So the last tutorial we actually ended making a sign that has an on click event that allows us to buy pumpkins by just right clicking on the sign now in pretty much all my tutorials you might have seen me carrying this command manual around and the command manual Can do so much it can simply move you to survival mode or can move you to creative mode of course but it can also just teleport you to locations even the engine room and it can even start and stop the game pause go to next day or reset the round to round one So in this tutorial i will actually show you how to make a written book and it’s going to be a little bit shorter than usual but it’s definitely going to be really really useful so let’s simply start with a command block and we’ll start with give To player a written book now this is a very basic amount this will just simply give me a book but of course you want to make sure that nobody in survival can actually access this so we’re gonna add a little bit extra we’re gonna add game gamemode is Creative and this will help me a lot as long as i’m in creative i can get just a written book but if i would be in survival nothing will happen now this is a very dangerous command just as it is right now because as admins we can actually Grab a book but the problem is if someone is in the lobby and he steps on this and i’m nearby he will give me a book because i’m be the nearest player with a creative role so therefore we’re going to add one more rule and that’s of course the Distance rule and the distance rule you’re going to use that a lot this is really important so the distance rule’s gonna be two that means we’re not gonna give it to the nearest player with creative but also he needs to be within two blocks of the block now if i would stand here Nothing would happen but it would stand here i’ll get the book you can play a little bit around for this three would be maybe a little bit better and i think a max of five will be the range you can actually click on the button We can give it a lot of extra data and a book actually takes a pages command and that one actually does take the brackets and of course in here you can give it so much more for example enchantments id is fire aspect level five now if we would Just create this book we’ll have a written book original with fire aspect five which just made your book really really really overpowered but we’re actually not going to care about the enchantments i already put pages down a book pretty much exists out of pages and of course A title and if you want an author now the author is going to be reaper aru and the title is going to be teleportation manual now i’ll have a teleportation manual by reaper air so that’s really simple of course all we’re going to care about is the pages right now now the pages Actually exist pretty much out of this system you’ll have the brackets which will encapsulate the pages itself and then you also have another set of brackets if you want to have multiple things on one page of course you can go directly with these brackets if you only Want one thing on one page but if you want multiple thing we just go back to the normal jsons and we’ll have a system like this which might be a little bit confusing but if you’ve worked with json before overall it’s not going to be that interesting And let’s start with a title of our book let’s say text test like that since we have a test let’s put it to a test and we simply have tests on a test like this will also do exactly the same or you can use the escape brackets which is pretty Much the old way and that will be like this they all do exactly the same the difference will be actually when we’re gonna start adding more things you will want to escape your quotations because you want it to be lines but you also want to be able to actually use Quotations itself so let’s simply say they’re commands and then we’re going to the next line so now let’s make a teleportation let’s go to the town hall and let’s give it a color gold and as you can see we now have town hall now as you can see these are actually Paced together and we don’t want that and that’s exactly why i always love to do it like this with double backslash you can actually add a new line and you need to do a double one because else the command will expect you to close this specific text element and if you Escape the first one you can then actually use it to generate the next line and if we now grab a new calibration menu you’ll see it actually took a new line now there’s a lot of more commands we can give it we can actually say bold it’s true now you see it’s actually Pasted in bold now what i actually want is actually two times a new line that will give it a bit more space and now i would actually like to have a click event that when i click on town hall i’m gonna teleport there so that’s gonna be really interesting Just another comma and now we’re gonna do click event and what we did learn last time click event will require two things it will require an action and it will require a value and if we need something to have multiple things we always have an extra set of brackets and we can Just do action that’s going to be a run command and we’re going to just escape them properly again comma value and we’re going to first test it by simply saying say hi there we go and in chat you’ll see say hi so it definitely did something you can just simply click it Town hall say hi so that works perfectly so let’s complicate that command a little bit teleport player 35 5 50 minus 143.5 of course the command starts with a dash the other way around let’s put it right there and let’s teleport that was not the town hall by The way but it did work perfectly so we have a little teleport command and let’s put it a little bit higher 70 and let’s try that again looks a lot better already well this looks like a townhall to me but i’m looking the other way so that i don’t want that You can actually give more tags to the teleport command you can also give the rotation facing 180 rotation zero these two always go together so without it it won’t work i can just add it