Foxy2 – The Minecraft Update: Episode 9 – Slack’s Back with Jessiie Too!

Video Information

Hello and welcome back to another episode of the minecraft update podcast with me foxy hotel here joined today not just by slack who has finally returned but jessie b as well we’ve got three of us as per popular demand wow we got a lot of feedback asking for jesse as well

As like this is good news that you’re both here what’s going on guys jesse you wanna go first hi i’m super excited i just have to say i’m super excited you’re here slag so happy you’re back and uh yeah i’ve been i’ve been okay today yeah things have been pretty good

For me i mean aside from recovering from hospital visits and doctor’s appointments and everything else life is on the uptick i would say life is on the uptick well that’s good you know when you’re at the bottoms like you’ve only got up to go haven’t you so you know

That’s really positive i mean that most people would like be the kid the kill for that i wish all of my life was just on an upward spike and yours is right now so i mean when you get both feet in the grave the only place to go is up i’m just saying

I’m sorry to make light of the situation slack i know you take it well well yeah it was it was a pretty dire situation slack was in i’m not going to go into too much detail because it’s not it’s not up to me if slack wants to that’s up

To him but yeah it is amazing that he’s back and recovered so quickly so thank you very much for coming back slack and thank you jesse for being here good to be here right first things first as usual what have we been up to this week jesse you’re first

On the list what have you been doing i will as far as content goes i kind of took the week off i don’t know what it was but i just hit this wall right i just i was going so strong i was feeling so positive about everything and then just bam anxiety

I couldn’t get an episode done to save my life i think i probably recorded three binned them all because i was just not happy so i i i played some sims 3 built a lot of houses and then finally uh on tuesday i had a daytime stream and i think that changed everything

Being able to interact with people who are you know actually awake and can respond and have like a good interaction just oh revitalized all of my energy and it was so much fun i was very glad i got to do one that’s good i mean to be fair you

Did say last week that you spent 10 hours 10 hours a week mining because you can’t sleep so i’m not surprised you end up getting well burnt out or just tired out so i’m glad you’re feeling a bit more revitalized that’s good uh let’s hope that carries

On for you bless you what about you slack what have you been on to this week well aside from recovering from the hospital visit um trying to figure out what i was doing in minecraft you know you you all were saying you know it was

Up to me and i i have no discretion or i i don’t care for people knowing i caught covent i caught covet and the long story short you can edit this however you want to in this regard or you can leave it home i’m i’m not shy to show you say what

Genuinely happened i caught covet i spent a week laying in bed i developed pressure bed sores they went into infection my body went sepsis and i ended up in the hospital over it and i’m now recovering from that things are on the the the way up as you were saying a while ago

But like i’m totally lost on content at the moment i’ve completely run out all the content that i had pre-logged for my neck surgery literally just got burned through over the last three weeks because my episode that just went out the other day i genuinely started recording it three weeks ago

I started recording that i caught covet and every day i kept coming over here to the computer and i kept trying to work and i couldn’t sit here but maybe two or three minutes at a time and i would go back to bed i was just i was sick as a dog

So that episode went out and i don’t even remember recording it i watched it last night for the first time uh watchful my editor went through it and scrubbed through it and just watching through it myself was different because i don’t remember recording any of that none of it

Like none of it except the outro when i got home from the hospital because i was like watch well i don’t know what i got episode wise you know where i’ve been sick i was like here it is and i broke character and i just kind of talked to

The people and just explained to them life events of what happened with me so he put that out and i’ve just been at a loss for content so a couple days ago um jen she’s been by my side through all this we started a world i just wanted to play minecraft with her

I logged onto tv and i was totally confused on what was going on i had no clue what i was doing no clue what i was working on and i just needed a little bit of a refresher course so this week in minecraft for me i started a new world

With jen we’re doing something different on it it’s a sim six world which is different also still in bedrock yes yes i don’t want to flip-flop between java and bedrock i don’t want to do it it just it’s with my addictive personality and my mindset i just can’t do it so i’m

Staying on bedrock so i’m playing an additional world that’s at sim-six but i finally my brain’s clicked enough i’ve logged into tb enough i actually started recording my next episode of tb yesterday too so i’ve got that going tb is getting back on the rise my stream schedule is all

Over the place at the moment because one minute i feel like streaming and the next my body just like with this recovering i know sometimes i can go two hours i know i can and then sometimes i’m like i might go 15 minutes and i’m just too weak you know so

It’s literally take it week by week dave well day by day and week by week and my whole schedule is going to adjust a little bit when it’s all said and done i i don’t know there was something about this experience you know i don’t go to the hospital

Unless i think i’m dying and the doctors literally told me if i’d waited a couple more days i probably would have oh wow so it’s it’s been a real revelation shocking thing for me it’s opened my eyes to a lot of things that just i don’t know how to put it it’s

Life-changing for me it literally is it’s it’s life-changing like when we started truly bedrock that was life-changing for me this what happened for me was life-changing and not in a bad way it’s made me re-center on some things and made me refocus on some things so

I’d say everything is getting on the up again it is it’s just i’ve got to rework my schedule like before all this i was streaming every day you know and it was just go go go go go go go and now it’s like i can go go go

But i also know i need to take time for myself to recover every now and again absolutely yeah that’s so important that you you do do that and i know what you’re like and we’ve discussed it before and you will take on as much as you can possibly do and it’ll work for

You for a few weeks and you’ll be killing it and then then you’ll hit a wall and we all do it we take on more than we should because we think we can and each time we do it we forget how hard it was the time before so perhaps this time it

Might be a lesson to all of us for you well for your experience to maybe not you know take on quite so much and to make sure that we’re doing life as well as our job exactly i would agree with you i would agree with you so what’s been going on with

You foxy well i don’t know if you listened to last week’s podcast or not slack but it was pretty much the pokemon podcast i’m not going to talk about it too much today but i would like to go back on and what i said basically i’ve been playing

An awful lot of the new pokemon legends arceus game i’ve now completed it um i haven’t completed the poker desks i couldn’t be less interested in catching all the pokemon and fill in the pokedex i know that’s like the main goal of pokemon but that’s not the bit i enjoy

As much as the story was awful in it and it really was the writing was terrible i did enjoy completing the story and i actually really enjoyed the game i i feel like i probably will go back to it and and play more of it just for fun

Because it is the sort of thing that you can just chill out on an evening go throw a few pokeballs around have a few battles and it’s not there’s no complication to it and it doesn’t ask you for anything and the other thing about it it’s just ridiculously easy like i never

Throughout the whole thing i took on loads of alpha pokemon i completed the final bosses never once did i die in it like all my pokemon fainted so there was a couple of boss battles i had to restart because my character died because in this game you don’t just

Battle pokemon but your character takes damage as well because the the the baddie pokemon if you like all the big bosses they attack you rather than your pokemon a couple of times i didn’t dodge quick enough and had to restart the battles but particularly on the final boss but

As a whole you know it was it was quite easy and and i like that in the game i like it when the game makes me feel like i’m good at something it’s really frustrating when you throw pokeballs at things and they’ve hardly got any health and you don’t get them

Particularly after after last week after my revelation that you could actually catch the alpha pokemon i went on a big that was it i spent two days just chasing alpha pokemon and most sometimes they would catch you sometimes you’d get them right down to the bottom of their health in the

Catch but the problem i think with this game as much as it is easy is the battles don’t last long enough and i think that’s a good thing because there’s so many of them you don’t want every single time you’re trying to catch a pokemon to take forever but

The the the amount of damage you do and the amount of damage they do is ridiculous so you go up against an alpha pokemon or even just a pokemon that’s the same level to you it’ll do one move and that’s one of your pokemon got is like all of their energy’s gone

And you’re like this was a really good pokemon you killed it in one go so then you have a go and you’re like i don’t want to kill you because i want to try and catch you try and get your health down and you do a move on it and it’s

Like no that was critical he’s dead you know oh my goodness sake and the alpha ones don’t respawn for a while some of them respawn regularly but there’s one i needed and it was actually part of a really early side mission and they found it and i was like i’m going to capture

That and it’s a really low level should have been an easy capture but it i i killed it by mistake and it never respawned throughout the whole rest of the game it never came back again so i don’t know if it’s a time of day thing

Or maybe the seasons in the game and i hadn’t noticed that and it maybe it’s a different thing like that i don’t know but it’s really really weird but anyway totally enjoyed it totally would recommend it even though there’s loads of stuff wrong with it but it’s a

Thoroughly enjoyable way to waste loads of time and time is something at the moment i had have hardly any of because i don’t know if i’ve mentioned it on the broadcast previously but for the next couple of weeks i’m going to be backwards and forwards into the other

End of the country to see family with my kids because my kids both live in slightly different areas which means their half term holidays don’t overlap like most not you know your kids both on holiday at the same time no oliver’s got a week off

Then jack’s got a week off and they both want to go down and see our relatives in the south of the country which is about a seven hour drive away so i’ve got to take oliver next week and then i’ve got to come back for the weekend and then

I’ve got to take jack the week after so i’m trying very hard to record as much as possible so that i’ve got videos while i’m away but doing that just creates a new level of stress altogether it’s really hard it makes you panic it makes your videos come out all jittery

And so i’m creating videos that i really wanted to put a lot of effort into and i’m trying to put effort into them but i know i’m cutting corners and i know they’re not going to perform well which begs the question why bother doing it because the whole reason of you know

Trying to cover that period is so your channel’s consistent you’ve got videos going out and the performance continues for that period if you don’t put the videos out your performance is going to start dwindling and it’s going to be hard when you come back trying to get back to the level you

Were at but if you’re going to be putting out content that’s not going to be doing very well in that period it’s going to have the same effect so i don’t know i i managed to record nearly two videos just this morning so um i don’t

Think that’s a very good sign but we’ll see how they go you never know it might be all right so yeah i’m looking looking forward to getting back from there so i can crack on with actual reality and and working properly and getting back into my routine as well because the other

Downside to that is i’m going to miss streaming and i’ve i was really in the groove with streaming everything was going great and now you know i had a weekend away that sort of took a hit for things i missed a monday youtube live stream and then i missed another one and

Now everything’s out the window so yeah feeling a little bit stressed about that but trying very hard not to be because i don’t want to get ill from stressing myself out so yeah i was gonna say i totally feel you there when you have any kind of time off

Trying to hit that go live button again it’s it’s a lot harder and i just want to say as a fan of foxy no tail i would rather have rushed foxy no tell content versus having no content okay just gonna put that out there you know agreed right you may get less

Views with a rushed video but at least there will be a video to get views on that’s very true that is very true yeah and it keeps things ticking along and it keeps people yeah it keeps people sort of on the boil i guess it’s just not very good

It’s not very good for people new people to the channel you know somebody that’s never seen your channel before clicks that and sees that and that’s the first impression and they’re gonna go well this isn’t very good i’ll skip and go go away so it’s a bit of a juggling match

In in that sort of thing really but yeah it’ll be fine what could go wrong speaking of what could go wrong what could go wrong with our podcast but there’s only one way to find out and that’s to check the incredible amount of feedback we got uh this week we’ve

Actually got a whole bunch of feedback not so many questions again but you know we’ve got plenty of news so we’re gonna we’re not gonna have a short podcast let’s put it that way so let’s this is this is the first time we’ve all three

Of us done this we normally take it in turn so i guess we probably go alphabetically which would be me jesse then slack unless we’re going to use our real name in which case it will be me that’s not you confused foxy jessie right sounds good redstone dad says

I’m getting rid of mcafee today or mcafee or whatever you want to call it thank you very much this is in response to last week when uh we’re talking about how the the paid for antiviruses hate my add-ons and hate myself and it’s because they’re rubbish and they’re based on um

Uh what’s it called that word i used last time didn’t the guy that make mccaffee end up in prison i’ve no idea but mcafee is absolutely useless that norton the all the big ones they’re awful get get better ones okay just get better ones so well done redstone dad

