GeminiTay – X Life: I joined a COVEN?! Minecraft Modded SMP [Episode 4]

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 4 of xlife i once again have more advertisements from scott on a tree and jimmy um and get this off my tree i gotta make i gotta make a proper board i did put a board it just got filled up really quickly right that

She’ll have to do for a board for right now until i can get things cleaned up a little bit better and speaking of cleaning things up let’s go into my house first thing you may notice i suddenly have a lot of plants uh-huh i was live streaming and flip came by and

It was it was really fun he gave me a lot of plants for some reason i think he really wanted to just make sure that i knew that he was superior in terms of owning plants but anyways i’ll roll that clip now oh what you doing we have the same backpack

Look at us flip i was just saying how adorable we are and you went and gave me a giant jimmy you know how unnecessary that is flip I have that foot hang on wait i i think i am my minecraft character oh my gosh you laid a watermelon down wait they look so cool i kind of forget about these placeholders like they look sick okay i’ll buy some from you actually i know how to make them i have cactus

I don’t need you just cactus hang on i got this an independent woman over here i got it i got my own succulents fine i don’t need you flip hang on why have you gone and done that what maybe flex him he really do be flexing boy

I see i see i had a i called myself a plant lady in my video and he’s he’s making it very clear that he is the superior plants man he can be a plant lady why not okay [Laughter] to be fair that’s a good that’s an impressive place to run out that’s

That’s quite a lot live stream shenanigans aside we got the ring of flight last episode i put that to use by decorating my roof a little bit better and i also started on this tree right here i have during a flight on right now because i’ve been working in this area

Slowly adding some leaves to it it’s coming along though i wanted it to be kind of a cool curvy looking tree and i really like how it is oh catherine oh my gosh this is the cutest little gift ever oh all i gave her was flowers and

Cookies now i gotta give her a better gift catherine stop it that was oh she’s so nice i do love the yoda ears but would you look at this hat oh my gosh it’s so cute the yoda ears do just suit me though so i have to keep them

I’ve been doing some organizing down in this room and i’ve also been collecting a few things from over in flips area uh one of these things is nether bricks regeneration potions and blaze rods as well as with their skeleton skulls because i need level 150 enchants and

I’ve decided that we are going to make another room for my enchanting area right over here so i put a little circle there all i’m gonna do i’m gonna take down this glass i’m doing it with a shovel because i have silk touch on my shovel i don’t know if this breaks

So my plan is to be able to come up into my bedroom right here and cross a bridge that goes this way and my health shelves will be right there i think that shall be great so pretty much exactly the same as i did here i’m just going to build up a base

Of this wisteria that is stripped straight up until this point and at this point we’re going to have a bridge come across and i think we’ll do this out of spruce so just straight across here like so we’ll be able to just simply walk across and head into this area

I hope that i’m doing this correctly wisteria walls are completely in and now it’s just time to go up with these main pillars and get the roof on this part should be pretty simple to be honest and now we’re just going to go in and add a

Bunch of these roof details i am so glad i pushed to get that ring of flight early because this is way easier with it and with that i think this area is ready for our bookshelves well nearly anyways i mean there’s a couple more little details like some framing

Spruce wood that i can get in there but in general it’s fine which means it’s time for me to stop being such a picky builder and start actually crafting my shelves which i’m actually very excited for so i got these nether bricks without going into the other because when i went

Into another last time i mined a bunch of netherrack which you can smell to turn into nether bricks which you can then craft another brick setup straightforward right we can all follow that so the main thing that i currently need is a bunch of regular oak bookshelves this should be pretty easy

Because my sugar cane has just absolutely taken off i mean who what what what are they putting in the water on the server that’s causing this because that’s this extreme i’m gonna lag oh dear i’m ready let’s do it oh no i now have everything that i need to

Make a bunch of these hell shelves i got the advancement obtain a hell shelf okay so i’ve heard that you need to enchant these okay so if i place these like that that should work now i wonder if there’s a special enchantment table i’m meant to have

No it doesn’t look like it it looks like i can just use the normal one so let me go get my normal one bam there we go so i’m sure that this is not going to be fully powered yet yeah it’s 48 at the minute

