fWhip – Building ROADS in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play

Video Information

Hello everybody how are we doing today welcome welcome on in happy Friday welcome everybody good to have you all out here how are we doing oh it’s wonderful to see you welcome welcome welcome oh my gosh we’re back it’s time for some more Minecraft I’ve been working like crazy got some new stuff

Going on and it’s really cool and we got we got oh my hair’s doing something today we got a big old road we gotta build today and uh for that first we gotta gather all the materials to make out what is going on in my hair it’s

Just not one it’s just wanted to be for it okay alrighty there we go be sure to leave a like on the stream if you have not already my friends I very much do appreciate it we got the we got the Friday stream numbers in here it

Seems like the last few Friday streams and I’ve been talking to some other people especially like Friday of viewership it’s just like so we got a chill stream today so if you are in here I very much do appreciate it thank you all so much for spending your

Friday with me and uh if you wouldn’t mind leaving a little cheeky like on there I very much do appreciate that as well and studifier with the gifted membership an hour and a half before stream started again as always on schedule thank you so very much if you’re still in here and

Kayla thank you so much for the three months I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you watching Minecraft well playing Minecraft hey you know that’s the way to do it how you doing Mike welcome on in Little Peach what’s going on Marcel how we doing gotcha what’s going on

Happy birthday hey we somebody’s birthday in here who’s somebody’s birthday if it was somebody’s birthday happy birthday my birthday was like a month ago you’re a little late on that a month and a week I like being early hey I appreciate it thank you very much please don’t feel

Like obligated to have to keep it up as like a trend or something but I very much do appreciate it Friday stream before traveling for her birthday look out and have fun how you doing welcome welcome welcome star candy what’s up Lauren how you doing first Dream watch from college oh Hope College

Is fun gotta make all the new friends and everything gotta go out there and be social and all that stuff oh boy I’m perfect thank you so much for the eight months earlier I really do appreciate it I can’t believe how time flies I finally got a job after looking

For a few months so here’s to many more hey congratulations that’s awesome very very happy for you very happy for you I know you’ve been around the community for a very long time so glad to have you back welcome welcome welcome what should I build after my starter

House I like to build like a I feel like I go starter house and then I go like a storage shed and then I go a mine some sort of mine entrance and then some sort of like a blacksmith just seems on par to me because like you bring the mint

Materials up and then you have a blacksmith where you forge all the armors and everything and then from there you can do like an enchanting thing I mean it doesn’t have to be where you can put an in-change table before in your starter house and everything like

That but I like to do that like I like to think of my builds kind of go in line with Minecraft progression when I get started I just kind of extend it and I move things out of my starter house into their own independent buildings so you

Can do that that’s a way to do it The girl with 28 rats remember me I do Zoe I do Bumble what’s going on messing with villagers on the members server while trying to make dinner gotta love it hey you know what villagers are gonna villager it’s the what can you do following feathers Collective thank you

So much for becoming this border I really do appreciate it nice to be here again hope you’re good I am doing good it’s been a good Friday so far I am so sore though I got my butt kicked in a workout yesterday and so today I’ve been

Hobbling around trying to get moving and everything again so cry yeah yeah when working with villagers Step One is cry step two is try and get a villager in a boat step three is be annoyed that the boat can’t go up and train and you’re

One block below where you need to be and then step four is cry again and then you repeat starting with step one also being crying so there’s two crying steps in there it’s just part of it Ashley thanks so much for the Dono me and my eight-year-old son loves

Watching you hey hello to both of you welcome on in lovely to have you eight month old son I think I said eat year hello oh my gosh oh my gosh two simultaneous cries yeah that’s the way to villager it’s true it’s it’s it’s very much a very part of

It can’t wait for a Flip’s own sick Road through the desert for the dessert yeah we could go through the dessert that’d be pretty cool you could build a road out of cake and then you could have everything else be cookie texture there you go that’s that’s like or Gumdrop buttons I guess

We don’t have that you can do that with concrete maybe maybe frog lights there you go you can do that I have a villager making on an island I had to build a wall because they kept trying to swim to the next Village over the river if I didn’t place a bed fast

Enough yeah been there that’s why I only build Villages really far away from other Villages or if it’s too close I’ve removed the beds in the original Village and send them out Kate grows sounds cursed yeah but if you get hungry while you’re traveling you’re set

Why not just do the water bucket trick to move up a block at a time in the boat um you can’t I think that’s only on Bedrock or I don’t know how to do it I know on Java you have to use a piston to

Like move your boat up and you use a button like that’s how I see everybody doing in our Java I know on Bedrock you can use water to take a boat up but you can’t do that on job I believe add a cake randomly on the desert you

Think I have a cake in this world come on now what am I a crafter no I’m a builder have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons no I’ve never done like an actual DND campaign I’ve watched a few of like the ones on Twitch like I’ve watched few of the critical role streams

And I’m like this is really cool but I just I don’t know if it’s really like for me and I’m not super into the role-playing side or anything like that of most things if you’ve watched any of the series with like Empires and all those my role play level is very basic

And very beginner very very basic I mostly just like to play Minecraft and have to have it have an excuse for why I’m building something that’s the extent that role play goes also Cass thank you so much for coming to Sporter Aleen thank you so much for becoming a member

To your one member I do appreciate that thank you thank you also I think I mix missed it Alex X thank you so much for the two months so excited I can afford to be a member hey make sure you’re taking it make sure you’re taking care of yourself first and

Then you can contribute to the channel if you got extra funds and if you want to but please make sure you’re taking care of yourself first but I do appreciate it thank you very much and I think I got everybody so I think

We got a lot of work to do so it’s time to get on into the Minecrafts and things we got we got projects to do today we get we’ve got a big old road to build and I got shulker box of stuff we gotta fill it’s it’s gonna be a busy it’s

Gonna be busy we got a lot of materials to get as we’re going uh Jay thanks so much for the four months at tier one been a while since I’ve been able to catch a stream I’m the only Barista available for early shifts glad to be back though hey you know what

I’m sure there’s a lot of people in the morning who are extremely dependent on you making their coffee so thank you for doing that and making sure they are able to get through their day what do you hear about excellent did you hear about X Life season two I did uh I

Spoke with Joey about it uh if you saw my tweet being like I didn’t even know this is a thing uh he sent a message in the original x-life Discord and you can imagine being a content creator and we have a Discord for every series and

Every different thing we’re a part of so I’m currently I know some of you are going to be like that’s rookie numbers but I’m a part of like 70 or 80 discords so after a series ends I put it in an archive folder and just kind of it just

Goes away it just kind of sits they’re doing a thing and I didn’t see the Ping originally where he had asked people if they want to join I it’s not going to be something I’m joining anyways I just don’t think it’s for me um I’m just too busy right now and I can’t

Even keep up with uh new life so I shouldn’t bring in another modded series modded I I realize I’m just not a huge fan of modded so I um I don’t know but anyways I do know ex-life next gen is going on uh it’s not season two

I think season two is a bad way to phrase it but there is an x-life Series going on right now they’re using more or less the same mod pack too um but yeah x-life next gen is out there there’s only two or three returning creators

And I think it’s Joey and Megan and uh I know there’s a few others that talked about going back and doing it but I don’t know if they decided to or not so I don’t want to throw out any names and get people’s hopes up if people being on that series or not

But we gotta take all these down here all the mushrooms and then after that uh we’re gonna replant this whole place with red mushrooms and grow those up so that we can use the red mushrooms for building the roadways I want to keep the brown mushrooms as building blocks because I

Use them in the buildings themselves and I know I could just be gabbling gathering uh double amount of these but I don’t know for some reason my brain says keep them as two separate blocks I think red mushrooms are technically shorter too so it should be easier to

Run around on the floor and gather instead of needing to fly on top of them foreign block harvesting makes my brain go Brewer it’s true it’s it’s the way it goes Brooklyn thank you so much for coming to supporter I really do appreciate that thank you very much

Thank you thank you thank you gotta make sure we get all these brown mushrooms though because uh we use a lot of brown mushroom blocks I I’m amazed at how many brown mushroom blocks I actually use for uh building in this game kind of curious doesn’t know what the stat is

I’m also too lazy to go find it right now but it’s I’m assuming uh we have a few thousand brown mushrooms used in this world so far as in the block not the mushroom okay one more to chop and then we can plant the new ones yummy mushrooms yummy yummy

The red mushrooms will be able to actually grow in this area better because they’re a little bit smaller so some of the brown mushrooms just don’t grow when we try and use the bone meal system of all this stuff so I’m curious to see if they’re all of the red

Mushrooms will grow or not okay we’re gonna throw them all in this empty actually I’m just gonna throw these all in here for now uh because these empty boxes that I have I have two empties those are gonna be for picking up sand later I’m gonna turn the music down just a touch

Whatever happened in the hardcore Skyblock series full honestly it was one of those series that I was doing for fun while it was going on and while it was doing well like well it’s getting views and things like that and Skyblock is one of those ones that does very very well

For the first few episodes and then the view drop off is was very very steep like steeper than I was expecting it to be um so it just didn’t make sense for me to be recording that series anymore uh and then I also kind of lost motivation

For it I I try to not do series based on views but you also can’t deny it being part of my job that that is part of being a Creator uh is having to make the decisions or what series to run and what to not run okay uh flip in the lever

Yay oh it’s working so much better oh yes yes yes yes are they all grown looks like it yes but anyways hardcore Skyblock probably not coming at this point it would only come back if it’s a new series and uh yeah so it’s just one of those aspects of being

A Creator sometimes you gotta have short series not every series I do has to be a year-long series or whatever so it’s okay it was fun while it was going on and I I want to make content that I’m interested in not content that is like

I feel forced to do and at the last Skyblock episode I was very much feeling like I don’t want to be recording this and I think that very much can show in recordings when you watch a YouTuber who like who you can you can kind of tell when

