Video Information

Thank you hello everybody how are we doing today oh it’s good to see y’all out here welcome welcome welcome come on in come on in happy Wednesday happy stream day good to see you welcome welcome welcome welcome I was over here being like all right I’m ready to start

Streaming yeah let’s go queued up the intro song Scott uh that stuff going and then I was like oh I haven’t done anything my camera wasn’t on my lights weren’t on I left my water downstairs and oh they sprinted down the stairs to go get it hello hello hello hello welcome on in

Everybody how are we doing today good to see you out here welcome welcome welcome welcome Emmy Sophia thanks so much the 11 months at tier two how are you one month until what did that not pop up until a new tree hey I really appreciate that I’m

Doing well today I’m doing well today a little low on energy today so we’ll see how long the stream lasts but it’s good no pull today I know I kind of come think of a good one uh so it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine turning on the mic would be helpful

You can definitely hear me all right if the mic is coming through I can see the little bar lighting up so unless it all reset on me it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine sabo’s the one trolling today Zappos the one trolling out here oh my gosh oh my gosh

How’s renovation going uh the deck is done and the bath which is fantastic uh and then of course now it’s raining outside so even better and then uh the bathroom is almost done we had to get with we we’re getting a custom shower door made for it just because it would fit the

It would fit the space a little bit better and that got ordered and that’s the last thing that needs to get installed and that’s supposed to be here on like the 29th 28th 29th or something like that and then we’re all done but nobody’s in our house until the shower

Door gets here so it’s finally quiet it’s amazing it’s perfect and then there’s really loud leaf blowers going on outside right now so currently everything is locked up so it’s not too loud in this room right renovation tour Vlog thingy uh probably not I’ll post a few photos but

That’ll be about it I just I don’t like sharing too much of the personal life I like to kind of tailor what is seen and I feel like that’s a lot easier to do in pictures than anything else just because I don’t want people trying to go enhance

Zoom in on everything blah blah blah blah blah and then try and be weird and figure out where I live because uh people be weird like that sometimes so you know it’s the way it’s the way it goes scribbly dibly thank you so much for the

Four months at tier two reminder to like the stream and show Flip some love hey I really appreciate it if you have not already my friends be sure to leave a like on the stream we got 500 people in here and only 250 likes so it’s a it’s I

Do appreciate it it’s a bit of a security issue on the internet it is it really is and it’s one of those things that um no matter how careful I am with it and no matter what I do like it’ll probably happen eventually of just kind

Of being a person existing in the world and as the audience grows that’s kind of a part of it but as long as the delay that is far out I was like and that that’s great that’s perfect SS love thank you so much for the seven months

Thanks for being here on the Good Vibes hey I appreciate it thank you for sticking around for this long oh my gosh and we know how 4chan did that was just a flag so yeah I totally understand yeah yeah I I don’t know there’s it’s it’s a weird

The internet’s a weird place I’m very happy to say that uh most of the community here is a very genuine and honest and really nice place to be which is fantastic we do get the occasional Internet troll in here and all that stuff but overall we’re pretty good it’s it’s a good group

Of people here and I I’m I’m happy I’m very happy to say that I feel like it we’ve kind of been able to tailor a community to be very healthy and which is kind of crazy seeing like how it also kind of goes on like the consistency of the

Growth of instead of just going for like you see a lot of the channels that go from Tiny to massive and Their audience just kind of gets away from them and what they’re doing and everything like that um so it’s it’s nice to see like the consistent growth that we’ve had of like

It’s kind of a healthy growth and like making sure the community is built along the way instead of seeing just this massive growth and then trying to like manage and reel everything back in we’ve had some big crazy growth periods like that but we all I feel like the plateaus

That we get are really nice for uh coming in and actually being like hey no this is how we run things in here and uh no we don’t want these are the rules you follow the rules or like you can leave how’s your week been uh I’ve been

Struggling to get back into the workflow but other than that it’s been pretty good I was able to finish up the new hardcore videos gonna be dropping tomorrow which I’m very excited about I think y’all are gonna really enjoy it uh I’m very happy with the end result of it so that’s awesome

And then I really couldn’t think of the next video idea until I finally she’s like you know what we’ve hit day 5000 and that’s amazing and I think 5000 is the perfect point to go back and revisit an old project um so yesterday I spent six hours Gathering azalea leaves

And you can assume the rest from there so uh yeah we’re that that’s kind of where the next Project’s gonna go I don’t know how long it’s gonna take um but that’s that’s the next project um so yeah I want yesterday I watched the entire last season of disenchantment I

Love that show The Animated Show on Netflix I it is the stupidest thing and it is some it’s such crude humor but it’s not family friendly at all for any people out there who have their or kids are watching or whatever not family friendly at all but I love the show it’s

So good I’m so sad it’s the final season but it it’s good it was a good one if you’re if you also enjoy the show it’s a medieval Futurama yeah exactly that’s exactly what it is and I love it so I watch that and then I was like all right I need a

Movie now instead of a TV show and then I watched 65. it’s an Adam Driver movie not my favorite not my favorite but it kept me entertained while I needed another two hours to uh finish gathering up and all the leaves and everything like that so I finished with like 10

Minutes left on the movie and I was like I died that’s that’s it I’m done so it’s uh it’s been good that was that was my day yesterday of just six hours of chopping trees down and Gathering all the leaves will you continue your old city yeah

We’re doubling it back to that I’m feeling here we can jump back we can jump in a game and walk around a little bit here is Minecraft Minecraft monster Minecraft um I’m feeling a little burned uh 65 was confusing yeah it just like I felt like the story just kept throwing these

Curves in as soon as I started to understand it I was like I don’t get it again I just I don’t understand it it’s by The Simpsons Creator yeah yeah I I can I can yeah that makes sense but anyways I’ve been loving the desert region for the builds and everything in

It but I’m starting to get a little bored I’m now realizing why when I was doing building with flips so many of the times I was in Papyrus and doing that after like the initial getting the survival side set up I would leave and then I would come back and then I would

Leave again and come back and add some more and I think that’s kind of where I’m at with this project I’m ready to leave for a little bit we’re currently on day 5027 uh so the the grind has been going the grind has been grinding and uh yeah so

This is just a lot there’s a lot that we’ve been able to do out here and accomplish and you can kind of see from the aerial view up here with like everything coming in I’m gonna try and avoid showing the village too much because it’s the video

Tomorrow but yeah so today I want to focus on kind of getting the green spaces along the river over here detailed out and kind of getting a lot more of that etched in and then I think streams will probably continue decorating out the rivers and all that

Stuff along here and then outside of that I think videos are going to transition to somewhere else for a little while just to do something a little new um mostly because I just I need something new I’m not starting I’m starting to feel like I’m repeating

Ideas in this place and I don’t want to be doing that so I’m gonna I’m gonna take that as a note of I need to take a break for a little bit those are all supposed to be in here why did I put those in there I don’t know

We don’t really need anything out of that one so that’s good and we already kind of have the base layers done so we’ll just grab two stacks of string I don’t need to bring the whole box and that should be enough what am I looking for nothing I think we have it all

Taking a break from the break yeah exactly yeah well I think that’s taking your break from the break and going back to the main projects is actually I’m ready to get back into it like I’m ready to get back into the original old world section and get some building going on

Over there which I’m excited for I think that’s gonna be a I think it’s a it’s a good point also sorry my view my uh alert like tab list is being very funky today and not showing everything uh so I’m trying to catch them as they go by and chat I

Don’t know what’s going on YouTube is being YouTube the viewer activity page on my YouTube where it shows all the members and everything is just blank uh and I’m scared if I refresh it it’s not gonna let me get back in because YouTube is youtubing uh Eric thanks so much for

The four months I really do appreciate it can’t stay for the whole stream but have a good one love the project so far keep doing awesome hey I really appreciate that shenko thank you so much for the 19 months Hope’s all well can’t sleep by 2 A.M so

Here I am this is fine hey I appreciate it thank you so much for being here and hope you can fall asleep here soon uh me Nina thank you so much for the four months as a supporter really get to watch streams but love the videos hey thank you so very much I

Really do appreciate it okay so there is our azalea leaves uh here we have the sugarcane that so we can just put the string in there because that’ll go with the sugar cane sorry that’s Acacia leaves not Azalea here we have our Birch leaves here we have our azalea leaves

Here we have the grass bits uh and then this is our tree and these are our flowers perfect uh and then we can just kind of set this stuff back up here we’re probably not gonna build too many trees today uh we might get to that

At the end maybe let’s just go make some more jungle planks I need a lot more oak leaves to keep building trees so we’ll see Slimmer is over Autumn has arrived and flip is going back home from his vacation exactly I uh gotta get back to my cozy medieval

Uh what did I want jungle fences I gathered so much jungle wood and I was like oh I’m never gonna get through this and now I’m kind of like I’m almost out of jungle wood what happened this whole shulker box was full of jungle logs when the first time I

Chopped down the little Forest I made over there so I we got we gotta do that again here soon how are you and how are you so good at building do you have any tips for me please uh building is just about practicing and trying new things a big

Part of building is that you gotta you have to fail a lot before you get it right the only way to really grow a skill is to try new things and get it wrong and say I don’t like how that looks what if I do it this way and that

Is like the number one way to improve and be better and think of Minecraft building as an art style you really have to take the time to learn you can’t just be like okay I’m gonna wake up today and build the best castle ever in Minecraft now Whoever has the title for building

The best whereas probably nobody actually has a title for building the best Castle because it’s all up to what you like or what the person looking at your stuff enjoys and yeah and I can guarantee all of the top builders in Minecraft are gonna say the same thing of I’ve been building for

Years and years and years and you need I’ve been putting in the hours and that’s how I’ve learned think of every new build you do and every new little thing you try is like building a tool kit and when you start building and getting into something new

You have that toolkit ready in your brain and you can call on those different ways of building a circle all those different ways of building a tower or roof designs you kind of have those in your brain ready to go and when you can pull those out and that adding them

Together is how you can make unique builds and still at that point you have to keep trying new things and keep trying stuff and Minecraft is very much a game where you want to reinvent the wheel the the only way you’re going to make something like truly unique and cool and super awesome

Is you kind of sometimes have to just redefine what you think something good looks like in Minecraft well there’s a lot of things that when I’m trying it out I absolutely hate it and then I’m then I come back to it a few months later I’m like Wait no that’s

Kind of cool I was just a little ahead of the time on that and I think if I change it up this way I can make it work Brooklyn thanks so much for the three months the community is the best thanks to the happy place hey thank you so much

For being here I really appreciate it thank you for helping make it a happy place my friends we got almost 800 people in here and we don’t we just hit 400 likes be sure to leave a like if you haven’t already helps me out a bunch

Have you got any advice for a new channel if you’re a new channel and you’re just getting into recording videos record what you love that’s it that’s it if you are starting a new channel and you’re focusing on gaining subscribers and being the next massive Minecraft Channel

Out there in the world you’re you’ve already failed if you’re just starting out with streaming YouTube blah blah whatever it might be you need to be doing it because you want to do it not because you want to make money off of it so I saw somebody uh there’s a thread on

Twitter this morning of this person who is it one of those annoying Twitter people that always shows up on your social media where they’re like here’s 10 tips on how to do this the best way possible and blah blah blah and I’ve helped people make so much money and

This is why you should listen to me and all they do is post on Twitter all the time you know one of those type of influencers but they had this thing that they’re talking about this morning that was like dang it you had something useful to read but

What they’re talking about is they’re a kind of they help YouTube channels grow is their whole thing uh and they’re talking about how they had some 18 year old kid reach out to them and the kid was like Hey I really want to be a YouTuber but I hate the process of

Recording videos what should I do so the person just went on to a whole thread of if you hate the process of making content why do you even want to be a YouTuber the entire thing about being a YouTuber is you’re recording videos if you don’t want to record a

Video why the heck are you doing it you need to either figure out how you’re gonna enjoy the process of recording a video or you need to do you need to understand that this is not for you not everybody needs a YouTube channel not everybody needs to be a YouTuber and I

Was like yep that’s that’s something that really needs to be said really often there’s a you so the the thing that I advice I will give anybody who’s trying to get onto YouTube and really kind of get started is you need to actually fall in love with the process

Of making videos not just because it’s like a means to the end of like getting money or getting views or whatever it is like that if you don’t actually enjoy making a video you’re only going to get so far and that’s that’s the truth of it look

At any large YouTube channel right now out there all of them every single one does it because they started with a love for making content and producing and everything like that that content like the love for making content can start with just a love for gaming and then

Wanting to find a way to play games more that’s what it was for me is I was like okay I I really enjoy playing video games and I want to be in the gaming industry somehow and I guess like and I love the process of like be having a

Creative outlet and creating things and then that slowly led me into okay well actually let’s try a thing about being a YouTuber you make a username for me for Minecraft steal Neto there you go Brooklyn thank you so much for the donor I do appreciate it

Sister does a Blog but she does it for herself not to become a YouTuber yeah I mean I started uploading videos because I was bored and I needed something to do at school that was the the whole reason I started YouTube was because I was born during

Summer school and I needed something to fill my time with that felt more productive than actually we’re gonna come to these last then uh spending my entire day playing World of Warcraft so I started a YouTube channel yeah and that’s that’s the whole reason that’s the whole way I got started

Which I always find so funny everybody’s like how’d you get started where’d you go I’m just like I was a bored college kid sitting in my dorm room and none of my friends were on campus if I had one buddy who I was living with and he was working a full-time job

Uh that had like a 40-minute commute in the morning and night and so like he’d leave in the morning at like 6 37 and he wouldn’t get home till like six or seven at night and I had one class each day because I was only taking one class per

Summer quarter that took me two hours and the first quarter didn’t have any homework so I had two hours two hours of things during the day and I needed to find a way to fill the rest of my time and that is how I started so there’s your uh get rich quick scheme

Of uh get bored and then start uploading videos and then realize that you actually enjoy the process of uploading videos bam Money YouTube money you should transfer everywhere the Mushroom Island and make custom mushrooms and maybe a mystical magic Village I would love to see that I’d love to do that one day

Mushroom islands to me I feel like are fun but I always want to get the point of like bringing the grass everywhere in them because it’s just so Lush and cool and then I’m go through the process of like do I want to change out all that

Mycelium yes I understand I removed 60 000 red sand over there but it’s different I swear um and then I I was just like I don’t know if I can find a mushroom Island that’s close to me in this world I’ll I bet I will consider doing it I did the

Mushroom Island in season two so I think when I was picking the seed for this one I was very much trying to avoid having a mushroom Island close by but it’s definitely on it’s definitely on the project list thank you Brooklyn for another donut I really do appreciate

That it’s very kind of you we’re gonna go through and just throw our string and uh I’m just gonna let a few of these grow all the way out uh and we’re just gonna kind of go through and just add in all of the sugar cane along the edges

We’ll do a little Gap there why not okay thank you so much for becoming a supporter I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you uh is your hardcore World played on a server or your hard drive it’s a local World single player you can see because it’s right there so

It’s open to land that button does not exist if you’re on a server actually that’ll look good being three tall slightly above the wall that could be a one and then you can be another three you can be a little two you could be a little one yeah

How did you choose your seed I want the type of seed used for the medieval town but I can’t find one like that uh I wanted something that had multiple mountain ranges nearby and then had a because I want to do caves and cliffs so I wanted multiple mountain ranges nearby

No snow within a few thousand blocks and then I also wanted a ocean nearby and then I just cycled I literally just kept cycling and when I’d find a seed that looked promising I would go in a game and fly around in it and uh like a little like spectator mode camera and

Then uh if I enjoyed it I’d recreate the world as hardcore but the process of finding a seed is not quick I I will say that a hundred percent everybody’s like how do you find such good seeds uh well you sit on a seed generating website for an entire

Day and you might find one good seed when we found the empires season two seed we got really lucky with that but the process of finding the Empire season one seed when we did that that took I think there were six of us sitting on a call on Discord on chunk base just

Cycling seeds until we could find something and I think it took us almost three hours to get it one that had all of the criteria that we wanted in it and then it was uh and then it was actually being like okay is this one we actually want like it

Meets the criteria but in game does it actually look good for everybody and we finally just went like yep we’re just we’re just gonna send it this is this is close enough to what we would consider a perfect seed uh and we’re so we’re just gonna do it

For hours I can’t do it I try it and they’re all bad um I don’t the thing is for Minecraft seeds but you also need to realize is that like you don’t have to base at zero zero like a part of a Minecraft seed like searching it and seeing if you enjoy it

Or not can very much be a do I like anything within 2 000 blocks like is the setup I’m looking for within for the ideal seed that I want is that within two thousand blocks like and then move where your base is whatever your new zero zero of where you’re going to build

At is that anywhere within like a 2000 block radius around you because that could be the perfect place and you’re just like a lot of people are like uh it’s not spawn I have to recycle so we would always the way we kind of do it is

We zoom out a good amount so you can see like up to 5K blocks around you and then you cycle from there because then your chance of getting a better seed much much higher when you actually start thinking about like oh wait you’re right it’s a Minecraft world I can bear build

Wherever the heck I want and you can kind of just take that around wherever and then eventually like every single Minecraft seed especially with caves and cliffs now and all that I’m very much a big believer that there’s really no bad Minecraft seeds you just have to find

The right place for it and sometimes finding the right place just takes a little bit of time spent looking at it what are your thoughts on 1.20.1 there is no 1.20.1 announcement yet so there’s no thoughts to be had I’m excited to hear what’s going to happen hopefully we got something cool

At Minecraft live this year but I would love to see an end update I would love to see an inventory update or I’d love to see some form of a farming update that’s kind of the list that I’m looking at so far just more crops in the game for me is always

A really cool thing because I love just building farmland and the more types of foliage and crops that get added to the game the more that I can kind of tailor different regions to make them feel even more unique from each other so that I really love the idea of um

Which is so that’s fun for me and then um outside of that I don’t know I think the end is the most boring part of Minecraft it’s a chore it’s not a fun aspect of the game and there’s also like with such a large community of people that have never

Fought the Ender Dragon just out of like yeah I don’t either don’t want to fight the dragon because they think it’s difficult um or they’re like yeah there’s nothing worth it out there for me to go to there’s an entire dimension of the game that a vast majority of the player base

Is just like yeah I just can’t be bothered we need a boat update we just got a bamboo raft what what more could you want it’s a boat right there yeah so I I’m I’m kind of on board with whatever brings I think that I if they add I will if

They add a new dimension through whatever Warden portal thingy if that does happen before an end update happens I will be so sad I will be so bummed out um so hopefully that doesn’t happen I don’t know I don’t think Minecraft needs another dimension if I have to go

Through and find even more portals and do different things to get around other places I think a new dimension is actually a really bad idea for Minecraft uh so I think the three dimensions they have are enough I play on Peaceful but even playing on

Hard the dragon fight is a bit dull all spectacle and no substance feels weird the end game Boss is the easiest boss yeah an Elder Guardian is another Guardian probably has higher chance of death than the Ender Dragon like once you know how to do the ender

Dragon fight the only scary part is the fact that the Ender Dragon can kick you up into the air and just send you flying but if you come prepare there’s so many more ways to do that where’s the Elder Guardian hurts a lot actively is damaging you uh

And has thorns and if you don’t have water breathing you can drown I don’t consider a warden a boss though so I don’t think the warden counts as a boss to me at least a boss is something that has to give loot in return for it the warden is

Something that like you just need to avoid to be able to loot the place but like you don’t have to interact with the warden so I don’t really consider that mob a boss if that makes sense I don’t know I know I’m asking for it a lot today but

YouTube’s been a little quiet recently so all the support that you guys you all can give I really do appreciate it so please be sure to leave a like on the stream thank you thank you thank you we’re just in the back to school times and uh you’ll probably hear a lot of

YouTubers and so many so many twitch streamers right now are doing subathons and things like that it’s just because it’s a little bit of a quieter time as a content creator so we very much do appreciate all the support and liking the stream is completely free so thank you everybody who’s doing it

Yeah the warden was not intended to be killed exactly that’s why I haven’t bothered killing it yet I’d like a fourth dimension after an end and inventory update I think the a fourth dimension though means just like there’s another place that you have to go travel to to go and get blocks and

Blah blah blah and I don’t know the I’m waiting for so many people to be so mad when their fourth dimension gets added because so many people already are upset about the Villager changes because you have to leave your base in order the new villager like changes that they’re proposing to like normalize

The trades and not make it so op people are mad because you can’t just live in your one little base you have to go out into the world and build in your Minecraft world can you imagine how upset people are gonna be when they find out that for this new dimension that there’s

Something unique inside of it that they have to go to and actually do in there I don’t know and then there’s probably a portal that’s going to be added in that’s gonna be so far away my face when I see you’ve posted a new video also would love to

See more new life SMP hey am Aquatics I really appreciate the Dono thank you so much for that that’s very kind of you and very generous thank you thank you thank you uh I new life I will say I’ve said it before for me I think is done

Um it’s just a series that I was not in I it was one that I kind of knew that I was a little burned out on multiplayer things like before the series even started and I wanted like a two or three week break just to enjoy some single player content

For a while and do that and not really think about being on an SMP and what that all means and everything and then some people kind of push to have the series go live right away and I just and then we had all the server issues on top of that and

Everything and it really just burned me out on the series and I very much just try and stay true too I’m only gonna record content that I’m actively interested in recording because otherwise how can I expect other people to be interested in watching the videos so

I just don’t want to put a fake face on when I’m recording videos to try and make something a little bit better or a little bit whatever and I don’t know I feel like it it shows a lot I’m not I’m not good at hiding I’m not good at hiding or faking

Emotions or anything like that uh to a fault so I yeah new life for me I just it hit a point where I was like this isn’t fun this is It’s feeling more like a chore than it is something that I want to be creating on and like making content so unfortunately

I think that one’s a little bit I don’t think it’s gonna happen anymore I thought about doing some streams for it and then I did try and do one or two streams after I was pretty burned and then um viewership was really really bad for the streams compared to hardcore streams

And I’m a little scared now with how much YouTube is dropped in viewership numbers since uh people are back in school and work lives are back to normal post summer that I’m like I don’t know I’m already kind of at the point where I’m seeing YouTube live streaming negatively impact videos and

Really sucks YouTube has built such a bad system for live streaming it’s insane so I don’t know I know Jimmy’s been doing some streams over on Twitch and I’ll be honest I’m kind of playing around with the idea of doing some off streams on Twitch every once in a while

Or even potentially moving like Friday streams to Twitch I don’t know I’m just throwing ideas out there nothing’s nothing’s done yet it wouldn’t be a permanent move back it’d probably just be a move in quieter seasons over there but it sucks when you want to live stream and like share something in the

Community and work on a project as you’re going and then it actively is harming your Channel I I don’t get how YouTube thought building a system like that was a good idea what about YouTube streaming makes it worse so YouTube streaming when you go live on YouTube and you have other

Videos that are out there in the algorithm YouTube I confirmed with my partner manager on a call with them that they actively pull back the the SEO rankings on your other videos in order to push your live stream more but then if your live stream doesn’t get many

Clicks within the first while or the interactions aren’t huge and I don’t want to be one of the people who’s constantly just like leave a like on the stream make sure to leave a like blah blah blah and it just it just feels so disingenuous I want you all to be able

To chill in here and sit down and just like have a cozy time and stream like that that’s the purpose of stream is just being able to hang out I don’t want it to feel like it’s something that I have to be monetizing and doing all that

Like obviously there is a benefit of it for me but it’s more of like just cozy Vibes and hanging out with the community is the purpose I do it and then yeah so they take back your video rankings and they move them back and what I’ve noticed so far is that

When the videos get pulled back a little bit even when you end your stream it doesn’t push them back to the same way that they’re going it actively like it brings them back like say 20 it gets pulled back so your stream can make that up and then when it’s done

YouTube’s like oh not so many people are clicking on this video anymore but your stream’s done so it’ll push it back up about 10 so it actively like it tanks the views on your video like I I I’ve been watching it over the last few weeks and like views across the channel when

At first when I start a stream versus when I end a stream which you think I’d be ending a stream in more popular hour of the day for people to be watching videos and things like that as especially with a larger us audience that it would be going up but it just

Keeps going down so I don’t know YouTube so YouTube’s a weird one it’s a weird one I’m starting to understand why it’s like I always I’ve always kind of when I did Twitch streaming um I started with the idea that I didn’t want all my like eggs in one basket like

I wanted them to be working independently and everything I don’t really regret moving to YouTube quite yet because the community here I feel like I’ve got to interact with so many more people that just were not on Twitch but also at the same time like it’s it’s a weird one it’s an interesting

Spot to be in that I wasn’t expecting to be in when moving to YouTube streaming because I don’t know it seems like the YouTube live stream Dev team has abandoned long-form live streams and they’ve moved to Vertical live streams as their like main thing to look in which is also kind

Of sad uh they’re they seem to be really focused on making vertical live streaming to like compete with Tick Tock live streaming instead of pursuing and trying to win out on long form live streaming they really just seem to be oh Tick Tock did this it was successful with them we’re

Gonna try and copy that and make our own version and it’s it’s a bummer to see I know Jimmy released a video after streaming for a while did that strategy not work Jimmy’s done that a lot he he used to always kind of end his streams

And release a video and kind of push his stream audience over to that but yeah I mean if it’s a new video going out it’s fine but also you have asked people to sit and watch a stream for two hours and then you’re like hey watch this extra 20

Minute video and a lot of people are like yeah I’ll get to it later and then they either forget or don’t or do come back later but then it’s later after the video went live so you kind of lose a lot of the initial push

When it starts to go out and really like the first few hours of a video are pretty important to how it’s going to do over the first few weeks it can after a while really come back on uh search streams and things like that later but you never know if it if it’ll

Pick up a random Trend or not and keep going so I don’t know there’s a lot of science that goes into being a Creator and it’s one right now where I feel like I’m in a learning phase again which is good it’s good to be learning but also feels like

It was one that’s kind of forced on me instead of like a I found a new Avenue that I can use to grow it’s a oh wow like I have to find a new way to do things because otherwise it might work out it might not end well

I I know sausage he uh he moved to full-time streaming on Twitch he’s no longer streaming on YouTube because he was actively losing subscribers while he was streaming like he was starting a stream and I think the worst he had happened he told me was he lost like a he lost over 100

Subscribers on one stream on YouTube that people actively were coming into the stream and being like yeah no I’m out and unsubscribing which seems a little weird like so I don’t know YouTube’s weird just adding these little brambles in around here just says like some extra

Base that we can build the bushes off of I don’t want these to be super super thick but we need to dip some we’ll come back in after and add in a lot of our grass and things and the Pitcher pods between wow that sucks I know right

And that’s got me like worried of like oh God when’s that gonna happen for me it’s not happening yet I’m still but like the I used to at the start of the summer I was gaining probably five six hundred subscribers in a live stream which I was very excited about and now

I’m currently gaining like 60 to 80 subscribers in the live stream so I don’t know it’s a weird one I’ve almost given up on growing my MC Channel I keep doing the videos because I like to do them so if I grow I grow if not I like

I’m still having fun yeah I mean that’s the way you should do it if you’re trying to get started on YouTube is if you’re focusing on growth you’re never going to be happy you have to be focused on um just enjoying what you make which I try

And really keep coming back to and being like this is why I got into it this is why I got into creating content is because I loved what I do the the only reason why I like care about numbers now is because it’s my job and it’s my source of Revenue so

Also if you all haven’t seen them yet on Spotify Minecraft released a bunch of Lo-Fi tracks and they are so good the this one right now is one of their Minecraft Legends Lo-Fi that they have they basically did a there’s three one hour Lo-Fi like mixes you can get and

