Eyecraftmc – 200,000 Subscriber Special 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Minecraft 1.19 Survival & More

Video Information

Foreign Level one Foreign And welcome to the stream it’s so awesome to be doing a 200 000 subscriber special stream I did not think I would probably ever make it this far but it’s so exciting to be doing this the point of today’s stream is mostly just gonna be having fun

Um we’ll be probably watching over some of my old videos and cringing at the most likely as well as that I’m thinking of maybe popping on my Minecraft SMP we’ll play on the Survival live world a bit and we’ll probably also go on Hypixel maybe and

And uh you can watch me fail miserably at one of the mini games on there so anyway um thank you to everyone who’s just joining on now I have some exciting announcements during the stream as well and hopefully we can make this 200 000 subscriber special stream just be the

Best that it possibly can so basically we’re gonna probably start with is we’re probably going to start with looking at this now this is uh my YouTube channel of course as most of you probably know but more or less the idea is going to be we’re going to look

Through some of my older videos just check them out and Yeah and again welcome everyone to the stream someone says please notice you I have noticed you and thank you to everyone for the congratulations on the 200 000 subscribers uh something crazy to think is that it was only about three months

Ago that I reached a hundred thousand so it was the very end of June now it’s the very beginning of October anyway so what I’m going to do I’m going to stop the music there for a second we’re going to go to the oldest videos of my channel and I’m guessing most

People watching the stream haven’t even seen these videos maybe not even these thumbnails uh these are the First videos I ever made now you can see that they were definitely not the level of quality that my videos are today and we can even just scroll through the history a little

Bit here first before doing anything else if anyone’s wondering why my uh cursor is so large it’s just so that people on the phones can kind of see where I’m pointing uh as of course it’s very small without that but it’s kind of cool because you can look here and you

Can sort of see through time you know from zero subscribers I think my I might have actually started with four subscribers but you know more or less zero and scrolling down you can just sort of see the quality improve and the content change and you know as I did

More and more stuff with YouTube um hopefully I was posting better and better videos and of course nothing crazy really happened until uh just about around here and we can see that I think it’s right over here is my ultimate 1.18 mining guide this was the video that more or

Less started my channel and if we keep scrolling down you can see that after all this content I finally decided I should probably be making guides and so I started again I did this firming guide my most popular video ever the netherright guide was only my third guide I’d ever made which

Is pretty crazy then of course from that point on I just switched to basically just the guides and you can sort of see lots of videos that I’m sure everyone’s familiar with just going through time and of course now we’re getting near to where we are today and we have the uh

Live stream thoughts there and my one of my most recent videos It’s actually kind of funny you can notice these videos are not ordered in the right way there’s one day ago 3 13 6 5 so a little bit glitched but basically something I’m thinking we could do which

Would be quite fun is to just sort of go from the beginning and sort of watch the first steps of my channel and kind of just react to that as I’ve probably not watched any of these videos since I posted them in fact I’m going to be

Honest I basically did not watch these videos uh ever so not even after making them and uh you know of course eventually I started doing that when I was editing them but I don’t think it was actually until probably around here that I even had ever used a video editor before so these

Were literally just press play on the screen capture and press stop once it was done so with that in mind let’s take a look at my first ever YouTube video and enjoy that so let’s take a look we don’t watch the entire thing don’t worry

But we’ll just maybe take a look at the first minute or so so we can see that of course you can notice I just started the screen capture there and hello and welcome to icraftmc tell me in the chat there if I sound different or

Not I hope you enjoy it it’s very quiet I’m going to start work on a new Minecraft let’s play world I think I’m going to call it icraft’s world but maybe I’ll come up with a better name so here’s something interesting I said there I think I’ll call it I Craft’s

World and my channel was actually going to be called icraft for um quite a while that was the idea because my Reddit account is called icroft but the reason why I didn’t is basically because there was already a channel called icraft that at that point had just started up it was

Doing Minecraft and I think it just stopped at 50 subs or something but um because of that when you’d search icraft their channel would come up now if you search icraft my channel comes up so because of that I was still sort of

Not sure if I was going to be I craft or I craft MC so that’s why I call it icraft’s World anyway as we do in most Minecraft worlds I think we’ll start by collecting some wood because as you probably know if you play Minecraft you need wood for almost everything you

Do especially when you first start the game so let’s just finish grabbing this birch tree and uh see what you can do with it make a bunch of planks here and of course now here’s something funny as well I actually had a very high quality microphone I was recording this on I

Just had literally no idea how to use a screen recorder so I I didn’t you know raise the volume at all I wasn’t getting rid of background noise but the microphone I used up until I think March of this year was the same microphone I recorded this with so that’s kind of interesting

Let’s turn something to a crafting table and of course the you know background music is way too loud you can’t even really hear me there’s so much problems I might skip a little bit into this mobs from spawning there mobs are things like that creeper and uh things like

That that basically uh want to hurt you they don’t have to be hostile but uh Mob generally refers to a hostile mob but can also refer to things like pigs cows sheep chickens see it’s interesting as well because I think I had the idea that most people that would be watching this

Video had never played Minecraft before and I have no idea why I thought that so you know here I am describing what a mob is or that you have to start your game by getting logs or of course you know that’s obviously not the case that almost anyone would need to know that

Um especially people that are watching a let’s play but I just didn’t really realize that at the time because this was the first time I’d ever recorded anything uh Mesa biome is quite an interesting biome because basically you get mine shafts that spawn right near the surface of the world

Oh and thank you so much there to Colin Pike for the 50 Super Chat that is incredibly generous and it says congrats on 200k brother keep it going shout out from Canada well I’m from Canada as well so I’ll showed out my own country there

But yeah this is kind of how it started and something that’s interesting about this first episode is I didn’t actually intend to have this be uh put up on my channel I had recorded this as a test and by the end of it I was like oh well

You know it’s sort of a good recording I I had done it well and then I was like well just put it up but um later I realized how low quality the audio is like right now you know my voice is very quiet you can basically not hear it

Um but I didn’t really realize at that time how to fix that so we’ll go on a little bit as things did not change very much at all between um that video and the ones after it and um and sort of see here these these videos stayed fairly the same we can maybe

Click to around uh here and see something a little bit newer might see a slight increase in quality guys and welcome back the audio is there and it’s interesting because um I didn’t really know exactly how I wanted to you know I didn’t have the

Best idea of how to even do anything on YouTube and so you’ll notice like the sort of the way I’m having my tone of voice is very strange I would say is the best way to describe it so um if you’re confused by why I sound maybe just a

Little bit strange it’s probably because of that so in the last video we found our first diamond which is really really a lot bit strange but it is interesting the only problem is is that although one diamond is really nice it would really be better to have maybe a few more than

One diamond or a few more than one diamonds yes yes it’s Cherry cringe um we’ll maybe skip on a bit more to see something more interesting but it’s crazy because like most of these videos have as many views as people that are currently watching the stream and so

It’s crazy to think how far I have come these videos were made over two years ago right so that’s 2020 there and that’s really interesting is that if we go through here uh even these thumbnails actually made them on Microsoft Paint and so I would literally just take a screenshot actually during

The video I don’t know if I can find it but um literally in the middle of the video I’d be like oh this would make a good screenshot and I would literally say that during the video and then um more or less would just on Microsoft

Paint draw on a number and then that was it and so like I was so proud of myself making like this thing with the two images on it and and whatever but um it’s kind of interesting to see how that evolved and then here I actually use

Like a real you know editor or not editor but like uh photo editing program so I use since then and you can sort of see that evolve from that to then you know more interesting and then maybe outlines and stuff we’ll skip on a little bit here to

This so this is a banner sort of tutorial if anyone’s watched me before I had maybe 5 000 Subs Banner tutorials were one of the biggest things I did in my channel and so basically the biggest part of what I would do in these Let’s Plays and I’ll show you that real quick

Here is I would basically see over here I would start the I didn’t initially but after a point I basically would start every video with a banner and so see if I can find it here you can still see I’m not editing it because I started you can

Hear the click of recording then it syncs on and then in fact I graphed them I start going but even here you can obviously in the last time you know living room I’m not saying it but it’s definitely not as bad before we do that we’re just going to make today’s Banner

Today’s Banner is a really cool one it’s actually a b starts with a yellow banner and then with a black poly then we’re gonna go on to so add more or less go on and say how to make these banners and then real later on I realized that well

No One’s Gonna know that I’m even making them because they’re in the middle of the let’s play and so what I ended up doing is I would make these Banner tutorials and they were very offset so um the B thing I think I was talking about was one of these episodes but then

I didn’t even show it again until like almost a month later here so let’s say we go on the flower Banner which is the first one this doesn’t have no views these did get a decent amount of views for the time um I think this one maybe had 500 before

My channel did fairly well so a lot of these views are you know going back through time first step in this Banner is a lime poly you can sort of see I’m going through there and uh yeah the best tutorials were a big part of what I did

For a while a green salt Tire which is kind of this cross shape the third step in this Banner is a indented white border or a white border someone’s as the best celebration for 200 000 is cringing at your old self it must be uh let’s probably go through here and uh

We’ll we’ll also do some Minecraft later don’t worry but I think it’d just be nice to to see what the history has been so anyway and so I watched through um or I made these videos and then at a certain point here I think I made this video this was a glitch I’d

Found where I don’t know how much everyone knows about banners but you can only put six patterns on them and I discovered a glitch where basically you could put on more than six so I’m not sure where to say that now of course you can only do

This for so long normally you know I think this is five patterns six pattern here is basically gonna stop us from getting us to be any more random but not with this trick with this trick again let’s say we want to add a brown gradient to this there’s our Brown

Gradient we just switch out the patterns here there’s our seventh pattern and then let’s say we want to get ourselves maybe eight because because more or less what it’s doing is it’s tricking the game into putting the one pattern onto the other Banner but um so I was really happy with that video

And then you know again going through time a little bit more we can see that my let’s play started becoming slightly better quality you know there’s things like this where I have no idea why I thought that you know basically purely dark screenshot would be a good idea there excuse me

You have a super chat from shapeshifter that says are these old videos on your channel still uh to watch I need to see them yes actually so a lot of YouTubers will unlist their old videos I’ve never done that um I’ve I don’t think I’ve actually ever uploaded a video that I’ve

Deleted afterwards and so um if you want to enjoy cringy uh retro icraftmc then yeah all these things are still up you can just go sort by oldest and you can just sort of see it go from the old videos to the new ones then YouTube shorts came out this is

Something that did sort of help me continue on with YouTube and not just quit so you can notice these are shorts and some of these did very well so see if I can find the one one of these in the middle of the summer of 2021

Got I think about 60 000 views in like two days or something crazy uh see if I can find it I think it’s a little bit later on here not exactly sure where I guess I could probably find it on sort by most popular it’s funny because at that time you know

60 000 views on a video was the best I’d ever done by like 10 times I think the second best I’d ever done was probably like 5 000 views on a video um and so it’s pretty crazy how something like that can be such a thing

Here’s the video so so this one on shorts and and the way that shorts works is they’ll basically promote something and um and I didn’t really realize that worked exactly but when mining this was my first video that got over 50k views so bold or iron ore and copper ore in

Minecraft 1.17 you get these raw copper raw iron and raw gold of course these can be smelted down into ingots but you can actually also make them into raw blocks of these items so blocks of raw copper you could even make blocks of raw iron and blocks of raw gold the recipe

Is nine by nine or three by three like this and you have these really pretty textures so I showed this someone just said in the chat they found me in 2020. I’m not sure if you did do that I think I had 18 subscribers at the end of 2020

So very low chance of that but uh who knows so if we go back here um more or less after that that got me some more popularity but mostly just encouraged me to keep going you can see I’m making more sort of tutorials here’s one um it’s funny because I made this video

Here with a tutorial on everything about copper which isn’t a horrible thing but it is somewhat similar to like the guides I do know and so you can sort of see an idea of like the um sort of the the first steps towards something like that or is an amazing new

Item in Minecraft but how do you find it and what are its uses oh no in the intro I forgot oh yeah I thought intros were a good idea forever in fact on some of my um on some of my new uh like ultimate guides I had not this one but a

Different one and I remember later on finding it like every time I would roll the intro like 20 of people would just instantly click off because it’s so cringe copper generates in a Minecraft world which kind of like zero and y96 but most commonly massive subscribe thing it’s like I said

No idea what I was doing however in spite of this it’s very commonly found in mountain biomes generating sort of like surface coal you can thank you again to everyone for the congratulations on 200 000 my subscribers but with Fortune yeah we’re just gonna do a whole bunch of different things on

The stream here and the first one is cringing and you need nine raw copper to make one copper block I’ve written this I was trying to this is this was called the height of my editing school so I thought it would be so cool if I did a time lapse of the

Copper smelting which I have no idea if I thought that would be cool so you know I just like throw on music and for whatever reason a glitch effect it’s like oh wow it’s going fast now just like so impressed with that so it’s interesting how sort of um it takes now

Things like that it will evolve over time and stuff like it was horrible to make one copper you know sort of just like this overall what I can also drink a lot of copper into raw copper blocks that look like this you can also turn or

Even like here where it’s just a random transition I have no idea yeah but there’s something like that and if we go back to channel here you can see how many people are watching the stream we could have like the infinite Reverb and join our own stream but we’re not going to do

That so I’m not sure why that there’s the thumbnail it’s funny anyway so if we go back down here um this is a very cringy video actually this one here um I have no idea why I was doing this but I sort of like hey guys I think I’ve

Said this before but I was initially inspired to do YouTube by like um this YouTuber called sb737 as well as um Stampylongnose and the it’s funny because it’s not the stuff that sb737 does now like the speed run or not the speed runs but the hundred days it was his really

Old last place series and so I had the sort of the idea of like making little stories and stuff in Minecraft and this video was made like two years ago basically but um I’ll see if I can show a little like 10 seconds of my my little idea here I

Thought this was so amazing and it’s kind of interesting to see um how things evolve so watch that for that minute here and I think the first thing I want to do is I just want to calibrate but it’s crazy to think this is the content I was making like less

Than two years ago and here I am now making things completely different make sure I know it’s exact weight so I can know what to do on with it so we’re just gonna put it on here that you can see it’s kind of I’ll just turn this the

Right way there you go it’s facing like that we’re just going to turn this on let that calibrate for a second so all right kind of trying to do something like I’d seen everything exactly sure put it in here to heat it up so we’re gonna no second takes here

So like I started right off the edge and I was like okay this is not a very breakable bottle so we’ll just put it like this and felt the wrong way too that’s fine but no take even after that either three times like this heat it up

Jump into the boiling water heated idea and uh yeah just kind of get it to condense a bit we want it to be more of a condensed form uh with what we’re gonna do with it all right I think it’s probably condensed enough they’re off

For a minute we’re just going to turn it back on all right so the idea here was I had like a laboratory and I was sort of water really hot doing that we’re gonna basically so we’re gonna go up here you can kind of see this we’re gonna throw

In substance X so I’ll throw that in now and I think substance X is from some water the idea was like I fell into the potion and then you know I’ve been warped away and I don’t even know what the idea was I think I like some kind of

Story I was gonna do but I ended up not doing it so this is like the amazing editing and then the idea was I don’t even know what that was about I think like there is some avenge that was gonna have some kind of like villain be like

The one that destroyed it or something but um you know obviously that never turned into anything and then here’s what’s funny what ends up happening is I think I was supposed to show her that I was going back through time but more or less I went to

Um this is like you can’t see anything because I have no idea what I was doing more or less but this is one of the very first 1.17 snapshots when sort of the full caves and cliffs update was going to be in 1.17 so you can sort of see

Where there’s like I think that’s actually the old tough texture that looks different to it yeah that is different to what it is now I think there were any more monsters down there yeah so I sort of explored this and whatever but it is crazy to think that

Like you know to me one point 18 didn’t come out that long ago you know we’re we you know and we just had some caves and cliffs features in 1.19 and yet here we are in the middle of the development of basically that same update and this is

The content I’m making so it’s crazy um sort of how long it’s actually been since we saw stuff like that but let’s go through here and someone think it’s funny my scream there um let me see if I can find something else so I sort of go into more tutorials

Like this was that clay Diamond trick that was going around a lot I was doing some seed videos let’s see if we can find something um I only ever did two collaboration videos this one was one with just some random friend I had basically and then

Um another one was over here with this person called I think serene something is Reena cirido or something like this but they did banners as well so when I was doing Banners at the same time I was sort of had the idea of doing a collaboration here it is yeah so it

Was sort of like they had part of it and then I had part of it and we were just sort of showing like five Pokemon banners or whatever and so yeah there they are so it’s sort of interesting like here we are in a video look it’s

The real bad boy Halo no it’s not but it is funny because um I mean here I would have I was like wow there’s five comments that’s so amazing you know there’s 60 likes you know but like now obviously that’s nothing it’s just interesting to see how things change so

Much over time and uh we’ll probably stop or look back in just a second here um but more or less actually had like a hardcore series some people have watched let me see if I can skip to this this was also the the last sort of let’s play exactly that I did

