in the house damn Skelly took all the [ __ ] books want to know how I know it’s Skelly cuz skell is the one that does this stuff Sonic what’s up buddy how are you hey you left the book what’s up down

There all right all right all right let’s see let’s not die hold on anything useful in here Hey Soul speed three nah power four on a bow I’ll take that I’m breaking three I already got it flame one curse Vanishing don’t want that okay we’re

Good that’s all good stuff it was it was decent was decent all right let’s go rip dinner bone I know right what did dinner bone ever do to y’all like for rizle but these gummy Skittles though I don’t know that’s this makes up for it [ __ ] missed go home I can’t well when

You get ready to go home you have a surprise we made up for it you made up for it yeah we did what is it a giant penis no you have another pet that’s been dinner Bon is it upside down yeah uh oh what is it a horse can you

Bring my sandwich now before I eat all these you’re supposed to be doing what honey ate my dinner with who honey them you guys I think she’s mad at me she is want me to come out there and eat with her because she is right because starting Saturday she really ain’t going

To be see be able to spend time with me so she’s not wrong with that that’s why we’re having a date yep plus I’m finding you in elytra woman you ate my damn chicken here we go has been dinner and is upside down but you can also ride

It upside down damn it this one’s already been found and you can write it upside down Nice N this is hella weird all right all right all right you peaked my interest hey look at that an Ender Chest let’s go give me silk touch anything good in here negative all right

Where is the eer where is he I just want to talk bro that’s it you know what you know what screw it all right let’s continue going this way I’m going to eat my fries though there we go damn it no lights are here either all right that’s fine keep going

You know what I haven’t been doing this I I don’t know if you guys have actually been checking oh wait hold on not this one where’s it at where’s the loot chamber need the one with the loot chamber on top there it is a he didn’t drop me any shocker things that’s a

Gay okay we got to go this way on a trip to find somebody and hopefully some Chalker boxes hey look another one watch this one be looted too oh this is a big one that’s what she said but still this is oh this one’s got potions on it instant Health instant Health let’s

Go ah elytra let’s go there we just got slay an elytra and let’s go feather falling Unbreaking blast protection 4 dep Shar will combine those with my boots we’ll take the gold Bars sharpness three mending one I’m pretty sure someone could use that did I even get any freaking I did not not at all all right all right cool cool cool we’ll just go ahead throw throw all this stuff in here while I have the opportunity to do

So uh keep that throw this in here that that that all right that’s that’s good enough so touch this let’s go all right let’s in here hold on does this have looting on it this has looting why am I not getting Sher shells God damn there’s like three of

Them it’s not dropping like I’m not even getting shells at all what is the dealio with that well since now I know this is an area that has not been looted let’s go oh there’s so many chambers what’s in here sharpness three uh I think I do without that one

Hey look Diamond let’s go more Diamond a saddle Thorns one mending one I need mending for my chest plate fire aspect let’s go sweet oh shoot they’re mad they pissed they angry they’re angry that all right let’s go in this one oh you buy a chest plate hell

No I’m still build oh man let’s go all right what’s on the projectile protection Unbreaking three I’m pretty sure some use that uh I could use the Thorns it’s in here SP template take that okay which one did I’ve already loot I think I looted that one uh okay Unbreaking three fortune three

Efficiency four four mending one that’s not bad actually that’s actually a pretty good shovel curse of binding who wants it who wants the cursive binding chest plate oh my God this just got nothing but freaking loot in it you want the curs of binding chest plate wow oh my

God all right just note you won’t be able to take it off three and I just looted that ship so let’s set a course this way all right this one don’t look like it has a [ __ ] oh it does let’s go another one hold on ear ites what’s that muff

Pretty wow so much diamonds I know right shine bright like a diamond right oh this one was looted how did this one get looted but the other one didn’t like br br hey bab hey what’s up would you be mad at me if I bought a Harry Potter Castle Lego set