So i need a bunch more of these shelves and i need to enchant them that should be pretty easy i’ma just get to work on that i’ll bring it back when i’m done i did it isn’t it the best oh it’s so cute okay i really like this location for it i’m

Not gonna lie it does go all the way up to level 150 so that means i can now start enchanting i have all of the wither skeleton skulls that i have collected so far and a little bit of soul sand and i think in this episode i’m just gonna work towards

Getting a nether star chest plate maybe we’ll start there alright down to flips with our killing chamber we go hopefully this should go very very smoothly and i’ll have op gear in no time all right and now all i have to do is kill eight of these oh it’s so stressful every time

There we go okay and now i just have to hit it stale oh it makes me so nervous when it does this i hate it Whoa what did i just get and why did i what i was gonna go try and find one of these today like that was i was gonna kill the weather and i was gonna go back to my base and i was gonna be like oh well

Guys i need a magic carpet so that’s what i was i was i was gonna go get one oh my gosh wha i um that’s so cool what the heck i’m so happy that’s so lucky i don’t know if that’s just a rare drop from a wither or

If the universe heard me i i do not know but i’m very pleased oh my gosh all right so i’m ending this wither killing session with 12 nether stars and two files of animation which that’s awesome such an unexpected gift this means that i can now start crafting

Nether star gear and look at all of the stuff that i can get oh my goodness it’s so shiny and pretty and i love it we’re going to start with a chest plate and some boots these are probably the more important pieces of gear all right

So let’s pop this in the hell shelf and see what we get occult aversion i don’t remember what that does and unbreaking oh okay well i need to go get 150 levels anyways but i think i’ll probably re-roll this one until i get a good feather falling i

Want like feather falling 24 or whatever the highest is i don’t know luckily in flips area it’s very very easy to get xp like a little too easy actually this is insane this sword is absolutely mental and i require one i think i need it since i

Have these brand new shelves i figure i’m also in the market for some new tools so i’m gonna make a brand new set of emerald tools and see where that gets me efficiency definitely oh my gosh max level enchanter cool unfortunately this has life mending which means i can’t use it i probably

Shouldn’t even hold it ah i need one of these which i think helps me get rid of these cursed enchants what is that okay sorry distraction which means i will need to go out and find a heart of the sea so maybe that’s something i can work on

But yeah that hammer has to stay in the drawer until i can heal it i see thorns what does that do i think it’s time for me to sit at my desk and actually do some research on everything ex-life i have learned quite a lot it turns out

That i see thorns is actually really cool allows you to slow your enemies whenever they hit you so i’m gonna get it whoa cool and thankfully nothing cursed so this has our fire protection which that’s actually really important but i think this is better i think if i’m going in the nether i’ll

Put that one back on oh and here’s a fortune enchant okay i’m gonna i’m gonna get this one oh oh oh that’s not good right okay in the drawer you go feather falling heck yeah oh my gosh we got blast protection heck yeah feather falling depth strider

Oh my gosh i like it wait unlimited power obtain an item with an enchantment at level what is that 20 or higher whoa amazing these are so much better i love it wait i want to i want to turn them on there we go now you can see my shiny

Boots i like this alright well unfortunately we really do need one of those altars of the sea so that we can take life mending off of this luckily for us though we did get these files of animation which means i can make a magic carpet yep you heard me right a magic

Carpet all i gotta do is decide what color i want and i really like the cyan and green one oh but the purple one’s nice too oh my gosh there’s so many choices wait this one is orange and blue i feel like that one kind of matches my

Aesthetic okay i found the wolf now i just need orange dye and light blue dye surely a person growing this many flowers isn’t gonna struggle with dye right surely that’s i have orange do i have orange i have orange oh thank goodness all right and i think

With all of this we can do it magic carpet oh my gosh right click the fly on the carpet click left shift oh my gosh oh this is going to be complicated isn’t it okay so i have something in my inventory that might save my life this was a gift

From joey when i very first was a little newbie on this server and when you hold this well first of all it does this it lets you like teleport see it’s really cool i need to put on braking on it though really badly sorry joey um

But it doesn’t allow you to take fall damage so i think as long as i hold the electric staff in my hand if i can do that i shouldn’t die from fall damage here but i’m also probably gonna do this over water okay press shift to dismount

