Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | SUCKING TREES & GENERATING DIAMONDS! #8 [Modded Questing Seablock]

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In the last stream we were working on getting our first compact machine using the miniaturization field projector to allow us to set up a very large number of fired crucibles to hopefully produce a large amount of lava without having to have all of those fired crucibles

Visible on our platform and I’m happy to report that since the end of the live stream things have been chuggled along just nicely nothing seems to have broken it seems like we do have enough lava to keep up with three gold upgrades here in fact the thing that we don’t have right

Now and the thing that I would like to work on at some point in today’s stream is processing all of the items that we get as a result of sifting because as you can see here we’ve started to back up quite a bit on coal copper and a tint

To the point where I’ve started to compact down the copper intent to make more space in this chest but the chest has still filled up nevertheless the same as kind of true in this chest we are getting fewer resources in here specifically we get a lot of mini coal

Which takes up a lot of space and also the poor organic matter just comes in faster than the improved organic matter but basically all I’ve done between streams is I’ve taken quite a bit of each of the resources that we’re generating and I’ve smelted them down into their respective ingots and so

Right now we have got 278 copper 412 10 and 99 iron as well as a Butch of nickel and a little bit of aluminum I think a lot of our aluminum is currently in dust form we have 171 aluminum but of course that aluminum does need to be smelted if

We’re actually going to get the aluminum ingots but of course that is something I do want to work on in today’s stream I’m hoping to set up a system to allow us to take all of these resources and then either send them back to their respective storage drawers that’s for

Things like coal that don’t need any processing whatsoever and then for all of the other resources things like copper and Tin we first need to craft those into the evolved form and then smelt them into their final ingots of course the process is gonna be a little different depending on what resource it

Is for example the aluminum is going to need both the polarizer and an induction smelter but some of the ingots are definitely easier than others but before we get started on any of that we should now have access I believe to the machine frame questline here that is at this

Quest line we’ve done and the reason for that is that there is a bug with this questline and we’ve not unlocked silver I assume silver is the only thing we’re missing here it is now the question is can we get around this bug I think the

Answer is maybe I’m wondering if I take a silver Ingot uh the problem by the way chat is that our Ingot is the wrong kind of silver Ingot currently we have a silver Ingot from thermal expansion and we need a silver Ingot from X nihilar so

The question is can I do this and then recraft it back to get the white Ingot I totally can fantastic okay if that didn’t work I was going to try and pulverize it and then re-smelt it but never fear the quest is complete and and so now we have access to the machine

Frame questline this questline begins with an electron Ingot which as we’ve seen before is just a combination of gold and silver now currently we do have a lot of gold but we don’t quite have that much silver that shouldn’t be a huge deal we do have eight I’m not quite

Sure how much electrum we’re going to need here if we’re going to make our first machine frame the machine frame does require four electron plates and then an electron gear which also requires four electrum so that’s eight electrum per machine frame and then the reason that we need the machine frame is

To make the arboreal extractor which requires another two electron gears that’s another eight electron there so 16 electrum to make the arboreal extractor which I think is actually the perfect amount that we have we’ve got enough to make 16 electrum the reason that we need the arboreal extractor is

That we can use this to suck latex out of jungle trees we then craft that latex into rubber we can then smelt I believe that robot into a keyword Rubber and then we can craft that keyword rubber into blocks of cured Rubber and these blocks of cured rubber are needed for a

Few of the recipes that we need to progress forward into the next quest line salty matter this one is a pretty important questline because it unlocks colorformanta and once we have color formatter we can finally start getting things like diamonds emeralds Redstone and Lapis which are Key Resources currently preventing us from getting

Into a lot of mods and from crafting a lot of items and so hopefully by the end of today’s stream we’ll be getting those resources and starting in the next stream we’ll be able to start working on a lot more of the mods available in this

Pack but real quick let’s turn four of these electrum ingots into electron plates once we have those we can put our gear working die back in and we can get our remaining electron gears once we have our three electron gears we should then I believe have everything it takes

To make a regular old machine frame from thermal expansion we totally do and then from there I think think we also should have everything we need to make our first arboreal extractor it’s possible we don’t have two buckets yeah we don’t but we do have a bunch of ions I’m

Making two buckets is going to be fairly easy for us and boom there is our arboreal extractor so the way this works is you place it down at the bottom of a tree and it will begin generating fluid now it does specifically have to be a

Jungle tree if we press U over the arboreal extractor here we can see the different kind of liquids that the arboreal extractor can produce and if you put it down next to for example a spruce tree it’s going to make resin if you put it down extra darker log it’s

Going to make sap if you put it down next to an acacia log it’s going to be Crescent again and the one we’re after is this one right here if we put it down next to a jungle log it will make latex which is the resource we need the reason

That we’re starting with this is because the production rate is very low like it takes a long time to get a decent amount of latex and so what we can do real quick is we can go ahead and maybe just break this piece of Driftwood if we then

Grab a single piece of dirt and maybe just to speed things up a little bit of bone meal we should be able to plant down our jungle sapling bone meal that to get it grown up nice and quick fantastic and then if we place the arboreal extractor down at the bottom of

The tree you’ll see that it’s working if you see the like kind of white texture in the middle and on the top but either way you can see here now that the Arbol extractor is slowly maturely generating latex I believe it takes 25 seconds per like round of production and so it’s

Producing approximately one Milli bucket per second but that does mean that it’s gonna take a thousand seconds in order to produce one bucket’s worth and so I wanted to get this going sooner rather than later so that we can kind of leave it here while we go bank and look at

Fixing this system over here and actually getting automation up and running for all of these resources chat is right you can put certain resources into their oil extractor to increase its output rate for example bone meal can go in here and that is going to increase the amount of latex that is generated

And you can also use fighter grower as well the phyton grower is a little expensive it requires sand appetite bone meal and then niter and Nitro is one of those things I don’t think we currently have access to and I assume we don’t have any in the system we don’t but in

The future we could look at potentially automating this and making it more efficient if we did pump either bomb meal or fighter grower automatically into this but for the time being back over here right now this system is working just fine we are fully automated on the production of poor organic matter

And will also fully automated on the production of improved organic matter the only thing that we’re not fully automated on is the production of the skull King organic matter and that is because currently the shards required to make the dust that being the echo shards are not being sent back around into the

System the same second problem is that these three barrels here don’t have the required bronze underneath them to actually transform the lava into improved organic matter which we can then further transform into scorching organic matter and so step one is getting three more blocks of bronze

Boom boom boom the Second Step once we have those blocks of bronze down is to feed the echo shards background into the system now between streams I did do some testing in a single player world and it turns out that you can in fact use a compacting drawer to automatically craft

The echo shards into nuggets so if I go do we have any Echo shards like spare we have some in there and then we have some in here so can I recraft up an echo Shard like this I can if we take the echo shards that we’re getting from our

Sifting system here and we send them around into a compacting drawer the compacting drawer automatically makes them available in both Echo Shard and Echo Shard nugget form and so my plan here is to unlock this draw move it over to our main storage drawer system I’m

Gonna put it down let’s say right about here we will probably end up moving most of our ingots into compacting girls at some point because it just makes life easy yeah in terms of crafting because having the ingots in compacting drawers means that they’re also available in

Both nugget and block form and so forever doing any crafting in our crafting remote we don’t have to go through the manual step of crafting for example a 10 Ingot into 10 nuggets or an iron ingot into iron blocks before we move on to the next stage of The Craft

So at some point we will make a bunch more compacting draws and probably fill up this top row with them and move all of our ingots up into those but for the time being we’re gonna go ahead and I think complete the final quest in the simple storage questline and that is to

Craft a filtered import cable we’ve made import cables before the filtered import cable is as you would guess an import cable that allows you to filter what it is that you’re going to import the reason that’s going to be useful to us is that right now all of our Echo shards

