Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Seaopolis | MYSTICAL AGRICULTURE & FIELD PROJECTORS! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on filling this new fifth sphere of our base with a blaze spawner that we brought back from the nether in a cardboard box and with a dreadful dirt that we acquired by feeding our one and only chicken some dreadful genetically modified chicken feed and

Now this room here is set up to spawn just a staggering number of mobs including most importantly blazes and endermen which are going to get displaced powder and eyes of ender which we’re going to need in today’s stream to get started with compact machines and get ourselves a miniaturization projection field at

Which we can set up using four of these field projectors however before we get into that i will bookmark that on the left here and we’ll come back to that a little bit later on before we get to that we have a few issues from the last stream that still need to be

Sorted out the first issue if we look at our pipe system you will see that currently our pipe system is a complete mess there are items that are just circling around endlessly because they have nowhere to go and the reason for that is that in the last stream when i built this new

Sphere here i got rid of the overflow trash can and so now all of those items don’t currently have anywhere to go and so they just end up endlessly cycling around in these mechanism pipes right now it’s not a huge deal but if this just keeps happening

It will just get laggier and laggier and laggier until the game is just unplayable and so one thing we should do here is reset up the item trash can however i have been running into a couple of issues with this setup it seems like sometimes the mechanism pipes don’t like

Directly putting items into the item trash can and so i think what we’re probably going to want to do is instead of sending the items directly to the trash can what we’ll do instead is we will use a chest as a buffer and then i’m thinking we will just use

Some item pipes from the pipe spot here to pull out of that chest down into a trash can i think that’s going to be a lot more reliable so i’ll put this down right about here again we’ll set this to black and then we’ll just have an

Item pipe into a trash can that’s not a trash can that’s gravel into a trash can and then from there if we get the pipe orange we can quickly shift right click there to set that to extract and so now if we get some air at this system

Should work all of the items that are filtered for black which are all of the items that would otherwise go to the draw controller should try go to the draw controller however if the draw controller won’t accept them because their respective storage drawer is full those items should then instead go directly around

To this chest here which in turn is going to feed them down to the trash can effectively the same system that we already had but now it should be a lot more reliable and should hopefully continue to work and keep everything moving now the next problem that we

Ran into is mob drops because of course we set up this mob spawner but we didn’t have anywhere to put all of those mob drops we were getting from the spawner so between streams what i have gone ahead and done is put down a bunch more of

These glass storage drawers on this wall right here and so what we should be able to do now is take a lot of the items that we’re generating in here like ender pearls burns spiderwise all the stuff that we want to keep and place those into their own perspective

Storage drawers the slightly trickier part comes in getting rid of the items that we don’t want for example right now we have leather pants in here now at the moment as it turns out we could actually quite use these leather pants because we currently do not have any pants whatsoever however

Going forward i think it’s quite unlikely that we’re going to want many more sets of leather pants going forward we’re also going to get things like half broken swords shovels pickaxes axes helmets all kinds of junk that we don’t want to have clogging up our system and all kinds of items that we

Can’t really put into storage doors because they don’t stack right pants don’t stack so we can’t really assign them to their own storage drawer so instead we need to find a way to get rid of those items and so i think what we probably want to do is

Once again grab some of the item pipes that we have in the system and we probably want to invest in a high tier pipe upgrade specifically i think that the advanced pipe upgrade here might not be a bad idea it is a rather expensive upgrade requiring four blocks of redstone four

Diamonds and an improved pipe upgrade which in and of itself requires four gold four redstone and a basic pipe upgrade uh however i think we should be able to fairly easily make at least one of these here and the reason we want to go with this

Is that when we filter out certain items which we can do with this advanced pipe upgrade we also need to be able to specifically filter out items that are partially broken what i mean by that is let’s say we put a chest here and let’s say we do

An item pipe like this shift right click and then in here we’re going to install the advanced filter so right now that’s moving everything over that is fine in here though what we can now do is we can toggle the filter mode whitelist or blacklist but we can also add items

To the filter so let’s say for example we wanted to filter these leather pants right we’re gonna put these in so we’re going to add and the item is going to be leather pants so right now by default we have minecraft leather leggings up at the top here and

Then we have the nbt data for those leggings so we can see projectile protection there’s also probably a level two enchant damages 60 which is the number of durability taken off the pants so this box here has all of the nbt values that kind of make these leather pants

Unique right these are not regular pants they have extra stuff and so if i were to click submit right now what would happen is this pipe right here would only pull out leather pants that exactly match these leather pants right they would only extract leather pants that have projectile protection too and a

Durability of 15 out of 75 which is not what we want we want to be able to pull out all leather pants so what we can do is in here we can click add we can put the leather pants in and then in this bottom box we can just delete

Everything so if we just hold backspace and just delete all of these nbt data tags here right now this is currently set to match only provided tanks and because there are no tags in here if we click submit this is now just item leather pants so any leather pants that get placed in

Here should get extracted anything that isn’t leather pants so if we put sand in doesn’t get extracted the idea being that as we get more and more things so as we get you know random helmets swords bits of junk that we don’t want we can add them to this white list and

They will be sent round to this chest or in the future we can of course just replace this chest here with a trash can to get rid of all the junk that we don’t want and then what we can do on the other side here

