Floki Transforms into Powerful Bosses – Epic Prank!

Video Information

Today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by breaking him as a bush of super op buses by the end of the video we’re going to turn into a super creepy void boss so make sure to watch to yet to

Find out what awesome abilities it has but now we have to figure out what Dino is doing and then we can find the perfect op B to prank him with let’s see what he’s doing oh man what a beautiful day for fishing and today I want to

Catch the big fishy ever what this is going to make it even easier for me cuz Dino is always fishing so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to break him as a bush of super op water buses let’s sneaky get into the water go to the

Other side and figure out what boss we’re going to use first these fishies are taking forever but I don’t care nothing’s going to stop me from fishing all day long and catching super giant fishies oh did you guys hear that he said there nothing’s going to stop him

From fishing today well guess what I’m going to stop him so the first boss we’re going to prank him as is actually a super duper op water creature it’s a void water bug let’s change into it and show you guys his awesome abilities boom there we go I changed to a super cool

Water plug look at the top of my head I’m some kind of water Queen like a bug Queen so let’s figure out how we’re going to prank Doo it seems like he’s still fishing so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get into the water and I’m

Going to pretend like I got caught on his fishing line over there and he’s going to try and pull me up but when he tries to do that I’m going to use my awesome void abilities to attack him okay let’s get in there oh what the heck

These stupid fishies are biting is my fishing rod even working wait let me grab another one oh no I was just about to get into his fishing line so he thought he would actually catch something okay let’s wait for him to throw it back into the water all right I

Hope this fishing rod does work let me throw it out as far as I can oh my gosh you can he threw it out let’s wait right here and pretend like he actually caught something oh fishy fishy fish fishy wait fishy fishy wait why is the fishy not in my inventory what the

Heck I thought I put the fishy in look at how confused he is how many times can we do this before he actually gives up let’s figure out oh come on where oh the fish is back the fish is back okay okay wait uh wait where did he

Go wait fishy fishy ah what the heck why is it no working I tried to pull him in but I still don’t have him in my inventory what the heck is going on he’s getting increasingly more confused let’s actually try to make him a little bit mad because he’s not

Getting this fish a to hook at all what what the heck I keep pulling it in but it’s not working this stupid fish all right if you don’t want to get C with my fishing rod I’m going to go into the water and catch you with my sword oh my

Gosh this is actually perfect because now we can just attack him from underneath his boat and he’s going to have to swim all the way back I really hope we’re going to make him scream like a little girl because now we’re going to destroy his boat let’s do it what wait

What’s hitting me what’s hitting me what wait wait where did my boat go my boat Go destroy no no I got to swim back to my house quickly ah There’s Something In The Water attacking me oh he figured out that there’s something in the water but

He has no idea it’s a super op void boss let’s see if he dares to go fishing again because then we’re going to start using our void abilities on him all right you know what I’m going to grab my super Opie strong fishing R and now I am

Sure to catch that stupid fish oh yeah okay let’s get into his fishing rod again but this time we’re actually going to fly towards him and use our super op abilities ah I’m going to blle in there you go wo wo what that what that oh my

Gosh we actually got it with a super op voidability look at that we like one shot him is he not being confused right now what the heck was that that was something super big and purple flying right at me that was so creepy okay you know what let’s creep around the corner

And attack him again to confuse him even harder and make him super scared was that the fishy doing it where did the fishy go let me see I’m going to try and pull him in again come on fishy come over here oh my gosh look at him me’s

Standing right here should I just push him into the water to freak him out because then I’m going to run away he’s going to turn around and he’s not going to see anything behind him okay let’s do it let’s do it super quickly what the heck was that I got hit by something

Wait wait wait there’s nothing here hello wait is there there’s nothing here what the heck yo this is so confusing Mr Chicken did you see anything what happened look at how confused he is okay the next time he comes walking around the corner over here I’m going to attack

Him with my super op void ability again oh my God you stupid chickens come on why don’t you just say something to me why don’t you never talk back that is so Stupid what the oh my gosh these V abilities are absolutely op okay it’s time to confuse him even harder by changing it into the next op passs I really hope he’s going to be super scared of this void bug but now we’re going to change it to

Something else oh there we go we changed into the void seab boss Dino has no idea that he’s been fishing in the lake where the sea boss has been waiting all along and now we’re going to steal back what is rightfully Ours by going to his chest

And stealing all of his valuables so the only thing we have to do is wait for him to go back fishing but I think he’s still freaking out about the void bug that he just got gilby what the heck was that wait where did it go I don’t see

That weird monster anywhere that is so weird maybe I can lure it in wait he’s going to lure it what is he even doing he’s just ringing his Bell he actually wants that buck to go back and kill him you know what guys let’s just change

Back into it go over there and scare him again as the void bug cuz he really wants to see it again but we have to let him know that the void bog has nothing to be messed with let’s change back super quickly boom there we go and let’s

Walk back into his Bas to scare him even harder and then after this we’re going to scare him as the void boss what the heck this St coming back yo that is so stupid well I guess I can just go back fishing again what what what what the

Heck is hitting me what the heck was that whoa what that was so that did so much damage what the heck hit me wait how does he not see me I’m literally inside of his face yo you know what I’m going to ring the bell to lure him here

Wait a second is it my bell wait wait somebody is ringing my bell what the who whoa what the heck is that that’s a d little bug wait why is it attacking me he’s screaming like a little girl let’s see for how long we can make him scream like a little

Girl wait okay I I got to I got to escape wait is it still chasing me it’s still chasing me I leave me alone oh my gosh I can’t believe this title’s actually screaming like a little girl we all have to laugh at him in the comments by commenting ha Dino okay

Let’s chase him again and use a super op void abilities to let him know that he should never ever try to lure the water bug back to his base ever again where did he even go I kind of lost him that was so creepy oh but I hope I’m safe

Inside of my house wait he’s back at his house again no way okay you know what I’m going to get on top of his roof I’m going to jump back in and let him know that the void bug is nothing to be messed with who there it is I being

Attack who what the heck is that what the heck was that there we go now it’s time to change to the super creepy op void boss boom there we go let’s get back into the water and see what Dino is doing now we have to let him know that he’s been

Fishing in the cursed Lake of the Void bus so if he dares to go fishing again we’re going to steal everything that he has all of his diamonds and everything that he fished ever okay let’s go over there oh man what am I going to do there’s this super weird tiny bug

Annoying me it keeps coming back I have no idea what to do anymore oh look at him being super scared well guess what I think he’s going to go back fishing because the only thing that Doo knows to do is fish now let’s see there is nothing around my house um does that

Mean I’m safe I guess I can just go fishing but I don’t want to go fishing over at the house anymore I’m going to go fishing right over here this is probably a lot safer because it’s far away from my house what he’s going to go

Fishing all the way over there okay you know what that gives us the perfect opportunity to go into his base and steal everything that he has I really hope he’s not going to hear this chest opening let’s open it up and see what he has boom what yo there’s only four diamonds

In here I really thought he would have a lot more items you know what I’m going to steal something that is worth way more to dino than diamonds I’m going to steal all of his fishing rods let’s steal all of them oh he’s going to be so

Unhappy with this okay now we have to somehow lure him back to his base so what I’m going to do is I’m going to ring the bell over and over again so he comes back wait wait what the heck is that noise wait is that the Bell being

Rung no way is there something back at my base again let me investigate I’m going to grab my sword and let’s see who is is ringing my bell wait what the heck there is nothing here okay so while he’s busy trying to figure out what the Bell

Is doing I got to open up his chest wait is he at his chest okay no no he isn’t I got to open up his chest so he hears the chest and comes here to investigate and he’s going to see all his diamonds and fishing rods are gone wait wait what the

Heck wait what is that noise wait that’s my chest wait what the heck is going on let me check let me check what where did my fishing rods go no way all of my fishing R are called I told you guys the first thing that he would notice is the fishing rods

Being gone I don’t think he even noticed that the diamonds are gone oh my gosh tyo is such a noob but guess what that’s not the only thing that’s going to happen because he made this void boss very angry by fishing in his lake so I’m

Going to get into the water wait for him to start fishing and then I’m going to appear out of the water and scare him oh man I can’t believe it I only have one more Fishing World left this is so stupid well I guess I can just enjoy my

Last Fishing World he’s actually going to go back fishing I can’t believe how addicted Dino is to fishing guys we have to stop Dino from being so addicted okay you got to help him in the comments by commenting stop fishing Dino cuz he’s so addicted addiction is never good so now

I’m going to go all the way to his fishing rod I’m going to poke my head out out of the water and then just fly towards him because this character is so super scary I think he’s going to scream like a little girl let’s do it what the

Heck what the heck fish fish fish wait what the heck what the heck that’s not a fish that’s not a fish what the heck is that fish that looks so creepy what what wait what leave me alone leave me alone what he’s actually screaming look at him

I’m going to keep chasing him what the heck wait wait is it still following me it’s still following me what the heck why is it flying so weird look at how confused he is he doesn’t even know what to do anymore he’s just running and running and

Running but I want to make him scream even harder okay I’m going to hide in the forest wait I’m still being attack he’s still behind me no way where am I supposed to go all I’m just going to dig a hole right over here I’m going to

Escape here we go W that was so close I actually managed to disappear into the ground what the heck he actually dug a hole into the floor why would he do that he’s completely stuck now okay let’s open up the floor I just look at him what what the heck no leave me

Alone there we go we actually got it with our super op void abilities it’s time to change it to the next boss and prank him even harder now it’s time to change it to the void virus this virus is so creepy and this disgusting it’s actually super scary and I might even

Poop my pants and I hope Dino does as well let’s change into it boom there we go look at this firus this thing is so gross okay let’s see what Dino was doing and please don’t tell me he’s going to go fishing again he’s really addicted if

He does oh my God no way that thing was so creepy you know I really want to try and catch it because it keeps killing me so the only thing I can actually do to catch it is go fishing again say it out of the water what he wants to try and

Catch the other thing again why would he ever do that Dino is so weird okay what if we just get into his base and show up behind him and we’re going to hit him into the water a couple of times again and run away so he’s going to get super

Confused again let’s hit him into the water what the heck I just got hit again wait what hit me wait wait there’s nothing here again yo this is so weird what the heck look at how confused he is okay the next time he goes back fishing

I’m going to do it again and we’re going to see how many times we can do it before Dino actually turned super angry D there is nothing here all right I guess I can just go back to fishing again oh man that was so stupid what

What the heck I got hit again wait hey Mr Chicken you better tell me right now what is going on or else or else I’m going to kill you so you better start talking right now what he just killed the chicken what’s wrong with him he’s actually being so mean to the chickens

You know what I’m going to prank him even harder now because he’s being super mean to the innocent little chickens let’s wait for him to go back fishing and then we’re going to prank him even harder for this what the heck you stupid chickens aren’t even talking back to me

All right you know what stupid chickens if you don’t want to talk then you can just die what is he doing no he’s getting all of the chickens though I got to save them with my void ability super quickly what the heck I got killed what the heck was that what

Happened he’s never going to know what happen but I really need him to go back fishing so I could do my little prank on him all right you stupid chickens if you’re not going to talk that don’t talk that means you’re not getting any food today I’m going to go back to fishing

Now okay so you better stop your stupid talking what he’s not going to give them any food well guess what we’re going to get Dino to be killed and we’re going to use him as food for the chickens let’s stand right behind him and push him into

The water but this time we’re actually going to stay right here and he going to turn around and we’re going to scare him super hard and hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl let’s hit him into the water what the heck I got it

Again now whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that thing that looks so creepy what he’s actually swimming away okay what we have to beat him I’m going to wait all the way over here for him and when he turns around to look at the

Pace I’m going to be standing right behind him all right all right I think I’m safe here we go okay now let’s see what wait what the heck wait the stupid creature is gone I’m pretty sure it was standing right over there that’s actually kind of weird how did it

Disappear so quickly oh my gosh as soon as he turns around I really hope is going to scream like a little girl when he sees me all right now let’s see oh I did bring my fishing rod that’s perfect I can just go fishing over here what is

Fishing now I can’t believe it let’s hit him it through the water what oh no way no way it’s right here again look at how scared he is okay I’m going to go to the other side again and wait for him in his own base so as soon

As he turns around the corner we’re going to get him wait it’s gone again no way that is so weird all right you know what I guess I can just go back into my what is right here this stupid Bas I don’t want to be here ever ever again that stupid base is

SCS oh he’s actually running away from his base no way we scared him so much he’s running away you know what he’s never ever ever going to escape the void virus let’s wait for him right on this side over here wait for him to get around the corner and then we’re going

To break him all right here we go what what the heck is over here again why does it keep following me around leave me alone yo he’s actually turning into a void cursed creature look at that his is changing around what the heck what the heck is

Going on I got to keep running I got to find a way to escape the stupid creature somehow he’s actually turning into a void virus the virus is working all right let’s get it with our little void ability boom no as you can see my friend

Dino is fishing right now but there is one giant problem he actually broke into my base and he’s using my resources to fish and mine so he’s destroying all of my items and we have to punish him for this by breaking him as super op void

Passes so first we’re going to break up as a couple of different boes then by the end of the video we’re going to turn into void ghost that thing is so crazy it has insane abilities and we have to scare Dino away forever the first thing

That we have to do is we have to figure out what Dino is doing and see how we can scare him away from my base so he stops using all of my items oh man today is going to be be so awesome going to catch so many fishies using flaky’s

Super op equipment I’m even using his own Fishing World what did you guys hear that he’s actually being happy about using my fishing right is such a bad person we have to punish him for this okay first let’s go over there as myself and we

Kind of have to try and scare him off a little bit so he never ever ever comes back to my base so what I’m going to do is I’m going to absolutely confuse him by going to the other side of my base and ringing my bell over here so he’s

Going to come over here and the bell is going to ring itself or so he thinks we’re going to make him think that my entire place is halted and hopefully he’s going to run away wa wait a second what the heck wait why is the Belt being wrong hello is

There anybody here hello hello hello wait wait there’s no one here hello look at how confused he’s being already okay what if I get a bell on my own I’m going to spawn it right ins out of this tree over here I’m going to keep ringing it

He’s going to get so confused H let’s see this Bell isn’t really doing anything that’s actually kind of wait what the heck wait a second what the heck there was a b but this B isn’t moving that’s so weird oh look at that confused dyn was already I’m going to

Ring it again what now it’s happening again wait maybe it’s coming from somewhere over here let me check it out oh no he’s going to come over here we almost got caught but our plan is working perfectly because we want to Absolut absolutely confused and scare

Him so he goes away from my base forever and he stops using my items okay I’m going to go to the other side of the base and I’m going to put the Bell down again and ring it again oh but that’s so weird wait a second what the heck wait

There’s a bell being rung again no way where is it coming from this time look at him just walking around in circles wait oh my gosh he’s getting so close to me no way you can’t see me oh my gosh this is insane okay wait wait let’s go

To this side now I’m going to place one right over here and the inside of the base and ring it again what wait a second there’s another Bell being Rong but this is so weird I don’t see anyone around the base look at how confused he is okay let’s chill out

With the bells for a while and wait for him to go back fishing so we can confuse him even harder oh right I got to get down from this stupid tree let me see if I can actually make this jump ah oh that was so close wait did he actually make

It to the water no way okay let’s wait for him to to go back fishing and then we’re going to confuse him even harder by making him think that my base is haunted and we’re actually going to show up a super op bosses that look like

Ghosts and he’s going to scream like a little girl all right you know what this stupid belt keeps distracting me so I am going to fish from over here and I’m going to keep looking at the Bell oh he’s going to keep looking at the Bell

This is perfect what we’re going to do now because he’s standing in the middle of the water on a lily pad I’m going to change it to a super op Fish Boss I keep attacking him so he gets super scared let’s sneak over on behind him behind

This tree over here and let’s change into this super creepy fish boss boom there we go look at how insane this fish boss is this fish even has some awesome abilities let’s go over there and scare Dino oh man I really want to catch a fishy come on why are the stupid fishies

No fighting what the heck oh looking at me has no idea that the void fish B aesthetic right behind him I’m going to use my first ability wa what the heck I just flew in the sky yo that was so weird what the heck just happened wait

Is there something around me wait wait there’s nothing around me what the heck is going on I’m going back to the base he’s actually going away this is perfect because I really wanted to go fish at the other side of the base because the water is much deeper over there so we

Can actually hide in the water let’s do it did he see me get into the water oh I really want to catch a fishy come on please I am so super hungry okay we got to confuse and scare Dino so much let’s just pretend to get C by his little

Fishing rod over here so he tries to pull me in but when he does I’m going to use my super op ability right on his face oh come on fishy whoo whoo there a fishy wait where did he go who who what the heck was that oh my gosh look at

That I used the power of a th000 Sons to attack him and he’s so confused right now oh my that was so weird what the heck was that that was a super weird fishy oh you know what I got to grab my sword quickly oh man that’s stupid fishy

I’m going to get him what he’s going to get a sword why would he ever get his sword don’t tell me he’s actually going to jump into the water to try a fight with this fish all right there we go I’m going to get you you stupid

Fish what no way let’s use the Ability whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is going on no no leave me alone leave me alone leave me Al I can even make his boat jum J hold on this is so funny the next time that Dino comes over here we’re going to

Scare him super hard by making his boat jump into the air what the heck was that that was so creepy wait what happened to my boat my boat was flying and now it got destroyed no don’t take my boat it’s a super cool dark boat wait a second

Isn’t even my boat it’s flaky’s boat you know what you can have it it’s flaky’s boat I don’t care what look at how me that is being it’s actually giving my boat to the scary fish I can’t believe this okay I’m going to try and hide

Right here inside of my own base I’m going to destroy all of these blocks so you can’t see me on the water and then we’re going to scare Dino super duper hard by appearing out of the water we’re going to make him scream like a little

Girl let’s do it right next to him I’m going to stand right there and hit him a whoa what the heck is that super big fishy super big mou no no no no no I’m actually on land right now wow what the heck just happened that was so weird

Weird oh my gosh wait I think it’s actually working he’s starting to get super scared and super confused but it’s not enough because he actually has to go away from my base forever so it’s time to change it to the next super op boss and this boss is so insane it has even

More awesome abilities boom there we go look at how insanely creepy this new boss LS this is so scary we have to try and scare Dino even harder because he keeps using my items to fish let’s go up there and see where he is I know what to

Do anymore you know what I’m going to go leave the base for a little bit I’m going to go fish over here because I’m still really hungry what he’s going to fish again using my fishing rod we cannot have this I’m going to try and

Wait for him to go fishing and then I’m going to stand right behind him oh my gosh here we go the next time that he turns around he’s going to see this super creepy smiling ghost and hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl

What he does we got to make some kind of noise what if I place a bell right here there we go and I’m going to ring it what the heck that stupid Bell is wait the stupid Bell isn’t even ring what the heck y this is so weird I don’t know

What to do anymore I think my mcraft Ru is like cursed or something what how did he realize I was standing right behind him no way okay wait we have to wait for him to stand still again and then I’m going to do it again oh man I don’t want

To fish over here let me just go to a little new area whoa this place look looks so cool I’m going to fish over here okay let’s go let’s go I’m standing right behind him again I’m going to place down a bell and do it again what the heck

Wait what the heck was that what the heck was that look at how scary he is I really hope he’s going to think that my base is haunted and he’s going to go away forever oh no oh no where am I supposed to go this stupid creppy

Creature is chasing me I got to hide back in flaky’s base oh you’re actually going to go back to my base again what no I wanted to try to scare him away forever but I just scared him back to my own base that’s not the plan what the

Heck okay you know what I’m going to stand right on top of my own base and wait for him to get back here and then we’re going to scare him even harder oh man luckily I’m safe inside of sl’s Base this is such a good hiding spot where is

He I don’t even see him okay let’s get into the water so we are super invisible right now oh he’s hiding here he’s hiding in my doggy pen okay hold on I’m I’m going to open up the roof behind him and use my super op abilities on him wa

What the heck was that you’re just going to killed by something wait a second he respawned there but that’s my bed look the bed is blue he actually slept in my bed that’s so disgusting that’s not hygienic at all ew we have to punish him for this let’s

Go over there and actually show ourselves to him to make him scream like a little girl again oh man no there’s nothing in the chest the only thing I have is this wooden sword now let’s see where are you you stupid mob I’m going to get you what that’s not a wooden

Sword it’s literally holding a wooden hoe that’s not a sword D is such a giant Minecraft no oh my gosh we all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing haha Dino for being such a big Minecraft Noob okay let’s stand right behind him again hopefully he’s going to turn

Around and see me and scream like a little girl okay there’s nothing here now let’s go wo whoo wo wo wo there it is there it is hey stay away from me stay away from me you stupid creepy bom leave me alone please oh yeah oh yeah Bop what the heck was

That no way he actually tried killing this op B with a wooden hole I can’t believe how big of a Minecraft Noob Dino is no way let’s see what his plan is going to be now I don’t know what to do anymore I’m going to create a new boat

And I’m going to try and escape this stupid base what he’s going to try and Escape we got to make him not be able to do that no way quickly quickly keep going keep going I want to escape so badly look at this I’m just going behind him and

Following him like a super creepy ghost he has no idea and don’t forget by the end of the video I’m actually going to turn into a void ghost with even more insane abilities oh my gosh he’s so far now let’s scare him it’s a de end that a

Stupid creatur I got to go the other way come on quickly pedal pedal wo what the my bat just got destroyed no no no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone he sounds so scared wait is he actually going to run away from my

Base forever is he going to stop using my resources oh no oh no wait wait a second I completely forgot to take Floy sters with me oh my go I’m so stupid I got to go back to the base what he’s got to steal my diamonds no way did you guys

Hear that oh my gosh he is so mean okay we have have to go back to my base super quickly and as soon as he tries to open the chest we’re going to scare him super hard oh man I got to hurry up quickly quickly quickly I’m almost there all

Right all right let me quickly eat a steak all right here we go and I’m going to open the chest I’m going to take all the diamonds and I’m going to leave this base forever let’s go who being attacked no no no not you again leave me alone no

Way he took my diamonds we have to kill him for this we have to take revenge okay you know what let’s actually make him think that he ran away with the diamonds and that he’s actually super safe so when he thinks that he’s safe we’re going to absolutely destroy him

