First time playing Minecraft EVER!

Video Information

Bye Do Wow oh [ __ ] rogue three [ __ ] years what the [ __ ] [ __ ] hello welcome back i appreciate that you got a new badge oh wait sorry i’m supposed to be serene oh my god damn [ __ ] welcome Speaking of new badge i’m about to lose my cowboy badge i’m pretty sure what is it may in like a month i will no longer be the sheriff in town it’ll probably be garrett honestly because i think he’s the only other person that when i first started streaming is still here

I won’t be the sheriff anymore it’ll be garrett what the [ __ ] hi first of all happy monday what’s going on i won’t be there i won’t be the sheriff in town anymore garrett will be it’s a monday andrew thank you for changing that i appreciate it pinging

Does that ruin any specific reason for minecraft today or was it something you’ve been playing for some time tired of magic the moment or got inspired by another streamer i think it’s a mixture of a couple of things uh i think my whole month of like playing

Elden ring made me realize that like it’s not that i am burnt out on magic but like it was really fun to do something else for a little while and it’s not that this is going to be a forever thing i just want to try new stuff i think

And if it’s six or six if it doesn’t it doesn’t i’ve tried many like other games that like i just hated and like didn’t play after a day so yeah just like a little i need a little variety in my life i don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on generally speaking

So i’m just i’m just trying something new you know as okay as i am with turning 30 i’m also in a little bit of a mental crisis too from being honest with you so there’s just a lot going on you know yeah i got my magic pants on so there’s that

Yeah this music is nice i’m also but i’m scared okay i don’t know what’s happening [Laughter] i don’t know and then i saw like a couple like people uh like playing pokemon like i thought that bloody’s little thing that she’s doing is like super cool and so i was like oh

Like new things just seem fun you know so who knows yeah it’s like freeing that i know that other people don’t know what’s going on too but it’s also kind of terrifying that other people don’t know what’s going on hi gamespot yeah i’ve never played minecraft

Um it got okay good it got to you okay good good good good yeah post whatever you get for sure i still have like two more i need to mail out i need these are like weird box shapes so i have to find very specific boxes

For these and then there was one that was going to like sweden or something so that one’s gonna take a little while to get there emo 18 months welcome back i appreciate that a lot yeah i never know what’s going on ever yeah newmont plays a lot of pokemon he does like

Challenges and nuzlocke things i don’t know it’s just it’s been like almost the content creator it’s always good to diversify the followers are here for you not the games you play also big al for not uploading the rest of eldon ring i’m sorry you’re right first you’re right

First of all i will hold that l you are correct i do need to hold that l and also don’t make me sad today okay uh because i will lose it it’s fun anyways i like this music i already changed my character because i knew that you guys

Would be annoyed with me if i sat there in the character customization screen all day i look so cute though look check me out wait is this it oh [ __ ] i’m in the way look at me i give myself overalls and sandals and pigtails there are not a lot also why are there

So many packs to buy oh it took me forever to download this goddamn game too to figure out how to get there i know i’m fashion and i’m excited and whenever i move my mouse my little thing follows me uh-oh i should have maybe watched a youtube video

On how to start this can i just create a new world also can i ask one more question who years played minecraft before real quick have any of you all played minecraft are you minecraft partakers okay is there anything that like shows like computer information or anything like that first day

What do you need to survive what is gonna kill me the creepers don’t tell me is there anything that like shows i guess like computer details or anything like that nothing there is any like data going to be displayed that is basically my question i should have [ __ ] figured that out

Before doing this this is fine i used to play a little minecraft a bunch of updates so i will experience new things too i bought the basic okay first of all there’s too many packs for minecraft all right i bought the basic windows starter pack

Is that what i need i don’t know but i will say they almost got me on the customization screen because there was a really cool hoodie that changed colors and it was like a dollar and i was like i have a dollar but i stopped myself

I was like you’ve never played this game before you’re [ __ ] like don’t buy the don’t buy the hoodie even if you have a dollar okay just stop and i stop myself f3 while you are on well you’re not on that f3 while i am in minecraft i’m good with the basic okay good

Wait is james here are you just adding james uh do i create a new world i’m just going to create a new world okay my world is going to be called i should probably show you what i’m looking at huh ooh as a test hide the screen from us

Hit f3 and see if theres any personal information nothing popped up or anything like that oh we have to be in the game okay all right i will do that then thank you um my world’s gonna be called the attic survival or creative i want

I want to i want to survive in my world survival okay uh infinite god what the [ __ ] this is not user friendly starting off what the hell is it see this is the word i saw again chunks are those the square blocks i’m gonna be building with All right i’m done can i create this now I’m gonna be exposed to chat oh god you’re a voxel smoothie and 11 months welcome back i appreciate that a lot cool thank you for the reserve i’m gonna be exposed to the chat oh god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you only play online you’re a big girl i am proceed

Oh i’m in okay wait now you want me to do the f oh wait oh my goodness how scary okay hang on f3 nothing is popping up no this is i don’t think this is the java version should be good okay is this my hand hold on

Is this my hand how do i walk oh just kidding i have a map do you know what other button i would want to push to check for stuff like that i’m digging with my map oh that’s my map in my hand oh what is oh wait no this is my map

Oh i’m looking at it okay put it down i don’t want to hold it anymore i know what’s clicking [Laughter] oh my god you can cut stuff with the map i made dirt on the ground oh scroll oh that’s my hand is that my hand what nice noises this makes

Holy [ __ ] this place is huge there’s is that snow there’s snow where what kind of [ __ ] terrain is this look at the clouds they’re all square and ugly it’s a big-ass tree whoa punch the tree more my map was better at killing things than my hand is

Am i going to run into stuff is there anybody on my island hello i want to go to the snow area i want to go to the snow area you have to hold down left mouse to punch through the tree okay great what the hell is that etched 25 months

Welcome back i appreciate that a lot okay i’m gonna hold down oh oh look it’s like okay i’m no scientist wait what is that but i don’t say that that’s supposed to work i don’t think that that’s supposed to do that i don’t understand

How is this the tree can i put it back oh wait what is the point what the [ __ ] is the point i put it back can ah oh my god uh can you die in water ew oh my god there’s a cow there’s a pig can you die in the water

Is that or do i have to find a way to cross how do i cross this ocean ew there’s fish you’ve lost your goddamn mind there is an octopus in there you can drown but swimming is fine i don’t want to swim i don’t want to go anywhere near the

Water look at that thing that thing will kill me huh i want to go see the cow just go across i don’t trust you i don’t trust like that oh you can crouch in minecraft look i found a way to cross without having i want to go see the cow is the cow

Mean will it hurt me [Applause] stop stop stop stop what the [ __ ] what is killing me why am i dying i’m gonna die what happened oh my god oh my god [ __ ] what’s that stop are those hold on hold on are those where am i were those real people or no no

Where the [ __ ] did they come why where was it a wizard seems about right what does that mean what is that oh i hated that i hated that i i just heard something hello do you hear that listen i thought i heard something um what the [ __ ] why did i die

That flower had a family i’m it’s family now thank you for theresa grant i appreciate that little hole right there you’re playing solo so there’s nobody except me so was how could i have why did he get all up on me when i died by the way can i have killed him

I just wanted to see the cow Oh the cow is gone you met a skeleton and a witch enemies spawn in dark places i wasn’t was i near a dark place i guess that little like cave area oh can you jump on the you can stand on trees is there fall damage yep

How do i get my hearts back up oh my god hi oh my god what can you do with the animals can you like pet them or anything okay all right all right god bless what are these noises that these things make i don’t want to kill

It i want the cat to live forever what the [ __ ] does it look like [Laughter] ow whatever i did not fall that far i where the [ __ ] there that’s where i died that little cave what where’s the sun i don’t know if there is one

Okay so before i go back over there how do i attack people because i am not dying again to that creepy thing i refuse left click so punching okay so i just punched them to death oh my god what the [ __ ] there’s like a little tiny water area like a little cavern thing

I’m gonna want hold up what the [ __ ] was that stop what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that did you see that hold on it was like a person on fire is that a creeper why are you still on fire that does not logically make any sense you were just

In the water your fire should be out get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] how long will he chase me for how long will he chase me for does he go away if i move away from him i can’t see anything it’s getting dark i want to go to the snow area

Until you get far away okay well i want to go to this seat of snow this is so cool this place is huge why is this place so huge is he still there [ __ ] get out of here get a [ __ ] hobby okay it’s gone okay so what here’s what i know about minecraft

They’re wait are these bad people are they good you’re still chasing me get a [ __ ] life oh god damn it switch [ __ ] [ __ ] can i kill the get get do they die they don’t seem like they’re dying why don’t they die okay you know what i’m gonna just run away no

I think i’m gonna die Okay i know how to run am i not running foxy how have you put up with me for 30 months this association put up with myself for even 30 minutes welcome back boxing boxy gg welcome back thank you for the reason i appreciate it night time is rough so

Am i supposed to like go somewhere maybe you should hide until morning what if i just stood here okay then i’ll just stay here in these little bushes and hide when will it be morning time where’s the timer the sky looks cool the stars are actually kind of moving that’s really neat

You can dig a hole or build a small house okay how do i build a house do i need like like this is dirt that i need oh wait i you said hold it down all right so now i have this dirt right can i build a dirt house hold on oh wait

How do you put it down how do you put the dirt down right click oh my god i can build a dirt house okay this game is easy i know what i’m doing where’s my dirt i got a bunch of dirt just now this is just like the sims

You just got a bill lex welcome back thanks for 33 months i appreciate it oh this is easy okay this is going to be my temporary house i like the noises that the game makes is that weird oh wait i only got one piece of dirt from that jesus christ i like the

What just what just hit me what just hit me hello what happened here i looked away for two seconds i don’t see a creeper never mind i found it never mind never mind never mind never mind when it will be morning again when i’ll be morning again real quick

Just out of your curiosity when does the sun come out when does the sun come out does it come out does it come out soon seven minutes seven minutes you can i defeat him be honest if i go to bat whoa holy [ __ ] wait why did everybody find me i haven’t

Moved this whole time how come everybody found me i was in hiding the whole time how did they find me i haven’t moved i haven’t bothered anybody i’d even go for any cows nothing yes actually answered please how did they find me i’m just gonna run i guess until i find

A new spot to build my new house i just fell all right this is gonna be my house spot and put my dirt together did you hear that oh god damn it [ __ ] what the [ __ ] this place is a prison there’s no peace there’s no peace

How do you have peace in this there everywhere i’m gonna die again i’ve collected all this dirt and it’s gonna be all for naught what am i supposed to do everybody is chasing me just run until daylight oh my god i have no time to build any house

They sent you from a distance they don’t need to see you so i just need to be look at that little quick one i just god damn it i’m gonna die i just need to be quicker in building my house i guess oh yeah this is a bad area

I’m gonna die is there a way to dodge these arrows i lost all my dirt [ __ ] boxie was shot by stray how did that hurt me i’m getting dirt to build my house again what or wait what if i just like built a house into this little area like You know what i mean like this like shove myself in here and built look wait i want that back that’s too far that’s okay i have more dirt i could just make my house bigger whoa is it like rocks stone i’m in a hole welcome to my hut

Nobody can get me in the hut how will i know when it’s daytime if i’m inside i understand how will i know when it’s daytime i’m just going to keep i’m just going to keep making my house bigger you be minecraft congrats that was so easy i don’t understand how people play

This for hours if it’s that easy to beat this game easy oh my god wow it takes a long time to kill stone with just my fists okay i’m gonna open my hole up hello is it daytime it looks like daytime is that it

I’m free oh my god i love my hut thank you hut thank you small dirt hut okay i hope i don’t forget where that is it’s by the tree and the flowers okay now is it safe to explore without getting my [ __ ] cheeks clapped by everything in this game look at how big

That mountain is okay so i did not know there are bosses in this game yeah it’s my new life there’s a little dirt hobbit what are we allowed to say i am gonna ask questions what the [ __ ] i thought it was safe i thought it was safe that’s my next

Question i thought it was [ __ ] safe where did that come from rotten flesh so i need tools how do i make a tool he dies in the sunlight oh okay punch a tree all right god bless you scared me do i need like wood instead of dirt

This is this how is this possible how is this tree not falling right now how can i reach that high there’s no way i can reach that high there’s no way i can reach that high all right that’s apparently as high as i can go when it comes to reaching

Minecraft that’s how it’s possible well it doesn’t make any sense i want to build a tool once you have some logs go to your inventory you can craft planks how do you go to your inventory tab oh i want my dirt bag what is that holy [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] polar bear e

Oh all right how do i make a tool i got some wood and some dirt actually two different kind of woods apparently oh yeah e look at this polar bear that is so cute it’s got a little tail on its butt and everything cable on the top left equipment construction oh

People who are taller than five foot four can reach the stuff on the top shelf in the store it’s like that but with a tree get out construction i want to build something the [ __ ] is going on how do i make a tool return done money now it’s time to craft

Yeah i want that how goes the tree punches very weird i don’t understand them you just crafted 12 planks how by clicking here is that what i wanted turn wood into planks well how do i turn wood into a tool i can use that is what i wanted okay i’m gaming

Out of my mind all right cool put the planks in the square and make a crafting table oh so different items that you have make different things so i can only make a pressure plate or whatever a spruce button is so i need More wooden planks and all four oh can i separate these into piles oh yeah i can crafting table i’m gaining okay what do i do with this thing how do i put it down on the ground so i can cr there’s a sheep e how do you put this on the ground

Oh you’re fine god bless oh wait no you’re a chicken why is it doing that spinning around like a weirdo oh here it is cracking table oh i can make stairs a door a trap door a wood slab and i can’t make any fences or gates though so i need more wood

Is what you’re telling me need some sticks so more trees to be gotten oh equipment tab oh okay whoa you can make a sword and an axe and a pickaxe and a shovel and a hoe so i need a sword to help me survive at night then right sticks

What am i doing with sticks i never play this game either make sticks oh how many sticks do i need six with the handles i’ve made eight many god bless okay i made a lot of sticks any survival tie games before uh does resident evil count now you need more wood okay

Well how i what if i lose my crafting table i don’t want to lose it it’s so it blends in with everything okay don’t let me forget about it all right it’s right there i’m just gonna go to a tree close by ow that is such a [ __ ] i should not

Have gotten hurt there i disagree i don’t like the noises the animals make ow ow ow are these bad wait oh my god are you being mean to the other animal wait what is happening It had red eyes so i killed it was that what i was supposed to do it looked like it was chasing that other one was i not supposed to kill it wolves don’t like sheep but they are tameable so i could have had it as a dog like a pet

You punched it first i thought it was i thought they were both going to attack me i am picking up the wood right i assume it’s just falling on my head how do i get my hearts back up food where do i get food from must be so frustrating for you guys

This must be so frustrating what am i hitting things with hey chicken hi cutie oh wait no it’s a duck this is so look at it it’s following me nope this is perfect is good is this the only way to kill and eat it no no i don’t want to

Yeah i want veggies instead i’m not gonna kill this thing look at it what an adorable baby like a farm god you must He loves me and he’s following me i’m not gonna kill it you’re out of your mind you’re out of your mind he loves me whoa is it snowing where did that come from it is snowing the cutest animals taste the best stop he wants the seed how do i give it to him

How do i give him the food he wants to seeds in your hand how do i give it to him where did i get seats from right click I’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it that’s so cute and i love my duck yay oh cutie pie he loved me there he goes off to be just a baby go be baby yeah you cutie can i pet it now that we have its trust and have fattened it up

Stop it stop it now i will die actually i don’t want to die okay how do i make a farm for food okay here’s here’s a legitimate question what should i be focusing on first oh my god it’s getting to be night time it’s getting to be nighttime where’s my hut

Where’s my dirt hut where’s my dirt hut help help help help help it was like over here i think oh my god where was my hut oh i’m glad to make a new hut real quick is my crafting table gonna be safe or no no this game is so stupid it’s kind of

Scary you’re on a time limit to do things And the bad things come out at night i know i well i was working on make i was working on making tools but then i found the duck and then the duck wanted my seeds and then i needed to make stick i feel like the cow wants to come in my

Hole i hear him moving i could make a little Hello ha ha idiots get absolutely dunked on i’m in a hole and you can’t get shut up sup can’t get me right they can’t get me right whoa that one was fast did you see it run like that jesus christ i’m not 100 safe oh my god what do you mean by that

I’m just gonna keep getting tools i guess or keep getting materials oh yeah range attacks i can’t believe i found a wizard already i have not seen another wizard since though i have put myself in a hole because it’s nighttime and i’m scared of the night time there are babies on these

Recommend making a new crafty table in here and build some tools i don’t even know if i can all right let’s check and see if i can all right we’re gonna make a crafting table while it’s nighttime in our new hole okay we have a lot of room in here

Now this is the bathroom this is the p corner no pooping hold it in okay so how do you make a [ __ ] crafting table again oh no wait you guys talk [ __ ] how do you make a crafting table i can make a torch and that’s why i can see in the dark

Like an elden ring i was on the right track oh okay hold on uh okay i don’t want that get rid of it oh i have to separate it [ __ ] how do you make a crafting table wooden planks spruce so i need to make wood so i do want this right

Oh my god oh wait a minute okay yeah no plank we need to make planks one wood makes four planks okay here’s some planks and then you said planks and oh just all planks for a crafting table here it is okay where’d it go all right

Here is my table area okay this is where i’m gonna build things at now oh i punched oops sorry is it daytime yet nope oh my god did you see that there was something with red eyes i put it in the p corner it’s fine the wood is porous and it will

Absorb the piss all right now how do i what do okay so equipment okay i made sticks this is how far i got last time i made a bunch of sticks i would like a weapon how do i make a weapon right click on the table oh whoa so a sword pickaxe first

Okay what if i want a sword too okay i made a pickaxe and a sword do i care about a shovel i made both i have a lot of [ __ ] in my inventory already shovel is good for dirt okay all right so now i have oh wait a minute

You can put it in your [ __ ] oh and then yeah and then you can switch to them oh yeah okay i get it yeah cool need more planks well i’m in my hole right now i can’t get any i can’t get any you know focus on making a shoulder with a bed

Because once you can sleep it’s a save point okay so my main goal as of right now is to make tools we did that so now i need to make a bed is that my next would you say say that’s my next big goal i am a programmer

A house and a bed okay i’m in a house all right just cause it’s not nice and big doesn’t mean it’s not a beautiful house that i care for and love i worked really hard on this dirt hole let’s see if it’s daytime god bless wait whoa whoa whoa why won’t wait

Where’s my dirt where my dirt where my dirt where my dirt is that a [ __ ] spider whoa what was that i think that was the shooty lady okay so now i need to make a house either kill or share sheep for it no please hi serena how’s it going where i am i

Just built a crafting table in the piss corner this is where we keep that did you hear that why you know what you ever play the sims uh either one or two you ever get your house burgled at night and the music that happens when that that’s what this reminds me of

We have a piss corner check recipes for shears oh wait sorry right click on the crafting table i can make some wood oh my god bed oh my god i need wool and wood and oak okay can i make a bed can my bed be pink

Wait oh i had to find a pink sheep i want a purple bed i found a purple sheep weird oh oh you can dye it okay then oh it’s pissed it’s over there in the piss corner okay so can i get a wool without killing sheep that’s my next question

Are you playing bedrock or java i don’t think i’m playing java okay so i need to get some shears where do you make shears from painting cool wow there’s a lot of [ __ ] in here wallpaper oh it’s like wallpaper equipment tab cheers crossbow i don’t think i have sheer options

I would kill some sheep first i’m not killing the duck though you can [ __ ] suck it okay it’s daytime come out of the hole good morning world it’s me is that a wizard or a witch i thought that they don’t come out at there is still a spider there no

No no no no no ah you said i was safe in the sun you said i was safe in the sun i have another question if i die is everything i’ve done gonna be lost or am i just like respawning it’s fine only i’m only kind of safe in the sun is

This why you guys wanted me to do survival mode hey is that money on the ground wait what is that right there is it a sheep wait a minute what hurt me earlier hey it’s money i think it’s money what do i give money to okay i’m gonna kill the sheep i really

Am sorry but i i don’t think i’ll get shears for a while are you sure there’s no other way oh wait i got enough wool look oh no that’s a snowball that’s not money you swear to god this is the only way where did it go

You swear to me it’s the only way i hated that okay i got a piece of wool am i done oh i got meat can i eat the meat i have like one health left so i kind of want to focus on getting more health first i need two more wool

Oh i gotta cook it okay well i gotta find another sheep right i’m sorry where’s my duck that i love there’s my hole in the wall it’s snowballs it’s not money three of the same color sheep okay there’s my hole in the wall what is that in the rock right there

Okay we have to find more sheep that’s a cow cole hello oh hey here’s my other crafting table that i forgot about or that i lost i gotta find more sheep hello sheep listen how nice this music is it’s so calming why is this so nice

Is that a [ __ ] that’s not a sheep what is that hi hi it’s a puppy can i have it can i have it how do i take it with me Can i pet it are you the mom is that your baby are you the wait whoa hi can you pet these i don’t have a bone i have raw meat wait we need to stay focused stop we need to make a bed i’m going to die stop stay focused

Get it together okay we need to find sheep stop i have one health left hello where are the sheep i feel like i’m straying too far from my hole in the wall Where the [ __ ] are sheep okay sorry yeah this minecraft music is nice i can eat raw meat that’s a matching wool you know what’s gonna kill me i’m gonna call it right now it’s fall damage music [ __ ] slaps why am i getting emotional right now this is so nice wow

Is it a sheep no are you my duck from the other day hi there are no more sheep what am i supposed to do if there’s no more sheep eat the meat that didn’t help i still have one health left amy this music is beautiful i did not know