YouTubers are doing things because they feel like they’re getting a paycheck out of it versus doing it because they love it and I just I don’t want to fall into that boat so sometimes series are gonna end I probably should have mentioned in the last one but I wasn’t I didn’t know that

Was gonna be the last one so I didn’t want to throw and be like this is the last episode and then come back and do another one because I just didn’t know if I was going to do another or not so I kind of just I I kind of Silent Goodbye some series

Yeah you don’t want your artwork to feel like work that’s a big part of it you have to follow where the inspiration goes and the inspiration for me was not there and also it’s one of those things that was like five six hours a week to record

And get that and it just caused so much extra stuff in the schedule that it was hard to keep up with so it’s the way it goes sometimes things don’t work out well and it’s just scheduling I only have so many hours and I’m trying to

Play Less hours of Minecraft in a week trying to learn this whole work-life balance thing still learning haven’t figured it out yet bear thanks to honesty yeah I I try to not hide things from y’all if something’s going on I’ll usually give you all a heads up

It might be a little while Beyond but I I usually explain everything eventually it is hot in my office today oh if you have not already please be sure to leave a like on the street my friends very much helps me out especially when we got quieter streams days stream days

Like this everybody who can leave a like on the stream it very much helps with getting the word out there for the algorithm and everything like that so thank you everybody who has taken the time to do it are you gonna return a new life or you’re just gonna stay in hardcore

Probably just staying hardcore to be honest uh I’m not too sure I don’t know I think I think where things are standing right now with the group because the group is very much burned out we should have taken time off between starting new life and ending Empire

Season two like that’s just you you all can see it as viewers that like the interest level in new life is very very low and then you add in all the server issues and things like that that we just couldn’t control didn’t know about going into it it made it very

Difficult to play like the one of the main reasons Joey started New Life Next Gen is he literally could not connect to the server we were using for or he started ex-life next gen is because he couldn’t connect to the server because of some weird connection issue or if he

Did connect he was getting booted every few minutes so like you can’t record content with that so he was like yeah I’m done I need to go find something new um I didn’t have that extreme of issue thankfully but yeah we we should have taken more time off in between

It was something I tried to push for because I kind of saw it coming because we were all pretty burned out when we were ending Empires and then to go right back into the new one I was like guys I don’t know about this and then they’re

Like nah it’s fine it’s like I don’t know so it’s unfortunate but it’s just the way it is that it happens we’re human feel for Joey yeah playing on a Minecraft server where you get kicked off when you don’t want to be getting booted out is very frustrating

It was happening for me for me every two hours on New Life and Matt for me was enough to be like I’m done I’m done especially when you have modded and it takes a few minutes for the instance to boot back up and like if you’re in the

Middle of thinking out an idea or something you’re in the middle of building or even a time lapse more more so for me and then you get to the point where it’s just like and recording recording boom and you’re like ah there goes my entire I just lost the entire

Train of thought I was on okay um let’s grow one more round of these and we’ll just go until we can finish that shulker box off and then that should be more than enough are you doing season three of Empires there’s no plans in the motion right now

Uh the thing I will say is season one was very successful because there was a new idea it was brand it was great and season two I don’t think I wouldn’t consider it a flop but it definitely didn’t have the same grasp That season one did just because we didn’t innovate

We just did the same thing again and that was great the first time and everybody enjoyed it but then you have the expectations set so high for a season two and then also now that a season two was not the best the expectations for a season three are probably gonna be

More extreme and so I had less Direction I feel like yeah it’s because we tried doing things different but then also tried we we ourselves had like the expectation of making something so much better and grander that we even kind of we over engineered it to the

Point where season one did very very well because it was very natural everything nothing big that happened in season one was planned where everything big in season two we were like how do we think out this storyline to have it make sense instead of just playing the game and

Seeing what happens from there so if season three were to happen it’s not gonna happen in the same shape or form that season uh one did or season one or two did uh so I don’t know we haven’t decided if we’re gonna do run it back or anything

Like that some people are interested others are not interested and I think it’s one where if the whole group was in and the whole group was committed to a new idea and a new way of doing things it could be good but also it’s one where

We might take the idea of Empires and spin it into a new type of series and under a new name and things like that because I don’t know anytime you add season two three blah blah blahs it kind of it gets weird I mean it’s the same thing as like

You’re not gonna start watching a TV show on season three like you if you didn’t watch season one you’re not gonna start season three yeah if you didn’t watch season one or season two you’re not I even though we’re playing different characters and everything like that so

It might come back under like a new name and A New Concept eventually but I’m not sure you watch anime not really not not so much anymore I I like animated shows but I don’t really like all of like the tropes that come with anime if that makes sense

There’s too many cringy things in anime that I’m just like why was this like the story was great without this why did we add this why why was this added in here and I I can’t get Beyond those like they really take me out of like the story

So I don’t know not not too much if it was more like a DND campaign where all the main story and things have planned out but everything else was just really added in I mean that’s that was how season one operated the season one operated in hey we’re

Gonna jump on the server everybody has their empire everybody has their unique resource everything else Beyond there if you want resources you have to work with the other people you cannot build the Farms that the other Empires control and also you like here were a few other limitations and then also like let’s

Have wars basically let’s like fight against each other and see who’s gonna win and see where that goes and just make something enjoyable for the audience to watch and that was the extent of the planning in season one everything else was just natural and then season two came in and we’re

Like okay there were like people had already had pre-established alliances before we even started the series and then those were never broken up or really changed over the entire season that like that kind of caused an issue for it so just different ways of doing things

Do you think you ever do another life series like after life and ex-life after a new life I’ll be honest for me the answer is leaning towards no some other people might do one um but I think I’m pretty done with that concept it’s uh it’s one that if we do another

Modded series I want to do something other than origin or just life based things I I think it just is something that needs a new twist to it afterlife a new life felt too similar the only change that really I feel like is between them is the fact that we have

Create mod and after and that for me was fun for a while and then I was like yeah but Origins to me are not super fun because I find them more restricting than they are fun to work with or you get an origin that you absolutely

Love and then you dine you get a new one and you’re like I can’t do anything so it’s really hindering and sometimes it’s fun to play Minecraft with an extra added challenge but when you add in a lot of the rules of like we have flying

Origins on here and so to make those impactful and their power actually matter we’ve removed the ability for electros to spawn in the end dimension like that type of stuff in theory when you’re looking at it really fun really cool but when you play the game like I

Play and I like to build big structures I like to get blocks that are found all over the world and there’s a lot of travel time to go do that and then you remove the ability to travel quickly that becomes just a huge hindrance and

The time to record a video and all that it just it’s not fun so it takes the I’ve realized the origins for me take a lot of the fun out of the game um I would rather just play mod pack with pretty blocks added in and just do

That than having all the extra stuff yeah not having a light trip or building makes things so much harder it was fine when I had the trickster origin because I could teleport um but then the new origin I got the little fairy that thing has constant

Slow falling to it so the ability to land on things and whatnot and and it’s like flight cooldown was so bad and then if I used a rocket it quite literally killed me I did some testing to make sure it was actually killing the inside of just like doing half my health and

Yeah it literally would explode you and instant instantly die unless you had like full blast protection armor so it and the so the flight for that was really bad you could only fly once every 30 seconds and then you had slow falling so you could you couldn’t get any

Momentum going to move quickly so the flight was actually slower than running on the ground it just meant you didn’t have to go over terrain obstacles so I was like yes not the best solo series when probably not I feel like I got my I got the create mod desire to play out

Of my system and then because I got to the point in create mod where we were talking about it last stream where there’s just so many steps to go through installing things all over the place that was just like it was it was like anxiety inducing to build things with

Create and try and get all the Contraptions built and all the pieces to put them together and everything like that and I know the more you get into it the more you can automate and not have to deal with that those steps of it but like the fact the the amount of effort

It would take to get there which for me I feel like modded Minecraft doesn’t make the best content when you’re focusing on the technical side of modded Minecraft because that only appeals to people who can play modded Minecraft and so therefore the entire Bedrock Community can’t enjoy it sure Bedrock can’t play

Hardcore but Bedrock can players can do anything and everything I’m doing in this game maybe some of the little technical Farms I build are Java specific because Redstone mechanics are different but everything is very approachable and you can you can like understand what I’m doing especially because on the Redstone Farms

I really fly through those on here they’re only a means to the end like it’s not like I make a whole video about building a redstone Farm unless it’s something like a Wither Farm whether skeleton Farmers should say uh who did I miss uh see Wizzle thank

You so much for the seven months mushroom block is the secret to a great build it’s true it’s true uh Bales thank you so much for coming to supporter and some call me law law uh thank you so much for the eight months single player

Worlds are so much Cozier to me I love a good uh simply episode I’ll take single player episodes every day please yeah I I think YouTube in general right now like Minecraft YouTube is very much favoring single player worlds too I think that’s kind of true across the

Board is one of the only successful smps right now that is running is hermitcraft and I think and that’s because hermitcraft just has a strong core audience of a few hundred thousand people that will watch anything and everything hermitcraft uh but outside of that there’s no smps that are not purely

Live stream smps that are actually getting decent number of views like the way to grow on YouTube right now is single player content and the way to like be very sustainable on YouTube is also single player content smps only work if you like an SMP audience rarely grows and if

Anything it just diminishes over time and like hermitcraft is like the only anomaly in that lifesteal I mean yeah Life’s real is mostly live streamed though right also I don’t know much about lifesteal but I know some of the people on there like have heard their names but

I haven’t I don’t know too much about them uh how much I wanted to film this with logs we got in there we got in there whatever join hermitcraft have I had the chance to uh at this point no I think I am very established in my

Brand and everything I I enjoy doing and I really enjoy my group of friends that I have on YouTube and I from knowing a few people on hermitcraft the time commitment to be on that series is so large if you want to be involved with it

At all you have to basically that has to be your main content and I don’t want to do that I I don’t want to have my main content be an SMP series I want I want my channel to be largely single player focused with like