Okay i dismounted how do i go up oh my gosh i have very little control over what i’m doing your girl is flying wowie this is so cool okay so my plan is to very simply just go on a little adventure um i don’t know how this is gonna go

Exactly but i really need a heart of the sea um obviously for that altar so maybe finding an ocean would be a good first step this is easily the coolest thing i’ve ever done by the way oh my gosh look isn’t this the best i’m on a flying carpet what the heck

It’s awesome oh here’s a desert i was kind of looking for one of these what on earth those seals oh my goodness i’ve never been able to explore like this on x-life and i’m so happy right now there’s little cacti oh my gosh i love it wait what are these

Oh i’m running into the wall okay i’m gonna dismount thank you very much look at them can i pick you up oh no i destroyed you i’m sorry um can i pick you up oh i can it’s a desert poppy i want them all oh hey there’s a temple there

And uh alligator and a ravine cool whoa it hasn’t been raided yet what are the odds i’m the new kid here what’s how’s it not been raided wait is there something in x-life that makes these dangerous um it looks typical okay i’m gonna just head down here if you

Don’t mind all right what did i get poison essence okay i think i’m good channeling golden apple i’m just gonna take everything because i don’t really know what anything is to be honest whoa a bufflon saddle what is that what is this what what is anything what is life oh my goodness

Oh sunflowers i’ve been looking for these actually one of the vanilla flowers that i don’t have yet so thanks now see this is why you can’t take me adventuring because this is a lot to handle um that can go that can go that can go

Okay right i’ve done it look at the side of the mountain what there’s disney wishes in the side of the mountain hello am i being pranked this is so cool oh there’s birds hi hi oh i want to bring these guys home oh all right we’re gonna have an episode in

The future where i go out and get a bunch of these and a bunch of butterflies and we’re just gonna bring them all to my house okay i don’t know what type of flowers these are but i’m excited for them lava that was very close i’m risking my

Life out here for flowers it’s fine look at that cow look at it look at it just look at it oh my gosh you are just about the sweetest little thing i’ve ever seen in my whole life oh whoops did i just i just i grow the cow did i just okay

It almost got me in trouble but that is the cutest if i had a lasso on me i would take it home oh i need to come back out here and collect animals for sure sadly though my mission to find a heart of the sea was unsuccessful not entirely unsuccessful though because i’ve

Literally i have everything that i could ever want i think um oops that’s too much that’s way too much stuff right okay let me sort all this out and i’ll be right back i have gotten myself at least somewhat organized and the chaos is toned down slightly i’ve placed some of my flowers

Had a little bit of fun organizing and thinking about all of my lovely things that i’ve just collected and i remembered that earlier in this episode i showed flip giving me this this is a picture of jimmy naturally this means that i am now going to hide this at flip space

Right the favor has been returned you’re welcome flip okay i was just minding my business at my base admiring my trees looking at my flower growth and i noticed uh there’s a lectern and some candles and i’m a little scared of it because it looks a little sauce i won’t lie but i

Guess we have to read dearest gemini congratulations you have been invited to join the exclusive ex-life coven of witches in order to become a full-fledged witch and member of the coven you must showcase the following to joey under a full moon at his wolf sanctuary a broom a familiar and some

Magic joey’s invited me to be a witch i’m so excited oh my gosh okay first things first i a few questions so i’m gonna go meet up with joey right now joey are you home hello hi hi where are you are you at my oh hi

Come on in oh my gosh nice outfit oh thank you just being a supreme witch and all um so i assume you got my letter i did i have it right here um i have some questions it’s okay there’s there’s a lot there’s a lot in here joey what

What are you doing with this coven what’s going on i became a supreme witch in my last episode and i figured you know i should i should induct some other witches on the server to join and we could create a coven that would be really cool and we could

Build like a a cool place for us to hang out i was thinking like a cool castle in the sky or something and um a lot of people thought that you would be a great witch to join the coven so i figured i would send you an invitation

And see if you can prove yourself as a witch well i am honored i love building uh the coven is is good right we’re not we’re not gonna kill anybody that’s no no no we don’t kill anybody we don’t kill anybody unless they try to kill us first