This music was gonna be so beautiful amy i made a duck friend and oh my god wait nevermind it is working oh my hp yeah i need to find more sheep immediately i’m deadly afraid of night time i did not realize how [ __ ] up night time was in this world hi

Are you oh there’s two of you are these things ever gonna hurt me Hi hi puppies cute okay i won’t hit them first is this my first hole in the wall it is it’s my first home where the [ __ ] are the sheep in this [ __ ] i swear god y’all see any sheep i don’t see any sheep i’m looking wolves eat sheep is that why there are

No sheep anymore those are pigs Whoa what the hell is that it’s like a big ass cave i’m also looking for sheep while i’m exploring but i’m also exploring too hello sheep look at this cave so the world generates infinitely in every direction the more you wonder the more it makes really wish to wander away

From this first area and see what’s out there holy [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] there’s a goddamn cavern down there oh that was a sheep i got excited to cow whoa james 13 months james is this infuriating to watch me do this is this this is causing you like inner

Pain as i’m doing things wrong it’s getting dark it’s getting dark it’s getting dark it’s getting dark it’s getting dark it’s getting dark oh my god back to the hole back to the hole back to the hole i didn’t accomplish anything today actually that’s not true i killed the

Sheep we gotta find more sheep get back to the [ __ ] hole [ __ ] go go go oh my god no where’s my hole we have the belt now oh we have to build a new hole um do you hit it with this oh this goes way faster

We have to build a new house i’m sorry it’s time i’m terrified right now okay and then you wear my wood there we go oh wait i have no more what are you oh you gotta pick it up off the ground wait where the [ __ ] is my what hey irish

Welcome back thanks for oh there it is i’m picking up dirt okay am i in a hole not yet there we go all right okay i’m safe jesus christ there’s [ __ ] in this wood right here or the [ __ ] in his stone what is that am i closed off i’m scared

I’m not even closed off oh my god now i’m closed off copper thank you for the reset by the way whoa get some seeds is that little bar on my pickaxe meaning that’s when my pickaxe is going to die okay that makes sense well i’m just gonna mine some stuff

While i’m in here it’s night time i don’t have anything else to do nope i’m gonna make this house a home i’m gonna make this house a home do i know what that means no do i care a little bit i to be the greatest the [ __ ] was that i want to be

I want to be the best minecraft gamer alive yeah this is the new piss corner this is where we pee actually this is where i would put a bed if i had one but the sheep are apparently rare to find all right what else can i do i can make a lever

I want to make a torch i need to find charcoal or redstone dust i can make wood mossy cobblestone i can make beautiful wood and some dirt and [ __ ] you can make charcoal i think someone else plays this game with very little help and no prior knowledge really drives home how awful

This game is for new players anytime i ever ask a very specific question to you guys for help it means that i at this point would have googled it because i have no idea what the [ __ ] is going on also it was an absolute [ __ ] pain in the ass to buy this game

It’s very weirdly specific oh my god a link is getting too sensitive to give you something to see reading and ambran thank you i appreciate that a lot thank you very much for having me for a whole month now if you’ve gotta get this up is it daytime yet

[ __ ] know what the [ __ ] it’s not it’s so dark jesus christ okay so i’m scared it was annoying to buy like the microsoft thing kept like i had to like make a whole new email account very very bothersome very bothersome so okay let’s assess the situation i

Have found one sheep oh my god Hello oh my god cx land astro andy um gal that’s amy got one dr king and he given j supply as aaron oak perd and four sorry i don’t know what happened there brooke what the [ __ ] thank you so much that’s so nice if you got gifted a sub

You had to hang out with me for a month those are the rules that was really sweet thank you what the hell i was gonna say are you from minecraft but you got give me one from polar so maybe magic i don’t know i hate that it’s still nighttime outside

That was really sweet it’s true you do have to hang out with me for a whole month if you dig a gifted one i know i need torches i need a bed i need a lot okay i really appreciate that thank you good watching a while figured i give

Back it doesn’t make me cry don’t do that to me oh wait dude my new house is kind of [ __ ] up looking uh oh wait how do i get out of here was this the front this is the front it is still night time the coolest minecrafter in town

Hell yeah okay we need to assess the situation i need a bed and i need torches so i need to find sheep and i don’t know what else is that my next here we need to pick a goal it’s my goal to make a bed amy you gotta give this up mine coal

Okay well i have to go find that once it’s daytime okay it’s not daytime right now get i’m so sick of being in the hole this place is a prison somebody’s gonna play minecraft again really am i making it appealing i feel like i’m ruining the game experience for everybody who probably plays

For everybody who probably plays okay cobblestone is that different than regular stone james is sitting in [ __ ] turmoil curled up in a ball watching me play this oh so this [ __ ] right here i can do that my pickaxe is gonna die soon wow this is way quicker with a pickaxe

Than with my fist that is so wild at this point by the time like daytime comes and it becomes night again i’m gonna have so many random houses is it daytime yet oh thank [ __ ] god get me out of here oh i broke my pickaxe is it safe i think it’s a pig

Hello where’s my sword is it a pig god [ __ ] i don’t even know what killed me oh what the hell is this what is this what is this where am i hello hello i’m in a tree get me out all my stuff is gone oh my god

I’m not actually in a tree right now there’s no way i’m in an actual tree i need a [ __ ] tree why would they put me in a tree how do i get down oh did you hear that okay so all of my stuff is gone or can i go get it somehow

I gotta go find it i don’t know where the [ __ ] i was all right ow [ __ ] okay fine we have to find our hole we were in what is that this coal this is what i needed right oh you’re right this is a distraction i

Need to be fighting the hole i died at where the [ __ ] was i getting lost and losing all your stuff is a classic minecraft expirence is it actually really am i ever gonna find this [ __ ] again because i’m very lost and they respond me in a goddamn tree

Hold up maybe if we get to the tree and look from far away i think i was like kind of over that way because i tend to stay near the snow i think is that my hole no oh i’m in a hole oh get me out of here where the [ __ ] was my

Hole at i think i was over this way i can’t believe i died i remember it being nighttime and me freaking out and having to build a house real quick hello cows wait is this it this this was one of my houses this was not the house there’s look

There’s the piss corner okay all right we’re on the right track that was one house [ __ ] where was the other house somewhere whoa get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out give me i’ll give you give me up give me up give me up get me

Out out out help help i was just trying to look i was just trying to look god damn it I can get out of here right i’m not i’m not you want me to drown why are you serious why is this block lighter blue than all the other blocks oh it’s ice whoa what the [ __ ] that either 16 months you can swim welcome back thank you for 60 months of support

I’m dying right yeah i just want to see what else is down here before i die just like a bunch of water and okay all right i fell in a hole that wasn’t my fault is all my stuff gone forever look see this is where i should be

Spawned in a nice area with flowers not in a goddamn tree is there is it like is like an elder ring like when you die lose your souls and like they’re gone five minutes okay well it’s gone forever then [ __ ] it okay so well god damn it i have to find more wood

Or wool for the sheep that took me forever to find that one piece of wool oh wait you want me to make a you want me to make a sword right and a pickaxe okay hold on i can do this let me see if i can remember how to do this

Okay so blah blah blah okay tab no e uh wood and then oh wait i have crafting tables why do they come back in my inventory oh wait never mind i have to make one but that’s okay right and then i is it is it nighttime no okay and then e

And then you put it and then you put it on the ground and then you right click it and then you make a pickaxe i need sticks okay and then we make a sword and then we make a how do you make a pickaxe where’s the pickaxe at

Oh here it is i need more wood okay okay okay okay i’m learning i’m learning i just want to point out that i am learning it’s taking me forever oh wait you right click here we go uh There we go there we go okay all right okay now i have stuff wait that’s a stick now i have a sword and i have a pickaxe okay okay okay we’re gaming okay can i put this back in my can i put can

I pick this back up how do i pick up the crafting table you got this thanks burke i appreciate that i need more wood chuckles like a 14 year old boy get it together let’s go okay oh now i don’t have to make one again okay we need to get cheap i think

We’re looking for sheep if i would have picked not survival mode like if i would have picked creative would there have been no like witches and wizards and zombies and stuff hey look there’s my old crafting table ow that is such bs a bunny hi bunny god bunny’s fast cool

I’m trying to make a bet i gotta get whoa you have to find sheep sheba really hard to find can you use pigs at all i feel like i see a lot of pigs hello sheep they taste good we’re not gonna eat them is this sand oh whoa puppy

And the little baby puppy no we’re not gonna eat oh hold on hold on hold on hold on is this a house wait who lives there who’s that is he gonna hurt me is this is it okay to go there is it okay to go to the village

They’re friendly you swear to [ __ ] god they’re friendly if i come here and they kick my [ __ ] in i’m gonna beat up every single one of you hello please are they gonna hurt me you swear to god hi can you talk to them oh my god there’s little houses they

Have doors wait can i come in left click just don’t hit right click oh my [ __ ] god wait what it’s turning to night time oh my god do i just pick a house to go in this is my house now there’s no bed in here i don’t want this house

Uh this house looks big oh my god we have to get inside there are cats in the gate is this a bed this doesn’t look like a bed wait this has windows there’s cats in the game no beds here but what if i had to lock my can i open this

Okay all right i have questions and i want them answered immediately what is a village these are just people that live in my world like and they’re fine with it and they’re not real right they’re friendly npcs that is so cool i did not know that was

A thing okay second question am i in somebody’s home like are they gonna turn aggro when they open the door and find me in here i can loot whatever i want can i open this box only aggro if they if you hit them brett can i take their stuff bread emerald emerald bread

Leather pants whoa whoa this is so cool what is this water like a water bin this is the piss corner are these the piss jugs look at these windows that they have in here can i light this fire i would need to put wood in right

I don’t want to put my planks in there i want them a cauldron i want to look out the way what the [ __ ] is that is the golem actually my friend are you lying hello he’s stinky he has little he has a little stink little stink lines on him hi

Oh my god can we name him he protects the village what is a good protector name does that mean i’m safe to go outside and look for more things or no should i stay inside this is kind of fun i’m not gonna lie to you i’m this is kind of neat

You aren’t safe inside yeah i am nobody can hurt me in here is it a bad guy or a good guy looks like a bad guy i’m gonna wait for it to be daytime to look around this village this is so cool there is a little village of npcs here how

The [ __ ] is that noise hello oh my god wow the golem is hell is strong i’m afraid i’m scared do you hear that noise is that another person what is that noise weird i’m staying inside until it’s daytime yeah gollum is a chat let’s make dinner and we have a fully

Functioning house now uh i have stumbled upon a village which is apparently a thing and i’m in their vicinities another month another month with one another one of my weird favorite twitch names crunchy water stick thank you for the reset i appreciate it this is my

Variety week i mean at least for today yeah i just kind of want to see what’s up i am i’m a squatter what is that noise i keep hearing somebody go huh huh wow this village is huge do you hear them huh let’s go look at another house knock knock

Hello whoa what is this what is this i appreciate that what thank you oh hello oh god you’re snoring that’s what’s making that noise whoa i’ll shut the door whoa this person has a blue do all the villagers look the same this is a cute house they have like like

Little like beautiful sky wallpaper oh what was that what was that what was that was it an animal hello they all look the same oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i killed it

I didn’t even wake up why am i smelly now i don’t understand heavy sleeper oh my god a cat wait oh wake up i just saved your [ __ ] light hey get up you sleep with your eyes open that’s so creepy when the [ __ ] is it gonna be daytime i’m

Sick of it being night is it [ __ ] are you oh my god did you see that there are llamas in the village oh my god it’s daytime now wait it’s about to be daytime we’re close whoa i’m just gonna go outside are you [ __ ] me wait

Oh my god hi oh my god whoa who is this who is this why does he have sheep or llamas right click on him are you good or bad are you good or bad are you good or bad good everybody’s good Hey i have emeralds because i stole them oh so he wants emeralds and i can get these things i don’t want any of this right just to be sure can i have the llama or is there a way to like get the llama i want to explode look at how many [ __ ] rule

Can i see i can steal a bed so i don’t have to make one myself i [ __ ] yoink this bed oh my god we’re gonna go explore this entire village there has to be more chests and stuff i can get into this one’s red i want the red bed whoa snowball snow coal

Beetroot seeds this is a lot of bread these people are gonna be so hungry do i want snowballs do i care about snowballs i pick up the snow because there’s only one in there whoa do i care about hold up okay i wanted more room in my

Hand is there any chests in here we’re gonna loot everybody hello what are you doing dancing cute okay i already went that way we’re gonna go this way look at how big this house is this house has multiple what is this what does cartography mean unknown map and bread

Does he care that i took his stuff in front of him oh you can make maps and stuff this is so oh my god i think i still want the red bed this is so wild are you pissing in here is that what i just heard you take a

Little piss in the piss corner i heard the sploosh you frying chicken in here or what leather tunic i got a lot of leather tunics i don’t know if you need all that a saddle wait can you have a horse why would you need a saddle

Oh my god you can have a horse i’m looting everything in this village i want to keep exploring it in the village a helmet god this is a lot of bread if i die i’m gonna be so upset oh i was just looking no i was i was just looking

You have a beautiful home okay bye oh wait i’m back at the start we used to go around i went this way already i haven’t been on this side yet man what are y’all doing over here oh i must have already been in here because oh i guess i didn’t seal the bread

Good one of the bads you didn’t steal right click on it and sleep to save oh hey oh wait you got a back door holy [ __ ] nice house okay uh oh you have a little punch this is the cutest house i want to live in this one get out

That will be my house okay we have to go find one of the beds i think there’s one in here here we go okay you can only sleep at night do i wait for it to be night time then we’ll hop in there you can only sleep at night

This village is so what is that jesus christ oh my god okay tell me about the cats can i adopt one or what bye bye need fish okay that’s one reason to take up fishing whoa they have little hats on their head do you see that Hi upgrade gear there’s little hats on their head oh they’re farming they’re farmers they have little straw hats to farm hi oh I can give them stuff and they can give me food whoa i is it how many villages are in your minecraft world are there a lot of villages also i’m sorry it’s hard for me to like plan what i i’m not used to this game enough to like look and then look chat

And stuff so i apologize hi i need to get it i need to get a fish i need to get a fish uh okay i’m not gonna leave this area until it’s nighttime and then we’ll sleep here so we can save Okay i’ll explore but i really like my village i’m in kitties there’s so many kitties i am harassing the village cats i want them all to love me so much this music [ __ ] slaps this is the nicest music out of any game it’s so calming Can you walk on ice or will i fall in and die Extra stuff in a chest i don’t have a chest oh i gotta seal a chest huh oh can you mine a chest and steal it okay we need to steal somebody’s chest wait why is this one so small is this a child why is this one so little A baby can you adopt kids in the game don’t say it’s an orphan Don’t say that Such a nice village that i am robbing the crap out of i need all their stuff they don’t mind they like having me here i’m a guest hey oh okay i’m gonna take this chest with me Hey can i have this Are you okay with that okay thanks have a nice day all right what am i doing with this i’m putting this somewhere and putting my stuff in it which house do i want i really like the llamas like a lot Did that do anything did i just like make something just is that just there for bonging or what it can alert the villagers oops oops oops oops is that why everybody’s running oh no they’re running because it’s night time this one will be my house uh okay

Can i sleep now oh it’s not nighttime yet it’s almost nighttime this is my house i like my little window kind of neat it’s night right now oh just leave bed oh is that morning now hey hanoian it’s 31 months welcome back i appreciate that a lot different kind of pizza from schlochkies

How come my health isn’t all the way up if i’m well rested do i need to eat some of this bread okay there we go wow this is kind of neat okay all right so now that i i don’t need to make a bed anymore because i stole one um thank you andrew

Reset does not undo hunger so we’re just gonna keep exploring i guess wait i don’t want to lose all my stuff should i wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait should i put this chest down and put a bunch of my stuff inside of it yeah

What was the house i stayed in i don’t remember the house i stayed in i think it was this one this looks right oh uh okay im new here is pizza all that boxy eats easy i need a life like that no sometimes sometimes i eat pub subs sometimes

Where did i get a bow from sometimes i eat pub subs can i wear this helmet all right do i need to put anything else in there okay let me put on this hat oh it’s ugly that’s okay i can wear everything oh oh i’m armored up i kind of look like a

Viking actually all right this is my house uh it’s right near the bell okay we’re gonna go on an adventure i don’t think i looted this place yet nothing to loot all right you promise i can go on ice without falling in okay sick so now what

I kind of got skyrocketed ahead with the bed that i stole and i want to find another village the structure to the left uh whoa what the [ __ ] it’s like it looks like a water tower so now like exactly that’s just like the basics of minecraft so now what yep

You got it hey is that bamboo cool whoa what the heck it’s like a big water tower is this another village what is that like a scarecrow oh it’s a farm whoa it is a scarecrow whoa was that oh my god oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow no no no no no no no no no no no i died bad people live at the water tower but that’s okay because i put all my

Stuff in the chest so it’s all right right do i need to sleep here again for it to be my spawn point or am i just going to keep spawning here one is all i need okay well eagle 38 months welcome back i appreciate that a lot oh i need to make

Hold up oh i need oh no i need um i need to get some wood to make another crafting table so i can get a pickaxe again the little feet on snow is a nice noise there are a lot of nice noises in this game i notify the laws of

Physics with this tree that apparently doesn’t fall down when you shop into it cool now i have my forever spawn point okay so e no tab no e i need to make wood planks and then i need to make a crafting table and then i need to put the tape you know

What i should put the table in front of my house can i go back to that water tower do you think i can beat those people or no i should probably stay away might be tough i can look there we go okay so i need i need sticks i need sticks

And i need to make a sword i need to make a pickaxe gaming okay easy all right what are you all doing what are you guys doing over here what’s the hot gas what’s going on am i being cat catcalled okay thank you have a nice day we’re gonna go back to exploring

We’re not going that way because it’s a scary way oh wait i gotta put this and then this here there we go get my sword out get my sword out we are gonna go in the woods whoa i thought i heard something i did hear something oh my god sheep

It took me forever to find sheep and i find two of them i don’t need them anymore because i already stole a bed but still it took me forever to find one single sheep and i run into two sheep i’m just exploring i’m just going around exploring you know

I don’t know what i’m looking for i don’t know what the goal is i’m just kind of walking and now i’m if that if i ever see that witch again it’s on [ __ ] sight i have a wood sword now and not just my fists so oh it’s a cow good nice cow

Nice good cow uh it’s about to be night time isn’t it okay so i have a question if you when i eventually build my own house can i fast travel back to it there’s the village no so are you just supposed to carry a bed with you

And every time night time comes around you just sleep or something only means the fast travel is dying i don’t want to die so i need to have a bed with me at all times is what you’re telling me okay oh god no don’t do that

I’m trying to get back to my house stop stop bob and weave zig and zag oh my god don’t look at me don’t look at me help where’s the girl out where’s the golem help okay all right here’s my house oh how does it go to daytime oh i gotta wait oh

Okay all right i get it hey good morning fellas okay you know what i’m gonna go this way i changed my mind oh wait sorry i gotta get my bed so i can just sleep on the ground and make it deep what are you doing in there

What are we doing in my house did you go in my chest sketchy person was in my house okay i’m gonna do that with the bed then because hi these are cute animals double tap to run oh wait i’m running is this a house who’s this

This is a house who the [ __ ] lives here whoa there’s like a crafting table and everything voxy robs an entire village then claims a house then gets upset when someone from the village enters state house it’s an igloo this is cute i did actually maybe i did steal that person’s house

Do you see that green thing right there i think that’s just grass is that a cave what the f [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that do you hear that oh wait run away this is so difficult how does anybody walk around i already lost where the cave is

I’ve already lost where the cave is i think i’m going the wrong way is it that way there it is right there how the [ __ ] do i get up there what the [ __ ] do i get up there oh yeah i can dig my way up that’s so

True i can make my own steps okay yeah the [ __ ] oh oh hey there it is oh i’m up high this is gonna hurt ow oh what the [ __ ] are there i should you know what i think i know the answer so i’m not even gonna ask whoa what the [ __ ]

Why did it just get dark as [ __ ] was that a light what did i just kill was it a rock that gave lights whoa this is so wild it’s a plant that glows this is so wild what a cool little cave like that’s all that’s in here but still this is so neat

Cool cave okay i’m done with this cave i want a new cave the [ __ ] do i get down here gracefully uh where did the igloo go i can make that new igloo in my house then i have to go back and get that chest though and get all my stuff out of

The chest we should make that igloo our house it was there it is oh wait i have for it to be night time to sleep in it right yeah i can only sleep at night well we’ll just stay in this area until it becomes until it becomes night time oh jesus christ Oh wait how do you make a door for it do i have to make a door can i just put dirt in front of it for right now yeah don’t cast anything on on your turn let’s go in this hole this seems like a really good idea

Whoa holy [ __ ] it’s huge it’s huge holy [ __ ] it’s huge whoa is that lava or what is that like a river i don’t want to fall ouch i i knew i knew that was going to happen at some point i just didn’t know when hey there’s stuff in the ground here oh so

Okay pick some of it up wow this thing is [ __ ] deep as hell it’s still daytime so i’m still okay ow god damn it i fell again whoa whoa i’m never gonna be able to get out of here oh i fell in water there’s like a little path what the [ __ ] hey

Might want to start making your way back up well i’m just gonna do the bed thing right oh no no no uh it’s not nighttime yet i thought it was nighttime wait where’d my bed go jump jump jump where did where did my bed go oh there it is it’s in my hand

Well i was just gonna sleep in here so i could keep exploring right there’s something with red eyes right there oh go away i’m stuck in this cave no get out of here drown how is it going up like that how do i know when it’s night time if i can’t whoa

If i can’t see do i just have to guess there we go it’s night time now it’s daytime all right i don’t want to be in this cave anymore i’m actually kind of scared oh [ __ ] i think i’m kind of stuck i didn’t destroy my bed i picked it up

