Fastest Minecraft Speed Run with Tess! Watch now!

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Oh I haven’t taken my things off my cameras see you can’t see me you can see me now though hey everyone right I haven’t turned my camera on on Twitch or uh YouTube as well okay camera’s on hey hello I’m here I’m not hiding is good morning right let’s start this

We’re doing a speedrun I’ve been given this seed someone said it’s an interesting seed so I have got no idea haven’t been on it literally just about to press create now so uh let’s go and see what it’s like let’s do this speedrun and let’s hope it doesn’t take

Us 2 hours to find diamonds on this speedrun like it did on our last one seriously it was a thing I’ve changed my skin as well yesterday so I’m like a weird looking I don’t even know what I am I think it’s called Ender or Endy or something like that it’s the Skin’s

Called so yeah hey lvc hey Leila hey Mick hey Drago how we doing hey Tess I’m not sure what your name is it’s like weird pictures ow will you stop beating look can you see what the dog has done to me already today I don’t if you can see that on camera big

Big red scratch get beaten up I don’t just say that my dog beats me up my dog actually beats me up Happy New Year’s Eve yes guys Happy New Year’s Eve I don’t know if it’s actually New Year’s Day in some places I don’t think it

Quite is but it’s close to New Year’s Day in some places isn’t it oh my gosh that player looks different from the other players’s perspective he T how are you today I am good I am good I’ve been given a seed for a speedrun the person said it was

MIA actually I don’t know if Mia is here yet um Mia’s often in stream they said to me do you ever do you know seeds I’m like well I haven’t yet I just just do them generally and see what comes up what are you doing

Dog get out from by the tree um but I I’m happy to so yes that’s what I’ve done I’ve that’s terrifying yes I’m scary I’m scary Molly ra I know you’re all terrified of me right you’re still no I know that you got you got ill just as you were on

Holiday that’s just not fair like um my uh brother well I’ve got two brothers and the younger of my two brothers who they’re all both older than me um had chickenpox and was off school so my older brother was like right it’s really contagious so he was going up to

Him and like rubbing him and just really wanted to get time off school um and it took him ages to actually contract the virus and he got it but it was over the Easter holidays so he was Ill all over the holidays so kind of a bit of karma

Going on there cuz he actually tried to get sick he you know he was like I want to get sick but he wanted to get sick so he got time off school not because he wanted to get sick um but it took him so long to get ill from the actual virus he

Was Ill all over the holidays um dingdong dingdong Molly thank you for the heart me cob thank you for 10 roses and babe thank you for the flame Hearts guys thank you so much how old are you if you don’t mind me asking I am 45 so in gaming years I’m a

Dinosaur I don’t know why I haven’t made an axe in real years it depends on how old you are if you’re 15 I’m probably really old but if you’re 70 I’m probably really young so uh yeah I mean I’m not sure about my mental age I’m never going

To grow up mentally that’s that’s just not happening um but yeah in in actual years 45 it’s 20 minutes till 2024 for you okay yes so are you one of the first people to hit I think you probably are aren’t you 13 hours I think that’s that that could be the top end

Of um I don’t know what you would class it as but top end of uh where it goes from where we are cuz I’m in the UK so we’re actually zeroed we’re we’re straight down the middle because I actually don’t live too far from Meridan which is the center of the

UN the the planet I don’t know what it’s classed as but it’s uh zero on the axes isn’t it um so as far as time goes it’s zero um so you would be plus 13 wow that’s so exciting Happy New Year to you and Happy New Year to everyone who’s

You know over the next so many hours we’re all going to be hitting the New Year aren’t we so yeah Happy New Year to everybody there’s 12 hours till New Year for you okay okay morning Tess morning Jess how you doing Tess and Jess they get rhyme don’t

They do you know so many people call me Jess accidentally um I don’t I it’s 9 hours for you what are we what are we we’re almost 11:00 a.m. so 13 and hours and 20 minutes for us um I think I’ve got enough wood now let’s go find a village I’ve got plenty

Of there’s a village right there okay okay okay okay I don’t even need to think do I need to get some sheep on the way because it could get dark it’s not going to get dark we get in there way before it’s dark that’s good I’m

Happy I mean unless we get unived on the on route but hopefully we won’t hopefully we won’t hopefully it’s a good start um welcome in everyone as well over on YouTube and on Twitch hey banana and sparkles me how am I I’m good Mia I’m doing your

Um the seed that you suggested for the speedrun um so there we go I’ve I’ve put it in today hopefully we’ll see how it goes I’ve literally just started 7 minutes ago so um yeah if it’s a terrible Speed Run we can only blame me we canot blame meia it’s definitely

Nothing to do with me and my awful Play It’s All to do with the seed um uh hello Tess is live I’ve been gone for a while how are you I’m good live how are you I’m excited to see good luck on the seed yes yeah um I hope it’s good I hope

It’s I hope it’s good I have looked at the location and the Fortress looks a long way in the Nether and it looks rather ly but we’ll see we’ll see yay free Armor free armor I like it we don’t know do we it could be really easy to get there haven’t been in

It don’t know we will see see shall I uh I hear things being unived I’m just going to take a nap in this one I’m not going to stay napping in this one just going to turn um all of my stuffs into bread as well so I’ve got a

Good amount of bread that that’s plenty of food to get on with and this bed I’m going to steal cuz I’ve slept in that one I’ll steal this one cuz I might go for a little wand there’s more wheat there that’s nice nice nice nice I like yes Bosley I agree don’t you

Agree uh what will you beat the dragon today I hope so it depends on how long everything takes um we’ve had ones where ow BOS that really hurts he’s already scratched me all up today um we’ve had streams where I’ve beat we’ve done it really quickly um like 2 hours and it’s done

And that’s great that’s 2 to three hours is about the length of my streams um and there’s other ones where our longest was like 7 and 1 half hours so that was done over three streams um so are we going to beat the dragon today we’re going to try that’s

All I can tell you I don’t know how it’s going to go we’ve been live 9 minutes so I can tell you the first 9 minutes we’ve got a bed we’ve got some food and we’ve got wood so it’s all going to plan as is right

Now can we see your dog I suppose so I suppose so come here come on come and say hi then upper come oh thank you for the the slobbery kiss I always wanted French kisses from you they were lovely thank you so much dog bill I got dog tongue in my mouth lovely

Um thank you yes lovely um so yes Bosley yes we all love Bosley he is uh he is a bit loved right I may unive you in a minute does not mean I don’t love you he didn’t hear me he he didn’t hear there that is just a workstation there

Is a bed there let’s go to sleep here and there’s a chest there which we can raid in a minute as well um the dog plays up cuz he thinks I’m saying hey Cat not hey chat yeah so he just I’m going to take that bucket actually thanks um because he just I

Give him too much attention probably I do baby my dog it is my fault I do it that looks like a good place to go down and look for diamonds um so it’s kind of my fault because yeah I’m I totally do it uh I’m going to leave that water there running

But I’m going to go up and grab some water from here in case we find some lava down there and we can uh obsidian and IND it make sense right makes sense in my head or we can also use the water bucket for traveling up

And down um over there cuz they did look like there’s water so hopefully nice I wondered what that was Tyler’s left his cereal bolt out um so my dog is having a little bit of milk my dog is not lactose int any of you that are wondering or saying cuz

Some dogs are you see um like he’s fine with that otherwise I’d be like Nah I’m going to just make a normal pickaxe rather than this wooden one because that’s going to be a bit quicker getting this stuff hopefully cuz there’s coal there I like coal Coal and me are friends oh there’s more coal underneath that is good that means torches so we can see what we’re

Doing we’ve got a little bit of wood so we could make charcoal but I’d rather use my wood for tools and have coal for the Torches what do you play on I’m uh on the Xbox so this is bedrock Edition um yeah I have played Java

Edition before but it lagged when I was streaming I TR I got Java cuz I wanted to learn how to use like a keyboard and mouse cuz I don’t use a keyboard and mouse so I’m awful with it I was just like okay I’m up for learning so and I

Was going to do streams where you guys taught me how to use the keyboard and mouse pretty much so um I did but it was really laggy so we had to go back over to bedrock but um in saying that and I’ve said this before it was back in the days when Tik

Tok Studios was very very new and it had many many problems but now they’ve done a lot to sort out any issues there have been so there’s a good chance it won’t lag anymore um I don’t know and obviously let we try it so I’m thinking

At some point of doing a um Java stream and getting you guys to teach me how to not how to play Minecraft but how to play on the keyboard sort of thing you know cuz I basically know forwards backwards left right and the E key to open your box that’s it that’s anything

Else don’t know haven’t got a clue not a clue I joined I joined a a friend server the other day um it’s a creative server and flying I I I did manage to fly but I can’t even remember what buttons I pressed I just was going ahead and pushing

Buttons but I did manage to fly but I I didn’t know how to get back down I was just flying up in the air I just like okay we’ll just stay up here I know what I’m doing honest I didn’t know what I was doing okay so it doesn’t go down too

Deep we’ll grab this other coal here so we’re going to have to dig down um I’m going to grab this water cuz the other one is up there but we’ll take this in case there’s lava underground that’s the way up isn’t it to the Village pretty sure that’s the one I made is

It I think so yeah it’s got to be isn’t it cuz it’s the highest one um I’ll make a I’ll make like a little marker here so I know okay I know that’s that’s the one I’ve got to go up yes Bosley we all agree we all agree

Did I grab that car I didn’t I said I was going to grab it this is ADHD brain guys I go all over the place me staying on task is just it don’t happen staying on task just doesn’t happen that’s why my speed runs are never actually going to be Speedy cuz I’m

Always Here There and Everywhere I I’m doing a million things other than the one thing that I should actually be doing it’s like oh co I’ll get this call no no actually I’ll just go here and I’ll go there and I’ll lay these blocks and I’ll do

This uh do you only play Minecraft I do I am up for playing other games and I did when I first started streaming I did play a few other games but it was it actually became quite funny because when I played these other games I’m stuck in the water aren’t I

Let me out let me out I’ve I’ve I’ve done that to myself um when I played the other games people were like why aren’t you playing Minecraft and everyone left it was it was really strange you li are like Tess play other games so I did

And then when I played the other games you were just like why are you playing this why aren’t you playing Minecraft it was it was it was almost it was yeah it was laughable it was comical um so yeah um that is why I don’t anymore but I am up for playing other

Games um I’ve got another account I can’t go live on it yet cuz I don’t have enough followers but I’m happy to like keep this one for Minecraft and do other gaming on that do you play horror games not really I’m not a horror fan because I’m a big

Wuss I’m literally I’m I’m I’m scared of everything I’ll be scared of my own shadow I’m not I don’t watch horror movies or anything either this is water everywhere I’m just digging in ah digging into water everywhere this is this is not going to plan right

Should I dig down by where we came up then we started to go down here didn’t we cuz we found coal but if we just carry on digging should I put the cords on that would help wouldn’t it so then we know what level we’re at

Okay 86 we’re really high up oh my gosh it’s a good job we came all that way down in the water otherwise that’s that’s probably about 30 40 blocks as well isn’t it so we’re on a tall mountain so hopefully we can dig into a

Cave and then uh that will take some of the things should we make these torches that I was talking about we got all this coal to make torches and I haven’t actually made the Torches and we’re not going to be able to see are we in a minute so

Uh if I get those out then uh we have better Vision I will have to make some more pickaxes in a minute though um can I pay fin it do you mean fortnite um I have played fortnite in the past but only once and it didn’t go

So well I am good at shooting games is I used to be I’m not anymore cuz my reaction speeds are slow so actually I’m not good at shooting games anymore but I used to be um but yeah old age has taken its course and now I’m not good but

Um uh so I know how to shoot people and I know what hit markers are and such like that and I was shooting away at this person and they just weren’t dying and I was getting very frustrated cuz I was playing and my son he’s 17 now but

He used to play fortnite quite a bit and why are they not playing why uh why are they not dying why are they not dying um and my son says mom you’re shooting them with a bandage bazooka you’re healing them so I was just like okay

Yeah well I probably need to learn the game before I actually play it don’t know and what guns do um what about Cod um I used to play COD again again I don’t anymore I used to be very good at cod in fact I was battles manager I used to do it

Competitively I was Battle manager for EU for the clan that came forth in the world for uh Cod 3 so a long time ago Modern Warfare 3 that is not actual Cod number three hello Tyler Tyler’s waving off camera are you not a camera person today you look like a rat Tyler’s not

Coming on camera today cuz he looks like a rat um so I did Ed to play Ro uh not uh Roblox I used to play COD and I used to be very good at it back in the day but I’m just not anymore my reaction speeds are too slow they’re just not

Good um yeah so I I don’t do card or very many shooting games at all anymore the only ones that I ever play now are Battlefield uh five and Insurgency Sandstorm and I’m not great I’m not great I’m not terrible at Insurgency I’m probably better than most but I’m not great the

Others I’m not like wow this person’s really good um at all no what about OverWatch do you know I I Casey had an extra copy of OverWatch I think they got it with the when they bought their Xbox and I bought it off her because I tried it the one time and

I was like oh yeah I like this game it looks like it’s fun and I never actually played it and then Tyler took it and I who knows where it is now it’s gone off into his room um so yeah I I had the disc but I

Never played it so well I played one game and I did like the game that I played 20K likes yes guys we’ve hit the like goal and Jade also thank you for the lightning bolts I didn’t notice them there thank you so much yes let’s go 20K we’re uping it to

40 let’s go find some diamonds so we can make a portal and get to the nether so we get to sing when we find diamonds I want everyone singing chamb like a diamond cuz we will find them got to got to guys I was given this seed so we’ll

See so far it’s looking pretty average as far as Minecraft seeds go I’m going to I’m being honest I haven’t seen anything that makes me go wow this is great for a A speedrun or anything that’s like H this is awful for a speedrun there was a

Village nice and close so that was nice that was nice H Tess what did you get for Christmas oh my gosh I got lots and lots of smelly stuff um bath bombs um shower gel stuff like that um I got lots of candles my candles are all behind me

