FableSMP S3 EP 66: Artfulrenegade’s Sneaky New Move

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A wolf cap of what happened last time Fable SMP so last time wolf made his way back home and immediately got to work putting up defense mechanisms in the house at the very least alarms he triggered the front door to ding um kind of a higher pitch ding that can be heard

Throughout the house if someone comes in and out different frequencies for the front for for both in and out so you can tell which direction people are coming from he also closed up the once open kind of exit that they had to their basement which would just kind of open

Out the mountain and made it into a bit of a geode um he found the note from Ray with some words for him apologies and encouragement and also found like a little like a little gift box of raised cape in bandages among some other little things like a torch flower and was

Actually prompted to go ask centros to help him with his bandages because his arm was still not doing so great from the fight and he didn’t really take care of it himself he got patched up and wanted immediately to go out searching because he’d lost some time already it

Seemed he flew around with centros and they tried some Outpost that wolf had seen previously kind of going in three different directions from the house and each one trim up empty they burned some of the early ones they tried to tear up the floorboard nothing in the chest just Vines and cop

Wibes left it was upsetting and it seemed that wolf was getting more and more frustrated in a way he couldn’t quite explain and when they went home to try and get some sleep just 4 hours as s promised wolf walked by Juno’s little enclosure and immediately set his sights

On her as his vision turned red and had to be kind of pushed off by SOS but not without getting injured um by wolf slashing him across the chess wolf ran out in a panic uh not knowing what to do still seeing red and took the neutralizing agent that he’ gotten from

Ules so long ago just in case just in case and then saw the book from Ray and immediately ran to who he trusted to get help and centros followed he just flew uh so it was a bit of a moment they all tried to comfort him both of his

Partners trying to get him to stay when he felt like he wanted to flee reminding him how their roles were reverse and have been that they would want him to stay and he would want them to stay another thing that happened is that his wings turned entirely black it

Seemed they’d been darkening for some time but now now they’re fully black they got a little bit of rest though he was nervous to touch either of his Partners so kind of spent a little bit of distance that night but that is where we leave off that’s what we’re getting into today

So are we ready for lore let’s get into it yeah I’m going to do boop boop boop that and then we’re going to pop on over all right wow yes that was the first time he took the potion okay I’m hungry okay I guess I was sleeping for a bit that’s that’s

Fair look at me waking up at a normal time I should really give this back to him I didn’t I I’m just holding it all night still this same I I feel okay I don’t feel that like awful a little bit weird but not not not physically bad something I I do I

Have something I need to do though mhm oh Where give you one of these sorry for what I’m sorry for scaring you I know you can like understand me enough maybe maybe it’s time maybe it’s time you had somewhere else to go maybe yeah even even if they trust me I don’t I don’t want to hurt you and you

Can’t you can’t stop me you you can’t stop me like they can make least a little bit oh no you stuck on the stair this is so unfortunate come on I know stairs are hard I agree no okay you can’t don’t fight me on this we’re going there’s I made like a great

Forest it’s got um there’s no real know come on there’s no real Predators or anything and I can make sure there’s plenty of carrots for you in there and then it’s all custom so it’s not like a lot of lot happening um I can I can plant carrots

In there I can I can I don’t think there’s any growing but but it’s big and you can run run around in it and it’ll be so much better than like the room that you’re in that that you’ve been in since the last time yeah and then you’ll be safe from

Me that’s okay that looks good I I I I can’t I can’t hurt her I I almost I I it’s centros is okay but I she I can’t hurt Her you can’t you know come on I’m going to remove the stair and then you you can’t get stuck on it if there is no stair come on you my first little friend I think you were the first rabbit I ever got close to at least this time around

Come on you can you can come down here I know you can’t I’ve seen you do It and you’ll have you’ll have a a perfectly enriching life there not not with me even if even if I will miss you even if I will miss you I I I need to let you go so that you can be safe come on it’s it’s it’s a it’s a great

Place you’ve stuck it out with me all this time first my guess little friend I had I have Kota and and and hope likes me but you know you’re always different you’re always little lady okay just be here on the edge come here okay yeah I can I can visit I can visit

