fWhip – I Survived 4,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Survival [MOVIE]

Video Information

I’m starting with the base Minecraft village and I have a goal of allowing villagers to roam free last episode I transformed the entire surrounding flower Forest which means it’s time to transform a village this has taken over 250 days to complete so be sure to leave

A like and please subscribe if you enjoy hey folks flip here and welcome to Hardcore Minecraft a little while ago the hard drive in my computer failed and everything was gone and all of my Minecraft worlds were on there I instantly got to work trying to recover

Anything I could get my hands on after 12 hours and quite a few tiers later I did it I saved the hardcore world with that I decided to reward Myself by adding micro blocks to the wandering Trader along with surviving 3000 days I think I’ve earned it and here’s my

Collection so far and I can take a few with me to add around the city for some extra spice just little guys like that is gonna make such a difference moving on to something that will affect how I play the game I want to use warped wood

For the roofs of The Village but I can’t be bothered to chop any more down I really try to not automate the grind away as I might as well just play Creative Mode I need another Tree Farm to build this Farm I’m gonna need a lot a lot of

Materials now first glass from The Librarians and a lot of redstone from the clerics a quick trip down to the iron farm I just need a little bit of stuff a little extra Master now as I get things started first crafting orange dye to create orange glass and I’ve already

Got tons of Pistons slime blocks walls and slabs in here that leaves Hoppers observers dispensers repeaters comparators and the works but this should be just about everything I’m going to need as we’re building the automatic farm by cremulus now it’s not the prettiest thing but I do need it

Near the future Village so it can run while I’m working and I’m thinking right up against the mountain here could be perfect first I need to prep the area and push this as close to the hill as I can I didn’t really think about where to

Put the Redstone and I don’t want it out here in the middle so I gotta clear this out too and this should about do it next for any blocks I drop we can put a little water in the corner and this should be big enough first up here Anita

Build Redstone clock that’s going to control the entire thing Next up to make this Farm auto magical we can add in a few spawning spaces around here for all of our warped goodies and maybe the Crimson this Farm also produces warped and Crimson mushrooms so I’m building a little collection system for those any easy way

To supply bone meal now for the much more fun explosive part foreign But now we can take the time to explode stuff which this should bring us right here into the middle okay but actually none of this goes here I definitely know what I’m doing and this is a little clock up here yep now I very much know

What this whole thing does and so I sparkly finished up the farm with no tutorial whatsoever definitely not no way cause I’m a professional moving on and grabbing some bone meal not as a distraction just uh stuff to do let’s keep going we can fill both ends of the

Chest here with a ton of bone meal 27 Stacks each for now I’m gonna sleep the night away before this gets too spooky as it is time to test this thing please work I mean I definitely know the redstone’s perfect but yep please work the farm definitely was working as

Intended and I knew that straight away so we’re off to play the field not as a distraction at all for me not knowing what I was doing whatsoever we just absolutely have to plant a new field precisely right now as also you absolutely should subscribe right now

This is episode 30 and I’ve survived 3135 days Hardcore Minecraft The Flower Farms and last episode produced an insane amount of seeds so I wanted to plant a brand new Wheat Field here near spawn moving on to the next distraction let’s get this Village going where yes I

Will actually build the Village today the plan for this one is to bring a few rows through and Link them all together then create some village houses and structures themed after villager professions adding in some Marcus stalls to bring it alive and lastly some small fields around for the farmers to work

Now first to get the roads in place This should do now I need a little bit of wheat wow wow what else we have oh those Farms working great I’ll convert nine Stacks over for now okay maybe just a little bit more I do need mud bricks after all right first step here before

We put on the roads I think it’s time to remove everything else inside of the village it’s like it was never here speaking of which where are the villagers you’ve got what you’ve got to be kidding me how did you manage this get out get out right

Now you want to stand there okay and we still have two alive in the hot tub The Village can go on we’re next I need to clear out some of the grass in order to bring the road all the way up right about here I think we start

Transitioning out of the coarse dirt into our packed mud and mud brick first section is in and this will work and we’ll keep expanding it as we get the village houses in but first i’m finishing the street layout throughout the village creating a small Loop in the Middle where the villagers have finally

Joined the village of a building in a tower but hi lure two yeah I’m gonna lure you into the village get it get it get it and our first tool Smith working the market stall that the horse’s head is I oh no I forgot to turn on the tree

Farm this entire time I was really hoping to come back to a bunch of materials before I do that though let’s get a little bit of cobblestone here inside the Quarry I swear I never sleep in this bed but uh we can stay the night

At home now let’s turn the farm on well I spent some time planning out where the structures of all these buildings are gonna go we can do a stone Mason back here with a small Workshop station out in front kitty corner to that we can have a leather workers shop it’ll

Probably have a workstation back over here the library once stood tall here so I want to throw it back in and something like this next door to that we can have the butcher shop a tool Smith over here and for the entrance on this side I want

To include a Tavern it’s actually gonna come out over the road into a little Stables fill in on this side of the road we can do another Farmhouse and lead into a replacement for the blood I have a replacement for the chapel this right here should do it and I’ve got plenty of

Space to add in details like trees speaking of which how is the Farm doing wow that’s a lot of stuff I think it’s out of bone meal though with that sorted I’m gonna need a lot of blocks to build the village first a lot of copper which

I want to lay out in the village so while I’m building it’s already aging down all three stacks are now placed down next I’m gonna need to empty this shulker box and it can go in here it’s fine and here because it’s so organized from here we’re off to the desert we

Fill an entire choker box of sandstone thank you this is probably why I have storage issues I realistically don’t need that much but I just like having a lot of blocks okay so we’re gonna keep doing it running down into the Super smelter I want to put about 18 Stacks in here for

Smooth sandstone and it should be coming back pretty quick a few minutes later there we go this house here is gonna be for the stone cutter and the leather worker right next door so we don’t need this field or any of the water let alone the Farmland both will have outdoor

Workstation so I changed a lot of the grass out for coarse dirt and packed mud for the Mason I want to start with white terracotta stone brick on the corners like we’ve done so far sticking kind of with the base idea from our first buildings I do want to include some

Tough here at the bottom then we bring in the white terracotta all the way up inside of this way so we have a large entrance in case Boulders or something need to be moved in and out of the workshop we can do this and since we have it let’s grab some Crimson stem

Plank’s on the corner a door and strip stems I kind of like that that works out really well moving on to the second floor I want to take a lot of theme elements from the first building we created so sticking the the spruce out to the sides and then stacking it up

With the same slope all the way up for the roof along the back here I want to bring in some strip jungle Logs with a few windows for a small jet out going for the Birch and smooth Sandstone for the walls with plenty of Windows on top

The Mason’s house is starting to look pretty good but I forgot an item so let’s make the shulker monster even worse but look at my nice wagon you live in the house give me this I keep running out of this stuff so I want to fill an entire shulker with dark prismarine how

Much do I actually have down here a little over two stacks so no this is my life now about an hour later and I’m all out of ink taking a quick trip out into the end to the witheros farm or ender pearl Farm I guess okay these can craft

Into black dye for more Dark Prince Marine not perfect but better than nothing with that all finally done I want to gather up all of the H Chopper and get back into building we have a lot of houses to build on the Village today so the Mason’s house is

Now set in stone then jumping over the leather worker to build a one-story house and finishing up the outdoor workstation where I have these big Vats over here for some water and a small stirring nope stirring tool of course some actual cauldrons for workstations and a few extra bits around and a much

Much better now for the first Farmer’s house where I want to replace the base along here with some tough I’m really liking the stone brick on the corners and then the white terracotta in the middle the match are Plains Village Vibes where something like this should

Work slop a mangrove door on the front a little Lantern right there Blast for the window and Oak trap doors cutting another out on the side giving this house a little bit more presence I want to extend ourselves out this way stack up a few of the logs like we’ve done on

A few other houses then for the middle we can start with Birch planks and smooth Sandstone on the sides this way it fits with everything else and really starts to set in the style hearing that around the rest of the house so it all feels and fitting inside the environment

This is looking pretty good so far then here on the back I want just a small tiny section sticking out so it’s not all the exact same let’s bring in some Oak and from here we can just extend out some slabs to cover finishing this Farmer’s house off with a diorite

Chimney and stacking up the roof style we’re using throughout the rest of the village so far bit basic for now but inside each of these houses I want to include a bed and a workstation Stone Cutter’s already outside here so they just need a bed and ow I get it it’s

Fine this isn’t even your house well the worker can have a bed too though next I want to tear these guys down and get some actual trees over here going back to the azalea trees we built in the last episode I want to repeat those here too

And that is looking a lot better coming into the Village from this side already most of the copper is aged down now so I can at least clean up this mess just a few stubborn pieces left to age I am starting to get a little worried about

The villagers the population seems to be dwindling a quick stop at the wheat farm I can craft a few stacks of bread now if I give this to one of the villagers hopefully with all the okay just walk away from the bread I’m trying to give

You if I give these to you hopefully you’ll go give it to your friends right yeah and you know what yes kind of forgot about the banner I made we can add in a few of them around the village just to keep the vibe going but next up

I’d like to refocus on the opposite corner of the village and work on and in with an attached Stables you’re aged I wanna add some more color into the village so let’s get some purple dye or purple terracotta and magenta terracotta our first child appears to be uh stuck behind the stone cutter

Um you’ll figure it out right yeah I Believe In You Cobblestone base going around the sides then here on the front I think we could have some stone brick and then we bring our purple terracotta coming up throw a little door frame in here with some Spruce and we carry the

Details going around the rest of it to continue on with the purple I’m thinking we do the door here out of crimson I’m kind of loving it right now since I finally have it to work with the dish got off the first floor I carried the purple terracotta all the way around and

Built a little side section this is a pretty good start and to have an overhang on the road I think we can extend a little bit of spruce out bring some trapdoors down creating a small Archway the archway is going to link to the stables and a second floor for the

End so we can have a few more rooms but first off finishing the end with white terracotta for the second floor walls with a little magenta at the top and a warped copper roof to bring it all together I’m really loving this for the back entrance into the village and I

Think a very tall tower right here well look Fantastic Four fan flippantastic we now have two children in the village and a tower where yep the extra height is working great to go up even further though I do want to collect a little bit of sand from the river because somehow I

Have all the smooth Sandstone but no sand to keep an eye on the new children and make sure they’re safe I’m adding a top of the tower out of sandstone with a deep slight roof we are officially a village we have cats look at him he’s

Adorable but first we need to build a stable section which is gonna go right over here a few stalls to get inside and I think we can bring some jungle all the way around the back I’m trying to keep the scale similar throughout the entire Village so it all fits together so we’ll

Bring ourselves up four blocks and then we’ll do strip jungle logs in between you know what instead let’s go up five blocks and then inside of here we can create some stalls for the horses themselves like this and Spruce coming across the top where I’ve run out for

Now let’s tear out the entire floor underneath and replace it with some coarse dirt out here in the front I think we can replace some of this grass to us it’s gonna be a busier part of town so we probably need an actual road that is looking much better somehow I

Have all of these shulker boxes of so many different types of materials everywhere completely unorganized and there’s no Spruce Wood we’re completely out time for a quick break from the village and stop by the neighboring Mega tiger as I need to restock up on as much

Spruce Wood as I can fit in my inventory an entire day of log chopping later and this should Satisfy My Endless need for Spruce trap doors maybe for just this project but I’m not a bad guy so I will replant the trees that chop down material is ready to go I’m back at

Finishing the Staples with a second floor balcony moving on to some Sandstone walls to keep it simple and then a spruce roof to add contrast to the other roof lines in the oh hi there little friend uh that needs one final line of logs here at the top

And the Stables is done just a few beds in here for the inn and barrels for the bartenders before moving on to a new area I want to build up more of the cypress trees to border of the road like I did on the far side of town I need a

Quick sacrifice here from one of the horses for a bit of leather with sticks to make item frames as outside of the Inn I want to give the beds as a symbol it like please thank you this isn’t in with a bed so you can sleep in the end

And a second out here with a little Banner showing that we’re coming into the village next up it’s time to get some Farmers first I need to grab a load of carrots this beautiful house right here is gonna be for a farmer so we can throw in a composter and a bed then

Right back over here where I can throw in some slabs to waterlog them and then expand Farmland around it and plant in all the carrots for the villagers to hopefully maintain the population themselves a few slabs in here so the farmer doesn’t triple everything but these two a lovely gentleman should be

Able to maintain the village if they can’t figure out how to spawn Golems to keep them safe I do feel kind of bad leaving our new farmer friend without a roof over his head so I need to raise it villagers I will protect you everybody’s safe okay that’s good oh we gotta golem

Look at that oh we have a protector I hope this doesn’t look too awful in the end as I want to bring the flower farm style from last episode Into The Village I am not done with it yet though so we can frame out the window maybe campfires

Along the top and do something like this to kind of hide it all before jumping into the Warped wood for the roof we can bring in a little Spruce as a border and the farmer approves he likes his house to go along with us being related to the

Flower for us I’m thinking we add a little stand out here where they might be selling some flowers and a little awning on the house itself making sure here it’s still related to The Village I’m throwing on a warped roof pink pink and red now I really like Soul lanterns

But this is my last one I want to throw one back here to keep the Farmland a little brighter taking a quick stop at the iron farm for some iron and we jump into The Nether made it professional now inside of here I should find that they gave Soul torches professional Quick

Trip into the Quarry for some bamboo though I can craft a ton of Soul torches which using iron nuggets we can craft Soul lanterns quick stop at the sheep farm for more orange and pink wool we craft tons of banners because I need more cozy Vibes in my life off to build

The next structure I’m building a small blacksmith for a tool Smith to work using deep slate for the chimney in an outdoor working station and some mixed stones in for the walls and dark Birds rain for the roof adding some magma blocks for the forge here and trap doors

So the villagers don’t warm their toes to death fitting table for the job station and an anvil it looks pretty good except the magma is leaking out so maybe I just do that yeah probably better I know you’re a fisherman but you like the forge now yes no he’s just leaving okay goodbye

Oh he likes it I should have a tool Smith around here so oh hi there you are sweet that actually works out great let’s buy some hoes be a little symbol on an item frame for our shop the extra details really do help make a difference

Here taking a look back at where we started we’ve already built houses for our stonemason and leather workers the Inn is ready for any Travelers who might want to buy tools from our tool Smith and our village is now self-sustaining with a few farmhouses we’ve still got a

Lot of work to do but there’s a Wandering Trader right over here hey buddy what do you got what do you got hello hello oh drip stone block cartography table okay I really okay I need I need as many of these as I can get ancient debris I don’t think I have

Any I think I smelt it at all emergency emeralds and this is what I can get so far not too much but it’s a start back to the base we go I need many blocks okay I’ve got a few more blocks we can trade but no diamond oh wait wait I

Forgot about these I will take that any ancient debris in here oh there’s three another right kind of forgot about those no back to focusing on the village where we need to build up the butcher shop and then the library wandering Traders being useful again is actually so much fun for

Me for the butcher shop though I want to give ourselves a small Tower working all the way up here and a little window from here we can add a little top trim going around with some spruce On top of the spruce let’s bring in a little copper for the highlight and that should do it now we just need a building to go with it where we can tear this out and bring in packed mud stone for the base again and then we can do a

Few stairs as a divider from here I think we bring some Oak in and then around where we’re gonna have Windows we can maybe do a little stripped Oak working on a slope coming down over here I’m thinking we do a single floor where the oak is at the base another window

Down here then we could just bring it into the middle and peek it up since this is a butcher I do want a place for animals to hang out nearby for a vacation yeah vacation we’ll say that yep vacation but back here we can have a little side entrance with some Mangrove

Then for the place where animals to hang out we just bring in a bunch of coaster with a little outdoor area like this I think it’ll work great and then we could just bring in the stairs all the way up with a little Oak back here Thank you quickly finishing off the Second Story house and adding in all the details the butcher is finished after I make a furnace for a smoker which we can throw inside the butcher with a bed so the Villager can’t get into the animal pen though we’ll put a trapdoor here if you

Give the animal pen let’s get a few carrots maybe the top of the mountain shall give pigs Pig now I just need to guide the two pigs all the way into the village okay let’s see if we can get these guys in together yes perfect and

Baby Piggy one quick stop before we move on I need some emeralds to buy bookshelves okay maybe I need more emeralds to buy more bookshelves hey want to see we build another thing in the village want to see me do it again just so much learning in here I mean

Look at all these bookshelves I just can’t quite afford a floor yet so we’ll put the lecterns over here and two librarian beds here moving on to the final houses here in the center I’ve got a new idea so let’s tear out all of the cobblestone

For these I’d like to build out some row houses to share the space instead of the single diagonal building I had originally planned I realized I still have plenty of space down here to include another building so I’ve added a balcony to be able to get

Up to the second floor to get inside this one and then also a way inside of another building and the Front Street entrance is looking really good to make them feel unique I want this entire top floor over here to be made out of Mangrove this building on the other hand

Is going to be strepto plugs this area is going to be a market soon so we seek a window here looking out over it and I want I want so it’ll come up to here repeating this over to the far side too with the walls in place it’s time to

Raise the final roofs of the village houses the only building that now remains is the chapel but we’ll tackle that soon as I need to deal with mob proofing the actual Village for this one we’ve gotta go inside the Giga tree which right here should work yes the Old

Glow-lecon Farm which for once is actually not out of bone meal that should do it the Giga tree give us again one day I’ll actually expand it one day and it won’t look so wonky but back over to the Village as the roofs of a lot of these buildings are very

Respondable so a little glow I can dotted around should help keep all of our villagers safe with a lot of these back sections too I think we can just dot some on the outside walls I’ll just keep zombies a little farther away cat I don’t know why this cat scared me

So much but it did And that should help keep the villagers safe next up we’ve gotta fix up this area and turn it into a market first up I need to tear up all of the grass in here oh a house and replace it all with rooted dirt a little coarse dirt and

Slabs to bring it down for the market layer And much better this here should be perfect for a little market oh I almost forgot I need some composters and a few beds for our new homes they’re just gonna share a house and stare at each other when they sleep hopefully they’re good neighbors and the third gets a big

House to themselves for the market I’d like to include a few villager professions that we don’t already have homes for and maybe a few random little stands like this here we can fill in with some flowers that another stand can go right here so we can have a walkway

We’ll cover this one but I do want to bring it in line with a second stall right over here scaffolding for a little standing area then to cover this side I think we start with some Birch smooth quartz Birch smooth quartz and Birch oh don’t don’t oh don’t kill yourself I

Love villagers I’m building a home for villagers because I love villagers now for this one over here we’re gonna just use some red sandstone right back here we can have a Fletcher and over here we can have a weaponsmith weapon Smith yes this corner isn’t big

Enough for a stall so maybe instead we just have some firewood around and in here we can build a well that would probably do best with a little bit of water perfect building up the corners and a few stairs on top first try definitely first try oh

Bedtime I love this Bell oh no buddy you’re gonna you’re gonna have some problems with that aren’t you yeah we’ll deal with that later as for a final stall I want to give this for Fletcher’s and by Fletcher’s I mean Shepherds with a loom now for this one

We can just throw in a little bit of Mangrove for the roof and have it inching up to the top for one last addition I think we can add a little deep slight right in here and another post back here then if I can figure out

A way to connect them we can hang some lanterns and Banners from it oh no so close I think something like that’ll work then I should have some more banners yes I think off of the lanterns or maybe right next to the lanterns this is looking really really cool over here

Maybe we can add in a few of our white tulips a Azure bullet for variety and this last guy I don’t know maybe he’s grown right there grabbing some more rockets and I want to make a quick flight home do this lovely mess of my storage room floor

Storage porch it’s a storage porch now where I have all of these let’s grab a cartography table and a bunch of other goodies which we can throw around the place to help decorate and just add a little extra Flair maybe some ore for the weapon Smith I don’t know how he’s

Turning that into a weapon right here Minecraft logic but the rests are starting to be a little filled out now this is really starting to feel like a bustling Village time to keep an eye out for wandering Traders as I stop by but the Sun is setting and I really need to

Make sure this place is uh spawn proof on the inside so any dark spots we can toss in a few lanterns but I think maybe this corner you really like that plant huh yeah you kind of want to go home buddy no no don’t go through the bush go

Around the bush oh here’s okay oh there you go look at you wow so talented I’ve added a few personal walls in here to kind of block things off but it looks pretty safe you’re doing great you did you you’ll get over that trapdoor one day right I think we can move forward

It’s time to build the chapel as so first up I want to completely remove the original plan I laid out as I’ve got a new idea I don’t want to base anything off of real world religious structures so the chapel I came up is with my own circular design here in the center I’ve decided I want to have a sapling of the Giga tree something like that and leaving it open to the sky I want to surround the

Central garden with pillars this guy’s weeping it’s so happy to have a garden we can start to light this by having some soul lanterns hanging from these walls the outside frame I want to start with tough on the base Moving into white terracotta stacking all the way up to the top of the wall this is already starting to look really nice but the lighting in here isn’t quite enough so I think we bring some glow lichen around the base of the pillars the cat can live safely inside

Of the chapel thing even with these large Windows ready to go and the outside’s still rather flat so we add in a little stone brick in a sight stare and then a little more stone brick with another stair we can throw a granite wall on the face that’s a good start

Here in the middle maybe we do some Cobble deep site walls stacking up just to bump it out a half block then on the 45 degree angles we could bring that in even further with stone brick walls to the top and of course our Cobble deep

Site wall is into yeah I think that works I just got three more sides to go adding a front entrance breaking away from the circular shape I’m adding in a touch of glazed terracotta here too which with the prismarine I think is working pretty well I’m really enjoying

The walls expanding and making this just a touch wider so let’s add some more here on the second layer and the open gaps on the outside I think it can work too this is meant to be a little fancier than everything else in the village so I

Think the more details we add in we’re gonna hit that Mark next up crafting a bunch of orange dye to make orange candles as I built out these shelves around the side and I think a few flower pots and then candles and I’m one short and two candles wait we live in a

Village let’s get some emeralds and stun Mason bricks flower pots I really love the Azure blue it’s and I use them throughout the world so much so I think we can just use those and light the candles it’s really getting lit in here hello hello fellow kids okay it’s fine I’ll

Just go back to lighting my candles ah much better next up I’m gonna need a lot of warp wood and Crimson wood where thankfully this Farm has tons the Crimson we can use inside of here as a way to kind of give ourselves a in a ceiling that’s what it’s called an

Internal roof or you know as one might call it a ceiling and something like this should do it but maybe we just throw a few torches on because uh this is very dangerous up here now for the roof uh we can add in a bunch of warp

Stem for warp stairs stacking up a few blocks high into the sky creating the entire ring roof of warp planks with little lightning rods on top to stop the villagers from turning into witches of course we do need a cleric villager in here so we can have a brewing stand now

The windows they need some glass I’ve already got orange and light blue but I want to grab some pink dye where we can work from Orange Glass Pink glass into light blue a little weird but I kind of like it and now the Giga tree Chapel is

Finally finished off and the sun was just hitting the tree pretty perfectly oh hi son but the Vibes in here are absolutely perfect with the final building done it’s time to move on to detailing The Village to wrap up this project it created a nice place to live

For the little children hey you’re still stuck behind there huh first up I want to expand the carrot Fields because uh the farmers aren’t able to reach it quite well and the chapel did remove a touch of it first one in place back here a few leaves to

Kind of border the houses and maybe this section the fields also work as a great way to mob proof things and stop the zombie spawns so we can throw another back here around the corner that should work and the farmers will fill out the rest of the field a little hedge wall

Can go all the way around on top of the fields I want to add little flower beds like this grab some more of our azalea leaves and Dot in a few more trees around the village the inside of the village is looking really Spectacular Now you’ll get up there one day buddy

You’ll get up yep you’ll get come on no okay yep they’ll get you they’re getting smarter every day except the shulker monster that is we’ll clean that up soon now outside here I have a lot of empty spaces and I’m sorry friends I’ve gotta kick you out of the hot tub now it’s

Time to actually be members of The Village it’s safe and great and beautiful it’s so much better than when you were the last there okay come on now you’re trading who’s in the bottom ah this open flat area we have I think just a little bone meal over here is gonna be

Really nice to have some Dead Space it looks artificial without any tall grass but this will help just liven it up a touch I just gotta get rid of a lot of the flowers and much better now over here though I thought another of the orange tulip

Fields could look really nice this will be a pretty big field time to just make my ears bleed a little bit more Yep favorite part of this game that should be plenty with all the orange tulips ready to go I just got back to work placing them down in their

Rows that worked really well to fill in the area for the rest of the Dead Space we can go through the process of just bone mealing it all I’m sure there’s a better thing I could do in this space but I really don’t want to take away

From the village and everything we just built so it’s okay to have a little bit of dead space as just the green foliage this journey started nearly 250 days ago with the base Minecraft village where we tore it all down without TNT to keep the villagers safe and create this brand new

Village where don’t worry I did clean up the shulker mess but I am so excited to share this newly completed Village transformation and with that this is episode 30. meaning it’s time for a world download this is available to YouTube members and patreon supporters as a thank you for all of the continued

Support like most Minecrafters I finished a project and move on to uh never touch it again but not today today I revisit a project from nine months ago completely transforming the ocean Monument into something true truly special this has taken well over 200 days to build I’ve been planning out the

Next city expansion and realized I need a lot of materials from the ocean Monument I put over 100 hours into this thing and well it’s really slow but I think I’ve come up with a fix this is gonna require a beacon with haste too as my plan is to just dig

A really really big hole what the heck is grass doing all the way down here also you thought I was kidding right not at all oh if I drop the Guardians down even farther they’ll have less health and they die quicker naturally we have to give them an

Aesthetic demise so I want to fill up the walls with prison At least now they can die in style next up I need to clear out the entire drop shoot before we can rebuild it at the bottom where I’ve been creating a gigantic mass of cod that’s that’s a lot of cod to stop the farm from Gathering even more materials let’s just get all

Of the Hoppers picked up so I don’t flood myself with a fish let’s run into The Nether to grab Soul Sand from the piglet barting station four Soul campfires if I dig another chamber down we’ll have a way to get up and down pretty quickly drop shoot down here and

Second hole will go right here with soul sand at the bottom that I can replace with kelp with the kelp filled in that is now a super quick way out of here the new Killing Floor will be right down here with all these campfires and all of

The Hoppers can go in from here from here we can add in all the chests and Hoppers sticking out and the supplies will actually just fall down here to the base wait I don’t have to move it look at this I think a quick little water bucket here we’ll just shove everything

Off the edge I’ve made a mistake I’ve made a mistake leg situation seems to be getting better over here and we’ve got a lot more storage this time with an extra row of Chess and I want to be able to see the Guardians falling down so let’s

Fill this in here with some glass leg definitely isn’t fully fixed but I don’t hear any Guardians dying so let’s get rid of these really quick and patch in a second glass window up here at the top which should hopefully mean we have a working Guardian Farm they’re falling in

Pretty much instantly dying that is gonna do great since I moved the killing chamber down I also need to drop the AFK platform down a few blocks which is going to be extremely important for later now that the farm is working I don’t want to spend my time here looking

At this gross mess any longer first let’s mob proof what we have here already time for torches minus find us the one zombie down here everything else seems to be pretty lit up and spawn proof moving on to the towers surrounding the perimeter I need blocks to build with which actually