Is we can do the exact same thing with another pipe again we’ll set it to extract we do to get another upgrade but on this side we do the exact same thing we set up the exact same filter with leather pants swords chest plates helmets etc but we

Just set it to blacklist so that all that happens there is everything that is not leather pants gets pulled out and at that point we can pop it around into the drawer controller so the pack creator is currently in the twitch chat and they have pointed out actually that if you put in

Hash followed by seoplus colon leather underscore armor that actually does all of the leather armor at once and so if we click submit that is now one tag because up here it does say item slash tag so while you can put an item in manually like we did before you can also

Just type in what you want right here so for example you know instead of getting send if you wanted to you could just type in minecraft call on send and it would do the exact same thing again if you hover over an item in jei

It does give you that tag you can see under grass block minecraft colon grass block there and so if i was to type in grass underscore block that would then allow me to filter grass blocks without actually having a grass block which is pretty nifty stuff but essentially we’ve now added one filter

That does all leather armor which is perfect so we can remove the pants i guess and just have that leather armor filter let’s give that a quick test it does work perfect and so yeah let’s go ahead and make another upgrade here for this pipe and let’s see

If we can’t get that pipe connected around to the uh the draw controller real quick before we hook this item pipe up to the draw controller um i do want to talk about some of the issues with the mob spawner itself you’ll notice that right now it is completely offline

We’ve placed the blaze spawner back into the cardboard box temporarily and for those who don’t know you can place down regular minecraft torches onto a dreadful dirt to prevent it from spawning mobs so as long as the room is at a certain light level the dreadful dirt won’t spawn any mobs however

There is a caveat if the dreadful dirt does see sunlight it will start to burn and the blocks will get destroyed so uh just bear that in mind don’t let your dreadful dirt see sunlight otherwise you’ll have to get another chicken and some more chicken feed between streams i have

Gotten rid of the water back here and i’ve also added a lever to this fan as opposed to a redstone block so that we can more easily toggle it on and off should we need to get in this room in the future like we’re doing right now

And one of the problems that i would like to fix here is the problem of certain mods getting trapped in these blocks here and here because um even though it shouldn’t happen like you’ll see if i stand there it does kind of push me to the middle certain mobs kind of get

Trapped uh maybe on the edge like here and here so i’m thinking what we can probably do is just get rid of these mob fans and instead block in that hole real quick but instead we can utilize the extra entity conveyors that we have from the uh the batch we made

In the last stream so if we put entity conveyors not that way but instead preferably here and here any mob that is pushed over into these two blocks should in theory get pushed to here again it’s still possible i think that a mob could get trapped like right here

On the very edge of this uh this wall if that does happen we might want to make yet another little bench of entity conveyors just to make sure they get pushed a little further forward in fact given how cheap it is to make the entity conveyors i think we might as well not

Even take the risk and instead should just go ahead and make one more batch of these guys at that point we can once again do this this this and this and if we just fill all of those in with entity conveyors every single entity should now

Make its way to that mob master once we turn everything back on again so right now we do still have to leave out the back here because this lever needs turning on once we uh get rid of all the torches going forward at some point we might look at setting

Up some wireless redstone to allow us to toggle this fan on and off without coming all the way over into this back sphere here because as you can see it’s a bit far away and it’s not really the ideal situation to be a lot easier if we could just leave through that

Front glass and go back into the main room but for now let’s make sure we have these smooth sunblocks ready to go let’s undo this let’s get rid of the torches let’s get out the back here and let’s reengage that fan and i think that should now be good to

Go so now we can head back around and we can look at connecting the blacklist pipe which is the pipe that’s going to have most of our items running through it to our drawer controller which does actually in and of itself raise a slight issue because right now our draw controller is kind

Of fully saturated and what i mean by that is that there is something on every single side of the draw controller here apart from the front and so there’s no free draw controller face for us to plug the item pipe into however there is thankfully a way around this forest

And that way is via a controller slave this guy right here essentially this is a block that you can put down inside of your storage drawer network that also acts as a draw controller so to make it all we need is some stone gold a drawer and two redstone comparators

The redstone comparators we should be able to make fairly easily here one and two and boom so i’m thinking what we’ll do here is we’ll maybe put this draw slave in the floor over here and then we’ll connect that up using trim so once again if we can get some customizable trim

We can then configure this to for the most part look like smooth stone and actually i think in general we can just make it look like smooth stone because we’re probably going to get rid of this blue terracotta in the floor here much like we have done

For all of the other entrance ways and i do plan by the way at some point to move the refined storage system it’s not going to stay here in the way of the mob spawner forever however for the time being if we just do something like this

And grab a couple of blocks of framed trim color to look like smooth stone we should be able to use these to replace these bits of smooth stone and connects up the draw slave to our actual draw controller so not too long later and we now have

Trim all the way along the floor here that trim then runs around all the way over to this trim this trim was already here to connect up at this wall to this wall but essentially now this drawer slave over here is connected to this drawer controller via trim

So it’s part of the network and essentially a controller slave is almost identical to a draw controller it does almost everything that a draw controller can already do so for example in here we have 127 silver ingots if we go ahead and take let’s say five of those out

We’re now at 122 and so over here we have a wooden hopper feeding into this draw controller slave and so if we place the silver ingot in there those ingots get fed down into the controller and if we come back around here you can see that once again we’re back

