Gamemaster – Minecraft anarchy server | anything’s aloud, hacks (no hacked flying), glitches, etc.

Video Information

Yo yo yo yo what is up guys it is Ian Spencer welcome on the night stream how you guys doing welcome on chill zone how you doing Malik gaming how you doing Ethan YouTube’s what is up my friend Malik treat gaming how you doing my friend welcome on inverted PewDiePie how

You doing what I’m a lot of Hat yes you are now new rules have changed guys this has became a true Anarchy server well c’mon guys it is Ian Spencer welcome on tonight I’m not doing face cam tonight sadly it’s just you know I feel like sometimes when

I do facecam like I don’t know I just like I won’t be able to stream for a long time it’s because like if I want to make this a long stream and the thing is is like face cam it just makes me like I don’t know it makes me worry about

Another thing it’s like it makes me look tired I look fine when I first start but then I’m like yeah but who cares we’re on tonight the best minecraft server around looks like an jizz in the voice call about to get going here Tyler how you doing how you doing

Ethan to you Beauty yes I am I hope ‘tyler how you doing um of your yeah I mean I I don’t I’m sorry Ethan next to my probably a little next to me my promise okay I love my new PFP what is that wait what’s PFP my friend you I love

Good you I I’m doing great Tyler thanks for it come on on though man I’m glad I’m glad that everyone’s coming on dude um you know I’m glad you’re good a night man a lot of shits been happening I decided I don’t know I I transferred a

Lot since hacking is allowed I got all myself with this new gear going oops let me get this crap sorry about that sorry about that people I’m still suck oh yeah you did get a new PFE oh [ __ ] I okay okay I didn’t even I don’t even notice that for some reason it’s

Probably because of my YouTube chat you know how that goes for your live streamer but yeah hey zero void how you doing void welcome on my friend how you doing glad to see you tonight how you doing what happened to my face cam I’m not gonna be using face cam tonight I’m

Planning to make this a long stream just because I needed to catch up with all you guys let me see if I can get the screen going There we go okay I got it so tonight we have planned that we are gonna be killing all the [ __ ] withers at spawn as a part of our effort to demilitarize spawn hey how you doing how you doing monster how you doing glad to see you so

If anyone here would like to hop on and help us do that become a part of the become a part of the warrior group and helping us manage that you’re more welcome how you doing though monster glad to see you so hey who’s online there hey are you doing Ethan so hey Jake

Waters how you doing Spencer at me buddy goddamn removing the friends I want oh sorry about that J waters I’m sorry about that man I I invite everyone once in a while I just get so many freaking requests for Pete Meaden by people I do

Not know who the hell it is so I’ll be sure to do that hey boy how you doing can you make a new world cause when I some hackers going yeah this is anarchy server my friend so we’re gonna have like your recommender unning away we take you and our hideout

I’m planning to make a refuge over I doubt okay that’s awesome void here we’re gonna come over who’s ready to cut okay we’re gonna come over and kill the frickin ender dragons on this stream so so I can’t yeah you can hack all that I

Read all that I tell you guys is not to fly around with your hack clients or whatever you’re using is okay I just want to join after what oh what happened my friend what happened to you how was how was my day it was it’s great it’s

Great Tyler thank you so much man on you know pretty good so far I’m glad I’m finally streaming back it’s too much work but you know how it goes no problem boy I got you I’ll be around here okay my friend how you doing Aaron how you

Doing how you doing Aaron well c’mon guys make sure you get yourself some pack gear because the only way to kill these [ __ ] things even with hat gear I still died to one of these withers I swear how you doing Aaron welcome on the knight man glad to see you on dude

Welcome on my friend no I don’t I got so many people complaining about what was happening that Mike couldn’t keep track so I’m gonna do is make a map to the abandoned territory which is this or it’s old city or whatever you like to call it Ethan what’s your name again my friend

Willie what happened there Anja well they betrayed you hey you want to become part of our base I’m weight low nevermind wrong person okay Jay waters I got you you’re making a new base hey yeah yeah I want a swd we can invite and it out here it’s all good Jay waters

Ethan yeah okay that’s cool I’m gonna go ahead and teleports hey do i yeah i’ll teleport you down to spawn when i get there how about that I’ll just teleport you to me now so you can like okay fine yeah I don’t even see you down here my

In my world yet my friend so yeah an RP server you say let’s go lumber pickle how you doing tonight man let’s do we’re having a new Anarchy server playthrough you know what I mean everything is the same we just changed up the world’s a little set max players

Yeah I got if someone even hits me once they die Kaname that’s crazy I forgot to set cheats on does a game have a channel I don’t know he does not I don’t know hey in what’s your well invite uh it’s a friends of friends so you can join in

Just make sure you friend me up when are you planning into your next stream probably tomorrow since it’s Saturday my friend I’ve got any work to do so gladly unless if I choose hey I’m gonna get mine crap awesome monster let’s do it it was one of these world where you get new

Town goes playing with the beers so car oh yeah you know what I decided just to go [ __ ] it if you were if the mobile players are gonna be hacking I decided you know [ __ ] it I got my own hat client I might as well use that [ __ ] I mean I

Can’t really use it in game but [ __ ] awesome Z’s move I got you my bro lumber says okay okay okay that’s awesome yeah I just don’t fly around okay just there’s rules the only rules that I have is don’t fly okay what’s your name void I won’t fly

By by the way okay that’s good that’s that’s good lumber pickle that’s awesome that’s all I ask you people just don’t don’t fly please that’s all I ask I’m gonna change up my fov settings probably 80 and Preston okay no problem let me go ahead and get my cheats going

Really quick I need to find out where the housen want my particle render distance that wasn’t up okay best reason I couldn’t see [ __ ] anti-aliasing better what sudden Sun my friend yeah of course of course my friend this is crap it’s still hard for that yeah I understand I understand

It’s me Quinn I K what’s up you can join oh my god Quinn congratulations my friend holy [ __ ] man dude I never thought you’re gonna join them dude finally man go ahead and join in yeah we got activated sheets going so whenever you guys are gonna set max players to 30

That will do it later [ __ ] we don’t even have like eight people in here you have to go now Tyler no prom my friend no prom dude you have a good one you have a good one then my friend we’re gonna bout to go to spawn

And kill these withers I’m gonna go in and do something for the for the people and we’re gonna go set this bitch’s sunrise for people I’m TP oh yeah yeah I’ll TP and no more TVs guys this is the one one last TP I’m doing okay because I don’t want the TP

People your name is Preston right okay there you are okay no prompt Tyler I got you my friend I’ll see you later I’ll see you later my bro thanks for coming on tonight we’re about to start the journey to spawn I’ll meet you guys there okay Angie here yeah we’re about to

Battle the withers I tried to be there okay okay guys we’re here we got the flying going we’re about to battle the withers you see right down there is Old City totally demolished due to the incursions of I don’t know possibly see oh we see revenants they’re coming they are coming

I’m going into danger zone even with this overpowered hacked armored ice they still can kill me which is very funny but I will try my best damn it there’s a freaking okay they got pandas now apparently okay looks like oh [ __ ] yeah okay some sort of frame drops hey what’s

Up are you a fan of – yes I am my friend J waters III guess you could suspect that my friend I’m trying to emulate my freakin world as close as possible to that actually it’s just you know what’s funny is that it’s on job addition on

Job addition you kid there’s no hacks flying yeah no problem it’s all good my friend no problem it’s all good but guys this server is only for the strong no no weak people no beta males no nothing okay so looks like we found a wither down here somewhere we’re gonna go and

Find him so we’re gonna take out our executioner bo you played on to beat CT it’s gets crazy right I want to play on it dude thing is I don’t want to play Java edition job edition – oh there’s a creeper under there there may be something living under there go find out

What that didn’t kill him oh okay there we go okay no I can’t keep inventory on man that’s what makes the game fun my friend I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t do keep inventory I’m sorry my friend would you say you wanted to help anyone please I