Are currently in a chest with gold pieces and silver pieces those are items that we don’t want to import but we do specifically want to import the echo shards and so every place a built an import cable right about here and if we grab some more network cable to connect

That up to our Network what we should then be able to do is take an echo shot we can then open up the filtered import cable and add this to the white list so now it should only import Echo shards when we connect it up and because we

Already have I think Echo nuggets over on our filtered exporter we open this real quick we already have Echo nuggets on there that means that now going forward the echo shards from our sifting system should be automatically pulled into the storage door and then the simple storage Network system will see

That it has Echo Shard nuggets available to it and it will send those Echo shot nuggets around the Nova into these four storage drawers to allow them to be crafted into scorching matter creating more Echo shards and perpetually keeping the system going that’s the plan we’ll

See how well it works and then of course we can still extract all of the other stuff all of the silver pieces gold pieces and ender pearl fragrance out of this chest for processing into their final forms alright so this is now connected it is getting a little

Spaghetti down here there’s a lot of wires going in a lot of different directions Also let’s try not to die where possible especially not to uh to drowning but we should see now hopefully these Echo shards being pulled into the system oh no that is my bad this is

Currently set to Blacklist or to ignologist we want to change it to a loud list and now it’s going to pull out the the shards that is fine let’s quickly grab those gold pieces and any silver pieces that may have made their way back in the system and just dropped

Those back into there but now the whole system looks like it’s actually working just fine the shards come in they go back out and we should have now I believe fully automated the production of the skull King organic matter and so now slowly but surely we’re going to

Keep sifting there and we’re going to keep generating these resources nice so now we have to take all of our pieces copper tin nickel iron aluminum gold and silver craft those into their raw form and then smelt them into their respective English that’s the final uh Frontier here I don’t believe

We have a sword in the system oh we totally do a gun in our sword of course with Warden Smite five now the water should provide this pretty good protection honestly against dying to Enderman in any way shape or form because of course the Enderman just can’t touch the

Water now there are a few options that we can use in terms of um how we want to craft that guy is dead and he gave his own a pot look at that fantastic but now there are a few options that we have available to us when it comes to um to

Making these pieces into their raw form the first is the crafting ultimate we used that previously we can apply a redstone signal to it and we can craft the Pieces Just directly into the raw form we would have to get a crafting ultimate per resource we’d have to have

One for copper one for tin one for iron one for nickel Etc because as we saw before we can’t have multiple different uh resources in any one given ultimate eventually it’ll clog up and it’ll become a whole mess so we would have to have multiple separate ones for that

That might be the way we go about it the alternative is we could also set up multiple of these structured Crafters but they’re a lot more bulky and I just don’t see the reason to go for those over the crafting ultimate especially for a single recipe craft the final

Option is the flux crafter or the flux compactor this guy right here this allows you to just pump in the pieces and it will automatically craft them down into their raw Ingot form however the problem with the flux compactor as is the problem with most of the the

Things that we’re trying to craft it requires Redstone and we don’t have any Redstone currently or at least not enough Redstone to actually make that flux compactor Chen is right in that we did actually get a redstone comparator I’d completely forgotten but we got this

Right at the start of the series off of our boat and so it turns out we can probably actually make this now I don’t know that what the internal inventory buffer on this thing looks like and whether or not it can do multiple of the same resource but we can craft one and

If we drop this down it does have a three by three grid that it can use to accept inputs and so I think we probably could just pump all of the pieces from all three chests round into the flux compactor each one will take up an individual slot

There should never be more than like one slots worth of a given resource if we’re processing them fast enough with the flux compactor and then we can just output from there and smelt them accordingly that seems like a very good solution actually we are almost certainly going to need to

Get some more gold upgrades for this because I think by default we’re probably going to be producing too many pieces for it to keep up so all we need to do then is just extract from these chests we are going to have to filter what it is we extract so let’s grab

Three netherwhite pipe upgrades and let’s drop those in to these pipes here in doing so let’s also make sure that we filter the tin pieces and copper pieces so we’ll set that to extract we’ll put this in and then we’ll go add copper pieces and 10 pieces submit those should make their

Way over again we don’t want them any call in there at all we’ll drop that back into this chest as it backed up oh no some stuff’s gone into the other chest I see that’s fine the same is kind of true yeah of course so we want to set

All of these to uh extract before we do any of that and then it’s all good because as soon as you put in the netherlight pipe upgrade it’s going to stop moving you know a stack of items per tick which is way too many items but

We can go ahead and set the filters and then clean up after the fact so let’s get some aluminum we’ll get some nickel and we’ll get some iron and we’ll add those three to the white list here once that’s done we can do the exact same thing on the final chest this time

Of course for the gold and the silver and once we’ve got all of the resources back into their respective draws we can then go ahead and grab one of our iron chests that we have lying around and we can drop that down right about here just

As soon as we grab our X and the hello hammer and shift right click to set this as the output side boom and we should hopefully see some more quickly these resources begin to get compacted down of course as soon as we connect this up to power now thankfully despite

How janky it was we did go ahead and run an energy cable over to the side of the base at the end of the last stream we are going to have to make a few more energy cable here but again thankfully we do now have significantly more copper

Available to us and so making more energy pipes not going to be a problem for us and boom that is now connected up and so hopefully so long as we are actually producing enough power this should be working and it is nice and again thanks to the goal upgrade we are going to

Compact down eight resources at a time so eight resources every eight second which means approximately one raw piece of metal is being produced per second whether or not that’s fast enough we’ll find out I guess in due course of course as soon as we do get into the color

Formatter quest line here and as soon as we do start getting diamonds on a regular basis we could look at upgrading our goal upgrades to Diamond upgrades and if we have three Diamond upgrades we can then start uh processing 64 items at a time but that does massively increase

The Redstone flux usage up to 2048 Redstone flux per tick which is about you know triple almost quadruple what we’re currently making so less than ideal but this is working we are automatically turning our pieces into Raw Metals which is fantastic so now all

We need to do is that we need to get another induction smelter and we’re we need to get another pulverizer again I think it’s probably entirely plausible that we’re going to need more than one induction smelter because currently if we’re going to take one piece of raw tin

Here it takes well more than a second I think it takes again three seconds to uh to smell One Rotten into a tin ingot one two three and so if we’re producing approximately one raw metal per second it means we’d need three induction smelters to keep up with the throughput

For now we’ll start with one we’ll see how it goes and if we need more in the future we can go ahead and add that again thankfully the induction smelter is pretty easy to make this is one of the first crafting recipes that we uh that we unlocked we just need six

Templates and one copper plate we’ve got a ton of 10 and we’ve got a ton of copper and so processing all of that through our multi server press is not going to take too long at all and boom there is our induction smarter now the twitch chant is pointing out a

Concern here and that concern is that the induction smelter has three input slots and it’s not very clever in the way that it uh like stops other resources being sent in so for example if we do this and this and make sure that we go to configuration left click

To set the left side to input this is going to receive raw 10 and we can make this faster there’s no reason not to but then it’s also going to receive everything else it’s going to receive copper and nickel and if there’s any more than one raw resource in the

Induction smelter it’s not gonna work which is not ideal again connecting this up to power is going to be fine I don’t think that we’re currently really anywhere near the bottleneck in terms of how much power we are producing like I don’t think we’re going to run out of

Power anytime soon these machines only use 20 hours per tick even if we upgrade it to use the resonant integral component that’s only 80 Redstone flux per take and we are producing 640 so that should be fine I think the solution I believe to this problem is the slot

Lock item the slot seal item sorry from expansion prevents a slot from being used useful when a machine has multiple input slots this thing’s super easy to make it’s one iron plate and four iron nuggets and you can place it into any thermal expansion machine to lock a slot

