Finishing the Pillager Village in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴

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All right we are live let’s go let’s go ahead and pop out the chat copy paste layout editor copy paste save changes top chat live chat share copy Bam Bam Bam uh and then uh notice notifications live now why did so many people react with the pregnant man emoji

What’s up sat what’s up sharus what’s up meerkat fan how’s it going guys congratulations on being first set live now continuing to finish the Pillager village Village maybe we will actually finish it tonight question mark and then put our link and then bam what’s up rocket how’s it going welcome back

To 1am for me right now it’s uh 7 A.M for me right now I’m good Dash what about you I’m doing pretty well how’s everyone else doing what’s up Shakara Wade how’s it going welcome in I don’t know if that’s who or who with an H

OMG I am blocking stream element yeah I need to disable the stream element bot it doesn’t do anything other than just typing stream elements bot isn’t running because I don’t have it set up to do anything but I don’t know I just I turned it on and

Then I haven’t turned it off okay anyways we in the right version let’s go ahead and hop into our world and yeah swag all right um this is taking an awful long time there we go okay cool our textures working oh they are yay okay cool do you use Essentials I do

Essentials mod is pretty good helpful for uh for playing with friends and stuff so I was late I was eating a cracker good for you uh also you’re like a minute late so who cares hold on my volume is down let me change it real quick there we go

Guys no you know what it’s fine um okay so we’re gonna add some more we want to add I think I want to add more of a I want to make this a little more swampy kinda I want to add frogs but the frogs are

Just gonna hop away so I don’t think I’m actually gonna add them um do I have to get a tardy slip yes link to Discord do you want it if you do exclamation point Discord it’ll give you it you sure what am I sure about I would agree it’s good for multiplayer

I use it for playing with mods and my friends as I’m too broke to buy a server yeah for real where are they oh where are the tardy slips um they are you gotta find them it’s like a little scavenger hunt sorry but you have to find it yourself It’s a little tardy slip in the Discord yeah you gotta join the Discord and get the tardy slip if you haven’t already I think I want to kind of make this a little more Swampy I like this like cut down thing I also could do like a lily pad um

We could do like a lily pad also it might look cool to have I don’t know I’m just trying to think of how we can decorate this a little bit better because it looks nice and all but I feel like it could be better I’m thinking that what we could do for

This area is we extend this out a little bit right this this little swamp area goes out a little oh we could add like slimes except just like we add like a couple slime blocks and we draw a little a little goofy face on them or something

And then what I’m thinking oh no oh geez I gotta get water or I gotta get uh dirt I am the Discord and the free hosting or server hostings never work for mods in my opinion in my experience what’s up Brandon how’s it going welcome to the Stream

Yeah I I mean I’ve seen them work with mods but I also they always just like run out of memory and stuff so I like the hosting on my own computer is pretty nice um what do I want to get rid of from my inventory right now we can get rid of

These two things and then we’ll keep that for now and then we can also move this stuff out I need dirt so that I can plant stuff do I have dirt in any of my chests I honestly have no idea I’ve coarse dirt but I kind of want just

Normal dirt and I don’t want to have to turn the normal dirt back into coaster I have grass grass can turn into dirt that’s fine that’s easy enough what’s up Ido scratch how’s it going yeah it’s amazing true are anime stay on Challenger in the chat I don’t know Maybe uh um

The what’s up amazing Zane how’s it going though my PC is an old office one so I have to use Discord on my phone ah okay that’s unfortunate I have no idea what I did with my dirt I feel like I might just not have any here

Oh I have a little bit okay that’s probably enough for what I for my purposes so that’s chill okay so we’re gonna come over here what I want to do is I want to make one of the Fallen trees you ever see the Fallen trees

Where it has like a chunk of the ground is ripped out because it fell over I kind of think that would look cool I just don’t know if I’ll be able to make it if I don’t I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it well but I hope I can

We’ll I’m gonna try my best in theory it could look really cool I’m also gonna need a couple water buckets to deal with this is this a mod no next Dash and simpi is out in 2030 true yeah I’m gonna go to sleep now see you later

Oh wait are you talking about the essentials mod yeah that is a mod I don’t know exactly what we’re talking about though okay so I’m thinking we do like one of these and then maybe we can add a couple like I don’t know a branch coming off of the

Side every once in a while like that and then I just want to have a little chunk of dirt on the end of it and we so we basically are gonna dig a small hole like this And then we have it be like maybe too deep I don’t know if you guys ever go outside you probably don’t though but if you did if you go into nature sometimes you’ll see trees that have fallen over and because the roots are very like expansive they like will pull a chunk of

Dirt out of the ground and so uh well this so basically if you had like a chunk of dirt like this let’s say you would then just turn it and you’d have like we’re gonna do this and then oh we should get rooted dirt though rooted dirt will look even better

Rooted dirt will look good um but you’d have like kind of one of them or something something like that and then you might have a little a little patch of missing grass that is where it like came out of you know if that makes sense

Um I feel like I feel like that’s kind of cool we just want to add some rooted dirt and then it will look even better what is your texture pack that changes the UI of things um dark colorful containers something you should scatter rooted dirt around the hole yeah I agree

Is this a texture pack and if so is it available for Bedrock it is not available for bedrock at least as far as I know it is a texture pack um I don’t as I don’t think it’s a bit yeah I’m like I’m like I don’t know it’s

A bunch of texture packs though so there’s a chance that some of them could be available for bedrock but I know that some of them are also not available for Bedrock do I only have one rooted dirt block how do you craft rooted dirt I know you can right

Can you wait are you not able to craft a rooted dirt I thought you just needed like sticks or something wait are you not able to craft rooted dirt hold on I have to I have to Google it rooted dirt crafting root of dirt cannot be crafted

Why that’s so rude okay so I need to get them plant azalea doesn’t it only give you one rooted dirt for every azalea bush that you plant though that’s like nothing but I guess I guess we can do that I think it I’m not sure if it would

Be more effective or not to just go and find an azalea tree though okay remember guys we put our stuff into here for now let’s try planting an azalea or find a Naturalizer that sheet machine Speed Run was so funny is that an actual run it

Was yeah that was a real run I did it at the end of uh two nights ago streamed I’m gonna redo it because someone gave me a really good suggestion that I had no idea I didn’t even think of but sticky pistons were the main thing that took a while in that run

And sticky pistons spawn naturally in Jungle in Jungle uh temples so if I can if I can get a jungle temple seed I could get that speedrun in like three minutes which would be awesome or something like that I can drop so much time from that run

This is the second stream I’ve watched today nice I don’t remember what I did with my azalea bushes I thought I had some I feel like I must have put them away in like over here aha there we go we’re gonna fly a little while so a

Little ways away because I don’t really wanna have it near my base I guess I can just chop it down but aha we’ve created one rooted dirt yo I’m subbing thank you I appreciate that as you should alright so I guess then the Strat oh hey

He like jumped on me but then didn’t even attack me that was kind of nice of him all right so I guess the Strat is gonna be let’s come over here let’s make a little platform out of dirt oh did I not destroy this top part why did I just

Leave this floating here what am I doing that’s so ugly all right um so we’re gonna make we’re gonna make a little rooted dirt Factory I guess make a complicated Advanced rooted Turf Farm for the four or three oh excuse me sir you’re not allowed over here

Oh I forgot I one shot him um by the way you can get hanging dirt hanging Roots uh by using a hoe on rooted dirt oh cool I don’t actually need those oh wait actually that Loki would maybe look good as well since we are trying to do

Like a fallen tree that’s a good idea thank you thank you night black holes crap what’s uh what’s what’s crap were you gonna say that or something and someone stole your thunder all right so here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna go bam I don’t need the wood so I’m just I’m

Just trying to get the rooted dirt I will chop down the trees but I mainly just want the rooted dirt so this is the way to get it Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam hey I meant to ask you about your which hospital can you kind of show that off the witch hospital um

Sure give me a second I’ll I’ll show it off I’m not gonna go get bad Omen to make it work though I’ll just you can imagine it because I really don’t feel like getting bad Omen so that it is actually functional you need Vata or you need a raid needs

To be going on for it to work unfortunately so I would have to go and get bad Omen and that seems like far too much work um do you have a server I do not no rush thanks okay cool yeah I’ll do that I’ll do that in a bit

Just remind me because I I am prone to forgetting things I should have got my I should have kept my hoe on me so that I could have uh mind all this a lot easier but you know what it’s fine I don’t feel like going and getting it right now and it’s

It’s okay since I have haste and stuff it’s still not too bad yeah I do not have a server not planning on one either maybe for like a million Subs we’ll get uh we’ll bring a dash SM pump for back million subscriber special will be the dash SM pump for um

Also good it is sunnier than yesterday nice guys I went on the longest hike I’ve ever been on yesterday and it was so miserable I wanted I went on a 10 mile hike and it was just nothingness the whole time I went because my girlfriend her parents

Wanted to go on a hike and we were supposed to hang out so she was like why don’t you just come along that was a bad decision to come along because it was it was a very very long hike that I did not know about and then

It’s it was literally the whole thing was just a flat like a flat path in the woods there was nothing to like look at it was terrible it was not a it was not a great hike I must say and I can say this because my girlfriend

Also didn’t like it so she’s not gonna be like what you said you loved the hike she was also like this is so long and I want to go home um what’s up Apple how’s it going one mil in no time shorts are crazy yeah

Yeah give me like a week and I’ll be at one mil uh at least you went outside dude I was outside for so long it was terrible I never want to go outside again after that I was outside for like like eight hours straight or something no not eight hours I was

Outside from like 11 to to like 5 30. so like six and a half hours of being outside and it wasn’t even like sitting outside you know like I can go to the beach and be outside for hours but it was like straight just walking from for those for hours

Would not recommend guys if your girlfriend invites you on a hike say no okay or if your girlfriend’s parents invite you on a hike I guess what texture pack are you using if you do exclamation point pack uh you can get a list of all of them or I’ll give you

You can get a YouTube short that will give you a list of all of them um gotta please the parents though yeah true that does sound miserable it was so dude it was it was so bad and dude like okay I don’t mind a long hike I’ve been on

Long hikes when I was in Arizona a while back we went on pretty long hikes but they were also they weren’t as long they weren’t as long and they also you would get to the top of a massive mountain and it would be gorgeous you would get to