Um and a good location for Sam more or less another interesting thing I’ve seen it’s it’s not well edited really it’s not horrible you know this wasn’t actually made it’s only made about a year ago um I think it’s like most of my skills sort of developed a lot at the end of

2021 so this is still at the beach there’s a very similar warm in some ways some places like this big ball Mountain here because it’s not a mountain it’s actually a plains biome which is kind of humorous because and so I think the idea was with this is we were still exploring

The 1.18 terrain because that was during the snapshot so everything else thought it was so crazy the uh the old terrain and stuff but we’ll go through here on something I actually want to show everyone where we’re at it is that there was two streams ago maybe three streams

Ago and I asked everyone I said uh would people be interested in Channel memberships in fact I think someone actually asked me if I had them um and I didn’t at the point um but I’ve hired an amazing artist and if you actually want to know who they

Are they’re Mythic mutations there’s a link to their Instagram in the description of this video if you want to give them a follow on there if you use Instagram but more or less I do not have this join button on my channel um it’ll be right next to the Subscribe

Button and yeah for just uh three dollars a month there which is I think is pretty good deal you get the Loyalty badge and you have emojis now there’s only there’s uh if you have the first person actually who’s became a member so there’s only four emojis right now however

Um I actually got 12 commissioned and I I can add them as soon as I have I think four members to join the channel so more or less the more people that become members the more of these we’ll get and so yeah basically just the more members

We have the more benefits and everything and we have sort of these amazing emotes that go from green to Copper to Gold to Diamond amethyst to sort of like a rainbow look and um I got like in some amazing modes and emotes and things like that on there so

Thank you to everyone looks like there’s quite a few people joining that I really appreciate it so you know of course then you can use those awesome emotes in the chat of the live streams and even in the comments of videos looks like there’s tons of people becoming the members so I

Appreciate that a lot so yeah if anyone’s interested on the stream and of course you can join that anything thank you so much for that so we’ll go back through here and basically we take a little scroll down uh let’s see so I had the hardcore let’s play you can sort of see

Like certain like sort of video thumbnails if you don’t have a thumbnail is it’s basically this picture before you click on a video um and you can sort of see they’re increasing in quality over time which is pretty cool and I might just quickly lower the volume just a little bit for

The uh membership thing and someone’s saying to turn on membership gifting I can definitely um look into that for sure so let’s see here okay I think we have the stream settings right so thank you everyone and oh my goodness I’ll react to that in about 10 seconds here

Um just a second here but yeah you can sort of see these um these uh more guide videos popping up and stuff and uh there’s some interesting videos here too like this is something still a lot of people don’t know about I know before I miss it here

We have two super chats here the first one is for five dollars and it says you should look into turning on membership gifting I’ll absolutely look into that um I’m sure it’s fairly easy to turn on and the second Super Chat is for 100 which is amazing it says icraftmc is the

Best thanks for the videos info and SMP well thank you very much for that I really really do appreciate it and um I really want to try and continue to make the best content I possibly can and thank you so much for that 100 Super Chat and of course to all the people

Becoming members I appreciate that as well and um of course the longer remember before you get the better and better badge in the uh comments and in the the live chat there so anyway we’ll scroll back down here a little bit and so more or less uh here’s something

Actually interesting we could do um 11 months ago just to sort of show how much I’ve grown uh in fact a little bit oh yeah about 11 months it was the end of October 2021 I had my 2 000 subscriber special now of course today is my 200 000 subscriber special so that’s

Literally 100 times more and I mean most of these subscribers were people from those shorts videos anyway um that didn’t really watch my channel so outside of that it was probably more like 500 subscribers um and so it’s crazy to think that my channel is growing 100 times in under a

Year and so I think this video was some sort of like my take on like a little story I was sort of doing and I forget exactly how it worked but I think there’s some music in here that I had like shout outs for so I don’t know

Um just like some it was one of those like NCS sounds ones so I probably won’t play this because I think the music I might have to do the the attribution there for that but um either way if we go back through here uh more or less something sort of

Interesting is that where most people found me and I’m not sure if that’s what everyone here is going to do but what initially made my channel sort of go really big um was actually my another eight mining guide let’s see if we can find it here so what sort of happened is that

Everyone who’d watched my mining guide got recommended the netherrite guide and so then because in it I had this subscriber call out and some people think it’s fake that only 0.9 percent was subscribed this is the actual chart I had because my channel had just blown

Up and I have never asked for people to subscribe and so because of that it was legitimately 0.9 percent less than one percent of my viewers were actually subscribed and I’m guessing everyone watching right now is uh probably subscribe but if you’re not you could always subscribe as well there is a

Little pop-up notification here but it is crazy to see how even just that’s changed so much and so it’s very iconic items in Minecraft 1.18 are certainly the best in the game however mining can be time consuming and something crazy too actually is this video is is getting

On to be a year old has one point almost 1.7 million views almost by two times as my most popular video and I think still to this day it gets about 4 000 views every day which is like as much as some of my very recent videos cat and so

Yeah more or less in terms of the history of my channel though um I just kept making videos like this I have like my 50 000 subscriber q a you can sort of see um if we go just by if I think if I search subscriber we can uh

Probably find that if I spelled it correctly looks like I’ve forgotten s there we go there we go so you can see I have uh in order here about a thousand a year and then or a thousand subscribers a year ago and then it went to 2000 and then

Jumps to uh there’s a ten thousand eight months ago and then after ten it went to 50 in like three months then from 50 it went to a hundred in two months and then three months I went to 200 000 so that’s of course where we are right now and

It’s funny because most people watching us will probably be watching it later on and they’ll be like you only had 200 000 subscribers then so it’s funny to think so that’s sort of like you know everyone chatting right now is sort of part of the history there but uh either way and

Of course now what’s really exciting is to think about everything going on with uh 1.20 coming up very easy in there so that’s only two weeks from now actually which is crazy and some people have been asking me in the chat they’re more or less about what I think of 1.20

Apparently there’s a mob vote leak I haven’t heard of that um to me I just like to see you know what comes out about it when it comes out and if you know the leak was real I guess that’s cool I haven’t heard of it um but I’ll probably make videos on all

The mobs I guess it’ll according to the normal schedule it should be uh after next week they will find out everything and there’s basically that so I think what we’re gonna do because we’ve taken a decent little look here pretty quick but you don’t want to cringe too much

You’re at the old videos something we could actually do for fun is I have my second Channel if anyone wants to subscribe to that you can definitely do that and there’s some really funny little old things on here so this was made a long time ago I’m trying to think

When it was probably I’m going to say March of 2021 and this is actually part of like a some other completely random project had nothing to do with my channel but more or less this I’ve technically made a Minecraft animation so you can see the high quality animation here it’s it’s uh

It’s not high quality in the slightest and I think this took forever to have happen like just to render that out my computer took forever for that but there is that and then there’s this thing called replay mod which is sort of how I make like my cinematic shots and this

Was like the first thing I’d ever made with that so I was very happy with that and something you might notice actually on my older videos is my name there was ibertham uh that’s because I have two Minecraft accounts and I never had an account called icraftmc until more or

Less after my channel started picking up a little bit and so the Minecraft account that I actually would play with until then was the ibertham one so it’s kind of interesting to see that as well and uh yeah so I don’t know some interesting history there and then

Um people have actually asked as well what the what the uh like the uh notification sounds are from and they’re from uh this they’re also from this other song that this person called mixer made uh they made two remixes of me but this is the

First one I was making a video when I was very bored so I just threw this silly thing together but it’s like a how do you have these things on a stick how do you have how do you have the how do you have have how do you have how do you

Have have perfect it’s a bit cringe I must admit fungus fungus perfect warped fungus on a stick stick so that’s the um that’s the Super Chat sound there but anyway um as of course this is I am a Minecraft Youtuber not a YouTube YouTuber

Um I think it’d be cool if we maybe play some Minecraft there so you know of course there’s a lot of things that um we could do inside of Minecraft and you know usually we’re doing Survival live um this is not Survival live although I uh potentially will do some of it

But I thought you know what would be more fun than just sort of doing some things I’ve never done before you know and just enjoying uh doing different things on my Stream So the first one is and this will probably be very interesting to see what happens but I’ve

Never shown this on stream before um maybe only on a video in Clips before but more or less um basically I have an SMP now I have talked about it before in different ways but I do have an SMP and it’s very easy to join just have to go on my Discord

Server to find it more or less I am live streaming that and I’m just going to switch to that right now and so uh basically it’s going to switch here to Minecraft there you can see here on the stream XM fixed there we go so

Um if you want to join this I have a Discord server should be links in the Super Chat not the Super Chat in the um uh links in the live chat that’s the word and so yeah if anyone wants to basically take a look at that you can see there’s

Everyone on here and the s p has been picking up a lot lately uh I really love this because something interesting I thought we could actually do here on stream is uh you know and I’ve wanted to do this for a while but you know there’s a lot you can learn

Sort of from seeing what people do on an SMP that’s what I like about this one so much is the fact that you can really find out a lot about that and it seems like I’m lagging a lot so I might just do that and I just have to turn off so I

Just fell off the bridge there but uh what we’ll do is I’ll throw my social media page there and if anyone wants to join the Discord there should be a link in the live chat right there and basically um as well as that I of course have my icraftmc twitch there’s an icraftmc

Subreddit there’s an icraftmc Twitter I’ve been really trying to build the Twitter a lot at icraft underscore MC uh in my opinion anyway you know true I craft MC fan would want to see all my social medias although if we don’t actually have to if you don’t want to

Um things like my twitch I’ve never done anything on but I really do want to do more things like that in the future so we’ll go back here to my SMP but um if anyone’s wondering why I have half iron and half diamond armor no I’m not a

Noob but I’ve only played on this world for a little bit uh mostly because I’m very busy however you can see here the horrible attempt I have at starting a house there’s a couple interesting projects I’ve done on here so far you can see lots of awesome things on here

We have tons of amazing active members and things and soon the world will be upgraded in a sense and will potentially even have support for Bedrock Edition players you can see right now there’s a lot of people on almost two almost a two rows it looks like so there’s like this

Funny sort of farm I made here it’s kind of like your most optimal potato farm not exactly but we have all these different layers of potatoes and things and I don’t know um I thought it was interesting at the time it’s funny actually okay that’s very strange the

Top of that enderman’s grass block seems to be switching between every single um rotation so we have that let’s see if I can take this Enderman probably a bad idea because this server is lagging oh and one of my arm just broke so I might die right here

If we can see if we can survive this see if I can just right click my bed in time that’s probably probably a horrible I did at my half broken terrible armor but actually here I know what we’ll do I use a boat see if we can oh that was bad come on

Enderman use the boat you can use it there we go there we go saved by the boat clutch there so my God that’s crazy how overpowered boats are if someone wants to check out a slightly older um I craft MC video I have uh boats or op it’s actually a really good video

Talks about that a lot so see we have here you can see my massive purple cursor there for the stream but nothing too much here but we may as well do a small you know sort of tour around here what I’ll do is I’ll grab some food so we

Don’t starve to death but um I’d love to oh there’s some Phantoms I might end up dying on stream oh let’s see if I can sleep in time okay there we go yeah if anyone um I loved hearing the the live chat right there um how many of you people play on smps

Do you find that single player you enjoy more is it multiplayer I found that there’s a lot of different things I enjoy doing with with Minecraft but oftentimes smps are what I tend to like the most so I’d love to hear that in the comments there

And someone says it was clever I used the boat yeah the boats are really a good trick to use for sure it looks like something that’s not a good trick though is the fact I don’t think I have much food I have some uncooked potatoes so we can cook those

Um we have such amazing tips and tricks on this stream like you can cook potatoes with coal so but anyway um we’ll get those cooking as we wait a bit uh I do think someone gave me a music disc a while ago when I was on here

And again if anyone wants to join this you can join my Discord server there’s links there and more or less there’s uh there’s this silly thing under rules where if you react with the puffer fish then you can be given the server member rule you just have to put in your

Username and you can get that and something I can reveal a little bit although the big day will not be today but we do have some very awesome things planned which is exciting and as well as those big things the server will be going on to more of somewhat of an official thing

A potentially more of a public server than what it is currently um and as well as that we’ll be having the Bedrock and the Java support which is awesome so I’m gonna go through here we’re gonna finish up this but I think we’re gonna tour through the server a

Little bit we might just wait for those to cook I wish I had some a lecture or something to make this quicker but that’s that’s fine I don’t think I see anything here we can really use to be that much quicker so I will let those potatoes cook though for a minute we’ll

Come back for them we’re actually might grab us a couple while we’re waiting but yeah more or less you can see I sort of had the first taste set up here the enchanting table uh no base built yet really but other than that it was pretty

Good so we have that and yeah there’s a lot of interesting things built on This Server I want to take a good look at some of them because I feel like there’s a lot we can sort of analyze with some of the things that people have built

Here as I think there’s some sort of interesting tricks and things I’ve seen people do and you know I just love seeing sort of the history of Minecraft especially older Minecraft world something that has a lot of players come and go in it and sort of build different

Things so you know for example I know a lot of people like the server of 2b2t now although I’ve never played on 2b2t because I don’t have eight hours to waste in a queue um what I have seen a lot on there from different videos from you know fit MC so

I’ll see one all these different YouTubers that everyone knows about is that there’s so much history on there and I found you can really learn a lot from what people have done so you know interesting things on there like these massive flower paths or rather you know sort of interesting projects and things

So for instance right here right here we have the spawn point of the world which I’m gonna admit isn’t you know the best spun Point um probably needs to be improved a little bit but this server has not been that busy for a while it’s interesting they’re a little automatic

Slime block jump kind of fun with the skulk sensor there we have some shops that spawn here we have random people that I don’t think know they’re on the stream um and basically I believe over here there is a Minecart Track no that’s not this one it’s over here I think

But there is a minecart system someone built it here it is and this goes all around the server and so hopefully there’s a minecart in here if not I can there is one a singular mine curtain this goes all around there I’m just gonna turn down the uh I think it’s passive

Creatures yeah apparently a Minecart’s a friendly creature which is quite interesting so um but basically there’s this awesome Minecart that goes around the server and we can be led to some interesting locations on here and another question for everyone in the chat there uh do you often build Minecart systems in your

Worlds um I found Minecart systems or something enjoy a lot as a sneak peek I do want to in the future make a mine cart guide we’ll see if that happens but I would definitely like to I certainly enjoy that and more or less um I don’t know I just find that

Something I really like and some people are saying that they found me on so called there’s someone making a appearance on the stream there as we pass by so there’s that and someone saying what’s the IP the IP is on the uh info section if you join the the thing

You need to be whitelisted so the IP isn’t really important until you have that something kind of interesting I was watching a video quite a while ago actually was what someone did is they drunk a speed potion before going into mine cart and this is on a very old version I think it

Was either a legacy console or like a very old build of bedrock and it actually made them go faster on the minecart itself which is kind of interesting so I can even see there people are being added to the white list which is pretty cool so let me go back

Up here though and we can kind of take a look at some people’s bases and more or less this is not necessarily the best way of setting up a minecart system but it is pretty cool and so for instance we have this massive Tower right here and

And sort of take a look at what people have done you know I find so interesting about an SMP is you know you would assume that there’d be different things like let’s say most trees around spawn would be chopped down but that’s not usually actually the case and so sort of

Interesting how when you have a lot of players on a certain World um as long as most people let’s say grow their own trees like let’s say over here someone has a massive Mangrove Tree Farm it’s interesting that then you don’t necessarily have the issue of most trees

Or resources being destroyed so it’s kind of interesting we have some amazing Builders and players on This Server like for instance there’s sort of this beginning of this awesome base right here you can see we have a Omega beacon on here some very dangerous lava tunnels and things listen I’m not exactly sure

What this is meant to be to be honest but I think it’s some sort of a farm we’ll go over here and you can see there’s this awesome build here and let me see if I can also find some other interesting things so you know here’s another interesting thing you have lots

Of interesting things but um something else that I find quite intriguing about servers is because everyone sort of shares all the resources you have things like this where there’s you know I would say a fairly you know not super developed base it’s fine but it’s not massive and yet

There’s Omega Beacon right whereas you know normally within Minecraft you would have let’s say so much stuff before you have a mega beak and I mean getting a mega Beacon is a lot of work and yet on an SMP there’s sort of that disconnect of everyone doing those things together

So sort of interesting and I always love seeing little touches people do like let’s say these Cobblestone walls around here it’s always so fun and you know of course the players can jump over with the speed effect um however they of course cannot have the mobs go over there so this is also

Also quite a friendly server for anyone wanting to join on because we actually have an entire section of free things and the free things are over here just right next to the spawn point and you know I also really enjoy things like this we see with the the weed on the

Side of the water there I feel like you know something that most people need to do is um I think it’s to really add more interesting features to their world right where we have let’s say you know in real life of course you can’t just you know put water sources somewhere and

Grow something you have to sort of uh build things next to where there already is water or you can irrigate of course but that’s different and so generally there would be of course water next to the the wheat crops and things but here you can see there’s

Um there’s not very much gold right now it says free gold for beginners we have a singular gold nugget there which is very generous but with most of these things we have some free saplings and some free sort of just supplies get yourself started food and and it looks

