This video, titled ‘Unalmas a Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Gabee ZuN on 2023-09-10 07:00:07. It has garnered 101374 views and 4333 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds.
Minecraft is boring… Why do you keep coming back to this game? version: minecraft reindev follow me… (pls) tiktok:
discord (eventek): facebook: email: [email protected] Hi, I’m gabee zun! This is a bit of a strange video, where I tried reindev anyway, but the video is about something completely different. Was the old minecraft better than the new one? Or would modern minecraft really be monotonous? What made minecraft so famous for so long? I wondered why even after all these years I was playing this exact game? I hope you can watch it xdd, have a nice day! O dabó!