And I know you said you went to anyone else wait what do you mean Quinn what you mean by that went into what what do you mean I had a clan rainbow clan yeah what’s up J whoa yeah awesome bro that’s awesome that’s awesome you should

Establish the same clan in here if you want TP yeah well we’re gonna T can you make make your way down okay there we go okay there’s a wither right there there’s a wither right there we gotta get him we’re gonna get him yeah we’re gonna get him goddamn it [ __ ] he’s

Getting me he’s getting me he’s getting rutter oh [ __ ] don’t collect my dear don’t collect my gear he got me he got me he got me all right okay ask this [ __ ] alright don’t collect my gear whatever you guys do hey what is up Z’s me what what do you need

My friend I I just died I’m gonna go teleport Ian Spencer to whatever you do don’t collect my gear whatever you do don’t collect my gear my friend I accidentally just what’s up my friend actually joined the road what’s your name oh yeah no prob can you type it in

A YouTube chat possible my friend hey Preston no come down here don’t come down here don’t come down here my friend don’t come down here whatever you do don’t come down here it’s fine it’s fine I’ll collect this [ __ ] yeah I told you that’s what’s a dangerous part about

These bastards is that they come and then they kill you and then they blow up in your freaking face now all my dears dead these two BOTS I mean I’m on Windows 10 how you doing inverted PewDiePie though aye aye aye I’m on Windows 10 if you know any good

Hack tools for that I’ll be great but I just lost all my damn here Oh yep I guess that’s what happens I found my freaking oh no that’s not my oh peace hey how you doing lover pickle my GP is Eddie yeah did you add me on my

Friend longer be able to add me [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] oh no there’s a wither down here okay okay my friend I got you I got you I’m gonna go ahead and get my gear really quick and then coming back up yeah what’s your name what’s your

Name I don’t know what your name is again Quinn can you tell me what your name is so I can TP you hopefully damnit wait one second press and I’m trying to find all my gear I don’t know where the hell it went yep and I think it disintegrated well this is great

Jesus this doesn’t happen yep this is just great your name up okay okay I got you what’s your name there Quinn I forgot what your name was anyone want to join a rel I’m good my friend I don’t I don’t join realms any more of my subscribers I decided to just do that

Just because I yeah I personally just don’t have enough time to you anymore it’s stuff like that so I don’t know why the [ __ ] all my gear just guys like hey how you doing little Bell gamer how you doing I’m trying to look for my gear how

You doing okay yeah what’s up play the piano I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good why not I don’t know if you asked me my friend uh I don’t know where my gear is my friend I got your chest plate oh [ __ ] I’m gonna have to spawn into a sorting yeah

Hey how you doing Ethan how you doing Ethan how you doing yeah little bit also I saw some little bill sorry about me not being interested with chat tonight that much I I just got mangled one yeah I’ll teleport to you I are you in the game

Are you in the game yet my friend okay there you are mangled okay we’re gonna get you in okay we’re a little teleport you okay guys I don’t I think I might just limit off the teleporting cuz it seems like everyone’s just like asking me old so I don’t know you guys yeah

Guys uh I I think I’m just gonna like limit off until eight some of your gears up here my friend I can’t really waste away what sure sure I’ll TP when you’re done I’m yeah I don’t know what I should I think I might just limit out often yours

Here’s my other gear thanks some of it one underwater God damnit yeah here’s a chess play yeah a what what’s what’s your name there Ethan on that bar what’s your name I’ll see what I can do god damnit oh my [ __ ] went underwater when that happened damn it whoever’s do it yeah yeah hey hey how you doing toxic vlogs glad to

See you my friend you ref it’s crazy how much growth I’ve been getting my friend fight yeah you know I can’t believe it but I got like 200 subs last month it was crazy but dude it’s been crazy man it’s been crazy growth and I can’t believe it I’m just

So happy for and yeah yeah there was an explaining hey I hate you so much right now hey how you doing I hate you so much right now how you doing my friend welcome on a night stream I’ve never seen you on before but welcome on tonight stream how you doing tonight

Ethan your name is Ethan YouTube’s well I lost all my overpowered gear now I’m all [ __ ] but it’s alright it’s my name okay Ethan I got you yeah there was a [ __ ] explosion it was crazy yeah you know I can make you 32 K’s yeah I

Mean and I’ll be great if you could do that because I kind of lost all my 32k year and yeah just gonna sucks can you just make me 30 hey thank you for the sub I’m Anna Mae g’day Anna how you doing I got how are

You by the way can call me Saint I’ll try to I try to call you Sam my friend I’ll try to but welcome on a nice stream I I’ll see if I can remember oh [ __ ] lost all my good maps [ __ ] you know I’m gonna do I think I might just

Like restart from the beginning like like just like exit out of here and just like overwrite the save from the realm or something like that yeah cuz I don’t want to get all my gear back I hope that didn’t save you 84 I’m at the base awesome time keeper I think I

Just resetted the please tell me that resetted it cuz I don’t want to get all my [ __ ] again did that reset no it didn’t reset it [ __ ] dammit I got grounded me and my god oh my god do you serious holy [ __ ] man that sucks that sucks man

That’s crazy you gave all my arm yeah I don’t know where my crap and I’ve seen no it’s all good talks I got you man I got you my friend girl good here all open laid-back about it you know I mean you think okay yo I don’t know what the

[ __ ] happened all my gear I don’t want a [ __ ] time is there any way to back up a save like literally back up a say I don’t want to get all my gear again your mess up man yeah we’re all open here you know we’re all lit and I’m

Trying to find my gear anyone know how to backup a save you all mister shut up really great how do you do that to go back save minecraft Windows 10 holy cow you don’t believe me you two not a snapchat no fact are you serious man

Holy [ __ ] my man just crazy over 900 over 900 I can’t do Esther day I only get I only get like I only get like one notification every month hey I’m sure voices Dean you know whether can destroy itis letting I is crazy man the guy with the freaking wit

I did not know that but the wither just like literally destroyed me like in one hit yeah uh yeah yeah I don’t know what I think I might just like restore okay that’s cool names time keeper this nice someone could find my gear that was great but

Seems like I lost you know one second I think I might just go ahead and like find a save from my freakin files really quick um I’m sorry for leaving but I think I’m like I don’t know three friends because the next thing that I’m

A bit oh that sucks dude dude do that that that sucks Toxie yeah I mean I hope it’s not that serious like I mean I don’t know how serious it is anyone know how to go back on a save I’m lagging yeah it’s probably because I just like exited the freaking

World my friend I’m trying to find out how to like yo your voice drop it’s probably because like it’s probably because I like it’s probably because of this probably because of this I’m just joking I’m just joking let’s see if I can somehow see the back of

I think you could look and see if you did have a backup for your realm I think I had a backup somewhere I’m trying to find it [ __ ] man I don’t have to do this again I’m a fan our 15 minutes guy play with you and 50 more minutes

Yeah no prob do you it’s all good you join one of you why it’s a completely open thing I don’t know if I go one second if I’m gonna have the server backup let me just go in and load in my hacks really quick yeah I need a load in

My hacks really quick so anyway guys we’re gonna be we’re gonna be stalling here and we’re gonna go ahead and load in some axe so in the meanwhile in the meanwhile we’re just gonna be chatting with our viewers so sorry for the delay so in the meanwhile wire world downloads

How about this like I mean I don’t know like okay yeah little Bell we’re just gonna download the world really quick I’m playing I’m just gonna go ahead and do a whole world rewrite here really quick my friend so that way we got all because I lost all my [ __ ] I’m trying to

Fight that wither and I don’t want to redo it again yeah so yeah yeah I think I might keep in Vitoria on four streams yeah four streams I will but offline offline I won’t though it’s just you know yet inverted PewDiePie I think I might just keep inventory on four

Streams you know might as well right yeah might as well you think like yeah yeah what’s up my friend you know ratted me back what’s your name ya guys well this time just add me and I’m gonna go ahead and you what’s your name