Then we use our right hand all i need is a broom a rare animal and some magic and that’s it you’ll accept me yes oh my gosh i’m so excited let me know if you need any help with um finding any of those ingredients or any examples or if you’re just confused

About anything since i am the supreme witch on the server i i know the most about magic so of course of course well thank you so much for all of your knowledge supreme witch i can’t i can’t wait to join your coven oh my gosh i can’t wait for you to join

I have many plans ahead of us i am very excited about this new ex-life coven it’s a chance for me to make some new friends and i already really love collecting herbs and i love healing people and i think being a witch could be the perfect thing i hope that joey

Will teach me all of the witchy and magical things it’ll be great but before i can be invited i need to complete these things luckily for me when we were doing all that wither killing we already found some files of animation and this is what we need for a broom see you just

Need wheat string lapis some wood and a file of animation so uh do i have all of that turns out the only thing i’m missing is a piece of wheat i don’t know how i’ve gotten to this point where i have all of those weird ingredients but not wheat i do

Have some growing though so it’s all good i did it i have one look how magical it looks okay um you can change the color of it which i mean obviously i have to change the color of it i would like to go with a

Green enchanted broom so let me see if i have any green dye green dye there we go and i’ve also seen you can put a pumpkin on the end i don’t know if i want that cool it’s literally stabbing a pumpkin i kind of love it okay um right

Press so is it the same as a magic carpet oh it is ah look at me go oh i really like it yay yeah look at me okay i’m on my first step to becoming a witch so the next thing on joey’s list is to find a rare animal as my familiar

Obviously for this i do need a lot so um i i have a jeremy in this i didn’t mean to pick one up i just needed eggs one time and all of the chickens are named jeremy so this is my jeremy collection i don’t know why i have a jeremy

Collection but i do so there’s that off on my broom i go with my lasso and i’m gonna find some lovely creatures to be my familiar oh wait i almost forgot actually i have a way stone out i can just hang on let me down let me down

Let me gracefully yes okay nailed it there are these beautiful butterflies i wonder if i can catch those okay i have a feeling it’s not possible because i think it would have happened by now that’s really unfortunate because i really like butterflies okay moving on moving on gotta find something surely

Somebody out here in these fields wants to be my friend my familiar my magic pal i see some really mean looking wolves i don’t think i’ll go near them but it’s a nice thought there’s a whale would it be really extra to have a whale as a familiar probably

I found a little deer oh my gosh hi do you want to be my familiar are you scared of me oh dear oh it might be scared of me but i have a deer i wonder if i can tame it wait let me let you out hi hi you’re so cute

Oh my gosh there are ducks an ex-wife oh now see i’m from canada and we have canadian goose and they’re not nice and i think that as a member of the one heart club i want nothing to do with goose what if i told you i was thinking about

Adopting a bear like what if i did that well it just um i mean there’s nothing stopping me you sit there for a moment hi it’s so cute are you going to kill me you’re probably going to kill me this is what i mean by this being the hardest

Part i had to make a magic broom and demonstrate magic but me picking out an animal is going to be the hardest part of this entire episode you’re not going to kill me we’re friends i like this and you know what i think it’s a good

Thing because the bear is big and fierce and i don’t know if you’ve seen me but i’m not fierce at all um so i think it might be good for me to carry around an animal that’s at least a little bit intimidating just in case i need the extra protection

You know i think black bear is going to fit my nice foresty vibe here so so well i mean it’s like so cute anyways the next thing on the list the supreme which joey gave me was to display some sort of magic now earlier in this ex-life adventure i’ve

Been on joey showed me all about his magic shop and when i was out exploring i found so much of this magical creations stuff it’s just it’s awesome so i’ve discovered that you can use this magic essence to make a staff and then you combine it with these to make it do

Something and i have this really cute heart one which i think heals things and i’d really like to be the sort of witch that heals things so i i think i think i’m gonna do that well i think i have all of it sorted i have my black bear

Familiar i have my enchanted broom and i have some magical stuff to show off hopefully joey won’t mind that it’s a staff maybe i should repair other stuff just in case oh dear um let me think about that right but it does say that i have to meet joey under a full moon

At his wolf sanctuary so i think that’s our next step that’s where we go i’ll meet you there i’m so excited i’m hoping gemini was able to get the stuff because it seemed like she was interested but who knows joey excuse me hello jim hi you’ve arrived i have this is quite the