A dash of SMP for some fun on the top mostly as like a I just like to hang out with my friends and a lot of my friends are content creators and so being able to record content with them and do that is fun I’ve I’ve really enjoy that side

Of things but for the most part single players like where my channel finds a lot of success and so it’s kind of a lot of where I want to stay with my content oh hi buddy I’m just gonna nap oh hello can I just do a little nappy how’s your

Top talk with MOG it was good it was really good he’s a nice guy you I so I’ve done chats like that before and a huge shout out for MOG swamp um I don’t know if he’s in here hanging or not but huge huge shout out with him I’ve done a

Few chats like that before um like I used to offer through my patreon and for a while for YouTube members a YouTube consultation thing I still kind of offer it but it’s more chat based instead of jumping on a call Base just because I just ran out of time

To be able to do it with so many people um so we had to I transferred and kind of took a step back from it but anyways regardless of all that I’ve chatted with a bunch of people who have Astro Channel advice small creators big creators and whatnot who have kind

Of just asked for me how I do things and a lot of people come into the calls and are like how do I get more views and that’s that’s all they want to know is they’re just not like Hey how do you do things how do you run through your

Day and all that they’re just like can you make me get more views on my channel what type of and they’re like what video should I record next I’m like that’s not what this is for this is for like a concept thing I can’t like if I tell you

What video to record next you’re gonna come back to me after and be like okay so I did that what do I do now and I’m like why why don’t I just run your channel for you um and yeah so anyways regardless all that MOG came in with a bunch of awesome

Questions that literally like none of them absolutely none of them were like can you just like tell me how to get more views or blah blah like that it was very much like how to have a healthy lifestyle of being a Creator and it was really cool it was

Good chatting with them he was he seemed very prepared coming into it and I just really appreciated that use the road we haven’t built the road yet we’re getting blocks to be able to build the road right now show your resource pack it’s my own resource pack you can get it

If you’re a tier one member or up it’s just the foot foliage upgrades there’s a video on the second Channel if you want to see more into it would you do some q a on stream that’s what we’ve been doing this whole time we almost got a thousand viewers oh my

Gosh we’re not even at 600 likes though come on chat I’m just kidding but yeah please leave a like I very much do appreciate everybody takes time to leave a like thank you thank you thank you you have no idea how much it does help

Me out so I very much do appreciate it wow a live profile that’s actually live on Minecraft YouTube live streaming I know it’s rare it’s so rare dude I talk to YouTube about that a while ago like literally with their live Dev team and my partner manager and like

On a call with them and I was like you guys this these are all Breaking terms of service like every single one if you read your terms of service it can’t be pre-recorded content it has to be live content why don’t you guys shut these down and their answer verbatim was we

Shut them down and they come back on a new channel so it’s not worth it I was like you realize they come back on a new Channel with zero subscribers and they won’t get anywhere and I was like and most of them are viewbots like nobody’s watching them they’re all

Getting viewbotted look at them they’re all at 346 viewers like that’s pretty suspicious and they’re like yeah but if we just shut them down they’ll come back with 346 viewers again I’m just like just build a better system like you’re just making it worse for the

Actual people who want to stream on here I’ve been talking with Jimmy a bunch in YouTube live stream is it’s just not in a good place there’s uh it’s very worrying being moving to YouTube for live streaming I know we’ve almost been here for two

Years now and I moved because I was so hopeful of the future and it’s one of those things where I I have a little bit of regret about leaving twitch and moving over to here because YouTube is just they’re they’re not doing a good job in any feature that they have pushed out

Recently is all geared towards vertical live streaming like live streaming for short speeds and things like that and it’s just I don’t know I don’t like it there’s so many things that they could do to be simple very very simple wins and they just haven’t done them yeah sausage literally quit YouTube live

Streaming to go back to Twitch because of how bad it is he was him sausage for the last little while unfortunately was at the point where on YouTube if he was live streaming on YouTube he was actively harming his channel his during his live streams and after his views were going down across

His channel and he was losing subscribers so he literally him streaming on YouTube was hurting his channel and which is really really bad so I mean when the fact of going live on here actively harms your main Channel like what your videos and everything like that that you’re doing this sucks it

Really really sucks and it’s also true I I have confirmation from the uh YouTube Dev team that when you go live on YouTube they pull the search rankings back of your main videos because you’re live and so they want to push your live content so they pull your

Other content back and push your live but then I was like but then long term that hurts your main video because like why don’t they both push independently in their own channels because they don’t push to the same channel and they’re like yeah well we just don’t want one person to be pushing

On everything I’m like that’s weird okay I’d rather support Google rather than pesos though I mean yeah I get that Asos is so removed from twitch though like and if if anything twitch is actively losing Amazon money so he’s not getting much of a return off of it

That’s so dumb yeah yeah it’s true that’s why I only do two-hour streams because after that it’s I can kind of wipe things out but they told me originally which I’m starting to find is not true is that leaving your stream as public after you finish streaming

Counts it as a stream instead of a video and I’m like I don’t think that’s quite true I know the YouTube shorts algorithm is very different from the full YouTube video algorithm but what I’m con what I don’t know is if the um what am I saying if like the YouTube

Live stream algorithm is different from the YouTube video algorithm like it’s it’s weird what are we doing shopping birch trees okay that’s probably enough Birch deforestation out here foreign these not really I wanted to build I want to build out here eventually so I need to remove them anyways

Bods are so essential yeah it’s one of those things where like you could have a VOD Channel and put them there like I want to build this into I love this terrain how it kind of slopes up to these different Terraces like a city winding up that

Would be so fun to work on but yeah I mean vods are good to have um but also like you can just throw them on a VOD Channel which I know Jimmy went back to doing instead of just leaving him up on his main had no idea being a streamer was so

Complicated in art yeah that’s what most people don’t realize the a lot of people think being a YouTuber or a streamer is just record video posted or click go live and you get money and like you’ll get viewers in blah blah there’s so much more to it

Than that and there’s so many people that like I a lot of people like Hey how do I get started on YouTube or what should I how much money should I invest before I get started on my YouTube channel and I’m always like don’t invest any money into

YouTube until you know you want to be a YouTuber and the only way to do that is to commit to six months minimum minimum off of your current setup and see if you even like the process of recording videos or like the process of streaming because there’s so many people that get

Into it they buy these like two three thousand dollar gaming rigs all like all of these lighting things and everything because they’re like I’m gonna look professional so people are gonna watch My Stream and then they come back and then they’re a few months in and they’re like I hate

It but I invested all this money and I have to go until I get at least break even and then they’re just everything sucks like it’s it’s really really rough to watch how many people which is true like it’s the same with any job like you

Could have a job that in theory you would absolutely love and then you get to the job and you’re like oh no I hate this you have YouTube premium I do it’s worth no ads and you can support everybody that you YouTube premium takes a portion of what

You pay and just pays that to the creators you watch so if you’re thinking that like you’re um giving the money to YouTube actually I think it’s half half of YouTube premium goes to the Creator it’s having YouTube premium hurt you because no ads for me no uh so what I

Was saying there like part gets paid out YouTube premium if you watch a large amount of creators technically could give each Creator less than if you just watched the ads but I will never tell anybody to not use YouTube premium if it makes your viewing experience better for you

Just use it there’s I I will never be one of the people be like actually I need you to not because I that way I make more money no just you you can whatever makes your experience better and if you think YouTube premium to have no ads is worth it do that

Are your YouTube console stations just for Minecraft Minecraft is where a lot of my knowledge is in so that’s where I leave it I mean I’m able to help people out but the only thing that I’ve been extremely successful in on YouTube is Minecraft

Videos so I can try and help I can try and guide people but the cool part and the rough part about YouTube is that there’s so many different parts of YouTube that it’s hard to there’s so many different parts and they all have their own different algorithms and everything and you got to

Really learn one aspect some things carry over from like space to space but not everything so I can try and help but it’s not my area of expertise we had a thousand viewers we did it and we’re at 700 likes how many hours you have in this world uh

Time played 43.1 days so 43.1 times 24 so we can do the math on that but not 1K likes come on flipper snappers ad block easy I mean ad blockers yeah you can do that Adblock actively harms creators that you’re watching though so like you do it if you want but

1034.4 hours oh my gosh we broke a thousand hours 1041 when all right somebody did the math wrong I probably want to equip the elytra and not put it in my offhand and that that’s much much different yeah did I get everything I did right didn’t leave anything did not

Great look at my end Dimension I would love to come back out here and do some more work eventually pleased to meet you Mary minnow thanks so much for the nine months at tier two I appreciate it I survived 1 000 hours in Hardcore Minecraft oh my God I can do it

Time to get another movie wouldn’t that be a way to go just kidding the amount of people who have died and it’s a scary number there are so many hardcore streamers that are just like on Twitch there’s you can find in compilations of clips on YouTube taken of like hardcore streamers they’re just

Like I’m fine talking to chat not paying attention and then they just jump off from their Enderman Farm into the void like I refuse to be one of those people aren’t N Rods craftable they are you need a blaze rod and a popped course fruit

Trust me I know you want to know how I know because I crafted 34 000 of them yeah I needed uh what is it it’s one Blaze Rod one pop course fruit gives you four end rods so whatever that is let’s see time’s picked up oh my gosh I picked

Up 254 000 sand disgusting who is asking for a different stat earlier wasn’t somebody asking to see a certain stat I can’t remember what it was but I don’t see how many blaze rods I picked up no wouldn’t it be in here no we can go to mobskilled yeah I’ve killed

3 377 blazes all right it all went into Hoppers so it doesn’t count as picked up because it wasn’t off the ground that’s how stats work some people would consider you insane I mean yeah is what it is we do have six things now over a hundred thousand that’s pretty cool

We’ve also almost been in the world for two years still the best tree ever I love the entry I need to redo the Cod killed I’ve only killed one Cod I haven’t I don’t know you killed a cat I’ve killed one of everything except an axolotl haven’t killed an axolotl