Download that are safe to use they are safe to use on um streams and every and videos and everything so if you’re a Creator pretty good stuff to have but anyways they have uh an hour of Minecraft Lo-Fi they have an hour of Minecraft dungeons Lo-Fi they have our Minecraft Legends Lo-Fi and

They’re all so good I I listened to they came out on Monday I think or it was yesterday I can’t remember no Monday Monday uh and I listen to them like all of them on repeat for the entire day appreciate hearing your Insight on this has been wrestling between twitch and

YouTube for streams or pass while yeah I mean I I just give all the information I can obviously there are ways to Market YouTube streams to make them better than twitch but with with the way that uh I mean twitch isn’t doing much better but at least twitch themselves is a live

Streaming platform so if they’re actively not updating the live streaming platform that’s at a fault of their own whereas YouTube is like yeah we have shorts yeah we have long form video content yeah now we have vertical live streaming oh hey now also we have podcasts and uh hey now also we have

YouTube shopping so uh yeah sorry we just have so many features we can’t dedicate time to YouTube live streaming we have so many things that need to be upheld and it’s they just seem to be like taking this entire community that they were like oh my gosh we’re gonna invest so much into

Long-form gaming live streaming or whatever it is and then they were just like just kidding so I don’t know it does feel weird to be like hey I’m I’m thinking about going back to Twitch because we’ve been on YouTube for January it’ll be two years on YouTube

And I know so many people took a long time to like move over here and everything like that and now that the community’s here I’m like it feels kind of weird to just like swap to Twitch I was talking with uh somebody recently and they’re talking about how um

They want to use twitch live streams as a way to stream and work on projects that they’re going to do in long-form YouTube content and then the YouTube content that they’re gonna live stream is all stuff that’s net new content so it’d be like working on like coming back

And working on finishing off things here but on Twitch live streams you don’t want to split you because you don’t want to spoil your videos on YouTube so they do that there so they kind of still do both but I’m also like I don’t want to

Ask people to become a twitch sub and then also be a YouTube member seems like a lot to ask twitch’s tools for the community are great but lack of the discoverability can lack of discoverability can be brutal yeah it’s one that snowballs though twitch’s lack of discoverability

Is also the same thing that helps the larger channels become so successful um like the lack of discoverability and being ranked on like viewers and everything like the number of viewers you have versus the number of like viewers other people have is if you’re winning and you’re at the top of

The category you’re gonna keep getting more viewers and that is a huge way to grow very very quickly for a lot of people if they can get up there and so it’s one of those that if you’re serious about being a streamer you need to almost like pick and choose

The hours of when you want to stream and to compete against people that you think like you can win Twitch streaming is a lot more competitive than YouTube streaming because YouTube has the algorithm behind it but on Twitch if you can go live and be the person with the most views of the

Minecraft category even if it’s some weird hour of the day you’re gonna be getting a lot more new viewers coming in than if you stream it like the busiest of busy hours and like let’s go back to when dream SMP was massive if you were streaming during

Dream SMP stream hours you got no viewers there was no way you were getting anywhere but if you streamed as soon as all of the dream SMP people went offline because not many people were streaming at the end when dream SMP was going um you could actually rack up massive

Viewer growth like I was streaming on Twitch back then and I was lining up a few streams for when twitch or when dream SMP was ending like when they were all starting to log off and wrap up for the day like I would jump on there and

Start streaming and the number of people that were still like oh yeah I still want to be watching Minecraft content but nobody here I was gaining so many followers it was crazy twitch is better for getting tips donations isn’t it uh tips and donations yes you can you can argue that but

YouTube ad rates on live streaming are so much better than twitch that it doesn’t it more than evens out foreign like there I mean there’s I feel like the ads that we play Here on YouTube live streamings happen less frequently than the twitch live streams but the ad

Rate that is made off of them for me actually makes it so that I don’t really need to push members or push anything like that too much because the ad rate helps make up for it so you never see me ask really asking for people to become

Members or anything like that whereas on twitch sometimes I’d be like hey make sure you become a subscriber like if you enjoy it blah blah or all that type of stuff but yeah so YouTube live streaming is definitely like I make more money YouTube live streaming than I did on Twitch but I’m

Kind of at the point where I’m like I don’t really care okay uh we’ll go to there actually that is where this one ends that’s everything that we need to do sweet pleased to meet you Nicholas thanks so much for coming to remember my dude I really appreciate

That thank you thank you thank you running a full-time twitch Channel must be very interesting in both a good and bad way I don’t think I could ever be a full-time twitch streamer full-time Twitch streaming seems to be the most stressful and anxiety-inducing thing ever because if you think about it

If you’re a full-time twitch streamer your Revenue only comes from when you are actively live there’s no vacation time there’s no nothing there’s if you are not online you are actively not making money we’re on YouTube I can take a vacation because I can be like you

Know what I’m gonna work I’m gonna get these videos out there also these other videos that I’ve posted they’re still pushing in the algorithm they’re still passively gaining views and if I’m not live people can still go watch flip content there is actively no way to do that on Twitch

If I if you’re a full-time streamer and you log off that scared me so bad there’s a squid under there but yeah if you log off on Twitch then you’re done streamer of the day the revenue you’re making is done like there is nothing more coming in you become a full-time twitch streamer

You age 20 years in five years no good yeah exactly it’s just so much more stressful I I like the even YouTube is not completely consistent but the volatility of YouTube is so much less YouTube if you can make it on YouTube you can you can

Um be a lot better off like you’ll be a lot more consistently better off than on Twitch on Twitch a lot of small streamers Bank on a lot of on a few small number of people just getting very integrated in the community and wanting to see that person stay alive all the

Time and so they’ll donate a lot of money and they’ll really show support which is absolutely amazing but there’s always the thought in the back of your head of like what if this person who donates so much money is they’re like this is the last donation

Whereas if they use I mean I know a few people that do stream full-time that only average like 50 60 viewers but they have of those 50 60 viewers there’s like four or five of them that give them like five six hundred dollars a month each so

Off of that they’re making three four grand a month and so they’re able to make like a pretty decent living off of that and then everything else kind of trickles in and then from there but like what if those five or six people have something happen

To them and then that also means that this person who is full-time streaming because of these community members is no longer going to be able to do it and so you kind of always have to have that worry in the back of your head so I I very

Much prefer to stay on the long-form YouTube content route just because there’s less dependency on financial support from others I mean there’s always going to be dependency being in this world of entertainment world if you need viewers otherwise there’s no money coming in but I feel like once you have

That set up it’s pretty easy to keep that and kind of keep a community as long as you can stay on top of it small plant thank you so much for the three months at tier two I’m so sad I missed your stream last Friday it was my

Birthday hey happy birthday I’m glad I made it today what are you working on we’re working on expanding the river kind of doing all the base little details in here for now seeing where that all goes streaming is best accompanied by other content via YouTube Tick Tock Etc yeah

Yeah if you can figure out a way to turn your streams into other content that is that’s the only way you can really succeed long term because that’ll also bring in and attract new viewers as I say that though you will never catch me making a tick tock or a YouTube

Short unless I absolutely have to because I despise making that type of content it just is something that does not make sense in my brain I don’t enjoy the process at all and it’s I I like long-form genuine content not trying to do this entire crazy video something or

Another that’s super attention grabbing has people there the entire 60 seconds and then it’s done like I I don’t want to make 60 second content I like long form content and I think that’s what I where my skill set lies and that’s that’s what I’m sticking to

Maybe I start streaming how to do freelance coding work that way I can benefit from my freelance work and the stream income while also moding myself motivating myself to work because it’s on stream exactly there’s a lot of game developers that uh stream them making their games

Which I think is really cool because then they build a community of people who are also trying to make their own games they’re sharing ideas on how to do things and everything and then by doing that you also have people that have been along for the entire ride of you making

The game and so you know you’re guaranteed at least some sales when that thing goes live in 12 years when you finally finish making your perfect video game like the stream everybody yes thank you Alyssa Alyssa said it not me so you have to I like the shorts when I want simple

Mindless content but I also love the long length videos yeah I don’t really watch shorts ever I want to stream the editing no sound no interaction just watch me work yeah honestly streaming how to edit videos and things like that is a pretty good way to do it

The problem is is that I just don’t want sometimes I like to keep some of those things behind the curtain also I don’t do the editing anymore I have a lovely gentleman named Marcos who does my video editing he’s fantastic because it means I can make more videos

And have a social life best part by social life I mean meeting up with my family members maybe once every two weeks and outside of that just hanging out at the house how’d you find Marcos I got the connected with him through a cousin-in-law actually who is a twitch streamer and he

Um we were at a we went out to dinner with them when they were back in the Seattle area one night and he was like dude I’ve been working with this guy he’s been making so much my content for me he’s been absolutely fantastic uh he’s also local Seattle guy you should

Consider reaching out with him chatting with him and then I was like nah I don’t know I like editing my own videos no no no no and then like two months later Catherine was like so I’ve signed with Marcos he’s gonna start editing my videos I was like you

Yesterday and she was like you haven’t reached out to him I was like I’m doing it right now and then Marcos was like oh I’m actually full I don’t have time to bring anybody on um I’ll let you know though if something changes in my schedule and frees up and

I heard back from him like a month later he’s like so I have time in the schedule for to add in somebody else to do some videos for them and I was just like let’s go we’re doing it right now local growth three-range editor sounds great I know yeah yeah exactly