I got this Hedgehog which Heats I haven’t used him yet I got an electric blanket I got a Minecraft blanket so I got a blanket with Minecraft on that is still in its packaging that’s in my bedroom at the moment I’m going to have to wrap myself up on stream at some

Point though um I got a notebook I got um oh my gosh what else did I get I got loads of stuff I was really spoiled I was really really spoiled um hoping for the luck you had yesterday with diamonds yes but not oh my gosh

Wasn’t that a joke I when I’m not doing if any of you guys were in stream yesterday I was just doing this standard our standard survival world and we were actually on the way looking for the ancient city we weren’t doing anything special and we came across so many

Diamonds it was ridiculous I had more than a stack of diamonds just sat there in my inventory it’s just like why can’t we find diamonds when we’re doing a speedrun they were just everywhere like just diamonds Galore I’m just like yeah this never happens when we’re doing a speed

Run uh when we do speed runs it’s it is the game l at me I swear it’s as if the diamonds go on holiday when we do speeduns de hi hey mango how we doing hey Willow how we doing you need an iron pickaxe for diamonds yeah I’m sure we’ll find iron

If not we can just go up to the Village cuz I still did did leave the Golem alive so we could hug the Golem if worse comes to worse last speed run we did we found so many so much iron it was ridiculous it took 2 hours to find enough diamonds to

Get through the portal that to make a pickaxe to mine the obsidian though it was ridiculous 2 hours and we were in a massive cave as well like at Deep slate level so at you know there should have been loads on the sides of the walls we found

Two and then we were digging around for the other one we did find it eventually but oh my God it was kind of unreal with the the the size of the cave we were in that there wouldn’t be any on the walls or the floor or the you know yeah

Um how is it I found a golden apple um probably in one of the chests they’re quite common in chests uh or you can um the golden apples are very very good um um for healthwise when you’re in a battle and you’re low on your health

Um sort of things so they are useful to to have on you um nice little Munch when you’re when you’re low on everything an apple a day it will keep the zombie away it doesn’t keep the zombie away the zombie will still come after you but it will help you it help

Me defeat the zombie um I love how you always answer every question I try to answer all the questions I know sometimes I do miss comments guys and I apologize for that but sometimes there are lots of comments and I do miss them sometimes thank you

Mad for the good game thank you blocks for the roses and mad for the sparkler happy New Year everyone happy New Year do you prefer control or keyboard I conf prefer a controller because that’s what I use I tried Java and I didn’t really know the keys so um will you stop

Jumping up you bully go and lay down lay down oh my gosh my dog um 40K likes it says 29.3 for me says 29.3 unless it’s frozen help me out guys what are the what are the likes at you can’t play on a controller you’ve gotten used

To keyboard now isn’t it weird it’s just what you’re used to I did try the keyboard but my game was lagging on live cuz I was going to get you guys to help and I was just saying a little while ago I’m going to try again now Tik Tok

Studios is further along and is updated cuz you know they do do a good job of updating themselves um so hopefully it will run smoothly now when I try um 30.4 says 29.7 for me um 29.9 can you beat the Ender Dragon that’s what I’m trying to do ice cream

That is the idea of a speed run you basically your aim is not to build pretty things or go and collect all of the stuff that you can it’s basically do the game with the minimal things that you need to beat the game with so that is what we’re going to do today

Hopefully might get it finished this stream it might be finished next stream it depends on how long everything takes um I need to find diamonds uh then I need to go and uh get obsidian uh we need to then make a portal and go through to the nether find the nether

Fortress and hug some blazes is to get blaze rods that we can then turn into blaze powder and mix those with the eyes of enders that we need the sorry ender pearls we need to collect to make eyes of enders then we need to find the

Stronghold um nice nice long uh list of things but once you’re used to doing it it’s not actually that much it can just sometimes it all falls into place brilliantly like I could just dig down here and dig straight into a bunch of diamonds and hey Presto that part’s

Done um or we could just be searching for ages like for instance my last speedrun I did it took 2 hours to find three diamonds it was pretty painful actually so yeah um it’s 3:05 a.m. for you um is what date is it for you have you hit the New

Year already or are you still are you 2023 or are you 2024 I’m still in 23 at the moment so yeah I’m just going to have a sip of my coffee 32 yeah that’s what it what it says for me as well um when there is a number

Discrepancy um of likes it means somebody or more than one person in the chat is using an auto Clicker and actually Tik Tok no and it doesn’t actually register the clicks so that’s why but it looks like for that person it’s it’s doing it or for other people

It may show the registered clicks but it doesn’t actually register them um that’s been like that for over a year now that Tik Tok have known like you know you don’t actually get the likes which is it’s nice that people do that but I suppose it’s good in a way because

Obviously somebody could just run an auto clicker and give likes to creators so I get why they do it I get why they do it but I get why people use them as well cuz they want to support their creators um without their fingers falling

Off um I’m I’m so lucky with you guys I always get a bunch of likes and it’s just so kind I’ve got like a joke a running joke going that I’ll know my followers if I ever see you in public because you’re the ones that have just

Got stubs for fingers cuz CU of tapping the screen so much you haven’t got any fingers left yay we found deep slay okay um our chances of finding diamonds are increasing with every block further down a bit of a pain we haven’t found a tunnel or a cave but yeah you’re dying

No you can’t it’s not allowed what time is it for you right now it is just gone 11:00 a.m. it’s just gone 11:00 a.m. for me on Christmas Eve New Year’s Eve oh my gosh Christmas Eve I’m either going backwards in time a week or forwards in time nearly a year I don’t

Know um yeah I didn’t get many much sleep last night guys so my brain could be worse than normal so it could be an interesting stream cuz it’s not normally very great is it and then there’s Tess’s brain on No Sleep um we we we could be

In for an interesting ride guys it could be could be a fun stream how many words can I get wrong today like say the wrong word and I totally like don’t even realize brain f dog is fun not it’s very real right let’s get a bunch more of

These hopefully we haven’t got any iron yet we haven’t got any iron so like if we do find diamonds before we find any iron we are going to have to go back up to the surface and un alive that Golem the resources on this map have been

Poor very very poor no iron at all in this whole Dig Down um so please game can we find some iron just three pieces will do just so I can make a pickaxe to mine the diamonds H you go to sleep at 700 a.m. every day do you work nights do you work

Nights otherwise why why have you tried level 40 to 45 for iron I haven’t I’ve just actually dug down in the hopes that I would find some as I was digging so I will continue to do that but if I find diamonds first we’re going to have to go searching for iron

Aren’t we um like yeah cuz otherwise we can’t mind them it’s not going to work with stone pickaxe but that is the best we’ve got ding dong yes thank you so much um mad thank you for the sparkler water thank you for the heart me mad thank you for the 2024 the lightning

Bowl and another 2024 thank you guys and thank you for ding donging me it did actually ding-dong once but I noticed there were five gifts so it D ding donged once out of the five so it’s doing the sporadic thing again where it’s going to dingdong at me sometimes

And it’s just not other times so yeah I do appreciate you guys ding donging me in chat so I know that um there is a gift thank you so much for the follow as well we’ve had just over 20 new followers this Stream So if you are new

To me you’re so welcome I’m Tess I’m doing a speedrun um yeah that’s basically it I I normally well I do a mixture of speedruns creatives and survival worlds uh our main world at the moment is is a survival one um and we’ve just been trying to explore the ancient city uh we

We’ve got the warden about 30 times in the last couple of days and before the last couple of days I’d never unived the warden before I’d hugged the warden many times and unived myself but I’d never unived the warden so that was that was new so we did that about 30 times that

Was quite cool uh we did it 23 plus times in one stream which was quite a lot but I did have some help I took down an army of iron golems with me and it’s just like come with me my Army of golems and help me uh 40K likes yes guys let’s

Change that like go up or down well we’re not going to go down are we we’re not going to go backwards there is no going back let’s go up to 60 I’m uping it in 20s today guys cuz you guys are just like smashing it so do you remember

Last November not November last month or yeah last month but the November before a year ago when we had crazy amounts of likes and I mean crazy in the respect that insanely crazy um I was up in the light gold by 100K at a time like just

Just a cool 100K jump like and you guys were smack smashing them we were we were sitting here on millions and millions of likes it was insane yes Bosley can I get my controller back in my hand I need to dig the peoples are all watching Bosley’s like not letting me uh

Grab my controller ow stop scratching me lay down lay down lay down no lay down no lay down oh my gosh he does not listen he knows what the words mean absolutely definitely um 100% he’s very very intelligent dog he’s just a brat he’s like give me all the attention

Tess hey Dave how we doing um so yeah he likes he likes attention ases my dog but it’s my fault I babied him I still do baby him so it’s my own fault rod for my own back they say don’t they um but me I don’t know I don’t

Know don’t know I will always baby him he’s my baby I’m one of those crazy people babies their dogs but it’s okay you’re okay good oh I hear a cave I hear a cave I’m better now if we’ve got a cave because that means we haven’t got

To just dig and dig and dig so hopefully we’re going to dig into a cave well well I don’t hear a cave I hear a zombie cuz caves don’t make noises any of you that are new to Minecraft Caves do not well sometimes they actually make a noise

Like a music noise to let you know there’s Darkness there so I’m not technically correct saying caves don’t make noises am I um great I found the cave right okay we’re going to go around the side then I guess and try and dig out into it and see what’s going

On how old are you Tess please tell us I am 45 so in gaming years I’m a dinosaur anyone over 25 that games is a dinosaur we have plenty of dinosaurs in the room um if you are like it depends on how old you are whether I’m actually old is there

Actually a way out that way do we know do we know if there is I can hear the cave and I think it is just water being a pain but should we see I don’t think that’s a whole pool of water but I can’t tell I don’t think it’s like an underwater

Cave and it’s not I can hear lava as well so it can’t be right there isn’t lava underwater so it is just like a waterfall pool of water or whatever within the cave you’re a dinosaur yes you’re 25 then you are a dinosaur as well Sara sorry to tell you but you are

Now past it and gaming you years in actual years you’re not like cuz you know there are people that are like 10 and plus out there so to be 25 I mean 25 to me is Young so to someone a lot older than that that’s very

Young so that did look like it was running down there so this is a pain I will get out I will get out promise guys this is just a stream dream of me digging into water it’s fine it’s what I meant it to do I think if I dig across here it

Should be above that water and we should be out you look 32 I will take that I will take that I’ll take 32 right I’m going to carry on digging here and just to see because actually now I’m here it does look like an entire

Pool and if it’s an entire pool we need to change our our Direction it is an entire pool okay all right all right we won’t go that way then so down here I guess we go backwards on ourselves makes more sense right there’s definitely a cave that you

Can go in here somewhere cuz I can hear zombies and I can hear lava though so um currently playing Sims would you ever play Sims on stream on my other account I would on this one because it is like I am sort of known now so much for

Minecraft I kind of want to keep this one to Minecraft content um but when I’ve got enough um followers on my other account um I’ll be up for playing other games on there be bit more casual I’d do some just talking streams as well where

You just get to talk to me that’d be great wouldn’t it chill with Tess but yeah I I do I have played Sims um but I don’t actually play the game I just do the the whole character create the dressing up and uh I do the money

Cheat and build the best house ever and then when I actually get to the playin point it’s just like oh I’m bored now don’t want to just want to do the whole creation part um cuz I really love the creation rather than the actual playing

Of the game it’s a bit mad I’m a bit weird it’s weird but that’s that’s how I like to play it that’s how I enjoy it more um yeah yeah that’s how I do enjoy it but yeah I’d be up for doing anything on the other streams almost you know all sorts of

Games um or just chatting or yeah anything um I see you on my for you page all the time your streams seem so chill thank you I do try and do chill streams I like to think that people can join stream and just chill out and forget about what they’re going through just

For a little while whether they can watch the entire stream or whether they can only watch 10 minutes it’s just like a little bit of rest bite almost for their brain um yeah so I hopefully I achieve that um and also Bailey thank you for your first

Time gift of a rose it did not ding-dong me it probably ding- donged you guys but sometimes when I get gifts it doesn’t ding-dong and sometimes it does it’s a bit all over the place um you got to go to work soon and you’re feeling quite anxious

Today just take a big breath in and out because breathing I know people say that but it actually does help when you synchronize your breathing um you know it’s not going to cure your anxiety if you have anxiety it’s it’s um that is what it is um I wish there was a magic

Cure um like yeah I mean I don’t suffer with anxiety unless I have a reason to feel anxious if I’ve got something to feel anxious about maybe I get more anxious than I should but unless I’ve got a reason I don’t get anxiety whereas I know people that are just anxious for

Absolutely no reason and they can’t explain why they feel that way themselves they just do um and so you know them people I would say are people that suffer with anxiety as such yeah go go hope you have a brilliant stream and happy New Year Happy New Year to you

As well have a great time whatever you are doing and I hope to see you again in another stream you’ve got to go as well I love your stream how long are you streaming for because I uh you could probably back I am streaming for somewhere between two

And 3 hours probably I’ve been streaming for just over 40 minutes now so I’m here for one and a halfish hours more BOS what what are you doing stop being in pain lay down go to get Tyler Tyler wants you lay down oh my dog does not leave me alone

On stream you know when I’m off stream he’s not like this stop it please dog I’m holding his head at the moment because otherwise he’s going to knock my hand off the controller I go to reach the controller and he knocks my arm off it right let’s try this

Again did you hear that that noise that’s his strop noise he’s having a strop my dog is like a teenager I remember when you’re enchanting girl gamer ah but do you remember my name before enchanting girl gamer this is my third name some of you will know me from before

That do you remember my name before that and if you do what was it put it in chat let me know that you remember it you do yes River OG G yes I was an OG G and then I was an egg that’s why we took on the

Whole egg thing didn’t we cuz the initials of was enchanting girl gameer so I was egg um but I used to be old girl gamer when I first started um but then I wanted because I only just did Tik Tok I knew nothing about social media I’d never done any