Required me going back into the nether see if we have any courts this should actually be plenty oh no I didn’t mean to make those I guess I need more courts where thankfully I have pull any Motorcraft I want to smell most of this down here into smooth quartz then grab

Some gravel and sand to craft a white concrete powder pillowing high up into the sky I’m converting the white concrete powder into white concrete and tearing it all right back down oh and we have a distraction I mean wondering Trader don’t go anywhere trades wait wait I

Want those you don’t go anywhere hello sir please don’t disappear I’d like to take your entire stock please I forgot to die right don’t go anywhere and die right thank you you can live today the microblock collection is really growing but back to collecting various types of white blocks like

Calcite and diorite for lighting I want to use end rods and heading back to spawn we can get iron from the iron farm to craft Soul lanterns and something new I want to try here I’m gonna need some Cactus where we can smelt down a stack

Of it to make green terracotta which I actually want to cook down into green glaze terracotta well that’s all cooking down I want to run inside the great tree and gather a little bit more glow like in with one final stop at the brand new nether Tree Farm because I need more

Warp wood thankfully everything else I need I could just get from the guardian Farm let’s focus on this Tower to get started continuing the white concrete up from below and then we can swap into some calcite and I think we’ll have the floor right about there I’ve got a bit

Of a gradient going up here which is going to bring us all the way up to the top and we’ll probably have to extend it down but I do like it the only problem is the white concrete powder Well turns to concrete if it touches water with the

Test done I worked my way around building the other sides but I left this Gap open here on the back for the glazed terracotta I want to try and use this as like an algae growing on the tower since we’re out here in the ocean I thought it

Was really fitting then to further blend this all together I think a little glow like in can add which I think can also be waterlogged yeah it can up close kind of weird but I think I actually really like that let’s slap a top on this guy I

Need to run down to the guardian Farm to craft a ton of prismarine and prismarine Bricks to help connect the top of the tower to the base let’s bring some prismarine bricks down here on all sides as rain breaks up from there and I think we can start working around some stairs

How the absolute hectic you get out of the farm that I’ll deal with later as I’ve got a really cool design in mind for the base of this Tower if we take some stairs along here then do like upside down stairs and a slap in the middle we can create a railing it’s

Looking a little too full though so maybe we do slab stair slab like this I do want to keep going taller so we can stack up the pillars to bring a little Grime back into it I want to add in some diorite to make it look a little dirtier

Then on top of these we can work our way around creating an inner Archway and I want to connect them all right through here moving into some prismarine bricks we can bring those around the pillars to add our light source on the bottom with soul lanterns for extra detail I’ve got

Warp trap doors which we can bring walls on top but I want to bring in some warp planks and work my way up into the middle adding an inner roof here out of prismarine bricks it’s time to do something my friend Lizzy told me to never do in Minecraft and for that I’m

Gonna need a lot of the blue coral blocks And there’s a full stack grabbing some extra buckets of water I’ve added in the rest of the top of the roof here and I really like it but now I need to put water here and Tube girl tube curl water if that’s not touching water it dies now

The question is does flowing water work like does that count as touching water and with that I set off on a quest to build a literally living roof inside of the ocean Monument transformation and there we have it the first Tower is completed with five more of these to

Build I’m gonna need a lot more blue coral blocks and that should just about do it the plan is done for the first hour so I copied that over to another to make sure I had the correct height above the water level repeating this around to all five

Remaining Towers on the ring with the base in place I added in the remaining quartz to clear my inventory a touch before speeding up to complete the tops of the remaining Towers these are all the exact same design as the first one we built up so tons of pain placing

Water to keep the coral alive but now all six towers around the monument are Standing Tall this looks pretty great but the surrounding area feels very empty I want to first start by creating archways to circle the entire glass ring let’s focus on designing a small section here first before I commit thousands

Upon thousands of blocks to something I don’t like unfortunately I am really enjoying using Quartz in this build the easiest way to get Quartz is to take a ton of emeralds and purchase them from stonemasons the problem is I don’t have too many stone masons that’s less than

Two stacks of blocks and pillars and they’re already locked I was gonna turn on the Villager breeder but I think uh instead I should turn it off grabbing some stuff Stone and iron I want to add in another 10 stone masons with that zombie carrying stone masons already

Trade one Emerald for one piece of quartz so we can actually skip that step so I’m thinking a quick lever over here and we can route off this direction to where I can clear out a space behind our current stonemasons to have room for even more beautification later for now I just need

To get the chords blocks you know what for this we can just make a little Sidetrack and push them in I’ll never have to move them again levers appear to be all the way set up so that things will just go straight through and we

Don’t need to stop at you off you go first stone Mason in place seconds off and third looks like the first is taking his job so we can lock him in and take away the rails and here are the final three villagers all in place everybody

Seems to have jobs except the new guys and we’re starting to unlock the next layers problem is quartz is all the way at the bottom meaning I have to get every single one of these to Master Level here we are completely maxed out on every single one of the villagers all

The way down to the courts trades at the Master Level except I’ve got a new problem I kinda need emeralds to buy all this stuff one thing we do have now to help generate emeralds is here inside of the grocery store in the city as down

Below I built a pumpkin and melon farm which is producing a decent amount okay you know what not that many but down here at the farmer villagers thankfully I’ve set up a good amount of them and they should be able to trade Aid one pumpkin and one melon for an emerald

Well this is a start as each Emerald can be turned into a block of Quartz but even with that that still only gets me this much chords I’ve got an idea now for the first section so let’s take a bunch of those blocks of quartz and

Smelt them into smooth courts I think I can save on the courts count by incorporating a little bit of diorite since we unfortunately don’t have any white trap doors I thought we could grab iron and use iron trap doors as I kind of have a lot of iron I should have

Enough materials here to get started on the ring and now that I’ve removed all the water from the middle I actually want to bring some back in as long as the water is not within the box of the monument itself I can use it to decorate but my goal is to turn this

In almost like a reverse Hanging Gardens so water reaching its way towards the center is gonna be really good I do want to incorporate actual green garden areas as well so I’m thinking in front of this we can raise up some Moss blocks Now to border around this I want to have polished anesite stairs going all the way upside down oh nope upside down working down to the next layer I just want to copy where all of this anesite went in and extend it down with some Stone below the stone wall going in I

Also added the next ring out of quartz along with some jungle leaves on top of the Moss for the extra pop down here this water is going to be for a coral Garden so I want to add in Mossy Cobble slabs on top and what Coral do I have oh

I really want to use bubble Coral this would look so good Gathering curl is way more painful than I expected but we should have enough to fill this in and I think I really like that yep that’s we need that now with that in place it’s time to start building archways that are gonna hide some of the giant glass wall out of

Courts first one is now in place and that’s gonna work really well next up I just need to carry this pattern all the way down to the next Tower this is looking pretty great now except I’m not only gonna see it from the inside I need

To reverse it all to the outside of the Ring here too where I’ve already got some diorite down surprisingly this turned out to be easier than the first time as I could just swim around and build them all up in stages our top is currently at water level so I

Want to take it up a little bit further here with some prismarine I can’t make this Too Tall otherwise it’s going to make the towers feel really short here’s where things get expensive I want to do double iron trap door and then dark oak and by that I mean dark prismarine all

The way down foreign Builder when the most iron you’ve ever used is to make decorative trap doors I don’t think it’s a problem I think it’s fine but now from the inside and from the outside this part of the Ring looks good I absolutely love the grind in

Minecraft but sometimes it’s a little too overwhelming and changes need to be made each section of the monument requires nearly 500 blocks of quartz which means I need 2 500 blocks of quartz minimum to finish the outside so I decided to save myself tons of hours of emerald grinding and flew far far

Away from my base to build the enxo4 raid farm and produce more emeralds than I could ever need next up I had to grab a few villagers and bring them back over to the farm Yes there you go in the pillar second villager is going down and third villager is in last villager going yep oh thank you after those were in place I finished off the remaining parts of the raid Farm one final step before running the raid Farm I need a super Beacon so

I’m out here in the end to kill a few Withers that’s the only part I need but I am here so I might as well get some extras and there goes the last weather 15 nether stars and I can craft 12 beacons and we’re back at spawn we’re actually

Over here I do need a lot of blocks of iron for the first time ever I’m gonna be building a super Beacon to get all of the Buffs to defend against potential Vex leaks this year should do it slapping for because on top there they go resistance two strength two I guess I

Don’t need the last one so jump boost two because why not last step is spawn proofing it with a layer of gloss as a final step I need bad Omen from a Pillager which I should be able to get right down here I’ve just gotta find a

Banner boy this is taking a lot longer than I thought it would there we go fat Omen it is time to leave making my way back to the raid Farm we can run up here and now I just sit here for a long time I think it’s working I’m not too sure I

Think it is yep 10 minutes later and we have almost nine stacks of emeralds it did automatically turn off on me somehow so I think if I just take these guys out it’ll restart because I need a lot more than that many stacks emeralds about 20 minutes has

Passed by while running the farm as I try to not AFK too much in this world so let’s see how many emeralds we have wait what the all right that’s almost five double chests of emeralds it’s this fun with OP should I should I blow it up with TNT next

Episode because this is really strong but for now let’s pack up all the emeralds this does feel a little too much though I I’m level 165. well there’s six sugar boxes full of emeralds Let’s uh go get some quartz I fill four entire shulker boxes with

Quartz so let’s dye them white and fly back into my villager trading hi buddies I’m back let’s get to work The joining villagers I already had weren’t cutting it so after trading a while I decided to add in another 10 Masons behind and the first shocker is completely full of blocks of course and another one of pillars but I’m not using quartz I’m using smooth chords so I need

To throw this all in the super smelter turbo that’s filling up I can go back and keep trading I’m having so much fun right now I didn’t think this Grand could get any worse and look at this it’s now two emeralds per block of

Quartz why why do you do this to me I just want to buy your stuff these guys are all locked already I don’t do almost have two Strokers I might be eating lunch currently but the second sugar box is filled the first has finished melting

Down which we can throw back in here and the second can start cooking well the chaos of villager training was happening I jumped down into the mines for a break and broke a bunch of diorite I’ve got a box of dirt diary I’ve got a box of diorite and now two days later

IRL it’s finally time to get back into building the ocean Monument where I want the gratification of finishing something so taking the same design I already did and flipping it to the other side of the circle last step is bubble curl going on top of the mossy slabs and we are now

Two six done if I can sort out this middle section the rest is all copy pasta First Step here is gonna be to grab all of the stone and build the platform all the way across before we add in any of the water I want to get this planned out so let’s throw

In our Moss where I think this section is a wee bit bigger than the others because uh two stacks was definitely good enough for the first sides from here I just need to bring in all of our polished anesite stairs upside down around all of the Moss

With those in place we just need to bring in a few leaves on top of the Moss before I get too far though I did forget to add glow like and over here and uh mobs are spawning the pillars on the outside are seven blocks apart so we can

Start spacing those in here but I think it’s gonna be easiest if I just duplicate them from the outside and then see where they meet up and of course we haven’t even Center because it’s an ocean Monument right regardless I think this is gonna work out nobody is gonna

Know they’re not gonna know nobody is going going to know that the middle is 10 blocks instead of seven blocks nobody’s gonna know right but what you are gonna know is the back side is now finished as well I’ve left the middle openness I think we need a docking

Station to actually be able to get in here as the wall going around is it very accessible before we get to that though I need to add in the small Coral Garden here along the base Next up the court slabs My circle isn’t the most perfect but we’ll figure this out now I still have the entire back half two complete which is uh gonna require a lot of digging these dudes keep popping up all over the place and splish splashing around you can live first up let’s swap the beacon

To haste two let’s also craft a few more sugar boxes thankfully I only need to carve out the land to match the levels we already have for the pools built up on the other half We’re gonna run into a little bit of a problem here as the glass doesn’t come all the way down I’ll deal with that in a sec I’ve got a lot more digging to do first set of tools are pretty busted at this point and I’m a little over halfway done

Grabbing a few new tools here and it’s back to the Grind Everything is pretty much dug out now except for the boat and I think I’m gonna be removing it for now where we’ll rebuild the boat outside of the Ring eventually maybe probably not but yeah the intention’s there but we need a new build idea we could come out here and

Build a giant boat you know but I’ll probably forget but like I meant well I meant well on rebuilding the boat there’s still treasure in here how did I never get that and I got this cool new map look at it that looks really cool over here I kind

Of love these I don’t really use them that often before the grind continues any further I need to repair my tools do a quick drop down into The Nether to the weather skeleton Farm we’re definitely back in the ugly phase here but if I keep working at it and

Keep getting things in place I should be able to quickly move out of that this should be pretty much all of the stone that I need going around all of the remaining platforms now I just need to fill in these entire sections with some more water first one’s done there goes

The second and I already did the third sweet with that done I need to count out the spacing for the new pillars going up Wait why do these not line up hold up yeah that goes to the corner one two three four five six seven what’s going on here oh I Hate Everything the entire circle is an even width of the diameter because it was built off the guardian Temple that’s an odd so it shoved one

Block over for the second time today nobody’s gonna know they’re not they’re not gonna know nobody’s gonna know it’ll be fine we’ll make it work all of our bass players are now in place which means it’s time for me to get back into Builder mode instead of Destruction mode

As I’m creating the remaining half of the Ring only 80 days after starting this project yeah I’m fine yep totally fine this is a very satisfying thing to be looking at right now with all of these around with that done next up I want to bring all of our Mouse blocks in

Follow standard side stairs to go all the way around the edge here lastly jungle leaves on the top two complete the planners And the bonus step for a little glow like him to keep it spawn safe nearly complete with the lower walking ring here as well as I just need a lot more bubble Coral I think I need about 100 of them and I got 63. her section is

Done in only 28 remain and not even halfway through the second well Reef here I come there’s a full stack of bubble Coral I think I need just a few more though all right let’s see if this is enough and hopefully I can make it back I’ve only

Got one rocket left and there it is the monument in a ton more Coral to keep Really happy I grabbed those extras with the ring completed I jumped to the outside of the monument to work on the outer pillars First Sight is all done here goes the second one being finished and there’s the third all of the quartz pillars around the entire place are now in and

There goes the top coming together for the entire ring One Step remains replacing all of the exposed blocks with glass which is going to require another trip into the out now villager cave I should still have plenty of emeralds in here yes yes we do which

We can take up to the Librarians and trade the emeralds for glass blocks [Applause] you know I think this will probably do it from here I could craft light blue dye to create light blue stained glass from here I just need to go through the entire process of removing the walls and

Then replacing them with glass I should probably craft up a little more white concrete powder and finish the base of these towers taking a look back at where we started today this is already a massive transformation to the monument but I can’t believe I forgot to

Do this we need to plant a field how I made it this far into today’s episode without planning a field I don’t know I must have been lost at sea so you should be sure to subscribe and see me take 200 plus day distractions from my planned

Project and make super Coral stuff like the ocean Monument but with that we now have the 31st field can I offer you a carrot in these trying times too bad it’s mine jumping right back into the madness today I want to remove the monument but first I need to stop the

Fishies from leaking out of the top of the Guardian farm so I’m fixing that with a white glass lid on top next removing the entire ocean Monument all the way down to the base level as it doesn’t quite pass the vibe check for this transformation anymore Which is a massive change for the base already now moving towards building the structure in the middle I need some more Coral to create more Coral Gardens as I go up but of course I also need Greenery for the gardens here so I’m bonemailing some Azalea oak trees two silk touch all

Of the leaves with my hoe to gather them up Finally jumping back over to the ocean Monument I have a small thing I want to fix first the corners of the bubble Coral ring are pretty harsh as well it’s supposed to be a circle and not have corners so I’m fixing that bringing it more in line with the ring which I have

To say looks so much better but before we go down any further we need to go which brings us up to here creating a massive Tower reaching up to the AFK point but I am gonna need a few new materials to make this happen first up

Stopping by the Mesa as I need to grab a lot of terracotta Foreign terracotta with all the sand and gravel I looted while tearing everything down let’s create some white concrete powder and set some in here grab the copper box before we do any concrete converting I want to see yes I do have andesite let’s bring some of that this is the kitchen

Sink build everything goes in grab a little bit of water and start pillaring up the concrete powder foreign Back over again to the tree farm I built in the last episode I’m really hoping warped wood no we’re good no oh great I could throw a little bit of bone meal in each of the sides and hope this works to recoup this year should be plenty of warp good

So we can turn that off one final stop please please please please please please have some frog lights oh yes and with that everything is here ready to go into the build it’s one of those times where I really just want to shut up and play Minecraft and place a

Bunch of blocks down so we’re gonna do that right now with the first layer of the cake just kidding me again but from the Future Okay so this build has a lot of blocks to it I think it’s cool that it has a

Lot of blocks to it so I placed a lot of blocks down here on the build to add in all of the blocks in place to create a first big circular Minecraft block of the I don’t even know what to say anymore but it’s looking very good and

We can move up to the next layer where the shape is already in place but I would like to add in some of our Coral Gardens that we’ve been using already and I think that’ll work next filling all of this in with water buckets but so that we don’t get Guardian spawning on

Top of here let’s put on the slabs we use the bubble coral on the outsides up here I want to change it out for the tube coral one section is complete and I need to build three more of these to complete the entire ring Moving to the next layer of the tower I think adding in some diorite right along here and over here we can create another Archway where on this one I want to be slightly brighter than the cyan and basalt we have below where we can use it

In a little bit of the warp wart and then Planks on top guess what on the circle build I’m building this around the entire circle again now to fill in the gaps here I want to add in some Bush so I think we can do something maybe

Like this and azalea leaves before I can continue building this upwards I need to jump down into the farm as hopefully by now yes we have a ton of prismarine well that’s completely empty but that’s not I’m gonna need a lot of prismarine bricks and prismarine itself for the

Next layers and more sea lanterns on top of the warp planks to the back of the archways here I want to add in some stripped warp logs probably about up to here oh and we’re above water level now which means mobs can spawn so let’s put

Some torches on in front of these I want to continue this entire layer up here with quartz pillars with a little smooth quartz for the trim looks good but these are a little flat on the corners before we detail this face any further I want

To try something out here if I extend a few calcite up polish diorite into a little sticky uppie bit and then I can use some diorite to almost connect this somehow like this to the wall where over here I do want to have some extra details like we can have a prismarine

Brick here and then I want to use walls to bump this out just a touch see a lantern in the middle we do this to the other side I think I like it second size now in place as well and I think that’ll be a good way just to bump

It out with the front figured out I moved around to the rest of this layer adding in the main walls with quartz pillars and stripped warped logs although the walls are now in place on the walls so we just have to go around and add these extra sticky Audi bits of

Course with our sticky uppie bits on top the very technical terms I’m really enjoying the divider we have down here on the lower level so now that the upper level is completed two to move into the upper upper level let’s add in some dark Cruise Marine on top that

Helps out a lot down here you know what the next layer needs more arches in a circle I know it’s new the backdrop on the next layer I’d like to use cyan wool which brings me back home to the sheep farm where hopefully yes we have plenty

Now I also need a lot more dark prismarine so maybe I have some extra wither roses in here no but I have a barrel randomly full of flowering azalea leaves that could be useful for the Roses starting off the next layer here we’re gonna do this one mostly out of

Smooth quartz and I want some three wide gaps which is gonna leave two in the middle behind this is gonna add in all of the cyan wool and for some extra detail I want to around this entire layer here add the glow like it reports coming up stairs and then another line

Of quartz on top cutting off the top bit here with some diorite slabs and that’s the whole layer I really like that glow like it in there the glow lichen looks almost like a mosaic carved in the quartz that as you guessed it goes around the big old Circle and then I’m

Adding in a little front triangle to the Tower and I started on the first big main Dome out of prismarine bricks we’re all the way here above the water now I want to fill this entire thing with stone transitioning into the next section to be able to further break up the shape foreign As I want to relocate another portal from over there to the monument itself right in here with a portal to the prismarine dimension nugget okay now the portal goes back here with another dimension flint and steel there it is oh but the walls on this layer I’m gonna do

Sea lanterns at the bottom to get a little bit more of a glow and then prismarine coming up which we can carry around to these sides here too but I want to do something more fun over here incorporating a few iron trap doors we can add a little extra detail Sports

Pillars like usual as the border and then on top we’re going to bring in a little bit of quartz brick which gives us this and I think it’s perfect now I just need a complete list going around the entire ring you guessed it that’s looking pretty good for this

Layer in here and I love how the purse Marine changes colors now for the next bit we’ve needed a lot more materials as iron trap doors are going on the top here which creates a cool little lip and now I need dark prism but thankfully I grabbed the Wither roses as I don’t

Think that’s quite enough oh it’s spooky in here now grab the crystals craft dark prismarine grab crystals first Marine that looks like just enough where we’re building out yet another Dome on top of the tower I ain’t done yet we must go further further into the sky except

First I could use some more tube core blocks and much better just like this place is looking so much better oh wow that’s cool to take a step back at it starting with a ring of calcite here I then want to add in some direct walls just give it

A little bit of extra thickness we can go too wide on the ends and then here in the corners we can have a one y little entrance and trap doors that’s another portal is super bright down below I thought we’d bring back into the bluey Vibes and bring in frog lights behind as

We work on stacking those up with the calcite here I want to add in some more trap doors just to get a little extra color trying to make the arch a little bit taller we can come up one two three and then a fourth and this is where I

Want to add in our stairs I mean the Frog lights come all the way to there with this the beacon of flipping door is lit since we did all the walls at the bottom I’m thinking I can add a few more of our walls here at the top just out of

Our prismarine this time far above sea level I can bring water back into the build without spawning Guardians which means it’s time to bring back a living core roof into the build a little bit lower than the initial AFK point but I think I’ll be able to AFK down here

Pretty safely and not really spawning anything below so that I can actually fly in here I’m gonna use a combination of walls and chains which thankfully are pretty easy to fit between from up here though I do want to work into a little bit of copper for our final roof

Sticking into the sky And there we go Standing Tall in the sky and I can finally remove the little glass platform this way we’re more attached into the Minecraft world instead of just sitting on a random little weird box in the sky this feels amazing to finish the main structure of the build and fully transform the

Guardian Temple into my own Vision before we move on there’s one more step I need to do that requires me to come over here getting the coordinates for the portal I can tear down the old portal dividing both of those coordinate numbers by eight I can recreate the

Portal over here and it should hopefully link up wait yes you yes it does running back home to grab some Cobblestone it’s time to dig down as I’m cutting out yet another ring in the prismarine platform for the monument to actually sit on as right now slime spawns are completely

Ruining the farm with the circle math finished I completed the ring going all the way around the building removing the entire outer box the persbrand and Cobblestone kind of weirdly work together as if the stuff is like leaking out of the farm jumping behind the

Monument I set up at the Beacon again to tear down the landscape even further which naturally as you might have guessed I started Mining and brought the entire section down a few levels completely level on the back half now and somehow I have more items than I started with today there’s so many

Things over here we’ll just thoroughly Cobble on the ground as next up in front of the Polish diorite we have here I want to start with some stone bricks and bring Stone all the way down to add a little extra Flair to this entire build we’re gonna add press rain

To the entire bottom layer of the trench somehow I thought I was gonna have leftover prison but that’s it and this guy is taunting me look at him look at this stupid little face don’t you turn away from me oh no even the children oh no nothing quickly running down into the

Guardian Farm to grab even more shards the craft even more for his marine and back to the fun desk of placing all the blocks right back down And filling it all in oh and I need to craft even more one more time now it’s done quick double check all the way around and there we go from here I just need to cover everything with water and there we go reaching the water on

The far side which means it should all fill itself in completely slime proof and it looks pretty good minus the uh before we worry about that though I’ve got to fix the picks a quick trip out to the end Dimension we can take a flight to the end render oh hello experience

Much much better great back to work taking a look at where we started today this has turned into a massive transformation for the ocean monument and I absolutely love it now ignoring the shulker monster out front we need to come inside as well the interior is uh non-existent let’s get to work fixing

That by first adding in a floor here out of some work planks all the way to the end where unfortunately I think I need to move the drop shoot and upshoot over a block next adding in some pillars around the entire outside we can bring in bricks for some extra detail and

Extend the pillar up even further thank you with the pillars in place I want to turn this into some really cool archways so we can bring in a stair full block and then slaps to go across full block and back down to Stair then along the edge I recently learned this tip

From my buddy mythical sausage I can waterlog the mangrove route and place the coral on top of it and it’ll stay alive adding in another little Coral shelf here in the back and then I think we can add in a few more trapdoors up

Here where I want to break it up just a touch and introduce a lot of chains along here but I added Greenery back there so I think a little more Greenery in here could work out well And that should do it for the entire entry hall no I just need a better way down like the block back to go down where I might as well bring it all the way down to the bottom chest level and Neville G nailed it nope nope didn’t

Nail that it’s not perfect but at least I can swim up for now grabbing a little bit more kelp and this should fix the problem just kidding I didn’t get enough cup and there we go all the way up and now the shulker mess is even gone

Time to go home just uh don’t look in front of the starter house again it’s fine you saw nothing Yep this was definitely worth it now when I sit in my little box I have a very nice view I’ve taken on the challenge to build a massive medieval city in Hardcore

Minecraft today we’re doubling the size of what I’ve built already heading down to the river I’m building an entire industrial district to show where the city gets its building materials now like all foot builds this is gonna start with a lot of digging and I’m gonna need

A beacon to make that happen foreign I want to First expand the main river to allow for larger boats to move through wait a second here how did I miss that waterfall up here that that is beautiful look at that thing okay uh small distraction small distraction time I think this is going to work as a really

Cool canal coming through the city to divide up the houses and create even more space other than just buildings in here that should work for digging out the entire canal coming all the way up to the mountain but I do want to turn this into like a small Lake in here so

It doesn’t you know go into the caves this time I was nice and let the animals out instead of burying them underneath the landscape so I think that’s a pretty good win from here the water is going to Cascade down the mountain to reach the main river where I’m working on it

Placing in a few retaining walls so that I can have the city raised up a little bit above the water’s edge I do like the idea of having another waterfall right here just before it reaches the main river but maybe instead of being like eight blocks tall we just go to here if

I do this correctly I might be able to even slowly drop it down to meet the water’s edge you know what that’s uh that’s close enough that that’ll be fine right here grabbing a little bit more dirt and we need to expand the little riverbed area

Oh hi Dad hi hi there buddy yeah thank you um maybe I should light up all of this because I am creating a lot of mob spaces It’s fine everything’s fine no that’s a future flight problem back to the project at hand as it’s already a distraction plus if the mobs are spawning down there they’re less likely to spawn inside the city which is they win I just need to send the water all

The way down and this should be pretty perfect we’ve got a lot more terraforming to do but I’m really happy with this so far this is already a flip certified video we’ve cleared out a bunch of train and done a random little side project but now let’s get back to

The industrial district to make this a real industrial district I want a system that’s going to convert dirt into mud if you didn’t know you can place a block of dirt down get a water bottle and turn it into mud this is a micro Farm by ill mango that doesn’t require too many

Materials so I quickly got them all together I think I want to build this a bit into the hill here so it’s easy to hide a structure around Thank you before we can test it out I need two more things first being a ton of glass bottles a little bit more than that quick trip down into the Villager cave now I can grab some emeralds in here to run up to the next level and visit all

Of my Librarians glass please got a few extras here but that should do it but these I can fill the dispenser in the back and the hopper back here the next item is a little bit more difficult to get this is gonna require a trip over to