Uh the area you have here wait how did you get the pumpkin on your broom you just put it in a crafting table was it a jack-o-lantern or a pumpkin no it was a pumpkin i tried that it like wouldn’t attach i could do it for you give me your broom okay

Let me find okay here’s my do you have an extra pumpkin no but i can go get one if you need it wait i can’t i can’t have you do that yet until you’re a member of the coven so let’s first see maybe you’re like an infiltrator and

You’re gonna steal my brown i feel like i’ve proven myself just off that you know i’ve studied i’ve done my research i know all about magic look at me i have this amazing broom isn’t it just awesome that is very cool and i am very impressed at your

Um crafting your broom crafting skills thank you so much it’s so nice to have your approval well it’s not my full approval yet there’s still two other things you must do i need to see you’re familiar oh of course you’ll love my familiar okay um right is it dangerous it’s fine

So i have chosen a black bear i think it represents me well and i wanted to don’t walk in the fire i wanted something that was fierce because i don’t i know that i don’t look very intimidating with my own ears so i wanted something that was you

Know going to stand up for me i feel like is it friendly it is friendly yep whoa that’s so cool here let me introduce my familiar this is fox oh my gosh he’s just a little guy cute it’s a baby yeah i’d like to formally invite you to join the cup in

Thank you so much i accept i accept i want then yay okay well um as a member of the coven you now have been gifted a charm of invisibility oh my gosh you’re invisible now i’m invisible i’m a floating backpack oh this is embarrassing okay you’re just floating your ears

So that has a durability on it i actually don’t know if you can enchant it or not to like make it last longer but that is so as witches um we have an escape route because i think we’re going to be targeted and i think a lot of people are going to

Form a witch hunt against us so it’s important that we have our powers to evaporate yeah we need we got to stand up for ourselves we’re not doing anything wrong speaking of attackers oh wow your magical abilities it just scared that away yeah i’m sure yep wow you’re so magic

Um okay so i’m planning a coven meeting um i will let you know when it’s happening but um just be prepared because we have a lot of ideas and feel free to come with your own ideas of what we could do with the coven i can’t wait

I look forward to the invitation thank you so much see you later bye-bye bye i have a meeting with the supreme witch and all of the other new witches tonight as soon as the sun sets i had better go get ready what should i wear i don’t

Know oh my gosh i need to do research i need to make sure i’m ready there’s just so much to think about i’m so stressed i am going to go right now and meet up with the other witches who are joining the coven and we are going

To all go hang out and talk about our future plans and it’s going to be so much fun right i’ll meet you there hopefully they won’t be late because of which is never late because we can teleport Hello hi we made it welcome witches how are they what i’m up here so this is the coven right now these are the members oh my gosh hello everyone hello um so i thought it’d be cool if we all went around and introduced ourselves in our familiars so i guess i will start

All right so this is my familiar oh he’s so cute he loves dirt i don’t know how to get him to not have it in his mouth but um um catherine what about you this is mine this is flip oh my god oh my gosh i love him he flips

How do you get him to flip you just click on him and he flips over wow that is the best that is i don’t even know we had those i didn’t either this is so cute all right jem you’re up okay um uh well my name’s shem and you

Two have both gone for cute but i’m already cute so i’ve gone for oh this is my bear i’m going to bring him in blue yeah well he’s he’s neutral so please don’t upset him okay okay we have some visitors oh my [Laughter] is a reindeer i can ride so cool

He’s so fast he really is wow i wish he could fly and he’s got little particles on his feet so cute good choice um okay so before i was really interrupted by our enemies um you each get a witch hat to prove that you are a witch of the cup oh my gosh

Oh my goodness oh it matches my outfit look at us that’s right this does so cute i love it so we need to get down to business ladies so as a coven we need a we need a place to hang out to you know get away from the x-life world

And just be at a place where only witches can go yeah somebody yeah we can bear ourselves right no phantoms no jeremies i think we oh that’s another thing we need to talk about i think we should be anti-jeremiah what do we yeah yes i agree yeah okay cool yeah