No because it’s like $500 yes and it’s as big as my desk yes no yes no would you be mad at me if I bought a bunch of Lana cards tomorrow I have to all right no I’m buying it Skelly I’m gonna buy it I want it and I’m going to

Do a whole why why don’t you ask my brother Eric I want to do a whole live stream of nothing me but building that dog on Harry Potter castle that thing where did you get a pineapple from okay you know what I’m walking out voice call I’m not doing a voice

Call cuz I Am pro this one wasn’t looted dragon’s still here oh my God damn scavengers wait wasn’t I just here did I just do a big ass Circle I’m confused but this here will confirm it when I come in here sharpness three yeah I was just

Here how the how the hell did that happen Okay I I guess let’s go this way uh Raj welcome to the stream how you doing today yeah this is a private real I’m sorry I can’t I can’t even invite anybody into it okay this one still got stuff on

It sweet elra still here ow ow yeah give me some shells while we’re wait while we just float up here give me that looting to I’m pretty sure blast protection give me that all right I got two elytras now that in here this in here that can

Go in there this can go in there along with this stuff that can go in here that can go in there this can go in here as a matter of fact here’s what I can do okay get your freaking fluff out of my face gosh so disrespectful cat I mean

Dog bro invite you just so just so that way people would stop see this means I’m a member I can’t invite anybody now that’s out of the Way’s getting cold I’m waiting on you food’s getting cold you’re waiting on me okay okay okay okay okay okay do you want an elytra or

No I got you an elytra okay come home I’m coming home now yeah do okay it smells like fruity in here that’s smell like feet earlier and Doritos now it smells fruity I can’t stand the smells that are coming out of this room better stand it all

Right now if I’m not mistaken as long as I travel to the exact coordinates of 0 0 it should take me straight back to where we fought the Ender Dragon maybe I’m going say it’s a guarantee I like we’ve already checked that one says invite to game under the face

Cam yeah invite friends I can’t invite nobody like I mean I I’ll have here you know what emergency landing to show people that [ __ ] as soon as I go to land they freaking looked at me there you go there’s the person you need to talk to about inviting not me

Junior what’s up welcome to the stream how you doing and what do you know as soon as you had the coordinate 00 guess what’s here let’s go I’m home hello I’m Home oh my God that looks so [ __ ] wrong no oh sword yes here that looks so wrong oh my God dud what what’s up Junior how you doing Allie what are you saying can you please what uh can you please say all right let’s see here uh I am not

Going to say something that’s going to possibly get me in trouble so no hey Skelly do me a favor hey Skelly why don’t why don’t you read what allly said it’s all right to say yeah but here’s his thing I’ve had somebody uh come in here and ask me to say the word

Vin it’s a cooking oil pretty sure you can go from there and what they did is they uh they cut out the part where I said the VI Part and the cook the specific kind of cooking oil that we’re we’re about to talk about out of my way and try to say

That I said the nword so no thank you anyways the horse is yours oh my God love you get down horse is yours huh horse is yours yeah it looks freaking wrong it looks funny that’s what was funny about it black and common okay yeah but it also goes back to the day

You know I’m just going to go ahead and say it because I don’t even care it also goes back to the day where I said the word vinegar and they cropped out the word the part where I said Vin oh it is bad it’s racist kind

Of yeah but I’m not a racist individual and a lot of people know that stop how am I I’m doing pretty good my my boy my guy my boy why I said my boy my guy I’m sorry Ender JL what’s up welcome to the stream how are

You uh cage welcome to the stream then why did you say it say what you’re the one sitting here tell me or ask me to say it dum dum it’s all right I’m not going to get in trouble for it because it’s all being recorded anyway so jokes on you that’s all that

Matters just say stop being scared no you just told me it was racist now you can kick you can lick my unborn nuts I am not saying it I’m witness number one dude I got like 900 and some odd freaking Witnesses well not 900 but I got like roughly about five six other

