Furious Jumper – A CITY IN THE CLOUDS! | Minecraft Story Mode | Chapter 5! #Ep2

Video Information

Cavazos approaches Rikuzentakata Masha peddler farm cam debited organism so to police with a potato sack episode son compressor a leppas adership attracts a map no uneri falses toma la Fredonia part i don’t support a pre-party chiamo a nice place de novo part a critic new animation Kuni part of it Oh Oliver

Sample Mallika vacay a shorty a pop oh sweet yeah sure lavender Hayden you burp a toe only but to treat sapa tea whoa see Oh succeed oh yeah don’t worry I’ve got you hey ever oh you are surprisingly heavy since rusted on Kagome sitter the proportionate weight for my height

Thank you very much there you go easiness thank you thank you okay what just happened how did that portal even work I suppose much the same way a portal to the nether works except to an entirely different circuit mm-hmm yes you should whoa nice uh movie don’t say hey you guys see

That what I’m starting to think I’ve always right about this being another horror Wow looks like some kind of inaudible that’s it that’s where it must be the officials city and the clouds it almost sounds apostles it’s like aspirin in Shawn Michaels yeah that’s definitely gonna be a problem I can’t believe this

We fall through a portal into another world and then we can’t even go anywhere I don’t suppose anyone packed one of those flying machines ah that’s for Olivia’s bag yeah got nothing was worth a shot guess we can just settle for a bridge I don’t know seems like a long

Way except we have enough blocks I mean it’s really really far he has a very astute don’t be such a worrywart Lucas I got this I think this island is more than large enough for our needs yeah if we dig up this entire island we should have enough EXR film I want that

They said party hey maybe this thing ha ha pushing pushing Lucas’s push I’m just trying to keep away from the edge it’s all edge okay gang I think that should do it let’s make ourselves a bridge excellent ha ha ha Tenace okay this is our stop everybody off Oh Zahraa acid Brickton i

4 seriously that’s a story can’t help myself you’re building I you hi goat hey there I love what you did with your town yeah it’s very flashy you helped build it you you you you were building unauthorised building as gifts along there’s a law saying people can’t build yes

It’s forbidden this this makes no sense no se oh jeez I’m sorry we had no idea it’s a stupid law oh jeez first those other outsiders now you other outsiders where are they uh they went to the end I’m sorry but that’s all I know wait wait wait come back I’m busy sorry

And he’s gone don’t what’s up I wonder if everyone here is that retriever Thomas is a Neapolitan baby Jesus so physically the rock was at memoirist you or my customer diagnosed and favored moe I’m open that’s amazing many think absolutely beautiful yes resources capable of miraculous things

And when I get my hands on it hey how about you take a massive chill pill and we find it first yes yes I’m just getting excited and as crazy as Aidan’s been lately if he gets that thing it would be bad well if we

Beat him to it you will be able to get his slimy little hands on the thing you just need to find the in that nervous guy mention how hard could it be no idea but it’s definitely our best bet so far agreed hmm I don’t so let’s go up by

Five Arlovski Giovanni smoke on you powder demon yalla booze rules it’s wrinkled all the to connect well these are some popular crafting table salad is it don’t worry everyone your turn will come in time please have your materials ready when you approach the crafting table huh I knew I shouldn’t have waited

So long to eat huh so new opera all right up to custom this is a long line just to use a crafting table you’re telling me I’m so hungry I could practically eat my wheat right here but I won’t I’ll be patient and turn it into delicious bread instead what uh what can

I do for you I’m so hungry seems pretty inefficient to have everyone sharing one crafting table why don’t you just build your own what hey I don’t know what your deal is but I don’t want any part of it please leave me alone I’ve written up enough

Hi I told you no building for me thank you no get boom the gongs real harmony did see by Friday Cooper thought nah me a sick weirdo mundo la pêche said Yvonne Cinco Emma hey there are you on the schedule for the furnace this afternoon I didn’t think there were any more

