Fandom Power Podcast: You Won’t Believe the Random Fandom Topic!

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Oh What’s up everybody it’s oh my God it’s me Andy and Hank holy cow it’s been a while since we’ve all been here together um that’s how random it is it is a heartfelt welcome back to you sir yeah man thanks oh man uh random fandom for uh let’s see what is it we

Are random fandom number 40 45 wow for the week of January this will be my third episode three of 45 you’re batting what a not bad not bad single digits I was a pitcher that’s right listen we’ve got a uh some technical issues that Andy’s been working on uh before we went live

Tonight and uh we ran short on time and and rather than um just give you all the impression that we weren’t going to go live uh here we are so Andy’s gonna continue to troubleshoot his Tech stuff uh while Hank and I fill time Hank do a song and dance

Uh don’t do that don’t do that we’ll have to record that one use it for Jeopardy music seriously what I’m going to do here I am going to switch over to where is our thing here let me open up our brand tab I want to stick uh you

Know what what did I do with it I know I said I was going to talk about this later but now now seems as good a time as any um if you haven’t seen our uh social media uh in the last day or so uh I did put a little something up there

It’s on all of our um it’s on all of our socials so whether you are following us on Facebook Instagram Twitter uh sorry X do you X as well as threads and the YouTube uh Community tab on our YouTube channel you’ll see that we are planning a future

Episode which we are calling the best of the best 2023 now get the theme s oh my God that’s a from the movie yeah uh best of the best 23 um the thing about best of the best uh 23 is that um all of the answers must come from you our

Fans so you’ve got until January 31st uh to head over to any of our social platforms find the post best of the best 23 you’ll see that there’s a a bunch of categories that we’re looking for give us your top three answers for every category then uh in February on February

6th on our T regular Tuesday night slot we’re going to come back and we’re going to run down the best of the best and I guess we’ll do uh what our first our first ever uh we’ll call it the the fansies I guess can we call

Fies the fansy awards uh which will be unlike any other award show you’ve ever seen I can guarantee that um while Andy’s still working away let’s check in on the chat we’ve got Ray on YouTube great to see The Awesome Threesome back together again and our

Friend TJC over in the UK good evening jet Happy New Year to you all limey uh TJC just guested uh over on the uh oh my God uh new channel zil’s Clubhouse very where there was a bunch of uh guys got together and played some games I I hung it in the

Chat for I don’t know an hour or so it was quite fun all right Annie where you at with your Tech buddy uh I don’t know do I sound okay to go I think you sound fine other than the limitations of the the space and the microphone which is absolutely

Acceptable for the conditions you are in I think we’re best I’m get well that’s okay let me just um oh my God all the I was so early tonight and I still forgot to uh queue up tonight’s slid show all right I’m just gonna get that right

Now H the reason that Andy and I are not uh together again tonight is uh I woke up yesterday where they mystery virus um which you may or may not hear in my voice yeah precautionary measures yeah rather than uh risk infecting anybody else um I have opted to stay home and uh

We are doing the episode uh remotely tonight uh everybody stay in place I guess nice all right well before we uh we get going with everything that we uh have come come here for every Tuesday night we should get to uh the way we

Start off the show uh oh my gosh what am I doing here the same way that we uh like to start off the show every week with a dose of random fandom trivia nice that’s better uh Andy am I rning slid tonight I guess I am aren’t I uh yeah

You’re you’re gonna be running a slide portion of it just uh just kick the monkey in the back of the head every time you wanna all right well if you want to advance to slide number two uh coming up to number two here we go here we go question people in the film

Titanic Rose receives a necklace from her fiance what is that necklace called is it called a the Hope Diamond B the heart of the ocean or C the unsinkable diamond oh first of all there’s a Titanic movie there is’s a couple why why have I never heard of

This um it’s come back around a couple of times I don’t know it it may have had more theatrical re-releases than Star Wars but not more than Avatar oh my gosh no oh we’ve got an answer from Kimberly coming in tonight she says uh the Hope Diamond there’s no question mark on that

That was me totally I in toned that I’m sorry the Hope Diamond I don’t know if I’m you know what I’m pretty sure I know the answer and I don’t want to spoil it didn’t it sink in an ocean well eventually at the end of the movie she does drop it over

The edge so like like I I wouldn’t think it’s Unsinkable so I gotta I guess if you say she dropped it over the edge I know we’re talking about we got Sean Sean over at YouTube he’s saying be the heart of the ocean that just feels right

That’s kind of where I’m landing with it having never seen this incredibly popular movie really never seen no I’m kidding do you get a follow-up slide to this one Andy do you have another do you have a followup yeah one with the answer okay just answer because I want to stick

With this for a minute I want to talk about we’ve got Sarah H on YouTube hi Sarah nice to see you again uh Sarah also says Be The Heart of the Ocean correct me if I’m wrong I’m not I haven’t looked at I haven’t seen Titanic

In a while and I haven’t looked at the uh the the film credits but Rose senior rose that throws the thing over overboard was was that not one of the Golden Girls was that not Estelle Getty like one of her last roles I don’t believe so I don’t think so oh maybe I’m

Just making that up maybe it sounds good I’m gonna you know that John Lithgow is BR Brad Pitt’s Uncle no it’s not true but it sounds true oh that’s hilarious oh oh my God Arthur in a ski mask where is it Kim says uh oh my God no it

Wasn’t uh Gloria Stewart Gloria Stewart okay I stand corrected I don’t even know where I got that from that’s one of those things you hear when you’re a young person and it sticks with you yeah yeah yeah apparently I need to be fact checked well it happens I just learned

Today that uh what’s her face from Aliens the uh girl Commando uh Vasquez Vasquez yes is the mother in Terminator 2 that’s right that is correct yeah she didn’t do a whole lot after yeah unfortunately she didn’t do a whole lot of acting after that she’s

Been uh but she’s been a staple on the convention circuit speaking of the convention circuit did you guys catch the uh guest announcement for Niagara Falls this year seen a couple so far Peter Weller wow RoboCop himself is coming to Niagara Falls yeah sign my cast or steal your Starship I guess yeah

Right all right so are we ready to move on with the answer I think so I don’t think we’re gonna get any more uh any from but I can read it for everybody who chose be the heart of the ocean you are correct correct all right that’s been

This week’s dose of uh random fandom trivia if you stick around uh for the entirety of the show we’ll be back with uh this week’s installment of lexicon the crazy word game where I present you with a nonsensical sounding word that is a 100% true and you try to guess the

Definition but before we get to that we got to get to this week’s news Andy where are we going first my friend well fun little tidbit uh before we move on there sorry well let me let me move back here the Hope Diamond is what the heart

Of the ocean is Loosely based on oh there was actually no Heart of the Ocean so our now who did somebody said uh Hope Diamond so Kim who said Hope Diamond was in the ballpark in thek yeah gem Philip Seymour Hof looks amazing there by the

Way uh for those of you who were watching last week uh last week we got I I gave a little update our live streaming platform streamyard um I had said I mentioned that Instagram had opened up their API to third party streaming software um man it didn’t take very long because here we

Are just a week later and already uh streamyard has come up with a portrait uh studio so we will be able to do uh uh uh upright what do you call them uh Tik Tok shorts yeah we can do in that format the upright format now yeah

Reals reals tick toks whatever you want to call them man we can do that now all right then so yeah okay the Hope Diamond uh The Heart of the Ocean based on the Hope Diamond all right you ready to move on yeah let’s move on let do it

Uh we’re gonna get sad here for a little while but uh as we do it started off really uh kind of dark this year uh we’ve lost Anna opilia mgia who is best known possibly for a whole lot of stuff I’ve never seen But American audiences

Will probably know her as the voice of Mama Coco from uh Disney’s Coco oh Coco that was such a good movie yeah she’s passed away at the age of 90 oh and in a post from uh the Mexican National Institute of fin arts and literature uh translated it

Says with deep sadness we regret the sensitive death of the first actress Anna opilia mgia who was part of the stable cast of The National Theater Company of Mexico and whose artistic career was vital for Performing Arts in Mexico we send condolences and warm hugs to her family and

Friends you know it’s just every time we do one of these it just I not only do I I mean I I feel bad I feel bad anytime we lose well anybody really but I learn so much more about these people who they were and uh I just feel more enriched

For it yeah I can honestly say that I didn’t really know I didn’t know anything about her before um well before Coco yeah uh before KOCO though she’s had dozens of film roles dating back decades uh including roles in the Queen of the Night nobody will speak of us

When we’re dead uh Gabby Mexican you can do it the heist and Le vispera uh and that’s just like movie roles she’s also got television and whole bunch of other stuff cool very cool yeah I just want to take a second here and I want to just kind of uh look

At the chat here for a second um our friend white ruin our our friend red swensson coming in from YouTube tonight says oh this movie I’m going to throw generational wealth into the ocean because of that boy I banged on the Death Ship once but that’s all right because my wife Kim

Is fighting back that’s not why she dropped the necklace into the ocean red well I thought I always thought she was dropping it into the ocean so that Bill Paxton’s character would have a better chance of finding it that’s an interesting Prospect because like you you take that much

Equipment and everything out to the Sea and she just hands it to you really no make him work for it well I mean they were there to recover artifacts from the the site what what an artifact to get a hold of I I got in a lot of trouble from

An ex when I watched that movie and I I sort of yelled about three4 of the way through the real ship took an hour to sink and this movie is taking much longer that’s funny yeah the she red says In fairness it’s been over a decade

Since I saw it that’s fair that is fair previously Jim Cameron was an excellent director uh yeah uh um Whatchamacallit um Terminator 2 NOP uh well there is yes of course there’s that um no before that the underwater movie The underwater one the ab the abyss that’s the one

Excellent the abyss that’s the one yeah yeah all right well I guess if we uh we are we ever going to get through a week where we don’t have any loss of life well judging by the amount we’ve got this week hopefully we’re good for the

Rest of the month I hope so um well let’s get to the next one this one um man it’s not very often we we talk about uh folks in the gaming world and like game designers and very few of them I would say you know have mainstream notoriety but um we’ve lost Brian

Anel this week if you don’t know who Brian is he is the creator one of the one of the co-creators of Warhammer now Warhammer in 2024 is the bestselling tabletop miniature game in existence and has been for well decades quite a while yeah yeah excuse me sorry it’s my uh it’s my

Virus kicking up this one kind of caught me I was surprised at this one it’s like you know you you when you think of like I mean for us as nerds and Hank maybe you would have you and I probably would be able to name more game gamer people than maybe

You could Andy yeah exactly you think of guys like Gary GX or in our case Kevin S right you think of those people but I mean I never occurred to me that yeah of course there there are people behind all of these games and I’m I’m pretty I mean

I’m not an active player I I have played throughout my career as a as a gamer yeah still a big fan of the world and the and the system in the game but never knew the man name honestly until no I’m I’m in the same boat as

Well looks like he might have played Warhammer though he’s got the appropriate hair you get the extended version of this photo he’s got a ton of Miniatures in front of him ready to go I was gonna say looking at the bottom you can kind of make that out yeah yeah but

Uh Tas panin a remedy designer who had worked at Games Workshop wrote uh Brian anel The Man Behind the growth of the Games Workshop and the patron of Warhammer and 40K as we know it today has died not many Warhammer fans know it today but without him there would almost

Certainly be no Warhammer hobby at all that’s very impressive yeah yeah there’s still a Games Workshop kicking around Hala you know what’s really strange is I was out a couple of weeks ago and and Kim and I were driving we we’ve stopped on our way home my God I’m

