Forge Labs – I Spent 100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

Video Information

Hi mans previously on forge labs i uh i don’t know what a terrible previously i i’m a man who’s in a situation all right day 49 horde’s coming for me here we go okay oh okay the snow is getting higher oh oh okay okay okay oh no oh no that’s not good

After a while just ran okay got away from the thing right now i can still get away from them we can still run away they’re not fast enough to catch me out but you know that is going to change and i won’t be one of the things i did

When i was making this mod pack made it easier and i was trying to make it more difficult on blood moons and all this stuff i made way too many zombies spawn which ironically made it easier for me because it lagged the game so what i did was i

Made less spawn and as a result they were the game was less laggy okay these things come at me much quicker now these men way more aggressive now so i was running around and i realized i got it i’m not i don’t want to spend the night

Out here just wildly running around like a scared animal so i ran back to my house and i thought you know what if i get down underground quick enough none of them are going to see me go down there they’re not going to chase me oh i was wrong about that

They’re coming down okay okay okay Okay that is not good so i kept mining for a while and just as i thought i got away from the horde i heard something did you hear that okay okay at this point i was ignoring the diamonds emeralds and whatever i i didn’t care about any of this stuff okay

So if you see something you go oh you missed it this time you don’t it doesn’t matter okay there’s bigger things on my mind than getting a few more diamonds i don’t want anyone leaving comments saying wow can’t believe you missed a diamond at four minutes and whatever time okay no i

Was a man trying to get away from the horde and while i’m trying to get away from these uh zombies here just a quick word from this video sponsor hey this video is sponsored by battle cats okay free to play mobile game where you uh employ an army of cats to take on

Challenges and say good stuff look at these cats right here look at this there’s like hundreds of these things i i really like this said art style here kind of reminds me of those uh like old flash games so the way the game works is

You pick tw uh 10 cats 10 you choose any 10 cats you want then you start spawning them trying to take on a different army they send all sorts of weird like there’s this giant head at one point coming ring and they call them cats but

Come on how can you tell me that this is a cat okay what what even is that thing and if you want more cats oh no problem use the rare cat capsule i got castle the scourge there’s also like a ton of maps to play on

There’s there’s a like look at this map it’s not canada on there’s one on the moon kelly right now not easy hey so go ahead and download battle cats for ios and android for free using the link in the description you get awesome daily login rewards including free cat food

There’s a rare cat capsule there’s tickets mighty heroes either you power up your army with a special black friday discounts so you can click the link in the description and download battle cats okay day 50 right this mutation zombies faster and do more damage it’s gonna just

You know i know where this is going because i’ve already played through all this and it just yo you’ll see i i needed to clear the zombies out of the tunnel and you know there was a lot of them a lot of these men poking about in tunnels they don’t

Like that also look at this massive hole they dug down straight from the surface right down here these things are kind of like what type of animal digs this was i don’t even know what i’m saying anymore so i made the enchanting area and uh yeah i enchanted all my stuff

The next day i repaired all my tools and gear and with all the diamonds i had found it was very easy for me to do this you know everything nice and repaired nice and new because i don’t want to go around broke bro later i’m going to spoil something i’m

Stick to the script so i got everything repaired and at this point i was nearly level 50. am i level 50 i don’t know i don’t have the footage in front of me i just wrote level 50 in here am i level 50 who knows because i’m a

Man who apparently can’t write the most basic of no just read the script come on you’re getting two i made this mace okay this thing right here absolutely when i got the enchants on it just the most deadly mason man could want here does bonus damage to undead who

It’s incred i went up to the surface boom this thing was just cracking zombie skulls also the new tools that i had with the enchants on them these are pretty good tools so i just worked on the wall all night but the next day my temperature was dropping

Getting getting pretty low so i wanted to add some more warming liners but for some reason it just you know it wasn’t working again i guess one of the mods broke or something or i changed one of the set i don’t know i was i always mess

Around with stuff so i end up in these situations where things just don’t work my also my potatoes weren’t growing i i don’t know what was going on and from the roof my walls not looking too good sort of a lot to do we still don’t even have

Traps set up this was day 52 the day of regret and the man just reels like wasted so many days so i came downstairs and things got out of control fast oh [Applause] okay oh okay that uh okay okay i’m gone where’s my horse so i worked on digging

Out of the snow but uh i was getting cold and hungry and uh yeah food situation was getting run out of rations the following day i just worked on the base more i had an idea to stop the zombies from getting in all right so there’s two

Layers to the wall right layer one which is the outside layer two which is the inside between the two layers i would take a giant pit that would hopefully make the zombies realize you know what can’t get across that how would it how’s a man gonna

Cross a pit can’t do it so it would stop them that was the idea so i started digging this giant pit okay okay hey day 54 it is getting tough to leave the apartment buildings in the morning a man walks down and the man gets harassed oh

I gotta find a safer way to get because every time i leave look at this where’s my horse i was a man who was getting cold very very cold so i uh wanted to go out and find some more wool hey that snow might be cold but yeah you

Know it would keep you warm i’ll tell you right now the my man’s christmas sweater why is there a guy saying everything why is this guy singing everyone’s gonna be able to hear me why did i pick this song okay i’m just gonna quickly change the

Song here all right this is some live editing here i’m gonna choose a random christmas song here right here okay an ominous holiday who’s gonna no one’s gonna want to buy a sweater when a song called an ominous holiday is my man take a look at this absolutely beautiful