Sort of social media before in my life and uh then you guys were like get this get this get this all the different types of social medias and there was already an old girl gamer I think on YouTube I don’t know um but I was just

Like well I can’t have that then can I that’s very inconsiderate someone have in my name so I had a different name which um none of you had but then because I’m on Minecraft and I am Tess I got Minecraft with Tess yes my my my dog makes Minecraft

Villager noises when she drops cracks you that does sound funny yeah that does sound funny that would crack me up as well my dog talks in my voice like I have I have my own Bosley voice so he go like this this is Bosley’s voice he talks like this and he says

Things like I didn’t do the naughty digging daddy that was Casey Casey did the naughty digging not me and and and I didn’t steal the food daddy the food that is on the FL BL there and ripped up that was not me that was Tyler Tyler did it that’s Bosley’s

Voice nice you played for 5 years do you still play Minecraft or not so and if not why it’s awesome my dog Willow barks at the TV screen when I’m playing and she hates cows that’s strange isn’t it maybe it’s like a in bread thing cuz some breeds

Have thing some dog breeds have things that are just natural to them um like Bosley he’s not a great collie um he’s a border collie and naturally they’re in them they her they have a hering Instinct in them but Bosley actually doesn’t um and when he was a puppy he cuz we were

Warned when we got him that a lot of Border Collies with children cuz Tyler was about five or six at the time will try and her children so they might nip their ankles it’s quite common and it’s just because of their natural hering instinct but he never did any of that he

Had no hering Instinct at all and except with balls he’s got a Hing Instinct with balls right yesterday when we found all those diamonds was it it was around 52 we were at Which is higher than I normally want to go um but I’m going to dig around a bit

Here we still haven’t found any iron none like none guys this is seriously bad we may have to go up to the surface and hug that golum like we’ve dug from level 80 down to- 52 and not found one piece of iron so we can’t mine our diamonds if we

Actually do find them it’s uh actually quite comical like it’ be really funny if we actually found diamonds before we found iron but there is a Golem up at the Village just above us so if worse comes to worse we’ll have to hug the Golem um and see where we go from there

Yeah good at trying to sneak partages and pheasants oh my gosh oh my gosh well we got gold there I might just dig around the gold because having some gold boots to go through to the nether with would be nice um so I’ll leave that for possible mining I can’t get that at

The moment with my pickaxe again I can’t believe we’ve not found any iron this is ridiculous um I’m digging slightly higher than I normally do but yesterday when we found all those diamonds this was the level oh that they were at oh we found a cave is we’ve is found a cave

I don’t know if we can do this and actually get down a little bit safer without oh it’s not actually a cave it’s just a poor like a drop of lava water fall of lava and that’s it is it well that is boring isn’t

It but it does mean we may be able to collect a bucket of lava I’ve just filled some of that in so that’s not super useful probably should have thought that through before I did that but can we get up there and is there diamonds on the wall or anything iron

Or I see red stone um do we got iron along there somewhere maybe should we go take a look it’s the only thing we can do at this point isn’t it we’re not found any iron so even if we do find diamonds we can’t collect

Them uh are you Australian I am not I am English I am from England do I sound Australian I didn’t think I really did um but then I suppose if you’re from not from England and not from Australia then maybe the accents could sound a bit mixed um I know for a long

Time um I wasn’t able to tell and I still can’t tell the difference sometimes between American and Canadian accent but I sort of can most of the time now um but sometimes I’m still you know don’t know the difference okay there’s nothing up there is there can we get across that way

Maybe should we see there’s only one way to find out if it actually goes up or if we can find any iron just well we need the diamonds but we can’t M the diamond diamonds without the iron it’s so so unreal the lack of resources on this map I don’t know I

Don’t know Mia I don’t know about this map like no we can’t go this way either okay well we looked it was worth a look we’ll go back into our little tunnel down here now carefully carefully away from away from the lava and we’ll continue digging

Along you’re back you went uh she went down for a nap rather early today so Hing she falls to sleep the Canadian accent sounds like questions that’s how you tell the difference I don’t know I don’t know what it is about I can’t do accents otherwise I would kind of attempt to do

The differ accents but every time I do an accent it ends up sounding Jamaican for whatever reason I have no idea doesn’t matter what accent I try and do it starts off and then it ends up sound in Jamaica I don’t know I don’t know if past lives are thing I reckon I

Was Jamaican in my past life because how my accent always ends up if I try and do any type of accent um yeah I don’t know you had Insane luck on this seed you don’t know why I’m not this is because it’s me and whenever I get onto

A map everything goes on holiday no diamonds and we don’t even have iron so can you do the accent right now what accent am I doing what accent um the the Canadian one it’s like oot they they goo oot they go oot oot instead of out don’t they they go oot oh

Jamaican um my friend cuz I always end up sounding Jamaica and she’s married a um Jordy and she’s like do the Jordie accent but do it in do a Jordi accent in a Jamaican accent and I’m like really and she’s like yeah I’m like why man and she just wed

Herself um because jordis often say whyi as it’s just like a phrase that people from that area say I don’t know yeah I’m terrible at accents don’t just yeah just awful I can’t do them like absolutely awful I just I’m awful um right yeah this level is not good

Today normally I do do lower so we’ll uh we’ll go back to our tunnel we’ll go a little bit lower um this was our tunnel down wasn’t it and then we’ll see where it goes okay we’ll just see should we go negative 56 should we give that a go don’t

Know I got a friend that’s an amazing at all accents they do the accents and they sound so accurate I just don’t know um they do an Australian accent and they can hold it as well so like I’ve been gaming with them before and they

Have been in a game and they’ve held the accent the entire game like and the people who don’t know him will they believe that he’s Australian because he’s so good at it um it’s your birthday queen bee yes y yes happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear queen

Bee happy birthday to you yes happy birthday and also I’ve had some gifts as well that I it didn’t dingdong at me ghost plays thank you for the roses and SJ thank you for the dining tiny diny this wasn’t just a dining it was a diny

Dy oh my gosh you can only do certain accents I’m terrible at all I’m terrible at all accents but it’s okay cuz I’m not like what do you call the people that do accents it has a specific name doesn’t it um oh my gosh I keep thinking ventriloquism but that’s not the word

Cuz that’s the puppet what where you don’t move your mouth multilingual no not multilingual that’s where you speak many languages um there’s an actual name for it isn’t there where you do the accents where you can do all different ACC my brain’s blank can you help me out

Chat do you know what it’s called there is a specific it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter it’s where you speak lots of languages anyway way speed loocks languages I mean we can impress question is yes that’s the one how is it so difficult to remember that

Word oh my God I did tell it was going to be an interesting stream because my brain’s awful all the time let alone when I’ve had no sleep um oh it’s called talented linguist it is called talented if you could do that I’m a tiny tiny short and

Old I’m a tiny tiny short andout is my hand or here’s my spout no that’s the wrong song Right Luke thank you so much for the flame Hearts there that’s so kind right should we go up and get I think we’re going to need to go up and

Get that iron because we’ve got to come across diamonds soon and we still cannot do the iron we we have we can’t mine the diamond cuz I can’t believe out of all this digging we found no iron it’s ridiculous I’m out of pickaxes

So I need to go well I don’t need to go I can make them here but it seems sensible to go back up and like I can stick some of these blocks in the chests so we got more space I need to make chest first but you know um and we

Can hug the Golem and then at least we’ll have the pickaxe I’ll still use Stone pickaxes for digging to find it um but yeah there’s a song waiting to happen yes another one of my famous parodies um so I haven’t released a par I haven’t released a video in a while I

Just haven’t found the Crea I just don’t have the creation in me at the moment so you know I’m not just creating a video for the sake of creating um I actually have written a parody and I’ve recorded the voice for it I just haven’t made the video to go

With it so uh possibly the next parody that you get will be Blank Space by Taylor Swift obviously Minecraft style um yeah Creator’s block yeah I suppose it is I just haven’t felt it I just haven’t felt it um I suppose it is Creator’s block maybe that’s the

Thing whereas sort of September October time you were getting so much content you were getting several videos a day at points cuz I just it I was just creating like mad cuz I was really feeling creating I just all I wanted to do was create and create and create and then

And then now yeah just no hey villager I’m just having a nap sorry dude um I’ll make a thing and a box and such and uh chest and we’ll get rid of some of this stuff and uh we’ll go hug the Golem cuz I cannot believe that digging down I

Wanted to s i I did want to spare the Golem and I tried to spare the golum I tried to not have to uh un alive the Golem so my apologies for um having to un alive the Golem but there’s no iron it has disappeared on this map it’s it’s not a

Thing it doesn’t exist um I’m going to keep half coal here and we’ll keep the rest of the coat on us for like we might need more pickaxes and stuff might we probably not but we’ve slept in a bed so I’ll put my bed there and we can get it when we need

To travel again we’ve got some Flint there so when we need to make flint and steel I think that’s good I think that’s that’s if I just keep what we’ve got there now that gives us a good amount of space in our inventory um oh let’s keep our sticks and we’ll

Make our normal pickaxes I’ll make a a uh sword as well to hug Golem with I don’t really want to hug the Golem I don’t like doing it I feel mean I feel mean but and when we haven’t come across any where is he where is he he was

Chilling over here somewhere let’s go up here and see if he’s up here he was chilling about please don’t say the Golems got unived while we’ve been under there that would just be typical right Golem can any of you see the Golem help me maybe find a different cave I

Might need to I might need to um but we are at Diamond level there so we’ve sort of dug out so just digging along would be great I think but we can’t actually mine any diamonds because we haven’t come across any iron whatsoever um there was a Golem but hey

Here he is here he is he is still here um right he’s going to get up onto that level so I’m probably need to go maybe four hi um come here can I get him from the top of here maybe from the tree oh no he can get me I’ve just

Fallen he can get me um totally meant to do that oh my gosh he’s he’s coming at me we’re going to get un alived here guys there’s no no way we’re not I’ve got no iron no no I can’t get up I can’t I there’s a tree in the way of

Course oh my gosh let’s try that again why is that not going up let me go up come here Golem come here oh my controllers died why has my controller randomly died oh my gosh go in the water it cuz it was flowing I was scared it was going

To flow back but yeah the Golem doesn’t go into the water um we get between three and five how many did you reckon how many did you reckon how many do you reckon we got four we got four that’s enough for a pickaxe and a shield so I’m

Good with that I’m good good I’m happy we got a pickaxe and we can make we can make a pickaxe we can make a shield I’ll do that before we go back down um I don’t know why I’m removing this it’s just OCD that’s why I’m removing it OCD issues

Um I need to make that into that and that into that and then I can have one of those and I need some more wood and a shield we can have a shield we haven’t met any skellies or anything yet so don’t actually need the shield

But it’s kind of nice to have it and we will use the we’ll go get that gold that we found um and we’ll dig along and uh try and find the thing so I will put this on my taskar because I can’t uh dig the thing I need

To the iron to get the gold I love you TS baby thank you so much I love you tooo I need to go down right that’s good that’s good we’re good whack them and run yeah whack whack whack makes me think of Jay when you say whack whack whack

Quack I need to catch a j j stream soon got to catch a j stream soon I love my J streams Let’s Go Fly a Kite up to the eyes Titans and it’s soaring okay so we can have some gold so we can make a pair of boots at

Least can make two pairs of boots look at that look at that look at Oscar let’s change to this pickaxe cuz I don’t want to use my iron pickaxe and wear it out we’ll dig along here a bit 56 we did negative uh 52 for a little bit because we were getting quite

Lucky at that level yesterday but um yeah not today so I’ve gone to 56 and then probably we’ll go to 58 if this doesn’t work but it’s going to work so we’re not going to go to 58 cuz I’m going to dig through these next few

Blocks and there’s going to be a vein of five diamonds it’s going to happen I feel it in my bones that could be arthritis I’m not sure but you know one or the other oh my gosh it’s New Year’s today in Australia what day is it

For you at the moment it’s New Year’s Eve for us Happy New Year’s Day to you Happy New Year Minecraft back to being mean again the only reason we got diamonds yesterday was because we didn’t need them that’s the only reason Minecraft laughs at us I swear yesterday we were digging along

And they were like oh my gosh diamonds and a few few blocks later there were so many more and then only a few blocks just so many we ended up with more than a stack full of diamonds and it’s just like and then on speeduns it takes

Forever to just find one like what is it even with that I mean this speedrun we haven’t even been able to find iron the only iron we’ve got is from the Golem that’s it but luckily we’ve got enough for a pickaxe so that’s good enough um try behind the gravel where is the

Gravel here I will I will I’ve been told that um round gravel at this level there’s sometimes diamonds you guys are awesome absolutely awesome I love you I absolutely love you look at that I would have loved five but I will take four I will gladly take four should

We go along a little bit to see if we can’t find a fifth though shine bright like a diamond bright light in a beautiful sea just to be happy I we like diamonds in the sky you told me you did tell me you did tell

Me we’re going to have to do this we’re going to have to dig along until we find more gravel again and test that theory actually I need to test this theory if there’s diamonds behind the gravel I need to test this Theory because if this is actually a theory or just coincidental

Um I know brione was saying it yesterday they’re like digging out all of the uh gravel pits saying there there’ll be diamonds behind them sometimes there was sometimes there wasn’t so what happened to the big castle on the old realm that is my friend’s realm is still there it’s still up I believe

It’s the realm is still up um I did go on it at one stage um but yeah I’m hoping to build another Castle on the Tuda World um might not do it as large as the one on the castle realm though um and I think I’ll texture it as I go along

Because we built the castle didn’t we and the castle went up pretty quick but now we’re texturing it it’s taking for ever to texture um so I think what I’m going to do is texture as I go along um on a build of that size next time because before that

I I hadn’t done a build quite that large and I suppose it’s just it’s just a learning curve isn’t it so advice if you’re doing a huge build like a massive building texture it as you go because it’s a nightmare like once you’ve built it and then you’ve got to put all the

Scaffolding around it and texture it all again it’s yeah it’s a nightmare it takes ages um so yeah there’s there’s there’s some advice but then you probably already know that stuff if you’re actually doing a build that large I was just a bit mad um okay let’s do a huge massive build

I’ve also been told that diamonds are within four blocks of lapis at Diamond level right so we just took it out there so if we go down here we should see Diamond no diamond in this direction okay so then if we go out this direction no diamond in that direction okay

So let’s go out in this direction we’ll see and we’ve found that sometimes that has been true and sometimes it has been false so it could be very much like the gravel Theory where it’s sometimes happens sometimes doesn’t we’ll do the the Dig straight up cuz that’s

Safe not but again no diamonds so no in this instance that is face false I did I did but we don’t need it we do not need it we we do not need the lapis have you seen the YouTuber by the name of Gan he makes lots of really good

Builds on hermitcraft I haven’t no um we have found this gravel though so we’ll try the gravel thing again um I don’t I have watched a couple of hermit crafts but I haven’t watched like loads and I don’t sort of religiously catch hermit Craft

Um so um I have not seen them are they a very good Builder I’ll just do this with my f because there’s not that much gravel is there sure bz I’m not going to do it with my fist I can’t I can’t be doing that I’m going to make a

Shovel there’s too much ow stop it Go and lay down oh my god that hurt go and lay down lay my dog is a bully I’ve already got marks on my arms today from him like literally where he scratched me to pieces and that just really he’s got very sharp claws um

Right we’re making a shovel aren’t we so that’s not taking forever you imagine if I use the diamonds to make that I really would like one more Diamond so I can have a diamond sword as well because otherwise we don’t have enough iron or anything we would be

Taking on we’ be going to the Nether and we’ getting the blazes and the Enderman with stone swords and that just seems me um I like iron at least but preferably Diamond um wow this is a huge Gravel Pit I am so glad I chose to make this this shovel in

The end I was like I can’t be asked making a shovel and then I saw how much gravel there was and I’m like yeah actually let’s make a shovel oh did we have the light go oh my gosh yes the light go is 60,000 and you guys are at

52,000 so um yes you’re nearly there you are nearly there we’ve had the like go at 20 and at 40 and you guys have smashed those iron okay no diamonds so far but we did find iron so that actually kind of makes me happy because we’ve had none have we

Let’s be let’s be honest there is iron on this map did you hear that we’ve unlocked iron we we’ve found diamonds and we’re only just unlocking iron now we’ve got diamonds we got the iron from the Golem we didn’t have we’ve only just unlock the or that’s hilarious that is hilarious

Really dig the bottom one with the torch place as soon as the block breaks what do you mean what do you mean I didn’t understand Mia you won’t get diamonds every time well I want diamonds every time don’t tell me I won’t get them I want them I

Want them I want all the diamonds um on the gravel I I still don’t get what you’re saying what have I got a dig guys I haven’t slept very well and you know what my brain’s like anyway like you you need to talk to me like I’m five

Today to understand anything I swear I swear my brain is like just just like that face right then that is my brain uh are you using your are you one are you using your are you one I don’t know what you mean hey oh my gosh am I I’m I’m misunderstanding

Everything in chat today I so oh my gosh I feel so dizzy today not dizzy as in dizzy but dizzy as in brain dizzy not dizzy as in actual physically dizzy cuz I don’t feel physically dizzy I just feel like my brain is I don’t even know Squish Squash

Splash my brain is Squish Squash l so I need you guys with me today just carry me along the the speedrun because uh when you have blocks of gravel you put a torch at the bottom the gravel Falls and it breaks oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know that one

Yeah I didn’t know that but I just thought I’d shovel it it’s quicker because sometimes you’re not quick enough and then it’s just kind of me you know and it was more of a flat gravel wasn’t it it wasn’t like a high up gravel above you type gravel so I get

You now I know what you’re saying I understand I think I think if that’s what you are saying I get it uh do you use your other pickaxe I am using it at the moment I am using it at the moment because we ended up getting

Five more iron so I figure it’s going to be quicker digging through here using the iron one um and I did I found some iron so we can make another pickaxe if this runs out that’s my think in there so I’m just doing this for speed for you guys really cuz um I

Really would like one more Diamond just one more so we’ve got a sword as well um if not we’ll probably use the iron that we’ve got to make an iron sword but I would prefer a diamond one if I’m being honest it’s not too much to ask is it game is

It is it is it is it Shine Bright Like a Diamond Bright Lights in a beautiful sea I choose to be happy who and I who and I are like diamonds in the sky um you managed to find eight last night but it took you hours see they

Said on the an update recently didn’t they say that diamonds were more common lower down like and since that update I’ve actually had more trouble I think they that was a MPE and actually they needed to put less common further down like what even is this yes we found them

Again shame red Like A Diamond Bright Lights in a beautiful sea are just to be happy oh this is a nice little vein isn’t it oh my gosh was that eight was that eight we got yeah wow wow okay let’s go back I’m going to take

These torches as we go because we’re not coming back down here again hopefully that was a nice vein if we’ have found that straight away oh my gosh can you imagine but I’m happy I’m happy I’m not going to moan I’m probably going to moan probably going to no I won’t no I’m

Happy with eight definitely oo uh okay my PC you just made a a noise and it said it’s somebody’s birthday today and it’s not their birthday today it’s the Calendar’s come up saying it’s their birthday but I know it’s not their birthday because it’s my sister and my birthday my sister’s birthday is

November not today my calendar is lying to me so let’s come up with loads of people’s birthdays today I think my Microsoft has broke itself it’s come up at the screen it’s everybody’s birthday today happy birthday everybody it’s your birthday according to Microsoft just in case you

Didn’t know it was your birthday it is there you go light go yes guys let’s get back up into the house so I’m in relative safety I’m hoping I mean a zombie could still break the door down but should be all right I reckon should be all right it’s your birthday we’ve already

Sung happy birthday I will sing Happy Birthday again but I’m going to do a across theboard happy birthday so everybody who has a birthday today this is for you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you I saw a message just come up on the

Edge of my screen for YouTube and twitch and then it’s not actually come up with the message on the screen which I hoping doesn’t mean Chat is dead again keeps doing that because I don’t want to miss your messages I believe it was from cupcake but I don’t

Know cuz it went too quickly that’s why I needed to go into the chat box so I can actually read it right like goal Tick Tock we have hit 64,000 likes yes just saying 64,000 I’m going to up the light go to 80,000 so yeah and I need to thank some

Of you for gifts as well it’s not ding donging at me so if you gift please let me know because I’d hate to not thank you so Ellie thank you for the heart me Mia thank you for the heart me and the donut yes right gifts gifts gifts are thanked

Light go is rejigged from 60 to 80 we’re at 65,000 likes over in Tik Tok guys thank you um right what are we doing we need to make a portal or we need to travel and find find ourselves an abandoned one and I think that’s what I’m going to

Do I think we’re going to do the let’s look for abandoned portal thing um I’m going to make one of those oh I haven’t even got space to put that all this junk I’ve got right let’s get rid of some of our stuff that we don’t

Need um let’s make one of these and cook this iron because I can then make a flint and steel so we’re all ready for when we get there right let’s pick all the rubbish up we don’t need a lot of this stuff and um I’ll keep that I’ll keep that I’ll

Keep that don’t need that I will keep That we’ll take our bed with us we’ll take our wheat um we’ll make our thing and then the Flint can go back in it’d be nice if we can find a pumpkin as well wouldn’t it um sing dong ow thank thank you for the sparkler yes happy New Year do you

Stream on Twitch I am I’m currently streaming on Tik Tok twitch and YouTube I’m multi streaming so if you are a twitch not twitch a Tik Tok person uh it doesn’t save the streams but if you miss a stream you could always go over to YouTube and watch it later if say you’re

Busy at the point when it’s on but you really wanted to see what was happening on that live or something so yeah yeah I do I have uh twitch Tik Tok uh I also have Ki but I haven’t streamed on Ki for a little while as well um so

Yeah I’m hoping we do not get unived what am I making flint and steel aren I making a flint and steel and then I’ll keep my thing but I will leave that BOS stop making noises he might want the toilet Tyler so you may want to open the door for him if you

Would Ty Tyler what have I got I can throw my son that’s the coordinates for the castle I need the coordinates for the castle no he has heard me can you let the dog out but can you stay by the door because um like so people have been letting Fireworks off

Here I know it’s coming up to New Year’s but like they’ve been letting them off at the moment oh my gosh I know it’s everybody’s birthday deluded deluded I’m trying to get all these birthdays off it’s literally everybody’s birthday all day is mine on there uh I didn’t know I

Was just clicking I was just clicking but it kept coming up with more um I always rewatch your on YouTube it relaxes you oh thank you a lot of people say that they watch my lives to help them go to sleep are more birthdays are

Coming up now I give up I’m just going to stop clicking them off you watched that Mom I told him to go back out to go to the toilet and he push past me okay uh is that everything that I need to take I think so so we’ll take this

Gold with us we’ll take the coal that can stay there we’ve slept in this bed so let’s go find a portal I guess or have I got my water with me I do or a lava pool on the surface um Lava pool would be as I mean

There’s a village over there would be good too um but an abandoned portal probably would be the best option about now oh my gosh look at the cave right there that would have been a lot easier to get down wouldn’t it bars don’t whine me we’re not doing

This you moan to go out Tyler let you out and you moan to come in instantly it’s not happening my dog just wants to moan my dog is just a Mona are you playing Minecraft I am I am playing Minecraft I’m doing a speedrun which basically means I’m beating the game Tech I

Mean conventionally speedruns means you beat the game quickly but I’m mean I’m old so and I’m short so I’ve got little legs so I can’t beat the game quickly cuz I can’t run that quick cuz my legs are little um so I have to take ages beating the game that’s that’s just how

It how it is and it’s all because I I’ve got little legs that’s all so yeah um yeah so I am beating the game so like maybe not a speedy game though who knows I mean it looks like we’re going to get dark soon so I might just go to

That Village and sleep in a bed again just so I don’t have to put my bed down and completely lose my spawn point and go back to the original start spawn um ding dong oh my gosh Bambi there are so many gifts there I will get you as soon as I am safe

Um I mean there could be other people that have gifted I can’t see all I can see is Bambi’s name there at the moment so I will check but thank you for those um pumpkin pumpkin makes me happy too the reason the pumpkin makes me happy is

A carved pumpkin hat on your head stops the Enderman attacking you so when we get to the end it is all good right let me look at these gifts yes Bambi thank you for the heart meat and the 14 roses and the three roses and the 15 flame

Heart and the 12 good games thank you so much that is so kind you’re going to bed now it’s 4:09 a.m. Gia yes go to bed oh my gosh 4:00 a.m. isn’t even a time why are you awake thank you for being in stream though um

And happy New Year happy New Year but oh my gosh 4:00 a.m. no hello again petza it’s your birthday it’s your birthday every stream I have sung happy birthday I will do it again in a little while you just like me singing happy birthday to you every stream it is Peter’s birthday Peter

Comes in every stream it’s my birthday so happy birthday to Peter one of the days that Peter comes in it probably is going to be your birthday though right it will be one day um like but happy unbirthday to everybody who doesn’t have a birthday today as well according to Microsoft it

Is everybody’s birthday like I could start clicking these again and it would just I don’t know if you can hear those noises it’s not done it this time it’s not making all those noises it just kept going ding GL as I was clicking them off cuz for whatever reason everybody in my

Contacts Microsoft has broke and it just says it’s their birthday your birthday is October the 4th okay that makes you a libran then just like me I’m a libran but I’m a little bit later in October than you October B babies awesome babies what is the time for me the time

For me is uh 11 minutes 12 uh Christmas Eve um it’s uh lunchtime is for me there’s so much hay here I mean we’re not going to be lacking on uh food are we I mean I will gather some more hay because it’s there that it would be rude

Not to oh look we got some more armor as well look at that oh we’ve already got Boots the boots can go back H yep boots can go back okay we’re good we’re good um we’ll take the food and then we’ll continue looking for a portal I guess we will

Continue happy New Year not happy Christmas Eve yes I Pro did I say Christmas Eve I completely believe that I probably did without even realizing I do mean happy New Year Eve not happy Christmas Eve but yeah happy belated Christmas Eve or happy early Christmas Eve as well like just happy

Every every celebration that there is that you possibly celebrate happy celebration Eve to that celebration early late yeah whichever oh my brain’s got no hope my poor brain oh your birthday is August the 18th yes so we’ve got people birthdays all over the year I know we had one stream one of the

Days um and we had like six birthdays I can’t remember when it was it was earlier in this year and there were like six birthdays in the one stream and they were all sort of like regular people uh what I’m going to do because we got so much we we’re never going to

Eat all that food I’m going to leave that there just in case we get un alived and we have to respawn back here um and actually this I don’t normally do this but because I’ve got spare diamonds like this seems silly to do it does seem really silly to do where’s the

Boxes I’ve got I’ve only got seven pieces of wood and I need eight that would be why there’s not a chest there test um I’m going to leave those there I think that’s that’s a good idea and one piece of iron as well for a shield just in

Case just in case guys because you never quite know so they’re there just in case right I think that’s that’s a good idea because I’ve never got spared diamonds so the fact that I have we found that eight vein if I leave that then we’ve

Got a pickaxe or a sword or whatever we choose um actually I’m going to make it five so we’ve got a pickaxe and a sword so if things do go awful it’s not awful awful like we haven’t got to go searching for s again because we slept

In a bed just over here and I’ll actually just sleep in one here again if there’s a bed there’s not I can’t be asked all right I will no I won’t yep can’t be asked we’ve slept in one just the other side of the village oh how much lava is

There okay this could be interesting could be interesting if there’s 10 pieces which there looks like there is it looks like like it continues through there okay we’ve we’ve got where we’re going we’ve got our portal I just need to mine it it’s fine we’re staying here we are staying

Here that was lucky that we noticed that right we are I’m happy with that it’s good it’s good happy we noticed that there is an awful lot of lava though I don’t want it all falling into the lava um I’m going to move that so I can

See how many pieces of obsidian we need 10 Happy New Year from New Zealand happy New Year yes it is your New Year Now isn’t it I believe I think you’re already ah my water’s gone out I put it into the lava instead of on top of the lava I’m a

Genius totally totally genius there guys um right okay if I put that underneath will be good cuz I can at least get these bits we need 10 there’s more than 10 pieces so as long as it we do stop the lava and don’t let it all go

Into the lava then we’re fine Bosley please go to bed my dog is being a pain hey hey hey it’s 1:17 a.m. on Christmas day for you happy 2024 not Christmas Day New Year’s Day go away stop it you know don’t start moaning to go out Tyler literally let

You out about 10 minutes ago you walked past him looked outside looked inside and walked straight past asked him to come in again like my dog is such a pain it’s still New Year’s Eve for you same to for me as well it is uh just lunchtime on New Year’s Eve for

Me Bosley wants to say happy New Year Bosley is a pain in the bum he just wants attention and when he gets attention he doesn’t actually want that attention he is a pain like a right bum pain here 700 a.m. near Year Eve for you

Okay o o o o oop oop oop o o lava that’s not what we want to do we don’t want to go swimming in the lava do we I mean I know I’ve put that stuff there just in case we get un alive but come on let’s not do that

Ah okay we got seven pieces ah nope yeah it’s New Year’s Eve for me as well some people are at on New Year’s Day already uh but most of us are still on New Year’s Eve I think um but yeah we’ve got we’ve got a

Mixture haven’t we in chat of I love the diversity of where everyone’s from I I’ve always loved that and I always say that I love it cuz I do so much it’s great I love it Tess what should I name my Minecraft horse Tess obviously that’s that’s a given right must be called

Tess Tess the best name for a horse and a cat and a dog and a parrot and any other pet you can get in Minecraft they should all be called tests uh uh Tess short for tessica yes obviously um no no girl or boy’s name well Tess is more of a girl’s name

I think is that it I don’t know any male tesses but I suppose you can call your half wherever you want I guess go yourself whatever you want to right well let’s make our chests and get ready to go to the nether then um it’s good to be uh actually at that

Point because I didn’t know how long it was going to take us to get obsidian after how long it took us to get diamonds but actually not too bad at all um no not at all so I’m happy with that for sure we’re going to put a lot

Of our stuff in the chest and just leave it there because we just don’t need it um but we need to make our boots cuz we do need boots to go into The Nether with um just in case we spawn in a piggy biome from what I looked at on chunk

Base it looks very lav though so it could be a difficult a difficult time in the nether we might not have a great time there at all it could be not very fun um did I make my sword yet I didn’t did I I’ll do that in a

Minute should we have our portal just here because why not I don’t see why not do you uh my controller has died again it keeps randomly doing that it’s been doing it for a couple of days I don’t know why just randomly dies that’s fine

If we’re not in the middle of a you know fighting scary stuff in the Nether and stuff but if we are that’s not going to be good let me just put some of the stuff back in here make our sword and we’ll get back through and uh go

Basically we go I don’t need that pickaxe in the nether do I don’t need my bucket don’t want to take all of that food cuz we will probably need more food um take Some solid blocks not going to need my coal we’ll need wood won’t need the dirt we’ll need solid blocks

Probably um I’m going to leave some solid blocks here and take some with us um that look about right that looks good right I think that’s good we’ll take that haven’t made my uh sword good job I remembered cuz that’s going to be easier for unal

Living stuff with it’s a little bit more efficient than the stone one um okay so we don’t need our torches either do we so that’s good that stuff can stay there this stuff can stay in our inventory let’s go hug Enderman and blazes light go oh yeah there we are

83,000 guys thank you letting me know I was in my own little world building stuff and I wasn’t looking at chat um Mia thank you for the roses and uh my key mysi mysti is that how you say your name I may have M I may have just

Butchered your name I am so sorry but thank you for the rose um hey you used to play Minecraft you used to get get to playing it again it’s it’s a great game I’m going to up the light goal to 100 I’m up up in the light goal to 100K we’re doing we’re

Doing a cool 100K we are at 84,000 likes in Tik Tock that is 1,000k um I mean I’m ambitious but come on guys I want you to have fingers left so I’ll just put it at the call [Laughter] 100 right all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

See what it’s like I do have the coordinates here along with a picture I’ve drawn on the bottom of the picture um that I drew yesterday I don’t know if cupcake still about but they’ll know that picture from Discord we were just randomly putting pictures in Discord and

Drawing them yesterday so that’s my effort yeah I’m not the best drawer I did only have this mechanical pencil though in my defense so like I always say in chat that I love art I absolutely love it but I’m not great at it just just enthusiastic right should we see I’ve got some

Cords okay what oh my gosh this does not look safe I’m glad I’ve got the go I did put the gold boots on didn’t I this is oh good cheers cheers you can’t see me of course it starts with two Ghasts in instantly doesn’t it um

No you can’t see me I said you can’t see me that means I’m invisible oh my goodness no you can’t see me invisible I’m invisible oh my gosh do you see all that lava oh this is going to be a fun time looking for the Fortress and the Warped

Forest I I Feel It In My Bones the spawn isn’t great to start with but we can work with it we can work with this whoa nope nope can’t see me can’t see me I told you I’m invisible they’re rude they’re rude they didn’t listen they didn’t listen to the fact that

Invisible I need my hunger bar to go down so I can eat oh my gosh hello wifey hello Phil I love you how are you doing are you blowing kisses too who am I blowing kisses to your dad oh hi your son says hi oh my gosh this is not the

Safest spawn at all is it once we get this um safe hopefully it’ll be a bit better and then I can look at the coordinates and decide exactly where we’re going um oh my gosh scary scary stuff G and magma Q’s drive me crazy in the nether yes magmas are probably my biggest

Um like univa un Aliva thing that unives me oh there’s pigs there as well oh my gosh go away Pig right safe is unless a gas spawns right over the top of us um like I mean we can’t get out and we can’t go anywhere but safe right that’s the definition of safe

We’re just standing here all stream no we’re not um right Castle locations right positive 500 positive 300 is probably the closest and the closest forest is about 200 blocks away but not terrible but that out there does not look safe that does not look like a fun trip

Um but the the castle is is a distance the castle is is not going to be fun times but me I mean let’s go let’s go let’s go um thank you so much for the follow as well guys we’ve had just over 60 new followers

This stream if you are new to me you’re so welcome I am Tess I’m doing a speedrun um but like I’m old and I’ve got little legs cuz I’m only 5′ one so my legs are short so it’s more of a slow walk than a speedrun um just because I

Have little legs not cuz I’m terrible at the game but welcome into stream and hopefully you enjoy it um it’s not very safe out there but I know where we need to go but but yeah I don’t know if I want to go out there it doesn’t look friendly we’ve

Got two gas out there we’ve got magmas we’ve got the the Hogs that eat you um you know the pig ones the hog hog hog are they called just Hogs aren’t they I think yeah they want to eat me I don’t have any uh fungus to put down or

Anything cuz we’ve just got here but I do know the locations of where we want to go I’m hoping I can just dig into the ground and I won’t have to deal with too much above ground if that makes sense I can just uh do it this way

And ah have we run out no of course we haven’t run out of block CU I brought loads with me for the purpose of not having to deal you know being able to Bridge and stuff no not the zombie piglins uh I’ve got the gold for those I mean the actual

Pigs the Hogs the you know the big pigs yeah Matt please don’t spam thank you very much um one message is fine um it takes a good 20 to 30 seconds for it to come through on stream so that’s what I always ask when people are typing and I don’t reply straight away

Give me 20 to 30 seconds to reply um because sometimes I don’t see them and when I’m in scary situations like we have been in um I I sometimes don’t see them anyway uh we need to go to2 200 in that direction and that’s where the Warped Forest

Is um I don’t know if we’re just going to dig down down a little bit and carry on we’re at 38 height so we’re lower than what we normally are um recently we’ve been uh spawning in at like level 100 and such which is super high for

Whatever reason I don’t know the game’s just just what the game’s doing like um oh nope oh my controller’s disconnected again of course at least I managed to get the crouch in first otherwise we’ have been un alived on that oh my gosh if you’re on magma you can Crouch

Down and it doesn’t kill you but obviously if your controller dies when that happens then you don’t have any control over what happens oh my gosh this game it’s it it’s torturing me I don’t know why my controller just keeps disconnecting it’s been doing it for a couple of days now just randomly

Disconnects I’m going to do this because it’s really not safe out there and when we need to run back to the portal or say we get unived and I have to run backwards and forwards I want a safe channel to be able to do that with why are you laughing Tyler your mic

For a second I need to mute my mic for a second Apparently one sec okay Tyler’s Tyler’s having a little giggle like goal oh my gosh guys we have hit the 100,000 like goal that was really fast that was really fast I’m in a relatively safe position so I will

Change the light goal for you and also s thank you for the rose there yes likes you guys are so awesome I don’t get it oh my God you’re stunning I love you Phil I love you so much you are also stunning um but you are just stunning

Heart big up geeky philli in chat by the way guys that is my husband so um yeah I might be a bit biased loving him but you know um yeah thank you darling I love you it’s it’s always nice to be told you’re stunning isn’t it right this is the way we came

From right so this is the way we need to go to -200 on the Y and then we should be in the Warped biome much love to Phil Sparky is over in YouTube and twitch Phil and he is sending you love um he’s not the Tik Tok

But he’s sending you love from YouTube and twitch lots and lots of love um I’m going to just cuz the messages are coming up on my screen but not actually in the chat I’m just going to refresh my chat for those guys in twitch and YouTube because I’m missing

So many of the messages cuz they’re only coming up on the screen for a second and then disappearing and they’re just flying off into the ether cuz my chat is not working again so it should work how are old are you if you don’t mind me

Asking I do not mind you asking at all I am 45 so in gaming years I am a dinosaur and but that’s okay cuz anyone over 25 in gaming years is a dinosaur and I have lots of dinosaur Watchers and followers and friends and family so it’s all

Good it’s all good you look 20 wow that’s a young one I haven’t had 20 lots of people say I look early 30s which I’m happy with obviously 20 is definitely one I I’ll Take You Look So Young thank you I will take that I will take that I’m I’m quite happy with

That um the funniest part was the violation I got a violation on Tik Tok guys um I’ve actually had seven violations for this reason on Tik Tok for being underage I got seven in total since I’ve been streaming I’ve been streaming just over every a year and a half I’ve had

Seven violations on Tik Tok for being underage at first it was frustrating but now it’s just becoming comical um it used to be at when I first got my violations you had to be 16 to stream now it’s 18 so I must look 17 or less to

Be underage so I’ll take that uh that’s a compliment if anything right Tik Tok is so weird yes the age violations yes it is it’s hilarious at first when I first got them it was really really frustrating but now it’s it’s just becomes comical because wow

I’m 45 how old do I need to be so we’ve got a little joke going on like when it comes up to my birthday or maybe you’ll be old enough now Tess maybe you’ll be old enough um but yeah it is it is comical now at first it was like ah

17 years old right I know don’t I look 17 I’ve got a 17y old child um my child is my youngest is going to be 18 in a few weeks like how that’s Tyler who you see often and yes he does look about 14

He does not look 18 at all he is very young looking um but yeah he’s going to be 18 we’re definitely going to have to get him one of those cards with his age on cuz no one’s going to believe him if he went anywhere they would not be they

Would they’ like ask his age and he would be like I’m this old and they’d be like no you’re not they would never believe him I don’t think um no no I’m not here I’m not here you don’t see me oh my gosh I don’t want to go all the

Way down to lava level but we’re going to be there soon but there is no other there’s not up up is not an option so down is down is the option that we are that we are doing um I need to move forward and block that in though don’t

I that should cure the lava um you’re four years from being a dinosaur you’re close then you’re close to Dinosaur but not quite you’re still a young hip cool gamer you know 21 nice cool young hip um you know and then once you turn a dinosaur the only hip you get is you

Know like the pains in your hips and your joints and stuff it’s all fun so yeah I don’t know um Matt could you not be rude to my mods please um I I do not mind well I say I don’t mind people coming in and being

Rude to me because I just I don’t take any offense but my mods help me out and they are such great people and they are such wonderful people they do not deserve any negativity at all um whereas me I’m streaming so I’m putting myself out there for all the good stuff and all

The bad stuff but my mods no it’s not fair be nice be nice yeah that’s that’s my opinion be nice everyone be nice to everyone we’re all about positivity in the chat or I believe so that’s what I like to promote yes Bion is capable of doing so

Much brone is just super at everything this is true this is true so woo we’re on our last pickaxe and then we’ll have to build some more I don’t like traveling at this level cuz of the magma that is getting in the way magma be gone oh he’s been blocked now okay thank

You brii see for me it takes a while for the chat to catch up so I do not know straight away I do not know straight away I’m going to move these blocks like this cuz I’m probably going to be using uh the Netherrack more than I am

My actual bricks cuz I need my actual bricks for placing say if I have to Bridge I like to have a uh more secure floor we’re about another 100 blocks away I don’t know if I want to go out there are you looking for ancient debris

I am not looking for ancient debris they down I’m looking for a muzzle for a dog a gag not a muzzle cuz that won’t stop him barking I’m looking for a muzzle not a a gag to stop him barking or a tongue removal tool remove your

Tongue I won’t really by the way anyone watching that doesn’t know me normally my dog is like that because he gets babied cuz I over love him I mean can you overlo anyone I don’t know um but he’s that way because of me it’s true I have no one to

Blame do we have we do have a shovel should I put a shovel on my inventory bar as well cuz that’s going to make this a little bit a bit quicker here except I’m using the block next to the shovel cuz why not I’m just doing this

So it’s safe we’re literally at less than 100 blocks away from the Warped Forest now hopefully if uh all is good and well and right with the universe or if I’ve put the coordinates right into chunk base I have done that wrong before does anyone else use chunk base and have

