fWhip – FIRST RAILROAD on NEW LIFE SMP : Minecraft Survival

Video Information

Foreign All right [Applause] foreign Thank you Foreign How are we doing today oh it’s good to see y’all oh it’s good to see you all out here what is going on happy Wednesday happy Wednesday happy 1.20 release day more importantly you know what we’re doing play a new life heck yeah we are how’s it going everybody be sure to

Leave a like on the stream if you have not already we’ve got almost 1300 people in here we’re not even at 500 likes yet I believe I believe we can get up there oh my gosh oh my gosh hello how are we doing good to see you all everybody I see we

Got arcade night in here scribbly dibly what’s going on SS Love Alan how you doing Matt Renee Rowan uh non lawn I believe Cass how are you doing number five what’s up how you doing nightmares roses oh my gosh Soul flame hi hi wimzella Kayla Tash Emmy Walter Jake and

We got a jack we got a Shanae we got prophe sloth oh my gosh hope hi how you doing Lulu Goblin what’s going on hello hello hello hello happy Wednesday my friends it’s been a day it’s been a day but we made it here we’re here we’re doing it

We’re rocking and uh I’m very excited to be on new life we’re gonna be working on some cool stuff today uh so ready for 1.20 what about you I’m very ready I actually there’s a new hardcore video coming out tomorrow I jumped in to pre-release one earlier

This week so we got the first 1.20 themed hardcore video dropping soon and uh I I’m excited I’m very very excited I’m very very excited for it to get here I think it’s gonna be really really cool sorry I’m just logging in a new life so stream’s a little laggy

Oh my gosh oh my gosh we’re here is New Life gonna update to 1.20 no modded series typically do not update to new versions because of how many mods we have we have to wait for each individual mod to update to 1.20 and the chance of that breaking everything is very high so

New life is going to be staying on 119 too if I had to guess we’ll be playing the Minecraft update so it just will be listening but we’ll comment once in a while hey you have fun all right you have fun I’ve uh the first thing I did when I got

Into 1.20 was one out to find sniffers so I get it uh Nat thank you so very much for the 16 months like the stream can’t wait to play on the new update when I get home from work hey yeah it’s it’s fun it’s a good one it’s really

Going yes my friends by the way in about one minute stream will break if it’s not broken right now and a lot of people will crash just re-re-up the stream refresh come back and it’ll be all good uh but yeah if it’s crashing come back in now it might be might be crashing

Early today so I forgot about the update I hopped it under your discarded they all reminded me hey it’s gonna be cool I’m I’m really excited for it I’m really excited to be checking out the new things I’m I’ve got a plan for some armor trim stuff that I

Want to get to yeah I think in the next main hardcore video that we do but uh we’ll we’ll see when that happens I’m very excited for it um no crash got an ad though weird the ads are turned off I could promise you right now I’ll add

Options on this stream are turned off uh yeah oh yeah there we go we just lost 250 people all right there’s our crash for the day if you’re still here do me a favor and leave a like on the stream I very much do appreciate it uh it helps

Me out a ton we’re almost we’re almost at 700 likes we can get there just trying to find the new Blossom biome I did the seed and I’m literally so hyped ooh so easier to get bees in there yeah oh is it really that’s cool to know got

An ad as well weird I’ll look into it I finally got a reply back from YouTube after we sent them all the information two weeks ago and they pretty much told me that they’ve done nothing uh they’re like we’re still investigating and I’m like I know what that under I know what

That means in tech industry speak if you’re investigating for two weeks that means it’s been sitting on the to-do list and has not been touched so hopefully hopefully we’ll get something soon um but yeah right now and there’s the crash yep there it goes are we getting around two of a crash today

Are we getting around too I I haven’t seen scars base in person but I saw his video so I haven’t got into it I haven’t wanted to check it out yet see if ads are off I can confirm I went through the whole I went through the

Whole list before stream today and I uh I turned off all the ads crash thing I got an ad yeah I I don’t know what’s going on if you do open the stream there’s supposed to be one of them in the start happens but then there’s not supposed to be anything after that

But I’m okay I’m still here we’ll let you know when and if I do yeah it’s all good it’s all good are you live on Twitch no we’re only live on YouTube right now uh twitch is an interesting spot right now my friends holy cow but yeah so we’re

Just vibing over here with our own little problems twitch is their own problems that they got going on and uh we’ll see where it all goes Lulu thank you so much for the five months hope you’re well uh uh got my clavicle hurted maybe broken so watching

Your stream he’ll forget that ooh ouch I’m not even even sure what that is but ouch anything broken sounds ouch so uh hopefully the recovery goes well uh Katie did thank you so much for the nine months hi hello uh you don’t want to go back to Twitch yeah I

The problem is is I just want a streaming platform that works and none out there work right now and uh with what twit or not twitch kick is allowing to happen over on their what website I’m just not interested in being there uh it’s like your collarbone okay thanks yeah

But yeah got my snacks I’m ready so you know what uh it’s time to Jump On In froggy oh look what I found out this morning apparently this thing can stack over a stack in our lunch pack from the pack it up mod but if you go over a hundred on

It it just disappears you still click it and get your stuff out but if you go like 100 101 102 where does it break 130 nope okay so it’s exactly at 127 128 when it hits two stacks it breaks okay that’s so funny uh sorry I saw that this

Morning and I was laughing about it uh whimsella thanks so much for the 10 months 1.20 and 10 months hype hey yes it is yes it is indeed we got prawns with the nine months late here in India but I still love watching your streams hey I appreciate you hanging out thank

You so much for being here uh astroblasting so seven months had to go food shopping soon but it’s nice to be able to catch you before you go before I gotta go hey no worries also quick heads up with the puppies in here behind me uh unfortunately coda’s not feeling that

Well today so if I do have to take a quick second to go check on him Sid’s watching him right now so hopefully he’ll be all okay um but he’s got a stomach bug going on and he’s been uh not the happiest of camper for the last

Few days so we’re taking him to the vet this afternoon because we’re just like it’s been two it’s it’s been going on long enough though where we gotta go but if I gotta run for a minute or two to go make sure he’s all right or uh clean up

Whatever needs to be cleaned up um that’s why but we’ll be back Okay so what we got working on today we can actually look at the factory a little bit more from last from last episode um but this this right here I’ve been working on behind and I’ve hooked up some cool stuff so we got a wireless Redstone right there that you can press

The button that sends us down and it actually sends the other cart back up and then you can be in here you kind of unfortunately do have to sit in that one to click the button but this goes to the mob farm down below that we built last

Stream uh this is all set up working really well I put an enchanting setup in here I put a trash thing here and I’m saying it now if somebody breaks this Anvil I even mentioned it in the Discord already if somebody breaks the Anvil and does not

Replace the Anvil and we catch that on camera I will kill them in game they’ve been warned I will I will take one of their lives a little free experience and so yeah what we can do here we can kind of watch it go so that one will go

Up Unfortunately they do do a little flippy flip and then the other one comes down so there’s always one on both sides so you can just jump in here and you just go no you can break the Anvil but you have to replace the Anvil if you don’t replace the Anvil you die

This is the way it is it’s just the way it’s gonna go uh we got angio thank you so much for the 16 months at tier two I have to go order snacks or work what should I order Good good question premium work snacks um I don’t know just don’t get pizza don’t be one of the people that gets Pizza it wants pizza then do that uh Gremlin thank you so much for the 10 months I really appreciate that Legend craft thank you so much for the three months

1.20 hype hey yeah it is indeed how you doing welcome on in uh and Gremlin thanks so much for the five gift memberships I really do appreciate that that’s very very kind of you cool is there a way for us to play this mod pack there’s not a public mod

List right now so new uh and that’s not something I’m in charge of so please don’t ask me for the mod list it is I am not in charge of the series so I am not in the position to be giving that out

So I will not be giving it out and all I will do is defer you to going and asking Scott because he is the admin and he is the only one who will be able to give a mod list so how many bricks do we have I want to

Know I figured it out by the way for everybody who was telling me that this thing could work I figured it out how we can make the corners going all the way and this one right here I think I want to get rid of on the back

Yeah I think that looks a little bit cleaner uh maybe we’d jump in and change the factory floor out here oh no clay balls are still making it through um we got a decent amount of bricks in there though I kind of want to use some

Of those today and we’re going to take as much of this sand as I can get because I now need to come up here and I really should have built a system to get back over this way do I have oh maybe I have some more inside catwalks and we can just like

Build a little ramp over there let’s do that real quick I think I have some more you tell what your next video is going to be um I don’t have any other space we have to go and then we’ll do the inside catwalks wrench Eco debug stick create

Mode Edition pretty much nope that’s fine I’m alive we’ll put all the sand in there that can start turning down into clay balls uh that’ll actually also turn into another clay ball right there and we do need to put it back on the factory but before that I need a way to

Get around there Jay thank you so very much for the one month I really appreciate that thank you thank you brand new member been enjoying the new series and looks very fun don’t forget to like the stream everybody hey I appreciate it we just hit a thousand

Likes and 2 000 viewers my friends we’re getting there okay uh let’s take some more zinc and I believe I’m pretty out of a hand of sight unless I have it in here yes yes okay um ignoring that the endocyte flow through you um we want these

And then we’re also gonna I have some ladders on me so we can just use those and we’ll just do like a little guy out of there actually I think I made some somewhere ah can we put ladders on supports that’s what I want to know you can okay

Uh what’s your favorite mod on New Life I’m not too sure I I know I’m still trying to figure this one out here it just I’ve just not too sure no I’ve been I don’t know why that was there uh I have pretty much exclusively been playing with the great mod

What is your job IRL you’re looking at it okay so let’s go this way over here over here typical we want that one there too uh we’ll get rid of that and we can put another one right there and then I’m thinking we go like this

But then right here we can do Boop like that and then we could just have a little ladder to get up and down but now we can kind of cover everything here so it looks like a little covered up catwalk situation yeah yeah this worked this worked this will be cool

We don’t want that one we do want you I’m figuring it out slowly but surely I will figure out how to do this oh no not like that slowly but surely I’ll figure out how to do this nope okay and then ah revaginal okay and then this one here

I know it’s a different ladder but let’s get rid of these and we could use that and then we’ll just put these Spruce ladders back in nice okay perfect that gives an easy way to get around and then we can also get all the way over

Here to do that and then we can jump down because this is our little sand washer thing that gets even more clay if I do need it so that’s absolutely awesome hope thank you so much for the five months Rogue Phoenix thanks so much for becoming a member and I really do

Appreciate that but thank you so much for all the support today oh they’re way too kind thank you thank you thank you thank you hope your day has been awesome I wanted to let you know that I’ve been dealing with some personal things your content really helps hey happy to be a place

Where you feel like you can get a little bit of a break from everything look at all them bricks cooking down look at them bricks cooking okay um I need Warren bricks so let’s pick one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight

And then that’s there and then we need one perfect that’ll be enough and then if we just take these okay I’m gonna need a we’re gonna nope just doing that that filter right here is set up for only clay balls but if I just toss the bricks on here

I really hope I set the filter up so that they go through I need to verify that my bricks are not just going into the fire okay they’re getting picked up I was like please tell me the filter they’re there so if you didn’t know we’re using a little free candy stuff

Right now uh it’s all going through the clay balls because there’s so many backed up in there but once those go through the bricks will go through again if you cook them twice they turn into worn bricks in this pack which creates this like darker tone up there where

That’s regular brick color and it’s slightly darker that I’m using for the big build we also installed the chipped mod which is really cool so we’ve got we’ve got some new Deco blocks that we can work on I need to get the workstations built out I just

Haven’t done it nice to meet you uh hello thank you so much for the donor I really do appreciate that hope you enjoy a little break from work hope you enjoy it and Anna thanks so much for coming to superfan holy cow I really do appreciate that and Julie

Thanks so much for the four months this makes me want to play modded too I know 1.20 is here we got fun modded stuff going on which origin was your favorite I really enjoyed trickster right now trickster is definitely my favorite so far uh all right so my friends

What I want to work on today build a mechanical castle in the future in the future maybe who knows uh but I want to fix this up I want this to have like a little bit of almost like a trolley station so I’m thinking we do

Like a little overhang on both sides and maybe we do like a slab roof across the whole thing and we just kind of give it a little bit of an extra bit so let’s go get some dirt and we can get to work on kind of fixing the terrain up

And then we’re then we go from there you live on Twitch too nope just just the YouTubes I will say um if for anybody who is aware of streaming Community things and blah blah blahs I’ve been talking about truffle and I’m working on setting up the Truffle bot I haven’t been able to

Do it completely yet but we will be able to get a few features back on the stream soon uh for people who want them for like it does like Channel points and things we’re just gonna leave that there I’m not gonna actually I do want that

It’s a zinc Nuggie we can’t get rid of our nuggies so some of those like Channel Point features that we used a ton over on Twitch I will be able to get back which is fun mallow mallow with us thank you so very much I really do appreciate that hope you’re doing well

Mel I hope everything’s going okay over there right a Terrain a bit and I want to give ourselves a little bit more space to work with here so that we can uh kind of build a structure on top of it get a gun mod please uh no

Not every video game or anything needs a gun we are completely fine without it I don’t know what at all that would add that would make the game more fun okay uh let’s chop these down my goal off of this is to kind of uh let’s use some Birch plank so we can

Kind of plan out so I want to have like two blocks to the side and then we’re gonna have a little bit of a wall back here there is a potato cannon but that’s different and then we’re gonna have the wall over here because that’ll make it even and

Then I think in here we could probably work on bringing it back across but then we’re gonna hit our head so maybe we go to here and then it needs to come out like this so we can have a little bit or we could just have it open air like that

Could be like an entryway and then we just have like a barrier here and then we have like a big open air section so people can kind of fly and swoop in this is gonna be a high traffic area so we really got to think about Mobility

We’re just going to use Birch and Oak planks for planning right now so we’re gonna do that that’ll be like an opening and then let’s see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen and then we can kind of do it over to here too with the same

Idea and we can have like a three wide Doorway to get in for people just like an arch that you can walk into and that should do it I’m thinking we go like with a small little simple Spruce and brick and stuff like that just this is gonna mostly just

Be for function we can make it look cool great but it’s mostly just for function it’s like a think of this as like a bus stop but that’s the amount of effort I want to put into it is it’s basically just a bus stop uh Bella Hollins thanks so much for the

Three months team double dirt hey I’m trying over here and raqqa thank you so much for coming to support I really appreciate that and then from here I want this to be something that people can access from two different ways One Way being along the Waterfront so that they’re not

Coming into my base if there’s like spoilers and things like that I’m gonna ask people to leave and just like not walk in um seeing as I already know this is very high traffic uh I logged I logged on yesterday to start working on this thing and got the

Whole setup done got everything down down below and then I was like you know what the last thing I want to do today is work on a Minecraft build and so I stopped uh anyways long story short is uh I came in and all of the chests and everything down below completely flooded

Nice to meet you I got logged in and came down here was just sitting here chilling like I logged in right here and they’re just items spewing out of this thing all of these chests were completely full there’s three of them down there like all of that everything in here was

Just so full of junk and so I was like nope I I need to I need to install the first thing I was like yeah I need a trash dude instantly one will episode three be out uh it won’t be out till next week probably I’ve been really busy

IRL we I’ve been TR this is the first time I’ve been home for a week without traveling somewhere so I’ll get episode three out when I can but we’re also traveling next week um for a big like the family thing so I’m like trying to pre-record so I

Have at least some videos when I’m gone uh but yeah hardcore video dropping tomorrow hardcore 2000 Days movie is dropping over the weekend and then we’ll get the 3 000 Days movie out next week and we’ll get the um New Life episode three out next week and then after that uh they’ll probably

Be only a one video the week after along with the 4 000 Days movie and then I’m I’m home I’m finally not traveling anywhere no there’s not sorry I don’t have the that’s not something I can give out I’m not the admin behind the series I know I

Was the admin behind Empires but I don’t like being an admin for modded Series so I don’t do it uh but for nice to meet you uh yeah if you want the mod list you gotta talk to Scott he’s the only one who’s gonna release it

But thank you so much for the donut I really appreciate it nightmares roses thanks so much for coming to supporter you have a life offline flip don’t stress yeah no it’s honestly to the point where I’m doing so many things and I’m a homebody and I like to be home and

I want to be home and I have to go do things and all they want to do is sit at home and play video games and it sucks but I really shouldn’t be complaining there’s just it’s one of those things where I’m like I get that the reason I’m traveling has been like

Trips to see family and do stuff like that and like seeing loved ones and I’m like man I just have so many people that want to spend time with me and man I just want to stay home and do nothing I I’m very happy to be going on all these trips and

Everything but I’m also like I’m ready to be not going it’s all good it’s all good my friends if you have not already please leave a like on the Stream we’re almost at 1500 likes I believe we can do it yeah I mean like the last trip was a

Bachelor party which was super fun absolutely loved it and it was one of my best friends so like it was a great going and being there and doing all that stuff and the trip before that was like the first time that my family got together uh like one of my family groups

Got together in a very long time where we’re all there and we went and hung out for a weekend so that was really fun and then this time we’re going to see Sid’s family and they’re it’s like a big birthday celebration everything like that and it’s the first time that that

Entire family is getting together in a very long time so it’s it’s all good stuff it’s all good stuff okay so this path here is gonna be a little wacky for now and we’ll figure it out and fix it up later I just don’t know what I

Want to do on the waterfront besides not have a sugar cane Farm here actually I can just clean all this up I’m not really using any sugar can right now if I need any I will go steal some from Catherine I mean what start a business believe me I’ve got a

Great idea for a shop coming you just wait I’m happy to wait too no I appreciate that thank you lulu I appreciate the Dono okay uh yeah so I’m thinking we could have like a little Bridge just like a little baby Bridge right along there you probably won’t do that today I

Really want to get the building done so that’ll be fine uh but it’s gonna be like Way Stone coming down I really want to continue using path blocks throughout here I just like that Vibe I think it’s gonna contrast really well to like the bricks and everything

And like the steampunky vibe I have in mind for everything um why are your hearts yellow so we have a resource pack that we used on here just for fun to be honest uh actually I want to raise this whole thing up one so the dirt is actually going to come to

This layer I just I I don’t know if y’all do this but for me I don’t like building things on this if there’s water here that not a buildable space that is reserved purely for foliage and if I want to build it comes up to here

I don’t know why I do it I’ve done it I’ve been doing it for like the last year and a half I’m like I just I need that little bit of extra space between the water level it’s just it’s the way my brain works I guess uh

McKenna thanks so much for coming to support I really do appreciate that also I think I missed it earlier but Brooklyn thank you so much for becoming a supporter as well I really appreciate that can dirt slash return into path box they can and that is beautiful

Uh the person who just logged in as our admin by the way just as a heads up if you’re like oh my God who’s that person that’s that’s Josh he does all of her admin stuff Do I have any hook planks in here yeah we can do a little more planning hopefully that doesn’t mean we have a restart I know he’s trying to look into that uh if you weren’t aware by the way uh I forgot dirt but if you download mods off curse Forge they

Hang it uh they got hacked not hacked but they got a lot of malware uploaded to curse for it earlier this week or maybe into last week uh so if you’ve been downloading things on curse Forge for mods for Java Edition you might want to go double check they have a list out

Of like what was affected and things like that but you might have accidentally downloaded some malware so you’re going to want to go check just uh Internet Security announcement from flip there you go okay so that is gonna kind of be to hear we’ll fix up the bridge and everything

As we’re going later we think our pack is fine and everything like that what we’ve been using here so uh it wasn’t on any of the list of known things that were affected so hopefully that means we’re A-Okay but we’re just trying to do the due diligence to make

Sure we’re all safe and everything do we check on curse Forge uh there’s a lot of people that put out announcements I also believe if you check the announcements Channel hidden my Discord uh lizard the wizard put out a post this morning thank you to Jewel who kind of

Helps a lot around the Discord with tech issues and things like that was looking into it and kind of put together a post so thanks good old lizard put it out more also Liz if you’re in here I absolutely love that you changed your name

Liz if you’re in here I love that you changed your Discord name to lizard the wizard instead of lizasaurus it’s so funny also thank you eggs I appreciate the donor yeah we don’t we’re not sharing the mod list we don’t have the ability to um we won’t we definitely will not be

Sharing it as a mod pack the best you’re gonna get is a text page of here’s all the mods go find them yourself that is like the best thing you can currently hope for from us so that’s not exciting sorry uh but even that like we just didn’t put

It together for I know for X life and afterlife we did not share the mod list so safe to assume the same I think this right here could be like a nice little like retaining wall or something or a little rock wall I don’t know maybe

A retaining one hello we could make like a little like a little rectangle because if we go into shipt look at all of these blocks we now have access to wait lodestone bricks okay I thought that was made with a lodestone I was like who is making these

Look at all of these new mods these new blocks we have access to was us packed mud bricks I need a mud Factory I want to use all of those we had this mod on afterlife and I loved it and I’m so happy we added it back but look at all these things What’s that copper oh my God oh my even raw iron oh my gosh Sandstone break down bricks oh building’s gonna be so fun terracottas y’all wait those are all glazed terracotta variations there’s usable glazed terracottas all right what do we have to use for that Mason’s workbench okay we can do that we

Can we can make that happen okay sorry sorry completely sidetracked here excited flipper very excited flipper very very excited flipper okay you play Call of Duty no I don’t I I’m not a I’m not a big first person shooter player at all I haven’t played any since Halo I’ll be honest

Okay back to task at hand Who’s online it’s just me today so I’m thinking we do like an archway right here we’re not gonna make this out of Oak I just kind of want to get the idea of it um and we’re gonna have the pathways gonna come like this foreign

Yep I’m still alive and it’s going to come over to here okay that’s doable that’s not terrible pleased to meet you yeah I just I don’t know there’s so many other video games that I like more than first person shooter games especially Call of Duty Call of Duty is actually my

Least favorite of all of them because I feel like it’s such a you spend more time being dead in Call of Duty and looking and picking your Loadout unless you’re on like a good streak then you do playing the game sure the respawn timer is fast but also

Like I don’t know at least all my friends would play the game mode that was like the hardcore where if you got one tapped you’re dead um and so you just have the random people sitting around a corner that would just one tap you right away and be like

What other games do you play I have been playing Diablo for a lot and it’s so good oh my gosh Diablo 4 has been fantastic okay at chipped what do we want for the workstation here we want a carpenter’s table which can be Iron craft table wooden ax

And a plank and three logs okay yeah uh Diablo 4 has been really fun for anybody playing I’ve been playing a necromancer it’s been cool oh I need a crap table right uh these things are big we’re gonna need a whole Workshop location just for them so for now we’re just

Gonna do this are you playing on Hardcore I’m not right now no I was thinking about it and then I decided against it what are you that’s kind of fun can I strip it no okay I don’t know what an extra Necromancer gang dude it’s been fun it’s been cool I

Just hit Level 54. I’ve been playing the corpse explosion build or bone spear corpse explosion feels like Diablo 2 Necromancer and I’m here for it okay so there’s some front pillars there and then we’re also going to repeat on the back for some pillars here like a so

I kind of want this to be open air what if we pull an audible on all of this and shrink the structure structure down like crazy this is too big this is way too big we’re pulling an audible we’re tearing it all down it was an idea and I don’t like it

I’d rather do something small and do like a seating area instead if you’ve played any Dungeon Crawler games and you like them you’ll probably enjoyed Diablo 4 I will say it does have a pretty high price tag on it if you’ve not played Dungeon Crawler games

Um then you know buy I don’t risk I’m enjoying it but I also really like that game genre if we do this right here we do another one right here and we can take this out and do this one two three four I actually want to bring them up

Sorry I my nose is so itchy pleased to meet you yeah we’re gonna do that and then we’re gonna bring it out one two three four like this one two three four we need to go get more that’s gonna go there and that’s gonna go there and then we’ll just do like a

Small little wall uh and we can do some other fun stuff it would work if we were using full blocks but we’re not using full blocks foreign okay I have to know I know what we’re using for the retaining wall it’s gonna be like a wall like that

‘ll be cool one of my Empire season three start uh we add one more week now that we got an Ask we add one more week no I’m kidding uh we don’t have a date at all yet oh I I flipped that it’s like why are you being weird because I messed up

Just downloaded create now it’s been fun it’s been I really am happy to be this is my first time playing with the create mod and it’s been really cool okay so I’m thinking a small little retaining wall back here so we can almost have like a seating area these

Farms are going to be relocated um and just for temporary’s sake that’s gonna be to there and then there we’re probably gonna have a very open air so it’s just gonna be like a little wall uh we can honestly move the andesite guys no no I kind of like the idea of this

Being a little flatter in there create is really fun but it did take a while to get used to like get started up on it he just confirmed it uh no there’s there are no active plans for Empire season three that is that is all you’re gonna

Get out of me that I will confirm no that makes a little too skinny so let’s not do that one but maybe because this the back we can do this I’m not saying it won’t happen I’m just saying we don’t have plans take that with what you will

I think this could actually look cool on top I don’t like that that works Road download yet Ollie is still finishing his last episode um so I’ll get it out after that I’ll I’m gonna confirm now the World download will happen I know I was the one saying I don’t know

If we’re gonna do it I don’t know blah blah I’m gonna host it I will have it up for about one month and then it will be gone forever I will post a video on my second Channel when the World download is available oh if you want it be sure to be

Following flip 2. because it’s going to be posted over there I purposely do it on the second Channel because it stays quiet because so many people want to get it right away that we actually have issues with what I’ve tried so many different hosts to make that stuff in the past happen and

Every single time uh We’ve hit the daily limit for downloads so I put it on the second channel to make it sure that it actually is slower like less people find it until word gets out so if you want it follow the second Channel why only one month why is it going away

Because it’s a big world file and there is no reason for me to stick around if you download it it’s not going to get deleted off your computer after a month but no really yeah so you’re gonna have one month to get it downloaded get it wherever you want

Share it with your friends whatever it is and then uh it’ll be gone it does not give permission to use it on public servers by the way I just want to throw that out there before anybody asks can I put it on my server if it’s a server with just you

And your friends sure go right ahead have fun you all can check it out together uh if it’s a public server that you’re trying to get players to come over to Big No-No big nerner let’s go make a Mason’s table because I think we can get some better looking cobblestone

Uh we need one brick two iron a clay ball how has the spawners Farm been doing it’s really good it’s hey Eric how you doing thank you for all the help on that by the way yeah no the spawner Farm is absurd okay we need to grab a brick without

Aha sorry not a brick clay ball sorry that was also really loud hargro series still going yeah heck yeah we’re still alive we’re still rocking okay what else do I need Mason table we need a cram table and two logs well bam we can put this right here

Yeah no the spawner is doing really well it’s Gotta Get On A Plane Aaron but love the videos Trodden cobblestone that’s kind of fun actually it’s a little dark uh Brooklyn thanks so much for the donut I do appreciate that have a have a safe plane ride this kind of looks manicured yeah let’s do that bedtime bedtime dead Empire’s end it is true Empire season 2 did end I thought something trails and Tails update uh I think if you look at the trails and tales of Dade as an update for a bunch of new stuff where there’s just so many new things and all this new stuff to do and so many new blocks being added in sorry you’re

Gonna be 100 sometimes already but will we ever get access to the model yeah you’re the second person today to say sorry if this is the 100th time uh again just to confirm it’s not something I have the ability to give out I am just a player on the series I’m not

The mod or the admin of this series so it’s not something I’m gonna be able to give out even whether I have it or not uh I mean obviously I do have the mod list but uh that is not information that I have and as of right now my understanding is that

We are not giving up the mod list um but if you want that to change you can talk to Scott so uh Cooperative bear thank you so much for the Dono but hopefully for anybody curious you can clip this and if you have the question again you can re-watch the clip

Do you like the 120 update right sorry I got distracted from talking about that I do I actually am really excited to play 120. I think it’s gonna be a really good update it’s kind of giving subway tile I like it yeah no I’m I’m really excited to check out 120 some more

What do we want to do for the roof any ideas chat what block should we go for should we just do like Spruce slabs or do we want to stick on like we could do some deep slight oh wait yeah have you talked to scar yeah he was on stream last week

Oh these can’t turn to stairs can they also it doesn’t go in there okay um if I want deep slate to turn into Fun stairs I need to take deep straight I actually want to turn into slabs so yeah let’s do deep slate and come over here

Don’t laugh at me this is my furnace setup don’t lie with me that’s my furnace it’s bad I know um ooh cobbled cobblestone have you ever tried cobbling your cobblestone because you could Cobble your cobblestone just in case you’re curious about cobbling your Cobblestone that’s what it looks like Angry cobblestone angry

I’m Cobblestone and I’m angry because nobody builds castles out of me anymore columns edged Cobblestone bricks eroded Cobblestone let’s do a half stack of land and get more of our tiles with my little fish tiles they go am I blind wasn’t it Cobblestone I guess

All right come on where the heck is it y’all am I crazy is it tiny Cobblestone Rex what was it called oh it’s at the top mini test I’m crazy sorry you’re right sorry when it’s in alphabetical order and everything started with cobblestone I should know better

I was kind of thinking that but that’s not manicured enough I should get those Spruce logs in so I need to we’re all over the place here everybody I’m so sorry yes you’re crazy it’s fine 9 10 11 12. 50 if you played Jedi Survivor uh I got it

On PC and it keeps crashing on me so I’m I’m like 10 hours into it and I’m I have a bug in my world in my save where I literally if I log in at this checkpoint I’m at and I I’m at one of the points where you get on a spammel

And you have to like run out in the desert and anytime I do that it crashes no matter what I do no matter what settings I try and change the game just crashes on me so I’ve kind of given up on it until they can actually figure out something

I I love the game was fun I had a I had a lot of fun playing it um but I’m just uh waiting for bug fixes that’ll work should work foreign build these ones they’re looking pretty good don’t break the cards I need the very important carrots yeah that’ll work okay cool

So we did a two and then a back by five and then a little okay Bam Bam one two three four five nope I forgot that I forgot the stuff at the top what are we doing today we’re kind of building up that little structure and

Then once we get that sorted uh I want to try and get some better enchants I’ve got some decent enchants now like I’ve been I’ve been on the grind like look at these boots those are pretty good um that helmet’s getting up there this guy’s finally got Fortune three on

It we got a sharpness four on the sword um and I I got Fortune off of the shovel which I’m very happy about but I’m still just trying to figure out the rest any of the cut tough slabs foreign fortnite not even once that is one of those games that I

Happily have not downloaded do you like it I’m happy for you but it’s uh it’s not my type of game okay so I’m thinking for just simplicity’s sake I don’t want to go with shingles yeah well I already got him so make a swimming pool we only make swimming pools here

No pools only rules okay can I get up here nailed it okay so if we do this it’s a little darker than I thought it would be but we’re just gonna rock it foreign going to leave one AIR block in the middle and also this is gonna be annoying let’s rethink this

Swimming ghouls I do y’all remember in oh um afterlife we had that like support column block that you could use to like barely stick out like a log sticking out of something and man do I wish we had that on here but I think something like this will do pretty well

And I think what we could do also is go get some glass slabs and bring those back in here as like skylights I don’t know why but I’m just really enjoying skylights look at levers yeah but we had like these really cool Spruce supports that you could like right click with an ax

And they would change their shape and everything like that what’s the vertical slab mod you use the only vertical slabs we have in this Packard from create because create is beautiful the only mod you ever need in your world is create Yeah I’m okay with this I’m thinking we like come up to here now I kind of like the open air idea honestly like if people want to walk in through there that’s fine along the back maybe you ever do single player modded again Not at the expense of dropping another series and I don’t have another Series right now that I want to draw because I always got to think about like the amount of time I have available to me and between the like Skyblock I don’t even know what I’m gonna get the next upload