Um but I for some reason I thought there was a hit in advancement for um killing one of every mob not just every hostile mob uh so I I’ve killed one of everything oops mushroom blocks ah right red mushroom box times mind that’s terracotta that’s not a mushroom um red mushroom block is

5400 mind 3600 used uh Brown mushroom oh only 1 200 years wow okay so this must all be from the road and finding like hidden textures because we have a lot of those in the main capital city using the hidden texture on the mushroom buck so 3700 Browns it just happened

Well you need to kill the axolot I’ll be sure right yeah let’s go kill the blue one speaking of which let’s go breathe the blue axolotl how many deep slate like regular deep slate cobbled I’ve oh time’s mind I was like only 700 Cobble deep slate right you don’t mind Cobble deep slight

Um I 9 000 Kabul deep safe place but 29 000 picked up so I’ve I’ve placed somewhere around probably 27 000 deep slight variants um and then where’s deep slate yeah 32 000 deep slate mind 45 000 obsidian mine eight sixty thousand red sand in mind that one probably hurt the most

Stat game with someone you that’s had about the same time played as you I’ll have to try and get Joel to do that if he survives long enough nobody else I know is a hardcore world that’s about the same length as mine all my friends died in their hardcore roles

Have you seen my son oh sorry you brought the red stand up this time I I dang and I said it again Joel hasn’t died yet I know it’s pretty good is your hardcore graveyard up to date uh there’s a lot of people that I haven’t added

That people people spam at me in the comments being like blah blah blah died you have to add them and I just I haven’t yet also if I didn’t say it Mary minnow thank you so much for the nine months no I did say that thank you thank you and hello Lily

Thank you so much for the five guest members where’s booger hi booger if we get another below one oh yeah look at how cute it is I’m so happy to have them you all have no idea how happy I am to have this stupid blue axolotl

Did you release all the axles yeah yeah yeah release them yeah they’re they’re not in their pens anymore hardcore Master exactly no then I look at linksy’s world and he survived 30 000 days and I’m like how it’s a shiny yeah it’s pretty much like a Shiny Pokemon pleased to meet you

You’re the Regular Show grave meme when all your hardcore worlds end you’re stay strong what block have you placed at least there’s some blocks that I have yet to even place uh times used yeah I’ve never placed deep slit yeah there’s I mean apparently I’ve never placed weathered cut copper

Because I would always wax it before I place it stripped acacia wood never placed it but I have mined it never plays Farmland because that’s illegal Soul torches I’ve never placed a soul torch I’ve turned them all into Soul lanterns I’ve never placed a soul torch infested Zone that all that all makes

Sense that adds up I’ve never placed my celium one thousand hours and I still have yet to use a block of mycelium or a block of regular quartz apparently all I use is smooth chords um wow that’s it there’s a lot in here that I’m very interested by wow that’s interesting

So many of those I’m like whoa I thought I’m for sure have one or two okey-dokey time to dig a road so that’s what you do right just start building a road you gotta first dig a road the goal is to make this road link all the way back up to the main

Desert road Network that we have and we’re gonna kind of just play it by ear and see where it lands but I know I kind of want to Arch it up this way a touch we might have to do a little terraforming as we’re moving around

Actually do I want to just do that terraforming now probably do I wanted to bring this section back we’re gonna tear out this entire bit as Road building time Francisca thank you so much for the six months finally able to catch a stream again hey welcome welcome wonderful to have you back

Well come on in how old is this hardcore world uh it’ll be two years old in the end of towards the end of November so we’re almost there we’re yeah we’ll we’ll hit uh two years old if we survive through the end of this year and then in the forever hardcore world

Right right right the forever forever hardcore world I mean we’re well over 10 Minecraft years so we’re we’re getting up there you do Friday snacks after stream we are meeting up with some friends tonight to go out for dinner we’re going out for tacos and margaritas it’s gonna be great

I’m also going to do this just because we can uh that’s gonna step down and then that’s also going to come down to here okay we’ll sort that out in detail more later okay um let’s wrap ourselves like coming up this way now this is one of those series that I’m

Like very much as I currently stand as long as I’m playing Minecraft and like I’m still alive in this world like this series is going to be going on all right it’s one of the most consistent series I’ve ever had for views which is amazing and I feel like

I’m getting all of the The Good Vibes that I really want to have in a in a Minecraft world so it’s been very very rewarding to to play in and keep up with okay so I think this just goes up and then comes right back down yeah so we’re

Just gonna tear a lot of this away are you minimalistic IRL um pretty yeah I’m bad about keeping junk on me like I don’t really throw like I have sitting on the floor right here so I have my current computer here I have my three old computers there I

Have two entire old audio setups still in my closet right back there so like I I kind of keep old junk around just I’m always just like what if the current one breaks and I need to get back to the old one I’m like I’m never

Gonna go back to the computer I built in 2015. in fact Windows barely works on it why do I have it I’m like but what if I need the files I haven’t opened it since like 2017. foreign I don’t like the idea of giving away computers

Unless you fully like if you give away a computer or you do something like that and like you have to the amount of effort you have to go through to clean it and everything to make sure that nobody malicious gets their hand on the computer and thinks they can find some

Things because he even do like a full windows reset doesn’t necessarily clear everything off of it so in order to do that like in order to full clear a computer you basically need to take the memory out you need to take the hard drives out and you need to you

Need like fully like just add in new things anything that has the ability to store data you need to get rid of which a lot of computer parts now have memory built into them and sure not all of it’s actionable but the fact that there is an

Ability to pull data off of it I don’t like especially when so much of my business and life is dependent on that stuff like so I don’t know I I feel weird about that I need to go through and do the old magnet trick and just fry the hard

Drives and throw them and recycle them probably okay how do we want to do this yeah I really do not like having them sit around honestly I think we just go over the top and then we come down we can come down like right through here that’ll work

Dude we got a Swifty in the house welcome I don’t need these buckets of water that’s the fish by the way I still need to I’m thinking about naming it just spotty because it’s thing in here is that it’s a spotty I think it’d be kind of cute so I gotta get there

Just keeps all the electronics all the place I’m so guilty of it I’m gonna sit down I still have my old original iPad that I got from my dad who he got as like a gift from some company event that he went to and he was like Hey I don’t need it do

You want it so I have that that it doesn’t even turn on anymore really but I used to use it for taking notes in college because I didn’t like hauling around my laptop everywhere the tablet was so much easier and I would get less distracted because the tablet couldn’t play any games

I was definitely guilty at a few times uh I remember there’s one class I took it was electrical engineering not the most fun class to begin with and also is one that I had to take because like I I don’t know it was like weirdly a class that was required for the

Program I was in not any information I ever used again and so the class wasn’t super important to me and the professor came in and it was his last class he was only teaching one class for the semester and then he was retiring like that was it it was his

Last thing and he came in on the first day and said I’m retiring in order to get my retirement bonus I need to teach one more class so I’m gonna be going through the motions of teaching this class if you show up every day and sit in your chair I will pass you

He’s like I don’t want to grade any paperwork I don’t want to do anything so we’re just gonna sit here and learn and uh I’ll give you guys some homework busy work if you want to do but like you don’t just show up every day 100 attendance and your attendance is worth

70 of your grade I was just like I love this guy this is not something I need to know at all and I was so guilty of coming in and I just played Minecraft every day for the entire class yeah a few of my fraternity brothers

Were in the class with me and we ended up just having a Minecraft server that we would only play on when we were in class the professor did not care at all he just stood at his little podium in the front it just did nothing every

Single day it was the best class ever and people say college is more serious than High School no no way at all High School teachers who are like I’m preparing you for college no it’s absolute BS College professors are are so much more chill than High School professors every

Single one of the college professors I had were like a million times easier to work with and more reasonable than any High School Professor I had all my high school professors would be like you wouldn’t be able to get away with this in college so I can’t you ha I’m sorry

You have to you have a fail like I I can’t pass you on that and then they’d be like you’re you I’m just preparing you for college and I’d go ask College professors be like hey so I’m struggling with this I wasn’t able to make this on

Time like is there a way that I can do extra work or like get a later due date and extend it out and they’d just be like yeah yeah just get what you mean by the end of the weekend and you’re fine I’m like they’re all so reasonable such

Nice people it’s like they’re treating you as a human being instead of just somebody sitting in your classroom it was great yeah I remember having College professors who I was like yeah like if I wasn’t like a student of yours and I’ve just met you I’d be like I would

Probably want to be friends with you like you very very cool person treating you like an adult yeah it’s amazing it’s amazing how when somebody does that you’re like wow I have so much more respect for you and like I’m willing to work with you instead of just being annoying

I’m just trying to smooth this out a touch it doesn’t need to be perfect I don’t know what we’re gonna do in this portion of the desert we might do something later but who knows will you do a big episode for the two-year anniversary probably not um I’ll probably just stay on par

The only like super big episodes I think are gonna be the movies has just kind of like Recaps of everything it’s just a way for people to jump back into the series if they’ve been out for a while like the movie is just kind of everything so we’re on day

4973 right now so 5 000 Days movie is coming up pretty quick I thought for sure this was going to be a lot more sand I guess not foreign excited for the movie yeah it should be good uh I think it’s gonna release a little probably I’m gonna hold it for a

Bit and release it probably closer to late October early November um just because it’s one of those where I think if I released it right now a lot of people would be like well I just watched all the videos it doesn’t feel quite fresh and I think that’s why the 4000

Days movie didn’t do well because it literally released like a week or two after we took four thousand days so I think if I take the time to just say like hey you know what this is great that it’s here and I have that and I can get it recorded and I can

Actually have something in my back pocket of like hey you know what I have a video to release when there’s a good time to do it so I’m gonna wait for a little bit later on to get it actually released oh yeah no when I was talking about high