Up at a 127 silver ingots which is super cool because it means that now all we have to do is get rid of that hopper there put down the item pipes we had previously like this and once we make another one of these advanced pipe upgrades we can put it in here

Add all of the same items that we’re adding to this white list to a blacklist here and at that point everything that’s not junk will get pulled out down into the draw controller slave and at that point all we have to do is make sure that each of those items

Has their own respective storage drawer so that they don’t clog up our disk drive okay so twitch chat has actually informed me that we don’t need to make another advanced filter this guy down here originally my plan was going to be to make another one of these upgrades

Put it in here add the same items but just flip the white list to a blank list it turns out that’s not something we have to do because basically unlike the mechanism pipes where the items move through the pipes as i mentioned previously with the item pipe from pipes

The items will move instantly from the absorption hopper down into the drawer controller slave so what that means is that only items that already have a draw will be extracted so right now this is set to extract we’ve used the wrench here this is extracting four items every 20 ticks

We have no upgrades in there and you’ll see right now none of these items are getting pulled out however if we take for example these miniaturized yellow hearts and we give them their own draw let’s say we put them over here what we should see is more of those hearts being pulled

In because there’s now a draw there the item pipe can now insert the hearts into this draw controller and so it can extract them from the absorption hopper and so essentially we don’t have to make another pipe upgrade and we don’t have to spend more redstone blocks and diamonds

All we have to do is make sure that all the items that we want to keep have a storage drawer of without and not too long later we now have pretty much all of the mob drops that we want to keep in storage drawers and we do have one spare

Drawer here should we want to add something else in the future um i did do a bit of reorganizing so for example glowstone is over here we’ve moved sand onto the uh the block wall over on the left there and we are starting to get more things

That we don’t want uh things that we don’t want include glass bottles glass shards i think are just for me breaking glass i don’t think we’re gonna get those going forward the same is true for levers i’m not quite sure if this shell is from the mob spawn or not

But essentially now uh all of these items so glass bottles potions of healing uh portions of healing could be useful but we’re probably gonna get rid of them just because uh they don’t stack very well bows and gold leggings all these things once we added to the filter over here

So um it turns out that uh if we hover over gold leggings here you’ll see that it says hold control for tanks if i hold ctrl you’ll see the item tags include forge colon armor slash gold and so in here we can go add and then type in forge colon armor slash gold

And make sure you put the hash at the beginning there you do have to be careful here sometimes armor is about with a u sometimes armor is spelled without a u in this case i’m respect without a u submit uh but up here for the leather

The armor is spot with a u so just bear that in mind that’s a little like um uk english versus us english i think translation there but now all of the gold armor that is put in there should get extracted and sent round again for the buzz i

Think we can just add that in get rid of all of the mbt data and click submit and so again any buzz in there now should be extracted and should be pulled around for whatever reason that’s not working if i put the boat in even if

I get rid of the mbt data value and then click submit it still says two tanks here and so it’s not extracting this regular bow it’s only extracting the bow that is a perfect match um i think the solution here just manually type in minecraft call on bo

And then now if i click submit i think that should work for all types of bows irrespective of whether or not they have enchants but either way the general idea here is working and between streams as the series goes on i will periodically come over and check what’s in here

And if there are new things in like these iron boots for example or glass bottles or potatoes um i’ll add those to the filter here and make sure they get pulled out into a trash can uh however that’s enough of that let us start working on the meat of

Today’s stream so the very first thing actually that i think i want to do now is probably get a phytogenic insulator that’s this guy right here it’s a machine from thermal expansion and the reason that i want to get this machine here is that this machine allows us

To automatically farm so one of the things i would like to do in today’s stream is i would like to get into a little bit of mystical agriculture and by getting to it i mean i basically like to just start the process of getting into mystical agriculture i’d

Like to get some inferium seeds and maybe start growing those inferium seeds now in order to get inferium seeds we have to drop 64 sweet berries 128 seeds and 64 dust into organic water which is what we get from breaking down the leaves in the smell train and i don’t really

Feel like trying to manually farm 64 sweet berries and so this is where the phytogenic insulator comes in quite useful and even going forward once we have the mystical agriculture seeds we can also use the phytogenic insulator here to automate the production of those seats or automate the farming

Of those seeds so for this the only thing we’re missing is once again another machine frame which we can make along with two lumium gears lumium much like ciganellon before it is another alloy that we can make in the induction smelter this time with silver tin and glowstone

All of which we should have we have silver down here we have 10 i believe up here and then we have glowstone now over on the left and so if we go and throw all of those into the induction smelter and that should start getting us our first batch of

Lumion which i think again much like signallum is made in sets of four it is you get four at a time so we should get um at least four there but we do need eight so i think i’m just missing one extra silver ingot to get the second batch of four going

Oh no it’s 10 though i’m missing it’s a 310 one silver and a two gloss and that is my bat there back in here though we’ll throw in the the lumium that’s going to get us the aluminum gears and you can tell that the multi-server press is where our

Upgrades currently reside because this is tremendously slow you can move these like this we do waste some redstone flux when we do that because you’ll notice that this right now can only hold fifty thousand rf uh this can hold a hundred thousand but only whilst it has this upgrade in