Trying to get out of my sweater and I feel like I’m in a straight jacket Jesus um we stopped in Ajax and um there we stopped at like a a like it wasn’t a mall but it was like a like a plaza and in the plaza there was literally a store

Uh in one of the the the strip uh plazas and it literally just said Warhammer and I’m like wait whoa whoa I’m like that’s got to be well this is the thing right like when I had our hobby store I was solicited by Games Workshop directly like they don’t they don’t distribute to

Wholesale they distribute directly to the retailer so that guy’s got to be all secondary market then almost I didn’t so that’s the thing I should have went in the store I mean I’m not a Warhammer player but I should have went in just to like get the lowdown like dude are you

Like are you a war like are you a Games Workshop like sanction guy there’s a it’s been around for long enough that I A A completely used Warhammer store uh would not surprise me we have uh just here locally we have Dueling Grounds uh and they migrated out of

Toronto over to Peterboro and his used section of just models yeah is enormous and not just Warhammer but like all kinds of different models there’s a it’s a few years old now but I think it’s called the upper deck it was a play on the the sports card thing but it’s

All magic and oh yeah card gaming yeah again I don’t know much about it but I know it’s was that there was that in Halifax it is in Halifax yeah it’s just uh Queen Street maybe I don’t remember I don’t think they were there when I lived there yeah

They I don’t they’re pretty new pretty new yeah all right okay all right any more on Brian you want to talk about Andy uh not that I know like I’m I’ve never played Warhammer myself but even I had Warhammer figures yeah I mean the scale

Of them let’s when we were playing D and D back in the 80s Warhammer came out and they were already bigger they were already in that I don’t know what are they 30 30 mm I mean when we were playing Dungeons and Dragons and and d and d minis were

Like the original D mm they were small tiny don’t put them in your mouth no no pre-1990 no do not lick the mini these kids are responsible give them lead right then then they you know if Warhammer for nothing else Warhammer did have that impact on on the other end of

The Gaming Community the role playing games where the minis they did they got progressively bigger over time and now 25 30 millimet seems to be the the standard scale across so many failed attempts to emulate it too hero clicks well yeah and I mean look at how

Many times Wizards of the Coast has like we’re gonna do a standalone Star Wars just straight up miniature game yeah yeah even West End games the original uh Publishers of Star Wars tried it yeah all right let’s move on let’s uh well let’s let’s get to on to our next

One all right oh yeah glennis John’s has passed away at the age of 100 oh my gosh wow well I can’t say that she didn’t have a long life no no uh you probably remember her best as the role of Mrs Banks in Mary Poppins okay yep from way back when but

Uh yeah she passed away Thursday at an assisted living facility in West Hollywood uh confirmed by her manager Mitch CLM and uh she officially became the oldest living Disney Legend following Betty White’s passing in 2021 oh right yeah CRA some of the other roles that she’s

Made for Disney uh The Sword and the rose uh Rob Roy the Highland Rogue uh starred with her father John’s in the halfway house uh the magic box the Sundowners and going all the way back she made her debut at the age of 13 in 1938’s South Riding oh wow yeah so long

Long long career crazy that’s crazy man all right well let’s just keep the train rolling um wow here we go yep David Soul famous for Stark Hutch how many people like staple of your childhood television uh um schedule I mean who didn’t want to be starky or Hutch you remember the first

Um the first Stephen King miniseries Salem’s Lot remember him that yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that that terrified me as a child that miniseries absolutely terrified me uh look just like thinking about the original it the it miniseries um with um Tim Curry oh my God yeah Tim Curry has

The clown like yeah that this one’s a well they’re all a shame realistically but this and and like he’s got a crazy resume too like he was in 1973’s Magnum Force which was the second installment in Clint Eastwood’s dirty hairy series oh that’s right yeah I played Ken Ken Hutch

Hutchinson I did not know this but uh he also dabbled in singing at one point opening for names like Frank Zappa and the birds oh I I don’t think I know the name like David Soul you kind of have to yeah I know that they made an they did

Make an appearance both of them made an appearance in the the reboot stari and Hutch movie Stiller and Owen H every time they take a like a a beloved 1970s property of the movie yeah exactly and they always turn them on their ear and turn them into these stupid

Comedies yeah this this one is up there with the the worst of the worst if you ask me it’s pretty bad and I’ve I’ve watched them all because I have to um including the dorkish bad Chips movie because it’s got Dak Shepard in it who I

Kind of like I don’t I don’t think I’ve seen the chips movie no but I love and John when I was a kid man of all of those movies I still say that the the Dukes of Hazard is probably the high waterm Mark for those oh that’s not speaking highly at

All yeah I mean when Stiffler is your big draw right right oh come on Johnny Knox just as big a draw that’s true he’s Goods as uh as Uncle Jesse Uncle Jesse was it um and uh Jessica as Daisy yeah where are they now Bert Reynolds is Boss Hog oh my gosh that’s

Right I’d forgotten all about that now who played Rosco in that anybody any Rosco I do not recall who played Rosco that’s okay we’re not talking about it’s my fa I took us off the rails I’m sorry we’re supposed to be mourning David Soul I’m sorry right but putting back on the

Rails here one of the songs uh the song Silver lady which was his actually hit number one in the UK back in 1979 that’s so yeah ACC he could have been uh and so like he’s like does that make him the the test pattern for David Hasselhoff seeking his recording

Fame in Germany German love I don’t know it’s interesting though like how how music performs in different markets where like people can’t get recognized in their native country yeah um but yet somehow Thrive I remember the 70s when you didn’t have to be super pretty to be like a world

World that’s true yeah you to have some Talent excellent before Pro Tools yeah yeah that one’s a shame all right we got oh we we got more don’t we yes we do this next one is really tragic all right here we go yes uh this one absolutely horrible Christian Oliver has

Died in a plane crash along with both his daughters yeah it was a single engine I think uh single engine crash somewhere in the Caribbean yeah yeah they were trans or the plane was transporting him and his two daughters 12-year-old Anique and 10-year-old medita and they crashed on Thursday and

Unfortunately everyone on board was killed oh man also killed was the plane’s owner and pilot Robert Sachs and the cause of the single engine plane crash is now under investigation so something may come of it you know but they they have to investigate it any plane crash is going to be investigated

Um you know could it be mechanical sure could it have been a pilot error yeah could it have been a medical incident yeah any number things we just don’t know it doesn’t make it any less tragic though it’s a I just can’t imagine being in the aircraft in a small aircraft like

That and essentially watching it happen knowing that oh we’re about to thunder in okay and now we’re dead nothing you can do no it’s it’s a horrible horrible thing he just finished uh rapping production on the movie forever hold your peace with frequent collaborator director Nick lion who had shared an

Image on Instagram of him and Christian you know we just finished our project we talked about doing film for years and we finally did it and then Happ hopefully that film uh you know survives the post-pr process and comes to light I mean you know somebody’s last work you would want it

To be seen yes absolutely but uh what what would I know him from it’s almost like local news to me right now the driver in uh Speed Racer played Snake Oiler in the Speed Racer movie yeah okay okay uh he was also in uh the film with Tom Cruz that

Valkyrie oh oh oh that’s right uh other film credits include the good German uh Ready or Not Three Musketeers ninja apocalypse animal among us and is there a comma between that ninja apocalypse musketeer thing yes Three Musketeers the ninja apocalypse Three Musketeers the ninja apocal a great movie that’s a

Movie we should be making oh man but he was also in other shows like the German series alarm for Cobra 11 oh so he must have been a villain that’s a great but he was also in Save By The Bell the new class uh S 8 time and

Hunters well I watched every episode of sense8 now I gotta go back and check it out I got to remember who this guy is yeah and he was also on the crew for Indiana Jones in the dial of Destiny is that right he yeah so he was all over

The place yeah his unfortunately short time yeah man wow so all right all right gonna go no you can’t you really can’t okay next and last up on our docket this week here uh actor Harry Johnson has passed away at the age of 81 uh you probably know most from battl

Star Galactica he’s got a battl Star Galactica credit but his credit is first Warrior so I can’t imagine that he was in the show for very long went looking for images of him in battl Star like I could not find a single still image of

Him so it must have been a very small part possibly uh he was also in Law and Order and Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV or movie TB TV oh okay so then he was a rap mom we got Steve coming in tonight good evening everyone hello Steve St

Steve um but yeah I guess he’s got like over a four decade acting career with TV show credits like mash uh Dynasty the at Cold Case Melrose Place Days of Our Lives Party of Five Highway to Heaven 30 something oh je so I mean he’s a working TV shows like 1977’s The Amazing

Spider-Man oh my God Hammond you mean these ones yep he also starred in the 1979 Captain America TV movie and two episodes of the original Incredible Hulk series were they not all made by the same people they probably were I think they were yeah wow wow it was like Marvel’s

Original attempt at a at a joint uh yeah Cinematic Universe the TV Universe wow those are some bad Spider-Mans by the way oh super bad yeah yeah yeah they even there was a an attempt at a film out of out like of the TV show I believe first but it

Didn’t they were bad he was always fighting like thugs or ninjas it was like we don’t have we have no budget for a super villain that’s right I mean they could have like you know throwing a pirate or two in there Pirates or ninjas S I couldn’t

Resist all right man any more for Harry rest in peace Harry Johnson all right rest in peace rest in peace everybody yes this this part of the show I mean I know I kind of suggested that we do these upfront to get them out of the way

But man it’s heavy when you’re doing like four or five of them in a row yeah yeah yeah so that’s hopefully that’s all for quite a while I hope so the reality is I’m sure as always we’ll get off the the air tonight and be like what it’ be something will happen

Tonight or tomorrow all right well fingers crossed next week is is a bit lighter on that uh on that note all right let’s get into some of the other news of of the last this one’s but this one’s lot lighter so all right uh Jack Black is going to be in the Minecraft

Movie that is currently in production or getting underway uh with Warner Brothers vertigo and legendary does Minecraft so I mean I’m not a Minecraft player now I I understand what it’s about but it’s really about nothing it’s I mean it’s a like a building simulator yes yeah how do what do you

There’s what do you frame a Minecraft movie around there kind of actually they can go any number of directions with it because there have been spin-offs like uh Minecraft dungeons uh and Minecraft Legendary Heroes where they actually do follow like a story based thing yeah where like either the ender dragon or

The Wither Storm come in and try and ravage the land so you are already speaking minecraftian and I’m just like I guess maybe question should be does the world need a Minecraft movie I don’t know oh really wow uh red says uh it’s the bestselling video game of all time

Um is it it is okay it is something like 300 million copies sold wow and then I think the number is 140 million active players every month I totally own it on two platforms but never play it that’s from my iPhone and I have it for PS5 and never play it that is

Absolutely insane and I guess maybe for me now I but I we also grew up in like you probably remember the very first iteration of the Sims and how I don’t want to say perverse but for lack of better words how perverse The Sims had become over several iterations

And mods and and other things so when when Minecraft came around and I’m like oh God here we go yeah and then the same thing started happening within the Minecraft and I’m just like maybe this just isn’t for me yeah got silver spider uh on YouTube says my daughter still plays

It says Parker loves loves Minecraft it’s highly addictive there’s yeah there’s there’s they let kids play it at school that’s how good it is wow okay that’s actually there’s an education Edition so you got to actually craft out literal elements ah interesting so they’re learning without knowing they’re

Learning and I mean I have spent like you know more time than I care to admit in what they call West Creator mode creative mode and trying to build like Star Wars like well this is the thing I’ve seen some of these crazy builds I’ve seen there was a the one that

Stands out for me was somebody made an actual functional computer within Minecraft that was able to do simple calculations it was like what yeah that’s the rone aspect of it yeah yeah basically you can build your own digital circuit boards it’s crazy to think that that that but yet the the