See such beautiful sights of Arizona we hiked five miles there to look at a poop brown river that was the only thing at the end of the hike it was a poop brown River we hiked for 10 miles for a poop brown River and and you know what was the craziest

Part other people were there too we were not the only people who made the mistake of going of hiking 10 miles for a poop brown River there was one dude who was uh he was he was at the end of the hike or like there’s like a camping site at

The end of the hike and he was doing a little bit of illegal activities illegal substances and I was just thinking like that is the only way that this hike could have been fun you know actually no they are legal they are legal in some places at least he was

He was on the Zaza you know and I was like dude yeah that would make this hike much more bearable I don’t do that though because I’m too cool for that okay wait someone told me if I do this hey can’t you also bone meal this in

Order to can’t you bone meal it and then it has hanging roots or am I insane I thought that you could also yeah okay so I don’t need to waste my hanging Roots if I want a couple hanging Roots I can do it like this oh I have my shears um

There we go you didn’t touch grass on the hike no of course not I would never how many days in this world uh 4 400. since when have you been playing Minecraft since I was a small child like 10 or more years some point at some point I started I don’t know exactly

When I wonder if I place multiple does this spread no I’m sure I could make a farm for this using a dispenser I think I’ve seen it happen before but this is enough for now we got a day’s command for real that would be a good idea yeah this is what

We’ve been working on for I don’t know a thousand days or something foreign A bit I think this looks cool um I think we could maybe make this like one block taller and then have like an overhang the only thing is I want it I’m thinking we can make this bigger but I just want it to be like in order to

Get in and out of the restaurant right you have to like walk over the stump so it needs to have it needs to have a he used to have a walkway to get up and down it which is relatively easy to do I think

Nah we do that and then we do maybe like one there one there do a little course dirt add a little hole nearby this guy because the the dirt had to come out of somewhere when the when the rock fell down or when the tree fell over you know Why the overhang because I want to have I want to have uh Roots hanging down because unfortunately you can’t put roots on the side of blocks dude that that would be such a nice thing if if you could put roots on the sides of blocks too

It’s supposed to be like when a tree falls down in the forest when a tree falls down in the forest you can like see you can a lot of the time see like a big hole underneath it because the tree had to like the tree brings up a bunch of

Roots with it and so I think it will be cool to have a little area under here that you can go into and then to get into the actual restaurant you have to cross this fallen tree foreign And then we’re going to add some coarse dirt we’re going to make this entire Rim not able to turn into normal dirt or normal grass actually I’m not a huge fan of how this path block looks here okay that’s pretty solid looking I just want to add like a torch down here so

That we don’t have anything go in there and then yeah and now now you can like you can see that it’s that it’s like that but you have you have your little uh you have your little way to get up and then you just walk across this area there we go that’s cool

I’m on my PC right now it’s kind of weird since I’m not tilting my keyboard since I’m typing huh interesting um yeah they should really make it so that you can they need to add the ability to have Roots hang off of any surface that’d be really cool oh you know what

Podzel actually kind of works decently in this no it doesn’t I lied puzzle is way too dark of a color hey thank you very much neon sheep thank you for the dollar I appreciate it common neon sheep w es up thank you neon sheep I appreciate it neon sheep is supporting my gambling

Habits let’s go I’ll like pass these blocks so that at least you kind of know where you’re supposed to go um anime I’m going to time you out next time you spam dang bro is gonna time out anime that’s crazy I didn’t even know you could do that

I didn’t think that I didn’t think that a regular Chatters had the ability to time people out but apparently this guy does oh that’s cool we have a little a little area down here with water on it that’s kind of neat we can have a little flowing water beneath the thing

And now now we don’t even need to bother lighting up this area which is nice we still need to light up this area but I actually I actually kind of vibe with this it’s like the fallen tree and then you gotta climb over it and then we’ll just add a little a little

Path from over here or actually no hold on don’t make me take your Talking Stick how do you super chat I think you Super Chat by neon cheap how do you how do you super chat I think I think in the bottom corner of chat yeah there’s a dollar sign

On in the chat there’s also a dollar sign and you click on that and then I don’t know what you do after that to be honest someone who’s super chatted tell uh help Shakara helps your car out wait click the dollar you know I I like this do you have I do

Have actually what day is today today’s the 14th writers today the 13th oh it’s the 13th I’m excited in like two days I’m actually gonna get paid by tick tock and I’m just excited because like I’ll money you know money money Mr Krabs money I’m actually gonna like receive my first

Payout from Tick Tock and it’s gonna be like pretty solid money I gotta say okay I think we’re gonna have a parking lot right here so you come in here you’re gonna have a little lot a little parking lot like that goes up against the swamp

So for the parking lots I’ve been using wood this looks terrible I like these I like this parking lot a lot better so we’re going to do that and then I think I also have a lot over here yeah so we’re gonna get dark oak logs pressure plates sea lanterns that seems good

Then choose your monies yeah click the dollar then choose an amount and pick a payment method then hit confirm Dash called his son and the best mod a regular chatter I did what did I do I called my son oh are you my son I only have one son oh well actually I

Only have two sons and they’re pesto and salmon except not pesto my girlfriend like pesto and salmon my dinosaur stuffed animals um I’m glad you stream on on YouTube because many YouTubers move to Twitch and I don’t enjoy having to switch platforms appreciate you sticking sticking to YouTube

Oh I started switching I started on Twitch and switched to YouTube because YouTube is way better in my opinion twitch sucks I used to stream on Twitch for like three years or yeah almost three years I streamed on Twitch and then I started streaming on YouTube because YouTube is a better place for

Streamers and they treat you nicer and actually have discovery I only watch YouTube live fair enough the dollar where yeah twitch are corrupt I don’t know if they’re corrupt they’re just really bad at managing their business I think I feel like they just kind of suck at

Their jobs not like corrupt just like incompetence you know which is like both bad but I don’t think twitch is like stealing all the money from streamers for themselves I think they just like don’t know how to put ads on streams and stuff to like well enough to make them money

And so they just lose money and then they have to keep like remove like make paying streamers less to not have Amazon like sell them or to not have Amazon like just get rid of them you know delete twitch do you have a vid on your Fox breeder I’m interested I do not

Sorry uh I have a schematic for it if you want to join my Discord I can send the schematic I could make a video on it honestly maybe I should I just I mentioned it briefly in a tick tock a while ago or a YouTube short as well and

I I didn’t do it because I don’t think not that many people seemed interested so I was like ah whatever um it’s a solid design though it’s not a bent it’s a pretty good it’s a pretty good Fox breeder design as far as Fox breeder designs go I think it’s a good design

Um so maybe I will make a video talking about it I do need to it is I do need to make videos on stuff I’m trying for daily shorts uploads and they’re kind of difficult it’s kind of difficult to do daily uploads because you just have to come up with an idea

Every day and it’s hard to come up with an idea every day um so maybe I’ll do maybe I’ll do a video on that can you upload a schematic of that automatic infinite weakness potion Brewer machine I it’s on the Discord already I don’t know where else I would

Put it I will make one just for this channel swag okay yeah it’s already in my Discord it’s in a pinned message in the farm help section they’re already they’re already B uh a a schematic for it so okay so we’re gonna put the parking the parking Stitch is gonna be foreign

Like so oops all right I lost that it’s fine though I think I think it adds an extra level of detail to stuff when I just the fact that I’m like adding parking spaces and stuff it’s totally not necessary but I kind of like it I think it makes it look nicer

Not everything can be like fully functional you know but some decorational stuff is nice even though this whole town is definitely walkable What’s up dang how’s it going welcome in try adding mini games to your world who would I play them with mini games to my world would just be like oh hello Adding mini games to my world is like a nice idea but I would just who would I play them with I’m just a I’m just a a single singular person you know there we go dashing pumpkin the fourth can I Breathe No not allowed what’s up Harris I’m gonna assume it’s

Pronounced Harris because it looks like Harris but you put a q there a dog parties oh my gosh neon sheep and his dog parties man me and sheep loves their dog parties um do I have any other unlit areas around here I think most of them are oh hello unlit rooftop

What do you think you’re doing here unlit rooftop no one said that you’re allowed to be unlit oh my goodness there we go we this is all lit ah this isn’t lit see interesting intriguing and then we have to light up this we’ll just put a lamp right there oh you

Know what actually what if we like hide the lantern like under here will it light up this it will swag okay cool kind of have no money but it’s okay I probably thinking about super chatting still okay no worries Shikara you don’t have to Super Chat if you want to support me financially

I’m not complaining but you also don’t feel obligated because there’s no there’s no uh necessity to Super Chat you know don’t tell Dash but I went on this PC and downloaded the 50k special and since I’m a good model I’ll leak it for you guys bro how could you anime dude

What mods are using if you do exclamation point mods you can get a full list of all the mods I use see I’m glad I have command set up for some stuff an exclamation point days would be nice anime but it wouldn’t be accurate it would only be like

Semi-accurate and since I can just hit F3 it’s fine foreign and it’s also like a not it doesn’t take me long to say it you know like when people ask me like what texture packs I’m using I just link off to myself saying it because I don’t want

To repeat myself a million times but saying four thousand four hundred I can do that once in a while you know There we go seemed familiar what’s familiar can you please allow me to breath no I told you no breathing no breathing until you give me ten dollars breathing costs ten dollars isn’t that something they did that Mr Krabs did in SpongeBob he like put breathing on the menu or something

And you had to like pay for just like existing every second that you existed in the Krusty Krab you had to pay for it WTF no breathing yeah sorry guys no breathing is allowed at my stream unless you’re paying me oh I kind of want that back

Dash bum how could you not allow us to breathe too bad deal with it losers I don’t even need to breathe breathing is overrated I haven’t breathed in like I don’t know four hours ish WTF hey man breathing is pretty is pretty easy Once you breathing is hard to start

Going without but once you once you get Pat through that first couple hours of no breathing then then you’re good you know I’m just kidding guys don’t don’t try and not breathe I’m gonna get sued because someone’s gonna be like my son tried to hold his breath for the entire dashboard

Stream because dashboard Force had to do so and then I’m gonna I’m gonna get sued I died no dang that’s honestly an L for you and you’re honestly kind of cringe for dying I’m not gonna lie personally if it were me I wouldn’t have died me personally I would not have died

