Get HYPED for Insane Minecraft Madness!

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good morning everybody welcome back to another live stream oh my gosh it’s another Friday goodness gracious hey welcome clone riggy I hope you’re having a fantastic day yes it’s it’s another stream once again uh yeah I’m not in YouTube voice chat yet so uh apologies for um uh taking a little bit yeah see I decided to procrastinate today and like you know at least I was able to I was able to start the stream at like 8:02 very specific time I think 802 works the best in my schedule so that’s that’s cool okay cool all right there there we go I’m in YouTube voice chat I have a ping uh Imperial just said cubecraft please I I try to respond uh I respond um responded getting everything oh wait maybe next stream I’ll play cubecraft so uh thank you for the recommendation I’ll probably try to work that into this next stream by the way why am I skin standard cussed how does that make sense guys hello this is skin standard cust here back to another live stream and today I think uh that’s my new identity so don’t be surprised if my username gets changed today that I’m just kidding I’m just kidding um so clone Ry just said hi well hi welcome uh Imperial keep saying cubecraft please uh cubecraft bruh yes I’ll work that one into the next stream we’ll see what we can do today is more just a Stormer Club no brain cell day I got my favorite energy drink here today love them uh do not recommend pumped with caffeine but uh here’s me drinking the heck out of them but yeah it’s just one of those days so if you haven’t been on Stormer Club after the AP before the April Fool’s Day um special well then you’re probably confused why I’m in this an ominous evil scary prison cell well the correct answer is Storm Club had an update also l t uh lady tuna lover just said Su welcome to the stream hope you’re having a fantastic day but yes we have uh things that we have to discuss also uh is anyone able to join YouTube chat I don’t know if anyone’s having issues with that mean I was tweaking settings but not sure we’ll see let me get out of f11 mode and see if um if anyone’s having issues all right I in all right here we go all right so I gotta I gotta give uh Gotta Give a Little Bit of a breakdown exactly what this is so after the hey hey who’s that hey welcome Hey where is Jaguar where is Jaguar oh my gosh I’ll DM him right now all right let me call him real real quick oh my gosh I’m not even in I’m not even in the freaking uh okay Jaguar’s just spamming me all right okay I’m back in the YouTube voice chat so Jaguar is just Spam he said no he he’s not joining that’s okay he said he wasn’t joining I mean listen if he doesn’t want to join that’s fine he’s probably doing something but yeah he was just spamming no no no the stream wouldn’t be good did wait what the stream wouldn’t be that goofy then I mean I mean he is a troll I mean it is no brain cell day and because I’m naturally built with no brain cells I think You’ still meet the title but yeah I mean he does make it goofier for me I I mean I could be very very goofy but like I’ll just be like I love chicken nuggets oh yeah that oh my God if no joins I’m gonna lose it wait so if he doesn’t join you’re going to lose it no I said if no joined I’m going to lose it she’s kind of funny oh she’s kind of funny okay I’m about to go I’m about to go talk to null right now also why is there a hole oh oh okay cool I was GNA say why is there now I can’t even leave I literally can’t even jump out of the hole Yeah it’s at spawn oh wa are okay let me let me just go into um creative mode but yeah I don’t know I I won’t be surprised if no joined I mean she usually likes joining these type of events but again I mean I don’t know if they’re busy or not so that’s another thing there this good old day just fulfilling his little promise making sure this a stream every Friday Also we have two viewers in chat so welcome welcome um I think I have a mission today but also no brain cells are allowed in the Stream so don’t bring them don’t brag that you have a half a brain cell more than me nuh-uh bad not allowed totally not allowed yeah absolutely not allowed by the way I do question a few things so I did make a I I did make some adjustments to spawn I do want to talk about this real quick yes there is like there the Coliseum isn’t here other stuff isn’t even here so it just looks pretty naked at spawn um I removed the part uh birthday banners and I made of adjustments to my uh [Music] the face yeah yeah um there’s that and jaguar built a statue at spawn but I want to talk about is what’s cool is underground because after the April Fool’s uh also poofy just said I got to build my face there all right poofy I’ll make you a deal let’s have a discussion I’ll have a discussion with jquan craft YT and uh if you build your face somewhere outside of uh spawn I I I’ll just use structure blocks and just paste it there uh so if you do clone Ry just said can you make mines too we’ll see we’ll see I’m glad that I’m glad that you guys are suggesting things at um I’m glad you guys are suggesting things for spawn because I definitely need to uh definitely need to upgrade a few things because I have a few ideas that I’m wor trying to think about and may start working on also just po just said you’re an old version of Fundy for real you know what I you know what I I I’ll be happier with that to be honest at least I’m not wait a second I’m not funy at all what you mean no I’m not funy stop saying I’m funy regardless he still had the accent back then also yeah okay I I I I’m getting sidetracked all right so Jaguar made a cool huh what is Jaguar not like good at patching these things up because literally guys try I try to do I do like a a spawn showcase and and uh I guess uh I guess there’s just some things that just need to be patched also just po just said I thought Jaguar is a good Builder well he is what you mean he built the underground I mean he made the map and he built the underground I mean that’s his little shop he just moved underground and I was going to show you this he built a golf course so you can take any item and you can just press Q or or whatever button you have to drop something and like it’s just like something an interactive way uh for spawn and like you see as um this potato has made it where did it go my potato anyway yeah also I like oh Jaguar needs to know about this one and I can’t place it back okay awesome that’s uh that’s great anyway uh now I made it over here I’m what I don’t think I I really do not think this uh uh Golf Course is fully finished also that little banana figure over there I made that in my graphic design class also uh the maze is tricky uh I I I guess I’m just not hello oh my gosh it’s null oh my gosh no no no no no no no uh Rockstar Energy Drink save me you just you jump scared me that’s not allow you can’t do that what you’re going to do about it on Monday when the maximum part of the eclipse gets to you I’m going to go raid the local Walmart and steal all of their Rockstar Energy drinks and then after that what I’m going to do is I’m going to steal all the barbecue ketchup Dorito uh Doritos and then store store them in my dorm room because I know uh on the uh April 8th solar eclipse the end of the world is probably going to happen and not only that CERN is launching uh this Adam combiner thingy and summoning demons I guess okay listen apparently on Tik Tok this is crazy GNA happen and it’s funny how the government the royal guards in the United States are like showing up and stuff totally Matthew what one one question um maximum fart the uh hero girl has a Discord account and she was wondering if she could add you on there I don’t see a problem with it okay just uh the Only Rule th is don’t be poofy and send me memes wait no I’m I’m just kidding poofy you can send all the memes you want I I I don’t think you never did but it’s fine I’m just joking I’m joking I committed a stupid the other night oh you have yes what happened I dug straight down and ended up in a cave and lost everything haha now I got to get this Pillager with a enchanted crossbow oh my gosh yeah you see Jaguar literally like summoned a raid for some damn reason that raids can start with a singular a singular villager not not considered a village but a single oh did I mention single yeah one villager that was my fault no um Jaguar started a um a raid uh yesterday and uh I think he started no I think he started it two days ago and it’s still my gosh it’s still here that was the one who started it for real oh I forgot this sign existed oh yeah there’s just a sign called Jaguar is gay where there’s that sign also poofy just said maximum fart activated also po just said What day what happened to those villager slaves what do you mean no no I swear to go somebody did somebody kill them I it shouldn’t they shouldn’t be dead creepers for real oh my good Lord for real okay you me worried I mean I’m going to need one of these they can despawn they shouldn’t be able to despawn Villers are not supposed to despawn I do not know lady Starbucks lady that’s it at 3 o’ at 3 o’ Starbucks lady at 3 o’ oh I wonder if she’s working on a Monday okay okay I I know horrible joke a horrible joke all right I’m basically stealing some resources from these villagers also like um I do have some fantastic news for all of y’all I mean if you play Stormer club that very often this is very very good news for you so the base that I am currently at is going to be the subscriber base also my computer’s at 188 degrees Fahrenheit that’s bad that is very good what I say that’s bad yeah it’s going to it’s it’s it’s hot enough to cook an egg yeah that’s but yeah uh the base that I’m currently at will uh don’t get me started with the devil egg situation last weekend the’re double eggs I love double eggs what happened okay so I was at my um aunt’s boyfriend’s house and for a little Easter dinner and uh I had a devil EG with my dinner and as soon as I got home I had the worst gas ever I mean they are Double Bs along with a bacon cheeseburger from Speedway too okay that did it that that right there okay uh I that’s what everyone was saying me I didn’t believe them the bacon cheeseburger uhuh both the bacon egg cheese no the bacon cheeseburger and the devil EG what is up with these mobs in golden armor dang well I mean they’re probably trying to flex on these like you know zombie piglins no uh piglins because like you know they got to rise up sometimes I mean if you want to trct to a piglin you got to wear gold I mean I mean obvious did you stupid spider get down from there I just I just realized spiders deal more damage than before Oh my gosh I’m scared I did build my house um y other night and it’s pretty cool looking did you get did you get a look at it oh yeah I got this see it uh if Jaguar put signs in there I totally did not change those and totally do not read that those signs all right we need to take care of this raid problem this this raid problem is just out of control yeah I do not like you want to know you want to know what I hate about raids the no that’s my favorite part because it allows me no that’s the part I hate about it speaking of the devil oh great okay uh yeah I’m gonna go to your house and I’m probably there might be a slight chance that I’m going to loot your house also I spoke just oh yeah you definitely did I can hear it yeah uh Jaguar literally spawned them but did you spawn them again no I was the first one to spawn them because I went towards your base and because but then I noticed um a map in the middle of the island and looked at it did you build this whole entire house by yourself yes I did all right take it down and rebuild it Jaguar helped me with the um wood he was nice enough okay take it down rebuild it okay I’m just kidding I’m just kidding it actually is a really nice house you want to see my house he was he you should have seen his reaction when I when he saw the um when he noticed that I was building a two-story house he probably was like this is really good it was like he was like oh I haven’t seen anybody build a two-story house before that’s kind of impressive okay you got to be like the next Hy I am so sorry uh you cut out what did you say I built a freaking Story House Matthew oh there hi Jaguar oh so uh poofy built a twostory house and jaguar didn’t compliment him uh like jaguar complimented n you need to compliment poofy right now Jaguar right now unacceptable that’s just that’s just sad I bet you did a horrible job poy I bet it looks horrible jagar K can’t you believe this fool this guy is being mean to poofy poofy poofy I you my God they just shut up with your stupid horns Hy I am so sorry listen I will I will invite you to one of my favorite homes where you at I’m just kidding am I I added that earlier today that’s Matthew do not join galaxite there are 666 people online it must be server of the devil I don’t know have one more person join and it will be [Music] 667 you want to know something shrimp shmp Alfredo no don’t get no stop it stop it stop it stop it I want to tell you guys [Music] this okay sound crazy actually so I went to McDonald’s today and wait wait wait I’m not finished stop it Jaguar sorry I’m not loaded in I can’t see what I’m doing sorry I’m not load I’m not loaded in I can’t see what I’m doing I think Jaguar’s loaded in and he’s actually seeing what he’s doing I’m not I’m literally not even loaded in no is he running around he just sled me on purpose yeah oh I wasn’t Lo it’s not my fault I wasn’t loaded in okay so let me tell you what happened while I was at McDonald’s so I was waiting for my food and I had three receipts because I used the McDonald’s app I had and I had some rewards that and also um that raid is still going on I know it’s so stupid so while I was waiting I looked at the receipt numbers like the order numbers and one said 654 655 and 656 and I was saying to and I was saying to one of the staff members I feel bad for the person who would get [Music] 666 oh wait did I