And re take revenge all right all right wait a second that creature is gone I don’t see him anywhere who no way that must mean I’m safe all right let’s just keep going this way and hope for more safe places he actually thinks that he’s safe with my diamonds no way I can’t

Believe how much for thief Dino is we have to take revenge oh oh I’m got to climb this mountain this will probably be a super safe place to build my new base oh my wait he’s going to build a new base over here that’s so perfect because we’re just going to ruin

Everything let’s wait for him to start building a little bit all right here we go I’m going to use my axe on the tree wait why is it taking so long with this ax what the heck what oh no he’s using a wooden hole oh as an axe I can’t believe

This my brain is hurting so much he’s such a giant Noob okay let’s stand on top of a tree that he’s going to chop so when he chops the last one he’s going to see me wait what is he doing is he making a base already he chopped one

Tree all right here we go I’m going to build my treeh house here we go now the only thing I need is a little bit more oh I know what I need I need a little bit more dirt what what is he going to do okay you know what while he’s

Building that disgusting looking base we’re going to change it to the next super op creepy void ghost now this ghost has some insane void abilities let’s do it oh there we go look at this absolutely insane ghost this thing is so creepy it even has a super creepy ghost

Animation and the abilities are absolutely insane let’s go over there to dino figure out what he’s been building and try and ruin it all right there we go I already got my farm set up my base is coming along super nicely now I just

Got to wait for the seed to grow out so I can actually have some food what is he doing he planted a seed and two trees oh he’s such a cute Noob but guess what he stole my diamonds so we have to take revenge on him I’m going to step right

Behind him and as soon as he turns around he’s going to see me and he’s going to scream like a little girl again yo what the heck is going on with this seed why is it taking so super long hello stupid seed come on grow already

What the heck so what I didn’t tell you guys is as soon as I use my super awesome op void abilities it’s actually going to turn Dino into a corrupted void version of himself now watch this let’s scare him first and then when he fell down we’re going to use our abilities on

Him yo this stupid seed is taking forever let’s see how my trees do my trees are are whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that what the heck was that wait who who who who who there we go he just got got killed by a super op

Void ability now if I’m right we can find him at my base again and then he’s probably turned into a corrupted version of himself he going to look all weird and all void like so let’s try and find him did he respawn oh there he is I see

His name tag let’s see what he looks like oh man here we go I’m I’m going to create a new boat I want to get away what no what the heck no no no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone wait what the heck is going it

All it’s working sometimes look at that he’s turning into a corrupted version of himself look at this he’s getting owned by the void virus leave me alone leave me alone wait what is going on with me I feel so weird what the heck is happening to my body oh he actually feels weird

That should teach him from ever stealing my stuff again let’s go after him and scare him even more so he gets the message wait where is he going he’s swimming ah who oh oh I almost drown well luckily I am safe let’s see where did that stupid wait that’s a doggy over

There oh that doggy looks super cute wait I don’t see any weird mob around wait does that mean I’m safe again no way it was so easy oh my gosh he thinks he’s safe and as soon as he turns around he’s going to see me and he’s going to

Meet one of my new super awesome void abilities so let’s wait for him to turn around waa what the heck is this place this looks so whoa what the heck happened I’m in the floor right now oh wait I’m laying down he’s actually stuck no way he managed to get himself stuck

This is insane I could just stand right there and scare him super much no leave me alone where am I suppos no I can’t get out of here wait run run run run run oh he made it out no way look at how scared he is he’s actually running away

Let’s run after him oh quickly quickly come on let’s run over the ice that way ah wa that hit me that did so much damage wait a second is he going to swim under the ice he’s not going to make it I think he’s actually going to round

Hold on hold on we’re going to keep placing a lot of ice so he actually gets lost under the ice and he’s not going to make it wait where where am I supposed to go wait wait where am I supposed to go up it’s not working well please please

Please wait why is it not working what the heck why got I go up no way it actually worked we did it today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as a bushes super creepy op bosses and that is actually perfect

Because as you can see Dino is fishing right now and all of my op bosses are going to be water deemed so we’re going to get into the water change it to the first op pass and by the end we’re going to turn into a super super special super

Creepy op passes all right let’s get to do the water and change it to the first one to see how we can prank Dino super hard there we go we just got into the water and what I’m going to do now is I’m going to change to the first super

Scary water based op boss because Dino is fishing we’re going to be a super scary op Fish Boss so let’s change it do it right now three two one boom there we go oh my gosh this thing is absolutely disgusting look look at this I think it’s called an anglerfish mama so it’s

Literally a super giant mother fish it’s so scary and seeing as Dino is fishing right now all we have to do is just get into the water super quickly like this and then get into his fishing round so he thinks he’s going to catch a super

Big fish like this oh man today is going to be so awesome because today I am on a quest to catch the biggest fishy ever so let me throw out the fishing world and hope for a super giant fishy wow this is absolutely perfect Dino is going to try

And catch the biggest fish ever and guess what we actually are the biggest fish ever in Minecraft so let’s just pretend like we get caught by his little fishing lineon over here and then when it tries to pull us up we’re just going to swim away to make him mad W wo giant

Fishy giant fishy giant fishy what what wait a second what the heck where did the fishy go uh fishy come back here please I want to catch you okay let’s do it again oh oh fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy what what what the heck wait what wait is my fishing R

Not strong enough I’m going to grab a stronger fishing rod what is’s going to grab a stronger fishing rod because he thinks his one is not strong enough I’m really wondering if he’s not seeing that this fish is absolutely terrifying because he does not seem to be scared at

All okay the next time that he pulls Us in with the fishing rod we’re going to actually fly towards him and attack him and let’s see if he gets scared then oh come on oh the fishy the fishy here we go pull him in pull him in wait fishy w

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck yo that fishy was actually super big and actually kind of creepy he has such a big b oh look at how scared he is okay you know what without him trying to fish for me I’m just going to swim past and hit him

Again who whoa whoo who big fishy big fishy big fishy oh no emergency emergency super giant fishy what he’s ringing his own Bell because there’s a giant fish in the water oh my gosh oh right here we go it is time to catch that big fishy oh but I’m going to be so

Super duper Rich I’m going to catch a super big fishy and I’m going to sell him to all the villagers oh my God I’m going to have so many emeralds oh he wants to catch the fish to sell to the villagers well guess what now I’m going

To turn into the next super op boss and that super op boss is actually a drowned villager pirate king and now he’s going to try and catch the fish again but this time this’s going to be a super scary villager going to attack him let’s

Change it to the next op passs now boom there we go look at this we look so scary it’s like we’re a cursed villager with some kind of scoar gear on and we actually have tentacles coming out of our back so what we’re going to do now

We’re going to make Dino believe that he’s actually cursed by the Sea villager and how we’re going to do that is I’m going to go inside of his fishing rod and when he tries to pull me out of there I’m going to pretend like he actually come me but now we’re going to

Attack him on lab because we’re not a fish oh man please where did that big fishy go I want to whoa what the heck is that wait pull it in put it in wait wait Pull It in Pull It in whoa whoa what wait it’s attacking me it’s attacking me

Oh no no no no what the heck was that J was attacking me wait where did it go oh look at how scared he is he actually screamed like a little girl let’s see if we can make him scream like a little girl again I’m going to keep ringing his

Bell over and over again again but when he turns around there’s nothing there let’s do it what the heck wait someone’s ringing my bell uh hello Belle what are you doing wait why are you ringing wait now you stop that’s actually kind of wait it’s ringing again wait what the

Heck where is this coming from wait let me check is this the wind hello is there any wind wait there’s no wind whatsoever this is so super duper weird wait is it one of the chickens doing it let me count how many chickens do I have I have

One two three four five no of my chickens are here as well what the he why is my bell ring oh no chicken escaping chicken escaping hey what the no wait where’s the bill being run come on Mr Chicken get back in the cage no

Dino has no idea that he just got cursed by the sea god let’s actually not ring the bell now wait for Dino to go back fishing because I have a super awesome idea let’s see so the bell ringing stop let me check is my bell broken or

Something uh hello let me let me oh no it still works it still works okay so I I think I just going to go back to fishing oh wait a second that super giant fishy is still in the water here somewhere I really want to catch him

This is perfect cuz now I’m going to stand right behind him and I’m going to hit him into the water and he’s going to get super scamed before he turns around and realizes that he got pushed into the water I’m going to fly away super quickly so he has no idea what actually

Pushed him into the water let’s hit him in whoa what the heck hit me wait a sec wait a second what the heck there is nothing here oh what that’s so weird wait let me check my house there’s someone in the house hello oh no hello

Is there somebody here is he going to see me we got to run away quick run away he can’t see us yet what the heck there’s absolutely no one here that was so weird wait maybe it was like a skeleton or something that’s weird oh my

Gosh he looked right at me how did he not see me okay we’re going to try and do it again we’re going to hit him into the water but this time we actually going to keep standing right here so when he turns around he’s going to

Scream like a little girl wow what think why did I got whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that what the heck is that wait whoa what the heck is that thing and why is it standing in my base look at how scared he is he actually

Screamed like a little girl so much we all have to laugh at him in the by typing ha Dino oh my gosh you know what we got to make him scream again I’m going to get through the water and go after him because he’s trying to swim

Away all right here we go at least I’m safe over here on the lat though let’s see what the heck was that thing wait wait where did the thing go is not standing at my base anymore uh hello he actually thinks he’s safe all the way

Here cuz he thinks the scary monster is at his base but he has no idea as soon as he’s going to stand still I’m going to appear right behind him what is he doing he’s getting some wood why all right here we go I’m going to get myself

A boat because I do not want to swim in that water again that was so super duper scary so here we go I’m going to play sty my crafting table I’m going to craft a few boats he’s going to make some boats oh he’s going to do all that

Trouble but as soon as he turns around he’s going to see me all right wow what did we it’s over here it’s over here no no no run away oh my God she screamed like a little girl again wa is it going to go back into the water that is perfect

Because now we can change it to the next super creepy op boss what has been your favorite boss so far make sure to let me know and if you know any awesome op bosses that I can use in my next prank comment their name down below now okay

I’m going to change it to a super creepy op boss boom there we go we Chang it to a super scary water dragon look at this our head is popping out of the water and this is ex exactly what I’m going to use to break Dino super hard so let’s see is

He fishing again because Dino is actually incredibly addicted to fishing as you guys might have seen It’s actually an addiction I think it’s pretty much unhealthy at this point so now we’re going to go underwater wait for him to fish and we’re going to pop our heads out of the water and just

Stare at him and see if we can make him scream again all right let’s see I have my sword ready and if somebody wants to mess with me they’re going to get it so now I am going to go fishing while I’m super protected by my Opie sword let me

See I’m going to catch a fishy again what did he say he has a sword he was literally holding his shovel oh my gosh D was such a giant Noob I can’t believe this but that’s why it’s fun to prank him because he has no idea what’s possible and what’s not because he’s

Such a giant Noob okay let’s stand right next to him with the dragon head and just stare at him and see how long it takes him to realize that there’s a dragon staring at him from the the water all right yo these fishies are actually taking like super long today this is

Actually really stupid come on fishies hurry up he doesn’t even realize okay what if I destroy his boat right in front of him what the heck was that noise was it like a fishy or something oh that was super weird wait if that was a fishy noise why are there no fishies

Going into my fishing World hello oh my gosh how does he not realize I’m standing right next to him okay how can we make him realize guys M I have an idea I’m going to use one of my super awesome fire abilities to attack him all right let’s use our fire ability right

Now wa W whoa whoa whoa whoo why is there fire why is there fire huh what the heck where did the fire come from that was so super duper weird huh what no way how does he not CF literally right here Dino is the blindest Minecraft player ever oh my gosh I can’t

Believe it my brain is hurting so much we really have to comment haha Dino for being so blind you know what I’m going to just go on one block higher so I’m actually out of the water now and I’m going to use my fire abilities again wa fire again fire again no emergency

Emergency ring the bell ring the bell no what the heck wait I was killed by the fire whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that though wait wait wait what what yo that looks so creepy he finally sees me okay what if I use

The fire again when he Peaks his head around the corner let’s do it who fire fire fire fire ow it hurts oh my wait wait what the heck does it want hey you want to fight I’m going to use my sword on you if you don’t watch out oh my gosh

Look at him he’s actually trying to use a sword but it’s a shovel Dino is the biggest Minecraft no ever wo what he’s trying to attack me okay I’m going to use more of my dragon abilities let’s do it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that I’m half heart where is he where is he where is he we got to get him we got to get him oh he’s right over there I’m going to try and snipe him w w w w so

Much fire wait a second I have a super smart idea if that mob is shooting fire I’m just going to hide in the water oh he’s going to hide in the water that’s perfect because now we’re just going to change it to the next super op boss

Which is actually a void worm and this void worm has even more powerful abilities so he’s not going to be safe in the water at all let’s change into it boom there we go we Chang into a super scary void War but look at these abilities this is so scary we have all

Kinds of super awesome void abilities oh my gosh so now the only thing we have to do is we got to find dinos somewhere in the water where is he oh he’s right over there let’s try and come up right behind him and eat him up with our our Jaws all

Right I think I should be safe over here right let me see who what the heck is that what the heck is that get out of the water quickly that was so super duper creepy what the heck was that I’m going to follow him as a

Void form he has no idea I’m chilling right behind him wait did it just oh that I’m going to use one of my void abilities as soon as he sees me and turns around what the heck wait where did that Weird thingy go it’s all in the

Water I don’t see it what the heck uh uh what oh wa it’s right over dead no no no no no oh no oh let me get in the boat I got to escape quickly quickly what he really thinks he’s safe in the poat the poat is super slow I’m way faster than

It let’s go luckily I have a super fast boat that stupid animal is never going to catch me W no my boat got destroyed yo what the heck is that yo that thing look so creepy look at how scared he is he has to be on land then I’m going to get it

With one waa what the heck was that that was super weird oh look it’s sing right over there what the heck is that thing oh he actually sees me standing over here what if I just get into the water again and he’s going to try and figure

Out where I am but I’m going to go right behind him from the back side of his Bas and stand behind him to scare him again let’s get into the water wait a second where did they go did it just go into the water hello weird animal where did

You go oh oh he has no idea and I’m literally in his face right now all I have to do is wait for him to look at the water again and I’m going to stand right behind him oh my gosh look at this in the water I don’t even see it what

The heck uh hello what the heck it’s right over there let me sh away I’m going to try and hit him with my awesome void abilities as soon as he gets out of the water all right I need to grab some air quickly that was so super who

Oh my gosh Dino has no idea what to do anymore cuz he’s getting cursed by super op water buses all right let’s change to the next super op boss the next super op boss is actually going to be Pikachu with his awesome lightning abilities Dino’s going to be so scared let’s

Change it to Pikachu right now boom there we go we even have a super awesome Walkin animation look at this okay we’re going to try and get to Dino’s base without him seeing us and then we’re going to absolutely surprise him when we start using our super awesome lightning

Abilities oh no I want to get away from this stupid b stupid Bas is cursed what is actually running away no way we can’t let that happen cuz we need him back in his base so we can break him even harder let’s use a super awesome op Pikachu

Ability to blast him back to his own base whoa whoa what the heck is that what ah oh my gosh he got absolutely blasted by the lightning let’s see did he spawn at his own base again he did we’re going to scare him even more oh

Man no what pikach you was right over there oh no I got to swim away this is perfect he’s swimming away to the other side as soon as he gets on land we’re going to get him and blast him again I got to keep running wait what the heck

Was that wow he’s right behind me what the heck I got to keep I wo wo wo wo what the heck was that yo today my friend Dino is playing Minecraft but he’s actually playing in my base that means he’s using my resources and my items to mine and fish

For his own benefit so what we have to do today is we have to scare him off by using super op bosses and by the end of the video we’re going to use a super op void snake that has some insane void abilities we’re definitely going to

Scare him off but first we have to figure out what he’s doing so we can choose the perfect op pass to prank him with oh but today is going to be so awesome because I am fishing from flaky’s fishing base and he has no idea I’m here I’m going to use everything

That he has I’m going to use his boat I’m going to kill his sheep I’m going to eat his sheep and I’m going to use his special Fishing World what the heck is literally using everything that I worked for this is absolutely insane Dino is so mean I

Think it’s time to change it to the first super scary op pass and try to scare him away do you guys think I will scare him away comment yes or no so let’s sneak over there cuz he probably has no idea that I was still playing

Super close to my base I was just mining up there but now I’m about to prank him so hard so we have to scare him off the base cuz I don’t want him to get here ever ever ever again by the end of the video I want them to be so scared of

This Base by the end of the video I want him to be so scared of this space that he’s never ever ever going to come back and hopefully he’s going to cry like a little baby cuz that’s what he deserves for stealing all of my items okay let’s

Change to the first super scary boss this boss is called the nightmare crawler this thing is absolutely disgusting look how it crawls across the floor we’re going to scare Dino so hard I hope he’s going to scream like a little girl so first what we’re going to

Do because he’s using my fishing rod to fish we have to punish him I’m going to hit him into the water and run away quick to confuse him super hard he’s probably going to try and figure out what hit him into the water but he’s not going to realize and hopefully he’s

Going to get super scared cuz he can’t find the thing that hit him into the water let’s hit him now what what what the heck wait wait a second I got hit by something something hello wait what wait there’s nothing here what the heck Hello look at him he’s actually being super

Confused already but we do not want Dino to be confused we want him to be super scared so let’s go wait for him to go fishing again and then we’re going to do it again and see how many times we can do it before he actually starts crying

Because he’s so scared all right you know what that was super weird but I guess I just fell into the water or something I’m going to go fishing again oh my God she’s fishing again using my fishing rod do you guys think I have to punish him comment yes if you think Dino

Is a meanie and we should punish him I’m going do it right now what the heck I got hit it again yo yo yo Yoo this time I definitely didn’t fell through the water wait but wait was there like a skeleton or something wait let me check

There is no Arrow inside of me yo this is so weird what the heck has been hitting me why does he think it’s a skeleton it’s literally daytime skeletons don’t even spa right now oh my gosh the worst part about this isn’t that Dino broken into my base it’s that

Dino is a giant Noob and he broke into my base I really hope he’s not going to mess up my base by doing some absolute Noob stuff is he going to go fishing again because this time we’re actually going to terrify him a little bit more because he just doesn’t sound scared

Enough oh man that was so weird you know what I am really hungry so I’m going to throw out flaky’s fishing Bo again and hopefully I can cat some nice fishies oh my God he’s just laughing about it he’s said he’s going to use flaky’s fishing

Rod again he’s using my fishing rod okay I’m going to hit him into the water but this time I’m going to be waiting right here for him so hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl and get super scared what the heck I got in again yo

This time whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that wait a second what the heck was that real wait was there really a mob wait let me double check hello uh what wait a second wait wait I could have sworn

There was a m right over here wait where did it go this is going perfectly according to plan he’s already is starting to sound super duper scared this is so hilarious okay you know what he’s actually going into the Forest right now right oh yeah he’s right there

I’m going to try and walk behind him and then when he turns around he’s going to see me again and hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl again where did you go you super weird B I got my sword out and I’m ready to kill you oh

He has no idea the nightmare crawler is right behind him I hope he’s going to turn around soon oh man oh what the heck wait it’s right there he right there whoa what the heck what the heck wait wait a second is it crawling why is it

Crawling what the heck that is so creepy look at him is actually screaming you know what that wasn’t a loud enough scream I really want him to be super duper scared let’s run after him oh man oh man is this it’s still chasing me no

Leave me alone leave me alone no no stop hitting me stop hitting me stop hitting me please oh my gosh he’s already sounding so scared he absolutely screamed like a little girl let’s all laugh at him in the comments by commenting haha Doo because he screamed like a little girl

Where is he going is he actually running away that we scare him away from my base already that was so quick no wait wait I can’t run back I want to be a Floy space because I want to use all of his stuff I’m going to use everything what did you

Guys hear that he’s super terrified but he wants to use all of my stuff so his greediness actually overcame his scaredness oh no way you know what we just have to scare him even more and I know how to scare him super hard Dino is super terrified of me when I’m mad so

What I’m going to do is I’m going to change it to a super op Goblin boss and goblins are known for stealing so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go inside of my own chest and steal my diamonds and run around Dino with it

He’s going to be so scared because of the goblin stealing the diamonds that he thinks thinks that I’m going to think that he stole the diamonds let’s change it to the goblin super quickly boom there we go look at this this little Goblin actually looks like he’s holding

A diamond block and it just so happens that I actually have a diamond block in my own chest so I’m going to walk over there and I’m going to steal that diamond block and run past Dino with it and he’s going to get so terrified because he’s probably going to think

That I’m going to blame him for stealing my diamond let’s try to sneak into the BCE without him realizing oh waa wait a second what the heck yo no way this is from flaky waa flaky has such a cool hat I’m going to use this hat what the heck he’s stealing my

Equipment why is he stealing my helmet oh my gosh he’s so mean okay you know what I’m going to go break it to the base right now I’m going to open up this chest and steal my block of diamond there we go look I’m literally holding

It and now all we have to do is we have to let Dino know that it has been stol in so what if I keep opening and closing the chest and then I stare at him with this diamond block and then I run away so he’s going to see me holding the

Diamond block and run away hopefully he’s going to get super scared wait wait wait a second wait what is that noise wait sheepies be quiet be quiet you stupid sheepies I’m trying to listen wait wait a second that sounds like a chest wait wait the chest wait the chest

What what the heck wait what did you doing here wait wait wait why are you carrying the diamond block wait he steal the diamond block no wait that’s flaky sond block we come back here no I don’t want FL to be mad at me when he finds

Out his diamond block is gone come back here you stupid stupid creature look at him is actually freaking out he really believes that this little Goblin stole the diamond block oh he’s going to be so terrified of me cuz I’m going to become super angry by the end of the video I’m

Actually going to go back to my own base as myself and asking where my diamond is gone so be sure to watch it till the end also we’re going to change it to a super scary snake boss okay but now we have to confuse and scare Dino even more and

Punish him for breaking into my base you know what I’m going to do I’m going to turn around and start attacking him wa whoa who whoa whoaa wait wait why are you attacking me hey hey you get your hands off ah whoa that hurts wait that

Hurts so much what are you doing why are you stealing my diamond block what the heck what the heck did he just really say why he’s stealing my diamond block that’s not his diamond block you know what we’re going to punish him for saying that by using our super awesome