Because I’m just too good I don’t break I don’t breathe I breath oh yeah for real Dash pump I am about to pass out allow me to breath I’ll allow you to breathe but no breathing I didn’t breath since the formation of the of the universe really that’s

Impressive see I’ve only not I’ve I’ve only gone without breathing for a couple hours now not since the formation of the universes is like you must be a pro at this by now you know that’s like some high level some high level lack of breathing and I’m impressed

Does light go through path blocks it does not but there’s light there’s plenty of light around here you can’t you can’t do that why can you not till this that’s weird why does the block underneath it stop the why does the vine stop you from tilling the block underneath it

Oh I guess that that makes sense though but the the tilling thing is kind of weird oh um I think I want to add a little like a little bit more swamp over here in this little area I buy I have Pom-Pom Mudkip why do you always just send the

YouTube emote this guy this makes sense bro but the tilling things kind of were is that does that is that sentence weird or something I don’t know what you’re like correcting me on or I don’t know why you’re just like repeating what I said um yeah we can expand it to like here

Ish and then we’ll put another Tree in we’ll put another Tree in like right here or something like that so that it kind of goes over the path and that’ll look nice and then I think what I’m gonna do is I’m going to also dude this looks dope thank you

Thank you thank you I hate rain so much in this game but yeah we’re we’re just adding final details and stuff I never detailed this we’re at it we gotta finish this area which is just a big field for Pillager to train in unless there are other ideas that we could add

I don’t really I don’t think I had any other ones I can’t remember though I remember people telling me ideas that I was like oh that’s amazing and then I totally forgot them so if you guys have any ideas for stuff that you think I should

Add I might add it so feel free to suggest it’s got to be like on theme though set the villagers as the pillager’s targets wow that’s crazy because that’s exactly what I did did you know that the fruit bananas are radioactive I did if you ate

Like 4 000 of them or something wouldn’t you die I did know that maybe a chest room why this isn’t like my main base so I don’t think I’m going to make a chest room um sorry for the personal question only answer if you feel comfortable do you

Make your living off YouTube I don’t have a job and I live in my parents house I’m in school right now so I make um if assuming okay so assuming that I continue that I make I think if I made like a little bit more money that I’m

Making per month right now I could maybe actually live in a really cheap apartment and stuff but plus utilities and food maybe not I don’t know by making more than minimum wage right now per month just based off of this last month though this last month has been really

Has been very profitable for me uh relative to normal months so do I want seagrass in there probably not it’s been much more profitable than normal months for me so like oh I need my saplings it’s been more profitable than normal months for me so basically like

I might be able to make I might be able to live off of what I made in the last month if I like if that was consistent but right now it’s not consistent enough so I have to like you know I’m also going to be in college soon so

I’m not going to be able to upload as much and then then it’s definitely going to be not as consistent because the uploads won’t be as consistent you know so it is what it is I need more dirt blocks are these guys breeding in here bro are you guys serious right now

What’s up Dino Run Pro oh then no chest room needed can you add a Pillager execution play or a villager execution place we already have that in the uh in the iron farm there’s a villager hanging upside down that’s the public execution place they’re breathing no tell them to get a

Room just upload old streams see I really I really wonder guys how many how many people how many of you guys watch vods if you miss a stream if you miss my stream how many of y’all would watch a VOD because I wonder if it would be actually

A good thing to make a vods channel so that I could actually monetize my vods I’m bored that sucks Shikara good job so far thank you what’s up Tanya I do bro what that I would I would because my vods are uploaded on my channel but they’re all unlisted

And as much as I as much as I don’t know I totally care about money I’m not gonna lie to you guys um I totally want to make money and so like if I so you can’t my vods are unlisted but they’re on my channel and

You can watch them if you go to playlists but if I put them on their own channel then they wouldn’t clutter up my my then they wouldn’t clutter up my uh my YouTube page my YouTube channel which is the reason I don’t have them public and then they also could be monetized

But they would just be on their own separate channel so I’m considering doing that because then I could I don’t know make a dollar a month once I get to a thousand subscribers which would probably take a while but who knows maybe if I promoted it

Enough I could get I could get it relatively quickly I just have to get like 1 50th of my subscribers to to subscribe to that channel um yeah definitely doesn’t YouTube have a live section YouTube only has a live section while you’re live unfortunately for whatever reason the live section

Goes away when you stop streaming the live section if they make it so that it stays there permanently I could just leave all the videos uploaded but it’s only there while you’re streaming which is really stupid it could get confusing it is nice background noise um that might mean you can’t name every

Stream the same thing I would just include at the end of it like episode one episode two you know I really enjoy that YouTube it would take me a long time to upload all of them but once I but once I get all of the ones that I have backlogged uploaded

Then I would just have to do one per day and that wouldn’t be as bad you know that wouldn’t be as much of an issue fortnite indeed so true that’s weird yeah episode 69 there you go um oh wait why did I fly back here I want

To put another tree oh do I have Vines well I have Vines over here give me a couple Vines thank you Hey why are you why are you not dirt there we go oh I think I remember why I what I wanted to do it was I wanted to grab I need to grab an extra piece of wood an extra log to put under it because it’s floating right now

Bro hallucinating I am what am I hallucinating are you guys all not real I have like one viewer right now I’m just reading chat and they’re not none of them are real I watched the balls in my free time they’re nice to listen to especially to catch details about builds

And remembering stuff fair enough see the thing that I’ve seen on streams is my uh my clicks per or my like money per thousand views is like way higher than on a YouTube video because they’re way longer so even though my vods are probably not

Going to get like oh my gosh that’s a that’s a terrible tree I didn’t want that tree even though the vods probably wouldn’t get nearly as many views as like a normal video would they would probably if they got like a couple if they got like a hundred views they would make me

Like 50 cents or something and if every VOD got like a hundred views you know it’s an extra 50 cents which is really not not a lot but you know what who am I to complain honestly if I I want this tree to be taller if I add this like here

Will it be forced to then grow taller aha that’s actually Way Too Tall though now that’s like not a good tree I just wanted one of the like semi-tall ones maybe what I’ll do is we’ll just put the put this up like one block and

Then grow the tree and then we’ll fix it Ah flying up there was kind of pointless um whatever I want to make a giant witch head is it wool or cement it’s um terracotta I think actually well the eyes are cement the this is or uh concrete I mean but it’s terracotta for the most of it

I’ve been pointed out I have it I have had it pointed out to me that I made the forehead too big but you know what whatever make a chest room uh the next build that we’re going to be doing is gonna have my is gonna I’m very excited

For it because I’m finally gonna have storage like a storage system hopefully or not hopefully I’m going to the next build is going to be a mega base that will finally make my suffering of organizing stuff manually gone because I’m going to build multi-item sorters and stuff and it’s gonna be great good

He said it’s not his main base a megabase yeah it’s gonna be it’s gonna be pretty big at least I plan on it being pretty big it’s probably gonna be uh in terms of videos it’s going to be about it’s going to be two videos I think because I think it’s just gonna

Take two it’s gonna be such a huge project that I can’t make it one video see there we go now I just want to extend this down and then that’s that’s a perfect height tree there we go wait am I not able to do that why did I

Think I could do that oh If I take am I able to bone meal this I don’t think so either right yeah okay so I guess I just have to have to let that grow down I actually don’t want the vines on the path much you know But whatever it’s part of the experience okay you gotta you gotta walk through the vines in order to get to the restaurant it’s just part of the experience trust me it’s not due to bad maintenance okay it’s because that’s what that’s what the the owner of the restaurant wants you know it’s it’s

Authentic authentic um authentic swamp dining you know The Vines are an appetizer perfect when’s the next live stream after this tomorrow the disc is crazy Dash does not catch a break orehead we got triple cheeseburger forehead I feel like anime I think they were talking about the witch not me

If you don’t want the vines to grow in then why not add string I don’t know I just randomly came across one of your shorts and now I’m a regular viewer dub that’s awesome thank you I appreciate I appreciate your viewership okay this looks actually kind of fire

Now I’m not even gonna lie um I do think this area needs a little bit of love though because it’s just kind of bland right now so let’s do some Landscaping over here we need more of these I don’t have enough dead bushes I think I might have

To go to another swamp and steal some more dead bushes because I don’t know if I have any in my chests right now wait are you able to duplicate dead bushes by bone mealing them or something how do you get dead bushes of do you are they renewable

I think I think that uh they’re traded by wandering Traders so I think they’re technically renewable but they might be one of the like really garbage renewable resources where it’s like not actually realistically renewable but it is like you know it’s renewable but like no it’s not renewable

Deserts also have bushes true but I think I think the swamp is is the swamp easier I don’t even know actually I need more fireworks than this before I go now I don’t think they’re easily renewable dang I wonder I wonder if you’re able to you

Know how are you able to make a dead Bush Farm the same way that you make a flower farm is another question that I have I know they don’t drop but if you had the player sit there can you bone meal the ground in a swamp biome and will it

Spawn dead bushes because if so that’s actually not terrible and you know where’s our swamp slime farm there we go then you could do that maybe that new frog Swamp Thing Oh you mean like I should add to my Village like a mangrove swamp what’s up KitKat how’s it going see you later

Interesting facts you know interesting facts didn’t tell me a single interesting fact today I don’t think um What’s Up Abroad seal it’s dead though what’s dead even if it works they would drop Sticks no no I’m saying I’m saying you use bone meal and then you have the player sit

There and mine with the silk touch it would be not a very great it wouldn’t be a great Farm but it would be decent enough you know catches ketchup is technically a sports drink based off its contents why what makes ketchup a sports drink oh there are so many flowers over here it’s

Very tempting to grab some flowers might have to oh I need more I need a bunch of these flowers too because these flowers are are pretty and they are also very prevalent in swamps okay wait so here’s what we gotta do we gotta take these flowers take dead bushes get lily pads

As well you dead bushes actually grow from these bone meals it’s I don’t think they do which is unfortunate oh I guess that makes sense though if you think about it bone mealing is supposed to like create life it’d be kind of silly if it if you could bone

