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Hey guys it’s kante back inside some more minecraft and today we are back inside my minecraft world inside my backyard right here i just heard a chicken lay egg where is this egg tell me it’s right behind here thank you very much is there any eggs inside the coop

No eggs inside the coop all right i’m gonna lay this egg well i’m not gonna lay i’m just gonna throw it to see if the chicken comes out inside the coop nope chicken okay so as you recall last episode we got two diamonds not the most but you know we

Could work for that i mean we could make a sword we could make a chapman table but like i kind of want to say for a pic just kind of yeah all right i’m going to get all the stuff that’s melting up in here and put some in there we go all right

Planned perfectly amazing all right so i kinda wanna go mining again also like well how much wood do i have i don’t have a lot of wood no i don’t have a lot of wood so oh i got a lot of saplings though so i’m going to take a bunch of saplings and

I’m going to put them somewhere a dedicated area for sapling so it’s not too close to the house here is pretty good it’s pretty flat it’s a good area for saplings i’m not gonna count the space it’s just like placed however it feels right there we go looking good alrighty

Okay i placed on all my saplings i don’t know how long it’s gonna take for them to grow but when they do grow i have a lot of stuff also i kind of wanted to make a little farming area not just a chicken backyard area kind of wanted to have some farming

Space but like just doesn’t seem right anymore like not really i don’t know if there should be a separate place for my farm or should be next to the like little barn i’m planning to have either way i don’t know i just don’t know but right now i’m gonna get myself my

Other sword which is somewhere i think i’m using my upper sword yeah okay all right i’m gonna exchange helmets and exchange boots because these are like the weakest things at the moment else i would change my trousers my leggings but like i’ll change my chocolate as well but i

Don’t have any other likings and i don’t it’s not really that necessary but you know it feels good to just top up a little bit i’m gonna make myself another sword should i make myself another sword or is this one fine i’ll make myself another sword

All right come on oh i just need one stick what am i doing i only need that one stick okay or sorry one two three basic iron sword come on inside there all right boom i kind of want to go back inside the mines just kind of

So that’s what i’m gonna do also i need if i go to do that i need torches so i’m gonna get some torches all right ooh six six eight okay one two one two three boom all right 15 coal nice i don’t quite have enough sticks for all this coal all

Right it’s not a lot of torches i’ll keep the coal because i’m probably gonna find another mine chapter or something i don’t know oh no i did that no okay a tree has grown so i’m just gonna cut it down i can use the extra wood you know make

Another chest down somewhere i don’t know all right there we go boom boom boom boom oh yeah let’s go down to the mines again all right i’m ready i’m steady i’m about to ready let’s go let’s do this i’m not going to borrow decorating entirely because i did that with my last player

Single player world and it was really annoying i heard a zombie i don’t know where it is and i don’t kind of don’t kind of want to know so i’m not going to know Yeah all right i kind of want to mine this way i don’t know i just have a hunch about this way so i shot mine this way if i feel like mine in this way i will mine this way all right i feel cracking down here i have a

Crown table down here yes i do there’s footsteps around me and i don’t know where they’re coming from that takes off there’s probably a cave nearby i’ll just ignore it all right i’ll just stand here listen there’s any more footsteps no more footsteps okay oh there’s zombie grounds and it’s ahead

Of me okay so there’s a cave over here yep i had a feeling about it or something this way had a feeling all right zombie oh zombie still this way oh redstone that’s always nice nice to see you redstone iron that’s also a nice surprise all right three slots just in case

Iron okay fine that’s great nice to meet you right next to the bedrock i love it it’s great oh there’s a lot of iron here oh wow how much iron is there one little thing is it two things to merge or something like this a lot of iron okay finally finished

That’s 19 iron oh wow okay footsteps like this way ish oh never iron okay i feel like this will be the entrance to the cave okay two iron two of these patches that’s nice i guess all right all right come on oh my gosh there’s so much redstone here

Why is there so much come on chip chop like get out of here the zombie’s so close now where is this zombie oh gold okay nice nice to see you goals hi how are you how have you been all right i’m gonna grab all grab all the gold

Oh gosh it’s so close now i don’t know if i gotta go up or down or where i gotta go hopefully it’s closed i’m trying so hard to get inside this cave i don’t know where it is it’s so close i found it i found cobblestone too so that means

There’s a dungeon i’m scared now okay Is this the only zombie maybe i’ve been here before oh gosh that scared me yeah i’ve been here before there’s a torch oh my gosh yeah this is where my stairs are oh my oh that scared me okay yep i’ve definitely been here before just place on a few torches

Oh yeah i said i was gonna get some of this stuff here but i didn’t no now i decided now i’m deciding to get it oh oh that scared me okay okay i’m gonna go back down now okay all that work all for nothing wow that’s great okay

She’s gonna head back down now bye okay now here here i was i was fine until i heard that zombie i got started getting annoyed okay some patch by probably mined up from iron or redstone just leave it okay oh come on all right we gotta we gotta go a little

Farther come on just a little bit so but just a little bit come on diamonds oh my gosh oh i don’t even hear any lava this is a jackpot oh there’s four okay wow oh wow this is great my pig is about to break please don’t break on me please

Don’t break me please don’t break on me i got eight diamonds i got ten diamonds now oh that’s amazing my pick broke it was about time we had a break oh that was a kind of unsuccessful because i still see the end where i started but i was also extremely

Successful i got eight dimes and there wasn’t even any lava which is a complete bonus like wow okay great it’s also nighttime don’t really want to go outside what if i just tough it out i’ll just run through top it out there’s better not be a creeper up there

Don’t hear any mobs so far no mobs oh there’s a lot of mobs a lot of the creepers near the trees i’m just gonna go in here all right there’s a creeper okay skeleton my backyard but no that’s fine i’m just gonna kill it quickly oh there’s a

I’ll just wait in the morning maybe we’ll despawn by then i don’t know all right oh that guy’s close all right i’m gonna go to sleep hopefully he’s there far enough yes okay oh i’m chill i’m good oh there’s a lot of mobs i could tough it out oh gosh it’s very

Loud i’m gonna let this creeper out like he’s kind of like trapped in there almost my buddy get out no one’s forcing you to be in there there’s so many creepers oh gosh i’m scared i’m like oh no chicken oh i gotta hit my chickens ah stop

Oh that’s scary it’s scary okay my chicken’s inside my house okay i gotta get you out buddy like you can’t beat my house oh there’s a creeper right in my front door that’s great also my back door is still open uh my i mean my the door where am i trying i’m getting

Seeds the doorbell is next to that over there to that door over there and outside is there open so come on buddy you got to get out you can’t be my house close it quickly all right no more mobs okay there you go oh the creeper is there all right

I’m good i’m good all right i’m calm yeah i’m good there’s so many trees but so many creepers hopefully they’re going to despawn chicken oh no that’s the creeper about that side okay stone i’m gonna put away the stone all right this stuff to this stuff oh nipsies

Would don’t cut a lot of it but i got some of it all right all right there we go boom boom boom all right horace you got more diamonds yes guys we got more diamonds all right all right mob dropping is rotten flesh goes in here okay

I’m gonna make myself a diamond pick oh yeah all right i can also make myself and never iron pigs i don’t want to use my diamond break for everything you know but i do got a lot of diamonds and i’ll just make a diamond pick should i make a diamond sword as well

I don’t know who oh yeah i need i just need two for the thing for enchantment table and i got five to spare all right could i use it on a chest plate wait how many no i need like seven how many one two three four five six seven eight

Yeah i need eight for that so that’s i mean i could make some pants balloons trousers if i wanted to but i’m not going to put my diamonds together right this is for the how many diamonds do i need for the thing was it a champion table was a two or one eh

Chat my table come on where’s the enchantment table did i miss it where is it come on oh gosh why is it not there okay maybe like maybe i need opposition now then it will come up i don’t know i just won’t spend anything for the time

Being just in case all right but anyways i probably should make a new axe all right all right come on oh that’s all finished okay this is gray oh whoopsie daisies boom all right there we go we’re done okay it’s a creeper cell there snow creeper no creeper everything’s a-okay

A-okay oh yeah all right that’s good oh that’s good all right look at that no creeper all right let’s start with this tree all right i’m gonna i’m probably gonna chop off all these trees off camera but i want to chop down a few now because chopping down trees is a little

Boring but you know we need some wood like we don’t have any wood and we need wood all right come on come on i got a bit so i’m gonna work on this mining hut thing i kind of want the door to be on that side but the mine’s already on this but

The mine’s on that side because it’ll be easier access i i guess i could just destroy it and make it better i guess i’m gonna do that easy access is life okay i need easy access in my life all right come on don’t like that noise don’t like it all right

That’s gonna stay all right on the this side of the house there’s gonna be like it’s gonna be like two but then over here it’s gonna be one you’ll see all right there all right i’m gonna need to place a few things there i almost forgot all right

Let me see okay there we go and the shortest chest all right we’re good okay where’s the door gonna be and it’ll be right here we’ll have the door right here so the door is there so that means cobblestone will go there because it will be the same design as my

House all right oh come on place it normally karina pull yourself together all right come on oh no not like that come on place it place oh no actually that’s fine cause i was gonna do that after anyway right there is like a blocked area so it’s going to be fine

So i don’t know this is going to be fine i’ll just have it like maybe no one will notice just in the front it’ll be fine all right on the back no one will notice not a single soul right okay it’s good all right we gotta have something here

At least for the beginning of it because it’s gonna look weird if it’s dirt like it’s a little ugly just a bit you know there we go all right looking good so far so far so good all right i’m gonna chill on the house i’m gonna it’s not even nighttime

I don’t know what i’m panicking about i should probably change this what am i doing all right place no me there all right have my children laid any eggs yet eggs oh egg i almost missed come on i never egged nice nothing in the coop all right oh another baby nice

Good work guys oh yeah all right i’m gonna have some potatoes cooked not all of them but i’m gonna have a few cooked because i just don’t have any potatoes cooked i got my meat in there okay everything is sorted i’m gonna place my stuff in here greenery come on

And then this is one flesh okay this is what chess going here would it go in here a chest is in here i guess okay all right wood all right we can put that in there stone put the stairs in there like so okay dirt okay

All right eat a bit of steak yummy yummy in my uh tummy great all right good rest all right i’m gonna get my some obsidian i don’t know what else i need glass for i think do i need glass i don’t remember if i get upstanding it’d probably show up now show up

I’m gonna get a bucket of water that seems wise non-stackable items is it no it’s here there we go all right got it got it all right i’m gonna get me some water and quickly see if my chickens have laid in the eggs yes thank you very much

Guys you’re not supposed to go behind the coop remember i mean i guess i have some room there and we should bolt it one block for their back because it’s a little bit too much in the middle all right i’m gonna lay my eggs no eggs some popped an egg thank you

No chicken you guys have disappointed me lay better eggs exactly come on all right i don’t remember how you place the water so you got obsidian but remember it’s all water and lava i make obsidian but i don’t remember how you supposed to place it so

It’ll be a journey for all of us i’m gonna have to try and find some lava because i don’t know where i’m gonna find the lava it’s probably if i follow this path there might just be some oh fire lava okay found it yes all right perfect

All right 10 seconds for each block i think that’s a long time all right come on very nice oh yeah look at that oh now i got the thing in my recipe oh yeah okay i’m doing it how that’s scary okay i’m gonna place okay oh i’m going back now okay that was

Scary traumatizing i must say okay nothing in the chest go up upstairs make my enchantment table yes all right i also got to get some kind of cow farm so i can make a lever for bookshelves because i don’t have that yet also where am i going to put my

Inch at my table i don’t know it’s a little problem maybe i can have a library i could build a little library oh you’ll be so cute that’s not where this goes okay all right my potatoes have stopped baking they look a little bit weird but

You know i’ll put these in here i don’t know i shouldn’t have cooked them i don’t know why i cook them or whatever it’s done guys have you leading the eggs for me thanks buddy so nice all right guys any more no eggs okay no chicken guys you have disappointed me

I told you lay better eggs like come on step up your game all right what do i need for an enchantment table and and no and no n enchantment table all right a book and two diamonds okay one two sure places like that i actually have three okay all right a book

Where did i get this i got i got it from a dungeon yes how do i make a book book three paper one leather okay three paper one lever lever would be here i just need one and three paper which i got okay perfect there we go we placed that there that

That that that and that perfect i got it enchantment table yes oh yeah now i kind of make myself a library if i want to even use this oh i’m working on so many building projects i got the mine i got this library maybe about the mock camera

Because they’re not the most exciting things in the world all right i kinda wanna check on that village like see the villagers are alive see the raid has passed through because i kind of like put a raid over there on accident a little bit was on purpose okay so

I just want to see how they’re doing like check up on them you know because i kind of just like left them yeah and that’s not the nicest thing to do to a village that you’ve taken all your stuff from like first of all i take took

All the stuff that village was pretty rich and i just kind of like like yeah i put a rate on them so that’s not very nice so but i’m sure they’re fine okay they’re getting yours through it i’m sure there’s at least one that’s alive right there’s gotta be okay come on

All right is there any more is there an area when he’s a sapling or this is pretty grown all right come on this area’s pretty grown through i’m gonna get some more wood here there we go come on give me your wood or i will chop you down

I already chopped it down anyway okay nice all right i think i’m gonna finish my chopping off camera but right now guys i’m gonna end this video right here i hope you liked it if you did smash that bell and i’ll see you guys next time good bye

This video, titled ‘GETTING AN ENCHANTMENT TABLE!!!’, was uploaded by GamerGirl on 2020-01-07 15:31:52. It has garnered 2580782 views and 19114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:02 or 1502 seconds.

I have diamonds and I’m making an enchantment table. Subscribe to GamerGirl – Subscribe to SIS vs BRO –

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    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): -Texture pack that I recommend:×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More