You right I can visit you and you you you’ll you’ll be you’ll you’ll be better off if not with me I don’t think I’ll be better off without you but this is so yeah it’s a great Forest it’s a no no no I I was just going to okay one one for

No hey hey hey hey hey go no not not back home to the forest to to to to go go yeah yeah perfect go go go go go go you know know I yeah go on go on go you can’t you can’t you can’t see now you’re stuck on grass you

Got to go out into the world I don’t I don’t you to leave either I don’t I don’t want you to leave I don’t want you to leave I don’t I don’t want to let you go I I I I love her okay okay okay okay maybe the PO the potion the potion

Worked I can put more fences around your enclosure so it’s harder to get in and right and C all right I can’t I can’t make you leave if you don’t want to I can’t push them away I can’t run away from this I can’t okay don’t look come here don’t look at

Me like that come here okay okay I I’m sorry I’m sorry I did this and I I okay no you don’t have to go you don’t have to we can go we can go back I’ll make your enclosure bigger as an apology for this I okay you don’t have to go anywhere you

Don’t why do you still let me hold you even even after what I did okay okay I I can go to ulyses and and and maybe he can help and may you know and I can make him closure a little safer and then it’ll be better yeah I know I keep

Putting stairs places and it it really bothers you that they happen those stairs can La I know you were always just an enigma weren’t you come here here I’ll take the grass you don’t like stairs okay fine fine fine fine fine fine we’ll go back and and I’m

Sorry for scaring you but also for pushing you away you know deserve that okay come on back back inside this was a lot harder than I thought it would be and I’m maybe I’m a little bit weak and I’m not I’m not ready to to say goodbye to you

Yet the potion worked to some degree so maybe I can just get help from ulyses and then write down what I know and maybe maybe he’ll be able to make another one or at least help me understand why it works as it does oh no oh no where are you are you

Down there there’s not even a stair how’d you do that how’d you get stuck on it there’s no stair how’d you do this now you’re being cheeky now you’re being cheeky you’re just you’re just is it this one you’re just being cheeky for fun what is

This okay I okay I know I tried to let you go and that’s on me but like you don’t got to be silly about it the potion is a permanent solution I know but I don’t know what is I don’t know what is I don’t know what else to

Do it’s not a permanent solution but it’s what I’ve got it’s the only lead I have if it makes it so I can stay so I can hold her so I can hold their hand so I can hug my boyfriend’s that then that’s a good enough start of a

Solution even if it’s not the best it’s a start get putot walls I can make her enclosure just a little more secure so it’s not as easy to get into and it’ll make it bigger just just because of the trials and tribulations I put you through do I have any Dand lines

In there that I do you can have a treat okay I’m going to go talk to yous when I come back I I’ll make this all fancy for you I know more at home here fine fine fine fine okay okay I’ve done T up my stairs let’s we can go

Ask I almost don’t want to fly with them like this I hate how they I hate these were what my wings looked like before before they were what my wings originally looked like when I first got them and then the longer I knew the cash they changed but the property

Vales though the longer I knew fash they changed I don’t like what it means that they’ve darkened that they’ve changed overtime back to this what does that mean that they reverted but I revert it okay we can glide here right he can help he can help I’m

Sure it’s better it’s better than what I’ve got so okay adorable I know that’s just a door knob uh ulses I have to do it the old fashioned way all this is the only way possible sorry are you sorry I’m there um This Is Me Knocking

Sorry oh how are you how how are things are you okay uh could have been better the um the raid kind of hit me a little hot than I was expecting do you want to come inside sorry wow see it is oh sorry yeah um yeah I

Um I hadn’t really been in a fight for a while before the raid so I got uh hit a little hard my tail and knee but I’m I’m I’m doing better yeah I mean I guess I don’t have you tended to them do you need any help

With I know you’re a doctor but sometimes stuff can be hard to most of them I think just the you know I got a knee brace and managed to couble that together and some bandages on the tail but all right how how about you are you holding up okay after um

Was that do you remember how I I asked you about the curses and stuff uh yeah like um um seeing red and stuff it was bad bad bad I was bad I I I heard centros we were coming home and I was supposed to just go to bed and I

Walked past Juno enclosure and I almost protect her my my rabbit and then he had to stop me and I he barely held me back and I I slashed him across the chest I had to run to Ray to get him patched up this was last

