Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Levitated | BONSAI POTS, WATER WAND & FLIGHT! #3 [Modded Questing Exploration]

Video Information

Between the streams i have done a little bit of work trying to clear up the uh the area over here and also trying to like organize things just a little bit because they were getting a bit messy um at the end of the last stream so

Now we have both of our pure daisies placed down over here with some more wood planks just to show where we can put any like you know cobblestone or end stone or whatever it is that we want to put around our pure daisies going forward and but we of course have our uniculture

Our mana pool our endoflames and our petal apothecary at the very end of the last stream we did finally manage to get the old clay conia here which means we can now begin turning our sand in it to clay and one thing that we did do right at

The end of the last stream is get ourselves five clay which if we want we can now go ahead and smelt up into five bricks thus allowing us to craft up our very first bonsai pot that being this guy right here and i guess we might also

Right away jump in and i’m trying to get and try and get a hopping bonsai pot as well because those are a little bit more useful in terms of automation and i did also make a few more chests and i’ve also tried to organize my chests just a little bit and we kept

Kind of like building blocks and ores over in this chest we have a kind of farming materials and flowers in this chest we’ve got a chest for general junk up there and then we have a chest for kind of uh usable useful resources in in here but uh for now if we

Grab the older they’ll brick actually while we went for that let’s go and craft up a chest and then hopefully a hopper good stuff we can then go ahead and once we have this last brick here beautiful craft up our very first bonsai pot like so and if we craft the bonsai pot

With the hopper that’s going to get us a hopping bonsai pot and then finally if we grab enough wood to make one more chest here and that’s not the right word isaac that is living wood not wormwood if we grab enough wormwood here to make

One more chest and then we can put the hopping bonsai pot on top and then if we have a wormwood sampling which we currently don’t we can begin growing that so i think what i’m going to do is i’m going to head on over to one of our nearby trees here and look

Together one with sapling you can put quite a lot of stuff in these bonsai pots i did show off a little bit in the live stream that we can go sugarcane in here i guess if we really wanted to we could grow wheat or

Or hemp fiber in here as well uh you can also do chorus fruit i believe we could put this in with some end stone awesome starch and grass and that will get us ender pearls popped coral suit and chorus fruit but ideally i would like to move away from

Chorus fruit as kind of our main food source and if possible i would love to pivot over to using apples which we can get if we get a um a wormwood sampling in that bonsai pot so once we have one of these wormwood saplings here all we should have to do

Is grab one of these grass blocks here now let me check real quick if you press u and then look at the bonsai part it does show you here which material to use so interestingly if you use the grass it will grow faster it’ll go 10 faster but you get 10 less

Stuff whereas with the end stone it grows 10 slower but you get 10 more things i think we probably want to go with the grass i think both are identical honestly right like getting 10 fewer things 10 faster is maybe the same as getting 10 more things 10 slower

Either way if you put in the grass and then you right click with the sapling and we should very slowly start to see that sampling growing inside the old pot there there we go a tiny little version of the wormwood tree growing inside the bonsai pot and once that progress bar

On the left that gets to 100 it will deposit some random wears into the bottom chest here by random wares i do of course mean some wormwood logs sticks apples wormwood leaves and wormwood saplings you’ll notice that each item here has a percentage chance so the chance of getting wormwood logs

Is quite high the chance was getting another sampling quite low the chance was getting apples not super high but again over time as this runs kind of over and over and over again and we will kind of back up on wood saplings leaves logs and apples which is

Hopefully gonna work out quite nicely for us so the next quests here chad are the bed quest which i still don’t think we really need to do just yet it’s kind of a side quest we also have the bad breath quest and the agglomeration quest so it says

Remember that end dragon we might need to pay her a visit because the lack of nether materials creating a fire rune is harder than before fortunately a bottle of dragon’s breath could help but slang the dragon ain’t an easy task so the rune of fire requires normally netherwart and nether brick however

There is a second recipe here that requires firewood and dragon’s breath firewood you can make by right clicking a wormwood plank with a chunk of end infused iron and that will create a firewood block so essentially if we grab one of these and we craft that down to a plank

We can then grab one of our end infused iron of which we have just the one and i’m gonna do it outside just in case it does actually like sit on fire that’s not how that works hold on let me try that again try to uh

Smelt it first a chunk of end infused iron so i assume i have to first smelt this ah no we have to drop it in the mana pool i see okay so first things first we have to drop this in over here there we go and infused iron

Chunk at which point if we uh right click boom we get firewood nice so that is that bit taken care of and the rest of the items again are not going to be too difficult mana powder and mana still be made in the last stream and then gunpowder

Can be made by dropping flint into a mana pool so the only hard part here is the dragon’s breath which we can get but it does mean we have to go over to the the end dragon now the other quest we have to do is a quest that wants us to make the

Terrestrial agglomeration plate it says the terrestrial agglomeration plate is a crucial step for terra steel which is a key ingredient for the alpine portal assuming you’ve now collected all five runes you shouldn’t be too uh that shouldn’t be too hard so to make a bookmark this to make the terrestrial