School teachers there’s definitely some that I we’re very very amazing people and helped me so much I wasn’t like a full-on disc towards all high school teachers so hopefully wasn’t taken that way there’s just a lot of the similarities I found between High School teachers versus College was just College

Professors are like yeah chill whatever let’s get it done I mean there’s still some college professors who were not nice individuals but that was much more rare than it was with high school teachers I found in my time in school at least do you do the editing changes to your

Movies do you put the episodes back to back I I mean it’s mostly episodes back to back because that’s the YouTube Trend and then you chop off the intro you chop off the outro so they flow better and we chop off some of the editing little bits in there that might be weird

Or if there’s any AD Integrations I chop those out because those don’t need to be in there um so that’s kind of that’s that’s how I do them typically I’ve been throwing the empty ones up there uh Let’s take you turn you all into slabs we’re gonna take a bunch of these that we’re also going to take you it’s time to build a road elenia thanks so much for the eight months happy Friday I hope you hope you’re all well hope everything’s doing good over there

Uh there’s somebody who became a member uh two minutes ago I’m so sorry I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce your name but thank you so much uh Mr Q we’re gonna we’re gonna go with that oof Road building Hey Thomas how you doing man

Are you a flipper you’re Swifty I Won’t Say I’m a full-on Swifty uh but I definitely enjoy her music we got tickets to go to a concert uh uh one of the additional North America ones that was thrown in so that’ll be very fun so I guess if you can go into the

Essence of that we’re planning a vacation around going to the concert that that could be valid hey Nova what’s going on girly do you want to say hello there’s a little Nova girl want to say hello it’s a very important time Chad you want to come up please do you want

To come up hello do you want to say hi to the internet to the world how are you doing today how’s your day going yeah what’s up what you doing down to office okay this is Nova for those who don’t know this is our youngest puppy she’s almost three years old she’s almost

Three years old are very very big 40 pound Malamute I’m sorry I’m talking about you I know I know okay I know you’re not a you’re not a performer you’re like goodbye I’m done I’m out of here I will not perform for you I will not do tricks

She’s so cute yeah we love her we love her okay back to the road our husky exact the same way exact same one keep it real yeah that bot okay the flattest you think with exclamation boys I would have tried a little harder uh ellenoma thank you so much for the

Don’t don’t know I really appreciate that oh I know why she left I think I smell the grilled cheese being made right now we got to just kind of start spamming I like the a lot of the mushroom Block in here so it’s a good thing we gathered a

Ton of them and then we’re gonna just do like a two wide slab going back I know I could build in stairs to make it a lot more like perfect but I cannot be bothered because that sounds boring honestly just inventory Space Management of having the extra thing sounds awful

Uh let’s do that we’re gonna do a little bam we’re gonna make our little zebra roadways it’s great very very nice sounds delicious right now I know yeah grilled cheese sandwich cheese in between bread that you butter the bread and then you grill it in a pan so the cheese melts

For those not from cultures that eat grilled cheese sandwiches foreign melted cheese I’m lactose intolerant so I haven’t had a grilled cheese in probably like five years how do you create a world that you like and enjoy Building without hating previous builds I love Minecraft but I

Hate what I do in game do you have any tips practice if you don’t like your building skills or anything like that the simplest thing you can do is spend more time building spend more time learning try and study Minecraft is an art form you’re not going to get better at

Building in Minecraft by not building in Minecraft so the biggest thing I can suggest for anybody who’s like man I hate my building how do I get better what can I do you build you just keep building more and eventually you’ll get to a point where you’re like oh I enjoyed that and

By building more I don’t mean making the same thing over and over again you got to keep experimenting you got to keep trying new things you gotta just keep trying keep finding ways to do something different and if you Mumbo said it recently if I I watched his interview on

The Imp and skiz podcast very good if you know if y’all haven’t watched it um but he said something that really stuck with me is that you have to fully commit to a stupid idea sometimes as a YouTuber and like that’s the way stupid ideas

Work is you have to fully commit to them if you’re if you take a stupid idea that you’re like I don’t know if it’s gonna work and you go in with the attitude that it’s not gonna work it’s not gonna work but if you go in

With the attitude of I know this is dumb I know this is incredibly stupid but if I put the effort and energy into it it could work and I I think that applies into so many more things than just Minecraft building and making YouTube videos like

Any form of skill you’re trying to learn and everything like that so I mean if infants gives they’re looking for people to have on I would I’d be happy to chat with them but I don’t think I know either of them super well so who knows but if they

Reached out and we’re like hey we’d love to have you I’d say sure definitely I’m sure there’s more Hermits who are higher up on their guest list right now than none I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re trying to get like all the Hermits on eventually but I would not be opposed

I’ve actually never talked to skiz I’ve seen him in so many things and maybe I’ve talked to him briefly like very briefly on a call but I don’t think I’ve I can’t remember if I’ve like there’s no time inside my head where I’m like oh yeah I talked to skids for a

Good while but he seems like a really nice guy have to commit to the bit exactly if that doesn’t describe gobland I don’t know what those yeah for anybody who’s struggling with their Minecraft Builds or really any art form or any skill really it’s the same thing with like sports and things

If you’re not willing to put in the time to practice and learn how to shoot a free throw and do it a million times you’re never gonna be consistent at it so or if you don’t take the time to learn how to ride a skateboard or ride a bike

Like you’re not gonna one day just be like wow I can ride a bicycle all those principles yeah they they all apply to art in Minecraft building is just an art form do you plan to do different biomes as well like the jungle yeah I was really hoping that 1.20.2 was gonna release

With the new villager changes but it looks like that’s not happening so I probably won’t do another Village right away after we finish this one because I like to have a little bit of a break between doing things because I think if I just repeat content and say

Hey we’re doing another Village over here people are gonna be like flip we just did a village do something else and I’m like you’re right fair but have you heard of second village I love second village so um in the effort to make entertaining content that’s not just the same thing

Over and over again I don’t think we’re gonna do a village again right away but I definitely want to do a village I want this world is meant to have a village in every single biome like eventually this is looking pretty good it’s a little skinny through there but I think

It’s okay do you like gobland or grimlands more I like Goblin more Gremlins was good but I didn’t feel like I really pushed myself on topic with what we’re talking about I guess um like I felt like Gremlins was one where like I knew that style I knew it

Going in already and all I did was add deep slate to the mix because it was a new block but all those houses and all those things like probably stuff that I come up with and done similar sides before maybe I’ve changed a few aspects or just worked

Them in different ways together but for the most part it didn’t feel like a build challenge so for that I like gobland a lot more because that was something that nobody on YouTube had done before like that was something brand new across all of YouTube putting those blocks together

In that shape and those types of things I was kind of very much pioneering a new style it was really difficult I spent so many hours there were so many failed designs that never made it in um but it was one that I again like fully committed to making it happen and

Figuring out how I could do it and I’m I’m really happy that I did it’s a good challenge first stream I caught flip I love your videos and you hi welcome on in welcome welcome welcome welcome let’s do a little guy right there and then we’ll do another one here this

Could be a little steep thank you that should work we’re working on building a road for anybody who’s just jumping in now we’re uh stretching a road all the way over to the new Village I’ve been working on where we did design a few of those houses on Wednesday’s stream

Um and then I’ve been working on it still since just getting a few more in place so desert road work today my hope is to have this video out next Thursday it honestly it should be able to be finished up I got a Got a Cool brand

Deal coming through that I’m gonna be working on next week I can’t tell you all about it or anything like that quite yet but it’s very very exciting uh so I don’t know if it will I will definitely have this video finished I don’t know if

There’s gonna be a video the week after depending on how much time that all takes also I think you’re gonna all really really like this one that’s all I can say you all are gonna really like the what I’m working on naughty event of a way of like please

Buy it or anything there’s nothing to purchase don’t we always yeah well I meant on the brand deal front because I know some people are like oh Creator doing brand deal ugh no this one’s this one’s awesome let’s throw some of these in honestly I’m just enjoying the Vibes we

Got Minecraft soundtrack rocking right now placing our little blocky blocks in Minecraft yeah welcome to rage Shadow Legends I think I got blacklisted from uh doing brand deals with raid they reached out to me a long time ago to do it and I was like yeah sure why

Not that was the time when like everybody was doing one I was like why not I could slide this under the rug I can get one done and then they completely tricked me into like what the deal was and so I kind of noped out at

The last minute I was like this isn’t what you told me it was like I I’m I’m out of here this is not at all what we agreed to and I have yet to hear from them on anything since so I think I got block listed

You deserve a brand deal yeah I actively decided to stop taking them for a while uh just because I don’t didn’t really need to um but I’ll probably reintroduce them more this year we’ll see what happens the agency I was working with I did drop out of um

Because they were just they’re being a little shady a little too shady and I I didn’t like it and some of the deals that they were bringing were very weird I was like I these are not things that I would want to sell to my audience I only

Ever want to do a brand deal that is something that I think you all would actually use or is something that I already actually use or something that I am very interested in using um I’m never going to be one of the people who’s just like here’s this

Random thing like it’s just not me I don’t I don’t want to sell you all things that’s not what I’m here for but if there’s something that like somebody approaches me and I’m like this is a really cool thing that I think is cool and they’re willing to pay me to promote

It then I’m like yeah we can we can talk now okay Joe thank you so much for the Dono watching on my lunch break with little gobble flip in my passenger seat accidentally yeeded him in Death Valley recently so I’d go fetch him accidentally eat it I don’t know if

Those words go together I don’t know if that goes together but thank you so much for the donut for real watching you on my lunch break with little Gobo F within my passenger seat accidentally yeeded him Death Valley recently so I had to go fetch him yeah

Oh if I believe it I don’t know if I buy it can you explain how annoying raycon got for a while well raycon I feel like is one that got annoying only because so many people were doing it but also it’s one of those that like

As far as I understand they make pretty good stuff I’ve never used one I’ve never used any raycon buds or anything like that but I know I know like I know B-Dubs is like he has like a promo with them every few months it seems like