Do you 96 why wait did you add me my friend okay that’s all search you go see if you add okay yeah Ethan I’m sorry about this little issue that’s going on right now is my world and you know I I just don’t want to spend 20 minutes looking for my

Year but you know I probably this won’t happen again how long ago did you add me Eddie you’re you yeah you are an old friend inverted Jeep I do remember your name I yeah you yeah I do remember you name I found out he looks good I wish you could show it’s

Getting cave and it’s yeah I did see it man I did yeah wait weren’t you the guy who sent me that one fan art pic my friend were you the one we need the guy who sent me that one fan art pic I forgot was that you my friend I swear

That was you right yeah I swear that was you right I forgot Quinn was that you who sent that one sec I’m gonna go ahead and put in my hat client really quick this tastes just like 10 minutes to do I’m not 10 minutes well let me go ahead

And set this crap in really quick I don’t use up a diamond helmet the pants or what I just said gonna change all these [ __ ] to nine you do Quinn man you could set it through me through my discord if you know what discord is it’s

In the description my friend so yeah no prom it’s totally in the description so you can totally join that it’s perfectly open for you to come in just do whatever you need I forgot what was the it was nine right was the I forgot was the ID for that

Nine four I’m gonna search add up real quick It was oh yeah it was nine yeah it was nine I was right so I’m just gonna change that to nine we’re just editing some game files you don’t have it oh wait I know I’ve described I wait and yeah oh yeah just click on the link you

Can download the free app on the App Store Quinn if you don’t know what discord is there you go you can just go ahead and download that baby off the app store it’s perfectly free to do that’s circle things you the bath actually no it’s good now I know we don’t want to

Change you know maybe we do want to change it to three actually little bit extra knock back isn’t that bad actually okay I think we’re good there and also we need to edit our bow back but guys thank you for staying on I don’t this is

Only one time if I do it again I won’t [ __ ] close the server I promise okay it won’t be like that hey Eddie dude what can you type in your name on YouTube chat Eddie you still here hello hello hey how you doing nice even how you doing I’m

Breathing kind of heart of I guess dude you you can’t play me what ii quit i’m sorry that the server’s offline right now but we’re gonna let go ahead and get back into it there we go you’re just gonna save it up and we’re gonna get

Back right into it so we’re gonna close this baby really quick we’re gonna check out if everything’s all saved up and ready to go and we should be good Quinn why do you like my screen as my friend nice really I cursed a lot ok guys I’m

Just gonna go ahead and open up the realm that way like if I disconnect like you guys can still play ok because I don’t want you guys to have to [ __ ] fate feel the pain of me because you know [ __ ] we’re just gonna do realm on

Stream since like we don’t got that many people joining anymore so it’s like might as well you know our [ __ ] YouTube channels dying MSHA i feel like it is sometimes but yeah well we’re gonna go ahead and replace it and it’s initializing upload we’re almost done so that way you guys

Can just join in do whatever you need blah blah blah no need to worry about anything kuma Matata or whatever the [ __ ] they call it it’s fine I question get mad play these stream guys to dreams of country awesome Quinn – I’m so glad man dreams awesome

Dude I’m glad that do that you’re looking forward to play with us tonight yeah you can’t invite people now time I actually put it to friends of friends except for the realm server actually for the realm server I will need you to have them add me and I’ll go ahead and add

Them back just tell me what their name is that way I know if they added me my friend time keeper and right now I’m just looking at my phone just to see if I’m gonna go ahead and look up my phone really quick to see if anyone has

Attempted to add me okay that’s awesome time keeper I just see a lot of people have requested to add me oh yeah a lot of people have holy [ __ ] okay I got about like 10 new people wanting to add me but okay that’s good we’re just gonna

Go ahead and upload this baby really quick f11 f12 doesn’t not work I hate Ani I do hate autocorrect my friend it’s all good though we’re just trying to initialize the upload to the realm server really quick it’s this takes forever to do for some reason I don’t know why pick the [ __ ]

Downloads corrupt or whatever I swear I hope it isn’t why is it uploading why though see because the [ __ ] thing is the files too big or what is it because the files too big guys you think so I swear that’s the issue [ __ ] oh I don’t think the C issue yo

Let’s just like let’s play on this world okay we’ll upload it later we’re just gonna make a copy in the world really quick in case I die okay okay okay we’re good my cat is thirty people okay sometimes invite yeah that’s awesome time keeper man invite everyone do I

Don’t give a [ __ ] who it is man just invite everyone because that’s what we need right now we just need people to join we just see me we just need to populate this [ __ ] up you know I mean we need to populate this [ __ ] up we’re

Getting our fov all set up you know we’re going to 85 fov now got the particle render distance up you get everything up and gone and we’re looking like a pro with our fov all the way up you know what I mean um so let’s get going here we’re back in action let’s

Just go ahead and play we’re gonna invite everybody on this [ __ ] back to the server’s back to the server’s sorry if I invited whoever doesn’t want to be invited but I got a [ __ ] ton of friends but one of them minecraft editor who’s yeah I need to install minecraft editor

I mean sadly they don’t got on Windows 10 which they did I’ll totally get it yeah but let’s get this a pitch going I got the advantage territory going up oh no I just remembered my freakin I don’t have okay guys we’re back up and running let’s go in and play come on

Guys join back in I’m sorry if I upset at anyone here but we’re back and running yeah I’m gonna do that really quick only for this thing I’ll turn it off later though yeah yo if people are just abusing it a game time yo its game time

Yo how you doing I’m breathing so hard I’m happy awesome Quinn dude dude go ahead and join back in my friend we’re back and running oh yeah let’s go Quinn you’re breathing so hard you’re crying that’s amazing okay guys we’re going this way to destroy the

Withers so now we’re just gonna be faint [ __ ] it we’re killing the withers today let’s go dun-da-da-da yeah and no more teepees now I’m sorry you just got to make your way back to spawn yeah I’m just making up a new rule now I just I’m just

Getting tired of T feeding people most of the time hey how you doing game amazing man took a little break I’m I’m trying I’m trying to I’m trying to resolve the issue over its spawn with the [ __ ] withers turns out I got this truck in on thorne gear which if he hit

Me once they died hacking is now allowed oh yeah came that far hacking is now allowed people want to hack then I guess I can play that same game grandma get over here wither [ __ ] over here that I guess I’m back over it frickin my my my

New base hey gain time you hear re oh you are here forgot there you are awesome looks like you made a lot of improvements since I last came on it’s crazy geez I haven’t played forever dude I was too busy doing [ __ ] work okay hey I

Am gapsoo dude when are you playing for you in fall hey I am galaxy dude hey hey guess what I got banned again but hey let me tell you something if you contact me privately through my Instagram or my freakin discord I’ll tell you because I

Found a way to I bet I bypassed my IP ban so I plan a private account now so yeah no problem hey I plan a private account so if you want to play with me privately no one can know what my name is or else I will get banned

Yeah I got banned again they found out that I was actually playing fusion fall yeah let me tell you something the devs are toxic but the devs don’t know that I know how to [ __ ] bypass or IP ban so you know I bypass their IP ban and I

Said [ __ ] you devs I just got back in I Was sorry my friend oh yeah dude it’s beautiful I really like it amazing you guys this is called the sovereign dua established several different like colonies vacuum old city yeah ATK can you tune because I’m I’m alone can you to me well I’m sorry man I’m not see pink keep

On falling wherever I go yes my friend chill zone go ahead and join back and chill zone I’m sorry I disconnected there for a little while whew what the [ __ ] oh yeah I apparently I don’t even take damage from this I don’t know good ass women labo I guess okay yeah

How did you actually I got banned the first time for attempting to hack their client it wasn’t really hacking I didn’t even [ __ ] hack their client they saw a hack tool on my PC and they thought that I was trying to hack their [ __ ] game even though hacking a multiplayer

Game is impossible for this a regular person I mean no not really I mean I did have a hack tool on my PC but apparently they just didn’t like me I knew the [ __ ] didn’t like me ever since I play the game yeah and then