Witnesses which that’s all I need not saying it you’re out all right Sonic you have a good one man thank you for stopping by he say nword oh yeah totally said the NW let me guess you guys are Zack Po’s uh recruits I’m I’m gonna go ahead say ask

That are you guys Zack pops recruits starting to seem like it ain’t it Skelly hey Skelly want to do me the honors because that’s what it’s really starting to seem like yeah all right scell [ __ ] it pull the trigger you know what you need to do

You know what you got to do not need to but you know what you got to do one down one more to go well not really no not both not both of them baby so Caroline got this in her Happy Meal right uh it’s a little card game right

Mhm I took it it’s m now no spiral she don’t deserve it she don’t know even know who spiral is yeah leaving him alone yeah I’d say leave him alone it’s like one of the things we don’t do with here we don’t do with racism or hate speech that’s something

We don’t do with here I mean if you sit there and tell me that it’s kind of racist and anyway shape or form and then you’re sitting there trying to get me to say it so that way you have a recording of me saying it and

So on so forth I’m not going to say it all all right horse is upside down I am not riding that horse I don’t care I’m not riding that horse that looks so freaking wrong like on a lot of levels that looks wrong kind of like Zach not gonna lie

Yeah I kind of figured yeah we’re trying to keep those kind of people out of here it’s a I can’t it’s a I don’t trust nobody kind of world is what this is he say it’s a movie figure kind of like z i r all that yeah for

Those who don’t know what uh for cage if you don’t know who we’re talking about uh Zack pobs is somebody who comes in here and likes to spam the nword quite a lot then he likes to make fake accounts and have people come in here and try to

Get me to say racist things and stuff like that so that way I guess I guess his intentions is to try to build hatred towards me instead of you know being civil and being you know a decent human being and whatnot he’d much rather try and get everybody else to look like [ __ ]

Because he has a terrible ass life and was probably touched as a child so it’s whatever we don’t do that here we won’t we don’t deal with it we won’t deal with it all right let’s see here I have two swords to play with fire aspect one with mending oh wait I already

Have you know what screw it let’s do it that’s going to cost 29 that’s going to cost 15 19 two expensive all right so that’s going to cost me 19 XP what are we what are what exactly are we changing breaking three sharpness four looting three fire aspect one

Knockback two mending one fire oh so this going to increase the fire aspect fire aspect too cool so in a sense I need to go get 19 XP Skelly that looks so freaking wrong he said exactly I’m not no I’m kind of mad that you guys did that horse dirty like for

Real can you have the tempate for a sec yeah in in a minute hold on come on give me the Ni I want my dinner bone chicken back that’s what I want yeah sure dinner bone a baby chicken that’s fine which I need I need to hurry up and do this you did did it awesome I need to hurry up and do this because you know all right here we go 19 let’s

Go what you doing down there Zen yes you did it booty Che okay we got our new member dinner bone chicken die get it out of here that’s for killing my [ __ ] chicken in the first place that’s for killing my chicken in the first place oh that that’s gone break three

Sharpness four looting three fire aspect two knockback two mending one all right all right our Paradise py pulled up we’re ready to go we about to go a session and eat yeah about yeah eat yeah e Eat Right eat is Right e is right also pretty boy was chewing on the bee

Nice you’re not you don’t need none go a she supposed to be in bed she was eating we’re letting her stay up can all sleep in tomorrow until we have to drop her off her babysit sweet oh and she already had a melatonin so you know she’s going to knock out oh

Yeah no I was just asking I was just asking all right come here Skelly here’s that template all right what yep all right well stream’s about to actually be cut real short guys like real real short like shorter than usual yeah because I’m about to go spend time with

SLE and then or spend time with my family and slay and then I’m gonna go and then uh we won’t be streaming tomorrow and then Saturday best believe we’re going to be streaming every single day till that sub counts as a thousand and then some and then some I’m ready to