Done like I I have no idea I’ll be honest I I don’t know in the next skyblock video is coming it’s not even planned right now how am I doing I’m doing pretty good today doing pretty good okay uh how do I make glass slabs glass slap pretty simple

You just do a create mod World why would I do a create mod world when we got this one basically treating this as create mod world I don’t need another one oh actually we might want those sports for a different wood workbench you have oh yeah uh

Do we have them no we don’t actually because it would show up under here yeah we don’t have the mod I can’t remember what they were called that’s fine though uh I do want to bring out a bunch of spruce trap doors I have so many of them it’s ridiculous and I

Want to bring a bunch of these lattices what’s your favorite block of the new update Um sorry I forgot stick analogy pill this morning and they are kicking my butt right now I honestly really like the the like the cherry wood actually no the bamboo bamboo wood as I think my new favorite the Cherry Wood’s cool like the cherry wood is good I can’t place box there

That’s where my Redstone receivers are we’re just gonna make this look a little weird uh the cherrywood’s pretty cool but the um the one I’m most excited for right now is uh the bamboo I think that green yellowy tone that we have in the bamboo is just so cool

Can I not place that there we go thank you cool there we go now people can’t walk in there and we can also put another lattice kind of right here yeah and then that kind of leaves us pretty open inside of here and just for safety’s sake I’m gonna put a torch and

A torch maybe we’ll get some lanterns lanterns will look a lot better but I have no ability to make a lantern actually wait can make those I can make one I need one more episode which I can actually make right now crabs table and of course not

And then over here we need to go these things are cool because you can just go like bam and then you can right click and turn them on and now from here let’s get a few Spruce stairs and then we also have our sprucy trip doors

And we’re just gonna do a little arches the classic the classic Spruce trapdoor stair move because we can that’s why oh okay nice oh we need to fix those okay okay we can do that we can fix that I’m thinking just for like decoration’s sake We’re Not Gonna Fill in those

Lattices but we just have that in there um if I haven’t mentioned just mostly because I don’t think I have yet one of my ideas that I have for this build this is exclusive stream previews is I really want this bass to be like steampunky industrial blah blah blah but

Also go with the idea of really overgrown and just like flowers and custom trees and things like growing out of buildings like decorative trees and stuff like almost like all the tops of buildings like I was I’m almost thinking about like coming up here and planting some trees like rooftop gardens everywhere

And stuff like that I think could be really cool so that’s kind of an idea I do have but we’ll see where that lands uh do we have couches actually I don’t want a bench nope chair seat couch bench chair seat uh let’s make some brown

Seats we have that and I need to get some wheat so you’re combining your two empires uh the first Empire wasn’t really like Lush like I wouldn’t say gobland was like flush or anything like that so perfect I need to dye this brown where’s my cocoa beans my cocoa means

Go Solar Punk dude I kind of want to do something solar punk I feel like that could be so cool I always think solar Punk stuff is really really interesting to me you ever get burnt out I’m playing Minecraft yeah yesterday I said nope and I logged off so yeah yeah

Even Minecraft YouTubers get burnt up playing Minecraft so no what’s solar Punk solar Punk is a version of Steampunk where everything is very like machine focused and everything but it’s more focused around like being sustainable hence the solar like solar powered and all of that type of stuff

Instead of oh I forgot the cobblestone uh instead of being so focused on uh like steampunk is all about machines and just industry and blah blah it’s like all those ideas but along with trying to be like friendly to Nature mostly solar power based but it works

We can do it in our rendition here if only create had solar panels dude if created solar panels and you can use that to generate power instead of having to do like the lava power generation machines that could be pretty cool okay uh what did I want to do in here

I don’t know I think it was meant to be like a little garden What If instead of a garden can we do like this I need to go under small ER Can we water log those they might know if these supports can be waterlogged we can just turn into like a little pond not a pond but like a fountain they can oh that’s annoying dang it we’re still at Trickster for the origin ain’t I ain’t that yet when you sleep

And then the rain starts I want to destroy something shovel shovel is fine right now nope that was the wrong one right we gotta protect this back side here uh but first where’s the middle here nice to meet you oh so we’re just gonna do that

All right thank you so much for the 16 months I really appreciate that thank you for support for for the support for so long my friend I really do appreciate it I hope you’re doing well today I definitely thought I could fly okay thoughts on dropping the outside rows to here

Yeah I kind of like it made a potato cannon yet I haven’t made one yet but I have messed with them in Creative before hey Eric thanks so much for the donut we got Sydney thank you so much for the Dono you made a potato Panama it’s really fun

I did see there’s an enchant for potato recovery or something like that I’m assuming that has to do with the potato cannon make a tunnel bar dude way ahead of you we got a big one how do you think I got all these blocks okay oh this is nice he got little seating

Area the only thing we would need in here is like a little vending machine thanks so much for the four months I really do appreciate that glad you enjoyed the series okay uh where’s my food where’s my food food I’m gonna put that in there that’s another layer this all can go

I should change these back to Spruce logs just so they store better that’s something I need to get in a habit of I remember not doing that in afterlife and then just being so annoyed with how unorganized everything was so we gotta do that here we got we gotta remember that

Okay uh what wall things do I have I believe I have a lot of like a endocyte bars what’s up all right there’s electrical mod for create I think it might have solar panels huh I’ll look into that see if we can see what we can do

Uh Sydney thanks so much for the Dono again I appreciate that thank you thank you no uh Scotty thanks how much for the dodo yeah I mean the I there’s not something I’m ever gonna endorse if there’s a fan made version of a pack just because the second we endorse it

And say hey you all can go get this fan made one over here as the second that we have to start managing it so somebody’s doing it that’s cool like my pack on curse Forge there you go for the people looking for it it’s not something we are endorsing or anything like that

Has the actual people on the pack but it does exist apparently I remember when we were on xlife somebody made one real quick so we’re just gonna do a little thing like this uh do not fall in the pit we also need something to go on top of these

Because I can’t do too high there unfortunately because we got the slab in that side honestly I kind of like it as this if you fall in if you run over this and jump in that’s on you that’s on you and this way I guess mobs can always

Jump over a iron bar so here’s what it is are those better rain sounds yeah this this rain pack if you you can you probably can’t see it on YouTube stream because buffering it actually goes side to side when you’re walking around like it has a physics to it and everything

Watching you in sausage at the same time cool face there we go are they they’re on there they started a new 30-day hardcore series I think we’re using the train rails we don’t need them for this it’s a small one once we get into like bigger Longer

Distance trains I’ll get I’ll use that stuff but I just didn’t need them here did Notch need a waste of materials yeah foreign slabs are really cool I know I never thought I’d be so excited about a path block slap but here we are uh and I am happy about it

Can you place these down oh you can cool Foreign okay so now that we have that when this tree farm eventually gets moved one pathway is going to come off over here I muted myself uh I’ll come back in and add like core starting things to the edge here the same way I did over on the main road

But for now let’s just focus on getting like a reasonable pathway they can also turn to Grass wow [Applause] so yeah you can just turn these into path blocks it’s amazing in love I think the little like dirt pass and everything like that with some like

Grass growing on it it’s going to kind of help to add to that like naturey aspect that I’m looking for eventually we’re gonna need to build like a little gazebo thing around the uh waist down so that it’s a little bit more protected than it is but

How would someone get to be in one of these types of servers best thing I can say is start your own the absolute best thing I can say is start your own because if you’re looking to be on this server with all of us uh be honest purely from like a

If we got to think of this as a job it’s like if we were to let random people on here uh the level of professionalism that we have being content creators that we kind of know just by working with each other and everything like that it would be

Gone so we don’t run public series ever and that you’ll find pretty much for any content creation group from us to hermitcraft any of the big smps the biggest thing that we can always say is that if you want to get onto a content creator SMP you have to first

And foremost be a content creator you’re not gonna get on and people will be like oh yeah random person that’s in our Discord sure come and join and start making videos we just we know nothing about you we don’t know anything um so it’s not a safe bet for us it’s a big