I can’t see anything i think i’m i think i have bad news i think i have put myself in a hole i cannot get out of ew there’s squids down there i think i have put myself in a hole that i cannot get out of what is that blue stuff over there

I don’t think i’m gonna be able to get over there well let’s just go deeper if you pick up your bed you won’t respawn back where it was will i respond back to the village then ow something is hitting me why i’m so stuck where the [ __ ] am i going oh [ __ ] hello Is this gold it looks like gold it’s yellow so i’m just assuming okay i did enough of that ouch i’m gonna die just from fall damage hello okay we don’t want to go that way there’s lava that way no i forgot to put pick up food i need a better pickaxe

For what for the gold oh i can’t get the gold because of the axe that i have gold like super hard to find like will i ever find it again i’m gonna fall ouch what is this stuff can i mine whatever this is or am i too low it’s red

I don’t want to waste my pickaxe if i can’t okay not yet okay there’s lava the lower i get the more lava there is why did the light just turn on oh there’s water wait what oh i’m fighting against the current oh look at there’s like a little lake river thing

Who’s this stuff can i mine this eight months later i still can’t seem to find a way out of this attic i’m sorry welcome back i appreciate that a lot am i too low level for this looks like diamond so no okay wait is diamond very rare

Okay so here’s the thing i’m gonna die eventually right we all know this i think that we’ve come to realize this i’m going to die i’m not making out of this cave alive when i do die and i get out of the cave what should be my next step getting better weapons

Or better like tools torches all right that’s fair what the [ __ ] is that are those creepers up there are they trying to get me and they can’t get me slimes they’re raving they’re having a party they’re too thick to get to me haha idiots i’m you can’t get me

Okay that’s lava i can go that way it’s a slime party this is the place that i came from is it diamond yeah i keep finding diamond but i’m not high enough level to get it or my axes are not high enough level you said do you hear

That you need the right tools okay well i don’t have the right tools oh my god no no no no no no no get away from me oh my god they make tinier babies stop stop stop stop oh they’re dead oh jesus oh wait i got pushed under the water oh [ __ ]

Get me out of here you like move with the current that’s actually so wild look at it where was i going was it going this way yeah i remember this weird spot peach peach okay and then i fell down and then there’s like bigger slime big slime [Applause]

Oh [ __ ] get off of me okay ouch oh i made it out or no wait i think i’m just deeper in the cave hop hop hop there’s more slime that one’s huge these slimes are huge what the [ __ ] i can’t go up i’m just kind of exploring

Until i die if i’m honest with you because i know i’m gonna die soon right i know for a fact i’m gonna die it’s fall damage is what’s gonna kill me oh i broke my sword yeah i died okay oh [ __ ] i’m so far back oh okay

That was i feel very calm i didn’t really do anything but i feel weirdly accomplished you know i feel weirdly accomplished from there okay so first thing i need to do is make a pickaxe and a sword and then you guys said i’m too weak to mine certain stuff

Yeah i learn i’m learning it’s terrifying to go into caves i’m not gonna lie to you caves are kind of spooky it’s not nighttime right it’s not going to be [ __ ] nighttime is it this is daytime surely not the sun is not setting i just respond are you [ __ ] joking me

It is night time why whatever i’m going underground this is my house now i live here now good night is that water i can’t tell was it close tonight when i died oh it doesn’t [ __ ] scale you to daytime that’s dumb that is water i don’t want to get in that i’m scared

Well we’re gonna stay in the ground so we should make a crafting table can i do that Yes i need to put it on the ground hang on okay there we go and then right click and then we need some sticks and then i need to make a sword oh whoops okay make a sword oh i already made one i need to make a pickaxe i need more wood

I’m just going to take this wood that’s fine what the hell is that noise is something gonna get me i’m in a [ __ ] hole there’s no way they know i’m in here you’re right replace it with dirt wait let me get this too okay what the [ __ ] am i not making a pickaxe

Yet more wood oh you’re gonna turn them into planks so many new things that i play sometimes like what the [ __ ] am i seeing that’s how i feel there we go pickaxe tada i accidentally made two swords but whatever okay this is our house for a little bit okay we’re gonna sit underground

I know i spent a lot of time in character customization and i almost spent money on like a sparkly hoodie but i didn’t back in my day we had to look at recipes in the wiki i just put stuff together and hope for the best

For 10 minutes while we wait for the day it’s not 10 minutes just like a couple right like two i can get some dirt while i’m in here so can i make this world open to where you guys can come in it or would i have to make a whole new one

I’m not gonna do it today but if it ever was a thing i need to get a realm oh my god I just got goosebumps i just got goosebumps holy [ __ ] that thing wants to kill me yeah my life flash before my eyes okay so when i bought minecraft we’re on the basic pc version i did not know the difference between java and regular so i just bought the pc version

I don’t even know if this is the right one that i’m supposed to have but this is what i bought no i don’t think i’m on java i think i’m on whatever the other option is minecraft minecraft store also this is like showing very weird all right there we go oh wait whoops

Yeah i think that this is whatever bedrock is yeah i think i’m on the windows 10 version dude i can still hear that creeper above me back in my day there’s only one version easier time to see i don’t know the difference real dumb guy nine months

New badge i appreciate that a lot have a good time running years and thank you again i appreciate you yeah i gotta dig another way out i agree andrew oh oh hold up all right this will be our way out or when we’re done digging some stone for some better tools

Well luckily i’m right in front of some stone i think this is stone i assume this i assume this is stone oh so my two oh wait a minute hold on i think i understand so hold on stone sword oh i just need some sticks

Oh man and then i can have a stone sword and a stone pickaxe can i turn these wooden swords back into like wood or no oh i get it i [ __ ] get it no that’s stupid you could put them in furnaces and the tomato one okay okay okay okay how do you mine

I’m figuring it out so next is iron and then we go to golden and then diamond so i need to find iron okay all right we need to find iron gold isn’t that good is it not better than iron though wait get me out of here it’s daytime i hear growling

Oh my god i hear growling oh [ __ ] are they gonna find me they know i’m in the crowd okay we have to find another way out we have to find another way out we have to find another way out they’re gonna get me all right we’re gonna

Maybe go this way and dig up what gross noise they’re making get me out of this hole yeah i know i’m gonna make torches too hold on freedom i’ve been stuck in the attic for 22 months and i can’t leave because it’s against the rules i’m glad that you

Can’t leave thank you for the resub i appreciate that and you too whoa [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i did it yay gaming okay we’re going to explore again wait there’s a cave right there this is the cave i died What the [ __ ] it blew up oh they blow up they touch you or get close to you thank you for the resubs i appreciate you both hello there’s nothing in here oh wait oh yes there is there’s water i don’t want to go to water

I want to make torches so i can see in the dark so we need to go find iron i guess or something i do i have stone i figure out how to make stone weapons i feel very accomplished even though i don’t really feel like i did anything oh wait you said

Double tap w is run we’re going exploring i changed my mind there’s like a bunch of ice everywhere see that big hill right there i want to go there i want to find another village i think it’s so cool there are villages that are just in here you can go to

And the people don’t even care if you steal their stuff and you can just like sleep in their houses and take their little like okay so don’t make fun of me but i’m just now understanding a meme that’s been around for a really long time so what if we push our minecraft beds

Together meme i get it because you because that’s where you respawn at together right i think i get it i hope i get it oh cute me and whom [Laughter] look at this big waterfall whoa knew that was gonna hurt yeah it’s like a sex thing i totally know all about that

Well this is neat there’s a sheep it is while that the current actually pushes you with the water that is so [ __ ] cool well i don’t need any wool because i have wait oh you know i don’t have a bed that’s okay we’ll find more sheep maybe

Not actually because sheep are hard to find so what have i found i found a village i found a little hole in the ground kind of neat i found a village i found a wolf puppy is this the village that is this a different village there’s no way no this is the same

Village wait this has to be the same village i think right minecraft 2009 called it says it wants you to have a great time in a fun game boxy crab dance listen i just wanted to do something new whoa and steal all their seeds and coal and stuff oh and there’s bread too

Only asleep i actually need to eat the bread huh wow i was really hungry jesus christ okay this is a new village this is a different village um Wow did i just see what i think i saw no [ __ ] way did your parents not have this talk with you yes what the [ __ ] right in front of my salad i’m crying i’m legitimately crying i got so excited that they were in love this is a new village by the way

So when two villagers love each other very much this is a new village and i just saw somebody have sex and make a child this is just the sims hey you guys said this thing is nice right to me they push their minecraft beds together this is an entirely new village

And they will roommates wait there’s a [ __ ] lot okay this house is a loft this house has a loft and two beds i this is so cool oh god sorry what’s in your chest saddles and this and your bread thank you have a nice day this is so [ __ ]

Wild what does blue ice do beetroot soup potatoes potatoes just a bunch of [ __ ] strong ice do i take it does it matter this is a new village this is an entirely different village from the other one god you weirdo i cannot believe i just had saw somebody

Make a child and right in front of my eyes i didn’t know that was allowed wait what the hell look at this look at this what is this there’s lava at this house who lives here what the [ __ ] apples hey iron i can make iron weapons right thank you

Oh it’s about to be nighttime where was the house with the loft in it i want the house with the loft [ __ ] [ __ ] where was it uh this isn’t it oh my god there’s like [ __ ] [ __ ] this one has a porch oh my god uh there’s no bed here we go okay

This is my bed everyone’s working on it oh my god hello oh my god god scared me did it die did i kill it this one has like a little ice thing in front of it the sun kills it oh whoa hey there’s a barrel here there’s two barrels here the sheep

This is so weird the sun kills me too that’s just a thing wow this village is massive is it normal to spend this much time in a village probably not i’m just kind of having fun exploring it i just cannot believe there are two villages in my world hey snowballs and

Bread you got nothing better for me there’s just you just do exploring that’s how you play this is such nice music again are these carrots they’re carrots oh they’re just crops that somebody harvested wow i found a new village we’re gonna leave it and keep going on but that’s so cool

Yeah i want to go exploring you know can you give a bunny a carrot look at that bird looking mountain just like you can give duck seeds you can give it a mountain or carrot in get on my way there’s water oh wait can i make a uh can i make iron now

I can i can make an iron sword i can make an iron pickaxe right oh i need more iron but i made at least a sword Cool i have an iron sword this is so neat out of my way trees I cannot believe that you can fight the current Oh hi okay wait how the [ __ ] did i get a hold up They didn’t like it Do they not like it i don’t have any more bones do they want this no how do i even get bones in the first place okay mwah a wolf is greedy They just want bones that’s okay by killing skeletons that actually makes a lot of sense hey easy dump six months new badge welcome back i appreciate that a lot also real quick thank you guys for hanging out with me while i try this game out this is very

Fun for me for some reason i don’t know why i don’t know what the [ __ ] i expected but i’m having a pretty good time i befriended a duck i’ve made multiple houses i’ve learned how to [ __ ] oop i’ve learned how to look another sheep two sheeps

I saw some people have sex and a child popped out and now i know how babies are made so really this is kind of an educational thing it’s fun this is so vibey what a vibe this game is isn’t it this is fun relaxing yeah a good vibe hey wait huh hell yeah

That’s exactly what i wanted to see i’m running i want to get out of the trees into a bigger area where i can see stuff there’s that serotonin i was looking for thanks duck wait is that a duck or a chicken it looks like a duck to me

You want to kill the animals no uh oh i don’t need to that’s not necessary they’re made of meat i don’t need meat i’m a vegetarian whoa look at that up up up can you get on top of that cliff we’re back at the [ __ ] beginning there is my crafting table isn’t it

I made a whole loop i made an entire loop you’d be [ __ ] kidding me this is the mountain where i started i went in a big circle okay well i’ve grown since i was last here i know more things i’m gonna go left yeah is it actually finding my old [ __ ] lying around

Look more ducks so wait where is that big ass cave do you just save this or if i exit out of minecraft right now will it be saved wait what is that what is that a cat a fox what do foxes like do i have anything that they like carrots oh no

I ate it anyways they’re like berries okay i don’t have any berries hey here wait you don’t want this oh no no no i’m sorry i’m sorry i don’t want to get here here here here no no no please no no no please please please here here here yeah yeah yeah here here

Here here oh my god it got big i made it grow up oh my god it grew up to be big and strong and he loves me yes this is so is he gonna follow me is this my pet now hey it’s the igloo again

You wanna go live in an angler with me come on i’m gonna live in this igloo okay oh my god oh i ran out of carrots so they left me but look the little hearts okay this is gonna be my house for the night because it’s night time

So i will sleep here there’s a crafting table in here hello holy [ __ ] what the hell is that oh maybe from beneath me oh wait oh the sun is burning them up the owners who we locked out am i supposed to dig up the ground just snow oops

Uh i didn’t mean to do that what the [ __ ] is that wood i just peed Hold on hold on what the [ __ ] is this is this like a secret area how do you go down a ladder without falling to fall damage just drop if i die have we made her listen to eye of the spider yet why the [ __ ] there’s a dungeon there’s a dungeon

There are people lost in the house with the tunnel hidden under the carpet who knows what happened in the night wait hold on hold on can i read this how do you read a sign i don’t want to like break anything by accident do you right click this there are arrows

This one is a zombie this one is a regular villager There’s gold and a golden apple okay here we go wow thank you for nine months welcome back i appreciate what the [ __ ] is a golden apple This is absolutely there is jail there’s a secret hidden jail how do i let them out Oh my god hold on Hold on brewing stand what kind of [ __ ] up person has this people is that a cactus how do i let them out Hold on did whoever make this [ __ ] jail turn are they a scientist and they turn that into that What the [ __ ] is going on What the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on can i let them out Voxy if you use the potion on the zombie and feed him the golden apple something will happen if you use the potion on the zombie this hold on hold everybody [ __ ] pause and feed it the apple i had to use this first oh i’m eating it here eat this

How do i give it to it hit q We have to break the bar first my pickaxe if this thing kills me hey oh my god here wait sorry uh cue you want that i threw it now it’s in there with it need another po oh is i ruined it how do i make another potion of weakness oh is this like

So if i rest and come back will everything be reset or no oops i cannot believe there’s a [ __ ] jail down here is so [ __ ] up check the suspicious corner downstairs how do you go down again there we go this i think that this is just part of the jail

Be sure to get the apple back i can’t the apple is under the monster’s butt or this corner kill him okay can i let can i let this guy out seal the brewing stand okay oh i have too much stuff uh how do you just throw stuff out oh okay

I don’t think i’ll need a saddle anytime soon knowing me okay cool sorry i didn’t mean to mess up what we were trying to do you’re free you’re free be free you don’t even care that you’re free is there something up there hold on [Applause] ah what the f [ __ ] was that noise

Hello whoa oh it’s the top of the jail thing i just oh i’m slipping slowly through and i can’t move can i get caught in a spiderweb is that what’s happening to me am i getting caught in a spider web this is how i go is this the way i die oh hello

Hello help okay let me out of the spider web drop me safely on the ground thank you this is wild how did you guys know that there was a secret underneath the carpet wait is it daytime wait is the sun setting or rising rising i didn’t know either how did you know that

My head is empty too it’s okay that is f i there’s gotta be more things like that around in minecraft right wait is the sun setting or rising the sun is setting the sun is setting the sun is sitting the sun is setting the sun is not rising the sun is setting

Back to the creepy [ __ ] igloo please make it daytime again i’m going back over this hill was there another igloo i don’t know that’s the only one i found so far i think this is so weird so like when people play on servers and stuff are they just like all building like a

Big town together or something or is everybody just kind of doing their own thing i assume the possibilities are really endless whoa murder each other no hello Big cave Will there always be snow when minecraft or am i just lucky to get the snow oh i don’t i don’t know how to go that way out it’s just the biome you spawned in wow what other type of biomes are there like a sand one and like a desert jungle

Shut the [ __ ] up that is so cool oh [ __ ] i like that it seems my little thing running in the top left corner you see me running hey now that i have an iron sword do you think i can beat this water tower people or what no oh no

Oh [ __ ] am i that weak are those people that strong polar bear scared me what a cool little vibey game you need to eat oh oh there we go can you die of starvation i assume yes what else would that be a thing no oh my mode is normal mode

I don’t even think i’m on easy mode i think i’m on normal mode i cannot believe i got a snow biome of all the biomes i could have got i hate the snow it’s pretty like i hate it in real life i don’t hate it in this game

In hardcore mode i don’t want to be in hardcore mode i want to have a nice time i know i would not have a nice time if i was in hardcore mode they are mtg pants yes they’re my favorite pants ever what the [ __ ] is that what is that do you see that

Whoa what is that there’s a chest in front of it golden leggings and golden boots there’s so much stuff in here i can put on new pants okay i guess uh cool what is flint what’s obsidian obsidian is a gem but what do you do with this stuff

You finish the portal what portal hang on i had to put on my new outfit how do i do that e yes oh my god i’m beautiful i’m so fancy holy [ __ ] i look so sick oh is this not can you not get this not ready to learn the secrets of the

Portal is this a portal what do you mean yes i am i’m ready i’m really ready to figure out the secrets of the portal yes i am shut up you don’t know me i’m always god this takes forever to get out of the ground whatever hey what’s this

Wow this is like a portal thing do you like put it together oh you build it you build it so i gotta find more obsidian to build what the hell is that ow oh i stepped on it it’s bad to step on whoa there’s a portal here

Does the portal you know what don’t tell me where the portal takes me i don’t want to know i want to finish it though hey there’s a cave up up up up up up up he’s up uppies up up up a duck more ducks ducks in a cave we all doing in here

Doing cave stuff the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that that actually legitimately scared me and gave me goosebumps what the [ __ ] was that what was that what was that noise i don’t have torches nothing liar i don’t want to go in there anymore i want to go away from it

I want to go to this penis in the ground this is what my world spawned all on its own there’s nothing else around this well now we know we had the penis marker yeah jesus christ there goes the nice music again hey do you see that oh it’s a village oh wait

I think i’ve already been there yeah have i heard you been there was a reflection of you i wouldn’t have made that obscene obstruct obstruction i like this world whoa Big cave stuff down there like a big crater They’re so wild i want pets whoa oh no the sun is setting we go back to the village oh the sun is setting you can literally see the sun set that is so wild is this as fast as i can go this is as fast as i can go Wait i’m not ready i’m not ready for the sun to set help help help oh come on wait is this a new village oops wake up is this a new village this is a new village i just heard a cat meow wait you may not rest now there are monsters nearby

There we go this is a new village how cool oops wait i need to eat bread oh wait okay i haven’t even died yet i cannot believe how how rare be honest how rare is it to see villagers doing it and then making a baby does that happen pretty often or is that

Like kind of like you have to be at the right place right time or what iron cool not rare if they have food nearby they just need food to get freaky that’s it ow no get die jesus christ say just like regular people that’s how you get freaky you just gotta

Get some food i’m doing this wrong the whole time wait no this is the same village i went wait a minute because look here the llama here’s the person with the llamas wait no this is a different one hey sand daisy bucket of tropical fish

I forgot i had emeralds but i don’t know where i put them what do you think people go to eat on dates oh my god that makes so much sense actually red that makes a ton of sense i’m actually going to put away these swords i’m never gonna use again

And a bunch of other [ __ ] i’m not gonna use i really like my pants i don’t wanna die because i like my pants you know gotta get energy before you sin that makes so much sense what the [ __ ] are you doing hey can you make me a potion i have a basement

Yeah right yeah that thing can you make me one there’s somebody in my basement that i need to take care of are you doing it huh did you make it huh no get off no i need you to make me a potion you’re not even listening to me whatever

Keep being weird in your house i guess my eyes i thought this was a good christian minecraft server are you married please tell me you’re married are you married what is this a poisonous potato were you guys doing acid and then you banged and you made a baby there you are

Hello child welcome to earth so happy to have you here you look just like your parents these people just bang and farm and that’s it and that’s how they live their life just banging and farming what a life hello kitty are you sure i can’t defeat those people

Yeah that really doesn’t sound too bad does it wake up make baby real quick protect village at night from evil skeletons next day do it all again so do okay so another question do all so all the villagers look the same right is that because of my

My bio my spawn like do y’alls villagers look different than mine depends on the biome oh my god it scared me oh we’re back in what is that over there do you see that big old thing sticking straight up i think it’s a tree but i can’t tell they wear different clothes different

Types of villagers that is so cool so these these are what mine look like because of my biome that’s so cool that is so neat how neat is that up up i’m just kind of ex hey look there’s a cave you want to go in the cave

Unless your hair reminds me of rogue from x-men evolution hope you have a great day hey thank you i get that a lot actually i hope you good day too bryson happy birthday oh thank you unless you’re doing it for the me that everybody does but it’s close enough to

My actual birthday that i’ll accept the happy birthday wish thanks thanks for the reset too bryson 10 months god damn this is a deep [ __ ] oh oh it’s so it’s dark i don’t think i want to go in there i don’t think i’m good enough to go in caves yet they kind of

Scare me a little bit you know i don’t know who anna paquin is we do another cooking stream for birthday i’m actually doing a cooking stream genuinely in like two weeks you hear that noise oh right iron robot six months welcome back and a new batch thank you very much i appreciate it

Oh yeah okay so i need torches you make torches at crafting table yes Uh ow nice pillars i don’t know first in the bed tab oh right here right i made torches so give me this [ __ ] back there we go oh there’s like [ __ ] underneath like grass Okay so i put up those torches they’ll stay i don’t know what two by two inventory means whoa look at this sticking it from the ground you say forever no go out okay cool look at this do you guys see this i’m running don’t worry Are these igloos What are these whoa ice spikes Wow i should have kept a bet on me it’s my own fault for not ice towers ice pillars it’s like the music changed with it too do you hear the music now oh is it about to be dark [ __ ] the sun is what the [ __ ] is that look at that over there okay wait we have to hang on well this is all easily broken oh wait uh okay okay okay okay all right okay okay we live in the ice hole now oh wait you