Night and I I ended up needing to take the potion you gave me and I just I don’t know what else to do to stay safe to to be able to be here um yeah I’m I’m so sorry wolf we can um we can we can come up with

Something so you took you took the potion I are are you feeling okay after yeah I’m pretty okay now um maybe like a little bit sleepy once the adrenaline ran off but it helped when after it happened I ran outside and I didn’t I was trying to figure out what to do but

I still had red on the tinge of my vision and I took the potion and it helped I was able to be okay enough to go to Ray see um here come upstairs I still have more of them but I figured like if you might know more or maybe need to make them

Make more or we can definitely make more if we need to I don’t I don’t know how good it might be for you to keep taking them unless you need to I suppose but it was it it they they did kind of suck it was like nauseating in the moment and

Like still have I think they gave me three or four and I kind of scattered them around yeah I think I have I have one of them left um oh by the way this is actually um this is yours from oh the other day um oh okay you know what probably

Probably saved me a good chunk the um I took a crossbow bolt to the shoulder from pretty close without the armor probably would have been a lot worse I’m glad it help do you have do you have armor do you have netherite I I do it’s uh downstairs some netherite yeah I just

Um I didn’t think to bring it to the birthday party I guess um near it’s fine Lu i’ had more than one on me at the time and I now keep spars just in I was actually thinking about making a a Sher box for Spar anyway yes um c

I I don’t really know um I wish I had somewhere you could sit down I really only have the rug I don’t sit up here a lot sure um here let me grab a book actually and we can we can write some things down maybe um what do you I have no some

Notes that I’ve taken on it do I have I do have a lecturn we can read it together we can read together I’ve got my own notes it’s a little worse for wear the book but it’s what I started to write about him this book together just just there

Yeah just wa over this space is this your like lab space I don’t think I ever been up here um lab guess Library map space an office office yeah just kind of um things I’ve been I’ve been doing you know I’ve got my letters and things um I

I was traveling for a little bit trying to find telen temples so I’ve got some maps and and travel logs and yeah lab equipment this is where I um I hel sh with the eye for a little bit okay here’s what I’ve got on the notes

So far and then I guess I’ll I’ll read them and then you can like take extra notes if you’ve got more notes yeah sure this might not be in the correct um order of things but the instances of like weird outbursts that I know of it started with a slept walk

Nothing no one got hurt I just slept walk pretty far into the forest after a nightmare um another nightmare I woke up and I just kind of saw black and white and it was just weird um nightmare 3 I tore into a log I just fallen asleep a little bit um I think

That’s kind of when the strength started being a lot the fourth one uh like killed a lot and Stu to walk about as well um and then this one I wasn’t asleep um I was stressed maybe not doing great because of AR stuff and running around but I wasn’t asleep when it

Happened when I was feral when I saw red I just zeroed in on her and lost it but I was fully Awake yeah um it helped in the past when I had rough nights I would go fight host mops or already suggested ones going in um like taking down a mansion and I saw red but I didn’t hurt any of them only the pillar and it it helped at the time yeah

So I don’t know is it only only Hostile Mobs You’ been attacking uh passive ones too sheep cows I I don’t think we have any animals currently um at least not in the barn least I have them closer and then I killed them all and then we had them

Further away and I did that again Hostile Mobs help things that fight back um and it’s kind of like a compulsion to attack passive on most times I can just ignore it see but you haven’t you haven’t been compuls to attack people at allm I with what happened to centros I

Attacked him because he jumped jum in the way I think but I didn’t go for him it was it was definitely not directly for him so okay um so whatever the the the Chris is it’s not it’s I mean I was going to say it’s not making you violent it it’s making

You violent but not towards people just towards I suppose mobs that a wolf would attack without provocation MH do you do you mind if I do a blood test of sauce I guess I I know we talk before about you’re not exactly a hybrid in the way that maybe axe is a hybrid

Or that I am in a way a hybrid that that you were human but I feel like I I don’t know if I could get a a read maybe on how much of your DNA is Wolf yeah may you think it’ll help for it yeah um just give me a second to grab