Go all right um let’s throw I guess all my ingots and stuff into this get all my inot and whatnot in here all right y we’re good we’re good all right oh I don’t like doing this to you guys I hate doing this I don’t like cutting uh streams short whatnot but I

Mean play is absolutely right it’s about to get to the point to where you know um she ain’t going to be able we ain’t going to be able to spend time for quite some time so I mean I understand her point of view but

I also got to put her feelings in uh and perspective as well so what’s going to happen is I’m about to end this stream uh I’m going to go spend time with my family uh spend time with my family and then I’m going also be spending time with my family as well

Tomorrow tomorrow there won’t be a stream tomorrow at all so if you guys could go check out the content that I’ve already released there’s uh I guess a couple of uh Pokemon videos I’ve actually released on the past few Mondays uh go check those out one of

Them is a one of them is a giveaway so if you guys are interested you guys know what you got to do uh hit that like button subscribe and then uh leave a comment so way you guys enter the giveaway um and then after Friday starting on Saturday I’ll be streaming every single

Day till we hit 1K that’s going to basically be the slogan to it streaming every day till we hit 1K so that’s what we’re going to be doing all December something I don’t didn’t want to do but you know ever since we got hit with that

Algorithm fix or whatnot it it kind of It kind of put a damper on us so I do apologize guys but we more content for you guys I guess more streams so you guys have a wonderful night I hope to see you guys Saturday night with fortnite that’s right I said it fortnite

Fortnite’s going to be on Saturday I might consider doing Among Us I’m not 100% too sure but for those who haven’t already please do me a huge favor by leaving a like on the stream I would greatly appreciate it um and I’ll see you guys Saturday with uh Lego fortnite I think

It is you guys have a wonderful night wonderful morning and you guys take care be safe and I’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘The Realm, A Private Minecraft World’, was uploaded by unD34Dfetus on 2023-12-08 05:11:44. It has garnered 623 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:23 or 9143 seconds.

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Discord- unD34Dfetus#2949

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    Minecraft Movie Teaser: Warner Bros. Pictures Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming release of “A Minecraft Movie.” This live-action adaptation of the beloved video game is set to hit cinemas in 2025, bringing the game’s iconic characters and landscapes to life on the big screen. A Magical Adventure Awaits Directed by Jared Hess and starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast, “A Minecraft Movie” follows the journey of four misfits who find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative realm filled with challenges and… Read More

  • Wathi’s Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator’s Realm

    Wathi's Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator's Realm In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Creativity flows, setting imaginations free. With updates and news, we stay in the know, Crafting our worlds, letting our creativity grow. Wathi’s “Already Dead” video, a masterpiece in sight, With animations and lyrics, shining bright. The pressure around the neck, like a guillotine, The struggle and pain, in every scene. But in Minecraft, we find solace and peace, Building our dreams, letting our worries cease. So let’s dive into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In the world of Minecraft, where our imaginations take flight. Read More

  • Peelverine vs Deadpool | Official Trailer

    Peelverine vs Deadpool | Official Trailer Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment. Building Blocks of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are given the freedom to construct anything their imagination desires using various building blocks. From simple wooden houses to intricate castles, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is your creativity! Exploration and Survival Explore the vast landscapes of Minecraft, filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves waiting… Read More

  • Insane MINECRAFT stalling!! MythOneBlock Day 2

    Insane MINECRAFT stalling!! MythOneBlock Day 2Video Information This video, titled ‘【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 2, totally not stalling!!! #MythOneBlock’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-16 02:08:33. It has garnered 222645 views and 14802 likes. The duration of the video is 05:51:20 or 21080 seconds. maybe with @GawrGura and @WatsonAmelia ! 👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 https://cover.lnk.to/CHIMERA 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView ========================= 🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ https://twitter.com/takanashikiara 🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso ========================= [Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow these rules: 1.Be nice… Read More

  • 🌞 Build to Survive with SMILING CRITTERS in Minecraft!