Put the coordinates in wrong um so when we get to the location of the forest if it’s not there we’ll know we’ll know we’ll know that we’ve done it the the forest isn’t too far to be far Fair The Fortress Is is a distance though the Fortress is not

Close and uh so uh yeah but let’s go let’s go you’ve pinned it for all the chat go I don’t know what you’ve pin but okay I don’t see the pins I don’t know why Studios need to do that that’s one thing they always ask about um improvements and how to

Improve and a lot of the things that I’ve suggested in the past have actually been improved so that’s nice because they do love they do listen to like their creators which is nice it’s good because you know they listen in that respect uh um Gs are going to appear as soon as I

Start doing this aren’t they I feel it I feel it I feel it the warp Forest is where well there it is we can see it it’s just there um we can actually see it now um it’s like I was going to say it’s about 100 blocks in that distance but we can

Actually see the edge of it just there so I guess I don’t want magmas to knock me in magmas are going to knock me in aren’t they don’t want to hit you pig out the way I want to hit the magma ah the way Magma’s bounc just makes no

Sense to me I just can’t get the Rhythm I never can never could never have been able to magmas are my big biggest Killers Tess suggest free snacks for chat and mod do you know if I could give you all snacks through like the thing I would um like I

Would are you PC phone console player I am on Xbox so this is bedrock Edition um ah see like go away magma bouncy hoppy boy oh my gosh I’m nearly dead I’m on two hearts I don’t want to lose all my stuff in that lava I don’t mind losing my

Stuff as long as I can get it back again levels and stuff are irrelevant to me getting unived is irrelevant but losing all of our stuff no that’s not happening it’s not going to that’s not how it’s going to go it’s not how this works Works we’re going to do it you’re eating

Half a honey Jew melon oh nice nice I’ve not had melon in ages actually I like melons too uh I like honeydew um water and the is it cantaloupe as well can um yeah okay does anyone else have issues with the Rhythm that the magmas bounce at or is

It just me I’ve got terrible Rhythm I always wonder if it’s just weird cuz slimes I got no issue with at all like I get them but magmas I just I just don’t get I just don’t get the Rhythm and they’re always um they always get me like cuz I

Like swing my sword at the wrong Point um they just do and I don’t know why like I don’t I don’t know if it’s just a me thing you struggle so hard as well it’s not just a me thing then if sometimes feels like it’s a me thing cuz I’ve got

Such terrible Rhythm naturally um so I just don’t know you see of course the gas comes out to play when we’re going across lava the game hates me the game hates me guys no no no no that’s not how this is happening fine can I get him he’s too high he’s

Not even even low enough for me to reach him that was cheating I’m going to run away and hope he despawns you need a bow and arrow I do but this is kind of a speedrun so I haven’t bothered getting any equipment or anything um because we’re just doing it

With the the minimal amount of stuff as possible um I’m hoping by running away it’ll despawn so when I get back there I can do a little bit of bridging before another one’s born no it’s still there might be able to get a bit of bridging

Done nope we we can’t even get out the Gap gasty says no seriously you’re going to come like the perfect angle to shoot down the tunnel at me have you ever hit a fireball back I have yes with the sword and with a bow and arrow you get an achievement don’t

You like Return to Sender or something like like that I believe um yeah I have done that many times many times me and me and Ghasts are we’re good buddies we’ve had more than one fight but generally like if I’m doing speedruns we just do what we’ve got to

Do right cuz you just got to do it but generally if I’m doing a normal world that I’m planning on staying on I will be more prepared before I get into The Nether um I’ll have some better equipment with me is it gone right okay let’s do this

Quickly that we can it’s back again I don’t see it I hear it I don’t like the fact that I hear it but don’t see it I’m using these for the side and the more solid ones cuz I don’t want to run out of my solid blocks cuz I need them

For tools and bridging for the bottom because they won’t set on fire as much as um there the never brick ones I hear it but I don’t see it this I feel I’m scared I don’t particularly want to lose all of our stuff I know we we do have spare

Diamonds back at sport but just because we have them doesn’t mean we need to use them right that’s I that’s a good philosophy to go by this is just such an unfriendly spawn though it’s not friendly Mia I do not like your seed suggestion I do not like

It but we’ll go with it we we’re not scared we’re we’re warriors we’re warriors we are warriors I’m not a stranger to the dark hide away they say I can hear it again we don’t want your broken parts learn to be ashamed of I see it now oh my scars run away they

Say no one will love you as you are but right here’s a little safe area is um so the warp Forest is just over there we can see we’re going there because we want some Enderman cuz we need ender pearls um hey DES hey guys how you doing today welcome into

Stream oh my gosh no no no no no no the idea of being here and being safe was that it was safe oh my god of course one spawns right there oh my gosh I was having a second because we’ve just gone across the scariest thing and now I was just like I

One a minute before there’s lava above me I I’ve seen the lava I can hear the lava um but the warp Forest is this direction um I’ll undo this in case we need to run back really quick now cuz yeah like isn’t it always the way though when we

Get to the warp Forest I’m going to do a premonition here guys we’re going to get to the water forest and all of the mobs are just going to disappear like we don’t want the mobs when we’re bridging across lava like that and they all appear all the magmas all the gas

They’re there they’re chilling trying to kill us um but as soon as we get to the wared forest and we want them Enderman to spawn in they’re going to go on holiday this is this it it seems to always happen and I don’t know why it’s just like it’s like our thing isn’t

It it’s almost you can write it now it’s it like it is like almost it’s just facts now it’s not even yeah Minecraft facts that you never knew that are true that you didn’t know when Tess doesn’t want a mob it’s there when Tess does want a mob it goes

On Hollow day same with all the blocks like with the diamonds yesterday we uh we were doing our survival world there so I’ve got all the stuff that I need there pretty much I’m good for pretty much everything that’s going to can I get there that way might

Be easier can we get across that way I don’t know I can’t see properly I’m going to try going this way a bit guys cuz it does look like there’s more land so more land means less bridg in with all the the gas and everything um slightly

Safer okay we can’t get all the way there but that’s got us a little bit this isn’t enough of warped Forest to be able to actually do anything so we are going to have to go over there but it’s fine we’re good we’ve got this we’ve got this I’m

Just doing that so if I’m running I’m not going to go off into the lava cuz I would do something like that thank you guys for the follow as well we’ve had over 60 new followers this Stream So if you are new to me you are so welcome

Into this stream I am Tess I’m doing a speed run um and the gas keep spawning in when I need to bridge so I don’t like that and my dog’s being a pain in the background considering giving him away I don’t know he doesn’t want to be given

Away no B stop barking you’re going to make everybody else’s dogs in stream bark we’ve had that before where my dog’s been barking and then all of your dogs have started to bark so I do apologize if that is happening right now I’m doing this so running backwards

And forwards if we get unived is a quicker and safer thing to do um it’s not going to be completely safe because yeah magmas and gas and all of that but um if we can get over there it’s slightly I don’t know I think there’s closer than there I hear a ghast

I see a ghast gasty doesn’t see me I’m hiding I’m going to end up dead on I nope you can’t see me you can’t see me you can’t see me I’m not here I mean I’ve got loads of this nether rack and we’re not going to need

It again it’s fine no nope nope no we we we we we’ve lost everything we’re in lava that does not work turns out you can’t swim in lava it’s not a hot tub don’t do it don’t do it oh my gosh don’t swim in lava guys it doesn’t

Work so this is what you shouldn’t do on a speed run run no T I know I know don’t do this on a speed run lava is not safe don’t go into it don’t do this oh my gosh really really I wasn’t just here no rude let me go to sleep

That was clever test right I’m so intelligent my my intellect surprises me like yeah right I here banging we do not have much wood left and we’re going to have to do some uh wood in wood in mining get wood we’re going to have to get some

Wood we’re going to have to get some wood I don’t know don’t know what I’m talking other than rubbish I didn’t mean to make a wood pickaxe I meant to make a thingy one but actually now I’ve made a wooden one we’ll go with it

Um yeah cuz I need to make a shield we’ve got food so that’s good and there is loads of hay over there we’ve got more diamonds over there as well if we need but we’re not going to need we’re not going to need guys cuz we’re going to do this it’s

Fine but I do need more wood cuz well we need tools um I’m not happy that all of our solid blocks went in we’ve got a few more solid blocks in that box but a lot of our solid blocks went in the lava it’s gone it’s it’s just

Gone um yes it is 100 p.m. in the UK here on Christmas Eve so we have ourselves 11 hours till the new year some of you are already in the New Year some of you are not um Tess hey how we doing Christmas Eve did I say Christmas

Eve again do you know I must have done that about five six 700 times this stream I didn’t sleep well guys I did not sleep well and my brain is like spaghetti most of the time so on a few hour sleep it’s it’s even worse I can hear the banging it’s just the

Neighbors they’re doing something they’re hammering they’re hammering yeah but I don’t like the Bosley’s telling me that there’s a banging noise he’s like there’s a noise mom there’s a noise uh no I know he’s probably scared of the noise he is my dog is a big girl bloud he’s

Scared of everything he’s not scared we’re just having cuddles abely oh you’re having cuddles stop moaning right I think that’s enough wood for now isn’t it just to get us through the nether a little bit you’ve been up since 5 with the dog kicking you in the

Back so I think I’d only just gone to sleep then my my body I was so tired last night went to bed and my my brain was and my body were like NOP nope not happening not doing that thing you called sleep you want sleep nah right we need a

Shield okay and we need boots don’t we we need gold boots we need our shield and food and then I think that’s it we need to take the blocks in so we can make stuff oh we really are low on our blocks aren’t we

Um but I mean it is what it is we can’t we can’t uh change it unfortunately let’s make a get our blocks that’s it for solid blocks okay well uh that’s not what I meant to do two pieces no I’m going to have half of it

And make it into bread leave the other half we’ve got loads of wheat so that’s a good thing we’ve got so much bread we’re not going to want for the bread um we need pickaxes and that’s it I think then then it’s time to go uh let’s sort my inventory out put

Our boots and our thingy on okay we’ll just go with this this and see how far we get hopefully we’re not going to go swimming in the lava again that gas just came along and blew the whole floor away but I did use solid block so I must have

Like got knocked sideways and it must have knocked the side off um that’s why I’m using the solid blocks on the floor cuz it can do that with the floor um if it’s those blocks but I’m using the other blocks on the side cuz we didn’t

Have that many did we let grab this apple why I’m grabbing the apples I don’t know cuz we’ve got food just habit isn’t it just habit guys right let’s go back let’s go back to where we were and do that again you should make lava resistant potions cuz it’s a speed run

Um I’m just kind of going and doing it um normally in my actual world when we go into The Nether um I have the the good armor with the fire protection and the potions and stuff like that so if I was going to do bridging in my actual World I’d make

Sure I had to potion on my Tas bra cuz yeah then I can have a little bit of a swim for a couple of minutes in the lava and it’s not going to be too like problematic um whereas yeah we don’t so we can’t um yeah can you get your stuff

Back probably not it’s unlikely it’s unlikely that our stuff I think it’s all gone in the lava some may have like jumped out onto the side but I don’t think it did I think we were in really deep lava there so I’m thinking no I’m thinking it’s all gone it is it’s all

Like yeah this is where it all blew up there’s nothing there’s none of it left um and it did yeah like I’m doing the floor solid so our floor was fine um it just uh so our stuff is all burnt up in there there’s nothing left oh my gosh not again

Nope a bullies there’s two of them not not even one not even one they’re like NOP you don’t want one g to show up so here have two instead test maker roof do you know I’m not sure I’ve got enough solid blocks to do that we might have to mine some

Netherrack and actually make the sides cuz otherwise cuz I need these for tools as well so sneak some fire resistant into your coffee you know I might go back to where there’s the more solid land over here and actually just find some more blocks cuz I really don’t want to use all of

Our other blocks particularly so I might just make this tunnel just a little bit wider cuz why not there’s so many Ghasts gases are out in force today gases aren’t on holiday at all are they so if we can get like a stack or two of

These and then at least we can do the sides I know obviously the sides actually didn’t work that time because it knocked us the blast knocked us sideways into the lava but generally if you just do the floor solid if you’ve got enough blocks do it all out of solid

For sure but if you don’t then um at least do the floor yeah thank you for the follow as well there dot welcome into the stream but yeah we are lacking solid blocks now but well it is what it is we can’t change what happened we went for a

Swim in lava it’s not a sensible thing to do don’t swim in lava for anyone that’s thinking of trying just don’t don’t do it it’s not a good idea doesn’t end well me the GH enjoyed it they’re still laughing at me can hear him they’re laughing that’s how G laughed by the way

If he didn’t know I don’t know I’m mad how long have you been live for I’ve been Live 2 and a half hours so we have been live quite a while haven’t we you’ve had me for 2 and a half hours of test time right see they blew all that up again

Right we can do this oh my gosh it’s so de deep go be gone nope I don’t even know where that gas was but I’m just like nope I kind of want to do the edges so it’s a quick back to get back but I want go to come out and get

Me I think we’ve got enough blocks to do it there we are there he is no he’s gone again it’s cuz we’re right on the edge of the biome so they’re still spawning on the edge of that biome right that’s going to be a bit

Quicker to run cross now if we do end up unived again let’s get into an area where hopefully we can get ourselves some Endermen um that seems like a plan to me go up here and that’s obvious going across there from here but we’ll go this way a bit

Oh the pig’s on a strier I couldn’t see The Strider at first I’m thinking how is there a pig in the middle of the lava that’s why I was double taking looking there guys why in case you were wondering why is this weird woman just

Staring at the lava I could see the pig and I couldn’t see The Strider and I’m like how is that happening we’ve had a weird a few weird things happen the last few days haven’t we um uh yeah I am playing single player I mean it’s not lame I’m doing a speed run

Um I do do community games sometimes um but the community games I will let people know beforehand um when I’m doing them so I’ll either put a message on my Discord or out on Tik Tok St um so it’s then up to the people so I