Some things I’ll just um okay there we go um you don’t okay I can get some bandages if you like entirely burned this is nothing yeah um you don’t happen to have a shul of box with you do you I I you’re not going to take it to right you’re not going to

Like keep my Sher box no no I just need to because I haven’t gotten it back and I don’t think I will I just this is going to look really dumb uhhuh what are you going to do some really important cool science this is science um we need to cuge the blood so

We just need to spin it around enough that it will um separate the collagens from blood itself um mhm ideally we could get to a plasma stage and that would help but I do kind of just need to SP it for a second um there we go you

Can you can take the blocks back now like um MH MH just need to this is some this ideally I would have like a full Lab setup it would all be automated and I’d have like microscopes uh but I don’t have that right now so uh I just kind of have to use

I’m spinning it on the table that’s not I want to do just kind of have to appear at it from real close M um M get get real close real close and up close person yeah real real close to it um I’m going to sit while while you

Stare at it let me know what you see I I don’t think I’ve had like a doctor’s appointment before so this is like new that’s fair um well is it I was going to say the good news and the bad news but I don’t really know what the good news here is it’s

Definitely not human Fair the the extent to which your blood genetically is not human is more than I expected cuz you’re you’re mostly human shaped mhm but I just got um kind of like funky legs and kind of some fur and a tail and then long ears and Claws and

Sharp teeth and my eyes are yellow yeah um but your DNA structure is mostly hybrid I I couldn’t say if it’s mostly hybrid wolf or if it’s just not human but it’s uh it’s not um let me note this um so significant amount of wolf yeah there’s a there’s a good chunk

Of wolf uh on a scale of of of person to Wolf who are I’m like 60 I’m like okay like 60% uh maybe we’ll say gener 70 75 75% we can we can we’ll we’ll say that optimistically mhm Mhm okay all right I mean I I was a wolf for a while but I was also a person yeah um okay so when you’ve talked about falling into these compulsions and and seeing red what is that like um like tunnel vision like there’s nothing

Else to see or do but whatever uh the focus is whatever it is I need to Kill mhm in the Mansion the target changed rapidly like as new pillagers came up each one was a new Target and each fight was a focus and then it could switch and move it felt like I couldn’t think of anything else I couldn’t hear anything else just kind of ringing in my ears

And nothing I think AR had to hit me once to get me to hear her and cust too I think they both had to hit me calling my name didn’t really work was I a wolf longer than I was a human I don’t know how long either those times Were that would require me to know both my human age and then how long has it been since I’ve been a wolf and time is weird time really is weird it could have been like a year it could have been okay it could have probably not have been a

Year but it could have been like a lot of years or like a lot of lot of years I don’t really I mean if you figure out how many years it was since the War I would love to know me too but I mean resets really do make

Kind of a extra weirdness with that yeah time isor so you don’t know where the cuss came from at all do you I just know I was wolf and then Ray read a book inste of a c’s name and then I was humanid human Shaped I don’t know I’m trying to think if I know any kind of similar basis but I don’t really there’s like maybe one or two stories that story of King like haon or I don’t know how well that applies really I heard he

A he was a a mortal King he was roly a great king he was beloved by the gods they would they would visit him and he would show them the wonders of the mortal world and then uh he betrayed them and he was cussed to be a wolf for

Uh actually you know maybe this does this doesn’t apply he was um he was cursed for some really uh heinous crimes um which probably doesn’t fit there’s there’s other stories as well I guess um the the the nuai were uh people who could you know it was it was a blessing

That they could turn into wolves actually they um they did it for it helped them hunt and protect their family and and travel because they were stronger and faster but um speaking of stronger you you mentioned getting stronger in the States pretty yeah how much stronger do

You I would well I I don’t really know what to use for like strength testing I would need to like maybe hit like a mob or something for it um I mean maybe there’s like a zombie side or I mean there I I don’t know about outside but

We could maybe find one oh I mean if you want to do if if you’d be okay with with testing or something like that I don’t want to we have a push you into testing mob training area at my house there’s zombies yeah zombies would work or maybe

Skeletons or and there’s zombies and skeletons and a an iron golem I can yeah I can take down Iron Golem I don’t know how many hits though maybe we can write that down if that’s helpful how many hits yeah that would probably be helpful it would at least