Christmas sweater this thing right here absolutely beautiful you’re gonna want a sweater like this but here’s the problem extremely limited quantities on these things all right there’s not that many i think there’s like 150 each and uh probably 149 each if i’m being honest because i’m i’m probably gonna get one

For myself of each i’m probably gonna get one for a few friends there’s probably let’s just say there’s 140 of these things okay each so there’s like 140 times three i don’t know why i’m discussing my personal business with everyone there’s not that many of these hoodies right so

That’s why there’s we also got socks all right beautiful madman socks throw those socks on but why i saw it there it’s like a sw they’re sweatpants like my man’s on them is black sweatpants there’s like a touca that says my man he’s got a nice hoodie all sorts of good

Stuff here right there’s even like another alternative version of my man socks some really good stuff here everything besides the hoodie is uh good to go you can order as much as you want but the the hoodies limited quantity is the word uh so you know get something like this while you can

Because it’s not gonna last forever if you order now you should get it before christmas uh that’s what they told me all right i i hope there’s nothing worse than getting a christmas sweater after christmas i’m not doing a very good job of discussing my personal business here

Insane hey if anyone buys one of these things and you take a picture of yourself wearing it and uh tweet at me with it if you’ve got twitter i would love to see people wearing these things they’ll uh be a christmas miracle for me i got a link to all this

In the video description uh so if you want to get one thank you so much for supporting the channel and uh yeah you know what i’d love to see okay enough just come on hey i am not good at selling merch oh oh so oh

Jumping off so i spent the rest of the day digging out of the pit and i got stuck out on a blood moon oh no okay man out of the blood moon oh okay okay next day getting a food situation getting pretty dire six rations left but i was hoping that i

Had more food in a chest somewhere but uh you never know and i’ll tell you right now i do know what happens later it’s not good man gets very desperate anyway so i added the warming liner to my pants which uh stops me from freezing although it doesn’t fix the solution it just

Makes me a little bit warmer so i kept digging the drop between the walls and i was getting very deep but uh couldn’t help but think that at some point a zombie’s gonna just drop down and land on me and kill me or something i was getting kind of worried about there

I was also thinking that maybe if they fall down here they might lose aggro on me and uh i could make some sort of trap down here like spikes or something i don’t know i was a man with a lot of ideas i just make sure i had to finish it first

Hey you won’t come down here for me oh okay the next day i was down to four rations four little pieces of meat so uh i was hoping my potatoes would have grown by now but when i went up to the roof yeah man with no potatoes these things

Were not growing so i went underground and i planted carrots thinking that maybe if i had crops underground that should work apparently in the mod it says if you go down below they’ll grow so i did that and planted some carrots i just worked on the drop after that and trying

To make it a little bit deeper same thing day 57 it was a kind of a boring day just a man digging nothing more nothing less but you know what i got it says i got it done but let’s be honest here i probably did not get it done

So day 58 i tried to go down in the morning and uh wow i was getting getting real tough to away from those zombies that were at the bottom of the uh apartment why am i i’m on fire oh oh they’re coming in here they’re all flooded okay hey

I thought to take an alternate route and i killed a ton of zombies on the staircase on the way down and uh put up the second layer to the wall get this thing nice and secure the next day just worked on the wall more i was a man with walls in my mind

And uh i almost caught this thing fully up but wow almost lost my life oh i’m going to stop right now oh my man it’s almost over right there okay immediately just feel sweat on my mouse after that wow and i almost lost my life again that

Night because day 59 you know what that means these zombies are coming they’re gonna start attacking so i figured if i got underground before dark maybe they wouldn’t follow me down there oh how’d you get down here what are you doing oh oh oh oh okay okay okay okay Okay okay you see that you truly don’t feel safe anywhere here i was a man who was very terrified just a scared scared man so i was mining and occasionally stopping just to listen see if i heard anyone digging towards me i i i think i hear digging over there

I’m just gonna do this it’s not worth it it’s i i’m i am scared right now i don’t know i don’t know which way to go i thought it was the morning so i started heading back and just look at this okay the day is morning i think it’s morning

I’m gonna carefully walk over there not morning it’s not morning it’s not morning it’s not morning I’m just gonna wait okay day 60. these things were now faster and just dead more damage that’s exactly what you need you know faster so i tried to get out of the cave and uh when i got out i’ll look around to see what the new zombies were like

Okay let’s see how fast these guys are okay they’re faster okay let’s take care of them so i worked on the wall until i ran out of stone blocks uh and then shoveled some snow and came home and repaired my shovel my goal was to get this place to a state

That i could stay in it for the next raid i wanted it to be nice and secure by day 70 okay and i’m gonna tell you right now does not happen i’m just spoiling it for you because this is i mean look how big this thing is why did i think that i

Could what a duh okay anyway so i just kept working on it day 62 uh when i got back to the base in the morning it looks like some zombies were the whole thing filled up with zombies somehow while i was gone what was going on in here

Oh whoa okay what are you guys all doing in there oh oh whoa okay okay relax relax these guys are going i feel like a nutty professor right now so i just worked on the wall more and uh try to get this thing up as fast as possible

Same thing the next day just more working on the walls getting very sick of this very tired every day running down getting harassed by zombies putting blocks up trying to get this wall nice and high and you know what’s man who’s getting tired day 64 okay i

Remember how before in the first video i learned that certain stuff doesn’t go out when i light it with the flint for some reason everything stays lit well you know what there’s a man with an idea now i climbed down into the pit and i uh started lighting everything on fire that’s good

If the fall doesn’t kill him you know we just hope the fire will i know you may be thinking sean my man this seems like a pit that you would walk into and i’ll tell you this right now don’t even worry okay you gotta be a true idiot to fall