Goblin abilities wait I think Dino ran all the way back to the base oh this is awesome because we’re about to morph into a super dangerous void snake it’s so insane but first we have to punish Dino even more by using our super awesome insane Goblin abilities I’m

Going to walk over there and make him super mad by dropping a block of diamond and standing right next to it and hopefully he’s going to try and pick it up oh I can’t believe it his diamond block is really God I lost my diamond wait wait wait a second yo this stupid

Creature is stting me why are you dropping the block and then running back again hey come backy you stupid I want my diamond block again oh yeah he’s going to try to attack me but then I’m going to turn around and use my awesome Goin abilities let’s do it what whoa

Whoa whoa whoa who who that doal so much damage no I’m help hardly going to get away wo who wo W look at that I actually sniped it with my abilities that was so awesome okay let’s see if he still wants to try and attack this little Goblin

Because now we have to absolutely terrify him and make him super scared so he never ever returns to this base ever and steal my stuff again well I don’t know what to do anymore I can’t believe it I really Lov flaky’s diamond block he’s going to be so mad at me wait wait

There you are Hey Hey listen I got a trade deal for you I have a I have a I have a suspicious stew two bamboo 10 potatoes four four carrots five coal eight paper and one read please give me the diamond block bag you know what let’s actually give him the diamond

Block back but then we’re just going to kill him using our super awesome abilities again okay here you go you know what here you go sure just have it that buddy whoa no way I got the diamond block wait a second what if I just lied to Floy saying his diamond block got

Stolen and then I can just grab diamond armor I’m going to grab myself a diamond armor what he’s going to lie to me we got to stop this what di I got killed no no no no no the diamonds I got the diamonds I’m going to run away W what

The heck was that dude that was so creepy oh no that means my diamond block is somewhere in the water we have to punish Dino for this because now we actually lost my only diamond block I’m going to turn insane now it’s time to change you to the next op pass and this

Thing is absolutely hilarious it’s actually a jack o lantern AKA a curved pumpkin but it’s alive so Dino’s going to get super scared and then we’re going to mess around a little bit more to give me even more reason to be mad at him by

The end of the video and yes I’m really going to come back in my normal skin and talk to him and ask him what the heck happened to my base and now before I do that I got to ruin my base let’s go I’m going to sneak right in my own pumpkin

Patch over here I’m going to stay right here oh look at that it’s like this little pumpk is actually a baby pumpkin so when Dino comes over here we’re going to scare him super hard by just jumping out and starting attacking him oh oh oh

Oh man I am so hungry you know what I am going to kill all of flaky sheep and then I’m just going to disappear forever here we go let’s kill some of these sheepies and get some nice meat what he’s actually killing my sheep now he

Stop it those are my sheep wait wait I’m being a attack whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that wo wo w it looks so creppy what the heck are you wait where is your head wait wait is that your head why do you have your head in

Your head that looks so creepy I got to get away from you you know what I’m going to do now I’m going to give myself even more reason to be mad at him because I have a super awesome fire ability and I’m going to set fire to my

Own base so by the end of the video I can blame everything on Dino and hopefully he’s going to regret it so much and he’s never going to come back let’s use my super awesome fire ability oh there we go the entire house is going

Up in Flames wait a second what the heck is going on at the house wait wait everything is going on fire ah stay away from this Bic we’re going to put it on the fire quickly no Flo’s going to be so bad at me look at at me already sound super

Duper scared of me being mad at him this plan is going amazing I can’t believe it okay you know what let’s just wait for him and see if he actually manages to get the fire out oh no I died because of the fire it’s everywhere oh my gosh you know what

I just realized he slept in my bed as well that’s so disgusting why would he ever sleep in my bed ew now I have to go out and find a new bed that’s so gross okay you know what I’m going to change it to the super awesome op void snake

And come here and attack him once and for all boom there we go I Chang to a super scary void snake we’re going to scare him a little bit more and then I’m actually going to come back as my own skin and ask him what happened to my

Base i’ been super mad at him okay let’s go over there as the void snake oh this is so scary oh no wait oh oh I think I almost got all of the fire oh look I actually managed to save a part of the roof but what the heck There is almost

Nothing left what the heck wait wait a second what you killed me wait let me take a look hello is there anybody there oh he has no idea I am standing right behind him and I’m going to use my super awesome void abilities on him to scare

Him super hard as soon as he turns around he’s going to see me a super scary void snake what the heck is that that looks so creepy what the heck D It’s like a super giant snake I’m using my super awesome void abilities on him

So he can never ever go up again he’s going to drown himself in the water oh W that did so much damage so I got to find a way to escape where am I supposed to go wait there it is oh my gosh this void ability is so insanely strong this void

Sak is the most awesome thing ever okay let’s go back to the paas and see if he’s still there see if we can make him even more scared before we come back is my own skin and ask him what the heck happened oh no floak is going to be so

Bad when he comes back home a what the he yo leave leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone no no no I’m going to escape I’m going to escape I’m going to escape here we go what is he doing he’s actually trying to escape I’m just

Going to pour some lava directly on him how does he think he’s ever going to escape while taking straight down oh no way I’m actually saved down here I’m going to try and create a little base over here now let’s see uh oh no I didn’t bring any wood that is so stupid

Of me wait wait wait why is there lava wait where there lava oh my gosh and now we just respawned over here look at him oh no no no where am I supposed to go this stupid weird snake keeps following me everywhere oh look at how terrified he

Is I bet he regret sleeping in my bed now because he keeps respawning here oh no oh no where am I supposed to go I’m just going to keep running away from that stupid base I don’t want to be in Flo’s base ever again a it’s right over

Here no no no no I’m going to use my awesome abilities on him what the heck what the he W okay you know what it’s time to actually come back as myself and ask him what the heck he’s doing at my base let’s change back to my own skin oh

There we go okay let’s walk back to my own base and let’s see if we can actually find him and ask him what the heck he’s doing there and what happened to my base where is he right now I can’t find him oh no this is so bad though bit

Is destroyed there’s absolutely nothing left of it there’s just a little bit of wooden PL at the roof what the heck Dino what happened here what are you doing at my base wh what what wait what do you mean what do you mean what I don’t know

What happened flaky I I don’t know what do you mean you don’t know you are here everything is broken what did you do to my base what’s wrong with you what do you mean nothing is broken look your blue carpet is still here right look there’s a blue better look look

Everything is just as normal wait no my diamonds my diamonds where is my diamond block Dino uh yeah okay well you’re probably not going to believe me but there was this super weird tiny little Goblin creature and he came over here and and he got into the chest and then

He saw your diamond block I even saw the diamond block inside of his hands what you’re lying D why are you ever at my base why are you breaking in what the I’m going to find your base I’m going to steal everything no Floy stop no I

Actually flew away super quickly so now he actually thinks I’m going to steal everything I’m going to lie I’m going to tell him that I found his base wow what a nice base you have over here D I’m going to steal everything wait wait you

Follow my base already no way oh no no I got to get over there quickly okay guys should I actually find this base in the next video Steal everything let me know today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up

By breaking him as a bunch of super cool void bosses by the end of the video I’m going to turn into a void God cuz he’s going to get super duper scared of it so now let’s figure out what Dino is doing so we can figure out what for BS we’re

Going to prank as first oh today is going to be a perfect day because I am going to catch the biggest fish ever oh no I can’t believe it Dino is fishing again does he ever do something else guys we have to get Dino to stop fishing

Because he’s super addicted to it so now if you want to help Dino you got to come and stop fishing Dino because we you have to stop him from his addiction okay let’s go over to the water sneakily get in and change it to the first super op

Boss and because he’s fishing we’re going to change it to a super scary fishy are you guys ready let’s go boom there we go we just doed the super ancient skeleton fish and our goal for today is that we have to scare Dino so hard that he’s going to scream like a

Little girl and hopefully stop fishing for a while because as I said he is super duper addicted so let’s actually pretend like he’s going to catch the biggest fish he’s ever seen in his life by getting into his little hook over here whoa whoa what the heck was that

Wait was that a fishy whoa wait I got to try and pull him in I got to try and pull what wait wait wait fishy wait where did the fishy go wait the fish she is not in my inventory that’s kind of weird what the heck look at how confused

He is let’s see how many times we can actually break him into trying to catching the big fish before he realizes that he’s never ever ever going to catch it all right you know what I got to throw in my fishing rod again so I’m

Going to throw it in right now and let’s see come on fishy come here come here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that is a super giant fishy wait wait where did the super giant fishy go wait wait I didn’t catch sh no way I didn’t catch it

I got to grab a stronger fishing rod oh my gosh he’s getting more and more increasingly confused and now he’s even going to get a fishing rod a stronger fishing rod to try and reel me in but this time when he tries to reel me in

I’m going to jump towards him and start attacking him and hopefully we can make him scream like a little girl all right here we go I got my strongest best fishing rod ever and I’m going to throw it in come on please want to catch that super giant fishy today please please

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what the what the whoa what the heck yo did that fishy just attack me what the heck fishies are supposed to attack me that is so mean but he was so super big I really want to catch him let’s hop into

The boat let’s see where did that stupid fishy go what the way Dino is actually getting into his boat to try and catch me that’s the biggest mistake that he’s ever done in his life because now we can swim after him and actually destroy his

Boat from under him so he’s going to be stuck in the big lake and he has to swim all the way back wa what the heck that was such a weird fishy but I still haven’t found that super big wait wait whoa whoa whoa who whoa it’s right in he

Destroyed my boat no I got to swim the shore quickly quickly quickly did you guys hear that we actually made him scream like a little girl oh my gosh okay let’s swim back back all the way to his base and see what he’s going to do next uh uh that

Was super weird my boat got destroyed but luckily I have a backup boat so I’m going to go into the water again and try and catch that super big fishy and this time I’m going to sit right over here and throw my fishing roll out and now

Let’s hope that that stupid fishy comes back here so I can catch it what no way he’s getting into the water with another boat oh my gosh Dino is never going to L well guess what people we’re going to going to use our super awesome super

Scary fish abilities to scare him out of the water let’s go okay now we have a super awesome fish ability it’s called the tornado in the water look at this look at how cool this is okay let’s actually swim closer to him and we’re going to scare him with the ability oh

What the heck where is that stupid fish here whoa whoa what the what the heck is that what the heck is happening what the heck that was so super duper creepy wait wait wait what’s the it looks like some kind of tornado no oh let me get out of

The water quickly quickly oh I almost died I’m like help a heart oh my go he’s actually running away he’s so scared no way the tornado is so strong I’m going to try and get right in here into his little dark area and when he sees me I’m going to shoot

The tornadoes right at him oh my gosh look at how creepy this looks huh wait where the heck did that tornado go the tornado is gone wait does that mean is wa what the his entire base is being a t by my awesome abilities wait where is he going

I need him to come back cuz I’m going to use my next ability wait a second what the heck what theck oh my gosh okay I think he has to see that we’re actually a skeleton fish cuz we have to scatter him super hard but when he notices we’re scele the fish

We’re going to swim away and change it to the next BX so he gets even more confused H that is super oh wait wait the big fishy is right over there wait wait wait why is it coming into my base W it’s a fishy it’s right over here it’s

Attacking me wait a second it only has bones it’s some kind of skeleton fishy oh he realized I’m a skeleton fishy let’s get him no no no please I got killed Again by the stupid fishy wait oh this stupid fishy let’s change it to the next open b boom what

Ido doesn’t know is that he has been fishing in the cursed void Lake and he is awoken the void Enderman and the void Enderman is going to steal everything that Dao has ever fished and everything that Doo has ever m in his chest so let’s sneak Le get over there while he’s

Busy trying to find the fishy and then we’re going to steal everything he has what the heck where did that fishy go I really want to catch him I want to get payback on him I’m going to throw in my fishing roll I’m going to catch that stupid skeleton fishy you know what

Matter of fact before we go in his chest and steal everything let’s scare him super hard first by going right behind him and pushing him into the water and when he turns around there’s going to be nothing there what what I got hit I got

Hit what the heck was that wait a second what the heck just happened I got hit by something but there’s nothing here uh Mr chickens do you have any idea what the heck hit me please why is he talking to the chickens oh my gosh doesn’t he know

The chickens can’t even talk back to you D is such a giant Noob okay let’s wait for him to go back fishing and let’s see how many times we can push him into the water without him realizing that there’s a super scary void Enderman standing on top of his roof the chickens aren’t

Really talking I don’t know why come fishes why don’t you just tell me stupid chickens what why is it attacking the chickens no we have to use our super awesome end the unvoid abilities to stop him from attacking the chickens let’s do it stupid chickens why don’t you tell me

What oh my gosh did you guys see my voidability it was so strong it literally one shot Dino I don’t think he realizes what’s going on let’s see if he’s going to be super confused what the heck was that that was something purple flying at me and it killed me what the

Heck was that oh no he’s going to try and find what it was that was not the plan cuz I wanted to hit him back into the water when he’s fishing okay you know what I’m just going to wait for a little while until he goes fishing again

So we can confuse him even harder cuz I don’t want to let him know just yet that he has awoken the curse of the Void Ender oh what the heck I can’t find it there is nothing around my base that is so weird uh well I guess I can just go

Back fishy again because the big fish is still somewhere in the water oh he still wants to go fish for the skeleton fish but he has no idea that I have transformed into another thing to prank him and I’m going to hit him into the

Water right now I got hit again what the heck was that what what wait there’s nothing here again this is so confusing look at how confused is okay the next time we’re actually going to stay right there so he turns around and he’s going to see the void endon and

Then we’re going to use our super awesome void abilities on him so let’s wait for him to go fishing again and then we’re going to scare him super hard and hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl yo that was so super duper weird you know what I am going to ring

The bell let’s see if I can lure it here hello come over here what why would he ever ring the belt Dino is so stupid he has no idea that he’s calling the cursed void Enderman you know what I’m going to give him what he wants I’m going to go

Into the water and now because he rang the bell I’m going to come from right in front of him and he’s going to get super scared let’s get out of the water and scare him whoa what the heck is that yo what the wait wait it’s some kind of

Purple ghost thingy what the heck wait it’s coming closer no it’s so creepy I’m going to run away what why is he running away already no way I just wanted to talk to him okay okay while he’s running away let’s actually scare him super heart we’re trying to predict where he’s

Running to and then we’re going to jump right in front of him so no matter what side he chooses to run towards we’re going to be waiting for him at every side wa wait he’s right here is here again what the heck it keeps chasing me no no where am I

Supposed to go it keeps following me around being it again oh my gosh he’s actually screaming like a little girl he’s so scared does he not real realiz that Enderman can teleport around okay let’s try to do it again where is he right now wa what the

Heck this place is so cool there’s like super weird trees over here uh hello huh that’s weird I’ve never seen this biome before what the heck look at him running he’s so scared oh no wait where am I supposed to go I’m going to get lost in these Woods

I’m just going to keep running until I finally lost that stupid creature oh yeah he thinks he’s going to lose me guess what w what the heck where did that come from I’m going to use my super awesome abilities look he’s turning into a void creature

Already no I got to keep running I got to keep running where am I supposed to go who luckily I am back home that means that stupid creature is super far away in the forest all the way over here wait that means I can go back fishing again

Oh my gosh no way Dino is so addicted to fishing I can’t believe this okay we have to punish it because everybody knows that Enderman steal your stuff oh guess what I’m going to go Snoop inside of his chest and steal all the diamonds and resources that he has let’s do it

There we go oh what a newbie chest how has he only got four diamonds he’s been fishing for months where’s the rest of of his treasure I can’t believe this okay you know what we’re going to steal his diamonds and we’re going to steal his boat as well so he can never go

Fishing again and then what we’re going to do I’m going to escape through here and I’m going to keep opening and closing the chest so Dino comes back here and he’s going to realize that his diamonds are gone oh man the stupid fishies aren’t biting anymore what that

Wait a second what is that noise wait wait is that my chest wait a second that’s my chest being open what the heck wait wait a second why is this window broken that’s weird wait let me check my chest wait a second where did my fishing

Rods go wait what wait huh huh wait my fishing rods fishing rods where did you go what he only realized that his fishing rods were gone he didn’t even realize that I stole his Diamonds oh my gosh I can’t believe what a noob Dino is it’s hurting my brain so much but guess

What we’re about to change it to the super op void God and it’s going to be absolutely insane because the void God abilities are so powerful it’s going to make Dino scream like a little girl even harder okay you know what I’m going to keep opening and closing his chest again

Because he has to realize that his diamonds are gone cuz I’m going to use it for my plan okay let’s open the chest again from over here wait wait a second the stupid chest is being opened again what the heck wait what is you stupid chess what do you

Want wait a second wait wait my diamonds are gone what the heck where did my diamonds go oh no this is bad this is bad where did my diamonds go where did my diamonds go oh look at him he’s trying to find his diamonds well guess

What I’m going to go into the water and then I’m going to change it to the void God and I’m going to lure him into the water and break him even harder are you guys ready to change to the void God let’s go boom there we go I Chang you to

The super op scary void boss and now it is only going to be a couple minutes before Dino goes fishing again because he’s super duper addicted but this time he’s going to get absolutely attacked by the op void boss let’s wait for it to be here this is super weird my diamonds are

Gone and my fishing rods are gone what the heck am I supposed to do now but this doesn’t even have one single fishing rod oh no you know what I’m going to drop him a fishing rod from the roof over there so we can get him to come fishing again because then we’re

Going to learn into the water with his diamonds and attack him as the void God what the heck wait I did have a fishing rod no way I can go back to fishing again oh my gosh look at how addicted he is this is absolutely insane okay you

Know what we’re going to go right in front of him and drop the diamonds out of the water so he tries to go inside over the water what the heck wait wait did I see that correctly whoa Diamonds In The Water diamonds in the water uh uh

I’m going to go and get him whoa wait I’m being attacked I’m being attacked no no no no no no no what the heck is that what was attacking me what what the heck that’s such a creepy creature what the heck is it doing in my water look at at being super scared

We’re going to chase after him to see how long we can chase him before he turns around and gives up I got to keep running I got to keep running where am I supposed to go it’s still chasing me what the heck why does it keep chasing me leave me alone what

Do you want oh my gosh we used this super awesome op abilities to get him guess what we’re going to wait for him right inside of his own base so when he respawns he’s going to the first thing he’s going to seize me no why is it back

Here why is it back here leave me alone oh look at how scared he is it’s actually starting to get a little bit sad but guess what I got to use my super op abilities to scare him even more let’s try to hit him from over

Here got to keep running I just got to keep getting away from it leave me alone you st whoa what the heck is that what is he shooting at me that’s so creepy ow oh my gosh he’s running away he’s so terrified look at him oh no no no no no

I’m almost dead I got to hide somewhere and I got to heal up I got to eat some food Dino is no mesh for the super op Ford god let’s wait for him in his space again oh come on now I respawn it’s right here wait wait I have

An awesome idea I’m going to run around and I’m going to go back inside of my house and I’m going to destroy my bed so when I get killed I actually respawn somewhere else what he actually thinks he’s being super smart by deleting his own bed so now whenever he dies he’s

Going to spawn at the other side of the world where the world spawn is well guess what we’re going to kill him anyway he thinks he going to be safe but then we’re going to surprise him at the other side of the world let’s do it come

On kill me D stupid stupid thing kill me come on kill oh it actually did hurt no way the world spawn was right next to his own base oh no you know what I’m just going to swim away quickly let’s swim away ah he got me again no way how

Can I ever get away from here I keep respawning at this house I could just keep killing him over and over again this is so hilarious good this so stupid what the heck am I supposed to Do my friend Dino and me have an awesome Minecraft base together but he has no idea I secretly installed a morphing mod into this server and I’m about to prank him as SCP 35416 AKA well actually I don’t know the name can you guys come up with an

Awesome name down below in the comments so as I said we have a very cool survival base together and as you can see see hold on let me go through the window over here without him seeing me as you can see he has a little pet dog

Right over there so my plan is I’m going to change into his pet dog pretend that I’m him dog for a little while and eventually his dog will turn into SCP 3546 that is going to be so funny but first I’m actually going to walk up to

Him and tell him a story that I’m going to go mining but that’s not true at all I’m not going to go mining at all and as soon as he thinks that I’m gone we got to wait for him to go away way and then we’ll change into his little doggy and

Prank him super super hard are you guys ready I’m going to jump down and say hello hey Dino oh hey Floy how have you been dude I found the most awesome mine ever there’s like a million diamonds in there what no way are we going to go

Mining together oh I really wanted to go on the adventure with you today uh uh no no no not together we can’t go together because that mine is only suited for people that are very experienced that we all know that you’re a little bit of a Minecraft newbie Dino what are you

Talking about I’m not a Minecraft newbie I want to go with you Dino listen okay it’s super dangerous and I really don’t want to lose you as a friend so you just have to stay here and do stuff that uh this base needs like uh you got to go

Get some more food look we almost have no food hey matter of fact I’m going to need those three Stakes to bring with me on the adventure so you got to get some new food for you oh man come on no that’s going to be so boring without you

You know I’m really going to miss you flaky but I hope you can bring back a lot of diamonds I know Dino okay I’m going to get the gear and I’ll go away there we go all right I got the gear now I’ll bring you back so many diamonds

We’ll be rich forever oh my God that sounds so awesome Floy okay bye Dino bye-bye oh my gosh he actually believes that I found a super secret mine with a lot of diamonds in there you know what he was actually super nice to me about

It he says he’s going to miss me okay so all we got to do right now is we have to wait for Dino to actually leave the base and when he left we’re going to go inside and change it to the little doggy and by the end of the video we’re going

To change to the SCP and make him think that his dog has turned evil it’s going to be so funny hey doggy I know you’re kind of hungry but don’t worry about it I am going to go looking for some more food for us okay I’ll be right back oh

My God I got to hurry up the dog is so hungry oh my God she’s going to look for food what’s she doing why is he going over there there’s like a million cows here okay you know what it doesn’t matter we have to be quick now as long

As he thinks that we’re out mining we can do this super quickly hey doggy hey don’t stand why the heck is there a fire here oh my gosh Dino is really being dangerous fires are not safe for doggies with a lot of fur Okay let me just go in

Here first and I’m going to to delete this little fire so you’re more safe okay now listen little doggy I’m going to have to get rid of you somehow but guys I don’t want to have to kill this dog but where am I going to put him

Because the real doggy can’t be here while I transform into it so do we have to kill him or do we have to like put him in the floor or something I’m going to give you guys three seconds to like the video If enough people like the

