fuslie – POTATO CAM!! minecraft addiction never stops… NEW MODS YAYAYYY

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Tellies Kiss What is going on why was every sitting on my thing turned on I was just singing and what is that I what happened I’m just sing Oh the heck was that Hello I don’t know I I I was just normally I didn’t know my mic thing with then every single thing was cranked to the max like good afternoon Everybody be trueid Your accent remember IED for a million days you’ll be my summer in December hey my in I’m not I Got million days in a million ways heart and LU your heart and it was for a million ways for a million days hello everybody today is a day where we will be potato cam because yeah I don’t want to get ready so oh my eyes look like

Really white hello good evening okay so we’re back uh hey oh my teeth are so white that’s not accurate I think the exposure is just really high um but that’s where we are at good evening good evening afternoon everybody can you see me I’m in the

Corner what is going on my teeth though like that is just kind of deal with it deal with it okay um okay so to today I wasn’t even going to play Minecraft but then the mods there’s a bunch of mods that I really want to see that are out so I was

Like oh God I have to I have to play for a little bit and I was like well I don’t want to get ready and I was like well I don’t have to get ready I can just be a potato this is awesome so we are here um

We’re going to test some of the mods out you know it might be you know I wasn’t going to stream at all today maybe maybe a little short stream maybe I don’t know we’re playing Minecraft okay I’m addicted and it is what it is and let’s

See what at least like see the new BS are some really cute things um it’s all the ones I put in but like the ones I got approved so there like six mods that I like yeah so this update is dedicated to us thanks Abe thanks Debs you guys are the best

Um it’s time for what oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I have no game sound again what’s happened what’s happened okay Ryan okay Ryan wow Ryan okay Ryan’s on a mission meet at my place oh my God what year is it okay that’s me okay coming

Okay chill Ryan chill okay okay I’ll be right there Iron torch W when what may fosle your Uber has arrived oh my God I can’t P oh my God I uh and a p okay I think he’s okay right in the you’re uh oh I think you might have a cold or something

Have you lost your voice is my voice okay hello is my voice what are you doing here oh I mean I’m sorry I’m meang is my voice okay hello I mean again is my voice working pleasure to see you guys again that’s exactly hello hello

Hello hello I can’t no I can’t hear you man your your voice You’ve Lost Your Voice You’ve Lost Your Voice what oh no she’s got a code oh sorry H my mic is broken but but but why I just I just logged in should be fine microphone

Hello oh no you guys can hear me right yeah yeah that makes sense chat can hear me oh my God yes there’s cars guys there’s cars that was one of the big ones I was like I saw automobility I was looking at Minecraft mods pumpkin one

Hello wish I could attach more seats to the hello no I can’t hear you mayor foosley I can’t hear you oh no oh God she’s crying voice volume push talk yeah it’s okay mayor foosley it’s okay select mic it’s okay huh you’re fixed she’s alive am I fixed

Though oh wait yeah you guys are I can hear you in my mic yeah there we go there we go I knew something was hold on whoa w I become the mayor oh she’s a ventriloquist I’m the mayor what about now no h okay so the chat I’m just going to

Make all you guys and then everyone can just gra AIO that is the problem oh yeah that would be perfect I need those for uh for ranbow Road Project yeah R um yeah part specifically you could help me with yes please please I’ll Supply the cars I’m not quite there yet

Though oh yeah the cars would be super helpful what about now got man all different ones with like different colors settings and then you like a call selection that be pretty cool control panel you know what you could even do you could honestly have a chest filled with the different pieces then people

Could like make that car sound control panel okay here and then I go here and then I go sound control panel it’s weird like my broadcast manager works with my actual chat microphone like the like the like the game like the game what about now well oh you’re good really you’re

Perfect yes interesting I’ve realized the problem okay interesting okay my Uber wait cars May fley you’re where did we get cars Vehicles we got the car I’m coming back I’m we’re advancing we are advancing as a society hey uh ellm can you give her a lift to my house absolutely foosley hop

In just got to yep all right well we’ve got a lovely day here in uh foosley town uh it’s a pleasure to have the mayor here with me we need roads we need roads immediately what is this this is oh God uh sorry uh uh and why is this an office

Chair what is oh we need roads well it’s it’s the best I could do it’s my first day on the job you see uh so I I’ve I’m starting up a company you see May fosle Elon Musk is what they call me and this is the the Tesla Model LM the Tesla okay

Well it’s the thex the fosa the fosa model LM F you’re naming it after me I love it it’s fantastic ran where’s your house Ryan where’s your go time house this way this way wooo the fosa model l so you’re the only one who works here

I’m the only well you know mayor fosy we’re always open for new employees iflo right here wait here okay oh sorry oh that’s his guy Mar um you got well um so my tip where is the tip i’ oh tip oh this is you’re charging me after I got you

Elytra you called me dead weight yes and it motivated you to be useful this out wait wait below Ryan’s place what are you I’m going to be help oh my God Alum sorry sorry sick huh wait shopping cart the shopping C give it a try wait

With just right click it man jump on in oh wait there it is drive drive it I can dri Ryan you want to grab the pumpkin man do you want to grab the pumpkin [Laughter] no it’s so sick FY drift drift you drift in a shopping cart by the way um so if you drift enough you get a boost like Mario Kart you you actually have a boost way watch watch yep yep you get boosts you get boost you get

A boost yeah we insane is that are you kidding this is awesome this is awesome we need to decide collectively how and what to make the roads like how big and like yeah like what what material you know cuz so it can be matching um okay well let’s decide here now someone’s in

Charge of Roads oh well what kind of Roads can we make um snow oh there’s roads there’s literally roads for this there’s slopes type in Road there’s act roads yeah there’s like a grass Offroad there’s oh Offroad sand offroads sand Offroad yeah but there’s no like regular road yeah I you can just

Like uh if you just use like I mean even concrete right it’s like loads of concrete with yellow concrete in the middle I guess you could do possibly true does this feel any different if you drive on that I don’t I don’t think so no no it’s just I

Think there a snowy one there is a snowy one as well I see I see ah okay well what what would fit the best with our town I don’t know Cobble m yeah maybe um well I was using I’m making a track right now but it looks like track do you have dash

Panels hello oh no Ryan do you hear him is he sounding weird is that me uhoh oh no hello it’s me I’m dcing look at my thing bottom left waiting for server is it it’s me huh I’m the problem my stream’s okay right oh oh no oh just no no no I’m the

Problem so it’s just the server was it just me oh no oh no no no no no oh no no no okay congratulations joh I hope your stats midterm went well kind of fun huh stats it was actually not a bad class stats is it felt the most useful out of

Like math classes you know it was just me I don’t understand what what’s causing the problem no further information I mean they said that that error is fine why are you potato because I don’t have any makeup on and I feel like a potato so I figured why not be a potato

Do you know what I mean I’m just a little little lad in the corner that’s me hi why do it say DC wait they crashed yes I saw cop croptop yet we’re going to explore all the new mods today there’s a bunch of of them the car one

Is obviously really like we’ve seen a little bit oh no it’s crashed crash deed let me see if there’s any updates on the Discord the Discord Says okay oh okay it’s a it’s get restarting pause hello Claire how do you do you’ve made such good changes as mayor with these mods thank you so much thank you so much if there’s any really really cool mods that you guys know um you know

Feel free to let me know and then we can ask the devs the almighty devs to put them in if they’re like really really cool you know I feel empty without m craft how you feel empty what do I do what if I no no no no no can I since

I have this right can I start a single player server right with this mod same mod just cheats of it right I can and play it by myself you can right wow like I can just do this with no lag whoa and you can just test things

Wow oh you can use single player to test stuff with infinite resources my secret private world oh the server’s back up I’ve just created my secret private World though come on no 2v Tuesday um 2v Tuesdays are going to be moved I’m not sure if we’re

Doing one this week but they’re going to be moved in the future probably to Thursdays or something because Tuesdays are steam maintenance days so yeah we’ve realized that and um yes that is what we’ve realized I don’t know what is so bright on my computer that is making me so

Wow wow I’m just like op here I can have anything I want here I see like I can just have elytra and stuff like immediately oh I see this is what it’s like to be all powerful I see I see I see I see oh oh oh oh I don’t need a ltra

Because I’m all powerful I see I see okay I see okay interesting will there be a Halloween 2v2 special wow you guys are you guys are cooking maybe maybe we will do that yeah 2v Thursdays doesn’t hit as hard but we’ll still call it 2v Tuesdays and then hopefully it’ll just confuse people

And thinking that it’s like Tuesday when it’s Thursday and then people won’t you know what it’ll be fun just confuse people for fun why not okay loading in pause no it’s just like a little smiley face one what happened oh do you like it mayor foosley let me see what is it look

To your right where I’m right here or how are you running a pumpkin but look at its face it’s all cute wait how are you doing that you make it man you make it what do you me you make it you make it on the assemblers on this thing to like right

Over here I didn’t even know that was one of the options it’s a bottom one what do I do here how do I make it basically you need you need the table and then you okay let me show you um okay so you take a crowbar to this hang

On a minute oh she’s stolen my my pumpkin wagon I love it I love it I mean mayor foosley you can have that if you want well as much as I want it it’s yours you know what I mean but it’s my gift to the mayor I shouldn’t it doesn’t

Even work I’m driving it backwards it’s a it doesn’t even mayor can it she can make it okay how do I do it it’s very it’s very easy it is very easy yeah what do I take um so you need to make a table and disassembler what table though type in

At automobile or Auto and I see I see okay auto mechanic table well you already have one so what’s the point of making another one you know well oh I see you’re going to want to have it with you cuz if you have to disassemble do you guys have any copper

Ingots M I got loads yeah got why don’t can I have some oh yeah here you go there you go oh thank you so much okay let’s see all right so open up the guide book automobile okay I have a crowbar amazing so I take

A crowbar and then I have to have that’s it right and then wooden motor car what do I need that for you all you need to do is just you need this little Anvil thingy the the assembler and then the little table and they’re the only two

Things you need and then when you right click the table you’ll be able to see everything you need um in terms of like the materials and like the how to get the cars and stuff okay okay so I okay table and then I go to the assembler oh okay okay you don’t

Want to assemble the assembler that’s um yeah oh so don’t do that okay so yeah so put the table next to it okay like that uh yeah and then just right click the table oh my God frames and then you can see everything so if you scroll through

The top you can see like the the wheels you can see the engine the car you can see attachments you can put like and it tells me everything I need for them yep yep and that’s all that’s literally all you need to do and then when you want to

Make it you just go to the assembler put the frame on and then aim at the assembler right click it and then you can put all of the uh the items on it basically wait okay wait aim at the okay so once I pick it all right how do I I

Have to go to my inventory and pick those out separately so you just you see when you like click on one and it gives you the list of the ingredients put all those in and then you can just drag the part out um but I have to have all those

Things like I have to bring put you got to have the whole car sorted and then you go over to the automobile assembler and then assemble the car on that once I have those things once you have those things and then it just starts like once

You put the engine in it just it just it just works oh my God it’s easy it’s easy yeah it’s tool they have a frame but just one bit of advice I the diamond wheels are the ones which like means you can go over like bricks and stuff I put

The wrong Wheels on the pumpkin that’s why you were crashing into the side oh yeah they were terrible it was awful yeah yeah but thees go over everything Diamond tires go so you want diamond tires yeah they just they they can just like go over like steep hills and stuff like that

O yeah cool pretty cool how do I know what some of these are though I don’t know what these items are um the white one oh yeah I I just asked chat most of it what this yeah just tell you one of them was smooth Stone which I didn’t

Know and I got I mixed up obsidian with wool once as well oh okay I oh I see it’s honestly like it’s not it’s the most of the materials are pretty easy to get like um lawn di which one’s a lawnmower attachment I’m going to make that wow

Wow how do I make she’s going to make loads of cars loads of cars Harvester oh I’m going to puke what what is this stuff oh God okay I need gold copper sticks gold copper sticks gold yes oh yes it’s coming Foley’s first fosler oh my God it’s happening it’s happening it’s happening

Um it’s all happening um this is the items identifying them is kind of tricky this um the let’s see let’s see this one okay the crop Harvester are you trying to do the which car are you trying to do um I’m trying to make a lawn

Mower uh which is the lawn mod is that the bottom one uh I mean I think as long as I have like oh wait it’s it’s definitely the the tractor I’m going to make a tractor so I need I need Stone I need there’s like a oh this thing do you

Know okay what is that the heck is that I’m going to make a che there’s one which is really easy which is the red one cuz that’s just red dye red dye prison bars Cobblestone a bronze what what is that square uh you can wait the one in the

Middle on the red one it’s like the the second and the third one is it a CO copper block and what that’s a copper block and the third one’s just any Cobblestone so just like just literally Cobblestone will work fine okay Cobblestone and then you said it’s a

Copper block so just that’s just what I think it is right that’s just like yeah that’s just a copper block and that’s that’s what you got to do okay and prison bars and red Dy prison bars oh and red dye okay okay red dye and then I go and then you then

Go to engines after that and then you need a bit more wait but I didn’t I have it all do I have to drag it to it or something yeah you got to place it in so just yeah just just Place each one and then it will come up on the auto parts

But oh okay okay I’m doing it oh I have to redo it I think oop okay red dye and an iron bar and a a cobblestone and a block of copper and that and another block of copper and another block of copper and lot oh oh quartz refined wait it needs just iron

Oh regular old iron yes yes yes easy okay okay again okay okay I wish this synergized with um with the like you could just search your inventory easier for it instead of having to get everything out but that’s okay yeah yeah it’s uh I got the okay I

Got the automobile frame then I need an engine right what engine do you recommend uh I would go the diamond one I think it’s it’s the best one so yeah so I need OB it’s not super hard to make just obsidian yeah Redstone and then two diamonds and a furnace

Diamond diamond Redstone furnace pause I think I’m forgetting something it needs a oh diamonds Diamond Diamond okay oh do you have oh you can you can stack them though so oh I I do there you go um how much do you need is it one right I think just one okay there you

Go okay perfect okay I put one Diamond here I put one Diamond here then I put an obsidian then I put a block of redstone and then I put a furnace and then I pull out an automobile engine then I go to wheels and I want to make bejweled

Wheels then I put the two obsidian then I put then then I pull out my bed Wheels then I go to attachment and then I go to front attachment and then I go and then I put in one Cobblestone then I put in another Cobblestone then I put in two

Gold gold then I put in a copper and then I put in two sticks and then I pull out a front attachment and then o oh and then I go here right and I construct it and then you just put the so put the

Frame of the car on oh wait I need four wheels four times yeah no way what no no no no no it’s fine nothing it’s nothing I mean I knew that but it’s just annoying because I don’t have that much obsidian yeah but luckily for you I’ve oh wait where did my

Obsidian go I had where did I put it I had more obsidian uhoh oh oh oh that’s awkward oh uh oh am I chat where did I where did I put the obsidian oh I just had three more bits where did it all go

Oh that’s I gave it to her no you didn’t no you didn’t oh I gave you all my obsidian I don’t think you did cuz I gave you listen I appreciate your kind donation Elm you are wonderful now I got here you go here you go no no

You have it no have it back no you can use it for the wheels use it for the wheels man yes yes wow okay wait is it working the tractor yeah it’s working so now if you’ve got yep y wait tractors need two wheels oh you

Sicko no they need four what do you me tractors need two they need four right it needs two where they going to go the front wait really yes of course I do you oh maybe you’re right where does the engine go just just right just do just

Place it as you were doing it it’s not working hang on uh let me okay now try it not working on on the Anvil on the Anvil like go to the go to the center of the Anvil there you go oh I see I see

Where are the wheels man there you go oh it works and now right click it and you could just get on it and it should what about my attachment oh yes so R for there there it is there it is yes mayor foosley yes no way and how you can Farm the

Crops look at her go she’s Beauty she’s Grace oh no oh no oh no oh no okay can I just I can pick it up right it’s gone forever now can I break it and pick it up no it’s gone it’s forever here stuck a moment of

Science 07s for mayor fy’s tractor 07s for May Foley’s tractor guys no my tractor it’s free woohoo oh by the way wead B I was trolling you man you could so if you get it in a hole wait wait do you put it in a hole Yeah if you use the

Crowbar you can right clicking it dismantles the whole thing all right but then I have to reassemble it and then you need to reassemble it yeah come this way alum come this way come this way we must test It will it really harvest my crops lum this is awesome it Harvest back we’re back we’ve done it come here look Ellum look she’s farming oh my it harvests my crops this is absolutely amazing this is God this is it’s the F and the foosley this it’s the

F and the fosy this is amazing this is amazing what this is so good why is this so awesome get the carrots man get the carrots I got to get them I got to get them well what about the pumpkins though you know what I mean wait I don’t

There’s no way that works right no not pumpkins that doesn’t make sense okay but what about everything else the cabbages the cabbages oh my God F to fly Jesus Christ guys Jesus it’s going to fall in the water no no no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yes wow she’s never harvested so

Quickly in I actually this is crazy it almost up you know what also it almost makes it would be be better if you didn’t have the water between them you could just like drive along it I know I wonder if I could optimize for this there’s something weirdly satisfying about watching about watching

This just kind of work like this this is so great this is so this is great what the hell oh God she’s revers this is so awesome I’m harvesting it all oh my hard work I can finally actually Harvest cuz you know always too lazy to harvest she’s retiring guys from her mayor

Position as a humble farmer no this that’s what she’s going to do guys this is incredible it’s nowy I I was I was thinking on the opening right we could pick up everyone as like an as a service that’s so cute could bring them to their

Seats that’s so cute and I and I could get like a little a little suit made so I could wear a tuxedo and then you’re a genius great yes the opening it’s getting even better we’re juicing it up you’re an absolute genius holy moly now

Your job is to make me another one of these except I would like it with a it’s a grass cutter you want a grass cutter yes but just like this one with but it’s green instead so I can’t tempt you with a pumpkin cart by any chance a pumpkin

Cart yeah that sounds good and all well I would like a green one that cuts the grass do you know what I mean a pumpkin cart that cuts the grass no no no a green tractor a green tractor a green it’s coming up may F got it get to it

Get to it I’ll be back with the goods I’ll be back with the goods oh my God this stupid Block in the way is pissing me off but ow ow ow ow okay so we can’t Harvest those ones but everything else we can we need roads It’s awesome okay we have cars we have lawnmowers now okay I think I should clear this this is awful awful just awful all of this you’re awful you’re awful you’re all awful awful get out of my way get out go away go away just awful goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye good boy goodbye goodbye

Goodbye horrible okay yes wow so how do we H is there a way I can make it where I could just drive straight across it would be so cool oh my God we have cars now we can have roads I wish we started with all these

Mods so we could like have roads to start but I guess you know it’s Minecraft it’s part of the fun we can just reposition it all roads through the city you know wow lily pads oh lily pads would be fine yeah roads would be so nice you’re just filling with dirt

Because water is under the blocks anyway oh is that true but it wouldn’t look pretty but if I had lily pads like this part I can just drive straight over right I think I can okay so I think I can I can’t guys lilypads don’t work lilypads don’t work they do not

Work okay so that’s a bit of the first mod there’s also a mod called nightlights all right very lights so we need to make hanging lights first to make hanging lights oh no glow stone dust anyone have glow stone dust glow I’ve got seven where do you get glowstone dust or

Know where to get some monah think oh think think thinking face come to the lab nether oh Elum has glowstone dust you get it in the nether oh you just break glow stones oh you crush glow stones glow stones oh okay or LM LM is where um LM where’ he

Go Elum are you on a dragon wait who’s that God King Ryan Alum hello Ben how do you do hello I am here for my glowstone pickup here you go hang on a minute hang on a minute where are you right up here where are

You man oh oh oh oh oh oh oh here you go there it is how much is it how that’s 10 you need I got 10 more actually there you go oh my God Legend You’re the best everything you need all right I may need a trip to the nether soon for more

Glowstone dust I’ll let you know wor I might have okay I’ll expect a delivery thank you okay now some wait does the magic fan interact with the elytra is such a good question what is that fan called I wonder if it does pause champ hold it does

But how does this not die do we have to put mending on this cuz it’s going to die oh you can put elytra in the extra elytra slot can I put mending on this is a great question we could try we can try to enchant it okay where’s the elytra slot

Um I don’t see an elytra slot but they’re supposed supposed to be a slot that’s new oh wait oh wait it’s got to be here hands ring belt charm is it a charm slot maybe body grid hand spell focus I feel like it’s got to be like a charm Grid backpack unfortunately it’s backpack but what about our backpack well I guess I don’t need a backpack as much just PL I guess I could give up my my backpack I don’t really need it I suppose I don’t really need it do I wow you don’t have to oh I can still

Use it that’s true oh my gosh yeah you’re right yeah I don’t have to use it it okay so then maybe let me put mending on on my on my peacock feather fan let’s enchant this okay I wonder if my enchanting room is still there ow humble beginnings everybody humble beginnings the

Barrels live left love gobby Stuart how are you how are the kids oh I took everything my queen I took everything oh my God why are there okay so where’s my enchanting stuff then did I ever put anything down wait I don’t need that I don’t need to I just need an

Anvil right I’m forgetting how to play this game to be honest what the heck I should bring them to the new house it’s true I could pick them up and bring them they can meet the new friends hello Fox how do you do go bad go bad go bad go

BGE Glenn thei how do you do I passed the animal like a fool okay so let’s put this here and put mending on it oh okay hold okay I have a mending book here and then what about do I I don’t have any Unbreaking it’s all bad I can ask Ryan

He definitely has Unbreaking he definitely has Unbreaking okay let’s see if it even works Ming wow it works okay we have to go to Ryan let’s ask him here we go um why is my Rocket’s not working hello my Rocket’s not working guys okay well this is working so we’ll be fine where is he oh he’s not that far

He’s not that far cing is this where his house is wait what that I mean how Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan where are you Ryan where are we where is this place R where are you what the heck I’m right on top of him Ryan are you in the sky what

Yeah I’m On Top I’m on top of the ground wait where you are interest like here hello mushrooms mushrooms oh my God never underestimate the value of these after what I went through Ryan wait he’s flying back Ryan no no no no no he’s flying back Ryan Ryan Ryan don’t fly

Back oh no Ryan hello he’s flying Hello oh no he’s flying back I okay I’ll just stay put on I’m on the trees the trees oh come to the sand on the beach yeah do you have your car no I didn’t bring my car was you supposed to fly with my car just drive it here whoa

What is it this way wait he went this way what oh my God it’s a whole Road he’s building a he building a racetrack oh R track try it out it’s not ready yet but oh like a there’s going to be wall so you can’t fall oh I see just

