FoZo Movies – I Survived 1000 Days As A LAVA WARDEN In Hardcore Minecraft: *Full Story*

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as a baby lava Warden what’s this I’m with a bunch of other wardens on top of a volcano why are we here what’s going on I’m looked up and spotted a ton of phantoms and a giant hand with an eye on it cast them into lava

The Phantoms began to swoop down and knock all the wardens into the volcano’s lava they were burning and faded away they shall all die and be forgotten I watch helplessly as the other wardens were killed in the lava I try to get away but before I could one of the

Phantoms knocked me in ah I was hit in the lava but wait to my surprise I survived and I’m not taking any damage impossible how are you still alive I don’t know I just got here it matters not your life ends here uh oh the eye

King charging at me and I did my best to avoid his attacks I had to escape and fast I climbed out the volcano and ran as fast as I could I needed to get away from whatever that thing was I ran through the forest until I could no

Longer feel the eye’s presence I think I should be good now who was that guy and why did he want all the wardens to be forgotten it was night time and I made my way out of the forest but what’s that is that fighting I approached the sounds

And it was a guy fighting a mob of zombies uh hey are you are you okay do you need some help but Gordon helped me hey what’s that supposed to mean do you want help or not I’m Steve and some help would be greatly appreciated I picked up

Some of the ground this should take care of the zombies nice I threw more law about the zombies and defeated them Steve ran up to me and was confused you don’t act or look like any of the other wardens why your guess is as good as

Mine but was it right to kill those zombies I mean they seemed kind of confused of course it was cool to kill them they hate me and I hate them I don’t see anything wrong with taking them out before they do that to me Steve

Left and went his own way did I make the right choice killing those zombies if not what am I even doing here in the first place it was day three I continued exploring This Strange World it seemed like everywhere I went there was some kind of conflict happening between the

Creatures in it I found myself in a snow biome and saw a group of penguins traveling through it suddenly a polar bear jumped out and he started to attack them he was killing the Penguins I wanted to help but I wasn’t sure if it was my place to maybe I should just stay

Out of this one this time oh no there’s only one penguin left though okay please I couldn’t just stand by I ran over to help him leave these penguins alone can you guys both live here peacefully the polar bear didn’t want to listen and it rushed at the

Penguin stop I threw a magma block directly at them whoa the magma block scared off the polar bear and it began to run away I looked where it landed and it started to melt all the snow in the area but you totally just wrecked my Hub I’m

Sorry I didn’t know it would melt everything whatever my name’s Kowalski and I’m coming with you for protection all right you owe me wait what uh okay fine I reluctantly agreed after all I did melt his home this Dreadful lava Warden he is throwing off my balance to the world he will need

To pay for this on day four Kowalski and I continue to travel together and eventually I realize this world was dangerous and I was definitely going to need some protection I gathered some wood to create a crafting table and then crafted a wooden pickaxe with the wooden

Pickaxe I mined a bunch of stone in order to make myself a set of stone tools I then gathered more resources so I would have enough material to make a base before finding a nice spot I gathered a bunch of snow so Kowalski would feel right at home finally I found

A great place to start a base I began by building a small house out of the wood and Cobblestone I’d acquired Kowalski and I then built a small place for him to live in and I place a snow around his house to give him more of an Arctic kind

Of feel I then went back to my house and used the leftover Cobblestone and wood to make furnaces and chests for my base hey this is a nice start I went over to Kowalski kowalsi came out of his house thank you so much for building this for

Me photo don’t mention it I feel like so much safer now I’m so glad I have a friend as compassionate as you it was pretty clear to me that this world was filled with problems and there was no compassionate people around you really did need a friend suddenly I began to

Hear bells in the distance wait a second it sounded like raid Bells from a village I better go investigate to see what’s going on I found where the siren was and I came across a village being invaded by a mob of pillagers I want to help these villagers out but it’s been

Days I’m starving I went into the village and got some hay bale blocks from them to make some bread to eat all right there we go now that I’ve got some food in my stomach I think I can help them out I went out and suddenly the

Polishers were being attacked by a large creature it was an iron golem who must be here to help the villagers it wasn’t that strong because he was still getting overwhelmed by them those Village I can but I don’t want to hurt these pillagers I ran up to one of the

Pillagers and asked them why they were attacking this Village can’t you just do something else instead of harming them your nature this is wrong lost in my thoughts the pillagers surrounded all of us and captured us oh man I need to get rid of this blasted Warden

Skeleton transform and Rise what is your bidding Master find the lava Warden and destroy him oh my head I woke up at the Pillager Outpost I was in a cage with the rest of the villagers and to my surprise Steve why didn’t you do anything to help the

Villager foso I wasn’t sure what the right thing to do was I don’t know what’s going on in this world and what I should and shouldn’t choose well you chose wrong I was very dishearted from what Stephen said and started to feel really lost maybe I did make a mistake

Suddenly there was a strange sound in a figure appeared in front of me so it is real huh who are you and how do you know about me it is not my place to say but you are very special special what do you mean by that I don’t have much time but

I can at least get this for you what’s going on suddenly I started to change and I became a fully grown Warden he gave me 30 Hearts as well whoa how did you do that I looked around but the mysterious figure was gone whoa I knew

It you are different you must be special after all we need to get out of here have an idea help we need some help a Pillager ran over and when he was close Steve hit him and knocked him out he grabbed the key to the cage from his

Body and used it to unlock it we freed the other villagers and began to make a run for it before the rest of them arrived Steve and I returned to the base and Kowalski was there with a bunch of sheep Kowalski what’s up with all the Sheep here well I wanted to contribute

Too so I went on to the planes and brought these sheep here man now we have like food and stuff but I also saw something else Kowalski told us that while he was in the planes a crazy skeleton flew past him it was super creepy and really weird I’ve never seen

A flying skeleton that’s weird but uh thanks for the Sheep I had to make more upgrades at the base now that we had sheep here and Steve I built a pen for the sheep and created a nice home for Steve you can put your belongings here if you ever feel like crashing thanks

Bro much appreciated I was so bothered about that mysterious figure what did it mean when it said I was special what’s so special about me I decided that the best thing to do was to sleep on it but before I had to change the entrance to

My house there was no way I was fitting in that door on day eight I had a vision I saw a village and inside were a ton of wardens hey you’re just like me but then I noticed that they were attacking the villagers wait what why are they doing

That guys guys stop this isn’t right everywhere I looked we’re more and more wardens attacking creatures they were totally destroying everything in the world how could this be possible why do none of them look like me a mysterious entity appeared in front of me I’ve sent

You this as a vision of the past this is how the world used to be warnings ran through the land killing everything in their paths what why why would they do that the Aussie I created the wardens Bozo wait what he created them but a few

Days ago he was the one that was destroying all of them things are uncertain you must travel to the original ancient city if you want to find out more original ancient city oh how am I gonna find that is it obvious young Warden you will have to follow

Heart you know where it is good luck no wait don’t go but on days nine to ten I woke up and I heard Kowalski calling out to me I immediately jumped out of bed what what happened oh dead you were like sleeping and like saying like don’t go

And stuff and all that crazy Madness so I came out to see what was up I saw a bowl of mushroom stew outside the front of my door is this for me yeah man I thought I would help you sleep better are you like okay I told Kowalski about

My vision and about the mysterious figure wow that’s like a lot but I think you’ll be fine all right you’re tough you’re super strong and you got me here to have your back thanks Kowalski I really appreciate it I need to find that ancient city the figure was talking

About he told me that if I just followed my heart I’ll be able to find it if I find that place maybe I’ll learn more about myself and who I am and why that crazy eye wants to get rid of me pass the block puzzo I hope your heart knows

Where it’s going thanks buddy I hate the mushroom soup wow that was good after I finished eating I went and prepared to go look for the ancient city I started my journey toward the ancient city I just headed in the direction that felt right as I was traveling I noticed

Another Village was being raided by a group of pillagers I wanted to stop and help but I knew that I needed to get to the ancient city as soon as possible I continued on and I spotted a group of wolves fighting sheep the Sheep were definitely losing the fight and the

Wolves were laughing as they did it this doesn’t seem right why does everyone in the world hate each other they’re so hostile it only seems like it’s getting worse from when I spawned in I eventually made my way into the swamp biome and began to travel in it I

Then heard some noise in the distance and spotted a flying skeleton I will find you Warden oh no this guy must be after me he looked way too powerful for me to fight I need to find a place to hide eventually I came across a Hut in