Know what hold on time to do my new thing torches let there be light in the house hell yeah okay oh oh i took it down i didn’t mean to do that i’ll put it back up don’t worry i wanted my house to be a little bit bigger there we go

There we go somebody’s growling outside i want big vaulted ceilings oh god you know your home just feels roomier when there’s big vaulted ceilings i’m in a house i made a little house wow this is so nice how cool tried it recently and didn’t get hit glad i was enjoying it though i

Am just vibing [ __ ] the fact that they’re [ __ ] like the dungeon that we found with this mad scientist type of [ __ ] that is what very much interests me excuse me ma’am i think i am lost did i come to the right stream possibly possibly not jadavis

Welcome back thank you for the visa but i know it’s not magic the other ring but i appreciate you very much oh i can make a trapdoor oh wait that’s what i found with okay okay we’re gonna craft while we’re in here to buy to to wake off some time okay

This is the piss corner also the crafting corner we need to make oh the piss bucket i can’t make a bed i need i need to i need to steal a bed from a village next time oh sheers yeah yeah so we don’t have to kill the sheep

Can i i can’t sell anything for money can i like i don’t want like iron bar like what can i throw away realistically right wait let’s make our house beautiful real quick i would like some how do i put this cactus down can i not when we put it on a stand

You put it in a pot dumb we have coal we want all of like our dirt and stuff right we have a golden apple i don’t need this huh oh here’s a flower pot this just makes me want to build an actual house so i can decorate it really cutely

Oh i love it okay i need to eat some food because i’m kind of hungry and then i need to what do you do with rotten flesh can i throw that away i don’t need a poisonous potato flint and steel i need to make another pickaxe because mine is about to die so

I need more cobblestone but i built my house with it i could put dirt instead right that’s what i need to do i need to take the cobblestone back and put dirt instead that’s what i need to do okay that makes sense oh that one fell out that’s okay all right and then

Make a stone pickaxe and then i have a pickaxe yay i don’t want this potato get it away from me can just no whatever it’ll just it’ll just stay there the classic dirt hut i like it i think it looks good i put a little torch in here and everything get that back

Put all this stuff away out of my face there’s a lot of carpet i can like put out yeah you can be like a hoe but i think that’s for gardening and then something else i want it to be daytime though what my skyrim house look like i bought

The one in windhelm i think and i adopted two girls in skyrim i think they were both from windhelm too god it’s still night time okay takes forever we had an axe but that’s like for trees and stuff right wait i gotta pick my cactus back up yeah

I don’t want to lose it um i don’t want that i can just stay over there yeah i can stay over there too trouble dig dirt better than pickaxes is that what is that it is it a creeper immense a day 10 minutes of night it’s really 10 minutes

There’s no way i guess i’ve been live for three and a half hours that’s why that’s why beds are so important oh it’s about to be daytime what the [ __ ] what the hell was that what was that noise oh no thank you go away you’re not welcome here

We have to go out this way i mean we don’t have to but that’s the way i’m gonna go okay well cool neat fun i like it the creepers are coming well your car’s extended warranty oh wait i saw something over here didn’t i that i wanted to go look at

[ __ ] it was in the sky that thing right there what the [ __ ] is that do you see that is that anything before i make my way all the way over there it looks like a house in the sky doesn’t it i want to go to it what is that

It’s like a big like waterfall thing any new biomes there’s like ice pillars oh it hasn’t fully loaded yet oh it’s a glitch but there’s also like a cave over there you see that like right in front oh it’s a floating island not a glitch so you can’t get up there huh

Just how it works sometimes can you get up there can you swim up there oh there’s water wait oops i don’t want to get in the water do i have to get in the water oh we can go that way i did not want to get in the water

Get me get me out get me out how do you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god i hated that oh my god i hated that oh my god i hated that okay this is another question i have are there bad things in the water that can

Kill you i hate water i hate it just drowning how do you get up there here we go [Laughter] oh you gotta like aim it i don’t think i know how to do this but it’s good to know that you can i guess i am pressing spacebar i’m holding it oh

What the [ __ ] oh no oh no please don’t drop me oh out of the way wait i just pressed how do you get up all the way oh my god oh i don’t want to do it anymore i actually don’t want to can i get back down

What happens if i how do i get back down like this oh my god oh my god oh my god i want down i went down i went down i went down i went well i guess we live here now okay okay we did it we’re okay there are cows in here

Wait what is this a mushroom ouch really i made it all the way up that thing and the fall damage is gonna get me there i disagree so am i in a new biome because there’s no more snow Ooh should we make our house here should we make this our home wait right like right here oh my god stop like right here oh my ax broke but i made a new one so it’s okay let’s make this our house area a house so like when we wake up like

This is what we look at do you like that or do we want to look at this no like right here okay okay we’re gonna get oh wait i need more stone yeah like right here and like this is what we look at what is that is that a cow

What are you molding for shovel for dirt oh it breaks faster on the okay yeah this is going to be our home i ch i have decided also i need to throw this [ __ ] away i don’t care about in the water get out get out yeah drown forever hey another shape

Wait i can try to shear the sheep for a bed because i just made shears You’re naked you poor thing you poor thing i’m sorry wait let’s build our house before i get distracted stop okay that’s so [ __ ] funny okay oh wait [Applause] [Laughter] uh here we go okay making a house okay oh we need more stone i guess i gotta carve out the inside of our house anyways so that’ll work i want big vaulted ceilings it makes your house feel roomier same thing with curtains you want your

Curtains not right above your window you want them slightly next or slightly as close to the ceiling as you can get them so your house feels bigger i learned that on a tip on the internet okay sharp hi bill okay so how do you do this there we go

How do you make a door oh come here let me show you that’s so great that’s so great there we go okay this is my house kind of hang on okay this is where my door is gonna go when you come in i need to find some trees um

I don’t think there’s any trees near me holy [ __ ] there’s so many sheep in this area come here i can make a bed if i shear you right yeah give me that i did this streak welcome back i appreciate that a lot thank you

For the resub okay can i make a bed now wait this is gonna have to be our door for right now because i don’t have one and then i have torches oh my god hold up i’m about to make the best house in the whole wide world oh my god yay Cute when you discover siri you realize anything is possible yeah this is so neat okay so okay we have to put our crafting table down we should so like when you come in like this or where be the door will be and then i want this is where i want my

Bed to be so we should craft like we should make a hole for crafting like we should make a room this way for crafting oh that’s to the outside no no okay yes like this and then this is where crafting will go okay and then oh i can hear the creepy

Creepers and i have to eat bread cause i’m hungry right and then okay so you right click it oh how do you okay i need i need oak planks i have the wool i’ll have a brown bed wait can i put down the carpet that i stole from that igloo

We’re gonna have carpet in our [ __ ] house shut up [ __ ] okay are you ready are you ready where should we put the carpet i have nine squares this will be our this will be oh my god this is our this is our bed area okay and then what else and then

Can you like where’s my cactus can i put my cactus down in our new house okay so this is where our bed’s gonna go oh whoops did i just ruin it oh no i didn’t it’s right there and then we put our cactus in there You can’t place a bed on carpet moving the carpet the carpet will be the entrance then can you make wallpaper cause it’s ugly in here okay so here’s where the door will be okay oh no wallpaper what the hell kind of game hold up we need to make our ceilings bigger oh god Oh great weapons oh great happens that’s scary they know i’m in here we have a little cactus that we stole from the dungeon okay so i have some carpet that i also stole um what happens to villagers when they reach their teens they grow cubic hair oh hello let me

I love having torches it’s so nice being able to see this is amazing okay so this is where my bed will go if i had one and then this is where my door will go when it’s eventually time to make a door god it’s still [ __ ] night time

Can they come in if i have this little tiny gap can people get in there or no or am i okay to leave that open so this is fine to have i have enough brown wool i don’t have enough oak they can shoot oh i can put the iron bar there oh stop

I’m in jail we’re making jail windows hang on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay good yeah no this definitely feels like a home definitely not a prison cell it definitely feels like hey okay here’s my next question how am

I supposed to remember where my house is we’re in baby jail how am i supposed to remember where i’ve done this at because i work way too hard to lose my house i don’t want to lose it by remembering i can’t even do that make a map oh i have to

I need to how sweet detroit home i hang on what do i do with this mushroom james i don’t know what punching chunks means but look at my house this is my cactus uh when i it becomes nighttime i’m gonna get a door this is the piss corner and this is our

Crafting table these are my vaulted ceilings my 10-foot vaulted ceilings and i need to make a bed it’s not a jail cell don’t say that it’s a home it’s not jail it’s a home and we love it here this is where we live this is what the

Attic looks like for you guys this is actually kind of nice this is what you complain about also this is carpet that i stole where’s the door i don’t have any wood it became nighttime before i could make a door so i have to get wood when it’s

Daytime in a minute but you haven’t seen my view yet hold on you haven’t seen the view yet oh you’re right carpet in the well we gotta trap into flavor you know there’s a kind oh i took them you like my sweatpants thank you i like them too

Okay so what else do you have in a minecraft home a bed a crafting table what else stop growling a morgan a furnace so i’ll put the furnace right here no no i will put the furnace right here wait i will put the furnace right here this actually is not our

Bedroom it’s gonna be our living room i changed my mind we need to make a bedroom area i want a big grand bedroom this will be our hallway where you go to the bedroom you go down this way to go to the bedroom and then right here will be our bedroom area

Can a bed fit in here okay so like you come into the house right ding dong hello can you put art there that would be a good place for some art where does chat live in the in the dungeon i found earlier underneath the secret trap door

And then this would be our bedroom wait we need big vaulted ceilings i refuse to not have vaulted ceilings Oh my god i went to the outside hello oh it’s daytime so it’s okay there we go oh hang on all right so you come in right you come in to the house furnace okay you hear they’re making a minecraft movie with jason mamoa it’s gonna be a blockbuster

Oh i get it huh oh i get it haha all right it’s daytime we can leave jail hello holy [ __ ] wait why are they not dead why are there so many awful things outside still i don’t i don’t want to join any anything yet anything you asking

Do i have to kill them why is the spider still alive anyways this is my view so you come out of the house look we have our own private pond god there’s a lot of sheep in this area and then we have the ocean right over here and i hate the ocean

Oh more sheep [Applause] where did he come from what the hell what the [ __ ] is that over there are those horses oh my god zombie oh my god are those horses stop wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we need to find a tree we

Immediately we immediately hold on i need to eat my bread cause i’m hungry how do i get my hearts back look at that zombie in there in the water oh i got rid of the saddle i need to go pillage a village i also need wood for my door anyways right

It’ll start going up now okay can i kill that thing is that thing gonna kill me do you think i can kill it yes or no or is it gonna hurt me idiot idiot zombie idiot [ __ ] swimming zombie okay good excellent card uh thank you for the raid i appreciate

That a lot have you seen the new magic update how sick is this hello everybody welcome if you’re new here my name is voxy i actually mainly play magic the gathering but i’m trying minecraft for the very first time in my whole life today and i just built my house you wanna see

It this is my private island this is my pond and then this is the ocean and then you come into the house i just built this okay i know this looks like prison but it’s not it’s very homey i’m about to get some wood to make a door you come in

And then this is the crafting table and the piss corner and this is where i’m going to put a furnace when i get a furnace and this is where my bedroom is going to be and this is my capsule you got its graphics upgraded it did exactly

Thank you for the rate i appreciate that a lot i’m sorry sheep i was trying to shear you i’m sorry that’s my fault there are horses over there we need to find we need to find wood thank you for the raid i appreciate that i know it’s not magic but i’m doing so

I’ve never played minecraft a day in my life so i’m learning also i saw horses over there are animals everywhere over here this is amazing so if this is a new magic update are we doing cube’s wrap exactly this is cube draft wait where did the horses go

Or says wait there’s a secret pond dude i think i picked the right area to have my house okay we need to go find wood that’s our goal we need to build a door we need wood and we need a furnace what else do we need there’s too much

Water i don’t want to get in the water i picked a bad can i make a path oh wait there was a path this way just kidding i am having fun no no no no water no thank you ew there are fish in the water

Gross we need to go find wood this is sand i think there are no trees on this island why are there no trees on this island that looks like it would have trees over there a sapling no i think i just threw a bunch of stuff out because i didn’t know what

It how are those still alive it’s daytime shouldn’t those things be dead i don’t understand ow okay that looks like trees there we go there’s some trees okay okay so i need to get some trees and i need to go find a village i need to steal their [ __ ]

I need i need a chest and i need it’s a pig and i need what else oh don’t let me forget where my house is please don’t let me forget where my house is what is that over there’s a flower pretty flower can i have a flower garden

Can you have a flower garden what is this is this a mushroom what the [ __ ] is this that’s so weird okay oh tree i need i need all the wood i can get okay all right okay we have this is this where my house was god look at that island over there

Whoa what is that pumpkins are these pumpkins what is this they are pumpkins oh dirt there’s pumpkins on this island there’s so much stuff on this island what the [ __ ] why are those trees red i’m gonna get lost don’t stop i’m gonna get lost i have to go back to build my door

I don’t have any windows okay i need to find a village because i need to rob them i need their windows i need their chests i need a saddle what else do i need whoops did i just climb a tree by accident okay okay good i need to make a pick at

Another pickaxe anyways wow oh we can share these sheep they’re making i like making them nakey because i think it’s funny okay so where did my house go i think it was this way right yeah over here oh oh god ow more sheep I cannot believe it took me a thousand it rains in minecraft sheep animated 29 months whoa listen to it listen to the rain sounds i love that here’s my house this is some asmr thank you for the recent type of [ __ ] can i make a door now

Wait how do i make my bed how do i not have enough wood i just went got so much wood shield no pumpkin pie i need oak wood plank oh i just had to turn it into planks [ __ ] uh hold on i know how to do that i know how to do that

Um you do this yes you go like this you like my pants and my shoes i’m so fashionable right now oh my god i made a bed i made a bed i made a bed i made a bed i made a bed oh my god to the bedroom

How do you put it down all right i don’t like the brown but that’s just what i sheared so that’s what we got yay i need to put a torch in here because it’s dark i want my room to be lit up and beautiful there we go big ceilings for our bedroom

Is it night time or is it just raining okay i need to make a door now let me put that there just in case okay how do i make a door flat what does fletching mean wait a furnace you guys said i needed a furnace oh wait that’s not that it’s this

It’s my kitchen oh my god can i put this mushroom here it’s my kitchen and i’m making mushroom soup wait i actually have soup in my inventory how do i put no i don’t want to eat it put it down can you not put you can’t put soup down

Can you put this down no [Laughter] wait i want to make it all hold on i changed my mind give me this okay and then they take oh oh my pickaxe broke i need to make a new pickaxe uh i need more sticks god you have to have a lot of sticks for

Everything okay and then pickaxe okay so i’m gonna do okay and then we kill this and i kill this and kill this get my mushroom back and then i want to put it so it matches right like that you see how it matches now and it has like a backsplash this is

It’s backsplash that’s why it’s different textures okay wait oh my god you know what i’m doing the whole thing like it okay we take this out let me do it like this no i don’t like that i don’t want this down okay and then we put it like this oh

[ __ ] that looks so good oh that looks so good it is like a backsplash okay we have to change the whole thing to make it match or i’m gonna lose my mind what’s that quote from if you don’t let me get out this house and make it my own

I’m gonna lose my mind that’s how i feel right now oh that’s to the outside not good okay okay yeah we take all this dirt away right yes all of the dirt goes away get away okay and then like this looks really good this is my little

Station when you come in i feel like i should make it a little bit deeper but we’re gonna figure that out in a minute i cannot have dirt walls in my house they’re ugly and i will not stand for it no ugly in this house

I need i need i need windows i cannot live in jail like this i hate that there are iron barks on my house i hate that okay and then we have to build back up before we get absolutely [ __ ] obliterated by something oh oh i heard the creeper get away

Okay right yes oh my god it’s working it’s working and then this was right here because i wanted like a little entryway now on the ground now on the [ __ ] ground round oh can you not do it because of carpet okay i’ll move the carpet there ground

Yes okay and then one here and then and then like this so like i’ll have a door here and then when you walk in right i’m gonna put a plant here and a plant here i need to get another cactus i need to find another dungeon there’s dirt everywhere get this dirt

Off of here oh my inventory is full i need to make a chest can i make a chest at this crafting table oh i haven’t even i haven’t even looked at y’all in a minute hey how’s it going i’m sorry i kind of went on a tangent there are you okay

I kind of forgot i think i just had an episode i don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on i’m deep in this sauce hey Are you [ __ ] kidding me oh wait a chest this is what i need more than anything in the whole white world okay we’re making a chest first and then oh okay all right okay okay okay okay then take this out and then put the chest in

So for those of you wondering what is some stream with no life i told you this wouldn’t be a good time because i’m just kind of in my own world this is so cool i’m gonna put my chest in my bedroom okay god i hear the creepers outside

We’re gonna put the chest in the bedroom where did it go oh i can’t pick it up because i have too much [ __ ] not a good time a fantastic time [Laughter] i ate a bunch of beetroot soup come on give me the chest oh wait i have to put the mushrooms down

Because this is my kitchen you will not know it’s my kitchen if there are no mushrooms on the kitchen table there we go now you know it’s a kitchen right you get it you get it maybe you should put all these torches up that looks really good okay

Okay i’ll be okay i want her my bedroom and then just for right there just because i need room i have a bowl can i put this down please let me put the bowl down are you kidding what can you do with a bowl i want to i want it in the kitchen

What do you mean i live down here this is where i want to live throw it on the ground oh is it cute there we go okay the chest is going in my room okay thank god okay let’s put some [ __ ] in here i don’t need my new pants some wool

Some nuggets i don’t know what that is why are these cracked weird okay so rotten flesh i want to make a flower bed too also by the way what do i not need like potatoes and [ __ ] i don’t need this bowl we’ll be spawning after a while i just

Needed to get them out of my inventory to move things around though right i don’t need the shears right now because i already have my bed so i don’t need that right now i have enough dirt i need do i put away the pumpkins put away the apples put them

Mossy stone bricks hold up what do these look like This changes everything this changes everything this changes everything we have to get more moxie stone pricks i will not settle for anything less i have to have mossy stone prints in the entrance of my house oh my god where did they go ah okay

Oh my god is it daytime oh i think it’s been day time it’s still raining oh my god duh okay all right okay here’s what oh wait i need to make a door did wasn’t that the whole point of all of this how do you make a door

Railing let me do the railing stone cutter a bucket this is not wallpaper are you sure this looks like wall i thought i heard something this looks like wallpaper ugh all right so hold on i need to make i need a door you can make a fence oh my there’s mossy cobblestone

Oh my god you can make carpet you need like dies and stuff a jungle fence gate we need to get more wood wait we have to make it first of all stop we have to make a door we have to make a door we have to make a door

I usually just lurk with a spark i’m so into this right now cobblestone like wait shut the [ __ ] up like the ground oh they’re half walls Cats let’s get this off cats thank you i appreciate that half walls they’re half walls oh get out of here whoever you are creepy creeper hold on okay all right that makes a lot of sense okay get this up get this out of here this i can’t get over how good my

Kitchen looks i’m so excited okay so okay all right okay stop getting me distracted we need to make a door every trip through the crafting table takes us further and further from the door we need time out no more looking at anything i’m making a door no matter what i’m making a door

There’s paintings there’s bed where where are the doors in in what tab items nature i assume items the [ __ ] is a hopper i’m not gonna ask never mind i’m not going to ask we need more planks all right i can do that [ __ ] uh okay there’s a search option pretty search option

Just tell me where the door is furnace table crafting table bed bowl oak button glass middle top wait sorry what is it oh magnify oh oh here we go we can make an oak door i need more wood planks or i would need a lot of iron holy crap

Okay so we need more oak um it’s is it daytime i actually cannot tell i don’t think that it’s daytime maybe it is all right we can just sleep to make it day that makes a lot of sense yeah you can only sleep at night okay so it is daytime

We’re gonna go get more wood we never rested at the bed oh right is that a problem oh right because if we don’t then i will look at how nice my house is on the inside oh we did oh rest okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right we’re good

We need to go get some wood we’re gonna make a door excellent i think it was over this little hump right here how long will it rain for it’s been raining for like two days oh i forgot to make an axe that’s okay i’ll do it when i go back

I like the rain You’re still nakey Here’s some tree i cannot believe i can reach that high up that is wild to me okay i got a lot of wood i don’t know if i have enough but i’m already out here so i may as well pick up some more hey here’s that tree i was like getting down Here’s one This music is the best music ever this is like this has some of the best vibe music i’ve ever heard i wish it would stay sometimes it goes away there it goes hey it stopped raining Oh fun I also want to go over there because there’s red trees i’ve never seen before weird island in the sky we like try to climb up i’m gonna make an axe i’m gonna make an axe i gotta be a door first all right door before anything i have ruined so

Much by not making this door okay all right door e oh wait no tab there we go oh i need to make um hold up i need to make planks okay and then e no oh wait Hey why there wait does that look great how come like this iron doesn’t like the wood door as correct as visual so this is still okay then we have a door did that take me 35 minutes to do yeah maybe it did but look at my kitchen backsplash

And tell me this isn’t like the iron stone kitchen of your dreams i have to put more stuff wait can i plant these flowers outside Oh my god i can make it beautiful no way oh my god okay i’ll be right back home oh wait it’s dark already i have not been doing that for 10 minutes i want to move this flat can i have this i need the best flowers oh it’s nighttime f

We might never see magic again and look now that we have a bed we can just zoom into daytime ta-da and now it’s daytime again yeah okay look it’s my private pond do you guys like where i put my house be honest i like it