Like even diamonds tools that’s pretty generous writing yourself diamond tools start with I think I might not even have all these tools myself so might just grab some of these since I’ve not played on here uh for quite a while you can see we have feather falling

Which is pretty good because it looks like that started from the villagers so there’s that and we even have over here in one of the more developed parts of the world because of course it takes people a long time to set these things up there’s so many things you have to do

To make these big things but we have some mini games I think this is a parkour that I will definitely not be attempting but there is some other fun things through like a PVP Arena again you can see some amazing builds here it’s awesome to look at builds like this

And sort of analyze them so for instance here you know we have this palette of different blocks there’s the Cal site the diorite the unpolished diorite sort of merging them together into what looks like a consistent wall and you know over here the again similarly colored blocks

You know I would never think that deep slate and Blackstone would go together but they actually seem to quite well especially since the Blackstone sort of partially obstructed there and we have just some amazing builds here’s something fun you could build in your own world if you want if you have a lot

Of drip stone is we have this interesting drift Stone sort of I’m guessing this would be for PPP but more or less the drip Stone Falls beneath you and so because of that the server is lagging but because of that you can run around on here and more or

Less you know if you fall off oh no here at the bottom now of course and we can get out but I think it’s like a cool uh sort of twist on the traditional TNT run mini game where you know there of course that’s basically impossible to set up on

A survival world with something like this you can set that up fairly easily so if ever make a video of 10 mini games to make in Minecraft drip Stone parkour or grip Stone sort of Arena could definitely be a good one and something else that is sort of interesting we can

See some more builds around here looks like we have a pumpkin and no one Farm which is built uh it looks like in The Fairly standard way which is interesting we have some some of the followers and if we go over here um there’s this interesting build here

Now I like this build quite a bit because it sort of doesn’t have that traditional roof shape there’s this sort of turn to it and it’s so interesting thing because as well as that if we go inside of here of course I guess we might have to might have to oh here’s a

Door we have to break our way in we won’t be doing that oh I think I just I’m sorry anyone who lives here I just scraped off your oxidation there but anyway if we go through here we can see again some of that interesting palading to make the

The thing more you know add some detail we have the logs facing upwards the planks the stripped logs and it’s pretty cool there now I’m sure you can turn this off as well but I don’t own this Farm is I’m not going to mess with it

But definitely is a very fun server to play on if anyone wants to and so many interesting things to look at as well for instance here we have a a fence around this Farmland now I would be wondering why is there a fence around this Farmland you know

Um I wouldn’t know exactly the reason why maybe because they would assume that their animals could maybe trample on top of it although it doesn’t look like that can happen you know things like this can also be because of raid firms right and so for example if they’re doing raids

Around here they wouldn’t want to have an issue with let’s say a Strider breaking all their crops so here’s something very fun actually it’s in every single color wool Farm it looks like this not fully working because this one doesn’t seem to be shearing that sheep but

Um overall it’s pretty cool and of course we also have an iron farm here uh generally when I tend to build farms I’ll usually make a very large farm but I find interesting too to see you know very very small yet functional iron farm almost an iron micro Farm which is

Pretty cool and again take another look around here and more or less looks like we have a treehouse half-built treehouse sort of grown over you know I actually really enjoy this because to me if there’s one thing that Minecraft sort of lacks a bit of it’s it’s good history

And so for an example you know Mojang wants to eventually add archeology to Minecraft and so which I think is great by the way um and you know I think that part of that which is really good is adding that level of sort of sort of level of quality as well as

History to the world and so that was a very laggy under parole and so more or less you know by having let’s say unbuilt builds by different players and things like this we can have you know a sort of incredibly interesting um landscape that’s built that really

Adds history to world and really sort of takes Minecraft to where I think most people assume assume it is I feel like there’s different things we have like Minecraft story mode that I’m sure some of you know about for sure and more or less you know in something like Minecraft story

Mode we have this built up world this developed world you know everyone’s sort of um it seems like the world’s been around for a long time it seems like it sort of works more like the world does in real life and I feel like on a Minecraft

Server what’s so cool is that you can sort of get a bit of that Dynamic if you have a really well set up and I don’t know how well set up the server is but you know maybe not even well set up but sort of a you know very well established

SMP one where there’s a lot of players on you can have this interesting system of sort of just a society that’s built inside of Minecraft and I know there’s these videos like 100 players simulate civilizations Society economics all these things and I do feel like that is

Sort of something in in a similar category as that so on to another player’s base looks like we have up here there’s actually a lot of bases around here sort of spread out fairly evenly so lots to explore if you ever want to play on this world it looks like there’s

Yes we’ve now achieved two play uh two pages of players this is uh for now it’s only a four gigabyte server so hopefully it doesn’t crash but we are upgrading that uh very soon here actually we have a nice little um sort of table which isn’t interesting so

Let me go through here and again interesting host build it’s always cool to see this you know no windows is there a reason for that it’s hard to say um but I always find that to be very cool so we can go through here and we can see you know there’s their aquarium

They have all these different features to their house you know um you know oftentimes I’ll see things that players build I would never think of making and so because of that you know we have this this thing where more or less we can enjoy you know seeing the variety of

What people can do with Minecraft and I’m even like this the planes on the roof like the glass panes on the roof not planes on the roof you know it’s so cool to see just what people do with this game that I would never think of doing necessarily and then taking that

And maybe adding it to your own builds to your own projects you know we can go up over here and we see another base being built it’s definitely in progress but seemed like a very nice looking base and you can notice here we have an enchanting area some nice

Rose bushes around some different walkways and and different levels sort of built into the mountain you know these sort of very uh complicated sort of systems look very nice and I think that you know building something almost is is a bit of like a maze or a

Network it’s always a great idea looks like something there interesting let’s see if we can hide from the people following me for about five minutes here I won’t reveal all these this person’s Secrets but um apparently this goes somewhere looks like into more or a secret so probably shouldn’t be

Revealing all these secrets but look at that eh how smart must be something maybe there’s something oh I’ve been trapped oh my head been trapped look at this I mean maybe that was the plan all along there oh there we go I’ve been rescued I’ve been rescued that’s funny uh but

Really cool still to see a base like that very inspiring very interesting we have um so much you know uh imagination around these builds and I think that again taking some of those ideas you know for instance those multiple levels of Secrets and entrances and exits and

All those things are are really quite cool I’m not sure if this is the same person’s base down here or not either um but it is very cool and of course we also have all these cactus in a little cactus farm here I usually do cactus farms with tons of

Layers but this person seems to enjoy a one layer cactus farm so oftentimes it’s interesting to see that a massive Tree Farm around here and there’s even some more bases over here within this sort of uh near the spawn point Society you know there are also some other places that

Are a little bit more uh wild and unsettled but it is still interesting to to look around here and it looks like I’ve run out of food so I’m gonna have to run back to the spawn point and get that but we’ll look at this base real quick before it looks

Like this one’s also unfinished no windows there is sand nearby so I’m not exactly sure why they didn’t grab it maybe they wanted to keep the river looking nice it’s always interesting to imagine what that is but we’ll go over here into the river and we’re gonna try

And find our way back to zero zero which is not that way it looks like it’s it is this way so we have to just follow that rail line there you know Rail lines are also something interesting in the game and I did talk about them a little bit

Earlier in the Stream and by the way for anyone just joining on this is my Minecraft SMP it is on 1.19 it’ll probably eventually go to 1.19.2 with some very important uh client um plug-ins on if you know what I’m talking about there and I think that

Yeah we are back at the spawn point you can even see here sort of a castle being built you know um sometimes I always like really digging uh deep into what people are thinking with different options so for instance here you know why are these two

Blocks apart there must be a reason to that you’d assume looks like I’ve just been throwing some food that is very laggy to pick up so thank you to one of those people whoever was for giving it to me I appreciate that someone says it’s a future train

Station so that’s quite interesting and again you know even planning all these projects takes a lot of time you know Bridges like this you’ll notice here’s a building tip you have a torch on top of a wall makes that look like a solid pillar you know you can use that in a

Build and enjoy that which is pretty cool we have the space I don’t believe anyone’s been in it for a while I don’t remember but you can notice here we have these sort of little pixel art builds you know still within survival I’ve found usually people make these things

In Creative but here we have them in survival we have these arrows and a sword and others that giant eye at the spawn point that no one’s really sure who built it might have been but it might not have been me either you don’t know I didn’t say that so but we

Have that dry night at the spawn point or server Pillager it’s probably there for a reason so I’m not gonna kill it uh but here’s another interesting thing you know we have um this is a very old and well-known building technique but it’s the fact that you can use the you can

Use the fence gates to make this moving uh sort of position moving fence so you can see here we have the wall the three fence skates that fence gate in between them and that’s so cool to see and I think that it’s very interesting and

Thank you by the way to everyone on the stream right now everyone in this world and just all this for celebrating my uh 200 000 subscribers uh you can see and we still have so many people on here right now shout outs to all the people

On right now so uh there is that and you can even see Mythic mutations that’s the pink name at the bottom right that is the person who made the art for the membership so anyone who’s using those emojis in the chat right now soon you should have access to all of them

And we can see there’s that and yeah just it’s pretty cool to see so you know there’s even some interesting Mega projects and I think that you know Mega project is also something interesting to see within Minecraft now this is this is really cool actually here we have some

Interesting things you might be wondering how are these drowns staying here and not you know hurting anyone I mean I could even you know be right next to it’s not gonna hurt me it could you know I could punch it but I’m not going to punch it because it’s obviously an

Important drown but we have that like I’m now stuck where the Drone is and again it’s just sort of walking back and forth not really having a reason and what’s so interesting hope they can make this not Escape well that’s a problem okay that’s in the boat now I’m sure

Someone can sorry to anyone who’s who isn’t doing that I’m sorry about that but uh anyway basically if you’re wondering the reason why they were not um killing me the reason why it’s actually quite simple and I didn’t actually know about this until someone showed me but

It’s over here there’s another one and I won’t let this one out uh right over here I believe you can just flip these up and it’s still safe but this is a drowned and you can notice here I’m right next to it I’m pushing against it I could

Even punch it it wouldn’t hurt me that’s because drowns are completely passive um if they are okay thank you for the food I do have enough um drones are completely passive if we have the not be in water and so because of that is drowned as a trident Enchanted

Trident full diamond armor because it can wear that as a chance of course the server is on hard mode like even still try just through it’s Trident at me so maybe it’s not passive but uh the idea anyway is that it’s supposed to be passive when it’s outside the water so potentially

That might uh glitch sometimes but uh in general it’s uh it is meant to be passive so interesting things here as well you know an SMP is not complete without Community projects things for the community things for people that uh want to sort of uh work with everyone

Else to make things easier you know there’s there’s interesting things you can do in smps and and uh just servers in general you can’t do in single player like collaborate with other players to let’s say right here we have a smelter this is a super smelter I believe it’s

Sort of decoratively built here and an interesting area very next uh near to the spawn point and so you know if you’re on single player a massive build like this probably isn’t practical yet on multiplayer we have this cool entrance to go within the the depths of

The you know sort of smelter there inside here you can see we have a massive lava Farm now I’ve talked about this lava Farm a lot I’m sure most people know of it but it’s the fact that if you have lock with the glass and then the drip stone that gives you infinite

Lava and inside of this we have all the lava buckets that can be placed in there by the minecart it’s the two mine Curt tracks um I should probably make a video on auto smelters but more or less if I had a lot of things to cook I could put

Them in there and put them in here and yeah it’s kind of cool to have these Community builds and projects and there’s even a little lectern here you know lecterns books um signs even these are things that are really not super utilized until you have multiplayer and so here we have you know

Instructions there we could we could take the book although of course I’ll put that back and I’ve not even talked about lecterns that much looks like we have a quite the crowd forming outside that we’ve blockaded here so we might just do a little sneaky some

That didn’t happen I just do a little sneaky something Escape out the back it’s the it’s the icraft MC Manhunt on my survival server but there’s some more interesting things we’ll take a look at that are uh sort of over here no um again you see these interesting

Random things inside of a inside of an SMP like that little um sort of arm there and I think it’s interesting because I try and learn things when I see things like that that sounds kind of silly I would say but you know most things I

Could see a little wheat for me but you can’t learn anything from that but what we’re about to do is we’re gonna head off on a bit of a journey and we have if we can find our way there and there are some interesting bases that have these really cool techniques they’ve used

Um that really can show some of the things you can accomplish in Survival Minecraft I haven’t necessarily shown on my channel before I’m sure most people know about them uh but still we have these really cool techniques and things you can do so we’re going to go this way and we have

This cool Arch here that’s showing uh that my house is there although it’s not really I was just more of a deep slate frame for now so we’ll see what happens it looks like Turk Todd’s hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape block cruncher five it’s always funny to see

These massive death messages in Minecraft especially in multiplayer so that’s another interesting thing about having multiplayer I might stay at the spawn here for a second because there’s some really cool things here again very cool how you can have this automatic sort of jump up thing with the the skulk

Um I would look at how that works but later we have the map of the server now something that I would always say no matter if you’re playing multiplayer if you’re playing single player whatever you’re playing it’s so important to have maps and it’s so important to

Pick out a seed for your world I would say you don’t have to of course you know single player uh random seed is fine but if you notice here this is actually a giant Island Seed now you can’t really see it but this does not connect to land

This does not connect to land and nothing here does and so I picked through hundreds of different seeds to find this seed and you can see that we have just this amazing Island we have a Mesa biome there’s jungle there’s Savannah you you can’t really see what

Biomes are here because every sort of grassy biome looks the same every forested biome looks the same on a map but here’s even the Mesa there’s a little desert there and you know I think that that sort of gives players the the ability to do that looks like I’m I have

Have too many potatoes now but thank you to everyone to give me those with our loyalty tried in there so see if we can get rid of it but no we can’t so we have that but we’ll go over here and it looks like we didn’t have some you know you

Can’t forget your corporate branding inside of the Minecraft world right everyone’s everyone’s favorite restaurant I’m not sure but we’ll go over here and we have a public netherwort farm right so so you know somewhat of a small another word Farm but still pretty cool and again you know I think that

Um even something like this might seem simple might seem basic even useless on let’s say a single player world but um if you have it on multiplayer if you have this this sort of you know opportunity to help other players but also to build things for other players

To interact with to do I think it adds a lot so we’ll go around here looks like we have the start of an iron from unfinished project it’s a very interesting sort of sort of see and I don’t honestly think I can throw this trend right now because it’s so laggy

But we’ll go over here and uh there’s a lot of players on for this for This Server we’ll go over here very awesome though to see that and thank you to everyone again and if you’re just joining on the stream here are some of my social medias there’s a

Discord there if you join that Discord you can join this SMP you could play with me not only you could play with me later you could you could just join on and play with all the icraft MC fans and Minecraft fans in there all through that Discord link we have some awesome events

We’re going to be doing in the future and that’s all I can say on that but um definitely great great events and that will be soon I have a Twitter at icraft underscore MCA twitch icraftmc and a Reddit r slash icraftmc that we’re trying to get to be more

Active so if you ever want to post on there anything you want I would well not anything you want let’s be honest but most things most things um that would be awesome so there we go we’ll go back to Minecraft here and again we can see all these players here

That are that are around exploring the world with me sort of seeing what’s seeing what’s here and you know to me I sort of see that because there’s not a lot of uh setup things around the server I mean we have a rule system we have all these different things but we

Don’t necessarily have let’s say maybe a a set you know structured what people are trying to do it’s like someone’s in the way of the Minecart Track um but more or less you know even with even with that not being there we still have these projects that people have

Done uh together so we have for instance this bridge it’s sort of hard to see it um but I believe the player on here called moogie I think made this I don’t remember exactly you can see that it’s kind of a laggy mine Curt but still we have this interesting Bridge here that

Is supposed to resemble the bridges we have in real life I think it’s probably somewhat slow because there’s not a lot of power drails here I think there should generally be more and we have this uh incredibly it’s walking at the exact same speed player there so we’ll

Do that but uh more or less you know again you can look off in the distance so we can see that tree in survival we go through here and you know all we would see is just the acacia trees all we would see is what’s there normally but in multiplayer we

Have that advantage in multiplayer we can see you know there’s something there we can see there’s actually interesting things to explore and to see and to discover and to you know try and enjoy things from which is really cool so go through here now it looks like we

Have some different places there’s a South Island so we have the public trading Lodge well that sounds fairly exciting so I think we’re going to go to the public trading Lodge I have checked out most of these places before but we’re still going to take a look more or

Less and basically we take a little look through here we can see on this Crystal Minecart you know um think we’re literally Frozen there for a second so I started on the stream there we might end up running into someone here because it’s lagging so much but in

Fact we might actually here I’ll do maybe just walk I think it’s faster actually if I get it’s literally faster so um more or less we’re gonna walk but uh yeah it’s still cool to see what people have built you know even over this little Cavern here people have decided

To put a small a small Bridge a small pathway you know and um I’m not sure if I necessarily would have done that or not that’s what I find so cool is you know there’s so much you can learn from what people have done already

