FREE MINECRAFT GIVEAWAY!! Wild Goat plays Hive Minigame

Video Information

Hey there everybody this is wild go here from The Adventures of wild goat and I’ve got Minnie hello who I was like I’m opening your microphone are you ready are you ready here we go and she’s like no how you guys doing oh I need to be over here

Happy happy thankful Thursday today’s Thursday I didn’t live stream on Monday because you know Christmas and all that and then I wanted to live stream more this week but then I got to like you know sleeping and eating and sleeping and reading and sleeping and did I mention

Sleeping um yeah so it was a lot of sleeping so I didn’t live stream this week I was very tired I needed all of that rest I needed it all right is this working is this working what is this over here too New Year’s yeah the New Year celebration

Sale continues who is missing um evil underground lab in the minions uh the minion Sidekicks okay unicorns oh okay that’s all about the minions today well guess what I’m giving away guess what I’m going to be giving away one of those Maps or two or three I

Don’t know whatever we feel like doing tonight we’re going to be giving away Maps tonight lots and lots of them okay what am I doing over here somebody please tell me okay this I think this is what I’m doing I am just so like not with it hey Rowan

Rowan is the first one here and that’s not working why is that not working oh I know why sorry I recorded videos so I turned things off there we go Rowan welcome to the live stream Georgia might still be here I’m not sure Julius John is here happy Thursday real team foxy NE

Is here we are doing lots of giveaways tonight oh the hype is on the screen I think I saw that Bobby um membered got a new membership to the live stream to the channel to the to this place right here which is awesome I love the little eyeballs floating around this this is

This is amazing what is going on sounds awesome can’t wait how many giveaways more than you can count on one hand more than you can count on one hand you like the pause there more than you can count on one hand it took a minute Haley is

Here with all of the little buddy stuff oh my goodness Haley has more little buddy stuff than I think we do honestly I’m not sure I think we have more but I’m not 100% positive anymore miles thank you so much for hashtagging Bobby real Cindy hyper is here I’m choking

Gamer blue Taco is here Master is here Alice is here welcome to the live stream happy Thursday you guys Happy be thankful Thursday what are you thankful for would you get for Christmas Turtle goat ooh Turtle it’s sitting right over here it’s awesome love it so much okay

So Turtle gave us squish M’s clue and we have played it every day since we’ve opened it I’m thankful for that gift um we’re going to do a little video on it to kind of review the game and show people about it because not a lot of

People have squish M’s clue it is I’m not sure why I know it is like the best clue ever it’s got all these little bonus features and who doesn’t love Winston I absolutely want to find out who stole Winston’s macaroni and cheese and get it back to him every time Zara

Is here welcome to the live stream Zara happy Thursday it’s so good to see you I’m going down the list fuzzy is here oh is there a Tio hold up is is Tio here did Tio raid wait was Tio live streaming Tio are you here Oliver is here welcome

To the Liv stream there’s Tio I am so sorry it took me forever to get to this point if anybody is still here with Tio it’s so good to see you Tio anybody was anybody does anybody know was Tio live streaming um did he come over with a

Raid did you guys did anybody say welcome Raider claim your rewards you’re right I absolutely need to do that uh I don’t know who Joel is but Joel is neat I don’t know if you guys can see that uh you have to go to the marketplace and then all of your gifts

Up here here oh have I claimed anything guys I haven’t claimed anything oh dear I don’t know what that’s going to show up on the screen that scared me nothing nothing everything’s fine you should get all your stuff you should just get all your stuff look at

All this stuff you can get I’ll come back and get it all later the first one this is awesome oh you can get a light Fury wings and tail then too Taylor’s all excited welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you hey yes oh Kelsey’s

Fun fidget Wonderland is here welcome to the live stream yeah I’m super excited you still haven’t set up your Minecraft account well you might be able to get some Minecraft games to go with your Minecraft account tonight Winston yes I don’t have a Winston I have a couple Winston’s back

There but I don’t want to pull them out of the display it’ll knock everything down you’re thankful for for the the FAS and family me too me too um I think we’re okay right now I haven’t seen anybody has somebody shown up has somebody shown up banana welcome

To the live stream it’s good to see you I’m thankful for my friends here I’m thankful for my family the last few days of just hanging out with them playing board games watching movies resting reading books mostly sleeping yeah all of us have been taking naps and just sleeping it’s been

Awesome you got the shy guy plush Ultra wide monitor Spider-Man pajamas pants and Hunter wow Rowan you got a bunch of stuff nice we were doing fortnite except for the fact that fortnite was down so we played I couldn’t get into fortnite earlier today either fuzzy I couldn’t

And I was super upset about that I wanted to um go and do some quests and get some stuff done said nope nope absolutely not speaking of quests by the way Minnie I need to uh in squish mods on Roblox I need to trade somebody five

Times so I I need to give you some pets notice it says trade and I’m like I just need to give you something whatever whatever you need mini just let me know we’ll get that done I need to claim that reward over there too make sure you claim your

Rewards absolutely everybody make sure you claim all of these awesome things there are so many is that a Viking hat it’s stoic helmet oh my goodness that is awesome hiccups tunic we get a dress I can’t put the light fairy wigs and hat on my skin you can have a minion

Eye no you can’t put it on your own skin but you can kind of put one on something similar kind of have to find clothes outfits that are similar fluffy Unicorn this is great this is so great I love it I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too everybody streaming fortnite on here my second Channel you know what I need that I need uh need input what was that whoa my screen just blew up what just

Happened to my my screen that’s probably no why didn’t I get a notification for that though Tio I wasn’t paying attention I did get a notification never mind I wasn’t paying attention was probably trying to get set up for the live stream um I need

To snag that channel and post it in the chat please let me go no it won’t okay moderators I have an issue in my studio chat it will not let me go to the channels if somebody could get me Tio’s second channel uh link so that I could

Post it or just post it in the chat for me please I would love that I would appreciate that you love the hat I did too it was a great hat yes that is Tio’s first main Channel if you did that coat you know what that bot’s not on oh I’m

I’m batting a thousand [Laughter] here I am doing great today’s gift fors a unicorn that you can ride I see this I see this right now you got a squish ball for Christmas that is awesome awesome you’re thankful for the new year it took

Me an hour to fix the server cuz most of the Epic is on break took them an hour to fix the server I was going to say fuzzy how’d you fix it oh my goodness that is absolutely insane that is just crazy thank you banana for the $2 donation I appreciate that yes

Someone said Yeti and I need to go back and do some hashtags you shared the stream Cindy I did too I already shared it I just sent it out yeah yeah there it is thank you so much it is in the chat right now if you guys want to go

Subscribe to Tio’s lovely second Channel and it is going to be um obviously fortnite and stuff like that so that’s great thank you thank you thank you fuzzy got it please don’t play something I’m like no no no no no hold on please please don’t don’t play that

Okay we’re good is that good is that good hey what was that what did somebody else I just got to here I have to turn off all this other stuff there it is we need to we need to subscribe over there that’s a good Channel and I’m so sorry

That I uh missed that notification and what just happened a banana became a member a banana just a banana okay I’m going to scroll down if I miss somebody say hello in chat again there’s Mr King awesome welcome to the Liv stream there getting

To be so much more of you and not enough of me to go around here whoopsies whoopsies I’m thankful for my family and Minecraft and just to be alive that is nothing bad about being thankful about being alive that is absolutely totally fine getting up and

Out of the bed in the morning thankful every day yep it’s Luna nice welcome to the live stream okay I need to hashtag Bobby because Bobby renewed membership on a new account I believe and I need to hashtag uh banana hold on what is your name it’s

Not oh it’s the banana the banana not just any banana it’s the banana kind of like I’m the real wild goat you know thank you so much for that I really appreciate that that was for the donation and the new membership right there all the spam in the chat it’s from

Me you also got a record player for Christmas that’s awesome hey Luke the one the Luke one Luke the anyways Welcome to the stream it’s good to see you happy thankful Thursday oh the hype’s on the screen again why won’t this show hold on a second I want this

To is this gonna is this going to make this click over what it didn’t no it won’t it won’t click over all right I got to change my outfit hold on CU now I’m in something odd as oh where’s my character oh that’s a good one I forgot about that

One um there it is there we go okay just had to mess with that there we go so um you know what I should just drop something in the chat right now is that a Christmas Winston that is not a Christmas Winston I have that exact same Winston Nev I have the exact

Same one sitting back there that’s a Halloween Winston it’s so cute but I have the exact same one yep totally do okay is this everything over here am I all good everything’s all set up yeah okay I got it I got it you deal with it

Deal with it deal with it I don’t know which side so I want to make sure deal deal with it okay perfect perfect okay I’m just just going to push that over there so it doesn’t accidentally get in the screen cuteness overload Winston is the absolute best I agree all right

Which okay I’m going to have you guys vote and I I can’t show you this because you know it’ll show you codes and I don’t want to put them all on the screen at this point in time so don’t try that with me anyways I have the codes set up

As 1 2 and three on a spreadsheet and so you’re going to vote one two or three nobody’s going to know which one it is but you’re just going to vote that and then that’s the one that I’m going to give away first how’s that your golden retriever fell asleep a

Cute puppy we are going to play on The Hive while I’m doing some of these giveaways the luk one I’m doing pretty good it’s been nice to be able to get some rest to relax to hang out with family um play games that’s been awesome I have very much so missed

Playing games I can’t tell you guys how much I have missed being home to play games four Georgia Flex I actually do have a four a fourth spot but I didn’t put that on the voting it’s it’s not it’s not there and also just so that I can get kind of a

Rough poll how many people don’t actually have Minecraft in the live stream right now that would really like Minecraft Bedrock what we’re playing right now so long 2023 and hello 2024 I’m going to mess that up H where am I going to have to write that the first time I might need to

Start practicing writing 2024 now oh my goodness I don’t even know why is it not showing I don’t know sometimes the hive does that sometimes ooh look at this I got mail buy endel plush get Ender wings that endel plush where is it is there a picture still out

There it is it is adorable it is just the cutest thing ever I think it’s adorable you have a new account nice I don’t have Minecraft Oliver you don’t H Oliver we might have to to have a conversation where you get Minecraft friend me on the hive for real I thought

I already did Georgia have you sent me a friend request that’s an invite that is not a friend request pretty sure we’re already friends no I don’t have a friend request from you oh let me get that one hold still wow the chat just keeps bouncing around

Like crazy look at you you look like ice cream with with a cherry what are you waiting for it didn’t show up right on your uh add a friend typing this in submit what didn’t show up my skin didn’t show up correctly oh dear you look

Fine I wasn’t supposed to be this I was something else you can still change there’s a dressing room you hit click Escape did it work now no I still see you you’re like what who is firing off all the Snowballs over there do you guys see that there’s

Like this Ark going through over there who was throwing all those don’t now still you let me let me let me try this gave your brother mac and cheese gummies for Christmas and he didn’t like it oh do they taste like macaroni and cheese oh you unfriended me Georgia got

It got it send me in new request and uh I can refriend you oh well never mind you sent me one right there I’ll get it I’ll get it I’ll get it hold up why’ you unfriend rude oh I don’t like it when it does

That there you go uh may need to relog oh yeah Alpha’s right you may need to re uh join the server to get it to work where are you where are you where are you are you a fox with bunny ears is this you yeah that’s not what I’m supposed to look

Like you’re a fox with bunny ears hey whiz and Alpha how you doing what happened did it break it’s not working I give up how about I get you in the party Minnie hold on uh invite players invite a friend where you at Minnie hi you’re throwing the Snowballs wait where is

That outfit from is that the is that the quest outfit oh my goodness I thought it was a duck no it’s a snowman snowman I thought it was a d it is not the quest outfit now I’m slightly confused don’t do that I’m fine with murder mystery the quest outfit is a

Little ducky where’s the quest so it is a duck but not this one this is a snowman but where’s the where’s the quest who’s the one with bunny ears that’s Minnie that’s that’s Minnie over there sitting on the other side of the room from me oh what are we supposed to

Be giving away guys I never finished the Christmas or the birthday Quest oh my goodness perfect tie how exactly did you guys do that okay I can go with that you gave them he didn’t like it POG Taylor yes uh do they actually I asked

This once maybe you didn’t hear it do I need to type it in chat anyways do they actually taste like macaroni and cheese cuz I often wonder those gummies that are like cheeseburgers and macaroni and cheese or Ramen noodles or whatever do they actually taste like those items or are

They sweet like something else I hope they are I I don’t know it just seems weird Sarge welcome to the live stream yes Cindy they’re all tied we can handle this it is totally fine all right so the first thing I’m going to drop into chat what’s that is the quest Master

Christmas Quest still there to accept Christmas Quest yeah I don’t have a Christmas Quest she said there’s a Christmas quest for a skin I did to get a duck I didn’t say anything about a Christmas Quest I thought you said a Christmas Quest no I