Video I’m not going to kill the doggy I’m just going to hide him somewhere all right three two one wow thank you so much A lot of people actually like the video so I’m going to put him in the floor for now let’s just put him in here

Come on doggy we got to hurry up wait where’s Dino is he back yet oh I think Dino is getting the cows oh oh there’s a couple of cows left come on what are you doing okay wait wait let’s get some lead there we go now you got to stay in there

Okay I’m sorry doggy I’ll just drop like three staks for you okay let’s hide the evidence all right the only thing we have to do now is change into the Little D doy and make Dino actually think that we’re the dog this is going to be so

Funny I wonder how long we can fool him before we actually turn into the very creepy SCP all right are you ready for me to change into the dog three two one move there we go look at me oh my gosh I’m a little doggy wait I think we’re

Going to need a name I don’t think that Dino actually came up with a name yet what do you guys think we should name this doggy should we call him Mr SCP Dino is going to have no idea okay so what we got to do right now we got to

Wait for Dino to come back and then when he’s here oh my gosh we’re going to make him believe that I’m his real dog and by the end of the video we’re going to scare him as the fire SCP oh man I finally got the last go I have so much

Robw be for my doggy hey that doggy how have you been oh you want some food boy I actually got you a little something special look it’s Robert bir meat do you like that wow he actually gave me some bird meat he’s so nice Okay let’s figure out what our

Adventure is going to be because I want to prank him somehow wait what if I just jump over the fence and I’m going to drag my butt across the floor like I’m wiping my butt jump hey boy whoa wait a second I didn’t know you could jump that

High no wait a second don’t do that with your butt over the floor it’s going to get so dirty I don’t want flaky to see that those stupid oh my gosh look at him he’s so confused but it’s nice that he’s thinking about me though he doesn’t want

Me to see it oh he’s such a nice person what would he think if we would scare him a little bit by jumping out of the window whoa what the heck doggy where are you going oh my God no way wait a second what the heck where did the doggy

Go no way doggy doggy where did you go oh look at him he’s trying to find me but he has no idea that I’m St standing on the roof and I want to scare him even more I want to pretend like I’m jumping off the roof but of course it’s not

Going to do any damage but he’s going to be so scared all right here we go I’m throwing down some raw be for you come on doggy where are you oh my gosh he has no idea on the roof how are we going to get his attention what if we do like a

Fake bark oh my gosh if I’m going to bark right now it’s probably going to sound so silly but you know what let’s try it anyway doggy where where did that noise come from doggy where are you doggy there you are oh my God uh uh you know what you got to

Get down there but you got to be real careful oh I don’t want you to take any damage all right here we go come here doggy I’ll come rescue you oh he’s trying to rescue me but I’m going to jump off no doggy oh my God that was so

Freaking scary oh look at that least you’re back safely on the ground do you like the meat that I got you why is giving me so much food it’s actually super super nice it’s going to make me feel a little bit bad when I eventually

Turn into the big scary SCP to prank him but right now it’s super funny yo he should bring me on an adventure so I can get very angry and start attacking some stuff and actually protect him like a real good doggy does all right come on

Doggy you got to get your food because we’re going to go on an adventure together it’s going to be so freaking awesome but I want to establish one rule you cannot run away from me like that anymore is that understood doggy what I can’t run away okay how do we let him

Know that I understand doggy come on hello doggy oh my god of course I’m so stupid dogs can’t even talk oh my God you know what come follow me doggy we’re going on the adventure wow what a Minecraft Noob he’s such a noob of course dogs can’t speak hey every single

Time that Dino says something that’s such a big Minecraft Noob statement let’s all laugh at him down below in the comments by typing hahaa Dino okay let’s see what the adventure is all about oh my gosh doggy where did you go I don’t even see him oh there you are doggy

You’re so freaking slow come over here wow he actually a super quick Walker okay I really hope that this adventure is going to be something super cool where where we like in a dark cave together and as soon as we’re in a dark cave I need your help there a big cat oh

No run away waa I just saved him from a big tiger I hope you saw that chers my tiger now wait a wait a second there’s tiger fur here doggy did you do that of course I did wow this is actually a very awesome plan what if I pretend to get

Bitten by one of the Tigers and I keep getting more and more aggressive I’m actually going to do that I’m going to pretend to get bitten oh doggy stay back oh my God it’s so dangerous doy watch out watch out no I’ll help you oh my God I’m almost dead is there

So much Dam damage I’m being chased oh my gosh I got it but now let’s pretend like I actually got bitten by the tiger and I’m about to change it to the very scary SCP it’s actually perfect because the SCP kind of looks like a tiger

That’s on fire let’s see what dino wants to do next and we’re going to see how exactly we’re going to turn into the SCP dogy it is so freaking dangerous outside we got to go back to the house it’s a l saer back there oh what he wants to

Bring me back to the house you don’t want that’s actually very perfect because now I’m going to go back into my little area in the house and when he turns around or goes away I’m going to change to this scary SCP and then the real prank can begin oh my gosh this is

Going to be super funny it’s going to be so scared come on doggy get in there all right here we go I’m going to open the gate for you there you go all right I just got to get some sand so I can actually repair the glasses that you

Broke what oh he’s go to get some sand to repair the glass that is super perfect are you guys ready to change to the very creepy fire ASP I’m warning you it is super creepy all right three 2 one boom there we go oh my gosh look at how

This one looks he look like a magma tiger it looks so awesome okay so what we have to do now we have to wait for Dino to get back he’s probably going to be super scared I’m also going to change my name to this SCP so whenever I kill

Him it will actually tell him that this SCP killed him he’s going to be so confused let’s wait for him to get back oh my God I finally got enough sand so let’s go over here grab some coal and put it inside of the Furnace here we go

Oh yeah that’s right whoa whoa what the heck doggy what what wa wait what did you do to my doggy oh no no no no no he’s a danger dous what the heck it’s so weird it looks like it’s some kind of magma creature well look at how scared he is

He has no idea what to do about this magma cat inside of his little beig you know what would be super awesome if this thing set everything on fire that it touches let’s get a little flint and steel out and everything that I touch turns into fire I’m going to jump the

Fence and stand right behind him so when he throws around he’s going to get so scared all right here we go I’m going to build some more fences so you can stay inside of there because you look so creepy and I don’t trust you right here

We go I’m going to put the fat wait wait wait wait a second what the heck what oh no freaking way where did he go is there like a hole somewhere over here oh my gosh he’s going to turn around oh my God no way no way no way no I can’t believe

It I trapped myself in here oh my gosh he screamed like a little girl we should all laugh at him in the comments for screaming like a little girl here we go I’ll start ha every single time that he screams like a little girl make sure to

Comment hahaa Dino so we can all laugh at him look at him he’s actually stuck in there oh what a big Noob oh my God what am I going to do how am I ever going to get out of here I can’t believe it I actually trapped myself in the door

Cage hey seeing as I’m made out of magma blocks I’m going to set everything on fire that I touch let’s just start over here we’ll make a little Trill just wherever I’m walk no no no there’s fire everywhere no oh my God Flo is going to be so angry when

He comes back I got to put out the fire no freaking wa everything is on fire no oh my God look at him oh my God what the heck is happening look at him freaking out he has no idea what to do oh my gosh

Dino went up in Flames that is so sad he’s probably going to run away from the base nowy when I’m going to try and catch him oh my God I got to save my Diamond here we go here we go grab everything I can here we go okay I got

Everything no I’m almost dead no no oh no oh no Dino picked up a diamond but he died in the Flames let’s actually picked the diamond up so he thinks that it went away in the Flames no where did my diamond go where did my diamond go no my

Diamond is not here anymore no freaking way I lost my diamond oh my gosh he’s so sad and to make matters even worse I’m going to chase him am I being chased wait let me take a look okay look at that you stupid fire

Bob I am in the water so you can’t get me now stupid mob wow he’s actually being super smart right now by jumping into the water but he thinks I can’t get in there but guess what the next time he turns around he’s going to meet my

Little friend AKA my claws oh he’s going to be so scared here we oh no no no no no no look at that din was slain by SCP 35416 oh my gosh I have a super awesome idea I’m going to get the little Diamond that I stole from him I’m going to drop

It in front of the base and the next time that he comes outside and goes to pick that diamond up I’m going to jump from the roof and try to get him oh my God my old Bas has being destroyed but wait a second my diamond

Is right over there oh my God oh my God I want my diamond oh my God I’m so freaking happy I finally found my diamond again oh look at him I’m going to jump on him as soon as he turns around I’ll jump from the roof and again

Him oh he’s probably going to scream like a girl so don’t forget if he screams like a little girl you got to comment hahaa Dino so we can all laugh at him oh man there’s nothing in my chest anymore there’s no tools no Ira nothing this is so stupid oh man this is

So weird where the heck did that weird cat guy go uh is it is this way uh what the heck oh my gosh there we go we just Resto our time oh he’s probably so scared right now he has no idea what to do anymore W I’ve been walking around

For a couple of minutes and I can’t seem to find Dino anywhere did he give up where the heck is he oh my God I can’t believe it that stupid cat hasn’t seen me yet okay so what I’m going to do I am going to run over there grab a boat and

Go through the water and sail away here we go here we go grabbing the boat grabbing the boat wait a minute oh he’s right here what how did I not see him oh he’s trying to get in a boat of sail away well I’m going to wait in the water

For him and jump out he’s going to have to make this turn right here oh that’s perfect I’m going to wait right here and jump out of the water when he gets close oh man I really going to wa oh my God oh my God where did he come from no one

Going to escape no my freaking boat where did my boat go no I got to run I got to run oh my God God where is flaky when you need him oh my gosh hey you know what let’s actually change into my flaky skin and oh I got to rechange my

Name as well can’t forget that there we go my name is now flaky again I’m going to walk back to him and say what’s up what’s all the screaming about where should we stand let’s stand right here whoa whoa Dino what’s up what’s all the screaming about whoa Floy where did you

Come from I was being chased by a super creepy cat look I’ll show you it was right over here what a big cat what kind of cat dude these are wolves no it was like a super creepy cat and it had like fire everywhere and it bured out our

Whole base what Dino I think you haven’t slept enough last night I think you’re hallucinating things there is no giant cat like that in Minecraft but I I saw it it was right there and the worst part was when I when I tried to escape with

My boat it came out of the water and then it destroyed my boat okay Dino you know what I’m going to go back to the the Bas you just do you you’re acting kind of weird no but Floy I’m wait Floy where did you go oh my God Floy I’m

Going to change back into the cat and get him again let’s see if he screams like a little girl oh wait faky must have went to the base wait wait wait Floy so for the next couple of days I’m going to be pranking my friend Dino and

More friends as bloop and I’m going to keep coming back and prank them even harder it’s going to be a long video so grab a bottle of water and some popcorn and enjoy all right so right there behind me Dino is actually fishing right now so I’m going to pull up with an

Entire armor made of diamonds he’s probably going to wonder where the heck I got them and I’m going to tell him that I got him in the water so he has to keep fishing and fishing and fishing but he has no idea that I’m about to prank

The absolute but Jesus out of him as bloop let’s put on this diamond armor and walk over to him and see what he has to say about it yo Dino what’s up dude what oh he there buddy wao you got a full diamond armor on yeah it looks

Awesome right do you want to know why I got it from yeah of course I want one as well well I got it from fishing all day so the only thing you have to do Dino is you got to stand right here on this corner and just fish the entire day no

Matter what happens you got to keep fishing for those diamonds okay wait no way you can catch Diamonds by fishing you can dude totally of course okay so promise me you’re going to be fishing all day on this spot right here of course of course I’m going to catch even

More diamonds than you did wow you want to make it a contest I have 64 diamonds right here hey hey hey there’s my diamonds yeah okay I already have one so I only need 63 more hey give me that diamond bag oh what Diamond what are you

Talking about a diamond I haven’t seen a diamond are you sure about that Dino are you sure I haven’t seen a diamond at all okay okay okay I guess I lost it then good luck fishing I’ll see you later Dino see you later loser oh my gosh he

Actually stole a diamond off me and he’s saying that he didn’t have it okay you know what this gives us a very very good reason to prank the absolute bimus out of him so what we’re going to do right now is I’m going to change into baby

Bloop and start pranking him and don’t forget guys later in the video other people will get pranked as well so make sure to watch till the end to figure out who screams like a girl the most and also if you hear Dino scream like a little girl you got to comment hahaa

Dino so we can all laugh at him you know what I think he’s going to scream like a girl immediately so let’s change it to Baby bloop first and prank him let’s go are you guys ready boom there we go wow look at how cute he actually is he looks

Like a super tiny little baby okay I guess we’re going to stand right here and we’re going to swim past him a couple of time and see if he notices anything oh come here fishy fishy fishy boy fishy fishy fishy boy come on fishy wait what what the heck where did the

Fishy go hey what the heck normally when I catch a fishy and I pull him and he’s supposed to come here on the land oh he’s already super confused I got to make it my mission to steal my diamond back eventually okay but now we just

Have to make him scared a little bit what if I stand behind him I’m going to walk super slowly behind him that he doesn’t see me I’m going to hit him in the water and run away who whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that wait what yo

What is there anyone here who the heck hit me wait is there like a skeleton around or something that’s so freaking weird oh look at him he’s trying to look for me oh he’s such a stupid little Minecraft Noob he actually believed that you could get diamonds in the water too

He’s that big of a Minecraft Noob wait did he scream like a girl yet you guys don’t forget your task okay every time he screams like a little girl we all got to laugh at him in the comments down below well we changed positions okay you

Know what let’s try to do it again see if he screams like a girl again wa whoa whoa whoa what the heck yo this is not funny where the heck did that come from oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no he’s coming here oh did he see me wait there

Is absolutely no one on this island here all right you know what just to make sure I am going to block off the entire Bridge so no one can get past here we go what he’s going to block off the bridge but he has no idea his biggest enemy aka

The bloop is already on the island okay I’m going to wait right here for him to return and break him even harder all right here we go I have blocked off the bridge so I’m pretty sure nothing can happen now now I can finally get back to

My most favorite fishing spot oh my gosh okay I’m going to stand right in front of him in the water again and see if he tries to pull me up again and when he does I’m going to lunch towards him and attack him once oh fishy fishy fishy aggressive fishy where the heck

Did that aggressive fishy boy go I want to eat you boy you don’t hit me oh my gosh he’s actually kind of getting mad right now but did you guys hear that scream oh my gosh he’s screaming so loudly this is hilarious I want to see

If we can make him say that we’re like a tiny little fishy okay and when he thinks we’re tiny we’re going to come back as an even bigger bloop and prank him even harder so let’s do it again oh I really hope he didn’t give up hope oh

Wait there’s a fishy going there right now another fishy yeah I already got like freak in five fishes today I’m so happy there we go ah fishy I’m catching you no no you’re not getting away from me now you’re not getting away from me

Now hey where the heck did you go I saw you go in there he’s trying to look for me it’s time to come back as the bigger blo yo he’s in the water right now well we got to beat him real quick so now we turn into an even bigger bloop I’m going

To get into the water and swim right next to him where the heck did that whoa what the heck wait did I see that correctly that was a really big freaking fishy oh my gosh he’s super confused but I think it’s actually his Minecraft mission to find and catch the biggest

Fish ever who’s probably going to be super super excited to see me you know what I am going in the water and I’m going to catch that super big fish I want to catch him I want to kill him and hang it on my wall what he wants to hang

Bloop on his wall yo he’s in the middle of the water now with a boat and it gives me an awesome idea what do you guys think I’m thinking oh he’s right there what the heck did he not see me where the heck did that fishy go I am

Not seeing him anywhere okay I’m going to go into the water and I’m going to destroy his boat so he’s out on the water in the middle of nowhere wait there’s another boat over here what the heck that’s actually really weird what the heck my boat has been destroyed

Quickly I’m going to take this boat I don’t know which one what why is there another boat over there whose freaking boat is that okay let’s try and get him again no the boat again I got to get on land yo what the heck that was so freaking weird that

Must be like a really big strong fish that destroyed my boat and I’m going to catch him oh my gosh he thinks he can catch the biggest bloop ever yo what if we stand right behind him do it into an even bigger bloop and break him even

Harder oh my gosh this is going to be so funny and by the end of the video I’m going to prank even more people okay let’s change it to a bigger bloop are you guys ready oh oh my gosh this one keeps getting bigger and bigger okay I’m

Going to stand right behind him oh my God he’s going to be in my mouth look at that when he turns around he’s going to be so scared yo what the heck why are there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no freaking way is there like another zombie over here waa what the heck

Really big fish really big fish look at him big scat he’s running away oh he’s so sad I’m going to change back into the tiny little blue and stand right next to him maybe he’ll think we’re friendly I’m going to stand right here and just chill

With him hey what are you doing bro here we go at least I’m safe on top of this tree no freaking fish what the freak what hit me oh wait what wait a second it is you from earlier I told you I want to get you hey hey come here I want to

Get you why is it working whoa he actually tried to get me with a freaking iron ax wow yo you know what if that fishy comes back I am going to get him because I am starting to get a little bit hungry and I want to have

Some fish for dinner wow he has no idea if you see a little baby version of an animal you’re not supposed to mess with it because the mama is always close by so because he tried to hit the little bloop I’m going to turn back into a

Bigger bloop and chase him for attacking my baby where the heck is he all right here we go I’m going to get back to the house this is so freaking weird I got to get some more wood out of my chest so I can actually make some more boats There

He Is We found him okay we’re running right after him I’m going to run after him for attacking my little baby stupid Dino wa what the heck whoa whoa no freaking way yo that must be the mama he realizes I’m the mama let’s let him think that he’s actually super safe

In his own base and when he thinks he’s safe we’re going to come back as Daddy bloop aka the super big bloop and prank him even harder believe it well at least I’m safe here in my freaking house wow he said it okay let’s change it to a big

Bloop and just stand outside and stare at him from the outside oh my gosh imagine seeing this in Minecraft I’d be so scared I’m going to break open the window wait what the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no freaking way no freaking way this called me real uh uh let me just

Block it off here we go uh there’s nothing wrong Dino I am just I am just like hallucinating I guess I guess I drank too much milk what the heck what the heck is he doing oh he’s getting the stone oh my gosh okay let’s change it to Baby

Bloop open the roof and just stare at him where’s he going I I got to fire that escape here we go I got to go underneath the sand here we go oh yo this fish will never expect this this is way too smart for stupid fish level here

We go oh my gosh to the water and escape from this stupid freaking fishy he’s going to come out of the water somewhere but he’s going to find out that there’s a giant blue just waiting for him and he’s going to eat him up so let’s see oh

My God he’s right here he’s right here he’s right here all right here we go oh man this stupid water okay now I just got to swim up here we how does he not see me I’m right here what the heck hit me yo that must be like another weird

Evil fish that’s so freaking weird yo where the heck did that big fishy go he was right around here oh my gosh wait are you going to tell me I thg this got for nothing oh my gosh when he turns around he’s going to scream so bad y

This is so freaking w oh what the heck oh my gosh look at him running away all right you know what I’m going to leave him for a couple of minutes and come back and prank him even harder I really hope he’s going to bring a friend

Or something to help him catch this fish cuz I’m going to prank them super hard my friends are trying to catch the biggest fish in Minecraft because there’s a villager right here that will pay a million diamonds for the biggest fish and it is going to be up to me to

Prank them super hard as a bunch of different fishes as you can see right over here I have a bunch of different fish right and every single time they turn more crazy like right here we have a shark and by the end of the video I’m

Going to be pranking them as the biggest sea monster that you have ever seen aka the bloop the bloop is so super scary and gigantic that they’re probably going to scream like little girls and it’s going to be absolutely hilarious but what we have to do is we have to fly all

The way to the other side of the little Lake over here so I can get into the water without them realizing I’m here right let’s get into the water and then what I’m also going to do is I’m going to change my name into fish so every

Single time that I do something to them they will actually think that I’m a real fish and they will believe the prank as you can see at the top of the screen I changed my name to fish oh my God this is going to be so funny now what I want

You guys to do okay every single time that Dino screams like a little girl I want you guys to go to the comments and type in haahha Dino so we can all laugh at him for laughing like a little girl okay let’s change into the first little

Fishy are you guys ready let’s go all right I changed into the first little fish so I’m going to swim over there and check out what they’re doing okay they’re still fishing that is perfect oh my gosh this is going to be so hilarious okay I’m going to go under them and

Break a block so they fall into the water let’s see how much we can make them scream okay I think I’m going to get Dino first I’m going to break this block right here oh my gosh wait what the heck hey come on now Rosie you know

I am the better Fisher and you know that as well but you don’t have to get jealous come on now where did you go oh my God they’re actually blaming each other they’re so stupid you know what I’m going to try and get Rosie too maybe

She’ll blame Dino as well there we go oh I missed there we go wa Dino what are you doing what do you I didn’t even hit you in the first place come on now I’m just focusing on my fishing yeah I get that you’re jealous of me because I’m a

Better Fisher but you don’t have to push me in the water for it you’re the better Fisher oh you’re hilarious I even have an enchanted book now where is yours huh me too oh my God they’re actually fighting you know what let’s step it up a notch by hitting them into the water

They’re probably going to blame each other wait they’re doing it themselves stop it all right you you know what Rosie you can fish over here and I’ll fish all the way over here oh my God I don’t even have to do anything they’re already fighting amongst theirselves they’re so freaking stupid

You know what I’m going to try to get Rosie from here and see if she still blames Dino wait Dino how’s that even possible what are you talking about I’m just fishing over here come on now leave me alone Be quiet you’re going to scare

Away all the fishies oh my gosh okay you know what it’s time to freak them out a little bit what would Dino think if I just flew by as a normal fish hey there a fishy hey oh I’m getting him oh you really want to be C huh hey hey come

Back here you know what I’m going to hover in midair right in front of him and see if he thinks I’m a creepy fish yo what the heck this fish is floating rosie come over here I found a fish with superpowers oh my God he actually

Believed it he has no idea that I’m their best friend I’m literally pranking them so hard right now Rosie probably doesn’t even believe him where is this flying fish you’re talking about I don’t told it was right here it was right here I’m telling you I know just quit the ACT

Okay oh my God they’re actually thinking that they’re making it up you know what I’m going to show myself to Rosie and not Dino and see if she gets scared W did you see that Dino oh of course and now you saw it h you know what Rosie I