right here of course 180 0. i will take the book now i’ll be actually looking At the bonfire now say we want to actually give myself some extra money and at this point our commands getting really large so maybe it’s better if we switch to notepad because normally i would really use an extra tool actually to keep going this way because Then i can really see much easier and copy paste much easier what i really want now i really love using notepad plus plus it’s pretty much my job to work in here as a programmer so if we take our command now it’s already really long so We want to cut it up a little bit and you always want to use tab because when you use tab you actually don’t really copy a space later so if we put it like this it might become more confusing but it might also become more logical so what we’re going to try Now is actually we’re going to just simply copy this part and you know that’s the whole page part and we’re going to paste it right here and let’s call this teleportation and let’s change the color to aqua and let’s call this cheats we’re going to simply Say tons of gold i’m going to keep the color gold so let’s give this a little test as you can see town hall is aqua next page is going to have cheats tons of gold so that’s going perfectly now something really important when something works Make a backup if you lose a code and you make a little mistake you can always go back to the backup of course we don’t want this to be teleport since we use currency as our money we can just simply do scoreboard players at s which is executing player currency 500. now as you can see the currency is our money we can buy the pumpkin pies with it if we press tons of gold we now have 505 currency so this is exactly why we use notepod because we can instantly and very quickly copy paste a whole part and then Actually just add it again and also add new elements so one more thing i want to show you about teleport now as you can see we have multiples so we have multiple worlds if we want to actually make sure that we teleport to the right world You can add a little bit of an extra command this is our telepotation command so let’s go execute as executing player in minecraft and you saw the world name was so1 a1 run teleport with this command we can actually teleport to a specific world and then the chords So whether i’m in actually the correct world and almost dead by the way or i traveled to the spawn world and i would actually teleport normally if the command is not correct with the old command we would probably plummet to our deaths somewhere in the spawn world well that Wasn’t too bad but with the new command even if i’m here i can simply teleport to the correct world as well so that’s an extra bonus to actually go cross world so then we have an execute if command for that now of course now it’s really easy for you to actually make A better book like that with all the things you’ve learned so far you can do the several pages and you can do a lot of fun things with this i hope you learned something i’ll put the entire code in the description so you can actually play with it From that point of course and hopefully you can now make your own manual that will help you navigate your own servers or for example put your favorite mods commands in there and everything so you just have everything in a quick guide thank you all for watching and i’ll see you in the next Guide Video Information
This video, titled ‘How to make a written book with clickable elements – Minecraft Command Block Guide’, was uploaded by Forgotten Games on 2021-03-10 12:18:09. It has garnered 40478 views and 721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:19 or 559 seconds.
#minecraft #command #writtenbook The best place to store all your favorite commands is with a written book. This way you can fast mod, manipulate the scoreboard and teleport to places.
This guide shows you exactly how to do just that.
You will learn: – How to teleport – How to teleport between worlds on Multiverse servers – How to make a 📘 written book with pages and customize the text in it with colors – How to manipulate the scoreboard
𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝟭.𝟭𝟳: as off 1.17 it seems the /n linebreaks need an additional escape bracket, the usage of double quotation marks within the JSON is entirely discouraged (still use it outside the JSON’s though), the new command will be:
📋 give @p[gamemode=creative, distance=..3] minecraft:written_book{pages:[“[{text:’Teleportation\n\n’}, {text:’Town Hall\n\n’, color:aqua, bold:true, clickEvent:{action:’run_command’, value:’/execute as @s in minecraft:fk_s01e01 run teleport @p 35.5 70 -143 180 0′}}]”, “[{text:’Cheats\n\n’}, {text:’Tons of Gold’, color:gold, bold:true, clickEvent:{action:’run_command’, value:’/scoreboard players add @s currency 500′}}]”, “”], title:”Teleportation Manual”, author:”Reaper Iru”} 1
𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝟭.𝟲.𝟱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 📋 give @p[gamemode=creative, distance=..3] minecraft:written_book{pages:[“[{text:”Teleportationnn”}, {text:”Town Hallnn”, color:aqua, bold:true, clickEvent:{action:”run_command”, value:”/execute as @s in minecraft:fk_s01e01 run teleport @p 35.5 70 -143 180 0″}}]”, “[{text:”Cheatsnn”}, {text:’Tons of Gold’, color:gold, bold:true, clickEvent:{action:”run_command”, value:”/scoreboard players add @s currency 500″}}]”, “”], title:”Teleportation Manual”, author:”Reaper Iru”} 1
Would I ever let you guys down? It looks really bad now, but at least it works. 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 1.19.2: /give @p written_book{pages:[“[“”,{“text”:”Teleportation\n\n”},{“text”:”Town Hall”,”color”:”aqua”, “bold”:”true”,”clickEvent”:{“action”:”run_command”,”value”:”/execute as @s run teleport @p 35.5 70 -143 180 0″}}]”,”[“”,{“text”:”Cheats\n\n”},{“text”:”Tons of Gold”,”color”:”gold”, “bold”:”true”,”clickEvent”: {“action”:”run_command”,”value”:”/scoreboard players add @s currency 500″}}]”],title:”Teleportation Manual”,author:”Reaper Iru”}
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