So if you take this upgrade out this goes back down to fifty thousand and then when you put it in again it has to get back up to a hundred thousand i don’t think that’s a huge problem i think like it’s fine if we do that because we’re already getting our power

Free of charge from lava anywhere and we do have excess power being generated that we’re not currently using so i think in general it’s probably worth wasting that power to uh save a bit of time on some of the machine processing although of course going forward we

Should really just invest on making all of our machines faster either way here is the phytogenic insulator of course we will go ahead and drop this down in the thermal expansion room i think for now i’m just going to place it here in the future we will of course look to

Give it a more permanent location and actually thinking about it i’m fairly certain that this machine does require a continuous supply of water and so what we should probably do is we should probably also look to set up another system like we have out here that produces unlimited water using the floppers and

Then pipes that around into the phytogenic insulator but essentially like i was saying i want to get sweet berries in there now i believe that uh up in this questline right here there is a quest to get sweet berries so sweet berries are acquired via sweet berry seeds

Which are made in organic water with sugar cane sugar cane we can get by right clicking sugarcane seeds onto dirt or sand and sugarcane seeds we can get by dropping wheat pumpkin seeds and beetroot seeds again into organic water so wheat seeds are wheat soy we have

Pumpkin seeds we also have and then beetroot seeds i’m fairly certain yes we do also have so 50 leaves in the smell to relate so we once again have another bucket of organic water and if we take that bank underground we can drop that down there

If we quickly head on around here we should be able to drop in the beetroot seed the wheat and the pumpkin seed and boom we get sugarcane seed which again we can plant basically anywhere that has water one thing we probably do want to do here

Is harness the power of the snad mod i think we have talked about snap before but snad is essentially sand that allows you to grow things like sugarcane specifically much faster than it would regularly grow and again given that we do have to use the cane in organic water to get

The sweet berry seed we’re going to want to make sure that we have at least two sugar hen before we attempt that so let us go ahead and i guess for now we’ll get rid of this block we’ll put snad here and then we’ll plant the sugarcane on top of that and

Hopefully we should see this sugarcane at grow a fair deal faster than regular sugarcane and not too long later we have our first growing bit of sugarcane so if we take the organic water around here drop that in and drop in the sugarcane we get the sweet berry seeds nice so

Let’s go ahead and plant those down i guess right here for now should work just fine and i did get the watering can out to uh help speed up the sugar cane growth here because it does help make it grow a little faster and kind of works in combination with

The snare to make the sugar can grow even quicker over here though i think we can do the exact same thing with the sweet berries to try and get these to grow a little faster as well and boom we have our first sweet berries so now going forward

I mean we maybe didn’t need the phytogenic insulator for this because in fairness um given that we get so many sweet berries at a time and given that you can just replant the sweet berries and we can increase their speed at their growth speed with the watering can and

We probably could get 64 of these fairly quickly but uh if we want to automate it over here in the phytogenic insulator we can put these in the top slot and then we fill that left slot with water the twitch chat has reminded me that we do now have access to this guy

The aqueous accumulator this is another block similar to the igneous extruder which is what we’re using up here to make sand now this guy right here in that it’s another block that doesn’t require power but does provide a function and in this case that function is creating an unlimited water source

You can pump into a machine so for this once again we need another set of red alloy ingots i feel like given how much copper uh iron and redstone we have we should probably just go ahead and make um a good chunk like a batch of

Red alley ingot so i don’t have to keep coming back and the sam’s probably true for diamond gears as well we do have 150 diamonds at this point and so it’s probably not a terrible idea for us to just go ahead and make a couple of extra diamond gears

So one batch of red alloy ingots and a few diamond gears late so we should now be pretty much good to go on the aqueous accumulator just a quick redstone server and boom so i am gonna have to check this because a lot of these machines have changed

In the newest version of thermal expansion can this auto eject it doesn’t look like it can so i think what we’re probably going to have to do is extract water from this and basically for those who don’t know the way the aqueous accumulator works is you place it down and as well place

It down for now right about here then if you place water either side of it and it essentially acts as that middle block that would normally be an unlimited water source right if i were to put water here and here those two water sources would float together and the middle block would be

An unlimited source of water in this case that unlimited source of water is the aqueous accumulator so all the water gets put into that machine and then you can pump that around into in our case the phytogenic insulator so for that we are going to have to get two buckets of

Water thankfully we already have one bucket ready to go and if we just quickly do one of those we can grab a second one fairly easily so let’s put one bucket down on the right hand side one bucket on the left and then in here you can see the texture

Did change and now this is generating water very quickly so if we do this and make sure the bank here is set to input and we also make sure that we set this to extract we should now see unlimited amount of water being pumped into the phytogenic insulator

And you’ll see that very slowly but surely this is making berries once again we can steal these upgrades and put them in over here and we can actually take this one step further because right now there is one slight problem with the phytogenic insulator which is preventing it from being an automated system

And that is that when the progress bar is finished it takes one sweet berry out of this slot and produces two sweet berries in the right hand slot however right now we don’t have a system in place to ultimate that um i guess there are actually two things we could do here

One of them is significantly easier than the other i’m fairly certain that if i were to just craft up some new item pipes what we could probably do is just run an item pipe from the right hand side if we set it to extract and then run that around like this so if