Even you know let’s say why is this two blocks wide if the Mind hurts only one block why you know there’s there’s history there there’s things that are interesting to see what’s going on and I think that you know throughout that we can just enjoy uh all the different ways

That people play the game you know the lanterns here very very interesting things now uh here we have another sort of center of civilization on the Hub um not on the Hub but on the server this isn’t the server Hub but on the uh uh they’re near this near the server’s

Spawn now lots of interesting machines and inventions here you can see we have this uh sort of chest mine Curt there we have all these different things we have this item sorter now this item sorter is obviously for a farm system we have this system of farm system of things that are

Happening uh We’ve now this little villager gate here that doesn’t make a lot of sense but it makes sense with villagers so we’ll go through here and uh and more or less here we can even you know see different things that were built like this you know do I have an

Idea what this is for I have no idea I’m assuming it’s something to capture uh zombies maybe to zombify that is exactly what it is it looks like we have a zombie Colony down here so that’s pretty cool I’m not exactly sure what that’s for but uh still very interesting and so

You can see that and if we go back down here you know we can see uh there’s trading Lodge you know we have a dock here the idea would be that a lot of people I’m assuming are traveling the most with a boat and so we have the

Stock here to give people that that opportunity we have a public trading launch with of course lots of rules to make sure that people aren’t doing anything they shouldn’t not stealing things but you know having this ability for even gives players the ability to zombify AI those villagers themselves

That conflict that lever you know setting up things like this is is always a really great idea and I think that it’s cool to see people doing that and I think I saw right over here um another something there’s lots of interesting things to looks like someone

Who went in the boat looks like we have a shortcut to the XP Tower Follow White carpet so we’re gonna follow the white carpet and see what in the world this is and enjoy it and it looks like we have a super chat from Leslie and it says thank

You for your videos I love your calm voice well thank you so much and uh I really enjoy all my viewers as well and I’m glad that you enjoyed my content so this looks like an XP farm I’m assuming that we would have this XP

Tower so we’ll go up here we’ll take a look at what this is all about and uh someone said in the chat here very interesting they say hey I I got full enchanted diamond armor and I’m not sure what to do any suggestions well I find that quite interesting because the first

Thing is I think that um you know a lot of players when they’re playing through Minecraft they get to the point where they’re sort of viewing the game like any other game and I think that’s the first thing you want to do is stop thinking about Minecraft

As your standard video game you know when I think of Minecraft I think of you know almost you know life in a sense that sounds so silly but I think that what I think of it as that there’s really not a lot of basic activities that can’t be done in Minecraft that can

Also be done in real life and so I’m not sure if this will actually work because there’s so many players on probably not but um there’s a place we can oh see that’s what we can do here see if we can do a little shortcut but I

Think that you know generally in terms of let’s survive generally in terms of what you’re trying to do I would say that you know you want to you want to think of you know your your long-term goals past just getting material so let’s say you know getting

Diamond armor well I mean you know let’s say that we are going under the the standard uh sort of just playing Minecraft like a standard game and we’re we’re thinking about things like that we get another right you get elytra you could get five enchanted golden apples I

Actually have two videos where I talk about um the the things you can do after you have uh more or less winter board in Minecraft you know and of course that that point comes at different uh times for different players but I would say that generally you know if you’re bored

Inside of Minecraft there’s always some things you can do about that and you know that video says some of them and also a lot of it’s about making your own story making your own history your own sort of decisions and and uh just building a world out of where there

Really isn’t any you know there isn’t a story to Minecraft um there there’s lore I think that’s important but you know I’m building your own story that’s always a good place to start and and also depending on if you want to do a world long term or not

Um of course you can always uh make decisions depending on that so we have here a very interesting build I always find builds like this interesting because I would never build something like that and that’s exactly why I like looking at it and you know here we have something that’s built

Completely out of the deep slate the Cobble deep slate you know not necessarily my favorite building block either but again it’s it’s interesting to see we have these patterns made carefully so that people cannot you know go through it and I think you know the thought behind that even is quite

Interesting and we have uh chests I’m guessing most of them Cobble deep sleep um no oh one of the masks maybe just the block they like building with I’m not sure but you know we have these sort of interesting networks interesting things that have been built now I think that uh

We’re back to the Minecart Track it looks like so we’re probably gonna run over here we actually have a little cave we can go into maybe we can fight the zombie if the lag doesn’t kill us first the lag’s not bad it’s uh visible but it’s not treacherous but we’ll go

Through here again so cool to see these sort of little bits of undisturbed sort of Minecraft nature as well throughout I mean we have this little area here there’s still animals there’s still an Enderman there’s still you know untouched area maybe you have one dirt block couple torches but more or less

Nothing you know really encouraging players to maybe build there or even just to leave it as is you know I think it’s always good to have a good mix of different things that you’re doing inside of Minecraft I think that some of them can be building things but some of

Them can also be taking an area and maybe conserving it I mean it sounds funny because the Minecraft world is so large but I used to play on this world that was composed of a giant Island some similar to this seed actually not because I tend to like giant island

Seeds and you know inside of that there was a large well not actually that large but a fairly well sized make a tiger and mega tigers in that version and really still are one of the more rare biomes I would say now they’re actually more rare

Than a jungle but at that point they weren’t and so because of that I decided that I was going to take that Mega taika and I was going to sort of surround it in a wall I was gonna make it into like a nature preserve kind of idea I went in

There and I would read up all the sort of um farm animals and things and make it into like a like an interesting little area so we have a super chat and it says congrats on 200 000 subscribers or 200k uh your videos are so comforting well

I’m so glad that my videos are comforting hopefully they’re a little bit interesting as well in terms of their Minecraft uh educational value or not you know education really but uh tutorial value there so so we’re getting a little bit past civilization here so I feel like these rivers are sort of a

Point of civilization and still I think you know back to my original point about looking at these Minecraft servers and trying to learn from them we have the fact that we can we can kind of you know learn from what people are doing here so for instance they have this River and

They have the entire civilization built around it now do I have a good reason as to why not necessarily I would say that one of the reasons that a lot of players tend not to upgrade their their sort of they don’t try and get super high quality materials before they start settling out

And so I think that that’s shown by most players settling around Rivers because you know because we have the rivers there let’s say that’s a good way for people to be uh moving to be uh going through things I mean of course in real life in the in the olden days uh very

Old days people would use Rivers as the main form of transportation like far more than roads I mean everything was based around Rivers basically and so because of that you know we have this interesting sort of system where in Minecraft we can kind of see again a

Society basing around Rivers too even if that doesn’t really make a lot of sense inside of the game and so we have that and someone says what happened to my other eye well I’ve only ever had one eye you can see that very clear I’m not sure another another eye would fit I

Could imagine two Minecraft heads next to each other sorry I can imagine two Minecraft heads next to each other but um you know there’s I can be one eye on the front and on the back but that would be kind of silly so uh generally I would

Say that yeah I’ve only ever had one eye there so I’ve always been a monocular sort of um uh creature or something and thank you again to everyone in the chat and someone says goodbye and they can’t stay any longer well thank you for joining on and hopefully you enjoyed it

And go through we have lots of fireworks and celebrations so thank you everyone for that looks like we’ve stumbled upon a bit of civilization in this random area and I find this again so interesting we have a pathway now of course this pathway uh is a little bit

Uh undeveloped but I think that it’s interesting to see uh still what people are sort of working on and so you know we have here this this one block wide Stone pathway and you know I think that maybe this would eventually be built into a large

Um highway or large you know even the minecart system an ice boat system maybe a soul sound pathway I made a video a while ago on how to travel inside of Minecraft the most efficient way and also to sort of just make a good system of travel within your

Minecraft world and I think that although this is not necessarily a method that um I had talked about I think that you know we have it we still have it here inside the world and and all that so it looks like we actually have to move on Full Circle we’ve gone right

Back here to the uh to the trading lounge and we have a giant dirt e and if anyone in the chat knows what this is referencing which I actually do um if if you do you’re definitely a very veteran Minecraft player that’s a very old reference from a channel that

Stopped posting Minecraft many years ago but it’s kind of interesting to see their you know a lot of these players have been playing for a long time and so because of that we have these interesting old references to different parts of the game that again sort of

Show us that there’s this uh almost um you know sort of sort of History to what people are trying to build and trying to think about and someone actually said in the chat of the server do you think you’ll do Hypixel sometime and I’m actually going to hop on Hypixel

Here in a little bit because I want to try and do a lot of fun things just trying to enjoy my 200 000 subscriber special and just um enjoy and sort of try and try some things I’ve never done before and I keep rubber banding because there’s just so many

People on so we’ll go through here but we’re almost back to where we were before we might go up the mountain there actually there’s some interesting little things I want to check out and someone said that they’re new uh what am I doing right now well what I’m

Doing right now is I’m exploring around my uh sort of public sort of private um it’s not really private because anyone can join but it’s public or or it’s public in the sense that basically no one can join but it’s private in the sense that it’s not actually just an IP

You have to be whitelisted and all that but you can just join my Discord server to do that there should be links in the links by the moderators inside the live chat right now now for that and uh yeah someone just reminded me that I have to

Uh go to the end because someone did make something very interesting there so maybe we’ll try that real quick before we go um but at the top of this Mountaineer we can see something interesting and more or less we have here a settlement sort of a large uh maybe this

Is by one player maybe this is by multiple players collaborating uh I’m not sure but I do think that either way tons of interesting things here to look at as well you know for instance this firm where’s the water source well you can see there’s a water source there but

All of it it’s you can’t really see it so it’s interesting you know we have sort of the um it’s restricted water source it looks like the Sheep is stuck inside is sort of it’s like it fits there very well it’s fun to place It just fits right in

That shape fits right in that’s funny we’ll go over here and even have some skeleton horses here in the the chicken pen um funny things like skeleton horse inside of Minecraft you’d think that they’re rare and they’re valuable and they sort of are but I found that um on multiplayer servers because

Oftentimes people don’t sleep you tend to get more rain so the less you sleep the more it rains this actually does tend to be the case and so because of that yeah you often get a lot more skeleton horses and we’ve run down to the to the the secret

Smiley face we’ll just complete that and see if I can very cool looking find their way out of there but uh looks like we have a flying base that’s interesting we have a floating island a sort of uh custom-made Sky blog so that’s pretty cool

Now we’re gonna go over here and we even have another house this one also quite interesting and look at this we have a flying machine now I’ve shown how to build this flying machine before but I’m not sure how they have set it up because I don’t see a button

Usually there’s a button so usually someone’s trying to activate it I think you could probably go like this but I don’t think that’ll work that’s the wrong oh there we go just have to break this oh it looks like it’s working there we go and uh

More or less there’s that so I fall off by accident um looks like okay we’re gonna die ouch rest in peace icraftmc version C statistics deaths let’s see deaths those icraftmc version in terms of I died yes as I crafted MC version 10 rest in

Peace I craft mc10 and there were now I craft mc11 so at least this isn’t a hardcore server and hardcore servers are fairly rare anyway but uh we’ll try and grab our items back there the the The Perils of being on a flying machine especially on the laggy server is fairly

Common there so we’ll go over here but again thank you so much to everyone in the chat that’s uh talking about the um the uh it’s 200 000 thank you for that so much thank you to all the people who’ve bought uh memberships if you’re not I should probably talk about this more

But I’ve added memberships to my channel so there’s now a join button that join button happens to be next to the Subscribe button no matter where you are if you press that for only three dollars a month it’s three dollars Canadian anyway so I’m not sure if that translates to

American or not but um whatever amount that is in American should be a little should be about three dollars I guess and you can have emotes you can have Channel badges you can have all kinds of cool things and no obligation if you would rather not

Um but if you would like to spam my craft well not spam but put a lot of icraft and Z emotes in the in the chat in the streams even in the comments you can put those there and every single time you comment or uh chat in the

Stream you’ll have this awesome badge next to your name and the more if you’re a member for the the better your badge will get so it’ll level up to sort of uh diamond and things like that so it’s pretty cool we have amazing custom art made on those by Mythic mutations linked

To their Instagram is in the description of this video if you want to check out their art which there’s not a lot of on there for now but hopefully they’ll post more because they’re a very good artist and they did make the emotes and the badges

And only four moats for now however I will be getting many more emotes and speaking of Mythic here is Mythic so there is a big thing thank you so yes there’s there’s the artist themselves and uh again back through the Iron Golem sort of uh I have no idea what that is but

Anyway through the area trying to find where I died I’m assuming someone’s picked up my things but I’m not actually sure and that will go back here maybe not we’ll find out that should be just around here thankfully it’s not too far away from Spawn and if anyone does want

To become a channel member there is a little notification that pops up for that as well so you’ll be name will be on the stream there so we’ll go over here and I believe just around the corner we have the uh flying base I believe so it should be over here it’s

Quite a large mountain it’s it’s interesting because things like that you do get um quite a bit when you have the uh sort of 1.17 and before terrain you’d have these massive mountains and yet also with 1.18 they’re even more common so let’s see if we can find our items they

Were on top of a tree here sort of not die from that almost like the beacon effect to making this more difficult because we’re so sort of lagged out looks like some players around where I died so I’m assuming someone’s picked up my items but I’m not 100 sure we’ll go

Over here looks like well here’s one there’s a singular Birch log this is all I I’ve Ever Needed in life we’ll put it back there but anyway we’ll go over here and it looks oh look at this look at this uh I think this is oh that’s okay I

Think that’s yours or maybe that’s a gift if it’s a gift you can just throw it back but I think these are my items it looks like it uh later I thank you that’ll definitely help uh traveling here be better if I can break the chest we’ll find out I

Guess I guess I should just pick them up for people there we go okay definitely a little bit laggy and oh my goodness we have a 50 Super Chat um from I think that’s actually the same person that says 100 super jets you’re feeling very generous today thank you very much for

That I appreciate it um that’s a very nice of you and there’s just a cheering sticker there so I think if so much for that I really do appreciate it um and it is really exciting to have all these amazing viewers including people who super chat but including people that

Just watch in the background watch after the you know after the stream um any viewer of mine I really do appreciate everyone’s support and it just is really cool so I know that we have this I guess we can fly if we don’t uh die we have two two selections we have flight

Duration three or flight duration one uh I did make a video on a lighter quite a while ago where I talked about what you should do is flight duration 3 or flight duration one um and I tend to go for flight duration one being the best however you can

Always use flight duration three don’t actually know where we are I think we have to go this way um but the problem with flight duration three is that it’s actually very easy to die with it just because you have a little bit too much sort of time when

You’re being boosted and so because of that as well as the fact that it’s three times as expensive as flight duration one um I would always suggest if you’re using lytra to use flight duration one of course but it does depend I suppose and if you have a you know if you don’t

Have any sugar cane if you have issues with growing sugar cane flight duration three can be a good idea in that sense as well now if one of the people that are following me around wants to lead me to the uh end portal I haven’t been

There for quite a while so I’m not sure where that is but I will probably do that and someone says to fly by the big tree which I will do this is an amazing project being worked on right now hopefully people complete it you can see

Here it’s the big tree now it’s very big and it’s a tree and well it’s not really a tree hat but you know it’s um it’s quite a large area and so you can see here that they’re working on something here I’m not sure exactly what

Maybe a sugar cane Farm hard to say but of course below that we have a tree farm we have a very massive Tree Farm I suppose you’d need that tree farm we have this very interesting bottom area with these uh sort of flowers and all this

And again we have another Super Chat so thank you so much and that one says your voice is so sue then congrats on 200k well deserved well I appreciate the super chat a lot and I’m very thankful for all of my fans for that now so cool

About a multiplayer server as I keep saying things that are cool but a multiplayer server not necessarily to advertise this but just in general of why I think that the multiplayer experience is really sort of the the ultimate Minecraft experience is the fact that you know we have like this we

Have a build here that is so different to every other build around it we have these sort of square Pathways these simple lanterns you know a build that reminds me a lot of the builds that we see in Minecraft from quite a while ago you know maybe back in

I don’t know 2014 2013 you know but there’s a sort of nice Simplicity to it where I still think it looks quite nice we have these nice Pathways we have this sort of um almost Park looking area you know I always find even small builds like this to be interesting because I wouldn’t

Necessarily um think of doing that so uh but yeah until cubed out there yes but um yeah Cube’s actually also an amazing member of our server here helps with administrate or not Administration but moderation has been a fan for a very long time and I definitely do appreciate

The help that they’ve given so we’ll just follow them I don’t know if you want to fly or not and we’ll use the Nether um but there’s so many cool things that will fly so we’ll do that we’re gonna uh see if we can make them load in time there but

Um go to my base apparently and probably in the nether I’m assuming it looks like it again it’s not that I’m a Noob at Minecraft or anything uh but I have not played on the server for a long time so you know I suppose I could always take

About two hours not two hours but maybe take half an hour and find the uh nether portal or end portal myself with is a vendor but not necessarily the best idea so uh let’s let’s find out someone says good luck following Cube and then Heather will I guess we’ll find out how

Good of a uh it looks like Cube’s not exactly sure themselves so we’ll follow but we’ll find out um but again so interesting I mean in the nether here you know we have lots of lag in the nether but and uh oh that does not look safe we’re gonna go this way