use that sound enough here let me do that one time you know the wrong one I would I would definitely feel bad for the person who gets 666 I mean their order number you know what funny know it’s funny because you know uh you see me and my sister basically my whole family mainly just me and my sister sees these numbers one two three will that braid horn just shut up already yeah it should if somebody was there to help me kill the freaking raid because how are I how am I going to in how am I going to expand my villager slave Farm if if um if it’s still here oh so that’s what what caused it I mean Jaguar had um Jaguar had bad Omen and he summoned a raid on accident and I had a villager down there because I was trying to start a villager farm I don’t know if you knew about that but no I want how how do you even start a villager farm anyway well you kidnapped a villager you kidnap a two villagers or you just cure them then I am so sorry so sorry I I know you were giving us you were giving away too much information no I was I was just trying to I was just trying to tell you I have sand uh S I do not know uh was like giving up too much Starbucks lady you [Music] too oh hey Jaguar I have some good news for you oh my Lord this is so annoying Jaguar I have good news for where are you Starbucks lady come out face me Jaguar I have good news for you I hear her but I don’t see her I got rid of the shrimp Alfredo video uh uh the the sound Al Alo shrimp Alfredo oh man okay I’m getting really sick of this besides that’s it first of all what we need to do is we need to murder Jaguar’s player that’s the first result and then after that what we need to do is uh why did Jaguar just kill likees no so jagar cheating yeah well oh I forgot about that in that oh did that just see my enchanted bow power two okay uh hopefully I higher up this time so um great just great now I got the shrimp Alfredo thing stuck in my head well that’s good that’s good that actually is really good why do you have shrimp Alfredo in your head that a sound effect you idiot wait can you share some I like sh Al you putting shrimp Alfredo are you like putting putting no but I do have I do have McDonald’s with me oh I you’re putting McDonald’s in your ear holes shut up what this watch this that’s bad for your house shut up shut into ear canal n bro insert insert fry into inert Sil okay just go ahead okay so what i’mna I got chicken nuggets from McDonald’s Jaguar doesn’t have McDonald’s I had chicken nuggets from McDonald’s and I know they love that well jokes on you know I actually had McDonald’s yesterday no are you sp say it again say it again I had McDonald’s yesterday so jok’s on [Music] you that’s how I feel about it guys Jaguars cheating on stream therefore um unacceptable unacceptable behavior um I I have to moderate did poof I I swear did poof if poofy made that emote then I if poofy played that sound effect then I actually have to moery oh my gosh there’s another raid will itend man hey Jaguar I’m thinking about remember when I um told you that I had that egg roll the other night EG EGA I got two more my I got two more I got two more of my microwave right now I’m about to go up to a random college student be like you see my EG yeah I’ll call I tried I even I even tried wait but there’s only there’s just one question the Chinese food did it come with EGA you or did you have to order it separately egg no it was my dinner from from I know but did you order the egg roll separately or did it come with egg I didn’t buy it at a fast food place does it have to it was my dinner oh oh so it came when you were getting dinner did you ask hey can I have some egg roll or did they just give it to you they just gave it to me so I even triy to like saying that the way you do guys do but it didn’t turn out it didn’t turn out so good well first you need to be a dude and second of all you need to add the uh like half moaning into like there’s another level CL riggy just said stop with the strange idiotic uh the first will come uh come to my house siren sarin I don’t get it I don’t get it I don’t get it clone riggy I’m scared now oh my Lord she said oh my Lord offensive off I oh I I found I I’m just kidding I there is enough yes finally here the village I think it’s because of what I did with that bone earlier I was I got to tell you what happened to work today I gotta tell you what happened to work today AA I gotta tell you what work okay I was taking a curbside order out so you know what a curbside order is m yes taking a curbside order out I’ve got the bag of food in my hand I’m walking out to the parking lot and this old man and his wife are walking by like they’re they’ve been eating in the restaurant they’re leaving they’re going to their car to leave and the old man just re reaches out his hand and tries to grab the bag and I go are you Kelsey and he goes no and he kept on walking yeah that is the most boring story ever I was like I don’t know I don’t think he trying to steal it I don’t think he’s trying to steal it I think he’s just so old that he doesn’t even know what food he’s supposed to grab yeah but the thing is is he’s already ate he’s leaving he’s leaving the restaurant he’s going home does he have Joe Biden delusion and he just reaches out tries to grab the food and I go are you Kelsey no and he keeps on walking for weird oh I know Kelsey yeah you’re what Kelsey Kelsey Grammar noar he’s a he’s an actor what about he’s known for playing Fraser and Fraser the sicom P riy just said uh what I’m trying to say is freaking FBI [Music] oh open up I was about I was thinking chicken FBI for a second but then I I’m glad I read the comment and didn’t just immediately what mat nobody cares yeah right I’m gonna sing a song you ready EGA EGA EGA egaa EG EG EG EG Jag are I’m making a miniature Island are you proud of me I guess no unacceptable Behavior I okay so it looks like I I I guess uh poofy has some competition here I mean n is using the soundboard more so therefore like do we have a CH a soundboard challenge poofy no you guys have a sound board off poofy if you’re in voice chat uh if if so I don’t have your soundboard muted damn it so I have a goal for both of you if you can use the soundboard at the most convenient times the most like at a perfect time I can do that like at the most perfect time I may or may not give you some diamonds just to think about it just to think about it but only the person that has to use it the most uh convenient time that doesn’t mean spam it Jaguar I’m working hard on this actually Jaguar I know I have a better solution if you’re gonna troll can I have my sand back yeah yeah here I’ll drop it from the sky Jaguar this isn’t even a this is just being a jerk okay Jaguar I’m about to do something and you’re not going to like it I I’m not oh yeah go ahead uh keep spying on me I mean um I mean if this is how you’re going to act I might as well just do something I mean like I was clearly building something you just wanted to ruin it so I feel like I feel like feel like I got to do something real quick whoops Jad I’m serious I’ll just do something what are you gonna do I’ll do something you you literally just like I was literally building an island and and now I’m really sad so this like you know because I was inspired by your tiny Island I was like really inspired by your tiny little island I mean I took inspiration from you bro and and like this is how you betray me oh do you like my cabin though I don’t need these trees no not my trees I’m going to strip all of the oak on your trees yeah not oh you monster no oh crap I’m stripping perfect right there no no no you should have thought about that until you started breaking myland what the leg now you have to replace those because now they look too ugly I like this though this is a this is an appropriate punishment and maybe you need an extra door but not sure no why is B so laggy I thought you were GNA go overboard no Jag did you build this statue of your player all by yourself Jaguar Jaguar thought I was going to go overboard Talent right there if you need help uh Jaguar I got I got one word for that statue it’s ugly H I use the soundboard therefore I I I I’m I’m good with the sauce no cap no slack no Cadillac like for real for real dog oh yeah I must be tripping or something but like I hope I didn’t see Jaguar just fly over me and M more of my Island please Jaguar give me mercy and just do not touch my Island I’m busy please do not listen I will I will I will turn the prank I will go overboard you do that you touch my Island I’m going overboard yes yeah you heard me I’ll go overboard and and you will not like these consequences first of all you’ll catch my blocky hands and next I will I will touch every single one of your blocks in your house you touch my blocks Matthew that sounds a little gay considering that my craft characters uh don’t have balls they have blocks jagar just built a penis on my Island this is Mount I don’t even want to say I’m gonna call it PE hey Jaguar I’m gonna call it PP Island Jaguar it’s called PP Island now that sounds like a that sounds like something PewDiePie would name all his Minecraft world I mean it yeah literally this what I got this is what I have to say about it I feel like it’s I I I feel like also uh col Ry just said report that telling the FBI Chad he’s going to tell the FBI about PP Island also kind is that just what uh isn’t that just Jeffrey Epstein’s Island we don’t talk about Jeffrey EP oh gosh really now you’re trying to do the do your own version of we don’t talk about Bruno oh no we don’t talk about Jeffrey Epstein if you ever if you ever paint a painting of Jeffrey Epstein you better have a hammer and nail because it’s not going to hang itself jagar oh my gosh that is awful that’s more of a Jeffrey dmer um reference [Laughter] no I do not think noan knows who Jeffrey Epstein is no but I know who Jeffrey D is oh yeah uh you’re talking to him right now oh maew would you rather be would you rather be Jeff Bezos or lettuce be Jeff Bezos fud nuggets why would you rather be Jeff Bezos than lettuce wouldn’t it be so cool to be lettuce no but if you had lettuce for a skirt hold up I’m actually making this in survival that way this prank is legitimate oh my gosh no more pranks I’m tired of this can I have can we have a normal this whole server is about no it’s supposed to be about community and friendship and all that dumb stuff you’re totally there ain’t no community in This Server no all going out the window yeah it’s more of like uh I feel like okay I’m going to be for real I don’t know I maybe maybe maybe maybe I’m just weird but uh you see I feel like majority of the community are trolls and like because I’m a troll it just means I just feel like it is trolls you know how you know how people say white people can’t cook what are you talking about I said yeah they say white people can’t cook but well yeah well I burned down my house because I cook grilled cheese they say white people can’t cook but Walter White’s a prime example that that’s false shut up Gordon Ramsey can cook also Ramsey why do you need an ID to buy suit shut up about that here you go every single person can cook what the freak doodles I just threw my I just threw my pumpkin spice latte at you man stop it don’t fall in the Starbucks lady’s footsteps you know Starbucks is a bit damage Matthew yeah I’m at half a heart and I have a lot of XP ow whoa what is going on what’s going help me help me help me help me what’s going on he doesn’t feel like it help I’ll help you I’ll help you Jaguar did you see that yeah I seen it come on no come [Music] on it did my bow doesn’t bow anymore yes thank gosh oh my gosh finally [Laughter] angre with me but I can’t figure out why I don’t know broke my Island and not only that you threw your pumpkin spice Lotte at me oh I don’t know why he’s angry at me I don’t know why you forgot to mention that I did that twice oh you did that twice you’re missing something oh this I got see use TPA and stop being a cheater okay I’ll stop I’ll stop this time I’ll stop I’ll stop Matthew Matthew if you eat bullets will you have explosive diarrhea or projectile vomit Well here here’s the thing Jaguar you would likely die but if you really want to aim for explosive diarrhea you have to eat a thing of TNT and gunpowder you got to eat them both what do but I’m saying if you eat bullets would you get um explosive diarrhea or projectile vomit okay so I believe I’m a strong strong believer if you get if you eat bullets I think you get projectile vomiting but at the cost of getting a hole in your I locked myself in jail all right where’s [Music] myself you got my boots Matthew yeah I got them boots you got the drugs I meant to say the base or yeah we’re at the base the base base what base are we talking about Island uhhuh yeah okay I was just checking je we where else would we live yeah we all live at the island oh my gosh it’s one of these things all right Matthew don’t you start using your Scooby-Doo voice again what you mean what that is not Scooby-Doo that’s called demon possession yeah what are you talking about Jaguar there no Jaguar do Scooby-Doo impression scoobydoo where are you you’re not Jaguar hold up actually I gotta tell you something I hope that was fake it was real great Jaguar stepped on a frog no more like I laid a log no more like you let it wiggle let it wiggle did you know that when you fart your uh your uh your booty cheeks actually vibrate tell that so for someone that just joined the stream and the first here is um did you know if you fart your butt cheeks wiggle jiggle just say that imagine if that’s the first thing you hear Matthew I got a pickup line for you oh my God I got I got a pick up line for you Matthew okay what is it are you a ring notification CU there’s Motion in your backyard what I think that’s just creepy it’s more yeah it’s more of a pedophile pickup line is it no it depends who you’re talking about I don’t think you are you trying to what do you mean there’s some motion in your backyard you know the first thing I thought of what somebody you know doing the dirty in the backyard and I can and that what do you think what was the meaning maybe I’m just way too dirty minded all right twerking twerking twerking yeah absolutely twerking is good thing you go to Matthew twerking all anything but twerking [Music] pictures remember those pictures make that your thumbnail no no I dare you I already did for your next video make that your thumbnail randomly no matter what the video is about it could be a video about a Minecraft building Montage make that the thumbnail remember to Sheldon play one that I did Matthew what remember the the Sheldon Plankton video I did with my twerking all pictures poy just placed water troll I can’t believe poofy placed water Matthew wait no no no no this one this one this one this one I think we need to ban skins having hands at spawn because they can hit people no just ban skins with hands on them that does not make any sense that makes tons of sense objection objection we need to have a hearing right now all right Jaguar let’s get in into uh let’s get into a group and act like old scile men and women let’s act like old scile folks and talk about the most dumbest obvious thing that we think is a national security threat oh hey chines chines Tick Tock all right welcome you pick how you doing hope you’re having a fantastic day where’s my spy glass when I need it we here to declare a meeting about I a here old scile person that doesn’t know how to convert a PD a PNG file to PDF file not only that I do not know how to properly send emails unless I have my grandson next to me I don’t even know how to connect to the Internet so I am claiming that Tik Tok is a national security threat even though I never used the platform and never seen it in my life but here I am about to ban it because I want money in my bank account with my other $5,000 $500 million else where is that other one there it is okay my impression I guess wasn’t that great you think what are you talking about Chinese government is spying on me it’s it’s almost like I like I know the fact that the CEO is from Singapore I know that it really isn’t Chinese owned but we’re going to ban it and make American lives inconvenient now you’re starting to sound a lot like Trump oh my gosh you know what’s funny Trump now actually as you you heard about the Trump have you heard about the Trump Bible bro hasn’t even read a the freaking Bible and he just made a went to I saw on a Facebook post um that aie went to uh Chicago and saw the trunk Trump Tower and guess what aie did aie flipped the jump Tower off okay wow I bet that I bet that building felt really offended yeah I mean it’s it’s like wow I mean I mean bet I gave that yeah that is I bet that um I bet that inanimate building was was reated by that I’m Matthew where where you going yeah see I no personally if I was a building and someone did that to me you know what I’d say I’d say this wait where’s my pickax so I can threaten you again building don’t be racist wait how yeah everybody knows you can’t be racist to a building don’t be racist oh wait oh freak why was the song racist I am a building be racist hey even blacks and whites are even how would you feel if the joke was on you what are you talking about this is a very serious topic we’re discussing and oh my gosh Jaguar just stripped all all the um uh wood off of my AR you glad I joined Matthew I’m G just start not letting you know that I do live streams you already didn’t I just figured it out bro I’m going to secretly just I’m just going to secretly do live streams without jaguar and then and then poy bro poy questions why you’re not here mat come out here that’s not going to work Matthew cuz you you put the um you put the premiere dates up for every single one of your live streams come here I’ll just start checking Premiere dates and showing up in you st voice chat I hope you I hope I hope cap gets switched to Fridays at 800m every day and they I just hope like you’re no get away from me no no no no no no I have a gift for you I have a gift for you hey hey hey hey come here come here no no I have a gift for you here here here here I have a gift for you you do realize I got you too right yeah but I’m okay no no have for you gift for you GI for you oh gift for me huh gift for me gift for me gift for me gift for me look what I put instead of Jaguar is Gaye I put Jaguar Su no Jaguar is pretty gay how about if I do gay too we’re not playing this game anymore everybody knows I’m the best flying Bowman I shot you while midair you get him back oh I will and I just said a song name because there’s a song called get him back get him back number blocks get them back number blocks one two three number blocks okay my about the I’m talking about the one by Olivia Rodrigo come on oh no I have a gift for you try to use this uh wooden axe you oh my gosh Jaguar why are you being so evil today yeah you helped me get my stuff back that one night this is how you this is how this is the thanks I get what do you mean thanks you don’t get thanks I did it yes you come on God help me on this one God please help me God please help me this help me God please help me with this troll God please help me with this troll God please help me with this troll God please please God please help me with this give me this troll come on help me kill this Troll he’s a Troll he’s a monster come on I don’t think God lik me today I have to I got no no he really doesn’t like me today yeah no I I can help you I can help you I have a better idea I’m G be I’m going to be a corrup son no I can’t even kill Jaguar bro disabled the command I can’t even kill him I can’t kill Jaguar with command I’ll stop I’ll stop shooting you guys promise yes no I’m a corrupt admin it just only makes sense you know you’re just going to pick up some of my stuff like that’s okay I don’t got none of your stuff Matthew where’s my stuff look at me I literally don’t got nothing you could check my inventory hey you’re you’re wearing down your own durability Matthew that’s fine at least it has mening on it where my where my AR the I got your way yeah I got your way get out of here get out of here no go get out of here you can’t hit me you can’t oh crap you’re cheating no Jaguar got in my way no’s in my way no’s in my way no’s in my way hey don’t pick up my stuff don’t pick up my stuff I still need my stuff yeah I think Jaguar stole it I have a peace offering I have a peace offering I have a peace offering I have a peace offer offering have a peace offering I want netherite armor that’s my peace offering have a peace offering no I’m I I’m taking control over this island I am corrupt I’m a corrup leader if you shoot me again you don’t get the peace offering you don’t get the peace offering my stuff is going to de on okay I’ll if you survive this I’ll leave you alone okay Vinnie just said why are you guys always fighting we’re not we’re having a peaceful uh right we’re being peaceful right it’s not a fight it’s just a angry hit each other moment no no no no no it’s more of like a up in my lap I have no idea whaty just said can you see my live for a bot B oh okay I can check it out one second uh clone riy wants me to check out his live stuff you still want that peace offering Matthew yeah all right here I hope it’s not where my stuff freak you no no forget this no you little freaking idiot oh yeah the peace offering is a poison potion no I have your stuff here hey I’m missing my pants you don’t deserve pants no you deserve to be in a prison locked up with no pants yes you want me to be pantless no that’s I mean you basically just said you you don’t want me to have pants on so well you can have boxers on that’s fine where’s my pants well with the elytra on he basically doesn’t have a um chest plate on so bro imagine it’s true where’s my pants you don’t have any hey I had I had cooked mutton Matthew do you have do you have my mut was mine I don’t have any food then can you guys check for my pants I need my pantr oh my gosh bro your new nickname is going to be boo it ain’t going to be no ISR plays mon Z you’re going to be the uh the Boo and quoter actually you literally watch over my I seen your comments I I’ve seen that you quoted literally like the most recent shorts that I posted you literally just quoted them like the guys guys nobody cares I need my pants they’re well go to Dollar Tree and get a cheap pair of pants no I’m dead serious I need my pants where my pants I haven’t seen any pants matth what Matthew give me my pants okay there are no way somebody named Matthew vods 9951 is some random name Matthew give me my pants please I don’t have your pants that is a lie no that’s straight up a lie because last time you didn’t have my pickaxe for two days and then after those two days were up you you have my look at this guys look at my inventory right here on live stream do I have pants yeah only my pants I don’t get anything either all right let’s let’s go my chest you L you I used to trust you no I used to trust you on stuff like that but since you took my pickaxe that one time I can’t trust you anymore I can’t took your pickaxe I didn’t take your pants PS I didn’t take it and it was for a troll what the freak it was literally for a troll what did you have on your pants look at this dude’s skin they’re maxed out netherite pants well I don’t have your pants look at this skin what what look at this guy’s skin the Matthew VOD Guy where is he backward where are my pants m Matthew vods 9951 okay may I can’t I can’t always suspect it looks like maybe why are you stuck why are they down there oh my gosh that’s crazy I like that Minecraft skin are you P where your pants um netherite yes oh because I was going to say I can craft you some iron ones if that was okay they were fly maxed out NE I don’t have one so neither does Matthew no I don’t believe him after you took my pick after you took my pickaxe for three days before you finally I never took anything from you I’m not talking about you know oh he took my pickaxe for three day days swore he did not have it just said he has it how does he have it he’s all the way at his own little base okay uh clone riy I will check your uh live stream you’re streaming Roblox there’s hope he has my pants hey uh clown Ricky if you’re watching the stream do you have voice do you have your uh uh uh uh microphone already sheesh yeah clone Ricky is uh streaming uh Roblox yeah on mobile yeah I know see poofy uh poofy you do not have I don’t think he has your leggings he’s just he’s trolling also I’m gonna say hi I just commented hi welcome to cheese oh it was a it was a trap to take my stuff is play said boo it was it was a trap so he could steal my stuff boo who what and now does poofy have it oh my gosh what well here’s this and um here’s your stuff Hy give him the stuff back Hy you little little troll I have a gift for you Matthew stop it kill the dog kill the dog no don’t kill his dog don’t kill his dog hold up I know what he better not kill my kitty okay we go yeah that was mean poofy that was kind of mean my cat Sammy is stinker’s stepson um it looks like uh according to what Scythe is saying it looks like uh this Matthew guy is using a nuker go ahead and try go ahead and try it says Matthew vods has failed World ner a blocks broken four what’s a nuker uh basically trying to uh basically trying to block yeah more a hack trying to break four blocks at a time are you at spawn uh no I just had an announcement basically the the S just like snitched on them uh just said I want voice you know that all right Ricky if you’re still watching uh you I I think um you might want to like uh what streaming software are you using because I’m I’m usually familiar I’m only familiar with um arcade but unfortunately they’re not um present anymore okay are we gonna kill poofy or are we just going to move on I don’t know I got stop trying to kill oh oh he’s burning wait I’m making sure I have all my stuff oh that’s poofy oh those are mine there you go poofy just poofy I’m implementing a new feature called taxes so these are my end pearls now I’m just kidding all right taking gunpowder is payment bro you’re stealing it’s not stealing he tried to kill me several times Well if well if that’s the case Jaguar you know what you could have done you could have literally poofy if you shoot me I’m going to use as self-defense and I’m just going to you know if somebody tries to kill your player you know you can just kill them and then take their stuff right you can just take it stting tote R creepers sneak up on me like that yeah if somebody tries to kill you and you hope C Jaguar if you want his stuff I mean it’s not against the rules I mean if you look in the rules website I mean n I’m not going to tell I don’t want his stuff I don’t want stuff I mean I don’t want his stuff either I mean that would be that’s too mean for my books but stop trying it’s it stop trying stop killing poofy a [ __ ] Jaguar stop being a corrupt admin you’re not setting up an example hey he tried to kill me several times poofy I’m going to poofy poofy I’m gonna reward you for trying to kill Jaguar you going to give him his reward ter abuse no I’m going to give him a I’m going to give him a trident because rewarding him wait a second you know uh clone Ry just said andr I am not familiar with that or andr I’m not familiar with that I’ve never used that at all um I’m sure there’s something on YouTube to kind of like try to help out with that stupid creepers messing out up my house according to my calculations where my window too oh I’m G to give them a piece of my mind when I see them next time Hopey missing chest plate no no you he’s missing his you know he’s also missing his uh Enchanted uh diamond sword and pickaxe hey Matthew he’s probably also missing his like 10 stacks of netherite also Matthew Matthew what what okay leave poy alone is there a place that tell funy Stormer I’m in your walls wait what is our place I am not funy not F what he said that’s what they said not funny [Music] yeah okay um that reaction right there was perfect hey uh uh Matthew are you um watching the stream okay I think I got enough revenge on poofy oh by the way poofy by the way poofy uh you’re um your stuff is in your house somewhere you know your chest plate and and uh diamond sword and pickaxe they’re in your house somewhere okay okay there’s so okay for some reason I really think this is just maybe in your chat I I have a weird suspicion I think Matthew is uh um fun not damn it I S I read I literally looked in the comments and the first thing I said was funy you made me say Fundy I okay hello ISR um I can figure out if it’s maybe or not oh you can it’s not maybe okay what’s the evidence to support your claims because he has 140 gamer score and if it was maybe it’d be a new account he wouldn’t have any gamer score um okay I I guess I guess either either this is third time in a r see here’s the thing yeah because there’s no way cuz even if if it is maybe’s account he would to have had he had to have either grinded gamer score which I don’t think maybe’s smart enough to even do that in the first place oh my gosh don’t underestimate maybe don’t do that or I got plenty of snowballs if you want to get some revenge on maybe no leave him alone also um sorry uh zipa just said Hey Day welcome welcome to the stream hope you’re having a fantastic day um ISR uh made me say not Fundy bro just called me hello not Fundy I think I’ll I guess I you know I you know I’m tired of seeing the word Fundy or hearing about it at this point Fundy oh my gosh I’m about to just throw my freaking computer out the freaking window can I do the ultimate troll sure go ahead awesome except on me no not on what the starting server for maintenance why Jaguar you said I could I didn’t know you were GNA do that you Lo jagar jagar Administration revoked Administration revoked I am kicking you from console from admin you have abused the uh your power therefore you’re gone you rejected canell canell offended cancelled you have hurt the community offensive offensive I have never been offensive cancelled you’re done you’re done you’re done mat you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done I you’re let me let me talk let me talk let me talk the stor Club Community fully Rec from Jaguar turn the server for three seconds it’s offensive it is offensive nobody will ever recover from this day ever since then the server’s been running slightly smoother oh it’s horrible okay I did you a favor your stream might be [Music] better what where’s the rest of my oh it’s in your house where uh somewhere in your house guys improve performance for it you gotta look for it it’s in your house where’s my beloved lag why can’t people run at 10 FPS like [Music] normal okay I’m sorry Matthew I know you really really like streaming on 74 on uh 720p but no no no no I like to stream on 144 PE and run at two frames a second mat yeah look at CH this is the the 1980s where require something inside of a storage container oh my gosh Jaguar you know what we should have done I you know what I should have done I should have just started the stream on April Fool’s Day but have like the lowest quality video ever and it’s like what’s going just like like all bit crunched and everything and like the audio so bad dude I dare you one day do a stream where the entire stream it’s 5 FPS 144p nobody’s going to be watching that bit crunch your mic like I told you how to do the thing where you played Brown noise and it bit crunches your microphone quality guys look we’re already starting all right hey guys welcome back to a oh yeah forgot I have to like really get my uh my mouth really my microphone oh crap hey guys welcome back to another video and and stay all right we’re going to be building the video um oh I love second matth I think I think like I think like we’re gonna start with the the third farm and and then canel cancel defend yeah um so this is like a high quality of 2024 hold hold up let me let me let me turn my microphone quality up as well where’s my scuba mask at you trying to do where is my scuba mask why do you need scuba mask to enhance your audio quality serly the only type of pants I got are chain leggings seriously where’s my scuba mask I can’t find it there we go I look totally weird guys I’m I’m going one day I’m probably going to stream at 144 uh p and then and then only have the the video playing at like 10 FPS and and then I’m I’m going to go find like the worst microphone in the humankind and it’s going to be like the greatest I meant the greatest quality video ever man here just qu know hey no I think I accidentally gave you my brand when you died I stop it no I I’m not funy that’s it that’s it I’m tired of this I am addressing this right now I’m addressing this right now so go ahead clip this go ahead repost it I don’t even care anymore I am funy you know yep I’m totally funy yep absolutely you guys win you guys win I’m funy I am funy I am off funy from Dollar shrimp shrimp yep dollar shrimp yep I’m totally funy it’s official he admitted it yep totally I’m funy guys I’m funy make sure you clip this post it everywhere spread the rumors everything I’m I’m funy absolutely you guys wi he admitted it he admitted it he admitted it Jaguar he’s funy actually if you’re funy then I’m you’re dream because you’re dream you’re Dre dream no I mean you gota you got to emulate the most popular funny video right I mean I mean I mean he did date dream for one point so I mean um if you have a little bit of gayness excuse me you said you said what now Jaguar dream everybody Jaguar dream everybody Jaguar dreamdream I [Applause] mean Jaguars dream my head isn’t Crescent shape guys Jaguar is dream he’s dream Jaguar is dream what is it with dream and like his head is legitimately Crescent shaped well maybe because if he wasn’t looking well he thought his thought process was if he only showed his good side of his face and not his bad side he he would look more attractive I don’t want to see his bad side right bro bro the way halfon no bro looks like a no bro he’s a moon face Jaguar is if Jaguar is dream then who is technoblade yeah we should do that for the Techno pack make dreams ugly face one of the moon phases I said who if Jaguar is dreamed and who is technoblade ISR play just said put the funy skin on if you’re really funy wait a second I’m not gonna do that I’m not gonna do that make me I’m not putting on the Fundy skin make me okay you see you know it’s never going to end I don’t think it’s ever going to end people are going to continue to call me funy you you started it on yourself no I didn’t poy did the first time ever poofy started like watching the stream he was like oh we got funy you sound like funy and then all of a on it’s just like poofy is that true yes poofy did start it you’re not poofy I I uh ISR plays just uh pointed the gun emoji and said do it no do not make me put on the funny skin please we’ve been over for this I’m not funy and I don’t want to put on the funy skin please don’t make me do this [Music] again clip that right now just kidding look so weird B what I can’t sleep I it’s traumatic it’s traumatic what P where is my stuff it’s in your house you obviously you obviously haven’t look cuz I didn’t even hide it that hard like it’s just it’s in one of your chats my crying out loud you you didn’t even you didn’t even look cuz it’s just in one of your chests ISR just killed me ISR killed me because I didn’t put on the funy skin all right I got this I guess I got this I I know what to do I know what to [Music] do I cannot believe this at all dang [Music] it I [Music] guys after after days months and years of suffering I have to admit I am fun what did you just say bro in Michigan Arby’s is expensive as brick well here it’s like literally the cheapest fast food out there like literally Arby’s is expensive a roast beef sandwich is like $3 or maybe four are you freaking serious a roast beef sandwich in Michigan is $8 it’s like three or four I think it’s like $4 here it is $8 bro a chicken sandwich at chicken get the meal $510 that’s if you get the meal for the chicken sandwi oh hell no this expensive Matthew in Alabama the chicken sandwich meal at Chick-fil-A cost cost $8 well too bad nobody cares for the chicken [Music] sandwich oh it’s only when you get the meal well I thought it was I was used to it because like have made signs and sand okay care about signs and sand yeah I have those ah dang it go chop down a tree I’m actually dg27 thank you very much ISR I don’t know my friend chop down a tree and make you a new sign CL R you just said my friend I guess is the only one that I can talk to on live stream or voice chat yeah I’m not entirely sure because I’m not you if if hopefully I answer your question correctly but I’m not familiar with this streaming platform but also because I’m streaming currently I I really can’t what are you streaming on Matthew um I use streamlabs and you’re streaming on Twitch as well no no would use the twitch if you was streaming on Twitch good question ISR plays what is the mg27 for my first and last name my first and last 27 I’m I am not machine gun 27 machine gun oh I killed your player oh I killed your player I’m sorry did you find your pants machine gun 27 did you find your pants no I did not find my pants I’m really sad that I’m GNA have to make new pants I know you guys want to see me without pants on but no I don’t want to see you without pants why do you what no absolutely not e e e e e no e I’ll get rid of it I’ll get rid of it I’ll get R yeah get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it get rid of it really hey she had my stuff she had my stuff she had my stuff I was trying to here you can have here you can have this uh Diamond chest plate as a gift me and oh yeah you can also have these uh diamond boots as a gift as well you can always have this as a gift yeah and this no oh and that one too no enough that’s just gonna TI me off okay uh zipa just said please answer chat in game we’re stuck bro takes like the like the amount of time in Minecraft wait a second you guys got yourself stuck where’s my where’s my first of rest of my stuff my food my spel oh [Music] wait uh teleport to me right now Jaguar teleport to me right now okay that is um this is possible um some of you who of my stuff they doing this is possible they doing they messed up the map I mean Bros just chilling I mean I mean I mean you guys if you guys how did they get it how did they get in there okay do. warp spawn that’s your way out that literally that’s it try that how did they get in there um yeah how is this possible what how oops the only way you could I I swear the only way you could literally get in there is if you know clip I think well I think maybe they could get in with ender pearls try it the I’m I super weird I mean here you can there just I guess get out this way that is that is very weird there is some serious ious trolling going on here his skin is backwards mat hey oh no so we got everybody we have everybody now hey no so we have everybody okay cool we we have everybody no yeah we jagar we have everybody no yeah we have everybody we have everybody dang it no stop trying to ruin my schemes you know you know you you know it’s it’s against our policy you know like hat clients are bad for the environment you know hat clients are bad for the environment it literally is why we have no trees anymore I don’t I don’t know who that is but free XP thank you Matthew let’s all go try my go my uh golf course on stream sure let’s do that and figure out instead of figure out what the heck happened here okay I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to be the first person to do this okay so no skipping rooms oh my bad I accidentally collected it okay no come on you can’t stand at the you can’t you have to can’t stand you have to stand back you can’t stand halfway up there okay there okay now what this one hey I it no matter what item you use you can use anything I think I think all items have collected my feathers you went behind you Matthew behind you Matthew oh no no give him back yo dude he took my feathers dude it’s not working Jaguar it’s not working it’s well then you’re obviously not doing it right no I think I think uh I think it’s hacking I think it’s called hacking you get back in there and go do it this man person is trying to kill me he’s trying to kill me playing golf with a potato Jaguar stole my potatoes can you grab it for me he’s trying to kill me give me my potatoes give me my potato it guys I need help over there potato my potato my potato help my [Music] potato potato help M potato my potatoes they’re gone made in I made it in the water he’s after watch it come out here watch it come out here D it you maybe y my potatoes I got to block this spot off yay my potatoes all right get out get out I forgot to this off no get out no get out no make me no no no I’m not getting out Matthew this person is trying to get me I mean it’s not against the rules I forgot to block that off that’s supposed to be blocked off he’s trying to be like maybe he’s like chasing me now I got to restart [Music] pot me I need to stop throwing potatoes and start throwing torches this place this [Music] guy oh my God yep oh it made it to the very edge come on come on come on come on stupid this one’s hard this one’s the hardest yeah because it’s a corrupt it’s a corrupt company okay so like oh come on did it go in did it go in no it made it to the edge I know it’s possible because I did it a second ago it’s possible go go sword go sword come on right at the edge carrot go oh I can’t get close enough to pick up the it is Tech apparently I guess I guess I’m sticky piston go no my sticky piston look at how close to the edine is I’ve got an IR I’ve got an iron pickaxe it’s going to work Jaguar have some Faith have some Faith Jaguar it’s going to work come on come on no I got an iron axe I got an iron axe come on come on iron axe do the magic oh don’t you hit me I’m trying to do this come on come on yes yes oh wait no it’s going to go in the thing it’s going to go in the thing come over here and look at it okay come on this is how you cheat yeah we cheated let’s go we took your Victory more coming soon more coming soon more coming soon hey yo hey yo hey yo get out of here yeah the first the first uh the first golf ball Matthew the golf course is also a good place to inventory dump you yeah you can have fun inventory jumping yeah how was I able to like you just throw and you try to get no no no this guy kept attacking me on purpose all right no it’s your turn I want to say hey hey get mat look at this jaguar look what I can do I can break paintings dang it stop it stop it and I can’t place it back stop it mat Matthew Do Something Matthew stop Matthew from doing what Matthew’s doing Matthew I mean it’s not against the spawn rules so I mean all right no your turn I want to see you beat the I want to see beat it I want to see null beat the golf he even said in the chat this is the end go n Go n oh all right go to the next one go to the next one go to the next one stop it quit just ignore him just ignore him all right so there’s a trick the gold blocks is the optimal spot to stand this is this has to be maybe come on there’s no way somebody would oh sorry zipa this has to be maybe in your chat if I find out you’re using an all you you know I’m extending the ban right I hope you know that in fact that just tells me you you oh next one next one next one hurry for the doors Clos the do’s ain’t going to close now all right so watch it come out at the water watch it come out of the water over there next one next one next one this one’s the hardest this one’s the hardest oh boy oh and no h all of a sudden oh right on the edge didn’t go all the way you can’t use the same item it’ll get stuck you have to use a different item this you can’t use sand there’s already sand it I got it I got it you didn’t even make it one block F what about snowball there’s no snowball maybe snowball that was good that was a good one though yeah absolutely absolutely that was another really good one SLE good job good job good job SLE fear just said I can’t stop starve maxing what is what the heck is this stand back a little bit stand back a little bit wait a minute it’s the barriers no idea what that means oh there we go now did I try again yeah it’s the hardest one but it is possible oh let me use a barrier block it just disappear you place a barrier block no it just like disappeared as soon as I dropped it let me use an iron helmet that is clearly no I think I made it I think I made it no you didn’t dang it you you’ll hear the bail if you made it oh yeah that’s right uh come on not even close Matthew dude I wonder let me see let me see if there’s like a guys I trying to find out a prime spot move the gold block the gold block tells you where the best spot to stand is but you don’t have to stand there you can stand anywhere I have an idea we stand at the very edge but you look about approximately at that no snowball and then you oh yeah that was good that’s a good strap M that’s a good strategy my turn my turn again I look kind of throw an item that’s already there he keep keep this person keeps on trying to join close move my turn I it’s my turn I’m lining up my shot my turn no it’s my turn kind of junk my turn my turn my turn my turn my turn my turn my turn allowed this is the first gol pretty brutal sport golf can be a pretty brutal sport I think as you can see here I mean it’s a very friendly sport too don’t you think really is that how you want to play pay me yeah how about you burn burn burn this isn’t what true golf is this is what manly golf is yeah man Z is just watching us brawl each other oh you’re not be taking any damage the only thing that’s suffering is my armor okay enough enough enough enough enough enough enough all right my turn my turn my turn no no oh Freak No I’m sorry zippa my turn my turn I made it I made it I made it look look look curses oh I made it I made it I made it I’m jealous I’m better than you get out get out get out I made it I made it get out I made it I miss it get out get out get out get out get out of here get out of [Music] here okay Jaguar stop okay my armor is literally about to break it’s taking a huge toll on my armor oh my gosh my health is on the edge of breaking dang it my helmet is one hit my helmet is one hit Matthew yeah yeah my helmet is the lowest right now and like the other this like a huge toll out of armor now we have to go like armor hold up let me go take your stre I want to see where your armor looks like oh mine’s even closer than that yeah my put this in perspective no use put this in perspective Matthew my helmet is at the thing where there’s literally no durability the bar is empty like it’s about to break oh my gosh like that like that leather helmet in your inventory it’s got that much durability oh my gosh all right ISR just said bye all right have a fantastic day night sauce is the best Minecraft pvper Vsauce I didn’t even think he played I don’t think he does jeez this one is hard bro I swear I wouldn’t be surprised if Vsauce made a conspiracy like on like on Minecraft is like what is the best PVP move or like what does Minecraft have to offer blah blah blah something something weird also I was going to say like just put this in perspective my armor oh my gosh ah just put this in perspective that um my armor was literally fully repaired come on Jaguar I think you need to fix the map he probably does and poofy was shot by a skeleton unaccept behavor I’m like wasting all my items by or nothing n just wants to pass the golf court I just made it I made it just said bro my friend Dr snack just subscribed go go go go go [Music] go RM alfredo [Applause] [Music] forever yes I have a soundboard Scotland [Applause] forever the soundboard you ready get over here run you can run but you can’t hide you know I should be wearing I should be wearing a a cape right now yeah your player looks kind of weird without one without one I’m offended I’m actually offended but here’s the thing Matthew but but here’s the thing but but see here’s the thing capes are boring no no you got to have a where where the um blue one because the pink one doesn’t look right on you Matthew have a good stream I hope that means you’re by I mean I have a good stream you know I hope that means go away have a good stream shut up I don’t like that I’m killing I’m killing your player oh wait go I’m killing your player no don’t tell me to have a good stream I almost died from that too I doubt it uh yeah you can die at spawn uh you just if you’re not wearing any armor and someone tries to hit you with full netherite like fully upgrade netherite sword yeah they can kill you what the kitty Mr K I am sneaking I am sneaking I am sneaking mat did you hear me singing earlier in the background no oh wait what is wrong with me ah I caught you zipa how dare you follow me I knew it a I can’t I can’t I can’t a suspicious kind of suspicious much yeah absolutely very suspicious like I just I just need the right angle no is your name angle shut up don’t call me that fun fine you know what every time you call me funy I’m just going to call you angle does this sound fair there’s literally a bed over there view if I get in here viewer discretion advised it means very bad area okay there there is like no way you could get in here oh my gosh I don’t even think you can get in here like I I I I really do not think you can get in here oh my gosh I don’t even think you can get in here anymore oh my gosh what okay somebody somebody attempt this I I can’t even get in here anymore okay pretty much you have to like right click you did not get it you have to like you have to it has to be night I think it has to be night time yeah probably oh Lord what is it even if even Trace agrees that you should call me angles oh I should call you angle that makes sense Trace does well no gun is is what I mean come on come on come on now come on I am offended I offended I am offended that you guys are going to call me angle I can’t get in here I suck at this all right I give up of course you do are you serious all [Music] right oh my gosh this is a weird place um nether MC just joined I thought he wasn’t going to join because he went to a funeral today that oh my gosh wow yeah he told me that he he wasn’t going to join join oh my gosh I’ll be right back oh so I’m kind of curious though figure that walks in the light and thrives in the storms I wonder who that could be she haunts me something so small and innocent but the root of evil okay I’m curious who Could That Be scous guys I’m going to build a a secret base over here and I’m scared because like it shouldn’t be [Music] here who is this I’m a cowboy ye Jaguar what zipa said Bloody Mary I don’t think so I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s bloody mary it has to be something to do with something what let me see I’m joining something to do with something actually according to my calculations I think you disconnected from the game why would you do that like I think you like disconnected from the game I don’t know I I think I think I I think you got disconnected I I might be having internet issues maybe yeah pretty much it’s called Matthew he’s my internet issue oh oh oh uh uh is this a new uh type of Internet variant that I should be aware of yeah it’s the uh Delta [Music] variant don’t do it this time because it’s taking me a while to load [Music] in I need help uh I need to get my stuff it’s in your chest oh my gosh poofy no I don’t multiple times it is in the chest no I died multiple times well then you didn’t look at all of them because I put it in the I put it in one of your double chests I put it in one of the you know where you have all the double chests at I put it in the bottom right one no I found them but I I died oh my gosh I find my stuff well maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to try to kill me was it no you kind of regret that poofy I mean he’s totally Jaguar’s totally in the right it does say in the rule book that you people are allowed to kill each other’s players I mean it is okay I mean like he didn’t break any rules by killing me no that’s not against the rules either but yeah you were allowed to kill each other’s player even admins are admins can just casually go kill your player I mean it’s just not really the greatest thing to do but like they can but yes uh always check the website for news because upgrades updates do happen breaking news poofy is walking around his own base what is this is this a memorable piece of clay that I should be aware of poofy dirt wire hook dirt wire hook you remember dirt wire hook back yeah still there dirt wire hook yay oh I didn’t add that Cobblestone there yay y dirt wire hook I love it also next to a dtown well because I’m a professional terraformer I need to fix this there we go oh uh nether MC just said bastard cheater teleport him what type of Step you’re talking about nether MC I mean okay there’s no way a bow and arrow should be this high up in my uh clone Ry said I had a splinter oh my gosh almost rip jeez Louise yeah splinters are definitely painful I remember is I remember okay think about it this way imagine getting a splinter directly into your nail oh and oh and just the worst part wearing socks and you slide on a wooden floor and you get a a splinter that goes like about couple a couple half an inch into your foot those are the worst when you’re wearing socks and you get a splinter that way or if you accidentally get a splinter in your fingernail you’re going to make me lose my appetite plus I’m getting chills right now chills my feet are cringing my hands are my fingernails are crying [Music] whoa there’s a zombie villager population down here only was [Music] day only it was day no what are you eating play fish shrimp [Music] alfredo is that what you said I I said fet oh fish no [Music] Alfredo what’ you say no I couldn’t hear you I couldn’t hear you over this you’re off with that you’re you’re eating shrimp alfredo no shrimp [Music] Alfredo I did it I’m I’m goated no okay I’m going to be honest the average cubecraft player when you’re playing Bridges here um you know okay I’m going to be honest with you okay listen listen I think this is cringy no offense no offense but I think this is the most cringiest thing I have ever witnessed when somebody is pvping they want to make sure that you make sure you hear the keyboard and mouse and all the clicks I don’t know about you but that makes me cringe like okay maybe you have an understanding better understanding but what’s the point of it I don’t want know I don’t want to hear somebody like spamming on their keyboard and mouse and going oh I didn’t mean to type GF he L okay I don’t know I don’t know what the deal with that is but I I but we’ll see let’s go spy on nether MC wonder what he’s up to oh how does Matthew VOD just like just like have diamond armor just automatically what the freck what do you mean so warp spawn isn’t working and I guess this isn’t working either that is weird that is really weird for me okay but for some reason why am I able to check why am I not able to check this guys but I’m able to check that is weird something be going on though my commands aren’t working yeah apparently no idea why but like this player is working I mean that that is very that is very weird uh zipa just said well bye all righty well have a fantastic day if if you’re going to leave the server if not we still have a fantastic day still regardless but gez the Weise oh Z said I’m not leaving oh sh a Chase hey Jaguar um apparently when I check um uh go into admin panel for me look okay so when I go on players and I specifically look at Matthew vods none of his stuff is working why looking at me like that like argument out of borders provided integer was out of range but this guy’s literally here awes well this is kind of awkward yeah that is actually wait let me see yeah that is that is extremely weird what is z doing that is very weird he’s hacking I’m I’m I’m thinking and he probably is and I just slapped him with a fish we’ll see because there’s there’s like [Music] I hope that Jaguar I really hope it’s not copyright oh my gosh I see clearing into chest yeah that is weird yeah Matthew’s VOD is like really like I can like you have a uni like I mean [Music] alfo I need answers I need answers Matthew’s VOD okay all right let me unfreeze your player yeah that is super weird like I don’t understand oh it’s copyright Jaguar if you get me a copyright claim I’m going to be super [Music] mad [Music] you Jaguar I’m gonna mute him sorry already did that yeah I don’t know if that’s copyright or not but we’re not going to do that if you get me copyrighted I’m going to mute you from chat okay I’m going to Google it real quick just to make sure if it’s okay yeah on January 30th 1940 you are my sunsh was copyright by Davis Mitchell and published by Southern music publishing Co Incorporated of New York so it looks like this song is copyrighted according to what this Artic well it’s also on the Wikipedia I don’t really I personally don’t okay Elsa says uh You aree My Sunshine lyrics then there’s no copyrighted lyrics but I don’t I’m I’m just still going to double check to see if it is copyrighted or not also clone Ry just said I swear to freaking gosh uh if I get a ban from YouTube it’s your fault what do you mean uh it looks like YouTube isn’t copyright yeah yeah it’s not copyrighted it shouldn’t be copyrighted Jaguar’s fine to play it all right [Music] great sadly it gets pretty annoying so I do have to meet you CL Ry why why do you think uh why do you think you’re gonna get banned I already saw your chat no I can hear you I was talking to my chat oh clone R just said you may use it one day use what one day I don’t understand listen I don’t understand which which which which going on Miss I can’t take fall for for something that I suggested I don’t understand what like watch this you would get banned for and if it’s my [Music] fault uh new pick just said the force I don’t know uh you pick just said Ricky I am your father okay I’ll I’ll unmute Jaguar craft good I lose my channel two time already from copyright music or videos I muted it because you were spamming uh zipa hasties and like it’s just unne I don’t know maybe that’s the reason D bramage what the I think that contradicts everything because Jaguar is saying that Dane brandage my bad so actually in reality but why did you give me the G said read your live chat I am uh he’s talking about me he’s talking about I don’t know he’s talking about me I did see the life I did see the chat but it said yeah I got to scroll all the way back up a dang just said do you uh I’m still gonna ask I’m still G to read this do you like Star Wars clone Ricky I I don’t know what that is I just know what I just know what clone riy and what riggy is and uh what Dan’s channel is why you why do you keep giving me stuff I mean don’t get me wrong uh green and purple do go good together hey St yeah what’s up surprise surprise I also have a surprise hey can you see my Minecraft skin we’re twinsies we’re twinsies yeah look at my skin my SK look at Jaguar you like my skin mat oh wait no real no real gun said I said that I will be hosting a chat p a chat pck the games live stream tomorrow be there or be square hey I’m not Square ouch that’s what no real gun said all take it easy with fire sword who W okay whoa whoa whoa wait I forgot my my stuff is going to break okay what’s up hey what is up poofy I I have been silent for the longest time I have something for you oh you do oh okay don’t worry I I I’ll go to you I’m in creative mode so normally I always take that precaution all right I was just wondering hofi I can’t teleport to you but still have an answer to my question why do why do you keep on giving me stuff like Campbell the Blue Orchid oh I just realized the chicken yeah I I I I I accident used creative mode so I have to now a mushroom jaward stop it with your creepy no I have to go back and and fix this okay cool thank you I appreciate it no J don’t get off if you have a surprise for me then where am I supposed to see it I can be your friend I can be your friend if you want Jaguar it off Jaguar stop it Jack no jar stop it m you help it’s not the rules stop it stop it no oh yeah I forgot spamming is monster from Silent Hill dude did you know spamming isn’t against the rules but I’m still going to mute you over it because it is annoying no but I’m not breaking any rules so if you mute me it means you’re just a jack that get off this zombie will be look this this zombie villager be looking kind of I mean this zombie villager be looking kind [Music] of has no blocks I shall not uh support this bullying and harassment in this in this Christian Minecraft server is a Christian Minecraft server now no it’s not it’s never been not not even from day one dang it you PCT just said is it fine that I have one brain cell I said no brain cells allowed in this stream ban ban ban cancelled can’t believe this why’d you bring a brain cell I am melting I’m just kidding you’re not getting banned I promise you pick I promise you’re not getting ban look at what NE just [Music] said nether pra Satan all right go to his house right now we’re gonna we’re gonna bully him let’s bully him right now let’s go we’re going to his house get him get him he’s a Satan praiser get out of here get out of here get out of here you Satan supporter get out of here get out of here with this evil [Music] conal oh crap sorry [Music] zipa ity just said I made you moderator uh only because I trust you don’t do don’t do bad ah clone riy I wouldn’t trust me if I were you yes I I am I am very very awesome but sometimes but just for perspective I mean well I I mean well thank you I’ll tell you thank you but I don’t really see a reason though I promise I’m the I’m the best person to trust for everybody’s cords though I totally Jaguar quit spamming not spamming dude Jaguar Jaguar you know how we give Facebook our information and they just sell it to random [Music] people no no no no no no no okay no no okay Jaguar I need to mute you because like when I’m responding I’m serious literally I’m serious when I try to respond to chat it’s like literally disrespectful like I get it’s a nice coming song no I I get that it’s a nice song but like bro seriously it’s a place that I can’t tell you where but like if it so far my sources say it’s not copyrighted but if it ends up getting a copyright claim on the channel yeah uh you just said uh what’s the money oh in the game yeah let see what no gun has been saying okay okay jagar we need to stop we’re not doing this you said fine you you kept your promise and now you’re just no getting muted muted all right I can’t okay sorry sorry you I don’t want to get I I don’t want to get in trouble they uh no ra gun you are not living at my base no lives at our base you’re not going there and the story you keep begging well well well you keep begging cry about it but no she lives at our base you can go ahead and live if at no’s old base or other bases that she is willing to have you there but I mean there’s nothing wrong with having multiple different bases hell I have multiple different bases that I go to and I have so like there’s nothing wrong with that but dude you’re not going to live at her house because that is where my base is also sorry sorry you pick I was trying to respond uh so uh you pick you said what’s the money for the money is for like apparently I mean spawn should be able to teleport for free but it’s just a backup so if you do have like any money there you can teleport places just in case the bug does happen at me that’s why just in case you do have a a bug where you can’t teleport back to spawn to do the more money you earn I mean the less you have to worry about when you do teleport locations what do you want Jaguar I unmuted you Matthew did you see what no real gun said and this he’s not going to let you no no no no no no no I want you to hear me out hear me out no can you hear me it’s no no do you he’s not going to let you no do you have me muted still oh I hear you I know what no need to hear me jeez all right all right all right I forgot about that no all right you’re unmuted all right no I want to tell you something let this just be another example as to why you should cut all tiles with no rail gun let me just read Angel I’ll make you a deal if you let me live near you I’ll leave you alone if not I won’t leave you alone it’s your choice choose wild wisely do you want me to shut up or would you rather end it over me not shutting up over you not wanting to cooperate so he’s basically telling you either let me live near you or I’m just gonna keep bothering you all right you know what this is harass worst person ever and he needs to be banned permanently yeah this this the second I’m considering that harassment because that literally is just harassment I think he is worse than Jaylen I’m sorry to bring that up but I think he is worse than Jaylen well here’s the thing he’s never s you know what he said you know what Jaylen said well yeah but even if I do black he’s still gonna bug me it doesn’t matter just block him on everything all right he is the worst person ever someone that treats people like that should not have friends Jaguar if you don’t stay friends with me right now I’m going to leak your IP address to the car send warranty scam operation right now mat if you don’t give me all of your diamonds I’m going to I’m going to blow up your house no Jaguar you can’t do that I’m not I’m not compromising I can’t do that the diamonds or I’ll blow up your house I will you know what if if you blow up my house I’m Banning you I’m Banning you muting you and canceling I’m that’s how rail gun acts yeah yeah they are they all right you are stressing me out and is manipulative it is super manipul this G this gone too far you can’t treat adults like this you are like 15 also and I’m like you’re 15 and I’m like 22 you can’t treat ads like that you need you need to learn how to be nice bro starting arguments oh things are getting he hey let start argument [Music] M’s start argument no you need to axe or Old Spice you need to learn how to be nice to people so they can stay friends with you you Jesus J see axes actually smells like chemicals and it smells like pretty much I mean the actual swear root of axhole um but um uh Old Spice makes my armpits literally raw and and like dries the freck out of them but if I was to go for one it would probably be Old Spice because it but it at least it doesn’t smell like chemicals you and I are done what you Brandy story I use Dove that’s that’s the I feel like Dove is like the the neutral okay I’m GNA be honest with you um there’s nothing wrong against this but in fact I use women’s deodorant hey there’s nothing wrong with that in all fairness women’s deodorant is just better literally listen men’s deodorant drives out my armpits and my armpits are super sensitive to deodorant M you ever noticed that like women deodorant versus men deodorant the name like women’s deodorants are like lavender uh eucalyptus oil men’s deodorant are like man juice no yeah women men’s deodorant are like swaggers I got for real Caribbean for real okay uh can can we like address the fact that can we just like address the fact that nether MC literally said he worshiped Satan on second be me he’s got freedom of speech I mean true I mean but you know that’s uh he he can be wrong that’s his opinion well I mean I mean I mean okay poofy you said you had a surprise for me I’m going to teleport to him you remember what happened last time I accepted one of his surprises oh I went in creative mode no be in survival mode so if it kills you you can get ultimate Revenge oh yeah sure absolutely oh it’s a it’s a Hut it’s a pitfall oh it was a pitfall to steal my stuff oh so that that is pretty nice oh you killed them I did I’m not loaded in so I don’t see nothing yet bro just left the game see this is exactly why I’m in creative mode when I teleport to you guys can you guys blame me can you guys blame me I’m taking his netherite chest play it’s mine now yeah rightfully so I I think I like like that first one I forgave him over it but at this point I’m keeping the stuff like I’m not even mad over it I just think like bro really of all the people you try to put in a pitfall and think they’re not going going to get revenge over it you choose me me and Matthew you know how Petty we are why would you choose us to do that too as Petty as we are you try to kill us and steal our stuff we’re going to get revenge 10 times worse than anything you can imagine okay clone R just said I’m Jewish dude this is not okay I not so not okay dude yeah we try to like oh I mean I normally just try not to like talk about religious topics that often on stream but yeah I mean everybody is entitled to their own religious beliefs but like I mean this is kind of like I mean I mean I got I got no words other than everybody has like their own beliefs in religion and I mean if we talk about religion other people are like uh that’s not my religious belief well that’s why we kind of just don’t talk about too much but like there has been discussions before about Christianity and other religions before which again just a disclaimer we’re never ever ever going to try to force a religion onto somebody like it’s okay to talk about it but like again stick to your own moral beliefs I mean yes sometimes the content can be edgy at times also hey uh Jaguar uh nether MC just said the server is becoming dead what do you mean by that nether MC if you’re watching the stream okay I did everything that you guys told me to do uh clone just said talk about Russian okay okay Russian Russian okay guys disclaimer I’m being super sarcastic I promise but this is very edgy I love Russia Russia is the best country in the world Vladimir Putin is so awesome bro he is so cool I mean he is just awesome his bald head his bald head reads amazing sauce again disclaimer I’m kidding so you blocked nether uh you blocked uh not nether MC nether MC oh I was I would you should block nether MC he’s being mean he’s being very mean today I mean he’s joking he’s joking I hope he’s joking I mean freedom of speech but damn you got to s worship [Music] Satan uh yeah I yeah I think Matthew B this is kind of funny I really yeah Matthew vods is actually hacking there is no way there is no freaking way that this can be spammed in chat tell me Matthew VOD 9951 was kicked for being banned ban reason scyth anti-che detected unfair Advantage check ner hey bro is cheating there ain’t no freaking way here Creeper Creeper oh snap no way fudge nuggets uh CL R just said if you say uh and then fix this mess again again I’m it stupid spot I mean clone Ricky here’s the thing though creepers listen you can’t control what other people say on like the live stream uh unfortunately so if people do say Satan I mean it’s not worth getting mad over because it’s going to happen in countless amount of streams if like it may not happen but I’m just saying is like it could happen again and again and I would like people to feel comfortable talking about whatever they want obviously you can’t swear but like if they mention Satan again they’re we’re not trying to like go against religious belief or anything yeah you say you’re losing it I feel like no offense but I feel like that’s just like in the wrong to just get mad over it you guys Trust um hero girl right uh again it’s just me you and it’s just me you and Jaguar on this island nobody else uh no exceptions I’m just asking okay I’m just saying no exceptions even if it’s even if you trust a person it’s really up to me and jaguar to see if it’s okay but I also girl is okay I’m just saying she’s nothing like how no gun was still I don’t recommend it shut up stupid cheap um we already have enough people at the base also clone Ry just said here me I have anger issues what the listen again there’s people out there that do have anger issues but I still do not think like it’s worth it to like get mad over it I mean yeah some people can’t control how angry they get but there’s definitely like coping mechanisms out there to help you or like you know just take deep breath because when I was around 9 10 11 years old I had anger issues but then now like I was able to find a way to cope around it so like I I kind of don’t see anger issues as an excuse for an actions that really should never be an excuse for actions at all I I hate to bring this up but I do remember seeing the things that you used to do in school okay we we’ll never talk about that okay yes I’m a bad kid in in elementary and middle school but obviously that Chang that changed in middle school I promise yes you did you pick to said have you ever watched Bluey the Australian dog show I have I have I have little siblings so they’ll have it on uh clone R said I made the best outro well that’s cool that is very cool I would like to check that [Music] out what the heck was that hey Matthew’s vods was actually hacking pu I hit puberty that’s what my hey J Matthew’s vods was actually hacking there is tell me why and here’s the thing tell me why that the new CER uh Scythe detected the ner thing and it was spammed it in chat and he got banned there is no way even we tested this out there ain’t no freaking way this guy isn’t hacking yeah he was hacking I couldn’t even get any of his information either I think he was using the horion no clip when he got into the maps yeah this guy was hacking like for real like he he’s banned but like I think the uh the ban actually should we make the should we make that perab ban because like they use hat CLE in the first place yeah I think I’m going to do that that’s up to you yeah I’m gonna make let’s see I would make it permaban with dis appointment for them with appeal you can appeal it with a wood now because I don’t think this would um because he had because the violations believe it or not the violations are three he has literally violated it more than three times oh snap okay why is it like it’s not I can’t I I don’t think I can set it for perab ban but I can set it for n I’ll I’ll do like I’ll do like 60 days because by the time the 60 days happen he they’re going to forget the server exists or they forget about the server at [Music] least but yeah you just put the pill on my hand which just which is weird thank [Music] you colone Ricky I think you’re well actually I think uh no I think I joined your live stream at a very SpongeBob I’m SpongeBob I’m SpongeBob no you’re not I’m SpongeBob no you’re not careful SpongeBob careful SpongeBob careful SpongeBob uh forgot again Jaguar that’s the second time I have done that forgetting that swearing uh oh uh oh J play video oh you gotta ban me from YouTube chat now yeah three days I think that’s three days three days I’ll make it three live stream days I wor yeah that means you got to miss out on literally the whole live 2600 2600 [Music] 26006 August 12 2036 heat death of the universe August 12 2036 the heat death of the universe 12 death of the universe hey uh poy just asked why did uh you just said clipped canel uh clone riggy just said game o uh game over and poofy just said uh Dave why did you take my stuff I didn’t take your stuff I mean in all fair and all fairness you did try to kill our players so uh I’m not going to enforce that at all I don’t for enforce stealing so like I don’t enforce stealing at all that I mean it can be it is against the rule but here’s the funny thing on the website it does say I don’t we don’t have to enforce it what the sigma listen I’m telling you even even if it’s only a troll I mean think about it this way if a random stranger was to take your stuff El admins ain’t going to do anything about it or and if you can where’s the evidence to prove that they stole all your stuff as an example like there really is no way around that oh CL just said day I got 18 people to join oh that’s [Music] cool oh my God Jaguar this is why I literally mute you you’re not even in the game participating in the Stream and you’re just sitting here noes this is why you get muted and he wonders and then he’s like and he’s like oh please call me please please call me unmute me I did nothing [Music] wrong please stay Stormer unban me unmute me please I won’t do it again then I I could just imagine him kicking his uh kicking his feet and then really just like texting at the same time and being like and then like just like taking his arms and like shaking him around up and down like he’s like a a freaking Fish Out of Water [Music] going bro be kicking and screaming flopping like a fish I’ll unmute him jaguar you’re unmuted don’t give me an excuse to mute you if you play another sound I’m actually going to ban you I SpongeBob okay you’re getting banned it wasn’t a sound it was me oh my gosh bro nether MC whoa no that was you idiot I was trying I was trying to kill him I was trying to kill him said that curs and espanol oh great I was what this one SK Diamond iar the f word in that for some reason who play that I’m not crazy I’m crazy okay you are crazy manth I heard the f word all right guys all right I’m Gonna Leave This up to the audience should we ban Jaguar for three days for playing a sound that has a swear word in it no three days no yes or no I vote no I vote no but we’ll see yes no you were supposed to be my friend we got one vote uh you picked just said four days I’m not doing four days we’ll do three days we got two boats we have two NOS okay we have we wait we have two NOS um change your vote now hey your vote now uh poofy we have two days okay okay we have three votes against two uh you picked this wait change your vote no change your V I’ll change it yay you Pi said yes G just said yes so we have two votes here n said yes I said yes that already four votes right there I said CL Ricky what about you yes or no clone Ricky yes or no uh yes or no should he get banned we got four votes against we have four votes Tim Hill just said yes do you see that he should teach we have a clear winner here okay yep yep all right you know how many votes this is okay okay so let me I’m going to I’m going to count this we got clone riy the hill so there’s already two boats there uh po we just said yes so that’s three votes up pick said yes that’s four votes uh I think gath said that so that’s five votes and somebody subscribed and then and then null as well that’s our votes anyway uh even if that’s not subcribe to you Matthew someone just subscribe to you Matthew some to me who subscribed to me Tim Hill just subscribed to the channel what me no cuz you voted for me to get banned oh uh um you pick just voted for no you understand that’s still like you know that’s still like yes to the B Jaguar I have bad news [Music] the bad news is you’re banned from YouTube voice chat for three days kick him from the server it wasn’t my fault though he keeps on killing me should we do should we do a a confirmation until Monday oh hello I think we need to have a court hearing court hearing yeah right all right court hearing okay we’re going to discuss this like old Republican politicians that have no idea what we’re gonna do not Republicans like old people that think like okay nether MC no Perma ban you’re just mad because you got banned hold up no no I mean uh I’ll be Trump okay mad oh hell no so ugly your ponytail you’re super gay you wish you had as much money as me Matthew okay everybody go down to the map go down to the map right now we’re having a court here and we’re gonna we’re GNA really confirm this right now we’re going to do this one more thing one more time one more time right now everybody go to the map everybody everybody go to hold up Matthew everybody we’re in chat communicate too we’re we’re going to have this court hearing right now this determines Jaguars fate SHO he get banned for three days we’re going to confirm this one more time we’re going to we see he claims that it’s not his fault for playing a sound that had a swear word in it okay that is a valid excuse but what do you guys think should Jaguar get banned say spaghetti in chat if he’s going to get banned if you really agree before so what is your case once again explain your probable cause why you shouldn’t be banned my reason is I didn’t know it had swear ing in it so how should I be why should I be punished for something that I didn’t know how to swear in it I argue you should have checked it before you played the sound I mean come on I mean if I’m not unsure I mean you gotta think about it here’s the thing here’s the thing it’s a popular meme from Spongebob The careful SpongeBob so I just assumed it was that normal meme I didn’t realize it had a twist ending at the end of it always double check before you say uh a meme but I understand where you’re coming from so we’re going to we’re okay okay well okay so it looks like up pck just said no clone Ry said no uh the hill just said ban for 15 minutes okay I’m counting that as a no or tent ban I I’m counting that as a no so it looks like people are actually turning on your favor yay okay and I say no so every okay so after we had this very valuable conversation Jaguar gets no ban all right everybody this supported me gets three diamonds I said no from the beginning and I let the audience decide do I get diamonds I didn’t say yes I said no I’ll give you two no I said no I said no I supported you I supported you I supp I didn’t want you to get banned I was honest okay okay okay okay okay jagar doesn’t get banned but Nether and see I’m I’m me he didn’t get that hearing about nether MC no no we need to have an exorcism okay what if we made a deal if we can humiliate nether MC on the server he can be unbanned from voice chat oh I’m just kidding no that’s mean getting tired again look look up here look at me Matthew look at me Matthew you have to promise your diamonds you have to promise you did say because you have to say you have to promise your diamonds you have to give everybody diamonds that supported you fine Pine yeah yeah yeah you see that if you join the server you automatically get three diamonds if you support a jaguar in this court hearing so game [Music] mode where you going okay you pick just said gay the funny one stays am I not funny at all yay I’m the funny one well not funny he’s funny freak you that’s it automatic ban B chat ban b b you’re can no you’re bed you’re banned you’re banned BN banned stop Matthew stop we have to at least give her a court hearing no automatic ban automatic ban automatic Bann forget the court hearing got banned for life banned for life canel canel canell we’re done we’re done we’re done with her throw her out throw her in the pits of hell we’re done get her out of here send her to the goog climb her house she’s done cancelled everything we’re not having her she’s not allowed mat her send her to the hard labor camps from when I was the owner don’t you do that I don’t even know where that is didn’t bro clone rig you just said banned how about this how about this Matthew her punishment is that she’s not allowed to she’s not allowed to do anything until she beats the last that last golf uh level uh I already did you got to do it again that’s punishment for calling and funy you had to beat that last golf level I was just joking it’s not tolerable no no Matthew we can we let’s put her in the jail sale we can finally make use of the prison she just left the game I’m putting nether MC in the so br’s about to leave the game immediately no we’re joking just remember that don’t say I don’t know I knew all along I you’re not taking it like you actually think it’s a joke this is a joke you know that right no this is a joke oh he’s in jail oh nether MC was wait what Alfredo how was I able to get in here Jaguar how I was able to like dang it like I was actually able to get in here for some reason wait try again try again try again you try you get in there you got to let you going let me out so I can get in I’ll just share a sell nether MC he’s speeding me he’s beating me he’s beating me he’s abusive let me out I want my own jail cell I’m coming in okay so we’re we’re we’re we’re the big guys we’re going to beat him up beat him up beat him up he bad nether MC dropped the soap role play that’s it I’m going to [Music] spawn uh Vinnie uh Vincent just said very nice looking cat yeah it does it’s almost jaguar you’re going to break my armor oh yeah you’re right sorry here I have a present for you it’s an ender pearl I was trying to give it to you no I don’t want to you made my helmet break you didn’t have a helmet on oh yeah boots on any have an elytra okay forget the iron bro forget that let it break you’re going to break my leather helmet they’re so expensive they’re so expensive you’re going to break my leather helmet I don’t care oh I broke it my le helmet oh God I’m so tired you’re so rich you don’t even need an iron helmet we’re just going to break that too here I have a gift for you though I have a gift for you what did I break this it’s an ender pearl here hey Jaguar I think I I think I broke something oh wait that’s the wrong button haha okay I’m so sorry all right so so uh Vinnie just said where do you get the uh where do you get the night alive scent to the Astros in the World Series I don’t even know I don’t know what that is I am like tired I’ll answer my question before I get mad tired I answer your question I don’t know Matthew no’s tired ban for Life ban b b offensive offensive TI we’re joking I’m not yeah but whenever I’m tired like that I usually get all cranky and matth I have an idea for the rest of the stream how about me and you play Pixel Gun [Music] no I mean we could do that next stream well next stream as in like right after this I’m just said I can’t talk your Mike can you tell day Stormer that the troll was just for a video I wasn’t trying to steal oh now I feel bad for taking all his stuff he also said the spawn is pretty laggy not for me well I mean we did fix a little bit I mean I was getting 40 FPS but what we did we fixed the lag stuff back after we see the video of course yeah after we see video absolutely that 420p video shut up it’s actually 480p no 420p I’m g go now stop making fun of poofy that’s mean I’m I’m gonna head out now got Bros got the amount of pixel do do you remember when I had a phone and I was only playing on a cell phone how dare you you got to take you jagar mad at the system bye have a good night bye mat did you know the pixel gun guys I’m gonna be honest with you I want to do a pixel gun stream I I really do I actually do want to do a pixel gun stream uh Tim Hill just said I may be autistic but I love Minecraft oh we could do team death we could do the um the team well I’m very very glad that you love um Minecraft that is very very uh very awesome um here’s a little secret well I guess it’s not a secret I was diagnosed with uh autism at a very young age we got something in common I I feel like I I feel like that’s a well a little part of me says like oh my gosh that’s a bad thing to say but at the same time also got big dumb stupid disas okay that’s offensive stop it yes what you understand what month it is January April you know what that means it means that March is over no it’s Autism Awareness Mark oh it’s the puzzle P SM okay dude that’s mean uh Tim Hill just said I want to join so bad all right so the IPM Port is actually in the link uh it’s not Link in the description it’s actually in the description also you can also find it on the screen as well so yeah it’s on the screen it’s a Bedrock only server though so if you have Bedrock Edition you’re already chilling if you have Java though you got do something else cuz that’s not cool yeah so if you’re a Java player well this is what you get you can’t join the server if you’re a Java player then you suck okay get out of here uh nether C just said I gotta go I hope this stink gets you all NE see you’re just like a jerk for some Reas reason have a stinky day oh he’s oh he’s he’s he’s quoting Sinker um Tim Hill just said I play on X on the Xbox okay I’m I’m not 100% sure but I know that I’ve had some Xbox players on on here Matthew I think there has to be like a certain way how to do that so if you can’t add servers directly look up a I think it’s like Better Together app or something man uh Z just said I was very offended you did not respond to my good night oh I am so sorry oh well all right zipa said I’m going to bed good night lovely people all right uh good night zipa hope you have a fantastic night and when you wake up in the morning you better smile you better have a good day I find out that you’re not happy I will give you a reason to be happy yeah I’ll give you a reason to be happy Zip Zip if you’re not if you don’t if you don’t start being happy I will give you a reason to be happy yeah I’ll give you a reason to be happy take that feel scared no feel happy feel happy yeah yeah that’s it okay we we need we need a new quote at spawn right now I declare a quote at spawn thatc has no blocks no that’s mean we need we need something nice oh no has blocks no I was thinking I’ll give you a reason to be happy yeah but when you write it on a sign you can’t use the voice so it sounds it defeats the purpose of it or just write be happy [Music] or we will make you happy be happy or be crappy no this is this sign is dedicated to zipa yep totally yep absolutely what poy what do I need to do I DM do something okay let me check okay um I have a question okay because funny because I think I think it might not be real okay okay so here’s the thing here’s my theory and I may be wrong on this this but my theory is is that it wasn’t actually for a video and you just said that your video corrupted so that you wouldn’t have to show us the video to prove that it was because it wasn’t but even then even if he showed us the video I mean we’re not in the wrong it’s not against the rules none of that so I mean think about it that way even admins can just take your stuff what but even you could also be wrong so though you’re playing you’re recording on a phone and I can screen recordings get corrupted I mean ask him what he’s using what screen recording software he using who buil that house behind spawn uh zipa but that cool but the sad thing is it there’s a there’s a chance it will get griefed it’s going to be gone within the day probably if she’s lucky not the recorder says he uses V recorder okay do you know about that Matthew Matthew you know about V recorder I’m not sure I use x recorder and usually that never corrupts my files but yeah files can be corrupted through a cell phone I use I use y recorder shut up oh and no she uses L recorder oh that’s the I’m sorry no no no that’s the that’s the Spanish version L [Music] recorder uh clone Ry just said da Stormer read this it sad have you ever thought about your dog when in your old world cat or dog when they’re waiting for your return to come back no I’m evil look at look at normer TD sjer comment also normal okay hello I’m trying to know how to help my streamer friend to get subs have any tips okay I’m gonna tell you what I do usually what I do is I’ll stream shut up I was gonna say is I usually stream but I take funny clips and then make them into shorts so so on my uh live stream there always should be a remix option so after the stream is done I click the remix option and I find spots in the Stream where I want to create as as a short and so and then use the shorts to advertise your streams and be like hey if you like this clip you’ll like my streams and so and I’m going to tell you this right now uh because shorts are still very very still very popular uh shorts do still give you a lot of exposure so definitely I do recommend that um try to engage with your audience so like I I try to read a lot of comments as like as many comments as I can uh I have a little uh chat box on top a sub count I mean there’s another thing so I try to keep it as interactive as possible so just be very interactive be positive um uh clip funny make funny clips uh also high quality streams are literally go to with the sauce um it keeps people on and do what you have to do use all the resources you can right so I personally I started on a phone and that was my only resource but I once I got a job I was able to save up for a computer so we all start somewhere uh yeah we all started somewhere I when I first started recording I was recording I was actually making videos on my Gucci smart socks which don’t have the best uh like FPS when it comes to screen recordings shut up Jaguar shut up see the thing guci SM socks is they’re a lot they’re very light light weight you could take them anywhere so you don’t have to worry about the hassle like carrying around equipment but just be prepared if you do choose to uh do your streams on a pair of Gucci smart socks you’re not GNA get the best FPS for your stream bro no no no I use my Gucci underwear bro like I can’t Gucci underwear my op bow tell him I want and in return I’ll give him his stuff poofy if you give me my bow I would I would love to give you your stuff back or you can just rip the bow out of his inventory mat you ever play Minecraft on the Samsung Smart refrigerator no ja I’ve never had a Samsung Smart refrigerator no it couldn’t be me you see I come from a high class family okay are you serious you know when I started gaming I played on my potato Pro 6 which it’s like the the late actually no that’s better I actually started playing on my potato Pro 5 yeah and now potato Pro 6 came out with this ultra high realistic feature where you actually are able to touch grass you guys want to see it wait no I I don’t think I can show you one second I now I have to ah I want to dang it’s in my camera roll somewhere also Austin gaming uh just said hello welcome to the stream hope you’re having a fantastic day um if you’re not you better start being happy before we give you a reason to be happy about yeah uh also potato devices oh po COC pod just said uh potato Pro One Max FPS 5 FPS no no no no no no no you were overselling that the potato Pro one actually had 0.2 FPS I it’s crazy why are you guys filming on I’ve got the I’ve got the potato Pro uh well here’s the latest release of the potato Pro is actually potato Pro 6 so I got the potato I got the potato Pro 360 version It’s the uh limited edition one I’m not familiar with that especially like I don’t think you get it anywhere I think you have to go specifically to the potato uh to the Potato Store that’s what that I feel like that’s just like a a black market sellout thing I think I think you’re I think you’re going to the black market for that I bet they got a bunch of you think the potato you think the potato stores the black market um you see we’re talking about the potato Pro 6 here and obviously like you know that’s like bad like you there’s no such thing as a potato Pro 360 I I’m just saying I’m just saying though I use my microphone as a webcam I just took a minute to realize what the freak it took me a minute I was like you use your microphone as a webcam you just have to convert the audio file into a video file to get the um output absolutely bro dude do you want to play Pixel Gun yes right now uh yes I mean if I play Pixel Gun I mean I mean I don’t know if everybody I don’t know if they’ll I don’t know if the audience will enjoy it but it is one of my favorite games my alltime favorite game in fact yeah I I’ll play it what is going on down here okay guys so you see an very important urgent emergency happened you see I very very I I want to you see I see like um like uh um um um um um you see um so you see favorite game and and so like I I want to play my favorite [Music] game who played that do not [Music] do just going to say all right I have a question I’m G to be well I don’t really have a question I’m going to be live streaming pixel gun it is one of my favorite games you don’t have to stay for it but it’s something that I really do want to show you I mean you don’t have to stay for the whole stream for that one but I guess we’re doing a double live stream tonight this one was not planned congratulations I’m not okay you leveled up to level one oh Matthew can we play White House mostly I think that’s my favorite map yeah we’re not playing White House mostly yeah let’s play White House mostly White House is my favorite map also I am not okay to said this is my stream no brain cells ah ah yes oh well you see not I’m not okay to said this is his stream so we have to keep going just in the storm Club server we we can’t have but you see it you see in pixel gon I’m going to tell you right now there will be brain cells there has to be brain cells but yeah I understand that pixel gun did get ruined but they uh currently released a PC version so like this is one of my all-time favorite games because I played it since I was 11 years old shut up Matthew your mama’s so fat she walked down the street and the street collapsed that’s mean oh yeah well your mama s fat that she sat on the bed it um it fell apart all righty you see all good things have to come to an end and Sally this is one of them but hey I’ll see you on Pixel Gun if you’re interested oh you going to do a different live stream or you just continue this one on Pixel Gun oh no because I’ll have to close the game and then yeah I’ll just do a different live stream so yeah um if you guys are interested you guys can join that live stream but other than that have a fantastic night and a fantastic day

This video, titled ‘No Braincells Are Allowed Here So Let’s Play Minecraft’, was uploaded by DaystormerMG27 on 2024-04-06 03:30:34. It has garnered 193 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:51 or 11751 seconds.

HELP US GET TO 10,000 SUBSCRIBERS! ——————– Wanna join Stormerclub? IP: PORT: 19205 Realm Website: ——————— Please help us keep the server up by donating to our Patreon: Join our Discord Server: —————————————————————————– Wanna Play AOT4 FACTIONS? IP: PORT: 2503

AOT4 FACTIONS info: AOT4 FACTIONS has skyblock, sky battle, plots, factions, kitpvp, economy, and sumo! This is only a Minecraft Bedrock Edition server!

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  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More