Help me okay field trip measure out how much do you oh you left your book up here I’ll gra that for you H hold on um hold on this one’s My Le turns is yeah I need to get one up here actually turns are great I carry one with me everywhere

One in here okay we can do a little field trip and then yeah a field trip here do you want to oh I should get my wings yeah do you want walk or fly it’s that’s up to you you it gu it depends on how comfortable you are flying right now

Um I mean I I might be a little rough on The Landings with my legs at the moment but it’s up to you yeah we we can we can um it’s faster yeah yeah um okay easier for me to take off from the water uh-huh I have such a difficulty on

Taking off from the water see that’s me with taking off from Land I cannot for the life of me figure out how to actually like take off but that’s so fair every time I fly over the gay house there are more things there it’s expanded every time what’ you

Say every time I fly over the gay house it is just expanded in it it does we have little oh where you going um I the back oh there’s a oh you can go through there that’s fine that’s the entrance I’m coming back to the entrance oh you

Can come that’s another entrance you can through that where am I hold on where did you I’ve lost your enti either one front door or or okay here come through yeah there we go come on have you had compulsions to attack like Koda or hope or Ollie or

Anything no though OE stays up in the observatory and um never kod Our Hope h then again I didn’t really have one to attack Juno until yesterday so yeah I not sure here come down here he is that man is dripped out okay yeah he is don’t that’s Bernard he goes here

He goes here um oh it’s darker in here than I C took out a bunch of the lights because of his light sensitivity and then like never put any back in so it’s just that’s fair extra ominous mhm but it’s meant to be like a little fighting area

Okay right which one should we start with there there skeletons you want to start with uh zombies just to as a basis maybe I going to work you going to make it do it okay was that a child that doesn’t count you don’t count you don’t count that’s not that’s

Not it give me not a child come on or or or not H or not do you there you just took a minute okay di time one two three normal hits not like crits or anything H okay um would you want to try a skeleton okay there’s a couple of these

Guys okay uh back up back up back up you back up it’s fine I’m going to take out a couple of the okay okay one two interest interesting and then there is not enough iron in here to make one I’m going to have to go sir sir did not leave this is so

Unfortunate hold on we need need blocks so that’s three for zombie two for skeleton if normal hits I guess I don’t really know the basis for like a normal person why is why is there only raw iron what is this is happening here in the in my house

Right here you say words I’ve got to like sorry I figured I would do a a test to see just like how many it takes me to kill one that’s smart you do that while I apparently have to cook but I two of them came through and I am not prepared for that

Are you are you okay do you need help oh I’m good I’m I’m fine it just got me off God okay yeah are these all smokers why that one why is there no furnace what is this house what is what is what is my house what I’m having a normal time don’t even

Worry about it I built that kitchen and I I have the audacity to be offended by with smelting area Blast Furnace ah you’re so smart there’s there there’s literally an area for this I’m going to have to like DIY well those are so sir you’re good the DIY as

Much as you need sorry that’s that’s an interesting result compared to what I expected what um it took me 21 hits uh to kill a zombie what so uh you are uh roughly we don’t have a huge sample size but seven times stronger 20 21 20 21 punches oh and you took three

So um uh I I I didn’t EX I also did not expect that I thought maybe you know six hits or something but that’s um H um one second there is a lot of background noise oh you’re good oh there are way more skeletons sorry right there’s just a lot

Of noise happening in the back if I if if you hear me die oh my sir don’t worry about it sir please was that not was that not it that not it was not it okay should I close my eyes to that happening uh just close your eyes to

That happening I’m just going to keep making iron um how do I get out of this room actually is there a button here that I’m yes there’s a button on the wall it’s very it’s very well hidden though it is you got a really oh I feel like you’re not doing like

Okay just I feel like you’re not having a normal time I’m not having a great time I’ll be honest I’ve left you to cook and then this is what’s happening I have three IR I wondered how I got back here but I was not expecting to to witness uh what I

Witnessed okay I’m coming back are you are you good you doing all right okay you oh my God there’s arrows ever are you oh my God you’re covered an arrow you need four dang it okay stay here please do not do any more of the the