Went to go check my quest to see if it was the Christmas if the outfit for that snowman was with the quest Master sorry see when you said that I thought there was a quest with the quest master and I was like where is it is there a quest

For that skin or how is that skin what is the thing we’re all confused now Sarge nice congrat ulations on your outfit read the last two messages for the costume Master scrolling you also get a blizzard buddy Hub title and it ends soon probably okay um Master no this is a festive

Friends event find the 10 snowman’s in the hub and fill them with snowballs to get the costume well guess what we’re doing tonight everybody you’ve been better you’re on serious pain meds and an absolute a alpha feel better soon okay so let me Focus for like 10 seconds here people this is

Crazy first of all I just posted in the chat where you need to go to redeem the codes for the maps and the dlc’s okay everybody got that okay so now what we’re going to do I was only going to do one but you know since everybody’s so

Weird about it we’re going to go ahead and do all three [Laughter] so here’s one hey Ethan welcome to the live stream happy Thursday it’s good to see you yeah I’m going to drop him in chat but I’m also going to give some away later so don’t panic these aren’t the only DLCs

That I’m going to be giving away tonight but the first one you guys ready here it goes I’m going to hit enter there’s one everybody’s typing fast now here’s another one you guys ready here’s another one typy type type you better get moving if you want that

And the last one cuz you wanted all three so we just did all three everybody is furiously typing at this point in time by the way that was the minions DLC sorry I just said minions but it’s Minion’s DLC um it’s mine there it is yeah Minnie already got

It there we go all right so back to our previously scheduled live stream I’ll be giving away more DLCs and the actual Minecraft game later on so stick around you’re playing Yeti Valley nice people think that it would be from Pokemon I have no idea Sarge I have no idea on that

Okay we’re all covered on that one we’re all good to go okay we’re good we’re good so where do we find said snowman’s what do snowman’s look like I don’t know I ran off to go look for one why did you run away uh do we have to do we have to

Start the quest somewhere or do we just run around and look at I found where you get snowballs hi weird piles of snow okay I found a snowman people with went to the quest Hub I know what they look like okay okay going back to spawn I’m coming to get

You okay Minnie needs to do this with me you got the Jurassic one Mr King awesome congratulations back to spawn sorry accidentally hey Merry Christmas Porgy how you doing it’s your birthday hold up everybody we’re now thoroughly interrupted again where’s it at is that it happy birthday Porgy everybody tell

Porgy happy birthday in the chat happy birthday snowman I needed do too get on here Taco get on here okay Minnie we are watching you and we’re going this way we need to go back to spawn like almost every single time to be able to find these things easier uh-oh she’s

Quiet what and she’s there we go I’m just Focus she’s quiet and she’s running somebody’s throwing snow somebody oh is this a snowball this is a snowman I got one Mr King don’t stand on it you’ll block it from everyone else okay what do I do do I

Just do I smack it do I right click it what do I do but can you not do it anymore is it not working what did we do wrong you just had a cupcake awesome oh Emerald Emerald I just called Alpha Emerald because his middle um is Emperor I was

Wondering welcome welcome everybody to the live stream where I mess up everybody’s names so Alpha thank you for the donation oh I’m so good at everything I do so what do we do this this isn’t working besides the fact that I can’t live stream you know happy [Laughter]

Birthday so do we have to go and claim it start it somewhere I’m feeling like we have to like start the quest somewhere okay here we go we’re taking it back to spawn I’m on the train I’ll see y’all there okay Alpha thank you so much you have to

Claim the quest first all right I’m going back where do you claim the quest probably with the quest Master with the quest master that means I have to give up my birthday quest uh what do you have to get done on your birthday Quest hold on let me see cancel

Cancel and I don’t see it I don’t see the new Quest come to spawn oh Master says no come to spawn okay I see the Snowman that looks like a duck Oh Oh I thought this was another character you have to come and talk to all right everybody who has the Snowman

Outfit just line up next to him I honestly thought thought that that was a character I thought that was somebody yeah bake a cake for you okay Porgy absolutely thank you so much master I appreciate your patience we should do some custom death runs we should oh yeah

It’s working so much better now thank you turtle thank you turtle thank you real team foxy everybody’s trying to help me except the quest okay so now I’m going to run this way where Minnie ran the last time time I believe I went this way Taco would you have figured it out

Huh oh wait then I need to go this way sorry Mr King looked at me like why’d you go that way and I was like cuz I got confused okay there’s presents on this ship can you open them Galaxy welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you

Okay I’m going to pick up some of these no you can’t that’s okay I’ve got them and now yes [Laughter] works oh that is awesome and amazing at this point I should just be named nameless because I have so many names no no no no no I’ve told my kids um I won’t

Say the name out loud because yeah but I can actually put all of their names into one name and I told them I was like I should have had just one more kid and just Nam them that so it’s everybody’s name into one and then wouldn’t matter

Who I was calling it would work right everybody has to follow oh I’m so bad with names I am absolutely miserable hi I am so sorry too that I’m this bad at these games all right so we got the first one he’s right there hopefully everybody can find him mini I

Found another one should I go back to spawn I have no idea where I’m at okay so I shouldn’t go back to spawn I am next to a village I see the lighthouse you got three free cakes from work today that is awesome hi fuzzy why are you throwing them all at

Me guys shouldn’t throw them at me I should go get more and then I should go find another one do you know where the lighthouse is I have no idea where that Lighthouse is can I pick up more I can’t pass the ships do you know where the ships are ships ships

No no I don’t are they down there further I’m not sure oh W Alpha what are you doing oh my goodness people got membership on the channel oh Abby Abby got membership Porgy merry Christmas happy birthday Georgia whiz and Ethan you guys I am going to be

Hosting a uh members live stream is it before the end of the year before the end of the year yes I actually am going to get that in [Laughter] there oh my goodness what have you done to my screen I’m right in front of you where where where in front of

You like you turned I was like oh hi this way a Alice it’s going to be a members live stream yes I will have one and I’ll be doing giveaways there too all sorts of different kinds because words and reasons reasons and words I can actually do this yay Minnie

Wait for me I’m looking for the next one I know but I’m going to lose you and then I’m not going to be able to find these where’d she go Georgia okay I was going to say did you see her run fuzzy there’s more snowballs like everywhere

Oh fuzzy had two there’s some right there they’re like everywhere a member hangout no memb live stream not a members hangout a member’s live stream I see you up there Minnie okay you’re not up there anymore I’m not seeing any so are we just follow on the

Railroad track is that the thing kind of cuz I’ve noticed they’ve been around it okay is it tomorrow no it is not tomorrow tomorrow is my Roblox live stream just like usual I just didn’t get a chance to live live stream um uh Minecraft this week earlier so I

Wanted to do that did anybody get the minions and how to train a dragon map I will have to go and check those codes later wait Minnie where’d you go we’re still on the oh okay Turtle found one up here I think oh okay cool here we go um I got

The oh it fits nice Taylor congratulations Merry Christmas I’m so glad you got what you wanted for Christmas someone got the minions code nice Cindy did you want the minions [Laughter] code is Swaggy here now so long as swaggy doesn’t show up we should be okay

Otherwise Dono Wars might ensue no no no they don’t they don’t need to swaggy doesn’t have the best internet back at um he’s he’s home for the holidays and he doesn’t doesn’t always have the best and most reliable internet there so he is probably not going to be able to show up

Possibly too bad YouTube mobile doesn’t want to copy and paste did you guys see this one right here yeah okay cuz I didn’t do that one I just did it there’s one at the campsite I have three I have three and I believe that Master probably knows where

All of them are and he’s probably like getting very frustrated and wanting to show us where all of them are but we’re like running like crazy people well I don’t know where he is he was just back there oh looking at us forlornly as a as a snowman Do you know

Where one is that’s not is that is that not foxy oh okay your power went out yesterday Oliver bummer we had a power outage around us did you know that oh yeah our power was fine because we run on a a different company than everybody else does because of where we

Are um we’re out in the middle of nowhere I want to go right you know it’s a thing but um yeah how many of you found three campsite Shipyard and that first one I don’t remember where it was the town kind of it’s in the town kind of you lost the

Pack no I wish that we could like teleport to each other but if we stop running we’re going to get confused of the places that that we’ve cleared and I’m also going to lose Minnie and Minnie is going to be like I don’t know where I am I’m lost I feel

Like they should be around where um those snow piles are but they’re not somebody’s throwing snowballs at us I don’t know if that means that they have found one or just what and I also think that we should possibly have some in the castle like the courtyard and

Stuff come to spawn this oh okay Master says come to spawn after this one so under the giant Christmas tree in town sorry for stepping in your way I’m out of salls no I need one more snowball ah where are they I kept hitting you in then my last snow I was

Like don’t worry I have enough and turtle stepped perfectly in front of me oh I found a snow pile I’m good I was like you’re joking how could you I totally ran out okay now I’m going back down there under the Christmas tree deal with it you deal with it why

Is that not working where’s the deal with it command come on there we go I was going to say why is that taking so long been subscribed since 11:30 2018 are you you kidding Cindy wow 910 2022 Sarge and Taylor 327 2022 that’s amazing absolutely amazing are we going back to

Spawn yes spawn there we go I’m here is this master this is the one okay you’re going to go eat you’ll be back Ethan I had to eat some soup really early um so that I was ready for the live stream have a good dinner though

Thank you for coming by by the way also and when and if Ethan ever plays Minecraft and has a Minecraft live stream he has giveaways too he has giveaways to giveaway whoops we turned the wrong way you subed three days before Cindy are you serious fuzzy 11:27 you did that’s kind of

Funny well I am glad you guys are all all here and subscribed I think that’s awesome we’ve picked up several new subscribers um this December I was hoping to make it to 8,000 before uh the end of the year I don’t think that’s going to happen but

It’ll happen very soon after the new year did you find it I did there was a lot of people around it I used up every single snowball I had in my inventory but I did get it are they going that way I have my names on so I’m following

Okay hold on I got to get a pile snow George is like hang on everybody we got to get more snow our pause there we go doop doop pause pause I’m seeing you oh there’s snow right here Georgia on the way you’re good keep going I was like hold on Georgia and I

Had the same idea oh my goodness I don’t know why they’re making it so difficult to climb up there there’s like a perfect stair step right here is there really I’ve literally just gone right up it I’m sorry I make things difficult oh hey look at

That why is this so difficult to get them though there we go is there anything else up here what’s up here I want to see what’s at the top of the mountain snow pile Oh this is cool wait where’ the snow pile what what what oh okay I see it stock up I’m

Getting them okay I’m good to go okay we’re ready are we jumping off the edge of the cliff I so want to [Laughter] I jumped Oliver’s been subscribed since 7 17 2023 Oliver oh my goodness my stomach just fell that’s awesome jumping off the edge of a cliff probably should do

That right real team foxy I remembered that oh I fell off the side and I don’t know if everybody else went down here fuzzy are they down here okay yeah cool uh can we go underneath that okay good I wasn’t sure if my character was short enough okay we’re good we’re good

We’re good I love the snow it’s so pretty is this water usually Frozen I feel like this isn’t usually Frozen okay I can do this one block okay there we go maybe I should turn auto jump back on was the first one to make it up and I

Stopped and turned I was like where is everyone oh my goodness running into every single block in my way you guys are awesome hey ursus welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you I almost called you Ursula sorry it’s just how it reads and I’m terrible at names

We’ll be doing some giveaways later if you want to hang around I just dropped um minions how to train a dragon and Jurassic world DLC codes in the chat a little bit ago I don’t know if the How to Train a Dragon Cod code was taken I

Know the minions and Jurassic are gone and then I’ll have some more later oh Georgia I’m going to fall in the [Laughter] water this is so great you guys are awesome do one at a time you’ll do one two three snowballs in total I keep pause hitting it wrong

There we go is there a pile around here I’m down to two oh there’s one right over here everybody’s getting a refill of snowballs how many left I have two left two left wins the giveaway um throughout the live stream and then definitely at the end and if somebody doesn’t have Bedrock

Minecraft um there might be a thing with that yeah whiz Alpha thank you so much for their memberships that’s awesome but yes I will be giving away a copy of with a code Minecraft Bedrock too uhoh Taco has five left we’ll keep going taco and we’ll go back and visit

The other three were we’ll go back and visit our first ones Zara threw a snowball at you that doesn’t surprise me come to the questmaster our leader our fearless leader says questmaster coming I am [Laughter] here this is master who knows where all oh my goodness it was right here

Oh that’s so perfect Master knows where they all are Master is like the master of Hive too so we follow master I have not changed my Instagram profile picture in forever I only have um the the channel account anyways so hi what hi Zara you’re Frozen what is wrong why are you so

Cold Minnie hi she’s in glass Sara’s Frozen that’s glass the last I believe is on an island but I’m not sure that that was actually that was uh Georgia that was in the glass no Zara isn’t this Zara this is Zara with a frog on her head wait what this is Zara

Zara oh my goodness this is this is Georgia yeah I can’t do this anymore I’m too old for this Georgia it’s okay I’ve had a birthday and I’m too old for [Laughter] this I think I need to go sleep some more wait are we going somewhere are we are we running yes

Okay I’m like what is going on I don’t even know anymore H so um that looks fun okay sorry there isn’t one in the castle I thought for sure there would be one there was one it was in the courtyard we just got it we did that was the questmaster oh cute little

Picnic no we got it a little while ago oh I didn’t even even realize we’d gone inside the castle I thought it was going to be by the fountain and stuff it was off to the side you’re in my frog phase oh you’re fine Zara I’ve already called

Alpha emerald and I think we’ve gotten this one master there’s just all sorts of ones that I’m just not oh dear there are so many people I can’t see where I’m going I don’t know if Taco has this one though I don’t think he does okay we’ve changed CH directions I

Fell in the water of course I did I fell in the water who somebody threw a snowball at me and then they fell in the water ha mini I was like they turned they went this way man if we had a boat we’d be flying wait that doesn’t make any sense

So is there more ice showing up as we’re going along here I’m not sure don’t say what oh dear I just launched several snowballs and I didn’t mean to sorry trigger finger I got some more it’s fine are we looking are we good oh we have to check the islands oh

There NOP we already got that one he’s confused for a moment he just looked at it like wait a minute we’ve already been here yeah we got this one you’re going to run out of snowballs I think we’ve already got this one maybe not all of us got this

One he’s on the move I remember lizbo Kate always saying my YouTube name wrong and it would drive me crazy I’m sorry Taylor on the move maybe I haven’t seen lizbo Kate In Forever was there one in the ships I didn’t see it there’s one next to the ships it’s

Near the ships we already got that one ourselves but we can take you over there in a little bit then there’s one in the forest area and then one up by the campsite and those were the three we got Master’s checking Master’s checking cuz then he

Can tell us where to go so how about we go back to HUB and take taco and all of them go this way so the okay we can just go this way I was like why don’t we take them to where the shipyard is and then

The first one that we found behind the spawn area that way these people can catch up pretty sure people are everywhere Mr King’s like I’m just going to fly I give up on this this running business we have to go back this way a little bit more so sorry I couldn’t

See where are you going I’m so lost it’s up here a bit more she thinks she knows where it is this doesn’t not look familiar but I don’t know you know we have to see why don’t we just go back to spawn we’ll be able to find it easier

Goodness no this will work your squish B says hi hi to your squishmallow oh it’s right there t it was hiding did you guys get this one now can we go back to spawn to do the next one the next one’s right over here okay fine okay we’re

Reviewing hey Christmas boy welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you happy thankful Thursday my goodness this is crazy I need just one snowball got it no I didn’t get it so how many do you guys have now does everybody have nine they still need the

One at the campsite I think I don’t know where the campsite is double check double check what you got eight Bobby only has eight oh right the campsite campsite one hi yeah the campsite one you’ve got seven Mr King has nine hey only what you’ve missed but you’ve missed

Something Haley only has six Taco has seven Bobby has eight we have a hot mess happening right here it is just yeah get your car out oh nice okay wait I need my car out sorry I got a message from somebody I might be playing games later woo um um um M

Cruiser okay everybody get it we still have we still have a seat oh sorry seat seat who can get in who needs a car okay where am I going okay up up I wish you could drive I’m working on it there’s trees left left more yeah little to the right

I can’t there’s a building go left do we have vehicles following us I think we do yes there’s a bunch of them down there now what keep going straight to the lighthouse to the right to the right is it more to the left I think it’s more to the left right

Turtle there’s a Christmas tree did they get the one under the Christmas tree oh probably not we got that one too guys under the Christmas tree ah this is the wrong Christmas tree this is the wrong Christmas tree wasn’t there one here no it was at a different Christmas tree oh

Okay hold on hold on car get in up you know where every single snowman is nice is the giveaway open skycrafter it will be open later I already gave away three DLCs I’ll be giving away some more that way this way no no to the right yes straight yep and a little bit

More to the right we’re going to be hugging the side of the island there’s a tree and I’m going to be giving away a copy of Minecraft at the end you need to make sure you have Discord or Twitter so that I can send you the code if you

Win oh we’re looking for the campsite aren’t we yep we’re looking for the campsite is there any under that Christmas tree here’s the campsite not that tree is this this campsite yep get out it’s this one right here we have one left to get just one

Just one I haven’t seen uh Master come back in and say the Christmas tree was this way all right so now Taco has eight Christmas tree Christmas tree we can just run this way up the stairs around the corner like the when I was playing human fall flat

Just don’t run into anything you can absolutely help us um I or come play games with us after we find them all we’re just not sure what the last one is that we need and we’re helping some of our friends who don’t have cuz I

Only have N I have nine I only need one more um but some of our friends only have seven or eight or six so we’re trying to find the ones that they’re missing oh master thinks he’s found the one we’re missing you need my help ooh I can add

That to my friends list hopefully I can remember to grab that wow Minnie where did you go Minnie am I still following you everybody else is and if you’re following them then yeah okay I must be at the end of the line here where are you going I think we’ve lost some people

We’re going to the Christmas tree where is it turtle turtle that’s not it oh it’s this right here oh that’s so funny he just jumps off I got them all but I no longer remember them skycrafter I do that too here’s the Christmas tree I meant to go

To the last time I think Taco already has this one Haley do you have this Christmas tree reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service I’m not sure if you feel you it’s a number it’s a number and try your again

Oops you found the last one nice you only need one more even better deal with it you deal with it deal with it deal with it deal with it deal with it deal with it just deal with it nope that’s the wrong one hopefully I have

Space I don’t know if I have space or not all right so where do we need to go for the last one is this master this way okay I was going to say is that master or is that foxy why we go this way because we can oh this is going

To be painfully slow Master slow down we’re all still stuck in the bushes I can’t get around the bushes oh dear okay I made it I I I hate that wall we have to wait for the people at the wall they can’t get over the wall

They have to be able to get over the wall Here Comes everybody Zara your hat with the frog is amazing with that wall come on there we go you got to go up on the vines yep over and under there we go everybody’s good so we’re going this

Way oh my goodness this is so funny it’s on the very edge of the island over here nice why are you why are you sitting on the job get up let’s go is it over here I don’t know don’t fall what oh yeah don’t fall I don’t

Think it’s over here I think it’s over here it’s right here look look look that’s the last one that’s it right there for me anyways it sent you back to the hub you fell off okay so this is what I’m seeing from The Hub you guys okay um what is a notable

Feature I mean the whole thing is kind of notable it’s that little house on top of the hill Minnie’s going back to the hub for those of you who fell off I did add you not that One uh manage outgoing invites oh must have deleted it then tank add a friend tanky is the best submit right there totally sent it and oh no it did not send okay hold on hold on sad still around um I don’t I don’t want to see no hold on who who

Have I not played with in a while merch merch is the best I’ve apparently hit my limit of friends submit there we go this time I sent it see right there who’s the other person I just sent that one out too one two three reward granted I got a blizzard

Buddy Hub title I love it I want to be a snowman nope that is not the right thing I thought it was on my locker costume where did it go figure out how to get back home through the castle I am officially a snowman yep there we are we should all

Just be these for the rest of the live stream this is going to be crazy Berry busy equals pain yes berries are pain hey Ethan no worries never apologize for coming back just say hey I’m back how was dinner did you have a good time good dinner tasty you [Laughter]

Fool you only have seven Haley okay I am not sure which ones you have left to get oh my goodness Zara with the frog on her head that is so good dinner was good had a good time there you go see yeah don’t apologize for something that wasn’t

Something that you need to apologize for didn’t even have dinner yet eat Taylor eat something eat I’m stuck in traffic I wish I could come play tonight sadness miles don’t be stuck in traffic but miles if you can see this look there is is a quest to be

Had you need to get this quickly because I don’t know how much longer it’s going to be there I’m so glad we got on today and master thanks so much for running us around all over the place to look for all of these things I’m thankful for is

School the Finas Squad and friends and family absolutely me too um not school though I’m not in [Laughter] school I’m done with school I kind of still learning though I’m always learning something I think I’m coming back the direction I need to be I’m watching I see a chicken I don’t see anybody

Else all I see is a chicken I see fuzzy I don’t see anybody else I was only supposed to bring back one right what do you mean I only have bobby um who else felling to figure out the best Bobby fell trying to figure out easy some else fell off the edge Taco

Fell oh hi how you doing I don’t know where Taco is Taco where are you do I need to do I need to get my car out you need an Uber currently eating some cereal no no problem with that for the ones you haven’t completed there are two on

Islands one next to tent one near the quest Master one right of Castle and one near the train track absolutely hey I think that’s Taco over here did you get this one cuz Taco’s dressed like a taco slower Taco take your time slower did you get

It the taco becomes a snowman we will know he got it Z looks I had I had fox ears oh my goodness I should put on the bunny oh the elf hat the bunny ears there we go I love it I love these little ears they’re so

Cute but yes if Ethan live streams Ethan will also have giveaways because Ethan has coats stuff to give away what did you give away in the last one I got Bobby is Bobby coming Georgia too Georgia did you fall off did you get this one Georgia’s

Gone we’re fine look at this you brought several people yeah did I you throwing at the camera somebody’s throwing snowballs at everybody a Minion’s DLC code yesterday so you still have all the other ones still cannot wait for the next lunar Year’s events it’s the Year yes I can

Imagine some crazy stuff I love it when they do the those events master I forgot the flags you have to go around and find all the different banners yes um I know they’re not Flags but that’s the best way that I can refer to them they’re on

Those polls yeah I hope they do those too what’s it called lunar celebration and I was talking about snowman chill something or other chillt chilbert and master also posted this tip in the chat if you have not completed it there’s two different islands that it’s on there’s one near the tents there’s

One near the quest Master there’s one to the right of the castle and there’s one near the train track that maybe you’re missing if those are one of the six that you might be missing still you can go check those out yay so that’s the list right there when

Is Ethan going to live stream Minecraft again well I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think Ethan knows either so hopefully that’ll help you guys finish getting this Quest but yay us I’m ready what should we play first I have my dinosaur hat on I should probably put something else

On as well invite players oh my goodness there’s 14 of you I don’t have a Santa hat but I have an elf all right everybody it’s going to be first come first serve and a custom death run we’ll do a custom death run do you want to run

Or do you want to be death be the only Runner yes okay Minnie’s the first runner fuzzy wants to run too they did this on Ethan’s live stream and it’s hysterical okay three two one first come first serve there you guys go I’m going to head on over and do death run

Custom I found out that we get 20 custom maps only so we get in total actually oh my goodness I just blew it and wasted a custom map because I just dropped into it by myself as death I’m so beyond brilliant but guess what we get 40 we we get

40 but I started the game I’m death so there’s still 39 I’m not waiting in here for 40 for 4 minutes and 50 oh there’s a trap teleporter excuse me you’re telling me this whole time you did not know that no that explains so much yay the game is Overops oh look nobody won hold on it’s me it’s me I won I’m taking a screenshot woohoo okay let’s try to play this the right way now man I am so good at everything I do going to go down here so don’t accidentally click the Hub now okay hold

On a second in permissions invite a player invite a friend invite [Laughter] all look at that there’s [Laughter] people access and permissions manage permissions all right Minnie uh you are an owner so that you can help me set this up for you you can go into game settings if you want to yep

I’m doing that right now just be careful because if you um if you make the cool down for the traps really really short oh I’m not going to make myself frustrated no she has power I’ll be fair but and pick a map she gets to do all of that I’m GNA

I’m gonna be fair but I’m not going to set myself up all right so for those of you who are on the friends list all you have to do is do slash CS in the hive chat and it will pull up a menu for you to join this private um custom

Server you can also go to your friends list and join me from there someone should remind me how to play Minecraft Hive one day on the switch of course um yeah it’s it’s I don’t know the controllers I don’t know the controllers but you do have to have the membership

On um on the switch in order to be able to access the servers I believe remember when I did it Minnie had no mercy on me turtle is right so Minnie there might be a lot of people out to get you this is going to be I let him pass

Yeah what about Hive on Xbox it’s the same thing you have to have a uh website package you have to have a package that gets you out to the internet and then I don’t know the controllers nectarine welcome to the live stream happy thankful Thursday it’s good to see you

You only need switch online for Nintendo games third party games can be played offline without the membership ooh so fuzzy can she connect to any WiFi and just get online I meant the no feathers oh no no feathers gotcha access and permissions invite a player invite a friend is that

Everybody I don’t think that’s everybody go back um go back no no game settings rolls oh you already did this yeah look at you go all right well you know what I’m going to stop messing with the menu oh hold on a second all right remember last year’s giveaway

A New Year’s Eve in chat when I said imagine it’s almost 2024 you said we’re sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service it is disconnected fuzzy totally disconnected try your call again did you you really say that skycrafter here we

Are 2024 you should visit more often where you been huh is there anybody who’s not in here not on my friends list that I need to add in here really quickly mhm Taco secrets secrets like maybe I’ll just drop another round of dlc’s in the chat what do you guys

Think do you want do you want some dlc’s it’s good I remembered it you don’t have a Minecraft account so no Minecraft says that I couldn’t get into the hive unless I have a membership really H I would join but getting snowman you could totally join anti hey

Welcome it’s good to see you Merry Christmas happy holidays how you doing you can totally join how many of these do I have um I need to just do these because because these ones need to be used up more so are you guys ready ready does everybody know where

They’re supposed to go oh hold on a second hold on a second um let me turn this off I need to delete that delete that I have too many messages hope pory had a great birthday going to do this one there it is that’s what I want okay so I’m dropping that

First so everybody knows where to redeem these and then that one uhhuh they’re like [Laughter] what and then that one no no you didn’t miss the whole stream the whole stream we’ve only been live for like an hour you can’t type why can’t you type

You don’t need to type you need to just copy paste oh sorry see how everybody just suddenly stops I know how to make everybody freeze oh your microphone’s still open I’m so sorry no you’re does this mean you got one Turtle got the oh wait you got that from the last live stream

Yes everybody’s just standing there did anybody get it who got it anybody all right while we’re waiting access and permissions invite a player invite a friend invite all mini is there more people you can you can go whenever because they’re typing furiously Minecraft requires it sadness Cindy got it Cindy congratulation which

One did you get oh I’m death I’m first I’m first we’re all snowman I can’t tell who’s who you got the minions one nice Hi Minnie how you doing doing good love you what what are you doing I was like what are you doing what are you

Doing GG this map looks familiar I think so I think that fuzzy got stuck on this map in Ethan’s live stream like massively stuck watch out watch out that one’s almost ready to go again portal now when you have infinite like no cool Downs at all for the TR the arrows are

Horrible you almost walked into that fire got me you can jump over it can’t you that scared me I don’t like that jump go it’s red oh Run Okay portal TNT is to yes you’re welcome Cindy congratulations I’m so glad you got one no he knew that was great it’s

Fire you trickster I didn’t even know what just so carefully be careful be careful it’s arrows it’s arrows get her I think we need a point five times cool down round what do you think Ethan you want to come and run how did you make it through I don’t know how

You got mini Taco yes you did Taylor I have a couple more characters to add to that I need to get them made because crafty and Littlest need to be in that rotation oh my goodness how oh they triggered it too fast you almost

Walked oh I can set this off do it she almost died just by walking into something oh oh that was upsetting you want to do the instant run versus mini what do you mean now I’m just gonna hey moderators I’m not sure about what that was in the

Chat I don’t think we need that I don’t know who that is welcome to the live stream you can still jump on those if you’re careful oh you didn’t have speed what are you doing no got to go fast got to get across got to get across got to get across get it’s

Green where are you oh you’re already at the end how did you get across so fast go mini go go mini go go mini go woo that was good thank you moderator I didn’t use my feathers all the time even though they much F deal with they were fast weren

They deal with it deal with it deal with it I think I used the feathers like three times Minnie should be death and I’m the runner but she gets instant cooldowns how are we supposed to do just one person as that how is that going to

Work I don’t think that she can be the only death in that instance it’s got to have a lot more I can be the only death for everybody oh that would be challenging you can set that up if you want to she is voting that she’s death and everybody

Else is the runners I think you should set it for no cool down for on the traps so that we somebody chance if somebody gets past you you’ll have the hard time keeping them from getting past you you know what I mean yeah so did you get in

Here I’m joining in for that yes Ethan’s coming I am here manage permissions minions uh owner there you go go mini go Cindy I’m so excited that you got that I’m super excited she got a cross cuz I didn’t trip of the track until a trap until she crossed oh it’s like red

Light green light it is it is it’s exactly what it is lock down from the bridge make sure you pick a map that’s got traps that you understand see that’s some of my problem with some of the maps I might be death and I’m like what does this do you

Know hurry internet hurry we should do a three-way race between Minnie and fuzzy uh between Turtle Minnie and fuzzy so like you three are Runners and everybody else’s death or how exactly is that going to work invite player invite a friend invite all yes okay so Turtle fuzzy and mini are runners

Should we do moderators against viewers so moderators are dead or Runners sorry and viewers are death I think we’ll do that that would be interesting Cindy’s like do it what was everyone’s favorite Christmas gift um I got a really soft sweater like super soft sweater it’s so

Cute um mini crocheted me this cute little bag I can keep like my lip balms in here and actually find them in my purse for the first time ever which is going to be awesome uh we got clue squish M’s clue I love that so many great gifts Georgia got

Coal Vite all I’m staying on this menu so that I don’t accidentally start the game yes please don’t I don’t want to accidentally start the game if we’re missing somebody let me know I can invite you by username if you can’t get in and we all know where Cindy’s going

To be for the rest of the night she’s going to play the minions map in just a moment I fell off the bridge and landed on air how Cindy’s like I’m in the game Cindy I’m so glad that you got that I really am that’s exciting we are

Missing some people that were here last time invite a friend invite all everybody who’s getting snowmen take a break come [Laughter] play I got music CDs for my DVD player for Christmas nice I don’t know how you fall on air they look so adorable you can choose your character too

Cindy George is like yes it’s going to be moderators against viewers next round this round is mini against all of us mini against the world I got a bunch of of Niche computer science things oh nice Cindy say what what I said what look under the bridge if I leave the menu invite

All going accidently oh you didn’t fall on air those are snowflakes it’s a bubble everybody’s trying to jump on the snowflake they’re trying to kid on the one I’m on I just keep seeing people fall oh somebody got there there we go everybody’s invading who is that Ethan and turtle oh oh no

And somebody else oh they missed they miss no Taco no Cindy those DLC maps all of them especially Angry Birds and the Disney when they don’t even look like Minecraft you go into it and you’re like am I really still in Minecraft this is amazing fuzzy Ethan Zara and Georgia all

On the same bubble guys it’s going to pop I’m coming no I’m not I’m just constantly running into a feds post where do I jump from right here here we go and then you fall no no I made it I made it I’m right here you can start the map whenever you

Want to okay yes I know what it is I just have a problem I struggle with being able to pronunciate it pronounce pronunciate nich Niche I’m running oh my goodness oh my goodness I’m running oh my goodness oh my goodness I made it I’m running no

Just start all over I should have had my feather [Laughter] Out Cindy yeah that’s minions for you great that’s the minions for you Cindy okay here we go here we go try to get across people see what happened can you make it with feathers we can there’s another one Minnie is there somebody still up in front

Though oh this a this is a difficult one got me you’re eating a macaroon what flavor oh my goodness you have lagged out my game like I can’t move the lag on that wow no no I just I feathered into the wall the lag was impressive no you

I almost died there no I’m going this way you can’t get me I know the pattern no okay good I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m keeping everybody at bed you keep going I’m running for it okay okay I am way past everybody no one shall pass she’s going

To get first guys I’m going I’m through the next portal oh dear she’s got to get first guys no I almost fell in water on my own accord I’m almost there oh this is the perfect one I’m holding them off I’m almost there we just get first okay okay I’ll let them pass

Now oh I ran into that oh there’s a bomb One Mini oh they’re past you they’re past you did you get them they’re just like standing on the fence Somebody went past smarty pants Zara of course look at you I’m holding him back hey Julius what is that lag it was the

Um oh my goodness try to pass now the potion particles this is actually really cool look at that they’re running for their lives the potion particles caused serious lag angel I just think this is cool look happy thankful Thursday merry Christmas happy New Year it’s good to

See you oh they got past you they’re pasted oh they’re still past somebody’s over there they’re at the end they just got through they’re second oh it’s fuzzy oh how did they not make I only let to it there goes [Laughter] Ethan it’s coconut flavor perfect one on

That map where I could have just kept everybody there forever but I felt mean was that fuzzy fuzzy made it yeah yeah well he kind of deserved that because he was annihilated last live stream in Ethan’s live stream that is he was annihilated that was entertaining that

Was really good I stopped and I moved away cuz I was like I can’t just stay at this one trap for forever that’s so mean all right we’re going to do moderators versus viewers and then we’re going to go play some other games for a little bit access and permissions invite player

Invite a friend invite all who else got that other map that I posted in chat cuz I posted another map in the chat I don’t know who got it hello there was that one impossible to pass it just puts up a whole wall yes I was like I could

Just sit here nobody would make it nobody would win everyone would lose and everybody would hate me oh my goodness fuzzy I felt pain with those TNTs anti you didn’t get it yeah I don’t I I can make people Spectators oh oh we can make people spectators not this time around this

Time it’s moderators are the runners viewers are death and then the next time we’ll do something else I have to remember who are mods Fuzzy Taco Ethan Ethan is turtle one Turtle throw turtle in there I think Turtle turtle’s a moderator yeah yeah how did we Turtle you’re you’re

Here and I was like just put him in there who’s Mr Fuzzy who’s Mr Fuzzy I don’t know that’s not fuzzy it’s fussy Mr Fuzzy pants I somebody else I was like that’s not fuzzy Sal is it he two people not two people I think that’s it

On our yeah that is it on our um that’s Christmas boy gotcha that’s a viewer okay so there’s people down there there’s people over there can we get to another one what about this one oh I made it your Hub title is B okay I think I am

All set Nicholas let me add you who are you there is a Nicholas in the chat welcome hi Merry Christmas Happy New Year hello we have just a few minutes or a few moments not even minutes should we start this one oh no someone else joined got

It what map do we want I have to I’m going to end up doing something not good you can do whatever map you want to access and permissions invite a player invite username okay got it I thought I had to remove a friend from my friend list to do that

But I don’t so there might be one more person coming one more and then we’re going to get started um accessing permissions is this everybody well that’s a lot of people why are all the viewers coming when they know that they can take out the moderators what what’s the deal with

This I don’t understand there some pent up I think there’s some tension in the live stream y’all some tension so so moderators are Runners everybody else death yep George is here and somebody else just showed up or else they jumped off I don’t know angel I’m doing pretty good you’re in danger

We’re all in danger we should be concerned every viewer that wins get gets a 10-minute timeout by the way fuzzy oh dear oh dear okay hello children you’re all so tiny you’re the one that’s tiny what are you talking about yes you are no I’m not yes you are

Run why is there nobody here oh totally didn’t I thought there was nobody there and then there was viewer gu Got Me Down by one okay I made it through the portal I need to be on my feather made it through the portal I made it past I made it past is

There nothing down here ooh another portal wait we’re running we’re running run people run where is everybody y’all ain’t got time I just kept jumping in the fire for whatever reason I don’t know why I just kept jumping in the fire oh my goodness we’re going to die through another portal there’s

Somebody ahead of me go go oh I jumped in the water I totally jumped in the water there’s somebody really far ahead of us you guys what I snatched it from you you were right there I was like I’m going to and I did by like one second you see that that was

Ridiculous why I was like so excited I thought I was going to be on the podium you are you’re third that was way too easy you’re third no I thought you took it from me no I took second oh you got third I thought I was

Fourth that was good that was way too easy easy that was not way too easy hey waffles welcome to the live stream happy thankful Thursday you know what we should do get the party do I have people yeah but I was going to say Capture the Flag ooh custom yeah all

Right mods versus viewer let’s go you like the mods are extremely outnumbered we are this is going to not end well I clicked it is it delayed we can do honorary mod there we go yeah we can pull Zara to our team for Honor Zara and and um uh master master you

Here hey uh motion welcome to the live stream happy thankful Thursday I have some codes posted in the chat okay so I know that somebody got the first Jurassic world that I posted and the Minions that I posted but I still don’t know if somebody got that how to train a

Dragon DLC that I post posted at the very beginning of the live stream in the chat and then um Master is still here oh I need to do your permissions I’m just sitting over here talking and then I posted another round of minions and what did I post Jurassic DLC and I

Don’t know if somebody got it I know somebody got that minions but I don’t know if somebody got the first one nope what am I doing invite player invite a friend invite all okay everybody here everybody here we’re playing Capture the Flag putting up the max so that moderators versus

Viewers not sure how well this is going to go but we’re oh I missed the jump it’s a great jump to miss four and two uh fuzzy I would be so dead you could be a mod no if I didn’t already have the H to train dragon I would check