Or I guess to seal a slot so if we quickly grab some iron plates we need two of them we can then also craft down some iron nuggets and from there we should be able to craft up two of these slot seals and with those we can go

Ahead and lock these two slots but they don’t count towards the recipe and so the raw tin of course is now being smelted nice and so going forward all of the raw materials will make their way over and because there’s only one slot available only one thing should make its

Way in at any given time that’s going to then produce the desired result and from there all we need to do is grab another one of our input cables again the filtered import cables and the regular input cables they’re both the same it doesn’t matter which one you use and we

Might as well use the regular import cables because we don’t have to do any filtering here we can save the filtered ones just in case we need to do some filtering in the the future and we’ll drop that down I guess right about here make sure that is set to output on the

Right and then if we connect that up we have at that point automated I think everything apart from the aluminum the aluminum is going to be a little trickier because that has to be pulvised and then smelted so that won’t go through here but that’s fine we can get

One more pulverizer and I guess one more induction smelter and have like a separate system specifically for aluminum all right so I’ve connected up the input cable all of the resources are now being imported as soon as they are produced and then behind this we’ll put another induction smelter we’ll put a

Pulverizer I’m going to rotate that pulverizer to face forward like that so that we can extract from here again we’re going to use a white list to make sure it only extracts the aluminum and then we’ll go and we’ll send it from the pulverizer into the induction smelter

You don’t technically need a pipe here you can put the pulverizer directly next to the induction smelter and that would work just fine in fact you know what let me move this and this it might look a little nicer if if we do this and this

That way we can set the left side of the pulverizer to input let’s go allow the item pipe to connect we can then set the right side to Output we want to switch Auto output to enabled and then over here we can do a similar thing we can

Set the left side to input the right side to output and then we’ll just Place Another import cable right about here we should have that in our inventory we totally do boom and boom and so now we do need to power both of those that’s fine we’ve got energy cable under here

Already let’s just break both of those and the final thing we have to do is grab another one of the netherwhite pipe upgrades to allow us to extract specifically aluminum from our raw resources chest and aluminum submit and so aluminum should make it rain today it totally does fantastic

And boom power is connected and so now finally all of this should be alternated oh I guess almost all of this should be automated the last thing we need to do is we need to get some of the final resources here into their respective storage drawers so we have

These ender pearl fragments these need to be crafted into ender pearls can you craft ender pearls back into ender pearl fragments you totally can that is good news because it means that we should be able to use a compacting drawer to store those fragments so if we put a

Compacting drawer here and we put the fragments in we can now just import the fragments much like we’re doing with the shards and that’s not going to be a problem for us going forward so let me just quickly see about adding that to the white list

Boom and so now any shards that are in here should get pulled directly around into that storage drawer so this setup is done this only produces all pieces so this is fine and then the final piece of the puzzle is this one here so the coal

Is not a problem because we can just import the coal using an import cable the mini call though is a little tricky because the mini call requires that we craft it into regular coal with an awkward recipe and you can’t unfortunately use the mini coil in a competing drawer because although you

Can craft the regular call back into mini coil the compacting drawer only works with two by two and three by three recipes and so because this is not a 3X3 recipe it’s like a ring recipe because it’s a ring recipe it’s not going to work I think our best solution here is

Probably going to B just another crafting ultimate if we take the ultimate and place it down let’s say maybe right about here we can extract using item pipes and it does look like we are finally out of item pipes but again never fear they are incredibly easy to make

What I’m thinking is we can put an item pipe here to extract the mini coal and then we can probably just have another item pipe that takes the final call Pumps it back into here and then we can connect an importer to this chest to

Pull all of the coal out of here and into the system so all we should have to do is take the mini coal we’re going to add that to the filter that we’re gonna have to get for the pipe so extract filter and then I think you can just shift

Click this yeah you can so you don’t have to click add if you just shift click on the item you want to enter the white list it will just add it to the white list in here we’ll go and we’ll set the recipe like so we’ll then set the top to extract as

Well um I think that should be fine although it looks like that’s not fine it looks like it is extracting from the input slot I would have assumed that it would only extract from the output slot but apparently that is foolish off me never feel we can make yet another one of

These pipe upgrades here to allow us to filter the output for regular call so boom and then boom so now that should not take the mini call fantastic and then if we just grab the Redstone clock that we got at the beginning of the series we can place that directly

Underneath the ultimate here and we should have a sufficient system to automatically craft all of the mini coal into regular coal it might be like very slow oh also I forgot this completely this ejects out the front that’s my bad that’s also fine though we can put that

There and then we can just uh sieve on the pipe upgrade because then we can just do this and this and we don’t have to worry about the pipe upgrade because the only thing that’s going to be in here is coal and I think if I’m not mistaken

The pipe upgrade here moves four items every 20 ticks and this can only craft one every two seconds I think it is which again is not very fast and might not even be fast enough it really depends on how fast the mini core comes in but hopefully if we put an input

Cable down and this does have to be a filtered import cable because we only want specifically the call we don’t want the mini call the copper or the tin so if we get one of our filtered import cables we can allow coal to be extracted down from the bottom here put that down

Like so and then do we have enough network cable I got five which I think should be more than enough here fantastic uh currently that’ll be set to deny we want to set it to allow we’ll take the call out drop the call in and that should start importing the call

Into the system it does fantastic and it looks like everything else here is being processed and is being sent around into the system and so things are working as intended and we have finally fully automated all of these resources which is exactly what we set out to do so now

What we can do is we can temporarily clear out basically the entirety of our inventory here we don’t need a lot of this stuff at the current moment and we can take a look at pressing on with the machine frame questline so we do have over a bucket of latex so let’s quickly

Go ahead and grab one of those buckets out of here oddly the recipe then is just to craft the bucket into Rubble which I find a little awkward but that is how it works that’s completely fine and then we can smelt this and then craft it now

I believe we need three blocks of this cured rubber in order to progress because the salty matter questline here requires that we take a crystallizer and use it to turn water and dust into salt the crystallizer indeed does require three blocks of keyword rubber so let’s see how much cured rubber currently can

We get the answer is nine that’s not gonna be enough we need 12 right because nine only gets us two blocks if we can get uh one more buckets worth that is going to take us up to uh to the three blocks that we need going forward I

Don’t think we’re going to need a ton of the keyword rubber we can use it to make these different dynamos here the Sterling Dynamo the lapidary Dynamo and the Magnetic Dynamo the Sterling Dynamo specifically might be quite useful this one just burns regular furnace Fuel and

Turns it into power that could be useful because we are making so much call from our poor organic matter sifting the magnetic Dynamo also could be useful this can turn lava into power and normally the compression Dynamo doesn’t turn lava into Power that’s a custom recipe for this pink normally the

Magnetic Dynamo is the one that does it and I’ve been told by the twitch chat that this one does it much more efficiently than the compacting Dynamo so possibly something we should look at getting and then there’s the lamp in every Dynamo which burns gems like diamonds and emeralds and produces power

From those obviously right now we don’t really have a large supply of those and so not really something we can work on just yet but um what I was saying is I don’t think we need a ton of dry cured rubbers I don’t really know how much

It’s worth setting up like a big old Farm of jungle trees and of oil extractors now with their oil extractors here you can put more than one down around the base of the tree you can obviously put four of them down in total one on each side however they do get

Worse if you have more of them around I believe the way it works is that if you have one of them down it takes 25 seconds and at the end of that 25 seconds you’ll get 25 Milli buckets of latex if you have more of them down

Specifically if you have three or more down the time jumps to 50 seconds and at the end of 50 seconds you get 25 millibockets per arboreal extractor which means each extra ARB oil extractor you put down around the tree does get you more latex but it’s kind of

