I made all 13 entities from Roblox doors in Minecraft and then tried to survive as long as possible without one of them killing me first up was Screech Screech only spawns when you’re in complete darkness just like indoors he gives you a little chat message as a heads up and Then appears near you and attacks luckily I’m always alert and aware of my surroundings so he never catches me off guard next up is rush rush runs directly towards you and hurts a little bit update he hurts a lot since the game is called doors Rush will spawn every time You open a door have fun with the hat Zeke spawns at night very rarely and hunts you down he’s fast hits hard and knocks you back also if you hit seek you get nauseous from his black slime take that and that and that die I don’t think I hit him more than once next up is shadow shadow just spawns randomly in front of you for no reason at all and watches you menacingly he does literally nothing else though Ambush is just like Rush except faster better and will follow you for longer since he’s Basically the same he will also spawn whenever you open the door I’m sure you can handle both Ambush and Rush at the same time for hide I didn’t make a new mob instead if you’re alone and not near any other mobs for too long the mod Counts that as hiding and you take some damage from hide L plus get some friends plus touch grass plus ratio I spawned naturally during the night and always watches you but it won’t attack you unless you attack it first if you do kill eyes it will drop your eyes you’re Really after Eyes of Ender thirteen of them wait does that affect speedruns at all halt can’t move as long as you’re slowed down and sneaking once you stop sneaking halt can move at full speed and is just as dangerous as rush and Ambush because of that it will also spawn Whenever you open the door no three mobs per door is fine have fun in villages for Timothy I made it so that when you open chests there’s a chance that Timothy a cave spider appears out of nowhere right in front of you he won’t hit you though unless you attack him First which I will ow stop hurting me Jack sometimes appears behind doors and wardrobes Minecraft doesn’t have wardrobes but it does have doors I think it would be very funny and original for a mob to appear whenever you open a door this has never been done before glitch is an odd entity It spawns at night is hostile and can fly if it hits you or you hit it it will glitch you through the world randomly teleporting you into the distance hey where’d he go I want to kill him there I’m gonna hit him again and see what happens oh right fair enough whenever You place a glass block or Paint The Entity called a window has a small chance of Smashing it and taking its place this is unfortunate but luckily when you kill window it drops a glass pane to make up for a figure is the final boss of doors hang around Bookshelves too long and it will spawn nearby and attack because figure is blind it relies on hearing to sense you this means as long as you’re sneaking figure can’t attack you as soon as you stop sneaking however figure will beat you to a pole now to survive at night With all doors entities in Minecraft here’s my bed and I have a full set of Enchanted leather armor I’ve made my house exclusively Out of Doors because that’s what this video is about I’m a Minecraft girl let’s go outside oh no there are four of them run Okay I towered up using these handy bookshelf blocks they can’t get me up here I’ll build a platform so that I can read these delightful books oh no figure spawn oh is that seek oh my God no I’m so good at Minecraft you can download the mod through the link in the Description okay thanks like the video I bought every doors plushie so subscribe to see the video I’m making it soon thanks to my supporters here buying every doors plush was expensive Video Information
This video, titled ‘Roblox Doors but it’s Minecraft’, was uploaded by fynn on 2022-11-30 10:26:34. It has garnered 854897 views and 8277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:11 or 191 seconds.
download the mod here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xm6AaQ8Nn9xTaY692h993Ivf2oIttBwK/view?usp=share_link join the discord here: https://discord.gg/MeeCAeUupt subscribe as well thx