Meal and create a dead Bush but that’s unfortunate because I kind of want dead bushes and I don’t love well I mean I don’t think many people are really like in desperate need of thousands of dead bushes but if you wanted to make like a like a a human a man-made uh desert

Biome or something it would be difficult because of how many dead bushes you’d have to gather manually you can’t bone meal um lily pads either which is kind of unfortunate due to its fruit and sugar makeup our sports drinks usually fruit related I feel like sports drinks don’t usually

Contain much fruit in them do they feel like sports drinks are more so like electrolytes and stuff do you mean ketchup is a juice I’ve heard ketchup is a juice before I’ve never heard ketchup is a sports drink oh I should also get these because these actually do grow in they do grow

In swamp biomes which I didn’t realize oh clay patches might be good because there is a lot of clay in swamps nah bro is the only dead Bush fan I am the biggest fan of dead bushes you’ll ever meet dead Bush Supremacy bro we need more love for the dead bush

Dead bushes are actually mad helpful in speed runs because you get free sticks from them and you don’t have to mine as much as much wood I enjoy a good dead Bush as much as as much as you should oh Loki there are glow squids down here and

I don’t have many glow ink sacks I’m just gonna kill them I don’t have a sword on me either so I’m not gonna get that much but man they really need to make spectral arrows craftable using glow ink sacks and spectral potions and stuff now I use dead bushes in someone in some

Of my builds not often but sometimes ketchup is a sauce true ketchup is a sauce I thought ketchup was a smoothie oh yeah yeah I think that’s what it is ketchup is a smoothie like by definition or whatever people like to be like ketchup is a

Smoothie and like shut up you’re wrong I don’t care that you’re right you’re wrong Um we’re a dead Bush fan base yeah the new Dash from 4 fan base name we the Dead bushers that sounds a little odd but you know what dead Bush dead Bush gang um I actually have not thought about that at all what do I call my fan base bro

As I get more of a fan base at some point at some point I might have to come up with a fan base name what the frick am I supposed to call my fan base um I don’t know I I guess I could just be like you guys are my pumpkins or

Something but that sounds a little weird but my name is just randomly generated so it doesn’t have doesn’t have any like amazing potential for fan base names like some people do you know do I see dead bushes I see a dead Bush over there I’m coming for you buddy buster pumplings pumpkin lings

Why why don’t we condense it and make it pump pumplings or something Bakers We Are The Bakers who make pumpkin pie you guys are telling you’re telling me you kill me anime I used your Enderman Farm design and it’s great thank you I appreciate that um pumplings yeah pumplings is good pump

Pump King pump kids pumpkins is pretty solid I don’t know if I want you guys to be like my kids though but I guess you guys are all children probably dude I’m not like the hugest can man 18 fan but in some of kanman 18’s like shorts

He’ll mention his fan base and every time he does he’ll pull up a picture like a stock photo of like nine-year-old children and I always I always get a kick out of that I think that’s funny like he’s just self-aware of about how young his fan base is and it’s funny too

Because I’m not a child but it’s just like funny that he’s just like if you’re a camman 18 or whatever I think that’s what he calls his fan base he’ll just pull up a picture of like nine-year-old children in like a in like a big group

Looks like a Jake Paul fan base fan meet up you know um and I just I find that humorous I do find that quite humorous if I do say so myself what’s up Hunter how’s it going Plum Plum plumbings that’s a weird name dead bait dead butcher handles

I’m gonna have forgot I’m gonna have forgotten about the dead Bush thing in like a week though and then like you know like I feel like that’s being like a big dead Bush fan is gonna be like a one-off joke um dang you hundred gecks for stealing piss babies from me

But since I go since I take a piss in pretty much every video except for tutorials if only piss babies wasn’t taken you guys would be the piss babies that’s not like the official name of the hundredge fan base but that is like the name of that that the fans came up with

For themselves the piss pumps uh what are you doing we’re stealing flowers for the uh to decorate another area that’s a tall old tree my goodness big boy big boy tree and we’re also stealing lots of dead bushes um what do you do in your free time make videos edit occasionally play OverWatch

More a little more recently since they added a new hero so it’s kind of fun again um but mainly just edit my free time is all spent editing like I either am streaming or editing that’s like 99 of my time and then the other like 10 of my time is hanging out with

My girlfriend those are like the two things that I do and then like maybe one percent of my time is hanging out with my other friends I hate Dutch I assume you mean Birch but I don’t get the Birch hate it’s not the best looking wood but I really feel like

It’s over hated but then again I think it’s just overhated by Cam man I think most of the community most of the Minecraft Community isn’t that big of birch haters and then camman accounts like 90 of birch complaints that I hear come from camman 18 himself so 99 plus 100 isn’t shh h

Shh shut up I’m quiet bro good good good I’m sorry can you play with Shader nah shaders don’t my computer doesn’t agree with shaders my game is too laggy in the first place I also just don’t like shaders that much I don’t like the way they look I think they they look too

Fancy for my liking I feel like I kind of like the simple look of Minecraft a lot of the time and like complementary shaders like keep that simple look but they still but they just make my my game run a lot worse so you know Purge

I I was wondering why you like randomly wrote that word and then prominent to write Birch that’s funny ooh Daddy or misspelled Birch so badly not really that’s a one letter that’s a one letter misspell but it’s just unfortunate what’s up Thor threangamon or wait Thor Thor in gaming right Thorin

Gaiman what’s up I think I pronounced your name thuringaman last time you were here as well and then I realized after that it was not the ringaman but you know what I think I’m just gonna start doing that everyone’s name is now just like there are no spaces in it crocking

Christopher is just one word anemus lair anemus lair yeah anima’s lair nema’s lair a bro how do you do that hmm a broad zeal well I pronounce it with a space though Alaskan but how do you hmm I don’t know neons neon’s Heap charuce yeah sure’s does work

Alaska you just have to say it real fast for Alaskan balloon or it could be and and B is are there any words that have an A and B in them because there’s a and d is common what about A and B I don’t usually hear people say like and and

What’s an and book word I was I was thinking like Alaskan ABS no a n b Alaska Amber am balloon Alaskan balloon and and balloon that’s hard though that’s hard to pronounce and make it sound decent y’all red flowers don’t belong here get out no one likes you red flowers yeah

You heard me I’m Bleak I’m being flowerist you guys aren’t supposed to be here where are you goodbye haha cat to the rescue I love having a cat right next to my bed because it means that I don’t die it is ball on not balloon

Wait is it Alaskan ball on no way it’s been that the whole time bro oh tank you almost died that sucks bro Alaskan Alaskan ball on totally just changed their name it’s been Alaskan balloon the whole time but then they’re just trying to this is like uh this is

This is uh the Mandela effect you know it’s been Alaskan balloon the whole time I swear and if you disagree with me instant permaban from chat ain’t no way why did you change like like I even if I did believe you why would you make why would you choose to name yourself

Alaskan ball on bro bro is named Alaskan ball on what do you like what balls on what oh guys I figured out another Speed Run I do once I I want to do like just like funny speed runs just funny stupid speed runs like the uh like the you know the

Sheep machine and others and so I figured out another one that I plan on doing um what’s up dabang shoe chakraborty chakra Morty was a moped a gun I figured another one that I’m gonna do Nice I meant to spell balloon and you just never fixed it that’s honestly hilarious um okay so I’ve been saying so I’ve been saying your name as you originally intended it though that’s good at least okay but so so the idea what I’m gonna first first I

Think I’m going to redo I’m gonna I’m gonna do the uh the Sheep machine again but I’m gonna do it faster because someone someone in the comments suggested a huge skip we can skip like 12 minutes or like no it took 12 minutes we can skip like

If I’m good if I’m fast we could probably skip like 10 minutes though you know so that’s kind of crazy and I want to do that but the my the speed run that I’m gonna do is I’m gonna speedrun getting all balls in Minecraft slime balls Magma Cream ender pearls

Anything ball shaped anything that’s like a perfect circle I will be getting one of them all ball speed run the balls speedrun you know we’re gonna be doing a ball speed run just jump up kick back what are you saying it’s spelled belon but balloon is okay word yeah so that’s

That’s gonna be the speed run balls ball speed run what’s the skip oh the skip that someone said is is just get if you get a jungle a jungle temple seed you can get a you can get a um you can get sticky piston from the chest

You can get a sticky piston from the chest and then and then boom you’re good you skip the entire need to get a slime ball which was the largest thing that took most of the time in the Run and also I think they have Redstone and

Do they have a repeater I don’t know if it has a repeater but someone said that I need to make it someone said it needs to be fully automatic and like on a timer so I might do that as well and and do the Skip and then also if I hopefully I’ll have

Enough Redstone to get to make a full little clock Dash prefers the lightning rod also why can’t you use a chain instead of a copper uh to be honest well I could I would probably use whatever’s easier but chain I think is a little bit more difficult and also copper Rod yeah

Copper is easier to get also copper looks a lot more phallic copper looks much dirtier than a chain does the chain looks like it would hurt way more though if I’m honest chain chain looks like it would not feel good in the slightest I mean I I reckon both of them

Probably wouldn’t but chain looks like it would be a much worse time as the Sheep you know which maybe that’s the goal chain would cause some internal damage though bro chain you would be done for um come on come on and what are you seeing that’s one thing I changed my

Name but it was just a misspelling that I did understandable copper is one of the easiest sword to get what is bro saying internal damage Bro think about having a chain shoved inside of the sheep that would cause some internal damage I’m sure andrada’s Next Level damage nah and Rod

Is smooth though copper Rod you might get like tinnitus or whatever is tinnitus the thing that you get from rust I don’t I don’t know if it is I feel like I might be confusing things copper is bad chain is worse I think should I make make a tick tock tier list

Of what tier list of Minecraft blocks that I wouldn’t want inside me chain chain would probably be one of the lowest um I would think Cactus would probably be definitely the lowest I don’t know what else though bro got experience make it a hanging sign that wouldn’t bro that wouldn’t fit what

Is how would that even work my goodness get demonetized speedrun see I really don’t think I would get demonetized for the for the Sheep meme because just because like YouTube I don’t think knows what that means you know oh wow that was that works that’s a fine that’s a good enough tree

Oh I never fixed this tree it’s still floating would an Alaskan ball on say s oh it is tetanus yeah you’re right can’t believe we’re talking about this my bad now this conversation Cactus is the Dustbin of Minecraft why because it deletes items I don’t I don’t think I understand what you mean