Test it out yeah you can test it all right oh actually well yeah test it out go for it here we go don’t fall off cuz there’s no fences yet okay here we go all right ready set here we go second I’m Going ah they’re actually kind of fast they’re fast woohoo oh no no No [Applause] wooo oh my God it’s Working room woohoo And that’s it so far wow wow fantastic yeah this is going to be this is going to be crazy I think it’s going to be really fun wait this is going be so awesome wow yeah yeah um well um not that I I came here to obviously see that

First but I also wanted to then ask you if you had a a uh oh oh you Unbreaking Unbreaking because guess what guess what this this peacock feather fan can work with my elytra really yeah oh to like boost you up you mean true yeah some in my chat was like

Yeah not that I you know expect you to give it to me oh thank you so much and also bad news what Morgan’s gone oh I heard you heard Morgan died so maybe later today I forgot how we did it oh yeah you had to do the thing with the big oil

Thing yeah okay when do you want to do that maybe when you know you in like an hour or two or something okay yeah you sure you don’t want me to just make it for you right now I would love that yeah thank you so much that’d be fantastic

Woohoo wait right now right now yeah okay I mean if you got give me a a sword with an enchantment on it remember diamond sword diamond sword this here this would get us out of here okay any any uh diamond sword does it matter oh any enchantment with a diamond sword

Yeah okay any enchantment with a diamond sword here we go uh any Oh you mean any here Bane of Arthropods 4 okay now we go to the pools to the pools we go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yes coming oh God oh my God I could to put Unbreaking

On this guys it’s going to be amazing okay hello oh hello hold on I forgot the machines are off wait I could still do this you want to go go daddy is pxel fight yeah all right here you go okay so you remember what to do right kill

Villagers yeah here take this to no you have to you have to do the thing you have to get you have to kill a dog remember you befriend the dog and oh that thing okay yes okay kill a dog yes yes yes okay so oh oh k burn I see okay

All that I know how to do okay thanks Ryan just kill the dog and then kill the Villager and breed the villagers and kill the villagers do I have to name the dog when I kill it no you just have to make sure it loves you first oh yeah and

With a bone yeah a bunch of Bones take a bunch of Bones very easy thanks Ryan good luck on the racetrack ow my face thanks why are the mobs highlighted is a fantastic question nearby dark oak biome uh ooh I don’t think so but I have um wait wait Nature’s

Compass can can lead you there wait I I have dark oak and saplings I think so dark oak dark oak yeah I got dark oak oh I’ve got 12 of the logs but I have 63 saplings and basically when you have one sapling sapling you have it all okay let

Me put this in the Anvil okay let me go to the Anvil over here and then we do a little F I have a request be gone oh sorry sorry not you oh yes hello hello what is the you try and enlarge yourself while you’re on the

Tractor what are you saying I just want to see if you could go if you could if the tractor will go really big oh the tractor I see yeah I want to see if you can become a giant while driving a giant car let me try that right now well well

First let me in let me put this in here and then do this very quickly put a little this on this and a little this on this and then do this on this perfect sounds great okay yes yes okay and now what am I doing a giant tractor with the power of

Your shrink ray you become huge huge oh you also got a lot of arrows poking You Les sorry May F how did the uh the nether go was it looks go to the nether oh so where did what mighty fine arrows you oh no please please let it

Grow can you can you ride it when when you’re huge hold on so I’m on it right yeah you’re on oh okay oh oh I see wait wait what if I go like and then I get on it wait wait oh oh and then now that I’m massive

Whoa we’re trying to make a giant tractor I’ve been I’ve been to battle what would you like and I have our planks okay yeah yeah yeah oh wait planks wait are they okay I don’t know I have 12 logs where’s my gift shter I’ll EAS saplings gift yes there’s

My gift where’s my gift sh how do I shrink how do I get smaller I’m so massive gift for me I need to where’s my personal shrinking device okay here we go really presents I want presents how do I how do I eat it how do I how do I

You right click it oh and I silk touch it and you dumb ass oh you squandered my no I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to get him get him sh you don’t need to do this oh God oh God and then I’ll be back with a to destroy this one Here of course anytime she’s turned on me no I can barely hear him hold on back home I go back home he goes no no you don’t need to do this man don’t please there we go you learn your lesson you learn your lesson take him out I’ll turn

A blind eye okay I’ll leave you alone I’ll leave you alone then wait I mean you wouldn’t kill me young right you’ll never be me young you’ll never you would never kill me young don’t insult her wait you have her face I have her face this ISP I become young wait I

Can I’ve got the perfect impression wait you ready yeah huh I’m I’m meang it is I me you’re like hilariously bad at that impr like it’s just awful wouldn’t you wouldn’t you rather that we be honest with you as your friends yeah yeah yeah I mean was a really good impression

So so glowstone now he’s not my friend then that’s more glow St glow stone sorry sorry I’m going I’m going faster oh God oh God faster because look at all the stuff that I can make look at this guys it’s about to be magical are we ready look I

Can make hanging lights green hanging lights hanging lights neon hanging lights I can make I can make a little mushroom white fairy fairy lights wait I need pink fairy lights in order to make wait I can do this oh I need a colored fairy lights

First so I need to make fairy lights but to make the fairy lights I need to wait I don’t understand hanging lights and fairy lights are different okay so then what if I want to make white fairy lights then I go like that right does it work where do I put

Them they’re so cute those ones are so cute hanging lights look at the hanging lights oh my God hanging lights are adorable actually oh what about what about these ones fairy lights oh my God oh my God oh my God so pretty I love it they go on ceilings got

It okay oh my God hanging lights are fairy lights God they’re so good they’re so good hanging wait they have yellow like the night these like little Starry ones that hang down oh my God wait you can make them out of wait what you can make hanging lights

Out of hanging lights that just happened wait oh you can oh I see okay okay okay okay okay then they have okay look at this they have little mushrooms they have pink mushroom wait can I make that right now pink mushroom what am I missing what is that red mushroom and a transwood

Button ain’t no way what I don’t need a specific oh any button oh I have red mushrooms I have so many red mushrooms yeah we go here and we go here and then we go here and then we go I need a button we’ll just make a button that’s not a

Problem just a little wood a smidge of wood like this uh maybe some wood like that or is it a plank a little plank in the center to get a little button okay and then we get actually maybe I’ll make a couple buttons cuz why not buttons are good 64

Buttons why not then we go here take the little pink mushroom and go like that and then I have a mushroom NightLight and I think it closed guys I think that thing glows uhoh I think it’ll clo it’s so cute a lot of the moves mods let you

Cycle through stuff for different styles you don’t need to add anything else oh I see so I can just just make magenta wait maybe I’m confused pink hanging lights right if I just make that then I get pink ones but then to get back to the other one maybe

These are adorable they’re like little hearts hanging down cute cute so cute okay now are we ready this mod is the one I’m looking at all right um it’s called so okay so there’s two croptop look at croptop guys first at croptop oh I’m going to puke look at this look at

Oh my God stir fry look at all the the new recipes frog legs grilled oysters oh my God look at all the new crops wine in a glass fruit smoothies strawberry smoothies Donuts churu churro churro sushi sushi um pineapple pepperoni pizza where do we get pineapple okay

Here’s the problem where do I get these crops oh my God ice cream bananas where are these though you know like do I how do I get these now that cuz almond saplings how do I get almonds like because they’re new right do they just spawn randomly in the world pineapple

Pizza like are they just around oh you can find them mostly on oak trees so they just spawned now you might not have the plants oh so would they oh so I’m just worried like I wouldn’t be able to find them break grass actually forest biome so like when you

Add new mods like this stuff the the mods will just pop up like the the things will just pop up or it’ll be on only newly generated trees spawn away from the town okay okay I can do that oh my God yeah you know what that’

Be so cute wait I could give that to Ryan I can make him these lamps these things that the mushrooms are so cute uh nightlights these ones yeah yeah yeah we should try and get these for him except I’m running low on oh God I need more

Okay anyways I need to go to the nether anyway to get that stuff right you have to go to new chunks that haven’t spawned before that is insane okay so maybe I go to the Nether and then I oh no you know what I’ve never

Done is made a is is made a nether portal oh no obsidian where am I going to get obsidian oh I have obsidian oh God how am I going to make this what do I need Flint and steel to make another portal it’s just like eight obsidian and go boom bom bo b

B b b boom and then light it right is that it we already have a portal in town so I well so I go into The Nether and then I explore and then I make another NE nether portal out and then it’ll take me really far right 10

Obsidian yeah so the thing is like I’m trying to go to new unexplored chunks that’s where we can find stuff like yeah you know what I mean what do we do if there’s overlapping mods with the same recipes yeah I I ran into that into that issue too okay it’s adventure

Time we are okay so I don’t know why but like sometimes I don’t the battery or like the charger doesn’t work you know what I mean the the the one the wireless the the Wi-Fi doesn’t work so let me put everything back first and then let’s go on this

Adventure okay let me just start like this then let me get the backpack um I don’t know which backpack to get but it’s one of these Diamond backpacks surely probably this one okay no maybe not that one probably this one oh oh it is this one huh okay okay I

Keep putting the crafting upgrades away why okay don’t do that okay um crafting upgrade there let’s bring this backpack I think it’s this one so let’s put everything else back go back go back go back go back go back then I’m going to bring some food

Oh oh let me bring the Scrolls warped Scrolls stabilize Warp Scrolls I have I have two stabilized warp Scrolls that shouldn’t be used at all I think they’re in the backpack they’re brand new where did they go oh God maybe they’re in the other backpack for the conflicting recipes use

A vanilla crafting table aha okay um um okay let’s try this aha there you are so let’s go there put this one back let me get my paxel let me get some food um pumpkin uh potatoes uh bananas food food uh like carrots golden carrots are good let’s

Get those ones golden carrots let’s put the backpack open let’s put the carrots in there make sure that I can accept eating carrots that’s very good um bring a home scroll thank you so much home scroll home okay what else to bring oh oh my elytra of course my

Fan this one the peacock fan um there’s a croptop a book oh my God there is just like that recipes and more okay plants and trees in the world you can find various trees with custom crops to harvest them okay H crops can be found around the world they have specific biomes that

They spawn in in 2.0.0 crop spawning is now determined by data packs okay if you okay let’s see okay Red okay um utensils desserts wait it just says okay doesn’t really tell me where to find them though right utensils that’s fine oh my God cute all of this stuff looks very good snacks no okay okay feather I have the feather that’s not a problem everything should be good

Now maybe I’ll bring some stuffed pumpkin I like those ones okay we do this and we do this okay I’m going to charge this I think I’m going to end up flying more than this though also my elevator’s still broken sad oh well torches would be good too

Yeah torches are good good point okay torches in case okay all right here we go it’s time is auto feeding not working should be okay oh and then some fireworks just in case that this thing dies on me you never know okay oh gold armor I’m going into The

Nether maybe gold armor okay like some shoes are fine anything like like a helmet or something anything maybe some leggings I’ll just wear this helmet okay good call okay ain’t no way my house is so janky still okay okay so boots maybe gold boots instead yeah gold boots okay gold gold gold boots

Just boots okay this all right so we are to find these new crops oh Lord there are many of them to find and we don’t know where the heck to find any of them but we will find some What biomes are we going to start in let’s bring in Nature’s Compass Nature’s

Compass so um probably oh I’m muted in game oh thank you so much um oh golden apples y golden apples golden apples are always good okay um the wine I I heard it doesn’t actually take me like that far or like I think so it doesn’t actually

Go I was able to find them in forest biomes okay well then let’s do it forest biome sounds great and take me there Forest any any Forest there’s so many wow okay what about um oh wow um okay well what about um a tal forest or Birch Forest it could really be anything

Fragment Forest Twilight Forest just anywhere how about let’s start with Birch black cherry blossom Forest surely start search Okay 3,000 blocks to the Cherry Forest we go 2,900 just out of range just out of range or it’s just in range of my um of my my inventory thingo we go Adventure on 2,600

Okay yeah flying makes this so much easier but now we have this new rendering problem I didn’t expect to have this this this problem hi zaxis well we can go into The Nether too to travel ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow wow I mean maybe here guys like what

Stops it from just being here like you know just some new plants like this this is Forest right like what stops it from being right here oh I’m not eating you’re right I had to fix that wa look how pretty I don’t know where I’m going oh yeah you know that’s fine that’s

Fine oh so the point is we go somewhere that’s not been generated and that that oh I see oh we’ve definitely been here right yeah yeah the forest spawned before the crops existed oh no we have to go somewhere not explored we need be to go far oh

No there’s no way to to tell if someone’s been somewhere though right like you can’t tell unless like you can’t really tell so if I travel around through the nether right I still have to make another portal from the other side right I think traveling through the nether is

So I still did have to build like like a portal okay I’ve never done that not in this on this server okay around here is the forest but has it been generated ah any new plants wow look there we go okay well I don’t think I think the

Plan the plan is to go to the Nether Portal make another NE nether portal to make another nether portal it’s it’s um I don’t know if this gives me the recipe it’s just 10 10 obsidian okay well we know who has obsidian Ryan wait does he even have any stuff here

Still like did he just take everything fre he left everything I can get it in the nether too shears yeah good idea when I bring some shears obsidian flint and steel okay let’s do that obsidian I need two more flint and steel flint and steel done and maybe bring

Another one just in case okay and there’s obsidian in there all right we go hop skip jump NE be careful yes I understand the risk take me in wait bring a bed huh no we don’t need a bed water oh my God oh my God oh my God oh

My God water why would we need water just in case okay yeah okay okay we’re ready now we’re going in oh lava I just go up to some lava all right I mean so it’s we just travel here we’re good I mean I can just fly

Now I’m not going to die not here surely wait water doesn’t work here I don’t know about this guys I didn’t bring building blocks can I die in the lava with my fire resistance oh is that glow stone do I need silk touch to take that

Ow wait that’s not glow stone that’s a shroom light I can’t die oh heck yeah wait really I can just walk into the lava I can go for a swim I’m terrified to try can I just walk on it couldn’t hurt are we sure okay we’re sure this

Ring Sig red this one all right here we go I mean a little dip in the little dip in the lava just a little wow I’m resistant wow wait that’s the portal that’s the portal we came from right that’s our portal okay I need to go somewhere

Else oh that is another bat oh well we know where bat is it’s right okay oh we can’t get distracted guys we can’t get distracted holy ho a burning Arena what is this place I’ve never been here before glow stones where oh those ones are glow stones

Huh so if I want I need silk touch huh to get that stuff don’t I or if I just want cuz all I’m looking for is the powder I just want the powder so what if I just pick that up then it becomes oh really oh okay say less

Give me this stuff let’s climb I’m going to pick it up just break it amazing love it thanks guys thanks cat okay here we go okay didn’t work so well just build up to it just build up to it this is easy little firework up to it okay

Firework broke amazing okay amazing I have no idea where I am now wow what is that alter of fire wow it’s epic okay I’m getting distracted why am I getting distracted okay okay here we go that’s kind of far okay H it’s kind of far how do I get up

There hello okay now how do I get this stuff that’s the real question no okay oh that’s a good one that’s a good spot right there okay okay okay do I have a magnet I don’t think I have a magnet I don’t think I have a magnet okay amazing

Nether thank you so much thank you so much okay how much I got 38 just like that so free yes glow Stone’s just here I can stand on the glowstone to get the glow stone okay so much of it okay how much I get 64 that’s not that much I want more

Okay I’m definitely losing some it’s fine I’m getting a lot okay amazing thank you so much huge oh okay I lost a bunch okay 64 + 14 honestly pretty good okay ooh experience that’s going to heal up my stuff yeah okay amazing I don’t have I don’t have backpack

Guys a backpack magnet more glow stone should have brought dirt okay it’s fine we know where to get it the nether easy okay we carry on so our goal right now is just to travel as far as we can and find obsidian and then and then get to a

Place that no one’s been before wow is this all obsidian I don’t nothing any of it’s obsidian W nether BS hello wow it’s creepy here oh my God more nether bats oh my God keep going wow the pillars in the lava oh those have obsidian obsidian

Here the pillars in the lava those those are made of obsidian you’re saying what’s going on okay these ones that’s obsidian you’re saying I don’t think that is the black Spike oh those things I see okay okay everything’s good all right get some of this we’re good there’s so much obsidian

This is amazing wow grab that grab that grab that how much can I get maybe maybe 10 okay grab this grab all that yeah I didn’t know any of this stuff okay how much do I have 18 let’s get 25 25 obsidian then we’ll take all of

It okay 21 okay too lazy that’s good all right now we go further we Ascend deeper whoa oh my God it’s a nightmare unicorn wow honestly I’m going to put that here as a pinpoint Waypoint map add a wayo add one how do I add a

Wayo um M no no W no M no it’s it’s m okay right here nightmare unicorn okay okay got it ow oh my God there’s chests there’s chests it’s another dungeon I’m making a spot here just in case okay the nether just in case I die

Here I don’t want to lose all my progress okay wow this sucks okay anything else ooh gunpowder useful we love gunpowder okay H okay love it all right loot you never know you never know okay you keep turning around am I I don’t know which way is forward guys

Like I just keep thinking I’m I’m going deeper in like I’m assuming this is deeper right this isn’t going backwards is it am I going backwards oh I like the idea of going north let’s go north let’s go north let’s go north that’s good okay wait I’m not going north anymore

Help I was here wasn’t I okay this way now keep going ow ow keep going keep going oh holy we’re going we’re going it’s new it’s new it’s all new ow dude having the Wings Plus Angelic feather oh it’s so good oh all new all new all new guys you think anyone’s been

Here no I did not turn around okay well if I just keep going north there’s just no way I could keep turning around ow wait did we’ve seen the spawn portal we okay what about this way though I’m going north I’m going north this is new this is

New this is oh no oh you’re right okay my goal is to go up here go here okay I’m just going to keep going north from here and not stop until I’m there thank you vlash for the five gifted members I just keep going this way no way oo look Farm

Yeah gives me experience which heals my stuff right how do I know if my wings are alive or dead are they going to break I’m Scared O mushrooms actually valuable for real grab grab grab grab grab thank you the wings are full okay and I’m muted for some reason

Okay it’s all healing okay amazing is that glowstone oh shroom lights they look so similar okay keep going north and progress progression ow whoa look at this stuff guys whoa It’s like snow in the nether so have people been here oh no there’s there’s nowhere to go here wait wait wait maybe there

Is I don’t like this I don’t like this at all what is this oh it’s black stone I’m digging North dig North snow is this just oh this is sand I’ll just collect it anyway could be good wo raw quartz blocks this is so cool what in the

Heck is this so cool you Farm Sand and you get nether quartz bro you know how much of this I needed I hate it I was remember pisses me off just everywhere everywhere all of a sudden wow look at this stuff there’s so much nether quartz here

Wow wow okay I don’t need it anymore but maybe in the future who knows wow I wonder what stuff I can get here this is so cool okay raw quartz blocks I don’t know why I need that wow I should make another way Point here where am I we’ll call this

Uh nether quartz just in case okay keep going oh no I need to go north wait North wait this is North ow who what is this stuff what’s what’s this Crimson fungus seems rare what’s this stuff okay yeah the north is trending off to the right a little bit you’re

Right you’re right okay get back on track I’m not going backwards I’m not going backwards right yeah yeah no no no no we’re good we’re good we’re going north ow ow trees okay okay gooey stuff whoa Dragon wait it’s not a dragon it’s a bat a another bat another p a CL

I’m going to die I’m going to die I don’t want to die here I don’t want to die here I’ve made too much progress where’s my warp scroll okay the nether we’re changing it this is our new safe spot it’s a checkpoint guys we’re using these as checkpoints now we’re Geniuses okay and

Checkpoint okay ne ne the ne okay keep going going keep it going everyone wow this is so amazing when we pop out there’s no way anyone will have been where we have been do you know what I mean like we’re traveling so far in the Nether and then we’re making a portal

You know surely right oh oh it’s Crimson fungus again like there’s just no possible way do we have to go even further than when I marked I feel like it’s just I’m going so far north oh my God oh my God the nether blocks the nether blocks uhoh it’s not

Loading is this all glowstone wait what do you mean so much glow stone wait is this all glow stone guys wow glow stone everywhere oh shroom lights never mind okay keep going oh God I don’t like this area everything is on fire and it’s scary I don’t like it at all I don’t like this what is this magma blocks any use for these Dig dig okay it creates bubbles okay that’s kind of cool I guess more quartz wow so much of the stuff in the nether really okay D all right keep going ow I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I want to land okay stressed

Okay guys I don’t have much food look my carrots what am I going to do I didn’t bring enough for this journey I think I have to pop out soon okay what that’s where I put my Waypoint holy okay we we better make ways I could have a house in here just

Live in the nether as my second house uhoh uhoh uh-oh guys guys guys it’s bad oh I’m I’m lava resistant I forgot but still I’m scared I don’t like this at all I’ll just swim okay it’s just a nice hot tub true so true okay we keep going okay okay keep going

Adventuring okay we popped out it’s prettier feels a little bit safer here okay we’re going a little West now let’s go back North wow what is this stuff warped warp blocks ow that’s kind of cute don’t care move on keep a move what’s what’s this you see this on the mini

Map what is this is that anything maybe not the planks like this stuff okay I guess I could grab some warp stems not sure what I would do with it but keep on keeping on guys oh ow okay what are those oh Ender don’t don’t make eye contact don’t make

Eye contact don’t make eye contact I’m surprised I haven’t seen more Enderman actually you know uh-oh we’re reaching places no one has explored before ever ever ever before you think it’s kind of exciting everything’s good glow stone glow stone for days come here and mine and mine and mine and

Mine check elytra for health oh it’s like barely damaged at all how is that possible I’m using it so much is that really the power of Unbreaking like you know what I mean that’s just so crazy it’s barely used but I’ve been flying it so

Much how much glow stone do I need I mean that’s like 167 I feel like I could still use more more let’s just let’s just make more okay it has mending but where am I getting XP from you know like uh the only things I was hitting was the nether quartz blocks

Maybe that but like enough to mend all that I guess so huh that could be like its own little experience Farm oh wow I guess I did mine some quartz huh okay I think this might be enough uh 167 you know what would be good now is the pickup

Upgrade obsidian Black Stone I just got a lot of this stuff random squares magmatic Stone okay 2 11 glowstone seems pretty good to me just a few more okay keep a move here let me put another Waypoint because why not where am I this is fun uh um glow

Stone so we have a couple waypoints like nether quartz glowstone nightmare unicorn okay wait I’m really close to where I wanted to do the portal really close I’m really close oh gosh should I just dig oo looks like diamond oo I’m just going to dig North what’s that here we go okay keep

Going to blocks no one has ever been we’re in our exploring Arc am I in water right now okay I good this ore keep b key o okay I do like getting experience so things are mending okay more more mine that mine that God I love the mining sound