The monolith to grab a little bit of gunpowder which I can use to craft tnt as I need a new netherite shovel picking a quick trip hopefully down into The Nether we can just start a new netherite tunnel off of the edge of the Quarry with that it’s time to see how much

Ancient debris I can get with two stacks of TNT This one all the way out here I will take that Not the luckiest run but we did get 11 more ancient debris which is more than I needed excuse you might Donald but it’s time to get on out of here headed over to the netherrate forge we can smell all of this stuff down and I already had a ton extra huh

Oh well now I just have even more to share how stupidly op toolsmith villagers are we can bring our emeralds over here and get a brand new diamond shovel a mending book and Unbreaking three I need a grindstone where the only one I can find is up here to get rid of

The efficiency on the shovel upgrade this to another hit shovel and throw our mending and Unbreaking three on it finally we’re ready to test this out here it goes in the offhand chest piece on just to be safe if I place this here and then break it a few times we get mud

And there we go now it seems to be working pretty well okay maybe you’re not totally perfect but not half bad okay so that wasn’t working too well so I made a regular diamond shovel now this time oh I broke the glass but that seems

To be working much better now at least a little bit better it’s fine you go up there right with this machine sorted it’s time to hide the structure in the first building in the industrial district I’m gonna need a floor level for the building to sit on so let’s get some

Coarse dirt maybe a little more some pecked mud and packed mud bricks and since we’re here some polished anesite slabs and stone brick slabs I’m gonna completely texture this wall here soon but for now let’s just throw a little topper on now from here I’d actually like the road to be right underneath

With coaster to border and then we can work our way in with a little bit of our packed mud that’ll hopefully look like some tire tracks or just area where people are moving more consistently there we go this is starting to get the vibe that I’m going for in the road over

Here we’re gonna have a second layer for the street to be coming all the way up here behind the building but we can throw this guy in a little later hey would you look at that day 3 400. nope nope nope not in the ground area is

Prepped for building and now I need blocks to build the dang thing which is going to require a ton of different materials so I rated my storage room for as much as I could get my hands on before needing to run out in the world and gather some more blocks I’ve got

Nearly everything ready to go in these boxes except some hanging Roots which I can get right here and this should be more than enough I’ve got to convert all of this light gray concrete powder to light gray concrete which I can do super quickly right here in the little pot

And the next one which I think is going to be a theme in today’s episode I need a lot of Cobble deep slight each region I build on the city I want a theme off of a certain colored roof and I thought darker colors like deep slate and

Blackstone could be great here all of this couple deep slate and zero diamonds but they are useless so it’s fine time to get building now this is everything I need I think I want to divide this up into two different parts with driftstone and Spruce for the base over here Some more drip Stone on this side wrapping all the way back and then from here I’m thinking just some jungle working up into some mud and mud bricks to be darker that’s looking pretty good then here on the inside I want to make a giant door starting with a little

Something like this and then we can bring in some trap doors in the middle as a divider and some giant door handles and flip those back closed moving back to the left building I’m trying to make this section of the city look very very

Dirty and grimy so I went with a ton of different gray blocks to pull off this look we’ll throw the roof on here shortly but first I want to build a small roof in the form of an awning using some quartz and diary just trust

Me on this it should look pretty good in the end I I hope I I hope jumping over to the far side of the build though I want to extend out an awning and by awning I mean balcony I mean carry some spruce up on the corners right here and

Then for a pop of color I’m thinking Acacia trapdoors for the railing itself before we bring a covering on the balcony I should probably build the walls on the rest of the actual building but for this I want to work from the light gray terracotta into white terracotta leaving space for plenty of

Windows where I think for the first time ever I want to make a 2×2 window with big old glass along the back from the white terracotta we can move into a little bit of birch and then stripped Birch going all the way up and now it’s time to put the dark prismarine balcony

Cover on and then I moved on to building up the roofs one out of a couple deep slit and the other out of deep slight tiles with that out of the way I want to add in the chimney campfires this little campfire with a brick wall on top and

Spruce trap doors going around this is going to really help the place feel a lot more alive as it just adds a subtle amount of movement which is making this build look really really cool except we can see through it for this open space on the back I thought we could use

Another Spruce section to add a door to an upper street level and for some simple Street details a cart carrying mud on the lower level where this is really starting to feel good minus the shulker monster but I need to keep in adding more of the workman’s quarters industrial Vibe and

I’m in the water which did give me an idea for texturing the retaining wall with a ton of grime built into it so I just decided to run with it and see what I could do and I gotta say this is looking really cool for just one

Building and a wall now seems like a perfect time to plant a field and to remind you to subscribe if you haven’t already I’ve now survived just over 3 400 Days in Hardcore Minecraft and I’ve loved every minute of it but I am nearly at 1.4 million subscribers on YouTube so

Please subscribe to help me reach that Milestone as we jump down into the valley under the first castle in this world to plant a new carrot field which I’ll be honest the more time I spend down here the more time I want to come back and improve the area a bit further

That will have to come later as all of the mud I have is fantastic but the item I really want is pack mud which is where my Olay powered Wheat Farm is going to come in handy today look at all that wheat and it’s so full so full I’m gonna

Need to craft down a ton of planks into chess to make a bunch of hoppers on top of that I want to bring the wheat all the way up here to the surface level and build a storage barn around it so it’s a lot more accessible than flying down

Into the cave this should be enough storage to last us a good while and then for any overflow we might have I think I can throw a hopper in here composter on top of it with another Hopper and this can kind of just snake its way along for

Now we can just surround this with a bunch of Mangrove planks along the back then from here I want a pipe that’s going to be coming all the way in a quick test here is if we put some ice inside and break it down the water should flow to there perfect quickly

Running inside the cave over to where we have our setup with the Olay Farm you can set up a little system inside of here too dispense all of the wheat that we already have into a water stream and bring it up to the surface I’ll add that

Last Redstone when it’s ready to go otherwise we’re gonna lose a lot of the weed from here we just need to create a water track that’s going to carry this stuff all the way over I forgot to break the ice water column is nearly ready to go I just need to throw some kelp in so it becomes full blocks gamer the last bit of kelp and we shoot back up with one final step here adding in the redstone dust and there

Goes the wheat nope the wheat stopped why’d you stop we there goes the wheat which is all now starting to arrive at the top meaning the system is complete next up we should probably build something around this right trying to keep the structure a little on the

Smaller side we can make it about this far in the base let’s use some granite and mix in a bunch of bricks a few Spruce fences has some supports and we can transition into the next layer here which is also going to be where our roof

Starts but the inside I want to throw in mushroom stem and a little window from there I filled out the trim on the front of the roof for the front of the build I want to do something a little different and have two large doorways to get

Inside using Spruce Wood as a trim and for a fun element to divide from the roof let’s add in some composters make sure it stays mob safe on the inside we can also add in some Source doors and trap doors with the front sorted I moved around to

Add in the walls and roof on the main Barn structure but you know me I can’t just have a single shape for a build over here so I want to build away small grain silo attached to the right side this is looking really good here but

This grass has got to go but before we get to that uh the inside is even worse so I think we can bring in some Oak slabs right along here on both sides and then just bring it up by a slab in the Middle with the little lamp next up we

Really got to replace This Grass floor and I’m thinking just coarse dirt itself can do the trick and yes I will go all the way back that alone helped a lot I just need to get my doors back on okay and the time I built this entire thing

The wheat is still flowing in from the farm down below I decided to hang around for a bit longer added in a few more details for ourselves and the inside is a little bit more decorated and now all of the wheat is moved over check this

Out we’ve got over four double chests of wheat now this wasn’t just some side project no no no this is extremely important important as the main goal I have in this world is to connect everything with a road the wheat field is already on the road Network that

Comes all the way down here into the Quarry which itself leads into the side City Gate so if I grab a little bit of cobblestone and some slabs I now have the ability to connect my auto Wheat Farm to my auto mud farm with a brand

New road this curve right in here should work out for us and then I can use a bridge to transition over into the industrial district we’re not focusing on this section today flip we’re not focusing on it just focus on getting in the road and then go to the industrial

District stay on task you can do it when white is a wee bit small for carts to travel along so I expanded it by three blocks on both sides now I just need to replace most of the Cobblestone to add in different blocks because masks Cobblestone looks very 2013. from here I

Want a bridge going all the way across to the other side and I think some Cobble deep slight can work out as a great transition material probably all the way over here this seems wide enough to get some carts through using some bricks for pillars on the Four Corners

Topped with a little bit to polish granite now for the not so subtle Flex on the outside let’s use some beacons to actually light this up that’s a good little pop right that’s that’s what it would be now to add in a few more details to the front of this guy we can

Start with an archway out of polished Granite to make it a little bit more reinforced and then to give it a little bit of depth maybe incorporating a few mud stairs more polished Granite worked into the top and on these flatter sections just a few Soul lanterns and I

Think that’s pretty good which means I just to repeat it around to the back side this is starting to look really good for a little bridge but uh unfortunately it can’t be water under the bridge get it get it because it’s water on a bridge uh this looks really

Bad in here uh yeah so that’s that’s what I meant to say is it looks really bad and I want to spend a little bit of time fixing it up because it’s very ugly on the inside we can get rid of the little land sticking out here so it

Feels like some more water is moving underneath and it is a little bit more substantial quickly taking some Spruce logs and crafting Spruce trap doors we can make a really subtle Archway down here with some Spruce slabs on the sides and then we just add in our trapdoors

All the way across it in the middle which looks pretty good and um why did that scare me so much okay so now that we’ve got the bridge in place I need to think about the industrial district buildings which will help guide me on where I need to build the roads

With a few residential buildings and shops on the lower level some storage warehouses down by the docks and moving them up into the mountain will get us some brick production with a bunch of Kilns and workstations but back to the roads for now where we’re gonna bring in

A few temporary blocks and try and work our way down here to the dock front I’ve already made the road for along this way it’s actually going to go down to a wooden dock level closer to the water the main line is gonna run back along

Here where it’s gonna go up a little bit before coming down this direction and boy oh boy I got a lot of terraform to do I’m Gonna Fill This in behind the second retaining wall just so I don’t have to later for now the main road in the

Residential area is ready to go and now back to these gross Hills I need to figure out I think we can bring in a retaining wall right back here which can work its way over something like this but I do need to reserve enough space on

The top for the road to go through to connect into the next building platform and I don’t want this to be flat at all so we can start slowly sloping it downwards to connect it over there I spent a lot of time mumbling to myself as I start working out the inner details

Of this thing and just breaking blocks replacing them and working through the whole process of just trial and error there’s no right way to do this thing trying to figure out ways to create more functional working space that isn’t just about raising up some buildings and

Adding some roofs over it so down here next to the mud Farm I’m thinking we just create a flatter raised section so it’s not at ground level that we can do a few little like workshops a little work yard I don’t know things stuff that looks like somebody works and lives in

Here you know that’s that’s that’s the vibe A vibe that’s gonna be need to be cleaned up a lot outside of that I do have a lot more of the pathways worked out here which is starting to look really good where I’m trying to create more of blobs of textures instead of

Just randomizing them and I think it’s giving the result that I was really hoping for adding the little retaining wall in back here and we’ve got another road leading up here it’s starting to turn into one of those builds that I feel like I’m doing more for me than for making a fun

Video out of it with a few finer details added in it’s time to move back into making buildings but I think this just looks really into the one place that I have actually build a road too let’s let’s do redstone Farm I need a machine that’s going to convert dirt to Mud

Again I didn’t have a single piece of pointed drip stone at my home to show an example of what I wanted to share but nearly 4 000 blocks away from Spawn inside of this Mesa there should be a drip Stone cave somewhere yes perfect there it is just need a few of these

Guys should be plenty and now if we take a piece of mud and put a pointed drip Stone underneath it eventually this will dry into clay flying back home and my elytra is nearly dead and so is my shovel so time for a quick stop at the Wither Skeleton Farm

Much better and 42 free skulls walls look where you’re flying in another flip look where you’re flying but I got 42 more wither skills goals now for this Farm I’m gonna need to get a bunch of pointed drip stone blocks and by that I mean the very pointy Square block that

Is the cube I guess cubes have sharp Corners so they are kind of pointy outside of that I also need some Pistons Redstone torches two craft repeaters dispensers and some trapdoors starting by creating a bit of a piston pushing machine over here redstone torch underneath and a piston right there we

Can set a repeater over here with a redstone dust that can come around and now anytime I place a block here that pushes it perfect Statics wise we do that we’ll need a dispenser to be able to turn this into some mud copying the machine that I already built before over

In that building swooping down to grab a little bit of water we can fill that in back here I need one more ignore the missing Hearts my Landing was extremely graceful now to build our drying rack this will be the max piston pushing limit right there so we can hook in all

Of our new Pistons another little torch and create a system that Loops all the way back around here we’re supposed to I’m being a redstone professional leave me alone professional turn this into a drying rack we need to fill this entire higher lower section here with our drip

Stone blocks where I think we’re gonna push it out 12 blocks otherwise this Factory building is going to be massive hooking up a little bit of a light gray glazed terracotta back here that should stop the Pistons from being able to push it any farther or no no that that won’t

That won’t work at all actually that’s that’s a dumb idea obsidian will work though this can be a little decoration now for a little test here this should push all the way over and perfect scuba flip mode I just need to place in pointed drip Stone underneath all of

These blocks one final step I need a lot more emeralds you buy a ton of glass okay final step we just gotta load up a bunch of water bottles here and drop them in the system the system seems to hold about a stack and a half of dirt right

Now which isn’t half bad for some free clay when I need it and a good amount is already converted and it just finished filling in enough of those Redstone stuff time to hide it all behind a nice building but creepers keep on creeping out of this cave so it’s time to seal it

I also outlined what I think we can do for the shape of the building on this Inner Line of dirt then if I need to remove all the drip Stone down here it’d be nice to have a bit of a working space but now blocks to actually build this

Thing first a bunch of deep slight materials for the roofs a quick trip into The Nether grab some Black Stone from the piglens I’m gonna need a lot of spruce wood and oh no okay new plant somewhere in here it’s uplinks so many saplings this is all gonna be covered up

Eventually so we can just put them down here and not have to worry about the Pod still spreading everywhere I’ll get everything else together and hopefully these will all be grown up that should be plenty quick stop over at the wheat storage to get a few Stacks well I can

Grab the mud that I did earlier and turn it into packed mud a little diorite to relate back to the other side of the city two more quick stops the first being digging into the tree to get a little more glow like next to the Librarians to buy lamps and none of my

Treats have grown oh well good thing I have a weather Scully farm please please please there we go the final final final final step here just requires a lot of spruce as always right into the build though I want a mangrove section over here with some Planks on the bottom moving into

Some strip Mangrove Vlog moving up and we can do some fun windows out of yellow and orange stained glass not everything in the industrial area is dead so let’s do a few leaves down below and some trap doors for shutters working my way back up to the top though we can grab

Ourselves some copper and use this to create the roof this isn’t the full height of the build so the main structure is going to be coming up with some weathered stones for a front face then along the side here I thought we could bring in some Spruce

Planks and cut open some holes for Windows like this for the main building roof itself I want to bring in some deep slate which will stretch its way all across here the next layer though I am apparently addicted to Windows so let’s put even more in but these are out of glass

Instead of trap doors again so it’s different to make it different from the roof let’s try some polished Blackstone before we throw on the mini roof the main roof line is gonna be probably out to here flattening out just a touch at the top and here we can just pop it up a

Touch with our Blackstone and there goes the entire front of the roof which is looking interesting now interesting is good right I think so we’ll run with that for now going on with the theme of smaller buildings adding up to a larger Factory building I’m breaking away from the stone

Structure with some extra visual Interest next I want to add in a new smaller building over to the side to finish hiding the clay Farm itself with a simple Blackstone roof on top where I think this is actually looking really good so far with just one more corner to

Fill in and for that I want to add in a large Bell Tower in here to allow for the factory to ring in the workday then I decide to copy over the bell tower design from the original city bell towers that are I had already built to

Complete it and now this is starting to look really really good except for the fact that you know well it’s still floating over here but I’m thinking eventually we’ll have a stone wall just coming down just coming down to ground level in here but I want to get the

Ground situated before we figure out how steep that needs to be I want to continue focusing on the upper Industrial Area first and I know I’ve already built the mud Farm but it’s it’s not 100 working I can’t figure it out so I ran back over to the swamp to uh get a

Lot more mud to bring back home they should do it on the mud for now now I even found a whining Trader who had mud chess and packed mud little micro blocks these are gonna be so perfect he’s gonna stay on the boat in case I want his

Other stuff next another quick stop back over at the wheat farm to grab even more weeks for of course more packed pot this place up here is going to be containing a bunch of Kilns for Brick making and whatever else they need to be producing up here cooking down all that good stuff

So I think a small little retaining wall or safety wall right here to block out people from being able to get inside is gonna be a good idea grab some coarse dirt and I think right here we can start the actual floor level as I don’t think

Grass is really gonna fit it since you know it’s kind of a dirty area and carts are gonna be moving all over the place so we can start incorporating a lot of our brick or well mud brick Pathways I’ve been building for like six hours

Today so my brain is a mush uh that’s why here’s a small path that’s gonna connect ourselves back up into the factory from where we’re gonna have our new entrance and I think will be at about this level going all the way across we start working the slabs down

Instead of the previous Stone line it could be a little bit more gradual and then we work our way up into the mountain take it with the three high and then we go into our polish granite slaps on top I just want to work it all the way up Okay maybe a little bit more up here since it’s kind of steep regular dirt on the outside and this should clean it up a good amount for now I’ll just bring the road all the way down to this layer and then we’ll figure out how to swoop

It along back here down to there But maybe since I’m thinking about it right now over here we can have a flatter section that can be for some carts that are waiting to go in to be loaded and this should work for now just get the idea in as I slowly build the yet

Another mob spawner into the terrain now we can move in nope nope gotta fix it oh no I’m out of grass I can’t be distracted anymore okay inside we go back inside I’m building a circular road going around to create a loop for carts and I’ll leave some space for some more

Structures which is where the first Kiln is gonna come in that I think we can start with a base right like this working into a little entrance right in here to be able to put bricks in and out adding a little front entrance in here this thing’s inspired by one of my

Friends Vigo man so I did want to give him a shout out on that but bringing a little bit of fantasy technology elements like what we got in the dwarves we have some sort of like an exhaust system here as we’re building the Kiln up I’m quickly coming inside for the

Kiln itself I wanted to bring in a bunch of details like some bricks that are cooking down in here and I thought a fun thing to add would be like some nope out out burning toast rock hopper has something like in the process of smelting is pile up a few more bricks

And slabs around which from the outside looks like a few things are cooking in here are hidden in the smoke but I need to stack this thing up much further into the sky all the way up here now I do want the smoke to go all the way up so

Shift clicking hay bale into the composters that should give a good amount all the way up to here which we can top with a few walls and slabs on top but what will be perfect is adding four more of them around here down in

The Dwarven cave now I need to pick up a few more campfires which we can get out as a quick trip over to the fisherman that should do full stack I’m gonna need a lot more copper for this one so let’s craft down a little bit of raw copper

Throw it into the Super smelter and get to work on de-aging this copper all the way down to stage two first one’s already finished up I don’t quite have enough aged copper here so I’m gonna create my own mini David strolling down the Mountainside the rest I already had thankfully so I

Flew around building up the other four brick Kilns for this upper section except I am still missing a few bits of copper but will those finish aging down I want to build some covered work areas to stay out of the sun I want to use some Spruce Wood on the outdoor

Workstations as I cover and working in a few Oak trap doors to allow for smoke or heat to not get trapped in the top we’ll detail out everything later on but first I want to get the structures in place with the first storage shed coming in

Here out of birch diorite and some white concrete with a few Spruce elements on the front then working in some composters and dark oak on for the roof jumping to the back I did build out a second storage building for some fuel which I’m using blocks of coal and

Blackstone to build a huge pile of coal inside this is a work Zone after all so I think we’ll need to add in a ton of carts transporting materials around the entire Zone but with all those beginning elements done I wanted to create a cooling area for all of the bricks that

Are coming out of the Kilns and yes I I did add even more carts to the brickworks with some more details added in this is really starting to look completed and I love it so very much but it’s gonna be time to move down the hill

And focus on the rest of the district but first we have pots and little vases and Flower Pots if only we had the 1.20 flower pots that’d be really cool in here but you know it’s fine I’ll just wait for a little bit longer we’ve got a

Well over here and the factory building itself still is absolutely disgusting on the inside but it has clay and I just think that’s neat now for the moment you’ve all been begging for it’s time to build the storage room for dirt just just types of dirt and other blocks I

Guess like mud gravel maybe sand First Step though we need a ton of a clunks to craft chess for this I want to store Dirt grass horse dirt root of dirt but I have none gravel sand hexbud mud and Muddy Roots let’s start by digging this

Back a little bit into the hill so we can hide it in the Mountainside first up before we put in all of our chest let’s bring in a little Spruce along the back Edge I’m thinking we go four tall in double chest all the way across I want

To put some markers along the front of this or what I items are going to be stored but I need to make sure that the grass doesn’t grow over so this needs to be packed mud dark oak pillars on the side and then I laid out all of the

Blocks I want to sort inside of these chests with a little copper in front to separate it now instead of grass blocks I did put moss in here otherwise it’s going to grow over my dirt and I like my dirt we’re just gonna borrow this rooted dirt to finish the storage nobody’s

Gonna know much better all right these little archways in front and I think that’s a good decoration we can still easily get all of the chests which is fantastic and then up here I want to bring in a little bit of strip Mangrove moving all the way across then we can

Extend out a few of these little guys it doesn’t line up perfectly but maybe we just cover this out to here and connect these pillars into the ground then we can use us some big entry doorways to get into this storage Warehouse you’re above the chest so we

Can’t see the top let’s just fill this in with regular slabs which really closes it all in now we’re getting finally head back over to the starter house and look at all of this stuff that’s terracotta that doesn’t go there I forgot a spot for clay oh no maybe we

Only need one spot for gravel that should be fine I also forgot puzzle but that’s in here now you don’t have to leave the angry comments I know I found it unless I forgot something else then leave the angry comments that’s fine look how many shulkers we freed up now

These are all empty we’ve already done so much resource Gathering today so look at the building magically appears in front of you that I definitely didn’t spend the last two hours getting materials together after I had already spent an hour moving materials into the storage room itself wow would you look

At that we got a new building over here oh my gosh need to get a floor down there with a roadway but maybe first we just get a few glowberries definitely one over here to help keep mobs away and glow like him thank you perfectly glowing during the night now

And now with the addition of actually having a road in here this is going to be accessible And much better just ignore the floating blocks that is a future flip problem so you’ve heard of first warehouse but have you heard of second Warehouse on the lower level here I think it’s about time we can add in another one industrial places need a lot of storage for stuff

Right it’s yeah it makes sense I think I don’t know but as always I need more Spruce locks because I’m already 10 to 14. and much better I’m sure I’m gonna need more so let’s put some of our saplings right back down over at the build now I

Want to start with some large archways stretching across to create a more open-air Warehouse running some Spruce stairs all the way across the front here and I can start inching my way up to the max height which I think about here is gonna do it and then slabs across the middle take

Our way back into the hill a touch let’s bring in some polished Granite for a base and clear the rest of this out top of the polished Granite I want to bring in a few bricks and some regular Granite to look a little bit more age it like

That up to the storage room grabbing a tiny bit of sand do you contrast all of our bricks I wanted to bring a little bit of this in just for that extra pop of color and we can bend the stairs coming back down the other side blend it

A little bit better let’s use some trap doors hello llamas would you like to work in the industrial district move things around yeah I know you would okay just come with me don’t kill each other there has to be a fence down here somewhere please anywhere where’s the

Fence ow have fun have fun until you calm down at least the warehouse is looking pretty good so far really guys really you’re shooting across the river to try and hit me come on now that’s that’s a little sad that’s a little desperate since the roof is going to be

Working in to the landscape here we can actually remove these and bring in a little bit of stone so we can build a bit of a barrier for carts to not really fall on top of the roof this should work and then we can just fill in the back side with some coaster

To stick on theme for the roof itself let’s grab some Cobble deep slate and make deep slate tile stairs sticking on theme I’m adding in a deep slate towel roof with some windows to break up the shape now for very important lore reasons the uh the warehouse is just

Waiting for goods to come in not that I just don’t want to do the Interior right now it’s very important that the warehouse remains empty for the foreseeable future until I can find a reason to do it before we jump up the hill again I’m completing the little

Workstation here before I uh forget about it again as a small blacksmith Forge for making tools and randomly a little chicken coop over here where I need to find some chickens let’s grab a few seeds and hope something’s still alive over here nope that’s a pig that

That’s a pig a chicken no don’t run with oh I should probably put the sword away okay now follow me I’m So Far Away peg egg maybe that could be our second chicken all right buddy it is the middle of the night but we gotta make it home

We’re so close you stay here I gotta take out of a you problems okay come here now chicken buddy buddy come on across the river I have spent way too long getting you over here please no creepers okay you get it nope nope nope this way just check it I

Hate mobs get in here do you get a child no I kind of forgot that I actually have you know a chicken farm over here for eggs and that’s the amount it’s produced in 3 500 Days in a world okay maybe I actually need a new chicken farm he’s in the

Cup of child maybe maybe have a child you got a child looking back at where I started today it’s crazy to think I already have a mud Farm a clay Farm built into a huge brickworks up the mountain and two warehouses along the docks that will

Store all of my double dirt oh I guess I never finished the road here oops we’ll fix that up real quick like nobody noticed I know it’s an industrial area but it doesn’t mean we can’t have a few trees gotta offset that pollution you know where did my chickens go you’re I

See you down there sir the llamas don’t seem to be attacking me anymore that’s good where’s the other chicken you know what you can work the blacksmith now just don’t leave okay or don’t don’t die in the magma speaking of animals that are just so easy to work with up here I

Need to add in another building as we have the brickworks and a bunch of carts to move around I thought we could throw in a small Stables building with three stalls three stalls should be good bring a little bit of Mangrove in here I wanted to go with something rather

Simple up here so I’m just adding in a few random details throughout to make it all work and just give it a little pop of color here with the mangrove but otherwise blending into the environment pretty well with our spruce there we go a little bit a little

Different but let’s go find some Royal steeds I really want to make a giant horse stables pasture somewhere in the world but for now let’s just get a few Saddles and see who’s on top of the mountain because for some reason they’re always up here ah mountain horse I need

You first horse is uh cute number two there goes number three okay I grabbed a fourth horse which I want to hook in right here so he’s hanging out by the cart and hopefully that lead doesn’t break everything I can think of for the brickworks is pretty much ready to go

Except we probably need some people to work it and they need homes am I really just making my own City Builder game in Minecraft over here what’s wrong with me well one thing is uh I’m nearly out of rockets and uh my Electric’s almost broken first up quick stop at the

Sugarcane farm to make a little bit of paper find my way down the mountain over to the monolith where I am running out of gunpowder both to chill out the gas Farm a little later on but for now I at least have Rockets we could tackle two

Stones with one bird here on the next step by grabbing some emeralds to trade with the stone Mason as I’m gonna need a lot of bricks for these next builds and there we go the wings are all better and we got some bricks I still want to give

Each Building inside of the city a purpose outside of just residential so over here I think we can theme this after being a Smithy so along the street right here there’ll be a little entrance to get inside of like a Smith workshop on the base but to get up to the second