Um honestly you can actually take them and just past them into actually they’re at a disadvantage they’re at a disadvantage we have more people as of right now um you can copy and paste the code in and you don’t submit and it’ll tell you if it’s still AV viable code or

Not oh Bobby’s not here so there’s 10 people so far and six of them are mods invite all come on where are you where are the people can I trade a map for mine coins so I can do cool emotes I don’t think so no I don’t think

So so but we will be doing some more giveaways towards the end of the live stream I’m going to give away a copy of Minecraft bedrock and I’m going to give away some more dlc’s you’ll need to make sure that you have uh Twitter or Discord

So that I have a way to give you those codes if I’m not dropping them in chat um for the people who want to win them like that you never play Minecraft never never ever that’s why you’re not here hey Taco Taco won that in one of my

Other live streams he is now officially a taco did we get more people in not yet um if you drop your screen names in chat your in-game names I can get you guys over here still currently it is 6 to 4 uh invite player I can invite by

Username I’m okay with it being off by like one but two is kind of there’s the person that was here the last time oh it just spun all the way around I will get that oh dear um access and permissions uh invite a player invite a username dropping the one that I just

Saw in there don’t do this goofy gifting okay no no problem you don’t have to do the goofy gifting you can just turn off the live stream not a problem you know what though I just remembered can I do this goofy gifting no bummer some channels got free

Membership gifting and I was really hoping I’m scared the person you invited is level 20 and we put them on the other team we’re toast who’s stuck in a one block hole Ethan where where are you stuck I don’t see you where are you I don’t

Think we should be able to oh not all of them are going to be in the chat some of them I’m like I said if you have Twitter or Discord oh I missed that block then I can send it to you as a code those giveaways are going to be

Later that form of the giveaway I missed the block again I’m going to give up on that one definitely not Max medel nice can you moderate no if you ask to moderate then the answer is always no and obviously as you can tell I have enough moderators in my chat my mod

Family is full oh I didn’t even jump that time is everyone here I believe so deal with it we have deal with it are we good to go deal it deal with it wanted to come or just was saying I’m not here like you know what I

Mean hey Emanuel welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you happy thankful Thursday don’t you dare Alpha what is Alpha threatening toasty skin you say turtle poor Turtle hey nectarine welcome to the live stream you want to come play I need an invite I closed Bedrock oh

Okay gotcha Bobby access and permissions invite player invite a friend Bobby oh I’ll invite all again I sent you two different methods of invites Bobby hopefully one of them Works how long have we’ve been oh we only have a half hour left you found the trapped Ethan

Where hey sad welcome to the live stream happy thankful Thursday it’s good to see you Cindy did you find something hi hi yes [Laughter] where how did he get in I didn’t even know you could go back here oh my goodness this map this Lobby is extensive I love it to

Pieces fuzzy I can’t see you anymore I turned this is crazy I’m here no I’m not I’m here are you literally oh dear I’m going to fall in there with you yeah how do you get out of there I don’t even know how that’s bad they shouldn’t have something like

That created everyone jump in no there’s a birthday party if you finish the parkour seriously hold on a second wow I just um I jumped out of a tree hey plays welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you so this parkour has a party at the end of

It I need to focus I love that ship look at that that is such a cool ship why can’t I make that jump I don’t answer that don’t answer that didn’t even know you could vandalize The Stance Cindy okay I’m doing great it’s a room with presents and a cake Porgy it’s your

Birthday party I am never going to make it there is there another way to get over there does there happen to be like a secondary method of getting to the party no well no maybe we were just up there hold up nope not this way okay so we went in

Here we went this way climb the castle maybe come on come in what no I’m not going to get stuck in that hole with you guys you’re good at it I’m good at jumping off the edge I’m good at jumping to no man’s land yeah this might work hold on that doorway is

Locked maybe Not can I can I just can I there’s barrier blocks is there a barrier block there or did I just you know fall I probably fall you’re too squished in there oh my goodness join us PA I’m coming how do you join the Discord exclamation Discord just like that

Nicholas and um I think my subscriber alert is broken so normally if you sub I can talk subscribe to the channel a little alert comes up on the screen but I believe it’s broken right now all right I’m coming hey help how many people are in here how many people are in

Here yeah Turtle it’s a party for you happy early birthday oh goodness now I’m like no I can’t get out of here because the only way that I could get out of here is to go back to the there’s five people in here we’re all stuck in this little bitty hole in the

Ground you’re going to no problems foxy no problems um I think everybody who’s in the game is in the game we’re done messing around whenever you want to start mini okay okay I’m just going to double check the rolls oh my goodness yep don’t come over

Here and get in this little hole in the ground though I don’t know where you guys are it’s fine just save [Laughter] us okay everybody lose yeah I am just miserable at this game miserable but it’s okay oh I bet you they’re going to come for us like immediately here I killed Master

Symmetry I’m sorry sorry are we not supposed to do the corners my bad I’m [Laughter] out um I need more items what do we need we need oh I don’t have enough to get anything oh I can do this I can do this um hello I can’t get back up there without

Like building up there can you take those down trying no it’s me oh are you okay I’m giving it extra security okay okay I was like no a hole right here um coming coming coming don’t fill that in go on the inside and finish filling it up there oh okay how

So like there yeah okay don’t block [Laughter] in you got it I’m out I don’t have anymore hey Mr something or other welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you oh sorry guard the hole what this is is not a good idea this is

Really not a good idea well I needed to get more blocks is there only one way in I think they can come in two different directions this is not a good idea my goodness oh okay we’re good I was like we are in so much trouble right now so much trouble can we

Collect these back or no no that’s a bummer why is this a thing okay okay I’ll be back wait where are you going to get what are you doing okay what are I doing let me know if there’s danger are you serious right now why is this a thing this shouldn’t even be

Here that’s like an invitation for somebody to get up here we don’t need to invite them to the party okay we’re fine it’s three or four directions one two three they have better armor oh goodness me I forgot that I should upgrade things um I don’t have enough to upgrade

Anything I will keep uh is it team armor what are you doing what oh okay okay you’re fine I was like what are you doing are they coming yes they’re coming they’re coming oh I’m scared no but they can’t escape me got them where’ they go where’ they

Go where’ they go they’re gone they’re gone already yep okay okay this is crazy you’re home you’re exhausted never home this late a miles get some rest get something to eat get plenty of water there’s a person right there there’s another person okay I’m very nervous I’m just nervous don’t mind

Me I can’t increase anything for us still I probably shouldn’t have gotten myself my own armor cuz you know words and reasons are we good I hear you fighting we’re good they’re coming again they’re coming again if I had hit them from there that would have been crazy just

Crazy is that just a distraction I feel like that’s a distraction they were hitting me with a bow I hate it when I do that it’s so bad so bad how can I put out this fire uh Cindy I don’t know if you can or not in

That game Cindy is playing minions she was one of them to get the minions map recently and um I don’t know if you can put out that fire or not man I am so terrified right now I’ll play with you in the next games yes we’re going to go play some uh regular

Rounds of stuff here in a moment I almost got in this is crazy this is absolutely crazy you guys I am super nervous I don’t know where anybody is and I’m afraid they’re going to sneak up on me and like take this I’m here with you okay this whole thing out oh my

Goodness what can we do other Customs after this yes but I will be doing some regular um just some regular play so we can get some regular quests going is there somebody over there are they over here they’re over here oh wow they’ve been close

I don’t see him get him did you get him yeah I helped Ethan nice job team Ethan died Ethan don’t die I almost have enough to upgrade um the team thing I need a couple more to upgrade the team thing quests are always good quests are always good so we can get

More Quest points so we can get those free skins all right so uh absorption I don’t know what it means but we’ve got it okay I’ve been saving I’ve been saving I don’t see anybody coming wait what’s this what’s this is there somebody back here I saw oh hi people my [Laughter]

Team I’m like who is it who is it wow are we pretty evenly matched or is this a thing thing woo you scared me fight fight I hear you clicking your mouse they scared me they came from behind and it gave me a little heart attack Minnie you died too oh Ethan’s

Calling you out Minnie mini like getting called out I wasn’t being mean I thought Ethan killed him and I was like go there’s one right here there’s actually one right here I’m hitting them the wrong direction everybody I am so sorry did we get them oh fix bad things have

Happened Builders Builders Builders alert alert alert okay so I’m not helpful no that’s okay we got them oh that was interesting go go go they’re coming from the right we’re playing castle Siege Castle something they’re coming from the right Castle I can’t even think of what it

Is what is this game called you found found a record shop nice Battle Royale we’re protecting our flag capture the flag Castle it’s reminding us of Siege which we would play on uh Mineplex okay how many coins do I have okay I’m watching I saw a red hat I saw something

Red never mind false alarm it’s all good what was that noise somebody bought something oh okay I’ve left you alone are you good me I think so there’s somebody over there it looks like they’re coming from the right they’re coming that way people go running [Laughter] off oh they’re right here they’re right

Here don’t hit them towards it where’ they go where’d they go where did they go you guys need to do a coordinated effort of like charge you know running charging okay I need to get some blocks I’m just way too nervous about this who died he died oh I’m very confused I

Couldn’t hit them I they were just getting great combos or I don’t know that was weird what is this place I think we bought everything oh I did not know this was a thing so technically you can’t block them from coming in like anywhere okay baby you can okay

Okay I’m like I don’t know how to do this deal with it you deal with it okay I’m watching people on the right uh I maybe that was our team is there somebody coming in on the right I thought I saw some over there why I can’t hit them I am so nervous

Like I am just like very very nervous here we’re making the coolest little castle going on oh what we had the flag oh we did at some point oh there’s somebody right there where’d they go I’m going to be dangerous I left my no I left my thing no what are you doing

What are you doing you have a diamond sword I only have I don’t know how I can’t hit them this is weird I only have a little iron one [Laughter] we’re just messing around out here oh I don’t even know who this is who are you no is that Georgia oh my

Goodness oh this is crazy one guy is suspicious report him who said they’re suspicious Turtle I’m I’m seeing that too I will come watch we should do another round of this okay um yeah I should uh I should come and watch because if you get caught being

Suspicious okay I can get this person it’s not this person the one that I keep I I think they might be really good died there’s somebody headed for the thing they’re headed in but another part of me is like you don’t get that many good combos is it a Snowman

No they’re right here you guys they’re right here they placed a bomb they’re right here guys they got the flag they got it yeah they hit you like four blocks away and in the sky wait wait wait wait wait do you need to put ours down can we pick ours up oh

Nice ooh go fuzzy we got a point okay we just need to stay here for the next 2 minutes we don’t need any more I need more blocks I was panicking did we get everything oh yeah we got everything so I can upgrade me I’m going to upgrade me

You guys need more blocks um diamond sword the flag is not fully protected oh blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks I have so many blocks I have so many blocks it’s crazy right now that one’s not working can’t put it there can I put it

Why can’t I put it there I want [Laughter] to you feel that yeah what no again again again I don’t even have my sword out I [Laughter] died is it the person that I just added oh they got it they got the flag you guys

Yeah is it that person who you think is suspicious who’s got it the person that’s suspicious oh okay oh but I think we’ve got them cuz they’re cornered nope they’re getting away cuz they have an insane Health we got it they just like once they hit you you can’t land back on the

Ground okay we have a minute left I have so many blocks okay we just got to block it for the next 40 seconds you’re not coming in master no no no no okay okay okay Master no master no can blocks can blocks can blocks can blocks like massive amounts of blocks

Here we stole their flag again go go go with the flag get out okay we only have a couple of seconds left left we did it woo go moderators oh that was intense I think fuzzy is the only reason we made it nice job fzy captured the flag oh goodness I

Fell in a hole that was intense that was intense you guys fuzzy with the Carrie Ethan was out there I saw you doing some serious damage you guys did awesome I was just panicking back at the house house you know that’s what I do we left you there

And you’re like why am I here alone why am I alone the only thing I carried was the flag oh my goodness I I was the little distraction I would show up and everybody would stop what they were doing on that team turn and like swarm me and I’d be like

No like every time I showed up Master Georgia and Bobby all like right there and I was like no we have 16 players online you guys we’re going to play um a couple of murder mysteries just normal murder mysteries so be ready to join make sure you’re on that join button

With me so you can get in the same server and then we will go back out and we will um uh we will hold on a second I can totally copy I know time then we’re going to go back out and do some more customs of different games it

Was like a curse every time I showed up on the red side master was there and would be getting me every time he showed up on our side I was there and we get him it was like a back and forth thing yeah fuzzy we haven’t played a single

Public game in motion if you need that kind of clout to be able to say I haven’t joined yet to be able to say I won against a 1 V one with wild goat I’m going to tell you right now you won congratulations you are the next winner

