Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN – [MINECRAFT] Elytra hunting with Ame !!

Video Information

Hello hello hello hi welcome to howdy Y’all howdy all right all right welcome to minecraft you stinkers yeah my minecraft sorry about the delay you guys because uh we had like a issue with the minecraft server like there was like a minecraft update but then the server is on like 1.17 or something and there’s an update for like 1.17.1

But everything’s fixed now and perfect and we’re ready to begin our journey right right right the point one matters definitely matters yeah yeah it does it’s important that little tiny important one the tiny part of math math never makes any sense yeah except when it does um You said you’re at the portal right oh no no no i’m at my house um i have uh a ton of dirt blocks ready to begin our bridge in the end i have some bread some fish some water on the dirt blocks to start our bridge Like when cali in like one of her songs she’s like she does like a really cool i don’t know how she does it she’s like saying like butt eye or something yeah as he says are really cool like a gun caligan go breath i’ll sleep okay speaking of the song did

You watch it did you watch it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on i gotta change the setting but yeah it was really pretty it was really yeah i got to see it before the release yeah yeah so good did you know did she like just

Release it randomly or did she was she like uh did she give hints that i was gonna come out today because uh yeah i don’t know i thought she said she told me i thought you said tuesday is tuesday oh oh yeah uh today is uh i don’t know it’s today wednesday january

Wednesday today is today’s wednesday right okay chad says it’s wednesday so it must be right what’s your fault okay please go go go yeah but chad says girls days wednesday it is wednesday my dudes thank you yeah by the way yeah we might need your help because uh neither of us

Know anything about the end uh except ina told me that we’ll need a lot of blocks and that we should probably have an ender chest to help us just in case so we can store our stuff if we fall or something stuffy yeah would you like to use my hoodie as a tissue

Or perhaps my finger what yeah no it’s fine now i don’t watch it what the heck why did you put stone in my house hi oh cause uh i made this infinite lava cauldron and so like this is a drip stone from the new update that you can find in the

New generated chunks of caves and it makes infinite lava as long as you put lava above it but then my whole house caught on fire so i had to replace the wood in my house except for these stairs uh with stone lava nipple it’s like a dude it is

It’s a hot cheese a dunking hot cheese utter cheek put some nachos under there um i’m still trying to fix my minecraft audio sorry i’m sorry i got that smooth hollow live bossa nova playing such adsense oh that’s such a good idea i’m going to

Steal your idea but i’m going to take it i’m going to pick a different song from you oh yeah you don’t know where i am in the song which one are you using i don’t know i don’t know i can’t remember the name of

It but i know the melody oh wait it’s uh oh yeah pakoda it’s pekka song oh By the way chad i have to restart right opiates so goodbye but hello goodness chat we love minecraft repeat after we chat we love minecraft i love minecraft the bgm is off no it is not nice try chat i’m listening to it what do you mean bgm question mark

All i see is your over outpouring love of minecraft you guys hear minecraft in chat can you guys hear it Here now pickle random brain Pickle random brain i thought it was not called that is it actually called is that the name of piccolos and my song is pickle random brain yesterday uh actually i don’t know i’m not sure i definitely heard it before but i don’t really know Well okay i’m pretty much do you have any um i mean you have all your stuff from like when we did the thingy right yes i still have all my stuff like potion of falling do you want some uh oh no oh i don’t know if we’ll need that actually i don’t know

Chat what do you guys think we need to to be ready for the end this is not good i am you think it’s very low what do you do it’s low-fi it’s supposed to be low did you get yeah stupid it’s supposed to be low oh fly

Banana one more i’m just gonna add Me it just happens you know it’s i’ll absolutely people mean about it but i have a lot of issues sometimes okay now you guys can hear the music now i gotta restart minecraft all right while you do that i’m gonna go punch a tree okay this notification is bothering me

Oh never mind i thought you put it did you put a trap in your house did i just go through the floor uh i don’t have any traps in my house but that’s a good idea i thought i felt okay Lunch a tree all right should work hypothetically let’s see you guys hear minecraft we’re jamming out to pickle random brain pickle oh nice i took the uh blue uh let’s make sure i say it right yeah blue copper wonderful kyota i didn’t even have to punch the tree

Though i just had to intimidate it i stood next to it okay i think i’m pretty much ready except um i think i need like a bow and arrows because i was watching a little bit of chiara stream while she was treasure hunting and they were like these things that shoot at her

Uh so we definitely need a shield oh yeah there’s like these little um oh my god this tree notification uh they’re like there’s little balls these little circles oh yeah yeah yeah they’re like cannon balls yeah yeah oh but i’m i gathered like a i don’t know like 300 dirt blocks or

Something and they’re like you can’t use dirt blocks because the uh endermen will take them so apparently all my effort was wasted oh no uh that’s all i have is dirt wait we can’t use dirt now we can’t use dirt cannot use dirt yeah

Oh i found i mean i found a bunch of materials here okay i just i have brought an arrow i mean a bow for you yes a bow wait wait wait wait you need these two i’ll give you wait Oh wait do you need food uh i have some food not like that much but i don’t have an industrial amount of food you know but i got like a little bit i got you i don’t know where this came from i must have taken it off somebody that

That died during the end stream but i am stacked oh but you didn’t die once huh that’s probably why you have all the items that like people dropped didn’t i once just absorbed everybody’s power actually i had i had 68 experience uh 68 like levels in minecraft because i

Got all the levels from the ender dragon and i lost it i died um trying to save iris i think like after i went and met iris in the caves that she made i died in there because items i was trapped underground buried alive buried alive but i mean

That’s already a pvp right you could just go sit there afk and yeah if i try to get like 69 levels of pvp it’ll probably take like your entire life i try to get in 30 levels and it took me like i think i was maybe halfway there i

Think i started at 15 it took me like an hour so yeah i think from scratch it might be like a while uh you know kind of like fixed it a little bit she did some upgrades to bpp that made it a little bit better yeah did you follow a guide for that

Though or did you do that from your no i didn’t i just followed what chad told me kind of but it was confusing because like uh there’s like different versions of minecraft and so sometimes they were wrong about the things that they told me because it was like uh for bedrock minecraft or

Something but i also wanted to try doing it on my own i missed chat you guys didn’t know the exact version of minecraft she was using teammates what kind of teammates i thought you guys some of you guys were investigators huh what happened what happened

All right so oh it’s getting dark okay i guess we’ll sleep first i’m gonna sleep in in this house wait we got beds right here right here color-coded beds like bananas and pajamas oh not yet um i think we have wait uh chat is there anything you guys can recommend that we

Should what you might think we should take your armor is the same color as our beds that is satisfying wow it’s because i accidentally put on a binding chest plate oh the gold one when i went to another okay so the shoulder it says oh sorry what oh

I don’t know go for it oh yeah i have a shocker box yeah did kiara give you one too yes the purple one i think should come for everyone yeah it’s like a little piggy box cute a chat says water bucket i have a water bucket a pumpkin head why would i

Need that make you look silly oh did you change you took down the arches i did because i’m building my upper tube it’s very ugly around here right now because of my um listen my mom always told me that it has to get worse before it gets better

So that’s the stage that this is in right now also would you like a water bucket my lady sure is that weird should i not say that what thank you Well i’ll wait for you over here i’m okay i’m free do we need beds oh no can you sleep in the end or does it like the nether no what do you mean you’re the one that did the strat okay the answer is no don’t break that enderman cool they won’t aggro you

If you look at them but then won’t we i won’t have armor on our head pumpkin head pumpkin head i think we have pumpkin somewhere i bet cara has pumpkin we can steal it off the tree there’s pumpkins two pumpkins i found two pumpkins there’s a pumpkin head right here

Oh oh yeah there’s a bunch of them that uh we used for the snowman carved pumpkin right and then you just uh oh well changes your vision wait what we can’t see i can’t see i said it oh god oh if you put f1 on this is like some it’s like some

Strat or something if you press f1 it just like removes your ui so i guess you can see if you do that they call it spartan mode in rhythm games when you have no no settings on your screen god mode i think i’ll skip on the pumpkin head just because i feel pretty

Confident you know about not looking at the enderman i’ll bring it for good luck okay i’m pretty good at looking at the enderman too but um yeah wait so we don’t need dirt no dirt no dirt because the enderman can pick it up but i have i have some blocks to make

A bridge but uh i don’t know maybe not that many okay i have a stone no i’ll bring that i have lots of stone oh nice yeah oh i’m gonna raise your old house because i think you have some materials in there too okay Might need a shield of food i have a silk touch pickaxe because apparently you need that to get the under stuff Uh silk touch why is there a llama Can you ready llama you can’t run them do they need a saddle though uh i think it depends uh sometimes like if it’s the guy if it’s from the guy if it’s just a random llama like the one that comes with the merchants has a saddle i think wanna say yes um

This one doesn’t have one i’m assuming it’s probably kiara’s their free range okay make them taste better yeah tenderize the meat um make an extra pickaxe what do you think i made a pickaxe is here oh there’s a extra diamond pickaxes in the chest by the nether portal oh really okay

You need a carpet to ride on Wait this did you stay here by the portal oh yeah there were oh yeah yeah diamond deficiency oh diamond deficiency diamond i got one of those all right i’m ready i think we need a little bit why don’t we have somebody never mind so yeah though guys just real quick if

You haven’t listened to violet yet go listen to violet right now and do it oh yeah yeah yeah violet so yeah yeah first first song yeah very first original it’s got a nice video too she made a little art and drone yeah yeah stream reflect okay uh i’m making extra pickaxe

I have one for silk attach but i’ll just make another for like mine and stuff in there okay do we need torches i can bring some i cranked my brightness all the way up i don’t know if the torches do anything in the end yeah maybe not that was

That’s messing with stuff cats oh i found your torches yes yes that’s where they are i’m gonna make some bread okay i’m feeling hungry glutinous uh why am i running so slow is it cause like the fov is so low i haven’t changed mine from default fob minecraft gamers yeah

All right i’m ready we’re ready okay we’re gonna get i made a path but we gotta go this way first to get there did you follow the path i followed a path for like 95 and then i i strayed from the past and i found my way back somewhere else but yeah

I wanted to take you uh to make the bath yes i don’t know maybe like uh 40 minutes or something oh my god wait where are we going to the end portal this way we’re going to heaven nice knowing you guys it’s there we have it um this is my future site of

The temple that i’m building it’s the sky temple and it’s going to be like you ride on a rail and you go through it and it goes through like a spiral and there’s like cool stuff inside and it might trigger music as you’re on the rail

But uh i also lined it up with the portal bath which is right below us now Oh sky temple sounds pretty cool though you know what color scheme you’re going to go for um oh just like uh cobblestone and stuff or maybe like sky color it i mean you won’t probably be able to see it though anyway oh this is where i stopped following the path

Because it disappeared oh okay that makes sense yeah this is where i found cali too because uh she’s trying to say hi to iris hi hi rice and then um iris iris okay yeah she got lost and then she died she had half a heart and she jumped from

Like a one foot drop and she took a little tiny bit of damage cali is not very efficient it’s got it’s definitely got to be fixed or something it lets you get your ankles warmed up for parkour yeah dude i played jump king the other day like a week ago or so

And i went to the jumping jacks as a punishment and i went to jump and i literally snapped my ankles in half on stream oh yeah that happens sometimes you do gotta warm them up you gotta stretch stretch the ligaments i don’t know if there’s any saving my my ligaments

In my feet i think i just need replacements i think i have to go get cyber feet put in cyber ankles robot ankles cyber should be weird and be like uh i give you like a boost like how people put like uh that stuff on their cars like

You know what i mean and they like bounce like oh yeah you know what is the name of that i know exactly what you’re talking about yeah uh and i’m waiting for somebody in chat to say it hydraulics hydraulics or maybe i can get like the the portal feed so i don’t take

Fall damage i can always land on my feet I’m watching a lot of car videos i don’t know why like you know what ceramic brakes are no it’s like for cars if you want a car to go i don’t know it’s like tippy top cream of the crop breaks ceramic breaks i don’t know why ceramic sounds pretty breakable

Yeah right or is that porcelain i don’t know ceramic nose pretty i mean porcelain is yeah more fragile than ceramic but that does sound like not a very efficient but maybe it’s good because um i know it’s like really abrupt breaking or something it’s just like good brakes

I guess chad says this because the ceramics absorb a lot of heat maybe it’s sterile oh i see that makes sense apparently it’s expensive too yes high quality high price i think we’re almost there but it’s kind of scary because there’s dark i have a bed oh i do not have a bed

Only one i have two lucky day oh just in case i’m right behind you you want to sleep yeah diggy you that staggered him oh nice i’ve got the beds in the back oh nice view yes nice ah there’s the uh wait what is that it’s like a big line in the sky

I think that’s where the portal is i mean the uh yeah i think kiara put that there oh okay maybe uh uh well i put it there at first but it looks really tall i don’t remember making it so maybe it was secure she probably flew

Up there to the top doesn’t she have an elytra i think i watched it how does the electron work because i think you have to have fireworks to like make it work yes i was watching her fly around and she kept flying into like walls and stuff and taking damage

Yeah so it’s i guess it’s not that easy to control i don’t know i don’t have much experience with it i remember when i tried it i think i tried it in like creative or something and i couldn’t get it to work i didn’t know how to you have to like jump jump

Shoot the rocket jump jump shoot oh a chad says that uh the fireworks just give you momentum but if you’d like jump off a cliff with it you could still fly that’s true yeah yeah yeah it’s like a like a hang glider or a flying squirrel

You just need a little bit of oomph yeah blank squirrel they’re so cute have you seen those like uh slowed down videos when the people hold their hands out and the little i don’t know if they’re whoa that’s oh it’s really short yeah i know you’re talking about yeah it’s

Like in slow motion and they jump on their hand like a sugar glider yeah yeah i was gonna say i don’t know if it’s a a flying squirrel sugar glider or there’s something else i won’t call it but i don’t think that’s the right name so i will not

Bush baby that’s another animal a bush baby yeah oh that sounds like something australian but i might maybe sh bait ate my baby pushula yeah that’s supposed to i gathered a bunch of that for like uh pranks or something or they’re good for pranks apparently

Oh what kind of pranks are we planning oh i don’t know you can have some dragon’s breath if you want if you want to use it for a prank okay i don’t have any playing prank on point thanks playing please do need this i don’t need this we should have taken the

Ender chest from the base oh wow okay ready um i am a little nervous i’m not gonna lie but uh yeah we’ll just pick a direction and make a bridge and not fall off and then oh dear god this is sorry okay i don’t know it’s

Wait okay we’ll figure out when we get there hey guys is there like a there’s like a fortress or something huh did you go in yeah i went in okay can we just like go any direction oh my ah just don’t fall then we need an ender

Pearl for anything why are we need an ender pearl i don’t know if you fall down will you hit the bottom or you’re gonna fall endlessly i think you just fall and die interesting what if this is actually like a big old sound stage or something

Because it looks like there’s a floor at the bottom like the static effect looks like it there’s a floor kind of yeah all right mo jing you didn’t knock me off now i won’t do that yet no no not you my my dogs huh they’re uh because my cat is on my

Desk right now and they’re like hey what about me wow i want attention too oh there’s a lot of endermans um i guess i’ll just explore And then uh there’s stairs over there at that thing i don’t know what that is you see that i saw that briefly i’m scared to look them in the eye though oh what is that oh i know this is where kiara was i know what this is i watched her build this

Oh okay the chad is saying that we should go to this it’s like a i don’t know what it is but it’s a portal to what was it a portal too you’re saying it’s end city who is it oh the chat is saying that we need an ender pearl to get

Through it though Oh what they said you’re supposed to throw an ender pearl into it i um Well can we get started saying you don’t need a pearl chad is saying use the trap door no need pearl what do you mean he’s a trap door oh you can close the trapdoor to crouch in all right test guinea pig what yes i can push you in

No no close the drop door oh ah good luck oh hey hi oh wait yes it’s different oh there’s a pass right there maybe we can follow that person’s bed i don’t know um did you if i attacked him um if i attack him will the others attack me i don’t know

I didn’t look at him though why are these guys so sensitive it’s good you have a sword i bet you could kill him from there because he can’t reach you there i have a sword let’s see if you can hit him where is he he’s like uh he’s right below you

Ha ha good nice poof he’s coming back he’s going back you want some more yeah you want some more how about this big leggy boy he’s coming back on the back who’s going to win oh hey there’s another pearl come get your xp nice all right so should we just go in a

Random direction chad says that apparently the enders might uh aggro you but i don’t know if that’s true they said they might randomly aggro you ah how many seconds can you look up from the ground before what just uh kind of like look down but not all the way down

Okay this way i see oh i see always you see there’s a bridge here should we go that way i am i am tucked within your pants pocket i follow you where you go okay don’t fall off the edge i won’t go into single blocks now oh challenge mode

I don’t know okay just don’t fall fall in no funny business okay On a pumpkin head i have a pumpkin head that’s true yeah yeah that’d be good and i’m not that mean chet have some faith in me how do we get back when we’re done i’m assuming we go through the portal again okay well i’m definitely not going to get lost

Then coordinates i think somebody put down coordinates right oh yeah oh we’ll figure it out chad knows according that’s right guys there are other portals they said more than one portal okay fall off this big gap this kind of feels like the spongebob world doesn’t it like it feels like we’re in

A bikini bottom oh yeah okay i bet there’s like um like a minecraft where they recreated i bet you they have made the krusty krab in minecraft is that what you’re saying yeah just like the whole spongebob world oh my god i would yes i’d like to visit that

What is this stuff what are these branches ender coral thank you i’ve spent many hours studying the blocks i’ve studied the blocks i’ve studied black i’ve built them block is that a building they give you fruit where they give you fruit I think i saw oh never mind it’s just a falling island oh yeah i see what you’re talking about there’s something like there’s something like um did you look at one nope oh you see after me yes okay get him up kick him in his little little lung

Kneecaps scare me he didn’t drop anything somebody just nice another one another one bites the block I wonder if there’s a minecraft parody of that i bet you there is some minecraft youtuber with those 3d animated minecraft animations yeah or just like have you seen like the really shitty ones where they it’s like a kid in front of a green screen those are great

We should make one if nobody’s done if nobody’s done another one bites the block and we should do this you can use like a yeah green screen can you can you make a you can make a green screen in minecraft right if you just get like the lime green blocks

Yeah yeah yeah and we take it like a a dot and like an mp4 and then we can just all green screen it somebody’s already done it i have the spider okay yeah design this but but that’s a different song isn’t it is it do you wanna make a

Bridge to that that island because i know there’s one to this island but we could go to that island yeah i like the shape of this one it’s like a like a two-tier cake this is scary ah bro bridge building in minecraft is easy 101 you know

Okay this might be scary having me on the other end of the bridge is this one you want to do it one way or do you want to like meet halfway or i just i can feed you blocks if you run out and then my cat is on my desk again

Why he insists on drinking the water from my cup even though he has like his own bowl and there’s another bowl and there’s another bowl that he could eat from because it tastes like you what was that it was just me and i heard that one

Oh is that a the dragon doesn’t respawn right i think they said there’s only one does that sound like that gives me skyrim my cat is gonna kill me my cat doesn’t really if he doesn’t like me this doesn’t really no bother you no i have so many cat scratches like all

Over my legs because my cat climbs me like a cat tree so does mine well like stretch like every every morning it’s like good morning stretch no matter i’m like i have no pants on and yet you do this to me anyway it’s because he loves you or they love you but

I actually got mad because i was wearing really nice new pjs i was excited yeah maybe i talked about them on stream before you had the pink ones i was really excited but they’re made of like a very special knit material yeah kitty doesn’t care just clawed right

Through it and tore a bunch of threads i was like oh you’re kidding me are you kidding me are you um you’ve gotta be cute i’m sure there’s like a like a meme or something that like a boomers love where it’s just like a kitten and it’s like you gotta be kidding me

My parents sent me those those like bottom top text bottom text memes can’t believe it’s friday it’s monday and it’s like cat with bed head it’s like two pixels aww that’s cute though it is cute my mom sends me tick tocks what kind of dick dogs this is slippery slope

Uh they’re just like well she really likes these weird photography tic tacs or something i don’t know what do you mean or like uh she’ll send me somebody that she thinks is funny or it’s like somebody pretending to be like a old lady or something like that it’s just like wow

Thanks why are you like this yeah oh my god it’s like those my parents haven’t found tick tock yet but i feel for the day that they do because i think my mom would also like you know the tick tocks where people like dare i say i don’t know what would

You say like role play oh yeah i know you’re talking i feel like my mom would be like oh my god they’re so that’s so cute look at that look at this guru please i’ve seen a few please no please mom i like them i don’t use tick-tock but

I’ve been using like the youtube shorts thingy yeah i mean like it’s kind of like i feel like every social media website has those like little short short video things yeah it’s because it’s addictive that’s why people just want to scroll and let’s see yeah except they always

Like i’ve been watching like car detail cleaning right when they like get the really really detailed heads up you got a lot of enderman behind you by the way uh but like they the thing with the shorts though is that they’ll show you the process of cleaning like a little steam gun

And the little detail brushes and like and then all of a sudden they won’t show you the end result ah that’s the worst yeah it is the worst and there’s never any links to like who made it so you can never search and find the i want to see

I i’ve seen like a like those clean it’s like a cleaning tic tac sort of thing but for some reason they just mix a bunch of like cleaning chemicals and stuff and it’s and then they drink it no they don’t drink it they just like show a toilet bowl and

Then they just put like a bunch of toilet cleaning stuff and then they put like windex and then they put like clorox and then they put like ajax and then they put like a bunch of other that’s like actually i saw something silly i saw one except this in cleaning materials i just

Put a bunch of vegetables in the toilet i was like okay where are we going with this nothing happened i just put like zucchini carrots corn eggplant in the toilet splashed it around in front of it they’re probably making fun of like those compilations i don’t know they might have been i

Don’t know nice bridge i can build the next one if you want although i want to take it i think i have to take my cat or my dogs Never had toilet soup before good no chad stop it don’t eat toilet soup i can’t remember if they if they flushed it that’s like that’s like a whole other kind of format of videos that’s like i don’t know if people think they’re satisfying or what but

It’s like it’s similar to the i’m gonna put a bunch of vegetables in the toilet and i’m gonna put a bunch of colorful cleaning materials that’s like that’s like there’s these these people that are like okay i did i got guided one time with one of those short videos somebody took like little

Mini like doll shoes or something and put them on their fingers and they were they like pants on their fingers too and they made them walk through like materials of stuff like like uh uh do you know what i’m talking about uh i just came back and all i heard was

I got gutted i got garden i thought it was somebody’s legs walking through like slime and like that walk over a yogurt container but it’s just their fingers oh this is like a tech deck except i had tech deck did you add tech day

Uh yeah i think i had like one or two i mostly i like mighty beans though better i had my i think mighty beans didn’t they have mighty beans that came in cereal boxes for a little bit of time they were like um yeah i think so uh

I think they were disney themed i remember had a duck one what are we looking for i think we’re just looking for like a a village like we’ll see it we’ll know when we see it but i think this is the part that takes a long time is finding the okay

Finding the settlements okay i remember having a glow-in-the-dark mighty bean that was like my favorite i still have it actually oh it’s like an australian it’s like a it’s a what’s that like a he’s got like a hat he’s got like an australian hat oh i guess we’ve got to make another bridge

I think we’re going in the same direction that yara one probably or maybe it was inna is it there’s something maybe that’s just pieces of stuff what we’re looking for a flying ship or a purple tower thank you a flying ship okay i the flying dutchman’s ship i should put shift on toggle

Because i i’m scared because i keep holding it with my pinky i’m scared my pinky’s gonna like give out weak pinky you don’t have a bicep on your pinky yet maybe i should work it out i saw somebody got a tattoo of us on their arm

It was in the last hashtag guard yeah or they they got you chatted i saw you with me they had they had you inked and colored but they just had the outline of me ah maybe they’re they’re it’s still getting it done i think so that they’re getting everyone in

Halloween if you get if you get us tattooed on your body that is dedication that’s crazy oh i saw somebody had a botan um tattoo what are you what are you if somebody asked about it though what do you say like that’s my child i don’t know because people i feel like

People sometimes they’re just like oh i want a hot babe tattooed on my body all right fair enough is this a hole pop babes on body pop babes on the car pop babes in my mind i want to tattoo hot babes to the inside of my eyelids

Is that a building oh wait what my my i think i think i’m i think i’m up nevermind nothing never mind i thought it was a pirate ship are the pirate ships made of different materials didn’t that look like a pirate ship do you know what i mean yeah

Oh god yeah i got a yes there’s a big pirate ship over there i thought i saw it because we didn’t you know you start to see the outline of them before they appear you start to get the gamer intuition the minecraft intuition it’s purple okay the parachute

Pirate ship is purple never mind though like the dragon maybe um i don’t know they just say purple purple blocks once you want to go to that island it’s kind of far huh that is pretty far i can build it if you want i might ride out and run out of materials but

I mean we can go from island you see the little islands oh maybe those are you want to go to this one should be safe uh oh all right i’ll just go this way okay i won’t fall okay good luck i think here just gonna miss that island but okay

I hear scary noises i’m gonna mind some stuff materials where mine is fine What’s another song that would make a good minecraft parody that hasn’t been done before uh mr brightside that’s pretty simple song what is it what is it going to be instead mr wonderman mr uh but what color eyes do the anime have pink mr pink conjunctive sorry i’m like um

Mr herobrine i’m not kind of this herobrine stuff do you believe in herobrine yeah i’ve been attacked by him before really it’s like squatch yeah oh what if there was a shiny smiley story but a shiny minecraft story shiny oh we took our hands towards the brightest blocks yes this is me

And my shiny pickaxe we swing all day we might all night and in the morning the end the dragon will fight wow it’s writing itself that’s good i think we have to i think we have to do this i’m down yes by the way i built the first bridge

Bridge let me finish this bro i don’t know where we’re going next though because there’s quite a few uh i don’t know if you want to go to that same island or if you want because there’s a it looks like a bigger one right here

In the middle oh yeah to the to the left yeah can we do that one okay okay i’m gonna go out this way and then over over and out out and over yet over god over the hedge i used to i think i had the game game boy version over the hedge

But i think it’s maybe different because it was like a 3d game maybe it was on playstation 2 actually i think i had an over the hedge themed birthday party I’m like having weird fragments of memories of like you know the themed napkins and plates you can get yeah from like party stores it doesn’t really seem like that type of movie to be like have merchandise like that it really never heard of an over the hedge themed birthday party

I think i might have to google it uh i’m sure it is though like i could kind of see that i mean if they made shrek maybe they were coming off the hype of like one of the shrek movies and they’re like oh yeah dreamworks yes oh yeah true yeah that’s true merchandise

I’ll just stay here i’ll wait um oh yeah imagine being one of the lucky few that got a Shrek birthday party i did i remember shrek balloons shrek cake i hate napkins ice cream plates i don’t know if it went that far but i um i remember i had i had a uh it was actually a surprise birthday party and um i don’t remember what shrek movie it was

But i remember we all watched shrek movie oh yeah like a fun time it was a time a very dark deep memory inside my head i’ve unlocked new memory you have thank you for that reminder what kind of birthday parties have you had i guess so

Oh i had a i just had like really loose themed birthday parties um like uh i remember having a summer themed birthday party wears like a one of those flower necklaces and like the grass skirts and stuff like that oh like a hula oh like a luau

Yeah other than that i don’t really remember like any other themed birthday parties did you ever have like slumber parties uh probably maybe yeah i mean i remember one time i talked about this on stream where i was uh sleeping over at a friend’s house and i really had to go to the

Bathroom oh and i had a dream that uh i went to their bathroom down the hall but actually i was sleeping the whole time and then i accidentally i was you know what i was like yeah except i was sleeping on the floor so i hate this on the carpet did you blame

Like a pet a dog did it no i didn’t tell anybody i just left it there i covered it with a blanket and just i wasn’t i was so embarrassed well actually that’s pretty smart because they definitely found it they definitely smelt it but then they had to

They had to guess which kid it was who yeah wasn’t me on the floor definitely not on me i remember very distinctly the dream i had last time i wet the bed many many years ago speaking of this um oh i like a winnie the pooh

Is like one of those big books that you would it’s not like a pop-up book but how like little windows kind of like an advent calendar where you like open and be like oh look it’s pretty little or whatever yeah yeah but i remember i

Think i read that before i went to sleep because i remember i was in pooh’s house and i felt a calm i never felt before and and then it happened i didn’t poop right what what what what did she say uh it’s like i remember the exact feeling though too because

Because it’s like that feeling of ah and then the realization of ah oh i’m not where i think i am did you have that yeah that’s the worst because it feels so real you’re just like oh bathroom right oh i’m comfy you’re warm in bed oh no i’m

Comfy and warm and oh oh yeah where did you go by the way oh oh um did you walk away i see you always here i see you this is a say so conversation it’s it’s cute kid stories when we were cute i don’t know what happened but

Yeah everybody has stories like that huh mmm crunchy what are you eating some rice chips oh what kind quicker yeah they’re caramel rice crispy oh i don’t like those the chili the chili ones are the sweet chili they had the sweet chili or the ranch or the the spicy chili lime or something

Oh those are good try this sweet spice chili if you can and then the ranch yeah okay i’ll take your word for it i’ve never had these before i just tried them like yesterday oh they’re so addicting they have like a little tiny bag too which is like perfect size

For like half a snack um yeah yeah um you can go to the left it looks like it that’s close here this one okay i don’t know how we’re gonna get back um i know the coordinates i think you are opposed to the coordinates so we have those

Oh okay but i think chad said we can go through like a portal or something i wonder if we can make our own portal well we do have we each have an ender pearl and if not we can definitely farm some from these bozos it’s not like a if you attack one of

Them all of them attack right um we can test it out and by we i mean you oh we did it we didn’t tell two earlier and nobody else attacked us so true do you think it’s shorter to make a bridge here probably you can if you want i’m running out of material

But i can mine some more while you do that i’ll mine some okay wait do you need you said you need soft touch in order to collect this yellow stuff no you know oh Chest chad says that they will not outgrow us oh thanks chap always looking out for us yeah chad is also saying to make slabs instead of blocks i have wood if you want to make a crafting bench i guess we can make one when we get to the other side

The other side okay use your diamond pickaxe but this one okay oh this one’s faster it’s got efficiency maybe it might have efficiency on there it does efficiency iv oh four three four five nice Destroy the tree what tree there’s no tree to destroy hey guys um is music okay it’s not like um too loud or anything music man i’m thinking about birthday parties did you go to any cool birthday parties maybe did i um oh god um i feel like i feel like something like

That would be a super specific memory you wouldn’t remember until you find like some napkin that exactly no no exactly exactly that’s what i’m trying to remember ah i have like a i’ll tell you off stream about one i can’t mention it i really can’t talk i’m okay okay

Do you have any did you go to any cool birthday parties I think i also had a like um i like a i do i remember i remember had a birthday party that was pretty loosely themed to like flower flowers yeah remember flowers oh oh did you forget oh god i’m having memories of it over There This island over there but it might be easier from over here okay oh i got some ender fruit or it’s called chorus fruit chorus fruit oh it looks like um looks like a heart doesn’t say like a upside down mushroom oh yeah i could see that too or like a

Purple turnip a pernip her new bag this island you said oh yeah to our left i’m just looking like we haven’t really found anything i guess it takes a while yeah i think this is yeah all right we can make a bridge to this island and then over there to that

Little bridge you see that yes i make a crafting table for you unless you want to build the bridge um i can make some slabs because i have ended stone eat it what does it do if you eat it oh am i gonna die chad are we gonna and i’ll watch you

Don’t eat it don’t eat it it teleports you randomly all right thank you for the heads up very funny very funny it doesn’t teleport you like uh off the edge or anything does it then it’s gonna make me lost No don’t eat it don’t do it no i said don’t eat it near the edge all right i’m gonna make some slabs slab Um well what does making slimes do it like doubles oh triples i think triples your yield wow what a farmer term i was thinking about um growing mushrooms in minecraft in real life really yeah even though i don’t eat mushrooms because i think they’re uh cute i’m gonna make a mushroom terrarium

You don’t eat mushrooms because you think they’re cute no that’s not why i don’t eat them i just don’t like them they get them have you ever had mushrooms and they like if they get watery they squeak it’s like you’re eating mice i’ve never heard of that no i’ve never

Had that before um well i had the pleasure of hearing a bird die thanks to cat what a bird oh yeah it’s pretty on the cap it’s unfortunate um change is a man you know that sucks a circle Did the cat eat it no played with it and left it there i’m like you can’t even finish your food yeah that’s why you’re not supposed to let cats outside because uh they uh hurt the local bird population yes i learned my lesson um my pockets uh i don’t need this i’ll

Take this instead that’s why in like australia people have to hunt the cats because the the feral cats are eating all the the very specific australian wildlife birds no yeah it’s like i remember i saw this this is like haunted hunt to them right just like capture them

No no no no there’s this guy who like he’s known as he’s like the cat hunter guy he makes like he he skins them right and makes stuff out of their pelts it’s a little borderline um Crazy yeah like you have people not illegal there i don’t know i mean you have people that hunt right and they’ll like have a deer head or something this guy had like he made a cup warmer out of a cat’s skin he made a book cover out of a cat’s skin

I’ve seen them i forgot what i was watching it was like uh oh yeah it’s like this show on amazon that uh it’s about this old english guy that goes to japan and who just like explores japan and stuff you went to like a geisha house and like

Uh one of the instruments that um a geisha might have is like i forgot what it’s called but it’s like a string instrument and it’s uh made out of like cat skin like the the body of the instrument is made out of cat skin yeah james may cat skin

Why i don’t know why Cheers why is that a thing sheesh it’s like a meme or something it’s like a meme or something i mean yeah okay i don’t know i’ve been seeing my chat say uh what the dog do what the dog doing what the dog doing oh what does that mean everybody’s saying she’s now she

But the salami lids don’t fit hey what is that let’s see that i’m sorry you’re just a whiplash what salami lick doesn’t fit yeah it’s like a meme the salami leg doesn’t fit also what are you talking about uh there’s a building in front of us look

Oh i see the gray outline maybe i haven’t loaded it in yet oh shooting chunks are pretty low i’ve got low chunkage do you need material uh nope salami lid don’t fit the salami lid i don’t fit it don’t fit it do be do be that old building You see it i see it looks like an upside down birthday cake god we just birthday everywhere today birthday cake yeah birthday cake do you do you know anybody that says birthday is it a birthday they just say birthday it’s like birthday birthday no but i don’t know

Oh you’ll get a run i’ll protect you i’ll protect you no good don’t fall don’t fall i’m good i’m grounded i’m not good i’m not good at moving let’s get to the island get oh good good we’re good we’re good i’m good i’m good i’m good

Hold on i got you i got you i got you okay he went bye-bye i don’t know where he went i don’t know where he went i hear his little oofs of pain oh there it is you saved me me yes thank you you’re welcome

We can’t die right when we just found we finally found the building god i see about the salami lid and then i think i looked up too long that’s salami they don’t think this is like a video i kind of want to look it up because i don’t know i mean

We just walked off the edge okay time to get off the bridge we’re safe now maybe to the birthday cake house is there a way we can save our game so that if we die we can laser can we take that laser i think we can take that laser a laser

You got to up your chunks oh can we do like a can we have like an edm rave with a light show what do they call that is there a name for teleporter apparently um laser lights laser lights smoke machine it’s a shulker box no it’s not

It’s gonna kill us shoot it oh it’s the bomb things i have to shoot it or hit it i don’t know i’m gonna shoot it i think oh bonk it is a shulker box watch out you got stuff coming at you why not where’s that coming from i don’t know

What is it what is it oh there’s some stairs in here just use your shield you’re getting like heat oh it exploded off the edge all right let’s go right shield oh i hear stuff up top hold on i’m peeking peeking this looks like um a padded room that they put somebody

In when they’re a danger to society oh there’s like a ladder in here parkour that’s pretty easy i want to do parkour maps in minecraft parkour mini games wow you’re kind of bad at my part hey oh i went too fast i i hear poo poo did you get up there

I parked pretty good yeah i parked good too oh ame has left the room on my doco um well uh i’ll be good are we is this dangerous should we let me uh just from my sanity are you okay what am i okay oh it’s you it’s me

Left yeah are you gonna start i’m gonna make a new one okay i just i’m having uh i think we’ll be fine with this right okay hold on gamers hold on let me fix this that says dangerous the afk um we live on the dangerous side i trust amelia she’s got my back

How do i do this um hold on give me a second uh yep that’s the button okay can i rejoin my own place or do i have to make a new one i’m gonna try i’m sorry oh did we swap i think we swapped hold on give me a second

What’s that noise it sounds like you hey did you hear that did you hear that oh it’s the box the the box oh hold on i’m trying my best here don’t worry okay we’re good she’ll be back hey we’re back hello it might be a little bigger than

Last time but that’s all right all right i’m back okay so there’s a let’s see go this way again right here it looks like a duck like a duck face oh it’s one of those it’s one of those thingies what thingies the bombs ah who makes me fly i like the sound

Are we going that way or should i parkour up i feel like oh this is a bad idea oh we could go up yeah there’s more parkour up here but there’s also stuff shooting at us oh it’s okay we’ll kill him kill him you gotta it’s like it takes like three arrow shots

At least for me to kill them three or four oh oh wait easy Uh excuse me minecraft you kill the shulker boxes i don’t get it yeah you do I killed it it’s safe to come up okay i’m on my way i fell i fell too oh it’s okay i don’t think we’ll die from that like uh i don’t know if it’s high enough yet maybe we should build like a what the hell i keep getting pushed off

Parkour bed oh god i fell too caramel okay next one just build up nah what kind of gamer are you yeah i definitely wouldn’t do that i parked all the way up oh that’s why cheeky little blocks are in the way making us doubt our gamer abilities i see how it is

Okay minecraft wanna play that game oh um well Where are we going uh i didn’t know there was a bridge down there with uh more boxes for one of those little guys is there wait what where are we going do you know like are you done spongy room this is giving me it reminds me of um

Purple and yellow is such a very specific color combination ah okay make our own bridge if we can’t uh get to the ship what ship is the ship here is that a ship there’s flags up there oh yeah there’s spikes yeah oh this is such a cute brick it makes me

Want it yeah it is it is nice like pastel what yeah let’s fix them steal some i’m gonna bite my food too i have toast here safety time from um like an hour before the stream started so now it’s chewy sadness who made the sounds for these guys can i take this

Probably the guy who like made minecraft i just recorded himself what am i mine i made a i made a stairs over here i think so notch hatsune minko did not make minecraft nice try not just the name and blocks was his game i’m gonna bye amelia floats in

There’s more stuff in there i hear them got those big old floaties attached to no wonder can you oh my god there’s so many i’m gonna block up i’m going up i’m going up i’m going What’d you get okay i’m not these guys are weak okay where’s the other one beneath you especially if you compare this to like uh the um underwater oh easy mode dude weak what’d you get what’s in the chest over here under chest uh diamonds oh and a saddle i don’t have

Any inventory space so what do we do oh you have any inventory space no what are you what are you filled with i am feel those oceans and apples and pants paint what why do you have pants back up pants put it in the under chest oh does the other chest connect to

Something chad what’s sander just do diamonds in the inner chest universal chest oh oh it connects to all other ender tests i don’t know if it’s like yours though when do you claim it when is it attached to you i think anybody can use it like every time somebody uses it it’s gonna

Right oh yeah it’s got a name tag that i put in here oh that was amazing okay uh oh wait hit the letter there’s a letter over there wait wait wait wait wait oh i should say that uh what do i not need porches so far

Yeah do you want these dog i’ll just bring them back for everybody i don’t know if we need diamonds though because we have chiara yara is pretty much a diamond yeah true really what are these rods dude hi ron iris that’s so cute iris virus

Up do we go up you want to go up what are we looking for in elytra are we to the wheat yeah i don’t know oh there’s another tower across from us did you go up up up wait do we take the chest with us in the end

What yes the green one the under chest or do we just leave it here because there’s one in the there’s one where we go to yeah i mean we don’t have to take it i guess hey these guys responding or something probably oh hi kiara we need silk touch to take it okay

I have one it okay i guess doesn’t matter if we lose it because it’ll all of our stuff will be enough watch out behind you i don’t know where he is but he’s blowing up okay i got the chest oh my goodness is blowing up what is this color scheme remind me of

Oh my god what color was the seahorse in spongebob no that was green was there some there is something no never mind what am i thinking what color is the sea horse ride that patrick rides in the meme do you know that yeah that’s very specific um it’s bothering me it’s something horse

Lighthorn purple pink yeah and the fly means to the moon meme way right so something this is something spongebob you know what i mean i think so oh okay well which way are we going oh she’s digging up the ladder up the ladder oh where does this go oh more parkour

How are we supposed to do this oh they sound feral so there’s another um oh okay do you know where those flags are oh what is that up there’s no flags above us oh okay i’m gonna take these i don’t know what they do that’s the ship that is the ship

Chad is saying that’s a boat what what’s about that no no no ahead if you look uh i don’t know which way you’re live if you look north hold on i’m coming up here yes but that apparently that is the ship what you’re looking at if you look

Straight out you see that that is oh yeah yeah yeah how is that a ship Uh cause it’s floating i’d like more of this uh stuff let’s have to What is hey is it oh nice you have to wait for it to open i don’t think so it’s doing damage no i think you have to wait for it to open because right now it’s just bonking and falling oh keep messing run out of arrows guys let’s build a bridge fast

Google google all right that’s the ship where you get electro oh our elytra’s right there we’re going towards the elytra hey uh watch your behind by the way there’s one up here okay run run run go back if you get if you get uh hit with one of the thingies and then you

Fly up you’re going to take a lot of damage with oh i see him yeah i see it open up nice shot get up pass him oh i thought he’s dead okay dead Have to walk all the way back or can we like make a portal a bortle we might be able to make a portal there’s chad say chat bortle yeah there’s only gonna be one elijah so yeah you can have it yeah just kidding you can have it if you want wait a minute

I’m sure we’ll find another one if we can share it we can tandem you’re full there’s a chest i see oh yeah i see it all right oh ooh spooky scary where’s my open absurd oh oh god that could have been your head all right where is it is it in your chest

What it’s right there on the wall oh i thought that was just a picture of your i think you could take it from there we got all this way and i just gave you a picture of it it looks like a lungs like smoker lung yeah it does

Did you get it i did not i’m scared to touch it do i have to find it or anything you guys i don’t think so right just take it i’m pretty sure there’s a dragon head where is it help chat please just hit it got it oh oh god

Put it in anything else uh what else Uh i don’t know oh there’s stuff up here hold on oh there’s a guy up here there’s a what should we call it i’ll kill him where is he come here oh my god okay oh oh oh oh i forgot that he’s gonna shoot me with the things he’s gonna fly up

Watson i’m here oh god oh god i’m flying too much like you’re climbing the ladder go to the ladder it’s not doing anything it’s okay it wouldn’t wouldn’t try to try to fall gracefully i’m okay okay where’s the other guy there’s another guy i think a uh

Oh slow falling i have slow falling potions if i need them okay oh oh what nothing oh i see the dragon’s head where where i don’t know build around the head they said that’s a good idea okay this doesn’t look like a ship built under it oh okay

Put water down now what there’s a block under it chat mine it i use my silk silk touch pickaxe just in case i got it okay put it in the chest oh you’re blocking me i’m sorry i’m eating blood uh anything else here i guess not oh maybe it’s happier

I have a little more fish in your lamp i don’t think so Cool i’m gonna mine some blocks hold up i’m gonna eat my buddy okay enjoy your bread kind of bread uh salty toast i need to eat pumpernickel or something enriched white oh i don’t think this is a good place to mine blocks as a vitamin fortified white bread cinnamon

Vitamin fortified because there’s only one way i’m gonna get yeah fortified here are these bones fortified Uh okay that’s pretty successful i found another one for you i feel like it’ll be pretty tough to find another one but i mean we got pretty lucky because i think you know i think they were saying took five hours to find one of these places and we just

Kind of stumbled onto it like an hour an hour ish yeah that’s true do we go to that side i guess we probably went to that side of the tower already maybe i guess it’s the highest we can go did we go all the way to the top on this

One i think so huh uh yeah i want one of those flags can we take the flags or is that like gonna bring a curse it reminds me of uh like if you’re if you ever play like garry’s mod or something and when you don’t have textures

There’s textures missing they use like a this magenta and black like a texture to signify that your textures are missing i’ve never played gary’s mod i don’t really care no pretty fun i want to play hide and seek oh i used to watch like gary’s mod videos though

People would like that was like early rp people would play as whatever model they could find right that’s gary’s mod right yeah sort of yeah i’ll watch the hide and seek one yeah that one’s really popular or a prop hunt yeah pokemon I’m gonna fall i’m gonna drop you think we can get permission to play problems uh yeah but well yeah we can have our own garry’s mod server like i’ve had my own garry’s mod server before kind of just like setting everything up it’s not that difficult so it’s definitely doable and it’s cool

Because like we could put custom maps but they’re just maps that are owned by like uh you know they’re just like valve maps because there’s some like community maps that people made like family guy maps it’s a spongebob krusty krab i don’t think we can get

We can ask for like like fans may they make like hollow live stage yeah that’s a good idea yago’s office mod uh map map uh watson’s office map yeah hide and seek in watson’s office atlantis map oh where it’ll be awesome how do we get back you guys or what

Should we do now now what do we do I don’t think we should go back now but Um how do we get back like oh if we wanted to go back i’m gonna build up a voyage i guess like if we put all of our stuff in the energez that to make choker but okay not that bad i have to find a portal oh we have to find a portal

Oh dear okay no no no what we can do now is we can search for another area um with more stuff and then like if it turns out you know it takes too long we couldn’t find anything we just put everything in the under chest and then we just jump off the edge

Always the best ideas i like that idea simple reset go back down but does anybody know like the block radius of how many of these spawn per oh yeah that’d be good to know i’m dead uh-oh no i’m good i’m good nice try did we get those chests in there

I think so oh no we did not there’s another we did yeah have you heard it here i’ll help you but uh i’m currently there ow open up the game noise in the game what me or you yeah because i landed on the one of those guys hey fight now open up

Oh oh we have diamonds gold iron sword with knock back oh nice and another ender chest and another shulker boy looking for the end up nice hey whoa oh that’s my water okay my water never mind um yes can you swim and not swim all right i’m gonna put this in here and

Uh the chores um people are saying like we can make the shulker boxes and then store our stuff in the shulker boxes and then put the shulker box in the under chest so we get like more oh expensive storage super storage I’ll make a crafting table okay i’m going to take the shell how do you make a show for shell trigger oh we need the chest okay apparently you need one chest per box well that worked because we have two of you look at the other chest under play one regular chest oh

I don’t have any wood can you make i do either okay just make one easy mouth some blow on wood uh do you have shulker box tops i have four oh i need two hello okay there you go i guess put that down and then put your stuff inside of it

From the under chest and then put it inside the underchest um all right yeah that makes sense you need them do you need oh god uh what am i trying to say do you need oh oh do you need a oh my god words coulda you need

A silk touch in order to pick up the the choker box uh i don’t think so wait i can pick it up for you just in case No okay no apparently you don’t need it you need for the energy shows but you don’t need it for the shoulder box okay all right i’m interested yet all right very cool oh it tells you what’s inside yeah so you’re telling me they can minecraft can make they can make it so

They can tell you what’s inside a box inside the box down to like the exact number of items of each item within a box in a box but they don’t have an auto sort inventory button Oh i see what you mean yeah they should do that can you take my box for me oh no yeah i’ll take this on your chest this will be yours what if we die with the underchain so i mean that’ll just no it’s it’s still connected to different ender chests so

Like there’s an ender chest back in the base so whenever we die if all of our stuff is in the other chest once we go back to the base all of our stuff will still be in there oh red chap right there it’s like a flash drive ah

It’s in the cloud the minecraft cloud the ender cloud let’s take this thank you i think we can find another electric pretty easy okay let’s do it where’s this guy yeah he’s right there watch up i ate it how did that hit me how did you dodge

That where are you i’m on here oh no not me because i’m a gamer i’m a gamer gamer time excuse me what he keeps he keeps going teleporting he’s teleporting he’s cheating all right let’s get out of here they sound like little gremlins i kinda wanna follow the same line to find another

What what line okay you know line follow the line oh like a x y z axis maybe what are the axis is x is there a point hey okay i’m getting conflicting messages somebody said go directly east or west and somebody said go directly south or north uh yes sweets maybe

They’re giving me wrong information on purpose though yeah we’ll go uh either they do it give me the wrong information so you’ll stream longer so they get to hear your voice longer oh god i looked at him so does that mean we should like just build a bridge Swiss uh i guess i’ll follow your lead i have materials that i will use how do i know which is east or west doesn’t it say i don’t have three no it does it should right yes east f3 says eastwood right you don’t need a compass for that

Where is it the east facing north it does it’s facing north east east behind us yes i’ll go west what is that we’re going east oh this is east or west oh let’s go okay something that way oh geez uh-oh hey everyone i win out blocked nerd taking out your kneecaps now

Give me those oh yeah what was that laser i saw like a laser in the sky you guys what was that where’d that go i think it’s i think it’s further past the this way what is that oh i found a portal really i’m gonna fight it off and then remain

You found one that easy yeah it’s right here this way i believe we’re still going east bacon bacon kevin bacon tremors kevin bacon and tremors oh we need a trap door well if we do want to get back home we’ll now we know that it’s here i’m going to build a tall

Uh do you have a water bucket flower a what water bucket so you can fall down and not die i just need some more material so i can make one i have uh some blocks if you have any i got blocks i have blocks and i’ve

Also have slabs as well here you take this like this like this I’ll take some more while you’re building oh jeez mr enderman please bubble space don’t stand in front of my pickaxe and then complain when you get hit wait you hit me destroy the tree does this count as a tree will that make the notifications oh really what wait what are you trying

To do I have to like well hi welcome to minecraft it does not count as a tree destroy the tree it won’t let me destroy the tree it’s not a tree What do you mean finally i’ve seen this notification up here the entire time i just thought it didn’t i did oh nice satisfaction Okay okay oh nice nice nice nice okay okay yeah come here stinker how did that hit you how long oh my god oh oh okay bows don’t work on them oh naruto okay yeah okay now we have our tower and i guess we’ll continue going this way

So where the water is flowing but you should get your water back i have water i already got it okay i have 36 blocks we might want to mine for more dig for more that does you need wood for something what do you want for okay never mind i also have slabs

Oh maybe we should be good all right men’s bridge ah how do i make slabs out of this i don’t think you can the yellowstone the end stone not possible i don’t think oh no one two one two one two one two one all right chat you’re spamming look at the

Coordinates all right the coordinates is let’s say 160 six 160 60. 1660. wow you’re fast i’m building for the builder 10 building Yes yes are we almost there yes maybe like eight more blocks well i happen to have exactly eight so let’s see let’s see how accurate your accuracy is oh i’m gonna be pretty pretty close yes yes yes yes i’m going all the way we’re going all the way okay nice perfect cool

All right maybe we should go around the right here this is closer to this next island i’ll do this one building the bridge in minecraft Hmm what do you think about the the names people have made ramen that’s in the same type of fish classification it’s like a betta because um it like takes oxygen from above the water and then like uh that’s what it does to breathe betters do that too oh they have like lungs

That was pretty cool well we have lungs so i guess it’s not that far off guaranteed that’s true yeah grime and we should be the more popular one though the what i ran out of blocks wait oh i have some oh i have nine more a long stick you walk through people on

Minecraft uh i don’t know i felt when you walked by me it definitely bumped me i only have two more blocks they have to take over gurame or harambe well that’s a name i haven’t heard in a while i’ll stand here you go around all right

Nice and easy nice and easy all right we’re good okay we’re good oh we’re supposed to go into right now we that up a straight line oh yeah we’re supposed to say where do we come from we went um can you see the uh oh we’ll just find another place you know randomly

Right i trust me too i mean we found the first one pretty easy hey where’s my house it’s a straight line from city to city okay if it was 159 it was 159 this way oh i see our portal thing okay so if we go we keep going from here

Okay so we’re going this way are you on me oh hold on i dropped my hat okay i’m coming back okay i dropped my helmet come on 59 and we’re facing east okay this is east okay wait where are you facing i’m at the the when you enter in from the island

I’m on the left side i see where i am okay we’re going east we’re going east and there’s song I’ve never heard that before how does it go that’s all i know oh i know that part of the song yeah what is it right exactly i’m still thinking about minecraft song we can make oh uh another minecraft song yeah What’s a popular song um what’s a popul there we said we looked tick-tock and our moment of need of what is what is popular song what is popular music i don’t know i don’t trust the music that people use like for tick-tock type videos because it’s the same

every time it’s just like uh watermelon sugar hey do you wanna be ma what do you mean you don’t like hearing the same same 10 seconds of the same song over and over and over again loops you’re on to that careful oh okay we could redo uh we got a number one

Get down yeah but like minecraft instead and then we can beatbox in the background because we’re definitely not gonna be able to get the rights to the music acapella okay we asked kelly to beat box and then we went we can make like that i think well i

Guess it’s fine if the lyrics are like different because then it’s not actually copyrighted the music definitely won’t be wait we got you know ina plays the the toot right the oh the the auto tone and then cali plays the blue tooth and then the flutes i think they both

Play like a recorder or something yeah yeah they had the recorder streak like this right away are we still going east yeah yeah i scared that guy i got water on the ground water on the ground i repeat water on the ground happy oh geez i’m just i’m good bye It’s like a made for girls i guess like girly books like like it’s like romance actually i don’t know what the exact uh like translation of i used to know but i forgot a topic i play atomic games and they’re like romance oh romance night in games that’s right maiden game

Mating game what does that mean it’s romance female protagonist me like a self-insert romance game do you like to self-insert as a maiden sometimes can i know more no reverse okay uh well it’s not always reverse harem but sometimes yeah sometimes it is so you like to surround yourself with

Other cute girls as a cute girl no that that’s a different type of game is that what else they were going that way but uh which way don’t worry we’re going around since it’s longer on this side i don’t want to just build straight completely we’ll go around okay i’m falling okay

Oh what’s those under my bender they look like plants from the side funny cactus yeah oh you play you play visual novels right i haven’t really i don’t know much about visual novels what other types of visual novels do you like to play uh i mostly only play it i mean i’ve

Played like a few others but i mostly only play like otome do they have like what kind of game i know doki doki literature club what is that no that’s just a visual novel oh chad says we’re supposed to keep going east but i don’t know if we should just

Like go east into nothing like over nothing you know what i mean i mean we may as well oh wow there’s really nothing over there is corpse party a visual novel no never mind i already asked that question that’s a it’s a um it’s a it’s like the games that cali plays

What is it called rpg rpg make me yeah wait what’s that cat girl visual novel echo bada yeah okay chad says just to keep building east i guess we’ll just go east even though i don’t see any islands except for that one in the distance that one doesn’t have anything so guess what

Keep going guess we’re going this way all right good you yeah mine just mine a ton of blocks and then we’ll we’ll switch off roger building gotcha as long as you keep talking about visual novels oh i don’t really know much about them aside from like the ones that i’ve

Played but i only have like a i don’t know i only have like a few favorites it’s kind of hard to find like uh some translated like good automated games what’s your favorite translated oh my favorite yeah um i went it’s called nightshade and it’s pretty it’s kind of i mean it’s

The story isn’t that great but i like uh like the character like one of the characters you can go after in the game go after like like romantically yeah you pick the root there’s like different ones and then if you unlock like uh if you unlock all the roots then

You can get like secret roots and stuff like that oh roots i was eating like tree roots i don’t know why i was thinking about that instead of like root route yeah like route 66 gotcha okay that makes sense yeah i was uh there’s a meme

Somebody pokes fun at the at the visual novel gamer and it’s visual what is it visual novel novel gamers sitting down ready to press a for the next six hours pretty much yeah it’s just i mean it’s a visual novel well i prefer visual novels like where you actually

The decision impacts like your root or like your story a bit because there’s some visual novels where it’s actually just reading and your choices don’t matter i don’t really like those it’s more yeah i don’t like this you like to control the story yeah it makes sense even if it’s all like

Predetermined and stuff it’s pretty fun yeah do they have like i don’t know i really don’t know much about these visual books visual books well yeah yeah there are some that are like that they’re like pretty much picture books and you just click to the next slide and stuff and

There’s no options to pick ugh all right swap out mine my name Is you never play like a visual novel or anything like that not that i know of uh maybe i don’t think i have though you should play uh doki doki well maybe if you’re already like you already know what happens maybe not but uh i know another one oh okay

I know that it’s pretty messed up it’s dark yeah i bet monica guys monika it’s got a really cute song though from doki doki literature club every day i can imagine the future where i can be with you although i’m going to freeze for a

Second i just need to do something in my hand there’s a and i will write a poem oh i spoiled it for you spoilers caution just guru just grum gram gram it sounds like wallace and grommet ground and you say graham crackers like a grandma crackers

Oh my gosh i just love me some marshmallow and graham crackers so graham s’mores are so good yeah did i tell you was i talking to you i don’t know if i was i might have been just telling chatter maybe i was talking to myself um

But i wanted to i wanted to make s’mores and i didn’t i don’t know i don’t know how to delight it like because you need fire in order to get that toasty and that’s how you toast s’mores right yeah you can’t do it if you have an electric stove or anything

So i just like i told my my dad i was like i’m in the oven i didn’t think of that i’ve made like s’mores dip under the broiler but i didn’t think of that and i was like i’m gonna make a fire with some wood my dad’s like hey that’s

Not a good idea i’m like why he’s like that sounds like arsenal like we wouldn’t be as long as you have like a fire pit or like a bunch of stones it’s probably fine i don’t oh i was gonna do it in like a bowl uh yeah that’s dangerous i mean if it’s

Outside it’s fine i guess lung is not a plastic bowl just put put water on it use a candle you can use a candle i guess i feel like well as long as it’s not scented because i think it might taste weird imagine story though i committed arson

Only because i wanted to have a s’more i’m sure it’s happened before probably like uh my brother when we were really young he tried um he tried melting like a power ranger leg to to uh the power ranger because it fell off and got the whole house on fire well not the

House but kind of like one side of the house on fire and uh i was really young so i was i hid in the closet and it’s like the worst thing a kid can do because then you get like suffocated by the smoke and stuff

But uh the firemen came in and saved me now i’m here was it like a near-death experience did you almost die i mean i guess i mean i didn’t like get burned or anything but if i had stayed longer it would have been pretty bad do you do you like do you remember

Specifics like were you uh what i remember i have like well i was really young i must have been like two or three or maybe four around there no yeah i remember like uh that house because i don’t know i moved around a lot of houses so

I remember like what the house looks like and like doors on the house and kind of like i remember a closet but i think most of my memories probably just comes from like my mom telling me the story instead um and then my brain like being like connecting some stuff together that i

Remember from that house not really of like the fire i guess my god that’s scary like how did did your brother tell the firefighter about you or were you like screaming crying uh yeah i think my grandma was home and so uh they like told the firefighter like

Oh she’s still in the house somewhere oh my god i think only one bedroom was like affected or like two bedrooms oh you made it to the end nice oh yeah there’s like a big pretty big island over here oh yeah that’s scary yeah yeah man you have stories like that and

I’m trying to think of stories that i remember from my mom telling me and i have one that i was in a ba i got kicked out of a bakery because they left the baguettes out and i was just the right height to be like oh bread out

I kicked out that kicked out because i i ate bread that i didn’t pay for oh all three years of me excuse me why didn’t you have a job you should have been paying for the bread what the hell yeah i’m gonna keep you i’m gonna keep

Your toddler behind and make them sweet before for that bite of bread they took You’re gonna pay for that i told this one it was kind of kind of similar not really but uh i told this one before but um yeah i was in an ice cream shop with my mom uh i was really young too i was like

Yeah yeah i was in an ice cream shop and like the floor was wet because they had been mopping and uh i slipped and fell after i got my ice cream cone and i was like licking the ice cream and i bit down on my tongue really hard

So i have like a well it’s not very visible now but like i have a light scar there now um and yeah my mom said that the doctor said that the tongue my tongue was hanging off from like uh like two threads or something like two or three ew

Will you show me one name yeah i’ll show you but um like my mom got really mad at the guy at the ice cream store because he he was too scared to call 9-1-1 after i fell because a lot of blood and he was like no i’m gonna i’m gonna get

A suit or something because he didn’t have and he should have i mean yeah maybe yeah but she had to like grab him from over the counter because he he wouldn’t call him she went super mom mode yeah i’ve heard that before like uh moms they

Just like uh if their child’s in danger they just get a ton of adrenaline and they’re just like yeah yeah yeah they turn into like i don’t know something happens they like black out there’s like i think i’ve heard of stories of like people maybe not mom specifically but like there’s

Like car crashes happen and people get so much adrenaline they like lift cars and save people maybe i don’t know maybe maybe that’s the thing but yeah i’ve heard that like yeah they get really strong adrenaline remember the most adrenaline you’ve ever felt in your life ah

I don’t know there’s a lot of adrenaline inducing things i have to think about it i think mm-hmm found a lot of adrenaline just from streaming actually there’s been like a few times is that i mean that’s not yeah i think that’s normal i get a lot of

Adrenaline when i play like fps games like uh or do you wanna last like on a team or something tonight i clutch the game collection i don’t choke uh but you know with adrenaline like um like when you when you’re in like adrenaline and do situations you like uh

There’s leftover adrenaline in your body and it like becomes really stressful for your body so you’re supposed to work out like after you’re in adrenaline and inducing situations because uh it helps like burn it off also like a box oh wait i can’t believe it oh okay

I got you okay i build yeah so you have like adrenaline spill you have to take care of it otherwise what is a girl oh god cortisone is the stress something something like that yeah does it like seep out of your pores can you chemically can you like chemically

Identify adrenaline what is the adrenaline probably chemical that sounds pretty cool cortisol cortisol stress hormones should turn to the right because um i can mine for more blocks I need more chunkage shong that’s what they’re saying is the actual adrenaline chemical which one epiphany epiphany is that what an epipen is a shot of adrenaline maybe not actually well epipen is used if you have like an allergy right yeah sunscreen i guess the adrenaline and i don’t know

How does adrenaline even help in that situation i don’t know but why has nobody it sounds like epi friend you can like have a brand of epipens called the epi friend yeah i wouldn’t be surprised maybe there is epinephrine big pharma i’m here i have ideas hire me And somebody’s going to steal your idea now i know trademark it quick it’s trademark on the stream she said it damn actually have you ever looked into like getting something copyrighted like if you want like a business name or like an idea copy that you have to pay

There’s like 50 bucks i remember those commercials where those people are like contact me and i’ll help you get your trademark for like a low low price so i assume if people are like offering to help you it must be a pain in the yeah yeah because you have to like get it

Registered and stuff how do you even do that oh ew i think there’s like a like a specific branch um that deals with copyright stuff and you can like register yours there but i don’t really remember i listened to it a little bit doesn’t say you’ve you’ve gotten something done

No no i haven’t uh but like i had a pretty good idea and i was thinking about getting it a copyrighted cause like the thing is uh if you have like a patent for something that you invent uh let’s say you invent it and you copyrighted it and somebody else

Comes up with that idea and they want to make a business based off of it or you know they want to make a product based off of that patent they could they they can’t just do it you know if you have the rights to that thing specifically

They have to pay you for it so some people like they just make money off of having patents i mean like uh if you’re an engineer or something and you’ve patented something uh then a company might pay for like use for like being able to use your patent or something like that

There’s some things that like become too broad to patent i think also yeah i remember hearing stories about people trying to like try maybe copyright certain like words for some reason like words come to mind maybe not items specifically but like um words oh yeah cat says they’re called patent trolls

Patent trolls yeah it’s kind of scary they have a name it’s been done so many times that happened where like uh i don’t really want to talk about it i guess but it was like kim kardashian like tried to copyright kimono like oh yeah i remember that yeah oh my god no

Kim there are people dying i’m following you okay we’re pretty far but i don’t know if we have enough bucks we should be good i got a stack of 57 and a stack of 38 what you got uh i got a stack of like 69 nice yeah maybe it’s good enough

I’m just going to go back in mine for a little bit more just in case okay she’ll just swap off with you when you’re when you run out Me yes chad thank you i did not know you could hold down the left button i just learned that thank you very much i was having fun i’m timing it but that’s fine yes yes yeah sometimes when i do that i like uh i like a put a block in the wrong place

Like above me not above me but like you know on top of the other block by accident really yeah so far so good though with me well maybe i jinxed it yeah by the way i hope you guys take ever like everything we say with a grain

Of salt we’re not the most educated one sometimes we talk about stuff on stream and you know we’re not like uh experts or anything right so obviously you know look it up for yourself i guess i mean you’re really going to take us to boneheads yeah you think we know what we’re

Talking about hell no we’re just spitballing yeah i don’t know if i would trust anime girl as a legitimate source yeah yeah uh all right champ can i get a segway block and then it’s up europe okay thank you okay all right it’s my turn now oh we’re being followed by

Mr enderman you think you have enough to get to the island over there i don’t think so oh i’ll try my best in anime girls i trust huh go back mine yeah okay can that enderman push me down uh you might oh if he’s mad at you yeah

He could definitely push you down what if i uh i don’t know if you could just walk through him because it might be like it’ll push you off a little bit uh all right well oh i have one block it was meant to be here we go excuse me sir he’s gonna

Shimmy on by a champ thank you oh is he chasing you no there’s another one i only have one block all right uh okay well just uh hit him and push him off but you got to do it before he attacks you because if he attacks you

Uh he’s gonna push you off so just hit him off with your sword make sure you angle it so there’s three there’s three well they won’t all aggro you if you hit one voila oh yeah you could use water push them off that’s what chat says

Oh dude yeah i don’t have enough i only have 11 left i think we need like probably two more stacks excuse me it’s gonna shimmy on okay we’re good take the block out from underneath him oh that’s that’s a good idea that is actually pretty smart a big brain

I’m coming back too because i ran out of blocks excuse me oh wow there’s so many what careful there’s a lot of them also i’m not allowed to reach out while i’m doing this because i’m going to run our head off right right off the edge top of the morning till you ladies

They are watching hollow live the endermen are watching hollow live live yeah they are technically if they’re watching us technically all right i’m back i’m mining Hey the endermen can’t teleport after they fall off the entrance oh oh they died that’s really clever then so just take the block out from underneath them uh well i did that to one of them but then the other two i hit off okay oh you’re good you’re here nobody’s chasing me yet

Not yet i’m sure everything will be fine that’s why two blocks is better yeah yeah yeah yeah well listen cause everybody keeps walking in front of me as a mining he has to learn the hard way he’s gonna get smacked around in the knees and his enderman kneecaps

Yeah i’ll bust them open crack them open like a i was gonna say a pumpkin on the fourth of july like a jack-o-lantern on the fourth of july on a pumpkin i’m thinking about every time i see pumpkin i think a pumpkin chunky pumpkin chucking

I don’t know why i think i bring it up every single time what is that like a cabbage patch kid i don’t know i think it’s like it’s when you toss a pumpkin from a catapult oh okay yeah it’s right up there with like mud wrestling mud wrestling monster trucks

And derbies did i tell you the story of the derby i don’t think so i went to i definitely told chad this you guys have heard this before but i went to uh you know what a derby is when they like smash old cars yeah yeah yeah i went to a derby one

Time i think and uh kid tried to light my hair on fire and that was the last time i went to a derby why i don’t know that’s what people do that go to derbies i guess the lighters they have fun with lighters that’s dangerous yeah

Good have died dang it it didn’t catch on fire right no could have though okay once you have like a you know protective slime or something some some office you have that no well no not on my hair not on my hair no on the skin maybe maybe a very thin layer

Okay yeah depends on the atmosphere you know dry air i’m dried up like a sponge all right i’m going back on the bridge okay good luck i keep trying to reach chat i need somebody then okay so i don’t read because then i’m gonna die yeah shut up respectfully

Find one more maybe if we find the next one hopefully there will be like a portal next to it i guess we could just walk it back welcome back easily but i don’t know a chat is uh like every time you find one of those fortresses or whatever is there always a

Portal there i wonder how we get that beam i want a beam i want laser lights oh that’s like that meme uh the gun what is it he’s the cute girl and she doing the finger guns she’s like something beam oh yeah yeah wait maybe that’s not what

That is maybe i’m getting that mixed up is that what it is or maybe it’s i don’t know man i don’t know have you seen those 3d animations that that one person’s been making of you like they did the bus oh on my bus yeah i saw it i was watching uh

Well i saw it because you linked it first and then also i was watching uh hachima’s meme review um she uh she like played it on her own So good yeah those are cool thank you for those like really really high quality cool keep them coming please high quality entertainment yes i very much enjoy yeah i’m on my way oh scary Did the guy who make minecraft did notch did not also compose the music oh yeah and the sound effects did he like make everything himself or something or did other people help wonder no no he did not that’s gonna make a joke there’s a joke in there somewhere about

Something but i can’t think about it oh whatever oh god there’s so many nice job thank you teamwork yes yeah though i want you to show me your tongue i’m going to hang out show me yeah i will maybe show everyone yes reminds me you can’t hate me

But i had a one time i had like a blister i was on the tip of my tongue because i i had like a cavity and i kept messing with it uh-huh and uh you know how like when you have like a kind of like a spot in your teeth where

You keep like uh messing with it like with your tongue yeah when you get like a blister and you like wedge it in between your the spaces in your teeth so that you can itch it or pick at it yeah i’m doing that and because i did that so much

I like formed this little blister on the tip of my tongue like underneath uh-huh and uh how big was that it got like really elongated because i kept like messing with it and i showed it to the dentist once and they’re like what the is that you need like an oral surgeon or

Something it was just a blister though like it went away after a few of not messing with it elongated so like you probably irritated one of your taste buds and then you stretched it like play-doh maybe yeah i mean it was on the bottom of my tongue so i don’t know i think

I’ll have to make another bridge here let’s do this so i have a lot of block all right i’ll start mine i’ve never done anything like that but you know those like little mouth blisters you can get they’re like they’re just like little little baby boils or blisters or something

Oh yeah yeah little fluid filled spots on your toes i love popping those in my mouth they’re so sad because they because your mouth grows them in like just the right challenging corner of your mouth painful though usually don’t you get those like when you’re sick like when you have a cold or

I don’t know maybe my immune system is pretty weak but i always get those no they never hurt or anything they just they’re like a tasty little five to ten minute challenge like all right how am i going to get you what tooth can i hook you up mobile game

It is a mobile mouse game as long as they’re inside the matthew yeah although i have heard a story of like somebody somebody like accidentally bit their bottom lip and you know how it’s like chunky in your lips yeah if you like feel the inside of your

Lip with your tongue it’s like chunky somebody bit that apparently i don’t know where i heard this from and it’s they like bit the wrong they bit the one just not right and it swelled up really bad they had it like surgically removed so yeah every time i bite my mouth now

I’m like i think of that story i’m like oh god this is the bite maybe it was like a nerve or something maybe i guess i have a i told the story on stream before too but uh yeah i got attacked by a dog once like uh they specifically the dog specifically

Bit like my lip now and i gotta i got a small scar there i’ll show you yes when i show you my tongue sky i don’t have any cool scars like that really uh yeah mostly it just you know comes down to a faulty pattern no just kidding uh i was just like

Picking up a dog i just you know what can i say trouble’s attracted to me here comes trouble i have the only scar i have is from a blade which i guess is pretty lame it’s like oh yeah a sharp pointy metal object makes scar okay not like i am severed my tongue

With my own teeth like that’s such conversation started i got a hole in my head and i can feel it when i breathe i got a blowhole yeah sometimes yeah sometimes i can’t feel it oh weird i’ll let you touch it do you see it we could put like

Can you put like flowers in it like a base now it’s actually a it’s not a hole it’s like a bump because it is healed over but it feels like a hole because uh yeah like nerves when they heal sometimes they get like pretty scrambled

And so when i breathe yeah it just feels like cold it makes it feel like air is coming into it maybe i do have a hole i don’t know i’ll check for you i can let some people when people like do that to themselves don’t ever do that chat

Some people like some crazy people like drill a hole in their head because they think it like uh you know like enlightens them or something oh my god god what like that what’s that old medical treatment they would like drive a pic through your nose to like scratch at your brain

That’s essentially the same thing it sounds important an important medical procedure you didn’t don’t don’t wait there’s a name for it like and people used to like a lobotomy all right the bottom item not the one oh but the bottom of me apparently but no people used to like uh

What is it called bloodletting where they would purposely uh cut holes in themselves to let the blood bad blood out yeah yeah there’s a lot of weird medical like old medical practices like throughout time oh my god that like now now it’s just like what though i love hearing like when you hear

Stories about the cowboy days where you go to the doctor like people always makes jokes about like i went to the doctor and he let me like what did he say pack this this your snake oil and make sure you wear your underwear around your head three nights on a full moon

And then also make sure you eat corn on the cob but only every fourth kernel and then you’ll be healed up in no time but they actually have something like terminal like tb or something oh yeah yeah i think uh eating corn and wearing underwear in your head that might fix it

They surely thought so i’m sure Do you think if we never mind i was thinking about the hole in your head again go on i should think of all the uses we could do like what we could do with it because it’s like i wonder does it make me think about all those people that like

They go and get the uh what would you say self augmentation when they go and get like horns put in under their skin oh yeah i’ve seen that before yeah like what if what if you you could make it all like a pocket but on the top of your head

You could get like a little like a little pill holder but like an advil and they’re just oh maybe an ill now if you put like a little clear like a little like a and you already have the hole there so you might as well put it to use right

You have to like make an incision just lift back the heel over your skin it’s like when you get your ears pierced never had your flap ears yeah exactly yeah i have my ears pierced oh wait maybe that’s like maybe when you get mad you know like when the

Tea kettles let off steam that’s where the steam comes yeah oh i like those have you seen like those piercings or they’re like inside the ear they’re like uh not like in the ear hole but like in the ear cup ew now they look kind of cool but yeah

It’s painful it’s like right through the cartilage like in the pipe no no no no are you cleaning that uh how do you clean that i don’t know you just pour alcohol in it probably not oh it is the big island did i tell that story probably

But yeah i have my ears pierced excited i mean this scared me so badly um didn’t even look at him drives me like a linebacker screw you where is he what was he saying i was talking to him hi stinky i think you’re so cool anyway though i i got my ears pierced

And then like you know i have to take them out and clean them and all that make sure you don’t get it infected yeah um ah oh my i don’t have my sword out i got pickaxe yeah i remember i remember specifically i was

Just asked my mom to help me take out my earring right because i couldn’t do it i’m scared oops i looked at another one sorry okay i remember she took the earring out and then i got tunnel vision and my tummy started hurting and then everything went white

What i passed out i don’t know why is the pain it didn’t hurt it just i don’t know i don’t know just i don’t know the weird feeling i am looking at them i think i’m making this worse i accidentally hit one that’s all he walks right in front of my sword yeah

Mr president yeah bring it choose my pickaxe little come get your meeting there you go is he dead i don’t know all right let’s go all right i’m taking the Just water lying to us and there’s no like fortress on the east i vaguely possibly remember that i’m saying this in the chat of ina or kiara possibly so i think i think they’re onto something okay i guess it could just be pretty far probably i think we really got lucky

With that one we found because yeah yes lucky Chat wouldn’t lie right never uh you guys wouldn’t do that never never ever you see north north oh you guys are saying east east yeah we’re going east going all right i gotta mine look it’s shaped like a peninsula and yeah right there oh yeah this kind of looks like a terrarium

I gotta play that game i know how you can immerse yourself into aria it’s hard for me if that’s what it is i think i’m like nervous because i came there’s so much to do and i have fish brain so i get distracted really easily it’s like minecraft but sideways it’s

Like minecraft and even more boss battles and like items you have to collect and they have to keep an ear out for your base because your base gets thrown under a tag you got to protect the mean npcs that you house in your little wooden block prison

Sounds very specific it is have you ever played terraria bad experience oh i haven’t played it before but i didn’t really like it that much then again people just be like i’m in that’s how you about minecraft i mean they’re right well that’s not true for every game true just

Like it astro games gotta grab you and grab you right by the brain right by the brain right by the feel good parts of your brain keep you coming back for more true um all right i’m gonna start building this berber bridge okay i buy the what cajones

Just leave it there you teach me spanish sure what do you want to learn some stuff like uh like a specific phrase or like a sentence ah yeah tell you uh Done is you’re almost there maybe like 14 more blocks come to brazil whether it’s big in brazil portuguese portuguese yeah that’s kind of similar to spanish a little bit it’s like portuguese is like french spanish italian yeah a little bit of a little bit of blab Oh this looks promising there’s a lot of area here a lot of surface area okay from over here we’re gonna find this next elytra yeah you know that we’re gonna have to go go home i don’t want to share i’m scared what if i lose yours what if i lose it

It’ll be full since we both found it uh it should be fine yeah if it’s not equal parts yours and mine then it’ll be all my fault remember remember that time where girl lost every single bowl that’s ever been gifted to her probably for some dumb reason

Uh i think that bow i think i got it from ppp and then i just like enchanted it because i was like was that ppp then i was just like i’m gonna give it too good i could just make another one anytime yeah and then i think i lost i got

Blowed up and then cali gave me a new one and then i lost it again somehow i don’t remember how i lost it yeah i think i think i like a minecraft like a enchantment where it never vanishes and then also it has like a locator like a car key

Like a baby i’ll find my pickaxe gps tracker yeah you can put a tracker on it that’s the next minecraft update the tech upgrade where they’re gonna give you like iphones so you can like yeah it’s going to be the tech upgrade they’re going to have the block the eye block

It’s a block that it’s a hollow block so it’s like a hologram and you can like locate pinpoint other players locations and you can post on Instead of i don’t know they’ll think of something yeah yeah i had an idea that they should make a uh ender rail huh okay i’m thinking about your turbo rail oh where you going yeah so i had an idea for a turbo rail or like you put it’s kind of like have

You ever put spider web on the ground in minecraft yeah yeah it’ll be like that and it’s like a some sort of ender resource where maybe it’s made out of crushed up ender pearls and you just make like these lines on the ground and then it’s a ring card that goes

As you ride it imagine if you ate it you made like potions out of it too oh yeah yeah crushed up ender pearls yeah welcome to the watson turbo rails that’d be pretty yeah i’m excited to see what kind of stuff they do next i’m surprised they’re still upgrading this game

A 10 year old game i’m saying i don’t think they’re gonna add anything else after at least not for a while when was the last upgrade uh like last month i think or two months ago What about before that uh i don’t know oh i think it was bees bees i remember that that was wow wait that was probably long ago than we yeah that was like when we first started playing minecraft oh yeah i remember because i i hit it oh okay i’m done

Oh yeah i got lots remember that i remember the nether update that’s right the nether has not always been in minecraft oh yeah that’s true that’s crazy how do people speed run before the nether uh well i think the nether was there it’s just it wasn’t

Like uh i don’t know actually i thought i thought uh it just got like an update oh like i i can’t even begin to pretend to know i have no idea yeah me neither oh the nether existed it was just emptier they added the biomes to another

Oh like the like how we have the blue trees and like the red trees and stuff uh-huh yeah um they must have added other stuff too like like enemies and stuff certain enemies yeah probably maybe oh oh my god i thought it was dying what i can’t really use my pickaxe anymore

Because this is the only pickaxe i have left and it has silk touch so if we encounter anything where i need silk touch i can’t get rid of it because i got a that half and it’s a iron um i have one you can use i have one

Wait drop it here because i will not drop it here maybe we have oh god there’s nothing here on there there might be something if we keep going a little bit i don’t know should i always turn back i don’t think it takes time to get back to the portal

I think i don’t know look at him standing there like a bunch of baby owls yeah i don’t see anything in the distance chad did you guys lie to us huh wait i feel good about this one this has to be the one i think so watch your chords

We’re going on uh yeah i’ve been looking at the coordinates i mean we were started at uh 59 uh why oh no wait wait a second why is the middle one yeah i was looking at the wrong coordinates but i’ve still been going east least i’ve been going east

Yeah look at this he says if we go this way see you facing east yeah east north east never eat soccer waffles yeah so you go in a circle in the end i wonder i probably knowing us yes i mean I guess build here and see what happens here beginning south now they’re saying south what are you guys talking about i have to go thousands of blocks All right that looks like the direction i’ll wait wait are we not going this way yeah yeah that’s good uh by the way you guys because every chap keep saying uh increase your render distance increase your chunks distance well the thing is um the server is limited to like how many

Chunks you can load so even if i have my chunks to like 100 chunks or something the server is limited to like uh i don’t know 30 chunks or whatever we have chunk limits chunk limit only so many chunks you guys have a map do we look like the

Type of people that have a map yeah we don’t have a stinky map i mean we got an electro without a map so far yeah we used to ball our luck was in the first hour probably no map no compass no worries have you seen those breeds of cats where

They have really big ears like big floppy ears they look like a dobby the elf oh yeah yeah yeah i’ve seen that before they’re so cute they are cute oh there’s like a cat that looks like adam driver who oh is the guy in star wars the new star wars

Oh i don’t he’s liking that meme where he’s really wide and it’s like mom said it was my turn to play the xbox and he’s like wearing these black pants and he’s shirtless I uh something in the distance oh a portal we’re getting there yeah we’re almost there i see nothing but i trust you okay i’m building a bridge kylo ren yeah kylo who kylo ren hello i tyler who coast did you watch all the star wars i’ve never seen a star wars in my

Life whoa really yes you should watch the um prequels i’ll be done with that i’ve seen lord of the rings huh yeah those are pretty good yeah the first ones Frodo from those types of like the long movies where there’s like a bunch of movies in them and they’re pretty good what are other series that are like that like trilogy isn’t like harry potter yeah aren’t you caribbean oh yeah wait is that what it does follow like a

Story that goes through all three of them are they like stand alone sort of i think pirates definitely stands alone even though there’s like how many four six yeah there’s a lot of them it’s like that i guess need for not need for speed what the heck passing fluids yeah that’s the one

Yeah that one um that one uh oh nice that was like that too i think like uh it doesn’t really have an overarching story jumanji i don’t have enough blocks so you i gotta the fast and the fluids i’ve never seen those either the one that’s the one what’s another one

Would you have any movies that like scared you as a kid that aren’t actually scary ah that aren’t actually scary I don’t know hmm i watched that recently have you seen the lighthouse no that was pretty good it was crazy is it like kid friendly no no no ah there’s a boobies in it boobies can’t see boobies well seriously i guess breastfeeding yeah oh yeah i guess technically though it’s not like

Uh you know rated for kids e g why what’s the writing okay g fur good babies mice i remember do you ever seen james in the giant peach oh yeah that one is kind of creepy yeah i remember the the cloud scene where like the cloud rhinoceros the storms are coming

That scared me so bad is it get also the chronicles of narnia scared me so bad i like that one yeah that one’s good i think it was like chronicles and already highlight oh laser beam what’d you do where yeah just it just pew oh from here

Yeah yeah there’s a laser beam in the portal or like the portal shows a laser beam oh yes definitely i think there might be like another city or fortress here well i mean we must be close yeah do you guys is the is the beam close to a fortress

Or was it just that one time yeah coraline’s a pretty creepy movie poor line i heard isn’t that one like really highly praised still yeah it’s good it’s just like a a little creepy yeah i guess it’s like because james and giant peach is also kind of like claymationy

Yeah yeah so okay chad says that it’s not guaranteed to be close to here but we’re cute so our luck will be on our side and it definitely will be right We came from came from there so if we go that way it’s facing east still facing east south north east okay we could still keep going if you want i’ll build a i was gonna build a tower but i actually don’t have but we should be able to see

The beam if we want to back out beam okay yeah it’s funny there’s always like the uncanny valley like claymationy not muppets what was my bed what was that show it’s so it’s so weird but i feel like it’s oh god i got water water water water water’s down water’s down back up

Um what’s that one i think it was also by that the guy the tim not timber no no no no timber oh god i was looking at them oh god i i um i’m trying to think of this movie oh god okay no one stopped at a time why are there so many

Oh wow wow you guys sure are excited i’ll see excuse me the dark crystal that’s what it is have you heard the dark crystal it’s got like yeah so guys i’m the same guy who does um well yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s about like the same creators not creators but like the at

Least the puppets are yeah it’s like that for a labyrinth too labyrinth that one has uh what’s that guy’s name chat you guys know jim henson yeah i was gonna call him tim henson yeah uh the labyrinth has david bowie in it and he’s got like puppets and stuff

But they’re like not puppets but they’re just like creatures but they’re made by like the same um studio like jim hansen yeah david bowie seems like a he like a big music star yeah he still is i think is he a lot is he alive i don’t think Um Village ship appear what ship you see one no oh i feel one though i feel it in me bones okay maybe i don’t i don’t know i can’t see very well i’m scared i’m gonna get away wait wait wait no never mind that subscribe oh

I feel good about this area but it was wrong though keep going and then and then if not you know if we don’t find anything in this general area willa we can go back to the portal oh oh wow grandmas is another movie have they made

A live action about furbies or am i thinking of gremlins i think barbies are kind of similar no there’s a furby movie there is a furby movie right that’s what people call themselves when they have too many pets i’m not mine these are my fur babies i’m a fur mama i’m a

Those are people that it’s like not a furry it’s a animal uh maybe are you like a shark skin or something no there’s a difference between actually being a shark and just thinking that you’re a shark no offense to people that are wait what is kin we’re not qualified to

Talk about this by the way we’ve mentioned it before but um i’m a real shirt what are you talking about i’m just out sure oh other kin yeah other kids i must gonna stop bless you cute sneezed on you like a little kitten thank you arigato because you’re welcome

I’m never washing my hoodie sure okay i don’t have any blocks though i got you i’m gonna put down my chest second no never ah you got any fun uh summer plans or anything any barbecue yeah smashing watermelon watermelon um not really no yeah not really

No i mean that’s fine i don’t really go outside that much same although i’ve been outside a lot more than usual lately and i oh it’s changing me as a person i feel i feel so alive good for you thank you that makes me happy yeah going outside is pretty fun it can

Be yeah i got a mosquito bite in like the the corner of my thumb like where are we where your thumb skin folds over yeah yeah that’s annoying it is very annoying i like the sit outside at night sometimes and i get i get bug bites like all over

My ankles it’s the worst oh did she like right on the bone oh you itch until it like bleeds sometimes i try not to it’s so hard wait when bugs bite you what happens is do they just like do they inject you they inject you with like just enough of their

Their poison that it irritates the skin right i don’t know if it is poison i think it depends well it depends on what bites you but i don’t know do they just like take a they just take a little like a munch bite do they actually do they actually eat skin

I don’t know i mean why else would they bite you true i don’t know the answer to that god there’s nothing blood they eat the blood wait where did i just read that blood i thought i had a cool blood fact but i don’t never mind uh so the closest island while facing

East is that those two in the distance see them uh facing east where are we facing east north yeah just out oh yeah ah all good what do you feel like doing oh we can go back to the portal i feel like it’s too far like we can always try again some other

Time all right i mean this one’s gonna be i mean we’re really successful we got diamonds we got uh you know like uh stuff we got boxes we got one elijah it’s pretty cool we can go back and test it don’t you have like a gunpowder farm ah i have gunpowder yeah

Let’s go test it yeah okay yeah you have to make the fireworks for them i guess not we could just go to a tall mountain and i’ll just push you off we should go to the sky temple oh yeah yeah okay yeah that’ll be good place oh we’ll bring some fireworks just

In case okay lots of air there yeah all right i think we’re going the right way to get back i want to say yes all right wait why don’t we go through this portal like where oh oh pit stop i gotta kick some enderman but

There you go oh no he’s zooming he’s got the zoomies i hear him oh there he is is that i don’t know where is he he is okay he has been eliminated let’s take us to the end spawn area oh okay wait so uh like in that dragon spawn area uh

Wait i got turned around in the dragon spawn area like uh can we find other portals that will take us into like a different like uh ender city area or will it just can we only take that one maybe they’re all like uh i have no idea are you asking chat

Yeah i’m asking chat oh okay yeah i i don’t know ah funny sponge block haha hey what’s that what’s that minecraft boss where you like stack we need like nether and like the heads of some skellingtons or something do you know what i’m talking about

What was it good what you like you make like a like a t-pose with three heads is that like a real thing or is that like wither yeah yeah yeah yeah wither or is that like herobrine hero blight hereby don’t know does anybody summon the wither yeah well no yeah is it real

The winner is a real boss maybe we should summon that next as a group oh it’s real yeah second boss yeah did you get from it i don’t know bragging rights yeah drops another star oh that sounds fancy oh that does sound cool yeah we can bring iris yeah i wish Can we use this portal yeah i think we have to try we just have to throw an ender pearl right you can make a beacon may come back um with what oh oh oh oh oh do you need those rods i bet you need those rods

She’s doing it so just throw pearl in it okay oh god Oh it worked it worked all right i’m coming okay how do you throw a pearl up like that wow yeah now we just go through the portal to take us back oh my god wow imagine if i didn’t have those and you had to walk all the way back yeah that’d be annoying

Take forever back in my day we didn’t have no teleport oh we’re back back oh yeah sugar shook shulk shoot all right wait let’s see oh it’s night time okay let’s sleep and then we could go back to the base get that electro yeah get it after we

Get to the face and then uh we’ll test oh take a bend i guess i think we should get back in one day minecrafty oh it’s bright uncle mom whoa there’s stairs on the other side yeah Oh my eyes hurt this is like the real thing yeah it’s like going into sunlight again after a long time minecraft is pretty pretty blocky pretty pretty are you still eating toast yeah it’s really chewy is it like a thick bread yeah well like a baguette i like a baguette just

Thick sandwichy bread oh yeah it’s like kind of chewing through a stick wet sponge right now so i don’t want to waste it yeah i say rip it up and like give it to birds or something but i think bread is bad for birds does it buy in the mom what happens uh

I don’t know yeah it’s bread bad for birds i know you’re not well you just feed ducks you can be duck’s bread right i thought bread is bad for ducks they can’t digest it maybe careful oh yeah you can get birds peanut butter though really yeah you’ve never made one of those things

That’s for birds right a su suet i think it’s called the sewage hold on i gotta bust this tree down this ah And release okay are we happy i did it ah sew it you take a pinecone dip it in some peanut butter and then you dip it in bird’s seed and you’re hanging in a tree and the birds love you oh i’ve never done that before i didn’t

Know that was the thing really oh yeah Maybe i try that i’ll just get ants oh my god i’ve never met somebody who ate an ants more than my own mother oh yeah they’re i mean they get everywhere when they get in and they’re impossible to get out and they’re so small and they just they get everywhere and

They bite have you ever been bitten by ants before um uh i think so yeah yeah i’ve been bitten by like a red ant eww oh my god i remember one time i saw an ant so big you know how like ants you get in your kitchen they’re like tiny

Right yeah yeah a little tiny yeah little baby i saw one no joke it was easily like the like from my like first pinky knuckle to the tip of my pinky nail like it’s not that big but compared to your average house ant yeah that is huge yeah why is that so

Big maybe it was like a termite it didn’t have wings though oh it had wings maybe it was the queen ant because the i think the queen ants have wings no wings no wings there’s like two of them oh a bullet ant what’s a bullet ant oh

Those are the strong ants i think i was gonna say they say ants they say ants can lift 10 times their weight this one probably could have carried me because it was that big like i’m not i’m not joking i like ants why i don’t know they’re kind of cute i like

When you can see them scurrying across like uh what are they when they move the colony oh yeah yeah have you ever ever fed ants like a dead bug and then you watch it over time and you watch it i pull it apart and i distribute it um not Not specifically you know oh but i’ve seen them eat like other stuff before oh wait well that reminds me of my my uh shrimp yeah a uh like a fly dropped into the uh tank and the shrimp like uh i kind of took it apart Did you film it yeah i think i said this to you of them pulling apart the fly maybe or maybe it was a different picture of my shrimps but you didn’t you sent me video of your shrimps and pictures and stuff yeah i think one of the videos they were

Like taking apart a flap fly’s head that’s pretty nature yeah because i remember you told me you were like all right i was asking you like what color shrimp you are like i got a yellow one and a blue one i was like what do you mean

Yellow and blue you sent me a picture i was like oh my god like yellow and blue yeah yeah they’re really bright really vibrant they like it dyed that color injected with color no it’s just like breeding and stuff like how they were bred you know like bread to isolate colors and then

Kind of just like isolating the jeans or whatever like um minecraft where are you i am at the stairway to heaven oh where are you i’m above the mountain okay Oh you’re gonna go up you’re gonna test it you wanna test it i’ll let you test it yeah oh did you have fireworks already oh we’re just gonna jump i can’t wait leap of faith fireworks I i know i’ve got some somewhere because i feel like i was going to use them i had them and then i wanted to use them because i thought they were going to be like oh shooting off colors and stuff but you actually needed to do stuff with them

Oh you can’t wait what then you just hold them and use them uh if you want them to make color picture in the sky then you have to craft them with something else i don’t i don’t know maybe i they might be in here maybe oh yeah there’s fireworks here right here

Nice this chest all right put mending on it oh on the elytra oh oh it uses it it get it gets used up yes oh let me see uh i’ll check my enchantments wanna check yeah cuz we have some levels i have 11 levels a level level

Oh nice okay i have 20. so i could do it two three twenty where’s all my lap lapis lazuli rapist for suey I’m mending and i’m breaking mending and i’m breaking everybody saying do you have any lapis let me check your old house i think you might have some trying to get rid of these notifications i’m not new to minecraft minecraft thank you i know it’s hard to believe but i have

Diamonds in this chest over here down here i do And a gold vlog oh i have a kiara give me lapis i grab some of that oh okay yeah yeah we’re finally back home we found an elytra in like an hour yeah very lucky oh my god how much lapis you need thank you cara

She’s kind of like 20 or something oh i got like okay this should be fun yeah have you watched any good television shows lately oh i’ve just been watching korean drama like kdrama oh really i don’t okay which ones uh i just like watch romance ones there’s like a

One about weightlifting that i really like oh my god muscle yeah wow i didn’t okay i know i know there’s like a have you ever seen running man no i don’t think i have i’ve heard of it though it’s a comedy show not a not a drama but just like a

Like a was what would you call that a drama no not a drama not a drama my god ah i don’t know what you would call it my brain’s totally not working it’s funny though comedy no it’s like a game show okay yeah game show variety show yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh no i haven’t seen it did you get do you have anything for it feel like uh oh wait how do i check i’m scared i’m gonna mess something up uh just put it in with the one of the lapis and then you can read what the different uh thingies you have like

Wait can i put my energies down here yeah okay this is in here there’s a box within a box in a box in a box box minecraft okay versus the box a box in a box um material oh wait did baby do that wrong what you got in there

Oh is it they said not at a table you need books oh you have to enchant it with books oh we have books with efficiency projectile projection efficiency piercing well i guess we could always enchant it at a later time because i have books and

Now we have the yeah i had like 27 books in here hold on amy i know pbp has a lot of books i i got 27 here well then i’ll just enchant a bunch of books can i have someone yeah yo yo Uh that’s it yeah floppy sleep okay let’s see what i started watching this show about um these people that got on a plane and and the plane hit turbulence right and um when they landed oh you know what i’m talking about yeah i haven’t watched it but my family was

Like i mean you have to this um not manifest that’s it yeah that’s what it is manifest yeah i started watching it it’s good maybe i’ll watch it then too you know i have romance oh so far i haven’t gotten much into it yet not much yet

No it’s got like i think you like it it’s got like government conspiracy and it’s like a little bit of like cop drama you know like the emissions that go on and stuff Oh does that make sense i’m sorry i blinked because i was reading chat because they were telling me to stop or something okay government missions like kara gave me mending hold on she gave you all amending book oh they said i couldn’t get a mending book

From here and that you can get one from phoenix wait where’s the mending books in the shulk box she gave you there’s nothing in the shulker box oh is that what you’re supposed to get for it i thought they said mandy is it mending and breaking um I have no idea it’s gone now in my trident chest bending and and breaking both well i’m not using my mending book on my thoughts and use that on my trident though i’ll just make more books because it’s fun i don’t want to use that i got i’m breaking too oh nice

If i have books we can enchant i have i mean i think we have it they said that we can’t get amending from a table but um that somebody in uh phoenixton has one to trade oh i mean i guess we’ll have to do it right now i

Don’t know because like will it well uh well it’s not gonna break immediately right i don’t know should we do it before you use it for the first time i guess it’s not that much of a hassle to do it from sean mendes yeah but what

Do we have to trade for emeralds iron sean men what that’s a cara named the villager shawn mendes shatters on impact oh emeralds okay i have emeralds i have diamonds uh i don’t think i don’t know if they trade diamonds but we need iron uh go to

Inna’s iron farm and get some iron because they do exchange um iron for emerald iron i got iron iron chick are we sleeping before we do this oh yeah let’s sleep i’m out of bed as this is easy shawn mendes has mending oh i see that clever oh when did you build this

What the giant bubba oh that’s uh for my those during charity stream that’s great actually before this stream i went in uh because i thought i could use dirt in the end and so i used this uh area over here i flattened out this dirt area for um i’m gonna build a community

Center there you know like a like a welcome hall or something cute yeah they can move our community chests in there by the by the portal yeah yeah that’d be good because then uh kind of like uh you know tidy up this area a bit the common area

I also have to make a path to kiara’s mixing because it’s not really a path but you just kind of get to it i like path making with the shovel yeah a satisfying use of children yeah yeah one day one day one day guru might build something yeah

One day i might finish a build maybe i finished my first house sort of wait how do you combine the elixir with the books is it like a oh my god there’s a cat what’s this a cat i can’t get a beer we can also build one because i grabbed

A lot of iron yeah true shawn mendes yeah let’s see amanda’s where are you sean sean coming to find you who is shawn mendes is that like a artist or something never mind what color hat does shawn mendes wear oh eric’s the cleric but that

Near the bell they said oh is that up here well then it might be up here in this area by the wheel oh man well he’s got a red hat it’s like finding a oh oh my goodness he has a name tag all right that should be a little easier john mendes

You can put name tags on villagers yeah yeah cara has a bunch of them named here because they like do different things What color is he wearing red red Power five i don’t know what that means excuse me looking for sean i see a val john in the red hat oh belle yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re by the bell oh maybe he’s in a house mr mending mendez Where’s this guy up got him found him yep nice he does have mending 18 18 what emerald okay now we gotta find the iron guy all right 18. wait what’s the iron guy’s name that tool it’s cool either oh this way yeah this way by the wheel and zuo don’t go he’s in the house and uh by the wheel in the house by the wheel house of texas the great and the boots

Oh uh trade uh iron for emeralds because i only have 16 we need 18. oh okay uh uh-huh i’m gonna eat in eighteen i’m up oh okay well now you’re gonna have 12 more where are you okay wait where are you oh i see i think he was back over here yeah

Yeah wow villagers sure are useful if you trap them in a small combined area and force them to breed them Okay all right we got mending and on breaking two so now i guess we go to an envelope and combine both of them with the elytra uh yes all right should we go back to the house can we can we name the elijah oh yeah

Yeah you should be able to name it when you uh redo it we’re gonna name it what did kiara name her as chat will now get another breaking yeah another one breaking two like at the at the table i mean hot wings hot wings yeah so what are you

Gonna name here is good uh what we what are we going to name ours oh we’re going to share okay our i don’t know i’m not good with naming stuff i’m doing decisive i am also indecisive maybe chad has some idea why lyson flyson i don’t know i’m just spitballing here Name it hours our our elytra yes comrade yes i’m a i’m assam floaties uh lost in 20 seconds funny haha our lytra okay our our light show is pretty good okay let’s see Yours isn’t right here you combine this no i won’t i don’t want to do it no don’t do on breaking yet wait you guys do we just just separate unbreaking books you can combine that in the envelope but why do i have to do it wait a minute what do i do

Just go to the anvil and combine the elytra with uh mending the mending book and then you can also rename it when you do that too like you know how to do it right mending first yeah do bending first or uh wait you’re gone oh god okay okay waiting

I’m breaking okay so i’m gonna get another one breaking but wait can she come back okay don’t do it yet don’t do it yet okay waiting i’m on stamina elijah plus book plus book was book okay so i think the way we’re gonna do it is i’m gonna get another breaking

Combining it with the current unbreaking book and then you combine the mending with the elytra and then i combine you combine that with the i’m breaking four that i’ll have uh okay What uh hold on but you can combine books oh never mind i just absorbed all the information it just took a while okay can i do this chat okay can i have the unbreaking book do you ever have that like somebody says something to you and you say what

Instinctively and then like a few seconds later yeah just saying right now i’m breaking three okay now do i do i combine i’m breaking through with mending or do we just combine it with the electro by itself do you want to do this Sure i’ll do it you have a better idea what’s going on i don’t want to make a mistake one minute okay so you want to name it um um i don’t have enough i don’t have enough levels you want to jump off ppp jump off ppp how many levels do you need

We go uh six you do it then i have 13. so just combine that and that those so you do it individually like just elijah plus a book you can rename it then and then you can do elijah plus the book again elijah plus unbreaking ending first okay not mending elijah plus mending

And you can well i guess you can rename it on the next one Okay did you combine it oh nice mending and now elijah plus i’m breaking yeah and then rename it that time when you do it now we are going to rename it um our lytra like that why is my name floaties i like our light Yeah do whatever you want break the chair our lytra okay with mending and i’m breaking three oh my god it’s something in the process is it does it disrupt your vision no it doesn’t no you want to wear it i got a pumpkin oh okay

Did you put the pumpkin head on no i haven’t put it on i’ll trade that on oh that’s lit i fit you so well pumpkin head yeah it should like destroy your vision like you’re looking at a big snout of a big a dragon dinosaur yeah i could see that all right so

I guess we’re ready to use it now right ready we’re gonna go jump off the sky bridge okay wait let’s sleep first i don’t have another bed here oh wait i have a bedroom oh yeah gouda’s got fireworks and then yeah okay how do you you put the

Electron you put it on like you’re in like a shield slun i don’t know no definitely not it oh can you wear both ones no okay oh but it has your cape design on it i see it that’s it yeah cool i don’t have those installed right now

So i don’t see it but okay you look like a minecraft bro like a minecraft wizard yeah i am the minecraft wizard Dragon shark dragon shark i am now become george you got you got full health and stuff right just in case you know you take all damage Oh maybe i shouldn’t touch that okay i use it first and then you jump a flip of face right uh i’m not satisfied just watching you use it okay if you say so how do i do this Uh i’m going to firework uh did you give me firework do you have them oh i told you they were in that chest i thought you think Double jump to activate oh wait okay i don’t think i need the firework oh because i just used it okay no i was just i was just floating on the ground do it didn’t i watch watch did you see that yeah i saw it for like

A second yeah hey where am i jumping off from oh jump from the yeah jump from the side yeah oh dear god okay well if i die it shouldn’t be now okay where we go light in the water if you fall oh wait okay we’re just kidding okay wait so

Okay we’re gonna jump jump and then go jump jump go oh i don’t think it’s working did it work i’m glad you didn’t land into the land uh yeah i don’t know if that worked i’ll go get the fireworks hey it should have worked though

Uh well i don’t know you you were like it looked like you were flying but you just like dove straight down it’s like we’re like next time look up or something not up but like uh you know towards the horizon what are the names of those two guys on

The airplane that learned to fly and they made the plane oh i don’t say lewis and clark but i don’t think that’s right the wright brothers maybe oh yeah yeah that’s it that’s it that’s us right now yeah well we’re like inventing flight we are we’re literally creating it uh-huh uh-huh

What if you could build planes in minecraft nacho are you listening well microsoft owns minecraft now uh who owns microsoft okay bill bill are you there can you hear us Planes in minecraft yes i’m coming up you’re going up to the sky temple yeah are you here hi i’m on my way bill gates science bill gates the minecraft guy he should rename himself no bill gates minecraft account would be named build gates oh wait maybe that’s a bit never mind um

You’re uh you’re lost like a mustache build block thank you i must mustache you a question do you have the fire yeah you work Oh pop uh i’ll change you these insects thank you all right how do i do this now uh chat hold them in my hand send them off i only have seven so i better not mess this up yeah do it like an ender pearl like an ender pearl

Yeah did you shoot it behind you because why would you shoot in front of you uh they just said don’t look down don’t look down double jump double jump aim up on horizon right click hold click where’s the horizon we’re too far up okay i’m doing it okay three two one pop

I drive up town what i double jumped i jumped up maybe you have to hold the jump one more time just get back up here i hit double boom boom wait a minute i feel myself trying to get off the ground with this i did jump did you not hear me mash my

Keyboard it’s because you didn’t double jump off the edge you double jumped like on the platform so i guess it has to be double jump and then away like you can’t land again after double jumping well you have to be in the air so like you have to Tap tap jump off so like by the second tap you’re jumping off yeah you’re not gonna touch the ground when you land from the second i’m assuming okay well because i’m jumping up these blocks now and i’m feeling it activate so but like double tap in midair when you

Jump then double tap maybe that’s what they’re saying ah jump double tap don’t fall then click oh god double jump right right click the firework hold jump just jump jump jump jump jump yeah and hit left click maybe no whoa this time i’m following the style you do like a little hoppy step

Hold space hold second jump tap second time okay okay i’m gonna jump okay five did three times what’s wrong with me i think uh why can’t i like it look like you were flying but i think you just have to look up instead of looking because you were like looking straight down

As you fell so if you just look up you’ll fly pretend like you’re wearing um like gliding wings i guess you know how you have to like catch the air you have to like go out towards the horizon uh-huh i thought i liked that was that looking down

I guess i was looking down my back okay we can try again that’s okay third time is the charm hey i’m not used to these things yeah yum yum you i can fly up huh did you guys like when you built your statues did you put glass on top of it

Yeah oh for what uh lightning oh okay i see it maybe if i do it in third person oh then maybe i can see when it activates just don’t fly into the um yeah you’ll be fine oh looking pretty cool or maybe not i can’t see now

You could test down there and like a tree or something like climb up to a tree and then try i think i i don’t think i’m Coordinated enough to have access to these right now what you can do it ah i think chad might agree with me because i just jumped off the side of these stairs all right this is the one and if not then i pass them to you and then you do

It on the first try gamer okay i mean i’ll probably mess up too nah nah let me just eat something though cuz i kind of wounded myself maybe if you try jumping off the edge like space jump off the edge and then double tap while you’re in air

Maybe that’ll work but then don’t aim down oh my god okay wait so don’t you’re floating what i don’t know maybe it’s just a minecraft thing just a minecraft thing you know Wait wait wait jump jump jump what am i doing jump wait don’t jump off yet just try double jumping let’s see like just space best oh you were kind of doing it there but i guess maybe you have to hold it jump and look up just tap in the air so

Jump once and then jump again when you’re in the air Oh i see it like catches yeah jump and then jump the second drum cat opens the way all right i believe in you and trigger the firework if like you more air or something let’s try it all right epic with the sunset oh yeah she’s flying we lost her other shoes

Don’t fly into lava time can i knock you off this thing oh i almost got you i’m coming back around for another shot i’m gonna get you you did it yay yay and i like it i ran out i ran out okay i’m good whoa now the landing i used them all

Cool that looks really cool with the sun setting and stuff are you uh do you want me to make you i can make you some more that’s okay i’ll try just i’ll try i can try jumping off of this and then wherever i land you know okay okay uh you go our lightroom

Oh how do i equip it on your chest plate unless such the thing that’s binded to you oh me that’s not what’s but what’s it that’s not maybe we should put it in a chest uh yes i’m gonna go uh let’s go back home i’m gonna put it in the uh why

We’ll put it in a chest and then we can it could be like a special chest where we store the electric our shirt our electric chest yeah yeah for those of you that are confused uh ame has a curse of cursive cursive binding binding yeah yeah i have a curse of binding gold

Armor plate yes equipped right now because it’s actually funny oh it’s hard yeah well i only equipped it because i needed to get i wanted to gather some copper and i went into the nether to find like unloaded chunks to generate copper and uh i just picked like the first thing that was

In the chest here and oh yeah it was um it was a binding oh where should we start um my shoulder chest and my under chest are in your house oh okay all right yum yeah it’s actually funny to let you because you we mentioned that at the

Very beginning of the stream and now we’ve come full circle at the end ah blinded to her chest I’ll put in put in the ender oh no wait then i can’t access it oh okay it’s in oh instant house that’s pretty cool where’d you find that instant house oh oh i found it in one of the uh the towers yeah pretty cool those are pretty nice i like the color i

Probably won’t use the elixir much so like if you ever need to use it you know probably be in here um i’m scared i’m going to journey i will not be going on any journeys either it’ll probably i wonder if it’ll help for like building or maybe it’s

Just good for exploration i don’t know probably good is like an emergency oh my god i just fell off this really tall thing uh yeah yeah and only we could build an elytra farm chad has somebody done a year no i don’t think it’s possible since it’s a

Like a generated item yeah i mean i think you can like find like a lot of them if you have enough time to spend in the end and just kind of walk on forever unless there’s probably like uh guides on how to find the spawns easier than just going in

If you have like two electrodes then you can spend using one like in the end kind of flying around and looking for more oh saving so much time instead of building bridge after bridge yeah that makes sense i mean that makes sense why would you find them anywhere else

In the place that’s the hardest to maneuver just play true true all right well i learned i think we had a pretty successful journey today you know we got a we got a light show we got a bunch of stuff a dragon head a sweet dragon head yeah big old dragon brain

Very successful yeah and had fun i had lots of fun today thank you the treasures the treasure that we found along the way wait how does it go the real treasure was the friends we made along the way it’s not about the uh uh what is it it’s not about the end

Result it’s the journey yeah that’s right yeah all right all right thank you guys for watching my tummy hurts i’m gonna eat something tasty like cereal yeah it’s time for food i’m gonna yeah eat something that’s not soggy toast yeah okay see you well everybody guys thank you for

Watching yeah thanks for watching hope you had a nice time hope you enjoyed yourselves yeah yeah it was really fun thank you for playing with me always what’s on all right everybody okay shrimps you mates see you guys later high five everybody good work good work bye bye bye bye bye bye you

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] Elytra hunting with Ame !!’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2021-08-05 02:29:53. It has garnered 703367 views and 35288 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:06 or 13626 seconds.

looking for what, sustenance.


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    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: 🔵 DISCORD: 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

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