Yes uh jared marsh said feels like the changes are to try to get people to upgrade to java and money signs so wait are they saying it just feels like they’re trying to make more money i think what they’re saying here is um the changes they’re making to bedrock

Because we were very much focused on bedrock making bad decisions and making the game harder last week and i think they’re saying this is trying to push people to java which well i’ll just say that i completely disagree with but why don’t you guys go first and then i’ll

Fill in at the end i would totally disagree with that java is a one-time sale and that’s it if they’re trying to push people to anything to make money they’re going to push them to bedrock where the only 100 reliable you can guarantee every week update will be to the marketplace so if

They’re going to push you to money they’re going to push you to bedrock not java i wasn’t part of the podcast but yeah nah i disagree on that one jesse what are your thoughts um i i also agree i agree with you i disagree with the

Comment but i think i disagree for a different reason i think probably the intention of this comment or what i would take from it is pushing content creators to java which i would i could see that logic right i could see pushing content creators to java just so that they can keep making

Money off of bedrock and not having people complain so much i could see that logic if that’s where they’re going but i still don’t think that’s the case i i think that bedrock is always going to be their money maker java is there to satisfy the big you know the big content

Creators who just like what they like they like being comfortable you know ah man i see i i disagree with i i disagree with that statement as well because well if that’s the case that might be right jesse but if that’s the case then that’s really short-sighted view from mo young because

Obviously it’s the content creators that are driving a huge amount of players to the game and if the content creators are playing a different version to what the the players are playing then there’s a disparity there as we well know and people complain so that’s going to cause more

Complaints to it you would think that mo young would be smart enough to say let’s get all of the content creators on bedrock edition so that we can you know that’s free sales that’s free advertising and we know they like to advertise with the amount they push the marketplace and the pop-ups and

Everything else that you get at the moment so so i think i think um i think yeah if they were going to try and push anybody there for all content creators or otherwise for money basis or or for the future of minecraft it’s going to be towards bedrock edition

Speaking of um i forgot to write this in the news section we’re not in the news section yet but we did get a little tip from a little birdie today saying that minecraft bedrock edition has a bunch more developers working on it and that’s all we can say

There’s not much else we can give you there but basically for bedrock edition i feel like the future is bright and i think that uh microsoft slash mo young are doing everything they can to to make that platform as good and as it can be so i guess watch this space slack what’s

Victim have to say victim has to say uh it sends me that you didn’t get or you didn’t have that many emails as that means mine have been getting through or as it means mine haven’t been getting through or they’re so rubbish you’re ignoring them i i i tell you now victim

When i was here we got every one of your emails so unless something’s changed it looks like we’re still getting them jesse wouldn’t let me read them slang that’s what it was she said these are rubbish these emails i’m not reading them right okay Victim i’m so sorry that um i’ve been through all of the emails we read every single email and every single comment we get every week unless it is something that’s just not a comment or a question if it’s just not related or maybe perhaps it’s to do with

A podcast that was three weeks ago but i mean you know that’s maybe one or two questions that we’ve left out so i’m concerned as well that you’re not getting through to our email system i did check the spam today there’s nothing in there um so maybe check the address again that

You’re sending the emails to because that’s concerning you’re not getting them through and if anyone else is sending emails and we’re not reading them and you have you know you think they’ve sent them then please let us know because that’s that’s a little bit worrying

Um yeah i i promise i’m not keeping your questions in the bin i is you know contrary to popular belief over there slack i okay right skipping a few comments that have just gone in the bin then back to victory monsters when slack returns i hope jenny will still come on the show

Often i will i if not i will miss her well there you go that’s probably why your comments end up in the big off she’s over here throwing away your stuff and now you’re calling her jenny and jesus [Applause] that might be a bit my fault that people

Have started calling you jenny jesse i’m sorry you know i think so someone came into my stream on on tuesday and was like hi jenny i’ve missed you and i was like goodness i’m sorry it was an accident i i absolutely plan on coming on anytime

They’ll have me even if they do call me by the wrong name it’s fine i’ll tell you what it is it’s because you know my significant other’s name’s jen and he’s thinking jen and jesse and jessie and jenny and yeah that’s where it happens that’s it’s like you’ve caught me out i’m still

Thinking about your other hand that’s what’s happening foxy okay just just let it go yeah that sounds like more land accusing me than helping me thank you very much jeez i keep my mind to myself thank you very much all right who’s next jesse athena v uh casp casper sky likes your add-ons

I i’m guessing casper skye is a creator maybe no that is an antivirus software i’ve always called it kaposky i don’t know why because it’s quite clearly you spell casper’s guy you’ve just read it but i’ve always called it kaposky antivirus um so yeah apparently we’ve got a winner

If you’ve got if you want antivirus that likes my add-ons then get kappa escape or casper sky or one of those what’s lost you got to say another great podcast wishing slack better and look forward to his return hi i’m here just saying uh throwing out the potential lack of

Jessie’s appearance see see i i got your name right just saying so hoping she sticks around for future podcasts finally was a pleasant surprise to hear you are playing the new pokemon game even if you do hate it all the same keep up the great content i’m guessing foxy

Is the pokemon hater over there from the way it’s sounding today i did actually i had to listen back to the podcast um to say to see if i actually sounded like i hated it and i did say right at the end i hate it

But i also said i was addicted to it and i love it it was very much a tongue-in-cheek i hate it because there was a lot wrong with it but like i said today you know i’ve got a lot more love for it than i did have i didn’t know why

I liked it before and now i do so thank you lashi for that jeez anyone else got anything to say on that one no that’s all you okay fair enough nathan wickenden says i’m sorry to hear about mr lizard the community here is giving him all the

Best wishes this podcast is great to listen to when i’m coding can’t wait for the next one comments like that make me happy i’m just saying they make me smile me cute yeah you can’t get enough comments like that yeah good luck you’re all wonderful and i really like you

Thanks babe good luck jesse with the next one i was just thinking that um kane thanks for the podcast foxy and jesse very entertaining and informative i’m also looking forward to slack’s return you’re like you’re all like family i did want to comment on an alternative for gaining xp that i used

Before learning about the genie furnace option when i needed xp for enchanting or to do repair or to repair my tools and armor i always used villager trades to accomplish this i maintained a small pumpkin and melon farm and keep four master farmers to trade with after infecting them and

Healing them i could sell each melon and pumpkin for one emerald each and also repair most of my tools and armor is there a downside to this i understand excessive trades can cause lag but i only maintain 12 traders at most and it doesn’t seem to affect the server edit

I did try repairing my armor as well as an axe that had roughly one-third durability left and a shovel that had one half durability feeding the farmers both pumpkins and melons for a day two times each day did repair my slightly damaged armor plus my axe and mostly my shovel

It’s not even close to the chitty furnace a decent guardian farm would be the clear winner in the future well done jesse for getting through that um yeah so that started off saying hey look this is a really cool way to do xp and then

Then there was an edit and there were no actually oh thank you again that’s that’s made me giggle yeah villagers are they are a way of getting xp and you can get a reasonable amount but they’re not they’re not reliable enough to get loads from i don’t think personally unless

You’ve got loads and like you said you had 12. a lot of people have like 30 to 40 villagers just to get enough blocks in xp which when you’ve got a server that’s maybe got eight and nine people on at the same time all afk at the base

Is waiting for the lava farms to fill up that’s a lot of entities being loaded so yeah lava farm there’s this thing called the nether i’m just saying it’s been around for years that’s pretty much all you can eat you know what guys i you you can poo-poo

On the lava farm all you want but people like me who absolutely hate the nether this is brilliant i love the refillable lava because i hate the nether however i have to agree with you the amount of time it takes to fill up enough to make that lava worth it is ridiculous

But you will not catch me going to the middle of the nether trying to catch up lava buckets and getting blown up by gas every two seconds not a fan i can’t i can’t see the value i can’t see the value even in the overworld okay the season before last the mushroom

Island i literally just drained all the lava underneath yeah because i can just do it at once you know yeah but with that you’re specifically okay i need to click specifically here with this bucket specifically here specifically here specifically here i can go down with a stack of buckets and just hold right

Click and it’s just like i don’t get it anyways yeah i i went through a process on a couple of videos at looking at the pros and cons and i can see there are some pros for certain people uh and especially with the gt furnaces if you’re only running one furnace then

Yes you can afk while that furnace is cooking whatever it is to get the xp up while the alarm is cooking i get that but this is we we touched on this groover mentioned it in the discord the other day and we touched on this in the

Last uh podcast as well about changes mojang are making that seem to make the game like more more laggy if you like so obviously they’re taking away the xp furnace which is a it’s a glitch so fair enough but the alternative to that is some sort

Of farm that creates a lot of lag now the the lava farm on a serious note is encouraging people to be afk at their base and where do you have all of your laggy stuff it’s at your base or your storage system at your base your uh your

Melanin pumpkin farm which you just discovered at your base your traders at your base everything goes on there so while you’re stood around even longer waiting for lava to to tick through it’s just adding more reason for people to be afk and i don’t think that’s a

Good direction for the game to go in personally i think they should be trying to encourage things that can happen quickly and be done quickly like you can do with you know certain farms you can run them for a few minutes and get more than you could ever

Need in your life and they’re going well no actually let’s put powdered slow in it snow in here and slow it down and let’s do this to slow it down because but there should be a balance balance is fine if everybody’s got the fastest computers in the world and the

Best servers in the world but in reality when everybody’s playing this on mobile devices and you know vps servers because that’s what they can afford they they gotta they got to develop the game for the players not the best you know systems if that makes sense oh totally agree totally agree on that

I i think you guys you guys are definitely the more technical people right so when i have opinions on that i i tend to look at your guys’s opinions i tend to listen to what somebody it affects more or who has more knowledge has to say for me things can be inconvenient um

And and that’s something that i would like might take personal but when i listen and actually hear what you’re saying it all just makes sense so i i don’t have anything relevant to add or a perspective that’s different i’m all like yeah no absolutely like all of that just logiced me fair

Enough i mean that is obviously my opinion and no not everybody has to share that opinion but i i would consider my opinion to be relatively valid considering the time and effort that we put into minecraft over the years uh but i only play from my perspective i don’t play from every

Player’s perspective so all the players that do you know are casual players or maybe a bit younger or just prefer like to play in a whole different play style they’re going to have a different perspective so you don’t have to agree with me on that but if you do then great

Right slack what’s jill got to say jill says it’s not a question but an observation i started with herman craft and was so frustrated that the things they did i couldn’t as i play on the ipad tried to find people with the same level of enthusiasm and storytelling talent

And found truly bedrock you guys rock ah we do rock just saying no we do just just saying yeah wow pika did jesse there we do i think we do as well i absolutely think we rock that’s that’s really nice um and and that goes back to what we said earlier

About you know pushing people to java there you go prime example java’s no good if you don’t play on it yeah and if you’re watching java and you you see mumbo build this beautiful amazing farm and then you try to build it and you’re like why doesn’t it work and then

Three days later and pulling your hair out you learned that you’re on a different version of the game that you didn’t even know exists so now you gotta search and find new people to do the type of content for the version of the game that you play just saying yeah

I’ll tell you what it reminds me of right back in the early days of minecraft when i first started getting into it and i started that first started looking on youtube for tutorials for things i was doing i was fascinated by rails and what you could do with minecarts and you could do

A lot more with them back then believe it or not and i was also fascinated by uh at the time on certain versions you could actually put to push two pistons together onto a block and it would break the block so you could have these massive like stone generators that would

Auto harvest it was fantastic but the problem was all of the tutorials were for the alpha versions of minecraft and everything had changed from the version i was on so whereas now changes don’t happen so quickly because development’s a little bit more delayed so you expect at least