The swamp it was empty and I figured this was my best bet to hide from the skeleton it seemed as though it didn’t know exactly where I was I figured it was best to spend the night here and travel the rest of the way tomorrow I

Woke up and there was fire everywhere oh man it probably wasn’t a good idea to sleep on the wooden floor I heard shouting outside so I ran out to see who it was it was a witch and she didn’t look very happy with me I’m sorry I was hiding in it for the

Night I didn’t mean for this to happen my Helm is totally destroyed now I have nowhere to stay listen I have a base not too far from here how about you go and live there for the time being it’s the least I can do the witch agreed to head

Back to my base I gave her the coordinates and she set off I then continued on my journey I kept going in the direction that just felt right I really hope my heart is in the right place I’m not just walking aimlessly I continued walking and eventually I came

Across this crazy looking cave entrance wow I guess my heart did know the way I entered the cave cautiously I traveled deep into the cave and found myself in what appeared to be an ancient city this one seemed different though it was in total ruins the mysterious figure told

Me I had to travel here what could I be looking for I began to search the ancient city I started to hear a strange noise from behind me and I turned around and look at that it was the mysterious figure I knew you would find your way

Here why am I here what’s the reason for all this like I said young Warden I can’t tell you I can show you long ago this was the birthplace of all the wardens the All-Seeing I created them to work for he made many wardens and he followed his

Orders without question for many years the wardens did as they were told suddenly there was a large rumbling and the vision faded I couldn’t hold the vision any longer no I’m trying to Aid you what what does he want with this world and why is he against all of us

Including you the Austin Eye controls everything and everyone he wants balance in the world and that requires conflict and the wardens upset that conflict you more than the rest name more than the rest there’s more to the story but sadly I must go the mysterious figure

Disappeared man this guy is hard to keep in one place one thing’s for certain I need to put an end to this All-Seeing Eye the people of this world deserve to have free will and not be controlled by some kind of monster who lost I found him on days 17 to 18 I

Made my way back to the surface I stepped out of the cave and began to look around something didn’t feel right to me the love awarding will die I looked up and spotted the flying skeleton he all seeing I must have found my location somehow the skeleton began

To charge at me and attack me from the sky he was so powerful how was I going to fight against him I began to use my magma throw ability to throw magma blocks at it but he was still too strong you are the warden he’s afraid of you’re

Gonna be done for the skeleton started to shoot Fireballs at me and it took away a bunch of my heart I was too weak to fight this now I had to flee I started to run away but the skeleton kept following me it was right behind me

And continued to attack as I ran I made my way into a thick forest and hid under the trees the skeleton was unable to see me because of all the leaves I will find you Warden I kept going and thankfully I was able to lose the flying skeleton and

Make it back to my base safely I was such a close call I didn’t think if I was gonna make it if I’m honest who else he came running up to me you’re Puck man I was so worried about you I’m safe but not by much I feel so weak should I

Figure yeah type this he threw me some bread and I thanked him I began to eat it and asked him where he got it from Kowalski told me that while I was gone he built a farm and planted seeds to grow wheat yeah but that’s not all man

Some witch came by and told me that you set her here to stay she’s like totally chill man wow that’s so kind of you I heard a commotion and turned around and saw Steve and the witch fighting hey guys what are you doing

Him not as much as I hate you I told him to stop fighting what’s the matter with you too sorry man it’s in our nature well that ends today we need to start thinking for ourselves and working together there is a bigger evil out there in this world whether you know it

Or not I need to get some upgrades I’m gonna stand no chance against it hey I have a bunch of stuff I’m not using at my base let’s go get it oh yeah that sounds great Steve and I headed off towards his base it was probably a good

Idea to split him in the witch up anyways we arrived at Steve’s base this place was massive what was he doing hanging around my dumpy old base I made him we entered inside and he took me into his massive loot room he opened a chest and began going through some of

The things ah here it is Steve turned around and tossed me an iron set of tools as well as an iron chest plate I don’t have much use for this stuff we will definitely serve you better well thank you for your generosity we began a leaf when suddenly I heard a cry for

Help what was that Steve oh dude you’re gonna love this we entered a room filled with villagers that were stuck and one block sells they were all standing behind a lectern help us please what is wrong with you pretty sweet right this guy gives me mending three for only five emeralds villagers don’t

Deserve to be some kind of prisoner man these people need to be released and returned home everyone does it man don’t worry no release them now if you don’t you’re no better than the All-Seeing Eye himself I could see he felt bad and realized what I was saying was true he

Agreed to let them be free and return to their villages so he is with Steve I see time to pay him a visit and make him an offer on days 24-26 come out lava Warden Steve and I rushed outside of his base and saw the All-Seeing Eye was there how did you

Find us and what are you doing here I’m here for you I wanted to make you an offer an offer yeah like I would accept anything that you would have to say I know you created the wardens and then chose to defeat all of them this is true

But you are very special if you work with me we can accomplish great things I would never and I mean never choose to work with you all you want to do is control everyone in this world you’re sick then you will watch everything you love

Perish and I will take you there was a Flash and he vanished something isn’t rightful though if the eye created the wardens why would he destroy them all there has to be a reason he’s doing it yeah I know you’re right I need to find out more about what happened with him

And the wardens in the past he also said that everything I love would perish oh no Kowalski now spaced off as fast as we could back toward our home Steve and I made it back to my base but we were too late it was in total ruins this place had been

Attacked and set on fire my house Kowalski’s house everything was almost unrecognizable from when they were built I looked at the Sheep pen and all the Sheep were gone these poor animals didn’t deserve this Kowalski where are you buddy I called out his name but he

Was nowhere to be found oh no something terrible must have happened to him the witch returned to the base and told us that the skeleton had come and attack it they had destroyed everything the last part they took Kowalski he’s as good as gone that is not true if he is out there

We have to find him and I’m not giving up hope Bozo come quick I rushed over to Steve and asked him what was going on look there I look where Steve was pointing I noticed that there was a small trail of snow leading out of the

Base it must be Kowalski he’s alive and leaving a trail for us to follow come on Steve we don’t have much time on days 30 to 32 we followed the trail of snow to a mountain and notice that the trail ended I wonder where they could have gone from

Here yeah buddy you’re not taking me outside easily Kowalski where was he we looked around and spotted what appeared to be a nest of some kind the skeleton was circling above it we have to get up there and help him fast Steve and I made our journey to the nest Kowalski we’re

Here to save you boy am I gonna see you guys I got took by some kind of freak the skeleton spotted us and started to attack it must have been a trap to lure me here it swooped down and hit me ouch that hurt you are weak Warden and you

Will die we were being overpowered I felt like this might be the end for me I started get angry thinking about all the pain the eye had caused this world I felt a great power growing inside of me and all of a sudden a sonic boom shot out directly at the skeleton startling

It for a second I continued to Roar and I can tell it was super effective against it it charged at me again and I let out one final Roar defeating it for good job thank you for saving me Bozo I really owe you one man don’t mention it

Buddy now let’s get back to base we set off back home has gotten too powerful I don’t want to have to do this but I think it must be done on days 33-35 we return to our base that was still in shambles after the skeleton attacked man our home is like

All ruined it’s no problem we can fix this place back up in no time the two of us went into the world and started to gather wood and stone that we needed for our base once we had enough we returned and began to rebuild our houses suddenly

There was a strange sound and the mysterious figure appeared in front of us you what are you doing here I’ve never seen a shout to be so effective against the minions of the eye yeah but I don’t think I can use it again anytime soon it required a ton of energy and I

Don’t think I have it right now then we need to find a way to harness that shout and utilize it to defeat the All-Seeing Eye The Entity told us that a long time ago there was a special horn that could amplify sound waves sadly it’s broken now and its pieces have been scattered

Across the entire world all over the world trying to think more about this horn that we should know no there’s no time you must go to the eyes Kingdom in the far lands if you wish to know more The Entity suddenly disappeared the eyes Kingdom huh I better start preparing I

Had defeated the All-Seeing Eye skeleton with pure luck using my shout but deep down I didn’t think I was prepared to go to his base I went to a nearby cave in hopes of finding some iron and maybe diamonds subgrade my armor and tools I spent some time Mining and was actually

Able to find a few diamonds I used the iron I collected to finish my armor crafting myself Iron Pants a helmet and some boots with the diamonds I crafted myself a sword with my new upgrades I started to make my journey toward the far lands to find the eyes Kingdom as I

Made my way towards the farlands I noticed that a lot of trees were missing leaves what it’s not even fall yet what could have caused this it seemed odd but I needed to get to the far lands and find out more about the wardens and I definitely did not have time to

Investigate this strong now just because you defeated my minion and I need to summon something that is beyond you’re a feeble imagination I have a task for you On days 39 to 41 I made it into the far lands and the eyes Tower was just in sight I approached the tower and it was huge and terrifying am I really gonna have to find my answers here I guess so inside the tower it was surprisingly

Empty and quiet I came across a journal on the ground wait the journal from a warden named Kyle I continued to read the journal and images started flooding my mind I could hear the warden talking to me the journal talked about how the wardens were getting tired of obeying

The eyes orders eventually over time they started to be unblinded by his control and saw him for who he actually was the wardens decided to Stage a rebellion and stop the eye from controlling the world unfortunately the wardens were no match for him and all of them were overwhelmed by his army of

Skeletons and got destroyed the wardens that didn’t rebel against the eye were rounded up and thrown into the volcano and that is where I spawned in I snapped back into reality and the Mysterious entity stood before me now you know the true history of your

And why your key in all of this the mysterious figure handed me a glowing piece of wood take this fragment of the horn and find the rest of the pieces once the horn is built their Theory Roar will help you more than you know hear the sound of flying nearby the eye must

Be coming back I need to leave this place immediately I was beginning my journey back towards my base I just crossed over into a plane’s biome from the farlands hello boy who said that I’m flying above me here O’Brien who summoned you here who do you think ah

The All-Seeing Eye he landed in front of me and took out his diamond sword he rushed at me taking a bunch of my hearts whoa he’s so strong I fought back against him using my sword as well as my magma throwing abilities but I can tell he had powerful resistance I ran away

From my tail eventually I was able to lose him and make it back home fossil you are so injured here take this I brewed it for you the witch gave me a health potion and I quickly drank it wow I was starting to feel better already thanks Bozo while you were gone I

Decided to collect a bunch of mushrooms and create a mushroom farm for us I don’t know how much you enjoyed that mushrooms do last time thanks so much Kowalski I then started to build an area for the pieces of the horn to be built I need to find the other three that were

Scattered in the world but I wasn’t sure where to start looking that was a problem for tomorrow though days 45 to 46 I woke up and saw that Steve arrived at my base he wanted to see how things were going and I started to tell him his legendary rival had been summoned into

The world Steve it’s herobrine that is impossible your bride has not been seen in this world for years well he was pretty real because he attacked me Herobrine was so strong I don’t think I can fight him this is not good he is incredibly powerful I will need to do

Some research to find out how we can defeat him Steve set off back toward his base hopefully he’ll be able to find a way we can defeat him or else we’re not gonna stand a chance defeating the eye I went over to the Witch and asked her if

She knew anything about the pieces of the horn that have been scattered throughout the world at first the witch looked puzzled but then she started to stare into the sky it seemed strange but I assumed that she was thinking I guess I believe there is one that is located

In the ancient structures of the Jungle I am not sure how I know this but just know it is to be true I didn’t question What the witch just told me I think the Witch and prepare to set off toward the jungle before you go bozo this mushroom

Stew for the journey oh thanks I’m sure this will come in handy stay safe all right I headed out toward the jungle I was making my way through the jungle when I came across this massive Temple this must be the place the witch was referring to I made my way inside and

Began to search for the fragment of the horn that was said to be here eventually I came across what I thought was a piece of the horn but before I can reach it a group of monsters attacked they must have been lurking in the shadows their

Attacks hurt so I started a whole magma blocks at them I then got close down they all went that’s gonna teach them to mess with me after finishing the monsters I made my way back toward the fragment of the horn right as I touched

It there was a flash of light where am I I looked around and realized I was back on the volcano where I spawned only this time I noticed that there were two wardens talking do you have it yes hopefully with this we’ll finally be able to defeat the eye one of the

Wardens threw an echo Shard into the lava the eye flew over and killed the wardens I then saw a small lava Warden coming out of the ground hey that must have been me and the other other two they must have been my parents suddenly I was back in the jungle temple that was

So strange I gathered the fragment of the horn and started to make my way back toward my base I returned to my base and got to work on the horn I then connected the second fragment that was two down and only two more pieces left I thought

About asking the witch if she knew where to find the other pieces but I figured that she just had no idea the more time I waste the stronger the eyes pull on this world seems to be I’m gonna need to be ready to face him I went to the mines

And began searching for diamonds after some time I had enough to craft a diamond chest plate and boots I returned to the base and saw Kowalski was waiting on his home a little help here phones out no problem the two of us started to expand his base and add more snow to it

So he would have more room to live they then started on my base and added an extra room just for furnaces and chests I started to tell Kowalski what I’d seen after touching the first piece and how it seemed my parents created me for a reason yeah you’re very special fozzo

Not just to me but to this entire world it’s over nothing but violence and hatred and your fine and like compassionate this is why you were born our conversation was cut short by screaming in the distance ah what was that I need to go investigate I rushed

Off toward the screams on days 54-56 I arrived at the source of the screaming it was a village that was under attack by zombie piglens how did they get into the Overworld and how does this make any sense I watched as the zombie piglets ran through the village and defeated the

Villagers I had to do something I ran into the zombie piglets and asked them why they were attacking started to attack me there were so many of them and I had to fight back I used my sword to hit them away and then try to use my shout but I couldn’t I started

To be overwhelmed by the massive numbers I left up in the air and to my surprise when I landed the zombie piglets near me were set on fire wow I have a fire slam ability I left into the air again and continued to use my fire sun to fight

Off the piglets right when I thought I’d won more of them came brushing at me I fought my way over to the portal I need to go into The Nether and find out why these guys are coming into the Overworld I arrived inside the Nether and notice

That all the zombie piglens were all acting crazy here they were attacking everything in their paths what could have turned them so hostile as I was traveling through I noticed a group of piglets fighting with the zombified ones this is totally just unnatural why would they be fighting the piglons were able

To fight off the zombie piglens and one of them approached me the lava Warden you have to come with us now I wasn’t sure how they knew of me but I did as they asked and followed them to a Bastion the piglets led me inside and

Took me to the piglet King why did you bring me here there’s something strange happening to the nether the zombie pigland started to go out of control a few days ago this must be Herobrine’s doing he spawned in around the same time he must be controlling the zombie

Piglets I had a vision of you lava Warden well I was told you’d be the one to free us from this madness a vision what happened wow around the same time the piglet started to go crazy I was out patrolling the Nether and I came across something very strange it didn’t belong

In the Nether and when I touched it I saw you what what did you find he pointed to the corner of the room and I noticed the fragment of the horn was there I found this I knew you would need it and I needed to keep it safe please

Take it and free the world from whatever curse is plaguing it I thank the king and grabbed the fragment of the horn I made my way back to the nether portal and hopped inside on days 60-62 I jumped out of the portal back into the Overworld but I was created with a

Massive Army of the what why do they want me dead for you Brian these must have been summoned by him the army of the Dead started to rush at me an attack I use my fire slam to hit the ones close and then through magmap the creatures that were further

Away these guys weren’t that tough but in numbers they’re putting up a good fight right when I thought I defeated all of them more of them started to come out of the ground uh there’s too many I’m never gonna be able to take them all

On at once I had to flee back toward my base days 63-65 I returned to the base and notice that it had expanded what Kowalski did you do this out while you were gone I brought some cows back to the base and built up a panda living the Witch and I then

Expanded heart base and even added some of those culture little thingies that she uses to do her little potions yeah Bozo take these the witch threw me some health potions thanks so much I took the third fragment of the horn over to the other two and began to connect them

Together the horn was almost completely built I finally expanded the horn when the witch ran back at me frantically wait I just saw you what’s going on Ozil you need to help Steve what why is she in danger Herobrine is attacking his base he won’t stand a chance without you

No no you’re right I need to save him I don’t know if I’ll be able to take on Herobrine but it’s a chance I’m gonna have to take I ran off towards Steve’s base on day 66 to 69 I arrived and saw him battling with Herobrine I will

Defeat you again I am far more powerful than I was when you defeated me last time they continue to fight and Steve was clearly outmatched by herobrine I had to help I threw my magma blocks at Herobrine the drama away from Steve I was wondering when you

Flew at me and started to hit me with his fists what this was way stronger than any sword my hearts were quickly dropping lightning was going off around us everywhere I didn’t know if I can take him but I continue to fight he’s too powerful we’ll never be able to

Defeat him Steve who was right but Herobrine was showing no signs of stopping anytime soon he continued to hit me and I was down only a few hearts die before he can hit me Steve jumped in and started to fight him again Herobrine laughed and then teleported him away

Herobrine struck me when I Was Defeated where am I I looked around and as far as I could see there was nothing I started to wander through the emptiness hello is there anyone here I heard some strange sounds and the mysterious figure appeared in front of me why are you here

What’s going on you finally made it it is serious figure revealed himself to be jab Jeb I thought you were a myth aren’t you a creator of this world the All-Seeing Eye has become incredibly powerful awful I had to disguise myself in order to communicate with you he shut

Me out of the world and began to change it to what he wanted how how is that possible enough of that I devised a plan to sneak your code back into the World by giving your parents the vision of your birth I have been guiding you through your journey and slowly sneaking

Pieces of the horn into the world I was able to give the witch her vision as well as the piglet King so you’ve been behind this the entire time yes you are the only way we can restore the world back to the way it needs to be I had

Planned for you to be defeated so I could communicate with you here and why why am I here so I can give you your final upgrade a huge flash happened now your shout will be able to be used on your command I tested it out to my surprise I was able

To use my Sonic Boom at will that’s amazing thank you now I need to return you to the world you’ll be able to handle it from here I am counting on you find the last fragment of the horn you know where it is good luck young Warden the love award has been

Perfect thank you so much for your help I will let you stay in my world for now on days 74-77 I was back in the world Jeb had returned me to save this place he even told me the location of the final fragment before I handled that I

Realized I should go home and see if everything was still okay there I set off toward my base I returned and was quickly greeted by Kowalski Steve and the witch be alive but like how dude I Was Defeated and brought back by Jeb himself he had been guiding me throughout my

Journey the entire time Jeb told me that the All-Seeing Eye was slowly being interfered with his original code and causing all the Terrible Things in this world that’s like amazing Dad we just need to like find a final fragment stuff I know exactly where it is it was right

In front of us the entire time at your home in the ice biome I better go after it now I made my way back to where I had found Kowalski all those days ago it wasn’t long until I’d spotted the final piece just like Jabet said it would be

Here I started to head home I was running out of time to put the pieces together while I was on my way back to base I saw a village being braided this time I have to do something I rushed and begged the pillagers to stop attacking but they wouldn’t listen to me they

Began to attack me as well instead of fighting back I decided to use my shout on the pillagers I used it but to my surprise all the pillagers stopped attacking at once they looked around confused as to why they were at the village and attack the villagers we’ve

Been trying to stop this war for a long time but we had no control over ourselves but now you do my shout it cleared your guys’s Vision you’re no longer blinded by the eyes views the villagers and pillagers rejoiced that they no longer had conflict with each

Other and can now work together moving forward I left the village and continued on toward my base on my way back I spotted something strange I had to get closer to investigate it was Herobrine with this massive Army of the undead cheer O’Brien surrender now before it’s too late how is this

Guilty it was only a minor setback I’m way more powerful now attack him his army of the Dead rushed at me I let out a shout and completely destroyed all of them no matter I will take you out myself I jumped in the air and use my

Fire slam staggering him for a second I then threw a magma block at him and I can tell he was weak give up now this fight is not worth your own life the I will never let me live while you survive he charged at me again I had to do it I

Used my shout to take him down well that solves the Herobrine problem I continued to my base to assemble the final fragment of the horn I returned home and quickly made my way over to the horn I need to reassemble and free the rest of Minecraft for Jeb I got to work

Connecting the last piece Jeb told me that this horn would amplify my shout and break the All-Seeing eyes connection to the world as I finished Steve approached me I told him about Herobrine he was defeated we don’t have to worry about him anymore our conversation was interrupted by the All-Seeing Eye

Himself he was at our base how you were killed I saw it through Herobrine himself I guess we all have our ways your Reign on this world is over I began to rush at the eye but he flew off he was clearly afraid of what I’ll be able

To do to him now I made my way back over to the horn and prepared myself for a large shell I released it and watched as the waves carried all across the world I began to explore the world and figure out if Jeb had been right about my way

Of releasing all over Minecraft I stopped by a village and watched as a Pillager was taught how to farm by a villager they were working together it was clear that I had been able to at least free the pillagers from the curse I continued into a mine to check if the

Other mobs had been infected I spotted a group of zombies and they were no longer hostile toward me her nightmare is over we have control of our bodies I’m glad you guys are changed I’m so thankful you’ll no longer be attacking players and villagers of course oh no we still

Need to attack villagers for food zombies have to eat brains well at least you weren’t hostile towards me anymore I continued my ready to see what else had been affected I hopped into another portal and returned to the Piglet and Bastion I confronted the king and asked

Him if the zombie piglens were still attacking he explained to me the piglens were once again neutral creatures and had no longer been attacking their home her compassion has made us realize we too should be compassionate George more creatures we need to help the piglets that have been jammified I was glad

Everyone in the world was changing I headed back home to prepare myself for the fight with the eye he needed to be destroyed so that this could never happen again as I was approaching my base I saw that it was in Ruins and Steve was battling the All-Seeing Eye he

Must have returned to stop me you will all pay for what you’ve done the I charged at Steve and did some serious damage I can see that Steve was weak I had to help Bozo you will pay for what you’ve done everything you love will be destroyed the eye looked over at

Kowalski Kowalski won Kowalski was hit and badly injured I rushed over to Kowalski and try to give him some of the healing potions that the witch given me but they didn’t seem to have any effect on him it’s okay foso you need to defeat the eye once and

For all I’m just thankful that I had a friend as good as you Kowalski was gone the eye will pay for this Steve was far too weak to travel with me to the ice tower I told him to rest here with the witch and I would finish this for

Kowalski I set off and I’m not coming back until that eye is defeated it was day 100 and I had arrived at the tower of the All-Seeing Eye I made my way to the top you will pay for what you did to my friend I will not let you get away

With what you’ve done I will build it back once I finish you the odd charged at me and hit me taking away a few of my hearts it didn’t matter I knew I was strong enough to defeat him after all I had my full power alongside me I started

To fight back hurling magma blocks at him and could tell that he wasn’t ready for me to be this powerful enough of These Foolish Games he started to shoot lasers at me from a distance you can can’t win the All-Seeing Eye didn’t care when he was close I jumped into the air

And used my fire slam I then continued to throw my blocks at him this is impossible and this is for Kowalski I use my shout on him and took him out once and for all Minecraft was free from the manipulation of the All-Seeing Eye

On day one I spawned in as a baby golden Warden whoa I’m in an ancient city too and I can see I thought wardens were blind and I had 25 Hearts mom is that you he’s golden the spelled worked the ancient city it’s totally destroyed Mom

What’s going on son you need to run and hide quick I wanted to ask questions but I listened to my mom and ran off to hide just Warden any final words you’ll never get away with this you’re too late flee the ancients get away from him

Lucky for me I ran into an abandoned mine shaft I started to mine the wood to create a crafting table and wooden pickaxe once I had a wooden pickaxe I went over to mine some Stone I then upgraded my wooden pickaxe to a stone pickaxe I wanted to return to the

Ancient city and try to find other wardens but in my panic I lost my weight I was starving and losing Hearts quickly I knew that my mom was gone but I had to survive I needed to find food but where would I find food in a cave I searched

For a long time and just before my health ran out I found a patch of mushrooms I quickly crafted a wooden bowl and created mushroom stew it wasn’t much but it’ll do for now I was getting tired so I found a nice open cave whoa this place looks amazing I started to

Construct my base it wasn’t much but I guess it’ll have to do for day one on day two I woke up to a sounded like bone crackling outside it made my ears hurt I quickly went back into my base and crafted a stone sword and started

Fighting them off that’s for my mom you annoying pest I decided to explore the cave more and see what other materials I can find I found a large vein of coal in the mine nice this is just what I need to stop those pesky mobs from spawning

Again I also noticed my rooftop it looks like a lush part of the cave there could be food here I was getting ready to explore when I was attacked by a group of cave spiders oh man I hate spiders these guys are a little more tough than the skeletons because they inflicted

Poison damage those spiders are still no match for me I was the strongest mob in the game I quickly took them out but my sword broke already I just crafted it I was getting annoyed with these mobs I returned home to my base and crafted the

Coal into torches I let the area outside my base with the Torches to stop mobs from spawning then I crafted some chests from the spare wood I had and even some furnaces I always want to be prepared for when I find Iron by this time it was

Getting late and I was still sad about my mom am I really the last warden ever on day three I woke up and I was starving I had no food left I decided it would be best to venture to the surface and try to find food there I made my way