They’re creepy let’s go okay oh wait we can all fly together like a little witch clan okay we’re breaking the leaves that’s my sisters well i had this idea that it would be cool if we had a hangout place as a floating island oh yes oh and then we ha

We have to fly up with our brooms yeah like the only way we can get there or anyone can get there is by broom i love that um so i had another idea i think what would be really cool first of all we’ll build like a main

Floating island but then it would be cool if outside the island we each had our own personal island [Applause] yes and then we could have like an island for like things but what i said bridges and you’re like short anyway yes we’ll have like one main big island

And then we’ll each have our own individual ones and then we’ll have bridges and we can have islands for like summoning things or brewing potion island we have to have them be all magical like with crystals in them like hanging out i think the main one we should do like a

A castle of some sort um and then each of us like a wizard tower like a castle and like in the center there was this like big tree of energy yeah i love that that’s yeah that’s a good idea or power source yes where we get all of our powerfulness yes

Oh my god we can like leave our familiars there if we wanted to oh we could make them and be friends i think we should have like a coven area where it shows off like who’s in the coven like we could have like someone make custom paintings of us

As witches and then buy our paintings or something we could have our familiar stay there yeah yeah i’ve got a bunch of dirt and stone i can grab a backpack and bring it here oh perfect i actually think they’re like there’s also a way to get infinite

Amount of dirt if you oh wait there is i know it’s amazing i want to see wait do i have the tool let me still hold on our first act of witchiness come here yes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i think i still have it on me show us

Sister how it’s done i have a magic hoe it does this what’d it do oh it’s basically infinite bone meal no way and it harvests crops in like a three by three beautiful oh wow that’s very witchy that’s so cool it’s nature’s blessing i could be nature witch [Laughter]

Oh we should each be a different kind of witch yeah and like each of our area could be like themed that way yeah i found it i’m coming oh dirt wish no i’m just kidding yeah [Laughter] no joey’s a twitch because his fox is eating dirt oh yeah yeah oh my gosh

Dirt witch all hailed the dirt one [Laughter] You’re the master builder i think out of all of us so i think you should kind of leave this as like i can make us a circle to go off of okay just oh no would be smart she makes a circle on top and then all four of us

Gets a corner to build down to the point so that it’s all different enough too symmetrical that way it looks more natural okay we just need all of these to be the same one two three four sixteen seventeen seventeen seventeen [Laughter] do you think that’s a big enough circle

Should we make it a little bigger so we can make our own one this is a 17 radius we can go bigger think maybe 25. unless it has to be an odd number or even number just because if we’re going to make the personal islands i don’t want

Those to like i want those to look yeah and this if this one’s going to have a lot then we should definitely do more which is coming to supply you with dirt thank you dirtwitch here you go i bow to you thank you thank you this is great yeah great i want some

Dirt dirt witch single piece of dirt wow thank you you’re welcome it’s a circle oh it’s a real big circle oh my gosh wow wow this is huge whoa to be fair it could be really cool if it was like a donut yeah let’s hollow it and then what if on

The inside what if the tree in the center was floating on a crystal what roll do an inner circle like you know like right here yes go off nature queen go on oh my gosh wow look at you we’ve got our nature witch and our dirt witch working together

I’m using wisteria logs so we’re going to need more wisteria than you’ve ever seen before got it have you seen the saplings down here to be fair i haven’t checked on you too in a little while i don’t know but major queen and dirt queen are at it

It is now 24 hours after that last clip and i had so much fun recording with my friends but it’s time to actually get to work thankfully my specialty is building so i think i’ll be able to get a bunch of this done tonight the others are busy

With some other things nobody’s online with me right now it’s fairly late in my time so i don’t expect anybody to get on so mostly what’s going to make this come together for us is me kind of finishing up this whole area and i’ve noticed that my lovely friends have put in some

Crystals while i was off i love whoever’s done this staircase they’re very good at that and i’m going to let them continue that i kind of suck at staircases i don’t however suck at this type of roof this is kind of my specialty in terms of building i really

Like these circle areas and they’re a lot easier than they seem to be if any of you want a tutorial on the style just ask i could do it it’s it’s not too bad of a style to accomplish to be honest but basically what i’m going to go in

And do right now is just add a whole bunch of little like fantasy details and spikes to this whole area and kind of i don’t know just make it more layered and just looking a lot cooler in general update catherine has joined me which i’m thrilled about i love building with

Friends and this is the progress on the coven katherine’s crafting sand or sandstone i suppose and uh we’re just gonna get to work on this roof i think we’re probably gonna work for another i’m good for another probably two hours so basically all i’m doing while building this is i’ve been sort of

Taking charge of doing the frame so i framed everything out in dirt and this is the easiest thing to do when you’re building with a group of people because we’re all kind of getting on it scattered different times but if we have a general frame in place then we all

Just copy whatever the last person did like when i got on i saw that joey or catherine or shelby or whoever put crystals in the corner so i went okay they want crystals there i’m gonna work off that and now catherine’s getting on and she’s gonna help me out copying

These details all the way around and filling in the roof and getting purple and getting materials and it’s a whole team effort and it’s just so much fun i haven’t built in a big group like this in a long time and i’m genuinely just having the best time

Update from the xlife server it is now almost midnight for me uh me and katherine have been on for a very long time this has been several hours in the making but this is the most gorgeous coven ever for now though i am super sleepy and uh i

Think i might let catherine oh oh my god hang on hang on catherine you were onto something there did you guys see it’s it’s beautiful at night i’m not gonna lie i’m tired of looking at circles so i think i’m gonna log off for now i i’ll

Uh i’ll update you in the morning when i’m not sleep deprived let’s do it this witch is calling it mission accomplished for today i’m so excited with all of the progress that we did i feel like i’ve made so many friends in this episode and

I had so much fun in the coven i’m so thankful to joey for inviting me and i’m excited for the new friendships that are to come i hope you’ve enjoyed this episode i know it was a long one i accidentally ended up combining two of my episodes into one episode so it’s

Kind of like a movie did you enjoy the x-life movie i’ve just put together if you did please leave a like on this video i don’t ask for that very often but do you see what we’ve accomplished do you see that behind me this this took so many hours of my life

And plus i’m doing chemistry labs in school this week so which is not a fun combination if you if you like what you saw here today please like the video and subscribe if you want to see more content and keep up with what i’m doing here on youtube thank you so much for

Watching everyone i’ll link all of my lovely friends on x live down below if you’d like to check out their channels of course today i was recording with shovel catherine elizabeth gaming and joey graceffa flip also made an appearance all of the channels of everyone on xlife will be linked down

Below thank you so much for watching and i hope i’ll see you in the next video goodbye everyone

This video, titled ‘X Life: I joined a COVEN?! Minecraft Modded SMP [Episode 4]’, was uploaded by GeminiTay on 2020-09-26 18:06:41. It has garnered 1534938 views and 34554 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:18 or 2538 seconds.

X life! Joey Graceffa invited me to join his witches coven! I decided it would be great to join and make some new friends, so Katherine Elizabeth, Shubble and I all joined forces with Joey to make it happen! We had fun demonstrating magic abilities and picking out our familiar animal friends. Then we set out to create a mega base as our coven.

✨Follow me! Twitch: Twitter: Insta:

⭐If you’re interested in helping out the channel a little extra check out my patreon 🙂

Recorded with OBS Minecraft version 1.14 Optifine 1.14 Shaders: BSL

Members – Dangthatsalongname – fWhip – GeminiTay – Hbomb94 – JackSucks – Joey Graceffa – KatherineElizabeth – LaurenZside – LDShadowlady – Quig – RIP – Seapeekay – Shubble – Smallishbeans – Solidarity – Strawburry17 –

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

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  • OwenP’s Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Nether’s Strange Discovery

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  • Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land!

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  • Mad Minds: Battle Realm – Factions PvP Modded

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  • NightCraft Central Europe Edition

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: lmao, spicy edition

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  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble!

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  • Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥

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  • Defeating the First Boss in Twilight Forest!

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  • Dying in Hardcore Minecraft Ends Stream?!

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  • 👑 Realistic Prince Tries Insane Tiktok Hacks! 🔥😱 #viral #minecraft #clickbait

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  • Insane Minecraft adventure in new 1.19.2 dimension!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!

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  • INSANE HACKS – Moving the Warden SAFELY!