He did move out of the Seattle area though so I he’s yeah funny enough we were chatting after we were we kind of signed and everything we’re getting to know each other and I was like you live less than 30 minutes from where I live at one point I remember right internet

Went out I was like okay the internet’s not back up just give me your address I’m gonna put it on all the video files on a thumb drive and just drive it to you so that you can get it if the internet doesn’t come back on so you can

Like get through editing and so then we can just figure it out from there I was like as like I kind of like this having a fail safe if anything did happen but thankfully we’re okay and I’m I feel like I’m at the point now where if I

Miss a upload slot or whatever I’m like all right I’ll just I’ll make up with it later we’ll get it so is there water under here I feel like there where was that aha there is water back here yes hidden sugar cane and there’s water over any of these one of those grass

Okay we’re on to the next step now when’s when next video tomorrow does that work tomorrow I really like the result of the next video I kind of remixed an old video that I did for like the style and how I wanted to portray it and everything because I was

Like maybe this could be kind of fun this could be so I re-watched the old video before I even started working on the new one and uh I’m curious to see if the results are similar because the old one people absolutely loved it so we’ll see I’m in a hole

And do that and then we’ll do a few little because we don’t have too many oh there’s some right there but that’s fine are you gonna do a 5 000 Days movie yeah yeah I’m gonna release it late though I probably won’t release it until no like late October early November

I’m pretty good yeah I like this a lot of these upper sections we’re just gonna bring in tall grass and dead bushes I’m gonna hold the 5 000 Days movie because I think with the 4 000 Days movie releasing uh we released it right after the 4 000

Day episode aired and so it really didn’t take off too much like if you look at the 4000 Days movie in comparison to the other movies um it did not do nearly as well on views it did well but like it it I mean it’s at like 300 400 000 views where the

Other ones are all well above a million with one being seven million now and the second one being almost 4 million I believe so like I I think I think waiting a little bit longer to almost get like the Nostalgia trip on it of like oh wow I remember

This project this was at the end of the summer oh wow yeah this is kind of and then it gives it brings back a few summer memories because I don’t know about you all but sometimes when I’m re-watching videos or shows or something or like playing games that I used to

Play I’ll remember like things that was go things that were going on in life around those times that like were happening when I like watched it the first time or played it the first time so uh yeah that’s kind of my plan there to do that so it’ll be out soon it’s in

The works Marcos is on it I have an empty shulker box I can take back home yay forgot leaves Oh yeah foreign all of this and probably more and then I’m definitely gonna need a lot of this right now for the uh not so fun part if you thought about some low and dirt or mud houses along the river um I’m thinking I I want to add some

Things like I think like a little house or something right in here could be kind of cute as cause like there’s no point in like the this being here I mean we’ve been doing some of the fields so it makes sense to have like a house next to the field and

Like I definitely want to fill the edge of the desert like along the river everywhere along the river I want there to be things going on so where we’ve put Fields eventually there will be little farmhouses like this guy for sure needs a little house but I want to terraform

This entire Hill and kind of smooth it out a touch um and then we’ll oh we forgot to do this section over here we’ll get to it and then eventually we need to bring the greenery along this entire River along both sides I think could look really good but

That’ll be that’ll be when I need a break from old world again we’ll come back over here and get working okay we gotta fill a lot of this space with it and then down here we can bone meal and just break the flowers because I don’t want the flowers

So if you see any flowers let me know let’s try them no flowers we’ll add all of the grass in see how far around we can make it with the grass and then we’ll come back in and add a few dead bushes like along the edge like this

Shulkers are a lowercase T yeah I mean I have a weird way I stack shulker boxes but it’s the way that I remember like what is what and where the boxes are there is an organization to what how I lay out my shulker monsters because I

Have so many shulker monsters so like I gotta have it somewhere organized it’s not perfectly organized but organized for me could anybody else understand the way it works no I I remember like a a moment it must have been a B-Dubs video or an Etho video a while ago where B-Dubs was like

Building and Etho just like walks over it was on hermitcraft I think and he says like hey uh beat up so uh what’s in this shulker box here without opening it tell me exactly what’s in it and he was like oh uh it’s the item that I need two

Or two stacks or less of whatever is in there and I was like that sounds really similar to how I set up an organized shulkerson materials for and I because it was like it I just it was like a really Vivid one for me because I remember

Like the next thing is Etho opening the box and being like wow there is exactly two stacks of every item in here why do you organize like that I was like yeah no that makes sense that’s that’s pretty accurate this is how we shulker box yes it’s true true indeed

My entire storage system is shulker boxes it’s organized though and mobile yeah I basically live out of my under chest that is my my main story just my under chess and then every storage room I have is bulk storage I will say though we need to do a stream and fix my under

Chest oh my God it’s bad it has gotten so unorganized and I really just need I basically need somebody to sit me down in front of me like fix it fix it right now fix it I’m like I don’t wanna but you’re right I need to I Don’t Wanna it’s so bad though

It’s like half the shulker boxes in there Just Junk that I’m just like I don’t know why I have this I think one of them has like weird miscellaneous pieces of copper in like wood slabs sleepy time sleepy time sleepy time sounds like you need Pearl dude a pearl

Could just log in here I mean look at this like this box I mean that’s glass that’s okay this one here I don’t know I guess bricks these are both decoration boxes I need to fix and like reorganize them this is a Greenery box that’s now leaking into the

Decoration boxes we have Coral in here oh Birchwood even diorite this dirt one that’s always in there this one is completely random why do I have six bamboo and four sticks one podzel one Oak plank one dark oak trap one dark oak fence a one Crimson trapdoor one Spruce sign three mushroom

Stems two obsidian this one’s deep slight this one’s my Emerald box there’s all my backup tools box uh that’s on my Redstone that’s all my fireworks and now comment of the day box oh yeah that’s a thing yeah that’s a thing yeah This was meant to be my toolbox but now

It’s just kind of turned into my Essential supplies box that I need so a beacon extra set of wings um the uh I don’t know why there’s a trident in there I’ve never used it extra totems I also I also have a totem here for a quick grab I also have golden apples

There for a quick grab yeah comment of the day I don’t think I’ve really talked with you all about it it was kind of something I’ve just decided to do for the next episode but the way it’s gonna work and this is why it needs a little bit of

An explanation to it is comment of the day style content I love the idea of I love and practice like what it is of just like a way to have a long-form answer responding to some comments and just again Community interaction I think is a really

Important thing and I I love doing that I love chatting with you all and having discussions as you can tell most of our streams here are random discussions the entire time um but the way it’s gonna work is instead of doing it in the main video itself I’m

Gonna be adding some behind the scenes content because in the main hardcore videos to grab the current YouTube trends of things need to be moving fast and kind of moving Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam sitting down and having like a three formatted answer to a question is not good for the meta

As much as I don’t like to live by the meta I do have to follow some of the rules um I don’t meta Chase as far as video topics ever go really but so the way I’m doing it is a second Channel video on Flip 2 that’s going to be uploading with

Every single hardcore video it’s gonna be coming out 15 minutes after the hardcore video so if you haven’t subscribed to flip 2 t w o there’s like a hundred thousand people on there that are subscribed so be sure to get there uh and basically it’s going to be

Comment of the days answering well some of the background like grind footage is playing and like slow building some of the houses or whatever it is that I’m working on just kind of showing a much slower like version of it like encapsulating the entire build so there’s something

That’s like really interesting that I made in video I’ll try and showcase the process of that as it’s going so yeah if you want to see comment of the day so maybe some of the things that are time lapses I’ll just show the actual building and placing down all of

The blocks and everything um but yeah that’s kind of where I’m going with it so if you want to see that it’s going to be over on Flip 2 and I’m gonna do it in a way that I’m gonna answer to two or three comments at every single

Every single comment of the day video that goes live instead of just doing like one comment a day so I’m gonna pick two or three comments from the main video or the second Channel video just kind of whatever speaks to me that I want to reply to or answer and then

Um talk about each of them for like three or four minutes just while some things are going on so yeah that’s coming first one launches tomorrow I’m pretty excited about it I think y’all are gonna enjoy it I hope so I want to do more second Channel content I feel like it’s

Something that I don’t really do but I also don’t really know how to do it so I thought this could be fun cool we just need trees along this section and then we’re good trees we’re gonna do at the end um just because bringing those guys in

Is kind of a little bit of a pain love the connection going uh uh to put in the middle of the stream as a yeah I mean I haven’t dropped any frames so it’d be your side there’s a poppy next to the bridge where where I’m colorblind I’m red green colorblind

Where is it I don’t see it is it here oh those flowers yeah we haven’t done that side yet back a bit look at this puppy by the pond ah colorblind by the pond I’m assuming you mean this as the pond why can I not see this is it down along the edge

Ah I see it was a little guy we got it we’re good it’s so good wow so good so good and just so good yeah so it’s so good yeah we’re gonna bring in more of those there’s the palm trees along here I really like the palm trees along the

River I know they’re kind of samey uh but I I think it’s I love the vibe that it brings in it’s fine we did it thank you like look at him go he did it he found a flower look I did find the flower you’re right oh that’s not where my shears are

No go repair him someone remind me when we get back that we need to turn on the replay mod again please it’s fine we’re okay we also I think you can barely tell but I downloaded a resource pack that rescales the lytra to be Pixel Perfect because a light

Choice if you look at I’m sorry to ruin it for everybody but the way that the pixel scales on elytra is the pixel is slightly larger than it a normal Minecraft pixel so now the pixels on this elytra are the same size as the pixels on like the slab there