Um I don’t need stone I have so much Stone I’ll take the wood though free wood um oh we gotta add some Vines to this and then we gotta add some lily pads and we gotta remove this stone block that’s up here because that does not look great I’m not

A huge fan of the floating stone block up here bake it another right sword I feel like an entire dope dark oak tree is the easiest thing for that for what because they’re just sure sticks which you love a cat true bye for now see you later neon cheap thanks for hanging out

Um oh no my thing is gone forever it’s so funny that like one of in my opinion probably the best flower in Minecraft also spawns like directly next to the dead bush I kind of like it though maybe maybe the maybe this turns into the dead Bush oh probably not this is

Much larger I would also not like a dead Bush that would also be on the bottom of my tier list I would say that seems like it wouldn’t it would hurt that seems like it would hurt quite a bit I think sheep left because they felt disrespected by your speedrun yeah probably honestly

Entire dark oak tree for the for the Sheep machine that seems pretty difficult to uh to do I gotta say I must say that seems a little a little bit uh not great make it a hopper for the machine but the hopper is side the

Hopper only faces down oh I guess if you made it that it doesn’t really stick out though I don’t know if that would work I don’t know about a hopper man popper doesn’t seem like the move I gotta say Opera seems not great once this fills in it’ll be good and

Then we need to add in oh we can always bone meal as well I think I want to just add random areas where it’s deeper to make it look a little more organic and then we’re going to add our clay patches that’s not dirt where’s our we have we’re missing one

Dirt block I just don’t know where it is I guess I can do this and then that will eventually fix itself Okay so now we are going to we’re gonna get rid of this did anyone mention iron fence iron fence doesn’t Point sideways though I mean I guess you could make an up and down sheet machine but that doesn’t that’s not the same you know that doesn’t hit the same I gotta say

That’s just that’s just worse I must say as far as the sheet machine goes that’s not as good I don’t like how many there are they like it looks a little unnatural should I put any fish in here that would kind of look nice I think if

We put like random tropical fish in here even though I know they don’t spawn normally in in this in this but I think it might look nice I also think it might be a decent idea to get rid of this and then just we’ll we will fill this with water foreign Could really have a good time swimming around in here use a dragon head for the machine that’s a good idea now we’re talking baby I assume hanging Roots can’t be waterlogged can they yo wait they can what that’s awesome wait that makes this look so much better wait how did what

Oh that’s because I was holding the wrong item I was like why is it not working anymore I was holding a dead bush yo they can be waterlogged that’s sick dude that’s so sick okay now this is really looking nice oh that’s awesome looking oh that’s great and now we can add fish

In here and it’ll be even prettier it’ll be even prettier that’s a dead bush um anyways I didn’t forget my bad my bad yeah yeah yeah Shh I don’t recall asking hey I don’t recall asking for you guys to be here either do you have to donate to make a sound um if you use the channel Point rewards some of them make little sounds but the main yeah like if you wanna if you wanna

Use like text to speech Yes you have to donate if you want to just make random sounds no certain things dead bushes came from a chemical leak in the science lab oh wait wait that’s actually anime anime you just gave me the best idea ever oh my gosh anime anime you’re goated

I need to add a pipe coming out of this that leads into like a toxic river that goes into the ocean or something anime that’s the best idea ever is that not I came up with the idea first I don’t think so I think you’re a liar I think you’re a liar

Good job anime congratulations great idea great idea homie Dash pum4 is always right dash one four is always right dude you guys know how in that Discord I forgot to I forgot to mention this you guys know how in that Discord somebody somebody or I sent an

Email that I got I got an email from someone saying saying um that they wanted to like they wanted to help me grow on Facebook right but they wrote Hi Dash pum5 and I was like okay that’s not very professional that they would just like that’s not very professional that they would just

Um that they would get my name wrong in like a business email right I don’t know if you guys remember that or not but you’re gonna make us pay for existing after we’re dead of not breathing yeah anime has been promoted to great idea Giver for real can someone explain the

Pumpkin points uh you get them by being at the stream and then you can spend them on any of the variety of things that the channel points that you can buy they’re listed in the description of the video or of the Stream oh there you go anime thank you

Um okay so but but basically guys that same person emailed me the next day and they basically said like hey you really want to read this email because it’s a really good idea or it’s like I could re I think it could really help you right

You know how they you know how they started it they started it with hey then they did and then they kept they kept it’s it was or it was uh hey hey I think I think you should you should read that email or whatever they

Didn’t fill in my name I know I know it was definitely a copy paste they probably had like chat GPT right that that script but I think that is so funny that they forgot to write my name first they got my name wrong and then they forgot to write in my name

Which is just it’s just quite it’s quite comical to me I think and So I responded and I was like hey I think that you should work on getting my name right before I consider working with you as like a business partner or before I consider your offer

And then I was like it seems quite unprofessional I was nice about it I doubt they’re gonna respond now but I I really think I don’t know I think that’s very funny they just be they just be uh not calling me the right name okay we need some fish to go in here

This is like kind of like a nice little Koi pond I think I kind of want to add like a light in here maybe but also if this is lit up anyway then we’re chilling this is well lit up without any lights in there then

I’m fine with it and I won’t even bother okay cool it appears to be okay so I am going to probably not find Halloween fish but you know what we’re gonna we’re gonna just go and look for at some a couple tropical fish to put in there

They’re not gonna live up to Halloween fish because no one really ever lives up to Halloween fish but maybe we can find one of the uh one of the not super common ones because these are all the common ones that spawn in big packs this is a cool

One this is not one of the common ones so I like you pretty sure it’s not one of the common ones at least these are all common those are common I think the uncommon ones spawn not in packs so it’s kind of easy to tell what is a

Common fish and what is an uncommon fish because the common fish spawn in big groups the science center chemical leak killed Halloween fish no how dare you Science Center Halloween oh my gosh this is not the exact same Halloween fish but it’s basically Halloween fish what yo dude Halloween fish is back

That’s crazy Halloween fish is Alive Halloween fish has reincarnated into a different shape of fish Halloween fish is an angelfish now but that’s okay I accept all shapes and sizes at my stream oh my gosh Halloween fish and Halloween fish will fit in so perfectly at the

Village in the pond because it’s because it’s a witch pond I never expected to see Halloween fish again dude that’s crazy Halloween fish Halloween fish he’s back and Halloween fish now you have a new friend in the purple that’s such a pretty fish too wow that’s crazy we got so lucky

Dash body shaming a fish no I said I said we accept all shapes and sizes okay you’re the one body shaming it seems like Halloween ish my beloved Halloween fish let’s give you a nice a nice proper naming Halloween fish yeah wait that actually that genuinely makes me unreasonably happy for like a fish but you know what I I’m not even I’m not embarrassed I’m not embarrassed I’m really happy that I found a special looking fish

This is a really boring looking fish I think it is rare but I don’t want it because I don’t want boring looking fish how do you live stream I think that asking a tutorial is going to be a better idea than asking me to Baja is this one of the default ones

I guess it is because there are two of them next to each other but it looks kind of rare I ain’t gonna lie you look common oh yeah see that is one of the default ones because I just saw two more dude who would have ever thought I would see Halloween fish again

Yeah Hall of Fame is wash time based I want to name the other fish but I want to save for Hall of Fame well no Hall of Fame is watch time based to get a plot and then it’s and then it’s uh and then it’s points based for improving the plot

You’ll need you’ll need points to get to get yourself a plot in the Hall of Fame and then you’ll need points to upgrade your plot um don’t you need points for structures and stuff yes you’re a cool fish you want to go in there at least I think you’re cool I don’t

Know I can’t I’m not a hundred percent sure if that guy’s rare or not see this guy’s definitely not rare you look so lame laughs guys now I have to make a sequel of Halloween fish we gotta make a Halloween fish part two the sequel oh my goodness

Say my name what’s up Fizz the bricks 168 Block hours for a plot yeah no it’s it’s one week it’s one week which is 168 or well it will be one week you know you know what I you know what I wonder I think stream elements keeps track of of watch time too

I wonder if stream elements is more accurate or less accurate than than uh in stream Labs you know I don’t recall though maybe it doesn’t keep track of it hmm I thought I did but I could be totally wrong it might not um stream elements extreme elements watch time command

Oh it does appear that it has one oh yeah it does have one I’ll have to look it up and I’ll have to set them both up and we’ll compare bro do any of you have a life oh well anime has been here for years like you wouldn’t be able to have 600

Hours of watch time if you just started watching when I was streaming on YouTube the watch time transferred though from from YouTube oh they’re grown up now Mitchell your dogs are grown up cool um oh cool stripy black cyan calling a fish stripy low-key sounds offensive oh they’re like friends

Food look at that the fish are all friends they’re like swimming around together that’s so cool look at them they’re having such a good time Halloween fish I missed you so much buddy I’m so glad you’re back foreign that’s cute I know right I feel like I

Want like two more fish or something to to to decorate in the pool Cod you look normal basic lame fish now they should all be despawned where the cool fish in this group puffer fish you’re not cool I don’t like you I want like two more unique fish to put

In there and then I’ll be happy then I’ll be satisfied with my fish collection at least satisfied for the time being foreign fish but I would I worry that it would kill my other fish I don’t actually know if puffer fish kill fish though I have no idea

I’m about to run out of fireworks though what’s up pesto how’s it going welcome in pesto pesto pesto you’re never gonna believe it but we found Halloween fish oh these are this is a nice fish I like this guy he’s not rare but he’s cool looking

And I’m not gonna be too picky because I don’t have more fireworks and I also just want to finish getting fish all right those fish I already told her oh he did yeah pesto look esto are you ready for this Halloween fish is right over here

Halloween fish had a little bit of a makeover but it’s okay because we accept we accept fish of any shapes and sizes here he is it’s Halloween fish look there’s Halloween fish what a beautiful what a beautiful fish and now let’s add two more fish to the friend group

There we go beautiful I forgot to get rid of this one block of uh of grass or of stone Wahoo yeah for real I some things small things like that make me unreasonably happy I don’t know why but I got I got very happy when I found Halloween fish again

What was the biggest build you made here in this world I think it’s this this is like I’m pretty sure by far the largest thing I’ve built in this world so far small things this is a huge event for real yeah you’re right you’re so right that’s right why isn’t your avatar a

Cute dinosaur triceratops for real it should be bigger than the invention of the light bowl true normally Bulls are heavy when they made one that was light oh my gosh that revolutionized transporting your Bulls it used to be so difficult to carry a bowl around but when they made it lighter

Best invention since sliced bread I don’t miss the days of the heavy Bulls um what else do we have to do okay we just have more decoration of varying areas of the village basically we just have to add more trees more bone meal more trees more bone meal again um

We need more podzel I think oh no we have puzzle okay swag we can add some bushes we can add some trees as well I think trees would be a pretty good idea to add what else should we add like trees Maybe what do you guys think should we add

What should we add I love my light bulb yeah for real I remember Dash from 4 told me in the first stream pesto Dino wouldn’t come to like one week later because she needed to change her YouTube name from her real name true that was that was a thing

I think it’s so funny that I was talking to Pesto’s parents and I told them about how her name used on the internet used to be her full first and last name and even they were like oh SMH like they even they knew like that you’re not

Supposed to just like dox yourself on the internet it’s okay though because Pesto’s mad cute so it like makes up for the fact that she doesn’t know how to use it uh I almost said doesn’t know how to use a technology but honestly doesn’t know how

To use a technology makes a lot of sense in the case of pesto like that’s something she would say just kidding I’m making fun of her she’s not actually that bad with technology she’s just not amazing with technology okay um whoops I do not give my world down I’m

Sorry what are we talking about uh we’re talking about pesto Dino pesto Dino and I went on the most fun hike ever yesterday Pastor Dino didn’t we have so much fun and we didn’t want to die the whole time I know I sure didn’t what do I gotta be good with technology

When I have a boyfriend that’s a good point that’s a good point I don’t know I got a okay um yeah I don’t know see pesto Dino is such a is honestly like Pastor Dino’s wifey material because I was gonna make a joke about like okay

Then I don’t have to be good at like cooking because I have a girlfriend but like she actually likes cooking and so you know wifey material basically um that combo that I got on you what combo my history teacher loves hikes he’s went to like 49 different state parks okay

Going to a state park for a hike is a very different thing from going to the middle of the woods and walking through the woods for hours until you get to the destination which is a poop brown River a lovely little poopy river that was our destination

It was awesome I had so much fun pesto had so much fun we’re going again next weekend um yeah marry me now I’m thinking about it but she didn’t she did tell me that I can’t stream the wedding so I don’t know if I can

I don’t know if I can do that yet you know we’ll have to we’ll have to see because that’s that’s kind of a big a big deal I gotta be able to stream the wedding how else am I supposed to get the money to pay for the wedding

Concern is gonna download a texture pack one day and accidentally download the entire avatar the Airbender show true is showed pictures of like the most dangerous Trail in the U.S yeah that’s cool see I’ve gone on pretty nice hikes in like Arizona and stuff and they’re beautiful and I wouldn’t mind going on

Them again but this was the least eventful hike I’ve ever been on and it was also generally the ugliest hike I had ever been on like it could be a really boring hike but like pretty this was just like a straight up ugly hike it was not a nice looking hike okay you

Know what I actually I changed my mind again I’m putting it there Actually I changed my mind another time I’m putting it here cause I’m doing this type of thing I said I’d think about it well that’s still not a yes it should have been like oh of course they’re paying for our wedding that’s fine not a good enough answer you know so

If if she you know pesto asked me to marry you again do you have all of the farms you made in your world no I have only Built My most I’ve only Built one of my gold farms and my Enderman Farm I haven’t built because

It’s a very early game farm and I don’t I already have an Enderman Farm um so I’m not gonna build another one because it just doesn’t seem pointful Dash I’m gonna build your gold Farm as you should honestly what other inferior gold Farm design would you even build you know

Except for like the superior ones but those don’t exist well they exist in rates in build tutorial they don’t exist but first I have a little Ian’s gold Farm true will you marry me Dash I’ll think about it Then I might have a zardo one I’m not sure yet zardo’s gold Farm is not as fast as mine if you zardo’s gold Farm is not as fast as mine if you um if you build my new one if you care a lot about rates then my next one by the

Time you get to it I think my next I hopefully my next one will be out you know It’s red anime is pesto Dino does that mean that pesto isn’t subscribed or does that mean that she is subscribed I feel like that might mean she’s not subscribed I don’t know though to be honest I hit my toe oh I’m sorry to hear that Mason Uh no it means it’s live for her oh okay because yesterday she was she was like 40 minutes behind or two days ago she was like really behind oh wait no you guys don’t even know that I don’t think she even told you guys this did she yes

Yesterday I was talking to her and she was like did you say hello back to me the other day I said hi to you and I was really sad because my boyfriend didn’t say hi to me on stream and I was like yeah I did and she was like okay good

Because I realized I was like 40 minutes behind when when you uh when I when I was getting upset about you not saying hi back to me I realized I was like 40 minutes behind and that was probably why you didn’t say hi back to me which is just just classic

Pesto you know how does that look that’s not bad adding little forests here and there I think adds a lot to the build I think I’m gonna put a little oops I think I’m gonna put a little tree right here there we go nice just use your Enderman Farm on my world

It’s actually pretty great thank you Matthias oops Yeah thank you very much I’m glad I’m glad it’s good I I worked pretty hard on it so I you know I’m glad I’m glad that people are giving me the the recognition that I yearn for you know

I know like a lot of people in the comments section on my tick tocks and stuff promoting it where like this is someone already designed this and stuff dude I got a comment the other day I don’t know if I actually should check I don’t know if they ever responded

They were like you didn’t design this uh I think someone else designed this and I like checked and I was like this the person you said designed this did not design this and then they were like well I have this Farm on my SMP and I was

Like did you perhaps build my farm and forgot about it and and I was like if not I need you to show me who designed this before me because like other people have built have designed similar-ish things as me but nothing like at nothing the same level of

Simplicity and being fast is mine or being fast to build and easy to gather the resources for so like I I don’t know if they ever responded but I didn’t see I I am curious if they found if they actually found anything I love found you

From your short on XP swag I hope you learned something pesto Dinah watched the 50k special or the YouTube rank special she’s watched all of the specials of course are you from the USA I am okay work guys where do you think we should put the acid River

I think the acid River will actually look really cool so here’s what we’re planning on doing for the acid River okay or the like it’s good it’s not like an acid River but it’s gonna be like uh a very it’s gonna be an acid River let’s not

Even I’m not even gonna lie it’s gonna be an acid River it’s gonna have a bunch of toxic waste because anime came up with this brilliant idea it’s gonna have a bunch of toxic waste coming out of it so we need to go get cactus and then turn it white

I don’t know how much Cactus I have in my cactus farm Dash I won the go-karting yo poggers thank you so much blocks wait that’s crazy guys did you see that it went off faster it didn’t take like three hours that’s nuts it didn’t take three hours to go off oh my gosh

Maybe is streamlabs getting its act together how did you fix it I didn’t do anything I think it might just be luck and then like next time it goes off it’s gonna be back to the taking an hour to go off bloggers it’s because he won go-karting yeah streamlabs just decided that that

Was important enough to like actually have show up early pesto Dino how’s New York by the way I just doxed her a little bit but there are a lot of people in New York so I don’t think it’s really a big deal she went from her home city of Nebraska or

Her home state of Nebraska up to uh or yeah she went from her own state of Nebraska to New York to visit her her uh monkey’s uncle New York Dash the acid could be a byproduct of the laser true Bros doxing I’m sorry I forgot Dash I have full netherite silence diamond

Armor with a netherret sword and a netherite enchanted hoe and also a turtle good job I guess it seems like that’s the answer that you want me to give you so good job great great job in fact I’m so impressed um guys you know what’s tragic I have this wonderful

I have this wonderful Panama Jack um mango chapstick sponsored not sponsored by his Panama Jack use promo code dash pum4 for 50 off I’m just kidding um but it’s so good and I’m out of it it there’s no more but like ah I have no more but it tastes so nice foreign

Like I’m at the point of the Chapstick where I have to like shove my lips into it in order to get any of the chapstick on it how much is it I got it on the beach and it was probably heavily marked up I do not know how much it is and how

Much it would be if I didn’t get it on the beach it was like five dollars for one thing of chapstick on the beach though because you know they got a all the beach stores be selling like a shirt that costed 12 cents to make and then they sell it for thirty dollars

You are a nice nice thank you I have no idea how much it would be at like somewhere else but I’m bit I basically it’s just it tastes very nice I like mango things a lot oh guys I tried I tried a new energy drink that was the best part of my trip

I must say best part of my of my uh hike with pesto Dino was before the hike we went and we got we got an energy drink we got a new type of energy drink that we had never tried before it is the Gatorade brand Energy drink

And it was I liked it a lot it was a bit too sweet for her so we watered it down it was honestly maybe would have been a bit too sweet for me as well but it was it was definitely too sweet for her so we watered it down a bit but it

Was so tasty and I enjoyed it very much and it was also the best part about it that I mean normally I wouldn’t like this because um because it’s not like nearly as recyclable as an aluminum can but this wasn’t a but the Gatorade it’s called like Gatorade fast twitch it tasted

Really good and then it’s in a plastic bottle so it’s resealable most of my cans of like Celsius are like it’s a can so you can’t once you open it you just gotta hold it hey what project are you doing we’re doing the Pillager Village still I’m just getting stuff for it have

You ever tried Propel or biosteel are are those energy drink I’ve tried Propel I didn’t know they had an energy drink though if they do I’ve never heard of propel energy drink so if they do have an energy drink maybe I’ll have to try it I’ve only tried a couple Brands

Um of energy drinks but I am willing to try more because I like energy drinks a lot I need my caffeine fix or I act or I like as much as this is sad to say it I get a headache if I don’t have caffeine now

Um which sucks oh I had lime dye in here the whole time okay well whatever Dash when’s the energy drink tier list I don’t know I have tried prime prime is Prime is good it’s not my favorite oh the you know what I liked about the Gatorade

Energy drink it’s not carbonated so if you don’t like and I have not I’ve seen barely any energy drinks are not carbonated so if you if you don’t like carbonation like me then Gatorade also has that little leg up because it’s not carbonated Celsius has non-carbonated

Options but the issue with them is they don’t sell them anywhere they have them on like the website but when I go to like 7-Eleven I see there will be one non-carbonated flavor and then everything else is carbonated Prime is overrated that’s gotta be unhealthy to need

Caffeine I mean it just it’s just like a minor headache no it definitely is but that’s what everyone has everyone who drinks caffeine a lot like my parents if they don’t drink caffeine they’ll get a headache you know um it’s just part of life repel is a Gatorade brand that’s like

Water in a way so it’s somewhat healthier oh I don’t I like the caffeine part I love when water is in an aluminum can 7-Eleven marks up the price is times 10. I don’t know how true that is I might have to maybe I’ll have to buy in bulk

From the Celsius website if they mark up a ton I’m happy I’m not hooked on it caffeine yeah I need to get it I need to lessen my consumption I was trying to not see I usually don’t drink caffeine on the weekends if I can

Or at least one day a week I’ll try to give myself a break from it but the problem the problem is that some weekends I’ll need it because weekends are when I’m doing things so last weekend I don’t think I drank any caffeine for at least one of the days I

Just can’t remember if it was both or one this weekend we went on a really grueling hike so I’m really glad I had caffeine because I may have literally fallen asleep and died on that hike without it and then uh today I had to drive home and I was really tired after

Even though I got a lot of sleep after uh after the hike I was really tired so I kind of want to move this I think I’m gonna move these and make the river a little bit more like curvy this way um yeah when are you gonna uh were you gonna

Make a river up the a byproduct of the taser no I can’t the T the laser I read it as taser the laser is is like too far over there and so I’m kind of just gonna put a pipe out of a wall I don’t really know how I can uh I don’t

Know where I could put it I guess I could put it here but unless I okay so here’s the one thing I could do I could make the pipe out of the wall itself I could make a pipe like right here and then have the laser going into

The ocean from here or not the laser the river but I kind of want it on the inside what’s up steady user how’s it going so I think I’m just gonna put the the river here Balls for real what’s good Challenger how’s it going two hours has passed already that’s crazy true oh it’s 1001 I’m not I don’t think pesto Dino is expecting me to FaceTime her today since I did see her today but I’ll let her decide for herself if she

Wants to if she wants us to FaceTime I will um but we’ll see so I’m if she if she does then the stream will end soon if she doesn’t then um if she doesn’t then I will continue streaming until like 10 30 so another like 30 minutes ish and then I’ll have

To peace out just because I need to go to sleep and get a good night’s sleep so I can be productive tomorrow oh you’re not sick I already took a shower so all I need to do so I can like chill eat some popcorn and then go to

Sleep and get a good night’s sleep what can you do with pumpkins you can buy any of the various Channel points I’m back for like 30 seconds welcome back yeah I’m just mad tired me too man I I’m I’m beginning to I’ve come up with a nickname actually I think my

Girlfriend came up with this nickname for herself but she we have a nickname now she’s my human melatonin because I will sleep so much around her dude I sleep like I sleep like seven and a half hours a night maybe eight on a good night every day

And then I’ll go and sleep over her house and I will sleep 12 hours straight and then still be tired after it I don’t understand why but it just happens I was telling my mom that and my mom was like was like does she just bore you to

Sleep and I was like no no like I’m not falling asleep like mid-conversation it’s like but it’s like once I fall asleep then I’m just out for like the longest bear hibernation time period I’ve ever done in my life I don’t normally sleep that much but I

Sleep so much when I’m around her do you have any tips for building just try to improve on on things slowly and do things that seem fun to you if you commit to a massive scale project that and then you realize that it’s not fun then you’re then you’re gonna give

Up and you’re never gonna improve at building that’s the thing I’m doing my build right now is like liter it like it appeals to me because I’m insane and it’s an insane person build where I’m I’m like building a massive far or a massive area that has lots of villager murder themed

Stuff you know so it’s really fun to me so like don’t go don’t be one of those people if this isn’t who you are I mean if this is who you are then then do it but I wouldn’t recommend being one of those people who’s like I’m gonna build

A massive Japanese City for my mega base and then like you get it like five houses in and you realize like this is way too big of a project and it’s just like building the same house a thousand times it’s like you’re gonna get bored you know so build something that you that

You have fun with No One’s Gonna judge you like no one no one cares about your world especially unless you’re like streaming and stuff but like some people have like garbage worlds and they play on them all the time and like yeah people judge you but who cares um

Just have fun with it have fun with it and try and improve on things slowly the thing that I try to improve on this this with this build I improve I think this build is like way way better than my communist Village and it’s because I

Have way more variety in it rather than the whole village being very uh Square the whole village in the Communist Village is a square or maybe a rectangle and everything is boxy and everything is in like a grid and it looks very I mean it looks like a like a normal vanilla

Minecraft village I would say more than this does but this looks way better because it is like all the houses are or a lot of the houses are diagonal a lot of them are weird shapes and stuff that’s what I did too that’s what I did that’s the thing whoa that’s the thing

That I worked on in this build that was the thing that I wanted to do to make better about this build than my previous builds I wanted all of the houses to look unique and not be one house copy pasted a hundred times and I think it

Came out so well and in the next build I’m gonna try well actually not the next build but in the next outdoor build I’m gonna try to not to not uh flatten everything before I build and to just build on this on the bumpy terrain and terraform minimally and see if I can

Still make it look good because some people do that they’ll build Mountain business Villages you know there are mountainous villages in real life because in real life it’s way harder to excavate an entire Mountain than it is in Minecraft um but and so I want to not flatten

Stuff anymore I think that’s something I’m gonna work on you know buns emeralds wow continues what do you want me to like mine them who cares you did all this in survival I did thanks for the tip I’ll for sure use them you’re welcome crazy you’re my favorite YouTuber ever thank you Alma

Um thank you very much sorry I I knew I had been rambling for a second so I tried to read some chats so I was scrolling up um Currently making a world so when I have children they can continue playing on their world we’re in k in case of my tragic passing I left my world so my family members can keep me in their hearts that’s actually really cool I like the idea a lot of Lifetime uh

Single player worlds I know one of my favorite uh streamers on Twitch does he has a survival world that he’s been doing for like 15 000 days or something and like he’s died like a hundred times but the goal of it is he’s just gonna keep playing on that world forever he’s

Never going to stop playing on that world and he’s never going to start a new world and that’s a really cool goal because I can just I can picture in another few years how amazing that world could be because it’s already a pretty cool world

Um so I could see that world being like fantastic you know in in another bunch of years eventually I’m gonna die and I’m gonna have to start over my world and then my next world will hopefully be really good too but it’s never going to be able to be as

Grand as someone who continues playing after they die is gonna be you know I’m so attached to this world when I die oh my gosh it’s gonna be really hard letting go maybe I’ll just keep playing on it just kidding that’s like cheating but it’s really tempting I could see as a hardcore

Person or I could see like why a hardcore person would want to because it’s a really nice world you know I don’t want to lose my world I think I need green concrete to line the walls of this with maybe no Doug seems like a bad idea

What is the x button in the beacon oh I don’t know I remember seeing that what does that do I remember seeing a meme or something about how the x button in the beacon is like one of the those weird things that no one knows what it does in Minecraft

No one knows why it exists All right time to have our sewage run off into the ocean but for real when capitalist Village this kind of is the capitalist Village okay this like basically is the capitalist Village because it’s like capitalist for my own purposes okay I’m benefiting so much like I’m doing

Stuff for them I’m making them a city but I have my RAID Farm here I have my iron farm here they’re doing labor for me and I am exploiting the heck out of my workers foreign purposes true how do you guys see the totem I I was reading that

I don’t see how that looks like I don’t see how that looks like the the second thing that you were said I take off my texture pack how does it look like that when is next stream tomorrow I don’t see it at all bro SCP I shouldn’t be responding to your

Message in the first place but I don’t I don’t see that I don’t see it I think you got a dirty mind yeah but it’ll also be funny I he oh if he had both to me yeah probably would but I don’t I don’t know that video wasn’t like such a Smash Hit

Like the like squid game I’m planning on doing another one purely for the purposes of like I want views you know but that video the Communist Village video wasn’t like such a massive success that I’m like I really want to build another one just for like if I

Really wanted to build another one I could but I don’t really have that much desire to build another one so I’m not going to just for the views like pill uh villager squid game part two will most certainly just be for the views but the comment do building a capitalist

Village isn’t really something that appeals to me that much I like the tool names thank you TBH you are the only one chatting who is the only one chatting y’all saw the Jitters finally added me on Hypixel no way yeah I understand you fair enough pretend the lines aren’t there still don’t think I see it

SCP I feel like you maybe have never seen them before and that’s why you think that that that’s what it looks like you know I think that might be that might be the the source of the issue here the source of the confusion you know um okay

Nah bro’s getting bullied by Dash now I only need you out of Dash uh sorry not gonna happen never not in a million years would I add Challenger bro bro is just too too much of a loser honestly I wouldn’t even think about it I would be embarrassed to have Challenger on my

On my friends list I only friend YouTube ranks anyway I’m grinding for VIP and Jitters chat dude Jitter doesn’t stream enough I feel like for to get to get for you to get that oh you know what actually I have no idea how much Jitter streams now that I think about it because I don’t check twitch anymore back when I checked back

When I streamed on Twitch I would check it but I don’t even check twitch I don’t really play Minecraft much what sort of farms do you got I have most of the big ones now I think what am I missing like a mob switch but that’s not really a farm

What what massive Farms am I am I missing guys like what are like the core Farms that everyone has I feel like since I got the raid Farm up and running now I have everything he barely streams you’re more than halfway there really I have three Subs is that enough I don’t

No I don’t think so multiply that by ten thousand yeah there you go a XP farm I do have an XP farm well I don’t have like a no I guess I don’t I don’t have like a guardian Farm that’s like actually good for XP I have like enough XP via my pigment

Farms but I could get I could get a really fast Guardian farm and that would be good for XP but I don’t really need to you don’t I don’t need that for all right XP or I don’t I mean they’re even faster than they’re even faster Farms

Than Guardian Farms but I don’t have one of those either okay so we need some lime concrete um I’m gonna plop this into here we need to go get lime concrete because I want to line the walls and floor with that Enderman Farm I have that you’re saying

An XP farm is hard to make no I’m not saying it’s hard to make I mean my my Enderman XP farm is really really easy to make easiest and easiest XP farm you can make in my opinion um but I’m saying like a a like Guardian XP

Farm I just haven’t gotten around to it because I don’t need it I only like I used to not have a shulker farm for a long time I don’t have a good wood Farm you know what that’s that’s a decent thing I don’t have a great wood Farm my

Wood Farm is half decent and break sometimes I need to get it like a really fire wood farm and then I’ll be and then I’ll have like and then I don’t even know what else I’ll I’ll need for the next project I’m gonna be I think I’m gonna build a

Wood farm that produces like 400 000 wood per hour something like that so that uh for Content because content it’s because content One two three four okay this is a lot of items this is a lot of lime concrete that’s a lot of wood yeah it is but it means that I’ll have to run it for one hour and then never again this Farm it runs 24 7. and but it’s really slow actually I

Wonder if it’s still working does it have bone meal in it oh yeah it does I hope it’s producing still it doesn’t look like it is because this is empty wasn’t not working oh because this thing is is off oh interesting it’s weird that that broke

I think there’s a shulker box in this in this uh funnel now I think it might just dispense a shulker box which oh yeah it actually could be an issue if it dispenses the shulker Box um I think it’s working now maybe oh they’re the shulker boxes let’s just

Get those out of here okay I don’t I don’t care about them okay now my wood Farm is working again I think assuming that there’s TNT up here there is the TNT did not disappear like it sometimes likes to do so in a second once this works I I’ll leave light it no

What’s up love your content what’s up and brat how’s it going welcome in thank you by the way um I’m already off my pc you can’t spam what Challenger Challenger why do what do we even have you around for oh there we go now it should be okay perfect

Okay now my farm is working once more which is swag and now I can head over to here and we’re gonna use the concrete duper and then I think we Loki might end on the concrete duper because I might be sitting here for like 10 minutes using the concrete duper and

Just chatting with you guys there we go what’s up leonida leonida what’s that Redstone texture um I think it’s just vanilla tweaks I got a set of macro but I’m too lazy to install the steel series software Challenger I just want to say you’re welcome by the way your screenshot is

Delayed like a lot I know believe me I know I can’t fix it what tree farm is that thinking of building one in my world this is Ray’s Works Tree Farm I wouldn’t I don’t think I’d recommend it um I think there are better tree farms

The only good thing about this tree farm is that it’s fully automatic and will work no matter where you are if you supply it with bone meal so if you give it a source of bone meal like I have a moss Farm hooked up to it my mouse Farm

Is broken but the mouse Farm produced like 50 shulker boxes of bone meal so I have enough for enough bone meal for a while it will then Harvest like 2 000 bone meal per hour or two thousand wood per hour or something no matter where you are in the world

What if it’s at a distance still keeps going as long as it’s chunk loaded I have it in my spawn chunks so it works I was scared of hard manual labor I don’t know if you’re talking about me or or anime trying to do a macro and Jitter why are you saying you’re

Welcome just you’re welcome fair enough gotta figure it out for yourself um see I don’t know why this happens but every once in a while this thing stops working too I just I don’t know why though video what is happening though I’m about to eat pizza I want pizza

What’s up red how’s it going wait hold on hey Challenger did Dash show you the 50k special what how close am I to 50K bro I wonder I should check oh I’m so close guys are you excited for the 50k special it’s going to be such a good video um

Mail us a slice for real you’re so close to 50K OMG thank you thank you I’m excited 200 more subs let’s go if you guys haven’t subscribed already hit that subscribe button I’m so hyped for 50k special I wonder what the 50k special will be I wonder if it’s already posted

What’s up razor blade how’s it going welcome in welcome back you gotta subscribe let’s go baby I’m gonna go watch Twitter video did Jitter post no way bro Jitter posted a video that’s crazy Jitter Jitter ball oh my gosh should I redirect everyone from my stream to Jitters to Jitters video

Jitter should I redirect all my all my viewers to your video it’s probably an epic video I’m sure gotta look out for the mods for real all right we’ll do that once I once I end stream I think I can redirect you guys all to a video

I haven’t watched it either yet so we can and it’s better than just watching a video on stream because it will actually give Jitter a bunch of views I assume if you guys watch it as well give us a face reveal yeah that’ll be the 50k special I

It’s gonna be it’s gonna be a nice little face reveal stream oh one sec guys how long have you had this world a little almost two years that would be a crazy 50k special tell Dash bum or dad pum I said good night Dad pum and Mom pum were both here

Um they’re gone though and they don’t know who you are I don’t think they’d be like who is Anime Slayer guys yeah we should start having everyone say goodnight to my parents good night Dad pum and Mom pom M Dash swag10 is that is that like an ash swag reference

Is his is his number 10 I don’t know what it is I don’t know if he has a number to be honest is that like a gummy worm Emoji SCP fart head reborn why is that your name bro why am I just now noticing too that bro’s name is SCP fart head Reborn

What a great name what a fire name honestly gotta pay dadpum the rent my dad actually has been he keeps joking because I’m making like pretty solid money off of tick tock he keeps joking like I’m gonna make you start paying rent and I’m like please don’t

Please oh anime yeah you pay you pay my dad rent for living on my roof I know you’re joking dad but please don’t I I need this money for my crippling gambling addiction I don’t know I probably was thinking of ashlag the best name ever what’s the best name ever

No male pizza for you guys why not you just ate all of it what how could you do this to us bro that’s horrible bro Alaskan balloon or Alaskan ball on more like Alaskan fat ass bro eats all the pizza oh my gosh mods nuka’s house yeah for real Moz

Nuke this guy’s house no man no I wanted some pizza yeah for real bro Jitter good video bro let’s go guys I’m maybe after I watch this video I’m finally gonna understand how PVP works am I gonna follow any of the things that Jitter told me probably not because then

I would be too good and it would be unfair to you guys but wolf suck at Minecraft wolf suck in Minecraft I think you mean yeah you’re still gonna suck Dash you know what scratches I do as a computer science major every every computer science major has to learn scratch

Before they learn anything else Dash you should just get better honestly yeah you’re right I also know scratches like when you do like one of these just learn rotting rotting is terrible and I hate it it’s not a fun it’s not fun it’s just annoying

I guess it might make the game more fun if you know how to do it and win because of it but it’s it’s just like it’s literally just obnoxious it’s like if you had a knockback a knockback stick or something in addition to a in addition

To a sword it does no damage but it just knocks you back and makes the fight take longer and I don’t like it it also makes you get more combos but a lot of the time it just makes this fight take longer because people are hitting you into like they’re hitting you

Backwards more I did spam the rod with you I hated that you don’t win anything Broski dude I’ve won every duel against you so I don’t know there’s a reason that there’s a reason that I won’t ever add you as my friend on on Hypixel because

You’re just not good enough at this game for me to uh for me to friend you you know bro’s still streaming yeah I am it’s because you had like four times as much healing nah bro I’m just better honestly Honestly I’m literally just better than all of you at PVP okay guys let me see if I can redirect my stream to Jitter everyone stay here for a second uh customization redirect search videos from other channels hold on I need to pull up the Jitter video we can all learn how to PVP

How to master PVP in three minutes copy and then hold on share copy link okay I need to type in the title I guess it’s not letting me if I type in jitterful maybe nope it’s not okay I don’t think I can bro maybe the video has been maybe the video

Is uploaded too fast all right I don’t know if it’s gonna work guys um let me try one more thing why does it no live oh it has to be live or upcoming oh it has to be live I think in order for me to to do it maybe

Add a live streamer premiere for people to watch after your stream ends uh okay it has to be a Premiere Jitter you should have premiered your video and then I would have done it nah spam links to my Discord Jitter Jitter can get his views on his own

We can put one link to the to the I’ll put one Link in here here there’s one link just share your screen no but then Jitter doesn’t get any views what happened to your logo Dash it’s literally the same as it has been what do you mean

It’s been like this for like months how are you almost at 50k I remember when you were at like 300 you’ve been around since I was at 300 subscribers that’s wild also I think putting the link to my newest video in my shorts is actually helping a little bit because

I’m getting a few it’s going up slowly all right anyways guys thank you for hanging out I gotta go I will see you I will see you guys tomorrow for tomorrow’s stream oh my useless villager farm uh videos at 300 000 views swag all right guys thank

You for figuring it out wait Dash you should do a stream where you look for good s PS on YouTube and see what they are and try to get full art what I don’t see it I don’t get it 50k special tomorrow heck yeah dude all right guys thanks for hanging out

Everyone joined the Discord and I will see you guys tomorrow bye everyone

This video, titled ‘Finishing the Pillager Village in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-08-18 17:12:47. It has garnered 550 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:50 or 9050 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. egg (10000): Gamble points for a free gifted membership. I will throw an egg and if it spawns a chicken, u get a membership! void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES:

Discord: TikTok:

Texture packs:

  • Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft

    Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Adventure and Creativity Minecraft, a game loved by millions around the world, offers endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From mining for valuable resources like Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis, Diamond, and Emerald to building magnificent structures, the game captivates players of all ages. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is delving into the depths of the world to uncover rare resources. Players can embark on mining expeditions to collect valuable materials like diamonds and emeralds, which can be used to craft powerful tools and armor. Building and Crafting… Read More

  • Pink Paraglider Build Tutorial!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun!

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  • Ultimate Stone Generator for Minecraft 1.20

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  • Baby Zombie’s Heartbreaking Tale

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  • Descubre el dato más polémico de Minecraft

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  • Nether Farming Shenanigans: Gold, Bartering, XP AFK

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  • Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38

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  • Block Rock: Türkçe Dubaj Minecraft Concert

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  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

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  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

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  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

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  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

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  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

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  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: xQc Reacts: xQc Gaming: xQc Clips: Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More

  • AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥

    AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥 Why does AURA in Minecraft sound like a fancy perfume brand? “Introducing the new fragrance: AURA by Minecraft. Smell like a creeper but with a hint of diamond ore.” #minecraftperfume #smelllikeagamer Read More

Finishing the Pillager Village in Hardcore Minecraft!  LIVE 🔴