Diminishing returns to where if you have four arboreal extractors down around one tree you’re effectively getting the same as if you had two ARB oil extractors down but on two different trees so it’s not really worth putting more of them down one tree unless you’re really tight

On spares it’s more important to get multiple ARB oil extractors down on multiple different trees to maximize the amount of latex you can get chat is also right here and it turns out we actually did get more rubber as a quest reward which is actually perfect now another

Person in the twitch chat has just reminded me that we do have the iron furnaces mod in the pack if we go to at iron furnaces here this mod kind of like the iron Chest mod adds multiple tiers of furnace it starts out with the regular furnace we can then upgrade it

To iron gold diamond Emerald obsidian Crystal Netherland and then eventually I believe rainbow for the ultimate furnace but right now we only have access to Gold but I think the gold furnace is going to be a substantial upgrade over the standard regular Minecraft furnace that we are currently using uh each time

You go up a Teo the furnaces do get faster and faster again this is why we need all of our ingots in compacting drawers if our gold was in a connecting draw I wouldn’t have to manually craft the block of gold it would have just gone into the recipe when I shift

Clicked but either way over here we can place down our gold furnace we can grab some of our 1000 coal drop that in and I believe we can also put in augments for this furnace they’re going to make it faster for example the speed augment here it halves the cook time for all

Recipes but uses up twice as much fuel it does require two Redstone and currently we have not two redstone which is unfortunate did we use Redstone earlier I feel like we might have done we got one Redstone which is it’s a real pain in the back side but it’s so close

Once we have some Redstone we could make the speed upgrade and there’s a few others as well there’s a fuel efficiency upgrade uh which we don’t really need because we’ve got a ton of coal but if you are light on coal this would allow you to uh get the same smelting ability

But with less fuel either way for us we can drop these in and already this does appear to be a fair bit faster I think than a regular furnace oh yeah it’s substantially fast though once we have the 12 Robo we can craft that into three blocks of keyword Rubber

And then in order to make this guy the crystallizer we need a machine frame which we got as a quest reward one glass and two electrum gears and so once again if we grab some gold and some silver which we don’t have we might have to uh hijack

This why are you not importing silver oh it’s probably because we don’t have a storage door for silver and I would assume that all of our chests are full then they are that is not ideal I do see that we’ve got a ton of dust have we

Managed to fill up this draw on Dust is 8816 this oddly specific number it’s not maybe it’s like 888 there’s a lot of calling here as well which I feel like shouldn’t be the case we do have a draw for coal oh but we filled up that

Draw for call I see okay that is understandable let me get some of my B books here and let’s grab another draw upgrade again we don’t really have a ton that we can do with the B books eventually we can look at buying in a lighter but we’re still a Fairways away

From unlocking that Quest and so I feel like there’s not a reason there’s no good reason not to just keep buying the highest tier of storage upgrades or which way we can start uh extracting all the core from these chests and moving them back around into their uh

Correct the draws anyway now that that’s fixed let’s get the gold and silver over into the old induction smelter and I don’t think we need that much of it we need two electron gears in order to make the the old crystallizer I think we did have some electron left over we did

Indeed fantastic and so that is more than enough electrum to get the electron gears we just need to make sure we have the old gear working die in the multi server press and just as soon as we have two electrum gears boom and boom we have our crystallizer so now the next problem

That we’re going to run into is the fact that we currently don’t have any dust being made because if we want to work through salty matter here in order to make salt we need water which we can of course get an infinite amount of using another sink but dust we don’t have

Being automatically generated that should be fine uh we did have a spare hammer in the system earlier spare flux Hammer but we used that flux hammer in the making of the pulverizer again this isn’t too difficult and we can make another wooden Hopper or two nice and

Easily the only thing we’re missing here is glass and we did just upgrade to a faster furnace so getting glass is now faster than ever I think what we’re going to want to do is probably move the pulverizer potentially I might move it to like here and I might put the flux

Hammer here we could put the fox Hammer here of course and leave the pulverizer where it is but I think just for the sake of symmetry having all the flux hammers in a line I might put another flux Hammer here and then have this pipe just um round robin distribute the send

Between the pulverizer and the hammer that way we will get a passive production of dust and we can take that dust and combine it in the crystallizer with some water from the sink to start producing salt and I think we do want to Ultimate salt because in order to get

The colorful organic matter which is the next thing that we’re going to save to get all of these resources we need to take colorful transformation powder and place it into a barrel with colorful organic fluid the colorful transformation powder is made by pulverizing any of the different color

Blocks that we can generate the colorful organic fluid is made by transforming skulking organic fluid into colorful organic fluid by having again one of those color blocks beneath the barrel and in order to get the coral blocks we have to place the different colors of coral lava into barrels with sea water

And the sea water we get by putting water into a barrel that has salt beneath it and then finally in order to make the coral lava that is needed to make the coral blocks we need to sift salty organic matter and salty organic matter is salt in a barrel with sea

Water beneath it so we are going to need a continuous supply of salt and so we should set up a system to make it continuously so let’s move the pulverizer we’ll put that down right about here that doesn’t mean we are going to have to move this import cable but that

Is not going to be a problem for us in fact it looks like it’s going to give us some network cable back which is fantastic we will then see about crafting that flux hammer and we’ll place that down right about I want to put it there but I think if I

Do it from this side yeah that’s the way that we want it down that is perfect that’s going to receive the sand fantastic we’ll set the back of the polarizer to input which is uh this box in the bottom right we can then set the left to nothing again and down here

We’ll make sure that this is set to round robin to evenly distribute the sand between those two inputs boom and boom okay that should be fine now again we could have gone a different way with this we could have compacted the the sand intercompressed sand before we

Hammer it but I don’t want to burn all of our sand and turn it all into dust I do want there to be enough sand left over for the pulverizer to use I don’t think we’re going to need that much salt obviously if things change in the future

We could look at compressing the sand before we hammer it into uh into those but for the time being we might be able to just directly pump the dust out of the flux Hammer shift right click again with the hammer to set the output into the crystallizer if we

Set this side to input yeah the dust is just going to go right in there that is fantastic so then I don’t believe we have any terracotts lying around we do actually but I don’t know if we can make a sink using the different colors of

Terracotta I think it does have to be specifically just a regular old terracotta but I will try that real quick if I grab this does that work no it doesn’t unfortunately and that is fine we do have just enough clear in the system to make five more terracotta and

Using our new Fast gold furnace we could smelt that into five terracotta nice and quickly and once that is done let’s craft up the sink and again we’ll just place that down for now right about I was gonna say heal that is actually fine this will connect

But obviously lava is not going to go into the sink and we can just disconnect it uh just for aesthetic reasons I guess even though it’s not actually going to do anything we can then take our fluid pipe and again I don’t think we’re going to need to upgrade this I imagine that

Um 50 millibockets per tick is going to be more than enough for the crystallizer I don’t think the crystallizer is uh is going to be quite that fast uh we do want to make sure that’s set to Blue for input there we go and we should see hopefully slowly but surely

And we can put in our spare resonant integral component here to make it faster but we should see the water and the dust become combined together into salt there we go we do get four at a time but this is pretty slow like the other machines take about three

Seconds per process this one’s taking substantially longer per process here which is less than ideal but now we need to take that salt and we need to take just four of them I think to make a block of salt yeah we can then put that underneath a barrel and if we pump water

Into that Barrel we can start making sea water from there we then need to put the salt into the barrel with the sea water to make salty organic matter which we then need to sift into the coral lava now the two different pages here are because this sieve is

Just on ground and this one is waterlogged so we actually have to waterlog the sieve in order to get the cold or after okay step one make the island wider step two get a bunch of barrels all right so I’ve made the raft even larger and I’ve gathered Seven Stone barrels so

The thing we’re looking to make is the colorful organic matter this is the final product that we want to get to to get to it we need colorful transformation powder and colorful organic fluid that’s fine the cold organic fluid is easy enough we’ll come back to that once we have the color

Blocks the harder part is the transformation powder we’re getting another pulverizer that should be fine and then we need color blocks which we get from putting sea water under a barrel and then the sea water needs salty organic matter we need salt water which is salt okay I think we need two

Barrels making salt water because we need one set of the sea water to turn salt into salty organic matter and then we need another Barrel to turn our Coral lava into Coral blocks so we want to take the salt and send it to two different locations I think what we’ll

Probably end up doing here much like we’ve done with a few of our other systems is we will designate a drawer for salt and then we’ll just import the salt using the Importer and then export it to the two barrels where it needs to go to as opposed to using item cables

Because I think the two destinations that the salt needs to go so I gotta be quite far apart and if we don’t do it this way we’re going to end up with a real spaghetti looking item cable which I don’t think is going to be ideal so

Let’s put our normal import cable back down over here on the pulverizer that’s going to allow us to keep bringing in the dust and the sand dust we can connect that up just like that and then I think that’s our last input cable never mind we have one more regular

Input cable that’s perfect we’ll put that there and then we’ll connect that back up boom and boom let’s make sure that the bottom of the crystallizer is set to Output like so and we should begin pulling that salt directly back around into its respective storage door so now over here

I kind of want to work backwards from the final product because we’re going to have three barrels ideally here here and here that are gonna get the colorful organic fluid and they’re going to produce the colorful organic matter right before that we’re gonna have to get three more barrels that produce the

Scorching organic fluid which means we are going to have to go and get more of that uh skulking block that’s underneath here which means we do have to go back to the deep dark into the deeper dark to get those blocks and then behind that we need three barrels that are going to

Turn lava into organic fluid to get all three of these going so it turns out already we are out of barrels and we’re actually out of regular Stone although that is not true it’s like you have a storage drawer holding all of your stone around here so let’s grab some of that

Let’s make a bunch of slabs and then let’s see about making a bunch of barrels because I’m not even close to the number of barrels that we need for the setup so the one last Barrel is gonna go down here that’s where the next pulverizer comes in we we should have a

Bunch of bronze in the system we do the pulverizer requires two bronze gears if I remember correctly I’m also fairly certain that it requires another flux hammer it does now thankfully these are very easy to make one copper hammer and a one wooden Hopper boom there’s our next

Flux hammer and with that we just need those two bronze gears that we have in here and that should be everything for the pulverizer nice so item pipe wise we need pipes going around and into these final three barrels this is where the colorful transformation powder is

Going to go prior to that we need to pulverizer down that pulverizer does need to get some kind of power and there’s not really power over here which is unfortunate but for now as a placeholder we will uh get rid of this we will disconnect this and we’ll put

The pulverizer let’s say here just because that’s in line with the others in fact you know what let’s put it one further back we’ll put it here that gives us best about a storage draw here and we can use that storage drawer as a buffer for the colorful transformation

Powder much like we’re doing with all of our other powders and in fact we should probably rotate this because we need to insert into the other side of it here so the pulverizer takes coral Coral is made in a barrel with seawater and lava that’s fine and I think one barrel will

Do the trick so I’ll put one barrel down right about there and we want to have sea water pumping into that barrel and then we want to take the item out of that barrel and over into the pulverizer like that and we do also need to insert

Into that Barrel that should be fine the thing that we’re inserting into that Barrel is coral lava the coral lava comes from a water logged sieve so I think it’s definitely going to be in our best interest here to make another fluxiv this does need to be waterlogged and so

I think it’s gonna be best for us to just kind of hide that in the ground so let’s put the waterlogged sieve right about here like that I’m then going to steal another one of the iron meshes from this system again it only needs three and it

Currently has seven so we’ll steal one of those and uh as soon as we extract it from the uh the item collector we can place that in over here this guy needs salty organic matter which is a barrel that has sea water in it and then salt

Going into that seawater so the sea water needs salt underneath it and then we put salt into it okay that’s fine so I’ll have another barrel down right at the back and again somehow somewhere we are once again out of barrels that’s fine let’s take the barrel place the

Barrel here that’s going to produce the salty organic matter that is then going to get sifted in a waterlog sieve to produce the coal the coil is going to get placed into this Barrel on my left here to produce the collar block the color block is then going to be

Pulverized to make the colorful transformation powder that’s replaced into the colorful organic liquid and that’s going to produce the colorful organic matter that we’re then going to sift to get all of our good resources okay I think we’re getting somewhere so now we need to produce sea water right

We need to produce two lots of it because we need sea water for the salty organic matter but we also need sea water for the coral block so let’s get two blocks of salt we already have one so we’ll just make one more and we’ll put these down over here I

Think so we can have one of those down let’s say right about here and I’ll put the other one down I wanted to connect to this we could put it here I guess it’s a little awkward but sure let’s put the other one down here let’s grab two more Stone barrels

We could look at getting different battles there are some cooler like wooden barrels that look maybe a little nicer than just the regular Stone one but here and here and then I guess we might as well go ahead and get another sink again we could you know run a fluid

Cable around it over to these two but I think it’s just gonna look nicer if we have a second sink so real quick let’s grab some more clay and let’s make that sink happen all right boom there is our extra sink let’s do this and this we

Just replicated the same set that we had in the last episode over here so we’ve got a chest that we can put dust in if you put dust into that chest it then just very quickly turns it into play so we got a little clear making system over

There that is fine over here these are turning into salt water which is good we then want to take that salt water around into here I think we should be fine I don’t think we need to filter this I think it’s very unlikely that um we ever end up in a situation

Where the water gets pulled out and put into here so I think we should be fine like even if I do this never mind we totally do need to filter it that is fine so we’ll grab the uh the bucket of sea water we’ll grab two more uh pipe upgrades

And just like we did before we can go ahead and add the sea water bucket to the white list to make sure that stuff like this doesn’t happen where regular water ends up in the barrel we want it specifically to only be sea water nice so now that seawater taken care of

What are we missing the soldier organic matter needs salt going to it so that is this here we need to export salt that’s fine we’ve got twitch chat on hand and they are the world’s largest exporter of salt all we need to do is place the Xbox

Cable down like so and then if we connect that up we can just tell you to uh to export salt into that Barrel that’s going to produce the salty organic matter we’re then going to take that and place it into the flux sieve so for that let’s just do

This we can extract from here that’s going to go around into our fluxiv then it’s going to produce all of these different kinds of uh Coral lava and then from there we can send all of the different kinds of coral lava over to this barrel and that’s going to turn

Them into the different kinds of color block but again that’s fine because they all get pulverized into the same final product anyway so that’s not going to be a problem let’s set this to input on the left let’s set it to extract here so I think we’re basically good to go chat I

Think we have kind of everything that we need let’s get even more network cable which we’re not going to be able to make because I’m 99 sure that we are indeed out of invok and Santana alloy we have got a little bit of involve and a little

Bit of Constantine which is going to make our lives a little easier here and there we go that is now connected up so salt should get exported there it does that should get pulled around it does all we need to do now is get our

Energy pipes out and it looks like we do need a few more of those that’s fine and then if we can connect to these at the bottom which we definitely can do we just need to bring it over from here like so and that should bring our

Waterlogged sieve online it does now of course this does need to eject into an adjacent inventory so let’s go ahead and place I guess just a regular old chest down whoops I don’t know how I press G so many times though a regular old chest

Down right next to it as per usual we’ll set the output to here we’ll place that down like so that’s going to receive the outputs of the sieve fantastic and then all we need to do is pump those into here so we’ll take one more item pipe I

Should really just bulk make these pipes and I might do that between streams so we just got them ready to go I’d have to keep manually crafting them but if we do this disconnect this set that to extract that’s going to make the color block the