Level of fidelity is that blocky chunky yeah like an maybe that’s the part that just throws me off Steve says Parker is the Minecraft Whisperer I believe he’s talking about your boy a he he is the kid is so smart when it com to that game like he’s

Actually gotten to the point where he’s like coding it himself and addings and whatnot into the game that’s way at one point uh he’s like here let me show you this and he turned it on and he turned his face into a block that he could place oh so he’s

Looking at himself in the game look it’s me yeah basically well it’s interesting that they are making a film about this and of course Jack Black brings Jack Black to everything he does so he USS to be on a video game kick though like coming off Bowser in the Mario

Moviees that’s right but he’s also got Steve in Minecraft and then he’s also in the upcoming Borderlands uh project oh okay Borderland he’ll be good in that for sure for sure uh we got red here what’s red saying he says Redstone is nuts somebody programmed the original

Pokemon game boy game in Minecraft oh that’s impressive that takes more patience than I have let’s make a game inside a game yep all right all right all right well Jack Jack Black coming to Minecraft I mean arguably you know what’s the last thing we saw him in besides Mario I guess

Would have been uh for us would have been Mandan Mandalorian now a lot of people didn’t like his appearance in the Mandalorian I it was a bit jarring but I thought it was okay yeah I’m not I’m not the biggest fan like tell you the truth

But I could take that’s fair I wouldn’t go out of my way like probably unless he was like I don’t know if I saw the Jumanji movies in the last movie I saw Jack might have been Tropic no Tropic Thunder bet whoa that’s going back yeah with Jack Black

That’s going way and that had nothing to do with necessarily Jack Black but he was excellent in that movie because I found him to be acting a lot less like himself in every other movie he’s in and more character I found High Fidelity I do yes absolutely I do where’s that

Guy or the guyy of the state is or the guy from Guy yeah the guy from Peter Jackson’s King Kong yeah I mean he can do this stuff definely capable of that stuff the thing about these movies and and it’s you know I don’t want to call

It a kids movie but it likely is going to be more like that aimed at that audience of course the thing the reason that they still make them is because they they they do consistent business in the theater constantly sold out they’re constantly doing the budgets don’t have

To be a hundred trillion dollars like a Disney blockbuster and they do great so there you know there will always be kids movies and there will always be that sort of oneoff star like what’s interesting is that starting pardon the pun here but mining the video game world

For movie ideas I mean I don’t know why uh Hollywood hasn’t latched on to this sooner when you consider that the video game industry has outperformed people don’t realize this but the video game industry makes more money per year than Hollywood does and it’s exponentially more and has been for years my favorite

Thing to come of it so far is the fact that we’re using gaming engines to do the CG and movies because it’s so much better and they can do it in real time like over night it’s just changed School of Rock was a great movie I did like

School of Rock it was okay where he’s playing Dewey Dewey Cox yep or no sorry yeah he was Dewey Cox playing but he was uh impersonating Mr schne Mr schne by the way by the way Mr schnee competed on The Amazing Race with his father was more writing than acting but

NE I can’t even tell you his real name it’s just Mr schneebly you know the other guy the other guy yeah I’m sorry all right here we go man Simon Peg shall we uh move on to the next the next news item so Jack Black’s not dead he

Was not one of the guys from before he’s in a movie I get confused with open my pills this one uh this one caught me off guard and I know I say that I don’t do horror I might make an exception for this one well after seeing the trailer

You might not oh okay well thanks show notes but uh this one actually kind of slipped past me apparently it’s already streaming on the streaming service chilling which is a for me isn’t that a tell you what it is what it’s about but the synopsis reads long gone

Are the days of emerald cities and yellow brick roads in this dark reimagining of The Wizard of Oz Dorothy Gail is now an elderly woman broken by years of paranormal entanglement with the mystical realm which has now echoed down to her only living Rel Emily who is being called to settle unfinished

Business in this terrifying world of Oz you know I feel like this is just an underutilized angle for this I mean The Wizard of Oz the the book anyway I mean REM who remembers Return to Oz the Disney movie and Return to Oz was supposed to be tonally more like the

Books and a lot of people thought it’s too was too dark if you want something really scary who remembers the wi Wiz The Whiz now there’s a horror film y Michael and Diana I mean it’s kind of did anybody see the the Winnie the Pooh horror film whatever it was honey not

Yet yeah yeah I mean it sort of lends itself to that it’s it’s a it’s a logical you know if you’re going to reinterpret these things it’s a nice step it’s kind of a step laterally because like you know after years of dealing with going back and forth to

This mystical realm it would drive anybody nuts I feel like there’s an advantage here in in the sense that nobody’s going to try to follow the footsteps of the original film but if you go back to the source material go back to the book and you mine from the

Original Source material then then you you can get away from from the film and you can make an original property that could stand on its own and I think that’s kind of what you’re going to get out of this one yeah yeah but the trailer it definitely

Is that must be your house type twists and jump scares so uh anybody else get Sirens what are you hearing sir was it just me just you and I don’t hear them on your side so okay I’m sorry I’m hearing stuff we’re just talking about horror movies

Too much maybe yeah and now I’m it’s my warning Bells going off no I like the way that like if it’s said in the future and it’s the sort of grandchild of Dorothy Gail it doesn’t take anything away from the original movie no that’s true yeah you get to

Pretend it’s the same world I suppose so and I I guess the only way to know is to see it and see how they set it up is this the Dorothy that’s that’s been come home and now over years has been tormented by what even 5-year-old me was terrified of a flying

Monkey yeah you know man but they were they were pretty good they were pretty convincing to a 5-year-old yeah any horses by painting them in this movie oh boy they do men using realist no well there is that yeah yeah yeah or makeup that can kill your actor that’s right that

Too but they do mention in the trailer here that uh after Dorothy had returned from Oz she wrote down what they called her dreams in a book yeah but for her it was real right right so very cool I’m gonna give this one to watch if I can so excellent what streaming

Service is it on chilling chilling chilling I have to watch for that and see uh if it turns up anywhere else all right ready next one is a bit of a remake coming from Amazon which I know we all have we do we do um and Road Jak

Gyllenhal is in the lead and he’s made a remake of Roadhouse that’s right are you Andy are you up on your Rick and Morty um I don’t even know if I can say this is this a family show we can say whatever we want yeah those are those are some serious gutters

There yeah he got himself in crazy good shape for this man he’s in Wicked shape there I just did they just like digitally insert his head on somebody else’s body no that’s actually him he went through the crazy training and the UFC fighting and wow yeah I mean uh Dude Looks

Jacked um this is not the Bubble Boy we grew up with no absolutely not but bu red says Tuesday night after dark you know what’s funny though is I guess I guess that’s what the fighter looks like now but you remember Patrick swayy was just lean he he was so lean yeah yeah

Yeah yeah but Patrick sey I mean already was a professional dancer before he was an act yeah yeah yeah like lith almost the route they’re going with this is that he is a former MMA fighter who takes up security work at a dive bar so right right there’s no trailer or anything out

For this but I guess there’s a little bit of teaser footage with like an upcoming Amazon Project reel oh right not able to find that’s too bad I mean I hope training yeah I I haven’t seen anything I I presume it was did it look okay him training did yeah did it look

All right yeah I mean it wasn’t it wasn’t like film footage it was him training to get ready okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah it looked like he was participating fully if you know he was giving her and getting you know the original movie The Original Roadhouse was not a Hollywood like

Blockbuster it didn’t really gain it didn’t gain sort of well I mean it got its cult status in like home media release and much later on in life aan of this movie yeah yeah I’ve been a fan of this movie from way back yeah exactly that kind of movie like

Nobody knows about this movie This Is Awesome movie it’s the movies that you covet and when you you you only share them with certain people like oh I I can share this with you but you can’t share with anybody else the best of the best

Best of the best or as I introduced my wife uh to The Wraith not too long ago yeah nicely yes yeah um but yeah um I love the original Road House I don’t know how I’m gonna feel about this one a lot of people are not

Too what’s the word pumped for it I guess because they’re taking almost a more they’re saying taking almost a more comedic route rather than like the stoic bartender dude okay okay they’re not going to try a Galaxy man like I don’t know if you if we were talking about it

This week but then there was that other thing that’s coming out here the remake of The Fall Guy there’s a Fall Guy Movie coming out with saw a trailer Ryan Gosling I think it’s Ryan Gosling that’s in it I think it might be and uh it’s it doesn’t

Look it doesn’t look anything like you know the the television series which by the way I still love the original Fall Guy television series oh man yeah um now those are my Sirens you picking those up oh those ones are mine everybody’s got Sirens that’s okay yeah we’re having we’re having like snow

Apocalypse over here so I don’t know what’s happening uh outside get W tonight too oh that’s unfortunate ah he looks he looks great like I you know yes I can’t argue acting is one thing you know like you’re you’re you’re you’re becoming another human being you’re you know you’re uh you’re emoting you’re

You’re reaching into yourself into your soul you’re crying you’re angry you’re doing all these things but then these guys that take it to this level where they go like I’m just going to reconstruct my whole body trans mon eat nothing but protein shakes and like that’s a whole that’s like Olympic

Athlete level like work out 23 hours a day if they turn to that like you know energy on curing cancer or something like that you know what I mean yeah yeah I find some actors to be just they’re amazing individuals you want to talk about transformative actors look at uh

Uh I was gonna say most transformative actor that you can think of yo qu Phoenix for Joker for me okay that’s one Sure Hank what do you got Jim Carrey and man of the Moon most transformative actor Christian Bale for everything he’s ever done oh yeah never a guy go from

One extreme to the other like like he does or has the fighter was it the movie The Fighter where he or when he that one and then there’s the one where he played um oh my God it was a political thing um played an American politician oh not

American Psycho no not that um but that’s in that’s that’s also on the list of things that make him transformative but anyway yes Christian Bale for most transformative actor all right have we had enough of Roadhouse one more thing yeah before we JP off it though uh both director Doug

Leman and Jake Gyllenhaal are very pissed at Amazon because of this why they are not letting it go to theater it is going directly to streaming wow wow if Amazon WM Band anymore hey but the amount of stuff that now I haven’t seen a lot of Prime video

Content but look at the amount of Netflix stuff and even some of the Disney stuff that’s turning up on home media lately yeah like direct to their have we seen an Amazon made film has theatrical relas I haven’t not sure I’m not sure silver spider uh Cheney he did he played Dick

Cheney thank you for that uh I couldn’t think of his name really yeah yeah yeah have a look for that have a look at the uh look it up when we go off tonight and you’ll see skill of that yeah it would be amazing yeah yeah yeah all right so

Moving on from uh Roadhouse uh going on to oh this is a cool story M this is pretty crazy the Apparently impossible Tetris for NES has been beaten for the first time in 34 years by a 13-year-old Phenom that’s pretty cool yeah a 13-year-old kid Willis who goes

By the screen name blue scooty or real name Willis Gibson uh he was the first to pull it off uh and it saw him reach level 157 before hitting what is called the final skill or final kill screen yeah where the game just stops working

Yeah now I did see I saw a video on this uh IGN covered this one and they said now conceivably somebody else could surpass that and they could get to and they yeah 255 where the game would roll over and go back to level one yeah but

That’s never happened before no crazy I love that they give a Shashank quote there that’s that’s fantastic I got a comment from Red here says one of my friends from the United States is this kid’s mother that’s cool excuse me so yeah the video of him actually doing it is available online

We’ve got it linked in the show notes around 43 minutes long but you can actually watch him go through through and get to where he got it was a twitch stream or something something like that yeah and he loses his mind they they talk about this thing