Floor where we’ll have the residential section I want to bring in a little dark oak slab walkway and then for a small railing it’s gonna be a little wonk but Oak trap doors will be fine I’m sure they’ll be fine totally fine yeah hey at

Least he gets to walk up it and we can put a door right here has a bit of a division though moving up the base is gonna be out of brick and then from there I want to move into more terracotta jungle planks and strip jungle logs to represent this being a

Smithy we can extend a little street sign out here and just slap an anvil on for the doorway into the workshop we want to do something a little bit bigger so I’m thinking Spruce trap doors dark oak at the base and we just make a really really tall big dark door big

Door back into the granite base over here we can work in a little bit of driftstone itself and continue on with this new theme of texture variation that I’m doing that is trying to be more intentional about where things are going in I don’t know it’s fancy words for uh

Trying to make shading I guess that’s looking pretty good for the base over here to transition into the Terracotta I don’t want it just to be blanded boring so let’s work in a bit of a balcony across here I think this will actually work out pretty well as a break point to move into the next layer I want to work in a small covering on the balcony here and a little soul Lantern for life you know what though I’ve got a bit of an idea

That we can do here in the balcony let’s take some scaffolding and grab some flower pots and they can have a little flower garden on their balcony quick trip over to the Flower Village to grab a few Azure bluets white tulips and pink tulips should do for something a little

Like this should work with that done I move forward on finishing off the walls to the buildings and added in a large chimney on the back for some Smithy Vibes for a little extra detail here I staggered out the campfires to produce the smokes there’s a little bit more

Variation and we can throw some glass in here for the window going with the light gray so it’s a little bit more opaque but from there it’s Roofing time Wandering Traders confuse me so much appear at the weirdest times but the building is now done and it’s looking really good moving right along to the next buildings were you thinking all these shulkers I’d have what I need no no don’t be silly of course none of it’s

Here rated my way through the storage room and guess what we have even more shulkers and just like that you can watch as a massive building appears before your very eyes inside of the city industrial district with this Minecraft Youtuber magic of off-camera material collecting because I didn’t want to put

In any more Clips with me opening Justified stuff because if we’ve done that so much already today but we can hide in a nice little field over here in the corner for little city garden Carriage patch people gotta eat so I think these are gonna be some perfect

Little decoration options to fill in some spaces because shulker boxes they’re a Vibe but they’re not the vibe I want now I’m not too sure what I want to do with the bat quite yet so I’ve left it blank for now but hey you know

At least it has a wall for one final detail in here before we really get into the street life I wanted to bring in another Market stall using a little bit of mossy cobblestone direct slimes and smooth corn slabs and and something like that should work out but what do I put

In here let alone put over there would you look at that we’re at day three thousand five hundred and three we’ve been doing this for well over 170 days okay let’s build it I can’t even word okay let’s build a dock yeah I want to

Grab a ton of oak logs for this then taking Spruce logs we can craft into planks for a bunch of slabs a few trap doors and stairs but more slabs so many slabs I want to start with designing a really simple docs down here along the water that’s gonna be split on two

Different levels for larger vessels to dock at the higher dock more docking just ignore the fact that this River literally goes nowhere that that’s a future foot problem but current flip needs to focus on placing in Spruce slabs for the entire lower dock and that is starting to look much much

Better as an additional ad I want to add a few small staircases for people to get up and down where we can do some trap doors and Spruce fences as a form of a support take out the same idea I built the second Dock and added in some

Ladders to get out of the water if I do fall in which will definitely be used a lot in the future as again we’re coming over to the wheat farm to grab even more wheat over to the dirt storage building to grab some mud and craft ourselves

Packed mud but that we can start clearing this land out over here and figure out some way we can curve a road all the way down Foreign well it’s a bit smaller but uh it’ll be okay now we’ve just got to rebuild out some of these retaining walls so it looks a little bit more put together I think we can extend the stone all the way out here around so it can be a

Little bit more supportive I might expand the city up here further so I don’t think I’ll put in a retaining wall for now we can just kind of smooth it out a little bit the grass will regrow here so that should be totally fine and I think it’s about time this lava has

Been scaring me for far too long a little bit of texture added in here instead of the Cobblestone we can do a little occasional log and tough and that should do the trick we’re currently in stage one of this section of the city so the finer details are gonna have to come

In the next episode except I really want to situate the builds in the environment a little bit more which means we can build in some custom trees like this little oak tree here next to the storage building which is looking pretty good oh I forgot

My bed next I want to build some spruce trees up here along the Mountainside which means I’m gonna need a lot of spruce leaves leaves are all gone but this is uh looking a little ugly up here so let’s chop down the logs too foreign

Spruce is very easy to get and it’s time to make some trees in the morning somehow this is the first time I’ve built some large custom spruce trees in this world and we’re now 3 500 days into the series which is kind of crazy but here we are adding in five new ones

Behind the storage room which really helps it fit a lot into these builds and for those of you that have stuck around till now let’s update the world map to see everything new buying some new maps from the cartographers and picking up some glass panes to preserve everything

From there I’m taking seven reps at a time to make sure I don’t miss anything and started flying around the spawn region to update every little thing I’ve created around here that adds up to the awesome hardcore survival base we have so far next I need to take all these

Guys again and copy them to make two copies of each with that done next up I’m taking a single copy of each of them to use the glass pane and lock it in place this will forever preserve the copy on the wall this is looking really really good with everything coming

Together there we go episode 32 locks it in and our new section of the city over here is nearly as big as the first one and that is looking so good seeing it all coming together soon they’ll be connected today I’m solving a huge problem in my world I have so many fields

Copper Factory to avoid any future messes of copper everywhere and well I did get a little distracted expanding the city with the industrial district build from the last episode I created this canal except it’s a bit too small to make it really show up once all the

Buildings are in place I want to First redirect the upper section to allow for even more building space and then expand it by another two or three blocks to let the water have more of a presence in the build next up I just need to extend these walls back here where we’re

Bringing the river back in and the pig died oh no on top of that I do want to change out the entire bottom of the canal here away from the stone and into some dirt And this is looking pretty good now next up we need to fix the retaining wall first we can start with a little bit of stone and then throw some polished anesite on top we’re right here to fix a little overhang I’d created last time we can just throw that in probably be

Easiest just to start out with a ton of stone laid out here I’m making a little bit of what we did in the harbor wall I want to include a little bit of stone brick Mossy stone bricks and then we’ll work in our mossy cobblestone Cobblestone and a tiny bit of moss I

Absolutely hate building while floating in the water since it puts me in the swimming animation constantly but you know it was worth it for the canal it looks so much better now one more swim through this entire place as I first need to add in it so I’m swimming again

I need to add in a lot of kelp which we can create little Bunches of and I need to make sure it’s not under the flowing water and in between we can add in a ton of seagrass now that’s looking much better next thing I need to fix up is

Well the clay Farm is uh floating since we are talking about it let’s fill this up one more time How did this all break and anything oh no I’m breaking even more oh gosh chicken don’t look at me like that I have to drink all these bottles of water I’m gonna be so hydrated you could help you could help chicken we can just put those back in there and now please

Why aren’t you working ignore the fact that most of that’s clay already but I think I’ve fixed it yes it is working look at that chicken look at that we’re making mud you just you just pushed me out of the way for making a chicken Right much better oh that was a that was a headache and we fixed it because I’m a very hydrated professional right back to focusing on the cliff and no more distractions I’m gonna need light gray concrete powder light gray wool which I’m almost out of a quick round visiting all the sheepies

That’s at least a little better next to Acacia logs more Stone and tough blocks Quick Trip into the mines do grab a few extra tough bucks we found diamonds now for the cliff building I’m trying to use the acacia and tough as darker colors than the light Grays as

Highlights to add in some extra depth to our Stone Cliff first corner is now completed and I like it a lot so let’s get rocking and complete the rest of the cliff around the corner where I’m really glad I took the time to do this right instead of just slapping some Stone on

And moving on now this Stone over here is for an eventual build I thought adding in some sort of Cold Storage could help add a city element into the natural landscape and now we definitely have space for a new building back here which is going to be fantastic before I

Get too carried away with the previous build it’s time to focus on the copper Factory which is going to need some land to sit on so I’ve got to get the rest of these spruce trees out of the way oh sad no Minecrafter likes an accidental stripage oh quickly running up to the

Lumber mill to drop off all of these ferusi logs and next down to the harbor to load up on a bunch of grass blocks as it’s time to do a little terraforming and level out this entire space for yes you can all Rejoice I am going to be

Trying to double dirt this as much as I can starting by outlining the road to give it a bit more substance as I need to go up from here next I want to pick a few points like this one and extend the grass blocks out to the far side with

Something like that this is for a factory that needs a larger flatter space so I’m not adding in anything too crazy here I might have made a mistake I made a mistake I made a mistake all right this little section here is now filled in okay let’s tackle this and

Make a few torches everything’s fine put lights down the bad things will go away I’m gonna be smart and light up this whole section I’m planning on building over right now uh yeah that’s probably good to do that should make things a lot safer down here

Yeah no no damage at all the stupid guy I really just needed a way back up I don’t have my Electro on and I fell back down take two no no no take three take three first try yeah just like absolutely nothing happened I finished leveling off the train and now

For the fun part this definitely isn’t large enough for the factory we’ve got a good amount of depth but I want to send it further over here I plan to build an interior for this so we need a lot of extra space to work with and I think

That’s gonna mean bringing the cliff all the way back if we don’t use this space I’ll just do some terraforming like we did over there and it’ll be totally fine but this will help connect us all the way over into the gate which is going to

Be really cool if I just level off this top section we should be able to get a good idea of how much more space we’re creating here that definitely that’s more space okay hopefully this works step one we build the beacon or some haste too getting right into it

I worked from the top of the hill going down to level it out as much as I can for the future Factory location there goes almost all of the dirt and that is one very dead shovel and just like that the stone is now also gone but most

Importantly I’ve now placed over a hundred thousand dirt in this hardcore World okay but for real I really need to prepare these tools it’s kind of stressing me out which means it’s time for a stop by the weather Skelly Farm nope I saw you you’re not blowing up my farm today nailed it

With everything fixed up it’s time to plant a field today we’re doing something a little different I want to plant a field of azure bluets which first is going to require transforming the soil into some coarse dirt so it doesn’t have the grass sitting under the flowers surrounding the plot of land

With some oak leaves asking you to subscribe wait no no no that comes next planting all of the flowers in and now be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any future uploads back over pretty close to World spawn now and this is looking really good back over to the

Build today I want to finish off the canal with a water mill right back here grabbing a ton of materials for this I want to add in some fun new colors into the area as if this structure is a lot older than the industrial district itself revolving mostly around wooden

Blocks for the build the jungle logs I do want to go ahead and strip them down and use this all for the roof I recently realized that I’m pretty much only using stripped logs now and I never really even build out of the unstripped logs I just love how much cleaner these things look for one final pop of color let’s grab a little terracotta here and craft some yellow terracotta okay let’s

Start with a little bit of brick here along the water’s edge coming up probably four blocks and then we can use a little drip stone for some texturing I want to have the building jut out back along to this side before we get to that though I want to have the next floor

Jutting out here with some strip dark oak logs and trap doors in between bringing those up the sides then for the wall itself let’s use some smooth Sandstone which looks pretty good then right out here let’s extend a small balcony out with some Spruce slabs surrounding it with our Acacia trap

Doors look at the cute little balcony over the canal now on top of the Sandstone here I want to add in my typical divider and then we’re gonna bring in the yellow terracotta for that fun pop of color working up with the roof line I’m thinking we can use our

Dark oak fence gates and open all of them but right here we can do a little window test site is figured out so I ran around out the rest of the walls up to the roof which we do now need to raise and this is going to be done with jungle

Planks along the bottom Edge working in two strip jungle logs and strip jungle wood Make this appear a little bit more reinforced I’m thinking we take a bit of spruce along the outsides as if it’s like holding this roof down and I think that’s looking pretty good except for this random Gap here I want to add in a small little Spruce shed very small

Space for the person who might own the mill to live inside which needs to probably be about that size then to keep things simple let’s just use a little bit of jungle slab action Now for the most important detail of the building otherwise it’s just a house I extended a log across the canal to create the water wheel grass doesn’t work too well out here for the road in front but something like this works great to contrast against the building

There are two ways to get copper in Minecraft number one is to mine it out of the ground and number two is to kill a drowned zombie which is actually most easily done in the end Dimension so realistically I can’t build a factory to produce copper over here in the city but

But but but I can build a factory that ages copper for building so let’s get a ton of empty shulker boxes as I’ve got to do a lot of digging my goal is going to be to age four stacks of copper blocks at once and each block needs to

Be a minimum of four blocks away from every other copper block I am definitely gonna need a beacon to set this up okay so Etro needs to be this long now I just need to dig this line all the way down here for the same length using the

Crimson planks as a guideline of where I’m going to be placing all the copper blocks on top of it’s really easy to actually block this entire thing out two of the outside lines are in place so the first big dig is underway to clear out the entire top layer

First layer is now Dugout and the copper blocks would sit right here but I want to try something making a quick trip into The Nether because I’m gonna need to get a few frog lights and I’m here ocher should be okay and back we go mob spawning is definitely gonna be a

Problem down here if I’m not careful so I actually want to replace all the planks that we just put in with our frog lights now I know adding in a copper block is going to cover the light source but that’s okay for now with our copper block sitting right there we need to

Come down one two three four blocks and the next will sit right here meaning a frog light will go under that which means it’s time to tear down another three blocks in the hole I have some raw copper that’s ready to be smelted down out which we can toss into the Super

Smelter and well that stuff all smelts down I want to run over to the Librarians and trade for a ton of glass In between each layer going down I want to add in a floor of glass so I can easily tell what is or isn’t aged and I’m out of glass this is gonna require a lot of materials with that the glass floor is now in place and I’ve got two stacks of copper

We can load into the system And there we go just about halfway done here to go I went into my deep not so dark pit of a copper aging box and finished digging down the entire space super dead pickaxe later we can now add in the bottom two stacks of blocks of

Copper and a lot of the top ones have already aged down except I do want to allow for more easy future expansion of this thing if we do need it so I’ve got to dig this all down another block thank you yeah of course this is a slime chunk the

Little ones can live was that dug all the way down now we can grab a bunch of glass and fill it all back in the floor is now entirely shrink wrapped and I can go that’s Stone that’s copper I can go around and add in

All of the last bits of copper to age down there we go four stacks of copper all aging down pretty slowly I mean no this definitely didn’t take me and my little slime friends like an hour to dig the entire hole that the top section is

Almost all aged down no no no no we’re just hanging out for a few minutes yeah oh sorry first up here I want to create a staircase so it’s going to take me from the bottom level up to the top level and I think a three wide walkway

Should be pretty perfect for that and I went too high I do love when the math Mass going from the outside edge perfectly into the middle to keep it simple let’s just throw in stone brick stairs for a easy way to walk up this is intended to be just super functional for now but I can at least clean up the edges so we’re

Only seeing Stone which kind of helps a bit now we bring ourselves back this way a little bit farther I got a little lost in here so after thinking about it for a while I decided to just create a looping staircase up to the top for an easy way

To walk in and out of the copper box looks like we have broken above ground underground so we’re getting close to the top which I think it means it’s time to actually refocus on building the factory before I get out of here let’s be sure to gather up the beacon

And fill this in like we were never here just don’t think about the giant secret hole we have underground now right forgot the stupid Stone like we were never there well all that copper ages down I need a ton of materials to create this Factory first

Off running over to the dark oak forest to strip down a ton of logs and a good while later I now have all of the wood materials we’re gonna need out of the lumber mill next dropping down into the Quarry I have an empty box that I need

To fill with rocks as I want Basalt bricks Granite Apollo stand to site follow standing side stairs as well as a ton of deep slight materials unfortunately out of dropstone blocks so down to the Villager cave to where my emeralds are gone there’s always emeralds in the librarian stand which we

Can use to buy drifts and blocks chat a little more texture in I do want to bring in a little bit of concrete continuing along with us with us now if I can find some cocoa beans somewhere ah there we go we can make some brown stained glass and glass

Paints that’s the first time I’ve crafted this huh I’m as surprised as you are last two details I’m gonna want some wither Skelly skulls lightning rods iron bars a daylight sensor and a bunch of other stuff and this right here is everything I’m going to be needing except well uh the copper where

Hopefully all of this is Sage down you know what I do need the other stages too so it’ll be fine That right there is all the copper I’m gonna need and in the meantime let’s grab more rock hopper to throw in the super smelter I love this thing it’s Hardy coming back thankfully know this this is everything we need right into the build I want to divide this up into

Multiple structures where the first here is going to be for loaded carts that are ready to leave to distribute the copper to their final destination working some mushroom block jungle planks a window right here or something like this and I think the building’s gonna come up to about here with some composters

Stretching across I want to run Spruce slabs up the side for a roof trim along the back of the build I want it to almost look like garage doors so I want to use some Basalt behind archways here for a darker contrast on the entire side inside the factory I want some large

Entrance archways in here using Spruce stairs and trap doors to create the big arch this will give a lot of clearance removing materials around carrying the composters along the front because it looks nice and then I want to throw in a few Oak trap doors here as little

Windows but then we can run our slabs along the top things are a little flat currently so maybe we bring a few of our Spruce trap doors here and fence gates going up well fences this is going to lead into another larger structure across here but before we get into that

Let’s throw the roof on here To finish the back of this Warehouse I wanted to add in some large canisters that would do some cool Factory things that I definitely know what the technical term for these are moving on to the front here I want to create a division wall to keep us off of the main

Street so we can create a bit of a work yard doesn’t need to just be solid blocks though so we can add in a few walls on top fences from there and trap doors to run the distance something like that should work out really well and we

Can extend it a little bit on the other side with the entrance in the middle which leads to the second building in the back where I thought a diorite Focus building could be a cool contrast against the mud building we just created Now behind all these structures I do want an area for copper forges which means I need a way to get back there and if you guessed a large Archway you are in fact correct something a little like this we’ve got three archways to lead out in multiple directions and I added

In a Basalt wall back here where we are gonna have a second floor that I think we can bring in some strip Spruce logs and slabs which is looking pretty good now so I should probably finish off the rest of the walls of the building and going up

To the second floor I’m bringing in Sandstone with a little bit of End Stone for that like weird aged color look I actually like it here because I do it everywhere else underneath all of the windows I want to add in our flowering azaleas on the corners though I want to

Bring in a little bit of light blue terracotta for a fun pop of color on the roof and then taking Spruce stairs all the way up to the top maybe we added a little fun sticky Audi bit like that and take this all the way down for a roof

Completely made out of wax copper to bring in a third copper color to the factory now with the tower added in this build is starting to really come together this just leaves one stage of copper left Implement and one more building a big boy over here being the

Main Factory this means a good way for things to move in and out meaning even more archways behind this to give it a little bit more depth let’s bring in a bunch of dark oak and just surround the new archways we’ve created malt week along here I’ve been

Really liking adding in a plank bit just to help break the entire thing up a touch this build is primarily going to be made out of drip Stone using a little bit of granite as well as bricks dead and extra bit of texture that’ll work for the front now just the

Other two sides I also added in this weird structure here with a doorway to nothing but I kind of like it but moving on to the second floor now I’m using a mix of Oak and jungle with dark oak supports extending out a log here along the front

I want to add in a small lift here so that we can have some sort of way to more easily move things up to the second floor of the factory but maybe we move this down and add in a scaffolding as like the Grabber yeah I like that a lot

Better back on the main street now as I’ve left this opening in here where I want to build an overhang so it’s not such a flat wall here on the street we can throw some Scaffolding in for the windows and the rest is just going to be

Out of white terracotta but there is lily leaves nailed it made it professional and Oak trap doors for shutters that is looking pretty good now for the back one much better wishes leaves the roof left to slap on top of our fully oxidized copper some prismarine bricks and warp

Wood to add in the texture as it is a really big roof and there it is the copper Factory we’ve got a pretty natural back wall here with the Mountainside I blocked off this little section and now I want to do the same thing over here just have some form of a

Natural barrier where we can say you know what everything inside is what we’re working with for the factory buildings and what we need to decorate before we start decorating I do want to change out the floor in here for that I want to use rooted dirt and I have two

Coarse dirt we can make more but I’m gonna need a lot of rooted dirt here often a new adventure I flew around the world until I could spot an azalea tree wait look at that there’s alien tree I I just want the rooted dirt I just just want the dirt please thank you

Oh no no right area is now cleared and it is daytime again what’s in here clocks but I guess now it’s time to just gather up as much of this rooted dirt as I can get wait it doesn’t go anywhere it’s supposed to go all the way down to

A lush cave this tree sucks this tree rules just kidding there’s nothing again what is going on where’s all my rooted dirt oh it’s all the way down here what the heck I guess it doesn’t like Sandstone with that realization I set off to gather the rooted dirt that was hidden

Beneath the desert sands I was joking because the spider scared me I’m fine I’m fine find her aside I think we just found an iron vein yeah definitely look at that so I hate baby spiders oh that’s kind of cool a minecart and a geode oh just

Called an apple couldn’t be that lucky what this is Diamond vein what was that that’s amazing all gathered up now and look at all that root of dirt and check out these diamonds we just found and two Spore blossoms back over at the factory I took

Root of dirt coarse dirt and dirt dirt to change out the entire floor into something more lived on but for one extra little detail here I want to grab the shears and come down and just get some Tall Grass I should probably do this at the end but I mostly just want

To right now so it’s fine I’ll probably remove half of this though uh maybe not there little over in this corner this can just kind of show the spaces that people aren’t really walking around in no no no no no no no grass no you don’t spread there wait actually yes grass you

Do spread there I just remembered I did that on purpose next inside of the factory buildings I want to add in some stones for the floors to reinforce it further and mixing in a little andeside and stone brick as well The way this lines up is just so perfect wow it’s almost like I planned this beforehand look we now have our way all the way down to the Copper aging area amazing how that works out now for a rare flip thing to do Interiors except that stupid grass is growing through my

Floor much better first up building some wagons inside of the warehouse as most importantly this needs to be a functional place for them to stop and be loaded one filled up with copper and the other waiting to be loaded which we can continue this look by running a chain

With a hopper all the way back over here using a grindstone coming all the way down to the ground to another one we can create a small little like hoist but maybe down a block yeah it looks like it’s dropping it onto the cart now along

The back here I want to connect into the surface while ceiling like we have with that guy into some smokers now over here I’m thinking for a small retaining wall so we don’t just follow down the staircase you know we can use some trap doors but maybe these we instead put

Barrels then back at over here I want to add in a small ladder going up to the top where we can install a little Loft space with some barrels and we can craft a bed for ourselves well actually the poor unfortunate soul who has to pull an

All-nighter ain’t gonna be me and that should do it inside of here but back here let’s add in some item frames a compass and a clock just so I can know if it’s nighttime or not as I’m coming out of a lovely copper aging facility

That wow it worked look at that and wow I think I totally forgot something yes we did smelt it down look at that which means it’s time for out with the old and in with the new this takes so long to fill up that summer already reaching the

Third stage so if I go bigger they’ll be done aging by the time I’m done placing and it’s an infinite Loop write that down write that down if we need more copper write that down working backwards in the copper production process let’s move to the backyard here I want to add

In giant smelters to show the process of turning raw copper into copper ingots adding a few more storage elements around here as well but what we most importantly need is some stockpiles for all of the copper which something like this should work with the second larger

One back here back over by the two forges I want to add in a little covered working area so workers can be out of the rain if they need to for this I’m thinking we just bring in a bunch of slabs and work them over stepping back

Two blocks at a time leads us to here perfect and that should work out perfectly few extra decorations in it add it in back here and we can remove all the fire on the campfires because that’s not supposed to be on fire until it’s well in there because I can’t help it right

Over in here you guessed it we’re adding in another wagon or a little cart I don’t know you choose but it looks pretty good I also added a little back entrance into this space when we get working on it as one final decoration option back down at this end I want to

Do something a little bit different and Bill is normally have a reactor type thing connecting into those stacky things that we made And we are all hooked up this wall uh future flip problem you know the deal with the back done I flew through finishing off the copper receiving area to create a conveyor belt system to take unloaded copper smash it and get it ready to go in the forges sleepy flip

Can’t word very well so I just decided to Time Lapse the whole thing out and it’s looking really good inside of here I’ve got these little micro copper blocks that I want to add in because they’re just so cute but here we have the conveyor belt moving everything down

This way gets smashy smashyed under the anvils turned into Rockhopper up the conveyor belt which then drops into this system to load in right there if you’re in the middle of the yard we have a lot of dead space that really can’t be used

All that well so I don’t want to fill it in too much but I am thinking a few supplies around here oh I don’t want to break my grass just to have some stuff around I think something like that should do maybe a little log pile back

Here now let’s grab a little bit more tinted glass and a quick trip to the nether to grab some frog lights where these should do now for the second floor of this building up here it’s not gonna be super usable so we’re just gonna turn it into Stage dressing so let’s add some

Tina glass behind all of these and then surround that all with our frog lights foreign ago and it gives a great little brightness behind there but no light actually comes out of the window so during the day it doesn’t feel overpowering but at night it feels like

Somebody’s almost living in there as the final step I’m running around with some glow lichen and glowberries to add the natural vibe to the build that I use everywhere else inside of the city with that I’m really happy to say the copper Factory is complete inside of this world and actually contains some

Really cool functional Elements which is fantastic taking a little break from the copper Factory I jumped across the canal to the previous industrial district build to spend some time decorating out the back areas of all the buildings adding in a few additional elements to really just bring it alive then I went

To the street side to build a fish and ship stand for snacks and a carpenter’s Workshop in the small space between the buildings jumping back around behind the houses again though I’m adding in a small backyard for the homes with a beetroot garden and some extra more elements of people actually living here

This is looking much much better throughout here but it’s time to connect up the two sections of the industrial district I’ve built so far which means we need some new city buildings right along the road here starting off as always I do need more Spruce so we gotta

Clear out all of these trees next I’m grabbing a new shulker box and diving into The Nether cave as we’ve got to get out to the Mesa to mine a load of terracotta I should only need a tiny Beacon do to instant mine the Terracotta right yes perfect

There we go one full shulker of terracotta time to get out of here before all the spooky spun I want to experiment a little bit on this build here so let’s craft a ton of purple terracotta which I think will go really well with some deep slight so backing on

The minds we go once again in the mines Gathering up Cobble deep slight to refill my shulker box most of my pickaxes and my wings are nearly broken so I gotta fix that nothing a quick trip into The Nether can’t fix either Wither Skeleton Farm about an hour later now and this is

Nearly everything we’re gonna need for this build it’s gonna be a big boy along with a few more decoration blocks that I need to fully bring these new builds to life and you know really mess up my Minecraft inventory let’s focus on this roadside for the build where I want to start

With like tile indoor Kabul deep slate and then into the purple terracotta as the main Block in the build This is looking really good over here but it’s very flat so I’m thinking we bring out here in the front a little Archway balcony type thing for a covered walkway which first is going to start out with stacking up a ton of pillars and then connecting them with our polish

Deep slight and dark oak trap tours you can also hook these all the way back into the building itself now on top of all this deep slight we’ve already worked inside of here we can create a seating area as I think this building is going to be intended to be

Like an inn or a Tavern so people can look out over the street of course with the low covered balcony something in strip dark oak flowering is Alias for a really cool hedge going right along the edge now on top of all this I think it’d