Let them know prior cuz I don’t just do mixed games cuz you never know who’s going to come in and I I want I want them to be fun and I like to have a safe environment for my peeps to play in who totally meant to do that

Um yeah let’s go across this way now then up yes Bosley stop whining Tyler let you out you don’t actually want to go out right how good are we here there’s not many Endermen spawning in are there I know we’re right on the edge of the biome but surely there should be some

Spawning in you would think right oh here’s there’s one so can we make a little area here that we could uh un alive them in maybe maybe oh my gosh I don’t like the fact that there’s lava there though B shush right don’t know how how safe this is

Right by that lava probably not very actually they’re probably just going to go chilling in that lava aren’t they can I block it off at all is there a way of blocking it off it looks like I might be able to and it looks like that all that lava is

Coming from this one block is it really just one block I think it is I think all of that lava just from one block hi come at me where is he gone dude you can teleport come at me you can teleport you can teleport really look look you can teleport

Teleport I’m here I’m right here I don’t know about me needing a brain I think this Enderman needs a brain dude you can teleport no boss please don’t jump at me right hey there we go no teleport here here seriously no Andy needs a brain Andy needs a brain come on come at

Me but make little stairs for you to get up what what is wrong with these Ender do they not know they have the ability to teleport oh my gosh I don’t even know what was wrong with him it was just I no banana Ender right should I do actually Mark

That area there seems to be quite a few here so if I Mark here so I know where I’ve got to go back up I’m terrible at finding my way anyone that’s wondering why I’m putting Stone there so I know hey that’s where I’ve got to jump back up to get

Up and then it’s up there right I I get lost so easy I’m absolutely awful at stuff like that some people they can just find their way around so naturally and I just don’t know how you guys if you’re one of those don’t know how just don’t know how you

Do it I really don’t I envy you being able to do that because I just can’t I have to put blocks everywhere I’m like that in real life though before sat was a thing oh my gosh I was awful just just no just know I was terrible at all that sort of

Thing okay that’s probably big enough I’m going to put that ah that there and there so I know where the edges are so I know how far I can go before I’m getting slapped by endies probably ending up slapped anyway I just looked at you come on just looked at you

Matt we need 16 pearls but at least we’re kind of in an area where they are spawning now and they are actually coming to us Building A Tiny Town putting a torch on it helps too yes yeah just any way that shows your direction you know that

You like to do some people have a system when they’re going down tunnels so they know which way they’re going down the tunnel they’ll put torches one side and so they know oh well left is away from Spawn and right is to spawn or something like like that you

Know um I know people that have that kind of sort of system as well which is a pretty good one as well but it’s just how you like to do it isn’t it it’s what works for you what works for you how many pears do we have we’ve got one Pearl so far

Me me Andy hey I’m looking at you oh my gosh stop running let me stand still I was just running everywhere I tried to hit it was just like NOP not standing still for you to hit me I am a ninja Enderman this is why I am

In look I’m like its brother at the moment as well look we’re brothers we are brothers we are brothers come to me I will hug you with my sword I know there’s banging Bosley the neighbors are allowed to do some work on their property they are what is your dream card do you

Know I’m not um like with cars I’m terrible like people will say what sort of car they’ve got and I’m like uh a blue one so I’m not massive ly like focused on stuff like that I like my uh the car that I’ve got now but I like it because

Um it doesn’t hurt my kidney a lot cuz going in cars often hurts my kidney because of my kidney condition so the current car that we got obviously it’s a gamble when you get a new car you just don’t know but this one’s pretty good so

I’m I like it because of that so and it had to heat seats so that’s a bonus he did seats Ting dong sorry what are you sorry for I didn’t see what you’re sorry for I didn’t see what you were sorry for I’ll have a look in a second after I’ve killed the

Enderman stop running around stand still oh Strider don’t get there I don’t want to hurt baby Strider just go off into the lava you also like blue cars yes bz you what have you got on your back that feels like sticky you’ve got a lot of food on your back how have you

Got food on your back my dog has sticky on his back I’m going have to brush him in a bit I don’t know how Dylan thank you for the finger hearts and for the sparklers I don’t know when they came in I’ve only just noticed them it did not ding-dong at me

So I apologize for that could you remove the corner pillars I could I could remove the corner pillars but I’ve got them so I know where I’m not getting splattered from um like cuz I will go out way too far otherwise and then I’ll end up splattered you know what I’m

Like endies are gone on holiday we were crossing the lava bridging across the lava and every Mo I said it would happen I said it would happen I I uh I knew every mob were was there they were just chilling and then I said as soon as

We’re in the Warped forest and we want the Enderman they’ll go on holiday that’s exactly what’s happened like we didn’t want the mobs obviously as we were bridging across the lava and they were all there now we don’t want them that’s it they’re just they’re just there what I might

Do is make an axe and start removing the trees a bit so we can see through them so if one does appear we’ve got a better chance of uh giving it a whack whack whack whack whack see I’m reminding myself of Jay more and more every day quack quack

Quack thank you for the follows in Tik Tok as well guys we’ve had over 70 new followers this Stream So if if you are new to me you are so welcome into stream I’m Tess I’m doing a speedrun um we’re currently at the stage where we are in

The wared forest getting the Ender there’s one there um but yeah the Enderman have all gone on holiday cuz that’s what happens in a walked Forest they all disappear for me anyway for everyone else there’s Enderman everywhere in Warped forest for me they just disappear

When I want them when I don’t want them they’re definitely there um I don’t know why I’m collecting the XP we don’t need it um but when I do want them yeah they’re on holiday they’ve just disappeared forever um let’s remove some of this so our vision is slightly better

Um oh Ender I hear one I hear one where is he there he is hey come at me I just looked at you dude okay he has registered finally still no pearl they’re being stingy with the pearls today aren’t they look I’m even dressed as an Enderman as well

Like doesn’t help I thought that you know they would think that we are kin and you know everything would be good didn’t work only two pears yeah I know trade with villagers um I haven’t got any stuff this is a speed run and I think doing this is quicker than getting all the

Emeralds and getting all the stuff to get the emeralds um so yeah and uh we’ve tried the piglin trades before and I did it one time and uh like um I had a stack and a half of gold and I ended up with two pearls yeah um

And like I was saying I can’t do it cuz I they just don’t give me the pearls and someone was saying in chat well that was just you were just unlucky that can’t happen again so I had another time I had a stack of gold and I gave them the

Entire stack and I didn’t get one Pearl it was just it’s almost comical the pigs do not give me pearls when when I need them if I don’t need them yeah it’s like here have this where did they just go they were there while I was removing the tree come

Back come back come back yep I’ve looked at you I’m running come at me come at me bro I know I made you mad you had your face you had your mad face yeah that one oh no B this game ridiculous give me your BS stop

Barking I’m just doing this so I can see better if one appears a little bit further away I can give it a stare and uh items aren’t in the way while they’re not appearing I might just like I did be do sometimes I might just

Run out of the biome and run back in um cuz it sometimes encourages spawns how many have you killed now I’m not exactly sure 121,000 likes we’ve hit the light goal again yes guys I will change the light goal once we’ve got this Enderman hopefully he will give us a pearl come

Hug me Andy give me your PE I love you so much I love you give me a pear give me a p peace where did you go there you are oh my gosh this one’s here as well though let’s go oh there’s no one there I’m

Just looking at these I will change the light goal guys thank you so much for the light goal um I’m going to actually up it to 140k um yes pear ow I knew if I went out and collected the pear he’d come and slap me and just yes another

One finally they’re giving us pearls right let’s change the light goal yes let’s go did you think about what your do trade with the pigs they have did you think about what you do trade what I don’t know what you meant Robert I have I have tried trading with

Pigs before and they just they just don’t like me they don’t give me pearls all they do is give me gravel like literally it was becoming a joke it became it it was it was almost comical we were like oh look gravel again oh look gravel again get the occasional crry obsidian

You know but it was it was ridiculous a stack and a half of gold we got two pearls and then the second time we had a stack of gold and we got no pearls it’s not just a thing it like really is it’s it’s it’s just not that I’m unlucky they

Just don’t like me the pigs just don’t like me um Dylan thank you for the finger hearts and the sparklers that is so kind I don’t know if I thanked you but if I didn’t I have again if I did already you’ve been thanked twice if I didn’t then you have actually been

Thanked um like why do the Enderman always go on holiday for me it’s really weird it’s so weird oh look there’s a Bastion there oo basan we’re not going to play in there not today not today normally we’d be like yes look we can get some netherite templates and all

Of the fun stuff but yeah it’s the speedruns we don’t need them we want Enderman Enderman we want Enderman that we’re in the middle of a wared forest the Enderman are on holiday they’re taking their winter break they’re off I don’t know they’ve all gone visiting the Ender

Dragon for the for the holiday season I don’t even know this is ridiculous we’re in the middle of a warp Forest give me an Enderman why don’t you go to the basti and get the go because I never they never give me they never give me stuff

They just don’t don’t I like they the pigs they never give me the go the pearls and I would die in the Bastion I really would the brutes are just going to come at me straight away aren’t they I see gold there can’t mine it I don’t have the right pickaxe on me

This is one of the big ones as well we’ve got this is the thingy one this is actually one of the good ones look it is one of the good ones cuz it’s got the magma spawner thing area ah my controller again no turn on I don’t know what’s going on with my

Controller it is fully charged or well it’s not fully charged now but it’s not low on charge it just keeps dying for whatever reason it’s having a mad one should have 19 hours of battery when I charge it where are the Enderman though this is ridiculous I would die in a basti and

Proceeds to I just wanted to have a peek um and I saw the um the the well that that room is the good room that bottom bit is where you want to be that’s where all like the like for making your spawners and stuff the magma spawner thing is

There um so for making your Frog Light spawners and such like that that’s where you want to go and um the ones with them in I believe are the ones that have the templates in so also very nice very good very good very cool very wonderful awesome right

Yeah um I’ve just gone over here cuz I’ve gone out the area in the hopes that when I go back in it will uh get the game to spawn the Enderman back in again like give it a bit of a nudge um guys what is going on what is going

On what is going on you need 12 you do need 12 but I like to do 16 the reason I do 16 is cuz when you throw them they break up and we know we don’t know how far or close or far the end is so I always like to make

Extra to make sure um get rid of the lights I don’t think that’s going to make a difference but I will do that um because the the shroom lights are just part of the trees naturally um Enderman out for New Year they really are they’ve all gone to the end they’ve

All gone to party with the dragon I mean pretty sure it’s not going to make a difference but it’s not going to hurt so might as well do it oh there’s an end end end hey Enderman hey hey hey hey yes I just did

Look at you I did I did did it register I’m prettyy sure it did it did there he comes there he comes Enderman exist they exist guys they are not figments of my imagination they do actually exist they are things in Minecraft obviously not in real

Life and we got a Pearl look at that look at that see I don’t mind them being a little less frequent if they just give us a pearl but the first lot weren’t even giving us pearls were they um do you think it could be that we’re near the Bastion that’s causing

The spawn issues maybe all the stuff’s spawning in there so less is spawning out here maybe do you think that could be what’s going on like in in the Bastion there’s more spawns going on so there’s less mobs to be spawned for Enderman could be yes we got a pearl again

Cuz this is getting a bit silly with the lack of Enderman normally in the middle of the war Forest are everywhere aren’t they they’re just literally everywhere we’ve had a few streams where it’s been like this haven’t we where they’ve just don’t and it’s always speed runs as

Well it’s speed runs that where the ones where we have trouble finding diamonds and speed runs the ones where we have trouble getting the Enderman the rest of the time we don’t have issues with that at all not even a bit I’m just going to oh there’s one

Um don’t go too far I want to be able to look at you no he’s gone so I need to be able to run back there quickly but I was just going out of the area again doing the hole hoping it respawns stuff for us right that’s quite a distance away isn’t it

Like an assault course right we’re back here again give me Enderman come on Tess do you want to hear a joke I need some joke jokes is it why did the chicken cross the road to find an Enderman that’s that’s the punchline of this stream people would say to me Tess how

Do I find Enderman just go to the wared forest there’ll be loads there right that would be my advice not today not today oh oh you’re back hey hey how are we doing we are back the Enderman are not for whatever reason they just don’t want to be here

Today like seriously poor poor spawn rates um yeah our theory is that they’re all partying with the Ender Dragon for New Year’s okay look at me they’re all on their break they are they they if if when we get to the end we’re going to find all like all of them

Together partying I’m in a great time hey I did that did not register I’m looking at you that did yep let just make up your mind oh my gosh Enderman you’re more indecisive than I am how many pearls do you need I would like 16 you need 12 but I’d like 16

Because sometimes when you throw them when you’ve turned them into ey ofenders they will break up so I want to yeah want to um get the 16 just as a to make sure but the Enderman just they’re just not playing ball today they don’t like us they are all gone they are not

Here so we’ve got a little area here where we can get some safely and the little area over there where we can get some safely I don’t know if it’s cuz we’re quite close to a Bastion whether all the stuff spawning inside the Bastion and not out here and that’s why it’s

Affecting the spawn rates that’s the only thing um you wonder what the quickest Speed Run has been it’s been super quick um what it is is i’ I’ve there there videos of it on the YouTube I can’t remember but it’s minutes um and the people that

It’s a specific seed and they they do tell you the seed so I could take that seed and do it at some point and what they’ve done is um there are diamonds um in the chests where they are at the Village they spawn in a village there

Are diamonds there um I don’t know how they got the pearls actually they must I don’t remember them getting the pearls but they must have got them to be able to get into the I think they were they only needed one because the portal had all the rest in them um and the

Village had the diamonds there was a broken portal by it so they were able to fix the broken portal go straight through they’re in the um um The Fortress when they’re there and the portal only needs one Pearl and there’s a pearl in the chest so they’re

Able to do that um really really quickly and they just take the beds from the village and then the end is under the village that they spawn at so they just have to dig straight down into the end and um yeah it’s all there in this one