Mechanics between versions to be similar there’s still that massive disparity now between obviously java and bedrock and that does lead to frustration and unless you’re really into something when you get frustrated about it a lot of people just go like i’m bored with that i just i’ll

Move away from it so i wonder how many people minecraft has lost just because they’ve gone i can’t be bothered that’s too i didn’t i tried it it didn’t work oh what there’s a different i’ll forget it you know what can’t be doing with that i totally agree

You know one of my first experiences with bedrock edition i built el mango’s guardian farm geez and then i discovered this guy named foxy no-till who was doing portals and guardians and because it didn’t work the same and you didn’t have to drain the monument you know how annoying that was [Laughter]

I got so many comments on my guardian file videos going i literally just drag trained the ocean monument and i’m like oh you don’t need to do that don’t worry about it yeah that makes me laugh sorry slack please yeah i i think that’s one of those things that i

The feedback that really hits me close is when saying oh i i was so engrossed in like another another smp or another side of minecraft and then finding us helped like that to me just makes me so happy not that i am one of those people that i think that is aimed at

But just in general that it’s there because i remember just like slack looking for farms because i’m not a farmer i’m not i’m not somebody who does redstone so i i relied i heavily relied on youtube videos to try to automate anything because it just went straight over my head

And having to look through 30 40 videos before i found a single bedrock creator was just a headache and now there’s this entire server full of people who not only play on bedrock but like bedrock and like to keep it up to date you know and so i i very rarely

Have a problem with not finding a farm that is working for the current update because there are like 30 of you in tb who are like oh no no i got this and i’m like yay somebody has my back so i i agree joel i i definitely

Definitely like it and it’s for builders as well like you were talking about redstone and farms but i was just thinking then the few build tutorials i’ve seen don’t normally specify what platform they’re on and i’m like okay put the flower pot on the trapdoor yeah and then oh and this trapdoor connects

To that wall there oh and the fence connects to the or you can’t put the lantern on this or you can yeah that’s not fair that is fair so yeah it’s it’s yeah so i’m really glad we can help out there and now going back to what you just said there

Jesse about uh so many of us on trudy bedrock that are keeping bedrock up today i was searching for a couple of tutorials the other day and it was so nice to see that the search results for bedrock edition farm tutorials are pretty much dominated for certain things by uh by the trudy

Bedrock peeps so that’s really nice to see i’m i’m very happy with our group i think it’s wonderful we are continuing to grow and it’s been a lot of fun exactly now who was it next news it’s me okay teddy legend says love listening to the podcast thank you for putting in the

Time to make it i completely agree that it feels like devs are trying to take away some of the freedom of play in the game for bedrock users with all the changes they’re making i would love to see them give us an alternate way of doing things before removing or changing things

I agree with that teddy but i would also say playing deadpool’s advocate here that it’s not really up to the devs to tell us how to play the game i mean that’s the whole sort of freedom of expression and creative creativity thing is that we’re supposed to figure out

Exciting and interesting ways of doing things it’s just when you know there is very little chance of being able to do that with what they’ve left us with it’s that’s when i guess it gets frustrating so yeah i do agree it’d be nice if they put more things in for us

To be able to to work with before taking things away but i i don’t want them to be telling us how we should be playing it that’s that’s the last thing i want them to be doing agreed i i very much don’t like the idea of them controlling the the

Pushing this narrative of minecraft is a one way to play sort of game because that takes away everything that is special about minecraft the to me the heart of minecraft is we have this set number of blocks right we have this set number of things that sure that pool is getting

Bigger but there’s still only this little pool that you have and being able to see the differences of you know slacks farm to silence farm to uh foxy’s farm to anyone’s different thing and there’s subtle changes that one person has done that create the same result that to me

Is amazing it’s same with building i can have the same exact block palette as loy as lee as anyone else and create something magical that is completely my own that has nothing to do with anybody else with these same exact blocks and it feels like when somebody is

Saying oh no this this isn’t how this is intended to go like you’re not supposed to be able to do that it feels icky like it just feels like why are you trying to tell me what i’m supposed to do with this certain thing and it just it just makes the game

Feel like okay are you treating me like i don’t know like like a child like why why do you get to tell me how i’m supposed to enjoy this game so to me it it bothers me at my core i i agree slack what do you think

I’ll just go to something i say on stream all the time my name’s like lizard you can’t tell me what i can and can’t do but they can i i understand it if you’re a developer or something you’ve created something you’ve put all of this time and effort into these parameters and

Then somebody goes huh look what i can do and you’re like oh no i don’t i didn’t mean to leave that in i can’t believe they figured out oh jeez yeah quick quick fix that quick fix that i don’t want people doing that and what they what the developers doing at

That point is they’re they’re trying to you know enforce the parameters that were supposed to be there in the first place to make this damage control yeah and to make it balanced in the way that they’ve put all that time and effort in to do but what they’re failing to do while

They’re panicking to fix that problem that they’ve seen is going how much enjoyment that person’s getting out of doing that thing they’ve figured out maybe not just from actually doing the thing that they figured out just from finding it and getting excited about sharing hey look guys what i’ve found

That’s such an amazing feeling when you’re the first person to discover something in a game that’s shared by millions of people so yeah i understand why some things get taken out and why they try to steer the game in a certain direction and put borders up but it’s just when you have

Running out of having used to go down they blocked all the roads except one you do kind of feel like you’re you’re playing a linear game rather than an open world one it could be a lot worse though like i’m just gonna use seven days as an example

Here the developers don’t like the point that people like to build bases and defend their areas with so like let’s say that you had upgradable block it went from wood to stone to steel okay in the past it would go you know if it got destroyed it would go from steel to

You know concrete and then down the wood they don’t like people having bases so now they’re like yep that block gets destroyed it’s just completely gone you know so at least we’re not getting hard changes like that in my opinion and changes are kind of to be expected and

I would argue i kind of like changes when it stays the same all the time you’re eventually going to run out of deals your ideals and different ways to do farms but maybe i’m an oddball no i agree with you i i think that’s pretty much why i’ve always said i like

Bedrock more than java it’s because it’s different and it makes you think differently and if it stayed the same forever you’d run out of it being different so the fact that they do change things is great um and i hope they do keep changing things and tweaking things and giving us new

Things and and and swapping how things work so that we can develop and i can make a new guardian farm and i can make a new whatever else farm that i want to make because it’s updated that gives me not just pleasure in figuring it out but

Also you know pleasure in putting out new videos for people as well so yeah i i do agree with you there completely okay is that lashi or loshi i guess it would be lashi i would go lossy i read it like yoshi but with an l i totally read it like yoshi yeah

Say i call it yoshi you call it yoshi oh that that would be wife so either lashi or loshi whichever it is hi hello hi this is jenny i mean jesse yeah right hey great podcast again this week wishing slackwell and looking forward to his return so be sure to keep jessie b

On for future episodes as i’m sure most would agree we would rather her say this series is the first ever podcast i’ve listened to and it opened my eyes to a new world of entertainment while grinding away in minecraft so thanks for that finally from a long time pokemon fan a

Minute haven’t we already read this one no we did the lossy was also in the comments saying finally was a pleasant surprise to hear you play a new pokemon game even if you hate it at the same time keep up the great content and that’s literally the

End of this one as well so i’ll make okay yeah so from that that point yes sorry lossy but i was like i’m getting deja vu here and i just scrolled up and i see the exact same line so yeah you’ve got an email and a comment from them and

Uh although the the main chunk of it’s different the ending maybe maybe victims should pay attention there email and comment oh my goodness well yeah okay from that point on is the same so what i will say is i’m glad that the podcast is something that you’re enjoying especially if it’s

Something you’re not given a chance before like being this as the first podcast that’s kind of cool like that’s that’s neat that you’ve uh entered a new realm of viewership so i think that’s cool thanks for uh the time it’s weird isn’t it podcast because i mean they’re kind of

This little thing that’s they don’t feel like they’re they’re around like everything else there’s youtube’s in your face discord’s in your face twitter’s in your face but your the podcast seems to like they’re just over at the side really and you need to go and find them rather than them

People hardly ever talk about them and you don’t hit well maybe maybe it’s just my little circles that i’m in but i hardly ever hear about them but when you actually go looking there’s so many and there a lot of them are so popular and they’re world known and there’s millions

Of people listening to them and it’s it’s amazing so yeah it’s a wonderful uh if you’ve not ever experienced podcasts before which clearly you have because you’re listening to this unless you’re watching it on youtube i guess uh then yeah definitely definitely get yourself a podcast ass app and uh yeah find some

Stuff you’re interested in and see who’s out there to listen to i would agree i would agree hello foxy slack and jenny i mean oops jesse um i’ve been wanting to write to you for uh wanting to write to you about this for a few weeks now as a father of three

And a minecraft family ourselves i don’t have a whole lot of time to spend repairing my tools each time they need repairing even at the full guardian farm i built for the purpose before we had the chidi furnaces do you think it would be possible for us as a community to

Complain enough to mojang that they would either leave it alone like the java technical community did with bud powering or give us an equivalent solution i’d like to suggest a reverse grindstone an enchant or repair block it could be crafted used as a hopper and a grindstone and whatever else and then

Placed under a furnace it would take the item from the furnace delete it but deleting it huh what we’ll take the item from the furnace deleting it but storing the xp well i’m about to delete that part there but anyways when you put a tool or armor into that block it would just

Enough xp it would just get enough xp stored to repair the item seems like a fair exchange to me interesting concept there ps is a long time a member of the spawn chunk podcast community it’s nice to have a bedrock focused discussion alongside them that truly know our pain for the

Love of this version keep up all the great work white bush okay foxy you can go first okay fair enough so there’s a few things obviously we touched on there there was the uh are they gonna give us a replacement and can we complain about the cheated furnaces

We’ve got the reverse grindstone which i got a little bit lost with there but i think i understand and and obviously a big shout out to the spawn trunk so that’s amazing and first of all i would say in terms of us complaining and getting what we want with gt furnaces

Probably not but we did do a lot of complaining and the the on twitter recently and the developers got back to us and says they are strongly considering xp farms for bedrock edition so watch this space on that the other thing we did get the other day from complaining on

Twitter uh was that in the latest beta this will be in the news as well they have reverted the changes to the pathfinding blocks with uh what was it called the dead coral fans so we got our own way there a little bit like the bud powering it’s not to say

That that’s going to be there permanently but yet again they said on twitter they are exploring different options so they’re listening so that’s a good start that’s a really good start so yes i think it is a good idea to complain in a constructive and clear way

In a in a in a way to make conversation with the developers rather than just complaining and saying hey this doesn’t work fix it or i don’t like it if you approach it in a in a reasonable manner and approach it as a conversation and say hey look this is the reasons why

I don’t think you should be doing that rather than just complaining then we’re more likely to get a result and and in this particular situation we did so that’s absolutely fantastic in terms of a reverse grindstone i mean the whole point of a grindstone is you put something that’s enchanted in it and

It will give you xp back so what you’re saying is you’re putting something in that’s not enchanted like a piece of armor or a weapon and it takes that weapon and armor away but gives it stores some xp inside this new grindstone that you can take out at later date which is

It’s basically a furnace [Laughter] that’s what furnaces do you put you put the armor in or don’t know it has to be iron or gold but then it will delete the item and give you like shiny nugget for for it but it will store the xp of that

So we kind of have got that but you’d have to have absolutely tons of old armor and stuff lying around in order to make it even slightly worthwhile i do like the idea that we’ve got storable xp and i know the skulk block is going to do that to an extent

Soon but i’d like something that i can go no i want to put my xp in this and then get a little bit out at a time i wanna i would just need ten levels so just you know open the lever that sounds good to me well you know you never know what’s

Coming with this stuff and where the future lies with that but yeah i think i think something else definitely could or should be done i i agree i i’m trying to think how to wear this like when you’re talking about having something that would store xp it just remakes reminds me of um