Brand risk to bring anybody on randomly so you got to think of it from that point so the best thing we can say is start your own proof like you’re you have the personality and the ability to like be a professional and that’s that’s how you would get into something like this

And then also even from there like that’s your that’s your entry point that’s your that’s your ability to even like be a name on the list just for lack of a better term and then from there you have to be friends with us like you you have to you have to be

Actual friends with like the people on the server because we also want to work with people that we have a good flow with and that we have a good like connection with if we’re just with random people it feels very artificial and Bland and bad uh so a lot of what we do

Is the reason why this works so well what we have between Empires what we have between everything is that we’re all friends and like we we I’ve that I’ve spent probably five six hours this week hanging out with Jimmy and Scott just playing Diablo and sausage has been in

There at times and Shelby’s being like man I want to hang out I want to I think I’m gonna get the game too and so like we’re just hanging out as friends playing video games together and chilling and chatting and catching up and everything and then

Like work is kind of outside of that but that’s the best thing I can say honestly it’s probably not the response most people want to hear but it’s the truth what’s the best way to start something like this start uploading videos uh but Lou thank you so much for the

Dono and Family Channel last night through the 1000 days very cool something like that I appreciate it and Cactus Reaper thanks for so much for the donuts I really appreciate that my friend um yeah hey you just start uploading videos start doing it do the thing

I I upload videos for six months on YouTube before I even like knew what the heck I was doing so if you’re looking to just like get in and be the next ranbu who explodes in a few months it’s not gonna happen oh man my course start slab okay uh

It’s like why is this so quiet the music stopped nope it’s just a very quiet Minecraft song I think it’s one of those things where you can like go back and like look at my old content where I was in a bunch of different smps like I always had my core

Group of people that I was recording with even when like Legacy SMP which I started and invited everybody to like I still after a few weeks realize that there’s a few people on there that I vibed with and wanted to record with and worked with and we had a good flow

Between us and everything like that and then there’s a whole half of the server that just I didn’t feel like I was a good friend with so it felt weird like recording too many things together so like even on servers that we all run like there’s randomly people that you’re just like

Yeah I like them but I just don’t record much with them because energy levels are a different point or whatever it might be are there grass Labs yeah the dirt can grow back over the ground or the grass can grow over the dirt probably not dirt growing over grass

That’d make a long time yento thank you so much for the 14 months at tier two yay thanks for being you and creating fun and exciting content hey I appreciate it thank you for always coming back did you make a ruined Temple like platform for your waist on yeah I kind

Of want to do something just pretty basic to be honest how much drips don’t how much Granite do I have that’s what I want to know that what do we got Um I love this let’s take tiny Granite bricks because these are gonna look like brick yep I’m gonna have way too much fun with the chipmunk no more double dirting hey most of that was double dirted kind of Maybe I’m lazy leave me alone fish wait fish ing fish

Double dirting got really exhausting on the resources and I just can’t be bothered is it smarter to do yeah oh we forgot to put the stones in there oh wait let’s get fishy back up let’s just do this in fishy can go back Billet over with the 14 months as well

I was a pleasure to catch you on stream keep up the good work and don’t stress yourself you’re doing amazing hey I appreciate it thank you very much I’ve been thinking about content creating for a hobby have any tips for choosing a name pick something you won’t regret a few

Years down the way not that I regret the one I have right now but I’m definitely like why did I pick this uh no I I like I’m Not Gonna Change Flip I don’t even know what I would change it to if I were to change it uh but the big

Thing is pick something short pick something sweet and just like simple something that’ll be memorable like you don’t want to be like Minecraft man three thousand five hundred and fifty Seven because like who’s gonna remember that nobody uh you want to have something that’s will be memorable and also something

That can be shortened even Beyond it or if it’s like two or three words then you’re fine um but yeah I don’t know pick something meaningful to you your name isn’t going to be what makes or breaks it for your content your content’s gonna speak for itself so I

Mean just just pick a name that isn’t going to be offensive foreign I love Minecraft man 357 yeah well I said 3057 so you already forgot the name Point proven some of you are mentioning names of creators you’re like yeah this one proves that name doesn’t matter I have

No idea who you’re talking about I’ll be honest never even heard the names okay there’s a nice little like barrier and we can turn the below section into something else I’m not a big fan of the tough I’ll be honest the tough is not speaking to me right now but maybe if we

Have some like leaves or something around it could help where’s a tree that I can de-leathifify take us on a ride on the railroad yeah I mean it’s pretty short one right now but it’s it is railroad nonetheless Scott’s name is being bullied how do you not how do you not know I

Mean like yeah Scott is the one who can prove that you can have multiple names and be fine Scott schmager MCC organizer we have dang that’s a long name even I will say though sometimes I do forget that Scott’s Channel yeah I think this helps this helps a good amount

So these are leaf piles so they’re bushy and you can walk into them but you can’t like jump so it’s actually just kind of well they can’t jump over that anyways but I don’t know it’s gonna do a thing sure Scott is a branding disaster I love that

For him hey Scott gets it done I’m not gonna tell you if your names are good or not I don’t know simple answer is you gotta run it you gotta run it and see if it works y’all my first username I ever ever had online was dark Hunter 35.

And then I went to fail Whip and then I just went to flip because I just wanted to shorten it instead of think of a new one don’t ask for me for naming advice we it goes down here and then we stop we can get off and we’re at the mop spawner

Stand on this you stand right here because I was 11 years old and wanted a cool name to play Warcraft 3 online Warcraft 3 back in the day Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne the mini game lobbies I was all over that guy still I’m all over that actually I

Still go in there if anybody oh it’s that time of the new live stream Where I Need to restart the game Liz I don’t know if I should let that one run or not but I’m just gonna let it run there you go that’s how you can get the mod list everybody

There you go weird I just got a random text message from some person who just said good afternoon and sent a picture of a bottle of wine I don’t know who that person is I don’t have their phone number saved all right have fun whoever you are lady have fun

All right it’s coming back up sorry the game crashed big old crash on the video game now it’s saving the replay who wants a sneak preview uh actually no no I’m not even gonna share it I got something cool I’m working on if you know if you know oxy who made all

Of this artwork I got him I got him working I gotta work on something new for me very excited a wine sales person yeah but I can’t even read the name of the bottle I also had like signatures on the bottle like it was a special one or something and I’m like

It’s not my signature and I can’t tell who signatures they are okay we back we did the thing actually that’s really good that crashed then because I meant to save the replay and it is uh Saving right now hype for the reveal yeah it’s gonna be good

I wish we had like a quarter block cat is annoying you BRB do not punt the cap whatever you do do not punt the cat poop poop graduating from high school today hey congratulations oh so these are copper cat rails right under me and if you crouch you can’t move on them

Interesting why is that a thing does that happen on the anesite ones too no you can move on these why can’t you move on those all right chat we’ve done it I think that’s uh all right we got the lanterns on the outside so we don’t need those

I kind of like that being a little bit more connected I feel like with the glass in there I just needed a need to touch more yeah I wish that would stay loaded in a little bit more so for these if you’re curious how this whole thing works

The button here we have wireless Redstone in create so we this is a wireless Redstone transmitter there’s also two more right down there and I have the frequency set to bone bone meal because I figured nobody else is going to use that and it’s a mob farm uh and so if

You look at these ones those are bone bone meal and basically that’s set to send mode these are set to receive you can see the little white thing on there so if I click that it sends a signal and it goes and then the reason why the one

At the bottom also goes you can actually see it a little bit better down here is we have the same frequency set there so that activates the same thing and these are both set to receive the same thing so anytime either of the buttons are pressed the rails activate and just send

The thing up so it’s super easy so like we can do goodbye hello red car goodbye red car hello blue car science favorite Lego set I see the second is your background do I got the succulents back there I got the Lego bonsai tree over there I got the Mandalorian head up

There I got the birds of paradise one over there um and I have the Orchid on my chair waiting to be built it’s been like three months since I bought it but yeah I I really like the Lego flowers I think they’re cool and then uh I my favorite Lego set I’ve