After that the first time after I got I peed and after they found out I tried making another account multiple times and it’s like blah blah blah oh it’s a secret base my friend it’s a secret base all I meant for procedure you I’m sure it’s a secret base

We aren’t letting anyone in it yeah yeah too many events yeah we can’t let anyone know of all right uh oh here’s a little there’s a little bass yeah what if it’s fine I don’t do the Deb’s don’t even know what my private account is man

So I mean it’s like it’s completely fine like they don’t even know what my frickin like if I don’t tell them my name they won’t know [ __ ] and plus they don’t even know my new IP address so it’s like how the hell it’s like they’re

Not gonna be able to ban me for [ __ ] now which is crazy time keeper um to my na man we’re keeping it private it’s only giving me and uh what’s the game time down here my friend only mean game time down here my bro someone tried making a little water

Thing down here I see damn it how are people getting this far by walking down here Jesus Christ it’s crazy looks like someone good try making a trail down here yeah it’s crazy yeah it’s crazy man you know the devs devs chill zone I mean

I remember you play with me last time if you ever go there website you can find out how real toxic they are they’re just toxic as [ __ ] and no website they don’t do anything with their community I mean only people that play anymore are like coders and [ __ ] I mean I’m gonna get

Back into the game I think I might just do like a let’s play series where I just like cover up my name just like like play by myself yeah I mean I’m an OG which I love the game is just I got banned from it so many times I can I

Guess be pissed off that I can’t stream or anything like that it is my friend yes sir time cuber do you saw my maps I gave it back to you my friend uh yeah I reset of the world I gave it back to you actually I don’t know what this is

Man okay this is a map oh yeah this is your map oh yeah I’m gonna give you back this map yeah I still got one bit map of you this is the only map I got left of yours put this to your house time keeper

I named all my maps so this one it sounds good time here I’ll just meet you back over your house or whatever I don’t know wherever or actually yeah we have a base set up I set up a little colony over there you know our little warrior

Colony we have made my channel back in 2017 nice so guys those wandering some I abuse any new games you want to see me playing anything like that what’s up me too everyone here got crunk or dial oh yeah that’s good [ __ ] man you know if anyone

Here and wants to play some Crocker iosing time definitely hit me up I I am yeah [ __ ] man oh my god this is freaking new city this is new city someone did come down here new city is terrible you see it on streem holy [ __ ] hey at least

I taught my building still alright oh my god the whole government building yeah new city is completely gone is fallen yeah the weather battles have come I had to come over in a new city and kill like three Withers oh [ __ ] dude someone tried sniping me like someone tried sniping me

Up here yeah how the [ __ ] did a skeleton get all the way up there that’s weird I don’t know there’s not knows [ __ ] skeletons down here right I don’t know crazy [ __ ] so I’m gonna go back to spawn go ahead and help out with there little dude the [ __ ] train

Track which I worked so hard on and actually did in survival was [ __ ] it’s like still up but like I mean and it doesn’t look good I mean god this what happens when you let a bunch of mobile players in your world yeah I know

My friend oh my god oh there’s a Wiccan with her right here there we go we’re about to kill him game time yeah I need to run and your honor I’m gonna die I’m gonna die oh no he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s good he’s good

We got we reran okay that’s another wither down we got two more to go we got we got another one to go yeah I don’t know either I think I don’t know I think you gotta use that [ __ ] Loom thing yeah yeah my sword is crazy it’s like

It’s got all this [ __ ] I call it dick and this house here’s actually pretty it was a really nice house and it just got destroyed okay we have to find another one I found another wither found another [ __ ] Widow can you help me out can someone help me out with these Withers

Oh hey how you doing Cameron how you doing how you doing Cameron glad to see in my bro it is time keeper my sword is freaking o P you can hack in your own soar to be like [ __ ] he’s getting me they’re getting me they’re getting me I

Don’t okay he died he died I just need to run I need to run inside the house because it’s gonna blow my ass up okay they hit me even if they get one hit I mean they’re dead because like I have like this insane year so I’m basically

Immune to withers I may accept if they blow my ass awesome awesome Quinn welcome back little Bell gamer how you doing we’re back and running you can go in and join back in we’re just killing up all the withers that way people aren’t having any issues over it’s fun

That we can actually repopulate spawn and I’m actually planning if my server gains enough people that we’re gonna go in and just repair spawn totally we’ve got like in a build over with a bunch of dirt and [ __ ] dude there’ll be a huge project gametime

It’s like the only way to fix this is like to build over first like obsidian and then put dirt over it you know I mean but do that to be honest I don’t like it the way it is because like it’s like it’s like it’s like 2v2 t soon this

Will like be all gone nice I remember oh my god this place down here used to be a [ __ ] village hey this place is still up I must set the date I’m freaking day what’s your name my friend yeah Spencer coop how you know how do you get a hack

To edit your sword I use minecraft editor whatever it’s called right here universal editor what’s up man yeah nice you me more mangled yeah sure no problem dude I got you look [ __ ] think someone’s trying to hit me someone’s trying to Gabby someone just oh there they are I know

He’s trying to hear me what second mangled I got you I found him I found him I found no problem I got ya eh Quinn I got you man come over here man okay this is only one time I ain’t doing Quinn let’s go I found him I found

Him I found the person he was [ __ ] killing me this joke looks like this guy your needs help Ethan do come here some over here Ethan I got you give some damn get something you can’t pick any yeah dude that’d be great time keeper can you come down here

That’s what we’re actually doing so far I got three warriors helping me I need people to help me kill the withers I don’t know where the other one is I need more warriors come on here come on time keeper hurry up down here yeah man congratulations man haha congratulations

Quinn I’m glad that you’re happy you don’t know how to get down here what’s your name what’s your name again timekeeper what’s your name of the game my god my frames oh there it is I think the kite is just like blowing she oh this guy’s using invincibility eyes

Ow oh I see what the guys doing is invincibility stuff going on okay Oh thing is he uses oh he’s got some other hats going on hey welcome back and be how you doing envy really won’t really welcome back my friend how you doing

Glad to see ya glad to see you buddy I see him I see him using and that guy there is fly acting and that guy there is fly hacking yep I think is Diamond moose diamond loose how you fly hacking I think this guy’s fly hacking yep that

Guy’s fly hacking I’m sorry my friend you just fly hacks I don’t want the band you Diamond this but you know dammit man you ruined it you were flying acting man yeah everything else except fly hacking inches follow me he didn’t know I mean he had a go on stream yeah come on

Diamond is come on you serious yeah we have to put like all other hacks I mean I I mean I’m at the put life invisibility hacksaw he’s I don’t know it’s kind of overpowered I mean actually no not invincibility hacks that’s fine but flying ash man because

Come on I knew that was fine axes I couldn’t see the guy who just flying around yeah true yeah it’s fine because the guy was just flying around this reason why I couldn’t see the damn guy hey what’s up man how you doing hey mango keiki I can’t give my buddy

Some diamonds please hey how you doing vert appeal I’m unkillable I left think I’m Mike Koval way what’s your name inverted PewDiePie I fell his pain what do you mean low a little a little bell game wait what pain my friend yeah there there we go thank you for doing that

Thank you for doing that I need to find where this wither is because I can’t find him some sort of wither down here Oh your name’s diamond is do why do you fly hack inverted PewDiePie D come on I saw that bro why did you why did you do that man I

Thought you could be kind not fly hack man says no fly acting why though man no fly acting bro that’s all I ask I’m crying dream came true and thanks awesome Quinn I got you bro congratulations hey Spencer hey how you doing man welcome back glad to see you

Yeah I added you back there Jagan oh you felt diamond I got your little bell that’s that guy in the I use fly it to kill eight weather’s good the other day I’m not bad yeah you’re not bad dude use a using a Leitrim aunt come on man it’s

Like you you start you started destroying spawn with a bunch of TNT while flying my bro come on my come on come on man I mean I know you’re good guy bro but yeah I think I might just have to sock thing is I just don’t want because like half that sometimes