Appointments today hang on let me see here Gail 10 stone blocks oh yes that went very well Melissa 3 cooked pork chops up in yes every schedule flex ik Mel you keep the furnace locked up did it do something wrong you wish you make an appointment speak to the founder

Good day Sunday today if I finish Epiphany now listen Widow guess well knowledge from studio he’s already pieces no building no crafting no brewing no forging the floor that tastes impressed permission from the founder all complaints must be registered in your cell you that’s it you can stop writing

Now intense right look at de anza look hey Petra what you looking at just admiring the sights actually this place is so cool I’m not using one for like checking out people’s builds or whatever but even I have to admit this is really impressive hmm see hey yeah yeah lashes on an iron

Key to a strapless I see a fireplace on the sorrow pizza the founder is an accepting visitors right now nice it is John may is let me cover Chickasha hey captain regional at your service hey so what are you guys up to oh just supervising this citizen while

She does her build the founder finally approved my petition the founder that’s a palace up there she is the keeper of the eversource builds everything you singing Thank You PO said sighs I can’t even fathom how she keeps it all straight huh so that’s where the eversource is yep right by the

Founders side so she can protect us from it that’s why she gets about the cousin about what does or doesn’t get built like now the tech just coming through so easy to get all these oak box your petition was very well handled oh gosh so now they talk to mr. Vicky but I

Don’t understand why everyone shut down they’ll do petunias what a sentiment I mean it is a good thought but it’s crazy right I don’t understand hi uh hello you know where the inn is uh yeah I guess so I don’t trust the innkeeper though if

You really want to find him his ins over there uh what uh he’ll do let’s do it then uh you know when you’re on you and your heli makes us bill how’s it going Lucas okay just watching these guards they really mean business yeah I wouldn’t mess with them if I were

You but I saw CJ – you’re going hello Kay little bit is who set up that though and where should I put them yes just keep them here I’ll deal with them get out of here go go why hello there what can I do for you

I’m not sure what the custom is where you come from but here it is considered impolite to stare I heard from someone in town that you could help me other people were talking about me they must have me mistaken with some other handsome another son make your cool easy

Yeah out of curiosity what is it that they thought I could help you with I’m sorry but I’m actually quite busy yNN’s don’t keep themselves you know lots of busy work I heard you talked to the blaze rods earlier what did they want hmm hmm lays rods hmm I I don’t know any

Blaze rods you must have been misled hmm I’m sorry it’s like I told those other outsiders I can’t help you now please hey is our guy he tell you where to find the blaze rods how many of you are there I told you I don’t know anything he

Hasn’t told you anything yet is he eating them somewhere come on you can trust me nothing bad is gonna happen just help us fine if it will make you leave me alone that Aiden fellow did come talk to me earlier wanted to know where the eversource was called it I

Just told him what everyone else already knows the eversource is in the palace with the pie it’s an example to gender you’ll swear what a bunch of creeps yes I wasn’t terribly fond of them so where is Aiden now the group left for the palace and I haven’t seen them since

Attention attention everyone just a moment of your time please emergency meeting attendance is mandatory Oh slime blocks curious I wonder what that’s all about hmm no but I’ve well let’s go out of well oh it’s the founder whoa no J me me Missa Cleopatra wonder what this is all about yes I’m

Nervous being surrounded by so many people oh this is not good what are you oh well people of Sky City I’m sorry to pull you from your duties but something urgent has come to my attention a crime has been committed crime what games please remain calm earlier today Outsiders built a bridge

Into our fair city from a distant hahaha hi officer contest behavior one of these outsiders know it or not this is a violation of sky city’s most sacred laws no unauthorized building possibly you the bridge builders please well since I just know what why would you even ask that Jesse

Wherever you are step forward now sure you will personally I appreciate that you may be ignorant of our laws but I will warn you sky city is small and I promise it could kill bat right let me to describe ever cost this is clearly our fastest way to Castle by getting

Arrested wait don’t be fooled by the founders lies I can help you come up with a plan to get here I am I know she look like she’s gonna use me cute follow me wait ain’t coming peacefully yes then they’re getting away after them Jessie brighto brighto whoa all right

