Fantasy RPG Inspired Survival Builds 💤 Minecraft ASMR for sleep

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Okay so what’s up uh kitties and uh cubettes i don’t know i guess you guys can be cubes it’s actually pretty um convenient since it’s minecraft cubes and cubettes okay that’s only for today though we’re not making that a thing no no goddamn way anyway so this video is gonna be a tour

Of everything that i have built in my minecraft server just to clarify this server is only for twitch subs but you only have to be a twitch sub once and if you unsub you still get to play here so yeah it’s like a one time payment

Basically but um i don’t know if you can hear the outside but there’s like a train going outside and [ __ ] so hopefully it’s not to just hopefully it’s not too bad anyway so like i said this video is gonna be me touring through all my builds on the server

Um i believe there are one two three four five six and maybe seven builds on this server that i have personally done actually eight so i’m gonna go through all eight of those um for starters number one is the spawn spawn area or what i like

To call the spawn town if you look at the signs at the front and the back it says uruguay spawn town that’s the north gate and uh that’s the south gate as you can see so i’m gonna give you a quick overview of this uh i’ll sort of explain my

My idea and inspiration behind a lot of these builds and and maybe a little bit of like my building philosophy and like style and why i go for certain decisions and maybe i can also share some tips along the way but um okay for we can we can start off by

Entering the town from the north i just heard i heard a zombie i don’t know why but whatever so let’s talk about the entrances so for me i figured since this is like the base of the world this is where everyone begins i should make it pretty big and grand

Right like i need to make it somehow memorable right so i tried to make something cool and because since the beginning i really wanted to have some sort of a wood style like a wooden border as you can see a lot of the border of this is this like weird it doesn’t really

Necessarily have a very i don’t know consistent form but it does follow a certain style i like to think of it like trees just like stuck into the ground and then stuff built around it like when i’m building i usually tend to think of it like as if it’s some sort of

Uh natural i don’t know i i like to think of things in real life like if real human beings had to build something in real life how would it form like i don’t want to build something in a way that looks like it couldn’t be made by humans you know

So i sort of try to build things in a way that looks natural you know if that makes sense so yeah so the entrance is i just wanted them to make oh that sentence to make it i wanted to make them sort of really high but like

I don’t know it just it just looks cool to me that’s all that’s all there really is to it doesn’t really matter um the front this side is a slightly different design but i think it’s cool regardless um it almost looks like some sort of a crab

But yeah it’s still a very big entrance and just has sort of this wavy but pointy thing going on here um yeah i i guess the style sort of resembles some sort of like barbarian town you know if you think of like runescape barbarian village or whatever

Um it has kind of a similar vibe to that like vikings could be living in this town you know some [ __ ] like that i’m not i’m not really sure this i didn’t really have a specific idea in mind but something to that effect so yeah uh the rest of the spawn basically

Uh when i started i was like okay i want to make some sort of a path that’s going this way and this way from the beginning point and i did that and then i kind of started building everything around it um i just wanted to give this like feel

Of like a central hub if that makes sense like a video game hub um so i scattered a bunch of stuff like useful stuff around around the spawn so this is the actual actually this is where you spawn if you go this way there’s a shop over here where you can buy

All kinds of stuff from you can sell gold or diamonds and then buy stuff there’s also downstairs i wanted to make it very compact and small basically wasting absolutely no space so that it’s easy to understand and i feel like i try to copy a lot of like

Actual video game design philosophy when i make the stuff in minecraft because at the end of the day this is a video game and it makes sense to sort of design it as if it is a video game so yeah i um i tend to try to

Make things easy to understand easy to read um i use color coding a lot to make things you know just understandable um yeah so you go downstairs there’s this cool like rainbow floor and it’s just some more rare stuff to buy um so yeah that’s cool i’m pretty happy about this i think

We do need to expand the shop a little bit because it doesn’t really have as much stuff as they could so yeah that’s that um yeah so okay so cool what else is there um when it comes to useful things well if you go from the spawn here there’s teleports or portals rather

Which take you to different cool places i can quickly demonstrate actually to be fair i think i already cover a lot of these things in my server introduction video so i’m probably not gonna like cover every little thing i think if you watch that video you’ll you’ll get a pretty decent idea of

What’s going on in the spawn so i actually will leave that there um anything else like i remember playing runescape when i was younger and they were like [ __ ] uh what do you call them like like fencings with uh cows and pigs and stuff inside them or maybe not pigs but other

Animals chickens and stuff and i kind of wanted to do that here so like when you’re just walking past here there’s this like little area for cows and stuff i’ve actually just realized that there’s barely any animals here i’m not sure why i think a lot of them died so i need to

Reproduce them again but anyway so that’s that i also wanted to put this cute campfire here just to give it a nice vibe i have my own house here linkaroo’s house doesn’t really serve any purpose but i just made it i just think it’s kind of cute you know

But i try to put good effort into um uh you know house decoration it’s just very nice you know to put flower pots and uh certain things to decorate the house um chests and different objects um i have like i don’t know like it’s hard for me to explain

Any little details i kind of just go with the flow and try different things i really like the contrast of like this wood and this green the green really pops out from the low saturation like gray wood um like i love colors like i’m gonna be honest with you man

I’m a big fan of colors and using colors to contrast between each other so that’s something i try to do because i’m also a designer i do a lot of graphic design and colors and all that stuff is really important in that as well um so yeah that’s that

I also think one trick that’s cool to mess with is levels so having um like you you could make a totally flat floor but that would be boring right it’s much more exciting to sort of have these different levels like this edge here that’s higher than the bottom floor and

Not only that there’s this extra level that’s under the glass it sort of adds this more 3d feel to everything and i also have this fencing up here it sort of breaks apart the flatness of the ceiling because without these fences here the ceiling would be entirely flat

But because i have this fencing here it sort of breaks up the flatness of it it makes you not realize that it’s flat it’s sort of it’s kind of like a distraction it’s it’s uh kind of like a design philosophy in video games as well when it comes to level design there’s a

Lot of that kind of stuff like here’s another example of it so this back wall could be entirely flat but you know what why make things flat when you can add this sort of 3d feel to it you know like stuff that comes out of the wall so

Wait let me so i have the cross area this is a good way to show it i guess so like 3d is not the right word i’m talking about depth i think i think depth is a really good thing to mess with so as you can see let’s let’s

Point out all the objects here that add depth to this wall so the the torch obviously it adds like a object that sticks out of the wall so it gives it depth the fact that you can see through these leaves it adds a little bit of depth because

You can see through that so you can see into the magical world outside that gives you more depth um another thing is you know obviously these these stairs here or this whatever block area this is that sticks out but not only that we have these trap doors here which

Adds another little you know level of depth because it comes out slightly more than a stair um you know this adds depth because it’s an object within you know this corner and that’s another thing as well that you hear a lot in game design or level design in video games is like

Breaking up corners you know when you see corners that are blatantly obvious um i have any examples of that i don’t know if i leave a lot of corners open i think i’m really good on that design philosophy well anyway you get the idea so there’s a corner here

Right but when you put stuff inside of a corner it makes the corner feel less sharp you know does that make sense like because otherwise this would be a straight line from from this point to this point it would just be a straight sharp corner but instead now we have other objects

That are in between that area so it makes that sharp line feel less sharp because there’s stuff sort of giving it a softening feeling what the hell is that um oh he has actually a corner that feels very sharp doesn’t it i don’t know if it is so obvious to you but

Like you can put stuff in corners to make it feel more soft or less sort of violent to your eyes um yeah so i do that a lot i think decoration is a great way to remove that hard edge feel of things because when you have

Like you know you would have a flat wall here too but because we have all these objects here that stick out of the wall it gives you such a different like feeling of different levels and depth and 3d and all the good stuff i don’t know why i’m going so deep into

