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do I have a bucket I find a bucket hold on helping it find a bucket hello everyone today it’s Minecraft Monday 12 a.m. it’s time to go we’re playing Minecraft early as [ __ ] let’s do this Minecraft does not fit on my screen transfer fit to screen structure screen structure screen there we go Minecraft let’s go we are playing on super flat I got to find a iron bucket do you have an iron bucket no can I turn uh iron bars in the oh obsidian oh hell yeah another another’s already going H there another be superly too do another oh that’s [ __ ] great you could do it I could look into a super flat nether not going to be tonight that’s fine I don’t think we’ll be able to get to the nether tonight anyway I mean I could but I’m not that crazy I got to find a bucket oh hell yeah let’s go they actually joining that is eye upside down man put right side up oh boy I’ve got golden nuggets here and I’ve got a ton of breed is my god mode off now hold on God mode just see should be just to making sure I can find some iron from like some tools in here we probably do uh probably put it put some iron tools in here or we can kill the Iron Golem this the only other option I have holy [ __ ] there’s so many slimes in here hey set the spawn over here set the spawn over here set the spawn over there’s so many what village oh at the at the like Village yeah okay um give me one second I’m being chased by everything H slash MV set spawn oh [ __ ] L claves are disabled in this world how do I uh is this franer than I was expecting not go I was assuming it would be just be a normal survival world looks like this this location would normally be unsafe but I trust you I’m turning off the safety teleporter for spawns for this world if you want this turn back on just type this okay so I set the spawn to the right leg of the fountain can I turn the iron bars into iron ingots I got some gold but that’s not good I need [ __ ] iron put the gold in here no I can’t put the gold in there can I put the iron bars in here if I hit the iron can I break the iron bars with my first I don’t think I can do that either [ __ ] these guys are Bently from me no no [ __ ] it I’m taking your bad sorry oh it’s got leather I might have to go to the nice Village oh there’s another chest here think the emerald yeah and I hav any luck in any of these houses so we might have to goad to the next oh there’s a shop build the shop let’s go make it like that oh I’m not in Creative I’m playing hardcore mode I’m setting up a player shop over here admin Shop awesome here I’ll set the spawn here then so this is spot is going to be on this pathway [Music] now oh oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] boss mops are spotting still in out here oh my God this is shop not workor Hub deny the protection checks build protection is that because I put the spawn next to it try moving it okay and we go over here and set this one again there [Music] go oh let me did it work now I change the spawn no it’s not I don’t know if I change the spawn I might have I don’t think I did hold here I CH to spawn now no it’s something in the settings file I have to change to allow this world that’s okay um I will get out should I get out of this world though I’m going to try to find some uh oh [ __ ] can I sleep through this or no can I sleep through the night see can’t s they’re not good guess I’m going to travel in this direction till I find another Village cu admin admin gooey come here third party plugin blocks Hub Deni the protection checks build protection did you have build per mission of this third plugin if not expected please contact admin I am the admin all right [ __ ] file manager blocks Hub right here config oh I just got that’s funny way come on buckets [ __ ] all right that should work now and I can do slash blocks Hub reload and then SL Qs [ __ ] [ __ ] dude it’s just not going to work till next server reboot you want well we can hold off do you want to reset the bo I mean we can reset or we can set it up I know this guy just got on so maybe we should hold off yeah that’s fine I’m not too concerned about uh the shop working right away I mean it’s not the end of the world if people can’t get this stuff you know they’re going to have to get they’re going to have to travel to find stuff anyway yep I’m glad I didn’t reset Ash if we made a successful server um I just reached out to a bunch of other people that are Gamers so that’s probably why they’re all getting on we will probably okay admin I still need a [ __ ] damn hello hi I’m not long I just wanted to make sure get in and stuff cuz like I just redownloaded and everything oh there yeah so welcome to the server whoever did this do me yeah um I think create part part mark part me part a couple other do but um I think the creative world’s under construction right now for maintenance and then uh the survival work Works we’re working on super flat right now hello I’m gonna guess it’s you yep that’s me beautiful this is wow this is all the buildings are me creative son of a gun I’d like to build too but I also like to spend my first like five days in a server just shipwreck hunting oh Ash did you see the town hall fa a I did is it is it decorated on the inside now no oh it’s going be it’s going to be a lot of work that’s pretty cool I don’t know what that is but it’s pretty cool is that a house is that house it’s this big stick looks like a big black cck without balls oh jeez that’s saw a little Max house over there I think uh computer’s Plantation is uh Norris yeah I totally forgot how to Minecraft oh my God I still have the skin I made for myself on did you add more shops up here hey there’s the shops here’s just shops I’m reworking them all so uh you can get jobs and uh you can get jobs using the the like I think it’s SL is it SL jobs now or SL jobs how we’re making money now Mark so if you type SL Johns you can take a job and then you can uh go over to like the chess shop you can grab loot boxes through uh the money earned from the shop that’s crazy kind like a whole system here yeah but I’m not gonna stay long I just wanted to make sure I could get on thank you no problem I will probably join throughout the week when I have time you guys have a good night please I should be send video Tomorrow by the way fridge Bas I’m off uh tomorrow and I may not even go so I will I will be around working on it but I shall see you then hi go sounds good they’re not done yet Ash I just deleted a bunch of them yeah the LI boxes oh that’s probably for the best theau what’s over here teller oh this the bank I’m weapons up the weapon Smith yeah that’s all you there uh you should probably put that on the the command to know SL job you said flash jobs than slash jobs colon jobs I’ll do it Ash yes you do it you are you do that I will stand here and look pretty as for always got to simplify these things yes I agree I think that we also need a link to the Discord somewhere I don’t know if there’s a way to do that but uh we could probably need another sort of some sort of plugin if not we just put a sign in I’ll look into that tomorrow that’s a [ __ ] big ass project right there yeah that’s not that’s not something you need to worry um like super stress around uh I think if wor like best worst case scenario us we just put a sign up on think we would be good just so that people can can have access so they can join um if they want to actually play and they’re not in the Discord server yeah yeah I’m going to regret doing this but I need the iron I regret nothing yeah that [ __ ] Killed Me shows to three blocks high oh okay damn it they could join that let me try that then I guess okay three blocks and then let’s go ahead go three BLS high he go I should give him on the right side to go level my unarmed heal doing this that’s true that helped greatly why is it still say furry on my name f I’m not mad I just think it’s funny okay let’s grab these logs and get myself into the [ __ ] out of the Stone Age or into the Stone [Applause] Age please don’t leave please don’t leave please don’t leave please don’t leave okay one bucket of lava and then where is your m h okay I’m just going to grab this area over here is my Pace with this Peg is so we need one bucket of lava goes here like this then we a bucket of water and if I do this correctly I go two blocks away from the lava I’ve got two shots of this which two two blocks away like this um and then I put the water here like this and then I break both blocks I hope maybe I go three blocks I’m going to do three PLS just in case perfect cobblestone generator acquired uh what’s your your highest VI account um that’s a good question I don’t normally pay attention to how many viewers I have uh I would say I think the highest I’ve had recently is probably 80 or 90 hi Corel I think there I had a a stream the other day I think my jackbox stream had uh 80 views on it but I’m not I said I’m not really that concerned about my viewer account so but welcome to the stream mik Mony eater how’s it going grab another log here or not I’m just should to [ __ ] up this T man’s house I’m going to steal his fat too cuz I’m a goblin gu I’m sleeping here now this is where I sleep perfect wrap that bed and now let’s get you have a good night well you I hope you have a good night too goodbye okay place my bed here and then we’ll get our crafting table next to the bed I need one more sank that there we go now it should be able to go down here like this one two three and then thr like this I should be able to mine out my Cobblestone and that’s that good can I do that again I see what the problem is I need to put this here like this and then I need to put a dirt BLX like this let’s R my bed again so then Cobblestone goes like this I’m just very paranoid that will break my PO my uh cobblestone generator no I broke my cobblestone generator knew that was coming I now have a block of obsidian it’s okay I have one extra shot if I [ __ ] this up the second time it’s game over where’s the smiy bless you bless you bless you Jesus bless you I’m good okay I don’t know how I broke the the cobblestone generator but I did break the cobblestone generator so this time what I’m going to do CU I’m going to did they break the cup oh no he lged off oh he loed back on okay good so we’re going to try this again uh how far does water go eight blocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 okay eight blocks so up Pi a lot one block 2 three four five 6 7 eight but the the water over here and then I’ll break the lava blocks going this way oh my God this is for 1.13 no wonder don’t [ __ ] work with anything oh my God I don’t like that like that that’s getting a little bit too P let’s go ahead and push this back another block let’s push this back like two more blocks I’m afraid of breaking the cobblestone generator again this should work I hope perfect it works I just got to be very paranoid about it well it’s all good so now that I’ve got Cobblestone going like this I should be able to oh [ __ ] ah you good there yeah I uh made a terrible decision of trying to save a block that fell in the lava we’re pinned at 10 right now [ __ ] is it too much I don’t know I’ll monitor it it jumped up for 15 minutes and stay at 10 gigs when two people were on four people in total I’m saying if there’s going to be like 10 people on this [ __ ] then yeah yeah that could cause problems that’s okay I can invest in more R Adam you’re on fire thank you I’m glad thank you so much for letting me know I’m on fire there should be another way to build the cobblestone generator so I can Cobblestone more than one block at a time but I’m very paranoid of breaking my pot cobblestone generator uh after I do some exploration I think I’ll uh go ahead and do it but I think I’m going to try to get another uh bucket of lava first unless you’re e fre from Final Fantasy that is not a good sign uh I have enough to build um a furnace oh hello howo we you then how’s the game uh oh this raining buckets of water now stop that no or you just I don’t want that I want to play this vanilla I don’t want you throwing stuff at me here’s what I think of your bucket of water it took me a second but I got it [ __ ] puts the water in destroys my lava generator my cobblestone generator uh so we just started we’ve got a new uh super flat world so we just started super flat so it’s exciting yeah we got there I got there in the end so I’ve got uh I I’ve started the the can’t English I started building it up I’ve got my first generator here day one got some trees we can start growling I’ve not played Minecraft in a while well if you want to join the server is always public it’s always on normally always is so it’s always on yeah I think that the only time it’s off is if we’re doing M some sort of Maintenance which is usually done in these hours there are too many slimes sir go away I don’t have a weapon yet um time to infest an ass sword jokes on you I have my fist go away get off my land Enchanted Fortress find a FL Forest flower forest was an enchanted forest you didn’t know that was a thing I’m going to spectator mode I want to see what the [ __ ] he’s doing he’s probably just exploring yeah he is You’ be correct about that I won’t be able to join unfortunately I have to go out soon but thank you for that for yeah feel free to join if you have time later I said it’s on 21st 7ly ah that’s another uh command you should probably put on the on the commands to know lest is your set home time to build my first furnace furnace unlocked all right I want to work on the crates how terrible at building I just always I always just collect food in my friends build that’s fair uh there’s a guy on our server he’s building uh he’s rebuilding the wood blend Manion he’s built the one that’s like three times the size and I’m just like I have no idea how to build like I I I’ve got a tiny little house and it’s just like made of wood and I’m just like ah I live here we have a level system here so you can uh level up depending on what you do so for example I like to run around and punch stuff with my fists right so my um because I’d like to do that I can level my unarmed skill so the higher your unarmed skill is the more Dam you your fist beat this up like that see I may have been not more than I can Cheo on this one oh [ __ ] sword apocalypse [Applause] die we we also have uh mobs like boss mobs that drop cool items so like the sword is a is the swords enchantments sharpness three Smite five what are you guys doing on my land sir what are you doing in my [ __ ] bed sir this is my bed sir get off my but land get out of here leave yes you better run away what you looking at fight immediately dies I guess you did not want to fight give me my stuff give me my stuff than all see this is a trash pic chop here that command no way no [ __ ] way the new uh what command enchant pluging we’re using oh I just have to head a [ __ ] okay he’s got hit like this I move any of my blocks then so here comes the fun part just staring here and Mining at my cobblestone generator until I finally get enough Stone to get going here how my potatoes doing they’re growing oh I’m I’m playing do it levels after 50 you can wrak CL specific I’m going to shut up is I confuse all of our users funny F andless to a stack of Cobblestone start digging out my my actual base here perfect level [ __ ] 64 [Music] okay want to dirt block around here this is my land [Applause] [Applause] oh jeez creeper a man Ash advertise your server as a non-pay to win crate I’ll be off for crates and [ __ ] like that not he’s stealing my house hold on Sir can you not break my house F he broke my house how rude not only did he come into my house he he started taking it apart now he’s just fortnite dancing over my grave a you want me to advertise it as what um a non-pa a win and we offer crates okay like on Tik Tok I assume right I’m hoping that somebody with shaders will join and uh will like be willing to take some video for me is ducks he’s sleeping he’s got to go to work oh and streaming by the way well I take this out and we’ll make myself a little uh what is this a out I guess it’s kind of like an M ah yes a single Diamond thank God for levels I mean I don’t know if I could get past this Rob levels I’m not going to lie deep slate nine he’s already at Deep slate wow well since this [ __ ] stole my my dirt block I guess that’s going to be a door now King’s pickaxe [Music] [Applause] we go line out where I want to like live for a while with this dirt and then I’ll probably move after oh I’ve got sheep over here I need to go find some skeletons I guess guess some what is super breaker follow you not be bre flax faster yeah we want need to dig this ditch out cuz there’s [ __ ] slime spawning in my house already so what’s keep let’s get some more shovels here we’ll get two more shovels we going to line out so first project is lining out the M with the r hello hello infin sir sir sir please stop first project complete this get out of here get out of here go away get out my land get out by land okay so now we’ve got that dug out we’ll uh replace the pass on this side with uh Cobble [Applause] Stone oh my God [ __ ] here the goat there this tree needs to grow faster we move it over here Tre Farm starts right here Ash I need you to look at something T to me are you in survival I need this back yes this is something I’m working on this is a plugin that I made okay it’s going to it’s 05% drop right eat it yep if I eat this what in the [ __ ] world is this why can’t I just continuously eat this this is this is more than overpowered what is this God infite carrot what do the carrots do what is the god what’s the difference between a regular carrot and and golden carrot okay but what the never ending carrot yes okay what does the carrot do though with M rabbit do and buckets as well oh God it’s a food source I need that back it’s yeah cuz I can’t even eat this one this is this is is going to cause griefing this look at look at the problem with this it is 32 uses I’m just see I I pointed out I that the griefing is uh something that could happen there this that’s why I’m making new [ __ ] griefing plugins don’t worry the king’s armor is not crazy op because it’s gold I gave it because it’s gold I gave it mending to and Unbreaking 10 though oh there and new end stuff and the new over world stuffff and Crystal eny oh wa this is the end stuff yeah love this is the overall stuff don’t wor that’s not an Infinity totem don’t worry oh yes cuz that’s not over party they in out why is this tree not growing faster well since this OB Stadium black is here we might as well make deal with what we have not that the nether Works in in the super flat world yet but I almost have enough to build an entire nether portal you ever look out I’m [ __ ] skilled hello sir please stop there’s still spawning in here get out get out you’re not welcome in my house oh bro left yeah I thought he had a connection issue but he might have just lagged off that’s okay most people are surprised cuz I tell them that there’s a private Minecraft server and then they join and they’re like holy [ __ ] this is like a public Minecraft server voice is kind of funny get off my L who my potatoes are almost ready time to eat potatoes oh [ __ ] I got to change that name e crates E King’s crate I got to go into the EML file and [ __ ] the key name crazy crates crazy crates crates CR oh no it is sh C I slowly tpot this entire Village one block at a time it’s getting dark you know what that means it’s time to go hunting for skeletons oh God what does that [ __ ] do that save let me edit this again CC reload why does that do that whatever I’m not [ __ ] with it right now time to find some skeletons skeletons where are you creeper a man yes some horses over here some chickens Pig what else is where are the skeletons there’s some sheep hello sheep bye or sheep I need the bone meal so we got to find some skeletons where the [ __ ] are the skeletons at uh SL D Al warp I believe do not see any skeletons out here you get collar oh there’s a spider give your string uh you know what also might be a Jo On The Ram uh because it’s a super flat world I have to travel a not farther right so that’s going to probably add a drink to the ramp too PL in and player Ram scouted scouton skeleton skeleton skeleton give me your BS spawn in 400 new chunks not a super flat it wouldn’t nearly be be as rough as um spawning it new brand new players all at once oh that worked that’s interesting this cat is adorable and I want to rip its face off and eat it and wear it skin because I have K question don’t judge me okay now that I have bones I can use this to make bom heal but should allow me to get some seeds hopefully let well as get the trees to Growing again yes it’s working yes oh grab that one more shop this tree down so I put this tree here and I should be able to B mail it to make it grow faster you know what I’m thinking is I might want to take this Cobblestone tremendous slabs don’t hold off on doing that right now so we’re going to pull ahead and put all this dirt that we dug out I’m going to make a wall with it this is going to help repair us so we have some sort of safety perimeter this cooky scary uh monsters that live outside perfect f [Music] all righty nice and flat I just need to uh plant some seiz real quick this [ __ ] needs to get out of here B get off my land I think that part of my house is in a slime chunk we got some WS can start get chest to store all of our fun stuff with [ __ ] hell man please go tear down that for that uh Village ores take out their fences should be some more be there’s somewhere here so we want to probably move these villagers once we get a little bit more sest at here we’ll probably try to move the villagers into the into the base first we need to get you take down their fences and use then oh not those those have pigs in them thank you for all of the Fest we can use them to store all of our animals so library in here what’s he got power five so hey D gamer thank you so much for the follow how’s it going we’re doing super flat we’re playing Super Flat it’s the community super flat you free I join all I have to do is type exclamation point Minecraft to join in the uh join in that’s all the information is there got my little base set up here perfect now you got to get the uh animals in there got some chickens the chickens trying follow me we get two chickens hello Pen’s going to be my no AR pen I guess chickens way there we go the potato is s eat now looks like my tree is ready to chop down and to go ahead and chop down that tree come on give me some saplings up this one yes got one sapling good oh I got three saplings fantastic one two three go ah another shovel there you go yeah the slimes keep spawning in wanted to put that side over there is slabs or something to stop them from spying I guess they keep SL sping inside the actual P maybe we’ll put a w up here out here out of here get out of here think we might move the wall over here keep the slimes [Applause] out there we go that keep the slimes out of the actual base area back to Cobblestone mining I guess um yeah all this Cobblestone here just sitting here diing be here for now just to fill this ho in right here want to blast proof at least the bottom of the floor area this uh bas4 for we going to uh move up and actually start building up just got creeper comes in surprises us you know oh hey you know who followed me on Twitter today John Ceno pro wrestler John [ __ ] Cena has followed me on Twitter d we just need some weight and we can get those sheep in here the sheepies the sheepies are nexts [Applause] that [Applause] a man dude how much [ __ ] is this [ __ ] place going to have me fill out to get started holy [ __ ] [ __ ] appication dude oh [ __ ] I thought you were done I thought you actually had the job already just keep sending me [ __ ] to fill out hello oh [ __ ] I’m not going to lie I appreciate that [ __ ] creeper blowing app made this s bit [Music] keeper grab these real quick perfect [Music] B Minecraft music lit as [ __ ] I don’t remember what I was playing the other day I think I was playing roller Warcraft and I had Minecraft music running in the background yeah cuz I was playing um the new world Warcraft uh plunder storm and it’s super frustrating it’s like for PVP I’m never I’ve never been a big fan of PVP but um it’s forced PVP and I I I think that I really appreciate having Minecraft music play cuz it kept me very calm who’s shooting at me hello please don’t shoot it here take your time l all I I really appreciate it because I was really stressed out about the fact that I had to play this forc PVP I’m not big fan of PVP never been a big fan of PVP but um I I really enjoy having the mcraft music playing so it kept me very calm and not and relaxed and not wh to [ __ ] scream and shout and be violent you know be violent no I’ve been uh I’ve been watching apoy diaries with with trash bander that’s been really good we’ve been really enjoying it I think it’s one of the best enemies I’ve watched in a while um so basically it takes place in a make believe CH feudal CH feudal China and um the girl is a Apothecary obviously and basically they use a little bit of modern te modern knowledge with a mixture of um like feal Japan is pretty cool there’s a lot of concubines um it’s it’s pretty good anime I really appreciate it I think that’s I I liked it you know I really like um for names Mal is they’ve got a lot of oh [ __ ] uh there’s a lot of scenes where she turns into like catg girl and I’m like ah yes I really like that you know I’ve been watching that and then uh the other one is frein oh my God frein’s so good uh but for for the this season I’ve definitely like been anime short like short anime but those two oh my God I can’t wait for each episode to come out and uh it’s nice but I I am feeling a little bit anime stared because uh the struggle of finding a good anime especially with this season Mash just coming finally came out I’m I’ve been waiting for mash for [ __ ] weeks now um I only I’m I’m garbage I watch Del the anime uh I have no [ __ ] taste sorry but um Mash has been in Brazilian CR year old Mash has been Brazilian this for like months now and I’m just sitting here like give me the English version give me the English version I could I what of it’s because like I can game like I it’s nice to be able to turn my brain off and then watch an anime on one screen and like turn my brain off and do something minimal effort on the other screen like this is great this would be great to watch anime too cuz I can just sit here and mine on one screen and then I can uh watch anime on the other screen but um I said it’s I I like I I do feel a little anime star so if anyone’s got suggestions an anime I’ll definitely take these anime suggestions but just uh take this out real quick and need more sticks I’ve reached level 500 in excavation nice I am an archol just what did that give me AR rank four nice very good very good this I mean I got some cool items I think hey Mark what is a radar thing that you use radar on Minecraft you have a little radar on your what do you use yeah you got like a little like mini map for what screenshot uh you I was watching your you when you live stream the other day had it I switch a paper client that I have it makes the anti Che bug the [ __ ] out but I don’t care I’m not really concerned about the anti I’m just I think it’d be cool to see what I what I’ve built P pixel I guess I don’t know I’m kind of crazy I guess also I think it’d be really good if I was making like a map if I want to do some sort of like map decal well since the other guy got off if you want we could reset them the the server and get those uh Shops going yeah just uh finish doing this and then I’ll save this I’ll save the world and I’ll reset it real quick friend stream for an hour now I don’t really want to stream just mining cobblestone I’ll probably pop back in later today there will probably be another stream definitely at a more reasonable time than 1:00 a.m. but uh I’ll definitely oh I got mushrooms now yay um for now I will definitely stream some more Minecraft I’ll be on so if you’re looking to join feel free to jump in on Minecraft but uh Sky Block is now excite is sted so that’s pretty exciting you know broadcast we’ve set this in 30 seconds time to get off uh if you haven’t already jump in the Discord server too uh you can type exclamation point Discord on Twitch otherwise we watch this on YouTube after the stream is over you can go to the description or the epops