I think it looks really good i i dig it i feel like like very hermity but like also kind of close to things at the same time you know oh i forgot to make a pickaxe oh well we’ll do that later or an axe that’s true every pond is my private

Pond but there are villages in their villagers in my world so there are people in the world you know need to make some windows so the spiders don’t come in those gaps yeah i need to that’s so we’re on a mission right now to find a village to rob and steal from

We’re on the way to robbing this is finally actually a good christian minecraft stream it is welcome to good christian minecraft server also i saw like two different people say for me to hit alt f4 and i need to tell you guys something do not speak the ancient text to me

Small minecraft children okay i have been around for far too long to fall for your [ __ ] alright if anything you’re gonna fall for something i say you just [ __ ] wait all right you just [ __ ] wait i was here when the text was written all right oh my god more beautiful flowers from my

House give me also as usual mods are ever the best in my whole life thank you is this water it is it’s like a shower shallow puddle though oh maybe not oh god bless oh god bless nevermind oh there’s a swap oh oh my god a witch right that’s a witch

Can i defeat the witch yes or no yeah okay i’m gonna get her whoa look at this mushroom tree that is so cool i want mushroom trees around my house i’m gonna get you ow did i kill wait how do i get poison off of me

Oh my god poison how do you get poison off me there’s a cat here does bread help i’m gonna die i’m gonna die oh please oh please i can’t look i can’t look i looked at the place suck my butt witch can i have your cat hi gg

Tank the poison pog tank the poison i need to make a fishing pole this is a house wait a minute oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it’s a witch’s [ __ ] cottage are you joking wait can i make a fishing pole while i’m here whoa it’s a witch’s house

How do you make a fishing pole equipment shove oh right i need to make an axe cause everybody’s yelling at me okay i gotta i gotta make an axe there we go okay and a shovel not with iron though my iron is too precious oh where do you get string from

A mushroom plant oh give it to me give it to me where’d it go did i get it did i knock it down give me that i think i just got a mushroom plant oh i didn’t mean to do that that was accident okay more flowers there’s witches huts they have little huts

There’s so much sheep around here too whoa Do you have levels am i a level right now you have levels in minecraft or no Look it’s like a big ocean Level three oh that’s not the three is that where the three is look there’s the beach you can hear me stepping on sand you can hear the sand Good Whoa this is like covered in like vines how many which cottages are out here can i kill everybody wait here’s a beautiful flower don’t forget to keep track of your house oh [ __ ] you’re right where am i i think if i go directly that way i should be at it i think

I should probably head back that way actually my house is not gone my house is not gone don’t say that don’t say that i can head back to it trust me i know where to go puppies how can i get a cat how can i get the

Witch’s cat i killed the witch i want her cat i need fish easy no no stop she’s on my mouse [ __ ] i don’t know where i’m going i got all turned around just now grab the cat with fish oh my god i think i’m lost hi

You can sit on my lap that’s okay i need food there we go hi i’m all turned around i don’t know where i’m going oh wait yeah here’s the sand that i walked on hello baby i think it’s over here isn’t it [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is my house i’m lost

Oh i’m so lost there are [ __ ] sharks in minecraft get me out of the water oh hell no i’m so lost wait can we find the witch’s cottage that would help right oh my god no i’m lost easy you got me all turned around oh i’m so lost oh great heavens

I think i’m going the right way too but it’s about to be nighttime yeah there’s the floating island oh my god that’s it it’s over there right that’s how we know where our house is that’s amazing that’s how we can figure out where our house is the floating island

Oh it’s night time though oh please don’t kill me before i make it back hmm Help help help help help help [Applause] ah no no don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me oh my god oh my god there are spiders why am i going so slow i can’t run why oh my god there’s a witch i’m sorry i killed your friend earlier

No i got poison i’m gonna die i’m dead there’s no way there’s my house too there it is there it is Please [Laughter] Gaming [Applause] we did it yeah oh oh they’re burning good [ __ ] you how come how come okay i need to eat food that’s why i’m gonna die hang on um first of all hold on can you put a flower pot on this no it has to go on the ground or so

Are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me right now hold on i love it i love it i love it i love it It looks so good all right okay so i’m gonna die i need to eat food do i have any or wait i put some potatoes in my chest oh i have apples too oops here we go and so over time it’ll put me back up to full health can you eat pumpkin oh

Actually can you yeah i think so look at my new mushroom pot that i stole from the witch’s cottage stupid witch thanks for the oh it scared me thanks for the free pot to put my mushroom in not the weed kind okay we need to find a village that is

What i’m trying to do i need to find a village okay i need a village let’s try going this way for the village so we can steal their stuff oh there’s like little caverns over there yeah find a village well i’ve already found three so those things that diamond stuff that

I found earlier what level pickaxe would i have needed to have mined it Iron okay what is that What is that is that the portal or is it something different what is that what is that what is that what that is This is a different one There’s a chest there’s iron nuggets are these good and gold horse armor and a golden axe wow this chest has a lot of stuff in it wow it’s beautiful look it matches my shoes and my pants i need a gold top i got a golden axe there’s a little chest

What the [ __ ] just hit me oh i stepped on magma just kidding that’s my own fault um okay we’re gonna eat pumpkin oh can i not eat pumpkin i have to make pumpkin pie i need eggs and sugar do i have to kill please say no

Do i have to kill the chickens for the eggs would i eat raw pumpkin maybe in minecraft i would i don’t have to kill them okay good i just want them to lay them yeah vegan minecraft wow these are huge sunflowers they’re my favorite flowers give me these how pretty and some tulips

Oh nice get me out of the [ __ ] water i hate god damn it i hate the water god i need a village that’s my island there are a bunch of cows over here i need to find a village or something it won’t in the swamp at all are you sure

That’s my house over there um if there are no villages in the swamp how the [ __ ] do i find a village oh get me out of the water gross that’s not my house are you sure it’s the floating island you should be able to fast travel to your house

This seems incredibly out of place oh there be lava there i don’t want to die because i have good items i think my items are good anyways i have a golden horse saddle how hard is it to get a golden horse saddle it’s hard isn’t it oh my god more pretty flowers oh

Are you sure that’s not my house okay well then we need to find the house right is that my house the [ __ ] is my house are you sure are you sure we’re not lost you think it’s left i feel like we’ve been going right the whole time though right

There are b are these mean are bees mad are bees mean there are bees in minecraft no oh my god hi hey what’s oh my god wait wait here here here how do i give it more it loves me come on b we’re going home oh my god

We have to find the house b where do we go can we ride the bee again not at full health oh yeah i have lowish health oh my god the sun is setting are you positive i swear my house is this way i thought i don’t have any more food oh

Okay i ate the rotted flesh you said it was food i’m lost It’s nighttime and i’m scared pretty flowers though [ __ ] we have to make a makeshift house real quick out of dirt okay hang on I don’t have any torches i don’t think oh i can make one there you go all right well this is our house for the night can i make a bed Let me see I put all the extra wool i put all the extra oh right we don’t want to because it’ll reset my spawn oh you’re right you’re right it’ll reset my spawn and i’ll lose my house for literally ever so this is where we live for the night look at my horse armor

Look at my axe this is so fun by the way i’m having a really good time i don’t know if you can tell but i’m having a really good time this is fun this is so vibey i feel so vibey george you like my axe drawers look at

My pants and my shoes too dorbz you play minecraft Do you have multiple for those of you who do play minecraft do you have multiple homes in like different places or something yeah minecraft is fun I’m trying to lure the bee but it became nighttime 300 hours one month and i haven’t played it since that reminds me of when i played stardew valley you are getting kicked out you made me lose my house earlier everybody say goodbye to the baby Also i gotta get a drink hang on I also got a salad to eat for dinner it’s a chicken caesar salad and i think it’s gonna be really good i [ __ ] hope anyways my only gripe with this game is like you can lose your house so easily it feels like kind of dressing i think it’s caesar dressing right

I think it’s caesar dressing what does f3 do missed the birthday stream because new job but happy belated birthday i’m glad to have some time off to watch you play a new and fun game voxi hi voxy hi thank you for the reason thank you for the happy birthday wish i appreciate that

Whoa hold up i had to put my dressing on also it’s [ __ ] splooged on my pants okay look gotta mix it all up hey brooke what months welcome back i appreciate that i thought we tried f3 and nothing came out of it it’s still night time f3 is not working

I did it i pushed it i have no coordinates i’m playing on hard mode i’m a minecraft hard mode player apparently i don’t have a map we’re gonna have to find our house regularly i bet we can find it we’re in like the general right area we’re looking for a

We’re looking for a big floating island in the sky by going to my game settings i don’t want to do hardcore mode that sounds like an awful time i don’t want to restart a bunch of times i just want to have my cute house every people are still trying to do the

Ulta 4 thing you are literal children do not speak the ancient texts of all f4 to me i was there when it was written you [ __ ] oh my god It just i can’t believe that is still going with like the youth today you know i cannot believe that it’s still a thing that people are trying to do to other people today still Oops that was my bad might be there we go it’s daytime are we okay all right mission get as high as possible not on drugs terrain wise and look for the floating island i swear maybe it’s back that way I have to kill this pig for food don’t i i’m sorry I’m gonna die if i don’t i apologize hey turn around slowly okay what about over there does that look correct This is not it this area is not it i do not know this area at all i think that i think it’s over this way right so they started to smoke no don’t we’re going this way i just want to be home again huh yeah there it was next to a swamp and

There was a big stone area like separating the like maybe this is it right there’s a lot of stone to separate this side how do you get over that way this way we can find it i know we can what is that oh my god i’m sorry i don’t know no no no

No please i’m still alive i’m still alive where am i going help no i have i hear i get a i hear i have a good horror movie scream voice do i have to kill the sheep for food to not die oh sorry sheep wait come here i’m sorry sheep

I need your meat just get rid of that right now okay i oh my god okay i think we should go that way right does that look right to you i think so oh there are oh those are dolphins i thought those were sharks hey look a pig come here i’m sorry

I’m sorry i don’t want to lose i don’t want to die all right now my health will start to regen right since my thing is all the way up there we go oh my god i think we’re going this way i think this is the way this looks like

A swamp wait a minute isn’t that where you need to go the swamp way oh my [ __ ] god that scared the a swamp we’re headed in the right direction we’re headed in the right direction i think i think oh i think it’s over the hill wait um i think this is the way

Did i win amy i’m so [ __ ] lost right now my only mission is to find my house again we’re lost together but i’m so lost right now but amy you’ll get to see my house if we make it back to the house it’s raining again fun nice asmr

I really think that’s it doesn’t that look like that’s it that looks like it doesn’t it that really looks correct i’m sorry pig i’m sorry you know i don’t like killing animals so i wouldn’t do it unless i had to i really feel like that’s my house i’m almost positive

No it’s not jail it’s got a homey feel to it right my house doesn’t look like jail does it it has a very rustic feeling to it oh my god wait how do you get on the horse i have horse outfit how how how how

I don’t have a saddle i have horse armor [ __ ] okay fine i got excited all right fine i need to find a saddle there are two horses here cute am i going the right way oh my god is that it we did it we [ __ ] did it we made it home

Let’s we made it home and there’s a bone here we did it all right high five we made it home you want to see my house okay wait don’t look let me do something first uh hang on not yet don’t look yet don’t like it oh that’s it all right ready you walking

You shut the door behind you this is the house this is my kitchen this is my nice backsplash this is my flower pot i stole this from a witch’s cottage i murdered the witch and stole her mushroom and then and then this is the piss corner and this is the crafting table

Pack some food for the next journey i should i need to go through my whole actually inventory this is my cactus plant this is my bedroom this is my bed and this is my chest that holds all my things and this is my nice carpet see this isn’t yeah this doesn’t look like

Jail does it no this looks like a nice home she’s like this corner to you you guys didn’t have a piss corn when you were growing up like defy your parents or anything it’s called the outhouse that’s true this is my house it’s mine and i love it

It’s not done it’s still a work and it’s still a work in progress i sleep walking beating my parents clothes your parents must have loved that how can you get mad at your kids for sleepwalking and they’re closing that’s so funny i gotta do torches on the outside okay

We need to go through our inventory so we can’t eat raw pumpkin i don’t know what seeds do all this [ __ ] can be put in here do we care about the golden axe i think it just stays in there i don’t know iron nuggets

Lots of doors oh my nice i need to plant these flowers actually the bones can be put in here the carpet and then the coal and i’m gonna plant all these flowers right and then i can put up a nice window right here and now it kind of does look like jail but

That’s fine that’s okay we’re okay with that brewing stand in my house right there you go little brewing stand hey it’s the piss corner look that’s our jug of piss that we’re collecting some of you guys pee is kind of bloody i think you need to go see a doctor uh

Okay and then i want to do something in this furnace or what you should bring the doors so you can put doors on your random emergency houses that makes a lot of sense doesn’t you can cook the potatoes on the stove hold up so what do you do potato and what to

Make it cook wood like a log coal or wood i made a baked potato oh my god still no maidens though nice hey can i cook my pumpkin too or what okay that’s enough of that wait is it cooking on its own that is so cute that is so cute

Look and it’s cooking so if you wanted to stop you just take the stuff off right ah that is so fun that is so fun i have cole also is golden horse armor rare or no dang it did you hear that hello what was that

What was that why do you guys all know that noise don’t worry about it is it a creeper you guys are [ __ ] with me do i go outside what is out there i have my sword no what’s out there i don’t see anything i’m scared what is no don’t tell me what

It is is it a new monster i should just rest well whatever it was it went away Okay we need to plant all the rest of our flowers oh why are you not dying ow [ __ ] how is this thing not dying there we go god bless okay did i plant all my flowers no i have this nice tooth i’ve got one tulip okay um here

And then there’s some flower right there look at how pretty how pretty there’s so many flowers how is my health okay i need to eat this potato right and then my health will go up over time right i feel so cozy playing you feel cozy i feel cozy a cook jump

If you died in minecraft would you want twitch to be buried with you even if they were alive yeah Ta-da okay so i need to find a village that is my current goal which way do you think we should go i’ve been that way a thousand times i think we should go this way Why a village so we can rob them hi amanda how’s it going to save energy oh whoops i’ll do that next whoopsies okay so the ice pillars a little beyond them is where my house is okay so i know for a fact there’s a village on the other side of these ice pillars

Okay so there’s the floating that’s our house floating island Okay somewhere is a village i know this for a fact because i saw one monkey 28 months welcome back i appreciate that a lot thank you for 20 minutes of support all right do you see anything That’s our village or our house we’re looking for a village i see pixels too yeah there’s a polar bear because i’m in the snow snow biome run run run run run i love the way my little feet sound on sand i played minecraft once in like 2011.

This is my first time ever playing and this game is such a vibe i totally understand why you could have like a big open world where people could like be in it and like build stuff with you like that’s really cool it would probably be really cool to like

See what other people like you’re just traveling around you need sand to make a real window okay yeah but i’m also gonna steal their stuff horse i need saddles for the horses too um i’m out of food so that’s fine i wish the music would play all the time

I don’t know why it cuts off there’s like a big sand area oh it falls down hey a cave zacharies a button i just won a hack with a full art ragavan nimble pilferer in it for forty one dollars god raymond’s 41 right now thank you for

The resub i appreciate that a lot yeah i want to steal the villagers food and i want to steal all their stuff that’s my goal this would be a dirty no-good thief a little pig there’s our house right there we keep an eye on it uh this does not look like a village

This looks like a big cave how can i come up on three villages accidentally and then when i seek a village i cannot find wait what is that is there another [ __ ] portal thing it is how many of these are on my land their chest i got a shovel

I got an axe i got some pants i got a hat ooh hold up new hat oh i look sick cool i’m matching this is fashion look it up you wouldn’t understand i know though is that a house what is that where’s the music make the minecraft music come on come on villages

What is that up there do you see that oh oh it’s a horse oh they’re two horses hold up look at that over there hold on just to go see what that is you see that up there up up up up up up i kind of just went in a straight line

So if i never needed to find my house again i should just go ahead backwards look at that hello who this is it’s another portal are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me you guys told me i’m not ready to go in the portals yet but what if i wanna alright what’s in this chest hey

Oh i can’t mine it now i got the boots i got the boots oh hell yeah i finally got the boots what does flint and steel mean little gold and nuggy and a little iron nugget oh [ __ ] i had the buzani at the top [ __ ] how many of these am i gonna find

I need to kill a pig for food i’m sorry i’m gonna die if i don’t where do you see a village at in the distance oh my god but wait it’s about to be night time hold on hold on we’ll go in a minute we have to protect ourselves okay

Did i bring torches i did okay this is our house for a little bit let’s see what we can craft i can make a lantern i can make a campfire furnace chess oh weird am i crimson oh you know just doing minecraft things i don’t really know that all entails but i’m

Doing it i found my house i did i found my house in the in the past five and a half hours that i’ve played this game i have found a house i found a secret dungeon through a trapdoor i found four portals i’ve learned how to craft

I saw two people having sex and i saw a baby being born well murdered by a witch and then murdered a witch and took her stuff i found a hive of bees got attacked by them um i’m trying to figure out what each animal loves so i can coerce them to

Love me back well a lot has happened i feel like at least it feels that way it feels like a lot has happened got a bunch of dirt god you can hear the thing out there being all weird uh i got blown by a creeper

I almost died to poison but i made it back at the very last second it’s been a very successful day i feel like sir hi i was just explaining everything i found out so far about the game you just came at the end of my my explanation sir this game is wild

This is don’t look this is not my house i have built a house i actually have my own private island house don’t think for a second this is my house because it’s not i have a nice stone kitchen with a backsplash okay my little dirt box is just for right now

I have a carpet entryway i have plants that like i can decorate with i have mushrooms in my kitchen It’s so wild it’s so wild i have a piss quarter make any cat envious look i also have look at my outfit and my character kind of looks like me i’m looking for the top right now i have the gold everything else but i’m missing the top

So that is also my current goal and there’s a village in the distance that we couldn’t get to before it became nighttime so we’re gonna go rob them Oh [ __ ] wait which is the way out this way [ __ ] where am i there we go we’re just waiting for it to be daytime here we go i’ll put a window in oh there we go oh beautiful it’s only kind of like jail that’s not so bad right it could be way worse

Yeah it could be way worse yeah that’s fine can i get in or is that okay no okay perfect well then we’re just gonna watch the night sky together before it becomes daytime i’m not gonna run to the village i know what happens when you run at night nice try

Also serge are you still here you get hit by cars in the night mm-hmm yeah maybe full-time minecraft for now sure do i have a question what is with hey p.m 22 months um first time minecraft dog champ hope you’re having fun i’m having a very good time

I wish that there was a way to find my house easier and i wish that the music stayed on all the time but other than that this game is fun ask away what is the children slash the youth hyper fixation of coming in here and telling me to alt f4

As if i wasn’t there when alt f4 was literally invented no now i have three people have been telling me to all f4 you should try it you should shut the [ __ ] up what is that it’s so wild they speak the ancient text to me as if

I was not there when they were written youtube came out when i was in high school you little [ __ ] god you can hear that thing hey look at that wait can they shoot through windows or no spiders too i could stream any game in a chill i

Need like five times as many active mods when streaming minecraft that is so weird yeah i appreciate again i appreciate all the timeouts that you guys have done you were in high school in 2005 2006. isn’t that when youtube came out 2006 i was 14. oh still better than just chatting so true

Jesus christ i thought youtube came out in 2006. okay i’m wrong never mind oh also i found a cave and i found some slimes also i found diamond okay but i couldn’t get it because i had like a wood axe or something i don’t know

I couldn’t get the diamond i was too i didn’t have a i had a wood axe okay almost time we have to make a run for the for the whatever you call it oh wait oh yeah this is what you guys said to use for this all right ready go

Village village where right there ow [ __ ] also i hate fall damage serge i appreciate that a lot i can totally i was just talking about how i can totally see how much fun this would be if you had like a really good group of people like i get the whole playing by yourself

Thing it kind of reminds me of like surdu valley um but i can totally see how much fun this would be like just like coming into like the world and like just walking around like this all of a sudden like you’re on somebody’s house or something or maybe they built something weird

When will i be ready to go through the portals you guys said i’m not ready yet but i want to be ready a village whoa it’s time to rob and pillage let me in hello hi oh you can upgrade your gear in here okay it’s time to be it’s time to thieve oops

Hello i’m here to rob and steal him i heard growling for a minute um hey what do we get some obsidian iron leggings and iron in gut apparent disenchant hey this guy’s an eye patch oh he’s a weapon smith oh i left my emeralds at i left my [ __ ] emeralds what is this

It’s a rabbit hide i left my emeralds at that other village whoops i can’t steal their windows you said i need to make my own I thought it was a cookie too it’s not how’s minecraft going i think it’s going really well i feel good about my decision so far i think little sheep that lives there oh the smoker you doing weed in here little sheep in their backyard Oh thanks taker wait my minecraft hair and my actual hair i’m trying to get all your [ __ ] i’m trying to get yes i plan on getting all of the pets are you joking i need to get fish for cats because cats like uh fish like they run away from me see Okay some bread i actually could use some food oh Excuse me nice house looking good blah blah blah Wow this they have a huge like area they live in i missed the other house that had like a cute loft in it we have to put a loft in our house i just realized we have to put a loft in our house emerald we’re rich a bunch of potatoes more bread

Some snow and some seeds we don’t care about that we have to put a loft in our house i refuse to not have a loft have i looted everything have i stolen enough i think i need to go over this way steal some more okay this is the way i came in hey

They say her me for little villagers me oh wait this was the front of it all right so we need to take their garden crops which is the color iron is that going to kill me if i try to kill the iron golem is that going to get me like attacked or something

Yeah okay so night frog that’s the second time you suggested something that would get me killed in the game if you do it one more time you’re just gonna get banned so go ahead you can say one more thing but you’ll never be able to say anything ever again