Ever had was I I built the big old Death Star when I was a kid and I loved that thing that was very cool um I don’t I don’t actually I think my mom has it but I like that one but honestly my favorite which my mom says she won’t

Get back to me the Lego Yoda like the let me find this like the old school one before and other games and also I love that you are all friends in the SMP makes the content wholesome oh why’d that download as a JPEG why is that not just gross uh yeah this one

It’s kind of it’s old but I just loved it for some reason this guy I loved him actually no this is a different one this is not the one I had this is similar but this is like a fan made one this is not it uh let me see if

I can find it this is definitely one of my favorite Legos I ever had um no I’m on it I know I want to find it maybe this was it but these are selling on brick links and I don’t think it was a brick Lynx one

I think I think there’s an older version that I had I collected all the Star Wars Legos when I was a kid people would be like what do you want for your birthday or for Christmas whatever you’re like Star Wars Legos why are his eyes so backroomsy it’s Lego

Bricks uh prawns thank you so much for the donut uh care if you use flip as you’re in gaming Diablo 4 in other games uh I do in most blizzard games I use some version of Flip or it’s my old characters that were fail whip I don’t really care anymore I’ve had one

I actually had one person I was playing World of Warcraft classic and I was running through a Zone just leveling hanging out playing with one of my buddies and some dude rode by a much higher level than we were Road by us came back and we were like oh

No what’s going on and he came back and just started circling around us and was just just pause and he says are you flip and I was just like yeah you caught me and he just goes wow cool love your videos have a great day it

Just wrote off I was like cool okay I was like please don’t be the random person that just starts following us everywhere I’m on vacation in Spain I’m jealous uh but yeah I was like that’s that was kind of cool also fan artist in general I’m gonna put a note out in

The next video if there’s any fan artists that are in here and want to add stuff that I’m gonna throw up around the base I know that a bunch of people doing fan art and things like that but I want to turn this into like a cool City and everything and I

Thought like logos and whatnot would be fun to throw up so I think I’m calling this the brick Bakery if somebody wants to make a sign that would sit like right there like a like a factory sign or whatever just fan art of it in general that’d be like the brick Bakery however

You want to do it and wait does that tag me in it and uh give me a say that I have permission to use it because if not I won’t throw it in I might ask otherwise but yeah and then I’m also looking for like fan art or just like

General like what could be considered like graffiti and like street art that we can put up because I think we’re gonna have a lot of like bare walls like this and I thought just like having some transparent background like art that we could plaster up against it would be really

Cool or like movie posters so I was thinking about making like a movie cinema uh you can either post it on the flip fan art disc uh Discord channel in my Discord uh or tag me on Twitter or Instagram or something and use hashtag flip fanart and hashtag New Life SMP

Uh both of those are but make sure hashtag flip fan art is in there do those paintings work on the roof floor that’s a good question because like I have that one in here that I love from the hardcore world and then I also have this one up here that I

Love from the hardcore world so I want to do some like pixelated versions of uh my own stuff you can make them glow too so it’s just paper and a die good thing I just harvested a bunch of sugar cane you can put it on the ground wow that’s called immersive paintings

Someone make a hopscotch one if somebody makes a hopscotch I will put it in if somebody makes a painting of a foot fan art Hopscotch I will put it in somewhere in the city there’s a little like above view here with just a little free cam action

We kind of got like this coming throughout here that is probably gonna turn in like a building a factory something in here maybe this can be like my workshop and then we can have like a storage room here and I want the road to like go along this way and we’re just gonna

Have like one main street with buildings on all sides and I want to give I want to push them back a little bit further so I want a wider Street we’re gonna have buildings on all sides and I want to figure out if I can like find a way to have like a

Like Street poles and like the like wires and things like going across I think that’d be cool I think it might be hard on an angle but maybe we can get something um maybe just like them connecting to be between the different houses and then yeah I want to do that we’re

Going to turn all these outside areas on different like massive farming zones and things like that are going to be pretty cool I got a plan for like a big agricultural space over here that I think would be really fun I think I’m gonna level that mountain down and then we’re also gonna

Like fill in that River or that section of the ocean out to here and just turn this into like old school classic like red and white Barns and massive fields that we’re gonna have like Auto machines like these guys but I’m gonna put them on Gantry so they’re not spinning in

Circles they’re just like gonna go to the end flip and turn around and come back I think that’d be really cool rain thank you so much for the Dono is the art able to do a transparent background I think so let me check oh uh drop an image here okay

I might need to hide this one second let me find transparent image oh does it oh my gosh I made big foreign let’s see I don’t know if it does transparent or not if it doesn’t you can always make like a stone background or something and that would work where’s mine painting

Why’d you go over there graffiti cans do transfer oh no way okay cool we’re spending okay yeah so we got that cool okay so yeah chat it’s possible thank you Martin I appreciate that also hi how you doing um yeah okay that’d be fine let me see um Oh sorry the factory that we are working towards new painting Boop we can throw this in if I want let’s go height two four wide no I hate to or wide aha I want to move it over one pleased to meet you uh frame simple

Real I think it would be cool if you make a power plant yeah I definitely want to power plant is like on the list of things to do this is the factory we’re working towards one day we’ll have a copper Factory out here uh Lynn thank you so much for

Coming remember I really do appreciate that James thank you so much for the donut I appreciate that yeah Power Plant is definitely on the list it’s gonna be more centralized uh power plant is probably gonna be more I’m almost thinking like up here or somewhere in here uh because I want

It to be really Central so it’s easy to get power to different locations and I I try to not go underground with that so um yeah I think power plant up here but then we also need and create the way to get like a super power plant is you have

To use lava for fuel and you can get a thing that’ll recognize an infinite lava source but you need something like 10 000 blocks of lava in an area so we have to use like the lava farm that I have which is in my basement

The reason why I built this thing was so we can start working towards that and that is completely full of lava so we’re pretty much going to figure out a way to pump that out of here take some pipes move that over and just have it dispensing into a pit so it’ll just

Basically slowly fill up over time yeah the graffiti does transparent we got that sorted we’re good so yeah we can do all that stuff that’ll be awesome probably thank you so much for the donut I do appreciate that my dude thank you thank you thank you just renewed because I enjoy your chaos

I appreciate that thank you there’s always a healthy amount of chaos here isn’t there speaking of which we should build a bridge I don’t know why chaos made me think of a bridge here we are probably didn’t need that many but that’s okay I feel like a spruce bridge is not gonna

Look good let’s go where they put this on ours I think they’re back here I need 10K blocks now actually I’m actually filling that lava pool yeah I think it’s one of those I want to set up soon and just let it do its thing is it chaotic right now just in general

I think it’s always slightly chaotic in these streams but that’s it’s like a healthy chaos you know one that helps get you through the day and right now I want all of these things out of my inventory immediately otherwise I will throw them on the floor I’ll let them all despawn

Um bam we need that I can put the flowers in here we’ll put the paper in there too the paintings shall go in this drawer the reason why I got all the yellow dye is because we can make some cool bricks out of it just take all these

Are we Falling Sand again we are okay we’re losing sand so after we make these bricks we’re gonna go throw a bunch of sand because we can get they can make Dean bricks for Dean brick blocks foreign we’ll use the dean bricks and then what else was there using Limestone right

And we can use some polished cut Limestone just for the top I don’t know it’s probably gonna be really bright but I also feel like it could be kind of fun how about making a gallery building and a fan art in there yeah I think that’d

Be cool but I also wanted to be something that I walked through like we can do a little fan art building and have that be like the fan art home but if we do that then it’s only going to be something that we see when we’re in there you know

And I know a lot of other people in the series do fan art buildings and things uh so I thought doing something more along the lines of oh we’re still picking up sand because it’s uh that whole storage thing has a lot of space to go

Or we’re still just gonna take all this I like the idea of like having it throughout the base and incorporating the fan art into things that we make I think that’d be fun instead of hiding it all on the Interiors like having it around the world I think is really cool