What sky factory do you remember when we were playing and they had like a little faucet and you could just like take out xp i would love something like that i know that that’s too modded and it’s not gonna happen but just the the grind the hunt the need for xp

On bedrock is just it’s so not infuriating because it’s not but it’s it’s headache inducing i cannot stand how just annoying it is to try to heal my armor or my tools without something like the chidi furnace and i get it it’s called a chidi furnace for a reason because it wasn’t intended

But it was so useful and so i get it i get trying to find a good medium and something like the idea of the grindstone on top of a furnace and trying to make you know a jiggery pokery kind of kind of contraption i i would love it i

Would love if there was something we could do like that and as far as complaining goes i think i think the word complaining sets the wrong tone right yes i i guess at one point java complained enough that they got what they wanted but i think looking at it more as

Constructive criticism i think there’s absolutely power in your words and your experience and being able to write the devs being able to write people and say hey look i don’t just want what i want because i want it i want what i want because you know x y and z

And i don’t think that’s complaining i think that is criticism i think that is feedback i think that is you know using using your words and i am a very very big fan of that so i think maybe don’t look at it as complaining look at it as trying to

Better something or look at it as just trying to give genuine feedback yeah moral of that story i hate the word complaining when in terms of uh giving feedback to a game slack before we jump to you can i just cut in uh just with jesse uh saying all that

About the the furnace system that gave me an idea so i think obviously xp exists in the game because it creates another form of delay in you from being able to do things it creates another form of balance it creates another reason for you to go out

And explore the world but we’ve we’ve decided or we’ve discovered that actually you take xp out of the situation the game’s just as exciting it’s just as fun it’s just as interesting because then you’re not held back by these grindy tasks that you’ve had enough of because you’ve played it for so long

So what if they made a an end game end game material that when you put that on your tools and your armor it just didn’t break it didn’t there was no not on breaking three on unbreaking x right or near the righty and madamantium moles and then you don’t need to keep

Repairing stuff the xp thing still exists for early game and when you want to enchant stuff early on so you’ve still got progression you’ve still got that hold back but when you’re at end game you don’t want to be dealing with that so i you know i think that’s maybe

A solution to this problem what do you guys think no that’d be no different than being able to craft spawners no i totally disagree on that no no we’re having arguments about vanilla core functions of the game okay you can do a lot of that with behavior pack if

You wanted to i’m just saying you know what no no but no well i know but i want it to be in vanilla yeah well then yeah no then you’re at the mercy of the developers and the complaints that your community can make but speaking of the storable xp system

It can be a lot simpler than we think to be honest with you we already got bottles of enchanting in the game we got bottles in the game why not make an enchantment that goes on either you like your chest plate or something like that called like save xp that’s just for lack

Of a better term and it could be like level one through five and if you’re holding a bottle in your hand and you’re collecting xp guess what it goes in the ball ah yeah it would go in the bottle instead so you can fill up bottles of xp and

Literally it’d be no different than so speed yeah exactly it’d be no different than walking on soul sand without soul speed enchantment you know when you have the enchantment you don’t want to pick up the xp you want to use the bottles for something else guess what put on a piece of armor

Doesn’t have that enchantment but they don’t hold enough those bottles you need about a million of them to repair anything so you need like a bucket it would be a system though so i’m saying yeah or maybe maybe with the different levels you could determine it different okay so say

It’s got three levels okay one i don’t know what it would be so i can’t think of three levels here okay so you may have to help me here okay so one you’d have a bottle so you’d have a bucket if you hold buckets it saves a

Bucket cauldron and then a cauldron of xp yeah there you go nice i’m sold i’m ready see big brain big brain right like that is that is that is very smart that immediately makes me think why don’t they just make an item like instead of like an enchantment why

Don’t you just give us a new type of bottle that has a max right like you can only have 20 levels of xp or whatever and then you just have to make those make it not an easy recipe you know throw some gas tears or whatever right that i would like

Yeah and then adamantium yeah yes yes adamantium we need it in game boxes we’re talking about enchantment levels one two and three okay so you got regular bottles of enchanting you got super bottles of enchanting and then you got grand bottles of enchanting legendary balls there you go there you

Go based on the level of enchantment you have you know we need a mega in there amazing you need a mega just so you can put that in your you know your youtube titles expert level 99 enchantment bottle yep it okay last let’s speed through these last four

Very short pieces of feedback the first one from the real deal pick on my discord saying i suspect being unable to import worlds into the preview app has something to do with the file permissions since the beta is no longer in the same app the preview is not

Allowed to touch the save files from the main app yeah maybe if it was from directly i was actually thinking about what could cause this problem and i think they might be referring to you know how you’ve got like an mc world fold uh file sorry or an mcpac file for

Resource back when you will try and open that it will open in minecraft which obviously means it’s not going to open in the preview so i’m thinking maybe that’s what they’re talking about but then that’s not really doesn’t really cover what they said in in terms of they’re not compatible so

I don’t know well i’m we’ll have to see we should have the the preview on windows 10 and 11 very very soon by the sounds of things so we’ll know more then but you might well be right there pickles uh dragoon says on the mob farm and

Skulk mumbo used the bedrock beta for his farm he used piston feeding stone from a stone generator we don’t want skulk to break from pistons we want to move them out of the way to make big lumps of xp storage if that’s the official way to store xp

Yeah i after reading that uh piece of feedback i actually went and watched mumbo’s video on how he did that and i have to say it was a really interesting way of storing xp and it was a really interesting looking farm but it was it just looked like this is a very limited

And simple well not simple it was complicated but you know what i mean there wasn’t much thought going into how you were there wasn’t much opportunity to get clever with it or you know good to get you to do anything different really and it was great that he could store so

Much xp just from this but again it was just waiting for mobs fall down the hole and die that you know what just took him in a trident killer on bedrock we don’t we don’t need it but yeah it’s it was interesting but then that that relied on

Mob farm laggy stone generator laggy massive massive walls of uh like 12 by 12 that’s 144 pistons three walls of those laggy so and then the side pushing pistons as well so you’re talking huge huge amounts of redstone there just to just to gather xp compared to one

Furnace so um yeah yeah and then and then on top of that one minor last thing i gotta say he’s a java player he doesn’t play bedrock on a daily basis he doesn’t know what kind of thing i think it was just a technical demo

What you could do which is fine but yeah i don’t think it’s realistic for for certainly it’s not servers things like that although we’ll all have one soon so there we go anyways the real deal picks us for a uh podcast idea each co-host is for 45 episodes then you

Get a new one for each episode making excuses why they the last one can’t make it wow just like wow foxy no tell you so you’re so friendly yeah you’re done next um mr beardstone i really want to be you won on podcast for a bit yeah yeah five

Episodes you’re done right miss beard stone’s hill who’s next wow i mean it would keep you fresh i guess but sorry you’re in the hospital you know but just move along someone else will come in wow i think he meant it in a joking way like

This i know i know i know i’m having fun at it and then uh well i suppose it’s you jesse but um i was going to say this one we’ve kind of already read but it’s from ruff so i thought we’d include it is it my turn it’s your turn is it oh

Okay you’re right i’ll do it then thank you opportunity have you done five episodes now is that the time mumbo school cakes before i was on bedrock edition thanks thanks ruff thank you very much right that is enough of feedback for today if you would like to

Leave us feedback then please do by by emailing the minecraftupdatepod and if that doesn’t work for whatever reason then make sure to leave it in either mine slack or jesse’s discord now or you know drop a comment below this if you’re watching this on youtube okay so going into the news

There is quite a bit of news but i don’t think there’s all that much to discuss and i’m going to start by saying that minecraft for bedrock edition has officially released and we went over the full change log for that last week for some weird reason on the bds and on

If you’ve got a hosted server it’s listed as minecraft i have no idea why i’m assuming there were maybe some changes maybe there was some server issues and they’ve just given it a new version number so that there isn’t uh issues with other versions or patches or whatever

Don’t know that’s caused a bit yeah a bit of um yeah a headache i guess for people but it seems to work okay and apart from seeing a couple of people on twitter saying that the xbox version was crashing on loading which seemed a little bit worrying because if you

Reinstall on xbox you lose all of your worlds and everything um i think so far touch wood seems to be relatively smooth although again i’ve heard reports today from liara in our discord talking about block like being back what have you have you guys heard

Any heard anything so far i i have had um quite a few people in my discord talking about block lag being back too so that is something that i’ve now had people telling me especially when you’re getting like sand and and you’re quick mining so it’s the

The bouncy back like it used to be that that’s what i’ve heard i haven’t had anyone tell me they haven’t had it but i haven’t got on to play so i haven’t seen it yet i i think from what liara said it did seem like it’s not

Related to unbreaking three this time so it seems like it’s something else but you know this is very early days don’t forget we’re recording this on the wednesday it only came out yesterday evening i haven’t updated any of my servers to it yet so i’ve no idea um yeah so

Well we will keep your eyes out over the next few days i guess i think for truly bedrock we’re probably going to be updating towards the end of the week unless anything really horrendous comes out i guess um there’s not really anything notable to talk about other than that other than just saying

Yeah the uh the furnace xp system has gone away but somebody has already discovered a new way to duplicate xp with the furnace it doesn’t seem quite as reliable as the old way it was certainly not quite as easy to do as the old way and it does

Seem a lot more cheesy than the old way but as usual when mo yang fix furnaces on bedrock edition they add a whole new book to it i don’t think we’ve ever had a fix on furnaces that haven’t had a bug thrown in every slack come on in this new one too

Come on that’s that that feels so intentional do you think so how can that be intentional click in your hotbar only you have to click only one spot and you have to be holding something specifically yeah i don’t know i i’ve seen the video we probably shouldn’t

Talk about how to do it on the podcast yeah um but yeah there’s a very weird way of getting infinite xp out of your furnace i’m sure you’ve all got google i’m sure you’ve all got youtube you can probably figure it out pretty quickly because this video

Is already out there yeah and it’s i don’t know we’ve had such a bad time with furnaces on on bedrock when they first announced that we were gonna be able to get mending properly from our furnaces and it was gonna store xp do you remember they completely broke smokers and um

What was the other one uh what the the the fast all ones what they called that that’s glass furnaces yeah they didn’t they didn’t store any xp so then they fixed that and then that just stopped the furnaces store in xp properly and then they fixed remember they fixed

Mending so that it would only mend as much as it needed to mend and then give you the rest of the xp and and then the furnaces seemed to kind of work but then we got this furnished glitch and now now they’ve changed that we got a new

One so there doesn’t seem to be much hope with getting these furnaces right at this particular moment in time but let’s hope they put a new fix into the next beta which the latest version of that is beta which released i think today as we’re recording this

Noticeable changes in that is the the frog lights are now rotatable which is good because they looked awful when you would just place them all over the place and they had random rotation there is now more stuff about the goat horn as well which is a very much a

Prick in my ears up when the goat horn breaks off the goat it makes the sound the our back tracking on coral fans as we mentioned earlier being a pathfinding block for mobs as per our complaints and apparently there are some hunger depletion changes for parity that now

Match java so when you are sprinting and swimming you will probably lose hunger you will lose significantly less hunger when jumping and they’ve made it so you can tweak these values with a behavior pack as well so that’s quite interesting uh the other notable thing i noticed on

There was not really a big change but they’ve put in vanilla parity villagers specifically clerics offer glowstone instead of glowstone dust but i could have sworn that was already a thing but we haven’t we had discussed that recently no um we discussed last week that it was

Coming but it wasn’t changed yet no but it was in it was in the change log for the last beta wasn’t it that we got last week because i we read it out on the show no i i think we were talking about that’s what was coming up but how would

We know if it hadn’t been in the beta yet i don’t know just wait that’s what we were talking about i’m convinced if one of you could take a second to just look at the twenty and one point eighteen point twenty point twenty four change