This but this is kind of like this is kind of like a topic that’s really dear and close to my heart that like i really am obsessed with um you know i really like to think about game design or level design um you know when i build in minecraft

I’m not just senselessly placing blocks everywhere and just praying that it looks good in the end i kind of have certain philosophies like i’ve just explained that i use to make things look nice of course not everything is just purely logically thought out a lot of the stuff i do is just me

Trying to do different things and then slowly you know figuring it out um this room is pretty boring but it doesn’t really serve any purpose anyway okay uh what else can we talk about um this room is interesting um actually you know what i kind of don’t

Want to talk about the spawn anymore besides maybe this staircase down here i i like this one too because i don’t know this this is another fun trick of playing with levels so as you can see that level there is well it’s slightly lower than this level but

It’s a level on its own anyway and this staircase go just goes down right but this level on the right side and the left side they’re sort of like on par with each other right but this thing just goes down here i don’t know why but that’s just seems

So cool to me when um something sort of i don’t know like breaks up from the rule um because again this could be a flat floor where all this like literally i would be walking on this level just walking on the same stone and stuff but by adding like lateral

Depth you make things a lot more interesting so yeah i don’t know i hope what i’m saying makes sense one thing that really bugs me is that i have a lot of like i think smart ideas in my head likes design ideas that i can use to my advantage

But i think because english isn’t my first language and i’m not very good at explaining certain things in a smart and concise way i tend to often ramble and not be able to explain it in a smart way so but anyway um i think we can leave the small town

Let’s go to the next thing that i’ve built which is actually right next to the spawn so um it’s this this building or this double building right here so um anytime i build anything in minecraft i tend to sort of throw out any idea of what i’ve done in the past

And just try something new and different i kind of don’t like sticking to one style and just repeating it over and over again and while it uses the same materials as the spawn area i feel like the overall style of it is slightly different from what i was doing here

Um you may disagree but i i would say that it’s quite different in a lot of ways um it’s very random and it might i don’t know it’s not necessarily my proud proudest build but i i quite like it overall to be fair it has a very cozy feel i think

Um i probably won’t talk too much about this one i actually really like this element here i entirely forgot about it but it’s like you know it consists of like this arrow blue glass and then this purple glass here and i believe that’s a red stone block with uh

Water surrounding it and we have a you know what is that is that uh i think that’s dark oak log and that’s uh i don’t know oak logs sideways overall like again this is a trick with depth that i think is really cool because you can see through the water

Just slightly so it gives this red stone block a very 3d feel and i don’t know i just think it’s kind of cool and abstract but very interesting um i like to play a lot around with floor designs a lot so i don’t like to make repetitive flower designs a lot

Like as you can see this whole building has just no repetition on the floor like whatsoever um actually now that i think about it i kind of don’t like how this is a different wood here so i’m gonna fix that um just not a big fan of that honestly i like this one

A lot better so yeah um as i was saying so there’s a lot of inconsistency i guess you could say um this is like one section and then there’s this section and yeah i don’t have much more to say about that but yeah i can go outside

Now the other building is this one i call it the supply depot um it doesn’t i think i was playing in survival and using this a lot but it doesn’t have much of a purpose to be fair i have these bits that are carved into the floor which are kind of

Like feel like mattresses or like not mattresses but um like a sleeping bag kind of thing um so i built up this bridge between the two buildings so i can get it back into this one if i want to um this room isn’t really finished i haven’t really bothered finishing it

Um but yeah yeah i don’t have much more to say about it um let me know if you like these builds but yeah so let’s move on to the next one i let me think what the next one is okay so let’s go along this path we’re gonna find i’m actually not gonna

Like teleport to it or skip to it i think it’s more fun if we just like travel to it the way it was meant to be traveled to um actually we have to go this way for it so this next build is going to be oh actually i almost forgot about this

One i was gonna go there but i just remembered to have this one i think this was my first house on the server and i think it’s absolutely hideous to be fair but it’s not hideous enough for me to want to delete it it’s just not the prettiest thing of all time also

This thing was built by me as well this um this little area here um which comes along from this path i just uh i wanted to try something with like a custom tree um so i made a custom tree here and i built this little staircase and path area circular area around it

Um just to give it you know maybe like a town square feeling or like um like a divider area so yeah there’s this tree just just stuck to the ground and i i quite like it to be fair it’s very simple but it’s nice so this house i’m not even

Gonna comment on it because it’s just not that you know impressive or anything so let’s go along this path so this build is going to be a a dock i guess um i feel like i should go this way for it so i’d say this is actually one of my proudest builds

I think it’s it’s quite nice i’m proud of it um but yeah i’m gonna skip a little bit so this one um i i started by building this house um it’s like okay jesus christ i just fell down okay so i actually have modified this house a lot uh

Since it’s beginning i used to have like a helicopter sort of propeller at the top and i thought it looked so silly that i got rid of it and now there’s just this weird stink thing like sticking out of it um yeah i don’t know why i put so many

Finished flags everywhere but that’s that i have a local thing here okay so let’s just enter the area so this is the house and this is the port uh link i think it got lincoln park is what i call it let’s actually enter the park first because

Um this is like the main area of it so i wanted it to sort of look like it’s infested by traders and people just putting like their loot and boxes and like all this stuff down and trying to trade people at the port um so that’s kind of the feel i wanted

To create here um so you kind of have these posts um and uh i just imagined like what what would it be like in real life so people would come in here with boats and ships and they would want to you know attach their boat here and uh

Leave it here and then they’d get up they’d get up the side boom they’re like hey how you doing buddy yo nice nice gold armor bro can i buy this i got um i got 50 diamond for that so let’s make some business um so yeah that’s kind of the idea here

I also like this area a lot so you can go up here you can also go down here on the ladder but this is sort of um i don’t really know but it gives me like a train station feeling for some reason like i’m looking down from here

I guess the regular visitors could have their coffee here and just chill i don’t know just just random stuff um i like this little path here i also made some floating islands because some people on the server made these other floating islands that are much bigger and

Higher in the sky but i figured it was an interesting enough of an idea that i should in some to some extent uh spread that because if there’s gonna be big islands over there that are being pushed out of the ground then there must be some sort of weird

Extraterrestrial phenomenon going on in this area of the world that makes floor just suddenly go out and go up in the sky so i was like okay maybe that effect is happening here but just in a more subtle way so this island right here has just begun coming up out of the ground

And these smaller ones here are just slightly coming out of the ground and i built this little fencing around it as if to signify that you know people are aware that this is happening and they’re sort of putting protective measures around it to make sure people don’t like fall into the hole

And that they are not harmed in any way so that’s that i actually want to go into this house because i really like the interior design here um so this is very unique and strange but um i really like the idea of pressure plates

On top of fences here um it just kind of gave like a cool feel for the edges of this it’s another trick of depth because the pressure plates are slightly higher than the rest of the blocks on that level so it gives a nice feeling of depth

Um a nice thing i like to do is sort of this like spiral effect of like um you know two blocks this way two blocks that way two blocks this way two plus that way and then like a central block there um yes it’s pretty nice it goes pretty high up

And it just feels like it’s very a very open space because it has a lot of room above you um here another cool trick with water is this little lane on both sides that i think is kind of a cute effect and you know the water the blue

Water also gives a nice coloring to the interior as well so yeah the cow thing here actually puts leather and steak into the box automatically so that’s a neat little design as well okay let’s move on to the next build um right after this bridge of course i’m

A big fan of this bridge in fact i’m a big fan of bridge designs all together i like to work on bridges a lot i like to do borders a lot so obviously this is the main wooden floor of the bridge but then it has this stone edge stone brick edge which also

Has a lot of depth added into it because you know every now and then it protrudes up upwards from there and has this upper level like uh what do you call this like uh balcony kind of thing that you can look out from um just kind of nice as well