Whereas if you have just the regular um the elytra pixels are slightly larger so I downloaded a resource pack that I found on vanilla tweaks that brings it back to being the correct size and I’m like I didn’t know I needed this and now I can’t play without it

Yeah now you can all welcome to the vein I hear nothing I wish I heard nothing you cannot tell me yeah but now the elytra actually is accurate I’ve had a few people comment on videos be like why is Forbes Electro small like well actually it’s the way it should be

Have you tried mini map mods I used to play with them um I don’t use many Maps anymore because I find if I do viewers are like this isn’t vanilla so I prefer just if I’m gonna do something for the sake of having a map Minecraft maps and games

Sure they’re not mobile but they do a good job they do it they do a pretty good job of uh kind of just finishing off an area and like giving and showing you what you want out of it so I just I use Minecraft maps turn on replay mod yeah yeah after we

Get rest after we get grab thank you thank you we need grasper good bone meal flower farm for the grass yeah I could but it needs to not move it needs to have like a one trick like press a button spawn bone meal and then use sheer

And then you press button and bone meal again and at this point I don’t really care too much about doing this this isn’t this isn’t bad it’s your favorite armor combo I’ve been thinking about changing mine up I like the way it looks but I’m kind of thinking about changing the color

Because the color doesn’t really match what I have but I have I like the way like the shapes work and everything like that I just don’t know I think I kind of want to move to either I wait I wish the lapis was brighter so I might move to Diamond um

But we have tied on the helm we have tied armor we have Spire pants and we have host on the boots and I’m kind of thinking about moving to there’s the one that looks like uh you have like little toes I can’t remember which it is on

Your boots I’m kind of thinking about moving to that yeah grass farming Peak content right here if only we could bone meal Moss without it growing how much we have uh I think that inside is smaller so we should be okay oh but we do go all the way back up

There yeah it might be bigger we’ll see if we run out um armor over hoodie looks like a total total vibe yeah I mean it’s Minecraft skin it is what it is there’s only so much you can do with a Minecraft skin I need more dead bush replay has been resumed

Now we go back to grass scratch scratch that smooth sandstone wow wow oh stupid flower this is how we add in all the super lushness as we’re going foreign it’s one of those things where I’m normally like yeah do I need to add in tall grass and then I add in Tall Grass

I’m like I needed to add in Tallgrass sugarcane resource back please it’s my own uh the resource pack is available to members tier one members and up to get this sugar cane working though you do need to have some form of connected textures otherwise it’ll just be that without the

Thing at the top connected textures you can either get through OptiFine or there’s some fabric Alternatives that we have a whole bunch of information in the Discord for that for anybody who does get it set up download is in the Discord and all that so it’ll it’ll all be in the same place

Phonemeal is a huge Time Saver yeah I wish we could bone meal this but I I can’t because I don’t want to lose the grass blocks and if I bone meal the Moss to get the grass growing on top we’re getting azalea bushes we’re getting moss carpet and we’re getting um

Uh the Moss will grow over all of the dirt and everything that I put in here for texturing so what I probably should have done to start was get all of the moss in place bone meal the Moss and then come back and do everything else

Like that’s kind of a living you learn moment but it’s whatever put a little sugarcane in here too to grow this up a little place that’s trapped a bunch of things done so it can look super Lush uh when’s the next New Life episode coming out I talked about it earlier in

The Stream uh I’m not recording on new life anymore unfortunately it just says one that it wasn’t clicking well with me anymore it was one that I was really struggling to record and I think it was starting to show in the last few videos that I released of

I know I didn’t do too many on the series but it was it was one that I went into burned out to begin with on multiplayer content and then you add in all of the server issues and everything that we were dealing with and just is a

Little bit of a mess getting the server up and running and that for me was just kind of like the nail in the coffin last nail in the coffin I’ve just kind of sealed now it’s like I I nah I can’t do it I was I should have done a last video

But I I had thoughts of doing the last video of just like getting through all the lives and kind of showing things off and then being like Oh Sears is over I’m out of lives but then I know I kind of did that in afterlife of like putting

Myself in stupid stupid situations or doing bits with friends that like resulted in me dying and then a lot of people got really upset about that because a life series like that is it’s funny doing one when my main series I do is Hardcore Minecraft and then people like you died

To this stupid the you died the spiders you died to drown come on we thought you play Hardcore Minecraft you’d be better than this and I’m like you can make a mistake whenever you’re playing Minecraft at any point in time and uh that’s just kind of the way it

Goes though people are like instead of being like Oh my gosh he died ah that’s so sad people are like mad at me for dying and it’s just weird they were like we expect you to be better than this I know I’m subscribing this must be fake I’m like no no

Sometimes you just have a brain fart and you die that’s why in Hardcore Minecraft the early game is the most difficult because now I have so many ways to save myself that it keeps me alive a lot more easily die all the time yeah we’ll custom sky is that it’s actually a

Mod called better clouds red green colorblind y’all poppies are invisible I’m gonna sneak out and get you and I would never know I’ll probably do something back here eventually I do like that the green comes in so far but I don’t wanna super detail it for now I kind of like

It being just a little bit of a flatter Zone so we’ll see maybe this can be where the house is for the field we’re back over here yeah we just came through here okay turn around replay mod yeah I did yeah we’re all set we’re almost out of grass Oh we’re actually almost done with this place though believe that is everything Ah that’s not how you do it there we go uh uh yeah that’s pretty much everything in there we need to still get this little section up there but that’s kind of like it’s starting from blank so we can do

That this is nice to have this all done we need to get trees in and everything but uh that will probably have to be next time I should start watching because of the world tour with Keralis and your last World just love the buildings though yeah that was a lot of people actually

Came in through that one so I’m glad you stuck around thank you that was a long time ago though that was like a few years if I remember correctly trying to think of when that was I that was building with flip with which building with flip is uh been gone a long time

I do think Corrales was one of the last people I toured with in that series though so I don’t know we’re just gonna end this here what’s your favorite build uh I really like the city I’m working on right now just kind of it feels so full

Of life just walking through the streets and it makes me really happy that’s one of those I I don’t have like a single favorite buildings that’s not really how I build a Minecraft but this the city we have in here is is one that I feel like

Whenever this series comes to an end because hardcore so it’ll happen at some point or another it’ll still be one that I would love to finish it before then but I think it’s gonna be one that I’ll like keep coming back to and walking through over and over again and just

Being like wow I’m really happy with how this turned out okay that should be enough grass this is a pretty small section oh completely transformed to Mesa to build a grass Farm on top of it it’s fine it’s fine totally fine why is there a corner of dirt missing I

Was one one dirt short when I was building it out and I just never went back to get another one that should work as a content creator do you often watch other creators or do you find you don’t have time I really like to have videos on in the background while I’m working

I find it helps me get a good flow going just having something on I find if I’m watching a YouTube video in the background I’m able to stay focused pretty well but if I’m watching something like a TV show in the background I am not able to stay focused

Super well so I I actually typically if I’m working I’m typically either watching a Minecraft video or I’m watching some Minecraft live stream of sorts just because I I find for me it helps me get into a more productive state whereas if I’m watching a TV show TV

Shows are much more built around like keeping people super engaged and watching the entire time and all that and whereas if I miss a minute or two of like where I’m like only background absorbing information happening in a video then I’m like yeah it’s only a few seconds it’s fine

Sure we could turn this into something kind of fun the rare sugar cane on the second layer oh no this is where I kind of ended the terraforming when we did the original desert I think I did it on this side too and then I was like yep that’s that’s

Enough for the video I will cover this all later that was uh can’t be bothered right now moment put on chess piece and pull them into ground it’s actually safer watch this if you did that without the chess piece the totem would have popped it slows your momentum just ever so

Slightly that it you hit notice not as intensely so if you’re ever doing like this and you want to like land there instead of doing like spins you can just swap your chest piece because you’re no longer gaining momentum so and then you’re so there’s only a Max falling momentum whereas the

Light drawer can move faster than that so you’re actually a little bit safer that’s scary please don’t die yeah I have a totem on that would be the second totem pop in this world if it did pop there though I’ve only popped one totem and it was due to a Strider

Yeah I think I’m one of the few people in Minecraft community that can say they popped a totem due to a Strider somehow bugging out and kicking them off mostly because nobody uses Striders other than putting them in a little lava stable and then never using them again but

I can still say it Striders are there to get the advancements and nothing else some Speed Run Community people use them but they’re just I don’t know they’re cool to have I enjoy having them in the nether because I think they’re fun to like see walking around but they’re not super useful

Unless you need string excuse me if you need strings Striders are very useful was there not a totem in the 20 dragonfly stream was there I don’t think there was was there a totem there might have been I might have been last season because we did the 20 dragons in season two also

Just never did anything with it immersion and Aesthetics exactly would you ever do another biome redesign um probably not just because most nether biomes are just so difficult to build in he did did I okay wait what we’re shadowing for a Strider part uh yeah we haven’t done anything with

Striders yet in this world outside of using them for the advancement I find the nether just to be such a boring place to build just with how dark it is it just is it’s hard to make like a fun Airy Vibe and like I wish there

Was a way in the nether that you could like make it brighter without making it like seem like a night town that you’re lighting up okay if there’s an actual way to make the nether brighter and like or there are some nether biomes that were randomly just like not spooky scary like