And oh oh no i don’t want to eat i want to steal the crops everybody gets one stupid thing and you’ve used two there’s nothing here to get oh wait yes it’s potatoes jk lol our pants are good don’t let those go but i have gold pants on so

Is that not just better i’m dropping whatever flinton steel is gold is how is gold worse than iron how does that work too soft but i look so good but i look good and when i look good i feel good so it’s worth it i think i look sick i’m about that drip

All right so we’re gonna go back to the house i need to make windows i need sand you said for that so we’re gonna pick up some sand along the way see there’s our house big floating thing in the sky is our landmark yeah exactly what squeak said

Exactly i like how these little flowers have their own little like patch of grass in the snow i don’t know why that makes me so happy but it does alright so you guys haven’t seen my house yet oh my god all the more reason to run back as fast as i can

Yeah i got ice spikes apparently ice spikes are not super common either unless somebody was lying to me which is very like possible am i picking up the sand i am all right i got a lot of sand is that enough okay we go past the ice spikes to get to our house

I’ll show you my phone so here if i screw my computer and then my pocket run we have to surge our house very important wait that’s not it i gotta make a boat in a minute that’s not our house is it no why does this get cool floating islands

In her world i don’t know is it my house are you sure oh you’re right i’m just looking at it oh you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right it is it is it is it is my house i’m looking at it in a weird way you’re right you’re cracked are you ready

Search hasn’t even seen my house yet this is my private island that i found i actually have my own private pond too which i love i need to make more carpet don’t look at my carpet okay i stole it from an igloo oh yep this is it okay you see all my

Nice flowers i put up my door is open i let the door you guys let me leave the door open okay wait okay so you come up on the house and you come in and this is what you see this is my nice carpet that you walk in on that is my

Kitchen with the backsplash like the stone kitchen this is my piss station and the piss i’ve been collecting for the piss corner this is my crafting station this is a mushroom that i stole from a witch’s cottage after i murdered her and this is my cactus that i sold from a dungeon

Through a trapdoor that i found in an igloo and this is my restroom because i’m cooking and this is my bed and this is my chest that holds my stuff so that’s what it looks like when you come in and i’m working on getting all the walls matching the right color because there’s

Like some dirt in here and there shouldn’t be so that’s what i’m also currently working on i know we need more mossy cobblestone also okay serge be honest nobody say anything this is a question for search does it look like i live in a jail cell and we’re gonna make a loft exactly

Not you doesn’t look like i live in a jail cell it’s cobblestone chic ignore the iron bar on the window i don’t have a window right now does minecraft have laura like the sims serge would be able to answer that not me we are actually gonna make a loft right [ __ ] now okay

Oh my god it’s raining again more asmr there’s the music so good all right this is where our loft is going to be right this is step step all right we’re gonna put a loft right here oh this is gonna look good oh it’s gonna look good

Oh wait i’m supposed to use a shovel for dirt you said my bad um okay wait okay so you come in right and then you turn the corner can i make this step lower can i do like the half wall like doesn’t that look weird no it looks good it’s fine

Then we come up oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] something growled at me gross okay you can make stairs i’m making the stairs oh you can craft actual stairs i found my house i didn’t die shut up you can make actuals okay we have to do oakwood i can’t do any more cobblestone

Because you guys are gonna keep calling this a [ __ ] dungeon prison jail cell oh my god okay hold up how does it how hold on oh my god my backsplash no wait i have to put that back absolutely not hang on uh is this it what is behind wait it doesn’t match

Cook cobblestone oh my god oh thank god okay oh bless oh thank [ __ ] god okay oops i have too much [ __ ] in my hand put this money in here and this and these pants too okay pick this back up okay get rid of this this is not the

[ __ ] vibe get rid of it okay well how did i whoa oh my pickaxe broke that’s fine okay i have to put this back um tab my stone oh my god i thought i ruined my backsplash i was about to lose my [ __ ] mind okay i need another pickaxe uh okay

I saved it oh we saved it oh we saved it okay so we need to make a loft okay i’m not not having a loft i need vaulted ceilings and a loft i already told you guys about my need for vaulted ceilings okay you know this all right how do i

Put the stairs how do the stairs go like this that is so okay i get it and then i gotta like like this and then ah okay oh my god oh wait sorry shovel for dirt and then pickaxe for everything else so we’re gonna come in the house you

Turn the corner this will be like the little sitting area i’m gonna move the bed okay don’t worry about it and then we’re gonna put the stairs in wait like this okay so boop boop boop come up i want one more layer of stairs okay and then this looks like that yeah

We go up and then this will be our loft this could be like a little area for plants like as you’re walking up the loft and then this is where oh my shovel broke i need a new shovel oh whatever i’ll use a pickaxe this is where our loft will be oh [ __ ]

Don’t get me [ __ ] am i up too high show me my inventory oh right okay i want the when you turn you come in i want a rug are there rugs in this game i want an anthropology rug in the middle of the kitchen oh god okay good all right sick so this

Is also gonna be for plants okay so you come in right you come in we’re gonna get a rug here turn the corner i don’t know what this is gonna be i’m thinking like a sitting eating area and then you turn and then this i’m gonna put actually hang on

I need to make more stone yeah i need to make more stone i need to cook the stone again hold up i’ll tell you in a minute and then you put this and then you put in the coal and then you cook it and i gonna need more plants for the house

Because it doesn’t i could put the flowers inside that could work too because i also need more pots and it might take me a minute oh wait okay no stop that’s enough and then we need to tab and then like this and then like this and then

There we go oh thank god yes excellent okay and then you and then and then plants here and then plants here okay i’m going to replace all of this dirt with cobblestone because i’m not living in dirt okay i refuse so we make the oh wait in the shovel the dirt goes away

Is it daytime yet can i [ __ ] it’s about to be it’ll be fine okay and then the dirt goes away i need to put that cobblestone back up there too because it’s not gonna happen i’m not living in a dungeon no i’m not living in it this doesn’t look like a dungeon stop

You’re just jealous all right it’s a disease sweaty get well soon all right i’m sorry for having the most beautiful house you’ve ever it’s daytime okay so i can cut freely into the sky we need to get on the roof and that’s how we can make this easier i want vaulted ceilings [Applause]

Yes like this what the [ __ ] no no no no no no no i thought it was daytime Oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that was the worst thing i’ve ever seen oh my god madam we heard you making some noise all night neighbor patrol wants the word with you that was the worst thing i’ve ever seen i literally thought i was going to die i was making a lot

Is there anybody else out here what’s a [ __ ] fight what the [ __ ] i guess not oh my god i hate that already for sure i don’t even know what’s behind the portal so if so what okay so okay the [ __ ] smartypants minecraft people of the whole wide world if you what are

You building your house out it’s [ __ ] daytime how am i dying to things in the oh my god all my stuff how am i dying to things in the daytime i don’t understand oh my god he ruined my house idiot It’ll go away cause rain are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me oh my god no no no no no no no no uh-uh where’s my dirt i’m putting the dirt back up i can’t live like this i can’t live like this how the [ __ ] does anybody live like this

Oh my god close my house back up we’re living in dirt i take it back i take back what i said earlier i’m gonna live in a dirt hole this is absolute bs are you joking right now i’m so upset why am i having a hard time closing this off okay

[ __ ] i was gonna yell at you guys and now i forgot what i was gonna yell at you about [ __ ] what was i yelling at you about i’m upset with you and i forget why f might need to put your armor back on oh yeah my armor came off

Okay i look beautiful again thank god yeah so what are you building your houses out of if not cobblestone hmm [ __ ] would would look a lot better actually wouldn’t it diamond blocks shut up i speak broke well [ __ ] okay we’re gonna have a dirt floor because we’re gonna cover it up with

Carpet anyway so it doesn’t matter oh my god i can’t move because of the stupid dirt above my head no there we go okay so i want my loft and i can’t build it everything is ruined fine i’m gonna make my house out of wood [ __ ] i need to go

I need to go find some trees is it daytime or night time it’s night time we’re gonna go to daytime and then we’re gonna go find trees we’re going back to the swamp anybody [ __ ] with me even you [ __ ] bitch-ass sheep okay we’re going back to the swamp

Because that’s where the trees are okay you are living like a hobbit in the shire i cannot believe my house got invaded okay do not lose you see our house that big thing in the sky that’s our house okay yeah we need to steal the witch’s house the wood that she had

Here’s some wood these are trees trees have wood i need to get my axe out okay okay maybe okay but we’re keeping here’s the thing i’m keeping my cobblestone kitchen okay that’s fair and i feel like that’s not very dungy i feel like that’s just aesthetic if you disagree well then

You have bad taste in home decor i will not elaborate on a scale from one to beating millennia how has minecraft been i mean my you can’t compare it you can’t compare it to elven ring right yeah people who disagree don’t have nice granite countertops all right

How much more wood do i need is that enough do i have enough wood also i need to make more chests do you have a room in your house it’s just chests and just holds all your [ __ ] yeah now that makes a lot of sense i

Feel like i’m going to have to make a room for chests okay all right i gotta know a lot of wood i’m alright i want a farm i want a horse i need to go get that saddle i lost i need more all right i’ll get all this wood over here

Call it a day i can’t reach i mean i don’t want to come all the way back over here so i may as well get as much wood as i possibly can my house is in a cute spot but not a very ideal spot for nice things like close by you know

There’s mushroom land again as a cow okay i have a lot of wood now this is good i think you can bring trees to plant near your house how i tell our studios hello tilly monster where do you get saplings from on the ground they drop from the leaves of the trees oh

Hey i got one i got an oak sapling oh okay some friends that i have a ten year old server we’re gonna play on the years our storage area is enormous i think i guess i make a storage area okay i got a lot of okay we’re gonna

Build trees now by our house okay yes this is excellent i need to plant my pumpkin seeds i got also right can you do that i got all the wood i got all the wood okay we’re gonna have a storage room then but i don’t want it to [ __ ] up the v can

You put doors in your house like they don’t have to just have an open floor plan can i have doors in my house [ __ ] no more open floor plan oh my god yes okay excellent we’re gonna have a garden room in the house where’s my house

Oh wait i’m going the wrong way it’s down here jk lol here it is here’s my house okay we have to scrap it and make it out of wood ew this get out of here okay all right so we’re gonna start from the outside and make it out of wooden cell don’t

Call it a prison cell stop okay all right you can make a double door wait a minute i have an idea i’m gonna present it to you and you tell me what you think that’s dirt i don’t want dirt wait i gotta pick up all this stuff where’s the wood here it is

You use logs that works right is that what you mean by that share my question is it real bothersome if a few members are trying to care about or talk about something like a conversation that isn’t to the streamer like talking amongst yourselves absolutely not all attention should be

On me all the time if i’m not getting constant attention i’m gonna lose my [ __ ] i just spent like 20 minutes building my house i forgot y’all were here i went on a tangent do you remember that yeah of course you could talk amongst yourselves i don’t give a [ __ ] well

That’s a personal preference but yeah i oh happy mom happy 25 months why why welcome back i appreciate that placement do i have to go from the top like top down oh my god oh okay so here’s my plan ow so stone trim with wood on the top like this

Like just this half of the house right and then like windows in them like a stone trim maybe try plank see if you like them oh my god do they look different shut up oh wait this i need a pickaxe okay hold up oakwood planks i like oak wood planks better

We could do different types of wood ah don’t drop that oak wood planks look better then log but i still think i like the sewn trim i think i like the stone trim on the bottom you know was it planks yeah ooh yes okay yeah i like the way that that looks

Yeah that looks really good oh i think that that’s okay okay hold up oh wait no not bread yeah that’ll look really good right what is it smooth stone oh my god is it about to be nighttime again i’m in the middle of something maybe logs in the corner and his exposed

Beams on the ceilings Like a croc oh my god wait did i lock everybody out there’s no way to get in here right okay good oh my god what the [ __ ] is that noise i need to get more plants why the hell chic no i don’t want to be farmhouse no i’m going for a boho vibe

Plants cottage core that’s what i’m going for like a cottage core boho vibe look in the morning look around for monsters especially creepers do not burn in the sun oh my god i cannot believe that there are monsters that live through the night that i want you to know the most

Terrifying thing i’ve seen so far is turning this corner and that thing being in front of my door with its hands out i hated that i hated that who’s out here nobody that was awful okay so i need windows too i have to make oh wait wait can i make windows with glass

You said gla i picked up some sand what else do you need some sand and coal this better make me a window And it looks so good with the fire lit when you come in like that can you keep your fire lit constantly or do you have to be cooking something oh my god okay good we can take the iron bars off oh wait sorry oh wait an axe and then a pickaxe

Okay so all right we’re doing the wood planks i think those look the best i’m out of wood planks i need to make more is there a way to just mass produce everything i have or what as long as it has fuel it’ll just say lit shift cl i shift click

Perfect thank you oh it was wrong yeah okay i hate it’s just square but i like how wait a minute oh my god we have double doors i like how it kind of blends into the like [ __ ] i like how it blends into the atmosphere french doors we are so rich okay

Oh the music i think we should do like that like trim off the edges on both sides right that looks way better i think and then i need to make another chest because i have too much [ __ ] i just and then we put the chest like right there for right now and then

I just need to put my [ __ ] in here hang on just a thought sideways logs for a roof tiered like if you chop the tree down and then use the whole tree as a roof the what the not this the oak logs okay flint and steel get out of here

Rabbit hide go away well it’s probably a door can go away with the log let me see Oak log and then i put this down kinda like that i put on the other side too now oh that’s very cottage corey and then if i can where do i want my windows like right next to the door right where did my glass go hang on

Oh wait i have to position it different to do it sideways huh oh wait like this Shut the [ __ ] up that looks so good that looks so good they’re like indented with oh my god yes it’s giving what it needs to give okay wait you want me to turn these sideways oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did i just do oh wait what did i just do

Was that what i meant to do a stripped log i trimmed it wait that looks kind of good i actually kind of like that and then like hold up on the top like this oh wait kinda like that and like go long across and then oh my god wait oh

They’re just for looks obviously but yeah and then when you come in right so you come in i need to move this is gonna go away i’m not having this here anymore i need to put can you make a table and chairs in minecraft i’m gonna do i just thought of something okay

Stairs on the side of the house to go up to like a sitting area on top or something right okay time for me to call it tonight but just so you know it’s been six hours oh my god it has no i don’t want to cheat anything in i want a patio

Okay so first of all here’s what we need to do i’m sick and tired of looking at what i’m looking at where’s my oh did i oh i need to make an axe there we go oh i already had an access okay i’m gonna use it many times we need to get

Rid of the stone and replace it with wood because i’m tired of looking like i’m living in a jail cell okay yes like this right oh that that’s doing it for me okay okay get rid of all the stone from the top and the dirt too because i’m sick of looking at it Oh yeah okay so hold up yes i wish the music would stay on i’m saying it’s not staying on the whole time i can’t reach up there i’m gonna have to go outside that already looks actually so much better when it’s not all stone i hate to admit that you guys are right

So i’m not going to but this looks a lot better than this you’ll never catch me dead you’ll never catch me alive i guess you guys would know what a jail cell looks like right i keep you in this attic for that long you’re very familiar

Oh wait i don’t like that i need to take that one down but i need to close this off first because it’s about to be nighttime wait no no don’t go night yet hang on oh [ __ ] like this i think and then close this off

There we go okay and then we can go in our house okay shut the door oh i like it i like it it’s giving log cabin oh i like that yeah this goes on youtube break this whole vod i can i almost said something stupid like yeah

Just so i don’t lose it but like we have that person that came in here literally that found my elden ring stuff on youtube but i was just putting on there so the vods didn’t get rid of it i need mossy cobblestone for here i wanted to give like vine you know like

Vines okay wait no we don’t want to go outside it’s nighttime um okay so you come in with planks actually right there oh this looks good there’s like a skylight wait a skylight hold on we have to make it daytime hold on hold the phone hold the phone hold the phone hang on

Wait Any [ __ ] out here die oh someone just blew up up there okay i think we’re fine shut the door so don’t go in my house a skylight want to skylight yeah oh my god yes now all the zombies can watch you sleep shut up i will be having none of that thank you

For the reason that looks so good stop that looks so good are you joking right now there’s so much natural light in here i turn it it looks so much better as okay you know what i think is throwing me off it’s the ground that’s what i want to do

Right now i want to make carpet how do you make carpet ooh okay so i’m sick of seeing all the gray in the new builds we’re not doing gray anything these are all like we could do like there’s no wood if we could do brown brown would look kind of wood right

So here’s what i’m thinking yeah let me just see what this would look like real quick okay let’s pretend brown carpet for a minute yeah okay brown brown brown wait how did i make carpet how can i make more i need a brown ball [ __ ] okay well i love the way the brown

Looks okay and then we could do another carpet like right here in the forest so it looks like a rug okay it okay i know it’s carpet in the kitchen but pretend it’s wood okay i know what it looks like oops but pretend it’s wood all right

So you’re gonna have to pretend that this is what okay we have to go get more wool where are the sheep wait i need my shears here they are i need to put away some of this [ __ ] too i need to plant this tree also

Let’s do it like here so we can like like i don’t like looking at the ocean so it’ll like block my view and it’ll give me wood that i need that’ll look really good yeah okay and also i want this to be my garden area

I am in love with my skylight i cannot believe how good that looks replace before with wood how would that look it matches the house too much what about hang on what about oh the log no it’s it’s giving log cabin it’s giving log cabin i don’t like it

But i like i like i like your idea hey zero one is getting two subs sephoras and cress i appreciate that thank you yeah we’ll find we could just put dirt in here cause we’re just gonna no i know it’s dirt so it’ll upset me

Like i like the way that this would look i think right and then this also needs to be replaced with wood so i actually need to do that right now because i’m sick of it and then wood links no i need this one to be shown

Yeah cause like yeah you need to be able to see all of that so this needs to go and then this needs to be replaced with the wood there we go right yeah that makes a lot more sense and i need to take that off of the the wall too

Okay yeah that’ll look good right do you like the va okay i have been just how do we feel about it honestly i like the vibe i think i’m in love with this skylight i think that’s the thing i love the most so far yeah we’re moving from like a dirt cabin to

Like i don’t know but see here’s the thing it’s like i know that there are people out there that probably can make the most amazing houses you’ve ever seen but from knowing nothing of the game and like just coming up with this i feel really good about it you know

Having limited knowledge yours is the only opinion that matters love turns out how wild well we gotta find some sheep some brown sheep hold on 18 months i see the oven where’s the cat stop it wait a minute llamas oh it’s a traitor hello what are you doing over here

Corn flower lily of the valley green dye a shell and packed ice i only have i only have one emerald so i do kind of want to fern though is that weird i really like plants i’ll go get my emerald hang on i accept your offer shouldn’t the brown carpet be in the

Bathroom stop it’s not poopy carpet i need you to use your imagination and pretend it’s wood hello yes i would like a fern thank you mwah okay we got a plant it looks like wood it doesn’t look like carpet right it looks like wood to me anyways okay where can we put this

Here no here oh do we need a flower pot different colors of wood we’re gonna have to go further then holy [ __ ] i already have a tree if i chop that down i’ll never see it again or will it grow again i’m thinking like a dark green rug

Yeah trees go really fast apparently wow as you get all these leaves down i’m on my way i can’t believe i can reach that high there you go cool this guy looks good um okay i need no i don’t know i’m gonna get the wool i need that’s gonna be

Oh the lows will despawn okay okay okay okay okay perfect so hmm come in this is the i don’t think i want the cobblestone trim to go into the house just the outside of the house yeah i think that’s what i want it was damn dirt sand and [ __ ] okay

You can just expand your house like nothing is stopping me from doing that would you imagine if it was that easy in real life to just expand your house like that hey pig oh am i already out of [ __ ] planks again no there we go it’s about to be dark

I don’t want it to be dark outside the dark makes me nervous okay good oh what the [ __ ] was that noise do you think zombies will be on my roof look at that little pig one pig don’t get caught outside okay so okay how do i move these chests if i

Smack these chests does all the stuff fall out of them hi dracus it goes well yes there’s no way to move them otherwise oh lame okay i want this to be like my seating and dining area i still need to make a storage area

My steps to my loft i need to make still cutie can you have can you make a sofa is that possible i need to figure out where my storage area is gonna be first i got my stairs where’s the stream room soon not yet i need more plants

I want to put my fern down but i need a pot for it it’s dumb so i think Seating area like eating area right and then come in go up to the loft maybe it’s like a side area over here creepy oh my [ __ ] god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i was gonna put a bunch of chests right here

Let’s just go to sleep make it daytime make it a lot easier on me yeah i already actually gave the wandering trader my emerald i got a fern so like you go up the steps and i’m gonna put some like chests right here i think we’ll be good nether quartz jack lantern

You can carve a pumpkin that’s so weird oakwood oakwood planks mega lua what can you make on the loom blankets and stuff i’m gonna make oh i need to make a fence oh can bad things hop your fence and get into your area here we go trust no

So you can just like garden freely at night or something and they can’t get you where did i get a cat this from oh i picked my cactus up i need to put it back down depends how high the fence is i know they can shoot me

But as long as they can’t get over the fence i think right is also what i’m looking for okay and then also we need to put down this chest you can make a trunk i’m gonna put that at the front of my bed if i had known oh my god

[ __ ] what is this game we’re making the loft today this is our plan all right dead where what the [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] oh how i didn’t even see the creeper hissing you gotta pay real close attention to his things oh my god wait everything got blown up are you [ __ ] kidding me

This place is a prison that is so stupid what happened to my stairs where did my stairs go oh my god everything went everywhere what the [ __ ] is that where’s my sword oh my god everything is ruined i’m so upset i’m so upset i need to make my roof right now oops

What happened to my [ __ ] stairs they’re missing uh i want to have a cute house i’m gonna let myself out by accident there we go okay oh wait i’m going way too far in i’m so upset stupid how often does that happen that you just like randomly die to a