Map I can’t remember the seed but it is on YouTube you just have to take a look um and they just use the beds to blow the dragon up really quickly um and I think they did it in like I don’t know like less than 10 minutes or something

The entire Speed Run I can’t even chop wood in that time it’s insane but it is like the most perfect spawn that you could want for a speedrun so yeah it’s it’s crazy good but yeah look at the Enderman putting blocks there come at me the other one’s still there somewhere

I want to go out and get that it’s going to come out isn’t it no oh no it did it got under lived it got under lived we got the Pearl we got 10 now we got 10 look at us go we got 10 we’re getting there we’re getting

There I’m back I missed you welcome back baby thank you for coming back break the blocks around in there I’m try I’ll try I think it could just be a waste of time to be honest but I like I said I don’t mind doing it while they’re not

About when they are about obviously I’d rather be getting them [Applause] y it can increase the chances can it I didn’t know that we will see oh there’s another one there is that all here I don’t I can’t see all them is there any around here there’s more there

This one was inside the tree so I don’t know what exactly that one’s doing it’s not there light somewhere there okay I took all the ones from there took all the ones from there there’s a couple up there I’ll take them out and we’ll see if it makes any

Difference we’re way too early for that now aren’t we how lovely are your branches there any more over there I don’t think there are but there could be just around this corner yes there are see it’s a good job I did that before we knock all the way back down

Here it was here wasn’t it I think so yeah and then there’s one couple up there oh Enderman we’ll do that first cuz that’s what we’re after if we can get those without knocking out those things we will I don’t know if it makes a difference but why

Not um do you want to play hide and seek I play hideand-seek my dog my dog plays hide and seek please tell Tyler his laugh is brilliant Tyler he’s got his headphones on he’s laughing at something I don’t know what he’s laughing at he always looking firing standard teenager we need five

More I hear one Andy Andy ahuh Andy look at me yay look he teleported to us this time they learned they can teleport no PO no no p uh if you’re going to I will be using a pumpkin hat yes I found one this time on

My speed runs if I find a pumpkin I will always grab it if I don’t well we just do it without and uh yeah see how we go but um I don’t know I’ve just got a weird feeling that something bad might happen uh so I’m going to put the pearls

In the chest here because then if something bad happens it’s not going to matter too much I don’t know why I feel that way I know I just had this weird like you know I’ve already gone in lava once today so you know I just I don’t

Know I don’t know why I feel that way um hope y we won’t end up in lava again I mean there’s not exactly much spawning in to get us which is kind of frustrating got two there I moaned them into existence um if you throw them into the lava you

Get a stack of diamonds look one I don’t need diamonds and two I’m old look I’m clearly old I was not born yesterday no no not yesterday or the day before old I also don’t need diamonds I need the pearls so tell me to throw diamonds in

The lava and I’ll get a stack of pearls might be more inclined to do that and definitely wouldn’t I’m not falling for that one either but um yeah you were born yesterday oh happy birthday for yesterday did you just say did they just say they were born yesterday

Yeah so you have a br says your laughs really cute BR loves your laugh why cuz you’ve been laughing at whatever you’re looking at I was looking at dog pracs and this one dog side eyed the person it was really do you have the Hat on now what

Hat what hat what what hat am I wearing I’m not wearing a hat I’m just I got me gold boots on because you need them in the nether right but I’m an Ender I’m an Ender because then the endies will all come to me and they’ll feel like I’m Kin I’m I’m

I’m part of their you know world and they’ll all come to me they won’t be scared of me and my iron sword but it’s not working so maybe I should change my skin back to Cotton I don’t know the pumpkin one no no I don’t have

It on now you wouldn’t I wouldn’t be able to see in in first person when you wear the pumpkin hat it’s really dark um so I always take it with me and I put it on right at the last minute when I’m about to fight the dragon and then I go

Into third person so you guys still get to see what’s going on ding dong Bing Bang Boom thank you for the rose the good game the sparkler the 2024 and the Tik Tok that is so kind of you Tess is King Enderman right look at yeah look watch

Watch I am King this is why all the Endermen aren’t here they’re all scared of me I think cuz oh look there’s one there’s one there’s one I see you you see me let’s run ha I got safe I got safe bring it bring it Andy give me your pear give me your

Pear give me your PE yes we got another P we got another one three more and then we’re out of well out of here the we’ve still got to get to the Fortress it’s it’s a distance it’s a distance it’s a distance Dylan thank you

So much for the follow guys if you are new to me welcome we’ve had over 80 new followers this stream so I’m so happy that you know we’re getting loads of new people finding me and uh joining our little Community um we’ve got so many regulars that come

Back and back and people that have found actual friendships on the stream which is great I love that um and our little Discord Community is great as well we’re all a bit silly but we have fun um that’s the main thing isn’t it that’s that’s what Minecraft’s all about like

I’m definitely not the best Minecraft player in the world but I have fun doing what I’m doing um and that’s what matters uh ding dong oh my gosh bing bang thank you for the heart me and uh Marlin thank you for the heart me as well that’s so

Kind still can’t believe no armor who needs armor we’re going to take on the dragon without armor we don’t need armor we don’t need armor I mean we do have our boots on but they are essential especially back where we spawned in they were lots of the piggies

That do not like you unless you are wearing gold there I mean I don’t even know they’re very um materialistic aren’t they like I’m not going to be your friend unless you’re covered in Gold like wrap me up in Diamonds cover me and

Gold I think I looked at him did I oh he has registered ah nothing you can M me D yes Bri if anyone isn’t in the Discord and they want to join yeah go ahead and do it um and for whatever reason like sometimes the Discord Link in my

Bio will work for some people and not for others if it’s not working for you and you do want to join it you can always hit me a message um at Minecraft with Tess just say hey Tess um I’d like to join the Discord and I will send you

The link in Discord and then it always works um but sometimes in the Tik Tok link on my link tree it will work and sometimes it won’t it’s it’s very bizarre in that ow in that respect like I have no idea it’s yeah so if you did after stream

I’ll get you and I will uh send you a link do more do more I’m going to eat though I battered a bit by the endies then they weren’t nice to me but I’m having to run out and not just look at them from safety because I’m having to

Find them they’re just not spawning don’t even know why they don’t love me Andy Andy where are you Andy Andy Andy come give me Hogs and love I will hug you with my sword you look get me you’re not getting me I can’t believe how the lack of spawn on these Endermen

Today it’s a nightmare to know what and stand here and going I wait for them to spawn and just talk to you guys and drink my coffee my coffee’s nearly gone hello everyone Tay how we doing welcome into stream how are we doing they don’t want to show up they

Really don’t that’s one isn’t it that’s one that’s one that’s one I’m looking at the I’m looking at my uh chat screens and I’m not looking at the actual screen andies are escaping my view how many more was it that we needed three or two can’t remember well there’s

One you’re well what about me I’m good I’m good um andies are mean this stream though they’re just not showing up like we’ve been in this warped Forest forever we need one more we’ve been in this warp Forest forever we we were stood here for a while and like there were none for

Ages and it’s just like this is a wared forest right we’re actually uh we’ve actually come to the conclusion that because it’s uh New Year that all the endies are off in the end having a party with the Ender Dragon um I mean there the yeah that’s what that’s what we’ve concluded

Yes thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh that was painful guys but we’ve got them we’ve got them right let’s go back we’ll put them in our chest at the Village um because then we know they’re safe so if we end up in lava or whatever

They’re good they’re not they’re not going anywhere um that’s that’s a plan Batman that is the plan now we’ve got to get across here without the gas spawning and shooting us into the lava all of our stuff is in that lava somewhere underneath us there cuz uh we’ve been in lava already

Once today and it’s deep it’s really deep so that wasn’t very far away at all from our portal cuz it’s literally just over here but it wasn’t easy to get to was it because of all that bridging across the lava it wouldn’t have been so

Bad if the magmas and the ghs were not just on us continually um sometimes you get nice spawns and they don’t spawn in do you but yeah not today you need to come back for blaze rods I I know we’ve got to get to the Fortress The Fortress isn’t as close though

Um The Fortress the closest one I’m going to say from the portal positive 500 positive 300 approximately um so yeah not as close hey villagers decided he’s going to chill in in the nether huh he said hi everyone is this my house this is my

House look at my house my house do you like my house guys I built it myself with my bare hands totally did not lying to you not even a little bit being completely honest here 100% I’m going to keep the things with me and actually the grass so

I can put it down down if I need to in a in a rush um we’ve got some wood with us don’t we I don’t need the other wood I think that’s good to go back through need that though oh we don’t need that either okay that’s clears up our inventory a bit

Doesn’t it we good we good that’s good right how long did you play Minecraft do you mean now or do you mean in total in total it’s more than 10 years um and since I started stream 3 hours and 20 minutes um and most of that was Enderman

We were in the middle of the Warped Forest they just were not spawning in we’ve got our ender pearls now so we’re done for that and they are safe in here so we’re good fingers crossed the only thing that could happen is if I open that door and

There’s a creeper right there bang and it it it blows them up now I’ve put that into being that might happen but I hope not but we do need to go to the Fortress and then obviously we’ve got to find the end um but I need the Fortress for the

Blaze rods so I can make the pearls into Eyes of Ender um it is a bit of a de light goal yes guys we’re at 145,000 likes in Tik Tok 145,000 yes yes guys that is awesome that is so cool any any streamer that gets over 100,000 likes they’ll tell you that is

Amazing and if they tell you it’s not amazing they’re like oh only 100,000 then just don’t ever like them again cuz that’s just ridiculous 100 thou over that is insane um and I know I often get over 100,000 likes and I say the same I’m so grateful because you guys don’t

Have to like the stream but you do all the time it’s amazing so I’m just so grateful for you guys ding dong dingdong Lauren thank you for the roses and it ding donged it ding donged so my ding Dong’s very sporadic sometimes it’s working and sometimes

It’s not so I have missed some people who have gifted today or I have thanked them but I don’t know exactly how long the gift’s been there because it doesn’t hadn’t ding onong to alert me of it being there Tess Hey Joe how we doing

Make a bunker in the H in the house in Minecraft why we’re doing a speedrun we’re not actually made this isn’t this is a villager house I didn’t actually build it with my bare hands I stole it from a villager don’t steal it’s wrong don’t do it um so I’m showing you all

The things you shouldn’t do today don’t steal don’t steal it’s wrong also don’t go swimming in lava it’s wrong don’t just don’t do it swimming in lava not a good idea we’ve done that once today we did lose everything that was fun but to be fair we lost a decent

Amount of food we lost diamond pickaxe no we didn’t lose our diamond pickaxe did we we put that in the chest we lost a diamond sword but we made another one cuz we did have enough diamonds to do that so that was so cool and our shield

And some leather armor we had didn’t we we actually had some armor but we found that in a chest so you know we took that um I think for today that’s going to be it for the stream I’ve been here nearly 3 and a half hours now so you have had a

Lot of test time um I will be back tomorrow and we will do the stream I don’t know what time I’ll stream tomorrow um I might still keep it an early one because um with my kidney at the moment I’m getting it gets worse later in the day

At the moment so streaming earlier is actually better for me obviously on the weekends I generally stream earlier because a lot of you work and you’re at home so you get to watch um so yeah I might do it slightly earlier so it’ll probably be for those that either don’t

Have work tomorrow which it’s New Year’s isn’t it so a lot of you won’t have work maybe okay that works all right my brain is just you know in it’s going like in that direction and then it’s going in that direction it’s going in that direction it’s going in that direction

She’s going in that yeah that’s the way my brain works you’re in America you’re 400 a.m. 4 a.m. no Jessica 4 a.m. that’s insane guys guys Happy New Year um I will see you all next year um unless you get a weird stream like later on today

I’m like oh I’m just going to stream why not you never know you never know from me but if not I will see you all next year have a great New Year um unless it’s already New Year for you and then I’ll see you later this year but it’s

Not this year for me it’s next year for me so I don’t know time zones um

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – speed run time :)’, was uploaded by Minecraft With Tess on 2024-01-01 02:58:22. It has garnered 161 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:07 or 12667 seconds.

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    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From survival mode to creative mode, there are countless ways to enjoy the game and unleash your creativity. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. Connect to our server at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start exploring all that Minewind has to… Read More

  • Ultimate Last Species Attack in Minecraft Night

    Ultimate Last Species Attack in Minecraft Night The Last Humanity – Minecraft Roleplay Episode 4: The Night Attack In the fourth episode of “The Last Humanity” Minecraft roleplay series by Hajime Gensou, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey filled with action and suspense. The story unfolds in the virtual world of Minecraft, where players immerse themselves in a post-apocalyptic setting. Plot Overview The episode titled “The Night Attack” follows the protagonist as they navigate through the dangers of the night in a world overrun by AI. The tension rises as the characters face unexpected challenges and must rely on their wit and skills to survive…. Read More

  • Unbelievable! The Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment Fail! #shorts

    Unbelievable! The Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment Fail! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Minecraft Enchantment [ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftenchantmentguide ]’, was uploaded by IamSpidey11 on 2024-03-24 08:40:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #Minecraft #gamers #gaming #videogames #enchantment #worst #gamerlife #minecrafters #youtube #gamingcommunity … Read More

  • Caught on Camera: Darklord Gaming vs. Hoglin

    Caught on Camera: Darklord Gaming vs. HoglinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HOGLIN That CAUGHT On CAMERA #minecraft #minecrafthindi #gaming #minecraftmemes #shorts’, was uploaded by DARKLORD GAMING on 2024-01-10 12:30:11. It has garnered 2652 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft Mobs That CAUGHT On CAMERA! #minecrafthindi #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraft minecraft hindi minecraft video minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft mods minecraft entities minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft minecraft scary myths minecraft 1.20 scary myths busting minecraft myths that are actually real minecraft scary seeds minecraft 1.20 scary seeds minecraft scary minecraft phone,minecraft bedrock edition solving minecrafts most… Read More