We just set this to output and auto eject on and we set the top to input and then set that to extract that would be automated and i think for now i’ll probably leave this like this this effectively automates the production of sweet berries another thing you can do if you

Don’t want to go with this slightly janky system is you can go and use the uh cyclical processing or cyclical processing products may be transferred to the input on process completion so for the berries this system here works this janky system works the reason that works is because the berries are both

The seed and the final product right whereas if for example we were doing it with wheat seeds what would happen is a wheat seed would be on the left the the insulator would process that wheat seed and then you would get both a wheat and a wheat seed as an output

And so in that case this wouldn’t work because you don’t want to put regular wheat into the spot you just want to put seeds in there are ways around that you could filter this you could put like a drawer in the middle you could do all kinds of

Stuff to make that actually work for you um but also you can just make this processing upgrade stick it in up here and at that point it will automatically put any seed used here back into the slot once it’s done so a pretty nifty upgrade albeit a fairly expensive one requiring some

Technolon but nothing too pricey uh in the grand scheme of things either way this is now working and so we should fairly quickly get all of the sweet berries that we need in order to get started with mystical agriculture while we wait for that let’s go ahead

And get started with a bit of compact machines so the first quest here says compact machines can be placed in the world and entered by using the personal shrinking device on it these allow complicated machines to exist inside one block spaces that’s a free c book right there

So this quest wants us to make the field projector the field projector must be placed as shown in the picture four blocks high with 15 blocks of air between them so that’s this picture right here we’re essentially creating um a big digital square that we can use to build things so for the

Field projector we need one machine frame two diamonds one redstone torch and one eye of ender of course at this point in time we now have plenty of ender pearls and no longer have to rely on buying them with our c books in the store uh we also have a good number

Of blaze rods and a blaze powder as well and so let us go ahead i feel like we should probably empty out this mechanism tank into the jumbo tank that is currently storing um all of our other experience because we need this mechanism tank in order to get molten players from

Our multi-server press over into the smeltering right now we are missing some lead thankfully we do have one lead block ready to go over here but that does remind me that we are still not done with our odd processing setup and in fact i bet that we are done

On gold now and just to kind of protect ourselves for the future i will go ahead and add a lead to the to the filter there so that’s going to start getting pulverized but i do need to basically add all of the ores to that filter but either way

Let us quickly craft up that fluid pipe and let’s do something like this and this just to get rid of all of that liquid xp from this tank into this tank once that’s empty we can pick these back up and make sure that we collect those items from the vacuum hopper where

They’re getting backed up and then once again if we hit n that’s going to turn on bucket mode we can then drop our blaze powder into the multi server press without the gear working die as per usual we need to put in five in total

That gets us the 100 ml buckets we can extract drop that into the seared drain pull it out over an ender pearl and boom another eye of ender so i think that is basically everything that we need for this uh miniaturization field projector i’m pretty sure we have what

It takes to make yet another machine frame we can very easily make another redstone torch and so boom we have the field projector so now we have this we need a place to set this up which is going to be difficult because we actually need a fairly

Large area to make this work so i think we’re probably going to do it up on the surface we need to make sure that they’re four blocks above the ground and that they are 15 blocks apart and we need to do that without dying to the toxic air and we only have

Maybe three blocks worth of spares before we hit that toxic air okay so i think we have space up on the surface here now i’ve temporarily thrown down some oak slabs again going forward we’ll probably build a dedicated room maybe further down underwater for the field projector but

Just for the sake of today’s stream let’s see if we can’t get this going so um it says four blocks here however if you look at the picture you’ll see it’s only three blocks up and this fourth block is the floor so i think we wanted to do like one two three

And then we want to get the field projector down on there which we are gonna be able to do um and also just a heads up you want to put them down facing the other way i don’t think they’re rotatable so i’m gonna have to

Try and break that but uh we should be able to get all of these down without dying and there we go this one’s a little jnk it’s uh in the tree i had to get rid of a jungle leaf for that to uh to work the arboreal extractor should still work

Here as long as most of the leaves there it should be fine and yeah we now have this giant cube within which we can begin to craft so the idea here is that you can build structures inside of this cube and then throw a catalyst item at the cube to trigger the craft

To start so for example if we look at the recipe for compact machine wall here and again i am going to have to turn down my gui scale just a little bit but if we look at the recipe for compact machine wall and you’ll see that this recipe is fairly simple

It’s one obsidian and one blaze wood blaze wood we can make by pulling molten blaze over any regular wood and then the catalyst in this case is a flux core so basically anywhere inside this orange cube here we would have to build or we would have to place down one blaze wood

With one obsidian on top of it we would then step out of the cube throw a flux core at the cube itself and that would then produce a compact machine wall now for us i think one of the first things that i would like to make is from

The pedestals mod so the pedestals mod has these guys right here pedestal upgrade bases so to make a pedestal upgrade base you have to put in a block that is made up of uranium zinc and gold so we need 12 uranium blocks eight zinc blocks and seven gold blocks let’s go see real

Quick if we have those items available i think we should we might just not have them in good form so the uranium we do have the zinc we also do have and then the gold we actually have in ingot form so let me dump some of my

Stuff out here let’s go ahead and add both uranium and zinc to the the pulverizer filter um although i think we might end up making the uranium and zinc blocks manually just because it’s going to take a while to process all of the the leftover lead that’s currently being processed in our machine