Logs i bet you that’s in there as well because we’ve definitely read that already anyway that is no doubt twenty four really oh it must be like twenty one and twenty three then basically we got two last week and i’m sure it was in one of those

Um so moving on from that there has been a new java edition snapshot uh that is 22w06a which just has a few minor fixes and technical changes in there still no wild update snapshots for them because they’re still working towards 1.18.2 which i would imagine has got to

Be dropping pretty soon considering how sort of lacking these updates are in terms of changes and fixes yeah you would think good news slack what’s that minecraft now is back [Laughter] oh jesse jesse are you interested in minecraft now at all not even a little bit oh well okay well

Minecraft now is back they’re finally doing a new one it is going to be on february the 10th which is tomorrow as we’re recording this or yesterday as you may be listening to this if you’re listening to it on the day it comes out it’s going to be hosted by lydia again

And she’s going to be joined by agnes and alexander and for a heated debate about alphabetical order which i find weird because the article basically tells you what’s going to happen i don’t understand how it can do that if it’s a live stream it must be pre-recorded i

Know it goes out as a live stream but they answered questions in the first minecraft now as if they were being asked while they were live and it kind of i don’t know if you read the article i haven’t put the link on the the document

I should have done that but yeah the article basically tells you all about what’s going to happen it’s going to have frogs in it and they’re going to talk about this i’m going to talk about that maybe it’s just really really detailed planned notes but how do they

Know that there’s going to be a heated debate about alphabetical order sounds like uh kind of some lip syncing stuff going on just saying yeah i mean it does it makes sense to pre-record these things because then you can edit them nicely it makes them you know flow better you can cut out

Anything you don’t want to go in in case somebody happens to mention something they’re not allowed to mention i get that but then just release it as a video you know don’t try and tell everybody it’s a live stream implant people on the street ask questions at the appropriate

Time oh sorry go ahead jesse i was i was gonna say i i think most of that comes down to it being more staged than pre-recorded like they they know agnes and alexander are gonna come on the show so they have topics and points that they’re already gonna talk about they you know

They’ve planned it out but it’s not it’s not like pre-recorded so much as just very very staged maybe i i it’s just the wording in it it’s the wording just makes me think it’s it it’s either scripted or pre-recorded but i’m i’m probably wrong i don’t there’s no

Facts there that’s just my pure speculation the way i read that i was just like the more i read of that article all this this news post the more i just thought it’s already been recorded it was so weird anyway moving on from that speculation to speculation on the latest betas the

Preview is now available on xbox this is the new minecraft preview which is replacing the beta it was on ios it’s now on xbox it’s still not on windows 10 or 11 yet but one of the developers did say it would be out on that within a

Couple of weeks no word at all yet for android and another 500 slots were added to the ios one so more people can get on it’s still a very small number of people but they are seemingly open it up to more and more people so that’s good news

Um and any thought have you got any thoughts on this slack obviously this is uh we’ve not discussed this with you yet no not particularly minor update though uh fixed an error where journeyman clerks would offer glowstone dust instead of glowstone blocks just saying told you i told you i stand corrected

I know my change logs jessie b fair enough so do you know anything about the minecraft preview slack yeah that it’s replacing uh the betas it’s working as its own independent program it started off on the ios now of course it’s moved to the xbox so i think if you think it’s something

You get involved with if it eventually adds in support from from what i’ve heard from people okay so i’ve been out of the loop and i got my people too apparently from what i’ve heard is eventually it will potentially even get its own realm support and it’s on server

Support which in that case then yeah it could be interesting yeah yeah if it gets multi-player support it would be something i would be interested in if not i i don’t have time to play a single player world other than just going in and testing stuff in creative and that’s

Really not giving you a full run of what could go wrong with it no no you’re right there i just think from a point of you know i don’t know getting getting more bugs fixed i think this is going to be good for the public to have

More access to it i just hope that they they really do rather than just going oh yes we’ve got early access to all these features there is more stuff going on with the jira and hopefully the jira maybe you know gets a little bit of love as well so it makes

It things easier for the devs to actually fix things because we know that stuff can be on there for well 10 years and i’ve never had a fix so yeah i’m hoping that the entire system is just going to really push bedrock edition forward in leaps and

Bounds and i think it will it really do it’s a much needed change that we need i mean you would have been happy with that a few you know years ago and you wouldn’t have all your accounts locked into you know a beta program that’s

Going to be phased out and not be in existence anymore and your account will never be able to play minecraft correctly without a launcher just saying yeah yeah that would be nice that would be nice if i could actually download do you know it it’s so ridiculous i i

There’s a little anecdote here i took apart the server box that tb was running on to clean it out i cleaned out all of the components i took the whole pc to bits clean the motherboard uh put new uh thermal paste on the cpu i even took the

Graphics card to bits and put new thermal paste on that rebuilt the entire thing do you know that machine it’s not i was saying it’s like seven or eight years old it’s 12 years old that machine it still runs absolutely amazing it’s still running my my second account with

Obs in full 1080p 6d no problems at all i installed minecraft on it it’s i haven’t logged into it other than the microsoft store and uh it’s the beta so uh yeah so i’m having to use my version switch on that as well which is uh mildly frustrating but there we go

It is what it is so uh jesse have you got any thoughts on um on the preview being updated or added to xbox i think it’s really i like that they’ve added more slots and i i like that they’re um incorporating more so i’m excited for the beta to be everywhere

Do you think it’s something you’ll you’ll get involved with once it comes out but if if i get a slot i i might like try right if i got one yeah i think i would just because i think it’s more interesting and and i’m curious i’m a curious type of person

So if i could get in it would be nice to kind of play around and see i don’t know how different it is because i would not go on on what we have currently because i have so many horror stories i mean yours is an example enough but

Also uh i have friends you know irl who got stuck so i’m like nope i’m good i’m good i’m just going to stay back here so if it’s on a completely different system i’m interested i’m interested a little bit of an update on the slots actually for

You there jesse the slots i believe are only if you’re wanting to do it on ios and something i wanted to cover last week and i completely forgot is that they also said there was a talk between developers and the public in twitter that um once you’ve got a slot you’re

Not guaranteed to keep that if you don’t keep playing it basically you stop playing that preview for however long then your slot will be taken off you again it’ll be you know put back out there to be given to someone else but those slots i don’t i think that’s only

Ios i think when it comes to windows and even now on xbox although you will need to be on the insider program which as far as i’m aware now doesn’t mess with any of your other software unless you go in there and specifically tell it to

Um yeah you should just be able to everyone should be able to go on it so that’ll be open to everybody then oh see yeah then i would be more interested yeah yeah i think so i think i’ll definitely definitely be using it um

Yeah i think it’ll be i think it’ll be a handy tool i don’t know if i’ll be making any any videos from it or anything like that but it’d be uh be nice to at least understand it more and like slack said hopefully multiplayer will come to it in

The future maybe even servers and things and we could do something with that i think that’d be great the last piece of news we’ve got is a bit of a tease corey or kojomax 99 tweeted average trapdoor peacher with an image of what were looking like normal trap doors there

Were two layers of trapdoors and you could see through the holes in the first trapdoors and people were going crazy because they spotted what looked like about three pixels of a very red looking texture that people are assuming is obviously the mangrove texture when we saw the mangrove texture for things on

The minecraft live it was pretty much the same color as a case you would in terms of the planks and the trapdoors but this one’s a much more sort of burnt orangey red by the looks of things although it’s almost impossible to tell because there’s like literally only three pixels but

Getting people excited what do you guys think yes i i cannot wait for a new wood types new you know trapdoors knew all that stuff so i’m excited but we’re gonna go back to my my catchphrase at this point i’m cautiously optimistic i’m really hoping that we get a really different color

Because what they showed us in the preview before it was the exact same thing and i could care less like i was like oh yay sorry it wasn’t occasionally there was it was jungle that it looked like wasn’t it yeah yeah it was jungle wood it was like that pinky color so

Just the idea that there is a new one even if it is three pixels i’m on board i’m here for it i am i am putting all the good vibes into the universe that i get something that is different even even a rusty red looking wood do

You think you can fit that into your builds oh man you could do so much with like steam punky vibes you could do a lot it would just be a different style that i’m not used to it would just be cool yeah it’s like you’ve got a big grin on

Your face what are you thinking no i just i was listening to you on it just makes me smile um until it’s active in a beta or in the live game i don’t concern myself over it because all i can think of is super duper graphics just saying that a long time ago

I never even got a preview i mean you know i guess it did it did get a preview it got a video so yeah so we’re in the same boat as i guess i i can’t see them not bringing the new wood type to to the game i can’t see that ever

Oh the azalea is going to be its own different new world type yeah but they’ve specifically said this one will be azalea they never told us we were getting new wood and it very clearly from the off looked like oakwood so that i think is just people pushing like projecting

Their wants and wishes into the universe and had nothing to do with the devs like everyone saw that picture oh my gosh done it’ll glow it’ll light up the caves no it won’t it’s an entity yeah it will exactly yeah yeah no mate yeah yeah no right okay right that is probably just

About enough of the news uh we’ve got the bug date section coming up no one’s written anything in there apart from me jesse has anything been bugging you this week no i took the week off remember well you couldn’t even make one up j’s slash i mean covert bugged me but other

Than that okay it down to me then okay my bug this week that’s been very much irritating me is a is spawners which i think we know pretty much just hopefully been fixed in the the latest update which we haven’t updated to yet so this

Could be old news it might not be we haven’t checked but i went on a big hunt around in one of my upcoming videos looking for spawners and it turned out there was a spider spawner pretty much directly under my base so i found it went to it started building or digging

Out the area and i wandered away and then when i came back the spawner was empty it was just an empty cage and i my heart sank and i’m thinking oh no what what oh jeez so i i was thinking how do i do i tell the other members do i just break

It do i put it in the video and i thought no i did you know what i’m just gonna just go do something else for it and i’ll come back and i came back and then the spider was spinning in it again i’m like oh okay it’s a cave spider

Okay that’s weird right well it hasn’t disappeared again for a while so i went on the live stream built the spider spawner and we had a few issues with because i used magma block walls and obviously they emit light so we figured out that was a problem but even once i changed those

It would spawn for a couple of minutes and then just stop just nothing spawning so i i went afk at it for about half an hour last night and after my live stream and got absolutely nothing and then i had one of my afk accounts at it today

I’d log both of them out logged them in make sure it was spawning turned the trident killer on uh sat them there with a looting three sword for two hours when i got back nothing had spawned there was nothing in the chest other than the few bits i’d

Already got and the the spawner wasn’t spawning the trident killer had stopped and there was about 10 spiders just in there chilling out doing nothing in the bottom of this trident killer and then they all just managed to glitch through the blocks and come and attack me so that was fun

But yeah it’s really concerning that they just it like runs when you log out and log in briefly and then just stops why does it stop that’s a bug not even going out the area there’s a bug i know there’s a bug this is why it’s in

The book date i’m just saying this is this particular one that’s it i think i i could catch you afk at it right now and kill your spawner just by going in another good talk yeah yeah i’ve heard that’s the thing when people go through portals um i it was

There was only me and loyon earlier so maybe lloyd was going in and out of the nether i certainly wasn’t but yeah it was i i experienced that i think in the beginning of my last episode uh the one that i hadn’t seen because i needed bones and i kept trying

To set up the skeleton spawner and it’d only be like me and two or three other people on but as soon as somebody went another every time it killed it and it doesn’t fix it until the server restarts really oh is that what it is okay sounds awful mine and your double

Spawner farm i didn’t think we had this problem jesse those chests filled in no time didn’t they uh yeah so we have had the problem but i don’t know if it’s because ours um was only running when there was really no one on because i only ran it when

There was no one on so i know i wasn’t going in and out of another um so personally it just was never a problem but i have had that problem since with our spawners is i will be afk there if anyone is on they’re dead they’re

Just dead in the water it does not matter i have to specifically wait until people are gone for it to work at all that’s so weird well i really do hope that when we update to 1.18.10 that this is fixed because it is incredibly frustrating and you know if

Anyone’s decided they’re going to be using the spawners but farm for xp although i think that’s the most crazy idea i’ve ever heard unless you’ve got like six or seven spawners uh then although we used to on treaty bedrock season one our spider spawner we were using for xp weren’t we

We had a quad until we built the garden farm i think we used it twice yeah we had a quad we had three uh spiders and one skeleton yeah so much fun building that farm it was i enjoyed that farm that was very much good fun

Yeah i love those water streams i still think about them in my nightmare my dreams yeah now i still think about the songs that we can never release that we sang in that episode look you’re moving on moving on so unless nobody else has got anything

To say about the bug date we shall move on to our last section which is the q a and we have got well we got we got a few now that slack’s um community has jumped in at the last minute so uh i guess i’ll start at the top and

We’ll alternate going down the list guys sounds good rusty shackleford otherwise known as mr oled t2v says once the novelty of the warden wears off people will go for the treasure and find some way to cheese the warden basically he’s large like a golem and unable to fit through one or maybe

Two block wide gaps so you’d either dig a hole and just hit his feet or dig into a wall and bash his kneecaps i feel like the deep dark will be a place people speed raid like ocean monuments and the warden will have to be dealt with i

Think it’d be nice for the warden to drop something useful or valuable or high xp otherwise he’s just an annoyance in my honest opinion what do you think about this idea in the long run once the novelty wears off also how many paragraphs is too many

It’s not just me with lots to say and being cut short sometimes if you give me a reasonable limit i’ll make sure to uh to point quicker or maybe trim what i say i’m off to build a beef arm uh speaking of which i i maybe it must

Have been on a different um video we got a piece of feedback saying is this feedback long and and then it just stopped or too long or something like that and there was that made me laugh anyway but yeah uh rusty’s question there what do we think about the novelty wearing off

For the warden um does anyone mind if i jump in on this one go for it go for it go for it okay so speaking of other podcast podcasts the spawn trunks podcast a long time ago now had king b dogs on as a guest who was

Asked these questions by pixel wrist and joel basically saying what you know people are just going to do what they do with iron golems and tower up and try and hit it or go in a hole and try and hit it and he’s like no we’ve thought of that we’ve got ways

Around it don’t worry it’s going to be a different experience so that i think we’re just going to have to assume that they know what they’re doing and we’re going to have to wait and see on that one my thoughts potentially is that if it’s going to bury into the ground when it’s

Like goes to sleep and bury out of the ground when it wakes up is it is it going to be able to break blocks a little bit like the wither can break blocks if you try and you know stand on a tower or in a hole is it going to

Break the blocks to get to you we don’t know that but that’s a possibility um and in terms of it dropping something well of course it will rusty shackleford it’ll be dropping a mob head when they update the pack for 1.19 that’ll be a reason to go kill it what

Do you guys think cheeky plug if there ever was one i love you go for it jesse i i think that that’s everything in minecraft honestly it’s literally everything in minecraft there’s always going to be that moment where the novelty wears off you can’t build something so that it’s fun

100 of the time for all of eternity that’s why games evolve that’s why things get updated that’s why things continue and i don’t think that’s a problem i think there’s this weird want for something to just be the newest the greatest the best but forever and it’s

Just not plausible so i’m excited for what’s coming i’m excited that this is going to be something new that we haven’t done and sure it might be a one-off but that’s going to be an experience that hopefully i’m going to uh record and have on there forever and i’m okay

With that and i think you just have to be okay with that sometimes personally you’re great yeah yeah definitely yeah as far as the warden goes once again i’m of the mindset until it’s in the betas or something i can actually see in game i really don’t have an opinion super duper graphics

Wow wow you do realize you’re and you’re on the minecraft update podcast talking about upcoming features you’ve got to have something for us like he just pretend just pretend it’s definitely definitely coming and tell us what you think about it yeah it’s not going to have the fear factor

Or the weather i just don’t believe it i just don’t and okay so you’re talking they’re they’re making plans for a player not being able to put it in one high gap or whatever and bash its knees it’s going to go into the ground and it’s going to come at you

Okay well minecraft doesn’t have a physics engine per se if i take four pieces of stone and i pill her up and then i break the three underneath of that guess what i can stand on that one and bash its head unless it’s suddenly going to get a

Ranged attack oh that’s a good point yeah i’m sure the players will find somewhere doing it yeah oh yeah i’m sure some way there’ll be some way to farm it but what’s it going to what aside from the loot of what what the shulk sensor or whatever however you say it what’s it

Going to benefit me i mean the weather i don’t like to do the weather but the weather benefits me from you know getting the uh the the the bacon you know the dragon i don’t care i don’t get now that if the dragon dropped the egg every time maybe if the dragon

Dropped the elijah maybe i have no desire to keep going back and doing it you know okay well i would i i needed to be really appealing is what i need i think it will be i think it absolutely will be the guy that’s come up with this idea is the guy

That invented the aether mod for minecraft which had just crazy stuff in it he knows what he’s doing that’s one of the most popular mobs to mods sorry to have ever existed on java edition he’s been saying don’t worry it’s going to be worth it don’t worry it’s going to

Be worth it maybe he’s you know is bitten off morally you can do maybe his his excitement for it is is one of those things where he’s got us all so hyped up will be disappointed with the outcome but i don’t think so i think for whatever reason it’s going to be worth

It otherwise why bother putting all this time and effort into putting it into the game i agree the the biggest thing that i’m concerned about anytime you add something new into the game it’s like modding the game it’s finding bounce yes don’t make it so hard that it’s broken

And don’t make it so easy i can cheat agreed but that’s on the developers yeah you know it’s like it’s literally like we’ve talked about this before you know adding in a new tool set adamantium where’s the balance where is the reward you know where is the risk reward where’s the good where’s

The bad you know suddenly i have a tool that never breaks then why do i ever need an xp farm why do i need to build a guardian farm why not just rush straight to diamond straight to netherright straight to the end and not ever have to repair my pick one time

Well look there’s always there’s different ways of playing this game that’s the beauty of the game there’s no right or wrong way to play it just how we want to play it and how we feel comfortable yeah so i am excited i am i just hope it brings proper balance and

As risk reward to it and honestly i’ve been out of the loop for the last three weeks so i have no idea of any changes that have happened since we last talked about it yeah well i’m not really much with that to be honest with you there’s

Not really been a great deal going on about the warden at all at one point there was the tweet saying the warden can smell farts um which i think was just a joke i don’t think there’s anything to read into that one at all there’s been a lot of stuff about the

Skulk growth and how much that will spread this is particularly on java edition uh when the mobs die and how much it will spread through caves and things but there really hasn’t been a great deal about the ward and stuff like that i think when we get the first

Snapshots of the wild update on java edition is when we’ll really start seeing uh more information about the deep dark and what the warden is guarding or warding should i say um yeah it’s i think it’s gonna be really interesting and even if it’s not that exciting it’s something new it’s

Something different it’s something to play with even if it doesn’t give you a nether star and it gives you the ability to have a new beacon or something like that if it just for the entertainment value of trying to go down there and not die you know i just didn’t okay well

On on on a creator and a fan side point of view or i don’t know what point of view you would look at it from one of the most things i’m excited about about the warden you know what that is it’s the fact that the java developers

Are doing parody as they’re making it they’re learning c plus and trying to incorporate the same thing into both versions yes i think that’s a big deal that’s what i find the most exciting because if they can learn that and do that maybe they’ll do that with all

Future updates i hope so i really hope so it’ll be amazing i still think our sculpt sensor is going to be missing a lot of the functionality of the java one just because those those triggers don’t exist in bedrock but we’ll see there’s that’s been very quiet as well but do

You remember when they first came out and um the the list of things that would trigger a skulk sensor on java was about 20 pages long and on bedrock there’s about five things um just that i the same thing i’ve been saying basically is just i’m not putting too much

Into it right now i’m i’m loving everything they’re giving us and i’m not trying to speculate too much beside me speculating that i do agree with you that it’s tied into the end somehow i i just there’s no point there’s no point in speculating they’re doing such a good job

At keeping the hype up and giving us just enough to be interested that i’m just gonna enjoy it so when we get it i’m i’m stoked gonna go into it with the utmost hope and just enjoy it when it’s here good right jessie blue shigatsu otherwise known as khaleesi

Well blue says i love how half of the minecraft update was foxy ranting about pokemon loved the episode i hope slack is doing well jenny or jesse it’s been wonderful having you be a part of the podcast and foxy you’re doing wonderful as well the podcast brings a smile to my

Face plus some giggles every week what build style would be out of your comfort zone and would you ever try building in that style well for me this style that one super glad that you’re enjoying it it’s been a blast and i’m glad that it makes you giggle and smile um but the

Style that is super out of my comfort zone is modern i have never been comfortable building modern i it i don’t know what it is i don’t know if it’s just like modern to me feels kind of minimalist and i am all about details so it just just makes me super super uncomfortable

Would i ever build in that style i probably not if i’m being real honest like if i had like a challenge or something and someone was like okay we’re building this specific area in tv to be modern sure i might go build one thing and be

Okay would i make a base modern no just gonna be real honest and say no super clean super clean modern yeah stuff like that no that’s way outside my comfort zone i like random and i like chaotic and yep yep that’s that’s that’s for me and

Also i want to say thank you all for the concerns there’s been a lot of people and i know i haven’t said nothing to none of the others but the the amount of well wishes and everything thank you all thank you very much yeah thank you very much for a lovely um

Piece of feedback there in terms of the build style that i i am most scared of is probably uh anything natural anything custom trees uh anything organic i i can’t do it so both jessie and slack they’re saying they don’t like modern modern for me say yeah i could do that i

Would fall asleep with modern problems if it’s got straight lines straight edges and it’s you know it’s repeating patterns i’m all over it as soon as you’re asking me to do anything that is not that then i panic so that’s why one of the reasons why i’ve this this season of

Truly bedrock i’m really pushing myself into trying to get somewhere like that i still won’t do custom trees but i’m at least trying to landscape more rather than just flattening out a big area and building building houses on it i’m like no i’m shaping the terrain i’m

Putting hedges in and putting bushes i’m putting fields and putting ponds i’m putting lakes i’m trying to make it uh more natural and organic but it i i find it so difficult and i find myself wanting to do anything else about that but i am enjoying it i’m really enjoying pushing

Myself to it but uh yeah that that’s my response on that one it’s like what’s ranger’s edge got to say well ranger’s edge has got three questions do we want to do all three at once and go around the table or do we

Want to do one we do a quick fire one at a time one yeah yeah let’s do a quick fire one at a time and i’ll start with the first one best source of xp now that the furnace is gone i’m gonna say a guardian farm yeah a great jesse yeah guardian farm

Uh did the update fixty spawner portal bug i honestly don’t know haven’t tested yet i hope so yeah i haven’t been on the update and oh this one’s this one this one opens up a lot of doors what’s the best or worst part of streaming i’ll let you

Start with that one jesse you go first [Laughter] uh best part of streaming is getting live reactions getting live feedback when i’m landscaping when i’m doing anything just being able to get get somebody’s opinion right then right there whether it’s on what i’m building whether it’s on you know

Current events it’s just really nice having instant conversations with people worst thing about streaming is the anxiety for me like there is i i get really nervous when i have people watching me and i feel like i might mess up and for me that could be building because i

Am very very detail-oriented i am very much a perfectionist and when i build i want it to be perfect so building live on camera oh nope nope it just gets me right in the gut i don’t like it okay the the the for me streaming is uh

On the majority it’s like going to the pub to see my friends it’s the feedback is great like jesse said but it’s really for me it’s being able to talk to people have a conversation enjoy banter about minecraft and what we’re doing have a