About the that apparently there’s a new the way that they’re playing it there’s something to do with the control and I was trying to put my brain around this do you understand this thing that they’re talking about this it’s called rolling and no I don’t it’s it’s yeah

They’re like it’s almost like drumming so instead of like okay I I I seen a a guy on Tik Tok explain it was like the human finger can only move this fast the fastest person on Earth can only go there’s like a top speed if you roll your fingers you can quadruple

That speed and that’s what these using all four fingers on the pad on the dpad rolling them like do you remember uh you guys either you have an Atari 2600 used to be de cathlon you remember de cathlon yeah you had to roll the the

Stick back and forth I used to wear a thing in my palm it used like and I learned that you flip the thing over on your knee and held the controller and wiggled the controller instead of the stick you could go way faster the stick used to actually like

Wear a blister in my palm from that game was like in the arcade with these kids have like done a body hack that’s really cool look at that it’s zil’s Clubhouse I was just talking about zil’s clubhous that I was hanging out in in z nice to see see you over here zil

Welcome to random fandom Tuesday night although for you I think it’s sometime Wednesday morning uh probably be pretty early for you but thank you for stopping by always appreciated um yeah so we’ve gotten the tetris uh Tetris crashed killed for the first time in what’ you say 30 34

Years awesome yes Wednesday morning indeed excellent all right where we going next uh next we’re going to Todd McFarland uh he is getting to the point where he wants this movie made and he is considering options that if he has to go outside Hollywood he will I’m getting to

The point where this is right up there with my Robotech movie and my He-Man movie what is going on people on my birthday I dragged them to the original Spawn movie and I had to apologize people after you know what I watched the original Spawn movie and of

Course am a Michael ji white fan so it never it didn’t never bothered me I liked it yeah I I probably should watch it again but I remember going oh my goodness in the theater it was all that whole movie was it was you had Michael

JY white you had Martin she had John so I mean like I feel it was a pretty good got a pretty good cast I would say link was pretty much stole that role wow like stands in my head when as soon as you said that I went oh yeah he was a

Clown and it was dope because I would have never picked him for that role but he nailed it well yeah and I mean I would be inclined to offer it to him again if he wanted it you know he’s still he’s still like hella good yeah yeah going to outside investors

Does Hollywood want to invest in I think it probably has a lot to do with that whole oh by the way I’m gonna make this movie and I need 100% creative control yeah I don’t think many studios are willing to do that I mean you think a

Guy like this could maybe just go hey let’s crowdfund this everybody give me 10 bucks I’ll make a spawn movie and that he wouldn’t get a billion dollars has anybody ever really done that he owns the property so it’s not like he’s breaking any he’s not he’s not violating

Any property law right exactly wasn’t bloomhouse attached to this not too long ago yeah they are still technically attached they are um as of our airing uh there is supposed to be a script getting delivered to Todd from bloomhouse um okay but he hasn’t seen it yet so uh the

Animated films were incredible the the HBO stuff oh man yeah that was like what two or three three seasons of of anime yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I still I’ve still got them on DVD nice I’ll have to dust those off yeah I

Mean listen I I like Todd McFarland I think he’s a great artist you know he’s built an his own Empire uh around you know his his work which includes obviously his toy brand now which has just made a huge Resurgence he’s he’s definitely the poster boy for how to

Make it in in in the nerd world you know like he’s built an Empire where except when he’s talking about except when he’s talking about women oh he’s crazy arrogant I you know there’s there’s a lot of yeah don’t talk a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah went to Sheran for animation I I

Like everybody pick an artist and write make him your sure sure you know subject of studying people were like van go and I was like Todd McFarland I didn’t know anything personally just knew he was Canadian and that I wanted to work for him one day I just don’t know if I could

You know if I was the head of a of a huge you know multi-billion Dollar Movie Studio I just don’t know I would give a guy who has no film experience or very little film experience yeah yeah here’s the keys like you gotta you gotta show me something you gotta prove something you

Know like get a gig why Todd McFarland would stand a better chance of getting his movie made if he did a Kevin Smith and just started directing Random episodes of like genre television do a couple episodes let people see your work and what you can do and then maybe

You’ll get some backing but like just you know stamping your feet and going it’s mine I don’t know I don’t know does that mean I do I not do I want a new Spawn movie yeah I think I kind of do I kind of do yeah I definitely you 350 so yeah

Yeah yeah lots of story to choose from uh zazil I haven’t picked up any Image Comics in decades is anything other than spawn being published that’s a question for you guys I I couldn’t answer that what do you got lots and lots of stuff lots and lots of stuff

They are they’re still top five going you know in the you know it’s nothing like the Heyday when you know I I personally was Hook Line and Sinker and bought five of every issue and thought Oh my God I’m Gonna Be Rich one day nothing like the Heyday where they

Would publish literally your grandma could write on a napkin and they would put an image stamp on it put it out she could draw faster than will spao but still waiting for Wild Storm number three to come out and it’s been 30 years wow is it hasn’t isn’t there some like

Legal thing with Wild Storm though about over who own got tied up with DC somehow yeah yeah I they got fought a lot of people were trying to build Empires and I think a lot of high tone personalities got together in the front at the beginning and

Thought we can actually just give the big Fu to Marvel DC and then I think there was just too many competing egos if you read the the behind the scenes stuff like uh like Rob liel like if you’re listening sorry Rob he thought he was

God and a lot of these guys had a very similar account to their selfworth and very few have made it to the level that that Todd here made it to Savage dragon was the sorry I’m reading a comment there yeah oh yeah let me get let me get

That Dragon was a cool concept yeah I believe it’s still going is it not it’s still going yeah but it’s transferred from the original dragon now to his son Malcolm oh crazy I did not know that a fresh on the because that’s I mean it

Was such a fresh take on it let’s make him a cop let’s make him like you know yeah I I really enjoyed it ultraviolent too for the time like that’s pretty Common Place nowadays but it was pretty violent comic for the time a lot of IM

Stuff these days is like uh more geared towards the almost Indie style yeah so like there’s no okay yeah consistency in what you’re going to get from book to book like it could be fantasy it could be anything wasn’t there a thing recently when I say recent I mean in the

Last year or two over the rights to the Angela character uh no what happened there was uh they had sold the rights for her to Marvel um right well there was some weird deal um something and Marvel sold the rights to image for one character that they wanted

Over there oh okay okay like a mutual deal we need a we need one of your characters we’ll give you this one in exchange trading characters yeah so when she showed up she was actually consider the entire Squadron Supreme for the real Batman oh that’s hilarious oh that’s

Funny oh wait isn’t that who something’s getting litigated right now somebody just DC just claimed an entire team no they just claimed a character um um it’s a computer-based character uh machine man DC just claimed machine man from Marvel saying that uh it’s their character uh because it spun out

Of the 2001 A Space a y comic adaptation H yeah which apparently they published I just heard that I just read that the other day I feel like yeah I feel like I I feel like I read him in the 70s and the 80s and Spider-Man as a

Spiderman and that would have been a Marvel comic before that ever happened although I guess 2001 happened in the late 60s though it could it could I mean have you ever heard this story about Swamp Thing and sorry go ahead I was going to say zazil says I

Always like the look of grifter as well that was pretty cool pretty cool face mask like gter as well yeah face mask and a trench coat PA sorry Hank you were saying oh just the way that uh there’s there’s a really famous story about Swamp Thing and man thing where two different

Charact two different artists that lived in the same apartment claimed to have independently created those characters and not known that they’re best friend and roommate was working on that was doing the exact same for Mar one for DC they both came out at the same time they’re both ostensibly the same

Character but it was a coincidence yeah really so well coincidences way off the rails there that’s right uh coming back around to spawn um will the movie get made or not I don’t know I think regardless it will get made um and then we’ll just have to see

How how uh I don’t want say I don’t want to be pessimistic I was going to say we’ll see how bad it is um I shouldn’t say that hopefully it is good hopefully it is good hopefully it gets made before uh before you know well the collapse of theaters before yes yeah before

Nobody yeah okay moving on all right next one uh so Marvel’s Thunderbolts has lost Walking Dead star stevenh Yen yeah yeah um this was our senty yeah rumored to be Yeah by uh I guess it was slipped out by Robert Kirkman saying he would be playing the Sentry

Um yeah they haven’t uh they haven’t announced if anybody will be replacing or if the character will still be there but uh it hasn’t started filming yet so there’s still time to do that oh yeah is this this has something to do with uh The Walking Dead is that right he from

The Walking Dead yeah so something to do like apparently he’s going back to that show or something with that show is interfering with maybe I don’t know he he’s he’s deceased on that show oh he had his brain bash by a spiked mat maybe he’s gonna be zombified I

Don’t know or they could make a um I mean there’s what is there five Walking Dead shows going on right now it’s easy to there could be prequel or something like that going on oh that’s entire yeah entirely true yeah because there’s the main one Walking Dead which is

Done then there was fear of The Walking Dead uh then there’s daral Dixon um right his death is one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen on television actually it’s viscerally gory oh wow okay yeah it’s unneeded but yeah it’s it’s horrible yeah I mean I never

Pictured him as Sentry anyway but then I never really had like oh I have this fantasy casting for that character in my head right so you did or didn’t I didn’t no it’s not one guy okay that’s fairw oh Sentry wouldn’t it be yeah this not this

Isn’t a character that I’ve really put any thought into like oh who do I want it doesn’t break my heart but at the same time see oh yeah why’ you go and say that yeah but Henry yeah Mrs doubt fire too yeah that’s right watch him and everything yeah that’s right yeah

Neither neither Marvel Studios nor uh Yen has given a statement as to why he’s left so interesting uh you know it’s okay I mean Thunderbolts do we even have a time frame for Thunderbolts yet uh not yet no but it was supposed to start filming this year at some point oh well

I mean we’ve had fastball switches with actors before that have worked out yeah so I mean it’s it’s probably easier to replace an actor than it is to Pivot your entire story you know like the whole Kang thing so yeah this could be this could be an easy

Fix oh uh zazil says as Sentry was pushed as such a big deal for a while there really was that’s true during the whole what was it whole claustrophobia or goreaphobia thing that was a pretty big deal for a while when that’s like they needed him to stop the Hulk or

Something one point he ripped car in half oh that I’d like to see it was a big part of the dark Avengers too when Norman Osborne took over the world well that’s right okay but he was still of the impression that he was still on the side of angels so the original Iron

Patriot but we’ll see where that goes absolutely all right so um where wece all right we’re going to toy news toy news of the week by the way the toy news she keeps a rolling and uh stuff is was literally dropping uh in the leadup to tonight’s show minutes before so we may

Not get to it all and if we don’t we’ll get to next week I don’t know if I can save my rant that long all right let’s get let’s get to the first item this week look reaction we got some Dungeons and Dragons that’s what I want to rant about

Tonight yeah we could segue there all right well then but so far Super 7 has just added the sacred statue and a new color way for the formidable fighter so I mean I am not a reaction figure guy I for one do not living in Canada and zazil you can appreciate this because

The Canadian dollar and and the Australian dollar 20 bucks a pop man pretty close exactly walking into a Toys R Us here in Canada and play and paying 21 or $22 for a three and three quarter action figure is nuts yeah not when I can buy the Daniel ruso at a candy store

For four bucks like it’s not it’s just not I’m gonna spend my money differently man and no no disrespect to anybody that wants to to jam on these no no you collect the way you want to collect you do you exactly just not my bag the price

Point is way too high for what you get in my opinion it is it’s not for me um and if I wanted all my figures to be Star Wars figures I would just you know buy Star Wars figures like that’s what I would I have drooled over the robotex I