Call block is going to get extracted and then getting power to this guy is going to be a little trickier just due to where he is without having a cable that’s just kind of running all over the place which is definitely less than ideal I think the

Easiest thing for us to do here is going to be to move the pulverizer one of them and my inventory here is a complete mess but if we move this one over to here we can then run a power cable up through the floor and it just means we need one more

Item pipe that we can set to extract from the right hand side like that now it’s at this point I think we might be potentially in um getting close to at least having trouble with power maybe not we’ve got a lot of machines going to be fair a lot of them are not

That fast how are we doing over here is this um we got a lot of Bank logged resources I think it’s possible we might be producing them faster than where processing them but this could also just still be the backlog from the start of the stream

There’s on the other way we’ll find out is when we come back next time and if there’s more than what there is there then we know that we’ve got a problem we need to solve for now though we have colorful transformation powder being made albeit somewhat slowly now is the

Tricky bit because now what we need to do is we need to make some more blocks of bronze that is not the tricky bit that’s actually the easy bit onto three we can place those down under these barrels here foreign then we can get even more fluid pipes

Those are gonna go and extract from here round into the next Barrel here this is where we need more of the of the ancient skulk once we have the ancient skulk it’s not a problem because the next here just requires three of any color color block and we’re making those

Slowly but surely it looks like red is going to be our color of Choice by the looks of it but that’s not going to be a problem at all these are super easy to get there we go those are all different colors but the good news is we don’t

Have to look at them because we’re going to cover that up and so yeah I guess let’s empty out our inventory and let’s head back over to the deep dark it’s going to take a little while because the closest deep dark which is not too far away

Um isn’t the one we want to go to we’ve got to drive even further out to the next deep dark and then from there we have to make our way to the Fortress which was about a thousand blocks away from where the the entrance was then we

Go through the portal to the deeper dark dimension and then there’s another thousand blocks to get to the temple we were at but people in the YouTube comments have been telling me that there is like another room beneath the the treasure room that we were in that

Should have a lot more of um of the ancient sculk that we’re after foreign I’m so very worried need to be beaming okay so it’s a little scary but there are indeed areas down here where after ancient skock there is a warden right outside the door I think we should be fine he seems a little preoccupied attacking some worms or something but I’m a little worried I

Do want to try and get three scoring we need the ancient skulk I don’t think just regular skulking matter I need an ancient level of skull I can hear him at work outside just some ancient scope there’s two ideally we could oh I hear him ideally we want to get three

If there’s one in here that’ll be fantastic there is indeed do a quick slash home and chat we’ve done it we’ve cranked him we’ve got three ancient skulk okay that is good so back over here let’s just uh finish this up shall we let’s drop these down over here under

These uh these barrels one two three and I think Chad though we should be almost done because now we used to pump the lava around right so the lava’s over here which is awkward and it’s something I should have thought about ahead of time because now I’ve kind of awkwardly placed this energy

Cable here we can’t get the lava in that’s fine again it is going to be super Genki but if we do something like this it’s just janky because it doesn’t match the rest of the uh the setup but if we do that that’s gonna work just fine uh we then

Of course do need then to get this bucket of improved organic fluid along with three more Piper grids so that we can filter the um the fluid pipes here so they don’t pull the lava out much like we did with the previous fluid and then we’re gonna have to do the same

Again here so the improved fluid doesn’t get pulled out we’re gonna have to get a bucket of squawking organic matter which thankfully we do have so we’ll grab one of these as well so we need to make six filters and add them here and here to prevent the wrong liquids getting sent

To the wrong places all right and now this is working so we’ve added the filters uh this one will only pull out improved organic fluid and this one will only pull out these scorching organic matter so now we have all of these down we can set this to extract and that

Should begin making the color formatter and then the final step of the process of course here is to get yet another flux Civ the final flux sieve is going to allow us to sieve all of the colorful organic matter and with that we should start getting Redstone lapis diamonds

Emeralds I think it was fluorite and and one more thing maybe uh let’s put you down right about here all right so we’ve put down an item pipe to connect these barrels to the sieve and I’ve collected the sieve up with an energy pipe so now

If we set these to extract we should see the colorful organic matter getting its way making its way around to the fluxiv and then from their chant it should be a simple case of setting an output grabbing the iron chest placing the iron just down and as soon

As that sifting is done which will happen any second now just so long as you actually have a mesh in there Isaac let’s try that one more time uh ideally you want to do something like this and then now as soon as this work progress here finishes we should

See our first sifting where’s come through and boom we got some flow eight some prismarine shards and some emeralds nice now the good news about this is that I think everything here yeah every single one of these that we’re gonna get can just be instantly pulled into the

System we don’t have to do any processing any crafting anything like that we can just set up drawers but all seven of these and drop down input cable and we’re gonna be good to go so let’s do exactly that let’s clear out our inventory of all this junk let’s grab

Another import cable we’ll use the filtered one just because it’s what we have and then let’s also go ahead and grab as many of these as we can to make sure that we’ve got an actual space for them to go in our storage door wall all right so all of these now have

Their own slot on the wall and so if we have enough network cable which is always a big F and it would look like in this scenario we once again do not that is fine let’s make even more network cable and let’s see if we can’t get this

Input cable connected up over here so we’ll drop the input cable as per usual down right about there and then thankfully we do have network cable pretty close by and so just doing this should allow us to start importing everything from this chest round into the system and in doing so actually I

Don’t think I’ve made a draw for prismarine crystals I did make one for prismarine shards although we’ve got shards and crystals fantastic but in doing so we have fully automated the process of collect all of these now for some reason we’ve not actually oh I said for some reason the reason we’ve not

Unlocked the the quest though is because we’ve actually automated like all of this okay so I think most of these quests are done we have some transformational powder here that’s gonna complete that Quest fantastic I did have to go and make sure I touched each and every one

Of these uh to make sure that the quest got completed there but that is fine we get even more this question rewards you’ll love to see it and then down here we need uh the actual colorful organic matter which we do have access to there

We go fantastic and then if we go and grab one of each of the resources that we get from sifting that colorful colorful organic matter out of here we’re gonna complete all those quests and we might even get more as a reward we do not never mind that’s fine we’ll

Claim our Ben books fantastic and yeah so now when we come back next time chat we can look at finally upgrading to Diamond and uh maybe even Emerald meshes as well to further increase our output on all of these uh over here yeah I think we are making more resources than

We’re producing because before there were two lines and now there’s a one item on the third line so I think we are gonna have to add at least one more maybe even two more induction smell to make that faster although again we could also look at making some of the integral

Components to make that faster as well but next time we’ll come back we’ll work our way forward and uh using Redstone we can start making Netherrack I believe we put lava into a barrel with redstone to get another hack we do indeed and that’s going to unlock the magma Crucible

Followers and then the nether Mata quest line which is finally going to give us access to Mystical agriculture by the looks of it as well as netherweight both of which are going to be quite useful and I see that we’re not too far away from refined storage as well which is

Going to be a nice jump for us it’s gonna be nice to move away from the simple storage network uh refined storage it’s going to allow us to AutoCraft gonna allow us to more precisely input export and move items around and just store items in general

It’s gonna be very nice to have indeed and at that point with them we’re not too far away from the end of the pack we can start working through the end quest line to the real end and uh and see about wrapping things up at some point

In the future but we do have quite a ways to go before we get to that but unfortunately chant uh we are almost out of time here the last thing I’m going to do is actually make sure that the system does work because currently I believe that the poor transformational powder

Isn’t being moved across from here so we’re going to do that and that there we go so now the transformation powder is being moved across we should see the colorful organic matter being made being sifted and things being sent around fantastic how many diamonds do we have

14 nice so we should get those coming in quite quickly now which is very nice indeed and as I was saying we’re gonna go ahead and wrap up the Stream Thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | SUCKING TREES & GENERATING DIAMONDS! #8 [Modded Questing Seablock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-01-31 00:00:32. It has garnered 64743 views and 1664 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds.

Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | SUCKING TREES & GENERATING DIAMONDS! #8 [Modded Questing Seablock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Encrypted | TRAPPED IN A SIMULATED REALITY! #1:

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World Seed: 1762444613559658424

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Seaopolis 2 Modpack: Welcome to seaopolis a ocean based survival questing modpack. Starting on a raft or boat in the ocean its your job to survive and thrive in a ocean world. Featuring some classic mods including Thermal Expansion, Mekanism and Mystical Agriculture along with some newer mods like Oceanopolis, Opolis utilities and many more!

#Minecraft #Seaopolis #Modded

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    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the vast world of Minecraft? The latest update, Minecraft 1.20.81, has just been released, and the excitement is palpable. While watching Blackplayz’s video on the update, one can’t help but feel the urge to dive into the game and explore all the new features and challenges that await. But where should you go to fully experience everything that Minecraft 1.20.81 has to offer? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating… Read More

  • Dave’s Got Got! SMP Showdown

    Dave's Got Got! SMP Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where adventures are grand, Dave’s been got, pranked by a clever hand. Duo SMP, the game they play, With tricks and laughs, all through the day. Kroberto’s the mastermind, pulling the strings, Creating chaos, with laughter it brings. The viewers watch, with eyes wide, As Dave falls for it, taken for a ride. If you want more, check out the stream, On Twitch, where it’s all like a dream. Subscribe, like, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, where pranks are spun. Follow Kroberto on Twitter and Tumblr too, For updates and… Read More

  • An ancient Minecraft meme reborn! 🔥

    An ancient Minecraft meme reborn! 🔥 Remember when we used to spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to have them blown up by a creeper? Good times. Now we just watch short videos of people recreating old memes and wonder where it all went wrong. #MinecraftNostalgia #CreeperProblems 🤣 Read More

  • Unleash Your Immortal Minecraft Skills on Minewind Server!

    Unleash Your Immortal Minecraft Skills on Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about a unique Minecraft server that is taking the gaming world by storm – Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft video where the player seems invincible, where dying is simply not an option? Imagine a world where you can’t take damage from cacti or drown in waterlogged sleeves. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a wide range of custom features and challenges, Minewind offers a truly unique… Read More

  • Building a Stylish Resort at Lake Resort – Minecraft

    Building a Stylish Resort at Lake Resort - Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Lake Resort Build on the 12th Anniversary Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such example is the recent 12th-anniversary celebration on the Japanese multiplayer server, 朱サバ. The highlight of this event was the construction of a stylish resort building at the serene Lake Resort area. Building the Resort The players on 朱サバ embarked on a collaborative effort to create a visually stunning resort building at the picturesque Lake Resort. The unique feature of this build was its 45-degree angle design, adding a touch of modern elegance to… Read More

  • Duck Goes Crazy! Minecraft RPG Madness!

    Duck Goes Crazy! Minecraft RPG Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Dungeons & Heroes RPG – I made Minecraft A RPG!!!’, was uploaded by Rude Duck on 2024-05-26 19:01:54. It has garnered 160 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:02 or 3422 seconds. Dungeons RPG Series Heroes- Vein mine with no enchantment, wands, wizards, and you play it in 3rd person. link for the game Read More

  • Curse of Thomas: Minecraft Lego Moc

    Curse of Thomas: Minecraft Lego MocVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Thomas.exe Minecraft Lego Moc’, was uploaded by LIKEBRICK 2 on 2024-01-08 10:03:26. It has garnered 1686 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:00 or 300 seconds. #lego #minecraft #thomasexe #thomas #legominecraft #minecraft LIKEBRICK 2 will guide you how to build a Thomas exe character in Minecraft style. ————————————————————————————————————————— ● Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and have fun building! ● Parts are listed in the video. ● LEGO model designed by me and filmed in the BrickLink Studio app. ● Video is copyright of ” LIKEBRICK ” channel. Please do not… Read More

  • 🤯 INSANE Pixel Art in Minecraft!! #GamingMadness

    🤯 INSANE Pixel Art in Minecraft!! #GamingMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art of my subscriber part 389 #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by KS TRICKLY GUIDE on 2024-01-16 05:01:00. It has garnered 2424 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge with Chat Controls!!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge with Chat Controls!!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Followthon Day 1] Can I beat Minecraft while Chat tries to help or harm me!? Crowd Control Enabled!’, was uploaded by RavenLupusRex on 2024-01-12 04:43:58. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:34 or 13234 seconds. Powered by Restream I’m a small streamer looking to make new friends and have a fun time playing and chatting with all of you. My Twitch: My Twitter: Some video backgrounds from Join the Discord Server: Read More

  • Mystery Gamer Launches Epic Reaping in Minecraft Episode 2!

    Mystery Gamer Launches Epic Reaping in Minecraft Episode 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let the Reaping Begin! | Minecraft: The Stormbridge Project Episode 2’, was uploaded by Unkn0wn50u1 on 2024-01-07 18:00:10. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:50 or 7130 seconds. Hello there! Now you might be wondering-Unkn0wn, why is your model different, when did this series happen, why you acting like a total noob on stream and why do you sound scuff? Allow me to answer those questions! Stormbridge was filmed back in the middle of April through the end of May 2023, I’ve had my ends recorded and… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft IQ test – Girls vs Boys #1million

    Unbelievable Minecraft IQ test - Girls vs Boys #1millionVideo Information This video, titled ‘girls vs boys IQ test in Minecraft #theboys #1million #minecraft #reality #comedy’, was uploaded by Demon Gaming on 2024-04-05 03:59:41. It has garnered 5003 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. girls vs boys IQ test in Minecraft #1million #theboys #minecraft#reality #comedy #4k#memes #op #devil#1million #herobrine #nonstop #nonstopgaming Read More

  • Can you befriend Nekomata Okayu before finding 100 diamonds?

    Can you befriend Nekomata Okayu before finding 100 diamonds?Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】今夜は祭りだ!!ダイヤ100個掘り終えるまでに仲良くなれるカナ⁉【 猫又おかゆ × 夏色まつり 】’, was uploaded by Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ on 2024-01-18 14:09:06. It has garnered 161526 views and 9610 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:41 or 3881 seconds. – Diamond debt life day 6💎669/2545~ Matsuri-chan! @NatsuiroMatsuri Illustration: Lily is Asleep-san( ) This game has been approved by Mojang and is subject to the Terms and Conditions ( Based on this, we distribute and monetize the game. Mods used: OptiFine Creator: sp614x Distribution URL: 【Use MOD】 Use MOD: Sildur’s Vibrant shaders Producer: SildurFX Distribution URL: 【Use MOD】 Use MOD: Complementary Shaders… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret to Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE! 🧐🔮 – Roblox Quest

    Uncover the Secret to Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE! 🧐🔮 - Roblox QuestVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to get Ominous Teleport in SKIBIVERSE – Roblox (Something Mysterious Quest)’, was uploaded by CyAlsoPlays on 2024-01-15 05:03:04. It has garnered 154 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Hey Everyone,Welcome to my gaming channel! we’re diving into two popular games: Minecraft and Roblox.Minecraft is a sandbox game centered around exploration, creativity, and survival. Players can explore vast procedurally generated worlds, mine resources, and craft tools to build structures and create items. The game features a day-night cycle, with hostile mobs appearing at night, adding an element… Read More

  • EPIC Pro House Build Tutorial | MUST SEE!! #minecraft

    EPIC Pro House Build Tutorial | MUST SEE!! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pro Starter House Build Tutorial Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #anime’, was uploaded by FULLTO SHORTS on 2024-01-27 07:21:30. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Fantasy Roleplay

    Fantasy RoleplayWelcome to Enarion – a rich continent filled with intrigue, compelling stories, and sprawling Kingdoms. Seek your trade as a wandering merchant, ancient wizard, or a skilled swordsman. Forge your own destiny in a dense continent built in an immersive setting and influence the path of Kingdoms… or the continent as a whole. FEATURES • A comprehensive character-management plugin that seamlessly integrates multiple roleplay characters onto one account. • A richly detailed professions system packed with level progression, custom crafting, and unique items. • An innovative nation management and land-claiming plugin incorporated with Discord & Website integration as well as… Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP, whitelist, 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server! The BlockHeart server is back for its newest season with a tight-knit community ready to build amazing bases, a capital city, a lively shopping district, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft, we welcome content creators to join us in covering our server. Community Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, or stealing. No unlawful killing, lag machines, or harassment. Have fun and communicate with leaders for any issues. To Apply, Please Provide: Age Discord ID IGN Gender identification Nationality Favourite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you find diamonds on day one…

    Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time: Stalks in My World Cube Xuan

    Mine Rhyme Time: Stalks in My World Cube Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with humor that entertains. Animations that are funny, with a touch of glee, Bringing happiness to all, for everyone to see. No need for worry, this channel is safe, Child-friendly content, with no harmful trace. Each video a gem, each day a delight, Join the fun, subscribe, and let your spirits take flight. So come on over, to Fangkuaixuan’s domain, Where Minecraft adventures, never go in vain. Laugh, learn, and play, in this world so grand, With rhymes and humor, at your command. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: O FOGO ESTÁ PEGANDO! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: O FOGO ESTÁ PEGANDO! 🔥 “Quando você finalmente encontra diamantes no Minecraft e sua reação é tipo: ‘Eu sou rico, vou construir uma casa de diamante agora!’” 😂 #minecraftrichkid #diamondsareforever #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Lag-Free Minecraft Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Lag-Free Minecraft Fun! Are you tired of dealing with lag while playing Minecraft 1.20 PE? Look no further! Unlock the secrets to a lag-free Minecraft experience with expert tips and tricks that will optimize your settings and keep your gameplay buttery smooth. Whether you’re battling mobs, building epic structures, or exploring vast landscapes, these techniques will take your Minecraft adventures to the next level. Say goodbye to frustrating lag and hello to uninterrupted gameplay! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server for an even more immersive and seamless gaming experience. Connect with players from around the world, embark on epic quests, and build… Read More

  • Spider Man Statue House Build Challenge

    Spider Man Statue House Build Challenge The Ultimate Spider-Man Statue House Build Challenge in Minecraft 🕷 Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft with the thrilling Spider-Man Statue House Build Challenge! 🏠🕷 Unleash Your Creativity Whether you’re a noob, a pro, or a hacker, this challenge is perfect for showcasing your building skills in Minecraft. Construct a magnificent Spider-Man statue that doubles as a cozy house for your character. 🕸️ Choose Your Style From the sleek and modern design of a pro to the innovative and resourceful approach of a hacker, each player can bring their unique style to the challenge. Let… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft World – Part 31-40 Audiobook

    Insane Modded Minecraft World - Part 31-40 AudiobookVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft in another world | Part 31-40 | Light novel Audiobook’, was uploaded by Watch while you work / play on 2024-05-19 16:00:04. It has garnered 132 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 08:25:04 or 30304 seconds. Chapters 151-200 Full playlist – This is a story about a main character who loves survival type PC games and suddenly wanders into another world and fights to survive with his ferocious but beautiful and cute master #manhwa #manhua #manga #lightnovel Ask for the name in the comments #manhwa #recap #anime #manga… Read More

  • Dalek’s Intoxicated Quest in Minecraft

    Dalek's Intoxicated Quest in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SISYPHUS IN MINECRAFT + ALCOHOLISM’, was uploaded by Dalek on 2024-04-13 16:52:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THE MAP: TAKING SIDEQUEST SUGGESTIONS. Read More

  • Perfect Life Hack: Instantly create modern fences in Minecraft!

    Perfect Life Hack: Instantly create modern fences in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make realistic modern fence in minecraft || #shorts #minecraft #realistic #modern’, was uploaded by A1 deepak gaming 2.o on 2024-04-30 13:00:13. It has garnered 466 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I CHEATED in Minecraft Build Battle

    UNBELIEVABLE: I CHEATED in Minecraft Build BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with DRAWING MOD in Minecraft Build Battle’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-02-21 13:00:25. It has garnered 21836 views and 329 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:21 or 2601 seconds. I Cheated with DRAWING MOD in Minecraft Build Battle Today in Minecraft, we’re doing a Build Battle! But thanks to this magic paintbrush, anything I draw becomes reality! Oh, the possibilities! Will I win by cheating in this build challenge? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! Mikey vs JJ Family -… Read More

  • “PrestonCG’s SHOCKING return home! | Ep. 5 Hunters Horizon” #minecraft ⁣smp

    "PrestonCG's SHOCKING return home! | Ep. 5 Hunters Horizon" #minecraft ⁣smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Time to go Home! (Hunters Horizon Ep. 5 Modded Multiplayer Minecraft) #minecraftsmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by PrestonCG on 2024-01-17 01:30:18. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. It’s time to go home! Wanna see more content, then consider Subscribing! Link to my Twitter: Link to my Public Discord: Link to my Twitch: #minecraftsmp #minecraft #moddedminecraft #gaming #vaulthunters Read More


    Clickbait title: "SECRET REVEALED: K_D BROTHERS PLAY WITH SUB"Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAY WHIT SUB’, was uploaded by K_D _BROTHERS on 2024-03-24 06:05:55. It has garnered 28 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:26 or 3146 seconds. minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider, lapata smp, senpai spider pvp, lapata smp new video, lapata smp war,… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Meet the Poorest Player on my Minecraft Server, Zedar!

    SHOCKING! Meet the Poorest Player on my Minecraft Server, Zedar!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Found the POOREST player on my Minecraft Server…’, was uploaded by Zedar on 2024-02-27 15:00:34. It has garnered 172372 views and 13439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. tiktok – zedarmc twitter- Business email: [email protected] Minecraft, But this challenge is the funniest Minecraft Lifesteal SMP Letsplays I’ve ever seen in my life! I don’t really use Minecraft Mods. But I do like minecraft challenges on Minecraft 1.19 and Minecraft 1.18.2. This is a Super Funny Minecraft Short / TikTok / Video I’ve ever seen. hermitcraft and empires smp… Read More

  • DuceZuce’s EPIC Minecraft Kitchen Showdown + Playerhead Trick!

    DuceZuce's EPIC Minecraft Kitchen Showdown + Playerhead Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Kitchen Showdown and invisible maps + playerhead tutorial!’, was uploaded by DuceZuce on 2024-05-03 17:00:19. It has garnered 421 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:10 or 1210 seconds. This video also includes a small tutorial on how you use invisible maps and player heads in your interior! Tired of bland, boxy kitchens cramping your Minecraft meals? This video ignites your culinary creativity with 4 incredible kitchen styles, guaranteed to transform your builds from ordinary to extraordinary! Minimalistic design: Tons of white with some black accents to give that smooth… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE UNTIL OPEN😱EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Adventure Part 1!

    🔥LIVE UNTIL OPEN😱EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Adventure Part 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE SAMPE BUKA – Petualangan Minecraft Hardcore Part 1’, was uploaded by Fajar JP on 2024-03-12 09:31:47. It has garnered 102 views and likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:27 or 9807 seconds. hello everyone, enjoyyy #minecraft #livegamingindonesia #fajarjp Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | SUCKING TREES & GENERATING DIAMONDS! #8 [Modded Questing Seablock]