Bit of a laugh and a giggle and try to entertain people i get a big bit of a kick out of trying to entertain people i do my best to do it uh so the best thing about streaming for me is being able to do that

The worst part of streaming for me is that it’s like going to the pub and i don’t want to do it i want to sit at home and they want to put my feet up and watch the tv i don’t want to go and entertain a lot

Of people and talk to my friends and and i don’t matter in a nasty way but it’s streaming always seems to be at the most inconvenient time even though you set it on your schedule to be the most convenient time so like i’ll be building something like i

Was today and i’ll be on a building i’m starting to work on my guardian farm and i’m doing some really grounded stuff but it’s early in the morning i think this would be great to do on a stream be so easy to do on a stream but if i stream

Now it’s gonna throw me off for what i’m doing later so i need to know i’m gonna stream tomorrow at my normal stream time tomorrow my normal streams i’ve got nothing to do so i’m making stuff up for the stream which just ends up you know not really helping me out too much

If i just had the uh not the ability because anyone can stream at any time but if i had the like the if i dared to just go live when i suited me then i’m sure it would be more you’d have it wouldn’t be like going to the pub with your

Friends anymore because you’re going to have different people there each time because of different time zones and different times a day and you’re just going to catch some people by surprise i think they can when you’re consistent you always meet your friends at the pub

On a tuesday night at this time the same people turn up and it’s that that i like so if i just went live any time of the day whenever it suited me for my video then i don’t think i’m gonna get the same uh that same feel from it i’ll still

Enjoy it there’ll still be people there there’ll still be people watching i’ll get to meet new people which is nice but it’s there’s a lot of downsides to just being awesome when the being consistent is good because people know to turn up at that time so i think the worst yeah

The worst thing for me about streaming is it’s never a time that’s convenient best thing about streaming is the real-time interactions i would agree with that i think both of y’all nailed that and i think that’s probably one of the best things to get live feedback i

Think every one of us are guilty of it you put out a video and you’re waiting for comments yes you’re waiting and it’s like me and foxy have talked about this in the past where you put out a video and suddenly you don’t get no comments you’re like what

Am i doing what’s what’s wrong what’s wrong with this video versus the last one you know so the real-time interactions being able to ask questions get live feedback is amazing the worst part about streaming i’m torn on this one i was sitting here thinking about listening to both of y’all talk

And i know the first thing that come to mind about the worst thing of streaming is a dead chat yeah yeah yeah my chat dies i feel like i’m doing something horribly wrong yes like and you ask a question and you just look and you get nothing you’re like am i still streaming

I got a booger hanging on my nose is my eyes crossed what’s going on you know you’re like what is going on you know is the dog’s doing something inappropriate this is the stream dead what you know and that’s one of the worst fears as a streamer i would say

Is just be sitting there chat and all of a sudden chat die and you look over and you try to engage chat and you like can’t get no engagement you’re just like you know yeah it hurts yeah it definitely hurts yeah i agree with that so

And i think every one of us are the same somebody will be like hey i’m lurking okay hey i appreciate your lurk and you do you appreciate that alert because most of the time they’re doing stuff in the background they’re listening to you still and everything like that

But as a streamer when you ask a question you you you we we thrive for that interaction we all do we’re all attention seeking whether we want to admit it or not we’re streamers we’re content creators we want that attention and when we go to get that attention and we can’t get it

It’s it’s it’s like a punch in the gut you know it really is and the other thing the other worst thing about streaming is exactly what foxy was talking about there it’s very hard to plan your episodes around your streams so you’re either goofing off in your stream doing

Absolutely nothing and making no productive headway or you’re engaging and i don’t say this in a bad way but i’ve noticed this about me either my stream is super engaging and i get absolutely nothing done in minecraft or it’s a struggle to keep chat going and keep being productive absolutely like stream day

I make a joke with some people stream day i can go an hour and a half without him touching mine i can go live and not touch the game for an hour and a half and keep 150 people there and i love it i love it i thrive off of it

I thrive off i thrive off of that that that feeling of when i go live people start coming in and i can sit there i can i know i can i’ve done it i’ve done it intentionally i can sit there 45 minutes to an hour and never touch the

Game and chat move nonstop and i absolutely love it it’s one of the best things ever but when that chat doesn’t move oh i feel like i’m dying inside so yeah that would be it for me that would be it for me right next says what is your favorite block palette combination jesse

Um i think it really depends on on the style but if i had to just like go go with a gut i really like black stone with warped wood with bone blocks and spruce wood that palette it’s what i did in season two with my towers and just like i

Favorite favorite palette that i have ever worked with for some reason i just had so much inspiration so yeah that’s my favorite it was it was a beautiful build it was absolutely beautiful you did amazing there thank you my my blog palette always joked that i got an expensive block palette my favorite

Blocks together would be quartz lava red nether brick and blue ice okay favorite questions are so hard because it really does depend for me but no what my answer to this is going to be silly but also my safety net which is if you can’t build it out of stone brick then

It doesn’t deserve to exist stone brick or nothing no i i really like i love deep slate that’s my favorite block in the game in a minute cobble deep slate i could put with absolutely anything i really like andersite and polish standard site and i really like spruce and dark oak

Wood so i would say that some mixture of those is probably my favorite block palette not that i have any clue how i would use those sitting here now but they if i’m going to go build something they’re the first things i pick up to take with me no

You’re a smooth stone junkie smooth stones don’t haven’t used smooth stone in forever they’re like what farms are made of smooth stone they’re not for builds yeah but that now that’s what you’re gonna have to use though next you’re gonna get this undesirable urge to build a smooth stone again no i don’t

Think so nothing no there’s better blocks in the game now it’s like we’ve got a couple dukes late it’s amazing have you seen it so you can do everything with it i want more of that oh jeez jesse what’s lucas got to ask uh lucas says most annoying bug you have encountered

Oh for me hands down the most annoying bug that i ever came across was when the realms are we on realms when we kept getting rollbacks that to me to this day is the one thing that bane of my existence when i look back and say okay what’s one time in

Minecraft that i hated like with everything in my being it was when we kept getting rollbacks in season one yeah it’s like you go when they were messing with the furnace xp and they broke kelp farms i literally half of my witch hut was a kelp farm

Okay do you want to elaborate on that or is that is that enough dude just the thought of that is just bringing taking you back to a bad place and you rather like oh god like like the kelp would grow and then the next update it would quit

Growing so you’d have to go in and break it all and then it would grow again until it reached a certain stage and then it would break and it’s it’s oh yeah like i i literally did that at the beginning of the season before i built the winter and

By the end of the season that still wasn’t fixed no i know we played for a year on that world with broken kelp farms oh bless you and you know what speaking of kelp farms and uh smokers that’s another good xp bank system providing kelps working uh thinking of

By the way you know we’re talking about villages and stuff not the whole point of that farm stop working the most annoying bug i have encountered i encounter regularly and it frustrates the heck out of me to the point where it honestly makes me want to cry and

Shout and scream a lot of the time and it’s just trying to play minecraft with my kids i don’t know how minecraft bedrock edition is so awful at being able to play the same game in the same house but on a bunch of different devices

We thought we got it nailed we got a brand new xbox we got logged in on jack’s account which is an adult minecraft account there’s no limits or anything on that no problems at all we got oliver on his ipad that’s connected to his minecraft microsoft account he’s

Hosting the world he’s got everything from the marketplace on there because he got loads of minecraft for christmas it’s all going good i’ve got two pcs an imac with windows running on it i’ve got two laptops i’ve got all the computer systems in the world that i

Could play minecraft on plus an ipad plus the phone if i really needed to and i was desperate yet i cannot get the three of us in a game together just full stop in the end what we ended up doing this weekend they were both with me this weekend they both wanted to

Play minecraft i spent an hour trying to get us all in game with each other this week the bug was uh jack’s account kept saying when he tried to log into the game and no sorry you need to oh you need to update your permissions on microsoft because you’ve got a child

Account and we went through everything we went through all the troubleshooting he doesn’t have a child account all the permissions are allowed but it would not let him do anything couldn’t join a server couldn’t join his friends world couldn’t do anything at all then we just couldn’t connect for whatever

Reason and it’s just the same story every single time we want to play with them in the end i had to set up a server which obviously we can’t connect to on the xbox because because we don’t have the xbox dns things set up here because we don’t know me playing

Minecraft of the xbox so jack had to go on my laptop as chuck my alt account uh and i was on my normal computer i didn’t want to be in my office playing with the kids i want to be in the front room with them you know i’ve got these mobile

Devices so we can play together comfortably though oliver ends up but sitting on the floor for two hours in my office on his ipad stretching his charging wire because it didn’t quite reach to where he sat jack sat uncomfortably at the the other side of the room sort of

Propping up on this ipad that uh not ipad this my old laptop because my current laptop’s broken and it’s gone to get fixed and and it just was a horrible experience in the end we got it working we played for a couple of hours but it

Took us nearly an hour just to get in the same game it’s it’s so bad so bad and it’s every single time we try and do it and i even said to them both at one point i said i’m really sorry for kids that this is why i hate playing

Minecraft with you both because we spend so much time upsetting and stressed out just to try and get in the game we need to find a game that we can play elsewhere so that’s basically we it’s horrible because it’s all of our favorite games but we yeah it’s just it’s not fun

You start when you finally get in the world you’re just angry and you know upset and and you don’t want to play it’s not fun it’s awful yeah you spent two hours of trying to get it to work and then to get it to work you’re already frustrated yeah that’s miserable so

Yeah it’s i don’t know i don’t know what the problem was that but it it’s honestly it’s uh without exaggerating every single time oliver wants to play and every time he comes to me it’s like daddy can we come record a video today can we do a video we don’t even have to

Record it but we could just play together and i’m like i really want to but you know it’s gonna be a nightmare trying to get on and i have to try and find like two or three hours to put to side for us to do it because i know i’m going to

Spend an hour trying to get us in the same game it’s crazy so yeah that’s my worst bug and it’s constant minor update here i just got a message for someone that says the windows preview is now live in the microsoft store nice wow there we go so we buy the next

Podcast which i probably won’t be on we’ll be able to all you guys will be able to give some good updates to everyone on how that all works so you better both get it downloaded and figure it all out well i’m checking now it’s what i’m checking now just to verify that my

Source is telling me don’t click anything that will make microsoft change anything your audio will go out it’ll all break this you know what microsoft are like geez now you’re trying to say you’re trying to say they break stuff right uh it’s like it’s your turn and it’s from watchful

And it’s another favorite question What is your favorite thing to do in minecraft asks watchful base building building farms gathering and why and then the second part to this is is there anything you would personally like to see done to the end dimension similar to what has been done with another update

M1.16 i would say for me personally yes i would like to see the end update get an update like we did with another i think that would be perfect different in dimension biomes maybe different endermen and stuff like that could be cool and as far as what i enjoy doing in the game

Building technical farms and planning out all the farms that’s probably my favorite thing to do what about you foxy it changes it changes every time i play the game it really depends on my mood what i’m into like today i had a really good time trying to invent a new potion brewing system

Because you know what i’m like i don’t like to look at tutorials i like to try and figure it out myself and sometimes i can just sit and play in my ideas well for ages coming up with different designs and things like that sometimes i just don’t want to do anything technical

And i just want to i just want to build stuff sometimes i want to try and build interesting things sometimes i want to try and build um like really basic simple things so i don’t know and sometimes i just want to go out gathering yeah just go and dig a load of sand

So yeah but i don’t have a favorite thing to do in minecraft i just i it completely depends on my mood and how i’m feeling jesse that’s fair oh i didn’t speak about the end uh yeah i absolutely want an end uh dimension update akin to the nether

One if not even better because the end was i mean the nether already had a few things in it yeah the end’s gone nothing so yeah i would very very much like the massive massive big end update i won end biomes more places more mobs than a lot