What am I doing trying to find a place for this ladder it lives there now for very important reasons um could I please get another sapling off of this I did we finally have two Catherine gave me one jungle sapling a while ago and I’ve been harvesting it

Trying to get extra jungle stuff out of it and it’s been taking forever okay oh I needed those Spruce slabs why’d you all let me put the spruce slabs away you should really make the back of the factory soon yeah I need some more bricks ignore the fact that I just

Oh I actually have a good amount of Warren Brooks ignore the fact that I just crafted all my bricks into more bricks is that the only stair weird oh Spruce slabs chat you’re gonna let me leave without him again right uh so step one sloppy boys

What’d I do two and then a one so we can have our two and our one goes here and then that’s just a straight diagonal there okay now yep that’s okay okay yeah okay okay yeah yeah okay okay chaos Bridges our best bridges yeah okay

How the heck am I going to do this I’d plan to put those little Limestone bits on top but maybe we just do like a little boop boop honestly need some love on this side but it’s no bad I’ve seen worse kind of my nose is so itchy today I hate allergies

I want to destroy allergies please join me on my crusade yeah I like that better I know this I know the wood is showing but maybe we can make it a little bit less apparent something like that yeah that’ll work so then that also doesn’t interrupt the water flow over here

We’re fine we’re making it out that’s what I keep hitting when I teleport it’s the hitbox of that whole thing it’s annoying the problem is I also love flowers and everything so like I love Springtime and then I just like yeah I love Springtime it’s great

I just can’t speak or do anything right now I just love spring so much I never used to have that bad of allergies and these last two Springs oh my gosh man hit me like a truck I want don’t everybody I thought I do isn’t that what you need to not struggle in

Water because we struggle busting any more we need more bricks that’s probably more than I needed if stream’s blurry you just gotta do a quick refresh uh sometimes if you’re having connection problems YouTube will Auto send you down to a lower quality without telling you it sent you to a

Lower quality so you just gotta do a quick little refresh and it’ll bring you back there we go I like now we have a way to go across people can come over to the mob farm without ever looking at all the spoilery stuff in my base dude we’re set actually I don’t need

That I should not be wasting that I hate everything I hate everything heat up also I get so hungry so quick when I’m tiny oh I thought I’d have a sign in there for sure okay uh let’s take something we can just use this we’ll do that for now

I’ll get something better here soon but for now this will be uh a start I think it’ll work I need to figure out where I’m relocating these Farms to before I bring the road up so it’s okay so we’ll just kind of do like a little poop actually that was meant to be

Path locks yeah so that could be here people come in they get a nice little entry point um for consistency major banned from Island just you know to keep it locked in there to stay consistent across everything uh and then they need the experience Farm they can just jumpy jump right down here

We need some lamps to the path that’s what we need we need a few lights never thought I’d be so happy about dirt slabs dude right I don’t want I know a lot of people are like giving me dirt layers or I Riot and I don’t want those

I don’t want dirt layers mostly because I will never get anything done but dirt slabs could be kind of fun thinking funk I did a thunk I did a thunk why she sense ex-life oh it’s so weird to think x-life was so long ago seven reinforced for the base and we’re gonna do

What’s a carved one look like ooh what about I sign what’s an i know sorry I’m trying to like see so closely to see what’s in here I can’t it’s a shushma M sign Edge stripped oh I kind of like that let’s go with those Edge stripped don’t need don’t need Boop

Other side banger it’s for real would you ever want to add Creek to Empires uh no I would it be fun to do something like that yeah but I think part of the charm of Empires is that it’s single uh that it’s vanilla like it would be really cool to have

Create stuff like moving around in Goblin like that would be fun to see but I think is the charm of the series is it’s Gotta Stay vanilla Erin thank you so much for the donut though I really do appreciate that um but yeah just for the just for the

Way that we run the series and everything I think if we added mods Beyond just the Cosmetic stuff we have we’re really getting into like a kind of a weirder territory foreign There we go that’ll keep it kind of lit it’s lit Chrissy it’s just a blank Fest playing Minecraft it’s lit are you gonna do a 1.20 series hardcore series is continuing uh I’m not restarting not doing anything like that uh we’re continuing right where the last episode left off there’s a new Hardcore episode dropping tomorrow so you got that to look forward to

But yeah I I don’t know I I’ve played with the idea of like starting a new hardcore series and things like that when updates launch but then I’m like no why like why would I need to do that uh I I have a really cool Series right now still a very

Successful series and I absolutely love the world that we’re building over there so there’s no reason for me to restart anything gonna go for a run ooh get that exercise in Heidi did my workout today I’m done I am now couch potato for the rest of the day

I exercise that’s it’s fair I did it I did the thing now I don’t have to move it’ll be a second season of New Life bro we just started the first season also if you look at technically of our life series that we run which by the way I’m gonna say is out

Before Green’s life series you know we we are the OG ‘s life something series going ons um the amount of people that were like wait new life isn’t part of grian’s life series The Artist is so dumb and I’m like technically we actually were here first so there’s that but this is

Technically if you think about it season three hey uh because we had X life Afterlife New Life that I’ve been part of and I think they even had didn’t they have first life or something like that before like Lizzy Scott and all them they definitely had another life Series

Where they only had one life and it was like really heavily modded and everything like that um before I was in here One Life old one oh yeah okay yeah yeah so like that’s old that’s way before my time of even being in the friend group so yeah that was

A long long time ago good old jeremyism in in x-life yeah Cod the fact Joel got away with that still to this day amazes me he was so on the line with all of his jokes and everything and it was so good the fact that nobody got upset I was so surprised by

He did such a good job um but yeah so that’s kind of where we’re at I’ll be honest Chad I’m pretty hungry so I think that is where we’re going to be calling stream today we got everything done that I wanted to get done I’m really happy about this now uh and I

Know some people were asking about how to get to the experience Farm so all they got to do is take the way Stone follow the sign along the pathway hopefully not mess with my redstone uh and then you come up here you get in the seat you clicky the button and yeah

Off you go we’ll have to come back in next time and like fix up those walls and things but then you’re just down here we vibing murdering a baby zombie as it should be throwing his flesh into the lava I will say I did accidentally throw a

Prop 4 book into there I was very sad I almost threw my diamond pick too but I I missed so I caught it but thank you everybody so very much for being here today I really do appreciate it if you have not already be sure to subscribe to the channel I don’t know

Why you’re in a stream right now if you haven’t but you know some people could be out there doing that stuff so thank you also very much I really do appreciate all the support again uh tomorrow we’re going to be having a new hardcore episode dropping look it’s

About my process that I went through to move up to 1.20 so if you haven’t upgrade to 120 and you’re like maybe I need to do a few things first that video is going to walk you through all the steps that I went through to get up

There including how to prune chunks and everything a job Edition all that cool stuff later this week is there anything happening on Saturday is is MCC this Saturday is that this Saturday or is that next Saturday Saturday June 10th that is a Saturday okay Sunday Sunday will be the 2000 Day

Video because I’m not going to release that on MCC day see ya Sunday that’ll be out and then uh we’ll get a new life episode three out next week and then the next 1000 days of the movie series for the hardcore world and all that cool stuff

Um but that’s all I got time for today I got a lot of stuff going I’m I head out of town next Tuesday so we’ll stream this Friday the no streams next week unless I can get done early and we’ll do a Monday stream uh but yeah so it’s

Gonna be kind of a weird one next week but thank you all so very much for the support I really do appreciate it y’all are absolutely amazing love you all very much y’all have an excellent one and I’ll catch you all on the flip side bye foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘FIRST RAILROAD on NEW LIFE SMP : Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-06-07 20:58:40. It has garnered 102855 views and 4466 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds.

fWhip is playing on the New Life SMP Minecraft Modded Survival SMP! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks!

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fWhip uses SHOCKBYTE server hosting for all of his Minecraft SMP series! Use code FWHIP at check out for 25% on your first month. Learn more here: https://shockbyte.com/partner/fwhip

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#Minecraft #Survival #NewLifeSMP

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    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More

fWhip – FIRST RAILROAD on NEW LIFE SMP : Minecraft Survival