B-dub seems to have like three or four that he just alternates with every single upload I’m like all right get the bag dude B-Dubs does a good job his like that’s one of those things where I I think if I start doing brand deals again I

Want to do them to like that level because it’s something that’s entertaining to watch and then also like it it just shows like such a good relationship with him and any brand he’s working on that he’s willing to put in that much effort and energy to get people in there and watch

And like make it entertaining without just feeling like hey I’m reading these talking points I think I heard somewhere that that’s like one of the most watched point of his videos is his brand deal segments just like that is like Creator goals right there but it’s really difficult to work that

Like time in to be able to make that idea so many brands are like all right so you have two weeks to get this posted in a video and I’m like you you expect me to record an entire video in that time frame and then also have a

Brand deal ready with edited rounds done and everything like that in two weeks like come on guys give me more time all right we’re getting there we’re almost we’re almost to the Village sorry if there’s any noise I can kind of hear something coming through on the mic

Right now so if there’s any hopefully the music’s drowning it up I feel like it’s definitely a side of YouTube that people get into more as like their channels get older and you kind of have like a norm of views you get or I kind of consider it YouTube retirement

Like brand deal every episode for me would be YouTube retirement just like giving yourself the ability to not work as much because you’re me like if like brand deals make a good amount of money so I feel like when I wanted to get into like my whatever my YouTube retirement

Is because I like I would love to keep this as the job for what I do for the rest of my life until like actual retirement but feel like at one point you gotta usal dip and then it’s easier to make up that lost Revenue instead of grinding

Your butt off it’s easier to pick up more brand deals and things trap every mob in Minecraft actually I think I should make a zoo with every single mob in Minecraft I I’ve been thinking of that idea and I I don’t think anybody’s done it yet but I think

I’ll try that one day do you golf not really I’m left-handed and when I was a kid finding left-handed golf clubs was awful my dad was a fairly decent golfer he mostly golf as like a work activity um and then my grandpa was a my Grandpa and Grandma were both huge golfers so

Like I learned how to golf as a kid but the inability to find left-handed clubs as I grew up became so frustrating that it literally drove me away from the sport like I it it was so difficult to find clubs that I could actually use as a

Lefty and there’d be like you’d walk into a store and there’d be like 15 different versions of a right-handed club that are slightly different then you’ll go out to the Lefty section and there’s like one of each and I was just like really really so that kind of drove me away from the

Sport I think the like one sport I want to get into right now that I think would be fun is pickleball we’ve played a few times like my family plays a lot um I know sausage actually recently got really into pickleball uh but that’s something that I definitely want to pick

Up soon if I start looking for a new activity ever play pool slash Billiards yeah I had a pool table growing up uh for a long time so I’ve I have played a lot of pool I really enjoy it anytime we go out like traveling or on

Vacation or something if there’s a pool table I always wrote people into playing with me whoever we’re traveling with I’m like hey you wanna go play pool you wanna go to the pool and usually they’ll play like two rounds with me and they’re like yeah I’m done you’re no fun to play

With I’m like but but we can play more pool are you sure I really like nine ball and Cutthroat I think those are really fun because then it’s just still kind of fun for everybody it’s kind of a little bit more chaotic and the skill factor still

Comes into play but it’s not so much that like people who are unskilled can’t have fun unless you’re just at the level where you run an entire table which I’m not quite there I’m a little too rusty for that I used to be really good though my friends in high school would uh

Come over after pretty much every weekend we were just in at my house playing pool have you done bowling yeah ever I have a bad elbow though so I can’t I can’t do it for too long but I like bowling our uh are um like tradition growing up because we

Lived in a neighborhood where the power would go out a lot with windstorms is the only place nearby us that would have power was the bowling alley so everybody in the neighborhood when the power went out would go bowling and that was always so fun because you as soon as the power would

Go out as and the sun would go down everybody would stop cleaning up whatever branches fell down during the storm or anything like that and you just see everybody at the bowling alley it was really fun it was a cool like Neighborhood Activity never tried climbing uh not well my

Body’s not really built for climbing I’ve been always more of a swimming person I’ve been much more on the Aquatic side of things we haven’t had a cookout oof on hey Johnny next life again no I’m not I talked about it earlier oh my gosh okay Windows 11 keeps doing this thing where

Randomly one of the file explorer Windows I’ve opened just comes to the front like it’s behind my Minecraft window and it just like pop to the front and it pauses the game and everything and it scares me every time so sorry if there was a little announcement sound there

Now x-life next gen is not something I’m gonna be joining for those who have been asking I’ve seen it a few times in chat dressed it a few times so I probably want any further but you can rewatch The Stream if you want answers to comment commonly asked questions if you

If it’s about a new series or something like that I’ve most likely answered a few times so if you re-watch the VOD you can you can find the answers in there a good majority of the time okay uh let’s just fill in the blanks with our oh streamlabs FAQ bot or something

Anytime I feel like I do FAQ Bots and things the commands just get spammed so much that uh it just kind of goes a little crazy so I’ve had some FAQ Bots and things in the past but I always find that they just get this like it’ll get to the point

Where somebody’s like if I type this in chat a bottle say something and then it gets two chat messages and then you get some people that just like spam the chat message even if you put a cool down on it it’ll just get spammed so I try I try and avoid that

Also chat bots on YouTube are really annoying to work with another knock to YouTube streaming they don’t make it easy Okay we’re almost out to that point where we need to dip off to the side real quick connect in our field do you like playing single player more than multiplayer uh in my own worlds yeah like for a long-term Minecrafting I like single player more yes for like short-term things

I really enjoy series as it’s just a way to connect with my friends pretty much like you’ll never see me join a content creator series that’s just like a mass like everybody that streams Minecraft on Twitch is invited to this thing like when they had like the verified SMP or

Whatever it was back in the day that somebody started that was such a mess I can’t remember who started it but oh God I remember being such a mess where you can only join the Minecraft server if you are verified on Twitch except I think the admin had a few of their friends

That they were quote close to being verified so we’re gonna let them in and it was just such a such a mess fun times but then like everybody who got on there that like was a part of it like there’s a very cult section where some people

Knew each other then everybody else like didn’t know anybody and I I never joined it because I kind of saw it going South pretty quick um but yeah I remember watching that and laughing about it so yeah I I I like multiplayer when it comes to playing with friends

But if my friends like I I don’t like multiplayer when it comes in terms of joining a random Minecraft server like that you find like a public server and playing that to me is not fun I see where that comes in play if you don’t have like a friend group to play

With or something like that like that’s a great way to make a friend group and I mean all of my friends on here I met through playing Minecraft so it’s a little hypocritical of me if I were saying no never do that because that’s

Why I made a lot of my friends that I record content with nowadays is I met them through servers where I joined and I didn’t know many people I use I’ve always kind of known one person going in or it’s been something that I’ve started and I’ve brought

Everybody in and then they’ve been like hey can we add my friend blah blah blah they’re pretty cool like that’s how I met Scott uh was Catherine was like hey we should add Scott He seems really cool and that was back in Legacy s p days

Uh and so and I think that’s how we got gem involved with the group I can’t remember who added her I think it was are there Jimmy or like we had we had worked with Jen before on the artist in SMP way back in the day if anybody remembers that

But then outside of that I hadn’t recorded with gem in a long time so I didn’t know her too well and then yeah so good ways to meet people is to play on you know friends through friends is the best way to make friends in general I find introvert rule of thumb yep

What blocks would you use for a road and Taiga of course to responds naturally there so it couldn’t it wouldn’t so it would connect wouldn’t it uh in a mega tiger I would probably avoid course dirt because if you’re using that you’re gonna lose which way your road goes

So that kind of writes off dirt podzel and Um honestly if you just did regular dirt that could look really good because it would be slightly lighter than the coarse dirt so it’d be easier to travel and if you can get enough rooted dirt you can mesh match that into that honestly would be really cool I like to

Go for more dirt roads I don’t really do any roads that are Stone unless I’m like inside of a city because who is going to go out there and build an entire Road out of stones that just randomly runs through the Wilderness unless you’re in like a Stony

Terrain where they’re just kind of carving the stone to make footholds it just doesn’t make sense to me so I typically go I go for dirt of sorts and either slightly larger larger uh lighter or darker than everything else that’s in the area so here we went slightly darker than the

Sand and got all the Birch in which works pretty well in my opinion ask the Romans well they made those roads so that they could quickly transport things all around so I mean yeah it that is true the Roman Road network isn’t like a big portion of it still used today

Like in some regions of the world don’t they still use those roads I’m sure there’s been repairs made to them and things but it’s like a lot are like the original pathways yeah I kind of go in my world that most dirt like most routes in between places is largely dirt

So path blocks work in there or I typically just go on dirts to be honest was your favorite subject in school my favorite subject in school was history the subject I was best at was math pack mud looks great in the jungle oh yeah it does that’s a good one

I wanted to be so good at history and I I like did okay I did fine in history class and everything like that but where I struggled a lot was that a lot of the tests of his like a lot of the stuff I wanted to learn about from

History class was not what they were testing on like I loved learning about the ancient civilizations and like how they lived and all that stuff and that was so cool and I was always kind of like a little bit of a side bit to whatever we were learning in class and

Then they’d always be like remember this date about when this battle happened or when this thing was invented I’m like I don’t care about when the things were invented I want to learn how the people who invented the thing lived why can’t we focus on that and they’re like no

We’re gonna learn about these dates I’m like so I really loved like old old history like the early like the Bronze Age Iron Age and like pretty much everything up until like the Dark Ages like before the Dark Ages I really really love that those types of History classes

What free editing software would you recommend for just starting YouTubers DaVinci Resolve pretty much as good as Adobe Premiere and it is free there is an option to pay for it if you are a business or if you’re using it for professional things you don’t need it there is also a

Free download on the main website and there are so many video tutorials on how to use it now physics or chemistry neither I was so bad at The Sciences I got math I could do that but none of the other ones made sense to me dang it