What we can do while we uh wait though is we can look at completing the first three quests in this quest line those are for the linking tool the pedestals book and our first pedestal so the linking tool requires one diamond one stick and then a red dye a green dye

And a blue dye so blue dye we could of course make from lapis so red dye we can make from beets and then green dye we can make from cactus of course we can smell some cactus pest here right now we do not have a cactus seed

However once again i think that if we were to head back to the morsi’s quest line and you’ll see that right here we can generate cactus seeds by dropping a wheat seed a melon seed and a fern into organic water so it turns out despite the fact that

We didn’t need the twilight forest in the last stream that uh instead of going through the rigmarole of sifting a turn of grass there are ferns right here in the twilight forest we have 40 of them right near the portal in fact they’re even more ready to go here there’s even sugar cane

That we could have uh acquired i guess instead of going through the uh again the rigor role of getting it the way that we did but either way we now have it and our portal is just right here as well so we can pop back through

And uh we should at that point be pretty much good to go on making the uh cactus seed so back down here organic water wheat seed melon seed and fern and boom we get cactus which once again it does benefit from snad and so if we place the cactus down

We can then grab our watering can shift right click and we should be able to get multiple bits of cactus fairly quickly at which point we can then process one of those bits of cactus into some cactus paste and then to some green dye which we can use to finalize the

Linking tool so we’ll go ahead and drop this into our furnace over here losing track where my furnaces are boom and linking tool boom nice now as for the book that’s this this guy right here we need a regular book which we can make using the tinker’s recipe with slime blank

Patterns and paper and there we go we do have to keep the linking tool which is very nice indeed and then the final request of this questline before we get uh to the upgrade base which we’re gonna work on in a second is the actual pedestal itself which thankfully

Is super easy to make it is for regular stone uh with a couple of stern celebs i think we’re just a few stone slap shot here so it’s one two and then something like this with the linking tool in the middle and there we go we get our first

Pedestal now by default these are not very good you can put them down and you can use them to show items if we put like cactus on that cactus is now wonderfully displayed in the center of our biz and going forward we might use these for decoration as well however

Where this mod gets really interesting is when you start working with the upgrades so if we type in upgrade into jei here you’ll see there are a bunch of upgrades from the pedestal mod the one that i’m really interested in and the one that’s gonna link us back

To mystical agriculture is the pedestal upgrade fertilizer upgrade this one has a base area of effect of three by three by three so it works in a three by three area around the pedestal and right now its operational speed is normal but essentially if you have this pedestal upgrade

On a pedestal near crops that are growing it will increase the speed at which those crops grow so that’s the plan there we do have 64 sweet berries ready to go and we do however still have to get 128 of what any given seed now at the moment we have six

Wheat seeds which is not particularly a large amount uh however now that we do have the twilight forest i’m actually thinking that our easiest way of getting seeds might just be to head through to the twilight forest and break a bunch of grass so i’ve been breaking a bunch of the

Twilight forest grass and we’ve almost got two stacks here um however people have pointed out that we do have a lot of burn meal as well and so we can if we want just do this instead of having to run around we can just right click the burn meal

And then break the grass that arises burn meal break it burn meal break it rinse and repeat but one more should do it here and there we go we have two stacks of wheat seeds i am going to leave all of these flowers for now on the ground

Because they are clogging up my inventory we can always come back to get more of those in the future but i think that we should have pretty much everything that we need at this point uh gotta stop jumping in there but we should have pretty much everything

That we need at this point to make our first mystical agriculture seed so let’s get a stack of dust let’s also get 50 of these dark oak leaves here so that we can get another bucket of organic water we’ll drop all of those into the smell train two stacks of

Wheat seeds one stack of sweet berries one stack of dust and boom we get our first inferium seeds which is the first quest up in the mystical seeds quest line which you’ve actually get to unlock i think we might have to finish one of these other quest lines before we

Can unlock it in fact if we click on this and hover over this arrow we can click view dependencies sweet berries and dust so we’ve not completed the sweet berries quest oh that’s interesting so we because we’ve not had our oic so because we’ve not had our organic water in a ceramic bucket

We didn’t get the credit for the sugarcane quest we didn’t get credit for the sugarcane seed quest or the sweet berry quest all the berry quests i understand okay uh between streams i’ll go ahead and do this all again i guess i’ll get a sonic bucket i’ll try and get some sugarcane

Seeds we’ll work through that but nevertheless we now have this here and for those who don’t know the idea behind mystical agriculture and the reason that we’re wanting to get into it in the first place is that you can use mystical agriculture to basically grow resources so for example

If i type in a redstone seed there is here a seed from mystical agriculture that will essentially grow redstone now it’s a fairly difficult craft it needs four of this uh tertium essence which you get by crafting for prudentium essence with a infusion crystal the prudential messages you get from inferior medicines

The inferior essence we get from this inferium seed that we have right here so obviously redstone is not something we need to grow so we probably don’t need redstone seeds however there are a ton of seeds for almost all of the resources in the game refined obsidian diamonds osmium

Netherrite nether stars gold lead graphite etc and there are going to be some resources that we can’t generate by sifting at least not easily that we’re going to want to grow and grow quickly which we can do with this pedestal here so the plan now is of course to try and