Agglomeration plate and as the quest alluded to we do need a water and earth a mana and air and a fire rune now in the last stream we did craft up an earth rune so we just need water mana air and fire and thankfully each time you craft a rune

You do get two of that rune so all of these recipes i believe give you oh no not all of them like the water the earth the air and the fire the only one that doesn’t give you two is mana but that’s okay so i think what i’m gonna do check is we’re

Gonna make all of these ruins but we’re also gonna make a couple of rods as well specifically um one of the first rods that i would like to make is the rod of the seas this one right here because this one allows us to produce water using mana which means

No longer do we have to travel on over via our waste stone to the acidic plains biome pick up buckets of acid bring them back down to our base here put them down next to pure daisies wait for them to turn into ice break the ice and then pick up water

What we should be able to do is uh utilize the mana in our mana pool to generate water using a a rod of the sea so i’ll bookmark that as well so this obviously requires the ruin of water the ruin of water again fairly easily fairly easy actually it requires a sugar cane

Which we have a bone meal which we also have um it requires again one man of steel and one mana powder and then a fishing rod which is of course three sticks and two string uh we do thankfully have some industrial hemp here so we can go make two string

At which point crafting up that fishing rod there really shouldn’t be too difficult for us there we go and then if we grab one iron ingot and maybe we have mana here we do not that’s fine we can do it outside as well as one floral powder i think is maybe the

Cheapest way of doing this so mana powder and man of steel and at that point i think we have basically everything so let’s do bone meal fishing rod man of steel mana powder sugarcane there we go let’s go start making that um we do of course once again

Needs living rook and i don’t know if i made enough living walk i didn’t uh let’s go and very quickly smelt up some uh some stone there and then of course we’re gonna put that down around our pure daisy once again i don’t think it matters too

Much if we leave the the runic ultra hanging to the best of my knowledge it’s less than ideal of course but um i think it’s fine i think this will just wait um it would also appear that we are a little low on mana anyway so something like that is probably a good

Idea now it might not be a terrible idea as well chad for us to look in today’s stream at trying to get a um a coke oven there is a quest for it it’s right here and the reason for getting that is so that we can turn our wood into charcoal

You’ll see it says that a normal furnace cannot smell logs into charcoal but this coke oven definitely can and the coke oven shouldn’t be too difficult for us to make now uh if we want to make it we need some clay some bricks and some sandstone so basically a lot of clay

And uh given that we get clay from sand basically just a lot of sand but essentially that’s going to allow us to turn some of the wood that we’re getting from our bonsai pot here into a charcoal that we can then drop on our endo flames for some more efficient mana generation we

Are so very close on the uh on the manner there but we do need a little bit more in the way of uh in the way of fuel here so i will try dropping some of these uh logs here even though it does appear that these

Guys won’t cool down one thing we should probably do chat is utilize the overgrowth seed that we were given in a previous episode this guy right here i believe this will allow one of our endo flames to produce extra mana if we right click like oh it might

Have to be on grass actually now that i think about it hmm oh we also actually i’m a full chat number four the reason we’re not getting mana is because our mana spreader is currently not actually down we need to do something like this and then connect all these back up

So living rock and right click with the wand of the forest and compare we get ourselves two water runes nice all right so let’s once again move this back over to uh to here and we’ll probably leave that there permanently now i don’t have to move that

Again going forward we’ll make a new one uh if we want to uh do some more rune making which of course we definitely do want to do now speaking of things that we do want to do if we’re gonna get a rod of the sea what we’re gonna have to do is

Get ourselves a mana tablet this basically allows us to suck up the mana out of a mana pool and then carry it around with us it also allows us if we want to move mana from what like one mana poor to another but in our case it’s going to allow us

To actually use the wand of the sea because without it the one to the sea doesn’t have access to any manner and therefore wouldn’t actually actually work so let’s go ahead and uh quickly craft up another mana spreader while we wait for this uh living walk to be produced here because

The living rock is required uh to make the meta tablet i think we will most certainly uh first of all get our little uh dagger out for this enderman in case he tries doing that again excuse me where the heck did that endowment come from it’s my first question

And also where in the world is that that enderman there he is he is holding unfortunately he is holding no please he’s holding iron which means he’s got more help than a regular enderman hello my friend there we go all right another chunk first though which is nice

All right we need uh a gold right so we got what we need here yes we need a gold for the old uh mana spreader what else do we need here just a petal that seems easy enough we’ll use that orange we’ve got a nice amount of those

Only the one gold is required and boom nice all right all right all right all right so there’s our second matter spreader we also want to make sure these are all hooked up which they are fantastic and this guy are they all hooked up yeah they’re all good okay perfect so we

Should now chat have everything it takes to make a mana tablet we do indeed like so and then if we were to for example go and drop this in over here by default if you hover over it with the mana with the one of the forest you’ll see that by default

It’s set to take mana out of the mana tablet and put it into the mana pool with the blue arrow there if you shift right click it will change and begin taking mana out of the mana pool and putting it into the the amount of tablet right now you’ll see that bob

Just above where it says tablet is ever so slightly full on uh on mano um it does have a very very small amount which is not ideal i’m actually not quite sure how much mana we’re going to need to actually make water hopefully not a crazy amount but while