Be a perfect fit to add in even more of our deep slate tiles to show this is an end let’s bring a spruce plank out here item frames on both sides and have the pillow pointing towards the door and that is starting to look really good here on the front of

The building continuing this theme around the back of the building I extended up the purple walls and added in a lot of dark oak elements to make it a not so flat box before jumping up to make the roof out of deep slate with a

Spruce trim I did leave a gap on one of the corners though so I can add in a tower out of mud bricks sticking High into the sky to break up the skyline from the flatter roofs we have so far again before moving on into the next

Building I want to add a small jut out over here I think something out of some Stone over here will be a really good way that we can kind of tie everything in and transition into the new building small window right here with a flower pot sitting on a little sill in front

This right here should work for all of the stone face and then I want to bring in a little dark oak for the roof it’s just gonna stick up as high as we can make it leading into the next attached building right over here I’m trying to

Really bring the city feel in here with a lot of over overlapping buildings tucked in as closely together as they can while they’re still feeling a little unique mine is this big hole in the back that completes the extra of the first blob of buildings here on the front to

Connect this terracotta guy into the next ones I’m thinking we bring in a little bit of brick and develop an archway coming all the way across a bit like that That finishes our two archways across here and I’m thinking we jut this out for a little bit of spruce and Spruce slab action for a floor here in the middle we can continue the beams going across well kinda because I apparently didn’t make it even but it’s fine we’re

Just gonna ignore that with it going night time we can throw in a little lamp too keep things safe creating another terracotta wall on this side over here I’m gonna bring in a little bit of sandstone here for a bit more of a pop going along everything else for

Something like that and then we do scaffolding and slap in the rest of our Windows back size now and as well and from here I want to extend some dark Chris Green slabs and just extend this all the way up to the top right now we

Have a great one uh maybe it’s better to look at from the outside we now have a lovely walkway across to a building that’s probably gonna need a lot better of a wolf I think this building is going to be about that one apart so I want to

Bring in a little bit of our orange terracotta here because I got it and I think it’s gonna be fun doorway goes somewhere like this they go along with the orange we have the mangrove stairs and so our door itself isn’t sitting on anything let’s bring in Cobble Dark Door

Dark oak door and trapdoor now for some windows which might also be considered new entrances since they’re out of scaffolding we can throw those right here Wall’s gonna come up to about there but on the corners I thought we could add in some glow like in to kind of be a

Decorative bit and being able to see there that’s a little awkward so maybe we do a barrel chest here and I think I have some yeah we’ll just throw in some Mangrove planks like that now Above This section so it’s not just flat I think we

Can jut it out from the wall probably by two blocks with a little bit of supporting slab down below going with our tried and true we can extend all of our Spruce trap doors out from here Oak planks along the base working up into our stripped oak logs Walls are in place and as always I want to add in our little flowering azaleas that have turned in almost like the symbol of the city houses and for the roof of this section I think we just do some Mangrove stairs for the additional pop of color here still staying on theme

With our warmer colors but just something new that we don’t quite have yet This build is currently a lot of brick and terracotta so moving to the back over here I’m gonna try and complement it and do something a little different here with our jungle which then is going to go into strip jungle logs and I want to raise the entrance up a bit so it’s

Just slightly off ground level but over here I thought it could be kind of cool to add in our chimney as something actually outside of the building we’ll use the composter top for this one so not everything is smoking and just causing more leg blending this back in

Here with our current roof theme where pretty much everything in this area is at a deep slight currently I want to repeat that over here foreign with that done I have a big diagonal box in the middle left to fill in so I wanted to try a new roof shape here

Before I get so far into the city building project that it’s harder to introduce new things but sometimes it is good to include the Old Faithful style so I went back to my starter house build style to fill in the smaller space on the side as there wasn’t too much room

To do something Grand and it fits really well with the older water mill Vibe next to it five hours later and all of these structures are now in place but most importantly now the copper Factory is connected to the original industrial district next in the same way we

Polished up this area over here earlier and it’s looking much more finished around the original homes I want to come back here and fix up this big grassy area which is going to require a lot more Spruce trap doors and Oak trap doors I really like using these for the

Backyard fences as it’s something substantial but it’s still pretty small the bigger house can have something like this where we can throw in a little garden now for the purple house I think we do something about writing Here Andrew just close it off right next to

The staircase now where we have our big shulker mess over here I want to turn this into like a covered work area so if we do something like there three would bring us to here and we go another three we can create something inside of this

Starting right now the logs we’ll get to this in a minute as before I add in too many fire details now that I’ve got an idea where the structures are I need to figure out what the pathways are going to look like where I want to come back

Over here grab a ton of rooted dirt or coarse dirt and regular dirt using Spruce slabs we can create the way to walk up between the different layers and tear out a lot of this grass if you fill in a ton of course dirt or something a

Little like this and then we just gotta spend some time taking it all the way around foreign Look much much better back here now I just need to relocate my mess so I can actually work in here nope grass no oh okay okay never mind sorry grass looks like it can’t grow anywhere from there so it can stay but here in the back I

Want to throw in a little bit of water and create a small herb patch in here where we can have potatoes carrots potatoes carrots nope potatoes potato and then back in this spot I’m thinking we do pretty much the same thing next up let’s grab our beehives our barrels slow

Lanterns maybe some candles back in here we don’t have too much space for a seating area so this can just be barrels a little beehive and another one for storage but over here I’ve made this little mud brick area so I was thinking we could have a little seating and some

Candles on top that’s looking pretty good in here now for these pillars that I stacked up earlier I’m thinking we simply just add on Spruce planks going all the way around okay here in the middle is a little flat so let’s get some stairs where hopefully yes I can do

This we can give the illusion of this lab being in the middle by doing back to back stairs nobody will ever know it’s perfect there we go that’s looking much better now just to decorate the inside and much better not too sure what it does but it’s a little workstation next

Up I want to plant a glow Berry and I need a lot more of them As we definitely need a little bit more Greenery around here inside this city it’s everywhere so I don’t want to forget it here I’ve got a few hanging Roots left we can throw in two but I gotta be pretty sparing with them all of the little stuff is in around here but I

Would include some trees like this one inching up the side of the wall here with some Acacia leaves on it something like that should work I’ve recently been inspired to come up with some new tree designs and created this weird jungle tree a while back and I’m so happy to

Finally have an excuse to bring it into the world now it is a little tall but if we fly all the way back here it pops above the roof line just ever so slightly and I love that just look at it oh it’s so good also I wish we could use

Vines on the wall and Shear them like glowberries I mean look how much string I had to put back here just to stop this thing from hopefully growing also vines with little flowers on them like we have in the flowering azalea bush if that’s not too much to ask for that’d be really

Cool to have thanks but there we go a full Copper Factory ready to oxidize all of my copper moving forwards and a brand new expansion to the city enough horsing around the city it’s time for an adventure today I want to get back to in just enjoying playing Minecraft by

Transforming this planes bomb into a beautiful horse racetrack will trying to breed for the fastest horse possible in Minecraft I think it’s only fitting to head over to the Future racetrack location on Horseback I do love my original horse but hopefully this will be a little bit quicker in the future

But here we are at the end of the road and a start of a brand new project where first I’m gonna Park our horse over here somehow up here on top of the mountain we have tons of horses just all over the place which means we don’t have to get

Far to get a great start here to try and get the fastest horse in Minecraft so crafting down a ton of spruce fences and maybe first we clean up the area just a touch before we create a giant horse pasture tracks not open yet sorry come back later Let’s start by creating an archway so we know where the entrance to our little place is and for a really simple top entrance let’s just do this and some trap doors fence gates across so the horsies can’t get out and a lamp Okay so I like this in general in theory but

It’s a little too slopey so I’m gonna do a little terraforming here just a small terrible project to kick off the day and now I need to run fences around the entire perimeter and that’ll do it right there we’ve got a lot of space for horses and one’s

Already inside this guy is a very slow though so sorry buddy I don’t think you’re gonna need that saddle I think uh you’re gonna hang out here yeah okay so I’m thinking we leave a saddle on top of all the horses that are half decent uh for everyone we bring down from the

Mountain and then the ones that are just gonna hang out here and live out there Merry days they can just not have a saddle next I’m gonna need to get a lot of saddles and well I also need a lot of emeralds so let’s stop by the rain Farm

Maybe we grab a few more empty shulkers along the way quick trip down into The Nether to the ocean Monument we’re somewhere in this direction I think should be the right Farm ah there’s the giant ugly Cobblestone thing it even stole his emeralds I love well there’s

So many in here and Redstone I love this place how did I forget about all of these there are so many emeralds here already I might as well craft them all in the blocks that’d be a little smarter we’ve got so many emeralds in here now

And I’m a little worried that this does doesn’t produce Saddles but we’ll try running it for a while and see I can’t remember a quick little swipe but this guy there we go and I think I messed it up already nope nope there it goes that’s I’m hearing mobs okay that’s

Doing a thing just under 200 levels and I think it’s time to get on out here we’ll let them multi-spawn why are you still spawning no everybody should be dead now now did we get any saddles no we didn’t get a single one saddle saddle I see you oh my

Inventory is full of junk no my saddle ah we got one it was worth it everything was worth it I mean I guess this here is kind of worth running the farm just kinda slightly maybe but these are cool too this right here is pretty cool I’ll

Take that you know what worthwhile trip to get out here okay new plan leather worker villagers at master rank will trade Saddles so somewhere here in the village I should have some running around as there are cauldrons for workstations how are you up there now okay maybe all the leather workers died

There’s not too many villagers in the village oh here we have some villagers let’s see if I break the composter will one of you become a leather worker yes ooh paints I need my emeralds now if I Max this guy all the way out and I’ve

Got hero of the village so it should be Dirt Cheap sorry I don’t need your pants Oh this is gonna take a long time to max out oh no grab the other cauldron so maybe this guy will also want to be a leather worker yes there he goes and

Saddles for one Emerald oh thank you oh no I’d like those back that’s not a tip well there were boys are maxed out which means we now have all of the Saddles we should should need now I need to run up here to the top of the mountain and jump

On every single one of these horses to tame them I should probably get some carrots to make this easier huh oh my gosh finally the first one’s tamed and yes decent not amazing not not amazing how’s your jumping oh he’s the three block jumper okay you keep your saddle with the first horse

Brought down I ran over to pick up some sugar cane and crafted it into sugar to make taming a little easier and then started to bring all of the horses down to the mountain into the pasture being sure to leave a saddle on all of the

Decent ones okay this should be the last mountain horse coming down into the pasture and a lot of these were actually pretty decent so they kept their saddles on so it’s time for some speed tests I’m after the best possible horse in Minecraft today so I need a sprint track

To test their speeds quickly before I get that out on a actual race track we’ll build later 40 blocks should be long enough to finish this now we need to expand this to be six blocks wide for a little more wiggle room crafting a few tripwire hooks as well as a hopper two

Different barrels and lastly I need some string maybe that cave I covered up will have a spider inside of it somewhere there’s an abandoned mine shaft down here which means there should be cobwebs and we can grab some string in this diamonds and cobwebs don’t mind if I do

Ooh there’s a lot of them 10 more Diamond are for ourselves that’s a pretty good find down here now let’s get out of here before I overstay my welcome on both ends here I want to create a polished deep slate on there and there and then we connect these together to

Activate a tripwire hook which will produce a redstone signal anytime we walk through it out of the back of this guy we need to run a redstone line all the way down into the center repeating this to The Far Side to get it all caught up right next I want to run the

Axle Redstone line with repeaters coming all the way down into the middle at the end of both of the Redstone lines we’re going to place in a piston and a piston with a redstone block here at the front we put a barrel and a hopper going into

The barrel with another Barrel on top grabbing our extremely technical timing element here of two stacks of dirt anytime I walk through here the Redstone Block gets moved over the dirt starts counting and that should move it back which locks the hopper again stopping the dirt from coming in locking our

Timer I like a little bit more speed up time to get to Max Speed so let’s give ourselves a little bit more dirt on this side and some slow down Zone on the far side taking a little time to expand the track and adding in some flowers to make

It really feel like a fancy horse racetrack now over here I’ve installed a redstone lamp so we can know when the thing is on and ticking so I’m thinking we bring ourselves up here a few fences going across and strip the logs down with that I just want to create a small

Overhang here so it looks a touch nicer just kind of building into the Redstone system but that should work and we can still kind of see the lamp so it should be okay from here I also want to create some archways going over the top similar

To the one that I created around the horse pasture already this right here is starting to look pretty official I do gotta say so I think it’s about time to grab one of our saddled horses and see how quick they are I think I remember this guy being

Yeah he’s quick take one on the horse print and we’re done this is a nine dirt Horse let’s do that quick test again I want to make sure it was empty there we go round two and done nine dirt again okay that is getting a really consistent time and

That’s very important now I’m just excited to try this with a bunch of different horses so let’s see where we can get with this guy nine dirt again nine nine dirty okay is everybody gonna be nine dirt come on now horse number three and that felt a lot slower eleven dirt

Okay yep nine dirt is currently the time to beat so sorry buddy I’m gonna be taking that saddle back you can live out the rest of your days here in this lovely little pasture the other test I want to make is for jumping the most

Accurate way to do this is with a bunch of snow layers here so we can just gather up a ton of this stuff then right next to our little sprint track I built out another area for the new test where from here we can start creating a few pillars for ourselves

That are gonna go up three blocks tall space it apart over here then this one will be for four blocks tall and then this will be for if we get some really super powered horses five blocks tall I think we can actually repeat this right in front of it again here because we

Don’t need too much space crafting a few ladders in here and then I would need a way to get up to these back ones as we’re going where if you didn’t know we can add one two three four five six and seven snow layers to create a full block

And by that I mean eight snow layers but we’re gonna just ignore that my thought is if we can get over the front one then we land and we try and jump over the next and this will have three layers on it to start so just under a slab and

Then we can add as we need one of these horses was a super jumper not that guy oh I think it’s this one yep let’s see what he can do three blocks cleared it easy four blocks nailed it now can he do five blocks oh just so close adding another two snow layers

Here how close can we get to five blocks I need to know oh five layers four blocks five layers can we do seven layers yes oh he’s just under five blocks jumper not the quickest though not the quickest hey look another distraction I gotta play the field in

Every Hardcore episode I’ve landed a new field inside this Hardcore Minecraft world to keep expanding my base and asserting my Dominus over those puny Minecraft world as I slowly destroy all of the biomes and convert them into Quick farming paradise and you should definitely subscribe so you don’t miss

Out on any future uploads you might watch my videos all the time and not even realize you haven’t subscribed yet so be sure to double check there we go a wheat field in front of the auto Wheat Farm storage okay no more distractions let’s build the horse stables for this

I’m gonna need a ton of materials as always like Stone some Basalt tough blocks right and cobblestones for the base layer white wool concrete powder white concrete some birch logs and then some light gray concrete for shading for the roof here we can go into the copper

Factory from the last episode to pick up some freshly aged copper throwing the beeswax on some of it and we can turn it all into cut copper now don’t yell at me yet or do in the comments it actually helps the video so thanks but on top of that for the roof

Here I want to use melon blocks that’s our melon roof I’ve got lime concrete and lime glazed terracotta cooking down as well as a little lime wall lastly for this project I’m gonna need another wedding gift to craft ourselves a lodestone starting off over here we can

Get into the front of the build with the start of our stable space where I want to include a lot of stone coming up to probably right here as a trim for this I’m thinking we have stone bricks going all the way across with some stairs and

Some full bricks going all the way down that’s looking much better inside of these openings let’s bring in a little bit of our mud brick stairs for a darker color as I want to create some windows for the air to get in and out of the

Stables and then for a doorway over here we can do the same thing right here just a block lower thinking a three wide opening and the structure should probably end yeah around there and that’ll work for the entrance the two sidewalls I want to leave more open

To add in some other shapes soon but I repeated the same window idea along the back I’ll sort out these Basalt structures on the edges here soon but first the front where we can pull the classic whip move of extending some Spruce out here and slabs in between I

Hate flat faces on building so I want to send out a small Oak bit sticking out from the side to help achieve that adding in a pop of color here with our purple glass windows and then I want to bring in some Crimson trapdoors behind

The windows to give it a little pop of lighting we’re gonna just bring in some frog lights and Spruce planks going in for the roof now for the rest of the roof I’m thinking about coming in over here and transitioning from our Stone into more of a white palette where I

Know I am using gray right here but it’s for shading so to be fine right over here we can have a big open space and incorporating a little bit of our Birch and some diorite in here then along the back just to close it all in I’m

Thinking some jungle trap doors but this can be how we can have a way to get up to the top I remember helping my mom as a kid out with all the horses and we always had a Halo Loft on the second store so I’m thinking we can kind of

Replicate that in here with a hay bale being lifted up to the top we’ll give an access point for all the hay to be down into the horses where we have some stalls in here but that’s just kind of the idea I’m running with speaking of

Running I ran around to add in those Basalt structures as little additions for a tack room and like a stable hand space and then I got to work stacking up a new tower in the back corner which looks so good from the inside yeah look at that I mean definitely the inside

Here but next I want to come here along the front and bring in some of our more white concrete blocks that we have into up here we can do a little bit of our Gray Birch right here and then we’re just gonna keep working our way moving down here the entire side

Now on all of these above the windows I’m thinking we’re bringing a few campfires distinguish those down all the way and then underneath I want to throw in a few of our Acacia leaves with more of the Crimson trap doors has little shutters going the entire Direction what

Ah there’s one more I’m so close moving into the giant roof section I want to add a little bit of a border here that’s going to be kind of holding everything up using our Spruce trap doors and Spruce slabs going all the way down before throwing the roof on I thought

Another Tower base back here would be nice to balance things out and well actually I built it because I want to create an archway going over our future Racetrack and I needed something to attach it to here make it a little fun and funky and fresh let’s work on a bit

Of a diagonal over here and come out with one two excuse me I forgot my cool lodestone that we made earlier we gotta include the super cool lodestone where is it ah lodestone lodestone and one two that should even things out and then if we put our chiseled stone brick here I

Can bring it up one two three and four which then we just go right back up this is looking pretty good but it definitely needs more of a foundation to it where we can just extend our slabs going all the way like this and then on

Top of those we just bring stone bricks around up to floor level with the door here I’m thinking Spruce planks down the middle to walk on top of and another layer like we had before using our smooth stone blocks with a little deep slate to darken it up now I want to keep

The lighting out here fairly subtle so let’s throw three lime Candles there and three here and we can light them this is gonna be a fantastic place to start the race where for that I’m thinking which egg a Trip Bar hook a redstone lamp on top of it and extend our string coming

All the way across here to repeat the same to activate it and now that block should be powered and they turn on oh I like that that’s a fun start this does need the lead summer so I think a small Watchtower to view the race will be

Perfect and our Archway is now finished up but it’s time to throw the final walls in of this big build This is starting to look really really good on the outside but I think it’s finally time to throw the roof on this thing not gonna lie I am terrified to start this as it’s probably one of the most unique things I’ve ever built in Minecraft and it took me forever to

Figure out even the base idea with it but I am so happy I decided to try and push myself to do something new here taking a look at back where we started today this is awesome to see the horse Racetrack Stable structure completed along with the horse testing tracks one

Final touch I definitely need to do for now is throwing a bit of a floor on the inside as grass is probably not our best bet for the little side Cubbies over here I’m thinking we incorporate a bit of deep slate and there’s probably gonna be a wall right along there maybe we’ll

See how it goes maybe a trap door wall so it’s skinny but outside of that I want to use a lot of coaster to kind of frame things in just enough so that we can get the grass to stop spreading on the inside and outside of that I want to

Use as much of the regular dirt as I can partially because I don’t really have too much course dirt but that’s okay now let’s just hope the grass doesn’t able to spread to the inside of this looks a little bit more attached here with the road so that’s that’s nice I was flying

Back home for more dirt and realized my wings are nearly broken so let’s fix that before it’s too late I nailed it rings are still good okay okay oh where the Skully Farms over there and I can just grab some experience right over here and there we

Go uh super quick one oh I’m invisible how’d that happen grab some gravel and some dirt to craft coaster quick stop in the Quarry to grab a little bit more Stone bricky action and some dark oak from the lumber mill I’m gonna get the location for some horse stalls started

Out here soon but first up let’s get all of our course down dirt down and hopefully I have enough to fill all of this in because uh we’re gonna need a big area for things to move around oh right this is a good start in here but

I’m thinking we tear up a little bit of the coarse dirt just kind of randomly creating almost like Pathways around and fill that back in with our regular dirt where hopefully no grass will grow in here it looks like it should be okay though next up let’s move inside the

Stables and I’m thinking we can use a few trap doors right over here to create a bit of a doorway for now just throw some trapdoors up for the rest of the wall this way we still get the full three blocks and it’s not just completely sticking out in the walkway

Now moving on to the Stalls I’m thinking we’re gonna do most of these out of stone so it can be holding up the next floor going at the same height we have for the main doorway we can start bringing in a few stairs here to create archways so

That we can easily ride a horse inside and then from here I wanted to start bringing in a little bit of our dark oak logs for the trim going across the top and strip it all down now between all these I do like the stone at the base and I’m thinking we

Just bring in some stone bricks right across the top so the horses can see in between but they can’t walk over them hopefully all of them can jump over them in the end but this should do it for now for a cheeky little way to walk up to

The second floor I think we can just throw something in right back over here and perfect not just for the game of filling in even more of our dark oak running into a bit of an issue out here with that being at the level so I’m

Thinking we just bring in these guys and then on the corner I want to add in some Acacia trap doors as a way that we can throw hay from the hail off at this level down into our horses and this right here is starting to feel really

Good for the Staples itself as one final step in here we can add in all of our fence gates going across so we can actually lock the horses in here removing the ground torches and everything down here is ready to go we’ve got cauldrons with water in every

Single stall we’ve got random bits and Bobs around the lanterns up on the top and a little tack room ready to go with the staircase leading up here and this little guy where I’m thinking right in front we just just throw some hay bales to make it look like you know things are

Being moved in and that The Hayloft is very full a little railing on the staircase too and that’ll work out just be safe let’s throw a cheeky bed back here in this room that uh definitely is full of decorations so full but now for the looking forward to it’s time to bring

Our first year to the inside so let’s start Cinema first up I’m going for speed to go the distance and then we can work on jump and health later this guy is tender we definitely have faster than that sorry buddy I’m taking the saddle for now horse number two

Nine dirt oh I think you’re a keeper for now can we get four nope not quite four three and a half okay nine dirt three and a half you can come inside uh you’re not feeling quick at all I’m I’m not even yeah I’ll take that saddle buddy oh

You can jump wow wait a second here oh we are just shy of five blocks that’s like our 4.9 block right you can come inside this one’s gonna take a little while nine dirt three and a half okay we’ve got three of the same horse they

Had one really slow boy that’s a big jumper we’ve got our horses in here to get started with and to start breeding I need golden carrots or golden apples and we’re gonna be using golden carrots because I am way too far for golden apples now I can make the long flight

Journey all the way back here every time I need more carrots and visit my Farmer villagers well that’s not fun and that’s a long journey to make every time so in an effort to enjoy The minecrafty Vibes today let’s build a little storage shed over here for some Farmers to live in

Okay but first grabbing a few carrots we can breathe these two horses to get our first baby and put the new one in the stall over here to let them cook with that I need to throw together a bunch of materials for the new build sticking on theme for the Stables itself

Jumping right into the build I set up some rings over here so we can build some Granary storage silos of sorts and I want to make sure the base isn’t super flat so we’re just throwing on a few slabs and trap doors now for the granite

Itself I want to bring in a little bit of our drip Stone and then also extend in some of our mud mud bricks and things like that we’ll throw the top on here in a minute but we’re just gonna do a little Archway as always

Now to mess around with a little bit of shading here I’m thinking we try some dirt Soul Sand into Muddy Roots and kind of have that just being darker around the rest we’re gonna offset the levels so the entrance here for this one is just a little bit taller next bringing

Up the muddy brick base we level out with the archways from here I want to grab some Oak planks and stripped oak logs and we can start transitioning here with some Oak planks as the base and then I’m thinking we bring up our strip logs we’re getting a little higher but

To make sure the back isn’t so flat we can do a little jungle trap door action and then add in a third layer of our strip plugs Top here I think it’s going to come out to be about this tall because I want to do a ring of composters in here to just break up the oh no that one’s wrong fixed it now on top of the composters we can do a little pop of our Crimson

Planks in here to kind of be contrasting against everything over there with that done it’s time to transition into the roof if I can Place Bronx right or say words right one day one day we’ll get there And that right there should do it for the grain silos and oh I like them and it is very late at night right now get rid of all these guys and it’ll be fine no that’s fine everything’s fine now I want to build a structure attached to

This for some villagers to live inside but first up here let’s make two Hoppers throw the electro back on and run over to this Farm as I’m starting to run pretty low on our warped in Crimson wood again so I want to get some storage rocking I also need some more bone meal

For it which we can just start filling in on the chest on both sides there we go completely loaded up and we should be able to just turn it on that’ll do its thing while we’re working on the build for the villagers I want to create a

Storage shed with some stalls on the back for the farmers to stay safe and here we have a few more decorations on the inside that definitely won’t constantly attract the villagers and distract them when I’m trying to move them in it’ll be fine but out here on

The front I thought we could throw some golden carrots in these little item frames and have them pointing inside now I have some extra composters and I want to take a little bit of this hay and turn it into wheat and then into bread because I came to visit the villagers

Over here and unfortunately a lot of them have died uh we’re just not gonna talk about that so I’m just gonna give you guys some bread that’ll be great let’s increase that population once again and I’m gonna make some boats to kidnap new ones or maybe he’s still here

He’s still here hi buddy you’re new you look like you want to be a farmer at the horse stables that TNT scared me so much solid it’s another one okay some trap doors around here we should be able to box the Villager in and he can’t

Walk under that but we can easily move them in place yeah hi buddy come here now we’re having the Battle of who’s more stubborn right now and I hate villagers so much yes yes everything about that was terrible okay let’s do it two more times And finally 20 minutes later we have three villagers in place yay back at something I built well over 3500 days ago let’s come over here to the auto carrot Farm pick up a ton of carrots as every single one of those villagers wants to trade them let’s get them going

And see what else we’re gonna be needing here oh we’ll buy some pumpkin pie sure why not definitely snacks and I’m gonna need a few more emeralds here to buy cookies but there we go three golden care trades ready to rock before we start any more testing I’m not too sure

If horses need time to get up to maximum speed so I’m gonna extend out our core straight here just a little bit further the racetrack’s gonna come through here in the end so it’s okay to keep it that flat for now let’s see what are we gonna

Get on this speed test where we at can we get an eight we have an eight oh that’s a new record we haven’t had an eight before uh not a three and a half for though okay so we lost some jump but we gained speed now for the weird

Minecrafty part if we take both of these we should hopefully be able to get an even faster horse again look at you you’re adorable and this is your stall buddy and I’m happy to say we’ve got an eight dirt speed oh that’s so good well

The horse grows up I decided to hang out and just lay down a bunch of grass blocks for a while to work on the train and prep for the future race track little one is now a big one so let’s see how quick there oh nope nope come on

Settled up and ready to go to the testing track where we can just fly on in from here we’ve got another nine blocker okay um I’m just gonna send you out to the pasture bud I’m getting a little too excited over here and so before I forget

