Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | “TREE FARMING” & ADVANCED ALLOYS! #17 [Modded Questing Factory]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on setting up the beginnings of our integrated Dynamics storage and crafting system we got a storage terminal we got a crafting job terminal and we set up our first crafting interface with a crafting table to allow us to Auto Craft whatever recipes we teach to the

Crafting interface via these variable cards now one problem that we did run into in the last stream is that because of the way this mod pack is set up and because of the fact that certain recipes are locked behind Quest unlocks the integrated Dynamics system isn’t able to

Craft certain items using a regular crafting table basically when you’re looking at a recipe if the recipe has any text here where it says stage transcond item one if it has text there then the integrated dynamic system isn’t going to be able to craft it using a regular crafting table this kind of

Recipe can be Auto crafted but we have to either use these Auto workbenches which are pretty cheap to make and I’ll also free from a power standpoint but they’re fairly slow and they’re a little tedious to set up because you can’t shift-click in the recipe so if I wanted

To teach one of these how to make the item conduits I’d have to go into my system get the steel get the glass and then manually place it in to set the crafting recipe for a recipe as simple as item conduits that’s completely fine that’s not really a big deal but as we

Start looking at more and more advanced recipes that is where the sequential fabricator could be the better choice because the sequential fabricator can also craft the Gated recipes much like the auto workbench but it’s fast though it does use power and you can shift click in the recipe that you want to

Teach so here I could just shift click in the recipe for conduits and then click the set recipe tick box and it would save it so for recipes like this with the crafting interface where it would be a little bit tedious to go and craft to crafting tables go go and get

An input variable Transformer and an output variable Transformer and a block of crystallized mineral and foreign ingots and then manually place them each into their correct respective slots inside of the auto workbench that’s where I think something like the sequential fabricator is going to be the better choice basically though between

Streams chant I have done a little bit of reorganizing here I’ve moved the cable that houses our storage terminal to the center of this room and I’ve also crafted two more storage terminals this wasn’t really necessary but I think it just looks nicer and it means that

Whatever way we walk into the room we can just walk right up and be straight away into you know the crafting terminal we can request whatever it is that we want to request I’ve also gone and set up even more crafting tables here right now only this one has a crafting

Interface but all of these crafting tables can be hooked up with a crafting interface and that’s going to allow us to Auto Craft just a ton of recipes like well over 100 recipes are going to be available to us using all of these crafting tables and then over here I’ve

Put down a bunch of Auto workbenches again right now only these two have crafting interfaces the downside of course again is that these can only do one recipe at a time whereas each crafting table here can do nine recipes and a time and so what I’ve done over

Here I’ve taught this Auto workbench how to make the output variable Transformer I’ve taught this one how to make the input variable Transformer and over here we of course have this one on the sequential fabricator which we set up in the last episode and this can make the

Crafting interface and so I think now we are almost there on being able to request crafting interfaces it shows us being doable the only thing that we don’t have automated is slimeballs we’ve automated regular Pistons we could very easily automate the production of sticky pistons if we can automate the

Production of slime balls and as we saw in the last episode the best way to do that I think is going to be through deep mob learning because one pristine zombie Manta can be turned into 16 slime balls and so I think getting unlimited slime balls shouldn’t be too hard for us check

Does make a good point that I’ve completely forgot about actually and that is that um unlike the sequential Fabricators here over here you can’t extract automatically from the auto workbench which definitely is not ideal I do wonder how it works if you put an item extractor onto the auto workbench

And by that I mean like an importer this guy right here if we put an item importer onto the side of this I wonder if that kind of talks to the the crafting interface and registers the craft as being complete let me see if that works real quick the item importer

Super easy stuff if you’ve ever played with something like refined storage it kind of works in the same way we can use it to import items from the auto workbench around into our system here so all we have to do here is at the top input all items we can just put a

Variable card in here and that is going to be set to true and so I’m hopeful that that will import whatever is made here we can test it by quickly requesting a batch of those output variable Transformers we’d already have four but if I go ahead and request

Another one and say craft it should send all of the required items over and into here and then hopefully if it all works well we should get them sent to the output and we can see up here recipe is not allowed okay so I think this does

Work we had a little bit of a weird bug I think that just happened there for whatever reason just now I try to request this output Transformer and it kept saying recipe not available and we were trying other stuff to see if it would work I’ve temporarily thrown

The recipe for item conduits in here although I guess to be honest I can probably leave this here because being able to request these is maybe useful but after a lot of bug testing all we had to do was just break and replace the workbench so if you’re having issues

With this just break and replace the workbench over here if I do this we should see that gets imported fantastic and so let me see if I can show you this one more time so we’ve got a ton of these um output variable Transformers now that is not a problem we’re going to

Need a lot of them going forward but if we try this again next and craft we should see all the items sent to here we did the output variable Transformer somewhat slowly gets crafted again the trade-off here is that these workbenches are cheaper to make and then once the

Transformer is made it then gets imported via the Importer here that does then complete the craft you’ll see there’s no longer a crafting job scheduled in the job terminal and then in here we’ve got four output Transformers nice so it does indeed work and so now I’m fairly certain that if we

Can automate the production of slime balls we can fully automate the production of these crafting interfaces which is the first thing that I’m trying to automate because then I can just request like 32 of them and then quickly fill up all of these you know sequential fabric answers Auto workbenches and

Crafting tables with these crafting interfaces at which point we can then start to AutoCraft a lot of stuff between streams I did run an energy cable from the boiler setup rounded over to the sequential Fabricators the plan in the future is to have these going all

The way up to the ceiling seems true with the auto workbenches there and I do plan on filling that floor in momentarily the other thing that I’ve done between streams is that I’ve kind of done a bit of work on this section of the base I’ve not really done too much

In terms of changing how the Deep mob learning setup works I am thinking that I might move these to the center at some point I think I might look a bit nicer but basically I’ve just put down a lot of conduit facades to try and cover up

The mess of conduits that we had around before and I’ve also changed a little bit of some stuff if I get my wrench here and we shift scroll to item conduits we can see that uh here actually if I go to energy conduit we can see that I’ve moved the energy

Conduits these used to be at the back like this but I’ve moved them to the side and hid them in these marble blocks box just so that I could move these logic cables further up so that they’re now not in the way and I’ve also gone

Ahead and just built all of the loot Fabricators and simulation chambers that I think we’re going to need so we’ve got the one for glowstone that we set up in at the latest episode but we now also have four more of them around the outside here which is perfect because

Today I want to start by getting a few more of these up and running the first one I want to do is of course the zombie data model that is going to allow us to automate the Slime balls and then on top of that I also want to get the

Simulation chamber set up for the Enderman data model as well because once we have Enderman which and gas all running at the same time we should then be able to automate the production of utility research which is then going to unlock the next era of the pack for us

So back in here we are looking for the zombie data model which might be in the top bottom left there it is perfect so I’ll run that through real quick once that’s done we’ll do the same thing for the Enderman data model and then I think all of these pipes are basically already