This video, titled ‘NEW COMMUNITY SUPERFLAT | Minecraft| IP:’, was uploaded by The Fridge Goddess on 2024-04-08 18:57:36. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:56 or 4976 seconds.

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Have a business offer or want to schedule a collab? contact me [email protected] Or Message trash_panda#5875 on discord

If you are interested in trying my Minecraft server: IP: on java 1.19.2

Special Thanks to Tare for permission to use his music in my videos check Tare out on Twitter! #vtuber #furry #vtuberen #FridgeGoddess #Palworld #FirstPlaythrough

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    Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide Exploring Must-Have Farms in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? In this video, the creator showcases three essential starter farms that will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay experience in Minecraft 1.21. Let’s dive into the world of farming in Minecraft and discover how these farms can revolutionize your virtual adventures! 1. Crop Farm One of the fundamental aspects of Minecraft is farming, and a crop farm is a must-have for any player looking to sustain themselves in the game. By efficiently growing crops like wheat, carrots, and potatoes, players can ensure a… Read More

  • Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32

    Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, As Doc Brennan moves villagers to fancy new inns. With precision and care, he builds and he crafts, Creating a world where creativity lasts. From Twitch to YouTube, his content does flow, Captivating audiences with each new show. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok too, For updates and highlights, all in rhyme for you. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft reigns, And join Doc Brennan as he entertains. With rhymes and emojis, the story unfolds, In the world of gaming, where excitement holds. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind is the place to be for any Minecraft enthusiast. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can embark on epic adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage… Read More

  • Nanami & Kusakabe: Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Tanis & Oni Adventure

    Nanami & Kusakabe: Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Tanis & Oni Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Nanami and Kusakabe, living the dream. Two salary men, seeking adventure and fun, But will they survive when the day is done? With mods like SorceryFight and Jujutsu-Kaisen GT, Their journey is filled with excitement, you’ll see. From battling monsters to exploring new lands, Their Minecraft adventure is in safe hands. But beware of the dangers that lurk in the night, Creatures and mobs ready to put up a fight. With mods like PlayerRevive and Shoulder Surfing Reloaded, They’ll navigate through challenges, their skills unfolded. So join in the fun,… Read More

  • Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm

    Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm Welcome to the world of Minecraft news, Where updates and features are never old news. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed with a rhyming scene. So grab your pickaxe and join the fun, As we explore the world under the sun. With each new update, we’ll dig and we’ll mine, Uncovering secrets that are truly divine. From caves to mountains, and oceans so deep, There’s always a new adventure to keep. So stay tuned for more, as we journey through, The world of Minecraft, with rhymes that are true. Read More

  • Farm & Mine in Deep Caves | Minecraft Fun

    Farm & Mine in Deep Caves | Minecraft Fun Exploring Minecraft: Building Farms & Mining Adventures Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft as you dive into the exciting realms of building farms and mining in deep caves. Join the adventure as you create your first farm and set out on epic mining expeditions! Building Your First Farm Get ready to unleash your creativity as you build your very first farm in Minecraft. From planting crops to raising animals, the possibilities are endless. Utilize your resources wisely and watch your farm flourish as you expand and grow your agricultural empire. Key Points: Planting Crops: Cultivate… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Finds SCP Secret in MCPE

    Insane Gamer Finds SCP Secret in MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘scp ADDON update in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by exe gamer on 2024-04-21 12:04:02. It has garnered 274 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:10 or 190 seconds. scp ADDON update in Minecraft PE download link minecraft shortsscp 096shy guytherubberminecraft musicscp therubberminecraft survivalminecraft memecammannostalgic minecraft musicminecraft seedminecraft updateminecraft rtxminecraft funnyminecraft 1.20minecraft rarestminecraft factscamman18 shortsminecraft manhuntminecraft speedrunminecraft seedscamman18 face reveal #minecraft #video #shorts #shortvideo #short #addon #mod #model #addons #skibiditoilet #tnt #tntmod #animals #animal #weapons #sword #armour #tools #subscribe #like #skibidi #poppy #popping #playtime #chapter3 #gun #guns #gündem #spiderman #spirituality #magic #mobs… Read More

  • Nightmare CatNap ATTACK at 3:00am

    Nightmare CatNap ATTACK at 3:00amVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Nightmare CatNap ATTACK JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-02-16 20:30:03. It has garnered 2384 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:03 or 903 seconds. Why Nightmare CatNap ATTACK JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Base Hunting in Leviathan SMP!

    EPIC Base Hunting in Leviathan SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Leviathan SMP Season 10 (Base Hunting/Exploring)’, was uploaded by Gohstleviathan yt on 2024-05-03 13:42:00. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:09 or 5229 seconds. Hello I make mostly Minecraft content centered around war and countries server that I host, if you would like to join it join the Discord server Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Dubai River Challenge! 🔥 #viralshorts

    🔥 INSANE Dubai River Challenge! 🔥 #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dubai ki nadi #shortsvideo #viralshort #viral #short’, was uploaded by GamingWithSaurabh on 2023-12-30 16:28:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #Gaming #VideoGames #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #SurvivalMode #CreativeMode #MinecraftCommunity … Read More

  • Shocking Middle East Thug Activity!

    Shocking Middle East Thug Activity!Video Information This video, titled ‘Middle East Activity’, was uploaded by Land of the Thugs on 2024-03-19 16:36:33. It has garnered 9656 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #funny #minecraft #comedy #gaming #speedrun #meme #allahuakbar Read More

  • Insane Cheating: Jamesy Uses Wall-Hacks in Mob Battle!