We wait for some more mana to be generated there let’s see if we don’t have everything it takes to make this guy i believe we should we have glass over here so one two and three gets us three glass bottles we will uh fill one of those up i think for now like

Right here that is gonna ruin oh no hold on i would like the water please not the ender air it does say there water bottling via right clicking is disabled use a fluid tank so the fluid tank i assume is going to be oh it’s not too bad actually it’s a

Lot of iron but it is actually uh actually doable so this mana pool is now empty uh we are gonna need a little bit more mana in there to get more sand so let me go and quickly get some more mana using the old antibiotics here actually no we could uh we can

Temporarily because we don’t need much sand we need one piece of sand we can just drop this in and uh that’s gonna fill up using the mana that was in the tablet so i’ll spell that up uh and then after that we should have everything for the

Tank it’s just iron at that point and we do have 14 iron on this so we’ll make some iron bars like so and just as soon as we get the old glass here that should allow us to make the old fluid tank which i think might be a

Quest i thought i did see a quest for that but apparently not so with that what all we should have to do here is uh get ourselves the water which we actually already have in the reservoir here and then if we open this up and put in our glass bottle that’ll hopefully

Fill up with water it did nice and at that point chad finally we can combine all of that together to get ourselves the rod of the seas nice so once again i’ll suck all the mana out of there and we’ll go and see if we can’t suck a little bit of mana

Out of this guy although that one also seems very much so empty at this point in time which is uh less than ideal and we are now also pretty low on planks as well we are getting apples though which is real nice it means we can kind of finally retire

The uh chorus fruit as our main food supply the cholesterol does like an okay job but the fact that you know occasionally it teleports you and you don’t want to be teleported is less than ideal Okay so hopefully we do have a tiny bit of mana in there but hopefully what we can do here is potentially just right click and look at that chat we produce water and i don’t think it really uses that much mana to produce the water you’ll see we’ve got a very tiny amount

In the uh in the old manner tablet here and i am going to be somewhat wasteful right now cause i wanna kind of see how much we actually get out of this uh this mana tablet apparently the answer is one bucket’s worth actually it looks like maybe now we don’t have enough

That’s okay but we do not have the ability to turn mana into water so if we need water going forward again no longer do we have to go back over to the the acid plane biome which is real nice real nice so i think now chad it’s definitely apparent that we’re not producing

Anywhere near enough mana to uh to really move forward here i think we need to take care of mana before we try and make you know terracil or even all the rest of the wounds and so i do think that uh it might be worth us trying to get

The coke oven uh so if we’re gonna make chat a curcumin we need a 27 coke brick and we get three at a time which means we need nine lots of this uh so we need 36 clear 36 bricks and a nine sandstone which essentially is 81 cent

I believe is what we need if we’re gonna make that so that means 81 cobblestone as well as quite a lot of well at least a little bit of mana to make that happen so i think we need to get we need to start putting quite a bit of end stone down around

Our pure daisies here to start getting a decent amount of cobblestone coming in okay so we’re 96 which ones is very close actually to uh to having what we need of course we do need to turn all of this cobblestone into sand um which means we are more than likely

Gonna have to move our alchemy catalyst in fact i’m gonna go ahead and get rid of this mana poor for now it really doesn’t seem to be uh too useful in here anymore and instead what we’ll do is we’ll kind of just uh what we could do i guess

Is we could get a mana splitter which would allow us to split our manner between like one mana pool that was just ascended menopausal one that had the alchemy catalyst beneath it uh right now that doesn’t make much sense given that we don’t have that much

Mana coming in but once we do get more mana up and running the the amount of splitter here is going to come in quite useful for splitting mana like that for now though let’s uh drop the old catalyst under here and then like i said before we

Basically need to turn all of this cobble into sand thankfully that requires a very small amount of mana per piece and in fact we’re very close to having all that mana there which is real nice we will of course go and get some more wood here and throw basically all of

That onto the old uh endo flames we do also of course have to uh utilize the old clay flower here to turn a good chunk of our sand into clay also again thankfully doesn’t require too much mana so that’s a stack and then we need uh

Eight more one two three four five six seven eights i think that’s all the clay we need uh we’re doing half of it smelted so what the 36 cent over there the other 36 will keep on us and then at that point here we just need i believe 36 more

Sand to make the old sandstone and at that point we should have everything it takes to make the uh the coke oven all right there we go 36 so that is all the sandstone that we need the clear is currently being smelted or the brick even it’s called being smelted

Uh we could potentially do with making um another furnace i’m pretty sure the furnace recipe is just eights and stone right yeah so let’s go ahead and make another two of those just to uh hopefully accelerate the uh the smelting speed here a little bit alright so this should be all 36

Brick it is indeed at which point over the crafting table uh we should now be able to go ahead and craft up 27 uh coke brick fantastic and with that we should then be able to actually get our coke oven up and running so the uh build here does require basically all 27

Blocks in a 3×3 cube now if we’re going to actually form the multi-block we are going to have to get the engineer’s hammer which thankfully i don’t think is too difficult to make it’s not we need two sticks two iron and one string it would appear that our hemp here is uh