Ah oh a big chunk oh that was awesome okay keep going okay something’s here for sure whoa okay I don’t know if I like this place so much oh God okay this is where I was supposed to build my portal I suppose um I did say this was pretty North

It’s literally hell guys but uh I guess it is where I did say so this is pretty North how far from the other portal I think I’m like pretty far uh I don’t know how to say exactly maybe maybe a little bit more maybe to a Cozier spot

In the nether you know let’s make a little Cozier spot not that yeah this place kind of you know a little spooky there’s like some cuter spots for sure let’s go a little further oh green fire whoa what about here kind of cool how about this oh oh more nether quarts to

Farm why did I even originally need nether quartz like I totally forgot I was I remember I came to the Nether and I needed like 200 of them or something I do have fire resistance but it still scares me o what’s that that from my basement oh yeah

Oh okay this is it I’m going to dig through this stuff Brimstone daddy Brim we’re just digging out and as soon as we pop into oo okay ooh as soon as we pop out ooh then I will build a portal out and we will reach Heights never reached

Before what what’s happening on the other side of this you guys saw that what’s going on oh fan and off hand to heal also let me put more of this stuff away all this rocks okay I have so much nether oh my God 170 of that that’s crazy okay keep

Going I’m not picking W up a ah my inventory okay all this stuff going okay okay it’s loading that’s a good sign if it’s loading in the nether it’s going to be so good for the Overworld oh oh I’m getting excited we’re going to see all the new crops oh

Experience God I love this yes woohoo we’re doing it go go go how come I’m not seeing anything on the other side come on oh this is really where we want to do it how about like a little further you know what I mean just like a little

Further I don’t like this guys feels a bit claustrophobic those were the days what what is this place those were the days what does it do enter a Bastion Remnant what the f is a Bastion Remnant run run oh my God what’s a Bastion what’s a Bastion I’m out I’m out I’m

Out oh oh a Bastion is that a Bastion that thing it’s a dungeon I see well maybe this is a good spot for um you know this is a good spot to uh to Nether to Nether Portal ow ow ow I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I

Don’t want to die here I don’t want to die I want to die I don’t want to die okay I don’t have food oh God it’s bad okay okay this is it we’re going to make another portal here okay it’s ugly but I don’t like being in here anymore it’s only getting

Worse okay so how do I do this I think it’s 10 obsidian blocks and that’s it and flint and steel right I believe I make them in a pattern that’s like it looks like a portal okay first of all let me uh set this as the new Waypoint okay this is uh

Oh this one right here this one called the nether is where my nether portal is going to go okay and now we do it obsidian oh no where’s my obsidian obsidian okay one two right let me cook let me cook G it okay okay we done it okay now flint and steel time

Right chills okay here we go that’s my portal I’m going to make a waypoint as well here nether portal very far all right hop in shall we where will we show up oh my God where am I what the hell what the hell is that use the nether to travel 7 km in

The o World wait where am I where the hell am I I spawned underground in a cave oh cool okay not that ideal but that’s okay I spawned under oh no oh no oh no no not where I wanted to spawn I got to get out I got to get out

I got to get out what’s the best way out of here oh I know okay now they can’t bother me what’s that ooh redstone ore I’m going to die bro I’m going to die and I I don’t like these sounds what the hell are these sounds man it’s terrifying what is

This get away away from me sounds like they’re reloading a gun it’s a juke box isn’t it oh my God why is it so scary that’s okay oh we’ve got to be close to the surface please be close to the surface how many blocks up do I have to go for

This okay keep going keep going okay I thought I was going to pop out in some beautiful Forest this is okay this is okay it’s kind of a banger um kind of a banger disc though there’s no way I die doing this right they I’ve got to be there almost I’ve

Got to be there I’m almost there what am I at I’m at 10 right it’s got to be here come on that water I’m I going to drown oh my God I’m going to drown help no osmium my god oh oh this this is good this is good this is very

Good very good very good we’re going somewhere almost there okay and go what is oh my God terra cotta we’re to see the surface any second I’m in the bad lands any there God okay this is huge this is great fantastic oh we’ve made

It how far are we can I see how far home is from here coordinates wise okay oh God get me out of here we we’re pretty far right I’m really far yes 30k blocks I’m 30k blocks away w where the heck am I wow oh my God I’m 30k blocks away

Okay all right let me put um wow oh I got a geed okay um wow wow wow wow wow wow we’ve done good okay let’s set um okay I guess maybe well where’s my warp scroll okay can make another portal here yes so okay okay this is yeah I’ll remember

This just because of how far it is okay okay wow okay well now we’ve got to explore more this way we’ve got to find a forest no way people have been here wow well look at the Slugs look how pretty down here is it’s Uncharted lands oh wait now now

We take out the compass and we look for a forest tomato shrubs are those new no okay now Nature’s Compass where are you take us to the nearest forest wait why is it saying oh no no I see I see to okay so like maybe we look up Forest

Here Forest um I mean I don’t care takeing me to any Forest 1,00 ,600 away here we go there’s no way Ray was exactly here you guys have got to be kidding well even if she was there’s no way she expl uh she uh there’s no way she explored um

Forests here right there’s no way that all of these blocks right I just need unexplored land guys I need un un undeveloped blocks for the the crops please please yeah yeah this this has got to be this has got to be it okay I just need unexplored lands okay how far are we

600 500 approaching New Forest in 300 ooh I mean right here could be good look at this okay so we’re looking for crops new crops and H plants oh cows hello I hate that it’s night okay new lands new lands all right where is this WOW nothing is loading even

Uhoh dude if I ran into somebody here right now huh okay you just start chopping down stuff you think so okay you think I just start chopping down trees oh man to deal with these okay oh fur I’ve never used seen fur fur trees okay are you sure

Um well these These are pretty what are those look at that flower hydrangea get some hydrange of bushes okay so I’m far out because there’s um o because there’s a mod new mod pack called croptop right but it won’t spawn on like new it won’t spawn on new

Uh on old blocks so we had to find new blocks we had to go to the Nether and traveled a bunch of blocks and now we’re looking for crops that we’ve not seen before in a new land and I ain’t seeing anything oh God they’re on the

Trees crops would be on trees and stuff okay well this is a pretty one oh this is just Oak oh and if we see a wolf yes let me let me tame it and kill it thank You this is a oh that’s that this this is got to be it there’s no way this is 100% of force okay guys full body chills do you think what do we think what is that nectarine nectarines no so so so yes yes okay so so do I just knock down the whole

Tree or what like this is a nectarine tree this is an oak tree so how do I I guess oh nectarines grow on oak trees so I just I get them but it is it a tree well let’s find out let’s see what the sapling looks like I think it’s just

Going to be an oak tree right um what’s the sapling where’s the sapling oh yeah this is where we’ll put the warp scroll good call good call um warp scroll uh I think it’s this one boom boom okay this is where it goes put a nectaring and

Crafting see if you’re I can’t make seeds from it my guess is that look guys it’s an oak sapling so my guess is that these just grow on oak trees oh my God oh my God oh my God what is this what is this oh my God everything we run into is

A new fruit pons Pons P Simmons oh they’re new they’re all new oh my God I love for Simmons except that weird feeling that they put on your tongue check the recipes oh oh wait oh wait what do you mean Shear the leaves okay yeah yeah yeah smart smart you guys are thinking okay

So oak leaves guys I really think that for these ones okay interesting okay so I think these ones just grow oh what’s that star Fruit star fruit read the book read the book so true read the book where’s the croptop book croptop book um where are you did I not bring it there’s no way to bring the book oh here’s the book okay okay nothing about him yes I would fruit cake okay smoothies oh my

God oh I can make a nectaring sapling whoa I can make the saplings I just put any sapling in there oh my God I can make a sapling Forest tree territory ah bam okay what about a pmen sapling wait that means I need more saplings oh my God that’s so awesome let

Me get another sapling let’s see come in give me sapling okay so we can just make the saplings of all of these starf fruit sapling I’m going to puke okay pmen sapling oh my God okay I’m bringing home pmen saplings star fruit saplings star fruit for Simons it’s all beautiful guys it’s so

Beautiful Okay okay hydranges okay all this stuff okay I don’t I’ll put this away okay that’s so cool oh my God that’s so cool okay let’s what else can we find star fruit we have more star fruit okay give me that what is that a plum Plum Plum Plum

Plums plums let’s make a plum sapling oh my God I love that you can make saplings of them oh my God that’s so cute okay well guess I got to get more saplings then I could also just go back to my place um and grab a ton of saplings from

My inbox and then just teleport back but I don’t want to leave it’s so pretty here what’s shell fungi weird okay all right keep looking what else we got oh an end oh what’s that apricot wow this place has all of the fruit apricots are here so

Cute and of course okay I got to make an apricot saing give me the apricots okay just collect fruit and and make saplings later so true okay you know what yeah this is easy so let me just do this boom boom boom and then boom okay I just I

Just want to make it though you know what I mean it’s so cute okay apricots per Simmons okay um let me just find I guess all I would really need oh my God what are those Cherry crops wait whoa look at these cherries cute so cute

Okay so then I would just you know obviously make a little Cherry sapling okay bam Cherry nectarine okay I don’t need everything um what are those are those new too those flowers fairy slipper what the heck that’s such a cute flower okay keep going oh what’s that what’s that those look new per

Simmons all right wow that was exciting I don’t know how many sapling types there are um I think if I go to croptop the mod croptop you can see there’s like tons of fruits though oh you can see it almond saplings Apple saplings apricots cashew saplings dates coconut nuts pears walnuts plums peaches Mangoes wow where are the bananas wait I found another one what is this what is that lemons lemons lemons they’re so cute okay lemon sapling okay on to the next look for the jungle it probably has tropical fruit oh you know what yeah they wouldn’t all just be here in the

Same biome they would oh wait I found another one those are plums there but this one oh wait this might be what is that nectarines same old same old wow oh my God so cute okay the jungle has bananas okay let’s go find a jungle biome then okay jungle jungle

Search a thousand so close here we go woohoooo I passed pears no it didn’t don’t say that okay halfway there uhoh wow every block we’ve gone it’s a new Step explored 300 okay okay what are you using to fly this is the feather fan that I got from like uh

One of the bosses a long time ago remember and then um Aron and chat like told me to try it to try this and then bam wait oh my God bananas we just landed on them bananas we’ve got them we’ve got the banana we just landed on a banana sa

Fling oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God coconuts coconuts oh my God oh my God God I’m collecting it all oh my God okay we got bananas we’ve got we’ve got we’ve got them all we’ve got them all okay I kind of want more of

These okay I don’t need this specific wood right we’ll be fine give me banana oh my God bananas okay dude you know what’s cute in this mod you make a trading station like this and you can like people can trade it’s so cute there’s the that I forgot which one did that mango

Yes bangos cute oh my God so many fruits this is awesome mango sapling I’m just collecting every sapling there is Holy mangos are the best fruit in the world okay we got mangoes oh my God there’s a new fruit next to me there’s a new fruit next to me I don’t know what

It is pause dates yes dates yum yoink I think I need more saplings break break break break break thank you so much okay not Elderberry let’s see where the dates uh the date Plum Plum necar uh date one two and where’s the sapling at where’ the sapling go did I pick it

Up I don’t think I picked it up okay I think too much stuff what is that happening to me right now oh thank you so much for the gifted members FP flash or VIP lash I’m not sure which one you prefer thank you so much thank you you’re far too kind oh my

Gosh this is so cool literally I was not going to stream today because I was just going to chill was like I’ve been streaming a lot but then the mod dropped and I said darn you come quit I love love Kum quads dang it I fell dang it dang it

Okay wait what come quats huh you sickos come Woods are so good I used to grow them in the backyard my house and pick them when I was a kid they’re so yummy they’re so small actually sickos okay okay please I need a sapling thank you give me all the cumquats thank

You oh okay look at it now did I make a sapling already I must have I must have made it I didn’t make a cumquat and it burn thank you so much come quiet wait did I apricot date Cherry nectarine oh my god wow look how many no nutmeg nutmeg yes

Okay uh saplings Hello nutmeg great fantastic get that get that get that okay and then give me a sapling again again please did it give me one can’t tell I think I got one okay wow you know what I would save myself a lot of trouble right now I’m just going to do it because it’s

Really not that much work to just do this and then now that I’m here get a bunch of saplings I have a billion uh Oak saplings okay I have literally so many okay and then I have all these blocks okay give me this okay and then we just go

Back is is it this block or is it this block is something this this block okay all right right here I really really really hope that I did it take me back take me back take me back oh no please take me back I travel very far thank you thank you thank you

Thank you okay stabilize warp scrolls are the craziest thing in this game they are so insane I cannot believe I didn’t have them like they just make everything like like you can just go places the feather my feather I put it back I won’t need the feather right a I need the feather

Darn it okay let’s see what fruits we don’t have um wait it’s in the backpack ain’t no way I didn’t have to go back oh my God it’s still up hello take me okay okay that’s fine a couple way wasted sexs nothing to fret about okay

All right what do we not have is a great question wow look at that rubber wood okay um well I think we have most things oo grapefruits we don’t have grapefruits we don’t have grapefruits and um and let me grab um let me grab my Oak saplings we don’t have um nutmeg

Saplings well now we do and and and um and we don’t have grapefruits there’s limes are there not limes grab these all these are new grapefruit sapling incoming so cute so cute okay Bam Bam no almonds oh we want almonds what are those okay these are coconuts right we have coconuts I

Think we have this whatever this is dates we have dates um those those ones look like grapefruits again we have those now where would we find almonds though what’s that white jungle I needed these I needed these I need these I needed I needed these I need the grape seeds I needed

The jungle grape seeds wow no pizza saplings huh sad jungle grape seeds now where did those go because I didn’t need those but I think I lost them in my inventory didn’t even see them jungle grap SE did I pick them up what if I didn’t pick those up oh

God I don’t think I need to use shears guys I don’t use shears to grab them at home let’s see grape seeds um H I don’t know where they are well surely I’ll find more of those somewhere there’s strawberries and veggies there’s so many oh here guys oh

Oh bless oh bless wait do I have these am looking for red jungle grape seeds oh no can’t remember which ones I think it is those okay um anything else I could find out here oh my God this is new star fruit wait dragon fruit dragon fruit that’s what I meant dragon fruit

New Bam Bam yes a new one I love finding new ones all the recipes I need Savanah grape seeds and white tigga ones okay never mind I didn’t even need those ones peaches any peaches more star fruit oh cute okay grapefruit I already have hi Simon well I guess that’s pretty good

I didn’t get paars let me look one more time at croptop croptop um so many limes cherries dates Peaches I don’t know if there’s peaches out here guys but we did a good job we got a lot vanilla seeds an extra seedy Place those are new oh my God there’s there’s there’s like

There’s like seeds to get oh no there’s seeds to get oh no squash califlower soybeans I got to check the ground what’s that oh that’s just a mystical flower oh no zombies okay okay well I think that’s good jungle leaves maybe just find one more new thing and then I’ll go back hi

Ronaldo break grass for seeds oh bell pepper is that new wait these are all new right sad root okay Bell Pepper’s got to be new any seeds hi florella did I say your name right fella sorry cocoa beans we know those okay okay I’m going home this is not as

Real okay what did I get vanilla strawberry I had those nutmeg no I had that rice no I had that vanilla wait I just got that okay go home please leave me alone oh I don’t like this okay take me home take me home take me home go

Away do zom zombie villagers count as villagers so say I kill them with um when I get Morgan back watermelon grapefruit I have this stuff okay I’m going home I’m actually going home no one follow me oh man the spider came back okay wow wow okay all of the oh Orchards all

The trees okay um all right so there’s that how do I make a pumpkin spice latte I need paprika coffee coffee beans I need coffee beans where do I get coffee beans oh oh my God guys how do I make a mug oh thank God guys are you ready for this

Sorry I just got sidetracked I don’t know what I’m doing right now oh yes yes yes oh yes oh yes where’s my mugs can’t I make this where’s my mug I just made one of those wait you can make mugs guys look look I don’t know where to put it for now I Know for now we can put it here coffee machine it makes coffee I’m going to Cry mugs and I just need coffee Beans oh my God that’s so cute scream oh my God this is the Adorn mod there’s more furniture and stuff I Living For It orange candle it lanterns Black Candle it lanterns oh my God there’s just more cute stuff um oh my God Nether wart coffee hot ch

Chocolate glow Berry Sweet Berry oh hot chocolate coffee wow so wait how do I make regular coffee there’s is there just regular coffee yes there’s just so much more stuff coffee coffee coffee beans God I need to find coffee beans guys what is a garden

CLA what the heck is a garden CL Garden CL immersive engineering oh no Sho has coffee wait oh my God oh my God I soon know Sho do you have coffee beans I need coffee beans oh my God they’re so cute coffee table not coffee beans oh so cute

Okay what else do we have croptop okay wow w w w w w wow W toast and raisins and cook tuna okay okay oh my God CH cake vanilla it’s just too much to make guys corn noodles ravioli ah try not to cry try not to cry it’s so

Amazing okay let me know if you find bring some home oh B bless your soul he’s looking for it oh my god let’s go okay um okay so there’s a thing in here that I wasit waiting for and I think oh my God what is that a cat’s oh

What the heck oh my God cute okay oh my God stop it okay I’m trying not to throw up I’m trying not to puke right now but look I don’t know if this is the right color but menus menus guys menus there’s so cute you can put little menus you can write

On them they have chog boards they’re adorable oh my God oh my God what do I do with this oh my God you can put things on them what is the right side press F1 to show Color Picker F1 oh I can type oh my God oh my

God I can type enable glowing text oh I see there’s like different types of I have to figure this out oh my God you can put different items here there’s two sides there’s two sides there’s two sides okay put it all the way I’m getting overwhelmed okay okay they have different

Colors oh my gosh okay okay don’t freak out this is amazing okay okay I don’t know where these would go but let’s just see how they look oh my God hanging plants are adorable where do I put these though oh my God hanging plants I’m going to puke okay what if we

Put them on the trees okay maybe that’s weird oh wait actually that’s not bad but doesn’t make much sense stop stop it how are we going how oh my God guys I don’t know what to do with everything my house my house where are the ones in my house did I have hanging

Ones oh my God oh my God I don’t to do I don’t to do there’s too much cute stuff it’s too it’s too much it’s too much I can’t handle it I can’t handle it I can’t handle things oh I can’t handle it oh my

God it’s just oh my God it’s is also adorable oh oh These I can replace these what the heck happened to this anyway did you eat it did you eat it these looked kind of big anyways maybe I don’t need the chain anymore oh my God

Adorable oh my God you ate them you ate them Bart is his name B oh B sorry it chain there we go hanging plants okay now I need more Oak fences Oak fence oh my God I can’t here okay they have white chains do they have white

Chains they have gold chains I don’t see white chains oh my God gosh oh my God okay okay okay okay okay hold on it’s not done guys okay there’s so much more there’s a pallet you can make what do you do with it though what do you do with a

Pallet sometimes I just like to scroll through them right and just see what there is lamp post guys there’s a lamp post there’s a lamp post a rocking chair shelves glass tables more shelves pumpkin table paint stuff maybe I’m not sure what you can do with

This press e to toggle color info what does that do though what do I do with this like what do I paint I have a pet but for what I think like what do I do with it is there a brush yeah I’m like wondering how do I use it blank painting

We’re getting closer guys we’re getting somewhere maybe I can paintt hi okay I don’t have very much control over this can I get in closer why can I only paint right here I can make some abstract art if I try well that’s not so pretty but potential oh no now it’s a

Painting edit painting with a pallet what am I just looking what am I looking at who it’s ugly that was really ugly so you can do painting what’s a blank wallpaper Li Stone black stone pot okay hold on guys guys it’s Happening the awning it’s time what color for the awning red is red pretty I feel like red is such a bakery color you know what I mean that’s so cute we got to see what this looks like first what if it’s ugly not get our hopes

Up okay let’s try let’s get some wool okay I don’t know how much I want okay so then let’s do this um the the the the oning right let’s do this I think we need some of this okay and then we need red stripe awning wait how come I can’t make a red

Stripe awning I need to make a green Awning or a magenta awning that’s very strange aqua red is I feel like we got to do red but why is it making me make other awning first okay what if I did that oh done okay let’s see what the awning looks

Like okay before we freak out what do I do with it oh my God God it’s cute stop this nonsense right Now oh no it’s so cute it’s so cute it’s so cute oh no it’s so cute oh my God it’s so cute it’s it’s too cute you know it’s kind of pissing me off it’s pissing me off wait no no no that’s bad that’s bad I messed up oh my gosh okay more

Awning you guys like red stripes or just red let’s try red let me see what red just looks like not that I just wasted all of it on red stripes so you know it’s okay it’s okay if they’re floating okay they can’t tell I I think the stripes are cute

Right okay stripes are cute um oh oh do you see who’s the farming table be sure no no no no the awning oh I’m here my God the awning oh my God Maya fley yes and then look this is amazing so [ __ ] aesthetic oh [ __ ]

And then look look look look um I don’t know where to put this yet no no look look look a yeah but like you could you could you could put stuff on it you know like oh God oh my my God so good so cute

So cute this is so cool was this all for the mod thing today yeah I’m going to throw up what I’m about to wait wait come here come here come here come here come here come here come here come here look look look look I hate science I’m a

Builder now look look look look look look a Cofe machine the coffee machine wait have you got it working no it’s not I can I have not yet I need coffee um I need coffee beans and you need this don’t you apparently this no coffee Garden clo I hate Monday wait

I need that you need that don’t where did you get it we made it in our lab mayor fosle oh my God I need that how did you know is now stronger than well this this one I made for Sha but I can make you another one right now man make

You one right now okay we got signs to do wait we also have the we have a gift for you yeah let’s go get it let’s go get it oh my God my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I get employ the month for

Sure oh my God we’re so going to get it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God both us man yeah yeah both of you for sure for sure both of us man how do I get the stupid wings I don’t know where to put this you know

What I mean like maybe there for now let’s just put a opening soon how come it’s green that’s awful F1 black Opening soon oh no no soon hello oh it’s on the other side oh no the text is Brad it’s very bad the Convoy keep going man keep going oh God keep what are you doing man oh she’s it’s right here oh May fle we’ve arrived with gift one

Moment oh right there I’ll be oh oh oh so cute I’m here the gifts are here green tractor the green tractor I have a tractor you asked for a green tractor I asked for a green grass cutter this is a green grass cutter woohoo really yeah it’s it’s the

Attachment on fantastic attachment on oh oh it’s beautiful is it with is it made with diamond bejweled wheels it’s made with diamond diamond wheels jeed yep yep the Fantastic the fool works I don’t know if it works to do oh doesn’t work on that cuz you need that’s it’s on grass man