Into a pit like this it will not happen come on in oh you fell down okay it kills them the drop doesn’t kill them but the burning does so i got back to my house and i made more flint and steel and then uh i remembered something i just realized

Where is my horse i slept on my roof the next oh yeah i was trying to get the potatoes to grow these things i have no idea why they were not growing so i figured if i sleep next to them they might i don’t know i needed more wood so the next day

I was cutting down trees and uh nearly died when i got snuck up on these the zombies just you don’t even know when they’re there and then they’re just there oh okay okay okay okay okay okay Okay oh it’s not like that i don’t like that either i also noticed that uh the zombies they were spawning on my wall oh why were they doing this i didn’t want to put torches up there because all that does is just attract every zombie from every direction to the base and

They’re all going to try to tear down my wall did not want any of that so i figured i’d eventually put up some slabs on the wall apparently zombies don’t spawn on the slabs or something like that i didn’t know i was just desperate at this point

So i tried to get into my basement look at this just trying to get in the place okay look at oh [Applause] look at that this is this is how many what is going on in my base they’re still coming out of there it’s like okay

I finally got in by climbing over the wall and just blocking off the entrance using just not a hand i finished setting up the fire and uh i climbed out and made it home but you know i got to do something about the zombies accumulating outside i need to make

You remember that hole i made what was it called like zombie hole 3.0 or something like that need to do i need to build that again or something similar i have no traps so far so that was the new plan and actually i spent the entire day

Trying to understand how to make a zombie trap it was just a man tinkering with redstone I have no idea what i’m doing right now oh after a while all very good felt like the smartest man on the planet got this thing going i felt like my brain was a very smart man so i i had another idea though my brain was working so i figured i’d use sticky

Pistons yeah i’d put a note block on the sticky piston and then it would make the note block move back and forth doesn’t work just spare you the time right now and in this video i was a man that did not know that just assumed it

Worked and you’re not even going to see a clip don’t even worry about it okay it just doesn’t work waste time don’t even know why i’m mentioning it plan was to set this thing up the next day which is easier said than done because there’s so many zombies out there and they’re all

Just constantly trying to kill you in the morning i uh tore down the uh test trap to get all the parts and realize you know probably want a little bit more redstone so i climbed down into the mine and uh wow i went around a corner and what do i see

Men a lot of men coming for me so i ran back and just tried to get away from them okay this is [Applause] is that it i just want some redstone i got out of there and i went up to the surface and made the trap well i started

Making it i got the first part built kind of it’s it’s the most glitchy thing on the plane it was flashing trying to have a halo reach forge map doesn’t matter there’s me like four people who get that joke anyway so i came home because it was getting dark and

A little bit spooky oh okay here they go oh okay okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i’m gonna stop burning i’m gonna stop burning that was not good it’s getting dangerous okay in the morning had to kill a few zombies on the way out oh whoa okay

Oh they’re coming oh i made the trap and yeah i got it all working i also dug a massive drop down and the fall should kill them but just for good measure you know added a little bit of fire hopefully uh send the man down here and

Does not come back up then i went back up and uh the noise was already attracting a horde so night was falling and uh i opened it up all right here we go whoa okay oh okay that’s almost over right there i gotta why don’t i have a shield right now

I ran home and just barely made it into my escalators i started becoming a huge hassle okay [Applause] okay i have to fix that that is twice in a row that is almost okay oh whoa whoa whoa [Applause] what the hell is that oh no

I ran back to the base and tore down the rest of the walls of the trap and i made some torches got them around the base and realized that oh day 69 means a raid tonight completely forgot about that i was very low on food and had no

Plans this base was also not even close to being ready so that uh that just i i put more torches up and slabs on the walls and just got ready i might just stand on the wall tonight i hope it works okay i hope this works

I got up on the wall and just watched the trap no one’s going for my trap i should i should have lit it up there no why why are they in here look at that one guy come on go into it yes that’s one zombie out [Applause]

Okay the glitch are falling into there yes yes yes that’s good but no no one they don’t even care about the trap right now they’re all just funneling into here okay the walls work but the trap the zombies just couldn’t care less about it they’re more interested in trees than

They are this thing there’s a huge waste of time i was also a man who was getting cold very very cold hungry and cold not a good combo i was trying to put down fires around the wall completely defeating the purpose of this wall next big light source for the zombies to see

I was just trying to warm up but it wasn’t working getting colder and colder so i did the only thing i could do jump off the wall and just ran as fast as i could to that apartment building hoping that this wasn’t the night that i died this is not good okay

I’m warm now i’m warm i’m warm i made it and started to warm up but i was very low on food i was a man desperate for even a crumb of food at this point i was getting very hungry i only had a few scraps left in my chest

And gobbled them up very hungry man and i realized something going on below me they’re gonna they’re gonna no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s not good what’s that what’s that game called

Dig him out or something like that that people play yeah they’re they’re playing dig him out with me i just gotta survive the night uh left no whoa whoa it’s almost the morning ah digging out’s over look at this no no enough [Applause] okay okay it’s not called dig him out it was

Called like i don’t know what the game was called okay the one where you have the shovel you try to dig the floor but you you know what i’m talking about all right why am i why am i okay day 70 more mutation more speed and more damage for these things

Okay the other thing we need to discuss and my man wise fish i have no idea what you’re gonna add on the screen right now just find some you know when you put up a picture of a cool looking alligator right throw that up on screen right now

That’s uh people love those good and maybe after like five times do a flamingo i don’t know just throw up some good animals all right nice good and here’s the thing we’re gonna talk about crops okay something’s going on with the crops in my world right now because these things

Should be growing according to the mod if you go underground they should be growing right i’m growing the correct crops for the season which is potatoes i made sure they were available year round and i went underground they would not grow right so i think the mod is broken

And these things should be growing when i downloaded this mod that’s what i envisioned that i’d be growing potatoes underground or on the roof of a building the other option is you use a greenhouse can’t do that okay because i was supposed to add sand between the two videos here somewhere in

The world for me to find and i’m going to be completely honest i forgot to do that and started recording so no sand for me all right so i can’t make the greenhouse so i just disabled the mod all right i’m gonna i’m gonna act as if the mods

Working and i’m only gonna grow crops on the ground so that okay take the flamingo down that’s how just leave a comment saying i agree with this or something i i don’t know also say good alligator so the mod was disabled i just uh i don’t know i sat underground next to

My potato farm to see if these things could grow but eventually i realized you know maybe i should get some bone meal so i went up this is just i mean look at this i went back up top and look how deadly everything is in this just watch this [Applause] look at that

I use the bone meal i got some potatoes i i don’t know if they’re growing i i have no idea if these are gonna grow naturally but i got some potatoes i cooked them and a man can’t live off this all right they barely just i needed more food so the

Next day i went out looking for food and i found a bit in the house along with remember i found all these rails i completely forgot about this so i grabbed as many as i could carry and brought him home this isn’t a ton of food but he’ll keep

Me going for the next few days which is all i can ask for right now oh where’s my horse what where’s yeah that the man is gone right and he would be very useful right now because i want to run back to the old house the very

First house because i think i got some regular like wheat seeds in there so next i had to do it on foot i i went out looking for just this was i ran all the way back and i got chased by so many zombies when i made it to the house i

Was thinking oh my old chest can’t wait to see all those seeds in there it’s gonna be good open that chest up and uh yeah no seeds not a single one is in there so uh i don’t know where those went just i i don’t know okay

They’re gone i did have this dynamite though which yeah i don’t know maybe it’s useful so i grabbed that and started running back on my way there the hor the entire horde was still chasing me so i started just throwing dynamite at them but then i saw a chicken i was thinking

You know what i’m a man with an idea here we go one chance of this i gotta get this chicken come on chicken let’s go i don’t even know if i’m gonna keep him but i’m gonna try i don’t know if you can climb up here i

Don’t think you can but i’ll find you down below ah the chicken just oh i don’t want to waste that food that the chicken died okay day 72 just a massive waste of time a big huge waste of time i went back to check on my crops in the morning and uh yeah

Despite disabling the mod these things still not growing what was going was i was just a man who could not grow something like what i’m very concerned if i can’t grow i was i’m gonna be honest with you i’m still what was going on here What’s going on with my crops well why aren’t these growing okay i’m gonna sit here all day long and see if they grow probably one of the last times i can do this i’m just gonna sit here for the entire day that man with no crops is very concerning because he

Needs them to survive still in like 25 days and without food i don’t know if a man will make it and kind of worried about that just a man alone frozen russia trying to grow some potatoes deep underground starving to death that’s good i just sat there for

The entire day no watching to see if maybe it’s because i wasn’t around they weren’t growing you know i got a feeling that these uh things are not gonna grow yeah nothing grew just absolutely nothing look at these guys oh look at that they just knock each

Other off through oh there you go boom i put slabs up on the top of the wall but i ran out so i went to get more wood because i have a new idea for a trap and i learned from campbell look how hard it is even to get

I just want to drop some trees down you guys got to relax the following day i went to build it but uh when i jumped down from my just look at this okay that was close okay what okay oh what are they all i managed to get to my base and put down

Slabs on the floor don’t want zombies spawning in here but i realized i’m gonna need why did i make this base so big i’m gonna need like several hundred slabs to fill this place like what am i gonna use all this space for there’s 25 or four days left who what

What was i doing here anyways after i i started working on the new trap just a very simple one trap doors apparently zombies confuse their dumb brains and they think if they can just walk across it when they can’t so i just uh i don’t know

Okay get out here get out here get out here get out here move move move your corpse things were a bit more calm on day 76 so i decided to use the opportunity to get wood because even doing that at this point was getting pretty difficult and

Uh i got a bunch and just worked on the new trap but starting to run out of food again my uh starving just it’s not good all right man does not like to starve okay here day 77 i don’t even this is uh yeah i don’t even okay so i

I wanted to get this trap done i figured all right you know what get this thing done today enough screwing around this trap nice and easy easy day so i came down out of my base went over to the trap the idea was to get the note

Block going get that thing started up so i got on top of it and i realized oh forgot my redstone so i guess i’ll just go put down slabs in the the main base instead so i walked over to the base and a bunch of zombies in there started

Flooding out of the main entrance way way too many for me to take down so i started running and these things were getting pretty close to me hit me a lot and i was getting low on food man was getting a little bit worried sticking a lot of damage to us chewing

Up and eating through pretty much the remainder of my food at this point getting real low eventually i got some distance between them and i and i figured hey let’s go going to my base probably nice and safe in there there’s a moment in every man’s life

Where he’s forced to make a decision this was one of those moments now you might look at this situation and think oh that man’s gonna die i’m gonna tell you right now this man chose not to die this day okay according to my calculations i’m falling

At a rate of like 100 miles per hour right and the ground’s probably who knows like 200 feet down who knows by all accounts i should hit the ground and immediately die and if i don’t if the fall doesn’t kill me the fire will but here’s the thing

If i hit the ground at just the right angle i will snap both of my legs and shatter every bone in my feet but if i slightly bend my body the shock wave will travel up in a way that it leaves my arm and leaves me alive wounded but alive

The second problem is the fire i have approximately by my calculation 4.7 seconds before i burn to death that is just enough time to get about four or five blocks away where i will extinguish the flames and immediately heal myself my chance of survival 1 in 786 222 but you know what

This right here is a moment where a man chooses his fate a smart man once said only a real idiot falls into a pit like this well you know what only a real idiot falls and dies in a pit like this and this pit is not my tune I can’t believe i’m alive right now how am i alive okay i i i was about to put the most on i thought i was i died there yeah but you know what they say when a man makes a mistake sometimes he makes another one because instead of going home i

Decided hey why don’t i just keep working on the house after something like that and uh i don’t know what i was thinking because it started started to freeze to death so uh there i was on my wall freezing to death again thinking about what to do you know what i did

I jumped oh no I made it home just barely okay okay okay oh i don’t even know what to say there i was getting very worried about food i was almost completely out of food at this point but when a man is desperate is when a man is smart and i took

Inspiration from the one and only jeremy sir jeremy wade and decided hey why don’t i do some fishing at the uh new base so i dug a little hole cast a line and caught a fish i realized i could put this thing in a can too and get some

Sardines for uh extra food that’s good okay just like i saw the food issue i just worked on the floor for the rest of the day and i realized that my armor was almost completely broken in my helmet just gone i don’t have a helmet anymore am i okay

I’m just gonna re-enchant it the next day i went back and uh i started finishing the floors i had to get them done because oh it was day 79 and uh time for another all-out assault okay okay that should be it why did i make this place so big i was

Really hoping this floor wouldn’t spawn zombies stop snowing so i figured you know what maybe i can survive without freezing to death out here just in case though i built this little cobblestone hut so i could run in here for warmth if i needed to but now it was time

For an all-out assault okay look at all them i don’t want them bunching up in one spot too they’re going for the shop look at this okay no i shouldn’t have oh that’s not open there okay i didn’t want them bunching up in any one spot there’s

Too much pressure and i was worried that they’d break the wall and i don’t know so i ran around but i realized as i was running around the top of the wall i had not finished building again there’s a bunch of bulls there’s no way

I was falling in that pit again no way i’m going down there now i’m getting cold so i just climbed off the wall There’s several moments in a man’s life where he’s forced with the same decision that he had okay just look i can’t believe i did it again i made it down and i survived i don’t know how i was felt like the luckiest man alive so i just dug my way into the

The wall whatever it was i got away from the zombie and i broke them down i got to some i was safe all right that’s what i’m trying to say somehow i survived i don’t know how i probably should have died i was alive all right

I was not in a good state i had no food i was not freezing anymore but i was hurt i was heavily injured my legs were broken i was hungry so i did what i had to do i started eating zombie flesh this is not a good

State for a man to be in there was 20 days left i was out of food my walls were broken and that was demoralized but i had a plan okay day 80. you know what don’t worry about that right now okay day 80. it’s uh i climbed out of the pit okay

For some re what’s going on here the zombies are they’re jumping over the gap the occasional zombie will make it i spent all this time digging this giant pit out and they immediately just jump over here what’s going on here and just take a look at my wall it took a beating it’s

Just broken apart and it’s not good so i added some barbed wire around it i’m gonna need a lot more of this so i tried to get some from the apartment and uh it was getting dark not good [Applause] okay okay okay okay the board’s inside the apartment

Why am i taking so much stop taking damage stop taking damage i gotta get in that apartment before so this is not good that sun goes down and i’m still out here i’m over it’s over after all that i made it up safely okay okay that was not good

Okay here’s what i’m gonna do to solve the wall issue step one make it to that remember that guy who i put in a hole that villager i got it i gotta go see that man oh okay you see that what is going i on yeah i got there but uh

Took a good look around make sure there was no zombies ready to drop down on me or get me from behind so i started trading with him i gave him uh i had so much zombie flush i started trading giving him all this stuff and he

Gave me a ton of emeralds which i used to buy ender pearls and i’ll tell you right now can i use these oh a man can do a lot with some ender pearls i’ll see you later these are very useful but you know back to the plan okay

Step two get this man to come back with me if i can get this villager and put him in a cage above a giant trap the zombies will just run into the trap it’s it is that simple you know it’s not simple getting this man to come with you

Because yeah i tried using a lead on him did not work i tried putting him in a boat did not work either how did people get villagers to move around but as i looked around and saw the horde of i i realized there was no way even if i

Could get this guy to follow me on a lead that we would make it back alive not a chance so instead i sealed him in a room uh and i got in the house because it was getting dark and i didn’t want to try to run home at night i figured out

Something for this man oh okay sounds like the uh all right the villagers Okay that guy’s you know i was gonna use him for more ender pearls but oh he’s uh dead now so i made it back to the apartments just barely though these things are fast like they can catch me when i run no man wants to be chased down by these

Things so i got a bunch of stuff out of my chest and then i went to the wall i repaired it and put down more barricades day 83 you know what they say about day 83 new day new idea okay that’s uh yeah i had a new idea i was going to

Place minecraft all along the top of my wall now you might be wondering why why are you putting minecarts up there and i’ll tell you exactly why when i get in those things and i zip around the wall it attracts zombies and the one thing that keeps

Letting zombies get into my base is the fact that they’re bunching up in one point if i could circle around the wall they would just chase me endlessly they wouldn’t be able to get me and they wouldn’t be able to break down the wall that that’s the plan the only issue now

Is that because there’s no more slabs up there there’s no lights zombies can they can spawn so yeah i i had to figure something out i thought i’d need wood and uh don’t like leaving my base it’s way too dangerous out there but you know what man’s got to do what he’s got

To do so i just kept working on it the next day and i don’t even i don’t want to even leave my base at this point look at What’s going on with her i’m just dropping down i wanted to use the outside supports to hang a light off them but the thing is that would require me to leave the base and set up a bunch of towers outside not doing that so you know what using it

Doesn’t at this point my base my base is not gonna look good all right so i’m not i don’t know why i was worried about trying to make it look good zero they’re just gonna get destroyed why bother making it look nice so i i just decided to make them i don’t know

It doesn’t look good they’re kind of floating but you know what they’re it’s gonna work hey you know everything i just said throw it out the door because look at this i uh i thought if i jumped off the base quick it would be fine look at that two seconds

I was able to get this almost this whole wall done with these barricades though i saw this piece of glowstone right here right in them what’s the point of this thing hey that’s nice a little piece of stone right there oh and it turns out i was a man who had no

More redstone and iron which means gotta leave the base again it’s good the next day i i realized i could use my ender pearls to escape zombies okay this will absolutely come in handy later surprisingly i made it back to the apartment it wasn’t it wasn’t that

Tricky and then i got a bunch of stuff out of my chest and brought it back to the base started setting up the minecart redstone torches and it was all good this was actually a decent day i got the rest of the redstone up the

Next day and look at this it tested it out okay here we go see this works yeah perfect this car should just go around by itself now oh it stops a little oh come on come on go go go go hey it works but you know i wanted i was

Thinking maybe i can get it to go around on its own without me being in it so i just started trying to set that up and i’m pretty sure i just gave up on that after next order of business getting this panic room up you know man needs a room

That he can go into when he is panicking so at this point i truly absolutely truly did not care how my base looked okay it does not look good so i just dug right down kept going until i hit bedrock as deep as a man can

Go and then i went up like three or four more blocks from that and uh started digging a tunnel i even made this little pit thing that if for some reason zombies were chasing me i could just like break these three blocks and then the zombies wouldn’t know what to do

That was the plan okay as i was writing that into my notes this happened [Applause] whoa i managed to get away and kill him but how did this man get in yeah i need to light this place up so i slept underground that night i worked on

The uh the tunnel a bit more i started digging that tunnel very deep adding a whole bunch of tracks the next day the thing about this tunnel it’s got to be safe okay the chance of a zombie spawning down here has to be zero because if i’m if

I’m getting chased by a horde and i run down this tunnel and there’s zombies down here what’s the point okay so this place has to be perfect absolutely no zombies can spawn down here okay day 89 somehow zombies spawn down here why do i hear a zombie oh come on oh come on

We’re on the panic room [Applause] that defeats the whole purpose of this place i say somehow but i know how i need more light what is this guy there was some lava down here which i wanted to use to make obsidian so i got it and tried to do that how do i

I don’t know how to make obsidian i have no idea how to do it we’ll just move on i climbed back up to the surface and got ready for the raid here we go they’re gonna start spawning any second how did is the bridge open right now are they spawning in the okay

Oh that’s not good did i forget to close the door i broke my cart they’re all digging in they’re they’re going for that trap over there but that was a total disaster where are they taken from i don’t know that i don’t have my

Cart set up i don’t have a cart for down here yet i ran down my mine shaft and waited this was such a mess some chased me but i killed them and just tried to wait out the night he doesn’t see me over there he sees me now

Yeah look at this i realized i had a my mine cart in my inventory the entire time oh that’s good oh that’s here i had the minecart all along it’s just been in my sorry i started digging my way up i saw the initial damage look at this look what they dug here

They dug straight down I followed the hole up and these guys they men really wanted to get me they stopped at nothing when i got to the surface i looked around and they destroyed they were like little termites they ripped apart my floor this is it’s all got to be fixed and uh sure

Enough you left the door open how could they do this to my base my floor looked like they some two guys were playing dig them out here so i just worked on fixing it all day big problem though i uh did not have enough wood to fix the floors so the

Next day i uh tried to leave oh they’re fast oh they’re real fast they’re really fast come on come on okay okay i can’t i can’t leave this okay i’m stuck so i i used a stim pack and realized that i could i can kind of make these

I used iron to make a juicer then i used a juicer with a zombie flesh to make zombie blood and you can purify that stuff to get refined blood uh and then you can also make this thing called a flesh wrap i had no idea what it did but

In the end thing called a flush wrap you want to see what what am i saying right now well i was messing around with all that look who returned my old friend hey look who it is it’s a villager oh okay i made a ton of stim packs these things

Very good okay extremely useful and this decision right here it it saved me okay you’ll see later i tried to use an interpol to get to my off i tried to go to the i thought maybe i could ender pearl up to the apartment building oh i wasn’t gonna risk it once i

Realized that if i miss i’m i’m dead so not worth it so i went home and just slept i needed wood badly and you know sometimes a man’s got to take a risk sometimes he’s got to do it so i uh went for it the coast looks clear but

I i don’t i don’t think i’ll make it oh okay it’s time to go when i got back i repaired the floor and uh i did some fishing always relax as a man to do a little bit of fishing you know i always see people in pvp using fishing rods never

Understood why or how or what the benefit is so i figured yeah you know what let’s just try on some zombies here here they come you guys want to come in and tell you right now you’re not gonna like what happens you’re gonna come here you’re gonna go whoop you can’t get in