Um but it seems like we do have this very sort of you know somewhat undeveloped Nether and you get to other places there’s lots of builds and and uh just so cool to see all the things that have been done here and now looks like

We have here a portal we might be going through it might not looks like it so we’re gonna go through here because we’re just able to make it out of that Crimson Forest alive um and someone says that if I say hi sebcraft MC they will do a 100 donation

Well I don’t think you will but you can say hi anyway um not for the donation but because uh I may as well I don’t care let’s see here and let’s see someone says can anyone join is just for some people it’s actually um for anyone

So uh yeah as long as you join my Discord server and of course we can uh as well as that there’s just a nice easy way of applying you just have to react with the puffer fish under rules and then you can join the server

And here we are at the server and this is the thing you can see it it’s very large um I have no idea how whoever did this I think it’s someone called pixel I said or something like this but I forget exactly uh but it’s a giant eye

Craft I’m seeing by giant I mean absolutely giant so we’re gonna take a look at this at this amazing piece of pixel art I do not believe yeah pixel I said there we go you get it right and yeah you can see it’s not quite done

It’s so close to being done so close uh but we have this absolutely Giant Eye craft MC they got rid of every single piece of obsidian just the just the Bedrock remains from the the portal so no no re-summoning the Ender Dragon apparently but look at this

Um beautiful and you can just see here that the chords the uh concrete the leaves you know um absolutely amazing I think that there is a map somewhere that shows that I hear an angry Enderman hopefully it’s not angry at me I don’t think it is but we

Can see that the people beneath very very difficult it looks like someone’s fighting the Enderman there but it’s so massive that it’s actually hard to see this scale here you can’t really even tell what I’m looking at but you can see the amazing dedication to to build something that’s this this absolutely

Massive and this much of a project funny enough um a while ago I slightly modified the look of my logo you can see this is actually the old version because it’s not quite as round around this area not quite but still very amazing or this part looks like it’s snow actually so I

Think it’s snow is the inner part and quartz is the outer parts that’s interesting and I’m not sure if this has some materials looks like it does lots of materials there to to finish building this project and we have every single end portal sort of not end portal but and Gateway

Open so might as well that one doesn’t work so if I have to here we’ll make this work effectively of course you need to be put down we’ll see what’s goes through here it looks like there’s not a lot so hopefully we have a good way of

Getting back through if not let the killing Enderman looks like it’s Enderman killing time so we’re gonna do that if anyone’s wondering what to do if you get lost in the nether or just have to get through a portal you can always just kill an Enderman but of course

That’s a lot easier said than done and so generally what you want to do is you just want to get a whole lot of the End Stone you want to sort of build a platform with that just enough that the Enderman isn’t going to get you something like this is

Fine bigger is usually better in terms of something like this just because it’s safer and then you can just kill one Enderman get that under Pearl and go right back through that portal so we’re gonna break this and someone says that um the the giant I craft MCI is a

Treacherous feet and it definitely is I I cannot believe someone made that and I didn’t even know they were working on it until about two weeks ago I think and they’ve probably been working on it for many months so definitely an amazing thing so shout out to pixel I said for

Making that because that’s awesome so we’ll go around here and we’ll uh kill this Enderman here and thankfully we have nothing to worry about we can actually use our ax because why not with the amount of server lag we have anyway it’s really hard to hit this no matter

What we try so there we go and we have a question that says what recording software do you use and and by the way on the topic of questions this is of course a 200 000 subscriber special I’m on my SMP right now and if anyone wants

To ask me any questions this is the time you have the biggest chance of getting your question answered now than any other time um although right now I have the biggest chance of having this Enderman lag than any other time well I think the surface gotten a little bit less busy here well

It’s hard to say so we’re gonna kill this Enderman and more or less there we go we have one ender pearl it should be just enough to get through here but in terms of the recording software I use something called OBS Studio it’s basically the only sort of Mainline

Recording software that you can use for high quality recordings there are some other ones there’s ones that do work okay like for instance we have streamlabs OBS that’s what I’m using right now just because it’s for streaming more or less there’s that map I was talking but we can see it is uh

It’s a bit of a puzzle right now I have to I do not think that’s positioned correctly let’s see if we can solve the puzzle of icraftmc’s eye it’s quite the expensive puzzle uh this one looks like this one would go on the top there

There we go we got it and this one would go here but turned no this one goes here I think let’s see complete the puzzle uh looks like this one will go here it’s not really finished so it’s gonna look a little funny no matter what this

One might have been in the correct position already I know I don’t think it was not sure why it’s a maze from um mystery or not actually this does not go there it goes here I think it’s hard to say it did look like it

Went there so uh no dad did go there it just looks funny on the map so they could sort of cut off probably because that map hasn’t been updated so I’m assuming we’d look a little bit different when it’s picked up there but there we have through the

Little puzzle we have another map being thrown at us so maybe that’s the finishing level there we go yeah because it’s not fully built this can look sort of unnatural there’s I think I have it I think so I think this map I think it’s wrong but I honestly can’t tell so

Anyway there we go so we can rotate those a little bit but it’s mostly completed there I think these two pieces just need to be switched actually and then it’s done it looks like so we’ll go like that and like that and there we have uh the puzzle then I think that’s done

It’s hard to say anyway there’s that amazing eye craft MCR we have a little little Mushroom House here isn’t that interesting sort of a I’m not sure if there’s anything here or not looks like just a sort of very small base uh doesn’t look like it’s a vase but anyway

We’ll go over here now we have to get back of course to the Overworld and we will go there it says it’s Isis gunpowder shop it’s interesting to have a gunpowder shop in the end to be fair but very interesting we have here uh turtle pond population one no I think

Actually population zero would it be more accurate there but uh see here for you misspell it incorrectly every time there we go my uh very great Improvement uh here you can see actually the method for uh killing the Wither I’ve shown this before in a video very recently it’s a

Really great method and with that method of course you can have a really great way of of doing that now now no one can follow me I’ve come back to my spawn point but of course they’ll they’ll find me through the stream itself but uh yeah thank you again to everyone for

No wishes everyone’s saying hi everyone’s stopping and so uh thank you to everyone for that I really do appreciate that looks like we have pixel ized himself Izod whatever we talk himself saying that the longest part was converting the concrete well I believe it especially since you built it in the

Era of course uh there are some easy ways of doing that with the concrete in your uh off hand or your pickaxe and your offhand but still overall we do have a lot of effort to do that now let’s take a look here over the

Spawn now we did take a little look at the Trident Farm there’s a lot there for sure there’s one other thing I want to look carefully at at the spawn point that we might go on to Hypixel not sure if anyone wants to see that or not but

Um you want you might want to see me fail miserably because Hypixel something I’m gonna be honest I’m not good at if I do a good job at spear luck so there’s that I’m sure it might be good if I practiced a lot but I haven’t so um

We’ll see what happens there this is actually the LA cafe this is really cool because of course with the alays they will deliver you items right so if you give them sort of an item to deliver so I think I could repress this okay and then we press the button

Look at that it works isn’t that amazing isn’t that amazing that’s so cool I think it’s awesome to see things that people have built with the sort of uh things that Minecraft has given people and I think that you know it’s so awesome as well to see

To see that now we’re gonna do in the second I just want to look at what items are in my inventory for half a second here my stream tabs all messed up now but more or less we’re going to do is we’re going to take

A look around here and so we have the LA cafe that’s pretty cool we’ll do one more try one more time we’re going to do uh potatoes this time right click on here let’s see what happens do we get a potato do we get a potato

Maybe not I could be at least a bit distracted I think it is look at it they’re struggling they’re struggling that’s so Lackey they’re just like inching their way forward they’re trying their best that’s funny the uh the poor lays there we even have a song on look

At that dmca striked no versus malohis so it’s fine um we’ll go through here we have the uh the LA cafe goods and I think that this was messed up a little bit because maybe multiple items being delivered with a small display here I guess interesting to make

Sure to close the door to keep those two delays on here our server is still on 1.19 for now so there is no way of duplicating those delays and so because of that of course they’re more valuable and before I got uh poked to death by a berry bush

Um again so interesting to see the little things that are being built all the little sort of uh displays we have that station I believe that there is something interesting around here there’s lots of little secrets it’s hard to find them all we have a tribute to technoblade in here which

Is pretty cool people have done that um we have here some trapped chickens for whatever reason uh we have the map we have here a little shop interesting we have not a lot of shops in the server yet but I hope there’ll be more we can buy diorite If You Ever Wanted diorite

In your life so we’ll go over here and uh yeah I think we’re probably gonna say farewell to the server for now I’m not sure exactly but before I do that uh if everyone wants to just take a look there if you want to join the server those social medias there um

The the the Discord all those different things and you can enjoy those now we’re gonna do now is we’re gonna switch on to something else I may be able to hear it so far and that is Hypixel now I’ve never made content on Hypixel uh before

Although I do have YouTube rank which is pretty cool so I can go hello and it says YouTube which is pretty cool so that was not easy to get either I had to go through quite the process but definitely worth it and um I don’t think anyone here realizes that

They’re on video right now but that’s probably best what we’re gonna do is we’re going to basically try out something fun so we’re going to go back to the lobby I have no idea if anyone knows a lot about Hypixel even but whether you do or you don’t I

Don’t think the chats the chat box is messing up actually give me a segment move the chat box we have a friend request from Cube I’ll accept that later but um I think we’re just gonna just fix the one of the chat box is working there we go okay let’s

Have the text in the corner then we have to move the chat box here in a second but us we’re at the main lobby let’s think of something to do here now I want everyone to spam and well not yeah sure spam spam in the chat what mini game you

Think I should do on a high pixel now if you don’t know a lot about Hypixel we have something called TNT run we have um Woolworths murder mystery arcade games build battle of course the the well-known Bed Wars SkyWars duels housing uh the the great and grand old

Games which has lots of cool things so um just Spam the chat which you think I should do and then I will pick that to do and I think it’ll be interesting to see which one people want the most we can of course explore around this interesting

Spawn you know what I find interesting about Hypixel is I wait for people’s uh you know thoughts of which one I should do um because Hypixel is a server that is running 1.8.9 I believe um of course there’s a much more limited build palette and yet still with that

Build palette we have these absolutely just amazing builds here so we can go through here and see those and of course um as well as that we have these sort of interesting mountains with the trees we have these full themed builds so so cool to see that that the good uh the cool

Things you have on Hypixel there and looks like everyone is saying it looks like most people are saying Bed Wars now I mean I agree I think Bed Wars is pretty fun so where we do that uh now there are some interesting things I can do I believe on murder mystery uh we’ll

Go over here to bed Wars now basically just sister weren’t everyone um I know very little about how to play anything on Hypixel unfortunately that is one thing that I’m not very good at in terms of Minecraft uh is Hypixel but uh what we’ll still do is we will try and

Go through the pain you will see my uh incredible lack of knowledge in this area and I guess we’ll do solo just so I don’t end up dragging someone into the uh into the depths of uh loss with my extreme newbishness I think I’m on level one or

Something on Hypixel or whatever that’s called um I don’t even know that much but we’re gonna find out we’re gonna we’re gonna enjoy it looks like a nice map uh some sort of I can’t tell some sort of an interesting build anyway so we’ll see what we can do

We’ll uh we’ll enjoy that and uh yeah we’ll just find out so we have two seconds and here we go so I the thing I do know about bad words is you have to buy wool you have to protect your bed now I’ve never been on this map so a little bit

Interesting probably my chat will be spammed by friend requests and I guess we’re green today which actually works very well so there you go perfect it’s perfect timing around our bed is here of course a nice bed defense I think is important but I really don’t know so we’re gonna find out

Um we’ll grab all of our materials here of course um I have one a Bed Wars match before with a friend um but that was only because everyone else was basically not even knowing what they were doing so we’ll find out what happens here if it’s a failure of

Her somehow by some amazing uh chance I happen to win so over here we’re going to pick up of course our materials and let’s buy something so I think we want to go item shop I believe we’d want a good sword probably I guess we can’t

Afford it just yet so we’ll grab that and someone says can I decrease the chat size and the chat is fairly small looks like something has happened someone’s bed was destroyed so sorry for the deafening noise there let’s let’s grab some more things here I don’t know if we

Can upgrade our armor with iron or not um again let’s see we have here we have a permit chain mail permanent ironies we’ll just do chainmail since we have all the iron for now I guess we should buy pickaxe uh enjoy that and then we’re probably gonna be so far behind anyway

That’s not gonna matter but there we go iron pickaxe lots of wool will buy some more wool ah and hopefully have our bed not be destroyed so there’s our little bed defense not amazing uh I guess blue I don’t know if Blue’s dead yet but they

Seem like very open so that should be super easy to get you can try speed britching but I’m not because uh it’s very dangerous to try that right now because I I actually can speed Bridge believe it or not probably don’t believe it you probably shouldn’t believe it but I can speed Rich

Um but I’m not gonna try right now because I don’t want to die it looks like my bed has been destroyed because I am a complete Noob and so we’re gonna see the uh the fastest death ever look at this look at this maybe maybe oh no

It wasn’t meant to be and this is what I expected failing miserably is sort of the trend so I have no idea what I’m gonna do now but I guess I’ll just uh go to the lobby and try again um see if I cannot fail miserably maybe

If I do a team that worse actually then I could like sort of the rest of my team could carry me and uh and that could work well so we’ll go to I guess that would be I guess that’d be 4v4 V4 probably so that’ll give me the most opportunity

To not lose miserably I can sort of hide behind the um the skills of hopefully my other team members and then see if I can win that way because I’m not the best player for sure I mean I think I’ve I think I’ve played it under 10 times in

My entire life so that shows how much um I’m a Hypixel fan I mean I’m a Hypixel fan actually but how much is sort of a uh someone who regularly plays on hypnick so I do think the Hypixel server itself is actually quite cool um

But of course I think that in general of course I do tend to like a survival those sort of aspects of it it’s like no one’s protected you always double wool that’s something I’ve learned is through my amazing experience of playing this three times is if you double wool your

Bed I think that helps so we’ll I don’t know I think it makes two people have to dig through more so that probably works better again looks like a similar not really similar map so interesting though it’s always cool to see the the maps that people create and build and uh

Harder to get materials on here for sure I think you can get like a eight gold let’s see bed bug we probably could do the Trap actually that’d be smart so I’ll see if I can just sort of wait here V uh AF King to get that and I

Think I remember there’s something you can do where you’re sort of like I don’t think we do on this map but there’s a way to sort of jump up to interesting areas so this should be enough to get the Trap um I think that works anyway let’s see

Here we’re probably gonna end up like self-destructing or something so I think you just so we have an automatic Ford I think you just go like this there we go is that what works I have no idea what I just did there I’m probably gonna like self-sabotage so much because like I

Said I have no idea what I’m doing I’m not faking it I have no idea so you’ll see my uh ultimate thing someone said trout murder mystery I could try out mid or mystery in a second here there’s our iron sword the pickaxe always always buy pickaxe

Probably it’s probably a good idea I don’t actually know and um I guess we’ll just try and uh win win win so we’re gonna go this way make a nice bridge I said I could speed Bridge so we can try it but I’m not very good this isn’t

Really speed bridging this is like the lamest excuse for speed bridging and the world so I’ll just stop doing that but um and almost zipped off the edge there so I did something about that oh boy as you can see my amazing skills in bed where

It’s good thing I’m not a Bed Wars tutorial YouTuber I’ll say that much there’s there’s so many different parts to Minecraft that it’s crazy to think that someone who has played Minecraft for so long uh there’s still an entire part of it that you know I don’t

Actually uh know very much at all about so it’s interesting for sure to see that and also just that you know there are so many ways of enjoying the game as well I think that’s so cool this to see that so we have our sort of Defense Tower here

Which I don’t exactly remember I even do that but I think that’s uh usually a good thing to do we can see my little self jump off the edge there I think there’s some again I don’t even remember diamonds and emeralds are for I think they’re for like enchanting or something but I

Honestly don’t know so we’re gonna go over here and we’re going to find that you know I’m sure maybe if I tried it for a long time I could get good at this sort of thing but I have no idea I don’t know why no one’s grabbed these diamonds

It could probably craft the diamond pickaxe with those I don’t think you can do that but we’re going to go back this way not sure if it’s actually smart to have like a really easy sort of Pathway to our base so maybe we’ll we’ll make that more

Difficult I’m not sure if that’s a good strategy or not but we’ll find out so we’ll go over here and uh it looks like we have some more materials now they grabbed it before me let’s see here we could probably get a better sword no or

More wool anyway I suppose uh we’re just gonna steal it all so we’ll grab some more wool and then maybe we’ll just try and sort of uh get yellow looks like yellow has a lot of wool they’re probably pretty uh dangerous but I suppose that I don’t see anyone there

Actually so maybe we’ll go for that um at least because I have a team I don’t I’m not really leaving my bed undefended I do see one uh username there so I’m not too worried looks like another player of of my team died here because I see some green wool so

That way their bed is not well defended this could be the ultimate icraft MC Bed Wars moment and oh looks like their bed’s already destroyed oh yeah the Red’s already destroyed okay because I’m just gonna die anyway oh no I have an angry team on my back and