It let’s link up the road back over to the sheep farm where I’m gonna need a ton of spruce labs and more coaster with the materials ready I cleared out all the space I need and laid down the road linking of the racetrack to the world

Side note just slept here and we’re on day 3007 101 that’s another 100 days okay back to Road making there we go all linked up but a few grass blocks left over so I just placed them down to smooth things out and our new horse is

Nine blocks so so I did some maths we have 40 blocks to travel in a hopper moves 2.5 blocks per second the max horse speed is 14.2 blocks per second if we get the max speed horse we can complete this test with seven dirt just barely by like 0.2 seconds off eight

Dirt we’ve got good progress here with the eight dirt horse but we can go even faster than that now for the fun minecrafty grind where I just have to repeat this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

And over and over and over and over and over I’ll be honest I’m gonna go crazy if I just sit here waiting for horses to grow and be able to breed again so let’s get working on creating the track my wife and I have been obsessed with the

F1 docky Series so I was scrolling through the tracks to see if anything could fit this Zone and the Austin track will actually fit perfectly we’ll use coarse dirt over here for the start so he can run the Redstone along but after that I’m thinking we transition into

Path blocks to kind of save on my sanity you know yeah I need that starting off with a straightaway I’m creating a 9 wide bit of path block all the way down this is going to require a lot of smoothing as we go but for now the first

Bit of the racetrack is shoveled into the Earth that did take about an hour so baby should be fully grown note there was no baby I was waiting for the breeding cooldown on this guy oh that’s a bummer no there’s a baby mere little guy you get the big stall means you’re

Gonna be super fast right back to working on the track for now as I need to extend ourselves all the way out this way beyond the mountain range to loop back around we run into an issue here where there’s a mountain and I’m gonna

Need a lot of dirt to smooth that out so we can get up on top at this point I just needed to spend the time to get the job done on both breeding a fast horse and finishing the racetrack outline both tasks are a lot larger than I was

Expecting which means a lot more grind time spent in the game hanging out and just moving this world forward but it’s been really fun to do instead of focusing on some crazy massive build project I’ve just been able to chill out and play some Minecraft with it has been

Really nice except it’s been five hours little problem here as both of my shovels are falling apart and I need to fix those up which today brings us out to the end unfortunately I’m not making much progress on horse speed so I want to double the length of the test to get a

Little more variety in the results for the next step I need to re-time every single one of the horses I have as we’re gonna get a new dark count previously nine dirt now 17 dirt okay man I can’t wait for the ability to just edit signs

In 1.20 but the new test did eliminate two of my horses but everybody else is at 17 minus our big boy jumper over here at uh 26. it’s okay that you’re slow it’s fine but there we have three new ones growing up that we’ll come back for

In a little bit with that done I went back into shoveling the racetrack to get a better idea again of the shave winding my way around the mountain to connect to this start of the track we already built out clearing the forest along the way

What I’m very happy to say I now have two shulker boxes full of oak leaves whoa oh my God I hate everything here we are at the top of the mountain and here I am bringing the dirt down and connecting both ends of the track finally the

Entire racetrack is ready to go and the little ones are now big ones let’s grab some more Saddles and test these out real quick another 17. with only a three block jump okay it’s time to move into horse breeding overdrive I want to create a bunch of temporary pens Outside

The Stables to have more horses breeding at once to give a higher chance of a better one it’s been 30 days since I got a faster horse so I’m getting a little impatient first horse is 17. oh 4.5 jump though wait next round is done and only

Three of those were even worth keeping unfortunately but at least that means I have a few more horses to breed now another round of force feeding hay bales to tame the horses for another round of testing I kept at this for another hour so breaking up horses and testing them

Out and staying busy to see what results I could get until oh we got a 16 dirt horse four and a half and now all of the slow 17 dirt horses are out of the stables and I have these three winners that’s 16 3.5 16 3.8 and 16

4.9 don’t worry I haven’t murdered any horses they’re all hanging out out here in the paddock I guess it’s time to restart this entire process to work towards 15. for my next distraction project will the next babies grow up we can take a few emeralds with us to head

Into the Villager cave and visit our stonemasons as I want to buy a lot of drip stone blocks and polish andesite I want to try bringing in some drip stone blocks along the edge here just have a little bit of a retaining wall on the edge of the course near The Stables

Itself if we go about this far out it should give us enough structure for the building this just makes it feel a lot more official along here and I I think I like it so far so that I can still get over to our testing tracks I’m thinking

We do something a little bit like this to make it decorative and that should work a stable nearly full of 16 dirt horses just waiting on the last two to grow up but I need a bit of a break so let’s do some redstone you never expected me to say that huh

Since the track goes all the way out over there and we start here at this corner I’m a little worried about this section unloading so I actually want the Redstone timer to be somewhere out here in the middle as long as they’re starting and stopping delay is the exact

Same running Redstone line from there to here shouldn’t mess up the count for having a little bit more distance to it I’m thinking the final score is going to be right here with a hopper pointing into the barrel and that’s going to control everything as we did with the

Old timer we’re gonna have a redstone block behind it forever here we’re gonna want our Pistons like we did before to move the Redstone Block back and forth I’m trying to build a system here that’s going to work off of the same tripwire hook so we need a start and stop

Activation that’s gonna invert each time which is where this is gonna come in when our redstone block is next to the hopper that’s gonna be the race isn’t running but if we move it over here that’s gonna allow us to bring this line down and activate it with the Redstone

Block like this which means if we use a repeater right here that signal is going to get cut off but then if we move the rest stone block back that repeater can power this block and send the line through here being able to start the

Race and if I throw it redstone torch in here we should see the whole thing flip and then that drops down then I do this again it comes back up and the Redstone Block is back on this side perfect next up we need to bring our Redstone line

All the way out over here and I think I want to run it underground if I trigger this does that activate yes I think I saw something just for another Quick Test yes yes it does now I just need to run the Redstone line all the way from here over to our little

Timer make sure I did this one correctly let’s just throw a temporary lamp right here and it should turn on can’t see it it turned on yes that means it’s working oh that’s so good and then throw it again and it turns off oh a redstone timer set up the

Only thing I can’t hide is this little spot so we’ll just do a stair there and copy it to The Far Side so it looks like a support now this probably could have been done in a much better way but I made it myself and I’m super happy it

Works as the next step though I do want to hide it inside out uh Tower and I want a marker that the race has started so coming down here to the clerics I want to buy a ton of Glowstone well actually that’s probably enough as I need a redstone lips with this Redstone

Line I have already running underneath we can bring it out this side a little bit more Redstone and start building a redstone torch Tower going all the way up and I think this layer will work out perfectly so if we do this with an observer facing that away that guy’s

Gonna get pushed up to here which will create a chain of five observers for ourselves and then if we come out over this way we can add some more on to the end now this should be fun as we’ll be able to create a looping go the entire

Way and then over here I want to Branch it off going again the opposite direction then on this corner we can continue that going all the way around to create a big old box in the sky getting rid of the dirt that we have down here and this should hopefully be

Everything and now if I start the race timer that stays on why do you stay on shouldn’t you be looping why you know loopy oh I got this one it’s fine The Observer is facing the wrong direction but look at this now it’s a little slow but it

Gets going look at that oh I love it now it’s still working all the way over here that means the timer is good yes it breaks right here it it breaks right here simulation distance you go up there we go now it’s working oh yeah the race

Track will work for the 100th time I have another distraction here because every good stable needs a good movie oh look at it you buddy are gonna hang out right here okay thank you so very much oh you’re great and now it’s back to waiting for horses to grow up okay

Buddies let’s go the 15 dirt horse Shelby mine in the meantime I need another project this time with the Spencers as I want to create a fireworks show for finishing the race as we have a bit of delay coming from over there to the Redstone Tower which then the timer

Is gonna need to brighten the Redstone line over here I want to give ourselves a bit of space before we bring in the dispenser so I’m thinking one here at the very end and then we go seven blocks and we add in another one now from here

I need to grab this Redstone line and send it all the way over there and hopefully not run into the other one I just built and this should be all the space that we need to get everything working with maybe a little bit more cleared out over here Redstone Line is

Now in place coming all the way over in here to our firework setup where if I run Redstone right like that into the block that’ll activate the dispenser on top I just gotta keep them loaded here’s me skeleton I’m working down here don’t take it copying the whip Stone up to

Here and then we can use the stone bricks as our marker line gonna require a few test to make sure the timing is right but I think that’ll work the dispensers are gonna have to be visible here up on the top so I can just load them from this side whenever they run

Out but I want to fill them with a ton of stuff for a little test let’s throw a few rockets in each of them and now if that goes there that should turn off and Rockets go I want some big explosions for the fireworks running into The Nether let’s grab some firework charges

Oh there’s not too many in here that should do it thank you Piggies next a quick trip out to the swamp biome as I need light blue dye where four stacks of blue orchids should do it next up I need a stack of roses and sunflowers the

Craft yellow dye red dye down into orange dye crafting these things is honestly so weird as it’s leading me over to the raid Farm where hopefully I do need gunpowder I do need that but I needed glowstone no we don’t have much at all oh I’ve got another stack at home

Which means we can start to craft everything down I’m thinking we have a big explosion at the end here that’s gonna have light blue and orange and a small one in the front with just orange and a small light blue one in the middle so our last step here is we need some

Gunpowder as now we craft our Rockets like normal but I’m also adding in the firework to give it the big effect Sun is going down so this could be a great spot for a quick trial run we’ll put three stacks in each as that should definitely hold me over for a long time

That’s 180 something races this should be starting the race and nothing will happen perfect but when we finish the race oh I love that that’s so good I’m a very happy flip right now okay let’s build the Tower by building a tower I mean another round of horse breeding New

Falls are ready to go and I’ve got one more that actually needs to be tamed back here and 17. ah bummer buddy but you do get to live with all the other horses out here in the paddock for the tower let’s grab some Basalt Stone deep

Slight and andesite as well as a lot of mud materials tons of strip logs somehow where nearly 3 800 days into this world and I’ve completely run out of gravel this will at least keep me busy for now I guess ignore the giant hole where

There was once gravel as I now have a lot of gravel more flowers more light gray die more light gray concrete batter I want to turn one snack of this into concrete itself so we can tear this down real quick uh the top going down one

More stop before we can finally get into building the towers I seem to be running out of everything right now Orbeez and pigs and acacia trees which is really what I need A little over a stack here should do it I seem to keep building over all of my tree chopping spots so I’m gonna have to fix that one here real soon but for now I want to build over the top of the timer with a flat wall to leave some

Signs to best mark my Speedy times little something like this working towards the Redstone lamps I want to make a large boxy tower that gets a tiny bit skinnier as it goes up but uh oh look at that quick distraction the horses have grown grab some carrots and

Be my friend 16 16 and 16. next round of babies are in their stalls and back to the build to fill in the Gap over here where the Redstone bit starts sticking out I’m thinking we bring in a mud structure and for a little extra texturing we bring in a little bit of

Our jungle planks I’m not gonna see be seeing this from up close so I’m okay with just adding in the texture from afar that’ll probably seem like a little bit too much right now but it should look A-Okay From a Distance on the top here we can make it a little bit more

Decorative by bringing in a few mud brick walls on top of upside down mud brick stairs and carry these stairs airs around to the side for a final little bit out here on the front I’m thinking we do something like this add in a warped door then a lantern to keep us

Safe and we’re only really gonna come back in here if I need to tweak the Redstone system where hopefully I mean I definitely know I built it perfectly so I’ll never ever need to come back in here with the two extra attached structures finished I’m focusing on stacking up the stone tower itself

Trying to add in some shading to give it more interest from a distance laying away and yep I like that a lot that looks really good from a distance theme is ready to go so I finish off the remaining stone walls to surround the Redstone lamps hey now we’re not done

Yet up here on top we need to finish off the top of the tower stacking up our Oak planks and then all the way around here I want to bring an upside down Spruce stairs to create a railing I’m thinking we’d do some Spruce slaps going around

Like this where I’m very happy it’s an odd number it’s a good thing when the math works out I’m thinking we do a door right there and then for this layer I want to add Crimson planks going for most of it with some wind Windows right

Here and then we can extend up to this tall the windows themselves I’m thinking we just throw in some frog lights and ladders in front well I didn’t mean to fall how have I survived this long I don’t know this works out pretty well and then we can

Just do some warp trap doors for the colourpop and then I gotta carry it all the way around for a big old box like this then we can bring in our slab and trapdoor action right around here again with that in place I’m putting on a dark

Prismarine roof with a small chimney to set this all into the environment a little bit better I’m thinking we build up a big old custom oak tree and that’s looking pretty good and that is everything for the tower one more round of horse taming and testing done

And still no luck on the fabled 15 dirt horse but I do have all of these babies we can test out here soon but I’ve been doing this for a while and uh I want to get back into start off I’m leveling up this dirt area after the start of the race

And many of the little ones are now big ones so a another end of horse testing for me and no luck on any faster horses I’m gonna take that saddle back I’m up to 384 animals bread now we started today at less than 150. I’m actually really having a good time adding in

Small details for this project but I’ve run out of resources for building uh again so as always I need some Spruce logs next over in the Mesa as I’m here for red sand but I kind of also want the dead bushes full stack of dead bushes now for the Red Sand

There we go four Stacks should do it for one stack of red Sandstone I Love mining red sand for one last stop I need some Mangrove Vlogs so let’s see if we can find him in the Mesa leaves back over at the racetrack now I want to

Get started on this guy right away here and I’m thinking we do one two three four five and then two and then we just inch our way up here which will give us four layers of stands for people to sit on and I think that’s plenty and an

Extra line of planks here along the back just so you can walk around trying to think of a way to make this look more temporary so we can add in a few fences here like they just threw it together for some event happening probably won a

Few railings here so maybe we do our Spruce trap doors coming up the side and then Mangrove trapdoors above these now in the middle of these I’m thinking for a little seat rest we can just throw some more of our jungle trap doors in on top to keep on brand I’m using

Prismarine bricks and smooth red Sandstone to create the sunshade this feels pretty basic but I think it does the part pretty well and look it’s perfect for keeping the Sun out well waiting for more horses to breed I decided to spend some time building custom trees between testing each of the

Animals in hopes of getting the 15 dirt horse I ended up with a ton of different types of custom trees inspired by my previous Birch forest biome and compiling with everything else inside of here which is starting to look really good around here I feel a lot more like

We have an environment going on instead of just a building now I have just resorted to a pen of all of the 16 dirt horses seeing as um I have so many of them and everybody’s out of 16 now so it doesn’t matter who I breed with who

They’re all just hopefully gonna get faster at this point I hope I’m really just doing the math wrong and I already have the maxed out horse because I’m going insane if someone can verify my math in the comments that would be fantastic this guy feels real fast here

And 16 dark over 40 hours put into building the horse race track and I’ve now spent 20 hours alone trying to breed for the fastest horse with no luck so I guess the near 50 16 dirt horses I have are gonna have to do it’s finally time

To race around the track and I actually really like where’s that light brown one this guy look at it he’s so cool the racetrack itself is really solid and I’m really looking forward to detailing this us more as I spend more hours inside the world to keep adding to it and keep

Trying to breed for that perfect horse my goal is to keep this world moving forwards all the time no project has ever truly finished and I can keep expanding upon them which makes me really really want to keep on playing the game just like I really want to come

Back in here and race this track a few more times I’m nearing 4 000 days survived in Hardcore Minecraft which 90 of those days have been spent building to prepare for new massive projects I need to gather tons of materials so today I’m building 10 Auto Farms to make

My life easier also for every subscriber this video gets I’ll gather 10 blocks of dirt to transform the mountains surrounding my starter base so please subscribe the First Farmer I want to build today is a new way to get string as I keep running out now I do already

Have a triple spider spawner but it’s my original experience farm and requires a very long trip to get to all the way up here in our original mining base we have the spider farm that is Infested by gloss good really Infested by glow squid this definitely needs an upgrade no no I

Hate spiders spiders I hate this I already regret this let’s get some torches in here and turn off the farm foreign s are now disabled and I need to get rid of this water but first let’s clear the spiders out because I don’t want those coming back out of me much much better

Now to remove all of the water and glow squats apparently as well as all of the fence gates around the walls I want to play some water up here at the top on top of some fence gates to drown any spiders that are gonna crawl up all the fence gates

Are in place and now I just need to fill this entire thing with water sources that should do it now just to open every single one of these gates for the cave spiders they only need one block so we can save a few fence gates This should work for the second spawner third spawner is now done as well I believe all the spiders can just spawn in the air around the spawner so next I just need them to fall to their deaths so we gotta dig this down about 20 blocks

I really should have said of a beacon but the first pit is now done right here we go fit number two and pit number three are now dug down to the same layer before we head out to grab any more materials though I need to come here

Into the middle and stack up some glass on top of the spawners just to make sure everybody who does spawn falls down and I don’t really need this killing chamber anymore so we can also get rid of this foreign I need to craft some rails and powered

Rails as well as three Hopper mine carts to ensure all the spooters die when reaching the bottoms I’d like to bring some magma blocks with us we’re definitely making a better entrance to this as currently I go down here jump off the mine cart as it continues on its way

And then we fly up here it’s so bad and you know my random door that yep very secure entrance missing a few materials down here so let’s get ourselves some more Hoppers as we need a place to drop off all of our items Hopper’s right to there barrier looks at Hopper goes into

Redstone torch redstone torch looks into repeater which then will power this but if there’s an item in here it turns off great with the unloading system hooked up I named the next put down rails across the entire bottom then on top of all of the Rails you just need to throw

In our magma blocks Upper Vine cart in and it’s a go here goes number two and now number three with the hopper Minecart okay so here’s two of the outputs where is the third all the way over here more red stunny bits uh acquired oh nailed it no no no

No no no I tried looking so cool and I broke it but next up I need to move all the string up to the surface which means we need a water system going all the way up to there and a way to get the items out of The Hoppers into a water stream

Or something like this right here should work anytime an item goes in here it should spit out nice arms two and three are so close to each other that I was able to hook them up to the same here and that should work some blue eyes at

The end and water here that should knock everything down to the end this should work for bringing all the items right down this way and leading us into our water elevator that needs some water I can just work my way up here to the top with a little bit of kelp but

Realistically I shouldn’t need that much storage for it so we can just stack up a few chests or you know what because I really don’t need that much let’s just do some barrels run some Hoppers into the back of these and with the kelp all the way up here that should work

Oh no oh no oh no no no no no not working swim down to the bottom break the kelp and we shoot back up final step to get the Farms working again is to remove all of the Torches that should be the first one and spiders are spawning and they died perfect

Numbers two is done now as well and before we do number three I need more tinted glass I’m completely out of amethystarts so I had to run it back over to the Dwarven Village to where we have all of the mines to gather up a few that right there should be plenty next

We can buy a little bit of glass from our Librarians and use that to craft tinted glass now this isn’t super needed but I just really like to look into my Farms as I think it’s kind of cool so I’m filling out the middle walls with tinted glass

And now I can watch all three spider spawners fall to their Doom forever but I probably need a way to get in and out of here pretties like that that would be nice our route home is gonna be pretty easy as I just need to dig down to

Connect in with the existing tunnels I use for branch Mining and there we go that should be home now if I put a power rail here at the end and a button that’s our start stop and then we just gotta run our way all the way along with some

More powered rails as we go And we have the really fancy stop just like right there no no I was supposed to be in that this will take us all the way from the mining Outpost over to our brand new string farm and if I stand anywhere on these polished and sites all

Three of them are active and we’re getting tons of string Farm one done next up I’m putting two simple farms in the same space for my favorite decoration items glowberries and hanging Roots which is going to require some string to craft bows and then dispensers

I also need a piece of rooted dirt and some glubberries I want to hide this Farm inside of the water mill in my city as it still doesn’t have an interior and that’s two birds with one dirt so if we count one two three four five we can

Create a strip of dark oak Glocks going all the way back here then I’m thinking right about here we can have the Farms so we put root of dirt there and glowberries here the Spencer’s looking at both of those things and some observers behind now we use some levers

Right in front of these guys that should get power down here over to this where you can put a sticky piston and a second Observer then if I turn that on that should [ __ ] the dispenser are perfect now for the other one we’re gonna use a repeater right here sticky piston and

Observer reason being is I want to do a hopper and a hopper so we can Auto load bone meal from a chest right up here you can have a little access door right back in there and then I think we can just continue up our wall along this way

Slabs on top of the chest so we can still open it but it looks like it’s part of the ceiling and I hope to close the space off a little bit more I think we can do a wall right over here and then we can start working on the ceiling

With some dark oak slabs coming all the way across skip two blocks and do that right here too and use the fun bottom texture I want to run composters across the entire top like this just you know for fun which is starting to look pretty good but no this is looking even better

In here we’ve got a full interior and a little place to sleep off to the side and I’m almost out of bone blocks oh we’ll do this many you just load all the bone meal in the top here now we turn this guy on we should be able to just

Break all of the rooted dirt that we want well hanging Roots off the root of dirt and I am a very happy flipper right now and this should work for all of the glowberries we’re ever gonna need over here we can put all of our hanging roots

In right next to that we have storage for the glowberries oh this is gonna be perfect I can’t help it I want more Much better I’m very happy with that before we jump to the next Farm I need to fix up my tools which requires a quick trip into The Nether getting really good at flying down the tunnel oh look at that where are we gonna head on down into the Wither Skeleton Farm foreign

No there’s skeletons I think the farm broke the Piglet’s gone but that’s a lot of skeletons okay can I land this safely up here and they will all fall in that’s a lot of weather skeletons that is a lot oh I’m terrified we’re gonna kill all of

Them and then we’re gonna deal with this later how does that happen that’s so sad oh this Farm took forever to build well mostly dick in the pit but you get the idea it took forever to get the pig in there now for the next Farm I need sweet

Berries as I want more Decor blocks and apparently I want to torment myself with luring foxes around down here is gonna be a great spot for a Vineyard just trust me we just gotta remove all of the trees down here first now all I’ve done today is build farm so before you all

Disappear let’s build something people like me for more than my builds right right right yeah yeah I’m sure grabbing a few empty sugar boxes here as I’m gonna need a lot of materials for this build starting with chopping down a few spruce trees foreign this should hopefully be plenty Spruce

Logs and I’ll be sure to replant all the saplings I got to keep the mega tiger growing I think I actually needs some coarse dirt too so we’re just gonna grab that here and mossy Cobble I’ve been really enjoying the designing aspects for builds recently and just going hard

With texturing so I had to run around and grab a ton of random materials from all of my chests to make that happen today except there still are a few items I am missing which brings us to the coral reef as I want dead coral blocks A good build always starts with a large shulker monster I want to raise this build up to sit a little bit more on the hillside over here so we can build out a small retaining wall with a view slabs on top just to make it a little bit better and we’ll bring some

Grass in front of this to take it all the way down then for an outdoor patio we can use dead coral and mud to texture the base in a few decorations added around the edge ready with some sweet berries in but the house itself I want to darken this lower section by bringing

Some of our strip dark oak logs and then we can use some barrels here that’ll actually be the storage for the sweet bears in the end a few trap doors hidden right up here on top of them so we can throw a Hoppers going all the way along

The back with a small area hanging over the top of it to create a second balcony now to access this section I’m adding in an attached building using some wider blocks to contrast the main one with a big old Copper gear on the back for funsies this is starting to look pretty

Good in here jumping back to the main building I’m going with a stone palette on the front face with my favorite edition of a bay window Armor gray over on this side Which we can add in a little extra Decor like this now this is a fantasy world after all so I’m adding in some strip warp Vlogs here as like pipes sticking into the building we’ve got a giant gear wheel so the pipes just kind of complete the look just like adding a giant

Chimney sticking High into the sky and to make this balcony over here look a little bit more decorative I’m thinking we can bring in a little purple and pink terracotta to add that Winery Vibe almost and we can break up the roof with a window here and I’m using The Verdant

Frog lights behind and a little warp trap doors for our shutter to finish everything off I’m adding in a deep slate roof trying to keep some darker tones near the chimney to help it pop more with that I am extremely happy with the vineyard building now before we

Build the vineyard itself I need to find some foxes do you know set up the Berry Farm so let’s grab ourselves some leads and some more Rockets as we’re off on an adventure and I think I have an idea where some foxes might be I should actually grab some berries to bring with

Me too a long time ago when I attempted to complete all the advancements in this world we had to find some foxes to breed them and while they were in the taiga over here somewhere and there’s where we called our Strider Hood in the rain nice

Now where did these guys run off to nope that’s a pig that’s that’s a pig Adventure Time doesn’t mean I can’t come home without anything but I’ll find foxes at least I got more lily of the valley nighttime’s coming and I realized I forgot my bed so sorry cheapies you

Had to go I think this was the place yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is where it was please please foxes last I saw them they were right here it’s only been like 2 000 days they’ll still be here right I don’t think I’ve ever been

This far north in the world so everything out here should be brand new and maybe we can find a snowy Fox like a white fox that’d be amazing but I’ll settle for any [ __ ] any [ __ ] please I just found some foxes there’s a baby and

An adult yes and yes we have them oh this is amazing I caught them killing some chickens cute they are I love that there’s more there’s more please please he’s got an emerald what’s the chance that I’m spawning with an emerald in their mouth oh buddy I love

Him look at him he’s so cute name ideas in the comments please look at them they’re all adorable boxes leave the bunny leave it leave it no leave it no we’re not gonna kill the chickens either leave the chickens no no follow me welcome to your new home well we still

Got a ways to go but you know we’re almost there here we are back in Civilization population me and my furry friends watch the berries watch the oh wait you guys are immune to them oh oh walk through them all you want now for the ultimate test can we get past the

Chicken coop just come with me there’s no don’t kill the parents don’t kill the parents don’t okay okay I got really nervous there for a second oh we lost our Fox nope I lost another Fox oh this is awkward this is terrible nope nope nope give me that lead we will put all

Of you there and where’s the last one oh he got in the boat oh that’s great and I believe I can give you and you a berry and we’ll get to another Fox and it’s another white one I love that now for the actual Sweet Berry Farm before we

Build the vineyard which we can dig down here underneath the building and create space for it right this is taking too long I should have done this begin with let’s build a beacon okay back to mining we go this is gonna be a lot faster We should be able to fill it with stone bricks then our rails are going on top of that then we put our dirt here berries AIR block and then our glass floor and that’ll give us three blocks above perfect next up we can build an item unloading system for our mine cart

Right like this if I can find where I put all my powered rails what the [ __ ] I do oh they’re right there I’m blind color blindness is great we’re putting the rails down so I don’t accidentally dig into it let’s put our stone bricks all over I’m gonna need a lot more rails

For this though first off putting in redstone blocks to power all of our rails and then adding in all of the Rails to cover the floor and grass blocks on top to light this up I want to place our bird and frog lights going around the entire outer rim now after

That one I need to run around and pick up out as many sweetberries as I can hopefully we can get about four Stacks from the bushes I have around the base oh hey here’s the ton over here first strip around the starter base so we got

A little over a stack wait a second here can’t I just bone meal them like these decorative bushes yeah perfect there we go four full Stacks now I’m not sure if I still need to do this or not but you used to have to put an armor stand down

On here for an entity to be nearby for foxes to keep working so we’ll put it in just be safe but for now we just throw in the rest of the berries there we go all placed in with one extra now since I’m gonna be able to see inside this

