Get +1 FAT Every Second in Jeffy and Marvin’s World Roblox

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In today’s video we’re going to be getting one fat every second Daddy and look I’m getting so much fat oh my go Jeffy I’m so fat Junior you guys are so fat and look at me oh my gosh I’m getting so much better Marvin looks normal Daddy how are you that fat no

Jeffy the look good Jeffy it’s no good oh come on Junior let’s go hey who wants to fight me who want to fight Jeff wait Jeffy how did you get so fat so quickly Daddy because I’m eating so much chocolate cake where’s my chocolate cake

If I beat you I get your amount of fat come here Daddy come here bang loser you suck wo Jeffy do you actually get my amount of fat yeah oh my gosh look you have 8,000 fat bang now I have 34,000 the gosh all right and look over

Here guys we can play a game to get wins yeah are you going to be able to make it across that guy so look it does – 100 fat + 10 fat – 590 + 15 okay times or G minus oh my gosh this is so much and if you get to

The end Junior you get a win and you’re skinny again oh thank God I’m skinny oh no I’m getting fat again junior is is not good wo I got three wins look how skinny and petite I am Jeffy well I have 32 wins whoa I get fat so much fatter

Faster Jeffy I know Daddy is crazy Jeffy this is insane – 25 fat all right Bang – 25 – 50 plus 50 o – 1,000 bang oh my gosh minus 50 50 minus5 and plus 51 win daddy oh my go you’re so bad oh you’re

Bad Jeffy oh yeah you want to B you want to B come here come here get out of here yeah take that loser hey Junior you got a problem oh yeah that’s what I done I’m the king look at me guys I just unlocked the next level oh man how do we unlock

The next level Jeffy daddy you have to get like 35 wins 35 wins I only have three Jeffy well buy with Roo loser apparently apparently you have all the money in the world daddy gosh you can just buy anything can I have your credit card please Jeffy no and another wins four

Wins bang look at me I’m already getting fatter than you oh my gosh you are Jeffy that’s crazy Daddy I’m getting like um 20 73 fat per second no way there’s some cool colory bouncy things let me jump on these this will be 500 okay you’re so jealous well you

Should be oh gosh I’m not going to make it I’m not going to make it no D I didn’t make it all right there we go make the jump Jeffy how’ you get so many wins so quick bang because I’m better than you Jeffy come fight me come

Fight you I’m okay I’m going to invite you come at me come at me bro yeah that’s right oh man you suck oh my gosh I’m so fat ew oh man daddy you’re getting wins I know Jeffy it’s crazy you have seven wins what yeah Jeffy I’m getting so many

Wins I bet you can’t see with my fat body any way no I can’t Jeffy it’s really annoying I wish you would stop this is how fat you usually are in real life daddy mhm hey that’s not very nice I went on a diet Jeffy well didn’t work

It didn’t work daddy you’re F CU you’re you’re fatter than me Jeffy that’s why no one likes you it’s why mommy spits on you and hates you now Jeffy why would you say it I shouldn’t be here for this give me your fat Junior it’s mine daddy oh my gosh Junior just

Destroyed you gosh wow you really suck and 10 more wins bang what I just got I got a pet oh you got pet yeah I got a pet no stop stop it stop stop H I’m going to win I’m going to win oh my gosh wow 45 wins for this it’s

A common are you kidding me how many how much fat do you need to go down this um I don’t know but Daddy I don’t think think 700 is going to cut it I don’t think so either Daddy but I know mine is I have 47,000 fat 47,000 Jeffy that’s

Insane that’s so I do know oh gosh you’re fatter than me right now oh no you beat me you know what Daddy I rage quit this game I’m sick no you can’t Rage Quit cuz you got beat by Junior you loser I hate you subscribe today we’re playing block

Eting simulator with my D Jeffy why are we playing block eating simulator well CU we’re going to eat people in Roblox Jeffy I don’t want to eat people in Roblox and make sure to stick to the end of the video because my daddy buys me the biggest size and we’re going to eat

Everybody no je Jeffy I’m not going to buy you the biggest size get back here what hey get away from me Jeffy come here I’m not going to buy you the biggest SI look at that guy holy crap Jeffy huge 3,000 size wow look how big

He is compared to us Jeffy oh there’s no way we can get that big oh my God Jeffy you’re already twice my size how’d you do that D I’m going to eat you I’m going to eat you no don’t eat me Jeffy Jeffy don’t eat me eat me Jeffy I’m going get

You don’t don’t get me Jeffy please don’t Jeffy please please have mercy my soul Jeffy you know what I’ll give you some time I’ll give you some time you give me some time Jeffy really oh thank you Jeffy I’ll be nice I’ll be a good

Time oh my God Jeffy no wait give me a little more time give me a little time please please pleas please your time is up your time is up no I don’t want my time to be up Jeffy oh you’re bigger than me oh I’m bigger than you come here

Jeffy I’m going to get that Jeffy no dad I don’t want you to eat my ass no no you’re bigger than me now you’re bigger than me oh my God back here oh h no you’re DD run DD going eat us both DD run Jeffy D he’s going to eat you holy

Hey he’s like 100,000 Jeffy I’m buy some signs I just stole your money and I’m buying more signs did you you stole my money Jeffy um d i I spent I spent robox on only a 100 times I just wasted my money how many roox did you spend Jeffy

Um 10 million 10 million Roo 10 million Robo uh-huh okay all right Jeffy you know what Dad I’m going to go eat this big guy I want to eat him no Jeffy don’t you can’t eat the big guy he’s going to kill you man I want to get you Jeffy

This is suicide no I’m going to kill him I’m going to do it I’m Jeffy don’t kill him Jeff I’m going to rip off his dick no you’re not going to rip off his dick Jeffy get over here you oh my God what is wrong with you dad I died yeah

Jeffy I wonder why you died what the why he do that all right Jeffy you know who’s bigger than you now oh who you it doesn’t matter Jeffy where are you I’m over here behind you and I’m going to kill you you’re not going to kill me

Jeffy cuz you’re you going to do stop it m what thought you’re not going to do anything to stop Jeffy stop no what you going to do B uhhuh I’m going to kill you Jeffy where are you are you blind I’m right behind you dumb

Ass Jeffy oh my god oh hell no Jeffy you look so tasty Jeffy you file I mean you Jeffy I’m not a file um U get away from me I’m going to lead you into this big guy yeah you’re going to leave me into the big guy Jeffy I’m going leave you

Into the big guy okay Jeffy all right Jeffy leave me in the big guy big gue Jeffy d d why you stop I’m coming after you I’m coming after you yeah Jeffy oh you better run no I’m you the big guy ain’t nothing you can do okay Jeffy I’m

Sure there’s nothing I can do you know I’m I’m get bigger real quick and I’m going to kill you bigger y mhm oh you’re getting on me H can you just give me a little bit I need some more time yeah Jeffy yeah Jeffy I I’ll give you a

Little bit okay that means stop following me oh hell no oh wow Jeffy look look oh my God Jeffy no you’re basically pegging me I’m not Jeff I’m not pegging you oh hell no I know you’re into that I can hear you with Mom at night oh yeah

Yeah sure Jeffy uhhuh Jeffy saw m you’re in yeah look how big I got from eating you you get for being a little you’re so big that’s what she said we say the same thing you dumb ass you know I saying I say that okay all right Jeffy

Is this you right here oh no dumb ass I’m behind do you’re not behind me who’s this right who’s this in front of me Jeffy um probably someone that doesn’t want to die but I want to eat them Jeffy but they don’t want to die but I hungy I

Want to eat them you know you fat ass stop going and D or some Jeffy what is wrong with you you s up the couch and and when you take a on the toilet it smells really bad everything you just said is just rude as hell and

You need to stop oh no oh Jeffy I’m hungry I’m going to eat don’t do it make the man don’t do it Jeffy I’m not going to eat them I’m just going after the why youing I’m not riding his ass I’m behind you I’m behind you kind of look pretty

Pretty scrumptious I’m being for real dad dad you can’t eat him you cannot eat them oh I hate him oh my god oh I am all of this man Jeffy look at this I’m already the second biggest size oh hell no oh hell yeah what Jeffy wow you’re

Getting pretty big uhhuh that’s right that’s right I took some P why I shrink why did I shrink because you’re a I got pretty big because I’m taking penis and large my pills oh hell no help me oh God I’m about to be I’m about to

Be sandwiched oh oh hell no oh God Jeffy Jeffy sacrifice yourself to me Daddy help me he doesn’t know which one he has to go after Jeffy I’m dising what an oh go after my dadd I don’t want to be died I don’t want to die yeah he’s

Going to go after me oh there other guy’s coming for me too oh the other guy’s coming for you too Jeffy uh-huh he’s coming for me he’s going come on my face Jeffy he’s not going to come on your face what’s wrong with you he’s

Going to come all me oh my God Jeffy look at him he’s coming for you oh he’s not coming for me he’s not cuz I’m going to get big and then I’m going to eat you no you’re not going to eat me Jeffy oh yes I am and ain’t going ain’t going to

Be nothing you can do stop me oh wow oh God Mr drizzy’s coming for me oh I’m coming for this tiny dude what no hell no how old he oh oh I ate him Jeffy just ate him D I’m about to be I’m about to be

Aten I’m too big that’s what she said oh God he’s going to eat me oh oh okay he can’t get me he might eat you Dad can you come help me he’s he’s blocking me I’m not going to come help you Jeffy get your ass over here before I shoot you

You’re not going to shoot me Jeffy stop it I want to shoot you with a gun Jeffy stop no it’s not no it’s not going to happen I can’t get out dang no help me how do I get out of size hell no no I Died Jeffy died I die oh no that’s a fat rip I hope you die in a whole man all right what Jeffy there’s no need to give threats to people okay I’m what the is wrong with you Jeffy oh nothing I’m about to get so big D that’s

Why here every night and you make me uncomfortable oh yeah I bet you do Jeffy no I bet you do oh I don’t like it hell no yeah Mr Drizzy I’m bigger than you what the hell oh I’m good oh I am 8,000 Jeffy oh my God I’m the biggest one on

The map Jeffy oh hell no I’m beating everyone you’re no one you’re know one what oh I don’t um oh have enough roox oh I’m to be eaten Jeffy you’re not going to get eaten Jeffy come on D D I’m going be eaten all right Jeffy how about

We play game first one the 10,000 gets 10,000 Robo what but that’s cheating you’re already at 8,000 well maybe if you didn’t suck you’d be closer a you oh that was so tasty I just ate somebody mhm nothing can do about I’m going to eat this guy that you’re going after

You’re going to eat him uh-huh I’m going to kill him Jeffy you’re big I’m big as daddy how’d you get so big I grew about 8 in in size all right that’s inappropriate what no not I’m just telling you the truth all right Jeffy whatever you say um Dad can you just

Like give me a second hold on just uh wait let me eat this guy real quick get back here me the man get back here here Jeffy you chase them and I’ll I’ll slide them into you we’ll Corner Jeffy we’ll Corner them we’ll Corner them hell yeah

Okay I’m so close though I’m so close just ch you got to go straight after him Jeffy a but I’m so close get get eaten oh Jeffy oh come on so close go to the right go to the right Jeffy we’re going to get him he’s only size

67 R small oh there’s nothing he can do right now Jeffy look at him he we have him cornered there a no way he can get us just don’t do any weird like threaten to touch him where he pees or something Jeffy do you mind if I stick

My in your ass that’s exactly what I was talking about Jeffy that is so inappropriate he doesn’t mind it trust me don’t mind no Jeffy I think Jeffy I think he does I think he does mind it no no he likes it he likes it he has a

Thing for it no get away from me DD D get away from me oh I didn’t mean to eat you youing ate me Daddy oh look I’m at 11 I’m over 10,000 Jeffy I’m like the biggest in the game you chea you ate me oh my God is that guy at 20,000 wait

He says he’s only 2,000 but D he has a thing that says please don’t kill oh I won’t kill him then I won’t no no no he says please don’t kill I’m I’m not going to kill him wait we can get cool skins uh-huh you can get all the Skins you

Want wow D I can be a tiger oh I got some weird ass skin that actually looks like dog chit Jeffy what the hell is that that looks like um looks like a bunch of piss Jeffy it’s not piss oh d d no no no no please

Please please no no don’t don’t do it I’m not Jeffy where where are you D stop where I don’t see you I’m right in front of you oh Jeffy no no oh my God there’s no way for me to live I’m dead what do you mean Jeffy no no it’s fine

Jeffy no I’m sure I’m sure it’s fine oh no stop trying to Corner me I’m not cornering you Jeffy uhuh yeah you are you know what I’m going to bring you into one big ass oh oh oh I’m so dead oh no oh you can’t get back here

Can you you you can’t get in here uhuh what are you going to do you know I’m fine Jeffy you survived this time but I’ll remember it I’ll remember it Jeffy get your fat ass out here you know what Jeffy I grow tired of this game well

It’s because you’re probably so big and there’s nothing left to do uh yeah you killed everybody I killed everyone I am God Jeffy you hacker you hacked the game yes Jeffy yes Jeffy you know one you I don’t have enough Robux in this video I

Go from this to this make sure to stick around to the end to see how big I get D what what am I doing Jeffy I don’t know wait wait gra grab the feather Jeffy it’s telling you to grab the feather I’m do yes Jeffy grab as many feathers as

You can I didn’t have to yeah yes you do grab the feathers Jeffy I’m grabbing so many look all right Jeffy go go all the way to the end look I’m so strong Jeffy they’re literally they’re literally just feathers Jeffy so strong Jeffy go work out you

Liter you were so tiny Jeffy you look like a preey baby just just go work out please I don’t look like a I want to look like this guy I want Jeffy go lift weights then go lift weights all right good boy Jeffy don’t poop yourself look I’m a little fire you’re

Already bigger Jeffy oh my gosh can you carry anything other than the feathers I might be able to look it’s a little rubber ducky grab the rubber duck I’m going so quick oh my God Jeffy W you got 200 power look at the top right Jeffy you got 200 energy that is

So much I know you’re going to get so big with that Jeffy I’m going pick up the biggest dumbbell here we go try it Jeffy try it I feel so much stronger wow Jeffy can you pick up anything heavier than the ducks damn I’m go poop in the toilet no

Jeff don’t Jeffy do not poop on the toilet do not poop Jeffy don’t poop on the toilet oh yeah all right you’re actually weird for that Jeffy just stop just all right grab the toilet you can’t Jeffy you got you knocked are you going to be able to carry all of

Them you can barely move Jeffy I can’t move Jeffy drop some of them if everyone subscribes right now I’ll be able to move them Jeffy I don’t believe that no one’s subscribing no one’s subscribing Jeffy oh my God oh my God oh people are actually subscribing holy crap Jeffy I

Told you D they subscribe so I can move the toil lch Jeffy look how much energy you got oh my God I’m so rich Jeffy I don’t know if you’re that rich look at my butt look Jeffy no one cares no one cares about your butt Jeffy

All right all right you can stop squatting in front of the screen Jeffy wow you’re get you’re actually kind of jacked Jeffy Jeffy what happened to your helmet it’s gone I lost it I guess I think this guy took it I guess your head’s too muscly for it h Jeffy I’m I’m

Too bald see people like you can’t wear helmet either D you think I WR you do you think I can take up all of these try Jeffy see if you can get all those you can go to the next stage Jeffy where we can get even buffer oh yeah wow Jeffy

Are you going toble get all these oh I’m pooping no Jeffy all right don’t sit in the toilet and poop all right come on move oh my God Jeffy does that mean more people subscrib look I got to move the dumpster can you move the dumpster Jeffy I think

All right everyone make sure to subscribe here we go 3 2 1 oh my God Jeffy W that guy is huge that guy was massive all right Jeffy go to the next World come on I’m at the next area oh my God D what what hell are you

So big look how muscular you are that’s because I’ve been lifting Jeffy look I’ve lifted so much my mustache is missing look Jeffy no Marvin mustache how is this possible you have big muscles I thought you were fat I don’t know Jeffy watch this look how much I

Can grab what how are you doing that how are you so strong Jeffy because I’m freaking Jack Jeffy I’m Jack the label above your s says you’re a small chunker look at this Jeffy look how much I’m carrying oh my goodness all right Jeffy see if you can carry that much see if

You can carry that much Jeffy oh yeah you’re right here we go D I can’t I can’t do it Jeffy you can’t grab these cattle Bells Jeffy no doesn’t work Jeffy look how easy this is you should be able to do this no problem look at it Jeffy you’re moving it around

Like it’s nothing because it is nothing Jeffy I hate you I’m a little kettle bell a helicopter see I can’t barely even move four of them Jeffy look what hell oh my goodness Jeffy I have 356,000 energy but day I only have 400 that’s cuz you’re weak sauce Jeffy can

You carry one of the tires one tire all right let’s try it you can do one tire tire Jey come on one Tower that’s it I’m doing it yes I’m so strong oh my God good job Jeffy you actually did it mhm I’m a weak no you’re so tiny Jeffy no

Get away don’t stom on me no no I can grab all the tires and I move them like they’re nothing Jeffy D you didn’t even slow down a little bit not even a little Jeffy look I’m going to try it here we go H Jeffy I think you need

Jeffy out I think to LIF more I have to work out yes Jeffy mhm here we go all right all Jeffy stop want chocolate Jeffy no one cares about your freaking chocolate cake Jeffy look at my muscle D I’m getting musles you are so much bigger now Jeffy you’re getting

Jacked uhhuh you’re not as big as your your dad though Jeffy look how big I am all right Jeffy see if you can do two tires now two tires are you can’t you can’t do all of them Jeffy just try two oh oh you’re struggl but you’re

Doing it Jeffy you’re doing it oh my gosh Jeffy there a piece of cake yes wow look how much points you got Jeffy you’re almost back up to 5K already goodness keep on doing that Jeffy then you think I can do three try Jeffy try two three every want subscribe for good

Luck here we go you can do three you can do three Jeffy good job I’m so strong I’m already back to 4,000 points good job Jeffy D even I no Four oh Jeffy you’re doing it you’re doing it you’re barely doing it but you’re doing it Jeffy so heavy oh my goodness oh you’re so close Jeffy yes yeah you’re you’re almost at 10,000 energy Jeffy go work out go work out I’m going go live some weight oh

Yeah you think you can do five now Jeffy try it it’s not Jeffy I don’t think it’s working buddy damn why can’t I live F because your we sauce Jeffy you li like it’s nothing I know Jeffy it’s working look this I can do it I’m pulling five

Oh my God Jeffy you’re actually doing it yeah to 50,000 points and then see how big you get all right let’s do it Jeffy oh my God you’re at 100,000 energy see how big you can get with that all right I’m going to spend all of this on

Working out feels so good okay Jeffy you no you can stop I’m just thinking about chocolate cake Jeffy why are you thinking about chocolate cake because you give me motivation then get away from me I’m trying to work out you’re too big I’m just watching you work out

Jeffy stop watching me that’s creepy how sexy my arms are oh my God guys still I’m checking out your guns sorry Jeffy Jeffy you are getting so much bigger look how much bigger you’re getting Jeffy I know I’m getting so many more muscles I’m probably going to be bigger

Than you uh I don’t know about that Jeffy I’m going to be so so so so big they look the thing about my head say strong noodle oh my God Jeff see how easy you can do five tires now oh my goodness oh my god look you you’re doing

Them like they’re nothing Jeffy yeah and I’m only de Shing your all right Jeffy this is the next challenge can you get all of them and then we can move on to the next math Jeffy look see how easy I get all of them but you’re so much

Bigger than me well I know I’m bigger than you Jeffy oh do the kettle bells I got six of them and now for your last one five tires I mean Six Tires oh my gosh here we go oh man subscribe please it gives me power oh my goodness oh my God Jeffy

You’re doing it I’m so powerful good job Jeffy look yeah you got 177,000 with just that one that so much now the question is can I move this protein bar that easy all right d let’s move on to the next stage oh my God Jeffy look I

Want to grab the french fries let me eat them Jeffy don’t eat the French fry see if you can carry it across see if you can carry it across Jeffy all right you can do a whole french fry Jeffy see if you can do all the french fries Jeffy oh my God you

Have all the french fries I can doing oh man french fries Jeffy look how many points you got you got like 10,000 points Jeffy wait what about the pop pie Jeffy try the pop pie the big pie but then I want to eat it here we go oh Jeffy that one’s

Hard it’s so heavy I got 4,000 from each pie try as many turkeys as you can all right here we go oh my God you can barely do them D I’m so strong here we go Jeffy you’re all right Jeffy you want to see how many

I can do um yeah I bet you can’t do any of them because you’re so weak five sodas Jeffy oh there’s a lot five things of sushi Jeffy oh wow four fries what three pies three pies and three chicken turkeys Jeffy look how easy I carry all

Of this Jeffy look at you carry that one against just nothing that was so easy Jeffy see if you can do that oh my goodness all right I’m going to try it three chickens yep three PS y Jeffy here we go D I’m struggling you’re already trying Jeffy

You’re already struggling I don’t know you’re going to be able to get all this Jeffy four fries here we go Jeffy Sushi yeah oh good job Jeffy now just a drinks are you going to be able to do all of it Jeffy all right you have all of them

You’re at 60,000 Jeffy how many do you think you’re G um five F Jeffy I think you’re going to gain more than five points I hope you gain more than five points Jeffy oh my goodness I’ll get points oh my God oh my God that was like

50,000 go work out see we can how big you can get you should be able to double your size now Jeffy you have 100,000 energy do I think I’m so much bigger I think you’re way bigger Jeffy try to carry them all again and see if you can do it

Easily now grab the turkeys Jeffy here we go oh you’re still struggling look how many you’re getting though Jeffy oh my God Jeffy all right all right calm down calm down calm down calm down all right just grab so strong grab the fryer Jeffy and move it oh move want come over there

They I think I can move all of them already Jeffy see how many pool tables you can do I’m going to take all of them I’m taking all of them I can’t even move you can’t even move Jeffy you can’t even do that just Jeffy why don’t you drop

Those and try just one pool table I’m so weak you can do one pool table but you’re pretty slow Jeffy yeah ,000 for that one pool table Jeffy all right so let’s see how many I can do Jeffy all right I’ve got three Foo balls three air hoys god three pool

Tables Jeffy three racing arcades what and three basketball hoops Jeffy can’t one of those basketball these are even starting to slow me down Jeffy but I got like 100,000 points or something Jeff 100,000 from one run all the F balls there we go yeah Jeffy get all the air

Hoys yeah and oh I’m struggling big time oh it’s so heavy is it heavy Jeffy I can bar you’re barely doing it how many are you going to get how many points do you think you’ll get 65,000 170,000 no down down like 40,000 Jeffy you’re going to have to get way bigger

Before we move on to the next stage all right let me go work out D look I’m even bigger than you now oh my God Jeffy you’re so big that that came out wrong um tell me tell me to tell me to eat green beans again tell me you’re doing eat green

Beans get away get away get away get away don’t beat me up Jeffy wait Jeffy Jeffy look look you’re at a million energy how big can you get with a million energy Jeffy do you think you can take all of it Jeffy uh I can I can

Probably take all of it three times over three times over Jeffy that is insane look I’m just moving around like it’s nothing I’m going to get to a million energy and then we’re both going to see how big we get with using million energy Jeffy oh yeah I’m at 1.3 million Jeffy

That’s crazy all right all right Jeffy let’s work out come on Marvin never skips leg day oh dang you always Skip Leg Day that’s why your legs are the skinniest ever Jeffy look how big I’m getting I God you 2 2,000 Jeffy you’re freaking huge how did you get so big so

Fast a lot of protein guys stop smelling me I swear Jeffy my weight is going through your face Jeffy no no my weight’s going through your hand my weight’s going through your face well I’m halfway done with my million Jeffy how many energies are you per squat 177,000 I’m at 21,000

Something that 21,000 look at the label above my head it says thick I’m baby gigantic baby gigantic oh my God Jeffy we have to get to the biggest size possible before this video ends you think we can do it uhhuh look how easy I carry these now Jeffy well look how big

I am I’m so much bigger than you all right we’re definitely ready to move on to the next World Jeffy on 3 2 one I’m already moving oh well mov all right d how much you want about I can take all of these you think you can take all these Jeffy good

Luck oh my God Jeffy oh my God tractors he you can do all the tractor I can’t even see you je oh my goodness you’re barely moving I’m so slow you’re kind of moving keep moving left or right left or right don’t don’t don’t don’t drop them

Jeffy you can do it you can do it here we go yes yes how many points do you get how many oh Jeffy you got almost half a million from run half a million from one thing that was crazy oh I can only do two tractors at a time oh you’re

A loser Jeffy these tractors are huge I can barely move them D get out of my way I got 880,000 just from those tractors Jeffy oh shame oh Jeffy these are hard I might have to go back to the last round Jeffy just to level up all right I’m

Going to work out again you’re going to work out again Jeffy you’re going to get so much bigger than me though I’m already so much bigger than you all right I’m going to go work out Jeffy so I can carry more the tractors easier

Whose problem is z why you so mean to me Jeffy because you’re bald you’re fat and you’re ugly Jeffy That is rude do not talk to me like that I’m your dad do you want me to beat you up do you want me to feed you green beans oh no I hate green

Beans I I know you hate green beans D you know I hate green beans comment down below if you know Jeffy hates green beans d i bet I can pull the next door down you think you can pull the next one down Jeffy are you ready Jeffy this is like the last Door I did I pulled it down did you really Jeffy I’m going to try to pull it down okay I’m just going to walk in oh Jeffy I got it you got it already oh my gosh Jeffy how are we going to pull I’m going to try to pull one of these snakes

This has got to be the biggest thing not going to work you can’t pull I can’t even pull one snake Jeffy because you’re weak you’re a ptic little old man all right Jeffy That is rude I bet you can’t even pull one of these I can pull one

Obas Jeffy but I’m a little slow doing it try and pull all three Jeffy I’m not going to try to pull all three try and pull all three now all all three out Jeffy I am barely moving Jeffy I was literally bigger than you most of the

Time no no you wen’t I don’t remember that Jeffy I was I was way bigger than you not even close Jeffy you’re really scary without hair and a helmet you don’t like me without my All right Jeffy I’m going to go catch up to you like right now I need to go back like one or two take the L Jeffy I’m not taking the L I’m just working out more efficiently Jeffy that’s all there’s no such thing Jeffy it’s called efficiency

Jeffy what is that if you had half a brain you know what is a brain oh boy I’m a big man I’ve got lots of muscles you have lots of muscles but you have like no brains so I don’t I don’t know what to tell well you don’t need a brain

To be a man and I upgraded a massive chunker Jeffy massive chunker I’m almost getting like 200,000 every time I walk through these now Jeffy that is so pathetic Jeffy my squats look weird I’m like tilted sideways almost D I think you’re injured I think your pump’s on my

Stump Jeffy my pump’s not messed up what do you even know about pumping Jeffy I’m the biggest pumper out of everyone that sounded wrong D look I got 10 million energies oh my God Jeffy and Jeffy look I have 4 million what how big big are we

Going to get Jeffy oh I’m going to start working out oh my goodness I pay 65,000 every single time Jeffy well I do 64,000 so takea and it says you’re gigantic Jeffy I’m spicy gigantic oh I’m spicy gigantic too Jeffy oh my god well um um

Um um I’mma beat you oh my god Jeffy I’m almost to 100,000 every time I LIF Jeffy that’s so many oh my God I got so big I’m Mega gigantic now Jeffy how big are you going to get I still have 6 million left oh my I still can’t carry one Hydra

Jeffy D my tag says thick Legend thick Legend Jeffy oh my gosh Jeffy all we have to do to beat the game is to remove this last wall Jeffy Dam my tag turned to ripped and now it says muscle ripped I’m going through so much oh I’m done

I’m done wait Jeffy let’s see how much bigger you are than me beef cake this is who I am oh my God gosh Jeffy you’re a whole head taller than me that is insane all right Jeffy see how see if you can carry one of the hydras now Jeffy all

Right let’s see oh that’s still really heavy Jeffy oh my go you’re doing it Jeffy you’re doing it see how much see how much that one Hydra gets you Jeffy can I have chocolate cake after this Jeffy you can have chocolate cake yes you can have chocolate cake Jiffy no

Calm down Jeffy calm down okay all right buddy help me okay all right Jeffy come on hurry up don’t take all freaking day Jeffy 200,000 just for Jeffy I think we can beat the game now all right let’s try and do it I got it I pulled it down oh my God

Jeffy you made it to the last level we beat the game I didn’t beat the game d what do you mean look how many are oh my God Jeffy if this video can get like 10,000 likes we will beat the entire game yeah let’s do it everybody

Like the video right now right now I have two strength and by the end of this video I’m going to have a million stick around to the end to find out if I can beat the final boss Jeffy what is this game what do you even do I have to get

Super super strong in the arm wrest all these guys watch I’m going to win watch this oh yeah and oh god oh Daddy he actually annihilated me Jeffy how are we going to beat him by the end there’s no way you’re going to be able to do that I’m going to get this

One kg and start lifting look I’m getting so many strengths Jeffy you’re barely getting any strength what are you talking about I have to get 50 strengths to even be the bully are you kidding me Jeffy are you you’re never going to be able to beat the bully of course I am

Let me just get the 50 St je is it Bo the guy that goes hey shut up loser and stuff like that yeah that’s him that’s literally him and Daddy Let Me punch his back so I can get even stronger really quick Jeffy look look oh

My God I’m 50 strength wait see if you can beat the bully now oh yeah oh yeah okay here we go come on Bully give me everything you got come on Jeffy oh you’re getting there you’re getting you’re winning Jeffy barely oh God come on come on come on come Jeffy

Come on you got to be stronger than this guy Dy he’s so strong he’s so strong oh my God je it’s saying he has 100 strength you’re beating him with only 50 come on she’s so strong D Jeffy if you don’t get this you suck yes oh you won you got

A single win Jeffy that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life Jeffy you need to improve like more than just your arms do like your grip strength and stuff oh you’re right so I’m going to go over here and grab some nons here we go Jeffy it’s not a

Numu a it’s not a numu Jeffy it’s just a little gu it is I’m a ninja look I’m a ninja I can jump see I’m a ninja I be the bully which means I can beat the teacher Jeffy I don’t think you can beat the teacher yet Jeff you’re going to get

Destroyed come on come on oh my God yeah oh what the how did that happen daddy wait so if I can’t be the teaser I can definitely be this guy Jeffy you’re going to get destroyed by this guy too he’s got 5,000 Jeffy you have like 100

Dy he actually just broke my arm oh no Jeffy come on you have to at least train to get to a th000 a th000 okay let me just punch this back a million times look at that Jeffy you’re almost to 500 oh I know but D is taking so

Long Jeffy I don’t know what else you’re going to do about it you have to work out to get results okay but daddy look at this punching bag VIP oh I think I will thanks Daddy for your credit card Jeff you just use my Robo look how much faster I’m getting oh

My gosh I’m almost to 1,000 already put a wet C Jeffy by wallet because of you imagine being broke you still been broken if you can’t just upgrade your your your punching you got to upgrade your arm and your and your grippers Jeffy Oh Daddy I’m at 100 I’m

Strength Jeffy there’s more than arm wrestling than just your your your punching ability oh really let’s see about that let’s fight bully Okay destroyed and Daddy I can breing this guy a few more times and get my first pet wait really uh one more time one more time and you’ll get a pet Jeffy yeah now I have four wins and now I’m going to go buy a pet boom look at

That I got a mouse oh you’re a cute little mouse Jeffy what does that even do I can equip it and then it helps me get stronger how does a pet help you get stronger that doesn’t make any sense what I use my grip strength like this

Oh it’s three reps now oh and you get even more because because you’re a VIP now Jeffy yeah and the bad the mouse is helping me LIF Jeffy you need to get to at least 1 th000 on each one on each one are you serious yes Jeffy I’m serious

Fine oh my God Jeffy you made it to 1,000 but wait there’s one thing you haven’t done yet Jeffy you have gift you can claim on the right really I have gifts oh my goodness I’m is that another pet or something I got a parot you’re not Jeffy you’re not a

Parot stop Jeff stop I get yeah go what does that do Jeffy make he talks to me he talk he’s my voice inside my head Jeffy all right that’s just weird taking the teacher now okay I don’t know if you’re going to be strong enough to fight the teacher oh my

God oh you just beat your teacher and again Jeffy Jeffy takeing teacher you still want him to pass you I stupid teacher what is wrong with you why do you keep on abusing your teacher Jeffy Y strong dny have 18 wins which you means I can buy more pets Jeff you

Don’t need another pet I got a dog Daddy are you proud of me no Jeffy I’m not proud of you Daddy I love cows je you’re just wasting your money on crappy pets I like a cow since I have all these pets I can definitely take on the mafia

Bus Jeffy no you can’t take on the mafia boss what are you talking about God oh my goodness daddy Jeffy you suck you can’t take on the mafia B supposed to fight the gym rat First Jeffy oh you’re close come on come on Jeff oh no Jeffy oh you’re almost there Jeffy no no no Dy my arm hurts oh Jeffy you can do it come on come on in no Jeffy Jeffy so strong oh no Jeff you’re losing No shut up why you doing Daddy Jeffy because I told you to be quiet just get stronger you need to work out instead of being a a sorry like a sore loser Jeffy Daddy are you talking about yourself Jeffy I’m not a sore loser what are you talking

About oh my gosh Jeffy you upgraded your dumbbells which means you can get stronger even faster Daddy this is 18 reps per second Jeffy let’s get you to 10,000 strength oh yeah I all right about you punch the bag again okay I’m Batman je you’re not Batman what you and 10,000 strength oh

My gosh I that all right that was you got the 10,000 strength quicker than I thought Jeffy but your grip strength is only at a th000 you can’t just put it all into punching people why but because I said so okay all right just get your scrip strength of 2,000 and we’ll we’ll

Call it even Stephen okay Jeffy I did there you go all right now now see if you can take on the gym rat okay oh yeah Daddy I’m going to beat him oh you’re actually beating him Jeffy oh God come on you are double his strength there’s no reason you shouldn’t be destroying

I this one cuz of my poop power get out of here stupid cow I’m equipping the Slime oh oh my gosh you have way better pets now Jeffy you just need to keep upgrading your your pets and your training equipment you got the best punching bag you can get you need to get

Your bicep power and your hand strength up oh fine Jeffy look you having an even stronger dumbbell so you’ll be able to lift even more and get stronger even faster yeah 24 reps per LIF all right Jeffy you got to get to 10,000 on each strength on each strength are you

Kidding me no Jeffy I’m not just do it now boom 10,000 on biceps now let’s do it on grip strength I got 10,000 on hamstring all right Jeffy now you just need to get your knuckle strength at 10,000 and then you can try to take the okay all right Jeffy calm

Down oh my go oh you getting there you getting there oh you did it Jeffy good job all right take on the next enemy oh yeah come on my boss oh jez oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my come on oh you’re get you’re

Fighting back Jeffy good job no come on Jeffy you got this no no you’re so close oh look at come back Jeffy come on come on Jeffy no no Jeffy no you just gave up No shut up shut up that’s abuse to beat this Maia boss I’m going to get to 20,000 strength on each bar each arm Jeffy that that’s impossible there’s no way you’re n aable La oh my gosh you’re getting like 500 every time you curl almost I know Daddy I’m literally a boss 20,000 on biceps oh my gosh D just got them grippers there Jeffy Dam grippers daddy you want to see my toes no I don’t want to see your freaking toes Jeffy why

Because it’s disgusting and you haven’t showered in a month and not I showered left last year Jeffy you didn’t shower last year you I don’t remember the last time you’ve showered Jeffy I didn’t even know we had a shower in the house D 20,000 on each damage we can take off

The m boss let’s go let’s try it here we go oh god dad it oh he’s really strong wait you’re going to beat him let’s go oh you beat him Jeffy good job let’s go okay that means I can take this one one doing MH no Jeffy you’re going to get

Wrecked Jeff oh my go oh he actually just annihilated me Jeffy you just got you just got obliterated you suck only I’m ever going to be able to be now Jeffy you really don’t think you’re going to be able to beat him no not with that attitude Daddy what are

You doing here come here Jeffy come here right now come here right now but Daddy you’re stronger than the M than the final on oh oh Jeffy am I am I stronger Jeffy oh it’s okay I’ll just chill here Jeffy I’ll just chill Here oh Jeffy I’m going to win I’m going to win I’m going to win I’m going to win y here we go you’re going to win Jeffy no no Jeffy it’s okay Jeffy I’ll I’ll let you in I’ll let you in Jeffy yes thank you Dy oh you’re welcome

You’re welcome Jeffy my little you suck eat your green beans Jeffy eat your green beans loser oh my gosh look at my pets look at my pets Jeffy look at them and look at your pets you have 1300 wins Jeffy I am op Dy I’m going to go get new pets yeah

Jeffy you’re never going to be be able to beat me unless you get pets as good as mine oh well then what you think I’m doing oh I got a common squirrel Jeffy come on you need to start training if you ever want to beat the final

Boss Dy I’m going to train my butt off Daddy I just got to 100,000 strength and now I’m going to upgrade my pens and upgrade even faster oh my gosh Jeffy you’re actually catching up oh I know loser Dy a going to toxic Hydra oh my

Gosh if you got one of the most powerful pets in the game uhuh and now I’m going to level up and beat you Daddy a is going to do 1,000 wins challenge me loser all right Jeffy I’m trying so hard no no side you suck you suck Jeffy loser Jeffy you

Going to eat your green beans no no you going to eat your green beans Jeffy submit Jeffy eat your green beans Jeffy do you want to beat me yes then eat green beans no then then I’m going to beat you no you’re not say you’re going to be green say you’re

Going to eat your green beans or I’m going to decimate you right here and now Jeffy I know I’m not three two one all right loser I’m going to upgrade my pencil I can murder you D I’m almost there to 100,000 on both good job Jeffy you think

I can beat the the main boss no did it look 100,000 all right Jeffy I’m going to fight the main boss now wish me luck okay good luck loser all right I’m I’m have to fight him three two 1 really no no come on oh oh my God Jeffy Jeffy I’m

Beating him what I’m beating him what no we’re had to steal meate are you kidding me Jeffy no he’s beating me no no he got me Health back down no no loser loser oh there’s no way I’m never going to be able to beat him all right Dy I’m at

300K I’ve got you being clone to beating him now Jeffy there’s no way give it a go if I lost there’s no way you’re going to win watch This man oh my God we’re actually not that far off I know right okay Daddy I’m going to train until I get to half a million oh my God Jeffy you’re actually going to get close to half a million if he get a half a million you might be

Able to give it a shot at beating the final boss oh yeah all right here we go here we go and milon all right Jeffy try fighting the boss right now all right here we go Come on come on come on come on come come Jeffy oh you’re winning Jeffy you’re winning no no no no no keep going keep going Jeffy oh Jeffy no Jeffy you got this no no Jeffy no Jeffy stop wait d one more time one more time Jeffy

You’re not going to be able oh my God all right now now this is just embarrassing sad no I got it oh got it no Jeffy I think you’re getting worse Jeffy just level up a little bit more getting worse are you kidding me you’re literally getting worse now Jeffy I hate my

Life come on I can do it I can do it let’s go go Jeffy oh my god oh you beat him you beat the final go again yeah D just be the final boss I’m finally the strongest armorer in all of Roblox uh Jeffy I think you’re forgetting something no way going go

Go oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on come on I got I’m really going Jeffy I’m going to destroy you you’re not Jeffy Jeffy oh you still suck you’re never going to beat me Jeffy you know what Dy I’m going

To train until I die until my hands BL to beat you Dy I hit 1 million what yeah Jey if you beat me I’ll give you 10,000 robots Jeffy you’re done I’m not I’m not going to let you you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done please [Applause]

Please I’m the strongest in Roblox in this video I’m going to be stealing $1 million in Roblox yeah Jeffy but that’s too bad because I already have $100,000 and I’m going to get to a million first D you already have $100,000 what I only have1 19 oh God

Jeffy I’ve been playing this game I guarantee I’ll get to a million before you Jeffy no you won’t you won’t see by dad Daddy I just stole $231 from someone oh my gosh and if we have any help and catching up with my daddy we got to buy some Robux gems so

I’m going to buy some 2 XP oh yeah D I just use your credit card you use my credit card Jeffy uh-huh and now I have times 2 XP what no every time I Rob someone I get double exp so I’m going to

Cat jump to you and in no time D that I just robed somebody Jeffy stop robbing people but I like it it’s really fun well Jeffy you can rob all the people you want but I’m robbing entire houses well Daddy I’m going to do the same

Thing cuz I have a class to do oh okay Jeffy whatever all right ddy first thing I have to do is buy a crowbar for $500 $500 Jeffy uh-huh I just completed a quest and I also have to buy a basic bag I have one of the biggest bags in

The game I can have 350 items you have a long way to go are you kidding me I to Rob more people to afford a new bag all right now we’re going to rob the first house oh god oh we have the lock pck this oh my goodness I’m inside the house

Look at all this stuff and keep in mind my backpacking only carry a few you things so we have to get oh no um um there’s only a few seconds left get the diamonds 5 Seconds okay we’re all good to go first robbery down and I just earned

$500 but the thing is $500 is nothing if we want to beat my daddy so I’m going to cheat and buy some money so I can upgrade all the things I want okay so we got to spend some money on stealth we got to do some swiping speed intimidation Sprint strength all this

Really good stuff to make us go even better than my daddy Dynamite no way I can actually buy dynamite that’s C I’m literally going to buy some of the most expensive bags ever so I’m going to use this office bag which I can store a 100

Things in there so let’s go rob the next house and see how fast I got Jeffy I hope you’re upgrading because I already have a 100 items items that I’ve stolen in my backpack of course I’m upgrading Daddy and I’m catching up to you actually as a matter of fact I am more

Money than you right now you have more money than me right now uhhuh because I’m just down much better well that’s because I spent $100,000 Jeffy just got upgrade so I’m going to be able to steal stuff way quicker than you well jokes on you I bought $80,000 with Robux and I

Spent all of it on bags and tools and it don’t stop to make me even faster Jeffy did you use my Roo yes oh you’re grounded and you’re going to eat green beans when you get home no I ha green beans all right I just robbed that house

And now we’re going to go on to the next house cuz I can still store more things all right breaking perfect boom oh my goodness there’s actually a tablet in here oh yes this is definitely worth so much money it takes so long to swipe I

Need to upgrade that next get all the D diamond watch out for the bear traps so the popo don’t come after us also who just has bear traps in their house that’s so weird oh God I’m in a bear trap well guess what I found a legendary

Painting and a legendary phone these two items alone are worth $4,000 Jeffy $4,000 well I just stole a painting that’s worth of $5,000 I’m probably going to be over 100 Grand when I turn my bag in oh really well I bet I’m going to be over2 200

Grand all right Jeffy well then let’s both fill our bags and we’ll see who has more money at the end okay oh my God on the couch there’s a legendary purse oh my God it’s worth ,000 alone I wonder how many more legendary things are in

Here okay Daddy I just filled my entire bag all right Jeffy well I just filled my bag too come to the store and we’ll compare how much we earned all right daddy right now I’m at $20,000 and after I step on this saying oh my god daddy

$50,000 okay Jeffy well let’s see what I got okay boom $109,000 Jeffy I’m right back to where I started $19,000 that’s literally like $60,000 more than me and guess what I’m going to go to the shop and I’m going to upgrade my swipe speed so I can steal stuff even

Quicker and I’ll leave you in the dust no all right whatever Jeffy and I’m way faster than you I’m going to steal so much more than you this round all right I need to buy more cash so I can get even further ahead of my daddy so we can finally get that $1

Million Jeffy I just upgraded to a good thief and I’m about to fill my bag again really Daddy I’m still robbing houses Jeffy you better get good I also bought a lockpick so I can steal things in inside trophy cases well I already have a lockpick loser and I also have the

Craziest bag in the game really Jeffy oh that’s nuts because I already have the craziest bag in the game and it’s filled to the brim are you kidding me mine’s not even halfway found oh Jeffy you better hurry up I’ve got $4,000 and I have 350 items let’s see how much money I

Make 175,000 Jeffy I’m almost a 200 well jokes on you I just found a legendary device Jeffy I had like six of those get good scrub I found two of them boom in the same house oh my God Jeffy I’ve leveled up so much I can rob this

Bedding store well I’m half the level you are and I can too so I’m getting really close to you oh my Jeffy you can already do it you can already Rob the bedding store yep all right I’m going to break in boom oh oh my god daddy there’s

Lasers all over this place oh my gosh we got to break the slot machines Jeffy yeah I’m breaking all of them oh my God ddy there is lasers all over the place you got to be careful I broke this now I’m going to break the ATMs Oh no I got

To break the ATMs no it’s all mine all these ATMs are mine no get out in there oh no no no D I have 20 seconds left 20 seconds left Jeffy uhhuh oh man I only made like 10 grand off that oh God oh God D no oh God the

Lasers no Dy I’m being arrested no Jeffy you got arrested that means you have to rob that stord all over again okay I’m making so much money Jeffy oh my gosh are you kidding me what are you doing how are you robbing your bang truck there’s a bank truck Park

Jeffy oh I cannot believe how much all right I got to go see how much money that bank truck I’m still Stu robbing this store I got 7 Grand just from the bank truck Jeffy what are you serious I bet you any money I’m going to go out to

Rob more houses and I’ll walk away with like 300 Grand probably no I’m going to beat you I’m going to beat you do million I completed my first Heist oh good job Jeffy how much money did you make um I got five grand oh Jeffy we need to upgrade enough to

Where we can rob the bank all right ch good to me Jeffy I bet the bank gives so much money we’d probably get to a million just from robbing that oh yeah and daddy guess what I’m going to hit a million before you cuz I’m a fast robber Jeffy I have over

$150,000 which means I can buy the jewelry store now well guess what I already got the jewelry store all right Jeffy then let’s both rob it and see who gets more money out of it yeah and I broke him first there is so many storm all over this place there’s lasers daddy

Don’t hit the lasers my God Jey I’m breaking the glass I broke the glass oh my god daddy this stuff is worth so much wa oh my gosh also Daddy what is that in front of me do you see that it looks like an ultimate Diamond an ultimate

Diamond oh God I don’t have enough time no daddy no oh this sucks to suck Jeffy looks like I’m going to steal one more thing no I robbed it jewelry store but I didn’t have enough time to get the ultimate Jewel oh I almost got caught Jeffy that was close all right daddy

Guess what’s next I wait how much did you earn from the jewelry store Jeffy cuz I earned $115,000 $1 15,000 uh I think I got like 10,000 all right Jeffy how about this we raised a half a million and then after that we rob a bank to where we’ll get a

Million sounds like a plan Jeffy I’m at $100,000 so far and my bag is filled and I just robbed a bunch of really rich houses how much money you think I’ll get to I don’t know hopefully $1 I made $100,000 Jeffy up at $220,000 halfway to

A million looks like I’m going to beat you oh my goodness no you’re not oh my God guys I have to be my daddy by the end of this video I need everyone to subscribe right now to help me please Jeffy get out this is my house to Rob no

It’s mine I’m going to rob everything in here Jeffy look how much quicker I’m robbing things in you good luck getting to half a million before me oh really I swear to God I won’t beat you if I don’t I’m going to I’m going to smear chocolate cake all over your face you’re

Going to smar chocolate cake all over my face really daddy I’m going to go sell Jeffy I’m going to go stuff green beans down your throat $100,000 D I have more money than you Jeffy I’m still robbing that same house that you dipped out at daddy I’m going

To beat you after I sell this next bag of items I’ll probably get straight to half a million so good luck no you won’t liar I robbed this house clean I got like 150 items just from this one house and and guess what I’m going to rob the

Jewelry store again are you kidding me all daddy I’m about in half a million yeah Jeffy while I’m at 200,000 I think I just got the best run ever so I might race to cell all right Jeffy I’m going to sell all right 3 2 1 arm

A million oh my God Jeffy beat me what all right Jeffy Let’s see we can get to a million first by robbing this Bank Jeffy I’m about to pull up on the bank well I’m already here where are you at I’m right here Jeffy you have a Lamborghini yeah Jeffy well that’s what

Happens when you’re a good robber like me all right let’s see who gets more money from robbing the bank oh it’s going to be me cuz I’m a better robber and I beat you Daddy we need thermite for this blow up the door oh my gosh Jeffy I

Just blow up the door I just blow it up let’s go and there’s so many paintings in here oh my goodness dad there’s so much money in here no way Jeffy I’m about to R the VA Vault well I’m already in the vault daddy I’ve been in here

I’ve been in here for so long oh my gosh I have 19 seconds no no oh God no Daddy I got arrested I wasn’t paying attention oh God arrested I got busted too no no no no no cops no cops no cops no daddy we’re going to be in prison for the rest

Of our lives all right let’s try and not get a resting this time okay Daddy I’m going straight for the vault oh Jeffy this is hard it’s open all right Daddy it’s open and I’m robing all this no Jeffy oh I got I got thermite oh you got thermite you oh my

God there’s so so much in these in these chests oh my oh I’m already at of time and I got busted again Jeffy you got busted loser I still have 40 seconds what and Daddy I just stole pretty much everything in here and now I got to go

Oh my gosh Jeffy how much money you think you’re going to make from the bank deal oh no oh no dadd oh my God I just got $30,000 just from that yeah just from the bank alone all right Daddy I’m about your turn everything I got from the bank

Oh my God Jeffy how much money you think you’re going to get two one boom a million oh my God Jeffy I cannot believe you got a million dollars that’s insane Daddy I can buy whatever I want if this video gets 10,000 likes we’ll go to the

Next map and still $10 million and this video every second that goes by I get stronger make sure you stick around to the end to find out how strong I get Jeffy how do how do we even get stronger oh you have to come over here and pull

Out your weight be careful that guy is like super super strong so pull out your weight I have more Health than you what does that mean Jeffy oh my goodness he just punched me what The Jeffy let’s beat him up let’s beat him up get your

Fist out Jeffy Oh Daddy if you go in this green thing you’re safe it’s like your safe Zone really Danel we need to level up so we don’t get beat up how how do we level up quickly well um it’s um the more wins you get the faster your health goes up

Really the faster my health goes up Jeffy yeah so if you go in there and you kill somebody you get one win if I go in there and I kill someone I get a whole win Jeffy yeah then come over here F follow me follow me okay

Jeffy oh my God D I have four wins you have four wins wait how do I have two wins oh I weird they super weird d follow me fall me I have something to show you out here do you yeah follow me oh that guy foiled my plan oh I beat

Someone I have three wins now what you had three wins I only I beat you no no no no no no oh get back here get back here take this D take this get back here oh God for it’s coming for me oh God I need

To run you can’t catch me Jeffy what’s he doing oh no but he’s trying to kill me Jeffy my strength is almost at a thousand what you have the same amount as I do D let’s go in here and let’s do some stuff no Jeffy a he’s after me he’s

After me get away get away get away D I’m coming after you I’m going to get you you’re coming after me Jeffy yeah I’m going to get you get back here oh my gosh Jeffy they stop running away I di no no no no no get away all

Right day I’m just going to start lifting way Jeffy oh my gosh look plus 10 strength every second every second and it’s only 500 Robux 500 Robux oh I’m going to buy it I’m going to buy it my strength is going up so much quicker bought 100 wins you bought a 100

Wins Jeffy I just bought 100 wins D you know what that means my health is going to go up so much faster than yours what that is not cool oh God you like that kill that guy he has like a million Health Jeffy I know so you better not

Kill him oh D I’m being chased help me you’re being chased Jeffy uhhuh Daddy I can go to your next map can you really all right Jeffy wait I’m going to buy 100 wins too okay Jeffy I’m at 42,000 strength well I’m at 50,000 so Tang 50,000 uh-huh come out here and challenge

Me rocket oh you’re not ready hey you loser oh God what are you talking about didn’t lose I just destroying you I was already at half Health Jeff oh God I just destroy two people I’m at 112 how are you one hitting me that is BS je I’m so much stronger than you

You’re so much stronger than me Jeffy yeah oh can’t catch me can’t catch me Jeffy I’m coming right for you oh God oh God oh I got you I beat you Jeffy did you see that you hacker you got Jeffy I’m a hacker yes you are Jiffy I got three free gifts

Let’s see what I got one win another two win five wins oh D 120 I just got oh my God D I’m at 130 wins beat dad what what I’m going to buy another 100 wins Jeffy no daddy no no no okay well if you’re going to buy 100

Wins I’m going to buy 500 500 wins Jeffy boom I am so many more wins than you that Jeffy that is BS loser let’s fight oh my God D I’m at 100,000 strength loser all right Jeffy that is oh my gosh Jeffy look how much bigger we

Are now oh my God we’re huge oh you just got beat up by S with only 54 wins Jeffy then guess what we can go to the next level the next level oh and it’s lava oh my goodness look at all this lava Jeffy wait this guy with 56 wins

Came by let’s see how quick we can beat him all right hey M man come outside what yeah that’s right trying to kill me you can’t kill me Daddy you’re so old your strength doesn’t even matter yeah I just beat him oh my God I destroyed

Him Jeffy get away no get away Jeffy back here no car no one cares about yours Jeffy St running away oh than D I’m the bus in this world wait epic egg what does that mean me EP egg what that though I don’t know I got

A crab a crab Jeffy D I don’t want a crab they Weir then I have a crab now ew what what do you even need a crab Bo did you call my crab ew get out here and we’ll settle this yeah you just got one shot Jeffy

You hit me in one loser loser Jeffy that’s BS you know what Daddy I’m sick of this map you sick of this map Jeffy what what what did you do nothing Jeffy all right let’s go to the next no no no no no oh my goodness DD what um nothing

Nothing you just have a thousand wins no I don’t um I can literally stand over your Jeffy you loser get back here you can’t beat me I can’t beat you Jeffy no that’s not fair I have a th000 wins Daddy I’m almost had a million strength a million strength you’re not

Lifted enough you don’t have a pump I don’t have a pump Jeffy no D you drop like a fly oh I dropped like a fly huh Jeffy you dropped like a fly Jeffy I hate this game Daddy I hate this game oh you hate this game uhhuh I hit a million

St Jeffy you hit a million before me are you kidding me gosh I’m so much stronger than you Jeffy no no I can’t let this happen Mr Crab we need to do our best to be him Jeffy first one to 10 million strength beats this video oh my God they

Bet all right Jeffy we’re back at the beginning just to see how easy it is for us to beat people out oh yeah that’s a great on there but oh God you comill oh my gosh Jeffy no why you doing yeah oh my God look how big I am comparing to this

Guy Destro both of you Jeffy one hit that was get busy oh my God dang these guys are so strong this guy one shot me they were still not strong enough oh my God Jeff I’m going beat him I beat him I beat Jeffy that guy that was beating us up I

Just wrecked him what well I’m just going to wreck you ah oh loser all right Jeffy let’s go back and see how far we can level up Jeffy I’m getting 22,000 strength every time I left every time you left H I’m only getting 12,000 all right but here’s the thing Jeffy I’m

Going to buy the super weight what does that do I don’t even know what that does now I’m getting 100,000 strength every single time I live what you know what dd I’m going to use your CR C to mage Jeffy don’t do not use my credit card boom I

Just use your credit card are you kidding me Jeffy uhhuh and now I’m getting 16,000 strength per lift well I’m getting Jeffy I’m leveling up way faster than you I’m actually going to beat you in this video well guess what I’m also going to buy 1,000 wins how

Many how much strength are you at Jeffy 2.3 million really Jeffy cuz I’m at 6 million come on Jeffy let’s fight come on Jeffy let’s fight what all right I guarantee you I’m going to beat you one shot you just one me Jeffy my health is low maybe you can get me oh

God oh you’re so weak you’re so weak Jeffy no oh all right you got me every time I LIF with a super weight I get 150,000 wait I lost my super weight imagine you losing your super waight loser Daddy I’m catching up to you I’m catching up didn’t you say the

I’m at 7 million Jeffy you sent the first one to uh to 10 million wins yeah Jeffy first one to 10 million come to the snow all right Jeffy I’m in the snow biome they look there is a ton of people for us to battle all right Jeffy I’m

Going to try to fight this guy get over here where is he going then one day he doesn’t a loser Jeffy I’m not a loser I’m going to destroy you no you’re not no you’re not oh Jeffy how much strength are you at ddy I’m at 9.4 million

9.4 million wait what no you’re going to beat me yeah I’m going to beat you D youit Jeffy come back here come back here Jeffy dang I’ve got one more left until I million No No 3 2 1 10 million no oh yeah d stand still so I can kill

You I win Jeffy we got the 10 million there’s no way these guys should be able to beat us do you know what I’m going to do one I’m buying a new you’re buying a nuclear oh my goodness look up oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh it destroyed everyone

I need to run away from the nuclear bomb Jeffy the nuclear bomb it’s going to destroy this entire world no right now I have one win and by the end of this video I’m going to have a billion Jeffy Jeffy oh you’re playing this game too yeah D how do you already

Have 41 WS it’s called get good scrub watch me get one win and one jump Jeffy oh my goodness you just jumped that entire thing what I know Jeffy D I jumped already half of it I already jumped half of it Jeffy you mean you only jumped half

Of it here let me just jump again real quick Jeffy no D you can’t you’re cheating I’m cheating Jeffy it’s like you playing this game before me then I’m going to get another win in three 2 one and if you don’t know getting more wins makes all these numbers multiply so it

Goes up faster each time you get a win all right you want to race Jeffy yeah I’ll race right now 3 2 1 go ddy I get even jump over you for a sing oh you better get good Jeffy what is this game B CRA Jeffy you have to jump until

You can clear this thing in one go D you know what I’m sick of you having more jumps than me Jeffy oh get get good I don’t know what to tell you I like literally have 2,000 more than you Jeffy well I’m a buy 1,000 jumps right now

1,000 jumps I’ll still have more than you Jeffy no no that’s know how mad works I just bought 1,000 oh my God all right all right let’s see if you can clear this whole thing now Jeffy all right in three 2 one oh my goodness oh I did it and I

Jumped higher than you Jeffy that’s cuz I stopped my jump oh you can stop your jump why would you do that you want to come across Weck Jeffy no it’s all right Jeffy Jeffy come on we’re we’re too good for this map we have to go to the next

One I think you’re right let’s go to the Moon oh my goodness we’re at the Moon D I wasn’t getting this rocket ship did I go out your space rocket ship Jeffy well I don’t know I I think we’re going to be faster than rocket look at

This oh my gosh Jeffy wow how was that possible D I want to buy more Jeffy no don’t buy more jumps just try the first one out oh fine all right d I’m I’m not even halfway up I’m not even close you’re not even halfway up and this

Right is going to take forever there’s like 70 Maps Jeffy it’s not going to take forever oh my goodness Daddy come back down and jump so you can see how fast you go on oh my goodness oh my God all Jeffy Jeffy come back down to the

Bottom okay let’s have a good old race and I’m going to win because your knees suck and your B and your ug all right are you ready all right 3 2 1 you see me shoot past you my goodness what you’re hacking Jeffy I’m not hacking okay Jeffy why don’t you just

Try to get one win on this map come on okay Jeffy I’m getting like 67 jumps a second I 67 I’m getting like two Jeffy I just wanted I’m already back to a th000 oh I hate you this isn’t fair well Jeffy that’s what happens when you have 51

Wins well I’m going to buy 100 wins Jeffy 100 wins seriously uhhuh I’m going to do it I’m going do it right now no you’ll have you’ll have twice the the wins of me then boom now I have 100 more wins and Daddy I’m getting like 150 jumps every second that’s insane I

Know oh my God I’m so high up in the all Jeffy wait come to the top and we’ll and and we’ll touch the wind thing at the same time all right d I’m still falling all all right all right let’s touch it and let’s see how many wins we

Get in comparison all right three 3 2 1 oh God I jumped again sorry d i I can’t control my knees I just feel like jumping all right Jeffy hurry up and get back here I’m already counting okay I’m I’m going to land on it and three two

One all right Jeffy I’m already at a th I’m already so much oh my God you’re catching up oh you’re catching up look how quick you’re catching up to me I’m beat you you I’m going beat you I’m close I’m going over yeah oh my go 2000 almost there Jeffy let’s wait till

We hit 4,000 and see if we can clear this thing I just overtook you oh Jeffy you’re lucky all right let’s get to this come on all right 4,000 all right wait for it for it boom what night it didn’t work oh my gosh how many jumps do you think we need

Um at least like 10,000 all right all right Jeffy let’s get to like 6,000 and see if we can clear this whole thing in one jump okay but then I’m already at 6,000 all right then jump back down here I’m at 10,000 JS let’s jump in three 2 one

One oh my goodness oh it’s still not enough how is that not enough 10,000 should be plenty well I’m just going to buy more jumps you’re going to buy more jumps how many jumps are you going to buy I’m going to buy plus 500 wins another 500 wins Jeffy that way it

Triples my jumps you might be able to clear the second one right after this I just B 500 wins come to the bot goodness D guess what I’m getting like 1,000 jumps per seconds Jeffy I’m only at 12,000 all right I’m going to see if I can clear it at 12,000 okay still

Falling still falling 2 1 all right Jeffy I’m going to see if I can clear it oh my goodness I just saw you jump you just saw me jump past you 12,000 doesn’t even clear it Jeffy really dny but guess what I’m going to wait until I’m at

40,000 and then I’m going to try you’re going to try at 40,000 I’m 40,000 jumps in three 2 one oh my goodness did you fling past me Jeffy yeah uh what 40,000 still not enough Jeffy we’re getting so close imagine being able to clear the entire moon in

One jump I know that would be so epic they I think I’m going to wait until I’m at like 70k 70k I’m already at 60 I didn’t have to wait and now I’m at 880,000 no going to do this jump are you ready yep I’m ready Jeffy go whenever

Here we go 3 2 1 oh my goodness D I don’t think it’s going to be enough really no it’s still not enough that was this possible all right then I’m going to hit 100K jumps and then I’m going to try it again and if everyone subscribes right now I’m not

Going to stop until I hit a million jumps by and it this million jumps Jeffy that is insane D guess what I’m at 120,000 jumps I’m going to try it 120 jumps mhm mhm oh wait I need to poop oh my goodness Daddy I’m so close and I made

It yes you made it oh my God Jeffy all right we can go to the next World now I’m still going oh my God I’m still going you just clear itff back down and boom get your wins at the top and let’s go to the next world all right boom I’m

Bing zero jump oh my goodness that is so tall jump in three 2 1 I’m so much taller than you I’m going to jump so much higher Jeffy you’re at the same one as me D how many jumps do you have I’m already at 20,000 I’m at like

3,000 loser all right Jeffy no need to be that rude that is ridiculous D I’m already already almost to the top boom I just made it to the top hey not fing me all right Jeffy I’m at the top show him on Jeffy we get 10 wins the win’s

Doubled oh let’s go 10 wins oh my God that almost put me at 80 wins Jeffy I might get to 100 by the time we move to the next World 100 those are rookie numbers I’m at 626 wins 6 100 uh-huh daddy do you think I should get to 1,000

Yeah see if you can get to 1,000 Jeffy all right daddy in order for me to get to 1,000 I’m going to have to buy more for 1,000 Robux right out of your pocket I’m at a000 wins Jeffy you use my my money to buy roox mhm to buy the wins

Are you kidding me Jeffy no you are grounded you’re getting green beans when you get home I am sick of this no Daddy but look how fast my jumps are going up I don’t care how faster jumps are going up look how quickly my bank account’s declining I don’t care about your bank

Account I know Jeffy I know you don’t care that’s the problem oh you have all the money in the world thanks L one of credit cards for Jeff no Jeffy that’s not how that works all right d I’m going to make it to the top one more time and

Then let’s go to the next level all right Jeffy I’m already at the top I’ll wait for you up here all right all and you cleared it so h did you clear that in one jump uh no um I didn’t all right close enough you’re at 100,000 so

We can just move to the next we can just move to the next World Jeffy oh my God it’s so cold Jeffy no off th screen where are you where are you ice cream Jeffy it’s so good ice cream daddy this Tower is so big all right race to the

Top uh 3 two one jump I’m going taller than you oh oh loser you’re bring a loser I’m not a loser Jeffy you’re a big fotball loser oh man I’m already halfway to the top you’re already halfway to the top Jeffy I got my win like 60 seconds ago and I’m

Already back of my 70,000 jumps you’re already there uhhuh Jeffy what if I beat you though I think you’re not going to beat me there’s no way oh no you won beat me I might beat you Jeffy no no I won no I won no you didn’t Jeffy all

Right winner Touches at first guess who’s touching at first me no but I’m still going D I’m still going have how many wins do you have Jeffy uh 1,000 you a th000 wins and I’m at 100,000 jumps and I only have 124 and I still beat you

Jeffy no I still jump higher than you well Jeffy it doesn’t matter I’m winning these before you o a all right Jeffy are you ready to race you have the clear advantage and I’m still going to beat you no you’re not are you ready 3 2 1

Go dny the only reason you beat me before is because you could jump slower and Tiner that doesn’t make any sense Jeffy and look what yes it does I’m beating you right now no you’re just able to hit the next jump earlier getting you to the top

Faster no Jeff Jeffy if you have so much jump no dang it’s because I’m going to overshoot it and you’re not oh you’re going to overshoot it you can just stop your jump Jeffy oh you can do that I didn’t know you can do that yeah Jeffy

Cuz guess what how do you do that no I’m winning again no all right d let’s try this again but now I’m going to use my on my stop jump Powers all right Jeffy that that’s fine with me all right three you’re still going to lose I’m going I’m

Going my goodness D I’m going to win I’m going to win no you’re not going to win Jeffy I’m pretty sure I’m like right behind you no you’re not oh I’m going so quick and almost there oh God I’m a win I’m a win mhm mhm no you’re not going to

Win Jeffy yes I am no I got one more jump left no I got one more jump DD I just won I just won no no did you touch it did you touch it yes I just touched it loser loser loser let’s go to the next

World D there’s a flower world and my favorite Jeffy why is a flower World your favorite is a pink place and got pretty princesses on M Jeffy why do you like pretty princesses what is wrong with you um because you’re cute and you’re I just what I just want to be a

Prett long princess Jeffy I don’t even have enough wins to move on to the next World the next World requires 200 wins Jeffy well it’s a good thing that I got 1,200 you could probably skip to like the last place Jeffy if you want I think

You’re right let’s go to the snow area let’s it’s it’s not cold don’t be a little Jeffy it’s I don’t know about you but it’s it’s pretty freaking cold Jeffy it’s not cold you’re just you’re just a old man with with not good skin Jeffy no

That’s not the case at all stop it yes it is then I’m going to win I’m going win I’m win mhm mhm oh my God this one is so tall yeah Jeffy it’s pretty tall even I’m having a hard time making like two jumps I know me too Slowpoke I’m not

Slowpoke you’re Slowpoke no you’re Jeffy you’re pretty slow why I haven’t met anyone slower than you in my entire life Jeffy Daddy I made it to the top you made it to the top yeah you’re not even halfway up I don’t think I don’t think I am I

Like actually don’t think I’m halfway up Jeffy this is going to take me like a year but then guess what on top of this thing you get plus 75 wins 75 I just got them you just you just got you got 75 wins Jeffy how many wins does

It take you to to to to move on to the next place it’s open for me 400 Jeffy you don’t even have 4 400 loser I’m going to go on to the next one well Jeffy but what about me I don’t care about you that’s Jeffy That is rude oh

My goodness this one is so tall is it really that tall Jeffy it’s so tall even I’m going have trouble getting up this one this one is like twice the size of that of the of the snow one that’s like times two all right good good job on

Math I guess um Dy what’s 1 + 5 six 15 Jeffy 1 + 5 is 6 what are you talking about what no not you’re an idiot you call Jeffy an idiot I hate you Jeffy don’t take that back right now mister no I hate you I’m

Leaving I’m coming to you I finally made it to 400 wins exactly oh my good it took you long enough all right Jeffy I’m at the dark map let me know when you’re at the bottom and we’ll do another race I’m still I’ve been falling for like 5

Minutes what do you mean You’ been falling for 5 minutes I’m going back down because I have so many wins I think I can go through all the maps D I’m at 200,000 jumps 200,000 you might actually be able to get to a million by the end

Of this video I think so but you only have everyone subscribes before you move on to the next world let’s have one more race just to see how much like more jump you have than me all right are you ready okay 3 2 1 go I’m going so much faser than you all

Jeffy all right that is not fair oh my goodness I’m going oh my God oh my goodness all right I’m already like halfway There Are you seriously mhm mhm mhm Jeffy I I don’t think I’m even close to the top I’m not going to lie oh

Well then you shouldn’t have race me oh Jeffy this thing is so tall I know I thought I was close to the Tom but I don’t know Jeffy I can only do one one ledge at a time now loser Daddy I’m at the final ledge you’re at the final

Ledge boom I just won you won already plus 150 wins it get you 150 I’m going to go to the next map you’re going to the next map already Jeffy and it’s void and daddy guess what I don’t even have enough WIS to go to the desert I guess

That means I’m going to buy some Jeffy come on don’t use any more of my money come on I’m going to buy a th000 more more wins baby don’t 1,000 wins that cost me like a lot of money I’m at the desert and I have 500,000 jumps 500,000 oh my

Goodness I’m going so high oh my God oh my goodness daddy this thing is so tall I don’t even know if 500,000 is going to do it in one you don’t know 500,000 half a million jumps is going to do it in one I don’t think so it didn’t work how fast

Are you getting jumps right now I’m getting like 3,000 every second D I might hit a million you actually think you’re going to hit a million jumps Jeffy I’m only going to get a million jumps if you all get us closer to a million Subs right now D I can fill the

Subscribers oh my goodness I’m at 72 oh my God I’m at 730,000 you’re almost to a million dny they’re all subscribing Daddy what if we go back to the beginning and see how much a million jumps get you we could do that 800,000 jumps if you get to a million maybe

You’ll get chocolate cake tonight let’s go chocolate cake boom I just completed the sand map you just completed it oh that took wow Jeffy that took forever it really did wait Jeffy let’s see if you can clear it in one jump I’m getting really close to beating

The dark map 5,000 left oh 5,000 left 1 million a million Jeffy that’s insane Let’s Go Daddy we have to race you finally AR right yeah Jeffy yeah okay all right let’s just do this I’m only oh my gosh look how look at me I have 1,200,000 jumps that is ridiculous Jeffy

All right are you ready on your mark yeah get set go go oh my goodness I’m already so far ahead of you I dude Jeffy you rock me I can’t even see you you’re like a little spec Jeffy D I don’t even know if a million jumps going to be enough to get

Me up this come on so close no I was so close if this video gets 10,000 likes I’ll do this again but get 10 million jumps in this video I’m going to become a hacker in Roblox I currently only have $1 but by the end of this I’ll

Have a million Jeffy there’s no way you’re going to make a million dollars by being a hacker then I guess everyone needs to subscribe and stick around to the end to see if I prove you wrong the loser has to give the other person 10,000 Robo Jeffy how do you even become

A hacker in Roblox I’m going to buy this building and then I’m going to hack inside of it I just bought my first building there we go oh you already have a computer setup Jeffy oh yeah I stole this from somebody no Jeffy all right no maybe don’t that’s not that’s not okay

All right how this works is I am to press this hack button and I have to select all these little zeros around here yeah and one I’m done hacking it uploads oh no Jeffy who are you hacking the president of the USSSA and boom then I just made

$2 yeah you also just made a victim Jeffy this is wrong um the victim was the US president all Jeffy that is not okay but D I have to do this just a few more times to get my upgrades what are your upgrades what do those even do

Jeffy let’s find out in here I have my upgrades so the first thing we can upgrade is typing speed this well obviously increases your typing speed then we have a Wi-Fi amplifier which makes your Wi-Fi go super super fast then you have a hack skill which increases the amount of money you make

Per hack and down here we have no relationships because nobody like girls I’m going to buy a second floor so I can buy a team of hackers oh my gosh Jeffy how much is the first hacker cost $5 and look I have $5 all right I’m going to buy

Them oh my goodness who is this D it’s you oh it’s me Jeffy D you’re working for me Marvin Marvin get off there don’t work for me I don’t even know how to use Jeffy I’m a bad employe I money Jeffy I don’t even know how to use a computer I

Don’t even know how to use a computer when you’re uploading let’s see how much money you make me $2 are you kidding me down here we have a secret ball that allows us to double our money oh my gosh so these yellow arrows tell us exactly

Where to go and right here we have a box and watch what happens when we open it boom two times cash for an entire minute and since I’m so slow at hacking I’m going to buy this super cool Ultra hacker Jeffy that cost 400 Robux I’m

Taking it out of your wallet boom I just bought The Godly hacker oh my gosh Jeffy that is insane look at him oh look at him hack for me oh yeah he’s uploading let’s see how much he gives me $10 oh my goodness what do you think he does when

I use this box well Jeffy it D every time you get that it doubles the amount of money you make let see how much it gives us now I have enough money to buy my second friend oh here we go look at him yeah what no second friend you doing

What you doing another again Jeffy look and you mhm no Jeffy I don’t like this is this is Marvin labor I like this m stop laboring me Jeffy work work I also have enough money to buy a third friend Jeffy those aren’t your friends and more

Of you work till your ankles bleed no Jeffy hey wake up oh my God I just SL you SLA me why would you do that to me Jeffy because you’re sleeping on your job oh my God Jeffy look how much more money you’re making 27 victims what is

Wrong with you we’ve scammed 27 people I’m going to get on my computer and start hacking until I fill that entire room up hey I finally have enough money to buy a manager oh my gosh Jeffy what do you need wake up stop sleeping on your

Job Jeffy stop oh my gosh stop slapping me take that Jeffy what is wrong with you buy this manager are you ready boom I just bought a manager okay all right good for you where myant T where my pants they where are your pants your pants are gone oh my

Pants are gone I still got them on I still got them on I’m going to expand look at all this I have God Jeffy you can double the triple the amount of hackers you have oh yeah look at all oh my gosh oh you’re filling the

Entire room up Jeffy I’m about to make so much money are you going to have enough for a manager um you have enough for the h remember I don’t think you have enough for the hacker Jeffy anyone get anyone falling asleep no okay God I just got enough to buy another hacker

Jeffy you’re making like a few hundred bucks a second but it’s still not enough to get a million dollars just B the manager good good for youing oh my gosh what you’re going so quickly oh no my broke you’re literally getting $100 a second right now oh it’s so much more

Money than you’ll ever making entire life oh cry about it get back to work stop crying yeah there we go I’m progressing if you don’t stop crying right now while I’m progressing I’m going to make you work even harder you just made me $94 I’m going to upgrade so I make even

More oh man I’m upgrading M mhh oh you’re all doing your jobs G gin make a union no we’re in no we’re not doing you’re all going Marvin uniz Marvin unionize Marvin you’re going to work to me till you die no I can buy a pool oh I’m jumping oh good for you

Jeffy you got a pool okay I got the pool I got the pool what you the amount of victims you have I have 400 victims 400 lives you’ve ruined yeah I’m B with your grandpa too I’m ruin your grandpa’s life Jeffy don’t you dare talk about Grandpa

Stink pit wake up stop sleeping on the jum D the next hacker is like $10,000 the next hacker is 10 grand you’re only halfway there oh buy there’s no way you’re going to make it up by the end of this video to make $1 million Jeffy I just don’t

Believe it oh well I’m going to show you well maybe not if you keep falling your sleep stop falling your sleep and break my I’m a sleepy boy I’m a sleepy boy maybe if I get raise hey why do you keep falling sleep on all your desks then one

Come let’s see everyone doing your job okay good like like how are you going to get through a million I think that 10,000 Robux is as good as mine Jeffy well I’m going to upgrade all my stuff and I’ll get money even faster watch me hack Oh’s hacking oh good job you’re

Committing crime I just committed a felony all I’m I have an emergency I’ve killed 500 people Jeffy you know what this is wrong five 567 victims this is wrong I’m calling the cops right now they’re going to ruin my whole operation yeah I I I want I have a report to make

My son is a hacker no I’m not but who’s really hacking you’re on you’re the one at the desk Jeffy I’m not hacking I am being worked yes my son is working he h up on me he hung up on me what the heck cuz he doesn’t like old

People talking to him B people Jeffy he was a cop he’s like a middle-aged person just like me no you’re not middle age you’re like 72 that doesn’t even add up oh you’re done I’m going to buy a manager oh yeah another manager Jeffy how many managers do you need um all of

Them they wake up oh my goodness you’re starting to make me mad I have to get 750 victims all right here we go almost there mhm mhm mhm mhm almost there Jeffy more Jeffy no oh that’s wrong oh my server’s broken still breaking my Ser that means someone hacked you

Whenever the server breaks really thank why can’t oh my God more servers oh my gosh you’re getting attacked Jeffy D why don’t you do something about this you’re the ma May the FBI knows uh up no good literally all your servers were broke Jeffy someone’s on you oh better lost a

Lot of money Jeffy you have a lot of employees and you only have 15 grand like how much are they make in an hour oh like $2 I don’t pay them ear going I don’t pay just get off your desks and run no stay here

Yeah you need do that you need to do that I your couch little couch oh is that for break so I can take a break and relax TV yes Jeffy get us a TV yes oh let’s see what’s going on in here 1 th000 victims but are you not proud of

Me look at me I want J my pool no Jiffy I’m not proud of you why I’m by a billboard look at me you got yourself a billboard to celebrate a th000 victims Jeffy all you’re starting to get a decent amount of money Jeffy

Look how good I look up here 30 grand is a lot I know they more than you made in your entire line let’s go see how much my Marvin you’re making wake up Jeffy that is so rude oh no my servers you’re broken again oh man W up Marvin and go

Fix my servers why do I have to do this myself Jeffy I don’t know how to fix this server that’s why none of us are fixing servers um maybe you should learn yeah let’s see what we going up here oh I have a server broken up here too oh

Jeffy oh man I’m going to buy even more of these guys more oh more work Jeffy how many more workers do you need I need 10,000 Marvin how much money are you making a second now um like at least 1,000 oh my gosh you were already making

$11,000 a second that is insane isn’t that crazy you’re making $1,000 a second can I have like 100 bucks an hour no you’re not allowed you’re going to work for free wake up why are you guys all asleep come on wake up come on why are

You all sleeping on the job it’s not okay even though it’s not technically a job because you’re working for free but I know oh level 35 wow Jeffy that’s really good isn’t it list what else can I buy in here h N I have $660,000

Wow Jeffy M of course it is oh my God $70,000 oh my God how many workers do you have um probably like 32 32 Marvin I don’t think I don’t think you have 32 Marvins Jeffy yeah I don’t look at all of them they all there no

Jeffy you don’t have 32 Marvins I definit only two you have four in this room eight in the Next Room eight in the other and they’re like 32 wake up wake up and in this room you have 24 Marvin Jeffy um wait let’s see let’s see how

Much you’re make look at look at one of them Jeffy oh my goodness I’m making like $2,000 a second now oh my gosh this is insane they all going to become a professional hacker Jeffy you’re 15K away from 100K what I’m so close there almost spend I just wasted it all okay

That’s a little rude wake up I’m going to slam you on the B your head do your work D put on some pants for CR s oh my God my servers are broken yeah Jeffy someone just attacked you probably the FBI no it’s not the FBI it’s probably

You sabotaging my operation Jeffy I Jeffy I am your operation I know and that’s exactly why you were trying to sabotage me where you get all this money from um victims look how many victims I have two 2,000,000 2,000 people Jeffy more and more upgrades so I can make

Even more and more money Jeffy you just spent all your money and you’re already at 22,000 let’s see how fast you get to 100K God D that’s like $220,000 every second you’re getting like $3,000 a second Jeffy that’s insane let me upgrade even more I can feel the money I

Can’t feel it coming in you can feel it you can feel the money mhm in my veins look how much more money you’re making you oh my God I’m already back at 100,000 even though I just spent that wow that that is insane I know it’s

Pretty crazy oh know I’m the best ever mhm and you’ve had the double cash on the entire time yeah I have fixing the servers oh yeah M go D I really need to hire someone to fix my servers because it keep going out Jeffy you don’t need to hire any more

People I think you have enough of me I can buy a big KY can I don’t think that was necessary why Jeffy look at this you were over a quarter of way there oh man oh man I’m going SP Jeffy you could actually get to a million dollar right

Now just get there money is No Object oh my God done I’m on a trampoline oh my gosh look how high you jump that is an unrealistic trampoline Jeffy it’s a fake trampoline it’s not trampoline that high off of a trampoline Jeffy um I am so

Going don’t bu oh I can buy a garage too would you need a garage for Jeffy um to park my Lamborghini and when I get a Lamborghini you stupid broen that that is an insult oh w w you’re halfway to a million Jeffy I’m so close to a million

You everyone look he’s going to hit a million really soon at that it’s going up so quick 600k uhuh oh man I’m so close I’m so close you’re almost at 700k I need buy M Jeff m d it he didn’t need that Jeffy buy all them you you wasted all your

Money you were almost there you almost to a million what are you doing um I um um long boom I’m making $4,000 you so quick I get to a million God look look look look Jeffy in seconds you hit 100K that’s great day I’m at 600,000 oh my

Wow oh my God you’re going to hit a million you’re going to hit a million fixing servers first if people subscribe right now we’re going to hit a million really quickly I I don’t know if that’s how that works Jeffy uh-huh yeah look it’s going up even faster people are

Subscribing it’s going up faster people are subscribing yes let’s go and you spent all the money from the people subscribing good job if people subscribe I’m going to hit it fast I can feel your subscribers in my veins look so many people just subscribed oh my God Jeffy

The the the Robux that I I I I’m I’m going to owe you can we can we can we lower that or like no no 10,000’s pretty steep Jeffy that’s a lot I don’t even have that much we’re going to do 10,000 Robo Jeffy I I don’t have 10,000 Robux

To give you Jeffy you’re well I’m going you’re just going to have to p on your credit card I can’t pull out any more credit cards to buy you roox oh well I guess you’re just going to have to make an excuse for Mr Goodman no that’s not

My fault you so many challenges Jeffy I’m not that bad I just have bad luck and you’re you’re sweat oh my God oh my God Jeffy you’re going to hit it you’re going to hit it Jeffy oh my gosh no no no no no

No oh no almost there oh man oh I can’t wait help jum 1 million yes I’m at 1 million then I can go prove you wrong now I win the 10,000 roblux if this video gets 10,000 likes I’ll do it again but get to 100 million in this video I go from running

Like this to this make sure to stick around to the end to see how fast I get Jeffy Jeffy what what game are you playing D I’m playing speed simulator speed simulator Jeffy you’re so slow no I’m not I’m going as fast as I can Jeffy

How much speed are you going to try to get to um a million a m you think you’re going to get to a million speed by the end of the video Jeffy yes I’m going to get I’m going to get so fast you’re not going to be going catch me you’re only

At 100 right now um well I don’t play this for the rest of my life you’re going to play for the rest of your life Jeffy I seriously doubt that if people start subscribing I’ll go faster are you ready Jeffy you’re not going to go faster by people subscribe

No it’s not it’s not going to work no Jeffy it’s not going to work oh my God they didn’t they weren’t fast enough Jeffy cuz cuz everyone subscribe even faster come on three two one wow Jeffy looks like don’t subbing Jeffy oh my God we’re actually losing

Subs right now what are you doing I did I did oh my God you did it okay maybe we’re not losing Subs oh my God Jeffy everyone just subscribed thank you everybody um I’m just going to do that thousand more times Jeffy you can’t just keep doing this this is how you’re going

To get faster oh my God you’re on fire and these little orbs I to pick all these up D D I’m going get race you’re going to get into a race Jeffy oh this is a race you’re not even at a thousand how are you going to beat these people

Jeffy I got a participation award and I didn’t even have to race uh participation reward Jeffy reward did no one show up to the race Jeffy oh I don’t think so maybe people were too afraid of you I know they don’t D there’s 10 seconds left until

The race happens Jeffy 10 seconds and then you’re going to race then I bet I’m going to win the race Jeffy I seriously doubt you’re going to win the race what are you talking about oh I didn’t press it you didn’t Jeffy why would you not press it it was a misclick it

Was okay no crying Jeffy come on I didn’t get in your rain no I didn’t think to speed oh my God Jeff you’re over 1,000 already over a th000 yeah you were at 100 like at the beginning of the video what no way I’m just going to keep

Going around collecting these orbs and I’m going to get so fast I how quick do you think you can get to 10,000 speed um in 3 seconds one 3 seconds 2 3 damn you’re still you’re still Jeffy you’re still under 2,000 Jeffy you’re still you are you’re literally yeah you are yeah

You are yes you are Jeffy yes you are and Jeffy yes you are why what do you mean why because you’re not fast enough Jeffy why what Dang a race starting in three seconds oh my God Jeffy do you think you’re going to win oh I’m going

To win I’m a rookie but I don’t think you’re going I don’t think you’re going win Jeffy you’re going to lose Jeffy this person’s level 744 they’re going to destroy you Jeffy no they’re not watch this Jeffy they’re going what oh my God Jeffy did you see

How look at her look how fast she was Jeffy D I’m want to be here I’m so I’m going so quick Jeffy I’m pretty sure she like already won she already she she’s at the Finish you nice little honorable mention Jeffy I’m going so fast I’m basically at the Finish Line no you’re

Not at not going fast I’m so fast Jeffy you’ve almost doubled your stat what I’m at 2,700 speed oh my God yeah Jeffy that’s insane oh this person he’s running circles around you making me dizzy no Jeffy he’s not going to make you dizzy just go just go get more Jeffy just get

The 3,00 just get the 3,000 Jeffy I’m going to get you 3,000 how much faster you think I’m going be I I I have no clue Jeffy I bet I will be so much faster no I don’t think you’re going to be that much

Faster no no no I didn’t think so I I did I didn’t I did Jeffy stop talking like that I didn’t have to oh my God Jeffy only a few more you’ll be at a th 3,000 there we go yes I’m at 3 you have

To get to 10,000 but D I’m so far away way don’t mock me don’t mock me D I don’t want to do this next race I want to keep going I want to keep doing this Jeff you got to do the races you got 650

Steps from one of them I can’t I don’t want to I did have to you can’t even get the 200 steps cuz you’re so small Jeffy and you can barely jump don’t have to it’s it doesn’t matter what you want don’t it want to have to because you

Can’t speak 150 steps yeah Jeffy keep doing that you’re going to get so fast going through these big or up there here we go you’re not almost done it’s not working D you’re broken it’s not the ramp it’s your brain Jeffy it just doesn’t work it works you’re almost a 4,000 Jeffy already

He going but he really slow mhm you’re slow Jeffy I think he’s probably way faster than me no Jeffy stop Jeffy stop leave him I’m sir I’m sorry sir I’m sorry it’s my son he’s he’s autistic you’re slow you little pancake did you just call him a pancake oh I hate

Pancakes Jeffy you hate green beans you love pancakes I hate pancakes I made you pancakes again another 150 STS Jeffy look you were so close to four almost halfway to 10,000 Je I’m so much faster than I was when I began D look I’m at 5,000 points oh my God Jeffy you’re

Halfway to 10,000 all right just a little bit longer can you get into any of the bigger ones I’m this one right here Jeffy all right here we go 600 steps oh my gosh look a couple of these and you’ll get you’ll get right 10K oh my goodness I think you’re right all

Here we go mhm Jeffy get the 10K and then we’ll you should do another race I think I found your I think I found your hack all I got down oh you just got jum jump this one right here Jeffy 600 you level up Jeffy speed 72 you’re almost at

10K Jeffy you’re almost at 10K already I’m only been up here for like 2 seconds oh my God Jeffy hop down real quick what okay all right let’s do a side by side compare how fast you ran now you’re running now to how fast you ran when you started all right three two

One oh my oh my God Jeffy look how much faster you are look how much faster you are versus when you first started Jeffy holy crap into a wall all right Jeffy no don’t run into a freaking wall Jeffy what is wrong with you all right Jeffy stop runting through

The walls just Jeffy all right just go back to the thing and get the 10,000 okay okay I got but I got to go up there again it’s so far Jeffy if you do not get up there right now you’re going to get green beans mister I green beans oh

I’m getting up there oh that’s a good boy I did it I’m my oh that’s a good oh Jeffy two more and you’ll be at 10,000 Jeffy 10,000 speed that’s so many speeds and then we can go to the race Jeffy one more one more

Jeffy 3 2 1 here we go yeah 10,300 Jeffy look at that that is crazy look how fast you’re running I I got my flash po back 20 seconds and you can try another race Jeffy oh yeah I bet I’m going smoke everyone yeah but the other people are

Still like way faster no you’re not they’re slow J Jeffy they’re slower than my brain all right Jeffy the race is starting the race is starting go to the race go to the race Jeffy a race this slow oh my God Jeffy these guys look

Really good oh my god oh a little fast all right watch this 3 2 one oh my God Jeffy you’re fast but they’re still way faster than subscribe make me go faster come on come Jeffy I don’t think people subscribing is going to make you go faster yeah you finish

Like last Jeffy oh Jeffy you finish last it’s okay by the end of the video we will definitely win a race Jeffy I think you’re right I think you’re we just need to get to a million speed Jeffy a million speed day that’s going to take forever it’s going to take like year

Jeffy I’m just going to run until I hit 100,000 speed D I’ve been running for like 2 hours oh my God Jeffy look you hit you went way over 100,000 I’m at 138,000 next race you have to win this Jeffy there’s no freaking way you don’t

I’m going to win how fast can you all right put a timer on how fast can you run around this entire track three all right three 2 1 one go Jeffy run run as fast as you can D I got it oh my God that was really

Fast Jeffy it’s not like I cut a corner right here yeah you kind of cheated around like skip like most of it I meant like the whole map Jeffy you just did the block you know Jeffy it’s you’re at 140,000 D is going up you’re over 10%

There to 100K Jeffy D look how high I can jump oh you can clear buildings now Jeffy oh I can jump over like four buildings in a row all right Jeffy let’s do a comparison of when you first started oh my God and look how fast you were when you first started running

Jeffy you were so slow my God I was so slow how did I even move there’s a race join the race Jeffy join the race all right how much you how fast are leave a lot of these guys are still really fast Jeffy I don’t know what oh you’re winning oh Jeffy

Look oh you actually kept in line with almost everyone Jeffy Jeffy you were in that was the first time you were in dead last this is why we have to get to 1 million Jeffy if you got to 1 million you would have won that for sure D look

There’s another race I’m going to do it all right Jeffy maybe you can win this one maybe some slower people you know I bet all the fast people left because they saw me and they smell B Jeffy we can’t stop this video until you get a

Million speed and you win a race uhhuh I think you’re wrong subscribe if you think I’m going to win comment down below if you think he’s going to going to lose though no oh my God oh my God oh Jeffy they’re smoking you they’re smoking you

Jeffy oh my goodness oh my gosh holy crap two people three people already won oh Jeffy you were in like glass Jeffy that was embarrassing you’re at 140,000 and you’re still in last place Jeffy I think it’s going to take forever for me to win range yeah Jeff you’re only 15%

To a million Jeffy what d I’m not that upset because I’m not nearly as slow as I was at the beginning D there’s a race starting Jeffy are you sure you want to join it uh-huh I’m going join it here we go good luck three two what is that you

What are you doing oh my god look oh my God I won the race you got thir Place D what that’s because I’ve been faster than you this whole time I have 300,000 Jeffy almost 300,000 300 D you cheater you big cheater Jeffy I’m not a

Cheater how am I cheating Jeffy I just haven’t told you that I’ve been trading Jeffy that you are a liar you’re a fat B I’m way faster than you Jeffy that you’re never going to catch up to me Jeffy I’m probably going to get to a million before you Jeffy what do you

Mean it’s not fair Jeffy it’s not fair all right Jeffy do you want to you want to race again uh-huh yeah I think you cheat Life Time Jeffy I didn’t cheat you better get to 200,000 if you want any hopes of beating me Jeff what that’s so that’s like 50,000

Away don’t don’t mock me Jeffy you are so slow in the head or in real life D I’m over half a million steps now oh my God Jeffy all right you know what we have to do we have to race we have to race through this entire map right here

Jeffy look how big this is one lap whoever gets their first wins look how high I jump oh my God Jeffy that is insane you’re jumping so high all right Jeffy Jeffy all right all right calm down are you ready three two one go oh my god oh I fell over oh oh

Jeffy Jeffy you’re at half a million and I’m going to beat you still oh my god look oh my God I fell over no no I fell over I need to get back off the track Jeffy I’m going so quick I won I win I

Win you did win you did win did you actually beat me Jeffy where are you I won I won I’m already lapping you you’re lapping me Jeffy oh my God you’re so fast all right Jeffy there’s a race starting in 10 seconds Jeffy 10 seconds

D you think I’m going to be want to win you I don’t know Jeffy you might be able to win the race I jump so high all right Jeffy let’s see who can win we have to be able to beat these guys by the end of

It you think it’s going to be you Jeffy there’s no way it’s not 3 one we got to go oh I’m in the lead Jeffy you’re destroying everyone Jeffy you destroyed everyone jumped over the Finish Line Jeffy you didn’t win I got third place Jeffy I jumped over the

Entire map Jeffy I think you’re too fast now I think I’m just too fast Jeffy why are you stuck get get unstuck D I’m stuck D I can’t get out of this ramp what do you mean you can’t get out of the ramp Jeffy help I’m stuck D I

Can’t believe how fast I am compared to when I started I know Jeffy look at how fast you were when you started yeah let’s do a comparison look this is me when I was slower oh my God ew that is disgusting and this is me when I’m

Fast oh my God Jeffy you’re crazy I’m going so far Jeffy you might be faster than the flash I think I am I think I want to do r with the Flash no Jeffy I don’t know if you’re faster than the flash Jeffy you’re not even had a

Million yet what is what what do you think the flash is at do you think he has 10 million all right d I’m going to get to a million and let’s see how fast I am then hey look I’m at 1 million speed oh my God Jeffy how fast do you

Move now let’s test it out 3 2 1 go oh my God Jeffy oh my God they look I’m so fast Jeffy Jeffy what are you doing I can’t even see you you’re you’re above the clouds Jeffy oh but I won you did not win you cheated you have

I didn’t win Jeffy I just like took it like like smart Jeffy I didn’t jump like a million miles in the sky that means I win okay Jeffy whatever then there’s a race starting in 20 seconds actual race is starting yeah do you think I’m going

To win Jeffy you have to win a race by the end of this video we can’t end this video until you win subscribe if you think I’m going to win this race all right one I’m in first Jeffy I won I won oh my God

Jeffy you won look how fast you are and I got second place Jeffy yeah you’re a loser if this video gets 10,000 likes I’ll get 10 million speed in this game 10 million speed Jeffy it’s going to cost like 10,000 roox I don’t care I’m

Going to take it out your wallet no and today’s video we’re going to be breaking a million bones with crazy face girl hi Jeffrey why are you doing oh my gosh oh my God the most one ever I would break all my bones my body for you Jeffy you going

To break all your bones in your body for me Daddy I just broke wait I broke 78 bones everyone wait let’s compare our bone breaks 78 bones I broke 90 bones Jeffy oh my God this wait 39 sprs wait 25 disl I’m going down again

Louers ow and ow ow I only broke 22 bones this time oh my gosh oh Jeffy you’re weak wait is everyone using shift you can use your balloon I’ve been using my balloon daddy oh my goodness balloon I’m going to hit the TNT Oh Daddy don’t hit the TNT I hit the I’m

Going toit the other explosion Jeffy no oh man oh hell have I not broken anything what oh I only broken 12 Bones you broke 12 Bones Jeffy yeah not even that much Daddy you know there’s stuff you can upgrade to in this game wait really I’m going to upgrade to this fan

This like chapter helicopter I don’t even know oh my God Jeffy I have a helicopter on my head too wait where’s crazy fan girl CRA Fang girl where are you I want a helicopter hat if he count us down no countdowns countdowns are for losers oh my gosh I’m going so

High oh my gosh Daddy I actually just went to the moon oh my God Jeffy Jeffy this is bad oh no I’m not okay crazy B I’m fall down oh my God no I’m going Jeffy oh my gosh oh God only 27 bones that’s ridiculous that a ridiculous Jeffy how are you not

Getting like any breaks Jeffy I don’t know but I’m not happy about it Jeffy look at my Jeffy look at me I literally have 80 brakes 80 brakes well I’m have 61 so loser but I sprained 253 Fang girl how many bones you have broken right now 63 63 that’s it 63

Bones that’s a pathetic actually so you know Oh Daddy I can’t I can see the light I can see the light oh my gosh oh what’s the most bones you broken at once daddy Jeffy I broken a million bones before that’s so not true I know

For a fact that’s not true daddy you’re a liar you don’t even have a million bones yeah Daddy I’m the one who breaks all the bones in our G idiot oh my gosh see how high you can fly up Jeffy this is crazy what I know I flow all the way

To oh gosh and boom 82 bones Daddy I’m literally the Bone Breaker of all time you’re not I I have 41 broken bones already Jeffy Dad I’m flying like Superman Jeffy no one cares dy I am Superman yeah she cares daddy things are purple things are

Purple things are purple oh oh on impact I broke an immediate 32 bones Jeffy 45 bones daddy oh 61 I think it’s time to go up a level okay time to go go oh look how far he’s taking off that’s crazy oh my gosh I’m going so

High why are you taking off so far Jeffy what did you do I used my helicopter F girl can you tell everyone to subscribe so I can upgrade I’m not a fan everybody subscribe to Jeffrey so that way he can upgrade yeah that’s right okay um I broke 68 ow

Daddy you just hit me you actually just hit me oh that hurt 95 Daddy get over it I’m sick of this I’m upgrading to um let’s see the anti-grab orb yeah all right here we go 3 2 1 oh gosh what is happening I’m going the wrong way oh

Um daddyy I’m going up so high what do you mean Jeffy oh my God I don’t even know I’m just going up really high Jeffy why don’t you give your fan girl some upgrades she still has a stupid little balloon Jeffy Daddy I don’t want to give

Her upgrades can you please buy me upgrades Jeffrey why that way we can be closer I don’t want to get closer with you you’re scary how am I scary Jeffy because I don’t like you that’s why but I like you and that’s what matters but but here’s the thing I didn’t like you

So but I do like you okay all right daddy how do I get this fan girl away from me kill her what uh Jeffy maybe she are you okay no I’m not okay Jeffy oh God me oh my God Jeffy I’m at the top of the mountain this wasn’t my plan at

All ah 71 bones all from that that’s stupid that’s so dumb oh I’m sliding down theout Mount at a rapid speed I’m sliding up the mountain not that rapid it’s kind of weak yeah I actually see you I see you over there daddy no oh God no this is bad this is

Bad oh the water broke by Fall okay stop you’re making too much noise and it’s annoying okay I’m coming back Jeffy you’re coming back Fang girl oh my God Fang girl has the gravity orb right now wait she dies you yeah Jeffy I just saw

Her hit the cliff what oh my gosh she wasn’t supposed to have to grab the orb Jeffy she does have the gravity orb so like what are you going to do about it and I don’t want her to I made it to the top Jeffy you made it to the dop well

I’m still sliding oh wait I’m not sliding anymore never mind um uhoh can I break more bones or something please Daddy I think I think we need to upgrade and go higher up higher up Jeffy okay I’m going to avalan number three okay Avalanche three Jeffy

Oh yeah yeah no way you’re going to Avalanche 3 already ow oh D I just broke 87 Bones on first impact oh oh Jeffy you’re weak wait is this the first time I want to break a 100 bones oh my gosh Daddy I broke 100 bones weak are you

Kidding me BR 100 Jeffy you want to see how our Pro does it yeah that’s not what a pro does 52 bones all right Jeffy for I’m going so high I’m about to break so many bones I’m already at 59 Jeffy and I just started well well I’m at 52 and I just

Started so oh well you’re we actually I’m my 67 I just started you’re weeks SAU F girl you’re just falling behind really you know it’s kind of embarrassing I’m trying my best Jeffy you don’t have to be so mean to me yeah Jeffy Jeffy this gravity thing kind of

Sucks I’m not going to lie I know I’m about to upgrade I swear to gosh Jeffy let’s upgrade Jeffy why did you make all three of us get rocket boots because of this oh my gosh I’m going so high up oh my gosh there’s no way I don’t break a million

Bones right now I can’t even see him anymore there’s literally no way I don’t break break a million bones Jeffy no I have to I literally have to I don’t think he can do it wait only 10 to Bones oh my gosh Fang girl can you break my bones for me I’d

Be glad to break your bones for you Jeffy I do anything for you yeah all right Jeffy I’m going to go are you ready 2 3 go Jeff Daddy this is a scam oh no this is good what do you mean it’s a scam daddy you can’t even break any bones

It’s a scam what do you mean you can’t break any bones I only broke like three bones I literally just broke 35 35 ow on impact Jeffy cuz you’re weak Jeffy that’s not fair daddy 52 literally 133 bones 58 62 I’m at 64 per bones I broke 136 god well I broke 136

So you suck I’m better than all of you ow oh gosh oh it’s hard daddy is there let’s go hi okay go higher can we get much higher oh my gosh yeah I hope this fan girl dies I just went to A7 or whatever it’s called I don’t really even

Know Pang girl come here where are you Jeffy I’m falling down a mountain mhm Jeffy where what what what are you at now are you at A4 Jeffy oh I don’t even know D I’m going a you’re at A4 Jeffy wait where’s your fa girl I don’t

Even know you love my ears daddy Jeffy I’m take it off before she gets here girl oh my gosh oh no Daddy I’m so dead I’m literally so dead yeah I’m oh my God everything why I can’t see you can’t see F girl well maybe get some good eyes got

Him didn’t I daddy no Jeffy didn’t really get him not going to lie he didn’t I broke 20 20 Bones on impact so like that’s cool yeah I’m I gu one hour dken bones I can’t oh my gosh oh gosh this hurts so bad come on can I just

Break I’m upgrading to the jetpack a jetpack Jeffy mhm mhm I’m on the jetpack I’m on the jet pack 10 3 2 1 go go I’m so high up oh D daddy daddy daddy Jeffy I don’t see the map anymore I don’t see the map you don’t

See the map no I don’t see the map Jeff you don’t see the map I don’t see the map anymore Jeffy um well that’s a problem isn’t it oh man only 45 bones oh my gosh you know I’m still falling I haven’t touched the ground yet oh my god oh 70 Bones on

Impact Jeffy oh my god daddy I’m having the best day of my life my screen is white Jeffy look at my screen oh my gosh 96 bones Jeffy this is insan everything’s in colorful everything colorful everything colorful Jeffy I’m at 100 bones oh god oh oh this is bad Jeffy this is bad

Dy are you okay no I’m not okay Jeffy oh God 147 BS Jeffy daddy why is it not okay it’s 166 bounds it’s really not that big of a deal it’s pretty bad Jeffy oh god oh how is that only 37 lbs Daddy I hate this game this game’s a

Scam it’s a scam it’s a big old scam it’s all it’s ever going to be 2011 bones Jeffy Jeffy I’m flying back up I’m fly oh God no you’re still flying Daddy what Jeffy this entire time it hasn’t ended I still have fuel left in my

Jetpack D what the heck I’m at 206 Jeffy you you want me to read my stats yes Bon 850 Springs 200 Lo dislocations okay Daddy you’re a cheater you’re a cheater I’m not a cheater Jeffy no daddy is that do that mean you broke a million bones and I didn’t probably

Jeffy I don’t know no I landed I just broke 140 bones a new record Jeffy look at my x-ray it’s completely red I hate you I hate you Daddy I red quit I’m done with this Jeffy look at that we’re at the top of the entire Mountain

Jeffy you see me pass you Jeffy oh I made I saw you pass me what don’t say that to my Jeffy oh I’m falling down D I know I’m about to break a million bones I can you’re going to break a million bones Jeffy mhm all right let’s see how

Many bones I on impact Jeffy here I go oh God I’m taking off at Ma speed Jeffy what I broke four bones 442 bones Jeffy daddy daddy Jeffy help oh my god oh my god daddy oh je no oh no Daddy Jeffy I think this is the

Last no no no no no no oh jeez that H I still haven’t hit the ground I’m still so high up I Haven fan girl there’s no way you can get a million bones before my daddy oh yeah here we go help me Jeffy daddy how do you still

Have fuel Jeffy no no oh god well you you’re not working anything Daddy Daddy I think you broke a million bones everyone subscribe so my daddy can pay his hospital bills and today’s video we’re going to be surviving a million natural disasters with crazy fan girl hi

Jeffy I’m just happy to be here oh you’re happy to be here oh I’m not happy that you here oh Jeffy you’re crazy fan girls she’s get her away from me what Daddy Daddy she’s wearing my shirt she wants to Mur Jeff hi Jeffy she’s got

Some crazy eyes oh my gosh oh my um that’s yeah cuz they’re crazy for you fan girl what’s what’s your name Jeffy see it says it on my shirt Jeffy Jeffy she’s insane she’s Saye you’re dead you’re literally going to die you’re going to die there’s A’s going to die

Jeff oh my gosh go upstairs go upstairs oh gosh no oh my gosh you got to be kidding me Jeffy the natural disaster killed us I know because you took too long Jeffy I I didn’t take too long Jeffy what are you talking about Jeffy shut your mouth shut up do I

Got them pretty ears Jeffy why is your balloon green I thought you don’t like green cuz the green beans I got an apple I’m got an apple you want to share that apple with me Jeffy yeah you bite into one end and I’ll bite into the other I

Don’t like this oh the next map is Party Palace oh Jeffy oh my gosh guys oh my gosh we get to go on the ride this place looks crazy I know it is crazy oh my gosh I’m getting on the ride Jeffy get off the ride we I didn’t I didn’t pay

For you to get on that ride Jeffy get off it but that is so fun all right about to get me why is there a cow above us you see that oh my gosh is that is that fun Jeffy oh you like that Jeffy it’s really fun really

I’m not having fun guys I’m bored I’m bored I want to go to the other thing wait do you guys want some popcorn I would love some popcorn Jeffy Jeffy yeah I like some popcorn give me some popcorn Jeffy yeah oh ow ow it’s getting

It’s really hot ow oh oh get away I think it’s going to exp fire oh there’s a fire oh wait Jeffy let’s get on this yeah um uh-oh D daddy there’s a fire fire I’m going to the top I’m going to the top I’m going to the top there’s a

Fire there’s lit actually climb to the top look at that ah no I fell down wait no guys is a fire you guys don’t seem to care about the natural disaster that’s happening we’re climbing to the top Jeffy we know there’s a fire wait you guys think we’re going to win well we

Better get down before this thing collapses you know by the end of this video we have to be like the last survivor okay oh guy easy peasy it’s a good thing think we’re up here I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you no no fan girl stay away from me stay

Away you’re crazy so much Jeffy oh God you’re crazy you’re straight I’m crazy you’re right I am crazy crazy about you Daddy keep her away from me we surviv let’s go oh my God we survived no way now that it’s just me and you Jeffrey no

Stay away my mind I need you Jeffrey I want you no I don’t want you stay away hey stay back you’re ugly and fat I’m going to follow you to the ends of the Earth I’m going to follow me to the end of the Earth okay hopefully we’re

The only ones that survive that way we can repopulate yeah no no no no not with my elf ears stay away are you saying that there’s somebody else you’d rather do that with yeah um no one cuz I don’t like you I’m just going to stay on top

Of this house and um you know be fun fine isn’t this such a romantical moment looking out from a skyscraper no it’s I mean not really I don’t really like it oh bang girl why do you have my shirt it’s mine cuz I love your merch Jeffrey

Um okay well oh no I guess uh thank it’s a constant reminder of you oh wow H okay well I’m just going to go downstairs and you know you can St up here I’m just going to go get something okay no Jeffy wherever you go I go please don’t oh

Gosh what is this wait is there what I’m throwing up help I’ve got a virus I’m throwing up help help I’m going to die no no now there’s a virus I’m still up here Jeffy at least for now are you coughing no I died none

Of us survived now we can be in heaven together oh gosh please stay away from me I’m on the one oh gosh yo there’s another girl right next to me how you feel milette nobody but me oh why is the weather all gloomy what is even happening it’s a blizzard come

Inside fan girl come here we’re safe in here okay we have to be here in this corner and no one can talk to us get away from my Jeffy what the oh my gosh no no I I want to be near this guy you can’t just oh my gosh there’s literally

A thousand people in here look it’s skiing towi like cameraman what doing oh no we’re stuck in here we can’t get out uh-oh that’s not good stuck in here together forever I sounds like the dream come true no Fang girl now leave me

Alone I have to find a way to get out of here come on yeah I made it I got out can’t get me can’t get me I can’t believe I’m stuck in here you can’t get to me a loser oh gosh no you’re never going to find me oh I survived let’s go

We’re on a drill side guys a drill side drill Jeffy I got it I got a drill here we go look at me I’ve got my own little escavator Jeffy you can’t have an escavator no we is so fun oh my gosh daddy the steering doesn’t work anymore

Reallyy that’s crazy wait Jeffy pick us up pick us up then pick is up no get off stop take me with you get off my stop daddy fly get off I can’t fly what do you think this thing is a the was flying Jeffy well he was hacking I don’t even

Know wa Jeffy things are flying things are flying in the sky are not flying I talking about no this is I’m getting inside I’m getting inside getting inside oh game my ears are going to protect the me we’ll be safe in here right Jeffy why are your ears here Jeffy how you got B guys I died I got hit by a freaking meteor and I survived it Jeffy you survived oh what I survived a how was there an es how is there a thing in here Jeffy am I actually better than you apparently which is unheard of really

Daddy I got a really bad headache you have a bad headache why do you have a bad headache Jeffy oh no probably from talking to you Jeffy That is rude are you still down there yeah Jeffy oh my God even well it looks like pretty much everyone’s still down here so yeah yeah

Yeah well whatever can’t believe you just survived oh my God Jeffy look we’re at a trailer park now yeah we’re at a trailer park and this is my house Mr Goodman kicked us out so we got to move into this trailer right here wait Daddy are you serious or are you just joking

No I’m serious Jeffy this is our home now better hope nothing B happens hey get out of our house yeah get out of our house wait your girl thought F Girl moving in with us Jeffy where are you the Fang girl hello oh my God you got a

Bed for the both of us yeah how are you already actually for all three of us we all have one bed this year and apparently this football dude’s moving in too wait Tom Brady is that you oh daddy my game’s lagging I need a new pc

Can you buy one for me no Jeffy I can’t afford it see we live in a trailer now we’re poor but fan girl is almost dead Jeffy what happened to our bed the bed’s not red anymore what crazy TR no Jeffy get on the back get on the backed come

On Jey you got to run you got to run run run run run we got we got to find a new trailer something Jeffy wait wait right here Jeffy underneath this underne this yeah yeah yeah good job Jeffy okay all right I’m going to eat my apple and heal

Up make sure to survive do it for me ow oh this thing hurts okay I’m just going to heal keep healing oh no there’s no roof anymore Daddy get under the tree there no roofs under the tree where are you oh daddy you’re about to die you

Should probably get over here oh yeah I’m Jeffy what did you do to get to a military base um nothing me to a military base and you do anything I’m in a tank I’m in a tank we driving in a tank I’m in the same tank

You are I’m going to drive it off what do I do yeah stupid idiot how did I just die Jeffy you died already what a loser how am I supposed to ride in the tank with you you’re dead wait we can get on the helicopter and he’s going to take us

Back no way I died how’ I die take me back cow wait take back wa let let me go let me go take me back no why would he do that I died Daddy I died Jeffy he’s going to take me back oh he’s taking his back oh my God Jeffy

Yeah we’re going to survi dy I fell off we’re in a spaceship Jeffy you know we can actually get in how do we get in it how do we get in it come on Jeffy Daddy get in get up come on Jeffy how do I get in what see you

Later Daddy see you later no I guess don’t see you later I’m in the rocket ship Daddy no no my God I got Jeffy I got burned to death in the thrusters P girl watch wait are you in here with me no I wasn’t able

To make it oh no all right I’m about to take off wo F girl Jeffy oh he take it off Jessie away freed

This video, titled ‘Roblox But You Get +1 FAT Every Second!’, was uploaded by Jeffy And Marvin’s World on 2023-12-29 19:00:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

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  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

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