That one’s for the red one is for oh wait um blow the Builder have you seen it in action look at this man look at it go look at it go man oh my look at it go look at it Go incredible at it go we can Harvest

Crops it’s incredible I know it’s amazing wow and then this one’s for grass yes now is there anything else you need mayor fley we’re taking lists at the moment oh my god oh I got the garden CL the garden CL thingy whatever it is extra clipboard for you actually if you

Want to put ass for us oh I would love that yes yes yes yes yes oh thank you so much oh God okay we’re just trying to keep track of all of our projects cuz we have so many right now and we need to be Focus we’re creating a we’re just

Creating a to-do list we’ve also got to help Ryan with this ranbo road um provide calls for that as well it’s everything everything oh it’s everything oh well you know I think well this is a bigger project but roads for the city you know roads for the city wait I got to

Show you something oh H oh frick I don’t know which Diamond backpack it is oh speaking of Roads we do have this one second we could use that I haven’t seen it yet let me show you very soon as soon as I okay as soon as I as soon as I I’ll

Show you very we’re waiting yes okay all right what do your l i see look at my hand I present a star fruit what pons mangoes mangoes dragon fruit saplings what I have lemons there’s con Banas bananas look bananas it’s a banana in my hands oh my God the ban yes and come

Quats what huh come come quats come quats kumquat oh in in Britain they’re called orgasmos wait what this is a kumquat yeah they’re kumquats in the US and in the UK they’re orgasmos orgasmos yeah kumquat for you and a kumquat for you oh yes oh yes a cumquat yes thank you so

Much for the kumquat H yes orgasmos yes yes or orgasm was yes yes well anyways I’m going to build out an orchard of course um and it’s going to be amaz I went to develop the the dishes you know so so so let me explain what I had to do right oh sorry

Sorry because basically these these new crops right they came they they’re they’re here today but they cannot spawn on anything that’s been you know any of the the land that’s been here before so I had to go into The Nether and I was flying for miles and miles and miles in

The Nether and then you know how in the nether every eight blocks you go in the nether is or every block in the nether is eight blocks out here right you know that I did not know that I did I didn’t but wow thank you so much for the

Knowledge you’re gracious oh no problem so basically if you want to go really really far what you can do is go to the Nether and then go far right and then it’ll take you eight times further in the in over here in the Overworld she I

Went to the Nether and I went really really far and then I built a portal out and I popped out 30,000 blocks away and then I used Nature’s compass and Nature’s Compass took me to a jungle and it took me to a forest where the crops

The new crops are here I got mangoes I got kumquats I got pons I got dragon fruit I got I got bananas I got apricots I got cinnamon I got cherries I got coconuts I got dates I got grapefruits I got lemons I got cumquats I got lemons I

Got melons no not melons no melons s I’ll get melons one day you’ve developed the menu though May fosle for the opening no one’s going to expect this this is amazing there are going to be so many more items and then this is why we had to wait because it’s going to

Impress everyone even more we’re going to have coffee and we’re going to have it’s going to be way better guys I do I do need to call a minor team meeting right now though cuz I I uh I was told something the other day what I yes well

All our dearest friend sha we we all love him we know we we all love him right yeah yeah guys I don’t mean to alarm you but he’s actually making a rival coffee shop take us out of business a Ral and he said it to me without thinking that I

Was good that I worked at at at the bakery and he’s trying to put us out of business okay [ __ ] a cute little coffee shop would be kind of I mean what a psychopath what an evil psychopath F this has got to you you’ve got to stop him from getting employed

The month for saying that surely right I mean mean well how about this no no no no maybe maybe we could get like a tour and just be like oh my God hey Sho what you been working on he takes us there yes every good idea he has we take it

And we do it better we create oh my God we secretly recreate his entire coffee shop right yes recreate by Brick Brick by Brick okay but just everything is slightly cheaper well no no no oh I see I said when we sell it it’s slightly everything

Everything’s less he wants to go into a cafe War he’ll get his War oh we get him have but don’t tell them anything don’t tell them anything you know we we could do what to get the Intel we could use this Garden CL thing which he I made for

Him to use it as a way we could deliver it to him man and get the blueprints and then we start to build the blueprints let’s just say we’re like oh my God what are you working on Sho we’re so curious do you want to do it now right

Now should we fly should we should we take should we take flight yeah where is he it’s time to take flight wait blow take the car man take the car actually I have something else I’ve got to do real quick a m Fu I was wondering if I could have two

Sheep yes you can have two sheep but make sure to feed them we we feed them you know yeah how do I feed how do I care for sheep like wheat wheat F Mar F let me explain something let’s say hypothetically hypothetically I was a bad person H and I that’s what bad

People say no no no I’m not I’m just saying like hypothetically like this is more of like so I can avoid doing this like here’s what I want to avoid doing I want to avoid making a rusty little metal cage for the sheep that is Miles

Underground in a dank dark cave next to all sorts of industrial Machinery where the Sheep will be forced to breed and then as soon as they’re live as soon as their offspring are made they get forced into a machine that turns them what the hell you I want to avoid I

Want to avoid doing that so I need to make basically what he’s saying is he wants to take your you know your two of your lovely sheep here have a nice you know Ocean View they get this the smell of of the crops in the morning to a

Dingy cave where they get turned into slime I mean listen how do I make sure the sheep have food how do you do you feed them every day feed them we yeah you feed them we and then they just breed man listen as long as you’re not

Doing evil things just take two care oh yeah no nothing evil yeah yeah nothing evil at all right you wouldn’t dream of it surely right surely yeah and go ahead of course okay let me just get uh hold on what the heck where is any of my stuff

Okay sorry this how we just transported the lab we just um what are you doing oh you put him in get back you need [ __ ] yeah blow blow oh I I hit it I hit it there a new idea for for for sho’s for sho’s place man as well

What so when when we when we when we take over and we create his exact copy of it right we go over to his coffee shop as rats and then we leave a review saying his coffee shop has rats and we build the ultimate house underneath like

We did at rays and it’s all coming together man rat house yes we need to get rat skins infestation rat skins and we can be the infestation infestation how do you feed them how do you feed them uh wheat do you just throw it at them what do you

Mean uh uh you no no you you you put it in your right hand and you go BL on them you know is there a way to like auto feed the sheep like can I have a feeder for them oh um You probably can

Yeah do I have a ton of foodwise wait oh wait guys what if I grab a camera and I and I get pictures of the coffee shop I could go and just I could sneak it in do it do it we need it I’m gonna go and

Grab the camera and then give us a live demonstration okay we need to see yes yes I need something to make I need to make a ton of something that feeds me forever and I put it in my backpack I’m getting annoyed yes what is it do you

Have golden carrots and golden apples I just need like two of each unfortunately oh just golden carrots actually h i don’t have golden carrots unfortunately you make golden carrots let’s look um wow wait you can just take a carrot and put it around gold oh oh

That’s kind of I realize that’s how you make them that’s easy wait oh do you have carrots um yes we have carrots we have a whole Farm over here show me uh here’s our carrot Farm I think these are oh those are potatoes oh here’s are carrots um

I mean they’re not so productive right now but you can always come here and take carrots bread bread is easy bread is easy golden carrots are easy I just need something that I’m like I have a ton of gold I have so many of these okay thank you so much no

Problem that’s okay now I’ll let you know how the sheep that you gave me are doing they’re they’re going to be very happy okay take good care of them now they’re going to live in a in a very Humane and definitely not une ethical place thank you when you say it like

That you know how it sounds 42 that’s all made 42 uh ellm and I were wondering actually if you could do one huge favor for us for all of our work what is it we need refined storage and we know that you are the refined storage expert

Oh my God you do need refined storage so you want help with it I’m going to be honest with you we have like a a chest at the lab that’s like critical tools for the lab and it contains like extremely expensive gears uh propeller blades for drones all sorts of bottled Contraptions

And ellm just randomly puts like bricks of dirt in it like he’s that kind of person like I just I open it up and there’s just like a brick of dirt or like string in it I I need I need this all right listen he’s he’s the worst

I’ll see what I can do I’ll try say is this you don’t need to build it for us all we need is whatever are the materials we can build it ourselves if you just give us the materials cuz I’m guessing you have extra I do I have what you’ll need well some of

It you sickos when you’re free later meet us you sickos we’re not sick you are sick we’re stopping bullying we’re stopping bullying these sickos want refined storage help yeah it’s honestly the best thing ever and we got you a cool tractor okay I’ll look to it yeah honestly occultism storage is

Op and it’s easier to do I hear oh my God so they need to make this okay what they need help with honestly this stuff is easy the making this stuff with see this [ __ ] was annoying as hell this they need this I’m going to puke slime was this slime how do they

Make this silicon is the most annoying thing but the thing is lucky for them I have silicon I have a good amount not not a good amount but like uh let’s see why where where at what point do they need so much silicon why is it it’s because

You made need make a ton of these make a ton of these oh God you need a bunch of this silicon and and quartz enriched iron how do you make quartz enriched iron again oh my and I have to make it for both of them right oh my god wow

Would you look at that would you look at that we have tons of that quartz it will be a lot easier now let’s see let me like take inventory I think I can really help them though I can really help them uh because of so much

Iron so much iron and we have like tons of iron blocks right am I crazy No I gave I gave my iron blocks to them actually already this shouldn’t be that hard for them to make or it’s just tedious okay can they share a system wait can they but can you make two

Wireless maybe they share one system and they put all their stuff in one can you make two wireless controllers though oh you can make two controllers oh my God you know what I might just build it for them let’s see well no they should have the joy of

Building it it was kind of fun they should build it I would build it for them just know I’d build it for them but I think I don’t want to take the experience into way the fun of building refined storage truly oh my God the awning is so cute

Guys oh God my fall okay this needs to be fixed it’s terrible this whole opening is awful still it’s been awful okay hold they have to grind and suffer wait this is so bad this whole thing has been bad the whole time okay we are making making an

Orchard okay I’m trying to figure out what to do okay there’s just so much stuff you know there’s just so much new stuff okay okay oh God okay the wand what wand wand with the wand wand with the first put it on the checklist could use

Your wand wand what’s a wand oh the wand the wand good good good the joy of finding a meteor wait what was in the meteor that they needed oh God you’re so annoying to find the meteor because of the one block of thing I had to kill Sky no what was it

Why did we need the meteor do they needed that certis quartz but I have Curtis quartz wait what is it that like I oh certis quarts oh see we can save them a lot of time with this stuff we have like oh my we have so much CER quartz those lucky Sons

They’re so lucky they’re so lucky okay yeah we can simplify a lot that means we should make their computer next to okay okay well you can make can give them your Crystal Growers yeah that’s true I don’t need them anymore we’ll just give them that okay

Well we’ll do that later maybe I’ll do it off stream um and help them okay um okay oh my God this is up I’ll fix that okay okay oh oh so cute okay oh so I kind of okay hear me out on this hear me out right hear me out chalkboard Vibes

Right like I don’t know if I’m crazy but I feel like chalkboard Vibes are are are even like cuter because it’s like um oh how do I make black concrete oh no how do I make black concrete they can’t be that hard no no no no no there’s got to be a

Way to make it from White concrete right can I just dye white concrete there’s just no way oh black concrete powder but how do I make the powder oh like that oh easy easy easy easy easy easy easy like this oh but I need what I need more gravel I don’t have

Gravel and I don’t have black dye Preposterous I have so much dye this can’t be right wait where’s my flowers oh oh here oh my God this is preposterous um okay black powder wait wait wait wait wait withered rib I’m sure I can make dyee out of that no oh

Wow okay luckily I’m a professional Minecrafter now professional okay this is easy this is weak Sauce fantastic fantastic I’ve done it I’ve achieved infinite black dye then you take these and turn them into petals and you take these and you turn them into die and now I need gravel and gravel it’s oh God ow how to gravel what is it gravel is just like everywhere right

Like I just dive into the ground and I should get it right like here I still need to find a better way to get salmon like just in general I don’t know how to make a salmon farm I’m not doing batanian U maybe later maybe like I I kind of like I I

Barely started it and it was fun there’s a lot to do with it wait it’s turning into Flint because I have Fortune wait why does that happen what about Fortune does that okay well I don’t need that much for concrete right I just go amazing amazing W what’s that salt block

Wait wait is salt kind of hard to find why do I feel like Salt’s hard to find can I like um wait I feel like Salt’s kind of hard no maybe I’m crazy okay bing bang poop so now we take this and we make black concrete I really don’t need need much

Of this I don’t know why I want to get so much okay so we get that we go black concrete powder bam like that bam then we take this then we go then we go two three five get the concrete this is so inefficient it’s making me mold okay

Okay grabb it all please thank you so much whatever okay now we can make the sign at necar I believe that’s what the mod is called necar oh my God I’m going to throw up okay it’s so cute look at this is there a block missing on the ceiling

Okay now that’s cute maybe maybe in a different spot it’s like so cute though it’s like a chalkboard you know where do I put it though here where do where would you put it maybe like right next to it here where would you put this to make

It feel maybe on the left side right here this side oh no but then the dirt we’ll fix it okay maybe on the side show the front and the back okay so like so like like here no no no no no no no we have to see

The front and the back okay um facing sideways like that no it looks like a little tent speaking of there’s a mod that we’re waiting for that is literally a tent mod and it has tents and it’s so cute oh God oh God oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh my God oh my God and I want to make this sorry sorry get S track um uh trading station this thing um we got to make this I want to show you guys um so I like this right wait wait first I

Got to make this a table a secret table okay surely I can just do this wait I need to have seet slabs what the heck are secet slabs oh no new trees oops okay never mind okay um let’s see what can we do what can we do how can we make this like

So we see both sides of it I wish you could place it diagonally if that’s like you know what I mean this looks too much like a tent you know I think it has to be this way trading station so people can actually buy your food exactly it makes

It like a store where do we get seek a slabs wait wait wait no I’m a Fool guys it’s any table it’s any table wait was it like this no how do I forget that fast like like this oh my God okay more fences and slabs okay and then

You go like this wait what do I do then it’s like that with two emeralds we got a trading station okay but how do I use it okay what do we do with this trading station okay okay so say you put it over here or something

Right say we have a trading station here oh my God selling oh my God guys there’s trading stations I wish I could change the color of this though you know I wish it wasn’t blue it doesn’t match with anything but it’s amazing I don’t think they have coins there’s no

Currency mod wait gold coin oh well we could are they have coins I suppose wow I would oh my God that’d be so cool the bridge got to go oh there should be a Marketplace oh a Marketplace I know I’m running out of space guys

It’s all so what if I had many trading stations wow a Marketplace oh God oh my God the awning would be perfect for it wow oh gosh yeah bridge is in an awful spot now oh no I feel bad taking it down could put them at the front where you have the fruit

Baskets cool you could just put the the but the but the but the blue so ugly yeah this bridge has got to go oh my God I’m so sorry a food truck a farmers market H wait did M already make a space for a market near Town Square let’s see oh my God where’s meang mayang wake up maybe it could be in town square but how do like for example is this mine can anyone pick it up pych said hi and see you an hour he

Won player of the week in NFL let’s go psyche cutie cats a farmers market there’s a currency Market oh my God how would we use this a I wonder if I could paint this maybe I don’t know Ryan oh my this is so there’s like my you know when there’s just like so much to do and so many oh my God okay what if for now I just put it here right let me test something so say I’m selling uh what

Could I sell uh what do I have a lot of Ratatouille oh oh I have um I have pumpkin pie say I’m selling or or some pumpkin pie right say I sell pumpkin pie selling pumpkin pie and then I put um selling price though what do I

Want oh my god I’ve returned oh my God okay I’ve returned with news I’ve got the I’ve got the pictures May F I’ve got them you’ve got photos the Intel the Intel you needed yeah take them all oh my God the Intel oh my God he’s been

He’s been he’s been cooking a little bit it’s still it’s he’s got some work to do still though home sweet home home sweet home he’s might be the name of it it’s cute as hell right [ __ ] okay thank you so much incredible we can we can work with this right yeah

We can work with this God take him down thank god dude if there was a I we can’t let them put us out of business mayor foosley we we haven’t even opened yet and we’ve got competition no no no no no it’s cute but nothing’s cuter than us

Nothing is okay Ellen also come here yep look oh you I need to make you the thing as well I won’t I need to make the thing for you as well okay oh sorry these villager houses Ellen I’m just going to be very honest did you just take a photo

Of a village no no he’s doing it within a village within a village within a village interesting you think that you think the villages would write a sign saying home sweet home that’s true nope I see I see okay now I want you to test something yes

Yes what is this oh I see oh oh my God I see oh my god look look look oh my God it’s a trading station wait it just floats like this is amazing you can sell things for real shut up shut this is amazing this is what I know

I know it’s going to change wait we can actually create a market I know mayor fooy we can make foo’s Market I know we have to have a town meeting soon we have to up talk about the up oh God this is so exciting I know oh my God I know to

Let off some fireworks if I could what is this for is this what I do uh wait can you try and buy a pumpkin a pumpkin thing of course wait I need selling for one wait what do I for salt I don’t have any I don’t okay you don’t

Have salt okay do you have um okay here try and buy it with seven gravel a white current I’ve turn of any gravel so fine what about first some iron ingots I can I can do that okay perfect actually would love that um um oh okay I’m going

To work on getting you guys refined storage by the way wait really yeah oh thank you so much our generous mayor fley um what the heck mayor fley okay so sorry s my brain just like ranked out for a second okay okay okay so not 32 of course be crazy okay

16 so try and buy it okay wait how much how much how many on 16 okay hang onang it’s a bit of a scam but like just for the test yeah it hey this better taste pretty damn good man it’s very good uh here we

Go what happened oh my God I got a Trader’s manual out of it and I also got a Trader manual pie wait let me see the trader manual using trading stations by wait we uh go there it is there it is oh my you can trade buy items from

Using this station set up trading oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God wait that means this should actually be an actual Bakery May what do you mean oh my God actual Bakery sorry I mean it is already is an actual Bakery but it means

That we can have we can have food in advance and we can make passive income while we’re away I know oh my God it’s awesome oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh and may F I’m also working on a robot

For the Bakery so you know if Blau ever gets if you ever want to you know consider firing someone we can replace him with robots and then robots you know it will cut overheads it will save us money we do that to start well I mean I

Can go and work on it now fact we can even call the robot blow we can even call it robot blow wow wow wait are you selling a head is that blow’s head selling heads wow that’s look at it’s a prized possession blous head that’s good that is good oh my oh

My God that’s good that’s this is the this is such a cool update I know isn’t it amazing like I’m overwhelmed with amazing this is so good oh I could sell oh my God wait could I sell like oh my God I could go get elytra and I sell

It oh my God this is amazing it oh my God oh my God it’s a bounty table now holy crap oh my God oh my God wait could you showell your Foos fly your Foos fly um what goggles in as well God fley we could do an auction an auction of like

Of old school it of OG items that that everyone has used are their favorite items and we can we can do an auction and then we could the options the options my goggles look these are the world famous Foos fly goggles oh my God oh my goodness oh my wait are you able

To pick up that table though like and just like break it and steal everything cuz that would suck wait hold on oh wait it just disappeared oh hang on like what if you just steal everything hang on be with me could just have a rule wait no

It just drops the table oh it doesn’t like give you all the items nope nope wait really yeah cuz you still need to buy it I think wait I think I can tally wait hang on oh I see it’s not actually in there it’s not actually in there I

Think yeah it’s just just floating okay so you can’t you can’t actually steal it because I still own those like the item is in my inventory oh so it’s still there until someone wait wait wait wait what happens here though okay now now try and break it and

And will you get all the salt that falls out of it hang on no just a table really what happened to the S just a table oh amazing you can maybe maybe it’s still in there it is there you go yep it just I guess it just

Holds as like as like a chest almost but it’s just like one item it’s like it’s oh cool so people can’t just break it and steal it not that anyone I feel like would of course but you know that’s no one would do that right no one would wow

Oh my god oh amazing I know I wish when puffy doing the the the Chocolate Factory all have different kinds of chocolate she can also display and it can actually be like a chocolate factory this is so cool oh my God and then wait I can

Actually hang on a minute can you oh my God I’m actually I’m actually going to have a breakdown what wait don’t don’t have a breakdown I’m have a break down don’t have a break down my Pokemon shop I can actually sell the cards oh oh oh

My God wait wait wait wait wait will the picture show up like like that’s what I’m saying if you could like where’s my oh do you have any the PSA 10 still of course I do you fool oh my God please this if this works I’m actually going to

Scream I’m actually going to scream oh my God shut up oh no no no no no stop stop stop stop this is so cool oh my God it’s awesome oh this is so sick this is awesome the trading station oh my God oh my God oh my God I can actually make a

Pokemon shop God oh my God oh my God oh my God we can do so much with trading stations I this is so cool oh my God oh my God we need a market we need a market where everyone like set up we need we actually need like a legitimate we can

Have we can have a farmers market Farmers Market everyone brings stuff and then you sell and then like oh my God yes okay go go my God oh my God oh my God it’s so cute okay okay oh my God we need a market oh my God we need a market

We need a market oh my my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m freaking out oh my God okay oh my God oh my God oh my God my God this is actually the coolest

Thing ever this is actually the coolest thing ever this is this I thought the cars were cool this is the coolest part of this update this is so so cool oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh my God my oh my God oh my oh my God oh my God okay okay let’s go present this to Ryan come along wait where is he where is he I don’t know but we find oh he’s back time onwards oh right you can fly

Ow oh no Ryan oh oh um uh um Ryan uh oh hello um uh oh he’s back he’s back no no no Ryan Ryan Ryan Ry Ry Ry please we come we comeing good news Ry Ry is this actually Ryan I don’t know is it a fake

Ryan oh my God is it a clone wait no Ryan clones in this hello he’s Aiming oh Jesus hey what’s going on Ryan we have we have to show you something look at this it’s the coolest part of this whole mod mod add-on look look you can actually trade actually trade look at the selling and trading thing man yeah wait how does

That work yeah so you if you have the item you right click it and you buy it prodcts oh sorry it’s cuz I haven’t put anything actually in there there you go yeah no but why is the um the card is just displayed so if you put salt in

There if you put salt in it then you can buy it you need to have salt I need salt so go go back a little bit Ryan and you can see like the price for it basically oh well I can change make it something else yeah here a dirt wait wait actually

Wait it’s you one second one second excuse but Ryan what’s also cool about this is Farmers Market man Farmers Market wait wait did you buy it oh he bought it oh no I didn’t buy anything okay I don’t have here here here so so

One second I’m sorry I can do it I can do it okay so I put that in there and then say very good find I’m it’s a quite an expensive price for a car find obsidian EG I don’t know why you had to make it that I I was

Just experimenting with the it’s valuable Ryan it’s valuable it’s valuable it’s a dark mag P don’t hate the player hate the game guys she’s a hustler there you go there it is there it is and you got it did you get the yes and I have I have the yeah