Hack tools don’t offer flying options so it’s like unfair to people who have certain axles so I mean everything else is fine it’s just okay time keeper what’s your name bro you tell me your name time keeper what’s your name my friend damn 300 chat who’s on my size Yeah man someone was actually shot this was back in my old days this used to be used to be actually yeah I’m sorry diamond I mean come on Bo I knew I was gonna catch you man yeah I mean he hackings allowed now it’s just like fly

Hacking is not certain people are fly aking apparently I can’t get all the freakin withers down here yeah I’ll invite you what’s your name again I think the guy who says 1000 on it big yeah I got you bro I got you Quinn yeah thank you for helping me man

Big Mike you online awesome it’s Big Mike Legend – Big Mike elijan – I swear I can’t find any I got a lot of friends in my thing I got a lot of friends in my thing doesn’t see her online my friend hey how you doing the

Epics gamer how you doing glad to see you my bro how you doing welcome back really glad to see you you know piranha change your account over that should be the issue how you doing though epics gamer I moose just keeping that for ya I mean dude I’m sorry man

I mean I I don’t necessarily feel like that but I mean I just I just don’t want people like fly hacking you know so let’s say you leeches are for guys come on yeah you just gonna go in glider mode and then you activate the firework in DF

Food I do got food my friend yeah commander you give him something even evening let’s 1v1 dude we got keep inventory on okay doing Minecraft on mice widget oh really awesome that’s awesome epic gamer would be glad to have you let’s fire you ready He didn’t even eat him he only hit me he died from hitting me no I know it doesn’t Epic’s gamer man I’m so glad you are man we will love to have you we got you yet we got you again I’m this [ __ ] fan us guys I’m [ __ ] famous here yes sir

Only I’m [ __ ] Opie now well I got like five people on right now I’m in the garden I need food wait what garden where’s the garden you’re talking about man you old I’m pretty sure this is this you oh yeah this is you come here oh yeah this ain’t

A garden this is a [ __ ] bandit territory I’m gonna go back to civilize population now what’s your name are you online I don’t know I let me see this legend – yeah doesn’t see your online I am on let me search up your name to see

If I have you added actually let me just search it up one more time Big Mike legend yes yeah it name is Big Mike legend yeah it says you’re online but I can’t find your freaking name anywhere I am updating my minecraft so awesome my bro hey guys I’m gonna going

To transfer this to a realm really quick one second I’m gonna go in and transfer this baby to our realm so I can invite what’s-his-name to the [ __ ] yes server really quick replaces baby yeah guys guys I need ya do Lobo awesome little Belle we’re gonna go in

And upload this crap back awesome lil Belle yo guys any other games that I should can you should consider me playing yes I need to know which I shouldn’t be playing pug prabhjeet pub sheet I should be oh I don’t know man I just can’t get back

Into it though my bro doesn’t mean I don’t know I mean I want to get back into it on PC mobile Legend mobile legends I’m debating man I’m debating whether to even get back into paddle rail yeah yeah mobile legends actually doesn’t sound so so bad actually getting

Back into that doesn’t sound very bad actually I thought I got bad but you’re making your own you got ban you didn’t get banned oh yeah we are making around one second we’re just uploading it back really quick it takes a little while to upload back so oh yeah true hey Spencer

I give a Legend of Zelda game a try I should man I need a I’m debating whether you me thing is it’s like $60 and I’m I just bought myself a new gaming table and I spent like $100 on that [ __ ] so it’s like it’s like sometime I don’t

Know because I don’t want to have to spend $60 on a game that’s like a year old you know I mean yeah you’re not you’re not you’re not banning my friend we’re just uploading this world back it takes a long time for some reason does initializing upload but I’m not even

Sure if it’s doing it yes sir I don’t know what you’re saying man okay guys apparently okay okay I don’t know my freakin thing is taking too long why is this upload so long I don’t know yeah creative destruction sounds really good actually I’m debating what I get I think I’ve

Become good at that game actually I don’t know I think I might just go to like crunk or IO or something if anyone here place crunk er I should definitely get that anyone here place yeah I don’t know maybe you should play that a little because I’m really good at it actually

That dragon drug dragon playing a little bit oh really that’s awesome he says he’s never played it before so yeah sure he has to play on a trackpad which is crazy you kept snake I’ll tell you that he’s pretty good sure true yeah yeah it’s this one guy yeah this one guy

Actually had did you see the endgame yeah I do I saw ingame twice actually I actually got a pirated I actually pirated endgame I did I loved yeah I pirated it and I also saw in the movie theatres which is crazy you know I think the issue is the

Thing I mean you make a copy of this [ __ ] and I just get rid of this world here in general just delete this yeah dude dude yummy to spoil it for you not spoiling the spoil it man you see it has zero export in progress bar I think

There’s something actually wrong with my world it’s weird right people it’s not uploading to the [ __ ] realms don’t meet if I can make one I don’t know if you can it says it failed level export way one sec I’m going back into the realm really quick

Yeah my username is I got you time keeper yeah one second Iron Man yeah game time you saw the movie I’m guessing my bro is you have one second man we’re trying to open up the realm but it’s like [ __ ] taking forever okay Spencer I want to do it

I got you game time apparently people don’t want us to spoil it but I’ll respect their option you mean you can get it for free on your phone don’t tell them to I said that to you though people it’s prey it’s in the full high-quality version now apparently yeah it seems

Like yeah I won’t spoil it yeah for some reason it’s not working it won’t even let me [ __ ] open the realm what the hell it won’t even let me open the realm well yeah here doesn’t work yeah it’s like what the hell oh you guys I’m about

To move on to [ __ ] Crocker Daioh if anyone won’t here wants to come and play with us who here plays crunk err dot io anyone hear me who wants to play some drunkard io Big Mike does okay let’s go play some crunk err dot IO I have to eat the [ __ ]

Setting you said it I think we might become a crumb choreo channel okay hey game time no problem dude hey by the way game time if you wanna play some cruncher with us just get your laptop out and just like play with us and play oh this [ __ ] [ __ ] ain’t working I

Think I might just like go from a backup save or something maybe like from like a couple days ago I don’t know you know the last backup safe from my world was what here is an hour ago I think are you let’s go time let’s go time keeper just joining to join this

[ __ ] and we’re gonna have I’m gonna play some Crocker with some people not me okay little bill I’m gonna have the realm open for you guys if you like to play on it let’s go time keeper this is freakin crap is taking why does it say initializing doubt oh here we go

Okay it’s downloading now I’m gonna see how this works just play on this hopefully [ __ ] goes alright for some reason nothing ever goes right anymore in minecraft realms so yeah that’s the bad part so we’re gonna go and be that a big might what you saw on

Mike I’m Locker yeah I’m gonna go ahead and hop on drunker my friend alright make it a crunk or Die Osteria now ready alright let’s do it we’re gonna make this [ __ ] a Crocker dot iostream we’re gonna make this [ __ ] a croaker dot iostream yo how you doing

Zeke welcome back we’re gonna go ahead and play some crunk or die oh here soon man hey if you like to join in you know what no problem uhm I yeah if you why it’s it’s fun of me to be honest I don’t need a change I

Don’t even have to worry about profile foes in my opinion it’s all good play us in my fate awesome Quinn let’s go man I’m glad you’re having such a good time man thank you so much for being so supportive my bro I’m sorry about the UI she’s [ __ ] realm is all

[ __ ] okay guys we should be good the realm should be up we should be good to go okay and do you talk on xbox no I don’t I talk on discord my friend no prawn timekeeper I got you I got you how many moments does this take to open

Up a [ __ ] realm yeah Quinn I think my realm might be corrupted why should I you [ __ ] yeah just you but you just make it my friend snipers I’m really good hello are you doing okay realms only worse of you a wireless stable connection it’s not opening though

[ __ ] minecraft realms not they don’t ban people for hacking in Minecraft they only do for servers I already got an email because like people hack all the time they don’t got a fan they don’t got the time yeah yo I think something’s just like completely wrong on my Minecraft world

Guys think might just have to like delete my row yeah you know have it awesome man we’re about to do some sniping y’all sorry about this I’m just rescinding the realm and we’re just gonna go and I’ll see if I could play it’s free online yeah you could totally

Get it you should it’s free just you just I’m just playing it online it’s really good I’m gonna go into just like wow I don’t even think this is working I think I may have to install uninstall my [ __ ] okay time keeper I think you’re so you’re wrong okay

Awesome yeah I don’t know what’s happening with this because my frickin thingy working okay that’s awesome little Bell hisab it’s a gift map congrat okay that’s awesome wait one second who’s gonna run test this out one more time for my viewers a few more iso ah sorry dude Zeke man dedication man

Congrats and this is this one issue that’s wrong with the [ __ ] update to this freakin realms [ __ ] which I came and login okay guys well that’s [ __ ] goin let’s go ahead and play some Kronk err okay really I don’t know should we go for a backup

Just like April 7th no maybe like from like two hours ago backup maybe two hour ago backup says she’s fine you see my friend okay that’s awesome little bill I’m gonna try this one more time guys not I’m deleting my [ __ ] minecraft this is [ __ ] I shouldn’t be taking

That long to download a [ __ ] world okay okay we’re gonna okay let’s just play some crunk er I may have some minecraft in the background but it’s alright One kill equals one donut awesome hey well how do I that’s the way it’s gonna be Quinn wait how do i how do I join your game here go to server server browser yeah and then you go and then go to custom games yeah and there should be

One that says tf2 and this should only be one person on it and it’s the team deathmatch one person team deathmatch tf2d is there any capitals it’s just the tf2 I just downloaded this map can I add you I’ve already tried but yeah do you have a clan what love work actually I

Came in Aggie that’s funny it make a clan Ike you can add me Nina may it may need a [ __ ] I get out of this goddamn it I just got random area oh here we go uh can we just join a public server you know because for some reason it’s not

Working for me yeah yeah it’s not working for me actually yeah here I’ll just here ok I’ll just invite you to a realm code I’ll just invite you I just to invite you I got a code I’ll just pay somebody to score Lanka okay oh it’s two people

It’s right here where so go to the custom games yeah it should be in the middle it says one at this TDM underscore hyphenated – fourth – it should be one Jesus yeah it’s underneath ffs am room and up top the FBI open up

Okay what is wait one sec okay so you go to server custom games and what is called the one look for the one that says FBI open up FBI open up let me search shut up any capitals no I just say okay just don’t go to that

Window oh that’s what uh no your photo did not change your time keeper FBI open up it says no all right search again yeah gdm gdm gdm underscore okay – lo – four – okay hey how you doing what’s your name more chef jegging awesome bro we’re about to play some

[ __ ] crocker yeah it lags aw it sucks time keeper it’s just failed to open realm again Joe it just it just ended all right now trying to do it again way one second man I my [ __ ] realm isn’t even opening up oh yeah this [ __ ] game is rage you

Know it’s alright okay hey you mind if we just like join up public hey dude just join I’m just eight join the server hey join the server click join actually actually no no let’s I’ll just create one I’ll just create actually here I’ll just create one

How does host the game okay what level are you Ian I’m 14 I am 8 nice nice I don’t got a mouse that there broke it up to use it oh yeah yeah that’s funny ok I’ll set it to three players that we could start and go set it to private and

And then I’m just gonna share the link okay I just can you can you guys click on this link in the discord to join once I own pace a new link there’s no new links in the discord so you guys can join okay guys join

I had to pull it up in my computer trying to join holy [ __ ] where are you sharp I’m gonna kill you only the only character that can that you play if attract that this is shotgunner oh yeah you can’t really right-clicking names oh yeah sure gee I don’t mind if he’s

Shocking I use the SMG if I ask to you oh that was you okay okay okay okay I didn’t see usually I would play a sniper or triggerman whatever is true true sure I usually like to play SMG but I’m trying to get badass sniper awesome low

Bail that’s awesome oh I need [ __ ] phones in the way sorry about that I suck at snipers okay ready for me to go running gun mo’fucker okay let’s go we’re about to put up with a pro here hey you are as pretty good man pretty good the shotguns

A powerful weapon yes I don’t wanna [ __ ] the snipers suck so bad in this game now like then you buff that [ __ ] right behind you Jiang let’s go man where are you where are you where are you sharp okay hey why are you Jack who are you

Let’s go – what okay man you see I am good yeah no you what [ __ ] gun doesn’t you [ __ ] little yeah my god oh yeah dude you should change to SMG class what yeah D I’m pretty good at this game give me a little bell you should join

They call me i hack all the time but I don’t yeah people do that yeah say I hack all the time and I told them [ __ ] no I think I do right here jack No come on oh my god yeah that God sucks yeah yeah the crunk err link is in my disscourn my friend to join our lobby it is tell me yeah it’s in the description if you’d like to join in fact I’ll open up to more people if you want to join

Our crunk err match will you talk them to Ethan youtubes are you like yes sir Oh your life yeah my Minecraft realm won’t work out work anymore so I decided to quit minecraft well I think I just like quit minecraft like in general map he’s like it’s like I’ve been [ __ ] up

For me I did a couple yeah it isn’t it’s in the discord my friend I don’t think I’m gonna paste it in my description right now do the fact it’s gonna I don’t have the link on my main computer man you got some sort of lag bot turned on

I’m just joking let me show you right guy why aren’t my stuff hey holy [ __ ] man you almost killed me you try this I will I will try one last time my friend I promise awesome time keeper be sure to join you should have joined yeah of course I

Opened an or people in second I got I got a challenge I got a challenge for us now you get a what’s the challenge okay I’m creating a new link okay I’m creating a new link okay okay I’m carrying a new link joined this joined the new game okay

It’s in the just it’s in my discourse we’re doing snipers only now oh that’s gonna be I can’t do that me neither I’ll show you guys yeah I would have to do a noscope it yes sir okay okay yeah it’s a news it’s in the discord link now man it’s in the discord

Link I’d have to noscope it or cam Oh Oh cuz you never closed mine so I might have ended geez yeah let me see it’s reloading failed to open you see man it’s like I’m gonna open up the realm it’s gonna be uploading in the background my friend so it’s gonna be

It’s gonna be going it’s gonna be going it’s working it’s magic we’ll see you only make sense to me god damn it I didn’t work hey jagged ok you’re finally in you killed me oh [ __ ] you actually did Oh sir my game slow this is cancerous with ya hello where

Are you guys at least I got one pill I’m pretty good of this dad get you know only way I’ll be able to stop this oh [ __ ] stand still so I can’t move in scope oh my god dude you’re a jumper they’re a jumper hey night joining this section oh

You should see that replay on YouTube I’m not joking dude I was Pro I’ve literally got two hits in a row wait somebody using a pistol down no way I can use a pistol are you serious I think a pistol be easier all right I said pistols off it I guess it didn’t

Apply for you yes try using snipers so I’ll still kill you though I promise even if you do Wow let’s go for you oh oh you got a buzzkill [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man you got those Puggsy skills buddy what it wouldn’t let me so oh [ __ ] some random guy just joined our

Game a five okay my school no sure we got a bunch of good up a gun bunch of people from stream awesome yeah we ready oh let’s do it we’re doing some sniper rounds now how many people ten okay let’s go okay that’s awesome time keeper

Let’s go awesome eat a teeth and you can’t play the links in the description I’m in the discord what the [ __ ] quickscope no no oh [ __ ] I just [ __ ] threw my mouse in my yeah you just go and click out blankie you should be good nice nice nice you’re using your gaming mouse

You kill me ya little nice shot let’s go time keeper let’s go D where the [ __ ] sharp dragon and that I’ll come back there you are what do you mean it won’t let you get in the game there’s a link it’s a very last link in the discord my friend Ethan you