That cool smell sweet some movie huh sedition yessuh massa Hodel Ayurvedic stencil make available gender conscience just in here yes there’s nowhere to hide in here then before I take your 20 further you must take an oath I think there weren’t brickwork you must swear to never reveal

What I’m about to show you what do you swear that my will I solemnly swear that I will never tell your secret to anyone else fantastic Philippe right this way hmm it’s all on professor conversional special this is build club whoa-ohh class everything gone boy it was built

From resources that my people have saved or obtained man can’t be easy to come by some of this stuff nice work wow this is quite the secret hideout lie low very nice it is not a hideout it is a build Club you see one day a long time

Ago I was just a citizen of Sky City like any other I wanted to make a community garden so I put in a petition for a dirt block and MercyMe it was granted but in my excitement and haste to build my garden I accidentally dropped my new block and it fell right

Over the edge for my crime I was tossed into the founders dungeons daemul and I was in there for a very very long time well okay but it was an accident they can’t lock you up for that campaign oh but they can it was deemed an egregious lack of resources you see in

Our world when something falls over the edge it is gone forever but I have always believed in my heart that just because building is risky it doesn’t mean that no one should do it if only I had known you were builders sooner I would have helped you all escape when I

First met you rather than let your friends be taken but at least you are here yes I would like to save Lucas Milo our friends are in trouble we have to help them well don’t dawdle ah hello my friends bringing in outsiders seriously pretty hard to keep this a

Secret Club if you just bring people in yeah we have it hard enough as it is everyone please guys don’t worry we’re builders just like you yeah Jesse’s right just chill out we’re the ones that built that bridge into town today yeah Milo jail are you kidding me the most

Wanted criminals in the whole city we gotta turn them in before the guards break our door down well no let’s not do that I assure you harboring them is worth the risk they are the epitome of build Club material builders I’m not sure see them building hey yeah come on unless there’s

Almost jata see if Milo says you’re these amazing builders prove it yeah build something now see here this is all highly disrespectful to my guests I’m the leader here I think I know my way around a crafting table better than any of you chumps Oh cocky let’s see if you

Can back that up uh-huh smoker we don’t know many recipes so if you just show us something that they build will you come from you’re gonna be just fine Jesse Jesse it took us many weeks to scrape together this inventory please you for your billion oh thanks bill bill oh

Hi you found good Emma got something to take notes with no darn i guess al you remember all this then let’s get nervous yet my what no oh is going exactly well it’s a Gordon is it is is it safe fear not everyone the Golem is under my control

And obeys my every whim I am so sorry we ever doubted you I can understand why the guards are oh yeah I mean that was awesome right I told you yeah we’re really sorry wowsers there to cut so sorry yeah they’re sorry hey these things happen apologies totally accepted dudes now how about

That home getting us into the palace like a good Edison watch yeah that would be great ah yes of course of course that is after all why you are here I must say though after seeing you in action your skills are even more impressive than I could have imagined so

Impressive that I wonder if I could heip others what is it oh there man ha ha ha find a favor I helped you get into the palace you helped me steal the eversource for my people unlimited resources for everyone ok but my friends are in trouble in

There so for breaking into the palace we’re going to save them this is an acceptable and Noble arrangement good now as per semester shuttle Oxford you do this what do you find your founder keep the dinosaurs feel alive located in her throne room dramatic every night the founder leaves guards at

Every door but there’s a single window at the back of the palace that is left unguarded it’s an almost perfect point of entry but it is far too often I call to Sara if we can find a way through that window scan every source should be practically within our grasp

Guys how high it is doesn’t matter what you just have to start thinking like real builders and craft a solution yeah like a ladder building ladders craft away in if you could show us how to craft something that would reach the window the boiler we could get this

Heist underway ha ha d oh say no I literally boozy yeah oh I’m so finishing this chosen if you fear you are one of us Jesse we will never forget this day Apple in minutes the busier say busy other up on the shoes denne denne denne in this training is