So Ryan this means by Pokemon shop I I can actually sell the cards man I can actually sell the cards oh my God we have currency actual currency in a market where we like set up and sell yeah isn’t it awesome that’s so sick wait is this hard to make no it’s

Super easy two emeralds in a table table’s made out of slabs and sticks it’s just part of the mod decoration wa yeah yeah yeah yeah so r my my Pokémon shop I can actually sell the cards now like I can actually make a Pokémon shop yes I’m so excited oh my

Goodness this is a game changer it’s a game changer we can all present items and then we can sell things and make real trades and it’s it’s it’s fantastic we got to make a market where’s a good place for a market and then we can actually decorate it and everyone gosh

I’m going to stop giving you guys things for free what what yeah r no wait no Ry I’m going to be richer wait Ryan no no more free things you must pay using the trading table you must pay this disaster Prov moner You’ created a monster provides us with

Everything we could ever need what have we done he was he gave us everything we would ever make ever now he’s just going to keep everything to himself this is awful this is just awful Ryan remember I’m going to help you with with with Ryan Bo Road remember that Ryan that’s

Got to mean something oh w w oh what have you done what have you done it’s fine that was my angel investor damn it that was my godamn angel investor no Ryan Ryan but isn’t it this is so cool isn’t it awesome we have to set up

A store for it or something no we need like a farmers market where everyone has like their own booth and then you like put your stuff on sale and you go there right so you can sell like you know elytra that you found or something you

Know but like for a ton I was also thinking we we could even do like a server like auction one day and then like everyone brings like like a really special item we can do an auction and it’s going to be so cool it’s going to be so

Cool what I’m glad we will got that out of our systems yeah it’s awesome now we about this three just ask three yeah oh my gosh the people need to know I know we have to have a town meaning and because this needs to be a thing everyone must know everyone but there’s

Nobody on that is true to blow to blow he must know he must know of the news demonstration isn’t the hell just grow was that your tiger why is he looking mine is that hell is that thingy is it a chinella what the hell is this

Thingy oh it’s oh oh hi py um hey did you make your sword yet what sword oh oh not yet I got distracted with uh too many things oh but but check it out check it out oh Ryan Ry one second one second check it out check it out okay look look

Look okay look mangoes bananas come bananas bananas saplings all the fruits a million of them and wait where did you get that I’ve never seen those I had to go to the Nether and travel a billion kajillion blocks make another portal and then go out there and

Then use my nether my my little you know the biome finder that was always in this in the mod like that’s not an update part uh I was going to say there’s no way I didn’t see one of those no no no there there’s dates and there’s dates

And then there’s oh hold on hold on there’s dates and then there’s kumquats and then there’s bananas and then there’s dates and then there’s kumquats and then there’s lemons and then there’s limes and then there’s dates and then there’s bananas and then there’s mangoes and there’s apricots and then there’s

Grapefruits and then there’s dragon fruits and then there’s star fruits and then there’s dragon fruits and then there’s dates and then there’s lemons and then there’s limes and strawberries but those are already in there but there’s a couple more things like that just became the sh lot of stuff a

Lot of stuff and there’s melons and there’s loads of uh new kitchen things you can make toasters now you can make all sorts of stuff man it it’s like everything’s everything’s better yeah oh my god oh check it out check it out and

And I saw sign do it do it a sign yes and you can write on them Ryan you can write on them and you can put look look come quats and bananas so cool cool it’s so cool sick yeah it’s awesome it’s it’s it’s amazing

I mean it does oh wait wait wait wait wait wait one more thing oh wait wait wait wait wait it’s not over hold on hold on my brain is cooking Shut up pink mushroom when could you make this it’s new it’s new this is the cutest thing ever this is a light yes it’s a light and and and and it’s not done it’s not done it’s not done it’s not done Ry Ry use it for use it for

Ryan yeah yeah yeah there’s red ones there’s red ones there’s red ones there’s red ones oh my God stop yeah yeah I know I know I know it gets better it gets better oh no no no this is the wrong block to use uh don’t don’t move

Whatever you do whatever you do it’s important um oh God oh God um um um um um why can’t we move because well you can move but but I just don’t want you to leave slowly back away Ryan it could explode at any moment feels like may I demonstrate

Lights cute fairy lights cute fairy lights what are these H sick I know wait what what’s the gravel for oh ignore that that was I was trying to build and I realized gravel Falls you know oh yeah but cool isn’t it amazing it doesn’t stop you can use this what

Could we use this for I don’t know we use this in the team meeting room May so cute it’s so cute hanging lights yeah I know it’s amazing and then these are lights too I did just take one there you go sorry about that yeah it doesn’t stop

It doesn’t stop stop okay yeah yeah that’s for now those are more oh oh one more thing oh God one more thing oh frick no I’m overwhelmed I can’t do it I’ve overheated she needs a breather she needs a breather cool off cool off it’s

Okay may FY it’s okay I think I got it okay okay I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready okay okay hold on hold on don’t move don’t move whatever you do oh [ __ ] okay okay okay uh okay ready may I present a bush no

Moss wa oh this is the best Moss I’ve ever seen hanging plants wait there’s so much detail in these my God this is amazing yeah it’s so pretty the hell wow you guys found so many cool things wish I could show you guys oh oh oh check this out this is new too

You’re a God King man what uh no Jesus Christ what is that oh my God it’s new it’s new it’s new it’s going to kill us kill it it drops good stuff really really I’m going to kill it may fely we can do this potentially it’s new it’s new you sicko

Okay okay find it find it while I get my arrow and also this this is also does it land Ryan no more please no more Jes what I have a bow and an arrow and I can take it out take take it out take out you can

Get good stuff you can get stff come on before it goes to the Village I’ve missed it oh my God F it’s going to kill you man no no it’s not it’s going to kill you oh no God kill it kill it you can make good things with it it’s really

Strong it’s it’s doing lightning attacks that’s me that’s me that’s me the lightning you’re so strong that’s my mayor that’s my wait that’s it wait how are you doing that it’s my lightning bows wait half Health half Health May fley uhoh jump kick attack oh

God again again hit it hit it use Force use Force stay back stay back it’s Landing I’ve done serious damage to it guys serious damage I think you need r oh oh no oh no I keep missing oh god oh it’s almost out it’s almost out we’ve

Done it take it out oh my godm that’s got the goods got the goods well I got wa an epic what you can make with it what is that what can you make with that I got a Mossy tooth wait what what what do you can what can you make with that

You can make like charms and stuff wait charms wait you get bobbles what are bobles I got a epic Shader grabag with oh that’s I don’t know what that is wait what ellm got the good thing wait I’m the mayor I want it oh uh um I showed you the trading

Station anything for you mayor fosy what for me B CH for the mayor for the mayor cool thank you anything for the I should have traded it God damn it what am I doing I’m a bumbling idiot look you could make a you could make a bone raker

And plus two attack damage and you just put on your hands wait wait in the hand slot wait what are you talking about what do I do with the tooth press you on it and you can see all the things you can make with it

Oh oh oh a music disc oh a caged heart Boney bottm boys let’s go with the BG Champion marshy Delight I can cook let her cook let cook guys there’s so much stuff how are we to ever learn everything oh oh oh God okay we’ll carry on unless you

Want to come to the demonstration of the trading station oh I mean I’m going to go back to the back to the lab but you going to show it to blow is that what you’re going to yes to the lab oh well if you would like we’re going to the lab

I probably won’t okay that’s fine Ryan we underst understand I look so pretty as a potato thank you so much thank you so and may may F she found it but it’s the most it’s the coolest thing the server has had ever man she found a a new part

Of the new mods it’s I could actually make a Pokemon shop man I can actually do it where are you Blau we’re ready for the demonst are you ready for the demonstration yes if let me show you guys something oh it’s the Sheep thing isn’t it welcome to my definitely not unethical sheep

[Laughter] farm it’s perfect not Exodia do I have a is this oh no card what have you done do I have like what have you done oh no I don’t have the Dark Magician took it okay let’s just make did you take that thing what thing what thing the Dark Magician

Did you take it no no Ryan has it you bought it off of you remember oh yeah Frick okay it’s totally let’s see if this works okay how do I get out of hiblow you no oh my God LM Elum LM how

Do I get out oh there we go oh what am I listening to sorry sorry sorry you need to have the okay and now the Sheep will reproduce did you get them wheat oh uh M fuzi are you here oh don’t look don’t look don’t look don’t

Look yet okay oh you can look you can look okay okay do you see hello do you see blow where’d you go no I I don’t I didn’t see I didn’t see I I came back here come come here come here I need you

To see this oh oh we come to you first okay show okay we’ll come to you first okay okay so if you walk up these stairs I’ll make OB but yeah basically the way this works is the Sheep um live here and then that thing is an animal feeder which

Feeds them wheat wait you made an animal feeder oh beautiful yeah it’s can to have one one yeah I can make one for you and then what eventually happens is the Sheep um uh they kind of overpopulate and then they’ll push through this gate and then the thing that Leslie is standing on

Will grind them up uh horrifically Mob Slaughter Factory and what does it turn them into oh into pink slime to do what with the pink slime to make a stasis chamber which will then that’s I mean just a St sh then we create oh yeah then fzy then we created

A stasis chamber and then you know the Wither we put a Wither in a stasis chamber and then we use the stasis chamber to keep it in place without it harming anything and then we Harvest its gas uh to create weapon El once again are we the bad guys yeah I don’t know

Why you’re still telling her everything man this is she’s the one who invested in the lab man I we’re not villains man we’re just the anti-bullying lab that’s all we are all right let’s not create the narrative that we’re villains fantastic good guys I can set up automated feeders for your animals this

Is amazing amazing now so now that I have this production set up it’s really easy for me to make more of these can you hear me clapping yeah I could you were clapping yeah oh but now your hands are CL oh there you go oh okay oh there

You go perfect oh y have there it is better you doing it now perfect have yep perfect that perfect synchronization and then they stopped perfect perfect perfect okay perfect perfect okay blow come out come out blow this is very important blow like very look at this blow currency look at it do you

See oh so I can actually make my shop man I can do it wa this is so wait this is the coolest this is the coolest thing ever yes now people can actually oh my God but BL what me and you were thinking was Farmers Market man Farmers Market oh

My God isn’t it incredible oh my God every guys every Sunday farmers market we should host a farmers market where people can sell anything yes we I was saying we could do an auction we can I can my Pokémon shop will actually be selling cards now you could sell food and ing

I it’s a we could sell our Creations like we could sell a shrink or sell cool things that we worked on I know unfortunately BL we have some bad news to tell you about this though oh yeah now we did tell Ryan and he got so

Excited to the point of where he said he’s now no longer going to give anyone anything for free he’s just going to use the currency to get more stuff off of us so we’ve actually made L Angel invest us so Yeah we need to get our h Leslie Leslie here do you want to this is a we’re going to play a game it’s called guess which resource Ry gave element blow okay you walk over here okay I’m coming fly and you kind of like okay and then just quickly look quickly

Look through the chest guess which resource uh he gave us okay just look through a few you’ll get there pretty soon hold on okay I’m looking okay look through these chests which chest on the right just over here uh the one over the dark Browns over

Yeah yeah it’s um what uh red yeah take a yeah wait maybe that’s not a lot oh my God maybe it’s not a lot maybe we’ve got we thought we a lot we’re actually really really bad oh no no that’s very good god listen um I’m got to get

Started on the market okay the market U do you want to see our gu we’ve been building it out well now I feel bad if I say no so I suppose yes I want to you kind of like forc her to say yes there guilt Tripping okay yes coming well luckily the x is also this way as well look well it’s not really much right now but we’re gradually piecing to where did I leave my car what is that F it’s a Rick Shaw it’s a Rick Shaw and then this is the way out it’s a our

Dungeon a dungeon sorry it’s our we have a yeah it’s our parking garage I love it to our lab okay but um about the refined storage materials um yes what about it what about it get those could we get those I’m going to build up for me and you want them right

Now yes listen here’s what I can give you um the the hardest thing to get okay the hardest stuff to get are you ready yes it’s this stuff okay it’s it’s the worst it’s just the worst and you can you can have a lot

Of mine you can have all of it okay this stuff sucks H how about this if you give us the materials for the refined storage I will automate all of your Farms what or not the Farms the uh sorry the animals the animals an oh oh here you go with

Feeders yes I gave you all of my silicon which is the most annoying thing to make out of all of it oh my God now the one thing you do need of this all uh no the one thing you really do need is is certis

Quartz oh how do we get that okay so usually you have to make a meteorite compass and go to a meteorite and then and then you you steal it from there but luckily for we found a meteorite blow it’s by our second home we know where

That is I have you can haveing mind that one out wait wait wait wait no no what do you do again oh no no no no no watch and learn okay no I’m going to help you so much right here oh you’re so lucky you have me okay ready oh my God you’re

So lucky okay so oh my God no okay let me okay so here’s a bunch oh I just made so many s quartz blocks okay so you’re going to take these sort quartz blocks do you have them oh okay okay wait actually don’t take all of them okay can

You can you give me one actually can you give me one back for uh demonstration purposes ellm you took them oh I took them oh no no no no it’s fine I’ll make it I’ll make it okay make it okay wait you need those to me dear God if if

You’re is anything like how you actually do storage I don’t want you to touch this I’ve been cooking on other things man random blocks of dirt will do what I want random blocks of dirt in the materials chest ele it was of dirt organized why are there strings in the

Metal chest Elum hold them together you bubling that’s rich go the amount of waffle this guy speaks where we over we’re breaking up we’re breaking up we’re breaking up damn it so then sorry sorry sorry so then right okay you’ll need water for this part okay hold on hold on hold on hold

On taking notes okay okay so this is this quartz water this is important okay so you you okay so then you see your cus quartz right you’re gonna drop it in like that and you’re gonna need to put no no no no no no what have you done what have you

Done oh God what wait wait I swear to God I’m going to kill you where do you get charged oh wait wait wait do you guys have something to charge do you have a charger a put it in out yeah we have Chargers you have chargers right

Okay yeah we have okay okay you you have Chargers okay please put okay okay so you take my [ __ ] the damn cice Court okay like this okay and then you’re going to take I’m so sorry I’m standing it it back it up back it up let me go let me

Go this way okay so this is very important okay so um you’re going to take ctis quartz crystals okay these come from breaking ctis quartz I think oh God I it’s been wait hold on if you break this with a mother okay I’m going to lose my mind

Okay so you take this right I gave you a bunch of these okay you break it what you get is the same thing okay oh uh how do you get theer quz okay okay so what you do is you put this in there oh no no

No no no not that one that that’s a good one okay so okay lesson time are you ready lesson yes I’m ready I’m ready all right so wait that’s my back mother if you two don’t be okay so so there’s a couple things here actually oh god oh actually

No come here come down come down come down come down to my left all right all right come down to my layer I’ll just show you so basically um there’s different stages to the Sur quartz block the one I gave you is they’re dead okay they don’t grow anything but there’s

Different stages okay there’s flawed there’s damaged and there’s um down here what the heck are they oh oh over there okay out the door man out the door there’s a mine back here okay it’s all ugly don’t worry okay you see these and I’m growing okay okay this okay so so

Yeah yeah yeah okay so these sort quartz blocks these ones um they’re all dead um they die over time but what you want to do is you want to plant them right and then you you you get when you when you when you you harvest them you get them

You get certis quartz crystals okay and yeah yeah and then what you do with the ctis quartz crystals is you put them in your charger like this okay like that hello put in oh charger oh okay put them in like that and you get a charge

Crystal like that okay so then you take the things I gave you and you come oh where’s the pool of water is there a pool of water anywhere I left it upstairs no one second it’s over here okay so then so then just wait watch and

Learn okay sorry this is this is kind of dank okay so then all right um and um okay so then right then you put the water in there okay right oh God okay so when you have a little bit of water then you take the

Thing I gave you do not pick this up oh right okay then you put three charged ctis quartz crystals in there did they work and it’s it’s it’s purple lightning I see purple lightning it absorbs it and then you seeck if you pick that up go pick it up what oh wait

Yeah they’re charged they’re charged or something uh can you pick that up oh your inventory is probably full man it’s probably full what did I break oh did I break something I know I broke that your inventory manine it’s probably full pick it up pick it up pick those up nice

Amazing okay so what what did you get what is like what it charged it right charge cice quartz crystal no no no no no no no no no the thing that it be sorry sorry that’s my pixel the thing that it became a flawed budding CIS

Quest right okay so now look at how we have this this formation so basically crystals can grow on all sides of that um so what you want to do okay is then you want to like okay put that thing on that the flawed one I’m over complicating this like

Crazy oh my God flawed yes okay so now you break that and you just wait and it’ll start growing crystals and and and then you need the crystals for what the hell you need the crystals to grow more crystals correct and what the heck do you use oh and that’s how you make

Silicon because you have to we’ve done it you have to no you have to crush those you go you put them in a Crusher the things that you think you get and you get dust and then you make silicon from that but I gave you a ton of

Silicon okay so weed silicon for other projects too so this it’s very good um and then the rest of it um let me know if you need if you have questions but you need to make these three things okay Bam Bam Bam as long as they’re touching

You’re good oh this should be easy to do you need to make a disc you need to make a a controller um a crafting grid and a disc drive thing and then you need have you have you got the notepad out the notepad and then you got to make okay

The worst thing to make of all this is a 64k storage disc okay that’s the worst thing you need to make then we Power It Up on one side and they just connect connected the 64k storage Drive the storage disc that’s the worst one okay

No D we can do this we can do all this man this is f storage disc yes to make that you need to make um the 64 cage storage part and to make that you need to make the 16k storage part and to make that you need to make four of the 4K

Storage parts and then to make that you need to make 16 of the the the the really Bas the other one okay so then those are the annoying ones to make you need ton of silicon for that but then once you put it all together it’s

Amazing and you put it in there and then Bing Bing Bop nice we can do this man oh um BL I did get the Intel by the way from sho’s coffee place I got the pictures and I’ve submitted them to the mail wait is fluid storage different

Than normal storage can you not store fluid I I don’t know what I don’t know I don’t know what you’re asking I’ve never heard of FL fluid storage in my life oh he means like where like you can put the the pink slime or like latex in

And stuff is that on this oh we’ll we’ll work on that later no it’s another it’s another disc oh okay okay okay okay oh that could be useful for us too though back I don’t know backpack I’ve been using yes I canot remember for the life

Of me as long as we have all of these man we can make this and this is super easy it’s just powered on one side and it just goes all the way through so this is like we can we can make this up man

We can do it we can do it you got it I believe and then when is the day we finally make refined storage in my CH luck finally leaves me alone good luck and and and then the wireless crafting grid this is the controller that allows you to access it wireless wirelessly you

And you need two controllers if you’re going to split it you guys are going to combine all your inventory right we need two unless you want to make two separate ones we’re going to combine all of our okay then you need two controllers um but yeah this part is honestly the most

Annoying it’s just um making the uh the 64k storage disc and um it’s kind of like you got to make a bunch of different parts and then those parts will make parts and those parts will make Parts um and and but once you get

The hang of it you just see like a lot of just random diamonds and if you need help I I can help you thank you mayor fley You’ given us the silic the silicone will help you a lot it will yeah it’s it’s it’s really annoying but yeah that the the the the

Way the reason people have these ctis quartz Farms is for silicon it’s because they need the thing they crush it up and then they they they smelt it and it turns into silicon so that’s why it’s kind of a grind so you’re just like grinding you can also use my farm oh I

Don’t really have any Farm oh oh yeah you can use my farm most of these are dead but you can recharge them if you want okay or you make your own Farm it’s pretty cool you just you just put yeah the Silicon that’s the that’s the annoying part good luck God May

Fosle the knowledgeable is what they call it’s the grind of the why I voted for you elevator we need to walk up oh uh oh wait why do we not have an elevator that’s a perf thing for the lab they make one L Jesus Christ alternativ

Just made an unethical Al you guys could do the cultism storage which is um just better well no no no but we have to keep it in theme for you know the lab yeah lab yeah yeah yeah I figured but if you wanted objectively better to the lab to

The lab oh wait no blah blah blah wait wait the coffee shop the Intel man I I got the images mayor foosley has them the images have showed put out of business perfect what operation Ratatouille operation Ratatouille it’s happening no ra storage is it’s do you stand with us just better

It’s it’s the same thing but I think she is I think she’s going to stand with us she’s flying around yeah sorry sorry sorry what up F Ellen we’ve got to go back to the lab I’m going to make our refined help me God God speed dude God speed stop wait wait wait

Oh okay like what what kind of what kind of Vibes do I need to make this [ __ ] like what am I playing um you mean that’s up to you pick you pick May’s choice no oh yeah I’ll also I’ll match it as well oh God uh it go yeah yeah go

With that go with that go with that there you go on repeat until I finish no do not do that do not do that do not do that yeah you will lose your [ __ ] mind I it it’s kind of a grind and I needed a video for it all um but I don’t

You’ll be fine mayor fzy are we back with your thingy in a second the the thingy the the garden thingy the the thing you need for the coffee thingies what the [ __ ] are you saying Ellum you wanted me to make the thing that I made Sho for you it’s called a garden cleos

Thing or something the croissant thing what the fre the croissant no yeah the thing stat yeah I would love that I’ll be back thanks you’re awesome I am that girl I TG i r l you know I am that girl um okay now I really do want to

Make a market um does refined storage have a limit I I mean you can keep upgrading it with more and more and more silicon I haven’t reached that limit yet and I ain’t going to do it I forgot my car I ain’t not going to do it why no party animals lately because

Playing a lot of Minecraft I I really did like party animals s do still like party animals a lot it’s more of just like kind of playing this I can only play one game at a time so sorry no no no no no no no no no not

There okay my elevator’s out of fuel okay the next time that mang is on I will ask her for it how come this doesn’t go on this you can fix the elevator with fuel fuel okay I’m not going to attempt to understand that okay okay

Um so I’m trying to think so I feel like trading stations will be great um it would be awesome to have everybody have their own section but where to begin with a farmers market oh my gosh where to begin with a farmers market location just so much stuff so much

Stuff is this where what is here it’s like who knows Infinity Hammer by fast wait she tried to for wait this is kind of a farmers market area right what is this buy fast it’s so cool how long you’ve been playing on the server dude I know it’s

Been a month it’s actually been a long time that’s a mang’s farmers market okay hum dum dum dum D dum dum dum dum dum dum we can make a real trading table I mean let’s see I mean we could make it here we could just expand this area out

And turn it into a farmers’s market um there’s space around me and Janet’s old house we could put it over where our old house was I haven’t tried meang strin yet I haven’t I yeah yeah let’s see h we could put it here we could put it I

Kind of like putting it where mang had it um something like poor bla oh my God oh my God I think here is cute wait wait wait what if we just terraform this area out a little bit honestly this is so cute this area is good okay let’s

Let’s let’s see what we can do um May fley I’ve got the I’ve got the item you requested premium delivery service is right here there you go there you go oh my God oh my God thank you so much you’re leg not a problem at all also no no don’t worry

About it that’s it no no what what what what if you see any coffee means steal them for me okay wait steal them you want me to do I have mission to steal to commit crimes absolutely yes okay coffee beans it is I’ll add it to the list May fley

Okay now is this a laggy area maybe we have to have people go to the farmers market with a portal oh God where is them is this a laggy area at all this area should we make it away from town but I want every oh god oh yeah there’s tractors

There’s then there’s roads what we want Drive to the farmers market that’s kind of funny whoa is this where is this where Sho is oh God make them take a train the train there oh God maybe I should wait for mang and then we can we can work on

It I feel I feel like she would have good input maybe we could have her like put the train like the train could take you there it’d be really cute right a train use drones oh using the train would be so cute yeah okay well I got to hop off for the

Night and go hunting for coffee and up oh my God Legend thanks okay H okay I guess I’ll wait for more input on that but we can can make little training stations um like a one that’s like kind of personal for us uh like if people want to come by and buy stuff

From the bakery you know what I mean like a bakery like a like a one for the bakery okay and then we can go and then we can make one for the whole town you know okay so if we want people to come this bridge has got to go oh no that’s so

Sad so I’m imagining if people would want to come to the bakery right you know we got to terraform a little bit here let’s let’s just do this really quick I feel like it’s taking us forever to do this but it’s time to connect this I don’t know it’s

Time okay oh a flat Bridge a flat Bridge yeah why not a flat Bridge oh gosh blow I have have a proposition for you whenever come by the bakery okay it’s time to flatten this out finally okay oh wow okay I don’t know how to use the wand

Guys you can move the bridge okay do you see what I’m doing what are you doing well expanding the sitting area yes well basically I’m going to create a mini trading Market just for like if people want to come buy Bakery kids do you know what I mean like

A little market you want me to build one no I I need this bridge to be flattened or do you know what I mean uh we might not need the bridge or like just a straight bridge I’m I’m trying to figure out what to do about the bridge

Essentially or is it bad maybe we should fill this up with water and make a little Lake I did I you know what I mean no I I think we I think we flatten the bridge we have another one over there and like honestly the bridge is kind of

Cumbersome between the town hall and the bakery it’s a bit like yeah it’s a bit yeah just D it this was an early build come on destroy it yeah just destroy it it’s going down what do we replace it with I think we just terraform and fill

This in they can and then the river can sort of stop right before the cafe right here oh my God we’re B the bakery Bridge okay goodbye to the bakery goodbye to the bakery Bridge um M fzy do you have any extra nether quartz you are so lucky I went to the nether

Today and found went to the nether a fork ton how much you need a couple stacks one stack two stack two St three stack two stack three stacks of nether quarts yeah oh [ __ ] I knew someone would need it I’m building it all right good luck I need

It yep that stuff was a pain okay okay I agree that the river was really nice what can we like how can we keep like water is so nice I don’t want it to be completely flattened maybe we could have a pond what about a pond guys come on let’s not be so

Sad ow a a pond would be so nice you know or a waterfall it looks like a sewer Outlet yeah it does it’s it’s really bad it’s really ugly um oh my God likeo okay uh okay wow wow okay I must show sauno I must show sauno

Okay this okay and then the dark uh image what are you doing oh I was just going to show Psych my new creation I’m coming with because I’m going to show him the other thing oh oh the the other thing let’s go together yesy oh I just hit the

Post come on man hey what’s up guys we have things to show you look what we made man oh does anyone have a quark Rune by any chance look wait look at me oh my god look look and you can ride in it man jump in the back get in get in

Yeah let’s go go I how you just got to right click just got to just right click is not doing anything like that yeah see just like that oh right click on like the front part the front the this one this one oh okay clicking on the and psych it gets even

Better than this let me let me show you the the coolest part of this ready here we go oh you’re drifting you can drift and then you go like Mario Kart and you get a speed boost oh my God we can race yes and that’s why Ryan’s making Ryan’s

Making ryanb Road oh oh wait that’s a good idea zuno I have another demonstration oh yeah and and F’s got the coolest thing ever are you ready show me Leslie show me may I present it’s going to be a game changer look look look at the P okay

Look look man look look it’s a trading we’ve got currency sauno oh my God oh my God it’s Exodia it’s Exodia so I’m going to use this in my Pokémon shop and I can actually sell cards to the to the people put that’s pretty cool yeah Trading Post

Now yeah that’s pretty cool yes well I can show you a trick too oh okay it’s called he’s going to be Su yeah I saw that on Twitter why is he actually saw on tter why is he why is he in creative mode oh will you saw it on

Twitter # awesome why is he flying like that oh hey guys why is he flying why you flying like that how’d you do that are you test out my suit yeah oh my God can I test you do oh you don’t have triple jump so you won’t go as high okay oh oh

Well I’ll let Leslie test it out and just make sure you give it back to me okay wait so so I can’t you don’t want hand right working on technology like you’re going to get this eventually but Leslie probably won’t because she doesn’t do technology so

It’s like it’s like a little treat for Leslie but for you it’d be like you’d be skipping the whole thing I don’t understand I’m not going anywhere uh Sprint and jump oh wait I was sprinting really quick okay Sprint you should be able to Sprint and jump and you’ll jump like a

Million blocks high did I do it it’s the wings it’s the wing maybe the wings are countering it you think so maybe I take off the wings wait do you have euron yeah I do okay let me try this that could be a problem guys apparently is emojy see at

The lab it’s concerning me I’ll be back I’ll be back guys you should be able to jump higher than that is it working no you’re definitely not jumping as no you’re just kind of running in a very fast line I me you’re running speed the speed boost is definitely working

Woohoo yeah the speed boost is working but not the jump boost I’m going so fast yeah yeah that’s you don’t have the jump boost though wow here let me give me back theor what the oh oh there she is I went into the portal oh my God that was terrifying okay here you

Go there it is my armor there it is man is this how it feels to walk around normally again yeah there it is this is how high you should be able to jump whoa now that’s one jump but since I can triple jump I can jump three times I can

Jump a higher than that that bean stock wow twice as high actually watch this this is my maximum jump height you’re just jumping waa it’s giving Twilight Edward Colin is that you that’s my maximum jump height Edward Colin it’s you it really is you what are you talking about have you seen

Twilight no oh well it’s like well anyway um I got a thing to do with the boys they got a surprise apparently all right well good luck Hey listen now that I’ve completed all my mechanism stuff I don’t really know what to do anymore oh well um might I show you something cool

To do yeah yeah you still hiring at the baker yes we have mangoes yeah I like those and we have lemons and we have and lemons grapefruits and dragon fruits and lemons and limes and melons and coffee and coffee machines and lemons and limes and kumquats nutmeg and bananas that’s really cool

Bananas sauno we have Banas do I do do I cook stuff what do you need I mean is there anything you need um well uh coffee beans actually very badly coffee beans I can get those I could probably find coffee beans Qui if you find a

Coffee bean for me I would owe you forever those are in the jungle I I’ll go look for a coffee bean today though okay they’re new though you know what I mean so uh they’re new oh so have to go to Uncharted chunks to yes but I do have

Aort you have any quk runes by any chance quk runes no I don’t have a quk rune quk run is okay they only can be found in dungeons apparently and I threw them all away cuz I thought they were useless and they kind of are useless but

They make your weapon glow a different color other than purple so it’s like cool wow well anyway I’m going to go check on what’s up with the squad okay good luck let me know if you need any help with the bakery I’m coffee beans tauno coffee beans all right I’ll find

Coffee beans in fact I think I’ll go now woohoo okay now now now now now now now now no no no now now this is so slacked we need some Dimension we need some personality you know what I mean I’ll figure it out but but we could

Have a little trading station like just up here right it could be like ooh okay it could be a little trading station I don’t want it to detract too much from it a shallow River a little pond maybe like here slabs a fountain let me look well look at these bushes first of

All look how cute they are but let me see what I have cuz I just I went and got so much stuff how about those hydrangea bushes those ones were really pretty these like Hedges what if I made more Hedges how do I make more do I just bone meal

Them maybe I bone meal and then I can get a bunch more okay just put a hedge down little hedge oh frick oh oh These flowers too flower patches like these ones are so pretty I picked those up because I was like oh you know so we can have some Little Flower patches

Around okay let’s just give it some character first okay we’ll just kind of let it let it happen all right let’s see cute already we’re getting Dimension all right um oo okay oh what if we oh I can’t just duplicate those those are kind of

Okay okay we got to use our minds our creativity here patch I’m stumped no no no I’m not stumped maybe some some oh those are kind of tall okay not that a koi pond okay let me think about like the market I think the market should be like here

Right so imagine here’s the thing these look kind of bad next to each other because the text is going to be like really dank so and the other problem is that I wish you could change the color so badly we’re definitely going to use the hanging ooh the hanging

Lights these we’re going to be using these big time these are cute okay lemonade stand with an Awning cute Garden I drain you oh God so much and so much okay what about nightlights is there any world where we use Night Lights hanging lights more hanging lights okay let’s see a tent oh my God you know the thing is there’s a tent mod that might be even

Coming in like for sure like actual tents nature Vibes nature Vibes oh boy oh boy oh boy trap doors to cover the fronts I just wish we could change the color of that man stone brick there’s posts tables there’s chairs guys there is so much stuff oh a lamp post benches no Birch

Shelves oh my God oh my God oh my God wait wait wait wait wait what about a pick a fence pause let’s look at the Pence uh it’s got to Beo it’s actually so cute I know a picket fence right oh it’s disgusting a stand oh man what to do with all of it what to do oh boy oh it’s getting dank I just oh what do you do about the green do you just embrace it it’s not

That it’s a bad green it’s just that it doesn’t match with anything huh do you make it like do you make it oh my God use these for the farm okay don’t no don’t get distracted I don’t think I can D it what if we could though what if this

Whole time we could just Dy it how would I try that I would just um I would just make a trading post right Trading Post like this bing bang Bop me mop bpop no table table table uh it’s a slab take the slabs and then go

Here and take the sticks and you go here I Minecrafting so hard right now okay then you go like like that and then you go like and then you you go like blop you go like blop oh okay oh I just made 54 tables honestly that’s not even that bad because we who

Knows we might actually need 54 of them so say let’s let’s let’s just do it with dye right maybe right click it with die okay you know what yeah okay okay I’m still hopeful you can change the color it’s stuck green no carpet over wait a carpet over could be could be okay

Wait that’s not bad can we hide the sides oh frick is there is there a vertical carpet put it on the floor oh my God trap door fronts Geniuses or or fences okay pretty much B okay there’s a couple options there’s a couple there’s banners let’s look at

Banners oh my you guys are geniuses what the heck heck actually okay wait banners and then there was another one uh trap doors oh and the picket fence we can try it we can try um we can try the fence let’s see what that looks like probably

Not going to be good okay that’s terrible terrible idea okay but banners Banner doesn’t go high enough trap doors but there’s a couple options for trap doors there’s got to be a good one um what’s a cute one we could do they have a bunch Holly trap doors cute glass trapo Aspen

H there’s a bunch of wood I just don’t have pink trap doors with what Cherry Cherry trap doors it’s giving watermelon this is not the final form we’re trying to hide it try an image frame oh I don’t think an image frame is going to picture wait frame like this oh an IT

Item frame oh an image frame image I think I have to make one okay wait it does cover it does cover the whole thing how would you hide the sides though and what would you put on them I guess you could just leave it at that it’s not terrible right it’s not that

Bad but if you use the trading table what happens if you use it now if I walk up to it and I’m like and I just want to use it wait did it stop working wait how come I don’t see anything on it uhoh oh you need to see it to use it

Guys you need to see it to use it oh no no oh no okay it’s not terrible if we just put white carpet over it and embraced it the green you know right now it’s giving watermelon but okay but it’s just because it’s a lot of green but if you have like you

Know like it’s not terrible no the green is cute the green is not bad it’s just I wish you could like do more than green like this looks more like tablecloth it’s kind of pretty yeah we could just make carpets and embrace it it’s not bad

Yeah like that mhm I wish you could make the font the font smaller too that’s massive wait it looks better without the white really oh man hanging lights in front oh wait I don’t think you can hanging lights have to be um the hanging lights have to be

Um on a ceiling they have to be on some like under something okay so let’s just see this watch this I have just like a genius not a genius idea but I just I’m let let me just you see this okay Spruce give me um

Or Oak blocks let me just get a ton of like stripped Oak blocks right now and then let’s see okay so if I do okay do this um okay so if I was kind of to make it like an indoor thing okay just bear with me I know it’s

Ugly but like say it’s like okay maybe a little higher let me cook okay oh God okay well this is a bit big I want to be a little cuter than this okay but okay so say it was like this right okay okay it’s ugly it’s ugly but here’s the idea

Okay wait wait hold hold hold okay just just okay okay hold on let me c let let me c let me cook um okay okay so so just just bear with me for a second right oh terra cotta would be better right but um the the premise would be you take um

Wool oh God it’s ugly okay so say you took some wool right okay okay and then you did a little awning moment okay okay and it was like oh my God oh my God oh my God wait it’s a different blue no imagine if it was the same blue

Then you would just embrace it different blue um what awning should we make do this what with fence posts h no no no this has so much potential we’re it just it just needs to happen it needs to we’re brainstorming brainstorming brainstorming it’s going to be so cute

Fence no no no okay okay check it out check it out right why are they on the back fairy lights oh no why does this look oh God it’s all falling apart my hopes and dreams my hopes and dreams I was going to add fairy lights and then it would be like

You know you could like have a have a nice little on at night it would it would Sparkle and it’d be like a little is it too crowded well we wouldn’t we could do it somewhere else or and make it smaller maybe make just two oh no I’m cooking I’m cooking okay

Okay okay okay okay here we go we can’t encroach on this area we have to keep this open okay so so okay just wait just wait it’s going to be good okay so then you take this and then you go like smaller now cuter and it’s like a little love you

But that’s not it it’s so ugly it’s so bad oh let’s make more fencing that was really pretty to look at that was nice we liked fences fence fence fence fence let me cook it’s happening again the cook is happening the cook is happening can I make a gate door a door

Please tell me they have a door for this no they they definitely don’t do they no well I guess you wouldn’t need a oh I’m not good at building guys this is just it’s hard wait that’s kind of cute right what if that I swear it’s the green the green is

Just it’s it’s it’s just it’s making it it’s throwing off my Juju I think the awning really is something though guys I I really think it’s going to be good if we had awning girl Google Farmers Market you’re so right Minecraft farmers markets oh my God that’s cute okay they’re way smarter

Than me oh my God they even have fake awnings wait it’s wait but the problem is like there’s people at these and they’re not accounting for the the green that we have to deal with we have it harder ignore the color of the tree okay

This is just for the bakery yeah this is just for the bakery maybe I do need a bigger space I okay I want to just make a small little market stall and I I do think that the problem here is that we don’t have enough space we actually don’t have

Enough space because the town hall is here and then it’s just like I I want it to be like here but it’s just going to be so cramped you know what agreed it was never a me problem it was never a me problem this is where a pond should go

We’re we’re thinking we’re just it’s this is not we’re not thinking right what really should happen is that there’s a demolish my old house and put it there over where my old house is I left the table what if it’s facing the cafe what’s over

There I can’t put it on the deck of the bakery that’s where the habachi grill is you see the Habachi Grill’s there I take a food break it’s Time what could we do VIP Market stress eating in game upstairs of the bakery but oh it’s okay I’m going to make more steak I’m hungry hungry in real life man right now I’m trying to figure out where to put like a mini farmers market for like um we basically found out there’s trading

Station so like uh it’s just like it’s kind of basically just a one little cute freaking booth just a cute little market stall okay I found one that’s really cute uh it’s on it’s like SL it looks so easy it’s just a bunch of slabs um oh it’s so adorable

Okay flip the meat I’m flipping okay Market on the water wow where’s my backpack oh my God that’s why I’m not Auto eating I keep picking the wrong backpack I need to remember that the diamond back the one that has the right attachments I just have to remember

That on the water on the water I guess we could just do it on the water allow and allow here we go floating Market behind the bakery oh oh I’m overwhelmed I want to make a pumpkin spice latte so bad pumpkin spice latte where are you oh we’re running into the coffee issue

Where are coffee beans where do we find coffee beans no coffee seeds or coffee beans anywhere you know what let’s go find them maybe in the jungle okay let’s take a break and find coffee beans we’ll be right back we’re taking a break coffee beans here we

Go we’re in a jungle biome so would we find them on a tree are they the same as like cocoa beans what are those limes no freaking way oh IIT no that’s mango I don’t have a coffee bean Farm I have a cocoa bean Farm no way no way I’m going to

Scream no way no peanuts barley peanuts okay I’m not going to freak out over any of this stuff just go and eventually one of these will be coffee surely that’s how it works right okay did we get them strawberry wheat old root green bean eggplant onion rice peanut Demon’s dream okay every seed

But wait wait wait corn rice onion peanut can I bring my tractor here oh my God I think I can do it hold on I think I can do it no no please please please no no no no this doesn’t work yeah I’m going to cross the server it’s great okay we

Tried h i could reassemble it there we go crowbar and assembler hello hello I actually think it crashes the stream that’s so funny I actually think it the portal crashed the stream guys no way no no way ain’t no way okay okay amazing now all right here we

Go for the the beans okay okay here we go we’ve done it for the coffee beans come on okay is it getting anything guys is it just mowing them am I getting the seeds I am getting seeds right surely I don’t know if I’m getting them guys

I am what I am I am I am I am I am oh my God oh my God amaran seeds tomato seeds radish seeds bell pepper peanut strawberry demon barley onion rice corn every seed every seed except coffee maybe they’re on trees you know they’re probably on

Trees is that is that what it is we just have to play big toe now oh my God it’s just oh my God it’s a throwback it’s a throwback yo what year is it let’s go alternate Universe Char we get him Heree Way Toast anywhere Please Running no way there no Cofe this is Crazy the one in the tree guys it’s the it’s the cocoa beans I mean yeah it’s a cocoa it’s not right it’s not right So what is That friend love his name’s Mackenzie and he’s a big SC on the EST all night freak windows Allass I think it’s just rare guys A big running me toe what do I do I Wor the coffee beans is Croptop r in the jungle biome that’s where we are said I need a job [ __ ] off you SL I’m in the club like 50 look at my R looking soy [ __ ] you [ __ ] your name wasy wait I think your name I no Way that’s I roll Isn’t that a coffee no it’s not it’s not everybody put your drinks get fingies Ming know what do sp jungle maybe we’re just in the wrong B No there’s no way it’s a seasonal thing I’m going to cry but are those oranges no grapefruits what’s on the Top coming It my’s What the hell’s happening got into a horrible tractor crash no we crashed God get me out of this Ditch please vehicle [Applause] vehicle We’re doomed guys we’re doomed oh we’re doomed we come back in the morning think we’re doomed you just leave this vehicle what do we do oh God we got to go home we got to go home we got to go home we got to go home we’re going to die we’re

Going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re die we’re we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die let me just set the point right here okay go home home home home where’s my home backpack backpack backpack home home home Lord

Do not follow me do not follow me okay okay sleepers corn seeds Okay look how many seeds I got guys wow this is going to help me in the future this is amazing green beans look at all the new plants okay flax seeds amaran seeds demons industrial old root

Wait there’s sleeping bags get out of here I’m going To where’s my wireless transmitter oh what do you do with the sleeping bag though how does it function differently oh my God who wants to make a sleeping Bag yes real ones okay okay back to it oh frick where’s my tractor bro bro oh my God this is craziness no shot that’s crazy I got robbed by the zombie that is just crazy Continue am I I’m in sparse jungle is that Fine Center of the it’s in the nether in the ball biome ain’t no way it’s in the nether in this mod I am starting to think that it’s not here it’s got to be here I’m getting one guy I’m getting one guy I’m Getting this is croptop not Farmers Delight the B says [Applause] Nothing let go Gety I Mia we have to go back we have to go back because we need a well we need to put back our stuff and then okay I’m stuck okay okay okay we need to put all back our stuff like this uh put all the seeds

That we’ve gone we got a ton of those seeds Okay put all of those seeds away Bam Bam Bam Bam and then we need to get a Nature’s Compass that’s what we need Nature’s Compass empty casing casing oh magazine yes I need my guns and then we need uh

What is it called jungle oh crap it has seasoned wait there Seasons I how to check Minecraft season croptop if you have Serene season anyone here researching for sauno to find answers ain’t no way I ran into a Reddit thread and someone posted look 25 minutes

Ago that um that’s wild that is ex wild honestly props man come on Lesar let’s get to it wait start the Reddit threads everybody start the Reddit threads we need help croptop a market seems to be the way to get it to Market croptop Market croptop Market oh there’s a vendor

There’s a market okay H Market Oh No Mitch you link my own croptop and Minecraft mod okay I’m looking down this okay um okay let’s see it’s like you have to find a villager could find a farmer and then there you find the market a summer jungle

Oh oh craft a market object okay I mean here here let’s let’s let’s look croptop right okay craft a market object I mean there’s only so much to craft in this mod pack right oo the big breakfast full course meal bacon hash browns toast frying pans sweet

Potatoes oh sorry what are we doing um okay um okay oh my God it’s so awesome okay check if you have farming for Blockheads we do we do wait no we don’t coffee beans this this is what we need coffee seeds we have this Frick no it’s impossible I’m searching oh I’m

Searching someone in I was looking on Reddit on Reddit and there was a post about the mod this mod pack that finding coffee beans and someone from your chat I don’t even know where it said oh I found them on the thread so in your chat

Was they were looking on Reddit to help find coffee beads but no luck sag big shout out to them open E search Farmers Delight yon juicy real one at Farmers Delight okay okay um not al man no no no okay guys guys guys you said search Farmers this

Is crazy how is this so hard take three crops in a book to make the guide no no we’ve already done that I said nothing said nothing oh I should have said it was from al man oh that so good oh man 145 um no guys it’s not going to help us

It’s not going to help us we’re screwed up this dude oh God it’s impossible to find coffee beans I just don’t know maybe we have to try and in the okay let’s try again let’s go back surely it’s there we bring Nature’s Compass this time okay we do