Of a 1 V one with wild goat and you don’t even have to do it so there you go I love you and I mean this in the nicest way possible it’s not that big of an achievement it’s not it really isn’t what Georgia you’re not in the

Party oh the part’s full hun so you’re going to have to try to get in as a friend you guys ready three two one oh my goodness yeah and just so that everybody knows I I won’t One V one anybody it’s just not worth it to me the

Dog heard the countdown and barked right after you said one Jerry’s so good he’s like 3 two one it’s my Q choose Village do you see oh I see it they put presents down everywhere there are presents everywhere to choose a map for some reason I thought this was hide and go

Seek and I tried to pick a block you want to prove that you’re not cheating or anything but the thing is is you can prove that you’re not cheating by like not cheating um the other thing is is like whenever you change change don’t know who you were sorry you

Can change oh no oh no don’t know who you were sorry don’t know who you are sorry no is that you no no no do you have a hat on no do you have a beanie hat on no oh it was so close [Laughter] I went around the other way what are you

Running for huh what are you running for Taco Taco you better move Taco you got to move Taco we got to go Taco don’t just stand there we got to go not that way uh-oh it’s a dead end the house is a dead end heard to say sorry I don’t know you

And I heard death I put two and two together and I was like oh no oh people were saying I was cheating so it’s not easy they will know only they have proof but see the thing is is while you’re playing a game you can do certain things

That uh I know how programming Works let’s just put it that way I know how Minecraft programming works you killed Turtle I’m so sorry you said I don’t know who you are andame the house Turtle it was a dead end I tell you I got to a dead [Laughter] end that was so

Good just just because I’m not good at Minecraft doesn’t mean I don’t know how the programming works and doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to write my own programs with Minecraft especially Bedrock so nice I’m going to die so [Laughter] much cuz I killed everybody the person

Could very well just have a very different style PVP but I’m used to kind of fuzzy diligent Master’s PVP style like the real the real PVP style Turtle you do not need to apologize at all oh the sheriff’s gone oh no Zara it’s not you and it’s not me you hear all that

Death that’s bad that’s so bad real team foxy see you later have a great night you guys okay thanks for being here I’m staying with Zara cuz I know you guys I know it’s not Zara I think this is a dead end no it’s not no it’s

Not I can’t get a single coin we need coffee we need coffee oh are you kidding me child so sorry so sorry are you kidding me I need coffee I need one more for a weapon do you want to stay alive uh yes you see the little ghost that’s

Bad I don’t have a weapon I don’t even have coffee where’d you go I’m right here what do you mean where did I go oh great I’m going to be the last one in the tunnel this is excellent this is exactly the way shooting oh should I go

Out there yeah okay get some money coins oh I saw them they just went past there’s four of us left it’s a Snowman it’s right there ah no no I blocked it with my face no there’s only one person left he blocked him face oh it’s either one of those I don’t

Know which one can you rate my skin waffles where are you are you in the game all right we’re going to exit out to the hub fuzzy said then just Spam click and half the time I miss you do not that is so funny oh my goodness it’s ex I know

Exactly who it is Turtle I’m going to head out foxy I said goodbye I’m so sorry I’m reading it three times so I had to get on a bus on the go to the transit station then hop on another bus stopped halfway for a bus change then made it home wall toall

Traffic oh miles that sounds awful I’m so sorry and here I just get stuck in traffic that was amazing Annie welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you happy thankful Thursday merry Christmas happy New Year um not that I’m so sorry um

What are what do we want to play oh I was supposed to hide and go seek you want me to play hide and go seek yeah oh my goodness wait I didn’t touch a single interactable that’s right that’s what my quest is oh cuz we took all the coins so

You can Cofe I could get coffee waffles what is that people keep asking about that but I don’t even know what that is I went right past hide-and seek why did I thought it was over there here we go three two one I was trying to look at this thing

There’s this new thing called insane craft waffles yeah keep it all together cuz you’re like spamming people have not so friendly name tags that’s why yes uh if somebody asked that I keep the name tags off um because I record videos for other places and when I’m doing

Those other places um I have to be careful what’s on my screen so I turn off the chat and I turn off the name tags and then I just forget to turn them back on and then I just run around and I yell and scream and have a good

Time oh that’s dangerous we’ll have to keep that safe right now we’re safe for right now I’m the seeker and I chose the block that I wanted to be and I can’t even be it you’re the Seeker I’m so sad I am so chasing you that’s not how this game is supposed

To work I was going to leave you alone oh what not me none of those are me I’m hiding behind a bench Taco you know what hi that that one this one this is me I saw where did it go it was an evil little thing what did Taco do Taco was

Perfectly fine on that motion chill out yourself wow there was nothing in what Taco said that was call for you to be all like I just asked the simple question Taco was fine Taco was just explaining he was simply answering the question simply answering the question you can’t handle

An answer then you just want to be offended and people who just want to be offended get a they stairs sorry ridiculous no people who like to be offended that’s what that’s what makes them happy and I don’t understand living like that hay I don’t even know what blocks we’re supposed to

Be looking for is this even Haley this is isn’t even Haley I’m so confused I’m stuck up in a loft how do I get out oh there’s a door duh I need to go find Minnie that was really sad timing for you sir and I do apologize o did you get

Somebody oh that’s a good hiding spot there dear me I’m so sorry they ran right into me Haley you are here somebody else is in the game they look just like you it’s an imposta oh wow that was a good spot there I’m really really sorry to have found you M’s

Finding everybody oh anvils bookshelves and I was going to say Moss but it’s leaves what type of leaves someone taunted ooh yeah I saw him taunt and then I got him and I was like oh now I feel bad okay I had no idea why you don’t

Have to be that way that’s not what I meant thanks though I think motion’s talking to himself it’s all fine it’s a bookshelf a bookshelf taunted there’s a bookshelf there’s a bookshelf and I keep saying it’s there’s two different types of bookshelves but it’s just the first

One I didn’t know there was more than one Minnie got you Minnie got me but it’s because I jumped in the way who did I get Haley oh yeah that was I felt bad about that when I was like more oh it’s haly oh no so which bookshelf are we looking for

I’m just like it’s one of the two oh this is going to take forever two bookshelves Four Leaves so we’re just looking for leaves and bookshelves okay so leaves leave me alone leaves do it yourself is there any other way out of this room I have to go back down the

Stairs how H conventional let’s so difficult I know why no I don’t want to go down the stairs I want to jump out the side of the building Minnie got you too did it on purpose she attacked you immediately I didn’t know it was you turtle is op

Turtle is really good at these games I have to agree all right so leaves oh I found a leaf get him leave me alone no mercy hi leaves that was a really good spot to hide hey we can you join absolutely we still have two bookshelves

And two leaves I have to unfriend some people on my friends list because I don’t have any more space I didn’t know that it was so limited there’s a limit there’s a limit oh do we have any bookshelves still oh we still have bookshelves two bookshelves hi how you doing good to see

You I think I’ve already been up those stairs oh my there’s so so many leaves so it’s only those leaves right that would be that would that would not work it’s like the light gray green anybody over here hello oh hi oh there is one get them that was master

Master I’m so sorry don’t apologize I’m so sorry we have two bookshelves and one leave and I probably scared him cuz he was typing in chat he’s just like that was so unfair I couldn’t run I’m so sorry oh wow I got six people Turtle GG I can’t tell who’s who because

They all look the same I I was on the left I got that most people they all look same was the longest hidden okay party is still full we should do a custom uh block party you ready Zara won Zara GG um okay here we

Go and oh this is such a cute update I love all the presents um access and permissions invite a player invite a friend invite all and invite this person right here invite username got it you are invited Minnie are you in here yes okay I don’t

Know that there’s any oh there is hold on I’m going to uh where’s my presets saved presets chaos confirm all right and then I’m going to go back and put you in charge so that you can see and and mess with these presets there you go you lagged out no maximum players

Taco was the only person Close to You oo random invite friend invite all hello person what are you we’re not doing PVP powerups that’s pretty cool yeah no PVP powerups cuz I’ll be knocked off first can you get an invite to the party I hid by the Seeker spawn again ooh Turtle not

Fair not fair I was there too but I jumped [Laughter] out okay I don’t know what this does it’s called color mixing and I’m going to put it on all rounds and see what that does oh goodness invite player invite a friend invite all Turtle you should have gotten that

Hopefully I hid you saw I won simple Turtle wow all right so we’re going to play this and maybe one more game of something and I got to get going so I’ll be giving some more DLCs away and all that fun stuff yeah really we’ve been live for two

Hours this is the end Kitty a box might play with some people I know right tonight are people free are there people free to play later I’m hoping to play with some friends tonight I will move no no no you’re fine I think we can do that I

Don’t think my microphone will pick up I get loud you’re fine I don’t care okay if it works who is that one fuzzy says he’s expensive he’s not free of course he would say that I don’t know why I was like who said that you know but that sounds more like what Taco

Would say honestly I thought that would come from Taco Taco like what do you mean free excuse you that’s so funny go back game can I manage presets you you free to come I think I’m being haunted save the current preset a new preset new chaos I have no

Idea what’s going to happen happen on this but we’re going to just save it yeah I should have been saving all those presets that you did except for the problem with the death run ones is that those are easy to set up it’s not a problem yeah frog is

Best I’m wondering though with lman if I want to change it so we all only get good items and see how long we can make the round go for it only goes to 25 capped but have we ever made it that far yeah totally okay start hey denen

Welcome to the live stream there are not that many people in here no I already got a bad box oh is it this one this one is this the right one okay not I was like which is it which is it no I went the wrong way there’s

Absolutely no power ups that direction oh that was so bad how’s it going Den happy thankful Thursday Merry Christmas Happy New Year um after this round I will be setting up this is the wrong one this the right one this looks right oh no b

No so the floors seem to be more chaotic than usual in colors that’s good I’ll be doing some uh giveaways after this round I’ll get those set up did I get that I did not not even close I’m so sorry I have no powerups none not a single going to get

It I have a power up uh what are we supposed to be standing on this oh goodness me are we standing on this or am I standing on your face I’m so sorry we did it I got one oh good that was scary I’m not going to get a power up

I’m just going to stand on the color cuz I see the color it’s light blue I think it makes it a little bit more chaotic it does very much so what are we supposed to be standing on dark gray I don’t know oh I ran for the color bomb you almost fell

Off I know you don’t have to remind me you’ve got no teleporters I have one and I’m treasuring it with my life oh my goodness all of those powerups are every single direction away from us oh got one are you kidding me right now I don’t know how I was supposed to

Make it to that not even okay okay swaggy welcome to the live stream what a way to come in why are you donating uh which one which one this one is this the right one that was scary welcome though swaggy Merry Christmas Happy New Year I was dumb I

Stopped on the wrong one and I panicked are you okay yep okay I’m still good I’ve got three teleporters now how many do you have t uh Turtle yeah turtle and fuzzy and all the others uh I don’t know what it is that was a lot of people that was me

Fuzzy and taco that was a lot of people yellow I don’t know what to do dark green dark green dark green I was falling orange where is it I am out of teleporter no way everybody else slipped off look I don’t know who’s who you’re in the center Master’s on the left and

Turtles on the right and you all have the same hat you all three fell at the same time I didn’t have any and i’ gotten at least 20 power ups you didn’t get a single teleporter oh that’s crazy that’s really crazy I need a hashtag I’m going to take what foxy I

Thought you’d left I thought you had to go welcome back it’s good to see you swaggy how are you doing you did the Snowman nice job Haley congratulations you were the first to fall weary no I always hate that that’s so miserable hi how you doing okay so I still haven’t gotten my

Quest done but that’s okay we are what can I play that gives me time to like do things it’s murder mystery isn’t it like that’s the only one that gives me times to set up I got to set up a giveaway so we’re going to play Murder

Mystery let me make sure I have room in the party I do who else is here invite a friend are you still here Georgia Georgia’s gone all right so I’m just going to going to do invite everybody 3 2 one too laggy for you to play Roblox I’ve opened my PC to find

Out what how do you not have a GPU in there Dan I thought you got a new one how do you not have a GPU invite players invite by username is it the last one nope it’s swaggy hold on I thought that was a new

One there we go invited you to the party I had to go through my list it always makes a weird buzzing sound from the case huh well that’s not good all right guys we’re going to go play some murder mystery and I’m going to set up the giveaway three two one don’t scream

Oh village Village is a good one and while that is going I’m going to go over here I’m going to set up the giveaway that’s a perfect one and I’m going to give you guys oh that’s a perfect amount of time all right you guys giveaway is

Set up I’m giving away a uh copy of Minecraft Bedrock obviously over here um minions Jurassic and how to train a dragon and we will go through and I will pick four people and you can choose what you want as I go through the list so the