Out of the cave finally and found myself in a forest whoa I must be the first Warden to ever see the Overworld whoa look at all this wood I took some time to gather a few logs as I knew I would need it later I made my way across the

Forest and ran into a hay bale Village I went to the farm and started to steal their food food suddenly I heard an iron golem and he started to attack me I had to defend myself and I took him down I used the iron from the Iron Golem to

Craft a bucket I knew that this was going to be helpful for my farm I took the time to loot the rest of the village I was approached by another Gollum but this one was different hey what are you doing sorry man I have to do what I have

To do I’m on a mission to avenge my mom I noticed that a villager was coming in so I hid quickly it must have been a cab he looked like he was about to attack the struggle I jumped out and roared at the Villager he ran away after one look at me

Hey man these villagers don’t treat you right why don’t you come back to my base and live with me that would be sweet my name’s Mr Bale I took Mr Bill back to my base and built him a small little house to live in on day four I woke up to

Growling outside my base I went outside to check and a group of feral wolves were attacking him how did you guys even get down here this is no place for a wolf I fought them off and protected Mr Bale wow most mobs don’t treat others

The way I do now that I have sight after fighting off the Wolves I left the cave and grabbed some dirt I brought it back and began building a farm with some of the food I’d gathered from the village I want to make sure I have enough food for

Myself and Mr Bale Plus any other helpless mobs that need a place to stay I’m really starting to take pride in helping others now especially since I can see they aren’t so scary looking wow base is coming along nicely I took the time to expand the base and created a

Storage room here I can place all the loot I was gonna gather I then decided I needed to upgrade my tools I took the time to finally explore the cave and in my my surprise I found some iron sweet this is just what I’m looking for it’s

Not that much but it’ll do I decided the best thing to do with this was to craft an iron sword so I can better defend myself and my friends I returned home to the base and went to bed for the night on day five I must have eaten something

Weird because I had the craziest dream I was in an ice biome on a mountain standing next to a giant ice temple A guy ran up and he charged the four blocks in the center of the temple hey uh what are you doing just then the

Night King spawned and he killed him you you’re alive who are you and what do you want I am the night King I will not let some stupid prophecy stop me prophecy what are you talking about I’m gonna kill you for what you did to my mom looks

I will have to kill you for my dream of the Eternal Night can be completed never I will grow strong enough so that you will never be able to stop me oh for you as he went to attack I woke up in a panic wow was that a dream or a

Vision all I know is I’m gonna have to stop that night King once and for all on day six I ventured out of my cave to clear my head last night was strange and I had this feeling it wasn’t just a dream as I was wandering around I came

Across a herd of sheep that were being attacked by a giant tarantula oh I hate spiders my instinct to protect kicked in and I jumped into action the tarantula was quick and they catch a punch I was only down to a few Hearts suddenly I felt a great energy come within me whoa

My sonic boom and the tarantula was down just then I felt something strange happened I grew into a full-size Warden and I even got 50 Hearts after my dream I decided that this fight was bigger than me I wanted to help everyone so I went to talk to the Sheep hey guys are

You all okay no problem it’s what I do how about you come back and live with me I took the Sheep back to my base I started placing more dirt and once I did that I started planting and expanding my farm inside the cave so I can feed my new friends I

Built a quick shelter for my new friends to live in that will work on day seven I woke up to some disgusting noises outside my base I rushed out and saw Prowlers attacking it I’ve never seen any mob like this before it looked demonic and attacked really hard I was

About to fight them off but this was a struggle these guys were definitely stronger than any other Minecraft mob eventually though I took them down what was that thing that was definitely way stronger than a Minecraft mob I better be more careful who knows what else is

Waiting for me out there it made me think I’m gonna need some upgrades I searched deeper into the cave to find more iron my iron sword was good and all but I knew I was gonna need more upgrades as I was looking I ran into a bunch of zombies the zombies were no

Match for me especially now being full size they only took a few hits of my sword and they were no more I found a bunch of iron ore this time and started to smelt it I was able to craft all the iron tools I even used the leftover iron

To craft myself some iron boots wow I just wish more mobs felt the same same way I did and only fought back when they had to on day eight I ventured out of my base to see if any other mobs were in need of my help I had this feeling that

I was given my sight for a reason I couldn’t stop thinking about that dream as I was crossing out of the forest and into the Birch flower Forest pile I saw a baby deer all alone hey what’s up little guy did you lose your family do you know which way they went he

Pointed me into the right direction and I headed off to save his family as I crossed over the hill I was attacked by a coyote the coyote was quick but I was easily able to overpower him I knew I had to be close and it wasn’t much

Farther until I ran into the pack of them they had the dear parents with them I rushed into action to save them I was able to use my Sonic Boom to take them down hey guys come back with me I can build you some shelter and give you

Protection the deers agreed and I brought them back to my base once I was there I built them a nice shelter to live in I wanted to make the base more like where they were used to living so I gathered some water and made a small

Pool I’m off to a great start on day nine I decided it was time to travel back to where I was born to see if there any other Clues as to why there were no other wardens I saw an ancient chest across a room filled with traps I needed

To know what was inside I found an ancient Warden helmet when I put it on it felt like my yell was getting stronger cool check it out my Sonic Boom is gold now I wonder if there are any other ancient Warden tools after my parkour journey I stopped to mine some

More iron and even collected some lapis never know when this is gonna come in handy I smelted the iron and used it to craft an iron pair of pants wow not comfortable but at least I’m protected it was a good thing I finished my iron because a group of giant bats attacked

Me I was able to fight them off no problem I had a feeling I was getting closer to where I was born on day 10 I finally made it back to where I was born hello is there anyone here it’s even more destroyed than the last time what

Is going on I decided to take a look around and looted the chests inside the chest I found some coal and bones and glowberries nice another yummy fruit I opened another chest and I found something strange it was a warden pickaxe this must have been left here

For a reason just as I was about to leave a skeleton deer appeared causing a huge disturbance what are you doing here ah the last of the wardens I was hoping I would find you here my boss is going to be very happy I found you your boss

Are you working with the night King when the time is right the Eternal Darkness will be upon us I choose to fight for The Winning Side I’m gonna stop you and the night King from turning this world into darkness I can promise you that I jumped at him to fight but he quickly

Vanished was it another dream no it couldn’t be you mentioned something about his boss wanting to hear about about me oh no I hope this isn’t related to the night King on days 11 to 12 I return to my base with my loot from the ancient city I began by expanding my

Base as well as expanding the shelters for the sheep and dear friends I even took the time to add some hay bales to Mr Bale’s room to make him feel more comfortable after that I told Mr Bale about the fire deer and what he said about his boss and my kind he sounds

Oddly familiar to what your dream was maybe you should go and find out if the dream was real or not good luck photo that’s a great idea Mr Bell I gathered supplies and prepared to leave but before I left I wanted to make sure the base is protected while I was gone I

Dyed some of my sheep yellow and cheered their rule I then got started on what would be a giant golden Warden that way if any mobs came to my base they would know who owns it and not to mess with it on days 13 to 14 I went out traveling I

Came across biome after biome but I knew eventually that I would reach the Arctic biome and look at that there it was after a long journey I finally saw it the mountain from my dream this is where the dream took place as I made it to the

Top of the mountain I can make out the temple it was all real just then from a distance I saw the night King approaching his Tower oh no better hide before he spots me but it was too late where do you think you’re going go uh nowhere look while you can when the

Time is right everyone will live in darkness I won’t let that happen it was written to be my destiny you are the only one standing in my way and seeing I have nothing to worry about wiggling I’m not weak you’re the weak one I protect this world and I won’t let you

Hurt anyone I tried to use my Sonic Boom on him but he was able to dodge it the night King cast a spell on me and it threw me straight out of the Arctic biome on days 15 to 16 I landed in a jungle biome I was totally lost now I

Knew I had to make my way back to my base and get stronger otherwise the role was going to be doomed by the night King I started to make my journey out of the Jungle but I had this terrible feeling I was being followed by something I turned

Around and finally was able to make out a monster I’ve never seen before it was some sort of mutated plant the plant was able to summon spikes from the ground at all distances I did my best to avoid the spice while shooting back at him with my

Sonic Boom once I took some of his health down he started throwing razor sharp leaves and acid bombs at me well this guy was tough it took all my power to take him down but I was finally able to these mobs are getting tough I wonder

If this is the night King’s doing he weakened me quite a bit I needed to find food or I wasn’t gonna make it back to my base there was a group of cows and I thought about taking them out for food but I decided I would protect these mobs