Make that pedestal upgrade because by default the speed at which these inferior seeds grow is very very very slow if i come on down to our lower level again and i plant the inferium seed let’s say i don’t know right about here we’re at zero percent if i use the

Watering can here i think it does speed it up but you’ll see that it’s still very very slow and again if we’re going to get to these higher tier of seeds the seeds are broken up into tears one through six i believe uh with tier six being the hardest one so

Nether stars here require insanity masons which is made from supremium which is made from uh imperium which is made from tertium prudentium ethereum so the amount of inferium that we would need to get up to tier 6 is staggering and so we’re going to want to

Make more of these seeds and we’re also going to want to make them grow faster that is where the pedestal comes into play so if we’re going to make that upgrade we do need the uranium and we do need the zinc i’m going to assume that none

Of that is being processed it’s not we’re still doing lead and so real quick what i’m going to do here is i’m going to grab some of the uranium chunks and some of the zinc chunks and i’m going to process those manually over in the smell tray until we have the

Number of blocks required to make this structure right here so not too long later 12 blocks of obsidian eight blocks of zinc and then all we’re missing now is seven blocks of gold and then the catalyst for this is an enderpearl so gold we do have and we actually already have

Three gold blocks we’ll take those four five six and seven we’ll then grab one and a pearl and so now if we build this structure here which is basically zinc in the corners gold in the middle and then uranium around the edges i think it looks hollow

It’s not hollow there’s gold in the middle okay that is fine so i think we can build this anywhere in here and already i’ve done that incorrectly because it’s zinc at the edges isaac not uranium like this it’s then uranium in these bits here with gold here the

Gold then goes oh yep of course we do have to bear that in mind the gold goes like this and then the uranium goes like this with four more zinc around the outside and then the last piece of the puzzle here is that uh one block of gold in the middle

Do make sure we get rid of everything that’s in the cube as well so this case there was a torch in there make sure there’s nothing in the cube apart from just your block and at that point throw the catalyst at the cube and boom it will begin miniaturizing that

Multi-block structure down further and further i’m not quite sure what the logic is here but look at that boom we have our first pedestal upgrade base and in doing so we have also completed the pedestals chapter so we are going to have to do that for every pedestal

Upgrade that we make going forward however uh what we can do now is we can type in a fertilizer we can craft up the fertilizer pedestal upgrade fairly easily with one burn block and one burn meal and now if we take this pedestal downstairs to our inferium seed right now it’s at 28

So we’re going to place it down here now the way that you apply an upgrade to the pedestal is by placing it into your off hand so your shield slot and then right clicking it on if you just try and right click it on normally the pedestal

The upgrade will be placed on the pedestal and in that case you just have to i think break it to remove it again but if you want to apply it as an upgrade you have to put it in your shield slot and then right click like that and

You’ll know it’s working if you see a particle effect above the seed and so now we should start to see this inferium seed growing faster you’ll see it just jumped from 28 up to 42. uh if we combine that with our watering can here we’re at 71

85 and we’re done we have our first bit of inferium so it’s not lightning fast but as you can see in the top left corner it’s definitely significantly faster than it was originally and it does work in a 3×3 area so it will work all around this pedestal

However this does get even better we’re not going to be able to make it better today however if we look in jei and we type in pedestal there are enchantments so one of those enchantments is pedestal speed and the pedestal speed goes all the way from level one up to level

Five and you’ll see it says it modifies the pedestal upgrade base speed up to 20 times faster so if we can get the pedestal speed 5 enchant onto the upgrade you upgrade the pedestal upgrade not the pedestal itself but if we can get the pedestal speed 5-0 grid onto our fertilizer pedestal

That will drastically increase the speed at which the pedestal increases the speed of our mystical agriculture seeds growing and on top of that there’s also upgrades for pedestal area pedestal range pedestal capacity and a pedestal magnet specifically we’re going to want to use the ones for area that will increase

The default three by three working area uh larger and larger five by five seven by seven i think nine by nine might be the max but it might go uh even further maybe to 11 by 11 but essentially going forward as we get more mystical agriculture

Seeds and as we try to grow them having this pedestal and having this pedestal upgrade especially if we can upgrade it is going to make our lives so much easier and it’s going to make our mystical agriculture growth just so much faster however chad i think that’s probably

Where we’re going to go ahead and wrap up for today next time we’ll come back i do still want to do a little bit more work on the automation of all of our ingots right now we’re not getting those fast enough i do want to make more pulverizes

And make the pulverizers we have faster we might have to look at getting more power but for now we can of course just upgrade our magmatic dynamo uh we also still don’t have an energy buffer so that is also something that we can look at doing in

The next stream as well as getting our first bits of steel and yeah we could also potentially look at getting into actual compact machines like making a small room uh or making a room that we can fit into a small one block space and we also now have the

Ability to unlock things like mob cages because the only thing holding us back for these was again the field projector which we do now have so going forward we can make more advanced things like that and of course we do also have uh this plastic over here ready to go

For those more advanced machine frames as well but for now guys i’m gonna go ahead and wrap up today’s stream there [Applause] you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Seaopolis | MYSTICAL AGRICULTURE & FIELD PROJECTORS! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2021-05-26 00:00:07. It has garnered 68545 views and 1737 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:51 or 3051 seconds.