This Nature’s compass and we look for a jungle biome we search here and we say jungle right here start search we’re 500 no okay we go no no no don’t go in there we go where’s our jams where’s our jams yes jams Okay assembl is easy to make we’ll Just we have to get the now unless we look Like where’s The they’re really hard to find where’s the assembl Guys just got a big the me big toe what do I do when I got no don’t worry [ __ ] Itow where the portal Was find the bald spot in the Grass no I think it got Destroyed don’t even know assembler oh Gosh I don’t know we running the same issue can I eat Potatoes it Yeah uh oh crowbar oh thank God okay Seasons I found a rhubarb it says it only spawns in Winter oh no oh wait wait can you make a summer jungle is that an option why is this so hard it’s a damn Bean I’m so confused oh my God where’s my Nature’s Compass now stop where’s my Nature’s Compass did

I leave it going to lose my mind oh calendar calendar calendar ohoh right right okay okay let’s try summer B summer no summer jungle jungle I don’t think you can look by season that’s crazy I can’t believe there Seasons I’m cooked I am there’s no way it’s gone we can’t do it Going how is that incomplete it’s very complete here we go I don’t think I can craft the calendar oh my God is it just Cosmetic no is it cosmetic no it’s cos isn’t it let’s go get wavy step that’s crazy maybe it’s not cosmetic maybe it’s Not I can’t believe I don’t have any sticks that is just absurd to me wow no sticks is crazy okay calendar maybe it’s legit Guys no it’s cosmetics it actually is a seasonal thing the Sandwich Board you made had a calendar in it Why SEL I think can change seasons SP jungle Again no no no no no no not a ditch thank God okay do you think we have him okay pause champ s barley tomato corn bell pepper peanut old root green bean Industrial Hemp eggplant The good psych rhubarb which only grows in Winter Frick I think it is a seasonal thing all I want coffee rhar oh R Barb only grows in Winter silk touch oh my God that’s the first time I actually found something with silk touch on it though that’s kind of Awesome just wait months I guess oh Sho doesn’t have it it’s so sad it’s just so tragic but yeah like what if there’s no Seasons right like I’m just wondering if

This is like a mod thing do you know what I mean like are there seasons on the server like I’ve never heard of it affecting anything so it’s kind of like you know a farming villager it’s just coffee beans dang it can’t believe this ow

So I was never actually in the jungle I was just in the sparse jungle so maybe we just go to the actual jungle that that is it okay let’s keep going we don’t give up coffee beans where are you come to us please we like coffee we need coffee thank you

Any any devs around pause champ when you when I if to try a farmer villager what does that mean though like where do I go for that we’re in Jungle okay this is jungle guys so I mean maybe it is here what the heck what is this oh no oh no and I’m

Lagging oh no make one farmer villager so you oh I oh I can fly I’m cooked dude I’m actually cooked I what the heck okay jungle is like very little like I’m already in like Craig Gardens or whatever that is drag Gardens this is the jungle this very small bit

Okay maybe this is a coffee bean in here Spinach I’m already not in Jungle when I do that what the heck CRA Gardens what is that not the creepers stop in the savannah for more veggies yeah you know what F It screw this oh God screw that any sleepers any sleepers any sleepers oh thank You crazy okay here there anything spinach green bean well at least I’m getting all of the seeds I’ll ever need for the rest of the things that I would want to plant you know it’s just crazy I’m not building the mower here it’s going to get stuck so fast wow rainbow eucalyp

Log oh I could just bone meal the through the grass oh oh I give up guys it’s it’s taking a toll on me I give up ah sometimes in life it beats you down and you got to say okay you win I’m not going to find coffee beans in Minecraft

Today and you have to accept it that you’re just a loser o forest and now we have to wait until summer unless pause shamp pa shamp pa shamp pause shamp pause shamp hit some some hit some of these anything PA Champs onions I asked for the devs already oh

Man pretty Forest it’s it’s very nice hi Z oh what is that dude there better be some dang achievement something if I get it you know I’m finding other seeds which means it’s not seasonal is that true like am I finding other things that why puff ball

Spores okay no one found it yet it’s crazy I just didn’t expect it to be this hard what about those wait leaf pile oh no oh no oh no oh no I know oh no that’s that’s a she that’s a shears thing oh oh coffee beans where did you go let

Me ask in the Discord server if there’s um you know Seasons oh my God there’s somebody in this Discord who’s going to be playing and I didn’t know and I see them talking in the chat oh my God when are you joining POG okay um also um I mean oh

That’s awesome okay okay okay um um okay also also I have a question um are there seasons in this mod pack Seasons um I’m looking for coffee beans and I’m wor um and some online it says there summertime summer only um but not sure if this mod pack this this server has

Seasons have SE has seasons weather and seasons are very different okay you know who I have to recruit for this come down to it oh my God Ryan’s not on no no I found onion seeds yeah they’re supposed to be somewh oh my God I think okay let’s try the Villager

Option okay um so so I go to a villager and what do you mean by farming villager I’m going to do this if it’s possible we will find out rice is also summer oh you’re right okay okay so we found stuff so let’s try the Villager

Route screw this okay we will not get bogged down we will not be defeated okay um farmer villagers have the straw hat okay and how do we find a farmer villager that is the question I don’t really know too much about villagers um um Mac thank you so much for

Searching but the thing is this that’s the farmers Delight mod pack and I don’t think mod pack like this is for the croptop mod pack I can make a farmer villager put a composter in Ryan ‘s Farm what the heck you can do that so I just

Put a composter there and it makes it turns his villagers into okay sounds good say less where was Ryan’s Farm again it was like oh fck was it here wow I’m a genius it was literally here okay so I just say Kesha bang your songs I love blow great

Great great song this place about to Blow oh oh wait what why are they oh okay so now what nees hey nees no okay so that didn’t work so now what Do we keep trying it okay come on any Farmers any Farmers oh the little one became one I can’t talk to him he’s too small she’s drunk this is ridiculous okay what if he had it though oh my God anyone any Farmers Shela what is that what is that amaranth beetroot no

No oh Suzanne say the root okay Shela tomato and Cattail Sprout what the heck is that Fri wait if you trade with them they’ll have more oh my God I didn’t know that okay well I have emeralds to trick I have 323 emeralds so um here Shela

Um what’s what’s she saying if I have a tomato she’ll give me emeralds oh it’s the other way okay yeah well here shelba take a tomato what the heck wait 26 six what is this the wrong Tomatoes how was that possible thermal cultivation versus Farmer’s Delight I’m going to scream okay that’s fine

She also wanted what I don’t have Cattail Sprouts you you are the worst there’s just this is R okay all right how about how about one of you guys any Farmers come on NE you were a Farmer God okay okay here we go one of you hey hey Jesse what you selling peanuts peanut barley and peanuts okay he want he want he’s buying peanuts I have those oh wait these are thermal cultivation peanuts though he wants oh perfect 18 wait that’s it now

What oh my God there’s absolutely no way oh my God if to keep giving him peanuts I’m going to scream oh uhoh sorry I don’t have enough of them this is craziness Garth anybody no no Jessie oh my God he’s charged up he’s more expensive now never seen that before I’ve never seen

That he’s scamming me event that’s cuz I hit him he upcharged Me ain’t no way he they charge you more when you’re violent dude this is not worth it guys there is just I have to kill Jesse and try again but the S the giant is going to hurt me I mean no harm I got to go have a good day they have resentment

Okay I don’t have a Morgan sword oh wait wait at least while I’m here no no no oh boy I could shrink the Golem and put him in a bottle and then I could kill Jesse and then no it’s cuz I’m hungry I’m getting pasta screw this

I just want coffee oh it’s too late for pasta no way no way my favorite pasta place it’s closed no it’s open it’s the best day ever it’s time for no I shouldn’t why I even go to the gym but I didn’t even eat lunch did I

What did I eat I’m confused what year is it what did I have for breakfast oh I had some rice krispies guys it’s doomed we’re never getting it I’m getting pasta or chicken skelping or noi ooh lasagna they’re totally gossiping in the corner I hate them what about seafood

Pasta honestly salmon pasta sounds good sometimes you got to spice it up a little bit and do something a little different you know what I mean don’t always get spaghetti sometimes you’re going to get salmon pasta because why not I’ve been on a pasta kick ever since

I made spaghetti and meatballs in this game guys I’m going to do one last Google search croptop coffee beans where to find how to obtain coffee beans okay easiest way is probably with the market you can craft a market object and interact with the vendor that appears what the heck is a market

Object craft a market object I’ve never tried potato bread that sounds good spers thank you so much welcome uh oh it’s a different mod pack for real croptop Wiki I’m in the croptop topia a Wiki okay okay okay coffee beans jungle summer we’ve done this we’ve done this over and over

Again we’ve been to the Jungle it’s time to go back one last search in the jungle is anyone in here happen to also be searching for coffee beans right now cuz I know a lot of you guys are playing on the same mod pack I’ve had sweet potato pizza and it’s

Amazing no luck anybody anybody no luck okay I’m not giving up one final treat C beans don’t Jun you can find growing on junk no no no ail that’s cocoa beans we’re looking for coffee what in the heck okay one more time and this one is a true we give it a

Real good go okay to the jungle and really to the Jungle here start search we fly over this way I believe you have to really believe in the cocoa bean oh villages hello farmer Carrs pepper okay I do have mending on my fan I do wow okay never mind we go we keep

Going the bell I screw it what are those oh they’re just pink flowers wait wild onions what are wild onions versus onions are these any different onions I think they’re the same okay no shot the chest had coffee bean don’t make me go back I’ll will M no no no no no no

No there’s no there’s just no way we’re here okay we’re in a jungle okay so these are cocoa beans we’re looking for coffee seeds potentially in the grass okay so let’s use our offhand and let’s just try this okay anything okay I’m getting impatient okay okay let’s show this okay oh my feather

Feather gross wild like on a bush now I don’t know I think anything M gr fruits dead Bush grass the worst part is that I don’t even know it’s not like guaranteed like it’s not like oh it’s just a really rare spawn you know this is like is it even here you

Know I’m in Mangrove now oh Christ they look like a plant on the ground o tropical fish pretty okay it’s a bush Okay it’s a bush it’s a bush Okay let’s look for a bush a coffee bean Bush oh my God no just kidding sorry I just wanted to feel something

No no it’s not in the tropical biome Google said wait wait wait maybe I have it oh it’s this is ridiculous okay I will look for 30 more seconds binoculars everybody scan for a bush not these but a coffee bean Bush it’s a crop in the jungle yeah

Yeah wow what if the mod pack it didn’t like fully load and we’re being trolled you know ain’t no way it’s so Dark sleeping back sleepers oh my God thank you found in the nether in Basalt biome for the farmers Delight mod so the thing is what if you find it in a different mod pack does it work you know cuz wait we have Farmers Delight right so in

Here maybe there’s coffee right wait is there coffee I have the same mod pack wait I don’t see coffee beans in this one where did you see coffee beans I don’t think I have it wait she still doesn’t know it’s only her sleeping is it enough if I go to bed

Wait oh oh it’s enough if I go to bed bed oh my God oh my God I I keep thinking somebody is seeing that I went to bed and sleeping too and I’m like nice what a help me the thing is guys we know that we know that it could

Be it could the season thing doesn’t make sense because what was the logic everybody I totally forgot the logic um because because someone said no Seasons that I know of as well um because well we found seasonal stuff yeah yeah yeah we found other season red

Jungle grape seeds I think I need these wa no I don’t think I need them I don’t know no we went to the swamp again I looked through five different jungle biomes in creative world and haven’t found it what then I mean there’s just so no one’s found this it doesn’t exist is

Maybe what happened the mod pack didn’t go through a wow wow maybe it doesn’t exist you got some from villagers earlier okay so you got yours from villagers so maybe we do have to just search villagers it’s is coffee a myth in this land it doesn’t exist

Guys okay okay let’s think about this all right a ship a blimp Woohoo has someone been here Why am I getting hurt okay take a little break let’s look inside here we found a Blimp cool sticky piston charcoal want this stuff other quartz sticky pistons oo red stone I don’t like this by myself it’s scary I got to go I’m leaving I’m strong it doesn’t feel that way I got to go I’m demoralized these wait no no no no no

How come it’s how come it’s do I still touch them shears I’m ruining everything how do I get those is it shears oh no I don’t have iron Oh oh it’s time to make the St iiz thing again and go back home and it’s time to go back home wait I could still touch it huh how come it didn’t work it broke so much for silk touch you suck you suck you’re Bad no I made the same One oh thank you thank you so much okay okay at least we got these nice flower patches because you know I like those a lot we’ll get a bunch of them oh what just gone so terribly wrong I just wanted to make an iced pumpkin latte or

A pumpkin spice latte that’s really it all I wanted and now the coffee that’s driven us crazy it doesn’t even exist I think if I had to guess our last ditch effort Everybody Let’s do let’s go back to the villagers there was a village let’s go here all right okay

Potentially potentially this is it okay the faniel what just happened you took my composter oh wait no you didn’t sorry green beans green beans oh search chest search chest oh my God you’re right what if there’s just coffee beans in the chest hey do you leavon Laur

Okay that one’s been searched I already asked you I got to steal the Bell before I go yes big thank you thank you thank you very much for the reminder um wait what is this I thought this is what what I thought they just took photos of a of

A house wait whoa they’re Advanced what is that Elum you are in big trouble I’m taking all this stuff I’m taking all this this looks cool ah Elum you you liar you ridiculous this blade table taking all that there is no chance in in any universe that Ray has looted this exact

Village we are 30,000 blocks away that would be absolutely insane hi Marielle no there’s just no way she farmed this exact one guys we are so far we went we would there’s just no way she went 90k blocks away okay then then then then this is too close this is this is can’t

Be that that’s just crazy whoa bre stand thank you so much much I mean there’s not a zero chance anyone else has been here but it be really low coal upgrade gear smithing table sure take it all thank you so much there’s an upstairs you took the villager’s job away I need coffee

I just coffee please anywhere coffee apples apples apples perfect apples apples sorry okay okay back to checking every house for some seeds please oh my gosh please please please please please please work with me please I’ve been in these ones I believe have I been here PES No we don’t have peaches ah I just don’t know what I’ve been and seen and know I’m hungry I’m so hungry I’m going to eat a peach right now what do I can I eat I have bread eat the bread eat the potatoes there you go Traer where Traders where oh

Hello Damian Pathfinder quill silver maple a lubricant dispenser Earth piercing risb Bar’s head saiko’s head player heads yes where where did he go thank you so much why does he have all these heads that is kind of wait okay yes R Bar’s head thank you so much why are some heads cheaper than

Others blood wigs head elm’s head players head Pokemon head Earth piercer any of these good Pathfinders quill is that good I don’t the heck any of this is but but what if I can’t find it ever again you know what I mean what if this is some good

Stuff like a silver maple sapling sure and and maybe a white Cherry sapling sure a lubricant dispenser you know what why not oh oh okay L’s head not so valuable am I wearing pokem man’s head how come it’s not showing how come I still look like me cosmetic oh there we

Go look how cute okay thank you so much I appreciate it now we must keep it going my bell I need the Bell okay composter let’s try this again under the big house there’s a crate oh this oh what the heck okay huh hey do you have coffee do you have

Coffee how about you do you have coffee wait no no no coffee anyone Coffee Beans Coffee seeds bell pepper seeds bell peppers thank you guys oranges no no no no no no no no if you level them once how do I level them I’ll make the saplings don’t worry

Make a grand exchange ah you can make teas yeah oh I got to trade with them okay let me get my emeralds out but I’m running low on emeralds it’s bad okay hello so do I have to turn them into Farmers first and then I trade with the farmers

Right what the heck is going on with those two composter I lost my composter it’s bad it’s gone bad wooden storage crate did I drop it it fell in the hole oh my okay all right my last ditch effort one of you please do you feel the calling sioban please sioban you want

You want 26 potatoes I didn’t bring my potatoes you sicko oh I didn’t break them I think it’s time to go at least there’s a chest a craphy table wow is there anything else I can yoink at least oranges thank you so much I’ll take those well we tried

Everybody but tonight we go to bed failures losers humbled sagge with no coffee beans not one inight I just can’t believe it how could it be this hard nothing should be this hard fret hello nothing should be this hard but alas losers we are you found one Simon how did you find

One wait someone in a someone has found a coffee bean spill the tea how did you do it spill a tea pause Everybody Somebody found one in their world we got one a coffee seed in a jungle biome where was it on a

Tree was it on a tree or is it in a bush what does it look like oh my God they so they exist so it’s real Spill the Beans Spill the Beans oh my God there’s hope there’s a glimmer of hope it’s its own Bush the Christmas miracle

Oh my God it’s it’s a Christmas miracle so it’s supposed to be real the legend of the singular coffee beat has come true it exists no no no no no we this is a good one guy this is a good one guy um um um um but but but but but but

But my brain is so fried yeah yeah trustworthy trustworthy real real real trustable source so so unless we’re being pranked no Sam Mo would never but my question is what does it look like and also what year is it what day is it where am I oh

God check Discord okay this is a real photo apparently this is a real thing okay oh my God it exists guys there’s a photo of it coffee seeds croptop fully grown it’s real it’s a it’s a real photo okay this is what it looks like I’m going to pull it up so we

Can all use our eyeballs okay bing bang Bop one sec this this is it it’s a bush it’s kind of ugly it’s real it exists this is from croptop in the jungle biome it looks like a sapling so it’s real it looks somewhere to grass it’s like a bush that’s like

Brown didn’t I pass by those wait we did okay sleeping bag okay okay looks like a sapling okay okay okay we’re not giving up no it doesn’t work like that those coordinates okay wait wait where are we what year is it for real what time oh

God okay let’s go back to the Jungle jungle biome okay so it’s not it’s this is this is going to happen okay here we go back to it well now we know what to look for because that didn’t look like we wouldn’t have expected that like I think we were just expecting

It to pop out of grass oh my God I don’t have my feather oh my God I have my feather Do Not freak out I don’t have my feather oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh

My God oh my God oh my God oh my God my Fe oh we’re fine okay okay we’re in a jungle biome we know what to look look for we’re going to do this okay jungle right it’s just a brown little Bush a brown bush brown Bush kind of like poop on the

Bush like a little poopy Bush the rarest of bushes oh my God no that’s rice let’s look for an ugly Bush oh yes and grapes are good we’re still in the jungle I got to make sure I got to stay in the O grapes okay no I’m leaving The Jungle by

Accident back to the Jungle back to the Jungle back to the Jungle oh my God left the jungle okay is that the pasta oops okay please please it’s just a little brown Bush I mean how hard could it be just is it is it just a really rare spawn like I

I just think that’s ridiculous the new mods are awesome there’s so many of them one of them is what we’re looking for it’s a coffee bean in this dang jungle and it looks like a poopy Brown Bush and apparently we’ve seen a couple of them we’re looking for not cocoa beans but Coffee

Bean Coffee seeds and they’re in the jungle biome oh no it’s in a poopy Brown Bush no shaders might help oh really oh oh maybe you’re right take off the shaders maybe you’re right what if the shaders hide them five head I got chills why jungle grape

Seeds okay I am on very big business I will be back as soon as I can I’m not scared I’m dressed and annoyed it can’t be she won’t be back anytime soon no I’ll be back I’m just going to I’m going to find this so soon we’re almost

There it’s in the bush next to the tree on the ground mother just a single coffee seed please that’s all I want I just want one please is it so hard to give it to me like there’s just no way so we know it exists we know I’m in the

Forest man you’re right wait what’s that avocados yes oh my God blueberries guys you know what this isn’t this is so worth because we’re finding we’re finding plants that we don’t have while we’re doing this a wolf H it’s okay the wolf we’ll worry about later we can make avocado toast guys

More crops more crops more crops heck yeah okay so these are all good blueberry seeds blueberries avocados getting everything but coffee is crazy but you know what it’s fine I think it I literally think it’s just really hard to find okay I’m getting I’m getting more hope it’s it

Exists we’re still in a forest now we’re in the jungle okay we’re in the jungle we’re in the jungle what’s this still in Forest still in Forest still in Forest I just don’t know at what point I’m looping you know holy crap this is insane like what please it cannot be this

Rare I think I see no wait oh my God I think I no I’m seeing trees and why is it got to be brown slow slow down should have slowed down okay slow down okay okay I’m going backwards it might be time to deorc it all take it all

Down I need a a coffee bean Searcher you know I’m looking for a tiny little brown plant okay this is what we’re looking for right here okay is this thing it’s this is found by uh Simon and chat just found it so it really does exist in a jungle biome so there are M there are many jungle biomes definitely what’s that wild

Carrots well I don’t know the difference between wild carrots and carrots but I’m just going to take these because why not I don’t know these are any different I’m back in the freaking Forest man Oh this is the saddest Journey ever this is just so sad I can’t believe it is this harder than finding I don’t know man Shiny Pokemon man I feel like I’m shiny hunting right now so I would have find a shiny by now it’s actually crazy I really would have they’re just super

Rare no I keep thinking those are them okay about to lose my mind I’m going to bed I’m giving this five more minutes no okay okay you know what we’re going to do we’re going to do one o blueberries we’re going to do wait wait blackberries Elderberry seeds wait I

Don’t know what I just picked up okay one more jungle one more jungle o what’s that what’s that what’s that what’s that new crops cabbage cabbage okay okay I can imagine Ryan saying oh yeah I have a few Stacks you can have no no no no no no no no

No no Nature’s compass where’d you go okay jungle okay there’s one 143 away but that’s like almost too close you know what I mean like is that just the same one it’s literally the same one did I search this entire jungle like no way right feels like I did though

I feel like I did I like this song so much it’s so pretty I’m ah okay I’m flying further okay and then like at what point does it reset wow how cute okay does sparse jungle count as like jungle wow what oh tall Beach Grass wow this stuff is cool what’s that

O ow ow oh it counts okay let’s try sparse then sparse jungle take me there wow look at that sun wait that feels like the end of the world right here I’m going to die they look like them they really look like them I really thought it was it looks like

It come on please please please game please Debs please oh my God actually these are cute I want leaf piles like really why would they do this oh my God God what is that what is that do we have lemons are lemons new no

We have lemons dang it I’m in a red oak forest guys where is the dang sparse jungle it’s so small coconuts already have them please coffee Gods please please hi coffee and be buns oh my God your name I’m still in the sparse jungle I’m checking

Ow okay that’s the desert back to the Jungle Plains go just it just doesn’t exist bone mealing grass you think I don’t know what is that it’s a special chicken it looks rare rubber wood okay one more normal jungle oh my God garlic garlic is new Garlic’s new guys

Garlic what’s that barley Barley’s new you know no these are new Chili Peppers these are new it’s worth it it’s worth it we got all the new crops new seeds that’s crazy okay one more normal jungle biome and then it’s one more one more cuz this is a

Sparse jungle so let’s find one more normal jungle and how do I make sure it’s not the same one that I already went to because what if it is I think it is I’m going to I’m going to fly further I’m going to fly I’m going to fly