Creeper by accident that happened a lot or am i just unlucky oh my oh yeah i’m not doing the right tools that’s okay does it actually happen a lot okay that makes me feel a little bit better i guess i’m still not too excited about it though i cannot believe

That that thing blew up my [ __ ] oops oops okay how does that look awful okay we have to go back outside oh oh jesus you know what let me assure you while you’re here actually i should be [ __ ] i should be sharing all the sheep when i see them you know

Come here make you nakey whoa up up up up up okay we’re making news oh i need more sand to make another skylight okay i want to skyla in my bedroom obviously so how do i do that i need more sand oh there’s sand right here i’m gonna shovel up some sand oh

Oh you can like chan wait oh my god you can like [ __ ] with the way that the thing goes the water oh my god all right okay we’re gonna cook with the sand so i can get more glass oh come here let me shear you again

You are gonna get magic back don’t be silly you being dramatic hey this wasn’t here before did they blow did a creeper blow up here is that why this is looking like this dude the creepers ruin everything that sucks how do you get grass back i can make black carpet at this point

I think oh wait a minute that’s a bad guy where’s my sword [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay good get out of my [ __ ] face this is your first time playing this game me too it’s also my first time all right did we get any glass out of this we did

I’m holding too much stuff i’m holding way too much bs in my hand uh extra boots extra pants extra carpet and the rotten wood okay all right so oh my god it’s supposed to be nighttime again i’m not doing this nope we’re going to bed it’s about to be night time

How do you get cats apparently you have to lure them to you with fish i went on the island i didn’t like it i got scared okay we’re making it daytime again all right oh yeah are people i imagine so i’ve been it’s actually kind of hard to look

At this game probably not probably i’m so into it so i like it be like magic if i was more comfortable i could look at both sides has there been a lot of like buttholes tonight and just people being buttholes oh wait i forgot to get the glass out of the thing

There you go i got six i don’t think that’s enough a bit trolly welcome to minecraft streaming you know of all the games i would never ex have if you were like yeah minecraft is like totally awful to stream i would be like that sounds like a lie like

Surely people can’t be that bad how wrong i am apparently how very incorrect of me to say hey louched whoops paying the butthole tax the butthole tax i appreciate that a lot thank you huh that’s true just chatting is an awful wasteland that should never be messed with unless you absolutely have to

Okay look we’re closed off we have a skylight so we need to make stairs again oh oh wait i did that wrong there we it’s getting go subs the hammer board and jean deborah thank you i really appreciate that if you guys give this to the seven

Family for a month those are rules unless you’re a little stinky butthole baby then don’t ever come back unless you’re here to be mean i don’t want to hear it all right whoa what was that did you hear that last year for the first time this has been such an experience so far

I don’t know how else to put it other than it an experience you know it’s oops wrong oops wrong wrong and incorrect okay there we go oh yes okay yes okay oh my god yes okay that looks really good it’s like legitimate stairs yeah okay i’m trying to change my whole inside

House to like have more wood if this is make good you can have railing on your stairs oak fence hold up wait did i do that wrong ah i did that wrong didn’t i that looks like something i did wrong that looks probably incorrect i wanted a fence

Anyways stairs make the best roofs hushing so okay you come in i think we should knock this down i think we need more open area yeah so you come in open floor plan or do i want to do like garden doors here no not yet i think i like the maybe the top

Of the loft oh no wait my stairs are too so top of the steps look how close my skylight is to me too close the stairs are too tall we need little tiny baby stairs yes it’s a small loft anyway so actually yeah it should look like this it can be kind of

Deeper i guess what is okay ooh we can make like a ladder storage area that might actually look pretty good because i do need a storage area because i’m not having these chests just sit out in the open that’s ugly i refuse okay so we carve all this out right

Oh how big do i want the bedroom to be because then i could do like i thought we need to get rid of this yes good which bedrock i don’t know i literally it was actually here’s my complaint it was actually kind of a [ __ ] hassle to download this game i’m

Being honest with you there’s a lot that went into it there we go right yeah and like this is our loft yes and then i need to get rid of this all the stone everywhere the microsoft store sucks i like it like wasn’t connecting i don’t even know how i

Actually ended up getting the game it was a hassle whoops my face i’m already out of oak wood planks okay so all right you come in turn the corner up the steps this is the loft is this where i want the bedroom to be i think that it is

And then this is like the little seating area i think loft area i still need an area for like storage maybe like a chest right here ouch so there’s a little what is the pink stuff what was that what was that what was the pink stuff did you see that hello

Is that poison somebody poison my house oh this will just turn it back to daytime ouch i was going to get more carpet this thing is bothering me what if we did do double stairs though oh wait why does it look like that where’s the extra piece placement matters

Okay hold on make another fence oh [ __ ] i need more wood i’m gonna make it daytime hang on gotta aim for the back wall oh great heavens there we go how picky how weirdly picky i need more wood thankfully i planted a bunch of trees zombie

I’m just hoping it doesn’t come get me i keep hearing it and it’s freaking me out okay it should be good close that just in case okay wait i needed more fence oakwood planks okay so that is e and then oak log you said shift click there we go

Okay good and then now we can make the fence i need and then e and then like this and then we can put a defense okay yeah that looks pretty good right and then i hear gra is it a creeper outside i keep hearing growling was hdtv i know doesn’t this look so

Good i have to get rid of the carpet it’s upsetting me still no loft though i’m more this is the loft what do you mean remember at the beginning you said and people play this for 10 hours a day did i say that probably like an endearing way there you go yeah

Oh wait what the [ __ ] okay there we go jesus christ oops i didn’t mean to do that oh wait stone axe yes a tall plant like right here can you only put this in dirt hang on i’ve got dirt oh my god wait that looks so good

How do i pick up my bed oh like that and then so we’ll put the bed like right here hell yeah the trap doors around it i only have one trapdoor dude i keep hearing something be outside go away oh my god i took down my backsplash by accident

[ __ ] um okay i have to hang on you said cook cobblestone and that’s how it’ll be whatever again okay person sounds like they’re gargling mouthwash okay and then wait where did it go can i pick it up oh i didn’t pick it up like an idiot we gotta put the backsplash back

Okay and then we put down regular wood like that that no i hate that hey it’s the music why does it stay on all the time It would be so cool if it was that it was a joke that this is my first time no i saw carpet and assumed not veteran am i giving off experience minecraft playing vibes are you being serious right now shut up Is that the vibe i’m giving off e-sports oh my god oh my god hell yeah i’m making my house oh wait we have to oh yes like this oh that looks so good This house does not look like a beginner house you better stay gassing me up i swear to god there we go there’s like all this dirt everywhere okay uh i don’t like that i need to put that and then and then replace with the wood like that yeah that looks way better Yeah and then you have my stone kitchen right it took me days to make a cobblestone square well to be fair i also have you guys to help me right like if i ever have any questions i can ask you so it’s also been very helpful

I love my skylight i love my skylight i need more carpet that’s the i need carpet i need like more more brown wool okay so all right all right i feel like i’ve been shown you in a while okay so come in the house right here’s the front okay

Really cute little like path coming up to it you open the double doors and this is what you see you have like the mossy stone right here and then pretend all of this is wood right between all of it is brown carpet but it’s wood okay

And then i’m gonna move this this is hideous i’m not having it anymore actually i might put plants there i don’t know sorry yeah i’m like i’m this is for some reason like giving me wait don’t look okay now look it’s full of making me

Full of energy you come in this is gonna be like the seating i need the sand actually give me the sand wait i don’t want to put water in my house the [ __ ] is that noise stop it okay and then this is like the seating area okay so you come in

There’s like this little like eating area pretend these chests are not here and you turn the corner and then this i feel like no this is fine because we have double steps i think it looks really good and then you come up and you have like the

Railing on the side and i’m gonna put a trunk right here i’m actually gonna do that now that looks good that looks like a bedroom trunk can i where do i have to have a twin size bed what’s that noise you put another bed next to it you know

What can i dismantle this bed and take the wood for my carpet because i can think i can make another bed that’s like i think white i’m gonna make a i could make a gray bed there we go make two there we go oh i didn’t mean to sleep

But now i guess i’m sleeping only twin size so you don’t have anyone else and for cine what if we put our minecraft bits together me and me and who me and who that looks good it looks like i have a queen-size bed yeah okay so hold on oh wait can i put

Dirt here and then can i put this put a fern there i don’t know how i feel about it i don’t think that’s the plan for that area but hold on this is my server yeah i need well i only have two pots i need to get oh wait speaking of my cactus

Riley is raining with a party of 120 riley i haven’t heard that name in so many years riley thank you for the read i appreciate that a lot uh hello everybody welcome if you’re new here my name is moxie i actually mainly played magic at the gathering but

Today i’m playing minecraft for the very first time and i’ve already been at it for seven hours and elementary i’m doing a lot of different stuff okay i’m trying a lot of different things do you guys want to see my house okay i don’t care if you do or not i’m gonna

Show it to you okay so this is actually my private island okay where is that thing that’s making that noise okay this is my private island it overlooks the ocean so you turn the corner and you see like all these little plants i planted this is my house

Left of the house oh you shut up wait put that sand down sand beef that’s mine don’t steal my materials you idiot okay hold up sorry they can steal your stuff it’s stupid okay so it’s not done yet okay so you come in this is my house i’m gonna have

A little garden right here these are my plants i planted these are our garden double doors ignore the carpet i don’t want to hear it i it’s gonna take me a while to fix the carpet you shut the doors this is my skylight that i put in this is my

Cobblestone kitchen with beautiful backsplash all right this is my flower pot and my mushroom that i stole from a witch and i put it and this is my mushroom because this is my cooking area this is the piss corner this is all the piss i collected in the jar some of these

People really need to go to the doctor because their piss is a little bloody all right that’s kind of gross this is gonna be my eating area eventually okay ignore the chest and you turn the corner and you have this staircase this is my loft this is my bedroom and

This is my trunk full of storage and this is also my other skylight This is my house i work really hard on this please clap this bottle it’s continuing strong this is the corner that you pee in okay and now i want you to pretend all of the floor is this right here i know it’s carpet but i need you to pretend that it’s wood okay

I know it’s not but i need you to [ __ ] pretend yeah thank you nice hardwood floors is what i’m working on or we’re looking for like dark oak which is apparently a thing we should probably leave the house we haven’t left the house in a couple of days

So we should probably go on the hunt for i don’t know more exploration Was there a dirt towel in your house because it’s a work in promise milk shop okay i’m in the middle of sunday okay wait we have to put all of our [ __ ] in the whatever so don’t lose it okay god this is huge okay we don’t need coal All the stuff i don’t need is gonna go in here we need brown wool that is our main concern brown wool all right that’s what i need the most we need to keep we actually need to bake these potatoes because i actually need some food if i’m gonna go out in the world

But yeah anyways i never played minecraft in my life seven hours in multiple people have said that this uh looks like a house of somebody who has many hours in the game so i am writing that high on my ego right now and it feels really good

All right we’re gonna make some look how cute that is with this [ __ ] whatever lit right are you joking like find more more potatoes you’re neck decking your minecraft house no i made this all up on my own i made this all up on my own even the

Skylight i thought of the skylight on my own she also is vegan except for that one time with the poor helpless i did have to kill the sheep because i was running out of food and i had to i was out in the world i was scared i was frightened i had no

Choice and the pigs sure oh wait let me actually put some of the rest of this [ __ ] in my truck we don’t need the sticks the planks i need tools is what i need like my shears like this type of [ __ ] and then so i can’t take apart this bed

And get the wool from it that blows can your house get caught on fire yeah i’m gonna make a bunch of new tools yes oh wait wait your house oh not from the furnace wait you can catch on fire regularly what is a soul torch versus a regular torch

Soul sand with hell is soul sand rabbit stew what is wrong with me why can i not make tools oh i need like my cobblestone out just kidding and sticks [ __ ] okay let me get another sword and another pickaxe oh [ __ ] i need another stick more sticks

I think this is i think i put myself on solo world i’m not sure oh here we go sticks all right and then equipment and then i can make myself a s pickaxe stone pickaxe excellent okay all right all my tools are about to break but that’s okay because i have more

I have a shovel i need a stone axe okay we’re gaming good yes all right ready to go on an adventure goodbye home good home okay i go that way all the time we should go somewhere else what about that’s where the ice pillars are what about around this mountain ah oh fish

There’s like a bunch of [ __ ] weird [ __ ] we’re gonna go over this that from a boat oh yeah you guys keep telling me to make a boat and i forget about it when it becomes nighttime we should look into making a boat wait did i pick up enough

Food i have six baked potatoes and four pieces of bread i think i’ll be okay all right remember that big that big area right behind that is our house okay of carbs hell yeah keep track of what no don’t be lost already i rely on you guys to tell me where i am

If you’re lost it means i’m gonna get lost what the hell is that over there oh wait the sun is setting oh no hang on we have to build a hole in the wall okay ah [ __ ] did i bring any torches [ __ ] can i make oh wait no i’m fine we’re okay

We’re okay we’re not gonna sit in the dark i won’t make you sit in the dark with me okay it’ll be okay see we’ll be fine in our little hole we’ll be fine no f3 doesn’t work on whatever i picked for some reason we won’t run out of oxygen

Spooky gamer stories digging here so of might when someone in game chat says hello look behind you can people come visit me oh no if you dig directly down do you like end up in lava like the middle of the like minecraft world or something wait oh you could never dig straight down

What’s hero brian i’m not gonna do it i was just curious you know look how cool i look also if you haven’t seen my armor yet i got gold and outfit on i’m still looking for the top but i look pretty sick i think

I do i look for i look fresh and cool i agree look at that creeper over there and one in the ground or in the lake he’s just chilling in the corner just hanging out yeah he’s hiding he’s scared too he doesn’t like the dark it’s so peaceful ouch

Carol bryan is watching you is that is that i was a creeper what’s herobrine you like my hair oh thank you is a basically creepypasta minecraft lore herobrine was a ghost story it was of a character that would follow you and watch you during single player games like a minecraft character that would

Follow you urban legend i saw yeah you see the spider up there look at that creepy do you think i can go to the bathroom real quick you think i’ll have all the time before it turns today i’ll be right back and then we’re gonna go exploring i got myself a treat

Oh my god hey what’s your name tony you tony what’s your name ezekiel [ __ ] you ezekiel oh it like broke come on i don’t want to kick you out you made me [ __ ] cat is the only place to find diamond in the game like really deep in the caves like i found earlier

Or would i be like lucky enough to find one randomly behind one of these rocks it’s very deep that’s so good You come in anytime we go back on our adventure i should probably eat some food Like google wouldn’t have trapped yeah do you guys know everything all the time a cribra or in the water i’m gonna go that way Outlook not so good hey a portal did you see Did i already find that one A baby i’ll get already find that one i sure did i let the wall i’m so bad at this game huh [Laughter] this game is hard you’re gonna be a real gamer to play minecraft what is that oh pumpkins i think pumpkins james is a real gamer you have to be a real gamer to play minecraft and james plays minecraft so wait yeah i think this is a different kind of wood

That i’m used to right i know i know you’re a crab i’m giving you [ __ ] it’s birchwood i swear to [ __ ] god if i end up liking this wood than the one my home already has i’m gonna be so mad to redo all it you’d be so upset

Look at these little chickens and everything around here hey sheep give me all of your wool and nobody gets hurt there’s like a lot of flowers in like this area oh a tree fell that’s kind of cool it does that i guess we cross this river you know what i wish minecraft had

A compass whoa holy crap you killed that sheep i watched you i took your meat i was mean of you please tell me this will end up on youtube it must be archived for posterity oh my god yeah you’re the second person i say that’s so wild yeah i’ll put it on there

I also got to put up my el the finish of my elden ring too i should probably do that tonight after this when will i stop i don’t want to stop anytime soon maybe a little soon no i don’t know i’m having a good time i’m just kind of vibing

This is like the most vive game i’ve played and i don’t know how long like i feel at peace except for when it goes nighttime and then i have angina but other than that i feel pretty peaceful you know i wasn’t i’m not gonna like i was fully expected to like quit

And like play something else because i didn’t vibe with it or something you know you know prepare for the worst what the hell is this is this dirt what is this special dirt all right i will take swim back with me cool oh mushroom forest it’s like whisperwind

Whoa there’s a lot of dirt here a lot of mushrooms here oh my god yeah more moss covered stuff this is gonna be for my patio on top of my deck yes excellent oh my god look a fox oh my god it’s bloody hey welcome to the craft speedy jazzy jam speedy jam

First of all thank you are you sleeping oh my god it was sleeping first of all thank you for the reason i appreciate the what side of all i should be heading back anyways but we have to show bloody my house i want to show you what i’ve been working on

For the past seven and a half hours i think if we just go straight back this is where the house was right i’m almost positive we just head literally this way we’ll end up back at the house hello pups part of me i have to show off my

Sick decorating skills see look here’s the tree that fell down yeah i have to be going the right way i hope it’s probably gonna be nighttime soon anyways so it’s probably makes sense i go back and we can explore a new area right yeah look there is the there’s the

Mountain we’re headed the right way this is it oh my god sheep don’t forget to get the wool do i get that wool okay sheep are so hard to come by i still have yet to find any brown sheep bloody you may have to come back i have to make some stairs

To get myself back this hole are you [ __ ] kidding me is it about to be night time this is not the house no it’s not the house stop it i do not live in a hole i’m way i’m way more sophisticated than that i swear to you that’s understandable

You’re joking it’s about to be [ __ ] i would have made it if i didn’t fall in that hole it’s about to be nighttime it’s not my house no god damn it oh my god i’m so upset this is not it’s not my house stop it i’m not make this is not the house

This is i fell in a hole i welcome home everybody it’s cozy this is where i sleep this is the piss corner this is the entrance so glad to have you all here what can i offer you i have one baked potato and a mushroom i can’t give you anything else i’m sorry

Nice open concept I’m so upset i can’t believe i fell down a hole i have a nice window overlooking some dirt something growled did you hear that yeah go ahead we have to establish a p corner i can make a bed but i shouldn’t make a bed because i don’t want that to be my

Spawn point hi demon i’m in a hole because it’s night time and i’m waiting for nighttime to go away i’ve just got some pets outside oh [ __ ] they’re very friendly oh my god do you think i can make it no i’m not going to risk it

I’m not going to risk it my house is literally right on the other side of that mountain it’s not good the creeper won’t come i’ll be fine look i’m in my dirt house they can’t get me in here i’m close enough to my house we’ll be okay a foxhole this is a voxhole

They carry you if you’ve never looked back that’s not true i got my [ __ ] [ __ ] rocked so many times look there they are there’s three of them do you have the cl did anybody clip when that thing came to my front door and i screamed because i feel like bloody may need to

See i can’t believe night time is 10 minutes hello there my first house guest [Laughter] the call is coming from inside the house inside the house hi dp all right we’ll mine while we wait oh god [ __ ] wrong way hmm there we go i got that was one that is hands down the

Scariest [ __ ] that’s happened to me there’s no oh my god there’s a hole in my roof thank you holy god so Dead milk is paying for us and getting something up from tab to liliana no thank you sing a mining song dig in a hole dig in a hole break me off a piece of that stone pickaxe get me out of here is it daytime yet god bless whoa

That dirt just like fell on me oh am i gonna drown oh my god stop oh my oh my god do i have to leave no Oh god it’s gonna drop thank god it doesn’t work like that i would have lost my [ __ ] mind let’s just sit and listen to the nice music we’ll look at our window wait for it to be daytime it will be soon uh-huh i see the creepers you saw the the sex clip

I did not know that was a thing i had no [ __ ] clue that you can make babies in minecraft look at that spider oh grass i’m scared ah this is normal mode go kill stuff hey shut up I can’t believe i hit water jesus christ i have no dominance Oh here we go it’s about to be daytime we’re very close Everybody say goodbye to our hobbit hole for the night Goodbye hobbit hole Oh my god jesus christ I hear it there it is okay how do i get out of here uh maybe this way All right Go go go go go back to the house back to the house run this is how we find our house you see that big floating island in the sky that’s where my house is bloody you’re a troll you’re no you’re no better than the damn kids that have

Come in here today be like try pressing alt f4 like small child please you’re not gonna get me i am the one who got others back in the day okay it’s not possible i cannot fall for it i’m too big massive gigger brain all right oh i forgot to make a boat

Oh are you oh what does it say that i automatically think that you would [ __ ] with me okay maybe you are better than all the [ __ ] okay mrs jim davis isn’t actually jim davis’s name this [ __ ] [ __ ] i swear to god all right ready to see my house so

It’s on my own private island okay you come in here it is i planted all these flowers oh god the traitor is still here wait where’s your where is you guys thing wait do they don’t have an owner anymore can i be their owner the vod’s gonna get published as soon as

The stream is over it doesn’t auto publish anymore it’s stupid all right so here’s my house we have a double door ignore the floor the floor is a work in progress you come in this is my nice mossy stone columns this is my cobblestone kitchen with nice backsplash

This is a mushroom that i stole from a witch’s cottage and i killed her for it this is my mushroom because this is the kitchen this is the piss corner this is where i hold all the piss uh ignore the chest this is gonna be like a little eating area and you turn

The corner and then this is where the loft is you go up the steps this is my bed this is my storage and also skylights i forgot to show you the skylights tada this is my house so far and these are my i want to fill it with plants

What is that noise that keeps happening isn’t it cute i’m going for like cottage core vibes that’s what i’m so pretend all of the floor is this and i know that’s brown carpet but i need you guys to use your imagination pretend that it’s wood okay it’s really hard to find brown sheep

I found a lot of white sheep but no brown and then this is gonna be like my little area you know oh it’s raining again oh hey okay i don’t care about any of that this guy hangs out in my area a lot which is kind of neat

No the actual wood will match this i like the way this carpet looks i want like a deep oak oh wait actually let me see what a spruce log looks like hang on hold up i got some new wood just now let me see wait i’m shutting my door just in case

It looks like a log cabin can i make it like hang on oh yeah i tried planks do you think that clashes with like that would what does birch look like i think that this clash is too much hang on let me see what birch looks like oh it’s too light

That’s way too light yeah see that’s why i like this carpet because i like like the deep color that it is compared to it you know yeah wait what is that up there that’s a [ __ ] spider oh my god wait can i see it in my skylight

No maybe not oh my god look at the water drip on my skylight that is so nice oh i love that that looks really good okay you’re ruining okay you’re okay all right do a little spin you’re ruining the vibe spider please it’s i know that you’re not supposed to

Have carpet in the kitchen but i need you to use your imaginations do a flip shadrack thank you for 13 months welcome back use your imagination and pretend that this is wood okay it doesn’t have puss puss knock it off you’re not rooted by vive you’re fine

So we need to go find dark oak i guess huh okay let’s put away everything i found today like the mossy like you know all this [ __ ] put it in my trunk all the wool i found i need to make more food actually that’s another thing i need to do is

Make more food because i have not a lot of food right now okay all right we make more food that’s not food this is food oh there are the potatoes i was wondering where i left those jesus christ isn’t it cute isn’t my house so cute i love it

It’s a work in progress but i love it okay imagine there are like a lot of plants like this everywhere okay like all in the corners like all up in here like a lot of plants this i found in a dungeon this cactus i found in a dungeon

Okay we’re actually gonna sleep oh wait is it [ __ ] daytime oh it’s just the rain making it feel dark outside can you guys go somewhere either leave the llamas wait is it stuck in the current oh it’s stuck can i push it there you go you’re welcome you’re welcome

I wanted to i just want to go ahead and start over real quick can you i don’t think you could take the llamas also you guys got an exclamation point why not you know what i need is some dirt so i can fill in these gaps like this

This is where a creeper blew up made everything ugly i could make this like a little farm area too whoops there we go it’s dirt but it’s okay it’s dirt but it’s fine oh i don’t want to i don’t want to murder the thing i don’t want to murder the guy

Here we go okay all right we’re going on a new adventure all right you ready we’ve gone that way you’re still here we’ve gone that way where have we not gone i did i actually slept with the door open didn’t i oh [ __ ] you’re right grab food i forgot i was cooking potatoes

Okay we’ll shut the door to our house and we’ll go on with ourselves oh my god a sheep at this point i’m gonna have like black and white Carpet maybe we can find a cave to go into taters hey haters here’s some coal whoa my oh have you seen my isn’t it cute look at my outfit that’s good skin no the mercury wouldn’t go in our house i feel like he wouldn’t right hey there’s a bunch of coal in here

Oh was that is that experience i’m knocking off or is that emeralds money um i need more torches don’t i we go what is growling i’m taking my torch back i’m leaving oh taking all my torches back we’re getting out of here this is not the cave we want to be in oh

My [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s what was growling jesus christ i hate that i hate that oh the vibey music is back let’s go straight that way i still need to find a saddle you know i still need to find a saddle i can’t

Get the horse i need a saddle and i found saddles too in those villages and i like dropped them for some reason i had them i dropped them oh kraken is paying for it the gift did something go from walla to tacky fracking thank you i appreciate that a lot

No i didn’t put them ah i thought i did not put them in the chest saddles are rare oh my god look behind you for there’s our big island i’m trying to go in like one general direction so i don’t lose where i’m going you know there are wild can you share

What the them i’m riding it oh my god you can ride llamas wait stop oh my god wait how can this be my horse or i just sit on it what does what do llamas like this is so cool so wait there are like ouch where are we going

Llamas take lead apples [ __ ] i have apples in my [ __ ] my pouch that’s so cool there were like wild llamas fishman hey vox hey glad you are enjoying minecraft i am i get a gold cat face oh new badge thank you for the reset i appreciate that a lot thank you

All right there’s our island okay we’re going on an adventure we’re going on and we’re back in the swamp so is that what the loom is for for carpet for llamas can you make a map i thought that you could make oh wait you need a car to carter uh photography we

I’m just running you know just running around up up up up up up up oh where’s our island kind of over that way we do not want to get lost there’s a pig some wood whoa big cave go this way hello oh my [ __ ] god why are you

Stop stop stop stop stop stop why are you outside where’s the jungle that way oh this way okay run run run fast you can run run run i’m oh the sun is going down uh oh [ __ ] um there are hole gonna be right here is that a cat is it a village

Oh my god a village oh my god holy [ __ ] they have doors that look like this hi hold on They can’t come in right can they come in can they come in no you are the heaviest sleeper i’ve ever seen There are two of them out there Wait did somebody just throw something at me Help help we’re trapped There are two creepers out there i go get a drink they you promise they can’t come in oh they’re zombies but they’re green all right if i come back and i’m dead i’m gonna beat up every one of you hi princess um Go away uglies oh my god do you even know what’s going on you even have any clue whatsoever not a care in the world this person has he’s not a baby i love this color of wood Ugly you too back there hey what my friend said he’s interested this is the friend how the [ __ ] do i get out of here is the iron golem gonna come and save us or what can we break out through the roof i don’t want to ruin this person’s house

My stone axe is about to die too does it matter if you break somebody else’s house i mean it’s still night time right so even if i did get out it would probably be a mistake you better be good if you’re gonna come in here

This is a cool village i can’t wait to i can’t we made it here right before the sun went down oh hell yeah [ __ ] him up whoa finally thank you thank you that was really sweet of you our champion a child what you got in here kid

Some grass typical money give me your allowance you fool give me your torches give me your plants and give me your bread you can keep the grass oh man what else is in this village there’s a well and everything those cows look at this big old house

Whoa whoa whoa is it what the [ __ ] oh what oh what kind of architect is this the pooping hole what is going on this is the worst built house i’ve ever seen why would you have that here there’s just bread in here oh hey okay can i make a map of the

World that i’m in or what the toilet i guess it is oh i should just take it have a map making station now excellent okay we’re just gonna keep pillaging oh This it’s made from stairs that makes so much sense it’s genius it’s genius this is what i want this is what i want in my house oh my god okay all right i need to shutting doors behind me just to be sure wow they have a lot of stuff in here gold iron

Uh nicer iron sword apples boots more iron i have a lot of bread already but i will take the bread oh oh my god Los [ __ ] los it’s about to be daytime god damn it too close too close too close too close too close yeah this is the new magic set they’ve come out with it’s pretty nice actually hey kitty don’t forget to share the sheep oh i guess i can’t what is this

A creeper blew up your house and you’re still asleep do you have wake up do you have no sense of wake up yeah huh what happened here what happened here you don’t even care oh my god he doesn’t even care i kind of like the orange beds hey llama

His house blew up and he doesn’t even care that seems dangerous to have the water run that closely to your home money and a bucket cute cute excuse me okay very cute house thank you take the bucket why would you use a bucket for are these banners oh okay To milk and oh you can milk cows this is a lot of bread look another seating area that is so cute little table i want to make sure i get everything out of the village that i want excuse me let me just get the [ __ ] out of your house and beg my pardon

I was just looking at your art what is that make a bell what is this fish blast furnace i don’t know what that means oh it’s beautiful hey what is down here ow more money A bunch of hay wait i got myself kind of turned around where was the entrance of the village i think i remember seeing a red house and a yellow house right there right there hang on or maybe it was red and gray right that makes sense right yeah so this way right

To go home oh god i’m heading away from home are you sure uh [ __ ] so what straight this way i need to eat food so this way i’m going the right way turn right a bit no my f3 doesn’t work we tried but i sold a map making station this way

Oh wait yeah yeah yeah yeah because i remember that hole in the cave yes i think we just go i think that’s it way over there is this all different wood that i’m looking at this stuff oh whoa this is a weird wood these weird trees oh we don’t need

Wheat here we go we need all that bread i got some redwood right did i not get any i got some seeds melon seeds acadia can throw away this one piece of cobblestone there we go there we go all right i think we can make it back in time and then

I might call it i think i’m going the right way yeah cause there’s that [ __ ] cavusi we saw i am going the right way yeah it’s been like eight and a half hours but it’s a c but what why are you cap would be calling me i’m right am i not right

I know it’s i’ve been distracted i haven’t said it in a long time someone wants you to play minecraft for like nine hours i have had a really good time this was like weirdly Such a vibe such a calming vibe i don’t know how else to describe it i think it’s this way past this mountain yeah i think i will play more in the future but i think next time i’ll make it an open world where people can come in am i going the right way

I think it’s on the other side of this island i feel good about i feel really good about my house like i’m very proud of my house i know it’s not done or like even relatively close to being done but i like the way that it looks

Yeah look there’s the llamas we saw this is totally the right way yeah this is totally the right way there’s the island right there i think god i hope yes that’s our house that’s our home i turn the dirt hole into a home i think i can make it before it becomes

Night time i should be right they should have a timer on when it’s going to be night time but i guess that would kind of ruin i guess the game not ruin it but people probably wouldn’t like that actually except me there’s the horses we saw some ducks

Oh we can make a clock oh [ __ ] go go go go go go go go oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go go fast fast fast fast there’s our house there it is we can get there oh my god the sun no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no hello nice to see you all where’s your [ __ ] master hello nice we did it let’s go to our loft and have a sleep whoo wait you can’t come in here no this is my house no i need to eat food

There you go burn god these llamas are still here i love that they live here i just wish i could like tame them you know oh well all right one last look at the home before we go how beautiful is this it looks so good i’m so excited to keep

Making it nice and pretty so how do you save this game or do i just exit out i’m done like my skylight i can’t get over the skylights so much natural light it looks so good there’s plants okay good you learned something new today i helped

Maybe not i don’t know how you learned it but there you go i think save and quit oh it even saves my what i looked at that’s actually kind of neat how cool oh [ __ ] i know it looks like a mound of nothing but that’s a cat wake up bessie hi

Let him know you’re here baby hi baby she doesn’t care that was so much [ __ ] fun what a fun experience that was i don’t even know how to like explain how i feel about it what a vibe what a [ __ ] vibe i see yeah i was good any game that has

Been around for like 10 years no bad words [ __ ] [ __ ] piss shut the [ __ ] up i have my 18 plus on for a reason all right another child hello there’s one and there’s one my good christian minecraft server your turkish oh awesome welcome what a good time i love that i loved

Everything about that that was so fun 10 out of 10. i don’t know what i’ll be playing again but i kind of want to play again well welcome psycho games minecraft is silly i feel like i learned a lot i feel like i got scared actually more than i expected to get scared

And i like that maybe if like on days i’m just not feeling magic i can switch between like this and eldon ring and i don’t know we’ll see enjoy discord if you haven’t already because the only time you’re ever on live and what i’m playing that a good time thank you guys for

Hanging out with me i really appreciate you it really truly means a lot this was so fun thank you for all the subs and the resubs and the kitchen subs and the bits and for vibing with me what a vibe [ __ ] what good music too jesus christ I hope you all sleep well thank you for hanging out with me we’re gonna read headology i think that they’re Yeah they just started a new draft so it’s perfect Watching you have fun is fun to watch always a great time here i i think it was i think i think it showed how much fun i actually had for like a good 20 minutes i kind of forgot that i was like i don’t think i looked at you

I was building my house with the skylight that was a good time gg oh i used to feel bad for gigi when easy would chase her and run after her and then i see gigi just messing with her while she’s like trying to sleep so like i have no sympathy for you

You’re just as big as [ __ ] as she is just because you’re older now your paw is stuck in the couch that’s your own fault there you go can you get the other there you go gigi is also a bully go tell her knowledge i say hi

Thank you guys for hanging out with me i appreciate the hell out of you this was an absolute blast i’ll definitely play again for sure i don’t know when but i feel like i learned a lot it was neat 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10.

I hope you guys have a good night i hope that you have fantastic dreams and sleep well i don’t know what i’m doing tomorrow [ __ ] maybe this who [ __ ] knows draw discord if you haven’t already cause the only time you’re gonna find one live because no one tells you what to do not

Even me good night sleep tight i’ll see you later bye

This video, titled ‘First time playing Minecraft EVER!’, was uploaded by Voxy on 2022-05-10 18:27:51. It has garnered 23972 views and 772 likes. The duration of the video is 08:36:37 or 30997 seconds.

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  • Minecraft Survival Madness LIVE 🔥 #54 P2

    Minecraft Survival Madness LIVE 🔥 #54 P2Video Information okay so this is the beginning this is the beginning of the chunk let me clarify it not this is this is right yeah so from here oh there we need to dig the whole thing subish bud are you watching I’m doing bro I’m doing what you’re asking me to do you know what I was actually thinking we’ll like eventually we’ll do that for this reason only we initially oh no I’m remembering all the things we did so we wanted to actually clear this mountain for making some Farms then I was like okay it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft! 🌊 #gamers #minecrafttrending

    Unbelievable Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft! 🌊 #gamers #minecrafttrendingVideo Information let’s build a mini ocean in [Music] Minecraft AR feeling [Music] Lely but still I want more more more I give a second CH to K it search loser X on YouTube for more This video, titled ‘Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft!🌊 #youtubeshorts #minecraft #shortvideo #trending’, was uploaded by LoserX Gamerz on 2024-03-16 06:45:02. It has garnered 264 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft!🌊& Enjoy this Video please don’t forget like & Subscribe…… ⛏️ Shaderpacks ⛏️ complementary shaders – (… ) ⛏️ Resource Pack ⛏️… Read More

  • Insane Showdown: Nico vs Cash in Lucky Block Staircase Race!

    Insane Showdown: Nico vs Cash in Lucky Block Staircase Race!Video Information cash why are you running so fast oh I got so much energy I’m so quick oh gosh you know I see those pushup particles right I know you have speed no I don’t I’m just this fast naturally no you’re not Mia did he ask you for a speed potion he actually didn’t get a speed potion from me then how did he get one I don’t know watch guys I’m going to run all the way to Frank’s house and then back again ready okay go he’s going to say want to see me do it… Read More

  • Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream Patch

    Herobrine Awaits in Minecraft 🤯 Live Stream PatchVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] सो हाय हेलो व्ट्स अप गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी का स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो आ जाओ सब लोग जल्दी जल्दी आ जाओ आज थोड़ा डिफरेंट है आज मूड आज हीरो ब्रांड प्लस के डलर मोड है आज आज मैंने के डलर भी ऐड किया है ओनली हीरो ब्रंड नहीं है आज अरे भाई रात अभी से है यह तो दिन ही नहीं होगा भाई सुस्वागतम गलती से दब गलती से मैंने ना [संगीत] दबाया भाई गलती से दप गया था क्या करें या सो तो सकते नहीं है चलो ऊपर… Read More

  • Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94

    Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94Video Information बिना कहीं ऊंची हाइट के जाए बिना आप ऐसे उठ सकते हो मेरी तरह इस वीडियो में मैं आज बताने वाला हूं कि हाउ टू फ्लाई इलेक्ट्रा इन माफ्ट पॉकेट एडिशन तो सबसे पहले आपको इलेक्ट्रा लेनी है मैंने इलेक्ट्रा लेने के लिए क्रिएटिव में गया हूं क्योंकि क्रिएटिव से जल्दी मिल जाती है पर आप सर्वाइवल सीरीज में हो तो सर्वाइवल सीरीज के लिए आपको सबसे पहले एंडर ड्रैगन को मारना पड़ेगा फिर वहां से एंड एंड सिटी में जाके फिर आपको इलेक्टर वहां प इजली मिल जाती है फायरवर्क्स तो क्रीपर को मार से उनके पाउडर… Read More

  • Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #Viral

    Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #ViralVideo Information ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न से तार चिपक गई छाती से ओम माम माम बिंग बिंग बो न सस्ते न सेता है ढीली कौन कसे कौन क कौन कसे कौन क कौन क कौन क कन कसे कन कसेन की बतिया बुझा के बस ट्रिप ले [संगीत] दो लूप में ट्यू बज के थोड़ा [संगीत] हिट [संगीत] परवा ु कमरान इधर अगर तुमको पूरी वीडियो देखनी है तो जाओ देखो यार चैनल पर पूरी वीडियो डल चुकी है और आल्सो लिंक इन डिस्क्रिप्शन और वीडियो देखो बहुत मजा आएगा और मेरी तरफ से हैप्पी… Read More

  • PokeXplore

    PokeXploreUpdated to Reforged 8.2.0! PokeXplore has several unique features for you to enjoy! * Pokemon can learn any move they learned in any game from gen 1-8 * Simple TMs – only one TM for each move * Custom Terrain * Automatic Loot Chest Refills – globally! * Stunning and Unique Auras * Quests * Dual-Type Gyms * More features to come! Website: Discord: Read More

  • Werewolves VS Vampires UPDATE – SMP

    Welcome to the Werewolves vs Vampires Server! Join now and experience life as a werewolf, vampire, or hunter in our updated 1.20 modpack. Level up, unlock new skills, and become the ultimate Vampire Prince, Hunter Brigadier, or Werewolf Alpha. Features: Vampirism Werewolves Vampiric Aging Farmer’s Delight Quark Simple Voice Chat Waystones Vampires Need Umbrellas Join our Discord Download the Modpack Read More

  • PixelRealm

    This server contains many gamemodes such as skyblock, bedwars, skywars, normal survival and many more will be coming soon. the above discord server and visit server activation channel to start the server at your play timeThe server also supports all versions and can be played from both java and bedrockEnjoy Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?

    Minecraft Memes - Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?Seems like your dog really horsed around and paid the price! Maybe it’s time to invest in some pet armor and potions for extra protection next time. Read More

  • Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift

    Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift In the world of Minecraft, MishanYAYA reigns supreme, Crafting stories, building dreams, in a virtual stream. With subscribers by her side, she ventures far and wide, Exploring realms of redstone, where diamonds hide. Gifts from Vova, surprises from friends, In the world of gaming, the fun never ends. From LOL to FUGUE TV, she’s a star, Spinning tales of adventure, near and far. So join the journey, with MishanYAYA in tow, As she navigates the world, with a playful glow. In the land of Minecraft, where creativity flows, She’s the queen of the game, everyone knows. Read More

  • My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS)

    My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS) When your friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft start teleporting around like they’re in the Matrix, you know it’s about to get INSANE! #WiFifail #Minecraftmayhem #laggylaughs Read More

  • Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle – Join Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle - Join Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the exciting and creative world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taming an Ender Dragon to soar above your castle, just like in the video you enjoyed. At Minewind, you can experience thrilling adventures, build amazing structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server by entering the IP address YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that… Read More

  • 🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play #405 – Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*

    🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let's Play #405 - Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Applaus] na einen wunderschönen guten Tag und herzlich willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft ja ich hoffe es geht euch gut und se bisher auch durch den Samstag gut durchgekommen ja ich habe ein bisschen was vor diesmal habe ich aber was vorbereitet hallöchen brinchen und hallöchen Lina brinchen Moment dass ich das nicht vergesse und zwar und zwar und zwar und zwar genau Eier genau eine ganze schaler voll Eier Teppiche und warte mal was war denn hier noch drin außer schwarzstein ach so ja das ist für die Farm noch… Read More

  • World Domination with Princess_Panda27

    World Domination with Princess_Panda27Video Information are doing Minecraft again cuz I said I would and working on the house we’re working on the third floor now yeah third floor I think yeah I got to figure out how I’m going to put the ceiling on this one and then um go from there I’m trying to get the stream up real quick and then there it is I can share it out real quick and then let’s see [Music] h [Music] okay there we go got it up all right let’s see probably do this someone near on here you want to be… Read More

  • “Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!” #clickbait

    "Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играю на анархии LantonCore #анархия #выживание #survival #minecraft #майнкрафт #klauncher’, was uploaded by Hayper on 2024-01-29 20:01:41. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:24 or 624 seconds. Tags (do not read): #klauncher anarchy, funtime, funtime, pioneer, akvych, funtime server, pioneer funtime, farm, minecraft, funtime, funtime stream, funtime anarchy, fun time, coin farming, found dupe on funtime, minecraft, funtime fits, netherite armor, fan time, vulture, funtime fits, funtime coins, minecraft anarchy, dup funtime, holyworld anarchy, minecraft anarchy, wipe, mystic funtime, pvp funtime, minecraft, funtime pvp, in minecraft, cheats,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gaming

    Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gamingVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybey that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit do that make me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 – Counting Emily’s Deaths: Shizo! 🤯

    Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 - Counting Emily's Deaths: Shizo! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘How Many Deaths? – Minecraft 1.20.4 Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 11’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-02-27 22:00:13. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:26 or 12866 seconds. If you caught my livestream where SerenaFire came to raid an ancient city with us, it happens in the middle of this video, right after I run around like an excited bouncing maniac. After that, I tragically die a bunch of times in places and ways I totally shouldn’t have died. Enjoy! Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBS

    Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBSVideo Information for h what’s up Thomas hey up Thomas how are you doing today how are you doing Thomas racist live once again I’m referring to uh the Los PS TV yes but me no no no chance you’re referring to m ow those suage Works where do you enter you like okay this is not it I’m many good to explain to me how this works where’s little cam cam what do you mean where’s little cam cam right here manam I’m not going to touch anything until goo tells me what to do I’m not going to… Read More

  • Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!

    Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video today I’ll be going over Sky spoofer and the three different spoofer modes as well as answering many of the common questions I’ve been asked by you guys in my Discord so first off what is a spoofer a spoofer is a software that either permanently or temporarily spoofs your computer serial numbers to make it seem like you’re on a new device and this is most commonly used to remove Hardware ID bands which almost all competitive games utilize including valerant fortnite Call of Duty Apex Legends and many many… Read More

First time playing Minecraft EVER!