The whole thing i want it to be like a whole new world when i go there please thank you jesse i i’m gonna start with the the end i really would love an end overhaul um as most people who know me here know i love

The end i love going and end reading i think it’s so much fun but i would love if there was more there i and i just i keep thinking it’s coming it’s coming and so yeah a complete end overhaul would be wonderful i’d love it um my favorite thing to do

In minecraft is definitely building and i have to include that with terraforming because it’s just those two things i can’t pick between them but i could spend all day every day either terraforming or building and be completely happy like i don’t have to mess with anything like just flat world

Just let me build let me tell terraform and i’d be so happy nice uh sacred lotus mc says if you could trade in a mob for anything else be it another block etc what would it be and why uh slack jesse if i could trade in a mob i’d get rid of

Phantoms because they’re awful um and i would want i i would want an xp faucet there we go that’s exactly where i was going okay i would get rid of dolphins and have adamantium get rid of oxalatos and have something i don’t know else give me give me bottles more bottles of xp

Options yeah i’m just going to be generic yeah yeah oh speaking of new features and new things i i was thinking the other day as i do often when i’m driving and and i thought what’s one thing on servers that we all use all the time but that it doesn’t

Exist and that is a currency we all use diamonds to buy and sell things and i thought what if minecraft had like a mint like a press that you could get you could put like uh diamonds or gold or iron in and you could crack you could

Like press your own coins and make your own in-game currency to use at shops and stuff i thought that would really be interesting that would be um something like that that had some vanilla twist on it i think would be really interesting yeah agreed well it didn’t that kind of emeralds are

Shut up right anyway you don’t mind them what are you trying to do you can hand them but for villager trains and they are pretty much right fine okay it’s like the furnace all right well um they don’t look like coins thank you jesse help me out zetta said

What does everyone think of the preview will foxy and slack do a series with the new preview app well i think we’ve already answered that in today’s podcast i’m very sorry to say it doesn’t sound like foxy and slack will be doing a series in the preview

App um it depends if they actually make it able to do multiplayer in it then i wouldn’t mind doing something in it even if it’s just like uh the odd live stream here and there because i think it’s that could be fun as live streams yeah um i i think i

Think of the preview i think it’s a brilliant idea and i really hope it becomes a really powerful tool for minecraft and push forward and become better um but yeah i think it’s until it gets full playability it’s going to be lacking for a lot of content creators really

I really like the idea of us having a secondary server set up for minecraft preview if it becomes a thing it could be really fun to design like some sort of game or something like in it with like new features just something you could just play around and have fun on

Well it uses things that we don’t have in in survival yeah yeah yeah yeah that would be interesting but then well i suppose that’s the point i was going to say all you do is going to come on come across bugs you weren’t aware of but then that’s kind of the

Point in the beta the preview isn’t it yeah hey let’s build this amazing thing i don’t work it’s full of bugs forget it forget it did you log him no he just got bored oh dma right unfortunately that is the end of today’s questions if you want to

Ask us a question then please do send an email to the minecraft update pod at i said it very very clearly there so there’s no spelling mistakes in future make sure if you’re asking a question to put question in your subject line if it’s feedback but feedback on

Your foot subject line and if you don’t want to send us an email then drop a note on our discords or in the comments if you’re watching this on youtube right unfortunately guys and that is the end of today’s podcast and i’m you know what i’m very happy with how that went i

Think it was very nice having you both here so thank you for being here uh before we go though we do need to talk about what we’re going to be doing in terms of streaming and videos this week jesse have you got anything going on i

Assume not if you’ve not been feeling it yeah uh i well we all have stream weekend this weekend so saturday that’s gonna be wonderful yeah so i will be on stream weekend i actually think i’m the first one so that’s going to be fun uh other than that i should have a video

Monday and we’ll take it from there amazing yeah okay i’m going to be streaming on saturday the tomorrow as this comes out at 6 pm for stream weekend and next week is going to be potentially something on the friday or the saturday depending on what i can

Wangle because i’m gonna be away so yeah watch this space for that what about you slack well um as for this screenshot that i’m posting into our chat nobody else can see i’m downloading the minecraft preview right now and i am potentially going to be trying to

Do normal-ish streams over the next week four to six of course stream weekend this weekend for truly bedrock and video content is kind of up in the air because i completely ran out of content being sick but we’re working on getting things back on task fair

Enough i do have videos coming out by the way uh this week and i have them scheduled for next week as well so don’t miss those and hopefully you won’t miss the next episode of the minecraft update which potentially won’t have me in it we’ll have to see how that goes

Hopefully these two will be able to pull it together without me and hopefully we’ll see you all in the next one thank you very much for listening goodbye

This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Update: Episode 9 – Slack’s Back with Jessiie Too!’, was uploaded by Foxy2 on 2022-02-11 09:05:26. It has garnered 677 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:01 or 7201 seconds.

More Minecraft Betas and Snapshots

Chapters ========== 0:00 The Minecraft Update 1:33 This Week 13:46 Feedback 58:30 News 1:16:59 Bugdate 1:22:00 Questions 1:58:13 Socials

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SlackLizard Twitter: YouTube: Twitch: Discord:

Podcast Contact ============== [email protected]

Put FEEDBACK in the subject line to leave us feedback. Put QUESTION in the subject line to ask a question for next week’s show.

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Socials ======= Jessiie Streaming Saturday 2pm GMT [TB Stream Weekend] YouTube video on Monday

Foxy Streaming Saturday 6pm GMT [TB Stream Weekend] YouTube Videos Wednesday & Saturday

Slack Streaming Saturday 8pm GMT [TB Stream Weekend] Streaming resuming as normal YouTube Videos resuming soon

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  • Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore

    Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I build a massive temple, reaching for the skies. In a jungle-only world, I face the hardcore test, Surviving 100 days, giving my very best. With an AMD Ryzen 7, my processor is strong, MSI B550-A motherboard, where I belong. Inno3D RTX2060 Super, for graphics that shine, Gigabyte SSD and Seagate HDD, all mine. Corsair RAM for smooth gameplay flow, Gigabyte power supply, keeping me in the know. Redgear keyboard and Logitech mouse in hand, Ready to conquer, in this blocky land. So join me on this journey, filled with delight,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥

    Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥 “When your Wi-Fi is as unstable as a creeper in Minecraft, you know it’s time to upgrade your internet provider!” #minecraftproblems #firstworldgamerissues 😂🎮🔥 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and exciting server to join, Minewind is the place to be. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on epic adventures with other players from around the globe. That’s exactly what Minewind offers – a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts coming together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans Minecraft Skywars: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft Skywars, where the thrill of competition meets the creativity of building. The server IP awaits players ready to test their skills in this dynamic game mode. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of Minecraft, Skywars offers a unique and challenging experience for all. Breaking Down the Action In Skywars, players are placed on floating islands and must gather resources to survive while battling opponents. The goal is to be the last player standing, making strategic decisions and using quick reflexes to outwit… Read More

  • EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!

    EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-11 13:00:28. It has garnered 211078 views and 6763 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:05 or 3545 seconds. NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are having a lucky block race in Minecraft as SUPERHEROS! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEX

    Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta | HALF ALEX’, was uploaded by RayGloom Creepypasta on 2024-05-14 08:00:23. It has garnered 55491 views and 1956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:12 or 912 seconds. This Minecraft creepypasta is about Half Alex! ———————————————————————————————————– WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned! ► I’m an author! Check out my books!: ► Give a big like and subscribe if you want Minecraft Creepypasta books! Ask in the comments what books you want! Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be… Read More

  • 🔥OPROBOY – CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraft

    🔥OPROBOY - CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft |’, was uploaded by OPROBOY on 2024-04-20 04:30:16. It has garnered 406 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:11 or 611 seconds. MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft | shorts bushcraft camping minecraft survival shelter camping in heavy rain cold weather camping bushcraft wilderness camping alaska girl camping wilderness survival tips minecraft mod go to the forest minecraft tiktok bushcraft alone camping in arctic primitive technology camping in the rain tik tok minecraft bear grylls minecraft but challenge 7 days… Read More

  • EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle – CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!

    EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle - CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOO CHOO CHARLES BUILD BATTLE In Minecraft – NOOB S PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-04-20 09:41:32. It has garnered 63219 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as they team up to construct the iconic Choo Choo Charles! Watch as they carefully plan and build this impressive and elaborate train in the virtual world. From laying down the tracks to adding intricate details like smokestacks and train cars, witness their… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!

    Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-18 12:00:17. It has garnered 351 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Fauzex-aid Minicraft – Epic Eid 2024 update!

    Fauzex-aid Minicraft - Epic Eid 2024 update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Update Addon spesial Lebaran 2024’, was uploaded by Fauzex-aid Minicraft on 2024-04-14 13:56:06. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. #minecraft #addon #minecraftpe Spartan’s Turrets Minecraft Don’t forget to support this channel by: 👑Like, share, and subscribe ✔️ 💃No skip video✔️ 🤹Comment in polite language✔️ jujutsu kaisen addon minecraft pe jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.20 anime addon mcpe 1.20 jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.19 jujutsu kaisen addon v11 jujutsu craft addon v4 addon jujutsu craft v4 jujutsu craftin addon anime addon mcpe 1.19 eyebag… Read More

  • Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔

    Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔Video Information This video, titled ‘Best husband name 🥰🤗🤪 #shorts #love #truelove #sad #reels #status’, was uploaded by Alamgir Alam on 2024-04-05 04:30:14. It has garnered 11749 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #shorts #youtubeshorts #aesthetic #funny #memes #faketweet #minecraft #tiktok #follow #like #explorepage #youtubers #youtubechannel #gaming #twitch #video #instagood #hiphop #memes #viral #subscribe #gamer #rap #facebook #explore #ps #art #soundcloud #k #artist #trending #newmusic #bhfyp #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #photography #fortnite #funny #meme #m #applemusic #s #rapper #fashion #podcast #producer #game #a #twitter #xbox #playstation #itunes #likes #vlog #sub #trap #streamer #live #o… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viral

    Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yug playz vs all mob shorts 🆚 #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pro Gamer on 2024-01-11 11:43:51. It has garnered 3270 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. yug playz yug playz trolling sister mob battle noob vs pro entity 303 vs herobrine niz gamer vs yug playz bulkystar vs yug playz i cheated in a mob battle yug playz qna,yug playz headsteal smp yug playz school smp part 3 mob battle challenge 100 mobs vs me i cheated in mob battle 1000iq plays hogalalla vs yessmartypie giant… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!

    Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE can we make full nidrit armar’, was uploaded by Azure Gaming on 2024-01-10 18:23:47. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:08 or 8948 seconds. MINEGRAFT #MINECRFT LIVE Read More

  • ArcticSMP

    ArcticSMP[1.18] ArcticSMP, is an upcoming smp with clans, wars, 100k word border, no land claiming, no economy, no crates, just pure pvp and hand to hand combat, come join our discord! server ip is (SERVER RELEASES JUNE 3, 2022) Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server26 Information Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. There are two ranks “new” and “player”, they do not give any benefits. You can not buy “power” for real money here. Everything on the map was built and farmed in survival. Map: Discord: Community Laid back rules, a close knit… Read More

  • Lavaque MC

    LavaqueMC is a new Minecraft SMP server that’s just right for everyone! It is a season-based server currently in its first season, which ends May 28th, 2024. Features include ranks, economy, vaults, and shops. There is also an auction house, plus land claims, an awesome spawn, and so much more! Can you rise to the top and become the richest? Join LavaqueMC now and give it your best! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Join the squad’s world!

    “I’ve been playing Minecraft for about a thousand blocks… oh wait, I think you meant minutes.” Read More

Foxy2 – The Minecraft Update: Episode 9 – Slack’s Back with Jessiie Too!