Configured I think everything here is set to like extract always active and then insert on these two here and here I guess you don’t really want these that to insert too quickly otherwise they’re probably going to end up getting a pristine Mata but let’s do this let’s

Try and find the Enderman data model which is here while we went for that to finish up back over on this side let’s do something like this you’ll see it’s already receiving the polymer clear again it’s all hooked up at the top you’ll see there’s a lot of conduits in the roof

Here Distributing power and items to where they need to go this should start doing its job eventually we’ll need to set this up to work with the Slime balls down here we’ve already got the item interface already on the draw so that is all good to go and over here the

Enderman data model is ready to go as well and so boom that’s also going to start producing the ender pearls for us and yeah I think we should be pretty much good to go here let’s make sure that we go ahead and set this to overwhelming Mata and I will grab the

Draw key just to make sure all of this stuff is locked I’ll do that I’m also fairly certain that the Enderman data model produces extraterrestrial matter so we’ll take that out and throw that in over here as well that way we can make sure that all of these are set to

Extract always active and all of these are set to insert and of course much like we’ve been doing many times before we’ll go ahead and get two void upgrades here to make sure that those never cause the system to uh to clog up boom and boom over here we have our first

Pristine matters we can go ahead and set that to slime and again if all of this is set up correctly which it is fantastic we can then go ahead and lock that door and now if we check the system we should have access to those slyballs cool over here eventually we’ll get a

Pristine meta for the Enderman and when that comes through we can obviously set that to Ender Pearls I don’t think it’s going to make anything else although it’s quite possible it might make chorus fruit potentially nope it just makes ender pearls so that’s all we’re gonna get from this

Book that’s perfect because that is all that we need to get and there we go boom ender pearls are coming in as soon as they get made and set down we’ll go ahead and lock that fantastic and now if we head back we should be able to

Request quite a few of these uh crafting interfaces so let’s actually put this system to the test can I make 10 of these the answer is no because it doesn’t know the input variable transform which I did have taught over here and should still be taught over there what is the problem

With the input variable Transformer it doesn’t have the sticky business oh of course and it doesn’t have the variable cards that is fine there are two things we need to fix there the first is that I need to put a recipe for variable Cards into this crafting table that is fine

Let me grab all of the available cards that we do have out of the system and let’s do something like this and we’re gonna use a variable card to teach available card how to make variable cards fantastic and we’ll throw that in over here that should work it does although

Yeah though this is fine you’ll see there’s no stage at the top so this is all good to go that’s fantastic and then we do need to actually teach the interface over here how to make sticky pistons as well because right now the system does know how to make regular

Pistons it just doesn’t know how to make sticky pistons and so boom and boom that’s all good to go and of course the final piece of the puzzle is going to be getting another importer one thing we could probably do here if we wanted that there’s a few options we could put

An item in Porter onto every single one of these workbenches but if we wanted to do it in a little bit of a cheaper way I think what we could potentially do is maybe just get some kind of chest have all of the items output to that chest

And then import from that chest so for example if we were to do this and we were to put the item importer onto the chest so like that we could then put the verbal card in here to say import all items and then I’m fairly certain that if we were

To do this and basically just set all of these to extract always active that should pull any finished product out of the auto workbench basically I have all of these workbenches send it around into this chest and then this chest will just pull it into the system and of course as per

Usual if we use the conduit probio and make sure it’s in copy mode we can shift right click the copy and then just right click to paste the same configuration to all of these conduits and I think that should work so now we’ve got all of that

Set up let’s try that once again if I wanted 10 of these we’ve got everything to do it craft I think everything should kick into gear and should just start crafting of course we’re doing just at the insert on the chest there to make sure all the items

Go where they need to go so it looks like we have the same issue here that we had a second ago right here it says input variable Transformer and it says recipe not allowed so if I cancel the job I’m not quite sure we might just

Have to give up on using the workbenches because from my testing it seems to work quite well with the the sequential Fabricators but lesser with the workbenches here I think if I break and replace this workbench it might work so if we put this back down like that and then

The recipe is uh two of these here and here it’s then a sticky piston in the center with I think two just mineral crystals which are now connected by the way if you didn’t see it earlier we do have our little setup for making mineral it is here we got our full transposer

Flying Basin into compacting door and I just threw down another one of these omnidirectional connectors with an item interface to connect that up so that everything works but if I reset up the recipe in here so I put the piston in the middle and I put the chunks here and

Here that’s showing again let me then try this one more time start and start is that sending the items to here it is not okay so I think that we’re going to be on the same issue here it says pending dependencies and it says recipe not

Allowed so okay cancel all jobs we might have to give up on the auto workbenches let me try fully moving these two recipes over to the sequential fabric answers so over here this one is already pre-configured for the output variable Transformer so I’ll put that in like this and then on

Here we’ll do the input variable Transformer we’ll teach that shift right click and we’ll just put that into another crafting interface let me steal one of the interfaces that we have over here if we’re not going to use them there we go and we’ll throw that down

Right about there like that and then we’ll put this in so I think now this actually might work let me try this next and start so now is this working I think all of these are set up correctly where the uh input and outputs are set on the bank if

It says the same thing oh no it’s doing it it’s doing it though it’s working look at that things have been crafted I think they’re just a lot faster than we can see with the auto workbench you can kind of catch it before it’s done

But no it is done the 10 interfaces have been crafted and so yeah it does work with the sequential Fabricators it just seems like for whatever reason I’m not quite sure why sometimes it works with the auto workbenches and sometimes it doesn’t it seems somewhat random it can

Do the item concrete recipe like seemingly all the time the input one worked a second ago when we tested it but then we broke and replaced the output one and then that one worked but then it didn’t initially and then now this input one doesn’t work and so we’re

Just gonna have to retire these benches and although the sequential Fabricators are more expensive and they do require power the the trade-off there is that they are a lot faster and the biggest benefit is that they actually work and so I guess we’ll go ahead and use these

Going forward uh speaking of which let me go ahead and just throw down I guess all of these crafting interfaces onto the remaining sequential Fabricators so we can set those up in the future and then over here we can of course do something like this to start uh

Basically unlocking all of the uh the potential of these crafting tables and of course we could request more of these and and kind of add them as we go for now though I think what we can pivot over to is we can take a look at setting

Up the next tier of research for that we need to get a few more metal presses and we also need to get I think a few more induction smelters because if we were to take a look at the next year of research that being utility research here the utility research requires one lumium

Gear one signalum gear and one enduring gear it also requires 500 redstone blocks protecting a total of 1.8 million Redstone flux per utility research So This research is going to be a lot slower than the previous research that we’ve been doing the production research for reference only uses 240 000 so we’re

Talking a lot more power per research we can of course bring that power down by using the energy modules the energy modules if we have two of them will reduce the power usage to 125 RF partic and they’ll also bring the total energy usage down to 25 of 1.8 million whatever

That that happens to be so in order to make the three gears here as I was saying we’re going to need more fluid transposers is what we need because each one of these ingots can be made in the fluid transposer using a kind of Base