First person gets to choose one of the four the second person gets to choose one of the three third person gets to choose one of the two last person gets whatever’s left or something like that in that something like that so you guys ready yeah giveaway is open you need to

Have Discord or Twitter so that I have a way to send this to you and it’s exclamation gifts for you I just saw or heard somebody die died they have an axe in their head they have an axxe in their head that’s all I can tell you I don’t know who they

Are but they have an axe in their head Zara be careful not that person that person Zara they’re following you nope they turned around oo it’s this person right here with the axe in their head they’re right there oh they they’re getting people is that a killer bunny costume

Why is everybody running around them they’re a trustworthy person aren’t they whenever you have an axe in your head you should trust him that was somebody from the live stream pretty sure are you already dead I’m already dead I’m so dead oh no Taco was the sheriff and they

Got them right off I’m so sorry I want the coin are they still outside no they’re back in they’re in a house they’re inside they’re inside I repeat inside they’re inside they’re they’re gone okay cuz I was hiding in a house in a tree integrated GPU are very slow and

Aren’t good they seem to be good only for a few years and after years they fail and lag I have a non-integrated GPU I didn’t have to go at all I just needed a break for a little bit oh real team foxy no worries oh goodness me

I can’t see all right voting for I don’t know seasonal anything seasonal gets my vote that’s just how it works who’s in oh my goodness look at all of you in there now you need to have Discord or Twitter and if you don’t then you know you can’t win Ethan is streaming

Fortnite right now what perfect perfect that’s awesome and I will only give you a minute after I call your name for winning I forgot to put it back on subscribers only well guess what I’ll be in general playing I know right ah ah okay I need coffee I really need to get

The coffee this time I just need a cup of coffee no that’s the murderer they have pancakes on their head I’m not sure they’re following me ah did you just die no I’m distracting them oh I need another coin come on why is this taking so long to find

Coins it shouldn’t take this long to find coins what do you mean I have three I have like oh I have three where’ they go I saw them I don’t know I’m just running back and forth in the same area here in hopes that they don’t find me no that person

Took my coin I need one more coin to get a coffee I keep seeing taco and it scares me I need one more coin are you kidding me a tree just took my coin oh got it no I’m telling you this is awful you’re only going to have a minute after I call

Your name um to tell me what Discord or Twitter account you have and if I can’t get a hold of you I’m going to roll I’m not going to wait around all night tonight trying to get this done the murderer was bag of chips bag of chips I

Want a bag of chips Gruff just gave back from shopping we probably have bags of chips out there I hope Village so help me I just want a hot cocoa or something please you got 50 seconds to get into the giveaway the the screen is full everybody is in there

Hi no I just I just so there’s mugs of coffee all over the place or hot cocoa and they’re one coin each I know this is perfect but I just need to get coins and I need to get coffee or hot chocolate are you kidding me are you kidding me

Right now 20 seconds to get in to the giveaway they lost the game that’s why and the only reason Master won is because he was the only wanted to get one coin that is so ridiculous master I wanted that coin you killed the bag of chips all that in a bag of

Chips all that cuz bags of chips or all right I’m going for the hotel right now because I know oh little buddy I’m so sorry Master and skycrafter little buddy got you but you’re totally fine it’s just uh it’s a glitch it’s not a glitch

It’s uh not a glitch sorry don’t get her chicken dinner it’s what the bot does I hope I can get downstairs to get a chicken dinner oh uh don’t come downstairs I saw that but I just want a I’m going to get chicken dinner first got it does anybody have a bow and

Arrow and we should report that I’m Trying I can’t I need more coins why does it take so long to the coins to reload you got trolled by a bot no kind of I didn’t know this was here what I kind of knew this was here I kind of didn’t know this was here are they gone

Nope they’re by my chicken dinners and I’ve got enough coins to get stuff oh I know what to do sorry no the game’s over oh that’s so sad I still didn’t get a dinner what are the giveaway options again they’re everywhere they’re everything actually I want to go over

Here no foxy we had a great time no no worries thank you for the subscription you guys are awesome welcome to the live stream all right I’m going to go up these stairs around the corner did they change the color of this bridge I love the castle they changed it all do you

Guys see this sorry I’m distracted I’m going to go do the giveaway but I wanted to go in here this is so cool that is so cool I’m inside the castle Mini somehow I died when I was eating my yogurt well you shouldn’t have done that just a 5-second timeout don’t worry

About it don’t worry I was it was it was for good cause cuz you know look all those those emotes it’s awesome but yeah the bot just doesn’t like that many emotes they need to add Santa sleigh they do you’re so right all right we’re going to see who won and I’m going

To set a timer at the same time no I’m not I didn’t realize my phone was plugged in that was beautiful because you’re only going to have a minute to tell me who you are and how to get a hold of you so that I can send you this code okay

Ready 3 2 one Nana you have one minute Discord or Twitter and what’s your username congratulations you can have Minecraft Bedrock Edition or you can have the minions DLC or you can have how to train a dragon DLC or you can have Jurassic world DLC but first of all I need to

Know how to get this code to you because if I can’t get the code to you I can’t get the code to you okay why is that not showing up there it is and I’m gathering that that is a Twitter account yep on Twitter perfect now which one do you want hey

Razer welcome to the live stream even left us to go stream we’re going to go get him back you want Bedrock you’ve got it awesome I am so happy to give that to somebody also if you get this let me know if it actually gives you Java too that is what I am

Really really interested in knowing oh that scared me I was like you have armarm I’m sorry I’m sorry all right before I said this to you I am going to send you a word really oh that’s interesting I’m not going to send you a word I’m going to send you a word it’s

Fine did I send it to you no maybe this one oh there we go oh that would have been a bad okay I get it I get it I understand things okay I sent you a word over in DMS and you’ll let me know perfect I love that so much your friend can’t

Afford he’s using the launcher it made his day birthday yesterday happy birthday Merry Christmas okay what’s the word Santos in this chat right here what word did I send you in the message just to confirm that it’s your account and to make sure I’m sending it to the right

Person I want to make sure I’m sending it to the right person this is awesome you guys are awesome absolutely right ding ding ding we have a winner and I didn’t get my chicken dinner all right this is the page that you’re going to use to red redeem the

Code okay I’ve got that included in here make sure you are logged into a Microsoft account that you want Bedrock attached to CU if you’re not on the correct account it will still put the game on that account and you might not have access to it and there’s nothing I

Can do to fix that nothing anybody can do to fix that I’m trying to make sure I’m in the right spot oh wait got it Bedrock code actually nobody can fix these codes if they there that’s all there is that’s all there is and it’s one code per person so make sure you use it with the correct account I’m sending it over perfect there you go all right now next winner next winner we ready just from

This same list we’re going to keep going and you’re going to have one minute to tell me who you are Zara I know who you are cancel Zara which DLC map do you want do you want minions do you want how to train a dragon or do you want um

What’s the third one Jurassic world which one do you want Zara congratulations and you’re welcome Santos thanks for being here subscribe hit the notification Bell I’ll have more giveaways all the time you should try to get like a mod or something on the hive I feel like you

Would be great on that that’s up to you motion thanks so much I appreciate that I don’t have time to be moderator on a server we’re mods oh you want the Dragon other places yeah I mod busy I am mods on so many different places it is crazy

All right you want how to train a dragon we’re sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service if you feel you have reached this recording that’s it right there I’ve reached this recording as an air I need to block my screen for a

Moment CU I wasn’t sure where that was going to show up perfect okay I was just concerned cuz I had opened something earlier and oh I got to do it again you just never know what’s going to open up on my screens you know so I’m always making sure tank that tanky is

The best you guys go and watch tanky videos I have a whole bunch of videos over there and you guys should all go and watch that all right Zara that’s you I sent it to you you’re good to go congratulations and I’m going to set the

Timer again cuz we’ve got two more maps to give away you guys fuzzy I know how to contact you fuzzy which one do you want do you want minions do you want Jurassic world congratulations Razer what happened what what did Razer say going back dragons are cool Zara dragons are cool where where

Where razor where is it oh hope everyone had a great Christmas and hope everyone has a happy New Year yes Razer absolutely I bet you fuzzy went to go and play um fortnite with Ethan fuzzy which one come back cuteness overload oh yeah I love all of these

Snowm here love them look at all the members in the chat too you guys Alpha dropped five new members in the chat tonight and I accidentally called him Emerald so that was [Laughter] awesome I love this we are going to have a members live stream at some point in

Time yeah you seem very professional fun personality I’m very professional because it’s kind of my job de deal with it deal with ital it deal with it deal with it just deal with it you deal with it when you get to be an adult and you’ve had so many jobs then there’s

Certain jobs that you have to be exceptionally professional at them so that’s that’s my job hey John welcome to the Liv stream is fuzzy not responding all right we’ll we’ll come back to fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy I’ll come back I think he’s trying to join Ethan I know I said

I think fuzzy left us go play Ethan already all right let’s see who else Nev which map do you want Nev it’s okay you still have the same choices uh what were the choices minions or Jurassic and I know how to contact Nev so that’s fine too so Nev which [Laughter]

One yeah which one did Nev win the last time I work in an office that’s all I’ll tell you I also am a data management uh data manager database manager I don’t know how to pronounce I don’t know what to computers I don’t know how to title that

One I take care of somebody’s uh commissions and payrolls uh so I built the database that I now maintain and then give them the information from and I’m a social media manager where is anything online involving computers if it has a camera a computer a phone a tablet all of those yes Alpha

I do it support as well um I actually oh I had a lady contact me and she wants to get a new computer and I need to uh contact her back I totally forgot that that’s my bad I also built my computer I take apart laptops put them

Back together tablets I fixed several of those fix some cell phones it’s always fun data analytics I’m not sure Den it doesn’t it’s like data management database management but it’s also payroll so I don’t know you want a new computer Alpha me too sort of not really I just

Upgraded my uh GPU card in here so I have an RTX finally love it but now my motherboard needs updated because the GPU card is too high it’s a little bit crippled upgrade storage I’ve done that before done that before Alpha it’s not that difficult um I usually just follow

Videos currently trying to fix my computer screen I don’t like fixing computer screens all right I’m going to pick somebody else from the list miles map do you want miles uh GPU is the graphics card yeah yeah yeah Den got it m minions got it miles he was very

Fast minions he’s like I got this he had it typed up and saved yep I know how to contact you hold on a second just got to find you on the list over here no I almost typed minions into the list I need I need miles not

Minions oh you already had this so that I can just send you this so you already have a link for the proper place to register it miles you know how to do this you’re fine there you go miles has got the minions map I have one more map to give away you

Guys I don’t trust myself to fix it you you have more ability to fix Electronics than any of you can even imagine it really isn’t that difficult and if they’re already broken what difference does it make if you break it further that’s how I always got started with my

Technology is I’ve started with stuff that was already broken and fixed it and then I was like like oh well if I can fix that then you know I can do anything I also have this little fun thing unplug it I’ve been working on my Raspberry Pi again I’m super excited to

Have this out and so I can do some fun projects with it all right we’re going to pick somebody else you you have an RTX right yes I have an RTX I think you had an RTX sorry they were just asking I was like it’s an RTX skycrafter how can

I contact you Jurassic world DLC is yours Nev did you want minions or Jurassic world and skycrafter you still get the Jurassic world I’m just reviewing back lgk tunes welcome to the live stream so many winners I know right Taco I told [Laughter] you well you have to tell me one or the

Other Nev ooh are you in my Discord are you in the Discord that I’m in are you in a Discord with me W that that scrolled that scrolled really fast let me see if I can find you they are not they are not thank you for

Letting me know I need a way to send this to you so if you could just drop in to my Discord into the portal thank you real Cindy appreciate that then I can go ahead and see the well nope that’s not you that’s somebody else you are so welcome you are so welcome

Nev Nev Nev was the keyword goat no no oh the keyword was streamers um and originally I chose because I have my camera sitting out on my desk cuz we did a bunch of recordings today I um I said that and then I realized oh that’s really bad twitter

Was like No And I was like oh yeah Twitter don’t yeah I was like don’t do that that’s that’s wrong on so many levels is that uh I need to disable this that’s skycrafter I see you profile and message all right so I’m going to put a word in a direct message

To you skycrafter and you’re going to type it in chat um and you’re going to yeah this will this will ensure that I have the right account you went Dr Jurassic world Nev you got it I’ll get you a Jurassic world in just a moment and I’m also getting

Skycrafter a Jurassic world can you have an account you always wanted Minecraft but never enough money Hospital keep coming back I’ve got more of these to give away and I’m also going to be setting up a gleam giveaway where you can register through Twitter to go ahead and get

One I’m not for Twitter I I’ve been on Twitter the longest for social media motion but I’m not like is it’s not as much fun as it used to be I’ve actually been enjoying threads as as well as Instagram a lot more recently even if I did win you would

