Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | INTEGRATED DYNAMICS AUTO-CRAFTING! #16 [Modded Questing Factory]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on setting up and automating the new Infinity minor multi-block which is now allowing us to make an automatic and unlimited amount of iron and copper ore without the need to continually move and replace and more importantly repower a bunch of these electric drills to get

That iron and copper or to do that we did have to automate the production of the zefram arithium I believe is what it’s called and right now there’s a slight problem with the system and that problem is that currently niter is our bottleneck and if we look in here you’ll

See that we’re still making more of these Blitz rods that’s because the round robin here is of course set to 50 50 on the nighter and the blitz rods but we kind of need more nighter than we do blitzwods and right now this draw is filling up despite the fact that we

Don’t need any more them and so real quick I think what I’m gonna do is take some blood swords out of here and drop in a storage downgrade it’s still going to take a little while because the internal inventory of the loot fabricator here does still need to fill

Up with 16 stacks of Blitz rods before this is fully backed up but once this has backed up and once this is full on 64 Blitz rods then all of the new pristine meta should go into make igniter and the whole system should run a lot more smoothly but no that’s taken

Care of what I want to work on in today’s stream is I want to utilize some of the Fairly large amount of research that we now have to unlock our first steps into Auto crafting and by Auto crafting I don’t mean the kind of Auto crafting that we have here where we use

An ultra workbench to make one specific recipe I want something Moroccan to the refined storages and applied energistics of the world where we can open up a terminal and request that a specific item or block of items be crafted for us and that’s going to our lives a whole

Heck of a lot easier especially in terms of making things like thermal expansion machines if we could have our system for example make the Pistons make the machine frames make the Redstone reception coils all of that stuff for us it’s going to save a lot of the micro

Crafting that we currently have to do manually before I do that it does appear that we are full of on storage here and so real quick I think what I will do is I utilize some of the gold and diamonds that we have to make all of our chests

Into gold chests and then into Diamond chests just to give us maximum storage space and then in terms of Auto crafting we do have a couple of options in terms of what mod we want to use for watercrafting the two big options for us really are Logistics pipes and

Integrated Dynamics now Logistics pipes is a mod I’ve played with before I’m quite familiar with how the auto crafting and that works integrated Dynamics on the other hand is a mod that I’ve played with a little bit but I’m not as familiar with the auto crafting setup I’ve actually never played with it

But I think it looks kind of interesting and I’m down to try something new and so I think we’re gonna go and try and get integrated crafting unlocked in order to do that we do first have to unlock the integrated Dynamics Quest and the bottom here for that we need 32 production 16×8

Mechanics and 32 X8 Logistics so let’s do u u and U and then let’s go boom boom and boom as a reward here we of course unlock integrated Dynamics but we also get a manual sampling and on the Dynamics of integration which is the guidebook for integrated Dynamics then

If we want to unlock the autocrafting we do have to unlock this Quest as well which is kind of even more expensive another 32 production that is easy enough we then need 32×8 mechanics which thankfully we do have and then finally we need 16×64 which we also have we’ve

Got 32 in there fantastic so boom boom and boom nice okay cool between streams by the way I did throw storage downgrades at the heel like this I think I might have done it in all three I did simply due to the fact that once we get

To 64 of the 64x logistics research I think at that point we can safely have the system stop until we we want more and so that’s how that works by the way with the compacting drawer if you put a downgrade in instead of limiting the

Draw to 64 of the the lowest tier it limits it to 64 of the highest tier so essentially once we get to 64 lots of 64 Logistics research that’s when the the system will stop and start backing up and eventually we’ll stop using more iron and copper to make that the same as

True of course for the mechanics and the production but now that we have that unlocked let’s see if we can’t get a basic integrated Dynamics system up and running and it starts with the crafting terminal this one right here the storage terminal to make this we need a mineral

Glass which is a mineral resin with glaze in a drying Basin we also need some glowstone which we are going to have to unlock via a loot fabricator set up for gas data which again we do need it anyway in order to push forward in into a utility research which is

Probably what we’ll work on in the next episode and then alongside that we also need an input and output variable Transformer which requires some variable cards and some crystallized manual chunks and these crystallized manual trunks are kind of the Bedrock of integrated Dynamics we get them from

These manual samplings and as luck would have it we do have a couple of manual trees around in the world so I’m hoping that breaking one of these blocks might bring the whole tree down here it does it looks like the little feet at the bottom don’t quite count as part of

The tree that is fine and it looks like there’s also maybe the odd bit of wood that also doesn’t count there but this gives us a ton of these mineral berries but more importantly it gives us some of these crystallized mineral chunks and again we’re going to need quite a lot of

These moving forward again thankfully I’m fairly certain there are a few more trees dotted around near to the base once we’ve torn those down we’re gonna have to set up a bit of a mineral tree area to grow quite a few of these so we can push forward but real quick let me

Tear down these two trees and let’s see how many of these uh crystallized mineral chunks we can get so we didn’t get too many there we got six crystallized mineral chunks which is really not too much and I think we’re going to need a lot more however it does

Appear that we can craft blocks of crystallized manual back into mineral chunks you can also do this the other way around you can craft the manual chunks into a block but the blocks themselves can be made by putting a thousand Milli wickets of mineral resin into either a drying Basin or a

Mechanical drying Basin and we can get by the looks of it some mineral resin by just putting a mineral log into a fluid transposer and so real quick let’s see if we can’t get another fluid transposer because if we can it looks like that’s going to be a much easier way of getting

A large amount of crystallized mineral as opposed to Growing just a staggering number of mineral trees and hoping to get some crystallized mineral chunks for now I’m going to put this down just right about here just to test if this works if we put in the wood

Does that work it looks like it totally does nice and then I assume that if we get a bucket here that what we should be able to do is I think we can just right click the liquid out we totally can alternatively we could have put the bucket in and set