And then it also goes like half a block down here actually that’s quarter of a block not half um or not even a quarter because these these um trap doors give it like a tiny little level above as well but these are all decorative you’re not meant to actually open them

So yeah and you can see downwards as well which like i keep talking about these tricks to add depth to your builds but i just can’t like i can’t stress it enough it’s like a really nice way to make your builds look nicer just different levels of depth um yeah so that’s that

Wait why is this open that’s not supposed to be open okay so that’s that uh it’s not necessarily the best it’s not necessarily the best bridge design but i i like it i think it’s pretty cool um this house here is not mine but whoever built it is an absolute legend i

Absolutely love it i built this path and i can’t remember if i built the lights i think i did but it also might have been the guy who made that house so don’t count me on it but yeah let’s go along this path because then at the end of it we’re

Gonna find another build of mine which is actually i’d say the biggest build that i’ve done so far um whoever added these trees here thank you very much this actually makes it look very nice this whole area um i noticed that there was this ground

And i wanted to make some sort of a bridge come outside of this little hill so i i think this cave actually existed here so i was like you know what let’s make like a path let’s make this path continue through the cave and um so yeah it goes two ways

I i don’t know why this hole is here okay i can’t do that right now um so yeah i made this little bridge here which goes into this cave there’s no really burp any purpose to this um but yeah there’s another [ __ ] this way which you’ll see right now so another

Thing i’m a big fan of is making curved bridges so i think i did a pretty good job at this i think that’s a pretty nice smooth curve and yeah i like to do that a lot um so yeah so i just do a lot of curved picture bridges

Uh the same thing is here i actually copied this bridge from that one yeah okay so if we go along this bridge we get to my city my um before we get to the city actually let’s point out this bridge as well i think this is my favorite bridge i’ve ever built

It’s very simple but i feel like it’s very powerful at the same time because of how it’s curved on like in terms of height um it goes down and then it goes up again it almost feels you know what i’m really annoyed by this weather right now

Wait how do i okay there we go so it almost feels like it’s sort of like a hanging bridge it almost like it’s not entirely solid it’s almost like it’s made out of planks and it’s being hung by gravity um but i mean technically it isn’t because well

I mean it could be i mean use your imagination do whatever you want with it but uh yeah i just i really like this idea of like the edge or the how should i say um i can’t think of the word right now but uh

The fence of the of the of the bridge i like the idea that it goes starts higher and then it starts coming down and gets closer and closer to the actual bridge level and then it goes up again a little bit but then it ends here i don’t know i just really

[ __ ] love this design i’m sorry for swearing by the way um but i just i just really like this a lot um so yeah so this is a part of the bridge i don’t know why i left that there but i just sort of built it here to have a reference

Of what it looks like but yeah so in a weird way i wanted this city to sort of symbolize some sort of a like a forbidden town um something a little bit ancient but kind of um taking inspiration from maybe like an indian or arabic like ancient architecture um

I really liked the use of this slightly pinkish material i don’t actually remember what material this is it’s uh yeah white terracotta so it’s slightly pinkish it’s like this um nice color i don’t know why but i i really wanted to build something with it so i started doing these very um

Rectangular uh sections that sort of come outside of each other if that makes sense like so there’s this block here but then this block comes out of it and then there’s that block coming out of the bigger block and yeah you’re going to see how i use that design idea a lot

Here i also figured that this um what is this polish granite it’s a good contrast to that white terracotta um so yeah let’s actually go up these stairs and i’ll show you a little bit of the interior design here not much to talk about here but a checkerboard ceiling and yeah

Just messing around with different materials trying to see what works what what looks good together what colors are nice together and stuff like that so we go upstairs here um there are little towers sticking out from the ground another little tower area here um not much inside really um

This kind of borrows the idea of the spawn town a little bit uh you know an arch archway we can go away go here go down the stairs so as you can oh man i just really like this um i don’t know where to start explaining here’s another

Example of that design philosophy so we have like a big block then this block coming out of it that little thing coming out of it we have this uh sort of balcony area coming out of it so as you can see it’s just like blocks inside blocks

And i i just really like this style it’s very simple but yet effective and i like to draw these like symbols on the sides of these to give it uh i guess a less flat effect because otherwise it would just be white terracotta and it kind of looks boring so i like to

Add these like weird sort of caveman kind of symbols and i think it looks like nice um this one again so this could look like a very flat terracotta wall but i wanted to give it this like sort of stair um what material is this light gray terracotta

So i thought that was a nice effect to it as well i use it here the same way um i quite like this staircase here as well as very oh what the heck what’s up with this oh christ i just entirely ruined that let me fix that real quick

Oh goddammit i’m an actual idiot so yeah i kind of wanted like that so i don’t know i just i feel like this could be in a zelda game or something it just has this very nice and kind of cozy feel to it um yeah so that’s that

What else what else do we got here let’s go up these stairs actually um yep okay so another nice little hanging out area i wanted to add some trees here just to break up the repetitiveness of the cubic rectangle effect um i guess the moral of the story is that

Just because something is sort of simple does not mean that it can be a good um i guess fundamental or principle for design so even though i’ve gone with a very rectangular simplistic style i’m still using different tricks to make it not simplistic you know so

I guess a lot of people might think yo complexity is all there is to design like i know a lot of people always just straight out the gate they just try to make something complicated because they they think that that’s the only way to make something look impressive or cool or interesting

They think that oh if i make something rectangular or very simple that’s not going to look interesting but the truth of the matter is that by um like i guess what i’m saying is you can decorate a simplistic style with different design aspects as i’ve done a lot here um like i

Actually know what i’m trying to say here but uh i guess the corner of this area would look really boring without these trees um okay so this is like i think this was meant to be some sort of like a church i’m not sure really um there’s not much to it but

Uh yeah um i like doing a lot of um like elevation so i like having uh balconies that look over areas that are down below and then there’s staircase going up and then there’s a level above that and like just i like to work with levels a lot

As you can see here too i’m going down i mean to be fair like the actual naturally generated floor level of minecraft is rarely ever flat so i think you should always take advantage of that because nature is beautiful you know natural generation is beautiful so you should

Use that to your advantage when you build i absolutely hate it when people you know join my server and they’re like hey i want to build something and then they just like carve a flat floor onto the ground like a really large platform that is just flat and

Then they start building on that like it’s like they don’t on they don’t realize that having different levels makes stuff so much more interesting and fun like if i like if i tried to make this city entirely flat it would be so [ __ ] it would be so garbage

But this like there’s so much different levels here like everywhere it goes down and it goes up and then it comes up here and it goes up there and it goes down here and we’re down again and we’re going up there and up here like i don’t know i just find it so

Interesting to have different levels um i like i made this little monument thing here just again to break up the pattern of just grass everywhere put trees everywhere as well to give it nice a nice feel um a path going through and uh yeah so that’s that um what else what else

Um i think one thing that’s cool to have in or i i guess a good way to make a city feel very um busy i guess is by making tight corridors or tart tight tight alleyways so as you can see this is like two or three blocks wide um space here and

Then you go along here and then this is slightly more open space but you go here and it’s a tight corridor again and you know you will run into these a little bit every now and then in this town and i think it sort of gives the town a little bit

Of a maze feel like if it feels like you’re navigating through a maze or and i don’t know i guess that just makes it feel like it’s a little bit busy and you may get lost and you’re not i don’t know i think if stuff if the area would be more open

You would feel less claustrophobic and that would i i’m not saying that you need to that you should make it feel like uncomfortably tight or anything but uh i don’t know i think every time i look at this i think it’s a really shitty design here because the whole town is like rectangular

I thought it would be funny to try something like ball shaped here just as uh to kind of throw you off but i don’t actually think it looks that nice i would prefer to make that rectangular as well just like most of this town um okay so one thing i wanted to show