Their beds destroyed anyway so I suppose I was sort of a useless Mission but you know it’s okay we’ll go over here I’ll get some more iron and um someone says just play the game my dude why I’m playing the game let’s see here got two Stone swords I

Have four star Stone swords and not mean to do that so oops um let’s go over here we’ll probably end at this match before I completely fail in every sense let’s see if we can get a better pickaxe probably good again upgrade always good I think better armor

Would be smart I don’t know if we can get enough stuff for it but we’ll see what we can do and let’s see what other materials we can get and hopefully everyone’s having a good Saturday today I know I’m having a fairly good Saturday it’s what’s actually very good Saturday because you

Know yesterday I reached 200 000 subscribers and I’m so thankful to everyone for that looks like they’re very confused they’re sort of looking around they’re like why did he buy four stone swords so uh looks like it’s like a lot of beds are destroyed so okay I think that my team is decent

Because we haven’t gotten our bed destroyed yet so shout out to Green Team um see if we can permanent chain I guess that’s good I know chain isn’t usually the best idea you’re supposed to wait for iron or something but um let’s see here we can do I guess more

Wool maybe maybe uh let’s see here magic milk sponge oh the pop-up Tower there we go I’m surprised how cheap those are you think those would be more than 24 iron but maybe not I’ll have to try that when I raid water bucket I could buy water Buck

There we go that’s good right I think that helps if I go like this I think that helps yeah so we’ll go over here um hopefully it helps or I’ve just like enraged my team they’re like what is he doing let’s go over here

Um back to my sort of tower of of uh not knowing how to how to play correctly and we’ll go over here it looks like we have some other players I do have you know some chain or some other things so I don’t think that we’re completely

Defenseless and I you know not always totally failing so we’ll go over here because lots of people have been here we have red team there see it looks like they have a well-defended base but I don’t see anyone there right so I feel like this this is an opportunity and I

Do see someone there now do I yeah I do it’s hard to say because it sometimes the name tag of the NPC I think they don’t see me so let’s see we can do it but I could get this bud but we could oh so the bed’s destroyed already

Okay that’s good to know probably should have looked at the chat and realized that because now that I remember their bed was destroyed so I guess in a sense maybe we should focus on the other people so the yellow beds destroyed their beds destroyed so Blues maybe isn’t if Blues isn’t then

Definitely we should and it says bloop team has been eliminated so it’s let’s jump off the cliff again oh my goodness anyway I believe that means that we are like by default gonna win if our bed isn’t destroyed so I should probably just stay here and defend I guess or

Maybe go on the attack it looks like there’s if I look at that there’s only one yellow and four greens so you know by my amazing input only I have effectively uh given my team the power needed to win this match uh or the complete opposite thereof on there very

Good players for still winning because I’ve failed so much so let’s up some wool that’s what we have here iron sword iron pickaxe anyone in the chat plays Bed Wars you can give me your bed Wars strats to see if I can do ultimate moves with them although I probably won’t

Um actually something I could do they’d be really smart if I can find it is do another uh Tower like here that’d be smart right yeah look at that that’s great we can kind of defend this more we’ll build like a castle that’d be cool I think so anyway maybe that’s not a

Good strategy but I think it is so I’ll just grab as many of these pop-up towers as we can and then we can sort of make like a massive Fort and also then they maybe could be like confused as to sort of like where exactly our bases or not

That could probably work well we could even put like another one here Perfect Look at that that’s awesome I’m surprised more people don’t use pop-up towers that seems like really overpowered so we’ll go over here we’ll make another one and uh I guess it doesn’t really matter since

There’s only one player we’re going against here but you know why not and then we’ll just put one maybe here maybe oh it’s too close I see oh and maybe here in the corner look at that now we have an awesome pop-up Tower and sort of an almost little castle here

We’ve built with automatically look at the winners and that’s absolutely because of me GGG oh and I’m off the cliff again I didn’t even like I’m not even meaning to fail here I’m just like miserable a bit worse but anyway um I don’t think it was because of me

That the other teams will think it was that but it’s funny we’re probably going to go to a different game here and if any everyone in the chat wants to tell me uh what I should play next I’d love to hear that so everyone tell me what you think that I

Should play someone saying uh uh it says everyone’s already dead yes yes they were dead I did not realize that and uh and someone said wondered what introduced me to Minecraft great question uh YouTube for sure YouTube well actually that’s not true actually I think I saw a relative playing it like a

Long time ago and then after that YouTube but yeah like like a light or maybe it was like someone I saw I think it was either a friend or a relative like a long long long time ago and then I ended up looking into it on YouTube

And then watched that for a while and then of course started playing it let’s see here and we’ve fallen off the ships there so let’s see someone’s saying TNT run TNT run does sound fun I mean that’s always like what the commentary YouTubers have in their background so

We’ll see if we can find it um to get off bed Wars there go TNT TNT games oh someone’s saying to do a build battle that’d be cool we’ll do that after TNT run I think TNT run only 106 players you think could be more very interesting

Well this should be pretty fun right I think this is easy is this is this the map oh right because you don’t actually see the TNT it’s just the sand on top you can actually make this exact mini game um if you just uh use pressure plates and actually do it

In survival so it’s kind of interesting that way see of course we have our lobby selector and everything else so we’re gonna jump around here and this one was saying I craft they know they know who I am but if I respond then I’ll die of course

I’ve already fallen down a level like one of the first ones so that’s absolutely skilled but not too bad at this kind of thing I could probably do it so we’ll see if we can do this I’m actually not this is something I probably will not miserable uh uh Miss Ripley fail out

Although we’ll see us I say well not miserably fail as I fall down three levels in one uh in one go but we’ll find out we’ll go around here sort of enjoy all that it’s also interesting because I am on 1.19 logging on to 1.8.9 there’s actually a lot of lag because of

That unfortunately oh my goodness so close no no no okay look at that we’re not the last one look at that I’m I’m proud of not being the last one to die or someone who’s played this like three times in their life um we’ll go this way

I guess not enough to run that much probably walking is fine honestly and ah there we go oh that was pretty good right we were in the last six four players yeah last six or last five that’s pretty good right I don’t know better than being the first one to die I

Suppose probably the AFK players are the first one to die they just kind of fell right through but you know it’s pretty good it’s like everyone’s so there’s still one let’s see what the last people are doing I guess this person was very up high they must have

It’s like they’re using their jumps a bunch so I’m not exactly sure you get those to be honest um that must be how they’re winning and one left and they are not everyone’s dead look at that so first place and I was in fifth I think I’m gonna be sixth sorry to say

And we will go and someone was saying what was it was the build battle so we’ll go to Aaron Also if anyone just joined on this stream don’t worry I’m not becoming a high pixel YouTuber I’m just having fun on a 200 000 subscriber special but I mean nothing wrong with

That pixel YouTuber but that’s not actually what I’m doing so I will try build battle someone’s uh suggested that I think that’s a great idea so let’s see if we can find it uh build battle might be on one of the sub menus let’s see TNT classic I’ve played it before

I don’t remember where it is might be under the sub menus are probably actually probably the um if we go back to the main uh main thing that’s probably under other games so we can probably find it there on the uh NPC menu foreign housing someone says build battle but

Chat chooses the item well I could um but I can only choose one vote so um unless I just build whatever let’s find out um I usually take a bit longer to build so see how could her battle be at it but I guess we’ll do

Uh teams might be fine we can kind of find out what happens you need to be in a party at least okay let’s see solo Pro mostly putting teams I guess we’ll do solo will be the the minion there so we’ll find it and here we are in the lobby there until

Most people join but uh tell me in the comments do you play or in the live chat do you play on Hypixel or do you just prefer uh survival uh single player or multiplayer for me personally I do prefer survival uh single player and multiplayer but I

Do also enjoy uh the the rare joining of Hypixel looks like there’s Q back she looks like cubes found uh their way soup mute waterfall soup sounds like really difficult I guess we’ll do soup soups is so funny soup and we want soup it’s like super wind there we go soup I

Have no idea why I’d want to do soup but there we go so I guess um we could do maybe it could be fun as we could try pixel art so if we grab the rabbit stew uh we can probably do a pixel art of

That so we just need to get some Spruce this will be difficult because I have to think of what blocks are in the game and uh in 1.8 I can’t you know like if I try like this for instance it’ll be like nope you can’t do that

So let’s see and do a pixel art I guess it’d be not kind of simple but we’ll try and do like a couple uh a couple different builds so we’ll start about here maybe I’ll go one or sideways there so go three and I’ll go one down

It’s hard to say exactly how many over that is looks like six so one two three four five six then come on up get rid of that I think this one actually this one connects the other one doesn’t it looks like that and that goes three one down

One there two over one two three four one two now that’s not quite right close off by one maybe it’s like this looks like it’s off over here this goes oh it goes down to I see and that would go like this no like that there we go I think that’s

Right that looks correct okay I think that’s right now just do the Middle with uh playing so you can of course replace this with the logs we can do a little pixel art here of the rabbit’s still the only problem with this is that most people playing on here

Probably have the old textures so I’m going off of the new textures so maybe I should switch my textures so that they know what I’m even trying to build but uh that’s okay we can probably find some terracotta that matches we have some orange and some yellow and some sort of white

Uh maybe some Brown These colors actually seem to match fairly well to that red Maybe looks like in the middle here we have two not something darker so again terracotta with darker red here maybe like I think the Browns could work not sure and we’ll go uh like this

And maybe the yellow could go on the side see here is anyone in the chat like doing pixel art I’d love to know um I’ve actually do enjoy doing pixel art quite a bit although I haven’t done it for a while so we’ll see how good I am at it I think

This middle one needs to be like a darker red so I’m not exactly sure what block I could use for that off the top of my head maybe like a not sure I guess if I use the lighter red for that and I use the darker red for this

So sort of like this maybe that could work but again I’m not sure if anyone will even know what I’m trying to build or not so we’ll find that out um the orange would go here just going off of that little thing in the corner and then it would go

Two like this and then two or like this and then a yellow there and we’ll have some of the white sort of terracotta throat here which does not match with the background there so we’ll have that and I’m not sure if that really works I think there’s

Red maybe there it’s hard to say that kind of looks like soup I’m not sure if it really resembles I think this this line here is incorrect so it would go to here then one two three like that and then this one would go like this and then

There would be another yellow one here I think that looks a little better the problem is I think this color is a little bit um to off so if I go terracotta I think just standard terracotta would look better than this sort of white one so like that

Looks better yeah it looks more like a soup I’m not again not sure if it really resembles it but yeah like that that looks decent I think it does resemble the the texture somewhat I just can’t throw it I think it’s supposed to show the potatoes and

Stuff in there then if I just change the background which I think I can do here uh see background backdrop floor I could block her to use it as your floor and then I guess I would maybe use uh let’s see what color would look good

Maybe blue would look good so if you got like a nice blue wool maybe then we do that on the plot backdrop picker like that work reset backdrop what do I do I don’t want to reset it I have no idea what I’m doing to be honest um see here

So click this reset it okay I can reset it then if I put this here I’m not sure how to do it honestly I’m sure everyone’s like this is how you do it but um either way we have there there’s our soup and I’m not sure if I have an

Item frame actually with the soup in it then people can see what I’m trying to do so that works no no item frames no oh there’s an end frame there we go there we go now people can sort of see that in sort of a bad display of that if we go

Like this we can save it at the last minute by I mean we’re probably not on the top there because we’re on the other version we’ll go like that and then put the the soup there’s our the feeble attempt at soup I’m not really sure what

Else I could have done maybe like a giant bowl or something but there we go we’ll see we’ll see what other in amazing you know builds we have let’s see here we’ll vote let’s say it’s okay that’s pretty good someone said it’s floor not backdrop oh that’s what it is uh

Let’s say I’m not very good no it’s okay I like the particles but I think that you know the lava sort of just doesn’t really work the sand um that’s decent yeah like it’s pretty okay I don’t know I think the um not very 3D around here but it might

Just be kind of a I call it pixel this is just I guess someone holding soup that’s pretty good right it’s like that’s good it’s kind of a good idea to do someone holding something that’s more detail here’s like a someone with soup and a ladle that’s pretty good too I like that

That’s actually yeah maybe epic maybe yeah it’s good it’s hard to say it’s always like epic and legendary it sort of like I’m not sure if anything’s really epic or legendary um I guess sometimes there’s good we have a it’s like they’re inside of there we have oh that’s that’s pretty

Good actually I like that I’ll do maybe let’s do epic I like that quite a bit we have the sort of tomato soup and the ladle and maybe the lady will be in a different color would be cool but in overall someone says I I’m not sure if they’re

Talking about me or not they’re it’d be funny if they were um but there we have it in our soup so that that’s good and Builder aircraft MC and there’s my suit pixel art and of course I can’t vote on my own one but I don’t know

It’s okay let’s see what vote it gets maybe like I can I can guess for like well there’s limited limit is in the game that’s probably why I had that um that’s decent I okay it’s pretty good we have uh similar I’m not sure if I like the

Pumpkins sort of the colors don’t really match so maybe uh I don’t like that much honestly see here and apparently oh I’m the winner okay thank you for that I have no idea why people pick mine but that’s cool um I don’t know I tried my best on the

Pixel out there so I guess it’s interesting I wonder if the pixel art is similar on um on what do you call it on uh uh what’s the name of it um I wonder if the texture how different it is on one point uh 1.8 I haven’t seen those textures for a

While campfire campfire sounds annoying Moon I like Moon Moon sounds interesting we’ll see if Moon probably not gonna win let’s see moon now we’ll Moon it’s like campfire is going to win out campfire seems really difficult honestly but we’ll find out I guess we can do the

Same thing and do a pixel art but we won’t I’m not sure I keep starting with coral blocks I think that was the pattern I picked so we will try something here campfire I guess we’ll need some logs to maybe don’t strip logs because I think those

Would look the best might go with Spruce again I do have dark oak in this version so you can throw that in someone said on the on the um chat there um do you have a video of the best recent now the right armor best enchantments for armor and weapons I do um

It is called the uh what’s it called I think it’s called best and best um best enchantments I craft them so you should be able to find it uh yeah it’s um it’s I made it near my 1.19 mining guide so that was like in June so

It should be fairly easy to find with that let’s hear so we’re gonna measure it looks like someone’s looking through oh this is hella limited uh there’s someone who’s been part of my community for a very long time since October of 2021 I think I think that’s right and C4 five

There we go it’s going to be odd numbers we’ll go like that sort of try and build a campfire with sort of like a pile of sticks I guess we could do like the Minecraft version have like the things going the other way like the two

Logs on top of each other that might look good that might be fairly easy to build so we’ll maybe try for that I guess to sort of logs on top of each other and try and put something on that let’s get rid of this in the middle then

And then we’ll make these too high um put me in the chat um what do people think of building in Minecraft that’s sort of a silly question you’d think but there’s a lot of people that actually I don’t necessarily build that much in the game so I’d be interested to hear

If you specifically enjoy building in Minecraft or if you sort of just like the adventuring Parts sort of the rating and the uh exploring or if building is really one of your favorite things to do there we’ll think we’ll align it over here and sort of make the logs go into each other

A bit so like this and then it’ll make it look a bit more like they’re on top of each other and not just floating I think and our little thrown together build here it’s funny because when I’m building I’m of course used to using you know uh 1.19 uh everything from there

But in this I can’t and actually kind of think I probably should like mix up the different types of logs I’m using that probably look a lot better you know because of course not all logs look the same you could maybe you know not use too many varieties but maybe even just

These two maybe even just one log looking different could add that bit of quality that’ll make it look quite good so we’ll throw those on there and sort of go around here just like this and make that dance pretty good actually I might you know I’m not sure

Throw in a bit of this log to be the other color as well so mix and match a bit maybe in sort of like that I guess we need the fire before it’s out of time there so we’ll just so this is actually misaligned as well which is unfortunate

Not realize I’ve done that that’s not too bad it looked like this um I suppose you know most campfires are not really perfect but people expect them to be so I think actually if I just move it one over that’ll work so I think all I have to do I should be quicker

Because I do not have much time but um I believe if I just go like this we should have a fairly decent looking sort of amplifier so we’ll go like that and then like that and let’s get rid of this row right here still technically minute and a half

There so we should definitely get the fire on here before we have a complete failure of a campfire but thankfully the fire should be fairly easy there and there we have that that’s a little bit better throw these logs on the sides now let’s grab some wool

Forward a time we have yellow red and all that and of course red will be in the center there so just sort of you make a whole lot of random I guess maybe some cool blocks too would be good if I can spell them correctly there some cool

Throw in some coal there I’m not sure people even see it but there we go a little bit of charcoal on the side of the logs like that build it up 48 seconds better hurry um got some yellow in there of course these Flames are going to kind

Of start going upwards a bit about let’s see what I can do the best like that maybe a bit red in there a little bit of holes and then we’ll finish it off with some orange and this is I’m gonna be honest I don’t think this deserves first at all

But you know probably spend a little bit too much time on the log server that’s always the sort of the fun of uh of a build battle and those things is that you get a enjoy that and we’ll again place a couple more with this