Men dang it need four okay you’re right you’re right you’re good oh this is perfect um while that happens I’m just going to casually make more more one more block I’m going to pit her I I hear men dying this is this is so unfortunate I don’t we’re doing great chat we’re doing

We’re having a normal time everything’s going so great oh you good oh my God you’re alive so going you doing all right I’m doing all right all right you can I come on back with my four eyes yeah you feel feel free to come back so um yeah Baseline is 21

Hits did you for the skeleton I was going to say if you wait for me to come back I could have like angered it on me while you hitted it but if are you good on that one we can if you would like um

I it’s if you need the the data it would help but I don’t know if we need to if it’s it’s up to you if you are prepared to take those hits yeah that’s fine oh yeah sure okay all right let me just oh no no no don’t don’t change

Targets no I don’t do that you could have just put you in a shield but that would have been too smart of this yeah we didn’t think of that you’re just trying to stand in front of you you your Shear pumpkin I can make one with my hands okay well that took 18

So okay um better than 21 but yeah I that’s still 21 yeah 21 okay not mathematically no yes actually mathematically I think it is it it implies that you are stronger than with zombie because Sparks are doing no it doesn’t I’m doing I think I’m doing myth there

Was like one spark that’s doing some real good math they’re thinking real good thoughts you would be you would be sorry I’m doing math in my head you you would be considerably stronger with the skeleton then you went with the zombie which is a little concerning but uh yeah if you

Wanted to try the Golem as well just to one moment the one spark that um there is much much noise Sav I’m so sorry oh you’re good the one spark that saved me while I was struggling um is correcting my math and don’t even worry about it anyway I’m

Going to uh this is how you make this guy luckily he won’t have beef no that’s not how you do it he won’t I don’t think that’s how you make it yeah okay he okay we’ve we’ve done this before you won’t have any problems okay okay oh so

Expressive this is also me not like trying to crit hit him or anything and I’ll make another one so that you can do it but you record yeah so it was 10 hits okay okay that’s that’s a good amount that’s it’s good amount yeah you know if I had more iron in my

Hands that’d be wonderful if I just you know just thought we were I thought we were 1% but a certain someone has taken all of our goods and put them BR okay we’re going to have to maybe come back to that test cuz emotionally there’s just no iron this

House we can go back to my place and get some iron if we want um this is so upsetting considering they’re not hostile I don’t know if we need to be in the but I am lost in this space here let’s go back to oh are you okay let’s

Just go back to your yeah it was just very dark yeah I mean it’s not um wait I have four blocks of iron apparently in my inventory right now why would you do this to me you saw me you saw me go through that

And and you just get back I I think I must have picked them up from the remnants of the Golem I um get back in the room I’m shearing a pumpkin and it’s it’s this is for you it must be real um real helpful to have these Sparks around I can see why

They’re great they’re they’re this door am I just struggling maybe I took more hits than I thought I okay put down your guy put it down yeah okay now you go okay ah that actually okay it hurts my hand to punch IR it’s fine oh four five

6 7 8 9 10 okay 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 24 25 26 789 32 36 37 3 39 50 54 55 56 5789 60 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 829 99

Um I might need some ice for that hand um here uh thank you thanks um so that is um night night nearly uh a lot better um um you are almost 10 times stronger in that case um I guess I I haven’t considered how your buts ga how yeah it’s um

Um I yeah we it’s always just might need to adjust those potions a little more 9 to 10 yeah and that’s if I counted correctly I could have missed one or two um could it could have been 100 to 10 yeah and you you said that hurt your hand too

Like yeah I mean I was just kind of punching iron it’s like punching a wall over and over again I mean I guess you have claws as well to that didn’t hurt me I took out here we can fly back I took out a bunch of those while me and C

Were doing stuff my wings are they can are they there we go wow okay that really puts it into perspective I mean c is strong I he yeah mhm uhhuh I’m back [Laughter] home strong I’m so proud of you you’re really getting better those flying lessons are paying off that we’ve been

Doing um yeah definitely you turned really well that timef like up centros is like one of the strongest people I new and yeah barely could hold me off I guess that makes 99 okay I um I think we we might need to up the dosage of the potions maybe I