Don’t even like playing Minecraft if I’m going to leave you bye oh my God I’m literally destroying friendships by pranking them this is actually K kind of sad you know what I’m going to be the next fish and turn into a more nicer fish and give them some diamonds let’s

Change it to the next one this one kind of looks like Nemo from Finding Nemo that’s a nice fish right I’m going to get some diamonds and make up their friendship I’m going to try to give Rosie 10 diamonds and see if she’s going to give Dino any there we go

Oh so many diamonds how did that get here Dino look at this I got so many diamonds wait how did you get diamonds I don’t know they just appeared next to me look Dino I have so many diamonds here I’ll give you some wait you want to

Share them with me wait that’s actually so nice of you oh my god course you’re my best friend wow this is perfect their friendship is now complete again you know what it’s time to make them super mad again I’m going to wait till they fish next to each other oh my gosh like

This and then I’m going to hit one of them into the water and see if they blame each other again wa Dino I just gave you some diamonds why would you hit me what do you mean I didn’t hit you I’m here fishing right next to you see I

Even got a new one who hit me then there’s no one here I don’t know maybe just going a little crazy because I have read that girls do tend to be a little crazy oh my God their friendship is ruined again you know what I have a

Super super awesome plan I’m going to change it to the big great white shark and I’m going to drop diamonds in the middle of the lake and hopefully they’re going to come out there with a boat and when they do they’re going to get attacked by a shark okay let’s change it

To the shark right now there we go oh my God look at how big it is oh my gosh it’s almost as big as bloop but bloop is way bigger okay let’s go to the middle here all right so I’m going to drop the diamonds here they’re going to come over

Over here probably with some boats and I’m going to scare them super hard as a shark and when they think it’s only a shark I’m going to change it to bloop and prank them even harder okay let’s drop some diamonds here wait where are they okay they’re right there going to

Drop some diamonds right here hopefully they’re going to see him wait Dino do you see that do I see something it looked like diamonds in the water what you talking about diamonds in the water you know those actually are kind of crazy I’ve never seen any diamonds in

The water oh my God he does a Believer okay let’s see if they get their boats and go into the water to check it out I think we should check it out anyway Dino let’s go all right I’ll come with you it was somewhere around here I think well I

Don’t see any diamonds this is perfect they’re both in the water I’m going to jump out of the water and start attacking them oh my gosh wa Dino what is behind you w Wait my Bo oh no no oh my God he screamed like a little girl

Okay let’s get Rosie as well oh God watch out Rosie yo what the heck was that that was a super big fishy look I’m going to swim like this and they can see my fin over here and see I’m a shark is that a shark no way wa I’ve never seen a

Shark before Oh my god let’s scared them super hard I woke to swim directly at them and see if they scream oh my God oh my God I got them so good okay I’m going to leave them for a little while so they think they’re safe

And there’s no shark there and when they least inspected I’m going to come back as the bloop swim around for a little while and they’re probably going to think that it’s a giant normal fish and don’t forget that guys they’re supposed to catch the biggest fish ever so they

Get the reward from the little villager so what we’re going to do now is I’m going to change it to the giant giant bloop are you guys ready to see it now I’m going to warn you okay it is super scary but let’s go oh there we go oh my

Gosh look at how big it is I have to change my filter VI oh my gosh this thing is absolutely massive imagine you’re playing Minecraft and you just see this just swimming your way oh this is way too big I might have to make him a little bit smaller all right there we

Go this is perfect so now I’ve got away for a couple of minutes they probably think that they’re super safe but they have no idea there’s a giant blue Loop hiding in the waters below so let’s try and bait them out with boats again I’m going to swim around like this they’re

Going to think it’s a giant normal fish and when they get into the water they’re going to meet bloop let’s swim around wait a second Rosie are you seeing that what there’s like a super big fishy boy over there oh my God it’s probably like

One of the biggest fish I have ever seen oh my God they totally believe it okay let’s go a little bit further so they come out of here with bat y Rosie we got to go after him don’t we got to remember to catch him we got to catch the biggest

Fish there ever is go on hurry up yeah you’re right let’s go oh my God okay they got their boats I’m going to swim under them they’re probably not seeing me right now and I’m going to destroy one of their boats when they get super

Far away from the coast how far away are they right now oh my gosh they’re pretty far I’m going to get one of their boats right now I really hope they’re going to scream wait a second where no oh I’m getting a your B go away go away quickly quickly oh my gosh

They’re screaming okay let’s appear right in front of them okay where are they right now I’m going to appear right here with my big mouth oh oh my God what are you doing what the heck I’m right behind them oh my God come on quickly

Quickly I don’t want to be eaten by this fishy Bo where is he where is he he’s right behind us oh my God they’re so freaking scared okay you know what they don’t know they have no idea the bloop actually has a couple of legs right here

And I can get on land to prank them even harder oh my God I actually scared him away look at that they’re running away you know what I think I’m going to make a giant trap under their base so the next time they come over here they’re

Going to blow up okay let’s get a pressure plate real quick let’s get some TNT oh my God I got to hide all the evidence they cannot see that I’ve done this there’s going to be a lot of TNT right here I want them to get so scared

In their own base that they have to go back to the water where I can prank them even more as bloop okay there we go let’s put a DNT right here with a pressure plate and a bun of DNT everywhere did we do it I think we did

It okay let’s go back into the water as bloop and see if they walk into the Trap oh my God Rosie hurry up that was so scary I am never going on the water again me neither that was so scary oh my gosh they’re coming back to the basee

Okay I’m going to to stand right here all right Rosie hurry up let’s hide inside for a base at least we’ll be safe over here yes oh my gosh oh my gosh I got their entire base look at that okay let’s see if they come back into the water because

They’re scared now they’re probably going to find another Village to live in oh my God what the heck happened to our house oh look at this this is awful we have worked so hard for our Beauty beautiful little house yeah it’s now gone oh my gosh I really up to going to

Go back into the water okay I’m going to change it to bloop again there we go let’s wait for them somewhere all right you know what Rosie I don’t want to live here anymore I think it is time we move somewhere else let’s just grab our boats

And sail into the distance together yeah you’re right Dino let’s do that oh my God they’re actually going to sail right into the open ocean that is the biggest mistake they could have ever over taken I’m going to go over there and destroy one of their boats what oh no not

Again no your boat I got both their boats right now they probably have no idea where to go what how did they get another boat no oh my I’m going to eat them oh no no no what the heck what are we going to do oh my god he has such a

Big M there we go my friend Raz is trying to catch the Bigg fish of Minecraft but he has no idea I secretly installed a morph mod outto the server and I’m about to prank him as SpongeBob Square Pants now before we turn it the SpongeBob square pets I’m going to prank

Him as a bunch of other sea animals sea fishes see whatever and how I’m going to do that is I will show you right now as you can see right over here we’re starting off with a cute little fishy that kind of looks like Nemo and we’ll

Slowly work our way up to the end where we have an electric heel that will actually shock Raz and then we have SpongeBob square prints look at how realistic this model is oh my gosh Raz is going to have absolutely no idea what’s going on it’s going to be so

Hilarious because RZ is actually a giant Minecraft Noob all right so how are we going to do this prank got to check out what he’s doing it seems to me like he’s fishing a little bit that’s actually perfect because now we can change into the small little fishy and pretend to

Actually get caught by his fishing route over there and when he thinks that he’s got a fish just going to swim away and frustrate him so much also I have a secret weapon guys do you want to see the secret weapon if you want to see the

Secret weapon make sure to like the video in the next 3 seconds 3 2 1 boom wow so many of you actually liked okay the secret weapon is I can shoot fishes out of my head look I can shoot fishes and the best part is they actually do

Damage yo let’s try to Fly Above him and shoot one little fishy so I can show you guys what I mean what was that oh my gosh he’s already confused okay so let’s see what we’re going to do he is definitely fishing so I’m going to

Change it to a small little fishy first right let’s go right here oh my gosh this thing looks like Nemo it’s actually so cute okay let’s go over there and see if we can make him super angry for not being able to catch any fishes I’m going

To go inside of his little fishing rod here here we go oh is that a fish oh oh I got a fish wait where where’d it go wait did I not get it he’s already so confused he doesn’t even know that it’s impossible to get Minecraft fishes that

Way you can’t even see him yo every single time that Raz says something that is super Minecraft newbie I want you guys to go to the comments and type in ha Raz so we can all laugh at him for being a little Noob okay let’s try to do

It again let’s see if he falls for it again oh my gosh there we go oh fish oh fish come here yes yes I got wait no oh no I got the fish that time where’d it go oh what a noob okay you know what let’s try and shoot some fishes past him

And let’s see if he thinks it’s actually like fishes leaping out of the water where’s the fish what was that wait what’s going on why why is there flying fish after me what’s going on you stop stop stop I just want a fish oh my gosh he is absolutely

Confused look at him oh wao what if we stand next to the lava maybe we can lure him into the lava and hopefully push him into it I’m going to stand here as this fishy hopefully he’s going to see me and try to go after me oh wait there’s a

Fish oh I got it he actually got me I’m going to lead him into the lava wait I can’t get the fish oh still no why why I’m on the lava oh no no oh my gosh no way we actually got him he’s such a

Mcraft dude we got him so good it’s time to go to the next fishy are you guys ready you guys want to see the next little fishy you know what it’s not even that special but by the end of the video I’m going to turn into SpongeBob oh he’s

Going to be so confused okay let’s go to the next fishy there we go it’s a slightly bigger fish but that means a bigger fish is probably worth more to catch right so he’s going to try even harder to catch this fish and we can prank him even harder okay let’s go over

There and see what he’s up to he has a new boat already yo what if I get through his boat boat you okay what happened look I can make his boat float up and down hey boat stop stop calm down calm down ah okay okay I’m in the boat what the I

Want to try and scare him out of the boat and then I’m going to steal his boat and go away why why am I taking damage what’s going on oh I need a new boat he’s actually getting out of it he’s actually getting out of it that’s

Perfect I’m going to steal his boat right now I’m going to get in and go away I want him to see it I want him to see it as soon as he turns around he’s going to see this boat go away no wait what’s go bouns come back what is

Happening to my boat she’s such a big Minecraft Nob he has no idea what’s going on this is like the perfect moment so we can all laughing him for being a noob I’ll go first R oh my gosh okay let’s go back and see what he’s up to

Now he’s probably super confused if he makes another boat I’m going to let it float in the air again oh he’s going to be so angry wa where is he can I not bring this boat back with me oh there we go oh he’s actually trying to get the

Boat back with him you know what I’m going to let this boat float again oh wait no he has a new one boats stop it calm down boats what are you doing stop Flying stop it one why is my boat flying what’s happening she’s super confused okay you

Know what let’s get right behind him change into the invisible shark and scare the absolute BBS out of him okay let’s change into it right here oh my gosh look at this you can only see our fin just a tiny bit we’re super invisible and let’s go around him see if

He notices that he’s being circled by a shark what was that oh that a shark oh that’s a shark that’s a shark oh gosh let’s get his boat so he has to swim back no no no no oh no my p no no no no

Shark no don’t eat me please oh he’s so scared oh no I just want to get back in my house no no no please no look at how absolutely terrified he is and he hasn’t even seen the electric eel and SpongeBob that are coming after this okay let’s

Try and shoot at them with fishes from right here I’m going to shoot at them with some fishes what’s going on no no no what’s happening I’m getting out of here what he actually left his base he is absolutely confused this is the funniest thing ever he’s such a giant

Minecraft Noob wait is he back into oh he’s behind his space wait no I still have to do the eel prank I have to get him back into the water so I can prank him as an electric eel you know what I’m going to go away for a couple of minutes

Wait until he has his uh uh courage back so he goes in the water again and then will prank him as an eel oh my gosh he’s so terrified okay let’s try this again I’m going to go fishing and nothing’s going to go wrong this time right boat

You’re not going to fly away again are you I was so tempted to make his boat float again but you know what we have to let him get into do the water deep enough so he can’t go back easily because now we can change into our final little fishy before we change into

SpongeBob okay we’re going to change into an eel oh that’s the wrong one look at this oh this thing just looks gross you know what this eel can do though this eel can suon lightning wait let’s do it like right here and see if he notices

It that wait is there a storm coming oh my gosh look at how this eel is swimming I’m going to swim right up to him and make some electricity float around boom what happened where’s my Bon W oh no there’s a storm I’m going to do a bunch with them in his

Face my house fire what is that what was that oh no he saw me he definitely saw me but his house is on fire now oh my gosh okay this is actually perfect so while he’s busy with the fire I’m going to change it to SpongeBob I just stare at him and

Make him super confused okay are you guys ready let’s change it to SpongeBob right now oh my gosh there we go look at how awesome this model is yo do you guys like SpongeBob who’s your favorite character in SpongeBob M mine is Patrick yo if any of you guys like Patrick you

Got to comment so I know who the Real G’s are okay also if you like SpongeBob make sure to smash the like and we’re going to prank him super hard while he’s busy thring out the fire I’m going to stand right here and stare at him and

When he sees me I’m going to go away really quickly so he thinks like what did I see that correctly what’s that SpongeBob we’re going to confuse him so bad I’m going to change back and do a fish what the heck what did I just see

Oh I’m got to put on the fire I’m got to put on the fire what he was so conf okay let’s do it again I’m going to stand right here and stare at him oh my gosh imagine you seeing this in Minecraft that’d be so creepy what the what what was that what

Was that is that what I think it was oh my gosh is absolutely confused look at him okay let’s do it from behind the window this time okay I’m going to stand right here and just stare at him wow hey what’s going on I saw that where’d he go

That looked like SpongeBob or something who was that oh he actually realized this looked like SpongeBob but he’s still confused let’s stand inside of his base now and stare at him oh waa wait no I saw that why is SpongeBob in Minecraft is that a

Thing oh he’s such a giant Noob did you guys hear him why is SpongeBob in Minecraft oh my gosh okay let’s stare at him from this side and then make stare a little bit longer so he actually does see that it is SpongeBob and I’m going

To break some windows and charge him it is SpongeBob oh no no no why I st no he don’t want to die look at that Raz was slay by SpongeBob oh my gosh he probably thinks it’s so real let’s see if he saw the de screen what was that Rice was

Slain by Spongebob what I got to tell people about this SpongeBob is in Minecraft oh look at him oh my go he actually where is he going oh maybe he wants to tell the other people on the server but he can’t go away we can’t let

Him do that we got to prank him even more okay let’s surprise him by hiding somewhere where he’s about to walk to I think he’s walking over here let’s just hide right here SpongeBob and wait for him to come close okay there he is he’s

Right in front of me oh he’s going to see me around the corner here no no no SpongeBob no I don’t want to die oh my gosh he’s absolutely terrified okay let’s just chase him around the woods for a while oh my God that he’s

Going to be so scared wait where is he I don’t see him there he is there he is there he is stay away stay away no no no no no no no no leave me alone no come on SpongeBob please no go away go away go

Away oh my gosh he’s so terrified you know what look at him being terrified I’m going to shoot at him with some fishes and see if we can make him even more scared come on w why am I flying what he flew into the sky okay

Well I’m pretty sure that he spawned all the way back in his Bas let’s go over there and make him even more scared I have a very secret weapon guys a second secret weapon okay the first one is I can shoot fishes out of my hands but now

I can do even more crazy stuff with this lucky bow so what this lucky bow does exactly okay is I will shoot an arrow and the arrow will be good completely random it could be a lava Arrow it could be a TNT Arrow it could be a super

Creeper Arrow it could be anything basically it can even be a meteor so let’s shoot one arrow and see what comes up oh he’s right over there I’m going to shoot one Arrow right at him and see what it becomes boom what was that that was nothing let’s do it

Again oh my gosh that was a d d Arrow did you guys see that oh my that was so perfect oh is probably super confused let’s check it out what what exploded what was that I don’t want to live here anymore look at how confused he is let’s

Try another arrow see what comes up Bop oh that was a water arrow that’s not that fun what’s with the water do I have a flood a what’s going on whoa what the heck was that I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of here oh my boat

What’s going on why am I dying I think I shot some kind of potion Arrow at him look he’s I think he’s poisoned let’s try another one oh no no no no I want to get another TNT one right here W oh my gosh that was a meteor wow that was so

Cool no I don’t want to live here anymore I’m going away where I’m not cursed I’m going to take all my stuff oh he thinks this water rur he’s going to go away and build a base somewhere else but guess what he’s not going to get rid

Of SpongeBob because I’m just going to follow him and prank him even harder okay let’s see where he ends up building his new base there we go I find finally found this new base that is like the biggest Minecraft new base that I have ever seen in my life he mixed dirt with

Wood wow that is so bad okay let’s see what he’s up to he thinks he finally got rid of SpongeBob but he has no idea it’s standing right here on top of this tree let’s see what he’s going to do okay I’m going to fish in peace now nothing bad’s

Going to happen right oh my gosh I’m going to get into the water I’m going to get into the water I appear right in front of him he’s go to get so scared oh oh no no no no I don’t want any more SpongeBob no why actually got it through

His base she’s trying to hide yo what if SpongeBob stayed right here and looked inside hello no no leave me alone no I have a sword stay back he has a sword I’m made out of sponge bro that doesn’t do anything against me yo let’s shoot

This one gun you know what how the heck did he get a diamond what he got even more diamonds how is that possible he’s a Minecraft Noob I’m going to shoot at them with some fishes no no no no no no I gave you diamonds no no you have to leave me

Alone he’s trying to buy me over with some kind of prime or something I’m just going to keep shooting at it with fishies leave me alone no I don’t want to fly anymore SpongeBob I just want to fish in peace yo you know what be funny

What if I changed the thing that I shoot to SpongeBob oh my God he’s going to be so terrified let’s go over here let’s go over here let’s pick SpongeBob okay let’s see if it works and it doesn’t work no wait all right there we go I did

It look at this I can shoot it there with SpongeBobs okay okay okay okay where is he there he is no no no no why what’s happening why why there so many SpongeBobs no leave me alone no no no no he’s so terrified we go today my friend Doo is

Trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess it up by breaking him as a super op boss I’m going to break him as a bunch of different super op bosses a by the end I’m going to turn into Snake Queen which has some super awesome crazy

Abilities she can even make snakes come out of the ground it’s so scary we’re going to make Dino super scared and hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl so make sure to watch it till the end but now let’s see what he’s going to do so we can figure out what

Prank we’re going to do first oh man today is going to be so super awesome I’m going to catch so many fishies today what is fishing again oh my my gosh Dino is getting so boring why does he always fish I can’t believe this you know what we actually have to punish him

For fishing again so we’re going to morph it to a super super op King Fish this fish is so big the dino is probably going to be super excited and try and catch it but guess what this fish is super dangerous so let’s sneak it through the water and change it to the

Fishy oh this is perfect we can hide behind the reads over here wait there’s even Lily pets in the water oh my gosh this prank is going to be so awesome let’s change it to the fishy now oh there we go look at how gigantic we are

Oh my gosh din is going to be so excited to try and catch this fish but what he doesn’t know is this fish has some super awesome abilities okay let’s go over there and start pranking Dino oh man no way it’s going to be so awesome today

Because I’m going to catch so many fish it’s going to be so super fun look at how excited he is to catch some fishes he’s standing on a lily pad as well okay you know what let’s scare him a little bit first by hitting him off the lily

Pad I’m going to destroy this Lily Pad right under him and he’s going to fall into the water and we’re going to see how much we can make him scream like a little girl every single time that he falls into the water what the heck yo

Wait a second why did the lily pad get destroyed under me wait a second am I getting fat was it me that destroyed the lily pad no way oh my gosh he walked right back asked me how did he not see me okay you know what let’s do it again

Because this is absolutely hilarious he’s going to get so confused wait I have’t even better idea what if I just fish right behind him over here and then I’m going to hit him off the lily pad what the heck was that hey wait a second I got hit by something but there is

Nothing here what the heck wait why is there nothing here hello look at how confused he is he has no idea what hit him off the water okay let’s see how many times we can do it until he starts getting super angry because he has no idea what’s hitting

Him off all right you know what I am going to go on I’m going to go of this Lily Pad because I really want to catch a fishy and I’m in the middle of the water so I can catch even bigger even bigger even bigger fishes oh he has no

Idea that the biggest fish ever is standing right under him but we have super awesome dangerous abilities that we’re going to use against him but first we have to make him super mad because it keeps falling off the lily pad what the heck I fell off again yo what is going

On with these stupid lily pads I remember yesterday the lily pads were so fun to fish all but no I keep falling off okay you know what let’s actually get into his fishing rod over here and let him meet the super crazy big fishy oh man wait wait a second what what the

Heck yo yo yo yo that’s a big fishy where did the big fishy go where did the big fishy go he’s not here wait where did he go okay okay let’s do it again because he’s getting super excited but he has no idea that he’s about to catch

The biggest baddest op boss fish ever man I really want that oh he’s right back he’s right back why am I not catching him why is it not working y this stupid fishing rod must be broken or something ah go away I’m going to grab a new one quickly oh yeah he’s

Going to grab a new one well guess what the fish is going to wait right here for him so when he turns around I’m going to use my super op fish abilities at him wa what the heck the W what the heck what what the heck is that wait it’s

Something purle flying at me yo that is so creepy and it did so much damage wa no way what the what the heck is that it’s a super big fishy oh my gosh look at how scared he is of the big fishy if he’s scared now

He has no idea that by the end of the video we’re going to turn into a snake Queen the most OP boss that has ever exist Sant but now we have to keep pranking him as a super scary fishy until he screams like a little girl all

Right so the water seems clear and I actually forgot the only fishing Road I had was in the water over there so I got to go over there and grab my fishing R quickly this is perfect sty we’re going to attack him no I’m being H I’m being

Attacked get the lily pad quickly okay okay at least I’m safe no I’m not safe on the lily pad no quickly get back to the base oh my gosh this fish is so super duper op but guess what it’s time to change it to the next super op boss and

This one is absolutely hilarious it’s so funny we’re going to have a lot of fun pranking Dino with this one boom there we go I changed into an actual chest so what I’m going to do is first we have to confuse Dino super hard by making him a

Little bit scared every single time he goes fishing so let’s see if he goes fishing from the side of his base over here and then we’re going to confuse him super hard and eventually we’re going to change one of those chests over there to