Physics I guess I was decent at but I was not not something I enjoyed at all look at that that’s the finished Road wow that’s a pretty big Road we did all of there today wowie exactly good road it is a good road the village is slowly growing I’m really

Excited about that we gotta come back in and add a lot more of the detail to like the outside regions um and kind of get a lot more of that sorted I kind of know what I want to do for the rest of the video I’m just like I just

Need to get around to recording it we just gotta do that stuff oh right I was up there uh uh let’s go in here we can put our mushrooms back in the other one foreign sorry I was trying to find where I had some more Cactus I was like where is it

I know I have some in here somewhere um we’re gonna do a little building because I need to get some more building done so we’re just gonna you know what I’m gonna re-log real quick just to save that replay footage so we’re gonna let this run here for a minute

Organized shulker monster it’s fairly organized the Middle shulker Island that we have in there is all foliage things what’s up on the wall in the back corner is all sand in the middle you have your moss and your dirts and then we get into little side room that’s all the woods it’s organized

It’ll turn you into stone and there is one choker of stone in there when will there be a new video uh next Thursday most likely how do you learn how to fly a lighter I keep dying uh statifier if you don’t have feather falling four on your boots that’s why you’re dying

Feather falling for will protect you from just getting smashed by uh going too fast damage so pick that up if you haven’t that’s a big file apparently organize chaos my dude yeah exactly yeah yeah there’s a method to the madness there’s always a method to the madness

Also try Super Meat Boy God I’ve heard of that game in a long time feather falling for what for your boots put feather falling on your boots it protects your head big brain of lighter place also practice practice yeah um if you’re ever going too fast you’re

Going in somewhere and you’re like just do like a little flip do like a full-on just like a you’re going like this you don’t want to hit the thing just zoom in it if you change if you do a full 360 spin it’ll slow you down so much that you won’t take damage

If you’re up here you can’t really do that so you just kind of do like a little flip back and forth okay let’s get ourselves I think I put my mud back in the under Rock under trust no it’s right here let’s get ourselves some pack mud uh I’m

Running low unless I mean we got all these Brown mushroom blocks though we’re gonna use those uh let’s get a lot of you and we’re gonna take and then I would love to get where’s my there’s my sandstone we’re gonna do that and then we’re gonna also take some shrabby shrabs

Let me use those um I actually want to get a little cut Sandstone too I should have some in here somewhere haha I’ve got a loose idea in my brain that I want to try for something here obvious uh Pachyderm thank you so much for becoming a member

Thank you thank you thank you we are gonna try I need some slabs yeah that’ll work foreign trap doors but we can make those in a minute the Sun is setting quickly now pleased to meet you thank you again very much for becoming member I do appreciate it thank you

Thank you thank you okay so road is done but I don’t like this thing I was gonna do a little tiny Farmhouse out here that I thought would be pretty cool to include and I want to do a building here but I don’t want to do a

Farmhouse I kind of want to change it from Farmhouse to camel Stables so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna push the house back a little farther and then it’s gonna have kind of an entrance right in here and the house is going to be pretty small yeah that’s a five

It’s a five and that’s gonna be there’s like a there’s a little 5×5 interior but then we’re also going to give the house just to give it some extra character we’ll do something like this and then it’s gonna go back to here so it’s going to be kind of like a

Little like five five like two overlapping five by five Interiors spaces cool things like that and then we can get a little bit of mud brick action on the corners I kind of want to be just up to here because I don’t want to be as tall as

That building so if we do Bam Bam then we bring in our little stair here this is kind of why I got the stairs so we can do the little doorway overhang and then that’s going to be here with a window that I’m kind of thinking we just do

Accents of bamboo on this guy just for funsies kind of get something like that in here but big butt is I want it I want this to be the camel Stables right so what we’re gonna do is off of this Year we’re gonna bring out like a little front

So that the entrance is actually going to be right in there and then that’s going to come out this way another bit kind of these little like retaining walls that I’ve been doing for backyards we do that and then I’m thinking we could have camel Stables we’ll bring

Over a camel can go in there they only need a two wide stall and then we can have another camel right here just spacer two camels and we’re going to need some doors in there uh but then around the side we can kind of just do camel can fit in that right

I think so I wanted I want to get some bamboo doors let’s go make some real quick yes camel fits great perfect I like the idea of introducing a lot more bamboo in this thing so I might just bring a little bit more over foreign on the ground what now

I guess this doesn’t need to be here because it’ll go against the house so this guy can have a little bit of an extra wheel extra large it’s just posted college degree number three is complete and I’m here to celebrate oh wow three degrees three dang you smart congratulations though

Thank you so much for the Dono and big big big congratulations to you my friend let’s bring some of these back in five gift members too thank you thank you thank you make sure you celebrate a little bit and get something for yourself too just don’t just throw it

All out a streamer all right thank you so very much I really do appreciate it and again big big congratulations five members thank you thank you thank you okay so we’re gonna do this for a little bit more like airflow through no we don’t need too tall

And then up on the top I know it might be a little stand out ish but we just kind of do like a and we can do these across the middle so it gives a little bit more light coming in and then for this middle guy right here

We’re just gonna honestly I think I’m just gonna do like some supports like this double double thicken them and then across the middle they’ll just have that one opening we’ll bring some camels in here shortly we’re gonna have to go breed some but that’ll work for now and then for the

Walkway around just to keep it contained in here I know the camels can get out but at least it kind of keeps them locked in you know kicked me out of stream to a random video what never heard of that happening before random video XD weird weird weird weird weird weird

Okay uh we’re gonna kick in another time lapse here because I can appreciate the Dono Al Nova thank you thank you thank you hopefully you don’t get kicked out again I should probably Mark a window in right here you have such a great wholesome Community thank you for making this such

An enjoyable place to be hey thank you thank you thank you for being a part of it Community is only wholesome because y’all are here making a wholesome thank you thank you thank you I like to say I it I like to say that a lot of times when

You see a streamer’s community it really represents them or at least how like they portray themselves online because if you go into like some like the more interesting communities you could say um and then it’s always like surprise Pikachu face when that streamer does something bad and you’re like

Oh my gosh this person whose Community is absolutely terrible they did something bad no I’m always like guys we kind of saw this one coming just saying all right so I appreciate it I appreciate you all being here along for the ride I just want to be

Chilling and playing some block games so how many more do I need two and I’m not even gonna bother with the one in there yeah that wouldn’t be one anyways it would be behind the shrab how long will you be alive will you be live uh honestly not a whole lot longer

My throat’s a little sore I’ve been doing a lot of recording this week and kind of Dove back in a little too quick after break and just went full back into it instead of like a ramp up period so I’m a little I’m a little tired so we

Probably won’t be going crazy long but I have been enjoying it all right for the roof what are we thinking do we want a little flat roof LOL got a few designs that I kind of go with got something like that where it overhangs and then just slabs up to the top

We do a glazed terracotta one which executive decision we’re going with a flat roof but we’re gonna throw it in as some jungle answer man question we’re gonna go with a jungle flat roof and then we’re gonna bring it back down with some Spruce slabs yeah we’ll do that that’ll be fine and

Then I also how many hanging signs do I have I have a lantern we can throw in the middle do you have any hanging signs all right detail box of hanging signs where are you am I out am I out of hanging signs no No haha we can do one we can do one little fun little hanging sign thingies oh we got a lot of Acacia hanging signs left over I like it let’s bring those gasp oh no out of hanging signs whatever shall we do we’re gonna do this we’re gonna do a

Little that and then we’re gonna come over here and we’re gonna do a little oh boom boom boom boom and I actually want to go get that Acacia one too this I’ve never done a three colored out dropping hanging sign before but we’re gonna do it that would cover the window

Honestly kind of okay with it we’re gonna do a boom boom boom yeah I like that that actually kind of works really well uh it’s brown mushroom block if you’re asking what this is for I think somebody and chat just asked that would be brown mushroom Block it’s a good block would recommend

Okay so we’re gonna do that and then we’re gonna do a little boop boop boop boop And we’re gonna do a little how many more do I need seven of course I need seven you want to help me to mix six I’ll make a door I’m throwing a bamboo door I need two more bamboo doors I have one bamboo door he hates me that’s how the inventory problems start

It’s true so it’s a known fact uh for safe keeping reasons we’re gonna throw that in there do I have more I got rid of all the trap doors I need to go get some more bamboo trip doors well if the inventory was changed to be

Like create menu and just shows up how much of each item you have maybe up to nine thousand I I feel like that’d be a little too much you forgot I forgot a corner I forgot a corner I did forget a corner thank you that’s where the seventh one

Went yeah right that’s why we needed seven I know camels don’t eat hay but we’re just gonna do a little hay bale action maybe it’s for any llamas coming through a little storage I know we already have that so maybe this can actually only be two candles

Make a lid in here for a sec oh yeah bam uh Five years I know it’s really simple but I feel like that works well for the desert Style the flat is a little too flat the flat is a little too flat the Top’s a little too flat um so let’s try instead of this maybe we can work in just like this little

Extra lip I also need to go get a little glow like in and then on top of these we can do buttons yeah that’ll work and then we’ll do a little glow like and up here just in a few spaces to make it spawn proof staircase on the side random question

What’s your fave candy slash treat yeah let’s do a little staircase right up here I would call good call good call favorite candy favorite candy that I def I don’t really eat anymore but was definitely my favorite candy growing up was like a Reese’s cup um that or like a

Yeah Reese’s cup was definitely up there and I think outside of that it was probably I really like Sour Patch Kids peanut butter and chocolate is never wrong for me though pretty much Reese’s I don’t know how you that’s how I’ve always said it don’t at me

We’re gonna save that slab we’re back to six now we use the other one somewhere there we go now we got a little way up that can give us a little bit more dimension and then up on top you write about the uh let’s because I can give us a little bit more