Ingot and then a fluid the fluid is what we get from our deep mob learning setup so we need destabilize Redstone automated we need resonant Ender automated and we need energized glowstone automated each one of these we get from each of these items so we can turn glowstone into energized glowstone

We can turn the Redstone into destabilized Redstone and we can turn ender pearls into resonant Ender we just need a magma Crucible and or a melter for each one now the melter in the long run could be faster because with the machines from nuclear craft if we were

To spend quite a bit of research unlocking the nuclear craft upgrades you can put up to 64 speed and 64 energy upgrades into each and every nuclear craft machine and and they work extremely fast for the time being I think we’re gonna have to stick with the

Manga Crucible just because of the fact that for one actually we can’t even make the Melt yet because the melter requires an unfamiliar item I’m fairly certain that item is a plastic sheet I think it’s right here plastic plate sorry once we have that then we can look at making

Some of the machines from nuclear Craft on top of that I don’t really want to spend that much research right now on unlocking this nuclear craft upgrade and so let’s go ahead and see if we can’t get three more magma crucibles along with three fluid transposers because we

Still do need to make the actual ingots themselves the endarium the signalum and the lumium and then we also do need to make three Alloys as well we need lead Platinum alloy for the endurium I’m gonna go ahead and bookmark that we need an Ingot whose name I cannot pronounce

But we need this alloy right here for the signalum and then for the lumium we need this 10 gold alloy so we need three induction smelters three fluid transposers and three magma crucibles and then after that we either need to get three metal presses alternatively if

We look at the quest line here after the metal press there is the option for the compactor and the compactor is able to make plates and if you upgrade it with the gear working dike and then make gears in a one block space without the

Need to take up as much space as the metal press and so I do think that is going to be worth investing in especially because right after that is the Mega metal press this one is very expensive and is going to require some of the utility research that we don’t

Yet have that we’re working towards making but the mega metal press is insanely fast and it’s gonna be good to get at some point in the near future for now though if we want to get the compactor we need 16×8 Logistics and then I think we just needed the the

Regular version of the mechanics and the production fantastic we then also need to get a bit more production for the gear working die and I picked the wrong one here that’s fine let me put these back and let me take out you we can then

Do this and this and so now we can start working on making these machines before we do them what I might do here is I might if we can’t get some automation going on this because magma crucibles we need the induction smelter we need a bookmark that the compactor now we need again

Ideally three of those to make three lots of gears and then the the final machine was the fluid transposer a lot of these crafts are going to be easier if we can teach our system how to make things like the Redstone reception coil how to make things like the machine

Frame and of course in an ideal situation here we would also teach our sequential Fabricators how to make sequential Fabricators because in doing so that then allows us to very quickly expand this setup so if we want to teach you how to make the sequential fabricator this is a gated recipe and so

That is going to have to be done via a sequential fabricator that is completely fine let’s do something like that and then let’s put that into one of our free crafting interfaces and make sure that is set to the sequential fabricator crafting tables already done Redstone

Reception coils are not gated and so it can just be taught to a regular crafting table we’ll use this bottom one over here we’ll work our way up as we go I don’t think that it gets slower if you put like too many recipes in one I think

It’s the same speed no matter what that’s fine copper gears are an interesting one for the time being I’m gonna teach it this recipe which is not particularly copper efficient however I think what we’re probably gonna do in the future is much like we did in the

Last episode where we tried to automate with the Redstone furnace and this did work by the way we can do the same thing with a compactor once we get a compactor down we could have like a general purpose compactor that is used for making all of our gears and so we can

Have that set up to make the gears more efficiently using the other gear working dime for the time being though we don’t have a compactor ready to go and so I’m just going to go ahead and teach it the slightly less efficient recipe which shouldn’t really be a huge deal simply

Due to the fact that we’ve got almost 20 000 copper in our system and we’ve got a ton more copper or like backed up in in the rail network as well so that is completely fine the machine frame recipe thankfully isn’t a gated recipe and so

I’m much like all the other ones here can just be taught to a regular crafting table that is completely fine as I mentioned in the last episode I think one thing we are going to have to do here is we’re going to have to figure out how we’re going to get these steel

Mechanical components autocrafted because again it might be worth setting up some compactors here because the the recipe for steel plates one steel to one still play it is quite good the recipe here of three steel ingots to two steel plates is less good and so

It might not be a terrible idea to get going with all of this and then I think we are going to want to set up this automated Engineers workbench and so uh like we did last episode if we grab the manual I think what I might do real

Quick is see about crafting up the items required to make the automated workbench those being steel scaffolding treated wooden slabs a redstone engineering block or light engineering block heavy engineering block and conveyor belt all stuff we made before I think we’ll look at setting this up throwing it down

Somewhere and then hooking it up to our Auto crafting system so that we can also craft things like the steel mechanical component more efficiently all right so I’ve got all of the blocks required here unfortunately we don’t have a blueprint for this like we don’t have um just a

Capsule that we can put down which means we are going to have to put this down row by row thankfully that shouldn’t be too difficult so I’m just taking a look here to where like the the direction I want to put this down I think I’m going to put it down

Kind of like maybe like this because the blue here is where the input goes in and then the the orange I think is where power goes and then this is the the Redstone Parts I’m going to put it down facing this way because I want this side here as close

To this integrated Dynamics cable that we have on the white as possible so we’ll go ahead and hit pause and then we’ll go down to the bottom level like this so we want our heavy engineering Block in the bottom left corner so we’re going to put that down right about here

And then we’ve got like a zigzag of Steel scaffolding like that and then if my memory serves me right it looks something like this I think that’s correct it is indeed if you want it like this and then the second level has two more light engineering blocks on top of the

Last one another heavy engineering block on top of the last one and then just belts and slams that is completely fine we do this we do this we do this and then I don’t know how much it matters the way these go I think though it was

Like this and if it’s done correctly we should be able to grab our Engineers hammer and much like the other multi-blocks from immersive engineering those being the blast furnace and the cook oven we can then right click this onto here you right click on this side and

Boom it forms the multi-block you do have to right click in the specific place for it to work but once it’s all up and running we just now need to hook this up to power at the top which I don’t know how much power this uses but

I’m hopeful that we can just kind of tap into our pre-existing LV wire system so if I do something like this I don’t know where our nearest cable is I guess it’s right there do I have a spare post I do not that it’s not surprising we’ve not

Made these in a little while and of course as per usual the bricks for whatever reason do not shift click in that’s fine let’s put this right about here and then let’s see if we can’t get this connected so we’ll do you we will do you and then of course we’ll do hopefully

You perfect all right that should give this power it does indeed I’m assuming it doesn’t use that much I hope and so now we need to uh to actually craft with this the automated Engineers workbench I have not used this before I don’t know if we need to give this a blueprint we

Totally do that’s completely fine and then we just select what we want it to make so the annoying thing is that we need to have one of these per recipe that we want to uh to Ultimate but I think that’s kind of fine we’re gonna automate the steel mechanical components

And for that we need one copper and two steel plates right and if I put both of these into here like then if that recipe is correct which I thought it was let me check that again people are saying I need to give it a redstone signal that’s fine let’s