Um I’m going to fly this way this one it’s the same one and then will this like will the compass like Auto reset or like do I have to I haven’t cooked any of the new recipes I’m so excited to I have traveled more today than I have ever traveled in my

Entire Minecraft career career is actually true yeah I have never traveled this much ever oh no I’m worried guys it’s sending me I think it’s going to be the same one I think I still need to travel more god seriously seriously oh it’ll change when I’m far enough oh it’ll Auto change

Okay guys guys guys guys wait miror log that’s a new log I’ll get it what’s mangling men mlin what what’s mingling oh what is that a f okay wait did I travel far enough I don’t know if I did eat it okay no not yet keep going keep going still saying the same

Thing or get scared when the sound Cuts where’s my compass oh guys oh I’m late what’s the new mod there’s many new mods many garbage roll Skipper oh my my God that’s what it feels like still I’m about to make another portal there’s no way wait wait wait did it

Change I haven’t check my elytra health and oh my elytra health is so good I’m going to fall into the void it’s true oh yeah we yeah this is ridiculous I don’t know where I am I don’t know what’s happening what is going on where is the damn jungle oh my God

Any jungle anywhere any jungle wow okay how about now 527 guys it’s a new one there’s a new one it’s time it’s time this is it yeah this is it come on please okay okay we’re here 70 seconds or 70 blocks am I here I’m in the jungle okay I feel it sleeping

Bag all right eyes peeled manifesting coffee beans how big is this jungle area well let’s go around the edges I cannot believe that it’s this hard to find this is ridiculous the most ridiculous thing what’s that my jungle grap no no no not right now very busy poopy Brown Bush everybody poopy Brown

Bush dude nothing what no nothing this is harder than elytra it’s crazy okay we left the Jungle by accident what’s that R yeah yeah I’m still looking just just just just devastated just devastated I think I’m going I’m going to go to bed without it without it now I’m in a birch

Forest it’s okay guys we tried we i’ it’s really where I found only two or three per giant jungle biome you found two you sicko I mean I’m happy for you what you found two no no more sparse jungles it’s not worth it I found two in sparse

Jungle you found two in a sparse jungle God it’s giving me so much faith that you guys are finding it it’s making me mad but also like yeah it exist you know yeah if you get one you it’s easy it’s just finding the first one I’m I’m amazed I have the patience for

This but sometimes it’s like sunk cost I’ve put so much time into this Now I can’t go home a loser all right I’m in a sparse jungle I don’t know how big it is but this is a new one I didn’t get my beans no these are planes okay okay come on they exist it’s here it’s here I can feel it it’s here

Behind you don’t you dare say that it’s a brown poopy Bush it’s got to be here it’s got to be here I just I feel it this is the sparse jungle this is it donkeys wait behind you to the left don’t no way here rhubarb that’s rhubarb that’s the stuff that sauno found well that is still new

Though my God you guys are being real on the tree no no no this is cocoa beans we’re looking for chocolate beans I mean for what am I saying we’re looking for coffee wait wait wait wait oh wild rice we’re looking for c f f and I’m going to be sad but it’s

Okay wait there’s more jungle this way guys there’s more jungle there’s more jungle there’s a whole jungle here F three to check season no no no we’ve already realized that we could find it and because because people right I miss part of the other jungle okay I’m going

Back I’m going back I’m going back I’ll go back to the other jungle the spse one I don’t remember where I went I’m going to be so honest it’s hard for me to know where I’ve been go back people said they saw it twice okay okay okay okay I’ll go back I’ll go Back it’s real guys why is that why was that so hard I’m free I just I I just what is wrong with you you are the worst I cannot believe that was that’s real no way good catch guys good catch on going back I would not have gone back

I can’t believe it that is just thank you guys oh my God I never I cannot believe that that was so annoying to find I could I cannot I’m still in shock over I can’t I can’t believe it oh my God take me home that was just

Just where are my coffee beans oh they’re real the coffee seeds are real guys let’s go home let’s go home home home home home home I was about to give up big time what what is that oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m about to make so many of

These it’s just it’s just I’m just um I’m just I’m about to I’m just about to make so many bed time guys oh my God I’m about to plant so many of these I I actually cannot why was that they mad at this game I’m pissed pissed why would they make

Something so hard to find really I felt like I was shiny hunting I mean it’s is preposterous bone meal it bone meal this oh sorry sorry shaders shaders oh my god oh oh it was very rewarding I’m so happy oh my God I just

I I was I was uh was ready to give up for sure oh my God oh my God oh my God coffee coffee coffee coffee Cofe coffee seeds coffee seeds go what guys give those not how come I can’t I made it into Paths oh no I made into a bth no okay to be fair that’s pretty close it’s pretty close it’s a hole okay oh oh oh thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my God oh my God bone meal this right now there’s absolutely no way oh my

God yes yes yes yes yes yes Coffee coffee Coffee Beans Coffee Beans Coffee Beans Coffee Beans where’s the coffee seeds that I just had where are my coffee seeds coffee seeds guys where’s the coffee seats do I plant coffee beans is that what what I do am I

Crazy where’s my coffee I lost them Coffee Beans Coffee seeds coffee seeds oh it doesn’t give them back oh I have to I have to do this got it got it got it I really am I really am cooked it doesn’t give him back got it got it got

It got it got it got it got it oh my God coffee seeds Coffee Beans Coffee seeds Coffee Beans Coffee seeds oh my God oh my God okay okay okay okay great great great you guys you guys want you guys oh my God okay okay okay I’ll make more

Later wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow I hate this entrance okay what do I do with this coffee beans I don’t even know how to brew coffee coffee wait there’s this thing

That I needed to make it was um someone uh Ellum gave it to me what is it called it’s like a thing you stick the thing or you put water you put water you have to put water of course oh my gosh it’s happening it’s happening water coffee

Beans oh a garden colash that thing this thing okay that doesn’t okay let me see this thing for a second what the hell I think I put the coffee beads in there or maybe with the coffee seeds waterm on the bottom right oh I need more water need more water maybe that’s not

Enough not enough water power don’t you dare tell me I need power I’m going the screen I need power it actually needs power this needs power the coffee machine oh the CL needs power oh that’s fine I have power I don’t know what I’m doing what year is it this wants

Warts oh my it wants a Nether wart to make Nether wart coffee but how do I just make coffee oh it’s just like that that an allpurpose food press wait what I make coffee with an allpurpose food press what a weird way to make it

Okay ah it’s a different mod got it okay well I guess all right blender it we’ve done it we’ve done it we’ve done it we’ve done it and we’ve done it and we’ve done it and we’ve done it coffee and and I’m going to make another

One and I’m going to make another one and then yes and then I’m going to make a pumpkin spice latte I don’t have paprika wait I have a I have I have a mortar and pestl oh I can make it I can make a pumpkin spice

Latte wait can I maybe I can just make sticks okay like that and then I go like that and I go like that and I go like that and I at a mortal pestal oh my God oh my God deadly weapon for crushing and then and then oh I don’t have chili

Peppers but but you know what I have you know what I have because on my journey oh my God on my journey we got chili pepper seeds so I know that they’re in here somewhere it’s it’s got to be uh it’s got to be in in here chili

Pepper seeds chili pepper seeds chili pepper seeds oh my God I’m going to need a new Farm chili pepper seeds chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper oh my God H bro oh

Oh oh my God may fley we we built our first nuke and it was a roaring success you roaring success you’ve built a nuke we ex we but tomorrow we want you to to come with us to witness the nuke explosion witness it right now like to

Take you to no right now tomorrow tomorrow like to take you to area 69 to show you what our nuke can do I I would like to go I would like to go okay but tomorrow oh car sorry sorry I’m so sorry I went on a 2hour [ __ ] adventure to

Find these godamn coffee seeds I want to die okay I want to die it’s been horrible I’m so sorry I don’t mean to take it out on you guys no it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I don’t mean to you you were you were shouting at me earlier

In shat I was just wondering what I did wrong M oh no nothing I know I know I know that was mean of me you did nothing wrong Ser what did I do you did nothing you did nothing I’m sorry I’m just I took it out

On you you didn’t deserve it you didn’t deserve it here listen can I at least give you guys something it will make me really happy oh my God yes is it milk no okay it’s not milk I’m very excited to share oh my God this is all I wanted to

Make this was she done it this is all what is it she’s done it well this is all I wanted to make the whole day oh my God where are my damn Chili Peppers sorry sorry sorry sorry oh it’s okay it’s okay I think the May’s in a mood oh

Okay may foosley is okay F what can we do for you mayor foosley what can we do for you okay just a moment while I make some paprika which apparently need for a damn latte sorry okay I think she’s going to make us a coffee I think that’s what I’m

Getting I’m I’m picking up the signs right now man are you guys magneting my coffees by any chance and here we go blaming us again well well well no actually actually no we didn’t we didn’t we didn’t actually I didn’t oh my God is PS oh oh is this oh

Are you doing L I’m no not really Laura I I went shopping for I went toour hunt for the damn coffee seats Tina I lost my mind these things and I have to G keep them so that nobody sees them ever again I’m not talking to myself Tina thank you oh

Jesus wait who’s Tina is Tina is it another is it another is it another character it’s no no no no no it’s a voice in my head a voice in my head voice in your head a voice in when does this Tina come out is she how’s she

Feeling right now sh up you two oh oh yes yes man Cofe Sor why don’t are you making it for us oh right right Bo oh oh my God blow you took mine oh sorry sorry a pumpkin spice latte oh my God cheers everyone cheers oh fancy water oh my God guys

We’ve done it we’ve had our first pumpkin spice latte and it was full delicious meal it was delicious it was incredible oh oh my goodness well it was delicious oh it was incredible ohes goodness the caffeine it’s entering my veins yeah oh my God oh my God we did

This all right well list did Elm you’re what’s wrong with your head what what oh oh what happened did you grow her you did didn’t you she’s taller than me Isn’t She God [ __ ] damn it sorry oh wait that reminds me hold on I got to just sorry I forgot to do this

Today let me just um oh here we go yeah did you wait did you get oh there we go wait did you do refined storage uh I built I built the first parts of refined storage and then right before I was going to finish it um we

Saw it on the nuke sauno was like guys it’s time we have to go build the nuke so I got uh derailed so now I have to go build the storage part of the refined storage w yeah oh and now the problem is I can’t P okay we’re in a little bit of

A predicament because right now our reactor is toing a Wither I saw a Wither we have a Wither in a stasis chamber and uh if we power anything else in the lab it will not have enough power and it’ll destroy everything right so how do you plan on fixing

This uh we need to get more power for we need more power and then and then we can then switch it off and the Wither will stay there and will not blow up the entire secret lab well anti- building lab you two are idiots oh oh so Sor yes but we’re your

Idiots but we’re your idiots May FY yeah I like all hell all H all H oh hail oh hail may fley I like that that’s a good sound all right listen God I’m going Tove I’m going to lose my mind you don’t understand guys you see how

You see how these little stupid plants look do you see how dumb they look do you see how similar they look to Grass do you see they do look very similar to Grass me I need to take out my contact lenses to find them it’s crazy

Oh oh ridiculous okay but while I was out there I found rubarb seeds and radish seeds and Elderberry seeds and blueberry seeds and bell pepper seeds and eggplant seeds and corn seeds and onion seeds and seeds and barley seeds and peanut seeds and spinach seeds and onions and amaran seeds and bell pepper

Seeds and blueberries and beetroots and cocoa beans and a lot of things wait why were the that was kind of bars yeah you want to that kind of bars there can someone can someone put a beat behind behind mayor foosley doing that and then we can just see how that sounds yeah cuz

That was that was kind of bars yeah that was kind of popping off yeah honestly okay thank you so much I’m telled I understand now I have a big thing to say to Ellen oh you lied I found a villager farm 30,000 blocks from here where no one’s ever been and

It looked like no sho’s place which means you took pictures of a village and you said it was shos you lied and you said would a villager place a home sweet home yeah a random Village that was 30,000 blocks away said home sweet home please please look why would you lie to

Me that’s where he was he was mayor fley he was there he he he I would never lie to you he must have he must have lured me lured me a lie as well and now he’s turned you against me God he’s so smart he’s so smart God Kingo he’s so smart

Listen he’s going to come and try and steal did you just say God King Sho wait god king Sho that’s what he calls himself now guys that’s what he calls himself he’s building a competing Cafe scaring me a compe bakery well we’ve got to stop him guys

It look look if he’s lied to me and that is a villager one I will find his coffee shop guys I will find it and I will return with the Intel I swear I’ll return with the Intel please so you admit you lied no I didn’t lie he he led

Me astray I tell you he was there please put the gun away put the gun away I’ll find him she’s trapped and I’ll kill him and I’ll burn his damn Bakery down oh my God Jesus you have to make sure to not let anyone near the

Coffee beans I would let anyone near it man oh oh wait L these are very valuable the too valuable the automated turrets what yes we can make sentry guns and guard them with it man we can do it mayor fley it might kind of kill cozy Vibes here but

Um no we don’t have turrets here we’re going to lose business then hear me out we find shoto’s Lair and we surround him with sentry guns and every time he visits he dies he dies repeatedly from centy Guns wait what do the what do the various animals eat so that I can uh

Make your auto feeders LM go ahead tell him oh um oh sorry wait oh uh wheat wheat uh blah wheat man wheat loads of wheat wheat loads of wheat wait wheat for all of them oh that’s easy wheat for everything man wheat for everyone for everything do we eat the horse guys oh

My God what the what do you mean impossible item to find that I own my rarest the most rarest item I own Jesus Jesus you’re crazy what is the rarest item there is the infinity nuke we can sell one we can develop you one Maya fusle and you

Can sell it you can sell it on the black market oh actually if you want something that is really valuable that can be used for a lot of things a Nether Star do you have another star can I have one we don’t have one we’ve used don’t have one

No don’t have one but what I do have is the head of me young the most valuable item in the game right guys I don’t think so oh oh I don’t think so do either of you guys have a netherite scrap I do back at the

Lab actually no wait I I do hang on I’ll be one second a single netherite scrap a sing single netherite scrap I have the rarest item in the whole game what is it coffee beans oh the co coffee trust me this thing it was like shiny hunting you don’t understand it was

Horrible oh my God wholy now why’s head whose head is that what mayor fi who’s head is that oh I have the O I have the the ancient debris take it it’s yours now so much wow it’s yours now I’ve never had that there you

Go and you just need a smelter and then you’ll get the netherite scraps wow incredible we’re doing it we’re doing it man so I just get another we’re doing it man and we we’ll take over the server I tell you take over the server we’ve done it how do I make it 64

Though I can’t without having 64 for okay well anyways I have to go we did good as do I it’s uh 6:00 a.m. for me well actually it’s uh sorry we’re in the Minecraft world it’s late for me as well it’s time that I the sun just came up alen I don’t

Know exactly the Sun is up because it’s so early in the morning because of the long work we’ve been doing for this town oh right right right true and we must sleep through the cuz we’re working at night with nighttime Grinders guys all right well what the hell is that what is

That it’s for you you blow [ __ ] is that my head wait is it blow’s head or is that my head is that my head did you just give him my goddamn head no you didn’t look I’m I’m ellm I’m actually tall shut y Twisted you’re Twisted damn it no

Up no I hate that I hate it that’s great listen you do with that whatever you will all right take it all right go back to the blow no do you that a blow actually God damn it no I don’t I’m so sorry damn it damn it I’m

Pretending to kick the door dam it all right I’m going to go and make theine storage Al and wish me Lu all right good luck bye man goodbye everyone see you tomorrow see you tomorrow those damn coffee beans I can’t believe that these are real guys after all of

That I need to make more Farm I’ll figure it out okay anyways guys we did it we made pumpkin spice lattes we committed to it should I hide the beans lattes pumpkin spice latte we should have a private farm for this they’re too valuable everyone who wants coffee go

Find it yourself you sickos or pay the price pay me Millions millions millions go search for your damn coffee beans you sickos I want I want I want everything it’s the rarest item in the server I tell you imagine they just go look bam find it okay but already shto and zuno

Both looked for it and had a really hard time so it’s actually rare I didn’t just get unlucky it’s actually a really low spawn like I think on average it’s probably at least like an hour search yeah the one thing I feel guilty about guys check the logs I don’t know

If you can read them but look oh you can’t Sho said he was going to give me a whole stack of them if he found them and I said you’re the best am I bad am I evil for keeping the coffee beans to myself who am I I should

Share oh but the journey but really if I think about it if I make him look for his own it’ll be a rewarding journey and I’m actually just gifting him a journey and and and it’s actually an experi experience for him maybe I lie to him I I pretend that I never found

Them he is our biggest competitor after all we have to burn his Bakery down we lie we never found them we never found coffee beans we’ve been looking forever forever forever he’s going to put us out of business we have to hide them darn you sho oh God we have to hide everything

Can I lock things oh my God I’m scared what if he breaks in what if he breaks into the bakery oh my God oh my God Is there a way to hide things ender chests anybody can we make these yet my these are easy what if I make an an Ender Chest

Can I make an Ender Chest where’s my obsidian I I know I have obsidian oh my digital inventory wait I don’t even need that there’s none in the farm there’s none in the farm I just hold on to them okay I have two in the machine get rid

Of them they don’t exist anywhere hide okay there’s no way that like they can get coffee beans from the recipes though right okay make sure there’s none here no coffee beans in the water right okay okay we got to go secret underground coffee lab hide away it’s fine look for it

Yourself am I even talking to oh God who am I talking to who Am I who am I okay we’re done it’s over wait the pumpkin spice is on the sign there’s one in the trading thing no no no well the pumpkin spice being there is

Fine right they can’t get it out of the trading thing right this is fine they can can they can know that we have access or I maybe just found it woohoo okay goodbye we made coffee we found it it’s real I can’t believe I was messaging the

Devs about it that’s how sure I was about it oh my l oh God okay thanks for hanging out with me chat holy that was a search my golly gosh we have the worldle today wow I just how could it take so long thanks everybody for hanging out wait

Wait wait I I don’t know why I just know the word oh maybe not h h h snail wow wow I don’t know wow okay IO I’m insane okay that is not the right song okay all right everybody what year is it I actually don’t know uh tomorrow tomorrow Tomorrow okay so tomorrow I should be streaming at night there’s this thing that I might go to that is like I can’t it might be but it’s like I’m not sure I’m going to so I’ll check on on you guys will know um but it’s not confirmed like highly

Unlikely I’m going to it I hope I’m going to but I’m highly unlikely going to it so I should be live tomorrow or maybe I’ll play off stream who knows but I should be if I stream you’ll know okay thanks for hanging Out goodbye have a good day brush your teeth and stuff here Like the are watching

This video, titled ‘POTATO CAM!! minecraft addiction never stops… NEW MODS YAYAYYY’, was uploaded by fuslie on 2023-10-11 05:55:31. It has garnered 94612 views and 2803 likes. The duration of the video is 07:00:13 or 25213 seconds.

minecraft addiction never stops… NEW MODS YAYAYYY

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Stream Intro by RowdyRoran Thumbnail art by rebchan


Timeline 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:16 Just Chatting 00:04:43 Minecraft 06:58:05 Wordle 06:58:40 Outro

Tags #fuslie #100T #100thieves

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    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?!

    MASSIVE Multiplayer Server Wipeout in Minecraft 1.21.10?! Majority of Multiplayer Servers Disappearing in Minecraft 1.21.10 Update? The Evolution of Multiplayer Servers In 2018, the official server software BDS Alpha version for the Bedrock Edition was introduced, allowing players to engage in multiplayer gameplay using the latest vanilla version. Prior to this, unofficial software like “PocketMine-MP” was the only option available. However, BDS offers advantages such as plugin support, making it a popular choice even today. Key Point: The ability to run plugins on BDS sets it apart from unofficial software. The Importance of Debug Symbols Creating servers for Minecraft requires developers to replicate the game’s network,… Read More

  • Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21

    Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft Brewing Guide 1.21: Mastering Potions and More! Potions in Minecraft are often overlooked, but they can be incredibly powerful tools in your gameplay. Brewing potions may seem daunting at first, but fear not! This ultimate Minecraft 1.21 brewing guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you can craft every potion with ease. Getting Started: Brewing Essentials To begin your potion-making journey, you’ll need a brewing stand. Craft one using one Blaze Rod and three Cobblestone. Don’t forget to fuel your brewing stand with Blaze Powder! Next, gather glass blocks to create bottles for your… Read More

  • Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun!

    Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun! In Minecraft’s world, a mini farm takes flight, Automatic dripstone, shining bright. Compact and easy, with redstone in sight, Collecting resources, day and night. Just a chest, a hopper, and some glass, An observer, a piston, for the task. Dripstone block, pointed dripstone too, Water flowing, the farm will brew. Lava in cauldrons, a fuel source grand, Dripstone blocks, traps at hand. With a grin and a spin, the farm is complete, For Minecraft players, a useful feat. So craft away, in this blocky land, With rhymes and fun, let’s all lend a hand. For gaming joy, and creativity’s… Read More

  • PC Surprise: Coleman’s Gift to David, Minecraft Delight!

    PC Surprise: Coleman's Gift to David, Minecraft Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, always on the scene. Coleman and David, a PC gift so kind, Subscribers rejoice, in the news they find. Talley, Solo, WindSword, and more, Their adventures in Minecraft, never a bore. Tygrax, ColeGameZZ, Lagi, and Ewik, Building, exploring, with each new click. Silver, Valhalla, SocialBunny too, Feather and Expers, all in the crew. Minecraft facts and updates, in rhymes they flow, In the world of gaming, where stories grow. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, In every pulsing line, let truth take heart…. Read More

  • Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play

    Baby Minecrafter: Stupid Day, Girlfriend Play In Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Girlfriend turned baby, chaos unfolds. One day to protect, from dangers untold, Stupid things done, the story is bold. Superngao, the hero of the hour, Facing challenges with gaming power. Defending his love, with all his might, In Minecraft realm, a thrilling sight. Emojis and rhymes, in every line, Engaging the audience, feeling fine. Minecraft news, with a twist so grand, Superngao’s adventures, across the land. Stay tuned for more, in the gaming zone, Superngao’s journey, brightly shown. In rhymes we trust, the story sings, Minecraft magic, in all its wings. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick

    Minecraft's Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick Minecraft Auto Crafter: A Compact Solution for Efficient Farming Are you looking to streamline your Minecraft farming operations with a compact and efficient auto crafter? Look no further! This easy-to-build, observerless one wide tileable auto crafter is the perfect addition to your Minecraft world. Whether you’re playing Minecraft Bedrock Edition or Minecraft Java Edition, this system is designed to enhance your gameplay experience. How It Works This auto crafter operates on a simple principle similar to item filters. By placing iron ingots in one slot and redstone in another, you can witness the system independently crafting these items. The… Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More