Games Done Quick – Minecraft Dungeons by MiphaSR in 41:32 – Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online

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Says let’s get that wand of gamelon run and then of course we have a hundred dollars from neuronerd girl who writes thanks to the gdq staff for everything you do it’s absolutely incredible how well agdq has embraced being virtual so quickly donating for zelda wand of gamelon to keep the fun going

Let’s beat cancer one speed run at a time i could not agree with you more thank you for those awesome donations but for right now it looks like we are ready to go so sit back relax grab some popcorn and let’s check out minecraft dungeons 80 random seed by mifa sr mifa

The floor is yours all right thank you very much uh hello everyone i’m beefer and i’ll be running minecraft audience for you all today uh joining me on commentary i have the pencil sharpening master and multi-world record holder himself for cream uh hello and also joining me on

Commentary i have the all missions world record holder and resident boomer of the community yom hello everyone uh just gonna check because uh for our donation incentive uh which skin are we gonna be using all right it looks like we are going to be seeing you play as alex good choice

All right here is the two all right so without further ado i’ll get going and hand off to my commentators so ready three two one go all right welcome to minecraft dungeons everyone uh so this game is kind of like a diablo-style game but in the way that we

Play it with our with this category that we’re running is kind of more of a rogue light so more of like a gunfire reborn where you start with like a kind of a fresh character and uh kind of move forward that way the general storyline of the game is you were trying to

Rescue the world from the archer some evil bad guy but we don’t care about storylines because we’re speedrunners and we skip most of that yeah so what you see right here we’re just doing some like fast menuing to get out of the tutorial at first and into the first level

Usually this is around like four seconds but you know run controller strats right now so mifa is using a controller which is slightly different than what everyone else uses we use a mouse and keyboard controller has like some very good advantages like when selecting enchantments are we talking about achievements a lot

In this run but just like every time you level up you can put a point into something and every item has like three or four different things to get so we also turn to a pre-built character so it has the specific items we would need for a speed run

Um for movement in this game you’ll see we’re jumping and shooting at the same time it does slow us down but since we can get like any kind of armor or like speed item from killing enemies we’re doing that mifa is famous for getting legendary drops from the first or second

Uh mob so definitely worth rolling and killing these guys early on yeah mifa is the man of getting like the one in 86 thousand drops he got he got two of the crazy armor we’re talking about right before gdq it might happen again it happened today it was crazy

It happened twice today so yeah for sure rg is strong today and there’s also in this game uh we recently found a game-breaking artifact and enchantment combo and hopefully we can find the artifact in desert temple um or in the vendor shop which we’re unlocking the vendor right now to give

Us more buying options um but if we don’t find it there is a backup character that has the game breaking glitch so we can kind of switch to that and just finish the run with that to show you uh how how cool and fast the run has become recently yeah there’s

A good bit of rng in this game um recently with a lot of stuff we just released um set seed a bunch of different glitches we found so the game has changed a lot over the last month in speedrunning and since we found these big glitches we don’t need as much rng

It used to be something more like um minecraft java where rng was like the biggest factor but now there’s about one in 450 runs would make it to the third level of the game and now it’s many many more than that so yeah it’s a lot it’s a lot higher now so it’s

Not as rng as some games but it’s it still if if you can’t play perf if you play perfectly and you get bad luck you can still mark it a good time yeah definitely um so there’s gonna be a lot of little oh yeah this is unfortunately a very slow seed there’s some

Geometry we we call the bigger geometry as a tile and these tiles generate randomly and you can get pretty much any combination of tiles before and after certain events and creeper woods actually this first level we’re in the time difference of how fast you can complete the level can

Vary from uh for about like 30 to 40 seconds it’s really rough so you can lose a world record or a sub 30 minute time which is kind of the kind of ideal goal just because the first level was too long so that was a swiftness pot right there

If you pick that up and you run efficiently you save about five seconds i believe yeah five point seven five point okay five point seven seven look we made a great video about all the time saves with all the artifacts enchantments and uh you kind of know these things okay he

Didn’t get anything good from the pig the pig used to be before we found these big glitches this was the major reset point in the run you can get like speed items that just you know it saves a ton of time throughout the run and if we don’t get

Any speed items leaving this level we can probably fit uh 12 more donations in than we need to it’s a huge time difference yeah that pig was and kind of still has a major reset point if you don’t get anything from it unless you’re really just trying to

Run a little bit um yeah nothing dropped here we these villagers can be set up in a few different patterns this is unfortunately probably the slowest pattern i think oh yeah that’s the worst one so far it’s not good but so far the gear is not good at this point you can have

Some better gear you can have an armor that makes your arrows do some more damage so you’ll see me stopping to kill some things every once in a while to get a level like that but we don’t kill a lot of enemies and you’ll often see a large train of

Enemies following you and as an experienced runner it’s not so scary but when you’re first learning the run and you have 17 illagers following you it can be pretty intimidating oh it’s also we’re also playing in a very old patch so we down patch to 1.4 the current patch makes it

Unplayable to speedrun almost in level one because the enemies see how when they attack they stop moving in the newest patch they run at you full speed and attack you so it makes it almost impossible to not die in this level and loses a lot of time we are blessed and cursed being

Minecraft dungeon speedrunners mojang is an excellent studio they give a lot of updates and uh for the casual player all these updates are so wonderful unfortunately the side effect of all these wonderful updates is we have to change what we do in our speed running so it’s a give and take

Okay so this is the point where we get a guaranteed artifact and there are three artifacts you can get at the end of creeper woods there’s a tasty bone which is awful and slow and it oh there’s a boot of swiftness which is the fastest and then there’s a death cat mushroom

Which is also pretty fast okay so we’re not getting 12 donations in good thank god so mifa also found a scatter crossbow in the vendor the scatter crossbow is the strongest bow and if you’re using a mouse you can actually do another glitch where you have infinite um firework shots which is another

Artifact you can have infinite torment arrows uh infinite fire arrows yeah but it doesn’t work on controller for some reason yeah this is the second level cacta canyon they introduce um the two most annoying enemies in this game uh baby zombies and geo joe we call him that his name is geomancer yeah

So what the baby zombies do is they hit you up in the air slightly so you can’t move or change directions whenever they do that and they run so fast they’re faster than you yeah so now that he’s uh out of the shadow brew that shadow brewer is pretty

Clutch there’s a lot of baby zombies in this seat unfortunately um they’re just so annoying we actually take the time to stop and kill them which is one of the few enemies we actually do that for in this entire run yeah if we don’t if we don’t they will eventually kill us

Yeah toss you up in the air until the geomancers launch with an exploding wall at you it’s awful there’s actually a red chest in that pond also that mifa skipped over and sometimes you’ll end up grabbing that chest but it’s not always the safest thing to do the geomancers put up walls and

Explosions um they can completely wall you around and like kill you and there’s nothing you can do about it nothing at all we’ll see some levels where there’s like 10 or 15 of them back to back and if we’re really lucky we can get by them and if we’re not

We die yeah and geometries can also spawn like right around here and these pathways are very small as you can see and so geomancers just really really destroy runs here and also dying in this part of this map is at minimum a 20 second time loss and that

At most like a 25 30 second time loss so you really don’t want to get caught by geomancers around here we haven’t talked about um scene generation too much so yeah every level has 35 000 different seeds the beginning of the level is the same like the middle

Part he’s in right now is the same and then the end is the same and for every tile in between there’s about 20 uh randomly selected puzzle pieces i would say and they just kind of fit together in 35 000 different ways yeah and uh we you know throughout our our

Running we have saved a bunch of seed numbers that we can go back and and you know run the fastest ones but sometimes during a run you’ll get a seed that is actually impassable uh and foot cream the other day well during a stream had a couple impassable seeds unfortunately so

Hopefully we don’t run into any of those during this run no seeds technically impossible but like you know it’s i mean sometimes you get 20 creepers in a line and that would be bad yeah sometimes it’s just so difficult um so we are hopping to this key objective now

This is a one wave ambush and ideally you would have a tnt around here and you can finish off this ambush immediately unfortunately there’s no tnt um but with this scatter bone level five axe oh and a couple creepers spawn that’s good uh this fight goes pretty quickly here

Yeah keys in this game go oh his gamer isn’t that good at all so he’s hoping for like a better weapon or a better bow before this last ambush is coming up oh yeah probably i just have oh look at that okay also has a scatter bow it’s a low level but

Since the scatterboat shoots three arrows it’s three times as effective as other bows yeah for sure and depending on the enchantments on the bow the scatterboat can be your best option if the crossbow has accelerate maybe the crossbow’s the best option so this game takes a lot of improv and a

Lot of kind of just making decisions on the fly so he just did a skip we probably just don’t think of it because we’re just so used to doing it right he jumped off the clip at the end so we would teleport back to the respawn point

Instead of actually walking all the way back it stays around a few seconds but yeah it is risky though because if you get hit on the way down or you take fall damage on the way down the key goes back to the point where it spawned and sometimes really fun

It goes through the floor and you can’t get it oh yeah back in the old patches of the game the key would if you took damage while you’re falling off the map the key would stay at the bottom of the level and you have to reset the entire level

Yep it is a run killer fortunately it doesn’t happen very often oh strength pot dropped right before this uh four wave ambush so that’s going to be really good for 30 seconds and mifa very intelligently not picking it up because the creepers spawned and were able to clear that wave before me

Even needed that strength really good decision making another creeper wave this is really good rng right now at the end of this run so or at the end of this level yeah this is it level two mind if i cut in with a very special donation for you do i

Sure can all right um ben h has donated 25 and they say greetings on behalf of the double 11 qa team thank you for the hard work of everyone working to make agdq as great as ever and good luck in the run mifa thanks for that donation appreciate that guys

Love the game now the strength pod is picked up unfortunately this this wave was uh very spread out lots of archers and archers like to run away um and unfortunately with the scatter bow uh not all three arrows are going to hit if the archers are running away so not

The most ideal butch got it done who knows not a bad time i’m guessing it’s around nine minutes i can’t see it though um in well it’s kind of different the timing because we have the live time going and so usually we cut out the load times and since uh mifa

Has kind of a slow computer the load times are going to add a lot of time to the run yeah normally these are like three second load times yeah three to seven seconds so now we get our second artifact usually this artifact is not too useful it’s a totem

Of shielding which does not help us run at all pretty much so that’s unfortunate there is an armor in the shop probably gonna buy that just to get some power level oh can’t afford it unfortunately i don’t have a dog yeah no money so our power level is pretty

Low right now going to desert temple and uh the way this game generally works is you get offered higher level items as your power level gets higher so you do want a pretty high power level going to the third stage especially here because you get offered a lot of chests

And a lot of pigs here and this is a really good opportunity to improve your gear to finish the run yeah so this is this is level three it’s desert temple you can get five of the speed artifacts here and you can also get the weapon that is game breaking now so

This makes or breaks all runs now it doesn’t matter what patch you’re in this is the level that you’re gonna be resetting on the most yeah for sure yeah yeah runs are like if you if you reset a run before desert temple it it must have been an awful run because

Now things can change completely in this level but you can also die before you even get to your loot in this level like a lot of times like this key might be a big deal yeah this key objective can be full of necromancers which spawn way too many enemies actually um

Fortunately there’s no uh necromancers that spawned here so this would be a relatively easy key that’s a good one just a couple skeletons and that’s it and they’re even cleared me for playing very safe this is a very good decision for uh for gdp for sure

Wow only one okay two um two guards here these guards are really annoying their reach is incredible they always joke that all these oh they also knock you back it’s awful i always joke that these uh these enemies should all join you know be a boxer because their reach is so

So much longer than it looks uh so we kind of diverge off of our main pathway here usually we’re just kind of going towards that yellow shape over there but here we go to the side room there’s there’s two configurations of this room that can exist one of them has an

Obsidian chest which can give you an artifact which may have one of the two artifacts we need and it also gives you a weapon unfortunately we didn’t get that configuration we only got a gold chest there’s a pig here that can also drop us an artifact and a weapon oh we are not

Getting good weapons here this is unfortunate yeah so that pig in that room are this is a reset by now because those those were two chances to get speed artist artifacts and you also can get the instakill weapon and we got neither of those so yeah this was if this was an

Any sort of pb attempt or anything hands down to reset there’s no armor which decreases your power level and makes you very weak it makes your arrows weaker and also one thing to note about this game is oh no oh this is a very very rough hallway to get through

Oh man oh he killed him with the tnt yeah so they have knockback so if there’s a bunch of them they can just knock you off a cliff continuously this is a great showcase of how bad these seeds can generate sometimes oh very well done gonna get through let’s go

All right and we are through yeah that’s very unfortunate um so one thing about this game is um if you get good speed items um the game is easier and at this point this game is becoming incredibly difficult because the power level is so low and

We go into harder and harder levels and it’s just it’s so hard to finish runs if you don’t get the gear that you need oh yeah like the game on its base doesn’t look that hard but whenever you start speed running it you can the skill difference is like very obvious whenever you

Get into like later on levels and no for sure just don’t die i think any any casual player trying to finish desert temple with a power level of what is it three right now would have a very hard time doing that but mifa the best controller player in the world

The minecraft dungeons expertly getting through it we’ll probably have a room for a couple donations here as we finish these uh waves perfect we have another special donation this time 50 from sunken city and they write hey y’all minecraft bedrock developer here some of us from mojang have

Been really anticipating this run and are watching now we’re super excited to see what we all see what you all can do best of luck to the runner mifa sr keep up the amazing work thanks guys thank you very much time for one more yep perfect all right

Red has donated a hundred dollars and says i made a bet about a year ago that if minecraft steve ever gotten to smash ultimate i would donate a hundred dollars to the next gdq well here we are more more money for charity though right donation goes to runners choice

Thanks for that donation appreciate it um this fight is gonna be really bad yeah this is gonna be a very slow fight unfortunately he has a mini boss item called the enderman he can drop loot but it’s a big waste of time and we shouldn’t be fighting him here

There’s a boss that kills us in two hits in this room and the tnt doesn’t really help but wait because it does no damage is there no spawn is there no nameless one wait oh this is the this is the rarest thing that you can actually get this is incredible

So the the boss for this level did not spawn in that it’s so low of a percent we’ve only seen it and and documented it maybe twice ever wow it’s happened three times it’s happened three times oh that is incredible so that’s giant time safe

I’ve seen it once okay so just to put this into perspective we’ve got a 1 in 86 000 odds like three times so this is around that so yeah that that was incredible that no boss spawn there that that this would have been an incredibly long fight

Uh because the gear is so low wow okay that is insane no archer’s armor but we get the uh no nameless one glitch though um so at this point we are really looking to upgrade our gear oh a buddhist witness the second food is excellent speeds up our run a lot it

Makes them uh later levels a lot easier we don’t have the insta-kill weapon though no bad thing we got two-speed artifacts which is good but we can get we can get some donations in on the later levels definitely yeah hopefully we’ll switch to the backup that has the insta kill

Just to hopefully show it off yeah it’s not looking good so good so far yeah very very low level gear uh so redstone mines actually uh if your power level is above 10 you need to lower the difficulty because you go in at higher difficulty and this is the only level

That is actually easier than what your power level suggests unfortunately in this level yeah i’m kind of known for just going into the harder difficulty unfortunately we don’t have that problem with this run and we are nowhere near power level 10 so it’s not even considered yeah

So in this level there is these minecart tracks and if you get hit by one of them it takes about half your hp away and that’s really bad considering there’s enemies all over in tight corridors yeah this is a very very tight level here it can be really scary for new runners

For sure but fortunately there’s no geomancers in this level so uh you can’t get all that stuff oh he was so close to dying yeah that was probably less than five hp these um these little spiders just like in actual minecraft they oh he’s got poison yeah

They uh poison you for 10 seconds which it’s unlike understated mind yeah unlike unstated minecraft uh where it takes you down to half a heart this one just kills you that’s a good that’s a good armor improvement 11 armor is really strong can actually carry you for the remainder of

The run theoretically unfortunately it doesn’t have swift oh 12 even better was there anything on it i couldn’t see no um no okay um so there’s certain enchantments that we look for and we kind of we we know what to look for really quickly so just

Kind of like flash on the armor real quick and just see if there’s anything extremely useful there unfortunately the minecraft we were talking about very low level gear um i mean and i’ve ended runs with snowball before snowball is a mini stunt on armors and it can be good for the

Harder levels but you do not want to be running where you have to use snowball that means you haven’t found anything and that’s that’s kind of a bedroom yeah the fastest um speed item in the game is actually on an armor so that’s why we’re looking at all the

Enchantments so much you can save like 11 seconds per minute over walking so it’s faster than a boot and we have two boots right now yeah the gym is called swift footed and uh when you roll it gives you a burst of speed so when we roll

Without swift foot it slows us down quite a bit um but with swift foot we actually gain speed and it in conjunction with a boot is actually quite a lot of speed oh poison right before the boss so we uh this the patch we’re playing on the boss is glitched

On this patch so if you stand directly on the boss like right in melee range like this we’ll see what happens here the boss won’t attack you and he just sits there and takes it and did you get swift put it on any of those you got so many

So many armor so many opportunities i don’t think one of them’s got swift there was that last wolf armor that wasn’t checked but that’s the yeah i’ll check it in a minute so the only good luck he’s got so far is the the bossless which has almost never happened to anyone yeah

That’s incredible i i can’t believe that happened yeah it happened to me it happened to yom and it happened to me that’s about it let’s see what our artifact is oh oh my god oh no oh oh oh oh oh this oh my uh whipped cream go tell them tell them

Okay okay so that’s that’s the fastest armor in the game passively they aren’t every armor has passives this one is 15 movement speed increase and it also has 25 cooldown reduction on artifacts and the fastest um enchantment in the game like we were talking about swift loaded it also had that on it

Out of randomness so swift foot 15 speed just base just by wearing the robe and two boots that now load faster that the cooldown is faster because of the ropes so okay this is an ideal setup yeah unfortunately the battery is pretty low so this will be fast up until the boss

And uh unfortunately we’ve never seen a bossless fiery forge um but who knows oh nine not bad yeah hammers are pretty good they have a large splash around the impact zone which is really strong glaives have a really strong kind of linear damage path but i think hammers are more

A little bit stronger oh man we didn’t even get to talk about the soul knife we didn’t get one oh no soul knife yeah soul knife got a huge buff um which again we are so blessed to have a very active development team for this game that that consistently updates the game

And that was one of the updates that actually really helped us a lot it was a 40 damage increase on soul knives which is just incredible yeah it was already like a pretty good weapon we always used it like it it did just slightly less to one hit

Enemies so like we were hoping for like maybe a four damage increase but then they made it a 40 damage increase so now it’s just like if we get it we take it to the end it’s just oh for sure that’s all we need so you saw earlier on the the geomancers kind

Of doing their thing and really slowing me for down a bit fortunately the you know me didn’t get stuck was able to get out of it um unfortunate depth there that was kind of a weird corner for that pig to be and usually the pig’s a little

Bit more exposed than that you don’t get caught and uh lose a life like that oh one death in this game isn’t that bad because death deaths in this regain deaths in this game we set all of your cooldowns and your potions so yeah sometimes whenever you have like

Good fighting stuff it’s actually better to take a death so dying there is like normal everyone dies oh yeah no that depth doesn’t lose any time and actually these cores uh were very solid and sometimes those pathways those cores can be very spread apart and it takes quite a

Long time to get them unfortunately fortunately those were pretty close together so this level’s going a bit faster so normally we wouldn’t kill these pigs uh mifa just has a level two bow and that’s what he’s trying to increase which is not good you should be like level

16 if not higher by now so that’s why we’re done perfect almost instantly when we get hit yeah like i said if you really want to increase your power level and getting all the pigs is the best way to do that so if you are forced to finish a run

Like for example if you’re on gdq you really do need to get all the picks up you just did a great job with that so this boss here is gigantic and has a whole lot of hp uh you can activate the cores on the four sides and it

I don’t know exactly how to describe why these hit boxes are bad on this boss but theoretically it looks like these cores when they launch their giant waves should hit the boss but it almost never does yeah it takes about one third of his hp down if it does

So if we’re not insta killing the bosses like we usually do then we hope to hit the core shots because this this boss has more hp than the final boss it’s just kind of ridiculous yeah it’s just a big wall what is showing you right now the cores are so unreliable with their

Hits that it’s actually not even worth going over to them and losing the the time that it would take to go over there yeah not a great time probably just like 40 seconds time loss rather than an instant kill yeah it’s not as bad as it could have been

No meat beef is doing a great job here and there was actually only one cycle of uh of evil cubes that spawned i think the other one spawned in the lava so if he tries to spawn them in the lava they just don’t spawn which is actually a good speed run tactic the

Real machines of the images have been smashed so coming up next is um the hardest level in the game oh yeah um it can be so awful there’s so many game overs that happen on this level even with good gear um so let’s see how mifa handles this with with bad gear it’s

I’m telling you this is incredibly incredibly difficult we are very under leveled for this level see the artifact hey nothing good in the shop unfortunately oh yes he did oh my oh something really good in the shop oh no wait he doesn’t he doesn’t have the one

Shot so unfortunately we don’t have the the artifact that would make this bow completely broken what an insane bow but i’ll just find it you know yeah somewhere um but this is a scatter bow that has accelerate and what accelerate does is it makes you shoot faster and faster until you’re

Going i believe 100 speed um yeah and it’s pretty much depending on the bow as fast as you can click with the scatter bow it’s not quite that fast but with three shots each shot it’s a whole lot of damage really quickly yeah so this is probably the bow we’re gonna

Use it to kill the last boss in the game because accelerates just insane really good oh i didn’t talk to this level yet so in this level there’s a one in three chance to get a key which a key what it does is it saves a minute and a half

So what most runners is oh he didn’t get the key by the way so what most runners do is they would reset back to the main menu now but we don’t have to yeah so this uh this ambush is quite slow i think it’s the slowest one oh yeah it’s so big yeah

There’s two different ambushes you can get and this one’s actually technically skippable if you get another artifact but again we didn’t find that artifact either we can get some donations in right now oh fantastic because i’ve got two very very special ones for you mifa slice lime has donated 500.

They have written hi everyone minecraft java developer developer here also wishing you the best loot and quick dungeon layouts loving the run thus far and we have another 500 donation this time from not and matt writes so with that boss not spawning is this a blessed run

Or is the game only teasing us money goes to the legend of zelda memes of gamelon won’t be able to watch it live but i hope to catch it on the vods later thank you awesome donations youtube this is a blurs run yeah this is uh if you get this ambush

This is called a dead run which one 20 to 25 minutes into a run and you lose a minute and a half yeah it’s this is by far the worst part about the speed running this game is this level yeah yeah you can get the best one up until

Now lose a minute and a half just based on getting this tile and that’s that it’s just strictly rng uh for a while though i think the world record actually had an ambush or does it have it now oh no currently the world record has the minus 1 minute 30 on it

That’s why yeah that’s why i’m at casper okay it was a very good bond he had like some perfect gear besides this that’s how it can be people level 12 bow though not bad amif is actually doing an excellent job he’s only taken one death in high blocks so far that

With terrible gear you jinxed it so at the end of high block there’s a imagine this but um there’s like six or seven waves of this and it’s almost exactly yeah yeah it is also harder so this is the hardest fighting part in the game like if

For new runners this is very extremely difficult because you have to dodge without getting hit at all because you get a head while you lose half your hp and if you’re not going to combat it will you will game over so quickly on this level oh definitely this level really shows

You know the experienced runners versus the the not so experienced yeah all right this is a good chance for luke right here yeah there’s another pick here can drop insane gear unfortunately it drops on me the mace is not generally known as a good weapon and uh my

My meme is i i like the mace but i don’t really like the maze it’s it’s known as a bad weapon it’s really bad it’s just a slower hammer and it’s just not good um so this is the part where the controller probably struggles the most

In the run versus the mouse and keyboard uh these buffet tables need to be individually targeted and clicked and the way that the controller works is it has trouble uh doing objective priority when there’s minions nearby but fortunately mifa got no minions around the tables which i i

Don’t know if i’ve ever seen before yeah i’ve never seen mifa get such a like his controller is working perfectly this run it didn’t like launch up at all because there’s been no enemies next to it yeah when you say when you play a spliced run for gdq that’ll happen

So isn’t is the attack button the same as the item oh that that looked like a good drop because it was glowy and orange but it’s actually just a maze it’s just another maze and it’s just padded so that that of sitting chest is also pretty critical it can drop uh the best

Unique bow in the game if you don’t have a glitch or if you don’t have the glitch artifact but uh unfortunately we just got a uh a mace we also did get a firework which if the if was using mouse and keyboard you could theoretically have infinite fireworks

Yeah so that would what a firework does you’ll see it just uh explodes the whole area around it yeah so you just have intimate of that if you played on mouse but you can just keep swapping back and forth like this runs like kind of weird it’s not

Optimal to play with just mouse or just um controller if you want like have the fastest time possible you will play with just swapping it between yeah and for the all missions run especially there’s a bunch of skips we can do that involve a controller and a mouse and it’s