Be me I’m going to be the chest and I’m going to attack him oh man that stupid fish he killed me I want to catch him today oh I’m going to get my revenge on him okay okay let’s go right behind him and hit him into the water but then

We’re going to run away and he’s going to have no idea what hit him into the water this is going to be so funny he’s going to scream like a little girl what what the heck again I got hit by something again no way what is going on

Are there like skeletons or zombies around is it like a zombie in my house wait there is nothing here what is going on what D is such a big Noob how does he not realize that zombies don’t even spawn during daytime he’s such a giant Minecraft Noob okay let’s see how many

Times we can actually hit him into the water wait a second he’s behind the fence over there what what is he doing okay you know what we have to change our plan a little bit because now I’m just going to destroy this chest I’m going to stand right in between these things over

Here oh my gosh look at this this is going to be so funny but now I’m going to keep opening and closing his chest and hopefully he’s going to hear it and when he comes over here he’s going to think that this chest is actually opening and closing the entire time and

He’s going to be so confused but he has no idea that this chest is super duper op and it has super awesome abilities oh man I got believe it I only caught one fishy what wait what the heck what is that noise wait am I am I hearing

Something wait it sounds like a chest he definitely hear his chest he’s going to come over here I think that we made this noise but guess what this is going to be so funny oh no we got to stand still okay there we go there we go wait

That wait what wh wh why did I hear a chest noise what that’s so weird wait I I guess I’ll just go back to fishing I guess I was just imagining it what how does he not see me how did it just walk past me this chest is literally opening

And closing the entire time okay let’s open and close it again until he comes back what the heck I hear that stupid noise again what is going on wait wait wait a second what the heck wait what is going go with my chest why is it opening

And closing all the time hello are you broken wait let me see do I still have stuff inside of there wait I can’t go inside of the chest what is going on yo this chest is like broken or something what the heck look at how confused he is

He has no idea that I’m not a real chess but I’m a super op boss chess so let’s use our super op abilities on him what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is going on with the chest wait the chest wait the chest is

Moving why is it chest moving wait doesn’t want to eat me no no no no the chest is so dangerous run away run away look at how scared he is he’s actually running away from a chest he’s such a little Noob who would ever be scared of

A chest you guys are not scared of a chest right let’s all laugh at Dino in the comments by typing haha Dino because he’s such a little Noob okay let’s try and find him and then we’re going to make him even more scared of this chest

Oh man no way where did that chest go did I lose it wait no way I actually managed to lost it that means I’m safe oh he thinks he’s super safe he doesn’t know I’m directly above him oh my gosh this is perfect now when he turns around

He’s going to see me and he’s going to jump off the cliff hopefully wait how am I ever going to get down here again I guess I’m got to go back to other direction no he’s walking away from me know we got to wait until he looks at

His base again and then we’re going to stand right behind him so hopefully he’s going to turn around he’s going to get super scared wait a second this is so weird I don’t see any chest moving around there I guess I can really go back to my base again who it’s right

There he actually fell down okay okay okay let’s use more of our abilities no no no I got to get away with that stupid W half a heart no way I’m about to die I’m going to keep running oh my gosh he’s so scared of a little chest this is

Unbelievable guess what he actually has a chest in his face with a lot of diamonds so I’m going to steal all of them while he’s trying to run away and hopefully eventually he’s going to realize that he left all of his diamonds in his base and he’s going to have to

Run back and then we’re going to hide as another chest again I think this is actually his chest with the diamonds in it and he left it completely open in his base he’s so stupid why wouldn’t you have a secret chest for this also this

Is going to be so funny because by the end we’re going to turn into the Snake Queen and Dino is going to be even more scared because imagine if someone gets scared because of a little chest how scared are they going to be when they meet the Snake Queen let’s open up his

Chest and steal all the diamonds let’s do it oh my God gosh he has so many diamonds look at this this is insane this is the most diamonds I’ve ever seen in my life I’m going to steal all of them they’re all mine let’s go is he

Going to realize that he left all of his diamonds here I’m going to destroy this chest and I’m going to stand right instead of it right over here and wait for him to come back oh my God he’s going to be so scared wait wait a second I completely forgot my diamonds are

Still in the base I got to go back there quickly I don’t want to lose my diamonds I had like so many of them he’s actually coming back oh no no no no no no no no no no wait wait it which I put my

Diamonds did I put them in this one wait no no wait where are my diamonds where are my diamonds wait did I put them in this one wait wait wait a second why is it not opening again hello my diamonds are supposed to be ah no it’s a stupid

Chest again taking me I got to get away from him what is’s actually getting into his fishing boat where is he going does he really think the chest cannot go into the water okay I guess I’m going to go to the right over here I have no idea where

To go I just got to get away from my base as far as I can because I never want to see that stupid haunted chest again he actually thinks he’s going to safety but guess what I’m going to go into the water over here and as soon as

He gets close I’m going to appear out of the water and start attacking it with my super awesome abilities what the heck I just got killed oh my gosh that abilities was so op we literally one shot him but we have to go back to his base super quickly and

Scare even harder oh man what the heck is going on here this is so stupid oh man this is so stupid what the heck is going on in my Minecraft real so first my chest are cursed and now I lost all of my diamonds I worked so hard for those

Diamonds oh look at how sad is that he lost all the diamonds well guess what I’m just going to drop a couple of them right here so he gets happy again and Picks Them Up and guess what the super op chest is going to fall down and use

His super op abilities again and by the end we’re going to do into a super awesome Snake Queen all right you know what I got a boat I’m just going to take my boat and I’m going to go away what wait a second there is a diamond here

Wait are those real Di diamonds wait wait there 15 diamonds no way why a chest is here again no chest leave me alone I can’t believe he baited me with the diamonds we’re using a super awesome chest fire ability when he turns around I’m going to use all of it right on top

Of him all right all right let me just quickly check is he still following me wait he’s still here leave me alone no no no no no no no no I’m about to die I got to keep running I got to keep running

What hit me hit me no no no oh my gosh this ability is so awesome it’s time for the next super op B and this one is so insane the abilities are absolutely crazy we’re going to become the Snake Queen let’s do it boom there we go look

At how absolutely disgusting and crazy she looks and the best part is we have a super awesome ability which makes snakes come out of the ground and shoot you up in the sky so let’s go over to Dino and see how scared he is oh my I don’t know

What to do anymore I guess I could just try again with my boat and try to go away let’s see let me put my boat out is there a chest around I don’t see any chest oh that’s actually kind of weird wait where did my boat just go what the

Heck wait wait wait a second what the heck is going on I’m pretty sure I put out my whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that what the heck is that ah that looks so creepy why are there snakes on top of your head leave

Me alone oh my gosh look at how scared he is this is so hilarious okay let’s try and figure out where he’s going to go and then we’re going to wait for him right behind the tree with our super awesome snake ability let’s see where am

I going to go wait this is right over there what the whoo who whoa I’m flying in the sky I’m flying in the sky W what it’s so high I’m got to get away from her she keeps following me leave me alone leave me alone oh my gosh he

Sounds so terrified did you guys see that snake ability it was so awesome okay let’s go after him and try to use it again because I actually want to try and make him die due to fall damage this is going to be so funny oh my where am I

Supposed to go I just got to keep running away let’s go right over here into the forest oh wait look there’s a hill over here this is perfect now let me see where is that who what the heck what the heck what the heck is going on

No we actually did it oh my gosh he got skill do do fall damage this is so hilarious this is the awesomest most OP boss ever because she doesn’t even have to do anything the snakes just do the job for her this is so awesome let’s go

Back over there and scare me even more oh man I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t know what to do no there she is wait wait I don’t want to respawn here I’m going to destroy the bed now will you kill me I’m not going to respawn here so kill me

Kill me kill me what he actually destroyed his b would spawn at the other side of the world that’s actually pretty smart well guess what what I’m going to do is I’m going to walk away to pretend to not be interested anymore but what I’m secretly going to do is I’m going to

Set the World Spa to right behind this base over here what the heck wait where did she go why did she just walk away why does she don’t want to kill me anymore oh he thinks I don’t want to kill him anymore but now I’m going to

Walk back to him he’s going to tell me to kill him again but this time we’re actually going to do it and he’s going to spawn right next to his bed ah there you are come kill me again kill me again I’m ready for it do it do it do it do it

Do it a whoa whoa whoa this actually hurts ah wait wait oh wait finally now I’m finally safe again wait a second what the heck how did I spawn back at this house leave me alone you stupid that was so high a let’s get him oh my gosh this is absolutely

Hilarious let’s see if we can actually make him Rage Quit oh man I don’t know what to do anymore this stupid This Server is so stupid I don’t know what to do uh I think she is again leave me alone what what what all right you know one I don’t want

To player anymore what he actually left the game no way we did it my friend friend Raz is trying to create the biggest SCP facility in Minecraft by catching every single SCP that he can catch and it is up to us to prank him as one of those scps so today we’re going

To be pranking him as SCP 457 AKA The Burning Man now this SCP is so super awesome it’s completely made out of fire and my friend reaz will have no idea what happened to him so what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Start off as a baby SCP 4 57 look at how cute and tiny he is and then as the video goes on we’re going to become bigger and bigger stronger and stronger and prank him harder and harder so right now we’re going to start off as this

Baby little SCP 457 and by the end we’re going to turn into this one look how awesome this looks everything turns into fire that I touch oh my gosh my friend is going to be absolutely terrified all right let’s change through the baby version and start pranking him so as you

Can see in my inventory I have a bunch of awesome little tools that I’m going to prank him with I have something called fire breath look at how awesome this looks I can just breathe fire all around me my friend is going to be super confused okay I also have a little

Flamethrower oh my gosh I can just set everything on fire this is going to be super awesome all right let’s see what Raz is up to okay um I need one more SCP so Mr Monkey it’s just you and me now we’re going to go and find the last SCP

Out to our collection let’s suit up and let’s go wow he wants to go outside to try and look for SCP wait he even has a basement that is so awesome by the end we’re definitely going down there to see what he has hidden down there let’s

Start off by setting fire to his little base and see if he freaks out about it cuz obviously we’re a fire SCP so we can set fire to whatever we want wait let’s see where he is actually where did he go he’s standing right over there oh man I

Just forgot something Mr Monkey we forgot the most important thing of all we have to go back and get a net oh he’s coming back that is perfect I’m going to set fire a little bit to this front Porsche area and let’s see if he freaks

Out about it can’t believe I was silly enough what the oh why is the fire wait why is there fire here there shouldn’t be fire here the what happens did the lightning strike here or something there should have be fire here no it’s not

Going out no I got to be fast uh uh ah ah oh okay I think I got it oh oh no wait no I didn’t no oh my gosh look at it what a giant Minecraft Noob he was already freaking out so bad hey do you

Guys want to laugh at me every single time that R freaks out we all got to laugh at him in the comments by typing hahaa Raz for laughing at him for being such a little stupid guy so I think he actually freaked out so much about the

Fire what if we go to the backside and set fire to it as well so we could see him freak out one more time I’m going to set fire right here man I just got a repair outside there with the wood and wait what is that I hear fire wait no

Wait why is there more fire no stop stop fire stop where is this fire coming from a come on don’t burn down my base I worked hard on this I just want to collect scps fire stop oh my gosh look at him freaking out he’s such a Minecraft Noob why doesn’t

He have a bucket of water around to help him with these fires okay you know what what if we actually stand on top of his base right here and we shoot at him with some fire breath to Spook him even harder a hey what was that wait no wait

What what’s going on where’s all this fire coming from stop wait what’s happening I need to put out this fire quick look at him freaking out he really can’t even put out the fire okay you know what actually be a pretty funny prank what if we set the fire out for

Him by getting a little bucket of water and he’s going to be so confused because he doesn’t even know where it came from what wait water what the wait is it raining there’s not even a cloud in the sky what’s going on what uh uh maybe

This is just good luck maybe today is good luck day for me what a giant Minecraft newbie actually thinks that it’s good luck day today oh my gosh most of you guys probably know that water is not supposed to fall out of the sky like it’s nothing look at just standing over

There being super confused okay what if I go inside of his base and I set a little bit of fire right inside let’s see if he notices it okay so how do I get rid of all this water okay maybe I just need a whole bunch of buckets okay

I know where some buckets are he’s about to go inside to get some buckets oh wait wait there’s more fire how did this happen no no no no fire please don’t burn down my base how did the fire even get in here what a big noob dude what if

The reason that the fire got inside of your place is because you have a giant open fire right here next to the wool let’s try to make him realize that leaving an open fire next to Wood and next to wool is a really bad idea by

Setting this wool up fire okay I finally have my net so now I’m going to wait no no no Fire come on why why fire why okay wait that’s all of it good okay no more fire okay I’m just going to replace this right no more fire let’s go get the SCP

What he doesn’t even realize that there’s literally an open campfire right there what a big Minecraft Noob oh my gosh you guys want to hear the best news ever we haven’t even pranked him as the full grown SCP yet this is going to be so much more fun okay let’s prank him a

Little bit more as this baby version before we change it to the bigp 457 AKA The Burning Man let’s see what he’s doing okay I got w now I can repair the front of the base but you know what let’s just get more wood and then Mr

Monkey we can go find some scps how does that sound wow we actually has a cute little monkey friend hey we are going to need the name for that monkey what do you guys think is a cute little name I’m going to call him flaky because flaky is

The best name ever don’t you guys agree okay let’s see if we can stand on top of this tree and shoot some fire down at him to scare him okay two worst that ah ah wait no why am on fire no I don’t want to be on

Fire what’s happening why why is there fire all the sudden no no put the fire out is it raining fire as well as water what’s going on he actually thinks it could be raining Fire come on he’s such a big Minecraft Noob everyone knows that a raining fire is not even possible hey

I’m going to give you guys another opportunity to laugh super hard together with me okay so if you think that Raz is a giant Minecraft Noob go to the comments and type in haha haha Noob so we can all laugh at him for being a super big Noob I’m going to laugh first

What a big Noob oh it’s almost time to change it to the big SCP 457 but I think we have to make him a little bit more afraid of fire because I don’t think he’s afraid enough so let’s go back over there and actually use the fire breath

All around him wait what’s going no it’s running fire again no no no no come on no why is it raining fire again I just repaired the base no more fires please okay I’m going back inside the weather out here is crazy he actually thinks it’s because of

The weather what a big Minecraft Noob okay I’m going to stand right here he cannot look up okay I don’t want him to see that there’s a giant hole in the ceiling cuz I’m going to stand here and make it ra fire inside of his base okay

It’s all going to come down okay I got to no wait wait no no no no fire no what’s going on please no more fire don’t burn down my base okay wait I actually want to hear him say that he’s afraid of fire and that when he’s at his

Most afraid we’re going to change it to SCP 457 the big version and break him even harder let’s put a little bit more fire around him to actually scare him I don’t want any more fire no no no okay okay I’m just going to I’m going to

Lie down this this is too much for me I hate fire did you guys hear that he actually hates fire wait he’s going to the basement okay this is the perfect opportunity for us to change into the big SCP 457 now this is going to be super tricky because everything I touch

Will turn into fire are you guys ready to change it to the big SCP 457 if you are make sure to drop a like right now all right boom there we go look at us we’ve just become the burning man so what I want to do right now is I want to

Somehow get Raz to come back upstairs so he can see me standing behind the wall just staring at him we got to get him to come here somehow what if he makes some noise with one single TNT okay I’m going to get a block of water right there we

Go I’m going to put some TNT there going to set it on fire so he comes upstairs wait what is that sound what is that what what was that sound what does something explode I got to investigate this oh he’s about to come upstairs and see me looking at him true to window

Imagine seeing this in Minecraft oh my gosh I would be so scared what about you guys would you be scared as well okay let’s see if he’s upstairs yet one more time one more time what is I’m going back downstairs oh my gosh did you guys hear

That scream he screamed like a little girl oh my gosh that was so funny every single time that R screams like a little girl we got to laugh at him again by typing hahaa R oh my gosh Oliver are laughing so hard at him but it’s so

Funny okay what if we we got to get him to come back upstairs again because I want to scare him super hard now I’m going to set off a d again so he comes upstairs and I’m going to be waiting for him behind that door over there are you guys ready let’s do

It oh no that was another explosion uh do I investigate or do I stay down here no no I’m going to be brave yeah my name’s Raz and I’m a big boy what is that oh my gosh did you guys see him scream like that that was the most girliest

Scream that I have ever heard in my life I can’t believe it he is super scared of me what if we break open this door and we’re going to slowly walk over to him is it gone is it is it g no stay away oh my gosh he actually screams like a

Little girl yeah I’m going to stand right under him and break open the glass no no no no no no you got to get out of here no no no don’t touch me no how do I open the door I’m on fire no no no let

Me out let me out stop no stop help there’s a randomp in my b no let me out wow did you guys hear him he is completely freaking out well I don’t blame him if I would see this creepy burning man I would freak out as well

Okay let’s actually walk after him while setting everything on Fire w let her know please don’t let her know what do you want hey no no Mr monkey run for it you run that way I’ll run this way no what is this I don’t want to play Minecraft anymore wait a second he

Actually dropped this little monkey toy oh my gosh okay this is definitely my monkey now and we’re really have to get some kind of cute little name for him I think I’m actually going to call him flaky what do you guys think is a fun

Name the best name is going to win a cookie okay let’s go after him again to scare him even harder I’m going to drop from the sky right right above him in front of him and he’s going to be super scared there a g no there is a gun no no

No help me there’s a FY man in my Ser help no leave me alone leave me alone I’m a block I’m a block oh my gosh he’s screaming so bad okay okay okay okay you know what we’re going to let him walk back to his little base and let him think that he’s

Actually safe and what we’re going to do next is we’re going to lure him into a big trap somehow I think we’re going to make a trail out of diamonds and we’re going to lure him into the Trap are you guys ready I’m going to make the Trap

Together with you guys all right I’ve quickly changed it to my normal skin so I can build a little bit better without setting everything on fire I’m pretty sure Raz is all the way back at his base trying to rebuild it but guess what we’re going to make a super awesome fire

Charge dispenser trap over here so we’re going to lure me with diamonds and set off the entire trap and he’s going to burn and burn and burn Emperor so what we have to do is we got to get a couple of dispensers we have to get a couple of

Fire chargers there we go we have to get some repeaters uh some Redstone and let’s get a lever as well all right and then we’re going to put down a bunch of dispensers all around the area right like this oh my gosh I really hope that he’s not going to see

This and get super confused and thinks it’s a little bit Shady but guess what my friend Rez is a super big Minecraft Noob has probably never seen a dispenser let’s get this drle repeater fill them all up like this oh my gosh this is going to be the best trap ever you guys

Have to try this on your friends and let me know how it went okay I really want to know if you tried this on your friends and you made them super scared all right there we go let’s see if everything works putting a little lever here oh does that work that works

Perfect so now all we have to do is fill everything up with fire charges all right final one everything is filled completely up what do you guys think should we give it a little bit of a test run just try it out once okay I’m going

To try it out I’m going to try it out are you ready oh my gosh that works perfectly okay I got to set down the fire real quick cuz he can’t see that there’s been a fire here oh no oh no this is spreading so fast oh no there we

Go there we go we made a super awesome looking Trum oh we can actually conceal it by placing this all around here going to place grass everywhere we can even use bone meal to conceal the entire trap oh this is going look awesome okay wait let’s see can you actually oh you can

Hardly even see it okay let’s get some diamonds all right I’m going to get one diamond block put it right in the middle of this area over here oh this is going to be awesome diamond block and then I’m going to make a Trill of diamonds all

The way back to his base okay there we go oh my gosh we’re so close all right so we’ve made a giant Trill of diamonds now I’m going to change into the tiny little baby version again because then I’m able to hide behind all the the dispensers look at this he can’t even

See me and as soon as he gets close to that block of diamond I’m going to start shooting him with all the fire charges let’s see if he actually sees the Diamonds oh man I wait free diamonds for the taking for me oh man I I could use

Some diamonds I I can repare the whole base with all these diamonds oo Diamond ooo Diamond so many Diamonds oh today is the luckiest day for me ever oh he actually thinks it’s his luckiest day ever and he has no idea that he’s about to walk right into the Trap that SCP 457

Made for him yeah let’s see how far along he is oh he’s almost there we got to hide between the dispensers now oo diamond oh man my luck has changed for the better from this day forth oh there’s not a diamond block for me okay okay okay um um um I know what

To do okay I got my pickaxe so you know I’m going to mine the dirt first wait hold on don’t tell me he’s actually going to try to mine it with a wooden pickaxe look at that oh my gosh my friend Rez is the biggest Snoop ever you

Know what I’m going to let him mine it so he realizes he won’t even get anything yay free time wait a minute wait where’s my diamond block where is it wait where’d it go what a giant Minecraft Noob look at him he has no idea that she don’t even get anything

When mining it with a wooden pickaxe while he’s trying to look for his diamond block let’s use the Trap that he walked into wa fire why did I die no where’s my di block I want my diamer block oh my gosh he is actually screaming right now

Can you guys hear that he is freaking out wait I’m going to pick up all the diamonds that he picked up oh my gosh there we go I have a full stack again he’s probably going to come back here to try and look for his diamonds but I’m

Going to change back into the Burning Man and scare him even even harder Let’s Race for him right around this corner my diamonds where’s my diamonds where’s my diamond block wait wait where’s the fire I got ignore the fire where’s my diamonds wait there’s my suit right there’s my card there’s my pickaxe

Where’s my diamonds what happened look at him he’s trying to look for his Diamond so desperately I’m about to jump out and start attack him as the burning man let’s do it right now said right behind him to scare him as soon as he turns around he’s going to see me it

Can’t be here somewhere oh no fire man no no no where’s my diamonds I don’t want any more fire no leave me alone no I have a pickaxe I’m not afraid to use it no I’m going back to the Bas he actually tried to attack me with a

Wooden pickaxe his wooden pickaxe would just turn into flames as soon as he tried to touch me oh my gosh wait what if I hold a block of diamond in my hand and walk over to him let’s see if we can make him super mad and make him think

That the SCP actually stole his block of diamond oh he’s downstairs we got to lure up somehow okay what if I make some kind of noise here again I’m going to slowly use my flamethrower shoot it in the sky uh okay okay I need to be brave

I’m going to be brave I’m coming up oh wait there’s a diamond block right here what the what’s going on no I want my diamond block what’s happening wait where’s my like my diamond block where is it no no I want my diamond block no wow he’s actually freaking out so bad