    🌞 Build to Survive with SMILING CRITTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build To Survive SMILING CRITTERS In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-04-26 14:35:52. It has garnered 188849 views and 2257 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:06 or 7146 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • INSANE Bed Design in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #gaming

    INSANE Bed Design in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Bed Design in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Iconix Dream on 2024-02-28 12:30:46. It has garnered 70 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Cool Bed Design in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #gaming minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft seed,minecraft facts,minecraft rarest,minecraft update,camman18 minecraft,minecraft how to,minecraft but challenge,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft 1.20,minecraft survival,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft tiktok,minecraft tips,minecraft animation,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tutorial #lapatasmp #loyalsmp #minecraft Read More

  • Phoenix SMP

    Phoenix SMPPhoenix SMP is a 16+ community run by 2 like minded individuals who strive to provide a unique experience for everyone with a non-judgemental environment, perfect for new players or those with years of experience. play.phoenixmc.net:25612 Read More

  • CraftedSurvival SMP Semi-vanilla with Shopping District Cross-Play 1.21 Dynmap Land Claiming

    Crafted Survival A semi-vanilla SMP server offering a friendly, fun, and inclusive environment. We strive to keep the game close to vanilla with extra tweaks for a better gameplay experience. Main Features: 🏠 Land Claiming 🛍️ Shopping District 💨 Homes and TP 🗺️ Live World Map 👾 Mob Heads 🌙 One Player Sleep 🏅 Ranks based on trust, playtime, and voting 🧍 Active Player Base IP: play.craftedsurvival.net Bedrock Port: 19132 We can’t wait to welcome you to our server! ❤️ Read More

  • Minecraft server org.blockhero.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: org.blockhero.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockin’ and Buildin’ like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)

    Minecraft Memes - Blockin' and Buildin' like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)“I’m not just building, I’m creating a masterpiece out of virtual blocks and excrement. A true artist.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive?

    Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive? In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Is the game still alive, or just a fading dream? With updates and patches, the game stays alive, New features and challenges, always on the rise. The community thrives, with servers galore, Players building, exploring, always wanting more. From survival to creative, the options are vast, Minecraft’s popularity will forever last. So fear not, dear viewers, Minecraft is here to stay, With new adventures awaiting, every single day. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And dive back into Minecraft, where the possibilities flow. Read More

  • Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes

    Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes When you finally find that elusive sheep in Minecraft and realize it’s wearing a beacon on its head – talk about lucky loot! #baa-dass #woolbeacon #minecraftluck Read More

  • Paul’s Wild Minecraft Mishap!

    Paul's Wild Minecraft Mishap! The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a pixelated world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Let’s delve into some of the latest updates and features that have kept players hooked! Exploring New Biomes One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the diverse range of biomes that players can explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, each biome offers unique resources and challenges. The recent updates have introduced even more biomes, such as the lush caves… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server

    Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server Minecraft Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Skyblock Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than FakePixel Skyblock, where you can easily install over 20 mods for free without any crashes. Dive into a world of endless possibilities and enhance your gameplay with these exciting additions. Step-by-Step Installation Process Installing mods in FakePixel Skyblock is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started: Download Mods: Begin by downloading the mods you want to install. Make sure to choose reputable sources to avoid any issues. Install Forge: Forge is a mod loader… Read More

  • Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!

    Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!Video Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-08-03 18:00:27. It has garnered 4132 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:27 or 12747 seconds. I Fooled My Friend with SECRET OP ANIMALS MOD In Minecraft! My Best friend Dino had no idea I was Trolling him as OP SECRET OP ANIMALS In Minecraft by Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!! In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET OP ANIMALS and then I pranked my friend as a SECRET ANIMALS in… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE Minecraft

    Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘UPGRADE, ENCHANT, TRADE – Enjoy your mining! | LIVE Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vigilante Crafter on 2024-04-22 12:07:31. It has garnered 89 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. Grab your pickaxe and join me as we explore epic armor upgrades, mystical enchantments, and exciting villager trading. It’s time to level up your Minecraft game with a dash of laughter and creativity. Let’s mine, craft, and laugh our way through the pixelated wonders of this HARDCORE Minecraft world together! #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftFarms Read More

  • Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)

    Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Minecraft’s Most Unique SMP (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by CalamitySMP on 2024-07-08 05:17:21. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Calamity Discord: (in comments) Speaker: @callmeposted #levelssmp #minecraftsmp #smp #calamitysmp Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!

    Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!Video Information This video, titled ‘MORE TRIAL CHAMBERS! – Smarty Survival #6’, was uploaded by Smarty Light on 2024-07-23 20:43:40. It has garnered 248 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. This is the most lucky I’ve ever been in Minecraft! Read More

  • xJosephEx – Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱

    xJosephEx - Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HC 1.21 New World | 8/25/24 [17]’, was uploaded by xJosephEx on 2024-08-26 05:19:59. It has garnered 91 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:33 or 6453 seconds. I Start a new hardcore world and take it slow this time lets see if we can stay alive. Read More

  • CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!

    CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re So Back? | Minecraft: Hardcore Mode – Part 7’, was uploaded by CrookedRatt on 2024-09-18 01:41:15. It has garnered 78 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:12 or 13932 seconds. Please Like, Subscribe, and Tell Your Parents About Me! I’m going to die before I get a functioning crafting table. That’s my prediction. #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #survivalgaming Read More

  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

    Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed himVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kuromu gets Astel to strip, then beats him & force feeds him【VCR Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Pebo-kun TL ぺぼ on 2024-09-18 11:00:48. It has garnered 13348 views and 1081 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. Yano Kuromu from Vspo! @YanoKuromu source: https://youtu.be/UO3tctUnot4 Sendo Yuuhi from Vspo! @SendoYuuhi Astel Leda from Holostars @AstelLeda Sakura Ritsuki from Nijisanji @SakuraRitsuki More streamer server clips https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuHTBwxAt1LwxdKa00pea3ZIx9PXQNZd_ Please let me know in the comments if there is a translation error. I’m still learning Japanese so it is greatly appreciated. If you’re feeling generous, you can… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

    Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky's Evil ChickenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Maizen Journey on 2024-09-19 13:00:56. It has garnered 1542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft JJ ❤️ Mikey 💚 Welcome to Maizen Journey channel. Many new awesome stories with JJ and Mikey like Maizen videos are waiting for you. We hope you enjoy our videos! Do not forget to like and subscribe!!! Have a great day ❤️💚 This channel is… Read More

  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

    Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet and Jack emotional #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Side2kill gaming on 2024-02-17 18:07:37. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Techno gamerz Shorts Anshu bisht proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon among us bare knuckle bhoot bhoot bhuton kahani chhan chhan goshti cosas… Read More

  • Valena Towny

    Valena Towny  Welcome to a Valena Towny. Valena is a community driven server based on towns, survival, economy, and PvP. We believe a server is just a server, but what makes a server is the community. We run over 50+ plugins to make us unique and to add a different feeling to our server. You can join a town, start a town or live in the Wilderness. We have McMMo that is used for our auto ranking system that is strictly play-to-win. One of our main features we evolve around is economy. We have jobs for players to join to earn money… Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now and start your journey to becoming a legendary adventurer while making new friends. Visit the website https://minescape.me and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls & Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: minescape.me Wiki: https://minescape.wiki/ Latest blog: Feldip Hills Map Expansion, Daily Quest Rework, Shooting Stars Event & More Devblog #42 Store: https://store.minescape.me/ Discord: https://discord.gg/minescape… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

    Minecraft Memes - <p>Broke Minecrafter ***!</p>Poor guy, he may have a score of 28 in Minecraft but at least he’s a solid 10 in our hearts. Read More

  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP mc.universocraft.es, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CompanionKiwi https://x.com/CompanionKiwiYT Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/E6y9r42qv4 [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More