Have to reach me through the family server that I could do lgk Tunes I absolutely could what’ you say I mean I don’t remember but it was on something you said it’s already lost in my brain though you’re an Intel oh Den that’s not going to run any games yeah that’s that’s

Why yeah skycrafter what’s the word I can’t type what’s the word what’s the word I just sent you this is just to ensure that I have the correct accounts that match with this because anybody could jump in and be like that’s me and it’s like no makes them lag especially when Minnie

Runs a a a bunch of potions right it was I thought it was funny it was very funny yeah not very well it wouldn’t run games very well I’m trying to remember I think I have a 3070 RTX 3070 TI and I know it sounds weird that I

Don’t remember but the reason why I don’t remember is because I was shopping for them for so long and I was between three different RTX um and this one dropped in price substantially and I jumped at it immediately um that’s the reason why I’m

Like I think I have the 37 TI not 100% sure and I bought this thing like what was that 8 months ago it’s almost been a year yes skycrafter that is the word cuz I have this really cool I don’t know if you guys uh get into these types of

Things but you know I fidget and so this wand has all these little sparkly and they just go back and forth and I can just sit here for exceptional amounts of times and just watch I need to put put it down okay she’s staring again I need to put

That down yeah fidget Spinners are great too I need to put this up to make sure I’m not going to put anything on the screen all right so this is the website that you need to use I’m including that with the correct Microsoft account in

Order to get this and I’m going to go get Jurassic world and skycrafter W this one I keep record and that’s you yep and that way I know which ones have been used and which ones are still available there’s the code for it there you go skycrafter

You’re there okay Nev do you already have the web address no you don’t let me give that to you too just going to go ahead and send this over to Nev as well totally different code mind you but that way I’m done and I don’t have to try to remember

It so Nev is also getting a Jurassic world and then I got to just get a hold a fuzzy and find out which one he wanted awesome there you go Nev since I know how to contact my moderators it works great overload all right and I’m

Going to get going do you know what we’re going to do we’re going to go raid Ethan and I’m going to get out of here we’re leaving we are leaving totally and completely out of here it has been a long night this has been so much fun and I totally love that

I was able to do this I can’t find Ethan’s Channel there’s Ethan’s Channel like who is he again there he is got him like Spike um and then as I’m leaving too I I might just drop some more codes in the chat just because it’s I might where do you get

Your PC parts uh basically everywhere I think I got this RTX from Best Buy yeah so you guys have a great night do a wild goat hugs raid over with Ethan’s live stream go play some fortnite with him cuz he’s really having a great time with that he might play Legos he might

He might play rocket League I have no idea but he does play fortnite quite a bit he’s pretty good at it too he might say he’s not but I think he is so that’s because it’s true and here you go new egg is good for PC parts

Absolutely Cindy I am so glad you got that map you have a great night I’m going to drop some more m apps in the in the chat over here and uh yeah we’ll see you guys in the next video or live stream here you go go over there go over there I’m going

To I’m going to put this up on the screen so that you can see Ethan he’s he’s in a car I don’t where he going he’s going to fall I don’t know where he’s going there’s three people down so there’s got to be one left get him oh two left go do

That thank you Cindy you’re welcome Soul hi bye great stream motion thanks for being here GG set level up nice uh thate what’s your oh the Lamborghini nice I hope so too Nev is over there real team foxy is over there uh we got a train Inc coming somewhere oh wait there’s always

A train where is it it’s a train maybe it literally isn’t coming anyone on the train Santos thanks for being here have a great night all right that’s the website you need to do to redeem these uh Jackie is a little behind and honestly there are several of them in

The chat that I don’t even know if they were redeemed gold nice anyone the I’m going to have to go back through and double check and see that everything’s been redeemed evil we should take over the train Zara Rowan Taco is over there Cindy’s over there P chest

Nice and there’s a Jurassic world in the chat oh snowball launcher uh someone wants that feel free a snowball launcher everybody wants that uh covert Striker AR sure oh that’s the clingers Martin missed the trade oh don’t miss the train Martin missed the train no no

Martin okay maybe we should hop off the train and there’s a a minions there’s a minions in the chat Mar fighting people I think is he everybody’s trying to type everywhere they’re like Jackie catching up oh my gosh I missed it while go hug R how’s it going welcome back team foxy

How’s it going Taco how’s it going Cindy how’s it going uh Julius how’s it going Rita I got to go and there’s a hot to trainer dragon in the chat it there you guys go merry Christmas happy New Year track uh Roman how’s it going oh my go I

Should probably go over there appreciate it how was the rest of your stream uh they were playing some Minecraft Hive uh for the past two hours if you all want to check out wild definitely do so she is awesome she’s amazing and her community is just as awesome motion

How’s it going I’m so happy to give away the raid how’s it going and have so many more people playing fun Minecraft maps please don’t damage me that’s L Type there you go hope you’re doing well we playing Bobby you got the minion one congratulations matches exclamation point join space your username I’ll

Bring you in as I go through the yeah go play some fortnite everyone uh I hope that I can get in the game I’ve got some quests to finish I can there’s Island all right you guys I’m going to go hang out over there I’m

Going to go get a snack maybe a bag of chips bag of chips me yeah I would try to get the hot drain dragon but I’m slow try see if you get it who knows what’s up might happen but anyway we’re out of here to HD you’re talking to

Goodbye everybody hugs for all bye okay that’s the wrong screen hold on try again there we go I was like what is that why does it say be oh okay bye everybody we’re sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service if you feel you

Have reached this recording an error please check the number and try your call again

This video, titled ‘[GIVING AWAY MINECRAFT] Hive Minigame Play – Minecraft New Year Celebration’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2023-12-29 03:35:07. It has garnered 342 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:51 or 10251 seconds.

It’s QUEST time! Let’s check out what games we can get in to. I will set up some custom servers too. I am going to Giveaway a Hive Bundle!

#Minecraft #Hive #newyearcelebration

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    Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am placing blocks and stuff cause I’m in F- | A Minecraft Movie Reaction and Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by JosephniteFlyer【Customizable VTuber】 on 2024-09-06 20:30:24. It has garnered 68 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:34 or 9754 seconds. Trailer: Welcome back to another stream! Thanks for stopping by! Sherry Aweber’s Story: *What is Sherry Aweber’s Story? It’s a light novel series that I’m working on right now about a young girl named Sherry Aweber and her life as a secondary school student in a world where heroes… Read More

  • Iceeman Unlocks KARMA and Seals 8 Tails Jinchuriki!

    Iceeman Unlocks KARMA and Seals 8 Tails Jinchuriki!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unlocking KARMA and SEALING 8 Tails Jinchuriki in Naruto Minecraft’, was uploaded by Iceeman on 2024-04-06 14:00:32. It has garnered 7815 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:19 or 2239 seconds. #naruto #narutominecraft #minecraft Support me on Patreon: Today we kept hunting the tailed beast jinchurikis and ended up sealing the 8 tails and unlocking KARMA MARK! BISECT HOSTING: *** USE CODE: Iceeman for 25% off!*** Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Moments – Insane Bedwars Gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Moments - Insane Bedwars Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill clip #minecraft #nodebuff #bedwars #hypixel #pvp’, was uploaded by afkiq on 2024-07-07 00:52:12. It has garnered 758 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Client price : 25 dollars Buy client by : or dm @noqr on discord! Tags stolen cuz im lazy tags(ignore): badlion client, forge, 1.20, ranked bedwars, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps… Read More

  • RingsOfPower

    RingsOfPowerStep into a realm of fantasy in the epic world of Rings Of Power! Prepare yourself for a journey like no other as you dive into a server designed for those who crave adventure, camaraderie, and a touch of magic. Immerse yourself in a vibrant fantasy world where your destiny unfolds in the coliseum. Battle through waves of fierce mobs in thrilling combat encounters that will test your skills and teamwork. With custom classes and a unique party system, you can build your ultimate class, tailored to your playstyle. Harness the power of rings, each granting extraordinary abilities and enhancing… Read More

  • re:bloom SMP 16+ 1.21 Java Whitelist Shopping District Events Vanilla

    re:bloom Minecraft SMP Server Welcome to re:bloom, a small SMP server that opened on July 6th. We are a non-cracked server with plugins to enhance your Minecraft experience. Players must be 16 or older to join and whitelist applications are required. Join our Discord server: About Us: This is our 3rd season and our community continues to grow. We have an active and friendly player base, a diamond economy Shopping District, public farms, and more. Join us and become a part of our community! We look forward to meeting you! Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Send ’em back to the Nether!

    Well, at least we know the meme has a high return rate! Read More

  • Blocky World: Minecraft 2D Adventure!

    Blocky World: Minecraft 2D Adventure! In a world of blocks and pixels, where creativity reigns, Minecraft in 2D, a challenge for brains. Navigating in straight lines, a unique twist, Exploring new dimensions, can’t resist. The Dani19, our guide in this quest, With humor and skill, he’s truly the best. Sharing Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In rhymes and emojis, let the fun begin. So leap into the verse, with a heart full of glee, Minecraft in 2D, a sight to see. Join the adventure, with The Dani19 in tow, Let’s explore this world, with rhymes that flow. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Brain Cells on Vacation #rofl

    Minecraft Logic: Brain Cells on Vacation #rofl “Who needs high IQ when you have the power of unlimited diamonds in Minecraft?” 😂 #lowiqhighdiamonds Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos

    Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos The World of Minecraft: A Deep Dive into the Game’s Logic Exploring Minecraft Shorts and Memes In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and imagination. From hilarious shorts to viral memes, the community thrives on sharing their unique experiences within the game. Whether it’s tackling challenging speedruns or embarking on epic survival quests, Minecraft enthusiasts find endless ways to entertain themselves and others. Unraveling Minecraft Updates and Mods One of the key aspects that keep Minecraft fresh and exciting is its regular updates and mods. These additions introduce new features, mechanics, and… Read More

  • Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!

    Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘egg’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-07-24 19:45:03. It has garnered 452 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. keywords: Minecraft beginner tips, Building a Minecraft house, Redstone tutorials, How to find diamonds in Minecraft, Minecraft survival guide, Best Minecraft mods, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft PvP tips, Minecraft adventure maps, Minecraft server setup, Minecraft command blocks, Minecraft farming techniques, Minecraft mining strategies, Minecraft enchanting guide, Minecraft potion brewing, Minecraft update news, Minecraft combat tips, Minecraft texture packs, Minecraft world tour, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft redstone contraptions, Minecraft mob… Read More

  • Ravaz’s Epic Minecraft Livestream Adventure

    Ravaz's Epic Minecraft Livestream AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft stream(Livin and Minecartin)’, was uploaded by Ravaz on 2024-07-31 15:39:12. It has garnered 23 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:01 or 6961 seconds. Come and hang out as we play through more of the Minecraft server === Hosted by Ravaz with Guiests auJs “The Open Discord” ==== Socials: ==== #minecraft #mining #1.21 #gamenight Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MineLogic on 2024-04-19 13:00:49. It has garnered 6243 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraft

    Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is the fastest way to find diamonds? Pt.1 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mad Tui on 2024-05-09 17:00:38. It has garnered 3782 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. What is the fastest way to find diamonds in minecraft? Well look no further this #shorts series is going to look at 9 different diamond gathering methods. From mining, to redstone contraptions! All with the quest to find the most OP method to get a world record number of diamonds! See the FULL video here where I get… Read More

  • I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!

    I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became Unbeatable in Minecraft Lifeboat Survival Mode sm16 with this Enchanted Sword ⚔️ || Part- 1’, was uploaded by kibo Playz on 2024-03-12 10:28:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HLO Everyone !! WELCOME TO ANOTHER MINECRAFT RELATED VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL.. ☺️ Today I will gonaa … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 💖 Manic Links 💖 #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL TWITCH CHANNEL Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weirdest Logic Revealed

    Minecraft's Weirdest Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3’, was uploaded by BhagwanJanee on 2024-06-19 13:46:16. It has garnered 10204 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3 Your Queries :- Minecraft Logic Minecraft Minecraft Memes Minecraft Funny Minecraft Speedrun Minecraft No Logic Minecraft Logic Shorts Cursed Minecraft Wait What Minecraft Minecraft Logic 2 Minecraft But Minecraft Logic Be Like Minecraft Portrayed Minecraft Weired Logic Unusual Minecraft Minecraft Moments on 0 Logic Minecraft Wait What Best Minecraft Memes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Bruh… Read More

  • “Gaming GONE WRONG – Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction” #clickbait #shorts

    "Gaming GONE WRONG - Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction" #clickbait #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Deaths That Hurt To Watch || Gamers react #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games Shorts on 2024-02-20 20:53:05. It has garnered 144 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Watch as gamers react to epic Hardcore Deaths in Minecraft! Don’t miss out on the gaming fun! Read More