Right now he’s screaming super super loudly if any of you guys haven’t laughed at him yet in the comments Now is really the time to do so but guess what we’re going to prank him even harder so what I’m going to do I’m going to make a Trill oh my gosh I actually

Have the perfect idea I want to make him so mad that he actually tries to attack me and tries to defeat me so what I’m going to try and do is first of all make him super mad and I’m going to leave a trail of fire like this to another trap

So she’s going to follow the trail to try and find me to defeat me but at the end of the Fire trail there’s going to be another new trap oh this is going to be so funny okay we got to find a little space to put that trap I’m going to

Change back into my normal skin for just a second okay let’s make it right here what if I make it right here I’m going to make a hole a very deep hole in the floor oh no what the heck is this why is there red liquid here that is not good

Okay there we go we got got to close it up we only need a hole for the liquid there we go oh why they there keeps being up okay you know what I’m just going to keep it like this perfect so when he comes over here when he’s

Followed the file TR he’s probably going to try and look inside I’m going to hit him in there and scare him super hard okay let’s see if if we can make him so mad that he would actually follow the SCP all the way back to that hole over

There I changed back into the fireman let’s walk up to him and see if we can make him super mad by holding a block of diamond in my hand he’s probably going to think that we stole it you’re the fu wait that’s my diamond block give it

Back give it back come back hey you want me a diamond block okay I’m going to make a Trill really quick and disappear behind the building here I know how to find you I’m just going to follow your Fire trail haha I’m going to find you

Again my diamond back haha wow look at at me actually thinks that he’s going to find me as soon as he finds the hole I’m going to push him in there and scare him super hard oh let me guess you down there ha you got nowhere else to run now

Okay where are you where are you where is he I wait what the No No hey wait Give Me Back My Diamonds you’re supposed to be down here oh hey reaz you want some diamonds sure I’m going to drop you your diamonds here you go My Diamonds oh

My Diamonds oh hey wait stop setting me on fire hey but guess what I’m going to get a bucket of lava I’m going to pour it all over him let go why why is that lava coming down no I want my oh my gosh he’s freaking out so bad let’s see if he

Tries to come back to try and find his diamonds again and if he does oh he’s going to be so stupid how has he not learned so far does you’re not supposed to mess with fire because fire is super dangerous let’s see if he’s actually

Going to come back oh wait I’m going to make a giant bit of lava here and I’m going to stand inside of the lava so when he gets close I’m going to jump out of it and scare him okay that is so perfect is this going to work oh my gosh

This is going to work so good you can’t even see me wait what if I stand here like this oh my gosh that is so creepy look at this okay we’re going to wait right here for him to show up all right where is it where’s my diamonds you owe

Me diamonds and I want my diamonds where are they where’ he go wait does he really not see me I’m literally poking out of the lava okay let’s get him where is he hey no no no no no stop wa give me my diamonds stop Sam me I’m fire give me

My diamonds no come on I want my diamonds wow he actually left the game look at that we made him rage quid my best friend Dino is on a mission to find the most beautiful fish in Minecraft so he built a base specifically to do exactly that and I thought isn’t that

The most awesomest best way to prank him super hard so what I’m going to do is I’m going to change it to a bunch of colorful bloops with a family of bloops and he’s going to think that he’s going to be able to catch one of those bloops

Which are very very very colorful by the way but guess what it is not going to happen because all of those bloops are me so I’m going to show you guys what bloops I have right here okay I’ve got a green one I’ve got a red one I’ve got a

Yellow one I’ve got an orange one I’ve got a blue one and by the end of the video I’m going to transform into the mother bloop aka the giant real bloop and he’s probably going to be super scared so let’s let’s see what he’s going to do today I think he’s messing

Around in his base right now oh my God what a beautiful day you know what it is time to finally catch the fish I’ve been dreaming of because I’ve already CAU these three but I still need one more to put on my item frame so let’s hope it my

B and let’s see hey fishy boys are you guys awake I hope you are oh wait I got to be quiet of course they’re fishes H oh my gosh he’s actually trying to go and fish for the most beautiful fish ever you know what let’s change into the

First tiny little bloop okay the orange one is super tiny it’s like a baby bloop it’s super super cute are you guys ready for me to change into with before I do that you got to let me know what your favorite color is so I can make sure I

Can prank as that as well so let’s change into the most colorful orange bloop right now oh my God I got a fishy oh my God he already got a fish over there he’s so excited will he be excited if he sees this cute little orange baby

Bloop let’s check it out I’m going to go into the water and I just going to swim some circles around him and see if he notices oh my God where are the bubbles oh fishy bushy fishy please I need some more fishies wait does he not see me oh

Fishy I got a fishy yeah oh he just got a fish let’s see if he sees me wait a second did I just see another fishy wait a second what the heck that was a really weird looking fishy it looked like kind of orangey I got to check that out of my

Fishbook oh my God he’s going to try and search for bloop in his Global book of fishes but guess what it won’t be in the book because bloop is a creepy pasta it is so creepy it will not be in there so he saw the orange bloop what I’m going

To do next is I’m going to change into the next color are you guys ready wait I got to go on landine so you guys can see the color very well so the next color is going to be green oh my God look at how bright and awesome he looks all right

I’m going to go back to my best friend Dino and prank him as this green one he’s probably going to be so confused yo what the heck that’s so weird there’s not even the orange fish known in the book what the heck I wish it was real

Because I would have loved the orange fishy boy oh my gosh he couldn’t find the orange one in the book so guess what what if I prank him as a green one oh my God he might even realize that there’s like a family of colorful fishes that

Stand right in front of him and just stare at him oh fishy fishy oh no I missed him oh my God where the heck did that fishy go I want to catch him oh my gosh she is so excited for the colorful fishes are you guys excited as well oh

My gosh look at how cute this thing is okay you know what what if I scare him a little bit okay I’m going to go back into the water as the green one and I’m just going to destroy his boat from under him and see if he gets scared

There we are here fishy fishy fishy boy here fishy fishy wao oh what the heck where did my boat go what oh my God my boat got destroyed how the heck did that happen oh my god oh he’s so confused he has no idea how it boat got destroyed

Did he see I’m a green fish though let’s see if he’s going to check his book again oh my God I got to check up my book where is my book oh here it is all right let me check it out is there a green fish known in this book oh my God

He’s actually checking and while he check in I’m going to change into the next color and stand right here so when he turns around he’s going to get scared all right guys we’re ready for the next color the next color is going to be red

Oh my God look at how bright and scary this looks I’m going to stand right here and wait for him to turn around oh oh my God that’s so weird it’s not even known oh my wa what the heck wait did I see that correctly yo that’s a red fishy boy

I want you oh I want to hang you on my wall where did you go oh my gosh he was super excited about the red fishy but he doesn’t know that red fish are very very very dangerous so he’s standing right there on the corner so what I’m going to

Do is swim up behind him while he’s trying to catch me and hit him in the water whoa what the heck wait what hit me was that a fishy no I’m pretty sure fishies aren’t that aggressive right hey any fishes if you are listening I am

Friendly okay I just want to do this for fun I don’t want to eat you or anything trust me oh you know what he’s actually super friendly he said so let’s turn back into the green bloop and give him some emeralds because emeralds are green as well all right I’m the green bloop

Right now I’m going to go back into the water and wait for him to get there as well oh here we go here we go fishy where the heck are the fishes hey I even got Enchanted fishing but I’m not seeing any bubbles oh here we go another fishy

Oh my gosh he’s only catching fishies because he’s so nice to fish and he’s friendly I’m going to drop him a couple of green emeralds to make him super happy he’s going to think he fish them up let’s go away oh my God I don’t see

Any more fishies wait a second what the heck where did these come from what wait a second did that happen because of my enchanted fishing world oh my God thought I’m going to be so rich oh my God my friend Dino is such a Minecraft Noob you can’t fish emeralds it’s super

Cute though okay you know what because we’ve been so nice to him let’s change back into a more scary bloop are you guys ready for the next color the next color is going to be yellow oh my gosh look at this they keep getting bigger and bigger that’s so scary this is like

The mama bloop the second biggest bloop okay let’s go back into the water and scare him a little little little bit oh my God I can’t believe I catch emeralds and then afterward I catch rotten flesh that’s not funny whatsoever my gosh look at him okay I’m just going to appear

Right in front of him and stare at him from out of the water who there’s a fishy come here fishy I want you stay get back here he almost caught me where the heck did the fishy go oh my God that was a yellow fishy I have never seen a

Yellow one in my life before since when are there this many colorful fishies oh my God he’s so excited he really wants to catch one of these colorful fishies for his collection but guess what because he’s trying to catch fish and that means that fish go out of the water

That is not a nice thing to do for the fishies so we’re going to pretend to be a very very angry Mama bloop are you guys ready I’m going to go around the house change it to the big bloop and go out there and be super angry at him for

Trying to fish my little children out of the water all right are you guys ready for me to change it to the super super big mama bloop he’s going to be so scared but guess what he deserves it because he’s trying to fish all of the

Bloop family out of the water okay one two three oh my gosh this thing is so gigantic look at the teeth oh my God I’m going to go right up behind him and pretend to swallow him I got super cool new I look so fancy all right let’s try and

Catch some more stuff oh another fishy if he thrs out right now he’s going to be so scared let’s hit him oh my God fishies please I want some whoa what the heck hit me whoa whoa whoa w w oh my God what the heck is that I got to swim to

The other side this is so dangerous I’m going to get into the water and follow him this is what you get for trying to fish all the fishes out of the water Dino oh my God what the heck is that yo you don’t look like a normal fishy no

Stay away from me why is your mouth so big ah leave me alone oh my God he’s actually running away okay I’m going to go away and change back into the super tiny cute little orange one and see if he tries to fish me out of the water

Again if he hasn’t learned his lesson then we will have to prank him even harder let’s go back there oh my God that was so creepy where the heck did that super big fishy go I don’t see him anymore I think it’s safe for me to

Cross through my house hurry up oh my God look at how scared we made him he actually scared to get into the water you know what because I’m a cute little orange bloopy I’m going to wait right here on the orange carpet and just walk around because bloops have legs oh my

God look at that I actually put the emerald plet I fished out of the water here now it’s finally complete wait what the heck is this hey Mr fishy boy what are you doing here in my house I understand of course you saw the big scary fishy as well yeah don’t worry

About it you can stay with me oh my God he thinks I’m a normal fish he has no idea that I’m the tiny little baby version of the big bloop but what he also doesn’t know is when there’s a tiny little animal around there’s always the mama version and I’m about to change

Back into the big bloop to come look for my or little baby I’m going to go back into the water and change it to the big one hey where the heck are you going orange boy I thought you wanted to be friends with me oh we could have made

Such a cool friendship where did you go and it’s so dangerous here why where did you go oh my gosh he sounds so and so sad you know what I’m not going to prank him super hard I’m just going to stand on top of his base as the big mama bloop

And just stare at him from above okay here we go orange fishy boy where did you go it is not safe out there I got to rescue you where did you go oh he wants to rescue me that’s so cute but he has no idea that there’s a giant bloop on

Top of his roof just staring at him like this oh my God where did you go boy whoa what the heck it’s right on top of my house no oh my God it’s so scared he’s actually running away okay let’s go back and change it to the red one again

What the heck it’s called where did it go I don’t even see it in the water anymore y that’s so weird oh my gosh we really have to get him to realize that it’s a family and the reason that those super creepy Big Mama bloop keeps coming

Back is because he’s trying to fish all the colorful fishes out of the water okay let’s try and pretend like he’s catching us oh he got us oh no catch him I’m catching him he’s actually getting me oh my God super cool red fishy I want

You come here oh my gosh he’s actually trying to get me I’m going to hit him in the water oh my God no no this is so dangerous I don’t want to be in the water oh no oh my gosh look at him running away I’m going to stand in this

Little Harbor area and just stare at him like this oh he’s going to be so scared oh my God this water has been acting so weird lady you know what let’s just go into a boat and go up whoa what the heck red fishy boy what are you doing there

Wait wait red fishy boy are you friendly you want some salmon boy are you friendly what he’s trying to feed a fish with more fish you know what let’s pretend like we’re actually interested and eat it there we go oh my God I can’t believe that you’re actually friendly

You know you got to watch out in the water wait a second you look a lot like no uh I don’t think you should be in the house can you please leave oh wow he finally realized that we’re bloops he’s so scared let’s hit him into the water

No don’t hit me please please I’m just trying to be friendly you know we can all live in peace okay if you just go into the water I can live here you know we can just you know oh my God leave I’m telling you leave right now he’s

Actually punching me right now you know what we’re about to take some Revenge I’m going to change into the super cute little orange baby again and come back there you guys though what’s also the color orange lava so I’m going to change it to the super cute tiny little baby

Orange go back and he’s probably going to think that I’m completely friendly but he has made the entire bloop family super mad because he just hit red into the water oh my gosh this is going to be hilarious there we go we’re right behind

Him nowy wait a second hey oh wait is it you oh it’s orange boy how are you doing big boy I I’ve missed you you’re so cute oh my God I actually feel kind of bad for doing this but you know what he was very very mean to red because he just

Hit him into the water so what I’m going to do is I’m going to place a little bit of lava right behind him the heck are you doing no hey bad fishy bad fishy there’s not supposed to be lava in my house my house is made out of wood oh no

This is not good oh my gosh look we destroyed his carpet I’m going to die I’m going to die no oh I have half a heart please please please oh oh my gosh my friend Dino is so stupid what a noob there’s all kinds of water all around

This base why didn’t he just get in there okay you know what I have one secret bloop that I haven’t even shown you guys it is completely blue do you want to see it all right I haven’t even shown you guys this blue one yet because this blue one is actually super super

Friendly and super nice I kind of feel bad for putting lava into his base so what I’m going to do I’m going to go over there he’s probably going to think that we’re super dangerous because we’re this big but this is actually the most awesome friendly bloop ever I’m going to

Wait in his Harbor until he sees me and give him some diamonds oh my God I have no idea what the heck is going on in my room I just wanted to fish in peace and the stupid what there’s another one but this time it’s blue oh my God yo look at

Him he’s actually scared he’s walking back against the wall look at him no please please oh please leave me alone oh I’m leaving yo I don’t want this no wait Dino thinks we’re so mean but I wanted to give him all kinds of diamonds you know what I’m going to do I’m going

To change his entire floor into a diamond floor so when he gets back he’s going to have so many diamonds he’s going to be the richest fisherman ever look at this we’re making everything into diamonds all right I changed this entire floor into a giant Diamond floor

He’s going to have so many diamonds let’s wait for him to get back here oh my god let’s check it out it’s my house safe again wait a second I don’t see anyone inside my house all right let me take one more close loop before I go in

Is there anyone inside my house I don’t see anyone oh my God this is for whoa what the heck happened here my whole Oh no you’re still here hey what are you doing here go away those are my diamonds whoa look at him he’s being super greedy

I gave him these diamonds and now he’s pushing me back into the water leave right now those are my diamonds fish is got even use diamonds now leave here we go yeah yeah oh my gosh he is so mean he literally blocked me off but I’m the

Reason he got all those diamonds okay you know what he has absolutely messed up he has just hit blue bloop and blue bloop is such a nice little creature fishy so Mama bloop has to come back and take revenge because no one can be mean

Against Blue bloop oh my God look at him he’s probably enjoying all those Diamonds oh my God I am going to be so rich this is going to be like at least 100 million Diamonds oh my gosh he’s so greedy he didn’t even want to share it

With bloop okay let’s change into mama bloop again there we go oh my God it’s so big all right there we go I can finally create the diamond armor I been W thing for so long okay now I just need some boots and here we go I’m going to

Put it all on let me check it out wo i looks so cool y let me get even more of these blocks wow we actually made diamond armor and diamond tools you know what we’re going to do he does not deserve these diamonds at all so we’re

Going to wait for him to mine every every single diamond block and as soon as he walks outside of the house we’re going to get him so he loses everything but you know what I can’t even carry any more diamonds I have so many all right

You know what I have this perfect idea I’m just going to sneak out of here and leave this house forever because all these weird fishy boys keep showing up here I’m going to take my diamonds and leave wow is actually what it takes his diamonds away we’re going to get him now

With this bow and arrow that shoots all of awesome things he is going on oh no wait what the heck is shooting at me whoa what the heck is going on where did these mobs come from no oh my gosh we got a DNT Arrow today my friend Raz is trying to play

Minecraft peacefully on his server and it is up to us to prag the absolute heck out of him and make him super confused and scared so I’m going to prank him and seek from the Roblox mini game I forg forgot what the name is can any of you

Guys remind me in the comments so seek is a super scary creature which just stands behind the windows and stares at you as you can see right over here we’re going to turn it into an invisible monster first and then we’re going to turn into a cute little teddy bear and

By the end we’re slowly going to work her way up the seek oh my gosh look at how scary this thing looks this thing is absolutely terrifying okay what we’re going to do now we got to wait for Raz to go away so we can sneak into his base

During invisible and start confusing him super hard so by the end we can turn into s and prank him even harder okay let’s see what Raz is going to do to see if we can find a way to get inside oh boy feeding the pets day okay do I feed

Them with steak or milk or this I don’t know we’ll find out okay uh pass it downstairs let’s go oh this is absolutely perfect R is going downstairs that is going to give us enough time to actually get inside of his base and prepare the prank on him so so let’s try

To get inside it looks like he has a couple of codes here oh my gosh I kind of forgot the codes does anyone of you know what his door codes are the last time it was something like 1 two three 4 but I think he changed it let’s try it

Out 1 2 3 4 oh my gosh it doesn’t work yo we’re going to need to find what his codes are okay okay I’m going to try something else because my friend Raz is actually a tiny bit stupid just a little bit he’s probably going to use a super

Easy to remember password okay I’m going to try 000000 oh my gosh it didn’t even work no okay we have to try something else please help me in the comments below what do you think that his code is going to be okay I’m going to try the next one

One one11 oh my gosh no way it worked okay we got to get inside really quick and prepare to prank on him wait is he still downstairs okay it looks like he’s downstairs I’m going to turn invisible first and hide somewhere in his base and when he comes upstairs he’s going to be

Super confused because I’m going to be invisible and I’m going to be messing around let’s turn invisible in the next 3 seconds you got to like the video three two one okay I’m going to wait where am I going to wait I’m going to give you guys a little tip okay if

You’re an invisible monster you always see the shadow under your feet over here so all we have to do right now is stand somewhere oh my gosh this is so perfect look at this you can’t even see the shadow under our feet anymore we’re going to wait right by his bed for him

To come upstairs that we’re going to break him super hard la la la la la la la okay um what’s next on the agenda okay so if I get some more Foods maybe I could feed them uh o pork maybe pork or should I try something else well what if

We start off the prank a little bit lightly by just hitting him and he’s going to have absolutely no idea what hit him because we’re completely invisible let’s hit him hey what what was that what attacks me is there something in here with me where’ that

Come from look at him he has no idea what just hit him okay let’s wait for him to go back to his chest and then we’re just going to do it again to see if he’s going to realize that he’s getting attacked by nothing that was weird okay let’s forget about that and

Continue okay so food I was going to choose por hey what was that there’s something in here who’s doing that is it one of you is it one of you plushies what he actually thinks that one of the plushies hit him look he’s actually destroying them now oh my gosh re is

Such a giant Minecraft D those little plushies can’t hit you okay we’re going to run over there I’m going to do it again and we can see if we can make him scream like a little girl let’s check it out hey what’s going on here who’s doing there there there’s something in here

Where is it he starting to scream a little little bit again I hope party yeah we’re going to make him scream like a little go wait he’s actually trying to hit everything around him with a wooden sword look at that oh my gosh he can’t hit us we’re hidden right next to his

Bed okay you know what let’s hit him one final time just to confuse him super hard and I hope he’s going to become super super scared now and scream just a little bit more hey hey wait what’s doing that what’s in here okay he’s starting to become a little bit more

Confused and scared because he’s starting to scream a little bit what if he randomly open and close his chest just one time let’s see how freaked out he gets what’s happening is that chest alive okay I don’t know if I want to go in the other chest anymore okay I’m

Going to go somewhere that’s not haunted what is actually going to go away no way oh oh my gosh okay what if we keep opening and closing his chest but this time we’re actually going to steal something I have a feeling that this chest holds a lot of secret items

Because this chest has absolutely nothing look at how stupid all of this stuff is I’m going to open up this chest oh my gosh look at that there’s diamonds there’s blocks of gold and even obsidian in here I’m going to take out one Diamond so I’m going to leave four in

Here then I’m going to keep opening and closing the chest until he comes back let’s see if he notices that one diamond is missing just one okay hopefully the chest is calmed down now and it’s not alive oh wait oh should I investigate uh uh hey wait a minute do I

Have more stuff wait something’s missing in this chest what was it oh he’s trying to look for the diamond he has no idea it’s gone okay let’s give him like 20 more seconds and hopefully he’s going to realize that the diamond is missing and if he does I’m going to drop it

Somewhere in this room and when he tries to pick it up I have a super big surprise for you guys it’s what am I missing I’m missing I think it’s a diamond one yeah I’m missing one Diamond where’ that go what’s going on where my diamond go oh look at him freaking out

Okay I’m going to drop wait wait first of all I’m going to change my name into nothing so the next time that I kill him it’ll actually tell him that he got slain by nothing so let’s drop one single diamond in here and when he tries

To pick it up we’re going to confuse him super hard by killing him as nothing okay well the chickens don’t have my diamonds My Diamonds oh oh oh okay you come here you silly Diamond wait what what killed me R was slain by nothing what’s going on look at that Raz was

Slain by nothing and he has no idea what’s going on okay I’m going to leave his stuff here and wait for him to respawn okay at least I have my diamonds back oh my milk okay uh yeah okay maybe that was just a glitch yeah it was just a

Glitch okay I put my diamond back oh yeah he thinks it’s a glitch well guess what I’m going to jump off the table here I’m going to hit him one more time normally so he thinks what the heck is going on and then we’re going to kill

Him again it’s nothing to freak him out even more and don’t forget by the end we’re going to turn into the super creepy seek monster from Roblox to prank him even harder let’s hit him hey hey what’s happening what my house is haunted where are you there’s a ghost in

Here what’s going on where are no no why I died again R was sa by nothing what does that mean something is in here oh my gosh he’s absolutely super duper confused this is so hilarious okay I’m going to become something else now I’m going to turn into a tiny little teddy

Bear and I’m going to stand right here between his other plushies let’s put this plushy back in so we don’t stand out as easily I’m going to stand right here and change into a teddy bear plushy boom there we go look at this we just changed to a cute little teddy bear

Plushy this is so hilarious let’s wait for him to turn around is he going to realize that is a literal teddy bear right here that he hasn’t had before what is happening what why does he keep saying that I’m dying by nothing uh maybe it’s the chickens yeah yeah maybe

It’s the chicken’s fault what he has no idea that there’s a completely new plushy waiting for him on this table okay I’m going to get a bow and what I’m going to do is I’m going to open this door super quickly I’m going to try to

Hit him with a bow from here chickens own up what hey hey wait hey hey what’s going on which one of you did that huh ah hey what’s going on why am I getting attacked I actually hit him twice and he still has no idea that is is super cool

Super creepy little teddy bear just waiting for him oh wa he’s right here the next time that he walks by the stable I’m going to hit him once let’s do it oh man I only have like five hearts and oh I just ate a raw chicken

Oh that’s no good okay hey hey no this again why do I keep getting attacked I don’t understand he’s so confused this is absolutely hilarious okay let’s try to hit him with a again a wait hey there something in here what’s going on oh no I died by nothing again what’s going on

Why do I keep dying by nothing okay you know what it’s actually time to let him know that there is something in the base it wasn’t nothing all along it is something so what I’m going to do is I’m going to hit him once and hopefully he’s

Going to look at this table over here and then I’m going to fall off as the teddy bear so he’s going to notice that we actually moved let’s Rait for him to walk past again there’s something in here hey hey what the wait uh wait I don’t remember oh what

The heck is that bear moving is that bear moving ah are you moving huh are you what the heck he’s throwing eggs at me he’s so mean you’re not supposed to throw eggs at a taddy bear hey guess what we’re going to do we’re going to

Scare him super hard and I hope he’s going to scream like a little girl by running at him and just running away I don’t like I what’s going on hey that bear just broke my door hey come back come back here you you owe me a new door

Where to go he actually screamed he was so scared of a tiny little teddy bear if he’s scared now just wait until he see seek from Roblox that’s going to be so scary wait a minute hey are you the bear that moved okay I’m going to I got to

Investigate this what the wait there’s a hole in the wall where did that come from what is going on okay what I wanted to do is I wanted to try and chase me because when he does I’m going to hit him against the fence over there wait

Where is he going now why is he there okay let’s wait right here and wait for him to run after me I see you hey get back here bear you owe me a new door and you broke some blocks wait no no no no

Don’t push me the F no away look at that Raz was Za to death by a fence he got absolutely demolished by a little fence that is so hilarious it’s his own defense as well okay let’s wait for him to respawn and then we’re going to scare

Him even more because we have to get him super duper scared until we change into seek as scare him even harder okay I need to find that bear where’s he at hey there you are hey hey re wait you’re not taking damage hey hey stop why why are

You taking damage come on what’s wrong with this bear get out of here this is my base not yours oh my gosh he’s starting to become more and more scared AR really he’s going to run away now so we can all laugh at him for being such a

Little Noob come on speak to me why would you do okay I’m out of here I can’t handle the bear I’m getting out of here he’s actually running away I can’t believe this he’s such such a Minecraft Noob wait a second do we have a scar oh

No we don’t what is actually going on his bike oh my gosh he’s running away from a little teddy bear okay you know what this gives us the perfect amount of time to go back into his base and change it to seek from Roblox so we can

Position oursel inside of his base and scare him even harder because he’s already scared of a super tiny little teddy bear this is so funny let’s change it to seek three 2 1 boom there we go we just Chang into seek look at how scary this thing looks this is so gross okay

I’m going to stand right here in the chicken pen behind the window and we’re going to see if he notices that there’s something staring at him from behind the glass let’s wait for him to get back he should be pretty close now whatever’s going on it better all be over now that

Bear better be gone um with the ghost or whatever it is better be gone as well okay everything looks normal I mean what is that what is that what what did I just see what was that he thinks that I’m gone look at how scared he is

Okay what we’re going to do as soon as he turns around that walks away we’re going to walk behind him and follow him and then he turns around again and he’s going to see us okay wait did he turn okay there we go there we go we’re going

To run right behind him now oh he’s going to be in his chest this is perfect the next time that he’s tur around he’s going to see SE from Roblox just staring at him wait let’s change our name really quickly as well there we go let’s wait

For him to turn around hey maybe my mind’s just playing tricks on me oh oh my gosh what is that I’m out of here oh he screamed like a little girl this is so funny okay we all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing ha Raz and

Laughing at him for screaming like a little girl okay let’s try to figure out where he’s going and then we’re going to prank him even harder oh my gosh wa’s going to hide in the dinosaur pen he has no idea that I already release this super crazy and big scary dinosaur into

The wild so what I’m going to do is I’m I’m going to spawn him back right here it’s called SCP 682 I’m going to spawn him right here and close the door behind him okay if I stand here I’m safe right oh no oh oh no oh hey there big guy oh

Wait wait no wait don’t break the glass no no no no I don’t want to die look at that Raz was slain by S&P 682 hard to destroy reptile oh my gosh this awesome dinosaur absolutely ruined R okay let’s go back to his space is scaring even harder because I think he’s

Getting super scared now I’m going to stare at him through the window and wait for him to spawn back please let this all just be over I don’t want to PL oh no wait there it is again okay I’m just going to slowly reach for my thing in

The chest and wait he’s gone no he was right here where’d he go where’d he go he has no idea I’m standing right behind him oh no no stay away stay away no look at that Raz was slay by seek oh my gosh he has no idea what to do anymore let’s

Wait for him to actually realize that I’m called seek is he going to say anything about it does he even know seek what is seek I don’t know what a seek is what is a seek in Minecraft okay I don’t want to play this game anymore I’m just

Going to seal off the entire base and no one and nothing’s coming near me what it’s going to seal off the entire base or I really want to see him do this I really hope he’s going to put some super good and super expensive block as

Defense and that we can just break it to his base super easily and he’s going to realize that his defenses did absolutely nothing let’s wait for him to build his base back okay I’m going to put that there that there that there yeah that’s covered uh that there uh there’s no door

But I put that there yeah so nothing could get in and I’m going to cover up this door and yeah ha they can’t get in now no one can get in here what no way he just used some tiny little bit of wood oh my gosh this is so so stupid

Guess what I’m going to use se’s super Secret Weapon It’s called The TFG 10K which makes me able to create a giant hole in the front of the building and then I’m going to go in through that hole and scare me even harder let’s do it right

Here what is that sound hey oh my gosh no stay away stay away no get out of here this is my base not yours no I have a sword too no no I died my sink again as you can see right over there my friend Dino is fishing right now and we

Have a giant problem he actually stole my dock my dog is trapped inside of his face so what we have to do to punish Dino is we have to prank him super hard as cartoon dog what we’re going to do is we’re going to break into his base and

Morph into my own dog and by the end of the video the dog is slowly going to turn into cartoon dog and prank Dino super hard we’re going to make him scream like a little girl for steing my dog let’s go let’s see what Dino’s going

To do today oh well today is going to be so awesome because I stole flaky’s doggy and flaky’s doggy is actually kind of hungry right Bob are you hungry oh he looks so hungry so I going to catch a lot of fishy s today oh this is perfect

He’s actually going to go fishing to feed my dog so guess what while he’s busy fishing we can take our time to prepare the most awesomest pranks ever so let’s just go over to his base without him noticing and actually double check if he really stole my dog pop

Let’s see oh no there he is pop look it’s me it’s FY it’s Floy yeah you remember me right oh my gosh he actually stole my doggy I’m going to be so mad I’m going to break him super hard so the first thing we got to do is we have to

Confuse the absolute heck out of him because first I want to confuse him super hard before I prank him because that’s what he deserves so let’s go over here right behind him and let’s actually push him into the water a couple times while he’s fishing to punish him for stealing my

Dog what what the what the heck just hit me into the water yo what the heck what wait wait a second what the heck wait there’s nothing here wait how is that possible what he’s already sounding super confused and that’s not the only thing we’re going to do because we have

To make him super confused and super scared for stealing my little doggy so you know what let’s see how many times we can actually push him into the water before he gets super angry and screams like a little girl oh man I don’t know

That was so weird do I really want to go fishing again wait let me check on Bob Bob do you really want oh no Bob really wants to fishy look at him he looks so hungry I got to go back to fishing wow why does he act like he knows what my

Doggy wants I’m the only one that knows what my doggy wants we have to punish him for this I’m going to hit him into the water again what what what the heck what the heck I got hit again yo wait there must have been a zombie or something around hello where did the

Zombie go oh my gosh you almost saw me he literally almost saw me how does he think that there’s a zombie here it’s literally day Time zombies don’t even spawn right now okay you know what I want to see how many times we can hit him into the water before he actually

Freaks out so let’s just wait for him to go fishing again oh man this is so weird I don’t see any mobs around my base there’s not even a skeleton or a zombie around but that’s so weird what could have hit me into the water he’s so super confused again okay

Let’s wait for him to go fishing and stand right behind him and then eventually we’re going to morph into my own dog and break him super hard and by the end we’re going to turn into cartoon dog and break him so hard he’s probably going to cry and he deserves it for

Stealing my doggy all right you know what this time I’m going to fish from the other side of my dog I’m going to stand over here hopefully I don’t get pushed into the water again oh hopefully he doesn’t get pushed into the water again well guess what I’m standing right

Behind him look at this hey if you guys drop a like right now I’m going to hit him so hard it’s going to hurt three two one wow what thing I got hit again yo wait a second no way it must have been one of you guys right come on chickens

You better get to talking right now what is actually talking to the chickens oh my go he’s such a giant Noob why does he think the chickens can ever talk back to him oh let’s see what he’s going to tell the chickens you stupid chickens is you going to tell me

I’m going to beat it out of you what oh my gosh D is so mean he’s actually hitting all of the innocent chickens no way if you guys think Dino is a meanie as well we all got to call him mean Dino in the comments below to stop him from

Hitting the chickens okay you know what I’m going to distract him from the chickens by ringing his Bell a couple of times what wait what what the heck is that noise wait was that the Bell what the heck that is so weird wait why did my bell ring hello hey you stupid chica

You escaped that’s what you get you’re not allowed to escape oh my gosh he’s actually killing all the chickens now we have to take revenge on him for stealing my doggy and also for killing the innocent chickens Dino is so mean but don’t worry cuz eventually I’m going to

Morphit the cartoon dog and get the biggest Revenge ever but now we have to confuse him just a little bit more so his day is going super bad and now we prank him a you stupid wa what what the heck wait a second that was a bell again hey come on

Now wa who’s ringing my who’s ringing my bell wait there’s no one here what the heck this is so wait it’s ringing again what the heck wait oh of course maybe it’s just the wind I’m acting so silly today it’s probably just the wind what he thinks the wind is ringing his Bell

Okay you know what what if I steal the Bell I’m going to put it at the other side of the house and ring it from here he’s going to be so confused and he deserves it oh you stupid what the heck that better being wrong again wait wait

Wait a second wait where is my bell wait where did my bell go what the heck Hello Bell wait I hear it I wait wait how did my bell get over here what yo this is so weird what the heck is going all right now look at how confused he is okay now

We have to steal the bed again and put it somewhere at the other side of the water because then he’s going to swim all the way over here and while he’s swimming over here it’s going to give us the perfect opportunity to break into

His base and morph it to my own doggy so we can prank him as my own doggy I’m going to put the Bell right here and I’m going to keep ringing it until he sees it at the other side of the water wait a what the heck wait the Bell is over

There wait you stupid bail hey what are you doing over there come here you stupid bail I’m going to get you oh my gosh it worked no way we actually got him to go over there and now it’s time to be reunited with my little doggy Bob

Hey Bob do you remember me I’m I’m your boss I’m I’m Floy hello he’s looking at me he knows he knows he knows okay now Bob listen I’m going to free you you have to run away to the base come on to to our base go back to our base I got a

Prank hurry up why are you not going go move there we go there we go there we go he’s safe go away Bob stop looking at me okay there we go now it’s time to morph into a little doggy so we can prank Dino even

Harder yes Bob run away boom there we go we just morphed into Bob and now all we have to do is wait for D to get back and we’re going to prak him so hard we’re going to thank revenge for everything that he’s done today oh man this is so

Stupid Bob is going to be so disappointed hey Bob how are you doing so uh remember how I promised to catch you some fish it didn’t work I didn’t catch any fishies today and today has been so weird like I my belt disappeared I have no idea what is going on but at

Least I have you right Bob right oh look at him he’s actually super confused about the bell and he says his day is going so bad but what he isn’t giving me any fishies you know what we’re going to be super angry because he says at least

He has Bob but guess what by the end of the video he’s not going to have Bob I’m going to hit him because I’m so mad at him for not giving me a little fishy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa B calm down oh well I got you something I hope you’re

Going to enjoy this here hope you like this what is this he gave me a rotten egg what the heck why would he give me a rotten egg that’s so unhealthy that’s so bad I’m going to throw it at his face wo wo wo wo wo wo wo what the he what the

He y wait why am I poison right now wait who what the heck is it taking me what is this even what the heck is that I didn’t expect that the rotten egg would actually spawn super awesome little mobs that fight Dino oh what the heck yo I’m

Super nausey right now what the heck is this stupid creature oh my gosh that’s what you call a taste of your own medicine because he gave me the rotten egg and now it’s his problem okay so when he gets back here I’m going to be his next problem all

Right there we go I’m going to put this sword back in well I guess you didn’t really like the rotten eggs I mean I can give you some raw chicken maybe you like some raw chicken oh you know what I do actually love raw chicken cuz I’m a dogy ro chicken is so

Delicious is actually eating it oh wait wait there are particles around him now uh B are you still wait wait ew B you smell e what the heck you know what you’re going to stay here for the rest of the day what he steing me I smell I

Can’t believe how mean Dino is okay what if we set fire to a little piece of the base to start our prank on him because he stole my doggy and he killed all those innocent chickens so now I’m going to get a flint of Steel and I’m going to

Set fire to one little part over here and see if he notices oh man what the heck all right you know what I really got to grab myself a pickaxe a ax and I got to get some more wood so I can actually build Bob in because he’s super

SM what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck wait why was there fire wait did you have a a firey fart what the heck oh Bob you really got to watch out okay what he thinks I had a fiery fart what’s wrong with Dino he’s

So weird he doesn’t even realize that his entire living room is burning right now what’s he doing all right here we wa wait wait there’s more fire there’s more fire no put it out put it out put it out quick quick quick quick quick no no no

No no no wait why is there so much fire here no I got to stop it I got to stop it no no no no no whoa that was close oh wait I still on fire okay okay well now I’m cooled down again so uh Mr smelly

Bob you can stay in here okay wait wait B wait B where you going where are you going B I’m going to run away because he does not deserve to be with Bob I’m going to run away and morph it to a super scary dog and then after that

We’re going to change it to cartoon dog but first we have to run away super quickly and come back as a super scary black dog oh there we go we turned a little bit bigger and super scary and this is our almost final form our final

Form is going to be the cartoon duck so now we’re going to come back and take revenge on Dino for doing all those mean things what the heck I can’t believe in bulb ran away this is so stupid what am I going to do without without bulb wait

A second there’s the Bell on my chest maybe I can lure him over here with the Bell B please come back how does he not see me I’m standing right here B where are you please come back I got some nice F whoa what D what D what he what the

Whoa what is that wait what was that thing whoa what the heck what is that y the super giant dog wait why is he black I’ve never seen a black dog before wait I’m poison what the heck wait why did it poison me look at how scared Dino is of this

Dogg he actually screamed like a little girl hey you know what as a Revenge we all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing ha Dino for screaming like a little girl okay you what let’s fly to the other side and find out where he is

And scare him again oh but I don’t know where to go wait that was a super creepy dog uh you know what what if I just start here and start living with the sheepies oh wait look over here I can hide over here this is perfect oh I

Finally found him I’ve been looking for him for so long but he’s right there okay I’m going to wait for him to have his back turn against me I’m going to stand right behind him and as soon as he turns around he’s going to freak out and hopefully scream like a little girl

Again wait how does this work how do I get hello how is this supposed to I have a guardian s what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who whoa look at him screaming I’m going to keep running after him and see for how long we can make him scream like a little

Girl whoa wait why is he up here what the heck wait I didn’t know dogs can climb trees no no no quickly quickly quickly get up here get up here get up here he keeps screaming this is hilarious okay now we have to go back to

His base over here and we’re going to change it to cartoon dog and try to lure him back to the base oh there we go we Chang it to a super scary cartoon dog now I’m going to keep ringing the bell over and over again to try and get Dino

To come over here wait he’s right over there I saw him walk through the woods okay let’s do it wait a second wait what is that noise wait is that the Bell wait no way is there a bell being rung at my base again wait let me check is there

Somebody over there hello wait I don’t see anyone over there uh is it safe I got to find the safe way to get over there let’s go over here and go into the woods oh my go he’s actually going to come over here and I’m going to keep

Following him from the woods we got to wait until he comes on land there we go and now we’re just going to follow him around and see if he goes back to the base and when he’s back in his base we’re going to stand right behind him

And scare him so much and hopefully he’s going to scream the loudest he’s ever screamed and he all deserves it because he’s been super mean and he stole my doggy all right so let’s see I I don’t see anyone at my base what the heck all right let’s get a little bit closer

Hello who was the one ringing the bell come out here I have an Axe and I’m going to get you he has no idea I’m standing right behind him let’s wait for him to go inside of his base and then oh my gosh he turned around how did he not

See me oh he’s attacking this little oh he you cat kill the little bird W who who whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that what the heck wait what that’s a super big dog what the heck he’s going to swim to the other side again I’m

Going to wait for him and try and figure out where he’s going and I’m going to appear right in front of him okay I think he’s going to go over here wow wait how did he get over there wait how did he get there so quickly we’re going

To do it again let’s see and try to figure out where he’s going and then we’re going to jump right in front of him we want to make him scream like a little girl for being so mean oh no where whoa wait wait wait what the heck

Yo how is even possible Oh no I got to swim somewhere else wait where is he going to go through is’s literally swimming into the open ocean there’s nothing there oh no he’s going to get lost he’s probably going to drown oh no wait wait I’m doing damage I need some

Air oh yeah okay now I can go down again here we go okay what if I just swim after him like this wait where is he going he’s going under an iceberg oh no he’s definitely going to drown this is so not smart what is he doing all right

So let’s see wait wait I’m running out of air no I’m taking damage get up get up quickly quickly quickly no what no way he actually dropped oh my gosh Dino is such a giant Noob oh no I don’t know what to do anymore you know

I’m going to grab my boat and I’m going to try and escape this stupid house what he’s going to try and Escape we can’t have that we’re going to use a super awesome cartoon do abilities on him oh man I hope I’m actually going to be safe

Over here away from the w oh what the heck was that he has no idea what killed him but now we’re going to go over there we’re going to use our super awesome abilities on him again and scare me even harder oh no I don’t know what to do you know what

Let’s try and build a boat let’s try who wait he’s over here again oh no no no no where am I supposed to go where am I supposed to go oh he’s so terrified look at his dog running after this looks so funny wait he’s in his boat again okay okay we’re

Going to try and figure out where he’s going oh what he can’t even go that far it’s literally stopped here no no it’s a dead end hurry up hurry up quickly quickly quickly what it’s a dead end over here as well no where is he going

To go is he going to go into the open ocean that’s not smart Dino you’re not supposed to go into the open ocean yourself you know what happened last time oh no you know or you know let’s just try and get away let’s try and get

It away okay okay let’s try and figure out where he’s going and then we’re going to stand right there and use our super awesome abilities to punish him again what he actually left the game what we made him Rage Quit

This video, titled ‘Morphing Into OP Void Bosses To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2023-12-22 01:45:01. It has garnered 4526 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:44 or 14084 seconds.

In this Minecraft world I morph into an OP SECRET BOSSES MONSTERS and then I pranked my friend as a SCP in Minecraft By Morphing Into a OP CREATURES MONSTERS SCP to Prank My Friend Because With this Minecraft Mod I Fooled my friend in Minecraft! because I Became OP in MINECRAFT! Then I tried to prank my friend Dino who was trying to beat the game! Will the prank work, or will Dino find out it’s me? Watch to the end to find out! – Minecraft Trolling Pranked

Inspired Carty Smirky Maizen Morphing Into To Prank My Friend Mob Battle Competition

Like Carty and Smirky Minecraft and Cash and Nico Minecraft Prank and Pranked videos, like Omziscool and Kory Minecraft Trolling, This Morphing Into OP BOSSES To Prank My Friend inspired video is made for Minecraft Enjoyers 🙂


#minecraftmod #noobvspro #minecraft

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  • Creating a Black Myth Wukong Portal in Minecraft

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  • Vanishing Act

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  • Crafting Minecraft Thumbnails: Pro Tips Galore!

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  • Peppa.exe Attacks JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge!

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  • Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack

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  • INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!

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  • MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18K

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  • RomisGomis Reacts to CHUYMINE Trying to KILL HIM in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVE

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  • Level Up Arena Masters Minecraft Hardcore 🎮🔥

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  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

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  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

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  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

    Looks like MinecraftMeme16 should stick to mining blocks instead of stealing memes! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

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  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

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  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

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  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

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  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

    Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mobs in real life | Gaming with Aryan 2.0 | Minecraft gameplay’, was uploaded by GAMING_WITH_ARYAN_ 2.0 on 2024-07-07 11:58:34. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. my second channel ( https://www.youtube.com/@Futuretech1472 ) _____________________tags_____________________ minecraft mobs in real life minecraft in real life minecraft mobs real life minecraft real life mobs in real life minecraft mobs in real life meme minecraft in real life mobs real life minecraft minecraft minecraft mobs in real life 2024 minecraft vs real life minecraft in real life… Read More

  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

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  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

    "Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!" #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft’, was uploaded by Brijesh Gamer 1 on 2024-02-04 04:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tiktok hacks in crafting and building#ytshorts #shorts #shortfeed #tiktokhacks #minecraft#craftingandbuilding #viral #trending … Read More

  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: https://streamelements.com//tip Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More