Height variation without giving us too much like solid height Mass which is a where the worries coming from right now because I don’t want it to be super solid up here uh let’s go make some Oak trap doors we’re gonna trade between campfires and Oak trap doors on the top

I kind of like doing these not perfectly Square so they’re a bit more rectangular I think it works well that’ll work up here and then we can do some candles to light it and then we don’t need the what should I call it the glow looking I put the flint and steel back

Foreign I haven’t used glowberries out here yet we can hook these you can have like a little little green trellis area why am I not using glowberries out here what am I even doing I love that that’s gonna those are gonna stay forever let’s go Shear them

You make your campfires or trade them trade them crafting campfires is a tedious project it’s much much easier just to trade for them for real I just started my first it job and I’m watching on my lunch break wfh is of IB thanks for helping me through

My first week smile hey uh congrats on the new job good luck with it all hope the learning process is fun and all that and uh thank you very much for the support I appreciate it work from home is a Vibe it’s great I don’t think Sid’s ever going to go

Back to an office job unless she absolutely has to and I get it I’m on that word for my home life it’s great I love it the fact that like the idea of having to commute into an office every day to me I’m just like no that sounds stupid why

Would anybody want to commute to an office we could do a little Acacia a little red I resumed right I did perfect um that’ll work then we can have another there great what I meant to do here at the front instead of those is Bam

And Bam so it’s got a little bit more of an entrance and now we got to fix up the floor but outside of that this area is pretty much done I do want to go through and add a little bit more Global reaction on there but I might do it after

Work from home is what I can watch streams yeah I ate the amount of companies I’ve watched just like shoot themselves in the foot after like yeah so everybody’s back in the office now and then employees are just like nope okay I understand why companies are like

No we need people back in the office because how else if they’re trying to go public can they I had so many trap doors in here can they justify the expense of an office space unless their employees are in the office so they’re locked into a lease and they’re

They’re going to make their employees use it sad hmm what about the camels we’re gonna get those we do not have the camels here yet we’re probably gonna have to breed a camel because I think I only have two so we’re gonna have to breed them and then

Get a new one then wait for the breeding so I probably should have done that now but it’s it’s okay I want this to be relatively open in here too like we don’t need to fill it with too much junk that went uh do we want to transition to dirt

Is dirt good or bad they’re good they’re good I think dirt good oh we need a little like water trough that’s what we can do let’s go get some Spruce trap doors you leave new life has to be or something it just it wasn’t something that I was very interested in recording anymore

Um and I only want to make content that like I’m interested in because I think it really shows in the videos I produce um if I’m not in it how can I expect you all to be watching it and just with all the serversy shoes and everything like

That that we’re dealing with on new life it just really killed the motivation for me to be on there so yeah as of right now I’m done with new life dirt okay dirt good so we can do a little water do you have any softwares for building

Structures I’m trying to find anything I can’t I mean it’s software for building structure I don’t know what you mean by that like making a Minecraft build for you no I do not know of any okay that is that is build um need a flower pot

I can’t believe I don’t have any flower pots in here foreign oh if you’re talking about the one that I used for like transferring build ideas over light matica yeah that doesn’t build things for you that’s I think a thing that many people misunderstand about light Magica

Lightmatica is only there for you build it yourself and then you or you get it from somewhere then you turn it into light medical schematic and then you bring it into the world but light Monica does not build for you I think a lot of people misunderstand

About it they and or the thing that I’ve seen from YouTube comments is that they’re like oh my God you’re using like matica you’re cheating you didn’t make that yourself and like you realize this whole channel is based around Minecraft building right and like all I do in Minecraft is build things

And also we just did all that so but people are like you must have got it from somewhere I made it myself I did I got it from my creative test role he matters one week until my wedding whoo that’s exciting have fun I have so much fun

Just the only advice I can give I know you didn’t ask for it but it’s just enjoy the day like the day is about you and your partner and that’s all that matters like just yeah there’s gonna be so many people pulling you into different directions just

Don’t don’t be bothered don’t let your parents it’s not your parents day it’s not anybody else’s it’s like it’s for you and your partner and just do that do it and do it with them be there with them don’t let the nosy on who’s like oh my

God I’m so happy it’s your wedding who’s trying to make it about them of you spending time with them don’t don’t allow that to happen okay uh what we’re gonna do oh camels camels where do we have the cactus building is made look at that look at

That we got a building outside the town now oh I’m so happy the little village is turning out really well uh camels are in here that’s lovely advice yeah Sid and I had a rule on the wedding day is that we couldn’t be separated and it was a really good call

Is that if we if we were no don’t sit down make a baby oh there’s the oh yeah well you know if you ever want to know where Campbell comes from yeah it was it was really good one because we I just made sure that we were

Like keeping the day like we weren’t getting caught in conversations with anybody else or anything like that we were very much keeping the day between the two of us it was it was worth it I mean we’re still talking to everybody and like being there for the party and

The event of it all but the whole purpose was to be there with each other for me I figured out what would have been the worst thing about a wedding that could happen and that came to peace with it everything else was so small in comparison

Or where’s the little guy come on little guy oh oh he’s bouncing oh how do you how do you urine look at that oh my gosh what is that ABS it’s got just AB strength come on though push him through here oh he’s getting up

I love the baby baby cam will come here and then come here come on little guy come on no come on I know your parents are so big okay fine we’re gonna go over the top yes yes now we’re getting somewhere now we’re cooking with Campbell’s weight

No sorry we’re not not cooking camels okay I think we gotta go over this way all right that’s right get out of here yes we’re gonna take you out of the death trap that that is the camel sanctuary it’s fine just don’t touch any cactuses because apparently it’s your food but it

Will also kill you here we go it’s painful to watch Dude camels I understand why not many people use them in Minecraft now I’ll say that I’ll for a hundred percent now we’re thinking with pistons exactly gotta make sure the camel keeps on moving they are stubborn and lazy it looks like

Yeah something in their AI tells them to lay down so much and then unless you have a saddle on the camel speaking of which I think I have a saddle in here yes but so baby camels you have no way to tell them to stand up because the only

Way to force a camel to stand up is to give it a saddle sit on top of it and then say and then you hit the W key and the camera will stand up but or whatever you move forward key is whatever your console you’re playing on

But the ear Wiggles true the ear Wiggles right look at the ears do it do it it’s all you’re good for live footage of flip kidnapping a camel here on YouTube live a little alive yeah it’d be nice if they made a mode of transportation it was actually worth

Using besides elytra yeah everything else is just bad like if you as soon as you had a lighter end of the game as soon as you like drop any form of comparison to elytra everything else loses because no matter what how fast camels move or how fast you can move on

Dolphins Grace or whatever it might be you’re restricted by the environment around you elytra just skips over any Terrain and the cost of an electro is not that high but I will say if they make a light dress worse that will be terrible for the game they need to make modes of

Transportation that are better than elytra that are more than just flavor like right now the only reason you use anything other than elytra is if you want to have like a the other experience like that’s it there’s no other reason I need a fence to hook him to

Because I’m worried if I put them in there and he grows up he’ll suffocate on the wall so we’re gonna bring him inside the village for now until you grow up big guy your life is there honestly I might leave him there he’d be so cute piston bolster item Transportation plus

AFK travel yeah that’s true but the amount of effort and energy that it puts into getting something like that is so much higher like your average player does not know how to build a piston bolt I don’t know how to build a piston Bolt so when you start adding that type of

Stuff in sure it’s it’s definitely faster but it also only goes in the One Direction you’re still limited by whatever Direction you’re building the Piston Bolt how do you swap between a lighter and chest piece so fast 1.19.4 added the ability to do that if you’re on the latest versions of

Minecraft you can just swap flying machine flying machines are so slow there’s villagers on top of the building hold on a minute here they’re using the buildings I made for them They’re hanging out out here there’s another one where’d he go yeah look at it they’re using it don’t fall off don’t kill yourself I’ll put the sword away I’ll put the characters away I’ll put this out of the way that’s also equally weird oh that makes me so happy the villagers

Are using the village except I do have to kidnap some of them to get them over there might be something okay well I basically just have to wait for a camel to breed and I’m hungry so um I think we’re gonna be calling the stream there we did a lot of work today

So that was really good stuff Village is coming together I’ll make random noise of Happiness if I want to thank you really wish it it was really cool if you use the fresh animation mod that’s him nodding that yes we’re using the Russian animation mod mirror

Alrighty I got a ton more work I need to do today and cleaners are actually going to get here soon so I gotta I gotta go uh we’ve had all the construction stuff happening and they’re finally wrapped up enough that uh it’s uh time to actually get the house re-cleaned and we’re like

We don’t want to do it ourselves it’s disgusting so thank you all so much for being here I’m gonna go get some lunch y’all have absolutely wonderful Friday wonderful weekend uh we’ll be live again next week new video dropping on Thursday with this whole village building everything coming

Together in there thank you so much for being here everybody who’s just jumping in now apologies that we’re ending uh you can always watch the replay it’s gonna be ready right right now so thank you again so much for being here I really do appreciate it but I’m out of

Here for now so peace out and catch you on the flip side bye

This video, titled ‘Building ROADS in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-09-15 20:52:29. It has garnered 28635 views and 1805 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:18 or 8358 seconds.

fWhip is BUILDING Roads in Minecraft 1.20 – HARDCORE Minecraft Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks!

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Letsplay

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Ronaldo vs Kerr in FIFA 24 Showdown

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  • Survival Tower: Minecraft Base Build Bonanza!

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  • Briokart’s Villager News Special

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  • Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live!

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  • Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins!

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  • Veggie Tech: Minecraft’s Auto Farm Score

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  • Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10

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  • Quest for Rarest Item on Minecraft SMP

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  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

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  • Exploring Mystical Void SMP – Mind-Blowing Cinematic!

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  • Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of Perseverance

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  • INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!

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  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

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  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

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  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

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  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

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  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

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  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

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  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

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fWhip – Building ROADS in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play