Thing I kind of want to decorate it so along the walls here we can fill this all in with our jungle planks which looks much better and for our final step white glass along the top with the Box completed I set up the item elevator to move the berries up into the barrels

Last thing I still need to do is come in here and place a redstone block and a piston to move that glass block down in place and now I need to get some foxes in here why is it just the middle berries haven’t grown everything on the

Outside of the trunk has except he’s in the middle oh spooky I don’t know let’s move some foxes I really want to keep the one that has the emerald in its mouth up here so which is that nope it’s you okay okay I’m gonna get you hook you back up and

Then I’m grabbing all of these and who wants a berry instead of a lead okay there’s two of them do you want a berry yeah you want a berry you’re snoozling we’ll get you in a minute you can snoozle have your Berry for when you wake up these foxes are driving me crazy

I keep losing up get down here everybody give me those leads back give thank you don’t just throw them all over the floor right if I let you loose will you just go down with the berries there’s one in there goes number two and number three

Is in perfect snoozle Fox you can just hang out up here thank you for the lead back enjoy your Berry you keep the emerald and look at that we have our first berries coming in they’re already working I hung around in the area to decorate the entrance a little bit here

So we can get down to the foxes and in the meantime we now have almost four stacks of sweet berries I got another start on the vineyard itself down here where I’m working on a course dirt road to kind of connect over to the river and

The other fields and then from here I just need to fill in dirt around the entire way Little double dirt action and the valley is ready for berries which we can pick up from our lovely barrel and that’s a lot of them I like this Farm here I want to border the road by just creating these large lines of our berries going up into the hill fun little building tip

Here is if you’re trying to make a Vineyard of sorts having it on a slope is actually the more realistic way to do it because they want to make the vines really work for it because apparently it makes better tasting fruit for all the wine and stuff there’s a random building

Tip of the day and with this I think the spruce Leaf can actually match in pretty well as being just a random darker one so we can dot a few of those in here we’re not gonna be harvesting this because we have the auto Farm that’s producing more than I’m ever gonna need

Back to my favorite Minecraft activity planting in a field for the vineyard to just complete the Cozy vibes It feels a little all over the place though so I’m thinking as our last step here I want to bring in a stone wall of sorts just kind of blocking this area off from everything else going on probably more so on this side I want to

Add in some custom trees in here soon but we’ll have to get to that later as we still have a lot of farms to build but this this looks really good oh I love it guys look at the vibe love it so much okay I bet you thought that was

Today’s field huh nope that was a bonus field now for the real hardcore episode field the one where every video I ask you to subscribe to my channel and leave a like on the episode wait that’s a bonus ask for the second field so it’s fine but if you enjoy my content any

Support you can show really does help me out here on the platform and I’m extremely thankful to have such an awesome Community here so thank you for being you and keep at it just like I’ll keep at making more fields in this hardcore world as long as I can Foreign Castle I’m just kind of starting to run out of space two fields in one episode you are all lucky today let’s dive down into The Nether cave for the next Farm because I need gunpowder my gas Farm is currently broken and I’m slowly running out of supplies I need to replace the

Entire middle line of each Cobblestone row with a light source block for this I want to use frog lights since I can grab them down here where we can use pearlescent frog lights and ocher frog lights I don’t know alternating layer by layer as I don’t have enough of each

Individual one to fill it all in with one type of frog light and I want to get this done now so a decision had to be made with what I had available as I did make the largest possible gas farm at the time so this took well over an hour

To replace everything but now if I fly all the way up here the gas Farm is working great I’ve already built out a string Farm two microfarms for hanging roots and glowberries a fox-powered Sweet Berry Vineyard and now finally the gas Farm is fixed now what does it block

You’d never use in Minecraft for me it’s uh dried coat blocks I just kind of forgot they existed to be honest next we’re changing that by building an auto kelp Farm you know what I do have this open storage building here we could use it’s very finished but first I need to

Dig down underground and clear it a space for the kelp to grow I’m gonna use a lot of Cobble in this build so let’s grab our Fortune pick and to get to work on clearing out the space underneath yeah I just zoned out and got diggings I

Guess this is how big the cup Farm’s gonna be huh which means I’m gonna need tons of Pistons observers and sea lanterns now this Farm is pretty simple it just requires a row of blocks on the base pistons on top of those a row of blocks behind the Pistons Redstone dusted on

Top of that and observers looking forwards stacked up as many times as I can till the top now I need to flood this space for kelp to be able to grow we run some dirt all the way along here I can just fill this in with a water

Source and let it Cascade down where hopefully this is gonna work and it’s gonna fire the Pistons a lot it’s gonna fire them a touch I think this might work though yeah back at the base real quick I can grab some kelp out of here

And start placing that it on top of all of The Observers and we have kelp Farm but I need a dried kelp Farm which can start with signs going all the way along here already kelp is making it to the bottom okay this is gonna produce a lot of stuff I

Need to move the kelp into a smelter to create dried kelp so here we have a water system going into an elevator where we can use kelp to create it and that’ll take it all to the top to right here let’s start with two double chests

Here of regular kelp just to have it in case I want it and then we can run six smokers to smelt everything that are gonna go into their own sets of double chests this system is gonna really easily overflow so do we got oh yeah maybe that goes right there so just be

Safe let’s add some fire here at the end to burn any excess items these are gonna very quickly run out of fuel so they’re all gonna need their own supplies which we can do to do some barrels from behind eventually we can use the kelp blocks

Themselves as a fuel source but for now we can grab all the coal from here and stone swords so many Stone swords we can throw a few stacks of coal in each Barrel that should be enough fuel for now and this should work for the fully yeah automatic dried kelp Farm some

Extra storage around for when we get more of the blocks and a little cart outside that’s covered to keep the kelp dry while it’s being transported and there we go another building in the city finished out I think we can all agree Mangrove wood is great Gathering

Mangrove logs not so great so we’re building kangarooks Mangrove tree farm and I want it in the city right down here so once again I need to dig out a hole to fit this Farm inside so it doesn’t look awful in the city he’s too ready to go and let’s get to work And the hole just needs to be about this big and I gotta go down like uh 30 blocks yeah now I could definitely just build the Farm off of the distance somewhere to keep it out of sight as it’d be sticking out like a sore thumb

In this world but in an effort to build a connected world I also want the Redstone Farms I build to be connected to things and hidden inside of the world I am creating this gives me a reason to actually walk around and see my builds when I need to access the Farms

Underneath them here we have the pit and why why why why why why why why why why why do I do this to myself look at all these books so many blocks and two very dead pickaxes as a plus though it is right next to the Copper Factory so

Copper can age while I gather Mangrove Vlogs With The pick completed I do need to fill it up with the mangrove Tree Farm now so we don’t just stare at this thing I spent an hour clearing out so instead I set off together a ton of different materials to bring this thing

Together only two items left to pick on up first I need some powdered snow which we can grab up here then I need a stack of blaze powder eight stacks of obsidian and a trip to the end out to the end render to grab a little experience and

Repair up the tools but the same time I need the pearls to craft Eyes of Ender which we can use to craft a stack of Ender chess with that done I’m really trying to learn how to understand Redstone but man this one is breaking my brain so I

Couldn’t even formulate a sentence while following along with the tutorial so this time lapse will just make me look really professional while I actually build up the farm and then this mess up top that I definitely haven’t rebuilt twice now but I do have a diving board

That is supposed to be for TNT so I’m really hoping this doesn’t blow everything up oh no that dirt’s not supposed to be there just a quick another bucket of powdered snow right here I am so terrified of this let’s try this again does that do it and I think

It worked I think it worked that’s a lot of exploding TNT number one slight problem here as I only have that much bone meal left I don’t think I’ve run the Moss farm for bone meals since I got the Wither Skelly Farm but that that can

Get us started that can get us started we can throw that all inside here and we’re definitely gonna need more to run the farm for longer now for the true test does it turn on and do things it looks like it’s doing oh it’s trying oh things explosions and it’s doing it

Again okay now I just look right here okay look at that oh I’ll sit here this would be great I really try not to AFK in this world but unfortunately Some Farms do require the player to be involved so I sat around for about 30 minutes watching as

Mangrove trees blow up in front of me I prefer to get as much done as possible in a few days as possible instead of bloat the day count with AFK time you know but this year is gonna be so nice for building just like the building over

The top it’s a distraction I need Mangrove propaguels to run the farm but I’m all out now and to get those I need bone meal so let’s dive into The Nether and fix the Wither Skeleton farm please don’t make it worse we’re first and foremost unfortunately my pig

Disappeared so we need a new one from over there we’re first and foremost I need to get the guy in here he’ll stand on top of the trap door we open it and he will fall down there we name tag him and go so let’s take a ton of snow slabs

And work out to The Far Side out on the far side I need to find a piglet carrying a sword not a skeleton with a buff preferably a live piglet with a sword and definitely not a baby Peggy oh piglet ah he’s got a bow I’m so quick

Nobody can get me hey Glenn you have a boat there’s one okay yes yes yes yes hi buddy come with me all the way over here keep up please no no no me me me me oh you’re scared of him I’ll get rid of him for you right here’s the Piglet and down

Here is my case to get down no ah stupid Pig not the time guys okay he missed come on come with me can you walk on slabs no no no buddy buddy no buddy no buddy no you can walk out slabs yep he’s coming no he ran into oh you’re so duh

New piglet is in tow right here we go into the middle yet again and this time I’ve got guard rails and a lot of wither skeletons okay I’m just gonna get rid of all these if I name tag you right oh no he’s gonna be able to get out sorry

We’re doing very important things right now can’t help me with other skeletons thank you now if I opened this you should just fall directly onto the platform and he’s in yes okay and I should be able to put the glass back in there and a little button on top to

Spawn proof it and I think that’s everything now I think this is what killed the pig the first time is they jumped on top of These Walls by getting pushed and then they could get up there so we’re just gonna add some extra walls how did you just spawn over there how

Did that just you just this is what right wither skeletons are spawning and they just safely fell down to the bottom so let’s get rid of this platform for now all the way back to here just in case I need another one now that the farm is up and operational we can still

Slightly improve it nope nope nope look at the back the original another Fortress had walkways leading off from this cross section so I can add in some Netherrack going five blocks out and the Wither skullies will still aggro on the piggy in the middle this year should work for the first and

I have two more to do unfortunately the fourth side was at the end of The Fortress so there’s no additional spawning spaces to move into but these three editions should help which it looks like they already are finally I want to also remove the TNT machine over here It’s only been about six months but it feels great to have this gone now after that gas spawned all the way up there I installed mini HUD to see if the perimeter needed some work and well um this big red sphere here that’s everything that can spawn mobs right now so oh no

I need to run around and remove all of the blocks inside of the Sierra to hopefully improve the rates even more Well this is a lucky find two ancient debris I forgot I’ll take those oh wait there’s a third I know it’s not 100 vanilla but I did spend over 200 hours clearing this place out originally so I think it’s fair to save the extra hour

Not doing the math on what I missed and there we go the entire wither Skelly perimeter is clear I just need so many bone blocks doggos are gonna take over now but check that out that is gonna do next time to go look at the nice blue sky in

Minecraft I’m feeling very done with another today with the bone meal acquired I can build up the propaguel farm now so I got all the materials I need to gather this is really similar to my glow like and farm I just need as many dispensers as possible Looking At The Mangrove Leaf

To make the propagules grow super fast I’m just gonna hide it underneath the street of the industrial district near the mangrove farm and uh we’ll turn it into a basement soon but for now we can take nine stacks of bone meal and add that to each of our dispensers and make magic happen

Yep magic happening magic very much happening oh my gosh it’s so loud it’s leaking that might help I don’t know we’ll see no it didn’t help at all actually I think it made it worse less than a minute later and we already almost have four stacks and there’s a glass pan in

There moving on is one of my favorite blocks in Minecraft is the mushroom stem except it’s really difficult to farm in bulk so I want to build a mushroom tree nursery to grow the big boys and I’m thinking right over here is gonna do great mushrooms can be planted on podsle

In any light where otherwise it needs complete darkness but we can grow that up here and they grow three blocks out in every direction but from there I should be able to plant another big one and they’re nearly connected but I could go five blocks it still works they just

Overhang perfect still this means I need to clear out a large amount of trees here on the far side of Spawn to make space for our mushroom trees I wonder if it has many mushroom trees in here as possible so taking possible I started with a grid spread out by five blocks

Each this is currently 18 mushroom growing points right now so let’s try and fit in a few no we’re gonna get really close over here okay we’ll go for 22 of them using string from the spot water Farm I crafted up 22 dispensers here that we can use to automatically

Bone meal all of our mushrooms now I just need to dig around underground to find them all oh oh no from here I want to use Redstone clock so we activate that that’ll come down here repeater powers that block then we go into another repeater that’ll power

This block and we can Loop that around four o’clock now underneath every single one of our dispensers I added in a redstone torch so we can actually do that and that’ll activate it straight away so now I just need to snake some Redstone lines all the way around

I should probably light this up down here as it’s uh turning into a bit of a rave but that should be everything hooked up I just hope it turns off oh it’s very dark outside that right there should turn everything off yes yes it’s gonna work now I need to load every dispenser

Here with a little bit of bone meal I’m thinking Three Stacks in each is gonna do the trick and there we go with the flick of the lever this should grow every single one of the trees yes yes we’re getting there they might be a little too close together but you know

That’s a that’s a pretty good start that’s a that’s a pretty good start I’m gonna run out of brown mushrooms real quick so I need a fortune 3x to get some more we can buy a new one here now for the first time in a very long time I

Took the enchant off and let’s see if we can just roll Fortune yeah that’s pretty good that’s pretty good we’ll start there we’ll buy a book we can pick up a new mending book an efficiency four and Fortune three oh goodbye Anvil deficiency five and mending lastly we can take one of our

Another I didn’t get and upgrade this to a new netherrite ax I almost said pickaxe it’s an ax using the fortune X on all of our brown mushrooms and then silk touching our way down the stems we can just place that back Looks like every Harvest is gonna give a little over four and a quarter stacks and over a stack of mushroom stems at this rate we could also get our Brown mushroom blocks as they all grow back please grow please go please go oh we’re wasting so okay whip Redstone yay touchdown yay

Yay right right yeah that’s great with this though I should be able to just go around and gather up all these mushrooms which I’m doing for the blocks this time with all those cleared out I should be able to just do this and then all of these trees

Will grow yeah yeah this is perfect now I love my farm and look how many blocks I got this is honestly really good look at that stem that’s a nice stem there we go 10 new Farms ready to go in the hardcore world I have one week to record this video and

For some reason my brain said hey flip building a mountain could be fun so starting from this flat hill I’m attempting to build a mountain in Hardcore Minecraft in a week and what have I done so far nothing one very important thing to building mountains is

Survival is a lot of rockets to fly around and my rocket box is nearly empty so a quick stop for a little bit of sugar cane turned into paper and a stop at the monolith you grab a little gunpowder from the guest Farm to craft into firework rockets and that is much

Better with a few shulker boxes here completely filled up with stone well almost and a few grass blocks it’s time to get started on the mountain where from here we can add in a few guidelines and I want to continue on from our monolith Mountain over there to probably

About here then the terrain is gonna actually swoop back down in here to about this height and fly back into the sky at our highest peak building custom terrain in Minecraft requires a lot of steps to get done right especially in survival I don’t have any fancy world

Edit plugins to make this for me so to start out I want guidelines to tell me roughly how tall each of the Peaks will be and I think this right here is a good first step now from here I want to try and create a line between all of the

Peaks to create a form of silhouette shape kind of for this whole thing and now at the scale of this project is really setting in I might be in trouble to do this in a week as I’m already halfway through day one but if I can get

The shapes in today that’ll be a success as right now it doesn’t look uh too great let’s start with a smaller Peak here and just start setting things in stone where the first shulker is already empty and let’s grab some more I got a little carried away building out this section but I think I like it quickly back to the viewing tree oh like it now for the sake of time I’m only gonna focus on the front and once we get that sorted then we can uh think

About the back as for now it’s uh just this and there goes another hour of mountain work and a lot of progress has been done so far on the smaller Peak but I only have a stack of grass blocks left and and we’re through just over two shulker

Boxes of stone I still have tons of stone to work with but with already two shulkers down I want to get the texturing materials together as it sounds like I’m gonna be needing a lot of them for the general Shadows I use tough blocks and Acacia logs on the original Mountain starting with

Occasional logs I’m planting tons of saplings to move the process forwards to save some time I did bone meal up a lot of those saplings in order to get chopping now I already have a ton of saplings from building the gator tree so I did spend about 30 minutes Gathering

Leaves off the top two pill two shulker boxes of Acacia leaves there was still tons left but I decided to just leave it alone and get chopping on all of the logs since it was gonna take a while nearly 40 minutes but later but we can

Add to the pile here for one and a half Shockers of Acacia logs I think I’m gonna need more next diving down into the caves for the tough blocks I scavenge through the branch mines trying to find pockets of it and ended up doing a little bit of caving throughout just

Some random caves I found which is what you do in Minecraft when you find caves but over here we now have two shulker boxes nearly full of tough blocks and 90 diamonds now for the highlights I’m using light gray wool and light gray concrete powder let’s start with the

Wool here as I do have the sheep farm down the mountain and hopefully it’s been running for a while no no we uh we’ve been using a lot of light gray wool I guess let’s grab a little bit of wheat from the wheat farm which you are very full oh I love this

I’ve already dyed all the Sheep outside to light gray wool so we can just breed them alive as the more sheep we can get down here means the more wool I’m gonna be able to get right I think that’s everybody now and that’s a lot of little

Sheep oh wait if I hold this and I just sheer they all come to me That’s every sheep sheared now and that’s under a stack and a half okay that’s not good that’s not good poker monster Joker Monster please ten there’s there’s ten right that’s gonna be a problem we’ll deal with the wool situation soon but I have more important matters to attend to like

Creating light gray concrete powder that should fill the Joker flying over our beautiful mountain range we can stop at The White Tulip farm for these white tulips to create light gray dye yep that’s a thing but now we have a light gray concrete powder we’ll craft more as

We need it later but for now we’ve got a full shulker before we get the last blocks together I have an extremely important thing to do naming these two adorable foxes here we have M and snoozel not that this Berry Farm isn’t already producing so much might need to

Hook up a composter these berries here in the middle aren’t growing because there’s not enough light so we can make the farm even more efficient with just a little glow like in right in here and I think it’ll be enough I’m gonna regret this oh professional and now everything

In the middle here should be growing another stop to the dirt storage room where I want to grab a ton of uh never mind never I will not be grabbing a ton of mud the last two terraforming materials I wanted to use mud and basalt where we do have plenty of Basalt so

That’s good this will allow me to make some more drastic shadows and keep with kind of a Bluey tone that should help it feel natural but still kind of on the fantasy side I’m going for I definitely want more mud and if anything I’ll use

It for builds later so I ran out to the mangrove swamp and completely ignored the fact that I built a mud Farm to gather up a ton of mud and you know further destroy this biome that’s two sugar box a mud full and a little extra for the packed mudbox flight distraction

Here I did find a berry treasure map on my way home and it should be right here I’m guessing this spot no that spot free heart of the sea and TNT here we’ve got our little shulker monster for our big mountain first full day of work and I

Have a good start so far but now it’s time to focus on how the mountains will merge into the terrain blow down here I want to create some large Rock faces like the whale Rock to bring the baseland up into the mountains here’s the first one and they’re all gonna be

About this large it’s gonna be interesting trying to work this into the train below because I don’t want to completely remove the dirt so we’ll see how this is all gonna land like these are probably slowly inch their way down into here we’re gonna have another one

Starting below it kind of right about here that’s gonna stick out a touch further and we can end with a second box like this that’s about this about the size so we’ve gotta add some more third one’s now in place I think this spot right here is pretty perfect for a

Waterfall so we can start framing out a position for it with some taller rocks I just keep flying away and looking back and uh I think that’ll work maybe a little taller and much better I’m calling these rocks the great beans because as I added in more shapes I

Realized they all look like beans and now we have a big bean wall this looks like a pretty good start but I do need to figure out how we can bring the Rocks around the corner and merge into the existing Mountain terrain I think we can

Take the idea of just having some large random rocks and maybe start one right over here some of these rocks are gonna be sticking out and others are just kind of along the landscape I’m fine everything’s fine I’m just gonna you know for no reason whatsoever just kind

Of spontaneously I’m gonna light up this game with some torches I didn’t hear the sizzle at all I did need to remove that dirt though so thank you creeper and from here we can just turn the rock into the grassy landscape for the Rolling Hill leading into the mountain I don’t want to

Completely replace the entire Hill that we have down here so I think we can just work the slope all the way up into the mountain Edge itself but with that first rock sorted we can start adding in a few extras and I’m thinking we’re gonna have a few that do

Overhang I think this will be pretty short but a wide boy I know I’m still in the early stages here but I’m really excited when I can finally start adding some trees to really bring this place alive adding in the additional rocks below this should be enough place down to balance out the terrain itself from the old raid Farm it’s starting to

Look pretty good now to No more solid there are only so many things I can say while placing down stone blocks that sound interesting so this is a very interesting statement about me placing stone blocks to create Big Stone beans very interesting man I can’t wait to rebuild all of these with

The texturing blocks but now the beans need some grass blocks on top Foreign ERS these are some nice Boulders oh my gosh I almost forgot I need to play the field even though I’m on a time crunch here I can’t forget the most important part of a hardcore video building a new field in this world imagine if I skipped

An episode of building a field and we are forever a field sure that’d be awful just like imagine if you missed a hardcore episode because you weren’t subscribed and you’d feel forever like you missed a little bit of this world so be sure to double check that you’ve

Subscribed as YouTube could be youtubing and breaking things I really appreciate all of your support so thank you for taking the time to subscribe and leave a like on this episode little potato field done time for the big bean Mountain back to work on the mountain as I want to finish shaping

This out of stone but I’ve only got a little over a shulker left are any of these full of stone no but this one is empty scavenge together a few boxes here and thankfully I’ve got enough Stone down here I just needed boxes to move it with this is why

Hoarding all your resources is a good thing you have them in random chess all stone with the materials ready to go I spent the entire next day working on Stone casting the mountain working out each unique section and taking the time to get it right as it’ll hopefully save

A lot of time later when I get into texturing the first section of the large Peak looks pretty good though I worked on the peak next as I felt if it was done I can just work down from there but that didn’t stop me from allowing my

Brain to just work out the elements it wanted to in the moment which turned into a lot of jumping around and building the rock shapes out all over the entire Mountain until it’s stitched together I started to just let myself Define the large outlines to fill in

Later on then coming back to fill in all of those shapes with all of the stone that I had on hand before trying to connect this down to the grassy Hill and the large rocks I previously developed which I am extremely happy to see all of this merging together into the existing

Terrain but that’s five shulker boxes of Stone down however looking at where we started this week this is already a massive amount of progress for Hardcore Minecraft mountain building two days down and I’m actually on the fourth day as yesterday was my wife’s birthday so I decided to spend that with her instead

Of playing Minecraft all day but happy birthday Sid and I got a mountain to build I picked up a little bit more Stone but before we get back into it I need to breed up the Sheep one more time and hopefully this will actually repair

My wings a bit how did you get out there and how you were there ah that actually worked pretty well on the repair excuse me excuse me no no why how did you guys even get here I also want to use Moss to texture the grassy areas so let’s turn on the Moss

Farm and let this run while we get our wool because uh actually there’s a decent amount but I think we’re gonna need more thankfully the light gray wool is pretty easy to get even if it’s just a little tedious to keep sharing all the sheets I’ve been here Gathering wool for like 20 minutes and all the Sheep just keeps staying stuck up here at the top so I had an idea what do you think if there was like a block in Minecraft Like The Village Bell that keeps villagers nearby it but for bread animals that could put

Like right here and they’d start trying to face through the fence like this guy Almost six more stacks of wool here but I’m gonna get back and finish building out the mountains by that I mean I’m almost basically out of dirt too which means I can start to repay back on my promise right now I owe 6150 dirt Four sugar boxes are full over here but some is grass so I still owe about 2 000 dirt next I want to finish filling in the open gaps here before we start placing too many stone blocks again connecting the mountain to the big bean rocks is making me really really like

How this is turning out so far I’ll be honest I’m a bit worried about completing the back and the remaining time I have as I haven’t started to texture at all yet but I need to figure out the shape that this is going to take on where I think we’re gonna bring in

Some Stone back here so I can start to plan how I need to wrap around the main mountain section so that we can easily line it up later as my plan is to hide the nether Tree Farm in a giant rock like we have this guy then we’ll

Probably have another prong coming off this direction kind of down towards the Stables trying to avoid making too much of a plus shape here but something like that I think will work with that in mind I need to start wrapping around and seeing how much I can get finished up on

The main mountain itself so far I’ve got two rocks figured out down here for I want to Loop them around and then I also built this thing coming out the back that the clouds are blocking I’m just gonna turn those off but it’s kind of hanging out here meaning now I need

To balance it by extending the mountain out further so that Line’s gonna work great I think this is gonna extend up here and we can bring the dirt out just a little bit further most of this will probably be Moss at the end just so it’s

Super bright for now I think we can just extend the dirt out like this and maybe pump it out here just a little bit further I set the point in a terraforming project where I’m just like yeah just throw and it’ll be fine what’s the worst that could happen Audible out here and I think I’m just gonna extend the grass out this way and we’ll figure out how it lines up later but I think it’s gonna look really nice I’ve almost got the entire Peak cased in here I’ve just got this one little section left and got distracted by

Placing the grass blocks down but we can fix that right now I was gonna say much better but I forgot a block professional Minecraft doesn’t know that’s definitely what I intended to do definitely you know you can’t even tell where I put that one yep it’s great you know how I mentioned just

Needing time to place blocks in and figure it out I decided to spend the next two hours doing just that and spamming in as much Stone down as possible on the big boy which I gotta say is looking much more substantial now and I’m really happy with it it’s coming

All the way back here too it’s uh ignore the giant Darkness underneath we just need to now sort out this smaller one over here where I do think I can make it look a lot better by adding in some additional depth here onto the back side

Which will make it feel more full and less wonky like it currently is So I think that’s good right yeah now I need to bring this side out here even further because uh it still is a weirdly weighted on the front with this curving back here I think I want to create this into like a really shadowy area so we’re gonna stretch the

Rock out this way and invert the curve a bit further that that looks like a good line yeah hopefully I’m spending a lot of hours on this one okay so this is really not making sense in my brain right now for some reason I can’t figure

It out so we’re gonna try something new and jump down here to the bottom and just like work my way up ow not like that come up to about here so it’s like halfway in between those we can do a small little grassy section then we’re gonna go a pretty gradual

Slope up here that’s just gonna be like highlighted rocks and then a big element I’m trying to keep inside of this train that you’ve probably seen by now is that it does kind of work its way back on top of itself like being large rocks stacked

Up so we can bring it back forwards again and that brings us up to the problem section where we can do a little grass right over here kind of looping around the back looks so Nash and that forces that new curve I was talking about okay perfect it barely makes sense

To me if so if you’re confused too we’re in the same boat Quick trip back over to the viewing trees again so we can take a look at this thing and that is starting to look really good it definitely feels like a lot of rocks stacked on top of each other and we’re gonna make that even more extreme once we get in on the the

Texturing before we get into that though there’s a little bit of a problem I need to take care of and thankfully the gas Farm gave me a ton of torches back after we fixed it I like this a lot I really really like this a lot do I I miss the

Spot you saw nothing just like how dark and spooky it is back here chest piece on and it’s time for a little bit of battling there’s so many mobs down here oh I forgot I don’t know the only part I’m now terrified of is you know actually in the mountain itself but all

Those starches are going to be removed when I’m actually breaking the blocks to replace them so that’s a future problem nearly three more Strokers of stone emptied and a bit of dirt this is a big boy before I can build out any more of the mountain I should probably reclaim

Some of the stone and get to work on texturing what I have so far since I’m on such a time crunch I want to use tools on my side to make this go quicker so I copied the mountain into a creative world and started to texture the

Mountain for the first time using world edit so I could just get a better idea what it should look like when I get back into the hardcore world I’m really happy I did that because I found coal ore is actually going to be really nice for

Shading and as much as you all hate the shulker monster right here I have been hoarding plenty of color who knew this could be a great building block I’m gonna eat a lot more light gray wool than I thought so I ran over to The

White Tulip Farm to get a ton of those been crafting all of the white tulips down into light gray dye I took a white wool and then created the light gray wool I needed I’m thinking from here we just start with all of the darker colors

And get those added in and I’m gonna need a lot of acacia wood which is I’m really happy I got all these screenshots on the side monitor I got to work hard copying in everything I had prepped in the creative copy and just ran with it

Trying to stick on theme for all of the colors representing highlights and shadows along with the terrain itself so when you see this build from a distance it has a lot more depth to it than just a stone mountain and I did get a bit carried away and finished it four hours

Later but now the main mountain is finally done and this is what it looks like without the fancy shaders on and I’m Still Loving It got a little extra materials around here so we’ll throw them back for now as I’m not mentally ready for that next one yet

Next up I want to grab a little bit of moss out of here nailed it that we can use to just get a little bit more of a dynamic feel to the grassy areas before we put any grass or flowers on them I’m thinking we just come in here take a few

Of them out and fill in the Moss How are their horses back on top of this mountain I have to know are they all tame they are they’re escaping you’re also teamed too how many horses have been oh maybe we need a bigger Paddock they’re all escaping what’s going on we’ll get back to the Mossing in a

Second as um I just saw back in here and there’s a lot of dark spots that mobs can spawn so let’s uh eliminate a few of those all it takes for one of these to be a creeper and come through the mountain while I’m trying to build it like that one And this should be the last of it very bro nope Mr spot yeah nailed it ah I might have made a problem actually lighting up the inside of my mountain now the outside of the mountain that I’ve actually tried to work on somebody Bob just racking up that kill count as I

Snooze away but with that done I can get back to the lovely task of Mossing the mountain Just ran out of moss blocks but this is a pretty good start probably easier for you all to see because I am colorblind when it comes to this stuff but I I like it I got most of the top peak done and down here I’m just wrapping it around

Before we keep going on the Moss I need to repair all my stuff before it gets too late look at the mountain oh it’s so good down into The Nether we go to the Wither Skeleton Farm there we go everything in the under test

Is fixed up now too so we can put the doggies back in position and so many Stone swords we’ll put a filter on that eventually yeah oh I’m phasing out of resistance and now I want to try adding in some waterfalls that’ll come down from the mountain all the way down into

The base and flow out and Connect into the water over here I left this channel in here pretty perfectly for one of those waterfalls too oh it’s still open at the bottom but one of the waterfalls is definitely gonna be coming right down here it’s been pretty drastic drop in here

But then we need to start merging it up into actually reaching one of the mountains you know what I think this one’s actually going to be coming over from the new section that we’re going to be building out next I think the steeper section here is going to be a pretty

Good spot to drop it down might need to do some additional terraforming here because it looks like I should be falling out there but that’s fine it’s totally fine got a rough line in here now that’s gonna bring ourselves around there curve the corner and drop

On down I think we can honestly just kind of Pop the water coming out right about here let’s throw the water in and hopefully it doesn’t mess up everything no no no no no no no no no oh please torches be safe now for the waterfall itself I need to

Add in a few extra bits so that the water more smoothly Cascades its way down here but that actually is looking pretty good for the first try I decided to actually connect in a second waterfall from the new Mountain into the main bit we just made before extending

It down to the river below we’re now working on a waterfall system to come down from the main mountain we’ve already textured and I figured this time I could work from the bottom going back up and for simplicity’s sake I think it’s easiest to work with the natural

Terrain and just run it down here into that existing Place we’ve already done except maybe we have like a little Pond section in here that’s unique yeah and then the pond comes out into our new River here this is only going to be one waterfall coming down from the Big

Mountain so it’s okay for this to be a little bit skinnier than the first one there goes the pond in place and now we’re connected into the river now I don’t want to ruin the texturing on the mountain too badly but I’m thinking right in here it’s the perfect place for

This waterfall to come down so if we pick right up there next to the coal blocks we can drop it down coming over here might not be the cleanest but it should work out thank you down to the Flatlands now and I think if I just snake it coming along this

Direction that should lean up into the next fall point right here there goes the dirt filled out and time for the terrifying part of putting the water in there we go and a good first start there we go there we go we’re falling and we have impact oh that looks so good this

Right here is starting to look pretty magical moving on to day number six I’ve already spent over 45 hours in the last five days playing this game well four days because I didn’t play on one of them but we’re almost done with the front of the mountain and yet again I

Need more light gray wool should have everything together now we can jump to the top of the mountain and to get in some of the highlights we’ve got the formula down for the mountain so I’m able to more easily fly through building this mountain peak I’m really

Happy with the first one so going with the same ideas this should hopefully turn out just as good a quick fly away to check up on the peak and this is a very high performance level but I can’t quite find the word for it Peak let’s just move on and get into

Building out the next section before too many people leave the video so here’s me sleep deprived and building up even more of the mountain with fancy colors that’ll make you forget my awful joke never did I think I would use so much coal ore when building anything in

Minecraft well if we come back all the way to the Outpost you can see that it really works well as like a shaded little slightly darker gray block from back here speaking of Dark Shadows I might have created another mob pit here behind I did try and fix this one as I

Go so it’s not quite as terrible but it’s pretty bad oh no I put my chest piece on nope not the child it’s looking pretty lit in here now it means we can come back over to the front where whoa I guess I forgot that now for the rocks in between the

Mountains leaving these as blank Stone over here is gonna be a really really bad idea because they’re gonna look so out of place next to the mountains that we’re making so I’m thinking since we don’t have the overhangs here we just pick a few spots to run almost like a

Shadow line coming up and then we just add in some subtle highlights around and that should do the trick you know I think as uh annoying as this that I’m using it everywhere I think the Kohler is going to work out really well here since I don’t plan to really walk in

These Mountains they’re mostly just as the backdrop a quick once over on these and I think that’ll work for the first love the Rocks coming down and connecting back into our original matching range are textured out pretty well I think they look pretty good and

When we fly all the way back over here it feels a lot more cohesive throughout the entire thing it’s just uh 9 30 at night and I only have one more day to build this thing I’m not too sure this one’s gonna happen before I even start thinking about that

Though we gotta focus on the Rocks down here I’ve gotta say I can’t stop looking at the mountain so I hope you enjoy an extra cinematic shot here but the Rocks down below do need a little love to match everything as they do stand out a little bit too much currently as being

Bland so I want to fix that before I run out of time on this build so far I’ve been running around and adding in all of the Shadows then coming back in to add in the highlights as it helps me keep my inventory a little bit cleaner and I

Don’t accidentally Miss spaces as I’m moving along being on the smaller scale than the mountains I was able to leave a lot more of the space as Stone in place to still keep that natural look to it though I did decide to stream while texturing the Rocks so it’s actually my

Seventh anniversary of uploading on this flip YouTube channel and I knew this was gonna take a few hours to finish off but that was extremely exciting to share with the community until of course I ran out of light gray wool again and again and again so back over to the sheepies

Again for even more light gray while collecting to build rocks out of wool before returning back to the rocks to finish off all of the bean texturing to really make them pop along with the mountain itself I did set up a little dispenser here so that we can celebrate

And have some firework Rockets go off which is so fun there’s so many in here in my inventory is full so I gotta get rid of them yay fireworks yay just three hours later of Bean Building and the mountains are done just a little lifeless and don’t look at the back it

Doesn’t exist for the next distraction from the back I mean next step in building I’m gonna need some more Moss blocks wow from all the way over here the mountains are looking so good with the Moss I want to add in some strips coming down the mountains for something

Like a slight erosion Channel reaching all the way down here for something more like this I spent the entire next hour adding in a few more erosion channels on this side of the mountain fireworks fireworks fireworks now from here I want to dot a few trees along the landscape being

Careful to make these on the smaller size as if I build them too large they’ll overtake the mountain and make it look really small so we need the smaller trees so they don’t ruin the scale of the mountain itself we just built and something like that should work out

Really well for the trees my elytra is very broken though so before we can Leaf them I gotta fix this 70 durability in a dream we can definitely make it out here just in time so I’ve got a lot of stuff to fix I’m definitely running out of time to

Record this episode so this is gonna be good enough on the tools from here though I do want to bring a bunch of bones with me as we’re gonna need a lot of bone meal soon we’ll break that down into bone box later now I just need to

Put all these Birch leaves on top of the trees Let’s send a stack the leaves left and still three trees to go but this is looking really good over here now time to finish up these last trees and that is looking much better oh fireworks actually I want to add in a few smaller Trees Too for variety sake so I decided

To just hang out and do that with Oak fences and Acacia leaves like I have Below in the forest now is where those bones I grabbed earlier are gonna come in to help as I want Tall Grass to be on top of this entire train I need to be

Careful not to bone meal over the Moss though because uh that’s gonna cause some problems and we’re gonna get rid of a lot of the flowers foreign Is done now and it looks a lot better with the grass on top of it and it’s really making those Moss channels that we built pop out even more I decided to leave a bunch of yellow flowers in here as they all naturally spawned when I was

Bone mealing and again taking a look back and that I like it that just adds a nice little pop to that section again with all the Tall Grass down here and I’m like halfway done it’s just been two days fireworks yay bone mealing yay more bone mealing woo

Bone meal wow such fun invigorating content so cool wow The entire lower section is now done and that nope I forgot those rocks but up there’s looking really good like it never happened we’re just gonna hide it in nope in some grass small mountains now finished up and I think it just adds that extra little bit of softness around

The grassy areas which makes it feel more Lush finally time for the last one here and I’ve got to be very careful on not clicking on the Moss I can barely see it and this here finishes off the main mountain and wow I am extremely happy with how this has turned out to

The viewing tree yep that’s that’s good mountain yay fireworks and now I think it’s finally time to uh clean up this little bit of a shulker mess up here that’s gonna require two trips wait I could put the flowers in here like we were never there I’m just

Gonna casually go ahead and put all these shulkers back here and we’ll uh deal with them later it’s not becoming a problem it’s currently way late at night but I need to wake up early for a long road trip tomorrow so I am officially out of time but I’m calling the one week

Mountain challenge a success please leave a like as this has taken well over 60 hours in the past week to complete and it helps me out so much more than you could ever know now be sure to subscribe if you haven’t as this Sunset right here officially brings me to 4 000

Days survived in this hardcore World currently on day 3999 and with that I’ll catch you all on the flip side fireworks

This video, titled ‘I Survived 4,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Survival [MOVIE]’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-07-01 17:15:00. It has garnered 419195 views and 7742 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:15 or 15615 seconds.

fWhip Survived 4000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft survival let’s play! Enjoy the 4,000 days movie series to catch up going into Minecraft 1.20! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY!

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #4000days

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  • UnHuddableGames: Minecraft Java Survival Series

    UnHuddableGames: Minecraft Java Survival Series Welcome to the Minecraft Java Survival Series 1! Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Java with our fearless adventurer! In this series, our protagonist dives into a new survival world, ready to conquer challenges and explore the vast landscapes of this blocky universe. Building a Dark House One of the first tasks our adventurer takes on is building a dark house. This unique structure not only provides shelter but also adds a touch of mystery to the landscape. Using the resources gathered, the dark house becomes a safe haven amidst the wilderness. Exploring Different Biomes… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Collaborations and Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Collaborations and Adventures! Welcome gamers! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an immersive and thrilling gameplay experience, Minewind is the perfect place for all Minecraft enthusiasts. While you’re catching up on the latest gaming news, why not take a break and dive into the world of Minewind? Join players from around the globe on this epic server and embark on adventures like never before. Whether you’re a fan of Unity, Zelda, Nier, The Division Heartland, Assassin Creed Shadow, Alan Wake 2, Diablo 4, or Minecraft, Minewind has something for everyone…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an active community, unique gameplay features, and regular events, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out this awesome YouTube video showcasing an incredible Ben 10 addon. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind, it’s a testament to the creativity and excitement that Minecraft can bring. So why should you join Minewind? Well, with a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Global Bed Wars Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Global Bed Wars Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a thriving community and exciting gameplay, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Recently, we came across a YouTube video showcasing a player trying out the “BedWars” game mode in Minecraft. The player, SabrinDark, highlighted the global update that introduced new features and possibilities to the game. This got us thinking – why not join Minewind and experience all the excitement for yourself? Whether you’re a seasoned player or just… Read More

  • Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror

    Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror Transforming Minecraft into a Terrifying Game with Intelligent Beings Are you ready to turn your Minecraft world into a place of horror and thrills? With the right mods and texture packs, you can create a spine-chilling experience for you and your friends. Dive into the darkness and see who among you is brave enough to face the terror that awaits. Mods Used in the Video: Optifine: Enhance your graphics and performance with Optifine. Xaero’s Minimap: Navigate through the horrors with a detailed minimap. Inventory HUD+: Keep track of your items with an improved HUD. Nyf’s Spiders: Encounter terrifying spiders… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your building skills to the next level? If you’re looking to enhance your structures and create jaw-dropping landscapes, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of creative players and a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies, Minewind will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Imagine exploring hidden passages, collaborating on epic builds, and showcasing your unique designs to a supportive gaming community. Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to learn and grow, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Mind-Bending Horror Map: SaturationNNN The Poison 2.0

    Mind-Bending Horror Map: SaturationNNN The Poison 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘The Poison 2.0|A Horror Map|Minecraft Part-1 @gamingwithtempman’, was uploaded by SaturationNNN on 2024-04-17 04:45:41. It has garnered 33 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:49 or 1669 seconds. The Poison 2.0|A Horror Map|Minecraft Part-1 @gamingwithtempman This Is A Horror Map Of Minecraft We Played This Map In This Video And We Have To Complete Chapter4 In This Video Pls Watch Full Video Beause So Much Twist In The Middle Of Video Or Last On Video So’Watch Till The End Arbaz-Channel-https://youtube.com/@gamingwithtempman?si=56UW8FFvQq-IS3bK Ignore #MinecraftHorror #MinecraftMap #HorrorMap #MinecraftAdventure #ScaryMinecraft #MinecraftGaming #HorrorGaming #MinecraftMods #SurvivalHorror #SpookyMinecraft… Read More

  • Hive Minecraft with Viewers – Insane Enchanting!

    Hive Minecraft with Viewers - Insane Enchanting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers but Enchanting!? (Hive Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Tman1010 on 2024-03-04 02:39:06. It has garnered 501 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:29 or 11729 seconds. Welcome to the stream! In this stream, I will be doing a variety of games on the Hive Minecraft Server. Stream Links: 🔴 Subscribe for more content like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWIBQlWI6Tt81UfXsPCAI5w?sub_confirmation=1 📢 Check out my discord server: https://discord.gg/pwJDEzhvUF 💰 Become a channel member here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWIBQlWI6Tt81UfXsPCAI5w/join 🎮 Download my texture pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4e52utcgq75i5t0/HybredsPack.mcpack/file *How to join custom servers:* ​U can join cs’s by typing in hive… Read More

  • Wudo: EPIC Minecraft MILITARY VEHICLE HOUSE Challenge!

    Wudo: EPIC Minecraft MILITARY VEHICLE HOUSE Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: MILITARY VEHICLE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-04-07 18:00:18. It has garnered 73910 views and 1087 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:19 or 1999 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: MILITARY VEHICLE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft We’re in big trouble! We need to build MILITARY VEHICLES in Minecraft to save my family from NUCLEAR MUTANT ZOMBIES! We need a TANK, FIGHTER JET, and WARSHIP! Will we be able to survive? This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ! #Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Machine Gun Golem DESTROYS ALL Mobs!!

    INSANE Minecraft Machine Gun Golem DESTROYS ALL Mobs!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft machine gun golem vs all mob fight||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-25 12:00:12. It has garnered 342 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. minecraft machine gun golem vs all mob fight||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More

  • INSANE Custom Terraforming Project in Hardcore Minecraft

    INSANE Custom Terraforming Project in Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating a NEW massive Custom Terraforming Project in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2024-05-01 20:24:53. It has garnered 20061 views and 1566 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:43 or 8623 seconds. fWhip is playing HARDCORE Minecraft – Minecraft Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks! ⭐Become a Member (Your name will show on screen!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqJYTxm3FAZXeV58EdFcRQ/join 💙If you enjoy the stream, consider leaving a tip, thanks so much💙 https://streamlabs.com/fwhip1/tip 💻fWhip has partnered with Seattle Built PCs to build his latest Gaming PC! Enter code ‘fWhip’ at… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing! EP 8 Kambing Golek on ONE LIFE Minecraft S3 🤯🔥

    Mind-Blowing! EP 8 Kambing Golek on ONE LIFE Minecraft S3 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[7] | [EP 8] 🔴 ✨ Jom Support ✨ | 🎮 SATU NYAWA Minecraft S3’, was uploaded by Kambing Golek on 2024-01-06 16:44:50. It has garnered 19301 views and 1313 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. ▶ Latest videos! https://youtu.be/J4QtI0dtCl8?si=8quGRJGX0-aQAuVW ▶ Join Wakambing Forever Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGnEK7DO0UMBH4LGMN4WUqw/join ▶ The sound effect itself comes out on the screen: https://sociabuzz.com/kgyt/donate FOLLOW ME AMABING ▼ 📸 Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/kambinggolekk/ 💙 Facebook ➔ https://www.facebook.com/Wakambing 🎵 Tik Tok ➔ https://www.tiktok.com/@kambinggolekyt 📞 Discord ➔ https://discord.gg/sxrXXvj Join Wakambing HQ Roblox group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/1350977… HOW TO EARN MOD: Be active… Read More

  • Insane Gaming Mashup: 4 Killerpeak Levels!

    Insane Gaming Mashup: 4 Killerpeak Levels!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 VİDEODA 4 OYUN (ÇOK GARİP BİR VİDEO HEMEN KAÇIR MA)’, was uploaded by Killerpeak on 2024-04-23 16:05:57. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:54 or 834 seconds. this video was a lot of fun #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr, mouse and keyboard, keyboard… Read More

  • Insane! Presidents Play Minecraft Live (Funny Facecam)

    Insane! Presidents Play Minecraft Live (Funny Facecam)Video Information This video, titled ‘Presidents Play Minecraft (facecam) *parody*’, was uploaded by Presidents Play Parody on 2024-03-04 00:18:16. It has garnered 7131 views and 396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:15 or 135 seconds. Obama buys a minecraft server… THIS VIDEO IS A PARODY AND IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THE VOICE AI SOFTWARE ELEVENLABS WAS USED TO CREATE THE VOICES. THIS VIDEO DOES NOT INTEND TO IMPERSONATE, OR OFFEND ANYONE Discord: https://discord.gg/NSvV68Acex Modpack: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VIbKk6InVJ_j58mLhatO7MfKc9h_HNYW?usp=sharing Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like 1.20.5, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Season 3 Reset coming May 3! Join the Discord for more Information! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created in December 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and vanilla gameplay. Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server where major decisions are made by the members. We enjoy hanging out with movie nights, game nights, and more! Our Server: Our JAVA Survival… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Explosive Creeper air raid 💥

    I guess Rl craft really brought out the creeper in you! Read More

  • Unveiling the Hidden Power of Wind Burst in Minecraft

    Unveiling the Hidden Power of Wind Burst in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What does Wind Burst do? #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Ben on 2024-05-14 15:49:50. It has garnered 126 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Wind Burst explained in 30 seconds! If you want to support content like this, join my discord server where you can suggest video ideas, talk to others and more! Read More

  • Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore

    Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I build a massive temple, reaching for the skies. In a jungle-only world, I face the hardcore test, Surviving 100 days, giving my very best. With an AMD Ryzen 7, my processor is strong, MSI B550-A motherboard, where I belong. Inno3D RTX2060 Super, for graphics that shine, Gigabyte SSD and Seagate HDD, all mine. Corsair RAM for smooth gameplay flow, Gigabyte power supply, keeping me in the know. Redgear keyboard and Logitech mouse in hand, Ready to conquer, in this blocky land. So join me on this journey, filled with delight,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥

    Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥 “When your Wi-Fi is as unstable as a creeper in Minecraft, you know it’s time to upgrade your internet provider!” #minecraftproblems #firstworldgamerissues 😂🎮🔥 Read More

  • Piggy Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Piggy Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Picky Piggy Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the mysterious Picky Piggy Portal from Poppy Playtime? Join the adventure as we uncover the secrets of this intriguing new addition to the game! Discovering the Picky Piggy Portal As Minecraft players venture through the vast landscapes and intricate structures of the game, they may stumble upon the enigmatic Picky Piggy Portal. This portal, inspired by the popular Poppy Playtime game, offers a unique and thrilling experience for those brave enough to enter. Features of the Portal The Picky Piggy Portal… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and exciting server to join, Minewind is the place to be. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on epic adventures with other players from around the globe. That’s exactly what Minewind offers – a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts coming together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans Minecraft Skywars: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft Skywars, where the thrill of competition meets the creativity of building. The server IP masedworld.net awaits players ready to test their skills in this dynamic game mode. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of Minecraft, Skywars offers a unique and challenging experience for all. Breaking Down the Action In Skywars, players are placed on floating islands and must gather resources to survive while battling opponents. The goal is to be the last player standing, making strategic decisions and using quick reflexes to outwit… Read More

  • EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!

    EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-11 13:00:28. It has garnered 211078 views and 6763 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:05 or 3545 seconds. NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are having a lucky block race in Minecraft as SUPERHEROS! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEX

    Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta | HALF ALEX’, was uploaded by RayGloom Creepypasta on 2024-05-14 08:00:23. It has garnered 55491 views and 1956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:12 or 912 seconds. This Minecraft creepypasta is about Half Alex! ———————————————————————————————————– WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned! ► I’m an author! Check out my books!: https://www.stingrayproductionszone.com/my-books ► Give a big like and subscribe if you want Minecraft Creepypasta books! Ask in the comments what books you want! Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be… Read More

  • 🔥OPROBOY – CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraft

    🔥OPROBOY - CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft |’, was uploaded by OPROBOY on 2024-04-20 04:30:16. It has garnered 406 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:11 or 611 seconds. MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft | shorts bushcraft camping minecraft survival shelter camping in heavy rain cold weather camping bushcraft wilderness camping alaska girl camping wilderness survival tips minecraft mod go to the forest minecraft tiktok bushcraft alone camping in arctic primitive technology camping in the rain tik tok minecraft bear grylls minecraft but challenge 7 days… Read More

  • EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle – CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!

    EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle - CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOO CHOO CHARLES BUILD BATTLE In Minecraft – NOOB S PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-04-20 09:41:32. It has garnered 63219 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as they team up to construct the iconic Choo Choo Charles! Watch as they carefully plan and build this impressive and elaborate train in the virtual world. From laying down the tracks to adding intricate details like smokestacks and train cars, witness their… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!

    Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-18 12:00:17. It has garnered 351 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Fauzex-aid Minicraft – Epic Eid 2024 update!

    Fauzex-aid Minicraft - Epic Eid 2024 update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Update Addon spesial Lebaran 2024’, was uploaded by Fauzex-aid Minicraft on 2024-04-14 13:56:06. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. #minecraft #addon #minecraftpe Spartan’s Turrets Minecraft Don’t forget to support this channel by: 👑Like, share, and subscribe ✔️ 💃No skip video✔️ 🤹Comment in polite language✔️ jujutsu kaisen addon minecraft pe jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.20 anime addon mcpe 1.20 jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.19 jujutsu kaisen addon v11 jujutsu craft addon v4 addon jujutsu craft v4 jujutsu craftin addon anime addon mcpe 1.19 eyebag… Read More

  • Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔

    Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔Video Information This video, titled ‘Best husband name 🥰🤗🤪 #shorts #love #truelove #sad #reels #status’, was uploaded by Alamgir Alam on 2024-04-05 04:30:14. It has garnered 11749 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #shorts #youtubeshorts #aesthetic #funny #memes #faketweet #minecraft #tiktok #follow #like #explorepage #youtubers #youtubechannel #gaming #twitch #video #instagood #hiphop #memes #viral #subscribe #gamer #rap #facebook #explore #ps #art #soundcloud #k #artist #trending #newmusic #bhfyp #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #photography #fortnite #funny #meme #m #applemusic #s #rapper #fashion #podcast #producer #game #a #twitter #xbox #playstation #itunes #likes #vlog #sub #trap #streamer #live #o… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viral

    Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yug playz vs all mob shorts 🆚 #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pro Gamer on 2024-01-11 11:43:51. It has garnered 3270 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. yug playz yug playz trolling sister mob battle noob vs pro entity 303 vs herobrine niz gamer vs yug playz bulkystar vs yug playz i cheated in a mob battle yug playz qna,yug playz headsteal smp yug playz school smp part 3 mob battle challenge 100 mobs vs me i cheated in mob battle 1000iq plays hogalalla vs yessmartypie giant… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!

    Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE can we make full nidrit armar’, was uploaded by Azure Gaming on 2024-01-10 18:23:47. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:08 or 8948 seconds. MINEGRAFT #MINECRFT LIVE Read More

  • ArcticSMP

    ArcticSMP[1.18] ArcticSMP, is an upcoming smp with clans, wars, 100k word border, no land claiming, no economy, no crates, just pure pvp and hand to hand combat, come join our discord! https://discord.gg/arcticsmp server ip is mc.arcticsmp.com (SERVER RELEASES JUNE 3, 2022) mc.arcticsmp.com Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server26 Information Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. There are two ranks “new” and “player”, they do not give any benefits. You can not buy “power” for real money here. Everything on the map was built and farmed in survival. play.server26.net Map: https://map.server26.net/ Discord: https://server26.net/discord Community Laid back rules, a close knit… Read More

  • Lavaque MC

    LavaqueMC is a new Minecraft SMP server that’s just right for everyone! It is a season-based server currently in its first season, which ends May 28th, 2024. Features include ranks, economy, vaults, and shops. There is also an auction house, plus land claims, an awesome spawn, and so much more! Can you rise to the top and become the richest? Join LavaqueMC now and give it your best! discord.com/invite/9tNNYvPbgN Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Join the squad’s world!

    “I’ve been playing Minecraft for about a thousand blocks… oh wait, I think you meant minutes.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await In the world of Minecraft, things are changing fast, Can you spot the differences and make them last? Mikeize is here to guide you through the maze, With quizzes and challenges that will amaze. From Exit 8 maps to barrier blocks, Endra and Ender Dragons, we’re ticking all the clocks. Splatoon-style showdowns and command block tricks, In the world of Minecraft, the fun never quits. So join us now, in this rhyming delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. With Mikeize as our guide, we’ll never be lost, In this world of creativity, at no cost. Read More