You can kind of say the warp for us is but even with the warp force it still is that like Bluey Vibe which comes across as pretty dark yeah you can see I don’t think you can see how many totems you’ve used oh totem yeah totem used one yeah we’ve

Only used one Toto in this world picked up 27 of them and dropped two of them apparently I threw away two totems at one point I could definitely do a lot more stupid stuff and be popping totems all the time but I just don’t care I know there’s some hardcore YouTubers

That are like that will just fly around and purposely to have a funny clipple pop totems as they’re landing and if they don’t pop the totem they’ll redo their clip to be able to pop the totem just because they think it’s the viewers will think it’s funny can’t be bothered

I feel like that’s like a if you’re going for like a Zoomer audience you’re doing that type of stuff and that might be the way to grow on a Minecraft Channel right now but I just no much deep sleep if you mind somebody asked last stream and it was like 40 000

Or something fine binding deep slate it’s not too bad I am thinking about making a diamond mining setup I think that could be kind of fun to go for a full diamond Beacon soon and do it like when 1.20.2 launches and have build like a mining Expedition

Somewhere out in the world and do it for to find it but like get a full diamond Beacon and something I don’t ever plan to do the full netherite Beacon but doing a diamond Beacon could be fun another ibeacon just sounds terrible and like a waste of time especially with how

Many people have done it and it’s just it won’t do that well on YouTube anymore not as well as it used to then people realize that you can just cheat and uh slash give another right and say oh my god wow I spent a thousand hours mining this

Here’s different angles of the same footage of me blowing up this nether Cavern I did see a video a while ago that I thought was so funny because somebody was like oh my god I’ve done it I’ve mined my nether I Beacon I’ve done it and then they’re like but I’ve lost so

Much of the footage so all I can show you is that I now have a full netherrite Beacon I’m like probably by fact of them doing that and but that was their whole video just like walking around showing that they had the beacon and like it was fully set

Up and everything it’s like the unfortunate part is probably somebody who did that is getting accused of cheating so much but the chance of them actually being like they’re doing it legit and having done it pretty high for somebody to come forward and be like

Yeah so I got it but I lost all the footage because I forgot to record it but I’ve been working on it it’s late at night or like hard drive fail whatever it might be like the chance of them have done it like actually having done it pretty high

But they were just called out so much for cheating whereas if somebody who would come in and cheat they’d want to be like extra believable on it so they’re really gonna go out there and make a really good cool amazing fancy fancy video about how they got this nether a beacon

And by doing that then they’re gonna make and fake all the footage so that it makes it extra believable yeah if you’re gonna build or do anything in creative mode I think there’s a way um to do that uh and like have that as being part of a

Series being like yeah all of the gameplay and things are in survival but like here we have full creative access for these things and this is where we’re gonna use them for and here’s where you can see where it starts and ends and blah blah blah blah because I mean like

On Empires for example I was the admin and there’s sometimes you have to come in and fix things that break or stuff that goes wrong or whatever it is and like so occasionally there are things that we had to do in Creative I never built any of my base in creative mode

But the fact that if I like came out in a video and was like Hey so I was in creative mode building these things people would be like what else did you build and creative I’m like nothing they’re like uh-huh sure sure I don’t believe you you cheater I’m like yeah no

Actually it was I had to fix this thing that we used a command block to be able to change weather cycles and so it wasn’t raining all the time or blah because we wanted some rain but not like permanent rain blah blah blah blah so it’s just it’s interesting

Trying to like fall oh like fall in with uh uh like the public opinion and making sure like you’re keeping track of and everything is always an interesting one to do like as a content creator there’s some things that you have to do and you don’t show like there’s some things

That like we have to do as a Creator behind the scenes because it makes a better video but you don’t show that because if you did people would be calling you out as cheating even though like it makes a better video that they enjoy the content even more so

It’s one of those where you kind of have to decide as a Creator are you there as a Creator that’s doing super legit everything ever like I don’t I don’t cheat in my worlds I don’t do that stuff but like if there’s some way that like I

Need to record a clip or re-record a clip because something failed or whatever um like I’ll come back in like a post like a copy of the world and sometimes do things in there just to make sure like the Clips Clear or if I’m like in

The editing phase and like the way I said that completely jabbled it mumbled it it was awful so like I’ll just come back later and redo it and like splice it in there and some people like this is legit this is overly edited I’m like I

Was just trying to make it sound like I was speaking English and not jarballing through all the words I’m trying to say but okay it’s interesting interesting spot yeah like light matica the amount of people that see light madica is cheating is beyond me there is a way to use light manika to

Cheat though I will acknowledge that there’s I can show you um let’s see here let’s go into here oh that’s spoilers Granite wall and we’re gonna connect them all over to here we’re gonna do this area editor I redid the star Trader Airship you can see that cheats enabled

Actually uh what is it what is it um Power overwhelming there we go anybody who gets that reference there you go thank you oh it didn’t do it weird that normally works all right do I have an easy place on I do have easy place on huh weird

Maybe they fixed it and later update so you used to be able to do this and then basically you could debug stick things in and then you do that and then it would paste that like the debug sticked version where it’s in there with all of

The sides on the walls and everything on it so you could do that and like slowly work it through your builds to get like these illegal block States like that maybe they fixed it in the latest one I don’t know can you delete things from here no you

Have to go into your folders oh the cheater part of light matica is analyze an area and highlight the ores yeah you can definitely do that yeah you can you can do that too like light matica if you have a stick like you can say like uh let’s go here

And we’re gonna go here and you can basically just like create like a massive area and then just go down and you can basically see everything in there if you wanted so and then you can like make a schematic of that and bring it up

That stuff like I like I don’t know I don’t even see the point in that like at that point like I don’t I just don’t get joy out of cheating in this game like when I cheat in Minecraft I don’t want to play anymore so for me it’s very much like ah

I’m not gonna do it so I don’t know a lot of what I’d I like light matica simply for um just making things go quicker and building like that’s all it is I don’t like to rebuild things that I made make but I also completely understand that when I’m making

Something it looks better if I build it in Creative first and I like the end product more so therefore for me it’s worth it to do but then going through the process of like getting it all over there and everything I’m just like I don’t want to do it

So light matica helps with that flavor a better product oh yeah skulk catalysts were so annoying to get uh uh GV thank you so much for coming to remember my dude I really appreciate it um okay you go here empty goes here yep they’re still all empty that is good you

Were here you were here you were there you can go there you can go there we’ll take that sand out and just slap it in one of these where there would be space ah all righty this looks pretty good this looks so much better than it was before I’ll

Definitely have to get the trees in there to add those in just for that extra Vibe but I’m really happy with that it’s turned out I got a new Shader pack too I don’t know if I’ve showed y’all the it’s the latest the latest update of complimentary they renamed it

Complementary Unbound and it basically combines reimagined and regular complementary shaders bunny dude uh just have like so many cool there’s like there was I think they said there’s like 300 something settings and it’s fun to work with you don’t want to spend a decade on a build then don’t like it yeah

That’s a big part of it but look at sorry my voice is going I think I’m gonna end the stream here because I don’t want to lose my voice um yeah this is looking good this is looking really good I like these little side spots wow my voice is messed up today what

Happened there oh underwater looks good I haven’t seen that before yeah look at this fun and we’ll get all the trees around and everything soon we don’t need too many of them but it’ll look up it’ll look pretty good I love this cool sweet awesome amazing

Now my friends is gonna have to do it for today coconuts and trees I don’t really like I mean you can do them but I just don’t really like the jungle plank in there and I don’t know I feel like we could do cocoa beans somewhere else and use them better

But that’s gonna have to do it for today thank you all so very much for hanging sorry for any questions or things like that that I didn’t get to if you want to throw them on tomorrow’s video um I’m doing a comment on the question

Of the day stuff now that I was talking about so maybe it’ll be in the next video after that so be sure to do that thank you all so much for being here I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you y’all have an excellent money for the

Rest of your day and I’ll catch you on the flip side bye

This video, titled ‘FINISHING THE LUSH RIVER in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-09-20 20:29:18. It has garnered 20554 views and 1596 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:55 or 6175 seconds.

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  • Luckey’s EPIC Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!