Have gone oh man should I spend yeah and I did I did I was at a convention and a vendor had the all three uh uh VF series veritex and Si as the action figure got an SDF one the same size as as a as a

Battle pod right like I did buy all those but I got them for like like 10 bucks a piece or something I’m like that’s I’ll buy them all that’s more like the price point I would expect like yeah right I would do that the I love

The card art on these because these are essentially reprints of some of the classic classic books like that cover for the fighter that’s the red box cover right there you I mean well who the dungeon Masters Guide I think exactly the DMG yeah um they look totally cool

Yeah they’re fantastic card art they got their they got their their game is down right they’re they’re doing they do yeah absolutely do you want to take a minute and talk about can I just get this off my chest because it’s just kills me yeah go for it by the way I’ll

Buy all your old stuff if you want super seven like super seven tonight like about 5:30 somewhere between five and six just put up a a promo and a pre-order for their first wave in their ultimates line for Dungeons and Dragons cartoon figures seven inch scale um and up for

Grabs we’ve got Sheila we’ve got uh Hank and we’ve got uh two pack of of uh um uh uh Spirits what the hell are they called the black Spirit guys Avengers uh right- hand uh uh oh my God I can’t remember his name that’s how angry I

Am and uh there was a skeleton guy uh who was a uh in one of the episodes now I do like that can you screen share any images I just I don’t even I don’t even have do I have a picture I might be able

To do that just a second here I’m going to find it hang on super seven ultimates there we go let’s get to the ultimates here we go let’s let’s see if I can bring this over here I don’t want your coming soon news I just want to share this dang thing

Okay here we go um present share screen I want this tab here we go so I’m going to share this up here here we go we are getting whoa whoa whoa there we go Dungeons and Dragons ultimates wave one um we’ve got Hank the ranger we’ve got

Deon or I think that’s a misprint I think it’s supposed to be Deon the skeleton Warrior Sheila the thief and the Shadow Demons um these are coming to us in um like I said they’re wow he’s great seven inch now this is a this is a

Rendering uh it’s a render but on their Facebook on their social media there’s a what looks like there’s a group shot of them and they look to be pre-production samples maybe because Sheila’s holding her cloak and it is a soft goods cloak but here’s our here’s our Hank the

Ranger now extra hands in one breaks off in the package absolutely absolutely the thing that’s bothering me what did I do I lost it the thing that’s bothering me about these is that I mean I’m sure you remember not that long ago that we were we just got inundated with the Hasbro

Cartoon figures and they did the entire main cast including venger and the dungeon master and depending on where you were you may or may not have had to struggle to find them all as I did because one of them was a Target exclusive and we don’t have Target here

In Canada so I had to get the dungeon master invenger from Toys R Us yada yada yada now the figures themselves um they they look look good certainly the sculpts are nice but the articulation on them and that I’m talking about the Hasbro ones is terrible quality control issues on them

Terrible figures that are breaking right out of the box Hank can’t even hold his own bow properly the same time I was happy to have them thinking we’d never get cartoon figures in another form factor and here we are just a couple of months later and uh because

The second wave only came out in uh 23 and Super 7 doing up in the ultimates and the thing that kills me about this is I’m trying to figure out I’m still trying to mentally unrap how they even got there as I go down the rabbit hole of who owns

What so follow me because we’ve got we’ve got Dungeons and Dragons uh owned by Hasbro Hasbro outright owns Dungeons and Dragons but then it’s like well these are based on the cartoon well the cartoon was made by the old Marvel uh Marvel Productions which ended up going

To Fox which is now owned by Disney well that’s funny because you know as a Star Wars the Black Series collector and as a Marvel Legends collector we all have seen the packaging you flip over any Star Wars Black Series figure and right beside your Hasbro logo is a giant Disney

Logo um I checked the packaging for all my Hasbro Dungeons and Dragons cartoon figures there’s not a single disne logo on them so I’m still uncertain who owns the rights to the cartoon because I couldn’t I’m having a hard time imagining that Hasbro said sure sure do

This at the same time studio what was the animation studio Marvel productions for sure it was yeah for sure it was Marvel Productions yeah it was toy animation that did it but through Marvel Productions um at the same same time Super 7 is also making gii Joe and

Transformer action figures so who’s to say what what is and what isn’t I don’t know I don’t know theice 55 US dollar per figure oh and if you order the entire wave if you order the entire wave they’re going to throw you a bonus pack of some extra uh

There’s an extra I think head and uh Hank gets an extra bow like a glowing a full-on glowing energy bow and some other other accessories for the the first wave but you’ve got to order the entire first wave yeah sorry shop the full wave and get an exclusive super

Pack see if we can get the super pack oh it’s not going to show me what the Bon oh here maybe I can see the so yeah we get the uh glow yeah extra sword extra power ring it’s not a lot no but but you got

What are they 55 Time 4 55 US 20 220 bucks us plus the exchange you’re talking almost $300 after tax shipping oh my God yeah it’s a it’s a tough one to swallow it is no absolutely not I went nuts because I never thought I would get a Conan like

A Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan action figure Super 7 got a license for that so I bought a bunch of those I struggled to get all the Hasbro D and D cartoon figures I don’t know if I can do it again even though I would say just based

On what I’m looking at if Super 7 delivers an action figure that matches those renderings I would say that these are probably going to be better figures who knows if they do more characters from the series I might go in on that but I don’t know anyway that’s my rant sorry

Thank you for letting me have that thank you for letting me have that I’m sorry but then that’s the problem right like if you don’t commit right now chances are you’re not going to get that bonus pack in the after like once they’ve hit shelves no absolutely oh my

God we’ve got a whole thing going on here in the chat we’ve got a whole thing in the chat here right now let me just we got zazil I have very few reaction figures Space Commander loves getting the GI Joe ones because he’s an OG action force fan and he really the

Five Point fivepoint articulation uh nature of these figures have Andre the Giants two figures uh and then we’ve got TJC get the cheers to zazil uh zazil back at that we got Gaz we got Gaz coming in tonight thanks for hanging out G that’s awesome and it looks like everybody’s

Just having a great old time Gaz says Marvel own the rights of the d& D cartoon CBS bought the rights to the air of the cartoon Hasbro must have bought them back it’s a weird it’s this weird thing like that may in fact be true so if Hasbro owns the whole thing outright

This one just is a head scratcher because they have to be aware Hasbro has to be aware of how badly the the cartoon figures the Hasbro ones were uh in the in the fan Community maybe this is like a a knee-jerk reaction to that let’s hand it over to the smaller more Niche

Company and let them produce a more Boutique yeah uh Boutique uh uh property a boutique product I guess maybe maybe yeah I mean all right it’s it’s tough they never release their numbers like they used to you know you don’t know how many figures they produce in a line realistically anymore it’s

Like or at least it’s tough to dig for that you know yeah yeah yeah so red saying how well did they do like I don’t know I don’t know now there were some of the wave uh Wave 2 figures actually today I was in a GameStop and I saw wave

Two figures still on the Shelf so and I mean they’ve been out for months so I mean what’s what’s funny is I struggled to get them because I’m the type of guy that if I want something I need to get it when it hits the Shelf because there

Is no guarantee it will be there tomorrow well no that’s true so yeah I don’t know where this is going to land hopefully they’re good I hope that people like them I just can’t stand that price point it’s so hard it’s it’s crazy all right let’s move on

What do we got next Andy uh this next one the price Point’s actually not too bad um hasb or Hasbro has announced their Ghostbusters Frozen Empire figures that’s cool so we’re gonna get another Ecto one uh that comes with the Slimer which features now Ecto stretch

Tech uh Slimer does or the car does Slimer does so what he’s a like a squishy a little bit squishy a little bit stretchy um but if you go back to the 80 like the 80s Ghostbuster figures and you remember like you would get the

Ones that would go on their head oh yeah yeah yeah this is similar to that except these stretch over the new figures right oh okay that’s interesting so it’s a kind of throwback but still going forward yeah absolutely so we’ve got the Ecto one with uh with Slimer what else we got

We’ve got we’ve also got cie and Gary and they each come with a different ghost so that’s uh mom and boyfriend yep that’s uh that’s Paul Rudd it is a terrible likeness but uh oh man at the price point these ones are definitely aimed to get kids playing with I was

Gonna say let’s let’s take a look at these for what they are these are definitely it looks that way yeah yeah that’s awesome they’re slightly cartoonish but still represent the movie characters and I’m okay with that yeah I’m okay with that and we also get Phoebe and Trevor Phoebe and Trevor now

The box art unmistakable looks like the the actors the figures maybe not so much those proton packs pretty nice looking but the weird thing is Trevor figure actually comes with Slimer again rather than a fifth ghost is it the exact same Slimer as the uh as the Theo

I believe it is do we know the price point on the figures uh according to one I think this might be the Amazon price but $9.99 each 9.99 excellent so that that’s put them in the $15 range here in Canada that’s you could buy that for your kid and not

Worry if that you know like that’s excellent yeah I would buy them the whole line here’s the whole thing here you go yeah I’m totally with that they my only issue with the new movies is how on Earth are kids lugging proton packs around movie physics that’s

Right they now come with their own anti gravity field pretty soon they’ll be flying I do like them I mean as an adult collector if I bought these they would they would occupy you know a space over there on the Shelf with everything else but yeah they’re cool I like them yeah each

Materials each of the ghosts have feature that Ecto stretch Tech that they’re coining but uh oh sure yeah you know stretch one over each figure I’m gonna be I’m I can’t wait to see these hit the street and people doing this I want to see what they look

Like hopefully they don’t stretch them over anything else well you know yeah Slimer does look cool yes he does all right you want to hit the next one yeah let’s hit the next one all right let’s go to the next thing here we go seven for a minute this came out

Earlier today as well it did uh Thundercats next wave and again they’re doing that thing you buy the whole wave you get that super pack yeah here’s a and this time comes with M extra heads extra heads and there it is the the one thing that I don’t like in you know two

Things I don’t like in action figures I don’t like Transformers that don’t transform and I don’t like translucent action figures so that bura is not for me still looks cool he’s just not for me yeah do you remember the the do you remember how how much screen time did child liono actually

Get I don’t recall get like was full episode I mean certainly issue one of the star imprint comic book he was a he was a kid in that for a couple of pages anyway yeah yeah I mean there’s only so many it’s not the biggest cast to Plum for

Multiple figures though you know like a little that’s true but they’ve been doing good I mean we got a translucent bad guy and a young version of the main good guy we’re running out of figures yeah you know I haven’t checked to be honest to know how far into the

ThunderCats that they are um but certainly because remember Thundercats started back at Mattel um on the Old Masters of the Universe Classics Buck that’s what they the original liono and I think they got lion and they get one or two other figures out after that and then for whatever reason they could not

Do anymore what the scale of these 7even inch seven y yeah so mumra would be like eight nine inches there or I want to say that yeah I don’t think he’s quite that big it’s just loo is child loo so he’s that much smaller I think he’s pretty close to your your

Average uh right around seven to be honest yeah I get you I get you he might be a little bit bigger yeah if you want to jump ahead of slide there yeah um so you know young liono he comes with his accessories couple heads couple swords hands um doesn’t look too

Bad you know what I I I don’t not like it it’s just Thundercats for me I mean I I have a few you know where I got bitten by the Resurgence when Thundercats got redone in 2011 the 11 cartoon that thing is freaking awesome it is great Bo that they did for

That I I went in on a bunch of the figures for that line and I still have them I I quite like them but yeah I don’t know yeah flip us again here and we’ve got the translucent mumra who is dream master master so this has got to be episode specific yes

Apparently he entered their dreams in an effort to try and get rid of them at one point uh I believe that sure why not yeah remember liono is the only is the only uh uh hero from your childhood that needed to phone the rest of the team to

Come and rescue him every episode right that’s why he got the signal yeah right know he’s at that like $55 price point or they will be yeah they will be as well yeah liono snarfy and uh quickpi are at the 55 but unfortunately mum will be clocking in at

75 oh because he’s AIG Deluxe yeah he might be bigger than maybe maybe excuse me go ahead one more here one more yeah and we’ve got snarer who I honestly have no recollection of is this this isn’t snarf this is somebody else this is snarer who is apparently Snarf’s

Cousin or no I’m sorry nephew my bad nephew so it’s the snarf head just reused on a what on it’s it’s it’s snarf yeah yeah yeah he looks good with the like George Jetson hat on though it’s pretty cool Oh you mean like Nightmare on Thundercat Street exactly a little

Bit a little bit but I mean look at all the extra accessories has bro I know I know but again I mean where are we at now I just bought I bought uh I bought Black Series figures today where are we at we’re at uh 30 33 with a with an

3329 Canadian for yeah and that’s a standard release oh yeah with an edge card but I mean does anybody shop at GameStop without an edge card they better not you will be soon loyalty I’m trying to hit Platinum do it fast man because the Loyalty program is

Changing this year yeah is it we C here oh yeah he’s not really a cat he’s like a yeah I’m not sure this one name Quick cricket and again I have no recollection of this guy either no I don’t either it’s been a while since I watched the

Series and I’ve Got the Whole Thing on DVD man I got to rewatch this yeah you buy all four you get the the bonus pack and yeah buy the whole wave right now and get the pack okay for Meer heads yeah for only $300 this the next one I saw this today

And I was like this is pretty cool this is me this next one this comes out of left field NECA doing a line of uh of uh again 6inch uh uh figures based on the classic Ben Cooper Halloween costumes yeah dope what’s funny is that it it

Doesn’t it doesn’t you know stray too far from them as most of them are Universal monsters which they already have a license for anyway so that’s cool but like these um for like you know kids who are or grown-ups I guess who are doing like action figure photography and stuff yeah you can

Finally have kids running down the street for a Halloween seriously absolutely because like each each of them comes with either a pumpkin or a trick-or treat bag uh says they’re going to be roughly six inch scale uh standing approximately six inches tall so they’re going to be some tall kids they are they

Gonna be some tall kids but if you use some forc perspective you could probably pull it off yeah for sure I definitely had that that Frankenstein costume when I was a kid at some point I was looking at them yeah I’ve I’ve definitely seen the devil I’ve seen that devil for sure yeah

But I did do a lot of LSD in the 80s the amount of I’m just looking at these and it’s like the the way that the vinyl uh because these are supposed to be representative of the vinyl costumes that we all wore they have about the same amount of Mobility as the ones

We none of them ever had a crotch by the end of the night I mean or they’re all right out yeah right exactly what’s cool I did some reading about uh the Ben Cooper company and when when they were when they finally went out they were

Bought by rubies so uh rubies must have a their stamp of approval on this for them to be doing this but it’s super cool um rubies or Ben Cooper I should say Ben Cooper also did you know a bunch they did Universe they did Star Wars

Costumes I wonder if that opens up I mean could they could they backdoor it and and do could we get this Like a Star Wars version of this maybe I don’t know if uh Hasbro would probably try and uh put a stop to that but who knows I had a

Green Spider-Man when I was a kid I know that really knock oh yeah Green I was super disappointed when they brought that home it’s okay not screen accurate yeah really but these ones here they’ll be shipping in May of 2024 so not too long to wait for them and exclusively at

Specialty retailers like you know you know that’s funny that they say that shipping to Specialty retailers but I mean what is Toys R Us considered a specialty retailer in Canada because they’re carrying NE yeah behind the behind the counter behind the counter yeah the you can’t touch it section of

Toys for us you have to pay for it here you can’t go to the regular register with the please that’s right yeah yeah yeah but I got news for them if you hold it above your head and walk through that gate it doesn’t that’s right it doesn’t

Go off it’s just like just like taking books out of the library hack your security happy Halloween but that does bring us to our next thing oh my my gosh wait a second here wait is it is it time is it time oh my God time to fire up the machine loing generating Responses response is ready Lex Aon is the word game where you decide what’s real and what is a get ready here we go all right it is time for this week’s edition of lexicon the word game where I present you with a completely nonsensical sounding word uh that is

Absolutely real and I give you three definitions with which you must select the correct one however if I’ve done my job correctly I will have pulled off the con and you will not guess it correctly would you like to know what this week’s word is what do you got all right this

Week our uh funny word is branagan branagan not the Laura or or zap zap Branan all right here we go oh yeah g I like that g would you like to play a game you know I worked really hard to get that the uh robot voice I hope it I

Hope it translates well wherever you’re watching all right so uh option number one definition number one if you uh if you so choose you have a 1920s American slang term for drinking spree that is a definition number one we’re going on BR it’s right be careful how much branigin

You do uh you could also uh have definition number uh two a noisy Coral that’s option number two or we have uh a definition number three anglicized from the gaic obran gain a boy’s name that means Raven there you go you’ve got uh drinking spree a fight or a kid named

Raven my G the fight be included in the drinking spree and then as a gets called raven did you call me a did you call me a branagan that’s my name I I was just going to say I’ve never heard it as a name but we actually instantly went to two people

Names true oh that’s true that’s true last names sure that’s true that’s true I think it feels like it could mean either one or two to me but I’m gonna go with three yeah Okay so we’ve got Hank Hank locking in it number three the Ang angleze from the Gaelic o branagan a

Boy’s name that means Raven Andy where are you at I’m I’m stuck between one and two I’m thinking I’m gonna go with number one an American slang term for drink spree all right checking in on the on the chat we’ve got Gaz coming in at number one that’s also uh 1920s American

Slang for drinking spree and then zazil who’s like well if Gaz says one I’m going with one let’s go on a brand again well listen um you know as I have done on previous episodes sometimes I like to twist the rules a little bit and so you

Know what it didn’t matter what you picked tonight you’re all a winner won tonight it is all three of them yeah a branagan is a brewhaha I knew I knew was a brewhas says uh I’m down for a good oldfashioned Branny Count Me In I think we might have

Our next t-shirt there Count Me In that’s right going on a branagan all right red can actually have a Branan with Branigan while during a Branigan that’s right we could have a Branigan on the street then go inside for a brandan and finish the Night by carrying brandan

Home all right that’s been this week’s edition of lexicon come back next week and I will have another nonsensical word uh and hopefully we’ll pull the con off next week all right Andy it’s back to you where are we going uh well you remember last week when uh Steamboat

Willie became public domain I do and kind of some companies just basically rushed to get their stuff out there well that infestation 88 has hit some backlash because apparently the number 88 is uh tied with Nazi Germany oh well that’s that’s worthy of backlash yeah so apparently the 88 translates into HH or

Hail Hitler so uh they put out an announcement I’m sorry help it you all we’ve all seen that Meme this week haven’t we yeah hey Google show me Steamboat Willie with his viny throbing out because it’s 100% legal yeah yeah nightmare Forge games uh they wasted no time announcing that uh they

Were changing the name from infestation 88 because it takes place in the 80s now going to call it uh infestation Origins okay that’s fair so didn’t the Nazis have Origins sure why not I mean is everything offensive everything is offensive at this point yes I had no idea that 88

Translated to HH to thate I I would I thought it was Eric Lind Ross’s number oh I didn’t know Eric lindos was a Nazi [Laughter] he was right up until he was they concussed out of him right right well you should really I guess beat the brains out of a Nazi I

Guess I don’t Abol where we going this punch a Nazi every time you see them that’s right yeah all right so they’ve they’re recanting on their title they’re going to change their title does that change anything else about about this I don’t think it changes anything else at at this point but

Do they get do they get a pass for correcting the mistake or do we do we you know burn the witch you know I think they get a pass like they addressed it really quick I hardly think it was probably intentional the eights look like mousers to me for God’s sakes sure

For sure so We’re Not Gonna Cancel these guys no okay that’s fine that’s fine like in their X they chose the 88 because of the symmetrical design and it takes place in 1988 completely innocent and that is a completely plausible story yeah Fallout 4 is like the Fantastic

Four I mean come on guys yeah really Reed Richards wasn’t a Nazi that’s that’s that’s true that’s right all right so um wow Mickey Mouse this is gonna this is going to keep going for a while I’m sure it will oh yeah because even the creator of

Blood and Honey has said you know tread lightly you’re messing with the mouse that’s right true right yeah yeah I mean you can only push it so far I don’t know if anybody else heard this uh I recently heard and this is we’re stepping laterally because you

Said blood and honey but um the the voice of Winnie the Pooh was the was the voice actor for many of Winston Churchill’s famous speeches no way he too drunk to actually deliver them oh look this up boys that’s interesting that’s a cool story I would look that up yeah that’s very

Cool all right um are we done talking about the mouse yeah for now all right there’ll probably be a lot more to follow this is this is an interesting one I I’ve I’ve been lightly following this one I’m doing it Z you wrote that and I’m doing it in the voice oh bother

That’s what I said to Lauren I in my head it was already there before I even spoke hey Eeyore we’re going to grease the the Treads of our tanks with their entrails what do you think Christoper oh I’m sorry sorry it’s always more fun when you guys are in the

Chat all right all right the uh let’s let’s get to the Nintendo news what do we got uh so it is predicted uh that the switch two might arrive in 2024 switch two now this this came up the other day again uh IGN reported that uh the likelihood is that this will not

Be a new platform it’ll be an iteration of the existing switch yeah and I’m hearing much much lower price point yeah yeah similar to like when they did the uh and the 3DS I was thinking like you know when they life cycle this stuff right uh when I and I mean

Consoles um you know look at your B your large consoles Xbox PlayStation you go from the the the fulls sizee format to the slim or to the smaller uh form factor sure right is that kind of what we’re going to be seeing here they’ve already done that with the switch

There’s the switch light that came out a couple years ago I didn’t there are they’re already pretty slim too like it’s like where do you cut Corners with something like that like the Xbox with the five or sorry not the Xbox the PlayStation with the five went the opposite direction I need a

Pickup truck to store it on my shelf apparently the have you seen the new one the new five the new one they’re yeah the the five slim yeah oh I have not the the five I have here is like it is prominent yeah yeah yeah so find some uh

Here’s this is a weird looking here’s a weird looking um oh that’s the digital where is it what what color is the Swatch the Swatch is this oh maybe it’s not out yet have they not I’m not sure if that’s what I’m let me see if I can share this

There let’s look at that like does that is that the existing one right now with the the drive slot on it yeah is that just disc based and and digital uh yeah oh well I guess I don’t know what I’m talking about I thought that the uh that they had already

Released the slim honestly the the picture there does it I mean the controller is mey but that picture does it a disservice it is a I want to turn my camera to it it’s a Monster yeah yeah yeah I’ve got the uh I’ve got a series X in my uh in My Den

And that thing is literally a black brick it’s just a brick yeah I um I went through a few PlayStation I can’t or uh Xbox I can’t remember what model it was I went through like three in six months and then I decided to jump ship and I still have a functioning

Three and four although I’m rocking my five now both my three and my four function perfectly I you know I sat on my I have an Xbox one that I tricked out with you know expansion a major expansion there’s a a pretty hefty uh laptop uh memory uh hard drive in

There but everything I want to play is New Gen and it just wouldn’t run on it so it’s that planned obsolescence thing that gets you if you’re if you’re a video gamer so what do you do and I already backwards compatible so it’s really T I just I waited we’re we’re what

Almost halfway through the life cycle of the series X and I just just bought one at the end the last quarter of 2023 I’m sorry the chat is just having a good old time man I love it that’s a if I ever saw one that’s got to be on the uh on the uh the Swatch bring back the watch games and call it the Nintendo Swatch I need to get a Swatch switch to

What the switch is a great system it just needs better Hardware Ah that’s true that is true Zelda game is killer Branny Afterparty now it’s a brny old brny it’s got now it’s it’s already colloquial I’m overdue for a good bran not even 10 minutes old and the word is colloquial

Already love we’re in it we’re going Brandon it’s a Branny with a [Laughter] fanny wait wait that’s it we’re having the fannies in February the February 6 by the way just to remind everybody we’re going to be doing the uh best of the best 2023 um where we taking a poll

We’re taking a poll on all of our social media we want to know your picks for the best of the best in 2023 there are several categories there we want all your comments tell us what the your top three choices for all of the categories there then come back on February 6th for

Tuesday night random fandom when we run through what I was calling the fannies which maybe now the branes so good it will be if these guys show up fantastic all right sorry uh getting back to the Nintendo switch Yeah um an iteration we don’t know when they’re

Gonna show it off yet but uh yeah yeah yeah some hints are saying that at the February direct thing they might actually bring it out oh that’s cool I haven’t been a Nintendo fan probably since the uh what was it the the GameCube and the only reason I was a fan

Then is because I could still play Rogue Squadron on it but honestly Nintendo has always been a a more familyfriendly platform and and I’m not a hardcore gamer by any means but just the titles that I want to play just aren’t on Nintendo no they just aren’t I have

Emulators for Super NES and the original NES and so I have thousand Nintendo games I never touch anyway right so switch when you get the online thing there is a plus package and you can get built-in emulators for the NES the Super NES the 64 the Game Boy the Game Boy

Advanced and I don’t know if GameCube is on there yet but iszy library to play wait so that you’re talking an emulator for the switch it’s in it’s available from the online e store in Nintendo this is from Nintendo okay so we’re g are we talking just first-party Nintendo games

Then I would not be able to play Rogue Squadron no that’s true no that’s what was it Factor ever bought one and like Lauren and I sort of look at them every once in a while in drool it’s because of that the that that new Zelda game or I

Guess it’s not new anymore but thata game would make me buy the system yeah ah yeah yeah that’s what uh Jedi Survivor did it for me going to get my Xbox play Jedi Survivor and I did all right well is that it for the Nintendo yeah so far let’s move on all

Right mve on so uh Suicide Squad director David a has said that he is now done with DC oh because W yeah the studio has no interest in releasing his director’s cut that’s unfortunate if they did that I would go back and watch it probably for the first time since I

Saw it the first time fa I just didn’t it didn’t really jive with me it didn’t Jive first time did he start with DC because I would like to see these director Cuts movies like taking Deadshot and turning him into a hero was just not the right move for that and I’m

Sure that you know we got Will Smith we can’t make Will Smith a villain well Will Smith made himself a villain you totally can yeah yeah I just the entire Squad is made up of villains that’s the whole point yeah yeah yeah never seen it probably won’t you never saw the original like

The theatrical I saw I saw like this is what the second one the first one this would be the first one yeah the one with 201 yeah the one with the terrible Joker and uh never saw it saw the one with the shark yeah that’s you know who voiced the shark

Adrian oh yeah Stallone was the voice of King I didn’t know Will Smith wasn’t in that one was he no he was not yeah they rep Ela yeah so I never I’ve never seen the first one then yeah I mean is it worth watching you could watch it as an exercise you

Know in like oh my God like how to torque up a I love car crash movies you get to see Ben Affleck you know get dragged around Toronto on the roof of a purple Lamborghini for one second yeah I’ve seen the clips of that actually yeah it’s it’s such a small part

Ofie seconds such a yeah such a huge part of the marketing and just wasn’t really part of the movie yeah not that I cared for his version of The Joker anyway but well the director a has said that in his cut there is more of the letto Joker and you know nobody’s crying

For it I am a huge fan of directors getting their Vision to screen I mean I was a huge fan of the SN cut say what you want about it I liked it um and it’s the same thing when Highlander came out the the the the cut that we got in North

America was garbage the Europeans got a the better cut and eventually they they did a home media release they called it the uh oh what did they call it uh well it was called the director’s cut which was funny because it’s not it’s the European cut my point being director’s

Cut I would go back and watch it again just to see the differences h I have five versions of uh Blade Runner of Blade Runner yeah that’s right which one’s your favorite I I kind of like the uh the not finished version actually there’s like a black and white no no special effects

The sound ding is not correct yet it’s pretty raw and great actually that’s cool that’s cool like the uh the black and white version of Mad Max yeah all right well sorry to hear that David AER is done with DC who knows maybe some year down the line look at what happened

When uh when Superman Returns came out in 2006 at the same time uh they dug up all of the unfinished footage that they could find and they stitched together the Richard Donner cut of Superman 2 so who knows maybe 30 years from now we’ll get the uh the air cut of the original

Super uh super suicide Squad yeah sorry all right where are we going next uh next we’re going to water uh so jawar Richard drus is returning to shark horror but not as the same character no uh this is a new movie called into the deep where a bunch of uh researchers go

Diving for stuff and then they end up having to fight off shark but uh it will be released sometime in 2024 uh directed by Christian sesma all right written by Josh Ridgeway and Chad law and Scout Taylor Compton who played Lorie Strode in the Rob Zombie Halloween

Remakes she’s gonna be in this okay um is this one of those movies that a guy like Richard dfus makes because he needs a job uh maybe I don’t know I want to see him in more I’m trying to think of the last movie I saw him in yeah

Kpp and dorf’s tribe oh my God that’s gone way back uh yeah I honestly can’t remember the last thing I saw in no What About Bob I have a problem with I guess they’re not it’s not a Jaws remake I just have a problem with any like going

Anywhere even near Jaws because it is such a it’s a perfect movie yeah it is my number one film of all time Perfect movie yeah g says wasn’t he in that Piranha movie a few years ago got killed in the beginning oops spoilers yeah I I was thinking the same thing is he’s

Going to be Sam Jackson in that deep blue sea movie oh my God the Deep oh yeah deep blue yeah yeah yeah just there for like oh it’s that guy from the other shark oh he’s dead it’s like what they did I mean back when Steven Sagal could still put

Butts in seats what they did turns out Kurt Russell is the star of this movie that’s right Steven Seagal just went out the airlock what the hell an airplane three minutes into it that’s right Oliver plat what he was on all the posters in all the trailers right I remember that

One I’d been hoodwinked that’s right good thing I like Escape From New York that’s right well Richard dfus coming back to shark I don’t know how I feel about that I guess he’s got to get up there uh let’s find but it hasn’t been revealed what character he’s going to be playing in

The film so could be a bit they using the alien tagline too no one can hear you scream underwater Richard dfus aged 76 he’s not as far as I he’s not he’s not even har for yet he hasn’t hit Anthony Hopkins level where he’s just lending his voice to rolls now

Mind you he was still did did we all see Rebel Moon yet not yet oh did you see Rebel Moon Hank I have yeah yeah I need more Jimmy give me some more Jimmy Jimmy’s pretty we get more Jimmy yeah yeah absolutely I mean I was like you I

I was kind of moderately entertained and then I watched the Creator and I was like oh that’s how you do sci-fi that’s SciFi yeah yeah yeah I’d almost forgotten Creator was like I was in tears for parts of creat good yeah it’s on my list of uh top it’s on my best of

The best for 2023 by the way that’s one of my [Laughter] VES don’t go swimming after a Branny either version whole wheat Branny we’re going on a barley Branny oh [Laughter] no all right I’m the next one I don’t know if you want to skip this next one

Because you have actually covered it twice so far what do I get to rant again well no it’s a good this is a great reminder we are doing best of the best 2023 on February 6th if you visit any of our social media whether it’s Facebook

Uh X formerly known as Twitter and I’m I get tired of saying that every time U but all of the socials were we’re on everything so if you if you find us on social media find the post with this image and give us your selections for the categories that are there if you

Don’t it’s going to be a pretty boring show just top three is this well why does my top three look like your top three oh I don’t know because we all watch the same stuff there’s more there there’s movies there’s TV there’s actors actresses we want to know about your favorite toys we

Want to know about your favorite music for the year it’s like the Oscars but better it’s like the Oscars with the Branny no think we’re going to slap each other yeah I will not be keeping anybody’s uh name out of my mouth I will say whatever I

Want best slap Will Smith that’s right I thought about adding that to the categories too best headline best best newsworthy thing it’s got to make for a good uh pre-award show show remembering all the stupid news from the year all right um yeah so that is uh best of the best it

Is coming up it’ll be in February sorry I I’m I know it’s a little bit late by the time you get to February who’s thinking about 2023 but um I’m away on vacation later this month and so there was no other time to do it we were not

Better prepared for this I am sorry all right moving on I am so excited for this premiering February 27th on Disney plus uh Shogun from effects is g to be there this is a remake cl’s novel yeah set in Japan in 1600 I read that now way

Too young so I mean I don’t have way too young it’s a beast it’s a two volume Beast I’ve got it in hard hard cover oh yeah I acquired it from my parents uh who bought it when it probably when it was first written have you seen the mini you’ve all seen the

Miniseries with Richard Richard Chamberlain Richard chamber Richard Chamberlain and John rice John Reese Davies are in it John ree Davies by the way one of his best performances that’s not solo as the Spanish I haven’t seen it in modern times it’s something I should rewatch but I Remember Loving

That crap when I was a kid I got it uh I found it at a flea market on DVD and I’m like I don’t care what it costs I am buying G wait the Richard Chamberlain miniseries yeah that’s the one man the Richard Chamberlain miniseries so this

Shogun is getting redone now it’s not a remake of the miniseries it is a new interpretation of the source material the the James claval novel yeah so good so good good I’m gonna R it right now oh it’s so good it’s Loosely it is Loosely based on on uh on actual history like

It’s historical fiction for sure it’s historical yeah yeah I mean uh toor toranaga is supposed to be uh um oh my God the the Shogun of the the time um uh oh my God uh I can’t even think of the guy’s name anyway it is Loosely based on uh

Yeah just when I think I’m done with Disney plus I get sucked back in again no doubt no doubt yeah yeah um and Disney Plus for international it’s Disney Plus for international so all you guys in the southern hemisphere that’s probably your your gateway as well

Because we don’t get FX here in Canada so I will be watching this oh man but if you want to go check out the trailer and see what you’re getting into it is available in show notes wait wait there’s a trailer there is a trailer and

It looks how did awesome how did I miss that okay all the trailers are linked in our show notes tonight okay as they are always all right uh sorry where am I I gotta catch up here I gotta catch up that’s all good we’re getting close to

The end are we so if people wanted to call in on the WhatsApp now it’s probably absolutely uh you know we can’t cover all the entertainment news every week uh if there’s a headline that caught your attention that we didn’t talk about tonight that you want to have

Your say on I mean you can hit us up in the in the live chat or you can call us on uh WhatsApp and uh you can be part of the show all right where are we going here oh I just saw this today this is awful this is awful

Um Stephanie Tyler Jones has written a letter to the Spider-Man Community uh basically saying you know leave her alone she’s just a human um yeah she has been subject harassment online at her work and uh people like come on yeah there is there is no excuse for stalking uh you know

Anybody uh let alone somebody that you are obsessing over because their appearance in a video game and that’s the whole thing they’re obsessing over that video game appearance right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like there’s not disconnecting the performance from the person right yeah I mean if you can’t separate

You know uh acting from a human being there’s a problem yeah so uh she wrote did do we have the letter um I don’t know if we have the letter there is a there’s a quote here uh bottom line is I came into work this morning and immediately felt unsafe

And uncomfortable hearing these voicemails got left voicemails over the weekend some followers cross boundaries one went uh so far to call my workplace leaving multiple voicemails wanting to speak with me and requesting that I call them back which is unacceptable and considered stalking she says that she is no longer actively auditioning an

Actively auditioning actor or model there you go essentially she’s getting out of it you’ve uh turned her off of the profession yeah that’s unfortunate all right it wouldn’t be a fandom power show if we didn’t uh if we didn’t talk about uh something from the

Galaxy far far away so uh let’s get to this one this one just dropped earlier today so the Mandalorian and Gro are going to be hitting the big screen uh directed by John favro produced by favro Kathleen Kennedy and Dave filon uh the Mandalorian and grou will go into production this year in

2024 so while I was thinking about this at first I was super excited uh cuz like who doesn’t want who who that’s a fan of that doesn’t want to see that and then it occurred to me how are we going to screenshot a film that we just saw in

The theaters and then do a review series that’s how can we review this on a two-hour movie so like I feel like Disney’s trying to shoot us in the foot personally here um today’s episode the first five minutes of the Mand first five minutes yeah you know there’s a podcast that

Does that and a bunch of them do it they do like movie title by the minute minute one and then they just talk about the one minute of film oh wow um that’s that’s kind of neat we could do something like that I am excited about

This and I do know that we they are they want to try to put the the uh the butts back in the seats and I know that all three of us will see this 10 times in the theater because how else are we going to have be able to review it

Properly Andy and I will I do sit there and I go how the heck am I going to screen cat that I’m gonna have to use Disney Plus that’s right media package now that’s right or you just you know sell phone the whole thing while you’re while

You’re watching and since and and it does it does signal another thing to me since they’re there it’s starts filming this year means we’re not getting a season four well I I had said this earlier today in our group chat before we went live tonight I said this is

Either really exciting news for people that that had no idea or it’s really boring news for those of us who have been following along where it’s been oh the next season of the Mandalorian might not be TV I guess that’s confirmed now is this the is this the culmination movie that

They’ve been talking about that’s gonna bring the of Theon that is still a a filon directed film The filon directed thing okay this one under the GU Fabro so we’re I don’t know you saw Rosario Dawson was talking like there might not be an Ahsoka season 2 but she’s

Definitely going to be in the Dave filon movie and she just said on Twitter I I would definitely you couldn’t have call that into question in our next slide oh okay good to know um what we’re saying though is that uh the Mandalorian djaren and grou have grown beyond the small

Screen which is such a isn’t it so blurred though the lines between small screen and big screen considering we’re all watching like 65 5 inch big screen TVs that are in the in the widescreen format already I think we said it until we probably were bleue in

The face that the production values on that show were anything but television like absolutely yeah you know excuse me I pardon me zazil says I was hoping that Mando would be a show about the Bounty of the week like the old Western shows of the day my favorite thing about it is that

Lone Wolf and Cub energy I was so so like that that that Iris out in season 3 was my like yeah yes we’re returning to the roots of the show which are that stuff but having grou come back to the Mandalorian and having the Mandalorian seemingly settle

Down um with his adopted son gives room for him to get back to that stuff if he wants to well him going into the bar there with Trapper he’s like signed the contract saying you know throw me some work absolutely so now we’re GNA be legal

Legal bounty hunters uh I guess we call them uh what call them privateers bail bondsman yeah bail bondsman for the new Republic oh that’s funny that’s funny but yeah um I’ve always said it I’ll say it again uh new Star Wars is better than no Star Wars so

Oh man I will give I be there in line probably 12 hours before it opens so I can be the first through the gates I’ll crap of it and like I said probably watch that 10 times in a theater to get that the way that we watch the

Show yeah I know there’s there some days when I’ve come in watching the episode 10 12 times you gotta burn that into your brain right memorize all right Andy blow the roof off uh well Ahsoka has been renewed for season two oh maybe she was misdirecting that’s well I don’t think

She was at the time but uh definitely good news this is also just today announced Lucas film reveals that Dave Fon is working on second season of Ahsoka as well as his theatrical film so he’s got both projects on the go right now is this an image is this a a Lucas

Film image Andy uh I think this is just a cobble together one from one of the news outlets I was gonna say it’s a nice composition with her standing in front of the uh The Cliff face yeah with the uh with the um um the was that the

Brother that’s the brother there yeah yeah and you could see the father’s hand but it’s father you have the son behind her interesting composition we really liked if you didn’t know we like Star Wars but we really liked Ahsoka we loved the series in fact we’ve got a multi-part

Review series on it it’s uh fandom power presents the Ahsoka Foo show you can check ofad yeah all of our leadup stuff it’s our longest review series to date but we really like the series um glad to see that it’s gonna get a season two I’m gonna I’m gonna bring it up again

Because we’re here now um sorry guys I popped smoke and they’re landing on my [Laughter] position nice um we know we’re not done with the Bal and skull character so recasting at this point is almost almost a foregone conclusion what do we think they could literally do the Sam

Jackson thing and just have a Monster eat him in the episode one just oh there’s that guy gone oh no um I’m sticking with what I said at the end of our review series I’m going with and this was a popular choice online at the time and and I came to the same

Conclusion I would be all for trying to get leev shriber in as uh as Balon I’m down um I’m down for recap I’m down for whatever like I have no I really enjoy the character but I have I I have no expectations of the character and I have no like I’m not

Going to be disappoint I’m not so attached to poor Ray like I was to Mark Hamill or Harrison Ford or and I got over that so I you know whatever we’re and I right exactly Love solo yeah I’m I’m definitely uh I’m in the same opinion as zazel recast don’t

Do the CG Thing by CG you mean let’s get a body double and digitally insert his face on them the same way we did with Gary Fisher we we’ve just gone through hell and back in a strike to avoid that crap let’s let’s get as far away from that let’s get people

Working on screen let’s see their face yeah yeah I’m okay with reinterpreting a character it happens all the time so it’s totally fine with me we’re on our like J you got the entire first season for whoever takes up the role like you can go and learn it like oh absolutely the

Template is there for you to St to study and master yeah and I mean he was his presence was incredible but let’s yeah you just have to brood a little and be wise and you there there nailed it be pensive look pensive my beard is graying up here Disney that’s right so

If you need anybody to I am I’m short the action figure that you made I’m about the right scale of that stupid action figure you made you mean with the horrible pink skin and it like it’s like it’s five in in a six inale he’s like

Tall yeah czy the shin Season Two Season Two uh confirmed we don’t know when but it is coming that’s excellent news because I I just read the opposite like a day ago which is excellent all right well that that does bring us uh we’re getting down to the wire here we’ve got

One more uh one more news article and then we’re going to wrap it up so uh let’s get to that one Andy you want to talk about this one yeah uh so we talked about it last week that The Rock had returned to Monday Night Raw yeah and it

Was an petrifying moment but since that has happened the video clip has surfaced of the WWE ring announcer Samantha Irvin and her reaction when uh the great one entered the re the arena we’ve got a clip all right let’s play that clip right [Applause] now [Applause] wow um yeah when she stopped to look at her arms right like that’s the whole like oh the hair is standing up in my arms yeah a genuine reaction right there that so and I don’t want to be the skeptic but I have to ask did she know and she’s

Just rolling with the energy of the crowd or do you think that she was getting it as the fans were getting it I think she was getting it as the fans were getting it that’s she’s either the most incredible actress I’ve seen in a long time or she was definitely unaware

There because that was super genuine yeah it’s cool it was very cool there’s there’s not that many wrestlers who can generate something like that in an entrance but when it is it’s it’s real yeah absolutely it was um cool though super cool she looks familiar to

Me has she done anything else other TV work or other acting work I am not sure she looks familiar to me and I just can’t figure out where all right I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time on it either all right that is officially our last

Entertainment uh news item of the week so uh this is the last last call for last call um as we turn over our weekly segment now you know he’s out there in the aisles he’s hunting for you and I so we can save a few dollars with this week’s toy hunting tip at

Dollarama okay so first up we have Minecraft Legends figures they’re getting sold for $5 at Dollarama but they can retail anywhere from 16 to $26.99 online or at Walmart that’s cool and this these are these are great little figures they’ve got good playability good little action features

Uh my son saw them and it was just like fell in love with them oh that’s cool then um a little shocked at the the other one though the other one I I’m I haven’t seen it myself so I can’t 100% confirm it guy point out that he had bound these

Two in Montreal theor and the flying F I find it funny that the first two uh uh Origins figures that the guy finds are like one of the last two from the Vintage line yeah they’re like in the like the end the waning days of Masters of the Universe

And like oh wow it’s poetic that they’re turning up in the dollar store for five bucks yeah that’s awesome at the same retail on Amazon right now for $22.99 and hour well absolutely at five bucks uh I don’t collect Origins but I’m in for five bucks oh for five bucks I’d almost buy

Anything absolutely exactly exactly uhel great show that’s oh thank you very much I’m so glad that you’re able to hang around I know it’s early in the morning for you over there so um it is not lost on me that it is hard it is hard to coordinate schedules

When we are in opposite hemispheres of the world so thank you so much for hanging out really do really do appreciate that I’d buy that for a dollar me too me too I’d buy that for five Australian dollars what do they what do they have

In the UK that’s similar to a dollar or a Dollar Tree do they have something that’s like in the United Kingdom in the UK yeah do they have I don’t know uh TJ TJ would be able to tell us if he was hanging around I don’t know Gaz where are you in the

World I should know this but I don’t are you also in the southern hemisphere that’s all right maybe they’ve already tuned out who knows they could have I tuned Out hours ago yeah my point being anyway that uh we’ve had some like really like lightning hot

Items turn up at Dollar in the last couple of years I think I think the whole Trend kind of started when the uh the Mattel Ghostbusters showed up and everybody was like holy crap um and I feel like this is going to be a Repeat Performance of that all of

The the resellers are going to be like hunting these obsessively so if you want these for your collection my advice is get to your dollar raas sooner than later and make sure you get one yeah yeah yeah cool um wow that’s it that’s the show what do you think of that guys

Excellent I just want to say big thank you to zil’s clubhouse Gaz TJC uh silver spider we got Sarah Hodson and everybody else who uh showed up in the chat tonight red that one goes out to you Steve uh Kim and Sean everybody who hung out tonight Ray thanks for turning up

This has been uh one of the best interactive shows we’ve had in quite some time it’s always a better show when you guys are here hanging out with us and it wouldn’t be the same without you uh I know we’ve been uh made a mess of

Our schedule uh in the last little while because of illness and other things I’ve got a vacation coming up this month so it’s going to be the Andy and Hank show or the Andy Show for uh uh a week while I’m away um we do something we’ll cook I

Don’t know I don’t know but we will be back next Tuesday um with another round of random fandom Wicked until then everybody fan on and of course for phantom power my name is Wes I’m Andy and I’m Hank and we will see you on the next one and bye for now N

This video, titled ‘Random Fandom (Episode 45)’, was uploaded by Fandom Power Podcast on 2024-01-10 01:29:48. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:18 or 8358 seconds.

This Week on Random Fandom… Jack Black in Minecraft? A new Switch on the horizon? A 34 year old video game record broken! And Backlash after Steamboat Willie entered the public domain! All this and more!! Join the Conversation LIVE!!

What other pop culture news caught your attention this past week? Hit us up in the comments or give us call on Whatsapp!

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  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More