Can I mean it took the edge off a little bit but that was kind of it m I still really anxious and still I could have probably still done stuff hold on I might make something really quick and Just 99 okay now that really puts we don’t God you’re right this is just regular me I don’t know how much stronger I am when I see red yeah he’s fine I wonder how much it would take being under that I don’t know I don’t know how much I I yeah I

Imagine not werewolf time I imagine that’s yeah worse worse for sure when yeah doing all right I’m doing all right I have some technical difficulties it’s fine mhm I just going need to grab my potion equipment from the thing is I don’t really want to test how much

Stronger where I am when I’m like that I don’t think that’s I’m an un agreeable state to difficult to test really without being near me potentially putting someone in danger here I’ll just up this one Um it should be the exact same formulation as the last ones okay do I take it now like to test it I if if you’re okay with that I don’t want it to I don’t yeah take take it now if you’re fine with That are you okay yeah yeah it’s like nauseating okay yeah imagine but that kind of that that stopped yeah and you’re still still still standing still still think you could like function yeah yeah I could I could probably still go maybe e like a second my brain’s like

Slightly fuzzy but mostly I probably shouldn’t like fly directly after this but Like yeah I’m feeling okay yeah not not bad other than kind of want to throw up like a little bit but like mhm um I mean I’ll be I’ll be blunt the fact you’re still standing is a miracle what do you that should have like knocked you out cold that should

Have like in that that would incapacitate most people with the effects um oh and the I mean from what you described the symptom the nauseating symptom was less time than the first potion you took like you you recovered from that way quicker than you were describing

Before yeah yeah I mean I feel off I feel maybe like kind of tired um but not like I can’t you know you know I shouldn’t be able to it’ll it’ll it if it’s helping with I did like fall asleep within like 15 minutes after taking the first

One time staying up that’s fair that that makes sense I mean it’s maybe not but I was also tired the expected subduing effect but if it is having that effect to some extent it’s working if if you want I can I can make more of those like you asked

Initially I can try and maybe more the and then maybe one stronger in case the first one doesn’t work I don’t want to be in a situation where the first one doesn’t work and then everything uh kind of falls apart yeah I am how how strong would you potentially need

Like want them to be like I I will be completely blunt with you there are things I could work on to potentially help with seeing red but it’s not pretty it’s not going to feel good and it’s going to potentially get really dangerous and

I I don’t know how much you want to go down that path my other option is leaving if I I don’t need it to be pretty if it’s something you think that will help that you can do that you’re willing to I I I don’t want to see the look on

San’s face with my blood on his hands I can’t Do that I I I can’t do that again be okay I can’t do that to either of them I I can’t be afraid to hold Ray’s hand or or pet my dog if if you think it will help that I’m I’m willing I want I want to I want

To figure this out and fix this and and be be good so that I’m good I there there is no cost to great to me okay I can I I can I can work on things yeah I um I had Some other thoughts when you first came to me with issues but um we’ll start we can start with the potions I can um I can work on some potions and I can drop them off maybe um maybe some some splash potions we can we can give them to to Ray or or

To other people so that if there is a scenario where you see red in front of them they could step in but yeah yeah I can be good just someone else who it’s not me having to actively always take them in case something happens yeah um I would I can try uping

Some SL and weakness try and find ways to limit the nause effects just have it be more I guess debilitating is the wrong tranquilizing maybe um yeah I think that’s probably a better word yeah um thank you I I know you but thank you for helping I know

This probably isn’t what you like want to do and if you if you if at any point it’s a no and you don’t want to you you can you can tell me and I will find another way or something else I don’t you feel like you you like have to I can

Always I can ask like Ray if there’s any books we have or I can I don’t know talk to Fable or or something I yeah I I want I want to help of you’re my friend and you’re important to me and I want you to

Be safe and to be with the ones you love and I if there is anything that I can do to help I want to do it yeah um here let me grab some another one of those potions just to that should be the remaining batch

From this just in case but okay you said you still got some of the other ones so yeah I kind of Scar them about in case I didn’t know yeah here I’ll I’ll get out your hair that i’ I’ve occupied all this but yeah no it’s it’s it’s all thanks for