    Luckey's EPIC Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: HARDCORE – 279. teljes adás’, was uploaded by luckeY – STREAMEK on 2024-02-17 08:00:02. It has garnered 4480 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:35 or 10955 seconds. STREAMED LIVE [02.16] 🟥 MY MAIN CHANNEL: https://youtube.com/@luckeYpublic 🟣TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/luckeY ⭐ Become a member of our DISCORD community! https://discord.gg/luckey If you like the video, please give it a 👍! 🙂 💻 SETUP: https://bit.ly/luckeysetup ⚡️G2A: https://g2a.com/n/luckeygames ◤COMMUNITY SITES ➜ ● Facebook: http://facebook.com/luckeYka ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/fabianmiko ● For business inquiries: [email protected] Read More

  • Fahim dominates PvP and Bedwars in Minecraft! 🚀

    Fahim dominates PvP and Bedwars in Minecraft! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 01:45:55. It has garnered 18 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft Live: Building Ram Mandir Day 4!🚀 #tlrp #rammandir

    🔥Minecraft Live: Building Ram Mandir Day 4!🚀 #tlrp #rammandirVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making Ram Mandir in Minecraft Day 4 | Minecraft Live | #minecraft #tlrp #rammandir #ram’, was uploaded by Om Gaming on 2024-01-14 14:37:28. It has garnered 176 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:16 or 11776 seconds. #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #publicsmp #minecraft24/7 Discord:- https://discord.com/invite/MMyqmYWNpj Song Name :- Gulabi Sarara young uttarakhand group song link :-https://youtu.be/QECJnQQ3UwE?si=tyOfAUgGdMC-mlZh @atharvagaming2811 @AbhiPlays_11 @Yoichigaming22 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft legends, minecraft civilization, minecraft 1.19, minecraft mikey and jj, minecraft videos, minecraft warden, minecraft aphmau, minecraft asmr, minecraft allay, minecraft… Read More

  • Emerald Sky Factory – Modded Skyblock – Create Mod – No Whitelist – No Resets – 24×7 Online – 1.19.2 – SMP

    ESF Skyblock Server Welcome to ESF, a semi-vanilla skyblock server focused on the Create mod and addons. If you love building complex contraptions with Create, this server is perfect for you. Features: Unique two-world setup for uninterrupted building and adventurous gameplay Map will never reset and open for download No grinding – sell your factory produce and buy resources from the market 24×7 community server with no pay-to-win elements Get Started: Download the modpack and begin your journey today! Additional Resources: Join our Discord for support Visit our wiki for more details Read More

  • Loko Enhanced Survival

    Loko Enhanced SurvivalWelcome to Loko Enchanced Survival. Where you can start quest and explore the big Loko Enhanced World. There are Public warps to get around and it is a great environment to start your own community. If you thinking about donating there will only be one rank for this server since its new! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t Mine, Do Time!

    Minecraft Memes - Don't Mine, Do Time!Looks like this meme’s got a high score in the Minecraft game of life! Read More

  • RGB Lights Shine Bright in My Isometric Minecraft World

    RGB Lights Shine Bright in My Isometric Minecraft World In this devlog, we dive into the light, Adding RGB colors, oh what a sight. Dynamic lights, shadows that play, In my Minecraft-like game, a new display. Colored lights shining, bright and bold, Sun and moon’s glow, a story told. With C418’s tunes, the atmosphere sings, Creating a world where imagination springs. Follow me on Twitter, for updates galore, And check out my Spanish channel for more. For any questions, my email’s the key, Join me on this journey, let’s game and see. Read More

  • Minecraft Mods Madness!

    Minecraft Mods Madness! When you accidentally install a mod that turns all the creepers into friendly puppies and suddenly your hardcore survival world becomes a puppy paradise. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How To Draw Stinger Flynn From Garten of Banban 4 in Minecraft Style and Making Paper Craft Game DIY.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being able to bring your favorite characters to life in the Minecraft world, just like in the video. Minewind Minecraft Server provides a platform where you can unleash your creativity, build unique structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Whether… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta The Iron Age Unveiled: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey with Ruthenic as he delves into the depths of Minecraft in The Beta Experience. From spelunking to constructing a windmill-turned-storage silo, this episode is packed with excitement and creativity. Spelunking Adventures Ruthenic’s exploration takes him deep underground, where he uncovers hidden treasures and battles formidable foes. The thrill of discovering new caves and resources adds an element of mystery and danger to his adventure. Building a Windmill Storage Silo Witness Ruthenic’s ingenuity as he transforms a humble windmill into a functional storage silo. The meticulous planning and… Read More

  • Insane Fallout 76 & Minecraft Server Setup – ExpertNugget LIVE

    Insane Fallout 76 & Minecraft Server Setup - ExpertNugget LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fallout 76, minecraft server setup | Stream #171’, was uploaded by ExpertNugget LIVE on 2024-05-12 07:56:15. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. Read More

  • Revolutionary Minecraft: Furniture Mods Galore

    Revolutionary Minecraft: Furniture Mods GaloreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java…but with Furniture?!?! (furniture mods and more)’, was uploaded by TVaria SailorPeace on 2024-04-10 05:23:21. It has garnered 650 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:08 or 7688 seconds. Now we can have the house properly decorated. :3 Donate to PayPal here: https://paypal.me/fluffykittyofdoom1?locale.x=en_US Chris’ PayPal link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ChrisProductionsAZ Firestar’s PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/EclipseTheDarklingCo Chilled’s PayPal link: https://paypal.me/chilledthehedhefox?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US XxDragonBladexX’s PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/Drg0nBlade Harmony’s PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/KaciBunnie TheCookieJar’s PayPal: https://paypal.me/thecookiejar455?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US SheyGrell’s PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=PKHBVKS6S5792 SheyGrell’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SheyGrell TailTwister’s PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SarahAndBelle Brave the Cat’s PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/bravethecat RULES: NO ASKING TO JOIN THE STREAM!!! No spamming No… Read More

  • Unbelievable Kitter EZ Apparition Montage!

    Unbelievable Kitter EZ Apparition Montage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pojav montage #pojavalauncher #anarchy #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kitter EZ on 2024-05-09 18:37:59. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Song: SHOTGUN by SHADXWBXRN Join Eternal Night HvH For Configs, Clients, and More! https://discord.com/invite/TYfxupdhCx ignore tags pojavlauncher, minecraft, 2b2t, anarchy, hacks, phonk, Blox, cool video, phonky, shotgun, music, kpop, edm, sword, cpvp, crystal pvp, end crystal, dream, fitmc, zane2b2t, ai24, montage Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build in Minutes! #shorts 🏠

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft House Build in Minutes! #shorts 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easy simple modern house #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by AADARSH  gaming on 2024-05-01 15:46:48. It has garnered 2166 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft easy simple modern house #shorts minecraft minecraft modern house tutorial minecraft simple tutorials minecraft easy tutorial minecraft modern house modern house in minecraft modern house minecraft tutorial minecraft easy house tutorial minecraft house modern house minecraft minecraft house tutorial how to build a house in minecraft modern house minecraft shorts minecraft building ideas small modern house minecraft small modern house minecraft tutorial… Read More

  • SPoBodos Gives Insane Ratings: YOUR EPIC BASES on Donut SMP

    SPoBodos Gives Insane Ratings: YOUR EPIC BASES on Donut SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rating YOUR EPIC BASES in Minecraft (on Donut SMP)’, was uploaded by SPoBodos on 2024-04-29 21:42:43. It has garnered 872 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:08 or 488 seconds. My discord server: https://discord.gg/ssKHxCUVNd #donutsmp #freshsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #lifesteal #drdonut #smp #2b2t #6b6t tags:freshsmp, minecraft, smp, lifestealsmp, lifesteal, minecraftsmp, cheating, cheats, griefer, griefing, grief, basegrief, base destruction, wurst, base hunting, base finding, anarchy, minecraft lifesteal, pvp, minecraft pvp, 6b6t, 6b6t griefer, play 6b6t, jajo, 2b2t, base, stash, stash hunting, dupe, items, item dupe, endermananarchy, ikea, ikea dupe, 6b6t dupe, 2b2t dupe,… Read More

  • DANGER: SHIZO Preparing for NETHER?!|HC Minecraft Day 6

    DANGER: SHIZO Preparing for NETHER?!|HC Minecraft Day 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Preparing For The NETHER! – Hardcore Minecraft Day 6’, was uploaded by Jtom4000 on 2024-02-15 21:39:21. It has garnered 240 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:56 or 12176 seconds. If you enjoy my stream make sure to hit that subscribe button for more content just like this! Top Donations of 2024: 1 – Gatores – $929 nzd ($562.54 USD) 2 – Muzee ($134 US) 3 – TheZackPlayz ($20 US) https://streamlabs.com/jtom4000/tip If you guys would like to leave me a tip (this is only optional) then the link above will send… Read More

  • Unhinged Minecraft server hacks: Dominate DonutSMP & JackpotMC in IG30

    Unhinged Minecraft server hacks: Dominate DonutSMP & JackpotMC in IG30Video Information This video, titled ‘Getting Gear on Minecraft servers DonutSMP, JackpotMC!’, was uploaded by IG30 on 2024-02-17 14:42:48. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. https://discord.gg/RuxSUvhe36 Hi im IG30 I like to play Minecraft and hang out! Love u all please subscribe! YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ih3yXHzwXppHNxxXQ4-RA MOUSE: https://www.gloriousgaming.com/products/glorious-model-o-wireless-matte-black KEYBOURD: https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-q1?variant=39974565478489 MIC: Blue yeti Pro LOVE U GUYS! Read More

  • Lamp stream on RuhyPixel! Secrets revealed in Minecraft chat! #shorts

    Lamp stream on RuhyPixel! Secrets revealed in Minecraft chat! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ПОБОЛТАЕМ? ЛАМПОВЫЙ СТРИМ НА RUHYPIXEL в MINECRAFT! БОЛТАЕМ ПО ДУШАМ! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HamanN? on 2024-04-13 06:37:26. It has garnered 682 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:33 or 6393 seconds. ————————————————– ——– ★ Support me with a pretty penny: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/ezz_hamann ————————————————– ——– ► Soc.seti ★ Ds – provod_na_hamanne ★ Tg – https://t.me/Prodamprovod ★ My telegram channel – https://t.me/hamann_Bigboy —————————————— ★ I play here – Ruhypixel.net – —————————————– ★ Enter my promo code /promo yaHamanN and receive VIP, 100,000 coins, cosmetics and 50 rubax! =) —————————————— ★ I invite… Read More