Fully grown so we can grab that and get our string nice and easily and then at that point we just need two sticks and one iron the two sticks we can get out of here and the one item we already have in our inventory and so something like that

Gets us the engineers hammer and then back over by the kokomo and all we have to do is right click the center front block like so and there we go we have a coke oven and so now what we should be able to do is we should be able

To start turning the wormwood logs here into charcoal so slowly but surely you’ll see the percentage bar in the top left there let’s go turn our wormwood logs into charcoal it’s actually quite fast i think we are also going to get creosote as a byproduct i’m not quite sure

If the treated wood is going to be too useful for us we could make a uh engineers work table and we might have to make like a um a metal press at some point fairly soon potentially um either way though we are getting charcoal now which is hopefully gonna be

Quite a bit better at being a fuel here yeah so by default the wormwood log can do can smell 1.5 items the wormwood planks i can also i believe each smelts 1.5 items if you if you craft them down so essentially the the wormwood planks given that the end of flames

The end of flames generate man based on the burn time of an item so four wormwood planks has can burn six items whereas one uh charcoal which you get from one one would log which is equivalent to four wormwood planks and convert eight items so we’re effectively getting uh you know

That extra two items two burn items worth of uh worth of mana just by running it through the old uh coke oven here and because the coke oven doesn’t require any resources you know to turn the the wormwood logs into uh charcoal uh well other than time this should work out quite well

So now that we have the coconut i think we can automate this fairly easily to do it we are going to need a couple of things we can go ahead and bookmark at the rod of the sea and the cockpit now we have those and we’re going to need a

Transfer node as well as a filter for that transfer node which is this guy right here both from extra utilities two the transfer node is two stone one chest two redstone and a transfer pipe which thankfully you do get in a stack of 64 and then the filter is

Four redstone four sticks and a string so both of those not looking too difficult we do however need more cobblestone for both of those so once again let’s go put down yet another 24 batch of cobblestone over here so three stone gets us the six stone slabs there let’s grab

Some of our redstone from over here that should be pretty much everything we need to make the transfer pipe it is at that point we also should have basically everything that we need in order to make the actual transfer node itself like so and thankfully you do get four

At a time which is nice and then as for the filter we’re missing a one bit of string which uh we can get if we have some hemp fiber we’ve got one right there i was kind of hoping we’d have another one or less we do not but

Maybe just maybe this guy has grown once again he has indeed fantastic we’ll also right click the uh wheat there to grab that unfortunately we didn’t only get one there which is uh not great but uh hopefully we can bond mail this back up and get enough to

Make one piece of string we can indeed good stuff and at that point yet we should then have everything it takes to make a filter nice so the idea here is that we’re going to take the bonsai pot and i think i do want to take the sampling out first and we’re

Going to put this down outside over near to the cocon my plan is to have something that looks a little bit like this we’re gonna have a chest with the bonsai pot on top the bonsai pot is of course gonna have the sturgeon grass and the

Sampling and then we’re going to use the transfer node here with a pipe and a filter the filter we need to right click and we’re going to set it to only pull out the wormwood logs like so and this can be set to whitelist and so now

What should happen is if we put the filter in here and we put things into here only the wormwood logs should get pulled out and put into the the coke oven and then if we put the sapling back in which we’ve done that should now continue to produce

Wormwood logs but then automatically put those wormwood logs into the coke oven here and then at that point we can do the same thing on this side um i don’t think we need a filter on this side because i think that the transfer node can only pull

From the output slot i can check that real quick yeah i’m fairly certain that’s never going to pull the wormwood logs there and so from there we want to go and have those dropped on top of the endo flames and i think that probably the easiest way for us to do that is

Going to be using an open crit so let me do two things let me put this down here and re-point it back at the old mana pool like that let’s also make sure that all of those are once again connected to this guy so the open crate

Is just a living wood planks so all we need to do for that is get uh some wood oh it’s living with planks start living with logs okay that’s actually pretty nice it means we can craft down our living word into living with planks and then do something like

That and i think we’re also going to want to get a hopper so let me quickly go and grab some of the the logs out of here would like both of those if i can to make another hopper because unfortunately the one downside to the open crate is uh it’s essentially

A dropper but it’s not like controllable it just always drops the items so i think what we’re probably going to want to do is utilize a um a regular minecraft hopper to kind of filter or to kind of um implement some redstone to allow us to um to toggle the dropper if that

Makes sense because what we don’t want to happen is we don’t want just all of our uh all of our stuff perpetually falling onto the uh the end of flames right like i think we’re at a point here where maybe we’re gonna start producing more charcoal than we need

And uh if we just leave it as it is now if we just have it all popped into into an open crate the open crate is gonna drop all that charcoal onto the floor and then eventually that charcoal is going to despawn because it’s not needed so

The plan is to use a hopper and some redstone as well as i reckon potentially some like a pressure plate to prevent the open crate from dropping items when there is already an item on the ground ready to be able to be picked up so essentially chat

All we’re gonna do is uh we’re going to place down the open crate directly where the mana spreader just was so right about there like that and the idea behind this guy is that if you have a hopper here you can put for example charcoal into that and that’s going to just drop

