Gaming scandal: Cheating with HAUNT in Build Battle

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imagine your build coming to life or a skeleton becoming the final boss I’ll be cheating with sl/ horn to scare my friends so they never play again scary story ooh okay make a good story and don’t get scared and now that we’re over on my side if I was to do sl/ haunt which gives me these two items meaning to unlock SL haunt I first need to sacrifice something and I’m kind of sorry but cow if I just lead you this way it’s for scientific purposes what is happening yo this does not look evil at all what have I created slash horn might be getting overpowered wait it’s dropped that okay I now have a weird looking stuff that can haunt anything now I kind of want to test this out and Kip’s got some mobs over there so do I just right click oh my voicea what the wait what’s happening to that cow why are you floating oh okay yo it possessed the cow why did the cow St floating what did I just witness what is this stuff wait he was levitating how is he levitating and why was he on fire either way I’m wasting too much time and I need to stop building which will first be a house un like that it’s done a cool little village house that’s honestly kind of perfect cuz I can copy this house and paste it multiple times creating a village because the story I’m creating it’s going to be the story of the first entity in Minecraft and what I will be doing is in this house there’s going to be a little bit of a basement this might look really bad to you guys but with the power of the staff and/ haunt I can summon a ghost who will haunt ify this entire build and it’s lowkey kind of haunting me uh I expect good work and then we’re actually going to jump in to a scary story once the book is finished it’s going to be brilliant it’s going to be awesome all right just trust the process I think I’m going to go with something like a little bit more vanilla for this one while my ghost is working in that house I can kind of work on the main attraction and this right here is going to be a mansion so I need to figure out how big I want to make this un like that we have a base for our Mansion which looks kind of cool because usually some simple world at it I can fill in this build what will save me a little bit of time okay this is kind of spooky in the meantime I’m going to Pace this Village on the opposite side so it fills up more of the build Arena if I check over at peppers I don’t really understand what he’s making but I see a villager that looks awkward I see you man what are you up to and wait he’s running this way yo what’s going on over here man I will act like I saw nothing because his build does look cool but he’s using command blocks right there so I hopp it into inv I’m going to make my way over to his base and possess his villager what was that now that I’ve possessed his villager I’m going to slowly turn no don’t look at the house Walk This Way no look the other direction don’t mind me just going to leave you in here yeah I don’t really know what he’s doing should be good to go there I perfectly infiltrate his base no no no no no no you you’re you’re just going to blow yourself up man wait I’ve escaped the villager’s body what was wrong with that villager what was he doing I think all I did was kill the Villager but you know what mission is successful because who says he can have a cursed villager I’m the only person that’s allowed to be scary I guess back to it maybe we can spawn another one that is less sentient in the me time I should check out this dungeon oh what is this ghost doing oh my what is this what type of creepy dungeon are you making how do I leave Oh my days I am not going back inside there so now we have this hole that we’re going to fall down like we’re falling into a scary story which I think is really cool while that’s cool that’s going to take a lot of time so instead I’ll work on the small details which will be while be spawning this circle and this is just going to be the moon but not any type of Moon by just Haun toying this build it should thetically change and yeah that looks so much better it has blood but one thing I want to personally do is by using some black concrete I wonder if I can make some sort of smile we now have something like that look how creepy this hallway looks this is horrifying okay does that look creepy to you guys because I don’t think it does so what if I just add some white concrete okay that does make it look so much better we have a scary looking Moon especially at night because by simply covering this entire place with light at night this will be the only thing that’s actually bright but what is kipley making okay look at this I set up a command block so when they walk over it it sounds like someone’s breathing in their ears she’s making a very long Corridor so you won’t mind if I haunt you a little bit kly uh what the heck is this wait did it hit the black concrete I think I Haun toied her black concrete it’s slimy weird and I’m going to quickly leave oh ain’t no way I’m getting a sword immediately what the heck are you guys I need to get serious now so in the middle of this Village I’m thinking of having a fountain which does seem kind of big enough so I could just make this a little bit cooler like so and now that I’ve made it a little bit deeper it does look so much cooler because for now just to show you I’ll add some water right here and like that we have a small fountain that I’ll be getting another ghost to Haun toy look at this it’s a scary Alex face okay the first crey P that we’ve seen is herob Brian so by simply adding a Steve head and Haun toying the actual build now herob Brien oh oh you you’ve just left the house where are where are you going brother you need to go back inside the house okay you know what it’s fine but we now have what people would see as the first entity but that’s not the real first entity cuz he’s going to be inside the Haunted Mansion which I do kind of need to work on I’m going to hauny this entire thing that is going to be the whole point of this let get some glass we’re going to have a little bit of a moral dilemma out here now by selecting this entire area as you can see it’s glowing it’s ready to convert I just need to Haun toy it okay what is this wait why is it still selecting okay I don’t know how to unselect it it’s fine cuz we’ll head inside and this is what it looks like yo this looks super cool it fits the vibe I’ll be summoning a brand new Ghost and the ghost is already going oh yep oh my gosh that is so spooky I should Loki see what the other ghost is up to oh oh this is creepy this is this is so creepy what is this this is kind of awesome wao wo wao whoo whoa what am I hearing down here you know what I want a mob I don’t know what mob I want so I’m going to put a ender dragon head hopefully it doesn’t summon the Ender Dragon and kind of Haun toy you uh what did it summon hello hello why is it turning dark who are you okay wait is this null I think this is the null entity oh you are perfectly going to haunt this place I kind of like you already I will be leaving though where is the exit all right first hway is done in the meantime I’m going to place a few trees around here just so once they grow it looks something like this oh my gosh this is so much scarier when there’s no light and I’m also very curious if I was a haunt by a tree the crackling of the trees is getting louder I don’t really know oh my the crackling of the trees is getting louder what does that mean the sing has become a boss oh no he’s leaving he’s leaving I’m going to maybe save him for later so in the meantime I’m going to add a few mountains in the back just something like that actually looks kind of cool because now I could just use worlder to smooth this entire thing is that my ghost I think I just saw my ghost what in the yeah let me just leave you to it my friend all right now at the end of this tunnel they can either save or kill this villager what I will do is someone a bunch of villagers around here and what I can do is if I just slash haunt this entire area oh the all died and they’ve been replaced with headless villagers I guess they really needed to die to become whatever this is now most of this place looks amazing because we have headless villagers with have Herobrine in this house we have the null in the basement and now we need to summon the first entity inside the mansion and I need to check this out okay so how can we make quiffs not scary they’re Haun toying this entire Place dead mobs everywhere basement leads nowhere but it’s fine but is a little bit of effort we turn it into just a normal smiley face and the back of it really doesn’t matter okay well anyways back to our build when did my moon turn to Yellow I should fix this though it doesn’t look as cool but I think it should work in the meantime what do I do with this area maybe add some M and Bone me to make this place look a little bit more creepy oh he noticed he fixed the sun I see pepper in the corner of my screen what is he doing I think he’s just eyeing my build I have the best idea ever maybe what I could do is just add some TNT around here to give the place a bit of Destruction wait we got to get gibl for this K is going to want to see it cuzz I feel like this is making it seem a little bit more haunted are you talking about the creepy balloon what is that just grab a seat you’re going to want to watch the show cuz I can fill it up bone meal the corners oh were we too far oh who placed dirt wait get a little closer get a little closer who placed Brown concrete watch watch watch watch what are you doing I have teamers trying to sabotage my build right now so I really need to scare my friends so they quit cuz there’s no way they’re getting away with this also where did you come from I don’t know but I will take you so what if we do our own little prank huh and now for the final t time to go upstairs you know what pepper you know what they say never build out of wood buddy I think this is a solid place I’m going to summon the first entity light it on fire I hear burning it’s spreading oh my gosh okay oh what is happening I hear burning oh what’s happened uh-huh that’s where the burning is coming from okay excellent that’s exactly what I wanted I’ve I’ve gone away and they can’t really see meaning my friends are definitely going to get scared from this build okay well problem solved I don’t I don’t really know to be honest all right I think my build is done mean went to me in the middle so we could vote for the best build all right follow me everyone come down here oh what is this ooh okay so you’ll see uh okay I yeah what is that oh that that’s a villager he’s one of the inhabitants so if you try to enter our village uh you might want to go into survival mode and take this oh okay I am very scared all right I got a sword you’ll notice you can’t get inside it’s blocked by a mysterious force field with only one way in oh my gosh they’re attacking you oh my there so much damage oh are you okay no I’m not okay do I break this bed yeah so you’re going to look around this Village a lot of the houses are very identical wait look they all have a basement so we’re going to look around for some different houses a red house little odd it’s got Redstone torches red glass knock knock oh that’s blood what was that noise kly I see a trapo and it turns night that’s that’s that’s just a lever I don’t want to flick it all right kly we rob paper scissors to see who flicks it okay ready rock paper oh by yo this Village is haunted oh my God you just scared me with my own build okay I’m hearing sound effects that’s it it’s haunted by corrupted Alex luckily I have chosen to keep you guys alive Peppa this was Gally crazy this was G crazy so uh yeah I’m going to go with a nine out of 10 yep I’m also going to give it a nine all right gentlemen follow me this way okay kipley has a book even though she doesn’t read cuz she’s got a blindfold on you know smart you’re illiterate nice kipley listen we’re going in into a story there was two people they could either be villains heroes or question mark dead grab your swords I’m going to take the sword we jumping into the scary story all right so first test you must survive the dropper there is water okay oh now you guys have three doors to choose from blind man needs saving I’m going to save the civilian oh oh god oh my god oh oh oh what is that oh pepper come on get it together what’s wrong with you I am going to save you my friend save kill you both must decide together kill oh okay kill kill we both kill yeah obviously oh not not again man hey you can’t just fly oh I like what you did here though fluffy creature oh that sounds like a save for La okay never mind what is this kill the bunny okay oh they infinitely spawn oh I’m leaving it attacks run what you know want to save the fluffy creature I do not blind man needs saving uh all right oh no why why okay you gave us swords he needs saving guys come on as as long as I don’t look at him I’m fine I survive is his pepper die yeah I died of course I died all right and I’m out oh congratulations it was pretty cool I you had a lot of story to it I think uh 8.5 kly this get a seven ooh okay I’ll take it I’ll take it okay guys jump into survival okay okay I will I will give you guys full iron gear cuz you will have to survive my scary story all right I’m ready can I kly watch out oh it’s a headless villager you guys kind even survive the entrance help me I’m about one heart oh my gosh kipley you need some work you need some more protection here you go there you go first you enter this is the story of the first entity first entity oh my gosh is it the Headless villager so do you want to choose the left path or the right path left uh as you see the residents were the Headless villagers oh wait there’s a hole of course there’s a hole I H what kind of place is this oh I don’t see anything pepper I don’t I can’t see it’s okay there’s dead bodies down it’s extra safe did you hear the little girl what is that oh yo I just saw something run I’m not even tripping I’m not even tripping I just in the shadows oh you got this I believe in you the entity of null welcome guys I’m helping I’m helping I’m helping I’m helping help me oh we did it we got him the entity of null was one of the first creepy Pastors in Minecraft and you guys have witnessed his dungeon if you want to explore the Dungeon you can e it’s so creepy in here here what is going on in here if n was one of the first entities what is another entity that was one of the first Herobrine you may have to witness the right side of the village to find out all right you go first okay it’s this one it’s got to be this one what are you talking about I saw a shoulder I know it I know what I called it pepper I’m not going in there I can’t do it I can’t do it man I can’t do it sword he’s a sword I can win oh my God he just one shot me he’s after you gly oh my gosh okay get yeah water get in the water get in the water the water’s always safe I’m swimmming help what you going going to do what you going to do what you going to do what you going to do what you going to do what you going to do what you going to do PE yeah there wasn’t swimming in the alpha was there Mr Herobrine yeah congrats removed Herobrine I killed I killed Herobrine uh that’s not Minecraft I know that sound and that is not Minecraft kly it’s morning what saplings and trees can also become evil just kill him Pepper kill him kill him he has lost like no Health ow oh oh yo he’s digging no don’t come for me next oh yo tell me how that tree was harder than Herobrine but then you come across his house why is it flashing you could say this is similar to the original Woodland Mansion yo Woodland mansion used to be nice it’s like glass is appearing then disappearing oh there’s a body there’s a body on this side too this is this is the original wood mansion before it was ruined and taken over by pillages now that I think about it it’s kind a ghoul what is a ghoul uh what is that it’s upstairs kiple kipley we got to fight it the first entity uh where is it I’m getting scared what is that it’s right below me you guys have got this he slows me pepper look he’s he wants me you got him you got him oh my gosh I’m doing no damage I believe in you kipley Peppa is useless this guy is too strong yeah give me that upgrade I need this I need this yeah yeah yeah give me give me some of that stuff you’ve got you’ve been upgraded let’s go I’m ready oh he made a skeleton I got him I got the skeleton you guys have got this a final bow oh my gosh get him he’s so close I’m ging I’m gapping he just heal H keep going keep going was so close get him wither ocean it’s a wait is this can I pick this up I can what is that we did it congrats let’s go that was actually so sick not sure how you got the boss battle in yeah I don’t know what half of those things were that I was looking at but you know what it was really fun so I’ll ignore it it’s 10 that’s a 10 I’m giving you an 11 that’s what I like to hear yeah these guys are actual idiots like I I’ve scared them so much they’ve gone crazy Sasha short is op alien alien okay good look guys and now that I have the stary staff for my hand oh it looks evil let’s create Mars I love that idea okay I need to decide what I’m actually going to be building and since it’s alien I’m kind of thinking of an alien invasion and I see kiple peeking over there oh oh no he spotted me what is she doing oh no hey go back your side sorry but to get the build first started I need a bunch of TNT which I will be lighting right here and hopefully this will create a decently large explosion like that cuz if I fly a little bit higher with some simple world edit we have a we have a rough UFO pretty good UFO shape I think but what I will be doing is using this stuff I’ll be summoning my ghost I we summon the ghost oh my he’s so seethrough he’s so creepy he’s so I love SL hor but he’s going to creep ify this entire build and while he’s ha toying it I’m going to kind of work on the bottom floor yo destruction is arriving destruction is arriving whoa whoa what’s going on yo what what are you up to was that you no hey yo heyo destruction is arriving oh wait I think my ghost is haunting this entire place oh this b ball is going wrong now that this is broken I sort of have an idea on why I want to build I’ll be changing the floor into something like this it almost looks very Baron which fits the vibe I’m going with now that we’ve made it look like we’re in space we got to add Stars cuz you know we’re in space I have the ultimate sabotage plan we need a command block and with the beam now complete it really looks like an invasion I do need some evil looking trees so by bone meal some Crimson fungus I can make the place look a little bit like this but I want to see what the ghost is building and it already is starting to look creepy and there’s actual dead people oh I’m leaving please don’t possess oh yep no this ghost is looking creepy and do that and press this button yes so we should go through the wall and just walk straight through Kip’s area and just o this looks really cool actually wait what I’m going to pop into Enis look at that it looks like we’re literally in space and you know who lives in space aliens so I’m going to kind of possess her and if we just like keep sending these things she should be distracted enough to not be able to accomplish anything or bet yet there’s a villager there and a villager right there I’m just going to possess you I’m currently controlling the Villager and he’s holding this St okay there we go I’m possessing the Villager kly has no idea what’s about to happen wait what is this villager doing wait this Villager has TNT in its hand hello I’m just going to slowly head in the direction holding this piece of TNT it’s got TNT you stupid villager what kind of villager are you oh wait I just tried to clear the invis off quiff and it wasn’t him she’s killing the Villager what kind of villager are you I thought villagers were supposed to be peaceful what the she killed the Villager which means have come outside of his body go villagers what the what in the curse is this yo you guys need therapy or something why are you why are we sidewalking why are we side Moon walking just going to leave this area block it up and yeah I do want to make this place look like a Barron Wasteland and make it seem almost like it’s encased so I need to make a bunch of mountains around this place what is wrong with you I knew it was you it’s not me wait what are they doing wait why did I just see villagers go what is going on all right that’s it no I’m going to act like I have noidea idea what’s going on I’m ignoring this you’ve been faction griefed what is this it needs to look more natural and right now it doesn’t look natural at all and that’s my main priority so let me speed this up un like that the mountains have been created what have you done I also hear a giant slime over on kipley side oh my gosh my Mars is going to be taken over by slime hey yo what is going on why is this place just completely ruin don’t worry I’ll murder them just not on my side at least it looks a little bit better now this place does look kind of aw awesome I do want to make this place look like it’s old and ruined cuz it’s supposed to be an alien invasion so imagine like an old looking house that was here for Millennia and it was kind of like abducted taken over but luckily there’ll still be a bed right here with two chests and a broken door that literally doesn’t lead anywhere all right there we go that’s a pretty good looking spaceship now we can need mobs floating and for that I’ll be using barriers that’s because if I place a dead cow right here the dead cow just seems like it’s floating and honestly by adding a few decor from the outside this looks very creepy now heading over to this direction oh my yo what have I just walked into this is creepy there’s also a hospital bed this place has been haunted I don’t feel safe in this place I want to leave oh no oh oh my and why is it blinking without redstone okay it kind of looks like a Rover right how is it possible for it to be blinking without redstone guys there’s no Redstone connected either way I have this staff and what I want to do now instead of possessing a villager if I was to haunt him into what I want so boom okay it’s created an what are you is he an alien I think he might be an alien which kind of works out I just had the best idea ever all right let’s see bam American flag baby and if I surround the place with these guys oh it’s weird how they’re all just staring at the ship either way this looks perfect that’s a villager head what is a villager head doing in oh my gosh wait what is happening I think a random zombie looking like he’s coming out out the grave with skeletons all over this place now I really want to know what Peppa’s doing I can’t really tell but I have an idea over there by shooting those it should turn into concrete powder like that why does it have to always be the concrete powder yeah he has no idea what just happened it’s been possessed my friend the blocks have a mind in their own and if I check I don’t really know what she’s making I is this supposed to be Mars is that supposed to be the Moz Rover by using sl/ haunt and using the star I’m pretty sure I could shoot that to create Evil mob yo what has it created what the it’s like a gas but not a gas the gas is going to destroy things pepper you’re destroying my build I think that with that my build is pretty much done cuz there’s only one thing I really want to add is I want to make this UFO come to life but I’m going to wait until it’s the voting round so with that we had the me in the middle to vote for the best build all right we are going to a different planet to go find our aliens okay what is this Ms yes okay all right get closer to me we got to take our little as not potion okay all right oo gravity is a bit different on Mars there’s a little house Peppa well there’s slimes alien pool party I’m not even going to question it it’s it’s so trash it’s funny what what do you mean you don’t like the alien pool party you don’t think aliens like pool parties what’s wrong with you the sky is pretty cool so I’ll give you a little bit for that so I’ll give you five kly I am giving this a free out of 10 as you can see we’re going to take my super sick Rover over there this is a slow Rover all right so you can see here I have this villager who should be spinning but I don’t know why he’s not spinning he’s getting abducted I like it I like it oh oh look at oh it just ejected its fuel that happens every once in a while oh the villager’s dead I just saw him die in there and you guys going with the same idea of slime as aliens yeah kipley stole my idea that’s correct this is better than kiple this get to Seven I do really like this I like the spaceship I like the design it looks really cool I’ll go with with an eight out of 10 now come over the mine okay o it uh what the heck is this what yeah there’s some wax stuff here that’s not Redstone exactly so so first of all you greeted with the new survivors he’s an alien he’s a squid as you see the the the rest of the villagers have passed away or died uh there’s gravestones everywhere they’ve completely wiped this area out oh there’s like a ton down here wao and you can see just admire the beam it’s not a normal green beam it’s red oh gosh what is going on here wait there’s to step on this oh okay I do not like how aliens are evil little girls what the heck was that I see you you have infiltrated there’s everything you need oh look at this cat just going to know this is going to self-destruct very soon wait yo wao wo get out get out get out uh what’s that noise what’s that noise back up might have been cold what is this yo who what is that get away from me don’t Abu me I’m ready this is everything oh what was that that’s the entire build what did you guys think yeah that was that was sick you nailed the theme such short time 10 out of 10 one could say it was uh out of this world yeah I hope you guys both get abducted 10 you both suck

This video, titled ‘I Cheated With //HAUNT In Build Battle…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2024-07-10 23:15:01. It has garnered 319109 views and 5090 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:08 or 1448 seconds.

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I Cheated With //HAUNT In Build Battle… in this build battle today we cheat with disasters to scare my friends in a build battle, using scary build hacks and scary dwellers to create the scariest build battle, this is similar to cheating with //scary in build battle and cheating with //GOD in Build battle…

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    100 DNI W STRASZNIEJ MODZIE MINECRAFTA The Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror Modpack Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Horror Modpack challenge. Our brave protagonist faces terrifying monsters, stalkers, and even the infamous Herobrine in this hair-raising journey. Join us as we delve into the depths of fear and survival in this intense Minecraft experience. A Terrifying Challenge Awaits Our fearless explorer takes on the Horror Modpack challenge, braving the horrors that lurk within. From eerie creatures to sinister foes, every corner of this modpack is filled with dread and danger. Will our hero emerge victorious, or succumb to… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery – “System Error” | #35 | FNAF Minecraft

    Unraveling the Mystery - "System Error" | #35 | FNAF MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘”System Error” | #35 | Minecraft FNAF Roleplay’, was uploaded by Misfit Archives on 2024-07-18 22:16:31. It has garnered 528 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:15 or 615 seconds. ======================================= Artists : ======================================= Voice Actors : Eden ======================================= Builders : ======================================= Tags : #fnafsecuritybreach #minecraftfnaf #minecraftroleplay #minecraft #roleplay #fnafsecuritybreach #roleplay #roleplaying #fnafroleplay #fnafrp #fivenightsatfreddys #fivenightsatfreddy #fyp #fypシ #special #fnafsl #sisterlocation #fnaf1 #funny #funnyvideo #fnaf2 #fnaf3 #jrs #mctv ======================================= Discord… Read More

  • Minecadia’s Overpowered Pet: Meet Bambe!

    Minecadia's Overpowered Pet: Meet Bambe!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Most Overpowered Pet In Minecadia History!’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-06-03 22:46:15. It has garnered 2128 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:00 or 780 seconds. The Most Overpowered Pet In Minecadia History! 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them! Credits: ❓Pack(s)❓: 🡆 Join my discord… Read More

  • Unleashing the Devil Ninja Train in Minecraft! #modmadness

    Unleashing the Devil Ninja Train in Minecraft! #modmadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘#1 Making Train working train in minecraft #mincraft #modminecraft #creatminecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Ninja on 2024-05-19 06:30:25. It has garnered 114 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:51 or 2391 seconds. #1 Making Train working train in minecraft #minecraft #modminecraft #creatmincraft #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp minecraft smp,public minecraft smp,public smp,minecraft public smp,minecraft,public minecraft server,join public smp,public java minecraft,join minecraft smp,public minecraft,minecraft smp servers,minecraft server,minecraft public smp ip port,free to play minecraft smp,public bedrock minecraft,public smp ip,lifesteal smp,minecraft public smp ip,1.20 minecraft public smp,minecraft public smp 24/7,minecraft public smp live,minecraft public server… Read More

  • Turmoil SMP

    Turmoil SMPA vanilla+ survival minecraft server that runs 24/7 and is completely free to play including cosmetic items, crates, and more! Read More

  • The WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.20.4 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m IAmMutskie, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview Approaching 7 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap available DiscordSRV integration for chat Various plugins for administration and quality of life Survival mode on hard difficulty 6GB RAM allocated Java + Bedrock crossplay supported Our Vision WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to come together, plan, and create amazing builds. Whether you enjoy intricate details, large scale projects, or just classic survival gameplay, this is the place for you! About the Server… Read More

  • SUPER☺FUNLAND [SMP] {Whitelist} {City Building} {FUN} {1.21}

    SUPER☺FUNLAND [SMP] {Whitelist} {City Building} {FUN} {1.21}Are you looking for a Minecraft experience that’s different from the standard SMP? With a close-knit community that builds out cities, creates collaborative builds, and focuses on making the game more immersive while playing with the wackiness of this silly block game?SUPER☺︎FUNLAND is a vanilla server experience for players that have been around the block a few times. Our team has experience with moderating successful Minecraft servers, but burned out after getting tired of the seasonality of standard SMPs. It’s an infinite world after all, so why do so many SMPs end up completely restarting after only a couple of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with no wood only happens in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting with no wood only happens in MinecraftNext time you feel unlucky, just remember that even this Minecraft Meme has a better score than you! Ouch. Read More

  • Villager Goes Full Speed Ahead with New Rail Hack! Oi Oi Oi!

    Villager Goes Full Speed Ahead with New Rail Hack! Oi Oi Oi! “Who needs a rail hack when you have a villager yelling ‘Oi Oi Oi’ to push you along the tracks? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Minecraft Movie: A Beautiful Disaster!

    Minecraft Movie: A Beautiful Disaster! Minecraft: The Blockbuster Movie Experience Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before! The popular sandbox game has made its way to the big screen, bringing all the excitement and creativity of the digital realm to a cinematic masterpiece. Unleashing Creativity in a New Medium With the release of the Minecraft movie, players and fans alike can experience their favorite game in a whole new way. The movie captures the essence of Minecraft’s open-world gameplay, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in a visually stunning adventure filled with endless possibilities. Exploring Familiar Landscapes From the iconic… Read More

  • Farm & Mine in Deep Caves | Minecraft Fun

    Farm & Mine in Deep Caves | Minecraft Fun Exploring Minecraft: Building Farms & Mining Adventures Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft as you dive into the exciting realms of building farms and mining in deep caves. Join the adventure as you create your first farm and set out on epic mining expeditions! Building Your First Farm Get ready to unleash your creativity as you build your very first farm in Minecraft. From planting crops to raising animals, the possibilities are endless. Utilize your resources wisely and watch your farm flourish as you expand and grow your agricultural empire. Key Points: Planting Crops: Cultivate… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Finds SCP Secret in MCPE

    Insane Gamer Finds SCP Secret in MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘scp ADDON update in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by exe gamer on 2024-04-21 12:04:02. It has garnered 274 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:10 or 190 seconds. scp ADDON update in Minecraft PE download link minecraft shortsscp 096shy guytherubberminecraft musicscp therubberminecraft survivalminecraft memecammannostalgic minecraft musicminecraft seedminecraft updateminecraft rtxminecraft funnyminecraft 1.20minecraft rarestminecraft factscamman18 shortsminecraft manhuntminecraft speedrunminecraft seedscamman18 face reveal #minecraft #video #shorts #shortvideo #short #addon #mod #model #addons #skibiditoilet #tnt #tntmod #animals #animal #weapons #sword #armour #tools #subscribe #like #skibidi #poppy #popping #playtime #chapter3 #gun #guns #gündem #spiderman #spirituality #magic #mobs… Read More

  • Nightmare CatNap ATTACK at 3:00am

    Nightmare CatNap ATTACK at 3:00amVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Nightmare CatNap ATTACK JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-02-16 20:30:03. It has garnered 2384 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:03 or 903 seconds. Why Nightmare CatNap ATTACK JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Base Hunting in Leviathan SMP!

    EPIC Base Hunting in Leviathan SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Leviathan SMP Season 10 (Base Hunting/Exploring)’, was uploaded by Gohstleviathan yt on 2024-05-03 13:42:00. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:09 or 5229 seconds. Hello I make mostly Minecraft content centered around war and countries server that I host, if you would like to join it join the Discord server Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Dubai River Challenge! 🔥 #viralshorts

    🔥 INSANE Dubai River Challenge! 🔥 #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dubai ki nadi #shortsvideo #viralshort #viral #short’, was uploaded by GamingWithSaurabh on 2023-12-30 16:28:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #Gaming #VideoGames #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #SurvivalMode #CreativeMode #MinecraftCommunity … Read More

  • Shocking Middle East Thug Activity!

    Shocking Middle East Thug Activity!Video Information This video, titled ‘Middle East Activity’, was uploaded by Land of the Thugs on 2024-03-19 16:36:33. It has garnered 9656 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #funny #minecraft #comedy #gaming #speedrun #meme #allahuakbar Read More

  • Insane Cheating: Jamesy Uses Wall-Hacks in Mob Battle!

    Insane Cheating: Jamesy Uses Wall-Hacks in Mob Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated using WALL-HACKS In a MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-04-25 11:00:12. It has garnered 143366 views and 908 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:34 or 12214 seconds. I Cheated using WALL-HACKS In a MOB BATTLE! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Hacked Again – Epic Cat vs Dog Battle! #Minecraft #Sonic #Roblox

    Hacked Again - Epic Cat vs Dog Battle! #Minecraft #Sonic #RobloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘hackeado de novo. #minecraft #animação #sonic #amo #roblox #problems’, was uploaded by cat dog cute funny on 2024-02-18 18:03:47. It has garnered 112134 views and 4193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Iron Armor Quest in Hindi 1.21 🔥🤩

    Unreal Iron Armor Quest in Hindi 1.21 🔥🤩Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Epic Iron Armor Quest in Hindi 1.21 🤩’, was uploaded by SR_BGaming on 2024-07-05 03:34:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi 1.21 Made sokt Survival Base & Iron Armor #MINECRAFTPE minecraft … Read More

  • FNAF Adorable Gameplay Funny Moments!!! #shorts #viral

    FNAF Adorable Gameplay Funny Moments!!! #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘FNAF Nhìn Kỹ Thấy Cũng Cutee!!! #shorts #gameplay #funny #roblox #games #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by JosseT on 2024-01-09 04:00:59. It has garnered 7039 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Onyx SMP

    Onyx SMPOnyx Survival Multiplayer Sever provides a fresh new experience to Survival Minecraft including +28 new Biomes, +11 New Dungeons, +12 Different cave systems, Completely revamped Village Spawns and Designs! Come enjoy a Minecraft server with a whole new experience like never before on Onyx SMP. Read More

  • Curse Core, JJK SERVER modded PvP

    Welcome to our PvP Jujutsu Kaisen modded server! We have made exciting changes to the mod to enhance gameplay experience: Each person can have one CT (with the ability to steal from others) 3 lives to make deaths meaningful (revival every week) LIMITED SUKUNA FINGERS with 20 per world obtained through events for balanced PvP Lore events including the ongoing exchange event New players starting as a curse user or spirit will receive a starter crate. Join us for an exciting and fresh gaming experience! Discord Invite: Join our Discord community Read More

  • EcoCraft – 1.20.6 – Survival – Land Claiming – MCMMO – Economy – SilkSpawners – BETA

    EcoCraft - 1.20.6 - Survival - Land Claiming - MCMMO -  Economy - SilkSpawners - BETAEcoCraft – 1.20.6 – Survival – Land Claiming – MCMMO – Economy – SilkSpawnersCurrently in more of a BETA stage of the server. Testing what’s been made so far whilst I work out some problems. Please bare with me :)We are a new server focusing on survival PVE gameplay. We have a variety of features to enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience. I’m a new server owner with little experience so bare with any bugs as I will fix them as fast as I can.What we offer:- MCMMO- Land Claiming- Silk Spawners- Server shop / economy- Free ranks with /rankup- Crates… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rate the pain level – Minecraft edition

    Minecraft Memes - Rate the pain level - Minecraft edition“Rate the pain level? Looks like someone’s taking their Minecraft injuries very seriously!” Read More

  • Crafty Dock Directions: CasualCraft SMP Rhymes

    Crafty Dock Directions: CasualCraft SMP Rhymes In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, CasualCraft SMP is the ultimate dream. With mods and data packs to enhance the play, Our adventures in survival will brighten your day. Dock & Directions, the theme of the day, Exploring new lands in a creative display. Jumbosale Gaming, the host with the most, Bringing you updates from coast to coast. Join us on Twitch, for a live stream delight, As we navigate challenges with all of our might. From CrimsonCrafterTTV to RokutaOfEn, The CasualCraft crew is a true gaming gem. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive right… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme 3: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme 3: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Minecraft Minecart Network

    Building the Ultimate Minecraft Minecart Network The World’s Longest and Largest Minecraft Minecart System Minecart Rapid Transit, established in 2012, stands as the oldest Minecraft transit server, boasting an expansive and intricate minecart system that has captured the attention of players worldwide. With a welcoming community and endless opportunities for exploration, this server offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Exploring the Minecart System Embark on a journey through the vast minecart system of Minecart Rapid Transit, where you can traverse through a myriad of landscapes, cities, and creations crafted by fellow players. The sheer scale of the system is awe-inspiring, with routes that… Read More

  • EPIC 1.21 Minecraft Update!

    EPIC 1.21 Minecraft Update! Nouveauté de la 1.21 Minecraft: La Tricky Trials! La version 1.21 de Minecraft apporte une nouvelle aventure passionnante: les Tricky Trials! Plonge dans ce défi palpitant et découvre de nouveaux horizons dans l’univers de Minecraft. Les Tricky Trials: Un Défi Innovant Les Tricky Trials sont une série de défis complexes qui mettront tes compétences à l’épreuve. Affronte des énigmes stimulantes, des obstacles redoutables et des adversaires redoutables pour prouver ta valeur en tant que maître constructeur. Caractéristiques des Tricky Trials: Nouveaux Niveaux: Explore des environnements uniques et captivants à chaque niveau des Tricky Trials. Énigmes Stimulantes: Déchiffre des énigmes… Read More

  • Scandalous: Daxx Cheats in Skibidi Mob Fight

    Scandalous: Daxx Cheats in Skibidi Mob FightVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-07-12 14:00:40. It has garnered 13057 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:49 or 1609 seconds. Playing A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE (Minecraft) Today Daxx, Xoe and Knox are Playing A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE in Minecraft!! Roblox Channel: @Daxx_Roblox Follow Me On Twitter: #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Unveiling a Terrifying Lunar Moon in Minecraft

    Unveiling a Terrifying Lunar Moon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i Found Scary Lunar Moon 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part 2 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-03-22 08:38:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. i Found Scary Lunar Moon in Minecraft | ( Part 2 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft … Read More