Take a lever and let’s do that and yeah that works cool so you see the items go across there’s a pretty cool animation here I do quite like the look of this and um it would be cool to do more autographing with these but they’re just

So much more expensive to make than you know I guess a bunch of fabricate so they take up so much more space so this does work and so now I think what we should be able to do is if we take another one of those crafting interfaces

Which we are going to have to go and request I think that shouldn’t be a problem let me see about crafting like let’s enter the 10 of these for that we’re missing iron hold on are we out of iron we are out of iron that is not an ideal situation I assume the

Reason for that oh it’s again it’s a slag problem it’s a slang problem it’s a an odd slang problem I think all of our slang has managed to get clogged up either in this induction smelter or in this induction smelter I think we can kind of prevent this happening in the

Future by just adding more slang to the system I do have 93 Rich slag in my inventory I want to make sure that we have at least one two three like four stacks of slang in the in the system if we do that I’m hopeful that we’re kind

Of Never Gonna not have enough slack because that should always be enough like to uh to go around so let’s get this back online let’s make sure that we prioritize the the iron hero hopefully that’s going to come back somewhat quickly although I do imagine

That um a lot of our Machinery here is going to start to use that slang which is not ideal but um once we’ve got a little bit more iron we can make another crafting interface and I think it should just be a case of hooking that up to

This here now this did kind of throw the item off the edge I believe if I’m not mistaken that if I put a chest on the end right here it should put Whatever item is crafted into that chest and much like we’ve been doing inside we should

Then be able to make an importer and at this point we can go and just steal the Importer that we made earlier because right now we are not using this setup and also I’m just going to steal that real quick and I’m going to go place

That onto the chest so I’ll put that down and then we’ll connect that up to our main line like so and once that’s done we can of course throw in our import or items cards if you wanted by the way you can filter with this there’s import item and

Import items so if you wanted to filter one item you could take the portable programmer throw in your card select item from the list if you don’t see item you can just type in item click it and then you could filter what it is so if I

Only wanted to import sticky pistons I could put that in there and then take this out and then if I were to put this card into this slot this is now only going to import sticky pistons if you want to import like a list of items you

Can put your card back in you can click on list and then you can go to items this one here and then you can just add items so you can click add add and you can add really as many items as you want to that list and it will only

Import the items on that list so there’s a bunch of cool stuff that you can do to uh to really kind of Highly customize these for us for now it doesn’t matter we can just import anything that is inside of this chest and so once again

If we give this a quick test run while we wait for our iron to come back in we’ll put in uh two steel plates and one copper Ingot let’s go boom boom that should get sent out fantastic should get crafted beautiful and then should get sent

Around into the chest and as soon as it goes in the chest it should get imported back to the system nice Okay cool so that is going to work as soon as we get some iron back online and it looks like the iron is getting there so once again

Let me try requesting maybe just one crafting terminal this time we don’t necessarily need 10 of them we can then snag that and then over here let’s just drop that down on one of the inputs either this one or this one would work I’m going to do it right about here drop

This down like so and now if we go and teach the recipe for the steel mechanical component I’m fairly certain that this should work if I do this we do want to get rid of the engineers blueprint there we don’t want the system thinking it has

To send that because it doesn’t we just want it to send the two steel plates and one copper and that’s gonna work so let’s give this a try shall we if we head back to our interface we have some steel plates and we have some copper if I request a steel

Mechanical component we’ve got 48 I would like two more craft that should send the items over they should be processing through that auto workbench slowly but surely they should end up in the chest and then once they get imported they should eventually come back through to here there’s number 49

And I’m sure that any second nail number 50 will make its way in as well and so yeah that system does indeed work the only had a final step for this now is for us to automate the production of Steel plates and for that I think we are

Going to have to make at least one compactor if we’re going to make one compactor I think we should make two compactors because we want to have one compactor for making plates and one compactor for making gears because again if we’re going to set it up we might as

Well get the more efficient copper recipe going as well and so let me quickly craft up two compactors here I don’t think these are too difficult to make assuming that we have what it takes to make a few more machine frames which we might have yeah we’ve got some more machine casing

Here and so I’m fairly certain that if we do one and I think this will work for two it totally does and then I think after that do we have everything we totally do one and two nice we do need a gear working die for one of these the

Gear working die is four iron gears and one Redstone server now that we have iron coming in again that’s not gonna be a problem and then we kind of just have to decide where we’re gonna put these machines and given that this whole setup here doesn’t work I think what I’m gonna

Do is kind of tear down this whole section here and start using this area for Automated machine crafting okay so I got down these two compactors and I’ve run some energy cable over two here I’ve done the same thing that I’ve done with the sequential Fabricators so we have

Space for more machines here and of course more machines going up the walls as we progress forward the cool thing about the compactor though is that unlike the sequential fabricator we can teach one compactor multiple recipes so if we set the back here to input and

Output on both of these we can then throw down our crafting interfaces boom and boom we can of course make sure that those are connected up like so and these right now have nothing in them that’s perfect but essentially what we should be able to do if we’re going to take the

Copper gear card out of there and we re-incurred this with the Cheapo recipe so Copper gear let me teach it this recipe here two copper one cup of gear in code we should now be able to put this into whichever compactor we decide to give the gear working die to

We’ll do it to this one the gear working die goes into the augment slot like so and now this is able to make gears by default the compactor will just make plates and so if you were to put two copper in here it would just make a

Plate however with the gear working die it can make a gears and so in here if we add the gear recipe I’m pretty sure that should now just work let’s give it a try Copper gear I want to make 10 of them next and start

We’ve got 62 to begin with we should see copper being sent over we totally do it does only send one batch at a time I’m not still not quite sure why it does that but the good news is that because it doesn’t have to have the recipe

Locked inside of it like the sequential fabricator does we can add up to nine variable cards to this crafting interface and and that gives us up to nine recipe slots for this compactor and of course if we really wanted to we could also set another side to input output and

Probably just put down another crafting interface so double up on the number of recipes that we teach to any one compactor whether or not that’s a good idea really depends on how fast we make it but this totally works for now I’m going to go ahead and cancel this craft

Because we don’t actually need all of those um copper gears but this is good and so we can do the same thing of course with steel plates if we go and find steel plates in ji we can click recipe and then we can shift click in

The ones deal to one steel plate stick that in over here and now I think we should fully have the steel mechanical component automated because we have the copper the steel can be also crafted from the steel that we have available to us and that’s going to make that steel

Mechanical component then that’s the old mechanical component can be used in the making of the machine frame that is the reason that we were doing all of this I think we did teach the machine frame we did perfect so mechanical component is top the treated wood is not taught and the Machine

Casing is also not taught now the trouble that we’re going to run into here is kind of twofold one we’re going to need another induction smelter to automate the production of modularium that’s fine we can throw that induction smarter down over here somewhere we can teach that recipe and that should

Potentially work we could run into some issues with the whole multiple inputs thing the fact that you have to put in both Redstone and iron that could get a little tricky we might have to do some extra configurating to make that work but the even tricky a bit is going to be

The fact that uh treated wood automation might be a little tricky especially given that we don’t have wood automated and so we’re getting a little derailed here I did want to get the uh the next two of research up and running today but it might not be a terrible idea for me

To finally actually look at getting this wood automation going so if I do want to get wood automation going we need to get a phytogenic insulator we’re adding to the list of thermal expansion machines we need and we also need the sampling infuser we need both of those those do

Require lumium gears which we can make with lumium ingots and the Lumi ingots we can make with Glowstone along with I think it’s a 10 gold alloy is that what we uh we saw earlier it is a thin gold alloy you’ll be surprised to hear is an

Alloy between tin and gold uh please you know hold the surprise but back in here I think it’s probably about time that we set up a general purpose induction smelter for doing these kinds of crafts for that one more machine frame easy enough and then we just need to get

Ourselves an involved gear perfect and that should be everything I think for the induction spotter nice so we’ll throw this down maybe like right here and I’m going to rotate that to face away just because that’s how we’ve done it with all of our other machines as

Well and for now we’ll just throw in you and you and that should start making those 10 gold gears while we wait for that let’s make a couple of upgrade kits so that we can make those Alloys just a little bit faster this just saves us having to kind of interrupt and break

Our or smelting line every time we want to make you know something like modular which is just gonna make our lives that little bit easier boom once we’ve got the 10 gold alloy of course again now we are going to have to get a fluid transpose so we do have a

Fluid transposer it is over in here right but I think you know again trying to hijack that one is gonna be tricky let’s just go ahead and make another magma Crucible and another flu transposer and I guess let’s get like the the automation for lumium up and running all right so one flu

Transposer and one magma Crucible later I think we’re gonna set the the automation up for this around here because of course my plan is going to be to just add a fourth line of researchers right here for the next year of research I think that’s gonna make the most sense

I might end up moving these compacting drawers if we need the uh the spares because I think we might end up needing the space for a lot of this automation they’re about to set up but uh let’s start by just throwing down the manga Crucible and the fluid transposer perfect from

There we can just connect that up using the good old-fashioned lvy connectors at some point in the not so distant future we are going to have to upgrade our power infrastructure to uh keep all of this stuff running but for the time being I think this might be fine let’s

Do this and this I guess that is too close I wonder if I can do that and that I totally can it’s a little bit horrendous but it does get the job done and so right here if we get some glowstone we can throw that glowstone in

Like that and that’s gonna start to break down into energized glowstone we want that energized glowstone to go out into the full load transposer and then in the flow transposer that is where we’re going to put our 10 gold alloy which we should have a decent amount of

Over in here we totally do nice so let’s throw a bunch of that 10 gold alloy into the flow transposer and while that works and does its magic we could probably do like what’s the power usage on this Forte we can’t go over 100 which is not ideal and it takes

A while for this glowstone to Melt while we wait for that glowstone to melt though we do need a few other things right we need to get the augment here the augment doesn’t require anything too difficult apart from the aluminum gears but Sam I think is kind of true for the

Phytogenic insulator the only thing we really don’t have is the aluminum gear everything else is pretty straightforward and it’s gonna make sense I think for us also to get a monoculture cycle augment this one is a little trickier so the benefit to the monocultural cycle augment is that by

Default the way this is going to work is we put a sapling into the phytogenic insulator along with at least one phytogram and that produces six wood depending on the type of fighter you use we are probably going to set things up with basic fighter girl you can get a

Rich fighter or even flux fighter girl which is the highest tier that does produce more wood but essentially the way it works by default is you get a fight to go you put in a sampling that turns the sampling into an awkward and an oak sampling but it takes the

Sampling out of the input slot and puts in the output slot so what we could do is we could set up a cycle like a loop that takes the sampling from the output slot and feeds it back into the input slot but if you get the monocycle

Augment you can then just put that in it will keep the oak sampling in the input slot and I think it will also stop it from producing more samplings if I’m not mistaken non-fertilizer inputs are not consumed improving automation provides a minor chance to not consume fertilizer additional energy is required for

Operation secondary output chance is substantially reduced so it kind of almost gets rid of the uh the secondary Oak sampling there which would be nice for keeping the system clean the only trouble then is that in order to make it I do need at least one fluxed fighter

Grower and a signaling gear the flux fighter grower should be fine actually I think we have what it takes to make at least one batch of Rich fighter grower we can do it with the the sawdust the rich slang and the knighter the knighter could be our limiting factor

Rich like of course we could uh you know potentially steal from here and I just put some back in because we were having trouble but uh if we leave that there for now back over here do we have any nighter at all we do we’ve got loads of

Light so we’re actually backing up on nighter and we’re actually backing up on our theme dust that is almost certainly because over here we are fully backed up on Oz and so uh that’s good for now obviously we are going to hook that up as soon as we run out of our naturally

Occurring iron and copper ores but that should be everything I think for some rich fighter girl and then we just need to make I think yet another thermal expansion machine that being the energetic infuser in order to actually Infuse this so that just requires one more lead gear and boom this doesn’t

Need to be part of our automation chain and so for the time being I’m gonna haphazardly place it here just so that we can do this and get our first flux phytogrow which then should allow us to actually make this monocultural cycle augment we do need technology for that

To make that signalum I think we will hijack once again this setup here so in here we’ve got nine lumium ingots which I don’t think is going to be enough because we need two aluminum gears just for the uh the sampling infuser so we do

Need to get a tiny bit more lumium and so you know what let me do one two three we’ll leave that in there and then we’ll also put a bit of glowstone in the manga Crucible as well while we wait for that to do its thing

Let’s go and make the signal and base alloy which is copper and silver that also seems very durable couple we have silver we’ve got a little bit of we’ll throw both of those in over here and once those are ready we can then swap out the glowstone in the manga Crucible

For Redstone and we can swap out the 10 gold ingots for the signalum base ingots as well okay so the Redstone is melting and the alloy here is ready to go let’s take our lumium gears then and see if we can’t make a phytogenic insulator of

Course for that we’re doing to make the actual aluminum ingots into aluminum gears one two and three that is gonna get us the phytogenic insulator of course we do it another machine frame and of course for that we do need more machine casing and I’m hopeful that we

Do have a decent amount of modulo and we do indeed fantastic and so finally let’s take two a view will make one phytogenic insulator and we’ll make one sapling infuser nice Okay cool so we’ll take this and it doesn’t necessarily matter too much I don’t think where we put this

For some reason I’ve got this area over here on my mind simply because of the fact that it’s kind of where all the wood stuff already is but I think it’s probably going to make more sense for us to put this somewhere else simply due to

The fact that we could do with like a better power source so I might put it here again TBD on the uh final resting place for this but if we throw it in the sampling infuser augment there are two things that we now need to do we need to automate

The production of fighter girl because the fighter girl is used in the production of this I think potentially the best recipe for us here is um is almost certainly going to have to be this one that makes 16 right it takes one slang and one pulverized charcoal

And makes one nighter this should be fine if we can take a storage interface and drop it onto this night to draw like that and then connect that up of course to the main line up here which we totally can because we just run this along like that and that’s

Going to give us access tonight so we can now AutoCraft with that nighter we could then do with two more things the first thing we could do with is a pulverizer we could do with a general purpose pulverizer that we’re going to use for producing the charcoal so over

Here I’m going to put that down like this and we’ll rotate it to face away like that make sure the back here is set to input and output and again if we get another interface we can then use that pulverizer to AutoCraft the pulverized charcoal we could also do I guess we’re

Getting two of these actually and I just requested one but if we request one more here because we could do with also putting our Redstone furnace onto the wall as well that’s going to take you to face away and if we connect both of these up

We’ll do this and this we can use the pulverizer to produce the pulverized charcoal and we can use the Redstone furnace to produce the actual charcoal so if we go and get our programmer we can then look at the recipe for charcoal and if we go to the furnace we can then

Shift like this in and Oakwood is exactly what we want let’s do this and this perfect so now this knows how to make charcoal we can then go and do the same thing again here we’ll put this in go to recipe go to uh pulverized charcoal and if we go ahead and shift

Like that in we can take this card and place it in here cool so what we want to do next I guess is also pick up this Rogue interface that was on our Redstone furnace previously that is no longer needed the final piece of the

Post I guess is really just to teach one of these crafting tables how to craft the fighter go itself so we’ll take the card again we’ll do this we’ll do this we’ll type in fightogor and we’ll shift click in this recipe right here they’re all obviously easier recipes I’m a

Little worried about this one just devouring all of the slag that we have which would not be ideal and this one is kind of just as difficult as this one so I think this is the best option because it is the most efficient and we’re going

To make wood as part of this endeavor anyway so right here that is good to go we’ll put you in like so and then what we’re going to want to do is I think we’re going to want to get an item exporter we’ve made item importers so

Far but we’ve not made item exporters the exporter super easy to make and once we have it we can then put that down let’s say for now on the top like this uh what’s at the top here to input and if we connect that up to our integrated Dynamics system

And get rid of any excess cables that I may have accidentally placed down we should now be able to specify what we want this to export and we’re going to do it in the same way that we did earlier so real quick uh do we have any

Awkward we do so let me see if I can actually request 16 fighter grower if I request one it should make 16 it’s saying we don’t have slag we definitely do have slag I think the trouble there is that the recipe is configured with the wrong type of slack so let me do

This let me type in let me first of all let me grab some slack out of the system at least one and then back in the programmer if we try and redo that recipe for fighter girl we should be able to shift click to change this to match any equivalent by or dictionary

But I think it might be easier just to do this and then take this card out that should now use the correct type of slack and so let’s try that one more time photographer next and craft hopefully that is going to make all the stuff we need to make

The charcoal is being made it should get pulverized once it’s been made and then it should get crafted together with the nighter and we should see hopefully any second now look at that 65 to grow nice cool so we can take this and over here what we’re gonna do is

We’re going to open our logic programmer we’re going to put in a card we’re going to type in item and we’re gonna say fighter then we’re going to take that card and we’re going to put it into this exporter so if I were to put it into export item

Right here it should start exporting the fighter girl and he did it took the fight to grow instantly out of the system and placed it into the phytogenic insulator but we can take it one step further if we click this little pause button here and we go all the way to the

End there is an option for craft it says if the instance should be crafted if it is not present in the network and we want to set this to true now what you should start doing is it should start making more photograph which is what it’s going to do and it’s

Basically going to keep crafting fighter until it can no longer put any more into the phytogenic insulator and so right now it’s going to craft more and we should see hopefully look at that boom we’re 32 it’s only at 48 and 64 and 164 is in then it’s going to stop making the

Fighter grow at least until we need more then as soon as we use some it’s going to send some more out and it’s going to keep sending it out until it runs out and the system shouldn’t repeat now this is taken care of we can take a sampling

And we can place that in here my original plan oh we don’t need water as well actually so I could probably do with another aqueous accumulator my original plan of course was to use the monocultural cycle augment but um the twitch chat has kind of talked me out of

It I think if we just use a a two by one draw that being a storage drawer that can hold two items we might be able to automate this in a much easier fashion that leaves us room in the future for even more augments which would be good if we need

Faster what so let’s do this or set the back of you to output and what’s at the back of you to input that’s going to receive water this is going to start doing its thing let’s get a a two by one draw I’m gonna get a framed version and of course I’m going

To make it look like marble and then we’ll throw that down like here and the idea here is if we set the bottom to output on Orange it’s going to push both of those down we can then lock this drawer like that and the only trouble there oh no actually

It’s completely fine we can just change it to um in and out because then if we set it to Auto input it’s going to pull the saplings I don’t know where it got a spruce I don’t know where I got 16 Spruce saplings from but it should pull

A sampling out of this drawer up into the fighter junk insulator and then once it’s done I have no idea where it’s getting 16 Spruce saplings from did it does it make Spruce saplings for some reason like when I take that out that works as well

If I uh hold on if I turn the bottom off is it pulling from from something else is there somewhere else that it’s pulling those it is pulling those from somewhere else I’m not quite sure where it’s pulling those from um because the item I think it’s doing

It from the um from the item type here Channel Brown Robin Blacklist false that’s correct item transfer exact amount but I think I think this exporter is exporting the item like I’m pretty sure if I disconnect this that it will stop sending those yeah but then if I reconnect like if I

Put these saplings back in my inventory and I and I reconnect this cable that’s exporting Spruce saplings which is very odd because that should not be happening this should only be exporting the item that is specified in the card so I don’t know what the

Problem is here but I think what we can do to temporarily solve it is just change at the top here to insert green which is only going to insert this left slot so now if I take that out it can basically this exporter can no longer export to both slots it can only

Export to this first slot which is uh is fighter grower this does mean that eventually if we do for some reason we’re not a fighter girl like the system isn’t able to make any more fighter go again that could be a problem technical Faults Are input might help actually let

Me try that real quick before we uh commit to this if I turn that back to Blue interesting oh okay so I think that what might be happening there this is already set to alter output so we don’t need Auto input on but um I guess in that case the

Phytogenic insulator is pulling like from the exporter I’m like and it’s just pulling from the network it’s pulling anything that it can pull that is really interesting so you turn this on and it starts pulling random saplings okay that’s good to know because I I really did think that the the filter

Like whitelist would work there so fair enough uh I didn’t know that the machines could pull from an exporter I figured that wouldn’t be the case but anyway this works and so now we just need to go ahead and make sure the bottom is set to input and output

Like this and then we need to just leave it and it should start pulling oh look we do the ultimate input on don’t we oh that’s banned we need Alto input on because we need to be able to pull the the saplings out of here we could use an

Item conduit to do that but I think that the better solution is just going to be to what I was about to do which is make this green and then turn off to input back on at which point now it’s going to pull the oak samplings that are made out

Of here back up into here it’s going to use them to make more wood send them back down that’s also going to make another sampling it’s guaranteed to make another sampling there’s a 100 chance and so we’re never going to get any more samplings it’s just going to keep using

The same one over and over again but we do now have an unlimited amount of wood and so if we go ahead and take an item interface we can then drop that down right about here connect that of course up to the main pipe like that and this now

Works so now we have unlimited oak wood which is going to just keep going forever and so now we can utilize that unlimited oak wood to produce unlimited treated wood and for that I think what we’re going to want to do is get another sequential fabricator and this time I

Think we’re gonna have to unlock another piece of research that’s going to allow us to craft using this sequential fabricator and fluids so the sequential fabricator on its own can’t craft with liquids however if we check the quest book there is a bit of research here which is not too expensive it’s more

Expensive than I like it to be but what else is new and once we have that what we should be able to do is craft up the fluid crafting augment which is this one here fluid fabrication super easy augment to craft and with that you can now pump liquids into the

Sequential fabricator and I’m of course going to pump that in Via our fluid tank so I’m thinking if we do maybe this what we should be able to do is grab some conduits fluid conduits ideally from our system I don’t think nine is quite going to be enough but I’m

Fairly certain that then we can export from our tank and I think we can pull from the bottom here so I think we can kind of run this along set this to extract always active and over here it’s at the right hand side to input and then of course give it

The fluid augment then it’s going to start filling up ideally with creosote yes I had to break and replace that after I put the augment in you’ll see that is now filling up with Chris oh and then once that’s filled with creosote then all we need to do is I

Guess get another exporter interface which is not that I want another item exporter which does require another variable card which thankfully we can make let’s do that if we put that item exporter on I was gonna put it on the top but I guess right here on the back

Would work to save a cable and we can set the back there to input this time we’re going to get another card and we’re going to tell this to export planks so we do need to teach our system how to make planks because I think right

Now it only knows how to make crafting tables bizarrely but if we do this and type in plank we can teach it this recipe drop that in here that’s our first full crafting interface over here I want to teach this how to make treated wood I’m

Pretty sure that what we can do here if I get another bucket I think I can take a bucket of creosote I can take some Oak planks out of the system and I’m fairly certain that if I teach it the recipe like this even without the buckets it will pull from

This tank so if I put just some wood in here it should then begin pulling this creosote and this wood to make the treated wood of course for this to work it does need power and that’s not going to work because of the way that that’s set up

A little bit of weight you can cheese this I think because if you break this connect this and then replace this that totally works and you’ll see this is crafting despite the fact that it doesn’t have any creosote buckets which is great so what we want to do is

We want to take our portable programmer type in item drop in the wooden plank drop in a card this card is for item conduits we don’t need it currently and then once that’s at two planks back over in here we can put that into export item

And once again we can go all the way along to craft and type true and then that should start crafting the oak planks and sending them to here and again we can do something like this to make sure that it doesn’t send too many oak planks and then the final step of

The process is to grab yet one more draw place that draw let’s say here set this to Output Auto output that’s going to put the treated wood in that draw we can then lock that draw and if we put an item interface onto this drawer as well

Like that and connect it up with our cable we now have unlimited and automated treated wood so now that we have treated wood automated we’re one step closer to being able to fully request these machine frames the only thing now that we don’t have automated because we’ve done the steel mechanical

Components we’ve done the tweeted wood is the machine casing so the recipe for the machine casing itself is pretty straightforward for that we are going to need a few more variable cards but we do have more of those and of course we can request them as and when we need them

The recipe for the machine casing is pretty straightforward we can add that to our next crafting table there the tricky part is the modularium because for this we need to use the induction smelter and my concern here is that with the compactor we can give this really as

Many recipes as we like right we’ve told you how to make copper gears but we could do the same with aluminum gears iron gears 10 gears like gear esophagus signaling gears and damn gears any gear we want right we could put all of those recipes in here and because the

Compactor Can Only Hold one item at a time that would be fine however the induction smelter is awkward because it can hold two items and I think the trouble there is that as we get into more advanced crafting if we try and request something that requires two different Alloys let’s say we want

Um both a bronze and involve at the same time I think it’s possible that we might end up in a situation where two things end up in here that don’t need to be in here so let’s say there’s some gold in here because it’s trying to make electrum right and so this is

Waiting for silver but then at the same time the system is trying to request inval my first question is if I were to try and put Nickel in there does the nickel go in or does it just like refuse to work no it totally goes in so I could see

This being the case where it’s trying to do both at the same time although that might not be a problem because of the way that the integrated dynamic system works we’ve noticed so far that it only ever puts one item in at a time and so

It might actually be okay if we do this and we go back and we get another card here we set this to recipe and we set this to modularium that’s the one that we actually need right now it’s quite possible that we could just do this and

This and because it only ever does one match at a time this actually might just work so we’ll set it back to input and output and I guess let’s go right let’s see can I get some modularium we’ve got nine if I wanted 10 more

Start it uh I think it’s only going to send one of each at a time it is that is pretty nifty and it’s actually kind of just like a built-in way to prevent the wrong items being sent which is pretty cool the only potential way this could be a problem

Is if it tries to send like I assume it doesn’t like I was gonna say the only way it could be a problem is if we need some modularium and it decides to send one iron and we don’t have any Redstone but my assumption would be that the integrated dynamic system is smart

Enough to not send anything until we have all of the items required so now that’s taken care of I think we are good to go I think we can actually finally ultimate these if I wanted 20 machine frames can I do that I totally can craft and so it should

Start sending modularium to that it should start sending uh coal over to here I guess we’re making more fight to go as well it should start sending steel uh to the compactor it should start sending copper and steel over to here once we have all those steel plates uh

We should be making steel gears as well over and around here somewhere there’s the steel plates being made of course all of these machines could do with being a lot faster but everything does work like like the the process does work here and now it’s just

A case of making things faster so we can get these machine frames in a shorter period of time but for the most part it looks like everything is good let me uh see there real quick if I can’t get a couple of upgrades kits here because the

Uh the compactor especially is um is quite slow so let’s do maybe two of these and maybe two of these and then let’s do one two and I guess for now one two we can also grab some more augments as well these are all connected up to our main power system so

These can be upgraded the other machines that we have are not quite so fortunate 350 is a lot of redstone flux protect but I think it’s kind of fine um what I mean by that is that uh our machines outside are connected to LV wire connectors right these ones right

Here which I think is going to be bad right so I think next time when we come back we’re going to work on that utility research this is not going to be fast enough these connectors here so we’re going to have to work on either getting

The next tier of cable or maybe just kind of getting rid of the uh lvr MV cables entirely and just winning conduits for everything so that we can make those machines faster and actually get them to uh to work in a reasonable amount of time but this

Is all working and hopefully we will soon start to get some machine frames the tweeted one is backing up over here we’ve got uh almost a full draws worth that is perfect people asked about a storage downgrade we could have put a storage downgrade in here but again we

Have unlimited wood now so I really don’t think it’s uh it’s strictly necessary let me check oh I guess we’re just still waiting for for steel plates eh I was gonna say let’s check like what the uh what the holdup is here we’re still making the uh the fighter girl which is

Good yep still making the steel the steel plates for the modulum casing there that’s all getting made I think the way it’s working here is it might be making all of the steel plates before it starts making any of the mechanical components which is a little slow but it’s probably fine

I do wonder if there’s a way we could speed this up oh wait we can we’ve got oh but you can’t go any lower you can you can change the number of text for operation but you can’t go lower than uh than five so this means that something only

Happens once every like quarter second as opposed to once every tick it’s all the end of the world and it’s kind of about the same speed as the compactor here so it’s probably about as fast as we want it to go anywhere but um but yeah that is ultra crafting kind of

Taken care of and hopefully we will slowly but surely gather these machine frames and next time we can use those machine frames to craft up all of the compactors all the flow transposers and all of the manga crucibles as well as all the induction smelters that we’re

Going to need to automate the signalum the illumium and the endurium that we need in order to make the utility research and then once we have that utility research we can then start working on a bunch of other stuff there’s a couple of things here we do

Want to get the tier 2 or automation up and running because we kind of need that in order to automate utility research utility research does require things like tin things like lead things like uh whatever other Platinum is another one that we need for the um the lead Platinum alloy here so

We need to get that tier 2 Infinity minor online so we can get an infinite amount of those resources to keep the utility research coming in automatically for that we’re gonna have to automate the production of these mining drones so that we can keep that all coming in as

Well that’s probably what we’ll work on after we have the utility research and yeah then we can start working on oil which is kind of the next big thing we need to work on oil we can then refine it we can get plastic and we can use

That to get into the next tier of research after utility research and we can keep pushing forward because I think at that point we’re pretty close to the final tiers of research chemical stf5 and then after tier 5 there is just Quantum so we’re almost there we’ve done

Half of them we’ve got three more to go let me go and give this one more check how are we doing on machine frames the answer is that we’re maybe getting there yes we got a few a few more to craft job waited yeah waiting for the pendants to

Finish I see so it does wait for all of the dependents to finish which is not ideal it would be better if it could start making them before all this was done like it would be faster I should say if it did that but I guess at the

Same time it’s also more prone to things going wrong if it does that as well which is not ideal um it looks like that might be done though and so we should start to see yeah this is working it’s making those steel mechanical components

And so uh yeah this is all good to go one thing we could potentially do if we wanted to make things like this faster is instead of doing what we’re doing here where we kind of just make them whenever we need them we could put down

A draw somewhere a storage door put an exporter on that put a storage downgrade into that draw so you can only hold 64. and then basically just tell it to Auto Craft until the door is full and that way it would kind of keep 64 of them on

Tap all the time and then whenever we needed them it would just pull them that might be a better way of doing it you know we could do the same thing with with steel plates and whatnot we could all kind of just always have 64 steel plates always have 64 still mechanical

Components heck always have 64 machine frames on hand ready to go and then whenever we use one we could have it just make another one in the background passively so we’re not like actively waiting for the recipe to come in and uh yeah I’m gonna quickly finish up this

Four here because I did say that I was going to fix this before we wrap up the video and with the floor fixed I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode of Feed the factory there foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Feed The Factory | “TREE FARMING” & ADVANCED ALLOYS! #17 [Modded Questing Factory]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-09-17 22:00:33. It has garnered 20245 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:03 or 4023 seconds.

Minecraft Feed The Factory | “TREE FARMING” & ADVANCED ALLOYS! #17 [Modded Questing Factory] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Mystical Block | AN ALL NEW SKYBLOCK! #1:

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Feed The Factory Mod Pack –

Feed The Factory is a Minecraft factory automation modpack that takes inspiration from automation focused games like Factorio.

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #FeedTheFactory #Modded

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  • Master Minecraft Building Skills Now! #shorts #viral

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  • VividMine

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  • AussierSMP Factions SMP survival factions towny

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Battle Royale Edition

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  • Roblox Blade Ball: Mastered All, We Stand Tall!

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  • Minecraft Logic: When you find diamonds before coal 😂 #hypixel

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  • Mastering Pig Breeding in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Crazy Builds! #101

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  • EPIC FAIL: Testing Old Minecraft Versions

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Dream House Build – A Magical Transformation!

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  • Sneaky Gamer’s Secret Underground Base

    Sneaky Gamer's Secret Underground BaseVideo Information [Music] [Music] open I got and back keepy I’m show I got that I got that I got that back keep in the I’m with I got that I’m with I [Music] got This video, titled ‘underground base! Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #shorts #minecraft #minecraftcartoon’, was uploaded by WONDERFUL GAMER on 2024-01-04 05:30:00. It has garnered 13 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. survival house | Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #shorts #minecraft #satisfying #minecraftcartoon 34 #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial survival house | Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #herobrine #minecraft #shorts #marioluigi P17 Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #shorts… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Spider vs All Mob Fight Reveals Surprising Secret! #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Spider vs All Mob Fight Reveals Surprising Secret! #MinecraftVideo Information I St ow ow ow ow ow [Music] f a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘You will never get rid of minecraft spider vs all mob fight. until you do THIS|#minecraft’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-03-29 20:11:35. It has garnered 4820 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:00 or 240 seconds. You will never get rid of minecraft spider vs all mob fight. until you do THIS|#minecraft b minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft… Read More

  • “Minecraft Madness! Insane Gameplay in Project Minecraft Shorts!” #Shorts #Minecraft

    "Minecraft Madness! Insane Gameplay in Project Minecraft Shorts!" #Shorts #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Project Minecraft Shorts Ep 882 #Shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Plain and Simple Gameplay on 2023-12-26 19:00:07. It has garnered 2462 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Village to City! Join me on an epic adventure as I attempt to create a city with 1000 villagers in Minecraft! In these videos, I’ll show you how to build houses, farms, and other structures to support your growing population. We’ll explore the world and gather resources to create a thriving community. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival S1: Amazing House Building!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival S1: Amazing House Building!Video Information [Muziek] Yo Dames en Heren van mijn kanaal en super toof dat jullie kijken naar een nieuwe Minecraft Survival aflevering mijn naam is Walinga en mijn inventory Ah ik wou net zeggen zit op de bamboe vol maar dat valt dus nog wel even mee in ieder geval in de vorige aflevering zijn we even wat dieper eh de Mine ingegraven en hebben we even een beter eh systeem bedacht zeg maar om mezelf te laten vallen eh ja voor het geval voor eh dat dus nu kunnen we gewoon ooit een keertje gewoon lekker eventjes minen gaan… Read More

  • Kiply Exposes Terrifying Minecraft Secrets!

    Kiply Exposes Terrifying Minecraft Secrets!Video Information just how scary is Minecraft’s nightmare seed with monsters lurking in the shadows what guys there’s something in the tree over there guys R friends acting suspicious all right you guys cannot like The Vibes I’m just going to kind of chill here I don’t like this man who did you bribe why do they like you and terrifying structures spawning in um this was not the village we were just did this is the whole story of Minecraft’s scariest seed we escape or die trying everyone stick together come on pepper get moving I see yo yo… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | “TREE FARMING” & ADVANCED ALLOYS! #17 [Modded Questing Factory]