    Insane Cheating: Jamesy Uses Wall-Hacks in Mob Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated using WALL-HACKS In a MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-04-25 11:00:12. It has garnered 143366 views and 908 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:34 or 12214 seconds. I Cheated using WALL-HACKS In a MOB BATTLE! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Hacked Again – Epic Cat vs Dog Battle! #Minecraft #Sonic #Roblox

    Hacked Again - Epic Cat vs Dog Battle! #Minecraft #Sonic #RobloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘hackeado de novo. #minecraft #animação #sonic #amo #roblox #problems’, was uploaded by cat dog cute funny on 2024-02-18 18:03:47. It has garnered 112134 views and 4193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Iron Armor Quest in Hindi 1.21 🔥🤩

    Unreal Iron Armor Quest in Hindi 1.21 🔥🤩Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Epic Iron Armor Quest in Hindi 1.21 🤩’, was uploaded by SR_BGaming on 2024-07-05 03:34:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi 1.21 Made sokt Survival Base & Iron Armor #MINECRAFTPE minecraft … Read More

  • FNAF Adorable Gameplay Funny Moments!!! #shorts #viral

    FNAF Adorable Gameplay Funny Moments!!! #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘FNAF Nhìn Kỹ Thấy Cũng Cutee!!! #shorts #gameplay #funny #roblox #games #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by JosseT on 2024-01-09 04:00:59. It has garnered 7039 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Onyx SMP

    Onyx SMPOnyx Survival Multiplayer Sever provides a fresh new experience to Survival Minecraft including +28 new Biomes, +11 New Dungeons, +12 Different cave systems, Completely revamped Village Spawns and Designs! Come enjoy a Minecraft server with a whole new experience like never before on Onyx SMP. Read More

  • Curse Core, JJK SERVER modded PvP

    Welcome to our PvP Jujutsu Kaisen modded server! We have made exciting changes to the mod to enhance gameplay experience: Each person can have one CT (with the ability to steal from others) 3 lives to make deaths meaningful (revival every week) LIMITED SUKUNA FINGERS with 20 per world obtained through events for balanced PvP Lore events including the ongoing exchange event New players starting as a curse user or spirit will receive a starter crate. Join us for an exciting and fresh gaming experience! Discord Invite: Join our Discord community Read More

  • EcoCraft – 1.20.6 – Survival – Land Claiming – MCMMO – Economy – SilkSpawners – BETA

    EcoCraft - 1.20.6 - Survival - Land Claiming - MCMMO -  Economy - SilkSpawners - BETAEcoCraft – 1.20.6 – Survival – Land Claiming – MCMMO – Economy – SilkSpawnersCurrently in more of a BETA stage of the server. Testing what’s been made so far whilst I work out some problems. Please bare with me :)We are a new server focusing on survival PVE gameplay. We have a variety of features to enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience. I’m a new server owner with little experience so bare with any bugs as I will fix them as fast as I can.What we offer:- MCMMO- Land Claiming- Silk Spawners- Server shop / economy- Free ranks with /rankup- Crates… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rate the pain level – Minecraft edition

    Minecraft Memes - Rate the pain level - Minecraft edition“Rate the pain level? Looks like someone’s taking their Minecraft injuries very seriously!” Read More

  • Crafty Dock Directions: CasualCraft SMP Rhymes

    Crafty Dock Directions: CasualCraft SMP Rhymes In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, CasualCraft SMP is the ultimate dream. With mods and data packs to enhance the play, Our adventures in survival will brighten your day. Dock & Directions, the theme of the day, Exploring new lands in a creative display. Jumbosale Gaming, the host with the most, Bringing you updates from coast to coast. Join us on Twitch, for a live stream delight, As we navigate challenges with all of our might. From CrimsonCrafterTTV to RokutaOfEn, The CasualCraft crew is a true gaming gem. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive right… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme 3: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme 3: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • EPIC 1.21 Minecraft Update!

    EPIC 1.21 Minecraft Update! Nouveauté de la 1.21 Minecraft: La Tricky Trials! La version 1.21 de Minecraft apporte une nouvelle aventure passionnante: les Tricky Trials! Plonge dans ce défi palpitant et découvre de nouveaux horizons dans l’univers de Minecraft. Les Tricky Trials: Un Défi Innovant Les Tricky Trials sont une série de défis complexes qui mettront tes compétences à l’épreuve. Affronte des énigmes stimulantes, des obstacles redoutables et des adversaires redoutables pour prouver ta valeur en tant que maître constructeur. Caractéristiques des Tricky Trials: Nouveaux Niveaux: Explore des environnements uniques et captivants à chaque niveau des Tricky Trials. Énigmes Stimulantes: Déchiffre des énigmes… Read More

  • Scandalous: Daxx Cheats in Skibidi Mob Fight

    Scandalous: Daxx Cheats in Skibidi Mob FightVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-07-12 14:00:40. It has garnered 13057 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:49 or 1609 seconds. Playing A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE (Minecraft) Today Daxx, Xoe and Knox are Playing A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE in Minecraft!! Roblox Channel: @Daxx_Roblox Follow Me On Twitter: #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Unveiling a Terrifying Lunar Moon in Minecraft

    Unveiling a Terrifying Lunar Moon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i Found Scary Lunar Moon 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part 2 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-03-22 08:38:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. i Found Scary Lunar Moon in Minecraft | ( Part 2 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Join Kreford’s Free Minecraft Server (Filipino SMP) – 1.21+

    Unbelievable! Join Kreford's Free Minecraft Server (Filipino SMP) - 1.21+Video Information This video, titled ‘New Free to Join Minecraft Server (Filipino SMP) – 1.21+’, was uploaded by Kreford on 2024-07-14 22:27:35. It has garnered 388 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Created by Kreford. (Veqeiya SMP) Kreford Discord Tags: minecraft minecraft 100 minecraft smp minecraft lore minecraft trap minecraft 2bt2 minecraft scams minecraft story minecraft server minecraft curios minecraft illegal minecraft smp war minecraft smp live minecraft hardcore minecraft survival minecraft smp ep 1 minecraft smp public minecraft smp anarchy minecraft smp bedrock the minecraft smp war minecraft multiplayer minecraft smps to join a public minecraft smp minecraft corrupt serverminecraft server,survival minecraft server,server,minecraft server ip,minecraft smp servers,free smp,freshlol minecraft,minecraft survival server,freshmlol smp,minecraft survival… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft sorter with Lego games

    Ultimate Minecraft sorter with Lego gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make a multi item sorter in minecraft bedrock edition’, was uploaded by Super games and lego on 2024-06-10 10:00:00. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. this multi item sorter works with any stackable item stacks of 64 & stacks of 16 like ender pearls this item sorter does not work with non-stackable items this item sorter works on all platforms of minecraft bedrock edition ( MCPE , mobile , tablet, pc windows 10 / 11 , xbox, playstation, nintendo switch this… Read More

  • ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊

    ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁’, was uploaded by WAZINGO on 2024-06-20 14:44:49. It has garnered 417 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁 #minecraft #trending #viral #shorts Read More


    SHOCKING: MINE KRISH - SCARY MONSTER SPOTTED  🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARY MONSTER IN MINECRAFT WORLD 🤯’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-06-05 14:32:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔

    Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔Video Information This video, titled ‘sh #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #love #school #viralshorts #minecraft ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️’, was uploaded by @Monish105 on 2024-05-25 13:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?

    Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess The Minecraft Mob In 60 Seconds’, was uploaded by GMR PLAYS on 2024-04-06 03:30:04. It has garnered 1461 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello guy’s how are you all, I hope you all are doing well…… SHOW YOUR LOVE…….. 😊😊😊 JOIN ME ON 👇👇👇 INSTAGRAM ➪︎ DISCORD ➪︎ ROOTER ➪︎ FACEBOOK PAGE ➪︎ COMMING SOON DISCLAIMER ➪︎ THIS VIDEO IS MADE FOR KHALI ENTERTAINMENT, I AM NOT MAKING KISAK KISAN HAI. SO ANYONE TAKES MAT ON THIS DILL. IF KUCH LENA HI… Read More


    EPIC LEGO MINECRAFT 2024 UPDATE - TOP 10 NEW FEATURES!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10*’, was uploaded by THE BRICK BROTHERS! on 2024-05-06 18:00:06. It has garnered 1245 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. *EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10** What do you think? Read More

  • OldCraft

    Minigame server about version 1.8.x (1.8 pvp and server core) Minigames: – skywars – bedwars – parkour – kitpvp – vampirez Coming soon: – hideandseek (blockhunt) – buildbattle Read More

  • EmperixMC SMP Discord New World No Resets 1.21 Optional PVP Community Crossplay Land Claim Custom Plugins

    🌟 EmperixSMP – Now Live and Open for Everyone! 🌟 Join us on Emperix, your go-to Vanilla+ SMP community! Recently refurbished and featuring a brand-new, active Discord server, we’re dedicated to offering a high-quality, community-focused Minecraft experience. What We Offer: Vanilla+ Gameplay: Enjoy the purity of vanilla Minecraft or explore our customized features for a unique twist. Long-Term World Preservation: No more worries about server resets disrupting your progress. Build and achieve your goals without fear! Why Choose EmperixSMP? A welcoming community for both seasoned players and newcomers. Whether you’re into monumental builds or collaborative projects, our server supports all… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: True Spiciness”

    Well, at least it scored higher than my grades in math class! Read More