Then your friend’s gonna come oh pusha what are you guys gonna do here i got an idea for you oh oh oh hey see you later go back here bump him in oh oh oh [Applause] oh all right hey you guys see you later i’ll help you still need to get to that

Apartment though there was i assumed there was a bunch of stuff in the chest that i needed i think there was like wool and some other i needed this stuff that was in the chest up there that i should have brought before okay i can fight one guy oh there’s more than one [Applause] Okay you see right there if i did not use those stim packs i would be one dead man i got up to the apartment grabbed a bunch of stuff out of the chest like string and more zombie flesh just a bunch of boring stuff but stuff that the

Man needs you know so i got it and got home with it i used all of my zombie flesh to make a more zombie blood more zombie blood than i know what to do with like look how much zombie blood i have what am i gonna do with all that the

Problem with doing this was that i used up all my flesh which was now my primary food source i had to figure something out the following day i just had to fix that i needed food so i spent the entire day fishing and i realized i should have probably

Enchanted my fishing rod when i was there so that was the man who never thinks ahead you know so you know what i’m a man who is going to think ahead now okay contingency plan if these zombies make their way in doesn’t matter because i i gotta

You’ll you’ll see what i’m gonna do first step i need to do i need redstone repeaters i somehow lost the other ones that i made don’t know where they went they’re just gone all right so i need to make more then i made uh my escape hatch a bit better i i put

Some walls up i put some like this stuff what i can’t think of the name of it the metal pipes or metal railing whatever these things are metal bars i put the bars around it i also put some cobblestone around this thing looks absolutely horrible my whole base looks horrible but you

Know what it doesn’t matter at this point i if you want to see something good that i built go watch the morph video that base ooh that was a good base this base not good at all after working all i went down to the panic hallway that night and just look at this

You can hear that what is this look at this okay next day back uh back on track got to focus on that contingency plan okay you ever see that movie i am legend with uh will smith like a zombie movie well you know what i’m gonna be will smith

I i’m gonna rig my entire base to blow if it comes to it i will detonate not only my base but myself there’s no way these zombies are getting me i will die before they get me so i started digging out the tracks for the

Wiring and by the end of the day i had it all ready okay part one done i worked on the underground rail system more gay this thing don’t know why i was developing this because my plan was to blow myself up if the zombies got in but you know

Sometimes a man changes his mind to the last minute so i just made this thing very long day 98 i realized i forgot to add the switch bow uh mod to the mod pack it’s a mod that allows you to make good explosive arrows and redstone

Arrows and a whole bunch of other stuff so i uh added that goodie gonna need that i’m telling you right now that is very crucial when i came up from the panic hallway there were zombies in my base look at this there’s zombies in my house what are you guys doing here

Oh okay these guys are fast so i crafted explosive arrows okay these ones they are way better than the ones that i used in the first video i only have eight regular arrows which i have no way of getting more so i had to be very selective with what i built

Here i made four explosive arrows and four redstone arrows which i could use to detonate redstone from afar which would be extremely useful i added all the tnt blocks and as a last line of defense i put water underneath the floorboards to hopefully slow down the zombies day 99

I added more water buckets and got ready for the attack but here’s the thing okay tonight the zombies will be able to build again so i can’t just sit on my walls i can’t just make a floating platform these things will build up to me i have nowhere to hide

Which is why tonight i will fight them and die if i have to i watched the sun set behind the buildings and took what could be my very last look at the sun and got ready for the fight okay here we go here they come there’s so many of them

I’m gonna test this okay okay go stick to the plan just keep it moving keep it my hands moving over here come to this side of the wall oh now i’m over here how’s it going look at this guy he’s running look at all the they don’t even know what to do

The walls are holding oh okay oh look at the body parts flying they’re still coming that’s just a redstone arrow they’re making it through okay okay i need to it’s lagging so bad i need to hit i need him okay this is a this is good frozen game

Will the game crash that’s the question okay [Applause] Okay yeah i don’t want any comments saying you didn’t survive 100 days you weirdo i don’t want anyone commenting saying wow this man can’t even survive 100 days he survived 99. can you believe this i can’t this man is crazy i don’t want anyone writing a comment like that

Okay instead i want you to write a comment like wow this man blazed through not only 100 days but 110 days okay because this right here what what even happened here i couldn’t even close my game i had to turn my computer off to close the game gotta download more ram or

Something something was going on here okay all right that’s it this one was i’m gonna be honest this one was very challenging this is a 199 days mustard virus hey hope you liked it So You

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2021-11-28 16:00:15. It has garnered 4435775 views and 156919 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:45 or 3465 seconds.

I Spent 100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft. Download and play The Battle Cats for free! Black Friday events are on now, including free log in bonus rewards, special discounts and capsule sets with awesome Cat heroes!:



Modpack Used:

Inspired By Luke TheNotable:

Edited by Wisefish:

BIG THANKS to Artemin01 for making the map:

Kittyrules & Catsomniac for adding the loot!

Subscribe Here! Join My Discord! Twitter: ———————————————————————————————————– About ForgeLabs: Welcome to Forge Labs! I review video games and discuss video game industry things. On the channel I post gameplay experience reviews, video essays, and satirical pieces that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!

#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100Days

I TRIED to Survive VR Hardcore Minecraft For 100 Days And This Is What Happened

Video Includes: Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay Hardcore Minecraft VR Episode 1 Hardcore Minecraft VR Lets Play Hardcore Minecraft VR Hardcore Minecraft VR 100 Days

Forge Labs

Edited By WiseFish:

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  • “Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy” 🔥😎

    "Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy" 🔥😎 When you’re trying to send a signal to your friend in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting yourself on fire instead 🔥😎 #minecraftfail #epicmemefail Read More

  • New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon!

    New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon! Exploring the Enchanted Dragon Minecraft Bedrock Server Are you ready for a new adventure in the world of Minecraft Bedrock? A mysterious server known as Enchanted Dragon is on the horizon, promising unique gameplay experiences and exciting features. Let’s dive into what this server has to offer! Discovering the Enchanted Dragon Server While exploring the Minecraft Bedrock preview, a new server caught the attention of gamers – the Enchanted Dragon. This server, still in playtesting, is shrouded in mystery but holds the promise of groundbreaking game modes and never-before-seen features. Unveiling the Future Map One of the most intriguing… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command

    Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command How To Use Clone Command In Minecraft Building structures in Minecraft can be time-consuming, but with the /clone command, you can easily duplicate your creations. Follow these steps to master the clone command: Step 1: Enable Operator Mode Before using the clone command, make sure you have operator mode enabled in your Minecraft game. Step 2: Note Coordinates Press F3 on your keyboard to display the coordinates. Note the coordinates of the lower corner of the structure you want to clone and the upper corner of the structure. Also, note the coordinates of the desired space where you want… Read More

  • Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!

    Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!Video Information guys I’m going to grab this iron we can check out the other part of the mine okay yeah I’m excited I already got the diamonds hey guys I found a spotter oh no way oh well don’t mind if I do oh jeez hey spider get out of the way hey get the spider wait what what’s you what’s this that’s in the chest is that a treasure map it looks like it that’s awesome oh we can find some awesome treasure sorry AAU but uh Finders Keepers in now wait what wait what’s happening yeah you… Read More

  • LazyWhiteBean’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    LazyWhiteBean's Wild Minecraft AdventureVideo Information hello hi what shall is there to do now beat the game where’s G is Gavin tell Gavin to join the call Gavin join the call oh let’s see my iron farm my iron farm okay okay for [Music] okay all right oh you’re here give me a second have to Tri my V need some emeralds Gavin Gavin that’s a naughty boy Gavin what was that so delayed it’s because it’s because I opened my stream called stream delay that’s because I have my I have my stream open on my phone so I can see chat… Read More

  • Unbelievable X MENGAME Reactions – Minecraft Madness

    Unbelievable X MENGAME Reactions - Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘what a bunch of people ?? Minecraft’, was uploaded by X MENGAME on 2024-02-15 23:00:40. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. SUBSCRIBE FOR MINECRAFT WELCOME X MEN GAMING —–‐—————————————– MY CHANNEL. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ my game AMON US ROBLOX MINECRAFT PIXE GUN 3D CRAFTSMAN D OTHERS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #Xmengeme #mobile #minecraft#redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorttags: Minecraft, Dream SMP, Manhunt, Speedrun, Hardcore, Mods, HermitCraft, Update, Snapshot, Netherite, Caves & Cliffs, Axolotls, Warden, Build Battle, Skyblock, Hypixel, Bedwars, Parkour, Redstone Tutorial, Farming Guide, Enderman Farm , Raid Defense,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mario ‘1Up’ Doorbell Stream! #Mr.NIRO 🤯🚪

    INSANE Minecraft Mario '1Up' Doorbell Stream! #Mr.NIRO 🤯🚪Video Information [Music] th This video, titled ‘Mario ‘ 1Up’ Doorbell #minecraft #Mr.NIRO ☺️☺️’, was uploaded by Mr. NIRO STREAMS on 2024-01-04 14:24:56. It has garnered 5861 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!

    Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!Video Information im Jahr 2010 veröffentlichten die Entwickler die erste Version von Minecraft Hardcore seitdem haben die Spieler jede Regel von Hardcore gebrochen indem sie Totems verwendet automatisierte Farmen gebaut und sogar Glitches ausgenutzt haben es gibt nur eine Regel die von Anfang an gleich geblieben ist wenn du stirbst wirst du nie wiederbelebt aber was wäre wenn jemand dieses Gesetz brechen würde das ist der Mythos von Player 13 und an der Stelle erstmal vielen Dank an opera GX die das Video unterstützen denn wir benutzen jetzt den neuen Gaming Browser Opera GX der ist extra für uns richtige… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.

    Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.Video Information [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi guys I’m I’m not going to lie I like I held the mouse for like a few seconds and was wondering where my burst was says alive yeah he is he is how are you guys how is everything does the does the audio need to be bumped up a little bit I um what is it I had to like lower Minecraft on my end because like my ears are kind of being like Sonic blasted right now you you… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

    SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPDVideo Information [Music] bag um the CV gave a description of a female black with long with white what classes did I steal from M CL Mommy I know who it was what classes did I steal thank you stop recording it now you should not be recording it without our permission my safety thank you my aunt don’t glasses and what her do she have a [ __ ] white t-shirt on no no no my leave my mother alone I don’t have this is crazy my dad father she don’t have nothing K somebody [Music] in the face… Read More

  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

    JustAxstler's EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did He Rage Quit? #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #pvp #minemen #minemenclub #bedfight #fireballfight’, was uploaded by JustAxstler on 2024-05-09 21:07:57. It has garnered 9649 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More

  • Free Will

    Free WillClan SMP with a limited world border. Has a focus on pvp and is very competitive, with clans tryign to eliminate each other at every step. Read More

Forge Labs – I Spent 100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft