GameSpot – Future Updates with the Minecraft PC Team – MineCon 2012

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Hey how you doing welcome to the future minecraft panel and we who are sitting here on stage are the core of the pc version a core development tip for the pizza version of minecraft um my name is liance bernstein or jeff and sitting right next to me is nathan adams

He works with me in stockholm right now and next we have warren and eric but i’m going to let them introduce themselves a little so here we go for that okay hi guys uh most of you might know me as dinnerbone um i’m mostly working on new features in

Minecraft right now some of which will introduce you shortly i moved to stockholm recently to work with you up at the office about five months ago and that’s me hi guys i’m warren most of you know me as evil seth i am mainly working on the minecraft bug

Tracker right now and the minecraft team blog and i’m eric and i’m like jenna bone i’m trying to work on new features in minecraft but mostly focusing on preparing for the mod api and making sure that the code is in proper working shape and i’m also moving to sweden next

Year with my wife and we’re really excited for that yeah so i’m going to say this right away that we have another panel tomorrow covering the discussion of the mod api or plug-in api as we call it now so this will be focused on vanilla features and how we work when we

Think out new updates for the vanilla version of minecraft so let’s head over to the slides and see how it works yeah so future minecraft minecraft updates and when we do updates in the in in the past we have rarely done any updates that have been really focused or special we have we

Have a couple ones but most of the time it has been like what what we feel are we working on at the moment but some that we you i’m sure you remember the halloween update in 2010 that was made that was when nosh was still working on

The game on his own and he wanted he added another and he wanted to make like a scary update and after that a a year after that actually we were focusing on the adventure updates which was the preparation for the full release of minecraft we that’s when we added the end and

The stronghold and more what some people would call role-playing game-like features and now recently we have done the pretty scary update and what what we learned from this was a it’s it’s much more a fun and and it’s actually better to focus on what you want to do with an

Update and just to pick random features so our plan is to have more focused ones and that doesn’t mean that when we have a focused update doesn’t mean that we will only do such features but it will be the main topic of an update and and it’s i’m sure that many of you

Who has been playing a long time know is that we have kind of slowed down how frequently we release updates but our ambition is to have one major update out every two months so that’s about the pace we are having now so i’m sure you’re curious about what we have planned for 1.5

And it’s currently called a redstone update so why the redstone update oh sorry first i’m going to say it will probably not be before christmas we have that ambition at first but since it it’s already almost december it looks unlikely that we’ll get it out in time

But we’ll try our best to get it out in january so what does this mean yes one problem that i’m sure you have heard of is that the pistons create a very weird um timing behaviors so sometimes you can duplicate sand and even the the dragon egg

And this is because uh in the in the in the code of the game the redstone is updated from different points of the like the game logic uh so we want to get rid of that so we want to make redstone logic more predictable and consistent it will also fix the north

North south west east bugs and timings will probably change for some of your contraptions and the next one a block update designs will be affected but not fully removed yet and what i mean with that is that um the the block update uh the block after the update detector

Designs are based on a very glitchy behavior that is not actually supported i mean it’s not really a feature of the game so we may actually accidentally remove it when we try to fix everything so um we we want we don’t want to rely on you to

Build something that is that is today based on what we call like a non-feature because we if we want a block update the detector feature it should be something that you actually actively design to be in your contraption but we’ll we’ll see how that will work out

Another thing that we want to look into is making redstone more a analog so redstone signal strength will matter and which will give us the opportunity to add a capacitor block and what this will do is that it will it will work similar to a repeater one input one output

But it will only give the output if if a certain threshold is met so for instance if you uh if you put a capacitor far away from the signal source it will not repeat the signal uh and this will be configurable like the repeater you will set what kind of

Level you want it to react on and what this allows us to do is to make a weight a pressure plate with the output signal strength depending on how much pressure you put on it and we want to use this for detecting how full a minecart is for instance so

We can have like a detector rail which gives stronger and stronger output when you are filling the mine cart and then when if you have like a capacitor block besides it you can actually like forward the signal when the minecart is half full for instance or half empty or half thirty

Depending on what how your mood is for today yes and we want to improve minecarts because minecarts are really not used actually with minecraft could be used in much better way maybe wanna add something okay um i’m sure a lot of you who have played mods that add pipes into the game

For transporting items around we looked at this system and we realized that we already have something in vanilla which could be used for something so much better than this which are minecarts we already have this transportation system which can carry huge amount of items from one place to another and be

Used for so much more other things at the same time and so we’re going to come back to minecarts and have ways of transporting items from one place to another and just see how many different ways that we can improve upon this because right now how many of people watching

This have ever used the storage minecart like ever okay i should probably see like three hands yeah yes so um wait what this means is that we will as we can go back to this live we want to have ways to fill in empty mine cards including rail track that will unload free

Free riders like where if i if a pig gets into your mine cart you can have like a section that will throw it off so you’ve gotta empty that minecart out uh and other stuff we actually haven’t designed everything yet and uh one idea that we had as well uh

For transporting minecarts over long distances which people keep asking us over and over uh linking minecarts together and actually putting furnace minecart for use for example so you could have for example a long track you’d have lots of these tracks along the way which empty the passenger if it’s not something you want

And then you can have like a furnace minecart pulling along a chest for example yeah exactly and then as i said we always add a lot of other fun stuff while we just add it so possibly a daylighter detector maybe fireworks for news new year’s eve

I know there are still there are already mods that do this really well but all of this stuff and fireworks that almost applaud okay i see how it is all right and then this is sad news we don’t have any mobs planned for this update but we have a tendency to add mobs

Anyway but we don’t have any plan so no promises and i think that’s it yeah so we have mike’s here and you have to line up and i will we will take questions and please direct the questions to whom you want to answer it uh where are the monks

It seems right if you just gather somewhere over here i guess something like this yeah there you go oh wow yeah but we have plenty of time um hi um i have a question for dinnerbone um hello you often get asked on twitter about other dimensions and stuff and whenever

You’re asked about that you say you need to expand the existing dimensions um do you actually have plans for expanding the existing dimensions and if so what okay a lot of the new stuff that we’re thinking of adding for 1.5 the redstone stuff for example the capacitor uh

We were thinking of adding a new ore or two to use to make these blocks because we’re using the existing laws for a purpose that wouldn’t make too much sense isn’t that great compared to adding new ores which could be used for so much more stuff uh for this new war

Why place it in the overworld when we’re looking for something faster than never so there’s already one thing which we’re planning to add to the never if we figure out a good design for it um so really we just want to kind of improve upon the never and especially the end as well

We did have some ideas for the end for example once you’ve killed the boss it would transform into this other dimension which is like much more beautiful or something but we don’t have any solid plans on that right now maybe jens has an idea no you answer that perfectly okay thank you hello

Hello hi my name is ridge dog um hello um the best part about minecraft is its custom mobility customization do you think it would be possible to allow high-resolution skins you can answer that as well well skins maybe not because look at my face oh okay i will consider it

The thing with skins is that it displays to everyone and not everyone wants to play with hd stuff um i prefer vanilla stuff i’ve tried hd stuff but i just prefer vanilla uh and if you had like a two five six by two five six skin oh no

No i’m just talking like double maybe i just want to look like evil seth just really handsome i don’t think we have the pixels to support this okay thank you thank you um do you know how you were gonna change the way that the redstone works would that mean that um

The older redstone mechanisms wouldn’t work my my my current test level or test world for redstone is everything seems to be working more or less exactly as it used to it’s it’s mainly things that involve a lot of repeaters and pistons that have very specific timings those may have to require new

Timings that’s the main main difference you have any plans to add um red dragons into minecraft not uh promised red dragons on twitter ones so this question comes back a lot a lot and it’s also true that we have a dragon egg in the game that isn’t really used

At the moment for except for like a bragging item system it’s usually only one per per world and the reason i would say that we don’t have dragons yet is because it’s a really daunting task to code one that works well with the physics the the enderdragon it just flies

Through everything because it was the easiest way to solve that problem and so we would have to spend a lot of time to make it really work and we haven’t seen it we haven’t prioritized it to say it that way so it’s not i mean you could say it’s

Planned but it’s not planned in the in the near future i would say we have a dragon right here thank you hello hi hi um what are you thinking of adding any new weapons into minecraft not as guns or anything because those are there i i know people want new weapons for

Variety the but the important thing for for me at least is that when we add a new weapon it should have a specific purpose in this species so it’s a basic feeling to it and i’m there there are a number of weapons that could fit into that it’s

Like you could have a for example a spear with a spear with longer reach um i guess we could have a crossbow that doesn’t have a fire time but you don’t have to charge it up but it won’t go as far well something like that but good rapid fire um

We have nothing planned at all hello is it possible that in the redstone update there could be redstone blocks that make it easier to store redstone and wither skeleton spawn eggs oh is that a weather cells can spawn egg block okay sure thank you that’s no okay that was a joke sorry

Redstone block uh i think the reason we haven’t added a redstone block is me and jens keep talking about it in the office and we just can’t figure out what it should do i mean redstone is a powerful thing by itself it does a lot of crazy stuff when you

Add lots of it together it does even more crazier stuff um a lot of people who keep asking for redstone block they say oh it could do this it could transfer signals it could give off a signal nobody can agree on what can do and neither can we so maybe

But it would do nothing at all we’ll see uh so lapis is a relatively useless block are there any planned uses for it sorry which one is lapis uh going to have any use in future updates um it’s the coolest block in the game what more use do you want

There’s nothing planned no all right thanks hey are you gonna stick to java or are you going to update another gaming motor for the game i’m sorry you’re a little too quiet are you going to stick with the ova or we’re going to update another gaming motor

Right um so the question is if we’re going to stick with java right yes else we have to rewrite the complete game from scratch and you won’t have any updates for as long as that takes so i’m pretty sure you want us to stick with java i i think

One one of the really good perks with java is that it will help really help us when we when we do the api because java has a really nice class loader that we want we don’t we don’t want to re-implement that in for instance c plus

So that’s going to save us a lot of effort yeah so it really looks like we’re going to stick with java yes and what’s in your hair sorry what’s in your hair did i get something in my hand no it was a question on the internet i see ponies

It seems to be some kind of rainbow oh the survey it’s actually funny because we got like 27 000 replies to that question and i i it’s i i think i’m gonna keep that secret to myself thank you uh i have a question for jeff um in in future updates do you think

There’s gonna be a boss uh bigger than the already big ender dragon as always um there’s there’s always there may be at the moment i think we’re kind of um satisfied with the mobs that we have hostile mobs that we have at the moment so so again we haven’t planned anything uh and

It feels it currently it feels quite far-fetched that we will add another boss okay do you ever plan to add a feature to the game where you can disable certain parts of the game oh sorry can you please repeat that do you ever plan to add a feature where you

Can disable certain parts of the game for example i could disable witches because i didn’t want to play yes i think this will boil down back to the mod api where it should be able to disable indeed part of the game a functionality that you don’t like or

Change it to a way that you will actually like it um will there ever be a change some new piston kind of that can push up and throw objects up in the air or something like a spring block um no i don’t think so so you you will have

To rely on mods and plugins again plugins for that okay hello so i think that villagers are a bit pointless at the moment aside from trading so how are they going to react when you attack them and when you defend them so are you planning any village updates

We when we created the villages from the beginning it was intended to give you like quests and other objectives in order to make them like you i would still like to see that it’s uh i’m hoping that when yoon our ai programmer comes back to the minecraft if ever

Then we maybe can put some more focus on making the villagers more interactive more interesting than they are now well thank you well we do have that mechanic where uh if you hit the villager then iron golem starts attacking you if you do it enough right yeah

Have any of you ever wanted to add the sharks with lasers on the head if we’re gonna have sharks with lasers or if we’re gonna add sharks with lasers yeah have you ever think i wondered about that in that game simple answer is just yes of course but how do you make a

Shark from blocks and one more thing is it true that the apocalypse will begin when the blood sounds here when the will the apocalypse begin when jeb lets outside here no but you you can you can search for it on youtube and you will find a really sexy video of it hi hi

Hi my question is really simple another rack half slabs can we have some never back house lamps okay the question was can we have never have never rack half slabs another brick never break yes i suppose yes this afternoon no not good maybe tonight if i get back home early hello there

Um i’ve been known as an avid video game alchemist for my obsession with the potions in minecraft uh there’s many different effects and tears i’ve also been seen in the games coding but i’ve never seen the light of day is there any point in thinking of adding

These or as a result extending the use of the cauldron and alchemy um one the question was if we’re going to add some functionality to cauldron we’ll like add the missing effects and the missing tiers and such or maybe extend the potion system a little more yeah we we’re always

Looking back at features and sometimes we decide to add them or remove stuff and one one idea we had for the cauldrons was to use them for dyeing a leather so you could make a mixture in one of the cauldrons and you could use leather armor on it to die several times um

We currently don’t have any new pla plans for changes for the anvil as far as i know but the new potions will work like through killian yeah there is one idea we did have for anvil which we didn’t have time to sneak in for 1.5 which was enchanting pieces of paper

And then using the anvil to take the enchantment from a piece of paper onto an item but it would be like the anvil incredibly expensive hello a lot of players use optifine to use to boost their performance in the game are you planning to make your own performance update or perhaps working

Together with the optifine team to make performance boost right so the question is if we are going to incorporate something like optifine to increase performance we’re currently already working on building a new client and the client will indeed be initially focused on sort of on a higher feature set than the current

One is so it should be able to perform better on newer systems and still support old systems with some yeah wave fall back great thank you all right question for nathan specifically controllable pigs great great update that really was any plans to expand upon that and make them more useful maybe

Carry a weapon while riding or hitch a cart or something okay uh the question was about do we have any plans to expand upon pig riding um i’m actually quite pleased with how that works i didn’t expect it to work that well um originally i wanted to

Add some kind of way to add a saddle sorry a bag to a saddle pick so you can transport items with you i didn’t get time to do that and i haven’t had time to go back to it but it’s worth looking into i guess that would be brilliant absolutely fantastic hi

Um i have two questions if i may um first of all i gotta say that i’m not english so i could make some mistakes while while i’m asking um i would like to know if there are any um plans for in the future future for um

Like making it able that you can stick blocks together with i don’t know slime or something to make sticky pistons not only push pull back one block but like some more than one so that you can like yeah more than one that uh yeah so the question was if we’re gonna make

A sticker piston that pulls back more than one block yeah okay um i have deliberately avoided that both because i think sometimes the simplicity of how things work in minecraft is also how how it equates really interesting solutions uh and secondly it’s also a way to avoid really complex situations in in

In the codes simply it’s possible that when when we fix the redstone’s synchronous height the rates on update problems that we have had before i will make it much easier to move larger sections of the world like the some of the mods do um then then possibly but

We it will not be any in the in the nearest future i don’t think okay i also wonder if there are any plans for the future to make a pet on multiplayer surfers despawn while you are disconnected because i have a servant i had a lot of times that when people had like

Finally found a wolf or a cat and someone he he or she despawns i mean locks out and the wolf or the cat just stays there i don’t know if that’s um only on my server but i think it’s everywhere but and then one griever or annoying people people

Comes by and it’s bye-bye pet so the question was if the pets are going to follow you when you disconnect right if the pets are going to follow you offline when you disconnect this yeah yes one one one problem with that is that you can teleport to stay at a certain place

And then that part of the world can get unloaded uh so yeah that’s just a that’s just a technical problem uh i i i understand that it can be a problem if people kill all pets they find so we we should probably consider that as a bug and

Then look into how we should fix it and what is the bug tracker yes yeah so report it to the back track at least thank you um do you have any plans to create a way of storing dropped items into a chest yes uh this came up on the slides we

Didn’t go into in 2d too much detail um how many you guys know the name allocator basically this is what we’re going to add in a revised form we’re going to look into it a way of moving items from one place to another so from the ground into a chest

Or from a chest into a minecart so we’ll look into it and the the biggest problem we have now is that we don’t like the name allocators so we can’t we’re completely stuck we can’t get anywhere okay thank you as a custom map maker a lot of our inspiration comes from like the

Additional items that add into minecraft every so often now with the events of the modded api coming into play will there ever be able a point where you can set the additional items which are set into a map but have it specified by the map instead of having to do various

Amounts of plugins for the player because it gets confusing and complicated um it was this was a mod api related question i think you should be asked this tomorrow at our api panel sorry um well instead of curiosity how long would it take to code like craftable saddles if you wanted and

Like if you had horses or something and a redstone block couldn’t it like maybe extend a redstone signal without any delay okay uh first part of the question was how long specifically would it take us to add a recipe to craft saddles about three seconds

We just don’t want to it’s a nice find it gives you a reason to go back to dungeons in fact i think we should have more stuff that you can only find in dungeons and not craft second part of the question i think yep maybe what’s that about the redstone block yes

Oh we we uh we want to have a proper use for the redstone block before we add it is the short answer to the question what if it like extends a redstone signal without any delay without any delay like the redstone dust to talk about the redstone block it’s not

Completely out of the question minecraft has been online for a few years now why do you think it’s still attracting so much attention do you think it’s because of the updates why minecraft is attracting so much attention yeah it still attracts a lot of attention a lot of people to the community

Um yeah well it’s a great game and now it’s we often got to get the question why how did minecraft become so successful and i think that’s also the the same reason that why is minecraft still so popular and that is it’s kind of easy to get into and you

Can create stuff and once you created stuff you feel you have you have to share it with people and when they when you share it with someone it becomes even more fun and this sharing in itself will kind of make the game big bigger for everyone so

Honestly i think it’s because of the community i mean just look at everyone that’s here just look at the amazing community that we have and people just they just make amazing things that you can keep adding to the game thank you hello is there any chance that vertical half

Steps are ever going to happen i’m if there’s a chance if vertical half steps are going to happen and i i i think i’m fairly i can safely say no for vanilla but i’m sure you will get plugins to do it for you okay thank you will wireless redstone ever be added

The question was why will wireless redstone ever be added it it depends on what you consider the wireless but i would say i would say no um it why because redstone isn’t really it isn’t really electricity connected to uh electronical devices it’s a more physical in in the minecraft streamed world

So i think we it will stay that way in vanilla again yes thank you would it be possible to see the iconic jeff’s hair once more no i would fear for my safety hi um do you have any plans to implement waypoints into the game mod api well

If we have plans to add waypoints yeah what how what exactly do you do do you want um you press a button and that point is marked on your map because i’ve noticed that in the map icons there are different colored arrows in x’s and circles okay okay yeah that is

That is a possibility yes um as you as you said yourself we have icons in the in the file that we have intended to use but haven’t used yet mcp gives you the ability to decompile and de-obfuscate minecraft code will that be eliminated so we can just mod easily mod api sorry

We will have a separate panel tomorrow i think it’s the first one of the day where we will talk about how the scope of our our api and what you will be able to do with it all right thanks will minecarts be able to couple together one day maybe

Uh i think we already said this and maybe if we can get it to work nicely the question was can we link minecarts together hi are there any plans on adding any more biomes at all um we the question was if we plan to add any more buyers

And as i said we we want to have focused uh updates from now on now we’re gonna have the redstone update and we while we had this meeting when we kind of decided to do it this way we we had plans to have specific biome update updates in the future

And some of these will focus on biomes that already exist and some will add completely new biomes one problem with adding new biomes is that people will feel that they have to re create a new world to to get these spams added to their world and we we get a lot of annoyed

Anointed feedback on that but at the same time it’s a great thing for everybody who wants to start fresh so we’ll probably add new biomass later on yes thank you uh is it true that craft bucket is going to be phasing out mod api no but i guess you can answer that yeah

I guess i can answer that um bucket is a separate thing from mojang and uh as long as there’s a need for it as long as the community uh wants it then we’ll probably keep well the bucket team will probably keep maintaining it i just like to say mod api

Um what’s the point of the dragon egg when it was first introduced it was sort of like a prize for winning by defeating the ender dragon but now so what’s the point for it yes it’s a what’s the point of the dragon name or what what was the point with the

Dragon when it was added it was added as a brag a bragging item and we will also added in a way that you had to figure out how to get it since it was always teleporting around unless you figure out how to break it loose and and uh

Well i as i said earlier we don’t really have any it doesn’t really serve any other purpose at the moment and it’s possible that we will use it if ever we get all get around to other uh the so-called red dragon thank you hi so at the

Showcase i saw all these cool ultrabooks with minecraft touch version running on it are you planning on adding full touch control in a future update okay the question was that now we have a touchscreen version of minecraft which we’re demoing currently on intel’s magical touchscreen notebooks

I actually worked on this myself and the question was are we going to expand on this and add full touch screen controls i assume you want to play without a keyboard yeah okay we originally did have a version where you could just play using that touchscreen but i don’t think it works well

For a game like minecraft if you want purely touchscreen we have the pocket edition um for pc there’s just so much stuff it’s just much easier to play with conduction of a touchscreen instead of completely with a touchscreen okay thanks we’re all here for fun but you guys

Might be here also for living so i’m wondering if we consider any new financial models like goodness for bid adware commercial power ups things like that the question was if we intend to add commercial products in the game or yes there’s a finance financial model for your game

Besides just uh the current model yeah so it’s kind of like a buying what’s called transactions yeah or microtransactions and capes yes i i doubt it but of course we have to we have to look forward to a possible future where people are no longer buying minecraft or just playing on their under

Premium accounts because we’re sold to the entire world and we have to expand our business model but we i i doubt we will add any like in-game purchases of that cam first world problems everyone playing our game nobody will buy it anymore okay so you’re saying that in um the 1.5

Update you’re going to give redstone strength what do you exactly mean by strength like hey what i meant was that the question was with that we said we would add make the redstone signal have strength what i meant was that previously uh something that reacted on redstone only

Reacted on if it was on or off and what we’re doing now is that a redstone in in a redstone wire it goes from 15 to zero amounts of redstone and we are going to add blocks that can react on on different levels of redstone strength so

That’s what i meant so it’s actually the distance from the source that will be affected okay okay um for the 1.5 update will uh since the like the butt switch will be like they’re removed will there ever be like a bug switch detector so the question was that since we are not keep

Since the bad update lock update switches may it may be removed by us if we’re going to add a specific block update detector block that we can use and there there is a problem with adding it because when something changes it tells its neighbors and the block update detector it it’s designed to

Detect changes that are actually out of range more or less and then pull back a piston and that would mean that we would have to add a block that tells its neighbors that when you are updated use a larger range and and that that is a little bit tricky

But nothing is impossible we’ll we’ll i think we’ll look into it but we don’t know right now we don’t know how to solve it but but it can be a possibility yes thank you is a redstone update in any way influenced by the technic mod pack okay the question was is the redstone

Update anyway influenced by mod pack maybe in some ways no specific mod pack i mean a lot of the ideas we want to do have been out there for a very long time i mean the only one i guess is really influenced is the allocator uh which was a old idea which then

Turned into a mod later other than that stuff like signal strength and all that these are actually all contraptions you can make in vanilla right now it’s just really not that easy to do and based off bugs thank you will there ever be a more advanced combat system in minecraft and will

There ever be some more devastating tnt so the question was if we’re going to have more advanced a combat system and if we’re going to have stronger tnt right okay on the second question i think it’s very unlikely that we’ll add stronger tnt in vanilla and the first question i’m i think we’ll

At least look into making combat more interesting than just clicking and it has been on the table for a long time and there are mods that do it well but we it’s something that suits vanilla uh i’m starting to play a lot of pvp on large servers lately and

Yes we do know that pvp right now is just clicking over and over and over and over and over and over and over again we’ll look into it we really need to and we’ll try is there going to be any new type of armor uh the question was if there’s going to

Be any new kind of armor right and i think it’s uh unlikely unfortunately no hey honest when fireworks explode will there be lots of mini explosions like tnt explosions in the air um the question was if when the fireworks explode if there’s gonna be like tnt explosions in there um

We haven’t made the fireworks yet but i it doesn’t sound like something that we would do i think it will be a fairly small explosion and everything else is just visual so it will be a fairly safe explosion yes uh hi um are you going to add anything

Into the snow biomes because they’re pretty bare at the moment the question was if we’re going to add anything to the snow biomes and if because they are quite barren or empty and i agree they are quite empty you kind of mostly just want to fly over them and hit us into more

Interesting areas so we don’t have plans for it now but it it’s it’s likely suspect for being one of the more focused updates in the future during during next year okay igloos um what’s your plan with like the weather boss and with a skeleton what’s the plan for the with the boss in

The skeleton with their skeleton we we don’t have any more plans for it and what happened was that um the long story is that because i wanted to take the long story but it was that i was playing on a survival server with some some dudes i didn’t know who they

Were but they they were it was a survival server and helping them building a build there is a small village and after what after a while we had everything i had all my diamond armor was enchanted all my tools were enchanted we have we have like some

We had lots of potions and lots of everything and then i thought what are we going to do now and i i felt that we really need some some kind of big achievement uh like a big achievement to aim for so that’s why we started making the

The beacon because the beacon takes a lot of work and also the the beacon block required something to be crafted from uh after we we discussed a number of different alternatives and the easiest way for us to add something new to the to the game is to add it by using we’re

Using it as a drop from a mob so we then decided to create the the winter boss so it would be like a challenge to get the beacon and then we had to create something that you got the ingredients spawned away the boss from so that’s why we had with skeleton

Uh so so at the moment it it is as it’s it’s intended and we we may find new uses for in the future but nothing planned thank you do you have plans to make any new ores sorry do you have plans to make any new ores

Oh the question is is do we plan to add new walls i think actually we mentioned this earlier the new redstoney stuff we want to use a new offering and i think it’ll probably be a never-based tour yes do you plan to add rare items to dungeons

If if we plan to add more dungeons not rarer items to dungeons rarer items to dungeons well it’s a it’s very easy to do so sure we can look into that to make without a small drive at rare items yes my question is would it be possible

To load mods maps and text specs straight from the main menu in your game you know what i’m going to say mod api tomorrow we’ll be doing another panel tomorrow i think it’s the first panel of the day in this same room uh which you can answer that question and

We’ll be able to go in depth about it then i’ve got two questions the first one is could it be any friends system or like steam support maybe the question was if we were going to add some kind of friend system and the answer is yes it’s a quite large implementation on our

Web server side and it’s also going to cross it will be used for all emoji account games so it will not only be included for minecraft so it’s a big project it’s in the in the planning stage and will hopefully be released next year

And the second one is got to be like any uh tracker like uh the compass uh that can track your uh how deep you are on the under the ground and the question was if we’re gonna add uh like a depth tracker okay like the compass that shows direction it shows how

Like how deep you are how deep you are um well it’s a fun idea uh we’ll we’ll think about it i think people also use the sheeting now using the debug screen but if we if we add it to to the pc version maybe it can be added to the other editions of

Minecraft as well where you can’t look at the debug information so yeah we’ll think about it thanks if we ever remove the coordinates from the debug screen you can thank this guy it’s his idea hi uh i’m french so i won’t be able to understand all

I wanted to know if we can hope to see more mechanical things like mine cards or the the better better than wolves okay the question was are we going to see more mine mechanical related things such as minecarts or things from the better than wolves mod

Maybe it kind of falls in line with the redstone updates we’d have to think about it i mean the redstone at the moment isn’t really mechanical i really like the idea of mechanical based things in the game but getting to a way where they seem good enough to add into vanilla it’s

Really difficult to come up with a nice system so we’ll think about it okay thanks hi i’m french too i wanted to know if we will we’ll be able to put two different slabs together in the future of minecraft um the question was if we were gonna

Make it possible to add the two slabs together in the same location um we the the world in minecraft contains information about a block and then some information about its character or what we call metadata that data is is currently only four bits which in one one bit is used to save the

Upper lower a lower piece that is filled and it’s not possible to squeeze in the textures that we use in for two positions in four bits because we have we’re using all all seven possible textures at the moment and and if we are going to add more slabs in the

Future the complexity will increase for every every every time we add it uh so it’s a it’s a technical reason mainly why it’s not added because gameplay-wise it’s very easy to see how you should actually face the block and i i don’t see us adding support for that right now

We are rewriting a lot of stuff for support supporting the cloud api so it’s possible that this feature will appear as a side effect of other changes but we are not actually aiming to implement it so it’s a long long answer to a simple question but

I guess it’s maybe it’s the short answer yes okay thank you i think we are so number one i have when are the minecon 2012 capes going to be released and in 1.4.5 there is a very jerky minecart glitch okay uh first question was when are the minecon 2012 capes going out

I believe they already are check your email when you get back home uh second question was there’s a bug in the latest updates where minecarts are jerky we have so many updates for 1.4 i’m not too sure if a visual glitch is worth a 0.6 or not that would be up to

The end i was unaware i’m not sure no um it’s a bug with the minecarts i think it flickers when you’re riding in it ah okay okay we have to look into that when we get back to stock of that thank you i think we only have time for two more questions hi

Um would you perhaps create a solar panel that would detect how much light there is because there’s a daylight detector in the new update a solar panel would be one step ahead of that if you made one uh that made a stronger signal depending on how strong the sunlight is yeah

The question was if we’re gonna have that solar panel that detects how strong the sun is and yes of course since we are adding the signal strength now we will make it possible to push to make it stronger the more sun that hits it and then you will combine it with a capacitor

To create something that triggers when the sunlight is above a certain level so yes it will work that way it will probably not be a solar panel will it will be something else but it will have that that functionality okay thank you okay so this is the last question i’m sorry

Yes i wanted to know if the light bugs will uh be fixed someday or if they’re gonna remain part of minecraft like trees or peaks light bulbs okay the question was are the lighting bugs going to be fixed one day am i correct yes i mean they’re not a feature so we’re

Not going to specifically keep them in the game i had already mostly fixed them at one point but i undid the fix because it caused a lot of lag so we’re going to be looking into the lighting bugs a lot and seeing how we can nicely deal with them without

Causing too much other things to break yes okay thank you very much for coming thanks hey guys we’re great

This video, titled ‘Future Updates with the Minecraft PC Team – MineCon 2012’, was uploaded by GameSpot on 2012-11-25 14:39:24. It has garnered 296249 views and 2986 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:04 or 3724 seconds.

Join Jeb and the rest of Minecraft’s PC team at MineCon 2012 for a look at some future update, including what’s to come in 1.5

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GameSpot – Future Updates with the Minecraft PC Team – MineCon 2012