Stopping by and um I’m glad we can we kind of have a plan moving forward yeah I’m glad you’re also okay and not I mean rough but at the very least healing okay I’ve had much worse but I’m glad you’re get through it has there um has there been any news on

Ariza Rec I was checking outposts before everything happened and they’re all empty and nothing yet I know Ray’s looking into some stuff I’m going to go stop by her place and see if there’s anything around that I can find now but that’s yeah I should no updates just yet but soon I’m

Hoping yeah hopefully I’ll I’ll let you get back to that I’ll see you around see you yses thank you again yeah any anytime okay it’s a start it’s a start it’s something that can help it can help that’s that’s what matters is that I can help and then I can be safe

I can be safe for them and that’s what matters let’s go check on the alleys okay we can go check on the alleys and I meant to the night that it happened but I got so distracted or everything I wanted to check and see if there’s anything there maybe she left or

WR wrote write down that could be helpful um yeah let’s let’s check we can check on them and then we can see if there’s anything okay I should really make like another entrance maybe a secret path from the nether portal maybe like a bunker I did this so fast where is no

It’s up there why how did you know I covered it up I snuffed the lights and it worked glad to know that that made it harder to see um might just be a little bit out of it but I snuffed out the lights last before I left hi

Guys I know I took out your pretty Skylight I figured it would can be helpful okay maybe we no I’m I’m just stop I’m just stopping by I did not bring cookies I or or did I I a dirty rotten okay I did bring cookies there you

Go how about the there you go take them with you look what are you guys all doing up there you’re like you just all up there there a lot of food some are something okay you’re all just up there what what’s what’s happening I imagine you miss her Too well I’m not Forest so maybe this can be helpful don’t touch it Forest okay this this feels like it might be hurt waking up here I’m so jumpy let’s self give back what no she gave us can’t afford okay this is this is a diary okay listen if it might

Help if there’s anything in here that could be helpful to us I’m going to read it she can be mad at me when she’s back and I I will take I will take the blend I’ll take that I’ll take her yelling over her being gone or her being upset just anything

Mention but that could be anywhere only clue yeah I’m going to read her diary got to find a Manion but that could be anywhere only clue left behind and The Outpost is a totem and hidden chest there’s hidden chests okay okay no that’s that’s the ones that I found there could be hidden

Chest there’s even a drawing this is this okay this is perfect I can I can maybe have centr go with me that’s there might be something there definitely could be something there okay okay to do Village I’m screwed and my patrol just fine there’s just so so many pages maybe something

Last I don’t want to like deeply read all of it right Now I do like him there’s a map there’s cover others a two for to be direct danger a map okay hidden chests and a map that this is this is this is this is a perfect start that’s why you guys were pointing all up here okay so it’s maybe maybe I haven’t tried

Today hope you aren’t too mad maybe maybe stop looking every Outpost that I need to to find you promised okay it’s to start

This video, titled ‘A New Tactic { FableSMP S3 EP 66 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2023-12-08 22:15:33. It has garnered 263 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:18 or 4338 seconds.

Hi Hi! This is Episode 66 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Wolf tries to let go of an old friend and when that fails he seeks out the help of another..

Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade

Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Season 2:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list

Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artfulrenegad

Twitter: https://twitter.com/artfulrenegade?re

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artfulreneg

Alright that’s all from me, see ya next time byyyeeee! :]

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  • PyonMC Network

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  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

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  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

    Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build! Minecraft: Creating a Mob Trap and Mob Farm Welcome to another exciting Minecraft adventure with Meikyan! In this episode, Meikyan embarks on a survival journey in Minecraft Java Edition, focusing on creating a stylish world while exploring and building in a relaxed manner. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling episode! Defeating the Ender Dragon Meikyan sets out on a mission to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. With thunderstorms looming, the tension rises as she prepares for the epic battle. Amidst the chaos, a creeper makes a surprise appearance, adding to the excitement and challenge of the quest…. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱Video Information hello everyone welcome back to the chill Survival series we are standing in front of the mum that we buil in the last episode and we did a little bit of the Interior live on stream the other day this is how it looks inside at the moment and today we want to do something else I prepared something over here and we want want to build a bee farm in this episode a bee farm and a b Sanctuary I’d say we built well kind of like a bee house a greenhouse that is a beeh house… Read More