Quite into the throne room once inside we will just need to find the secret entrance that the founder supposedly uses isn’t it exciting on our way to changing everything supposedly we’re pinning all of our hopes on supposedly ha you worry too much enjoy the thrill of mystery Lala listen oh oh

Yawn okay the throne room was in save oh yeah I know I know why are you saying things to me that I already whoa Jesse Jesse Patra hey glad to see you guys right back atcha what are the odds am i right Lukas Ivor we’re here to rescue you

I think you’re a little late for that uh yeah we broke out ourselves it’s a good thing you guys are here Aidan’s going after the other source which we obviously can’t abide we’re here to get it first fantastic that is what we are doing as well

Who uh who’s this guy by the way I mean I assume he’s cool right oh right Milo Lucas Lucas Milo Milo I bore I’m orc mine yeah he’s a new friend I am charmed yeah yeah the founders secret entrance is supposed to be somewhere in this throne room if it’s in here we’ll

Find it hey say party poacher sha-la-la-la-la Armas you’re the publican stem Knights tomb riding a very door vibe from this yeah what happened to him just need to make something to activate that redstone circuit again it’s gotta be something in here we can use like a lever if you can

Find one of those bad boys we’ll have that secret door open in a snap thank you don’t guess so shake yourself am I say shopping how’s it looking still looking like it needs power don’t worry I’ll find the answer oh gosh posses neighbor I leaving you uh

It caught this like it should see anyone not yet but the acoustics are funky in this place so it’s hard to tell when people are coming we shouldn’t hang around got it hmm war habits of the Enderman by Sauron I’ll have that get here already Christian so I don’t all of you

Whoa wow it’s so big nothingness I mean she flung to be blood to feed our son quail so how was prison like oh it was wonderful I’ve always wanted time behind bars to work on my poetry that was sarcasm in case you were curious it’s your desire off em oh well

Jessie what are you hahaha sorry Remis well that’s really got it definitely regal not bad you believe it we got in yes I’m very grateful to you for all of your help give yourself some credit Milo you’ve done build club proud I get the feeling this is a special tree yes the

Ground you’re standing on is actually the original Island that all of Sky City started from that tree dropped the saplings that grew into every tree on the island I may not agree with the founders methods but even I must admit that’s an impressive feat well that is pretty special

That’s it I’m over not a good one nah no don’t cobblestone generator amazing lava and water placed exactly far enough that when they collide it creates cobblestone genius right Oh perk up it besides ingenious hostage you need a spotter scrape on salawa no oh well but

Guess it poor dead push barely more than a bundle of sticks yes sir hopefully no one will miss one dead bush perfect well I think that’s all thing I need to make a lever now honey what is it okay let’s do this Thanks ever let up yeah my old friend the lever

Attack didn’t know you were watching my apologies it is still just such a thrill to see someone so confident and sure in their building every restaurant worker no no lousy I just thought if I see Kelly what I saw bars I assume this is it every source here we come

Whoa Wow Wow look at all these chests yeah and they’re all wall creeper zombie sheep pig man curious what does it mean yeah plunk could you see huh Thanks the sign says sheep not eggs might as well throw it and give it a shot what a vet it’s a school autonomy dog dunya

Vets comment cards if Co sheep is is that a monster that’s not so bad it is fluffy the eggs all have creatures inside them and they’re all different colors they must be you know color coded what’s in them so she can just spawn things whenever she wants to

So the eversource makes these spawn egg things stay on your toes we’re close ah I can’t wait let’s take a look a salami Mexico a fatty Ikeda space cáceres thiago palma de abuso solido solido Skype or Akeley diversification person whale sabzi huh Leto incredible Wow well this is pretty weird

What the eversource it’s just a chicken so the chicken lays the eggs and the eggs make monsters and the low cut everybody sally’s well throw it in the minecart and let’s get out of here we’re still taking it right the chicken that the entire city depends on are you sure

That’s a good idea what are you talking about we need to bring it to the people with it we’ll finally be free of the founder but that clucking thing is what we came for uh Milo’s right the eversource belongs to the peak what I thought that was the whole point of

This adventure things I didn’t see I knew you were here to steal from me ah pain she’s too fast just give me a second to catch my breath we’ll hang on a second let’s talk about this okay I’m not sure there’s anything to talk about it’s just like I told you founder

They’re here to steal the eversource classic order of the stone you don’t say what no don’t believe that you have the wrong idea no no no you don’t get to spin it like this Aidan you’re the bad guy you just expect me to believe a bunch of criminals Aiden warned me that

You are a pack of thieves and here you are prepare to make off with the one thing our city depends on to survive boy when you put it like that I almost feel bad yep not afraid I’m going to be taking the chicken it’s mine now what this is outrageous Oh Oh Aaden

Don’t do this somebody order eggs I’ve got eat it save the foul no you got me Lucas gosh well honey thank you thank you Oh gasps blows I lost some I’ll take it from here I’m stuck about when I win so slow I’ll live a PE professor

This is all your fault thanks to you we get to see what really happens when you fall off the islands now you can’t pin this on me this is your fault are you serious yeah I’m serious trusting the plays rods hiding me every source I didn’t do any of that hmm

I can’t decide whether I want our death to be painless for my sake or excruciating for yours I know you do man impossible that’s impossible Jessie bear you only get to it in time gonna be close oh these look boo boo so no more shoot door oh bombuh Samoas lava

Hemet all ah Jesse holy crap you’re down here too Lucas you made it oh yeah slightly worse for wear ah gotta say Hayden’s tougher than I remember yeah we pretty good Lucas I’m really sorry didn’t try to help you up there I only had a few seconds everything was happening so fast

Ashley buddy don’t worry about it Aiden was a stronger than I was expecting that was good of you to try and save the founder uh speaking of whom she okay she’s just sort of staring uh let me ask founder this founder uh uh she’s not in shock or something you uh doing okay

Over there I just I I can’t believe it this has been down here the whole time i forbade anyone to look for land be Louis well land is gonna be a pretty big game-changer for you guys I mean it’s gonna change everything yes look at this place totally untouched

Biomes all around us yes it’s all a little overwhelming what what do I do now well how about you start with a few deep breaths miss founder ma’am it’s pretty big so just take a minute enjoy the sideshow there yeah breathe it in yeah getting back up to Sky City

Might be a little exhausting getting back up my word you’re right we need to do that I hadn’t even thought that far ahead yet whoa uh-oh Sarek la Paz Road realest Amy repetitious Pierre Cossette episod Durvasula blue a conservative see supposably density pas la que la vie de

Ovo’s Appalachian music ET palace with a leaf DOMA some fish soup a pleasure great loss in noble a mystery por la Vida minecraft story mode Vimal merci beaucoup de set a floor jumper is a foodie at Demopolis sweet cha-cha

This video, titled ‘UNE VILLE DANS LES NUAGES ! | Minecraft Story Mode | Chapitre 5 ! #Ep2’, was uploaded by Furious Jumper on 2016-04-01 13:30:00. It has garnered 218428 views and 6069 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:56 or 2216 seconds.

Jesse and four adventurers discover that a terrifying event is brewing. So they embark on an expedition across Minecraft’s main dimensions, the nether, the end, the outlands and more, to find the Order of the Stone to save the world from Oblivion. ►The Game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/376870/

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    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series https://clck.ru/38eG69 “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/38eG69 Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38eG69 Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 https://www.instagram.com/n5_gamer_sunny?igsh=MWg1NTczazlmNDc5bA== FACEBOOK 👇 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555861854347&mibextid=ZbWKwL X 👇 https://x.com/NavadeepG85820?t=CNB9mr9rX2T6DdTrsKmLeg&s=09 WHATSAPP 👇 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaW17rm5vKABWLklC72y ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/U7De4awJbP Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/W8kAVQJECz Read More

Furious Jumper –  A CITY IN THE CLOUDS!  |  Minecraft Story Mode |  Chapter 5!  #Ep2