Is how do i even get to it i don’t even know how to navigate through my own city oh yeah okay so let’s go through here oh actually this is quite nice i like this little thing here that transports you from down here to back up here

Um so we’ve been here you shot you saw this archway um i really like this tree that’s kind of on the edge of the bridge because it just makes this feel in like i don’t know i do not explain it it’s another like orange way but instead of like a

Human-built archway it’s more natural because it’s a tree has like leaves falling down and it’s just a nice thing to have i think natural archways are a really good thing to mix with built human built archways but yeah so we go up these staircases and we have this very interesting

Situation going on here i think this kind of um i don’t know i have like a fear of heights in real life and of course this is a video game so it doesn’t like i don’t fear heights in this but it sort of gives you that slight

Simulation of like a fear of heights because you’re sort of in a really high spot and you can see you can kind of see the outside world but it’s sort of blocked by the fences and you can sort of see it down below you but only through these little holes so it

Gives this weird triggering feeling of your fear of heights maybe if that makes sense and then you go down here i like to do cool looking edges and fences around things especially bridges and stuff um i think just more archways i’ve shown so many different archway designs in my builds um but i

I just think there’s something really cool about walking through like a like a closed off like a like a ring basically like this makes a ring and you walk through it there’s something really satisfying about that to me um and another one another ring that you walk through here

So another balcony and um i also like the idea of building stuff where you have a nice view of things so from here we have a very nice view of the surrounding areas and obviously if we go up here we have nice views of things as well

Um you know walking through this bridge we have a very nice view of this and these trees and the area below and just everything looks cool uh so go back here and we got a bit of a spiral staircase situation going around but it’s not so obvious it’s not like a

Typical spiral staircase which is just like blocks that you know it’s not just like blocks god damn it ignore flames so it’s not just blocks going like this in a spiral you know you get what i’m saying it’s it’s it’s more subtle than that so it all basically starts from here you

Start walking in a spiral line but it’s more fun than that right um yeah i don’t know this is very cool i like to add stripes to certain things like walls and stuff to break up the flatness of stuff um yeah i like to put little accents on the

Edges of things as well as you can see here and it matches this color so it sort of feels consistent with things um in a weird way it’s another satisfying thing when you’re like walking through this dark stripe like it really catches your eye it’s the most dominant

Color like in the screen right now like when you’re running through it you can’t help but feel like it’s scraping like this side or brushing the side of your eye when you’re walking past it and when you go past the first stripes these ones you have to go through this one as well

And i don’t know there’s just something really satisfying about that to me when i go through this like maybe that that probably doesn’t make any sense to most of you guys but i don’t know i feel like what i’m talking about is very like very human instincts so hopefully

You will be on you will be able to understand what i’m talking about okay anyway so we go we got this um this is pretty interesting i don’t think i’ve finished this one here yeah clearly i have not oh god there’s a lot of mobs here but just some more cool

Interior design that i haven’t finished but uh yeah that’s that man i really need to start speeding this up because i’ve been recording for a while and um i still have a couple builds to go through man jesus christ i think it’s only two more builds to be fair

Actually no it’s like three god damn it okay speed run let’s go it’s pedro knight um this one is just another elevation thing um just uh you know staircases staircases are a very nice way to work with stuff and again this was entirely naturally like this the levels here were natural

All i did was build a staircase on top of this sort of naturally generated terrain and of course some of it is modified like i don’t think it was like this sharp corner here but yeah so i just work with what i have naturally and build around it that’s a very good

Way to i guess like that’s a good way to it’s it’s almost like a cheat i guess because if you start from a flat ground and then try to come up with a lot of cool designs it’s a lot more comp like a lot more difficult than to just use the terrain

That you have so it kind of makes your life easier but it also makes your designs a lot cooler and more natural okay let’s move on to the next build which is going to be i think uh it’s gonna be my wall so i built this quite large wall and um

You’re obviously gonna see it in a second but um yeah so i i like to build paths so this path was built by me and i just built it along this along here and i figured um well actually i’m just gonna run you through it and i’ll explain as i’m going

So i’m just gonna go um so i’m a big fan of game of thrones and as you know game of thrones has this huge giant wall um here’s another not so obvious spiral staircase going here um that i really like um yeah so i think it’s cool because this

This little area balcony where you can look and then you just keep going up and this is a pretty long wall i mean it’s not super long but it’s still pretty massive um but yeah so i kind of took it uh inspiration from game of thrones

But but i wanted it to be even kind of cooler in terms of design because game of thrones wall is very simple and like kind of crude and not very nice to look at i guess it’s just very epic just very large okay so this is another example of building around

The naturally generated terrain so i believe this block of stone right here actually was there since the beginning uh the same thing goes for this block of stone here and this block of stone that was just it was super random like this was just really strange it didn’t really make sense but

In my mind i was like so there’s this block of stone this block of stone and that block of stone and then this mountain here and i thought wouldn’t it be cool to connect these empty spaces between these stones with a wall so i started building a wall

To connect these two naturally generated walls and uh yeah i think i made some really cool stuff and it and the in the end um i also built a bridge between that little mountain or hill and this mountain hill and i think this bridge is very cool as

Well so that’s how it began that’s where we went up and then we started running through this bridge it has these interesting leg designs as well um whenever i build bridges like this another thing again like i mentioned i always try to think of like is this humanly possible like if you

Real humans build this in real life i want to actually you know obey to the laws of physics right so if you’re gonna have a massive bridge like this that’s made out of wood and stone it’s probably gonna weigh incredibly a lot a lot like this is not gonna be a very light

Object so you need you need very strong legs to hold it up so basically i tried to build these strong looking supports um obviously without these middle things it would look very weak like imagine if all that was supporting this bridge was these thin like trees here

I it wouldn’t look very convincing but because i added these supports in the middle to kind of give it a feel of like something strong holding it together i think it looks a lot more convincing now um i also have these interesting like little hops

In between that have like i guess i sort of imagine that these were some sort of planks or rope or something that’s like hanging off from this point to this point so they’re attached from there and there and they’re hanging off there and so yeah this low hub area i also

Like to perturb it downwards um it has these little sideways locks as well um yeah that’s pretty cool another cool thing about this bridge is so as we were running through here you can actually turn around here and you have a little compartment area like

Like a storage area where i put a bunch of these like um crafting tables and chests and work work benches and stuff to make it look like people are busy here like people are are here to do work and do stuff and like store items and uh

Just as like it’s all decorative but i’m i’m sort of imagining that everything has a purpose like like as if human beings were living here so yeah um what about all this stuff so i think this wall is really cool because of um again we’re playing with a lot of depth

And 3d and levels here so obviously this is a curved like round wall here on this part but then we do something a little bit more rectangular below that um which i think is really cool um using stone a lot here um kind of has like an ancient

Uh aztec feel or something like that i don’t know if that makes sense um but this is a very prominent dominant um like dark wood that really sticks out um it’s almost like a watchtower kind of thing because you can look through there um and yeah so i just think this looks

Really cool i’m really proud of this part especially i’m here i kind of wanted to do something like kind of like a pattern or shape or something with glass almost give it like a church or a cathedral kind of effect uh what do you call it like like a mosaic glass mosaic thing

I think it looks really cool it contrasts really well with the rest of the wall it gives it a little bit of color because otherwise this wall would look really bland and kind of boring but we actually have some color obviously this wall is nowhere near finished just to be clear

In case i was giving that impression pretty much any of these pills that i’ve shown you haven’t really fully finished um there’s a lot to work on but yeah i think color is another thing is like it’s it’s not bad to build with a lot of bland colors

If you also incorporate little like inklings of color that stands out every now like in certain places there’s more color over there as well as you can see and that thing as well another thing as well is that you know as you can see i’ve used a lot of different materials and blocks

In this wall especially like i can count like one two three um four five six you know about six or seven different materials here um because i don’t know i just like to i think color is another good way because when you think about minecraft it’s very limited

In terms of design because you don’t have high resolution like because it’s blocks you know it’s big blocks you’re building with lego essentially so you don’t have a lot of room for little detail right so color is a very good way to add depth and add you know shape to things and

All that um you know if if you look at grass for example grass is very bland it’s very repetitive so we obviously don’t want to have our buildings be repetitive so you you want to add a lot of different materials of different like corners and textures and different things but that doesn’t mean

That you should just really nearly put different materials everywhere so as you can see i have a lot of different stripes going along the wall here i have sideways stripes have upward stripes going that way another sideway stripe kind of stone brick sideways um i also have that like stone

Like if this whole thing here was made out of stone brick it would look more boring to break up like to break that pattern of repetit repetitiveness i added normal stone here right it’s not kind of nice like it you have stone bricks here and then this little pocket of

Just normal stone and then we continue with more stone bricks below that it’s it’s like a stripe within a stripe if that makes sense because this whole block here is a stripe like one big stripe but then within that stripe there’s multiple other stripes like this um wood stripe wood plank stripe

But even within that there’s another stripe because there’s this level and that level right there’s this two block white uh high stripe and then this one block high stripe below that and then there’s more stripes with it i don’t know if that makes sense but i’m i’m just trying to like

Really get into the philosophy of depth um depth and color and all that stuff and breaking up the patterns and repetitiveness another bridge design here which i think is pretty cute um not much to say about it yeah um i feel like this is a silly video to explain things in because

Most people are probably i don’t know not gonna pay much attention to it because they’re just trying to relax or or they’re trying to sleep or whatever the hell your guys are trying to do there um so yeah that’s my wall again i like to do big entrances

So this is super random but just trying random stuff um kind of barbaric as well i i think i think barbarian styles are very cool to emulate um just random platforms here and again here’s another corner that i wanted to not look like a corner but more like

An interesting area rather you know like it this is the least like this is the furthest thing from a sharp corner you know not only are we rounding it up with uh all this stuff we’re also adding a little bit of a wave effect to it

By doing this you know i think that’s super cool and under the waves you expose wood i don’t know i just think this looks super cool from this perspective um it’s just a really nice area in terms of design um yeah that’s that that’s not actually mine someone else built that

I think this area is pretty cool as well um more level design i just can’t get enough of levels man so yeah there’s a little platform and another platform on top of that platform and out of the platform on top of that platform and just platform after platform we just

Can’t get enough of it guys i just uh i really like how this is this like it looks cool from this perspective but it also looks cool from this perspective i like double-sided things a lot so yeah there’s also interior stuff here as well i think this is literally gonna end up

Being like a two-hour video but i don’t really mind that i think longer asmr videos are actually often better i myself tend to need at least like 20 or 30 minutes from my or asmr videos to be able to fall asleep to them um but i tend to often put like an hour

Long video um yeah so from the other side obviously this wall i think again man i just can’t get enough of this stuff more about depth so again this is this like wavy wood thing going on here so it goes like this and it goes down and then it goes

Up and then it goes down i like to add waves to otherwise kind of static things um and i also like the idea of something sort of covering i don’t know how to explain it but it’s almost like that stone stuff is under and behind this wood and it feels like

I don’t know it’s almost it feels like you could peel this wood off and then it would reveal the rest of the stone but there’s something really satisfying about how it covers it up you know um i think this corner here is pretty cool as well another really good example of breaking

Up corners into not looking sharp because again we have a [ __ ] ton of depth here oh god i i just have this i just have this almost child like excitement about talking about this because like i said before this this stuff really tickles my tummy man like this really gets me excited because

I love design so much and i love to play with depth and it’s just so cool like this is very sharp thing sticking out here but then the rest of it is like going inside like this thing is sort of pushing inwards rather than outwards which this is doing and then

This stuff is coming outwards it’s like a little lip coming out oh man i just i so love it i love it so much like instead of doing a corner it’s just sharp like this all right this looks so stupid this looks so boring it’s like so i don’t know

It like hurts my eyes it’s like poking into my eye basically but this is so i don’t know satisfying to me when there’s different levels to it but yeah okay so let’s go to my next design i think i’m done with the wall this one actually i don’t know if i can

Immediately locate but this one is a castle so i think it’s um pretty pretty cool thing as well for me this was kind of a fun project i think i started building it on live stream i basically i looked i googled images of castles and i found this really cool image

And i sort of took strong inspiration from it i think that’s also another good tip if you wanna if you don’t really have any ideas for what to build then literally just google something um that seems like a cool theme to you like i called like a medieval castle or something

Like that or yeah basically basically that’s what i did and so i found a picture and i started sort of trying to model it i wasn’t trying to copy it one by one i just sort of like to take idea of it so this is my castle it’s very small and modest

But i think it’s very cute um again playing with a lot of different levels like this goes up this goes down you know just cool stuff um if you want to go down here there’s a little lake that i like to decorate a lot little monuments sticking out yeah so a little bridge

In inside area here it goes i think this is really cool because it’s under like the rest of the castle like this is all above you sort of hanging over you but it’s being supported uh by you know pillars and there’s just something really cool about stuff hanging over you you know

Especially because this is like made out of dirt so it’s sort of natural um but yet it’s integrated with human build stuff i really like the idea of mixing you know human and nature it’s almost like a cyborg you know how cyborg is half human and half half robot so that’s

Kind of the idea there um so yeah okay so the idea of the br uh the castle was that it has four corners and they each has like a different kind of tower sticking out so the first corner is kind of it’s it’s kind of simplistic it’s it’s sort of a generic

Castle like wall that you could expect to see in different real-life castles this other one is a little bit more different and it kind of to me for some reason this feels a little bit chinese like some sort of chinese architecture i’m not sure why but it just gives me that vibe

Um the same thing on the back one but that one goes higher so it it’s um it’s almost like like an upgraded version of this i guess you could almost i guess you could imagine like a video game where you have a castle and every time you upgrade it it sort of becomes

More advanced that’s kind of what’s happening here it’s like this is like level one when you upgrade to level two you get this you upgrade to level three you get this and then you up upgrade to level four and you have this really cool thing over here then it’s basically maxed out

And yeah so that’s that i i like the idea of this gradient of going from spruce to is this akashia no it’s jungle stairs my bad uh so spruce akasia and then uh oak i believe yeah so i thought that was a really nice gradient so i wanted to use that

In my tower so it starts with bruise and then it kind of does a little bit of acacia and then mixes it with a little bit of spruce then more acacia and then oak so yeah i like to i wanted to use that gradient a lot in this castle

I really like this house here because it’s sort of floating in the air we go in here um it’s pretty simple there’s no really decoration inside here a lot of the times i kind of forget to do indoors decoration because i just kind of don’t bother with it

You know i i oftentimes just finished the odds outside and i’m like okay i’m done here so yeah these towers you can climb up and stuff and it’s pretty cool there’s balconies on the side i want to actually go back to the balcony in a second because there’s

Some nice design stuff there as well um i really like this idea of space um like i really like that you can look up there and there’s a lot of open space there it gives this very grand feeling for this interior but yeah let’s go back to

This so here’s another trick with depth obviously so instead of a flat wall i’ve done this balcony obviously that comes out but not only does it just go back into the wall and then stay flat it goes inwards it goes inside and it gives another another cool level of depth

And yeah so that’s just another maybe if you want to use this idea in your own builds then go ahead yeah so that’s my castle i think one thing i this is kind of a pet peeve of mine but um i really i really hate it when there’s uh sort of

Dirt blocks here it doesn’t really make sense to me like i’d rather do this because that makes more sense because when you think about oh how this would have been built by humans all of this stone would probably go inside this ground like it would technically be

Like going inside there but you don’t really see it obviously you don’t have to build it if you can’t see it then there’s no purpose in building it there but the idea is if there’s like freaking dirt here it doesn’t really make sense you know um like what like wouldn’t the castle crumble

And like fall if this was not being supported by stone but rather freaking dirt so yeah didn’t make sense uh more depth tricks here just protruding out of the wall a little bit or extruding i don’t know if i don’t know if protruding is even the right

Word i feel like i keep using it but it’s probably wrong but yeah okay that’s my castle uh what else do we got so i have one more build to show or do i yes wait let me think about it i think i only have one more

Okay i’m gonna speed run it a little bit um i also built this you know out of the spawn this like cool pathway comes out i just wanted to make it kind of wide so it doesn’t feel like it’s sort of like a little

Wimp wink of a road i wanted it to feel like a big road and i wanted this to feel like a big central area that you can go to multiple different directions from so yeah you can go that way you can go this way yeah so i built this path as well it

Goes along here um yep so we go here here here i think someone else actually built this one this bridge here um but yeah we keep going this direction actually this uh this this path was actually not built by me i don’t know why i said it was by me

Someone else built it but then i sort of enhanced it i made it a little bit better and i put some more effort into it but overall i really appreciate the effort put into it okay so this one is going to be a cemetery which is kind of in a weird place

Because you might not even notice it like if you happen to look left from here you might notice that there’s some stuff going around there but you might totally miss it you might just keep running this way and not notice and just keep going along the path

But if you happen to turn left here you’ll notice a weird bridge and then a lot of cemetery stuff um there’s not really anything here but um i probably will write down some certain community related losses not necessarily like real life stuff but like if something happened like maybe

Well like for example if someone had like a really beloved cat in the game like a pet in minecraft and they happened to die then we might make like a sign for it or um yeah so something like that or like um like as a joke if like my

Youtube channel dies then i could put a sign here mentioning it but yeah anyway so there’s a lot of these uh what do you call them actually uh gravestones that i’ve put all over the place lanterns i think are a very cute addition to it as well um but uh the thing

Okay this is kind of messed up because these are like these are like uh spears that have heads stuck to them and there’s like blood around it it’s a little bit messed up but uh i like to think that a bunch of barbarians or some sort of aztec mayans came here and just

Caused havoc and then they built this giant like temple here that actually like the the the idea here was that there was this this was all the stone was naturally generated right here so i was like it would be cool to build like a temple into this stone and then i could make

Some sort of a secret wall that opens up from this stone with the redstone and it’s kind of like a secret entrance maybe you have to like do a weird like uh secret uh what do you call it like a lever combination to open the door

So it’s like these mayans came here and built some really weird ancient stuff and it’s just been sitting here for like thousands of years not visited by anyone and it’s being like being overtaken by vegetation and my nature is essentially growing over it and covering it in a way

It’s not really finished at all it’s just i don’t know there’s gonna be this like kind of barbarian wall around it that i haven’t fully finished yet there’s also like this cold water temple that i made um not much going on in here but i kind of like the idea that the

Water is falling through the ceiling but yeah this is pretty nice goes into the water i like that idea um yeah so i’m i use jungle because i i’m thinking like okay this is sort of like built by jungle people like really really advanced jungle people who

Have a very good grasp on on on building and architecture architecture i don’t even know how to pronounce that word man but yeah they they are obsessed with like different symbols and like shapes and uh like symbolism and stuff like that i think this is kind of a cool like symbol

Kind of thing going on here i don’t know it’s like a carving kind of thing like they’ve carved something into this wall and there’s this cool little um i don’t even know what to call it like thing coming out of it yeah so that’s that um is that my final build

I mean basically yes i believe that is my um that was my cemetery i think i haven’t built anything at the end of this let’s actually go back to spawn um oh i just want to mention i absolutely love the spawn like beginning part like this whole thing with the circular

Oh god i don’t know why but i just love this so much like the diamond block in the middle it really pops so strongly and it has a really good contrast with the green of the leaves and i i feel like even the wood the stripped oh like strict logs here

Stripped logs they just the colors really work together so well in this area that i just can’t can’t like even understand or grasp how awesome it is to me um and yeah so i really love this area i also like how the like the top of it is like this dominant dark color

And uh yeah it’s just there’s a nice contrast between up and below and the circular shapes and uh everything here is really really interesting to me okay um yeah so yeah that’s cool um yeah so the last thing i wanted to show isn’t really too crazy or interesting to be fair

Um it’s mostly just this path that’s basically the final thing i wanted to show a little bridge thing going on here it’s kind of weird but i think it makes paths interesting when every now and then there’s like an interesting monument or bridge or like a different kind of go

Pass through area um whoa i also love this one so this sort of log staircase um i like making things inconsistent so rather than just making like for example this guy made a very straight staircase here this is not made by me but he made a very straight staircase and when

You look at it it’s super repetitive right like it just repeats a lot right and i’m i’m not saying that it’s bad i don’t i actually think it’s a pretty good bridge because you know he has at least uses like this material in this material so it breaks up the pattern

And also he has like um the glowstone in the middle that kind of gives the little spice and the walls are made out of a different material so it stands out as well so it’s not a bad bridge but compared to this it has a different feel to it because

I kind of wanted to almost feel like somebody cut down like pieces of a tree and then just like laid them down here but they didn’t like try to lay them down perfectly aligned it kind of it kind of just you know hugs the edges of the natural generation

So this is the wall was basically naturally right here and here or actually to be fair i don’t think it was like this naturally but it kind of looks natural you know that’s how i imagine it so like the edges are sort of wavy like they don’t really

Have consistency or any kind of sense to it so you know the wood logs also are kind of random they go like this this the edge goes like this it doesn’t make much sense but i think it looks really cool i’m just tracing along the um the edge of the wood maybe minecraft

Tracing would be a fun video to do i don’t know if that would give anyone any kind of triggers like going along certain edges of like i don’t know tell me if anyone is like slightly triggered by this like triggered in a good way like an asmr trigger

Like going along the edge of this chest here maybe some people actually find this nice i’m not really sure but i’ll consider doing it okay anyway so i really like this bridge because it has the stripe effect and all that okay we keep going we keep moving a little bridge again

Keep moving we keep moving so again bats become interesting when there’s a lot of stuff that makes it not repetitive so here’s a tunnel again makes the path more interesting bam we’re just running we’re speeding through another bridge very simple bridge but kind of a cool design i think

Um i feel like every bridge i make is so different from each other it’s kind of funny but uh like there’s a little singular stripe going along diagonally here with a little red dot in the middle just to give it some spice give it some color

Um and then slabs i believe on this another line of slabs but and instead of using slabs again for the edge i’ve used trapdoors to give it you know a different texture but also give it depth from the side view because if you look here it has a lot more depth obviously

Okay we keep going here this one is pretty interesting too so this is still the same path it just keeps going but i wanted to make this part interesting this staircase here um just more cool ideas here nothing nothing too crazy but it’s simple cute and nice a lot of my designs are

Very compact because i like the idea of filling like i guess of filling a lot of stuff in small space i think that’s really fun to do so it’s what i tend to do a lot a little square area here um with color and shapes and stuff

Um yeah so yeah so compact stuff i don’t know why but i just it’s like fun for me i guess the main reason i do things in a compact ways because i don’t like to spend like 12 hours a day playing minecraft you know

I you know i have a life i have other responsibilities i have work to do i have other like dreams to follow so i don’t want to spend like incredible amounts of my life just building some giant castles and other huge buildings where where whereas like i can have the

Same amount of fun building something small and simple but still very cool that i can like feel proud about and really enjoy making because i feel like building in minecraft is very therapeutical whenever i’m feeling down i kind of like to jump on my craft and have some fun with building

And tickle my creative side have fun as a creator of things so another bridge that isn’t really necessarily i mean i guess it is a bridge but it’s sort of hitting it’s touching the ground so that’s the main reason why i don’t know if i can call it a bridge

It’s more like a road that’s stuck into the water um so yeah i don’t know again like when it comes to fencing if you just keep repeating the same fencing pattern it becomes pouring so i like to make things in sections there’s a little you know what they call this like a

Goddammit like a post and then the fence starts from the edge of the post you know it keeps going along and then boom we have another section like another section of the bridge so this is like one part of the bit bridge um this is like curved part and then there’s the

Straight part that is divided into you know this area that is like signified by these posts and then they’re connected with a actual fence instead of trapdoors so again this is breaking up the repetitiveness of the design and yeah and also instead of sideways sideways blocks here we have

Forward stripes again to break up the repetitiveness yeah so that’s another philosophy again i just want to make this clear like building things in sections is a great way to break up the repetitiveness i know i keep repeating the same terms here over and over and i hope that it doesn’t bother you

I just think repetition is a good way to make someone understand a concept so yeah um yeah so it’s good to think of things in like i don’t know if you’ve ever heard of modular design in video games but modular design is basically when you have certain pieces that stick together

Like that fit together like if you think about um video games that have like a level editor and the pieces in the level are almost like um i should i say like almost like hot wheels like racing kits like you know those hot wheels um

Like um how should i say like roads or whatever to like curve around in the air and when you send a car they just do these crazy like um upside down like volleys and stuff i don’t know how to explain it but i’ll put pictures on the screen so you’ll understand um so

So you know how those pieces like fit together like the edges of the pieces are designed to be able to like stick together with the other pieces and i guess that’s what you could you could call that um modular design because you have a certain set of pieces that all

Will fit together basically and you can combine them in different ways and you could say that this is essentially modular design like this is one piece and this is another piece and because i’ve designed it in a way that this piece fits well with this piece i can essentially use that idea

Over and over here as you might see this curve that happens here actually repeats here but upside down so it like instead of you know going that way it goes this way um and we have a diagonal thing going on here um okay i honestly i started rambling now so i’m not gonna

Go any deeper into that and actually i think that is the end of the video because it doesn’t really go anywhere and i’ve pretty much showed you everything i’ve wanted to um yeah i i really don’t know how to improve my public speaking or ability to explain things i kind of

Wish i could get better at it but i feel like no matter how much i do it i’m still just as stupid and not able to articulate certain things as well as i wish i could but it’s all good um again if you want to play on this minecraft server

You just have to subscribe to my twitch channel just once like one month is enough and what after you’ve done that you have to join the server and type twitch sync into the chat and then it’ll tell you to click on this and it’ll verify whether or not you are actually

Subscribed to my twitch and that if you are it will give you permanent access to play on this server so that’s that um those were all my builds that i have created on this server as far as i can remember it’s totally possible that were that

There are one or two other ones that i just completely forgot but i guess they wouldn’t be important enough anyway to include in this so it’s fine so yeah i mean i guess if you want to you can give me some feedback in the comments about my designs i’m not sure i’d really

Care that much i don’t think i would change anything even if people said that they didn’t like them too much i personally really like my designs and i’m pretty proud of them so uh you know as long as the things you do in life are things that you really enjoy then

You know have fun you know do whatever the hell you want man um hold on a second i’m just thinking i can’t remember if i built this bridge i literally cannot remember i don’t think i did wait did i hold on a second wait what happened oh god i accidentally removed

All my items i forgot that’s okay so i don’t think this was made by me okay cool anyway um i was gonna point out that this wall was actually built by me because the guy who built this house and that floating tower or the floating island his wall was super

Repetitive and boring um think it looked something like this actually like it was basically this but just very straight very repetitive and i just looked like i don’t know i didn’t really like it too much and i because it’s close to the spawn it’s kind of like giving people first impressions when

They walk past it so i was like you know what i’m gonna make it look nicer so i try to again break up repetition i made it wavy on the top instead of being just entirely straight um i made it wavy i added different materials different um like different styles of blocks and

You know walls sticking out and just little sections of trapdoors and yeah what do you call these stairs on the bottom as well and i think this looks a lot better than what it looked like before obviously i can’t show you what it looked like before but

I just take my word for it i think this is a little bit more random and exciting than what it was before just yeah that’s all so i think that’s pretty cool i don’t remember if i made this arc or arch or whatever i don’t think i did okay guys thank you

For watching this video uh subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already let me know in the comments how you feel felt about this video if you enjoyed it um feel free to give me any ideas or requests for what you want me to do on this channel

Any other asmr content if you want me to do any rocket league related asmr i’m definitely down to do that as well i feel like that would be a good um i don’t know i just feel like people would i don’t know what i’m trying to say is i think i

Would get a [ __ ] ton of views with those that’s all i think i would get a lot of views with dracula asmr but anyway it’s not about the views anyway so we’re just you know enjoying life here so yeah thanks for watching appreciate you guys i’m gonna see you

Guys in the next asmr see ya and peace and good night

This video, titled ‘Fantasy RPG Inspired Survival Builds 💤 Minecraft ASMR for sleep’, was uploaded by Linkuru ASMR on 2020-12-16 18:30:10. It has garnered 17242 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:40 or 6040 seconds.

In this sleepy asmr video I’m giving you a complete tour of all my builds in our community Minecraft server. I’m not the best builder, but I try to be as creative as I can and put my own unique style to buildings. These whispers and nonsensical rambles shall make you melt into your bed and drift you to sleep, as you start dreaming about the endless world of Minecraft and all the magical things you can do in it. (fun fact: i have a friend who regularly dreams about minecraft and it’s kinda cute but kinda weird lol) #Minecraft #ASMR

Themes that inspired my builds: – Barbarian Villages (for example: Runescape) – Spawn Towns / Hub worlds from popular RPG games – The Legend of Zelda – Game of Thrones, and other fantasy-genre influences – Level design philosophies I’ve learned about from games

🍑 Use creator code “Linkuru” As an Epic Partner I receive 5% from your purchases in Rocket League & Epic Games Store when you support my code! 🙂


⭐ LINKS – Twitter: – Twitch: – IG: – Minecraft Server:

Rocket League channel: @Linkuru

  • Graveyard Giggles: Catacombs in Minecraft

    Graveyard Giggles: Catacombs in Minecraft In Minecraft, I craft a graveyard so grand, A house for the pastor, in my city’s land. Improving the catacombs, a spooky delight, In my own survival server, shining bright. The Iron golem statue, a sight to behold, Check out the video, if you’re feeling bold. My English may falter, but my gameplay’s strong, Join me in Minecraft, where we all belong. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Mega Base in Style!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience!

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  • Minecraft Redstone Tricks

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  • Crafting a Friendly Cow Portal – Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

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  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards!

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  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Ghost Secrets

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  • Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft

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  • Efat Craft Techz – Ultimate Freakshow Madness! #MinecraftAnimation

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  • Survival Challenge: Mind Roar 🙀👹

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  • Crazy! Villager Rod Up Butt in Minecraft #viral #subscribe

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  • Mind-Blowing Updates in Your MC City 5 #OMG #MustSee

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  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE SMP Server 24/7 🔥 #minecraftlive

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  • Insane Herobrine Kill! Bloodfallen vs Davil | Minecraft Animation

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  • Sasuke Monarch’s insane Minecraft Live SMP chaos! Join now!

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  • Insane Minecraft Watermelon Minigames // Guard Raffle

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  • Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay – MUST SEE!

    Insane Minecraft Weuo Gameplay - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft’, was uploaded by Weuo on 2024-03-06 13:35:52. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:12 or 4092 seconds. Im witerally playing minecraft if u tryna pay me heres the link my friends links Ven: Za_Gaming: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play… Read More

  • Passerines Network

    Passerines NetworkNEW! ETHEREAL REALM – Build your own town, Fight for the throne! Ethereal Realms is a PvPvE capture the throne RPG game that is built around a magical fantasy and medieval theme. The weapons in this game includes giant greatswords, sabers, bow, crossbow, magical items such as wands, magic staffs, spells, mounts such as dragons, basilisks, leviathans and griffins. Lead your people, build a town from the grounds up, create an alliance and take the throne. Whoever named king shall wield the Excalibur and rule the realm. VELOCITY – Fast-paced Melee & Gun PvP Take on the role of an… Read More

  • SagesCraft SMP Semi-Vanilla

    SagesCraft SMP SagesCraft SMP offers a unique Minecraft experience where you can explore your building skills, create farms, build redstone contraptions, and make friends in a survival-focused environment. Features: A friendly community No admin abuse A long-term server An engaging experience Join the Discord for more information: We hope to see you on SagesCraft! Read More

  • FairyWorld Vanilla +

    FairyWorld Vanilla +**FairyWorld** is a **Vanilla +** type server. This server is aimed at players interacting with each other without the intervention of administrators. On our server, people unite into cities, unions and clans. The players on our server are adequate, and our active moderation bans griefers. **The server is young, but there are already an average of 11 people online in the evening!****Since our server is “vanilla+”, we have a lot of cool mechanics!**- Custom enchantments- Custom fishing- Souls and soul abilities- Alcohol- New structures- Pumping characteristics||To get to the server you need to go to the DS in my profile… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Every small smp drama ever

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  • NICO’s Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived!

    NICO's Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived! In Hardcore Minecraft, as Nico I spawned, A baby in shock, my partner Cash gone. Surviving 100 days, a daunting task, But with skill and luck, I’ll surely last. Join my Discord, where we plan and scheme, To create epic videos, a Minecraft dream. Rhyming updates, with humor and flair, Keeping the audience engaged, with stories rare. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, Crafting Minecraft news, like a gaming king. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In this hardcore world, let the rhymes begin! Read More

  • Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue… para o Nether! 🔥

    Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue... para o Nether! 🔥 “Quando você pensa que finalmente encontrou alguém que te entende, mas na verdade só quer te seguir no Minecraft. Prioridades, né?” 😂 #minecraftpriorities Read More

  • Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? While watching the latest YouTube video on the one block Minecraft pocket edition map, you may have felt a surge of excitement and creativity. Imagine taking that excitement to the next level by joining a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking to explore new horizons, challenge your survival skills, and connect with a diverse gaming community, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the place for you. With a wide range of gameplay options, from survival mode to house building to crafting challenges, Minewind… Read More

  • Playing ROBLOX Horror Map ‘DOORS’ in Minecraft!【Minecraft Bedrock】

    Playing ROBLOX Horror Map 'DOORS' in Minecraft!【Minecraft Bedrock】 Exploring the Fusion of Minecraft and Roblox: The Doors Map When it comes to the world of gaming, the fusion of different platforms and games can lead to exciting new experiences. One such example is the Doors map, originally a popular horror map in Roblox, now available for play in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The Doors Map: A High-Quality Experience The Doors map is renowned for its high-quality design and immersive gameplay. Players who enjoyed the map in Roblox can now delve into its mysteries in the Minecraft universe. The transition from one platform to another has brought a fresh… Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!

    Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found Quailman & Bison – Minecraft Animal Adventures (Ep 17)’, was uploaded by Erose on 2024-04-07 17:20:12. It has garnered 375 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. Hey… I have a ton of pixel animals and I need to build homes for them. What animals will we find today? Today we find Quailman! A cute little quail buddy that lays eggs. Not all hero’s wear capes, ok. We also find a bison! Today we cook some waffles and find some tropical fruits. Minecraft Animal Adventures with… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Massive Secret Build

    Minecraft's Massive Secret BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Biggest Minecraft Build I’ve Ever Made’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-03-21 20:14:33. It has garnered 2268 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:05 or 9425 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Hypixel’s minigames! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More


    INSANE 2b2t BATTLE: DONFUER DOMINATESVideo Information This video, titled ‘The LARGEST battle in 2b2t history’, was uploaded by DonFuer on 2024-04-18 19:42:41. It has garnered 1522 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. Dangerous battles happen on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft #2b2t Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍

    EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft ep 2 “Playing Minecraft survival world ;)”‘, was uploaded by Arnapy on 2024-02-26 14:56:40. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:22 or 2782 seconds. !this is a recording of the stream! another stream alone:(( but I hope you’ll like my content:))) also if you want more content when subscribe and follow me on twich(still don’t know why i can’t put a link, it’s says that i need to build a history) PS: here will be not only recordings of the stream, so follow for… Read More


    BOMBAY KA JAY - EPIC 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Join My New Survival Smp BedRock + Javaedition Cracked 24/7 online public smp live’, was uploaded by BOMBAY KA JAY on 2023-12-28 12:58:27. It has garnered 613 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. Upi I’d – jayislive@fam #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcpe #gaming #live #minecraftsurvival #JAYISLIVE #jayislive Minecraft #GamerFleet #MinecraftHindi #THEHEROSSMP #JAYARMY JOIN JAY ARMY WHATSAPP CHANNEL 👇 JOIN TELEGRAM 👇 Discord link 👇 MY INSTAGRAM👇 Vlog Channel 👇 2nd Channel 👇 Join this channel to get access to perks:… Read More

  • Get FREE Donuts on SMP – Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLuke

    Get FREE Donuts on SMP - Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLukeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rating bases/Grinding?Giveaways … DONUT SMP!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by ItzLuke on 2024-03-03 03:35:46. It has garnered 155 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:57 or 3777 seconds. #donutsmp #cpvp #minecraft #live #vanillaplus #legendtoken #giveaway #endcrystal Read More


    EPIC FACECAM SHOWDOWN: HIVE vs ZEQAVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE AND ZEQA LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-03-17 03:16:36. It has garnered 3419 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:27 or 6387 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BATTLE FACTOR - LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Battle Factor’, was uploaded by BATTLE FACTOR on 2024-03-24 21:24:11. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:40 or 2920 seconds. Epic Moments Of Biggest Indian Gamers | Techno Gamerz | Battle Factor Hello Guys… 🙏 Thankyou so much for watching my video… ● Watch,share and Comment ● Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments! ● Don’t forget to subscribe my channel to help us reach to 1,00,000 Subscribers ❤ Second Channel : Like Us… Read More

  • UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥

    UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️’, was uploaded by ENTRO GAMERZ on 2024-04-15 15:13:17. It has garnered 453 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:32 or 692 seconds. মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP 16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️ #mincraft #mincraft game #mincraft 100 days #mincraft smp#mincraft Bangla #mincraft gamplay #mincraft survival seerise welcome Gyez ————🥰 Instagram: Mincraft Bangla gamplay 👇👇 video: ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ About: Entrogamerz is a YouTub Channel,Where find gaming video in Bangla, I hope this video was Usefull and you liked it, if you did… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded vanilla

    Harmony Survival Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord Discover true vanilla gameplay on Harmony Reloaded. Join a community focused on exploration, creativity, and friendship without toxic chat or pay-to-win mechanics. Experience the magic of Minecraft in its purest form. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and readable chat Active moderation against toxicity Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard Hosting: US West World Border: +/- 40,000 for player interaction Watch our trailer here Read More

  • InfernalSMP

    InfernalSMPCustom ItemsMinesLifeStealCratesBattlePassPVP ArenaJOIN NOW AT: infernalsmp.minecraft.bestDISCORD: JAVA Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft, What in Block World is This?

    Looks like this Minecraft meme got hit with a critical fail in the popularity department! Read More

Fantasy RPG Inspired Survival Builds 💤 Minecraft ASMR for sleep