This to uh fill I can put the bucket here it would have filled up with the liquid that was in there either way now we need to get ourselves a drying base and there were two tiers the mechanical drying Basin is better but does require more stuff and it looks like we’re

Currently unfamiliar with these items I think those are batteries and I think to unlock those we need to unlock integrated Dynamics power transfer which is this Quest down here it’s probably something we could do but I’d rather not spend 32×8 Logistics research if we don’t have to at least not at the moment

And so the regular drying base in here might get the job done it does require an insect or a black pigment and that could be the trickiest part of all of this actually never mind it turns out the pack creator has thought of this and we can just smelt up a regular old

Cactus green into an insect that is fantastic news once we have that ink sank that should be everything for the drawing basin this is for drawing items and fluids and so let’s put this down over by the fluid transposer for now and if we put some mineral resin into here

That should begin drying you’ll see the little particle effects are taking place there it’s quite possible we might want to make a couple of these although to be fair it’s not too slow it’s definitely a lot faster than trying to grow trees and use those to get a bunch of the crystals

Obviously we do still have to grow trees to get the manual wood itself and so I think what I’ll do real quick is plant these 15 saplings just so we have some wood together in the future and then we’ll do a little bit of manual drying

To get quite a few maybe a few stinks of crystallized mineral chunks now there is actually quite the possibility here that we could probably just automate this and it’s also possible although I don’t know if it’s gonna work but a compacting drawer might allow us to automatically

Like decompact all of the the blocks so if I do this and then I do this I think we can also set this to Output to the left perfect and then ideally if we uh throw down an item conduit right about here we could then set this to extract always

Active set this to insert and yeah that totally works nice so we can kind of just leave that there and that is going to slow but surely get us just a bunch of crystallized mineral chunks and if we really wanted to we could grab like a

Hopper or something to uh feed in the remainder of the wood to make sure that all of the wood slowly but surely gets transformed into um into chunks cool so I don’t think we need the actual wood itself for anything other than the chunks here so I think it’s fairly safe

To do that again we are growing more over in the distance there now so if we do need more we can always just go and use those while we wait for this to do its thing though let me quickly see about getting another simulation chamber loot fabricator setup going uh

Potentially right about here for glowstone because again if we are going to get this terminal we do need glowstone to make that happen and of course the way we’ll get that is the same way we got Redstone but this time with the guest data model oh right and

Not too long later we now have another simulation chamber another loot fabricator once again we used the auto workbench to craft up the guest data model which is now producing the hellish matter here and is also producing the pristine matter which has been turned into glowstone unlike some of the others

This is the only option you can’t make anything else especially not like with the the Blitz World where you can make a ton of different stuff it is just glowstone real quick let me grab a frame to draw just so that we can take all of that excess hellish matter and basically

Delete it once we get to uh to 2048 we’ll do something like that as per usual we’re going to rotate this with the yeto range because it doesn’t like to go down the right way the first time that’s fine and also as per usual will

Throw in a void upgrade in there just to make sure that the the whole system never backs up not quite sure why the the drawers are not shift clicking into the recipe there it might be because their Spruce straws and not Oak drawers but either way that is done we’ll make

Sure it’s locked as well and now that we have have some glowstone we should be able to actually make the integrated Dynamics storage terminal for that we need a block of well we need quite a bit of manual how much have we got here we’ve got 690 fantastic so I’ll take a

Few of these we do need some mineral Glass by the looks of it the mineral glass there is made by putting glass into the drying Basin with manual resin do I have some glass sitting around here I do can I just do this I totally can

Nice okay so you just dropped the glass and while there’s some liquid manual in there that’s fine now we need a display panel that requires two static light panels which needs an output variable we need quite a few output variables which means we’re going to need a few Pistons

We did make pistons in bulk in the last episode so we’re all good on that front I think these do require variable cards which require paper and crystallized manual so this could be a slight problem for us simply due to the fact that uh we actually don’t have

That much of the industrial hemp fiber lift we do have a lot of industrial hemp seeds and it’s probably going to be in our best interest to quickly replant some of those just so we can start growing them again because I think we’re going to need quite a lot of paper today

There is a roundabout way that we could probably do it utilizing the sawdust you may have seen that there was a recipe if we jump through over to here we can use Four soldiers that a bucket of water to make paper and sawdust we can get by running wood I believe through a

Pulverizer so we can turn some of our um like Spruce Wood into sawdust then use that to craft paper which might be what we have to do as kind of a stop Gap until we get a large amount of this there is also the phytogenic insulator

Which we could use I believe to uh to automate the growth of the Industrial Hemp but again for now I’m just going to quickly throw down just a ton of industrial hemp seeds here because that is hopefully going to give us really all the paper that we’re going to need all

Right so now we’ve got all those plants down again just as kind of a stop Gap solution I am going to throw some wood into one of these pulverizers here just to get a decent amount of solders and while we’re waiting for that hemp to

Grow we can use this as our source of pepper and I’m fairly certain much like with all of the other recipes that include water what we should be able to do I’m coming over here by through force of habit thinking I can get uh water

From the tank though I can’t my water is from the aqueous accumulator we can right click on that and then we can just craft four sawdust with that Reservoir that gets this paper fantastic and of course we can take basically all the soldiers that we get and turn all of it

Into paper which makes pepper fairly easy although not particularly automated which is what would be ideal going forward anyway now we have that let’s go back to this terminal here let’s see if we can’t get some variable cards we are going to need a lot of these 24 probably

Isn’t going to be enough but once we have that we should be able to make the output variable Transformer we totally can get four of those as well as an input variable Transformer although this one requires a sticky piston and this is where things could get tricky because uh

Actually again never mind look at the pet Creator knew what they were doing let me clear that out uh once again if we get a cactus screen and I’m hoping the reservoir works here as well if we quickly do something like this we can then go and boom nope that

Just dies it green interesting okay so it looks like we are gonna have to use an actual bucket to make that work so let’s try that again we’ll take the bucket of water and hopefully that doesn’t give us a green bucket it doesn’t it gives us a slime ball that is

Perfect that gets a sticky piston and with the sticky piston we get the four input variable Transformers and so at that point it should just be the display panel that we’re missing that requires two static light panels one and two that gets us the display panel and that

Should be everything for the storage terminal nice now the storage terminal does need to go onto some logic cable logic cable is just sticks crystallized metal chunks and Redstone it would appear we have no sticks in the system but I’m hopeful that we do have a

Backlog of sticks over in here we do a fully backed up on 2048 sticks drop those in the system and that gets us the cable that we need again going to need quite a bit of this actually which is kind of one of the main reasons that we need a lot of this

Crystallized manual chunk once we have the logic cables we then need to decide where we’re going to put our storage terminal I think for now we’ll put it down somewhere over here like this and now essentially if we open this up this is going to show us all the items that

We have in Connected inventories to connect an inventory to the storage terminal kind of in a similar way to the simple storage Network we need these item interfaces these are made with regular chests and mineral chunks once we have them we can do one two three and

Four like that connect all of those up like this to the terminal and now inside of the terminal we can see all of the items in all of those chests so far it’s not too impressive because it’s not something we couldn’t already do with our simple storage Network I think I’m

Probably going to try and keep both of these around like we could completely replace the simple storage network with the storage terminal the only trouble is I don’t think that integrated Dynamics has a remote and so outside of putting down multiple terminals all over the base I think having both the simple

Storage Network for wireless access and the integrated dynamic system for auto crafting is potentially going to be the best of both worlds so uh there were two tabs one for item storage you can just take your items out and put them in which like you would do with the simple

Storage Network and there’s a crafting terminal where you can do the same stuff you do with the simple storage Network you can shift click in recipes and all that kind of good stuff but as I said then so far is nothing we couldn’t already do where it gets more

Interesting is when we get to the crafting interface this guy right here doesn’t look too difficult we need two more crafting tables along with an input variable and output variable and a block of crystallized manual that all seems pretty straightforward although yeah it looked like I dropped those crafting

Tables there let’s do that and we need one more output variable Transformer thankfully that’s the non-sticky Piston kind boom and now what we can do is we can take a regular crafting table place that down let’s say here connect that to the crafting interface like that and then connect the crafting interface to

Our Network now in here there are nine slots for essentially crafting recipes that we want to Auto Craft so in order to do that we need to use our variable cards but we need to specify what we want those variable cards to craft the way that we do that is by using the

Logic programmer this is a block of crystallized manual with yet another crafting table so let’s do this this gets us a logic programmer I do believe we can upgrade this to a portable logic programmer by just crafting it like this and so you could put the logic programmer down but there’s really no

Need if you craft it you get a portable logic programmer and essentially this look looks scarier than it is but all we need to do is take a variable card place it in Click recipe which is on the left here and then in Ju we can shift click

In a recipe so for example we’ve been making a lot of crafting tables we could click on the move items button and then take this out and so now we have a variable card that has the recipe for a crafting table locked into it and so if

We were to put that in over here like this you’ll see there’s a little tick there that’s all good and now in here if I go ahead and type in crafting table we don’t have any crafting tables in the system if I go and type it in

Over here we’ve got no crafting tables just one Rogue crafting station but if I click on this and I specify Hammer now what to craft either you know you can go by one you can go up by 10 you can go up by 100 or you can go by a thousand or

Down by a thousand down by 100 down by 10 or down by one you get the idea if we click next it’ll tell us we don’t have any Oak planks that’s fair uh what we can probably do then is go ahead back to the portable logic programmer uh well

Actually you know real quick let me just get Oak planks so let me take one of these let’s do this craft manually right and let’s put it back into the system now if we try that again and we click next it has the oak planks we’ve got

Craft and boom it made us a crafting table it just crafted it for us but of course as I was alluding to a second ago we can take this one step further we can go back in here Progressive paint drop in another card and this time say that

We want to teach it how to craft Oak planks uh it looks like it doesn’t automatically do the recipe that’s fine we can again shift click it in from Jay Young and now if we put this in over here now it will do both crafts if I go

And I request a crafting table again let’s take this one out let’s click Start and next you’ll see that it’s nested to the other craft in it so it knows it needs a crafting table it knows it doesn’t have the planks required but it knows that it does know how to make

The planks by using an awkward and so if I click Craft it’s going to do both craft back to back and give me a crafting table pretty cool stuff the twitch chat is telling me that we can potentially fix this first variable card let me drop this back in here and we

Should see uh nothing I guess but let’s uh reshift click in the recipe for a crafting table uh people are telling me that we can change this right now it’s set to match by item type and that’s a value shift click to change match by item type match by item type meta value

And MBT match by item type and MBT I think on Match by equivalent or dictionary entries I think if we set it to then it’s a little awkward I wish we could do that for for everything we might have to just shift click on all of

These but um if we set it to match by all dictionary entries and then take this out I think at that point that might allow it to utilize different kinds of of wood so now if I try that again and click next no it’s still going to craft the plank

Say it’s not going to use the um the spruce planks that we have so yeah that doesn’t seem to work but that’s okay um we can uh work around that in the future but the cool thing is now though that going forward so long as we

Connect up a lot of our storages because right now we’ve got you know I think like iron and uh copper connected to our simple storage network but if we can connect kind of every draw that we have to our integrated dynamic system then we should be able to start Auto crafting a

Lot of more complex recipes that we currently have to craft quite regularly stuff like heavy engineering blocks I have to craft all the time a little bit of a pain in the back side to craft whereas if we can just automate this if we can teach the system how to make

Pistons we can teach the system how to make electron we can teach you how to make the steel mechanical components we can then just have it make the engineering blocks for us and then I can just request them be made and they will be made which is going to be so much

Easier than having to do that all manually so this is cool in and of itself but we can take it further we can actually craft with machines as well which is uh is even cooler so we can use the same premise to AutoCraft with specific machines for example if I were

To go ahead and see if we can make a redstone furnace real quick which I’m hoping we can make we just need another machine for him which we can make fantastic along with two more external heaters which are easy enough and one more Redstone reception

Coil we can do the same thing here let’s put this down let’s say right about here and then let’s get another one of those crafting interfaces this time we’re gonna put that down again right on the back like this and we’re gonna set the bank here to input

And output where it’s blue and orange and then we’ll connect that up like so and now we can essentially teach our integrated Dynamics system how to craft certain items using this Redstone furnace for example let’s say we wanted to teach it how to make glass we could

Once again go to our portable logic programmer place in available card type in glass into jei shift click in this recipe here for the furnace after we click on recipe like so and now it knows that send equals glass take this out put that in here and then the final piece of the

Puzzle is just to make sure this guy has some semblance of power of course this is a very temporary setup just to kind of show off how this works but if we do this and then grab one more LV wire to connect this guy to this guy that should start

Receiving power and now in here if I say glass and we have 24 but we can still click on the crafting option here I can still say I want 10 more next and start that’s going to send the sound over to the Red Sun furnace it does send it one

At a time but it’s going to make the sand in the glass and then put it back in the system nice and we can really go as deep as we want on this this allows us to kind of essentially AutoCraft almost anything that we like we can AutoCraft with any machines we can

AutoCraft with the metal press we can also craft with almost everything and again it’s just going to make life so much easier because we spend so much time doing a ton of little micro crafts and I think the first thing that I probably want to teach the system how to

Make realistically is just more of these crafting interfaces because we’re probably going to want quite a few of these going forward and so again if we take our portable logic programmer we can drop our card in go to recipe and then let’s type in crafting interface we

Can shift like this in and take that out then if we put another card here we can change that recipe because we want to be able to teach it how to make the input variable Transformer done we want to teach it how to make the output variable Transformer

Done we’ll drop all of these in as we go because our inventory is getting a little bit fulkier but we’ll drop all of those in like so it already knows how to make the crafting table that’s easy enough we do then need to teach it how to make the variable cards again easy

Enough right now we don’t have automated paper but if we can automate either the production of the Industrial Hemp or the production of wood for sawdust we could then teach it how to make paper automatically using either of those but I think that’s basically everything that

We need right if I go ahead and drop this into here and I go in my storage terminal does it now know how to make the interface it does and craft now one thing that could be quite useful here while we went for this craft to take place is the

Other terminal that we don’t currently have and that is the crafting monitoring terminal the crafting job terminal is what it’s called this guy is going to show us what items are currently scheduled to be crafted so I think getting one of these is going to be

Useful because it’s going to let us kind of debug if something isn’t working like right now you’ll see that this didn’t get crafted like I requested the interface but we’ve not got an interface and I’m kind of interested as to what has gone wrong there and so let’s see if

We can’t make this happen I think the only thing we’re missing really is um this manual glass we should be able to make the panel here with another output variable Transformer that’s fine and then if we grab one piece of glass we can hopefully quickly go and create

Another mineral glass and then get that that job terminal boom there is our manual glass and boom there is our crafting job terminal so let’s go and add that to our Network we could put it really anywhere I’m going to put it directly above the current terminal like this and in here

You can see that the job has been going for like two and a half minutes and it’s not been crafted I’m not quite sure why I’m going to click cancel job and let’s try that again interface next it looks like we have everything to make it work craft

The number of items definitely changed is like the items are taken out but I don’t know where they’re going I don’t know why that’s not crafting all right let’s do a little bit of debugging and see if we can’t figure out what’s wrong here all right so it looks like

Annoyingly the crafting interface here doesn’t have permission as it were to craft recipes that are gated behind unlocks so that the crafter here kind of acts like a player crafting the item fours but this crafter hasn’t completed the quest that unlocks the interface right it hasn’t completed this Quest

Here and so it can’t craft it we did another test here to make sure that’s the case and you’ll see here I’ve taught it how to make item conduits if I try and request item conduit to be made in here it says recipe not allowed and that’s basically the craftage can’t

Craft that the solution to that problem is the the auto workbench which is going to be slower Which is less than ideal but it is going to allow this to work I think so if we do this and we throw down another terminal um at this point we

Should be able to just make another terminal I think and by terminal I do mean uh interface maybe in this guy boom let’s throw that on here and then if we move the card for the crafting interface and we put it in up here instead the annoying downside to this is

That of course the auto workbench can only do one recipe so we are going to have to have one Auto workbench per recipe that we want that is like gated behind a quest that’s not the end of the world the the auto workbenches are pretty cheap it’s just less than ideal

But now if we were to uh annoyingly you can’t shift like these in either so I guess we are going to have to uh even more annoyingly go ahead and uh manually grab the items required here to uh to teach it this but if we were to do that

We should be able to teach the recipe to the auto workbench at which point then if we hit request it should send all of the requested items here and should actually make the interface all right so this is now ready to go so once again if we try requesting another interface this time

I think it should work I think it should send the required items here it should craft those required items and then I’m hopeful that it’ll pull the final product out another option for this if we wanted this to be faster because this is fairly slow and yeah see this is

Another problem that we’re going to have here it doesn’t pull it out now that could be due to the fact that it has to come out the bottom but I think in general we might have to just use sequential Fabricators to do this job the sequential Fabricators have two benefits

One is that you can actually shift click the recipe in like this which means you don’t have to have all the items to teach the recipe teaching this recipe right here was a bit of a pain in the back side I had to go and craft all of these items individually whereas with

The scratch fabricator you can just shift click them in and the other benefit is that it’s faster as well the only downside to the sequential fabricator of course is that it requires power but to be fair it doesn’t require a continuous amount of power it only

Uses a little bit of power as on when you do any kind of craft and so I think what we’ll do is we’ll get a sequential fabricator we’ll probably look at teaching the system how to make it if I put that here and I set the back to

Input and output that should allow it to craft the recipe and then pull the item out once it’s done we can then do again one of these and one of I guess the these it’s a bit janky in here right now but that should give it power and this

Should still know how to make the interface this time around if we just shift like in the recipe for the interface now back in here let’s try that again do we have what it takes we don’t we’re missing a block of crystallized manual that makes sense

Again at some point in the not so distant future we’ll look at um a connecting this draw here up to the system so that this stuff is always available and once we look at automating wood as well we can also utilize the phytogenic insulator to automatically grow manual wood along with you know

Ercos Bruce or whatever else we plan on growing so if I drop you in the system and we try this again next and craft that should send all the items over into here as and when they’re ready oh no never mind it is done wait was that

Other fast hold on try that again start and I need another output variable Transformer which is missing a piston okay that’s fine we can teach it how to make a piston that looked like it was very fast I didn’t think the sequential fabricator was that fast but uh real

Quick inside of the portable logic programmer let’s grab some more variable cards let’s quickly teach our system how to make a piston we are going to have to at some point teach it how to make the Slime balls which is definitely going to be the trickier part of the equation

Although I guess if we can get like a zombie data model we might be able to just make slime balls which might be the better way of going about it for now though let’s do this let’s Place U down into here thankfully still the vast majority of recipes can be done in a

Regular crafting table and so for the most part we’re not going to need that many sequential Fabricators I don’t think let’s try this again next and of course we’re missing more manual sure why not okay so I figured out the problem it’s not worked again the reason

It’s not worked again though is because again we’ve made the same mistake here the variable cards the m input and output variable are again locked behind a quest so we need variable cards in order to craft up the interface we need output mobile cards and we can craft

Them but the crafting table can’t and so we would need to get another sequential fabricator and teach that how to make the output cards in order for this to become a reality which is gonna work but it’s definitely going to be a little bit tedious but I think that’s kind of just

The price that we’re going to have to pay now that I’ve done that let’s try this like hopefully for the final time if I select next and craft look at that boom it was nice and fast the job is done perfect okay so it does work I

Think what we are definitely going to want to do here is we’re going to take out the variable card crafts these uh cannot go into here they’re gonna throw somewhere else we will probably look at just like repurposing those because I think in that case what we’re going to

Want to teach our system to make first is probably like the sequential fabricator because the sequential fabricator is a machine that we’re going to have to make a lot of if we want to be able to make this work I don’t but then the sequential fabricator is also

Locked behind a recipe so we’re going to have to make a sequential fabricator to make sequential Fabricators everything else here though like the copper gears and the the Redstone coils and uh and the crafting table all of that stuff should be fairly straightforward the machine frame again is going to be

Another one that is not locked I don’t think so this should be fairly straightforward to do it’s then a question I don’t know I don’t think that we can ultimate the engineer’s workbench and by that I mean the basic one there is an ultimate in engineer’s workbench which might be

Worth setting up just to make stuff like the steel mechanical components cheaper because although we could teach this recipe to our system it’s much more efficient to use the the engineer’s workbench so we might look at saying of an automated version of that I am being

Told by the twitch chat though that we might be able to connect the integrated dynamic system to our simple storage network if that’s the case that is kind of huge so if I uh quickly steal this which does take a little while to break although I’m going

To assume that there is probably an integrated Dynamics wrench that we can make that totally is and I assume that if I shift right click like that that it pops right off it does so if I do then does that give me access to everything we’ve got a sort by

Item amount highest to lowest it doesn’t because we don’t have access to the iron or copper there okay so it’s not what I thought it was the I was under the impression I was hoping I guess that uh we’d be able to access our simple storage network connections like the

Ones we have here via our integrated Dynamics terminal but it looks like it’s actually the other way around if you do this that we’ve done here it looks like at that point the simple storage Network gets access to what the integrated dynamic system has so it’s like a one-way connection basically uh right

Now we have got let’s say the iron hole is in here so if I check my Advanced storage remote I see Iron huh right it’s there and if I check my integrated Dynamics terminal I can type in Iron huh and that’s not there right that’s because there’s no connection here if we

Were to quickly get another set of item interfaces and drop that down here like that now inside of here iron her it has access to it but I think what the twitch chat is trying to tell me here is that if I were to uh to break this cable

Now the simple storage Network should still have access to that iron hole and it does because it’s accessing it through the integrated dynamic system so if I were to get rid of this pipe I think now the simple storage Network should no longer have access to that

Iron Hub it doesn’t Okay so that is kind of cool it’s unfortunate because it means we’ve done it kind of the wrong way around and I’ve got no idea by the way why my inventory is is all messed up like that but um essentially what we need to do now is uh

Do we duplicate some stuff somehow it looks like we have managed to I’m not quite sure how we’ve managed to duplicate things here but we’ve managed some oh no it’s just uh it’s just bugged that’s fine but um essentially what we need to do if we want this to work is we

Can go ahead and basically replace all of these cables and all of these storage link cables with item interfaces and logic cable and then using this little trick right here where we instead of using treated wooden planks we use the Link cable like that which again looks

Like I might have to disconnect or reconnect for that to where it’s actually work but using the Link cable there we can give the simple storage Network and buy the extension the advanced storage remote access to everything that the integrated dynamic system has access to which effectively gives us wireless access to the

Integrated dynamic system albeit without the ability to do the auto crafting we’re still going to have to come back to a terminal to do the autocrafting but that is still pretty cool all right so another interesting thing that we could potentially take advantage of here chat has pointed out the omnidirectional

Connector this is pretty interesting it says can connect to other omnidirectional connectors anywhere including different dimensions and so I think the idea here is that we can kind of wirelessly connect our storage terminal here and by extension our crafting operation to these other drawers and stuff so

Basically if we get like an audio directional connector place it down somewhere over here we could then connect all of these up to that omnidirectional connector and that saves us having to run a cable all the way from here round and to this guy and then

The same is obviously true for kind of everywhere else in the base over here we could put another omnidirectional collector down somewhere over here and then connect each and every one of these storage drawers to that omnidirectional connector thus giving our integrated Dynamics system access to all that stuff

Without having to run a cable to it again Sims 2 for the steel for cold Coke you know for sticks for the research we could try and connect everything up without having to run cables all under the floor in order to make these we are going to have to get logic

Directors and these require crystallized chorus chunks these are made by you guessed it drying some liquid chorus in a drying Basin which we can get by using a fluid transposer on poked chorus fruit the popcorn fruit vanilla recipe we smelled regular chorus fruit but thankfully we can use extraterrestrial

Matter with an apple to craft that chorus fruit and as look would have it over here we have currently got uh 1555 extraterrestrial matter and so if we take quite a bit of that we can combine it with some of the apples we got from cutting down trees earlier in

The pack and that’s going to get us a decent amount of chorus fruit I’m not going to make too many of these because I’m not sure if we’re going through the apples for anything else and I really don’t want to have to do too much more

At tree farming if I can avoid it so we’ll take those and for now we can utilize this Redstone furnace although I’m pretty sure that over here we might have a spare Red Sun furnace that we can tap into that’s gonna be a lot faster than the basic Redstone furnace okay

Never mind for whatever reason I can’t put the colors through into the Redstone furnace there I’m assuming it’s also not going to work oh it does work over here oh I think it’s the augment I see that’s my bad okay fair enough either way back over here we are getting some popcorn

Shoot is going directly into the system that is completely fine let’s take the pop chorus fruit and let’s place then into the fluid transposer over here so I’ll drop you in like that that’s going to get us the chorus liquid which is then going to solidify in this base in

Here so we need to make at least two of these and other than the logic director we also need a mono directional connectivity two of those which you guessed it requires more input and output variables for the most part that seems kind of fine um as per usual we

Need another input variable which is the one that requires a sticky piston and so again as per usual we’re gonna have to take uh our buckets I’m going to take a few buckets although we don’t have that much character screen but I should probably get quite a bit of cactus green

And just make it because we are gonna need a lot of it if we need a lot of these input and output variables they’re used for kind of everything in the pink and so it might not be a terrible idea real quick to get some shears quickly share a fairly large

Amount of grass smell all that up into a large amount of cactus green and then craft that with a couple of buckets to get just a bunch of slime there is a possibility we could alternate it with deep mob learning in the future but for the time being let’s just throw you into

Here let’s go start smelting the cactus green and then of course we can take that Cactus screen and craft it with some buckets to try and get ourselves some slime balls once we have those saline balls we can make some more sticky pistons assume we have a piston

Which I don’t think we do so I’ll do this and this and then with that sticky piston we can of course make another set of input variable Transformers and hopefully another monodirectional logic connector at which point now we’re just missing one more set of logic cable and

The two logic directors these of course requiring those mineral chunks which we should be able to get from this guy over here although I guess we need a lot of chorus fruit I did not expect that we uh we do have a fair amount of colors so we’ve got 26 here

But each one only gets you 125 millibockets and I assume we need a full 1000 ml buckets in order to actually get a full blocks worth and so I think it’s quite possible here that I might have to get even more chorus fruit I only made 16

Before but I’m gonna go ahead and make I guess another 32 here and we’ll get that smelting as well and also got a block of crystallized chorus that does get us nine chunks which I don’t think is gonna be enough surprisingly because I think we need 12 in total here oh no never

Mind we get four logic directors at a time and so that should be enough for two omnidirectional connectors so let me see if I can figure out how these work so over here I’m gonna put one down let’s say right about here for now right

And this has a cool animation to it it says ID 10 group zero and I thought if I can change the group at all it says group zero that’s fine over here if I put another one of these down like that this is also group zero and so

I assume if I were to break this and grab another one of those item interfaces right now we’ve got 22 Silver accessible there and there’s no silver in here so the Silver’s probably a bad one to start with let me go with the gold right now though is a 6 000 gold

Inside of this drawer if I disconnect the Link cable and we check in here we have 357 gold that’s not in this drawer if I were to do this and then run a cable to that like this oh it goes the other way around okay let me uh break and replace

That again the wrench is gonna be our friend here let’s do this and this I think it’s gonna be easier if we place down the cable first and then put the omnidirectional connector onto it like that that’s perfect so now if I did this does that give us access to the goal it

Totally does again the advanced storage scanner here is obviously connected to the simple storage network but the simple storage network is then connected to the integrated dynamic system and the integrated dynamic system now has access to the gold that is pretty nifty stuff and does mean that we can just do like

This and then of course we could make multiple of these right we could have like one for each draw if we really wanted to cut down on cable mess but at the same time we can also just kind of get rid of this throw down another interface like that

And then just run this cable up in its place around and to here and if we do this with kind of all of our storage drawers if we get them all connected up to different omnidirectional interfaces like I think we’ll probably stick to like one per platform right like we

Could if we wanted to run this cable all the way along and then like a cross underground and over to here but that kind of defeats the purpose if we can then just go ahead and make another omnidirectional interface which I think is not going to be too difficult we just

Need more cable for this and the cable is really not that expensive so we can then go and make two more of these of course we never ever have enough of these uh variable Transformers I should probably make like a stack of both of these just so we have them ready to go

But if I do this and this I don’t know how we changed the group on this like I don’t know how we uh set it to it although this is set to group one interesting so I do wonder if I were to like right click this onto here can I change its group

Shift right click connector can connect to other omnidirectional connectors anyway including different dimensions oh I’m being told by the twitch chat here that we crafted with a one that’s already in group zero so if I pop this off and then I craft this with this I’m assuming I don’t know which group it

Takes like this one it just says omnidirectional it doesn’t give me a group are those now connected to each other oh no let’s just say group zero group zero group one so if I do this again I don’t know how it decides which one to group it with

But it looks like that’s now connected to group zero so let me try over on this side if I were to place down another cable let’s say here and I did this that is also group zero interesting the first group goes first I see okay that is

Super cool actually that’s gonna make it a lot easier for us to connect every single one of our draws and then basically every single one of our storage containers to both the integrated dynamic system and the simple storage Network oh right so a little bit

Of time later and I’ve made quite a few of these omnidirectional connectors and I’ve connected up most of the storage drawers that I think we need access to around the base so right here we have the omnidirectional collector and we’ve got item interfaces on all of our

Drawers for our ingots and then over here we’ve got the same we got a normal directional connector right here connected up to Redstone as well as diamonds and then all the way over here at glowstone as well and as we go forward and we get you know ender pearls

We can put those in and if we get anything else connected up you know maybe sign balls we can connect those up as well by just running that cable around and using the item interfaces I’ve then done the same thing all the way over by Steel this one’s a little

Bit more janky but we have our omnidirectional connector and then the item interfaces and then we’ve got one of the slack drawers connected up and then over here we’ve got the kolkuk and the sticks connected up and then finally all the way back over here I’ve put down another one of the omnidirectional

Connectors and they’re connected up basically all of these drawers we got Cobble gravel uh Flint the sand is connected right there the glass had to be connected on the bottom because all of the other sides were taken but basically now all of these are connected

To the system so no more do we have to come over to access those and one Nifty thing that the twitch chat did point out if you want to craft more of these what I did previously is I crafted the set of connectors and then crafted those connectors with a different connector

That’s already in group zero instead what you can do is you can just replace this logic cable with a connector that is already in group zero and then it will give you three more connectors that are already in group zero and so now for

Example if I were to get just a few more of the item interfaces we should be able to finally connect up these guys if we go boom boom and boom we can put down an omnidirectional connector right about there and then now if we check inside of our system we have

Access to all of the research in all of its forms without having to come over manually to the straw and we can kind of check more easily how much of of each piece of research we have you’ll see we’ve got uh over 2000 of the logistics research 289 production and 350 of the

Mechanics we also have access to all of our copper all of our gold all of our IM all of our Stone all of everything basically around the base there were some things I didn’t connect like the um the nature and the blizz rods we could connect these up it wouldn’t be too

Difficult but I just didn’t really think that it was worth doing at this moment in time but uh yeah the thing is true for these drawers here we could have connected these up but these drawers are currently set up in such a way that they

Only ever have one item in them at any given time and so there’s not really much Point connecting this up while I would like to have access to you know a stack of iron plates at any given time that’s not currently how this is configured it’s possible we might look

Into reconfiguring this in the future so that it does have like a stack of plates in it at all times and then we can just access those as and when we need them that would be quite useful same for like aluminum gears and stuff so we don’t have to keep

Stealing them from this workbench every time we need them but for the most part we now have basically everything around the base connected to our integrated dynamic system by extension we also have access to all of that in our simple storage Network system and I think what

I’m going to do is between streams I’m probably going to set up another area like another building for auto crafting because we are going to need a lot of sequential Fabricators as well as a lot of just regular crafting tables to go with all of our interfaces to start to

Auto Craft all of the things that we want to AutoCraft it is going to be a little tedious to set up in some circumstances but like I said the vast majority of recipes are craftable using the crafting table and having certain recipes Auto crafted is just going to

Make our lives so much easier going forward for example right now we have our boiler set up but it’s possible and likely that in the not so distant future ten thousand Redstone flux is not going to be enough we may want to look at duplicating the setup again having our

System make the dynamos followers make the augments followers you know all that kind of stuff is going to be just so much easier than having to do it manually same with like the researchers you know we could teach our system how to make the research capsules how to

Craft the modulario how to make the steel sheet metal all of this stuff that we keep doing manually that is just a little tedious to do again and again and again and again we can have our system craft that for us and uh and it’s gonna

Make our lives a heck of a lot easier uh but that is a problem for future Isaac next time welcome back hopefully we can get a little bit more Auto crafting going and I think we’ll probably look at getting this utility research underwear we’ll set up another line of researchers

We’ll get another competitive draw down we’ll get some utility research unlocked and then we can push further forward into the next age of the quest book and we can look at maybe getting the uh mining drone automated because this is kind of one of the main reasons why I

Did this we have the infinity Mana tier one but as we saw in the last episode if we want to get stuff like lead or aluminum or all that kind of stuff automated we are going to have to get the tier 2 Infinity minor and uh I say aluminum it doesn’t actually ultimate

Aluminum that is unfortunate oh wait okay no never mind it does ultimate aluminum between a different drill head to automate aluminum interesting so aluminum has like its own Infinity minor with blazing pyrothium that’s interesting and definitely something we should do but again we’re gonna have to automate the production of these uh

Little Robot dudes and so having the ability to autograph those with our integrated dynamic system is going to make life a whole heck of a lot easier than having to manually make them enter and restock whenever we need it and also one thing I’ve not mentioned that we can

Do is uh there is also an exporter as well it is uh this one here there’s the item importer and item exporter which is something we don’t have access to with the simple storage Network and so going forward instead of having to run item conduits everywhere like we’ve been

Doing currently we could potentially if we wanted to get rid of the item conduit that goes from Redstone all the way around over to here where the Redstone goes in instead if we wanted to do it we could just get another one of these omnidirectional connectors place that

Down Above This put down an item exporter and it would sport the Redstone or we could set it to export the Redstone from here over to there automatically and you can even have it export multiple different things and so we could export the iron the copper and the Redstone all through one item

Exporter which wood savers on running a ton of cable and it’s gonna be super useful going forward but again we’re getting ahead of ourselves but now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of Feed the factory there foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Feed The Factory | INTEGRATED DYNAMICS AUTO-CRAFTING! #16 [Modded Questing Factory]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-09-16 22:59:38. It has garnered 24879 views and 760 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:55 or 3055 seconds.

Minecraft Feed The Factory | INTEGRATED DYNAMICS AUTO-CRAFTING! #16 [Modded Questing Factory] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Mystical Block | AN ALL NEW SKYBLOCK! #1:

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Feed The Factory Mod Pack –

Feed The Factory is a Minecraft factory automation modpack that takes inspiration from automation focused games like Factorio.

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

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  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► Highlights ► VODs ► Instagram ► Discord ► Twitter ► TikTok ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More

  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you Read More

  • MegatronCraft SMP Vanilla Whitelisted Survival 1.21

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! Join our close-knit, welcoming community on our vanilla survival server running Minecraft 1.21. Contribute to our new world and help shape our shared story with your impressive builds, redstone contraptions, and exploration. What We’re Seeking We’re looking for dedicated players who thrive in a lasting community. Whether you’re a redstone master, creative builder, or enjoy survival gameplay, come join us in crafting something remarkable. How to Join Apply through our Discord server at to become a part of our community. Chat with us, stay updated on server events, and let’s build something amazing… Read More

  • The server is under maintenance

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP mob vote outrage

    Looks like the mobs are the real winners in this election – they’ve got a score of 176! Read More

  • Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Minecraft Movie Set Showdown

    Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Minecraft Movie Set Showdown In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Valkyrae’s story, bold and cold. Jason Momoa, a star so bright, But his behavior caused quite a fright. On set of the movie, tensions ran high, Valkyrae witnessed, with a sigh. Momoa’s anger, crew members felt, In a moment where emotions dwelt. Valkyrae spoke out, didn’t hold back, Naming Momoa, no need to backtrack. His actions, she did not condone, Creating a toxic work zone. The Minecraft movie, a star-studded show, With Jack Black and more in tow. But controversies swirl around, Fans divided, emotions abound. Despite the challenges, the film… Read More

  • Mob Height Battle Royale #lit #minecraft #meme

    Mob Height Battle Royale #lit #minecraft #meme “Who knew that in Minecraft, your height could determine your fate in a mob test? Looks like being short has its advantages…or disadvantages!” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and adventurous Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join, Minewind is the place to be. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. But why should you choose Minewind over other servers? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling… Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Challenge: Can a Villager Complete This Parkour? In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. From building intricate structures to surviving in harsh environments, the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players know no bounds. One popular challenge that has been circulating recently is whether a villager, one of the game’s non-player characters, can complete a challenging parkour course. The Parkour Course The parkour course in question is a series of obstacles, jumps, and puzzles designed to test the agility and skill of any player attempting it. From… Read More

  • EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL – SkyBlock in Minecraft!

    EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL - SkyBlock in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-09-23 10:00:11. It has garnered 2345 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:56 or 1736 seconds. JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game Fun

    Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just a silly little block game’, was uploaded by ElBoboMan on 2024-05-08 00:34:55. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:49 or 9889 seconds. Playing almost every free epic games game. In this particular instance I am playing Minecraft Subscribe for more! Discord server link: Read More

  • Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let’s Play

    Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Ice Spike Starter House Finished! | Minecraft 1.21 Chill Let’s Play’, was uploaded by JayDeeMC on 2024-08-04 11:45:02. It has garnered 556 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:49 or 1309 seconds. In Minecraft 1.21, this Let’s Play chronicles my journey to build a house in every biome in a large biomes world. In episode 32, I finished the ice spike starter house and decided to move on and go back toward spawn to fill in the map. But where should we build next? == Support me on Patreon to… Read More


    ASNOX - CREATING USA in Minecraft! REDSTONIA IS BACK! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LES ETAT UNIS VONT ETRE CREE SUR MINECRAFT ( REDSTONIA DE RETOUR !! ) ft @fantomax4126’, was uploaded by ASNOX on 2024-08-11 02:43:47. It has garnered 72 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:41 or 10181 seconds. yo friends today at 2 p.m. the REDSTONIA V5 server opens these doors and leaves pure nostalgia and desire I made the decision to start a new adventure filled with experience the server had an upgrade with a lot of new things – But ASNOX it what is Redstonia ???? REDSTONIA is a server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Evi - DRAGON SMP - EPIC HOUSE!Video Information This video, titled ‘YENİ SERİ – EJDERHA SMP – EN GÜZEL MİNECRAFT EVİ?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Evi on 2024-05-30 13:15:00. It has garnered 108712 views and 7586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. Have you watched the How to Train Your Dragon series? We are here with the team with a brand new minecraft series that the viewers will love! Today we are starting the survival series in the viking world in the 1.18.2 minecraft mod package. We’re starting with our classic starter! We are looking for the owners of our houses… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-09-14 17:00:32. It has garnered 9130 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:24 or 3924 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • Noki’s Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥

    Noki's Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Смішний момент з виживання в 1.7.10 #twitch #minecraft #stream #gaming’, was uploaded by Noki on 2024-05-02 10:16:37. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Its_Me_AK_King_1432 on 2024-07-26 16:06:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft mod maizen minecraft shorts shorts canman minecraft challenge minecraft but challenge cash … Read More

  • “EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥” #shorts #minecraft #gaming

    "EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥" #shorts #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Reverse Puppet 🎎 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #gaming’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-23 11:15:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | INTEGRATED DYNAMICS AUTO-CRAFTING! #16 [Modded Questing Factory]