Put in some more of this and a bit more of the red that’s not horrible you know it’s not amazing uh the proportions are a bit off I feel like the stick should be smaller and the fire should be larger but there we go okay so we have the atmosphericness

And we have someone next to it that’s pretty good on us I’m going to say that’s a good I like that the glass I’m not sure how the sea lantern doesn’t really work for me but that one’s like almost exact same as mine but I feel like that one’s better

Than mine so I’m gonna give that one a good um pretty cool we got that nice fire next to it and all that now we have this one yeah again very similar idea they even have the spruce on top of each other I think most it’s funny because even

Though you of course Hypixel is a 1.8 server it seems like most people are doing that looks like uh cube is in here too we have this one that’s actually really good I’m going to give that an epic I really enjoy that one I think this one should win we’ll see which one

Does win uh this one is yeah pretty good honest I’m gonna say that’s a good as well maybe even maybe even an epic honestly I think there is the particle use there seems to be really well done uh this one I’m gonna say that’s an okay

And sort of it’s a bit random honestly for me I feel like that also the dirt here and the sort of broken blocks doesn’t work well but overall it’s good uh this one I’m not sure there’s random particles and like blinking eyes here and stuff but

Um it’s decent I’m gonna say like okay this one’s raining it doesn’t make a lot of sense I don’t see any fire there we go it’s a very small campfire but how did they get the campfire block how do they do that and now we have this little emotional oh

That’s a good one we’ll do maybe epic because it’s kind of smart too use the marshmallow there but I wonder how um how someone got the campfire that’s weird again very similar kind of small let’s see I would say good I like that it’s decent

A lot of people here and when we have this one I don’t think it really works honestly with the wood so probably gonna say um here this one ah the Fire doesn’t look like a fire to me so I think we’ll go like that just because it is good but I

Think that you know there is a point where I don’t think it really resembles a fire here’s my one I don’t think this one’s honestly very good so I don’t think it deserves that much but you know it’s there it’s it’s it exists maybe you just started the campfire maybe it

Hasn’t spread to all the logs yet cubes one so there’s someone burning in the fire it’s fine see here I like the fire there’s the trees around it and this one one interesting maybe just because they got that there like how did they get that I honestly don’t know it’s funny

You have no idea how they got that there but I mean cool I got third third isn’t horrible I’m not sure if I even deserved that much but I will do one more round to build battle because why not it’s sort of fun and we’ll see what happens there

See two seconds till we pick what theme we’re gonna do and let’s see here trampolines of portrait plate with self-portraits I can try doing it myself I don’t think that’ll win though we’ll see pencil we want to do a pencil I wonder why it’s always funny to me which ones when and

Which ones don’t because it’s like you know I don’t know pencil seems really simple but I guess we’ll do that uh we’ll grab the materials of course it would be the traditional pencil so uh wool will look good there maybe some orange or yellow or that kind of IDs

Some some black and some gray some maybe terracotta actually would look better because we can use this sort of like the the wood or maybe this as the wood or maybe that these are pretty good though um someone said in the chat these build battle lobbies are 1.14 oh that would be

Why this shows how much I played the battle so that means that if I pick let’s see so I could do sea pickles see if I can do sea pickles that’s weird just duplicated that option so I have no idea how I did that so see pickles right like that’s no it

Says I can’t use it so I’m not actually sure maybe but I can use campfires let’s see yeah I can that’s weird so I wonder why can’t you see pickles but I can use campfires very interesting um okay so I guess before we lose all of our time

I guess like a pencil so I guess we’ll do it vertically maybe uh yeah I think so so we’ll start with of course the pencil lead all the way through there need some gray actually even maybe some iron for like the the metal sort of bit

Around the top it’s not sure if I should have started this way but whatever we’ll start all the way up here have the pink part and we’ll have like the Eraser we’ll sort of do like how much time do we have here not a lot so we’ll do like

That and then we’ll sort of make it a lot larger and then we just need the metal bit around the bottom there sort of like this just like that there and then I guess maybe two around there probably there’s usually a decent amount and then we can

Sort of go the yellow and red I guess I’m sure like or yellow and orange I’m sure like everyone will be doing this sort of traditional pencil but that’s fine go down here like this will be a square pencil of course because it’s Minecraft you have to build with squares

So I like the odd red and yellow I’m not sure I’d probably just do just one of them but that’s okay I don’t think we have honestly a good alternative yellow right now so I’m not sure what lettuce use concrete maybe we’ll find out does it oh it does okay

I have no idea what the rules are that you can use or not so I guess we’ll do uh concrete and wool it’s like here I’m restricting myself to 1.8 blocks and apparently I can use most of the ones I’m not sure why I can’t use the

Sea pickles maybe because of some sort of issue around the way the server works or something we’ll build this we’ll go like that and of course we’ll have the real pencil because it’ll have the lead there in the middle so it’s kind of accurate or something build that up

And put that there and anyone just joining on the stream um this is my 200 000 subscriber special stream nothing really particularly planned we’ve just been playing around more or less on a Hypixel on my Minecraft server I might pop back on there again a little bit

Later looks like we’re running out of time here I think I like the white terracotta maybe maybe yeah I think that works best for like pencil shavings but yeah and then sort of just been uh doing a bunch of interesting things to sort of celebrate that and I think that I mean

That works it’s not amazing honestly I think that there’s like this part here could be better so maybe like if we make it go a little bit higher up sort of using that we could even like get like a bit of texture there and like throw in some of this you know because

It’s sort of like reads wood so I think it would make sense if you know we have some some mixture of different block types in there and I don’t know mixed up a little bit maybe um maybe sort of like give it more of like a slowly

Shrinking look and then to the bottom there like I want kind of more of a sort of realistic pencil I mean to be fair too when you shave pencils usually it doesn’t shave evenly so I guess it would make sense if we’re sharp and pencils not shaved pencils but like that and

Sort of see that I think that looks decent I mean like like that maybe then we could have some paper that it’s writing on I had some so much black wool here because I keep using pick block uh we could sort of like put some

Sort of text or whatever on the side not people go that’s trying to be but I don’t know doesn’t really work I was trying to think like the the words of like number two or whatever but doesn’t really work on there and then we can just get some uh White

Uh wool for paper you can just throw that down on the bottom in the 20 seconds to make our little piece of paper that it’s writing on uh fairly quickly if we can throw it on there in time doesn’t really work but whatever finish it up just in time

One more row and that’s probably decent it’s not amazing but you know it’s a pencil it looks it looks like a pencil okay this one says hi there’s a random ghost built so I don’t know I’m I really like it because I think that it’s not super

Focused well it’s not bad here’s my one um I don’t know I wouldn’t say it’s amazing it’s fine maybe the Eraser is too big it’s hard to say it’s always hard to do scale to like so little time uh this one doesn’t really work at all so like that um

The gold ore on the side is kind of interesting choice though there’s a there’s a red pencil the glass drawing a heart that’s pretty good actually I like that it’s good it’s sort of the Sandstone is smart actually to use the there we have like a sort of um

Like a like a marker it’s kind of cool I like that and we have sort of says HB I think on the side that’s pretty good let’s say it’s good this confirmed vote is good let’s see uh this one’s sort of similar to what I was

Doing has like the black lines very wide um I’ll say good mom may be okay not too decent pencil it’s hard to say honestly and I don’t like that it’s just sort of Random random things on the ground I got the idea but I think that you know using the

Heads um on there just doesn’t work that well and then this one’s almost the exact same as my one but I’m gonna say this one’s pretty good as well so there we go I’m not sure if there’s any more there’s one more uh some lines and things a plus

Apparently they got I’m gonna say yeah it’s good pencil is kind of simple so I’m not sure if it works with the overall theme very small pencil lots of signs and random stuff and um I don’t know I don’t like that much honestly it’s okay and we have here pencil that’s okay

The red eraser over the pink one interesting design Choice there sort of sort of like the smallest Circle you can do with that um sideways pencil yeah that works I would say that’s pretty good I do like how they use the floor like that’s that’s smart to use that then we just have

Hello there small pencil the signs there are kind of nice actually the hopper on the bottom like that’s built well so maybe I’ll say good just because it’s like sort of smart way to build it and so I have one so that’s pretty cool I’m not sure how good my pencil was but

Um no that’s cool and yeah I don’t know it’s interesting do the build battles and all that so there we go we have earned 25 points or 25 score in first place so we’re gonna go to the lobby in three seconds here as we teleport it

And thank you to everyone for the ggs in the chat there um it’s kind of fun to do the build battle you can even see here in the lobby sort of builds and things on the bottom there maybe like trying to to show that now we’re gonna do we’re

Gonna go back to the lobby and we’re going to take a look at all the different things that are there let’s see we’re in a mystery arcade games build battle dropper dropper actually I think that’s like the standard dropper I know those are really fun let’s see if it is

Ah yeah it is it looks like it anyway it’s hard to say we’ll find out but I do like dropper Maps so we’ll find out if it is a dropper map that I’m aware of if it’s something else I’ll find we’ll uh okay so starting in 14 seconds so try

And find any little secrets around here we have this I love this there’s a floating Lily Pad so you know or maybe just the there might be water actually behind the glass that isn’t rendering that could be because I do have sodium on so that is a dropper look at that’s cool

See if we can win I’m gonna turn off our our thing so we’ll go down here is that the water down there look at that that’s pretty good foreign [Applause] we have this one now trying to see where the water is hard to see say it’s in the corner there

Uh see we can do here oh I almost did it it was so close I think I can do it this time and there we go perfect not perfect I suppose this is one fail on my record forever but that’s pretty good anime this one okay looks like there’s a slime block so

I’m Gonna Save to go to the slime it’s a melon it’s tricked me with the melon I’ve been tricked by a melon there’s a water there’s water is that water yeah this okay perfect there we go I’m pretty good at stuff like that it’s not amazing I’m like the third try so I

Have three more to do looks like there are two more so if they go this way maybe I’ll just there we go there’s the water can we make it can we make it yes there we go that was a pretty easy one I got the little life Rings there is

Like it’s a okay oh okay oh oh so close Okay so I feel like only one of them is going to be correct like usually with these things you know not all of them are gonna work it’s like I don’t think we can actually make it through that one so

We’ll go through this one now if we can make it that was a bad jump try I think I tested it incorrectly again I think I have to go for that one in the corner I don’t even know if we can make it to that one I think there’s actually one in

The center I’m not seeing that’s probably the one it is oh and there’s that and then there’s water at the bottom no close to it though let’s find out this one’s a lot more difficult it’s hard because the um the gold looks like blue on my Crosshair if I get rid

Of my Crosshair it’ll probably be quite a bit easier oh we were able to move in time it’s fun though I really enjoy these these kind of droppers because you get the build but you also have the sort of action to it so very very interesting doing that

Uh super fun there’s the water there’s water oh so close yes there we go that was pretty good that was I mean it was amazing I did fail quite a bit but I think that um I think I did decent note and we just and wait there we go finished third

That’s pretty good I mean there’s not a lot of people on but you know it’s not worst uh I think these things pretty fun let’s take a look at what that map was even like down here because there was so many interesting things we had there’s a

Pirate ship I think that’s a pirate ships or maybe it is hard to say it’s funny because like from the top everything looks normal but if you go down here it’s like everything’s kind of distorted so it looks normal from above you know like this is too long these are

Two sort of stretched so it’s like everything’s kind of stretched to make it look like it’s normal when you’re looking at it from far away and then I guess we fell through the pirate ship and this was the gold there and it’s like you couldn’t even see half the

Stuff like there’s no way you could literally ever see this stuff back here so it’s kind of funny that um I guess there’s nothing really built here either but it’s it’s pretty fun so I guess not exactly sure how we’re gonna go to the next round so we’ll just go through here

Uh I’m not sure it’s currently 40 seconds left I guess if I left and rejoined I could probably go to a new one so probably do that then we can go do it to a new round but that was really fun hopefully there’s a new map we can try out though I really

Like that we’ll do another dropper let’s see uh pixel party Skyblock uh we’re on a weird Lobby so let’s see if we can go back to the standard Lobby and you can go to the dropper let’s see here so there’s the dropper and we’re going to try that again but

Hopefully this time on a different map so is this different we’ll find out but hopefully we can do it that should be fairly fun and uh tell me in the chat Zone here ever played a dropper map um very very old sort of thing in the Minecraft Community has been around for

A long time but still looks pretty cool it’s funny I think in 1.8 this does not connect but in my version it does so it’s kind of funny but I didn’t wanna oh I teleported by accident so I was right clicking the thing in my hand I wasn’t very smart

And we’ll go back through the the chain of clicks to get back to the dropper map here um but if anyone’s just joining the stream um I am doing just a 200k stream to sort of just celebrate reaching 200k and yeah I’m on Hypixel right now

Playing some uh a dropper map I guess starting in 20 seconds as you just saw and I was just on my Minecraft SMP I have I’ll throw up we’ll wait for the dropper map to start my social medias on Twitter at icraft underscore mcim tweeting regularly now so if you want to

Learn all about my uh uh tweets and what I’m saying in creeper Crunch and all these things the serial um then you can follow me on Twitter so okay I think it’s really hard because I think my paper is um loading things incorrectly actually got hurt but I didn’t die there I don’t

Think that’s supposed to happen but looks like first time glitched or not we have one yeah my uh my um uh sodium is not rendering these things correctly okay let’s see here there’s the water that’s really easy we’ll just jump in this one these are very easy Maps this

Must be an easier uh difficulty or maybe just because we’re still at the start I guess we’ll find out if we can do it no fails oh there’s the same one okay I think I know this one then so you go through you want to go on the side let’s see if

I can do this is a really hard one remember so oh my gosh first time yes look at that look at that first time that’s three we’re on medium so we’ll see we can do next time but no fails um not done this one yet so I could

Probably I’ll probably die on this one looks like most people are jumping onto the tree that’s probably smart which if I can just like do one more it’s like lots of fall damage there’s water down there but let’s see if we can do if we just jump all the way off and

Looks like there’s gonna be water there’s water on the edge yes yes yes yes oh my gosh still no fails no fails can we do it that’s four out of five done so we have one more to go and no fail around that would be insane oh this

Is gonna be so hard oh this can be so difficult um see what everyone else seems like everyone’s trying to go for that corner so it seems like that’s got to be the corner that you go I would assume and oh no that’s gonna be so first tail so not

No fail run but you know it’s not horrible looks like you can go through this a very difficult one it makes it very hard to do a no-fail run there but oh we all we made it to two but then no I said I’ve done these and usually it’s more of

A maze than anything it’s not a lot of skill it’s just you’re sort of trying to find the the right one to fall into like almost here we go we almost got it I think we found the right one I think it’s this was it that I think it’s this

One yeah and we kind of made it we just have to get to the right angle very difficult to to get that uh propelled right very close like a block off let’s see jump off there and there we go okay now we have it and and it also close so

Close to close no so close I wonder if there’s anything down the middle one probably not right no okay I couldn’t even tell if it was a hole or not it’s really difficult to see I think some people are trying that one let me try that one I guess I shouldn’t follow the

The opposite way it’d probably be smart um go this way I did make it before on that one so we’ll try for that one again it’s very difficult looks like most people are not doing it let’s see um maybe if I go this one this one oh there

We go almost almost got it hmm stiff wall it’s kind of fun though because see if I fail too many times I’ll skip it and there’ll be a failure for strong everyone but the last one just just it got me so let’s see oh so

Close can we yes oh my goodness I was surprised I got that one that was really difficult wow look at that total feel 16 fails on the last map and I’m third again which is kind of funny because they’re the first time but there we go so that’s pretty good I’m

Really happy with that especially since I’ve never played that one before and I suppose the more you would do it so how does this even work I guess it just goes through all these different sort of like Factory things goes through here another 20 seconds till another round so

We have to wait for too long that’s very interesting I’m not sure why it’s this one’s called illusion can we see the full name doesn’t look like it says illusion that’s what it’s called interesting so there’s a unloaded Gap there in the build which is interesting

As well with the little arrows to go down in here so I’m trying to think I wonder what the best thing that says game over probably supposed to do something to finish it I didn’t probably probably it was failing miserably because I didn’t um didn’t know what to do to finish off the

Game but there we go from Beach assist game over because this ended now I don’t know what to do with this Lobby ores there’s a dropper so we’ll try that again I suppose dropper hopefully there’s some new maps we haven’t tried yet we can do that again I quite enjoy

Dropper Maps so if we get more skilled at them as time goes along probably should switch to 1.8 if I want to be really on top of it but that’s okay let’s see here map voting I can vote for the map can do City sounds fun

I was like City build so one of my favorites um just because there’s so much detail there’s so many interesting things there but yeah thank you again to everyone for helping me reach 200 000 subscribers I really appreciate it if anyone has any questions they’d like to ask me

Absolutely feel free to do that and I will try and answer them if I see them okay I think I know what to do here again I think this one I got first time out let me get first time here again oh maybe I will this one’s probably just

Really easy I guess so we’ll try and do this one try and be first looks like I did get that city map I wanted so that’s good and we’ll just go downwards and oh there’s the water can we get it first time that’s okay the easy ones are very easy there’s I’m

Getting most of them first time they must just be meant to be sort of just run through them first in front of me is very skilled it seems like every time it’s been this one the third time and oh there we go again again first three Maps

First time so that’s pretty good but I’m guessing um I still try the CDU City one now well this looks a lot more difficult we’ll let’s try this one out we got the plane we got the all these different things and there’s the water and oh we’re so close so close

So close but yet so far there’s the water there we go that’s pretty good second time so one fail for the first four um oh no it’s this one oh no oh no it’s my it’s my greatest weakness is this this dropper map I’ve been looked around I

Just tried it it’s like still half the time it’s this stupid map okay let’s see um this is not easy and go this way falling down this one says here we go again yes so let’s try this one it’s really hard though because to get the angle right

Like I’m not even sure what I’m maybe if I like run like jump on like the edge like that does that work oh that does work oh okay that’s how oh that’s how you do it I see okay so I’m gonna just kind of jump like that maybe that

Doesn’t work I can’t tell you just this one see if I can get it I think like some of them you can’t reach I’m not actually sure if there’s like a specific and that’s pretty close much how I got before though okay this one almost seemed like a viable path to Victory

That’s so close no it’s like one block over only there I had like a bit of a boost I didn’t use it see here there we go there we go can we make it no try like a different path it’s one of those this one doesn’t work I think

We’ll just keep trying this one because we keep being able to cut it to a to a certain point just kind of trying also close there’s like one block off so close and then we just die like the easiest point to not do that I keep I’m see I’m not sure if

There’s actually a way of doing it or if people are just trying like maybe there’s a other path to do it that’s better sorry to say most of them I just keep dying it’s like once you get past one it’s like I’m not sure you’d move in time and

I didn’t finish unfortunately but that’s okay still cool to see this map and definitely something they’ll have to try and do a better job at later on but there we go so we’ll probably do is we’re probably I’m going to go back onto my SMP for a

Little bit and say hi to everyone on there again because why not here we are ah just I just fell off there because I’m no longer in a dropper map so there’s a raid that is not ideal apparently there’s Reed anyway it looks like there’s one so

We’ll find out that out but if anyone’s just joining uh two great pieces of information for everyone to know the first one is uh because all of you guys requested it in my last streams not everyone but a lot of people um I do now have Channel memberships

So more or less that means that for a very small price I think it’s like three dollars a month um you get to have uh all kinds well not all kinds for now but soon about 12 emotes and badges and also this amazing sort of

Um like it’s like a badge next to your name where they can see that you’ve been a channel member and uh you can also I believe send one message um a month in a live stream that’s like basically like a super chat I forget exactly how it works but it’s like a

Highlighted message so if you want to become a channel member um your uh your channel member joining will also show up on the on the stream right now then you can chat on there and your name will be highlighted every time you sort of chat on the stream and you

Can even use those emotes in my comments of any video and the other thing is is that this is my SMP and if anyone wants to join it I do have a Discord server should be linked in the chat and I’m sure most people on here already know but if you

Do not know there’s lots of cool things planned lots of awesome things going on and lots of great videos in the future and speaking of the future something that’s very very cool is the fact that as we all know 1.20 is coming right around the corner which is very

Exciting of course and as well as 1.20 coming right up we also have Minecon or Minecraft live which is basically Minecon live it’s been called both those things before and I think that I will be making a lot of videos on it about it um I don’t

Believe I can do a live reaction to it just because of copyright laws and stuff but I should be able to do a sort of a uh full analysis of all the updates and also when we have those mob votes I should be able to talk about which mob you know has what

Abilities maybe which one is best we already know there is going to be a mob vote so I guess we’ll just find out when the mob vote will be um well of course we know when it’ll be but when they’ll be announced and let’s see if we can kill the laggy creeper there

Um and uh yeah more or less it should be very exciting to see that I have some awesome videos planned very soon here for uh one point uh 20. so hopefully I think tomorrow I think I’ve planned one to go maybe it’s Monday but it’s one of those two days

Um and just some amazing videos talking about new features coming up and everything and again thank you just to everyone who’s I’ve been joining on and just supporting the channel and all that I really do appreciate that uh now back to my server there are some interesting things we have not looked at

Yet and some cool features on here we might take a a small look at now the first one is if you notice you’re next to the spawn point we actually have this little house looks like sort of a ship I think it’s supposed to look like sort of

Like a sailing ship or maybe like a pirate ship which is pretty cool looks like we were definitely lagging quite a bit here unfortunately but what’s really good news is that the server will be upgraded very soon we have this interesting window here nice

To have silk touch I do not so I’ll have to find the entrance here and let’s find this out I think we have a one house down here one house above so I’d say there’s some secret secret things hidden around here so we’ll find that out but

Let’s take a look sorry about my microphone there and we have at spawn actually some Secrets now I found these a while ago we’re gonna find out the secrets at spawn ah which is very interesting now I don’t exactly remember where they are but it is somewhere around here I believe I

Believe there are some secrets and so if we maybe if we just dig down it was one of these I believe it’s just here maybe it’s here I think if we just dig down I think there’s something we can find oh there is look at this that’s interesting

Oh it’s the lay Cafe that’s what we have to dug into we’ve dug into the lake cafe uh that’s not the secret I was thinking of I thought somewhere through here maybe not I thought there was something around here like a uh thought someone had a uh sort of um some

Sort of project or something or whatever it is it’s up here we have a really cool community area so again all these Community things are awesome we have a b and crop Farm I guess that button doesn’t do anything I thought it would open up the the dirt but if we find the

Entrance here um we can hopefully find our way into here and more or less there is I guess we’ll just or that doesn’t even work we’ll uh we’ll find it but there’s some really awesome things that people have been working on community farms and things where you know

As I was talking about earlier I always find it so cool to see what people have done um sort of to make the community work better so for instance here you know any player can go through here I’m assuming and just Harvest this we can of course

Harvest this with fortune 3 we can grab all those wheat crops and we can replant the wheat there’s limited from the uh the build battle match there we can of course replant that to make sure it all works and then put in the extra seeds I’m sure there’s a chest here I guess

There’s not I’d probably put a chest here but of course whatever people want and you can always go through here and sort of do the same thing for the carrots and just I’ll have that and it’s actually smart you might be wondering why there’s bees in here and the answer

Is uh really a really a good one actually that’s the fact that you can use bees inside of Minecraft to speed up the growth of crops and so what’s being done right here is that the bees are attracted to the flowers here so they pollinate the flowers on their way back

With pollen they’ll actually make these crops grow a lot faster and so what’s really cool about that is you have a great system for basically doing that someone says check out peace aisle and I can absolutely check that out if someone wants to lead me to it I do have a lytra

Yeah there is This Thing Called Peace aisle on the server um very large sort of civilization project similar to the spawn point and some other ones and a lot of the um most dedicated members are are doing things with that so we’ll check that out now you’re wondering what peace aisle is

It’s basically an interesting uh build that’s been done on a uh Mushroom Island now of course we all know that a mushroom island is a place that does not have mobs that spawn at it uh that are hostile and so I’m assuming that’s the idea of Peace aisle is that there’s no

Hostile Mobs nothing to worry about anything like that we’re going to take a look at the projects that have been done there there’s some sort of like a Seaside town and some other builds and things so I’m assuming this is the right way to go

I’m not sure I just have to wait for everyone looks like we go this way I have no idea what we’re trying to do I guess I’ll just go this way it looks like that’s the correct way to go so uh we’ll go this way but um yeah we’ll find out what’s around

Here and I believe um this Project’s been going on for a very long time someone says we need to get to the nether roof um I think this way does go there as well so we’ll go over here it looks like all these uh rails tend to have

Um not a lot of mine Curts that are on them I suppose we could fly on here so that’s probably the best idea if we can survive it so is apparently far away they’re quite nearly died supposed to be fairly careful there before we we dive nether flight dangers it’s so funny I

Found that um even inside of Minecraft once I build like let’s say ice tunnels um I still have I still have issues with with them I’ll still fly in the ice tunnels instead of just using the boat so it’s sort of funny because you’d assume the best idea

Would just be to use the boats and kind of is sort of like out here we have the the rail but people are still flying so sort of a lighter are really in a sense one of the best ways of traveling although of course ice boats are quicker

No matter what so I think this goes through there I’m not sure it says peace Mountain portal so I’m assuming this is the way there so we’re gonna go through here and then we can take a look at this aisle has probably oh someone says no no it’s not

It’s not okay well you’ll have to show me where and I can find it now but more or less there’s some cool product being done here um let’s fly there okay guess we go over here looks like that goes somewhere I’m not sure because we’re trying to fly down here okay I see

Let’s see if we can make it it’s always difficult to do oh this is dangerous the thing of the totem of undying nearly went to the lot feather okay very uh very well set up Pathways I would say here so probably you know always a good idea to maybe try and be

Mercurf with this kind of thing but it’s the wrong way I have no idea we’ll just keep following Cube there hopefully they know where they’re going um because I do not but we’ll find out and we’ll go this way and more or less um

I’m almost used to do it in there oh boy hopefully this is the right way I I feel like this is not the right way but we’ll find out we only have eight more Rockets So if not I can always sort of try it out later there’s some sort of a pathway so

Highcraft MC lost in the Nether on stream on stream and of course we’re about to be killed by Auckland oh boy there we are we have seven I guess we’ll follow find out where to go that was fairly close I don’t know why it has to be this far away but keep

Dying again hopefully our uh thing will regenerate their health and we can finish the the tour here of the area and let’s find out what we’re doing here um but you’d assume there would be a pathway there so I’m not exactly sure we’re supposed to be going here but we’ll find out

And it is interesting I think this is sort of to me a good example of one of the reasons why it’s always so important to set up a good system of nether Transportation because obviously there isn’t a good system here I think that you know although some things like that

Might seem like they take a lot a lot of effort at the end of the day you know if something like this isn’t set up and people just fly and they don’t really worry about building something like that there can often be some unfortunate consequences to that like uh there it is

And apparently here’s the portal which is barely connected to anything so not exactly sure why it’s like that but apparently Cube says there’s something on the nether roof which I guess makes sense but still I think that having a good system of that no matter what is good looks like we’re inside of

The water I believe this is all manually placed water and it is we have a conduit there you can see the absolute massive amount of uh work that’s been done in this area it’s actually hard to see it all because um there’s so much I don’t

Know if one of you has some fireworks there I could borrow but um it is pretty crazy to see already hear what’s been done and all of this is built on the on the Mushroom Island so if we go to the F3 this mushroom Fields this entire thing and you can imagine

How much effort it would be to do this and so it just is crazy and we go here here is peace Mountain so this is a project that I’m not sure if we’ll ever be finished or not because it’s incredibly ambitious but still super cool looking project you can see

They’re trying to custom build an entire mountain and of course doing that is very difficult I’m not sure if this was this is being made with light Medica which is a program that sort of shows you to replace blocks for different builds or if it’s just something that

They’re sort of trying to manually do but either way incredibly cool to see something like this and I think that you know it’s so cool to see what people are doing and as an interesting fact actually while we’re here um if you notice here the acacia trees have green leaves very um vibrantly

Green leaves and that’s kind of because of two interesting things the first thing is is that um we have is uh the in the Mushroom Island the grass color is the same as that of the Jungle and so because of that even things like that say you know the acacia trees from

The Savannah Biome are going to appear very sort of green in like a jungle and someone was saying in the chat there that this was fully built out of their mind the mountain there so that’s pretty cool definitely be a lot of work to finish it but still awesome to see sort

Of the idea of such an amazing project and for part that was finished you can see here we have just this amazing sort of landscaping and Excavating that had been done to build this water system we have like this sort of halfway with the with the water streams and we can go through

Here and um and we can just enjoy all that and I’m sure eventually there might be a city here or some Farms or something and apparently there’s a map so we’ll go take a look at that but lots of really cool looking things and I mean really

Even things like this tree here you know might look like almost small compared to the rest of this but you know in a way even just something like that is a lot of effort of course to do and so here for instance we have a giant custom

Portal I’m not sure if it’s done or not but it is still definitely very cool I’m not sure if the map’s down here or not remember seeing it a while ago actually that is very cool to see sort of the things that have been done now over here

This might be where the map is actually here it is so you can see the entire Island here you can sort of see the part that has been worked on has the grass over it the part that doesn’t just the mycelium which funny enough actually shows up as purple

And we can see here there’s all these interesting sort of like the there’s that water pattern there’s this sort of um Lakeside area we’re going to look at in a second some farms and just overall taking this and turning into something it almost looks like a face or something

Like a like a pig face with like the eye and the nose and the mouth and maybe like the hair but either way whatever it’s supposed to look like it’s very cool for sure over here is that town I was talking about and I really like this

As well because it’s very really Built Well in my opinion and I think that because everything here of course has been built just completely artificially I think that it’s awesome to see something like this where even those mountains are sort of fake and built in so we have here this

And these are made with the mushroom blocks now I love that because a lot of people don’t build out a mushroom block especially not mushroom stems but mushroom stems are a really great block to build out of and especially in combination with the quartz pillars there who really do get a nice effect

There was sort of the wall paper look and then the reinforcement look and we have the azalea leaves and we have sort of the the uh um unlit campfires as well which makes that um I’m assuming someone of a Greek look that this is going for but whatever it’s

Going for it’s very cool it looks like insert underscore nickname has built this and even have like a house here with like a little interesting bunk bed idea almost and even here we have like a chest and of course there’s this potato on the the desk there and just lots of

Interesting little elements to make this look more real and more look like a actual sort of Mediterranean or at least Coastal looking City and so here for instance we have these beautiful little market shops and this reminds me of some things I’ve seen people build a long time ago

And I think that you know back in um back in I think it was 2013 uh DanTDM did this YouTube let’s play on the Xbox this is like a very old series I don’t even think he remembers doing it because I remember him referencing it in a video

That he didn’t remember doing it but um in it he built some sort of little market stalls like this and um needs to remind me of that little bit of course they’re built a lot better because it’s modern Minecraft and not from 2013 but still I think it is very

Cool to see the different things that people have built here and just overall I’m awesome to see all the work that’s being done and very inspiring I mean even like this you know custom built trees we have those Vines hanging down meant to sort of blend into the tree you

Know we have these different houses that have been built with nice contrasting colors and things and you know really um it definitely makes it super cool to see what’s been done over here for instance we have a partially built it looks like Clock Tower house um

Also very cool you can see here this doesn’t look like it’s quite done but we have a very complicated floor we have these walls with the stripped logs of course lots of logs so definitely a large amount of effort um it’s like a dark area down here it would be dangerous normally absolutely

Even seems to go into this massive cave however of course because it’s the Mushroom Island you can actually have that and I feel like you know something I’ve always enjoyed thinking about is if a bunch of players made a massive Minecraft city all together and it’s cool because with something like this

You can actually do that and maybe even have things where you know certain things are completely dark but there’s not zombies and almost like a way of sort of showing like you know it’s it’s kind of like a safe area because it’s funny people don’t think of this a lot

But it is true Laura Wise inside of Minecraft and it’s sort of a medieval zombie apocalypse game which is kind of an interesting genre for sure but that is kind of what it’s meant to be and so it’s pretty cool to see that and even all the builds done here and we even

Have over here another sort of looks like somewhat of a castle hold over here we have again interesting mixtures of blocks and block choices we have we saw earlier there seems like a lot of people are having the black stone and the Deep slate and builds together I love this

Here we have the you know I love little things like this because I feel like I would use this in a build eventually we have sort of the you know copper blocks there Behind These to give it that somewhat industrial look so lots of really really great quality to that but either way

That’s going to probably be about the end of my 100 or 200 it’s been so fast I think it’s 100 that’s about the end of my 200 000 subscriber special I really hope you enjoyed it be sure to follow me on all my social medias there should be

Links in the chat for that and if everyone wants to watch back the video we look back through some of my old YouTube videos we played on the server a bunch then we played on Hypixel we came back on here for about 20 minutes and

I’d like to thank you for all that and I hope that you have a great rest of your Saturday and I just realized I forgot to play background music through the entirety of this but either way I will see you later and have a great day goodbye

This video, titled ‘200,000 Subscriber Special 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Minecraft 1.19 Survival & More’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2022-10-01 18:58:49. It has garnered 34420 views and 1125 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:19 or 10759 seconds.

200,000 Subscriber Special 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Minecraft 1.19 Survival & More

🟪Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eyecraftmc 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/eyecraft_mc 🔵Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tMM6B8Nc3M

Watch Eyecraftmc Play Survival in Minecraft 1.19 to Celebrate Getting 200,000 Subscribers!!! and Minecraft Hypixel Minigames to teach you how to play Minecraft! Enjoy this Minecraft Survival Livestream for Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update Java Edition where you can learn how to play Minecraft Survival Live as I play it and Celebrate Eyecraftmc’s 200K Subscriber Special! and Feel Free to Ask Me Questions to learn More about Minecraft Survival Facts, Tips and Tricks for Java and Bedrock Edition! Thumbnail Character Art By: MythicMutations https://www.instagram.com/mythicmutations/

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  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

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    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

Eyecraftmc – 200,000 Subscriber Special 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Minecraft 1.19 Survival & More