Should be able to join I’m sorry just going try it again yeah there’s no way I can oh no scope that Oh hundred oh you see that ah [ __ ] man good I just closed oh okay I’m gonna start my stream nice nice let’s go we’re doing collab stream on crunk er let’s go

Time keeper there this game is so fun bro I think I might just quit minecraft just like play this oh [ __ ] yes you can I am galaxy dude yes it is it’s uh I’m PC Annie it’s completely free it’s like a WebKit pace game just like grab a

Shitty laptop and just play it you know anyone can play yeah it’s a game it’s oh [ __ ] man come on Jack let’s go can you say it oh oh can you see if it loses after they see if it awesome Quinn I promised you I will I’ll get it to work

I promise I think you might just need to start a new realms world to be honest you dude I just get rid of the backups in general like just uninstall minecraft do all that [ __ ] you know just get rid of the realm server in general oh my god you’re taupe

One guy here’s teleporting around Shogun pure on phone this way people can be on phones in this game are you serious yeah okay I did not know that are you apparently you can play you could play on your phone apparently so can’t jag it you tell them how to play

On phone yeah cuz I want to have fun with you do definitely I promise you it will be working dude it’ll be lit man oh dude this guy here is actually going off bro got him nice wait who was the hacking guy the heck in Frick oh no I think this guy’s

Actually this guy’s actually using hacks you show I think that guy’s either good or using ass I don’t know I don’t know man I’m not gonna say he’s using axes oh my god I don’t know if he is he is og skins you definitely quit I got you

I don’t know we’re gonna test it out we’re gonna say who’s hacking Frick wait Hecky Frick if you’re watching who are you okay I’m just doing this to get better at my sniper skills I’m just gonna get better at my sniper skills because I need to get better at it yeah I do

Come on come on swd right behind ya you’re good at country I try to be man I try to be oh [ __ ] man come on you ought to use a piss you I don’t even have a pistol on me don’t have a pistol it’s all good Hey where are you jag trying to find you so I can rape you why can I not well you can’t join no I’m trying to uh oh my field of view isn’t even out on maximum percent I wonder trying to put yes well you’re better now I’m gonna be low are you

Seriously nah dude you gotta be better I sorry I’m a hey I don’t know oh my god weapon ophea soapy it’s full what do you mean is full wait my games fool oh you’re clicking the wrong link man oh my god dude oh my god weapon Oh fov is so [ __ ]

Ope hey how you doing Jason welcome in welcome on how you doing yes sir how you use a window cut rapport I just use display capture I mean window capture doesn’t really work for me anymore for some reason let’s play catch yeah just play catcher words for me fortnight minecraft that’s what we’re

Playing right now is freaking lit it’s freaking lit man fortnight minecraft is lit for a night minecraft is lit what that okay now about the ban pistol I swear about the pan pistols I was able to get it in about the band Oh another noscope holy [ __ ] take a horse Old Town

Road yeah that’s you that’s dangerous task man that’s a dangerous task Jason you better be prepared though hey by the way if you’d like to play with us no problem Jason how you doing though well come on they’re gonna make everyone that’s you I I hope I am man I hope I am

Coin dude you gotta play this sometime though you just got to play with us sometime I swear come on guys let’s go let’s fight where is everyone and then your mom oh you no scope oh damn it okay here’s this pistol spamming okay okay I don’t know

Why I do that I need to start actually trying here I’m freaking losing to jagged oh we’re on person sorry it’s all good it’s all good okay it’s all good no no no you don’t have to make pieces yeah I’m still gonna kill you man I’m still gonna kill you I’m still gonna

Kill you I’m gonna ban pistols next game though I’m gonna ban pistols next game though in front of you no sir I am or at least do you not see me in front of you you know sir I don’t for some reason I’m staying well you never said I don’t play cracker well

When you say let’s get okay masks cool now I’m glad I’m glad my friend what’s the dealer does anyone note the deagle does that’s the desert eagle okay Okay let’s just play this I guess I’m the only one here without a pistol but it’s alright okay I do I promise look at the server to work we may just have to restart the whole world so it’s like I don’t know cuz I’m getting a little

Tired of this world like with all these frickin corrupted files and [ __ ] going on with minecraft it’s like not even fun because of the [ __ ] technical side to it it’s like only one Oh get I can’t do my wrists hurt so hey I forgot ideas hurt

Yes my friend where’d you do no okay I forgot to drop like really oh dude thank you for dropping a life though man I’m glad you did thank you so much for doing that thank you for dropping a like my bro what’s up no I don’t got dual monitors I

Just use a laptop for my secondary stream awesome so yeah you can use your phone I used to use my phone or even you can have a window set up on your I have a second monitor vital not in your right now okay GG man do how am i failing oh

My god I’m about to sit on s in geez so I have to use the plate the display capture nice it was show on stream from the live chat bro hey Gigi timekeeper I’m getting back on top I’m gonna ride until let’s go you gonna yeah man I hope you don’t die or

Anything though Jason I swear shame I might play the rest of this and any sign off dude we’re gonna be playing all night long I mean this just this game and I’m I’m good with just playing this game for now I know it’s fun like playing with viewers or this playing

Like this and you know timekeeper feel free to stay forget about the life ring it’s jeez all the time really man that’s hard [ __ ] man all right down here where are you I’m like killing everyone right now okay you where are you dude or are

You too sharp oh no I got a devil 82 forget Steve all that awesome quit yo Good King gosh you beautiful [ __ ] that dude the man the myth and the legend is finally [ __ ] near people dude we’re playing a new game I was supposed to be playing minecraft dude

But then I was having issues with the [ __ ] server dude good King Gus dude the legend is here guys listen Gus ons an ice-cream guys been such a long time since I seen you man dude welcome on that one girl are you doing well c’mon

Do good King Gus oh man this game is completely free on PC it’s even a browser game if you like to come and play with us it’s all good it’s like a browser game so all you need to do is like typing drunkard IO and play a list

Man if you’d like to you yours also discord chap if you like to join how you doing though that one girl how you doing though I really glad to see it yo sup I gotta go so bro let’s go sharp you gonna join my game let’s go

A8 anyone wants to join us it’s completely over and I think I’m a good off no problem got one kill go down here get another good there I got you again you own a spawn camp in your ass oh [ __ ] he’s [ __ ] oh oh oh oh holy [ __ ] holy

[ __ ] well I’m gonna watch the stream I’m tired am I getting in I think so see ya no problem bro I got you time keeper awesome man I’ll be looking forward to be playing with you with this game man you’re pro man we’re looking for some

Good people to come and play all this so looking for a challenge it’s all good time keeper I got you bro anytime you like to play no prob I hope I’m not making you mad man you know just in time for Jeff [ __ ] [ __ ] to do oh [ __ ] I

Understand man too much calls and [ __ ] made by the way man I I don’t know if this is confidential dude but what’s your new what’s your new upload pattern by the way I forgot you still uploading on your stream schedule because I know you don’t stream anymore and stuff but

Like are you still uploading on those days are you planning to that’s just one question I’ll stay on this you’re awesome time keeper let’s go man thanks for being here my bro you’re lit man because I did take a little break from stream and just see

The fact like it’s too much [ __ ] I have to do a try sir oh my god apparently my laptop and I handle I have my I event you oh my god I hate these hip markets I did not see you Yes sir haven’t thought about it my consider what you’re saying say [ __ ] you know dude usually go back to streaming do it I kind of miss all the good can go sweet you know I mean I mean I I don’t actually I don’t know I don’t want to

Have to entreat on you though you know what I mean I what to like tell you this dream gonna seems a little bossy you know buddy I kind of just miss the streams you know how do I go in you uh you just put the search up crunked err on the Internet

Hey what’s up Nicholas how you doing welcome on tonight man how you doing Nick glad to see you on tonight how you doing Nick yeah how about push on shotgun I do this freaking arse shoe guy keeps on getting me good yeah I’m doing great Nicholas I’m glad to see on an IE