Yeah it’s a really interesting uh speedrun yeah some categories you just you can go right through walls if you just have a controller with you so you have to have it on this yeah mifa doing an excellent excellent job it’s really it never is making this look so easy this

Is an incredibly difficult fight especially with your potion not up and your health very low the way that you have to kite these enemies and kind of stun them and drop back is really really precise and mifa’s just making this look really easy we can probably get a donation in right

Now or too yeah for sure totally so pod and bears don’t have donated 25 and they say father and daughter minecrafters here we’ve made a special midday event for our family during the virtual school day to have lunch and watch the minecraft dungeons run good luck to all the runners today and

Go alex thank you for that adorable donation keep going we got time perfect well pixel rips has donated 250 and they say great to see minecraft dungeons represented at agdq hope to see more of this game in the future thank you for that pixel riffs

Okay well mifa is now on last chance so hopefully he doesn’t die in game over here because that’s a massive time loss that put us back to camp and we’d have to restart high block balls completely he got his strength potion so the rest of this fight should be easy and about

To be finished as well is this the last wave i don’t count um i didn’t keep track this time usually when you’re fighting you just fight until you have to he’s got one hey pop up oh this is a tough wave that spawned unfortunately there’s enchanters and there’s those

Blue ghost fire guys and that’s the guards the last wave is always this and it’s always uh hard especially if you are massively under leveled and you can’t die because you’re getting over but don’t worry no pressure and it’s spliced anyway so yeah yeah we already know what time you got

Yeah it’s a joke by the way stop need to handling it very nicely i think we have a room for another couple donations perfect so auntie saul’s has donated five dollars they say it’s 5 a.m here in australia and i want to give a special shout out to my niece b

Who’s experiencing her first gdq and has stayed up with me to watch minecraft dungeons so happy to introduce her to such an amazing event good luck to all the runners donation goes to wand of gabalon as this run is what all true warriors strive for love you b

We love you too b welcome to gdq b alright so that wasn’t the last wave it turns out this is last wave oh and also mifa ran out of arrows so being very very very careful now that would have hit him oh that was so close

Not close at all very well done by me but good job making it look easy not even close to game over great job excellent remember and breathe in through the nose and then hiss out so now we are going to try to improve our gear one last time

At the vendor and we’re going to hop into the last level of the game which is obsidian pinnacle yeah so i’m sitting pinnacle we’re playing in the patch that was just after it um it was it was a few difficulties harder but then they thought it was too um too hard for like

Casual players so they turned it down but for what speed runners that means it saves a minute or two so it’s a massive time difference for us yeah it makes it so much easier obsidian pinnacle was incredibly difficult before they um before they lowered the difficulty so i’m so glad that the

The development team is so active and helping the casual player and in turn helping us yep okay really good gear found uh there there’s a mushroom which is a really good battle artifact and there’s also a light feather and the light feather kind of flips you up and forward and if

You have swift foot it activates swift foot which is the enchantment we talked about before making it faster the reason that light feather might be better than rolling is because you don’t get the slow down from the roll when you use the feather but you still get the swift foot bonus

Into the last level there’s a ton of enemies in this level it’s has intense music very easy to die on if you are not scoped the game it is extremely difficult and there’s a lot a lot of little time saves here between all these platforms that there’s a lot of knowledge required

For this particular level and if you don’t know some of the skips and you’re uh theoretically one of the top runners uh people will go into your stream and yell at you for it i’m speaking from experience because i don’t know any of the skips in this level and people yell

At me a lot so uh so most of these skips save like two to three seconds but one of these skips misses an entire section which can you know which is right here actually he got it which is kept nice all he needs now is hit the ankle

Just gotta hit it so uh theoretically there’s an ambush here that takes quite a while to do um but if you jump on these logs you can skip the whole thing so that’s a 30 second time save so if you don’t know that one that’s kind

Of massive yeah you have to know this if you’re gonna run yeah it’s not too difficult just knowing the exact angles to um to run off of is the only thing you’re going to do you really need to know yep oh very well done getting through that large group of enemies there

He still has some lives left so it’s this level even though it’s the last level is not as hard as a level we just went by no no definitely not but the the tile generation can be really rough still and and can really mess you up and

Especially late in the run i i know i’ve game over um a whole lot on this level especially when i was learning the run so here um generally when you’re casually playing you go through those under halls that little door down there but we have found a way if you line it

Up properly to skip it jump right over it and you can run through the level sometimes a bit quicker it’s actually random how long the pathway is in the underhaul so it’s not always the time save but uh usually it is going to be a pretty big time save

So normally in that section you see how he stopped to do the um the jump over it okay he’s getting uh some like arrows yeah these are safety arrows and a piece of bread safety um we’re playing in the patch where they increase gravity a little bit so we

Can’t just full speed out and jump that anymore it looks like we can make it but we can take just about nothing yeah so we have to go a little slower but this is the best patch otherwise in fact yeah there’s a couple changes to the

Game like uh when the roll distance was reduced that um i just uh i i wish i knew why it was reduced i’m sure there was a good reason but uh that one kind of messed us up for speedrunning but fortunately we found ways around it it also like multiplied the ball damage

By like four almost for us yeah that’s pretty good so he’s walking up to the final boss right now and he should be pretty well up to fight it he’s got a good weapon with accelerate on it yeah this this could be a definitely a clean fight here there’s a

Small small chance that the first wave of this boss spawns some incredibly difficult things um hopefully we can avoid that there are two waves to this final boss uh there’s the archeology here this is going down very very fast it does move around a lot in this stage too

So you have to roll around a bit try to get you know your speed go unfortunately there’s swift foot in an evo road so he’s getting pretty quick looks like wave phase one is almost done ooh close to death oh what a clutch by mifa very very close very well done this this

Is really impressive guys please please realize how difficult that was to not die there very very well done this is phase two um if you pledge casually played through this game uh this can be incredibly frustrating you might die a lot on this boss i know i did

Um that poison like instantly kills you too the laser beam is so so fast like that yeah that one yep got caught a little there no big deal again deaths in the speed run are very very very common uh when i first watched a run i didn’t think they were but

It’s just so easy to die in hardcover he got his firework back so he just could deal more damage so it might have actually saved him time i think dying there saved time yeah and time sorry probably should have counted that down nice very very very well done that was incredibly impressive

Uh getting through high block halls with that low level gear was absolutely fantastic and finishing the boss like that really well done we did the epic that was crazy there was a backup character that we didn’t have to use yeah once one thing i wanted to say um

If you’ve never speed around a game before and you’re looking to get into speed running or you really like gdq and you like minecraft this is the game for you to run it is so easy to get started we have tutorials we have a very very active

Discord lots of people willing to help you out uh please join us the we’re we’re on my i’m sorry mcd that’s minecraft dungeons mcd and the discord link is there please join it we will help you we love helping people learn the run and we are looking for more active

Runners and even you could be at gdq if you start running minecraft um i’d like to say a shout out for birdie he’s our main mod and he does basically everything for us so he’s great awesome uh i don’t think i have any articulate to shout out but the community is

Awesome the community is great i guess that’s about it yeah really well done ggs to that fantastic fantastic run um i’ve got two more two more special donations specifically for minecraft dungeons we have another 500 donation from mons olsen and they write hi everyone minecraft dungeons developer here thanks

So much for running this it’s wonderful to see so exciting l has also donated fifty dollars with the comment minecraft dungeons designer here thank you for this awesome run might definitely have to look at what’s wrong with the nameless one this is so exciting so thank you to awesome gamestone quick

And mifa thank you so much for those amazing donations and of course how can i forget everyone you win this round gg agreed ggs mifa now coming up we do have our spider-man shattered dimensions run which is any percent by jaxler but there is a bid war going going on

It is the costume style you can choose the costume used by spider-man for the run and your options are either the alternate costumes or the classic costumes so if you want to get one or the other in definitely put your donations to one of those two you’re running out of time hurry up

And of course how can we forget for talking about incentives and bid wars let’s talk about everyone’s favorite game question mark our bonus game zelda wand of gamelon now we had a 25 donation from gamma espeon who writes i need to see one of the best worst games of all time at agdq

Let’s get that zelda the one gamelon run on the schedule not having it is illegal you know i mean of course with a wonderful game like wand of gamelon i would agree and be a little scared and we also have jire who donates a hundred dollars

Saying hey agdq i watch every year and try to donate whenever i can it’s my favorite time of year watching new and old games getting destroyed by the skilled runners a hundred dollars more to help beating cancer for good thank you so much for those amazingly generous donations everybody

But right now keep staying cozy and we’ll be right back after this quick break i had to like i like took the three out and it took a space out between like spire ignited trilogy and that’s amazing okay well you heard it here first submitting games with really long names is hard

All right so um i want to talk about this game i love the spyro series always super fun collectibles platformers super up my alley and you are of course amazing at these games um thank you you’re welcome so uh so we were just talking a bit ago about

Um kind of like the differences between live and online and while there’s benefits to both um can you explain a little bit about like your process like having to be prepped for this online versus live i love that yeah i mean it’s it’s definitely it’s a way different experience i’ve

Done live runs before and there’s so many just the atmosphere of the room all the people moving around you know and the anticipation leading up to it you know if i’m at the event i’m watching the run before i can i’m gonna go grab a water i’m gonna go walk around

The event real quick you know shake off the nerves but here i’m at home i’m like go outside take a walk i don’t know what to do yeah seriously well here you go yeah i guess it can like adjust and be different depending on where you are what you’re doing all of

That um so uh so then i wanted to know um actually about the game uh when it comes to spiral year the you’re the dragon um i actually want to start with a social media question because they wanted to ask basically what i want to ask so uh we have a question from

At salzwaslib um love that uh it says how does the reignited trilogy compare to the original trilogy and what elements do they share i’m curious about this and if you can add a bit about like actual run tech as well yeah i mean it’s always cool seeing like when a remake happens seeing

How the speed run develops around it and while um if you if anybody saw the 100a ground done by our wonderful chat moderator becky at frostfatales2020 this run is very similar to that run not so much the any percent of the original spyro 3 because there’s no way to actually like skip

Into the sorceress like you can in the original trilogy but um we’re gonna see a lot of like similarities in terms of routing through the levels and whatnot but when it comes to like specific tricks like i think the most popular thing from the original

People will know is like the swim in the air trick and proxies and such and we don’t have access to those sorts of tricks but we still do the same routing just in a different way in this one cool okay great so then what would you

Say is like the like the biggest trick skip whatever found in the trilogy like i guess in this game specifically in this game specifically so i would i the big thing inspired three of the dragon which i’m gonna try today is there is a trick in the reignited three which is called

Rocket storage so in the last boss fight there you get these rockets from bentley which you can shoot the boss and there’s a way where you can kill the boss in a certain way that you can actually grab one of the rockets and take it out of the fight with you into

The final world um and if you do it it saves like a ton of time because you don’t have to pay bentley for the earth money bags for the bridge and crystal islands and so but it’s very finicky and tough so i’m gonna try it today we’ll see what

Happens like he said bentley are we thinking fly right now it’s like everything i think of anyway yeah is the worst so any way you can skip any conversations with him oh yeah that’s awesome uh i wanted to know more about um maybe any thoughts on getting people into the

Community and then let’s uh do like another social media question or two yeah sure and i love that question because one of the big things that i’ve kind of been working on over the last month is i’ve been working towards uh creating a bunch of resources for anybody that wants to

Join the community and try out this run especially if you like the run today spyro 3 reignited has been just explosive lately with new runners and people picking up the category which is just amazing because more eyes on it more new strats faster runs i mean but

Um you know i’ve made a nice extensive any percent uh youtube guide out there which goes over beginner routes to advanced routes all the way through i’ve created lots of save resources so people can try individual levels throughout the run to practice whatnot which it was a process i mean you have to

Basically play a level save the game close the game go to the game files grab the save file copy it out somewhere else and then do that for every single level so it’s a little easier and thank you for making all these resources so if you are interested in running this game or

Even just trying it out uh zick has worked hard to make a ton of things available for you all to use to be able to learn this game which is amazing and it makes me even more excited to see your upcoming run now before we go let’s

See if we can fit in another really quick um social media question or two i’m seeing a few more pop-ups um okay we have one from um edge orenji who says what has been your proudest moment overall as a speedrunner oh proudest moment overall it’s a speed runner well um

Hopefully it’s gonna be my run today but uh i don’t know i mean the work i’ve done with this game in general i would say i’ve been extremely proud of i moderate the leaderboards for it so i do a lot of the verifications of the runs and

You know rules in the community and that sort of thing and i just think the keeping the community going and alive surrounding this game has been one of the proudest things i’ve done that’s awesome okay great i love the answer all right we have um a question from uh caveman dcj i don’t

Know what who’s that definitely not our producer who says what is playing with room in spyro wait a minute i believe this was based on a question from listening are we in the horror block what is the serious moment in spyro though for you all right all right last say the scariest thing

For me that will be today is i am terrified of buzz that fight is terrifying the remake buzz also he just he doesn’t look anything like the original buzz they uh they made him a lot weirder looking but i’m definitely hoping to get through that fight pretty straightforward because the

Difficulty in the remake is just way higher than the original yeah well i believe in you i think you’re gonna do it i can’t wait to watch the run everybody make sure that you stick around because upcoming we have some um we have what’s next we have spider-man shattered dimensions

Which is an 80 run by jaxler coming up and then right after that is going to be spyro reignited trilogies so if you would like to see zik dominate this game and do an amazing job uh make sure you stick around and watch and uh get those donations in and all of

That i appreciate you all hanging out with us thank you so much for talking with me sick today thanks for having me this was great yeah of course and uh best of luck to you once again on the run we are going to toss it back up to the host now and uh

We’ll see you soon all righty that was a really fun interview to watch so cool but we do have a couple donations that i wanted to talk about with y’all uh ten dollars from marco sharko and they write thank you for all the amazing moments this is my first time donating

Love the event thank you marco and thank you for your first time donation we have another ten dollars from red the cat and they write i’ve watched so many gdq runs over the past couple years and i absolutely love this event gdq even inspired me to try out speedrunning a little myself

This is my first ever donation well kick kratz red and to be honest i was the same way as you if it wasn’t for gdq i wouldn’t be speedrunning either so thank you for that donation keeping that ten dollar train going danos has also given ten dollars with the comment

Time once again to wish all runners of games good luck and thank all the gdq staff and hosts for doing a great job gotta get that gamble on much love from texas donation number five of 11. thank you for your generosity thanos and i hope i really hope you’re enjoying this gdq i

Know i am and don’t forget like they said there is a costume style bid war going on for shattered dimensions between the ultimate and the classic costumes there is not much time left so if you want to snipe one or the other you gotta do that really soon or you’re gonna miss out

All right let’s do another all right we have

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons by MiphaSR in 41:32 – Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online’, was uploaded by Games Done Quick on 2021-01-07 18:00:19. It has garnered 62685 views and 887 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:36 or 3636 seconds.

Runner introduction starts at 0:46 Run starts at 1:37 Commentary is provided by Foot Cream and YomkoolTV Asuka424 is host

This speedrun was recorded during Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online, a week long charity speedrun marathon raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online is just one of the many charity marathons organized by Games Done Quick. For more information on AGDQ2021 Online, find us at:

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  • 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 – Foolish Axolotl best funny mc ANIME😂

    🍌Parotter's Memorys🍌 - Foolish Axolotl best funny mc ANIME😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Foolish Axolotl best funny minecraft ANIME😂’, was uploaded by 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 on 2024-03-18 10:00:46. It has garnered 125538 views and 7077 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Hi I’m Parotter! welcome to my foolish Axolotl channel😍 ~~~~follow please😘👌~~~~~ 📸Instagram : 🐔Twitter: 💖sourcev My anime uses the voices of many Hololive talents→ Please also check out their content😁👍 ~SFX credit~ OtoLogic on-jin and more, check it!!→ #shorts #hololive #MINECRAFT #Parotter #minecraftmemes #axolotl #minecraft #tiktok #tiktokmeme #blender #herobrine #cute #crazy #fool #funny #maya #japan #animation #japanimation #anime #gaming #game… Read More

  • “UNEXPECTED DUO HOUSE BUILDING” #minecraft #shizo

    "UNEXPECTED DUO HOUSE BUILDING" #minecraft #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST DUO HOUSE (PT1) (Time lapse)#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by CHAD WOLF on 2024-01-12 12:28:58. It has garnered 2610 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. minecraft minecraft100days minecraft house minecraft house tutorial minecraft video minecraft song minecraft jenny mode minecraft rtx minecraft animation minecraft cartoons minecraft shorts shorts minecraft 1.20.4 minecraft techno gamerz minecraft is sus #minecraft #animation #shorts minecraft tnt mode minecraft bedwars asmr handcams minecraft manhunt but minecraft skywars minecraft 100days🐕 Keywords: Minecraft Wooden House Starter House Minecraft Build Minecraft Tutorial Minecraft Wood Minecraft Architecture Minecraft… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos with 3 Deadly Minecraft Traps! 🌋🗡️💀 #SKGamez2023

    Unleash Chaos with 3 Deadly Minecraft Traps! 🌋🗡️💀 #SKGamez2023Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : 3 Traps. // Lava Trap // Iraon Golem Trap // Zombie Trap. #minecraft #youtubers #viral’, was uploaded by Sk Gamez 2023 on 2024-04-16 00:30:01. It has garnered 61 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:21 or 381 seconds. Minecraft : 3 Traps. // Lava Trap // Iraon Golem Trap // Zombie Trap. #minecraft #youtubers #viral If you enjoyed the video, leave a like and to not miss anything in the future, subscribe to my Channel. Let me know in the comments what I could show next! 🤍 Music: Song:… Read More

  • Static Studios

    Static StudiosVersions: 1.8 – [current] Static Studios has plans to go far, currently, we have a unique prisons server. On our prisons server, we offer numerous custom enchants that can be unlocked. We allow players on both Minecraft Java Edition AND Minecraft Bedrock Edition to connect! Check us out! Read More

  • Just Bucket! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, SkyBlock

    Introducing JustBucket Minecraft Server: Where Community and Quality Meet! Are you tired of hopping from one Minecraft server to another in search of the perfect blend of community, quality gameplay, and professional service? Look no further because JustBucket Minecraft Server has everything you’ve been dreaming of and more! A Home for Every Player: At JustBucket, we pride ourselves on fostering an active and friendly community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey, you’ll feel right at home here. Our dedicated staff ensures that everyone feels welcome and valued, creating an environment where friendships are formed and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers Be Giving Me Attitude

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers Be Giving Me AttitudeWhen you try to trade with villagers but end up accidentally punching them instead. Oops, sorry about that buddy! Read More

  • Store Fumble: Minecraft Noob’s Build Bungle

    Store Fumble: Minecraft Noob's Build Bungle In the world of Minecraft, a noob did appear, Trying to build a store, but filled with fear. With blocks in hand, and a dream in sight, They set out to build, with all their might. Placing blocks here, and blocks there, Trying to make their store look fair. But alas, the structure was a mess, Filled with holes and blocks in distress. But with each mistake, they learned and grew, Their building skills improving, it’s true. With determination and a creative spark, They turned their store into a work of art. So next time you play, remember this… Read More

  • Minecraft: อย่างน้อยlevel 69 🔥

    Minecraft: อย่างน้อยlevel 69 🔥 “When you reach a high level in Minecraft and suddenly think you’re a pro gamer, but then you realize you still can’t even survive a creeper explosion without screaming like a little kid #nooblife #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Building Fails Galore!

    Minecraft Madness: Building Fails Galore! Minecraft Land Episode 597: Building Continues Welcome to another exciting episode of Minecraft Land! In this episode, the channel owner Lờ Đờ Vờ is dedicated to expanding the Minecraft world on their gaming channel. Despite receiving some negative comments, they remain committed to creating engaging content for their viewers. Embracing Challenges Building in Minecraft can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. It requires creativity, patience, and strategic thinking. Lờ Đờ Vờ is determined to overcome any obstacles that come their way as they strive to enhance their virtual world. Community Engagement Interacting with the Minecraft community is an essential… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Conquer epic battles like Zombie Army vs Diamond Golems!

    Join Minewind: Conquer epic battles like Zombie Army vs Diamond Golems! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft memes, funny videos, and gaming content? If so, you definitely need to check out the epic battles happening on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the excitement of facing off against a Zombie Army or Diamond Golems in a thrilling survival challenge. Join the action-packed gameplay on Minewind and experience the ultimate adventure in the world of Minecraft. Connect now using the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a journey filled with excitement, creativity, and endless possibilities. Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind today! Read More

  • Mastering JSON in Minecraft

    Mastering JSON in Minecraft Minecraft Bedrock Edition: Understanding JSON on Signs and /tellraw Command Exploring the intricacies of Minecraft Bedrock Edition, VoicefulBread66 delves into the world of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) on signs and the /tellraw command. In this improved audio and edited video, viewers are treated to a clearer explanation of these essential features. Enhanced Audio Quality and Editing Addressing previous criticisms of poor audio quality, VoicefulBread66 has utilized noise reduction software and adjusted volume levels to provide a more pleasant listening experience. By cutting out unnecessary parts and adding overlays, the video now offers a streamlined and engaging presentation. Understanding JSON… Read More

  • Insane Potato Farming! How I Hit 1b in Skyblock Ep. 4

    Insane Potato Farming! How I Hit 1b in Skyblock Ep. 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding to 1b Potato’s in Hypixel Skyblock (Episode 4)’, was uploaded by Exile on 2024-05-05 06:23:26. It has garnered 57 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:21 or 6201 seconds. yeah #gaming #hypixel #minecraft DISCORD SERVER: ================================================================================= (ignore) keywords: Hypixel,Hypixel skyblock,Hypixel skyblock live,Hypixel skyblock money making methods,op money making method skyblock,op money making method hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock dungeons,Hypixel skyblock dungeons,Hypixel skyblock slayer,Hyperion,Hyperion Hypixel skyblock,Hypixel skyblock dungeon guide,technoblade,hyperion hypixel skyblock,skyblock dungeons,skyblock hypixel,minecraft,Dungeons,dungeons live,Dragon stream hypixel,skyblock,pvp,technothepig,minecraft pvp ================================================================================= RULES: #1: dont hate on anyone #2: be respectfull #3: be nice #4: no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Scary Minecraft TikTok Hack

    Unbelievable Scary Minecraft TikTok HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft so Scary 😈 TikTok Hack #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Flems_Gamerz on 2024-01-06 09:30:11. It has garnered 4460 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft so Scary 😈 TikTok Hack #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts #Flems_gamerz #viraltiktok Read More

  • Mind-Blowing: Why Minecraft Creeper Didn’t Explode?! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing: Why Minecraft Creeper Didn't Explode?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why did it not explode? #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftcreeper’, was uploaded by EveryThingMario on 2024-04-28 23:38:16. It has garnered 6823 views and 182 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More


    🔥 INSANE INDIAN GAMER DESTROYS MINECRAFT WITH 187% RTX BOOST! #Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft RTX 187% SHORT FUSE #Shorts’, was uploaded by ROCK INDIAN YT GAMING on 2024-04-12 12:04:00. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join my channel for access to exclusive perks: Watch all of my “Minecraft RTX” animations here: Behind the scenes: Minecraft is an open-world survival game. Uniquely, it does not follow a storyline; rather it presents each player with the challenge of simply existing in the blocky wilderness alongside a wide array of livestock and monsters. From infiltrating undersea… Read More

  • “Insane Bedwars Shenanigans Part 2!” #shorts

    "Insane Bedwars Shenanigans Part 2!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars Server’s Part 2 #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Zohaib Gaming Point on 2024-01-06 12:58:14. It has garnered 23 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Boomi Mamana Ch. – Meeting my demon lover 💕

    Boomi Mamana Ch. - Meeting my demon lover 💕Video Information This video, titled ‘finally, my one true love ♡’, was uploaded by Boomi Mamana Ch. 魔愛ぶみ【lucid☁️】 on 2024-02-17 16:12:13. It has garnered 245 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:50 or 8930 seconds. In this stream I dive into the lucid SMP – lucid Multimedia’s community Minecraft server! Watch as I begin our adventure in this massive survival multiplayer modpack that combines elements of adventure and RPG. 🍰 Support my cake fund!: 🎨: #vtuber #minecraft #stfuboomi ₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊ Konboomi~ ❣️ I’m lucid’s cutest devil, Boomi… Read More

  • Parotter’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Ep. 2! 😂🎉

    Parotter's HILARIOUS Minecraft Ep. 2! 😂🎉Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s goooooooo!!!!!!!! 2024 ep2 😍 Parotter Minecraft best funny Animation’, was uploaded by Parotter on 2024-04-17 12:00:32. It has garnered 103486 views and 1932 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:00 or 1920 seconds. Please Subscribe😍& could you be my Fan??? Would you like to be my supporter?[YouTube Membership$1.99] ★This money will be used to fund my activities and purchase equipment. ★I will reply to comments to members with the highest priority. 💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖 Insta X 💖source My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJItalents→ #shorts #gawrgura #MINECRAFT… Read More

Games Done Quick – Minecraft Dungeons by MiphaSR in 41:32 – Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online