And couldn’t I searched the jungle until I was able to find some melons I had a few of them and they were extremely good I collected more so when I returned to my base I can plant them and grow them on days 17 to 18 since I was still in

The jungle I decided I would collect some of the wood and add it to my base I really like the color of the wood and thought it would look great for an accent as I was wandering Through the Jungle I came across a parrot who looked

Like he needed help hey what’s going on with you you know where they are I can help you with that if you can help me afterwards sent me in a direction and I eventually found on the group of boar that had been attacking his family hey you need to

Stop attacking these parrots they weren’t much of talkers and charged directly at me I was able to empower them with my strength and Sonic Boom attack I returned to the parrot and asked if he’d be able to tell me which way the planes were so I can head home

He told me to follow him and brought me to a clearing he told me to go on my own from here I thanked him and invited him back to my base but he politely declined I respected his decision and headed off on days 19 to 20 I cross out of the

Jungle and made my way into a planes biome that felt more familiar to me I must be getting close to home I wasn’t far along when I heard a cry for hell I looked around but couldn’t see anyone so I just headed off towards the noises I

Came across a baby wither being attacked it looked like he was being attacked by an undead mob I knew I had a help jumped in and started a fight these monsters are getting tougher and tougher but no matter what I was able to defeat him with a few good few good shots hey

Little guy where’s your family I decided to take the Wither back to my base as he would be safer there when I returned home I quickly told Mr Bale that the night King was growing more powerful and I was gonna have to stop him I then built a tiny Hut for the baby

Wither to spend his time in while I searched for his parents after I decided to add some jungle logs and jungle planks to my base it looked a lot nicer I planted some melon seeds and brought water down and expanded my pool I decided to call it a day and got to

Sleep on days 21 to 23 I woke up and knew I needed to return the baby wither to his family I felt his pain of feeling alone in the world I asked him to describe the monster that had chased him away and I quickly realized he was

Describing the fire deer I knew he had to be stopped I left my cave and headed into the direction of the mountains while I was searching the fire deer appeared and approached me you’re a monster for what you’ve done to this world and these families I do is my boss

Commands the night King has asked me to find stronger mobs to join him with his were once strong but the no match for me I am the strongest mob and I’m way more powerful than the night King will ever be I will stop you from destroying this

World in time we will see But first you have to defeat this the fire deer summoned a hideous demon and vanished the demon attacked me and he hit extremely hard this was by far my hardest test yet luckily for me he was not that fast and I was able to avoid

Most of his attacks after a long battle I was able to finally bring him down whoa I had a hundred Hearts wow these mobs are getting stronger and stronger but so am I on days 24 to 26 I was further up the mountain until I saw a

Large bear charging at me I prepared myself for a fight but the bear wasn’t looking for one the bear told me that his family was messed with by the fire deer as well there’s a group of Withers live on this mountain I asked him if he could tell me where

They were the bear told me they lived on a higher Peak further into the biome I thanked him once again and gave him the coordinates to my base if he wanted to come back and live there I must have been traveling for a long time because

It was starting to get dark I spotted a cave and made my way inside for the night I found some iron and coal and was able to finish my set of iron armor now I’m big and protected my celebration didn’t last long because suddenly I was

Attacked by a group of creepers I kept them away with my Sonic Boom and I was able to take them out with ease I need to be more careful where I go this world is definitely dangerous on days 27 to 29 I left the cave that I’d spent the night

In and continued along my journey toward the withers home as I was traveling I came across a group of goats that looked stranded in the mountains they told me that there were evil mobs that were patrolling this area I gave them the coordinates to my base so they can

Travel there and be safe from these monsters I traveled further up the mound and finally I saw the monster that had been terrorizing the goats it was a massive creature that attacked me instantly there was no doubt that he was a minion of the fire deer he was tough

But my Powers had grown immensely and with my new armor I was taking such little damage I fought him off but what felt like an eternity finally I was able to take him down with the final sonic boom I reached the peak where the Bears said the withers lift there was no

Withers in sight suddenly I got hit by a Wither Skull wait no stop I found your baby you found my child where is he now he’s at my base safe and sound I came here looking for you to return him we were attacked by the fire deer he killed

My wife and separated me from my child don’t worry sorry I can take you to my base and return them to you we left together and started the journey back home on days 30 to 32 I returned home with the withers father I reunited the

Two and he thanked me for taking care of his kid before he left I asked him if he knew anything that would be able to help me defeat the night King The Legend of the night King was told to me as a child really I never knew he was real until

Now we might all be in trouble he told me that he was gonna turn this world into darkness do you know anything about that there is a legend of a witch who lives in a swamp not too far from here I believe she is the key for unlocking

Your ultimate power and defeating the night King I thank the weather for the information and asked him to stay but he didn’t want to since I was home I took the time to get all my new friends settled in I created a nice shelter for all the goats to live in

And I also decided to dig out a little bit of the cave area to give the Bears a nice home we definitely were way too big to live in a shelter like the other creatures don’t mention it guys finally I decided to make more progress on my golden

Warden statue it was really starting to take shape now on days 33 to 35 I set off in search of the witch’s Hut the journey began with me crossing a large desert on my way across the desert I saw a group of husks in the sunlight wow you

Guys are like zombies but can survive in the day They attacked me you guys are just like zombies I had to fight them off at this point they’re really no match for me and I was able to take him down easily why does everything in this world just want to attack me headed further into the

Desert and came across a desert temple I decided to loot it and found some diamonds I crafted them into a diamond sword and before I left I took the TNT from the temple this may come in handy later right outside the desert temple was a village and I started to make my

Way over until the sky changed colors and it became dark the night King appeared so I could attack the village I wanted to help but I was too far away by the time I arrived the night King was gone and everything had been destroyed I must stop this monster from hurting

Anyone else on days 36-38 I entered the swamp and began my search for The Witch’s Hut I wasn’t very far into the swamp when I was attacked by an undead mob it seems like everywhere I go I’m always under attack by some kind of Minion as a fire deer I fought him off

As best as I could one more good hit and down they went I feel like I’m ready to take on anything but I should find this witch to make sure of it after a little bit more traveling I made it to the witch’s Hut in the swamp hi my name is

Fozzo I was told that you might have the answers I need tell me to feed that night King the witch didn’t say a word she just stared at me and then threw a potion at me it started to poison me ow that hurt I quickly took her out well I

Hope that wasn’t the witch a slime from nearby overheard me talking to myself it came over I was told to find a good witch in The Swamp do you know where she is oh well thank you for the help I really appreciate it on days 39 to 41 I arrived

At the center of the swamp and before me stood a massive witch’s Hut that slime wasn’t kidding this is much better than the other place I ran inside the hut and called out for the witch hello are you here I heard no response so I decided to

Take a look around well maybe one of her chests is something that can help me as I started to search the chest the witch returned hey it’s not what you think the withers sent me here to see if you can help me defeat the night King ah yes

Bozo I was expecting you expecting me but how it is all part of the night King’s prophecy he will return and create Eternal Darkness over the world Bob with a heart of gold will defeat him I always wondered why I was the golden Warden I want to fulfill my destiny and

Save everyone where do I start start by collecting three spider eyes I’m on it I Venture down into the swamp so I can collect the spider ice I had to kill several of them until I finally was able to get all three that the witch had requested hear the spider eyes you

Wanted so now can you show me how to gain My ultimate power what no I just need these for a potion the real Quest will be much more difficult then why did you have me collect these travel to the Badlands and locate the temple there you

Will find the golden eye bring it to me and I will show you what you need to see on days 42-44 I returned home to my base I made you to drop off all the loot that I gathered the witch had mentioned the mission was going to be more difficult

So I took the time to go and find some diamonds I mined away for them and was able to find enough to craft some diamond boots and tools I was about to head back to my base when a group of skeletons attacked me there was no match

For me this point I took them down really upsetting that more mobs don’t feel the same way I do I returned home and gathered a lot of my crops since I had a long journey ahead I made sure to replant them so everyone else would have

Food while I was gone goodbye Mr Bale please take care of everyone while I’m gone on days 45 to 46 I was traveling on my way to the Badlands passing through a meadow when a flock of geese frantically approached me the geese told me that up ahead of monsters running wild and

Attacking more of them I know that the Badlands could wait I never walk away from helping a creature in need I set off further into the meadow to find this mob suddenly a fireball landed in front of me it was the creature the geese had talked to me about and he looked

Extremely powerful I did my best to dodge the Fireballs but he shot so many of them I used my Sonic Boom to attack him at range and knock any of the Fireballs that came my way I used more Sonic Boom and down he went no problem guys it’s just something I do

Why didn’t you come back home and live with me at my cave base I then continued on my journey toward the Badlands on days 47 to 50 I finally made it to the Badlands whoa there finally seems to be no mobs here that need to be saved I was just starting to

Admire the Terracotta when the fire deer showed up foso I figured I would find you here you again the monster responsible for so much destruction in this world what could you possibly want I was protecting my own angel in my way the fire deer charged at

Me he watched beams of light at me that dealt quite a bit of damage but I was much stronger than I was days ago I fought back against him attacking with my Sonic Boom and Diamond Sword this is not possible how did you become so powerful the deer seemed so weak so I

Charge at him to deliver the final blow the boss will need to hear about this he vanished no I almost had him I was so close to taking him out once and for all I started making my way deeper into the Badlands but I stopped to collect a lot

Of terracotta I knew that it would look great on my base and would be the perfect use of details on my statue the only thing I’ll need is some black dye on days 51-53 I arrived at the temple in the Badlands it was enormous I entered

In the temple it can quickly sense I was not alone a group of the undead attacked me they were tough in numbers but at this point I was feeling Invincible having nearly defeated the fire deer I bought them off at e since my Sonic Boom was an incredible ranged attack they

Stood no chance I looked all over the temple but was unable to find the golden eye I did find several chests though they had some gold and other nice loot in them I think this gold is gonna to look great on my base as an accent

Finally I found it sitting in the last room the golden eye that is definitely what the witch asked me to find I grabbed it quickly and prepared for a trap huh I guess that only really does happen in the movies I made my way out of the temple and back across the

Badlands I stopped along the coast to find squid for my black dye I wasn’t able to find any of them I went into the water and searched everywhere huh where are they all at soon I was attacked by a giant squid the giant squid grabbed me and pulled me everywhere under the water

But I was able to overpower it with my sword and Sonic Boom take that as he was slain he dropped tons of ink sacks this is gonna be perfect for the details on my statue on days 54-56 I returned to my base I decided to make my doorway out of

Gold blocks I found in the temple next I decided to take the time to add some of the undyed Terracotta to it sweet this is definitely my kind of vibe before I head off to the witch’s Hut I figured it was best to find some more diamonds and

Craft a full set of diamond armor I spent some time in the caves and was able to find enough diamonds to finish my set of armor nice now this is what I’m talking about when I return under my base there was an undead fire mob attacking it there was fire everywhere

Hey what are you doing get out of here I jumped into action and with my new shiny armor and overpowered abilities he was no match for me at all I quickly repaired the animal shelters that have been destroyed and then started working on my statue it was turning out great I

Mean look at it I added some of the new blocks I got to give the nice details on it wow it really starting to look like me I wouldn’t want to mess with this base that’s for sure on days 57-59 I was traveling to the witch’s Hut when I saw

A group of pillagers standing around a poor cow hey you big bullies leave them alone I shot my Sonic Boom next to them I took out almost all of them the last one went running for the hills I ran up to the cow and asked him if he was all right

Well I know just the place for you then I gave him the coordinates for my base and told him to bring himself and his family back there I’ll protect him he thanked me and I carried on to the witch’s Hut I arrived there and I gave

Her the golden eye she told me the only thing she needed was some obsidian but she was too afraid of the caves to get it herself I headed down into the caves and started to mine some of the obsidian for her when I finished collecting as

Much as she needed I started to head out on my way out I encountered a huge wave of the undead demons they attacked me in numbers but that was their mistake I had full diamond armor so I took almost no damage from them one sonic boom and down

They went I returned to the witch’s Hut and gave her the obsidian she needed okay I’ll hold still this will only hurt a little bit hey well what are you doing ah I then started to feel really woozy and I blacked out on days 60 to 62 I

Woke up where am I I was in an area I’ve never seen before and standing in front of me was a giant hand with an eye in it uh hello how do you know my name You gave me my sight why you are the golden one sealed so that you can live out your destiny so the Legends are true then everything that I’ve heard up to this point the prophecy all of it it’s true choice is up to you I want to save the

World but I’m not sure what to do the hand offered to train me he told me that he would teach me everything that I needed to know in his first wave of training he sent a bunch of flying eyeballs around me oh God I wasn’t expecting a fight I went in and fought

Them they were strong but I was Stronger I had to think about my mom I had to do this for her in the bad mind I took them out but now you are ready for the final test final test what’s that before I can say anything he turned into a fist and

Lunged at me and let out a huge explosion wow he was incredibly powerful and his hits did a ton of damage I used my Sonic Boom ability on him but I had to hit him in the eye directory he then started shooting a laser at me it caused

Some serious damage when he charged me I landed a nice strike right on his eye he suddenly stopped in a flash of light I was granted another 50 hearts in order to defeat on days 63-65 I woke up in the witch’s Hut I told her about

My journey and what I’d seen I asked her if she had any idea where I could find one of those items at the hand had talked about of course I heard the sword he is speaking of is in the tundra sword wow that would be so sweet to have my own

Very ancient sword I think the Witch and head off towards my base when I returned home I was feeling on top of the world first thing I decided to do was add rooms for the cows who had come back to my base I built them a nice little

Enclosure then I worked on Mr Bell’s room and expanded it more for him ah thanks foso I love it you’re the best no problem Mr Bale you’ve been such a good company this entire Adventure finally I collected more food as I knew I was gonna have a long journey ahead of me on

Days 66 to 68 I journeyed into the tundra a few steps into it a stray jumped out ready to attack me he ran away incredibly fast guess being this strong has its perks now nothing really wants to mess with me my victory was short-lived and he definitely wanted

To mess with me I heard you almost prepared to die I knew the hand and witch told me I needed the ancient items to defeat him but I felt so powerful already I started to fight him with everything I had including my Sonic Boom the night King was barely phased by my attacks

Pathetic golden Warden none of this can even harm me soon they will no longer exist and the world will be overrun by my knees you will all be destroyed I realized I was in over my head and I was quickly losing Hearts I ran as fast as I

Could hoping to lose him in the snow I finally thought I lost him when I ran into a polar bear uh hello Mr bear I’m really not in the mood to fight do you know an ice temple close by I need to retrieve something from it foreign

Thank you uh have a great day I then continued on my journey North on days 69-71 I made it to the ice temple it was a massive structure in the middle of the tundra I ran inside and began a search for the sword that the witch spoke of

While inside I encountered an undead mob and had the battle the creature was fierce but not as Fierce as what I had fought he fired projectiles at me that were easy to dodge but if they hit me they did a ton of damage I was able to

Overpower him but my Sonic Boom and Diamond Sword I continued my search for the ancient sword making sure to loot the chest that I found inside as well inside the chests were more golden blocks finally I found it the ancient Warden sword wow look at this thing I

Couldn’t wait to use it on the night King but I knew I had to collect the other items first I traveled back to my base and showed off my sword of Mr Bale looks sweet falls out thanks buddy on days 72-74 I woke up and went to talk to

Mr Bale but I was unable to find him I searched all over the base where could he have gone I asked one of the sheep if he had seen him I quickly rushed outside and saw the area totally on fire Mr Bale was in the

Center of the Flames oh no Mr Bale I’m coming I try to get to him but before I could a blaze attacked him and killed him no Mr Bale how could he do that to such a kind creature you monster I Fought The Blaze off and took him down

What was this guy doing in the Overworld the night King’s power has to be getting stronger I’m more in the loss of my friend I returned to the base and decided to create a small straw Golem monument in his honor he deserved it Mr Bale I’m never gonna forget you you’re

The one that taught me to be selfless on days 75 to 77 I was still feeling very down about the loss of my friend to clear my head I decided to work on my base I added the golden blocks that I found in the temples this really helped

Create a nice golden feel I then upgraded the shelters for all the animals so they would feel more at home despite living in the cave after I was finished with the base one of the cows approached me I quickly gathered some of my things and

Set off on a journey I wanted to make sure I Avenged Mr bale as I entered the Dark Forest I was attacked by more on oh my gosh what are these things and why are they spinning this fast I fought them off and took them down wow that was

Weird I then wandered farther into the forest to find his base on days 78 to 80 I reached the fire deer’s base it was a spooky structure but I Was Not Afraid of Anything now that I had required my Warden sword I entered and confronted the fire deer in the main room you’ll

Pay for what you’ve done you know that especially for taking Mr Bale oh fuzzo you have no idea what I’m capable of I will take all your friends and you the fire deer charged at me I had to jump out of the way to avoid him it is my

Destiny to save this world it is your destiny to die he shot his beans of light at me which dealt some serious damage but I had way too much strength for him to take down I use my Sonic Boom to hit him at range and then when he

Charged I would use my ward and sort of fight him the fire deer Was Defeated I did it that is for Mr Bale since I was here I decided to loot his chest and take whatever supplies I could find most of it was junk but then I found it the

Warden Shield this must be why he was attacking the warnings and was in the ancient city all those days ago he knew if I found these items I would become too powerful for him or his boss to handle but guess what I found it on days

81-85 I made my journey to the witch’s Hut in hopes she knew where I could find the final item along the way I was attacked by a group of fair wolves they actually hurt quite a bit oh no the night King is spreading his power and these mobs are getting stronger I

Defeated them but I knew that I had to defeat the night King soon otherwise I’m not gonna last much longer I arrived at the witch’s Hut and I told her about the shield and asked her if she knew where I can find the final item of course I know

Where the last item is look you found the shield all by yourself I could have told you where that was as well why wouldn’t you told me that when I asked well you asked if I knew where one of the items was I told you where to find

One a switches are very literal oh brother can you just tell me where to find the final item then my last item is on the far away Island you’ll know when you reach it by the mushrooms I think the witch despite her games and crafted myself a boat to start making my journey

Towards the Mushroom Island on days 86 to 90 I arrived at the mushroom biome I’d never seen anything like this before and it was just filled with giant mushrooms and mushroom cows I decided it would be best to ask one of the mushrooms if they knew where to find the item I think the cow and headed toward the other Island when I arrived I was attacked by a massive mob he seemed to have a lot of health and dealt a lot of damage uh Warden I have been teaching for this day for quite some time I use

My Sonic to weaken him and even blocked his attacks with my new Warden Shield once he was weakened I charged at him with my sword and delivered the final blow I entered his cave and opened the chest and hoped that he had what I was looking for and he did an ancient Warden

Bow now I had everything I needed to defeat the night King I went outside and saw it was getting darker this was the perfect time to test out my bow I started fighting the skeletons and zombies that had spawned on the island protecting the mushrooms wow this bow is

Really overpowered on days 91 and 94 I returned to my base to prepare for what would hopefully be my final confrontation with the night King but when I arrived my base was under attack by all kinds of monsters there are so many of them and they were destroying my

Home and killing my friends I had worked so hard to save them I started to try and lure them away from my friends as best as I could I shot arrows at them to make them focus on me when they were within range I used both my Sonic Boom

And Warden sword to deliver the final blows I went into my base to make sure everyone was all right the bass was in Ruins and I knew that this had to be an attack by the night King to scare me off most of my friends managed to survive

The fight but all the deers had been killed I knew these attacks were not going to stop unless I took out that King I spent the rest of the days building back my base along with the shelters for the animals on days 95 to 98 I went into my Minds one last time

And collected as much iron and diamonds as I could I knew in the next few days I was gonna have to fight the night King and in case the base was attacked I needed my friends to be prepared to fight back as well I realized that my

Weapons were powerful I also knew that I needed to make some enchants I didn’t have the materials for a bookshelf so I went to a village and asked the Villager if he would want to trade he told me that he would let me take all of his

Bookshelves if I gave him 64 emeralds 64 emeralds what a rip off I guess I’m gonna have to set off to the mines it took me a while but I was able to make the trade and the Villager was happy I took my bookshelves and headed home I

Took the iron and diamonds and crafted as many pieces of armor and swords as I could I set up my enchantment table and enchances all the items that the lapis I’d found on day nine I then went around all my friends and gave them the armor and swords finally I said goodbye to

Each of them and told them I’d return once I defeated the night King goodbye everyone I’ll miss you all on day 99 I was waiting for the sunrise but it’s not coming up I journeyed back into the Arctic where I originally found the night King’s Tower I was more

Prepared than ever to fight him I could feel my power had grown so strong and now that I had my ancient Warden weapons there was nothing he could do to stop me when I arrived at the base of this Temple I saw that there were Strays

Guarding the tower there were so many of them I began to fight all of them they were so strong I had to use all my weapons to make my way to the top this was already a challenge enough I couldn’t imagine getting to the actual

Night King as I was close to the top I was attacked by Ice demons they were so much stronger than the Straits I had to pull out my bow there we go that’s much better night King here I come on day 100 I reached the top of the night King’s

Temple and confronted him your Reign ends here now night King I’m more powerful than you will ever be and look at that I used my powers for good you seem to have some fancy new toys but you still are no match for my true power there’s nothing that’s gonna stop me

And now it’s time you die luckily I was able to block of his attacks with my shield this is not possible I am the strongest mob I could sense he knew he was outmatched so I focused my attacks on him and started to drain his health

My boat did massive damage to him and he was growing weaker and weaker no no I cannot be stopped this is for my mom I delivered the final hit to him with my bow and look at that it’s back to daytime I saved the world

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days As A LAVA WARDEN In Hardcore Minecraft: *Full Story*’, was uploaded by FoZo Movies on 2022-11-25 21:00:04. It has garnered 343017 views and 2938 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:09 or 4509 seconds.

Thanks for watching: I Survived 1000 Days As A LAVA WARDEN: Full Story


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  • Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge

    Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft: A High-End Adventure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join the fun as players dive into a virtual realm filled with endless possibilities and challenges. Let’s explore some of the exciting elements that make Minecraft a truly unique gaming experience. Unleash Your Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox-style gameplay, allowing players to build and create to their heart’s content. From crafting intricate structures to designing elaborate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a vast array of blocks and items… Read More

  • Discover Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Today we want to talk about the amazing experience of crossing an ocean by boat in Minecraft. If you’ve ever watched a video like the one by Neutral_Mob where they showcase this incredible feat, you know just how exhilarating it can be. But imagine taking that experience to the next level on a server like Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft experience like no other. From surviving the elements to building epic structures, there’s always something exciting to do on Minewind. So why not join us today? Dive… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Watch WildWestDan Cause Chaos Driving into Things!

    Unbelievable! Watch WildWestDan Cause Chaos Driving into Things!Video Information [Music] in [Music] creeper oh man you’ll speak when spoken to [Music] e [Music] what [Music] [Music] 1 2 3 [Music] 4 welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re going to have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and dance and the man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the hokiest joest cow booy on the [Music] internet welcome welcome come on take a peek join the party where the dad jokes aren’t… Read More

  • Ultimate Trap Escape Secrets Revealed

    Ultimate Trap Escape Secrets RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft How to Escape Traps at Different Ages 🧐🔥 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-01-17 06:35:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft How to Escape Traps at Different Ages | #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wither Time Stop with CowMan! #clickbait

    Ultimate Minecraft Wither Time Stop with CowMan! #clickbaitVideo Information oh my God [Music] no [Music] oh my God no Fu away This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wither Stop Time ! #minecraft #stop’, was uploaded by CowMan on 2024-01-14 14:08:09. It has garnered 7060 views and 338 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Minecraft Wither Stop Time ! #minecraft #stop Read More

  • Unleash Chaos with AtlasFix3d’s Build Battles .EXE!

    Unleash Chaos with AtlasFix3d's Build Battles .EXE!Video Information [Music] go it’s great having you here saw some P there don’t don’t do it to me I than you no [Music] woohoo woohoo woo [Music] [Music] PA [Music] a [Music] [Music] what is [Music] that wow [Music] a [Music] This video, titled ‘Build Battles .EXE.’, was uploaded by AtlasFix3d on 2024-04-20 09:17:12. It has garnered 84 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. Tnx For Liking #buildbattle #memes #minecraft Read More

  • INSANE Real Life Minecraft vs. Gaming Challenge!

    INSANE Real Life Minecraft vs. Gaming Challenge!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft Vs Real Life’, was uploaded by HEADSHAKE GAMING on 2024-03-02 06:00:25. It has garnered 1569 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hello Everyone and Welcome Back to HEADSHAKE GAMING… This video follows all Youtube policies and completely harmless all afford in this video is pure. Some of the content clips in this video is used under YouTube fair use license Credit video: If you… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT MADNESS WITH TIM_13Video Information e hello hello hello I’m trying to speak can everybody hear me I think I mean sang obos can hear me so I guess everyone can hear me let’s go come on COD all right I think everything’s working uh let me just get Minecraft open actually I’m go L VC than on soon all that’s fine you don’t even have to hop on if you don’t want hoplight hoplight I haven’t played in a really long time I wonder what hoplight looks like with shaders uh okay there we go okay first off I got to fix… Read More