If you like to play some concur with us know prom sharp dragon no I don’t plan on screaming pink I see white here Mike got the song in the background oh that’s weak I forgot my minecraft was still on okay two kills probably the reason is

Thank you for letting me know I think those are part of the game for a second thanks for letting me know the guqin Gus how do I play with you just search up crunk room my friend sharp dragon search up sharp brunker hey good King Gus man

Thanks for letting me know by the way man that’s that’s good I’m in first anyway so we’re good I’m back in first okay man hey dude but dude I mean hey any time you won’t play some crunk er with us man hit us up this thing required GPU man

Yeah I mean da the internet you had McDonald’s in a series oh yeah you do have to be in the party there’s a link of the discord which you click my friend say [ __ ] hey see for you I do say it loud man say [ __ ] you oh my god dude

Oh my yeah I thought you said you say [ __ ] really loud what’s up man can we switch to all classes after yes sir watching random people which I don’t even know no prom I’ll ask you to you know kitty say carousel oh my god dude

Dude oh my god I did know I know you aren’t being toxic bro dude you’re just being lit man that’s so fun I understand you I would that’s what I was gonna do that’s exactly what I would do if I was on your stream though a little baking

Gus that’s what I would do so bad for real though good king us dude I swear I’ll do the same [ __ ] oh never mind it worked awesome my friend [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell does that work there Rocky okay we just I will get the server to work I promise

Okay there so hopefully people don’t think I suck on this dream oh my god still in ferrocene if I could find you what the hell are you holy [ __ ] just little new on stream I don’t know you know I figure my just making it separate conquered iOS I’m going to find

You just make this a cruncher dot IO channel what the [ __ ] I actually came back from a dirt church track for bite awesome you you do dirt biking I’m guessing Nicholas do you do dirt biking my friend that was disappear noscope I’d even do anything for the Hat I’m joking I’m guessing you do I guess you want people to find

The only chance I hope that killing someone like Oh cuts them nice nice dude you just look at that replay on stream holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god yes I treasure my street oh really you have it on your own neighborhood that’s crazy that’s crazy Nick hello

It’s crazy [ __ ] man it’s awesome to know dude so I’m guessing you have a dirt bike do you have a dirt bike so I’m gonna make me broke are you sick no Quinn I hope not Quinn you’re gonna I’m I hope I hope I’m not gonna make you broke you please don’t go

Bro please don’t go broke man I’d love to create a new game for this I’ll create a new game so I can use any game can you not scream host game okay we got everything okay okay I’m gonna share the link again okay this way you just go and click on this

Link people yes sir can you use whatever you want yeah you have to rejoin it go to the discord and click on the link my friend isn’t like you hey how you doing Ethan yeah it says the new link yeah okay I just I’m gonna share the link now

With you oh I paste the old link sorry about that yeah we yeah I am gonna play for a nice Sun time do you of course hey JW – well c’mon bro I do it man I’m looking to playing some [ __ ] like rock or whatever you want whatever you

Want to play man I’m looking play some few info whatever dude because right now minecraft isn’t really working out for me anymore it is like minecraft isn’t working I just create a new one people are able to join oh I have it set to two people only in second

I’m gonna host another game one second one second one second I gotta think alright new link for sure really holy [ __ ] Nick I mean pretty interesting [ __ ] dude I mean pretty interesting crap you have over there I mean where do you live doobies that’s crazy dude in your

Own neighborhood you have that [ __ ] man holy crap I’m in Texas I can’t play ah wait you can’t play because you’re in Texas be serious what what do you mean should be open place you’re in Texas have you tried turning down your resolution oh wait does your laptop of

The GPU in it it’s a source fiery 15 yeah dude I know that laptop I actually have that laptop that’s what I stream on which which one was it how is the one who doesn’t have the GPU in it it has MX 150 no no mine was 250

Okay you got that you got the downgraded version without but dude you should still be able to stream get at the i-5 in it yeah yeah there’s a stream it’s awesome oh I didn’t bring the razor what do you mean I didn’t bring the razor holy Sh a he’s actually getting okay I’m

Going back to sniper class after this I want to get good at it if you mean you didn’t bring the razor what do you mean by that oh the razor laptop oh you didn’t bring I forgot about that damn it you should’ve man ah [ __ ] man I forgot why

You just forgot about it [ __ ] me right now it’s a shower low oh no it’s all good it’s all good to borrow my brother’s mic oh yeah oh so good you should use her laptop my hey you wait is it lagging anymore for your stream I wasn’t liking the stream the

Game was logging yeah it’s probably eight turn down you’re not your favorite about that right you should turn down your rendered frames are yeah even turn down CPU usage protocol yeah I’m gonna have to download fortnight again I got for my PC awesome JWT me and my friends are gonna have a

Sleepover tomorrow I should call them sleep you know sleep yep I got it I get you man I get you Quinn it’s so true though yeah yeah but I remember actually that’s really so you bring your xbox you but like oh you don’t bring your fricking laptop how do you even fit an

Xbox you know like a [ __ ] look like so you just want that [ __ ] all around everywhere you go oh my god okay I just said it to Louis Friday night this dream because I don’t got for tonight downloaded my friend Yes sir that thank you sir your thingy lowest resolution makes 40 yeah it still work it it’s still workable right yeah you should just do it yeah yes bring it yep I get you man I get you I get you j w me too you know Quinn I’m I’m gonna go

Ahead and figure out the frickin server issue here after this game I’m gonna end stream and then I’m a service work out the server issue and I’m just gonna play crunk err the rest tonight you’ll be able to join up I’ll be also be playing some minecraft – if we get the server

Back up I don’t know if it is we’ll try getting it back up in late I mean early 2020 yeah oh really that’s awesome you bring it everywhere that’s JWT that’s some hard [ __ ] yes takes decades I mean I’m just too lazy to do that new mic new headset

Nice that’s basically what my 2018 through 2019 year was it was basically it’s basically working around everything my god yeah I might be awesome Quinn that’s awesome hey lonely man left out in squad long time no see how you doin man glad to see

Ya I took a break for about a week from streaming about two weeks actually but I don’t know a week and a half I don’t know what you call it but you know just kind of took a little break minecraft wasn’t really working out for me it kind

Of got boring and [ __ ] so I so I’m plagued playing Crocker hosted in discord no not yeah I will check hey forty-two how you doing 42 glad to see you my friend yeah there’s a yeah nice how you doing the 42 how are you doing what does challenge mode do [ __ ] yeah

Baby grinding and rating for tonight say man you should download this game it’s just like it it’s like for tonight but this just shooting you know it’s game is that it sprung chord I owe my friend yeah you know stream it was like it says

I’m sorry my friend I’m sorry bro I hope I didn’t upset you man that badly I’m sorry feed when I hope I didn’t see you that badly oh my god – no scopez in a row oh my god yeah another noscope nanny haven’t what hoes go man we’re just killing yeah 42

What a game cuz call Crocker died oh I posted a video about it the other day a lot of people join our game holy [ __ ] yeah how are people joining I don’t know how these people finding my probably because they have a lot of people do this holy

[ __ ] okay I got you I got you man [ __ ] man you just gotta click on it hey this is shortcut cuz I’m old wait does this work yeah does this work on mobile does anyone know if this works on mobile actually works on mobile it doesn’t

Search it up you should be able to search it out my friend find out if it does it’s fine who iced over e crossville yeah that’s all good quinn spelling issues it’s all good I I can probably understand you – you should try getting this on mobile I don’t know if

You could actually get on see if it does you have to get close okay guys I’m gonna end stream now I’m gonna figure out what the Minecraft issue is I’m still gonna say on discord for everyone who’s

This video, titled ‘Minecraft anarchy server | anything’s aloud, hacks (no hacked flying), glitches, etc.’, was uploaded by Gamemaster on 2019-05-04 01:49:43. It has garnered 392 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:55 or 7135 seconds.

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    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

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  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

Gamemaster – Minecraft anarchy server | anything’s aloud, hacks (no hacked flying), glitches, etc.