That onto the ground perfect so my plan is to maybe move this endo flame out of the way and instead have some redstone we’re going to have a pressure plate so let me get another log here we’re going to have a pressure plate right there so that when

There is charcoal on the ground that’s not being used so when all of the endo flavors are full that’s going to make sure that the bottom that there there’s always a piece of charcoal there and therefore a redstone signal is coming out once there is a redstone signal coming

Out we then want to uh send that redstone signal up around it into the old hopper something like this so now we have a pressure plate that emits redstone and therefore turns off this torch which turns on this torch which stops the hopper from putting any more down until

That charcoal that has been picked up once that charcoal has been uh has been picked up it will then you know turn off the redstone signal and drop more uh charcoal down so all we need to do now is just run all of the old uh charcoal over there

And in fact i imagine we could probably do it like here that should basically put all the charcoal into this hopper and i imagine it’s actually probably a much better idea for me to put a chest on top of that uh that hopper there to make sure that um

You know there’s we can put more than five stacks of charcoal in there just in case we do end up backing up on uh on charcoal we are also going to have to do something about the creosote that’s building up inside of the coke oven because the

Curcumin will stop working when it fills it with creosote we can if we want um i guess just put down we can make another transfer node but for fluids one of these guys right here which i’m actually not too difficult to make for us it’s basically just two more stone we already have

The buckets required so you know what sure let’s go smelt some more stone here so let’s grab one of our buckets and let’s come on over to here do we have what it takes we do indeed fantastic and we are going to need a tank of some

Description and so i think we should probably go ahead and smelt up a little bit of copper because that does mean we can make the tank from thermal expansion yeah two redstone on one iron gets us the server three glass and one copper gets as the actual tank itself

Let’s go and drop three sand or three cobble over in this manifold here to make some sand perfect and also i guess start swelting that up like here servo boom and tank nice all right so this doesn’t hold a ton but it’s also fairly easy to make we can make more of

These tanks as and when we need so for now though we’ll drop this guy down like here and put the tank down right about there with of course a transfer pipe like that and that’s gonna start pulling out all the excess creosote there um i actually think we have more korea

So under this can hold 20 buckets i thought you could hold the 12 for some reason but that’s gonna be able to pull all of that out for now it can only hold 20 buckets and we have already made like 10 or 11 so

We are going to have to get more tanks i think fairly soon you can upgrade them but i don’t know how easy it’s going to be for us to get things like involved for the uh for the first upgrade kit here bronze shouldn’t be too bad it’s just

Copper and 10 but then invar needs nickel and i don’t know if we have like an end nickel all no weirdly there’s an end nickel or facade but then there’s no actual nickel ore which makes me think it’s been uh disabled in the pack but that’s fine so

Nail check if we wanted to uh to get more charcoal which it seems like we could definitely do with because it looks like you know our indoor flames here are burning through the charcoal faster than we’re making it right now but if you want to get more

Charcoal all we have to do is put down uh more chests and more bonsai pots and in fact we can do it fairly easily um we could we do have we do have more transfer notes we can put down more chests but we can also put

Another chest down here make this into a double chest and still utilize that one transfer node there so i think that is what i’ll do boom boom boom and boom and that should again double up the amount of things that we’re getting in here getting us more wood more apples

Uh more sampling some more uh leaves as well and i should hopefully keep this going it looks like we are slowly but truly starting to back up on charcoal here which is always good and hopefully we are also slowly but truly starting to get a decent amount of mana we are indeed

Nice nice nice nice so one other thing cat that we have yet to do that i would very much like to do is i want to go check out the uh the old boat directly above us here and see if there isn’t an elytra in there because if there is

That could make our ability to kind of like fly around a lot easier let’s see we’ve got a brewing stand which i’ll take just in case as well as some potions of healing do we have an elytra i think we do we got this guy as well yeah i’m pretty sure the electrodes

Might be guaranteed actually oh we teleported him away when he hit us perfect so more diamonds which is great and iron pickaxe with efficiency four i guess is pretty good uh shulker a dark bow which i’ll take we might not need it but we could use it we also have mending efficiency for

Smashing tombstone soul bound and fortune two on the iron pick there and another uh shock assault vial sure get more diamonds fire protection mending and unbreaking another bar a dark boy that one has this one has mini and villain in power this one has empowered two i’ll take both just in

Case we can leave the wheat here for now i think um and in fairness we’re gonna leave a lot of stuff here because we can’t come back to this right it’s not uh so far away vapor3 for beheading if we want it but really chat the elytra is what i’m after

And the reason why i think this is gonna be so useful or at least somewhat useful is because much like the rod of the seas that we have we can also make a rod of the skies which is going to allow us to propel ourselves into the air and also hopefully

Utilize our elytra to kind of glide long distances so feather living with twig and the rune of air the rune of air i think is also required uh for the terrestrial agglomeration plane and we also do get two at a time as well so uh you know we can

Kind of feed two birds with one scone here if you will so for this we need again mana powder man of steel string white carpet which does require eight string to get the wool and then from there we also need a feather which of course as we did previously

Is made via the use of paper so i think we’ll start with that we’ll go through paper drop that into our mana pool real quick like so we can then shift right click this on a crafting table to turn it into a folder paper you then put it in slots five

Eight two six oh seven five and we’re done oh chat he’s a genius [Laughter] all right shift right click and we should get a feather nice all right i’m actually amazed that i remembered that i went in thinking i’ll start and then like two tiles and i’ll get it wrong but

I guess i have some uh some deep memories there so that’s the feather taking care of i think we are going to do another another feather though right um because yeah we need one feather for the rune although do we still have a feather

Do we have the first one we do okay so that’s both feathers uh taken care of now yeah so now we just need basically a lot of string which i think is mostly going to require us getting more burn meal because uh we can get you know we

Basically to grow this more uh we could also definitely do with maybe expanding that out and getting like a little farm going there of um of hamstring for now though what was it to get the the bone block we need to calcify chorus flowers i see okay we do have six

So let’s go get uh some more bum blocks shall we check yeah it should be more than enough chat actually so we need that we need eight string to make the two worlds make the carpet which we should now have and then we also need just one more string after that

Which we have nice all right so i think we have basically everything here chet we have carpet we have string we have a feather what else do we have to hear we’re trying to get the rod over the skies let me bookmark this so uh string feather carpet uh yeah then

We see the man of steel and the the amount of powder both of which of course nice and easy if you have a decent amount of which thankfully it would seem that we do now have um we are i don’t know if you can use like copper to make

Man of steel you can’t i know sometimes you can use other ingots and that’s fine we can uh go ahead and smelt a bit more iron here there we go and then we will once again use the older floor powder for making the amount of powder where’s my pestle and mortar

It’s right there not where it’s supposed to be but where it is i guess all right amount of powder and man of steel let me uh temporarily drop like a line in there just like i pick that up we’ll do you and you good stuff good stuff

Once again i have not got the mana living walk yeah we need living walk that’s fine let’s go and uh drop some stone over here i should really start keeping more living walk on me so i’m ready for these situations but it shouldn’t really take too long for that living walk to uh

To be ready there we go and living rock and water the forest and there we go rune of air nice so basically check what we should be able to do is get two living wood craft that into a living wood twig craft the living wood twig with a

Feather and one of our two runes of air that’s gonna get us the rod of the skies and then at that point if we go ahead and thaw on our elytra what we can do is we can grab some of the mana out of the the old mana pool here

Again is that set to the right uh direction it is indeed so this has some mana in it we’ll get a little bit more here there we go and then at that point if we right click with the rod of the skies it propels us upwards at which point we can then utilize

The electron and we can even go you know higher and higher you can use the water this guys multiple times it doesn’t use that much mana out of the mana pool but this should make flying around in the future trying to find you know new biomes or just certain resources that we’re

Missing significantly easier which is very nice we do have to make sure we have enough mana owners if we want to be able to continually fly up like this but um i think as we go forward and as we get you know even more you know manage generation up and

Running um i think we’re not going to have any issues getting uh getting more of these we can even go and take a look you know up here and see if there’s anything like that we’re after although we missed the last time that we came around it doesn’t look like there is

Unfortunately but that’s fine that’s fine all right so that’s uh that’s that that’s like a little side thing there it’s not a quest but it’s uh nice to have anomalous and we’re actually getting pretty close to having everything we need to make the terrestrial plate here we have the rune

Of earth we have the ruin of water we have the ruin of air the rune of mana is also not too bad it’s basically five iron and one ender pearl um all of those do of course have to be manned up as well but that’s not gonna be a problem i

Don’t think so uh let’s go and let’s grab one of our many many ender pearls as well as five iron we will i will temporarily drop this back in here and swap that back to you know putting the manner into the the tablet or out of the tablet sorry into the mana pool

There we go and then hopefully we can do one of these and one two three four five of those beautiful let’s put all of those over here one two three four five and six don’t forget the living rock i’m not quite sure if we’re gonna have

Enough mana for this it didn’t look like it required quite a bit but maybe we will we could definitely now look towards getting more end of flames because you’ll see we are slowly choking out backing up on uh on charcoal there we go boom boom and so now chad the only

Rune that we are missing is the rune of fire right we have the mana we have the rune of water we have the moon of air we have the earth the only one that we’re left uh the only one we’re missing now is the rune of fire and the only difficult part

About that is the dragon’s breath again mana powder man of steel gunpowder and firewood all easy enough the dragon’s breath i don’t think is going to be that difficult i think all we need to do is get to the end dragon and grab some of his breath i

We don’t have to fight the end dragon to the best of my knowledge all we have to do is just grab some end dragon breath which i think should be very doable i am going to once again fill up this mana tablet just so if we need to fly while

We’re over there we can fly so let’s do uh one of those again i think the quickest way to the end dragon is via those um the little like floating guys i don’t know what they’re called uh you’ll see them around the nether they’re like little floating blocks that

Have like the uh the portal inside of them right i’m fairly certain i saw one previously while we were kind of exploring around oh yeah it’s right there chat right there so if we right click on another portal or sorry i underpill into here let’s go take us to the dragon and

Like i said before all we really have to do is utilize our glass bottles to grab don’t you even think about it man he thought about it all we have to do is grab some of his breath that’s all we need so uh where’s the the middle bit here

Come on breathe down on me would you my friend i need your i need some of your breath that’ll do if i can get there in time neither of that oh no oh gosh dang it i was uh going to try and quickly get i’ll leave my enterprise i was going to

Try and quickly use my my rod of the the sky is there oh no the dragon’s breath is i mean we’ve got we’ve got as many and interpol pills that takes chat i can do this all day i didn’t realize the dragon’s breath was uh deadly we can thankfully craft these

Banks into bottles i think oh no get me out of here get me out of here did we get one no just dang it oh i’ve got it okay we have we have one take me back [Laughter] all right chet we have it we should maybe have gotten more than

One but one is all we need all we need now is one man of steel which uh he’s gonna have to wait because we’re not quite there on the man here but that’s fine we also need one sugarcane we can use that to make our amount of dust

Again as soon as we have the mana for it and again we can i guess drop that back in now and once again pull the matter out of it beautiful so uh mana dust and mana steel good stuff let’s get both of those on the old pedestal here boom and

Boom and then what else are we missing their chat we also need um one firewood and one gunpowder i believe gunpowder we can get from flint and i actually think we have yet to make any gravel in the pick but that’s fine that’s something we’ll rectify in just a moment here

Gravel the gravel we can make by i think oh sorry we need flint we got flint from gravel of course and the gravel we can get by squeezing the cobblestone which is fine let’s go and get some more cobblestone we only need three because you can craft

Three flint into a uh or three gravel into a flint so reset we’ll put the one in there we go and two and three there we go so three gravel later we can make one flint and i believe with the alchemy catalyst we can turn that one flynn into one

Gunpowder we can indeed and so we should then finally be able to make the fire rune at which point we should then basically have everything it takes to make the terrestrial agglomeration plate we do need a block of man of steel which might require more matter than what we have right now potentially

Uh we also do need three blocks of lapis which i think we actually surprisingly might have we have a fair bit of lapis that we’ve not really used yet but um yeah i think we’re basically there and um at that point we then just have

To get a bunch of mana for the terrorist deal um but again hopefully what we can do is just kind of leave this set up here running between streams and hopefully come back to a decent amount of mana um at which point we can hopefully make

At least one terrorist deal i think we might need actually just the one i think to make the two uh what they called pylons yes we need two pylons each one requires three nuggets so we only need six nuggets to make the two pylons required

And at that point we have the portal uh which we can then use i believe to get to the uh the under realm aka the nether so i think we’re pretty uh pretty close here chet let’s take a peek though do we have enough lapis we do indeed let’s go ahead

And craft up at three blocks like so and then we do need quite a bit more iron here so let’s also go ahead and start uh smelting some of that up i’m not gonna use the coal even though we have it i’m gonna go and steal some of the charcoal here

Just because just in case we need something uh that requires coal you know we’ve got such an excess of charcoal right now but i feel like we might as well use that and save the call for maybe a recipe that specifically requires call in the future

So what is that plate used for the terrestrial agglomeration plate is used to make uh terra steel so you put it down near a mana pool and then you throw down a a man of steel amount of pearl amount of diamond and it will combine that up to make

Terror steel which you can then use to make the portal and then the portal can be used to get the tomb of the underarm with by throwing a book through the portal and presumably that portal allows us the book of the underground allows us to get to the nether i would assume

And then finally we can move on to some non-betania mods don’t get me wrong i love botania but i’m looking forward to uh maybe some android a little bit deep mob learning so we can craft up all nine of those to make a block of man of steel and then we

Can throw that in the middle here to finally get chat the terrestrial agglomeration player nice so uh yeah i think chad that’s probably where i’m gonna wrap up today’s stream next time we’ll come back we will see hopefully like i said between streams we’ll hopefully get more

Mana now i might even make some more endo flames between streams and kind of dot them around uh like just all over here and then uh if i need to we can also get some more uh you know bonsai pots and whatnot as well so hopefully by next stream we’ll have

A good chunk of mana in the mana pool and maybe enough to make our first piece of terraced deal at which point we could now get getting the pylons uh we could look at potentially doing the stonks quest which has a tired of mining try this

Orchid endium if you have any mana spare having experimenter right now seems unlikely but maybe we’ll get there fairly soon and then now we can look at potentially getting to the end and starting with some nyo and some deep mobile learning but for now guys like i said that’s why i’m gonna go

Ahead and wrap up today’s stream for now [Applause] you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Levitated | BONSAI POTS, WATER WAND & FLIGHT! #3 [Modded Questing Exploration]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2020-09-07 23:00:04. It has garnered 167483 views and 2807 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:41 or 2921 seconds.

Minecraft Levitated | BONSAI POTS, WATER WAND & FLIGHT! #3 [Modded Questing Exploration] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Material Energy 5 | BEST ADVENTURE MOD PACK?! #1:

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Levitated Mod Pack –

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Levitated Modpack: Levitated is an exploration themed minecraft modpack which lets you rebuild the world. Instead of the overworld, players start in the end dimension. Meanwhile, the nether and the overworld are both void worlds. Players are incentivized to gather resources and establish a well-equiped base in the end, then travel to the nether and using the scanner mod to rebuild the world with energy. With the final goal of escaping this void earth and settle on another lively planets outside of the solar system.

#Minecraft #Levitated #Modded

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    Insane Journey Through Minecraft's Iconic MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Explored Famous Minecraft Maps From Every Year’, was uploaded by JunD on 2024-04-19 20:01:48. It has garnered 3774 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:39 or 3279 seconds. I played Minecraft’s most popular maps from every year, from 2009 all the way to 2024. This video is the longest video I have ever made. Map Download Links: 2009 Map: The first Minecraft world 2010 Maps: Double Pyramid with internal water fountain, Temple of Notch, Survival Island, Tsuchi Iwa Castle (Earth Rock Castle), Star Destroyer 2011 Maps: The Temple Of… Read More

  • Demonic Creature Haunts Minecraft Mine

    Demonic Creature Haunts Minecraft MineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Creature 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jinn Mine on 2024-02-16 11:13:09. It has garnered 19803 views and 1108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft Horror Creature 😱 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #gamingshorts minecraft horror horror minecraft techno gamerz minecraft minecraft bhoot minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror game minecraft horror videos minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz ujjwal minecraft minecraft game minecraft horror map minecraft ghost bhoot minecraft techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror movie minecraft horor bhutiya minecraft techno gamer horror video… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Herobrine Vs Smarty Pie Showdown

    EPIC Minecraft Herobrine Vs Smarty Pie ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine Vs Yes Smarty Pie @YesSmartyPie #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts’, was uploaded by NOOB 444 on 2024-01-12 03:30:02. It has garnered 5544 views and 181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – Mind-Blowing PPL Request YT

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art - Mind-Blowing PPL Request YTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,563’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-10 10:13:46. It has garnered 1958 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,563 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT PE Survival Series in Hindi! 🇮🇳

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT PE Survival Series in Hindi! 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PE 💥 survival series 1.20 Hindi | MCPE survival series 1.20 in Hindi 🇮🇳’, was uploaded by Legend Gaming Yt on 2024-02-09 14:43:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft survival 1.20 In Hindi. . @samor_gamer5193 @TechnoGamerzOfficial @YesSmartyPie @PORTELMCPE . Read More

  • Insane twist: Mobs in Minecraft can now eat you!

    Insane twist: Mobs in Minecraft can now eat you!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but Mobs Can Eat You’, was uploaded by Craftee on 2024-04-09 14:00:33. It has garnered 682723 views and 13853 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:02 or 1142 seconds. ✅ PLAY My NEW Marketplace Game Dragons Evolve [DX]! ➡️ ✅ BECOME Craftee! My latest Skinpack ➡️ 👕 Get some *OFFICIAL* Craftee Merch! ➡️ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #Minecraft #But #Craftee ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Minecraft but Mobs Can Eat You 🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins 🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound 📜 All music used with permission from its creator. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes & Viral Shorts by MP Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Memes & Viral Shorts by MP GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #funny #technogamerz #meme #gaming #youtube #viralvideo #minecraftshorts #sort #shortsf’, was uploaded by MP GAMING BY ROHIT on 2024-01-05 02:00:19. It has garnered 3519 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • Gingershadow vs. Sukuna: Epic Minecraft Battle!

    Gingershadow vs. Sukuna: Epic Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘SUKUNA BEING A MENACE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-03-21 23:00:22. It has garnered 2411 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:05 or 2285 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v32) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – SUKUNA BEING A MENACE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY… Read More

  • VAMPIRE MASON IS BACK! 😱 – Minecraft 🦇

    VAMPIRE MASON IS BACK! 😱 - Minecraft 🦇Video Information This video, titled ‘VAMPIRO PEDREIRO DE VOLTA – Minecraft 🦇’, was uploaded by NikimVTuber on 2024-04-12 05:04:33. It has garnered 62 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:41 or 7181 seconds. MESSAGE BY PIX ON LIVE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: DISCORD : TICKETS: TWITCH: Participate in the lives and don’t forget to check out the videos!!! 🦇 Almost every day at 10:00 on Twitch and Youtube too! If you liked the content, give it a like to help support and promote it, I thank you with my cold vampire heart!… Read More

  • Ultimate Legacy

    Ultimate Legacy– Survival – MCMMO – Jobs – Custom Enchants – Vote Ranks – Grief Prevention (Land Claiming) – PVP – Player Shops Read More

  • SurviveMC RP – Roleplay, SMP, Modded

    SurviveMC RP – The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Experience Inspired by the hard-bitten realism of “The Last of Us” and the emotional drama of “The Walking Dead,” SurviveMC RP is a brand-new Modded Minecraft server. Our goal is to create a realistic and engaging survival experience that captures the essence of these iconic franchises, and we need your help to bring our vision to life! What We Offer: Immersive Roleplay: Enter a universe where choices are made carefully and actions have repercussions. We’re committed to creating an immersive roleplay experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Custom… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Levitated | BONSAI POTS, WATER WAND & FLIGHT! #3 [Modded Questing Exploration]