Eye-Popping Minecraft Legends Debunked!

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What happens if you force a villager to spawn in an abandoned Village these places should be abandoned yet every time I come through here I hear different sounds doesn’t make sense there are no Villages anywhere around here what is he doing here wait what’s happening no no no

No I’m t seeing a Minecraft’s most scary myths to see if they’re real or just fake clickbait starting with is it possible there’s actually something or someone hidden inside your chests this is Minecraft version 1.5 released all the way back in 2013 here’s the proof but why is this

Version sign significant well we look at the menu you’ll find the trapped chest in fact this was the first version it was ever ated except it didn’t work it didn’t power Redstone it just had a ton of bugs and glitches and did all kinds of strange things and no one really knew

Why in fact moang was so confused they removed it from the game and added it back in the next update but that got people thinking what if you took this broken trap chest that didn’t work and then loaded it in the newest version of the game well what happened was very strange

And people began reporting all kinds of cursed and unusual occurrences but are they real so I ported the world to the latest version Minecraft and at first glance everything seems to be normal nothing is breaking I mean we still have our chest wait do you guys see that our chest it’s just a

Chest it’s not a trap chest anymore there’s no red around the nose it’s just normal did the trap chest turn into a regular chest or is this still a trap chest but the texture is broken I can’t test it without redstone even though the texture broke I wouldn’t exactly call

That cursed oh wait rewind guys when I was holding the chest in my inventory did you see what it said it said trap chest above my hot bar so it is a trap chest just the texture is broken I mean it seems like a normal chest to me maybe

I need to put something in it okay I’ll just grab some wood so bizarre I just I don’t understand maybe I’m missing something about all of this wait did you hear that did the chest just open what what no no no no no no no no no how

Did the chest do that or is there actually something inside of that chest but what if it’s original purpose it was called a trap chest cuz something was trapped inside of it we look inside I don’t know should me luck guys there goes nothing watch until the end of the video

To find out what what happens but if you think that’s terrifying look into the fog there’s actually something smiling at you but why and here is the video evidence found by one of the ey fan members of the channel who are able to message me directly and what a jukebox

And an Alex head I mean in the newest version placing a mob head on the jukebox will play that mob sound but Alex doesn’t have a sound does she I don’t what is that what is that laugh bro dude they don’t even seem phased by look around something is making a sound

In your world unless that’s Alex no what wait wait wait wait wait wait why did the player die did Alex really make that sound unless something else was there wait rewind run run do you see anything out of the ordinary here nothing I’m trying to go back wait did guys see it

What what is that what is that that looks like Alex but but is she a bit taller than normal why is Alex smiling like that as I said a note block being influenced by a head is not completely unusual in fact it’s actually a Minecraft feature that works with every

Head in the game so we put use a piglin piglin sound a zombie zombie sound it works with every head except well one the player head no sound nothing in fact if you look again you’ll notice that we only have Steve here there is no Alex it doesn’t exist

Even if we search up skull the skeleton skull and the Wither Skull which are the other two these guys make sounds but there’s no Alex it just isn’t there there’s a command you can use SL give at s Minecraft player head if you hit this you’ll see there look at that

It gave gave me another Steve head but here’s where it gets really strange if you use the curly brackets after that but if you do skull owner and then use the number six but not just any six you need to use two talking marks quotation marks in six and then close the curly

Brackets and suddenly this command just works you hit enter boom you have Alex’s head it’s named six’s head which I don’t really understand but you you get it there there she is in fact if you guys think I’m lying just try it yourself it works it might not work Bedrock Edition

Because I’m using Java at the moment but still worth trying so now let’s put Alex on the jukebox okay anything strange I don’t know let’s play the Jukebox 3 2 1 nothing hello guys look no sound let’s grab a lever perhaps on side nothing did I do something wrong

Maybe there’s more to this maybe there’s a different way to do this except there wasn’t I tried every combination of redstone and still nothing come on And nothing nothing it just doesn’t work it just nothing has worked nothing is working this myth it just it has to be fake it’s cap right I mean I I can’t think of any other way we could do did you guys see that wait wait am I

Am crazy do you see that wait rewind the video and check for me guys in the comments below what did you see because I saw a chicken that just spontaneously bust it just died and like right there just po maybe while we’ve been doing all of this even though I’m not hearing the

Sounds we still summoned this thing I mean what even is this I me it looks like a tall Alex I don’t know we’ll just call it tall Alex I don’t know what it’s called but I think we might be on to something okay we’re going to head over

There we’ll just keep our eyes down for anything that might look like this entity just got to be careful all right there was a creepy smile she was taller but she just just came out of nowhere what if she sneaks up on me I mean I’m

In Creative so I should be okay right I mean that makes sense okay and nothing wait wait oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’ve been just scaring myself this whole I’ve just been paranoid there’s literally a fox there with a chicken in his mouth great great so I was just

Making up stuff this whole time I think it’s clear that the evidence I got it was fake it’s not real this myth is Capal that myth might be fake but but this abandoned desert temple is definitely real this is allegedly the seed where the abandoned desert temple was found why are people

So afraid of a seed I mean it’s just a sea right and what does abandoned even mean all desert pyramids were empty I mean will it look different maybe it glitched out it’s hidden underground in the side of a mountain like I mean I thought they were all abandoned I don’t

Get what’s so scary about this okay we’re in the world nothing strange here bro there’s literally a village there’s literally a village right next to the temple over there are you serious how can it be abandoned if there’s a village that’s clearly like this is like the complete opposite of abandoned there’s

Clearly people living here it’s okay maybe there’s more to this that I’m missing so here’s our village and I think I saw yeah there’s the desert temple just there wait guys there’s no one here what happened to this Village where are all of these Villages I mean

There are some crops here not many at all is there a chest in there there’s a chest in here empty I’ve never seen that before maybe the desert temple the abandoned desert temple as it’s called will give us a clue as to what’s happened here maybe these two are linked I mean it

Makes sense they’re literally both right at spawn let’s take a look seems pretty normal to me we got the rooms on the side and no no no the blue terra cotta there’s usually blue terracotta in the middle middle there it’s been broken which means someone had to have been

Here at some point I mean I guess that’s what abandoned means someone was here and then left and person that was here activated the TNT it’s as if someone has already looted the temple but this has never happened to me before this is a we created this world just then wait a

Minute wait a minute in 1.20 one of the most recent Minecraft updates they added a secret room to Minecraft temples which should be somewhere here no is it wait there should be suspicious sand here like it’s where you like you know brush out and artifacts in the suspicious

They’re supposed to be here this makes no sense this is a normal Temple I mean this is like an old Temple but I’m in the latest version of Minecraft is there other things about this Temple that I’m not noticing maybe on the roof up here anything wait wait wait

Wait wait go back go back go back that’s a cross were there always crosses I think so there I mean there’s definitely been a pattern on desert temples I just can’t remember I think I I I might be losing it this is just a normal desert the temple they always

Look like this maybe there’s something else I’m missing did you guys hear that that was was that a villager sound wait an iron golem wait he wasn’t there before wait pigs villager what what just happened where did these guys come from are they real wait were they hiding in their

Houses before no I don’t even remember seeing an iron golem they can’t be real no they’re real they’re real you can trade with them you can hit them the there’s real as day wait wait wait wait wait the pattern it was definitely a cross before I’m not crazy it’s

Definitely a cross before it’s not any what what the Block’s back in hold up hold up dig through the room is not and the suspicious sand is here too it’s playing with my mind it’s playing mind games why is it why was it like that and

Then it changed is it is it like this in all worlds or is it like a chance thing maybe the longer you play more strange things will get to happen maybe that’s it maybe there’s more to this maybe I just need to play for a couple more days

Guess that’s all we can do and you guys can try this yourself but we’ll come back and we’ll see what happens now back to the chest no nothing this what no way no no we can test this again it happened when I was digging up that tree so maybe we

Just need to dig up some more trees I mean that seems like the obvious solution guys did you hear that did you what was that it was it was the sound of a sheep dying but I don’t see any sheep what what the all right so clearly a

Sheep died right there were they were there sheep before rewind the video and check for me guys let me know in the comments were there sheep in this area before I don’t know I don’t remember I wasn’t really paying attention to the the wildlife but it died right next to

The chest is that a coincidence unless it’s not wait wait wait wait wait wait look look the texture it’s fixed around the nose there’s a red tint but the textures were broken it’s still clearly is a trap chest unless guys have you ever thought about what the red color

Actually is what if this whole time it’s not random but actually it’s blood maybe the chest wants the mud in the wall do we give it to it I don’t think we have much of a choice guys here we go all right open it up okay still a normal chest we’ll put

In the wall and the m in it just van it just vanished it just ate it just ate it up it is it still in there it’s not in there it’s what what does that mean why did it take it like as an offering so there has to be something in there right

Taking those items that’s the only thing that makes sense something trapped it why is it opening on its own what is it doing wait are those those were eyes those were eyes I saw eyes inside of that chest I’m so guys check check for me were there eyes in the chest there is

Something in there and it is trapped and I’m going to reveal what’s in there okay I can do it I can do it we’re going to see what’s in there all right we’re going to see guys look at this look at look at this look at this I’m clicking

Chest is an opening why can’t I open the the chest what’s what’s going on this doesn’t make any sense I okay maybe maybe I’m too far away let go a little bit closer wait what no help he’s grabbing me I can’t move I can’t move I’m stuck inside the chest

What and this is exactly why you should never ever have this item in your chest this 13 disc 11’s older brother alone this disc is nowhere as scary containing only cave Ambient sound a Creeper explosion and the faint sound of arrows however when combined with dis 11 this

Is where it gets scary as if it is done correctly we can supposedly summon juke box head a crazy cave dwelling entity out only for blood and to cause pain to the human ear with blood curdling screams sounds and cursed noises once again and we’re creating a new world I’m

Going to turn off multiplayer so no one can join the game and as you can see there are no resource packs and no Behavior packs everything you see in today’s video is completely unmodded unchanged vanilla Minecraft and we’ve loaded straight into what appears to be a Giant Tiger Biome which is my favorite

Biome but I don’t really have much time to get excited about that because of what we’re about to test now to summon in jukebox head we must first build a cross of jukeboxes which is part of his summoning ritual so let’s grab out our drink boxes and we’re going to build

Across 1 2 3 4 5 6 just like that I don’t know whether it needs to be in a certain biome a certain seed I couldn’t really find much information about that on the internet this is all I could find for the ritual we must Place disc 13 in

The center jukebox and remove it at 1 minute and 30 seconds exactly 13 seconds after the creeper starts hissing and the disc Cuts as it is believed by many that this is actually the starting point for dis 11 then we just replace dis 13 with

Dis 11 in that Center juke box I don’t know if there’s anything else we need to do so we may as well give it a go in 3 2 1 and there it is dis 13 oh just gives me chills guys okay do we see anything strange or

Weird beginning to happen I mean I certainly don’t but the sounds but what’s worse is what the shadow man can do to you reports claim a shadow version of the player with one key difference the shadow has something on his head that looks almost like a top

Hat but how could this exist in Minecraft now when I think about where the scariest shadows in Minecraft are the first thing that comes to mind are the caves except for there to be scary Shadows we actually need shadows and if you case you had notice by default

Nothing in Minecraft has shadows in order to save computer power so since the shadowman is an entity and it is a shadow I figured we need to turn entity Shadows on but what kind of Shadow am I even looking for because Minecraft Shadows look at me it’s literally just a

Circle that that is not scary in the slightest but Minecraft isn’t the only place where shadowman has been seen there are thousands of reports of people all over the World waking up in the middle of the night who see shadowman and are suddenly unable to move or even

Scream so if I just stop moving that means the shadow man will strike how long do I have to stop moving for I don’t I don’t get the rules of this game I I don’t understand so instead I searched every corner of the cave but nothing happened does something

Need to happen to cause him to appear wait i’ I’ve read somewhere that the shadowman attacks people in real life who don’t won’t get enough sleep causing something called sleep paralysis and this is where your brain is awake but your body just isn’t so you could scream

As loud as possible and nothing would happen your body would just be completely silent and in Minecraft if a player sleeps for three nights in a row Phantoms start to appear so maybe these mobs aren’t real they’re just hallucinations visions that are part of this sleep paralysis so to test this if

We just stay awake for what like 10 nights that should be able to prove it in the meantime let’s try and prove if the 300 a.m. curse is real oh my gosh I am so tired y’all it is literally 3 a.m. in the morning I’ve

Set up all night to test this theory for you guys so please subscribe and I’m literally risking sleep paralysis on my other game right now we need to change the time in Minecraft to also 3:00 a.m. now Minecraft time is weird 6,000 is midday which means that 12,000 is

Midnight so 15,000 must be 3 a.m. look there it is that’s where the Moon is right now in real life and in Minecraft which is kind of creepy now the 3mm curse is also known as the devil’s hour this is the time and day when unexplainable paranormal events happen

Such as things just appearing or Vanishing Into Thin Air and Spruce biome is often known as one of the scariest biomes for this to happen and wait did you all see that guys there wait there wait every time I look it disappear guys rewind the footage are you seeing that

Are you guys seeing that bro wait am I seeing things or am I not I I swear everywhere I look and they just disappear okay am I just really tired that I’m seeing things now wait I’m recording replay footage we can check that I searched through my entire replay

Footage analyzing every frame but still found nothing was I hallucinating yep that’s me just running around like a madman looking for entities in the trees that don’t exist like obviously I should have seen those entities nearby right cuz that’s that’s where I saw the before but I’ve actually searched this entire

Forest and haven’t seen anything that would be out of the ordinary literally nothing I honestly guys I think my mind is playing games with me I’m I’m just going to go to sleep when you and your friend are sacrificing and it actually works is this a m wait the Villager

Actually disappeared H they’re freaking out I’m freaking out what let’s create a new world to test this out at first I thought the video was a meme or a joke or something like that but then I read the comments and tons of other people were claiming the exact same thing

Happened to them when they built the Villager sacrifice setup is this a real thing and if we are sacrificing villagers who in the world are we sacrificing them too I ain’t even going to lie I had to rewatch the video like 20 times to figure out what the setup

Actually was cuz it was just such a short video first thing we’re going to do guys is build out a 9×9 square of red Nether Bricks we’re go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and then across here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

And I’m too too lazy to place all those red NE the bricks all right so we’ve got our little summoning area set up we’re going to place a campfire in each of the corners here and finally one in the center next we’re going to grab those

Black candles we got one candle here on the outside diagonal from our campfire then two then three four and then going back down again 3 2 1 and we’re going to do the same thing on each of these sides here guys we also have to place four run

Cattles on either side of the center campfire so 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 four and finally on that last side now we need the giant thing for the Villager to hang from so we’re going to place this on this side here with one block two

Nether brick walls and three fences then grab our iron bars and we want to bring these directly over our campfire like so oh just one more and perfect so let’s go ahead we’re going to place I think it’s one two chains to do it perfect then

We’re going to grab our flint and still here guys light all of these up and then finally out inner candles as well already this looks very very messed up very very scary and I’m not a fan at all place that Anvil down grab our name tag

And rename this to dinner bone this is going to turn our villager upside down then we’re also going to need a barrier block we want to open up chat and type in SL give space a with the squeal around the at symbol of P barrier and

Hit enter then we’re going to come down here and we’re going to place one 2 three that should do it all right and then we only need barriers here on each of the sides just to stop the Villager from running away place the Villager in

The center add on the name tag and just like that guys we’ve got to El a villager hanging over the setup and I think that’s everything but nothing’s really happening I mean in the video they were like jumping around and be like oh yes we’re doing a evil ritual

But I think this is just a be more a joke guys I mean it’s is pretty funny I mean it does look very scary but I can see how this would be funny you know hanging a villager from his head but I think I can Confirm flip oh flip um uh what uh I don’t think I can confirm that this is fake where that V is the village still there hold up let me turn on hit boxes real quick there’s no hit box right there look normal entities have hit boxes even

I have a hit box there’s nothing there all of a sudden where did that villager go where did it go we just got to wait for the disc to cut and we got to be ready on it so we can take it out and replace it with disc

13 okay guys I do not like this at what is that oh my God this disc actually gives me the heie jibbies okay just calm down all right the world seems pretty normal nothing strange is happening I’m going crazy what is happening wait there it cut it cut okay I don’t know whether

I heard that creeper his or not but it cut and we got to put dis 11 in okay go oh gosh there is the terrifying disc 11 once again at least this one isn’t backwards oh God I hate this sound I hate this disc okay so apparently we just play it

And this supposedly summons in jukebox head but nothing is happening there’s no lightning no crazy sound effects nothing terrifying here guys we don’t even have to wait till disc 11 gets to the end jukebox headers are supposed to appear the minute we put in the disc and yet

Nothing has happened so I think we really can just put this down to fake clickbait I mean we’ll wait till the finishes obviously just to check that there isn’t anything else going on here but I get the feeling that honestly nothing is going to happen I mean it

Hasn’t happened so far we’ll wait till the end and we’ll see if anything happens and there it is guys the disc is done nothing whatsoever it seems like jukebox head that was his name seems to be just a myth we’ll look around the world here and guys let me know if you

See anything out of the ordinary or strange cuz maybe jukebox head doesn’t have like a grand entrance like some other entities do and maybe we just invited him into our world and we actually have to play around for a bit longer to actually discover what he may

Be doing to us because from what I can tell this world seems normal we have an absolutely dope floating island over here I’m not going to lie this is actually a really great scene let’s look around I mean jukebox said supposed to be in caves so maybe we should head into

Here guys and see if we can find anything uh guys what was that sound okay that high pitch sound is getting louder we’re going to give ourselves n fit here uh guys what’s that we are getting out of this world I can’t handle this I can’t I actually can’t in 1.4 this seed

Is cursed and ruled by an entity that literally snatches players but this is not only in the game once the entity gets you in game it gets you in real life like in the clip below the players are running and eventually end up getting cored in a cave so the

Individual leaves the game sadly his friend wasn’t so lucky and we missing the following day in the bottom left you can see I’m currently playing Minecraft version 1.14.4 the original version that the snatcher was first sided the snatcher has also only ever been found in survival world so that’s the game mode

We’re using today but most importantly is the seed snatcher with a lowercase sore 366 984 212 uncore entity even the seed is giving me chills we’ve turned off cheats and we’re going to create the world so you know everything you see in today to video is 100% real but let’s

See what the spawn looks like and it looks pretty normal to me I’m not saying anything that is you know strange or odd no crosses no glitched out blocks pretty normal Minecraft stuff we’re going to head towards those trees there cuz those are the nearest source of wood so we can

Start crafting tools and the rest of it pretty normal thing I’m not saying anything that would suggest this world is cursed by an unusual entity that snatches you not only in the game but in real life there should be an abandoned M shaft somewhere near here not looking

Forward to that because I did some more research on the snatcha and he was first cited in Monday the 26th of December 2016 some of the signs that he’s in your world include illusions of blood flashbacks taking random damages buzzing sounds nausea and ingame screams that’s right literal screams inside of

Minecraft which just is so terrifying to me okay let’s just gather some wood here guys even on this side of the world everything seems pretty normal I mean the wood is pretty normal the gr wait guys my game is literally just Frozen there for a few frames what was that do

You guys see that okay that was really weird my game just like dropped a couple of frames there and froze for a second that shouldn’t have happened okay already with something like that happening so early on I’m a little bit spooked that might not mean that this

World is cursed but let’s go ahead craft ourselves a crafting table I definitely don’t want to go exploring for that at B in mft until I’ve got at least some defenses I reckon a stone sword should be adequate guys what happens if I disappear actually that’s true guys if I

Don’t post a video tomorrow after this video please somebody called the authorities or the police or something because who knows what might have happened to me but I suppose now we’re just going to have to keep looking for the abandoned M shaft I can’t believe we’re doing this guys look over there a

Shipwreck and just before I saw a village while coming over those Spruce Hills which means it should be pretty likely that an abandoned M shaft would be around this area now all we have to do is find a Cave opening and oh my goodness it’s literally becoming

Nighttime right now the time from Spawn to over here where I think the event in M shaft would be is the exact amount of time for a full day to pass is that just coincidence or are we being led to this aband of M sha guys I really don’t like

This right now night is the time that the S is supposed to appear and in a bandam mind shaft which means if this isn’t a coincidence there should be a Cave opening just around this area here guys but I’m not seeing one so maybe it

Is just a and maybe it’s not oh my God oh my gosh guys literally a m shaft right there okay you know what maybe there is an abandoned M shaft in there and this was just pure luck okay no we’re going to do it I’m freaking out

Right now okay I just need to breathe it’s okay now something you guys have been asking me to do before I show anything this videos to prove that I’m not on a server of any kind so if I open up you can see I’m not open to land no

One else can join this world I can’t even hit tab on my keyboard because this is a legit single player world let’s head into the caves guys am I going to regret this most definitely and while we wait our next mystery scares me personally why because I made a video on

It back in 2018 and boom do you see that in the side of the Shipwreck guys some sort of entity it looks like a ghost while there’s no proof exactly what it is this seed is called Blackbeard’s ghost and I have wanted to catch that entity again and

See if it’s real ever since then and today we’re going to do it as I said the seed I used in that video was black beard with a capital B I’m going to switch off multiplayer so no one can join we got no resource packs no Behavior packs let’s create the world

Now why is this scene called black bid well it’s interesting black bid isn’t something that exists in Minecraft it’s actually someone who existed in real life now we got to head towards the nearest ocean which check it out is literally right next to spawn so I’m going to give myself night vision here

Guys so that we can see through the water and spot the nearest shipwreck as soon as possible now Blackbeard in real life was a pirate during the era of pirates way back in the past and he went around killing thousands of people was one of the best Pirates ever he was

Looting villagers but he was still a very very bad guy guys I need to put this to rest I really need to know whether that entity I saw was real guys and whether it is still in the game oh my goodness guys that is literally the

Exact same shipwreck that I saw all the way back in 2018 I’m actually freaking out right now okay calm down calm down we can do this guys I’m going to see whether or not this entity is real there it is blackbeards ship supposedly oh well we can continue to call him black

Beard but it’s a unique entity some sort of pyate ghost okay here we go I’m actually getting Shivers right now down we go nothing in that window we got to drown over there and down we come to the same window in that video and nothing absolutely nothing what what why is

That I mean the chest is here we’ve got a bunch of paper feathers and the same oh no literally a different treasure map there’s two Treasures here but well maybe it learned from the first time it got filmed and now it’s not being so obvious strange guys maybe one of you

Can find it if you’re not recording why don’t you try this seed for yourself and see but for now let’s bust another meth game mode survival with cheats turned off now we’re going to be using this seed and I’ll explain why in just a second you see gas were first added in beta

0.12.1 but the last sighting of the black gas was in version 1.12.2 and as you can probably tell from these awful Graphics old textures and lag that’s the version we’re currently using now this seed as I said is very important cuz it’s the only seed in this entire

Version that has this blacksmith at spawn you’re probably thinking there are tons of villagers with blacksmiths well none quite like this having exactly enough good loot for us to head straight to the nether right off the bat but we should probably know what we’re up against first you see the black

Gas was the first beta bug test for the gas we know and love today however rumor has it a Mojang employee accidentally locked the ghast light level on -1 well what does that mean it began to cause the entity to consume light until it was so dark your screen was literally just

Black making the game completely un playable so we’re going to head to the Nether and figure that out there was enough iron here for us to make it iron bucket which we can then use to craft a portal with this lava right at spawn as you can see there is nothing quite like

This seed I mean technically you could do this on any other seed but I want to get to the nether now we’ll just grab the water and Chuck this over here but here’s the thing guys Mojang tried desperately to fix the black gas they even created glow

Stone just to add light but nothing worked and most sad of all that employee was fired and never heard from again all right let’s Chuck up our lava let’s see whether we can clear that employees name today guys now we’ll do this on the right as well and lastly some Flint

Right now we can light the fire I don’t even remember what the nether was like before the nether update it’s been like 5 six years since I’ve actually played this version and oh my gosh bro these textures everything looks so different it’s so NY the texture literally looks

Like bloodworms this is so much grosser man oh my gosh what the what is that the black G no no no no no no wait oh my gosh gas bro oh my bro I’m so stupid clearly all of this scary talk has just got me spooked and paranoid guys oh my

Gosh even if it was real the black ghast wouldn’t be here you see Mojang trapped the black ghast in the nether farlands which is 25 million blocks away from spawn which now is exactly where we are headed and hopefully we can find a fortress or something along the way to

Get us some more loot because honestly this is just simply are not enough to survive the nether so I began walking 17 hours later and I was finally there I am this close to giving up I am tired I’m exhausted I reckon this is cap look at

My ex coord I have walked over 25 million blocks and I have not seen this farlands all the black guys Farland that’s it that’s it that’s it this is the world border it’s here it’s here in the flesh we have to check this out guys the prison of the black

Gas it’s time for us to investigate hold up is my screen getting darker okay everything just got a little bit darker could it mean that the black Gast is near or is it just I don’t know the fin lands are 25 million blocks away so maybe we’re so far away from Spawn that

The game is glitching I mean that is feasible as well how deep is this thing I’m not saying anything strange suspicious or unusual yet so I guess that’s not really a what the H where did these guys come from no no no no no bro

Oh my gosh what the huh how did these guys just appear they they literally that looks so sus mobs do not spawn like that they usually spawn when you’re not around and they definitely don’t spawn that many in one hit bro it doesn’t make any sense I mean theoretically the game

Is lagging a little bit that we’re at here but not that much right I I don’t unless wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute guys I remember a report hold up hold up hold up I remember one of the reports that said that the black gas

Tried to hide Itself by spawning in regular gas so player couldn’t see them but I definitely didn’t see a black gas maybe it was there I don’t know I was too distracted on the other guy guys I need you to replay that footage and see whether you saw any black ghast hiding

Behind them oh my gosh okay we’re tunneling tunneling tunneling uh I only have one bit of gold armor this is too dangerous oh my gosh nope nope nope nope all right we’re just going to keep placing torches cuz I’ve just realized okay so we came down here I don’t know

About you guys but I feel like we have just witnessed a tons of signs of the black G all right I don’t know maybe I’m just getting overly paranoid I don’t see anything that should wait the Torches just went out what what happened to the Torches it’s

Like they’ve all died out this these aren’t real items are wait a minute the black gas is supposed to consume all life that’s how it does it wait hold up hold up hold up I need to get myself some glowstone if it’s consuming all light then this shouldn’t emit light

That’s not that’s not emitting light all right I’m going out into where it is completely dark and we are seeing this right now for ourselves it’s dark it’s not emitting light no no no no no we should probably stop placing down the glowstone I mean every time we place

Down something you know that emits light we’re just feeding the black gust we’re giving it more power right is that out I don’t know but this is ridic No Light No Light I don’t like this at all guys oh my gosh all right we’re just getting out

Of here and we’ll see what else we can find n no that’s a fortress impossible I mean it’s statistically impossible Mojang made it so that structures don’t generate in the fire lands and on top of that Nether fortresses don’t generate this far away from Spawn it’s actually

Impossible could this also be the work of the black gas and check it out it’s literally a full Fortress just chilling right here I don’t I don’t understand and furthermore there’s there’s Pigman here and there’s a Blaze spawner but that breaks everything we’ve been believing so far all of the reports I’ve

Been talking about also claim that it becomes so dark that mobs don’t spawn actually they despawn we just got Bob Joe and Stewie chilling out here and they don’t seem to care about the darkness I mean I still feel like my screen is getting darker but it’s

Clearly not dark enough for modest to spawn so now I’m beginning to wonder if that part of the story isn’t true then is any part of the story true that’s that’s what I want to know cuz I don’t really want to get oh no oh no I’m low

I’m low I’m low I’m low low oh eat the golden apple eat the golden apple go go go go woo all right and that’s exactly why we got rid of the spawner I guess this place really isn’t as interesting as I thought maybe we’ll find something else

Further down here guys what the H where did the zombie pigman come from wait hold up even more questionable I hit the zombie Pigman and these guys didn’t attack me Bob are you okay in there hello okay I’m going to punch one we need to see whether the something’s up

Here if I die right now I’m going to regret this it took so long to get out of here than hello they’re not attacking me they’re not attacking me wait there’s a gas stand there’s are gas stand what the how many gas are at you all of a sudden no no

No where do they Spawn from wait we learned that they’re hiding the black gas so I I just have to kill them there’s got to be the black gas hiding somewhere between them take these bad guys out oh there we go there we go okay

Come on come on come on I really wish I had some more armor right now oh no all right we got one more Golden Apple come on come on oh no okay come on come on come on right and bang bang nice right I heard another one die we got one more to

Go come on come on we got this yes easy all right now we can prove the black gas existence once and for all where are you black marshmallow that’s what I want to know bro he’s literally not here yeah okay they’re hiding nothing they’re hiding nothing oh my God guys my screen

Is getting really dark wait where did the Pigman go wait hold up where did the Blazer they’re gone bro there were Pig went it’s got so dark that they started despawning okay we can leave right oh my gosh there that was it that was the black gu he

Literally flew right in front of me right it’s so hard to tell it’s too dark what there there again it has to be the black G that that is it but he’s not attacking me he’s scared of me he’s scared of me that’s it I don’t understand but we’ve got video evidence

I’m getting out of here guys we have video evidence that black gas is real confirmed I am out what is that what is that no why did the guys scare screams I I hear guys scam I do not see guys I do not see you guys what’s going on where

Cur go go go come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh no no no no no that’s the black gu hey mate how you goinging okay he passive he is not passive what the H oh he literally shoots Slava he just

Destroyed the entire Fortress um okay wait it’s easy it’s just like every other guy we just got to hit the fire charge back wait what I hit it and it it didn’t work it didn’t work I literally kind that got fck We’re Going Under we’re going on I’m getting out of

The fire lands guys I can not afford to lose this computer like I lose every other one go go go wait wait wait wait I’ve got an idea I’ve got an idea come on come on just shooting with the arrows shooting with the they’re literally B to

Go they are B they are not doing any damage to him okay n n all right no wonder nobody has ever reported manager to kill the black guys dream parkour okay that was not dream ow ow ow holy hey black C how you doing there’s no way

We’re not going to get out of here I’m going to die I’m actually going to wait wait how much obsidian do I have 17 17 yes that’s huge that’s huge he can’t follow me in small places he can’t follow me in small places hide us quick hideing here get this done and quickly

And fast ow ow I still took damage okay his explosions are absolutely huge guys I don’t know how they’re going through the walls all right to the overw to the overw yes yes yes hallelujah holy that was close oh my gosh we did we did it we do it the

Black it’s just a cave Jordan it’s just a cave nothing scary Dan here nothing scary at all all right we’re just going to hold a torch in our of 10 so we’ve got some light oh Creeper Creeper Creeper okay it’s just a creeper it’s just a creeper nothing scary guys I am

I’m just I’m not looking forward to this whatsoever this thing could literally take me away in real life oh we got some skeletons oh my goodness I really wish I had some armor right now oh my goodness oh my goodness okay all right I’m on two

Hearts oh back back it up back it up okay we need to eat those sweet berries I really should have gotten more of these guys oh my goodness up comes the creeper run run run all right we are so so low right now and I hate it just calm

Down Jordan you are freaky out way way too much all right are you kidding oh my goodness guys literally right here are you kidding me what this is a m shot so close to the service as well are you kidding me we literally just came down this cave we barely did any exploration

And the M shaft is right here all right we just look around the M shaft and save okay that I think that’s just the zombies footsteps right guys wait no what did you see that there was a literal particles on footstep see when I walk across the ground I produce

Particles I saw footstep particles right there and I heard them I mean this seems pretty normal put a b down here wait what there again the footstep particles something is following me right now something is actually following us guys and we’re out of food we’re out of food and something’s

Following us there’s that sound again guys I know my Minecraft cave sounds and they are terrifying that is not one of them I’m sure of it I heard I definitely heard a block being placed I’m footsteps footstep oh my gosh oh my gosh what was that something just hit me whatever creepy

Strange thing you are I will take you out Flip Flip there’s that sound again guys I really do not like this this is really beginning to freak me out okay we’re getting out of that section I I do not like this whatsoever Dana Dan here

Okay where in the world are we what is this oh my oh Flip Flip Flip something is here something is here I’m sure something is following us what there’s blocks breaking right there okay we got to go oh flip fell into the hole okay

Dan here Dan here oh no we’re in a dead end oh flip okay I’m really okay what is that sound what is that in the chat I’m going to take you away now no no no I’m quitting the game I’m crashing the game but myths are the only things that are

Cursed you should never play on seed 6 6 6 was that not scary enough for you I’m sure this will be our next sa is 666 we’re going to turn of multiplayer so no one else can be in the world with no resource packs and no Behavior packs

For those of you who don’t already know 666 is called The Number of the Beast the devil’s number the number of Satan I suppose the first place to visit would be this Village here to see if we notice anything out of the ordinary guys as always you see anything you hear

Anything that I don’t pick up on please let me know down in the comments down below cuz I want to know whether or not these things are real as well guys from you know just the looks of it everything seems pretty normal villagers seem intact while we’re looking around here

Guys I’m just going to continue talking about what people have reported on this seed basically pretty much everyone has played on it for more than you know a few minutes have experienced all types of weird glitches but I’m not seeing any glitches like maybe you have to play

This seed for longer to experience these glitches all right we got a desert temple you know maybe there’s something up with these desert temples have been known to have some very cursed things inside of them I mean green Steve has supposedly been spotted in did you hear

Hear that wait guys did the sky just go dark okay I’m just freaking out over nothing guys this happens normally if it starts raining the sky goes dark it just started raining what why am I freaking out I’m letting everything I’ve read on the internet scare me guys okay this is

That’s rubbish all right let’s have a look nothing seems out of the ordinary here with this desert temple let’s have a look down here yep seems pretty standard we got ourselves some chest they’re all nice and filled up feather falling ooh we got some diamonds I mean that’s some pretty good loot here

Wao was there sand on top of that there a okay I don’t know I must have broken some sand here guys and that fell down okay I mean that’s pretty standard again I’m not saying anything that’s weird here guys okay yes it is raining I’m not completely crazy guys the sky’s only G

Dark cuz it’s raining I’m pretty happy with this guys I mean okay that lighting was awfully close I mean it is raining and lightning does happen when it is raining that it happens during thunderstorms that lighting was really close to me I’m actually letting this get to me guys oh

My good lightning is a normal thing in Minecraft I think I’m going to say that even though people are experiencing weird things in this I don’t think we’ve experienced anything that’s super strange that sound was weird okay I why is the what’s with the creepy sounds guys I don’t like them wait

What where are the chests whoa what did you guys see okay I’m I’m losing it okay the chest maybe the game just like had an issue when it was rendering when we first load in the seed I think my screen shook but that’s probably just lag I know these are normal Minecraft things

But this is kind of scaring me guys let me know comments down below if you think this is scary too but we’re getting out of here but even if you do Escape seed 666 can you outrun the distorted Gast but now I’ve switched over to the latest version of Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Using this scene where there have been reported sightings of what people are calling the distorted gas except no one actually knows what this thing does now I have my own Theory there is another entity known as distorted Al and if you know anything about that it’s also a distorted virus which moves around

Blocks in the game and leaves a trail of redstone wherever it goes and I figured well if this ghast is similar then maybe it also moves blocks around I know it sounds kind of stupid but no one else knows what it does and since it’s a

Ghast and Gs are found in the nether I figured we should start our investigation here maybe it could leave like I don’t know a trail of fire behind it not seeing anything out of the order now this all looks pretty wait was that fire there before did that just appear did

That be the distorted gas blocks around what was that sound I that was spooky know guys I don’t like this just checking wait was that skeleton there before I don’t know there’s a ghas sound is that a distorted ghast no it’s just a regular ghas wait guys what am I doing I

Think I’m just overthinking and imagining things that are moving you guys can rewind and check but I actually think I’m just scared caring myself and I’m being paranoid and I haven’t seen any gas that look like distorted gas look I mean wait that gas just appeared

No it it’s just normal okay but maybe if it’s a virus then my antivirus might be stopping it from appearing oh I really hope I don’t regret this all right virus and throat protection settings manage settings that we’re going to turn them off guys I am doing this for you guys to

See whether or not this is a myth or it’s true so please subscribe because I’m literally putting my entire p at risk look at all of these warning signs and we’re back and I don’t notice any change was there a g here before no no there wasn’t okay so literally nothing

Has changed this is the exact same there was there the gas just glitched did you see that wait was that a redic bug okay it’s just a normal ghast bro there’s no sign of anything different than before is this myid cap I think it might be all right you know what before we

Stop the investigation we we should go back to the Overworld let’s grab ourselves that flint and steel maybe something has changed problem with all the reports online is I actually have no idea what I’m looking for people just say they store this thing I don’t know

What it looks like I don’t know what it actually does like I’m thinking it moves stuff but uh yeah I’m not seeing anything out of the ordinary here I mean technically like the ne’s below the ground so we could try going underground we can look into this cave here all

Right let’s see anything moved wait this generate that’s a lot of lava for surface wait spikes that looks like a BT spot wait it’s not even loading in uh guys I don’t like this wait I need to give myself some night vision I can barely see what’s going on here

Okay my gosh wait I don’t know about you guys and maybe again I’m just making up stuff but this looks like the nether but in the Overworld like look at that generation you know what actually guys I’m sick of you in the comments telling me Oh this isn’t real you just built

This here I I didn’t build this okay I’m going to go ahead and do game rules show coordinates true those are the coordinates try the seat for yourself teleport here this looks like the nether in the Overworld right I can’t be the only one wait wait

Wait was that was that a ghast wait but it had like a like a crazy smile that could have been the distorted G where did it go where did it go I’ve been seeing things this entire time but I’m pretty certain I saw that that was real

Comment down below if you saw anything or if you do try this SE please let me know what you find all right those are the coordinates let me know in the past many players have supposedly used this seed to try and spawn cursed entities like Anthony 303 herob Brien and many

Others but none succeeded except for one and we can see video evidence here from popular YouTuber 01g there it is uh um this this this isn’t normal this is K guys this that looks terrifying the the water is red it’s literally blood so let’s see if this is real for ourselves

The seed is blood.exe let’s have a look around guys all right so we’re spawning here in a forest and let’s see whether we can find any water literally right there there’s water but it’s blue it’s it’s a river and it’s it’s blue it’s it’s certainly

Not red and that water there is blue too this is a little bit of a let down I suppose at the same time it’s not because I was kind of freaking out about the blood water but uh yeah there’s literally nothing here to comment on

Guys it’s all blue and none of it’s red it just seems like totally normal Minecraft water but how did he get that blood water so I went to the official blood.exe wiki on the internet and I scrolled down to the comments and this person here said it is a fake OMG uses a

Texture pack for blood water which would make sense but then this next bit he doesn’t understand what caused footsteps apparently someone heard footsteps and even the choking of some kind of animal which suddenly makes it seem real again I don’t know I could see the blood water

Being a texture pack but how do you get footsteps and the choking of an animal now I fully realized that this sounds like a fairy tale but I promise I didn’t make it up it actually comes from one of the most reliable YouTubers it comes from a matte Pat game theory video

Minecraft has 20 two different structures and you can find them everywhere in any biome but who built them and to find the answers I’m looking for I am going to thoroughly investigate every single structure for Clues until I find what I’m looking for I checked every detail looking at the same blocks

Over and over they have to be missing something why would they build all these structures why would they build a m sha wait a minute the clue is in the name this is a m shaft you’re supposed to mine and yet the yours they’re all here

None of them were removed you should see holes in the wall I’ve never seen a mine shaft without ores so they must have disappeared unless maybe they were hiding something down I mean it would explain the chest but wait I have an idea zombies they literally have the

Same shirt and pants as my boy Steve over here that’s it bro they’re the same size they same everything I know what it is what if there was a civilization of people who existed peacefully before they were infected by a virus that brought the zombie apocalypse or even

Scarier what if Steve was the one who started it I reckon this theory is a fact because it explains both zombies and why ores haven’t been mined in the M shafts but I want to know what you guys think let me know in the comments below until then does the blood villag

Actually come from an older version of the game Let’s create this world and jump straight into our investigation we in obviously we’re looking straight for a village that is definitely the place to start let’s go ahead and teleport to these coordinance here and let’s have a

Look what do we find oh my goodness oh right by the there look the Villager is bleeding made you guys look look the blood villager ain’t actually real at least not in this world when villagers were added in Minecraft Beta 1.9 Mojang experimentally added a hostile villager

Into the game for Just 2 days here we are in the bottom left beta 1.9 pre-release game mode survival with cheats turned off well actually cheats didn’t even exist yet and holy hey yo these Graphics are so trash what bro I can’t even believe we’re playing on this

Version right now it’s honestly a miracle cuz very luckily our contact em Mojang was actually able to supply us with an original version of this game code as you can see it’s a pre-release in the top left there and it’s since been removed from the internet yo look

At this swamp even the green is so murky right over there there’s a village we got to check it out dude what is up with my XP bar it keeps jumping all over the place right now yo is this gravel bro it’s so ugly since we with the gravel

Paths and villages in test certificate they used to have name tags above their head wait were they even called vill when they added to the game they’re called testificates what even is that that’s a gigantum word but for the most part this Village looks pretty normal well normal by 1.9 standards I

Mean there’s nothing strange about these villagers at all and at first glance it does seem okay but I have a plan to expose the bad villager among them by modifying the world’s level. code we can trick Minecraft into believing the world is actually from the latest version whilst still keeping all the entities

From the original save and there it is I can see the world but will it actually work I’ve never really tested this myself I got the idea from the depths of the internet and we’re in what we’re underground what H that has never happened to me before I didn’t even know

This was possible is it just a really rare occurrence or is this a glitch from the port or is it something more I don’t understand all right well the only way we’re going to collect resources is by wao did you guys see the block totally glitch out there that was so whacked why

Is it going black like that I don’t I don’t understand okay but maybe this doesn’t have the port I don’t know cuz the blood villager AI actually contained so many bugs that they spread to the rest of the code disabling not just the game but the uses PC and it was the

Reason why it was removed so quickly but 1.18 is a very stable game with modern code so the blood villagers shouldn’t be able to hack it right after Gathering all I needed I began making my way to the surface I am not looking forward to this I’m after all we’ve seen what are

We going to find above the ground wait it’s normal it’s it’s normal it’s just a spruce SP wait did my plan not work it looks nothing like the original beta world with the swamp was spawning underground just a random like by chance glitch then I don’t understand okay wait

Wait let’s get a better view maybe there’s a swamp like nearby somewhere I I don’t understand I really physically do not understand okay what do we got over here um just more Spruce we got a mountain biome over there I don’t remember seeing mountains in the original World either here guys okay I

Don’t see anything out of the ordinary here if you do let me know but oh there’s a village right over there okay well I mean there was a village in the other world that’s the closest thing I’ve got I’m still getting this weird like glitch when I dig up blocks now

It’s showing me the crafting menu I don’t even know what’s going on guys but if we have any chance of proving the blood villager is real that’s the place to start what’s wrong something is definitely wrong what is it um um I know I know know I know this this isn’t a

Spruce vill Village but we’re in Sp biome this the same Village from M better 1.9 look even the ground is gravel yo it actually worked we managed to trick the game’s code but not entirely I mean the biome is not the same but there’s also no villagers I

Don’t see them anywhere but they were in the original save and all the entities should have been ported over I mean even though 1.18 code should easily be able to protect against the blood villagers AI the blood villagers bug still should try and find any and every way to spread

So eventually the blood villager will still have to appear if he exists so I booby trapped everything and left my PC on overnight to capture anyone or anything this was my biggest mistake no no no no no no no no no no how it’s a default 1.18 Spruce Village what but I

Didn’t even close the world how is this possible unless an entity modified the world but surely the blood vill doesn’t have any power in this new version I mean even my traps are gone this is literally just it’s like natural generation has just Rewritten this entire Village wait but I was recording

My gameplay the entire time I can just open up the video all right we’re getting to the bottom of this all right open with photos and wait it appears that we don’t support this file format the video is corrupted but how hold up no the game should have also still

Captured all in-game movements in it’s a replay file we just need to download the replay mod and we should be able to see all the video using replay mod I was able to recover part of last night’s in-game movements and look the village is back to what it was and there’s one

Of my traps you can see the pressure plates Hold Up Wait did that just get activated well what activated this huh wait what was that thing guys something just zoomed past wait there it is that’s the blood villager right there it’s like flying around it’s just like

Phasing through blocks right now look it can see my trap it’s looking at my trap right there and then where is it going it’s just just destroying Stu this is ridicul I can’t actually believe this right now holy flip this guy is doing so much stuff wa we need to get a better

Full Village VI to see all that it is doing okay now we can see everything he just moves too quick to follow around what is he doing he’s just running back and forth up and down is he like preparing the village to turn it into the spr village I don’t I don’t

Understand who what’s happening to my screen what just happened to my Graphics bro it went back in time I I I don’t understand how is the blood villager doing this right now wait where did he go oh flip no the file just deleted itself what how how did the blood

Villager know that I would be viewing the replay footage in that exact position in order to scare me how did the blood villager predict the future that can’t be possible unless he wasn’t and there was actually the real blood villager live who’s managed to corrupt

The Replay code so he isn’t in the world anymore I need to check what is that you can’t escape D no no how did the blood villager know I would spawn here what does d even mean what the blood Village’s real name now we’re getting out of this Village right now and then

We can figure out this place is actually cursed Hold Up Wait what Hold Up Wait wait we were just down there but what hold up this is the same Village am I in some sort of infinite loot no no no no no no wait the sign’s still but the

Sign has changed stuck forever here D no no no no no we are not stuck forever running out no we can’t run out how can we outrun this thing it’s look it’s the same thing wait hold up there’s the cut you guys can see there’s like he’s

Trapped me in this Loop and there’s the cut off wait I have an idea what if I go to the corner of wherever this like I don’t know Loop is I mean where the two corners connect we should be able to get through the side that will break the

Entire system right and then we can escape and then we can figure out that must be where the blood villager is behind this look you can see in the sky there wait I think that’s the corner right here all right we just need to go right through the center 3 2 1 go

Through wait what bro I just got kicked by what is that I must have broken through the blood villager doesn’t want us know what he’s done past the loop what is up with the world now we got got rid of the portal but we’re back with the old village and these textures

They’re from Minecraft Beta 1.9 hold up we’re not even in a spruce biome anymore but I have a skin so this has to be 1.18 holy okay just try this stay cut the blood villager doesn’t actually want a hard players at least none of the original reports

Claimed that he’s not attacking me now he’s just staring at me okay maybe we can just communicate with him all right just ask him who are you friendly chat what do you want all right is it the blood Village or something else I am the game I want to destroy everything but W

He just destroy himself as well unless that will allow his code to escape Minecraft and corrupt other programs that even my PC oh no that is not good oh flip bro what just happened to my screen what was that oh no it’s happening again guys what is going on

When the time of day is changing no no no no no no no no that means he’s got admin permissions okay what do I do what do I do um sounds stupid I can talk to him right maybe I can just convince him to stop I don’t have any other choices

Right we just him to stop it’s okay mine mine mine where did he go wait I need unug my PC down before he gets any further but what’s causing these sounds reports claim it’s a secret entity Mojang added to the game but you can’t actually fine which got me thinking

There is actually a mob in the game that Mojang added but decided to have it never spawning naturally you can only get it through commands so we’re switching to Survival Let’s see what kind of sounds we hear okay the arrow sound some slight moving what if we attack

Him nothing the these sounds don’t sound anything like the cave sounds they just sound like normal mob attacking sounds but then if it isn’t this entity then what actually is making those sounds I kept searching the internet set for a new lead until I found this now when you

Beat the game and kill the Ender Dragon the end portal spawns in and you’re able to go back to the Overworld get the elytra go to the end City all of these wonderful and amazing things but there is one thing that most of us don’t really care about if we switch into

Survival mode here guys you’re going to see the XP drops we collect this and we jump in What are we met with this credits screen now I would take a pretty good guess and say most of us do not read all this boring text but there is actually something really important

Which could give us a clue as to where the cave sounds come from look at this who are we once we were called the spirit of the mountain father son mother Moon ancestral Spirits Animal Spirits gin ghosts the green man then Gods demons Angels pigus aliens extraterrestrials leptons quarks the

Words change we do not change what does that mean look at this the very last words you are the player wake up what if the whole game itself is nothing but a dream and the sounds you hear in the caves are people from the real world

Trying to wake you up okay I I know that sounds crazy but I want you guys to let me know what you think about this in the comments below you’ll have no idea how hard it was to get this set up so for the next seed it needs to be done in version

1.16.0 but for Minecraft Bedrock Edition you can’t play older versions of the game like you can in Java so I had to find some like a legal website and downloads version and it is so buggy I can’t even like change my skin and like the buttons don’t work it it’s so

Whacked out but we’re going to try creating this world in Creative Mode here using this seed which is reported to have Minecraft’s lost player I’m turning off multiplayer so no one can join let’s see if this is real before Bedrock version 1.16 was released a volunteer with the username Jack boy was

Bug testing the game for Mojang when he found a bug which stopped him from leaving the game even if he restarted Minecraft the day after this bug was submitted he was reported missing by the police reports claim he was kidnapped and that he modified the terrain into a

Statue sending a message for help some say though he wasn’t kidnapped but is actually trapped in the seed forever but I reckon it’s just fake clickbait I mean a statue in Minecraft generation how maybe it is true if it was then the Lost player could actually

Be sending a message to us which is very creepy to think about but these are the coordinates I’m supposed to go to let’s see if it’s actually there okay do you see anything player oh my gosh what there’s no way but I I meant this on single player

There’s no way a player could be in the world with me and there like a head and like a hand raising up for heal okay wait wait the claims also say that this statue is indestructible because it’s it’s made as a message of health so you’re not able to destroy it let’s

Let’s see if it’s real can’t be real can it I mean but I can see it there’s no way there’s no way come on let’s let’s give this a go this thing apparently can’t be even though it’s made of stone and gravel okay okay ho thank goodness it

Blew up bro I was actually so scared for this this person I mean of course they did I mean the test was C from the start right

This video, titled ‘Busting Scary Minecraft Legends To Prove Them Wrong’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2023-11-04 01:00:21. It has garnered 1358453 views and 34751 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:08 or 3968 seconds.

Testing Secret Cursed Scariest STORIES in Minecraft! Will we Catch the “BLOOD CHEST” LIVE on CAMERA!?

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❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem 👻 Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/eystreemsnap 📷 Instagram: https://direct.me/eystreem 📧 Email: [email protected] 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing 🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft

  • Unlimited Egg Hunt with Jericho Orlanda

    Unlimited Egg Hunt with Jericho Orlanda The Hunt – Infinite Egg Animation Jericho Orlanda: The Multi-Talented YouTuber Jericho Orlanda, a popular YouTuber, is known for his diverse content ranging from playing Friday Night Funkin’ mods to exploring Roblox, Minecraft, and Nintendo Switch games. One of his notable creations is the “VS Jericho” mod for Friday Night Funkin’. Exploring Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players like Jericho Orlanda embark on exciting adventures, building, crafting, and exploring endless possibilities. From mining resources to battling mobs, Minecraft offers a unique sandbox experience that captivates gamers of all ages. Minecraft End One of the intriguing aspects of… Read More

  • Ultimate Pumpkin & Melon Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pumpkin & Melon Farm in Minecraft! Double Pumpkin & Melon Farm (Automatic) with Corridor! Minecraft Are you looking to maximize your pumpkin and melon production in Minecraft while keeping things organized and easily accessible? Look no further! This design features a double automatic farm with a convenient pass-through corridor in the middle, making it a space-saving and efficient solution for all players, whether you’re a beginner or an expert! Key Features: 1. Easy-to-follow building guide: This design comes with a step-by-step guide that will help you set up your double automatic farm quickly and efficiently. 2. Automatic harvesting with redstone: Say goodbye to manual harvesting!… Read More

  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

    Chambers' New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, With chambers and rooms that will bring us cheer. New progressions and trials to explore, With twists and turns that we can’t ignore. The Great Room in Chambers, a sight to behold, With new features and challenges untold. The Trap Changes in Chambers, a test of skill, Navigate carefully, or you may meet a thrill. The Room Tuba, a place to relax and unwind, A peaceful retreat for the creative mind. The Gathering Room, where friends can convene, To share stories and adventures unseen. The Room Change Eruption, a… Read More

  • Beating Minecraft in One Stream?!

    Beating Minecraft in One Stream?! Conquering Minecraft in One Stream: A Legendary Feat Embark on a thrilling journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft as our fearless adventurer sets out to conquer the game in a single stream. Armed with determination and a touch of humor, this player dives headfirst into the challenge of defeating the Ender Dragon on the very same day. A Streamer’s Epic Quest Streaming live for all to witness, our intrepid hero takes on the ultimate goal of slaying the formidable Ender Dragon. With meticulous planning and quick reflexes, every move is calculated to ensure success. The excitement is palpable… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Ghost Secrets

    Minecraft's Sneaky Ghost Secrets The Spooky World of Minecraft Ghosts Did you know that ghosts in Minecraft are not your average spooky specters? These ethereal beings have some unique characteristics that set them apart from other mobs in the game. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft ghosts and uncover some interesting facts about these elusive creatures. Speedy Spirits Ghosts in Minecraft are known for their incredible speed, making them the fastest mobs in the game (excluding bosses like the end dragon and the wither). These spectral beings can travel at an impressive speed of 20.83 blocks per second, making them a… Read More

  • Ultimate Ender Dragon Egg Hack!

    Ultimate Ender Dragon Egg Hack! How to Hatch the Ender Dragon Egg in Minecraft (2024) Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come across the elusive Ender Dragon Egg. But what do you do with this mysterious item? Fear not, as we delve into the secrets of hatching the Ender Dragon Egg in Minecraft. Methods to Hatch the Ender Dragon Egg Method 1: The End World To begin the hatching process, venture into the End World and place the Ender Dragon Egg on top. Surround it with four End Crystals strategically placed on the bedrock. The ritual will commence, and soon enough,… Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft School: Smiles and Facts Galore!

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft School: Smiles and Facts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, Cube Xuan reigns supreme, With animations and humor that make us beam. From classroom antics to funny memes, Every video is a joyous stream. Fang Fangxuan, the master of MC fun, Bringing smiles to all, one by one. With child-friendly content, safe and sound, In Cube Xuan’s world, happiness is found. So subscribe and follow for more delight, As Cube Xuan’s channel shines so bright. Minecraft facts and humor in every line, In the world of gaming, Cube Xuan’s design. Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: World Border Tutorial

    Mastering Minecraft: World Border Tutorial How to Make World Border in Minecraft Setting Up the World Border To set up a world border in Minecraft, players need to follow a few simple steps. First, ensure that you are in creative mode to have the necessary permissions. Then, open the console command by giving yourself a command block using the appropriate command. Using Command Blocks Once you have the command block, place two of them in the desired location. On the first command block, type “World border Center” followed by your location coordinates. To find your current coordinates, press F3 in the game. On the… Read More

  • Cheater Exposed: Mod Unveils Player’s Deceit! #MinecraftMayhem

    Cheater Exposed: Mod Unveils Player's Deceit! #MinecraftMayhem In the world of Minecraft, where players roam free, There’s a cheater among us, causing quite a spree. The moderator’s on the case, ready to reveal, The truth behind the cheating, it’s time to deal. Join us on Ares Mine, where the action’s hot, With giveaways and updates, we give it all we’ve got. Server IP at mc.aresmine.ru, come join the fun, And see for yourself, the battles to be won. Follow the rules, stay sharp and true, On Discord and Telegram, we’re waiting for you. Ares Mine is the place to be, where legends are made, So come… Read More

  • Tiny House Tricks in Minecraft

    Tiny House Tricks in Minecraft The Tiny World of Micro Houses in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players have found joy in creating intricate structures, from towering castles to underground lairs. However, a new trend has emerged – the rise of micro houses in Minecraft. What are Micro Houses? Micro houses are tiny, compact structures designed to maximize space efficiency while maintaining functionality. These miniature dwellings often feature clever design elements and utilize every block available to create a cozy living space. Key Features of Micro Houses: Compact Size: Micro houses are typically small in size, making them perfect for players looking… Read More

  • Build Byers House in Minecraft!

    Build Byers House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build The Byers Californian House from Stranger Things in Minecraft!! | 3’, was uploaded by Wheelassassin Guides on 2024-03-08 19:00:21. It has garnered 313 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:17 or 2237 seconds. Hello assassins in this part of the Byers Californian house, we will be building up our four walls!! Well… more than four but still haha. Are you ready? Let’s get some material and get to work!! If you spot any mistakes, do please let me know in the comments below!! 😀 —————————————————————————————————————————————— Links: Check out… Read More

  • Beware: Huge Mobs in Minecraft! 😱 #shorts #viral

    Beware: Huge Mobs in Minecraft! 😱 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but mobs are super giant 😱😱|#shorts #gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Mr BEWAKUF on 2024-03-30 15:36:11. It has garnered 12345 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft but mobs are super giant 😱😱|#shorts #gaming #minecraft #viral key words 😉 short shorts youtube shorts giant super giant giant mobs Mobs are giant dangerous mobs pekhui mod hindi pure hindi languageI have to speak hindi blocks randomise randomise 60 sec sec giant I am a giant Big Complan tota I am a tota I am a parrot parrot… Read More

  • Build like a Minecraft pro with AmirVonAsterios!

    Build like a Minecraft pro with AmirVonAsterios!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft builds YOU NEED!’, was uploaded by AmirVonAsterios on 2024-03-04 17:00:22. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:03 or 363 seconds. Step into a world of imagination and creativity with “Compilation of My Best Builds in Minecraft”! This video is a curated collection of my most memorable and innovative Minecraft builds. From intricate Creative Build Hacks to majestic Medieval creations and whimsical Animal Build Hacks, each piece is a testament to the limitless possibilities within Minecraft. 🔔 Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to catch… Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft Mystery: Unable to Walk on Green Blocks

    INSANE! Minecraft Mystery: Unable to Walk on Green BlocksVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MA NON POSSO CAMMINARE SUL VERDE’, was uploaded by Mystic Miner on 2024-04-26 16:01:18. It has garnered 9852 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Survival, guide, tutorial, tricks, constructions, mob farm, farming, redstone, mechanisms, adventures, gameplay, challenges, mod, modded, multiplayer, server, epic, record, speedrun, sowers, traps, griefer, troll, bugs, glitches , herobrine, secrets, texture pack, shader, modpack, let’s play, series, mini games, PvP, UHC, fortifications, PvP arena, waterfalls, roller coasters, cities, buildings, hidden, survival island, bosses, fights, weapons, armor , spells, puzzles, command block, roleplay, kendal,… Read More

  • Mush Will Keep You Awake All Night!

    Mush Will Keep You Awake All Night!Video Information This video, titled ‘No Sleep Tonight’, was uploaded by Mush on 2024-05-14 10:03:18. It has garnered 150 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:19:14 or 19154 seconds. Minecraft Horror Realm Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE KEYBOARD GAMERS - LIVE MINECRAFT MAYHEM!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINI-GAMES AND BEDWARS | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-02-21 05:07:46. It has garnered 235 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:39 or 6639 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINI-GAMES AND BEDWARS | MINECRAFT insta :- https://www.instagram.com/crazy_8899_ckg/ To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The Ultimate SMP Now Server For Minecraft PC (JAVA) – :… Read More

  • Nova – Insane Speed Hack in Bedwars! #hypixel

    Nova - Insane Speed Hack in Bedwars! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fastest Movement You’ll Ever See! #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-05-11 22:49:02. It has garnered 10880 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. 1.25K SOON???? #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin Mouse: Glorious Model O Keyboard: Custom Pack: ask in comments (too lazy to change every time description) Song: Yeat – Money So Big My pack (maybe pack in vid but most likely not) Download Instructions (important) 1. watch full video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e_voH5B5dA&list=PLX_yDFgZBUJ-Rth3n9yMbDmMrDkUAWd3b 2. Download pack 3. put file into folder – %appdata%… Read More

  • Minecraft Rap – Craziest Beat Remix Ever!

    Minecraft Rap - Craziest Beat Remix Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.?’, was uploaded by Prominecraftyt on 2024-04-17 01:33:53. It has garnered 2143 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.?!! can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.?!! can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.? can to build minecraft #music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #minecraft #minecraft.? can to build minecraft #music… Read More

  • Arcane Realm

    Arcane RealmGrief-Protected Survival – but the worldline is unstable and there are natural disasters. SUNZONE – MOONLANDS Choose your timeline! Sky Racing Dungeons -1.18+ Bedrock Compatible play.arcanerealm.net Read More

  • Mildew RP | Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Java Roleplay Discord 18+ Whitelist

    “The sky is far from a limit. So why don’t we paint the stars?” Mildew RP is a brand new Minecraft roleplay server based around the lore of Minecraft with a unique spin. Play as one of eight species, each with different mobs to inspire your character. The lore is based on the game itself, allowing for builds from any time period. Let your imagination run wild within the server world. Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost in my own damn house

    Minecraft Memes - Lost in my own damn house2015 Minecraft be like “I survived a creeper explosion without crying, what’s your excuse?” Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft: Base Expansion Race!

    Hardcore Minecraft: Base Expansion Race! In Minecraft Hardcore, I’m on a mission, To make my base the best, it’s my ambition. Expanding it now, with blocks and beams, Creating a fortress, beyond my dreams. With each new room, I feel the power, My base growing stronger, by the hour. From the walls to the roof, I build with care, In this Minecraft world, nothing can compare. So join me on this journey, as I expand, In Minecraft Hardcore, where I make my stand. Subscribe to my channel, for more to see, As I craft and build, in this world so free. Read More

  • Only 9% of Minecraft Players Know This… And It’s Lava! #shorts

    Only 9% of Minecraft Players Know This... And It's Lava! #shorts Only 9% of Minecraft players know that the real treasure in the game is finding diamonds without accidentally falling into lava! #shorts Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an active community, unique gameplay features, and regular events, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out this awesome YouTube video showcasing an incredible Ben 10 addon. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind, it’s a testament to the creativity and excitement that Minecraft can bring. So why should you join Minewind? Well, with a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily… Read More

  • Unlock EPIC Minecraft Hacks – Pixel Builders Guild

    Unlock EPIC Minecraft Hacks - Pixel Builders GuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (102)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-10 05:34:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIT OF MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MotionIP on 2024-02-29 14:05:03. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:31 or 2491 seconds. MotionIP Roblox Content Creator! Roblox Funny Moments! Roblox Evade Funny Moments! Roblox tips and tricks videos! MY OTHER VIDEOS: https://youtube.com/shorts/BnvubJ_CC_g?feature=share ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING FAIL: https://youtube.com/shorts/Vw0_8McHBi8?feature=share ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING MONKE: https://youtube.com/shorts/iealbuTAOkc?feature=share ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING MOMENTS: https://youtube.com/shorts/yFDAFzKaJFo?feature=share ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING NOO: https://youtube.com/shorts/FzFNV2Ab_fg?feature=share ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING https://youtube.com/shorts/nokgqSRqKBU?feature=share #robloxshadowboxing #roblox #robloxevade #grimace #robloxfunnymoments #robloxgames #robloxconga #conga #shorts ignore tags: evade,roblox,roblox funny,roblox funny moments,roblox meme,evade roblox,evade bhop,evade game,evade stunts,evade tips,evade tricks,evade… Read More

  • UNCOVERING SECRETS: Oldest Minecraft Server!

    UNCOVERING SECRETS: Oldest Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘*EXPLORING* Minecrafts Oldest Server’, was uploaded by AvithYT on 2024-05-05 17:00:02. It has garnered 666 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:45 or 345 seconds. ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Enjoy, make sure to subscribe so we reach 200 subs can’t do it without technoblade big inspiration #minecraft #Minecraft bedrock #minecraft bedwars #minecraft pvp #minecraft Skywars #minecraft bridging Read More

  • Cypher DESTROYS Opponent 💥… (Hypixel)

    Cypher DESTROYS Opponent 💥... (Hypixel)Video Information This video, titled ‘He stood no chance 💀…#hypixel’, was uploaded by Cypher on 2024-05-01 17:02:51. It has garnered 1535 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. In this video Cypher plays Minecraft 1.20 and not 1.19 but a challenge. In this video I play a game of fireball fight at Minemen club. It was super fun and super intense. My opponent stood no chance against me. But this video and everything is just for entertainment purposes so no hate to my opponent and keep it respectful everyone. Join my discord server… Read More

  • Uncover the Lost Minecraft Relic with Mr. Waffle!

    Uncover the Lost Minecraft Relic with Mr. Waffle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Adventure Maps – A Relic Of The Past?’, was uploaded by Mr. Waffle on 2024-03-16 04:00:42. It has garnered 12302 views and 568 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. Remember Minecraft adventure maps? Those were pretty cool Music used: Into the Galaxy – Super Mario Galaxy 1 PM – Animal Crossing City Folk World 1 – Super Mario 3D World Gliding by Issac Wilkins Mr. Resetti – Animal Crossing New Donk City – Super Mario Odyssey Game Select – Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury My Discord server:… Read More

  • Unlock the Depths of the MX Sharkbait SMP World! Join Now!

    Unlock the Depths of the MX Sharkbait SMP World! Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘(JOIN ME) CUSTOM SMP WORLD !user !socials’, was uploaded by MX Sharkbait on 2024-02-10 08:10:17. It has garnered 73 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 07:32:06 or 27126 seconds. OPEN MINECRAFT WORLD COME JOIN US! (BEDROCK) Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Stream: Viewers Join for Games, Challenges, and Stories!

    EPIC Minecraft Stream: Viewers Join for Games, Challenges, and Stories!Video Information This video, titled ‘(Sick Stream) Playing Minecraft Cubecraft Server Games With Viewers ( + Challenges & Stories)’, was uploaded by FrendlyEmo on 2024-05-15 03:32:23. It has garnered 119 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:36 or 13236 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/frendlyemo557 Read More

  • INSANE gaming with CRAZY textures! 😱 #minecraft #skywars

    INSANE gaming with CRAZY textures! 😱 #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘jugando con texturas raras xd #minecraft #skywars #pvp’, was uploaded by kofy on 2024-01-07 21:34:46. It has garnered 274 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. subscribe :3 Read More

  • URGENT: Thunder Town’s Iron Crisis! – Spinalcraft Thunder Pals Ep. 136

    URGENT: Thunder Town's Iron Crisis! - Spinalcraft Thunder Pals Ep. 136Video Information This video, titled ‘Thunder Town Needs Iron. – Spinalcraft Horizons – T-Pals Presents: Minecraft(Javrock) – Part 136’, was uploaded by Thunder Pals on 2024-04-22 07:26:43. It has garnered 47 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:54 or 14394 seconds. Thunder Town Needs Iron. – Spinalcraft Horizons – T-Pals Presents: Minecraft(Javrock) – Part 136 If you would like to join us on Java, the server ip is mc.spinalcraft.com and open to all and Bedrock IS compatible with Spinalcraft now. If we’re playing on Bedrock, it’s very likely on AmaneBlack’s Realm, and either way, you’ll need… Read More

  • ToTheSkyMC

    ToTheSkyMCServer PVP-Faction qui est encore en dévellopement mais nous sommes ouvrert aux idées qui seront données dans notre discord: https://discord.gg/yygNhDh5R5 Read More

  • Chunk Salad – modded, smp, roleplay, custom modpack

    Join Chunk Salad! Expect: A totally custom modpack. Choice between Magic or Tech factions. Community events. Immersive lore building. AND MUCH MORE! If interested, join us at https://discord.gg/ZsYkdfdv! (THIS LINK IS PROVIDED AS WE ARE RUNNING A CUSTOM MODPACK, SO YOU WILL NEED ACCESS TO THE DISCORD TO OBTAIN THE FILE TO PROPERLY ACCESS THE SERVER) Read More

  • AncientMC

    AncientMCAncientMC is a new, fast-growing Minecraft server with a bright future ahead. The server is mostly focused on the economy and community. We have custom biomes, custom items, and much more. There are claim blocks, so you can protect your area and possessions from being griefed! We have custom ranks with exclusive additions to make your gameplay even more thrilling. After all, we really focus on our community and make sure that everyone is treated fairly with no exceptions.We also have an active Discord server made especially for members of our community. Our discord server is made for the members… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Digging up the Minecraft Google Easter Egg

    Minecraft Memes - Digging up the Minecraft Google Easter EggLooks like they truly went the extra block for this meme! Read More

  • 1.20 के लिए शीर्ष 5 बेस्ट अटर्नोस प्लगइन्स | SMP के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्लगइन्स

    1.20 के लिए शीर्ष 5 बेस्ट अटर्नोस प्लगइन्स | SMP के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्लगइन्स In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Aman Thakur brings the top 5 plugins alive. For Aternos servers, the best of the best, In Hindi he shares, with humor and zest. From survival to SMP, the plugins are key, To enhance your gameplay, for all to see. Join Aman’s family, with a like and a sub, For clean comedy gaming, a joyful hub. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With Aman as your guide, the story unfolds, In every pulsing line, the truth is told. Top 5 Aternos plugins, for… Read More