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  • Unreal Minecraft Power Stream – TheSlayer350

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  • Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattle

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shorts

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  • Stormcraft

    Stormcraft_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ Storm Craft __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Stormcraft is a community-driven survival minecraft Network, our motto is ‘for the players, by the players’ and we stand by that every minute of the day. Our Network currently has: Sanctuary (SMP) , Islands (Skyblocks) , Creative , Missilewars and Anarchy The community we have built on Stormcraft so far is amazing and we couldn’t be happier but we hope you’ll find a new home here on Storm Craft. Looking forward to having you join us Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – Anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy IP: New anarchy server with three months of uptime and over 450 deaths/bans. “Hardcore Anarchy” provides a platform for those who enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist. Are you up for the challenge? Check out our badass leaderboards website here to see who is the biggest degenerate on the server. This server is not pay2win, so prepare for the elements when you spawn because there are no protected areas. Think you have what it takes to survive? Join now and test your skills against the toughest Minecraft players. Can you outlast the competition and become… Read More

  • DuckyBlock

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  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft memez r lit 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft memez r lit 🔥Looks like this meme is definitely mining for laughs with a score of 9! Read More

  • 2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch’s Inside Scoop

    2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch's Inside Scoop In Notch’s temple, secrets unfold, In 2024, a story untold. Minecraft’s past, nostalgia in sight, Exploring the depths, with all our might. Crafting memories, block by block, In Notch’s temple, we unlock. Old Minecraft vibes, a journey through time, In 2024, the past will shine. So join us now, in this epic quest, In Notch’s temple, we’ll do our best. To uncover the truth, in every rhyme, Minecraft’s legacy, for all time. Read More

  • “Caught a sassy lizard 🦎” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Caught a sassy lizard 🦎" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like this sneaky lizard got caught trying to steal diamonds in Minecraft! Watch out for those crafty reptiles in the game! 🦎💎 #minecraftmischief #lizardthief Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft!

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  • Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky Duck

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  • Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17

    Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17Video Information minicraft pero invasión zombie estoy un poco aquí cogiendo de Carbón y nos llevamos un poco de remolacha y patatas y Vamos a sembrar un poco de esto porque después nos hará falta es quea con lo que tienes ahí maliante de verdad estoy cansado Ya ustedes yo no saben robar miércoles juegan al Minecraft si solo van aar cuando V ala cabo de verdad como si sembrar fuera fácil te llevas todo sea ahora solo falta que te lleves todas las C A ver a ver me quies que te lo voy a perdonar sea por esta… Read More


    FABIIN CRAFT - Minecraft ORESPAWN #2 - EPIC TWILIGHT FOREST BOSSVideo Information E aí rapaziada suave segundo episódio da nossa série aqui de or spaw último episódio foi no canal do foi no canal do hoje a gente tá com a participação especial do God link dele vai tá aí na descrição e Rapaziada esse episódio aqui tá sendo gravado em live tá vai ser o primeiro link fixado aí nos comentários bom Rapaziada no último episódio a gente fez essa essa mansão aqui que eu posso chamar de lar aqui junto com meus amiguinhos e aquilo ali é uma cama vula aqui tá dormindo por enquanto um galo gigante… Read More


    🔥JOIN HARSHAD'S CRAZY PAPERMC SMP PARTY NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Harshad Is Live playing PAPERMC SMP random games | ANYONE WANT JOIN | MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER SERVER |’, was uploaded by HARSHAD GAMING LIVE 009 🇮🇳 on 2024-01-10 22:17:08. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:01 or 8401 seconds. Have a good time ! WhatsApp link : Welcome to our Live Streaming if you like this then Please 👇 Subscribe | Share | Like #MINECRAFTLIVE #MINECRAFTLIVESTREAM #MINECRAFTWITHSUBSCRIBERS #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #livetaid #MINECRAFTINDIA #minecraftivewithsubs #minecraft #memes #Youtube #dankmemes #fortnite #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #gamer #minecraftbuilds #dank #youtube #lol #funnymemes #memesdaily #edgymemes… Read More


    INSANE!! Buying HIGHEST SCHOOL RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY!’, was uploaded by Lemon Craft3535 on 2024-02-28 11:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY! Read More

GeminiTay – X Life: I joined a COVEN?! Minecraft Modded SMP [Episode 4]