Minecraft Seaopolis | MYSTICAL AGRICULTURE & FIELD PROJECTORS! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees | A NEW GENERATION OF SKYBLOCK! #1 :

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Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Seaopolis Modpack: Welcome to seaopolis a ocean based survival questing modpack. Featuring a completly customized world filled with various different mobs and structures. Starting in a sphere in the ocean its your job to survive and thrive in a ocean world

#Minecraft #Seaopolis #Modded

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    Transforming into a Hacker on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information I might go back to UNI and study cuz I feel like my brain is just like shrinking I was going to study cyber security computer science I don’t know I feel like it’s a lot of dedication I want to do it that’ be the best thing for your fual life yeah the other month I wanted to do [Music] marketing This video, titled ‘i’m becoming a hacker #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by thepizzawaffle on 2024-03-11 06:58:45. It has garnered 2595 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7

    SHOCKING: Why Hytale is BETTER than Minecraft | Ep. 7Video Information minecra se va a quedar siendo igual de [ __ ] pero es que la gente está tan acostumbrada a la [ __ ] que te saca una Maza y bro que es una Maza tío dilo tú bro dilo tú no no dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú dilo tú vale lo digo lo digo dilo dilo dil ahí te saldrá Bienvenidos a todos los orbit culaciones a este nuevo orbis podcast nuevo episodio nuevo domingo estamos a domingo efectivamente en el día de hoy estamos con nuestro compañero nuestro brother con el bro nerw qué tal nerw Bienvenido al podcast… Read More

  • Insane Transformation! Kc’s New vs Old Minecraft Skin

    Insane Transformation! Kc's New vs Old Minecraft SkinVideo Information it’s out with the old and in with the new goodbye clouds of gray hello Skies of Blue This video, titled ‘Kc new vs old minecraft skin’, was uploaded by ZZ WORLD on 2024-03-26 20:24:46. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider – Sonoyuncu Titanyum

    INSANE Watermelon Play with Ghostrider - Sonoyuncu TitanyumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Karpuz Oynatıyoz – Sonoyuncu Titanyum’, was uploaded by ghostrider titanyum on 2024-02-11 03:28:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!

    Minecraft 2.0: Drawing ANYTHING in Game?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We Can Draw Anything!’, was uploaded by JUNGKurt_ on 2024-04-17 09:00:38. It has garnered 40192 views and 1370 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:13 or 1873 seconds. for sponsorship: [email protected] Maizen Parody Funny Mob Battle Aphmau RP Parody Cash & Nico RP Parody Watching videos PepeSan TV, OLIP TV, Habitat Gaming, Esoni TV, Ar Ar Playz, Sheynnn Playz, Jey Jey, Micolee, Clyde Charge, MoiraYT, JUNGKurt, Mizumi, Tankdemic – Minecraft, Asheru, PlayOfEl, ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ music i used in this video 🎧Cute BGM Yummy Flavor: Minecraft, Omocraft, Minecraft Tagalog, Oneblock, Minecraft but,… Read More

  • Bushi Craft

    Bushi CraftBushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can’t be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you’re a veteran player or brand new. Read More

  • AtlasSMP – SMP Vanilla

    Welcome to Atlas SMP Java Server! Are you looking for a new vanilla SMP to join on Java? Atlas SMP has just recently restarted and is looking for new members to join! You can expect a small group of active members that are online everyday. In Atlas SMP you can be yourself, whether it be grinding, making friends or even just building. There is something on atlas for everyone. If this sounds like you, follow the link below to start your application! If your discord friend request is on private, please send me a request on Shyy1707 Click here to… Read More

  • QenCraft Bangladesh

    RULES FOLLOW THE RULES:-Be respectful. This means no mean, rude, or harassing comments. …No inappropriate language. …No spamming. …No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material. …No advertisements. …No offensive names and profile pictures. …Server raiding. …Threats are forbidden and Hacking…[12:24 AM]SERVER RULES1.No Griefing2.No Spamming3.No Advertising4.No Cursing/No Constant Cursing5.No Trolling/Flaming6.No Banned Items(Tekkit Rule)7.No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items8.Respect all Players9.Obey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/Hacks12.No Full Caps Messages13.No Builds Near Spawn14.No 1×1 TowersMod/Admin Rules:15.Be Responsible with the privileges you are given as a Builder/Mod16.Do not spawn blocks or items for other players17.When Trading, only buy and sell legit items18.Only… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t Like, Just Report: Minecraft Bot Jokes

    I guess this little twitter bot is feeling a bit insecure about its meme game! But hey, 1883 is a pretty solid score, so maybe it should just embrace the likes instead of fearing them. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts

    Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Shorts: Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Update Introduction The Minecraft community has been buzzing with excitement over the latest mod update inspired by the popular Japanese manga series, Jujutsu Kaisen. Created by manga artist Gege Akutami and published by Shueisha, this mod brings characters from the manga to life in the Minecraft world. Features of the Jujutsu Kaisen Mod The Jujutsu Kaisen mod introduces various characters from the manga, allowing players to interact with them in the game. From powerful sorcerers to cursed spirits, the mod adds a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Fans of the anime… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Seaopolis | MYSTICAL AGRICULTURE & FIELD PROJECTORS! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock]